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To Deliver a Potion
20 Giant Steps Up

Passing the Pass (DM Cayzle) 
Friday May 4th, 2007 7:38:58 AM

[OOC: Sorry, the module author (Jerry) did not give me a map, so you'll have to use your imaginations! Consider it an RP challenge! :-) ]

You set out. The map indicates that first you have to get across a pass into the Scab. The map indicates that the pass is between Mount Remorhaz and Mount Anvil.

If you can make a DC12 bard lore or know history check, then Please Highlight to display spoiler: {This is the famous site where the old underground passage to and through the Scab used to be, before 10 groups of adventurers led by the Red Tigers (an NPC group) collapsed, it killing the Army of Drow. That night, a drow city was destroyed and the house of "Good Drow," House Bralfah was rescued by the Storm Dragons and brought to the surface.}

There is a landmark on the map -- a giant staircase? carved by Fire Giants long ago. The group needs to climb these steps.

As night falls, you come into sight of the pass, and you camp at the foot of the stairs.

That night it is windy, and the morning dawns overcast. You see in the morning light that there are 20 giant steps! Each step will require a climb check -- to simply climb up each worked stone step is a DC25 check. If you fall, you'll have to make a Reflex save to keep your balance and not fall down the next step. If you do, the next save is at a penalty.

Fickle  d20+12=27
Friday May 4th, 2007 7:39:42 AM

"Thank-you'z Cuz Kenny!" feeling proud of himself, He' will want to follow Dwight, but Podo slip in back of Dwight, taking the marching place he wanted.

So He fall behind Podo, When the mention of a map?? Fickle will want to look at the map too! "Hey'z Podo! can I'z peek at that map too'z" he is asking with a smile, "I'z want to see if it'z show the Giant Stairs?? Oh! yes my mannor'z Please!" he adds.

"OH! We'z Here!" fickle tells himself. But he does wnt to see how it would be if he was tall, he climbs the first step, "Hey! Cuz Kendry! Lookie! I'm Tall!"

OCC from Fickle 
Friday May 4th, 2007 7:54:39 AM

Dear DM
Made my check of 27 - Made it

Airin and Fioni  d20+8=15
Friday May 4th, 2007 9:25:51 AM

"Rin-rin... hehe he never called me that before..."

At night Airin luckily does not dream of the dead fellow but still her mind is troubled by the fact she made that happen. Time heals everything...

The next morning she gazes up the giant staircase in awe.

"Where do these stairs lead to? Anyone has a ladder? What about our mounts?!?"

Airin's curious to see if she can climb these stairs too. After all she did train climbing in the WLA!

Climb: 15

Airin lands painfuly on her "behind" and makes a sour face.

"We need to think of something better to get up there!"

Tobias  d20+3=20
Friday May 4th, 2007 9:30:52 PM

Seeing Airin's trouble climbing, Tobias says, "We're going to have trouble climbing these without some help. Ropes or something up each step, or half of us won't make it. And, as for the animals, it's unlikely we can get them up this stair."

Climb: 20

Friday May 4th, 2007 10:30:40 PM

"I'm not even gonna try that in my armour. We need a way to get someone up there with some ropes.

"But we've still got animals to consider. I think we might need to split up again. Some to stay here with the animals. Some to go deliver."

Kendry  d20+11=22 d20+9=21 d20+9=12 d20+9=26 d20+8=26 d20+8=23 d20+8=26
Friday May 4th, 2007 10:35:14 PM

Last night
Kendry placed the body of the halfling recovered from the cave in a bag (or maybe inside two bags), and added him to the load of one of the ponies. When they chose a place to camp for the evening, he found a spot to bury the body, digging several feet down, then covering the body over with dirt and a pile of rocks. Kendry said a prayer over the resting place, along with any who cared to join him.

As is his custom, he took time to write in his journal while sitting around the campfire.

"Quite a day it's been friends." After a while, he added, "I'll miss ol Stinkyfoot."

At bedtime, as promised, he tucked Airin into bed. "You are a remarkable woman, my dear friend." He kissed her on the forehead. "I look forward to the day, when the time is right, to not just tuck you into bed." He ran the back of his hand along her left cheek, then rose to climb into his own blanket.

[Bardic Knowledge: 22]

"There was an underground passage to and through the Scab here a while back," Kendry tells his friends, "before nearly a dozen groups of adventurers led by the Red Tigers collapsed it, killing the Army of Drow. A city of dark elves was destroyed not too far away from this spot. During that time the Storm Dragons rescued House Bralfah. That's a clan of drow considered to be good - especially compared to their evil brethren. The Storms brought House Bralfah to the surface."

"You might recall that members of the Storm Dragons joined the Gold Dragons to form the Platinum Dragon group - with Valdor Dragonstone the leader. Podo remembers Valdor, I'm sure. See the earring that Podo wears? A gift from Valdor, shortly after the huge half elf looked fit to kill poor Pode for mouthing off, if memory serves." He winks at his monkish friend.

"Oh, while I was studying the drow language I learned about that." Then he hastens to clarify, "Not the earring. The battle and rescue."

It takes three tries to ascend the first step. [Climb (climbing kit, silk rope, - and forgot to include grappling hook in rolls): 21; 12; 26; Reflex save likely not needed, since there is no lower step to fall back down, but here are his Reflex saves nonetheless: 26; 23; 26]

With knotted ropes, his own body measurements (his arms, stretched out, go 44" from fingertip to fingertip; his height is 42"), and other means, Kendry measures the height of the steps, their width and breadth, and looks to see what is on either side of each step.

He looks around to see if there might not be some available boulders, rocks, rubble, trees, stumps, or other raw materials to help them in their ascent.

He lays out his climbing gear, pitons, rope, grappling hook, and assorted tools and instruments. "I am not going to leave my ponies behind, if I can help it," he says.

