Assistant DM Guidelines

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Qualifications we look for: -- completed at least one module in an online game -- plays a character in the game where she will be an Asst. DM and is not a DM in another game. -- shows an understanding of both the Pathfinder game and the Woldian Campaign. -- posts daily, responds to emails promptly, fulfills requests, keeps commitments, -- gets involved in other aspects of the site other than just posting for his player such as developing things for the campaign, participating in The Giggling Ghost and Tapestry Games, participates in The Loot & Booty. -- is willing to DM when asked unless unusual circumstances are present.

Asst DM – The Job

1) In charge of monitoring POSTING:

The ADM is responsible for sending out an encouraging email to any player who misses more than one post in the game in a week. The ADM is responsible for sending out an encouraging email to the DM every time they miss a post. All emails should be positive. Always cc the DM and CDM Jerry. I will usually reply as well encouraging the player to post and to thank you for sending the email. Always ask for a reply and keep bugging the non-posters nicely until you receive that reply. If you don’t receive a reply in 24 hours, I also suggest posting a comment on the game board that the non-poster has an email awaiting them for non-posting.  ;) Then once you reach the person, ask the DM to remove your Out of Character [OOC] post from the game board.

Some ADMs like to send an email post weekly to brag on the players and to keep communication strong [see below] concerning the posting for the previous week. ADMs that do this have been very successful with this part of their job. It is not a requirement at all. Just a note that this works for some.

2) Sub for the DM on occasion:

The ADM is the #1 person we go to when the DM needs a sub. This can be because the DM is going on vacation, gets sick, has computer problems, or goes AWOL. CDM Jerry will have the module and can send you the scene that you need. Just ask. That said, we know you’re the ADM, not the DM. But when you post for the DM, you ARE indeed the DM for a few days. That means that what you say goes. You have the same full authority as the DM. We also understand that you can’t read the mind of the DM. So if you do something differently than the DM would have done it, so be it. The DM will have to adjust.  ;) We also know that you have a life so we don’t’ want you spending your whole evening on the post. Do it and get it done.

3) Keep communication and the game vibe positive:

You are the #1 person to notice when players start getting frustrated. Keep a good relationship with the DM and the players as you can sometimes be the bridge between the two. We play to have fun. Yes, I”ll say it again: we play to have fun. So anything that is not fun is something you should be stopping with friendly communication. The better the friendships and positive chatter is in emails, the easier it will be to deal with any problems that occur. There should not be a bridge between the DM and the players personally—they just have different roles in the game that everyone shares.

4) Assist with Woldipedia:

The ADM will work with the DM to keep your game’s Woldipedia entries current and updated. This doesn’t mean you do all this work! This job appears on the DM job’s list as well. It also should involve the players. It is the entire game’s responsibility to help with this. When the players get involved in this, they begin to feel more ownership for the game they love. Your part is to help the DM with this. Remind him when needed. Organize the players when it is time to update something on Woldipedia. Be helpful.