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Fickle's 50th birthday with Jack in the box Skeletons

Breakfast (DM Glenn) 
Wednesday October 17th, 2007 9:55:53 AM

Tobias waits and watches.

Having caused enough trouble, Julian is ready to move on.

Still in disguise, Dwight leaves the tavern for his own bed. He keeps a sharp eye out, but nothing more happens tonight.

Returning to the tavern, Selithe gets the odd stare from the staff and any customers who recognize her from the ruckus, but no one asks her to leave. She even finds a group willing to play cards. Later she returns to the shop and turns in.

Airin returns after searching for Max. She frowns at Barb and figures they we eventually confront the necromancer.

Podo councils Kendry for the need to sit down and hammer out stated mission and values. Apparently, he didn't enjoy the ruckus in the tavern.

Kendry thanks the watchmen. He then jots off a letter for Max and includes a sketch. Before given Barb the letter he offer her a place to stay and breakfast. Later as the group heads home, he discusses shopping.

Smiling, Barb looks at Kendry after he made his offer, "Offering to take me home and serve me breakfast? Tempting, but your girlfriend might not like it!" Barb glances at Airin. Then taking the letter from Kendry, "Perhaps another time!" Barb heads off into the night.

The rest of the evening is uneventful; everyone makes it home eventually safe and sound.
Barb doesn't show up for breakfast the next morning, the day is bright and sunny.

Intelligent check DC12 Highlight to display spoiler: {You remember that it's Fickles half hundred birthday in a few days! Party?}

Fickle only Highlight to display spoiler: {You still have Barb's warhammer. Seems like a nice one!}

Wednesday October 17th, 2007 8:45:15 PM

Tobias has a hearty breakfast with the group and then goes to spend some time playing with and training Tewdwr. If there are other plans the party wants to do he'll tag along with those as well...

"Are we waiting for a response?"

Wednesday October 17th, 2007 10:37:20 PM

When Dwight awakens he remembers he picked up Kendry's sword. He returns it, and inquires about anything he may have missed. He discribes what little he found out.

Aside from a quick trip to the Catacombs, Dwight is ready to set off.

OOC: Has this changed our task? Could we mail the religious artifact?

Thursday October 18th, 2007 12:11:14 AM

Kendry thanks Dwight for his returned rapier.

"First off, we have this book we 'borrowed' from the library - thanks to Podo's efforts. Many times I have recommended that others in the group read it. It has good advice in fighting against undead - and, like as not, in our ventures together we will have more than one opportunity. I suggest we all read it, with however much remaining time we have before we return it - so, today, who will read it? Perhaps two at a time may do so, if your reading speed is equal." [OOC: It does something like granting you a +5 insight bonus in your attacks versus undead. Something like that... it's a fate item, and the group can benefit by having many of us read it... and there may be some details I don't understand. Whatever - have your character read it! Maybe someone can read it aloud to Fickle.]

Thursday October 18th, 2007 12:15:38 AM

Selithe after getting a decent nights sleep, meets everyone at the Inn for a bite to eat, she also plans to slip off to the Cats after breakfast so speaks up, "I'm going to the Cat's after breakfast so if any of you like to join me we could go together."

Selithe smiles and continues her light breakfast while thinking over the spells she wishes to buy, making a few notes of them on a a spare peice of her diary paper...summon monsterII, levitate..maybe a invisiblity spell if she is high enough to cast it...For the most part she is off in her own little magic wold at the moment.

Kendry - Conversation at the breakfast table 
Thursday October 18th, 2007 4:51:47 AM

"Podo brought up the idea of making explicit the group's purpose.

"A while back, I wrote a letter to my friend Duncan. He's the one who taught us his sign language. He was a neighbor of Polly... anyhow, the letter talked about..." Kendry leaves off speaking and goes to his haversack. After a moment of shuffling through a stack of parchment, he pulls forth one that now is a little worn along the edges.

"Here it is." [OOC: Go to the Crescent Valley archives, Volume 1: All in favor, say, "Pie!", Chapter 3: Cleaning Up, to the post labeled: Kendry's letter to Duncan from a week back dated: Saturday September 4th, 2004 3:45:24 PM]

Kendry clears his throat, and reads,
Dear Duncan Settlefoot,

Hallo! Well, we've been busy around here in Humble's Ford lately. Just got back from a wood gathering trip to the Culverwood.
"I won't read the whole thing - you can if you want. But I talk about some family members he knows, and the story of some time back when the giants tried to attack Crescent Valley, just after the wizard Shafbaffum erected the warding towers. I included my song, The Testing of the Sentinel Towers."

Kendry looks around and sees he may be losing his audience. "Well, here's the pertinent part. Don't worry - it's just a few sentences." He reads:
You know, I was thinking we ought to get some of our friends together sometimes soon, and go on an adventure. Like search for dragon's treasure, or rescue a princess, or foil some brigands who harry travelers, or the like. What do you say to that, good Duncan? It could make for some rollicking good stories, eh? And I think that my sister Selithe is getty antsy to get out and see more of the Wold, too. Maybe Nalfein, my second-eldest brother, could come along. And Slate, and Polly. Can you think of anyone else?
He looks up from the letter. "All right, I won't bore you with the rest. But I was all hot for adventure. And, we've had some great adventures! We made a difference at the rebirth of Eberyon. Dwight - you knocked that pumpkin magic thing out of his hand that he was using to kill many - and Selithe took care of it right well. We've teamed together to fight goblins, harpies, brigands, and manticores, and we did well in gathering materials for Bella's healing potions.

"We've made lots of friends - friends who might otherwise have remained, or turned into, enemies. Lomar, the friendly ogre - bard of word and drum. Bobbles the goblin. Slam the giant. That hobgoblin tribe - hey, I still owe them our old wand of cure light wounds.

"And we have found that our actions have the power to do good for the people of our valley. Why, when we started out, we had a hand in encouraging folk to vote in Calfast Rowgold Tunnelly as the valley's Burgomeister. Look at the people whose minds are now healed who had been shrouded in darkness and confusion. Yet, in the current circumstances, what we intended for good may also have worrying consequences, if we walk not with care in the coming days."

He looks around at the group for a moment, letting his eyes rest on each person present. Last he looks to Selithe. "Only you and I of the first gathering of friends are still with the group - Nalfein, our brother here at the shop, also was with us. But Duncan, Polly, Shale, Willoughby, Mayzie..." As his memory alights upon these friends and companions, he lets out a little sigh, wistful.

"Yet came then Olo, with his big bushy hair and excellence in the culinary arts - and Airin," he says with a twinkle in his eye.

"Well, I had not intended to run through a history of the group. Nevertheless, our past influences our present, and lays a framework for times yet to come."

He pulls out a journal and lays it on the breakfast table. "I'd like each person to get to know our story. It might take a couple of days to read through it - but it's a record of things we've done so far. Our stories, sketches, maps, songs. Look at how we have approached potential adversaries in the past.** Some remain adversaries. Some are gone - whether dead, or imprisoned. Many are friends - or at least regard us with greater favor now than at first.

"Each of us has his own bent. But, how can two walk together unless they be agreed?

"Let us be ready to take up the sword when the sword speaks best. But let us use more gentle forms of suasion when we can. A soft answer turns away wrath. Impervious impatience leads to unnecessary conflict.

"We are halflings, not half orcs. Crescent Valley is a place of homely values. Honestly, thrift, kindliness, good food, a good story or song, laughter, a pipe of fine tobacco or a smooth brown ale... children playing in the fields, mothers scolding and shaping their charges, friend comforting friend - these are some of our values, and pleasures.

"Let us not be known as thugs - as some in the inn last night labeled us. Let us have arms, but not thrust forth a martial display when a peaceful parlay will serve better our purpose.

"We were close, last night, to discovering Max's game. I believe there was no intention among us of cutting off that discovery.

"Some of you, my friends, are ready for action. You crave it. You seek it. Well and good! Adventure hardly beckons the lazy, the uninvolved. Yet, let us have the wit to discern when refraining from overt action will serve us better. I know there was tremendous tension in the room. It was there, in part, because of the posture that some of us initially took. And it grew as, I believe, Max realized the game was not going the way he had planned it.

"So much concentrated kindling takes but a momentary spark to burst into flame."

Kendry looks to Julian. "I know you did not intend for a fight to break out. To the contrary, it seems you wanted to take advantage of their offer, and let the negotiations be done with. My fear, though, Jules, is that, had we done as they asked, we might have bought ourselves more trouble than we bargained for. The letter from the necromancer was a forgery. Max was not leveling with us. I think he is not the undead maker's true representative.

"And I must commend you again for the restraint you showed in the face of Barb's assault."

He looks to Podo. "It was you who suggested we work out some, what, group philosophy? Guidelines? What are you aiming at, cuz?"

And to the rest of the group he asks, "What are your thoughts on this?

"And please, if my approach to things is not to your liking, let me know, and know why, and gain counsel in how you might change things."

** [OOC: May I recommend that each player read, or re-read, how the party handled their first 'encounter' - this one with some young toughs who wanted to extort a rumberry pie from a cart? We redirected our adversaries' energies, and provided them motivation to do something to help us meet our goals. It's the first section of the Crescent Valley archives. Eventually it came round to where we duked it out with them - yet still showed restraint at the end, and won great favor all in all. Here's a link that takes you from start to finish with the party's interaction with the gang lead by the corncob-pipe smoking halfling: http://www.woldiangames.com//archives/index.html?game=crescent&start=1091785181&end=1094740852]

Thursday October 18th, 2007 6:28:13 AM

OOC: sorry, really busy, too much to add, no time to do it. Maybe later.

Julian listens to Kendry's speech whilst eating breakfast. He thinks to add to the conversation, but he has a mouth full of food, and the moment passes.

Thursday October 18th, 2007 7:44:40 AM

Fickle fell a little old, after all it's his hundred Birthday! But he never told any body. So he flips the hammer in his hand, "Tell me'z Barb? Are you'z Leaving or Staying or have Dinner with me'z? If you want to have dinner with Me'z? Then afther a Birthday Kiss and Food (dinner), I'll give you'z the hammer."

Fickle never let's a good moment pass, He'z looking forward for that kiss.

(OOC: half a hundered birthday = 50th. Glenn)

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood  d20+6=22
Thursday October 18th, 2007 8:20:10 AM

"Good & interesting ideas, cuz! I think I shall explain my thoughts on all this right after my next meal! I'm down right hungry!" explains Podo.

"Where's a good eatery?!" says Podo.

Diplomacy DC: 22

A quiet week (DM Glenn) 
Thursday October 18th, 2007 10:31:26 AM

Being a early riser, Tobias eats a hearty breakfast and works with Tewdwr, while waiting to see what the others do. (OOC: Are you working on training Tewdwr any additional tricks?)

In the morning, Dwight returns Kendry's sword and makes a trip to the Catacombs. Dwight inquires about shipping the religious artifact home. He finds out that he could pack the bones and artifact in a chest and pay the Windhorn Express Carriage Service to deliver it, or he could take the carriage to Dourscale about a two day trip to deliver it personally.

Kendry thanks Dwight for returning his rapier. He suggests everyone try to read the undead book before they have to return it. The necromancer will be surprised when he discovers he was unknowingly running a public library. (see book description below.) Over breakfast while Kendry has everyone's attention, he talks at some length about the group's history and deeds. While the fight was regrettable, he believes Max was dishonest.

Over breakfast, Selithe plans her day and ask if anyone wishes to accompany her to the catacombs for some shopping.

Julian listens and thinks while he eats.

At breakfast, Fickle seems to be daydreaming while Kendry give his speech. He seems to be talking to Barb asking her for a birthday kiss and something about a hammer.
(OOC: half a hundred birth day or 50th to non-halflings.)

Podo listens to Kendry and offers to add his thoughts over the next meal. Even going so far as to ask where there is an eatery. Just like a Halfling to be planning their next meal before their through with the last.

