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The Cliff of Snakes

Snakes on a Cliff! (DM Cayzle)  d20+4=6 d20+4=12 d20+4=19 d20+4=11 d20+4=17 d20+4=9
Wednesday May 16th, 2007 11:09:04 PM

Podo, Fickle, and Airin decide to climb without the benefit of a rope. Dwight and Tobias, and presumably Selithe and Kendry, will follow once a rope has been secured.

All three make it up ... 20 ft ... 40 ft ... 60 ft ... BUT! At 60 feet up, something happens. From cracks in the cliff, grey snakes thrust out, fangs flashing! They bite and then spring back into the cracks! Our heroes, clinging to the cliff face, lose their dex bonuses to AC.

Two snakes vs Airin: hits AC6 and AC12.

Two snakes vs Podo: hits AC19 and AC11.

Two snakes vs Fickle: hits AC17 and AC9.

Please calculate your AC with no dex bonus, post that plus other combat stats in your header, and figure out if you were hit. If you ARE hit, please roll 1d4-1 damage in hit points, and make a DC11 fort save vs poison. If you fail, take 1d6 Con damage. If you take any damage, roll a DC16 climb check or fall.

If you need help, e-mail me.

Remember, per the rules, "You need both hands free to climb, but you may cling to a wall with one hand while you cast a spell or take some other action that requires only one hand. While climbing, you can't move to avoid a blow, so you lose your Dexterity bonus to AC (if any). You also can't use a shield while climbing."

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood [AC:14 / HP: 36]  d4-1=1 d20+7=12 d20+9=19
Thursday May 17th, 2007 1:21:10 AM

Luckily, Podo only gets one nasty snake bite for very small amount of damage, but that doesn't account for the future damage from its venom now coursing through his body!!
(Save verus poison DC: 12)

Hanging on for dear life Climb DC:19), Podo manages to keep his grip!

Thursday May 17th, 2007 4:34:57 AM

Kendry prepares to cast feather fall on one of his companions should one fall. [He can cast up to three.] He knows that Podo does pretty well at catching himself - so will only apply the spell to the monk if the latter looks quite out of control past, say, 31 feet.

For Airin and Fickle, should one or the other begin to fall, he will apply feather fall once she or he passes 21 feet. If more than one falls, and Airin is one of those two, then she gets the spell.

[I hope no one falls!]

Airin [AC17 / AC13 without DEX / HP 42/42] and Fioni 
Thursday May 17th, 2007 7:19:51 AM

Clinging to the cliff edges Airin's armor keeps the poisonous fangs away (AC without DEX = 13)

"WHOOAOAA!!!" Airin screams for she does not like snakes at all!!

Airin's uncertain how to deal with these slithering creatures and crawls 5ft down where she clings to the cliff and calls out to her friends...

" Everyone ok? How do we get past these nasty things? Can we torch'm out? "

Thursday May 17th, 2007 5:52:49 PM

Finally Fickle is with Dwight"WOWzie! Me'z Made it!" Said Ficlke as he wipes his brow.

DM Cayzle OOC 
Thursday May 17th, 2007 7:28:43 PM

Okay, Fickle can be at the bottom of the cliff with Dwight. It's just Airin and Podo facing the snakes.

Podo, you did not take an action! What do you want to do?

Kendry  d20+8=27 d4+2=6
Thursday May 17th, 2007 7:40:38 PM

"Climb, Podo, climb!"

P.S.: Among the equipment, Kendry was sure to send at least one 100' length of rope with each of the people who climbed ahead - and more if they wanted more. [I did not have time earlier at the equipment redistribution to specify details.]

Kendry decides to nock an arrow and shoot one of those pesky serpents - if he can see one poking its head out. [AC 27, 6 hp]

As before - if someone falls, Kendry casts feather fall (free action, verbal component). (He can affect up to six people at once with this spell, if they are all within 20 feet of each other, and no more than 40 feet away from him.)

Thursday May 17th, 2007 11:21:57 PM

(OOC:I'm figureing since Selithe is below the others that she can keep ahold of the rope safely.)

Selithe holds onto the rope and looks up at her friends as she frowns hearing about the snakes.

Selithe thinks of her wand of magic missiles that Kendry gave her and speaks up, "Hey brother, I have the wand you bought me if it can be of help."

