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==The Game==
| name  = Children of Chaos
| pnumber = 9
| dm      = SteveK, BrianZ
| level   = 16
==[http://www.woldiangames.com/games/index.html?game=children The Game]==
Here you can find the latest posts in this game.
Here you can find the latest posts in this game.
==Current Events==
==Current Events==
Here is where you'll find the current combat maps, images or documents that relate to this game.
Stopping the Elf-Dwarf war and a power-mad wizard from turning himself into the Southern Continent's latest Power, the Children were given a month of rest time while questioned about the destruction of Hook City's Star Tower. Their break was interrupted by the call of the Crones and the start of the Great Migration.
==The Story so far==
Briefly meeting up with the Bloodpack, the two groups discovered that they each had essential parts in the coming Great Migration. For the Children, that involves taking the Crones' Chaos Bell and ringing it at a secret location. Whatever will happen when the Bell is rung, none of the Children entirely know. But they do know that Ga'al himself stands in their way...
Should some kind soul be willing to summarise past events, here is where you will find them.  
The full past history of game posts can be found here.
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===Current Characters===
===Current Characters===
Savin the Human Monk
* [http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dwm4jmm_0fxjss2dm Durgan the Dwarven Defender]
Kazak the Dwarven Fighter
* [http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dfhk85hk_2gx845wfh Firn'gaer the Gnomish Wizard]
Durgan the Dwarven Defender
* [http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dd9wd457_0hb4ccwcv Jurgen the Human Sorcerer/Paladin/Protector]
Trace the Human Ranger
* [http://docs.google.com/View?docid=dchnqd5z_0gmf6b8dc Kazak the Dwarven Fighter]
Peerimus the Human Druid
* [http://docs.google.com/View?docid=dgv44k6x_2czgc5m9r Peerimus the Human Druid]
Firn'gear the Gnome Wizard
* Rash Trinka the Human Cleric of the Powers
[http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dd9wd457_0hb4ccwcv Jurgen the Human Sorcerer]
* [http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dc5d8qhw_6hf6zj8dj Alexandria Merryman Next (Xenia) the half drow Rogue]
* [http://docs.google.com/View?id=d2vhjfn_1gt7n54f9 Torgon the Minotaur Fighter/Cleric]
===Current Holdings===
The Warehouse In Hook City
The building the Protectors inherited from Madame Chloe's these years ago is in a narrow side street, which runs north off the main avenue. There is a little shop (also in the CoCs possession) midway down the block on the right hand side, and then the massive warehouse looms just beyond. Each building is identified by a blue-green sign with a helm & shield bearing an elaborately scripted "C". A small unlit lantern above the shop door, and another at the warehouse across the street.
The warehouse is about 60' tall, and the wall facing the street is 100' wide. A massive, 20' x 20' sliding door is centered in the wall, with the small magical lock set immediately beside it on the right, about chest-high to a human. The purple gem-key glows briefly as it is set in the lock and then it falls free, the big door rolling smoothly aside.
Just inside the door, the shelf that used to hold lanterns is now a cupboard which holds 20 or so Everburning Torches that can be brought out to light up the big building, which stretches 200' deep. High on the newly whitewashed walls (for additional brightness), just below the rafters, a row of windows wraps around the north, east, and south walls.  The south side still contains a row of long tables, two large caravan wagons in good repair occupy the southeast corner, and the north side is now filled by a series of apartments. A full dozen three and four room apartments encompass the north side, all with a balcony and stairs to get down to the main level. The rooms are currently bare, but could be easily made livable by a few touches. Below the apartment complex is a sawdust ring that can be used for many different sorts of training venues.
The Upper level apartments are the residence of Protectors 877, a Shoot off group from the CoC
There is a trapdoor and room beneath the warehouse at present unused...........................
The Shop in Hook City
Chloe's shop is a two-storied buiding 50' x 100' big and 30' high. It is fronted by a narrow porch whose roof supports a second-story balcony. This upper floor also has numerous windows, and appears to be an apartment. A door at the rear of the buiding leads to a high-walled small garden with a sculpted path, a massive tree, and a couple of stone benches and statues. The front and back walls of the shop, and the front wall of the warehouse, are faced with pale marble, but the remaining walls are a more mundane painted brick. Peerimus' garden and 'travel tree' are here as well.
Peerimus has created a Druid grove just outside of Heranmar.  The woodland spreads over several hundred acres and has been enhanced completely with Plant Growth spells. (Speed drops to 5 feet, or 10 feet for Large or larger creatures.)  Large hardwoods dominate the forest and a dense carpet of foliage tangles about the ground.  Game trails crisscross the wood and animal life is abundant. 
At the center of this wood is the actual Gorve itself.  A Hallow spell protects all Animals, Plants and Good Aligned creatures about a 40’ radius with Resist Fire 30. 
Standing in guardianship over at the very heart is Wanderwood.  A colossal Sycamore tree recently Awakened by Peerimus.  Wanderwood can also activate the Live Oak spell at the center of the grove.
Size/Type:  Colossal Plant  (WanderWood – Awakened Colossal Tree)
Hit Dice: 32d10+80 (256 hp)
Speed:  30
Armor Class: 11 (-8 size, -3 Dex, +12 natural), touch -1, flat-footed 11
Base Attack/Grapple: +24/+49
Attack: Slam +26 melee (4d8+13)
Full Attack: Slam +26 melee (4d8+13)
Space/Reach: 30 ft./30 ft.
Special Attacks: Constrict at Grapple +49  (4d8+13)
Special Qualities: Construct traits, darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Hardness 5
Saves: Fort +12, Ref +9, Will +7
Abilities: Str 28, Dex 4, Con Ø, Int 10, Wis 4, Cha 14
Skills: Speaks Common Know Local 6, Know Nature 6, Spot 5, Listen 5, Diplomacy 5, Profession Forrester 5
Feats:  Iron Will, Lightning Reflex, Great Fort, Improve Natural Attack, Wpn Focus Slam, Power Attack, Improve Bull Rush, Improve Overrun, Improve Sunder, Awesome Blow
Environment: Peerimus’ Druid Grove
Challenge Rating: 10
Alignment: Neutral Good
Constrict (Ex)  Vine attack deals damage equal to its slam damage value plus 1½ times its Str bonus with a successful grapple check against a creature up to one size larger than itself.  Can make constriction attacks against multiple creatures at once, if they all are Large size or smaller.
Low-light vision.
Immunity to all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects).
Immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, polymorph, and stunning.
Not subject to critical hits.
Proficient with its natural weapons only.
Proficient with no armor.
Plants breathe and eat, but do not sleep.
===Past Characters===
===Past Characters===
Vinder the Human Rogue
* Angus the Human Sorcerer
Quinn the Human Cleric
* [http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dzv89w7_0dgdj48hr Trace the Elven Ranger]
Randall the Human Wizard
* [http://docs.google.com/View?docid=dcqhtk3x_0dbfmbvhc Savin the Human Monk]
Sly Foxx the Half-Elven Bard(?)
* Vinder the Human Rogue
Sir Thomas Hurley the Human Paladin
* Quinn the Human Cleric
* Randall the Human Wizard
* Sly Foxx the Half-Elven Bard
* Sir Thomas Hurley the Human Paladin
