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Invasion, Part II -- Sneaks!

Cayzle OOC: Map and Map Notes 
Wednesday July 18th, 2007 7:19:24 AM

Here are a few map notes.

I'm assuming that Kendry and Dwight are together and that they are within 150 feet of the harpies. Any farther, and the harpies would not be able to make out the lyrics of Kendry's song. (Listen checks are at -1 per ten feet distance).

The two sneaks are labelled A and B, at the Chapel. They are medium in size.

And the map.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood [AC: 19 & HP:37]  d20+9=29
Wednesday July 18th, 2007 11:39:32 AM

Podo while in prayer realizes that this fight is not his, that his responsibilities here, lie with the sick & wounded.

Getting up from his kneeling position, Podo pivots, and speaking to Fickle, explains that his place is with the sick. Podo runs to resume his place within; moving from Q27to P16.

On his way there, Podo will try to see if anything changed while everyone's backs were turned towards the Harpies.

Skill Checks
Spot DC: 29+1 =30 (Nat 20)

Readied Spells
•Detect Magic
•Purify Food and Drink

1st level
•Cure Light Wounds x2

Dwight (ac 16, hp 35) 
Wednesday July 18th, 2007 2:11:05 PM

OOC: I know that you lost the map and had to recreate it (which sucks!, I've had that happened and recently just lost my own WORLD map....I'm ticked)...anyways....looking at the old posts and maps, Dwight's main focus is really on the chapel --- and the altar which contains the potions. He had originally only moved just outside the green circle.

See map on 7/12 and Dwight's post afterward.

Dwight did not intend on advancing towards Comey even to listen. If the sounds of combat begin he could turn his attention. I also assume Comey and harpies are somewhat shouting since there were songs occuring and the harpies were up in the air.

The only thing this might change is the distance he is from the sneaks.

** using the new map from 7/16, Dwight could move toward road and shoot MM**

If Dwight is where he intended to be he will cast Magic Missile at sneak A and shout, "Trick!, It's a trick, they are after our treats!"

The wave of electricity leaving his finger leads directly to sneak A. (aka...everyone should see him now)

(In the case Dwight is to far, due to new location, Dwight still shouts, adding the location of infront of the chapel and makes a double move in that direction.)

Kendry  d20+4=16 d20+14=21
Wednesday July 18th, 2007 3:05:38 PM

[Considering your counsel, I'll have Kendry where you put him on the map, Cayzle, at AF21. It's fine if Dwight is further back.]

Hearing Dwight's warning and glancing over his shoulder at his friend, Kendry notes the interlopers [Spot 18: 16+2 circumstantial due to Dwight's indication and spell trajectory].

Anticipating the harpies will renew their efforts, he countersings [21].
Deceivers! Thieves! Dissembling fowls!
Comey, let me loose a shaft
This harpy flock let's disembowel
'Fore minions steal with wiley craft
From chapel they do enter now
He respects Comey's position and command. If the town leader says aye, or if the harpies take any offensive actions, Kendry lets fly the arrow at harpy #1 [Hit AC 21 (not 23, due to distance), for 5 hp damage].

Cayzle OOC 
Wednesday July 18th, 2007 8:46:23 PM

The issue of Dwight's location is exactly what I meant when i said I'll be very flexible about PC placement. It is Fine for Dwight to stay near the chapel and Kendry to stay near the harpies. Please feel free to post like Dwight did.

Wednesday July 18th, 2007 10:21:11 PM

Having hung back in the bushes and hearing Dwight call out what he says. Selithe turns to move towards the chapel now, needing to get closer to make use of her bow.

0th:Acid Splash, Flare, Light, Prestidigitationx2
1st:Magic Missile, Enlarge Person, Summon Monster Ix2
2nd:Melf's acid arrowx2, Bull's strength

Kendry - another thought  d20+4=14 d20+8=27
Thursday July 19th, 2007 1:08:41 AM

Kendry thinks about the harpy's words to Comey, her desire to have him closer. Does she think to cast a spell upon him - or is this simply part of their ruse? If he sees her wiggle her fingers, or appear to cast a spell, that arrow will come quickly her way. [Prepared action. Spot: 14; Spellcraft 27]

The arrow pulled back and held now so long in his strong bow, the bard's fingers begin to tire...

[She's about to get shafted, that harpy is.]

Airin [AC17 - 42/42 HP] and Fioni [AC17 - 8/8 HP]  d20+9=18 d6+2=7 d20+19=32
Thursday July 19th, 2007 6:00:30 AM

"Trick!, It's a trick, they are after our treats!"

"huh?" Airin says to herself and looks at Dwight... the following his fingers Airin notices the thieves entering the chapel!

Now what? Go after the thieves or deal with the harpies who, seen from Airin's hiding place, seem to be surrounding Comey and his group.

"Nay, I need to stay here now and deal with the Harpies..."

Airin too awaits to hear Comey's "aye" in response to Kendry and if she hears it, she throws the flame at last! (these flames have a range of 120ft without range penalties)

Flame hits touch AC 18 - 7Hp fire damage - continues to burn a second round?

After throwing the flame a second flame appears in her hands instantaniously. Ready to be thrown next round.

Worried now about the outcome - and exited with the action - Airin moves 5ft to the other side of the tree trunk and hides again... hide 32

Spell List:

Level 0: Flare, Goodberrie, Create Water, Light
Level 1: Speak with animals, *Produce Flame, Entangle

* shows what spells have been cast for today

Fickle (Ac21/ 58 Hp) 
Thursday July 19th, 2007 6:25:41 AM

Fickle (Who hates to lose that one and only Spear) will move to V25, Pick up his speas, then on to V22. "Now Ladie'z I'z comeing to you'z! Wait for Me'z"

Tobias (AC 20, HP 38/38) [Message] 
Thursday July 19th, 2007 11:30:16 AM

Hearing Dwight's exclamation that it was a trick and someone was at the temple, Tobias turns in his tracks and moves at full speed towards the temple doors (to V19).

Thursday July 19th, 2007 10:51:33 PM

OOC: Thanks

It's all a blur as the tide changes from combat with harpies, to parley, to combat with men in black.

Fickle (Ac 21/ 58hp)  d20+9=26 d4+3=6
Friday July 20th, 2007 8:31:18 AM

Fickle Throws his spear (attact Ac 26 - Damages 6hp) after that he lines up his three Stones. "I'z here! Ugly ladie'z" he taunt then so that they will decend lower.

Airin [AC17 - 42/42 HP] and Fioni [AC17 - 8/8 HP] 
Friday July 20th, 2007 10:38:47 AM


The Two-Front War (DM Cayzle)  d20+6=18 d20+6=8 d20+6=7 d20+6=13 d20+6=26 d20+6=10 (missiles vs harpies) d20+11=17 (harpy saves) d6=5 d4=1 d8=4 (hits on harpies) d20+3=12 d20+3=10 (harpy grapples miss) d20+22=30 d20+17=36 d20+12=25 3d8(2+4+3)+12=21 3d6(2+3+3)=8
Friday July 20th, 2007 11:49:01 AM

[OOC: Yes, the battle has shifted in a fairly chaotic fashion! Module writer Jerry is devilish! But did he remember that the party had a bard when he wrote harpies into the module? LOL! And Dwight looked at the exact right place and rolled the perfect nat 20! LOL again -- and well done, Dwight!]

Fickle moves to his spear and picks it up.

Podo moves north toward the chapen entrance.

Dwight steps closer and casts magic missile at Sneak A. [OOC: Please roll mm damage, and use map coordinates to let me know where you should be. Hope the current position is okay.]

Repeating Dwight's warning, Kendry goes on the offensive. [OOC: Note that you can countersong OR fire in the same round, not both. Since the harpies are not singing right now, I'll use the latter for Kendry.]

Selithe comes near to Dwight and gets ready to shoot.

Airin throws her flame (at which harpy, please!) and hits for 7 hp damage. Then she moves and hides in the flora.

Tobias moves at speed to get to the chapel.


Comey sees what is happening. "Attack!" he calls! He casts a spell (Spellcraft DC17 to tell it is warp wood on the leader harpy, who has a bow)), but that has no effect.

The slingers and archers fire, and three harpies are hit.


Harpies 2 and 3 fly to a halfling slinger and try to grapple him. They are at +3 to do so since they are non-proficient. But the halfling's grapple DC is hurt by his size. Both miss.

Two other harpies spend the round moving to close.

The harpy leader fires arrows at Comey. All three hit, doing 29 hp damage to Comey! Another round like that and he'll be dead!


The two sneaks slip into the chapel and move out of sight.


And the Map


Sneak A - mm damage HOW MUCH??
Sneak B - untouched

Harpy 1 - 5+5 = 10
Harpy 2 - untouched
Harpy 3 - untouched
Harpy 4 - 1
Harpy 5 - 4

Comey - 29

Airin's flame on WHICH HARPY??

dwight-mm dmg  d4+1=3
Friday July 20th, 2007 12:51:06 PM

Dmg to sneak A = 3

Steven Airin 
Friday July 20th, 2007 1:05:18 PM

Given her position and the fact that she noticed the Harpies were surrounding the group I'd say Airin fired at Harpy 4.

Rest of post coming later

Airin [AC21 - 42/42 HP] and Fioni [AC17 - 8/8 HP]  d20+9=22 d6+2=6
Friday July 20th, 2007 1:33:28 PM

Airin notices Harpy 4 continues to close in on her. Still in her hidden position she throws the second flame.

