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Manticore Massacre

The Lion is Spotted (DM Cayzle) 
Tuesday March 20th, 2007 8:58:16 PM

Airin and her feathered companion quickly alert the rest of the group -- via Message spell -- that the flying lion is right ahead.

Kendry bids Tibble farewell. He sees that the potions are distributed among his comrades. He readies his bow.

Selithe is also ready for a fight, weapon at hand.

Julian has something for Selithe, but the lion up ahead may be a distraction from that.

Fickle gives Tibble his sheepskin and says good-bye.

Tobias sneaks up to be with the other scouts.

Now Airin, Dwight, and Tobias are about 200 feet from the lion. Kendry, Fickle, Julian, Selithe, and Podo are about 100 feet behind them.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood  d20+1=21 d20+2=18
Tuesday March 20th, 2007 10:01:57 PM

While walking with Sharles, Podo asks his charge, "This ring, Sharles, the one I found underneath you when I picked you up, will it help us defeat the Metal Monster that killed you?"

Taking it out, Podo looking at it, tries to recall if he has ever seen anything like it, or if it brings some history lesson to mind. (Knowledge(history)DC:21 (Nat 20!)), (Knowledge(Religion)DC: 18)

"Sharles, would you mind if I put the ring on?" (If he agrees, Podo puts the ring on his finger, and then looks to see if anything changed.)

"Sharles, when you fought the Metal Monster, what approach did you use? Of those techniques, which were successful against it?" wonders Podo to Sharles.
Speaking to the others, Podo wonders what approach they will use against the monster.

Dwight  d20+3=23 d20+11=14
Tuesday March 20th, 2007 10:40:35 PM

Dwight waits for the others to catch up, and double checks that everyone is above. He takes a long look at the mechancial flying lion as he has never heard of such before; even in his stories.

He looks at his bow and wonders if it will matter. He ponders what spells could be of any use against a flying metal monster. None come to mind and he again wishes they had delivered the potions first. "Here and now" he says quietly, more to convince himself to keep his mind on task than anything else.

Keeping his wits, Dwight moves to take cover. He uncoils part of his rope and looks ahead for a heavy rock he could tie one end too. He motions to Airin and the others that are close that he may try to lasso the thing.
(OOC: if the opportunity presents itself, what would i roll for this? a rope use and a to hit?)

spot: 23 (natural 20---is the lion's nest/lair visible? any good rock hold up ahead)
listen: 14

Julian the Badger, and friends, now with even more Armour. 
Wednesday March 21st, 2007 1:31:14 AM

OOC: not combat rounds yet, right?

"Some action, hey." The tall halfling with shiny new breastplate armour pauses with a dreamy look on his face.

Suddenly he shakes his head and says to his familiar, "Well, Shark. I'm not sure how to hunt a flying metal thing, but it does sound like a good opportunity to test out this new gear."

Julian moves over to his riding dog now decked with pack saddle and studded leather barding. He unties the cumbersome lance and the buckler. He straps the buckler to his left arm whilst balancing the lance against his body. The dog sits obediently still next Julian as the halfling pulls a piece of cured leather from his pouch.

"It's not a treat, Sallie. I'd hate for you to eat this."

Julian then speaks words of power, waving the piece of leather about a lot. "Now that feels GOOOOD."

Mumbling to himself whilst going through his pack, "Now for me. This potion with the red cross on it in this pocket. This one with the picture of a bull here, that one with the bear there, and me leaping a chasm here. Now drizzle this oil over these stones."

"Shark, here, this is for you," whispers Julian whilst sprinkling some powdered iron over the badger. He stands astride the little badger before casting his spell. The badger with studded leather barding and this tiny riding saddle grows suddenly and rapidly. Now the halfling sits atop a dire badger, carefully adjusting himself in the saddle. The lance butt resting on his left foot in its stirrup, the sling loaded and ready in his right hand.

"Ha ha. No need for talking this time, hey Kendry?!"

Cast Mage Armour. 2 Hours.
Oil of Magic Stone on to three stones. Sling in hand. 30 mins
Cast Enlarge Person on his familiar. 2 mins

Spells used
0/6 cantrips
2/5 1st level

Wednesday March 21st, 2007 2:32:11 AM

"Thanks, dear, for the heads up!" Kendry whispers to Airin by means of the message spell.

So that Selithe and Fickle know, he passes on Airin's whispered message: "Fioni says the big flesh and metal cat is ahead, perched at the head of the crevasse. It is about 200 feet from us."

He glances over with a smile as he sees Julian make his battle preparations. "No need to talk? Time will tell..."

He communicates to all, "Let us catch up to you as we all prepare. Let us who are behind come up on your left flank, keeping the two groups thirty feet apart, then move forward. Eyes and ears alert, and may the courage of Domi and Wardd's good luck be with us all!"

Wednesday March 21st, 2007 6:53:20 AM

Fickle marches along with Cousin Kendry, he tell his cousin "I'z don't think that swords and arrow will hurt the lion metel'z skin? but maybe water andz rock would?? What you tink'z?"

Wednesday March 21st, 2007 11:27:24 AM

Tobias waits with the scout group while the rest move up closer. He prepares his weaponry and goes over his memorized spells. He also motions Tewdwr over closer to him, so that they can attack as one.

Resiste energy

Julian [AC 23, hp 45], Shark [AC 23, hp 22, Medium size badger], Sallie the war-dog [AC 19, hp 18] 
Wednesday March 21st, 2007 4:57:43 PM

Julian nods to Kendry and follows this trailing group off to the flank.

Kendry: "No need to talk? Time will tell..."
Julian rolls his eyes, saying, "Didn't we all just know he was going to say that."

Selithe-AC:20-HP:39/39  d20+9=13 d20+7=17
Wednesday March 21st, 2007 5:01:12 PM

Selithe moves forward with the others and tries to stay in cover and move as quietly as she can as she doesn't know how well the lion can spot people, specially at his height advantage.

(Hide:13 Move Silently:17)

0th:Acid Splash(2), Ray of frost(2), Prestidigitation
1st:Summon monsterI(1), Magic missile(2), Enlarge person
2nd:Melf's acid arrow(2), Bull's strength(1)

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Wednesday March 21st, 2007 11:41:05 PM

Podo continues his trek towards an impossible meeting with a large flying predator.

Creep creep creep! (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday March 21st, 2007 11:41:37 PM

The spirit of the justicar laughs ruefully when Podo asks his questions. "It is an item that is useful only to the living! It lets you survive on very little food, water, or sleep. I have no use of it. Your group may have it if you recover the Thurible."

The corpse has little advice. "It pounced on me from behind while I stood on the lip of the chasm. I suffered its attack and then fell to my doom. It flew down and stole away half my body, along with the Thurible."

Dwight thinks about lassoing it. That would take an attack from an improvised weapon that otherwise uses the net rules. But really, it seems most unlikely that a small size halfling could hold down a large size flying lion that likely outweighs him 50 to one!

Julian makes some preparations for combat before the battle starts.

Kendry urges the stragglers forward.

Fickle follows Kendry and wonders what could hurt an iron lion.

Tobias calls his companion, Tewdwyr, over to get ready for a fight.

Selithe moves forward too.

You can see the monster more clearly now. It is a lioness, with tailfeathers and wingfeathers that seem made of steel. The rest of the beast is flesh and blood.

It is sitting on the lip of the east end of the canyon. You see that 40 feet down (later edit: NOT 400!) into the chasm below the lion's perch there is a cave opening. It is a hole in the sheer cliff face.

Dwight, Airin, and Tobias are 200 feet away. Kendry, Fickle, Julian, Selithe, and Podo are about 230 feet from the lion.

