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Asylum's valley

DM Glenn 
Monday September 10th, 2007 5:18:10 PM

Julian gladly excepts Graeff's gift and offers his willingness to help if there is every need.

Kendry scribbles in his notes recording the Pixie Lords words. Using a fey gift he creates a hand full of goodberries for another day. He thanks the healer for his gift.

Fickle dittos what Airean says. While continuing to ponder and pound out thoughts.

Airin takes note of possible future foes and thinks it time to move on.

Tobias thanks Graeff for the gift already planning were to spend it.

Graeff smiles, "Friends the gift is well earned for you good deeds. The sun is high in the sky, your welcome to say the night. I think we can serve a fest that would even fill a halfling's belly." You can already smell the lamb roasting and pies baking. Tables are being setup in the common area.

Monday September 10th, 2007 10:13:17 PM

OOC: Bye Cayzle, perhaps I'll see you around.

OOC: Hello Glenn, welcome aboard.

Pixie Lord
Dwight stands in awe of the Pixie Lord and listens to every word very carefully knowing Fey use words to their own advantage.

He pays even more attention if at all possible during the mention of 'reform' and the story the Pixie Lord tells. Dwight considers the concept of windows and concludes the house must have windows inside so each floor or realm can visit each other .

As the Pixie Lord leaves, Dwight scans the area for an acorn (just in case) and then realizes he failed to give his small gift. Being the last to leave, Dwight leaves the magnifying glass in the middle of the mushroom circle.


Afterwards Dwight joins in the celebration and wonders if the party came to a concensus as to where the party was going next.

At the crack of dawn on the next morning Dwight returns to the mushroom circle to see if his magnifying glass is still there.

Tuesday September 11th, 2007 12:24:56 AM

Julian is happy to join the feast, to meet these new people at the 'healing centre' and to catch up with his friends. He chooses to sit with Fickle at the feast, enjoying his brash honesty and simple outlook on life.

Tuesday September 11th, 2007 3:10:31 AM

Kendry plays music after the feast has begun, playing some traditional tunes, as well as some of the ones he has written.

He features a trio of songs about this valley, the battle just won, and of the story the Pixie Lord told us.

He also dedicates a song to 'Sparks' - who is gifted with a certain insight. He sings a song about Comey and Graeff and the way they shepherd their people.

"Are there good paths to the east that can get us safely - more or less - to Dragon Bay?" Kendry asks.

Tuesday September 11th, 2007 3:43:59 AM

Dragon Bay? I thought we'd be going back to Angel Springs and the Catacombs. Dragon Bay sounds exciting, how far is it?

Tuesday September 11th, 2007 6:54:45 AM

While the rest of the group appears to be engaged in conversations about what to do next, Podo is in the chapel of Alemi praying.

Tuesday September 11th, 2007 9:22:02 AM

Fickle is now buzy eating, "Mutton and Pies Oh! My! I'z gone and Died! and . . . and. . . In the La! La! Land. Another piece'z of Pie'z"

Tuesday September 11th, 2007 12:02:45 PM

Never one to turn down a meal, especially a feast, and especially before heading back out into the Culverwood... Tobias enjoys the party with his friends, eating heartly and listening to Kendry's songs.

"Oh, what's in Dragon's Bay?"

Tuesday September 11th, 2007 12:34:51 PM

"Dragon Bay? Anything I missed?" airin asks Kendry wondering where he plans to go next.

Tuesday September 11th, 2007 4:51:10 PM

"Well, I thought we might continue our travels onward, rather than retracing our steps," he explains to his friends. "If we head east toward Dragon Bay, then follow the shore southward until we come to the road, that will take us back to Angel Springs - and we can fill out a few more details on our map along the way.

"It may be quicker - in that we'll better know what to expect - if we return the way we came. But since we are where we are, why not take advantage and continue on, making a grand circuit?"

In answering one question, Kendry replies, "Well, last I heard, Tobias, there were dragons in Dragon Bay, and no ships to speak of. So - if you want to see a dragon, this may afford us the opportunity."

DM Glenn 
Tuesday September 11th, 2007 4:56:50 PM

Since meeting with the Pixie Lord and through out the celebration feast Dwight seems preoccupied with something. He heads off a the crack of dawn.

Dwight only Highlight to display spoiler: {The magnifying glass is gone.

The acorn is difficult to swallow whole, but you manage. Following up with the thrice chant of "REFORM", the witch hafling waits for something to happen.