* [http://docs.google.com/View?docID=dg52npw2_3fdpwx3g2&revision=_latest&hgd=1 Laima Ragana the Kismetic] the Half-Orc Sorceress / Cleric / Mendicant
* [http://docs.google.com/View?docid=dcp88r5j_2gnb8m2d7 Kat'Miara the Halfling Rogue]
* [http://docs.google.com/View?docid=dcp88r5j_3c4h76fv2 Kit'Miara the Halfling Rogue]
The Crones
* [[The Crones]]
* Holly (the Elf) and Donk (the Dwarf)
* Ruby Foxx (Elfish Sister of Sly Foxx, one time group member.  She was disincorporated by the Mad Gnomish Archmage, Meznock Zezjenel.  After being returned home by the Chaos Bell, she spent some time with the Crones of the Gateway Downs who worked to help her restore her to physical form. At present, she is only physical from the waist up.  Below, she is white ectoplasm.)
* Madame Orchid of Hook City Block 823, her soothing, motherly voice keeping pace, she tells the Children of Chaos the activities of the Block. "The Fruit Market is doing well, my oldest are able to run the shop well enough for a couple hours while I can be about on other business. In fact, all the major shops have been going well, from Sieur Hosea's Hot Foods to Madame Weaver's The Weaver Colony. There is a merchant speculator, one Sieur Alad by name, who owns The Transport Control Company and has lately been very successful in organizing caravans north and west, and shipping south. And his success has brought further prosperity to our Block."
[[The Heranmar Council]]
* Selenie Quendeck, Council Head and Councillor of Defense. A retired paladin and once protector herself, Selenie is still striking though gathering her years about her. Blonde-and-white hair fall to her waist, her blue eyes framed in a tan and wrinkled face that has seen horror and laughter in equal measure.
* Bunwit the Fisherman. Councillor for the seagoing trades. A rake-thin ancient man, his leathered skin and deep hoarse voice attests to his life on the water.
* Harrin the Merchant. Councillor for the town trades. Bookish man in his thirties, he speaks little but has a keen eye and manages property, goods, and monies with equal ease.
* First Daughter of the Crones. Councillor for the Powers. A woman of indeterminite age, she has a faraway gaze but when she talks in her soft voice, the others listen.
* Tap Goodfellow. Councilor for the farmers and people outside Heranmar. Cheerful and talkitive, the halfling is the only non-human on the Council. Several of the CoC already know Tap as his brother was once an adventurer with the Southern Lights.
* Chester the INNkeeper. Councilor At Large. Again known by the CoC, Chester was selected as a genial man whose time in the INN can hear just about everything that goes on. His bald head beams as he is introduced.
The Council has good reports to make with the town watch, the fishing, and the CoCs endeavors for the town. There have been no other sightings of the wolves or giants, and Heranmar has made contact with the Centaur tribe and the town of Wayfarer with intent to have more regular liason. The fishermen are being very quiet about the possibility of tritons in the water, but Bunwit does report there's one fishing boat that has been able to catch sighting once in a while. The quarry is being cleared and has already provided some smaller filler stone for the town walls. They are sorry to hear of Savin's death, and the Council promises help to the monk-school Savin founded.
[[The Protectors 877]]
* Madame Didi Hosea leader of the Protectors 877, her lithe form and easy balance cuts a confident figurespecializes in the sword and speaking skills.
* Madame Niobe is Didi's right-hand as well as primary trainer for the Protectors 877. Several of the CoC recognize her as she once wore the Broken Spiral herself for a time.
* Sieur Malcomb is a hefty lad with arms like many peoples legs. The son of a blacksmith, he wields a warhammer.
* Sieur Sterwirt is nearly identical to Malcomb (being cousins), but is more bloodthirsty, and wields a battleaxe.
* Sieur Nephon is recently released from apprenticeship to a local wizard and is a diligent study, though slightly negligent as to his personal appearance. He demonstrates for Firn'gear and Angus that he can cast Yellow level spells by conjuring a Fireball that detonates harmlessly in the cavernous warehouse.
* Sieur Vaalin wears the grey hooded robes of a priest of the Crones, and is a very quiet man.
It is obvious that Niobe is by far the most skilled of the team.  None are complete neophytes either, and they should be able to hold thier own until HookCity Guard are summoned if nothing else.
Holly (the Elf) and Donk (the Dwarf)
Here you'll find links to all the locations and maps relevant to this game.
Here you'll find links to all the locations and maps relevant to this game.
[[The Southern Continent]]
[[Gateway Downs]]
The City of [[Heranmar]]
[[Hook City]]
'''[http://www.woldiangames.com/Woldipedia/index.php/Image:MapNewGatewayDowns.jpg#filelinks Map]''' of the Gateway Downs - Post Great Migration
The Children of Chaos are known in Hook City as Protector Group 823 of LaborTown
The Temple of the Crones When the heroes visit the temple, they find it is a place of Luck and Knowledge. Seers, sages, and oracles are most powerful when they revere the Crones and listen to the Whispering Voices. It is said that the Crones oversee the changing times and are most active in the Gateway Downs, though thier whispers can be heard all over the Southern Continent. The older CoC members can remember they got some of their best (and some of their most cryptic) advice when they asked the Voices (the name of the Priests of the Crones)
Here you'll find links to all the events and history relevant to this game.
==DM Pages==
===An Unfinished Prophesy===
A centaur seer recently met with the Children and informed them that she had a vision that they were coming. She offered to look into their future, but before she could, she was overwhelmed by some ''other'' force and recited the following prophesy:
"Children of Chaos, hear our plea <br>
The signs are there for those who see <br>
Tower of Light with anger will leave <br>
Noble Race hammer and bow will cleave <br>
Gates be many, gates be none <br>
Before the Great Migration is done <br>
Yet beware the side that seeks not change <br>
==The Story so far==
Should some kind soul be willing to summarise past events, here is where you will find them.
The story of the Children of Chaos is a long one.  Below picks up the story within the Nightshade Crypt.  A grand Vault in the lands of Koshe Marr written as seen by an imp familiar named Dweezil.  Sent by his master to study and take note of the heroes actions…
Excerpts from the journal of Dweezil the imp:
Dweezil flapped lazily along, his leathery wings making hardly a noise as he followed the group. How boring! His master bid him follow the Children of Chaos and chronicle their exploits but they are so boring sometimes! It took them practically forever to cross the room with the well. "Bene Tellemara" , the imp muttered to himself. And then some excitement! The massive vortex of magic energy had the imp more excited than he had been in quite some time. Two of the children vanished and in their place appeared four new ones! It was almost more than the poor imp could bear when they almost began fighting. But it was not to be. "Oh bother..." The imp retrieved his magic journal and quill. "Hopefully there will be some excitement soon. Hmmm they seem to be having some trouble with that pit trap. Maybe this won't be such a bad day after all..." The imp moves in for a closer look and makes sure his invisibility is intact as he continues taking notes.