He also looks to see if the steps are regular in height, width and depth, or form an irregular pattern of ascent. He observes what he can of what is up top, as well as the general environs. Is there other vegetation about? Hardy, deep rooted plants along the steep face? Might it be possible to climb near the stairs?

Observing the first few steps further, he calculates whether additional steps might be chipped along one side of the stairway - so that, say, for a three to five foot width, one might have a more manageable stairway for someone of their height - or even standard stairs for humans.

As he does all this, a thought occurs. "What if we're attacked while on the stairs, friends? How might we defend and counter?"

Answering Julian, he says, "No, we don't need to split up, I think. Just need to figure out how to get there together. The ponies will likely be the biggest challenge."

Saturday May 5th, 2007 7:35:02 AM

Fickle look in suprise to Kendry, "Cuz Kendry! You knew of a underground passage? and you did not tell me , before I strain my self goin up to this step?? Hmm! Me'z use to like you!!"

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood  d20+1=5 d20+5=25 d20+9=14 d20+1=14
Saturday May 5th, 2007 11:35:54 AM

"I feel we should investigate the underground passage Kendry spoke of just moments ago, to see if something/anything might have tried to reestablished the route." explains Podo to the group. "We can always come back to try these steps afterwards!" Podo says excitedly.

Skills Check
Knowledge(Local History):5
Knowledge(Geography):25 (Nat 20!)
Spot: 14
Search: 14

Saturday May 5th, 2007 12:23:11 PM

Kendry laughs at Fickle's rebuke. "Fickle - there used to be an underground passage. It was caved in - destroyed - from what I'm told. Perhaps some day when we are not in a rush we might return and explore to see if some tunnels are still around. Maybe the dark elves have done some new digging. I don't know.

"Besides, to get to where we're going - we need to get up these stairs. An underground passage - if any still exist - would likely take us far from our intended destination. But if you want to poke around to see if there's a tunnel entrance somewhere nearby..." Kendry shrugs his shoulders. "Just don't get lost, and don't go alone."

Saturday May 5th, 2007 6:59:25 PM

Julian insists on digging the grave for the halfling body, "Can't get callouses on those soft Bard fingers... Still, and I see why you bothered to bring the body, I wished you hadn't spent the time on it and other things. I thought we were in a hurry, especially after the detours already."

Saturday May 5th, 2007 8:25:22 PM

"Because, Jules, if we're to be good," Kendry answers, "we need to be decent."

Sunday May 6th, 2007 7:30:03 AM

Fickle starts to laught"HA Ha Ho Ho! Cuz Kendry I remember when we were small, You were not so decent! But'z then we were little brats. Tee Hee!" Snickers Flick.

"But I will'z Help all Of You'z to climb these stairs!" with this said Fickle bring he rope again and throw one end down the step.

"Now! Climb!" He tells all.

Sunday May 6th, 2007 7:35:26 PM

Selithe looks to the stairs and then the others before crossing her arms, "Nope, no way. With my small skill in climb I'll be on my butt more often then climbing. An I refuse to leave Gra too. There anyway of just going around these? I rather take awhile longer."

Sunday May 6th, 2007 9:00:04 PM

Julian stands besides Selithe, saying,

"See, I think we're gonna have to split up."

Dwight  d20+4=12 d20+6=16 d20+6=8 d20+6=8 d20+1=12
Sunday May 6th, 2007 9:19:26 PM

Dwight listens as the groups discusses how to surmount the stairs of giants.

Looking around Dwight considers his resources. Trees? (Assuming so.)

"I don't have a critter myself, but I can understand the desire not to want to leave them behind. And I'll add that splitting up doesn't sound the best."

"Imagine if just one of these giants shows up when the group is split up."

"Depending on how good the map is, we might be able to transverse around it, but that adds an unknown amount of time. And this assumes there is a way around."

"I suggest we make a ramp. Perhaps this wide." Dwight holds his arms out wide enough for an animal to walk up. "We strap a bunch of logs together, a few to hold one end up high, just even with the top of the next step. Then we pull the ramp up and make for the next step."

"The going will be slow, and it will likely take us all day to get to the top. I'd also advise someone transverse all the steps to keep a look out."

"But before we commit to such a long gruelling hike up the stairs, let us search for a stairway with many more stairs... our size."

Telling the others, Dwight searches the area:

Spot:12 (stout striaght trees to use on ramp?)
search: 16, 8, 8 (hidden paths to the left, center or right of giant steps)


"Hay, Tobias any chance you could tell us the last time someone was here. Someone close to our size, perhaps you could track them."

Sunday May 6th, 2007 9:36:24 PM

"What about Stealth Group goes and Thugs stay behind with the animals? No offense, Selithe, I was only referring to myself."

ADM Kim - Posting Report 
Sunday May 6th, 2007 10:43:43 PM

Cayzle DM: MT-TF-- 4
Anthony Dwight: MTWT--S 5
Ceil Fickle: MTWT2S- 7
Jon-Paul Podo: M-2T-S- 5
Justin Selithe: MT-T-S- 4
Kim Kendry: 2-2222- 10
Pedro Tobias: MT-TF-- 4
Robert Julian: 2T-2FS2 9
Steven Airin: MTW2F-- 6

Three four-posters this week: DM Cayzle, Selithe & Tobias. Everyone else 5 or more. Good job, friends.

Monday May 7th, 2007 7:54:01 AM

Fickle listen to the others, then will put in his two gp. "Why'z a ramp? Why not a ladder, it will not weigh az much az a ramp??"

Monday May 7th, 2007 11:26:04 AM

Dwight smiles and responds to Fickle. "A ladder will certainly be lighter and faster, but the last time I saw a mount walk up a ladder it wasn't pretty. The ramp will allow us to stay together."

"It would be a good idea to make a small quick ladder for the scout though."

Tobias  d20+13=31
Monday May 7th, 2007 4:07:02 PM

Tobias looks for any tracks that might be in the general vicinity of the stairs... Looking for the latest ones, and what direction they took.