Without warning a voice issues from behind Dwight, "WHO BE YOU TO CALL UPON THE REFORMED ERBYRON!" Turning around, Dwight sees the Erbryon in the same Satyr form he wore at his birth. Around where he stands is an explosion of plant growth that is forming into a living throne before you eyes. Erbryon eyes' the hafling, "You look familiar to me." Then glancing at the back of his hand, "Ah yes.. You are one of those blasted hobbits that fought against my return." He glances around, "You are all alone and you have called me to ask favor? ASK THEN!"

Kendry shares his songs and music with everyone providing some entertainment for the feast and honoring their host and others. Julian, Fickle, Tobias and Airin all partake of the feast for the halfling heroes. Kendry query about Dragon Bay seems to peak the interest of several party members.

Podo is noticeably absent from the festivities, preferring to send his time praying in the chaple.

The festivities seem to be enjoyed by most all of the patients and staff. There is much applause for Kendry and calls for more songs. Graeff thinks about Kendry's question for a moment, "While you could go straight through the Scab, it would be far easer to return to the crescent valley then head east until you get wet. Thinking about taking a holiday at the beach?"

The party continues into the late night. Come morning the group wakes to find Dwight having taken off early.

A gather information check DC15 about Dwight Highlight to display spoiler: {Some one saw him head back to the fairy circle earlier}

[OOC: Note you will have a chance shortly to visit the catacombs. So, if you want you can go ahead and do your shopping since it can take a few days to complete your transactions. Any stuff will not be available until the actual in game visit takes place.]

Selithe (Justin Webber) 
Tuesday September 11th, 2007 8:43:38 PM

(OOC:Sorry for being gone so long everyone. We contacted Jerry earlier so I hope he might of gotten the word out about things. If not then let me just say in a few days James and I will be under a new internet provider. Our current one is messing up something fierce and making it almost impossible now to post and impossible before. However, DM, can you let me know where Selithe is currently. I would like to continue posting for her but like to know where she is at, etc.)

Tuesday September 11th, 2007 10:56:26 PM

OOC: Where to travel next?

Dragon Bay? Aside from making a circuit is there a reason to go there? I/Dwight (at this moment) would rather head in a direction that resolves one of our outstanding concerns.

Wizards? (We know where one is, a few days from Angel springs if I recall correctly.)

Thurible? (Is this in route to Angel Springs?)

Bella? (not much to go on)

If the census is to explore Dragon Bay, I'm okay with that.

Kendry  d20+11=31 d20+14=21 d20+7=24 d20+6=19
Wednesday September 12th, 2007 12:11:45 AM

Kendry, of course, provides more songs. He teaches them the round about Bobbles the funny green goblin, and the song of 'Lomar, The Friendly Ogre'. [See Volume 1, Chapter 12 - Lomar the Friend Ogre in the Crescent Valley Archives to see the lyrics, and even find the music there in the post of Saturday January 22nd, 2005 10:19:23 PM. Or click on this --> http://www.woldiangames.com//archives/index.html?game=crescent&start=1106289093&end=1108497139 and scroll down to the post with that date and time. -Kim]

It's rather unusual for Kendry, but his lute playing [Perform, string instrument: 24] outshines his still fine singing [Perform, singing: 21] at the close of the evening.

He even encourages the people to dance for a last song or two, and joins in with them (Perform, dance: 19], asking his friends to join in - and Airin, in particular.

On Graeff's advice, Kendry responds, "Well, back the way we came may be faster, Graeff. But, if not for now, perhaps for future reference, what things do you know about the pathways from here eastward? Are there wonders to behold? Fell adversaries of whom to beware?"

Thinking of the tasks they have in mind, Kendry asks, "Oh, and Graeff, do you know where in the Wold we might find a reasonably nearby temple or shrine to Pantheon? We are pledged to visit one in due course."

In the morning

[Gather info: 31 (nat 20)] "Dwight headed back towards the fairy circle, where we met the Pixie Lord," Kendry tells Airin shortly after she wakes up. "I rose early - thinking about things we must do, and watched him walk that direction, looking about a bit as he went."

When he has a chance, he'll ask Dwight if there was anything in particular he sought, or found, on this morning's jaunt.

Unless Graeff offers clear insight to the journey eastward, then, reluctantly, Kendry will agreed to have the party return the way they came.

In the privacy of the group, and ensuring Podo's presence, Kendry says, "If we can do so on the way, then let us take the thurible and the remains of its bearer to an appropriate place.

"By 'on the way', I mean on the way to deal with the necromancer and his homunculous, which Podo bears. I hope he has not yet taken any action against our people.

"There may be some wisdom, nonetheless, in having those who have need receive some training at the new WLA outpost in Angel Springs. Woldian League of Adventurers, that is. And Fickle, I believe we have enough for you to join, finally."