Flame hits touch AC22 for 6 HP fire damage

Throwing the second flame causes the produce Flame spell to end.

Airin spends her move action to take a Mage Armor potion from her Haversack (free move) and drink it.

She is now unarmed. Her crossbow hangs on her back.

Fioni notices the deceit too and dives down shrieking loud. Not engaging the Harpies though but just trying to distract them...

Spell List:

Level 0: Flare, Goodberrie, Create Water, Light
Level 1: Speak with animals, *Produce Flame, Entangle

* shows what spells have been cast for today

Kendry (AC 15, HP 35) (message; remember, everyone has inspired courage for this and the next round: +1 attack/+1 damage)  d20+9=25 d20+3=9 d4+3=6
Friday July 20th, 2007 3:45:48 PM

[OOC: The harpy leader can shoot 3 arrows a round? Oh no!!]

Kendry looses another arrow at harpy #1 for 6 hp damage. [Hit AC 25 for 6 hp damage. The d20+3=9 was an 'oops' roll - forgot to change the d20 to d4.]

And he continues singing just because he almost always sings in battle...
Archers, join and strike the speaker
Harpy with her mighty bow
We will slay this rude intruder
Then lay other flyers low
He certainly hopes his words will encourage the community archers to take out her who has so grievously wounded their wise leader.

[C'mon, NPCs!]

Dwight (ac 14, hp 35)  d4+1=4
Friday July 20th, 2007 8:14:06 PM

Dwight moves a little closer to Sneak A (to R19 - 20')and sends another magic missile at him.

Dmg: 4+1(song)=5 dmg

(The previous magic missile should have done 4 - forgot to add song damage)

OOC: does the chapel have a roof or is it open to the sky? Dwight is wondering if once inside, he'll coverage from diving harpies.

Cast thus far: 2 lvl spells

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood [AC:19|HP: 37]  d20+9=17
Friday July 20th, 2007 8:51:27 PM

Podo takes a double move to resume his place within; moving from P16 to P10.

Skill Checks
Spot DC: 17+1 =18

Readied Spells
•Detect Magic
•Purify Food and Drink

1st level
•Cure Light Wounds x2

Tobias (AC 20, HP 38/38) [Message] 
Sunday July 22nd, 2007 12:34:56 AM

Tobias continues moving to R13 (another double move) trying to get to the chapel door as fast as he can... Drawing one short sword as part of his move... Leaving the harpies to the others and hoping he can reach the sneakers before it's too late.

Monday July 23rd, 2007 3:59:26 AM

can someone else make the posting report the next few weeks? I'm on holiday till the 13th of august. I do think I'll be able to enter my turns.

Posting Report for 
Monday July 23rd, 2007 8:12:11 AM

Game # 13 Crescent Vally
For the week of July 16,2007

DMCayzle-XOXOX *PC Problems
Tobias---OOOXXS *Missed three days
Podo-----OO2OX *Missed Three Days

Ceil - Only two players missed Three days, not bad.

Fire and Hide (DM Cayzle)  d20+11=20 [DM mystery roll] d20+6=15 d20+6=15 d20+6=13 d20+6=8 d20+6=25 d20+6=10 d6=2 [6 missles at leader harpy, 1 hit] d8+3=4 d8+3=4 d8+3=7 d8+1=4 d8+1=7 [clw on comey] d20+3=21 d20+3=12 d20+3=19 d20+3=12 [harpy grapples] d20+22=23 [1 shots on K, nat 1]
Monday July 23rd, 2007 8:13:57 AM

[Friends, please accept my apologies for poor posting last week. I'm resolved to do better this week. I'm posting now, although we still need posts from Selithe and Fickle. They can take double moves (two rounds worth of actions) with their next post.]

Airin throws another flame at Harpy 4, which inflicts 6 more hp damage on the monster. Airin draws a potion but does not have the time to drink it this round. [OOC: You cannot make an attack and drink a potion in the same round.]

Fioni dive bombs Harpy 3, staying just out of reach, to distract the monster.

Kendry fires at the leader for 6 hp damage. His song encourges a dog-pile on the archer/harpy.

Dwight wants to mm the sneak again, but they have snuck into the Temple and are out of sight. Sorry I did not make this more clear. Please repost actions for last round and for the coming round.

Here is the original description of the Chapel of Alemi:

The Chapel is round, about 100 feet in diameter including the 20-foot-wide porch. The roof of the porch is held up by pillars carved to look like trees. The building proper, excluding the porch, is 60 feet in diameter. The walls are thick and have no windows. There is but one double oaken door. Inside, there is a 30-foot-diameter dome over the altar. Despite the lack of windows, the entire chapel is lit as bright as full daylight everywhere, clearly by magic. There is a continual flame cast in a crystal sphere on the center of the altar, but clearly that is not the source of the daylight that magically fills the structure.

NOTE: I have placed the sneaks in the Chapel, but you cannot see them until you enter the chapel or stand on the porch and look through the open door.

Speaking of which, Podo moves up to the porch and can see the sneaks if he makes a spot check vs DC20. That spot check 18 is not quite enough! If he tries again.

In fact, if ANYONE looks into the chapel, then make a DC20 spot check to see that Highlight to display spoiler: {the sneaks are fiddling at the altar.}

Tobias runs to 13Q -- 20 feet from the porch.

REMEMBER that the map scale is 10 feet per square!

We'll add in Selithe and Fickle (and Dwight's second try) as soon as they come in.


Comey orders all to fire on the leader: All do so, but only one is lucky enough to hit, for 2 hp dmage. The healers all hustle to Comey and heal him, for 18. Comey's bear lumbers toward the archer harpy, but it cannot reach. Comey himself casts an obscuring mist to protect himself and his healers.


Harpies 5 and 2 and 3 and 4 pursue the same strat. Each pair tries to grapple with a halfling slinger. Each halfling is grappled by one harpy.

The archer leader laughs at the mist strategy and fires instead at the bard who ruined their attack, urges a fight, and just shot him! She flies up 40 feet so that she can angle her shot over the top of the cloud at Kendry. She has only one shot after a move, and she rolls a nat one! Lucky Kendry!


And the Map


Sneak A - 4
Sneak B - untouched

Harpy 1 - 5 nonlethal +11
Harpy 2 - untouched
Harpy 3 - untouched
Harpy 4 - 14
Harpy 5 - 4

Comey - 11

Fickle (AC 21/58hp)  d20+9=29 d4+3=7 d4+3=6
Monday July 23rd, 2007 8:21:55 AM

Fickle Move up to (AC/20) and tries to spare Harpie at AF/18. A natural 20 A hit abd Double the damages 7+6=13 hp.

OOC to DM Cayzle: I think That the way It's Done?? Right??

Dwight-Last round  d20+4=18
Monday July 23rd, 2007 9:25:57 AM

Seeing the Sneaks disappear into the chapel, Dwight hustles to get there in a full run. (movement of 80 feet to Q18). Just behind Tobias.

spot: 18 (wall still blocks his view :(

dwight (ac 16, hp 35)  d20+4=15 d4+1=4
Monday July 23rd, 2007 9:33:21 AM

OOC: didn't mean to hit submit yet...Dwight should have moved to Q18, not Q14

This round:

Dwight charges to where he knows the sneaks went. (moved to P11) and attempts to locate the sneaks (spot: 15+1good+1song=17 not enough). The magic missile lingers on the tip of his tongue waiting for them to appear.

OOC: If someone else attacks them, thus Dwight then sees them, he will cast his magic missile: 4+1(song)=5 preferably at sneak A, but whichever makes itself knows can have the shock.

Tobias (AC 20, HP 38/38) [Message] 
Monday July 23rd, 2007 11:09:13 AM

Tobias keeps on moving as well as he can... getting to the door in 20ft and then opening the door to see what's going on inside.

Airin [AC21 - 42/42 HP] and Fioni [AC17 - 8/8 HP]  d20+19=38
Monday July 23rd, 2007 12:42:35 PM

(sorry about the potion drinking)

Airin sees the Harpies are continuing their plan and has no time to look around to see the mist forming behind her.

She first swallows the content of the vial raising her AC to 21 and then move 5ft to take a new hiding position around the tree. Airin noticed the Harpies are getting into sneak attack range and plans on using it...

Hide : 38

In her hiding place she readies her crossbow... waiting for the harpies to come just a little closer...

Fioni takes it to the sky once again and prepares a new dive.

Spell List:

Level 0: Flare, Goodberrie, Create Water, Light
Level 1: Speak with animals, *Produce Flame, Entangle

* shows what spells have been cast for today

Kendry  d20+9=29 d20+9=26 d6+3=9 d4+3=7 d4+3=4 d4+3=5 d20+4=19 d20+9=21
Monday July 23rd, 2007 11:13:28 PM

Oh oh. The excellent archer focuses on him. Many of the rest of the party have gone in the direction Dwight indicated, which is perhaps a good idea, the bard supposes, but it leaves Comey and the slingers very lightly protected.

Is Airin over there somewhere [Spot 19]?

Anyway, Kendry taut draws the bowstring then lets fly the arrow - this time straight and true, indeed (Threat 29, crit 26, for 7+4+5=16 hp damage - ignore d6+3=9 - it was supposed to be d4+3), hitting hard at harpy #1.

Next he tumbles away (21) into a spot under the tree (to AF18) gaining some cover from the aerial archer, ending up behind the trunk, relative to her position.

He whispers to those subject to the message spell, "Helping Comey, we need missile support. Where are you, what's going on?"

