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Aftermath -- Dreams, Omens, and Fairies

Dreams and Omens (DM Cayzle) 
Thursday August 30th, 2007 10:56:11 AM

On the Steps

Graeff listens to Julian and says, "Plainly, my friend, you are tired. Here, let us climb these steps and camp in safety at the top."

The halfling takes his time and goes right up. He lowers a rope, if needed, and takes first watch.

Later, an eagle flies back to his shoulder and eyes you warily.

The halflings -- Julian and Graeff that is -- sleep peacefully and well. In the morning, the eagle screeches from high up, and you hear a huge voice call down, "GREAFFF!

In the Valley

[OOC to Tobias: When the wizard mentioned the halfling accompanying Slam, he was surely referring to Fickle, who was trying at the time, with no skill roll or chance of success, to hide in the walking giant's shadow.]

Podo receives no clear answer to his prayers, but he ends his vigil with a sense of support and purpose.

The party comes up with a plan to put false potions aroundabouts, to act as bait so that if a spy comes forward to steal one, he will be caught. That's a plan to sleep on tonight and execute tomorrow -- so decide where you will place them, and how you will watch them, and yet make them seem unguarded.

Kendry thinks about that plan and makes some sketches. But soon it is time to rest.

After a long day, Fickle is very tired. In his fatigue, he falls asleep and dreams. He dreams about going with the giant to see the wizard, but in his dream he is a human girl, and the giant is made of straw, and his friends are an iron golem and a liontaur. Tewdyr is there too, only his name is different, and he has one head, not too.

In fact, Fickle is not the only one to dream -- in the morning, Several people report strange dreams:

Tobias dreams of wandering again in the valley and tracking the leprechauns as he did before. He finds again the mushroom circle that the tracks led to. But this time the circle is also a door, and if he enters the circle, he will enter the land of the fey. The dream ends before he makes his choice.

Selithe dreams of playing dice with invisible friends, and mostly losing!

Airin and Kendry have the same dream -- a memory dream. They dream of the leprechaun, Jonquil, and what he said to them:

"You have answered well, mortal folk. I will tell the Pixie Lord what you say, and with thanks for these gifts. You could have held me, and ransomed me for my pot of gold, but instead you have given me presents and kind words. Let me give you my blessing, such as it is to give."

"As the moon shines and the plants grow, let the blessing of Mother Wold come to you, to safeguard you and support you, when you call her to need."

You all feel a wind blow across your faces, but the grass does not move nor do leaves on trees stir.

The leprechaun accepts the gifts, turns invisible, and is gone.

[OOC THEN: Each of you may now cast any one zero or first level druid spell once, with a caster level equal to your character level. This ability can be used only once, and then it is gone. It also goes away when I leave the group as DM, which will happen sooner or later.]

[OOC NOW: Now I can tell you that you have until Sept. 7 to use your blessing! Use it or lose it!]

Dwight dreams that there is a gaping hole in his side, and that while it does not hurt him, he can tell that something is missing. In his dream, an invisible creature -- a leprechaun? -- brings him a patch. Sometimes it is a flame, or a stone, or a cloud, or a drop of water. After the invisible creature puts it in place, it feels great!

Podo, fresh from his prayers, does not dream at all.

Thursday August 30th, 2007 11:29:06 AM

Tobias gets up at the scream of Graeff's name... startled from his vivid dream. And share with the ones around him, "I just had the strangest dream..."

But then gets up to go finally meet this Graeff person, hoping that their mission may now be nearing an end at last.

DM Cayzle OOC 
Thursday August 30th, 2007 3:19:56 PM

Sorry for the ambiguity -- it is Julian and Graeff who hear a voice calling for Graeff in the morning. I edited the post to make that clear.

Thursday August 30th, 2007 3:57:04 PM

Oops, then I don't run out to greet them... :)

Thursday August 30th, 2007 6:22:01 PM

"Good idea, I've travelled too far without rest."

in the morning...

Julian acts as casual as possible about the voice he heard,

"Someone wants you, Graeff. It's nice to hear someone calling rather than throwing javelins to get your attention. Do you recognise the voice? Shall I come with you?"

Thursday August 30th, 2007 10:39:43 PM

Dwight sits up and checks his sides. Finding himself in tack, he finds another group member to examine his back for scar; particular those in a circular shape.

He then tries to find a quiet place to eat breakfast and consider the relationship between the various symbols. Fire, stone, mist, water and a hole. By the end of breakfast, Dwight has a headache from lack of conclusion.

Friday August 31st, 2007 1:48:24 AM

Kendry thinks upon the dream, and the clever sheep stealers.

