Module Ideas

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  • Hired by a merchant to guard his waggons. Been travelling together for a month so trust one another. The merchant mysteriously disappears when they stay the night at the Tree.
  • All get letters/messengers saying a distant relative has left a fortune and they have to be present for the reading of the will.
  • They are all locals/used to be locals/ or long-time friends of the ones who are locals.
  • Have them all meet in dreams at the Giggling Ghost first with the spirit of Deeproot the elder tree giving them stories of the long-ago past that has repercussions resurfacing in the area.
  • Even though the area under the tree is “neutral ground” that does not make it safe. Sure, “neutral ground” = “no armies” but a lone weak individual takes their life into their hands heading down there. I am reminded of Dirt City, where the safe area is underground and the violence is nuts above ground. So if we like this idea, an early adventure should take place on the ground, so players can experience that it is dangerous there!
  • The grand infiltration: Orcs hide in a wagon being lifted into the tree. When they get upside, they cause havoc and there is a combat in the warehouse.
  • The grand infiltration 2: There’s this smart orc see? And he wants to be allowed up in the tree. He wants to live like a human see? But none of the elven family can trust him. He’s not very patient. So he keeps trying to “sneak his way in.” Here he comes in with a Hat of Disguise. He gets caught. Has to be booted. Says if he fails in his infiltration, his tribe will boot him out. A chance to make an orc “friend” here. [This could be a series of “single scenes”--one in each module as the story advances--sort of a B story to each module for a time.]
  • All night on the road: A wagon has broken down an hour away from the tree. They have been attacked already and only 2 of their guard remains. They have an expensive cargo and can’t leave it. The party is asked guard it through the night while a carpenter of the Tree tries to fix it. The twist: during the night we reveal the cargo is not all legal. Either they carry drugs, or slaves bound for Osto.
  • party is at the tree and the big monthly group arrives. Too many to haul up, party heads to ground level to protect some cargo, horses. attack with something, perhaps even an ankheg or 2. magical beasts and such don’t care about neutrality
  • party sets out from Emerald City or some other place and the module is the journey to the tree. Group is hired as guard and wagoneers for large caravan. Module is all about the journey to the tree and the attack that night on the ground by the tree. end with happiness of being at the tree. hugs for all. party stays to adventure
  • lone gunman scenario,
  • assassin attempts,
  • hostile negotiations,
  • magical beasts and aberations, airiel attack,
  • visiting wizard goofs a spell and opens a planar gate,
  • Marteus plot to gain tree sap for living death plague,
  • toaster oven catches fire
  • popular NPC needs ingredient X
  • Use PC secret past of future goals