He thinks to get a scroll of levitation out of his haversack, but there's no time to do so this round.

And if any harpies manage to pick up a halfling or two - will he be in a position to see and cast a feather fall should they be dropped?

Harpies Take Flight (DM Cayzle)  d100=56 [miss chance] d20+9=15 [Fickle's follow up for a crit] d8+1=9 d8+1=5 [CLW on Comey] d20+6=17 d20+6=12 d20+6=21 d20+6=13 [four shots on harpy leader, all miss] d20-3=8 d20-3=17 [one grappled fellow breaks free] d20+3=20 [one harpy grapple breaks free]
Tuesday July 24th, 2007 8:17:08 AM

From Last Round: Dwight runs north, almost catching up with Podo. Fickle moves for the whole round toward the harpies.

New Round:

Fickle throws his spear at a harpy.
[OOC for Fickle:
(1) I think I did a bad job explaining the map. The PINK things are the harpies. The Blue Hs are healers! Sorry. I'll let Fickle moves at a full run toward the harpies last round to get closer for this round.
(2) The trees and leaves make it hard to see. There is a 20% chance that your spear will miss. But it does not.
(3) And Ceil, if you roll a 20, it is a POSSIBLE critical. After you roll a 20, then you roll again. If your follow-up attack is a hit against the target's AC, then you CONFIRM the critical. I'll roll your follow-up attack for you -- a 15 is NOT good enough because the harpies are 80 feet away!] Fickle does 7 hp damage to Harpy 4, who looks pretty wounded.

Dwight moves forward onto the porch. He peers into the chapel but does not see the enemy. He readies his magic missile spell, so that if he does see the enemy, he can fire the missile. [OOC to Dwight: What's this song that adds to damage and skill checks? Inspire Courage does not add to skill checks.]

[OOC to Kendry: Have you Inspired Courage this battle? Is it still active (remember, lasts only 5 rounds after you stop singing.]

Tobias moves onto the porch and then enters through the open door. [OOC: Remember that the map is on a 10 foot scale! There is no door, but Tobias can step into the chapel with a double move. Hope that's okay.]

Airin drinks a potion, hides, and hopes for a chance to sneak attack. She may recall, FYI, that a creature in a grapple loses his dex bonus when attacked by those outside the grapple. And a creature who has lost her dex bonus is vulnerable to sneak attacks. But firing into a grapple is a good way to hit a friend!

Kendry makes a great shot at the archer leader, then tumbles for cover.

Selithe waits in reserve. Podo seems uncertain about what to do. [OOC: Given my own shoddy posting last week, I feel like I have no high ground from which to penalize non-posters! Podo and Selithe may make two rounds of posts today if they log on.]


Comey remains in the mist getting cured. He casts a barkskin spell.

The 4 ungrappled ranged attackers fire again at the leader of the harpies -- 4 misses.

The two grappled ones try to escape the grapples. One does!


The harpy archer looks unhappy but amused at Kendry's shot and hide attempt. But then she calls for a retreat: "That's all we've been paid for, girls! Come on, let's go home!" Then she turns and goes! The only remaining grappling harpy breaks free. Harpies 2, 3, and 5 are still on the map, but flying away. Harpies 1 and 4 are 80 feet further away and leaving.


And the Main Map

And the Chapel Map! (5 foot scale)


Sneak A - 4
Sneak B - untouched

Harpy 1 - 5 nonlethal +11
Harpy 2 - untouched
Harpy 3 - untouched
Harpy 4 - 14+7 (Fickle spear)=21
Harpy 5 - 4

Comey - untouched

Tobias  d20+8=17 d20+7=19
Tuesday July 24th, 2007 11:21:35 AM

Tobias continues to the altar to protect the potions before anyone can get to them (L10) - another double move. Drawing his second short sword as he does. As he moves into the room, he keeps his eyes and ears open for any sign of the humans that snuck in.

If he makes it to the altar before the sneaks, he will try to protect the potions from them.

Listen: 17
Spot: 19

Tobias (AC 20, HP 38 / 38) [Message] - cont. 
Tuesday July 24th, 2007 11:23:29 AM

Forgot to put my readied spells in. Also he'll let the others connected by Message know that he's in the chapel looking for the 2 that snuck in.

1st Level - Entangle, Resist Energy.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood [AC: 19 & HP:37]  d20+9=29
Tuesday July 24th, 2007 11:34:07 AM

Podo moving from, L20 to K11, in a full out run, Podo moves right through the doors into the Chapel straight to the only place the sneaks could have gone, the Altar of Alemi himself! Oh, the sacrilege!
[Run = 4 x Movement rate of 30' = 120']

On his way there, Podo will try to see anything inside the Chapel, knowing that it's very bright like Sunshine inside the Chapel!
AT K11, Podo piviots and continues to the sneaks to interrupt their fiddling.

Skill Checks
Spot DC: 29+1 = 30 (NAT 20)

Readied Spells
•Detect Magic
•Purify Food and Drink

1st level
•Cure Light Wounds x2

(OOC: I apologize for the last missed post, immediate family issues.)

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood [AC: 19 & HP:37]  d20+9=19 d20+9=22
Tuesday July 24th, 2007 12:01:18 PM

Just as Podo makes it to the sneaks, Podo will make a touch attack casting Light onto the closest FACE of one of the sneaks!

Skill Checks
Spot DC: 19+1 = 20
Touch Attack DC: 22+1 = 23; Casting light spell onto the face of a sneak lasting 10 minutes.

Readied Spells
•Detect Magic
•Purify Food and Drink

1st level
•Cure Light Wounds x2

Airin [AC21 - 42/42 HP] and Fioni [AC17 - 8/8 HP]  d20+16=29 d20+16=28 d20+16=34 d20+16=21
Tuesday July 24th, 2007 12:33:02 PM

"A wasted potion... " Airin thinks but hears the leader telling that's all they're being paied for. Airin looks up to find Fioni and quickly casts a Speak with Animals spell.

"Follow them home Fioni... follow them from a distance or high above them so they don't spot you. Find out where they come from. If they spot you, hurry back immediately at full speed... go with the wind Fioni but be careful... hurry!"

With that Airin sends Fioni after the Harpies and then looks around

"Kendry? Are you ok? Where are you? Love? ..."

She Quickly realises there was something going on in the Chapel too... she turns around and heads back to the Chapel.

Fioni flies high above the Harpies following them from a distance. Hoping she looks like a plain bird...

Fioni Spot: 29, 28, 34, 21

Spell List:

Level 0: Flare, Goodberrie, Create Water, Light
Level 1: Speak with animals, *Produce Flame, Entangle

Tuesday July 24th, 2007 8:54:51 PM

(OOC:Sorry about the posting rate, will be picking it up.)

Selithe last round will move to follow those going after the sneaks.

She will keep her bow ready also. (figuring the sneaks are hiding and from the looks of the map I would say she would be trying to shoot past friends. Selithe would not risk accidently hitting one of them.)

She does speak to Dwight as she moves, "If it would help I have a bull's stregnth spell that I can cast on you."

(For the previous round, Selithe would of moved towards the chapel with those who did also.)

0th:Acid Splash, Flare, Light, Prestidigitationx2
1st:Magic Missile, Enlarge Person, Summon Monster Ix2
2nd:Melf's acid arrowx2, Bull's strength

Dwight (ac 16, hp 35)  d20+4=11 d20+9=18
Tuesday July 24th, 2007 10:37:11 PM

OOC: Sorry I shouldn't have added +1 from the song/inspired courage.

Dwight makes it to the walls and can't see anyone. Frustrated he waits for them to be spotted (spot:11, listen:18) to unleash his Magic missile (dmg 5-previous post)

If they remain unseen, Dwight remains planted in the only doorway out waiting.

Wednesday July 25th, 2007 6:57:44 AM

Fickle is so shock that Mistake the Healers, the tries to divert his spear, but still hit one of the Harpies.

Now that the harpies are going away, he'll speak to the Healers, "Ooops! I'z mistok you'z for Harpies?? Here let me help You'z the the Chiple! Okie Dokie??"

He pick up his spear and followed them to the Chaple.

OOC to DM: I forgot about the extra rolling, I was so happie in getting a natural 20, that I was jumping up and down in my chair. Thanks for the reminder.

DM Cayzle OOC 
Wednesday July 25th, 2007 11:18:45 AM

Sorry folks. Baby was up for two hours last nite, and now I have no time to post before vacation stuff beckons. I'll TRY to post tonite.

Airin and Fioni 
Wednesday July 25th, 2007 1:02:12 PM

Fioni continues to follow the Harpies from a distance.

Airin double paces back to the Chapel - once she knows Kendry is ok...

Kendry  d20+4=20 d20+9=21
Wednesday July 25th, 2007 9:18:11 PM

Hearing the lead harpy sound retreat - and knowing that they were 'hired' to divert their attention, Kendry still does not know how the local defenders of this community are faring. "I'm fine, love. Go with the others, I'll stay here," he whispers as he begins moving out.

This round and the next he runs in a path skirting the edge of the mist (in a clockwise direction), calling out in a moderate voice, "Are all well? Are any fallen?"

[Spot: 20, Listen: 21]

Dwight (ac 16, hp 35) 
Wednesday July 25th, 2007 9:31:05 PM

If the sneaks remain hidden,

Dwight calls out, "Show yourself or face potential death." He then motions to Podo, Tobias and others to begin 'feeling' around.