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood [AC:14 / HP: 36]  d20+9=10 d20+9=23 d20+9=23 d20+9=14 d20+9=23 d20+4=13 d20+4=9 d20+4=22 d20+4=9 d20+4=14 d20+5=23 d20+9=26
Thursday May 17th, 2007 11:28:35 PM

Trying to shake the shock of the snake bite off, Podo momentarily stops climbing, but that doesn't last for long.

Skill Checks
Climb: 10,23,23,14,23
Jump : 13,9,22,9,14
Listen: 23
Spot: 26

Friday May 18th, 2007 1:45:36 AM

"Oh, yes, Selithe, now would be a perfect time to use it," his brother answers her. "It's yours. You know the command word. Pepper those little snakes with your wand - and clear us a path!"

Julian, bravely leading ponies back home. 
Friday May 18th, 2007 6:51:19 AM

OOC just again bringing up some questions that I asked before we parted ways.

"Would you mind if I head all the way back to Angel Springs?

"Do you want me to return here in 7, or 10 days?"

Friday May 18th, 2007 7:39:36 AM

"OKie DOkie! What'z do we do'z now? Doe'z we go into Cave? Or sit'z around looking down in Valleries?" Ask Fickle, "Looking down makie youz dizzy! You know"

Friday May 18th, 2007 8:32:33 AM

Fearful someone may fall, and that this has to be resolved before the rest of the group can make it up. Dwight looks to see if he has a good view of the snakes.

OOC: I don't have my sheet or books, but in the rare case the snakes are visible AND they are within his magic missile range, he will cast magic missile at them. (the missile will follow them into their hole, if he can see them when casting)

Otherwise Dwight wonders aloud, "Perhaps, if Podo gets above them, he can pin a blanket to cover the snakes attacking the rope or people on the rope."

OOC: These are "normal" looking snake right?


Dwight (cont.)  d20+3=7 d20+3=10
Friday May 18th, 2007 8:34:18 AM

OOC: Oops, ment to hit roll and hit submit instead.

spot: 7 to see snakes above
spot: 10 to see snake holes need the ground where Dwight stands

Friday May 18th, 2007 1:09:15 PM

Airin stays where she is to see what the others are doing.

Tobias (AC 20/15 without dex, HP 38 / 38)  d20+3=22
Friday May 18th, 2007 1:34:24 PM

Tobias agrees with Kendry and urges everyone to climb faster and get out of reach of the snakes.

Snakes! Why Did It Have To Be Snakes? (DM Cayzle)  d20+4=23 d20+4=8 d4-1=0
Friday May 18th, 2007 3:43:44 PM

[Note Podo took 1 hp damage last round. Please note in your header.]

Podo is bitten, and resists the poison, but seems paralyzed with indecision. Keep climbing up? Go down? Fight one-handed while clinging? The monk cannot decide.

Podo decides, at last, to keep climbing! Snakes strike at him as he ascends! They attack him two more times! One hits for 1 hp damage -- and another save vs poison! Fort DC11 to resist -- and another DC16 climb check to avoid falling!

[OOC: It would seem that climbing through the snakes' lairs exposes you to two rounds of attacks at two snakes each.]

Airin, a druid unnerved at least a little more than somewhat by the snakes, backs down. She is clinging below the snakes' nesting place.

Down at the base of the cliff, Kendry is conflicted -- ready an arrow to shoot if a snake appears, or ready a feather fall spell for Podo should he fall? He can only ready one action -- which is it?

Selithe holds the end of the rope and suggests a wand of magic missiles. Selithe, the snakes are out of sight except when they dart out. You will have to ready a use of the wand to strike just as they emerge. If you do so next time, go ahead and roll damage.

Fickle seems to have no head for heights -- they seem to disorient him. And he seems unaware of the snakes that are in the cliff over his head.

Dwight readies a magic missile for the next time that the snakes pop out their heads. (roll damage, please.)

Tobias urges Podo and Airin to climb up and through the snakes.

Julian -- do let's make your way back to Angel Springs in e-mail.

Tobias (AC 20/15 without dex, HP 38 / 38) 
Friday May 18th, 2007 4:36:50 PM

"Anyone among us a snake charmer? Fighting these things one handed will be near impossible without falling..."