Kendry  d20+3=11 d20+5=20
Thursday March 22nd, 2007 1:33:45 AM

"Perhaps, Fickle, water and rocks. More likely rocks. Or swords, maces, spears, arrows." He speaks quietly with him.

[OOC: Folks, there were 5 potions of cure serious wounds. Who has them? Have they been split up among party members? There may be a need for them at our destination, but there may be a need for one or two here, as well.

As Podo is a cleric and recently has adopted a pacifistic philosophy, Kendry gives him the new wand of cure light wounds, with 50 charges. It does 1d8+1, and reroll natural 1s.

From the Catacombs Kendry gives Selithe a scroll of levitation. He gives to whoever wants it a potion of levitation. He retains one scroll of levitation for his own potential use.

We have two unidentified curing potions from the Sneaky Guy. They may be CLW, CMW, CSW, or something else. Kendry offers them to who wants them - maybe two different people can each have one.]

He stage whispers, so that Fickle and Selithe can hear him if they remain nearby, and the rest can hear via the message spell. "Let us stay away from the edge of the chasm, friends, and perhaps draw her towards us, rather than moving towards her. None of us need fall that distance - although, if awake, I could do so with no harm.

"Shall we attack from within the relative safety of the trees, friends? They must decrease her mobility, and offer us a small measure of cover. Find cover, then launch our assault?"

Kendry looks at the immediate environment, looking for large rocks, nooks, trees, the general lay of the terrain, to help formulate a strategy.

"Julian, I am fairly open, this time, to saving palaver for later." That's not an actual promise, but at least an inclination.

Since we have been moving eastward, the chasm would be to the north. "Let us move slightly south, slightly east - so long as trees, and perhaps some rocky cover, remain that direction."

[more coming soon...]

Thursday March 22nd, 2007 1:48:19 AM

"Oh, Kendry, if the thing has ears..."

OOC more later...

Airin  d20+10=20 d20+19=31 d20+17=29 d20+8=26 d20+12=15 d20+16=35
Thursday March 22nd, 2007 5:09:44 AM

(ooc - one potion was given to Airin)

With use of the message spell Airin whispers to the group.

"There's no need to attack this construct. All we need to do it recover the thurible. Why don't we sneak into the cave instead of fighting a creature we may not be able to defeat?

But if we do I'd say we try to tangle it down. I have 4 tanglefoot bags right here. If you think this is good I'll leave some right there for you guys to pick up."

Under cover of the trees Airin begins to sneak closer to the lioness construct. She goes over the tales her mentor used to tell her as she tries to remember anything he might have said about such creatures.

Knowledge nature: 20
Hide: 31
Move Silently: 29
Spot: 26
Listen: 15

Fioni continues her "acting like a normal bird" and takes to the sky once again.

Fioni Spot: 35

Thursday March 22nd, 2007 9:39:00 AM

Fickle look at the bird who is just sitting and looking for something. "Cuz Kendry! She'z hunting for food, She'm is alertZ. Maybe have a clutch?? Will go after any thing that'z move?? Think'z we'z have a chance to fool her?? If Not I'll go and bez decoy??"

Tobias  d20+18=31 d20+15=20
Thursday March 22nd, 2007 11:53:45 AM

Tobias will try to move closer, slowly, quietly. He will try to navigate anyone that follows down wind from the lioness, hoping to elude her sense of smell. And, hoping that it also keeps them near the treeline for cover. (If not, he'll stay in the treeline instead)

He will only motion Tewdwr closer if it seems safe.

Hide: 31
Move silent: 20

[OOC: Tobias will take one of the unclaimed CSW potions]

Thursday March 22nd, 2007 7:48:13 PM

"Hold, Airin," Kendry whispers. "Hold friends. Let's not move individually. She'll be able to take us out one at a time. Let's not move until we have a plan, if circumstances afford us the luxury.

"Again - let's make sure we are not close to the chasm. Easiest thing for her is to grab one of us, toss us down.

"Move away from the chasm. Toward the south, and ease eastward from there. Find cover, shelter. Launch missiles. No one get too far from another. Maintain two groups.

"Dwight, others - help us out here."

[To Cayzle: Some sort of general map might help us out here. If you have time. :-) Thanks -Kim]

Julian [AC 23, hp 45], Shark [AC 23, hp 22, Medium size badger], Sallie the war-dog [AC 19, hp 18] 
Thursday March 22nd, 2007 9:36:01 PM

"Ok, we stick together so that if it tries to take one of us we can attack it as it does so. That makes sense.

"Don't you just love this blood rush as you wait for a fight to begin.

"Sneaking in to its lair, for the group overall, is probably a good idea. It's pretty big, and bound to take out one or two of us in a fight, or more.
"I'll be a diversion rather than a sneak. I'd rather die in battle than caught in a hole."

Dwight  d20+3=14 d20+9=11 d20+9=17 d20+11=12
Thursday March 22nd, 2007 9:52:00 PM

Dwight remains hidden as Airin begins to move off. He waits to see if she abides Kendry's request.

Dwight continues waiting for the rest of the group. Realizing the bird is much larger than he thought it would be, he realizes the tying it to the ground would probably not work and he tucks the rope away. His bow is back in his hand as he maintains (hopefully) his cover.

hide:12 (natural 1, nothing like tripping over ones foot)
move silently:17

OOC: is this area forested? I kinda had the idea it was barren with rocks and dust with sparse green growth.

As waits that moment for the others to catch up, he wonders to himsef about Sharles and the creation of the flying lion. O'my, could it be possible that Sharles created such a beast and can only rest when such a beast has been destroyed. Surely if this was true, he wouldn't call on the gods. Can the punished one that is already undead anymore than preventing death? Lost in thought, Dwight realizes he is no longer behind the tree and he stops, frozen and watches.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood  d20+1=14 d20+5=22 d20+13=22 d20+9=25 d20+3=23 d20+5=20
Thursday March 22nd, 2007 9:52:31 PM

Podo whispers to his charge; Shales; explaining that at this point that its best to put him down, so that if needs be, he can be useful in the coming battle against the lion.

When Podo finishes explain his plan to Sharles, he carefully places the container holding his charge down and out of harms way.
Podo then explains to the group via the message spell that he will close rank between himself and the forward group because he has the wand of healing and wants to be able to use it if the need comes to that.

Moving 30+' to close the distance, Podo tries not to make himself a target for the big Lion using his Move silently skill.

Using his varies skills, Podo tries to understand something about the Lion his friends are about to face as well as trying to learn about the terrain, how to survive in it, and how to use it to take cover form the predator; (Knowledge(arcane)DC: 14),(Listen DC: 22), (Move silently DC:22), (Spot DC: 25),(Survival DC:23 (NAT20!) ), (Knowledge(Geography)DC: 20).

Selithe-AC:20-HP:39/39  d20+7=8 d20+9=17
Thursday March 22nd, 2007 10:12:18 PM

Selithe continues moving foreward with the others and does her best to stay out of sight and move silently as to bring less attention to herself or the others she is with. She does keep her bow at the ready also.

(Hide:8 Move Silently:17 don't know if I needed to make new rolls or not.)

0th:Acid Splash(2), Ray of frost(2), Prestidigitation
1st:Summon monsterI(1), Magic missile(2), Enlarge person
2nd:Melf's acid arrow(2), Bull's strength(1)

(OOC:I know I didn't state it but would it of been possible to say Selithe ordered Gra to stay back before the group started moving in on the flying lion? I really didn't plan to use Gra in combat as being a riding dog she would die really fast.)