After breakfast the group has the day to do their shopping, reading, training, or what not.

Selithe and Dwight go to the catacombs along with anyone else who wishes to tag along.

There is no sign or word about Max, Zen, Barb or the necromancer. It seems to be a quite and normal day in Angel Springs. There is some talk about a fight at the Glassy Glaze tavern, and another braw at a dock tavern, the usually talk of who's getting married, what so and so are doing, someone is looking for a youngster who is missing, and so on...

Post what your characters intend to do for the next week barring any emergencies that need brave adventurers.

(OOC: If you haven't posted your spell list lately please do so!)

{The book "Charom's Thorough and Sacred Guide to Hunting the Undead," the Gargullian book. It is a bestiary of sorts, describing all the common undead, their abilities, strengths, weaknesses, and habits. Anyone who uses this book gets a +5 competence bonus on Knowledge (Religion) checks to find out about the undead. 24 hours to read to read cover t cover. About 8 hours a day for three days.}

Thursday October 18th, 2007 12:15:32 PM

(OOC: Tobias is training Tewdwr for combat riding... and if we're in town for a week, he'll use that time with Tewdwr)

Tobias listens to Kendry's story about their past adventures. There's a time for parlay and a time for action. And, he reiterates that they started attacking, and he gave Zen plenty of opportunities to surrender during their fight. But he's not going to back away from enemies in a fight. And, actually he's a bit upset that Podo would attempt to heal an enemy in the middle of a fight... that is just not done. And, he mumbles something about the crazy customs of 'civilized' towns.

Finally, Tobias takes his turn reading the book as time allows...

Airin and Fioni 
Thursday October 18th, 2007 12:59:21 PM

Airin listens with open mouth to Kendry's lenthy speach. Yes she was with them not long after they all left on their first adventure and it has been a wonderful time since... a short leave in between but all in all a wonderful time. And is she would not have followed them back then together with Olo she would never have gotten involved with Kendry...

She enjoyes the rest but looks forward to go out and find the Necromancer in a few days.

Thursday October 18th, 2007 3:21:42 PM

Selithe listens to Kendry's speech and can't help but grin at how her brother likes to talk sometimes. She had wondered sometimes if he talked more then he really needed to but then that was her brother, many times had she heard their mom and dad comment about how Kendry could talk their ears off as a child. Ahhh the good ol days of no worries and a child's wold of wonder but how things change when you get older. Use to think your parents had the good life, while you went to school and did chores but now you see how hard it really was.

Selithe snaps out of her day dreams of the days past and nods, "Yes, many have come and many have gone. We can not change each other but just work with the abilities of each other. I would no sooner ask any of you to change then change myself. I'll look over that undead book and such when we have time brother." Selithe shrugs, figuring it will do some good to look over.

Other then this Selithe runs off to the Catacombs for her shopping once the talking ends.

(I was thinking of something and a quick comment only. I play Florin Jadenth in another game and he went into the Undead Hunter PrC. Shouldn't the Knowledge Undead from the book go straight to Knowledge Undead? When I asked if Knowledge Religion was good enough since Knowledge Undead wasn't in the book for the Undead Hunter, I was told that I had to have the ranks in actual Knowledge Undead. Evidently from what I was told, Knowledge Religion would give you the basic info about undead but Knowledge Undead actually gives info on weak points, how to destroy, habits, etc. This is just what I had been told back then by the PTB *Powers that be*)

Thursday October 18th, 2007 10:04:09 PM

Julian will spend the week keeping fit and training with both his dog and his familiar. A regular routine of jogging around Angel Springs and swimming in the river is established, as well as a lot of sword practice, and slinging. He returns to bed thoroughly exhausted each day, eating more than his share of a hearty meal at communal meals, and generously contributing towards the cost of meal.

Thursday October 18th, 2007 10:46:14 PM

Dwight takes this time to sit on his bum. All that walking has numbed his feet a bit. He will take Kendry up on his offer to read the book.

And aside from the Catacombs trip is ready to set off.

Friday October 19th, 2007 1:45:36 AM

Kendry writes a letter.
Flavius Aetius,

We will be in Dourscale in a fortnight, to make arrangements. See you then.

--Your visitors

P.S.: Do you know a fellow out of Plateau City by the name of Max?
He shows it to his friends. "Shall I send this?" he asks.

Friday October 19th, 2007 8:22:02 AM

Fickle still holding Barb's hammer in his hands, he like's the weapon, So he Keep It! He''ll walk out of the tavern with the weapon and the taverns mugg.

An average day (DM Glenn) 
Friday October 19th, 2007 10:31:26 AM

Tobias express his opinion about Podo's attempt to heal Zen during the fight.
During the following days, Tobias splits his time working with Tewdwr and reading the book. Tewdwar enjoys the play and training time with Podo.
(OOC: Training Tewdwr for Combat Riding takes a total of 6 weeks at least 3 hours a day. After 3 weeks you make a DC20 Handle animal check. Note: training him the individual tricks only take one week each and depending on which one is a DC15 or DC20. Since he has two heads do you think both heads have to be trained???)

Airin listens to Kendry. She doesn't like sitting around waiting for the necromancer to make the next move.

After listen to Kendry, Selithe adds a few words of her own. Later she shops at the catacombs and takes a turn at reading the book.

Julian spends his time training, keeping fit, working with his dog and familiar and eating heartily. (OOC: Is Julian teaching Shark or Sallie any new tricks?)

Kicking his feet up, Dwight relaxes while reading the undead book.

Kendry writes a letter to Flavius and ask everyone's opinion.

Fickle has taken a liking to Barb's old warhammer. He also seems to have taken up a new hobby of collecting. (OOC: what's Fickle doing over the next few days?)

Over the next few days, everyone starts to settle into some pattern or routine. Several of you visit the catacombs for shopping and re-supplying. (Is everyone up to date on there WLA training?)

Life in angle springs go on as normal, except the missing boy's family have organized a search effort to find him. There is even talk of Burgomeister Calfast offering a reward to encouraging everyone to keep an eye out for the lad. Apparently the boy is a nephew of Calfast.

Also, everyone but Fickle Highlight to display spoiler: {Hearing that Fickle's birth day is in a few days, Kendry's and Selithe's sister Leska decided to throw a small surprise party for him. Just a few family and friends. Can you keep him occupied for the next two days?}

Tobias, Selithe and Dwight take turns reading the The book "Charom's Thorough and Sacred Guide to Hunting the Undead." Over the next few days.

(OOC: Effect: Everyone who has read the book gets a +5 competence bonus to Knowledge(Religion) checks with regard to knowledge about undead creatures. This doesn't give you any ranks in knowledge(Religion), so those untrained are still limited to common knowlodge DC10 checks. Please make a note on your character sheet.

Friday October 19th, 2007 12:06:23 PM

[OOC: Hadn't thought about that... guess it's DM call for how many rolls. Actually he already has Come and Defend tricks, so he only needs the 4 others, so I will do each one at a time.]

Tobias and Tewdwr work on practicing Stay trick this week.

Tobias  d20+12=28 d20+12=21
Friday October 19th, 2007 12:08:44 PM

Ooops forgot the handle animal...
Rolls: 28, 21 (in case i need too)

So, Tewdwr learns Stay after this week.

[OOC: Rangers get +4 handle animal for their animal companions.]

Kendry  d20+10=25
Friday October 19th, 2007 2:35:57 PM

Hearing no objections, Kendry mails the letter.

"Fickle - you had wanted to join up with the WLA," Kendry says. "Care to do so now? Do you have enough money? It's two thousand gold pieces."

Kendry makes detailed inquiries about Calfast's missing nephew... [Gather information 25] Including from Calfast.

He also brings the Burgomeister up to date with an executive summary of the group's activities, Max's (apparent) scam - yet the awareness that if something is not done soon to deal with the necromancer, there may be consequences. "I just sent a letter, and we're off to Dourscale in a few days."

Friday October 19th, 2007 6:07:08 PM

Julian continues to train, running, swimming, sword play. This time however, he asks Fickle to join him,
"I want to train Sallie here," ruffing up his collie dog around the ears, "train her to Track scents. Could you help me? Could you help to lay a scent trail for Sallie to follow? I'll give you some different treats at first for the dog to find, then we can do 'harder' things to scent, like, er.... like armour, or wooden things."

Friday October 19th, 2007 9:24:59 PM

Selithe doesn't have a problem with the letter her brother wrote so lets him mail it without a bother from her.

Hearing everyone talk to Fickle, Selithe can't help but smiles, "Popular guy today Fickle. I might tag along too. We might even find some nice rocks while we are out." Selithe smiles, knowing Fickle likes rocks, it's possible they might find something special while out.

Saturday October 20th, 2007 7:53:51 AM

"Wla??Let'z see" So Fickle sits on the grouns, opens his money pouch, And starts counting " One...Two... Three... and so on untill he get to the number 430 gp. He look's up and utters one Word "NOPE!"

Airin and Fioni 
Saturday October 20th, 2007 1:34:07 PM

Airin simply continues to enjoy the time they have before going on the road again. She mainly hangs out with children of the town and plays with them. Doings little magic cantrips and making Fioni do some tricks. Children are fun... one day perhaps...

From time to time she checks with the others untill she finally asks : "So we'll be seeing our friend the Necromancer in a forthnight. How will we deal with him?"

Saturday October 20th, 2007 1:44:39 PM

"Look, Fickle, we'll all pitch in so you can join. Here is 500 gold pieces. That gets you almost halfway there. Just 1,070 to go. Who else can help our friend join?" Kendry asks the group.

Saturday October 20th, 2007 6:07:21 PM

OOC Didn't we each get a bag with 1000gp from Graeff only a few days ago?

[Yes -Kim]

Saturday October 20th, 2007 9:18:58 PM

OOC: My mistake, thought WLA was 2000, not 2500.

[It is 2,000 for initial membership of 1st-5th level characters. Fickle said he had 430 gp. Kendry's 500 brings it to 930. Another 1,070 - from whatever source(s) will bring it to 2,000. -Kim]

Sunday October 21st, 2007 12:15:31 AM

(How the heck did I miss that. I didn't make note of the 1,000gps. Was worried Selithe wouldn't beable to help Fickle much but now. :) .)

Selithe looks to Fickle and thinks before something gets her attention, a chittering like noise from her backpack. Wonderingly Selithe pulls her backpack off and looks in it before pulling up Bandit, her ferret familiar who is clasping a small bag that contains her gold from Graeff, "Why you little thief. No wonder I was short in the Catacombs from being able to buy all the scrolls I wanted."

Selithe pulls the bag away from her familiar who makes kind of angry sounding noises from having his "shineys" taken away and looks to Fickle before pulling out half of the 1,000 and handing it over to Fickle, "Here Fickle, I'll give you 500 like Kendry did. This will get you up to a 1.000 all together. Just abit more to go."

(Thanks for the reminder their guys.)

Sunday October 21st, 2007 8:01:39 AM

Fickle goes back into the Tavern and ask the patrions, "Who want'z to Buy this plus'z five War Hammer's?"

A Dwarf in the back(half drunk!) "Me! Sell it To burp Me"

Fickle sell the Hammer to the Dwarf. (wait untill the dwarf lern that the hammer is only a +2)

Fickle walks out of the tavern (with a smile) Tell all his friends, "Me'z got the Money Now!"

Sunday October 21st, 2007 6:10:58 PM

OOC didn't FIckle also get the 1000 gp?

Sunday October 21st, 2007 6:14:04 PM

Julian asks his cousin, "Kendry, do you have shares in the League of Adventurers? Perhaps Fickle would be better off with some new equipment..."

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood  d20+6=15
Sunday October 21st, 2007 10:32:03 PM

Podo spends his time reading that book "Charom's Thorough and Sacred Guide to Hunting the Undead.

When it comes to the discussion of the groups mission statements, Podo asks for the others input before giving up his own.

