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A Map to the Stairs

Lunch and Loot (DM Cayzle) 
Monday April 30th, 2007 3:27:37 PM

Dwight and Fickle check out the chasm floor. Aside from a couple rabbits, and a few gnawed bones, there is nothing interesting there.

It does indeed turn out that the corpse in the crack is that of the halfling that Sharles was pursuing. The undead justicar seems even further eased, and afterward, more lethargic, at the news that his target did not get far. About the fugative, all he knows is that the rogue had an identifying tattoo, of a bloody setting sun falling behind forboding, craggy peaks. He thinks that this was a gang sign of some sort.

After this, it proves impossible to rouse Sharles. Maybe he has begun his long-delayed rest?

Kendry makes copies.

The crack narrows even further, so that short of a polymorph spell or gaseous form potion, further exploration seems impossible.

The party reunites with a tasty lumch above the cave mouth. Then the loot is considered:

Thurible of Pantheon. Needs minor repairs before it is useable. New straps, leather hinge. Also needs special blessed incense.
Several gems, and partly melted coins -- a meld of gold studded with copper and silver coins.
Masterwork halfling-size studded leather armor
Masterwork halfling-size spiked chain
A scroll case with map and letter
A magic cloak
Magic boots
Magic ring of sustenance

The map suggests that you have to find the Giant Stairs.

Monday April 30th, 2007 5:55:57 PM

With a mocking glare Julian says in a fake gruff voice, "If anyone even mentions the Ring of Sustenance instead of this wonderful stew I will throw them over the edge."

"I am going to hazard a guess at Magic Boots that make you run faster. That's why old boney never caught up with him."

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Monday April 30th, 2007 7:44:15 PM

Once everyone is assembled up top of the cave mouth, and snacking on the delicious stew prepared by Selithe & perhaps Julian, the talk turns to the loot. Without pause, Podo asks, "of the Ring of Sustenance and what it does exactly?"

Hearing Julian make his blurting statement, Podo justs grins... "Oh really, Mr. Julian? Is that for asking for it or just about it?"

Without causing too much tension and before anything comes of the current tense situtation, Podo reaches for Sharles' container, and speaks aloud to Sharles in the presence of the rest of the group. "Sharles, We have recovered your Holy Thurible as well as a document found on another halfling body we discovered in a fissure which states that a Justicar was after the owner of the letter. The owner appears to have a tattoo on its arm." Podo describes the tattoo. "Sharles, what's the Giants Staircase?"

Later, Podo pauses to gain some insight from Sharles and asks the others to make inquiries of Sharles.

Monday April 30th, 2007 7:45:58 PM

With the items recovered, Tobias picks up some loot and climbs back up to the top for some tasty stew.

Kendry  d20=15
Monday April 30th, 2007 8:16:21 PM

Back up top [Climb: 15+?], with all the items gathered, and once all are present, in a squeaky little voice, Kendry, in his now very diminutive size, says, "I'd like six gallons of stew, please. I'm not very hungry today."

Monday April 30th, 2007 10:18:42 PM

Dwight climbs back up content they have looked everywhere. "I suppose the fellow in the cave climbed in and got stuck. Couldn't leave or the lion would eat him. In the end, starved to death, even with the ring."

Looking at the meal he wonders if the flying lion will taste more like chicken or cow. Bravely, Dwight digs in and wonders how close they actually are to their previous assignment.

Dwight does have interest in the cloak or the boots. He is however eager to be away from the two lion corpses.

Selithe  d20+9=23
Monday April 30th, 2007 10:20:08 PM

(Not sure if Selithe would know what the ring does or not, rolled Knowledge Arcana:23)

Selithe if she knows what the ring does will speakup and explain it to Podo before beginning to eat some of the stew and relax some.

She listens to what is said and comments on what was found before speaking up, "The giant staircase? Could that be refering to the towers by chance? I studied there with my teacher and some other students. They are quite large and I could see whare they could be called that." Selithe shrugs, just offering her opinion up.

Tuesday May 1st, 2007 5:27:05 AM

Airin chuckles as she sees the Diminuitive Kendry. Goes over to him to eat some stew together.

"No peaking under skirts now you little rascal!"

Good thing Airin is wearing her leather armor.

"Say how about a little nap in the sun? After all this exitement and this wonderful meal I feel a little drowsy..."

Tuesday May 1st, 2007 7:30:54 AM

"Munch" "Slurp" the he wipes his mouth and ask "What is'z giant stairs?? Me'z never hear of it'z, More Stew Pleaze?"

