Hook City (game)

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The Game

Here you can find the latest posts in this game.

Current Events

The latest Great Migration of the Southern Continent has barely subsided and Hook City is already back to conducting business as usual. Do our selected group of heroes have what it takes to rise up from the muck of Mudtown to gain fame and fortune in Hook City?

The Story so far (from a player's point of view)

Shorthand Version (Detailed Narrative Below)


Day 1

The original group (Padre, Bosk, Valla, Sanji, Ariman, Lenwe and Naru) met by chance as a halfling was being chased down the street by a group of mercs and their merchant employer. Standing up for the outnumbered halfling they matched blades with the mercs in the small one's defense. When the great minotaur, Bosk, fell to numerous blows the strategy changed on both sides and calmer minds prevaled. Turns out the little halfling was indeed a theif and was forced to return the stolen property.

With Bosk healed and once again in the realm of the living, the group decided to sit down together in a local tavern. Xeron, who had witnessed the fight decided to join the group at this point... as did their future employer, a merchant named Penn. He hired the group to protect his goods for a week while he awaited entry into Hook City. As a group they agreed to take on this job, as protectors.

Once at Penn's camp, a few mercs picked a verbal fight that was avoided by a well placed spell and a bit of diplomacy. That night the camp was attacked by goblins. Once the fight was over the group found that these were not goblins, but a group of novice mercs using magic gear to appear as goblins. They identified themselves as members of the Ironband company, a merc company with a dirty reputation that Penn had hired but fired them when they attempted to extort additional payment from him.

Day 2

Xeron, Sanji and Valla scouted out their camp while the others questioned the survivors. At this point there was a 'changing of the guard'. Maikill the half-orc brute joined the group in hopes that he would get to smash something. Lenwe disappeared without even saying something. Naru and Ariman felt the job was too tough and decided to leave. They were replaced by Motley, a gnome rager, and Grendel, a half-orc priestess of Flower.

Once everyone was introduced, Penn instructed the group to make an assault on the Ironband camp as he considered those mercs to me a present and immediate danger to the lives of everyone. With little rest and much magical resources spent, the protectors attacked an established merc company. With Xeron, Sanji and Motley stealthily leading the way (with the remainder of the group not far off behind) we assaulted the Ironband.

A dwarf on guard duty caught us approaching and raised the alarm. The battle was intense as both sides moved quickly to engage. A total of 9 Ironband members took on our 8. As we felled them one and two at a time, Maikill fell from many wounds and Valla was rushed by 3 of the Ironband and fell. Sanji fell while attempting to get the attackers of Valla. While one attacker prepared to 'finish off' Valla, Grendel cast a command spell to force him to drop his arms. Unfortunately for Valla, the sword dropped point first into his chest further worsening his plight. Maikill was healed and rejoined the fight only to be dropped by a solid sling shot a moment later. The Ironband broke off when most of their members had fallen, though Bosk caught one before he could escape, leaving a total of 2 members of Ironband as survivors.

Back we go to our camp with our wounded who were promptly healed by Penn's temporary guard. After the loot is sorted and the remaining prisoner's dispatched there is a hidden Ironband stash to find and loot somewhere in a seedy tavern here in Mudtown. Sanji checked out the Bucket of Blood Saloon as Bosk went to sell our aquired loot and Maikill dumped some dead bodies that were laying around our campsite. Sanji was sent packing with a death threat if she ever returned. Maikill was scared off by some brain eating monster and left the horse and cart in Pig Alley, where it was easily taken by a lucky citizen of Mud Town.

As our group settled in for some much needed rest we realized that Penn hadn't returned from a quick errand and was now a couple of hours past due. Leaving a small guard behind (no pun intended Motley), the group found an informant who saw Penn being lead into the back door of the Bucket of Blood Saloon. Our group charged in the back door and found Penn captive of a rival merchant named Gordo and his two thug Mercenaries.

Even though we outnumbered them, the two bodyguards of Gordo were dangerous. One even wielded a magic sword! Penn made it clear that Gordo was off-limits but also that his fate was tied to our success against Gordo's men. All fought well. Maikill, Bosk, and Padre fell to the deadly opponents while Xeron and Sanji were unstoppable. Turning his blade and body into flanking positions time after time Xeron struck vital blows on both opponents. Sanji, who had been rather ineffective for the early part of the fight was obviously bluffing as she laid out their strongest with but a single blow from her rapier.

Turns out that we were then due payment of bounty from Gordo, which was a large reversal from the opening positions. As a group we were paid 1000 gp. Grendel patched up both ally and enemy, not allowing any that fell to meet Gargul that day. Upon leaving, we encountered an elf who was set upon by the same monster that attacked Maikill. Having half of our team wounded we invited him to help us transport Penn to the gates of Hook City with his goods. There Penn paid us, gave us a letter of recommendation and bid us farewell. Here too, Padre and Motley left our little rag tag group.

Now we've crashed at an Inn for some much needed rest and recovered much of our injuries. Where we go from here is yet to be determined. Also there is the matter of what name we will choose to go by as we settle in to a lengthy stay in Mud Town.

Day 3

Last night we were unable to agree on a name and decided to spend the night regaining our strength and scribing a few scrolls. The next morning we over heard a merchant complain to the bartender about the brain eater. We put out word that we could be hired to deal with th creature and then headed out to blow our cash on armor and spell components.

As night fell we learned that the last victim of the braineater was a man by the name of Black Harris and that there was a 5000gp for the capture or death of the Brain-eater. Deciding to investigate, we made our way to the first victims residents.

We met Mac MacGuiness' wife, who was now in charge. I'm afraid we scared the poor woman half to death, but we learned that Mac had a junk shop and dealt with some strange items. Next were two of Felton Gros' sons. We had to “convince” them to answer our questions and learned little. Last was Black Harris' general merchandise store, closed and locked up--mostly like by Harris himself just before he was killed. After asking around we learned that Felton Sr. had visited the store about a week ago, for what reason was unknown.

Checked though some old records and learned that Old Mac sold a puzzle box to Felton Sr., who then gave it to Black Harris to sell on commission. The records indicated that the box was originally bought from a homeless person, a term often associated with stolen items. The box was said to be about about 6" square and made of some sort of wood, maybe mahogany, but other than that was unremarkable. This was our only lead, so we pursed it.

Worrying that Blacks shop would soon be looted and the puzzle box would be lost we proceeded to Blacks shop in an attempt to secure and protect it. To do this Maikill had to knock down the door, which Grendel and Bosk later mended.

After a brief search Maikill found the wooden box matching the description of the one we were looking for. We then began to search the building, and Maikill cautiously ascend the single flight of stairs. After he paused a moment he caught sight of someone standing in the backyard of the store--It was his mother. In her right hand she held a bloody handaxe. Then under cover of darkness she ran away. The sight was too much for the half-orc and he dropped to the ground crying and stroking the hair of a near by doll.

Although we wanted to go out and investigate, in our current condition we would have been no match for what was out there. In the end we decided not to venture outside and to hold up for the night inside the house. That night Sanji then suggested the group hold up in the shop for a few days and claim it as their head quarters, we had to admit that it sounded like a good idea.

In the morning Bosk whipped up a decent meal for us, and found an extra set of house keys in the back of a kitchen drawer while looking for silverware. Outside, unbeknown to us, people were already moving about and from the way they were stopping and talking to each other, something had happened.

As Bosk cooked Beri managed to slide another piece of the puzzle out of the way. When he got bored Valla studies the puzzle box and proceeded to dissembled the entire box, leaving nothing remaining but a diamond shaped red and black gem at what was once it's center.

Day 4

After breakfast we stepped outside and asked some passersby what the commotion was all about. It didn't take long to find out that there had been another grisly murder, a merchant by the name of Hammond Delves has had his skull cracked open and eaten. Gossip has it that his partner, Chipper Wanes--who cannot verify his whereabouts the previous night, committed a copycat murder to take full control of the business so he could pay off his gambling debts. They ran a livestock business and some say they also dealt in rare animal curiosities.

In the course of our talks with the streetfolk, Valla tuned into a familiar voice nearby. His nemesis, Zamnoodle, was talking tersely to a lone individual. Zam was accompanied by six of his companions from the looks of it. They appeared to be offering the man protection from themselves at an outrageous price. We quicklyoffered to ass ist the man, and after a few choice words from Zamnoodle the group turned to leave. They walked about thirty feet down the road and then turned and began firing arrows at us. Before we knew what was happening battle had begun.

As the arrows flew at us Bosk and Maikill quickly charged forward directly at Zamnoodle, killing him outright. With their leader dead, the rest become infuriated and attack us wildly with the bulk of the group surrounding the Taur. The battle seemed to be an even match, but with all their attacks focused on the taur, Grendle was able to offset their damage by healing him through the power of her prayer. Our hope was short lived though, as several attacks against the taur found their mark and quickly sent him unconscious. If it wasn't for a few daring moves on our part, we most likely would have lost the battle. Fortunately Xeron lunged forward and skewering a woman named Jillian and sending her into unconscious agony at the end of his blade while the same moment, Grendel plunged her dagger deep into the male warrior's collar bone, sending spurts of blood up her blade hanging in midair until it splashed down on her-- he was out of the fight. With that, the fight was over and there were several bleeding and dead.

Grendel stabilized friend and foe while the gentleman we had assisted introduced himself. His neme was Jacob of Greendale, scholar by trade, but on an errand for his father in the Sargrass Plains in this case. He was delivering a package for him to Magister Alistair in Hook City proper. Although he had no money, his script of conveyance allowed him to bring along personal bodyguards into Hook City, a luxary we could not otherwise afford. We quickly agreed and brought both Jacob and the prisioners back to the shop.

That day we learned the reward for the brain-eater has risen to 10,000gp, and that the gang members that escaped were Lilly's brothers and that they would probably looking for her. We put out word, but feared for her safety and would not let her leave until healed. Mud town was not a friendly place to injured and unarmed women. Grendel then worked her charm and the next thing we knew Hemust and Jillian were in our employ working the shop for us. The only hiccup that night as when Lilly and Xeron got into a heated argument after she insulted his mother, but it as soon resolved.

Day 5

Rested from the nights sleep Grendel cast her Identify spell on the small crystal. It revealed the true nature of the gem--it is a magical compass. When placed on a thin strip of wood that is floated in a bowl of water, the red end of the gem pointed to something other than North. Over breakfast we questioned Lilly about her visitor, having heard her conversing with someone during the night. Naturally she denied it. After breakfast we gave her back one dagger, some gold, and an invitation for her and her brothers to join us for a meal. We then let her go.

The mood was a little glum, talking mainly about the recent murders and lurking bain eater until Sanji announced that she found some trinkets on the shelf that were most likely forgotten because of all the dust covering the box they were in. A note explained that they were charms were made by the halflings of Greendale and would bring the bearer luck once a week when needed.

This cheered us up and Valla, Grendel and Maikill decide to go talk to the family of Gerald Hunsinger, the latest victim of the brain-eater. They learned that Gerald had left behind a large family which sold books, scrolls, artwork and offered a copying services. The books, scrolls and artwork were bought from travelers who sold them and from other cities. Though the Hunsinger family does make copies and some original artwork from time to time, the last people Gerald talked to were Kweku the ink maker, Yosef the baker, and Numitor the calligrapher. Afterward Everyone reconvened back at the shop.