Survival: 31

Watch That First Step! And The 19 After That! (DM Cayzle) 
Monday May 7th, 2007 4:38:06 PM

The stairs are cut into what is essentially a cliff. Each step is a rise of about 7.5 feet. The cliff itself is only a DC20 check, but if you fail, instead of falling only to the step below, you could fall quite a ways down, onto hard rocks.

A couple of you climb the first step. Airin and Tobias tumble down. Fickle succeeds on the first try, Kendry on the third. Falling from the first step is no problem, since there is nowhere else to fall to, as Kendry points out.

Fickle throws down a rope, so that ascending is only a DC5 climb check for those below now.

The dogs and badger could be hauled up with harnesses pretty easily, but the ponies will be a problem.

The stairs themselves are steep. Each is 7.5 feet up and 7.5 feet in. Surely it was titans that used these stairs, not your run-of-the-mill hill giants and ogres. The stairs are hard-carved out of stone. If you have masonry tools, you might be able to do some carving, but it will be tough going. With magic, such as Soften Earth and Stone, you could make faster time, but we're still talking days, I suspect.

You actually don't see the collapsed underground passage. If Kendry's tales are true, the tunnel is at the top of the stairs.

Julian considers splitting up. Some people could stay here, at the base of the cliff, for days or weeks of mind-numbing boredom, while others could continue up the steps, having adventures, great experiences, and winning reknown and loot. Hmmm ... who wants to stay behind?

Maybe it will be Selithe. She seems resistant to the challenge that the steps pose.

Tobias and Dwight look around. Dwight sees that it is sheer cliffs all around Could there be another way? If so, it is not clear at all.

Tobias is especially keen-eyed, and he finds the odd footprint here and there. Not enough to follow a trail, but a sign that the steps have been used from time to time.

From what Tobias can tell, from a few frayed strrands of hemp that he finds, whoever used the stairs before had access to a rope.

Monday May 7th, 2007 9:43:47 PM

"Short of magic to get the ponies up, we're in trouble. Some of us are in for a long wait."

Monday May 7th, 2007 11:20:50 PM

Selithe looks to the steps and shakes her head, there is no way she can climb the steps and she has no spells that she can use to make it easier.

Selithe speaks to the others, "Without a rope or something there is no way for me. Does anyone have enough command of nature to maybe grow vines up these or something? That might give more foot and hand holds."

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood  d20+4=12 d20+11=14 d20+5=16 d20+9=24
Tuesday May 8th, 2007 12:38:50 AM

With proper determination, and a good running start, Podo jumps and tumbles onto the first step some 7.5' above the starting point. (Jumping DC:12, Tumble DC:14)

Looking around, Podo tries to spot/listen to anyone other than his group. (Listen DC:16, Spot DC: 24)

Airin (by Kim)  d20+3=20 d20+10=26
Tuesday May 8th, 2007 3:35:04 AM

"Maybe Fioni can carry the ponies up," Airin jokes. "One at a time, of course."

[Intelligence roll: 20; Survival roll: 26]

"Say, if we had some boxes, strong ones - the first about one third the height of a step, and another twice that - maybe the ponies could walk up each step walking up those. If we could convince them.

"Anyone have any boxes? Flat rocks would do, too, I suppose."

Tuesday May 8th, 2007 3:40:44 AM

"Pretty good idea, that. Also - it might be easier to climb right next to where the steps and the cliffs meet - it looks like a bit of a wedge - making it easier to climb.

"But, you're right, to get the ponies up, Airin..."

Kendry rummages around in his haversack for a few moments.

"I have a scroll of levitation, and a potion of levitation. What if we use 'em on the ponies? Then kind of lift and pull them up. Maybe blindfolded, so they don't get too scared, and one of us sticking with 'em."

Tuesday May 8th, 2007 3:58:52 AM

"Now that is a nice idea, sorta like flyin' a kite.

"How much will the levitate hold? Maybe Selithe and I could get a lift up on a pony.

"Kidding. I'm sure we could climb when there's some ropes in place."

Tuesday May 8th, 2007 8:28:04 AM

Fickle has never saw such comtraption, it workd. "Tell'z me how to helps, I'll do anything to helps."

Tuesday May 8th, 2007 1:55:22 PM

"Flying ponies... good idea. But definitely make sure you blindfold them... they won't much like it."

He shares with the others that there hasn't been much traffic on the stairs recently, but it looks like those that did attempt it used ropes.

Tuesday May 8th, 2007 11:34:07 PM

"Hmmm, if it works it will certainly be faster and easier than a ramp. I'll all for it, IF."

"Otherwise I say we get to work making a ramp, 7ft tall and about 10 feet long. It will have to go in line with the steps and probably a good 3-4 feet wide. We use to build stuff all the time as we cut and trimmed trees with me pa.

Unless the levitate and ropes are really plausible, Dwight will begin his search for some stout trees to bind together.

OOC: Okay halfings are roughly 3.5 feet tall, standing on shoulders, two would be 7. Wouldn't it be fairly easy for a third person to climb up? (Making a halfling ladder, two face the wall and third climb up their backs.) With this in mind......

"The main issue is the animals, any chance three people wanna go to the top and see what they can see? By the time you get to the top, we should have the ramp pretty close to being done, assuming we can find enough trees and limbs."

"Fickle look for branches roughly straight and about as tall as you. It needs to be fairly strong and not rotten and about as thick as your arms. We will need about 50 or so of them. And then we will need lots of rope.

Tuesday May 8th, 2007 11:34:13 PM

"Hmmm, if it works it will certainly be faster and easier than a ramp. I'll all for it, IF."

"Otherwise I say we get to work making a ramp, 7ft tall and about 10 feet long. It will have to go in line with the steps and probably a good 3-4 feet wide. We use to build stuff all the time as we cut and trimmed trees with me pa.

Unless the levitate and ropes are really plausible, Dwight will begin his search for some stout trees to bind together.