ha ha ha! HA HA HA! The imp had not laughed so hard in quite some time. The dwarf looked like a turtle on its' back with his limbs flailing about like that! It was a good thing the magic silence was still in effect. They would surely have heard him otherwise. When his master first gave him this assignment, he had never imagined it would be so much fun! The magic quill was quite active, recording the events transpiring in the pit. What fire! It reminded him of his humble abode back in the Abyss. The wizard seemed quite skilled with the fireball spell. What a drag! following these fools around and none of them even got eaten by the Black Puddings. One got close though. That armor had seen better days. "Bene Tellemara." What's this now? Did that dwarf just call an elf 'human'? "This could definately be more interesting than watching a wizard roast a few marshmallows. Very interesting indeed." The magic quill scribbled on.
The magic quill was barely moving now. The group had climbed out of the pit and proceeded to that most dreaded of any adventurer's fears: a hallway with two ways to go. "I can't believe it. If only a lightning bolt would blast down the hall! Now that would be exciting, the imp muttered. The imp once again lamented his current assignment. "This reminds me of pulling legs off a spider or wings off a pixie. Sure it's fun for awhile, but it does get boring eventually". "Yay", the imp mumbled. "They are finally moving again. And what's this? A new player?" The imp leaned forward to get a better look at the newcomer, and the magic quill and journal seemed ready to pick up the pace once again. Their magic effortlessly recording everything which transpires with the Children of Chaos.
an excerpt from the journal of Dweezil the imp:
The imp flapped his way lazily down the long hall. Sooner or later something interesting was going to happen, he was sure of it. After all these were "adventurers" not poor commoners. Looking over at the magic journal and quill floating beside him, he could see that the quill had stopped moving. The imp sighed. I will demand rich payment from master for this assignment. "Bene Tellemara". Dweezil looked over as the quill began to move again. He smiled as he read what it said: they were about to open the door with the demon face on it...
an excerpt from the journal of Dweezil the imp:
The magic quill was scribing furiously now, recording the actions of the battle in intricate detail. Dweezil hugged himself with glee. "I knew they wouldn't let me down! And what craftsmanship. I simply MUST meet the creator of these golems. Excellent work." He wondered how many human corpses were needed to construct so many. "And hiding hellfire swarms within? Simply marvelous." Dweezil reached out and plucked a wasp out of the air. He toyed with it a moment before eating it. "Mmmmmmmm. Reminds me of home" ,the imp muttered. As he watched the battle unfold he wondered who would inflict the most harm on the Children of Chaos - the wasps or their own spellcasters? The imp could barely contain himself as he laughed, the battle raging beneath him.
BOOM! BOOM! The fireballs were bouncing off every corner of the room as the Children of Chaos desperately tried to fend off the Hellfire wasp swarms. Dweezil looked over at the magic journal as it meticulously noted every spell used. Dweezil chuckled to himself, "Ha ha ha! How wonderful! What a show - fire, ice, flame from the heavens, I wonder if they'll have anything left for the vampires?" Dweezil laughed again as he watched the adventurers run from one side of the room to the other trying to avoid the spell blasts. "Delightful entertainment. And my master will be pleased with the record of their favorite used spells."
Dweezil was flapping his leathery wings for all he was worth. Frantically trying to escape, he dove down among the twisted brambles of plants which vaguely resembled trees. They scratched his skin and tore at his wings but he clawed his way through them regardless in a desperate attempt to escape. Kill or be killed and survival of the fittest were the status quo in the abyss, but this was ridiculous. An ENTIRE flock of Vrocks were after him and there was no hope of escape. They could fly faster than him and were merely in it for the sport now. Wide-eyed and nearly driven mindless with fear, Dweezil realized he was trapped. They were closing in. That was when it appeared. A shimmering magic portal created by a powerful mortal spellcaster. Calling to him? He didn't care. Dweezil bolted through the portal, The vrocks hot on his trail. The mortal was powerful indeed. He drove the vrocks back and closed the portal.
Dweezil awoke with a start. At first he thought something was scratching him, but soon realized it was only the magical quill scribbling away again. It seemed the Children of Chaos were on the move again after taking some time to heal up after the swarm battle. Good. Dweezil hating falling asleep. "I wonder why I dreamt of the time my master first summoned me? Could it have some meaning?" Dweezil sat and wondered while the adventurers moved on.
Dweezil was impressed. The adventurers were poorly organized and yet were all still alive. Amazing! But perhaps not for much longer. Even Dweezil drew back a bit as the large black face with glowing red eyes appeared on the door. Still, they pressed on anyway. Dweezil wasn't sure if they were brave or just foolish. Even an imp from the Abyss would have turned around and gone the other way after seeing the evil face appear on the door.
And then there was action! Spells flying, fighters attacking, and a smiling vampire taunting the Children of Chaos forward. The magic quill was scribing furiously, taking it all down.
Meanwhile, Dweezil found a nice comfy ledge to sit on and take in the show. If anyone could observe him in his invisible state, they would see him eating something resembling popped corn and a big smile on his little demonic face.
Dweezil was all riled up now. There was nothing like a raging combat to bring out the bloodlust in the devil from the Abyss. All he could see was red. His claws were bared and his poison stinger poised at a striking angle. He was nearly ready to join in the fray when he heard a voice in his mind. His master. "DWEEZIL! Remember your mission! Do not exceed the parameters of your task or you will find yourself back where I found you!" Dweezil found himself calming down. He was not fond of the idea of returning to the Abyss, but he was even more afraid of the wrath of his Master. Still, it would ALMOST be worth it. Dweezil smiled at the thought. Just stabbing someone with poison and watch them drop over. Almost worth it...
Dweezil looked over at the magic Journal to see what he had missed. Hmmm...the Children of Chaos and the undead forces were locked into a tough combat. It could go either way now... "What's this?" Dweezil mumbled. The vampire is the holy roller's father? How interesting. Several of the combatants were trapped at this point by various spells. Of special note were the numerous attacks upon one of the wizards by the shadows. Dweezil clapped with delight as they very nearly drained the life-force out of him. He leaned forward to watch and see if they would manage to finish the job...
The Children of Chaos were winning. The mummy had fallen, along with most of the lesser undead. The wizard had even managed to survive the final attacks of the shadows. The vampire remained, however. Quinn's father Quentin was trapped but not powerless. He had mental control over one of the adventurers and was using him to attack the others. Dweezil enjoyed the evil smile displayed on the vampire's face. Several of the fighters were trying to subdue the charmed Vinder when the whole world exploded in light.
For a moment Dweezil thought that he was under attack, but soon realized the effect was the activation of magic. The Five Artifacts of Chaos have been assembled. Powerful magic, like the kind his master would be interested in. Dweezil smiled, he understood now why he had been tasked to follow these buffoons around. "This should get interesting" ,the imp said to no one in particular.
