Game history

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The Wold has tended to expand in waves. This is a list of the different expansion waves, and the games that started in each wave. This also has notes on things we have tried, and other bits of history.

Note that this is a page under construction. There is a lot to do here.

Game Length Long term (Ten Years), runs from Level 1 to 21
Player Type Permanent PC, veteran woldians who've been with us for a couple of years.
DMs Likely to change every one or two years
Misc We need stability here, players who are in it for the long haul. These games are basically the core games we're playing right now.

Game Length Medium term (Two Years), assorted levels
Player Type Permanent PC, Semi-permanent PC
DMs same DM from start to finish
Misc These games will be more flexible, enabling a permanent or semi-permanent character to have adventures in different environments and with different groups. OR If the group feels they want to stay together, then they can move on to the next challenge game together.