OOC: Okay halfings are roughly 3.5 feet tall, standing on shoulders, two would be 7. Wouldn't it be fairly easy for a third person to climb up? (Making a halfling ladder, two face the wall and third climb up their backs.) With this in mind......

"The main issue is the animals, any chance three people wanna go to the top and see what they can see? By the time you get to the top, we should have the ramp pretty close to being done, assuming we can find enough trees and limbs."

"Fickle look for branches roughly straight and about as tall as you. It needs to be fairly strong and not rotten and about as thick as your arms. We will need about 50 or so of them. And then we will need lots of rope.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Wednesday May 9th, 2007 12:12:09 AM

"Hrm... Anything I can do to help out, Dwight?" asks Podo.

Wednesday May 9th, 2007 7:19:31 AM

Nodding at Podo, "Well we need lots of straight branches and I'm not sure how far we might have to travel to get enough. Any help here would be good. Unless of course the flying horse trick works," Dwight chuckles at the thought of a flying horse realizing he is flying and wetting himself and all those below. Of course he chuckles assuming he isn't one of those.

Fickle  d20+3=19
Wednesday May 9th, 2007 8:19:58 AM

"Okie! Dokie!" Fickle serches both sides of the step hes on.
Turns back to Dwight telling him, "All there is here is tall bambo! that should have a goodie grips on the animals hooves?"

Serching 19

Wednesday May 9th, 2007 11:15:25 PM

Selithe thinks and waits as she ponders over the whole deal, "I will help out where possible. If I would of went straight mage I would be more help right now."

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Thursday May 10th, 2007 12:44:37 AM

Podo tries to gather as much wood as possible.

Thursday May 10th, 2007 1:08:37 AM

Kendry looks over the scroll of levitation. He considers the ponies. He begins to offload the baggage they carry.

Airin (by Kim)  d20=14 d20=10 d20=3 d20=17 d20=20
Thursday May 10th, 2007 1:11:02 AM

Airin works with Dwight on his project, looking about for sticks, saplings, trees, as well as for any loose boulders.

[5 unadjusted rolls: 14, 10, 3, 17, 20 - for her roll in gathering resources for the climbing project.]

The Way Up (DM Cayzle) 
Thursday May 10th, 2007 6:22:15 AM

Sorry, friends! I have a bad cold, and I lost track of my posting. I thought I had posted more than I did! I think I started a post, then lost it and had a braino. I apologize.

Still grappling with the challenge of the giant stairs, the party ponders.

Julian thinks magic is needed.

Selithe says she needs ropes or vines.

Podo makes an acrobatic leap up the first step, but the next 19 will be harder, without a running start.

Several talk about ways to get a leg up, from ladders to boxes to ramps. The steps are 7.5 feet wide and high. A box that's half that -- 3.75 by 3.75 -- would sure be handy. There are two options that occur to you:

1) Making Your Own Handholds and Footholds: You can make your own handholds and footholds by pounding pitons into a wall. Doing so takes 1 minute per piton, and one piton is needed per 3 feet of distance. As with any surface that offers handholds and footholds, a wall with pitons in it has a DC of 15. [OOC: that's from the Climb Skill rules.]

Note that magic that lets you shape stone to make hand and foot holes works the same way as pitons. You would need one Stone Shape or one Soften Stone per step.

2) Haul Yourselves Up: With a box or improvised structure that lets you gain altitude, you can just reach the lip of the step and grab and pull yourself up. If you wish to pull yourself up, you can do so with a move action and a DC 15 Climb check. [OOC: that's from the Jump Skill rules.]

With some kind of even better structure, you can just walk up!

To make a simple box or tree stump or other improvised structure that let's you reach and grab, make a Craft Wood check vs DC5. Such an item would have a value of 1 copper piece. Based on construction times in the Craft skill rules, making an item like this would take very roughly about an hour if you make the check.

To make steps or a ramp that a halfling could use is a DC10 check. Such an item would have a value of 10 copper pieces (one silver piece). Based on construction times in the Craft skill rules, making an item like this would take very roughly about a half a day if you make the check.

To make steps or a ramp that the ponies could use is a DC15 check. Such an item would have a value of 100 copper piece (one gold piece). Based on construction times in the Craft skill rules, making an item like this would take very roughly about seven days if you make the check.

Note that All Crafts require artisan's tools to give the best chance of success. If improvised tools are used, the check is made with a -2 circumstance penalty. In this case, you need both an ax of some kind and a hammer of some kind to serve as improvised tools. If you do not have both an ax and a hammer, then you cannot make Craft checks.

Tobias and Julian talk about the way that has the easiest checks: If only a knotted rope were in place, then only DC5 climb checks would be needed. But although ropes might serve to get the dogs and badger up, the ponies can't be hauled up the steps!

Kendry suggests making handholds. See above for rules on that. If you have picks (or hammer and chisel), you can make your own handholds with a Craft Stone check of DC5, once check per handhold, two handholds per step, and an hour per check. If your picks are intended as weapons, then they are improvised for this purpose.

The story of the old tunnel promises an easier route ... but, alas, the entrance to the old tunnel is at the top of the stairs, Kendry recalls!

Dwight thinks that the choice is Levitate-And-Ropes or Ramp. He also thinks about halflings climbing on halflings. Hmmm. That would be like stepping on a box. Well, with a DC15 Climb check, a halfling on another halfling's shoulders could grab the step above and hauls him or her self up.

As far as needed wood goes, if you have an ax, you can gather the wood that you need, no problem.

The party begins to search for wood. Kendry ponders the levitate option.

So, after all that thought and discussion, the choices seem to come down to:

1) Haul yourselves up (on a short box or platform or each other), then use rope.

2) Build a ramp/stairs that everyone, including the ponies, could use.

3) Use magic/levitate.

Thursday May 10th, 2007 7:54:57 AM

"No! No! It'z a bamboo stick!" as Ficlke holds up a wiggling snake, he look's at the wiggling thing, then drop it.

