Geography: Floating City: Trash Level

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Level 6 is known as the Trash Level for here it is that all trash is gathered, sorted, and deported. This level is lit by torchlight only because it is actually underwater. Once a year this level is flooded to get rid of the smell and refuse. A dead body hidden here might remain where it was put for months. Anarchy rules here. Justice is by cash value through the After Midnight Ulterior Court. The side that has the best bribe usually wins the case. This level also boasts the business fronts of Korig the Stalker, Boss Shackles, The Anvil's Heart Gang, and the Blue Moon Riders Club. Lernitig's Gate is a magical gate through which strangers arrive regularly and very surprised. Entertainment of the dark kind can be found at The Black Thorn Inn, The Black Spade Gambling Club, The Vampires's Daughter, and Tattoos by Sully. This area of course leads to the Sewer Network and the Underramp which leads to Undercity where the Underlord and his bureaucracy chronicle the history of The Wold and where the machinery is found that keeps the city afloat.


70. Tatoos by Sully
71. The Black Thorn Inn
(Home of the Anvil's Heart Gang)
72. Darkheart Business College
73. The Black Spade Gambling Club
74. After Midnight Ulterior Court
75. Lerntig's Gate
76. Angorik's Menagerie
77. Blue Moon Rider's Club
78. Boss Shackels
79. Korig the Stalker's Pub
80. The Vampire's Daughter
81. Undercity of the Underlord