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After the Fae King was reborn, he awoke his people and the land he created for them, the Cradle of the Wold. This fey kingdom had slept with the King for ages of the Wold. Eberyon and his people returned with enthusiasm not seen since the earliest dawn of the Wold. The King rose in anger at his long sleep, and attempted to use Nature herself as a weapon to conquer the Wold. The combined might of the Wold's heroes, aided by Queen Maab, the King's wife (who had been the one to put him to sleep in ages past), rose to defeat the Fae King. In defeat, the King vowed to reform and atone. Although some mortals fear and shun the fey folk, others are drawn to the fey. As part of his atonement, King Eberyon now offers mortals a deep connection to the magic and power of the fey. Those who accept the power that the Fae King offers are the Cradled.

The King wants many people to accept his hand in friendship, so he has made it easy to be Cradled, and any mortal of any class can join the fey with a modicum of study. Those who seek out fey lore and who learn the fey tongue, Sylvan, can learn to cast spells, call on fey folk for favors and friendship, and gain wonderful gifts tailored to their particular interests. Those who seek martial prowess, especially learning the combat tricks and archery of the fey, become Cradled Armigers. Those who admire Eberyon's role as the creator of worlds become Cradled Makers. Seers and sages become Cradled Lorists. Those who summon fey creatures for service become Cradled Callers. Those who delight in pranks and cleverness become Cradled Tricksters. And those who share a devotion to the musical arts become Cradled Musicians.

As NPCs, many fey friends avoid cities, living in natural places, especially those where fey folk gather. Others wander, not only through the Wold, but into the realm of the fey where time plays tricks. And of course, many NPCs accept the King's gifts and then go on with their lives. Some Cradled are noble, and others are corrupt, but all have a deep fascination with all fey creatures.

Hit Die: d6


To qualify to become Cradled, a character must fulfill the following criteria.

  • Skills: Knowledge (Nature) 3 ranks, Knowledge (Planes) 3 ranks
  • Language: Must be able to speak Sylvan
  • Special: The aspiring Cradled must stand in a fairy ring on the Day of the Nymph in the Month of the Lady and call out five times the names of the Fae King and his Queen Maab.

Class Features

Table: The Cradled
Level BAB Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Special Abilities
1st +0 +0 +1 +1 Domain, Fey Gift
2nd +1 +1 +1 +1 Fey Friendship +2
3rd +1 +1 +2 +2 Spread the Word
4th +2 +1 +2 +2 Fey Gift
5th +2 +2 +3 +3 Fey Friendship +4
6th +3 +2 +3 +3 Cradled Travel
7th +3 +2 +4 +4 Fey Gift
8th +4 +3 +4 +4 Fey Friendship +6
9th +4 +3 +5 +5 King's Crest
10th +5 +3 +5 +5 Favored Child

Class Skills

The fey friend's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Acrobatics (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Fly (Dex), Knowledge (Geography, Local, Nature, Planes) (Int), Perception (Wis),Perform (Cha), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Stealth (Dex), Swim (Str), Spellcraft (Int), Use Magic Device (Cha).

Skill Points per level: 6 + Int modifier


The Cradled think of themselves as emissaries, that is, as people who link the Wold to the Wold's Cradle, offering the friendship of mortals to the fey. Some fey greet the Cradled as long lost cousins, and other fey treat them with amusement or contempt. But Cradled and fey alike recognize that they are all favored of King Eberyon, so they hesitate to attack each other with fatal damage. All Cradled treat all Fey creatures with respect, even those they are forced to oppose or even fight. No emissary will ever attack a member of Maab's or Eberyon's royal courts except in self defense.

Some Cradled see it as their mission to spread the word of Eberyon's atonement, and his desire to aid the mortals of the Wold. They teach Sylvan to others, and even recruit others to join as new Cradled. But the Fae King himself places no burden of proselytization on his Cradled at all. Spreading the word is optional, although rewarding (see below).

Weapon & Armor Proficiency

The Cradled are proficient in all simple weapons, as well as with all long and short bows (including composite). They are proficient in light armor and all shields (except Tower Shields).

Spells and Spellcasting

Table: The Cradled Spells Per Day
Level 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1st 1 0+1 - - - - - - - -
2nd 2 1+1 - - - - - - - -
3rd 2 2+1 0+1 - - - - - - -
4th 3 2+1 1+1 - - - - - - -
5th 3 3+1 2+1 0+1 - - - - - -
6th 3 3+1 2+1 1+1 - - - - - -
7th 4 3+1 3+1 2+1 0+1 - - - - -
8th 4 4+1 3+1 2+1 1+1 - - - - -
9th 4 4+1 3+1 3+1 2+1 0+1 - - - -
10th 4 4+1 4+1 3+1 2+1 1+1 - - - -
11th 5 4+1 4+1 3+1 3+1 2+1 0+1 - - -
12th 5 5+1 4+1 4+1 3+1 2+1 1+1 - - -
13th 5 5+1 4+1 4+1 3+1 3+1 2+1 0+1 - -
14th 5 5+1 5+1 4+1 4+1 3+1 2+1 1+1 - -
15th 5 5+1 5+1 4+1 4+1 3+1 3+1 2+1 0+1 -
16th 6 5+1 5+1 5+1 4+1 4+1 3+1 2+1 1+1 -
17th 6 6+1 5+1 5+1 4+1 4+1 3+1 3+1 2+1 0+1

Spells: A Cradled has the ability to cast a number of divine spells prepared from the Cradled Spell List (see below). To cast a Cradled spell, a Cradled must have a Charisma score of at least 10 + the spell’s level, so a Cradled with a Charisma of 10 or lower cannot cast these spells. Cradled bonus spells are based on Charisma, and saving throws against these spells have a DC of 10 + spell level + the Cradled's Charisma modifier. When the Cradled gets 0 spells per day of a given spell level he gains only the bonus spells he would be entitled to based on his Charisma score for that spell level. The Cradled's spell list appears below. A Cradled has access to any spell on the list and can freely choose which to prepare, just as a cleric. A Cradled prepares and casts spells just as a cleric does (though a Cradled cannot spontaneously cast cure or inflict spells).