He adds after a bit of thought, "As for Bella, I think we'll learn of her whereabouts and welfare in due course. It may help her for us to confirm that the Sons of Dread are involved. That is, to pass on Graeff's confirmation of their involvement."

The bard asks if all agree on these general items, and if there are things to add to the group's consideration.

"Let us prepare to leave this enclave. Say your farewells. Oh - and has anyone spent more time with the recovered patients, to see if they had aught more in the way of insight or information after their long sleep? Perhaps Dwight, Podo, Selithe... really, anyone else who wants to do so, might spend another hour or so with them before we depart. Then, shall we be back on the road by, say, noon?"

Wednesday September 12th, 2007 12:47:08 AM

Julian interjects at some point to say,

"Though I'd like to travel to new places, I would like to clean up the path we've left behind. I'd hate to think that other people might become the targets of our enemies. We've gotta stop leaving live enemies behind to haunt."

Wednesday September 12th, 2007 1:11:15 AM

After a while has past, Podo leaves the temple and heads towards his friends to help celebrate their latest accomplishments.

In the morning, Podo heads towards the sick in hopes to ease their burdens before his friends depart.

Wednesday September 12th, 2007 7:41:32 AM

Fickle after hearing about dragons, that was always on his mind, He dreams of dragons, flies high with dragons, all in his dreams.

When he awakes the next morning, He tells his friends "For the first time'z in my life'z, I'z did nots have nightmares of fires. I'z has dreams of friend'z and Dragonz'z."

Airin and Fioni  d20+1=12
Wednesday September 12th, 2007 10:34:28 AM

"Well love, I guess your sense of being 'on the way' makes me a little scared. You are correct that dealing with the necromancer does become urgent. We can not hold on to the Homunculus for too long. And as you say, if we can deliver the thurible along the way we should definetely do so."

Airin looks at the others wondering where Dwight has gone,(gather info 12) but there seems to be no trace of him...

"Well? Shall we go? Just gonna make a quick stop over at the Catacombs. I need a new Spider Climb scroll, a few mage armors and stuff like that."

Wednesday September 12th, 2007 11:38:12 AM

Tobias is always intrigued about new places and the mention of dragons peaks his interest. He makes of a note of Dragon Bay as somewhere to visit some day soon. But, first to Angel Springs and the thurible if that's possible.

DM Glenn 
Wednesday September 12th, 2007 4:54:23 PM

Being quite with her on thoughts, Selithe sits in the background at the celebration enjoying watching the others. She is now preparing to return with the group to Crescent Valley.

Dwight only Highlight to display spoiler: {
Ebryron looks amused that this mortals who attacks him one day then has the Gaul to as a boon the next, "Aha, a request rather than a favor. Hummm." Sitting back on his living plant throne Ebryron seems to think it over for few moments before coming to a decision, "Spread my greatness is it? Has a nice ring to it. I did make a promise to Reform and accepting your services would be a way to show my intent to keep the promise. Swear a binding oath to serve me and I agree to be your patron immortal in all that entails."

If Dwight swears and oath then Ebryron stands and says, "Let it be known that I accept this mortal as my servant!" He winks an eye then is gone.

Dwight returns from his early morning excursion, in time to leave with the group.

Kendra recalls some of his conversation with Graeff during the party the night before. Graeff chuckles, "Wonders to behold? Well the mountains are high and some are snow covered year round. It's a pretty sight standing on top of the world looking down." Graeff gaze seems to be elsewhere as he remembers what it felt like. The he returns to the present, "As for adversaries there a tribe of giants most stone and hill that live in the area to the east. They primarily hunt trolls, but they wouldn't mind the occasional human or Halfling. As I've mention its cold up there so be sure to carry your cold weather gear and watch the weather. I'll make a note on your map which way to go if you like." ...... "Temples to Pantheon? Humm.. New Elenna City for sure, maybe Dourscale. Shrines can be anywhere. Most priest know what local shrines are around."

Julian adds his thoughts on where the group should head.

Podo helps out one last time before the group departs.

Having dreams of dragons, Fickle seems to be in a high spirits.

Airin and her hawk are eager to get moving as she adds her thoughts of where to go.

Despite being intrigued by the idea of new places, Tobias opts for a return to Angel Springs.

The group once gathered, heads out of the valley of the four peaks heading to the hidden trail to Slam's cliff side cave. Arriving there near late in the day, you find Slam at work on a block of stone in his cave. He waves a friendly greeting, in giant speak "Welcome, you little one leaving now?"