Diplomacy DC: 15

Airin and Fioni 
Monday October 22nd, 2007 2:19:23 AM

"What's with the Book?" Airin asks seeing everyone reading through it. "oohhh... Hunting the Undead.. well perhaps I should consider this important literature as well!"

If there still is some time left Airin too will read the dusty book...

Spell list:
Level 0: Flare, Goodberrie, Create Water, Light
Level 1: Speak with animals, Produce Flame, Entangle
Level 2: Spider Climb, Cat's Grace

* marks spells that are used

Monday October 22nd, 2007 3:08:38 AM

Kendry points to the boots he recently put on. "We can sell these to the Catacombs for about 4,950 gold pieces. If there are no objections, I'll do so, and give Fickle the balance of what he needs, and get some more tanglefoot bags and the like. I'm going to get a bunch of read magic scrolls so I can at least find out what spells that Flavius has in his spellbook, too. Or, make arrangements for the Catacombs staff to find out."

Kendry gives five minutes for anyone to object, then heads off to the Catacombs to make arrangements. [Dear DM, please consider that all of this is being done shortly after breakfast on the day after the Big Brawl.]

"Jules, or Tobias, or Podo, or Dwight, or Podo, or Airin, or Selithe - could one of you go with Fickle and this money, and help him get started on his training?" he asks.

The bard can cast read magic, and read 60 pages in an hour. He'll cast it twice, and thus read all of the 100 pages of Flavius Aetius' spellbook - unless it has more or less than the standard number of pages found in a wizard's spellbook.

With the 20 minutes left over, he reads (not invokes) many of the other scrolls that he already has in his possession, so that, when it comes time to use them, he will not have to waste time reading magic to invoke them, but will know their contents.

[Let me know if Flavius' spellbook blows up in his face, or the like.]

Kendry catalogs what he learns about the spellbook, taking quick notes as he progresses through.

ADM StevenVdB : Posting Record Game 13 
Monday October 22nd, 2007 6:14:14 AM

Posting Report for Game 13 for the week of October 15 - October 21

Name - MTWTFSS - #
DM Glenn - XXXXX-- - 5
Dwight - XXXX--- - 4
Fickle - XX-XXXX - 6
Podo - 2-XX--X - 5
Selithe - XX-2X-X - 6
Kendry - 2-X22X- - 8
Tobias -XXXX-- - 4
Airin - -XXX-X- - 4
Julian - -2-2X-X - 6

Weekly Summary: A quiet week
Further interrogations of Barb bring little extra informations. Letter are written, tales are told, time passes without much excitment.
But restless as the group of Halflings is they will soon be looking for danger once again...

Monday October 22nd, 2007 7:51:59 AM

Fickle look down at his clothing, "What'z matter witH Me'z Clothes?? Their a little dirty, Smell a little, But they'z still good!" His face has a little wrinkle of confusion??

Birthday bash (DM Glenn) 
Monday October 22nd, 2007 10:27:06 AM

(OOC: Yes everyone including Fickle got bags of gems worth 1,000gp from Graeff.)

Over the week, Tobias works with Tewdwrd teaching the two headed wolf to Stay on command.

Kendry sends his letter and checks to see if Fickle's ready to join the WLA. Getting wind of Calfast's missing nephew, Kendry checks around and pays a visit to burgomeister. Calfast looks a little tired as he tells Kendry what he knows, "Tommy, been missing for four days now. He just didn't come home and his friends don't known where he is. He's a good boy likes fishing. We sent searchers up and down the river looking for him. They haven't found a sign of him. I've authorized a reward from the town treasury, but if he's been kidnapped there's been no ransom demand." Calfast listens to Kendry's tale about Max's scam and the bards concern about the necromancer, "I've been told about the exchange blows at the Glassy Glaze Tavern, I've reassured the owners that your friends were merely defending themselves. This necromancer sounds like bad business. Do you think there is any connection between the missing boy and Max or the necromancer?"

Julian continues his training, he even invites Fickle to join him, by having Sallie track Fickle.

Selithe ask to tag along with Fickle and help him look for pretty rocks.

Asked about joining the WLA, Fickle opens his bag and starts to counts coins.

Airin hangs out and plays with the children doing magic tricks for them. Many of the children are being keep at home for fear of them going missing too.

Discovering some miscellaneous gems in her pack, Selithe offers to help pay for Fickle's membership to the WLA matching Kendry's gift.

Not wanting to burden his friends, Fickle heads back to the tavern and tries to hawk Barb's old warhammer, much to everyone's surprise. A half drunk Dwarf takes one look at the hammer and sputters, "Whatch you trying to do get me killed. That's what would happen if that warrior comes back looking for her weapon! I'll not buy that or anything else you've stolen!" with that the dwarf huffs off.

Julian questions Kendry's motives about the WLA.

Podo takes a turn at reading the undead guide. He also, inquires of the group about what they think should be the group's mission statement. He is convincing are you would really like to help him (Trying Diplomacy on PCs?)

Seeing everyone else reading the book, Airin takes a turn at it too. (OOC: thanks for the spell list.)

Kendry makes a trip catacombs rising more than enough for Fickle's WLA membership fee. Also, he spends some time reading the necromancer spell book. Kendry discovers the spell book is half-full. Fifty pages of spells of all kinds except enchantment and illusion. Most are necromantic school. The book does not blowup in the bards face.

Time passes, It's now been five days since the tavern meeting with Max. Everyone has had time to train at the WLA, read books, shop and work with your animals. Fickle has been keep busy if not out of trouble. Today is the day for Fickle's birthday party. Leska (Kendry & Selithe sister) has cooked up a storm and a large cake for him. At noon everyone hides in the toyshop ready to surprise Fickle. He comes in on cue looking for Kendry wondering why the shop is so dark and where everyone is?

In back the table is laden with a feast and a large cake with fifty candles ready and lit.

[OOC: Those with memorized spell list please make sure are current and have been posted recently. Thanks!]

Monday October 22nd, 2007 1:18:02 PM

Tobias is at the shop for Fickle's party and wishes him a happy birthday. He gives him a small wolf pup as a birthday gift. And, celebrates the evening away with his friends.

On the following day:
"Well now that the week is out, what are we going to do? Wait here until we get an answer from one of the other?"

Monday October 22nd, 2007 8:11:20 PM

Selithe is happy to help Fickle with the WLA dues and such if needed. Later though she also hides with the others till Fickle shows up. At this time she will leap out like any of the others would, "Happy B-day Fickle." Selithe smiles to her friend and gives Fickle a big hug and smiles, "We were hoping to surprise you so I hope we succeeded."

Later Selithe plans to spends time copying spells into her spell book.

(DM: Not sure if any rolls are needed so let me know if there are rolls needed. I also have a email being sent out shortly with more scrolls just purchased in the CC.)

Monday October 22nd, 2007 9:03:43 PM

Dwight enjoys the party, but wonders what the next challenge will be in his life. He doesn't fear the challenge, but does wonder if he will be up to it.

"SURPRISE" he shouts to Fickle at the appropriate time. He shares some of the cake and other food stuffs, but retires early.

He awakes early the next morning, ready for the two-day trip to Angel Springs to return the thurible?

Monday October 22nd, 2007 11:01:20 PM

"Surprise, Happy Birthday, Fickle!"

During the party he finds a moment to talk to Podo, "You said you'd like to discuss the 'mission' of the party. I for one think that we ought to be protecting those who aren't up for protecting themselves, and making things safer for people generally. That's why I wouldn't fight in the tavern. I feel terrible about how that ended up in a brawl."

Airin and Fioni 
Tuesday October 23rd, 2007 2:33:17 AM

Airin too hides behind the counter when Fickle steps into the shop. Then she pops out with the others


When she's able to get near to Fickle herself she embraces the party animal and kisses her on the cheeks.

"Happy Birthday. May there be a lot more years to come and a lot of exciting adventures."

Airin enjoyes the cake a lot but stops eating when she feels her armor getting a size too small...


"Our mission statement?" Airin asks Dwight. She never gave this much thought. It feels as if they have chosen to stick their noses in every bussiness they come accross... she never realised there was a mission involved :-)

"Getting wealthy, powerful adventurers and remaining in good health?" but she quickly notices Dwights face and realises that was not was he was aiming for...

"Protect the weak and safe the day?" in the end that comes down to the same she thinks to herself...

"What's your idea Dwight? I'm curious..."

Spell list:
Level 0: Flare, Goodberrie, Create Water, Light
Level 1: Speak with animals, Produce Flame, Entangle
Level 2: Spider Climb, Cat's Grace

* marks spells that are used

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Tuesday October 23rd, 2007 4:57:01 AM

Joining in on the celebration for Fickle, Podo offers the little he can. "Happy Birthday Fickle!!! I'll give what I can to help you join up with the WLA." says Podo.

When the chance arises, Podo has a small talk with Julian about the groups Mission Statement; Podo takes notes during the chat.

Podo's "memorized" spells for the day:

Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Light, Purify Food and Drink, Read Magic

1st Level
Cure Light Wounds, Deathwatch, Bless Water, Shield of Faith, Entangle

2nd Level
Cure Moderate Woundsx2, Calm Emotions,

Tuesday October 23rd, 2007 8:03:03 AM

Fickle enters the dark room, But when the light goes on and everybody shouts "Happy Birthday!" Fickle drop the stolen war hammer.

"Dah! Dah! I naver told you all that it was My Birthday? How you'z know??" But when Tobias gives him the Wolf pup, Tears come to his eyes.

Fickle takes the pup in his arms " me'z like you'z! you like me's?" the wolf pup bits his nose "*bite*" Fickle yells!"He like me! Me'z call you Ouch, good name for you and you'z sharp teeth!"

Then he look to friends, "Thanks all of you! Me'z like you all too!" He'll sit on the floor and play with his pup (Good chance it's a wolf pup and can play rough too!)

Birthday bash (DM Glenn) 
Tuesday October 23rd, 2007 9:47:34 AM

[OOC: Selithe I got your email of your CC purches. They are available now. Please send me a copy of your updated character sheet. Adding spells takes 24 hours to add one spell, cost 100gp per spell level in materials. Only Spellcraft check needed is to read the Scroll you are copying (DC 15+spell level). This Sepllcraft check is not needed if you use read magic, or the writer of the scroll helps you read it.]

Fickle is surprised as everyone jumps out, and is overwhelmed when Tobias gives him a wolf pup. Airin and Selithe gives Fickle a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Julian finds time to talk to Podo about the mission. Dwight enjoys the party and food.

As everyone is enjoying the feast and second or third helping of cake, there is a knock at the door.

"Ouch" the puppy yaps at the noise, as Leska answers it. She greets a group of three Halflings. One heavyset man and two workers carry a chest between them.

After talking to them for just a bit she directs them to bring the box into the room, Leska looking a bit confused "This is odd, we're not expecting any deliveries."

The supervisor looks at his notes, "Sayz right here to be delivered to the occupants of toy and music shoppy in Angel Springs. It looks like it might be expensive seeing how it's a triple lock chest. Maybe it a birthday gift, seeing how it looks like your having a birthday party. All I know is that I'm to deliver it here. Please sign here and initial here," he saids holding out a clipboard. His men set the trunk down with a thunk.

Leska asks, "Who sent it and from where?" The man looks at his notes "Doesn't have a origin listed, all I know is that it came in on the morning shipping wagon from Windhorn on the Windhorn Shipping Service. Hey, aren't you those people who befriend that ogre and saved Calfast election by bringing the beer?" He hold out his clipboard again, "Could someone to sign here please?". The two workers have already stepped back outside to their wagon.

As soon as someone signs the form, the supervisor thanks you and leaves.

The chest is a heavy-duty box about three feet wide, two deep and two tall. It has three locks, two exterior pad locks and one built into the chest itself. The two pad locks are of average quality (DC25 each to pick), the center built-in lock is a good quality lock (DC30 to pick). No keys were delivered.