It has been three days, has it not? Is this the leprechaun's way of communicating with them?

He tells first Airin, then all of his friends of his dream.

Sometime during the day he will speak with Comey about it.

"Friends, I have some thinking and reading and planning to attend to. Please, will some of you figure out what to do about the potions for now. I'll be mainly at a desk, or perhaps in the garden."

[OOC: I'll be gone until Tuesday. If someone else would like to post for Kendry in the interim, that would be fine. -Kim]

Friday August 31st, 2007 7:23:07 AM

Fickle wakes with a startle jump?? Where'z is the Giant made of straw? BUT me'z was a girlie? And . . . And All You'z were Iron Golems and Lointaurs, but's Funny thing in me's dream. Tewdye was there too, only has one head// funnie's But weird. Cusin Kenny, What it mean??"

Sorry to see you go, DM Cayzle. I did not have time to drive you crazy.

Friday August 31st, 2007 9:49:35 AM

"Yes love I had the exact same dream! That's odd. Could it be they are somehow calling us?"

Airin thinks on it a while but then says: "First things first. Let's rat out the mole in this place. Do you think Comey has a way to cast a spell that gives an alarm when someone tries to steal the potions? Or... can anyone one of us make a trap and make sure Tanglefoot Glue or ink is splashed on the thief? We would not even have to keep an eye on the potions all the time... he will expose himself..."

Friday August 31st, 2007 11:22:36 AM

"Hmmm you both had the same dream? That is a little strange... I had dreams of leprechauns as well, but it was different. It was about the patch where their tracks disappeared. There was a door in the middle of it. Do you think we could find and enter it and make contact with the leprechauns?"

Reunions! (DM Cayzle) 
Saturday September 1st, 2007 10:45:26 AM

On the Giant Steps

"Sure I know that voice," says Graeff. "That's my friend, Slam. He's a giant. The one I've been waiting for."

He calls up something, shouting in Giant. (OOC: Julian doesn't know Giant, does he?)

Whatever is said, soon a rope is let down, and Julian and Graeff find themselves in the giant's home, a great cave. They are treated to giant tea, and Graeff and Slam engage in vigorous conversation. You get the idea that Slam has lots of news.

Slam turns to Julian, "Hi small guy! Well come!" Julian gets the idea that Slam's mastery of common is not great.

After a bit, Graeff turns to Julian. "Well, did your friends all consist of halflings? One a bard? Two females? Well, it seems your friends have been busy."

Graeff tells Julian the story of current events from a somewhat Giant perspective.

"But we cannot stay to visit with the valley in an uproar." He says as much to Slam in giantish, and the big fellow nods, clearly a little disappointed.

Nonetheless, by midday, with Slam's able help, Julian and Graeff (and Julian's familiar, thanks to Slam's rope and a harness) find themselves atop the pass into the valley. A short walk finds Graeff surrounded by his friends.

In the Village

The party wakes up to a new day, and discovers that they have had unusual dreams in the night. What could they mean?

Dwight ponders, and finds no physical mark on his body (OOC: You got my e-mail?)

Airin thinks dealing with the spy they assume is here somewhere is a top priority.

Tobias thinks about magical doors into other realms.

Please post any actions for the morning. By noonish, Graeff has returned, and with him, Julian!

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Saturday September 1st, 2007 12:37:21 PM

Upon hearing the ruckous, Podo goes to see what all the excitement is about. Seeing the new halfling arrive, Podo introduces himself as Podo Danderfluff Pipewood, Halfling of the Crescent Valley, Monk of Domi, and Cleric of Alemi.

Sunday September 2nd, 2007 8:15:39 AM

Fickle just stand there trying to tiger out what to do next??

OOC To DM Cayzle: Your forgetting to mention Fickle in your post (AGAIN)??

Sunday September 2nd, 2007 6:49:25 PM

When Julian sees his friends he calls and runs to them, "Selithe! Kendry! Podo! Tobias! Fickle! Dwight! Airin! Helloooo!"

To Podo, "I am sorry that we parted in a heated way before. I spoke to the Priests of Domi about the lion thing, whilst I was taking the animals back. I went back to Angel Springs, you see. I've spoken with them before, and I think I might have found a calling with Domi."

To everyone, "What have you been doing? You've been here all this time? Holidaying I suppose? Or checking in?" he says with a wink.

Sunday September 2nd, 2007 10:22:00 PM

OOC: Yes, I'll have more time tomorrow to put a thoughtful response to it.

Dwight remains in deep thought during the morning hours, wondering about his hole; a piece of himself missing?

