Uncharted Heroes

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The Game

The Uncharted Heroes game was created in January 2010 as a merger of two other games, Making of a Hero and The Uncharted Lands. Here you can find the latest posts in this game.

The Story So Far

The mining colony at Bryn Baraz was established to extract a new, pure vein of mithril. However, the settlement was attacked and conquered by the reptilian overlords of Al Mathir, a flying mountain city-state. The heroes were challenged to rescue the inhabitants, bringing them safely out from the fall of the village. Then they helped the local people, a friendly folk called the Ahote, fend off an Al Mathir war party. Next, they found out more about the enemy, which resulted in the defeat of the Al Mathir and the return of the settlers to their town. Bryn Baraz rejoiced in the wedding of one of the heroes to one of the townsfolk. A third wave of settlers swelled the population to its current amount as well as bringing a contingent of sages from the Sages Guild to Bryn Baraz. Unfortunately, the original leader of the sages was killed while defending the town.

Current Events

The heroes are dealing with the aftermath of a battle that has claimed the life of one of their own. (May 2013)


Volume 6: From Many, One. Heroes separated by vast distances. Enemies beyond any chance of defeat. What little hope there may be depends on forging ties where none existed.

Chapter 1: In Medias Res. Let us jump right in to our story, with adventurers alone and in groups, with clear purposes, with vague desires, with faint hopes. Real stories often do not have clear beginnings, and sometimes fantastic stories do not either. Even stories about heroes. Chapter 2: Per Aspera Ad Astra. Our heroes, still divided by vast distances, struggle to reach their goals ... their increasingly convergent goals. Chapter 3: Lizardfolk and Ratmen. In caverns, some heroes battle ratmen. Above ground, others encounter a range of lizardfolk, in diverse places. Chapter 4: Fortuitous Meetings. Gruemor and Charek meet Alexi and Jet ... and then Keela. Meanwhile, Zeph, Sjurd, Hmark, and Garret meet the NPC refugees from Byrn Baraz. Chapter 5: Veni, Vidi, Vici. United, the heroes have brought the civilian refugees from dark caverns to a calm night. But will dawn bring an attack? Will the lizards come, see, and conquer? The heroes choose not to find out! They force a night march, and in the morning use one-shot magic to teleport the civilians back to Plateau City. Chapter 6: The Second Battle for Bryn Baraz. After sending the civilians to safety, the heroes return to their mining village and retake it from a skeleton force of lizard defenders.

Volume 7: Adventures in Grass. The Uncharted Heroes seek out the Ahote and find that the people of Al-Mathir are seeking them too.

Chapter 1: Into the Blasted Lands. The party seeks the Ahote, and the regions destroyed by Ancient Cataclysm loom before them. Chapter 2: Battle Under Moonlight After two young Ahote warriors rouse the party and lead them to a battle scene, our heroes find that a group of large lizards have massacred the Ahote. Being still sorely wounded, and with many asleep, these lizard-people present an unrivaled opportunity. Battle ensues. Chapter 3: The Valley of Refuge. The party enters the secret vale in which the Ahote have taken refuge. Chapter 4: Battle on the Plains, Part One. The heroes find a flying craft chasing an escaped slave, and intercept it. Chapter 5: Battle on the Plains, Part Two. The heroes capture the downed flying craft and defeat more thrul and their lizard-hounds that were coming up after them. Chapter 6: Resting and Bargaining and Questioning. After the battle, the party negotiates with three thrul captives and bargains for some answers to questions.

Volume 8: Journey to the Crying Woods. The party travels south to the Crying Wood, seeking a lizard-folk noble to help them win back Bryn Baraz. [And the party converts their PCs to 7th level under the Pathfinder Core Rules.]

Chapter 1: A Report and Mystery. Katarina, the party's contact with the mining company who is sponsoring the group, offers the results of a Divination that takes some interpreting. Chapter 2: The Bite Of The Blight. As the party journeys south -- to find an exiled lizard noble now living as a hermit -- the very earth under their feet attacks! Reeking with the stench of evil, this blighted land is a reminder that all the land hereabouts was blighted not too long ago. Chapter 3: Eagles and Humans. The party finds a conflict in progress, as two races fight over hunting rights in the rolling grasslands. Chapter 4: The Lizardfolk of the Woods. The party travels to the edge of the Crying Woods, seeking the lizardfolk among whom an Al Mathir noble lives in exile.

The Uncharted Heroes: Characters

These are the characters, past and present, that have featured in this game.

Current Characters

Keela Larch (Human Wizard 11) Kathy I

Garret Goodbarrel (Halfling Monk 11) Jeff O

Alexi Komonov (Human Fighter 8/Cleric of Domi 3)

Anrete (Human Barbarian 11)

Cyniq al'Iyz (Elven Wizard 11)

Sesha (Drow Witch 11)

Else (Human Druid 5/Greenmage 6)

Past Characters

Morgan Washburn (Human Bard 2 / Sorcerer 2 / Stinger 7)

Zeph Illidian (Elf Rogue 2 / Wizard (Transmuter) 1 / Avenger of Jancassis 5) Addison P

Koko Dogteeth (Human Druid 4 / Shapeshifter 4) Jeff L

Sjurd (Human Druid 5)

Hmark (Human SharpShooter 4 / Fighter 2)

Gruemor Blackhammer (Dwarven Cleric 3 / Healer 2)

Charek Hedcraker (Dwarven Fighter 6)

Galin Burfoot (Halfling Fighter 6)

Lehn Dorr (Human Druid 7)

Jet Stormway (Human Fighter 1 / Bard 2 / Cleric 4)

Evred Lazenkova (Human Cleric 3 / Healer 4)

Notable NPCs

Garth Turnbuckle, Human Commoner; original Caravan Leader; currently the defacto Mayor of Bryn Baraz

Dwain (more info needed)

Durak (more info needed)

Tarketh, Human Druid; one of the original caravan members; successfully used the Orb of Kalista to make Bryn Baraz's surrounding territory fertile as well as to create an oasis that has been named after him. Current whereabouts unknown.

Muata, Son of Dasan; Chief of the Ahote tribe the heroes of Bryn Baraz have befriended. He was killed by the Al Mathir, but the heroes petitioned for his return to the Living Wold to help lead the Ahote.


The Victory Inn (a map by Tanner Neilsen)

DM Pages

Here are all the resources a DM will need to run this game.