Selithe  d4+1=2
Friday May 18th, 2007 11:55:44 PM

Selithe watches and thinks before pulling the wand out and waiting for a snake's head to pop out. She also calls up to Kendry, "Hey brother, if you have some flasks of oil like lamp oil or such then we can burn them, just get the ropes out of the way."

When a snake pops it's head out she will say the word and blast it. (Damage:2)

Kendry  d20+8=25 d4+2=3
Saturday May 19th, 2007 1:54:33 AM

Kendry is not indecisive as the DM supposes. He lets loose the arrow he prepared as soon as he sees the snake appear - from which it takes the 6 hp damage aforementioned, the arrow hitting AC 27 (albeit see below for any adjustments DM feels should be applied).

As the feather fall spell is a free action, if it is needed he uses it. It is instantaneous. (In other words, Cayzle, he already let loose the earlier arrow - he is not the sort to vacillate into inaction.) Easily the bard can keep the command word in mind as he lets fly another arrow - this second one striking AC 25 (-4 if the one near Podo, -1 if the wind is a factor, -1 if the height is a factor) for 3 hp damage.

[And if a close reading of the rules demands that he can't keep the command word for feather fall in mind while engaging in physical activity, a close reading of the rules also will show that, since it's an instantaneous spell, and a free action, his perception that someone his size is falling from above should be enough to bring it to mind, yes? I can recite Psalms as I shoot arrows, even as I fight with sword, myself.]

Airin [AC17 / AC13 without DEX / HP 42/42] and Fioni  d20+1=19
Saturday May 19th, 2007 7:09:52 AM

... a druid ... that's right!!
OoC : I forget to add Airin's spell list everytime still only thinking of her as a rogue instead of a druid. Never played a druid before. Unlike the Wizard I play in the Golden Tap. With a little "nudge" from out DM I add her spell list, and if out DM is in a good mood he might accept that Airin "prepared" these this morning... Check the spell list, it matches what Inge usually prepared.

Airin clutches to the cliff and sees Podo is getting in some serious trouble if he's going to continue to climb any futher.

"Hold your fire down there and give me a few seconds to try something... please don't shoot unless they attack me."

Why do snakes attack from their lair... why do they attack a creature that is far too big for them to devour?!? Fear? Defending their territory? They never attack just for fun right.

Airin casts a "Speak with animals spell" on herself and gently speaks to the snakes that are lurking in their hideouts.

To the others it sounds just like slithering...

"We mean no harm to you or your offspring dear snakes. We are on a quest and need to climb this cliff. Me and my friends won't harm any of you if you allow us safe passage... we come in peace!"

(wild empathy: 19)

Airin gives a few second to the snakes to think it over. Then again she speaks gently.

"I'm going to climb and show myself to you... I come in peace, unarmed and will not harm you. Gently... I'm not going to harm you... please don't hurt me..."

Airin climbs the 5 ft back up until she is in front of the snakes lair and peers inside...

If they bite, Airin will climb down again. If not she continues to speak to the snakes asking safe passage for her friends.

Saturday May 19th, 2007 7:10:57 AM

AAARGHHH... Forgot to add her spell list again!!

Level 0: Flare, Know Direction, Detect Magic x2
Level 1: Speak with animals, Hide from Animals, Entangle

Fickle  d20-1=13
Saturday May 19th, 2007 7:24:24 AM

Fickle thinks he has a charm snakes spell, so he put the rope around ond leg, then put both hands behind his head, the starts sing (The Snake Charmer's toon) "Tar-a-daah da da tweeddie tweedie Daah!" Charm snake - 13.

Snakes Charmed (DM Cayzle) 
Saturday May 19th, 2007 9:39:06 AM

OOC: Kendry, you are right right right! You can totally ready an arrow AND use your feather fall at will -- even on the enemy's turn. Sorry!

Kendry is ready to shoot. Selithe is also ready to fire a magic missile. Tobias asks if anyone is a snake charmer. Airin calls out that she is going to try something.

Then versatile Fickle steps up, and puts his snake charming "ability" to use -- likely for the very first time ever! And what beginners' luck! As he tootles out a "soothing" melody, the snakes get calmer and more relaxed.

Or maybe, just maybe, it is the effort of the druid, employing magic and highly trained skill, that does the trick. You may never know. But for sure, the snakes are much calmer, and they communicate back to Airin, "Come and then go! Do not harm us! We will not harm you!"