Friday March 23rd, 2007 2:41:59 AM

Airin listens to her friends and agrees that a decent plan first need to be made.
She is willing to try and sneak in possibly while the others are preparing to fight the monstrosity... but for now she waits to hear the descisions.

Getting Closer (DM Cayzle) 
Friday March 23rd, 2007 10:32:25 AM

[OOC: Sorry friends. Baby is sick with fever after two shots yesterday. I'll post again tonight or tomorrow.]

Let's Clarify: The lion is sunning herself on the top of the canyon wall about 200ish feet from the party. Normally the foliage and terrain would preclude a spot at this distance, but it was Fioni who spotted her from the air. There really won't be any chance for line of sight until you are 100ish feet away (or fly up or out over the crevasse).

On the other hand, Listen check DCs are at +1 per ten feet of distance, so keep that in mind. Casting a spell or talking normally is a DC0 check, so at this distance, hearing someone cast a spell is a DC20 check.

See below for a sketch of the area. I'll make a battle map later.

Kendry suggests attacking from cover, well away from the crevasse.

Airing suggests sneaking into the cave. The hole in the canyon wall is about 40 feet below where the lion is sunning herself. The floor of the crevasse is about 40 feet below that.

Airin sneaks closer. She does not have line of sight yet. How close does she go? Fioni takes another look at the lion, who is still lying in the sun.

Fickle volunteers to be a decoy.

WARNING: If you are whispering, you must say so! Otherwise you are talking normally.

Tobias moves closer too. Even if the wind were against him, he would have to be within 60 feet for scent to catch him. How close does he get?

Julian volunteers to be a distraction, not a sneak. Note the warning about whispering!

Dwight readies his bow. Since there is not line of sight, his standing int he open is no mistake for now. But if the lion were to take to air, or if the party gets closer, then he might want to use the brushes, low trees, and broken terrain to better advantage.

Podo sets the undead spirit down. He looks over the terrain. Normally lions like flatlands that are open and grassy ... the better to stalk prey. Maybe a flying lion would have an advantage in the hills, where it could fly over obstacles and use rises and falls of the landscape for cover ... but it is hard to say without an actual look at the beast.

Selithe also readies her bow and sticks with the group.

Al animals except Julian's and Tobias's are assumed to be back at the 300 feet away mark? Please confirm.

The group is 200 feet away. Airin and Tobias are closer.

And the map (such as it is).

Cayzle OOC 
Friday March 23rd, 2007 12:18:32 PM

Did I say that the lion's cave was 400 feet down! Look, I did! Jeezum Crow, as Mookie would say! I meant 40! TODAY's Post is right, not the previous number.

Friday March 23rd, 2007 5:43:28 PM

Thinking better of his move and hearing Kendry's thoughts, Tobias motions Airin back and returns to the new regrouping point... hoping that we can all get started together as one and improve our chances in attacking.

Julian [AC 23, hp 45], Shark [AC 23, hp 22, Medium size badger], Sallie the war-dog [AC 19, hp 18]  d20+4=9
Friday March 23rd, 2007 8:26:11 PM

Keeping his noise to a minimum now, Julian whispers, "What are we gonna do here?"

"I'd think it better that we stay together if we're gonna skin it. But if just want to get into the cave that is quite different. However, last time we did that, well, we're still worried about that enemy we left behind. There's no reason for this unnatural thing to be left alive."

Julian stick to the group, quietly.
Move Silently 9

Friday March 23rd, 2007 11:16:00 PM

Selithe plans to stick with the others and likes the idea of getting close enough if possible that the group's sneak attacks can be used to increase the damage dealt in a single round. This also going to requite they stick to cover also to get within the needed range.

0th:Acid Splash(2), Ray of frost(2), Prestidigitation
1st:Summon monsterI(1), Magic missile(2), Enlarge person
2nd:Melf's acid arrow(2), Bull's strength(1)

(OOC:Cayzle, sorry to hear about your baby being sick and I will keep you in my prayers and wishes.)

Kendry  d20+5=23 d20+5=11 d20+5=20 d20+5=18 d20+5=14 d20+5=21 d20+5=14 d20+5=14 d20+5=23 d20+5=24 d20+6=8 d20+6=25 d20+6=9 d20+6=17 d20+6=12 d20+6=15 d20+6=15 d20+6=21 d20+6=25 d20+6=24 d20+5=15 d20+11=30 d20+8=17 d20+8=16
Friday March 23rd, 2007 11:28:47 PM

Pack animals
Kendry left his pack ponies back where they first got the message that the winged lioness was ahead, well into the brush, under a tree or two, with a twelve foot length of rope each, so as to allow them to graze, but not too far. Some good grain left for each, to grab their focused attention for at least a few minutes.

Tactical discussion
"We kill it, or subdue it," Kendry whispers, ensuring that Fickle and Selithe are close enough to hear, too. "It mostly killed a justicar, apparently unprovoked. Whether a beast or otherwise, we attack to defeat. Only once we have complete control of it, or its soul flees its body, do we seek to recover what we need to from the cave. Agreed?" he asks his friends.

"One thought: She may have a mate. If so, let someone stay awake to that possibility. There may be other critters in the area, too, although thinks nearby she may consider for snack food may have been gobbled up already. Airin, blessings on Fioni. Can she remain alert to any other who may come? - and stay away from the winged lioness?"

He waits a moment for her to respond, then continues this whispered discussion. "Tell me if you have another tactic, but otherwise, let us do this: Circle wide around, south, then east, then northeast, then down from behind her, close to west, or slightly northwest." He sketches a rough map on the ground, and uses his finger to inscribe the general route to take.

"Let us have many tanglefoot bags, alchemical fire, acid, nets, ropes, arrows, bolts, ropes, and, when needed up close, swords and clubs and spears.

"Now, let us move with caution and quiet, using natural terrain to help keep between us and her a visual barrier.

"If we accidentally make too much noise, or somehow she discerns our presence, then let us be ready to attack, and defend.

"Let us go in two groups, thirty to fifty feet apart. If she has spells or breath weapon, then it will be harder to affect us all at once.

"As much as possible, follow directly in the footsteps of the one in front of you.

"If she decides to retreat to her cave, then we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. We have three who can levitate, plus I can feather fall. I have rope with me.

"But, otherwise, let us walk a long arc, and come down on her from above.

"Is this agreeable? If you have long-lasting spells that might help, then cast quietly. Then let us depart."

Only if the message spell is close to its end will Kendry cast another. Just before they leave, he wipes out the dirt-sketched map he drew a moment ago.

He also has 3 tanglefoot bags, 3 alchemical fire flask, 3 thunderstones, and two nets for others to use. Just say if you grab one or two of these things.

[See map via email for general path Kendry recommends we take. Mr. DM - those with wilderness and survival skills will attempt to pick a path that fosters concealment and cover, and a measure of quietness.]

[10xMove Silently: d20+5=23 d20+5=11 d20+5=20 d20+5=18 d20+5=14 d20+5=21 d20+5=14 d20+5=14 d20+5=23 d20+5=24;
10xListen: d20+6=8 d20+6=25 d20+6=9 d20+6=17 d20+6=12 d20+6=15 d20+6=15 d20+6=21 d20+6=25 d20+6=24;
Survival: 15
Knowledge, Bardic: 30 (To discern anything relating to this metallic-tipped, winged lioness)
Knowledge, nature: 17
Knowledge, history: 16]

Saturday March 24th, 2007 1:35:59 AM

whispered to the others in the rear group: "Are we going to join the two groups? I vote yes."

Saturday March 24th, 2007 9:35:44 AM

"Cuz! I.m do whatz ever you SAZ" Flckle tell his cousin kendry, "Butz look out for the claw! and metal wings.
Now She is sunnz her self, out of her nest. wonder where nest Is?? Oh! Me Do What you say! Cuz Kendie!"

