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Jantierri was the god of dreams and prophecy in the age before the Year of Ascension. Now she is dead, although her very few remaining followers say she may just be lost, or asleep.

Realms of Responsibility: Jantierri is the patron of the future. She does not believe in fate, but believes in empowering her worshippers to shape their own future. She is also the patron of dreams. She protects the little ones from the "things that go bump in the night" and "the monster under the bed." She interprets dreams of gods and mortals alike and is the oracle of the gods. She also sends out the nightmares and daymares to deliver dreams to each being.

Appearance: Gaunt but beautiful with practiced art, Jantierri appears as a painted doll or an attractive woman.

History: Before the rise of the Gods of Testing, Jantierri was one of the Serenbeth Maidens (Serenbeth, Jantierri, Jancassis, and Karinthis), who were responsible for all the goals and ambitions of mankind. These gods were the patrons of riches, wisdom, happiness, revenge, ambitions, daydreams, marriage, and all the rest that mortals might seek. In the Year of Ascension, all died except Jancassis, now the god of vengeance.

Holy Symbol: Closed eye.

Ethos: Early to bed, early to sleep, helps you to see the prophesies you keep.

Priests: Her priests, called prophets, were known for prophesy, dreaming, sleep, divinations, and knowing many languages,