Dwight remains in the doorway, preventing anyone from exiting.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood [AC: 19 & HP:37]  d20+9=20 d20+2=13
Wednesday July 25th, 2007 10:28:36 PM

Hoping that the light spell worked as planned, Podo makes another spot check to understand the situation.

If Alemi's Alter appears tampered with, then Podo will Concentrate for a minute after casting a Detect Magic spell from K11 outward across the Altar, trying to ascertain what is magic/magical and what is not.

Skill Checks
Spot DC: 20+1 = 21
Concentrate DC: 13+1 = 14

Readied Spells
•Detect Magic ((Cast this round: duration: 1 minute.)
•Purify Food and Drink
•Light (Already cast)

1st level
•Cure Light Wounds x2

Selithe-AC:20-HP:39  d20+2=14 d20=12
Thursday July 26th, 2007 12:29:50 AM

Selithe also tries to listen and spot anything as she keeps her guard up, ready to cast a spell or use her bow.

(Listen:14 Spot:12)

0th:Acid Splash, Flare, Light, Prestidigitationx2
1st:Magic Missile, Enlarge Person, Summon Monster Ix2
2nd:Melf's acid arrowx2, Bull's strength

(OOC:Forgot to do a spot and listen check before.)

Thursday July 26th, 2007 7:35:34 AM

Fickle Stands with the Healers, sniff the air, "Pee UUE! Them'z Smell'z Bad! How can their'z Prince Stand that Smelly Perfumes??"

Fickle will go to the Chaple, where the others are entering.

Unhappy Cayzle 
Thursday July 26th, 2007 12:32:36 PM

Another BAD night. But I WILL post later today/tonite. Apologies, all.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood [AC: 19 & HP:37]  d20+9=25
Thursday July 26th, 2007 1:55:10 PM

Hoping that the light spell worked as planned, as well as the Detect Magic spell, Podo will try to Spot anything else out of the normal for this Chapel.

If Alemi's Altar glows to show magic detected, Podo will not investigate, but if anything around the Altar detects as magic, Podo will investigate.

If the sneaks are trying to leave the Chapel, Podo will try to stop this from happening. Either in assisting, Dwight & Tobias, or by disabling the intruders himself using non-lethal means.

Skill Checks
Spot DC: +1 = 25+1 = 26

Readied Spells
•Detect Magic ((Cast this round: duration: 1 minute.)
•Purify Food and Drink
•Light (Already cast)

1st level
•Cure Light Wounds x2

Calm (DM Cayzle) 
Thursday July 26th, 2007 7:16:05 PM

A notye on lighting in the Chapel: Yes, when you were in there, it was bright as day. But now, when there are no services in progress, the area is lit only by the globe with the eternal flame within. It illuminates part of the chapel, and shadows fill the rest (see map).

Tobias makes a double move to L10. He does not spot or hear anyone.

Podo hustles to the altar, on Tobias's heels. He does not see the sneaks, so he cannot yet cast his spell to highlight one of them.

Airin casts a spell to speak with her companion. She orders the bird to follow the harpies at a distance, then return. OOC: Please make a handle animal check, with the bonuses for handling your companion.

Selithe moves to the chapel (two rounds of movement). She ends in the doorway to the chapel -- see chapel map.

She joins Dwight, who is standing in the doorway keeping alert. But again, no sign of sneaks.

Kendry checks on the defenders. All are well, and Comey has been healed entirely. The second-in-command asks Kendry what is going on. Are there any other invaders?

Fickle starts to move back to the chapel. He runs 80 feet on the track.

The harpies keep flying off. You see no other foes or dangers. Where oh where are those sneaks?

Maps later.

Kendry  d20+4=13 d20+9=10
Thursday July 26th, 2007 8:31:25 PM

"The harpies' role was to distract us," Kendry answers #2. (By the way, what is #2's name? If he doesn't know it by now, Kendry asks.) "Two black-clad people I saw heading into the chapel. Most of my friends went that way. I'm going there now."

And he does so. Running at 80' movement along the path.

[Spot: 13; Listen: 10 (nat 1)]

Thursday July 26th, 2007 10:01:10 PM

With time wasting and the sneaks most likely escaping, Dwight casts Detect Thoughts and hope to lure their intention and destination.

If he manages to get something of where they are, he will vocalize this.

He aims the cone inward 60'

Thursday July 26th, 2007 10:42:31 PM

Selithe frowns at the chapel area at the moment and continues to keep her bow ready and thinks over her spells. She figures she could cast bull's stregth on Dwight but isn't sure how helpful it would be to him at the moment.

0th:Acid Splash, Flare, Light, Prestidigitationx2
1st:Magic Missile, Enlarge Person, Summon Monster Ix2
2nd:Melf's acid arrowx2, Bull's strength

Maps From Cayzle  d20+16=35 d20+16=20 d20+16=25 d20+16=31 (secret Dm rolls)
Thursday July 26th, 2007 11:37:50 PM

And the Main Map

And the Chapel Map! (5 foot scale)

Airin [AC21 - 42/42 HP] and Fioni [AC17 - 8/8 HP]  d20+11=27
Friday July 27th, 2007 1:36:34 AM

(Handle Animal 27)

(ooc on the map - not sure if Airin wasn't able to pace back to the chapel? I did not specify a new position ut wrote she moved)

Airin runs back and should be able to reach AA19 if she runs at x4. A double move will get her to U15.

All the time she wonders how Fioni is doing...

Spell List:

Level 0: Flare, Goodberrie, Create Water, Light
Level 1: Speak with animals, *Produce Flame, Entangle

* shows what spells have been cast for today

Friday July 27th, 2007 7:01:14 AM

Fickle makes a bee-line to the Chaple Porch, then Leans on a post (J/19), all out of breath, "Puff! Puff! Me'z rest a few Minutes. If you please?"

Tobias (AC 20, HP 38/38) [Message]  d20+8=26 d20+7=10
Friday July 27th, 2007 11:09:28 AM

Tobias tells Podo to watch the front of the altar as he moves around to the back... looking again to see if he can spot anyone in the chapel.

Listen: 26
Spot: 10

Kendry  d20+4=18 d20+9=11
Friday July 27th, 2007 12:22:14 PM

The bard continues running full bore toward the chapel.

[Spot: 18; Listen: 11]

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood [AC: 19 & HP:37]  d20+9=26
Friday July 27th, 2007 8:43:10 PM

Podo continues to search around the Chapel.

Skill Checks
Spot DC: 26 = 26+1 = 27

Readied Spells
•Detect Magic ((Cast this round: duration: 1 minute.)
•Purify Food and Drink
•Light (Already cast)

1st level
•Cure Light Wounds x2

Saturday July 28th, 2007 11:02:12 PM

Runneth the bard.

Airin [AC21 - 42/42 HP] and Fioni [AC17 - 8/8 HP] 
Sunday July 29th, 2007 6:25:26 AM

running... running... running...

flying... flying... flying...

Anxious to see what will happen next...

ADM Kim - Posting Report, July 23-29, 2007, Crescent Valley 
Monday July 30th, 2007 12:40:07 AM

Cayzle DM: MT-2--- 4 (3 - Thursday was a post, followed by separate post for maps)
Anthony Dwight: 2TWT--- 5
Ceil Fickle: M-WTF-- 4
Jon-Paul Podo: -2WTF-- 5
Justin Selithe: -T-T-- 2
Kim Kendry: M-WTFS 5
Pedro Tobias: M2--F-- 4
Steven Airin: MTW-TS- 5

Semi-light posting week.

Cayzle is back from vacation 
Monday July 30th, 2007 6:57:33 AM

Friends, I am back from my two weeks of vacation. In that time, I think you all got about a week of playing in. I was dumb to think I could keep up with the two games I was DMing, especially in combat. I should have handed the game off to my able ADM. Hubris, I know. I hope you will all accept my sincere apology.

Monday AM post to follow.

Monday July 30th, 2007 7:49:04 AM

Fickle is going to the Chaple, He will enter as soon as the others are near.

OOC To Cayzle - Don't beat yourself up. Your doing a wonderful Job. Alot better than I could!!

The Pitter-Patter of Sneaky Feet (DM Cayzle)  d20+16=36 d20+16=26 d20+16=32 d20+16=35 d2=1
Monday July 30th, 2007 7:49:39 AM

Kendry offers a quick word of explanation and then takes off running. He runs 80 feet.

Dwight casts Detect Thoughts. Sure enough, there are some there. [OOC: Per the spell, note that "This spell does not let you determine the location of the thinking minds if you can't see the creatures whose thoughts you are detecting." Also it will take three rounds of concentration to actually read surface thoughts -- this is the first round.]

Selithe readies her bow, presumably to fire at a sneak if she finds out about one. [OOC: In general, when you ready an action, there is a trigger that causes the action to go off. In this case, the DM presumes that the readied action is "Fire Arrow" and the trigger is "When you find out where a sneak is."]

Airin is confident that her bird companion understands her orders well. But it will probably take minutes or even hours to follow the harpies, then fly back and report. [OOC: Last round the druid used a standard action to cast Speak with Animals and (generously) a move action to give orders. This round she runs 80 feet.] Running flat out, like Kendry, but taking a short cut up the hill, Airin heads for the chapel.

Fickle also runs 80 feet toward the chapel porch. He gets about halfway there.

[OOC: Friends, recall that the big map is on a ten-foot scale.]

Tobias is lucky and hears something! [OOC: Note that Tobias has made a move action this round, but he still has a standard action left. A useful option, per Selithe (see above) is to ready an attack. Since the DM owes his players (in spades!), you can just post a standard action now in response to your hearing, in addition to this round's actions.]