Spot check DC25 Highlight to display spoiler: {No the three workers are not Max, Zen and Barb in disguise. They are local warehouse workers.}

Tuesday October 23rd, 2007 10:16:32 AM

Back with Calfast

Kendry takes in what the Burgomeister tells him. In response to the question as to the boy's absence and the necromancer's possible involvement, the young bard's face goes ashen. "I can only pray that it be not so, sir." He indicates he will do what he can.

Necromancer's Spellbook

What spells (necromantic or otherwise) did Kendry find in Flavius' spellbook?

Why WLA?

Kendry answers Julian regarding Fickle's joining of the WLA. "Lars Tokasis, the Hero of Annun Far, who opposed Marteaus in the Year of Ascension, and was Liberator of The Last Fortress - Lars founded the Woldian League of Adventurers to protect the innocent, and to combat evil in its many forms.

"You yourself, Julian, have benefitted from their training. If Fickle joins now, he will gain a feat that will not be available should he wait until later to join. He will gain skills that otherwise will come more slowly. And he will gain the support of the League... and, one hopes," Kendry adds with a smile, "some greater guidance in moral behavior. Maybe."

Then he adds, "Also, Jules, we've talked to him before about it, and he said he wants to join. The only thing that prevented him from joining earlier was a lack of funds, and the pressing issue of heading out of town once our erstwhile companion, Tibble, left on his own with Bella's potions."

A Song for Fickle

When first we met Fickle
He was caught in quite a pickle
Entrapped by lizards, by lizard-like dogs
And him we came to rescue
E'en lovely Airin came,
She who talks to fescue

Well fought we high
And fought we low
Tobias wrestled crocodile
Doggies barked and arrows arched
Some friends were wrapped
In fast growth vines

Julian grew to twice his height
And warrior bold he fought off five
Fickle up and got to rockin'
He bashed a dog guard on the noggin
Pseudodragon helped on high

Kendry stops his song, and laughs. "That's all I've written so far. But happy birthday, half-a-century boy!"

Tuesday October 23rd, 2007 11:34:38 AM

A good time is had by all at the party, but now Tobias is interested by what's in the box.

DM Glenn OOC 
Tuesday October 23rd, 2007 1:42:16 PM

The spells Kendry finds in the spellbook. 64 pages total.

0) Arcane Mark, Detect Magic, Disrupt Undead, Light, Mending, Read Magic, Presidigitation, Touch of Fatigue
1) Chill Touch, Exp Retreat, Magic Missile, Obs Mist, Protection from good, Shield
2) False Life, Ghoul Touch, Mirror Image, Rope Trick, Spectral Hand
3) Dispel Magic, Keen Edge, Vampiric Touch
4) Animate Dead, Arcane Eye, Fear, Stoneskin
5) Baleful Polymorph, Passwall, Waves of Fatigue

Dwight  d20+6=19
Tuesday October 23rd, 2007 9:24:51 PM

Dwight puts his fork down as the chest is delivered. As the crew moves it into position, Dwight takes a look outside.

He looks around at the various party members to see who will sign for the chest. If no one steps forward immediately, Dwight will, though he will sign it as "Frank Longhair Puddlefoot."

After the supervisor leaves, Dwight will then ask/state, "Perhaps we should move the chest somewhere else before opening it. I would hate to mess up the house."

Feeling he is putting a damper and dread in the ongoing party, he adds, "Well it might be rigged to throw paper shreads everywhere."

"I doubt I'm the most capable in opening locks, but I can try if no one else wants too." Dwight is more than willing to check for traps, but allows others to open it if they prefer.

Trap check: (search?) = 19

Tuesday October 23rd, 2007 10:17:20 PM

Selithe shrugs as the large chest is brought in and looks to the others before walking over and glancing over the thing slowly, "Hmm, I can give a hand in cracking this thing open if needed. I have abit of rogue abilities." Selithe shrugs and will aid any who try to open or seatch the chest for traps. (I believe that adds a +2 to another's check)

Wednesday October 24th, 2007 12:24:15 AM

Julian is keen to just smash the chest open, but chooses to say nothing. Upon reflection, that is forcing himself to wait a bit longer, he would agree that it is a good idea to not do so.

He stands back quietly enjoying the food as the others deal with the chest.

"Nice song, Kendry."

Airin and Fioni  d20+7=11 d20+12=25 d20+8=28 d20+8=27
Wednesday October 24th, 2007 2:39:42 AM

Being only partly a rogue Airin is not as experienced as you could expect from a true rogue. She also agrees with Dwight that it would be wise to open the chest elsewhere. If it throws 'paper shreds' around the shop that could be devastating... imaging the cleaning up afterwards...

Once the chest has been replaced - what's the weight? (appraise 11) While moving do they hear something specific about what's inside the chest? (listen: 25) - Airin investigates the chest cautiously. Looking for specific markings, possible traps, signs, writings, anything that can reveal where it came from... One thing that pops to her mind would be the sand in front of the Necromancer's lair. Perhaps she can detect a trigger or a hidden comprtiment that holds the keys. Who would send such a chest withoug further explanation or without telling where to find the keys...

search: 28

Airin definetely waits to start opening the chest. No one delivers a chest with 3 locks without further explanation. She informs the others of her findings while she examines the chest.

Forgot to make the spot check first: spot 27

Wednesday October 24th, 2007 6:13:30 AM

Kendry detects magic on the chest.

"It could be a gift for the group. Or for Fickle. It could be some ghastly tit for tat from our friend who lives twixt sand and cliff. It could be any number of things. It could be a kidnap victim. It could be potatoes and cream cheese. So, let's open it and find out. And if any fear the spread of little pieces of paper from it on opening, we can toss a canvas over it first. Nalfein," he calls for his brother, who works at the shop and who has the skills of a rogue, "how might you be at checking out something like this?"

Fickle  d20+4=20
Wednesday October 24th, 2007 9:15:53 AM

Fickle watches the others try to pick a lock, so fickle tells Ouch "Be good boy While me'z try to open lock!"

Fickle picks up a stiff wire, stick out his toung out of the side of his mouth. 'pick!' ' Pick!' ' Pink!'.

Picking lock 20 (i have taken Dex of +4)

(OOC: Fickle's open lock should be a +9. Did you get the updated character sheet I sent? -DM Glenn)

Birthday bash (DM Glenn)  d20+3=21
Wednesday October 24th, 2007 10:28:30 AM

Kendry makes his sells pitch for the WLA to Julian. Durring the party the bard sings the Fickle song he's been working on. (OOC: good one!)

Tobias's forgets all about the party as his interest is peaked by the mysterious box.

Being suspicious, Dwight checks outside when the trunk is delivered. Then steps forward to sign the form. Smiling the foreman looks at the paperwork, "Wait till, I tell the misses, I met the famous adventures 'Frank Longhair Puddlefoot' an friends!" He quickly joins him men and leaves. Checking over the chest, Dwight suggests moving it elsewhere before opening it. He finds no signs of gas tubes, poison darts, slicing blades or other deadly traps.

Selithe add her eye to the examination (Aid other DC10 DM roll for Selith search 21 success +2). Selithe points out a few more things like fire trap or glyphs for Dwight to check, but they all come up negative.

Julian seems to have hit on a idea on how to open the chest, but the waits giving the others a chance first.

Agreeing with Dwight, Airin thinks the chest should be moved before opening it. She gets Julain and Tobias to move the 200lb box carefully to out back of the shop.

Listening while the chest is moved, Airin thinks she heard hollow reeds or bamboo bumping together. She takes a turn at examining the container for markings, traps, signs, writings, triggers and/or hidden compartments. She finds on markings, signs writing, or hidden compartments, but oddly enough the chest looks like it made to fall apart when opened? (nice roll nat20)

Curious, Kendry cast a detect magic on the chest and studies it for several long moments. He doesn't detect any magical auras come from the chest or from inside it or from anything behind it. Calling his brother in to consult on the chest, Nalfein looks it over, "Humm, Nice workmanship! This is beyond my meager skills. You could hire a locksmith to open it? Maybe you should throw it in the river if you think it's dangerous."

A man of many hidden talents, Fickle tells his puppy "Ouch" to stand a side as he proceeds to poke at one of the two padlocks on the chest. He seems to have tickled the lock just right, because it pops open!

The well-made chest has been moved and now sits out back of the toy shop with one of the three locks now open. Two locks stand between you and the contents of the chest. Airin thinks the chest is designed to fall apart once opened.

(OOC: Open Lock DC for Padlock is DC25, the center built-in lock is DC30. You can make an Aid other skill check of DC10 to give someone else a +2 bonus.)

Nalfein and Leska watch anxiously from the doorway.

Wednesday October 24th, 2007 2:03:10 PM

"Maybe it's a little undead attacker," Kendry says. "Or a fun game. Let's get that canvas ready, and some protection spells, too, just in case."

He gets a large canvas and ties ropes in the eyes in the corners. He gets out a step ladder and a hammer and a light nail. He taps a nail through the canvas lightly into the ceiling - enough to hold the canvas up, unless pulled on a bit. "Fickle - you did a good job on the first lock. Why not try the second. Tobias - you want to take that corner? Julian, the one adjacent. I'll take the side opposite Tobias. Who wants the fourth corner?"

Wednesday October 24th, 2007 5:26:14 PM

"It's odd, how as an adventurer, such a plain chest becomes such a potential danger." Having said this, Dwight still keeps alert, wondering who would have sent this without attaching their name.

Trying to think positively, he wonders if "heather" would risk sending stuff in a box, or perhaps another surprise for Fickle. He mind keeps concluding that it is more likely from the necro.

Dwight will then take the fourth corner.

Selithe  d20+8=20 d20+4=13
Wednesday October 24th, 2007 8:17:25 PM

Selithe watches the others and shrugs as she sits back and watches. She has only some skill in this type of stuff since most of her training as a togue revolves around cards and gambling. However if needed she will try and give a helping hand.

(I'm thinking thats a disable device check, isn't it? If so Disable device:20 otherwise the check would of been 13)

Wednesday October 24th, 2007 8:51:19 PM

Julian helps with the tarp, and watches with interest as the other pick and poke and prod. He offers with a grin,

"I've got a sledgehammer round here somewhere..."

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Thursday October 25th, 2007 12:22:37 AM

Podo stands at the ready incase the contents of the chest is what Kendry thinks it is, which is to say an undead attacker.

Airin and Fioni  d20+14=30 d20+14=29 d20+12=32
Thursday October 25th, 2007 8:00:11 AM

"Okay, let's open this cracker... Everyone be at guard. Fioni, fly outside."

Airin stretches her fingers and kneels in front of the chest. First she casts a spell on herself to make her fingers even more nimble to increase her chances with both locks (casting Cat's Grace on herself - increasing DEX by 4 - Dex modifier now +6 also increasing AC en reflex saves by 2 - open lock bonus to +14)

She examines the locks once again and then fiddles with the Padlock first.

Open Padlock : 30

The Padlock should open easy enough. Airin gets a little nervous and wonders about the last lock. She knows the chest is made to fall apart once she has unlocked the last lock...

Open center lock : 29 - not enough on her own but with an aid another from someone else it should open...

The moment Airin feels the lock is about to open she tumbles backwards...

Tumble: 32 - NAT 20

Of course it's very likely everyone will be laughing if the thing that is inside is not harmful at all :-)

Spell list:
Level 0: Flare, Goodberrie, Create Water, Light
Level 1: Speak with animals, Produce Flame, Entangle
Level 2: Spider Climb, Cat's Grace

* marks spells that are used

Fickle  d20+9=28
Thursday October 25th, 2007 9:39:46 AM

Fickle yells, "HOO! Let me'z try that lock first! Then you can smash it!" he pleeds with Podo.

He goes to the loch putting his hea close to the lock, twist and turn the wire in the lock.

"Click! Slip! Click! Slip slip!" This is hard'z.

