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God of Courage

Realms of Responsibility

This god is the patron of Courage in all it's forms. He is the Champion of the Gods of Wold. He believes in protecting and defending what he has built with his own sweat and labor. He believes in respecting and honoring those around him and having the courage to stand up to those who wish to hurt, destroy and dominate. He believes in finding a way to settle all diffrences peacefuly wishing to be a blacksmith before a warrior, however should it come to violence he will lead the way hammer swinging. He believes in having the courage to use diplomacy when needed and violence when diplomacy fails. He teaches his followers to know when each option is called for. Domi hates insecurity and people who display a lack of faith in themselves. He believes that life is a challenge to be met head on. He patrons courage in all situations where it is needed such as facing a dragon, battle, weddings, meeting the inlaws, and other scarry situations.

Godly Powers

Domi has the ability to inspire Faith and Courage wherever it is needed. He can enlighten those that are oppressed and give strength to those who ask for courage so that they can have the faith and courage to rise up and take down their oppressors. He can remove fear and bring faith to the hopeless.


Mortal Form -- In his mortal form, he appears as a monk. His face is wide and earnest. His brow is wrinkled with concentration and his head is covered with close cropped black hair.

Avatar Form -- When in battle, he appears as a wrestler with no shirt and a huge grin. His face is wide and earnest with close cropped black hair. His skin is oiled and ready for battle. His hands are massive, with fists the size of his head.

Divine Form -- When appearing to his faithful, he holds the form of glowing bright light that burns away the darkness and warms the heart and soul.

Holy Symbol

Domi's official symbol is a Hammer and Anvil; however, clerics of Domi tend to enjoy wearing various other symbols that have distinct symbolic meaning to the clerics. Some of these are:

Hammer -- Strength Anvil -- Resistance Shield -- Protection Crossed Swords -- Restraint in Battle Others use a combination of symbols -- a shield with crossed swords, etc. The symbol for Domi seen above is the ancient High Woldian root of the more common modern symbols. The lower, inverted triangle signifying Resistance has become an Anvil, the upper triangle signifying Strength has become a Hammer. Indeed, it is perfectly possible that these objects were the original inspiration for the two glyphs.

Priests' Appearance

Clerics of Domi dress in plain robes, with no trim or decoration. Most wear their hair short. Most are physically strong and all are confidant in themselves and their companions. All are physically fit and proud of the work put into their bodies.

Powerful Clerics of Domi exude extraordinary mental and physical strength.

Clerics in Society

Known as the Domi's Bravest, these priests work among the Noble Races of The Wold inspiring people to action. Also called Brothers and Sisters, they work to teach people to resolve their conflicts with respect for each other and to have the courage to stand up to those that would control or oppress them.

Brothers and Sisters of Domi do this by example -- they do not oppress others or try to control them with lies or criticism -- instead they try to find something to honestly praise in all.

In order to combat oppression, Brothers and Sisters of Domi are always ready to take up arms to protect themselves and people who cannot defend themselves. Many delight in the arts of combat, and they keep their swords sharp and armor polished. Others prefer to wrestle, like Domi, or to fight with fist and foot.

The Bravest also encourage others to resist oppression by being fit and strong in mind and body. They encourage contests and athletic games as a way to keep strong. They also use contests to resolve disputes -- They see an arm-wrestling match or a riddle contest as a fair way to resolve an argument, if all sides agree.

They are not afraid to get their hands dirty, and they prize self-sufficiency, seldom depending on the charity of others. Therefore, many of the Bravest have a job outside the priesthood, ensuring that they will never become a drain on society. Most develop a skill or trade that is always in demand and that allows them to keep fit and strong: Constable, Blacksmith, Farmer, Guard, Stone Mason.

There is also a tradition of service among the Bravest. Just as Domi served Alemi, the Brothers and Sisters will sometimes vow service to noble houses.


The worship of the Faithful is usually very untraditional. They worship in work and in battle. They worship by resolving conflict and by inspiring others to do the same.

Services are rarely formally held. When they are they are usually spontaneous and impromptu. The worship of the Faithful is very positive.

On the rare occasions when formal worship is conducted, the worshippers sing songs and recite poetry to encourage each other to greater and greater accomplishments. Services are held weekly and in time of great need.

The most unusual part of Domi worship is that there are very few temples built in his honor. As a tribute to his humility and because he wishes it, his followers continue to worship him in their hearts and their lives as they did after his death, rather than in huge temples and cathedrals.

Holy Days

Days of Local Battles and Treaties. Festivals. Days when contests are held.

Consist of Sacrifices

Time spent working. Gold earned through hard labor and work given to the church.


Get to Know me Domi! -- battle cry of Jandar the Brave.

Spell Domains

Protection, Strength, War. Note: Clerics of Domi who take the War domain can choose one of the following as a favored weapon: any martial sword, any martial hammer, or unarmed attack. If you take a sword or a hammer, you gain the feats Weapon Proficiency and Weapon Focus with the weapon chosen. If you choose unarmed attack you gain the feats Improved Unarmed Attack and Weapon Focus (Unarmed Attack).

Prestige Classes


Hand of Domi

Pure Cleric