After talking with Jacob we learned that was to enter the city proper in two days, and that he only required protection at night. We then decided to hunt for the braineater. Grendel used the gem to create a makeshift compass and we slowly made our way through Mudtown and ended up at an apparently abandoned building which we assumed to be a small warehouse. We tried everything we could think of to gain access, but the locks were beyond our capabilities and the door remained impervious to our repeated charged and we were forced to return to the shop empty hanged.

Day 6

The next morning Lilly and her two brothers joined us for breakfast. At first themeal was a little award as one of her brothers was convinced the massive taur planned to eat them, but his fears subsided as soon as Grendel brought out some of her famous biscuits. While they ate they informed us another murder had occurred last night, this time the ink merchant was killed inside his shop.

After they left it suddenly dawned on us that Yosef was most likely the net target on the braineaters list. Grendel rush out to find him with the rest of us closely on her heels. We explained the situation to him, and he seemed to understand the danger. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. His clenched hands loosed as he began to talk, "Num...


The back of Yosef's head exploded in a ball of flame that engulfed him, his shop and washed over us. Half of the group was injured and the other half unconscious, Yosef was clearly dead. Bosk and Maikill pulled every away from the fire, and then Bosk healed Grendel. The two of them then helped heal everyone and we returned to the shop. That evening we split up, but somehow everyone ended up at Numitor's house, the man whose name was spoken before Yodef's head exploded and whom we expected to die next. In our attempts to help him we accidentally set off a trap he was using to keep the braineater away. It set his house on fire, fortunately he was not inside.

We followed some foot prints we found and located Numitor in a near by house, or so we thought. It ended up that Numitor was at Yosef's shop and whose head exploded, we were actually talking to Yosef! We learned that he was enslaved by Vellinius, a tentacled monster who inserted something in his head and was manipulating him with it, and that the brain eater was a doppelganger who was working for him. Numitor was able to procure a strange animal that would remove the parasite from my brain. Trough a series of events Black Harris was the last person to have the animal and we figured out that it was being kept in the warehouse and how to gain access to the building. We quickly brought Yosef, his fiancée and her children to our shop where Hemust, Sanji and Jillian could protect them and then set out to retrieve the animal. When we arrived at the warehouse we were surprised at how much larger and nicer the inside was than the outside would have suggested. We were even more surprised that in addition to finding the the animal we were looking for in a locker, we also found that several people were being held captive in them against their will. We quickly rescued them, and in return Ransy and Cesar joined our party.

We brought the cage containing the animal back to the shop, and as soon as the cage was lowered to the floor and opened, the nearly blind mole scampered directly towards Yosef. Reaching down and picking it up, Yosef placed it on his shoulder, and the mole moved directly to the back of his head. The moles very long, almost prehensile, nose worked furiously as it twitched about and sniffed rapidly around the area where Yosef said he had been bit--then it stopped. Looking as if it had been paralyzed, it's nose stoped moving about as it remained firmly pressed against Yosef's old wound and the mole inhaled and exhaled slowly but deeply. To the careful observer, one could almost see little sparks of light around the tip of the moles nose. The mole had done it's job.

Day 7

The next morning, as everyone began stirring about and rising to some coherent consciousness, a knock came on the door. A small boy, no older than ten years, was standing at the door and presented us with a sealed letter and said, "I'm to wait and take back your answer". The letter said:

To the previous owner(s) of key #90,

Last night, in addition to securing your own items from your locker, you procured items that were not yours. We try to maintain anonimity between our clients and in this case we have not released any information to the owners of storage units 81-87 of which you broke into. They have demanded compensation and we limit such compensation to 100gp per locker. The fee to have the lockers you damaged repaired is 50gp per locker--two such lockers in this case. Therfore your total balance due is 800gp payable immediately upon receipt of this letter. The messenger boy who delivered this letter has been instructed not to speak of what he sees or hears, but then again he knows nothing that could help you if you choose to interrogate him. If you feel that you cannot pay now, or harm/kill the messenger boy, we will be left with no other course of action but to firebomb you relentlessly until your establishment and everywhere you sleep is left in ashes. Please sign and remit payment to the messenger boy now. Thank you and have a nice day.

After much debate, we agreed to pay the fee and planned to stake out the warehouse in an attempt to catch Cesar and Ransy's kidnappers. The boy accepted the 800gp and note. Bowing he said politely, Thank you ma'am, have a nice day! With that done, the boy took off at a fast clip down the street.

After breakfast Yosef and Arriet left with some of the captives from the lockers and we escorted Jacob into the Hook City to deliver his father's package to Magister Allistair. We were in shock when he opened up the box and discovered that it was filled with brains. He then told us that the man we though to be Jacob was really doppelganger and asked where the real Jacob was.

The doppelganger told us his name was Temujin, and we learned that his memory was impaired. From time to time he would forget his true identity when transformed into someone else. Prior to our encounter with Zamnoodle's gang, Temujin had been a member of Vellinius cult along with Yosef and Numitor. All three of them had willingly accepted the worm, not understanding the consequences of their action. Temujin was only able to over come the Vellinius control by cutting the worm out with an axe. He then explained to us that the real Jacob was a Druid and a Monsterologer who wad befriended him. It was only after learning that Vellinius wanted to enslave Jacob and gave the Task Temujin that he turned to the drastic step or cutting out a portion of his own brain to protect his friend. After that he took Jacob's box and sent him back to the Sargrass Plains in order to protect him. Sine that time Temujin had been disguised and Jacob and secretly killing the other cult membersand removing their brains, parasite and all, during the night. After learning this, Alistair excused himself for a moment and stepped over to a nearby armoire and opened it. On the inside of the door is a finely wrought and highly polished silver mirror. The magister began incanting a spell and soon brought up an image of a man resembling Jacob, but in tattered clothing, lashed with vines against a dirt wall. Pulling back the image he saw a cauldron and a witch--her disheveled hair, rotted teeth and threadbare robes crawling with vermin were a disgusting sight to behold--the large cauldron before her boils in anticipation. Allistair recognized the area as the Sargrass plains, and through the use of his magic we were brought to the Sargrass Plains to rescue him.

We arrived in a large clearing in the Sargrass Plains in front of a Druid Tree where we were quickly greeted by the lord of manor, Jacob's father. He informed us that his son had fallen in love with a beautiful girl who claimed to be from a near by farm. After his disappearance there was search and they learned that no such girl lived at that farm. We then learned that a tree like the one from Alistair's vision was close by the farm. Traveling was slow because of the ten foot tall grass that grows there, but we were able to follow behind a Great Ranthom with a driver that matted down the grass in front of us. Several hours later we arrived at a tree with a large hole at it's base and a small trail of smoke exiting from it. find the narrow passage warm and humid inside the core of the Druid Tree. Sap and muddy ichor drip and ooze from the rooted walls. Figuring that was where Jacob must be, we descends down deeper into the bowels of the earth. Hearing chanting down one of the passages Grendel said a quick prayer to shield Maikill from harm, after which the chanting from the North ceased. Knowing we had been discovered, Maikill and Ransy charged forward enemy be damned, when a dozen or so glass-grass dagger's fly at both Maikill and Ransy--smashing themselves to fine dust and jagged glass-like pieces as they impact on the warriors armor that shower the pair. Opposite the pair are a dozen or so witches, foaming at the mouth and drawing more glass-grass daggers for another salvo. To make matters worse, Jacob was nowhere to be seen. The battle went quickly at first with man witches falling quickly before us. We thought it would be an easy fight until we discovered that the older hags were much more powerful. Many of our group were put to sleep and every time we would hit the lead witch she would glow yellow magically be healed. In the end Maikill took her out with one powerful stroke that cut her nearly in two. As soon as the witch fell, the witches cauldron exploded extinguished the fire and filling the cave with smoke as black taloned daemon crawled out and disappeared. The battle ended quickly at after this, and we realized that sever of the witches were just young girls from near by villages. We managed to save several of the girls from dieing as their cave became smoke filled tomb, but most of them we not so lucky. That night we built a large fire outside the cave and slept in the clearing as we debated what to do with the witches and if we should peruse the demon or return to Mudtown to hunt for the ilithad.

Day 8

The next morning Jacob awoke and after greeting Temujin confirmed his story. He then informed us that the last thing he remember he was drinking a glass of wine with the young girl the next thing he remembered was waking up here.

With the help of Temujin we were able to identify some skulls we found in the cave as belonging to the Manfri, the only people capable of making the steelgrass armor Bosk had been dreaming about. Jacob said that their village was close by and then turned into a large bird and flew to speak to them.

During this time we received a message from Alistair informing us that he had scried our location and offered to come and meet us if necessary. Still worried about the daemon we saw fly out of the cauldron we decided to call upon him, and suddenly he appeared out of nothingness thanks to his teleportation spell. He was unconcerned with the daemon and had no interest in the Marble head or underground tree.

After about an hour, Jacob returned and informed us that that the Manfri had agreed to let us buy some of their armor and that they wanted to throw a party honoring us. It turned out that the witches had drugged their watering hole and kidnapped about 20 of the Manfri. He also told us that the witches we fought comprised about half of the women of a neighboring village. After waking two of them we learned that the head witch had been killed and that all of the others were talked into helping her. The women had been upset because they blamed the Manfri for planting the grass witch now choked the plains. They also believed that the Manfri had kidnapped some of their own villagers.

We debated what to do with the captives, as it was clear that Jacob's father would not welcome them on his farm and discovered that if we took them to the Manfri as prisoners that they would probably be eaten. In the end Grendel, Alistair, Temujin chose to stay with the witches while the rest of us visited the Manfi.

Taking Buiwerf and the Great Ranthom with us, Jacob blazed a trail through the ten feet high grass. Hours passed and at one point Jacob became lost, but remembering his way after a bit. He lead us into a large clearing populated by grass-woven huts and small ebony-skinned people. We were amazed to discover that the springy floor of the clearing was in fact not cut, but woven into a huge mat that covered the entire clearing.

Three elderly manfri, if you could call them that--for it was very hard to determine their ages, came forward and greeted us. Everyone had a laugh as the chieftain mistook Bosk as a gift intended to be served as dinner, but we became concerned when the chieftain pointed behind him where a great roasting spit was set up. On the spit was a middle-aged liontaur with a large piece of fruit stuck in it's mouth being coated with large amounts of special sauce.

The liontaur worked his teeth and swallowed some fruit and spits out the rest. Speaking quite eloquently he asked if he could serve dinner than be served. The chieftain immediately ran to the Liontaur's side and profusely apologized, informing him that they had thought him a lion of the plains and asked forgiveness for capturing him.

The chieftain seemed very pleased to not be eaten by the now released Liontaur, and introduced himself as chief Barrantadatoda and welcomed Zeoll to his village. Since dinner had been set free, Maikill and several hunters went out to capture a Rapke, or Bounder for the feast while the rest of us were lead to a large drinking hall with open walls where we drank pomfrai, one of the finest spirits in the Wold.