The snake slidders down the step, then into a hole some where around there.

Dwight OOC: Seven days...YIKES! 
Thursday May 10th, 2007 11:01:49 AM

Those craft times are for individual completion are they not? Seven days is an insane amount of time to make a 7 foot tall ramp, even in real life. If the wood is available, maybe 7 hours by myself.....if you've even been a boy scout you would probably agree. With a group of 4-7 people lashing and tying ropes it would take even less.

(I once helped build a 10 bridge using only logs and ropes in about 5 hours. And I'm no artist or craftsman.)

Though I would probably agree in its worth, or perhaps maybe even a little less.

Just figured I would give a little thought into the realism of this situation compared to the time required by the "rules".

Comment by Cayzle: I'm just going by the rules here. Roll a craft check each day. If you succeed vs the required DC, you finish that many copper pieces worth of labor each day. Or roll by the week -- you finish that many silver pieces worth of labor each week.

If your item costs 100 cp, has a craft DC10, and you roll a 10 every day, it will take you 10 days to finish it.

If the same item costs 10 sp, has a craft DC10, and you roll a 10 every week, then it takes you one week to finish it.

I don't write the rules, I just enforce them! Is it fair that you can make 1,000 gp worth of a magic item in a day, but to make 1,000 gp worth of a mundane item would take much much longer? Maybe not, but I'm using the rules as written. Since I'm a rules-oriented DM, I always pick rules over realism. That's my style.

Thursday May 10th, 2007 4:26:04 PM

[Dashing in]

Kendry has, if I recall correctly, a couple of axes and a couple of hammers. He has lots of rope - hemp and silk. He also has a sledge hammer. And a pickax. Etc.

[Dashing out]

Thursday May 10th, 2007 7:32:51 PM

OOC If it takes 7 days for one person, would it be 1 day for 7 people?

Thursday May 10th, 2007 8:51:34 PM

OOC: Okay rules it is...7 days-for one person. How about 7 people? (as Julian asked?)

Dwight will continue grabbing branches and chop as necessary given Kendry's 'proper' tools.

"Perhaps we should have talked with those flying lions first... they could have made this a lot easier."

"This might take awhile, since we need to get the horses up, any other ideas?"

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Thursday May 10th, 2007 10:20:48 PM

"Ok, Dwight, how about this idea...What if you folks lend me a grappling hook and 100' length of rope. I'll use the gear to ascend all 20 giant steps. Once on top I could look for stuff like wood and rocks to help the rest of us ascent the staircase. Your thoughts?" asks Podo.

Simple vs complex (DM Cayzle) 
Thursday May 10th, 2007 11:39:47 PM

Well, on one hand you have the complex plan to build a ramp/staircase that can be hauled up one step at a time after everyone uses it. On the other hand, Podo suggests climbing all the way up with a rope, then securing it so others can follow.

The problem with Podo's plan -- the ponies. With the ramp/stairs -- the rigamarole.

[OOC: The rules say that each person extra can add a +2 to the craft check. If your craft check is high enough, that can reduce the time: "If the result × the DC equals double or triple the price of the item in silver pieces, then you've completed the task in one-half or one-third of the time. Other multiples of the DC reduce the time in the same manner." You got enough tools for all these helpers? Good luck with that.]

Kendry's inventory 
Friday May 11th, 2007 3:09:37 AM

Kendry lays out the following tools:

Hammer, light, masterwork
12 square yards of canvas
3 lengths of chain, each 3'4" in length
Crowbar (cold iron)
Grappling hook
Climber's Kit, masterwork
Miner's Pick
100' silk rope
50' silk rope
3 x 100' hempen rope
24 pitons (started with 30)

Friday May 11th, 2007 7:46:14 AM

Fickle stand there on the step. watching the others. When the call of nature hit him.

Fickle call's to Dwight, "Cuzin Dwight! can you hand 'z mez a hand full if leaves, Pleeze< I'z have to go, real badz".

"Oh! Hurryz! Please!" He ask with a smile.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Saturday May 12th, 2007 12:23:03 AM

"Okay, Krndry, how we goona divy up these tasks using your gear?" asks & wonders Podo.

Stalled (DM Cayzle) 
Saturday May 12th, 2007 10:24:36 AM

The party is at a crossroads ... spend the time making an elaborate portable staircase that will let them bring the ponies up? Or forge on ahead, leaving the ponies free to roam, or with a caretaker? (a PC? Tewdyr?)

It occurs to Podo, as he prepares to climb all 20 steps with a rope, and to Fickle, as he attends to the necessaries, that maybe the question will be more easily answered when you know what is at the top of the steps.

It occurs to the two PCs -- the ones who seem alert, and not standing around aimlessly -- that a look at the map might help in this regard. The map is pretty clear. First there are directions to the stairs. Then, at the top of the stairs, there is a cliff up to a cave. Then there is another cliff to climb. Then there is a spring. Follow the spring down into the valley.

Even if you got the ponies up the stairs, the cliffs would be an even bigger problem.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Saturday May 12th, 2007 10:52:26 AM

"Okay, now that we have both looked at the map, and with the ideas that both Fickle and I; being some of the most nimblest of the group; climb the stairs to see where we go from here, it is appearent that if we continue in this line of attack, the ponies will NEVER becoming with us!!!!" says Podo with dramatic flair.

"Perhaps, we should take Julian's suggestion and leave one or two people behind with the pack animals. Our other possibilities lie with not finishing this quest, finding another way to our destination, or leaving the pack animals here, or not bringing pack animals next time. Your choice Kendry, Airin, and the other pack animal owners." states Podo to the group.

Dwight  d20+8=15
Saturday May 12th, 2007 11:25:21 AM

"O-My, that will never do." Dwight says aloud as he realizes his ramp, while slow and feasible will never be able to address the rest of the issues. "Making an raising platform is way more advanced that I can do."

