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Invasion, Part I -- Harpies!

Disturbing the Peace (DM Cayzle) 
Tuesday July 10th, 2007 10:31:12 AM

Fickle enjoys the simpler pleasures in life: good drink, sound sleep. He is a true campaigner, taking his leisure when it comes.

Kendry urges his friends to hone their WLA skills, which certainly is a help toward the rigorous training that keeps them sharp. But you have to be an officer to enlist new members, and field promotions are frowned on. If you want to join, then you'll have to get to a WLA base.

Kendry also flits from activity to activity, and thinks of a garden that would be beautiful and fun to wander. But you will have to be gardeners or druids or greenmages of greater skill to execute the bard's vision, at least in just a few days. Comey likes the idea, but is too busy attending to patients and overseeing security. You get the idea that he is super busy whenever Graeff is away.

Dwight watches his active friend and tries to relax. The ever-vigilant Dwight keeps an eye on the chapel, with its precious treasure hidden in the altar.

Podo also works on his WLA skills and encourages Fickle to join. But there just is no topping the premier training staff of the WLA or the facilities they use to go above and beyond.

The monk/cleric also prays for those who seek healing here.

Airin lends her voice to Kendry's in talking with Comey. But his days are just too full, and you see that the druids and healers that are on staff (and there are only a few of those) are also very hard at work already.

Also, Comey says that they have a welcome area, the enclosed meadow into which the party was first brought, to use in meeting pixies and other visitors.

Fickle gets into the training idea. Maybe he will be willing to spend the 2,000 gold it takes to join the WLA back in Crescent Valley? Dwight encourages him.

Selithe joins a few friendly games of chance. If she can make a Spot or Sense Motive check vs DC15, then Please Highlight to display spoiler: { She finds sees one halfling palming cards!}


In this way, a few pleasant days pass.

One day, before Graeff returns, you hear a bell ringing! It is the alarm bell! In a moment, you are all in the commons of the village. A scout is hoarsely shouting. Flying winged women are attacking the village -- Harpies!!! They come from the East (the opposite way from which the party came).

Comey quickly gives orders that patients are to be taken into the burrows and protected.

He asks Kendry if he can out-sing the Harpies.

A few patients refuse to go. Among them are the dwarf girl Hmarge, and a human you have not met, although you have seen him among those who may become violent. He is hitting himself over and over on the head, and whispering fiercely, "SPARKS! SPARKS ALL AROUND!

Hmarge's hands move in her gesture-talk, and those who can understand that get the idea that "sparks" means "hearts" or "souls."

A half dozen slingers and archers are taking up hidden positions. Comey and his bear are among them. What do you do?

Kendry  d20=9 d20=3 d20=17 d20=15
Tuesday July 10th, 2007 3:53:42 PM

"Great job, Fickle. You should be training us!"

Kendry later answers Comey, "I have done so before." He casts a message spell to include Airin, Comey, Podo, Tobias, Dwight, and Selithe (sorry friends, am limited on numbers affected).

"The essence of some souls - called 'sparks', after spending some time in the realm of Gargul, are released to new life, born anew to parents," whispers Kendry to those who received the message spell as he takes out his bow (placed over shoulder), quiver with arrows and lute - the latter he quickly tunes. "I wonder whether some might try to take possession of others' bodies.

"Podo - pray for wisdom - do what you can. Friends - defend these people with wit, weapons and will."

And with that Kendry begins, with lute and voice, to work on countering the singing of the evil harpies. He wonders if any of the harpies they earlier faced will be among these.

[Listen: 9+6+1=16 to hear the song of the harpies; Spot: 3+3+1=7 to see them; Countersong: 17+13+1=31 to counter their singing with his voice; Countersong with lute: 15+6+1=22]

Dwight (ac 16, hp 35)  d20+4=12 d20+8=20 d4=1
Tuesday July 10th, 2007 4:11:57 PM

Dwight heads towards any patients that need to be moved while pulling out his bow. Focusing on the tune of Kendry and the bow string in his hand, he looks for the harpies (spot:12).

If he sees one he lets the SLEEP arrow fly (att: 20+1(good), dmg: 1, save versus sleep (DC ?? or fall asleep)

OOC: Not sure what DC this would be. The arrows were bought at the catacombs...DC 11?