After about an hour, Maikill returned to camp with the Manfri hunters and six unconscious prairie pigs only to find most of the group basically unclothed and dancing wildly about the large pit fire with the manfri. Maikill also partook of the amber liquid, and while not as strong as some drink he has had, by his third drink, the Wold dropped a level, as if he had somehow grown taller--and everything was funny, EVERYTHING. We didn't awake until the next night.

Day 9

Still recovering from the night before we explored the village. The Manfri, although not dealing in coin, were willing to accept gold in trade, not for their stated worth, but more for their intrinsic beauty so they could melt them down and make jewelry. Bosk, after borrowing some gold from the others, was fitted for some armor and both he and Beri ordered a few weapons which would be ready in a few days.

The others spoke to the chief about the witches, and he made it clear that he didn't care what the adventures did with the women. If we chose not to kill then or to hand them over then the Manfri would hunt them own and kill them for killing half their village: twenty men, women and children.

Saying our goodbyes to the Manfri and promising to return in a few days time, we headed out behind Buiwerf and his great ranthom. An hour later we arrived at the Druid Tree and were greeted by Alistair and Grendel. The two witches we had awakened were a bit more amenable now thanks to Alistair's handwork. He then suggested we take all of the witches except for the youngest back their village, where he could compel them to tell the truth so our side of the story is told. As for the little girl and Grendel, they joined his service, one as an apprentice and the other to study at the Star Mage's Guild.

Deciding to make way to the witches village, transported the unconscious witches to their village via stretchers. We arrived there after nightfall and the sight of solid buildings made of wood was a welcome sight. What was not welcoming were the body of men, some 20 in number and armed with spears that greeted us.

The men were reluctant to believe our story, but thanks to Alistair's magic the older witch stepped forward and told her tale, that she and the others joined the witches coven to strike back at the Manfri and they are not ashamed of what they did. It is a sobering tale and many of the men are angry, whether because she and the rest joined the coven or because we had killed a number of their women is unknown. Hse, the leader of this village, decided that his men and would need to talk about what they had just learned at some length. We were invited to stay the night under their protection and setup camp in the clearing.

Day 10

The night passed quietly. In the morning Hse came to us, saying it would be wise if you left today. There were some who would seek vengeance for what we had done, and he didn't want us killing them in self defense.

Alistair, Jacob and the witch teleported back to the farm while the rest of us followed Buiwerf and his great ranthom . Hours passed as the oppressive heat beat down on us as we made our way back to Halfdane's farm. Still having not taken a bath, thusly traveling with matted down fur, Bosk's fur stood out in tufts as the dryness of the swaying grasses brushes against him here and there. Zeoll on the other hand was a walking puffball—it is hard to say which of the Taur's look worse.

About mid-afternoon we broke into the clearing and a horn is sounded to alert the farm's master. Master Halfdane and Jacob greeted us and the Halfdane thanked each of us profusely. He then invited us to stay the day as he has prepared a feast in our honor and, perhaps because of our ragged appearance, allowed us to clean up beforehand in the central bathhouse.

After cleaning up we returned and a cheer was harangued by Master Halfdane himself as he introduced us to his seventy or so workers and family. Master Halfdane motioned for us to sit at the table of honor and to partake of the Rapke and other fare that's laid out before us. A plethora of fruits, breads and meats assailed our senses and all are pleasing to the palate. The Amber wine we grew to enjoy, nakedly at the Manfri village, was also served here--but not as strong nor as intoxicating as the Manfri blend.

When morning came, the buzz of flies and chirping of birds roused us from our slumber. After breakfast, which consisted of bounder bacon and prairie bird eggs, we were rewarded by Master Halfdane for the rescue of his son. Master Halfdane granted us Jacob's Writ of Passage, having signed all of it's rights over to the group. Jacob also thanks us once again for getting him out of trouble--which from the tales last night seemed to be a recurring thing for him.

Days 11 - 14

The next few days were spent leisurely as we waited for Bosk's armor to be made by the Manfri. The time passed quickly as the day of our departure soon came and farewells were made. Temujin seemed truly happy too--perhaps not having to automatically read the thoughts of so many people on the verge of committing some crime against another in Mudtown had something to do with it. As we parted he gave us a slip of paper which had the last known location where he had seen Vellinius.

This time instead of using a great ranthom we were teleported by Alistair to the Manfri village. Soon Bosk was fitted for the armor and weapons, and after payment and many thanks, including another wineskin of pomfrai given to Bosk, we teleported back to the river where the hidden magical door resided.

Casting a simple locate objects spell, Alistair located the gold coin he had buried in the ground and stood on top of it. At the edge of the sargrass plains, where tall grass once met the outer walls of South Hook City, there only lay a river unknown to any here. At the edge of it began to glow the faint outlines of a rune inscribed door as Alistair incanted a long series of magical syllables unknown to us. In short time a solid door appeared and Alistair opened it to reveal the lower levels of the Hook City Docks. He Magically locked the door behind him and escorted everyone outside where we stood upon the docks of South Hook.

Turning to the rest of us, he thanked us for helping Jacob and his family before motioning for his new apprentice and for Grendel to join him. Alistair said one more farewell before heading off.

We then heading to the Administration complex, and after spending about three hours going from line to line we finally got our Free Company registered. The only hiccup occurred when the clerk asked what the name of our group was, an issue we had never settled. In the end we decided to call ourselves the Iron Adventurers. Xeron then shocked us all by announcing that he was leaving the group, feeling more comfortable being with the people of Mudtown. After that we made a trip to the catacombs before each going our separate ways, having tasks which would take a few days.

Days 14-15

Valla and Zeoll investigated the tower which Valla had seen for sale on our last visit to the city. They learned that the tower was being sold by a cousin of the late owner and that it was said to be haunted. Valla bought it, and after much signing of documents was given the keys and all the paperwork necessary to have the title and deed transferred over.

After having secured the title and deed to the tower, Valla and Zeoll went back to inspect it. Under much protest from Zeoll not to enter the tower without their other friends, Valla entered anyway--Zeoll followed behind as he was not about to abandon his new friend, no matter how impetuous he was. Inside the tower was a dilapidated looking parlor, with stairs to the right going up to the second level. Valla purposefully left the front door wide open, but Zeoll's dog would not enter--no matter, as soon as both were in the door slammed closed behind them. Standing in front of the now closed door were two little identical twin girls who were human and looked about eight years old each, but they were as beautiful as any elvish princesses the pair had ever seen. Tea time! both said in unison as they rushed Valla and Zeoll. There was no time to reaction as both girls rushed the pair of Iron Adventurers and disappeared into their respective hosts. It was a strange feeling, like being three feet thick and being able to look at your body from the inside looking out, but not being able to affect said body. Before the pair realized their bodies, which included their ability to speak, were not under their control, they were moving upstairs to a series of rooms--one in particular, the twins room. For nearly the next ten hours they had a tea party. Both Valla and Zeoll were dressed in bonnets, their hair had been done up in curls and nearing the end of their ten hour ordeal, each were wearing copious amounts of makeup, in particular, blue eyeshadow--You can never wear too much blue eyeshadow, right sis? To which the twin sister concurred and added, Or red lipstick. The pair was ghastly to look upon in the near mirror and as they felt the power of the twins beginning to lessen their hold over them both, one sister said to the other, I think it's clobbering time. They both rose up in unison, moved away from the tea table they had elaborately set up and began pummeling each other senseless. After several blows, Valla's body succumbed to the non-lethal beating and passed out. Zeoll's body stood triumphant over the elf's and then he began beating his head against the wall. All it took was a couple of blows and he too was out like a light. how much time passed was uncertain, but as each were about to regain consciousness, they could feel the twins once again slip into them. "Tea time!" This went on again and again until Zeoll managed to force back the twin that was trying to enter his body. With swift legs, Zeoll took up Valla--who had yet again succumbed to his twin entity, and fled downstairs to the front door to escape. Don't come back! yelled the twin as she chased behind him. Then as he opened the front door, Valla turned to him, looked him straight in the eyes and said in a little girls voice, If you come back, we'll roast your eyes and eat your flesh. Then the ghost left Valla's body and the pair exited the tower--the door swiftly slamming shut behind them.

Cesar went to visit the temple of Alemi and to receive his blessing Cesar met with the robed cleric and was soon greeted by other brethren in the temple who were more than willing to give their time in exchange for Cesar's to teach him about the ways of Alemi. After much talking, which lead to supper that Cesar did partake of, the hours passed. Before he knew it, two days had passed and the clergy there had basically accepted Cesar as one of their own--having found the warrior had a natural aptitude for clerical studies, all that was needed was for him to pass the Rite of Alemi to join their clergy.

Bosk, Beri and Ransey each spent the next two days training at the Woldian League of adventurers. The accelerated training, rich food and more accelerated training went on, and in the end of their trainer, Master Buar, congratulated each member who stuck it out and earned their badge. Wear it with pride, you're now part of a vast network of brothers and sisters, a family that looks out for each other. But also remember, like fish that goes bad in three days, don't overstay your welcome.

Maikill spent a while in the catacombs and admired a suit of black rhino armor. It wasn't black per se, but from the hide of a black rhino that was a darker gray in color. It's bestial nature sung to the half-orc's heart and he knew he had to have it. With most of the day spent waiting at the Catacombs, it was much later when Maikill had his new gear and had exited the city proper to make his way back to Black's. Sanji and the others had been busily cleaning the place while the group was gone and making it ready for business, they even had the front sign taken down to have it repainted with a different name. They were also glad to hear everyone was still alive, but was saddened at the loss of both Grendel and Xeron from their group. After eating several servings of Sanji's cooking, which was much to his liking, Maikill excused himself and went out in search of his uncle. The rest of that day and the next two brought no success, but he had laid the foundation of whom he was seeking and perhaps those people he had talked too would give him word at some later time about his foul uncle--then he would pay.

Day 16

In the morning we all reconvened at at the shop. Valla and Zeoll looked bushed and had remnants of makeup on their faces. Bosk, Ransy and Beri had just finished their training last night, supped mightily with the rest of the WLA chapter house and slept just as well in their barracks beds to find themselves this morning a little sore as they had breakfast with the rest of the group. Cesar seemed a bit more introspective perhaps, maybe it was the amount of wisdom he had received the last few days that he was still processing in his mind and spirit, but like Maikill and the rest, it was abruptly interrupted by the burnt offerings Sanji served in the guise of bacon and eggs.

Remembering the map Temujin gave him, we quickly examined it. The only word on the map was, The Madrigal. Determined to learn more Beri, Bosk, Valla and Cesar head back into Hook City to visit the WLA and because Cesar needed to go to get his horse. At the stables it was clear that Whiner had been very well cared for. Although unsuccessful in learning about the Madrigal, upon exiting the city they stopped by a small construction place called Gil's and paid to have some additional rooms added onto the shop.

Ransy and Zeoll had better luck and learned that the Madrigal was an inn and where it was located. It was described as a ramshackle medium sized building set out on the water. It has a pier that leads out to it about 50' in length and there are several small boats tied to both the pier and there is a wraparound porch that encircles the inn itself--it seems to get more popular as the night approaches and the sound of singing and merriment can easily be heard from the shoreline.

