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Necromancer has a bone to Pick
Someone's been looking for you

Someone's been looking for you [DM Glenn] 
Friday September 21st, 2007 11:14:19 AM

[OOC: Ceil, according to my copy of Fickle's character sheet he was 5th level with 12,000exp points. With the recent exp award, you should be level 6. I can send you my copy of Fickle's character sheet if you need it.]

Selithe thanks Julian with a hug for the cards.

The next day, Julian is the first to tell of a weird dream about Sharles. Tobias mentions Dourscale. Kendry relays his dream too, thinking it odd that is were the necromancer wished to meet. Tobia adds his thoughts about Dourscale and his dream. Hearing the others dreams Dwight shares his. Selithe shares her dream of Sharles as well. Podo too seems to have dreamed of Sharles family. Not to be left out, Airin tells of her dream of a wedding that turned into Sharles and Lilly's wedding. Fickle communicates in his unique way the dream he had. It seems Sharles or perhaps Pantheon had been very busy that night.

The group stops in Humble's Ford for a meal with relatives.

When the group is near Angel Springs Tobias greeted by Tewdwr. With two heads there is no escaping a thorough face licking.

It feels good to be once more back in Angel Springs, Kendry checks in at the family shop and ask for the whereabouts of Calfast. Podo seeks to pay a visit to Mungo and Morpth at the antique shop.

Those who go with Kendry to the Toy shop Highlight to display spoiler: {Kendry family is glade to everyone's back safely though you look a little thin. They inform Kendry that Calfast is in town and has been asking for you. In addition, a Halfling from one of the big cites has been poking around and asking a lot of questions about the group.}

Those who went with Podo to the Antique shop Highlight to display spoiler: {Morpth is gland to see everyone, and warns you about the nosey big city Halfling. Mungo believes he is a member of the guild.}

Podo only Highlight to display spoiler: {His private conversation with Sharles' bones don't provide any answers.}

Tobia questions, "Is there a temple to Pantheon in Angel Spring? Or at least of priest of Pantheon there?" No temples to Patheon, but from time to time there are traveling priest of Patheon.

Shortly after the adventures return home, the Burgomeister Calfast tracks everyone down. Catching his breath, "I'm glad your back! There has been a big city Halfling fellow asking about you lot. He's staying at the local tavern and he's got to burly Halflings friends with him. When asked why his interest, he only say he as business with you all. He's been polite, but I know a rat when I see one. Just wanted to let you known before they found you."

[OOC: Please note where your are staying in Angle Springs. Also, you now have a chance to visit the catacombs.]

Friday September 21st, 2007 11:28:07 AM

"Hmmm, ruffian halflings? Is that possible? Well, we're probably better off meeting them with out full complement, instead of being cornered one by one."

While with the Burgomeister, Tobias asks him if he knows whether the traveling priest of Pantheon is in town or expected any time soon.

Also, Tobias suggests checking in on B.... (she who must not be named ;) to see if she's made a reappearance. And, let her know that we've completed her task for us.

Friday September 21st, 2007 6:52:33 PM

Julian will go with Kendry and others to the Toy Shop to Hello his (distant, not that that matters to these halflings) relatives.

The tall self-buffing warrior in bright breastplate, with his badger familiar and riding dog, visit the Temple of Domi. He has a few questions for the priests there about becoming a Protector.

After this, Julian will head over to his friend's house where he will probably meet up with Tobias. He knocks on the door, and if there is no answer will check out the back, specifically looking to see if the host is a tree again.

Friday September 21st, 2007 10:53:50 PM

Selithe goes to visit her parents, so she goes with Kendry also. She greets them with hugs and smiles since it has been awhile since she seen them now. However she has been enjoying the traveling life also.

After this Selithe decides to go with Julian as he visits other places. Mainly to get a look around the town again and see more of what's going on.

When news of the halfling who could be a trouble maker comes up she frowns and ponders things, "Could be something to do with various things. We have been doing a good job of making enemies and such lately."

Friday September 21st, 2007 11:14:57 PM

"Hey Selithe, nice day for a walk together, isn't it?"

Saturday September 22nd, 2007 8:03:17 AM

OOC: You are rifgt DM Glenn, Fickle is Level five,But not quite enough to make it to Level six.

Fickle will follow his cousin Kendy, because he like the way he handles the pretty females.

He really way to learn how to be charming to pretty Girls.

Sunday September 23rd, 2007 2:10:10 PM

After visiting with Morpth & Mungo, Podo returns to the Toy Shop to be with his cousin and his extended family.