ADM StevenVdB : Posting Record Game 13 
Monday September 3rd, 2007 3:46:03 AM

Posting Report for Game 13 for the week of August 27th - September 2nd

DM Cayzle : 2-WT-S- 5
Dwight: 2-WT--S 5
Fickle: -TWTF-S 5
Podo: --W--S- 2 - OOPS
Selithe: M------ 1 - made ooc explaining his absense
Kendry: -TWTF-- 4
Tobias: MTWTF-- 5
Airin: MTW-F-- 4
Julian: MT-2--S 5 - Welcome back!!

The Wizard goes poof...
With minimal combat tactics the group tries to nail the wizard. Fickle follows in the footsteps of Slam hoping to stay out of sight from the Wizard... he nearly pulled it of but the wizard did spot him. Tobias and Airin react instantaniously barely scratching the magically protected mage. In a flash he goes pooof and then our friends are staring to the place where the wizard stood moments before...

With mixed feelings the Crescent Valley gang returns to the village thinking what to do next. There are still several unresolved issues on their To DO list! Bella, 2 wizards on their neck, the potions, the thurible and a spy in Comey's Village...

There's a hint of a plan to capture the spy but other than that there's nothing much that has been done.

But then Julian returns at last!! Welcome back!!

Monday September 3rd, 2007 7:31:35 AM

"Julian! Glad to see you again! Tell me, how's Blossom? Did you get her and the other animals safely back to Angel Springs? Oh we've been fairly quiet lately..." Airin says with a wink having the impression that Julian allready knows bits and pieces from Slam.

"C'mon friends we need to make up our minds. What do we do next? Do we pursue this odd dream that apparently will lead us to the Leprechauns or do we rat out the spy first?"

Monday September 3rd, 2007 7:42:59 AM

Fickle is by now is very confuse?? "Now Where'z Wizard Go??" as he scratches his head??

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood  d20+9=11 d20+9=15 d20+9=16 d20+9=20 d20+9=15 d20+5=8 d20+5=22 d20+5=10 d20+5=13 d20+5=15
Monday September 3rd, 2007 1:36:08 PM

Before the night is over, Podo mediates to clear from his mind all of the previously remembered spells. Later tonight, if all goes well, Podo will meditate upon a different list of cleric spells.

While the remainder of his friends return to the village, Podo goes to speak with Comey.

Upon approaching and being allowed to speak with Comey, Podo; in private; suggests "the Druid use his ability to speak with animals to attempt to flush out the spy. If Comey explains that the process might not work, then Podo suggests to Comey that unless the spy is another druid or has druid like abilities, the spy will not know this. Podo continues to explain, you could bring all the peoples together for an announcement that you have devised a plan to root out the enemies of the village, and that the process involves having the forest animals come forward and explain what they know. The unknowledgable spy might give him/herself away upon hearing this! Do you think it has a chance in helping us, this idea?" wonders Podo.

Upon seeing Julian,

"You did! My that must have seemed awkward to you...did you gain any insights to the behaviors of those that follow Domi?" asks Podo.

While Podo is alone, Podo will attempt to look and listen in several different areas around the village...

Skill Checks
(all checks have +1 added to all d20 rolls for good alignments while in the village)

Spot DC: 12, 16, 17, 21, 16
Listen DC: 9, 23, 11, 14, 16

Monday September 3rd, 2007 6:13:30 PM

"Podo, I did gain some insight. I've learned that I can be protecting those who are weaker from those who use power to cause hurt as they advance their own needs. I want to do that, protect people, and show that Might doesn't make it Right, there's still a sense of Justice to adhere to. Do you know what I mean?"

Graeff's Thanks and More (DM Cayzle) 
Monday September 3rd, 2007 9:56:28 PM

Julian greets his friends with his usual engaging manner. He has special tidings for Podo.

Dwight's dream still seems strong in his mind.

Airin greets Julian and asks her friends what to do next. But she may be happiest of all to see that her friend, Fioni, flies back at about the same time. The eagle has clearly hunted and slept in woods overnight, and -- to Airin -- seems very self-satisfied.

Fickle is confused about the wizard who disappeared so quickly.

Podo makes a point of offering an idea to Comey to help flush the spy. Podo also looks around and sees nothing especially indicative of a spy. But in one ward of ever-sleeping patients, a healer thanks him for saving the cure and expresses a hope that they'll be able to administer it very soon.

Graeff listens to Comey's report and to anything the party might have to tell him.

"We are deep in your debt," the healer of the valley says. "Thank you for coming all this way to help those who need it so much."

He asks if you would like to be present when the cure is administered.