As diner time approached we reconvened back at the shop to share what we had learned. After a brief meal it was decided that we should begin our reconnaissance of the building immediately. We arrived after dark just as it was becoming busy. The sound of music, singing and the smell of barbecue permeate the air. A few longboats and skiffs lay tied up and slowly knocking against the building supports and walkway surrounding the building and a few people were walking and talking about the wraparound veranda.

We curiously entered and found ourselves in a seedy bar of ill repute where men set their morals aside for the more carnal of pleasures. The building was oddly absent of women and several of our group were unable to blend in and asked to leave.

Valla figured that if the mindflayer was in disguise that it would most likely be magical and attempted to detect magic in the building. He was able to detect a few magical items in the building, but not before being seen and asked to leave the premises with Bosk.

Ransy learned from Valla's mistake and moved back out for cover from the Madrigal and walked up to the shoreline in an attempt to detect evil in the premises. His concentration was intense and he noted a couple spots of evil in the downstairs area and a strong sense of evil coming from the upstairs SE corner that Valla pointed out as having had magic emanating from it.

Ransy rejoined Cesar and suggested they rent a room to discuss things more privately. As they headed up stairs to their room Zeoll drew up a plan for the rest of us two follow. As Beri and Maikill followed Ransy's lead and obtained a room upstairs Zeoll, Bosk, and Valla began climbing onto the roof of the Madregal aided by Zeoll's obscuring mist.

Thing began well, but they took a turn for the worse as Beri tried to pick the lock of the South East room. Twice the young rogue was stabbed by poisoned pins the shot out from the door knob before he finally felt he had it and let Maikill open the door, only to poison another member of our party. Feeling more harm had come to our party than necessary the barbarian made short work of the door with his axe and hoped to soon repay the cowardly illithad.

Meanwhile, sensing the strain of the roof under the weight of two taurs, Zeoll moved away to ease the pressure on the roof. Unfortunately, he moved to an even weaker section and fell through. Slamming onto the engaged couple in the room below, the lucky recipients were knocked unconscious and oblivious numerous broken bones they received.

From downstairs we all heard someone call out, What the heck was that! We knew we were almost out of time and Beri, barely at the start of his search had just managed to open up the armoire finding on the floor a small magic circle, just big enough for someone to stand in the middle of.

Moments later the same pair of men that made Valla leave for using magic raced up the stairs—which, lucky for us, served as a good choke point. Waiting at the top of the stairs were Cesar and Ransy. What goes on here! asks the man in a loud demanding voice as he drew his sword and stopped his advance. Then his eyes strayed to his left and he saw the SE room's door open. Immediately he called out for more men and we knew we were in for trouble.

Bosk and Valla quickly followed after Zeoll and barely managed to make it through the large hole in the roof without breaking through more of it and Beri raced to continue his search and found that the painting above the desk was unusually well painted along with some scattered papers and books on the desk written in a language that he could not understand.

Stand aside you men up there! came the call from a man dressed in leather armor at the base of the stairs, pointing at Cesar and Ransy. Cesar tried to buy is some time, but the man standing before him didn't like his answer and launched an attack. He missed by a mile, but a man at the base of the stairs cast a spell and two bolts of energy slammed into Cesar's chest.

Hearing the sounds of battle Bosk ran to offer his assistance and moved in to back up Cesar while Zeoll squeezed past him to enter the SE corner room. The noise of weapons striking rang out, but we seemed evenly matched as none of us could land a blow except for the caster who once more hit Cesar with two bolts of energy, but they did not seem to have the same impact as before.

The battle seemed to be unending, with both sides changing tactics and neither side able to connect while in the next room Zeoll became a bit more adventurous and stepped into the magic circle. We all witnessed a bright blue light stream up out of the runes of the magic circle and watched in silence as he disappeared.

Having witnessed what had just happened, Ransy noted that the dark spot of evil he had detected in the room was emanating from the painting on the wall.

Back in the hall way we could hear another volley of attacks and counterattacks, but once again everyone was unharmed except the enemy spell caster, who received a small cut on the arm from Beri's crossbow bolt just as Maikill stepped onto the armoire's magic circle and disappeared.

Just then Cesar was stabbed critically in the chest. Dark shadows began to crowd the pain closer to his brain as he nearly succumbed to the wound, fortunately Bosk was there to heal him before squeezing his massive body into the armoire and disappearing from sight.

Beri continued on, full of determination and loaded his crossbow and fired a single bolt into the enemy caster, hitting him solidly in the shoulder and dropped him like a sack of potatoes as Cesar made a run for it and disappears into the magic circle. Ransy watched Beri's back as he loaded his crossbow, but was unable to do anything as the guard stepped forward and skewered Beri in the chest, sending him into a painful unconsciousness. Ransy quickly grabbed Beri and withdrew into the armoire's magic circle and both disappeared.

There was a shock of the cold as each of us found ourselves underwater, it was almost too much for some--almost losing our breath and beginning to drown immediately. A light from above and hands reaching down helped those that floundered in the water to safety. Everyone had made it except Valla--it was unknown what happened to him. We stood in the ruins of an underground temple, just like the one in the painting in Vellinius' room. In front of us was a stairway, about 50' away and behind us was rubble and blasted ruins of a large statue that none of us could make out. The floor behind us was also sunken, more than likely having fallen into a lower level and then filled in with water that was coming into the temple from various sources. The place smelled musty and looked ancient and no sign of anything living was near.

We quickly healed ourselves of our wounds while Maikill, keeping his eyes and ears open was unable to see or hear anything dangerous and Zeoll found some toxic flours and came up with the idea of coating our heads in poison in case the illithad tried to make a meal of our brains. Many of us followed along with his plan, but Ransy would not partake as he disapproved of the use of poison. Instead he walked over to the closest alcove while concentrating for the presence of evil. He was almost overwhelmed as he detected that the whole structure, every stone and metal beam, radiated evil. The temple was still active in its link to some evil purpose.

After Zeoll was finished Bosk moved toward the center stairs and saw the faint trace of booted footprints leading towards the center stairway--perhaps a week old. After a moment Beri jumped out in front to check for traps, but could find none.

Rounding the corner of the steps we come to the double doors in the center of the walkway that more than likely lead into a worshipping area. Nothing could be heard but the splash of water about us and no enemies could be seen on our side of the doors. Beri could tell that there was a little latch in place holding both doors together and set to work picking the lock.


Bosk gave the signal and we opened up both doors revealing a large hall, perhaps 100' long and 60' wide that was bathed in dim-light from the broken stain glass windows above. Columns ran the length of the hall to either side with many alcoves filled with statues of indistinct busts. Above on both sides and above the doorway was a balcony that ran the length of the hall. At the far end of the hall, approximately 90' away on a raised platform that had an altar and large stone bowl in its center, was a man in black robes accompanied by two children who look familiar to some of us. He turned at the sound of the doors opening and smiled when he saw us. "Look children, we have visitors." The children turn and smile at the new prey that had entered their temple--it was then that some of us realize that these children resemble those of Yosef and Arriet, however, their faces were a bit elongated and the hue of their skin had turned light lavender.

It was then that Ransy noticed a lone figure hidden in the shadows halfway up in the balcony on the right side and that the man in black look wrong, as if an illusion was covering his true form. The shadowy figure stepped out as Maikill made a run for it, and we realized it was Roy the beggar-garbed ranger! He fired off an arrow that hit Maikill in the arm, piercing the half-orc's rhino hide armor.

The man in black shooed the children to hide behind the altar and then turned and waited for Maikill to get in range, which came soon enough. A terrible disturbance like a ripple in reality that emanated from the man in black caught Maikill in its cone of effect. Through a heroic effort, Maikill fought back the almost overwhelming mental assault on his senses, which had threatened to remove him from the fight before it even began.

Zeoll, with his acute perception was able to penetrate the mindflayer's illusionary disguise and was quick to point it out to the rest of the group with great zeal. Then he began to sing and inspired courage in the rest of us as we moved forward into the room and got into position.

We tried to proceed cautiously, but Roy loaded another arrow and fired right at Ransy as he ran forward, hitting him solidly in the right leg while Vellinius held his ground in front of the altar and sent another ripple of energy out that encapsulated Ransy and Zeoll...but it was not enough. Blood flew as both Ransy and Maikill hacked into the Mindflayer--it's black blood coating their weapons, sending wisps of corroding metal trailing behind their swings just as a crossbow bolt whizzed by their heads and implanted itself firmly into the shoulder of the Mindflayer.

Sixty feet away, Bosk slammed his spiked chain into the frail body of the beggar-garbed ranger, dropping him where he stood. Then, a flask of alchemical fire thrown by Zeoll burst against the railing, showering both the ranger and Bosk in flames.

The Mindflayer was in a lot of pain at his point, but he still manages to take a 5' step to this right side and then blasted both Ransy and Maikill again with his mental power. This gave Ransy just enough time to take a swipe at the Mindflayer, allowing his blade to bite into the creature’s flesh, before the paladin was hit and fell, completely oblivious to his surroundings.

Through another heroic effort, Maikill pushed back the pulsating sensation in his brain that threatens to subdue him and struck out at the Illithid just as Cesar charged in to deliver a bloody wound to the creature.

Reeling back on its heels, the foul creature was about to release yet another wave of confusion at us when a crossbow bolt whipped by Cesar's face and implants itself in Vellinus' throat. Gagging on his own blood, Vellinus began to fall when all of a sudden, BOOM, a fireball erupted out the front of his chest and bathed all those nearby in flames.

The battle was over and we were lucky enough to have suffered only minor wounds. The children laid behind the altar, unconscious and burned. Their lavender skin, somewhat matching the Mindflayer's, was singed and boils cover their exposed flesh.

Cesar then set about stabilizing the young children, doing so successfully, as Bosk searched about the Mindflayer--taking his head as a prize and possible evidence for claiming the bounty on the brain-eater. At the end of the great hall, on either side, a stairway was found that lead up to the balcony. Bosk squeezed through as he makes his way to Roy. The beggar-garbed ranger was still alive and laid disabled on the floor. He saw Bosk approach and fumbled for a dagger made from a sharpened stick, but could not muster the strength to even wield it. Kill me, you bastard, he said through gritted teeth. It was obvious that reasoning with Roy would not work and we suspected the worm in his brain might have had something to do with it, so Bosk bound him and tended to his wounds.

As we continued to search the temple Ransy noticed the large stone bowl on the altar--its contents a mass of writhing larvae some burned to ashes. He then tried to detect evil on the larvae and found them to be indeed evil and poured a good amount of oil into the larvae bowl and lit it on fire. The larvae squirmed and sizzled in the fiery blaze, some even popping open like popcorn. Meanwhile Zeoll detected magic at the bottom of the sunken floor where everybody first appeared after stepping into the armoire.

As Beri moves around to the other side of the altar he could make out through the dim light a very large, perhaps 50' tall, bas-relief of some alien looking creature with hundreds of tentacles on the back wall. He also noticed a secret door at its base. Ransy set his mind to the task and found three depressions that could possibly be pushed in to open the door.

