PC Death

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Here's what the House Rules say on bringing back the dead:

In the Wold, returning a fallen ally to life is far more than casting a spell. The resurrection line of spells enable transport to the realm of Gargul, Lord of Death. There you must bargain for the spirit. The type of resurrection spell cast still determines the state of the spirit, after being resurrected. Reincarnation can be cast in one of two ways:

The caster can seek the permission of Gargul, Lord of Life and Death, when they cast reincarnate. If they do so, the spell gains a 5000gp Diamond as a material component, and acts exactly as a Raise Dead spell does in the Wold.

If the caster does not seek permission of Gargul, the spell functions as normal. However, this runs the risk of raising the ire of Gargul or his minions, should they find out. DM's are urged to consult with the Campaign DM in this situation.

Here are some examples of raises in action

Gargul meets the Emerald Dragons (November 2003) - Gargul played by Jerry

Gargul meets the Swords of Redemption, and two pay a high price for disrespect (March 2005) - Gargul played by Cayzle

Gargul foreshadows a new quest for the Children of Chaos (October 2008) - Gargul played by Steve K