He is interested in the news of the fey. "I would love to trade with them. Maybe before you go you can help me talk with them?"

Airin and "look who's back" Fioni 
Tuesday September 4th, 2007 6:57:10 AM

"FIONI !!!!" Airin shouts as she sees her beloved hawk return.

Quickly she whistles the little hawk and strokes her feathers back into place. Even though she appears to be in good health Airin spends some time taking care of the bird and offers water and food to Fioni.

Airin takes Fioni to her room, makes sure all windows are closed and no one is standing at the door. She wants to make sure the spy is not standing within hearing distance so that he hears everything Fioni has to say.

Once Fioni appears to be ready Airin casts the Speak With Animals spell once again and asks Fioni to tell her where she has been...

After Fioni has stopped Airin leaves the bird to rest thanking her for her efforts. If Fioni wants to join Airin, the halfling lass will carry the bird on her forearm as usual.

Tuesday September 4th, 2007 11:33:18 AM

Tobias volunteers that he may have a way of contacting the fey... "When they were escaping from the sheep incident, I followed them to an area encircled by mushrooms... And their footprints disappeared there. Then, last night I had a dream that there was a doorway in that same circle... There might be something to that little area."

Julian, waiting, watching 
Tuesday September 4th, 2007 10:13:46 PM

Julian hears a lot of little bits from his friends, wanting to go here, to chase down that, tie this loose end and so on.

"I'm not sure which way to go on the decision making. Most of all I'd like to think that Bella will be safe, and I think that dealing with that necromancer might be a good idea now. Now that we've improved and grown, and got some new really cool toys," he says waving his sword a little carelessly, but only a little carelessly.

OOC sorry Cayzle, waiting for others to post, hoping to have something more to respond to. Perhaps the others are doing the same.

Tuesday September 4th, 2007 11:00:19 PM

OOC: I very mad at myself. I had typed a decent post yesterday and must have forgotten to hit submit. Too many distractions. SORRY.

Dwight keeps to himself and finds himself deep in thought. He considers what is missing in his life since his adventures began. When exactly did it begin? Meeting new friends, no earlier, the combat at the grove, perhaps, definitely the thrust into adventuring life. But even prior to that he had begun adventures if only in his mind because of that book. That's it.

Dwight's thoughts become less painful as he finally puts some pieces together. Haves, needs, wants, friends, and allies. A piece he has been missing, could it be that simple? A need to fill in the missing piece. Could the piece be that which began it all? How does one fill such a hole? Now his thoughts turn to answering his own conclusion.


Eventually the call of food brings Dwight out. He gives welcomes to Julian and Gaeff. He also states he would like to watch those be cured of the blight affecting them. AFterwards, Dwight would like to have a few words with Sparks about what he saw and what he was thinking during his sickness.


Dwight's in favor of helping the community develop a relationship with the leprachauns.

OOC: Still in favor of taking care of necro. Should we prioritize our options. I think we have all said the same 2-3, but the order seems to vary a little.

Podo  d20+9=24
Wednesday September 5th, 2007 12:37:50 AM

Listening to the healer Graeff speaks, Podo offers to the healer whatever the healer needs that Podo could provide or assist with.

Looking to his friends, Podo waits quietly in the wings.

Looking to the forest, Podo tries to spot anything amiss...(Spot DC: 24+1=25)

Using Bella's Potions (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday September 5th, 2007 7:07:18 AM

[OOC: This is the Tuesday DM Post!]

Airin and Fioni are very glad to see each other. In private, using magic to speak clearly, the eagle tells Airin that the harpies live in caves among high crags about ten miles to the north. Airin gets the idea quite plainly that it would be very hard to get there by walking and climbing. You really need to fly. Fioni did not enter their caves, of course. But she did see a couple two-legged humanoid servants toiling outside the caves, tending a garden, feeding a few chickens, etc.

Fioni could definitely lead you there.

Tobias tells about his dream, and that he thinks there might be a door to go visit the fey. Graeff is very interested by that, and asks Tobias to take him there.

Julian makes a note of the many interesting things ahead of the party. He thinks that the group is more equipped now than ever to handle a challenge.

Dwight, lost in thought, ponders things that might be missing from his life. This introspection pays off -- he begins to realize just what he lacks. He thinks it may be more of a capability than a deficit, that is, he is not crippled or incomplete so much as not fully living up to his potential. He recognizes that there may be a place in his life for a higher power, a great being, a potential ally.

Dwight says hello to Julian and Graef, and he and Podo welcome the chance to see Bella's cure put to good use.