Podo will sleep within the Toy shoppe is there room for him.

For Kendry, Highlight to display spoiler: {
When Podo has an opportunity, he pulls Kendry aside and asks him, "Cuz, do you know what happened to all that Loot with discovered on that Halfling that was stuff up in that crack in the cave behind the Manticores? Specifically, the armor, boots, cloak, and spiked chain? Personally, I know about the ring of sustenance, but have lost track of the other stuff. Since I have become a Cleric of Alemi, I have a good feeling that I could actually use some of that stuff we found."

Dwight  d20+3=17 d20+3=5
Sunday September 23rd, 2007 10:39:57 PM

Dwight watches as everyone branches off to see loved ones and family. He takes this time to take a casual walk around town. He makes a point to walk down Bella's street and past her house, but only glances for recent life. (spot: 17).

Dwight also spends some time watching the house we investigated before across from Bella's house. He finds a tree to sit under and begins to think of what to tell his Pa. (Spot: 5, silly sun was in his eyes).

Otherwise, Dwight shows up for dinner and stays with everyone else.

OOC: I'll get to my sheet by Wednesday.

ADM StevenVdB : Posting Record Game 13 
Monday September 24th, 2007 1:15:24 AM

Posting Report for Game 13 for the week of September 17 - September 23th

DM Glenn : MTWTF-- 5
Dwight: MTWT--S 5
Fickle: MTWTFS- 6
Podo: -TWTF-S 5
Selithe: M-2TF-- 5
Kendry: MTWT--- 4
Tobias: MTW3F-- 7
Airin: 2T-T--- 4
Julian: 3TWT3-- 9

Weekly Summary: Carcasses 'n Dreams...
On their way back to Angel's Springs the Crescent Valley Halflings stumble upon a nicely picked carcass with a badger hiding inside and Buzzards ready to steal the leftovers. Look like our friends have left a trail of destruction behind!

Then one night an uncanny dream haunts our friends through the night. Sharles, hife wife Lilly, Pantheon and Dourscale seem to be in everyones dream. With the bones of Sharles still in Podo's backpack a new heading seems to have been given... First a quick stop at Angel's Springs and then they'll soon be heading for Dourscale.

But what's with the "Big City Halfling" poking around...

Airin and Fioni 
Monday September 24th, 2007 9:33:11 AM

"What's with this nosey halfling?" Airin asks her friends. "Kendy, do you still have that Hat of Disguise we once found? Guess it was on the Beer Run we found that one right? One of us could use it to sneak into the bar and find out something more about this guy..."

Airin also tells her friends about her latest purchases at the Catacombs.
"I've got some Hide from Undead, a Spider climb a silence scroll and a masterwork Mace for dealing with the skeletons by hand. I won't be able to cover the hide from undead for all of us, but it's a great scroll to sneak into the Necro's place once again... Think of how to deal with him when you go visit the cats friends."

DM Glenn 
Monday September 24th, 2007 10:24:58 AM

Hearing about the Halflings looking for them, Tobias suggest meeting them. Burgomeister tells Tobian, "Priest of Pantheon? Yes father O'Malley comes through about once a month, he was just here a few days ago, but I think he's already left." Later when checking on "B.." Tobias runs into Dwight, Julian and Selithe. (see below)

Julian visits the toy shop with Kendry and stops by the Temple of Domi for a little career counseling. Catching up with Tobias at "B.." you run into Dwight (see below).

Selithe drops by her family's store with Kendry then tags along with Julian later runs into Tobias and Dwight at Bella's place (see below). When hearing of the Halflings she is at a loss as to which foe they might be connected with.

Wanting to learn more about charming girls, Fickle chooses to follow Kendry.

After visiting with Morpth and Mungo, Podo heads back to the Toy shoppe.

Dwight spends some time watching Bella's house and her nosey neighbors. Eventually he spots Tobias, Julian and Selithe stopping by. There is no sign of Bella at her home, nor does it look like she has been back since you left nearly two weeks ago.

Airin wondering about the nosey Halfling suggest using the magic hat to spy on him. She makes a quick shopping run to the catacombs during the day.

Everyone ends up regrouping at the Toy Shoppe for a big family dinner, and to make plans. During dinner there is a knock at the door, a local halfling boy is delivering a note addressed to "The Adventurers". The boy waits saying, "I was told to bring back a reply."

The note reads, "A mutual acquaintance of ours asked me to conduct a transaction with you on their behalf. I think it would be in your best interest to meet with me an my associates at your earliest possible time. When should be expect you at the Glassy Glaze Tavern?"