Tuesday July 10th, 2007 4:13:05 PM

Didn't add bonus to dmg from song or +1 to damage for being good because I wasn't sure I should.

Tobias (AC 20, HP 38/38) [Message]  d20+14=28 d4+1=5
Tuesday July 10th, 2007 4:40:20 PM

At the sound of the alarm, Tobias looks for the harpies in the sky... drawing his composite bow, he fires at one that happens to come near by... falling back trying to stay within distance of the rest of the group.

Attack: 28
Damage: 5

Tuesday July 10th, 2007 9:44:44 PM

Podo prays for wisdom & guidance from both Alemi & Domi for a good solution to this Harpy mess.

Airin [AC17 - 42/42 HP] and Fioni [AC17 - 8/8 HP]  d20+19=25 d20+9=16 d6=3
Wednesday July 11th, 2007 4:19:47 AM

(since a few days have passed Airin's spell list is replenished. I will take her standard spell list though since we could not prepare for the harpies)

As they are warned for the oncoming Harpies Airin prepares by blocking her ears with small piece of canvas drenched in water. This possibly offers her some protection against the foul Harpy Song...

Then, she hides in the folliage with the others casting a Produce Flame Spell on herself.

Hide: 25 +1 valley bonus

Instantaniously a flame flickers around Airin's hands that she covers from sight by turning her back to the harpies. Once they are in range (120 ft) she hurls the fireball at the nearest Harpy...

Readied throw:
hits AC16 +1 valley bonus
damage: 3+2 = 5 fire damage +1 valley bonus
(does the fire continue to burn the victem?)

Airin is caster lvl 2 so the Produce Flame spell works 2 minutes. After throwing the first flame only 1 minute remains or one flame attack.

Spell List:

Level 0: Flare, Goodberrie, Create Water, Light
Level 1: Speak with animals, *Produce Flame, Entangle

* shows what spells have been cast for today

Fickle  d20=3
Wednesday July 11th, 2007 8:06:46 AM

Listens - 3 Deft as a Post.

Fickle look to the others, and they are all excited?? So Fickle being Fickle, He ask what'z a Heppies?? What'z the want?"

Kendry - Inspire Courage  d20+14=30
Wednesday July 11th, 2007 11:41:56 AM

Now harpies they are wicked fowl
Whose stench from skies the freshness takes
But we - but we -
We will not trust nor heed their words
But pluck their pinions, pierce their breasts
And make them flee back to foul nests.
Kendry answers Fickle in song, and seeking to inspire courage in those who hear the sound of his voice. [Perform, singing: 30]

[And countersinging vs the harpies as soon as he can hear their voices, as well.]

Wednesday July 11th, 2007 8:35:53 PM

Listening to Kendry's song, while finishing up his prayers, Podo moves towards his friends and family to see if he can help with the harpies.

Wednesday July 11th, 2007 9:29:51 PM

Selithe frowns and speaks up as she begins readying her bow and a arrow, "I remember fighting these things before. I believe one got my dog under it's control for one."

Selithe if possible will try to find some cover after getting her bow ready.

(I think thats too many actions for a single round.)

Wednesday July 11th, 2007 10:21:19 PM

"Yes I too remember fighting them. I also remember some got away and promised to visit again. These however, seem to have flown in from another direction. I hope we have not brought this upon this small town they have suffered enough."

Kendry/Kim OOC 
Thursday July 12th, 2007 2:28:18 AM

[Note to Justin: Based upon Cayzle's last post - people are getting ready, therefore, quite likely, we are not immediately in combat, but have at least a wee bit of time to prepare - more than one round in this post.
-My best guess.

Thursday July 12th, 2007 6:58:13 AM

OH! Bad they are?? Well1 Me'z thinks Me'z need more rocks!" Off he goes to pick some rocks for his sling. "Nice Jarged one that will hurt!' He tells himself.

Airin and Fioni 
Thursday July 12th, 2007 9:43:59 AM

The flames in Airin's hand don't burn the halflinf lass though it starts to get warm... she's ready to throw it the moment the Harpies get closer... ah the anticipation of a fight... the delicte tingle that runs down your spine...

