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To Deliver a Potion
20 Giant Steps Up

Passing the Pass (DM Cayzle) 
Friday May 4th, 2007 7:38:58 AM

[OOC: Sorry, the module author (Jerry) did not give me a map, so you'll have to use your imaginations! Consider it an RP challenge! :-) ]

You set out. The map indicates that first you have to get across a pass into the Scab. The map indicates that the pass is between Mount Remorhaz and Mount Anvil.

If you can make a DC12 bard lore or know history check, then Please Highlight to display spoiler: {This is the famous site where the old underground passage to and through the Scab used to be, before 10 groups of adventurers led by the Red Tigers (an NPC group) collapsed, it killing the Army of Drow. That night, a drow city was destroyed and the house of "Good Drow," House Bralfah was rescued by the Storm Dragons and brought to the surface.}

There is a landmark on the map -- a giant staircase? carved by Fire Giants long ago. The group needs to climb these steps.

As night falls, you come into sight of the pass, and you camp at the foot of the stairs.

That night it is windy, and the morning dawns overcast. You see in the morning light that there are 20 giant steps! Each step will require a climb check -- to simply climb up each worked stone step is a DC25 check. If you fall, you'll have to make a Reflex save to keep your balance and not fall down the next step. If you do, the next save is at a penalty.

Fickle  d20+12=27
Friday May 4th, 2007 7:39:42 AM

"Thank-you'z Cuz Kenny!" feeling proud of himself, He' will want to follow Dwight, but Podo slip in back of Dwight, taking the marching place he wanted.

So He fall behind Podo, When the mention of a map?? Fickle will want to look at the map too! "Hey'z Podo! can I'z peek at that map too'z" he is asking with a smile, "I'z want to see if it'z show the Giant Stairs?? Oh! yes my mannor'z Please!" he adds.

"OH! We'z Here!" fickle tells himself. But he does wnt to see how it would be if he was tall, he climbs the first step, "Hey! Cuz Kendry! Lookie! I'm Tall!"

OCC from Fickle 
Friday May 4th, 2007 7:54:39 AM

Dear DM
Made my check of 27 - Made it

Airin and Fioni  d20+8=15
Friday May 4th, 2007 9:25:51 AM

"Rin-rin... hehe he never called me that before..."

At night Airin luckily does not dream of the dead fellow but still her mind is troubled by the fact she made that happen. Time heals everything...

The next morning she gazes up the giant staircase in awe.

"Where do these stairs lead to? Anyone has a ladder? What about our mounts?!?"

Airin's curious to see if she can climb these stairs too. After all she did train climbing in the WLA!

Climb: 15

Airin lands painfuly on her "behind" and makes a sour face.

"We need to think of something better to get up there!"

Tobias  d20+3=20
Friday May 4th, 2007 9:30:52 PM

Seeing Airin's trouble climbing, Tobias says, "We're going to have trouble climbing these without some help. Ropes or something up each step, or half of us won't make it. And, as for the animals, it's unlikely we can get them up this stair."

Climb: 20

Friday May 4th, 2007 10:30:40 PM

"I'm not even gonna try that in my armour. We need a way to get someone up there with some ropes.

"But we've still got animals to consider. I think we might need to split up again. Some to stay here with the animals. Some to go deliver."

Kendry  d20+11=22 d20+9=21 d20+9=12 d20+9=26 d20+8=26 d20+8=23 d20+8=26
Friday May 4th, 2007 10:35:14 PM

Last night
Kendry placed the body of the halfling recovered from the cave in a bag (or maybe inside two bags), and added him to the load of one of the ponies. When they chose a place to camp for the evening, he found a spot to bury the body, digging several feet down, then covering the body over with dirt and a pile of rocks. Kendry said a prayer over the resting place, along with any who cared to join him.

As is his custom, he took time to write in his journal while sitting around the campfire.

"Quite a day it's been friends." After a while, he added, "I'll miss ol Stinkyfoot."

At bedtime, as promised, he tucked Airin into bed. "You are a remarkable woman, my dear friend." He kissed her on the forehead. "I look forward to the day, when the time is right, to not just tuck you into bed." He ran the back of his hand along her left cheek, then rose to climb into his own blanket.

[Bardic Knowledge: 22]

"There was an underground passage to and through the Scab here a while back," Kendry tells his friends, "before nearly a dozen groups of adventurers led by the Red Tigers collapsed it, killing the Army of Drow. A city of dark elves was destroyed not too far away from this spot. During that time the Storm Dragons rescued House Bralfah. That's a clan of drow considered to be good - especially compared to their evil brethren. The Storms brought House Bralfah to the surface."

"You might recall that members of the Storm Dragons joined the Gold Dragons to form the Platinum Dragon group - with Valdor Dragonstone the leader. Podo remembers Valdor, I'm sure. See the earring that Podo wears? A gift from Valdor, shortly after the huge half elf looked fit to kill poor Pode for mouthing off, if memory serves." He winks at his monkish friend.

"Oh, while I was studying the drow language I learned about that." Then he hastens to clarify, "Not the earring. The battle and rescue."

It takes three tries to ascend the first step. [Climb (climbing kit, silk rope, - and forgot to include grappling hook in rolls): 21; 12; 26; Reflex save likely not needed, since there is no lower step to fall back down, but here are his Reflex saves nonetheless: 26; 23; 26]

With knotted ropes, his own body measurements (his arms, stretched out, go 44" from fingertip to fingertip; his height is 42"), and other means, Kendry measures the height of the steps, their width and breadth, and looks to see what is on either side of each step.

He looks around to see if there might not be some available boulders, rocks, rubble, trees, stumps, or other raw materials to help them in their ascent.

He lays out his climbing gear, pitons, rope, grappling hook, and assorted tools and instruments. "I am not going to leave my ponies behind, if I can help it," he says.

He also looks to see if the steps are regular in height, width and depth, or form an irregular pattern of ascent. He observes what he can of what is up top, as well as the general environs. Is there other vegetation about? Hardy, deep rooted plants along the steep face? Might it be possible to climb near the stairs?

Observing the first few steps further, he calculates whether additional steps might be chipped along one side of the stairway - so that, say, for a three to five foot width, one might have a more manageable stairway for someone of their height - or even standard stairs for humans.

As he does all this, a thought occurs. "What if we're attacked while on the stairs, friends? How might we defend and counter?"

Answering Julian, he says, "No, we don't need to split up, I think. Just need to figure out how to get there together. The ponies will likely be the biggest challenge."

Saturday May 5th, 2007 7:35:02 AM

Fickle look in suprise to Kendry, "Cuz Kendry! You knew of a underground passage? and you did not tell me , before I strain my self goin up to this step?? Hmm! Me'z use to like you!!"

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood  d20+1=5 d20+5=25 d20+9=14 d20+1=14
Saturday May 5th, 2007 11:35:54 AM

"I feel we should investigate the underground passage Kendry spoke of just moments ago, to see if something/anything might have tried to reestablished the route." explains Podo to the group. "We can always come back to try these steps afterwards!" Podo says excitedly.

Skills Check
Knowledge(Local History):5
Knowledge(Geography):25 (Nat 20!)
Spot: 14
Search: 14

Saturday May 5th, 2007 12:23:11 PM

Kendry laughs at Fickle's rebuke. "Fickle - there used to be an underground passage. It was caved in - destroyed - from what I'm told. Perhaps some day when we are not in a rush we might return and explore to see if some tunnels are still around. Maybe the dark elves have done some new digging. I don't know.

"Besides, to get to where we're going - we need to get up these stairs. An underground passage - if any still exist - would likely take us far from our intended destination. But if you want to poke around to see if there's a tunnel entrance somewhere nearby..." Kendry shrugs his shoulders. "Just don't get lost, and don't go alone."

Saturday May 5th, 2007 6:59:25 PM

Julian insists on digging the grave for the halfling body, "Can't get callouses on those soft Bard fingers... Still, and I see why you bothered to bring the body, I wished you hadn't spent the time on it and other things. I thought we were in a hurry, especially after the detours already."

Saturday May 5th, 2007 8:25:22 PM

"Because, Jules, if we're to be good," Kendry answers, "we need to be decent."

Sunday May 6th, 2007 7:30:03 AM

Fickle starts to laught"HA Ha Ho Ho! Cuz Kendry I remember when we were small, You were not so decent! But'z then we were little brats. Tee Hee!" Snickers Flick.

"But I will'z Help all Of You'z to climb these stairs!" with this said Fickle bring he rope again and throw one end down the step.

"Now! Climb!" He tells all.

Sunday May 6th, 2007 7:35:26 PM

Selithe looks to the stairs and then the others before crossing her arms, "Nope, no way. With my small skill in climb I'll be on my butt more often then climbing. An I refuse to leave Gra too. There anyway of just going around these? I rather take awhile longer."

Sunday May 6th, 2007 9:00:04 PM

Julian stands besides Selithe, saying,

"See, I think we're gonna have to split up."

Dwight  d20+4=12 d20+6=16 d20+6=8 d20+6=8 d20+1=12
Sunday May 6th, 2007 9:19:26 PM

Dwight listens as the groups discusses how to surmount the stairs of giants.

Looking around Dwight considers his resources. Trees? (Assuming so.)

"I don't have a critter myself, but I can understand the desire not to want to leave them behind. And I'll add that splitting up doesn't sound the best."

"Imagine if just one of these giants shows up when the group is split up."

"Depending on how good the map is, we might be able to transverse around it, but that adds an unknown amount of time. And this assumes there is a way around."

"I suggest we make a ramp. Perhaps this wide." Dwight holds his arms out wide enough for an animal to walk up. "We strap a bunch of logs together, a few to hold one end up high, just even with the top of the next step. Then we pull the ramp up and make for the next step."

"The going will be slow, and it will likely take us all day to get to the top. I'd also advise someone transverse all the steps to keep a look out."

"But before we commit to such a long gruelling hike up the stairs, let us search for a stairway with many more stairs... our size."

Telling the others, Dwight searches the area:

Spot:12 (stout striaght trees to use on ramp?)
search: 16, 8, 8 (hidden paths to the left, center or right of giant steps)


"Hay, Tobias any chance you could tell us the last time someone was here. Someone close to our size, perhaps you could track them."

Sunday May 6th, 2007 9:36:24 PM

"What about Stealth Group goes and Thugs stay behind with the animals? No offense, Selithe, I was only referring to myself."

ADM Kim - Posting Report 
Sunday May 6th, 2007 10:43:43 PM

Cayzle DM: MT-TF-- 4
Anthony Dwight: MTWT--S 5
Ceil Fickle: MTWT2S- 7
Jon-Paul Podo: M-2T-S- 5
Justin Selithe: MT-T-S- 4
Kim Kendry: 2-2222- 10
Pedro Tobias: MT-TF-- 4
Robert Julian: 2T-2FS2 9
Steven Airin: MTW2F-- 6

Three four-posters this week: DM Cayzle, Selithe & Tobias. Everyone else 5 or more. Good job, friends.

Monday May 7th, 2007 7:54:01 AM

Fickle listen to the others, then will put in his two gp. "Why'z a ramp? Why not a ladder, it will not weigh az much az a ramp??"

Monday May 7th, 2007 11:26:04 AM

Dwight smiles and responds to Fickle. "A ladder will certainly be lighter and faster, but the last time I saw a mount walk up a ladder it wasn't pretty. The ramp will allow us to stay together."

"It would be a good idea to make a small quick ladder for the scout though."

Tobias  d20+13=31
Monday May 7th, 2007 4:07:02 PM

Tobias looks for any tracks that might be in the general vicinity of the stairs... Looking for the latest ones, and what direction they took.

Survival: 31

Watch That First Step! And The 19 After That! (DM Cayzle) 
Monday May 7th, 2007 4:38:06 PM

The stairs are cut into what is essentially a cliff. Each step is a rise of about 7.5 feet. The cliff itself is only a DC20 check, but if you fail, instead of falling only to the step below, you could fall quite a ways down, onto hard rocks.

A couple of you climb the first step. Airin and Tobias tumble down. Fickle succeeds on the first try, Kendry on the third. Falling from the first step is no problem, since there is nowhere else to fall to, as Kendry points out.

Fickle throws down a rope, so that ascending is only a DC5 climb check for those below now.

The dogs and badger could be hauled up with harnesses pretty easily, but the ponies will be a problem.

The stairs themselves are steep. Each is 7.5 feet up and 7.5 feet in. Surely it was titans that used these stairs, not your run-of-the-mill hill giants and ogres. The stairs are hard-carved out of stone. If you have masonry tools, you might be able to do some carving, but it will be tough going. With magic, such as Soften Earth and Stone, you could make faster time, but we're still talking days, I suspect.

You actually don't see the collapsed underground passage. If Kendry's tales are true, the tunnel is at the top of the stairs.

Julian considers splitting up. Some people could stay here, at the base of the cliff, for days or weeks of mind-numbing boredom, while others could continue up the steps, having adventures, great experiences, and winning reknown and loot. Hmmm ... who wants to stay behind?

Maybe it will be Selithe. She seems resistant to the challenge that the steps pose.

Tobias and Dwight look around. Dwight sees that it is sheer cliffs all around Could there be another way? If so, it is not clear at all.

Tobias is especially keen-eyed, and he finds the odd footprint here and there. Not enough to follow a trail, but a sign that the steps have been used from time to time.

From what Tobias can tell, from a few frayed strrands of hemp that he finds, whoever used the stairs before had access to a rope.

Monday May 7th, 2007 9:43:47 PM

"Short of magic to get the ponies up, we're in trouble. Some of us are in for a long wait."

Monday May 7th, 2007 11:20:50 PM

Selithe looks to the steps and shakes her head, there is no way she can climb the steps and she has no spells that she can use to make it easier.

Selithe speaks to the others, "Without a rope or something there is no way for me. Does anyone have enough command of nature to maybe grow vines up these or something? That might give more foot and hand holds."

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood  d20+4=12 d20+11=14 d20+5=16 d20+9=24
Tuesday May 8th, 2007 12:38:50 AM

With proper determination, and a good running start, Podo jumps and tumbles onto the first step some 7.5' above the starting point. (Jumping DC:12, Tumble DC:14)

Looking around, Podo tries to spot/listen to anyone other than his group. (Listen DC:16, Spot DC: 24)

Airin (by Kim)  d20+3=20 d20+10=26
Tuesday May 8th, 2007 3:35:04 AM

"Maybe Fioni can carry the ponies up," Airin jokes. "One at a time, of course."

[Intelligence roll: 20; Survival roll: 26]

"Say, if we had some boxes, strong ones - the first about one third the height of a step, and another twice that - maybe the ponies could walk up each step walking up those. If we could convince them.

"Anyone have any boxes? Flat rocks would do, too, I suppose."

Tuesday May 8th, 2007 3:40:44 AM

"Pretty good idea, that. Also - it might be easier to climb right next to where the steps and the cliffs meet - it looks like a bit of a wedge - making it easier to climb.

"But, you're right, to get the ponies up, Airin..."

Kendry rummages around in his haversack for a few moments.

"I have a scroll of levitation, and a potion of levitation. What if we use 'em on the ponies? Then kind of lift and pull them up. Maybe blindfolded, so they don't get too scared, and one of us sticking with 'em."

Tuesday May 8th, 2007 3:58:52 AM

"Now that is a nice idea, sorta like flyin' a kite.

"How much will the levitate hold? Maybe Selithe and I could get a lift up on a pony.

"Kidding. I'm sure we could climb when there's some ropes in place."

Tuesday May 8th, 2007 8:28:04 AM

Fickle has never saw such comtraption, it workd. "Tell'z me how to helps, I'll do anything to helps."

Tuesday May 8th, 2007 1:55:22 PM

"Flying ponies... good idea. But definitely make sure you blindfold them... they won't much like it."

He shares with the others that there hasn't been much traffic on the stairs recently, but it looks like those that did attempt it used ropes.

Tuesday May 8th, 2007 11:34:07 PM

"Hmmm, if it works it will certainly be faster and easier than a ramp. I'll all for it, IF."

"Otherwise I say we get to work making a ramp, 7ft tall and about 10 feet long. It will have to go in line with the steps and probably a good 3-4 feet wide. We use to build stuff all the time as we cut and trimmed trees with me pa.

Unless the levitate and ropes are really plausible, Dwight will begin his search for some stout trees to bind together.

OOC: Okay halfings are roughly 3.5 feet tall, standing on shoulders, two would be 7. Wouldn't it be fairly easy for a third person to climb up? (Making a halfling ladder, two face the wall and third climb up their backs.) With this in mind......

"The main issue is the animals, any chance three people wanna go to the top and see what they can see? By the time you get to the top, we should have the ramp pretty close to being done, assuming we can find enough trees and limbs."

"Fickle look for branches roughly straight and about as tall as you. It needs to be fairly strong and not rotten and about as thick as your arms. We will need about 50 or so of them. And then we will need lots of rope.

Tuesday May 8th, 2007 11:34:13 PM

"Hmmm, if it works it will certainly be faster and easier than a ramp. I'll all for it, IF."

"Otherwise I say we get to work making a ramp, 7ft tall and about 10 feet long. It will have to go in line with the steps and probably a good 3-4 feet wide. We use to build stuff all the time as we cut and trimmed trees with me pa.

Unless the levitate and ropes are really plausible, Dwight will begin his search for some stout trees to bind together.

OOC: Okay halfings are roughly 3.5 feet tall, standing on shoulders, two would be 7. Wouldn't it be fairly easy for a third person to climb up? (Making a halfling ladder, two face the wall and third climb up their backs.) With this in mind......

"The main issue is the animals, any chance three people wanna go to the top and see what they can see? By the time you get to the top, we should have the ramp pretty close to being done, assuming we can find enough trees and limbs."

"Fickle look for branches roughly straight and about as tall as you. It needs to be fairly strong and not rotten and about as thick as your arms. We will need about 50 or so of them. And then we will need lots of rope.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Wednesday May 9th, 2007 12:12:09 AM

"Hrm... Anything I can do to help out, Dwight?" asks Podo.

Wednesday May 9th, 2007 7:19:31 AM

Nodding at Podo, "Well we need lots of straight branches and I'm not sure how far we might have to travel to get enough. Any help here would be good. Unless of course the flying horse trick works," Dwight chuckles at the thought of a flying horse realizing he is flying and wetting himself and all those below. Of course he chuckles assuming he isn't one of those.

Fickle  d20+3=19
Wednesday May 9th, 2007 8:19:58 AM

"Okie! Dokie!" Fickle serches both sides of the step hes on.
Turns back to Dwight telling him, "All there is here is tall bambo! that should have a goodie grips on the animals hooves?"

Serching 19

Wednesday May 9th, 2007 11:15:25 PM

Selithe thinks and waits as she ponders over the whole deal, "I will help out where possible. If I would of went straight mage I would be more help right now."

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Thursday May 10th, 2007 12:44:37 AM

Podo tries to gather as much wood as possible.

Thursday May 10th, 2007 1:08:37 AM

Kendry looks over the scroll of levitation. He considers the ponies. He begins to offload the baggage they carry.

Airin (by Kim)  d20=14 d20=10 d20=3 d20=17 d20=20
Thursday May 10th, 2007 1:11:02 AM

Airin works with Dwight on his project, looking about for sticks, saplings, trees, as well as for any loose boulders.

[5 unadjusted rolls: 14, 10, 3, 17, 20 - for her roll in gathering resources for the climbing project.]

The Way Up (DM Cayzle) 
Thursday May 10th, 2007 6:22:15 AM

Sorry, friends! I have a bad cold, and I lost track of my posting. I thought I had posted more than I did! I think I started a post, then lost it and had a braino. I apologize.

Still grappling with the challenge of the giant stairs, the party ponders.

Julian thinks magic is needed.

Selithe says she needs ropes or vines.

Podo makes an acrobatic leap up the first step, but the next 19 will be harder, without a running start.

Several talk about ways to get a leg up, from ladders to boxes to ramps. The steps are 7.5 feet wide and high. A box that's half that -- 3.75 by 3.75 -- would sure be handy. There are two options that occur to you:

1) Making Your Own Handholds and Footholds: You can make your own handholds and footholds by pounding pitons into a wall. Doing so takes 1 minute per piton, and one piton is needed per 3 feet of distance. As with any surface that offers handholds and footholds, a wall with pitons in it has a DC of 15. [OOC: that's from the Climb Skill rules.]

Note that magic that lets you shape stone to make hand and foot holes works the same way as pitons. You would need one Stone Shape or one Soften Stone per step.

2) Haul Yourselves Up: With a box or improvised structure that lets you gain altitude, you can just reach the lip of the step and grab and pull yourself up. If you wish to pull yourself up, you can do so with a move action and a DC 15 Climb check. [OOC: that's from the Jump Skill rules.]

With some kind of even better structure, you can just walk up!

To make a simple box or tree stump or other improvised structure that let's you reach and grab, make a Craft Wood check vs DC5. Such an item would have a value of 1 copper piece. Based on construction times in the Craft skill rules, making an item like this would take very roughly about an hour if you make the check.

To make steps or a ramp that a halfling could use is a DC10 check. Such an item would have a value of 10 copper pieces (one silver piece). Based on construction times in the Craft skill rules, making an item like this would take very roughly about a half a day if you make the check.

To make steps or a ramp that the ponies could use is a DC15 check. Such an item would have a value of 100 copper piece (one gold piece). Based on construction times in the Craft skill rules, making an item like this would take very roughly about seven days if you make the check.

Note that All Crafts require artisan's tools to give the best chance of success. If improvised tools are used, the check is made with a -2 circumstance penalty. In this case, you need both an ax of some kind and a hammer of some kind to serve as improvised tools. If you do not have both an ax and a hammer, then you cannot make Craft checks.

Tobias and Julian talk about the way that has the easiest checks: If only a knotted rope were in place, then only DC5 climb checks would be needed. But although ropes might serve to get the dogs and badger up, the ponies can't be hauled up the steps!

Kendry suggests making handholds. See above for rules on that. If you have picks (or hammer and chisel), you can make your own handholds with a Craft Stone check of DC5, once check per handhold, two handholds per step, and an hour per check. If your picks are intended as weapons, then they are improvised for this purpose.

The story of the old tunnel promises an easier route ... but, alas, the entrance to the old tunnel is at the top of the stairs, Kendry recalls!

Dwight thinks that the choice is Levitate-And-Ropes or Ramp. He also thinks about halflings climbing on halflings. Hmmm. That would be like stepping on a box. Well, with a DC15 Climb check, a halfling on another halfling's shoulders could grab the step above and hauls him or her self up.

As far as needed wood goes, if you have an ax, you can gather the wood that you need, no problem.

The party begins to search for wood. Kendry ponders the levitate option.

So, after all that thought and discussion, the choices seem to come down to:

1) Haul yourselves up (on a short box or platform or each other), then use rope.

2) Build a ramp/stairs that everyone, including the ponies, could use.

3) Use magic/levitate.

Thursday May 10th, 2007 7:54:57 AM

"No! No! It'z a bamboo stick!" as Ficlke holds up a wiggling snake, he look's at the wiggling thing, then drop it.

The snake slidders down the step, then into a hole some where around there.

Dwight OOC: Seven days...YIKES! 
Thursday May 10th, 2007 11:01:49 AM

Those craft times are for individual completion are they not? Seven days is an insane amount of time to make a 7 foot tall ramp, even in real life. If the wood is available, maybe 7 hours by myself.....if you've even been a boy scout you would probably agree. With a group of 4-7 people lashing and tying ropes it would take even less.

(I once helped build a 10 bridge using only logs and ropes in about 5 hours. And I'm no artist or craftsman.)

Though I would probably agree in its worth, or perhaps maybe even a little less.

Just figured I would give a little thought into the realism of this situation compared to the time required by the "rules".

Comment by Cayzle: I'm just going by the rules here. Roll a craft check each day. If you succeed vs the required DC, you finish that many copper pieces worth of labor each day. Or roll by the week -- you finish that many silver pieces worth of labor each week.

If your item costs 100 cp, has a craft DC10, and you roll a 10 every day, it will take you 10 days to finish it.

If the same item costs 10 sp, has a craft DC10, and you roll a 10 every week, then it takes you one week to finish it.

I don't write the rules, I just enforce them! Is it fair that you can make 1,000 gp worth of a magic item in a day, but to make 1,000 gp worth of a mundane item would take much much longer? Maybe not, but I'm using the rules as written. Since I'm a rules-oriented DM, I always pick rules over realism. That's my style.

Thursday May 10th, 2007 4:26:04 PM

[Dashing in]

Kendry has, if I recall correctly, a couple of axes and a couple of hammers. He has lots of rope - hemp and silk. He also has a sledge hammer. And a pickax. Etc.

[Dashing out]

Thursday May 10th, 2007 7:32:51 PM

OOC If it takes 7 days for one person, would it be 1 day for 7 people?

Thursday May 10th, 2007 8:51:34 PM

OOC: Okay rules it is...7 days-for one person. How about 7 people? (as Julian asked?)

Dwight will continue grabbing branches and chop as necessary given Kendry's 'proper' tools.

"Perhaps we should have talked with those flying lions first... they could have made this a lot easier."

"This might take awhile, since we need to get the horses up, any other ideas?"

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Thursday May 10th, 2007 10:20:48 PM

"Ok, Dwight, how about this idea...What if you folks lend me a grappling hook and 100' length of rope. I'll use the gear to ascend all 20 giant steps. Once on top I could look for stuff like wood and rocks to help the rest of us ascent the staircase. Your thoughts?" asks Podo.

Simple vs complex (DM Cayzle) 
Thursday May 10th, 2007 11:39:47 PM

Well, on one hand you have the complex plan to build a ramp/staircase that can be hauled up one step at a time after everyone uses it. On the other hand, Podo suggests climbing all the way up with a rope, then securing it so others can follow.

The problem with Podo's plan -- the ponies. With the ramp/stairs -- the rigamarole.

[OOC: The rules say that each person extra can add a +2 to the craft check. If your craft check is high enough, that can reduce the time: "If the result × the DC equals double or triple the price of the item in silver pieces, then you've completed the task in one-half or one-third of the time. Other multiples of the DC reduce the time in the same manner." You got enough tools for all these helpers? Good luck with that.]

Kendry's inventory 
Friday May 11th, 2007 3:09:37 AM

Kendry lays out the following tools:

Hammer, light, masterwork
12 square yards of canvas
3 lengths of chain, each 3'4" in length
Crowbar (cold iron)
Grappling hook
Climber's Kit, masterwork
Miner's Pick
100' silk rope
50' silk rope
3 x 100' hempen rope
24 pitons (started with 30)

Friday May 11th, 2007 7:46:14 AM

Fickle stand there on the step. watching the others. When the call of nature hit him.

Fickle call's to Dwight, "Cuzin Dwight! can you hand 'z mez a hand full if leaves, Pleeze< I'z have to go, real badz".

"Oh! Hurryz! Please!" He ask with a smile.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Saturday May 12th, 2007 12:23:03 AM

"Okay, Krndry, how we goona divy up these tasks using your gear?" asks & wonders Podo.

Stalled (DM Cayzle) 
Saturday May 12th, 2007 10:24:36 AM

The party is at a crossroads ... spend the time making an elaborate portable staircase that will let them bring the ponies up? Or forge on ahead, leaving the ponies free to roam, or with a caretaker? (a PC? Tewdyr?)

It occurs to Podo, as he prepares to climb all 20 steps with a rope, and to Fickle, as he attends to the necessaries, that maybe the question will be more easily answered when you know what is at the top of the steps.

It occurs to the two PCs -- the ones who seem alert, and not standing around aimlessly -- that a look at the map might help in this regard. The map is pretty clear. First there are directions to the stairs. Then, at the top of the stairs, there is a cliff up to a cave. Then there is another cliff to climb. Then there is a spring. Follow the spring down into the valley.

Even if you got the ponies up the stairs, the cliffs would be an even bigger problem.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Saturday May 12th, 2007 10:52:26 AM

"Okay, now that we have both looked at the map, and with the ideas that both Fickle and I; being some of the most nimblest of the group; climb the stairs to see where we go from here, it is appearent that if we continue in this line of attack, the ponies will NEVER becoming with us!!!!" says Podo with dramatic flair.

"Perhaps, we should take Julian's suggestion and leave one or two people behind with the pack animals. Our other possibilities lie with not finishing this quest, finding another way to our destination, or leaving the pack animals here, or not bringing pack animals next time. Your choice Kendry, Airin, and the other pack animal owners." states Podo to the group.

Dwight  d20+8=15
Saturday May 12th, 2007 11:25:21 AM

"O-My, that will never do." Dwight says aloud as he realizes his ramp, while slow and feasible will never be able to address the rest of the issues. "Making an raising platform is way more advanced that I can do."

"We are wasting time, and from what the map says, going around isn't really an option, so we are left with as Podo says, leaving the animals or leaving the animals with some protection. I'm not staying, but the rest I leave to the owners."

With that said, Dwight takes Fickle his requested leaves, mentally notes the area to avoid, visually makes sure the leaves won't cause problems later and heads to the steps.

"So climb and pull is it. Here I come." Dwight makes sure everyone is aware and stops collecting for the ramp and then ascends the first step.

Climb: 15
with help: no problem
without help: not able to get of the ground

Saturday May 12th, 2007 7:54:13 PM

"I will stay here and look after the animals. The rest of you should go ahead for the sake of the mission. I will be fine here. I always have Shark and Sallie here to keep a watch with me. And I've always noticed how ponies sense danger very early on.

"Go, climb. There is good grazing here. We will be okay. Besides, having to go up that means armour off, and armour on again. Then another cliff, armour off, climb, armour on."

Julian is quite insistent, firm in his resolve.

"I don't want to see any more delays on this, and I think that this is the best way that I can serve the group to complete its mission. I would lay my life down for the sake of the group. This is no different.

"Well, you wont have to find someone to cast Enlarge Person and then Flesh to Stone to turn me into the brave statue I want to live forever as. Put me up near Domi's temple in Angel Springs. Anyway, this is for the best.

"Make sure you've got everything you need from the ponies. Well, all that you can carry anyway. I will protect them."

OOC: I am about to run the first scene of a new module in the Swords of Light game. I could use a bit of time off here to focus on that and do it well.

Sunday May 13th, 2007 6:32:26 AM

"Alright then! Here's my rope, To help you up the first step!" Fickle tell them.

Now he let's down his rope and ties it around his waist. "Okie! Dockie! Start climbing the rope!" as he let's the rope down.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood  d20+9=21 d20+5=11 d20+4=15 d20+9=29
Sunday May 13th, 2007 11:00:28 AM

"Okay then, it's seattled," states Podo while awaiting the first group of halflings to ascend to the first step.

Seeing Dwight trying to climb to the first step, Podo reaches down to help Dwight join him on the first step.

Once several more halflings of the advanced group ascend the stair, Podo sets about trying to ascend to the second step. Before ascending, Podo tries to spot anything out of the ordinary that might pose an issue for them to climb more stairs. (spot check)

Using both his jumping and climb skills Podo tries to reach the second step.

Skill Checks
Jump: 15
Spot: 29 (Nat 20!)

Tobias  d20+3=19
Sunday May 13th, 2007 2:35:42 PM

"Alright let's climb then... we need to start making progress."

climb: 19

Kim - ooc 
Monday May 14th, 2007 1:55:55 AM

Friends - am halfway through two hugely busy weeks. I have fallen short in posting both for Airin & Kendry. Did not realize in advance just how full this past week would be - but do now know this coming week will also be tough. Only have time for a brief post now.

Kendry  20d20(2+1+5+6+20+7+7+8+16+3+4+16+20+19+1+14+13+12+11+12)=197 d20=1 d20=4 d20=15
Monday May 14th, 2007 2:09:45 AM

Kendry offloads much of his gear from the ponies, and distributes it among his friends.

He thanks Julian for his selfless offer. "None of us could have asked this of you. I will miss you. Thank you, Jules." He leaves the two ponies in his cousin's care.

Once things are set, he says, "Yes, let's go."

For the climb, he recommends a safety rope in addition to the climbing rope for each person.

The safety rope helps him out on the second step - twice, and on the 15th step. He reaches the top. As the group climbs, he takes time to help others, too. And works with Fickle to lift the dogs up each level.

Once up top, he takes a look around.

Monday May 14th, 2007 7:46:42 AM

Fickle helps his cousin up, by pulling his couz Kendry, "Okie! Doie! Youz almost on the First step. Ahh! there! Now Whoz next??"

Monday May 14th, 2007 11:23:15 AM

(thanks for covering for me Kim)

"I'm not leaving Blossom behind." Airin says with a stern voice.

"Look, there stairs can not expand indefinetely to the left and right now can they? Why don't we just follow the base and find a way to climb up once we get at the end of the stairs base?"

Monday May 14th, 2007 1:14:09 PM

"Well, dear, with at least two cliffs to climb, what suggestions do you have for getting Blossom up those?" Kendry gently asks Airin. "I'd like for you to have Blossom, and for me to have my ponies, and our other mounts, and Julian, too. But unless you can explain how we'll do this... you may have to leave Blossom in Badger's care. He'll see that she's treated fine."

Another thought then occurs to him. "Say - what if we go ahead and get ourselves, without our mounts, up to where we can see the valley below? From there, maybe we can look around and discover another route in. Whether we find one or not, we can write a note, and you can send Fioni to give it to Julian."

He turns to Julian, and says, "If you can follow the same way back that we took coming here... Hey, if you encounter someone trustworthy on the way to pass the animals off to to get them back to Humble's Ford, then try to catch up to us, that would be great! I'll leave marks along our trail for you to follow us."

He hands Julian a small pouch of money. "There's ten gold and four platinum inside - 50 gold worth total - to help pay for any help you might need. Hey, Dwight - should we send a bit of our party reserves with him, too?"

Parting and Climbing (DM Cayzle) 
Monday May 14th, 2007 2:22:57 PM

A wet wind whips up the stairs, as if trying to show Podo the way -- he follows to the second step. Julian volunteers to stay, and Kendry sees to it that he is well set with cash.

Airin is convinced that there is another way. But if she can make a Know Nature or Geography DC 10 check, then she may realize that the Scab is a notoriously jagged terrain, and that it is unfriendly to all hooved animals save mountain goats and bighorn sheep.

The others of the party are climbing, following as Podo lets down rope. Fickle helps Kendry. Dwight ascends too.

Julian watches as his friends depart. But what about Airin? And Selithe? Tobias?

Everybody please make a four or five more climb checks.

Tobias  d20+3=23 d20+3=18 d20+3=16 d20+3=14 d20+3=10
Monday May 14th, 2007 4:27:09 PM

I'd already said that Tobias would climb... and he will leave Tewdwr with Julian as well

Climbs: 23, 18, 16, 14, 10

Addition by Cayzle Sorry! I missed it. Thanks for the correction!

Dwight  d20+3=15 d20+3=16 d20+3=10 d20+3=17 d20+3=5 d20+6=23 d20+6=18 d20+6=26 d20+6=25 d20+6=16 d20+8=24 d20+8=13 d20+8=13 d20+8=19 d20+8=25
Monday May 14th, 2007 7:09:40 PM

"If Julian needs some extra cash we could?" Dwight waits for Julian response and then toses a small sack for him in the amount he asks for.


As Dwight take each new step, he searches the step for any lingering evidence of past travels or traps or even perhaps a secret (easier) tunnel.

spot: 15,16,10,17,5
search: 23, 18, 26 (nat 20), 25, 16
climb: 24, 13, 13, 19, 25 (the last step without help)

Monday May 14th, 2007 8:56:20 PM

"Selithe's and my dogs are good in hills and mountains," Kendry says. "At least, I'm bringing Cheann along." [And dogs don't have hooves.]

He helps Airin up - if she is willing to follow his suggestion.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood  d20+9=28 d20+9=18 d20+9=24 d20+9=27 d20+9=13 d20+4=5 d20+4=24 d20+4=20 d20+4=10 d20+4=14 d20+5=19 d20+5=7 d20+5=11 d20+5=22 d20+5=18 d20+9=20 d20+9=24 d20+9=18 d20+9=10 d20+9=13
Monday May 14th, 2007 10:49:19 PM

Podo tries his best to jump up and reach the next step then pul lhimself up. Just in case he does miss the handhold after the jump, Podo will use his slow fall 20 ft. to catch himself from falling any farther or down any additional steps.

After ever step gained in his progression up the stairs, Podo stops to listen and attempt to spot anything out of the ordinary for the area, mainly to assure himself he's not walking into a trap.

Skill Checks
Listen: 19, 7, 11, 22, 18
Climb :28,18,24,27,13
Jump :5 (nat 1), 24 (Nat 20),20,10,14
Spot : 20, 24, 18, 10, 13

Selithe  d20+3=11 d20+3=7 d20+3=22 d20+3=10 d20+3=10
Monday May 14th, 2007 11:06:57 PM

(Didn't notice anything mentioned, were pitons used or rope or something? Only asking because Selithe's climb check isn't good enough even on a 20. Would really be futile for her to even try on her own.)

Selithe watches the others and if she can get some help, rope or something else she will do her best to climb up.

(Climb checks, unmod:11/7/22/10/10)
(Also, we're expecting storms in here tomorrow so I will need someone to cover for me just for tomorrow.)

You are using a rope to climb - you need a 5 or better. Also, if you take advantage of a safety line (as Kendry suggested people use), then that, largely, obviates (or at least mitigates) the possibility of falling down the next step. -Kim

Kim - could someone else count posts for last week, please? 
Tuesday May 15th, 2007 2:46:34 AM

I'm swamped.

Tuesday May 15th, 2007 7:17:36 AM

"Err! Couz Kendry! Why'z are you giving a Woman'z 10 Gp and 4 Pp?? that total'z to 410gp worth of money'z?? She Going to the Market'z to Buy'z herself Something'z Nice and Sparkling'z?" Fickle tells Kindry. Shakes his head "I don'tz under stand my Couzen'z, one pretty face and they go mad'z"

Tuesday May 15th, 2007 10:40:30 AM

Kendry laughs at Fickle's words - so hard that he holds his sides.

Once he begins to regain his composure, he says, "Fickle, Julian is no woman. And a platinum piece is worth only ten gold pieces, not one hundred. So I gave him 50, not 410 gold pieces." Then he looks back at Julian. "Well, all right, maybe his face is a little pretty. If you look at just the right angle. When the sun is low in the sky."

He winks at Julian.

Airin and Fioni  d20+10=16 d20+10=27 d20+10=21 d20+10=29 d20+10=27 d20+10=11 d20+10=22 d20+10=24 d20+10=24 d20+10=30
Tuesday May 15th, 2007 11:07:27 AM

Airin's eyes fill with tears as she needs to part from her beloved pony. Blossom has carried her through rough lands before but she understands that the scabs are no place for a pony.

She takes a piece of paper and write a little note that she pins to Blossom's gear.

"Name : Blossom
Owner : Airin Moondancer Turnbell
Home : Hovel
Other possible return adres : WLA department in Angel Springs
Return Blossom in good healt and receive 10Gp as reward.
Signed, Airin Moondancer Turnbell

She pats Blossom on the nose and asks her to follow the other animals and promises she will come back to find her.

Then she looks up the stairs cursing inside and begins the climb without looking back.

Climb checks : 16, 27, 21, 29, 27, 11 (Nat 1), 22, 24, 24, 30 (Nat 20)

Kendry  d20=10
Tuesday May 15th, 2007 11:28:39 AM

"Hon, Julian is taking Blossom and the other ponies back to town for us. He'll take good care of her," Kendry tells Airin.

As she slips toward the top of the climb, he hauls back on the safety rope to keep her from tumbling farther down. [10+? to arrest Airin's fall]

Once all are up top, Kendry moves on with them to the opening to the tunnels. If there is an open door, or any opening, he listens & looks to find what he might learn about what is immediately inside.

The Top of the Stairs (DM Cayzle) 
Tuesday May 15th, 2007 12:45:04 PM

Farewells are made, and the party, sans Julian, head up the stairs. The cold wind whips around you, and a few raindrops fall on your cheeks.

Podo is the ideal trailblazer, because unlike the rest of the group, if he falls, there is no chance that he will hit hard and go bouncing down the steps. His monkish falling ability saves him from that danger. As he goes, he sets ropes that those behind him can use. The DC to use the ropes is only a 5, so everyone can take 10 and ascend with no worries.

At the top of the stairs, 150 feet above Julian and the ponies, a scene of devastation awaits. Here is the mouth of the tunnel that leads down into the earth. Once it lead deep into the underworld, but now it is choked with the tons and tones of rubble that fill it. The terrain is broken, filled with rocks and boulders, but mostly flat.

From the ruined tunnel-mouth, you can look up the cliff you need to climb. It rises 100 feet up. At the top you can see another cave mouth.

The cliff before you is rocky with many handholds. It is a DC15 check to climb. But the wind building imposes a -1 on your climb checks and prevents you from taking ten.

Tuesday May 15th, 2007 6:33:36 PM

OOC: sorry I missed a post. I will do a posting report too later today.

Tobias  d20+3=11 d20+3=12 d20+3=11 d20+3=16 d20+3=19
Tuesday May 15th, 2007 7:37:54 PM

"Well looks like we should continue our climb to that cave mouth... Following Podo and using ropes again, we should be able to make this climb as well..."

Climbs: 11, 12, 11, 16, 19

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood  d20+5=18 d20+5=14 d20+5=23 d20+5=25 d20+5=21 d20+9=21 d20+9=25 d20+9=27 d20+9=24 d20+9=11 d20+4=6 d20+4=20 d20+4=17 d20+4=6 d20+4=20 d20+9=19 d20+9=14 d20+9=10 d20+9=14 d20+9=13
Tuesday May 15th, 2007 10:20:16 PM

Podo tries his best to jump up and reach the next handhold then pull himself up to a ledge or flat space, just enough to add one of Kendry's Piton with a small hammer obtained from Kendry. After the Piton is placed, and using the roping technique garnered by watching his cousin, Podo sets ropes to allow his companions to follow.

Just in case he does miss the handhold after the jump, Podo will use his slow fall 20 ft. to catch himself from falling any farther down then is abolutely necessary.

After every step gained in his progression up, Podo stops to listen, attempting to spot anything out of the ordinary for the area, mainly to assure himself the group is not walking into a trap.

Skill Checks
Listen: 18,14,23,25 (NAT 20!), 21
Climb : 21,25,27,24,11
Jump : 6,20,17,6,20
Spot : 19,14,10,14,13

Dwght  d20+7=20 d20+7=10 d20+7=20 d20+7=13 d20+7=12
Tuesday May 15th, 2007 10:46:43 PM

Dwight stands watching the drastic change in landscape (or at least his smallness related to it). As Podo begins his ascension, Dwight turns and watches Julian fade from view. He mumbles some small blessings in his favor and hopes to see him again.

At the long wait of Podo moving up, and then Tobias (just seems long), Dwight is ready to go up next. "I'll head up next, its best if the pet owners help their pets begin the ride, on top they will be more than ready for help and solid footing again."

Once Tobias has made it and signalled so, Dwight will begin up the rope that has been created for him.

climb: (+8-1)=20, 10, 20, 13, 12

OOC: I'm guessing the rope that Podo installed has lowered the DC? Otherwise someone might be catching Dwight.

Wednesday May 16th, 2007 12:39:47 AM

"Wow, that much, really? I'll try to not spend it, only use it where it is absolutely necessary.

"I think I will make my way right back to Angel Springs, if that's okay. I could keep an eye on Bella, and, well, I want to spend some more time in Domi's temple. I popped in there before and one of the priests said something that keeps tugging at my soul. I wanna find out more.

"Good luck. Fare well. And I'll see you... soon."

OOC Robert 
Wednesday May 16th, 2007 12:52:12 AM

Posting Report:

DM Cayzle M--2-S = 4
Fickle MTWTFS = 6
Kendry -T-2F = 4
Julian MT-T-S = 4
Dwight MTW2-S = 6
Podo -TW2-3 = 7
Airin -T-W-- = 2
Selithe M-W-- - 2
Tobias -2---S = 3

After much discussion and thought the party agrees to split up in order to ascend the stairs to deliver the potions to wake the people who are friends(?) of Bella. Julian takes the ponies and some coins and turns back towards Humble's Ford.

A slow week with posting as DM Cayzle was unwell.

Fickle  d20+12=24 d20+12=26 d20+12=21 d20+12=19 d20+12=16
Wednesday May 16th, 2007 6:40:42 AM

Fickle climbs to the next cave, the climing was easy enought, except the last few feet where he almost loses his grip. BUT he made it.

Climbing 24 - 26 - 21 - 19 - 16 <this is where he almost slips!)

Airin and Fioni  d20+10=30 d20+10=20 d20+10=17 d20+10=21 d20+10=16
Wednesday May 16th, 2007 10:45:38 AM

"Fioni, fly up there and get a look what waits for us" Airin says to the hawk knowing she can not really understand her, but lately it seems Fioni begins to understand her master's reasoning.

Then after a brief look down the staits - comforted that Julian will take the ponies into safety regardless the treacherous lands that lay between here and Hovel - she begins to climb the cliff. If Podo once again leads the way with his ropes it will be a lot easier.

If not, she should be able to climb this thing by herself no? Any respectable rogue should right?

Climb checks : 30, 20, 17, 21, 16

WHohoo... due to the wind that last one was almost wrong!!

Dwight  d20+3=9
Wednesday May 16th, 2007 11:01:11 PM

Once on top, and seeing the others are on their way, Dwight takes interest in the area around where he now stands. In particular he looks for cover as night promises to be wet and chilly.

spot: 9

" Tobias what do you think of our camping tonight...seems a bit open up here."

Wednesday May 16th, 2007 11:07:42 PM

Selithe moves up the steps with everyone else and smiles once at the top, still breathing abit hard as she smiles some and comments, "Not use to so much exertion. I'm a wizard rogue not a warrior." She smiles though and her complaining is mainly meant as playing as she looks around and then speaks up, "So, what now?"

The Cliff of Snakes

Snakes on a Cliff! (DM Cayzle)  d20+4=6 d20+4=12 d20+4=19 d20+4=11 d20+4=17 d20+4=9
Wednesday May 16th, 2007 11:09:04 PM

Podo, Fickle, and Airin decide to climb without the benefit of a rope. Dwight and Tobias, and presumably Selithe and Kendry, will follow once a rope has been secured.

All three make it up ... 20 ft ... 40 ft ... 60 ft ... BUT! At 60 feet up, something happens. From cracks in the cliff, grey snakes thrust out, fangs flashing! They bite and then spring back into the cracks! Our heroes, clinging to the cliff face, lose their dex bonuses to AC.

Two snakes vs Airin: hits AC6 and AC12.

Two snakes vs Podo: hits AC19 and AC11.

Two snakes vs Fickle: hits AC17 and AC9.

Please calculate your AC with no dex bonus, post that plus other combat stats in your header, and figure out if you were hit. If you ARE hit, please roll 1d4-1 damage in hit points, and make a DC11 fort save vs poison. If you fail, take 1d6 Con damage. If you take any damage, roll a DC16 climb check or fall.

If you need help, e-mail me.

Remember, per the rules, "You need both hands free to climb, but you may cling to a wall with one hand while you cast a spell or take some other action that requires only one hand. While climbing, you can't move to avoid a blow, so you lose your Dexterity bonus to AC (if any). You also can't use a shield while climbing."

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood [AC:14 / HP: 36]  d4-1=1 d20+7=12 d20+9=19
Thursday May 17th, 2007 1:21:10 AM

Luckily, Podo only gets one nasty snake bite for very small amount of damage, but that doesn't account for the future damage from its venom now coursing through his body!!
(Save verus poison DC: 12)

Hanging on for dear life Climb DC:19), Podo manages to keep his grip!

Thursday May 17th, 2007 4:34:57 AM

Kendry prepares to cast feather fall on one of his companions should one fall. [He can cast up to three.] He knows that Podo does pretty well at catching himself - so will only apply the spell to the monk if the latter looks quite out of control past, say, 31 feet.

For Airin and Fickle, should one or the other begin to fall, he will apply feather fall once she or he passes 21 feet. If more than one falls, and Airin is one of those two, then she gets the spell.

[I hope no one falls!]

Airin [AC17 / AC13 without DEX / HP 42/42] and Fioni 
Thursday May 17th, 2007 7:19:51 AM

Clinging to the cliff edges Airin's armor keeps the poisonous fangs away (AC without DEX = 13)

"WHOOAOAA!!!" Airin screams for she does not like snakes at all!!

Airin's uncertain how to deal with these slithering creatures and crawls 5ft down where she clings to the cliff and calls out to her friends...

" Everyone ok? How do we get past these nasty things? Can we torch'm out? "

Thursday May 17th, 2007 5:52:49 PM

Finally Fickle is with Dwight"WOWzie! Me'z Made it!" Said Ficlke as he wipes his brow.

DM Cayzle OOC 
Thursday May 17th, 2007 7:28:43 PM

Okay, Fickle can be at the bottom of the cliff with Dwight. It's just Airin and Podo facing the snakes.

Podo, you did not take an action! What do you want to do?

Kendry  d20+8=27 d4+2=6
Thursday May 17th, 2007 7:40:38 PM

"Climb, Podo, climb!"

P.S.: Among the equipment, Kendry was sure to send at least one 100' length of rope with each of the people who climbed ahead - and more if they wanted more. [I did not have time earlier at the equipment redistribution to specify details.]

Kendry decides to nock an arrow and shoot one of those pesky serpents - if he can see one poking its head out. [AC 27, 6 hp]

As before - if someone falls, Kendry casts feather fall (free action, verbal component). (He can affect up to six people at once with this spell, if they are all within 20 feet of each other, and no more than 40 feet away from him.)

Thursday May 17th, 2007 11:21:57 PM

(OOC:I'm figureing since Selithe is below the others that she can keep ahold of the rope safely.)

Selithe holds onto the rope and looks up at her friends as she frowns hearing about the snakes.

Selithe thinks of her wand of magic missiles that Kendry gave her and speaks up, "Hey brother, I have the wand you bought me if it can be of help."

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood [AC:14 / HP: 36]  d20+9=10 d20+9=23 d20+9=23 d20+9=14 d20+9=23 d20+4=13 d20+4=9 d20+4=22 d20+4=9 d20+4=14 d20+5=23 d20+9=26
Thursday May 17th, 2007 11:28:35 PM

Trying to shake the shock of the snake bite off, Podo momentarily stops climbing, but that doesn't last for long.

Skill Checks
Climb: 10,23,23,14,23
Jump : 13,9,22,9,14
Listen: 23
Spot: 26

Friday May 18th, 2007 1:45:36 AM

"Oh, yes, Selithe, now would be a perfect time to use it," his brother answers her. "It's yours. You know the command word. Pepper those little snakes with your wand - and clear us a path!"

Julian, bravely leading ponies back home. 
Friday May 18th, 2007 6:51:19 AM

OOC just again bringing up some questions that I asked before we parted ways.

"Would you mind if I head all the way back to Angel Springs?

"Do you want me to return here in 7, or 10 days?"

Friday May 18th, 2007 7:39:36 AM

"OKie DOkie! What'z do we do'z now? Doe'z we go into Cave? Or sit'z around looking down in Valleries?" Ask Fickle, "Looking down makie youz dizzy! You know"

Friday May 18th, 2007 8:32:33 AM

Fearful someone may fall, and that this has to be resolved before the rest of the group can make it up. Dwight looks to see if he has a good view of the snakes.