After Dinner Relaxation (DM Cayzle) 
Tuesday May 1st, 2007 4:49:43 PM

Sharles does not rouse from his rest. It seems that his spirit has gone home. If you do not deliver the Thurible, will he return to haunt you? Do you want to find out?

Nonetheless, you recall that the ring was NOT on the corpse in the cave, but it was near Sharles at the bottom of the canyon.

Sharles DID tell you about the magic of the ring. He told you that after it attunes to the wearer, you need much less food, drink, and sleep.

The food is good after a fight. What's next? Sleep and camp? More travel? It is early to mid-afternoon.

Julian Roscoe Holle Pipewood Trufflefinder 
Tuesday May 1st, 2007 6:59:22 PM

Julian says in a very serious, solemn tone, "Let's not forget what the original purpose of us setting out was: to deliver, some, things, to, I mean for, some people.

"So, let's get a few more hours travel in before nightfall."

Tuesday May 1st, 2007 8:00:19 PM

Though confused by Julian's description of the mission, he does agree with his conclusion: we should be on our way while there are still daylight hours before us. He helps pack up the animals and get their little caravan underway...

"Oh, and does anyone know how to contact Heather? Maybe she has some background or info on this latest halfling we found..."

Tuesday May 1st, 2007 10:15:10 PM

Selithe shrugs, guessing she can't remember what the ring does or even if the giant staircase might refer to the giant towers in the valley or not, that protect the place.

Selithe looks to the others, "I think we should rest some and get on our way afterwards."

Tuesday May 1st, 2007 10:49:31 PM

Dwight is again eager to set out. "We should head away from the two freshly skinned dead lions. It won't be long be their scent is carried to more than just a few birds."

"Now based on where we were before we found Sharles, and where we are now, does anyone have any idea which way the town is that we are looking for?"

If no one has anything "directionally" specific, Dwight suggests the group continues their trip around the chasm and return to where Sharles was found (but be on the opposite side of the canyon, and then hopefully be able to contine their journey in the proper direction).

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Wednesday May 2nd, 2007 1:01:22 AM

I suggest we pack up and head for the peaks... we can figure out what the loot is later.

Kendry the Little 
Wednesday May 2nd, 2007 3:54:17 AM

"What, I can't peek?" little Kendry asks Airin. "Aaaww."

"A nap sounds nice - but it sounds like the ladies want to remain and rest, and the fellows want to get going.

"So... Let's clean up, pack up, and go! We can rest some tonight."

Kendry enjoys the stew. He tries on the boots, and tries jumping, and running, and walking very quietly, to see whether they might be boots of striding and springing, or boots of speed, or boots of elvenkind.

He takes a few minutes to harvest some sinews and gut from the female manticore. "Cat gut is good for some strings on musical instruments. And sinew can be good for bow strings," he explains.

He makes sure that the feathers are collected and stored.

"Let's be off. It's that way, Dwight - we can save some time by not walking all the way back to where we first found Sharles. Check out this map - we want to go about here," he points out. "And right now we are here," and he points to a different place on the map.

Wednesday May 2nd, 2007 7:19:11 AM

"Oak Key Doe Key! Right after I finish my'z Stew!" Said Fickle as he scrapes the bottom of the pot. Scrap! Sceap! lick! Lick! (Fickle is scraping and licking the pot and Spoon.)

Wednesday May 2nd, 2007 11:08:03 AM

"Very well then... a good walk before resting sounds acceptable, but... only if you tuck me in tonight Kendry..." Airin says with red cheeks.

"Hey wait. Did someone copy the insignia that rogue had on his arm? Even better, Fickle, you're good in skinning wild animals, would you be so kind to skin the insignia of the Halfling's arm? I want to keep that here in this piece of canvas... you never know when this will come in handy. After all, that Rogue clearly had a goal and a mission and those who were waithing for him might still wait for him. Any chance we can tell how long that Rogue is dead allready?"

Airin takes a dagger and takes of the skin herself if needed and then she heads out with the rest. She whistles Fioni who has been enjoying a good rest and looks for Blossom. Pats the pony on the nose and mounts, ready to move out again.

Kendry  d20+5=20
Wednesday May 2nd, 2007 1:25:40 PM

Kendry agrees to tuck in raven-haired Airin tonight.