OOS; NO DM I didn't get it,

Birthday bash (DM Glenn)  d8=2 d8=6 d8=1 d4=3 d20+2=22 d20+2=13 d6+1=3
Thursday October 25th, 2007 11:02:00 AM

Kendry jokes about what inside the chest as he rigs a canvas tarp to drop over the chest. Kendry, Dwight, Julian, and Tobias hold the tarp corners. Selithe stands back ready to help. Podo stands ready to repel the short undead that kendry joked about. Airin starts to work on the locks. The first one she springs open easily. The second one she is very close to opening if only she had a third hand. Then Fickle jumps in with wire in hand helping Airin. Between the two of them the lock clicks open. Airin tumbles backwards out of the way, as the chest springs open and apart.

What looks like three tumble weeds of bones come tumbling out of the chest as the walls of the box fall flat. Immediately they unfold into full size wolf skeletons as they jump up and attack!
Anyone with a spot check DC20 Highlight to display spoiler: { A bone scroll case also fell out, when the chest popped open.}

The first boney wolf unfolds too far away from anyone to attack spotting a juicy looking Fickle it moves forward.

The second boney wolf finds Tobias to close enough to take a bite (hit ac 22 dam 3), it dead teeth taste flesh once more!

The third boney wolf standing next to Fickle snaps at him (hit ac 13 miss), but fails to connect! The bones making an eerie clacking sound as its jaws shut on air.

(Wolf skeletons AC 15)


The back of the toy and music shop opens into the Open Market Place. Apparently a small number of customers and merchants have stopped to watch the odd going on's. Two or three gasp when the wolf skeletons jump out. One male Halfling even shrieks in terror at the sight of them! "Ahhhaaaaa!!!"

Kendry  d20+3=6 d20+7=25 d8+2=6
Thursday October 25th, 2007 11:12:23 AM

"Drop the canvas," Kendry's words accompany his action as he lowers the cloth over the bony lupines.

He quickdraws his masterwork bastard sword, and steps forward (to N6), bringing it down over the back of wolf skeleton 3 for 6 hp damage (hit 6AC 25), striking the lump over which the canvas has settled.

Tobias (AC 20, HP 41/44) 
Thursday October 25th, 2007 11:22:43 AM

Tobias drops his corner of the cloth, and then draws his short sword, and takes a 5 ft back (to S5) preparing for the skeletal wolf thing to come out from under the cloth... He also calls for Tewdwr to come join him.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood [AC: 20 | HP: 31]  d20+4=18 2d6(2+5)+7=14
Thursday October 25th, 2007 9:50:51 PM

Podo will try to turn the undead wolves. Opening his arms and spreading his hands, Podo looks upward towards Alemi,saying " Oh Alemi please grant me he strength to turn these undead things!"

Turn UNdead DC
Turning Check: 18
Turning Damage: 14

Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Light, Purify Food and Drink, Read Magic

1st Level
Cure Light Wounds, Deathwatch, Bless Water, Shield of Faith, Entangle

2nd Level
Cure Moderate Woundsx2, Calm Emotions,

Thursday October 25th, 2007 10:09:40 PM

Selithe shakes her head and only half grins, "Well, a certain necro is not happy at our miss work with Max evidently."

Selithe will pull her mw bastard sword and ready to fight. Moving in a bit also as she figures they won't stay under the cloth long.

(Spells will be posted on next post if thats ok. Got to keep this post rather quick.)

Dwight  d4+1=5
Thursday October 25th, 2007 10:50:26 PM

Dwight also drops his corner. Takes a 5' step away from the canvas to M9. He then quickly casts a Magic Missile at W3. (dmg: 5)

"We really need to settle this matter," Dwight mumbles.

Julian, enraged, AC  d20+5=10
Friday October 26th, 2007 12:26:21 AM

Enraged that they should be attacked whilst celebrating Julian dives in to Grapple the nearest wolf (1).

Strength check 10, uh -oh.

Fickle (AC 21/ 58/58hp)  d20+8=23 d6+5=11
Friday October 26th, 2007 9:27:20 AM

Fickle will run into the Wolf Skeleton, hittimg him into his chest AC 23, Giving him Damaged of 11 crack and brolen bones.

as for Ouch the wolf pup goes in and pick up a bone for himsels, goes hiding to chew on the darg thing.

OOC to DM(unable to open the websight in your post, Must fight blind! and No I dai not get your E-mail??)

Airin [AC19 - Dodge AC20 vs Skeleton 1 - HP52/52]  d20+11=27 d6+3=8
Friday October 26th, 2007 12:03:21 PM

Airin faces the wolf skeletons as she emerges from tumbling backward. She realises arrows and swords are not as useful against these creatures as a nice Mace or even fire...

Airin casts a Produce Fire spell and immediately a Flame appears in her hand...

She throws the flame at Wolf Skeleton 1

Flame hits Touch AC27 - fire damage 8

Spell list:
Level 0: Flare, Goodberrie, Create Water, Light
Level 1: Speak with animals, *Produce Flame, Entangle
Level 2: Spider Climb, *Cat's Grace

* marks spells that are used

Birthday bash (DM Glenn)  d20+8=15
Friday October 26th, 2007 12:21:23 PM

(OOC: Note treating the canvas as a net, except to escape one just has to move out of the area of effect. Effects are half movement and entangled -2 to hit and -4dex. Also, even so the undead have total cover from the trap {+4AC}, I'm ruling that it is soft cover and doesn't block the line of effect.)

Kendry drops the canvas as he draws his bastard sword stepping forward slashing the third skeleton while it is under the canvas. The sword if more effective on flesh than bone, so the damage to the wolf if minor.

Dropping his corner, Tobias steps back as he draws his sword and calls Tewdwr to him. The two-headed wolf comes bounding up to stand net to his friend, it grows and barks at the boney wolfs.

Podo calls forth the power of Alemi to drive these undead creatures away. He feels Alemi's power surge within him repelling all three undead wolfs.

Drawing her bastard sword, Selithe moves forward ready to attack.

Also dropping his corner, Dwight steps back as he draws and fires his Magic Missile wand at the third boney wolf. The magical energy strikes with full force.

Enraged, Julian jumps forward to grapple the first tarp covered boney wolf. (DM Rolled touch AC 15 hit). Grabbing the boney wolf, Julian is unable to keep a hold on it as it breaks free (grapple DC12 vs Julian's grapple attempt 10).

Under the dropped tarp, Fickle strikes the third boney wolf with his long sword, the force of the blow sends some bone fragments flying, but the weapon is not as effective as it would be against real flesh.

Airin cast a spell that produces flames in her hand. (OOC: Can't attack with the flame weapon from "Produce Flames" until next round, but you can keep the attack and damage rolls.)

The three boney wolfs are cowered and forced to flee by the power of Alemi that Podo projected. Boy can those boney puppies run! Directly away from Podo and towards merchants tents, merchants and shoppers.

Fickle get an attack of opportune at ether wolf #1 or #3.
Tobias get a attack of opportunity at wolf #2
Kendry don't get a AoO because of the total cover from the tarp.

The back of the toy and music shop opens into the Open Market Place. More customers and merchants have started to pay attention to the action. As the skeletons Wolf head into the crowded market place, some Halflings start to scream "Ahhhaaaa....!!!" and some run for cover others are frozen in place.

Wolf #1 ac15, turned
Wolf #2 ac15, turned
Wolf #3 ac15, turned, dam 12

Map http://img228.imageshack.us/img228/6456/birthdaybash2be9.jpg

[edited to add Airin's action.]

Tobias (AC 20, HP 41/44)  d20+13=20 d4+2=6 d20+13=29 d4+2=4 d20+7=18 d6+1=4
Friday October 26th, 2007 1:13:47 PM

First, Tobias gets an AOO and swings with his short sword.
Attack: 20
Damage: 6

Tobias sends Tewdwr after the furthest wolf skeleton (w2). And, he moves (to V6) and attacks a closer skeleton(w3).
Attack: 29
Damage: 4

"Quick don't let these abominations of nature out of our sights and loose on the town," Tobias yells to the others.

Tewdwr moves (to Z5) after that skeleton taking and attacks it with a might bite.
Attack: 18
Damage: 4

Julian, Enraged, charging, AC 14, hp 55/55, Power Attack  d20+7=25 d10+18=23 d20+7=17 d10+18=24
Friday October 26th, 2007 5:20:51 PM

"We have to protect the townsfolk from these things," Julian yells to his friends.

He charges after his slippery foe, easily overtaking it, drawing EagerTooth as he runs, swinging the mighty blade with two hands at the wolf.

Charge at Wolf 1 to W8, taking an AoO from Wolf 3.
Power Attack 5, damage +10 (2H weapon)
Hit AC 25
Damage 23 -5 DR = 18

Hoping for an AoO against Wolf 3 as it runs past Julian:
Power Attack 5, damage +10
Hit AC 17
Damage 24 -5 DR = 19

Friday October 26th, 2007 5:30:51 PM

OOC: great maps DM, and thanks for making the touch attack roll. I was in a rush and forgot about that.

Selithe-AC:20-HP:39/39  d20+6=15 d8+1=5
Friday October 26th, 2007 8:36:22 PM

Selithe hopes to get a swing at one of the wolves when they come out from under the cloth that had been covering them.

(Can hit AC:15 Damage:5)

(OOC:Did we get to rest or anything since our last battle? Otherwise I have to relook up my spells from the last one.)

(OOC:DM, I'll have my CS into you this weekend.)

(OOC: It's been a few days since the last battle so yes you had a chance to redo spells. Please post them ASAP - DM Glenn)

Kendry (AC 15/HP 35)  d20+4=19
Saturday October 27th, 2007 1:02:42 AM

Kendry drops his sword on the canvas as he moves forward. "Slow 'em down, tanglefoot 'em friends!" Kendry encourages. "Nalf! be sure my sword to tend," he shouts to his elder brother, getting into his bardic rhythm. "Airin, careful with the fire, doll," he cautions his lady love. As he shouts out commands, he quickdraws forth a tanglefoot bag (he always keeps at least one at his waist these days) and, at the moment he reaches T6, tosses it at Wolf 2, to which Tewdwr has just drawn abreast, with a ranged touch attack hitting AC 19 (d20+8-2-2). Alchemical goop spreads along the ribs and legs of the bony foe, slowing it, certainly, and perhaps even glueing it to the flagstones of the marketplace. He hopes that Tewdwr is not caught up in it. "Merchants, shoppers, GET BEHIND THE STALLS!" - the last said with the force and intonation he learned from the times he or any of his siblings or cousins ever crossed his Grandma Eglantine Gardner Pastna Pipewood.

His own father, Samell Fingers Pastna Pipewood, told him long ago that he thought Kendry had inherited his penetrating voice, in part, from Grandma Eglantine. "Although yours can be soothing, too, lad. Bless Wardd for that."

He hopes Airin doesn't kick him later for calling her 'doll.'

Dwight (ac 16, hp 35)  d20+9=22 d4=4 d20+9=21 d4=3
Saturday October 27th, 2007 8:38:44 AM

"Great, more to worry about," Dwight grumbles as the wolves make for innocent townfolk.

Grabbing his bow, and knowing they won't be as effective as they should be, he loads and releases.

(OOC: Since my bow wasn't in hand, I might only get one attack this round. I have rapid fire and have rolled two attacks just in case.)

Attack: 21 (hit W3)
dmg: 4

Attack #2:20 (hit W3)

(I reduced each attack by one since they are not within my 30' mark)

OOC: Magic missile was cast, not from a wand last round. just FYI

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood [AC: 20 | HP: 31]  d20+9=29 d20+9=24 d6=1
Saturday October 27th, 2007 2:40:03 PM

Realizing what turning the boney wolfs has caused, Podo moving his hands outwards, upwards, fingers splayed open as if starting to heal, speaking an incantation in a strong voice, and with Divine Focus, leashes out with an Entangle spell targeting area Z7..."Oh Divine Great One, Alemi, I call forth your power to be focused and emitted through your holy vessel! Please , I beg you, ensnare these vile undead things!!"