Dweezil sat on a ledge high in his master's laboratory. Sitting with his hands propping up his chin and his elbows resting on the ledge, Dweezil watched while his master tore apart the lab. He was apoplectic with rage. Dweezil had returned to report that the Children of Chaos had succeeded in their mission to unite the chaos artifacts but had promptly disappeared. Dweezil had only had two hours to taunt the vampire still in the forcecage before his master summoned him home. The magic journal lay quiet on the ledge, the quill not writing anything until given a new assignment. Dweezil sighed with boredom and then watched, fascinated at the barrage of language and spells being thrown about the place. His master had tried in vain to locate the adventurers with magic, but all efforts had failed. An impressive feat actually, considering the power of his master. Dweezil wondered what would happen if the necromancer ever managed to get his hands on the artifacts himself. Dweezil smiled then, thinking evil, chaotic thoughts.
The imp lounged on the wooden beam near the ceiling as he watched his master work. Having given up for the time being on trying to locate the Children of Chaos, his master has decided to occupy himself with creating a new staff. Dweezil watched with interest as one foul ingredient after another went into the alchemical mixture. Then his master cast the days' assortment of spells into the staff. Dweezil listened dreamily to the incantations. He so loved necromantic magic, it was very soothing. Dweezil smiled as he imagined the pain this staff of necromancy would one day inflict upon others. Preferably innocents, they screamed louder. Dweezil drifted off to sleep then, imagining the screams and letting out little chirps of delight in his sleep.
An excerpt from the journal of Dweezil the imp:
The mouse was frightened nearly out of its wits. Dweezil had been toying with it for nearly an hour and the creature had nowhere to hide. Many times, Dweezil had played this game in the Abyss, but usually he had been on the receiving end. He was the predator now, and he enjoyed the rush, the feeling of power. He chased the mouse into one trapped corner after another, sometimes giving it a look at an escape only to block at the last moment. Fear. That was the imp's trade and he was talented at it.
Dweezil waited patiently for his master. There was a new assignment for him and he was anxious. He licked the last remnants of the mouse from his lips as he waited, hoping for something exciting to do. Ever since the Children of Chaos disappeared, life for the poor imp had grown rather dull. Even avoiding his master's foul temper tantrums had lost its' touch. The imp craved excitement, danger, wickedness, and most of all- chaos.
an excerpt from the journal of Dweezil the imp:
Dweezil watched as his master systematically tortured the quasit. The creature was known to his master and, supposedly, was a good source of information. However, this time the creature had nothing and Dweezil's master was furious. The quasit, Feyryn, desperately pleaded for the necromancer to finish, and finally he did. Killing the quasit accomplished no more than sending the creature back to the Abyss. It could only be destroyed if destroyed while within the Abyss, and so was banished for one-hundred years. The only way it could return is if a spellcaster summoned it again. And so it would wait. Dweezil was glad he was not on the receiving end of his master's wrath, and wondered how long it would be until the whereabouts of the Children of Chaos were uncovered.
During the fight within the crypt with Quinn’s vampire father, the five artifacts were brought together for the first time in many long centuries and the Children of Chaos were whisked away to the end of possibilities and to a place outside of time.    Soon enough, the Children of Chaos would leave this near dream like world of what may be and move directly against the Avatar of Chaos.
Though unsure of how this thing is done, Trace lifts his voice to the swirling skies. Tones never meant for a flesh and blood throat rise from the ranger's soul. Ripples play through the field of many colors. They roll in concentric waves away toward the horizons.
Firn'gaer sees, and only Firn'gaer. From all directions, a tinge of darkness invades the many colors. Closer and closer. The sound is like rending cloth. It grows louder and louder. All can hear, but only Firn'gaer can see. They are lines. Intersecting lines. They rush in from all directions converging upon the group. With a clang of iron they come together. In their wake is silence. Below the feet of the group is a grid of squares that only Firn'gaer can see.
Then stars begin to fall from the sky. Down through the swirling colors above, soft as falling snow. Winking, blinking stars fall from the heavens.
Stars twinkle and glitter like friendly sprites waving their greetings in the air. They pulse and brighten. Light spilling from the falling points as from the mouths of jars. Light splashes like a sudden liquid deluge. The light blinds. It fills all sight.
AAAAHHHHHHHHH ... A sigh like the rolling of an age. AGAIN MY CHILDREN. LET US DANCE.
The light clears, and the creature standing before the group is Colossal. Horned and armored in a shining carapace. Even Enlarged as the group is, it stands at least a towering twenty feet above.
It lifts a forepaw with enormous claws and tips its armored head to one side as if inviting the first attack.
Firn'gaer sees chance colide with probability in a sixteen square section of the grid. Four squares to a side, they begin to pulse with blue light. (Firn'gaer only: Highlight to display spoiler:
The Children of Chaos find themselves locked in battle with the Avatar of Chaos, and with the Avatar's ability to heal fully each time it transforms-which is every round, the battle does not go well. Dweezil finds himself hiding from his master's wrath and wondering if he wasn't better off in the Abyss after all...
Some of the forms the Avatar assumed through the conflict were a Tarrasque, , A Balor, a Pit Fiend,  and a  greater stone golem.
Upon completion of the battle, Peerimus used the power of the artifact now within him to stay off the death of the avatar.  He also used Altman to resurrect Savin, whom had bravely sacrificed himself by grappling a Flame covered Balor so that the power within him, Seribond would prevent the avatar from transforming and thus healing himself.
Upon the defeat of the Avatar, the Children of Chaos learned of the Origins of the Crones of the Gateway Downs as conveyed by the avatar.
"Those that you know as the Crones were once as you are." The Avatar turns to Peerimus, offering this to the druid. "They were the first to confront me in this Place that is Not a Place. They numbered five, and they were powerful protectors even then. They summoned from me the Chaos Bell. They forged the five Artifacts. They defeated me, and then, resurrected, sent me back to the cosmos for the first time."
"Since that time, the original five have passed the mantle on to others. The jewel, the fist, the pearl, they are passed from old to new so that the land may never lack for protectors. The Crones in your time are far removed from the original five. They have found roots deep in the Blood of the Wold. They have even forged bonds with Witches throughout the Wold."
"But you, all of the Chosen, are descendants of the five originals."
Volume 25 is next  HOME
==[[DMs Only: Children of Chaos|DM Pages]]==
Here are all the resources a DM will need to run this game.
Here are all the resources a DM will need to run this game.
[[Category:Career Games]]
[[Category:Children of Chaos]]