"We are wasting time, and from what the map says, going around isn't really an option, so we are left with as Podo says, leaving the animals or leaving the animals with some protection. I'm not staying, but the rest I leave to the owners."

With that said, Dwight takes Fickle his requested leaves, mentally notes the area to avoid, visually makes sure the leaves won't cause problems later and heads to the steps.

"So climb and pull is it. Here I come." Dwight makes sure everyone is aware and stops collecting for the ramp and then ascends the first step.

Climb: 15
with help: no problem
without help: not able to get of the ground

Saturday May 12th, 2007 7:54:13 PM

"I will stay here and look after the animals. The rest of you should go ahead for the sake of the mission. I will be fine here. I always have Shark and Sallie here to keep a watch with me. And I've always noticed how ponies sense danger very early on.

"Go, climb. There is good grazing here. We will be okay. Besides, having to go up that means armour off, and armour on again. Then another cliff, armour off, climb, armour on."

Julian is quite insistent, firm in his resolve.

"I don't want to see any more delays on this, and I think that this is the best way that I can serve the group to complete its mission. I would lay my life down for the sake of the group. This is no different.

"Well, you wont have to find someone to cast Enlarge Person and then Flesh to Stone to turn me into the brave statue I want to live forever as. Put me up near Domi's temple in Angel Springs. Anyway, this is for the best.

"Make sure you've got everything you need from the ponies. Well, all that you can carry anyway. I will protect them."

OOC: I am about to run the first scene of a new module in the Swords of Light game. I could use a bit of time off here to focus on that and do it well.

Sunday May 13th, 2007 6:32:26 AM

"Alright then! Here's my rope, To help you up the first step!" Fickle tell them.

Now he let's down his rope and ties it around his waist. "Okie! Dockie! Start climbing the rope!" as he let's the rope down.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood  d20+9=21 d20+5=11 d20+4=15 d20+9=29
Sunday May 13th, 2007 11:00:28 AM

"Okay then, it's seattled," states Podo while awaiting the first group of halflings to ascend to the first step.

Seeing Dwight trying to climb to the first step, Podo reaches down to help Dwight join him on the first step.

Once several more halflings of the advanced group ascend the stair, Podo sets about trying to ascend to the second step. Before ascending, Podo tries to spot anything out of the ordinary that might pose an issue for them to climb more stairs. (spot check)

Using both his jumping and climb skills Podo tries to reach the second step.

Skill Checks
Jump: 15
Spot: 29 (Nat 20!)

Tobias  d20+3=19
Sunday May 13th, 2007 2:35:42 PM

"Alright let's climb then... we need to start making progress."

climb: 19

Kim - ooc 
Monday May 14th, 2007 1:55:55 AM

Friends - am halfway through two hugely busy weeks. I have fallen short in posting both for Airin & Kendry. Did not realize in advance just how full this past week would be - but do now know this coming week will also be tough. Only have time for a brief post now.

Kendry  20d20(2+1+5+6+20+7+7+8+16+3+4+16+20+19+1+14+13+12+11+12)=197 d20=1 d20=4 d20=15
Monday May 14th, 2007 2:09:45 AM

Kendry offloads much of his gear from the ponies, and distributes it among his friends.

He thanks Julian for his selfless offer. "None of us could have asked this of you. I will miss you. Thank you, Jules." He leaves the two ponies in his cousin's care.

Once things are set, he says, "Yes, let's go."

For the climb, he recommends a safety rope in addition to the climbing rope for each person.

The safety rope helps him out on the second step - twice, and on the 15th step. He reaches the top. As the group climbs, he takes time to help others, too. And works with Fickle to lift the dogs up each level.

Once up top, he takes a look around.

Monday May 14th, 2007 7:46:42 AM

Fickle helps his cousin up, by pulling his couz Kendry, "Okie! Doie! Youz almost on the First step. Ahh! there! Now Whoz next??"

Monday May 14th, 2007 11:23:15 AM

(thanks for covering for me Kim)

"I'm not leaving Blossom behind." Airin says with a stern voice.

"Look, there stairs can not expand indefinetely to the left and right now can they? Why don't we just follow the base and find a way to climb up once we get at the end of the stairs base?"

Monday May 14th, 2007 1:14:09 PM

"Well, dear, with at least two cliffs to climb, what suggestions do you have for getting Blossom up those?" Kendry gently asks Airin. "I'd like for you to have Blossom, and for me to have my ponies, and our other mounts, and Julian, too. But unless you can explain how we'll do this... you may have to leave Blossom in Badger's care. He'll see that she's treated fine."

Another thought then occurs to him. "Say - what if we go ahead and get ourselves, without our mounts, up to where we can see the valley below? From there, maybe we can look around and discover another route in. Whether we find one or not, we can write a note, and you can send Fioni to give it to Julian."

He turns to Julian, and says, "If you can follow the same way back that we took coming here... Hey, if you encounter someone trustworthy on the way to pass the animals off to to get them back to Humble's Ford, then try to catch up to us, that would be great! I'll leave marks along our trail for you to follow us."

He hands Julian a small pouch of money. "There's ten gold and four platinum inside - 50 gold worth total - to help pay for any help you might need. Hey, Dwight - should we send a bit of our party reserves with him, too?"

Parting and Climbing (DM Cayzle) 
Monday May 14th, 2007 2:22:57 PM

A wet wind whips up the stairs, as if trying to show Podo the way -- he follows to the second step. Julian volunteers to stay, and Kendry sees to it that he is well set with cash.

Airin is convinced that there is another way. But if she can make a Know Nature or Geography DC 10 check, then she may realize that the Scab is a notoriously jagged terrain, and that it is unfriendly to all hooved animals save mountain goats and bighorn sheep.

The others of the party are climbing, following as Podo lets down rope. Fickle helps Kendry. Dwight ascends too.

Julian watches as his friends depart. But what about Airin? And Selithe? Tobias?

Everybody please make a four or five more climb checks.