Tobias walks around the altar and hears someone walking in the shadows at H7 -- but the shadows are deep, and you cannot see anyone. If you make an attack, please roll a 50% miss chance since you can't see the target.

Podo, please say where you are going. Also make a listen check as well as a spot check. Also please ready an action in case you do hear or spot something. You do not spot any foe.

Aside from Tobias's keen hearing, no one detects the enemy. However, those outside the chapel see a patient force his way out of a burrow and run for the chapel. It is the patient who was so excited earlier. Dwight, Selithe, and Fickle hear him say this: Highlight to display spoiler: {Sparks! Dark Sparks! In the Chapel!}

Comey orders some of his people to stay in place, and then begins to lead others toward the chapel.

And the Main Map (10 foot scale)

And the Chapel Map! (5 foot scale)

Airin [AC21 - 42/42 HP] and Fioni [AC17 - 8/8 HP] AWAY 
Monday July 30th, 2007 9:59:44 AM

Airin continues to run towards the chapel having her crossbow still ready in her hands.

"Kendry, can there be a second exit from that chapel?"

Tobias (AC 20, HP 38/38) [Message]  d20+7=24 d20+12=27 d20+12=28 d20+12=20 d20+7=12 d4+2=3 d4+1=2 d4+2=3 d4+1=3 d100=61 d100=11 d100=67 d100=17
Monday July 30th, 2007 11:49:01 AM

Tobias lets the others sharing his Message know that there is a person moving around to the northwest of him (H7). He moves slowly to I8 trying not to seem to obvious of what he'd heard. And attempts another spot (Spot 24). [OOC: this was to complete his last round in which he still had one action]

This round, Tobias attacks into that area with his full attack action(whether or not he was able to spot him).

Attack 1 (r): 27
Damage 1 (r): 3
Miss chance (r): 61 (hit)
Attack 1 (l): 28
Damage 1 (l): 2
Miss chance (l): 11 (miss)

Attack 1 (r): 20(-5) 15 [forgot to change the attack mod]
Damage 1 (r): 3
Miss chance (r): 67 (hit)
Attack 1 (l): 12
Damage 1 (l): 3
Miss chance (l): 17 (miss)

Selithe-AC:20-HP:39  d20+2=15 d20=3 d20+9=20 d4+1=3 d100=57
Monday July 30th, 2007 7:55:17 PM

Selithe keeps her ears and eyes open for any sneaks but just has a hard time spotting anything inside the temple at the moment. If she hears anything though she will try shooting it though.

(Listen:15 Spot:3)
(Can hit AC:20 Damage:3 Miss Chance:57)

0th:Acid Splash, Flare, Light, Prestidigitationx2
1st:Magic Missile, Enlarge Person, Summon Monster Ix2
2nd:Melf's acid arrowx2, Bull's strength

[Kim asks Justin: Are you remembering to add +1 to all of your d20 rolls, due to your good alignment in this locale?]

Run, Kendry, run!  d20+4=8 d20+7=16
Monday July 30th, 2007 9:04:09 PM

[Spot: 8; Listen: 16]

Kendry runs in as direct a line as he can (as long as the non-path ground is reasonably level and brush-free - if not, he stays to the path) toward the chapel, another 80 feet of progress...

"Don't know, love - perhaps there is," he answers Airin.

Dwight (ac 16, hp 35 - detect thought round 2) 
Monday July 30th, 2007 9:20:55 PM

Dwight remains standing where he is and continues to concentrate on his current spell and information gleamed from it.

OOC: IT'S A HEALTHY GIRL! My wife and I had our second child yesterday morning. All are doing GREAT!.

Kim to Anthony, OOC 
Monday July 30th, 2007 9:58:20 PM

Congrats, papa Anthony! And to your wife, too!

Tuesday July 31st, 2007 7:49:40 AM

Fickle will advance to the porch,behind or slighly next to Dwight and Selith, (Q/11 I think). Fickle whispers to them "Hear any noise going'z on in there'z??"

OOC to Anthony - Congrat'z on your little Bundle of JOY, Pictures Please!

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood [AC: 19 & HP:37]  d20+5=22 d20+9=14 d20+9=16 d6+1=3
Tuesday July 31st, 2007 9:18:45 AM

Podo is searching around the Altar area, near I9.

Looking and listening around this area as I search for the sneaks. When found, I will attempt a Stunning Fist attack; (Attack DC: 16+1 = 17; Damage: 3 HP + save vs Fort DC: 16)

Skill Checks
Spot DC: 14+1 = 15
Listen DC: 22+1 = 23

Readied Spells
•Detect Magic (Cast?)
•Purify Food and Drink

1st level
•Cure Light Wounds x2

Airin [AC21 - 42/42 HP] and Fioni [AC17 - 8/8 HP] AWAY  d20=5
Tuesday July 31st, 2007 1:47:02 PM

During running Airin shouts back to Comey (if they are still within hearing distance)


[Stephen - Airin & Comey both are among the recipients of Kendry's Message spell, so he should be able to hear her. :-) --Kim]

Tuesday July 31st, 2007 9:42:20 PM

(OOC:Thank you Kim for mentioning the +1. Cayzle, please consider this a update to my previous post, shouldn't change a whole lot.)

(Listen:16 Spot:4)
(Can hit AC:21 Damage:3 Miss Chance:57)

(OOC:Not sure if the +1 goes towards the miss chance, if so then it would be a 58.)

0th:Acid Splash, Flare, Light, Prestidigitationx2
1st:Magic Missile, Enlarge Person, Summon Monster Ix2
2nd:Melf's acid arrowx2, Bull's strength

Tuesday July 31st, 2007 9:55:12 PM

As Dwight concentrates, he will whisper any thoughts he finds.

One Sneak Revealed (DM Cayzle)  d20+15=34 d20+15=35 d20+5=25 d20+5=8 d6+3=8 d4=2
Wednesday August 1st, 2007 12:39:40 AM

OOC: Congrats Dwight!

Airin runs toward the Chapel and asks Kendry -- and Comey -- a question.

Fickle and Kendry run too. Fickle steps up onto the Chapel's porch.

In the Chapel, Tobias moves carefully forward (last round's action) and then attacks into the space where he heard the sneaky guy. He hits! This close, he can see the sneaky guy, too, now.

Selithe fires at the sneaky guy, but with the -4 for attacking into melee and the cover bonus the fellow gets from the bench and Tobias, she misses.

Dwight concentrates. He discovers that there are two enemies in the room -- the one fighting Tobias and one other hiding. He knows also that the enemies are fairly smart -- 14 Intelligence.

Podo searches.


The patient yelling about the sparks tells Selithe and Dwight that there is one to their left, 10 or 15 feet away!

Comey and crew run too, right on Kendry's heels.


Sneak A delays to see what his partner will do.

The partner does not reveal himself.

Sneak A Decides to attack. He has a poisoned shortsword. He attacks, and hits with a nat 20 but does not crit. He inflicts 8 hp damage to Tobias, who must also make a Fort Save vs poison DC 15 or take 2 hp Constitution damage!

Maps in the AM.

Airin [AC21 - 42/42 HP] and Fioni [AC17 - 8/8 HP] AWAY  d20+9=16 d20+13=30
Wednesday August 1st, 2007 3:07:45 AM

Realising Comey's ears must have hurt badly when Airin shouted to him she keeps going towards the chapel.

Once sh reaches the front portal she slows down and peeks inside first to capture the situation.

spot: 16
listen: 30

Spell List:

Level 0: Flare, Goodberrie, Create Water, Light
Level 1: *Speak with animals, *Produce Flame, Entangle

* shows what spells have been cast for today

Comey's Answer (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday August 1st, 2007 7:12:32 AM

OOPS! Sorry! Comey answers that there is a secret exit, but you have to cast Stone Shape to get access to it. And only druids who can cast the spell know where that is. That's himself, one of the healers, and Graeff.

Maps (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday August 1st, 2007 7:14:25 AM

And the Main Map (10 foot scale)

And the Chapel Map! (5 foot scale)

Fickle  d20+1=21 d20+1=17
Wednesday August 1st, 2007 7:21:29 AM

Fickle thinking(That always give him a headache!) that there is a tunel going some where around here, so fickle starts to walk around the Chaple (About 15 feet from the wall of the Chaple) taklin a rock and thomping it on the ground (Listing for a hollow noise(that will mean to him a tunnel))

As he marches around thumping the Ground and listining.

Listening - 21 (natural 20) - Second roll 17 Is that OK DM Cayzle (I think this is what you want/)

Kendry (AC 15, HP 35) 
Wednesday August 1st, 2007 10:01:22 AM

The wind of running causes Kendry's wavy auburn hair to fly about as he continues to hasten to the chapel entrance, reaching it by the end of the round.

Tobias (AC 20, HP 30/38) [Message]  d20+9=20 d20+12=30 d20+12=25 2d4(3+3)+6=12 d20+12=14 d4+2=6 d20+7=23 d4+3=4 d20+7=19 d4+2=3 d4+2=6
Wednesday August 1st, 2007 11:45:47 AM

Tobias succeeds in his fort save: 20. And, feels no further ill effects from the hit.

He yells to the others in the chapel, "Cover the altar, I have one cornered over here. Keep an eye out for any others." Meanwhile he unloads his full complement of attacks for the round -- a flurry of short swords...