Monday September 24th, 2007 12:34:59 PM

Tobias talks with Julian and Selithe at B's, "Well this is a bit disturbing. She's been gone for 2 weeks, and we have no idea where she's off to. Or if she's in trouble..."

"Well this seems like as good an opportunity as any to go see what they want... Perhaps the Burgomeister wouldn't mind having a couple of extra guards in the area when we do."

Monday September 24th, 2007 6:37:38 PM

Regarding Bella:
"I'd like to think that Heather can look after herself, though she has been nervy and on-edge lately. I wish we knew what was going on."

and this ruffian:
"A few extra guards, surely whoever this is won't try on anything in public. More likely to set us up for an ambush somewhere in the wild."

Julian is keen to meet up with this person, in full armour of course, perhaps even riding his enlarged badger.

Monday September 24th, 2007 9:14:49 PM

Selithe smiles and enjoys her time with Julian. When he makes his comment to her, Selithe giggles and smiles, "Yes, for once no fighting or anyway not at the moment...monsters meaning."

When the group regroups and the note is found and spoke about she frowns, "Well, looks like buisness is going to start up again."

(OOC:Curious, did the group get money at some point? With the computer problems and being gone abit I might of missed something.)

Monday September 24th, 2007 9:56:54 PM

Dwight doesn't really seem surprised by someone finally catching up to them. His interest are peeked since a conversation is requested and not their heads. He wonders, which of the several enemies or ongoing missions this is related too.

"Well, no need to put off the task." Dwight responds to the boy before the group recites their entire plan/fears in front of him.

"You may tell him we will arrive within 2 hours time and here is a little something for your trouble." Dwight tosses the boy a gold coin and then watches him until he is gone from eye/ear.

He then turns to the group. "Well, I gave us two hours to decide how to discuss whomever we are meeting about whatever is mutually beneficial. It's obvious they want to talk, but we should still arrive prepared without seeming paranoid. They likely know we all arrived back since they found us within the day."

Former DM Cayzle OOC 
Monday September 24th, 2007 10:17:24 PM

Friends, JonPaul did the good deed for you all of reminding you that you did get some treasure from the Manticore lair and from Sharles. A ring of sustenence from Sharles. A magic cloak and boots. Some wealth, partly melted.

I suggest that Podo remind the party of this, present his list, and perhaps you all can get an appraisal and split the loot.

[Glen, sorry to butt in. Please delete this in a day or two.]

Tuesday September 25th, 2007 12:43:13 AM

When the group reassembles next, Podo will remind them, "we did in fact discover some loot when we faced the Manticores and in discovering Sharles and his remains."

Occording to my list, we have:

Thurible of Pantheon. Needs minor repairs before it is useable. New straps, leather hinge. Also needs special blessed incense.

Several gems, and partly melted coins -- a meld of gold studded with copper and silver coins.

Masterwork halfling-size studded leather armor

Masterwork halfling-size spiked chain

A scroll case with map and letter; The map suggests that you have to find the Giant Stairs.

A magic cloak

Magic boots

Magic ring of sustenance

If it's all right with you all, I propose to get the items identified while we are here in town. Personally I'd like the spiked chain, as I feel I could actually use it. I am wearing the ring of sustenance as it was Sharles gift to those that helped him...I figure I'm carrying his bones for now...so I put it on. If there is someone that would like it after we finish laying him to rest, we can discuss it at that time." explains Podo.

Airin and Fioni 
Tuesday September 25th, 2007 1:17:05 AM

When Airin hears Podo mentioning the treasure they found near Sharles remains she says :"How could we forget about all that! But... isn't it weird to claim the things that were his..." and when she says 'his' she points to the bones in Podo's backpack.
"I know he won't be using them anymore but perhaps his wife Lilly could sell some items to support her and her children? Perhaps we ought to ask his wife what to do with the stuff... who knows she might have given him some of these items and would be greatful once they are returned to her?"

Later when they are discussing the visit to the tavern to meet this nosey halfling Airin says :"I'm no good with talking to strangers. I won't go. But I will be on the lookout for trouble. The note did not say we all had to go right?"

While spending time in Angel Springs Airin also trains with Fioni. Fioni has been with Airin for soo long that apparently she can learn a few new tricks and it appears as though Fioni has grown stronger from her last adventure following the Harpies.

Tuesday September 25th, 2007 4:45:21 AM

"No, hon... you asked me about that some time ago. We sold it to help pay for the WGA," Kendry replies to Airin's question about the hat of disguise.