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood  d20+13=23 d20+9=21 d20+3=8 d20+14=24 d20+1=15
Saturday March 24th, 2007 11:37:43 AM

Whispering via Message Spell, Podo asks some simple questions about tatics of his cousin Kendry. "Kendry, Whose in what groups?" "I', going to get to 300' south of the lion as quickly as possible w/o doing anything that might cause the Predator to investigate or Spook it."

"Once there, I will await others to form one fo the groups." Podo whispers to Kendry via Message spell.

Skills Used
Move silently DC: 23
Spot DC: 21
Survival DC: 8
Hide DC: 24
Knowledge(planes) DC: 15

Spells Readied
0-Level Cleric Spells (Orisons)
Light X2
Detect Magic X1

1st-Level Cleric Spells
Command X2

Spontaneous Casting
Cure Light Wounds: 1d8+1/level (Max +5)

DM Cayzle OOC 
Saturday March 24th, 2007 1:02:40 PM

Sorry Friends, Baby still running a fever and now puking. Puke makes wife ill, so guess who's the pukemeister? LOL!

That means map and turn will come tomorrow maybe or Monday. Sorry, it's a 4 DM Post week this week after all.

Feel free to post tactics and RP.

Saturday March 24th, 2007 5:10:39 PM

Kendry explains to Julian, continuing to whisper, "I was thinking the quieter ones might go in advance of us - just about 30 to 50 feet or so - not a huge gap, Jules. They can plot out the quietest way to go, so we can follow their path. I mean, you can catch up to them in 3 seconds running at that distance, cuz.

"But you remember the fireball that Flavius tossed our way? We were both not too far apart from each other, and he got us both. That's what I'm thinking about. She probably doesn't cast fireballs - but some creatures can take you out with the roar of their mouths. If we're in two groups, then only one is directly hit."

Then a related thought occurs to the bard. "As we draw closer, I can cast silence on something that we carry - like this tanglefoot bag," Kendry offers. "We can all stick close together while that's working. That will help prevent her being alerted by snapping twigs and the like. It'll last about six minutes. When we get close enough, I can give her the tanglefoot bag."

He looks to Julian, though, and adds, "But, if you think it best for us all to stay tight the whole way, we can do it, if you think my idea doesn't hold water."

[OOC: I'm thinking the path drawn out on the map - south, east, northeast, west-northwest - is about 700 - 800 feet of travel. Kendry would cast it in about the last 200-300 feet as we approach her - unless she leaves her perch before then.]

[OOC #2: How about Tobias, Airin, Dwight, Podo in forward group, and Julian, Selithe, Fickle and Kendry in the following group - that is, if we have two groups?]

Julian [AC 23, hp 45], Shark [AC 23, hp 22, Medium size badger], Sallie the war-dog [AC 19, hp 18] 
Sunday March 25th, 2007 6:38:55 AM

Whispered, "Seriously, I doubt breath weapons here. So that is not why I agree that we should be in two groups. I like to flank."

ADM Kim: Posting report March 19-25 2007 
Monday March 26th, 2007 12:19:01 AM

Cayzle DM: MTW-2S- 6
Anthony Dwight: MT-T--- 3 (missed 2)
Ceil Fickle: MTWT-S- 5
Jon-Paul Podo: MTWT-S- 5
Justin Selithe: MTWTF-- 5
Kim Kendry: -TW2FS- 6
Pedro Tobias: MTWTF-- 5
Robert Julian: MT2TFSS 8
Steven Airin: -2-2F-- 5

Tibble Stinkyfoots (played by Andrew, a.k.a. Dru) left the group with his last post of last week.

Dwight got off to a good start, but missed a couple of posts this week.

Everyone else, 5 or more, well done.

Monday March 26th, 2007 12:38:26 AM

"And no sonic weapons, either, you think?" Kendry quietly asks Julian. "We see her flying toward us, will we not be able to flank? A short distance gives us flexibility. Power to close quickly with each other, power to separate quickly from each other."

"Dwight - you have been very quiet. Please give your counsel, friend."

Monday March 26th, 2007 1:06:08 AM

That sounds good to me... Tobias and Tewdwr will go in the forward group. And, going in two groups is good, we'll be able to split the lioness's attention.

Tobias will go with two tanglefoot bags in hand and a fire flask within easy reach, so that he can get a couple of ranged attacks at the creature.

Monday March 26th, 2007 1:27:22 AM

OOC; I missed some punctuation in there somewhere. I agree with the long route and two groups...

Monday March 26th, 2007 1:55:08 AM

"Great, then," Kendry whispers to the group. "Let us set forth, then. We can whisper and use hand signals. We'll trust you in the lead to keep us to the far side of little hills and the like, to keep us hidden. One or two from each group might keep an eye to the skies.

"If I create an area of silence - Airin, Selithe, and to a lesser extent Dwight and Tobias - you too, Podo? - know the sign language we learned from a friend of ours, Duncan. Let me teach you a few key signs."

He shows all how to sign direction, distance, stop, go, run, and numbers. Then sets out.

Airin and Fioni  d20+17=31 d20+19=29
Monday March 26th, 2007 3:47:31 AM

Whispering through the message spell Airin joins the tactical discussion.

"Sounds like a good plan to circle around and approach it from behind. But wouldn't it be interesting to have it approached both from the front and from the rear?

I'mm getting pretty close, although I need to get within 30 ft from it to take a sneak shot at it to wound it badly. The beast will either attack the front group or the rear... and while those will be in pretty bad position, the other group will have ideal flanking positions. No?"

Airin awaits further plans and will act according to the collective.

If two groups, Airin will remain in position and begind to sneak up to the lioness at reduced pace. After all she has plenty of time before the others would have circled around.

If one group that circles around, Airin will backtrack carefully to meet with the group once again.

move silently: 31
hide: 29

Up high in the sky Fioni continues to circle around as if hunting for little rodents. You think a tiny hawk would interest a lioness construct? They don't have to eat do they? So it can no tbe hungry! If it kills, it either kills for the sport of it, or because someone or something controls it...

Monday March 26th, 2007 7:22:22 AM

Fickle watches his cousin make some hand signals, he scratches his head, "Cuzz! That hand thingie, is good! Show me'z more!"
But follows his cousin Kendry closly, ready to defend him from the ma ma's bird claws!

Monday March 26th, 2007 2:04:29 PM

Dwight turns and follows the rest of the group for better coverage to attempt the flank as one group.

Via whispering, "I agree two groups would be great, but we may need all the help we can get if the bird tries to use the same tactic on us as it did on Sharles. That being to grab us and hurle us down the chasm for later."

Selithe-AC:20-HP:39/39  d20+7=12 d20+9=14
Monday March 26th, 2007 8:05:25 PM

Selithe is ready to move foreward with whichever group she is suppose to move with. She leaves her bow ready as she wants to beable to attack if needed.

0th:Acid Splash(2), Ray of frost(2), Prestidigitation
1st:Summon monsterI(1), Magic missile(2), Enlarge person
2nd:Melf's acid arrow(2), Bull's strength(1)

(Hide:12 Move silently:14)

The final approach (DM Cayzle) 
Monday March 26th, 2007 9:19:06 PM

OOC: This is the Monday DM Post. I expect to post each evening this week. Sorry for missing a post. Thanks to all for the kind thoughts and wishes. Baby is doing better, thank goodness.

The group quickly and quietly messages about splitting into two groups.

Kendry is ready to approach under the influence of silence.

The lioness is still sunning herself on a rise at the edge of the crevasse.