It would seem that your path up the cliff is clear.

But the winds are increasing! The climb DC to ascend is now 17! (base 15, +2 more difficult in the breeze.)

Airin [AC17 / AC13 without DEX / HP 42/42] and Fioni 
Saturday May 19th, 2007 1:56:05 PM

"Thank you dear snakes. I will call on my friends to climb gently past your territory and go without harming either of you..."

Airin, all sweathy and trembling a little, looks down and says to her friends below : "Come ladssss, climb quickly and passssss without harming thesssse ssssnakessss. They will leave ussss alone if we leave them at peasssse"

Airin shakes her head wondering why she speaks like that ... she's trying to talk hafling! Must be a remnant of the splitting of her tongue to speak "snake".

Airin waits in front of the lairs and continues to speak softly to the snakes while her friends climb on. The wind increases, but Airin feels it is more important to continue to pacify the snakes rather than to be the first to reach the top.

"What do you snakes are looking for here so high on this cliff?"

Tobias  d20+3=17
Saturday May 19th, 2007 11:56:49 PM

Tobias continues his climb up quickly... before the snakes change their mind.

Mean DM Cayzle 
Sunday May 20th, 2007 1:21:15 AM

Sorry friends, but remember that climbing the cliff takes 5 DC17 climb checks -- and possibly falling if you fail them, per the rules.

But that's only DC7 with a rope. As soon as one person gets to the top and secures one!

Sunday May 20th, 2007 1:24:57 AM

"Very good, Airin, Fickle." Kendry unnocks his arrow, placing it back in the quiver. "So hold on that wand, sis. No magic missiles for now."

As others go ahead, he takes some of the extra rope and canvas he has to fashion a harness for the dogs. It's a bit hard, though, as he keeps his eyes raised to those above, lest one should fall. Reaching into his haversack to pull forth some of the unused rope is not hard. Likewise getting some of the canvas, not so hard. But using his hands, and not his eyes for the harnessing - that is what is difficult. So he decides to get a general feel for the task, but await the safe ascension of those who go first before completing the harness for Cheann - and for Gra, if she has come along, too.

"Climb, Podo, climb! Climb Airin, climb! Climb, Tobias, climb! Fix some rope for the rest of us, please!"

He grows concerned over the rising winds.

Airin [AC17 / AC13 without DEX / HP 42/42] and Fioni  d20+16=27
Sunday May 20th, 2007 7:18:18 AM

"I shall ask my companion to bring you some rodents for you and your family" Airin says to the snakes.

The she looks for Fioni and whistels.

"Fioni, please find some mice or some other rodent for these snakes please. Bring it to me... hurry!"

Fioni, now understanding her master thanks to the speak with animals spell begins to look for any rodent the snakes will like.

Fioni Spot: 27

If she finds something she will capture it and take it to Airin.

She remains at her same position while Podo can safely climb to the top. She'll wait for the ropes to come down.

Fickle  d20+6=21
Sunday May 20th, 2007 7:27:26 AM

From the way Fickle has the rope wrap around his body, there's only one way he can move, and that is up the rope.

So Fickle makes the climb all the way to the top, Where Dwight is "Hi'z! I'm Here to Help You'z" He tell Dwightwait a stupid smile of his as he get's on the ledge.

Dwight  d20+8=26 d20+8=26 d20+8=26 d20+8=25 d20+8=24 d20+3=21 d20+3=13 d20+3=4
Sunday May 20th, 2007 7:31:14 PM

Dwight watches as both Fickle and Airin speak with the snakes. Watching Airin get past unharmed, he believes at least one got through to the snakes.

Once the ropes have been cleared, Dwight will begin his ascent.

climb: 26,26,26,25,24
spot: 21, 13, 4 (watching for attacking snakes)

Kendry  d20+7=11 d20+7=19 d20+7=12 d20+7=17 d20+7=22 d20+5=20 d20+5=10 d20+5=9 d20+5=19 d20+5=6 d20+5=18 d20+5=25 d20+5=24 d20+5=10 d20+5=25 d20+5=12 d20+2=16
Monday May 21st, 2007 2:00:40 AM

Once Podo, or Airin, or someone gets up, and firmly affixes a rope, Kendry recommends they affix a 2nd rope. One rope will stay in place. A harness can be tied to the second rope (silk) (from Kendry's climber's kit), and those up top can pull up the rope (not really lifting the climber, but taking up slack, so that if someone slips, they can help arrest their fall). He shouts up that those up top should tie themselves to something firm, too, lest their rescue of someone else might lead to their demise.