OOC: I don't have my sheet or books, but in the rare case the snakes are visible AND they are within his magic missile range, he will cast magic missile at them. (the missile will follow them into their hole, if he can see them when casting)

Otherwise Dwight wonders aloud, "Perhaps, if Podo gets above them, he can pin a blanket to cover the snakes attacking the rope or people on the rope."

OOC: These are "normal" looking snake right?


Dwight (cont.)  d20+3=7 d20+3=10
Friday May 18th, 2007 8:34:18 AM

OOC: Oops, ment to hit roll and hit submit instead.

spot: 7 to see snakes above
spot: 10 to see snake holes need the ground where Dwight stands

Friday May 18th, 2007 1:09:15 PM

Airin stays where she is to see what the others are doing.

Tobias (AC 20/15 without dex, HP 38 / 38)  d20+3=22
Friday May 18th, 2007 1:34:24 PM

Tobias agrees with Kendry and urges everyone to climb faster and get out of reach of the snakes.

Snakes! Why Did It Have To Be Snakes? (DM Cayzle)  d20+4=23 d20+4=8 d4-1=0
Friday May 18th, 2007 3:43:44 PM

[Note Podo took 1 hp damage last round. Please note in your header.]

Podo is bitten, and resists the poison, but seems paralyzed with indecision. Keep climbing up? Go down? Fight one-handed while clinging? The monk cannot decide.

Podo decides, at last, to keep climbing! Snakes strike at him as he ascends! They attack him two more times! One hits for 1 hp damage -- and another save vs poison! Fort DC11 to resist -- and another DC16 climb check to avoid falling!

[OOC: It would seem that climbing through the snakes' lairs exposes you to two rounds of attacks at two snakes each.]

Airin, a druid unnerved at least a little more than somewhat by the snakes, backs down. She is clinging below the snakes' nesting place.

Down at the base of the cliff, Kendry is conflicted -- ready an arrow to shoot if a snake appears, or ready a feather fall spell for Podo should he fall? He can only ready one action -- which is it?

Selithe holds the end of the rope and suggests a wand of magic missiles. Selithe, the snakes are out of sight except when they dart out. You will have to ready a use of the wand to strike just as they emerge. If you do so next time, go ahead and roll damage.

Fickle seems to have no head for heights -- they seem to disorient him. And he seems unaware of the snakes that are in the cliff over his head.

Dwight readies a magic missile for the next time that the snakes pop out their heads. (roll damage, please.)

Tobias urges Podo and Airin to climb up and through the snakes.

Julian -- do let's make your way back to Angel Springs in e-mail.

Tobias (AC 20/15 without dex, HP 38 / 38) 
Friday May 18th, 2007 4:36:50 PM

"Anyone among us a snake charmer? Fighting these things one handed will be near impossible without falling..."

Selithe  d4+1=2
Friday May 18th, 2007 11:55:44 PM

Selithe watches and thinks before pulling the wand out and waiting for a snake's head to pop out. She also calls up to Kendry, "Hey brother, if you have some flasks of oil like lamp oil or such then we can burn them, just get the ropes out of the way."

When a snake pops it's head out she will say the word and blast it. (Damage:2)

Kendry  d20+8=25 d4+2=3
Saturday May 19th, 2007 1:54:33 AM

Kendry is not indecisive as the DM supposes. He lets loose the arrow he prepared as soon as he sees the snake appear - from which it takes the 6 hp damage aforementioned, the arrow hitting AC 27 (albeit see below for any adjustments DM feels should be applied).

As the feather fall spell is a free action, if it is needed he uses it. It is instantaneous. (In other words, Cayzle, he already let loose the earlier arrow - he is not the sort to vacillate into inaction.) Easily the bard can keep the command word in mind as he lets fly another arrow - this second one striking AC 25 (-4 if the one near Podo, -1 if the wind is a factor, -1 if the height is a factor) for 3 hp damage.

[And if a close reading of the rules demands that he can't keep the command word for feather fall in mind while engaging in physical activity, a close reading of the rules also will show that, since it's an instantaneous spell, and a free action, his perception that someone his size is falling from above should be enough to bring it to mind, yes? I can recite Psalms as I shoot arrows, even as I fight with sword, myself.]

Airin [AC17 / AC13 without DEX / HP 42/42] and Fioni  d20+1=19
Saturday May 19th, 2007 7:09:52 AM

... a druid ... that's right!!
OoC : I forget to add Airin's spell list everytime still only thinking of her as a rogue instead of a druid. Never played a druid before. Unlike the Wizard I play in the Golden Tap. With a little "nudge" from out DM I add her spell list, and if out DM is in a good mood he might accept that Airin "prepared" these this morning... Check the spell list, it matches what Inge usually prepared.

Airin clutches to the cliff and sees Podo is getting in some serious trouble if he's going to continue to climb any futher.

"Hold your fire down there and give me a few seconds to try something... please don't shoot unless they attack me."

Why do snakes attack from their lair... why do they attack a creature that is far too big for them to devour?!? Fear? Defending their territory? They never attack just for fun right.

Airin casts a "Speak with animals spell" on herself and gently speaks to the snakes that are lurking in their hideouts.

To the others it sounds just like slithering...

"We mean no harm to you or your offspring dear snakes. We are on a quest and need to climb this cliff. Me and my friends won't harm any of you if you allow us safe passage... we come in peace!"

(wild empathy: 19)

Airin gives a few second to the snakes to think it over. Then again she speaks gently.

"I'm going to climb and show myself to you... I come in peace, unarmed and will not harm you. Gently... I'm not going to harm you... please don't hurt me..."

Airin climbs the 5 ft back up until she is in front of the snakes lair and peers inside...

If they bite, Airin will climb down again. If not she continues to speak to the snakes asking safe passage for her friends.

Saturday May 19th, 2007 7:10:57 AM

AAARGHHH... Forgot to add her spell list again!!

Level 0: Flare, Know Direction, Detect Magic x2
Level 1: Speak with animals, Hide from Animals, Entangle

Fickle  d20-1=13
Saturday May 19th, 2007 7:24:24 AM

Fickle thinks he has a charm snakes spell, so he put the rope around ond leg, then put both hands behind his head, the starts sing (The Snake Charmer's toon) "Tar-a-daah da da tweeddie tweedie Daah!" Charm snake - 13.

Snakes Charmed (DM Cayzle) 
Saturday May 19th, 2007 9:39:06 AM

OOC: Kendry, you are right right right! You can totally ready an arrow AND use your feather fall at will -- even on the enemy's turn. Sorry!

Kendry is ready to shoot. Selithe is also ready to fire a magic missile. Tobias asks if anyone is a snake charmer. Airin calls out that she is going to try something.

Then versatile Fickle steps up, and puts his snake charming "ability" to use -- likely for the very first time ever! And what beginners' luck! As he tootles out a "soothing" melody, the snakes get calmer and more relaxed.

Or maybe, just maybe, it is the effort of the druid, employing magic and highly trained skill, that does the trick. You may never know. But for sure, the snakes are much calmer, and they communicate back to Airin, "Come and then go! Do not harm us! We will not harm you!"

It would seem that your path up the cliff is clear.

But the winds are increasing! The climb DC to ascend is now 17! (base 15, +2 more difficult in the breeze.)

Airin [AC17 / AC13 without DEX / HP 42/42] and Fioni 
Saturday May 19th, 2007 1:56:05 PM

"Thank you dear snakes. I will call on my friends to climb gently past your territory and go without harming either of you..."

Airin, all sweathy and trembling a little, looks down and says to her friends below : "Come ladssss, climb quickly and passssss without harming thesssse ssssnakessss. They will leave ussss alone if we leave them at peasssse"

Airin shakes her head wondering why she speaks like that ... she's trying to talk hafling! Must be a remnant of the splitting of her tongue to speak "snake".

Airin waits in front of the lairs and continues to speak softly to the snakes while her friends climb on. The wind increases, but Airin feels it is more important to continue to pacify the snakes rather than to be the first to reach the top.

"What do you snakes are looking for here so high on this cliff?"

Tobias  d20+3=17
Saturday May 19th, 2007 11:56:49 PM

Tobias continues his climb up quickly... before the snakes change their mind.

Mean DM Cayzle 
Sunday May 20th, 2007 1:21:15 AM

Sorry friends, but remember that climbing the cliff takes 5 DC17 climb checks -- and possibly falling if you fail them, per the rules.

But that's only DC7 with a rope. As soon as one person gets to the top and secures one!

Sunday May 20th, 2007 1:24:57 AM

"Very good, Airin, Fickle." Kendry unnocks his arrow, placing it back in the quiver. "So hold on that wand, sis. No magic missiles for now."

As others go ahead, he takes some of the extra rope and canvas he has to fashion a harness for the dogs. It's a bit hard, though, as he keeps his eyes raised to those above, lest one should fall. Reaching into his haversack to pull forth some of the unused rope is not hard. Likewise getting some of the canvas, not so hard. But using his hands, and not his eyes for the harnessing - that is what is difficult. So he decides to get a general feel for the task, but await the safe ascension of those who go first before completing the harness for Cheann - and for Gra, if she has come along, too.

"Climb, Podo, climb! Climb Airin, climb! Climb, Tobias, climb! Fix some rope for the rest of us, please!"

He grows concerned over the rising winds.

Airin [AC17 / AC13 without DEX / HP 42/42] and Fioni  d20+16=27
Sunday May 20th, 2007 7:18:18 AM

"I shall ask my companion to bring you some rodents for you and your family" Airin says to the snakes.

The she looks for Fioni and whistels.

"Fioni, please find some mice or some other rodent for these snakes please. Bring it to me... hurry!"

Fioni, now understanding her master thanks to the speak with animals spell begins to look for any rodent the snakes will like.

Fioni Spot: 27

If she finds something she will capture it and take it to Airin.

She remains at her same position while Podo can safely climb to the top. She'll wait for the ropes to come down.

Fickle  d20+6=21
Sunday May 20th, 2007 7:27:26 AM

From the way Fickle has the rope wrap around his body, there's only one way he can move, and that is up the rope.

So Fickle makes the climb all the way to the top, Where Dwight is "Hi'z! I'm Here to Help You'z" He tell Dwightwait a stupid smile of his as he get's on the ledge.

Dwight  d20+8=26 d20+8=26 d20+8=26 d20+8=25 d20+8=24 d20+3=21 d20+3=13 d20+3=4
Sunday May 20th, 2007 7:31:14 PM

Dwight watches as both Fickle and Airin speak with the snakes. Watching Airin get past unharmed, he believes at least one got through to the snakes.

Once the ropes have been cleared, Dwight will begin his ascent.

climb: 26,26,26,25,24
spot: 21, 13, 4 (watching for attacking snakes)

Kendry  d20+7=11 d20+7=19 d20+7=12 d20+7=17 d20+7=22 d20+5=20 d20+5=10 d20+5=9 d20+5=19 d20+5=6 d20+5=18 d20+5=25 d20+5=24 d20+5=10 d20+5=25 d20+5=12 d20+2=16
Monday May 21st, 2007 2:00:40 AM

Once Podo, or Airin, or someone gets up, and firmly affixes a rope, Kendry recommends they affix a 2nd rope. One rope will stay in place. A harness can be tied to the second rope (silk) (from Kendry's climber's kit), and those up top can pull up the rope (not really lifting the climber, but taking up slack, so that if someone slips, they can help arrest their fall). He shouts up that those up top should tie themselves to something firm, too, lest their rescue of someone else might lead to their demise.

After most have ascended, he places Selithe's Gra in a harness, and places a hood over her head. He speaks calmly toward her, assuring her that all will be well. He encourages those above to work together to bring her up. Once she is at top, and the harness is lowered, he does the same for Cheann, his dog.

Lastly, he himself ascends (and using the climbing clamp-ons to gain the full benefit of the climbing gear - +2). Climb 11, 19, 12, 17, 22 for Kendry.

For Gra, and those pulling her up: Climb (lift?) 20, 10, 9, 19, 6 (nat 1). The team will need to recover: Rolled an 18.

For Cheann, and those pulling him up: Climb (lift?): 25, 24, 10, 25, 12.

[And for Kendry's work on putting together a dog harness using rope and canvas: Use rope, untrained, d20+2=16. Unless someone wants to help him out to do an improved job.]


And, if no one has yet reached the top and secured a rope or two, Kendry calls out, "Climb, Podo, Airin, Tobias? Climb!" And then does as described above.

Monday May 21st, 2007 6:48:56 AM

Fickle sit's on the ledge and watches Dwight climb up the cliff "Where'z you'z going? Me'z just got Here'z?" he yells up at him.

Harried ADM Kim - no posting report yet 
Monday May 21st, 2007 9:05:47 AM

Ack! No posting report. No time to do until... ? If someone else can do so, I would appreciate. I have no access at work, and have rehearsals every night until Friday this week.

Monday May 21st, 2007 10:21:20 AM

Continues to make small talk with the snakes.

Monday May 21st, 2007 8:25:05 PM

"Airin, I love you - but can't you climb up the rest of the way??" Kendry calls up. "That wind keeps on picking up, every twelve seconds!"

Assistant ADM Robert 
Monday May 21st, 2007 9:10:47 PM

Posting Report:

DM Cayzle MTWTF2 = 7
Fickle MTWTF2 = 7
Kendry 32-2F2 = 10
Julian --TW-F- = 3
Dwight MTW-FS = 5
Podo MT-2-- = 4
Airin MTWTF3 = 8
Selithe M-WTF- = 4
Tobias MT--2S = 5

Julian leaves the group to continue without the complications of trying to take one of everything on ponies. Part way up the giant stairs snakes attack the group whilst climbing. Fortunately Airin is able to speak to them, and comfort them that the party means them no harm. She even has Fioni fly off to find some food for them.

And so they continue up the stairs...

[Bless you, Robert! -Kim]

Monday May 21st, 2007 10:34:31 PM

Seeing Podo reach the top, and Airin busy entertaining, Dwight makes haste up the rope.

(see previous rolls)

"If the wind gets much worse, we may just have to pull people up."

Monday May 21st, 2007 10:53:47 PM

Selithe waits even with the wind blowing till a rope is dropped down since she isn't not going to even risk climbing till then.

As she waits she looks around abit and hopes the group and Airin stays okay with that lot of snakes up there.

When a rope is dropped down she will begin climbing up.

(Take 10's inless the roll goes above that due to wind.)

Selithe will also help Kendry when she is able, doing a aid other and then helping pull Gra and Cheann up.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood [AC:14 / HP: 36] 
Tuesday May 22nd, 2007 12:20:51 AM

Podo looks around, looking for a place to secure a rope for the rest once at the top. Once secure, Podo drops to rope down for the rest.

More Climbing (DM Cayzle) 
Tuesday May 22nd, 2007 12:26:09 AM

Airin keeps the snakes calm. She seems to be waiting for everyone to ascend before she herself follows.

Kendry climbs up. Dwight climbs up.

I still need Podo's SECOND save vs poison (vs Fort DC 11) AND climb check vs DC16 to avoid a fall.

I still need five DC7 climb checks from Fickle. And five DC7 climb checks from Selithe. You cannot take 10 because of the wind.

I need another four DC7 Climb checks from Tobias to add to the one he rolled Saturday.

At the top of the cliff, Dwight and Kendry see another cave. A low rumbling comes from deep within.

Podo (by Kim - JP asked me to post)  d20=4 d20=18
Tuesday May 22nd, 2007 1:46:52 AM

[Podo's Fort save: 4+8=12 = saves vs poison; Climb check: 18+9=27 = he recovers from slip without falling. - that is, if the CS I have from him as of Feb 2 is accurate]

Tuesday May 22nd, 2007 1:55:11 AM

"There's some noise from within yonder cave," he mentions to Dwight.

Since, apparently, he made it up before others (though planning to be the last), he'll affix his silk rope and climbing harness for others to use, so they can use hands and feet to ascend, but he and Dwight can keep tension on the silk rope, should the climber slip or lose his grip. Kendry plants himself at the edge, so that he can see their progress, and take what steps are needed to ensure their safe ascent.

[Are the dogs up?

Friends, when people don't read carefully, and carry out the DM's instructions - such as making 5 climbing checks needed to reach the top - it really slows us down, gang! Read with care, respond quickly as you can. :-) And read each other's posts, too.]

Airin [AC17 / AC13 without DEX / HP 42/42] and Fioni  d20+10=23 d20+10=14 d20+10=29 d20+10=13 d20+10=17
Tuesday May 22nd, 2007 5:10:47 AM

Happy to see most climbing up the cliff Airin says goodbuy to the snakes and continues to climb untill she reaches the top.

Since Kendry has allready lowered some ropes Airin waits to see that no one is using them before she does.

Climb checks: 23, 14, 29, 13, 17

Luckily the ropes are allready there for otherwise the little halfling lass could have been in some serious doodoo.

Level 0: Flare, Know Direction, Detect Magic x2
Level 1: Speak with animals*, Hide from Animals, Entangle

* shows what spells have been cast for today

Tuesday May 22nd, 2007 6:37:45 AM

Fickle is sitting next to Dwight (Who is looking into the cave) So Fickle as him "Is it dark in there??" (Fickle is helping the others who are climbing up the rope.

Tobias (AC 20/15 without dex, HP 38 / 38)  d20+3=10 d20+3=11 d20+3=16 d20+3=21
Tuesday May 22nd, 2007 2:12:25 PM

Sorry, additional climb checks...

Rolls: 10, 11, 16, 21

Robert OOC 
Tuesday May 22nd, 2007 6:34:03 PM

I can take over the posting reports for a while, I think I'll have enough time.

Selithe  d20+3=10 d20+3=6 d20+3=10 d20+3=8 d20+3=8 d20+3=21 d20+11=29
Tuesday May 22nd, 2007 7:38:22 PM

(OOC:I'm really sorry Cayzle, I didn't know if I could take 10 or not, I didn't notice anything in your DM post about it but I could of over looked it.)

Selithe works her way up the rope but runs into a small spot of trouble at one point. After abit though she finally makes it up the rope.

(Climb:10,6,10,8,8,21 Reflex:29 *for the 6 climb roll*)

Dwight  d20+3=23 d20+8=15
Tuesday May 22nd, 2007 10:03:35 PM

Dwight tries to help others up the rope, but as soon as there are enough hands, he turns to investigate the cave.

spot: 23 (natural 20!)
listen: 15

He looks carefully at the entrance and what may have entered or exited recently. He also takes mental notes in his head how much space is around the entrance to the cave to the edge of the cliff.

Wednesday May 23rd, 2007 1:28:34 AM

The bard maintains his watch (and rope pulling) over those ascending. He won't cast feather fall if someone merely slips a little bit - but should a full-fledged fall occur, he eases his friend's way downward.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood [AC:14 / HP: 36]  d20+9=24 d20+1=10 d20+5=10
Wednesday May 23rd, 2007 1:41:39 AM

Podo wonders how long it will take the othes to arrive.

Looking around, Podo hopes to spot something that would be useful for the group to know...

Podo takes a closer look at the collapsed tunnel to see if there is any signs of new construction or of recent activities.

Skill Checks
Spot DC: 24
Listen DC: 10
Search DC: 10

The Shelf Between the Cliffs (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday May 23rd, 2007 7:19:01 AM

The party climbs up up up! A couple slips, but no falls, thank goodness! Airin bids fairwell to the snakes and is the last to ascend.

[OOC to Kendry -- sorry. Airin had to be last since she was calming the snakes. And since you had rolled well, I thought it would be okay to put you on top.]

You have climbed stairs. You have seen the collapsed tunnel at the top of the stairs. Now you have climbed above that, making your way up the first cliff. You are standing on a very wide ledge -- 30 feet deep, and 70 feet long. Above you is yet another cliff to climb. According to the map, you have to climb this second cliff and then look for the spring at the top.

OOC to anyone who is still confused: Highlight to display spoiler: { The path is very linear: 1) Stairs. 2) Collapsed Tunnel. 3) Cliff with Snakes. 4) Ledge with Cave. 5) Second Cliff. 6) Spring on top. You are NOW at 4! Hope this helps!}

But there is also a cave at this ledge. It is set into the cliff, and thus the cave mouth is about 30 feet from the drop-off. From deep inside the cave you easily hear a low rumble. It is as if someone were rolling a huge rock, first one way, then back, then forth, then back, in a wearying rhythm.

Dwight takes a closer look. Clearly someone has been here recently. Very recently. There are signs of well-travelled paths -- one to the edge of the cliff to one side, one to the edge of the cliff in front of the cave, and one to the cliff going up.

Dwight sees some tracks. If he (or anyone he shows them to) can make a Survival check vs DC15, then Please Highlight to display spoiler: {It is a little hard to see on the bare stone, but is that a boot print? It is! But you did not recognize it at first, because the boot is as long as YOU are TALL!}

Fickle looks at the cave mouth. Maybe there is a faint glow inside? Like the glow from a dying fire?

Tobias (AC 20, HP 38 / 38)  d20+13=15
Wednesday May 23rd, 2007 6:57:55 PM

Tobias checks the prints and realizes that they're huge. He whispers to the group, "Be careful, whatever made those tracks is much larger than a human... perhaps a giant."

Survival: 13

Wednesday May 23rd, 2007 11:27:48 PM

Selithe looks to around and as before will help Kendry get the dogs up inless they have been pulled up. Selithe really plans to later invest in magic that will be helpful for cases like this currently one.

Selithe also looks to the others, "Well, so far snakes and lonng climbs. I hope this gets abit easier."

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood  d20+3=9 d20+14=27
Wednesday May 23rd, 2007 11:57:54 PM

Podo trying out his survival skills once again, but nothing he does appears to help him.

Hearing the sounds emanating from the cave mouth, Podo freezes recalling the stories of who or what exactly made the stairs they just climbed up!

Using his hide skills, Podo slips into the shadows of the cave mouth... (Hide DC:27)

Kendry  d20+7=15
Thursday May 24th, 2007 2:10:32 AM

"Well done, and quite clever, Airin." Kendry gives her a kiss on the cheek once all are up top.

When Tobias points out the tracks, his discovery helps him to see, as well (gave +2 to his standard +5). He outlines the perimeter of the mark with the tip of his rapier (just above the surface of the rock, not scraping the tip) so that others may discern. "Look at the size of this boot print," he says as he shows the size.

"Shall we see who is here? And, if we do, perhaps a few of us should hide. But I'm curious what is making that sound. Perhaps it's someone else who needs our help. With all the noise we make climbing, I'd just as soon know who or what might follow us, as to skip ahead, not knowing."

Airin [AC17 / HP 42/42] and Fioni 
Thursday May 24th, 2007 2:27:25 AM

Up on the cliff Airin takes a moment to catch her breath first while the others are allready looking frantically at the ground.

Fioni comes sitting next to her and benefits from the last seconds of the speak with animals spell to talk to her master.

Thursday May 24th, 2007 6:25:41 AM

Fickle who is behind (Not Side by Side). look into the deep cave, tap dwight on the shoulder, whispers to him "Look'um Way down the tunnel, there is a light'z! can'z youz see it there'z? I'z think we are'z not alone?? Should we back'z out??"

Tobias (AC 20, HP 38 / 38)  d20+18=34 d20+15=21 d20+6=13
Thursday May 24th, 2007 12:43:34 PM

Tobias is a little worried about disturbing what could possibly be a giant... "Kendry, do you think going in there is such a good idea?" he whispers.

If we decide to go in, Tobias will go try hiding.

Hide: 34
Move silent: 21
Spot: 13

The Giant's Cave

The Sneaky Brave Podo (DM Cayzle) 
Thursday May 24th, 2007 2:39:40 PM

Tobias tells the party in hushed voice that these could be giant tracks. He urges caution. Fickle is worried too.

Selithe and Airin catch their breath. Fioni has nothing special to report, except that she shinks that it will be hard to fly if the wind gets stronger.

Kendry is curious, and Podo sneaks in. He sees this Highlight to display spoiler: {there is a fire around a bend, and Podo sees the boots of a giant lying down! The rumble could be snoring.}

Thursday May 24th, 2007 11:01:46 PM

Selithe keeps quiet and listens to the others as they do their thing. Just incase she gets her bow out and readies it as she might have use for it if something is up.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood  d20+13=18
Friday May 25th, 2007 1:04:36 AM

Podo sneaks back out to explain to his companions what he just spied.

Skill Checks
Move silently DC: 18

Friday May 25th, 2007 7:10:54 AM

Fickle who is at the mouth of the cace, will ask Podo "Where'z youz going?"

Friday May 25th, 2007 9:21:47 AM

"So, what did you see, Pode?" asks Kendry.

Airin [AC17 / HP 42/42] and Fioni 
Friday May 25th, 2007 10:47:20 AM

Airin looks at the others as they seem to be intrigued by something. Fioni stays with her and finds a safe spot on airin's shoulder.

"Anything I should know about?" Airin questions the ones standing last at the tunnel entrance.

"Hey, Podo's having sneaky fun! Remember how we once tied up Lomar while he was sleeping? Perhaps we ought to try something like that once again?" Airin says is a whispering tone. She does not want to wake that Giant!

Dwight  d20+3=20
Friday May 25th, 2007 12:15:26 PM

OOC: sorry for my lack of post yesterday. I took the day off of work and thought it was Saturday until my alarm went off this morning.

"A live giant," Dwight says aloud to himself still outside the cave. He looks down and up and wonders how much of a climb/step it was for the giant. He also tries to compare the height of the cave to that of the height of a giant. (Could the giant stand inside? walk out standing erect? OOC: I had pictured a halfling sized cave.)

"The storm is moving in quick," he reminds his friends, "we either have to commit to staying here and dealing with the giant in some manner, or move upward NOW."

"It would certainly be easier for us, if the giant was kind and willing to lift us carefully to the top ledge. However, giants and halflings have little history of being kind to one another."

Dwight looks specifically for a halfling sized cave where the group might be able to find shelter and avoid the grasp of the giant should he awaken.

spot: 20

Friday May 25th, 2007 1:17:39 PM

Tobias shows reluctance in trying to form a deal with the giant, "They are most definitely not known for their kindness, or understanding. If we can't find smaller shelter, we should finish this climb quickly. And, i don't think you have a strong enough rope to hold a giant Airin..."

"A live giant!" (DM Cayzle) 
Friday May 25th, 2007 8:33:59 PM

Word spreads though the party that there is a live giant in the cave, sleeping! What to do? Keep climbing up? Try to tie up the giant?

The wind is increasing, and rain is starting. I need five DC18 climb checks to ascend the final cliff, or five DC8 checks with a rope.

Kendry  d20+7=23 d20+7=16 d20+7=20 d20+7=19 d20+7=23 d20+7=27 d20+7=25 d20+7=17 d20+7=25 d20+7=14 d20+7=13 d20+7=12 d20+7=26 d20+7=14 d20+7=14
Friday May 25th, 2007 11:29:11 PM

[Kendry's climb checks, using climbing gear - and a rope that someone else will have to set - should we go that way now: 23, 16, 20, 19, 23, 27. Checks to haul Cheann up via harness (assuming two strong people lifting via attached silk rope): 27, 25, 17, 25, 14. Checks to haul Gra up via harness: 13, 12, 26, 14, 14. As earlier, Kendry will keep watch, with feather fall if necessary to save any who lose their grip. He wants to be the last to ascend.]

"I know some poems and songs in the tongue of the giants," Kendry says quietly - though he must compete with the sounds of the rising wind. "Airin mentioned our friend Lomar, a half ogre and ogre mage. He wrote them. I read his book.

"So, we either set a plan to deal with the giant, or we get one or two of our best climbers to ascend and set two ropes: one hemp and one silk. And we all climb - and haul up the dogs - and hope no one gets blown off - and the giant does not awaken.

"I am game for either. Truly."

And Kendry, as much as he likes adventure, and loves to satisfy his curiosity, and knows that rewards may await them should they investigate the cave, and deal with the giant, he also is willing to press on for the final climb. But only if the party decides to do so immediately, without dithering.

"If we decide to dither, I'm going to go talk with the giant - after we take suitable precautions, of course."

If they begin to climb, Kendry first will cast a message spell.

Saturday May 26th, 2007 8:21:11 AM

Fickle enters the cave, he tell Dwight "Stay'z here ! Out of wind and rain! Better be with sleeping Giant! You go, fight wind and rain. But be'z carful!"

Kendry  d20+6=17
Monday May 28th, 2007 1:37:36 AM

"All right, Fickle, let's see what's up with Mister Giant Snoozer."

He walks as quietly as he might (17) to learn what he might about the Big Fellow.

Airin and Fioni 
Monday May 28th, 2007 5:33:12 AM

"I agree... we better take our chances with this Giant than we do with the rain and wind.

"Euhm, there's this book I once read by what was his name... neikloT who wrote a great way of introducing a whole party of strangers to a giant... I think it was a wizard who gave that intro.

"Kendry, maybe you as a bard should begin introducing us one by one until we have all joined you."

Assistant to the Assistant DM Robert 
Monday May 28th, 2007 6:29:30 AM

Posting Report:

DM Cayzle --TWTF- = 4
Fickle MT-TFS = 5
Kendry MTWT2- = 6
Julian (on temp leave walking ponies)
Dwight MT--F- = 3
Podo MTWTF = 5
Airin MT-TF = 4
Selithe MTWT-- = 4
Tobias --TWTF- = 4

On the shelf between the cliffs, on his tip-toes in a cave, the brave Podo spies a giant sleeping on his back.

Monday May 28th, 2007 7:56:14 AM

Fickle whispers to Dwight, "He makes noise when He'z Sleeps! But It'z warm here!"

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood  d20+9=12 d20+9=11 d20+9=19 d20+9=24 d20+9=17 d20+9=13 d20+9=10 d20+9=28
Monday May 28th, 2007 5:10:47 PM

In a whisper to the group, "I say we continue climbing and forget whats ever in the cave."

With that, Podo begins his ascent up the final cliff in an attempt to help the others by securing the ropes he has been using once at the top.

Skill DC Checks
Climb DC: 12
Climb DC: 11
Climb DC: 19
Climb DC: 24
Climb DC: 17
Climb DC: 13
Climb DC: 10
Climb DC: 28

Dwight  d20+11=25 d20+9=16 d20+9=17 d20+3=12 d20+3=5
Monday May 28th, 2007 9:05:43 PM

Leaning more towards climbing, watches Fickle, and then Kendry move inward for a closer examination. While still standing outside, Dwight nods to Fickle about the noise and then puts his finger to his lips hoping to prevent further conversation from waking the giant.

Once Podo attempts to climb up, and has problems, Dwight sees the cave is really the only option for tonight.

Taking to the shadows, Dwight will move inward to get a better look at the giant and his lair.

move silently: 25
hide in shadows:16
listen: 17
spot: 12
search: 5

Kendry  d20+5=18 d20+3=14 d20+3=4 d20+3=21 d20+3=18 d20+3=13
Tuesday May 29th, 2007 11:53:36 AM

The bard walks around the sleeping giant [move silently 18], trying to move during the loud snoring segments of his breathing to provide further cover from any noise he himself might make.

He looks around the area to see what there is to see. How is the giant clad? How high is the ceiling? Are there weapons or instruments or furniture in the area? How big is the chamber? Are there exits? [5 spot checks: 14, 4 (nat 1), 21, 18, 13]

Tobias (AC 20, HP 38 / 38)  d20+18=30 d20+15=31 d20+7=12 d20+6=10
Tuesday May 29th, 2007 3:14:07 PM

Well, if we're committed into going in Tobias will follow, though mumbling that this doesn't seem like a great idea...

He'll take to the shadows and get into a good strategic position, should the giant wake up on the wrong side of the bed.

Hide: 30
Move silent: 31
Listen: 12
Spot: 10

Slam Wakes Up (DM Cayzle)  d20=2 d20=15 d20=19 (secret DM rolls)
Tuesday May 29th, 2007 3:32:36 PM

Kendry is ready for the ascent, but he wants to go last. Podo starts up. He falls once, but his monk skill saves him. On his next try, he has a mishap (that roll of 10 is especially unlucky), but Kendry's feather fall saves the healer from harm.

Fickle meanwhile, is convinced that the cave is the answer. Airin agrees, but thinks some caution is a good idea. Dwight watches Podo, and concludes that the giant's cave is the best option.

Tobias reluctantly agrees.

Selithe voices no argument, so the cave is it!

Inside, the warmth of the fire fills you with a sense of well-being, and the shelter from the growing storm is also welcome.

The cave is big -- 60 feet deep by 40 wide, roughly, but it no doubt seems comfy and even small-ish to the fire giant lying on the floor. In the giantish fashion, he has a rock for a pillow, and his snores fill the chamber, the floor of which has been smoothed and filled .

It is rudely furnished with a homey chair and table, shelves crowded with massive tools, and several pieces of what look like they may be statues or stone carvings-in-progress.

Tobias sneaks expertly around the far side of the giant. Kendry and Dwight are competently quiet around the recumbent giant, but Fickle kicks a rock that clatters loudly. The giant sits up, then stands up. He is 12 feet tall, and he seems upset at being awakened from his nap.

Fickle, Dwight, Tobias and Kendry, when he stands up, he provokes attacks of opportunity, if you want to take them. AC21 with no armor worn.

Selithe, Airin, and Podo are about 20 feet away -- too far away to take AoOs.


Tuesday May 29th, 2007 8:14:58 PM

(OOC:Sorry for going silent people. We had some storms roll through that knocked our phone out for abit on us and then Memorial Day being Mon. Hope everyone had a good one too.)

(Cayzle: Selithe had her bow out before so I would guess she still has it out. Also if I do a hide and move silently check would it be possible Selithe might beable to make use of her sneak attack? Sorry, just trying to make the most use of Selithe's abilities.)

Kendry  d20+11=30
Tuesday May 29th, 2007 9:20:29 PM

"Greetings, Slam!" Kendry says. "We were climbing here, and the wind kicked up. Thought we'd stop in to say hello. We brought some food. Just some tidbits, really. Sorry we woke you up so sudden!"

In the giant tongue, he adds
Some friends are big
And some are small
With newfound friends
We'll have a ball!"
[Diplomacy: 30]

Dwight  d20+11=20 d20+9=27 d20+3=23
Tuesday May 29th, 2007 10:06:56 PM

Pleased that Kendry takes to introducing their presence and hopes that it can stay a kindly type of introduction. Julian's face of disappointment flashes in front of him.

At this point however much Dwight hopes, hiding remains important as he waits to see how the giant will react.

As he listens to the conversation between Kendry and the giant (at least the part he can understand), he looks around at the statues with interest as they are likely as tall as he is.

hide: 20
move silently: 27 (not moving unless necessary)
spot: 23 (natural!) --- statues

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood  d20+14=27 d20+13=16
Tuesday May 29th, 2007 10:54:14 PM

Hearing and seeing the Giant, Podo quickly melds into the background darkness of the Cave.

Skill Checks
Hide DC: 27
Move Silently DC: 16

Tobias (AC 20, HP 38 / 38) 
Tuesday May 29th, 2007 11:46:06 PM

Tobias remains hidden while Kendry and some of the others introduce themselves. Depending on how the giant responds, Tobias may decide to attack.

Airin [AC17 - HP 42/42] and Fioni [AC17 - HP 8/8]  d20+19=33 d20+17=31
Wednesday May 30th, 2007 5:48:48 AM

Airin stiffens as the giant wakes up and stands. Uncertain how to act she decides to duck away in the shadows and ready her crossbow. With luck the giant hasn't seen her yet and Kendry can make a gentle introduction of them all...

If the giant is hostile, Airin will defend her love.

Fioni remains dead calm feeling the imminent danger...

Hide: 33
Move silently: 31

Spell List:

Level 0: Flare, Know Direction, Detect Magic x2
Level 1: Speak with animals*, Hide from Animals, Entangle

* shows what spells have been cast for today

Fickle (ac 21 58/58 hp) 
Wednesday May 30th, 2007 5:59:51 AM

Since it's his fault for waking the Big Giant, he will Greet him. "Hhhello! I'm Call'z Fickle, I was climbing this mountain to get to'z the other side. Buts the wind and rain made'z me'um cold and You'z cave soooo nice and warm, I though you would not mind'z me'z if to enter.

Gee! look at those'z nice rocks there on table, I'z like rocks! You Lucky to hace rocks likie these!" Fickle smiles at the Giant, BUT braces himself to get Sqash??

A New Friend (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday May 30th, 2007 6:45:54 AM

Several of our heroes remain hidden, and Selithe is ready with a missile. Kendry steps out with a diplomatic initiative. His attempt at negotiation is a complete success!

The look on Slam's face immediately shifts from anger to delight. "Little people sing and bring food and balls! You little people are all right!"

Slam sits on the floor and holds out a massive index finger, wiggling it up and down. "Put it there, new friends! Shake!"

"Now where is the food and the ball? We can eat and then play. I liked that song. Maybe you can sing more for Slam? I can show you my carving."
He directs the song comment to Kendry, and the comment on his carvings to Fickle. He does not sit on or crush Fickle -- not yet, anyway!

"What are your names, little people? And how many of you are there? You must stay while the rain falls."

If you shake his finger, you will find that his body temperature is extremely high. Not enough to burn, but hot nonetheless.

Tobias (AC 20, HP 38 / 38) 
Wednesday May 30th, 2007 2:19:14 PM

Tobias remains hidden to see what the others do... and will remain so, until he sees how the giant reacts to the others that show themselves.

Wednesday May 30th, 2007 6:56:11 PM

Happy the giant responds favorably, Dwight will also exit the shadows just to the side of the giant. "The name's Dwight here. Glad to accept your hospitality. Those carvings look most interesting."

Wednesday May 30th, 2007 11:43:28 PM

Selithe will exit the shadows as the giant seems peaceful enough or maybe he was just trying to get the group to let down their guard. Who knows but for the moment he seems peaceful.

When she leaves the shadows she will place the arrow back in her quiver but hold her bow, not wanting to be completly relaxed yet.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood  d20+14=26
Wednesday May 30th, 2007 11:52:33 PM

Following Tobias's lead, Podo remains hidden to see what the others do... and will remain so, until he sees how the giant reacts to the others that show themselves.

Skill Check
Hide DC:26

Kendry  d20=10 d20=13
Wednesday May 30th, 2007 11:53:19 PM

Kendry places his right hand over the tip of Slam's finger, and shakes his... that is, has his hand shaken.

He takes out some food. "Slam, good fellow, I have many spices and flavorings for you. Oh, here's a tidbit." He tosses him a round of cheese. "If you have some food - something for a stew, then I can add some spices and vegetables, and see what we can make together."

He looks down at his stomach, then up at Slam's stomach. "Uh, we have some trail rations, too - some jerked beef, hardtack, and such." He gives him a (human) day's worth of trail rations. "Nibble on this, and tell me what you think. Oh, and I'm Kendry."

He looks to his friends. "Who else brought food? What else can we share with our new friend, Slam?"

From his haversack Kendry pulls out a waterbag. He drinks some, and passes it around to his friends. "Drink all the water, my companions, then return to me the bag."

Once all have drunk from it, he checks to ensure it is empty. If need be, he takes the last sips. Then he fills it with air, holds his finger over it as he then quickly restoppers it - tightly - then strikes the air-filled bladder with his fist, sending it up into the air in the cave.

"It's a bouncing ball!" he announces. He catches it, then strikes it again, over toward Podo. "Catch!"

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Wednesday May 30th, 2007 11:58:44 PM

Seeing how his cousin refuses to notice that he's not there, Podo reaches out to catch the ball, bringing himself into view. Without much delay, Podo yells over to Airin, "Tag! It's the bouncy Ball!" as he bounces the ball over to Airin.

Looking up, Podo sees Slam, and introduces himself as the humble servant of Alemi & Domi.

Airin [AC17 - HP 42/42] and Fioni [AC17 - HP 8/8]  d20+8=9
Thursday May 31st, 2007 3:19:01 AM

Airin is surprised when suddenly a Bouncing Ball is trown at her. Hiding in the shadows with her crossbow readied she's uncertain how Podo managed to spot her in the first place but seems like a lot of oddities are going on ;-)

She drops her crossbow and attempts to capture the Bouncing ball...

Reflex check: 9 - natural 1 -WHAHAHA!!!

Airin is taken by complete surprise by the ball and is hit right on the head making her tumble backward flat on her back... the ball rolling beside her.

She looks up, shakes her head and just hopes the giant might laugh at her clumsiness.

"Well met master Slam. I'm Airin... though usually I'm not really this clumsy -- my lover's cousin seems to have taken me by surprise. Let's see... who else have we got."

Airin gets up, takes the ball and looks around to see who she will throw the ball to next.

(unable to toss the ball in this round I think)

Thursday May 31st, 2007 7:32:21 AM

Fickle goes to shake the Giant Finfer(the giant has very big Fingers. "I'z called Fickle! I still have Griffon meat. I waz hoping that it would not go bad!!"

Fickle open his Bag(of holding) bring out some big pieces of griffon Meat! "May'bez we can make a stew out of this meat?? What'z say'z you'z??" Fickles waits for an answer??

A Giant Party! (DM Cayzle) 
Thursday May 31st, 2007 9:17:56 PM

Tobias stays hidden ... just in case.

But his fears are soon laid to rest, given the scene of fun that unfolds.

Dwight says hi and is interested in the carvings.

Selithe also steps out, but is a little more cautious.

Podo wants to stay hidden but ...

Kendry improvises a ball and lures Podo out by engaging him in play. Kendry also offers a snack. Of course, a snack to this giant is like a week's rations to a halfling!

Airin's clowning provokes gales of laughter from the giant.

Fickle also offers a welcome snack.

All in all, what with eating, playing, and the giant's shy display of his carvings (which are really quite good), the rest of the day passes quickly. Slam is a very nice giant, and you feel that you have made a friend.

You do discover that he is MUCH more fluent in giant than in common, but since the language is not unknown to you, communication is not a problem.

Slam invites you all to bed down in the cave, and he will help you climb in the morning.

Airin [AC17 - HP 42/42] and Fioni [AC17 - HP 8/8] 
Friday June 1st, 2007 3:07:55 AM

Happy to see the Giant is laughing with the way Airin has behaved she joins the others offering Slam some snacks. He's eating through all their supplies but everything is better than being squashed by a Giant.

When night falls Airin takes her bedroll, puts it besides Kendry's and snuggles next to him quickly falling a sleep with nothing but pleasant dreams.

Spell List:

Level 0: Flare, Know Direction, Detect Magic x2
Level 1: Speak with animals*, Hide from Animals, Entangle

* shows what spells have been cast for today

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Friday June 1st, 2007 3:59:27 AM

Still cautious about the New Giant friend, Podo stays on the fringe of the group.

Kendry  d20+7=19 d20+7=27 d20+7=16 d20+7=20 d20+7=13
Friday June 1st, 2007 4:08:32 AM

Happy is this halfling to have another large friend. Kendry examines the giant's sculptures, and expresses admiration for the best ones. He asks about technique, tools, materials. He also seeks permission to make some sketches of some of the statues. He draws a few pictures of Slam, and of his friends playing toss the ball in the cavern. [Drawings of Slam: 19, 27 (nat 20); of playing catch: 16, 20. Of Podo slipping off the cliffside: 13 - not as good - just a rough, semi-awkward drawing.]

He also plays and sings a few of the songs that Lomar wrote for Slam. "Do you know any songs you can teach us?"

After a while, he inquires, "So, were you the one who made the perfect steps below?"

He awaits his reply, then observes, "Say, y'know, those are pretty big steps for us. They're higher than our houses, almost! How hard would it be for you, Slam, to make a side stairway with maybe four or five steps for every one of the big steps? That way, we could get up a mite easier. 'f course, only if you wanted to do such a thing. Maybe you don't want it to be too easy for smaller folks to climb that way." He'll switch to the giant tongue where necessary to make it easier for the giant to understand - and to get in some good practice, himself.

He feeds the dogs, and brushes their long fur as he talks with Slam & with his friends.

Kendry writes about the day's journey, and something about each of his companions. He asks Podo to lead them in a prayer for Julian, and for Tibble.

He is certainly not opposed to sleeping in this nice warm cavern, and thanks Slam for his hospitality. And snuggles next to Airin. But finds it very hard to sleep with her so near. He struggles with how much to snuggle with her... and carries on an inner dialogue with just where he should be putting his hands, and what he should leave alone. Maybe back to back would be easier? He enjoys her proximity - but it takes an awful long amount of time before he finally drifts off to sleep.

Friday June 1st, 2007 6:21:24 AM

Fickle finishes the stew, he will drag the stwe to the giantsbowl, he dumps the stew into the bowl?? But all that stew only fills the bowl only half way, Fickle look to Slam "That'z all the meat I had left, but will you'z eat it aniez way'z??" ask fickle with sad eyes.

Friday June 1st, 2007 7:48:49 PM

Enjoying the evening as best he can, Dwight sits back and watches Kendry entertain with one eye and the storm with the other.

In the end he is ready for bed, like the others but still suggests a watch. He'll volunteer to take the last watch himself.

Friday June 1st, 2007 9:29:18 PM

In the morning (if we arrive there without incident), Kendry offers his nicest drawing of Slam to the giant as a gift, and leaves the 'ball' for him, too.

"Say, are the tunnels still all caved in around here, Slam? Or are there passages one can use?"

Friday June 1st, 2007 11:57:33 PM

Selithe is glad the giant is allowing them to rest in his cave and also speaks to him of his carvings and such, interested in them, "I don't do carvings myself or much interesting i suppose but I play cards. Of course I would have to have alot larger cards to play with one such as you. I'm not sure how well you would make out my cards at your size Slam."

When the rest of the group decides it's time to get some sleep, she too calls it a night. Hoping for a easter morning. Selithe before this will also help Kendry with the dog's and tries to cheer Gra up since the ordeal of getting up he couldn't of been easy on her either.

Slam's Artistry (DM Cayzle) 
Saturday June 2nd, 2007 9:50:35 AM

The party has a fun evening with Slam.

Kendry finds that the giant is a talented sculptor, but not a singer. One of his dreams is to restore the entrance to the undertunnel. He has already finished the stairs. He seems a little put out that Kendry thinks the stairs could use an improvement.

In giant (with which he is much more eloquent), Slam explains to Kendry that the stairs are not easy for him to navigate either. "They were made by true giants, and we lesser mortals should not seek to mar their perfection.

But he is not angry, and he enjoys showing off his own work, which he describes in giant as "trifles, not worthy of the old ones."

None of the tunnels remain intact, so far as he knows. Maybe a tiny person could wriggle through, but he has no idea.

He asks about where you are headed, and it comes out that he is a friend of the healer whose valley you seek. He will be glad to help you up the cliff, and he says that when you come back, just blow a whistle or attract his attention for more help.

Slam will not eat the last of Fickle's food. Only a taste.

For the night, cautious Dwight wisely suggests watches.

In the morning

But the night passes without event. At dawn, Slam is up, and once he is up, everybody is!

He cooks two giant eggs, each as big around as a halfling's head, and gives you all one.

After breakfast, he goes outside and asks if you are going up or down.

Sunday June 3rd, 2007 7:17:55 AM

Fickle look at the statue "Hmm! very'z nice!" Then snaps out of his admeration of his rocks on the table, turns to the Giant "Slam! We'z were going UP!"

Airin and Fioni 
Sunday June 3rd, 2007 11:10:30 AM

After a good night sleep, comforted by the warmth from both the cave and Kendry beside her Airin is feeling really well the next morning.

Just before breakfast she spends some time praying to Mother Nature to help her memorize her spells.

During breakfast she praises Slam's skills as a chef and looks forward to move up the mountain with him.

Spell List:

Level 0: Flare, Know Direction, Create Water, Light
Level 1: Speak with animals, Produce Flame, Entangle

* shows what spells have been cast for today

Sunday June 3rd, 2007 11:27:09 PM

"Yes Up is where we must go. And if you wouldn't mind Slam, could you raise one of us up and point in the general direction we are heading. We would be most grateful."

"thank you for the shelter."

Monday June 4th, 2007 7:33:08 AM

Fickle smiles at the Big giant, "You Nice! You'z have nice rock'z! If you'z could help us'zm? Me'z give you nice rock that'z go BooM! Just help us'm go up to the cave ups there?? Okie Dokie??"

Monday June 4th, 2007 9:42:54 AM

Kendry thanks Slam, in giant, for his kind hospitality.

[What are the themes and subjects of Slam's sculptures?]

As before, he asks to be the last one helped up, prepared to cast feather fall on those ascending, if necessary.

Monday June 4th, 2007 5:46:46 PM

Selithe is glad for the help and the breakfast come morning. She enjoys the egg and compliments Slam on his cooking skills.

Outside she looks at the steps with abit of a sigh and smiles to Slam, "Wish we could of met you sooner now, would of made this alot easier our new friend."

Selithe is ready to start going up and talks to Slam just off and on about the underground and such, telling him about her diary and how she plans to put info on him and this whole thing in it.

Dwight  d20+3=9
Monday June 4th, 2007 11:51:53 PM

"Yeah," in comment to Selithe, "a little earlier and Julian could of stayed."

Realizing this might make animal owners a little upset Dwight tries to fix it, "but getting them back until we found Slam again would be tricky at best."
diplomacy: 9 :(

Tuesday June 5th, 2007 1:04:58 AM

As things appear to be going well with the giant, Tobias finally appears out of the shadows... introducing himself to the giant.

Tuesday June 5th, 2007 1:12:44 AM

Podo stays silent watching his family shine in the dealings with Slam.

Tuesday June 5th, 2007 2:24:17 AM

"Aye, and there's a thought, Dwight," Kendry responds to his comment surround Julian and the animals.

"Perhaps Airin could have Fioni send a message to Julian, and have him return this way sooner."

He describes Julian to Slam, and, first in the giant tongue, for clarity, then in common, for his friends (rather than in halfling, so as not to be impolite to Slam). "I'm thinking, if you're willing and it wouldn't be too much trouble - if my cousin Julian comes this way - I could ask him to sling a thunderstone up near the entrance to your cave, so as to get your attention. Then you could help him up the cliffs, so he can follow after us. Or would there be a better way for him to let you know he awaits below?"

Then he thinks to add, "And, here, this is a thunderstone, too. You could toss it down - maybe thirty or forty feet away from him, so he doesn't go deaf - to let him know you'll come down for him. Or just keep the stone, and I'm sure your voice would carry from up here to below."

Through the Pass (DM Cayzle) 
Tuesday June 5th, 2007 6:35:48 AM

Slam tells you that for going down from hee, he generally lets down his own huge rope. But since you are going up, he will show you a secret. Off to one side, cunningly hidden, there is a narrow path. Slam just barely fits, but he is sure-footed and knows the way.

The giant leads you along this path, which rises. Up, up, 200 feet up! And you find yourselves in a saddle between two high mountaintops. If you can make a Knowledge Geography check DC12, then Highlight to display spoiler: {These are two of the peaks that make up the Valley of Four Peaks. Their names are Mount Remorhaz and Mount Anvil.}

"Here! You go! Bye!" Slam says in his very limited common, and then in Giantish, "Fare well, new friends. Look for the spring over there, and you will be okay."

Please offer your farewells and make any final comments to Slam.

From the spring, the path through and pass and down is clear. By midday, you are in the valley. It is warm and beautiful here. The druid in the group sees that although the valley is filled with wild meadows, the guiding hand of one who knows nature has nurtured and shaped the flora of the valley.