Please post your position on the map and any active effects. Please do not place yourself closer than 70 feet from the lion. Please make stealth checks -- this time it matters!

And the map.

Dwight  d20+3=21 d20+11=17 d20+9=14 d20+9=22
Monday March 26th, 2007 9:54:42 PM

DWight moves to V19, hoping to spot anything the group may have missed up to this point. His bow is ready, though he wonders if it will do any good. He waits as others move into position.

spot: 21
hide: 17
move silently: 14

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood  d20+13=26 d20+9=17 d20+3=13 d20+14=30 d20+1=7 d20+5=25
Monday March 26th, 2007 11:55:36 PM

Podo moves to V20, to support Dwight. Using his standard array of skills, Podo scouts in the vacinity, trying to discover the lay of the land, to learn it's secrets.

In backing up, Dwight and helping as the parties only Priest, Podo tries his best to lay low while the big brawny actors in this play make their moves.

Skills Used
Move silently DC: 26
Spot DC: 17
Survival DC: 13
Hide DC: 30
Knowledge(planes) DC: 6
Knowledge(Geography) DC: 25 (NAT 20!)

Spells Readied
0-Level Cleric Spells (Orisons)
Light X2
Detect Magic X1

1st-Level Cleric Spells
Command X2

Spontaneous Casting
Cure Light Wounds: 1d8+1/level

Kendry (pausing at Y19, group should all be within 20' - i.e., no more than three 5' squares from him) (AC 15, HP 35, Silence, Message (subdued by silence for the moment))  d20+4=11 d20+4=21 d20+6=11 d20+6=23 d20+25=44 d20+3=23 d20+5=19 d20+3=19
Tuesday March 27th, 2007 3:00:13 AM

When 200 feet away from the lioness, Kendry whispers, reminding his friends that, once he casts silence on the tanglefoot bag, that the message spell will not work as long as Kendry is within the area of silence. He asks if any have any last moment questions or comments.

"Let us stick come together at least until we are in close missile range - say 60 to 70 feet. From there, let us loose arrows, crossbow bolts, sling bullets or stones.

He waits for whatever words folks have to say. When 120' away from the lioness, with at least a little hill between them, he casts a silence spell on the tanglefoot bag.

When they get near the end of the larger little hill, Kendry points toward the smaller hill. As long as they all stay within 20' of him, no noise should disturb the lioness' rest.

He licks his finger and extends it into the air to determine which direction the wind blows. If toward the lioness, he points to his nose, then makes a show of smelling his armpit, then points to his nose and toward the approximate location of the lioness. [Rolled d20+3 (wisdom) for wind direction test - last roll above.]

From Y19 (10' from Dwight, 5' from Podo), he pauses, looks about, points toward the right side of the smaller hill, and urges the group forward, along the 'Z' corridor. A few may climb the hill (to V11, W11, and adjacent) and others might go around the far side of said hill. He uses the signing he earlier taught, and reviewed - especially with Fickle - along the way. Three fingers - 3 people to climb the hill. Five fingers - 5 to go around the hill. He will stay near base of the hill (at, say, X11) until the others are safely (and silently) up, then head out with the group around.

Then, moving silently toward the lioness, get as close as we can, then attack. If she stirs, we attack. He signs and pantomimes all of this as well as he can. [Pantomime that three should climb the hill: Perform, untrained, 11. Pantomime that rest of the group - 5 of us - should go around far side of little hill - Perform, untrained, 21. Combined with the sign language, might want to add 2 to the rolls, so 13 & 23, for those who tried to learn it.]

Hide: 11 (not including concealment - what's concealment adjustment under the circumstances?)
Listen: 23 [Wait: 0! - silence spell, duh!]
Move Silently: 44 (Move silent 6+20 from silence spell - or should it be +40, for 64?)
Spot (probably should be dropped downward, for being within brush - but it's a natural 20): 23
Survival: 19

Fickle  d20=20
Tuesday March 27th, 2007 8:13:06 AM

Fickle (Who's behind his coisin Kendry, Almost in his pocket At Y/20)is behind his cousin Kendry. he whiispers to him "She'm look like she'm sleeping? But if she'm has a clutch! She'll be down on us'm like flies on a corpes!!"

Oh! what a time to get a natural 20. Fickle is sneeking silently (20)

Airin [AC17 ; 42/42HP ; Woodland Stride] and Fioni [AC17 ; 8/8HP]  d20+17=19 d20+19=23
Tuesday March 27th, 2007 8:13:35 AM

Before Kendry cast the silence spell Airin whispers some more through the message spell.

"Wouldn't it be best to have one group NE and another group SE from the lioness? One group will definetely be under attack but meanwhile the other groups has ideal flanking chances. But it seems we have only one silence spell...

Also, love, I need to get closer that 30ft from the lioness so I can strike a lethal spot... If you could manouvre the group within 49 ft from the lioness, I can move 19ft closer so I'm sitting at 30ft... perfect!"

Airin walks unhindered form the bush and undergrowth thanks to her woodland stride ability but walks side by side with the rest untill she reaches W20. As kendry plans on climbing the hillside Airin shakes her head. She points at Kendry, then she points up the hill and then she points at the lioness followed by almost touching her eyes again pointing at Kendry. It should be obvious that standing on higher ground, less covered by the undergrowth might expose Kendry or anyone else who climbs the hillside much easier to the Lioness. Airin hopes everyone will go around the hillside.

move silently: 19 (good thing the silence spell is active)
hide: 23 (good thing they are behind the hillside)

Tuesday March 27th, 2007 5:02:49 PM

Kendry (who did not himself plan to climb the hill - he wants to get in closer) agrees with Airin. He signs for all to stick close enough to benefit from the silence (stay within 20 feet of Kendry), with four on one side of him, three on the other side, as they go around the last little hill.

He knows that once they get outside the area of silence, one of them is bound to make enough noise to alert the great cat.

Tuesday March 27th, 2007 7:02:18 PM

Hold on. So are we all going around the last hill or are some climbing it?

Tuesday March 27th, 2007 9:33:28 PM

Kendry signals that we are going around the last hill. Travel with three on his right, four on his left, him in the middle of the silence. Try to come in from behind - 3 towards her right flank, 4 towards her left. Those on the far right should be 15', and no more than 20' max from Kendry. Likewise those on the far left.

Dwight  d20+3=22 d20+11=31 d20+9=19
Tuesday March 27th, 2007 10:00:13 PM

Following most of the pointing and hand gestures, Dwight stays to the left of Kendry and is ready once they are in position (within 30' as Airin menioned).

listen: nada
hide: 31 (nat. 20)
move silently: 19 (absolute silence!)

Perhaps even a metal feather could be a cool momento, thinks Dwight.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Tuesday March 27th, 2007 11:06:34 PM

Listening to Kendry and the others fom his vantage spot (V20 on the map), Podo moves towards Y15 keeping within 20' of Kendry at all times.

Podo tries to spot the Lioness from his location making sure that the lioness doesn't suddenly take flight.
Spells Readied
0-Level Cleric Spells (Orisons)
Light X2
Detect Magic X1

1st-Level Cleric Spells
Command X2

Spontaneous Casting
Cure Light Wounds: 1d8+1/level

Tuesday March 27th, 2007 11:33:54 PM

A little confused by this pantomime Julian stands there. Shoulders slumped, head tilted to one side with blank look on his face.

He follows Kendry closely unless pushed towards the other group.

Selithe-AC:20-HP:39/39  d20+7=8 d20+9=26
Tuesday March 27th, 2007 11:53:56 PM

Selithe isn't sure which group she should stick with if they are splitting up into two different groups. Thinking this over she plans to move and stay near Julian as she does have a couple boosting spells that might help him if needed.