Deciding to take the lead, Ransy pressed the buttons and there was a trembling in the ground. Within a few seconds, a large part of the wall had moved back and to the side to reveal a long set of stone stairs that descend down into abject darkness. The stale air of a thousand rotting dead bodies then issues forth from the dark stairway, filling the great hall with the stench of death and decay. No sounds and no movement was forthcoming, just darkness and decay.

We decided to descend into the darkness, Ransy second in line with his lantern keeping the dark at bay as Beri took the lead and searched for traps. The going was slow. At first the walls were slightly damp with moisture, but slowly the musty smell was replaced completely by the stench of rotting corpses from somewhere far below. Going down the passageway the steps were "man-made" with slate and granite lining the walls and steps, however, about 100' down the slate walls abruptly ended in roughhewn earth and stone. The granite steps continued down into the dark for another 500' until we came to an opening. The air was oppressive, heavy with the smell of corpses and languid warmth that pricked at the flesh.

Shining his light past the opening, we saw that the stairs had led to a large naturally formed cavern about 400' in diameter. The stairs continue down to the floor of the cavern some 50' below. In the center of the cavern was a large pit, a sinkhole about 100' in diameter. Eight continual flame braziers equally spaced about the perimeter of the sinkhole marked its edge.

Zeoll carefully walked to the edge of the massive pit and saw that's it's perimeter was edged in flagstone, but just the edge, not inside the rough walls of the pit that disappear hundreds of feet below into complete darkness. Almost immediately he was overcome by the stench emanating from it and the Liontaur reeled back from the smell.

Just then something spoke to us. It was not spoken aloud, but rather in our minds. It was not a gentle caress, nor a fleeting breeze upon the scalp covering our brains, it was akin to red hot iron poker being shoved into our ears. It only speaks two words, but they were filled with dread.


Zeoll and Beri ran in fear for the stairs while the rest of us managed to keep a hold of our senses. Realizing the danger we all decided to follow behind them, but before we could leave the voice spoke again.

Feed Me. The children. Feed me the children.

As Zeoll and Beri fled, not heeding the things call to feed it the helpless children, those nearest the pit felt compelled to do otherwise--in fact, we were compelled to murder. Stepping forth, Bosk let the little girl roll out of his hands into the pit, her body consumed by the darkness. At the same time, Maikill wrested the little boy from Ransy's grip as if it were a ragdoll--much to Ransy's protest, and then flung the body into the black.

There was no sound.

There was no voice.

The fog lifted from our minds and we came to realize what had happened, much to our sorrow.

Some things are never meant to be found

Running from the cavern as fast as we could, we ascended the stairs at breakneck speed. Just as the last of us were about 100' from the secret door the voice spoke one last time, but this time it was like a whisper, a voice from far away and carried with it no compulsion to carry out its desire.

More. I need more.

One by one we left the Temple of the Illithid. Diving into the cold water knocked out any immediate concern or thought about the children and their fates, and as soon as the bottom of the 10' sunken floor was touched where Zeoll indicated, each of us appeared back in the Madrigal inn. After everyone popped back in, it was apparent the place was shutdown. The enormous hole in the roof was left open and uncovered, letting the rain soak everything in that particular room, permeating the floor boards and leaking to the main floor below. No one was in the inn, it was dead silent.

Despite our terror, we knew that one day we would have to return and destroy the abomination within the pit. As we watched Beri took his pry bar to the armoire and popped the bottom off while the whole of the armoire was on its side, managing to keep the teleporter intact. We then stowed away the painting and bottom shelf of the armoire and made our way downstairs and found it totally deserted and with much of the liquor taken.

We then returned in silence to the shop. There we were welcomed by Sanji, Helmust and Jillian--there was no sight of Valla and Zeoll's dog had not returned, he no longer felt any link to it.

At Bosk’s request Sanji fetched the mole and said, I've been feeding it vegetables and such and it seems to be doing well. The cage it was in was well tended and the mole seemed to be sleeping, but when brought near Roy it awakened and sniffed the airs fervently, and then began to claw at the cage in Roy's direction.

After praying to his god, Bosk took the mole out of its cage and placed it near Roy. It immediately scampered over to the back of Roy's skull and sniffs wildly through the beggar-garbed man's hair. It stopped all of a sudden and froze, much like a hunting hound pointing to its prey. Roy continued to lay still for some time as the mole remained frozen in place, then without warning he screamed and convulsed as the mole attached to him. We didn’t know what to do, then as suddenly as it had started, it ended. The mole licked his lips and headed back to its cage, searching with its nose, and then curled up inside in a cozy corner. Roy remained still, but his eyes were open--he was completely catatonic.

That evening Cesar and Ransy decided to take Whiner for a ride to the Madrigal and arrived back at the Inn while the rest of the group had voted to stay behind in the warmth of the shop--not wishing to push their luck with the shadow-clad denizens of Mudtown that prowled the streets looking for an easy target.

Cesar and Ransy diligently searched for Valla, interrupted every now and then as Cesar bumped into something and cried out an expletive or knocked something over like a chair. In their searches Ransy found a splatter of blood downstairs in the area where Zeoll's dog had been commanded to fight off anyone who had come to that spot--a subsequent smear of blood denoted that the dog's body was more than likely pushed over the side of the veranda and into the water, where it's body probably floated out to sea. There was absolutely no sign of Valla.

As they finish their search, they came out to find six men had gathered about Whiner, each arguing with the other that they had seen the horse first and that it was theirs. When they spotted Cesar and Ransy, they quit their bickering and turn their attention to the pair.

Oi, this your horse? Nice one it is. You don't mind us borrowing it for a while, does ya? The others start to giggle a little, obviously a little intoxicated from prior reveries.

Under the protection of a flap of a tent, Mara looked on at the sight as the six men were undoubtedly sizing up the pair of men who were exiting the Madrigal—which we later learned was closed down earlier that the evening because the guards within turned on the owner and robbed him blind, then left town just as quickly. Mara had thought about staying at that inn, but it was shut down before she could secure a room, so she had to find shelter under a nearby tent flap until she could think of something else to do, somewhere else to go.

Ransy tried to talk the men down, but they were determined to claim the horse. Mara began to circle back around the men as they spread out and one of them grabbed the reins of the horse and pulled it back behind them.

With one quick motion, Ransy lunged forward and attempted to impale the horse thief pulling on the reluctant Whiner's reins, just barely missing. Then, out of nowhere, Mara tripped a member of the horse thieves to the ground and slammed the guisarme she was wielding into his chest--taking him out of action in a single blow while Cesar, astonished at the attack, gathered his wits and rushed forward to wrestle the reins from the horse thief, failing miserably.

Three of the men drew their swords and attacked drunkenly at the pair, missing them completely while the other two drew their long swords and charged the woman, drawing long slashes across her arm and torso. Yelling at the top of her lungs, Mara counterattacked one of the thieves as they attack and slammed them to the ground, driving her guisarme into his chest, taking another guy out of the fight, and then another one.

Amazed at how well the woman was doing, Ransy was was relieved as he was finally successful in hitting his foe, rending a large bloody gash across the man's chain shirt and chest while Cesar continued to have no luck trying to wrest the reins of his horse away from the thief. Meanwhile, down the street, some 60ft away, the rest of us arrived and saw Cesar and Ransy battling what looked like three swordsmen and a woman nearby wielding a guisarme.

After seeing another friend of his hammered into the ground, and more men coming to Cesar and Ransy's aid, the lead horse-thief that Ransy just drew blood on, dropped his sword and began begging for mercy, PLEASE! Don't kill me, please! His other companions did likewise.

The men were stripped of their weapons and armor and ran off into the night, leaving their four unconscious comrades behind. We knew if they were left there that they could be killed, or worse, taken as slaves much like Cesar and Ransy had been. After gathering up their weapons Ransy stabilized the men and we took them into the Madrigal, out of the rain. We then headed back to the shop.

DAY 17

In the morning we were roused from sleep by a persistent knocking on the front door. Answering it, we saw a man at the door and about 10 men milling behind him by a wagon, taking cover under a canvas flap extending from the wagon filled with tools and lumber. Good morning! he exclaimed, like there was actually something good about being in rainy Mudtown. "I'm Gil and I'm here to build some rooms for you all. I do have the right place, right?"

With all of the construction the shop was cramped and noisy. Ransy took it upon himself to clean up after Roy, and thought of how it reminded him of the early days when he was a novice tasked for such things. He did not miss those days of "paying his dues", but still had fond memories of the camaraderie he shared with his fellow novices who also shared in the less than desired chores. Studying Roy carefully, the paladin determined that Roy was never going to get fully back to who he was without magical help.

At Ransy’s urging, Bosk, Maikill and Beri headed off for Hook City proper to take care of Roy's condition and Maikill's poison. Once inside the city, thanks to our Writ of Passage, we found a healer's office on the main street. His prices seemed fair compared to the rest, and he told us that he could get rid of Maikill's poison and that he could treat Roy, but the ranger would have to be brought to him rather than him returning to Mud Town with us.

The healer took Maikill’s money and began his prayer to restore Maikill to his full potential. The feeling in Maikill's hand, where he was poisoned, began to feel strange--almost like a worm working its way back out of his skin. Soon however the half-orc was feeling much better and the effects of the poison were completely gone.

Our next stop was to try to collect the 5000 gold reward. The innkeeper was shocked at first by the sight of the tenacled head Bosk presented him, but said rather apologetically, I'm sorry fella's, but it's been over a week since the last braineater attack. Do you have any witnesses other than those in your group that this is indeed the braineater? After some negotiating we agreed to return with Roy after he was healed to claim the reward.

Day 18

The next morning, if one could tell that it was indeed morning, for it was still dark and rainy, a figure in the street had gathered a bit of a crowd. A preacher, tall for a gnome, stood precariously balanced on several actual soap boxes. Each box also has repent written upon it. He instructed us to “Act by the laws of our hearts and then vanished in a flash of smoke.

Meanwhile, the sleeping Roy dressed in new clothes was carried to the healer by Ransy and the others. Welcome. He greeted us. Taking Roy in his lap he continued, Poor lad. There's something special in this one. More than meets the eye. The gypsy blood in me can feel it. He put one hand on Roy's heart and one on his head and began to hum softly some old hymn long forgotten.

Roy awakened with a scream, evidently still in the moment of his injury. He paniced, attacking the healer and clawing at him. nooooooOOOOOOOOWWWWW! With time Roy calmed down, sweating, and look up questioningly at those helping him. I had a nightmare? Why do you need a healer for a nightmare? Shaking, he folded into the fetal position, his ordeal too much to bear.

The healer refused to take any money for his aid and when asked his name replied, "I have not been named. I am just The Healer. Just as you are Zeoll and have journeyed farther than anyone here could possibly know. I came because The Preacher did. He preaches. I heal. Which I have done. Things are balanced once again."

He stood and stretched. Roy will not heal completely overnight. Magic can't sort through horror. It must find its own way. And no he is not evil. He is Roy. But he does have a gift, though he knows it not. Until he finds his destiny, keep an eye on him from time to time. He may show the way. Then The Healer left the tent and walks away.