Latest revision as of 04:14, 13 January 2010

Children of Chaos
# of Players 9
Current DMs SteveK, BrianZ
Average Level 16

The Game

Here you can find the latest posts in this game.

Current Events

Stopping the Elf-Dwarf war and a power-mad wizard from turning himself into the Southern Continent's latest Power, the Children were given a month of rest time while questioned about the destruction of Hook City's Star Tower. Their break was interrupted by the call of the Crones and the start of the Great Migration.

Briefly meeting up with the Bloodpack, the two groups discovered that they each had essential parts in the coming Great Migration. For the Children, that involves taking the Crones' Chaos Bell and ringing it at a secret location. Whatever will happen when the Bell is rung, none of the Children entirely know. But they do know that Ga'al himself stands in their way...


These are the characters, past and present, that have featured in this game.

Current Characters

  • Rash Trinka the Human Cleric of the Powers

Current Holdings

The Warehouse In Hook City

The building the Protectors inherited from Madame Chloe's these years ago is in a narrow side street, which runs north off the main avenue. There is a little shop (also in the CoCs possession) midway down the block on the right hand side, and then the massive warehouse looms just beyond. Each building is identified by a blue-green sign with a helm & shield bearing an elaborately scripted "C". A small unlit lantern above the shop door, and another at the warehouse across the street.

The warehouse is about 60' tall, and the wall facing the street is 100' wide. A massive, 20' x 20' sliding door is centered in the wall, with the small magical lock set immediately beside it on the right, about chest-high to a human. The purple gem-key glows briefly as it is set in the lock and then it falls free, the big door rolling smoothly aside.

Just inside the door, the shelf that used to hold lanterns is now a cupboard which holds 20 or so Everburning Torches that can be brought out to light up the big building, which stretches 200' deep. High on the newly whitewashed walls (for additional brightness), just below the rafters, a row of windows wraps around the north, east, and south walls. The south side still contains a row of long tables, two large caravan wagons in good repair occupy the southeast corner, and the north side is now filled by a series of apartments. A full dozen three and four room apartments encompass the north side, all with a balcony and stairs to get down to the main level. The rooms are currently bare, but could be easily made livable by a few touches. Below the apartment complex is a sawdust ring that can be used for many different sorts of training venues. The Upper level apartments are the residence of Protectors 877, a Shoot off group from the CoC

There is a trapdoor and room beneath the warehouse at present unused...........................

The Shop in Hook City

Chloe's shop is a two-storied buiding 50' x 100' big and 30' high. It is fronted by a narrow porch whose roof supports a second-story balcony. This upper floor also has numerous windows, and appears to be an apartment. A door at the rear of the buiding leads to a high-walled small garden with a sculpted path, a massive tree, and a couple of stone benches and statues. The front and back walls of the shop, and the front wall of the warehouse, are faced with pale marble, but the remaining walls are a more mundane painted brick. Peerimus' garden and 'travel tree' are here as well. ...........................


Peerimus has created a Druid grove just outside of Heranmar. The woodland spreads over several hundred acres and has been enhanced completely with Plant Growth spells. (Speed drops to 5 feet, or 10 feet for Large or larger creatures.) Large hardwoods dominate the forest and a dense carpet of foliage tangles about the ground. Game trails crisscross the wood and animal life is abundant.

At the center of this wood is the actual Gorve itself. A Hallow spell protects all Animals, Plants and Good Aligned creatures about a 40’ radius with Resist Fire 30. Standing in guardianship over at the very heart is Wanderwood. A colossal Sycamore tree recently Awakened by Peerimus. Wanderwood can also activate the Live Oak spell at the center of the grove.

Size/Type: Colossal Plant (WanderWood – Awakened Colossal Tree)

Hit Dice: 32d10+80 (256 hp)
Speed:  30 
Armor Class: 11 (-8 size, -3 Dex, +12 natural), touch -1, flat-footed 11
Base Attack/Grapple: +24/+49
Attack: Slam +26 melee (4d8+13)
Full Attack: Slam +26 melee (4d8+13)
Space/Reach: 30 ft./30 ft.
Special Attacks: Constrict at Grapple +49  (4d8+13)
Special Qualities: Construct traits, darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Hardness 5
Saves: Fort +12, Ref +9, Will +7
Abilities: Str 28, Dex 4, Con Ø, Int 10, Wis 4, Cha 14
Skills: Speaks Common Know Local 6, Know Nature 6, Spot 5, Listen 5, Diplomacy 5, Profession Forrester 5
Feats:  Iron Will, Lightning Reflex, Great Fort, Improve Natural Attack, Wpn Focus Slam, Power Attack, Improve Bull Rush, Improve Overrun, Improve Sunder, Awesome Blow
Environment: Peerimus’ Druid Grove
Challenge Rating: 10
Alignment: Neutral Good
Constrict (Ex)   Vine attack deals damage equal to its slam damage value plus 1½ times its Str bonus with a successful grapple check against a creature up to one size larger than itself.  Can make constriction attacks against multiple creatures at once, if they all are Large size or smaller.