Although the Cradled is a prestige class with a 10-level progression, it is possible to extend Cradled casting through a prestige class that advances spellcasting ability. Casting progression to level 17 is therefore possible through a 20-level career.

Orisons: A Cradled can prepare a number of orisons, or 0-level spells, each day, as noted on the table above. These spells are cast like any other spell, but they are not expended when cast and may be used again.

Domain Spells: A Cradled gets a domain spell for each spell level, starting at 1st. The "+1" in the entries on the table above represents that spell. Domain spells are in addition to any bonus spells the Cradled may receive for having a high Charisma score.

Universal Special Abilities

Some special class abilities are common to all Cradled, regardless of their nature. These are detailed below.

Fey Affinity: Emissaries gain a +1 bonus on all skill interactions with fey creatures, including negotiations for services. This bonus rises every four levels, to +2 at level 5 and +3 at level 9.

Improved Ally: When an emissary casts a planar ally spell to call a fey (including the lesser and greater versions), he makes a Diplomacy check to convince the fey to aid him for a reduced payment. If the emissary's Diplomacy check adjusts the fey's attitude to helpful the creature will work for 50% of the standard fee, as long as the task is one that is not against its nature. The emissary's improved ally class feature only works when the planar ally shares at least one aspect of alignment with the emissary. A cradled emissary can have only one such ally at a time, but he may bargain for tasks from other planar allies normally.

  • NOTE: It can be dangerous to call on the fey for favors. Although only non hostile fey will answer a call from an emissary, even a "friendly" fey may play tricks or behave in ways that seem odd to a mortal.

Lesser Fey Travel: The cradled can cast Plane Shift as a spell-like ability once per day, but only to travel to the Wold's Cradle and to return. No material component is needed. Note that travel to the fey realm is fraught with dangers, not least being that time moves oddly there.

Augment Summoning: At 4th level, a cradled emissary gains the Augment Summoning feat.

Extended Summoning: At 6th level and higher, all spells from the summoning subschool that the cradled casts have their durations doubled, as if the Extend Spell feat had been applied to them. The levels of the summoning spells don't change, however. This ability stacks with the effect of the Extend Spell feat, which does change the spell's level.

Greater Fey Travel: The emissary can use the fey travel ability twice per day. Also, the ability now returns the friend to the Wold at about the place (within a mile) and moment (within an hour) from which the emissary left. This minimizes the danger of getting very lost in time or place upon one's return.

Contingent Conjuration: An 8th-level emissary can prepare a summoning or calling spell ahead of time to be triggered by some other event. This functions as described for the contingency spell, including having the cradled cast the summoning or calling spell beforehand. The spell is cast instantly when the trigger event occurs. The conditions needed to bring the spell into effect must be clear, although they can be general. If complicated or convoluted condition as are prescribed, the contingent conjuration may fail when triggered. The conjuration spell occurs based solely on the stated conditions, regardless of whether the emissary wants it to, although most conjurations can be dismissed normally. An emissary can have only one contingent conjuration active at a time.

Fey Cohort: A 10th-level cradled emissary can use any of the planar ally spells to call a fey to act as his cohort. The called fey serves loyally and well for a period of time from a month to a year, as long as the fey friend continues to advance a cause important to the creature. To call a fey cohort, the cradled must cast the relevant spell, but no expenditure of experience or gold is needed to convince it to serve as a fey cohort. The fey cohort can't have more Hit Dice than the cradled has, and must have an ECL no higher than the emissary's character level -3. An emissary can have only one fey cohort at a time, but he can continue to make agreements with other called creatures normally. A fey cohort replaces a cradled's existing cohort, if he has one by virtue of the Leadership feat, but in this case the cohort's ECL can equal the cradled's level. After the cohort leaves the emissary's service, the emissary must wait a week before calling another.

Notes on Fey Travel

Note that the DM makes all decisions physical and temporal displacement, as well as other dangers.

Some ground rules:

  • the PC (and party) never returns to the Wold at an earlier time than they left. The exception being when the module depends on this and the PC's seek out a reverse time stream.
  • the solo PC never arrives so distant in time or place that they are effectively written out of the module. The exception being a PC whose player wishes to go on walkabout for a fixed or indefinite period.
  • the PC (and party) never returns to a time and/or place where survival is impossible
  • For Lesser Fey Travel using teleport %):
    • On Target = within 1d12 hours in time & 1d10 miles in distance
    • Off Target = within 3d8 hours in time & 3d10 miles
    • Similar Target - DM fiat but merely inconvenient or embarrassing
    • Mishap - DM fiat but hazardous