Attack 1 (r): 30 (nat 18, threat)
Attack 1 (r)(crit check): 25 (crit)
Damage 1 (r): 12
Attack 1 (l): 14
Damage 1 (l): 6

Attack 2 (r): 23
Damage 2 (r): 4
Attack 2 (l): 19
Damage 2 (l): 3

[sorry, rolled one too many damage rolls :)]

MORE Blunders from your DM 
Wednesday August 1st, 2007 1:11:26 PM

The results of Podo's search!

Podo sees that a secret compartment in the altar has been jimmied open. The door is hanging off it. Based on what you saw when Comey put them away, looks like maybe one or two vials of coma-cure are missing! (The other vials were put in another compartment.)

Dwight (ac 16, hp 35-detect thought round 3) 
Wednesday August 1st, 2007 8:38:46 PM

Dwight remains in position, thinking and listening. He hopes to cath some information about the sneaks in case they escape. He whispers any thought found as well as repeats what the man saying sparkles says.

Wednesday August 1st, 2007 11:43:02 PM

Selithe frowns at the current situation and decides to call upon help that can see in the dark better and maybe help bring out the enemy.

Selithe chants and moves her hand that once held the arrow she fired last round, calling on the powers she has, "Power aid me now. I summon a celestial guardian to aid me against the evil ones in this church."

(Summon monster: Celestial Dog with orders to seek out and attack nearest enemy. *I know it can't do nothing first round, just giving heads up.)

0th:Acid Splash, Flare, Light, Prestidigitationx2
1st:Magic Missile, Enlarge Person, Summon Monster Ix2(1 summon monsterI used)
2nd:Melf's acid arrowx2, Bull's strength

DM Cayzle OOC 
Thursday August 2nd, 2007 12:23:28 AM

::waiting for morning to see if Podo will post::

Airin [AC21 - 42/42 HP] and Fioni [AC17 - 8/8 HP] AWAY 
Thursday August 2nd, 2007 2:57:23 AM

Through the message spell Airin asks Comey of they should not use the secret passage and surprise anyone who is inside. Airin herself can not cast such a Stone Shape spell...

Fickle (AC 21/ 58 Hp)  d20+1=21 d20+1=18
Thursday August 2nd, 2007 7:53:31 AM

Fickle still thinks that there is a tunnel or a tunnet door some place aroung here.

serching for tunnel - 21 (natural twenty) Back up roll 18.

OOC TO DM Cayzle, this is my second natural twenty in two days. With out cheeting! But I wish I was in a battle.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood [AC: 19 & HP:37]  d20+5=25 d20+9=17 d20+11=25
Thursday August 2nd, 2007 10:01:15 AM

Seeing that the altar has been jimmied open, Podo yells "Thieves! You've descrated Alemi's Altar!" while reaching into his Haversack to throw at the enemies of Alemi!

Stopping for a few seconds to listen for the scuffle, Podo throws the Tanglefoot bag in that direction, hoping to his the target @ H7!

Touch-ATTACK DC: 25
DAMAGE: (see Tangle-foot bag below)

Skill Checks
Spot DC: 17 + 1= 18
Listen DC: 25 +1 = 26 (Nat 20)

Readied Spells
•Detect Magic (Cast?)
•Purify Food and Drink

1st level
•Cure Light Wounds x2

Tanglefoot Bag
When you throw a tanglefoot bag at a creature (as a ranged touch attack with a range increment of 10 feet), the bag comes apart and the goo bursts out, entangling the target and then becoming tough and resilient upon exposure to air. An entangled creature takes a -2 penalty on attack rolls and a -4 penalty to Dexterity and must make a DC 15 Reflex save or be glued to the floor, unable to move. Even on a successful save, it can move only at half speed. Huge or larger creatures are unaffected by a tanglefoot bag. A flying creature is not stuck to the floor, but it must make a DC 15 Reflex save or be unable to fly (assuming it uses its wings to fly) and fall to the ground. A tanglefoot bag does not function underwater.

A creature that is glued to the floor (or unable to fly) can break free by making a DC 17 Strength check or by dealing 15 points of damage to the goo with a slashing weapon. A creature trying to scrape goo off itself, or another creature assisting, does not need to make an attack roll; hitting the goo is automatic, after which the creature that hit makes a damage roll to see how much of the goo was scraped off. Once free, the creature can move (including flying) at half speed. A character capable of spellcasting who is bound by the goo must make a DC 15 Concentration check to cast a spell. The goo becomes brittle and fragile after 2d4 rounds, cracking apart and losing its effectiveness. An application of universal solvent to a stuck creature dissolves the alchemical goo immediately.

One down, one up in the air! (DM Cayzle) 
Thursday August 2nd, 2007 1:46:01 PM

Airin runs up onto the porch. She looks around. She asks Comey a question.

Kendry runs too.

Fickle starts to walk around the Chapel looking for a secret entrance. But he knows that this will take a very long time, and the battle will probably be long over by the time he searches the whole porch. So far he finds nothing. He does see a perfectly good open door that leads to the interior to the Chapel, and he hears the sound of combat from within.

Tobias shrugs off the poison and unleashes a series of pointed attacks, including a critical! His total damage is devastating, and the sneak goes down!

Dwight continues to concentrate. He detects the thoughts of the second sneak: Lem's Lugnuts! That dude killed Heral! These guys are nasty! I better get the heck out of here! Time for a desperation move!

Selithe begins to cast a summoning spell. She will complete it and call her dog at the start of next round.

Podo stands ready, but with the death of the sneak, there's not much to do. He holds his tanglefoot bag to use when he gets the chance.


Comey tells Airin that he does not have the spell prepped. But he does not think that getting in the Chapel is a problem, so why bother?

Sparks steps forward, points ahead and to the right and calls out, "There he is! There is his spark!"


Right where Sparks points you see a human emerge from the shadows. He has a vial of Bella's Healing Brew in his hand. He calls out, "Hey, you guys want this? Right here? Then CATCH!"

He tosses the vial high up up up into the air. It almost hits the ceiling. The turn ends with the vial still in midair. Next turn, if you want to catch it, you must move to one of these four squares: J15, K15, J14, K14. Then make a Dex check vs DC13. If you catch it, it is safe. More than one person can try, if so desired.

If you make a Sense Motive check vs DC15, then Highlight to display spoiler: {The sneak who tossed the vial is tensed and ready for something!}


And the map (just the chapel this time).

Kendry - Feather fall or Tanglefoot (AC 15, HP 35)  d20+9=18 d20=16
Thursday August 2nd, 2007 6:37:57 PM

Kendry, if the vial he can see, casts feather fall upon it (free action).

He pulls out and tosses a tanglefoot bag over Dwight's head to strike the fellow (ranged touch attack hits AC 18).

"Watch in case he tries to leap over us," whispers Kendry to those about him and participants in his message spell.

If the fellow does try to leap over them (or tumble through their midst), Kendry will try to tussle with him. [What do I roll to tussle? There's an unadjusted d20=16 for 'tussling'.]

Dwight (ac 16, hp 35)  d20=13 d20+8=19 d20+3=4
Thursday August 2nd, 2007 9:51:52 PM

Dwight seeing the potion fly in the air can only assume it is the potion of importance and drops his concentration immediately.

"I've got the vial," he shouts as he words change to that of tongues. A magical hand appears directly below the vial and catches it (casting of mage hand 13+4 (if applic from dex)=17).

Concentration:19 (in case I am attacked, can maintain spell)

Sense Motive: 4 -natural 1

Thursday August 2nd, 2007 11:33:30 PM

Selithe finishes summoning her celestial dog and calls out to it now as she frowns about the tossing of the vial, trusting her friends to try and get it, "My new friend, sick that sneaky one. Tear his nubbens off." (Hope that wasn't too graphic for the Wold, if so then edit or I will.)

0th:Acid Splash, Flare, Light, Prestidigitationx2
1st:Magic Missile, Enlarge Person, Summon Monster Ix2(1 summon monsterI used)
2nd:Melf's acid arrowx2, Bull's strength

(Cayzle: I don't know if the celestial dog would be able to move and attack this round anyway but if he can I didn't post that so giving you open reign of how to handle that.)

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood [AC: 19 & HP:37]  d20+3=15 d20+5=9 d20+9=11 d20+10=27
Friday August 3rd, 2007 2:35:25 AM

Realizing that the the live sneak is behind him, Podo piviots throwing the taglefoot bag at the sneak!

At Podo's next available chance, Podo will casts Doom at the sneak!

Ranged Touch attack DC: 27+1 =28

Skill Checks
Spot DC: 11 + 1= 12
Listen DC: 9+1 = 10
Sense Motive DC: 15+1 = 16

Readied Spells
•Detect Magic (Cast?)
•Purify Food and Drink

1st level
•Doom (cast next round)
•Cure Light Wounds x2

Airin [AC21 - 42/42 HP] and Fioni [AC17 - 8/8 HP] AWAY 
Friday August 3rd, 2007 2:39:25 AM

As they get closer to the Chapel entrance Airin realises she might not be able to use her crossbow in there. So instead, while getting to the entrance itself, she switches from crossbow to Bastard Sword...

Whatever foe that exits from that chapel will meet her blade.

Friday August 3rd, 2007 7:27:39 AM

As he goes around the outside of the chaple, knowing that this will take a long time. He hears a battle going on in the Chapple?? Look toward the Building and there Right across from where he is standing is a door!!

"For all the gods in this wold, I Praised you all>" Then he heads for the door, with short Sword and Shield.