If the spell works as thought, Podo will reach for, and take from his Handy Haversack the blunted Masterwork spiked chain while jogging to the entagled spot to beat down with blunt force & destroy the boney wolves using the blunted spiked chain.

Spiked Chain Attack
Attack DC: 29 (NAT 20!) Threat: 24
Damage DC: 1

[Effects of the Spell[/u]
Range: Long: 520 feet.
Area: Plants in a 40-ft.-radius spread; centered on Z7.
Duration: 3 minutes or until I dismiss it.

Fickle (Ac15 - 38hp)  d20+8=20 d20+8=22 d8=6 d8=8
Sunday October 28th, 2007 9:11:01 AM

Fickle will dog walk out from under the Tarp, useing his aoo will attack bone wolf #3 (Ac 20 - damages 6 - Ac22 - Damages 8)

"You'z leave Me"z friends Alone! or get more if these'z!"

Airin and Fioni  d20+11=16 d6+3=8
Monday October 29th, 2007 11:01:42 AM


Airin turns to face the running wolves and begins the chase. She throws a flame at W2 since he's furthest and then she won't harm anyone with the fire.

Flame hits Touch AC16 - damage 8 HP

Spell list:
Level 0: Flare, Goodberrie, Create Water, Light
Level 1: Speak with animals, *Produce Flame, Entangle
Level 2: Spider Climb, *Cat's Grace

* marks spells that are used

Birthday bash (DM Glenn)  d20+3=13 d20+3=20 d20+3=22 d20=2
Monday October 29th, 2007 11:21:20 AM

Tobias Tages the boney wolf as it runs by only doing minor damage. He quickly sends Tewdwr after the furthest skeleton as he moves forward hitting the third skeleton this time doing no damage. However Tewdwr's bite seems to do full damage as he crunches on bone.

Yelling at his friends, Julian draws his weapon as he charges past the third wolf. Momentarily catching up he turns and strikes it with one powerfully blow from EagerTooth shattering the boney wolf! (Because wolf-3 is fleeing in fear it doesn't take a AoO at Julian as he runs just past it before he attacked. Also, sorry Julian didn't get an AoO the first time the wolfs ran past him, because he weren't armed, but he will get on on wolf 1 as it runs away.)

Ready to attack, Selithe is snub by the boney wolfs running away instead of towards. (OOC: Yes, you had time change spells. No, I didn't receive an updated CS this weekend.)

Dropping his sword, Kendry chases after the fleeing boney wolfs drawing forth a tanglefoot bag and throwing it at the second wolf hitting it. (DC15 Reflex save 13 failed). The boney wolf is entangled and stuck fast to the spot unable to flee. Kendry also, yells to the crowed to take cover.

Grabbing his bow, Dwight fires an arrow hitting the first wolf, but it flies through the wolf's ribs doing no harm. (Only one attack when drawing a weapon. Also, I don't know where I get the idea that you where using a MM wand last turn??)

Seeing the wolves flee, Podo now try to stop them by casting an entangle spell on them. (OOC: Please post the save DC for spells! 10+1spellLevel+3Wis = DC14, Since this is a Halfling city there should be plants about.) The spell covers the remaining boney wolfs, Tewdwr, Julian, and Tobias. (Wolf#1 20, Wolf #2 22) Nether boney wolf seems to be entangled by the grass, flowers and weeds that grow in the Angel market square. Podo grabs his weapon as he moves forward after casting the spell.

Fickle strikes the wolf inflicting a little damage as it flees, then he chase it out from under the tarp and into the market place trying to keep up. At first, the tarp slows Fickle down, but then once out he can run faster. Catching up he sees that the boney wolf he is chasing is now just a pile of broken bones!

With fire in the palm of her hand she chooses a boney wolf, Airin flings the fire striking the entangled wolf. The flames burst upon the wolf, causing bones to burn and crack as the skeleton collapses into a pile of charred remains!

Boney Wolf 1 continues to struggle forward through the entangling area for plants trying to flee the holy cleric. Julian takes an opportunistic strike at the wolf as it flees striking it with his large sword shattering the boney wolf just as he did the other one!

Boney Wolf 2 is a charred pile of bones, and Boney Wolf 3 is a broken pile of bones.

Tewdwr, Julian, and Tobias are in the Entangle areas please make Reflex DC14 saves or be entangled.

Many of the customers and merchants have started to flee, yelling about unholy skeletons let lose in the city, "Ahhaaaa!!!! Run for your lives! HELP!! A pack of Unholy wolfs are after us! RUN AND HIDE!" Some stalls are being overturned as Halfling flee.

Wolf #1 dead
Wolf #2 dead
Wolf #3 dead

Tobias (AC 20, HP 41/44)  d20+11=16 d20+6=11
Monday October 29th, 2007 11:58:12 AM

Tobias tries to escape the entangling plants, and so does Tewdwr (but with less luck)...

"Can someone remove these plants now that the skeletons are dead?"

Monday October 29th, 2007 5:28:03 PM

Julian raises his sword in triumph, calling out, "No wrongs against you will stand to pass whilst I breathe, good friends. Sorry 'bout the scare then. All sorted now."

Looking at his feet he mutters under his breath, then says, "Err, what's this? Oh, I get it, hahahahaha, nice joke. Trap the heroes once the fight is done, hahahahhaa. Come on, let's go."

Selithe-AC:20-HP:39/39  d100=49 d4+1=2 d4+1=5
Monday October 29th, 2007 8:58:36 PM

(OOC:Updated CS coming out shortly after this post. 500 of the gps mentioned before we gained from Greaf (misspelled I think) was given to Fickle for WLA training and the other 500 went on copying spells in spell book.)

Selithe frowns seeing the wolves continue running away and thinks before whispering the words for a magic missile spell and moving her hand out to point towards one.

(Magic Missile:2/5)

0th:Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Light, Prestidigitation
1st: Magic Missile(2 *used:1*), Summon MonsterI(2), Grease
2nd:Bull's strength , Summon MonsterII, Invisibility

Dwight (ac 16, hp 35)  d20+3=17
Monday October 29th, 2007 10:05:39 PM

Feeling that was a bit easy, Dwight squats low enough to grab a piece of the tarp. He pulls it enough to fully expose the now open and 'empty' chest.

spot: 17

Not seeing anything, Dwight remains suspicious the necro didn't leave something more diplomatic or threatening. Surely the necro would have expect us to be able to hand the skeletons. And he now knows we got the package and have opened it, if his magic works similar to my own.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood [AC: 20 | HP: 31]  d20+10=18 d20+8=18
Monday October 29th, 2007 11:05:10 PM

Podo understanding that all the boney Wolfs are destroyed, drops the Entangle Spell.

Looking around, listening, and heading back over to the now splayed open chest, Podo examines the remaining chest.

Afterwards, Podo asks his friends his anyone is needs of healing, "What about yourself? Everyone at full health? What about the innocents?"

Skill Checks
Listen DC: 18
Spot DC: 18

Tuesday October 30th, 2007 12:10:36 AM

"Hahaha, thanks, nice one, Podo."

Airin and Fioni 
Tuesday October 30th, 2007 2:50:53 AM

Once the first flame was thrown a second immediately appears in Airin's hands. She turns around to face Kendry...

"doll...??" she asks raising her hand and narrowing range with Kendry...

"Doll?!?" she asks again the flame now reflecting in her eyes...

"DOLL??" she asks a last time now standing but 10ft away from Kendry...

Kendry  d20+11=31
Tuesday October 30th, 2007 6:13:45 AM

"Well, as pretty as a doll you are - but, much, uh, more versatile?" He prepares to duck in case Airin throws a flame in his direction. "It rhymed with 'stall' - look - it was a spur of the moment thing, Airin. Sorry!"

He looks at the fleeing merchants. "Uh, sweets, can we talk about this in a few minutes? We have some people to calm down."

The bard looks back and forth at the panicked people and Airin. "Sorry. I mean, you are pretty cute, you know. Especially when you're mad. But I've gotta talk with these folks for a moment."

Risking his life and limbs, he goes out to where the people are panicked. "Friends, merchants, people - do not worry. There is nothing here to hurt you! Come, let's pick up these things, so you all can get back to business!"

He motions for some of his friends to start helping get the square back into order, and puts his own hand to it. [Diplomacy 31 - nat 20]

Birthday bash (DM Glenn) 
Tuesday October 30th, 2007 10:09:55 AM

Tobias slowly pulls himself free of the entangling plants. Tewdwr is stuck. After the battle, Julian calls out in triumph, but then feels the entangling plants pulling at him.

Still in the heat of battle, Selithe prepares to cast another magic missile, but she can't seem to spot the three boney wolfs. All she sees are three piles of bones and a mass of lively plants.

Feeling that that was too easy, Dwight uncovers the open chest and something else! (see below)

Seeing the danger is over, Podo drops the Entangle spell, and asks if anyone needs healing.

With one battle over, Airin turns to face Kendry. Her hand full of flames seems to burn a bit hotter as she questions Kendry's choice of pet names for her. Kendry seems torn between the need of protecting his hide and calming the panicked citizens. The bard tries to sweet talk his way out of trouble, but eventually risks getting burned to restore order to the market square.

The chest now lies open. The for sides lay flat as does the hinged top. A thin sheet of metal seems to cover the inside surfaces. Also, no one noticed it at the time, but a bone scroll case did fall out of the chest when it popped open.
The bone scroll case is lying on the ground next to the chest.

The frighten Halflings sees to calm down quickly with but a few words from Kendry. While their adrenalin level is still high from the near disaster. With the help of the adventures, the few stalls that were knocked over are righted and the business of commerce starts to take hold once again.

There are a few comments from the crowds, "Thank Alemi, that you all were here to kill the unholy creatures! .... Was that an act? It was very realistic looking! ..... What where you thinking? Releasing those things here! The Burgermister will hear from me! ..... Wow, I want to be an adventure when I grow up! ..."

The puppy "Ouch" picks up one of the wolf bones from a pile and starts chewing on it.

Tobias (AC 20, HP 41/44) 
Tuesday October 30th, 2007 11:36:51 AM

Tobias has a minor nick (3 hp) and will take some of Podo's offered healing. Tobias goes over to help Dwight and sees the bone scroll case... Telling him that it's probably better not to open it out here.

Airin and Fioni 
Tuesday October 30th, 2007 1:29:35 PM

Airin listens to Kendry's ratteling speach and chuckles without showing about his internal struggle to set things straight with her and his need to talk to others...

She imagines the sight if she would throw the fire at Kendry's pants. She turns around and when she's almost certain that Kendry's not watching she smiles at his sister and winks.

She knows he meant it well but she enjoyes teasing him. Airin keeps the flame in her hands while the spell lasts.

ADM StevenVdB - Posting Report 
Tuesday October 30th, 2007 1:30:21 PM

Haven't been able yet to post the posting record but I do hope to have a bit more time tomorrow... sorry to keep you waiting DM.

Tuesday October 30th, 2007 9:36:17 PM

Moving over the where Tobias has pointed out the scroll. "I agree Tobias, perhaps a basement would be better."

Dwight pulls out one of his arrows. He carefully uses the tip to hook the scroll case. He then wonders if others would like to find a basement or head out of town before reading it.

Dwight would really not like to disturb the town anymore than they already have this visit. Surely it will make it harder for the WLA to get settled if we keep making such a threatening disturbance to daily town life.

Tuesday October 30th, 2007 10:07:29 PM

Selithe almost grins when she sees the wink from Airin and smiles before taking a little jab at her brother too, "Boy brother, where are your manners." Selithe hids another grin before heading over to Dwight.

Glancing at the scroll case she whispers to him, "I can use a simple spell to see if it's magical in any way. However we probably better get away from the people before we have people here complaining."

0th:Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Light, Prestidigitation
1st: Magic Missile(2 *used:1*), Summon MonsterI(2), Grease
2nd:Bull's strength , Summon MonsterII, Invisibility

Wednesday October 31st, 2007 12:13:05 AM

Julian laughs quietly at the banter between the girls and Kendry as he quietly collects up the remaining bones for disposal.