Tobias  d20+3=23 d20+3=18 d20+3=16 d20+3=14 d20+3=10
Monday May 14th, 2007 4:27:09 PM

I'd already said that Tobias would climb... and he will leave Tewdwr with Julian as well

Climbs: 23, 18, 16, 14, 10

Addition by Cayzle Sorry! I missed it. Thanks for the correction!

Dwight  d20+3=15 d20+3=16 d20+3=10 d20+3=17 d20+3=5 d20+6=23 d20+6=18 d20+6=26 d20+6=25 d20+6=16 d20+8=24 d20+8=13 d20+8=13 d20+8=19 d20+8=25
Monday May 14th, 2007 7:09:40 PM

"If Julian needs some extra cash we could?" Dwight waits for Julian response and then toses a small sack for him in the amount he asks for.


As Dwight take each new step, he searches the step for any lingering evidence of past travels or traps or even perhaps a secret (easier) tunnel.

spot: 15,16,10,17,5
search: 23, 18, 26 (nat 20), 25, 16
climb: 24, 13, 13, 19, 25 (the last step without help)

Monday May 14th, 2007 8:56:20 PM

"Selithe's and my dogs are good in hills and mountains," Kendry says. "At least, I'm bringing Cheann along." [And dogs don't have hooves.]

He helps Airin up - if she is willing to follow his suggestion.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood  d20+9=28 d20+9=18 d20+9=24 d20+9=27 d20+9=13 d20+4=5 d20+4=24 d20+4=20 d20+4=10 d20+4=14 d20+5=19 d20+5=7 d20+5=11 d20+5=22 d20+5=18 d20+9=20 d20+9=24 d20+9=18 d20+9=10 d20+9=13
Monday May 14th, 2007 10:49:19 PM

Podo tries his best to jump up and reach the next step then pul lhimself up. Just in case he does miss the handhold after the jump, Podo will use his slow fall 20 ft. to catch himself from falling any farther or down any additional steps.

After ever step gained in his progression up the stairs, Podo stops to listen and attempt to spot anything out of the ordinary for the area, mainly to assure himself he's not walking into a trap.

Skill Checks
Listen: 19, 7, 11, 22, 18
Climb :28,18,24,27,13
Jump :5 (nat 1), 24 (Nat 20),20,10,14
Spot : 20, 24, 18, 10, 13

Selithe  d20+3=11 d20+3=7 d20+3=22 d20+3=10 d20+3=10
Monday May 14th, 2007 11:06:57 PM

(Didn't notice anything mentioned, were pitons used or rope or something? Only asking because Selithe's climb check isn't good enough even on a 20. Would really be futile for her to even try on her own.)

Selithe watches the others and if she can get some help, rope or something else she will do her best to climb up.

(Climb checks, unmod:11/7/22/10/10)
(Also, we're expecting storms in here tomorrow so I will need someone to cover for me just for tomorrow.)

You are using a rope to climb - you need a 5 or better. Also, if you take advantage of a safety line (as Kendry suggested people use), then that, largely, obviates (or at least mitigates) the possibility of falling down the next step. -Kim

Kim - could someone else count posts for last week, please? 
Tuesday May 15th, 2007 2:46:34 AM

I'm swamped.

Tuesday May 15th, 2007 7:17:36 AM

"Err! Couz Kendry! Why'z are you giving a Woman'z 10 Gp and 4 Pp?? that total'z to 410gp worth of money'z?? She Going to the Market'z to Buy'z herself Something'z Nice and Sparkling'z?" Fickle tells Kindry. Shakes his head "I don'tz under stand my Couzen'z, one pretty face and they go mad'z"

Tuesday May 15th, 2007 10:40:30 AM

Kendry laughs at Fickle's words - so hard that he holds his sides.

Once he begins to regain his composure, he says, "Fickle, Julian is no woman. And a platinum piece is worth only ten gold pieces, not one hundred. So I gave him 50, not 410 gold pieces." Then he looks back at Julian. "Well, all right, maybe his face is a little pretty. If you look at just the right angle. When the sun is low in the sky."

He winks at Julian.

Airin and Fioni  d20+10=16 d20+10=27 d20+10=21 d20+10=29 d20+10=27 d20+10=11 d20+10=22 d20+10=24 d20+10=24 d20+10=30
Tuesday May 15th, 2007 11:07:27 AM

Airin's eyes fill with tears as she needs to part from her beloved pony. Blossom has carried her through rough lands before but she understands that the scabs are no place for a pony.

She takes a piece of paper and write a little note that she pins to Blossom's gear.

"Name : Blossom
Owner : Airin Moondancer Turnbell
Home : Hovel
Other possible return adres : WLA department in Angel Springs
Return Blossom in good healt and receive 10Gp as reward.
Signed, Airin Moondancer Turnbell

She pats Blossom on the nose and asks her to follow the other animals and promises she will come back to find her.

Then she looks up the stairs cursing inside and begins the climb without looking back.

Climb checks : 16, 27, 21, 29, 27, 11 (Nat 1), 22, 24, 24, 30 (Nat 20)

Kendry  d20=10
Tuesday May 15th, 2007 11:28:39 AM

"Hon, Julian is taking Blossom and the other ponies back to town for us. He'll take good care of her," Kendry tells Airin.

As she slips toward the top of the climb, he hauls back on the safety rope to keep her from tumbling farther down. [10+? to arrest Airin's fall]

Once all are up top, Kendry moves on with them to the opening to the tunnels. If there is an open door, or any opening, he listens & looks to find what he might learn about what is immediately inside.

The Top of the Stairs (DM Cayzle) 
Tuesday May 15th, 2007 12:45:04 PM

Farewells are made, and the party, sans Julian, head up the stairs. The cold wind whips around you, and a few raindrops fall on your cheeks.

Podo is the ideal trailblazer, because unlike the rest of the group, if he falls, there is no chance that he will hit hard and go bouncing down the steps. His monkish falling ability saves him from that danger. As he goes, he sets ropes that those behind him can use. The DC to use the ropes is only a 5, so everyone can take 10 and ascend with no worries.