Sneak Surrenders (DM Cayzle)  d20+2=22 d20+2=17 2d4(4+4)+2=10 [Dog crits for 10!]
Friday August 3rd, 2007 12:34:55 PM

Kendry casts a fast feather fall on the precious vial and then draws and lobs a tanglefoot bag at the sneak -- it hits, even with the -4 range modifier.

Dwight casts a mage hand and uses it to cast the slowly falling vial.

Selithe summons her celestial dog and tells it to attack the sneak. [OOC Note from DM: It takes a whole round to summon a creature, so if you start casting in round 1, the creature appears and acts at the start of your turn in Round 2. You yourself also have an action for round two. So Selithe can take a full round of action after directing her dog to attack.]

[OOC: DM rolls for the dog.] The dog crits for max damage! 10 hp for a fierce bite to the nubbens!

Podo also throws a tanglefoot bag at the sneak, and hits, even with the -4 range modifier and the penalty for throwing into a melee. He thinks about casting Doom next round.

Airin switches to bastard sword and stands ready in case the sneak tries to escape.

Fickle moves forward as well, ready with sword and shield.

Tobias watches, holding his action for now.


Comey, his bear, and a couple of his people appear on the scene. With the crush of people at the door, he canot see in. "What's going on?" he calls. "Does anybody need help?"


Sparks walks to a bench and sits, muttering something ... maybe a prayer? He no longer seems energized and alert, like he was a moment ago.


The tangled, bitten sneak does not even try to escape. He sits down on the floor, clutching his nubbens, and starts crying. "Help! Help! It wasn't supposed to be like this! Call off your dog! I surrender!"


And the map (just the chapel this time).

We are, for the moment, out of combat.

Dwight  d20=11
Saturday August 4th, 2007 4:20:05 PM

With the vial safe and in hand, Dwight moves the hand to where he stands and safely takes the vial. He examines it. (Is it the same vial that Bella gave the group?--gather information/spot: 11 +4/+2=15 or 13 depending which is more appropriate.)

He then yells over to Tobias and Podo, "Grab the other vial and keep it safe until we can sort this out."

Saturday August 4th, 2007 11:53:30 PM

The bard takes a deep breath, casts detect thoughts, and focuses his attention upon the fellow on the floor. He slips between Dwight and Selithe - being careful not to jostle Dwight, especially, since he has in hand one of the precious vials.

Kendry strides toward the injured man, and stands, his arms crossed before him. "And just how was it supposed to go? Who are you, why are you here, and who are you working for?"

[OOC: Nubbens. He-he.]

Sunday August 5th, 2007 7:33:05 AM

Fickle Jumps up and down, trying to see into the Chaple. "Me'z want to see! Me'z want to see!"

Airin [AC21 - 42/42 HP] and Fioni [AC17 - 8/8 HP] AWAY  d20+8=14
Sunday August 5th, 2007 10:40:45 AM

Airin hears her friends have captured the sneak. All is safe... or so it seems.

But then the halfling lass looks to the sky and begins to worry... where's Fioni?

Spot: 14

"Be careful Fioni and come back fast..." Airin thinks with fear.

ADM Kim - Posting Report, July 30-August 5, 2007, Crescent Valley 
Monday August 6th, 2007 12:31:32 AM

Cayzle DM: M-4TF-- 7
Anthony Dwight: MTWT-S- 5
Ceil Fickle: MTWTF-S 6
Jon-Paul Podo: -T-TF-- 3
Justin Selithe: M2WT--- 5
Kim Kendry: M-WT-S 4
Pedro Tobias: M-W---- 2
Steven Airin: MTWTF-S 6

The story advances. Fickle circumnavigates Alemi's temple, looking for another entrance. Airin's hawk flies to spy upon the harpies as she herself runs with Kendry, just ahead of Comey & other members of the community to get to where the action now is, at Alemi's temple. Tobias discerns the location of and takes out one temple-robbing sneak thief. Dwight uses a spell to discern the thoughts of those in the room. The second sneak thief tosses into the air one of Bella's precious vials of liquid. Selithe's summoned celestial dog follows her instructions, and clamps his teeth firmly around the 'nubbens' of the second sneak thief. Podo strikes the hapless fellow with a tanglefoot bag. Kendry casts feather fall upon the descending vial, and Dwight's mage hand envelopes the potion in safety. Kendry also tanglefoots the thief.

The now miserable fellow surrenders. Kendry goes to question him.

Fickle wants to get a good look inside. Airin wonders how her bird Fioni is doing.

We found a little better pace in our posting this week, now that Cayzle is back from vacation.

After his outstanding job on thief #1, Tobias seemed frozen in action. (Two posts. Busy week, Pedro?)

Monday August 6th, 2007 8:00:40 AM

Fickle Finds him self behind his two friends again, "Errr! Cans I'z Help In Side?" He has to speak a little loud because of all the noise inside.

Tobias (AC 20, HP 34/38) [Message]  d20+1=8
Monday August 6th, 2007 11:34:52 AM

Tobias searches the sneak that he took down for the other vial, hoping to find it on him somewhere and that it remains unharmed. (Search 8)

If he can't find the potion, he'll continue to guard the body until someone else can come help him search the body.

Airin [AC21 - 42/42 HP] and Fioni [AC17 - 8/8 HP] AWAY 
Monday August 6th, 2007 3:53:21 PM

Airin continues to keep an eye out for Fioni and seeks comfort with Kendry. She slips a small hand in his and asks "I did the right thing to send her after those Harpies didn't I? I wanted to know who hired them but... now we caught this sneak I'm sure there was no reason to send her into that danger... but ... I could not know that right?... Will she be ok?..."

Monday August 6th, 2007 10:27:37 PM

Kendry allows Airin to slip her hand into his. "Yes, my sweet, you did right. She flies swifter than the harpies, I believe... I cannot promise you how it will be for her. Let us pray to Alemi for her welfare - but in a few minutes, dear one."

He maintains his gaze on their captive, awaiting his response - and thoughts. But he gives Airin's hand a gentle squeeze, hoping to communicate to her his affection, despite his attentiveness to the woeful fellow at their feet.

Selithe-AC:20-HP:39  d20+2=4
Monday August 6th, 2007 10:51:00 PM

Selithe just watches what happens unfold after her summoned dog had bitten the nubbens of the sneak. Hearing him call out and surrender though she speaks up to the celstial dog, knowing it won't be around much longer anyway, "Thats enough boy and good job. Before you vanish though check the temple out a little to make sure nothing else sticks out."

Selithe looks towards the theif and shakes her head, "Sorry buddy but you trying to break that vial was not good on your part. Now I would advise you tell my brother what he wants to know. If not then here is alittle warning, outside my brother and I both have a riding dog and I figure either would be more then willing to finish what my summoned friends started. Understand? Or I have a little friend with me who might." Selithe pulls Bandit, her familiar from her belt pouch.

(Intimidate: 5 forgot the +1 and the thief better be in a lot of pain or he will laugh off the threat.)

0th:Acid Splash, Flare, Light, Prestidigitationx2
1st:Magic Missile, Enlarge Person, Summon Monster Ix2(1 summon monsterI used)
2nd:Melf's acid arrowx2, Bull's strength

Dwight  d20+3=10
Monday August 6th, 2007 11:23:24 PM

Looking around (spot 10) Dwight feels the area is about as secure as possible for the moment. With the vial in hand, he moves over the altar and searches it (checking for damage, how it was opened, if others compartments were open etc.....taking 20)

Tuesday August 7th, 2007 6:51:37 AM

Apologies everybody. I'll spare you the lame excuse. More later.

The Sneak Tells All! (DM Cayzle) 
Tuesday August 7th, 2007 9:59:11 AM

Dwight and Tobias quickly secure both potions (one per sneak) and determine that they ARE Bella's brews. You recognize the writing on them, and they remain sealed. By every test, you are convinced that there has been no switcheroo.

Kendry casts a spell and interrogates the prisoner. Selithe calls off her dog and helps Kendry with the interrogation.

Fickle takes a good look at the Chapel. He sees the signs of battle, and the damaged altar, the dead sneak, and the captured sneak, but that is all. He offers to help.

Airin thinks about her hawk. But on reflection, she realizes that Fioni may well be gone for a while more. After all, she carefully ordered the bird to follow the harpies back to their base. What if they live a few hours away? Or more likely, a few days flight away?

Comey comes in and sees Dwight fiddling with the altar. "Please turn away," he says, and then, blocking the view with his body, opens another secret compartment and reveals the rest of Bella's potions. It is clear that all is well, and disaster has been averted.

The captured sneak buckles (even more) under questioning and reveals all that he knows: He and his pal were hired by a wizard in a robe, maybe a human, half-elf, or a half-orc. He had a hood and did not show his face. He brought them into the mountains by teleport. He made a deal with the harpies in a language he did not understand. They were supposed to use elixers of hidng and sneaking to get into the Chapel while the harpies made a distraction. They were supposed to steal the potions that were hidden in the altar. Then sneak out. He does not know his employer's name.

The sneaks are humans. The dead one is Heral, the captured one is Sers. They come from New Elenna. Each one has masterwork studded armor, a mw shortsword, a potion of CLW, an elixer of hiding, and an elixer of sneaking. Also two empty elixer bottles and a purse with 250 gp.

The sneak begs for mercy. He does not even know where he is. Even if you set him free, he does not know where to go.

Podo  d20+2=18
Tuesday August 7th, 2007 10:18:32 AM

Podo looks at all the "loot" and decides to cast Detect Magic on the stuff for 1 minute.