In the coma ward, there are four humans who have been asleep for a very long time. "We had five," Graeff tells you, "but one died."

It seems that these folk are hard to care for. They sleep around the clock, except for a brief period each day in which they wake insane. They might attack, or babble, or do nothing at all. Sometimes there are brief moments of lucidity, which the healers take as a chance to get some food into these poor souls.

In the ward, a cook is ready with soup, waiting for moments of lucidity in which to feed the patients some broth. Graeff dismisses him, telling him that if this works, the patients can eat later.

An hour later, one of the patients awakens. A human female, she thrashes, then tries to flee, then speaks gibberish. For a moment her eyes focus and she seems aware -- in that moment, Graeff, standing ready, gives her one of Bella's potions, fashioned in Alemi's name of herbs and pseudo-dragon poison and homunculous venom.

The human woman shudders as the potion takes effect. She looks around, and in a whisper, says, "Free! I'm free! Oh thank you! Thank you! At last!"

By midday, all four patients (three humans and a half-orc), are awake and resting. Graeff, Comey, and the healers are busy with cure spells and other care. He tells you that he is eager to question these people, but he wants to wait for the morning to do so, after a night of real sleep. If you have any questions, please hold them until tomorrow.

He tells you that he is convinced that they were magically afflicted. "This was no natural disease," he says.

The afternoon is yours, then, since Graeff ushers you out.

[OOC: Go ahead and post any questions you might have for the Sleepers, and I'll post the morning's answers with the Wednesday post. Also give any actions you wish to take this afternoon and evening.]

Wednesday September 5th, 2007 8:32:52 AM

This poor Boy, is so confused!! That he just stand there stearing at every body. Then opens his mouth just to say, "DUH! thing's are OK?"

Airin and Fioni 
Wednesday September 5th, 2007 10:52:31 AM

When Airin and her friends have some time apart from the rest of the village people she tells everything Fioni told her. How to get to the caves and about the humanoid gardeners.

She asks Kendry to write it down on a map so they know how to find them if ever they need to.

Then Airin just observes the others and the healers.

Wednesday September 5th, 2007 2:59:43 PM

Tobias would like to ask them how they think they may have contracted the disease... when did they first realize they had it? And, what was it like while they were infected.

After Graeff is done with the patients, and returns to the party, Tobias will offer to show Graeff where he believes the portal to the fey land may be...

Wednesday September 5th, 2007 11:00:55 PM


Who was the last person seen before u felt sick?

Any lingering thoughts about sickness?

Do you blame anyone in particular? A god, nature?

Dwight attempts to find any consistenies the ill may have had. He then puts some personal thought and wonders if he was working to his full potential, one with family and nature, perhaps he would be able to put all the pieces together quicker.

Thursday September 6th, 2007 12:03:01 AM

This halfling is still hyped up from his travelling, from the time spent with the Priests of Domi and from finally reuniting with his friends. He is keen to do something other than standing around talking about doing something.

Tobias' mention of a portal sounds rather interesting.

Podo  d20+9=26 d20+5=12 d20+2=20 d20+1=20
Thursday September 6th, 2007 1:16:28 AM

When given the opportunity to ask a question of the sleepers, Podo directs his questions to the human female..."Do you know what you were doing prior to your long sleep? Did you have any enemies? Are you involved with good works in your village? Are in involved with the local politics of your village?" "Although, I have many more curiosities than real questions, I will stop here and give you time to answer my questions, dear lady..." explains Podo.

Skill Checks
Spot DC: 26 + 1 = 27
Listen DC: 12 + 1 = 13
Concentration DC: 20 + 1 =21
Diplomacy DC: 20 + 1 = 21

Thursday September 6th, 2007 2:11:35 AM

The bard has been spending much time writing, sketching, and pondering.*

He does welcome warmly Julian.

He takes dictation from Fioni via Airin, and sketches out the best map he can under the circumstances.

He rejoices in the healing of those who had been so long in their comas.

On the morrow, when it is permitted, he sits with one or more of those who have been locked in coma. He recalls the groom whom he and his friends had freed from the harpies. He explains to Graeff the state his mind had been in, and how Bella had helped bring him around.

His initial line of questioning of these awakened is to ask them to tell of what they have seen, heard, felt, dreamed since the time of their comas. Do they recall how they entered this state?

[*OOC: In part, because Kim has been way busy, and away, celebrating with his wife their 31st anniversary!]

Thursday September 6th, 2007 7:44:02 AM

Fickle sees that his cousin is pondering, He'll sits beside his cousin Kenny, pick up a rock and pound the ground. (Flicks way of thinking)

Thursday September 6th, 2007 7:50:52 AM

Airin wonders if the fake potions have been placed or not... perhaps someone allready noticed something?