You can see, off in the distance, that the valley floor is a patchwork of trees, meadows, pasture, and a few worked fields. Please offer any action you wish to take before you approach, and if/when you do go closer, please roll spot checks.

Tuesday June 5th, 2007 6:53:21 AM

Fickle bit Slam good-by, "Me'z likes you'z> your a good friend'z!" He shakes his finger.

"HEY! Cusin! Wait for me'z" he yells at the party.

Dwight  d20+3=12
Tuesday June 5th, 2007 5:01:36 PM

"So Kendry is this it, or is this just another stage on our trek? Keeping forgetting how many landmarks we have to find."

Dwight then looks around and tries to determine if this is giant domain or not?

spot: 12

Kendry  d20+11=29
Tuesday June 5th, 2007 7:56:46 PM

[Earlier I rolled d20+11=19 for bardic knowledge (so ignore the d20+11=29), when I had to quickly shut down the computer to run off and take care of something. But I figure 19 is good enough to sub for Knowledge, Geography - in particular because earlier you, Cayzle, said my wee bard knew something about this area.]

"Slam - is that Mount Anvil there? And Mount Remorhaz? Which is which, just to be sure? Is it Anvil to the right?"

After this question is answered, Kendry asks, "In our travels, Slam, is there anything you'd like us to learn for you, or pick up? -- If it's not too heavy, I mean."

"Yeah, we're waitin' for you, Fickle."

Later, he responds to Dwight, "This is the way to go. I don't know exactly how many miles, but, let's see, we have this map here," [this nebulous map :) ] "and, after consulting it," he draws his finger along the path they have taken, gets out his ink and a pen, and jots a notation in halfling to remind him about the secret pathway up the mountainside. "We're almost there. See yonder fields deeper in the valley? I expect they are near our goal."

He looks about at the beauty of the place. "What do you all say? Tobias? Airin? Anyone? Time to keep eyes and ears alert, no? And a finger to the wind. Here," he says to Podo. "Pull my finger."

Tuesday June 5th, 2007 11:01:31 PM

Selithe looks to Slam and smiles to him, speaking quickly before he goes, "I hope we pass this way again so our paths will cross Slam. Take care and becareful also."

Selithe looks around and is taken in by the place before looking to her brother and the others, "Looks like better traveling from here on or atleast for awhile. I'm ready since those huge steps are behind us."

Selithe also speaks to Gra, patting her riding dog's head gently.

Wednesday June 6th, 2007 12:08:50 AM

Tobias bids Slam a fond farewell, glad to be away -- even from a friendly giant. And, goes with the others to follow their trail up the rest of the way.

Podo  d20+1=20 d20+1=9 d20+5=13 d20+9=13
Wednesday June 6th, 2007 2:02:02 AM

Silently watches his family step up to the plate and shine.

To humor his counsin Kendry, Podo complies with his request about his finger.

While walking the path laid out and shown to them by their new Giant friend Slam, Podo will try to recall facts about the place.

Skill Checks
Know(planes) :9
Know(Geo) :13
Spot DC: :13

Airin and Fioni  d20+10=25 d20+8=28 d20+12=31
Wednesday June 6th, 2007 6:13:18 AM

Airin agreed to Kendry's plan to send a note to Julian so that on his return he knows how to climb the giant stairs.

Spending a Speak with Animals spell Airin makes clear to Fioni what she's expected to do. Then she ties the note Kendry will probably write to Fioni and sends the tiny hawk of to find Julian.

Later Airin marvels at the beauty of the valley and tries to identify some of the plants and weeds they see. After all Clover, the druid from the Circle of the Culverwood told her she should learn more from nature's growings if ever she hopes to become a good druid.

knowledge nature: 25

"This valley radiates peace and a love for nature. I think it should be fairly safe. Still, it might be good to keep an eye out for trouble"

Airin walks up front and tries to spot troubles up ahead.

Spot: 28 - NAT 20!
Listen: 31

Spell List:

Level 0: Flare, Know Direction, Create Water, Light
Level 1: *Speak with animals, Produce Flame, Entangle

* shows what spells have been cast for today

Wednesday June 6th, 2007 7:27:33 AM

Fickle waves goodby to the Giant. "By'z By'z" the follows his cousins.

The Valley of Four Peaks

Welcoming Committee? (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday June 6th, 2007 10:07:56 AM

The party takes its leave of Slam the Giant. Fickle, Selithe, and Tobias take care to wish the big fellow well. Kendry confirms the names of the peaks, and consults the map to get oriented.

He and Podo agree -- this is without doubt the Valley of Four Peaks, the haven in which Graeff the druid ranger offers refuge and some healing for those who have suffered hurts of the mind. This is the home of the person for whom Bella brewed her healing potions. Your job is to deliver those potions here, to Graeff, and now that end is in sight.

But before you descend into the protected valley, Airin sends her beloved avian companion off with a note to find Julian.

Airin gets a feel for the soul of this place. In fact, there is an aura of good here, just as there was an aura of chaos in the Culverwood. Good-aligned creatures gain a +1 on all d20 rolls here in this valley. (OOC: Remembering to use your +1 is up to you. If you forget, too bad!)

The party's mood is light, and Podo and Kendry enjoy some joking. The group strolls down into the valley, following the stream from the spring, taking no special precautions at stealth. But Airin especially keeps her eyes open, so the party sees some people ahead just as they are seen.

There is a platform high in a stand of trees watered by the stream. Some people on the platform see you, and four people step out. They are clad in armor and carry drawn weapons. They are frowning and fierce.

If you make a spot check vs DC23, then Please Highlight to display spoiler: {There is a bear hidden carefully in a blind of some sort on the ground within the trees.}

You are 200 feet from the armed folk ahead.

Kendry  d20+3=21
Wednesday June 6th, 2007 11:41:28 AM

"Hallo, good people!" Kendry calls out. "We intend no harm. May we approach?" He stands, hands on hips, awaiting their response.

Airin - no trace of Fioni  d20+10=23
Wednesday June 6th, 2007 5:06:02 PM

Spot check: 23

"Careful friends, there's a bear hidden over there..." Airin whispers to her friends.

Worried that the men have drawn weapons, Airin keeps her hand on the hilt of her Bastard Sword in case of unpleasantries.

Spell List:

Level 0: Flare, Know Direction, Create Water, Light
Level 1: *Speak with animals, Produce Flame, Entangle

* shows what spells have been cast for today

Dwight  d20+3=16
Wednesday June 6th, 2007 9:17:43 PM

"Hmmm,a welcoming committee?" Dwight says quietly. "It would make sense to have a border patrol next to giant country."

Dwight looks to Kendry as this seems to be a diplomatic issue coming. Dwight will stay with the group and try to get a decent count of all the people.

spot: 16 (how many people total including platform)

Are they human? halfling? Any not in armor?

Selithe  d20+3=18 d20=2
Wednesday June 6th, 2007 10:24:08 PM

Selithe smiles thinking of what Julian would of most likely said right now but no one has seemed to shown a hostile sign yet so she stays quiet and lets Kendry do the talking. If all works out right this will be a friendly enoucnter anyway.

(Spot:18 Listen:2)

CDM Jerry 
Thursday June 7th, 2007 5:25:57 AM

I need the report from last week posted and emailed to me please. Thanks friends.

Fickle  d20=13
Thursday June 7th, 2007 7:22:41 AM

OOC: Spot check 13 Miss.

Fickle follows his cousins Kendry and Dwight, when he notices the the armored guards, "hey'z not smiling!! Who'z going to'z talk to Them'z??"

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood [AC:19 | HP: 37]  d20+9=21 d20+2=9 d20+1=14
Thursday June 7th, 2007 8:58:15 AM

Podo seeing the armed group just as the rest of his companions do stops in his tracks to concentrate on seeing what he can.

Of what Podo knows about the area, this place doesn't have armed escorts. When Airin shares with them that there is a captured bear in the woods and care has been taken to kept that fact from view and thus hidden from him and his friends, Podo knows that something is afoul with this senario.

Knowing that there is a bear in the woods, bound, and restrainded, Podo tries to spot it himself, but is unsucessful.

Knowing that this probably isn't the end of the journey, Podo quickly reviews his list of readied spells to aid if this situation comes to a head.

Skill Checks
Concentrate DC:9
Spot DC:21
Know(history) DC:14

Readied Spells
•Detect Magic
•Purify Food and Drink

1st level
•Cure Light Wounds x2

Tobias  d20+6=26
Thursday June 7th, 2007 1:46:11 PM

Tobias tries to keep a steady hand while giving Kendry a chance to talk with our welcomers, but he does keep a sharp eye out for any signs of an ambush or attack.

Spot: 26 (nat 20)

Thursday June 7th, 2007 1:47:46 PM

Also he spots a bear in a concealed pen, and tries to relay that to Kendry and the others as best as he can in their sign language.

Closed to Travellers (DM Cayzle) 
Thursday June 7th, 2007 4:41:36 PM

Kendry calls out, and the two groups come closer. Airin warns about the hidden bear. Dwight notes that there are two humans and two halflings in the group -- in leather armor. Selithe thinks about Julian and waits. Fickle wants to know who will talk to them. Knowing where to look, Podo sees that the bear is hidden, NOT bound. He also sees that the leader of the welcoming committee has two hands embroidered onto his tunic -- he may be a priest of Alemi.

Tobias also sees that the bear is in a blind, not a bind! LOL! Like a hunting blind! A rough, concealed lean-to behind which one can hide!

Sorry, you guys crack me up!

The leader of the welcoming committee speaks up, from about 50 feet away: "Who are you, and what hmanner of people do you be? I can see that you are hnalflings. This valley is closed to travellers -- we welcome no strangers hnere, so you hmight as well turn around and go hnome."

The fellow's language is distinctive, and if you make a Knowledge Geography or Bard Lore check vs DC14, then Please Highlight to display spoiler: {The man is Hmanish, of a tribe of humans in the Windborn Hills. Some say the people are ancient dwellers here, firstcome maybe, and they keep their own ways.}

Thursday June 7th, 2007 8:39:47 PM

Figures things couldn't be all easy. thinks Dwight.

He'll give Kendry a chance to respond.

Perhaps they are closed for the sickness and we bring the cure. At least they have spoken to us first.

As Dwight listens to the conversation, there is some surprise that none of the halflings have spoken up as being related to Kendry yet. But then again we aren't in the valley anymore. Ahh the valley.

Dwight casually looks to the distance left and right to see how feasible it might be to skirt around this post.

Kendry  d20+11=23 d20+11=24 d20+3=23
Thursday June 7th, 2007 9:04:37 PM

Kendry walks forward to reply - stopping about 25 feet from the speaker. Kendry replies, "We are more messengers, than mere travelers. And we bear good news. For Graeff, from a friend."

He, too, notes one of the symbols embroidered on a tunic. "You serve the Honorable Healer, the Lover of Peace, and ancient friend of Domi. Him I honor and worship, as well." He motions toward Podo. "This, my bosom friend, is Alemi's servant."

He lets this settle for a moment, then introduces himself. "I am Kendry."

[Knowledge, bardic: 23. Diplomacy: 24. Spot: 23]

Fickle  d20=12
Friday June 8th, 2007 8:33:01 AM

Misses - 12

Fickle stand with his cousins, open hos mouth and>>>>"Berp!" in their faces.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood [AC:19 | HP: 37]  d20+3=18 d20+9=27 d20+5=21
Friday June 8th, 2007 8:55:17 AM

Podo steps forth when Kendry motions towards him and says, "Hello", while give a short wave of greetings and a nice friendly smile.

Podo tries during his mini introduction to sense motive and spot somethign important among the opposite group.

Podo recognizes the group and the man as being Hmanish, of a tribe of humans in the Windborn Hills. Podo has heard that some say the people are ancient dwellers here, firstcome maybe, and they keep their own ways.

Skill Checks
Sense Motive: 18
Spot: 27
Know(Geo): 21

Airin - no trace of Fioni 
Friday June 8th, 2007 9:45:56 AM

Airin nods at the armed men in silence. Her blade still sheathed.

Spell List:

Level 0: Flare, Know Direction, Create Water, Light
Level 1: *Speak with animals, Produce Flame, Entangle

* shows what spells have been cast for today

Tobias  d20+6=11 d20+7=25
Friday June 8th, 2007 1:00:16 PM

Keeping an eye open, but waiting for the others to respond to Kendry.

Spot: 11
Listen: 25

Come And Prove It! (DM Cayzle) 
Friday June 8th, 2007 10:04:04 PM

Dwight waits for Kendry to answer. He evaluates the situation and deduces that sneaking around would require at least some pretty competent hide checks. And who knows what watchers are hidden.

Kendry claims friendship with Graeff and says that the group has come with a purpose.

Fickle burps rudely.

Podo nods a greeting and looks sharp -- seems to him that these people are suspicious and wary. He sees that both of the halflings wear a tattoo on their arms with a strange symbol on it.

Airin and Tobias stay alert and wait.

The leader with the strange accent says, "Fine, IF you are whnoo you say you are, then come with us and prove it. But if you are liars -- and I think you are -- then turn back hnow before it is too late!"

Will you go with them to "prove" your story, whatever that means? Or go back? Or something else?

Saturday June 9th, 2007 8:53:53 AM

Fickle is a little perturb, "Me'z No Lie!" and really wants to spit in to their eyes, but only his cousons can stop him.

Saturday June 9th, 2007 9:03:06 PM

Selithe shakes her head some at the man's actions and way of talking to the group but stays silent other then looking to her brother and speaking to him lightly, using the halfling tongue, "This guy has some nice manners brother. You decide and I'll follow you but I don't trust this much at the moment."

Airin  d20+8=16 d20+12=16
Sunday June 10th, 2007 10:38:37 AM

Leaving the talking to the others Airin checks the surrouncings. She does not like to be ambushed should that be the case. Eyes and ears finely attuned she tries to detect any possible threats.

spot: 16
listen: 16

Spell List:

Level 0: Flare, Know Direction, Create Water, Light
Level 1: *Speak with animals, Produce Flame, Entangle

* shows what spells have been cast for today

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood [AC:19 | HP: 37]  d20+9=20 d20+5=7 d20+2=16 d20+1=13 d20+3=10 d20+1=12
Sunday June 10th, 2007 4:46:08 PM

Podo hearing the words of the apparent leader of this group, steps forward to be tested saying in the most humblest of ways, " I Podo Danderfluff Pipewood Servant of both Alemi & Domi step forth to prove thyself."

As Podo steps forward to be "tested", what the group sees if a smallish halfling dressed in a white robe with silver holy symbol worn around his neck, sporting a mostly bald head. No visable weapons save his Darkwood Quarterstaff which Podo uses as a walking staff.

Listening to his companions and especially his cousin Kendry; boy that man can weave words; Podo grins at this current obstacle in their collective path.

Alemi...Domi...I pray that you will both be with me, and help guide me along this newest of tests in both my life and in my faith. Thank you both for being my everything...says Podo silently to himself, while looking around and listening to be able to take advantage of his surroundings lest this be a trap.

Skill Checks
Spot DC: 20
Listen DC: 7
Perform DC: 12
Concentrate DC:16
Know(history) DC: 13
Sense Motive DC: 10

Readied Spells
•Detect Magic
•Purify Food and Drink

1st level
•Cure Light Wounds x2

Dwight  d20=3
Sunday June 10th, 2007 9:45:01 PM

Dwight moves to the front and stands beside Kendry to add to the discussion. "We are willing to prove ourselves and that our purpose is both peaceful and helpful."

diplomacy: 3+2=5 (ycuk!)

Realizing he should have left the words for Kendry, he looks to him for added words of wisdom.

Kendry  d20+3=23
Sunday June 10th, 2007 11:45:39 PM

[Spot: 17; Sense Motive: 22; Diplomacy: 31 (not 23 - nat 20 - that +3 was supposed to be a +11 - my finger slipped... also, the 17 & 22 were from my earlier, DM only post above, Cayzle]

[Actually, Kendry claimed having a message from a friend, not that he himself is Graeff's friend.]

"Hold, there, Cuz," Kendry says to Fickle, placing a restraining hand on his shoulder. He acknowledges Selithe's words with a nod. He grins at Dwight's words. "Yes, I concur," he says in Dwight's direction, "...within reason."

He turns his attention to the human who addressed them.

"So, have a number of liars been here in recent times? I trust you'll find us a refreshing change. But, sir, lest we come to an impasse - nice bear you have there - in what manner shall we accompany you? For you do not trust us.

"And though you have given us no reason to harm you, nor, I hope, have we given you reason to harm us... where there is want of trust, there is fear; where there is fear, there is temptation to attack; where there are attacks, wounds and death might result.

"I think none of us want that.

"I'll not unduly endanger my people. I'm sure you do not want your people to come in harm's way. How can two walk together, unless they be agreed?

"So, again, good fellows - I trust you are good - in what manner shall we accompany you?"

Monday June 11th, 2007 8:11:24 AM

Fickle stand there looking at his cousin Kendry, then ask him "Concur?? Is that some thingie to eat??"

Monday June 11th, 2007 11:12:11 AM

... waits to see what will happen. Her hand still on the hilt of her sword and trying to detect any possible ambushes.

Monday June 11th, 2007 11:39:44 AM

Waiting alertly, to see their response...

The Truth-Hearer (DM Cayzle) 
Monday June 11th, 2007 4:38:11 PM

Fickle seems offended by the implication that the people you have met might not trust his honesty.

Selithe is suspicious.

Airin and Tobias keep alert.

Podo seems willing to be tested.

Dwight and Kendry too, though Kendry wants details.

The two halflings and two humans turn, and the leader says, "Follow me." Then he takes out a small horn and plays a carrying note.

They lead you down the path, to an intersection, and then to the right rather than onward. There are hedges on both sides of the path, and the plants grow to a height of ten feet. Airin thinks that the hedges have been encouraged with magic to grow into such a barrier.

The path leads to a round clearing, about 30 feet in diameter. The hedges make a ten-fooot wall all around. There are a half-dozen trees spaced outside the hedge-wall -- 20 feet up in the trees, there are at least a dozen people of several races with missile weapons in hand.

In the middle of the clearing is a stool, and sitting on the stool is a girl. She has on a clean shift and seems well cared for, but she is clearly troubled. She twitches. She fidgets. She clutches a square of cloth that she is folding and twisting.

The two halfing and two humans lead you within 10 feet of the girl. Then you are asked the following questions:

What are your names and titles?

Why are you here?

What are your intentions?

In your post, you must say OOC if your answers are honest or not!

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood [AC:19 | HP: 37] 
Monday June 11th, 2007 9:43:43 PM

(OOC: My answers are as honest as I know them to be!)

Podo looking around, steps forward and answers the questions as honestly as he can.

Moving his arms and hands as if to visually cover all assembled by his gestures, Podo begins. "Peace to you all my Brothers and Sisters. My name is Podo Danderfluff Pipewood; humble of servant of both Alemi & Domi. In addition, I am a Walker.

"I am here to help a friend aid her friend Graeff. This friend has asked myself and my friends to deliver potions to Graeff's in an attempt to help nurse those who's minds are not what they once were.

"Our intentions are to deliver our charge and return home so we finish what we started. I also need to deliver another charge; to return what rightfully belongs to a religious order."

Once finished, Podo returns to his place in line awaiting further instructions.

Kendry  d20+6=12 d20+11=20
Monday June 11th, 2007 10:29:30 PM

"No, cuz, 'concur' means 'agree,'" he answers Fickle

Kendry pays attention to their surroundings, admiring the cultivated pathways, and listening to hear, if he can, evidence of others in the area [Listen: 12].

As they come into the clearing, he sees the girl, and some of those up the the trees. He takes note of some of the races represented [... which are?].

He allows himself to be led close to the middle of the clearing, and listens to the questions.

The first words out of his mouth are to the girl who sits there.

"Peace unto you, lass. May there be answers to your troubles."

He turns and faces those assembled. "I am pleased to be here with you this day. My name is Kendry. Kendry Leafwin Pipewood, and I hail from Crescent Valley. We are adventurers, seeking to aid those of good will within our lands and beyond.

"Titles? We are not given overmuch to titles of nobility within our valley, if that is what you mean. I am a singer and a bard, and travel with these my friends and family.

Then a thought occurs to him. "Oh, I am an initiate in the WLA.

"Why are we here? As I told this man," he indicates their questioner, "we are messengers who bear good news. And we come on a mission of mercy. But we are compelled to lay out the essence of that mission to Graeff. If he wishes others around when we do so, that is up to him, and is fine with us." Then he hesitates for a moment, and qualifies, "Well, it is fine with me. My friends will say what is fine with them."

[Diplomacy: 20]

[Kendry speaks honestly. The compulsion he refers to is based on Bella's request (Feb 7 2007) to speak of this to no one.]

Dwight (ac 16, hp 34)  d20+3=23
Monday June 11th, 2007 10:30:27 PM

Dwight looks around for a moment double counting the number of people watching himself and the group.

As Podo finishes, Dwight will begin.

"I am Dwight Twiggebundler and I too have been charged with the awakening of those that should be awake by Bella to Graeff. Once completed it is our intent to return home."

(As honest as Dwight knows)

spellcraft: 23 (nat 20: reason for circle or girl?)

Monday June 11th, 2007 11:10:58 PM

Selithe looks to the lady who asks the questions and allows some of her friends and family to go first before shrugging and speaking up, "My name is Selithe, sister to Kendry there. I'm a conjurer and striving to be the Wold's best gambler by trade. I also seek to aid Bella in her quest to help the people who need it with her potion or brew, however you wish to look at it."

Selithe shrugs now, yeah she said gambler instead of rogue but personally she thinks gambler sounds better then rogue.

Tuesday June 12th, 2007 12:10:30 AM

As Dwight mentions Bella's name, Kendry puts his hand over his face. And then his sister says their sender's name. And they spill the beans about the potions, and the healing.

Didn't they remember that Bella said, "Tell NO ONE!"?

He thinks to rebuke them for revealing all that they have, without really knowing the motivations and allegiances of those who now surround them. But what good would that serve at this point?

"Friends, can you not keep your word to the one who sent us? Both truth and discretion are fitting gems. One without the other can cause great harm. Tell the truth, but guard your lips - for we do not know whether we be among friends."

He considers the number of arrows and crossbow bolts aiming their direction. He is greatly frustrated with the loose lips of his companions. He knows that his own words now may turn some against him, but he fears lest others in the group tell more about them than they ought to at this point.

Tuesday June 12th, 2007 2:55:17 AM

As everyone steps forward to answer so does Airin. Although her answer is perfectly honest it's not entirely like the others...

"My name is Airin Moondacer Turnbell. I'm learning the ways of the druids and have been of much help to the group being partly a scout as well.

My business here? Making sure these lads and lasses, and more importantly Kendry, stay alive in the open."

Tuesday June 12th, 2007 7:28:45 AM

OOC: Fickle will answer every thing troufully.

Fickle Step up in frount of the Girl, "Please don'tz Cry! My Name Is Fickle Twiggeblunder, Pipewood, Cousins to Dwifgt and Kendery'z. I'm good Cook and Rock thrower! Me'z strong See!" Fickle raises his arn, rolls his sleve and show his musseled arm.

Dwight OOC 
Tuesday June 12th, 2007 11:22:53 AM

Hmmm, I thought about the naming of Bella, but I would SWEAR that Podo had mentioned it in his post prior to mine. (Kendry and Dwight simult. posted), but I thought it was odd that Podo mentioned it, and felt it would help to also mention it in character.

Perhaps I'm just a bit lost and am seeing things. Podo did you originally have Bella in your statement and then decide to change it after it was posted?

Tuesday June 12th, 2007 11:34:46 AM

"Hello young one, I am Tobias Thistlefoot Burrows, a ranger by trade... no title to speak of, though merchants in the Culverwood sometimes refer to me as Pathfinder. And, as my cousin Kendry says, we're here to meet Graeff with news."

Greetings and Welcome (DM Cayzle)  d20+13=24
Tuesday June 12th, 2007 5:02:23 PM

The girl -- a dwarf girl, you note -- listens intently to all that you say, and when you are done, she nods, and her hands fidget. Those here who know Duncan's Hand-Talk, please Highlight to display spoiler: {You see that in fact there is language and intent behind those movements, not insanity.}

The two humans and two halflings who brought you here relax slightly, and put away their weapons.

The archers and slingers -- mostly halflings and humans, with a few elves and half-elves -- climb down from their perches and go about their business.

If you make a spot check vs DC 24, then Highlight to display spoiler: {You see that a halfling remains in one tree, hiding, to keep an eye on you.}

The human turns to you and says, "Thank you for enduring our inquiry. This is hnot a civilized land, and we hnave hnad to cope with evildoers, doppelgangers, and the like. I am Comey, a druid and Keeper of the Watch hnere."

"Bella is known to us, of course, and Hmarge hnas vouched for your hmonesty. Please relax hnere in this clearing until this eveining, when you can place your gifts on our altar for safe keeping."

He arranges for benches, water, bread, cheese, and wine.

If you wish to ask any questions or converse with Comey or Marge, now is the time. You learn that Graeff is away and not expected back for a few days.

In the evening, you are invited to vesper prayers in the chapel of Alemi. You get the distinct impression that you are not completely trusted, since the honor guard of ten ranger-types seems as concerned with keeping watch on you as on threats aroundabouts!

Comey leads the service. During the prayers, Comey asks Alemi for strength in hunting, since food supplies are low, and wisdom in figuring out what monster has been raiding the community's flock of sheep. At the Offering, at which gifts may be made, he signals you to bring your potions to the altar and set them down there.

Kendry  d20+3=20
Tuesday June 12th, 2007 8:36:00 PM

When asked to lay the potions on the altar at this time, Kendry demures - and indicates to the rest of the party that they should not yet lay the potions down.

He explains to their hosts, "As you know Bella, then know that she asked us to give what we bear to Graeff.

"Both you and we know, too, that trust can take time to build. She herself led us through a series of tests to try us. It was through her wisdom and much risk and effort on our part that she was able to prepare this gift.

"Though I would not otherwise be opposed to the notion of laying the potions upon the altar, because Bella emphasized that we get them to Graeff himself, we shall await his return before laying them upon the altar - or handing them to him directly, as he chooses to advise us.

"I hope that this decision does not cause you offense, for none is intended. We simply wish to be faithful stewards of that which was entrusted to us.

"However, as a token of goodwill, and in appreciation for your kindness to us, I should like to place a few things upon the altar."

He places thereon, in separate sacks, each labeled, half a pound of saffron (enough for one good-sized family for a few years - or for many people for a few months), a pound each of wheat, flour, sugar and salt, half a pound each of ginger, cinnamon, pepper, cloves, green tea, black tea, and spice tea, and two 1-pint flasks of oil.

"This is but a small offering, and provides but little in the way of food. Yet sometimes spices can help extend the usefulness - and certainly enhance the taste - of the food that we eat."

When he learns at evening prayers about the want of food and raids upon the sheep, Kendry asks his companions, "Is there something we might do to help them with this problem, friends?"

Kendry talks with Hmarge 
Tuesday June 12th, 2007 10:02:52 PM

Kendry, having noted the movement of her hands, sees if there is any commonality with Duncan's sign language. Since Selithe knows some, and a few others in the group have tried to learn the language, Kendry shows Marge some of the hand signs that they use.

He shows her the signs for going, coming, talking, being still. He signs, 'Hand me a cup of water,' then tells her in common the meaning.

"How would you say that with your signs?" he asks her.

He signs something else, then in the common tongue, tells her that means, "I want another piece of your grandmother's rumberry pie."


The bard suggests to the others that they feel free to ask questions - as well as to tell the story of their journey here, and their encounters.

Tuesday June 12th, 2007 11:08:37 PM

Selithe goes abit teary eyed when she sees the hand signals, her mind going to Duncan. She had began to fall for the trusty halfling but like other he had to leave, hopefully to return one day to the group.

When the group is able under less watchful eyes for a moment she moves up to Kendry and whispers to him, "I'm sorry for mention Bella, brother. I forgot about our promise to her and pray when we see her again she will not be mad or hold it against us. Let alone that I might of just cause problems yet unseen."

Selithe has one of the potions (Sorry Cayzle, I know it's not on my CS but I remember one was pickedup by Selithe.) but she doesn't place it yet as her brother speaks up, not to mention Selithe herself is still abit weary of this whole situation. Guesses her trust is getting abit less lately or something.

Dwight  d20+3=13
Tuesday June 12th, 2007 11:30:49 PM

Dwight sits back and takes confront in the calming atmosphere of the evening. He isn't exactly relaxed, and he watches those watching him to see who they report to.

spot: 13

And he begins to wonder if they could recognize Greaff having never met him? He attends the service, only to be among his friends, but like them hesitates in putting the potions on the table.

Dwight waits for their response to Kendry's statements. "Perhaps we could help save their sheep in the day or so we wait. If something comes, we could at least scare it off."

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood [AC:19 | HP: 37]  d20+9=12
Wednesday June 13th, 2007 1:47:40 AM

Podo, not having had the charge of carrying the packages of potions, does not move to place anything on the Altar. Looking around, Podo tries to spot everything to create a memory of this time and place. (Spot DC:12)

Podo mumbles quietly to himself, Blesed Alemi & Domi, please watch over these peoples assembled here helping them to each receive thier daily fill of both Woldian and Spiritual food. Amen

Fickle  d20=16
Wednesday June 13th, 2007 8:20:33 AM

Fickle looks around (Spot 16), then ask his cousin Kendry "Who'es thems?" pointing over his shoulder.

Airin - no trace of Fioni  d20+8=17
Wednesday June 13th, 2007 11:05:50 AM

spot : 17

Airin is delighted to encounter another Druid. Perhaps later, when they can sit down and relax, she can talk to him.

But they appear to be friendly, so Airin lowers her defences and goes with the flow.

Wednesday June 13th, 2007 11:27:48 AM

Tobias had one of the potions, but awaits their response to Kendry before placing it anywhere.

He is also very interested in the signing that the child does. He moves to Kendry to try to decipher what she is signing and seeing what he signs back to her... Hoping to get an idea of her signs as the two go back and forth.

ADM Kim - Non-Posting Post 
Wednesday June 13th, 2007 7:58:41 PM

Apologies for failure to post posting posts.
Alternating between too busy and too sick.
Hope to resume tallies with this week's posts.

Dwight  d20+3=8
Wednesday June 13th, 2007 10:02:07 PM

As time permits, Dwight wonders, assuming they allow him to look around the cirlce and camp. Dwight tries to spot the bear again (spot: 8) and wonders if the bear was really someone in disguise.

The Ultimatum (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday June 13th, 2007 11:30:37 PM

At first things go well. Although the dwarf girl, seemingly a mute, does not use the same hand signals that you all know, it is relatively easy to learn a couple and "talk" a little. Marge (that's her name ... Comey calls her "Hmarge" because of his accent) seems happy that you are reaching out to her in this way.

But Comey politely declines Kendry's offer of food for the altar.

"Anything that is deadly or damaging that is put on the altar will be destroyed. Enemies hnave tainted and tricked us before, and so if you say you are bringing potions, then it is potions that you hmust put hnere. Even those who pass the truth test have hnarmed us, because they hnave been charmed or tricked themselves."

"Therefore, you must trust us and place your potions on our altar. If you refuse, then you hmust leave. If you do not trust us, then hnow can we trust you? If you want to return, come back in a week, when Graeff will be hnere."

Thursday June 14th, 2007 3:59:13 AM

"Very well, then. Now that you have explained your purpose... I do not believe that what Bella has brewed is deadly or damaging.

"A caution, however. Some substances in isolation can cause harm, whereas if joined with other, complementary substances can make something beneficial. I have studied a little the alchemical arts, though far am I from mastery."

Although beginning in this vein, Kendry decides to throw caution to the winds.

"Aw, forget all that. Friends, let us trust the altar of Alemi to rightly discern the purpose of these potions. Each who has one or more prepared by Bella's hand, please lay it here upon Alemi's altar."

Naturally, he is open to other's perspectives on this matter. And regarding the other things he offered and Comey refused, the bard says, "Then let this food and spices be given to your cooks." Then he adds with a wry smile, "Of course, I'm willing to taste test the items in their presence if my gifts or motives are still deemed suspect..."

Airin - without Fioni  d20+2=9 d20+8=23
Thursday June 14th, 2007 5:19:39 AM

Airin begins to doubt about these people more and more and wonders who else might be interested in the potions. If Graeff is not returning for a week would it not be best to hold on to the potions till he does?

Sense motive: 9
Spot: 23

Airin then observes her surroundings a bit more. Are there places she can duck away in the shadows... are there any bushes someone else can hide in... are there overhanging trees over the altar that can be used to grab the potions...

Still, Airin remains in the back of the group.


Thursday June 14th, 2007 9:46:22 AM

Fickle watches the going's on, then ask his cousin Kendry, "Cuz, want me'z to throw then'z a rock??."

Thursday June 14th, 2007 11:29:52 AM

Following Kendry's lead, Tobias places his potion on the altar. All the while grumbling something about understanding where Bella gets her paranoia from now...

Dwight  d20+3=21 d20+5=18
Thursday June 14th, 2007 10:50:54 PM

spot: 21 (anything happen to the potion Kendry put on the alter?)
spellcraft: 18 (same thing, what happened?)

"I'm a bit confused about this potion and the alter," Dwight states. "Are we, those bestowed on a peaceful and helpful quest to give potion to Graef and only Graef suppose to yield are mission. I have not problem trusting Alemi, but are we to leave these potions sitting here in the open for week as we wait for Graef's return. Or will we place them, see they are not evil or tainted and be allowed back into our possession?"

OOC: If the potion will only be there for a moment or so, Dwight will add his to the alter.

If the potion is going to sit there for a week, Dwight will only do so if all the other potions are their first.

Thursday June 14th, 2007 11:06:16 PM

Selithe looks to her brother and steps abit closer to him, "I know all the potions are important but why don't we set one for a moment and see what happens. Surely they will understand that."

Selithe if the idea is suitable to her brother will move to place her potion first and see what happens. She still is weary of this whole thing but some trust has to be given so either approach everyone like their enemies or approach them like they are friends.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood [AC:19 | HP: 37]  d20+3=16
Friday June 15th, 2007 1:21:08 AM

Not having any of the potions, that he knows of, Podo looks to Kendry to take the lead on this one.

Looking towards the leader, Comey, Podo tries to understand his motives. (Sense Motives DC: 16)

Friday June 15th, 2007 1:31:46 AM

"Sure - put one on, see what happens. Wait for a bit. Then, if nothing untoward happens, place the rest," Kendry responds to Selithe's idea.

In The Safety Of The Chapel (DM Cayzle) 
Friday June 15th, 2007 7:30:54 AM

[OOC: There are five potions given to you to deliver. They are labelled "Coma Antidote." I'm assuming that they are now held, one each, by Kendry, Selithe, Airin, Tobias, and Dwight.]

Background on the Chapel of Alemi: The Chapel is a beautiful building made of marble. All the other buildings you have seen here are made of wood. If you make an Int check vs DC15 -- and Kendry and Fickle get a +2 on the check -- then Highlight to display spoiler: {Having seen the craftwork of Slam the Giant, you think that this chapel bears the hallmarks of his work, too.}

The Chapel is round, about 100 feet in diameter including the 20-foot-wide porch. The roof of the porch is held up by pillars carved to look like trees. The building proper, excluding the porch, is 60 feet in diameter. The walls are thick and have no windows. There is but one double oaken door. Inside, there is a 30-foot-diameter dome over the altar. Despite the lack of windows, the entire chapel is lit as bright as full daylight everywhere, clearly by magic. There is a continual flame cast in a crystal sphere on the center of the altar, but clearly that is not the source of the daylight that magically fills the structure.

There can be no doubt that this is the most secure structure in the camp, so far as you all can tell.

Kendry says, "Let us trust the altar of Alemi" -- then he, Selithe, and Tobias put their potions on the altar.

Airin holds back, thinking about ways to hide, but the brightly lit chapel offers little. She could duck behind an internal pillar holding up the dome, but with all the people here (the whole community, maybe), someone would see her.

Airin sees that Marge is looking very closely at her, almost staring into her head. She notes another person -- likely a patient rather than a healer or guard -- seems interested in her as well.

Dwight is also cautious, and wants clarification.

Comey explains that this is the safest place in the valley, and that the potions will be kept here -- not out in the open, but in a drawer in the altar.

Podo feels that Comey is sincere, and that he only wishes to keep these treasures safe until Graeff arrives back.

Fickle  d20+3=8
Friday June 15th, 2007 7:51:58 AM

OOC: Int Check 8 (he does not have a clue.)

Fickle watches, he has never seen such beauty. "WoW'zie!" He follows the rest of the party in awh!!

Kendry  d20+5=16 d20+3=4
Friday June 15th, 2007 11:23:37 AM

In response to Fickle's earlier query, the bard tells him, "No, I don't think you need to throw any rocks at the moment, friend."

[Int check 16; Spot check to see if Kendry notes others noting Airin: 4 (nat 1) - oblivious boy!]

Observing the interior of the chapel, Kendry thinks he sees a newly familiar style. "We met a giant on yonder rocky climb, a fellow named Slam. Was it he who did some of the sculpting of this beautiful chapel?"

He listens to the reponse. Then he asks Comey, "Tell us what you can of the history of this place. Not just the chapel, but the community. We should be happy to tell you some of our stories, then, too, should you desire."

Friday June 15th, 2007 11:39:49 AM

Tobias relaxes a bit after the potions have been placed. And, begins to take in more of his environment.... Not one that's much interested in the indoors, Tobias can still see that this chapel was built with great care.

Friday June 15th, 2007 3:46:09 PM

Airin notices Marge and the patient observing her and feels a little ashamed to doubt these people.

She looks back at Marge and the patient and says :"These potions are for you aren't they?"

Then she goes to the altar and puts her potion down.

Spell List:

Level 0: Flare, Know Direction, Create Water, Light
Level 1: *Speak with animals, Produce Flame, Entangle

* shows what spells have been cast for today

Friday June 15th, 2007 11:48:12 PM

Selithe after placing her potion, looks to the others, evidently it is safe enough so she steps back and speaks to those around her, "Sorry if we seem abit jumpy over things. We have been tested alot and also had various other things happen to us."

Kim - OOC 
Saturday June 16th, 2007 4:15:41 AM

I'm gone until... Monday or Tuesday

a.k.a. Kendry

Welcome at Last (DM Cayzle) 
Saturday June 16th, 2007 9:47:25 AM

Reassured as to the safety of the chapel, Airin and Dwight place their potions on the altar. The service is concluded, and afterwards, Comey tells you that a long time ago, Graeff was an wanderer in these mountains, a devotee of nature who was a loner. But when he encountered a band of refugees, he took mercy on them, especially when he saw that most were broken or injured in spirit or mind. He led them here, and established this community.

Yes, Slam the Giant is a friend of Graeff's, and he built this chapel as a gift. Seems Graeff saved his life long ago, and they have a deep friendship.

Marge shakes her head no when Airin asks if the potions are for her. She leads Airin to another building, a dormitory maybe, where people are sleeping. A nurse there tells Airin that they wake for an hour or so a day only, and then are so confused and troubled that they must be restrained and often force-fed the food and water that keeps them alive.

Has anyone said anything to Comey or the others here about the ideas you mentioned about helping with their sheep?

But it has been a long day. You are shown to a place to sleep. In the morning, Fioni arrives back.

Sunday June 17th, 2007 7:16:55 AM

"ZZZZZZZ Snort!" Fickle is awaken?? "What It'z morning so soon??"

Airin and Fioni 
Sunday June 17th, 2007 1:27:13 PM

Airin follows Marge as she leads her into the dormitory and feel pity for these people.

"What has caused these people to catch this illness? Such a rare disease can not be common in this valley right? Will the potions we brought be helpful for these poor people."

As a druid Airin attempts to learn something about the herbs or potions they use.

Later than evening Airin goes to bed with thoughts about those who got the strange illness and wonders if there's nothing she and her friends can do to help them.

The next morning Airin smiles as she sees Fioni return and checks to see if Julian left a note for her.

Sunday June 17th, 2007 10:48:23 PM

Wanting to keep watch on them, still uneasy Dwight watches carefully. As he learns Slam help build it, he relaxs alittle, but just a little.

Before going to bed, Dwight will inquire with Comey about problems occuring with the sheep. "Comey, since we it may yet be days before Gaereff returns, perhaps you can explain the problems I hear about your sheep and perhaps my friends and I can help."

Airin and Fioni  2d4(4+3)=7
Monday June 18th, 2007 11:00:21 AM

The next morning Airin also meditates - maybe even in the company of the other druids here.

She spends some time taking care of Fioni - who has completed a mission of her own.

Then probably breakfast comes.

At breakfast she looks to find a few fresh berries and casts a simple spell on them.
Airin now holds 7 fresh goodberries.

She walks over to Marge (if present) and offers the goodberries. I'm but a feeble druid compared to those here in the temple, but any little help can be useful don't you think?

Spell List:

Level 0: Flare, *Goodberrie, Create Water, Light
Level 1: Speak with animals, Produce Flame, Entangle

* shows what spells have been cast for today

Monday June 18th, 2007 11:28:43 AM

Tobias rests the night after their long trip, and awakens the next morning ready to explore their surroundings a bit more after breakfast...

Winning Trust

In the Valley of the Four Peaks (DM Cayzle) 
Monday June 18th, 2007 4:48:51 PM

Airin reads the note that Fioni carries and is reassured. [OOC: We'll cope with the note's contents after Robert is ready to return to the game, OK?]

Marge leads Airin to one of the druid healers here, a person comparable in expertise to herself, maybe. The healer, named Marigold, is a halfling too, but not from Crescent Valley. She came here from Dirt City, leading a group of mentally shattered folk from the disaster and epidemic that had hit hard there.

Marigold tells her that sometimes people are ashamed, and just leave their friends or family members here or in Crescent Valley, abandoned, but knowing that they will be cared for here. That was the case with the ones in comas. But those folk were probably hurt in some magical war or battle, because their disorder defies cure, and in dreams, these poor folk are very troubled.

She tells Airin that she hopes Bella's potions will awaken them.

Fickle finds that the Valley is very peaceful, and it is easy to relax and get drowsy here. Especially in that haystack over there.

Comey tells Dwight that he would appreciate some help. He thinks it is something like a big mountain lion, but it is not a natural animal, because the druids could handle that. Maybe a magical beast? The trick is that it can move silently and invisibly, grabbing a sheep or goat and then running off. Comey would love your ideas on how to catch, kill, or drive off an invisible silent predator.

Tobias explores after breakfast. Aside from the chapel, the community is made of low log cabins and simple burrows. There are about 20 staff and 40 patients. All the staff (and some of the patients) carry simple or druidic weapons, as if ready to fight at a moment's notice. But even so, the place is restful and pleasant.

OOC: Remember, good-aligned people get a +1 on all d20 rolls! You have to remember to take your bonus yourself!

Monday June 18th, 2007 10:18:15 PM

During the course of the day, Dwight tries to gather his friends together to discuss what he and Comey talked about.

"Apparently there is some sort of invisible, stealthy, and quick beast that is stealing the sheep. She suspects it is a magical beast, but a beast is a beast. Hopefully we are smarter."

"I propose we try to set up an ambush for it tonight. Tie one sheep up, where the beast has been known to steal from. Have a few traps about, to help warn us the beast has arrived and then goop it. Perhaps if the beast is actually seen, we can figure out the best way to deal with it; be it death or bargain. Wow, I'm beginning to sound like Kendry." He chuckles. "Julian better hurry up and return."

Podo  d20+1=15
Tuesday June 19th, 2007 1:39:14 AM

Stays quiet and observes all he can about the place, the peoples, and the area.

Skill Checks
Knowledge(History) DC: 15

Kendry  d20=16 d20=12 d20=9 d20=18 d20=15
Tuesday June 19th, 2007 2:25:00 AM

After listening to Dwight, laughing at his comparison, and asking a few questions, Kendry says, "I wonder whether we may not already have taken care of that problem for them, Dwight. Let's talk with Fickle, have him show the skin, and tell Comey about the flying lions we defeated. The manticores."

He asks Comey when the last attack took place. If it was two or more days ago, but has not happened since, then he takes out the drawings of the manticores, and shows them to Comey. "These may have been your culprits. If not, we are more than willing to set some watches, and see if we can't find out what creature has been attacking."

He'll join Dwight and any who care to help. "Dwight - you take the lead on this. I'll help in any way you wish... within reason," he adds with a wink.
5 random rolls for the DM to assign as he wishes (add in the +1 from goo-oo-oodness)

Folks, could someone else do last week's posting tally for me? I've been working, just finished a show this weekend, have bronchitis and walking pneumonia, and am barely getting by at the moment.

Tuesday June 19th, 2007 7:29:22 AM

Fickle stand there speachless, then finally he utters "Hi ER, Nice day'z, Err, Sucks you'z beautiful!!"

Tuesday June 19th, 2007 12:40:29 PM

Tobias shares his observations with the others, "They look peaceful enough, but also at the ready to protect their homes..."

He is interested in helping Dwight with their lion problem... if it truly is another lion.

The Invisible Scourge (DM Cayzle) 
Tuesday June 19th, 2007 3:47:31 PM

[OOC: Who is Fickle talking too?]

Podo tries to think about what he has heard of history that might be related to this place. Podo recalls that up in the Scab, a mental asylum used to exist until recent years. Great evil was done there. Some former patients of this institution have probably found their way here.

Comey invites you to see some tracks. He shows you what look like the prints of a large cat. But probably not the manticores. They don't drag prey along the ground.

Comey thanks you and asks what you will do to help. He likes Dwight's trap idea, but what kind of trap?

[OOC: Comey is a male.]

Tobias  d20+12=30
Tuesday June 19th, 2007 4:27:04 PM

Tobias will go with Dwight and Comey to view the tracks and area. He's looking for what type of creature it might be, where it may live, etc.

Survival (tracks): 30

Airin and Fioni 
Tuesday June 19th, 2007 4:55:29 PM

(argh DM beat me today...)

Airin's pleased to learn more about the illness that has struck these people and tries to reassure Marigold that Bella's potions will do the trick. At least she hopes. She has seen what Bella's able to so ... well ... maybe.

Then Airin hears they will soon be hunting another cat!

"Do you have any idea where this creature might live? After all it should be near. Such beasts are not going to fly far to catch a prey..."

Looking at her friends she asks

"Shall I ask Fioni to fly around and look for traces of this beast?"

Tuesday June 19th, 2007 9:34:40 PM

Thinking with Comey, Tobias, and the others, Dwight tries to get the best description possible and also tries to list and confirm details.

"Does it attack only at night?"
"Every night or just occasionally?
"It seems to drag its prey, using four legs?" (tobias may be able to tell from tracks how many legs)
"It was mentioned it was a magical beast, what makes you think this aside from the idea that druids can normally handle normal animals?"

Here others may begin to recognize the Dwight they first met. He likes the details and harps on them verbally and internally until he is satisfied or all of his possible informants have given all their information consistently more than twice.

Dwight will spend time talking with anyone that has lost sheep, tried to track the beast, or saw the beast.

As Dwight gathers information he begins to try and form a plan. "Perhaps it can be simple. We tie a sheep up as bait. When the sheep is pulled from its ropes a few tanglefoot bags are automatically launched. The we come runnnig and see what type of beast we have and deal with it accordingly."

Does the community have this type of resource or are we limited to what the group has? (Dwight has none).

Selithe  d20+2=16 d20=9
Tuesday June 19th, 2007 11:40:53 PM

(OOC:Cayzle, sorry for missing posts.)

Selithe listens to Dwight and is interested in trying to help find the creature running off with the sheep also.

When he heads out to try and find it, Selithe will follow along and try to keep her eyes open for anything and ear open.

(Spot:16 Listen:9)

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood [AC:19 | HP: 37] 
Wednesday June 20th, 2007 1:53:46 AM

Podo tries to form a plan with Kendry and the others in terms of a viable trap for this stalker.

Wednesday June 20th, 2007 6:42:07 AM

OOC to DM: Fickle is trying to make time with the Pretty Female Cleric who is taking the Jar or Flask to put on the altar!!

Fickle almost drooles at the female that is taking the container (or flask)in his hands, he also watches as she put it on the alter. "WoW! What beautiful hips!!" whispering loud enough fot a few of his friends to hear.

Airin and Fioni 
Wednesday June 20th, 2007 9:52:14 AM

Dwight I have 4 tanglefootbags in my Haversack. You can use those for the trap of you like - sounds like a good idea.

Airin will help gathering all the material they need for building the trap.

"I think a net would be useful too. Lay it out on the ground, cover it, put the sheep on top of it, and ropes at every corner of the net possibly tied to nearby trees. A standard hunting trap I think."

Wednesday June 20th, 2007 8:49:22 PM

"excellent idea Airin, I have a fishing net from one of our other tasks. I'm guessing this creature has a good sense of smell. So we will either need to be sure the wind is in our favor or we need to smell 'nature'. "

"Fickle, perhaps you could spend some time in the sheep pins, and then be ready to throw a bag?"

"Other thoughts"

Otherwise Dwight awaits the answers from the residents.

Wednesday June 20th, 2007 9:03:25 PM

Kendry follows Dwight's lead.

[OOC: Can someone list last week's posting? I have no time - barely got this post in. Thx, -Kim]

Wednesday June 20th, 2007 10:18:54 PM

Selithe listens but has no net or anything that she can use. She would offer a web spell or such but that is abit out of her area. Thinking she looks to Airin, "Do you happen to know any druid magic that would slow down a creature?"

Posting Report : June 11th - June 17th (Steven) 
Thursday June 21st, 2007 2:53:11 AM

Posting Report:

DM Cayzle MDW-FS- = 5
Fickle MDWDFS- = 6
Kendry M3-D2-- = 7
Dwight M2WD--S = 6
Podo M-W-F-- = 3
Airin MDWDF-S = 6
Selithe MD-DF-- = 4
Tobias MDWDF-- = 5
Julian (on temp leave walking ponies)

Thursday June 21st, 2007 8:01:52 AM

Fickle is just too happy to go to the Sheeps pen, with the tangle bag in his hand, he think he's going to have a sheep skin??

Fickle goes into the sheep's pen,(with the tangle bag in hand then ask Dwight "Which sheep do you want??Couzin??"

Airin and Fioni  d20+8=19 d20+10=29 d20+8=23
Thursday June 21st, 2007 8:13:17 AM

"Where did the cat usually strike?" Airin asks the people.

Then going there, Airin begins to looks for a good place to build the trap. Preferably an open space with a large tree closeby.

search: 19 = 20 (valley bonus)

If she finds one she checks to see who has a net. If no one in her group has one, she asks the natives. It has to be a strong net, after all they don't know what they are up against.

If found, Airin begins with spreading the net out close to the tree. Takes her silk rope and cuts the rope in 4 equally long pieces (bye bye rope). She ties the rope ends to each corner of the net and then climbs in the tree.

Use rope: 29 = 30
Climb: 23 = 24

Once up there she looks down for some help.

"We need to tie something heavy to the rope that we can throw down the tree so the net goes up catching the cat."

Bell the Cat (DM Cayzle) 
Thursday June 21st, 2007 10:16:49 AM

Hoping to help Comey and the residents of the valley, the party gets to work solving the puzzle of the missing sheep and the invisible feline that is taking them.

