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Bonuses from Magic

Bonuses from Magic
Bonus Type Improves Sample Spells Sample Magic Items
Armor/Enhancment AC* Mage Armor (+4); Magic Vestment (+1 to +5) +1 to +5 Armor; Bracers of Armor (+1 to +8)
Circumstance Attacks, checks -- --
Competence Attacks, saves, checks Transformation** (+5 on Fortitude saves) Circlet of Persuasion (+3 on Charisma-based checks); Ioun Stone - Pale green (+1 on attacks, saves, skill checks & ability checks; 30,000gp); Robe of Blending (+10 on Hide checks)
Damage Reduction Damage Righteous Might**** (damage reduction of 3, 6 or 9 per round vs evil) --
Deflection AC Cloak of Chaos (+4); Protection from C/E/G/L (+2 vs opposite type); Shield of Faith (+2) Ring of Protection (+1 to +5)
Dodge AC & Reflex* Haste (+1 to AC & Reflex saves) Boots of Speed (see Haste spell)
Enhancement*** Attacks, damage Magic Weapon/Magic Weapon, Greater (+1 to +5 on attacks & damage) +1 to + 5 Weapon
Enhancement Ability scores Bear’s Endurance, Bull's Strength, Cat's Grace, Eagle's Splendor, Fox’s Cunning, Owl’s Wisdom (+4 to the respective ability type); Transformation** (+4 to Str, Dex, and Con) Amulet of Health, Cloak of Charisma, Gauntlets of Ogre Power/Belt of Giant Strength, Gloves of Dexterity, Headband of Intellect, Periapt of Wisdom (+2, +4 or +6; 4,000/16,000/36,000gp); Ioun Stones (+2; 8,000gp)
Haste Attacks Haste (one extra attack with any weapon, +1 on attack rolls) Boots of Speed (see Haste spell)
Inherent***** Ability scores Wish (+1 to +5 per ability) Manual of Bodily Health (+1 to +5 Con); Manual of Gainful Exercise (+1 to +5 Str); Manual of Quickness of Action (+1 to +5 Dex); Tome of Clear Thought (+1 to +5 Int); Tome of Leadership and Influence (+1 to +5 Chr); Tome of Understanding (+1 to +5 Wis)
Insight Attacks, AC, saves, checks Find Traps (max +10 on Search checks made to find traps); Foresight (+2 to AC & Reflex saves); Moment of Prescience (max +25 on any single attack roll, opposed ability or skill check, save, or AC vs a single attack); True Strike (Your next single attack roll gains +20) Ioun Stone - Dusty rose (+1 to AC; 5,000gp)
Luck Attacks, AC, saves, checks, weapon damage Divine Favor (+1 to +3 on attack and weapon damage rolls) Stone of Good Luck (+1 on saves, ability checks & skill checks)
Morale Attacks, checks, saves, weapon damage Aid (+1 on attacks & saves against fear effects); Bless (+1 on attacks & on saves against fear effects); Good Hope (+2 on saves, attacks, ability checks, skill checks & weapon damage); Heroes’ Feast (+1 on attacks, Will saves & immunity to fear effects for 12 hours); Heroism/Heroism, Greater (+2 or +4 on attacks, saves, & skill checks); Rage (+2 to Str and Con, +1 on Will saves, & -2 penalty to AC); Remove Fear (+4 against fear effects) Ring of Elemental Command (+4 on all attack rolls against certain elemental creatures)
Natural Armor AC* Barkskin (+1 to +5), Righteous Might (+2), Transformation** (+4) Amulet of Natural Armor (+1 to +5)
Other AC, unarmed damage -- Monk's Belt (AC & unarmed damage is treated as a monk of five levels higher)
Profane (Evil) Checks Desecrate (-3 or -6 to each Chr check made to turn undead within this area); Unhallow (-4 to all turning checks made to turn undead, and +4 to all turning checks to rebuke undead) --
Resistance Saves Cloak of Chaos (+4); Protection from C/E/G/L (+2 vs opposite type only); Resistance (+1) Cloak of Resistance (+1 to +5); Ring of Elemental Command (+2 from the extraplanar creature’s attacks)
Sacred Checks Consecrate (+3 or +6 to each Chr check made to turn undead within this area), Hallow (+4 to all turning checks made to turn undead, and -4 to all Chr checks to command undead) --
Sheild/Enhancement AC* Magic Vestment (+1 to +5), Sheild (+4) +1 to +5 Sheild, Ring of Force (+2)
Size Str, Con Enlarge Person (+2 to Str, -2 to Dex); Righteous Might**** (+4 to Str & +2 to Con) --
Dodge bonuses and circumstance bonuses do stack with one another unless otherwise specified.
*Doesn't apply against touch attacks.
**However, you lose any spellcasting ability.
***An enhancement bonus does not stack with a masterwork weapon’s +1 bonus on attack rolls.
****Your size modifier for AC and attacks changes as appropriate to your new size category.
*****An inherent bonus may not exceed +5 for a single ability score, and inherent bonuses to a particular ability score do not stack, so only the best one applies.

Magic Items On The Body

Many magic items need to be donned by a character who wants to employ them or benefit from their abilities. It’s possible for a creature with a humanoid-shaped body to wear as many as twelve magic items at the same time. However, each of those items must be worn on (or over) a particular part of the body.

A humanoid-shaped body can be decked out in magic gear consisting of one item from each of the following groups, keyed to which place on the body the item is worn.

* One headband, hat, helmet, or phylactery on the head
* One pair of eye lenses or goggles on or over the eyes
* One amulet, brooch, medallion, necklace, periapt, or scarab around the neck
* One vest, vestment, or shirt on the torso
* One robe or suit of armor on the body (over a vest, vestment, or shirt)
* One belt around the waist (over a robe or suit of armor)
* One cloak, cape, or mantle around the shoulders (over a robe or suit of armor)
* One pair of bracers or bracelets on the arms or wrists
* One glove, pair of gloves, or pair of gauntlets on the hands
* One ring on each hand (or two rings on one hand)
* One pair of boots or shoes on the feet

Of course, a character may carry or possess as many items of the same type as he wishes. However, additional items beyond those listed above have no effect.

Some items can be worn or carried without taking up space on a character’s body. The description of an item indicates when an item has this property.

Acknowledgement: Many thanks to dnd.steinhour.net for creating the 3.0 version of this table, which served as my template.