Low-light vision. 
Immunity to all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects). 
Immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, polymorph, and stunning. 
Not subject to critical hits. 
Proficient with its natural weapons only. 
Proficient with no armor. 
Plants breathe and eat, but do not sleep. 

Past Characters

  • Angus the Human Sorcerer
  • Vinder the Human Rogue
  • Quinn the Human Cleric
  • Randall the Human Wizard
  • Sly Foxx the Half-Elven Bard
  • Sir Thomas Hurley the Human Paladin


  • Holly (the Elf) and Donk (the Dwarf)
  • Ruby Foxx (Elfish Sister of Sly Foxx, one time group member. She was disincorporated by the Mad Gnomish Archmage, Meznock Zezjenel. After being returned home by the Chaos Bell, she spent some time with the Crones of the Gateway Downs who worked to help her restore her to physical form. At present, she is only physical from the waist up. Below, she is white ectoplasm.)
  • Madame Orchid of Hook City Block 823, her soothing, motherly voice keeping pace, she tells the Children of Chaos the activities of the Block. "The Fruit Market is doing well, my oldest are able to run the shop well enough for a couple hours while I can be about on other business. In fact, all the major shops have been going well, from Sieur Hosea's Hot Foods to Madame Weaver's The Weaver Colony. There is a merchant speculator, one Sieur Alad by name, who owns The Transport Control Company and has lately been very successful in organizing caravans north and west, and shipping south. And his success has brought further prosperity to our Block."

The Heranmar Council

  • Selenie Quendeck, Council Head and Councillor of Defense. A retired paladin and once protector herself, Selenie is still striking though gathering her years about her. Blonde-and-white hair fall to her waist, her blue eyes framed in a tan and wrinkled face that has seen horror and laughter in equal measure.
  • Bunwit the Fisherman. Councillor for the seagoing trades. A rake-thin ancient man, his leathered skin and deep hoarse voice attests to his life on the water.
  • Harrin the Merchant. Councillor for the town trades. Bookish man in his thirties, he speaks little but has a keen eye and manages property, goods, and monies with equal ease.
  • First Daughter of the Crones. Councillor for the Powers. A woman of indeterminite age, she has a faraway gaze but when she talks in her soft voice, the others listen.
  • Tap Goodfellow. Councilor for the farmers and people outside Heranmar. Cheerful and talkitive, the halfling is the only non-human on the Council. Several of the CoC already know Tap as his brother was once an adventurer with the Southern Lights.
  • Chester the INNkeeper. Councilor At Large. Again known by the CoC, Chester was selected as a genial man whose time in the INN can hear just about everything that goes on. His bald head beams as he is introduced.

The Council has good reports to make with the town watch, the fishing, and the CoCs endeavors for the town. There have been no other sightings of the wolves or giants, and Heranmar has made contact with the Centaur tribe and the town of Wayfarer with intent to have more regular liason. The fishermen are being very quiet about the possibility of tritons in the water, but Bunwit does report there's one fishing boat that has been able to catch sighting once in a while. The quarry is being cleared and has already provided some smaller filler stone for the town walls. They are sorry to hear of Savin's death, and the Council promises help to the monk-school Savin founded.

The Protectors 877

  • Madame Didi Hosea leader of the Protectors 877, her lithe form and easy balance cuts a confident figurespecializes in the sword and speaking skills.
  • Madame Niobe is Didi's right-hand as well as primary trainer for the Protectors 877. Several of the CoC recognize her as she once wore the Broken Spiral herself for a time.
  • Sieur Malcomb is a hefty lad with arms like many peoples legs. The son of a blacksmith, he wields a warhammer.
  • Sieur Sterwirt is nearly identical to Malcomb (being cousins), but is more bloodthirsty, and wields a battleaxe.
  • Sieur Nephon is recently released from apprenticeship to a local wizard and is a diligent study, though slightly negligent as to his personal appearance. He demonstrates for Firn'gear and Angus that he can cast Yellow level spells by conjuring a Fireball that detonates harmlessly in the cavernous warehouse.
  • Sieur Vaalin wears the grey hooded robes of a priest of the Crones, and is a very quiet man.

It is obvious that Niobe is by far the most skilled of the team. None are complete neophytes either, and they should be able to hold thier own until HookCity Guard are summoned if nothing else.


Here you'll find links to all the locations and maps relevant to this game.

The Southern Continent

Gateway Downs

The City of Heranmar

Hook City

Map of the Gateway Downs - Post Great Migration

The Children of Chaos are known in Hook City as Protector Group 823 of LaborTown

The Temple of the Crones When the heroes visit the temple, they find it is a place of Luck and Knowledge. Seers, sages, and oracles are most powerful when they revere the Crones and listen to the Whispering Voices. It is said that the Crones oversee the changing times and are most active in the Gateway Downs, though thier whispers can be heard all over the Southern Continent. The older CoC members can remember they got some of their best (and some of their most cryptic) advice when they asked the Voices (the name of the Priests of the Crones)


An Unfinished Prophesy

A centaur seer recently met with the Children and informed them that she had a vision that they were coming. She offered to look into their future, but before she could, she was overwhelmed by some other force and recited the following prophesy:

"Children of Chaos, hear our plea
The signs are there for those who see
Tower of Light with anger will leave
Noble Race hammer and bow will cleave
Gates be many, gates be none
Before the Great Migration is done
Yet beware the side that seeks not change

The Story so far

Should some kind soul be willing to summarise past events, here is where you will find them.


The story of the Children of Chaos is a long one. Below picks up the story within the Nightshade Crypt. A grand Vault in the lands of Koshe Marr written as seen by an imp familiar named Dweezil. Sent by his master to study and take note of the heroes actions…

Excerpts from the journal of Dweezil the imp:

Dweezil flapped lazily along, his leathery wings making hardly a noise as he followed the group. How boring! His master bid him follow the Children of Chaos and chronicle their exploits but they are so boring sometimes! It took them practically forever to cross the room with the well. "Bene Tellemara" , the imp muttered to himself. And then some excitement! The massive vortex of magic energy had the imp more excited than he had been in quite some time. Two of the children vanished and in their place appeared four new ones! It was almost more than the poor imp could bear when they almost began fighting. But it was not to be. "Oh bother..." The imp retrieved his magic journal and quill. "Hopefully there will be some excitement soon. Hmmm they seem to be having some trouble with that pit trap. Maybe this won't be such a bad day after all..." The imp moves in for a closer look and makes sure his invisibility is intact as he continues taking notes.

ha ha ha! HA HA HA! The imp had not laughed so hard in quite some time. The dwarf looked like a turtle on its' back with his limbs flailing about like that! It was a good thing the magic silence was still in effect. They would surely have heard him otherwise. When his master first gave him this assignment, he had never imagined it would be so much fun! The magic quill was quite active, recording the events transpiring in the pit. What fire! It reminded him of his humble abode back in the Abyss. The wizard seemed quite skilled with the fireball spell. What a drag! following these fools around and none of them even got eaten by the Black Puddings. One got close though. That armor had seen better days. "Bene Tellemara." What's this now? Did that dwarf just call an elf 'human'? "This could definately be more interesting than watching a wizard roast a few marshmallows. Very interesting indeed." The magic quill scribbled on.