But other than that, she waits... nothing to be done around here and no one appears to be eager to go out and complete some of the quests that were laid before them earlier.

Thursday September 6th, 2007 9:47:14 PM

OOC: congrats on 31 years!

Dwight listens to all the answers, but doesn't push and tries not to make uncomfortable.

Then with the knowledge he has, plus anything new he finds a quiet place to think and pray for answers. He prays openly awaiting an answer from whomever can provide balance to his life and guidance to his multitude of questions known and to come.

Friday September 7th, 2007 12:02:11 AM

Late afternoon of the awakening (if possible - else late afternoon of the next day)

"Friends, we have received an invitation from the fae. I think we should accept. Shall we go just before dusk to the place that Tobias knows? Let us do so, and wait, and see what happens... if anything. Oh - and make sure, before we gather, that you eat well, and drink hearty - but water, or juice, or tea - none of us should be drunk for this meeting.

"And, if you can think of any gifts to bring, then bring them."

If people agree, then Kendry joins them, well fed and watered, at the appointed time, at Tobias' gateway.

[OOC: Thanks, Anthony!]

Portals and Patients (DM Cayzle) 
Friday September 7th, 2007 12:23:37 AM

[Gosh Darn It! This is the Wednesday DM Post! There will definitely be a post on Saturday!]

Fickle is confused, but yes, he does think that things are okay! The enemy has been chased away, and soon the sick will be well!

The Afternoon

Tobias leads Comey to the mushroom circle. Who else will come with him? Once there, there is a tickle in Tobias's mind. It seems to him that there are two circles, superimposed on each other. One circle is made of common mushrooms in an unremarkable stand of trees. The other is made of glowing silver mushrooms, in a stand of tree-people, like ents. But then he blinks and only the common vision remains.

Comey spots a note under a small rock in the center of the circle. It says, "Return here under the noon sun to meet the Pixie Lord."

Airin and Fioni and Kendry draw a map to the harpy lair.

In the Night

Dwight prays for guidance, and after dreamless sleep, feels drawn to the mushroom circle. He might find himself looking forward to meeting the Pixie Lord.

Kendry too seems eager to meet fey folk.

In the Morning

The patients are awake and smiling. They cannot thank you all enough. Here is what they say in answer to your questions.

They were each of them kidnapped! And infected with some kind of disease -- coughed on by some human in ceremonial clothes. There was an imp or small demon or something there too. Then, after they were sick, spells were cast on them. It seemed in their dreams like someone was sucking their blood or life out all the time.

They blame the kidnappers for making them sick and draining their lives away. They all tell the same story, and they are glad just to be alive and free.

They tell Podo that they were just common folk. Not heros nor nobility. But all of them seem smarter, more perceptive, more outgoing than many so-called heros.

Friday September 7th, 2007 1:24:06 AM

Should Tobias, or Comey, relate the message the latter found under the rock, then he will be all for making that appointment with the Pixie King!

Friday September 7th, 2007 7:32:03 AM

Fickle tries very hard to think, But nothing come to mind, so he pounds the ground harder.

Airin and Fioni 
Friday September 7th, 2007 8:54:35 AM

"okidoki! A visit to the Fey sounds fun."

Airin joins the others expecting to meet the fey again soon. Of course this time, Fioni comes with the halfling lass.

Friday September 7th, 2007 11:07:09 AM

Tobias tells the others about the letter and the strange vision of the double mushroom circle. He is most intrigued by what the Pixie King might want with them. And, makes sure that he and whoever would like to go with him, are there the next day by noon.

Listening to the patients stories, Tobias wonders if the imp or small demon in any way resembles the homuculous that the party captured. And, whether any of them got any better look at the robed figure.

Friday September 7th, 2007 6:51:53 PM

Julian goes to sit with Fickle, he is starting to really like this one, he expresses clearly that he prefers action.

"Fickle, what has been happening the last few days? I've heard a few things, but I like the way to you tell things plainly."

Friday September 7th, 2007 7:34:58 PM

Suddenly Dwight's demeanor changes, and instead of being secluded and deep in thought he stands on the tip of his toes eager for the meeting. Odd really considering his last two fey meetings consisted of at least some combat, but Dwight holds that this one will be different.

Even the lack of supporting details from the recovering sick fail to end his new mood. While he wishes they had provided more, he is grateful they didn't seem to suffer as much as he thought and don't seem to have any after-effects.

OOC: Dwight intends to give a magnifying glass. Not of significant value but can make things large or smaller than they appear. Hopefully an object of fun and interest to the pixies.