Harpy Fight Starts! (DM Cayzle) 
Thursday July 12th, 2007 11:37:22 AM

I'm sorry, friends, I am also substitute DMing the Chosen game, and getting ready for a two-week vacation. I will post today (with a map) and tomorrow and Saturday. That will give us 4 DM posts this week at least. Thank you for understanding.

Kendry casts a message cantrip. He has his bow and lute ready. He offers an inspiring song. Please pick a place you want to be on the map for that, and later, for countersong.

Dwight thinks the harpies are off to the east, but he does not have a shot yet. He wants to fire, and is ready for when they come near enough. Yes, the sleep arrows have a will save vs DC11.

Tobias gets out his bow, takes his place, and is ready to fire too.

Podo says a prayer.

Airin plugs her ears (offers a +2 on saves). She casts produce Flame and is ready to throw it from hiding.

Fickle tries to figure out what is going on. "Harpies are coming to attack us!" Comey tells him. He picks up some rocks to throw.

Selithe has time to ready her bow and get under cover. Pick a spot on the map, please.


Comey's rangers and range-weapon specalists move out first toward the threat. Several healer/druids follow to support them. Comey directs several patients into burrows (now off the map), then he and his bear also head towards the coming fight.

Hmarge tries to calm the human, who is looking around wildly as if seeing ghosts.


You begin to hear the cawing of the harpies. It is still little more than a whispered threat, but you know it is coming! Then, through the trees, you see four or five harpies flying in from the east! They are just beyond those trees.

Note that the map is on a TEN FEET PER SQUARE scale!

Note that the +1 bonus for being good only affects d20 rolls, not damage rolls.

Please place yourself on the map ... anywhere that seems reasonable. Start from the Commons and give yourselves a few rounds of movement, if desired. If you do not give a map location, the default that I picked for you on today's map stands.

The harpies end the turn about 280 feet from the Commons.

All rolled attacks have a 20% miss chance vs harpies due to concealment and range penalties that apply for an enemy that far away.

You can choose to use your attacks that you already rolled or make new ones. If you make new ones, you have to use them.

And the map.

Tobias (AC 20, HP 38 / 38) [Message] 
Thursday July 12th, 2007 6:23:02 PM

Tobias double moves to get closer to the oncoming harpies (Z27).

Dwight (see previous post) 
Thursday July 12th, 2007 7:45:45 PM

Dwight moves to X20. He intends to shoot one, but doesn't really care which at this point.

att:21 dmg 1+1(inspire courage?) with a DC 11 sleep arrow

Selithe-AC:20-HP:39  d20+9=19 d20+7=23
Thursday July 12th, 2007 10:18:02 PM

Selithe moves to (W23) and does her best to stay hidden for now.

(Hide:19 Move silently:23)

Airin [AC17 - 42/42 HP] and Fioni [AC17 - 8/8 HP] 
Friday July 13th, 2007 5:30:09 AM

Start from the Commons and give yourselves a few rounds of movement, if desired

Airin saw the Archers, Slingers and Healers move out to face the Harpies. That was about the time she cast the Produce Flame spell on herself. Without hesitations she began to move forward too.

"C'mon friends. We need to get closer to help the archers and slingers. Kendry, you need to come with us so you can countersing the harpies! Hurry!"

There's no point in hiding... the archers are out in the open. Making two rounds of running (x4) she should be able to reach AH22. That could be Airin's starting position at this moment. That's the place where she hides in the folliage. (Hide 25+1 previously rolled)

From that spot she can see through the bushes and observe the oncomming Harpies. She sure hopes her friends will follow suit and take position near the trees.

Once the harpies are within range of the Flame (within 120ft) she throws the first flame also previously rolled:

Readied throw:
hits touch AC AC16 +1 valley bonus
damage: 3+2 = 5 fire damage +1 valley bonus
(does the fire continue to burn the victem?)

Fioni takes it to the sky and circles high over the scene... ready to make a Dive attack once the frenzy starts...

Spell List:

Level 0: Flare, Goodberrie, Create Water, Light
Level 1: Speak with animals, *Produce Flame, Entangle

* shows what spells have been cast for today

Kendry - Inspire courage, message (AC 15, 35 hp)  d20+10=23 d4+3=5 d20+14=17
Friday July 13th, 2007 12:52:33 PM

A number of issues come to Kendry's mind. The need to protect the patients is a large one. The harpies that survive the missiles from below could pass them and go for the gathered patients by the hill, or for those congregated in the commons. Some might fly around.