The magic quill was barely moving now. The group had climbed out of the pit and proceeded to that most dreaded of any adventurer's fears: a hallway with two ways to go. "I can't believe it. If only a lightning bolt would blast down the hall! Now that would be exciting, the imp muttered. The imp once again lamented his current assignment. "This reminds me of pulling legs off a spider or wings off a pixie. Sure it's fun for awhile, but it does get boring eventually". "Yay", the imp mumbled. "They are finally moving again. And what's this? A new player?" The imp leaned forward to get a better look at the newcomer, and the magic quill and journal seemed ready to pick up the pace once again. Their magic effortlessly recording everything which transpires with the Children of Chaos. an excerpt from the journal of Dweezil the imp:

The imp flapped his way lazily down the long hall. Sooner or later something interesting was going to happen, he was sure of it. After all these were "adventurers" not poor commoners. Looking over at the magic journal and quill floating beside him, he could see that the quill had stopped moving. The imp sighed. I will demand rich payment from master for this assignment. "Bene Tellemara". Dweezil looked over as the quill began to move again. He smiled as he read what it said: they were about to open the door with the demon face on it... an excerpt from the journal of Dweezil the imp:

The magic quill was scribing furiously now, recording the actions of the battle in intricate detail. Dweezil hugged himself with glee. "I knew they wouldn't let me down! And what craftsmanship. I simply MUST meet the creator of these golems. Excellent work." He wondered how many human corpses were needed to construct so many. "And hiding hellfire swarms within? Simply marvelous." Dweezil reached out and plucked a wasp out of the air. He toyed with it a moment before eating it. "Mmmmmmmm. Reminds me of home" ,the imp muttered. As he watched the battle unfold he wondered who would inflict the most harm on the Children of Chaos - the wasps or their own spellcasters? The imp could barely contain himself as he laughed, the battle raging beneath him.

BOOM! BOOM! The fireballs were bouncing off every corner of the room as the Children of Chaos desperately tried to fend off the Hellfire wasp swarms. Dweezil looked over at the magic journal as it meticulously noted every spell used. Dweezil chuckled to himself, "Ha ha ha! How wonderful! What a show - fire, ice, flame from the heavens, I wonder if they'll have anything left for the vampires?" Dweezil laughed again as he watched the adventurers run from one side of the room to the other trying to avoid the spell blasts. "Delightful entertainment. And my master will be pleased with the record of their favorite used spells."

Dweezil was flapping his leathery wings for all he was worth. Frantically trying to escape, he dove down among the twisted brambles of plants which vaguely resembled trees. They scratched his skin and tore at his wings but he clawed his way through them regardless in a desperate attempt to escape. Kill or be killed and survival of the fittest were the status quo in the abyss, but this was ridiculous. An ENTIRE flock of Vrocks were after him and there was no hope of escape. They could fly faster than him and were merely in it for the sport now. Wide-eyed and nearly driven mindless with fear, Dweezil realized he was trapped. They were closing in. That was when it appeared. A shimmering magic portal created by a powerful mortal spellcaster. Calling to him? He didn't care. Dweezil bolted through the portal, The vrocks hot on his trail. The mortal was powerful indeed. He drove the vrocks back and closed the portal.

Dweezil awoke with a start. At first he thought something was scratching him, but soon realized it was only the magical quill scribbling away again. It seemed the Children of Chaos were on the move again after taking some time to heal up after the swarm battle. Good. Dweezil hating falling asleep. "I wonder why I dreamt of the time my master first summoned me? Could it have some meaning?" Dweezil sat and wondered while the adventurers moved on.

Dweezil was impressed. The adventurers were poorly organized and yet were all still alive. Amazing! But perhaps not for much longer. Even Dweezil drew back a bit as the large black face with glowing red eyes appeared on the door. Still, they pressed on anyway. Dweezil wasn't sure if they were brave or just foolish. Even an imp from the Abyss would have turned around and gone the other way after seeing the evil face appear on the door.

And then there was action! Spells flying, fighters attacking, and a smiling vampire taunting the Children of Chaos forward. The magic quill was scribing furiously, taking it all down.

Meanwhile, Dweezil found a nice comfy ledge to sit on and take in the show. If anyone could observe him in his invisible state, they would see him eating something resembling popped corn and a big smile on his little demonic face.

Dweezil was all riled up now. There was nothing like a raging combat to bring out the bloodlust in the devil from the Abyss. All he could see was red. His claws were bared and his poison stinger poised at a striking angle. He was nearly ready to join in the fray when he heard a voice in his mind. His master. "DWEEZIL! Remember your mission! Do not exceed the parameters of your task or you will find yourself back where I found you!" Dweezil found himself calming down. He was not fond of the idea of returning to the Abyss, but he was even more afraid of the wrath of his Master. Still, it would ALMOST be worth it. Dweezil smiled at the thought. Just stabbing someone with poison and watch them drop over. Almost worth it...

Dweezil looked over at the magic Journal to see what he had missed. Hmmm...the Children of Chaos and the undead forces were locked into a tough combat. It could go either way now... "What's this?" Dweezil mumbled. The vampire is the holy roller's father? How interesting. Several of the combatants were trapped at this point by various spells. Of special note were the numerous attacks upon one of the wizards by the shadows. Dweezil clapped with delight as they very nearly drained the life-force out of him. He leaned forward to watch and see if they would manage to finish the job...

The Children of Chaos were winning. The mummy had fallen, along with most of the lesser undead. The wizard had even managed to survive the final attacks of the shadows. The vampire remained, however. Quinn's father Quentin was trapped but not powerless. He had mental control over one of the adventurers and was using him to attack the others. Dweezil enjoyed the evil smile displayed on the vampire's face. Several of the fighters were trying to subdue the charmed Vinder when the whole world exploded in light.