Kendry  d20+7=11 d20+7=16 d20+7=11 d20+7=16
Wednesday October 31st, 2007 3:18:09 AM

After helping to settle down the marketplace, Kendry answers the one who mentioned the 'Burgermister', "Sir, we thought it was a gift, and not of the sort it turned out to be. In hindsight, yes, another locale for its opening might have been better. But we contained the bony critters, and none were hurt here in the marketplace. You have my personal apology, nevertheless. I am Kendry. What is your name, sir, and is there any way I might be of assistance?"

And then, back with with the girls of the group, Kendry says, "Hey- you're ganging up on me!" Then he attempts to tickle them both. [Touch attack 11 vs Selithe, 16 vs Airin. And then again (if given the opportunity) 11 vs Selithe, and 16 vs Airin. Tickle.]

After that bit of frivolity, he concurs with Tobias, Dwight and Selithe on their suggested change of venue.

"Let's make sure we've cleaned up." He works with others to collect things, thanks Julian for gathering the bones, gets his bastard sword back from Nalfein, and folds up the canvas, letting someone else pick up the barrel pieces and locks - "We might be able to use those again. Perhaps our acquaintance wants us to re-use this box and locks. Hey, that rhymes!"

Inside, he suggests the linen closet. "There's enough room for two people in there. Selithe can detect magic on it. I, or someone else, can read it. And we'll see where we go from there."

If they are willing to have him do so, and after Selithe detects for magic - if no magic, he opens the scroll and reads it - silently at first. Then, if he discerns no potential harm in doing so, he reads the contents aloud to the others, through a crack in the door of the linen closet.

Birthday bash (DM Glenn) 
Wednesday October 31st, 2007 10:34:37 AM

OOC: It's Wednesday, Jerry need the Posting Report ASAP!

Tobias sees Podo about a minor nick, and suggests they take the scroll inside. Podo heals the cut easily and realizes that's the worst of the damage done by the boney wolfs.

Airin enjoying teasing Kendry, winks conspirator at Selithe. Dwight uses an arrow to pick up the scroll case, not wanting to risk touching it, he suggest leaving town to read it.

Selithe hides her grin and add a jab of her own for Kendry. She suggest casting a detect magic on it, but away from the crowds. Julian goes about collecting the bones and stuff for disposal.

Kendry tries to soothe things over with the grouchy complainer in the crowd with an explanation and offer to help. The older female Halfling just makes a hurmp noise, "This sort of thing wouldn't have happened under the Steady Party! I'm Merrliy Bitterweed Thornwood! You should know better young man, and your manors towards females are atrocious! If your mother heard you call them DOLLs she would wash your mouth out with soap and your father should give you a whipping where you can's sit down for a week!" She hurmps again and stalks off! Fickle stands awed of the elder lady's furry being vented on Kendry.

After cleaning up the mess, the group reenters the toy and music shop to examine the bone scroll case. Selithe is unable to detect any magic on the case or the scroll which they find within the tube. Kendry reads the message once then again out loud for everyone to hear.

I had hoped your group would have been reasonable to deal with in my attempts to procure the return of the items you stolen from me.

Unfortunately, because your band of privateers preferred to ignored my first offer and attack the purveyors of my second offer, I have been forces to take other measures.

Bring the two books and my homunculus to the hayfield a mile south of Angel Springs at midnight tonight. A mediator you know will meet you there to make the exchange of my books and homunculus for Calfast nephew Tommy.

The boy is unharmed and will remain unharmed as long as your group behaves themselves!

Don't try to involve any others.


It is about 2pm in the afternoon.

[OOC: Please keep track of your spell use for the day since you may not have time to regain them, before the next encounter.]

Wednesday October 31st, 2007 11:45:21 AM

Tobias shakes his head and says, "Well, now this is a new wrinkle. Do we have any choice but to return them now? I wish we'd just destroyed that hom from the start..."

Wednesday October 31st, 2007 6:38:05 PM

Julian expresses his frustration at this new turn, which could best be summarised as, "oh dear."

Trying to be as reasonable as possible he says,
"We need to be careful here now, don't we. I think I will stay back aways, a long ways. I've got a scroll of Exprecou... Expeedelici.. of Run Really Fast. Perhaps we should have a signal for me to charge in. I've another scroll of True Strike, so I won't miss, if you give me a moment to cast it. I could charge in and take out the necro.

"I think we should seriously consider taking him out for the good of all these good people here. On the same continent is living too close to a necro."

Wednesday October 31st, 2007 6:50:15 PM

Tobias to Julian, "I don't think he's making the pick up himself... 'a mediator we know' will make the exchange."

Wednesday October 31st, 2007 11:02:23 PM

to Tobias, "Oh yeah, it did say that, didn't it."

Wednesday October 31st, 2007 11:32:17 PM

"And our niceties have brought us to this. Endangering not only our lives, but that of a small boy. Unharmed perhaps physically, but being kidnapped definitely will have its toll on the boy."

Dwight is disheartened that a defensively boy is at risk.

"We have little choice here, folks. It is unfair for us to jeopardize a boy."

"I suspect the someone we know was last seen in the tavern or perhaps the house we watched last time."

Thursday November 1st, 2007 2:39:55 AM

Kendry decides not to tell Merrliy Bitterweed Thornwood that his father calls his mother 'doll' once in a while, and she doesn't seem to mind too much. Of course they're married. This woman reminds him of the man who upbraided them just before they went on the beer run for Calfast. He shrugs his shoulders, and heads on in.

When Kendry understands that Calfast's nephew was kidnapped because of this issue, his face pales.

"Well, what do you know. Perhaps Max was sent by Flavius. I don't know. There's something fishy about this whole thing.

"But you are correct, Dwight. At this point, we must put Tommy's welfare above knowing for certain.

"Julian, it will be well to be prepared for some sort of bad faith on Flavius' part. But I don't want us to have the whole thing turn out poorly just because you grow impatient. If you are held in reserve, can I trust you to withhold action until and unless I give you a prearranged signal?

"A boy's life is at stake." He looks at Julian, gauging his response.

"Now, we ought to be prepared. We know Flavius can cast fireballs. We ought not to bunch up. And we should have some scrolls and spells prepared to counter Flavius' magic if necessary. Who can cast dispel magic?"

He sits down on a stool. "Perhaps we walk in there, turn in the two books, the hom, and wait for Tommy's return, then come back to town, and all is well.

"I'd be willing to settle for that outdome, for the time being. How about you all?"

Thursday November 1st, 2007 6:01:25 AM

... with a huff Julian replies to Kendry, "Didn't I just say exactly that?!" and walks away a little to sit in a heap with his back turned.

OOC third post, just responding to conversation

Thursday November 1st, 2007 6:44:28 AM

"WoW! Me'z like that Female! Yes Siree'z my kind of woman!" said Fickle as he watches her walk away, "What you'z think Ouch? You'z like woman?"

The wolf-pup bites Fickle finger, "Ouch! OKie DoKie! We'z play!" So fickle and ouch continue to Play rughly.

ADM StevenVdB : Posting Record Game 13 
Thursday November 1st, 2007 6:48:29 AM

Extremely late due to work overload Posting Report for Game 13 for the week of October 22 - October 28

Name - MTWTFSS - #
DM Glenn - XXXXX-- - 5
Dwight - XXXX-X- - 5
Fickle - XXXXX-X - 6
Podo - -X-2-X- - 4
Selithe - XXXXX-- - 5
Kendry - XX2X-X- - 6
Tobias XX-XX-- - 4
Airin - XXXXX-- - 5
Julian - X-2-2-- - 5

Weekly Summary: Birthday Bash
During the celebration of Fickle's birthday an odd chest is delivered. 3 locks keep our friends from examining it's content. With united strength they open all locks ultimately facing yet another trap of the Necromancer...

Airin and Fioni 
Thursday November 1st, 2007 7:07:23 AM

Airin continues to smile as Kendry is lectured by the elder woman. She first dispels the flame in her hand and then walks over to him and gives him a hug. "I'm just teasing you... I know you meant well and I also know your father calls your mother that way... was that a hint perhaps?"

Sadly enough there are other pressing matters that need to be resolved first.

"Kendry and Julian are right. We need to think of the poor kids safety first. We can always deal with the necromancer later, when have selected our ideal moment to strike back..."

Spell list:
Level 0: Flare, Goodberrie, Create Water, Light
Level 1: Speak with animals, *Produce Flame, Entangle
Level 2: Spider Climb, *Cat's Grace

* marks spells that are used

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Thursday November 1st, 2007 8:48:10 AM

Podo feels that any and all discussions about what we do and how we should carry on, like all personal conversations should take place in doors and in private. "It's not our place to air our dirty laundry to the outside world! Really, who would understand it?" wonders Podo.

Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Light, Purify Food and Drink, Read Magic

1st Level
Cure Light Wounds, Deathwatch, Bless Water, Shield of Faith, Entangle*

2nd Level
Cure Moderate Woundsx2, Calm Emotions,

*denotes used.

Thursday November 1st, 2007 9:23:03 AM

"Podo, we are indoors," Kendry points out.

[OOC: Read with care that above we did go indoors before reading the scroll, and holding our discussion. It may be confusing, however, as our posts are addressing in part conversations outdoors, along with our indoor talk.]

Birthday bash (DM Glenn) 
Thursday November 1st, 2007 10:28:10 AM

[ooc: Steve, thanks for getting the Posting Report done!]

Having read the ransom note, Tobias and Julian are frustrated by involvement of an innocent youth's life whose fate is now tied to the groups' actions.

Dwight ponders who the mediator is.

The color drains from Kendry face, as he realizes the boy would pay for any mistakes made this time. He is a bit hard on Julian, as he gives out tactical advice.

Fickle doesn't seem to be affected by the news of the kidnapped boy as he plays with "Ouch" the puppy.

Having teased Kendry, Airin lets him off the hook as the party deals with the need to save the poor kid.

Podo urges his friends to use caution in what they do or say in public.

Standing around in the Toy Shoppe, the band of adventures are in a dark mood even with the remains of the Fickles' birthday feast around them.

Any preparations, before heading to the meeting place. It is just past 2pm currently, the group will have to leave by 11pm to make the hay field by midnight! What do you all do between now and midnight?

Thursday November 1st, 2007 7:53:40 PM

Selithe taps her chin and thinks over everything before looking to her brother, "This thing is just getting out of hand. I hate to say it but for now lets just trade the dang things to him before he actually does hurt someone. I don't think any of us want the blood of a innocent on our hands to we? There will be plenty of time to deal with the necro I'm sure."

Thursday November 1st, 2007 8:55:35 PM

"Selithe, I think we all agree on this. However, a thought just came to my mind. The book of undead, surely has been read by him and serves him little additional purpose. However, his spellbook is definitely important to him and will be used countless times in the future."

Dwight takes a moment as he puts his thoughts together.

"I am limited in the type of wizardic magic the necro casts, but wonder if we could return the book with some slight 'modifications'. Change a word or symbol here or there, or add an extra one within the spell itself."

"Ideally, this would accomplish the immediate goal of swapping books for the boy. However, it would still give us the upper hand. I cannot imagine the mutual acquaintance would be able to notice such changes. But would could keep a list of changes made, just in case we needed to bargain again later."

Dwight looks around to read others thoughts on his idea.

OOC: What was the 3rd book about? Or was it 2 books and the homuculus?

Thursday November 1st, 2007 10:09:26 PM

"Dwight, I agree with Selithe, I think we should just hand the book over. I guess we were just being greedy taking the books, and it serves us right, I s'pose."

Julian has a terrible taste in his mouth now any time that he thinks about this.

"I might go to the Catacombs to kill some time, and then Domi's temple. See you later tonight."

Julian walks off.

Friday November 2nd, 2007 3:01:42 AM

"Dwight - shrewd thought. Do so, if you wish.