At the scene of the latest abduction, which happened a few days ago, Tobias sees no sign of blood, but clear signs of a struggle. A sheep was dragged away. There are odd feline-like tracks, too, but the feline has a very strange gait. As if its paces vary somewhat from stride to stride, or its legs get longer and shorter as it walks.

Airin thinks the beast's lair should be near, and the group follows the tracks back. The tracks and drag-marks lead to a shady wooded glen. The air is fresh there, rich with the smell of growing things and mushrooms. But the tracks just end abruptly, as if the cat had suddenly sprung into the air with its catch.

Fioni sees no other sign from the air.

The shepherds tell Dwight that the beast only strikes at night, silently, and they never hear anything. The druids think it is a magical beast because the tracks do not match any animal they know. And why is there no blood? An animal would bite or claw its prey.

Dwight proposes a trap or ambush. Selithe sticks close to Dwight and does her best to help.

Fickle, LOL! There is no female cleric! That's Comey, the male human druid, who took the potions and put them away!

But if Fickle wants to make rude comments to a female nurse, that is fine. He gets a "Hmmph!" and a cold shoulder after that comment on her hips. :-)

Airin volunteers her tanglefoot bags. Now, if you want to set up an ambush, no prob. Some Hide checks should do the trick. But if you want to set up a true trap, you need ranks in Craft (trap) ... although I suppose a Survival check would work for a VERY simple trap.

Of course, if you have the right spell, there are a number of traps you can create with magic, from Snare to Glyph of Warding to Fire Trap. Selithe asks Airin if she knows any druid magic that would work.

Dwight seems to be favoring an ambush, and asks Fickle if he would hide among the sheep and get ready to throw a bag of goo. Kendry seems amenable to that as well.

Fickel is happy to hide among the sheep. The herd does not sleep in a pen, however -- the shepherds let them roam in the foothills at the sides of the valley.

All three of the attacks have been near that shady glen, the shepherd tell Airin. They wish they could just not graze this side of the valley, but the druids say that a grazing rotation is best for the sake of not overgrazing other places.

Airin prepares the net ... evidently so that once a target is snared, the party can grab ropes to hold it in place. [OOC: is that the plan?]

Tobias (AC 20, HP 38 / 38)  d20+19=29 d20+8=10 d20+7=27 d20+12=27
Thursday June 21st, 2007 11:21:46 AM

Tobias is all for preparing an ambush... He'll find a nice spot to hide that has a clear view to the area with the sheep... And, when night falls, he'll settle in to see if he catches a glimpse of the creature.

Hide: 29
Listen: 10
Spot: 27 (nat 20)
Survival: 27 (just in case one is needed)

Thursday June 21st, 2007 9:03:47 PM

Dwight follows the tracks with everyone else and wonders where it could have gone so easily with the added weight of a 'live' sheep. He looks up in the trees and feels the ground. Walking around a tree (out of sight for just a moment), Dwight casts "detect thoughts". He then spends 2 minutes concentrating on outlying thoughts hoping to catch the creatures thoughts.

(1st round: presence or absence of thoughts, 2nd round number of thinking minds and the int. score of each, 3rd round surface thoughts--will negates and ends spell)

Dwight will slowly circle himself around the end of the footprints looking upward into the trees, the trunks and near the ground.

Anything he finds he will inform the group.

Dwight leaves the net laying to Tobias and Airin. He'll be happy to help hold it once snared, but think at least one corner should be much more secure...like a tree.

"Now aside from the net and a few bags do we have any other means to stop a beast? Spells? I might be able to put it to sleep, but the chance is low." Dwight passes the bags around that Airin has offered....he takes one himself and gives one to Fickle.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood [AC:19 | HP: 37]  d20+14=24 d20+5=16 d20+5=20 d20+9=23
Friday June 22nd, 2007 1:49:19 AM

Podo having stayed out of this particular situation, now prays for help from both Alemi & Domi for insight on how to solve this particular issue ofthe encampment.

Podo offers to stand watch through out the night in hopes of using his skills and gifts to uncover something more about this visitor.

Skill Checks
Hide DC: 24
Know(Geo)DC: 16
Listen DC: 20
Spot DC: 23

Airin and Fioni 
Friday June 22nd, 2007 4:36:43 AM

"Friends just a sec. I'm affraid this net won't do to capture a beast this strange. After all, we do not know what we're up against. There are indeed a few druid spells that could create a trap Selithe, but none that I can master yet. All I can try is an Entangle spell... Do you think that would be enough?

I'd say we hide and wait for the monster to come and take another sheep. The fact that there is no blood is really strange.

Then, when it appears Fioni can follow the creature from a distance so it will lead her to the lair.

OK, we need a consensus here. As far as I can tell, we seem to agree to hide and wait for the creature right? I'm not putting the net down.

But do we attack when the creature comes or do we wait for Fioni to follow it to its lair?"

Spell List:

Level 0: Flare, *Goodberrie, Create Water, Light
Level 1: Speak with animals, Produce Flame, Entangle

* shows what spells have been cast for today

Friday June 22nd, 2007 7:01:24 AM

Fickle takes the tanglebag, then duck down among the sheeps. Talking to the sheep so that they don't start to bleet or move away from him.
"Shh! don'z move! Me'z here to help you'z. Me throw this gluebag at the sheep thief! Then'z you'z be safe!" Fickle talke to the sheeps as if they understand what hes saying?? Come to think of it They (the sheeps) just might, one never knows??

Setting up the ambush (DM Cayzle) 
Friday June 22nd, 2007 3:17:41 PM

Tobias hides for the ambush.

Dwight tries to locate thoughts to reveal a hidden creature. But the spell only lasts for one minute per level. What are the odds that an unseen creature will be in the area of the spell in the moments that it is active? Well, what time of day does Dwight cast the spell?

If it is in the daytime, then Highlight to display spoiler: {Sorry, but there is no result that Dwight can detect.}

If it is in the evening, then Highlight to display spoiler: {Roll a d20, and if you roll a nat 20, please let me know.}

If it is in the night, then Highlight to display spoiler: {Sorry, but there is no result that Dwight can detect.}

Podo says some prayers and hides with Tobias. So does Fickle.

Airin wants some clarification on the plan. Selithe and Kendry seem content to tag along.

OOC: Friends, as soon as Dwight resolves his actions and Airin gets her answers, then we can go to the ambush. (Muahahaha!)

Dwight  d20=3
Friday June 22nd, 2007 5:14:59 PM

Being that Dwight cast the spell when the group followed the tracks...I guess it is daytime.

Nothing to report to the group. :( --rolled anyways and got a 3

In response to Airin, "Well if Fioni looses it, then all is lost. Perhaps if we are going to rely on Fioni we should have two people stationed near the end of the foot prints to watch. There might be a search tunnel or something. We should have searched the area."

Saturday June 23rd, 2007 6:55:17 AM

Fickle is still hiding among the sheep and holding the tanglebag. Waiting! Waiting! for that darn cat.

Occ:I wish that the players would not switch from Night to Day?? Your confusing poor Fickle.

Saturday June 23rd, 2007 5:29:55 PM

Selithe looks to Airin on her comments and thinks before speaking, "Well, if the creature can actually be seen then your entangle might be of help, so could adding Kendry's tanglefoot bags if he has any more. I know some of our group doesn't like killing inless we have too so it would be a sound plan I think."

Selithe shrugs and lets it go as that as she is ready to help where she can.

Posting Report : June 18th - June 24th (Steven) 
Monday June 25th, 2007 3:25:03 AM

Posting Report:

DM Cayzle MT-TF-- = 4
Fickle -DWDFS- = 5
Kendry -TW---- = 2
Dwight MTWTF-- = 5
Podo -TW-F-- = 3
Airin MTWTF-- = 5
Selithe -TW--S- = 3
Tobias M2-T-- = 4
Julian (on temp leave walking ponies)

The Crescent Valley halflings have learnt of a creature that is abducting sheep and have decided to help.

How will they catch the unknown beast?!?

A trap? Magic? Brute Force? We'll soon find out!

Airin and Fioni 
Monday June 25th, 2007 3:32:39 AM

"You are right Dwight. But splitting up will make us to weak to fight the creature. I assume the creature will land here every time, so perhaps we should all assemble here. We fight it here. Four of us should throw Tanglefoot bags, and the rest should use bolts and arrows.

If the beast escapes Fioni can follow. There are few large creatures that will outfly Fioni...


Airin looks at the rest of the group and is amased by the apathy...

Monday June 25th, 2007 7:47:14 AM

Fickle waves to Airian, "Good-by Pretty Butterfly!" Thinking that she is going forever.

Monday June 25th, 2007 9:18:50 AM

looking at Fickle she goes ... "huh?!?"
Now who gets confused...

The Ambush at Last! (DM Cayzle)  d20+2=21 d20+2=20 d20+2=14 d20+2=16 (SR checks) d20+6=26 d20+6=15 d20+6=9 (saves) d20+2=10 (sheep fails)
Tuesday June 26th, 2007 12:41:46 AM

Tobias (Hide 29) and Podo (Hide 24) are hiding near the sheep, armed with tanglefoot bags. [OOC: They are the only ones who rolled Hide checks.)

Airin is a 150 feet off, but still in Entangle range. She is ready to cast Entangle as soon as she sees any sign of trouble.

Kendry, Selithe, Dwight, and Fickle are with Airin.

In the early evening, there *IS* a ruckus. Tobias and Podo see a sheep being dragged off! But the dragger is invisible. All they can see is the sheep moving and bleating against its will.

They also see a disturbance in the grass behind the sheep.

Airin hears the bleating of the lambs, and casts her Entangle. I need four caster level checks from Airin, needing to beat a SR15. To speed things up, the DM will roll those checks ... hope that is okay. Three are potentially affected. Three reflex saves later ... And one invisible creature is held fast.

The sheep is entangled too!

You hear voices.

Podo and Tobias, if you speak Sylvan, then Highlight to display spoiler: {"Help! Help! ... We'll get you out! ... Hang on! ... Stupid plants! This sheep is not worth it!"}

Airin, Fickle, Kendry, Selithe, and Dwight can also read the above spoiler IF they can speak Sylvan AND make a DC15 Listen check. It will take two rounds of running for the five of you to get to the site.

Tobias and Podo can target attacks, but since the foes are invisible, there is a 50% miss chance.

Airin [AC17 - HP 42/42 - Woodland Stride] and Fioni [AC17 - HP8/8 - Low Light Vision]  d20+8=20 d20+16=23
Tuesday June 26th, 2007 3:39:16 AM

Airin curses herself for being soo far from the creatures at this moment. She begins to run towards the noise but is worried that they are up against invisible creatures... How will Fioni be able to chase them!! Only if they actually TAKE the sheep with them Fioni will be able to chase the sheep!!

Airin makes a double move and runs towards the scene (Running a total of 120ft - I know she can get closer but she intends to stay 30ft away from these creatures) Unable to actually hide, Airin does tries to duck in the surrounding bush.

If she sees her friends who are hiding (spot 20) she quickly says in Halfling : "We can only chase if they actually take the Sheep"

In case the sheep does fly away, Fioni chases it from a distance... Hoping no invisible creature will attack. Fioni tries to fly a lot higher than the sheep expecting the creatures will only look down to check if they are being followed.
(Spot : 23)

Spell List:

Level 0: Flare, *Goodberrie, Create Water, Light
Level 1: Speak with animals, Produce Flame, *Entangle

* shows what spells have been cast for today

Kendry  d20+6=25
Tuesday June 26th, 2007 6:38:54 AM

Kendry begins running, full tilt, toward the ruckus. He translates what he hears. "They're saying in the Sylvan tongue, 'Help! Help! We'll get you out! Hang on! Stupid plants! This sheep is not worth it!' That's all I heard.

"So, let's not kill whoever it is. Just figure out who they are."

Kim to all 
Tuesday June 26th, 2007 6:40:35 AM

It will be between hard and well nigh impossible for me to post until Friday. Can someone else take over for Kendry? I'll happily email his Character Sheet to you.

Fickle  d20+2=17 d20+7=27
Tuesday June 26th, 2007 8:13:11 AM

Made a 17 for listening
Made a 27 (Natural 20) Handle anamals

Ficlkle run's allong with his cousin Kendry, Inow! I hears him!" But still running.

He call to the Cat, "Here Kitty! Here Kitty!" hoping his loveof animals will help get the victem sheep from the Cat.

Steven to Kim 
Tuesday June 26th, 2007 10:32:36 AM

Kim, I don't feel ready to RP kendry just yet but for what it's worth I'll take some weight of your shoulders by posting the Posting Record for the next few weeks till things settle down for you.

Tuesday June 26th, 2007 10:54:48 AM

Thanks Steven! Much appreciated!

Tuesday June 26th, 2007 11:38:14 AM

OOC: Alright Kim, send Kendry on over and his thinking cap too! I'll try to walk in Kendry's <your> shoes for at least a little while until life allows you time once more for the Valley.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood [AC:19 | HP: 37]  d20+11=31 d20+6=15
Tuesday June 26th, 2007 11:50:53 AM

Seeing a sheep being dragged off, but also seeing that the dragger is invisible, Podo attempts to hit the dragger with the Tangelfoot Bag; retreived from the Haversack; by targeting the force that is moving the sheep against its will; (Thrown attack + 1 for good aligned PC in the valley; THROWN(because the critter is invisible: 10(+3 BAB, +1 Size, + 5 Dex.+1 race))

As soon as the Tangledfoot bag hits the mark, Podo will freeze trying to listen to sounds eminating from that force which might indicate he was successful. (Listen DC: 15(+1 for Good Aligned PCs))

If sounds eminate from the area of the force, Podo will attempt to close rank between himself and the invisable force or forces in order to have a chance of AoO or engage in hand to hand combat at the next opportunity. Podo is aware that the visible force is humanoid because of the language heard and the shouts coming from Kendry who is running behind him.

If the opportunity presents itself, Podo will cast Light on the targeted Sheep victim, hopefully it will Illuminate the area for both himself and his friends.

Attack Results
Attack DC: 31 (NAT 20!); Damage: An entangled creature takes a -2 penalty on attack rolls and a -4 penalty to Dexterity and must make a DC 15 Reflex save or be glued to the floor, unable to move; even a save as its penalties as well.

Readied Spells
•Detect Magic
•Purify Food and Drink
•Light* (just cast this round)

1st level
•Cure Light Wounds x2

Tobias (AC 20, HP 38 / 38)  d20+19=31 d20+16=31 d20+8=15 d20+7=9 d20+14=15
Tuesday June 26th, 2007 9:24:07 PM

Tobias continues to try to hide while moving around the entangled area... trying to flank around in the direction that the sheep was being dragged in.

Hide: 31
Move silent: 31
Listen: 15
Spot: 9
Survival - tracks: 15 (if he gets far enough he'll try to see if he can pick up the invisible creatures' foot prints)

Dwight (ac 16, hp 35)  d20+4=22
Tuesday June 26th, 2007 10:08:14 PM

Dwight doesn't speak elven, but hears Kendry's words.

Dwight makes haste towards the entangle area by running out in the open. He shouts in common, while making it obvious he is pulling out his wand, "Show yourself and prevent any unecessary hurt. One sheep isn't worth anyone's death!"

(Dwight isn't really bluffing, but the wand is a wand of cure light wounds. His intention is to SHOW them something worthy of danger, while ready to cast Magic Missile. Regardless here is a bluff check just in case: 22+1(good)=23 -bluff. )

Tuesday June 26th, 2007 10:53:34 PM

Selithe had her bow out just incase since she doesn't need both hands to cast a spell. She does take off running through to get with in bow working distance if needed to help out. She won't stop though if the situation calls for her to be closer, "Brother, I'm going to be ready for distance working but if I'm needed closer let me know. I'm better for distance work anyway."

Wednesday June 27th, 2007 7:31:32 AM

Fickle stands there next to the tree, "How Me'z get here? Me'z was with the sheeps?? OH! Yes, Me'z came here to get tangle-bag. Oh! Look Sheepez floting in air??"

Wednesday June 27th, 2007 2:20:18 PM

Stephen - Thanks for taking over posting reports for a bit.

JP - Thanks for stepping forward to play Kendry for me.

Good luck, friends!

I should be able to post Friday, and Monday - but JP, if you could post other days this week and next - that would be great!

Cayzle - go easy on poor addlepated Fickle.

Dwight  d20+3=19
Wednesday June 27th, 2007 9:03:48 PM

Dwight watches as everyone moves to a better position. Shouting to the others, "If they make a hostile move, or do anything other than show themselves consider them HOSTILE!"

Then perhaps in a less threatening voice, "If you seek food we can probably help, but thievery will not be tolerated. Show yourself."

Diplomacy: 19+1(good)=20

Fickle  d20+3=21
Thursday June 28th, 2007 8:09:10 AM

Fickle has th tangle bag ready in his hands, he whispers into the night, "Here Kitty! Here Kitty! I'z got some thing nice for you'z"

OCC: Handling animals - 21

"Woe is me!" (DM Cayzle)  d100=65 [miss chance] d20+6=16 [tangle save]
Thursday June 28th, 2007 10:28:02 AM

Kendry, Airin, Fickle, and Selithe runs toward the entangled area.

Dwight moves closer, but with more caution. He shouts in an attempt at diplomacy.

Podo slings a tanglefoot bag at the invisible foe. [OOC: JP, you did everything right except for the 50% miss chance vs an invisible foe. I'll roll that for you ... a 65% makes it!]

Podo's tanglefoot bag plus Airin's entangle spell have got the small invisible creature pretty well stuck. The creature partly dodged the goo (made a save), but with the grasses wrapped around its limbs and a headfull of sticky goo, you can see to tell that it is a small person, the size of a small halfling, maybe. It is still invisible, of course.

Tobias circles around, hiding. He hears well enough that the entangled creature's friends have abandoned it and have moved back toward the stand of woods you saw earlier.

Podo casts a Light cantrip as the group meets. You are at the edge of the entangle, about 15 feet from the creature. You hear a high-pitched but male voice crying, in Common, "Woe is me! Alas! Woe! I am so hungry! All my friends have left me to die here! Mercy! Mercy! Please!"

Dwight  d20+3=14 d20+4=21
Thursday June 28th, 2007 10:44:18 AM

Again Dwight yells but not in anger. He hopes the captives friends will also hear. "Again I ask that you show yourself. We shall not kill you unless you give us reason too."

"Friends, hold your damage and give him a moment."

"I am Dwight and believe we can find a better solution to the current situation than you dying."

Again Dwight tries to solve this diplomatically (I guess Kendry is rubbing off on him), but he still holds his wand. Perhaps less threatening though.

"I await your quick response!."
Diplomacy: 14+1(good) = 15

Gather information:21 +1=22 (does he appear to be telling the truth about hunger, friends leaving and wanting mercy?)

Tobias (AC 20, HP 38 / 38)  d20+19=34 d20+16=18 d20+8=21 d20+7=20
Thursday June 28th, 2007 11:13:59 AM

Tobias continues to move stealthily to where he thinks the invisible ones have gone -- to the stand of woods.

Hide: 34
Move silent: 18
Listen: 21
Spot: 20

Airin and Fioni 
Thursday June 28th, 2007 1:33:16 PM

Airin stays at about 30ft from the entangling vines and readies her crossbow - not firing yet of course.

As usual she leaves the talking to someone else.

Podo [AC:19 | HP: 37]  d20+10=27
Thursday June 28th, 2007 4:19:48 PM

Moving closer to be within attack range of the goo'd theif, Podo approaches slowly.

Having just cast the light spell, Podo tries to spot anything else in the newly lit surrounds. (Spot DC:27 (includes +1))

Readied Spells
•Detect Magic
•Purify Food and Drink
•Light* (just cast this round)

1st level
•Cure Light Wounds x2

Kendry [AC:15 | HP: 35] (by Jon-Paul)  d20+12=19 d20+11=23 d20+8=23
Thursday June 28th, 2007 6:02:41 PM

As Kendry approaches the scene and the entangled area, Kendry demands of the thief, "You there, cease and desist! Drop that sheep and stand fast!...Lest you be mistaken for armed and dangerous!...And we all know what can happen in that case!" (Diplomacy DC:19 (includes +1))

Kendry continues after catching his breath, "You! Whatever your name is...we can offer you food and your friends as well, but this thief in the night business has to stop! Someone cold get hurt! We wouldn't want that, but your actions are making the outcome difficult on us. Please, if you are willing to come out of hiding, uncloak yourself, and are willing to negoiate, I am sure we can all come to terms on this issue."

Waiting for the invisible thief to become visable, as well as his friend to come out of hiding, Kendry tries to recall what might be known about these creatures/race. (Knowledge Bardic DC: 23+1 = 24) (Knowledge History DC: 23+1 =24)

Thursday June 28th, 2007 10:32:45 PM

Selithe moves closer with the others and listens to what is said before looking to Airin and speaking to her, "Give a couple moments for all the answers and such and then I suppose the entangle spell could be lifted."

Friday June 29th, 2007 7:15:12 AM

Fickle move up next to his cousin Kendry, "Yah! What He'z said!" Do you want me'z to hit him again, Couz?

The Leprechaun (DM Cayzle)  d20+7=13
Friday June 29th, 2007 2:07:07 PM

Dwight demands that the speaker show himself. Kendry reinforces that message, but does offer food.

Tobias moves quietly to the stand of trees. He sees a sparkle through the trunks of the trees -- as of shining dust motes. Then they are gone. He has not yet entered the wood (moves too slow).

Airin is ready to shoot if danger rears its angry head.

Podo finds two funny things -- they look like cat's paws, carved out of wood, carved with handles! It seems they were dropped in the panic to escape.

Selithe suggests that Airin lift the Entangle after the captive has answered the group's questions.

Fickle offers to hit the fellow again, if Kendry asks him to.

The creature slowly turns visible. Although most of him is covered in grass and leaves and goop, you can see that he looks like a miniature elf, with even pointier ears, light green skin, and green clothing that may be sewn from leaves.

He says, "Mercy, please! Let me free, I beg of you. And a morsal to take back to my starvin' wife and children!"

In answer to questions, he says that he was looking for food. He is not holding the sheep. (But the wooly beast is entangled, and not happy about that, judging by the bleating.)

If you can make a sense motive check or wisdom check vs DC13, then Please Highlight to display spoiler: {Judging by his pot belly and the twinkle in his eye, you do not think he is as starving as you might think. He's not lying about taking the sheep for foood, exactly, but there's more here than meets the eye.}

Tobias (AC 20, HP 38 / 38)  d20+19=32 d20+16=34 d20+8=27 d20+7=9 d20+14=31
Friday June 29th, 2007 2:31:01 PM

Tobias will continue just into the trees... hoping he hasn't completely lost them. He will try finding their tracks if there's nothing else to follow.

Hide: 32
Move silent: 34
Listen: 27
Spot: 9
Survival (tracks): 31

Kendry (by Kim)  d20+5=14 d20+4=19
Saturday June 30th, 2007 2:47:38 AM

[Sense motive: 14] [Ranged touch attack with net, -4 for non-proficiency penalty, +1 for goodness: 19]

Kendry tosses a net over the clever fellow from the forest.

"Prepare to hit him, Fickle, if he does not answer quickly and truthfully."

In Sylvan, he adds, "Let the thief no longer steal, but rather let him labor, that he might give to the poor."

"So, thief, what is your wife's name, and the name of your first three children, and their ages: Quick!" commands Kendry in the common tongue.

He watches the dissembler carefully.

Saturday June 30th, 2007 7:45:24 AM

Fickle laught "Wait Cuz! I know these little People, He must be hungru'z to stele one sheep at a time'z?? Beside he'll tell only lies, anyway in he'z went so far as to make a false paw print maker"

Fickle thinks for a minute, then tells his cousin, "Tell the Leper Eerr! Lapper Eerr! Little Fellow, to join us'n with dinner, of course his'm famaly too." Fickle scratches his head, then tell his cousin, "Maybe we'll just'm get to the trouth??"

Podo  d20+3=19
Monday July 2nd, 2007 1:01:28 AM

trying to determine the little critters motives, Podo listens to what it has to say...(Sense Motive DC: 19+1=20)
Podo comes to the conclusion... judging by its pot belly and the twinkle in his eye, the critter can't be starving as you might think. He's not lying about taking the sheep for foood, exactly, but there's more here than meets the eye.

"Well, Cousin, I personally think its lying. Look at its pot belly, and the happy appearence it has...there's more than meets the eye with this fellow and his friends! Time to get to the bottom of this...and I mean now!" Pod voices his opinion aloud.

Posting Report : June 25th - July 1st (Steven) 
Monday July 2nd, 2007 3:11:08 AM

Posting Report:

DM Cayzle -T-TF-- = 3
Fickle MTWTFS- = 6
Kendry -T-T-S- = 3
Dwight -TWT--- = 3
Podo -T-T--- = 2
Airin 2T-T--- = 4
Selithe -T-T--- = 2
Tobias -T-TF-- = 3
Julian (on temp leave walking ponies)

Never seen such a bad week!! With only 3 DM posts all players failed to get 5 posts... all but Fickle who is trying to uphold the Crescent Valley bunch.

Kim is excused as he's having a very busy time in RL. JPWard will cover for him.

Still, even with minimal posts, the halflings have been able to catch a leprechaun who apparently has been responsible for stealing the sheep. For being hungry? Or is there something else...

Airin and Fioni  d20+2=9 d20+16=22
Monday July 2nd, 2007 3:21:20 AM

Sense Motive: 9

"Podo! How can you say that! Don't you see the poor man is filled with sorrow for feeding his family? Poor thing..."

"Hold on let me dispell the vines that have trapped you."

With just a simple word Airin dispells the entangling vines and sets free the leprechaun and the sheep. I do believe the Tabglefoor bag still holds the "poor" fellow.

Fioni doesn't pay attention at all. Since the hawk could not chase the invisible hunters, she enjoys a nightly hunt for rodents... (Fioni Spot: 22)

Dwight  d20=13 d20+2=20 d20+4=6
Monday July 2nd, 2007 3:55:35 PM

sense motive: 13+3(rank)+1(good)=17

Dwight not believing the fellow keeps the pressure up and wants some straight answers. "Perhaps the 'chair' test should be used. Just like when we arrived here with pain of death if we lied."

Dwight hopes the others recall the 'truth' test we endured when we arrived and he also hopes they perceive this is what he means. Lastly Dwight hopes the little fellow is terrified and spills his guts truthfully.

Bluff: 6+1(good)=7 (again, not really bluffing as the test can be given, and Dwight believes the camp dwellers would have killed him had he not told the truth.)

Fey Friend or Foe? (DM Cayzle) 
Monday July 2nd, 2007 5:00:33 PM

Tobias sneaks into the glade and finds that the tracks just end. A Search check vs DC10 reveals that Highlight to display spoiler: {You see that you are at the center of a 20-ft diameter mushroom circle.}

Kendry hopes to catch the leprechaun in a lie, and demands quick answers. He snares the fellow further with a net.

Fickle looks at the paw-print making tool and says that these little people are tricksters.

Podo says that he is not buying this hunger angle at all, and seems sceptical, to say the least.

Airin, convinced by the leprechaun's sad tale, frees the fey from the entangle spell. It is still help by goo and net.

Dwight tries a threat of the chair! The leprechaun seems angry at that.

The fey fellow is fast to answer Kendry, saying, "My wife is Sylphie, and my kidlings are Buttercup, Moonwatch, Sprinklerain, and Nighting Gail. I myself am called Jonquil, or just Jon for short!" He bows -- sort of, given his entanglements.

In answer to Kendry's comment in Sylvan, he also says, in the same tongue, Highlight to display spoiler: {We are not thieves! The Fey King lent these people sheep, and now we merely reclaim what was ours all along."}

When Podo demands better answers, the leprechaun says, "Fine, I'm not starvin', but I sure could use a snack! So could my family! But the sheep was for my king, the Pixie Lord! When he says mutton, we say baa!"

Then he adds, "Now let me go, mortal folk, and you will have a blessing. But keep me prisoner, and my anger will make a mean curse on you all!" Then he adds, to Airin, "Except you, little miss. I can tell you honor nature, and you already called off the wriggly vines! Thank you!"

Monday July 2nd, 2007 11:34:39 PM

Selithe listens to the little guy and shakes her head before speaking to him, "Listen Jon, none of us want to hurt you or your family. We were asked about the sheep vanishing and as you can see are looking into it. However if this person you spoke of is causing problems or something then why don't you tell us more of him so we can either help or set up some type of arrangement. From the sounds we are all willing to reason. Anyway, you being of the short folk like us should know the dangers of the unknown so even you shouldn't take to much offense of us doing what we've done so far." Selithe shrugs, trying to be reasonable and reason peacefully with the little guy, he is a intelligent person clearly so it shouldn't be out of the question, "Anyway, wouldn't working out a truce of sorts benefit you and us anyway Sir Jon?"

(OOC:Didn't roll a diplomacy check since Selithe is just speaking her mind. However if you think I need one then roll or let me know please Cayzle.)

Kendry  d20+12=24
Tuesday July 3rd, 2007 4:08:41 AM

"All right, Jonquil. I am Kendry, and my love, Airin, is the one who just called off the wriggly vines.

"If what you are doing is not, uh, stealing, then why the subterfuge, the deceit, the false footprints, the dark of night?

In Sylvan, Kendry continues. If you speak Sylvan, Highlight to display spoiler: {"So as not to cause undue embarrassment, I'll ask the following in your language - as I think I'm the only one in our group who speaks Sylvan.

"Now, did the Fey King specifically instruct you to 'reclaim' the sheep? Have not the shepherds of these people cared for the sheep? Does not courtesy, kindness, and right demand that you harm not those who harm not you?" With sober mien, he concludes, "Considering the fashion in which you and your friends have approached this heist, it cannot in truth be called other than what it is: Theft."

But to soften, ever so slightly, that statement, he adds with a smile, "Regardless any mighty powers of rationalization you may possess."

He switches back to common. "However, if you're willing, I am willing to negotiate with the leaders of the shepherds, so that you might get an occasional sheep without turning invisible, pretending to be a cat, and taking without asking.

"Despite that your current approach certainly is creative, and I'm sure, exciting as well - it nevertheless risks animosity.

"These people tell me of their shortages of food. Perhaps, working together, the people of this community may become your friends, and you theirs - and working together - especially with all your creative genius," and Kendry is very sincere in that compliment, "I'll bet you can do something that would be a wonder of the Wold. Something noble, amazing, thrilling, enriching."

He pauses for a moment, and adds with a wink, "And likely far more noble than... sneaking someone else's sheep in the dark of night."

Kendry turns to the group. "How about this: Let's let Jon here go. With the sheep. I'll pay the community seven times its value - which, by the way, Jonquil, is a standard fine for sheep stealing where we come from.

"Jonquil, please consider our offer. By the way, my sister here, Selithe, and I are cousins to the Fey King. We believe he was excessive in many actions shortly after his rebirth. But now he does much to enrich our world in both flora and fauna, and I have grown to appreciate aspects of this fertile time.

"I'm just puzzled, though, at the reported want of food in this area. It makes no sense to me. But our hosts report it - and you confirm it."

"Here, let me remove the net I cast over you. Careful - it has little hooks in it." Kendry takes care to try to avoid damaging his clothing.

"Go home to Sylphie, and your youngins."

"No, wait for a moment, please. Perhaps we can send you home with a little more, as a token of good will."

"Dwight - I understand your idea. But we are outsiders. Jonquil and his companions are more local ... I think. Would you and Fickle go ask the shepherd if we might have a second sheep -- as a friendship offering?" In the halfling tongue, he tells Dwight that he will pay the shepherds for it.

He turns back to the leprechaun. "You gave us an offering and a warning, Jonquil. So I give you one. If you take again from these people without asking, then I will lend them my support to make your life difficult.

"But if you deal openly and equitably with them, then you have me as a friend, and I will do what I may to bless you."

Kendry waits to see if a second sheep can be obtained.

In the meantime, he takes multicolored silk from his haversack, and a flask of brandy. "This silk is for Sylphie. And this flask is for your Pixie Lord. It is fine brandy. I hope he likes it - tell him a little goes a long way."

If the second sheep is obtained, Kendry concludes:

"Now, take this first sheep out of forebearance offered, and take the second sheep as friendship offered ... if you will. Perhaps we can hear back from you, say, in three days?"

[Added diplomacy roll after original post: 24]

Tuesday July 3rd, 2007 6:29:00 AM

Fickle listens to all the fancy talk of his cousin, waiting a few seconds, Then answers his cousin " HuH? "

The he truns to the Little gree Fay. "Yes'z What ever He said'z??" Pointing to Kendry.

Airin and Fioni 
Tuesday July 3rd, 2007 7:27:15 AM

When Jonquil tells Airin she would be the only one not to suffer a terrible curse, mixed feelings race through her mind. On the one hand she thankfully nods to Jonquil but on the other hand she's worried about what might happen.

Airin then listens to Kendry and fills in his monologue with some "uhuh's" and multiple nods. Only when he starts in Sylvan Airin observes both Kendry and Jonquil. She doesn't understand a word of what they're saying, but she's convinced Kendry will explain everything to her when this is over.

Tobias  d20+1=18
Tuesday July 3rd, 2007 11:18:16 AM

Tobias loses all trace of the small tracks... he looks round and notices (Search 18) he is now in the middle of a mushroom circle. He continues looking round for any sign of the tracks that he may have lost, but doesn't find a thing.

He works his way back toward the others, to see what's happened to the creature that they caught.

Podo [AC:19 | HP: 37]  d20+9=24 d20+5=24 d20+3=8
Tuesday July 3rd, 2007 4:13:44 PM

Listening to Kendry and his elegant Diplomatic speech to the Fey, Podo has no choice but to stand his ground awaiting the outcome of this dialogue.

Skill Checks
Spot DC: 24 + 1= 25
Listen DC: 24 + 1 = 25
Sense Motives DC: 8 + 1= 9

The Leprechaun's Blessing (DM Cayzle) 
Tuesday July 3rd, 2007 8:42:04 PM

Selithe and Kendry try the honeyed tongue approach, while the others stand ready listening.

Tobias returns to see the leprechaun.

Jonquil says, "Oh, no, not the Fey King! Lands no! We serve the Pixie Lord. He is lord of pixies, not of all the fey. Although he does go to the Fey King's Court, now that the King is awake and holding Court again."

"You have answered well, mortal folk. I will tell the Pixie Lord what you say, and with thanks for these gifts. You could have held me, and ransomed me for my pot of gold, but instead you have given me presents and kind words. Let me give you my blessing, such as it is to give."

"As the moon shines and the plants grow, let the blessing of Mother Wold come to you, to safeguard you and support you, when you call her to need."

You all feel a wind blow across your faces, but the grass does not move nor do leaves on trees stir.

The leprechaun accepts the gifts, turns invisible, and is gone.

[OOC: Each of you may now cast any one zero or first level druid spell once, with a caster level equal to your character level. This ability can be used only once, and then it is gone. It also goes away when I leave the group as DM, which will happen sooner or later.]

Tuesday July 3rd, 2007 9:07:59 PM

Dwight remains unhappy, not angry more annoyed than anything. He is grateful there was no real violence and things ended peacefully, but doesn't like the fact the little fellow side stepped returning and continuing his theft.

After a few moments, he calms himself down and congratulates the others on a job well done, though costly it was for Kendry. Still as an aside he adds he wasn't interested in the fellas' pot of gold, but his honest assurance to not continue taking... well even Dwight's limited view of things realizes the fella is doing exactly what fey were created to do.

OOC: Has Dwight's religious connection ever been resolved?

Wednesday July 4th, 2007 7:09:39 AM

"Me'z make magic??" ask Fickle "You'z let me make magic? What me'z say'z HOKUS - POKUS Let-z have some Light??"

Airin and Fioni 
Wednesday July 4th, 2007 12:58:57 PM

Airin is pleased to see things turn out so well again. But the matter of the lost sheep has not been resolved now has it? Won't they come back for more?

Still the partly druid halfling is happy with this outcome.

Wednesday July 4th, 2007 1:01:01 PM

Tobias walks in as the blessing is being bestowed and asks, "Did he say something about a pot of gold?"

Wednesday July 4th, 2007 2:14:22 PM

"Thank you for your blessing," Kendry says to Jonquil. "We hope to hear from you three days hence. Farewell for now."

At Airin's mention of the apparent lack of resolution concerning the taking of the sheep, and Tobias' inquiry, Kendry says, "If they continue without making a proper agreement with the folk here, then we go after them, and their gold. If they make arrangements, and hold to them, then is friendship established. I pray for the latter."

Kendry learns who is the proper owner of the sheep, and pays the price for fourteen (or seven, if no one obtained a second animal).

He also lets his friends know what it was he said to the leprechaun in the Sylvan tongue. [So feel free to read the spoiler in Kendry's last post.]

When next they meet with Comey, he tells of his friends' success in capturing one of four, the techniques the leprechauns used, the gist of their conversation, and the offer they made to Jonquil. "Who knows whether they will make an effort to come to some sort of agreement with you on this matter. I'd be curious to learn if they do, nevertheless."

Thursday July 5th, 2007 12:12:45 AM

With the whirlwind diplomatic flaire, Podo nods Godspeed to the departing Fey and grins to Kendry. "That my cuz, is why we keep you around!"

The Druid's Delight (DM Cayzle) 
Thursday July 5th, 2007 7:06:16 AM

Dwight is not pleased, at first, with the way things have fallen out. But on reflection, he thinks that it could have gone worse. He knows the fey folk are as likely to trick as to treat, so maybe this is not so bad an ending after all.

Fickle is happy with his new one-time-only ability to do magic. Yes, he knows the words to say, and the motions to make. But he knows that if he tries it, then poof, after one spell, it all goes away!

Airin wonders what will keep the fey from their thiefery again.

Tobias wonders about the pot of gold, but then again, being able to cast a magic spell may be even better than gold!

Kendry leads the group back to the healers' settlement. Podo congratulates him on his skill in negotiation.

When you see Comey -- who comes right over even though it is now full night -- he listens, and a big grin spreads across his face.

"Fey folk! Not a big cat! Well, that IS good news! My great-granny had tales for me about them, so I know what to do! We'll hang cold iron jingle-bells around the sheep's necks, and we'll put out bowls of beer for the fey. They love beer, and if they are drunk, they won't be able to carry any sheep away!"

Comey turns a bit more serious. "My friends, you have done us well indeed, and your good service is proof of your good hearts. Please be welcome here, and enjoy the calm peace of our valley while you are here."

He tells you that you have free access to the village now, except that some of the more damaged patients are off limits to all but the healers.

[OOC: How will you spend the coming days until Graeff comes back?]

[OOC to Dwight: Fear not! Resolving your stuff will happen very soon indeed!]

Thursday July 5th, 2007 7:23:20 AM

Fickle scratches his head, "Beer? Beer? What'z Beer? I'z never had or Heared of Beer??"

Fickle will spend the rest of the Time asking every one about the beer?

Thursday July 5th, 2007 9:09:02 PM

Happy with the response from Comey and actually amused with their personal antidotes to the little tricksters, Dwight becomes content.

"I agree Fickle, I could go for some Beer myself and I care not for its taste very much."

Even with the party's new found 'freedom' within the small camp, Dwight doesn't venture very far and only has one destination he intentionally stops at; he checks to make sure the cures are still on/in the altar. Otherwise he wonders around getting a general feel of the camp; since he is now on friendlier terms with them assuming word spreads fast.

Podo  d20+9=28 d20+5=11 d20+3=4
Thursday July 5th, 2007 10:22:18 PM

Now that Podo has free access to the village, Podo will investigate every nook and cranny that he has access to making mental notes about this and that.

Skill Checks
Spot DC: 28+1 =29
Listen DC: 11+1=12
Sense Motives DC: 4+1=5

Kendry (by jpward)  d20+7=10
Thursday July 5th, 2007 10:26:08 PM

Walking back to the village, and in seeing Comey, Kendry decides to spend sometime learning about the Village's recipe for beer.

When the times comes, and if allowed, Kendry will transcribe all that he sees for use later.
(Craft, Drawing (artistic)DC: 10+1=11)

Thursday July 5th, 2007 11:19:28 PM

Selithe listens to what is said and like the others is happy to see that everything workedout for the best for now.

Selithe otherwise plans to take some time and get to know the area better and just see the sights. Making notes of the fey they met and his family in her diary also.

Airin and Fioni 
Friday July 6th, 2007 2:26:49 AM

After Comey's pleased reaction to the group's actions Airin goes to sleep. The next morning she enjoyes breakfast with her friends.

With the matter of the sheep resolved there's little to be done in this peaceful valley. So Airin spends most of her time studying the flora and admiring the work that has been done with so much love for nature. She has used her rope earlier so while in town she looks for a new silk rope. She also replenishes her water supplies and rations.

Since Airin was not raised to become a druid her druidic language is not as fluent as it should be. The verbal components of her spells work out well, but a discussion with druids is far from easy. Still she tries to spend some time with them to catch on more of the druidic speech. In time, she will master the language completely.

Friday July 6th, 2007 7:59:51 AM

Fickle finally had his first tase of beer, He liked it, After a few he fell asleep.

BUT the next day when a awaken, He had a head-ache, "Me'z never drink Beer AGAIN!! Ouch" He now hold on to his head, thing his head will fall off any minut now??"

Friday July 6th, 2007 11:27:39 AM

Tobias will also take a taste of beer. And, he will continue his exploration of the town and surrounding area while we wait for Graeff.

Kendry  d20=18
Saturday July 7th, 2007 3:33:50 AM

"A thought on that beer and cold iron, Comey, if you will. I asked Jonquil to give reply within three days. Any chance you might delay - especially on the cold iron - at least until that time? It might be good to see if they return our overture." Kendry suggests. "If they return kindness for kindness, then perhaps you and they can benefit each other in some creative way."

That gets him to thinking about the stated shortages.

"Why is it that in this time of much fertility and abundance throughout the Wold, that this high valley seems to be experiencing some measure of want? Have crops been bad? Have enough been planted? Have you anything unique to this area that you might trade with others to help enrich your community?"

With more freedom to explore, Kendry asks similar questions of other members of the community. [Gather information: 18+? - away from CS at the moment.]

The Restful Valley (DM Cayzle) 
Saturday July 7th, 2007 9:03:29 AM

There are no taverns or shops here. So Fickle does not find a bar at which to satisfy his thirst. Fickle is served a mug of cool beer (with a chip of ice in it!) with his lunch, since he asks, and in the evenings, after dinner, when many people gather around a campfire to talk, sing, and socialize, there is beer to be had in moderation.

In fact, it does not even seem possible to spend money here at all, aside from a few entertainments like games of chance or cards. Even those are very low-stakes games. If the conversation ever moves toward the ownership of anything -- such as when Kendry tries to pay for the sheep that Jonquil the Leprechaun took -- the answer seems to be that Graeff is the "owner" of everything, although "caretaker" seems like a better word.

Of course, people own their own clothes and possessions, and make things as gifts and such.

Dwight finds that the healing potions have been moved to the safety of the hidden compartments in the altar. Comey tells him that even if you know that the hidey-holes are there, they are impossible to open unless you know the secret. And since the altar is a block of stone, no one can just break in or carry it away.

Podo finds that the temple is at the center, and many patients seem to spend hours a day there in prayer or peaceful meditation. Then there are a few common areas and buildings nearby ... kitchens and stores and workshops and such. There is a blacksmith and a leatherworker and a potter and a carpenter. There is a hall for meals and classes and a place to gather when it rains. Then there are houses for those with broken or damage minds. Podo is invited to see the people who are in comas, who will benefit from the healing potions.

Beyond that are the houses for staff, barns for livestock, gardens and pastures, a slaughterhouse, an icehouse, etc.

Buildings are a mix of low wood structures and halfling-style burrows.

Kendry talks to a healer who brews beer for a hobby. A hobby that makes her very popular! Evidently a little honey is her secret ingredient. She says that in the winter she brews a tasty hard cider. She sets her fermented cider out to freeze overnight, then removes the ice in the morning. Do that a few times, and the liquid that's left is really very "medicinal" -- she says with a chuckle.

Selithe discovers that everybody knows everybody. Also, the line between staff and patient is sometimes blurry. Evidently Graeff thinks that busy hands help heal the mind, so those under his care often work in gardens or making repairs or crafting items. Sometimes Graeff brings the best of these down to the Crescent to trade for salt and spices and other things the valley cannot make.

Airin finds that this is as a wonderful model of how people can live at one with nature. There are no roads, just well maintained paths lined with flowers and shrubs. The trees are all healthy, with no parasites or diseases. The people raise animals for food, but they treat their charges well, and with compassion, and nothing goes to waste. The druids here, led by Comey, are very welcoming. She is well able to hone up on her druid lore.

Fickle finds that the healers here also have a great hangover cure, although it comes with a stern lecture not to drink too much in the first place.

Comey tells Kendry that he will wait three days, but he warns Kendry that the Fey Realm keeps its own time, and three days here may be a very different span from three days there.

The next couple days pass very smoothly. It is easy to relax here, and although you can loaf or keep busy, either way, you feel that your time is well spent.

Any other actions or questions for this period? Where do you tend to spend your time here?

Sunday July 8th, 2007 7:19:51 AM

After his first mug of berr, Fickle start singging "One Mug of beer fall of the shelf, and there's now'z 99 mugs of beer on the wall~~One more mug'z of beer fall of the''z Shelf, Now there'z 98 mugs of Beeerr zzzzzz. (Fickle falls a sleep after one mug of beer>)

Kendry  d20=1 d20=19 d20=14 d20=9 d20=14 20d20(15+2+7+8+2+11+2+3+4+20+9+11+10+13+9+12+17+4+14+13)=186
Sunday July 8th, 2007 8:21:52 AM

Ideas: Practice skills.

Any chance some of the existing members of WLA could train Fickle or anyone else wanting to join? [Training roll: nat 1]

Finish up training of Gra (Selithe's dog) & Tobia's wolf in combat. [unadjusted finishing off training for Gra: 19 - should be good enough (am away from CS); for Tewdyr: 14]

Make a lute: Try for masterwork: 9 - nope.

Learn brewing (part of alchemical skill?): 14

Draw lots of pictures: 15, 2, 7, 8, 2, 11, 2, 3, 4, 20, 9, 11, 10, 13, 9, 12, 17, 4, 14, 13

"I know - let's build a labyrinth of shrubbery, and have fountains and pools, and open spaces, and benches, and statues," Kendry suggests, asking Airin if she might talk to the druids about this.

[For inspiration, see: http://www.flickr.com/photos/pepino_esp/sets/72157600304804399/, and http://www.notesfromspain.com/810/#more-810 for a verbal description of this park in Barcelona, Spain.]

Sunday July 8th, 2007 10:31:52 PM

Dwight tries as much as possible to relax, but its hard. He routinely monitors the chapel, though he will attempt to stay out of everyone's way.

In the end, if Kendry is allowed to build the greenery in which was describe, Dwight will assist. He hopes it is actually much smaller than he describes it, and suggest putting in a 'trade' spot for the group and the pixie's to trade.

Of course, Dwight is anxious to see if there is a response to Kendry.

Podo  d20+2=13 d20+9=26 d20+4=17 d20+3=11 d20+5=18 d20+11=14
Monday July 9th, 2007 1:37:20 AM

Podo seeing and walking amongst the "ill" of the community, Drops to his knees near the alter and prays for mercy, health, and clarity of mind. (Know (Religion)DC: 13+2 = 15)

Later that day, Podo finds Kendry trying to teach Fickle some of the WLA skills. Seeing that his cousin is having issues in this, Podo will try his hand at teaching Fickle.

First Podo tries showing Fickle how to climb. Should be easy enough. Next Podo tries jumping, specifically down from their recent climb. Podo explains prior to showing "jumping", that to break your fall, you can tumble into the "jump" ending up better than if you didnt tumble.

After coming out of a good tumble, standing waiting for Fickle to follow, Podo wonders how to show and instruct Fickle about handling animals and riding. Podo will talk to Kendry first and see if its okay to use his dog and if training Fickle with the dog is acceptable.

Skill Training DCs
Climb DC: 26+1 = 27
Jump DC: 17 + 1= 18
Handle Animals DC: 11+1 = 12
Ride DC: 18 + 1= 19
Tumble DC: 14 +1 =15

Monday July 9th, 2007 1:40:55 AM

Kendry sketches out some ideas for a layout, but asks the members of the community for their thoughts ... which he incorporates into fresh sketches.

He is happy to have Dwight helping out in this endeavor.

He let's Podo know that he is fine with letting him use his Caran Hills riding / war dog, Cheann for training with Fickle.

Posting Report : July 2nd - July 9st (Steven) 
Monday July 9th, 2007 3:13:46 AM

Posting Report:

DM Cayzle MT-T-S- = 4
Fickle -TWTF-S = 5
Kendry -TWT-SS = 5
Dwight MT-T--S = 4
Podo MT-2--- = 4
Airin MTW-F-- = 4
Selithe M--T--- = 2
Tobias -TW-F-- = 3
Julian (on temp leave walking ponies)

With Kendry's diplomatic approach the Crescent Valley Halflings have been able to bring a peaceful end to the mystery of the lost sheep.
They are now free to wander around the town.

Airin and Fioni 
Monday July 9th, 2007 3:21:37 AM

Fioni circles high above the peaceful town and spends her time with hunting and sleeping.

When Airin catches up on Kendry's plan to build a park she whistles between her teeth "That's a lot of work love... a lot of work! I don't master any spells that can make plants grow faster! Perhaps some of the other druids here do. I'll see if I can convince Comey to help creating this park. But in honor of what? Our own personal glory? That of the Leprechaun? For these people to have some meeting place?"

Once Airin has the precise reason for building such a park she goes to talk with Comey and hopes she can convince him and his druids to help...

Fickle  d20+12=32 d20+7=24 d20=18
Monday July 9th, 2007 7:42:18 AM

"Okie! Dokie!" Fickle replies.

First he'll climb (32 - A natural 20), and sits on a Linb ,looking down.

Then He jumps down (24 - made it again).

them tumble (18 - Made it)

Come to stand in frount of Podo, smiles "Did Me'z do good??"

Monday July 9th, 2007 11:19:55 AM

Tobias can help with some training for Fickle... perhaps some climbing and riding.

And, Kendry... would be great to train Tewdwr, but he went for with Julian along with the other animals. [OOC: unless they're back...]

Monday July 9th, 2007 8:00:00 PM

(OOC:Sorry for last weeks posting.)

Selithe looks over the games being played and such and will also take part in them abit. From the looks of the place she tries mainly for free games as she doesn't want to take any money from these people.

Selithe otherwise continues wondering around the place sometimes, mainly doing this as she takes Gra out for a ride or a stretch of her legs.

Hearing Kendry's comment Selithe smiles and shakes her head, "Not sure how much help I would be in building something other then making cards and such."

Tuesday July 10th, 2007 6:59:39 AM

After doing all those stunts, Fickle will wait to see if He has done well??

Dwight (monday post) 
Tuesday July 10th, 2007 7:49:23 AM

Dwight happens to be near Fickle and those training him when he complete his stunts. Dwight claps as he believes Fickle did very well.

Invasion, Part I -- Harpies!

Disturbing the Peace (DM Cayzle) 
Tuesday July 10th, 2007 10:31:12 AM

Fickle enjoys the simpler pleasures in life: good drink, sound sleep. He is a true campaigner, taking his leisure when it comes.

