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Dreams of Sharles the Ex-Justicar

GoodNight Moon [DM Glenn] 
Thursday September 20th, 2007 8:23:40 AM

[OOC: Thanks to those who made listen and spot checks for watch.]

All the adventures help in setup a camp. Tobias does some hunting. Selithe spends some quality time with her cards and pipe. Julian gives a present to Selithe for her helping him with his letters. Dwight spends his watch circling the camp. Kendry shares his food and chats with his friends. Airin marvels at the nightlife and Fioni sleeps in a nearby tree. Podo ask for a full night sleep to aid him in preparing his spells. After Fickle's watch he sleeps till morning.

1: Tobias, Dwight, Fickle
2: Julian
3: Selithe
4: Kendry, Airin

The night passes slowly; the only noises are the sounds of nightlife and sleeping Halflings. Even though there are no incidences during the watches, everyone gets the unease feeling of something you just can't see it out there.

Kendry only Highlight to display spoiler: {You dream of a graduation ceremony for a group of religious initiates. Each are called and given there first assignments. "... Zeke the Pantheon temple in dirt city, Sharles the new temple in Dourscale, Lithe the temple in New Elenna, ...."}

Julian only Highlight to display spoiler: {You dream of Two young lovers talking while watching a sunset. You can here the young woman say, "...I fear one day Sharles, that you won't return from one of your assignments." Her love answers, "I swear an oath to always find a way to return to you!"}

Dwight only Highlight to display spoiler: {You dream of a man saying goodbye to his wife, son and daughter, "I'll be back in a few weeks. Children take care of your mother." The wife speaks up, "Sharles, I'll pray in the temple every day for your safe return."}

Podo only Highlight to display spoiler: {You dream of a weary woman in a temple praying, "Please Pantheon see my husband Sharles returns to me." A young woman comes over to her, "Mother, it's dinner time. You been praying daily for three years. Father would have returned by now if he could."}

Airin only Highlight to display spoiler: {You dream of a wedding ceremony, "By the authority of Pantheon you Sharles and Lilly are hereby married by my hand this day in the city of Dourscale."}

Tobias only Highlight to display spoiler: {You dream of a temple dedication, "...This temple of Pantheon is being dedicated in service to the people of Dourscale..."}

Selithe only Highlight to display spoiler: {You dream of an old priest talking to a younger one, "Congratulations Sharles on becoming a Judicator."}

Fickle only Highlight to display spoiler: {You dream of an old priest talking to a younger one, "Its very important Sharles to apprehend this fellow, then you can return to your family in Dourscale."}

The remainder of the journey to civilization is pretty uneventful. First Humble's Ford then you eventually spot the walls and buildings Angle Springs.

[OOC: To those who gained levels, Congratulations! I believe that makes everyone at least sixth?]

Thursday September 20th, 2007 9:12:54 AM

OOC; almost everyone, 380 xp to go. Really looking forward to next combat.

"Hey, Selithe, weird dream. I think I must have been over tired and too hot. I dreamt of Two young lovers talking while watching a sunset. I could hear the young woman say, "...I fear one day Sharles, that you won't return from one of your assignments." Her love answers, "I swear an oath to always find a way to return to you!"

"Sharles was the name of old bony, yeah? Tobias, are you still carrying those bones, or was that you, Podo?"

Julian will repeat this story to anyone else that wants to hear it,

Thursday September 20th, 2007 11:24:32 AM

"No Julian, not I... I'm pretty sure it was Podo... And, there seem to be lots of weird dreams of late. Does Dourscale sound familiar to anyone?"

Thursday September 20th, 2007 11:26:10 AM

As they get closer to Angel Springs, Tobias begins whistling for his companion, Tewdwr. Hoping to see him after their time apart. When the two-headed wolf comes bounding toward him, Tobias runs up to give him a big hug and a small treat from the previous night's hunt.

Thursday September 20th, 2007 2:29:05 PM

Once everyone is awake, and just before the group sets out in the morning, Kendry relays to them the essence of the dream he had just before he began his watch.

"I dreampt of a graduation ceremony for a group of religious initiates. Each was called forward and given an assignments." Kendry changes his voice to match the sonorous speaker in his dream "'Zeke the Pantheon temple in Dirt City, Sharles the new temple in Dourscale, Lithe the temple in New Elenna.'" He changes back into his own voice. "There were others. But I wonder if Sharles, or Pantheon himself, sent me this dream to help guide us in the task we agreed to take up regarding the holy thurible. Dourscale has Pantheon's temple. And that is where the necromancer wishes to meet with us. Two birds, one stone."