"I'll join you in the Catacombs, Julian. Though all may go well, and Flavius honor the trade with no tricks, I'm not sure we can fully count on it.

"So, for the sake of the boy, let us prepare the trade. But let us prepare what defenses and counters we might should an ambush be sprung."

After another moment of consideration, Kendry asks, "What do you think of me talking with Calfast about the situation?"

[Please, Mr. DM, give us at least tomorrow, too, to talk things over before moving us forward to the evening.]

Friday November 2nd, 2007 8:14:22 AM

Fickle playing with the wolf-puppy, keep telling the pup "Don'tz bit too hard,if you'z play! Only bit hard if you want to Eats." He tell the Wolf-Pup.

Then it sinks in his head that the group is talking about a missing Boy?? "What'z this? A Missing Boy? Around These Area? Me want to find boy! You'z guys Comming?

Birthday bash (DM Glenn) 
Friday November 2nd, 2007 10:14:33 AM

[OOC: Basically it up to you players how many posting cycles it take before we are ready to move to the hay field. Also, for those planning to stock up at the catacombs before then. If you can't complete the transactions in the catacombs before the hayfield, then sending me a list of your pending transactions will be acceptable, but you will be required to complete your pending transaction!]

Selithe suggest playing it safe, then go after the necromancer later.

Dwight suggest making some alternations to the books before returning them. Notes about the books, the group did still more than two books, but the necromancer only seems interested in the spell book and undead manual.

Julian agrees with Selithe, and heads to the catacombs and Domi's temple.

Being a good boyscout, Kendry suggest everyone be prepared. He the others if Calfast should be informed. Then joins Julian for some shopping.

Realizing what is up, Fickle and his new wolf pup is ready to go look for the missing boy, but alase someone informal him that the necromancer has the boy and wants to trade him for the two books and the homunculus.

Nalfein and Leska start to clear the birth party food, cake and stuff. Leaska finds a discarded warhammer, "Did one of you drop this weapon?"

Deep in their own thoughtsPodo, Tobias, and Airin quietly help clear the table.

Friday November 2nd, 2007 11:06:34 AM

Tobias paces the day away waiting for the time to head to the hayfield... continuing to train Tewdwr, if he can stay concentrated on it.

Friday November 2nd, 2007 4:22:49 PM

"I really don't think we should mess with the book. He's willing to kidnap people already, who knows what he'll do if we try to mess with him further. Let's just hand it over. I want this exchange to be over.

"I'm going into the temple now. I'll be back later."

Friday November 2nd, 2007 10:37:40 PM

Dwight nods as Kendry agrees to his plan.

Understanding Julian's state of mind, Dwight pushes the matter as he leaves. "Julian, wait, the necro must be at a disadvantage because there have been several opportunities to get his books back from us forcefully and easily if he was at full strength. By returning the books and the homuculus he returns to full power with no garauntee of whether or not he will live the village alone."

"Won't returning the altered book and homuculus result in the release of the boy while keeping the necro at bay? Making it even more possible for us to deal with the necro eventually?"

Dwight pleads with Julian, "Consider the possible spells the necro could cast to stop you and destroy the village if we return him to power."

OOC: Taking some liberty here, as Kendry read the spells.

The spells Kendry finds in the spellbook. 64 pages total.

0) Arcane Mark, Detect Magic, Disrupt Undead, Light, Mending, Read Magic, Presidigitation, Touch of Fatigue
1) Chill Touch, Exp Retreat, Magic Missile, Obs Mist, Protection from good, Shield
2) False Life, Ghoul Touch, Mirror Image, Rope Trick, Spectral Hand
3) Dispel Magic, Keen Edge, Vampiric Touch
4) Animate Dead, Arcane Eye, Fear, Stoneskin
5) Baleful Polymorph, Passwall, Waves of Fatigue

"However, this is a group matter and I will not alter the book unless a majority thinks it is best."

Podo? Tobias? Selithe? Airin? Julian change you mind?

Friday November 2nd, 2007 11:47:03 PM

"Well, okay Dwight. I see your point. But when will we deal with the necro? Shouldn't we charge in as soon as possible, before he can make second plans against us...?"

Saturday November 3rd, 2007 8:50:00 AM

In response to Julian, "yes, the necro matter is far overdue. However, we have to be sure the boy is safe before any battle begins. Besides, the necro said he wasn't going to make the exchange himself."

"He should definitely be on the top of our to handle list.

Saturday November 3rd, 2007 6:11:29 PM

As Podo chimes in, he's sure most won't like what he has to say.

"Friends, new and old alike, what makes you think an evil mage regardless of what actions you do take, will stay true to his words? We here in the Valley have too much to loose if this event goes badly. The good and bad of it is this:
1) The boy gets harmed or killed -- Very Bad
2) One of us gets killed -- also Very Bad
3) After the event and the killing, our reputation goes south, and we are banned from the Valley cities. -- Worse yet
4) Kill the homunculus is a way to kill the mage, but he is sure to kill the boy then.
5) The mage knows the homunculus is still not dead, because I believe that constructs such as these are like familars, they keep in contact with their masters. Probably should keep it under wraps and in the haversack.

1) All goes well.

Simply too much to risk here to go off half-brained. Since I am a healer, I can not condone killing against any live race, although destroying the homunculus; being a construct; I could possible accept that."

Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Light, Purify Food and Drink, Read Magic

1st Level
Cure Light Wounds, Deathwatch, Bless Water, Shield of Faith, Entangle*

2nd Level
Cure Moderate Woundsx2, Calm Emotions,

*denotes used.

Sunday November 4th, 2007 7:20:58 PM

Should be posting tonight. Have been away since Friday...

"All right. If we alter the book, we may have to deal, again, with Flavius Aetius, as our list of offenses against him grows.

"On the other hand, if we return it intact, as Dwight points out, he might the more readily use the contents against us, or others, at will. And from what I understand, baleful polymorph is not an attractive spell to receive.

"Now, keep in mind, before we took from him his... pet, and books, he had done nothing to offend us -- other than necromancy itself, in large part, being an offense against life, and an often evil practice.

"Now, he had more than offended a tribe of hobgoblins, they who allied with us as we went against Flavius. As an aside - I hold their leader's sense of tactics in reasonable regard. And I still owe him Olo's wand of cure light wounds.

"We, on the other hand -- albeit for good purposes, and with the motivation of using his pet to help heal others -- stole in to Flavius' lair, took pet and books, and made away. We did not harm his person, other than momentarily making him hard of hearing, as far as I recall - oh, and I rendered his feet tender after he tried killing me, with great enthusiasm, I might add. I speak of his enthusiasm, not my own.

"Then there's the matter of Max. I think we communicated poorly with him. What with sharpening blades, posturing, and getting twitchy, that whole negotiation - which had a good deal of potential, I think - went sour. Max and friends may be in the wings tonight - and likely not well-disposed toward us."

[More soon]

Fickle & (Oche) 
Monday November 5th, 2007 8:50:20 AM

Fickle Looks up to his cousin Kendry " Err! CouZ! Me'z and Ouch here will help save Boy'z?" he ask.

Airin and Fioni 
Monday November 5th, 2007 9:30:11 AM

"Look we started this mess when we took the Hom. We need to live with that. Due to us Calfast nephew has been taken... I think the one and only option we have is to return the Necro's belongings. Maybe we ought to have asked him for his aid using his Homunculus instead of stealing it and yes our negociations went entirely the wrong way so we're the ones to blame not the Necromancer. For the peace of our village we need to give in to his demands I think. If we're lucky he'll leave us alone afterwards... if he doesn't we'll deal with him and then we'll need to deal with him at full strength... I guess we had it coming..."

"Can we send him a note asking for him to meet in private with one of us?"

Waiting is the worst (DM Glenn) 
Monday November 5th, 2007 10:59:25 AM

Tobias impatiently waits for the evening appointment. The good news is that Tewdwr has learned the trick that he and Tobias has been working on all week long.

Julian thinks it best to leave the books alone. Dwight argues that giving the books back intact will only strengthen the necromancer. Julian agrees, but thinks the group will have to attack the necromancer, before he can retaliate. Dwight agrees, but only after the boy is safe.

Podo makes his argument by listing the pro and cons.

Kendry reviews the history between the group and the necromancer. Even so the Necromancer is undoubtedly evil, it was the groups actions that offended Flavius.

Fickle tells Kendry that he and Ouch are ready to save the boy! The puppy piddles on the floor.

Airin suggest for the peace of the village, they should return the necromancers stuff, and hope that is the end of the matter.

Time passes, as the group discusses whether to alter the books, what the repercussions might be. Some make last minute shopping trips, while others wait impatiently for time to pass.

Finally after several hours the sun starts to set. It's about 7pm, you estimate it will take about an hour to walk to the hayfield. Who is going and when? What animals are you bringing? Any special precautions you plan to take when approaching the hayfield?

Tobias (AC 20, HP 44/44) 
Monday November 5th, 2007 11:26:09 AM

Tobias and Tewdwr will go to the hayfield. And, he suggests they start going about 2 hours before the meeting time (just in case). And, perhaps a Message when we get near would be handy too.

Tobias doesn't think we should mess with the books or the hom at this point.

Dwight  d20=16
Monday November 5th, 2007 4:50:34 PM

Having convinced Julian, and with Kendry agreement, Dwight sets to altering the book. He understands Tobias' reluctance, but the majority agrees (3 to 1), but Dwight makes sure Tobias knows he view was considered and that the book was altered.

Dwight will ask Selithe and Kendry to help alter the book as minimally as possible. Changing one word or symbol should disrupt the proper casting of the spell according to the way Dwight understands magic. Since each spell can be paragraphs to pages, one added stroke per spell should not be noticed immediately. (OOC: I am think of changes such as 3 to 8, or "the" to "them", or even "all" to "ahh" or "att" and if they are runes, one stroke is even easier to add.)

Dwight will also keep track of all the changes he makes on a separate piece of paper, in case there is a need to be able to change them back.

OOC: I have not idea what to roll for this, or even if one is necessary. I rolled a natural 16, please add whatever is appropriate, and the bonuses if Selithe, Kendry or others aid Dwight.

Once the book is altered, Dwight finds a place to meditate, seeking the calm before the stressful situation that is soon to come. He prays in his own way that the boy is safe.

When time nears, Dwight agrees with Tobias to leave about 2 hours in advance.

Monday November 5th, 2007 10:33:42 PM

Selithe listens the talks about the wizard book and shrugs, "I don't mind as long as no harm comes to the boy over anything we do. U understand that we really don't want to return him to full power but I also don't want to think something we do causes the harm of the kid or the people here."

Selithe will let the group decide on the wizard book otherwise and for now just readies to go to this meeting, wondering if it will turn out anywhere near as simple as the group is kind of hoping it will be.

Airin and Fioni 
Tuesday November 6th, 2007 3:54:28 AM

Airin leaves the rest of the decision to the others. She said what she thought of it and will follow the group's judgment.

While the final conclusion is made Airin prepares in case she is asked to go along...

"Too bad we can't wait till morning... I could have used a few extra spells" she mumbles while she prepares.

Spell list:
Level 0: Flare, Goodberrie, Create Water, Light
Level 1: Speak with animals, *Produce Flame, Entangle
Level 2: Spider Climb, *Cat's Grace

* marks spells that are used

Podo D. Pipewood 
Tuesday November 6th, 2007 4:06:22 AM

Podo volunteers to go, just in case.

In preparation to leave, Podo will store his gear back into his haversack, wearing only his standard Healer robes and the haversack.

Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Light, Purify Food and Drink, Read Magic

1st Level
Cure Light Wounds, Deathwatch, Bless Water, Shield of Faith, Entangle*

2nd Level
Cure Moderate Woundsx2, Calm Emotions,

*denotes used.

Kim  d20=19
Tuesday November 6th, 2007 9:50:52 AM

[Sorry, friends - swamped. Gotta run -Kim] [Aid another for Dwight - 19 - not sure of adjustments]

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