Kendry urges his friends to hone their WLA skills, which certainly is a help toward the rigorous training that keeps them sharp. But you have to be an officer to enlist new members, and field promotions are frowned on. If you want to join, then you'll have to get to a WLA base.

Kendry also flits from activity to activity, and thinks of a garden that would be beautiful and fun to wander. But you will have to be gardeners or druids or greenmages of greater skill to execute the bard's vision, at least in just a few days. Comey likes the idea, but is too busy attending to patients and overseeing security. You get the idea that he is super busy whenever Graeff is away.

Dwight watches his active friend and tries to relax. The ever-vigilant Dwight keeps an eye on the chapel, with its precious treasure hidden in the altar.

Podo also works on his WLA skills and encourages Fickle to join. But there just is no topping the premier training staff of the WLA or the facilities they use to go above and beyond.

The monk/cleric also prays for those who seek healing here.

Airin lends her voice to Kendry's in talking with Comey. But his days are just too full, and you see that the druids and healers that are on staff (and there are only a few of those) are also very hard at work already.

Also, Comey says that they have a welcome area, the enclosed meadow into which the party was first brought, to use in meeting pixies and other visitors.

Fickle gets into the training idea. Maybe he will be willing to spend the 2,000 gold it takes to join the WLA back in Crescent Valley? Dwight encourages him.

Selithe joins a few friendly games of chance. If she can make a Spot or Sense Motive check vs DC15, then Please Highlight to display spoiler: { She finds sees one halfling palming cards!}


In this way, a few pleasant days pass.

One day, before Graeff returns, you hear a bell ringing! It is the alarm bell! In a moment, you are all in the commons of the village. A scout is hoarsely shouting. Flying winged women are attacking the village -- Harpies!!! They come from the East (the opposite way from which the party came).

Comey quickly gives orders that patients are to be taken into the burrows and protected.

He asks Kendry if he can out-sing the Harpies.

A few patients refuse to go. Among them are the dwarf girl Hmarge, and a human you have not met, although you have seen him among those who may become violent. He is hitting himself over and over on the head, and whispering fiercely, "SPARKS! SPARKS ALL AROUND!

Hmarge's hands move in her gesture-talk, and those who can understand that get the idea that "sparks" means "hearts" or "souls."

A half dozen slingers and archers are taking up hidden positions. Comey and his bear are among them. What do you do?

Kendry  d20=9 d20=3 d20=17 d20=15
Tuesday July 10th, 2007 3:53:42 PM

"Great job, Fickle. You should be training us!"

Kendry later answers Comey, "I have done so before." He casts a message spell to include Airin, Comey, Podo, Tobias, Dwight, and Selithe (sorry friends, am limited on numbers affected).

"The essence of some souls - called 'sparks', after spending some time in the realm of Gargul, are released to new life, born anew to parents," whispers Kendry to those who received the message spell as he takes out his bow (placed over shoulder), quiver with arrows and lute - the latter he quickly tunes. "I wonder whether some might try to take possession of others' bodies.

"Podo - pray for wisdom - do what you can. Friends - defend these people with wit, weapons and will."

And with that Kendry begins, with lute and voice, to work on countering the singing of the evil harpies. He wonders if any of the harpies they earlier faced will be among these.

[Listen: 9+6+1=16 to hear the song of the harpies; Spot: 3+3+1=7 to see them; Countersong: 17+13+1=31 to counter their singing with his voice; Countersong with lute: 15+6+1=22]

Dwight (ac 16, hp 35)  d20+4=12 d20+8=20 d4=1
Tuesday July 10th, 2007 4:11:57 PM

Dwight heads towards any patients that need to be moved while pulling out his bow. Focusing on the tune of Kendry and the bow string in his hand, he looks for the harpies (spot:12).

If he sees one he lets the SLEEP arrow fly (att: 20+1(good), dmg: 1, save versus sleep (DC ?? or fall asleep)

OOC: Not sure what DC this would be. The arrows were bought at the catacombs...DC 11?

Tuesday July 10th, 2007 4:13:05 PM

Didn't add bonus to dmg from song or +1 to damage for being good because I wasn't sure I should.

Tobias (AC 20, HP 38/38) [Message]  d20+14=28 d4+1=5
Tuesday July 10th, 2007 4:40:20 PM

At the sound of the alarm, Tobias looks for the harpies in the sky... drawing his composite bow, he fires at one that happens to come near by... falling back trying to stay within distance of the rest of the group.

Attack: 28
Damage: 5

Tuesday July 10th, 2007 9:44:44 PM

Podo prays for wisdom & guidance from both Alemi & Domi for a good solution to this Harpy mess.

Airin [AC17 - 42/42 HP] and Fioni [AC17 - 8/8 HP]  d20+19=25 d20+9=16 d6=3
Wednesday July 11th, 2007 4:19:47 AM

(since a few days have passed Airin's spell list is replenished. I will take her standard spell list though since we could not prepare for the harpies)

As they are warned for the oncoming Harpies Airin prepares by blocking her ears with small piece of canvas drenched in water. This possibly offers her some protection against the foul Harpy Song...

Then, she hides in the folliage with the others casting a Produce Flame Spell on herself.

Hide: 25 +1 valley bonus

Instantaniously a flame flickers around Airin's hands that she covers from sight by turning her back to the harpies. Once they are in range (120 ft) she hurls the fireball at the nearest Harpy...

Readied throw:
hits AC16 +1 valley bonus
damage: 3+2 = 5 fire damage +1 valley bonus
(does the fire continue to burn the victem?)

Airin is caster lvl 2 so the Produce Flame spell works 2 minutes. After throwing the first flame only 1 minute remains or one flame attack.

Spell List:

Level 0: Flare, Goodberrie, Create Water, Light
Level 1: Speak with animals, *Produce Flame, Entangle

* shows what spells have been cast for today

Fickle  d20=3
Wednesday July 11th, 2007 8:06:46 AM

Listens - 3 Deft as a Post.

Fickle look to the others, and they are all excited?? So Fickle being Fickle, He ask what'z a Heppies?? What'z the want?"

Kendry - Inspire Courage  d20+14=30
Wednesday July 11th, 2007 11:41:56 AM

Now harpies they are wicked fowl
Whose stench from skies the freshness takes
But we - but we -
We will not trust nor heed their words
But pluck their pinions, pierce their breasts
And make them flee back to foul nests.
Kendry answers Fickle in song, and seeking to inspire courage in those who hear the sound of his voice. [Perform, singing: 30]

[And countersinging vs the harpies as soon as he can hear their voices, as well.]

Wednesday July 11th, 2007 8:35:53 PM

Listening to Kendry's song, while finishing up his prayers, Podo moves towards his friends and family to see if he can help with the harpies.

Wednesday July 11th, 2007 9:29:51 PM

Selithe frowns and speaks up as she begins readying her bow and a arrow, "I remember fighting these things before. I believe one got my dog under it's control for one."

Selithe if possible will try to find some cover after getting her bow ready.

(I think thats too many actions for a single round.)

Wednesday July 11th, 2007 10:21:19 PM

"Yes I too remember fighting them. I also remember some got away and promised to visit again. These however, seem to have flown in from another direction. I hope we have not brought this upon this small town they have suffered enough."

Kendry/Kim OOC 
Thursday July 12th, 2007 2:28:18 AM

[Note to Justin: Based upon Cayzle's last post - people are getting ready, therefore, quite likely, we are not immediately in combat, but have at least a wee bit of time to prepare - more than one round in this post.
-My best guess.

Thursday July 12th, 2007 6:58:13 AM

OH! Bad they are?? Well1 Me'z thinks Me'z need more rocks!" Off he goes to pick some rocks for his sling. "Nice Jarged one that will hurt!' He tells himself.

Airin and Fioni 
Thursday July 12th, 2007 9:43:59 AM

The flames in Airin's hand don't burn the halflinf lass though it starts to get warm... she's ready to throw it the moment the Harpies get closer... ah the anticipation of a fight... the delicte tingle that runs down your spine...

Harpy Fight Starts! (DM Cayzle) 
Thursday July 12th, 2007 11:37:22 AM

I'm sorry, friends, I am also substitute DMing the Chosen game, and getting ready for a two-week vacation. I will post today (with a map) and tomorrow and Saturday. That will give us 4 DM posts this week at least. Thank you for understanding.

Kendry casts a message cantrip. He has his bow and lute ready. He offers an inspiring song. Please pick a place you want to be on the map for that, and later, for countersong.

Dwight thinks the harpies are off to the east, but he does not have a shot yet. He wants to fire, and is ready for when they come near enough. Yes, the sleep arrows have a will save vs DC11.

Tobias gets out his bow, takes his place, and is ready to fire too.

Podo says a prayer.

Airin plugs her ears (offers a +2 on saves). She casts produce Flame and is ready to throw it from hiding.

Fickle tries to figure out what is going on. "Harpies are coming to attack us!" Comey tells him. He picks up some rocks to throw.

Selithe has time to ready her bow and get under cover. Pick a spot on the map, please.


Comey's rangers and range-weapon specalists move out first toward the threat. Several healer/druids follow to support them. Comey directs several patients into burrows (now off the map), then he and his bear also head towards the coming fight.

Hmarge tries to calm the human, who is looking around wildly as if seeing ghosts.


You begin to hear the cawing of the harpies. It is still little more than a whispered threat, but you know it is coming! Then, through the trees, you see four or five harpies flying in from the east! They are just beyond those trees.

Note that the map is on a TEN FEET PER SQUARE scale!

Note that the +1 bonus for being good only affects d20 rolls, not damage rolls.

Please place yourself on the map ... anywhere that seems reasonable. Start from the Commons and give yourselves a few rounds of movement, if desired. If you do not give a map location, the default that I picked for you on today's map stands.

The harpies end the turn about 280 feet from the Commons.

All rolled attacks have a 20% miss chance vs harpies due to concealment and range penalties that apply for an enemy that far away.

You can choose to use your attacks that you already rolled or make new ones. If you make new ones, you have to use them.

And the map.

Tobias (AC 20, HP 38 / 38) [Message] 
Thursday July 12th, 2007 6:23:02 PM

Tobias double moves to get closer to the oncoming harpies (Z27).

Dwight (see previous post) 
Thursday July 12th, 2007 7:45:45 PM

Dwight moves to X20. He intends to shoot one, but doesn't really care which at this point.

att:21 dmg 1+1(inspire courage?) with a DC 11 sleep arrow

Selithe-AC:20-HP:39  d20+9=19 d20+7=23
Thursday July 12th, 2007 10:18:02 PM

Selithe moves to (W23) and does her best to stay hidden for now.

(Hide:19 Move silently:23)

Airin [AC17 - 42/42 HP] and Fioni [AC17 - 8/8 HP] 
Friday July 13th, 2007 5:30:09 AM

Start from the Commons and give yourselves a few rounds of movement, if desired

Airin saw the Archers, Slingers and Healers move out to face the Harpies. That was about the time she cast the Produce Flame spell on herself. Without hesitations she began to move forward too.

"C'mon friends. We need to get closer to help the archers and slingers. Kendry, you need to come with us so you can countersing the harpies! Hurry!"

There's no point in hiding... the archers are out in the open. Making two rounds of running (x4) she should be able to reach AH22. That could be Airin's starting position at this moment. That's the place where she hides in the folliage. (Hide 25+1 previously rolled)

From that spot she can see through the bushes and observe the oncomming Harpies. She sure hopes her friends will follow suit and take position near the trees.

Once the harpies are within range of the Flame (within 120ft) she throws the first flame also previously rolled:

Readied throw:
hits touch AC AC16 +1 valley bonus
damage: 3+2 = 5 fire damage +1 valley bonus
(does the fire continue to burn the victem?)

Fioni takes it to the sky and circles high over the scene... ready to make a Dive attack once the frenzy starts...

Spell List:

Level 0: Flare, Goodberrie, Create Water, Light
Level 1: Speak with animals, *Produce Flame, Entangle

* shows what spells have been cast for today

Kendry - Inspire courage, message (AC 15, 35 hp)  d20+10=23 d4+3=5 d20+14=17
Friday July 13th, 2007 12:52:33 PM

A number of issues come to Kendry's mind. The need to protect the patients is a large one. The harpies that survive the missiles from below could pass them and go for the gathered patients by the hill, or for those congregated in the commons. Some might fly around.

Though many arguments he could advance to have his friends remain in the commons, and protect those there, he has waited too long to speak.

Enter yonder building friends, and cover up your ears
We outside will fight, so do allay your fears
Kendry sings to the patients gathered in the commons, and points toward the small building at O24.

He believes that the man who talks of 'sparks' is genuinely sensing a proliferation of pre-incarnate souls, but does not know what to do - other than to work with others to take out the harpies, their arrival coincident with the invisible invasion.
Hmarge, and friend who sees the sparks
Follow me toward the fray
May Alemi give us peace,
Stout-hearted Domi lead the way
You I'll leave beneath the tree
Hope and trust and heavenward pray!
Whether they come or no, Kendry encourages them to come to W22, and remain there.

He sings to encourage and suggest, and as he gets the tune of the harpies, to counter their evil songs. As he moves, he moves bow to hand, harp slung back over the shoulder, and nocks an arrow. Getting to X20, adjacent Dwight, he shoots an arrow at the closest harpy in sight, hitting AC 23 for 5 hp damage.

If Sparky and Hmarge go where he indicated, they and Selithe and Dwight are in range of his countersong, which this round is a low 17 (+1 vs charm from inspire courage for 18 on will saves vs harpies' song). Hard to be as effective musically when dashing about...

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood {AC:19 | HP:37} 
Friday July 13th, 2007 9:24:19 PM

Podo sees Airin sticking something into her ears; thinking that's a good idea, tries to find something that he can do the same with. Not finding anything within his sack, Podo tears off a rag from his Monk's outfit...and then sets about stuffing it into his ears.

Afterwards, Podo looks for 3 stones he can throw as weapons about on the ground.

Skill Checks
Knowledge(History) DC:

Readied Spells
•Detect Magic
•Purify Food and Drink

1st level
•Cure Light Wounds x2

ADM Kim - note to players 
Saturday July 14th, 2007 9:28:04 AM

Cayzle's laptop's hard drive crashed. He has a backup from a few days ago. He lost the map he'd been updating for the current combat, however... so there may be a slight delay in the DM post.

Fickle (AC 21/ 58 HP)  d20+9=20 d4+3=6
Saturday July 14th, 2007 10:09:55 AM

Fickle looks for his sling, but all he has in his hand now is a Spear at harpie (H), Hitting her at AC 20 - Hit Damage 6 hp of damages.

Saturday July 14th, 2007 10:55:56 AM

Yup, thanks Kim. I got my laptop back last nite with a new hard drive. I have to recreate some stuff. I'm sorry, I think this is my worst DM week ever!

Sunday July 15th, 2007 6:07:09 PM

Jus' checkin' in.

Sunday July 15th, 2007 11:06:39 PM

Dwight worries about the patients as well as how secure the chapel is. He makes sure he sees if anyone/thing goes into the chapel.

Posting Report : July 10th - July 16th (Steven) 
Monday July 16th, 2007 2:47:49 AM

Posting Report:

DM Cayzle -T-T--- = 2
Fickle MTWT-S- = 5
Kendry MTW-F-- = 4
Dwight MTWT--S = 5
Podo MTW-F-- = 4
Airin M-WTF = 4
Selithe M-WT--- = 3
Tobias MT-T--- = 3
Julian (on temp leave walking ponies)

DM Cayzle has had his worst DM week ever! Substitute DM'ing the Chosen game AND a lap top crash result in only 2 posts this week. Recreating the current encounter causes delay in a new DM post. Hang in there Cayzle!!


Our friends enjoy the peaceful time in the valley untill suddenly the alarm bell rings! Harpies!!

Slingers, archers, healers... they all head out to face the Harpies while the rest of the town brings the needy in safety.
The Crescent Valley gang prepares to confront the harpies as well... With song, wit, and cold steel they're waiting for the frenzy to begin.

(ooc. Kim, let me know if you want to do the reports yourself again. No rush.)

Monday July 16th, 2007 7:10:42 AM

Fickle sniffs the air, "Sniff! Sniff! Me'z have cold in nose! Smell nothing! BUT can hear something??"

Airin [AC17 - 42/42 HP] and Fioni [AC17 - 8/8 HP] 
Monday July 16th, 2007 8:50:07 AM

The wold spins around in slomotion as Airin fixates on the Harpies...

Fioni seems to hang still in mid air as the tiny hawk observes the Harpies too...

Harpy Parley (DM Cayzle)  d100=35 d20+6=21 d6=5
Monday July 16th, 2007 5:24:05 PM

[OOC: Again, apologies for bad posting last week. I'm trying hard to get five (four at least) posts this week! I had to remake the map from scratch, so things moved around. I will be *very* understanding of you post revisions to your movement and positioning.]

Tobias double moves to get closer to the harpies.

Dwight moves forward and fires an arrow. He has a 20% miss chance because all the harpies are partially obscured by foliage. The DM rolls a 35, so no problem. The harpies are about 200 feet away (Map is scaled at 10 ft per square), but even with the range penalty, Dwight has no problem. He fires at Harpy 5, hitting its poor AC13 for 2 hp nonlethal damage. It saves easily but tales 2 hp nonlethal damage.

Airin moves to hide behind a tree and hide. She readies a flame to throw, but she is right on the edge of her range and suffers a 20% miss chance. Throwing would also reveal her position. Does she throw or hold? Fioni is overhead -- is she out of arrow range (500+ feet)?

Selithe hides too, but she stays a little closer to the commons.

Kendry Inspires Courage, giving all the allies a bit of an extra boost. Then he moves forward next to Dwight. He has no time to shoot when the harpies start singing, and he has no choice but to countersong or see some of his allies be entranced. But his song in fact does counter the harpies magic, which is ineffective.

Podo stuffs his ears and finds some stones to throw.

Fickle throws a spear, but it is too far away to hit. Fickle will have to move a good bit closer to be effective.


The slingers and archers take cover behind trees and bushes. They are ready to fire but have not yet done so. The healers get under cover too. The patients take refuge in burrows or buildings. Comey walks forward with his bear. He calls out, "Begone, harpies, or we will attack without mercy."


The Harpies caw in frustration that their magic is not effective. One, harpy 1, clad in studded leather armor, flies a little forward and calls out, "We will parley!"


And the map!

Monday July 16th, 2007 6:11:31 PM

Being the only one to release a missile and hit, Dwight almost feels bad. He waits though, being it's Comey's call as to the fight or parley decision.

OOC: why was Dwight's damage nonlethal? just curious

Monday July 16th, 2007 9:29:22 PM

Selithe hearing the comment on parley, will move forward some more. Figures she has a bit more time to get closer to what's going on now but still keeping her bow ready just in case this offer from the harpy is a ruse to get the group and people to drop their guard.

(Cayzle: I'll post spells next round, promise. *Can't get my CS to open right now, computer is being stubborn and needing defragmented I think*.)

Kendry  d20+14=26 d20+14=26 d100=77 d20+3=17
Tuesday July 17th, 2007 1:16:38 AM

[accidentally double-clicked on roll button - disregard 2nd, albeit identical, roll]

[Countersong: 26] Kendry continues to sing to defuse the harpies' attempts to muddle the minds of the people of the village of Four Peaks.
Stop your voices, harpies now
Except the hen who asks for parley
Else you'll feel sharp stings from bows
To die in pain and gain no entree
His bow is strung, and arrow nocked.

If any harpies fail to heed his admonition, he lets fly his arrow at that one (see earlier post, hit AC 23, less whatever subtractions for distance, for 5 hp damage - rolled 77 on d100 to see if 20% miss chance applies - it should hit).

He glances quickly about to see if anything flies in from another quarter [Spot 17], then, if nothing spies, returns his attention to the frontal assault. If he does see anything out of the ordinary coming from another direction skyward, he'll include a warning in his song to alert his friends.

Airin [AC17 - 42/42 HP] and Fioni [AC17 - 8/8 HP]  d20+19=29
Tuesday July 17th, 2007 6:22:51 AM

"Parley?!? They should hang the one who invented that! Is this going to be resolved by talking as well?!?" Airin thinks to herself.

With the Harpies still not within the 120ft from her she waits... not showing herself yet. Who knows, they can be deceitful...

Airin remains in place hiding behind the tree ((hide 29). The flame still readied in her hand. She should have brought marshmellows!

Fioni indeed flies high above the harpies and also awaits the outcome of the parley.

Spell List:

Level 0: Flare, Goodberrie, Create Water, Light
Level 1: Speak with animals, *Produce Flame, Entangle

* shows what spells have been cast for today

Fickle (AC21/58Hp) 
Tuesday July 17th, 2007 7:13:14 AM

Fickle is a little bit mad about loseing his spear, He Yells at the Harpies, "Darn #@*^&%! Harpies, You'z moveded!"

Now he starts to look for some rocks.

Tobias (AC 20, HP 38/38) [Message]  d20+8=16 d20+14=30 d4+1=2 d100=15
Tuesday July 17th, 2007 11:05:13 AM

Tobias waits to see the response to Kendry's song... Keeping his bow at the ready and his eyes sharp. If any of the harpies get out of line, he will shoot at them.

Spot: 16
Attack: 30
Damage: 2
Miss chance: 15 (missed)

Robert OOC 
Tuesday July 17th, 2007 9:09:01 PM

Can't help myself... I am at home because all the roads round here are closed due to snow. I love snow days, I still get paid!

Anthony, from the d20srd, and the DMG p.228.

Sleep Arrow

This +1 arrow is painted white and has white fletching. If it strikes a foe so that it would normally deal damage, it instead bursts into magical energy that deals nonlethal damage (in the same amount as would be lethal damage) and forces the target to make a DC 11 Will save or fall asleep.

[Robert - I'm looking forward to your soon return! --Kim]

Dwight  d20+8=16 d4=1 d20+3=23 d20+7=10
Tuesday July 17th, 2007 9:58:30 PM

OOC: Thanks Robert. I actually didn't know that when I bought them.

Dwight remains standing with another arrow (normal) readied. He keeps slightly more than half of his attention on the chapel, leaving the parley outcome to his listening skills.

Anything out of line he fires:
att: 16+1(goodness), dmg:2

spot: 23 (natural 20)--anything going on in chapel
listen: 10---parley outcome

Cayzle OOC 
Wednesday July 18th, 2007 12:28:50 AM

The map is up. Scroll up to see it at the end of the Monday DM Post. Sorry for the delay. I will continue to be VERY understanding about variations in how you choose to position yourself on the map.

Thanks Robert for the info. We're looking forward to having you back.

Wednesday July 18th, 2007 12:51:01 AM

Podo continues to pray for a good outcome...while holding onto the rocks he picked up.

Wednesday July 18th, 2007 12:54:45 AM

My best guess is that Kendry and Dwight would be at about Q21. We were on or next to the road just to the other side of the building beyond the first tree beyond the commons. Although if Dwight disagrees, I'm flexible on this point.

Par-Lay or Dee-Lay? (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday July 18th, 2007 1:19:30 AM

Dwight holds his attack, waiting to see if Comey attacks or talks.

Selithe moves forward, but not trustng the bird-folk, she still has a bow and arrow ready.

Kendry continues to countersong, and makes clear that if the harpies do not stop their singing, he will attack them.

Airin wisely continues to hide and hold her spell ready. Fioni flies high over head.

Fickle gathers some stones to throw. He finds three decent throwers. Podo does the same, while saying a prayer.

Tobias keeps alert, but his attention is fixed ahead toward the harpies.

Dwight also keeps busy, but he is careful to check out the village and temple as well.


Comey shouts: "Speak your peace so long as you do not attack. We will listen."


The Harpy Leader gives a signal, and the harpy song ends, perhaps to answer Kendry.

Then she answers, "Shouting cannot lead to peace. Please come closer, leader of this valley. Comey pauses, shrugs, takes a double move closer.

Dwight, who for some reason chose to look at the temple, and who rolled a nat 20 on his spot check, makes an amazing discovery! He sees two humanoid creatures dresed in black slip into the Chapel. They are not from the Valley, and after being here almost a week, you are sure that you do not know them.

At the start of the round, Dwight is the only person who knows about this.

And the map (10 ft per square) will come in the morning. Too tired right now.

Wednesday July 18th, 2007 6:41:44 AM

Since the Harpies has stop singing, Fickle has found three nice thowing rock to do battle with. But still his one and only Spear is way over there.

"Flying Lady'z! Can I go get-um myz Spear the slip out of'z me'z hand??" He'll wait for his answer.

Invasion, Part II -- Sneaks!

Cayzle OOC: Map and Map Notes 
Wednesday July 18th, 2007 7:19:24 AM

Here are a few map notes.

I'm assuming that Kendry and Dwight are together and that they are within 150 feet of the harpies. Any farther, and the harpies would not be able to make out the lyrics of Kendry's song. (Listen checks are at -1 per ten feet distance).

The two sneaks are labelled A and B, at the Chapel. They are medium in size.

And the map.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood [AC: 19 & HP:37]  d20+9=29
Wednesday July 18th, 2007 11:39:32 AM

Podo while in prayer realizes that this fight is not his, that his responsibilities here, lie with the sick & wounded.

Getting up from his kneeling position, Podo pivots, and speaking to Fickle, explains that his place is with the sick. Podo runs to resume his place within; moving from Q27to P16.

On his way there, Podo will try to see if anything changed while everyone's backs were turned towards the Harpies.

Skill Checks
Spot DC: 29+1 =30 (Nat 20)

Readied Spells
•Detect Magic
•Purify Food and Drink

1st level
•Cure Light Wounds x2

Dwight (ac 16, hp 35) 
Wednesday July 18th, 2007 2:11:05 PM

OOC: I know that you lost the map and had to recreate it (which sucks!, I've had that happened and recently just lost my own WORLD map....I'm ticked)...anyways....looking at the old posts and maps, Dwight's main focus is really on the chapel --- and the altar which contains the potions. He had originally only moved just outside the green circle.

See map on 7/12 and Dwight's post afterward.

Dwight did not intend on advancing towards Comey even to listen. If the sounds of combat begin he could turn his attention. I also assume Comey and harpies are somewhat shouting since there were songs occuring and the harpies were up in the air.

The only thing this might change is the distance he is from the sneaks.

** using the new map from 7/16, Dwight could move toward road and shoot MM**

If Dwight is where he intended to be he will cast Magic Missile at sneak A and shout, "Trick!, It's a trick, they are after our treats!"

The wave of electricity leaving his finger leads directly to sneak A. (aka...everyone should see him now)

(In the case Dwight is to far, due to new location, Dwight still shouts, adding the location of infront of the chapel and makes a double move in that direction.)

Kendry  d20+4=16 d20+14=21
Wednesday July 18th, 2007 3:05:38 PM

[Considering your counsel, I'll have Kendry where you put him on the map, Cayzle, at AF21. It's fine if Dwight is further back.]

Hearing Dwight's warning and glancing over his shoulder at his friend, Kendry notes the interlopers [Spot 18: 16+2 circumstantial due to Dwight's indication and spell trajectory].

Anticipating the harpies will renew their efforts, he countersings [21].
Deceivers! Thieves! Dissembling fowls!
Comey, let me loose a shaft
This harpy flock let's disembowel
'Fore minions steal with wiley craft
From chapel they do enter now
He respects Comey's position and command. If the town leader says aye, or if the harpies take any offensive actions, Kendry lets fly the arrow at harpy #1 [Hit AC 21 (not 23, due to distance), for 5 hp damage].

Cayzle OOC 
Wednesday July 18th, 2007 8:46:23 PM

The issue of Dwight's location is exactly what I meant when i said I'll be very flexible about PC placement. It is Fine for Dwight to stay near the chapel and Kendry to stay near the harpies. Please feel free to post like Dwight did.

Wednesday July 18th, 2007 10:21:11 PM

Having hung back in the bushes and hearing Dwight call out what he says. Selithe turns to move towards the chapel now, needing to get closer to make use of her bow.

0th:Acid Splash, Flare, Light, Prestidigitationx2
1st:Magic Missile, Enlarge Person, Summon Monster Ix2
2nd:Melf's acid arrowx2, Bull's strength

Kendry - another thought  d20+4=14 d20+8=27
Thursday July 19th, 2007 1:08:41 AM

Kendry thinks about the harpy's words to Comey, her desire to have him closer. Does she think to cast a spell upon him - or is this simply part of their ruse? If he sees her wiggle her fingers, or appear to cast a spell, that arrow will come quickly her way. [Prepared action. Spot: 14; Spellcraft 27]

The arrow pulled back and held now so long in his strong bow, the bard's fingers begin to tire...

[She's about to get shafted, that harpy is.]

Airin [AC17 - 42/42 HP] and Fioni [AC17 - 8/8 HP]  d20+9=18 d6+2=7 d20+19=32
Thursday July 19th, 2007 6:00:30 AM

"Trick!, It's a trick, they are after our treats!"

"huh?" Airin says to herself and looks at Dwight... the following his fingers Airin notices the thieves entering the chapel!

Now what? Go after the thieves or deal with the harpies who, seen from Airin's hiding place, seem to be surrounding Comey and his group.

"Nay, I need to stay here now and deal with the Harpies..."

Airin too awaits to hear Comey's "aye" in response to Kendry and if she hears it, she throws the flame at last! (these flames have a range of 120ft without range penalties)

Flame hits touch AC 18 - 7Hp fire damage - continues to burn a second round?

After throwing the flame a second flame appears in her hands instantaniously. Ready to be thrown next round.

Worried now about the outcome - and exited with the action - Airin moves 5ft to the other side of the tree trunk and hides again... hide 32

Spell List:

Level 0: Flare, Goodberrie, Create Water, Light
Level 1: Speak with animals, *Produce Flame, Entangle

* shows what spells have been cast for today

Fickle (Ac21/ 58 Hp) 
Thursday July 19th, 2007 6:25:41 AM

Fickle (Who hates to lose that one and only Spear) will move to V25, Pick up his speas, then on to V22. "Now Ladie'z I'z comeing to you'z! Wait for Me'z"

Tobias (AC 20, HP 38/38) [Message] 
Thursday July 19th, 2007 11:30:16 AM

Hearing Dwight's exclamation that it was a trick and someone was at the temple, Tobias turns in his tracks and moves at full speed towards the temple doors (to V19).

Thursday July 19th, 2007 10:51:33 PM

OOC: Thanks

It's all a blur as the tide changes from combat with harpies, to parley, to combat with men in black.

Fickle (Ac 21/ 58hp)  d20+9=26 d4+3=6
Friday July 20th, 2007 8:31:18 AM

Fickle Throws his spear (attact Ac 26 - Damages 6hp) after that he lines up his three Stones. "I'z here! Ugly ladie'z" he taunt then so that they will decend lower.

Airin [AC17 - 42/42 HP] and Fioni [AC17 - 8/8 HP] 
Friday July 20th, 2007 10:38:47 AM


The Two-Front War (DM Cayzle)  d20+6=18 d20+6=8 d20+6=7 d20+6=13 d20+6=26 d20+6=10 (missiles vs harpies) d20+11=17 (harpy saves) d6=5 d4=1 d8=4 (hits on harpies) d20+3=12 d20+3=10 (harpy grapples miss) d20+22=30 d20+17=36 d20+12=25 3d8(2+4+3)+12=21 3d6(2+3+3)=8
Friday July 20th, 2007 11:49:01 AM

[OOC: Yes, the battle has shifted in a fairly chaotic fashion! Module writer Jerry is devilish! But did he remember that the party had a bard when he wrote harpies into the module? LOL! And Dwight looked at the exact right place and rolled the perfect nat 20! LOL again -- and well done, Dwight!]

Fickle moves to his spear and picks it up.

Podo moves north toward the chapen entrance.

Dwight steps closer and casts magic missile at Sneak A. [OOC: Please roll mm damage, and use map coordinates to let me know where you should be. Hope the current position is okay.]

Repeating Dwight's warning, Kendry goes on the offensive. [OOC: Note that you can countersong OR fire in the same round, not both. Since the harpies are not singing right now, I'll use the latter for Kendry.]

Selithe comes near to Dwight and gets ready to shoot.

Airin throws her flame (at which harpy, please!) and hits for 7 hp damage. Then she moves and hides in the flora.

Tobias moves at speed to get to the chapel.


Comey sees what is happening. "Attack!" he calls! He casts a spell (Spellcraft DC17 to tell it is warp wood on the leader harpy, who has a bow)), but that has no effect.

The slingers and archers fire, and three harpies are hit.


Harpies 2 and 3 fly to a halfling slinger and try to grapple him. They are at +3 to do so since they are non-proficient. But the halfling's grapple DC is hurt by his size. Both miss.

Two other harpies spend the round moving to close.

The harpy leader fires arrows at Comey. All three hit, doing 29 hp damage to Comey! Another round like that and he'll be dead!


The two sneaks slip into the chapel and move out of sight.


And the Map


Sneak A - mm damage HOW MUCH??
Sneak B - untouched

Harpy 1 - 5+5 = 10
Harpy 2 - untouched
Harpy 3 - untouched
Harpy 4 - 1
Harpy 5 - 4

Comey - 29

Airin's flame on WHICH HARPY??

dwight-mm dmg  d4+1=3
Friday July 20th, 2007 12:51:06 PM

Dmg to sneak A = 3

Steven Airin 
Friday July 20th, 2007 1:05:18 PM

Given her position and the fact that she noticed the Harpies were surrounding the group I'd say Airin fired at Harpy 4.

Rest of post coming later

Airin [AC21 - 42/42 HP] and Fioni [AC17 - 8/8 HP]  d20+9=22 d6+2=6
Friday July 20th, 2007 1:33:28 PM

Airin notices Harpy 4 continues to close in on her. Still in her hidden position she throws the second flame.

Flame hits touch AC22 for 6 HP fire damage

Throwing the second flame causes the produce Flame spell to end.

Airin spends her move action to take a Mage Armor potion from her Haversack (free move) and drink it.

She is now unarmed. Her crossbow hangs on her back.

Fioni notices the deceit too and dives down shrieking loud. Not engaging the Harpies though but just trying to distract them...

Spell List:

Level 0: Flare, Goodberrie, Create Water, Light
Level 1: Speak with animals, *Produce Flame, Entangle

* shows what spells have been cast for today

Kendry (AC 15, HP 35) (message; remember, everyone has inspired courage for this and the next round: +1 attack/+1 damage)  d20+9=25 d20+3=9 d4+3=6
Friday July 20th, 2007 3:45:48 PM

[OOC: The harpy leader can shoot 3 arrows a round? Oh no!!]

Kendry looses another arrow at harpy #1 for 6 hp damage. [Hit AC 25 for 6 hp damage. The d20+3=9 was an 'oops' roll - forgot to change the d20 to d4.]

And he continues singing just because he almost always sings in battle...
Archers, join and strike the speaker
Harpy with her mighty bow
We will slay this rude intruder
Then lay other flyers low
He certainly hopes his words will encourage the community archers to take out her who has so grievously wounded their wise leader.

[C'mon, NPCs!]

Dwight (ac 14, hp 35)  d4+1=4
Friday July 20th, 2007 8:14:06 PM

Dwight moves a little closer to Sneak A (to R19 - 20')and sends another magic missile at him.

Dmg: 4+1(song)=5 dmg

(The previous magic missile should have done 4 - forgot to add song damage)

OOC: does the chapel have a roof or is it open to the sky? Dwight is wondering if once inside, he'll coverage from diving harpies.

Cast thus far: 2 lvl spells

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood [AC:19|HP: 37]  d20+9=17
Friday July 20th, 2007 8:51:27 PM

Podo takes a double move to resume his place within; moving from P16 to P10.

Skill Checks
Spot DC: 17+1 =18

Readied Spells
•Detect Magic
•Purify Food and Drink

1st level
•Cure Light Wounds x2

Tobias (AC 20, HP 38/38) [Message] 
Sunday July 22nd, 2007 12:34:56 AM

Tobias continues moving to R13 (another double move) trying to get to the chapel door as fast as he can... Drawing one short sword as part of his move... Leaving the harpies to the others and hoping he can reach the sneakers before it's too late.

Monday July 23rd, 2007 3:59:26 AM

can someone else make the posting report the next few weeks? I'm on holiday till the 13th of august. I do think I'll be able to enter my turns.

Posting Report for 
Monday July 23rd, 2007 8:12:11 AM

Game # 13 Crescent Vally
For the week of July 16,2007

DMCayzle-XOXOX *PC Problems
Tobias---OOOXXS *Missed three days
Podo-----OO2OX *Missed Three Days

Ceil - Only two players missed Three days, not bad.

Fire and Hide (DM Cayzle)  d20+11=20 [DM mystery roll] d20+6=15 d20+6=15 d20+6=13 d20+6=8 d20+6=25 d20+6=10 d6=2 [6 missles at leader harpy, 1 hit] d8+3=4 d8+3=4 d8+3=7 d8+1=4 d8+1=7 [clw on comey] d20+3=21 d20+3=12 d20+3=19 d20+3=12 [harpy grapples] d20+22=23 [1 shots on K, nat 1]
Monday July 23rd, 2007 8:13:57 AM

[Friends, please accept my apologies for poor posting last week. I'm resolved to do better this week. I'm posting now, although we still need posts from Selithe and Fickle. They can take double moves (two rounds worth of actions) with their next post.]

Airin throws another flame at Harpy 4, which inflicts 6 more hp damage on the monster. Airin draws a potion but does not have the time to drink it this round. [OOC: You cannot make an attack and drink a potion in the same round.]

Fioni dive bombs Harpy 3, staying just out of reach, to distract the monster.

Kendry fires at the leader for 6 hp damage. His song encourges a dog-pile on the archer/harpy.

Dwight wants to mm the sneak again, but they have snuck into the Temple and are out of sight. Sorry I did not make this more clear. Please repost actions for last round and for the coming round.

Here is the original description of the Chapel of Alemi:

The Chapel is round, about 100 feet in diameter including the 20-foot-wide porch. The roof of the porch is held up by pillars carved to look like trees. The building proper, excluding the porch, is 60 feet in diameter. The walls are thick and have no windows. There is but one double oaken door. Inside, there is a 30-foot-diameter dome over the altar. Despite the lack of windows, the entire chapel is lit as bright as full daylight everywhere, clearly by magic. There is a continual flame cast in a crystal sphere on the center of the altar, but clearly that is not the source of the daylight that magically fills the structure.

NOTE: I have placed the sneaks in the Chapel, but you cannot see them until you enter the chapel or stand on the porch and look through the open door.

Speaking of which, Podo moves up to the porch and can see the sneaks if he makes a spot check vs DC20. That spot check 18 is not quite enough! If he tries again.

In fact, if ANYONE looks into the chapel, then make a DC20 spot check to see that Highlight to display spoiler: {the sneaks are fiddling at the altar.}

Tobias runs to 13Q -- 20 feet from the porch.

REMEMBER that the map scale is 10 feet per square!

We'll add in Selithe and Fickle (and Dwight's second try) as soon as they come in.


Comey orders all to fire on the leader: All do so, but only one is lucky enough to hit, for 2 hp dmage. The healers all hustle to Comey and heal him, for 18. Comey's bear lumbers toward the archer harpy, but it cannot reach. Comey himself casts an obscuring mist to protect himself and his healers.


Harpies 5 and 2 and 3 and 4 pursue the same strat. Each pair tries to grapple with a halfling slinger. Each halfling is grappled by one harpy.

The archer leader laughs at the mist strategy and fires instead at the bard who ruined their attack, urges a fight, and just shot him! She flies up 40 feet so that she can angle her shot over the top of the cloud at Kendry. She has only one shot after a move, and she rolls a nat one! Lucky Kendry!


And the Map


Sneak A - 4
Sneak B - untouched

Harpy 1 - 5 nonlethal +11
Harpy 2 - untouched
Harpy 3 - untouched
Harpy 4 - 14
Harpy 5 - 4

Comey - 11

Fickle (AC 21/58hp)  d20+9=29 d4+3=7 d4+3=6
Monday July 23rd, 2007 8:21:55 AM

Fickle Move up to (AC/20) and tries to spare Harpie at AF/18. A natural 20 A hit abd Double the damages 7+6=13 hp.

OOC to DM Cayzle: I think That the way It's Done?? Right??

Dwight-Last round  d20+4=18
Monday July 23rd, 2007 9:25:57 AM

Seeing the Sneaks disappear into the chapel, Dwight hustles to get there in a full run. (movement of 80 feet to Q18). Just behind Tobias.

spot: 18 (wall still blocks his view :(

dwight (ac 16, hp 35)  d20+4=15 d4+1=4
Monday July 23rd, 2007 9:33:21 AM

OOC: didn't mean to hit submit yet...Dwight should have moved to Q18, not Q14

This round:

Dwight charges to where he knows the sneaks went. (moved to P11) and attempts to locate the sneaks (spot: 15+1good+1song=17 not enough). The magic missile lingers on the tip of his tongue waiting for them to appear.

OOC: If someone else attacks them, thus Dwight then sees them, he will cast his magic missile: 4+1(song)=5 preferably at sneak A, but whichever makes itself knows can have the shock.

Tobias (AC 20, HP 38/38) [Message] 
Monday July 23rd, 2007 11:09:13 AM

Tobias keeps on moving as well as he can... getting to the door in 20ft and then opening the door to see what's going on inside.

Airin [AC21 - 42/42 HP] and Fioni [AC17 - 8/8 HP]  d20+19=38
Monday July 23rd, 2007 12:42:35 PM

(sorry about the potion drinking)

Airin sees the Harpies are continuing their plan and has no time to look around to see the mist forming behind her.

She first swallows the content of the vial raising her AC to 21 and then move 5ft to take a new hiding position around the tree. Airin noticed the Harpies are getting into sneak attack range and plans on using it...

Hide : 38

In her hiding place she readies her crossbow... waiting for the harpies to come just a little closer...

Fioni takes it to the sky once again and prepares a new dive.

Spell List:

Level 0: Flare, Goodberrie, Create Water, Light
Level 1: Speak with animals, *Produce Flame, Entangle

* shows what spells have been cast for today

Kendry  d20+9=29 d20+9=26 d6+3=9 d4+3=7 d4+3=4 d4+3=5 d20+4=19 d20+9=21
Monday July 23rd, 2007 11:13:28 PM

Oh oh. The excellent archer focuses on him. Many of the rest of the party have gone in the direction Dwight indicated, which is perhaps a good idea, the bard supposes, but it leaves Comey and the slingers very lightly protected.

Is Airin over there somewhere [Spot 19]?

Anyway, Kendry taut draws the bowstring then lets fly the arrow - this time straight and true, indeed (Threat 29, crit 26, for 7+4+5=16 hp damage - ignore d6+3=9 - it was supposed to be d4+3), hitting hard at harpy #1.

Next he tumbles away (21) into a spot under the tree (to AF18) gaining some cover from the aerial archer, ending up behind the trunk, relative to her position.

He whispers to those subject to the message spell, "Helping Comey, we need missile support. Where are you, what's going on?"

He thinks to get a scroll of levitation out of his haversack, but there's no time to do so this round.

And if any harpies manage to pick up a halfling or two - will he be in a position to see and cast a feather fall should they be dropped?

Harpies Take Flight (DM Cayzle)  d100=56 [miss chance] d20+9=15 [Fickle's follow up for a crit] d8+1=9 d8+1=5 [CLW on Comey] d20+6=17 d20+6=12 d20+6=21 d20+6=13 [four shots on harpy leader, all miss] d20-3=8 d20-3=17 [one grappled fellow breaks free] d20+3=20 [one harpy grapple breaks free]
Tuesday July 24th, 2007 8:17:08 AM

From Last Round: Dwight runs north, almost catching up with Podo. Fickle moves for the whole round toward the harpies.

New Round:

Fickle throws his spear at a harpy.
[OOC for Fickle:
(1) I think I did a bad job explaining the map. The PINK things are the harpies. The Blue Hs are healers! Sorry. I'll let Fickle moves at a full run toward the harpies last round to get closer for this round.
(2) The trees and leaves make it hard to see. There is a 20% chance that your spear will miss. But it does not.
(3) And Ceil, if you roll a 20, it is a POSSIBLE critical. After you roll a 20, then you roll again. If your follow-up attack is a hit against the target's AC, then you CONFIRM the critical. I'll roll your follow-up attack for you -- a 15 is NOT good enough because the harpies are 80 feet away!] Fickle does 7 hp damage to Harpy 4, who looks pretty wounded.

Dwight moves forward onto the porch. He peers into the chapel but does not see the enemy. He readies his magic missile spell, so that if he does see the enemy, he can fire the missile. [OOC to Dwight: What's this song that adds to damage and skill checks? Inspire Courage does not add to skill checks.]

[OOC to Kendry: Have you Inspired Courage this battle? Is it still active (remember, lasts only 5 rounds after you stop singing.]

Tobias moves onto the porch and then enters through the open door. [OOC: Remember that the map is on a 10 foot scale! There is no door, but Tobias can step into the chapel with a double move. Hope that's okay.]

Airin drinks a potion, hides, and hopes for a chance to sneak attack. She may recall, FYI, that a creature in a grapple loses his dex bonus when attacked by those outside the grapple. And a creature who has lost her dex bonus is vulnerable to sneak attacks. But firing into a grapple is a good way to hit a friend!

Kendry makes a great shot at the archer leader, then tumbles for cover.

Selithe waits in reserve. Podo seems uncertain about what to do. [OOC: Given my own shoddy posting last week, I feel like I have no high ground from which to penalize non-posters! Podo and Selithe may make two rounds of posts today if they log on.]


Comey remains in the mist getting cured. He casts a barkskin spell.

The 4 ungrappled ranged attackers fire again at the leader of the harpies -- 4 misses.

The two grappled ones try to escape the grapples. One does!


The harpy archer looks unhappy but amused at Kendry's shot and hide attempt. But then she calls for a retreat: "That's all we've been paid for, girls! Come on, let's go home!" Then she turns and goes! The only remaining grappling harpy breaks free. Harpies 2, 3, and 5 are still on the map, but flying away. Harpies 1 and 4 are 80 feet further away and leaving.


And the Main Map

And the Chapel Map! (5 foot scale)


Sneak A - 4
Sneak B - untouched

Harpy 1 - 5 nonlethal +11
Harpy 2 - untouched
Harpy 3 - untouched
Harpy 4 - 14+7 (Fickle spear)=21
Harpy 5 - 4

Comey - untouched

Tobias  d20+8=17 d20+7=19
Tuesday July 24th, 2007 11:21:35 AM

Tobias continues to the altar to protect the potions before anyone can get to them (L10) - another double move. Drawing his second short sword as he does. As he moves into the room, he keeps his eyes and ears open for any sign of the humans that snuck in.

If he makes it to the altar before the sneaks, he will try to protect the potions from them.

Listen: 17
Spot: 19

Tobias (AC 20, HP 38 / 38) [Message] - cont. 
Tuesday July 24th, 2007 11:23:29 AM

Forgot to put my readied spells in. Also he'll let the others connected by Message know that he's in the chapel looking for the 2 that snuck in.

1st Level - Entangle, Resist Energy.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood [AC: 19 & HP:37]  d20+9=29
Tuesday July 24th, 2007 11:34:07 AM

Podo moving from, L20 to K11, in a full out run, Podo moves right through the doors into the Chapel straight to the only place the sneaks could have gone, the Altar of Alemi himself! Oh, the sacrilege!
[Run = 4 x Movement rate of 30' = 120']

On his way there, Podo will try to see anything inside the Chapel, knowing that it's very bright like Sunshine inside the Chapel!
AT K11, Podo piviots and continues to the sneaks to interrupt their fiddling.

Skill Checks
Spot DC: 29+1 = 30 (NAT 20)

Readied Spells
•Detect Magic
•Purify Food and Drink

1st level
•Cure Light Wounds x2

(OOC: I apologize for the last missed post, immediate family issues.)

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood [AC: 19 & HP:37]  d20+9=19 d20+9=22
Tuesday July 24th, 2007 12:01:18 PM

Just as Podo makes it to the sneaks, Podo will make a touch attack casting Light onto the closest FACE of one of the sneaks!

Skill Checks
Spot DC: 19+1 = 20
Touch Attack DC: 22+1 = 23; Casting light spell onto the face of a sneak lasting 10 minutes.

Readied Spells
•Detect Magic
•Purify Food and Drink

1st level
•Cure Light Wounds x2

Airin [AC21 - 42/42 HP] and Fioni [AC17 - 8/8 HP]  d20+16=29 d20+16=28 d20+16=34 d20+16=21
Tuesday July 24th, 2007 12:33:02 PM

"A wasted potion... " Airin thinks but hears the leader telling that's all they're being paied for. Airin looks up to find Fioni and quickly casts a Speak with Animals spell.

"Follow them home Fioni... follow them from a distance or high above them so they don't spot you. Find out where they come from. If they spot you, hurry back immediately at full speed... go with the wind Fioni but be careful... hurry!"

With that Airin sends Fioni after the Harpies and then looks around

"Kendry? Are you ok? Where are you? Love? ..."

She Quickly realises there was something going on in the Chapel too... she turns around and heads back to the Chapel.

Fioni flies high above the Harpies following them from a distance. Hoping she looks like a plain bird...

Fioni Spot: 29, 28, 34, 21

Spell List:

Level 0: Flare, Goodberrie, Create Water, Light
Level 1: Speak with animals, *Produce Flame, Entangle

Tuesday July 24th, 2007 8:54:51 PM

(OOC:Sorry about the posting rate, will be picking it up.)

Selithe last round will move to follow those going after the sneaks.

She will keep her bow ready also. (figuring the sneaks are hiding and from the looks of the map I would say she would be trying to shoot past friends. Selithe would not risk accidently hitting one of them.)

She does speak to Dwight as she moves, "If it would help I have a bull's stregnth spell that I can cast on you."

(For the previous round, Selithe would of moved towards the chapel with those who did also.)

0th:Acid Splash, Flare, Light, Prestidigitationx2
1st:Magic Missile, Enlarge Person, Summon Monster Ix2
2nd:Melf's acid arrowx2, Bull's strength

Dwight (ac 16, hp 35)  d20+4=11 d20+9=18
Tuesday July 24th, 2007 10:37:11 PM

OOC: Sorry I shouldn't have added +1 from the song/inspired courage.

Dwight makes it to the walls and can't see anyone. Frustrated he waits for them to be spotted (spot:11, listen:18) to unleash his Magic missile (dmg 5-previous post)

If they remain unseen, Dwight remains planted in the only doorway out waiting.

Wednesday July 25th, 2007 6:57:44 AM

Fickle is so shock that Mistake the Healers, the tries to divert his spear, but still hit one of the Harpies.

Now that the harpies are going away, he'll speak to the Healers, "Ooops! I'z mistok you'z for Harpies?? Here let me help You'z the the Chiple! Okie Dokie??"

He pick up his spear and followed them to the Chaple.

OOC to DM: I forgot about the extra rolling, I was so happie in getting a natural 20, that I was jumping up and down in my chair. Thanks for the reminder.

DM Cayzle OOC 
Wednesday July 25th, 2007 11:18:45 AM

Sorry folks. Baby was up for two hours last nite, and now I have no time to post before vacation stuff beckons. I'll TRY to post tonite.

Airin and Fioni 
Wednesday July 25th, 2007 1:02:12 PM

Fioni continues to follow the Harpies from a distance.