"Whoa, I'm a little averse to skinning a halfling - even a wicked one, sweets. I'll quickly sketch that, all right?" [Drawing: 20]

"Then, let's bury the fellow. I've got pickaxe and shovel. It's the decent thing to do. We don't want vultures picking at his bones.

"And if you all are anxious to get going before we bury him, then we can take his body with us, and bury him tonight."

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood  d20+9=17
Wednesday May 2nd, 2007 9:37:37 PM

"If the group doesn't mind, I would like the ring of sustenance please. I think it would behoove me to have all those lovely things at my disposal as a tired and weary Cleric does no one any good." Podo explains his case for the ring.

"Ah, Fickle, could you perhaps cut the tattoo off the halfling instead? It might help us out in the future and it might help to ease your need to "skin" this animal. " Podo explains to Fickle while pointing to the dead halfling.

"Let's see, hand your hand if you'd like to go straight about our original business now. " Podo looks around the group and counts the hands raised.

Walking to the edge of the cliff top to peer down into the carvern, Podo wonders about anything that might have fallen to the cavern floor. (Spot DC: 17)

Dwight  d20+3=17
Wednesday May 2nd, 2007 10:42:54 PM

Dwight follows everyones lead packing and heading in the direction Kendry suggested on the map.

Otherwise he just keeps an eye out.

spot: 17

Kendry  d20+5=24
Thursday May 3rd, 2007 12:44:40 AM

"You... you really want us to cut the skin off a fellow halfling, too, Pode?"

Kendry is not sure how to handle the notion that the woman he loves and one of his best friends both think cutting a portion of the flesh from a dead halfling is a good thing.

"Uh, look - I made a sketch of it already? You want me to do a better one?" he asks. He pulls out his drawing materials and quickly makes a better copy of the tatoo [Craft, Draw: 24]. "But do we really need to defile the body of a fellow halfling? Can we get by without cutting off the poor fellow's skin?"

He thinks about suggesting that they bury the two manticores - but figures the rest of the party would not view such an idea with favor. They are intelligent creatures - even if wicked. Shall we not show even these a measure of respect - not to honor their evil ways, but to consider that, perhaps, they were beings with souls? he thinks to himself as he helps get everyone moving. Then again, Kendry, he continues his internal conversation, if you think this way, why do you help harvest skin and sinew from the manticore, but scruple about taking a small patch of skin from a fellow halfling?

"C'mon, Cheann. Time to move on." He clicks his tongue and pulls on the reins of the ponies. "Giddup."

Thursday May 3rd, 2007 1:19:19 AM

"Kendry, look we could burn them if you like, that's showing some respect for the dead, isn't it? Here, use my flask of Fire. We don't have the time to build a proper fire, this'll have to do. The male is 'buried' already, within its cave.

"Let's go, we've got a job to do. The dead are dead, and will stay that way. Those who need the whatevers we're trying to deliver need us now."

Thursday May 3rd, 2007 2:05:26 AM

Airin senses the dismay in Kendry's voice after she voiced the idea to take the skin of the dead halfling.

"Is it an act of cruelty to deliver evidence of ones death to those who were waiting for him? It's like taking a ring or a badge of some kind. In this case the insignia is the best evidence we can take - even though the sketch is excellent. I don't like to disturb this poor creature in death either but..."

When Podo too urges the idea to skin of the tatoo Airin takes Kendry by the arm and walks with him to the Ponies while Podo and Fickle take care of the tatoo.

"Are you now dissapointed in me...?" Airin asks quietly.

Thursday May 3rd, 2007 3:00:12 AM

When Julian makes the suggestion to burn the remains, Kendry nods his head in agreement. He carefully sprinkles a flask of lamp oil over the female flying lion. As Julian ignites the body with his flask of alchemical fire, the halfing bard sings,
Fearsome power in feline form
Winged to prey from daybright skies
Now may rest the cats who reigned
Over crevasse, over plain
Let flames aloft bear her who died
Though terror's gone, lost strength we mourn
He gives a nod, again, to Julian, thanking him wordlessly for his suggestion and action.

He does not answer immediately Airin's question, but allows her to lead him away. After a moment or two for thought, he says, "One is never disappointed in another if expectations are low. I regard you too highly not to feel... sorrow."

He squeezes her hand so she knows he does not reject her.