At the top of the stairs, 150 feet above Julian and the ponies, a scene of devastation awaits. Here is the mouth of the tunnel that leads down into the earth. Once it lead deep into the underworld, but now it is choked with the tons and tones of rubble that fill it. The terrain is broken, filled with rocks and boulders, but mostly flat.

From the ruined tunnel-mouth, you can look up the cliff you need to climb. It rises 100 feet up. At the top you can see another cave mouth.

The cliff before you is rocky with many handholds. It is a DC15 check to climb. But the wind building imposes a -1 on your climb checks and prevents you from taking ten.

Tuesday May 15th, 2007 6:33:36 PM

OOC: sorry I missed a post. I will do a posting report too later today.

Tobias  d20+3=11 d20+3=12 d20+3=11 d20+3=16 d20+3=19
Tuesday May 15th, 2007 7:37:54 PM

"Well looks like we should continue our climb to that cave mouth... Following Podo and using ropes again, we should be able to make this climb as well..."

Climbs: 11, 12, 11, 16, 19

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood  d20+5=18 d20+5=14 d20+5=23 d20+5=25 d20+5=21 d20+9=21 d20+9=25 d20+9=27 d20+9=24 d20+9=11 d20+4=6 d20+4=20 d20+4=17 d20+4=6 d20+4=20 d20+9=19 d20+9=14 d20+9=10 d20+9=14 d20+9=13
Tuesday May 15th, 2007 10:20:16 PM

Podo tries his best to jump up and reach the next handhold then pull himself up to a ledge or flat space, just enough to add one of Kendry's Piton with a small hammer obtained from Kendry. After the Piton is placed, and using the roping technique garnered by watching his cousin, Podo sets ropes to allow his companions to follow.

Just in case he does miss the handhold after the jump, Podo will use his slow fall 20 ft. to catch himself from falling any farther down then is abolutely necessary.

After every step gained in his progression up, Podo stops to listen, attempting to spot anything out of the ordinary for the area, mainly to assure himself the group is not walking into a trap.

Skill Checks
Listen: 18,14,23,25 (NAT 20!), 21
Climb : 21,25,27,24,11
Jump : 6,20,17,6,20
Spot : 19,14,10,14,13

Dwght  d20+7=20 d20+7=10 d20+7=20 d20+7=13 d20+7=12
Tuesday May 15th, 2007 10:46:43 PM

Dwight stands watching the drastic change in landscape (or at least his smallness related to it). As Podo begins his ascension, Dwight turns and watches Julian fade from view. He mumbles some small blessings in his favor and hopes to see him again.

At the long wait of Podo moving up, and then Tobias (just seems long), Dwight is ready to go up next. "I'll head up next, its best if the pet owners help their pets begin the ride, on top they will be more than ready for help and solid footing again."

Once Tobias has made it and signalled so, Dwight will begin up the rope that has been created for him.

climb: (+8-1)=20, 10, 20, 13, 12

OOC: I'm guessing the rope that Podo installed has lowered the DC? Otherwise someone might be catching Dwight.

Wednesday May 16th, 2007 12:39:47 AM

"Wow, that much, really? I'll try to not spend it, only use it where it is absolutely necessary.

"I think I will make my way right back to Angel Springs, if that's okay. I could keep an eye on Bella, and, well, I want to spend some more time in Domi's temple. I popped in there before and one of the priests said something that keeps tugging at my soul. I wanna find out more.

"Good luck. Fare well. And I'll see you... soon."

OOC Robert 
Wednesday May 16th, 2007 12:52:12 AM

Posting Report:

DM Cayzle M--2-S = 4
Fickle MTWTFS = 6
Kendry -T-2F = 4
Julian MT-T-S = 4
Dwight MTW2-S = 6
Podo -TW2-3 = 7
Airin -T-W-- = 2
Selithe M-W-- - 2
Tobias -2---S = 3

After much discussion and thought the party agrees to split up in order to ascend the stairs to deliver the potions to wake the people who are friends(?) of Bella. Julian takes the ponies and some coins and turns back towards Humble's Ford.

A slow week with posting as DM Cayzle was unwell.

Fickle  d20+12=24 d20+12=26 d20+12=21 d20+12=19 d20+12=16
Wednesday May 16th, 2007 6:40:42 AM

Fickle climbs to the next cave, the climing was easy enought, except the last few feet where he almost loses his grip. BUT he made it.

Climbing 24 - 26 - 21 - 19 - 16 <this is where he almost slips!)

Airin and Fioni  d20+10=30 d20+10=20 d20+10=17 d20+10=21 d20+10=16
Wednesday May 16th, 2007 10:45:38 AM

"Fioni, fly up there and get a look what waits for us" Airin says to the hawk knowing she can not really understand her, but lately it seems Fioni begins to understand her master's reasoning.

Then after a brief look down the staits - comforted that Julian will take the ponies into safety regardless the treacherous lands that lay between here and Hovel - she begins to climb the cliff. If Podo once again leads the way with his ropes it will be a lot easier.

If not, she should be able to climb this thing by herself no? Any respectable rogue should right?

Climb checks : 30, 20, 17, 21, 16

WHohoo... due to the wind that last one was almost wrong!!

Dwight  d20+3=9
Wednesday May 16th, 2007 11:01:11 PM

Once on top, and seeing the others are on their way, Dwight takes interest in the area around where he now stands. In particular he looks for cover as night promises to be wet and chilly.

spot: 9

" Tobias what do you think of our camping tonight...seems a bit open up here."

Wednesday May 16th, 2007 11:07:42 PM

Selithe moves up the steps with everyone else and smiles once at the top, still breathing abit hard as she smiles some and comments, "Not use to so much exertion. I'm a wizard rogue not a warrior." She smiles though and her complaining is mainly meant as playing as she looks around and then speaks up, "So, what now?"

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