DMs Only: Plateau Summary

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Preamble: Arm (bard), Conner (fighter), Mira (sorcerer), and Kadaz (fighter) are sitting around a table at a bar after recently meeting up. Two other strangers, Xander (cleric), and Shakka (monk) were in the tavern as well when Calfinius a cleric of Alemi requests that the 6 of them escort his charge, a seer named Treesa to a place where she will meet up with a caravan that will take her away from Plateau City. Calfinius is then called away, and departs the tavern called the Golden Griffin.

Shortly after Calfinius departs, a blond woman flanked by two goons enters the tavern looking for her Treesa. Treesa doesn’t want to go with the woman, and when diplomacy fails, a bar room brawl ensues. As the party, with Treesa in tow attempt to make their escape, they are foiled in that regard by a platoon of the Plateau City Guards who have come to break up the bar fight. The leader of the guards, an officious sergeant, doesn’t buy the party’s explanation, and the group is loaded onto a paddy wagon and hauled off to Constabulary Castle. The blond woman and her goons are also in the paddy wagon, but in another compartment. During the trip to the gaol, the party learns that the blond woman is Treesa’s twin sister, Treena.

While in the paddy wagon, the party bonds, and the bard attempts to lighten the mood with songs and jokes, while much of the party is involved in reflection.

The paddy wagon arrives in the courtyard of Constabulary Castle, but the group can’t see anything, and can hear very little. When things get very quiet, the group decides to break out of the wagon. The stronger members are able to bust open the door and everyone gets out only to realise that something or someone has attacked the guards, and Treena and her goons have disappeared. A search results in the discovery of a mysterious elven male hiding in the shadows of the castle wall near a gate. He offers the party ‘their hearts desire’ in exchange for Treesa!

When the party refuses to hand over the young seer, Dexter Mengall, as he calls himself becomes furious and sends his bodyguards after the party. Combat ensues, but the highly magical Dexter seems immune to any attacks. His fighters are more susceptible; however they are quickly healed by their master. However, reinforcements arrive for the good guys in the form of Uriel (paladin) and the mute Evan (ranger). The evil twin, Treena, joins the fight on the side of her lover, Dexter. As the clouds part, revealing a full moon, Treena transforms into a werefox and continues her attack on the party, who come to the realization that they are no match for Dexter and Treena. As the group makes plans to retreat there is an odd turn of events, as Treena and the bodyguards turn on Dexter. With Dexter, who is revealed to be a Beholder in disguise, fending off his own people, the party makes their escape from the enclosure.

The group of 8 along with Treesa decides to seek out the cleric Calfinius and sanctuary, but is frustrated in the attempt. Every chance for escape seems blocked by Plateau City guards on the look out for the escaped prisoners. Help for the party comes in the unexpected form of a cranky gnome who takes in the group temporarily, when the alley in which they were hiding is searched by the guards. The party eventually splits in two as the original group spends an uneasy night hiding out and trying to sleep on a rooftop, while the newer members, the ranger and paladin make their way across a bridge and begin their s earchfortheclericofAlemi.

Both groups are approached by strangers, who appear to have been watching them. Assistance is offered. The ranger and paladin end up spending some down time in a tavern, while the larger group is lead through a series of tunnels. While in the tunnels, the monk (Shakka) and cleric (Xander) either make an escape or get lost altogether (the players left the game.) Eventually their respective guides lead both groups to a secret room in some tavern, where they are once again joined up, only to face their nemesis…Dexter!

The beholder repeats his request for Treesa to be handed over. When he is rebuffed by the party, Dexter sends some of his henchmen to retrieve the girl. It is learned through a vision of the young seer, that Dexter can not, for some reason, harm any of the adventurers. The party defends Treesa and attacks the henchmen, as Dexter slips out on of the doors to the room. Before the thugs can retaliate, Plateau City Guards burst into the room and apprehend the goons. The group learns that thieves from Dirt City have been trying to establish themselves in Plateau City. The guards have been staking out the tavern in hopes of catching the ringleader. They are happy to round up the 4 thugs however, since they are wanted for murder and theft. The leader of the guards, a young corporal the party had met earlier, asks the party to accompany him to Constabulary Castle to give their statements and collect their reward, for there was a bounty for capture of any of the thieves.