The Pixie Lord (DM Cayzle) 
Friday September 7th, 2007 7:50:36 PM

In the morning, there are a lot of happy faces now that four coma victims are awake and aware.

The healers and patients alike are all eager to thank you. And to ask you to tell Bella the same.

Before noon, Graeff, Comey, and you all go up to the mushroom circle for the coming of the Pixie Lord.

In the noon light, the area in the mushroom shivers, and suddenly it is a small body of water ... a puddle, surely, but it looks rather like a lake as seen from far off, with miniature waves lapping the shore.

In the puddle there is a pure white swan, and riding the swan, a little man dressed in green. A circle of butterflies flutter around his head.

"Oh, mortals! Never an end to mortals! Ebryon, Ebryon, you are too much for me!"

He looks around. "Well, here we are! Johdpur told me about you all. You like sheep, yes? Okay, by the grace of the Fae King, all your sheep will bear twins for the next three years!"

"VWAA-HA!" he shouts, and somehow you know it is so.

"Send a couple over here once in a while, whould you, good fellows? I do like me some mortal mutton!"

"Now, where were we? Oh yes, Ebryon! He asked me to tell you all that he is reformed and good and kind to mortals and all that. Ha! Let me see him in a couple centuries and then we'll know if THAT's true!"

"So consider yourselves told! Oh, and if anyone wants to get his help or be his friend, swallow an acorn and say three times, Reform! Reform! Reform! and he'll come and help you. Frankly, I don't believe it. But I guess he might. Maybe. If he wants to."

Now, I got other mortals to visit! So darn many of you! You breed like mice! What else?"

The swan honks.

"OH yeah, the story, the Story. Fine get it over with! Here you go!"

He takes a deep breath and tells you a story. You can read it here.

[OOC: Also note the following additions to the Wold:

Immortal Powers
Votary Clerics who honor them (scroll to middle)
New House Rules (Scroll to bottom!)

Send your questions to cayzle@cayzle.com or go to the Rules Board]

"Well!" the Pixie Lord exclaims. "That's that! Just to set the record straight! Any questions?"

Saturday September 8th, 2007 3:51:46 AM

Though restless at first, Julian sits enthralled listening to the whole tale. He can be heard saying to Fickle, "Windows, wow. That bends the mind, doesn't it?"

He pulls an apple from his pack and, crunching it, he mutters, "I'm not sure that I like windows."

Saturday September 8th, 2007 6:06:39 AM

"Wow! A whole acorn!? Interesting..." says Podo. "What if it gets stuck? Does he come help you?" asks Podo to no one is particular.

Saturday September 8th, 2007 9:14:25 AM

"Me's ike acorn, Good for the skin!" he tells the others.

Good Luck Cayzle, I know you'll do a great Job. I'll miss you.

Cayzle OOC 
Saturday September 8th, 2007 9:29:47 AM

That was the THURSDAY post! I got one more in me, either today or early tomorrow!

So post your posts and pose your queries! Ever wanted to talk to a Fey Noble? Here's your chance, before he poofs away!

Saturday September 8th, 2007 8:09:04 PM

Tobias is a little stunned first by the pixie lord and then by his story... Not sure what to make of his stated reform of the Fae King. But, he has no questions of the pixie lord himself.

The Pixie Lord Departs and All's Well that Ends Well (DM Cayzle) 
Sunday September 9th, 2007 10:33:16 AM

[This is the "Friday" post and the last one for me! Thanks for a great two years!]

The Pixie Lord laughs and laughs at Podo's comment. "Well," he says when he gets his breath, "if you choke, then you can't say "Reform," and the King won't come! You've found his trick! So pick a small acorn!"

"Good luck, mortals!"

And he is gone in a blink -- the glade is as it was.


There's not much left to do except to go back to the healers' settlement. Graeff invites you all to lunch, and asks for the complete story of what has happened.

He does have one piece of info for you. Based on what the cured folk say, and on the lengths to which the enemy wizard went trying to stop you. He thinks you are dealing with the Sons of Dread. They are a group of wizards devoted to the black arts and to Marteus. They are sneaky and prefer to work through others. And they seek strange ways to get arcane power. That's all he knows, though.

Graeff looks at you all and asks what you'll be doing next, now that you have delivered Bella's potions.

Finally, he wants to express his gratitude for all you have done. He gives each of you a small pouch of gems, about 1,000 gp worth in each pouch. (Including Julian.)

[OOC: Look for e-mail from me with XP awards. Please e-mail me any suggestions for hero point awards.]