By the time we reached the store, Roy has regained a bit of his old self and informed us that he wished to leave and put his past behind him. Beriothian spoke to the ranger for a while and convinced him that he was still unwell and should wait until his strength had recovered before leaving, and Roy eventually agreed.

The rest of the day was spent on various activities with Maikill repairing his gear and Bosk and Zeolll discussing how to get Roy to tell his story so that we could claim the reward. Beri and Ransy left for Hook City and spent the evening at the WLA where Beri spent his time training and Ransy found a note stating Please help us find our missing daughter, a young human lady, fair of skin and hair, wearing a blue dress and grey apron, named Tallie. Last seen in Mudtown. Contact Harls the Cooper on Maple Lane. Ransy recognized the street as one that was near the edge of Hook City, near the gate to Mudtown.

Day 19

Today Zeoll spoke with Roy, and convinced him to tell his story one last time. But after that, Roy was set on leaving town and making a new start in his life somewhere else. We were just getting set to head out when Valla returned, speaking incoherently about the ghosts in his tower before leaving us once again.

We decided to let Zeoll and his silver tongue do the talking. The liontaur used his dulcet tones to give life to Ransy's very eloquent ideas and it seemed to have an elucidative effect on the innkeeper's understanding of the matter. Especially when Roy joined in to say that yes, that was the head of the mind flayer that held him captive, and yes, we were the heroes that killed it, and yes, we freed him of its influence and helped him to get healing.

Well, that all seems clear, said the owner of the establishment. If you'll just hand over the head, I have the reward right here for you. He fetched a jingling bag of something heavy from under the bar, and at the Poison Frog a stinky head was exchanged for sweet sweet coins. After exiting, Roy bowed. Once I thought you were my enemies, but you have helped me as friends too. So with mixed and confused feelings, let me bid you farewell, with a sincere, heartfelt, and kindly wish that our paths never cross again.

We then walked over to Harls' cooper shop in Hook City, near the gate closest to Mudtown. With the writ duly proclaiming our registered status as the "Iron Adventurers," we had no problem with the guard at the gate. Just inside the city, on a street filled with woodworkers, cart-makers, and blacksmiths, we found the place -- based on the big water barrel out front with the word Harls painted on it.

Harl was a strong workman with eyes that squinted when he pondered something. At first he paused when we told him we were the Iron Adventurers responding to his notice about his daughter. He shrugged, shouted for his apprentice to mind the shop, and invited us around back to meet his wife. We all sat on benches under a big maple tree growing in the back yard until Harl came back out with his wife, who he introduced as Sarrie.

Harls looked at us bit askance and demanded, How much are you lot charging us? When we explain that we wanted no payment or reward his composure cracked and he couldn’t talk, and tears rolled down his cheeks.

His wife puts an arm around his shoulders and told us, We've had three adventurer groups come by, and all wanted far more than we could afford. People back in Mudtown think that because we moved out of there and into the city that we must be rich. But we're not. We've worked hard to make a better life for our children. But we don't have thousands of gold pieces.

She informed us that her daughter was visiting cousins in Mudtown. They said she left before nightfall, but that she never came back and told us the name of her sister and where she lived. Her daughter's name was Tallie, a young lady of 16 with pale skin and blonde hair. She was last seen wearing a blue dress and grey apron.

We easily found the house of Sarrie's sister, Jemmie. It was a big house that held several families. Once inside we were introduced to a half-elf, clad in leather armor, with two short swords at his belt. "Ah, I am Herrert Half-Elven, and I suspect we may have an enemy in common. He told us that he was there to help find the missing girl, and to teach the kidnappers a most appropriate lesson. Moreover, he has reason to believe that there was a cult behind it.

When asked why he thought a cult might be involved he responded, I think there is a cult because I seek a young boy who has gone missing, because his family asked me to. I traced him to a warehouse and to a tavern, both the scenes of past violence, after I got there. But three people I found in those areas gave me clues. I think the warehouse you mention is that same one. Both the warehouse and the tavern are abandoned now, and the cult members who remain do not go near, I guess.

My suspicion is that your group has broken the back of this cult, and driven it further underground, but that some remnant of kidnappers persists, or had stolen this girl before you did your effective work. My fear is that those kidnappers have killed their victims and gone into hiding. I am here now, in this house, because I heard a rumor that a girl was taken near here, a part of this family. I think there may be a connection.

We did our best to investigate, but gained little information until Bosk had the presence of mind to expand his investigative efforts to include past associates, and there he hit pay dirt -- or maybe a false lead. A former gang member from the Iron Fist told Bosk that a local thuglord has a new moll who fits the description. She isn't exactly "unwilling" or "innocent," though, the cad snickers rudely as he tells Bosk what little he knows. This leader of this band of thugs is named Gary Glittertooth, from the gold in his teeth. He's known to sell his troops' protection, both as irregular mercenaries and for more unsavory work. Rumor has it he has his hand in worse, too. Currently Gary calls home a warehouse that he owns.

Believing that it was too dangerous to search out the thuglord Gary Glittertooth late at night, and reasoning that if the girl is his new "moll," then she was in no immediate danger, we decided to rest for the night and to continue our search in the morning.

Day 20

Early the next afternoon Hererrt arrived and we began to discuss tactics, deciding on a simple approach of opening a dialogue and asking Glittertooth directly.

We arrived at a large building maybe 60 feet by 80 feet with a main door right on the street. It had a small sliding panel in it, which could be opened for discussion without opening the door. We knocked lightly and wait for a response. A moment later the panel slid away and a human asked us to Wait a minute, and slid the panel shut.

About a minute later there was a click and the door swung open. Inside was a room 15 feet wide and 25 feet long. At the far end was a closed curtain and in front of the curtain was a man sitting on a chair. His clothes were flashy and expensive and we could see his glittering teeth as he smiled and said, Come on in! Let's talk!

Maikill walked in with some apprehension, things not going at all like he expected. He walked along the right hand wall and puts his hand to the curtain, feeling the fabric.

Suddenly Glittertooth said, Attack! Four panels, two on each side, opened briefly -- long enough for an arrow to fly out -- and then closed. The arrows bit deep into half of our party members. Maikill attacked right through the curtain, somehow knowing where to strike. He swung and we could tell by the meaty thud of his axe that he hit.

Zeoll didn’t miss a beat and began singing a ditty to rally the troops as Bosk knocked in the panel between him and a villain with a short bow. But our enthusiasm was short lived as a hidden archer fired at Bosk leaving a devastating wound.

Ransy discovered that both Gary Glittertooth and the curtain were an illusion and spotted a gate behind just behind them. Try as he might, he was unable to lift it. He then noticed that the gate was on wheels and designed to roll back and forth. He sensed, as he strained at it, that there was a hook or such keeping it in place that might yield to a feat of strength. Meanwhile Beriothian shoved a prybar from his toolkit into the panel, disabling it so it stayed closed as Bosk attempted to fight through the curtain at the unseen archer that assailed him and Zeoll threw a flask at the cowardly archer.

Gary, seeing that we were seeing through the illusion, dropped it revealing that it was a grillwork, and not a curtain, closing off the entire length of the far wall. Behind the grill were two humans. One was Gary Glittertooth and the other was likely his Leftenant.

Gary and the Leftenant then stepped back five feet, so that their backs were against some crates, and then pulled out some bows and arrows which were shot at Ransy as he and Maikill tried without luck to pull the gate open.

Seeing their difficulty, Beriothian wriggled up to the front and tried to unlatch the peg holding the gate shut, but realizes that it will take a minute to complete his task. To his left Bosk easily downed the rogue behind the destroyed panel and Zeoll cast a spell at the Leftenant causing him to fall prone.

Gary, realizing the danger if that gate opened, shot at Beriothian, hoping to down him before he could complete his work and shouted at the archers to shoot at the thief at the gate! Suddenly the archer whose panel was stuck shut turned the corner and shot Beri as the two remaining archers attacked Bosk, who had just killed their friend

Beriothian, discouraged by the way his life's blood is pouring out of multiple holes in his body, backed off and cured himself as Zeoll healed Bosk and Maikill forced the gate open, cracking the peg and moving up to Glittertooth.

Gary saw the state of things, and had no desire to fight Bosk and Maikill, much less the rest of us. He tried to withdraw when Hererrt called out, Going somewhere, villain? and the invisible Hererrt, standing behind Gary, knocked him unconscious.

With some urging by Zeoll the remaining archers were convinced to leave and Ransy escorted them out, making sure they tried no funny business, and Maikill made sure the Leftenant behaved himself as the human came out of Zeoll’s spell.

Bosk gave Garry an ultimatum and Gary Glittertooth saw the logic in it ...and the logic of Maikill's sharp ax-blade and sharper threats. Look, the girl is fine, Gary said. She's locked in a back room and there are no more traps. Look, I run a legitimate protection racket for my neighborhood. I offer the residents and the businesses protection, and everyone else has to look out. Well, this girl was not where she was supposed to be, so we snagged her. Yeah, we heard there was some goons paying top gold for trespassers. He then told Bosk that his only interest was in the payment. Hhe continued, We went to deliver the girl and collect the bounty, no one showed up. Meanwhile, the girl had taken a shine to me, so I keep her for a moll. No harm, no foul, see?

But when we went to the location in question a quick search found the girl, and she was clearly very happy to be rescued, smiling at Beriothian after he let her out. I'm okay, she said. I just want to go home.

Gary then told Ransy that he didn't know anything about a cult, on the record. But just among us, he said, I did hear rumors that someone was looking to put some blood on an altar. I didn't know that was these goons, I swear. Plus the goons weren't even there when I got there, he added.

Bosk then gathered up Gary's weapons and possessions and offered him deal -- no more kidnapping, lose his gear, and he must tell the party any news he hears, to which Ransy added that Gary could earn back some stuff in exchange for quality information. Gary agreed, and said had one last piece of info to offer. He had a note dropped off a couple days ago under his front door asking for more living bodies after a certain date, with a location -- the intersection of two streets in Mudtown. The note said not to show up until double new moon. Maikill lowered his weapon and asked someone else to ask Tallie how she is doing, but she had already approached with Beri and answered for herself. I -- I'm fine. I just want to go home, please. I don't want anything from this filthy place.

Back in the main store room with Bosk and Zeoll, Hererrt commented, "Justice is not always clean, nor is it exactly fair, but I believe that we do the best we can. If that means sometimes justice is a little rough around the edges, so be it. We live in an imperfect world. Maybe we can talk about that some more, if any of you are interested in philosophy. The young cleric is caught off guard by Hererrt's words and after asking him who exactly he is takes him up on his offer.

"I'm someone who makes it his job to help those who have been wronged. I honor as a priest the Lady of Vengeance, who comforts those who cry out for justice, and she gives it to them, though her justice is sometimes rough. She has much to offer, and I hope we can continue our conversa-tion, after we deal with this mess."

We then left the warehouse and escorted Tallie home. Her parents were so grateful! They spon-taneously decided to throw a welcome home party and they invite us to come to it in three days, anytime from late afternoon onwards. They really were insistent that we promise to attend as guests of honor. Tallie's mother even made a point of telling Maikill that she would make a dou-ble batch of her cookies that he liked so much.