Though many arguments he could advance to have his friends remain in the commons, and protect those there, he has waited too long to speak.

Enter yonder building friends, and cover up your ears
We outside will fight, so do allay your fears
Kendry sings to the patients gathered in the commons, and points toward the small building at O24.

He believes that the man who talks of 'sparks' is genuinely sensing a proliferation of pre-incarnate souls, but does not know what to do - other than to work with others to take out the harpies, their arrival coincident with the invisible invasion.
Hmarge, and friend who sees the sparks
Follow me toward the fray
May Alemi give us peace,
Stout-hearted Domi lead the way
You I'll leave beneath the tree
Hope and trust and heavenward pray!
Whether they come or no, Kendry encourages them to come to W22, and remain there.

He sings to encourage and suggest, and as he gets the tune of the harpies, to counter their evil songs. As he moves, he moves bow to hand, harp slung back over the shoulder, and nocks an arrow. Getting to X20, adjacent Dwight, he shoots an arrow at the closest harpy in sight, hitting AC 23 for 5 hp damage.

If Sparky and Hmarge go where he indicated, they and Selithe and Dwight are in range of his countersong, which this round is a low 17 (+1 vs charm from inspire courage for 18 on will saves vs harpies' song). Hard to be as effective musically when dashing about...

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood {AC:19 | HP:37} 
Friday July 13th, 2007 9:24:19 PM

Podo sees Airin sticking something into her ears; thinking that's a good idea, tries to find something that he can do the same with. Not finding anything within his sack, Podo tears off a rag from his Monk's outfit...and then sets about stuffing it into his ears.

Afterwards, Podo looks for 3 stones he can throw as weapons about on the ground.

Skill Checks
Knowledge(History) DC:

Readied Spells
•Detect Magic
•Purify Food and Drink

1st level
•Cure Light Wounds x2

ADM Kim - note to players 
Saturday July 14th, 2007 9:28:04 AM

Cayzle's laptop's hard drive crashed. He has a backup from a few days ago. He lost the map he'd been updating for the current combat, however... so there may be a slight delay in the DM post.

Fickle (AC 21/ 58 HP)  d20+9=20 d4+3=6
Saturday July 14th, 2007 10:09:55 AM

Fickle looks for his sling, but all he has in his hand now is a Spear at harpie (H), Hitting her at AC 20 - Hit Damage 6 hp of damages.

Saturday July 14th, 2007 10:55:56 AM

Yup, thanks Kim. I got my laptop back last nite with a new hard drive. I have to recreate some stuff. I'm sorry, I think this is my worst DM week ever!

Sunday July 15th, 2007 6:07:09 PM

Jus' checkin' in.

Sunday July 15th, 2007 11:06:39 PM

Dwight worries about the patients as well as how secure the chapel is. He makes sure he sees if anyone/thing goes into the chapel.

Posting Report : July 10th - July 16th (Steven) 
Monday July 16th, 2007 2:47:49 AM

Posting Report:

DM Cayzle -T-T--- = 2
Fickle MTWT-S- = 5
Kendry MTW-F-- = 4
Dwight MTWT--S = 5
Podo MTW-F-- = 4
Airin M-WTF = 4
Selithe M-WT--- = 3
Tobias MT-T--- = 3
Julian (on temp leave walking ponies)

DM Cayzle has had his worst DM week ever! Substitute DM'ing the Chosen game AND a lap top crash result in only 2 posts this week. Recreating the current encounter causes delay in a new DM post. Hang in there Cayzle!!


Our friends enjoy the peaceful time in the valley untill suddenly the alarm bell rings! Harpies!!

Slingers, archers, healers... they all head out to face the Harpies while the rest of the town brings the needy in safety.
The Crescent Valley gang prepares to confront the harpies as well... With song, wit, and cold steel they're waiting for the frenzy to begin.

(ooc. Kim, let me know if you want to do the reports yourself again. No rush.)

Monday July 16th, 2007 7:10:42 AM

Fickle sniffs the air, "Sniff! Sniff! Me'z have cold in nose! Smell nothing! BUT can hear something??"

Airin [AC17 - 42/42 HP] and Fioni [AC17 - 8/8 HP] 
Monday July 16th, 2007 8:50:07 AM

The wold spins around in slomotion as Airin fixates on the Harpies...