[OOC: What about the sneak you caught trying to steal the potions?]

[PS. Next post by me will be on Friday Evening. Kim if you want to make a DM sup post for me on Thursday you can! Assume you spend the night in Slam's cave and he helps you down the cliff in the morning. If not then I'll try to post a makeup on Saturday PM.]

Wednesday September 12th, 2007 5:15:53 PM

"Hello gang, are we all set. I went back to the circle to see if the fey took the gift I left. Nothing special, just a magnifying glass, but if they hadn't taken it, I'd hate to see it go to waste."

Dwight grabs his few possessions and takes his position.

Wednesday September 12th, 2007 8:59:52 PM

Listening to Kendry and Graeff talking about the passes through the mountains to Dragon's Bay:

"Perhaps we'll need to go back to Angel Springs first, to buy some Cold Weather gear."

Wednesday September 12th, 2007 11:24:32 PM

Selithe stays silent but is ready to move out with the others. She smiles to Kendry and speaks to him, "The last few days seem like a blur really. Guess I was more out of it then I thought."

Selithe shrugs this off and noticing Julian with the group once more moves over to him. Watching him for a moment before before whispering the words to a Prestidigitation spell, trying to turn Julian's hair blue for the few hrs the spell works.

Selithe grins and whistles innocently if the spell works or even if it doesn't.

(Not sure what the DC check for that is or even if Julian will try fighting it. Sorry Julian, couldn't resist :) .)

Robert OOC 
Thursday September 13th, 2007 12:16:08 AM

LOL: we need more of that, Justin. Playful halflings in the sun....

Thursday September 13th, 2007 12:58:20 AM

Podo wonders how long we are gong to delay our departure.

Listening to all the different conversations about where to go next...Podo begins to grow impatient.

Walking over to Graeff, Podo asks "if he ever heard of a Justicar of Pantheon, called Sharles Grith? We found his remains at the bottom of a trench. Seems he was trying to recover a Holy Thurible."

Podo waits for his answer.

Thursday September 13th, 2007 3:59:03 AM

Kendry agrees (as he agreed earlier) to return the way the party came. He is grateful for Graeff's added detail to the map, and the information about giants and mountains in the Scab.

He sees to the proper security for their prisoner. He spends some time talking with him - especially about Plateau City - just hoping to get to know the man better, if he is willing.

Kendry smiles at his love's words. "Someday we may be telling these stories to wide-eyed little ones who sit at our feet, or around the table. 'Tell us the one about that fellow who made skeletons, Mama, and how you snuck in to his cave. And Papa, about the man who hit you with that big ball of fire!'"

Then, with a squeeze of her hand, he says, "Sure, as soon as we get to town, we can visit the Catacombs shop." [Which Glenn counsels us to get started right away, so that we might be done by the time our characters actually reach the shop.]

"Thank you for your hospitality, Slam. I'm certainly happy that you are our friend, and not our enemy. Especially after I watched you slug that wizard!" He enjoys the comfort of the cave, and appreciates the giant's rocky artwork.

That evening, he asks his friends, "Well, what have we learned from all this? From working to help Bella with the potions, and delivering them, then seeing the results? And from Graeff's little community? And the Pixies?"

Before retiring, Kendry, as usual, jots some notes and makes a few quick sketches.


After waking up, and perhaps a spot of breakfast, Kendry works with his friends, assisted (I trust) by Slam, to descend to the foot of these steep rocks.

With a bow and a quick song in honor of Slam, Kendry heads with his friends back the way they came.

Thursday September 13th, 2007 7:46:29 AM

Fickle looks around and see's every body leaving, will shout "Hey! You'z wait for Me'z", then runs after them.

Airin and Fioni 
Thursday September 13th, 2007 9:22:19 AM

"Of we go lads!"

Airin urges everyone as she throws her Haversack over her shoulder, takes her blade and crossbow and begins to walk to the edge of the town in the general direction Kendry talked about...

Once close to the edge of town she looks back wondering why the rest is lingering this long.

"C'mon guys! Do you think that thrible will deliver itself? And... I'd rather not wait for that necromancer to come to us instead!!"

Fioni feels they will be going on a new adventure and is allready flying high over their heads in joy.

Tobias  d20+7=25 d20+7=18 d20+12=13
Thursday September 13th, 2007 11:26:59 AM

Alright onward everyone. Tobias is ready to lead the trail back to Angel Springs, keeping a sharp eye out for anything of interest...