After most have ascended, he places Selithe's Gra in a harness, and places a hood over her head. He speaks calmly toward her, assuring her that all will be well. He encourages those above to work together to bring her up. Once she is at top, and the harness is lowered, he does the same for Cheann, his dog.

Lastly, he himself ascends (and using the climbing clamp-ons to gain the full benefit of the climbing gear - +2). Climb 11, 19, 12, 17, 22 for Kendry.

For Gra, and those pulling her up: Climb (lift?) 20, 10, 9, 19, 6 (nat 1). The team will need to recover: Rolled an 18.

For Cheann, and those pulling him up: Climb (lift?): 25, 24, 10, 25, 12.

[And for Kendry's work on putting together a dog harness using rope and canvas: Use rope, untrained, d20+2=16. Unless someone wants to help him out to do an improved job.]


And, if no one has yet reached the top and secured a rope or two, Kendry calls out, "Climb, Podo, Airin, Tobias? Climb!" And then does as described above.

Monday May 21st, 2007 6:48:56 AM

Fickle sit's on the ledge and watches Dwight climb up the cliff "Where'z you'z going? Me'z just got Here'z?" he yells up at him.

Harried ADM Kim - no posting report yet 
Monday May 21st, 2007 9:05:47 AM

Ack! No posting report. No time to do until... ? If someone else can do so, I would appreciate. I have no access at work, and have rehearsals every night until Friday this week.

Monday May 21st, 2007 10:21:20 AM

Continues to make small talk with the snakes.

Monday May 21st, 2007 8:25:05 PM

"Airin, I love you - but can't you climb up the rest of the way??" Kendry calls up. "That wind keeps on picking up, every twelve seconds!"

Assistant ADM Robert 
Monday May 21st, 2007 9:10:47 PM

Posting Report:

DM Cayzle MTWTF2 = 7
Fickle MTWTF2 = 7
Kendry 32-2F2 = 10
Julian --TW-F- = 3
Dwight MTW-FS = 5
Podo MT-2-- = 4
Airin MTWTF3 = 8
Selithe M-WTF- = 4
Tobias MT--2S = 5

Julian leaves the group to continue without the complications of trying to take one of everything on ponies. Part way up the giant stairs snakes attack the group whilst climbing. Fortunately Airin is able to speak to them, and comfort them that the party means them no harm. She even has Fioni fly off to find some food for them.

And so they continue up the stairs...

[Bless you, Robert! -Kim]

Monday May 21st, 2007 10:34:31 PM

Seeing Podo reach the top, and Airin busy entertaining, Dwight makes haste up the rope.

(see previous rolls)

"If the wind gets much worse, we may just have to pull people up."

Monday May 21st, 2007 10:53:47 PM

Selithe waits even with the wind blowing till a rope is dropped down since she isn't not going to even risk climbing till then.

As she waits she looks around abit and hopes the group and Airin stays okay with that lot of snakes up there.

When a rope is dropped down she will begin climbing up.

(Take 10's inless the roll goes above that due to wind.)

Selithe will also help Kendry when she is able, doing a aid other and then helping pull Gra and Cheann up.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood [AC:14 / HP: 36] 
Tuesday May 22nd, 2007 12:20:51 AM

Podo looks around, looking for a place to secure a rope for the rest once at the top. Once secure, Podo drops to rope down for the rest.

More Climbing (DM Cayzle) 
Tuesday May 22nd, 2007 12:26:09 AM

Airin keeps the snakes calm. She seems to be waiting for everyone to ascend before she herself follows.

Kendry climbs up. Dwight climbs up.

I still need Podo's SECOND save vs poison (vs Fort DC 11) AND climb check vs DC16 to avoid a fall.

I still need five DC7 climb checks from Fickle. And five DC7 climb checks from Selithe. You cannot take 10 because of the wind.

I need another four DC7 Climb checks from Tobias to add to the one he rolled Saturday.