Airin double paces back to the Chapel - once she knows Kendry is ok...

Kendry  d20+4=20 d20+9=21
Wednesday July 25th, 2007 9:18:11 PM

Hearing the lead harpy sound retreat - and knowing that they were 'hired' to divert their attention, Kendry still does not know how the local defenders of this community are faring. "I'm fine, love. Go with the others, I'll stay here," he whispers as he begins moving out.

This round and the next he runs in a path skirting the edge of the mist (in a clockwise direction), calling out in a moderate voice, "Are all well? Are any fallen?"

[Spot: 20, Listen: 21]

Dwight (ac 16, hp 35) 
Wednesday July 25th, 2007 9:31:05 PM

If the sneaks remain hidden,

Dwight calls out, "Show yourself or face potential death." He then motions to Podo, Tobias and others to begin 'feeling' around.

Dwight remains in the doorway, preventing anyone from exiting.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood [AC: 19 & HP:37]  d20+9=20 d20+2=13
Wednesday July 25th, 2007 10:28:36 PM

Hoping that the light spell worked as planned, Podo makes another spot check to understand the situation.

If Alemi's Alter appears tampered with, then Podo will Concentrate for a minute after casting a Detect Magic spell from K11 outward across the Altar, trying to ascertain what is magic/magical and what is not.

Skill Checks
Spot DC: 20+1 = 21
Concentrate DC: 13+1 = 14

Readied Spells
•Detect Magic ((Cast this round: duration: 1 minute.)
•Purify Food and Drink
•Light (Already cast)

1st level
•Cure Light Wounds x2

Selithe-AC:20-HP:39  d20+2=14 d20=12
Thursday July 26th, 2007 12:29:50 AM

Selithe also tries to listen and spot anything as she keeps her guard up, ready to cast a spell or use her bow.

(Listen:14 Spot:12)

0th:Acid Splash, Flare, Light, Prestidigitationx2
1st:Magic Missile, Enlarge Person, Summon Monster Ix2
2nd:Melf's acid arrowx2, Bull's strength

(OOC:Forgot to do a spot and listen check before.)

Thursday July 26th, 2007 7:35:34 AM

Fickle Stands with the Healers, sniff the air, "Pee UUE! Them'z Smell'z Bad! How can their'z Prince Stand that Smelly Perfumes??"

Fickle will go to the Chaple, where the others are entering.

Unhappy Cayzle 
Thursday July 26th, 2007 12:32:36 PM

Another BAD night. But I WILL post later today/tonite. Apologies, all.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood [AC: 19 & HP:37]  d20+9=25
Thursday July 26th, 2007 1:55:10 PM

Hoping that the light spell worked as planned, as well as the Detect Magic spell, Podo will try to Spot anything else out of the normal for this Chapel.

If Alemi's Altar glows to show magic detected, Podo will not investigate, but if anything around the Altar detects as magic, Podo will investigate.

If the sneaks are trying to leave the Chapel, Podo will try to stop this from happening. Either in assisting, Dwight & Tobias, or by disabling the intruders himself using non-lethal means.

Skill Checks
Spot DC: +1 = 25+1 = 26

Readied Spells
•Detect Magic ((Cast this round: duration: 1 minute.)
•Purify Food and Drink
•Light (Already cast)

1st level
•Cure Light Wounds x2

Calm (DM Cayzle) 
Thursday July 26th, 2007 7:16:05 PM

A notye on lighting in the Chapel: Yes, when you were in there, it was bright as day. But now, when there are no services in progress, the area is lit only by the globe with the eternal flame within. It illuminates part of the chapel, and shadows fill the rest (see map).

Tobias makes a double move to L10. He does not spot or hear anyone.

Podo hustles to the altar, on Tobias's heels. He does not see the sneaks, so he cannot yet cast his spell to highlight one of them.

Airin casts a spell to speak with her companion. She orders the bird to follow the harpies at a distance, then return. OOC: Please make a handle animal check, with the bonuses for handling your companion.

Selithe moves to the chapel (two rounds of movement). She ends in the doorway to the chapel -- see chapel map.

She joins Dwight, who is standing in the doorway keeping alert. But again, no sign of sneaks.

Kendry checks on the defenders. All are well, and Comey has been healed entirely. The second-in-command asks Kendry what is going on. Are there any other invaders?

Fickle starts to move back to the chapel. He runs 80 feet on the track.

The harpies keep flying off. You see no other foes or dangers. Where oh where are those sneaks?

Maps later.

Kendry  d20+4=13 d20+9=10
Thursday July 26th, 2007 8:31:25 PM

"The harpies' role was to distract us," Kendry answers #2. (By the way, what is #2's name? If he doesn't know it by now, Kendry asks.) "Two black-clad people I saw heading into the chapel. Most of my friends went that way. I'm going there now."

And he does so. Running at 80' movement along the path.

[Spot: 13; Listen: 10 (nat 1)]

Thursday July 26th, 2007 10:01:10 PM

With time wasting and the sneaks most likely escaping, Dwight casts Detect Thoughts and hope to lure their intention and destination.

If he manages to get something of where they are, he will vocalize this.

He aims the cone inward 60'

Thursday July 26th, 2007 10:42:31 PM

Selithe frowns at the chapel area at the moment and continues to keep her bow ready and thinks over her spells. She figures she could cast bull's stregth on Dwight but isn't sure how helpful it would be to him at the moment.

0th:Acid Splash, Flare, Light, Prestidigitationx2
1st:Magic Missile, Enlarge Person, Summon Monster Ix2
2nd:Melf's acid arrowx2, Bull's strength

Maps From Cayzle  d20+16=35 d20+16=20 d20+16=25 d20+16=31 (secret Dm rolls)
Thursday July 26th, 2007 11:37:50 PM

And the Main Map

And the Chapel Map! (5 foot scale)

Airin [AC21 - 42/42 HP] and Fioni [AC17 - 8/8 HP]  d20+11=27
Friday July 27th, 2007 1:36:34 AM

(Handle Animal 27)

(ooc on the map - not sure if Airin wasn't able to pace back to the chapel? I did not specify a new position ut wrote she moved)

Airin runs back and should be able to reach AA19 if she runs at x4. A double move will get her to U15.

All the time she wonders how Fioni is doing...

Spell List:

Level 0: Flare, Goodberrie, Create Water, Light
Level 1: Speak with animals, *Produce Flame, Entangle

* shows what spells have been cast for today

Friday July 27th, 2007 7:01:14 AM

Fickle makes a bee-line to the Chaple Porch, then Leans on a post (J/19), all out of breath, "Puff! Puff! Me'z rest a few Minutes. If you please?"

Tobias (AC 20, HP 38/38) [Message]  d20+8=26 d20+7=10
Friday July 27th, 2007 11:09:28 AM

Tobias tells Podo to watch the front of the altar as he moves around to the back... looking again to see if he can spot anyone in the chapel.

Listen: 26
Spot: 10

Kendry  d20+4=18 d20+9=11
Friday July 27th, 2007 12:22:14 PM

The bard continues running full bore toward the chapel.

[Spot: 18; Listen: 11]

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood [AC: 19 & HP:37]  d20+9=26
Friday July 27th, 2007 8:43:10 PM

Podo continues to search around the Chapel.

Skill Checks
Spot DC: 26 = 26+1 = 27

Readied Spells
•Detect Magic ((Cast this round: duration: 1 minute.)
•Purify Food and Drink
•Light (Already cast)

1st level
•Cure Light Wounds x2

Saturday July 28th, 2007 11:02:12 PM

Runneth the bard.

Airin [AC21 - 42/42 HP] and Fioni [AC17 - 8/8 HP] 
Sunday July 29th, 2007 6:25:26 AM

running... running... running...

flying... flying... flying...

Anxious to see what will happen next...

ADM Kim - Posting Report, July 23-29, 2007, Crescent Valley 
Monday July 30th, 2007 12:40:07 AM

Cayzle DM: MT-2--- 4 (3 - Thursday was a post, followed by separate post for maps)
Anthony Dwight: 2TWT--- 5
Ceil Fickle: M-WTF-- 4
Jon-Paul Podo: -2WTF-- 5
Justin Selithe: -T-T-- 2
Kim Kendry: M-WTFS 5
Pedro Tobias: M2--F-- 4
Steven Airin: MTW-TS- 5

Semi-light posting week.

Cayzle is back from vacation 
Monday July 30th, 2007 6:57:33 AM

Friends, I am back from my two weeks of vacation. In that time, I think you all got about a week of playing in. I was dumb to think I could keep up with the two games I was DMing, especially in combat. I should have handed the game off to my able ADM. Hubris, I know. I hope you will all accept my sincere apology.

Monday AM post to follow.

Monday July 30th, 2007 7:49:04 AM

Fickle is going to the Chaple, He will enter as soon as the others are near.

OOC To Cayzle - Don't beat yourself up. Your doing a wonderful Job. Alot better than I could!!

The Pitter-Patter of Sneaky Feet (DM Cayzle)  d20+16=36 d20+16=26 d20+16=32 d20+16=35 d2=1
Monday July 30th, 2007 7:49:39 AM

Kendry offers a quick word of explanation and then takes off running. He runs 80 feet.

Dwight casts Detect Thoughts. Sure enough, there are some there. [OOC: Per the spell, note that "This spell does not let you determine the location of the thinking minds if you can't see the creatures whose thoughts you are detecting." Also it will take three rounds of concentration to actually read surface thoughts -- this is the first round.]

Selithe readies her bow, presumably to fire at a sneak if she finds out about one. [OOC: In general, when you ready an action, there is a trigger that causes the action to go off. In this case, the DM presumes that the readied action is "Fire Arrow" and the trigger is "When you find out where a sneak is."]

Airin is confident that her bird companion understands her orders well. But it will probably take minutes or even hours to follow the harpies, then fly back and report. [OOC: Last round the druid used a standard action to cast Speak with Animals and (generously) a move action to give orders. This round she runs 80 feet.] Running flat out, like Kendry, but taking a short cut up the hill, Airin heads for the chapel.

Fickle also runs 80 feet toward the chapel porch. He gets about halfway there.

[OOC: Friends, recall that the big map is on a ten-foot scale.]

Tobias is lucky and hears something! [OOC: Note that Tobias has made a move action this round, but he still has a standard action left. A useful option, per Selithe (see above) is to ready an attack. Since the DM owes his players (in spades!), you can just post a standard action now in response to your hearing, in addition to this round's actions.]

Tobias walks around the altar and hears someone walking in the shadows at H7 -- but the shadows are deep, and you cannot see anyone. If you make an attack, please roll a 50% miss chance since you can't see the target.

Podo, please say where you are going. Also make a listen check as well as a spot check. Also please ready an action in case you do hear or spot something. You do not spot any foe.

Aside from Tobias's keen hearing, no one detects the enemy. However, those outside the chapel see a patient force his way out of a burrow and run for the chapel. It is the patient who was so excited earlier. Dwight, Selithe, and Fickle hear him say this: Highlight to display spoiler: {Sparks! Dark Sparks! In the Chapel!}

Comey orders some of his people to stay in place, and then begins to lead others toward the chapel.

And the Main Map (10 foot scale)

And the Chapel Map! (5 foot scale)

Airin [AC21 - 42/42 HP] and Fioni [AC17 - 8/8 HP] AWAY 
Monday July 30th, 2007 9:59:44 AM

Airin continues to run towards the chapel having her crossbow still ready in her hands.

"Kendry, can there be a second exit from that chapel?"

Tobias (AC 20, HP 38/38) [Message]  d20+7=24 d20+12=27 d20+12=28 d20+12=20 d20+7=12 d4+2=3 d4+1=2 d4+2=3 d4+1=3 d100=61 d100=11 d100=67 d100=17
Monday July 30th, 2007 11:49:01 AM

Tobias lets the others sharing his Message know that there is a person moving around to the northwest of him (H7). He moves slowly to I8 trying not to seem to obvious of what he'd heard. And attempts another spot (Spot 24). [OOC: this was to complete his last round in which he still had one action]

This round, Tobias attacks into that area with his full attack action(whether or not he was able to spot him).

Attack 1 (r): 27
Damage 1 (r): 3
Miss chance (r): 61 (hit)
Attack 1 (l): 28
Damage 1 (l): 2
Miss chance (l): 11 (miss)

Attack 1 (r): 20(-5) 15 [forgot to change the attack mod]
Damage 1 (r): 3
Miss chance (r): 67 (hit)
Attack 1 (l): 12
Damage 1 (l): 3
Miss chance (l): 17 (miss)

Selithe-AC:20-HP:39  d20+2=15 d20=3 d20+9=20 d4+1=3 d100=57
Monday July 30th, 2007 7:55:17 PM

Selithe keeps her ears and eyes open for any sneaks but just has a hard time spotting anything inside the temple at the moment. If she hears anything though she will try shooting it though.

(Listen:15 Spot:3)
(Can hit AC:20 Damage:3 Miss Chance:57)

0th:Acid Splash, Flare, Light, Prestidigitationx2
1st:Magic Missile, Enlarge Person, Summon Monster Ix2
2nd:Melf's acid arrowx2, Bull's strength

[Kim asks Justin: Are you remembering to add +1 to all of your d20 rolls, due to your good alignment in this locale?]

Run, Kendry, run!  d20+4=8 d20+7=16
Monday July 30th, 2007 9:04:09 PM

[Spot: 8; Listen: 16]

Kendry runs in as direct a line as he can (as long as the non-path ground is reasonably level and brush-free - if not, he stays to the path) toward the chapel, another 80 feet of progress...

"Don't know, love - perhaps there is," he answers Airin.

Dwight (ac 16, hp 35 - detect thought round 2) 
Monday July 30th, 2007 9:20:55 PM

Dwight remains standing where he is and continues to concentrate on his current spell and information gleamed from it.

OOC: IT'S A HEALTHY GIRL! My wife and I had our second child yesterday morning. All are doing GREAT!.

Kim to Anthony, OOC 
Monday July 30th, 2007 9:58:20 PM

Congrats, papa Anthony! And to your wife, too!

Tuesday July 31st, 2007 7:49:40 AM

Fickle will advance to the porch,behind or slighly next to Dwight and Selith, (Q/11 I think). Fickle whispers to them "Hear any noise going'z on in there'z??"

OOC to Anthony - Congrat'z on your little Bundle of JOY, Pictures Please!

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood [AC: 19 & HP:37]  d20+5=22 d20+9=14 d20+9=16 d6+1=3
Tuesday July 31st, 2007 9:18:45 AM

Podo is searching around the Altar area, near I9.

Looking and listening around this area as I search for the sneaks. When found, I will attempt a Stunning Fist attack; (Attack DC: 16+1 = 17; Damage: 3 HP + save vs Fort DC: 16)

Skill Checks
Spot DC: 14+1 = 15
Listen DC: 22+1 = 23

Readied Spells
•Detect Magic (Cast?)
•Purify Food and Drink

1st level
•Cure Light Wounds x2

Airin [AC21 - 42/42 HP] and Fioni [AC17 - 8/8 HP] AWAY  d20=5
Tuesday July 31st, 2007 1:47:02 PM

During running Airin shouts back to Comey (if they are still within hearing distance)


[Stephen - Airin & Comey both are among the recipients of Kendry's Message spell, so he should be able to hear her. :-) --Kim]

Tuesday July 31st, 2007 9:42:20 PM

(OOC:Thank you Kim for mentioning the +1. Cayzle, please consider this a update to my previous post, shouldn't change a whole lot.)

(Listen:16 Spot:4)
(Can hit AC:21 Damage:3 Miss Chance:57)

(OOC:Not sure if the +1 goes towards the miss chance, if so then it would be a 58.)

0th:Acid Splash, Flare, Light, Prestidigitationx2
1st:Magic Missile, Enlarge Person, Summon Monster Ix2
2nd:Melf's acid arrowx2, Bull's strength

Tuesday July 31st, 2007 9:55:12 PM

As Dwight concentrates, he will whisper any thoughts he finds.

One Sneak Revealed (DM Cayzle)  d20+15=34 d20+15=35 d20+5=25 d20+5=8 d6+3=8 d4=2
Wednesday August 1st, 2007 12:39:40 AM

OOC: Congrats Dwight!

Airin runs toward the Chapel and asks Kendry -- and Comey -- a question.

Fickle and Kendry run too. Fickle steps up onto the Chapel's porch.

In the Chapel, Tobias moves carefully forward (last round's action) and then attacks into the space where he heard the sneaky guy. He hits! This close, he can see the sneaky guy, too, now.

Selithe fires at the sneaky guy, but with the -4 for attacking into melee and the cover bonus the fellow gets from the bench and Tobias, she misses.

Dwight concentrates. He discovers that there are two enemies in the room -- the one fighting Tobias and one other hiding. He knows also that the enemies are fairly smart -- 14 Intelligence.

Podo searches.


The patient yelling about the sparks tells Selithe and Dwight that there is one to their left, 10 or 15 feet away!

Comey and crew run too, right on Kendry's heels.


Sneak A delays to see what his partner will do.

The partner does not reveal himself.

Sneak A Decides to attack. He has a poisoned shortsword. He attacks, and hits with a nat 20 but does not crit. He inflicts 8 hp damage to Tobias, who must also make a Fort Save vs poison DC 15 or take 2 hp Constitution damage!

Maps in the AM.

Airin [AC21 - 42/42 HP] and Fioni [AC17 - 8/8 HP] AWAY  d20+9=16 d20+13=30
Wednesday August 1st, 2007 3:07:45 AM

Realising Comey's ears must have hurt badly when Airin shouted to him she keeps going towards the chapel.

Once sh reaches the front portal she slows down and peeks inside first to capture the situation.

spot: 16
listen: 30

Spell List:

Level 0: Flare, Goodberrie, Create Water, Light
Level 1: *Speak with animals, *Produce Flame, Entangle

* shows what spells have been cast for today

Comey's Answer (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday August 1st, 2007 7:12:32 AM

OOPS! Sorry! Comey answers that there is a secret exit, but you have to cast Stone Shape to get access to it. And only druids who can cast the spell know where that is. That's himself, one of the healers, and Graeff.

Maps (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday August 1st, 2007 7:14:25 AM

And the Main Map (10 foot scale)

And the Chapel Map! (5 foot scale)

Fickle  d20+1=21 d20+1=17
Wednesday August 1st, 2007 7:21:29 AM

Fickle thinking(That always give him a headache!) that there is a tunel going some where around here, so fickle starts to walk around the Chaple (About 15 feet from the wall of the Chaple) taklin a rock and thomping it on the ground (Listing for a hollow noise(that will mean to him a tunnel))

As he marches around thumping the Ground and listining.

Listening - 21 (natural 20) - Second roll 17 Is that OK DM Cayzle (I think this is what you want/)

Kendry (AC 15, HP 35) 
Wednesday August 1st, 2007 10:01:22 AM

The wind of running causes Kendry's wavy auburn hair to fly about as he continues to hasten to the chapel entrance, reaching it by the end of the round.

Tobias (AC 20, HP 30/38) [Message]  d20+9=20 d20+12=30 d20+12=25 2d4(3+3)+6=12 d20+12=14 d4+2=6 d20+7=23 d4+3=4 d20+7=19 d4+2=3 d4+2=6
Wednesday August 1st, 2007 11:45:47 AM

Tobias succeeds in his fort save: 20. And, feels no further ill effects from the hit.

He yells to the others in the chapel, "Cover the altar, I have one cornered over here. Keep an eye out for any others." Meanwhile he unloads his full complement of attacks for the round -- a flurry of short swords...

Attack 1 (r): 30 (nat 18, threat)
Attack 1 (r)(crit check): 25 (crit)
Damage 1 (r): 12
Attack 1 (l): 14
Damage 1 (l): 6

Attack 2 (r): 23
Damage 2 (r): 4
Attack 2 (l): 19
Damage 2 (l): 3

[sorry, rolled one too many damage rolls :)]

MORE Blunders from your DM 
Wednesday August 1st, 2007 1:11:26 PM

The results of Podo's search!

Podo sees that a secret compartment in the altar has been jimmied open. The door is hanging off it. Based on what you saw when Comey put them away, looks like maybe one or two vials of coma-cure are missing! (The other vials were put in another compartment.)

Dwight (ac 16, hp 35-detect thought round 3) 
Wednesday August 1st, 2007 8:38:46 PM

Dwight remains in position, thinking and listening. He hopes to cath some information about the sneaks in case they escape. He whispers any thought found as well as repeats what the man saying sparkles says.

Wednesday August 1st, 2007 11:43:02 PM

Selithe frowns at the current situation and decides to call upon help that can see in the dark better and maybe help bring out the enemy.

Selithe chants and moves her hand that once held the arrow she fired last round, calling on the powers she has, "Power aid me now. I summon a celestial guardian to aid me against the evil ones in this church."

(Summon monster: Celestial Dog with orders to seek out and attack nearest enemy. *I know it can't do nothing first round, just giving heads up.)

0th:Acid Splash, Flare, Light, Prestidigitationx2
1st:Magic Missile, Enlarge Person, Summon Monster Ix2(1 summon monsterI used)
2nd:Melf's acid arrowx2, Bull's strength

DM Cayzle OOC 
Thursday August 2nd, 2007 12:23:28 AM

::waiting for morning to see if Podo will post::

Airin [AC21 - 42/42 HP] and Fioni [AC17 - 8/8 HP] AWAY 
Thursday August 2nd, 2007 2:57:23 AM

Through the message spell Airin asks Comey of they should not use the secret passage and surprise anyone who is inside. Airin herself can not cast such a Stone Shape spell...

Fickle (AC 21/ 58 Hp)  d20+1=21 d20+1=18
Thursday August 2nd, 2007 7:53:31 AM

Fickle still thinks that there is a tunnel or a tunnet door some place aroung here.

serching for tunnel - 21 (natural twenty) Back up roll 18.

OOC TO DM Cayzle, this is my second natural twenty in two days. With out cheeting! But I wish I was in a battle.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood [AC: 19 & HP:37]  d20+5=25 d20+9=17 d20+11=25
Thursday August 2nd, 2007 10:01:15 AM

Seeing that the altar has been jimmied open, Podo yells "Thieves! You've descrated Alemi's Altar!" while reaching into his Haversack to throw at the enemies of Alemi!

Stopping for a few seconds to listen for the scuffle, Podo throws the Tanglefoot bag in that direction, hoping to his the target @ H7!

Touch-ATTACK DC: 25
DAMAGE: (see Tangle-foot bag below)

Skill Checks
Spot DC: 17 + 1= 18
Listen DC: 25 +1 = 26 (Nat 20)

Readied Spells
•Detect Magic (Cast?)
•Purify Food and Drink

1st level
•Cure Light Wounds x2

Tanglefoot Bag
When you throw a tanglefoot bag at a creature (as a ranged touch attack with a range increment of 10 feet), the bag comes apart and the goo bursts out, entangling the target and then becoming tough and resilient upon exposure to air. An entangled creature takes a -2 penalty on attack rolls and a -4 penalty to Dexterity and must make a DC 15 Reflex save or be glued to the floor, unable to move. Even on a successful save, it can move only at half speed. Huge or larger creatures are unaffected by a tanglefoot bag. A flying creature is not stuck to the floor, but it must make a DC 15 Reflex save or be unable to fly (assuming it uses its wings to fly) and fall to the ground. A tanglefoot bag does not function underwater.

A creature that is glued to the floor (or unable to fly) can break free by making a DC 17 Strength check or by dealing 15 points of damage to the goo with a slashing weapon. A creature trying to scrape goo off itself, or another creature assisting, does not need to make an attack roll; hitting the goo is automatic, after which the creature that hit makes a damage roll to see how much of the goo was scraped off. Once free, the creature can move (including flying) at half speed. A character capable of spellcasting who is bound by the goo must make a DC 15 Concentration check to cast a spell. The goo becomes brittle and fragile after 2d4 rounds, cracking apart and losing its effectiveness. An application of universal solvent to a stuck creature dissolves the alchemical goo immediately.

One down, one up in the air! (DM Cayzle) 
Thursday August 2nd, 2007 1:46:01 PM

Airin runs up onto the porch. She looks around. She asks Comey a question.

Kendry runs too.

Fickle starts to walk around the Chapel looking for a secret entrance. But he knows that this will take a very long time, and the battle will probably be long over by the time he searches the whole porch. So far he finds nothing. He does see a perfectly good open door that leads to the interior to the Chapel, and he hears the sound of combat from within.

Tobias shrugs off the poison and unleashes a series of pointed attacks, including a critical! His total damage is devastating, and the sneak goes down!

Dwight continues to concentrate. He detects the thoughts of the second sneak: Lem's Lugnuts! That dude killed Heral! These guys are nasty! I better get the heck out of here! Time for a desperation move!

Selithe begins to cast a summoning spell. She will complete it and call her dog at the start of next round.

Podo stands ready, but with the death of the sneak, there's not much to do. He holds his tanglefoot bag to use when he gets the chance.


Comey tells Airin that he does not have the spell prepped. But he does not think that getting in the Chapel is a problem, so why bother?

Sparks steps forward, points ahead and to the right and calls out, "There he is! There is his spark!"


Right where Sparks points you see a human emerge from the shadows. He has a vial of Bella's Healing Brew in his hand. He calls out, "Hey, you guys want this? Right here? Then CATCH!"

He tosses the vial high up up up into the air. It almost hits the ceiling. The turn ends with the vial still in midair. Next turn, if you want to catch it, you must move to one of these four squares: J15, K15, J14, K14. Then make a Dex check vs DC13. If you catch it, it is safe. More than one person can try, if so desired.

If you make a Sense Motive check vs DC15, then Highlight to display spoiler: {The sneak who tossed the vial is tensed and ready for something!}


And the map (just the chapel this time).

Kendry - Feather fall or Tanglefoot (AC 15, HP 35)  d20+9=18 d20=16
Thursday August 2nd, 2007 6:37:57 PM

Kendry, if the vial he can see, casts feather fall upon it (free action).

He pulls out and tosses a tanglefoot bag over Dwight's head to strike the fellow (ranged touch attack hits AC 18).

"Watch in case he tries to leap over us," whispers Kendry to those about him and participants in his message spell.

If the fellow does try to leap over them (or tumble through their midst), Kendry will try to tussle with him. [What do I roll to tussle? There's an unadjusted d20=16 for 'tussling'.]

Dwight (ac 16, hp 35)  d20=13 d20+8=19 d20+3=4
Thursday August 2nd, 2007 9:51:52 PM

Dwight seeing the potion fly in the air can only assume it is the potion of importance and drops his concentration immediately.

"I've got the vial," he shouts as he words change to that of tongues. A magical hand appears directly below the vial and catches it (casting of mage hand 13+4 (if applic from dex)=17).

Concentration:19 (in case I am attacked, can maintain spell)

Sense Motive: 4 -natural 1

Thursday August 2nd, 2007 11:33:30 PM

Selithe finishes summoning her celestial dog and calls out to it now as she frowns about the tossing of the vial, trusting her friends to try and get it, "My new friend, sick that sneaky one. Tear his nubbens off." (Hope that wasn't too graphic for the Wold, if so then edit or I will.)

0th:Acid Splash, Flare, Light, Prestidigitationx2
1st:Magic Missile, Enlarge Person, Summon Monster Ix2(1 summon monsterI used)
2nd:Melf's acid arrowx2, Bull's strength

(Cayzle: I don't know if the celestial dog would be able to move and attack this round anyway but if he can I didn't post that so giving you open reign of how to handle that.)

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood [AC: 19 & HP:37]  d20+3=15 d20+5=9 d20+9=11 d20+10=27
Friday August 3rd, 2007 2:35:25 AM

Realizing that the the live sneak is behind him, Podo piviots throwing the taglefoot bag at the sneak!

At Podo's next available chance, Podo will casts Doom at the sneak!

Ranged Touch attack DC: 27+1 =28

Skill Checks
Spot DC: 11 + 1= 12
Listen DC: 9+1 = 10
Sense Motive DC: 15+1 = 16

Readied Spells
•Detect Magic (Cast?)
•Purify Food and Drink

1st level
•Doom (cast next round)
•Cure Light Wounds x2

Airin [AC21 - 42/42 HP] and Fioni [AC17 - 8/8 HP] AWAY 
Friday August 3rd, 2007 2:39:25 AM

As they get closer to the Chapel entrance Airin realises she might not be able to use her crossbow in there. So instead, while getting to the entrance itself, she switches from crossbow to Bastard Sword...

Whatever foe that exits from that chapel will meet her blade.

Friday August 3rd, 2007 7:27:39 AM

As he goes around the outside of the chaple, knowing that this will take a long time. He hears a battle going on in the Chapple?? Look toward the Building and there Right across from where he is standing is a door!!

"For all the gods in this wold, I Praised you all>" Then he heads for the door, with short Sword and Shield.

Sneak Surrenders (DM Cayzle)  d20+2=22 d20+2=17 2d4(4+4)+2=10 [Dog crits for 10!]
Friday August 3rd, 2007 12:34:55 PM

Kendry casts a fast feather fall on the precious vial and then draws and lobs a tanglefoot bag at the sneak -- it hits, even with the -4 range modifier.

Dwight casts a mage hand and uses it to cast the slowly falling vial.

Selithe summons her celestial dog and tells it to attack the sneak. [OOC Note from DM: It takes a whole round to summon a creature, so if you start casting in round 1, the creature appears and acts at the start of your turn in Round 2. You yourself also have an action for round two. So Selithe can take a full round of action after directing her dog to attack.]

[OOC: DM rolls for the dog.] The dog crits for max damage! 10 hp for a fierce bite to the nubbens!

Podo also throws a tanglefoot bag at the sneak, and hits, even with the -4 range modifier and the penalty for throwing into a melee. He thinks about casting Doom next round.

Airin switches to bastard sword and stands ready in case the sneak tries to escape.

Fickle moves forward as well, ready with sword and shield.

Tobias watches, holding his action for now.


Comey, his bear, and a couple of his people appear on the scene. With the crush of people at the door, he canot see in. "What's going on?" he calls. "Does anybody need help?"


Sparks walks to a bench and sits, muttering something ... maybe a prayer? He no longer seems energized and alert, like he was a moment ago.


The tangled, bitten sneak does not even try to escape. He sits down on the floor, clutching his nubbens, and starts crying. "Help! Help! It wasn't supposed to be like this! Call off your dog! I surrender!"


And the map (just the chapel this time).

We are, for the moment, out of combat.

Dwight  d20=11
Saturday August 4th, 2007 4:20:05 PM

With the vial safe and in hand, Dwight moves the hand to where he stands and safely takes the vial. He examines it. (Is it the same vial that Bella gave the group?--gather information/spot: 11 +4/+2=15 or 13 depending which is more appropriate.)

He then yells over to Tobias and Podo, "Grab the other vial and keep it safe until we can sort this out."

Saturday August 4th, 2007 11:53:30 PM

The bard takes a deep breath, casts detect thoughts, and focuses his attention upon the fellow on the floor. He slips between Dwight and Selithe - being careful not to jostle Dwight, especially, since he has in hand one of the precious vials.

Kendry strides toward the injured man, and stands, his arms crossed before him. "And just how was it supposed to go? Who are you, why are you here, and who are you working for?"

[OOC: Nubbens. He-he.]

Sunday August 5th, 2007 7:33:05 AM

Fickle Jumps up and down, trying to see into the Chaple. "Me'z want to see! Me'z want to see!"

Airin [AC21 - 42/42 HP] and Fioni [AC17 - 8/8 HP] AWAY  d20+8=14
Sunday August 5th, 2007 10:40:45 AM

Airin hears her friends have captured the sneak. All is safe... or so it seems.

But then the halfling lass looks to the sky and begins to worry... where's Fioni?

Spot: 14

"Be careful Fioni and come back fast..." Airin thinks with fear.

ADM Kim - Posting Report, July 30-August 5, 2007, Crescent Valley 
Monday August 6th, 2007 12:31:32 AM

Cayzle DM: M-4TF-- 7
Anthony Dwight: MTWT-S- 5
Ceil Fickle: MTWTF-S 6
Jon-Paul Podo: -T-TF-- 3
Justin Selithe: M2WT--- 5
Kim Kendry: M-WT-S 4
Pedro Tobias: M-W---- 2
Steven Airin: MTWTF-S 6

The story advances. Fickle circumnavigates Alemi's temple, looking for another entrance. Airin's hawk flies to spy upon the harpies as she herself runs with Kendry, just ahead of Comey & other members of the community to get to where the action now is, at Alemi's temple. Tobias discerns the location of and takes out one temple-robbing sneak thief. Dwight uses a spell to discern the thoughts of those in the room. The second sneak thief tosses into the air one of Bella's precious vials of liquid. Selithe's summoned celestial dog follows her instructions, and clamps his teeth firmly around the 'nubbens' of the second sneak thief. Podo strikes the hapless fellow with a tanglefoot bag. Kendry casts feather fall upon the descending vial, and Dwight's mage hand envelopes the potion in safety. Kendry also tanglefoots the thief.

The now miserable fellow surrenders. Kendry goes to question him.

Fickle wants to get a good look inside. Airin wonders how her bird Fioni is doing.

We found a little better pace in our posting this week, now that Cayzle is back from vacation.

After his outstanding job on thief #1, Tobias seemed frozen in action. (Two posts. Busy week, Pedro?)

Monday August 6th, 2007 8:00:40 AM

Fickle Finds him self behind his two friends again, "Errr! Cans I'z Help In Side?" He has to speak a little loud because of all the noise inside.

Tobias (AC 20, HP 34/38) [Message]  d20+1=8
Monday August 6th, 2007 11:34:52 AM

Tobias searches the sneak that he took down for the other vial, hoping to find it on him somewhere and that it remains unharmed. (Search 8)

If he can't find the potion, he'll continue to guard the body until someone else can come help him search the body.

Airin [AC21 - 42/42 HP] and Fioni [AC17 - 8/8 HP] AWAY 
Monday August 6th, 2007 3:53:21 PM

Airin continues to keep an eye out for Fioni and seeks comfort with Kendry. She slips a small hand in his and asks "I did the right thing to send her after those Harpies didn't I? I wanted to know who hired them but... now we caught this sneak I'm sure there was no reason to send her into that danger... but ... I could not know that right?... Will she be ok?..."

Monday August 6th, 2007 10:27:37 PM

Kendry allows Airin to slip her hand into his. "Yes, my sweet, you did right. She flies swifter than the harpies, I believe... I cannot promise you how it will be for her. Let us pray to Alemi for her welfare - but in a few minutes, dear one."

He maintains his gaze on their captive, awaiting his response - and thoughts. But he gives Airin's hand a gentle squeeze, hoping to communicate to her his affection, despite his attentiveness to the woeful fellow at their feet.

Selithe-AC:20-HP:39  d20+2=4
Monday August 6th, 2007 10:51:00 PM

Selithe just watches what happens unfold after her summoned dog had bitten the nubbens of the sneak. Hearing him call out and surrender though she speaks up to the celstial dog, knowing it won't be around much longer anyway, "Thats enough boy and good job. Before you vanish though check the temple out a little to make sure nothing else sticks out."

Selithe looks towards the theif and shakes her head, "Sorry buddy but you trying to break that vial was not good on your part. Now I would advise you tell my brother what he wants to know. If not then here is alittle warning, outside my brother and I both have a riding dog and I figure either would be more then willing to finish what my summoned friends started. Understand? Or I have a little friend with me who might." Selithe pulls Bandit, her familiar from her belt pouch.

(Intimidate: 5 forgot the +1 and the thief better be in a lot of pain or he will laugh off the threat.)

0th:Acid Splash, Flare, Light, Prestidigitationx2
1st:Magic Missile, Enlarge Person, Summon Monster Ix2(1 summon monsterI used)
2nd:Melf's acid arrowx2, Bull's strength

Dwight  d20+3=10
Monday August 6th, 2007 11:23:24 PM

Looking around (spot 10) Dwight feels the area is about as secure as possible for the moment. With the vial in hand, he moves over the altar and searches it (checking for damage, how it was opened, if others compartments were open etc.....taking 20)

Tuesday August 7th, 2007 6:51:37 AM

Apologies everybody. I'll spare you the lame excuse. More later.

The Sneak Tells All! (DM Cayzle) 
Tuesday August 7th, 2007 9:59:11 AM

Dwight and Tobias quickly secure both potions (one per sneak) and determine that they ARE Bella's brews. You recognize the writing on them, and they remain sealed. By every test, you are convinced that there has been no switcheroo.

Kendry casts a spell and interrogates the prisoner. Selithe calls off her dog and helps Kendry with the interrogation.

Fickle takes a good look at the Chapel. He sees the signs of battle, and the damaged altar, the dead sneak, and the captured sneak, but that is all. He offers to help.

Airin thinks about her hawk. But on reflection, she realizes that Fioni may well be gone for a while more. After all, she carefully ordered the bird to follow the harpies back to their base. What if they live a few hours away? Or more likely, a few days flight away?

Comey comes in and sees Dwight fiddling with the altar. "Please turn away," he says, and then, blocking the view with his body, opens another secret compartment and reveals the rest of Bella's potions. It is clear that all is well, and disaster has been averted.

The captured sneak buckles (even more) under questioning and reveals all that he knows: He and his pal were hired by a wizard in a robe, maybe a human, half-elf, or a half-orc. He had a hood and did not show his face. He brought them into the mountains by teleport. He made a deal with the harpies in a language he did not understand. They were supposed to use elixers of hidng and sneaking to get into the Chapel while the harpies made a distraction. They were supposed to steal the potions that were hidden in the altar. Then sneak out. He does not know his employer's name.

The sneaks are humans. The dead one is Heral, the captured one is Sers. They come from New Elenna. Each one has masterwork studded armor, a mw shortsword, a potion of CLW, an elixer of hiding, and an elixer of sneaking. Also two empty elixer bottles and a purse with 250 gp.

The sneak begs for mercy. He does not even know where he is. Even if you set him free, he does not know where to go.

Podo  d20+2=18
Tuesday August 7th, 2007 10:18:32 AM

Podo looks at all the "loot" and decides to cast Detect Magic on the stuff for 1 minute.

Skill Checks
Concentrate Check: 18 + 1 =19

Spells Cast
Detect Magic

Tobias (AC 20, HP 34/38) [Message]  d20+19=27 d20+8=17 d20+7=19
Tuesday August 7th, 2007 11:29:14 AM

While the interrogation is proceeding, Tobias keeps watch over the door of the temple... making sure no more unwanted "guests" come in. He hides off in the shadow to one side. And, he's not at all comforted by the story that the sneak is relaying.

Hide: 27
Listen: 17
Spot: 19

Airin [AC21 - 42/42 HP] and Fioni [AC17 - 8/8 HP] AWAY 
Tuesday August 7th, 2007 1:40:04 PM

Airin feels the gentle squeeze from Kendry and calms down. It can be a while before Fioni will get back. But now they already know who hired the sneaks and the harpies. But on the other hand... since the sneaks don't know how they got here in the first place, Fioni might actually find this wizard's home... now that could be interesting!

Airin stays in the background while the others interrogate the sneaks. Her eyes check the sky now and then.

"Looks like we'll be hunting wizards soon..." Airin thinks to herself. She chuckles... they are used to stick their noses in other people's business.

Kendry (message, detect thoughts) 
Tuesday August 7th, 2007 6:07:59 PM

"So, once you snuck back out, where were you to go?" Kendry asks Sers. "Were you to meet the wizard? If so, where, and at what time? Or were the harpies going to carry you out? Or had you planned some other way of escape?" He pauses for a moment, further probing his thoughts.

"Strip these two, immediately," he calls out to his friends. "Mayhap they are soon to be teleported away. If so, let it be without their possessions."

He tells Sers, "No, I will not leave you naked. But since you chose to take what is not yours, then we will take from you what is yours. As you have asked for mercy, your life may we spare - unless you try something tricky or hasty or harmful, and thus negate this offer of mercy. Cooperate if you would keep your pulse. What city are you from? And exactly where did you first meet this wizard of unknown parentage?" Kendry begins quickly to strip the man to his skivvies. He sees the blood on them.

If the man mentions Plateau City, Kendry asks what part. He has a full map of the city, and has spent time studying it.

From his haversack he takes his canvas, and cuts off a 3-yard section. "Wrap this around you."

As Sers takes the canvas, the halfling instructs the human, "Now, tell me how you were to be gotten out of here, and then will I do what I might to heal your wounds, thief. Do you know that your theft would have robbed good people of needed treatment, and left them to suffer still more?"

Wednesday August 8th, 2007 12:05:17 AM

Selithe watches the going on of the talks and will help with the gathering of stuff before leaning in close to Kendry and whispering in his ear, "If he seems like a nice guy in most ways we could see about having him help out here. Maybe seeing and doing good deeds will help him change his life style."

Selithe looks to the man and thinks before speaking, "Depending on what happens, what you do and such, we might be able to help you out some. You're far from home and without a way to get back easily. If we all deem you as at least a half way decent guy maybe you could find a way to help out here. Also consider this, you just lost a friend, you got hurt yourself and right now you're at our mercy. We are offering you a chance to make better choices, you, unlike your friend, didn't outright attack us I don't believe - so that at least shows a bit of goodness in you."

Wednesday August 8th, 2007 7:16:14 AM

Fickle finerly make it into the chaple, "Okie Dokie, Where'z this Outlaw??" He Yells" Me'z Take Good Care of HiM!"

You Bad? You not know? You Don't remember?" Flckle ask "You say you hve Abneesia?? Well another hi in the head will make you'z remember??"

Fickle is about to hit the stranger in the Heah when Somebody stop him?"

Wednesday August 8th, 2007 3:45:45 PM

Kendry nods affirming his sister's words, while gauging the man's response.

He stays Fickle's hand. "Thanks, cuz, but Sers here likely doesn't need a bop on the head."

The repentent rogue (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday August 8th, 2007 6:10:37 PM

Podo detects magic and finds that the two elixers are magic and the shortsword is too.

Tobias stays alert and ready.

Airin stays back too, but she is thinking about going on a mage hunt!

Kendry continues his questions.

Selithe urges some gentle handling to bring the sneak to a better outlook on life.

Fickle is not convinced, and he favors a rougher approach. But Kendry keeps him from harming the sneaky guy.

The sneak tells you a bit more. Yes, they were supposed to bring the potions to a meadow a half-mile away, thataways. They were supposed to do that as soon as they got the potions.

He says he is from Plateau City. He lived in a flophouse in the Shanty Town. He met the wizard in a tavern where shady sorts can get quiet jobs. Sers's story seems legit to Kendry. He says the wizard would have teleported him out after they brought back the potions. He's sorry he tried to steal the medicine.

"Thank you, miss," he says to Selithe. He flinches away from Fickle.

Comey has no problem with mercy, but he asks that you bring this thief with you when you go. "We have no way to watch a known criminal. It is not safe."

While this discussion is going on, please make a listen check vs DC15. If you make it, Please Highlight to display spoiler: {You hear a thump. Then another thump. Off in the distance. Like very heavy footsteps.}

NOTE: Tobias already rolled a 17 -- he can read the spoiler freely.

Tobias (AC 20, HP 34/38) [Message]  d20+19=26 d20+8=27 d20+7=19
Wednesday August 8th, 2007 6:47:55 PM

Tobias messages party members, "Maybe we should take Sers and go make this meeting with the wizard in the meadow?"

Then, Tobias sends out a warning through message that he hears really heavy steps heading this way... He continues to stay hidden and see what might be causing them.

Hide: 26
Listen: 27
Spot: 19

Kendry  d20+7=20
Wednesday August 8th, 2007 8:23:03 PM

'Sound idea, Tobias,' Kendry whispers back.

Quietly he adds, this time in a stage whisper, "Someone is coming. Big, heavy footsteps."

In the halfling tongue, he says, "I wonder if that is our friend from the climbing rock. Or not."

[More later, have to run.]

[Listen: 20]

Podo  d20+9=29 d20+5=16 d20+2=21 d20+14=20
Wednesday August 8th, 2007 11:02:14 PM

Podo, hearing the warning Tobias tells the group, tries to hear the sounds too! Sure enough, given enough concentration, Podo begins to hear a thump. Then another thump. Off in the distance. Like very heavy footsteps.

Podo moves to the door of the chappel, attempting to hide in the dim light of the doors. Peering out of the door, Podo attempts to see what comes this way.

Skill Checks
Spot DC: 29 + 1= 30 (Nat 20)
Listen DC: 16 + 1 = 17
Concentration DC: 21 + 1 = 22
Hide DC: 20 + 1 = 21

Readied Spells
Level 0: Detect Magic*,Purify Food & Drink, Light.

Level 1: Doom, Cure Light Wounds(x2)

* shows what spells have been cast for today

Dwight  d20+8=13 d20+3=6
Wednesday August 8th, 2007 11:14:40 PM

DWight fails to hear the steps (listen: 13), but suspect large footsteps would mean our friend. Regardless he runs to the door and looks out (spot: 6--Apparently the noise isn't coming from that direction)

Kendry  d8+1=2 d8+1=7
Thursday August 9th, 2007 1:24:43 AM

"I said I would do what I might to help heal you up." He takes out a wand from his haversack. "You should feel better in a moment. Perhaps not perfect, but better." He mixes a number of words from several languages, in the midst of said words including the command to effect a cure light wounds from the wand, and Sers has 7 hp restored to his health.

"Let's go talk with your employer." He returns the man's shoes to him, but ties four strands of silk rope between his legs (two at ankle level, one just below the knee, one just above the knee), so as to prevent him from running. "You don't need to bruise your feet, sir. Neither do I want you running off." He leaves enough slack so that he can shuffle, but not run.

"Sorry for the inconvenience." To Fickle, he asks, "Cuz, can you take our visitor outside the temple, keep your eye on him? And can someone else help out, so that he does not get a bop on the head?"

He approaches Comey, and asks to speak with him once the prisoner is outside of the temple building. Whispering (so all with the message spell can hear, too), he says, "We are thinking of taking him to the meeting place. Perhaps we can meet this wizard. Powerful he is, if he can cast teleport. What do you think of this notion? Cautions? Tactics? This is your community, sir."

Kendry asks other members of the party for their counsel as well.

Airin [AC21 - 42/42 HP] and Fioni [AC17 - 8/8 HP] AWAY  d20+12=30 d20+19=30 d20+8=9
Thursday August 9th, 2007 3:09:44 AM

(Listen 30)

Airin too hears what appears to be heavy footsteps. She switches again from bastard Sword to Crossbow and moves into the direction where the noise comes from. She'll hide behind a house or a tree once the sound gets close enough to her.

Then she waits...

Hide: 30
Spot: 9 - NAT 1 - she won't spot a giant when he's standing next to her...

Spell List:

Level 0: Flare, Goodberrie, Create Water, Light
Level 1: Speak with animals, *Produce Flame, Entangle

* shows what spells have been cast for today

Fickle  d20+2=22 d20+2=19
Thursday August 9th, 2007 8:01:43 AM

Listens 22 natural 20 & 19 to suport it.

Fickle tell the others "Well if we'z don't have'z time to see to this'um Thief? Then let's Kill'um!"

Fickle hopes that this will scare the Thief.

Thursday August 9th, 2007 11:28:54 AM

To Fickle Kendry says, "No! Please, just take him outside - and keep him healthy!"

[OOC: Ceil - read Kendry's previous post - Kendry asked if Fickle would take the prisoner outside.]

Invasion, Part III -- The Confused Giant!

The Angry Giant Wants To Help (DM Cayzle) 
Thursday August 9th, 2007 4:54:13 PM

The party discusses the merits of meeting the powerful teleporting wizard.

But before too long, there is a sound that everyone can hear. FOOTSTEPS! Thunk. Thunk. Thunk.

Kendry wonders if it is the giant you met coming into the valley.

Podo's quick peek out the door reveals that it is! It is Slam! The giant who helped you up the cliff several days ago!

Dwight follows Podo to the door, and sees the giant too. But Slam is not smiling. In fact, he looks angry!

In the midst of this, Kendry ties the prisoner and cures him. Kendry turns to talk to Comey, but the healer has already gone out to meet Slam.

Airin leaves the Chapel and hides with her crossbow.

Fickle threatens the prisoner, who gets more upset. Kendry asks Fickle to take the prisoner outside, without killing him. Fickle can try that next round.


Comey runs out to meet Slam. He yells, "Friend Slam! Have you come to help?"

The giant says angrily in broken common, "I HELP YOU! I HELP GET RID OF TRICKY POISONS!"

He is headed for the Chapel and will spend the next round running up to the building.

Kendry  d20+12=21
Thursday August 9th, 2007 8:34:14 PM

"Comey - take them out, and give me the potions, please," Kendry requests. Oh, wait, Comey already is outside. He recalls his many misgivings about leaving the potions here in the temple, out of the group's direct control.

Obviously, someone has gotten to Slam, and fed him a lie. And, just as obviously, there is a spy - or spies - within the community.

He steps out of the chapel.

In giant, he says, Highlight to display spoiler: {'Slam, it is good to see you. Tell me who said there is poison here. I have some potions of healing, but no poison. There is a wizard who lies and steals. Help us find him. You know me - Kendry.'}

In common, he adds, "You met us all. If there is poison, I will help you destroy it. But tell me who told you that Alemi's good temple would hold bad poison. There are evil ones about who do not want people to be healed. Help us find them. Help us, Slam."

[Diplomacy: 21]

Thursday August 9th, 2007 10:07:13 PM

Selithe listens to everything and when she hears the thudding of feet and the sound of Slam's voice, she too moves out to meet the giant. She smiles at him hoping that they can talk this over rather then have to fight, "Greetings Slam, it has been some time. I too am intersted in who said there was poison here."

Dwight  d20=17
Thursday August 9th, 2007 11:14:04 PM

Dwight, also urges Comey to open compartments to prevent Slam from uncontrollably smashing them. (17: not sure what it would apply to intimidate/coerce/encourage/strong suggestion and in the end i suppose diplomacy--i get +3 to it all so it doesn't matter really)

Once the vials are out, Dwight rushes to the theif/Fickle and gets a good description of the wizard he referred to. (height, clothes, hair color etc.)

Airin [AC21 - 42/42 HP] and Fioni [AC17 - 8/8 HP] AWAY 
Friday August 10th, 2007 4:01:57 AM

Upon seeing Slam enter the village Airin smiles. It's always good to see a friendly face in the dangerous Wold.

She steps out of her hiding place and waves hello to Slam.

"Hey Slam! Good to see you again!"

Then she waits to see how Slam will react to Kendry - even though she does not understand a word Kendry's saying, she's almost certain that he will try to make things clear to Slam that there are no poisons to be found anymore.

All the time Airin tries to stop the thoughts that race through her mind about Fioni. Thoughts of the tiny hawk being fried over a nice fire... She'll be back soon...

Spell List:

Level 0: Flare, Goodberrie, Create Water, Light
Level 1: Speak with animals, *Produce Flame, Entangle

* shows what spells have been cast for today

Friday August 10th, 2007 7:44:53 AM

Fickle will do as his cousin Dwight tell him to do, he'll tie up the Thief and Push him out side.

"HI'Z Slam. You'z look angry? Why? Where'z you's going Now? Can I'z help you'z with some thing'z?

Podo  d20+9=24 d20+5=13 d20+14=34 d20+2=3
Friday August 10th, 2007 10:05:41 AM

Podo wonders how Slam knows that there is poison here. With everything that has just transpired, Podo tries but he just can concentrate right now. Podo stays hidden in the shadows for now.

