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Gersemi of Clan Turen

Face it, nobody in this town has a decent sense of humor. Oh, you’ve tried over the years to foster a sense of fun, but by and large you’ve had an unappreciative audience. Humans. They’re quick learners, and terribly sincere, but no appreciation for a really good prank.

You’ve lived here for over 20 years now, and you remember with fondness some of your better japes, like the time you used a scroll to put a Continual Flame on the Lord Mayor’s backside. Or the herd of swine you transported to the roof of the town hall. And you keep trying. These blasted humans just don’t seem to get it.

Still, it’s a nice little situation you’ve found yourself in. You have a nice home, a quiet place to work, and a steady income from people seeking your magical or alchemical expertise. And in spite of everything, you like these humans, sense of humor or no.

Guilt and Innocence

You had nothing to do with the theft.

Mind you, this jape--if it is a jape--is every bit as good as anything you’ve ever come up with, and your hat is off to whoever thought of it. Perhaps you express your appreciation with a little too much unwise enthusiasm, which would make people more suspicious of you. Then again, perhaps you don’t. Your call.


Earlier today, the innkeeper at the Northbrook Arms (the local inn) told you that the mysterious stranger that’s been staying there was asking questions about you. You have no idea what it was about.

Should anyone ask, you can make some pretty shrewd guesses about what kind of magic could be used to carry out this theft. If magic was used at all.

Weapons, Armor, Equipment, Money

You have two Pearls of Power, and it’s reasonable to assume you have them with you. You also have your spellbook and component pouch with you. Unless there is a specific reason for it, you probably are not carrying your weapons around town.

If you need a particular common item (lantern, rope, hammer, etc), you will probably be able to find it in your home, or borrow it from somewhere in town. You have no money listed, but you do have some money at home if you need it.


Unlike many gnomes, you are not an Illusionist--in fact, you don’t specialize in any school and have access to them all. The number of spells per day is listed on your character sheet, as is a collection of prepared spells. Your grimoire is on a separate page. You can swap the prepared spells around if you like, using anything from your grimoire. Assume that you have cast no spells today.

Victory Conditions

Once you understand the gravity of the situation, you want to help save the town in any way you can. This could mean finding the tribute, or it could mean defending the town against the hobgoblins. You also want to find out, for your own curiosity, how this theft was carried out. Evil or not, it was darned funny.

Name:  Gersemi of Clan Turen
Played by:  
Race: Gnome
Class: Wizard
Level:  5
Age:  90
Height:  3’1”
Hero Points: 2 
S:	8	+0
D:	16	+3
C:	13	+1
I:	18	+4
W:	11	+0
Ch:	12	+1
Hit Points:  19
Armor Class:  14   (+0 armor,  +3 dex bonus, +1 size)
Alignment:  NG
Initiative:   +3 (dex bonus)
Base Attack Bonus:  +2
Base Speed:  20
Encumbered Speed: 15 
Saving Throws:
 Fort:	+2	(+1 base, +1 con bonus)
 Ref:	+4	(+1 base, +3 dex bonus)
 Will:	+4	(+4 base, +0 wis bonus)
Combat Attack Bonuses:
 Melee:	+2	(+2 base, -1 str bonus, +1 size)
 Ranged:	+6	(+2 base, +3 dex bonus, +1 size)
Weapon:			bonus			dam		crit		range

Trained Skills		total mod	ability mod		ranks		other
 Craft (Alch)		+14		+4			8	+2 (racial)
 Decipher Sc.		+12		+4			8
 Kn (Arcana)		+12		+4			8
 Kn (Local)		+12		+4			8
 Prof (Herb)		+10		+0			8
 Spellcraft		+14		+4			8	+2 (syn)
Racial Abilities:
 Low-light vision
 Speak with burrowing mammals 1/day
 Cast 1/day: Dancing Lights, Ghost Sound, Prestidigitation
Class Features:
 Scribe Scroll
 Spell Focus: Illusion
 Spell Focus: Evocation
 Brew Potion
Spells per day: 4\4\3\2
 Spells prepared: 0-level (save DC 14): Daze, Detect Magic, Light, Read Magic; 1st-level (save DC 15, except where noted): Color Spray (DC 16), Identify, Magic Missile, Unseen Servant; 2nd-level (save DC 16, except where noted): Invisibility (DC 17), Knock, Tasha’s Hideous Laughter; 3rd-level (save DC 17, except where noted): Fireball (DC 18), Stinking Cloud
Available equipment includes:
 Light crossbow
 Spell Component Pouch
Magic Items: 
 Pearl of Power, 1st-level spell
 Pearl of Power, 2nd-level spell
Gersemi’s Grimoire
 0-level Spells:
  Acid Splash
  Arcane Mark
  Dancing Lights
  Detect Magic
  Detect Poison
  Disrupt Undead
  Ghost Sound
  Mage Hand
  Ray of Frost
  Read Magic
  Touch of Fatigue
 1st-level Spells:
  Cause Fear
  Color Spray
  Hold Portal
  Magic Missile
  Shocking Grasp
  Unseen Servant
 2nd-level Spells:
  Tasha’s Hideous Laughter
 3rd-level Spells:
  Stinking Cloud