(Hide:8 *nat:1, wouldn't you know it* Move Silently:26)

0th:Acid Splash(2), Ray of frost(2), Prestidigitation
1st:Summon monsterI(1), Magic missile(2), Enlarge person
2nd:Melf's acid arrow(2), Bull's strength(1)

Tailed! Round One (DM Cayzle)  d20+5=25 [Listen check] d20+9=23 [spot] d2=1 d2=2 [50-50 rolls] d20+9=27 d8+2=7 [att K] d20+9=11 [misses T] d20+9=16 [misses P] d20+9=25 d8+2=7 [hits J] d20+9=10 [misses S] d100=45 d100=44 (conceal %s)
Tuesday March 27th, 2007 11:56:50 PM


Dwight moves to V19. Podo follows to V20.

Kendry casts his Silence 120 feet away, then creeps to Y19. Note that creeping is at half speed unless you are willing to take a -5 on stealth checks. I'll assume that you are at half speed. Also, moving through the underbrush imposes another half move penalty (unless you are a druid or ranger with the ability to ignore such penalties). So Kendry and those with him in the Silence are moving at quarter speed, or 10 feet per round on a double move. It takes the band 15 rounds, or a minute and a half, to move into position. Please note the spell duration accordingly.

Fickle follows Kendry closely, being very sneaky.

Airin keeps with the group, even though the underbrush poses no hinderance for her. Where is Fioni?

Julian and Selithe follow Kendry (placement on the map by the DM in the absence of map coordinates, with Shark next to Julian).

Tobias and Tewdyr stay a little in advance, with Podo joining them (placement on the map by the DM in the absence of map coordinates, with Tewdyr next to Tobias).

The lioness has a listen DC15 check to hear Kendry cast his spell from 120 feet away. Her check is a nat 20 -- so she pricks up her ears! She launches into the air!

She makes a spot check of 23. That is good enough to notice Dwight (beats his hide 17), Kendry (11), Tobias (no check rolled), not Dwight's second roll of a nat 20 hmmm, Podo's second roll of a 16 hmmmm, Julian (no check rolled), and Selithe's nat 1.

What the heck am I to do with people who rolled twice! Roll 50-50, I guess. Dwight is not seen, Podo is seen,

The lioness sees Kendry, Tobias, Podo, Julian, and Selithe. She climbs up into the air, rising 25 feet up and moving 25 feet south.

Perhaps she somehow heard Dwight's thought about desiring a feather. Because she sure does deliver!

As she flies, she snaps her tail to the side, and five tail feathers fly off! She gains a +1 for attacking from above. One feather targets each of the people she sees:

Kendry: feather hits AC27 for 7 damage. (conceal 45 hits)
Tobias: misses
Podo: misses
Julian: hits AC25 for 7 (conceal 44 hits)
Selithe: misses nat 1

We're in combat! One round per post, please! The lioness has AC17 (touch 11). The number (25) is elevation in feet). And the map!

PS: I deleted a few random posts after this one. Julian, Kendry, Fickle please repost! Julian, please write to me about scroll use.

PPS: Sorry this is late! This is the Tues post. Odds are the next one will be a WED post put up Thurs am.

Kendry (AC 15, HP 35-7=28) [Message]  d20=17
Wednesday March 28th, 2007 10:15:21 AM

Ah, the irony! thinks Kendry. She must have heard me cast the spell of silence. Or, perhaps, just saw us moving.

The fast-flying feathers move in a fashion uncharacteristic of normal feathers, reflecting flashes of the sun overhead. 'Ai! I'm hit!' Kendry mouths, but no one hears his cry.

Since the tanglefoot bag is at hand, he decides to try to hit her.

He hops forward to add to the momentum of the throw (to X18), hauls back, then, with strength and will, and mindful of her speed of flight, launches the bag into the air. (55.9 feet distance ((50^2+25^2)^.5=55.9), -2 per 10 foot increment past initial 10 feet, so +8 on throw, -10 for distance, means -2 subtracted from roll. Additional -1 for height? If my calculations are correct, ranged touch attack hit AC 14. By the way, initially I thought it was 50 feet, forgetting to add the height, and 8-8=0, so rolled the d20 without adjustment).

As the tanglefoot bag arches through the air, the 40' diameter sphere of silence travels away from the bard and the other halflings, to affix itself with a noiseless splat to the body of the winged lion, the alchemical reaction spreading a glue, then quickly hardening, fouling her feathers and perhaps making continued flight difficult.

"Attack!" he calls out to his friends, likely needlessly. He takes bow from off his shoulder and nocks an arrow.

Tobias (AC 20, HP 38 / 38) [Message]  d20+3=19
Wednesday March 28th, 2007 11:52:25 AM

Since Tobias was already holding 2 tanglefoot bags, he decides to use one. Tobias steps forward to V14 as he puts some ummph into his throw. For his move equivalent, Tobias will try to reach for his fire flask and put away the other tanglefoot bag.

Following Kendry's calculations for the throw, Tobias is 10ft closer, so it's -8 for distance and +11 for a ranged attack = +3 total... roll of 19, which should hit the lioness.

And Tewdwr moves into a support position next to Tobias at V13... readying for the lioness to get within combat range.

[OOC: how high is that smaller hill? if i climbed it, does it get me any closer to melee combat with the creature?]

DM Cayzle OOC 
Wednesday March 28th, 2007 2:25:39 PM

The hills are 10-15 feet high. If you were atop one, and if a lion flew overhead within 10 feet, and if you had a reach weapon, you could get a whack in. But those are a lot of ifs!

Wednesday March 28th, 2007 7:20:23 PM

Fickle will go a head of his cousin Kendry, he'll also will raise his shield, flat over his head, so even if she spot him, she'll think it just a big bug.

OOC to DM: I hope this will work?? I don't know the Odds on this play??

Dwight (hp 35, ac 16, message)  d20+8=11 d20+8=27 d4=3
Wednesday March 28th, 2007 10:04:55 PM

Dwight regrets thinking about the feathers and not keeping his mind more on task and steps to the side and releases his arrows.

Arrow #1
hit:11 (miss)

Arrow #2
hit:27 (hit)
Dmg: 3

As the second arrow flies, Dwight glances around, hoping metallic flying lions have no need of mates.

OOC: sorry for the double rolls... I have no qualms about you taking the first and ignoring the second.... figured more than one round had passed since we weren't in combat yet.

Julian [AC 23, hp 38/45], Shark [AC 23, hp 22, Medium size badger], Sallie the war-dog [AC 19, hp 18]  d20+9=29 d6+1=7
Wednesday March 28th, 2007 10:34:04 PM

Julian sitting atop his badger urges his mount forward to reduce some of the distance. He holds the lance in his left hand and sling in his right.
Move 40' to T15 (30' move by badger)
OOC Does the underbrush penalty count against my medium sized badger? Enlarge Person cast on my familiar, 3 rounds remaining, including this one.
If Yes then I suppose I'll move to V17

"Hey, dog! Come and fight me! You grass-eating pottle-deep flax-wench bird! You are a disease that must be cut away."

Bellowing his joy of the fight (not raging yet) Julian whips his sling in a tight circle, releasing one of his three Magic Stones at the lion.
Range incr 50'
Dist 35' from T15, 55' from V17 take -2 from the roll.

Attack 29 Nat 20!
Damage 7

"Come down here, you ugly flying-ferret. Face your doom here on the ground so that you don't splatter when you fall dead from the sky. I have plenty more of those here for you."

Selithe-AC:20-HP:39/39  d20+9=20 d4+1=4
Wednesday March 28th, 2007 11:19:03 PM

Selithe seeing the lioness attack and even try to hit her pulls her bow up, taking aim and firing at the creature.