Podo, looking back into the chapel, tries to see and spot what Slam migh be talking about. Also, Podo listens to Slam to understand him better about this matter; about the poison.

Skill Checks
Spot DC: 24 + 1 = 25
Listen DC: 13 + 1 = 14
Hide DC: 24 + 1 = 35 (Nat 20)
Concentration DC: 3 + 1 = 4 (Nat 1)

Readied Spells
Level 0: Detect Magic*,Light
Purify Food & Drink.

Level 1: Doom, Cure Light Wounds(x2)

* shows what spells have been cast for today

Tobias (AC 20, HP 34/38) [Message]  d20+19=29 d20+8=20 d20+7=23
Friday August 10th, 2007 11:31:09 AM

Tobias remains hidden (inside the chapel near the entrance) to see how the giant responds to Kendry and the others... hoping that they can talk some sense into him. He prepares his short swords, just in case Kendry can't talk Slam down.

Hide: 29
Listen: 20
Spot: 23

Rushing Slam (DM Cayzle)  d20+4=6
Friday August 10th, 2007 5:12:49 PM

Kendry thinks Slam has been misled, and tries to get the giant to see reason.

Selithe and Airin help Kendry in reminding the giant that they are friends.

Dwight urges Comey to open the altar compartments and take out the potions. Then he joins Fickle and the prisoner and asks about the wizard who hired him.

Fickle ties up the prisoner with extra rope. He calls a hello to Slam.

Podo keeps his eyes open and tries to figure out what is going on.

Tobias stays hidden just inside the Chapel, waiting to see what happens. He s ready to fight the giant, if need be.


Slam seems so intent that he totally ignores all of you. He registers your existence, but does not seem to listen. "Must get poisons out of altar." he says. "Move, small folk!"

"Slam, wait -- " but that is all Comey can say before the giant pushes past him.

The giant bull rushes through Comey, then pries to push aside Kendry, Selithe, and Airin.

Do you three let the giant by, or should I roll bull rushes?

Tobias, the giant may enter the chapel. If so, do you take a readied attack? Do you try to block the door?

What are Fickle, Podo, and Dwight doing while this happens?

(Not quite in combat yet!)

Friday August 10th, 2007 7:44:25 PM

OOC: Did Dwight get the vials? Dwight's intention was to continue urging Comey until he complied.

If Dwight did get the potions, then he does not advertise it and continues wih original plan (talking with Sneak and getting description of wizard).

So the answer to "did Dwight get the vials" determines where Dwight is standing once Slam arrives.

Potions potions! (DM Cayzle) 
Friday August 10th, 2007 10:43:02 PM

Comey took all the potions and placed them in undamaged secret spaces in the altar. After that, he had no time to fetch them between listening to the interrogation of the prisoner and going outside to talk with Slam. So the potions are in the altar, and you do not know how to get at them.

Friday August 10th, 2007 10:53:19 PM

(Curious, would Selithe have time to cast a spell before Slam gets into the temple? Also the spell would have to be saved on her necklace since I forgot to add those to the spells listed before?)

[OOC: ADM Kim: Justin - tell what spell you are casting and how you are attempting to do so. If Cayzle rules it does not work, you'll find out. If it does work, you will not have had to wait for his answer... waiting can slow things down. So: Cast, explaining any conditions, so we can move along! - Buttinski Kim]

Kim, OOC 
Friday August 10th, 2007 11:59:04 PM

Neither Tobias nor Dwight gave Comey the two rescued potions, as far as I read it.

Podo  d20+9=20 d6+2=3 d20+9=14 d20+5=7 d20+14=19 d20+2=9 d20+11=14
Saturday August 11th, 2007 12:07:49 PM

When Slam walks past Podo's position, Podo will strike out with a Stunning Fist attack, believing that Slam's mind as been confused.

After the attack on slam, Podo will tumble away back into the shadows.

Stunning Fist Attack DC: 20+1 = 21
Damage: 3hp
Make Fort. saving throw vs. DC15 or suffer penalities.

Skill Checks
[Spot DC: 14+1=15]
[Listen DC: 07+1=08]
[Hide DC: 19+1=20]
[Tumble DC: 14+1=15]
[Concentration DC: 9+1=10]

Readied Spells
Level 0: Detect Magic*,Light,Purify Food & Drink.

Level 1: Doom, Cure Light Wounds(x2)

* shows what spells have been cast for today

Kim for Kendry 
Saturday August 11th, 2007 12:14:50 PM

Ack! forgot to post and have to run. Should do it tonight...

Tobias (AC 20, HP 34/38) [Message]  d20+14=32 d20+14=29 d4+3=5 d4+3=5
Saturday August 11th, 2007 6:41:08 PM

If Slam doesn't stop or slow down before he comes through the chapel doors. He will take a readied action for one attack on the giant. And, yells up at him, "Stop it Slam, you don't know what you're doing."

And, through the message, he says, "Airin, go take the other two potions from the altar... we'll try to slow him down."

Tobias is still holding one of the potions -- the one he took from the dead sneak.

Attack: 32 (nat 18, threat)
Crit check: 29
Damage: 5
Crit damage: 5

Dwight (ac 16, hp 35)  d20+10=26
Saturday August 11th, 2007 8:23:25 PM

OOC: Dwight at least has his potion, and one other isn't in the altar.

Without the ability to get the remaining potions, Dwight runs to sneak to get description.

To Fickle: "Watch the sneak, I'm gonna change myself to look like the wizard to try and calm the giant. Remember this is just a disguise, shout this to others so they know, but do not shout it in common. In halfling would be best."

Dwight is leary of such a plan and hopes Comey and others of the area hear him as well as he cast Disguise Self to make himself appear like the wizard. (disguise self: 26+3(skill, if it applies)+1(good)=30)

He then shouts in a human, older male voice, "Slam the giant, STOP. I have changed my mind. STOP NOW, DO NOT BREAK ANYTHING!"

Sunday August 12th, 2007 3:12:01 AM

There is a time for words, for persuasion.

Now is the time for grease.

Kendry steps aside 5' so as not to be knocked down by the giant and casts a grease spell in a 10' square in front of the area Slam is about to pass through.

Sunday August 12th, 2007 7:29:05 AM

"Okie Dokie, Cuzin Dwight." Fickle torns to the Giant Slam.

"Hey'z Slam! Look what I can's Do??" Fickle waves his arms and fingers, chanting all the time, "Hokus Pokus Domminokus! Poof!" nothing nappens??

Fickle repeats himself several times, until Slam catches on to his little play.

Airin [AC21 - 42/42 HP] and Fioni [AC17 - 8/8 HP] AWAY 
Sunday August 12th, 2007 7:57:44 AM

Watching Kendry's plan to stop the Giant without actually hurting him Airin follows suit to make sure that Slam remains prone.

Airin adds an entangle spell to Kendry's grease.
Vines spout from the ground engulfing the Giant making it even harder for him to get up from the ground. Airin casts the spell centered not exactly where Kendry casts the grease for the radius is a lot bigger. She casts it so that no one besides Slam gets caught in the vines.

Spell List:

Level 0: Flare, Goodberrie, Create Water, Light
Level 1: *Speak with animals, *Produce Flame, *Entangle

* shows what spells have been cast for today

Slam Falls! (DM Cayzle)  d20+12=20 d20+3=12
Monday August 13th, 2007 5:16:01 PM

[OOC: If anyone is unhappy with his or her position on the map, please let me know and I'll fix it next round.]

Disposition of the Potions: Dwight has one. Tobias has one. The others are in the altar.

At the start of this round, Slam was about 30 feet from the chapel. Combat starts on Slam's turn, and he uses it to bull rush 60 feet up onto the porch and into the Chapel. Comey, Kendry, Selithe, and Airin have only one choice: resist the rush or step aside. They all step aside. Sorry that was not more clear.

Tobias had a readied action, which takes place as soon as the giant comes in reach. He strikes out Slamm enters the building, inflicting 10 hp damage on the giant.

Slam ends his turn inside the chapel. (see map)


Podo attacks to stun. He hits for 3 hp damage (letal or nonlethal?) and a possible stun. Slam rolls a 21 on his save and is not affected.

Dwight and Fickle are standing near the prisoner outside the Chapel. The prisoner says he does not know what the wizard who hired him looks like. Fickle tries to distract the giant, but that does not work.

Selithe thinks about casting a spell. [OOC: Feel free to do so from last round and the current round.]

Kendry casts a Grease spell under the giant. Slam rolls a 12, and falls down! BOOM!

Airin is too late to cast Entangle. Please pick actions for two rounds, like Selithe.

Tobias also gains an action this round.

Slam's action to come. Airin, Selithe, and Tobias can post actions. Everyone else, please wait.

Map to come.

Tuesday August 14th, 2007 12:32:50 AM

Selithe frowns at how this is turning out and doesn't want to hurt Slam. She quickly thinks about her spells and such. (Don't have the book handy, can Selithe reverse the effects of the Enlarge person spell?) If possible Selithe will do her best to cast a reduce person spell and try to shrink Slam to a smaller size, maybe making him easier to combat. (Save For DC:14 Sorry if I'm trying to use a spell Selithe shouldn't have, I have to pick it up if she doesn't.)

Not knowing what else to do Selithe will move to try and follow Slam otherwise and keeps her bow out just incase things go badly.

(Cayzle:I really can't remember if the book split the spells like enlarge/reduce person or not, if they did then on the first round Selithe would of move forward also and second round depending on where she got in the temple or just outside, she would just keep her bow ready ro attack if needed. Thanks and hope this isn't to confusing.(

0th:Acid Splash, Flare, Light, Prestidigitationx2
1st:Magic Missile, Enlarge Person, Summon Monster Ix2(1 summon monsterI used)
2nd:Melf's acid arrowx2, Bull's strength

Slam Attacks! (DM Cayzle)  d20+11=24 d20+11=27 d4+7=10 d4+7=10
Tuesday August 14th, 2007 12:47:12 AM

Slam attacks from prone, lashing out at Tobias with his fists. Even witht he -4 to attack from prone, the giant hits AC24 and 27! Tobias takes 10 and 10, for 20 hp damage!

Slam is AC16 vs melee attacks, AC24 vs missile attacks.

And The Map!

Cayzle OOC 
Tuesday August 14th, 2007 12:48:20 AM

Sorry Selithe, but you cannot reverse Enlarge Person. You would have had to prep the spell earlier.

Airin [AC21 - 42/42 HP] and Fioni [AC17 - 8/8 HP] AWAY  d20+9=28 d20+9=27 d6=1 d6=2 2d6(2+5)=7
Tuesday August 14th, 2007 6:31:47 AM

Slam has been most helpful for the group to climb the cliffs and now they are forced to fight him?!

Airin of course avoids the bull rush and draws her crossbow... she holds of her first turn hoping someone can talk some sense into Slam!

If the giant attacks Airin does not hesitate and fires back at him. She moves within 30 ft (same sqaure as Selithe) from Slam and since he is in melee and prone Airin takes advantage of her sneak attack.

Bolt hits AC29 - Possible Crit - Crit check 27 - Critical hit succes! - damage x2
Damage: 1 (+1 valley) + 2 (+1 valley) = 5Hp
Sneak attack: 7 (+1 valley) = 8
Total damage 13Hp

Airin hates firing a friend and due to that her bolts are not as damaging as they could be...

After shooting she makes a 5ft step to take concealment behind the open chapel door.

Spell List:

Level 0: Flare, Goodberrie, Create Water, Light
Level 1: *Speak with animals, *Produce Flame, Entangle

* shows what spells have been cast for today

Fickle (AC 21-58/58)  d20+5=21 d8+2=3
Tuesday August 14th, 2007 7:28:23 AM

Fickle is taken by suprise?? "SLAM! WHY"Z You Hit Poor Selith?? Why's you'z so mad?? Selith Did Nothing to You'z??"

Fickle will take a rock and his sling Shot, pot a stone into the weapon, then shoot it at him. But missing Slam all togetter.

Stone - AC 21 - Damages 3hp.

DM Cayzle OOC 
Tuesday August 14th, 2007 7:56:51 AM

Friends, DO remember that you get a +1 on all d20 rolls, but not on damage. I myself forgot to give Slam his +1 last time. But he still hit. If you do forget, too bad for you!

Tobias (AC 20, HP 20/44) [Message]  d20+14=26 d4+3=6 d20+19=25
Tuesday August 14th, 2007 11:20:37 AM

After the pounding from Slam, Tobias takes one attack action at him while he's still prone... then moves back into the shadows (G14) attempting to hide.

Attack: 26
Damage: 6
Tumble: 25

Podo  d20+11=31
Tuesday August 14th, 2007 12:50:19 PM

All attacks made by Podo are non-leathal.

Podo realizing that any swing Slam makes might kill him, tumbles backwards as full movement rate to behind the altar near N9.

Skill Checks
[Tumble DC: 31+1=32 (NAT 20)]

Readied Spells
Level 0: Detect Magic*,Light,Purify Food & Drink.

Level 1: Doom, Cure Light Wounds(x2)

* shows what spells have been cast for today

Dwight (ac 16, hp 35, disguised)  d20+4=18
Tuesday August 14th, 2007 7:04:31 PM

To Fickle: "Watch the sneak, I'm gonna change myself to look like the wizard to try and calm the giant. Remember this is just a disguise, shout this to others so they know, but do not shout it in common. In halfling would be best."

Repost of Dwight's action (did to much last time)

Dwight is leary of such a plan and hopes Comey and others of the area hear him as well as he cast Disguise Self to make himself appear like the wizard. (disguise self: 26+3(skill, if it applies)+1(valley)=30)

OOC: Without a description from the sneak, Dwight uses what he recalls of the wizard in the cave who wants his familiar back.

He moves to (L20) see Slam and then shouts in a human, older male voice, "Slam the giant, STOP. I have changed my mind. STOP NOW, DO NOT BREAK ANYTHING!" Having heard him speak, Dwight hopes Slam's intellect is lower than normal and he falls for such a plan.

Bluff? 18+1(valley)=19

OOC: Not sure if I have made it clear in Dwight's action, but Dwight is attempting to pose as 'the wizard' and tell Slam to stop.

Selithe-AC:20-HP:39  d20+9=28 d4+1=2
Wednesday August 15th, 2007 12:15:50 AM

(OOC:Thanks Cayzle for the reply. I'm assuming since Selithe would of had to moved to the church instead of casting a spell that she has line of sight for a shot.)

Selithe doesn't like the idea of shooting Slam but sees little choice at the moment, if their lucky maybe they can heal him afterwards or something. For once she is wishing she had access to charm spells but there is little use crying over spilt milk at the moment. With this she whispers a sorry before taking aim and firing.

(Can hit:29 (forgot the +1 again so just added it in, sorry) Damage:2)

Wednesday August 15th, 2007 6:50:01 AM

Fickle Still onto hid prisoner replies to Dwight, "Okie! Dokie! Cousin Dwight, Him's Go nowhere's. Are you Bad ONE?" then he shakes the Thief by the back of the neck. Hear's me'm?"

Wednesday August 15th, 2007 7:18:38 AM

Posting Report? Somebody? Anybody?

Slam Stands Up! (DM Cayzle)  d20=10 [Slam's Sense Motive]
Wednesday August 15th, 2007 10:33:10 AM

Airin steps forward and fires at the prone giant.

[Aside OOC: He is prone but has not lost his Dex bonus to AC. So no sneak attack. In order to make a sneak attack against most creatures, you usually have to meet a required circumstance. Some ways to do that include:

- Catch the target by surprise (flat-footed, say).
- Attack while you are unseen (invisible, say, or sniping).
- Flank your target.
- Attack a target who is being grappled by someone else.
- Attack a blind, stunned, cowering, or helpless foe.
- Attack someone who is unsteady, such as a target who is climbing or balancing.]

Slam benefits from being prone, and thus for presenting a smaller target, so his AC is 24 vs ranged attacks. Airin also takes a -4 on her roll because she is firing into melee. But she still hits! And its a critical! But only for 3 hp damage. [The +1 regional alignment bonus only affects d20 rolls, not damage!]

Fickle thinks about hurling a sling bullet, but stays to guard the sneak prisoner.

Tobias attacks for 6 hp damage, then cleverly tumbles out of reach.

Cautious Podo also tumbles back, behind the altar.

Dwight quickly dons a disguise and tries to bluff the giant into submission.

Selithe, like Airin, takes aim and fires, hitting the prone giant for 2 damage.

Kendry keep his eyes open but takes no action.


Comey orders the people who are beginning to emerge from the burrows and buildings to stay under cover. His healer steps up and seems ready to offer a cure, but not to get near the giant! The patient, Sparks, heads for cover at last.


The hill giant sees that the party is in retreat. A couple pinprick arrows do not bother him. He crawls out of the Grease (move action) and stands up (move action). He says, "Ow! Slam Thought you were friends! Stop hurting Slam!"

Then he responds to Dwight's gambit. His sense motive check (untrained) is a 10. Dwight's checks for disguise and bluff are excellent. On the other hand, a Disguise Self spell can only make you appear up to a foot taller. On the third hand, there is a complicating factor that the DM does not wish to divulge. Okay here goes.

The giant looks at the short for a human but tall for a halfling robed figure before him. "Um, Okay. I no break anything. Wasn't goin' to!"

Slam's AC: 20
Slam's HP: -3 nonlethal damage, -21 lethal

And The Map!

Kendry  d20+12=26
Wednesday August 15th, 2007 11:45:11 AM

[OOC: Worked 16 hours yesterday]

"Slam - we're sorry - no harm meant I. But we brought potions to help some of the people here, brewed by a trusted friend. These are not poison, but rather for healing of the mind. Alemi's altar itself showed them to be safe, not bad.

"Please, let's take a moment and reason together."

He steps carefully forward to M16, avoiding the greasey patch.

[Diplomacy: 26]

Though there may be little reason to think otherwise, Kendry looks for any sign or signal that Slam is other than he appears to be.

Airin [AC21 - 42/42 HP] and Fioni [AC17 - 8/8 HP] AWAY  d20+9=23 d6=6
Wednesday August 15th, 2007 2:06:55 PM

Airin does not fire a second time to await Slam's reactions. She does however ready a second bolt in case Slam decides to attack the group anyhow.

Readied bolt hits AC23+1 - damage 6Hp

If Slam calms down and no longer attacks Airin will lower her crossbow but stay at distance from the Giant... after all, she gave him a little sting...

Tobias (AC 20, HP 29/44) [Message]  d8+1=9
Wednesday August 15th, 2007 3:32:17 PM

While in the safety of the shadows between the pillars and all the talking with Slam, Tobias reaches in a pouch for a potion of cure light wounds and drinks it - heals 9 hp of damage.

Dwight (ac 16, hp 35, disguised)  d4=4 d20+3=23 d20+4=6
Wednesday August 15th, 2007 7:47:02 PM

Wanting to believe Slam, but feeling a part of him can't, he maintains his ill-suited disguise hoping myth is true about giant vision.

"Slam, before you get closer to the altar, perhaps you should explain what you intended to do and why to your friends. Tell the truth now, so no one gets hurt and we all can understand." Dwight, in his best guess older-male human voice says compassionately.

Otherwise Dwight remains where he is, wanting to keep his potion away from the others. He keens his vision on Slam, checking to make sure it appears to be him

(spot: 23+1=24--nat, gather information: 6+1=7--Slam telling the truth?)

Extra: In the event Slam ignores the group and advances to the altar again, Dwight will cast a magic missile at him (dmg4+1=5)

Selithe  d20+5=12
Wednesday August 15th, 2007 11:51:27 PM

Selithe listens to Slam and wonders if he has finally come to his senses. She too speaks up after a moment, "I'm sorry Slam, I really didn't want to attack but you wouldn't stop to listen to us. I'm sure if you calm down we'll see to your wounds."

Selithe steps abit closer to Slam and takes a risk by placeing her bow back on her back, "See, I'm putting up my weapon but you have to stay calm."


Posting Repot For 
Thursday August 16th, 2007 7:17:49 AM

Game # 13 Crescent Valley
For the week of August 6,2007

Name-----MTWTF - Postings
Dm Cayzle-XXXXX - 5
Airean----XXOXX - 4
Selithe---XOXXX - 4
Tobias----XXXOXS- 5
Dwight----XOXXXS- 5
Kendry----XX22XS- 8
Fickle----XOXXXSS- 6
Podo------OXXOXS - 4


The End of the Fight (DM Cayzle) 
Thursday August 16th, 2007 10:09:59 AM

[OOC: It looks bad when the game does not have a weekly posting report. Jerry comments on it to us DMs, and then we DMs get embarrassed, and then we take it out on our players in hideous evil ways. So, somebody? Anybody? Kim? Steve? Robert if you're readng this? Anyone want to step up? You kids! Don't make me come back there and do it myself! Okay, the Belt is coming off!]

Kendry tries to explain that the giant is misinformed. The bard sounds pretty convincing.

Airin readies an attack in case the giant gets violent again.

Tobias draws a cure potion and quaffs it.

Dwight tries to get the giant to tell the group what is going on. [OOC: What you need to roll to do somehting like this is Diplomacy, or maybe Bluff. And to tell if someone is telling the truth, use Sense Motive. I'm applying your nat 20 to a Dip check and your nat 2 to your Sense Motive. Hope that's okay.]

Dwight sounds very sincere. And the giant pauses to listen. But Dwight does not have any clue as to whether the giant is lying or not.

Selithe adds some calming words to help Dwight's efforts.

[I'm treating these extra diplomacy efforts as Aid Another actions and using them to grant an extra +2 on the roll].


It is clear that this is Slam, but he IS acting a little weird. If you can make a Sense Motive check vs DC20, then you notice that he seems to be under some kind of magical mental influence. NOTE: If you do NOT roll the sense motive check, then your characters do NOT know about the mental influence.

[OOC: Kendry's efforts grant Slam a new save. Dwight and Selithe each grant a +2 on the save. The Will DC is 20. Slam's base will save is a +4. That goes to +8. The DM rolled d20+8=19! Oh! So close! But wait! Slam is good, and gains a +1 on his d20 rolls! a 20! He makes his save! Woo hoo!]

Slam looks around, and he shakes his head as if to clear some cobwebs. He mutters, in Giantish, Highlight to display spoiler: {I thought ... I thought ... what? What am I doing?}

He looks at you all and says, "Slam mixed up! Thought potions were poisons. Wanted save you all."

The giant sits down on the floor. "Sorry hurt you!"

[OOC: No map is needed. Combat is over. Unless there is no posting report! :-) Don't make me turn this fight around!]

DM Cayzle 
Thursday August 16th, 2007 10:11:15 AM

Thanks Ceil! I wrote the turn on my commute in this morning, before I saw Ceil's post report. Thanks Ceil! You are my hero! You get a special hero point that gets you no xp and which must be used before my tenure as DM ends!

Airin [AC21 - 42/42 HP] and Fioni [AC17 - 8/8 HP] AWAY  d20+2=22
Thursday August 16th, 2007 10:28:42 AM

Sense Motive : 22 - Nat 20! Whaha!

Airin's pleased to see Slam stops fighting them but remains vigilent until she notices he has been under a spell or something.

After a short while she dares to go nearer and carefully checks with Slam.

"Euhm we ok Slam? Sorry I had to hurt you... Do you remember who you saw last before you ended up here?"

Spell List:

Level 0: Flare, Goodberrie, Create Water, Light
Level 1: *Speak with animals, *Produce Flame, Entangle

* shows what spells have been cast for today

Dwight  d20+3=6
Thursday August 16th, 2007 10:40:39 AM

OOC: Yeah Ceil!

Dwight stands listening to the conversation and finds releif when Slam seems to 'snap' out it. While at first believing it to be a trick, Dwight concedes once Slam speaks in giantese as that makes sense, though Dwight can't understand it.

Once Airin asks about who was last seen, Dwight drops his disguise, not wanting to be hit by Slam.

he does however remain outside the temple and listens to what he can with his ears and looks about with his eyes (spot: 6+1=7)

Thursday August 16th, 2007 11:10:04 AM

A little battered and bruised, Tobias emerges from the shadows to hear more about what's happened to Slam. He sheaths his short swords, but keeps a hand near them in case any other weirdness were to follow them to this place...

And, he whispers to the party members before Comey can get within ear shot, "We need to get the potions out of this chapel."

Kendry  d8+1=7 d8+1=9 d8+1=4 d8+1=5
Friday August 17th, 2007 12:56:43 AM

Kendry translates Slam's self-talk into common. "I thought ... what? What am I doing?"

He uses a wand of cure light wounds to heal Tobias (7+9=16; 15 needed); and Slam (4+5=9; 11 needed?).

He looks around to see if any others are injured and in need of healing.

Airin & Dwight seem to be doing a good job of asking questions.

He tries to help Airin. Wait.

'Someone keep an eye on Sers,' he whispers to the people in the message circle.

"Yes, friend Slam, we are sorry that we hurt you, too. If you remember anything about anyone who talked to you today before you came running here, please tell us.

"There is a wizard who wants to rob these people of the help we bring them. One man knows where we might meet this wicked wizard. You want to help us find him, stop him?"

He lets the question settle a moment, then adds, "We need to go soon. Right away to the meeting place. Maybe you find some big rocks to throw, just in case?"

If Slam has a hard time understanding his common, Kendry will say the same things in the giant tongue.

"Oh, and Slam? Thank you for having the good heart to want to save us. You are a kind friend."

Podo  d20+3=13
Friday August 17th, 2007 8:43:56 AM

Podo sighs.

Skill Checks
[Sense Motives DC: 13 +1 =14]

Readied Spells
Level 0: Detect Magic*,Light,Purify Food & Drink.

Level 1: Doom, Cure Light Wounds(x2)

* shows what spells have been cast for today

Airin [AC21 - 42/42 HP] and Fioni [AC17 - 8/8 HP] AWAY 
Friday August 17th, 2007 9:24:27 AM

Airin awaits Slam's response to their questions with curiosity. If Slam too speaks of an evil wizard the hunt will be on!

"Hurry back Fioni!" Airin screams inside.

Slam's Story (DM Cayzle) 
Friday August 17th, 2007 4:33:22 PM

Dwight, ever vigilant, stays alert outside the Chapel.

The rest of the party, perhaps with some understandable caution, approaches Slam and feels convinced that the giant is now in his right mind.

Airin asks about who Slam met before coming here.

Kendry offers some thanks and healing and explains to the giant the facts as he knows them.

While this is going on, Tobias motions to Comey and gets his hands on all the remaining potions (except for the one Podo has).

Slam tells a simple story. He met an old friend of his -- or who he thought was an old friend. He was a human in a dark robe who hid his face in a hood. The friend warned him that there were dangerous poisons hidden here in the altar, and that Slam should go get them and bring them to his old friend. But now Slam realizes that it was no friend at all, but some kind of magician.

Kendry suggests going with Slam to the meeting place with the wizard. Airin agrees.

Fickle is still holding on to the sneak. The sneak says he didn't know anything about a giant, but it is clear that the place that the sneak was to bring the stolen potions is the same place that Slam was going to meet his "old friend."

What do you do?

Friday August 17th, 2007 7:27:53 PM

After collecting the potions, Tobias agrees that we should head out to the meeting place with Slam... Give Slam 4 vials filled with some other liquid... And, be there when the exchange happens so that we can grab the magician.

Also, should we split up the potions once more, so no one can take them all at once?

Friday August 17th, 2007 7:53:31 PM

Podo sighs.

Readied Spells
Level 0: Detect Magic*,Light,Purify Food & Drink.

Level 1: Doom, Cure Light Wounds(x2)

* shows what spells have been cast for today

Saturday August 18th, 2007 12:29:40 AM

(OOC:Sorry for not posting yesterday, wasn't feeling good. Some what better today, all though the computer screen still makes my head hurt some for some reason.)

Selithe listens to Slam and makes note of anything said that sounds like it would be of importance. She wonders if the group will still plan to go wizard hunting.

Sunday August 19th, 2007 9:38:39 PM

Dwight agrees with Tobias about splitting the vials among the members again, or even leaving one in the altar.

However since Slam was suppose to destroy the vials, giving him fake ones won't accomplish much.

Everyone returning to the designated spot, with Slam sounds like the best idea. Any chance this location is a day away?

ADM StevenVdB : Posting Record Game 13 
Monday August 20th, 2007 3:27:02 AM

Posting Report for Game 13 for the week of August 13th - 19th

DM Cayzle : MTWTF-- 5
Dwight: -TWT--S 4
Fickle: -TW---- 2
Podo: -T--2-- 3
Selithe: -T2--S- 4
Kendry: --W-F-- 2
Tobias: -TWTF-- 4
Airin: -TWTF-- 4

Bad week... No one got 5 turns in... Well no one but DM Cayzle that is!

Fighting the Giant!
Slam won't listen to the Crescent Valley Halfling and has set his mind on destroying whatever poison he thinks is hidden in the Chapel. Ultimately the Halflings need to use force on this raging hulk...

But in the end Slam begins to understand he has been fooled by his "Old Friend".

Time to find out a bit more about this "Old Friend"

Monday August 20th, 2007 4:23:45 AM

"Comey - you have spies, or a spy, among you. Unless you can think of some other way that this wizard would have known what was where and how to find it. Any ideas?" Kendry says. "No need to answer now - but something to ponder, eh?"

He asks Comey also the name of 'Sparks'. "Some real insight he has."

To the party he conveys a sense of cautious urgency. "We need to get to the meeting place, and prepare what greeting we might."

Monday August 20th, 2007 7:24:37 AM

Fickle listen to His leader (cousin Kendry) "Meeting Place?? Where'z?? Is It Good Place'z?? DUH!!"

Monday August 20th, 2007 7:41:24 AM

"I agree love. Can't we ask Slam to act as if he did indeed destroy the potions as the Wizard has asked? On the other hand, if you think this wizard has a spy in this town than maybe he allready knows Slam didn't and will not show..." Airin says carefuly without too many people able to hear what she says.

"Anything we could use to nail a wizard?" Airin asks her friends...

Spell List:

Level 0: Flare, Goodberrie, Create Water, Light
Level 1: *Speak with animals, *Produce Flame, Entangle

* shows what spells have been cast for today

Podo Danderfluff  d20+9=20 d20+5=12
Monday August 20th, 2007 11:56:15 AM

Podo comes out of the corner, walking towards his cousin Kendry.

"Cuz, I'm going outside...suddenly it feels cramped in here.

Once outside, Podo looks around scanning the grounds and horizon for anything that might be out of the ordinary for this place.

Skill Checks
Spot DC: 20+1 = 21
Listen DC: 12+1 = 13

Readied Spells
Level 0:
*Detect Magic,Light,Purify Food & Drink.

Level 1:
Doom, Cure Light Wounds(x2)

*shows what spells have been cast for today

Monday August 20th, 2007 8:46:08 PM

Dwight waits for consensus on returning, strategy and what to do about both Slam and the tied up sneak.

He also wonders if Comey has any input, but refuses to speak to him regarding this. Dwight is alittle annoyed that he was forced to keep his potion here and this happens jeopardizing everything. Of course only his friends could tell of this this, Dwight has learned to keep his mouth shut unless it makes things easier. Well perhaps is learning is a better word choice.

Monday August 20th, 2007 9:22:47 PM

Selithe looks to the others and nods before speaking up to Airin's comment, "I would say that the spy would already know to be honest." Selithe shrugs and looks to the sneak that they caught and ponders this whole thing before speaking to Kendry, "We still going to go wizard meeting then? I doubt it will matter this time if any of us hide or not, if there is a spy or if this is the necromancer from before, then he knows how many of us there are. He will have an idea of our stregnths too."

Slam Has A Bit More To Say (DM Cayzle) 
Monday August 20th, 2007 9:36:55 PM

Slam tells you again, but louder, that he was supposed to retrieve the poison. Not destroy it.

He adds that the meeting place is maybe an hour away for him, hour and a half for small folk.

He is willing to go try to catch or kill the wizard.

Comey tells you that the fellow who saw "sparks is named "Lubar." He says to tread lightly aroung him. He is a very sick fellow with multiple souls in his body, and at least one is dangerously violent. He says he can see souls, but today's behaviour is a first.

The party talks about what to do. Slam says in giantish to Kendry that if the group does not act fast, it will be too late. The wizard says that he is leaving and Slam thinks the group has barely enough time to make it there.

The other sneak confirms this.

Monday August 20th, 2007 11:16:59 PM

"I'm willing to go, but my spell power is low. But so should the wizard's if he charmed these guys and is bringing them back."

Tuesday August 21st, 2007 12:36:20 AM

Tobias votes for going after the wizard as soon as possible. Using Slam as cover should get us close enough to the wizard for a surprise attack. And, a giant in your face tends to distract someone trying to cast... :)

Kendry  d20+5=6
Tuesday August 21st, 2007 2:47:49 AM

"How much would we slow you down if you carried us most of the way there, Slam? Are we too heavy for you?"

He understands Dwight's desire to have a full complement of spells, but such is not always possible.

He resolves to speak with Lubar later, should the opportunity show itself.

"Comey - will you come with us? Are there any from among you who might assist?" If Comey cannot or will not accompany them, he quietly sees about slipping one of the potions to the community's leader. "For Lubar, at the time of your discretion," he whispers.

He also asks if Comey, or someone in the community, can quickly give them four empty vials - or vials filled with something of little worth - all the same size and color, if possible.

Kendry thinks for a moment. "Sers, will you give us your word that you will aid us? If so, we shall loose your bonds as we go after the mage. And your behavior shall help determine your judgment."

Should Sers seem to make a sincere promise, Kendry will un-hobble him, as long as the rest of the group agrees. [Sense Motive: 6 (nat 1)]

"Let us quickly go, then," Kendry urges. "Bring what you need, and no more."

He is ready to ride Cheann on the trip.

Tuesday August 21st, 2007 8:05:21 AM

Fickle listens to all the sugestions, then pot's his two gold peices in for his own pice of mind (or what's left of it??) "Here is the poison potion! Give me'z the onr in you'z hand. Then you go give'm to the Wizard! Okie Dokie! We'z Wait Here!"

After Slam goes (or starts) back th the Wizard. He'll tell Dwight "Okie Dokie! let's go and follow him'z!"

Tuesday August 21st, 2007 12:35:52 PM

"Good idea Kendry. If Slam carries us and drops us of at a safe distance we can crawl closer and still get there on time!"

Airin looks at Lomar's face and hopes he'll accept to carry the group.

Tuesday August 21st, 2007 12:53:36 PM

Tobias travels light and has most everything he needs with him... So, he's ready to be on his way with the group.

Podo Danderfluff  d20+9=28 d20+5=22
Tuesday August 21st, 2007 2:29:14 PM

Podo walks up the the group standing before Slam, with just his handy haversack. "Ready, cuz!" says Podo.

Looking around and pausing to hear anything new, Podo wonders what might arrive in their absence.

Skill Checks
Spot DC: 28+1 = 29
Listen DC: 22+1 = 23

Readied Spells
Level 0:
*Detect Magic,Light,Purify Food & Drink.

Level 1:
Doom, Cure Light Wounds(x2)

*shows what spells have been cast for today

Tuesday August 21st, 2007 10:25:54 PM

Dwight nods acceptance of Kendry's 'stop being spoiled' statement. OOC: :-)

He isn't so sure about riding on Slam though, a fall would really hurt. In the end though, if Slam offers, Dwight somewhat reluctantly will ride knowing time is of the essence.

Tuesday August 21st, 2007 11:10:57 PM

Selithe listens to what Slam has to say and then Kendry. Selithe smiles and is ready right now, she has all her equipment with her and such so no reason to rush off for anything else.

Selithe does look to Slam and ponders the whole being carried thing, he did help them up the steps before so she knows he can be gentle and all so figures it should be okay if he offers.

Slam, Comey, and the Sneak (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday August 22nd, 2007 12:02:19 AM

There is a quick consensus among the party that it would be best to go after the wizard fast.

Slam agrees, and can carry four of you failry easily. He could carry more if he had a carrier or something. A rickshaw? But since he doesn't four is the limit.

Slam says, "That wizard fooled Slam! He needs a punched head! I will come with you!"

Comey is not as enthusiastic. "This fellow has shown himself to be very cunning. He has made three feints so far. What if he has another planned? I must stay here to protect my people."

The captured sneak is bluntest, and least willing, when Kendry offers him the chance to join in the fight against the wizard.

"Are you people nuts?" the sneak exclaims. "He is a WIZARD! He can TELEPORT and CHARM giants? How can you all beat him? And even if you can, what do you think will happen to me? One, maybe two fireballs and I'm history! Put me on the chain gang! Let me serve some hard time! But I won't go on a suicide mission!"

Comey will accept a potion, but he won't use it on Lubar. "It says Coma Cure right on it! Lubar is not in a coma! But some people we have here are!"

If you choose to race off, who is riding the giant? What prep are you doing? You CAN get some "fake" potions to bring with you.

Wednesday August 22nd, 2007 5:43:35 AM

"Guys, I'm affraid Comey and this sneak are speaking some sense though... we can not just rush in there and fight a wizard of unknown strength. I think first we need to know where he comes from and who he is. If indeed it's the same wizard we met earlier we allready know where he lives and we can visit him anytime. If not, we need to wonder why we're getting so much evil wizards on our hands..." Airin says making a painful face.

Wizards are not to be dealt with lightly.

"Fioni is out there somewhere trying to find out where the Harpies came from. I say we attempt to do the same with the Wizard. We need to go to the meeting place - just one or two of us as cunningly as possible. With invisible spells or sneaking potions like the ones we grabbed from the sneak. Then we examine the wizard and check if we recognise him. If he teleports we're screwed... but if he does we also know he's pretty powerful... If he walks "home" we can track him cautiously and find his lair."

Airin looks at the others and wonders how they would want to proceed now.

"For all that matters I volunteer to go to the meeting place and spy on the wizard. If anyone has any good spells or potions up their sleeve now would be an excellent moment to share them."

Wednesday August 22nd, 2007 7:13:38 AM

Fickle stand there scratching his head, then smiles at Slam. "Slam Me'z Friend, can you pick me'z up and put me into your pouch? and not close it all the way?"

Fickle is hopeing for a 'yes' answer. It would be one good way to spy on the wizard.

Wednesday August 22nd, 2007 6:30:33 PM

"If we go after the wizard, we should all go. If he spots us with just a couple of people and Slam, they will be less likely to handle the wizard than the full group, but splitting us up just makes us weaker. Another option is to send Slam alone with better fake potions, that he may not be able to decipher right away. Put in some way to track the vials, and hope he takes them to his place for identification, and we find out where that is."

Wednesday August 22nd, 2007 9:02:44 PM

Selithe thinks over what has been said and looks to the others, "I agree that this wizard sounds strong. I really don't know rather to say hold off on facing him or not. If we wait, he can just try more and more to get to us or others and he can also grow even stronger. The problem is, is the risk worth it."

Selithe looks to Kendry and smiles to her brother, "I'll go if you go though brother. I've never refused to cover your back as best I can or anyone else here."

Wednesday August 22nd, 2007 9:35:34 PM

[OCC: Pending the outcome of a message to Cayzle...]

Podo asks Kendry, "About the traveling plans to the 'wizard'...Slam can only carry 4 of us, what do the rest to do? What about one of us staying behind to protect the village?"

Discussion without Resolution (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday August 22nd, 2007 10:56:32 PM

Airin is willing to sneak in with the giant. So is Fickle.

Tobias thinks the group should stick together. Podo wants to stay behind (which would be A-OK by the DM, OOC).

Selithe seems to be leaning toward going to confront or spy on the wizard

So what's it going to be, friends? Time's a-wasting!

Thursday August 23rd, 2007 2:39:53 AM

"Should you choose to stay behind, in case there be yet another attack - of course you may, Pode. But I wish you would come with us.

"Think on it: The wizard set a three-pronged attack to gain the potions. The first was the distraction of the harpies. The second was the stealth of the temple thieves. The third was the enchantment of our friend.

"Mayhaps he plotted yet another means. There is a spy here, I believe. If you remain, perhaps you may have insight on who that might be. Identify that person - or people - and you'll greatly strengthen the security of this place.

"But if we have encountered the sum of his present efforts, then when we go to face him, we will lack your help, and insight.

"Whatever you decide, I will trust your decision, friend Podo."

He considers Airin's counsel. "Perhaps you are right. But I don't want you going just by yourself and Slam."

Kendry says, "Time is not on our side. Let us leave immediately, and plot and plan along the journey."

He takes the four 'fake' potion vials offered up, and places them in a small bag. One he takes care to break within the bag. The bag he places within his haversack.

He asks whether there is a riding pony that one or two of the group can borrow.

He quickly saddles up Cheann, and says, "Whoever is coming, then come now. Selithe - if you ride Gra, then six of us small ones can go, with four on Slam. Away! Let us fly!"

And off he goes in the direction that the sneak and Slam indicated.

Cayzle OOC 
Thursday August 23rd, 2007 5:58:41 AM

Cheann? Gra? Are those the mounts that could not make it up the cliff? Recall that Julian took the animals and mounts and such back to safety because getting them up the cliff was too hard.

The people here have montain goats and bighorn sheep, but no cows, horses, or ponies.

[Go back and read about Kendry roping up the dogs as we ascended the cliffs, Cayzle! -Kim]

Thursday August 23rd, 2007 7:30:09 AM

Fickle jugles a few stones, "Hmm! What to do? Go face this wizad, or wait? Hmmm! Hard to Think-um??"

Thursday August 23rd, 2007 11:10:12 AM

"Okay let's go. Kendry's right. We need to get moving asap! We can run and be carried by Slam taking turns running and resting..."


"Slam, Lead the way!! Drop us off outside of hearing range from the meeting place.."

Thursday August 23rd, 2007 11:25:10 AM

Tobias is ready to move with the group... he will switch between running and being carried by Slam as we move towards the wizard.

Thursday August 23rd, 2007 8:09:28 PM

Dwight awaits, a final consensus, but asks the following.

"Are we clear in our goal here, the wizard is going to be killed? He afterall has no remorse for those afflicted with the coma, and for all we know could be the cause of it."

Off to the side, Dwight will speak with Podo. "I understand your reluctance to not kill another creature, but his actions attempted to kill many. I believe he may reprieve his decisions in his next life, but this life has been forfeit. I do not take pleasure in it, but feel as if he has left us no alternative. If he does, I'll think on your views and see if an alternative punishment is possible."

Kendry, riding along on Cheann, one of two dogs who was pulled up the cliff 
Thursday August 23rd, 2007 9:55:30 PM

"Killed? perhaps, Dwight, we shall have means and will to kill him. Or perhaps only drive him away - for he has skill. But at least we will mark him - and perhaps he us." He switches to the halfling tongue. "He knows of our mission, and wants to thwart the kindly will of our benefactress."

Back in common, he continues, as they travel to the meeting site, "As Sers pointed out, he may be able to cast fireball spells. We should spread out as we approach the place."

A few minutes later, he says, "If our wizard is on the ground - and not an illusionary image set to deceive us - Airin, could you cast entangle centered where he stands? Who has missile weapons? I have my composite shortbow," he says, holding aloft the beautiful masterwork weapon. "How shall we attack this dastard?"

And a few moments later, he says, "It would be good to have our ferocious friend, Julian, along on this one. May Alemi and Domi guide him well, and Wardd grant him luck."

Friday August 24th, 2007 4:01:34 AM

"We can discuss battle tactics while Slam carries us out there. Let's not waste any more time!"

Friday August 24th, 2007 6:26:00 AM

Fickle sing a little toon as they go forward, "Off'z to kill the Wizard, the wonderful wizard of Evil!"

"Well i'z know'z the song does not rhyme'z! But I'z Like it!" Singing with a smile.

Off to see the Wizard! (DM Cayzle) 
Friday August 24th, 2007 7:29:48 AM

[OOC: Thanks Kim for the clarification.]

Kendry mounts up and rides.

Airin too, and calls for Slam to lead the way.

Tobias runs and then is carried by Slam when he gets tired.

Dwight takes the time to offer a few words to Podo before he goes off with Slam.

Fickle? Do you travel in Slam's pocket too?

How about Selithe?

Podo opts to stay with Comey -- in case there is another attack here.

The giant and mounted halflings move fast toward the meeting place. After 50 minutes, Slam says it is almost time. How do you want to approach? Slam first? All together? Is anyone staying in Slam's pocket or on his shoulder? Who is hiding? Who is in the open?

Note that the terrain here is brush and stands of trees in hill country.

[OOC: Over the weekend, feel free to post as often as you need to to discuss strategy. I hope to make a DM post Saturday morning, especially to answer questions and make sure everyone is on the same page, but conflict will begin Monday.]

Friday August 24th, 2007 11:24:22 AM

Tobias would like to go with Slam, hidden in a pocket or pouch or some other illusive spot on the giant. He fights mainly in melee, and being too far from the wizard will just cost him time. Plus a halfling and giant surrounding the wizard may give him more to concentrate on than casting spells...

Airin [AC21 - dodge AC22 vs Wizard / 42/42HP]  d20+17=37 d20+17=26 d20+17=31 d20+19=24 d20+19=37 d20+19=29 d20+10=11 d20+10=25 d6=6 2d6(1+6)=7 d20+19=23
Friday August 24th, 2007 11:51:25 AM

While being carried by Slam Airin says to Kendry "Since this appears to be a strong wizard, I doubt my feeble entangle spells could harm him... But being a wizard I doubt he is very strong or with heavy armor so a well placed crossbow bolt might do a lot more damage and could possibly distract him enough from casting a spell... I will first shoot and if he stays there, then I will attempt an entangle spell"

During Slam's walk when he approaches the end of his walk Airin quaffs another mage armor potion. (3 left)

Airin will walk the distance towards the wizard. She intends to make a quarter circle around the group so that she approaches not from where Slam comes. She will attempt to get within 30ft from the wizard if possible. Hiding behind trees and bush.

Move silently and Hide combo : 37 - 24

Still not within 30ft. Airin continues to close range...

Move silently and Hide combo : 26 - 37

crack a little twig snaps - the sound is faint but could be heard by a cautious ear... however Airin is well concealed should anyone look her way...

Ever closer she moves untill she is exactly where she wanted to be... within 30ft and clear line of sight hidden behind a tree or a bush...

Move silently and Hide combo : 31 - 29

There she will hide, readying her crossbow for a sneak attack.

Readied shot: hits AC25 - damage 6 - sneak damage 7Hp - total 13HP

After her shot Airin makes a 5ft step and hides again...

Hide 23

ooc: enough actions for a few turns :-) as I won't be posting this weekend

Saturday August 25th, 2007 1:34:51 AM

Staying behind Podo speaks with Comey, in hopes to prepare a defensive stand against an incoming wizard.

Saturday August 25th, 2007 9:19:05 AM

Fickle thinks that if he squats down, and tries to hide behind the giant heels! "Boy'z! He Will Never! see me down here! But just'z in case that wizard is smarter than Me'z Think! I'll hide in the fold if his boot! Yah1 That's what I'll'z do!"

Approaching the Rendez-vous (DM Cayzle)  d20+4=16 d20+4=5
Saturday August 25th, 2007 12:29:12 PM

The giant, carrying Airin, Fickle, Dwight, and Tobias, strides off. Two of our heroes each fill a "small" sack tied to the giant's belt. Two ride his shoulders, steadied by Slam's hands.

Kendry follows mounted.

Podo stays behind in case there is another attack planned on the village.

[OOC: Justin, if you post before the next DM post on Monday, you can choose to ride the other mount next to Kendry, or sty with Podo. Otherwise Selithe will stay with Podo as a default.]

After about 50 minutes, the giant halts and whispers, "We're almost there!"

Airin drinks a potion of Mage Armor, asks directions and then heads off most stealthily.

Are there any more preparations to be made, spells to cast, potions to drink, before it all goes down? Last chance!

Slam says that two halflings can hide in the sacks on his belt and probably pass unnoticed as Slam approaches the wizard. But that leaves two (or three if Selthe is with the group) halflings on their own. Who two will go in the giant's sacks? What will the others do?

Slam chuckles at Fickle's idea of hiding behind his boot. "That not work while I am walking," he says.

Airin works her way about 70 feet from the mage. There are 30 feet of underbrush between her and the wizard, then 40 feet of meadow. He is a human-size figure in a black robe wth a hood. His face is in the shadows.

Sunday August 26th, 2007 6:53:06 AM

Look up at Slams, answering him "It does if me'z stay in you'z Shadow!"

DM Cayzle OOC 
Sunday August 26th, 2007 9:09:36 PM

Friends, as Jerry said in an e-mail message this evening, after helping launch this game and DMing it for the last two years or so, it is time for me to move on. A new and very promising DM, Glenn, will be taking over Sept. 10.

This module will conclude at that time. So I NEED you all to think about what you want to do next. I'm not a "railroad" DM, so you get a big say in your fate. Here are some ideas and loose strings:

-- You still have that necromancer's homunculous. Being a construct, it won't die of hunger, thirst, or lack of air in your bag of holding. Do you want to deal with his master, or confront him, or something?

-- There are still some mysteries left at the end of this module. Where is Bella? What was this coma all about? What about this mage -- who is it? What does he or she want?

-- Return the Holy Thurible that the skeletal ghost asked you to return?

-- Go back to Angel Springs and look for new adventure?

-- What about those fairies you made a deal with? Is there more there?

-- You all have made some enemies. One of them may come looking to even an old score.

-- Other ideas? Let us know asap!

Thanks for a great two years! And thank you for putting up with my sometimes irregular posting and life issues. You all have been great!

Sunday August 26th, 2007 9:45:20 PM

DM Cayzle...You've been an awesome friend and DM. You've helped me with Podo as well as with so many other aspects of Game Playing. We will miss you greatly here in the Crescent Valley.

Podo definitely wants to return the Holy Thurible as for the other loose ends, that is up to the rest of the group.

Robert OOC 
Sunday August 26th, 2007 9:51:06 PM

Thanks, Cayzle. You've been very helpful and supportive in my times of need. Grow a few more arms. ;-)

Fickle (Ceil) 
Monday August 27th, 2007 7:20:50 AM

I have not played here too long, You been a real friend. You have taken me in this wold, when I was ready to Retire, Thank-You for having faith in me, Will miss you.

Now I can bother a NEW DM>:-)

At the base of the Giant Steps, Again (DM Cayzle) 
Monday August 27th, 2007 7:52:21 AM

The story of Julian the Badger begins again where last we saw him -- at the foot of the giant steps that proved too big an obstacle for the group's ponies. Once again, Julian faces a climb -- this time without his free-falling friend, Podo. But there is a new twist to this story: Julian sees a stranger -- a halfling -- sitting at the base, as if waiting for him.

"Hello, traveller," says the stranger, who is dressed in bright green armor. "My name is Graeff. What's yours, and what brings you to these parts?"

[OOC: This post is for Julian. A full DM Post will appear later today.]

Julian Roscoe Holle Pipewood Trufflefinder 'the Badger' 
Monday August 27th, 2007 8:30:07 AM

"Ho! and Hello. Graeff, hey. I am Julian Roscoe Holle Pipewood Trufflefinder, but there are some who call me Tim.

"I mean, 'The Badger'.

Julian is friendly in disposition towards all halflings, specially those who are friendly first. He is, however, guarded regarding exactly what he and the party have been up to.