Fioni seems to hang still in mid air as the tiny hawk observes the Harpies too...

Harpy Parley (DM Cayzle)  d100=35 d20+6=21 d6=5
Monday July 16th, 2007 5:24:05 PM

[OOC: Again, apologies for bad posting last week. I'm trying hard to get five (four at least) posts this week! I had to remake the map from scratch, so things moved around. I will be *very* understanding of you post revisions to your movement and positioning.]

Tobias double moves to get closer to the harpies.

Dwight moves forward and fires an arrow. He has a 20% miss chance because all the harpies are partially obscured by foliage. The DM rolls a 35, so no problem. The harpies are about 200 feet away (Map is scaled at 10 ft per square), but even with the range penalty, Dwight has no problem. He fires at Harpy 5, hitting its poor AC13 for 2 hp nonlethal damage. It saves easily but tales 2 hp nonlethal damage.

Airin moves to hide behind a tree and hide. She readies a flame to throw, but she is right on the edge of her range and suffers a 20% miss chance. Throwing would also reveal her position. Does she throw or hold? Fioni is overhead -- is she out of arrow range (500+ feet)?

Selithe hides too, but she stays a little closer to the commons.

Kendry Inspires Courage, giving all the allies a bit of an extra boost. Then he moves forward next to Dwight. He has no time to shoot when the harpies start singing, and he has no choice but to countersong or see some of his allies be entranced. But his song in fact does counter the harpies magic, which is ineffective.

Podo stuffs his ears and finds some stones to throw.

Fickle throws a spear, but it is too far away to hit. Fickle will have to move a good bit closer to be effective.


The slingers and archers take cover behind trees and bushes. They are ready to fire but have not yet done so. The healers get under cover too. The patients take refuge in burrows or buildings. Comey walks forward with his bear. He calls out, "Begone, harpies, or we will attack without mercy."


The Harpies caw in frustration that their magic is not effective. One, harpy 1, clad in studded leather armor, flies a little forward and calls out, "We will parley!"


And the map!

Monday July 16th, 2007 6:11:31 PM

Being the only one to release a missile and hit, Dwight almost feels bad. He waits though, being it's Comey's call as to the fight or parley decision.

OOC: why was Dwight's damage nonlethal? just curious

Monday July 16th, 2007 9:29:22 PM

Selithe hearing the comment on parley, will move forward some more. Figures she has a bit more time to get closer to what's going on now but still keeping her bow ready just in case this offer from the harpy is a ruse to get the group and people to drop their guard.

(Cayzle: I'll post spells next round, promise. *Can't get my CS to open right now, computer is being stubborn and needing defragmented I think*.)

Kendry  d20+14=26 d20+14=26 d100=77 d20+3=17
Tuesday July 17th, 2007 1:16:38 AM

[accidentally double-clicked on roll button - disregard 2nd, albeit identical, roll]

[Countersong: 26] Kendry continues to sing to defuse the harpies' attempts to muddle the minds of the people of the village of Four Peaks.
Stop your voices, harpies now
Except the hen who asks for parley
Else you'll feel sharp stings from bows
To die in pain and gain no entree
His bow is strung, and arrow nocked.

If any harpies fail to heed his admonition, he lets fly his arrow at that one (see earlier post, hit AC 23, less whatever subtractions for distance, for 5 hp damage - rolled 77 on d100 to see if 20% miss chance applies - it should hit).

He glances quickly about to see if anything flies in from another quarter [Spot 17], then, if nothing spies, returns his attention to the frontal assault. If he does see anything out of the ordinary coming from another direction skyward, he'll include a warning in his song to alert his friends.

Airin [AC17 - 42/42 HP] and Fioni [AC17 - 8/8 HP]  d20+19=29
Tuesday July 17th, 2007 6:22:51 AM

"Parley?!? They should hang the one who invented that! Is this going to be resolved by talking as well?!?" Airin thinks to herself.

With the Harpies still not within the 120ft from her she waits... not showing herself yet. Who knows, they can be deceitful...

Airin remains in place hiding behind the tree ((hide 29). The flame still readied in her hand. She should have brought marshmellows!

Fioni indeed flies high above the harpies and also awaits the outcome of the parley.