At the top of the cliff, Dwight and Kendry see another cave. A low rumbling comes from deep within.

Podo (by Kim - JP asked me to post)  d20=4 d20=18
Tuesday May 22nd, 2007 1:46:52 AM

[Podo's Fort save: 4+8=12 = saves vs poison; Climb check: 18+9=27 = he recovers from slip without falling. - that is, if the CS I have from him as of Feb 2 is accurate]

Tuesday May 22nd, 2007 1:55:11 AM

"There's some noise from within yonder cave," he mentions to Dwight.

Since, apparently, he made it up before others (though planning to be the last), he'll affix his silk rope and climbing harness for others to use, so they can use hands and feet to ascend, but he and Dwight can keep tension on the silk rope, should the climber slip or lose his grip. Kendry plants himself at the edge, so that he can see their progress, and take what steps are needed to ensure their safe ascent.

[Are the dogs up?

Friends, when people don't read carefully, and carry out the DM's instructions - such as making 5 climbing checks needed to reach the top - it really slows us down, gang! Read with care, respond quickly as you can. :-) And read each other's posts, too.]

Airin [AC17 / AC13 without DEX / HP 42/42] and Fioni  d20+10=23 d20+10=14 d20+10=29 d20+10=13 d20+10=17
Tuesday May 22nd, 2007 5:10:47 AM

Happy to see most climbing up the cliff Airin says goodbuy to the snakes and continues to climb untill she reaches the top.

Since Kendry has allready lowered some ropes Airin waits to see that no one is using them before she does.

Climb checks: 23, 14, 29, 13, 17

Luckily the ropes are allready there for otherwise the little halfling lass could have been in some serious doodoo.

Level 0: Flare, Know Direction, Detect Magic x2
Level 1: Speak with animals*, Hide from Animals, Entangle

* shows what spells have been cast for today

Tuesday May 22nd, 2007 6:37:45 AM

Fickle is sitting next to Dwight (Who is looking into the cave) So Fickle as him "Is it dark in there??" (Fickle is helping the others who are climbing up the rope.

Tobias (AC 20/15 without dex, HP 38 / 38)  d20+3=10 d20+3=11 d20+3=16 d20+3=21
Tuesday May 22nd, 2007 2:12:25 PM

Sorry, additional climb checks...

Rolls: 10, 11, 16, 21

Robert OOC 
Tuesday May 22nd, 2007 6:34:03 PM

I can take over the posting reports for a while, I think I'll have enough time.

Selithe  d20+3=10 d20+3=6 d20+3=10 d20+3=8 d20+3=8 d20+3=21 d20+11=29
Tuesday May 22nd, 2007 7:38:22 PM

(OOC:I'm really sorry Cayzle, I didn't know if I could take 10 or not, I didn't notice anything in your DM post about it but I could of over looked it.)

Selithe works her way up the rope but runs into a small spot of trouble at one point. After abit though she finally makes it up the rope.

(Climb:10,6,10,8,8,21 Reflex:29 *for the 6 climb roll*)

Dwight  d20+3=23 d20+8=15
Tuesday May 22nd, 2007 10:03:35 PM

Dwight tries to help others up the rope, but as soon as there are enough hands, he turns to investigate the cave.

spot: 23 (natural 20!)
listen: 15

He looks carefully at the entrance and what may have entered or exited recently. He also takes mental notes in his head how much space is around the entrance to the cave to the edge of the cliff.

Wednesday May 23rd, 2007 1:28:34 AM

The bard maintains his watch (and rope pulling) over those ascending. He won't cast feather fall if someone merely slips a little bit - but should a full-fledged fall occur, he eases his friend's way downward.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood [AC:14 / HP: 36]  d20+9=24 d20+1=10 d20+5=10
Wednesday May 23rd, 2007 1:41:39 AM

Podo wonders how long it will take the othes to arrive.

Looking around, Podo hopes to spot something that would be useful for the group to know...

Podo takes a closer look at the collapsed tunnel to see if there is any signs of new construction or of recent activities.

Skill Checks
Spot DC: 24
Listen DC: 10
Search DC: 10

The Shelf Between the Cliffs (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday May 23rd, 2007 7:19:01 AM

The party climbs up up up! A couple slips, but no falls, thank goodness! Airin bids fairwell to the snakes and is the last to ascend.