Sunday September 9th, 2007 10:00:44 PM

"Really? Thanks Graeff. It is great that you appreciate my contribution, small and mostly absent that it was. I only hope that we can help you and your community again. I will always be willing to help protect you if, gods forbid, if there ever is a need." He bows to Graeff as he accepts this gift.

Kendry - quick post  2d4(3+4)=7
Monday September 10th, 2007 12:47:53 AM

Kendry listened attentively to all that the Pixie Lord had to say. What a story - and what an honor to hear it. He rather likes this fellow. He scribbles notes as the pixie speaks, and writes out more fully what was said soon after.

"Thank you, sir, for your kindness to us!" Kendry says just before the Pixie Lord departs.

Taking advantage of the blessing given them earlier (and before Glenn has his first post!) Kendry finds a berry bush, and casts goodberry - producing seven blessed berries. These he places in a pouch, and reserves for a time of need (if that time comes soon).

At Graeff's question, Kendry offers a fairly full and accurate description of what has gone on, and asks his beloved friends and family to fill in details and give their perspectives and insight on these matters as well.

He thanks the healer of Alemi for his generosity. "Your gifts will help us greatly, sir, as we seek to help others."

ADM StevenVdB : Posting Record Game 13 
Monday September 10th, 2007 3:25:15 AM

Posting Report for Game 13 for the week of September 3rd - September 10th

DM Cayzle : M-W-2-S 5
Dwight: -TWTF-- 4
Fickle: M-WTFS- 5
Podo: M-WT-S- 4
Selithe: ------- 0
Kendry: ---T2-- 3
Tobias: -TW-FS- 4
Airin: MTWTF-- 5
Julian: MT-TFSS 6

Bella's potions and Pixie lords...
Thanks to Bella's potions the sleepers in the village all wake up. The spell that held them is broken at last!
Later they go out to visit the Pixie lord who has summoned them in their dreams. He tells them the tale of Ebryon and how to use an acorn now in order to get his help... if you don't choke on the acorn that is...
Well time to say goodbye and go out on the road again. New adventures await are bold group of Halflings.

We also wave goodbye to DM Cayzle who has guided this group for over 2 years. Thank you very much Cayzle.

And of course we welcome our new DM Glenn. His first campaign to guide though he allready earned his ranks in a tapestry a while ago. Being one of the lucky ones to play that Tap I shudder when I think of what will await our little group... oh in case you wonder... DM Glenn killed me in that tap...

Monday September 10th, 2007 6:38:00 AM

Fickle look up from pounding the ground (with his favoret rock), pointing at Airean. Tells all "What'z ever Airean said, Go'z double form Me'z."

Welcome New DM Glenn to our little group. (I hope we don't have another Killer DM.) So this is a Good-by for our old DM Cayzle, (who could not take Fickle grammarZ)

DM Glenn 
Monday September 10th, 2007 10:53:19 AM

Hi everyone!
Just wanted to drop a note, so you know what to expect. Normally, I would post by this time on the weekdays. This week however, I'll be posting about 5pm and Thursday I'll be out of town (I may be able to post???).

As, for killer DM. I try to be fair and objective. Above all I strive for us all to have fun!

Also, Thanks Crazly for your help the transition and don't worry, I'll take good care of the CV group.

Airin and Fioni 
Monday September 10th, 2007 2:07:02 PM

Hearing about how the Fey King has reforemed and now even comes up with a way to call for his aid does send a few shivers down Airin's spine. After all, she remembers well how the Fey King Ebryon took Morph from them... how he killed numerous druids and how she and her friends witnessed his rebirth...

But still things can change... time will tell...

She smiles at Podo's remark about choking on a whole acorn and takes the Pixie Lords advice. Once they find an acorn she will look for the smallest one and put it in her haversack. Who knows, in dire need it may come in handy!

Once back in the village Airin is pleased to see everything is back to normal. She is however shocked as she hears about the Sons of Dread. In time she knows they will have to face this group. She hopes it can be delayed for if the wizard they saw earlier is but their messenger than what about their leader?!?

Again... time will tell...

"So friends... I think it's time to leave this peaceful village and head elsewhere. Where do we go from here? The Necromancer? The Thurible? Bella?"

Fioni shrieks once agreeing with Airin. They have spent way too much time in this place. Time to move on!!

Monday September 10th, 2007 2:19:58 PM

Tobias thanks Graeff for his generous gift... hoping to soon have enough to pay off his WLA dues.

In answer to Airin, Tobias thinks that the thurible would be a good thing to return... and perhaps we could check on Bella if returning brings us near Angel Springs.

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