Kendry nods his head at Dwight's instruction to the boy.

Once he has left, Kendry says, "Perhaps we might send word at the last moment that there has been a change of venue - have something set up ourselves at another spot. Still meet with them - just not at the place they suggested. That way, if there is some sort of scrying, or worse, arranged, we can upset that portion of their plans."

Podo's reminder of some of the things they gained is welcome. "Sweets, the ring, which Sharles already indicated Podo could have, and the thurible, the disposition of which we have committed to, are the things that Sharles had, I believe. The rest, if memory serves me correctly, we found on the remains of the halfling who had the tattoo - the one stuck in the crevice within the manticores' cave.

"I've no objection to seeing what we can do to help Sharles' family, but I'm thinking with some of the tasks that lie before us, it might be wise to strengthen ourselves, so as to be in a better condition to help them."

He reminds Selithe of the thousand gp value in gems that she was given - as each one was given - back in the valley of the four peaks.

Returning to the imminent business, Kendry says, "The necromancer sent his emissaries to meet with us. They are members of the Mailed Fist."

Tuesday September 25th, 2007 9:21:22 AM

Fickle follows his cousin Kendry.

Tuesday September 25th, 2007 11:49:37 AM

Tobias agrees with Podo that the items should be identified while we have a chance... And, he shows interest in the cloak or boots.

DM Glenn 
Tuesday September 25th, 2007 12:50:38 PM

Tobias is worried about Bella. He suggests getting more help from the Burgomeister in the form of guards.

Julian thinks Bella can take care of herself. He doesn't think this strange hobbit will try anything in public, but he would feel better being fully armed.

Enjoying some time with Julian without having to fight for one's life, Selithe frowns at the thought of more battles.

Not surprised about their past catching up with them, Dwight tosses the boy a gold coin and tells him they will be there in two hours. The boy's eye's just about pop out of his head at the sight of the coin, "Yes Sir, Right a way Sir! Do you need anything else Sir?" If there isn't anything else the boy will head back to deliver the message.

Podo brings up the topic of the loot found on the last adventure and what to do with it.

Airin wonders about returning Sharles items to his family. She suggest, that she would prefer to keep an eye on the meeting from the background rather than a participant.

Nodding in agreement to Dwight's instruction to the boy, Kendry recalls that the hat was sold to pay for WLA membership. After the boy's left, Kendry suggests changing the meeting place to somewhere more to their favor. When the talk turns to treasure, he agrees that they should help Sharles' family, but he wants the group to be prepared too.

Fickle practices being Kendry's shadow.

After the boy leaves, the dinner feast continues at the Toy Shoppe and home. The time slowly ticks away; you all have a little less than two hours.

[OOC: If you have any last minute questions for the boy or other questions feel free to ask.]

Tuesday September 25th, 2007 10:14:57 PM

Selithe nods in agreement on identifying the items the group has and will wait to see from there. For the moment there isn't alot that she is interested in other then maybe picking up some scrolls to add to her spell book but that will have to wait abit for she hopes to buy and add both in the same day and it looks like the group has plans that will cause some problems with that idea at the moment.

Selithe does think and moves over to speak to Julian, "Hey Julian, when we enter combat if you stay near me I can cast bull's strength on you or even enlarge you, depending on which would be preferable. I know the one doesn't cause any problems where the other does."

Wednesday September 26th, 2007 1:02:58 AM

"Thanks, Selithe, that'll be great. Extra strength never goes astray. I can Enlarge myself, if you remember. I particularly like to enlarge little Shark here," scratching his badger behind the ear, "then ride him into charge with a lance. I am saving my gold for a magical Hide Armour, made from a Rhino, though I might get a magic quiver before then..."

"Let's go tackle this problem with this ruffian. Try to tie up lose ends."

Airin and Fioni 
Wednesday September 26th, 2007 1:46:04 AM

As Kendry points out to Airin that she seems to be rather forgetful lately she's somewhat ashamed. She should have remembered those things.

But the oncomming meeting with this other guy is plenty to make sure no one pays too much attention to it.

"Do we all go together?" Airin asks.

Wednesday September 26th, 2007 2:22:35 AM

While awaiting his friends return, Podo heads off to the Catacombs to discover the nature of the 2 magical items and then to the Temple of Alemi to resolve some issue and learn some spells.

Before too long, Podo will return to the Toy shoppe to share with his friends his newly discovered information about the 2 magical items.

