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Aldo Withershott

Wealth and power. When you get right down to it, that’s what life is really about. Fortunately for you, you have both in abundance.

You are a skilled merchant and a crafty trader. Some have been known to complain about your “sharp” business practices. Others complain that you’re a little too fond of exercising the power that your wealth commands-lording it over your minions and lackeys, and bullying the Merchant’s Guild into doing everything your way.

Soft-hearted, that’s their problem. As you are fond of telling people, you are not running a charity. This is business, and those who don’t like it are welcome to join the Temple of Pelor and do good works.

You were not born in Northbrook, but have lived here for about 20 years. You have prospered here, but not as much as you could have. These infernal taxes to pay the annual hobgoblin tribute are beggaring you. Well, to be fair, you’re a long way from being a beggar, but you’re not as rich as you otherwise could be and that bothers you. You have decided to move on. You have contacts in other towns, and you believe you could get yourself re-established and profitable in a relatively short period of time. You plan to leave. In fact, you planned to be gone already, but circumstances interfered. More on that in a moment.

Nobody knows of your plans to leave town--except, of course, for your lackeys and minions, but you can pretty much guarantee their silence.

Guilt and Innocence

You are the mastermind behind the theft. You had your people kidnap Captain Talfryn’s wife and daughter, then sent the idiot captain a note explaining the “rules” of your little scheme, and that he would need to play by them if he ever wanted to see his family again. He followed his instructions to the letter, which just goes to show that even “good” men have their price. You suspected as much.

The Captain has no idea who has been sending him these notes. A prudent precaution; if he ever found out who was behind the kidnapping, he’d come after you with a vengeance. You write the notes yourself, and your handwriting is not recognized. This is because you have not written your own correspondence for some years; your head clerk does all that. What most of the town believes to be “your” handwriting is actually that of your clerk.

Five nights ago, around midnight, you used your Chime of Opening to unlock the tribute warehouse, then unlocked another warehouse belonging to you. Just as planned, Talfryn moved the tribute into your warehouse. Just before dawn, you sent some lackeys to move the tribute yet again, from your warehouse (where its discovery could raise awkward questions) to an unused part of the cellar at the Northbrook Arms, the town inn.

You routinely leave town a few times a year with a trade caravan to other towns and cities. The plan was to gradually move the tribute out of the cellar, load it onto your caravan wagons, add your household possessions, and leave town. To the townsfolk, it would be just another routine journey; only you and your lackeys and minions would know that you weren’t coming back. You were to leave today, at the latest. That way, with any luck, you’d be miles away before the theft was discovered and anybody had to worry about hobgoblins. Talfryn’s wife and brat have been kept (bound and mostly drugged) in an abandoned cottage outside of town; you were going to let them go on your way out.

Unfortunately, a stranger arrived in town and took a room at the inn. Even more unfortunately, his room is right near the back door--the one you’d be using to move the materials out of the cellar. You don’t dare make a move as long as he’s there, but you won’t leave without that tribute. You figure it’s yours--just a small fraction of what you’ve contributed over the years.

So now the theft has been discovered, you still can’t access “your” property, and you’ve still got hostages you have no idea what to do with. You’d kill them, except you have the feeling that Talfryn would hunt you to the end of the world, and that would be inconvenient.

Armor, Weapons, Money, and Equipment

You have some items listed on your character sheet, including magic items. It’s up to you how much of this stuff you’re carrying around. It is unlikely (for example), that you habitually go around town armed and armored.

If you find yourself needing some commonly available item (lantern, rope, hammer, etc.), you will be able to find it at your home or among your wares. Similarly, no money is listed on your character sheet, but you have access to money if you need it.

Victory Condition

Leave town with the tribute, and without being exposed as the person behind the theft.

Name:  Aldo Withershott
Played by:  
Race: Halfling	
Class: Expert
Level:  5
Age:  60
Height:  3’1”
Hero Points:  3
S:	8	-1
D:	15	+2
C:	10	+0
I:	17	+3
W:	15	+2
Ch:	14	+2
Hit Points:  23
Armor Class:  13   (+0 armor , +2 dex bonus, +1 size bonus )
Alignment:  N
Initiative:   +2 (dex bonus)
Base Attack Bonus:  +3
Base Speed:  20
Encumbered Speed:  15
Saving Throws:
 Fort:	+2	(+1 base, +0 con bonus, +1 racial bonus)
 Ref:	+4	(+1 base, +2 dex bonus, +1 racial bonus)
 Will:	+7	(+4 base, +2 wis bonus, +1 racial bonus)
Combat Attack Bonuses:
 Melee:	+3	(+3 base,  -1 str bonus, +1 size bonus)
 Ranged:	+6	(+3 base, +2 dex bonus, +1 size bonus)
        (thrown +7)
Weapon:			bonus			dam		crit		range

Trained Skills		total mod	ability 	ranks		other
 Appraise		+11		+3		8
 Bluff			+12		+2		8	+2 (feat)
 Diplomacy		+16		+2		8	+6 (syn, feat)
 Intimidate		+14* 		+2		8	+4 (syn, feat)
 Kn. (Local)		+11		+3		8
 Listen			+12		+2		8	+2 (racial)
 Prof. (Merchant)	+10		+2		8
 Sense Motive	+12		+2		8	+2 (feat)
 Spot			+10		+2		8
*+10 vs Medium creatures
Available gear includes:
 Chain shirt
 Light crossbow
 6 darts
 Heavy mace
Magic Items: 
 Chime of Opening
 Heward’s Handy Haversack