He enjoys the trip home - and diverts the group to his family home in Humble's Ford for a meal on the way - then on to Angel Springs. Kendry checks in on the family toy and music shop there, as well as asking if Burgomeister Calfast Rowgold Tunnelly is in town.

Thursday September 20th, 2007 8:29:13 PM

Tobias tells Kendry and the others that his dream was of Dourscale... And becomes immediate uneasy about the coincidence that both threads (Sharles and our unfriendly necromancer) would lead us to Dourscale.

Is there a temple to Pantheon in Angel Spring? Or at least of priest of Pantheon there?

Thursday September 20th, 2007 9:39:37 PM

As Dwight hears others tell of a dream with Sharles in it, Dwight recounts his dream as well. Apparently the bones feel they have waited long enough and desires his final resting, Dwight sympathizes and is willing to find his temple in Dourscale.

Thursday September 20th, 2007 10:24:49 PM

(OOC:Sorry for not making spot and listen checks. Will remember that in the future.)

Selithe takes the gift from Julian and opens it. Seeing the cards she flips over the first couple, looking at them before placing then carefully in her backpack. She grins at Julian, "Thanks Julian and your very welcome on the whole reading thing. To be honest it didn't seem like that big of a thing, you were a quick learner." Selithe gives Julian a hug though and kisses his cheek before smiling more, "Not to mention, who could pass up spending time with a brave badger warrior like you."

She winks and Julian and then listens to what else he has to say before speaking of this, "Hmmm, I dreamed of Sharles too. A older man was telling a younger one who turned out to be Sharles, congradulations on becoming a Judicator."

Friday September 21st, 2007 12:38:33 AM

"As all of you have, so have I also had a dream of my charge's life...what I tell to you all is my first speaking of this...it is filled wth great emotions..."Podo says as he brings his tale.
"I saw a woman praying...specifically...I dreamt of a weary woman in a temple praying, "Please Pantheon see my husband Sharles returns to me." A young woman comes over to her, "Mother, its diner time. You been praying daily for three years. Father would have returned by now if he could."

"Friends, I must return Sharles to his home, and his family...it is what I would wish other would do for me...it is also right. I pray that Alemi sees fit to grants me both the health & strength to continue and that Domi grants me the courage when I stumble along this path to Dourscale."

Podo asks the group, "is there time to drop into to visit Mungo Hardbottle and Morpth?"

If so, Podo will pay a visit to Mungo Hardbottle and Morpth in Mungo's Antique shoppe.

If not, Podo stays with his cousin.
When alone before retiring for the night, Podo will take out the sack containing the remains of Sharles to "speak" with him.

"Sharles? Are you available and able to converse with me? My friends and I dreamt of your life before arriving at Dourscale. Of your wife that has been praying for nearly 3 years to Pantheon for your safe return. Of your daughter's comforting of your wife in this time of your abscence, and of your appointment to Judicator. Are these dreams your doing or are they from Pantheon himself?" Podo wonders aloud in hopes Sharles will answer him.

Airin and Fioni 
Friday September 21st, 2007 3:56:41 AM

Hearing everyone has dreamt about the same things again Airin too tells what she dreamt about.

"I was dreaming of... a weading ceremony and well ehm... first it was me standing there and when the doors of the chapel opened it was... it was Kendry walking in" Airin says with a glow on her cheeks but she quickly continues: "but then it changed and I saw Sharles and his wife Lilly - that's her name - being married in the city of Dourscale.

I have to agree with Podo. It is time for us to bring this terrible news to Lilly but also to bring peace to her mind knowing that her husband has been found and can find his last resting place in the city of Dourscale."

Friday September 21st, 2007 9:02:58 AM

(No! DM, Fickle is still4th level)

Fickle wakes from his sleep, he tell the others of his dream, he share his dream with everybody that will listen, "Me'z too has dream, it was about two holy men. The older one said'z to the younger one'z "It'z very important Sharles to apr... er no! apprehend yes that'z the word he used. This fellow, then you can return to your family'z in Dourscale?"

"What mean's this Dourscale" He ask his friends.

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