(Can hit AC:20 Damage:4)

Bandit peeks out of Selithe's pouch and chitters at Julian on his ugly flying ferret comment, even shaking a small fist at him. (grins)

0th:Acid Splash(2), Ray of frost(2), Prestidigitation
1st:Summon monsterI(1), Magic missile(2), Enlarge person
2nd:Melf's acid arrow(2), Bull's strength(1)

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood [AC:19 | 35HP] 
Wednesday March 28th, 2007 11:58:35 PM

Podo runs to V17 to join Julian in a combined attack effort.
Once there, Podo will reach into his haversack and draw forth, his only thunderstone making it ready for the next attack.

Thursday March 29th, 2007 12:28:20 AM

"Hey there, thanks Podo. Tis always great to fight alongside a good friend."

Julian  d20+9=17 d6+1=5
Thursday March 29th, 2007 2:54:20 AM

Thanks Kim, I've been rather distracted of late.

Crit threat roll hit AC 17
extra damage 5

That makes for a total of 11 damage from Julian the Mighty.

Airin [AC17 ; 42/42HP ; Woodland Stride] and Fioni [AC17 ; 8/8HP]  d20+9=23 d6=6 d20+19=38
Thursday March 29th, 2007 4:43:21 AM

"Noooo!" Airin thinks in silence as the Lioness flies up and takes it to the sky. The beast is out of range for her sneak attack now and things are going the wrong way!!

Airin is about 55ft from the lioness. The beast is 25 ft up in the air. So the firing distance from Airin to the Beast is approx 60ft - well within range of a Light Crossbow.

She's pleased to see the Tanglefoot bags hit the flying monster and adds some spice by sending up a bolt from her crossbow.

Bolt hits AC23 - damage 6HP

As a move action Airin takes a Potion of Mage armor from her Handy Haversack.

Airin then takes a 5ft step close to the little hill and hides from sight...

Hide: 38

Fioni was still flying up in the air and when she saw the Lioness stir to fly up and attack her friends and master Fioni madly shrieks hoping to disturb the flying monstrosity.
Fioni is fast and nimble in the air but wisely stays at a safe distance.

Fickle (AC 21/ 58 hp)  d20=14
Thursday March 29th, 2007 6:56:10 AM

As Fickle advances and still has his shield flat over his head, HE cannot see what is going on in the sky. But he will advance until he gets to the foot of the cliff where the Steel tip Griffon was sunning herself. He will try to serch for cave where she has made her nest.

Serch or spot - 14

Goo Goo! Round 2 (DM Cayzle)  d20+7=8 d20+7=17 (reflex saves) d6=4 d6=5 (falling damage) 4d4(1+1+4+2)+10=18 d8+2=5
Thursday March 29th, 2007 7:25:49 AM

Kendry steps forward and throws a tangle foot bag. It sticks! The silence spell on the bag also engulfs the lioness. Then Kendry takes out his bow and arrow.

Tobias does the same, with similar sticky results!

Fickle moves ahead of Kendry (double move = 20 feet in this underbrush), ready to protect his cousin. He thinks about that cave. But he would have to go to the edge of the canyon and then climb down 40 feet to get there.

Dwight shoots an arrow and misses. (Yup we are in round-by-round combat. One round per post, please.)

Is Julian riding his badger or his war dog? You gave no order for the dog -- is he in this battle or back at the camp? I'll assume that Julian is riding his badger and that his dog is not on the scene. Correct me if I am wrong, please.

Julian, on Shark, moves to V17 and fires off a bullet. It is a critical hit for (7+5) 12 damage. By the way, it's half moves for everybody on the ground, except druids like Airin.

Selithe shoots and hits the lioness for 4 hp damage.

Podo runs up, drawing a thunderstone as he takes a double move. Note: Julian is already in V17. I took the liberty of moving Podo as close as possible. Note that the mottled green and white squares are CLEAR and cost only 1 move point to enter. If Podo wishes some other placement, let me know.

If Podo can make a Wisdom check vs DC5, then Highlight to display spoiler: {It may occur to you that throwing a thunderstone into a Silence spell would be ineffectual.}

Airin shoots a bolt that hits the lioness for 6 hp damage. Then she draws a potion and steps back behind the hill.

The lioness roars in frustration as she is entangled and wounded! But her roar goes unheard, since she is in the silence!

Per the tanglefoot bag description, she must make a DC15 reflex save or be unable to fly. Two saves, actually, for two bags that hit her. She rolls: one miss with a nat one is enough to ground her! She falls to the ground, taking (1d6) 4 hp lethal damage and (1d6) 5 hp nonlethal damage. She hits the ground, rolls five feet away from the canyon edge, and bites and claws at the goo.

She has taken a total of 26 lethal damage and 5 nonlethal damage!

Enraged by the goo on her, the fallen lioness tries to scrape it away, scratching and biting at it. She needs to inflict 30 hp damage to be free -- she inflicts 23 points of damage to the goo, and is still entangled.

Now grounded and gooed, the lioness is AC15, Touch AC9.

And the map.

Airin [AC17 ; 42/42HP ; Woodland Stride] and Fioni [AC17 ; 8/8HP]  d20+8=17 d20+9=27 d6=6 d20+19=39
Thursday March 29th, 2007 9:52:14 AM

Airin can not get a clear line of sight through the almost 60ft of bush between her and the Lioness so hurries up the hillside.

Climb: 17

Up there, she drops the potion and releases another bolt from her crossbow.

Bolt hits AC27 - damage 6Hp

Then once again she ducks away in the folliage...

Hide: 39 - NAT 20!!

Steven ooc 
Thursday March 29th, 2007 10:18:28 AM

When watching the movie "Underworld" it occured to me that the appearance discription Inge once made looks a lot like Selene in this movie! No wonder Kendry would get a crush on her!!


Black shoulderlength hair
Black leather armor with a cape
Black boots

Need I go any further?

[Yeah, Steven - cool pics. So, does Inge agree that Airin looks fairly like Selene? -Kim]

DM Cayzle OOC to Airin 
Thursday March 29th, 2007 11:09:24 AM

You might want to read up on sniping under the rules for hiding. Emerging from hiding to fire one shot and then hiding again is a move action that imposes a -20 penalty on the hide check to conceal yourself after taking your shot.

Tobias (AC 20, HP 38 / 38) [Message] and Tewdwr (AC 17; HP 35/35)  d20+13=32 d20+13=33 d4+2=4 d4+2=5 d20+5=6
Thursday March 29th, 2007 12:18:30 PM

Seeing the lioness on the ground, Tobias drops his potion and moves to the lioness (S11) -- drawing his short swords as he does so. And, he yells for move goo as he moves in... [OOC, I think that's a 20ft move along the diagonals... If not he does a partial charge to get there instead, so he can still attack]

Then, he takes one attack at the lioness.
Tobias Attack: 32 (Nat 19 - threat)
Tobias Damage: 4
Tobias Crit Check: 33 (crit)
Tobias Crit Damage: 5

Tewdwr moves with Tobias into attack position (S8). He bites at the lioness's heels.
Dwyr Attack: 6 miss

Kendry  d20+8=24 d4+4=8
Thursday March 29th, 2007 12:48:33 PM

Kendry begins to compose a song in his mind to inspire his fellows as he moves up to V16, then looses his arrow at the occupied lioness (hit AC 24 for 6 hp damage - should be +2, not +4).

But before he begins to sing, he calls out, "Another tanglefoot bag in a moment or two would be good!"