Wednesday September 26th, 2007 8:41:04 AM

Fickle is tired of folowing His Cousins, he talks to himself, "HmmF! Couzin Kendry is make kissy Kissy with prety Girl! Woman breaks up'z Famaly'z whith those Red Lips of hers. Woman'z who need them'z"

He walks away to sit under a tree.

DM Glenn 
Wednesday September 26th, 2007 10:11:05 AM

Selithe agrees the items need to be identified, and she could do with some more scrolls. Later, Selithe can be overheard talking privately to Julian, "...I can cast bull's strength on you or even enlarge you..." Julian can be heard replying "That'll be great... I particularly like to enlarge little Shark here, then ride him into charge with a lance...."

Airin wonders if they should all go together.

Podo Tells the others what the catacombs said about the 2 items. The first is a Cloak of comfort, and the Boots are of striding and springing. [OOC: be sure to complete the catacombs identification process. Also see above private post about temple stuff.]

Getting board, Fickle mumbles to himself something about Kendry, kissy kissy and pretty girl with red lips.

Dinner is winding down, Kendry's and Selithe's parents are worried about you all of you meeting with this stranger if you think it so dangerous. Looking at time you see there is about an hour and a half left before the meeting.

Wednesday September 26th, 2007 11:36:31 AM

Tobias just prepares to go see these halflings after dinner... Makes sure his short swords are ready and Tewdwr is near by.

Wednesday September 26th, 2007 5:09:12 PM

Dwight smiles at the young boy, "Nothing at the moment lad, but I may have some tasks for you tomorrow. Perhaps you could stop by just before lunch."


Once the boy has left, Dwight returns to his normal quiet self. Seems most of the group has tasks to do and he listens to the various tactics get tossed back and forth.

Eventually he adds his piece, but seems as relaxed knowing he has at least an hour before another adventure. "Whether we all go or not, know they know about all of us. We have been here less than a day and they knew when and where we would be eating. This note was delivered when they knew we would recieve it."

"I'm not much for these types of gatherings, knowing who might be involved. But the tavern is a very popular place and I suspect fighting is not their intention. If it was, our dinner would have been interuppted."

"Regardless, we don't want to be caught with out pants down, the guard should be alerted to watch the area with extra diligence tonight."

Wednesday September 26th, 2007 6:17:07 PM

Julian chickles at Dewight's mention of pants down, and in so doing nudges Selithe, indicates Kendry and Airin and says quietly with a grin, "You know who'll be caught with their pants down sooner or later..."

"Let's go to this meeting then."

Wednesday September 26th, 2007 9:15:07 PM

Selithe is ready to head out also and ponders on her spells and such to keep in mind what she can do if the need comes. She shrugs after bit and travels near to Julian, smiling as she plans to use her bull's strength spell the moment the need comes.

Thursday September 27th, 2007 5:18:28 AM

Kendry smiles good-naturedly at Julian's ribbing.

"As for an alternative meeting place - Podo - what do you think of asking Mungo if he would not mind some unusual guests - ourselves, and some folks from the Iron Fist?" Kendry asks. "Any precautions he may wish to take would be most welcome. He may wish to secure his antiques."

He then adds, "But if he will not have us, then there's always the greengrocer near him. Think he'd mind?"

After a pensive moment, Kendry asks, "Do you suppose they'll have a mind reader with them? They'll want to know where the little critter is, no? Anything we can do to thwart this tactic, should they use it?"

Responding at last to Airin's question, he says, "Yes, let's do this together. I want to make sure that Fickle doesn't get lost from the group!"

Thursday September 27th, 2007 8:44:20 AM

"Kendry, I think a meeting with those people at Mungo's shoppe would be a great idea...I'll go ask Mungo." says Podo.

Before leaving, Podo shares with the group what the Catacombs identified about the two magical garments; the cloak and the boots.

"The first is a Cloak of comfort, and the Boots are of striding and springing.

Does anyone wants either of these items, or is there a movement to sell them at the CataCombs?" explains Podo.

"I personal, will be wanting the Masterwork Spiked Chain, unless someone else knows how to use it and would like it and I also have the Ring of Sustenance that is the gift from Sharles for helping his return home. I guess if you don't believe me, you could always ask him." Podo explains.

Thursday September 27th, 2007 9:29:09 AM

Fickle tell every body, "Me'z got good belt, Me'z pant Don'tz not go down! unless I have to go! So There!"

DM Glenn 
Thursday September 27th, 2007 10:48:38 AM

Tobias is ready with his trusty Tewdwr near.