Day 21-23

Bosk and Zeoll spent much of the interim with Hererrt learning the mysteries of the Avenger and the ways of a Stinger. They then met up with Ransy to spend time at the Hook City WLA out-post. Several of the other members ask us why we still hang around in Mudtown, given that we are true heroes and adventurers now. Several were willing to concede that there is good to be done there, after a fashion, but asked why we make our home in such filth and squalor? Our WLA officers were less critical, but when asked, mention that it seemed beneath us. They might have been a little worried about the WLA reputation we are expected to maintain. A few WLA members seemed to understand, though, and gave us props. One, an eccentric who wears a flower mask, said he admired us and our devotion to mingling with the people we care for.

Meanwhile, Zeoll and Beri remained in Mud Town to help out in the shop. This gave Sanji a chance to take a much-deserved break and Zeoll got to spend some quality time to work in his garden.

Finally the day came for our party in Maple Lane. Harls had evidently worked hard to make this a real block party! Decorative cloths hung from the windows. There was a juggler and three rope-dancers. There was even a spit with a boar. As soon as we were in view, Harls rushed up, grinning. Please, join the family feast in the back yard, he said. There we found tables set up -- even with two huge place settings for the taurs. The entire clan -- must be 40 people -- were there dancing and drinking. And once we arrived, it was time to eat!

Day 24-25

The last few days have passed by fairly uneventfully. Today we are staying at an inn named Doves Nest. It is a simple ten room hotel with a tavern attached. Its immaculate interior draws those in town with a few extra chits to spare, including us. The last few days have been good. Some small word of our deeds have brought us a bit of respect and a little extra side work, which earned each of us 1 White Chit. This strange currency Hook City uses confused us at first, but we are quickly catching onto the magical monetary system.

The haunted tower Valla purchased is to be our next task, seeing as an inn in the city is quite ex-pensive and it is not easy to get in and out of the gates. Still, we are bothered by the note that Gary found. It forebodes more problems in Mud Town…at the corner of two streets, intersection in one of the few places for large structures to have a foundation has been named. That only gives us three days, not much time to deal with the ghosts.

After asking around, we discovered that the two girls had been killed when a chandelier fell on them in the Great Hall. Many say that the girls were climbing on it, however there is also the possibility of foul play. Nervously we entered the house and explored, but our fears were unwar-ranted. The house was empty and the ghosts nowhere to be found, so we decided to wait and try our luck again that evening.

When we returned Zeoll brought with some dolls and a tea set for the young girls. Once again there was much exploring, and we discovered a small talisman of unknown meaning in the back of one of the rooms. Once again the visit was uneventful, that is until Zeoll began singing and the ghosts appeared and requested an encore.

Aided by Beri he was able to fulfill their request with a delightful round of Kookaburra. The girl’s voices and laughter could be heard to carry across the room as well. Sometime during the song though, the laughing seems to end and any signs of the girls was gone

Zeoll offered up his tribute to the small girls, hoping they could hear him and would enjoy their new toys. Those were the only furnishings that were in the house. He then thought that letting others know our residence is haunted also seems like a good idea, and placed a warning sign up outside.

Beriothian spent a moment trying to examine the twenty foot high, vaulted ceiling without being up there and close, and looking at the holes in the rock, where the chandelier was once mounted, it appeared the bolts have been ripped from the stone. The crack in the tiles on the floor was a sure indication as to how heavy the iron frame work must have been, before the weight of the girls caused it to collapse, if that is indeed what happened. How two children could get up that high without assistance seems near impossible. I says "near impossible", because that is what appears to have happened, at least through the rumor mill where our information came from.

Day 26

Once again we left Hook City, deciding it wise to recon the intersection before the kidnappers arrived. Outside the gates, the sound of people waiting in line assaulted us, as do people cough-ing from the cold spell that was coming our way. One’s breath could be seen that night and thankfully, we had someplace besides a tent to stay tonight.

Four buildings resided at the intersection that resembled more a pool of water then any road. Two of the buildings appeared abandoned while a third was occupied and the fourth seemed to be full of stock with armed men at the entrance.

Each building was 100 feet apart from the others, in a square pattern. The Northeast building had the guards out front and the Northwest corner was the occupied warehouse. Their lights shone from within and the windows hade fine blinds covering the interior view. The Southeast building had a lease price on the open door and a man sitting just inside the storage facility, leaning back in a chair, watching the street. The Southwest building needed a lot of construction. The roof was half missing and what remained appeared unsafe. The northern wall was leaning heavily outward, as if attempting to break free from the rest of the structure.

Hoping to gather some more information Zeoll performed under the pavilion we had to walk by to get back to our shop in the town of mud. He made 21 copper pieces from those nearby and learned there was a cleric in one of the buildings. She was involved with the sick and she dispenses with the dead and dying of Mudtown. Her younger siblings are a mixed lot and Gat is to be avoided at all cost. He is as big and strong as a human gets, despite his youth and as mean as a troll in a brick oven. He usually has a sibling with him at all times to keep him in check. The other buildings were standard warehouses. They were full and empty again around every three days, the average time it takes for a merchant to enter the city after getting his number. Of course, anything said we consider speculation until proven. Rumors can only be trusted so far.

We then returned to our shop, where we promptly receive a note. It was an address in Hook City and the cry was urgent. The letter had been printed on the finest of paper with gold leaf boarders and with a very styled script in calligraphy, it read on the envelope:

"Iron Adventurers"

After opening the envelope, there was a card that read, in a golden ink, likewise with a beautiful handwriting..

Greetings gentleman. I am in need of someone to investigate the disappearance of my son. I have heard wonderful things about you and your work, perhaps you can visit me as soon as possible, for breakfast perhaps and we can talk business.

Mistress Marta'''''

Day 27

After our baths we traveled down the Marble Causeway towards our tower and discussed the best course of action for approaching Martha's and the possibility of getting hired for another job. A quick check of the tower told us the ghosts had not been back, or at least they had not moved anything. Perhaps this means that they can only stay in our plane for a limited amount of time each day. We then left the tower and headed towards Martha’s. At the door, a beautiful young woman in a nightgown answered and gave us a beautiful and graceful curtsey, "Oh greetings, greetings, Mistress Marta has been eagerly awaiting your arrival. She had hoped you would be here yesterday, but she did not know when adventurers would get back to their store to receive the note."

We were all whisked away into the house by the prancing young human female as we made our way through the house to the main dining room, where the buffet of food was large, even for minotaur standards.

Soon Mistress Marta, an elegantly, beautiful woman which has a youthful appearence, despite her middle aged years, entered the dining room. Her voice was a melody unto itself. Soft yet clear enough for all to hear, "Thank you all for coming to my home. I am very pleased to have you here. Please, let us enjoy small talk while you all eat your fill and then, we can discuss business, as is proper."

After we had had our fill and the food was removed, Mistress Marta orders the servants to ration the left overs for recess and lunch time for the children, then, she asks one to send in Feid and Caukt (Pronounced Fid and Cot)

Two short, slim men walked in from the back entrance. Both of them had short black hair and very dark eyes. They wore black cloaks, which revealed when tossed over their shoulder, a blue shirt with blue pants. Each sported a long sword and a short sword. Hand crossbows hung from their hips. Each wore soft black boots. If you were to see people as unnerving, they would meet the description. They bowed to Mistress Marta when they enter and sat themselves on each side of her as she introduced us all. These two men are a part of my intelligence agency. There is nothing that occurs, I do not have knowledgable of, in Hook City. Outside the city however, we are at a loss.

Mistress Marta continued My son was last seen leaving the city a week ago. He would have run out of money long before now and that is why I am suspicious. If someone knew who he was or who I am, they would have asked for a ransom, so I am quite worried, it is worse then that. His street name is "Twice". I don't know how he came home with that one day, I do not know. He just asked us to start using it when he was around fourteen. I will not jest with you, he can be a loving, sweet, gentle spirit one minute and then, an uncontrollable, angry foolish man the next. I will admit he is not quite right in the head and I have taken him to priests to be cured, but they tell me, a disposition is not a disease. He likes to drink, quite a bit and he also enjoys, what does he call it? She looks to Feid on her right. In his low clear voice, the small man answered her question, He calls going to Mud Town, slumming it, Mistress.

She smiled and looks back at us, Slumming it. How one would slum, I have no idea, but he comes home after a few days of binging on alcohol and when he recuperates, goes off and does it again. I knew it would someday get him in trouble. That or his hobby.. At this point, she looked a bit embarrassed, "It was when he first came home with his street name, that I noticed new behaviors about him. Then, my intelligence staff came to me to explain, he has taken up being a rogue. I was disgusted. I expelled him for a time and I am afraid, it made him much worse, or I should say, much better at what he does. Now, he is swift with his blades and his mind. Do not corner him or fight him if you find him. Come back and tell me if he is alright. If he is in trouble though, he will need your help. Bring him home safe and alive and I will pay you well. If by some chance he thinks you are the enemy, his real name is Reginald. Hopefully, that will bring him out of his fog of rage and he will know I sent you."

We made our way out the gate, back to Mudtown and were assaulted by the cold breeze that comes in during the day as well as the night. It bit through our clothes, attacking the nerves that run along the surface of the skin. Immediately we began our investigation, but were only able to discover that Gary Glittertooth has left town and that two humans and a gnoll had been seen asking the decrepit if they needed help. They had been seen with dead bodies in their cart as well. Most thought it was nice of them, but no one knew why they are doing it.

Unable to get a lead on Twice we began searching for the three men said to be looking for bodies, when we were approached by a middle aged man named Jeb Maker wearing a thick, dirty cloak, who asked us to help him find his missing friend who was on the brink of death. "My, my friend, he's gone too ya see. His name is Jack and he's about my size with the Gandub.” Although he had no money to offer, we agreed to assist him in exchange for helping Sanji out around the shop.

As we made our way down toward the cross roads we spotted a cart being pulled by two human in cloaks and a gnoll, guiding the nose, pushing through mud mounds when necessary. The trio was perhaps two hundred feet away and was walking the cart slowly up a hill. There was at least a score of people of all types, between us and them.

We moved quickly towards them, some walking and others running. Beriothian quickly out distanced us and as he got close, perhaps a little winded after the exertion of running in difficult terrain, he got their attention and they turned around. The gnoll puts his hand on his sword, but one of the humans in front says, "Hello, are you or someone you know ill?"

Thinking it best not to tell them the true reasoning behind our inquiry, he came up with a quick story to distract them from moving on, allowing the rest of us to catch up. The two humans believed Beriothian’s tale of woe, but the gnoll just blinked a couple of times and then looked down the hill and saw us approaching at a rapid rate. He lies. Yelled the gnoll and weapons were quickly drawn. If it wasn’t for the elves quick talking things would have gone bad, but as it was he managed to smooth things out by the time we got to the top of the hill.