Spell List:

Level 0: Flare, Goodberrie, Create Water, Light
Level 1: Speak with animals, *Produce Flame, Entangle

* shows what spells have been cast for today

Fickle (AC21/58Hp) 
Tuesday July 17th, 2007 7:13:14 AM

Fickle is a little bit mad about loseing his spear, He Yells at the Harpies, "Darn #@*^&%! Harpies, You'z moveded!"

Now he starts to look for some rocks.

Tobias (AC 20, HP 38/38) [Message]  d20+8=16 d20+14=30 d4+1=2 d100=15
Tuesday July 17th, 2007 11:05:13 AM

Tobias waits to see the response to Kendry's song... Keeping his bow at the ready and his eyes sharp. If any of the harpies get out of line, he will shoot at them.

Spot: 16
Attack: 30
Damage: 2
Miss chance: 15 (missed)

Robert OOC 
Tuesday July 17th, 2007 9:09:01 PM

Can't help myself... I am at home because all the roads round here are closed due to snow. I love snow days, I still get paid!

Anthony, from the d20srd, and the DMG p.228.

Sleep Arrow

This +1 arrow is painted white and has white fletching. If it strikes a foe so that it would normally deal damage, it instead bursts into magical energy that deals nonlethal damage (in the same amount as would be lethal damage) and forces the target to make a DC 11 Will save or fall asleep.

[Robert - I'm looking forward to your soon return! --Kim]

Dwight  d20+8=16 d4=1 d20+3=23 d20+7=10
Tuesday July 17th, 2007 9:58:30 PM

OOC: Thanks Robert. I actually didn't know that when I bought them.

Dwight remains standing with another arrow (normal) readied. He keeps slightly more than half of his attention on the chapel, leaving the parley outcome to his listening skills.

Anything out of line he fires:
att: 16+1(goodness), dmg:2

spot: 23 (natural 20)--anything going on in chapel
listen: 10---parley outcome

Cayzle OOC 
Wednesday July 18th, 2007 12:28:50 AM

The map is up. Scroll up to see it at the end of the Monday DM Post. Sorry for the delay. I will continue to be VERY understanding about variations in how you choose to position yourself on the map.

Thanks Robert for the info. We're looking forward to having you back.

Wednesday July 18th, 2007 12:51:01 AM

Podo continues to pray for a good outcome...while holding onto the rocks he picked up.

Wednesday July 18th, 2007 12:54:45 AM

My best guess is that Kendry and Dwight would be at about Q21. We were on or next to the road just to the other side of the building beyond the first tree beyond the commons. Although if Dwight disagrees, I'm flexible on this point.

Par-Lay or Dee-Lay? (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday July 18th, 2007 1:19:30 AM

Dwight holds his attack, waiting to see if Comey attacks or talks.

Selithe moves forward, but not trustng the bird-folk, she still has a bow and arrow ready.

Kendry continues to countersong, and makes clear that if the harpies do not stop their singing, he will attack them.

Airin wisely continues to hide and hold her spell ready. Fioni flies high over head.

Fickle gathers some stones to throw. He finds three decent throwers. Podo does the same, while saying a prayer.

Tobias keeps alert, but his attention is fixed ahead toward the harpies.

Dwight also keeps busy, but he is careful to check out the village and temple as well.


Comey shouts: "Speak your peace so long as you do not attack. We will listen."


The Harpy Leader gives a signal, and the harpy song ends, perhaps to answer Kendry.

Then she answers, "Shouting cannot lead to peace. Please come closer, leader of this valley. Comey pauses, shrugs, takes a double move closer.

Dwight, who for some reason chose to look at the temple, and who rolled a nat 20 on his spot check, makes an amazing discovery! He sees two humanoid creatures dresed in black slip into the Chapel. They are not from the Valley, and after being here almost a week, you are sure that you do not know them.

At the start of the round, Dwight is the only person who knows about this.

And the map (10 ft per square) will come in the morning. Too tired right now.

Wednesday July 18th, 2007 6:41:44 AM

Since the Harpies has stop singing, Fickle has found three nice thowing rock to do battle with. But still his one and only Spear is way over there.

"Flying Lady'z! Can I go get-um myz Spear the slip out of'z me'z hand??" He'll wait for his answer.

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