Thursday May 3rd, 2007 7:09:02 AM

Fickle listens to Airian, then to his cousin Kendry. "Hold'z it CuZ Kenny'z! I have a answer for you."
Then Fickle make a six sided frame?? then takes out some fine silk rope cut sixs inches of the bottom "I never use'z this part of the rope any way'z"
Fickle mow weaves a very fine rope (almost like a spider web) is the frame. Ficlle is now ready to skin the arm only, he then puts the Tattoo inside the frame and streaches the Tattoo on the webbing.

He goes ovar to Airian and gives it to her, "Now'z you'z have the Tattoo! Hangs it over your head and dream. They say that you'z will dream of the Rogue and his tattoo'z!"

"Try'z it maybe It'z true?" He smiles at Airian. (He hopes that little gift will make his cousin Kendry jellious!)

Last Rites (DM Cayzle) 
Thursday May 3rd, 2007 7:31:55 AM

The manticore bodies are disposed of cleanly and quickly, but there is some question about the dead rogue and his tattoo. In the end, that too is taken care of, though not before Ferocious Fickle saves aside an ink-marred patch of hide.

Then it is time to travel on. Those healing potions won't deliver themselves.

Where are you going? Marching order? Any special tactics or orders? Remember that you now have a map.

This is the Wed DM Post! Wth luck I'll post again before midnight Wold time, to get back on track.

Thursday May 3rd, 2007 7:57:07 AM

Airin looks at Kendry as Fickle brings the tatoo he made resembling a dream catcher. She takes the tatoo with a light nod and quickly stores it away in her Handy Haversack.

"Let's forget about it love... I should not have had such ideas."

Nervous for having upset Airin she mounts Blossom an moves out. If Kendry wants to be alone for a while Airin will ride up front scouting the road ahead - although her thoughts are no where near scouting.

Tobias  d20+5=6 d20+6=25
Thursday May 3rd, 2007 5:54:05 PM

Tobias will move up ahead with Airin to scout the road the party chooses to follow...

Spot: 6
Listen: 25

Dwight  d20+1=10 d20+4=16 d20+9=22
Thursday May 3rd, 2007 9:05:07 PM

A little disgusted by the 'skinning' of the halfling and the idea of dreaming about it intentionally scares him abit. Dwight remains reserved, and doesn't verbally speak of it.

He does watch the smoke as the lions are burned. He checks wind direction and tries to figure out what the weather holds in the near future.


Initally Dwight is in front of the group, until everyone is actually moving. Then he returns to his normal rear position. He tries to think about his personal role in the recent combat, and block out all the blood he has seen after the fighting. Cutting trees is so much cleaner than butchering.

listen: 22

Thursday May 3rd, 2007 10:02:53 PM

"Okay, farewell Lionthings. Let's go."

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood  d20+9=18 d20+5=19 d20+13=20
Thursday May 3rd, 2007 10:04:47 PM

"Map? We have a map? What's it look like?" wonders Podo aloud to Kendry, resident artist!

Podo stays behind the three main warrirors of the group; Julian, Tobias, Dwight.

Skill Checks
Spot DC: 18
Listen DC: 19
Move Silently DC:20

Spells Readied
0-Level Cleric Spells (Orisons)
Detect Magic X1

1st-Level Cleric Spells
Command X2

Spontaneous Casting
Cure Light Wounds: 1d8+1/level

Spells Used

Thursday May 3rd, 2007 10:14:53 PM

Selithe readies Gra for traveling and looks to the others. She says little on the skinning of the tattoo of the halfling, just reminding herself not to get something like that that someone might need to use to identify her.

As the travel along she watches the surroundings and speaks up after a moment, "Umm, if the cloak is something to help a person hide better I would like to have it. I will do my best to replace the gps it will be worth. Of course I will wait till we know what it is first. Also when we have the spare cash we should invest in a wand of identify as a group item."

Friday May 4th, 2007 2:38:57 AM

"Fickle - you want Airin to have dreams about this dead fellow - this spy of questionable character?" Kendry shakes his head, dealing with bewildered astonishment.

"Fickle, you are some rare bird."

[To DM: Since our characters have a map, what are the chances we might be able to see what they're seeing?]

"Nothing wrong with having ideas, Rin-rin, only sometimes we need to consider the implications of ideas. Some ideas are good - like a bird, you let it build a nest. Ideas, if unsound, might be chased away before they have a chance to come to roost."

"Here, Podo, take a look at the map for youself."

"A wand of identify? If there were such a thing, Selithe, it might cost upwards of five, six thousand. Although I would be happy to be mistaken in this matter. It's the pearl that kicks the cost up. If you can figure a way to make the spell work for less, then more power to you."

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