[OOC to Kendry -- sorry. Airin had to be last since she was calming the snakes. And since you had rolled well, I thought it would be okay to put you on top.]

You have climbed stairs. You have seen the collapsed tunnel at the top of the stairs. Now you have climbed above that, making your way up the first cliff. You are standing on a very wide ledge -- 30 feet deep, and 70 feet long. Above you is yet another cliff to climb. According to the map, you have to climb this second cliff and then look for the spring at the top.

OOC to anyone who is still confused: Highlight to display spoiler: { The path is very linear: 1) Stairs. 2) Collapsed Tunnel. 3) Cliff with Snakes. 4) Ledge with Cave. 5) Second Cliff. 6) Spring on top. You are NOW at 4! Hope this helps!}

But there is also a cave at this ledge. It is set into the cliff, and thus the cave mouth is about 30 feet from the drop-off. From deep inside the cave you easily hear a low rumble. It is as if someone were rolling a huge rock, first one way, then back, then forth, then back, in a wearying rhythm.

Dwight takes a closer look. Clearly someone has been here recently. Very recently. There are signs of well-travelled paths -- one to the edge of the cliff to one side, one to the edge of the cliff in front of the cave, and one to the cliff going up.

Dwight sees some tracks. If he (or anyone he shows them to) can make a Survival check vs DC15, then Please Highlight to display spoiler: {It is a little hard to see on the bare stone, but is that a boot print? It is! But you did not recognize it at first, because the boot is as long as YOU are TALL!}

Fickle looks at the cave mouth. Maybe there is a faint glow inside? Like the glow from a dying fire?

Tobias (AC 20, HP 38 / 38)  d20+13=15
Wednesday May 23rd, 2007 6:57:55 PM

Tobias checks the prints and realizes that they're huge. He whispers to the group, "Be careful, whatever made those tracks is much larger than a human... perhaps a giant."

Survival: 13

Wednesday May 23rd, 2007 11:27:48 PM

Selithe looks to around and as before will help Kendry get the dogs up inless they have been pulled up. Selithe really plans to later invest in magic that will be helpful for cases like this currently one.

Selithe also looks to the others, "Well, so far snakes and lonng climbs. I hope this gets abit easier."

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood  d20+3=9 d20+14=27
Wednesday May 23rd, 2007 11:57:54 PM

Podo trying out his survival skills once again, but nothing he does appears to help him.

Hearing the sounds emanating from the cave mouth, Podo freezes recalling the stories of who or what exactly made the stairs they just climbed up!

Using his hide skills, Podo slips into the shadows of the cave mouth... (Hide DC:27)

Kendry  d20+7=15
Thursday May 24th, 2007 2:10:32 AM

"Well done, and quite clever, Airin." Kendry gives her a kiss on the cheek once all are up top.

When Tobias points out the tracks, his discovery helps him to see, as well (gave +2 to his standard +5). He outlines the perimeter of the mark with the tip of his rapier (just above the surface of the rock, not scraping the tip) so that others may discern. "Look at the size of this boot print," he says as he shows the size.

"Shall we see who is here? And, if we do, perhaps a few of us should hide. But I'm curious what is making that sound. Perhaps it's someone else who needs our help. With all the noise we make climbing, I'd just as soon know who or what might follow us, as to skip ahead, not knowing."

Airin [AC17 / HP 42/42] and Fioni 
Thursday May 24th, 2007 2:27:25 AM

Up on the cliff Airin takes a moment to catch her breath first while the others are allready looking frantically at the ground.

Fioni comes sitting next to her and benefits from the last seconds of the speak with animals spell to talk to her master.

Thursday May 24th, 2007 6:25:41 AM

Fickle who is behind (Not Side by Side). look into the deep cave, tap dwight on the shoulder, whispers to him "Look'um Way down the tunnel, there is a light'z! can'z youz see it there'z? I'z think we are'z not alone?? Should we back'z out??"

Tobias (AC 20, HP 38 / 38)  d20+18=34 d20+15=21 d20+6=13
Thursday May 24th, 2007 12:43:34 PM

Tobias is a little worried about disturbing what could possibly be a giant... "Kendry, do you think going in there is such a good idea?" he whispers.

If we decide to go in, Tobias will go try hiding.

Hide: 34
Move silent: 21
Spot: 13

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