"I've, I mean, we, a group of halfings have been looking for, err, you, I think. Graeff, you said, right? That sounds like it. We've, well, they've got some potions from B'Heather- a good frien - someone we met in... not long ago. She 'hired' us to deliver these potions to you.

"I'm sorry if I am being a bit vague. I haven't really spoken to anyone for a few days. I travelled back to Angel Springs with our groups donkeys that we could see no way to get them up these stairs. Anyway, I've spent the last 2 days in the Temple of Domi, meditating. I've spoken to the priests there and... anyway, after 2 days I felt this urgent need to rejoin my friends and cousins. That and hunger. Lots of hunger.

"So here I am with my badger. His name's Shark, by the way. Back where I left them, still no idea how to get up. Is that why you're waiting? Looking for a way up?"

OOC Hello everyone *waving furiously* I don't think I mentioned this before I took the donkeys for a walk, but my wife Emma and I are expecting #4 this December, [spooky cinema voice over] and this time it's a boy

Dwight  d20+9=20 d20+9=18 d20+11=31 d20+11=14 d20+4=8 d20+3=11 d20+8=14 d4=3 d6=6
Monday August 27th, 2007 9:47:08 AM

Once Slam announces they are he will also take for cover, with his bow out. He will circle around roughly opposite of Airin and attempt to get within 30'.

OOC: Tactics--Dwight intends on shooting arrows once it is clear combat is ready to begin.

Hide: checks: 20+1(valley)=21, 18+1(valley)=19
MS checks: 31 (nat 20)+1(valley)=32, 14+1(velley)=15
Spot: 8+1(valley) = 9
Sense motive: 11

Does Dwight recognize this human?

Attack (if we are to that point yet): 14+1(valley)+1(if within 30')=16
dmg: 3+6 (if considered flanking since across from Airin)=9

Monday August 27th, 2007 10:23:33 AM

Seeing it will be virtually impossible for Airin to close range she decides to circle around untill she is at the opposite side of the circle from where Slam appears. This way if the Wizard decides to flee he might run into her arms...

(There should be plenty of rolls and a readied attack in my weekend post.)

ooc. Cayzle, I haven't been here long since I took over from Inge, but it's been great knowing you. Best of luck in your next assignment!!

ADM StevenVdB : Posting Record Game 13 
Monday August 27th, 2007 10:36:30 AM

Posting Report for Game 13 for the week of August 20th - 26th

DM Cayzle : M-WTFS- 5
Dwight: 2T-T--- 4
Fickle: MTWTFSS 7
Podo: MTW--S- 4
Selithe: MTW---- 3
Kendry: MT-2--- 4
Tobias: -2WTF-- 5
Airin: MTWT2-- 6

Planning to meet the Wizard...
Quickly the group decides to go out to meet the wizard but it takes time to plan their actions. Slam will carry most - some on his shoulders others in his pouch - untill they get near the rendevous point.

Podo decides to stay behind to help protect the village when things go awfully wrong. Hopefully the group will manage without his help...

Just how close will they get untill the Wizards brings down his foul spells upon out little Halflings...

Monday August 27th, 2007 11:23:20 AM

Tobias volunteers to go in one of the giant's pouches, wanting to be close to the wizard when the combat starts.

Monday August 27th, 2007 2:00:30 PM

Dwight will be 90 degrees from Airin, halfway between Slam and Airin. His position will be 40-50 feet from the human.

OOC--Future desire: I would like to take care of the wizard (assuming this guy isn't him). It frightens me, that an strong necro is after us and can track us once he gets close enough. At our slow pace and our tendency to leave a trail (friends, footprints, damage etc.), he will eventually get to us. I would rather take it to him! Of course, if Slam helped I would feel more confident about it.

My second choice would be returning thurible. If I recall correctly we were relatively close to its destination.

Lastly, Bella is missing! Who caused plague/comas?

Monday August 27th, 2007 10:42:08 PM

(OOC:Sorry for cluttering the board with a ooc message but I wished to say and ask for a favor. First, my mom went into the hospital Thu and had surgery today. This is the reason for my missed posting and to the group and Cayzle, I'm very sorry for that. Next, I need to know if someone would be willing to post for my char for the next day or so. I just personally need abit of time to rest abit from worrying and running ragged. Cayzle, you'll notice this doesn't contain a post but I didn't know what you would prefer to do with Selithe with me stepping out for a day or two so I will let you decide that. Thanks for being understanding like I know you all will, your all good guys. Going to miss you as DM to Cayzle but I'm also looking forward to working with you soon also.)

Empty Meadow (DM Cayzle)  d20+15=20 d4+7=9 d4+20=25
Monday August 27th, 2007 10:55:33 PM

Podo and Selithe stay behind to guard against attack or trickery.


Fickle walks just behind Slam, trying to hide in his shadow.
The halfling is not a very good hider!

Dwight, like Airin, takes to cover and sneaks into position.

Tobias hides in Slam's belt sack.

Dwight stays under cover, keeping out of sight.

The giant walks up to the wizard.

The human-size robed figure speaks in a male voice that is unfamiliar to you. It is NOT the necromancer from whom you stole the homunculous.

"Slam! What's this? Who is this halfling you have with you? Do you have the potions?"

The giant walks up to the mage and says, "I have something better than potions! Have a nice fist of punch!"

The giant hits AC20. That's enough to hit the mage, who is AC18. Slam connects with 9 hp damage, but it is like hitting a rock! The mage's damage reduction absorbs all that damage.

Airin and Tobias shoot! Tobias hits for 9 -- all absorbed by the stoneskin. Airin shoots for 13, and 3 hp get through. The mage actually sheds a little blood.

Tobias, Dwight, and Fickle step forward. Kendry seems off guard. The mage uses defensive casting to get off a spell: no prob. He teleports away.

The meadow is empty.

[We only have until Sept. 10, folks, so do lets move along.]

Actions here in the meadow? If not, do let's move onward.

Slam says that he really should be getting home. He will be leaving unless there is a compelling reason to stay.


At the base of the giant stairs, Graeff tells Julian that he seems a little breathless. Sit down, relax, have a drink of this fine wine he has.

Then he asks who his friends are. And could he describe the person who asked them to make the delivery.

He says that he runs the Valley of the Four Peaks Free Clinic, and that he is waiting for his friend, a giant, to come by and help him up the cliffs.

Tuesday August 28th, 2007 12:56:20 AM

Julian describes Bella as best he can, and only slips on the Bella/Heather name once or twice. He also describes the others he has been travelling with, trying to be flattering to each of them.

"Well, yes a giant would be in order, ordinarily..."

Julian talks to himself, and Graeff could hear this easily enough, wondering if...
OOC, I don't know why I didn't think of this before: when Enlarged Julian is 7'2". How big are these steps? 8'? How long would it take to scramble up the steps? How many times would I need to cast Enlarge Person on myself to get up, whilst helping Graeff.

Sorry for such a succinct post today.

Tuesday August 28th, 2007 2:29:57 AM

Worried that only a tiny bit of her shot hurt this Wizard - yet another wizard that's after them - Airin is struck with awe as he dissapears. Teleportation isn't the easiest spell in the book!!

This wizard fights in a different league and they should not have messed with him. Airin drew some blood from him and fears he'll get back at her...

"We need to get back to the village fast. There's no way tracing this Wizard and who knows what'll happen if he starts another assault on the village! Let's hurry back..."

"Maybe Fioni will find out more... if she ever comes back..."

ooc : ok so now we have two wizards that are out to get back at us... this frighthens me for out future but these are matters that need to be resolved. Although I think we should outrun this last one for the time being and get stronger first before dealing with him. We once succesfully fought the Necro but never actually won...

Dealing with Bella and her potions is less appealing but needs to be done but was our first mission untill be encountered the Lionesses.

Returning the Thurible was our latest mission untill we got sidetracked into this mess. I'd say we deal with one thing at a time.

Looks to me we have 4 future missions at hand.

1) The Necromancer
2) Bella
3) Returning the Thurible
4) This new Wizard of whoom we no nothing yet

Kendry  [My first crack at posting since Friday...] d20=18 d20+7=16
Tuesday August 28th, 2007 3:55:43 AM

Kendry had thought to cast a silence spell in the vicinity of the wizard... but this time was not as well prepared as his companions.

What he did do, nevertheless, was to listen well [18+7=25] to the voice of the wizard. He marks the timbre, the accent, and the words used.

He sees the wizard casting a spell, and tries to discern its type [spellcraft: 16].

He waits for a minute or so to see if the fellow returns. Perhaps he just cast a dimension door, and is still in the vicinity. With no further evidence of his presence, though, Kendry begins to relax.

"Thank you, Slam. I think you got our message through to the fellow. Yes, of course, if you need to get back home, please go with our thanks and blessings. Say - one or more of our friends may be wanting to come our way. Julian is one of them." He takes out a sketch of his friend and cousin. "If you see him, we'd appreciate any help you can give him - and let him know where we are." He hands him the sketch.

[OOC: I'm back. Will contribute more tomorrow]

Tuesday August 28th, 2007 7:40:50 AM

Fickle is confused?? So he will ask his cousin Kendry a question. "Couzin Kenny! What arez we doing? Wizard gone? I tried to bite him'z finger? but I'z got nothing butz a twig? What'z happen to the Wizzard?"

OCC: Sorry to hear you go, Dear Cayzle, you'll be hard to replace (PS- Kiss the baby For Me Will You!)

Tuesday August 28th, 2007 6:28:34 PM

Did I get any sort of look at the wizard, since I was with Slam?

If the wizard makes no further attempt to get back to the meadow, then Tobias will lead the group back to the town... wondering if now we have the wizard's full attention.

Kendry  d20+4=6 d20+4=22 d20+4=22 d20+4=22 d20+4=6 d20+4=19 d20+4=9 d20+4=7 d20+4=8 d20+4=10 d20+5=6 d20+5=23 d20+5=14 d20+5=24 d20+5=19 d20+5=9 d20+5=7 d20+5=9 d20+5=14 d20+5=24 d20+5=24 d20+1=19 d20+1=8
Wednesday August 29th, 2007 12:28:16 AM

"Well, as far as I can tell, good Fickle, the wizard teleported away."

He makes a suggestion. "Let's have the dogs see if they can't track the wizard's path through this field by smell... Tobias - do you think you can discern the wizard's trail through here? Though perhaps he teleported in, too.

"Then let's take maybe twenty minutes, friends, to walk this field. Let's see if the wizard left anything behind - or if Tobias, or Fickle, or someone else, or the dogs, can tell from whence came the wizard.

"If nothing we find, then let us return to the community."

If no one finds anything from use of the tracking skill, then Kendry lays out a grid pattern, and leads his friends walking back and forth, with about six feet between them. He has his dog, Cheann, poke about, too, and Selithe's dog, Gra. "Everyone scan in front of you and to the sides as we walk along." He chooses a point to walk straight toward.

Once the meadow has been adequately criss-crossed, he suggests going round the edges of the meadow for a couple of laps.

[Let's each make 10 spot rolls (add +1 for the valley's 'good' bonus) for Cayzle to use as he sees fit. With our pattern, there should be overlap - if one of us misses it, perhaps another will see - whatever 'it' is, if, indeed, 'it' is.]

Cheann's tracking roll: 19 (figure we have a DC 15 under the circumstances - let us know if otherwise, Cayzle).

Gra's tracking roll (unless Justin can roll it for her - sorry to hear of your troubles, buddy): 8

Kendry's spot rolls: 6, 22, 22, 22, 6 (a palindrome for the first five!), 19, 9, 7, 8, 10

Cheann's spot rolls: 6, 23, 14, 24, 19, 9, 7, 9, 14, 24

And then go home - to our momentary home in this valley.


I would concur with the Steve/Airin list:
1) The Necromancer
2) Bella
3) Returning the Thurible
4) This new Wizard of whom we know nothing yet

Although #2 & #4 may be closely related. And circumstances may dictate the order of precedence.

I'm trying to remember where the thurible is supposed to go. Usually I can recall such matters more easily...

Okay, the archives reveal that we need to find a church of Pantheon. Maybe Comey, or Graeff, when he arrives, may know where we can find such a place for the thurible, and thereby fulfill the last request of Sharles Grith, justicar of Pantheon.

Cayzle - It has been an honor and a pleasure to have you as DM for about 2/3rds of this game's run. Will miss you among the feisty hobbits!

Oh, and Robert - congrats to you and your wife on the bun in the oven!

Peace in the Valley (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday August 29th, 2007 7:12:26 AM

At the Steps

Graeff takes Julian's story (such as it is) in stride. "Hmmm. Well, I'm looking forward to meeting your friends. I'm sure we'll see them soon."

Graeff sees Julian eying the steps. [Climb DC5 to get up them, enlarged] "Oh, getting up those is not so bad," he says. "But the 200 feet of vertical cliffs higher up is a pain in the neck."

"And Slam loves to help people." He suggests telling stories to pass the time until the giant returns.

In the Valley

Fickle is puzzled. But it seems that the wizard DID teleport in, with a couple people, confirming Ser's story.

Kendry thinks that he will be able to tell if he hears the wizard again.

Meanwhile, Airin is eager to get back. All this tracking has hastened the day.

A couple hours after saying godby to Slam, the party walks back into the village. Thankfully, no further attack has been made.

Comey urges you all to rest and eat. If anyone is injured, he and his folk can help. He is just grateful that the attacks were foiled with no lasting harm done to people or potions.

What about the possible traitor or spy in the village? Comey asks if you have any ideas for roting him or her out.

But the day is getting late. Anything else before bed?

Fickle  d20+2=21
Wednesday August 29th, 2007 7:26:05 AM

Fickle look around for foot prints, but he's getting tired, "Me'z wanta rest. You'z tired too'z? Need little naps."

Fickle looks around, he may spot some thing, beside a nice pile of leeves to sleep on??>

Wednesday August 29th, 2007 8:42:57 AM

Podo decides to head back to the temple to pray on a solution for Comey about the spy.

Wednesday August 29th, 2007 11:23:55 AM

"So how do you think the wizard knew Slam was carrying a halfling with him?"

To answer Comey's question, "We should put the fake potions in an semi-secret location in the town, and then let word spread of where they are... Perhaps the traitor will try to make a move for them himself."

As for the real potions, he tells the party members when they're away from Comey that they should remain divided between the four who have them, so that they're not all easily stolen in one fell swoop.

Wednesday August 29th, 2007 12:20:11 PM

Airin agrees with Podo's suggestion to place fake potions to lure the traitor to steal them himself. They will need to keep a close eye on the potions at all time, without the traitor actually noticing they are holding an eye on them... euhm.. that's going to be tricky but at least it's the best plan they have.

Before going to bed, Airin longs for a good meal, a bath and a good cuddle from Kendry...

Wednesday August 29th, 2007 7:09:06 PM

Dwight agrees with placing 'fake' potions, and keeps his on his person at all times.

He remains uncomfortable knowing 2 high powered wizards are after him and hopes Gaeff shows soon.

Thursday August 30th, 2007 12:57:21 AM

OOC: Sorry, lack of sleep and a huge day's work.

Julian is very happy to swap tales, though, he is, for the most part, a little, well, frequently, err, at least often, know to stumble, and tumble, over his use of words, and phrases, and, sometimes, though not too often, he mangles a series of broken, and disjointed, phrases together into one overly long sentence.

Thursday August 30th, 2007 6:29:09 AM

Fickle wonders if he should really take a nap (becuse he's so tired) or go with Slam to see this wizard? "Oh! What'z to do?? What'z to do??" His eyes almost closing.

Thursday August 30th, 2007 9:39:24 AM

"Comey has one of the potions, and let us keep the rest, until Graeff should arrive. Yes, some dummy potions, to divert attention - and maybe smoke out the traitor in the community - is a good idea. How to catch him - or her - we need to puzzle out."

After the day's excitement, Kendry agrees that rest would be welcome. "But first, let us thank the gods that we lost no one to harpies, thieves, or wizard."

He suggests that people convene in or around the chapel, and let the priest offer prayer, and Podo, too.

Then, to conclude the day, Kendry draws a few sketches of the day's happenings, writes in his journal (composing short poems that feature each of his traveling friends and companions), eats somewhere in there, takes a bath, spends some time snuggling with Airin, then goes to bed, to sleep soundly.

Aftermath -- Dreams, Omens, and Fairies

Dreams and Omens (DM Cayzle) 
Thursday August 30th, 2007 10:56:11 AM

On the Steps

Graeff listens to Julian and says, "Plainly, my friend, you are tired. Here, let us climb these steps and camp in safety at the top."

The halfling takes his time and goes right up. He lowers a rope, if needed, and takes first watch.

Later, an eagle flies back to his shoulder and eyes you warily.

The halflings -- Julian and Graeff that is -- sleep peacefully and well. In the morning, the eagle screeches from high up, and you hear a huge voice call down, "GREAFFF!

In the Valley

[OOC to Tobias: When the wizard mentioned the halfling accompanying Slam, he was surely referring to Fickle, who was trying at the time, with no skill roll or chance of success, to hide in the walking giant's shadow.]

Podo receives no clear answer to his prayers, but he ends his vigil with a sense of support and purpose.

The party comes up with a plan to put false potions aroundabouts, to act as bait so that if a spy comes forward to steal one, he will be caught. That's a plan to sleep on tonight and execute tomorrow -- so decide where you will place them, and how you will watch them, and yet make them seem unguarded.

Kendry thinks about that plan and makes some sketches. But soon it is time to rest.

After a long day, Fickle is very tired. In his fatigue, he falls asleep and dreams. He dreams about going with the giant to see the wizard, but in his dream he is a human girl, and the giant is made of straw, and his friends are an iron golem and a liontaur. Tewdyr is there too, only his name is different, and he has one head, not too.

In fact, Fickle is not the only one to dream -- in the morning, Several people report strange dreams:

Tobias dreams of wandering again in the valley and tracking the leprechauns as he did before. He finds again the mushroom circle that the tracks led to. But this time the circle is also a door, and if he enters the circle, he will enter the land of the fey. The dream ends before he makes his choice.

Selithe dreams of playing dice with invisible friends, and mostly losing!

Airin and Kendry have the same dream -- a memory dream. They dream of the leprechaun, Jonquil, and what he said to them:

"You have answered well, mortal folk. I will tell the Pixie Lord what you say, and with thanks for these gifts. You could have held me, and ransomed me for my pot of gold, but instead you have given me presents and kind words. Let me give you my blessing, such as it is to give."

"As the moon shines and the plants grow, let the blessing of Mother Wold come to you, to safeguard you and support you, when you call her to need."

You all feel a wind blow across your faces, but the grass does not move nor do leaves on trees stir.

The leprechaun accepts the gifts, turns invisible, and is gone.

[OOC THEN: Each of you may now cast any one zero or first level druid spell once, with a caster level equal to your character level. This ability can be used only once, and then it is gone. It also goes away when I leave the group as DM, which will happen sooner or later.]

[OOC NOW: Now I can tell you that you have until Sept. 7 to use your blessing! Use it or lose it!]

Dwight dreams that there is a gaping hole in his side, and that while it does not hurt him, he can tell that something is missing. In his dream, an invisible creature -- a leprechaun? -- brings him a patch. Sometimes it is a flame, or a stone, or a cloud, or a drop of water. After the invisible creature puts it in place, it feels great!

Podo, fresh from his prayers, does not dream at all.

Thursday August 30th, 2007 11:29:06 AM

Tobias gets up at the scream of Graeff's name... startled from his vivid dream. And share with the ones around him, "I just had the strangest dream..."

But then gets up to go finally meet this Graeff person, hoping that their mission may now be nearing an end at last.

DM Cayzle OOC 
Thursday August 30th, 2007 3:19:56 PM

Sorry for the ambiguity -- it is Julian and Graeff who hear a voice calling for Graeff in the morning. I edited the post to make that clear.

Thursday August 30th, 2007 3:57:04 PM

Oops, then I don't run out to greet them... :)

Thursday August 30th, 2007 6:22:01 PM

"Good idea, I've travelled too far without rest."

in the morning...

Julian acts as casual as possible about the voice he heard,

"Someone wants you, Graeff. It's nice to hear someone calling rather than throwing javelins to get your attention. Do you recognise the voice? Shall I come with you?"

Thursday August 30th, 2007 10:39:43 PM

Dwight sits up and checks his sides. Finding himself in tack, he finds another group member to examine his back for scar; particular those in a circular shape.

He then tries to find a quiet place to eat breakfast and consider the relationship between the various symbols. Fire, stone, mist, water and a hole. By the end of breakfast, Dwight has a headache from lack of conclusion.

Friday August 31st, 2007 1:48:24 AM

Kendry thinks upon the dream, and the clever sheep stealers.

It has been three days, has it not? Is this the leprechaun's way of communicating with them?

He tells first Airin, then all of his friends of his dream.

Sometime during the day he will speak with Comey about it.

"Friends, I have some thinking and reading and planning to attend to. Please, will some of you figure out what to do about the potions for now. I'll be mainly at a desk, or perhaps in the garden."

[OOC: I'll be gone until Tuesday. If someone else would like to post for Kendry in the interim, that would be fine. -Kim]

Friday August 31st, 2007 7:23:07 AM

Fickle wakes with a startle jump?? Where'z is the Giant made of straw? BUT me'z was a girlie? And . . . And All You'z were Iron Golems and Lointaurs, but's Funny thing in me's dream. Tewdye was there too, only has one head// funnie's But weird. Cusin Kenny, What it mean??"

Sorry to see you go, DM Cayzle. I did not have time to drive you crazy.

Friday August 31st, 2007 9:49:35 AM

"Yes love I had the exact same dream! That's odd. Could it be they are somehow calling us?"

Airin thinks on it a while but then says: "First things first. Let's rat out the mole in this place. Do you think Comey has a way to cast a spell that gives an alarm when someone tries to steal the potions? Or... can anyone one of us make a trap and make sure Tanglefoot Glue or ink is splashed on the thief? We would not even have to keep an eye on the potions all the time... he will expose himself..."

Friday August 31st, 2007 11:22:36 AM

"Hmmm you both had the same dream? That is a little strange... I had dreams of leprechauns as well, but it was different. It was about the patch where their tracks disappeared. There was a door in the middle of it. Do you think we could find and enter it and make contact with the leprechauns?"

Reunions! (DM Cayzle) 
Saturday September 1st, 2007 10:45:26 AM

On the Giant Steps

"Sure I know that voice," says Graeff. "That's my friend, Slam. He's a giant. The one I've been waiting for."

He calls up something, shouting in Giant. (OOC: Julian doesn't know Giant, does he?)

Whatever is said, soon a rope is let down, and Julian and Graeff find themselves in the giant's home, a great cave. They are treated to giant tea, and Graeff and Slam engage in vigorous conversation. You get the idea that Slam has lots of news.

Slam turns to Julian, "Hi small guy! Well come!" Julian gets the idea that Slam's mastery of common is not great.

After a bit, Graeff turns to Julian. "Well, did your friends all consist of halflings? One a bard? Two females? Well, it seems your friends have been busy."

Graeff tells Julian the story of current events from a somewhat Giant perspective.

"But we cannot stay to visit with the valley in an uproar." He says as much to Slam in giantish, and the big fellow nods, clearly a little disappointed.

Nonetheless, by midday, with Slam's able help, Julian and Graeff (and Julian's familiar, thanks to Slam's rope and a harness) find themselves atop the pass into the valley. A short walk finds Graeff surrounded by his friends.

In the Village

The party wakes up to a new day, and discovers that they have had unusual dreams in the night. What could they mean?

Dwight ponders, and finds no physical mark on his body (OOC: You got my e-mail?)

Airin thinks dealing with the spy they assume is here somewhere is a top priority.

Tobias thinks about magical doors into other realms.

Please post any actions for the morning. By noonish, Graeff has returned, and with him, Julian!

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Saturday September 1st, 2007 12:37:21 PM

Upon hearing the ruckous, Podo goes to see what all the excitement is about. Seeing the new halfling arrive, Podo introduces himself as Podo Danderfluff Pipewood, Halfling of the Crescent Valley, Monk of Domi, and Cleric of Alemi.

Sunday September 2nd, 2007 8:15:39 AM

Fickle just stand there trying to tiger out what to do next??

OOC To DM Cayzle: Your forgetting to mention Fickle in your post (AGAIN)??

Sunday September 2nd, 2007 6:49:25 PM

When Julian sees his friends he calls and runs to them, "Selithe! Kendry! Podo! Tobias! Fickle! Dwight! Airin! Helloooo!"

To Podo, "I am sorry that we parted in a heated way before. I spoke to the Priests of Domi about the lion thing, whilst I was taking the animals back. I went back to Angel Springs, you see. I've spoken with them before, and I think I might have found a calling with Domi."

To everyone, "What have you been doing? You've been here all this time? Holidaying I suppose? Or checking in?" he says with a wink.

Sunday September 2nd, 2007 10:22:00 PM

OOC: Yes, I'll have more time tomorrow to put a thoughtful response to it.

Dwight remains in deep thought during the morning hours, wondering about his hole; a piece of himself missing?

ADM StevenVdB : Posting Record Game 13 
Monday September 3rd, 2007 3:46:03 AM

Posting Report for Game 13 for the week of August 27th - September 2nd

DM Cayzle : 2-WT-S- 5
Dwight: 2-WT--S 5
Fickle: -TWTF-S 5
Podo: --W--S- 2 - OOPS
Selithe: M------ 1 - made ooc explaining his absense
Kendry: -TWTF-- 4
Tobias: MTWTF-- 5
Airin: MTW-F-- 4
Julian: MT-2--S 5 - Welcome back!!

The Wizard goes poof...
With minimal combat tactics the group tries to nail the wizard. Fickle follows in the footsteps of Slam hoping to stay out of sight from the Wizard... he nearly pulled it of but the wizard did spot him. Tobias and Airin react instantaniously barely scratching the magically protected mage. In a flash he goes pooof and then our friends are staring to the place where the wizard stood moments before...

With mixed feelings the Crescent Valley gang returns to the village thinking what to do next. There are still several unresolved issues on their To DO list! Bella, 2 wizards on their neck, the potions, the thurible and a spy in Comey's Village...

There's a hint of a plan to capture the spy but other than that there's nothing much that has been done.

But then Julian returns at last!! Welcome back!!

Monday September 3rd, 2007 7:31:35 AM

"Julian! Glad to see you again! Tell me, how's Blossom? Did you get her and the other animals safely back to Angel Springs? Oh we've been fairly quiet lately..." Airin says with a wink having the impression that Julian allready knows bits and pieces from Slam.

"C'mon friends we need to make up our minds. What do we do next? Do we pursue this odd dream that apparently will lead us to the Leprechauns or do we rat out the spy first?"

Monday September 3rd, 2007 7:42:59 AM

Fickle is by now is very confuse?? "Now Where'z Wizard Go??" as he scratches his head??

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood  d20+9=11 d20+9=15 d20+9=16 d20+9=20 d20+9=15 d20+5=8 d20+5=22 d20+5=10 d20+5=13 d20+5=15
Monday September 3rd, 2007 1:36:08 PM

Before the night is over, Podo mediates to clear from his mind all of the previously remembered spells. Later tonight, if all goes well, Podo will meditate upon a different list of cleric spells.

While the remainder of his friends return to the village, Podo goes to speak with Comey.

Upon approaching and being allowed to speak with Comey, Podo; in private; suggests "the Druid use his ability to speak with animals to attempt to flush out the spy. If Comey explains that the process might not work, then Podo suggests to Comey that unless the spy is another druid or has druid like abilities, the spy will not know this. Podo continues to explain, you could bring all the peoples together for an announcement that you have devised a plan to root out the enemies of the village, and that the process involves having the forest animals come forward and explain what they know. The unknowledgable spy might give him/herself away upon hearing this! Do you think it has a chance in helping us, this idea?" wonders Podo.

Upon seeing Julian,

"You did! My that must have seemed awkward to you...did you gain any insights to the behaviors of those that follow Domi?" asks Podo.

While Podo is alone, Podo will attempt to look and listen in several different areas around the village...

Skill Checks
(all checks have +1 added to all d20 rolls for good alignments while in the village)

Spot DC: 12, 16, 17, 21, 16
Listen DC: 9, 23, 11, 14, 16

Monday September 3rd, 2007 6:13:30 PM

"Podo, I did gain some insight. I've learned that I can be protecting those who are weaker from those who use power to cause hurt as they advance their own needs. I want to do that, protect people, and show that Might doesn't make it Right, there's still a sense of Justice to adhere to. Do you know what I mean?"

Graeff's Thanks and More (DM Cayzle) 
Monday September 3rd, 2007 9:56:28 PM

Julian greets his friends with his usual engaging manner. He has special tidings for Podo.

Dwight's dream still seems strong in his mind.

Airin greets Julian and asks her friends what to do next. But she may be happiest of all to see that her friend, Fioni, flies back at about the same time. The eagle has clearly hunted and slept in woods overnight, and -- to Airin -- seems very self-satisfied.

Fickle is confused about the wizard who disappeared so quickly.

Podo makes a point of offering an idea to Comey to help flush the spy. Podo also looks around and sees nothing especially indicative of a spy. But in one ward of ever-sleeping patients, a healer thanks him for saving the cure and expresses a hope that they'll be able to administer it very soon.

Graeff listens to Comey's report and to anything the party might have to tell him.

"We are deep in your debt," the healer of the valley says. "Thank you for coming all this way to help those who need it so much."

He asks if you would like to be present when the cure is administered.

He is interested in the news of the fey. "I would love to trade with them. Maybe before you go you can help me talk with them?"

Airin and "look who's back" Fioni 
Tuesday September 4th, 2007 6:57:10 AM

"FIONI !!!!" Airin shouts as she sees her beloved hawk return.

Quickly she whistles the little hawk and strokes her feathers back into place. Even though she appears to be in good health Airin spends some time taking care of the bird and offers water and food to Fioni.

Airin takes Fioni to her room, makes sure all windows are closed and no one is standing at the door. She wants to make sure the spy is not standing within hearing distance so that he hears everything Fioni has to say.

Once Fioni appears to be ready Airin casts the Speak With Animals spell once again and asks Fioni to tell her where she has been...

After Fioni has stopped Airin leaves the bird to rest thanking her for her efforts. If Fioni wants to join Airin, the halfling lass will carry the bird on her forearm as usual.

Tuesday September 4th, 2007 11:33:18 AM

Tobias volunteers that he may have a way of contacting the fey... "When they were escaping from the sheep incident, I followed them to an area encircled by mushrooms... And their footprints disappeared there. Then, last night I had a dream that there was a doorway in that same circle... There might be something to that little area."

Julian, waiting, watching 
Tuesday September 4th, 2007 10:13:46 PM

Julian hears a lot of little bits from his friends, wanting to go here, to chase down that, tie this loose end and so on.

"I'm not sure which way to go on the decision making. Most of all I'd like to think that Bella will be safe, and I think that dealing with that necromancer might be a good idea now. Now that we've improved and grown, and got some new really cool toys," he says waving his sword a little carelessly, but only a little carelessly.

OOC sorry Cayzle, waiting for others to post, hoping to have something more to respond to. Perhaps the others are doing the same.

Tuesday September 4th, 2007 11:00:19 PM

OOC: I very mad at myself. I had typed a decent post yesterday and must have forgotten to hit submit. Too many distractions. SORRY.

Dwight keeps to himself and finds himself deep in thought. He considers what is missing in his life since his adventures began. When exactly did it begin? Meeting new friends, no earlier, the combat at the grove, perhaps, definitely the thrust into adventuring life. But even prior to that he had begun adventures if only in his mind because of that book. That's it.

Dwight's thoughts become less painful as he finally puts some pieces together. Haves, needs, wants, friends, and allies. A piece he has been missing, could it be that simple? A need to fill in the missing piece. Could the piece be that which began it all? How does one fill such a hole? Now his thoughts turn to answering his own conclusion.


Eventually the call of food brings Dwight out. He gives welcomes to Julian and Gaeff. He also states he would like to watch those be cured of the blight affecting them. AFterwards, Dwight would like to have a few words with Sparks about what he saw and what he was thinking during his sickness.


Dwight's in favor of helping the community develop a relationship with the leprachauns.

OOC: Still in favor of taking care of necro. Should we prioritize our options. I think we have all said the same 2-3, but the order seems to vary a little.

Podo  d20+9=24
Wednesday September 5th, 2007 12:37:50 AM

Listening to the healer Graeff speaks, Podo offers to the healer whatever the healer needs that Podo could provide or assist with.

Looking to his friends, Podo waits quietly in the wings.

Looking to the forest, Podo tries to spot anything amiss...(Spot DC: 24+1=25)

Using Bella's Potions (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday September 5th, 2007 7:07:18 AM

[OOC: This is the Tuesday DM Post!]

Airin and Fioni are very glad to see each other. In private, using magic to speak clearly, the eagle tells Airin that the harpies live in caves among high crags about ten miles to the north. Airin gets the idea quite plainly that it would be very hard to get there by walking and climbing. You really need to fly. Fioni did not enter their caves, of course. But she did see a couple two-legged humanoid servants toiling outside the caves, tending a garden, feeding a few chickens, etc.

Fioni could definitely lead you there.

Tobias tells about his dream, and that he thinks there might be a door to go visit the fey. Graeff is very interested by that, and asks Tobias to take him there.

Julian makes a note of the many interesting things ahead of the party. He thinks that the group is more equipped now than ever to handle a challenge.

Dwight, lost in thought, ponders things that might be missing from his life. This introspection pays off -- he begins to realize just what he lacks. He thinks it may be more of a capability than a deficit, that is, he is not crippled or incomplete so much as not fully living up to his potential. He recognizes that there may be a place in his life for a higher power, a great being, a potential ally.

Dwight says hello to Julian and Graef, and he and Podo welcome the chance to see Bella's cure put to good use.

In the coma ward, there are four humans who have been asleep for a very long time. "We had five," Graeff tells you, "but one died."

It seems that these folk are hard to care for. They sleep around the clock, except for a brief period each day in which they wake insane. They might attack, or babble, or do nothing at all. Sometimes there are brief moments of lucidity, which the healers take as a chance to get some food into these poor souls.

In the ward, a cook is ready with soup, waiting for moments of lucidity in which to feed the patients some broth. Graeff dismisses him, telling him that if this works, the patients can eat later.

An hour later, one of the patients awakens. A human female, she thrashes, then tries to flee, then speaks gibberish. For a moment her eyes focus and she seems aware -- in that moment, Graeff, standing ready, gives her one of Bella's potions, fashioned in Alemi's name of herbs and pseudo-dragon poison and homunculous venom.

The human woman shudders as the potion takes effect. She looks around, and in a whisper, says, "Free! I'm free! Oh thank you! Thank you! At last!"

By midday, all four patients (three humans and a half-orc), are awake and resting. Graeff, Comey, and the healers are busy with cure spells and other care. He tells you that he is eager to question these people, but he wants to wait for the morning to do so, after a night of real sleep. If you have any questions, please hold them until tomorrow.

He tells you that he is convinced that they were magically afflicted. "This was no natural disease," he says.

The afternoon is yours, then, since Graeff ushers you out.

[OOC: Go ahead and post any questions you might have for the Sleepers, and I'll post the morning's answers with the Wednesday post. Also give any actions you wish to take this afternoon and evening.]

Wednesday September 5th, 2007 8:32:52 AM

This poor Boy, is so confused!! That he just stand there stearing at every body. Then opens his mouth just to say, "DUH! thing's are OK?"

Airin and Fioni 
Wednesday September 5th, 2007 10:52:31 AM

When Airin and her friends have some time apart from the rest of the village people she tells everything Fioni told her. How to get to the caves and about the humanoid gardeners.

She asks Kendry to write it down on a map so they know how to find them if ever they need to.

Then Airin just observes the others and the healers.

Wednesday September 5th, 2007 2:59:43 PM

Tobias would like to ask them how they think they may have contracted the disease... when did they first realize they had it? And, what was it like while they were infected.

After Graeff is done with the patients, and returns to the party, Tobias will offer to show Graeff where he believes the portal to the fey land may be...

Wednesday September 5th, 2007 11:00:55 PM


Who was the last person seen before u felt sick?

Any lingering thoughts about sickness?

Do you blame anyone in particular? A god, nature?

Dwight attempts to find any consistenies the ill may have had. He then puts some personal thought and wonders if he was working to his full potential, one with family and nature, perhaps he would be able to put all the pieces together quicker.

Thursday September 6th, 2007 12:03:01 AM

This halfling is still hyped up from his travelling, from the time spent with the Priests of Domi and from finally reuniting with his friends. He is keen to do something other than standing around talking about doing something.

Tobias' mention of a portal sounds rather interesting.

Podo  d20+9=26 d20+5=12 d20+2=20 d20+1=20
Thursday September 6th, 2007 1:16:28 AM

When given the opportunity to ask a question of the sleepers, Podo directs his questions to the human female..."Do you know what you were doing prior to your long sleep? Did you have any enemies? Are you involved with good works in your village? Are in involved with the local politics of your village?" "Although, I have many more curiosities than real questions, I will stop here and give you time to answer my questions, dear lady..." explains Podo.

Skill Checks
Spot DC: 26 + 1 = 27
Listen DC: 12 + 1 = 13
Concentration DC: 20 + 1 =21
Diplomacy DC: 20 + 1 = 21

Thursday September 6th, 2007 2:11:35 AM

The bard has been spending much time writing, sketching, and pondering.*

He does welcome warmly Julian.

He takes dictation from Fioni via Airin, and sketches out the best map he can under the circumstances.

He rejoices in the healing of those who had been so long in their comas.

On the morrow, when it is permitted, he sits with one or more of those who have been locked in coma. He recalls the groom whom he and his friends had freed from the harpies. He explains to Graeff the state his mind had been in, and how Bella had helped bring him around.

His initial line of questioning of these awakened is to ask them to tell of what they have seen, heard, felt, dreamed since the time of their comas. Do they recall how they entered this state?

[*OOC: In part, because Kim has been way busy, and away, celebrating with his wife their 31st anniversary!]

Thursday September 6th, 2007 7:44:02 AM

Fickle sees that his cousin is pondering, He'll sits beside his cousin Kenny, pick up a rock and pound the ground. (Flicks way of thinking)

Thursday September 6th, 2007 7:50:52 AM

Airin wonders if the fake potions have been placed or not... perhaps someone allready noticed something?

But other than that, she waits... nothing to be done around here and no one appears to be eager to go out and complete some of the quests that were laid before them earlier.

Thursday September 6th, 2007 9:47:14 PM

OOC: congrats on 31 years!

Dwight listens to all the answers, but doesn't push and tries not to make uncomfortable.

Then with the knowledge he has, plus anything new he finds a quiet place to think and pray for answers. He prays openly awaiting an answer from whomever can provide balance to his life and guidance to his multitude of questions known and to come.

Friday September 7th, 2007 12:02:11 AM

Late afternoon of the awakening (if possible - else late afternoon of the next day)

"Friends, we have received an invitation from the fae. I think we should accept. Shall we go just before dusk to the place that Tobias knows? Let us do so, and wait, and see what happens... if anything. Oh - and make sure, before we gather, that you eat well, and drink hearty - but water, or juice, or tea - none of us should be drunk for this meeting.

"And, if you can think of any gifts to bring, then bring them."

If people agree, then Kendry joins them, well fed and watered, at the appointed time, at Tobias' gateway.

[OOC: Thanks, Anthony!]

Portals and Patients (DM Cayzle) 
Friday September 7th, 2007 12:23:37 AM

[Gosh Darn It! This is the Wednesday DM Post! There will definitely be a post on Saturday!]

Fickle is confused, but yes, he does think that things are okay! The enemy has been chased away, and soon the sick will be well!

The Afternoon

Tobias leads Comey to the mushroom circle. Who else will come with him? Once there, there is a tickle in Tobias's mind. It seems to him that there are two circles, superimposed on each other. One circle is made of common mushrooms in an unremarkable stand of trees. The other is made of glowing silver mushrooms, in a stand of tree-people, like ents. But then he blinks and only the common vision remains.

Comey spots a note under a small rock in the center of the circle. It says, "Return here under the noon sun to meet the Pixie Lord."

Airin and Fioni and Kendry draw a map to the harpy lair.

In the Night

Dwight prays for guidance, and after dreamless sleep, feels drawn to the mushroom circle. He might find himself looking forward to meeting the Pixie Lord.

Kendry too seems eager to meet fey folk.

In the Morning

The patients are awake and smiling. They cannot thank you all enough. Here is what they say in answer to your questions.

They were each of them kidnapped! And infected with some kind of disease -- coughed on by some human in ceremonial clothes. There was an imp or small demon or something there too. Then, after they were sick, spells were cast on them. It seemed in their dreams like someone was sucking their blood or life out all the time.

They blame the kidnappers for making them sick and draining their lives away. They all tell the same story, and they are glad just to be alive and free.

They tell Podo that they were just common folk. Not heros nor nobility. But all of them seem smarter, more perceptive, more outgoing than many so-called heros.

Friday September 7th, 2007 1:24:06 AM

Should Tobias, or Comey, relate the message the latter found under the rock, then he will be all for making that appointment with the Pixie King!

Friday September 7th, 2007 7:32:03 AM

Fickle tries very hard to think, But nothing come to mind, so he pounds the ground harder.

Airin and Fioni 
Friday September 7th, 2007 8:54:35 AM

"okidoki! A visit to the Fey sounds fun."

Airin joins the others expecting to meet the fey again soon. Of course this time, Fioni comes with the halfling lass.

Friday September 7th, 2007 11:07:09 AM

Tobias tells the others about the letter and the strange vision of the double mushroom circle. He is most intrigued by what the Pixie King might want with them. And, makes sure that he and whoever would like to go with him, are there the next day by noon.

Listening to the patients stories, Tobias wonders if the imp or small demon in any way resembles the homuculous that the party captured. And, whether any of them got any better look at the robed figure.

Friday September 7th, 2007 6:51:53 PM

Julian goes to sit with Fickle, he is starting to really like this one, he expresses clearly that he prefers action.

"Fickle, what has been happening the last few days? I've heard a few things, but I like the way to you tell things plainly."

Friday September 7th, 2007 7:34:58 PM

Suddenly Dwight's demeanor changes, and instead of being secluded and deep in thought he stands on the tip of his toes eager for the meeting. Odd really considering his last two fey meetings consisted of at least some combat, but Dwight holds that this one will be different.

Even the lack of supporting details from the recovering sick fail to end his new mood. While he wishes they had provided more, he is grateful they didn't seem to suffer as much as he thought and don't seem to have any after-effects.

OOC: Dwight intends to give a magnifying glass. Not of significant value but can make things large or smaller than they appear. Hopefully an object of fun and interest to the pixies.

The Pixie Lord (DM Cayzle) 
Friday September 7th, 2007 7:50:36 PM

In the morning, there are a lot of happy faces now that four coma victims are awake and aware.

The healers and patients alike are all eager to thank you. And to ask you to tell Bella the same.

Before noon, Graeff, Comey, and you all go up to the mushroom circle for the coming of the Pixie Lord.

In the noon light, the area in the mushroom shivers, and suddenly it is a small body of water ... a puddle, surely, but it looks rather like a lake as seen from far off, with miniature waves lapping the shore.

In the puddle there is a pure white swan, and riding the swan, a little man dressed in green. A circle of butterflies flutter around his head.

"Oh, mortals! Never an end to mortals! Ebryon, Ebryon, you are too much for me!"

He looks around. "Well, here we are! Johdpur told me about you all. You like sheep, yes? Okay, by the grace of the Fae King, all your sheep will bear twins for the next three years!"

"VWAA-HA!" he shouts, and somehow you know it is so.

"Send a couple over here once in a while, whould you, good fellows? I do like me some mortal mutton!"

"Now, where were we? Oh yes, Ebryon! He asked me to tell you all that he is reformed and good and kind to mortals and all that. Ha! Let me see him in a couple centuries and then we'll know if THAT's true!"

"So consider yourselves told! Oh, and if anyone wants to get his help or be his friend, swallow an acorn and say three times, Reform! Reform! Reform! and he'll come and help you. Frankly, I don't believe it. But I guess he might. Maybe. If he wants to."

Now, I got other mortals to visit! So darn many of you! You breed like mice! What else?"

The swan honks.

"OH yeah, the story, the Story. Fine get it over with! Here you go!"

He takes a deep breath and tells you a story. You can read it here.

[OOC: Also note the following additions to the Wold:

Immortal Powers
Votary Clerics who honor them (scroll to middle)
New House Rules (Scroll to bottom!)

Send your questions to cayzle@cayzle.com or go to the Rules Board]

"Well!" the Pixie Lord exclaims. "That's that! Just to set the record straight! Any questions?"

Saturday September 8th, 2007 3:51:46 AM

Though restless at first, Julian sits enthralled listening to the whole tale. He can be heard saying to Fickle, "Windows, wow. That bends the mind, doesn't it?"

He pulls an apple from his pack and, crunching it, he mutters, "I'm not sure that I like windows."

Saturday September 8th, 2007 6:06:39 AM

"Wow! A whole acorn!? Interesting..." says Podo. "What if it gets stuck? Does he come help you?" asks Podo to no one is particular.

Saturday September 8th, 2007 9:14:25 AM

"Me's ike acorn, Good for the skin!" he tells the others.

Good Luck Cayzle, I know you'll do a great Job. I'll miss you.

Cayzle OOC 
Saturday September 8th, 2007 9:29:47 AM

That was the THURSDAY post! I got one more in me, either today or early tomorrow!

So post your posts and pose your queries! Ever wanted to talk to a Fey Noble? Here's your chance, before he poofs away!

Saturday September 8th, 2007 8:09:04 PM

Tobias is a little stunned first by the pixie lord and then by his story... Not sure what to make of his stated reform of the Fae King. But, he has no questions of the pixie lord himself.

The Pixie Lord Departs and All's Well that Ends Well (DM Cayzle) 
Sunday September 9th, 2007 10:33:16 AM

[This is the "Friday" post and the last one for me! Thanks for a great two years!]

The Pixie Lord laughs and laughs at Podo's comment. "Well," he says when he gets his breath, "if you choke, then you can't say "Reform," and the King won't come! You've found his trick! So pick a small acorn!"

"Good luck, mortals!"

And he is gone in a blink -- the glade is as it was.


There's not much left to do except to go back to the healers' settlement. Graeff invites you all to lunch, and asks for the complete story of what has happened.

He does have one piece of info for you. Based on what the cured folk say, and on the lengths to which the enemy wizard went trying to stop you. He thinks you are dealing with the Sons of Dread. They are a group of wizards devoted to the black arts and to Marteus. They are sneaky and prefer to work through others. And they seek strange ways to get arcane power. That's all he knows, though.

Graeff looks at you all and asks what you'll be doing next, now that you have delivered Bella's potions.

Finally, he wants to express his gratitude for all you have done. He gives each of you a small pouch of gems, about 1,000 gp worth in each pouch. (Including Julian.)

[OOC: Look for e-mail from me with XP awards. Please e-mail me any suggestions for hero point awards.]

Sunday September 9th, 2007 10:00:44 PM

"Really? Thanks Graeff. It is great that you appreciate my contribution, small and mostly absent that it was. I only hope that we can help you and your community again. I will always be willing to help protect you if, gods forbid, if there ever is a need." He bows to Graeff as he accepts this gift.

Kendry - quick post  2d4(3+4)=7
Monday September 10th, 2007 12:47:53 AM

Kendry listened attentively to all that the Pixie Lord had to say. What a story - and what an honor to hear it. He rather likes this fellow. He scribbles notes as the pixie speaks, and writes out more fully what was said soon after.

"Thank you, sir, for your kindness to us!" Kendry says just before the Pixie Lord departs.

Taking advantage of the blessing given them earlier (and before Glenn has his first post!) Kendry finds a berry bush, and casts goodberry - producing seven blessed berries. These he places in a pouch, and reserves for a time of need (if that time comes soon).

At Graeff's question, Kendry offers a fairly full and accurate description of what has gone on, and asks his beloved friends and family to fill in details and give their perspectives and insight on these matters as well.

He thanks the healer of Alemi for his generosity. "Your gifts will help us greatly, sir, as we seek to help others."

ADM StevenVdB : Posting Record Game 13 
Monday September 10th, 2007 3:25:15 AM

Posting Report for Game 13 for the week of September 3rd - September 10th

DM Cayzle : M-W-2-S 5
Dwight: -TWTF-- 4
Fickle: M-WTFS- 5
Podo: M-WT-S- 4
Selithe: ------- 0
Kendry: ---T2-- 3
Tobias: -TW-FS- 4
Airin: MTWTF-- 5
Julian: MT-TFSS 6

Bella's potions and Pixie lords...
Thanks to Bella's potions the sleepers in the village all wake up. The spell that held them is broken at last!
Later they go out to visit the Pixie lord who has summoned them in their dreams. He tells them the tale of Ebryon and how to use an acorn now in order to get his help... if you don't choke on the acorn that is...
Well time to say goodbye and go out on the road again. New adventures await are bold group of Halflings.

We also wave goodbye to DM Cayzle who has guided this group for over 2 years. Thank you very much Cayzle.

And of course we welcome our new DM Glenn. His first campaign to guide though he allready earned his ranks in a tapestry a while ago. Being one of the lucky ones to play that Tap I shudder when I think of what will await our little group... oh in case you wonder... DM Glenn killed me in that tap...

Monday September 10th, 2007 6:38:00 AM

Fickle look up from pounding the ground (with his favoret rock), pointing at Airean. Tells all "What'z ever Airean said, Go'z double form Me'z."

Welcome New DM Glenn to our little group. (I hope we don't have another Killer DM.) So this is a Good-by for our old DM Cayzle, (who could not take Fickle grammarZ)

DM Glenn 
Monday September 10th, 2007 10:53:19 AM

Hi everyone!
Just wanted to drop a note, so you know what to expect. Normally, I would post by this time on the weekdays. This week however, I'll be posting about 5pm and Thursday I'll be out of town (I may be able to post???).

As, for killer DM. I try to be fair and objective. Above all I strive for us all to have fun!

Also, Thanks Crazly for your help the transition and don't worry, I'll take good care of the CV group.

Airin and Fioni 
Monday September 10th, 2007 2:07:02 PM

Hearing about how the Fey King has reforemed and now even comes up with a way to call for his aid does send a few shivers down Airin's spine. After all, she remembers well how the Fey King Ebryon took Morph from them... how he killed numerous druids and how she and her friends witnessed his rebirth...

But still things can change... time will tell...

She smiles at Podo's remark about choking on a whole acorn and takes the Pixie Lords advice. Once they find an acorn she will look for the smallest one and put it in her haversack. Who knows, in dire need it may come in handy!

Once back in the village Airin is pleased to see everything is back to normal. She is however shocked as she hears about the Sons of Dread. In time she knows they will have to face this group. She hopes it can be delayed for if the wizard they saw earlier is but their messenger than what about their leader?!?

Again... time will tell...

"So friends... I think it's time to leave this peaceful village and head elsewhere. Where do we go from here? The Necromancer? The Thurible? Bella?"

Fioni shrieks once agreeing with Airin. They have spent way too much time in this place. Time to move on!!

Monday September 10th, 2007 2:19:58 PM

Tobias thanks Graeff for his generous gift... hoping to soon have enough to pay off his WLA dues.

In answer to Airin, Tobias thinks that the thurible would be a good thing to return... and perhaps we could check on Bella if returning brings us near Angel Springs.

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