For a moment Dweezil thought that he was under attack, but soon realized the effect was the activation of magic. The Five Artifacts of Chaos have been assembled. Powerful magic, like the kind his master would be interested in. Dweezil smiled, he understood now why he had been tasked to follow these buffoons around. "This should get interesting" ,the imp said to no one in particular.

Dweezil sat on a ledge high in his master's laboratory. Sitting with his hands propping up his chin and his elbows resting on the ledge, Dweezil watched while his master tore apart the lab. He was apoplectic with rage. Dweezil had returned to report that the Children of Chaos had succeeded in their mission to unite the chaos artifacts but had promptly disappeared. Dweezil had only had two hours to taunt the vampire still in the forcecage before his master summoned him home. The magic journal lay quiet on the ledge, the quill not writing anything until given a new assignment. Dweezil sighed with boredom and then watched, fascinated at the barrage of language and spells being thrown about the place. His master had tried in vain to locate the adventurers with magic, but all efforts had failed. An impressive feat actually, considering the power of his master. Dweezil wondered what would happen if the necromancer ever managed to get his hands on the artifacts himself. Dweezil smiled then, thinking evil, chaotic thoughts.

The imp lounged on the wooden beam near the ceiling as he watched his master work. Having given up for the time being on trying to locate the Children of Chaos, his master has decided to occupy himself with creating a new staff. Dweezil watched with interest as one foul ingredient after another went into the alchemical mixture. Then his master cast the days' assortment of spells into the staff. Dweezil listened dreamily to the incantations. He so loved necromantic magic, it was very soothing. Dweezil smiled as he imagined the pain this staff of necromancy would one day inflict upon others. Preferably innocents, they screamed louder. Dweezil drifted off to sleep then, imagining the screams and letting out little chirps of delight in his sleep. An excerpt from the journal of Dweezil the imp:

The mouse was frightened nearly out of its wits. Dweezil had been toying with it for nearly an hour and the creature had nowhere to hide. Many times, Dweezil had played this game in the Abyss, but usually he had been on the receiving end. He was the predator now, and he enjoyed the rush, the feeling of power. He chased the mouse into one trapped corner after another, sometimes giving it a look at an escape only to block at the last moment. Fear. That was the imp's trade and he was talented at it.

Dweezil waited patiently for his master. There was a new assignment for him and he was anxious. He licked the last remnants of the mouse from his lips as he waited, hoping for something exciting to do. Ever since the Children of Chaos disappeared, life for the poor imp had grown rather dull. Even avoiding his master's foul temper tantrums had lost its' touch. The imp craved excitement, danger, wickedness, and most of all- chaos. an excerpt from the journal of Dweezil the imp:

Dweezil watched as his master systematically tortured the quasit. The creature was known to his master and, supposedly, was a good source of information. However, this time the creature had nothing and Dweezil's master was furious. The quasit, Feyryn, desperately pleaded for the necromancer to finish, and finally he did. Killing the quasit accomplished no more than sending the creature back to the Abyss. It could only be destroyed if destroyed while within the Abyss, and so was banished for one-hundred years. The only way it could return is if a spellcaster summoned it again. And so it would wait. Dweezil was glad he was not on the receiving end of his master's wrath, and wondered how long it would be until the whereabouts of the Children of Chaos were uncovered.

During the fight within the crypt with Quinn’s vampire father, the five artifacts were brought together for the first time in many long centuries and the Children of Chaos were whisked away to the end of possibilities and to a place outside of time. Soon enough, the Children of Chaos would leave this near dream like world of what may be and move directly against the Avatar of Chaos.

Though unsure of how this thing is done, Trace lifts his voice to the swirling skies. Tones never meant for a flesh and blood throat rise from the ranger's soul. Ripples play through the field of many colors. They roll in concentric waves away toward the horizons.

Firn'gaer sees, and only Firn'gaer. From all directions, a tinge of darkness invades the many colors. Closer and closer. The sound is like rending cloth. It grows louder and louder. All can hear, but only Firn'gaer can see. They are lines. Intersecting lines. They rush in from all directions converging upon the group. With a clang of iron they come together. In their wake is silence. Below the feet of the group is a grid of squares that only Firn'gaer can see.

Then stars begin to fall from the sky. Down through the swirling colors above, soft as falling snow. Winking, blinking stars fall from the heavens. Stars twinkle and glitter like friendly sprites waving their greetings in the air. They pulse and brighten. Light spilling from the falling points as from the mouths of jars. Light splashes like a sudden liquid deluge. The light blinds. It fills all sight.

AAAAHHHHHHHHH ... A sigh like the rolling of an age. AGAIN MY CHILDREN. LET US DANCE.

The light clears, and the creature standing before the group is Colossal. Horned and armored in a shining carapace. Even Enlarged as the group is, it stands at least a towering twenty feet above. It lifts a forepaw with enormous claws and tips its armored head to one side as if inviting the first attack.

Firn'gaer sees chance colide with probability in a sixteen square section of the grid. Four squares to a side, they begin to pulse with blue light. (Firn'gaer only: Highlight to display spoiler:

The Children of Chaos find themselves locked in battle with the Avatar of Chaos, and with the Avatar's ability to heal fully each time it transforms-which is every round, the battle does not go well. Dweezil finds himself hiding from his master's wrath and wondering if he wasn't better off in the Abyss after all... Some of the forms the Avatar assumed through the conflict were a Tarrasque, , A Balor, a Pit Fiend, and a greater stone golem.

Upon completion of the battle, Peerimus used the power of the artifact now within him to stay off the death of the avatar. He also used Altman to resurrect Savin, whom had bravely sacrificed himself by grappling a Flame covered Balor so that the power within him, Seribond would prevent the avatar from transforming and thus healing himself.

Upon the defeat of the Avatar, the Children of Chaos learned of the Origins of the Crones of the Gateway Downs as conveyed by the avatar. "Those that you know as the Crones were once as you are." The Avatar turns to Peerimus, offering this to the druid. "They were the first to confront me in this Place that is Not a Place. They numbered five, and they were powerful protectors even then. They summoned from me the Chaos Bell. They forged the five Artifacts. They defeated me, and then, resurrected, sent me back to the cosmos for the first time."

"Since that time, the original five have passed the mantle on to others. The jewel, the fist, the pearl, they are passed from old to new so that the land may never lack for protectors. The Crones in your time are far removed from the original five. They have found roots deep in the Blood of the Wold. They have even forged bonds with Witches throughout the Wold."

"But you, all of the Chosen, are descendants of the five originals."

Volume 25 is next HOME

DM Pages

Here are all the resources a DM will need to run this game.