Dwight doesn't think they will be fighting, but he would like the guard alerted.

Julian chuckles, and is ready for the meeting. As is Selithe as she ponders her spells.

Kendry suggest asking to use Mungo's shop for an alternate meeting place. He wonders what have done to prepare. He also, thinks it best to go as a group.

Fickle seem to be ready, ready his pants well secured by his belt.

Podo agrees with Kendry and heads off to ask Mungo.

At Mungo's antiques shop, Podo glances around at all the rare, fragile, and expensive looking antiques setup for display leaving narrow walkways for customer to browse. When asked if thy can use the shop for a meeting, Mungo wonders why. He will agree reluctantly, if you can guarantee there won't be any pitch battles. By the time Podo gets back, there is less than an hour left.

Local knowledge DC10 Highlight to display spoiler: {You recall the tavern has a private meeting room.}.

[OOC: where does everyone head to? Tavern, Mungo's antiques, or Skip the meeting?]

Thursday September 27th, 2007 11:33:21 AM

"I think the tavern would be best. Public spot and not somewhere either group would want to make a scene at."

DM Glenn addedum. 
Thursday September 27th, 2007 11:44:29 AM

Mungo stops by for just a moment, "Hi Guy's, It occurred to me you could use an old warehouse, I rent in the docks area." Mungo will give give you directions or take you there, but won't hang around for the meeting.

Thursday September 27th, 2007 6:31:33 PM

OOC I am going on holidays next week. I will be back on Wednesday (I think I will be able to post on Wednesday). Does anyone here want to sub for me?

Julian is not sure where would be a good meeting place, "I just think that it should be a public space."

Thursday September 27th, 2007 10:41:06 PM

Selithe looks to the others and nods to Julian's comment before looking to her brother, "Kendry, we should use the tavern that Tobias mentioned. I think this person would be less likely to cause problems in a public place. I know if he does it could place some of the public at risk but your choice."

Thursday September 27th, 2007 10:57:00 PM

Podo heads back to the Toy shoppe to explain to Kendry what has been said by Mungo.

Friday September 28th, 2007 12:20:27 AM

"I'm good with the tavern. He said mutual, so I suspect if he can barter whatever he wants, he will."

Dwight stands and stretches making sure his daggers are close and hidden. He will then follow the group whereever. He is not opposed to the warehouse.

OOC: I can run Julian if you send sheet to me.

Julian OOC Robert 
Friday September 28th, 2007 12:40:47 AM

OOC thanks, Anthony, I will take you up on that. See you on Wednesday

Friday September 28th, 2007 1:15:17 AM

Kendry is delighted that his & Selithe's parents are here in town, as they usually remain in Humble's Ford. Yet once every month or two, their father (Samell 'Fingers' Pastna Piper) comes to town with another delivery of new toys and musical instruments, and more rarely their mother (Bekka Lilly Burrows Leafwin Pipewood) comes, as well. Sister Leska Rosehips Leafwin Pipewood, and brother Nalfein are the siblings most often at the shop. Sometimes younger sister Darcie Lee or younger brother still Demko show up, too, especially to help Pappa on the delivery trips.

"Fine, then, let's go to the place they arranged for us. Thank you, Pode, for checking with Mungo. It was kind of him to offer his warehouse. But I think Dwight has the right of it.

"And Podo, I'd like to try out those boots you took to the Catacombs. I'm not claiming them, mind you. Just want to try them out to see how they work."

Once all are ready, Kendry says, "Those who know where the object that Flavius the necromancer wants back, please don't tell them where it is. Those who don't know, don't worry about it. Let's hear them out. Perhaps we'll come to an arrangement, perhaps not.

"Proceed with caution, my bonnie friends."

Kendry, though neither really needs his help to do so, takes Airin and Selithe by the hand to help each up.

"When all this is done with, Julian, maybe we can try some of that brown ale you were singing about the other day."

And, Airin now in hand - if she will - Kendry walks over with his friends toward the Glassy Glaze Tavern.

[OOC: Now, Mr. DM Glenn - just where is that on our Angel Springs map?]

Airin and Fioni 
Friday September 28th, 2007 1:39:39 AM

Lingering in thoughts Airin just goes with the flow. (ooc sorry for missing yesterdays post)

Then - of course she will - Airin takes Kendry's hand and walks towards the Inn. Proud to be his girl she walks along with him.

Friday September 28th, 2007 9:29:43 AM

Fickle will follow any body that goes to the travern. "Me'z is thirsty, Me's want Ale! or beer or anything wet!" he tells the bartender.

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