Tapestry Game Rules

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The Magic Tapestries 2.1

A number of Magic Tapestries hang on the wall of the GG (Giggling Ghost) which at times allow PCs to enter and live through an adventure inside the T (tapestry).

To enter the T and begin your game, all PCs in the game must touch the T or each other. This causes the T to shimmer taking all within its structure. The PCs will then find themselves in whatever location the DM has chosen. The Tapestry is not visible from within until the end of the adventure, or for a short time if a PC dies. If PCs choose to exit the T when a death occurs, the adventure ends.

If a PC dies within a tapestry the body floats out of the T, through the GG, and out the door. Players who die may not re-enter the GG for 24 hours. They may not re-enter the T after being ejected. Raise Dead and Resurrection have no effect in the Ts. Tapestry games normally will have a higher death count than Permanent games.

Both characters from our permanent games as well as temporary characters created just for a T game or from a previous T game may be used in the Ts. If a permanent PC is not 10th level, it must be altered to be that level. Allowing Temp PCs lets players try other types of PCs than the ones they play in our permanent games. Players may bring in a temp PC into the GG one week before the T scheduled module begins and it can remain until one week after it ends.

PCs can be in only 1 T game at a time. Players may be in two T games at a time. Players may only play 1 PC in any T game.

The Standard T adventure is offered at 10th level. T games may contain 4 or more PCs. XP is not given. PCs for a T game may obtain standard PHB supplies for free except for masterwork items. Permanent characters being altered for the Ts may keep their current skills and feats for simplicity or alter them for 10th level. The DM will supply magic for the adventure. Magic Items are lost at the end of the T module.

PC performance in T games will be rated on a Rubric System from 1-5. Treasure will be given in accordance with that. PCs that perform well will be rewarded with treasure to give to any Permanent PC that is active in a current Woldian Game. (See Appendix 2 for the standard rubric DMs will use.)

All T treasure is magical and group oriented. All T treasure comes with an expiration date. It must be used by then or bad things may happen. It is intended to be used by the player to affect the entire group for a duration of time. All T treasure is given in the form of "seals" which may be affixed to anything. It is touch activated and the recipient can use the seal. DMs will develop their own means for the delivery of the seals to the character. Creativity in doing this is encouraged. (See Appendix 1 for a few examples of T treasure.) Seals cannot be sold. Each is keyed to the character that receives it.

Each year, one player will be selected by the MDM over the Ts to receive the T Player of the Year Award. This player will have a plaque added to the Wall of Heroes in the GG in the name of their favorite T character.

Non-Woldian games may be offered in the T, but not as a "T Game of the Month." We must have DMs set to run the next 6 TGOTMs before we will allow a non-Woldian game. Get approval from the CDM and the MDM in charge of the Ts before planning a non-Woldian Game.

The GG becomes a non-monitored board. GG modules now move to the Ts. Occasionally, we will offer a GG module instead of a T Game of the Month. The GG now becomes a place of chat and friendly competition and wager. There are plenty of things to do in the GG to keep people who are not on current Tapestry adventures occupied and entertained. Any DM or ADM may post a binding post in the GG to resolve anything that needs resolving.

The T's MDM will recruit Woldians to DM T games so that one new Woldian T game will start each month. Tap games may be of any length. An unlimited number of T boards may be created. All people currently signed up to DM in the GG will now be reorganized to DM a monthly T game.

Any of the above rules may be waived or changed with permission from the CDM.

Appendix 1: Seals

All tapestry and other non-permanent game treasure will be in the form of seals. Seals consist of a thin wafer with an imprint of an Old-Woldian alphabet letter imprinted in it. It is an Official Woldian Magic-Item Type. Seals stick to clothing, armor, skin, and anything else that is considered being worn by the owner. It cannot be sundered or removed without the "will" of the owner. If the owner dies, they lose their magical properties forever and disappear. Seals can be activated in various ways such as tapping, breaking them into, tossing them, etc. The seal reveals its method of activation to its owner. Seals activated by tapping are activated as a Free Action. Seals that must be broken or thrown, etc. by the owner to activate them cost the owner a Move-Equivalent action when this is done. Once used, the item disappears.

Seals are normally group affecting one-time-use items that have very short durations and minor magical effects. They are usually considered less potent than potions, but this is not always the case. Seals that affect individuals only do exist, but they are rare. Some seals also can edge on the powerful. But this is very rare and goes against the spirit of the concept.

Obvious ideas for seals:

+1 to hit for 3 rounds for the group.

+1 to saves

+5 vs. fire for 3 rounds.

More Creative ideas for seals:

Group potions allowing group invisibility, water breathing, gaseous form and the like, but lasting for only a short time. Group can talk telepathically with each other for a short time. Group can all hide inside the item for a short time. Individual in group can get a +10 to any bluff check one time during the next 5 days of posting. Item acts as a boon gift for Gargul in case someone dies. It helps to appease Gargul when asking for the life of a comrade.

Appendix 2: Basic Rubric for determining Tap Treasures (Seals)

This is the standard rubric used to determine T Treasure. DMs may include their own criteria that are module based for their T Treasure Rubric, if they desire to.

Poor/Failure--fails adventure (no T treasure) 2. Below Expectations--succeeds in adventure, in some sort of partial way or unnecessary multiple deaths occur (no T treasure) Meets Basic expectations--beats module, but just barely (possible single Seal of weak power) Exceeds expectations--not only conquers module, but also does so with style, great role-playing, and creative thinking (2-3 seals per character) Above and beyond--incredible teamwork, heroism, great success in all areas of module, uses creative solutions, accomplishes tasks with great honor and aplomb. (3-5 seals per character)

Appendix 3: Expiration of Seals

Starting with an announcement about the end of January 2004, by the Master of Taps (Justin), all seals will expire after a time.

Official Seal Expiration Schedule (2nd revision):

All current "non-colored" or "clear" seals expired on December 31, 2004.

We now use a color system for the giving of seals:

white seals = Jan-June 2005 (expire June2006) green seals = July-Dec 2005 (expire Dec2006) golden seals = Jan-June 2006 (expire June2007) black seals = July-Dec 2007 (expire Dec2008) etc. Expiration dates will be set for one year after the seal has stopped being given.

Any seals listed by a player without their color explode causing any effect that the DM wishes.

The Master of Seals keeps a master seals list.

Everyone has to send all Seals actually given to the seals master with the following information:

-Name of seal -Color and Date of Seal -DM and game/situation for the award Thus any DM wanting to check the validity of a seal can ask for that information from the Master of Seals.

Any seals not on the Master Seal List explode causing the DM to undergo one full day of derision in the Loot n Booty Tavern.

Appendix 4: Grandfather clause involving clear to white seals Dec. 2004

(emailed to all Woldians on Dec. 30, 2004)

Ok, we're going to allow all seals given since July 1st of 2004 to be automatically changed now to the new "white" color.

This can only be done with your permanent game DM. They will note the change on your sheet and the color can only be changed with their permission. DMs note this on your board with a private post.

Ex: Sarah's character Goofus has had the following clear seals changed to white as they were given out after June of 2004.

Seal of Honor (Gold Tapestry given August 2004 by DM Dragon)

Seal of Forgiveness (Scarlet Tapestry given December 2004 by DM Demon)

The character sheet should note the date of the DM's private post. If the sheets do not show this, the change is not official.

The window of time for this change is now through Jan 31, 2005. After that, no further seals can be changed from clear to white.

This page updated 1 September 2005 by Kim McCoy. Text from Rulesmeister Kent Lewis.