Listen: 25
Spot: 18

Down from the elevated valley - ADM Kim  d20=14 d20=14 d20=20 d20=18 d20=16 d20=6 d20=2 d20=1 d20=15 d20=20 d20=10 d20=17 d8=7 d6=3 d6=5 d6-3=-2 d6-3=2
Friday September 14th, 2007 2:49:47 AM

The party settles in for some not too awful stew prepared by Slam, and a cave protected from the elements.

In the morning, Slam is willing to assist the party safely to the lower elevation at the foot of the Giant Steps.

He slips while bringing down Julian and Selithe, but manages to arrest his slide with no damage to Selithe - yet Julian takes 2 hp of bruising damage.

Morning clouds enshroud the rocky enclave, and the fog is fairly thick at the base. Still, there is good enough visibility for walking travel. Fioni is reluctant to fly for the time being.

[Everyone please make three survival checks -- and any other skill checks you may wish to attempt. The +1 bonus for those of good alignment experienced in the Valley of the Four Peaks is no longer in force at this time.]

Kendry  d20+5=20 d20+5=11 d20+5=17 d20+11=23 d20+11=22 d20+11=27 d20+6=21 d20+6=8 d20+6=19 d20+3=10 d20+3=10 d20+3=19
Friday September 14th, 2007 2:57:36 AM

"Hey, Julian - want a goodberry or two? How about you, Selithe - are you all right?"

Kendry thanks Slam for his hospitality and help, and wishes him well in his role as one of the guardians of the Valley of the Four Peaks.

"Let's head home - eyes and ears open," recommends the bard. He sits astride Cheann, and begins with his friends to retrace their steps homeward.

[Survival: 20, 11, 17. Bardic knowledge: 23, 22, 27. Listen: 21, 8, 19. Spot: 10, 10. 19]

Julian  d20+5=13 d20+5=13 d20+5=19 d20+3=17 d20+3=22 d20+3=7 d20+5=11 d20+5=11 d20+5=13 d20+5=23 d20+5=11
Friday September 14th, 2007 6:02:36 AM

Julian laughs off the 'bounce' down the stairs.

"Look," showing Selithe, "now my leg's blue..." He gives the sorceress a mock frown, then laughs.

"A berry sure, but why?" When Kendy explains that the Goodberry's will heal the bruising he accepts, "it will be uncomfortable to walk too far with a bruise that size."

"Hmmm, fog. Keep your ears open, Shark."

{Julian's skill checks- Survival: 13, 13, 19; Spot: 17, 22, 7; Listen: 11, 11, 13}

[Shark's skill checks- Spot: 23; Listen 11]

Airin and Fioni  d20+10=22 d20+10=24 d20+10=30 d20+12=24 d20+12=26 d20+12=23 d20+8=23 d20+8=25 d20+8=22
Friday September 14th, 2007 8:13:12 AM

Seeing the weather get worse Airin calls Fioni to her and tucks the bird safely away under her Elven Cloak.

Somehow she could not help smiling after Julian and Selithe fell from the stairs. Of course she first checked if they were allright, but afterwards you'd have to admit that it was a funny sight...

While walking home Airin's quiet and ponders the various wizards they have met and how to deal with them later. But she does keep her eyes and ears attuned for any danger up ahead.

Survival: 22, 24, 30(Nat 20)
Listen: 24, 26, 23
Spot: 23, 25, 22
(wow! Marvelous rolls today!!)

Fickle  d20+1=21 d20+1=12 d20+1=8 d20+1=20 d20+1=6 d20+1=17 d20+1=15 d20+1=15 d20+1=14
Friday September 14th, 2007 8:27:20 AM

Fickle follows the others, he would be doing well, he falls over his feet once or twice, but keep up with the group (Even when he got a bloody nose.)

Survival -21 - 12 - 8
Listen - 20 - 6 - 17
Spot - 15 - 15 -14

Tobias  d20+7=17 d20+7=13 d20+7=10 d20+6=25 d20+6=20 d20+6=19 d20+13=14 d20+13=22 d20+13=23
Friday September 14th, 2007 11:05:33 AM

Tobias leads the way back home from the Valley of the Four Peaks.

Listen: 17, 13, 10
Spot: 25, 20, 19
Survival: 14, 22, 23

[OOC: are we back in Culverwood? if so, i get another +2 to survival checks for Forest Walk.]

[No, we're not in the Culverwood - which is several miles westward. -Kim]

Dwight  d20+1=15 d20+1=8 d20+1=11
Friday September 14th, 2007 9:31:05 PM

Dwight moves along with the group, taking care during his turn at being brought down the steps. He finds comfort being close to the ground again once lowered; and thanks Slam for the lift.

Survival Checks: 15, 8, 11

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