What class should I pick

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Here's the thing about the Wold ... although we WILL be here for you to play in for a long long time, the fact is the roster of players in the game does change. Sometimes people move to a new game, or drop out, and others come in, such as, perhaps, yourself. So planning a character around "what the party needs" can be very frustrating, because in six months or a year or five the party will need something else.

Our DMs know this and take it into account when creating adventures (what we call modules). Since every module is hand-tailored for the current party mix, you do not have to worry about "party-balance" -- the DM has already taken party composition into account.

We do plan for our games to run a full ten years in real life from level 1 to level 20, and some games do make it that long. Here are five games (as of 2017) that went the distance and retired at level 20.

So considering we hope you will be with us for years, and considering that party make-up changes, you really need to pick a character you will enjoy for a long time, NOT one that you think your party might need at the moment.

Create a character you will sink your teeth into and love for a while. With luck, you'll be playing that character for years to come!

(Back to character creation.)