Skill Checks
Concentrate Check: 18 + 1 =19

Spells Cast
Detect Magic

Tobias (AC 20, HP 34/38) [Message]  d20+19=27 d20+8=17 d20+7=19
Tuesday August 7th, 2007 11:29:14 AM

While the interrogation is proceeding, Tobias keeps watch over the door of the temple... making sure no more unwanted "guests" come in. He hides off in the shadow to one side. And, he's not at all comforted by the story that the sneak is relaying.

Hide: 27
Listen: 17
Spot: 19

Airin [AC21 - 42/42 HP] and Fioni [AC17 - 8/8 HP] AWAY 
Tuesday August 7th, 2007 1:40:04 PM

Airin feels the gentle squeeze from Kendry and calms down. It can be a while before Fioni will get back. But now they already know who hired the sneaks and the harpies. But on the other hand... since the sneaks don't know how they got here in the first place, Fioni might actually find this wizard's home... now that could be interesting!

Airin stays in the background while the others interrogate the sneaks. Her eyes check the sky now and then.

"Looks like we'll be hunting wizards soon..." Airin thinks to herself. She chuckles... they are used to stick their noses in other people's business.

Kendry (message, detect thoughts) 
Tuesday August 7th, 2007 6:07:59 PM

"So, once you snuck back out, where were you to go?" Kendry asks Sers. "Were you to meet the wizard? If so, where, and at what time? Or were the harpies going to carry you out? Or had you planned some other way of escape?" He pauses for a moment, further probing his thoughts.

"Strip these two, immediately," he calls out to his friends. "Mayhap they are soon to be teleported away. If so, let it be without their possessions."

He tells Sers, "No, I will not leave you naked. But since you chose to take what is not yours, then we will take from you what is yours. As you have asked for mercy, your life may we spare - unless you try something tricky or hasty or harmful, and thus negate this offer of mercy. Cooperate if you would keep your pulse. What city are you from? And exactly where did you first meet this wizard of unknown parentage?" Kendry begins quickly to strip the man to his skivvies. He sees the blood on them.

If the man mentions Plateau City, Kendry asks what part. He has a full map of the city, and has spent time studying it.

From his haversack he takes his canvas, and cuts off a 3-yard section. "Wrap this around you."

As Sers takes the canvas, the halfling instructs the human, "Now, tell me how you were to be gotten out of here, and then will I do what I might to heal your wounds, thief. Do you know that your theft would have robbed good people of needed treatment, and left them to suffer still more?"

Wednesday August 8th, 2007 12:05:17 AM

Selithe watches the going on of the talks and will help with the gathering of stuff before leaning in close to Kendry and whispering in his ear, "If he seems like a nice guy in most ways we could see about having him help out here. Maybe seeing and doing good deeds will help him change his life style."

Selithe looks to the man and thinks before speaking, "Depending on what happens, what you do and such, we might be able to help you out some. You're far from home and without a way to get back easily. If we all deem you as at least a half way decent guy maybe you could find a way to help out here. Also consider this, you just lost a friend, you got hurt yourself and right now you're at our mercy. We are offering you a chance to make better choices, you, unlike your friend, didn't outright attack us I don't believe - so that at least shows a bit of goodness in you."

Wednesday August 8th, 2007 7:16:14 AM

Fickle finerly make it into the chaple, "Okie Dokie, Where'z this Outlaw??" He Yells" Me'z Take Good Care of HiM!"

You Bad? You not know? You Don't remember?" Flckle ask "You say you hve Abneesia?? Well another hi in the head will make you'z remember??"

Fickle is about to hit the stranger in the Heah when Somebody stop him?"

Wednesday August 8th, 2007 3:45:45 PM

Kendry nods affirming his sister's words, while gauging the man's response.

He stays Fickle's hand. "Thanks, cuz, but Sers here likely doesn't need a bop on the head."

The repentent rogue (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday August 8th, 2007 6:10:37 PM

Podo detects magic and finds that the two elixers are magic and the shortsword is too.

Tobias stays alert and ready.

Airin stays back too, but she is thinking about going on a mage hunt!

Kendry continues his questions.

Selithe urges some gentle handling to bring the sneak to a better outlook on life.

Fickle is not convinced, and he favors a rougher approach. But Kendry keeps him from harming the sneaky guy.

The sneak tells you a bit more. Yes, they were supposed to bring the potions to a meadow a half-mile away, thataways. They were supposed to do that as soon as they got the potions.

He says he is from Plateau City. He lived in a flophouse in the Shanty Town. He met the wizard in a tavern where shady sorts can get quiet jobs. Sers's story seems legit to Kendry. He says the wizard would have teleported him out after they brought back the potions. He's sorry he tried to steal the medicine.

"Thank you, miss," he says to Selithe. He flinches away from Fickle.

Comey has no problem with mercy, but he asks that you bring this thief with you when you go. "We have no way to watch a known criminal. It is not safe."

While this discussion is going on, please make a listen check vs DC15. If you make it, Please Highlight to display spoiler: {You hear a thump. Then another thump. Off in the distance. Like very heavy footsteps.}

NOTE: Tobias already rolled a 17 -- he can read the spoiler freely.

Tobias (AC 20, HP 34/38) [Message]  d20+19=26 d20+8=27 d20+7=19
Wednesday August 8th, 2007 6:47:55 PM

Tobias messages party members, "Maybe we should take Sers and go make this meeting with the wizard in the meadow?"

Then, Tobias sends out a warning through message that he hears really heavy steps heading this way... He continues to stay hidden and see what might be causing them.

Hide: 26
Listen: 27
Spot: 19

Kendry  d20+7=20
Wednesday August 8th, 2007 8:23:03 PM

'Sound idea, Tobias,' Kendry whispers back.

Quietly he adds, this time in a stage whisper, "Someone is coming. Big, heavy footsteps."

In the halfling tongue, he says, "I wonder if that is our friend from the climbing rock. Or not."

[More later, have to run.]

[Listen: 20]

Podo  d20+9=29 d20+5=16 d20+2=21 d20+14=20
Wednesday August 8th, 2007 11:02:14 PM

Podo, hearing the warning Tobias tells the group, tries to hear the sounds too! Sure enough, given enough concentration, Podo begins to hear a thump. Then another thump. Off in the distance. Like very heavy footsteps.

Podo moves to the door of the chappel, attempting to hide in the dim light of the doors. Peering out of the door, Podo attempts to see what comes this way.

Skill Checks
Spot DC: 29 + 1= 30 (Nat 20)
Listen DC: 16 + 1 = 17
Concentration DC: 21 + 1 = 22
Hide DC: 20 + 1 = 21

Readied Spells
Level 0: Detect Magic*,Purify Food & Drink, Light.

Level 1: Doom, Cure Light Wounds(x2)

* shows what spells have been cast for today

Dwight  d20+8=13 d20+3=6
Wednesday August 8th, 2007 11:14:40 PM

DWight fails to hear the steps (listen: 13), but suspect large footsteps would mean our friend. Regardless he runs to the door and looks out (spot: 6--Apparently the noise isn't coming from that direction)

Kendry  d8+1=2 d8+1=7
Thursday August 9th, 2007 1:24:43 AM

"I said I would do what I might to help heal you up." He takes out a wand from his haversack. "You should feel better in a moment. Perhaps not perfect, but better." He mixes a number of words from several languages, in the midst of said words including the command to effect a cure light wounds from the wand, and Sers has 7 hp restored to his health.

"Let's go talk with your employer." He returns the man's shoes to him, but ties four strands of silk rope between his legs (two at ankle level, one just below the knee, one just above the knee), so as to prevent him from running. "You don't need to bruise your feet, sir. Neither do I want you running off." He leaves enough slack so that he can shuffle, but not run.

"Sorry for the inconvenience." To Fickle, he asks, "Cuz, can you take our visitor outside the temple, keep your eye on him? And can someone else help out, so that he does not get a bop on the head?"

He approaches Comey, and asks to speak with him once the prisoner is outside of the temple building. Whispering (so all with the message spell can hear, too), he says, "We are thinking of taking him to the meeting place. Perhaps we can meet this wizard. Powerful he is, if he can cast teleport. What do you think of this notion? Cautions? Tactics? This is your community, sir."

Kendry asks other members of the party for their counsel as well.

Airin [AC21 - 42/42 HP] and Fioni [AC17 - 8/8 HP] AWAY  d20+12=30 d20+19=30 d20+8=9
Thursday August 9th, 2007 3:09:44 AM

(Listen 30)

Airin too hears what appears to be heavy footsteps. She switches again from bastard Sword to Crossbow and moves into the direction where the noise comes from. She'll hide behind a house or a tree once the sound gets close enough to her.

Then she waits...

Hide: 30
Spot: 9 - NAT 1 - she won't spot a giant when he's standing next to her...

Spell List:

Level 0: Flare, Goodberrie, Create Water, Light
Level 1: Speak with animals, *Produce Flame, Entangle

* shows what spells have been cast for today

Fickle  d20+2=22 d20+2=19
Thursday August 9th, 2007 8:01:43 AM

Listens 22 natural 20 & 19 to suport it.

Fickle tell the others "Well if we'z don't have'z time to see to this'um Thief? Then let's Kill'um!"

Fickle hopes that this will scare the Thief.

Thursday August 9th, 2007 11:28:54 AM

To Fickle Kendry says, "No! Please, just take him outside - and keep him healthy!"

[OOC: Ceil - read Kendry's previous post - Kendry asked if Fickle would take the prisoner outside.]

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