The new spokesperson for the trio introduced himself, My name is Brett. We have a couple of people in the cart in need of aid, can you ask your questions while we walk please, the priestess is waiting for today's arrivals. We learned that the trio went out every day and picked up the sick and dead for the priestess and her siblings. From what they heard, if she can't heal people, she eases their pain until they pass. Although they were unsure who she got her powers from, the symbol she wears is a single blood shot eye with a tear dripping from the corner. “Her name is Heather Brodery,” he said. “She is a tough but fair woman. She likes things exact. She is the oldest sibling, then there is Jimbim. He's a nice guy. Clarissa, she will look at you and make you feel funny and not in a good way. Then Katherine and Billy Boy. Don't piss them off or you will wake up without your clothes. Lastly, there is Gat. Toss a coin to figure out that man’s mood. He likes to fight and will take anything said to him as an insult, just so he can."

As we approached the Healer’s Brett said, This is where we must part. If you wish to speak with the priestess, you must deal with her siblings first. Good luck to you all and thanks for helping with the cart. It is appreciated.

We were then approached by a man standing outside the building, Hi there, Need directions or something?" Beriothian told it like it was. He said that we were looking for someone, all the while thinking that they might be the ones responsible for the disappearances. We were prepared for the worst.

My name is Jimbim. He said to us. He then looked back to Gat before speaking to us again, What's his name? After mentioning Jack, he said, Wait right here, let me go tell si...er...the Priestess.

Jimbim then walked over to Gat, You stand right here and don't move! he said with no small authority. The large man just nodded his head as Jimbim walks inside. Then after he was gone, Gat cracked his knuckles as he looked your direction. After about five minutes, the tension got thicker and it looked like Gat was about to come over to us when Jimbim came back out and Gat suddenly relaxed again. Jimbim approached us and said. She is very busy tonight, but there is a man inside named Jack. He is recovering from the Gandub, but still in danger if he goes out tonight. She says you all can come back in the morning to visit him if you like. Jimbim then wished us a good evening, Have a good night and stay warm. He said as his human head nodded in our direction, and he turned back to take his post.

Due to the weather we decided to stay the night at the shop with our new employee until the storm passed. Whatever meeting was supposed to happen this night we believed would have to be postponed, and the warehouse will not likely kill and eat Jack like some colossal mimic creature.

The night wass long as the howling of the storm mingled with the ripping apart of canvas from nearby tents that were not well secured. In the streets the sound of screaming and crying could be heard from those that had made the long journey to Hook City were trapped in blizzard like conditions, with very little fabric between them and an intelligent Sargrass.

Finally though, it subsides and the sun came out soon afterward. Accessing the damage, it would seem that all of the profits our store had made this month would be going back into the repair of the building.

Day 28

The morning finally came, but not before terrible things had happen to the people around our store. As we hunkered down last evening, in a nice, somewhat safe environment Zeoll stayed outside to protect his garden and took action when he heard the cries of the innocent that were having such a hard time in the weather.

In the morning, we got to meet Berol, his wife Suzi and their four your old daughter Amber, they were the family Zeoll had helped last night. As they left we saw them thank Zeoll for the night before and after a brief farewell they gave him a medium sized box from the many crates they had packed into their two wagons. The liontaur literally looked as though he was beaten up last evening. The wind had buffeted his Gazebo and parts of it, like the rest of the store, failed, but most, if not all of his plants had been saved.

Stepping outside, we were assaulted by the chaos and destruction so prevalent as those that made it through the night attempted to salvage their lives and get into Hook City as soon as possible. The crunch of fresh snow under foot, paw and hoof was quite audible until a main trail was reached, made by others earlier and fortunately the earth was still hard from the freeze and easier to walk upon as we made our way to the healer’s.

As we approached the warehouse, we saw dozens of people outside and a long table set up with tools and utensils. At the head of the table, holding a scalpel, we saw a medium sized woman with dark brown hair in white bloody robes. A man was under her knife as Gat held the subject and pinned him firmly to the table, all the while, the stranger being cut screamed. It appeared to be something out of a horror story or something you would see as you enter some dark temple, but in fact, the man was seen to have a compound fracture of his clavicle and she was attempting to set it. We saw others of her family talking to the wounded lined up to receive her attentions. Jimbim strode up to us wearing a smile and a black eye. Can't blame you for not coming back last night. Is this your friend that knows Jack? You can come with me and you can talk to him. He said to Jeb before turning to us, You said you were willing to help, well here is your chance. If you have healing skills, go attend the priestess, if you don't, go collect the wounded and dead in this area, from last night and bring them here. If you need money, we will talk about that later.

We then approached the priestess named Heather and offered her our assistance, in varying fashions, and watched as the priestess used her mundane knowledge to help the people in the area. She did not once cast a spell of any type and her hands seemed skilled, likely from sewing up her family and others for so long, she made it appear almost easy.

When all the patients were tended to Heather addressed us once again, You have all done well today. Your service is appreciated. Have you received all the answers you were looking for today on me and my siblings? If not, feel free to ask them, we have nothing to hide and have done nothing wrong.

After sking her more about her beliefs and healing we asked her about Twice. She pointed up stairs, Up there is the scum of Mud Town. They are given a choice of eating food or taking their drugs of choice. I have told them, if they want to get better and survive, they must eat food, but if they prefer the drugs, it will slowly kill them. Those upstairs want the drugs. I keep them away from those that want to thrive, down here. There is no doubt he is upstairs and quite a sore where I sit for quite some time. It is not uncommon to find the once wealthy, wearing finery long soiled, but I thought he was going to drink himself into a coma several times already and always does he wake up.

Gat came back down the stairs when she asks him, "Please go upstairs and bring down the fellow in bed two. Gat looked upstairs and shrugged his shoulders before going back up. We saw him counting on his fingers on the way, making sure he knew what two meant."

I am glad he has somewhere to go. She said, He has been the only patient I ever thought about outright killing while under my care. A few minutes later Twice was brought down over the right shoulder of Gat and Heather didn't even bother to look at him saying, If you don't take him with you, I will poison him! He is but a rodent to me. The look in her one good eye told us she meant it.

Zeoll and Beriothian attempt to reason with the heavily inebriated twice, but even the most glib of diplomats couldn't talk sense into the drunk. To him, it was just a bunch of blah, blah, blah, until a keg of Dwarven Ale was broke open. Just a small sip from Bosk’s small keg was all that was needed to get him to grabthe cup and follow the minotaur where ever he chose to lead him.

The gates to the city were already closed for the night and we knew we would have to wait until morning to enter the city. We made our way back to the shop without incident. After Twice almost dropped the keg of Dwarven Ale a couple of times, he decided Bosk could carry it for him. He rambled on into the wee hours of the morning. We had trouble sleeping as he sung and danced about the place, stumbling over furniture and banging his shoulders through doorways. We finally got him drunk enough to pass out, and there was plenty of Dwarven Ale left for the derelict drunk in the morning.

Day 29

On the way to the gate he woke up now and again to look around through blood shot eyes, and Zeoll had to clean him up using a prestidigitation spell. Getting Twice past the paladin was the hardest part of the misadventure. After much reassurance by us as to the his health and the promise to get him straight to his mother’s house in the city, of which he is a citizen, it was with some reluctance and perhaps an hour in a private office, before we were allowed to enter the city.

Along the way, Twice told us of his moments where he was lucid. That was a strange place back there you know. That woman would have just as easily killed someone has helped them. If it wasn't for that beer, I would have found some nice cozy wagon maids tent. Her sister now, she is a wicked one for sure, but Jimbim is pretty nice. When the others were not around he would come up and drink with me and play some cards. Jimbim isn't to comfortable with the company his sister's been keeping, but he is the oldest brother of the group and is trying to keep them all together.

When we arrived Mistress Marta didn’t even say hello to her son before asking us to please come inside and join her in her office. It was pretty easy to tell that Mistress Marta was disgusted or perhaps ashamed of her son, then angry. Maybe disappointed was more like it? However, that did not not stop her from being friendly with us. Fresh snacks and warmed wine were served. The cheese ass delicious and the beverage was smooth with little bitterness at the end. "Thank you all very much for seeing Reginald home. I will admit, I did not expect such a quick response and your time is appreciated."

After talking with Mistress Marta for a while we began discussing possible ways to help her son overcome his addiction. Zeoll suggested she enlist the aid of a Troubadour of Flower, that is, a bardic follower of the god of true love of the north. They are trained in the art of changing hearts and guiding behavior in good faith, without coercion. Such a player of heartstrings could convince Twice to give up his love of drink, honestly and permanently. Bosk then mentioned that a previous member in their group had been a priestess of the Flower and that troubadours could sometimes be found in her temples.

Appreciative of this news, Mistress Marta paid us each two White Chits for bringing her son home and promised us, If you can find me a Troubadour, the eight white chits I just gave you will become Red Chits.

Loose Ends

Valla's Tower

Haunted and requiring an exorcism.

Vellinius - Mindflayer

Still on the loose in Mudtown.

Yosef, Arriet and children - Possible evil cultists

Headed South with Roy the beggar garbed ranger.

Shanghai'd - Warehouse

Find out who kidnapped Ransy and Cesar


The full past history of game posts can be found here.


These are the characters, past and present, that have been featured in this game.

Group term in Hook City: Iron Adventurers

Current Roster

Bosk Deox [James] - Minotaur - Cleric 4/Avenger1

Beriothian [William] - Elf - Rogue 5

Zeoll [Cayzle] - Liontaur - Bard 4/Druid 1

Kyan [Jon] - Human - Ranger 5

Beltrin [Keith] - Human - Barbarian /Wizard (Transmuter) 4

Restlin [Carl] - Human - Wizard 5

Past Characters

Ariman Couatlfang [Jason] - Human / Cleric / 1

Lenwë Palantír [Ed] - Half-Elf / Wizard / 1

Naru Aetherwind] [Adam] - Human / Wizard (Enchantress) / 1

Padre Sixtus [Drew] - Human / Cleric / 1

Motley Anklebiter [Dominic] - Gnome / Barbarian / 1

Sanji Remeid [Eric] - Human / Rogue / 1

Grendel [Jay] - Half-Orc - Cleric 1/Wizard 1

Xeron [Alain] - Human - Rogue 3

Valla Crudarian [Marty] - Elf - Wizard 3

Ransy [Wilson] - Human - Paladin 2

Cesar [Nick] - Human - Fighter 2

Maikill [Kelly] - Half-Orc - Barbarian 3


Venbolio Penn - Quality spell component merchant and first employer of the group.

Gordo - Owner of the Bucket of Blood saloon

Vellinius - Mindflayer

Temujin aka Jacob the Lesser - Doppelganger

Sanji - once a pc, now an NPC that runs the company's shop.

Hemust and Jillian - former Noodle gang members, who now work for the group at the shop

Lilly, Burwotti and Cade - Halfling siblings that were part of the Noodle gang

Roy - shanghai'd ranger that left under unhappy circumstances later to be found working with Vellinius

Yosef, Arriet and her two children - rescued by the group and have left with Roy to start a new life. The children were later found with Vellinius with elongated faces and an odd purple hue

Magister Alistair - High level mage that lives in North Hook and is a family friend to the real Jacob the Lesser

Chief Barrantadatoda - Leader of a small Manfri village several hours away from Master Halfdane's farm

Jacob Halfdane - Son of Master Halfdane that was rescued from a coven of 13 witches



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DM Pages

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Hook City Fiction

Here are any stories written about Hook City Characters/Game Events