DM Cayzle OOC to Dwight 
Thursday March 29th, 2007 1:21:36 PM

Gosh Darn It! The PC sheets are on my iPod, and that's in the baby's room playing raffi and beatles for her while she is sick. Dwight, do you have the Rapid Shot feat? Did you self-impose a -2 on your two attacks when you made your shots last turn? If yes to both, then the second shot WAS legit. I'll correct with the next DM post if you can confirm. Sorry for the confusion.

Thursday March 29th, 2007 10:00:02 PM

Selithe notices the lioness is down and quickly does what she has been waiting for. She chants and moves her hand that had been holding an arrow before she had shot and casts bull's stregnth on Julian. She grins as she winks to Julian.

Julian gains +4 Str for 3mins.

0th:Acid Splash(2), Ray of frost(2), Prestidigitation
1st:Summon monsterI(1), Magic missile(2), Enlarge person
2nd:Melf's acid arrow(2), Bull's strength(1)

Julian [AC 21, hp 38/45], Shark [AC 21, hp 22, Medium size badger], Sallie the war-dog [AC 19, hp 18] Charging  d20+9=21 d20+5=23 d20+5=22 d6+1=5 d6+1=5
Thursday March 29th, 2007 10:01:48 PM

OOC This is part of the war-dog's training, she has been my riding dog till now. She is with me but I am not sure about having her attack, its more about being in battle at the moment. Sorry for the confusion, I will roleplay it more...

Julian urges his mount (the medium sized badger) forward to attack the lion. The badger veers left somewhat trying to find a clearer pathway for a charge. The long-haired Collie in barding follows close behind. She is excited and eager, but not sure what to do exactly.

Move to Q15, double move for the badger.

Julian loads and slings another Magic Stone from his saddle.
Ride 21
Attack +8, +1 Magic Stone, -4 mount double move
Hit AC 23
Crit threat 22 confirmed
Damage 5+5= 10

"I told ya you'd splatter, didn't I? Prepare to become a spit roast on my new lance, you fawning clay-brained malt-worm."

Thursday March 29th, 2007 10:05:36 PM

OOC sorry, not charging, changed my mind since typing that.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood [AC:19 | 35HP]  d20+3=17
Thursday March 29th, 2007 10:42:53 PM

Thinking about what just transpired between his friends and the lion (Wisdom check dc: 17), Podo realizes the Thunderstone won't do a thing!
Seeing the Flying Lion drop out of the sky, Podo runs towards her moving from T15 to R13(moving just 30') while exchanging the thunderstone for a Tanglefoot bag from his haversack.

Spells Readied
0-Level Cleric Spells (Orisons)
Light X2
Detect Magic X1

1st-Level Cleric Spells
Command X2

Spontaneous Casting
Cure Light Wounds: 1d8+1/level

Fickle AC 21/ 58hp 
Friday March 30th, 2007 5:11:14 AM

Fickle look down the Canyon, telling himself silrntly # Not now, maybe after Mother Gone #. He look up now to the Mother, # She stuck! Not comming down!"

Fickle will put away his shield and sword, then arms himself with bow and arrows.

Fickle will move to U/14 - Next to Tobias.

Next round Fickle will use his arrow to finish the monster off (if needed!)

Ouch! Round 3 (DM Cayzle)  2d4(3+2)+5=10 [paw swipes goo] d20+10=17 d20+8=28 d20+8=14 [two attacks on Tobias: a miss and a hit but no crit] d8+2=4 [dam to T]
Friday March 30th, 2007 5:32:55 AM

Correction: Dwight did get a second shot in, and even at -2 hit for an extra 3 hp dam (29+5).

Airin climbs, shoots, and hits for 6 hp dam (35+5).

Tobias wants to move up and attack, but in this terrain, it costs 2 move points to move (3 for a diagonal) -- and per the PHB, you cannot charge across difficult terain. He can't get there and attack this round, so the DM rules that he moves up as close as he can. Tewdyr too.

Kendry moves up, shoots, and hits for 6 hp dam (41+5). He takes a -4 to shoot into melee, but it does not matter.

Selithe wants to cast Bull's Str on Julian, but it is a touch spell. To get to Julian would be up one square (cost 2) and diagonal 1 square (cost 3), but she only has four move points to spend in a move action. DM rules that she moves up this round, and does not cast the spell.

Julian moves on his familiar and shoots at the same time (good rules lore to self impose that -4). He also takes a -4 shooting into melee, but a nat 20 answers that! He inflicts 10 hp dam (51+5). His dog follows.

Podo puts away his thunderstone (move action). He moves up, drawing a tanglefoot bag as he does so (move action).

Fickle moves up and draws his bow.

DM OOC: Althoough I had two OOC notes from Dwight, I got no turn from him. Dwight just stands still this round.


The lioness opens her mouth to roar her pain, but the silence trumps that! She scrapes away the last of the tanglefoot goo -- one paw swipe scrapes away 10 hp worth. With her remaining paw and bite attack she goes after Tobias. Her paw hits AC17, missing. Her bite is a nat 20, but she does not confirm the crit. Tobias takes 4 ho dam.

And the map.

Dwight (hp 35, Ac 16, message)  d20+8=26 d4=2 d20+8=10
Friday March 30th, 2007 7:53:49 AM

OOC: Sorry about the lack of post guys.

Dwight awed the beast fell from the sky stood motionless for a moment. Snapping himself out, Assuming he can still see the beast, Dwight takes another aim with his bow and fires twice.

to hit:26-2 = 24 (hit)
dmg: 2

to hit #2:10-2 = 8 (miss)

If there is too much foliage in the way, Dwight heads up the hill next to Airin this round. (T19)

Airin [AC17 ; 42/42HP ; Woodland Stride] and Fioni [AC17 ; 8/8HP]  d20+4=21 d20+10=21
Friday March 30th, 2007 8:26:51 AM

(thanks for the hiding explanation DM Cayzle!)

Airin is too far from the Lioness and with her friends in close melee with the beast she dares not take another shot...

Instead she makes a double move in a hustle.

She jumps of the little hillside and runs to X10. She's not hindered by the undergrowth and negates every effort to stay hidden or move slowly... how could she running around like this :-)

jump: 21
tumble: 21

Fioni continues to fly lazy circles in the sky observing the battle scene below...

Kendry (AC 15, HP 35-7=28) [Message. Inspire Courage: +1 attack, +1 damage, +1 on saves vs fear, charm]]  d20=18 d20+13=31
Friday March 30th, 2007 11:29:59 AM

Kendry decides she needs to be gummed up again, so he pulls out another tanglefoot bag, and tosses it at the lioness. Ranged touch attack 14 (-4 for sending into thick of combat).
The flying killer we attack
Who felled a halfling from his back
Now she sees just what takes place as
Halflings readied now she faces
(Inspire courage: Perform, Singing: 31) He steps to V16. His bow he keeps in his left hand.

Fellow halflings: Due to 20' diameter area of silence centered on the lion (or on the goop she just scraped off), Tobias, Tewdwr, and Podo will not yet enjoy the benefits of inspire courage. But everyone else should benefit. So Airin, Julian, Dwight, Fickle, and Selithe - you get +1 on your attacks, +1 on your damage, +1 on saves versus fear or charm.

[Note: I had Kendry move to V16 last round, not X16. But the movement cost would have been too great. Instead, he would have moved just half that distance, to W17. Thus, this round he moves to X16. The rules allow for a diagonal 5-foot step, do they not?]

DM Cayzle OOC on moving. 
Friday March 30th, 2007 1:27:15 PM

The cost to move diagonally in the underbrush is 3 points for a diagonal and two to go up, down, left, or right. If you have a move of 20, then you get 4 move points in a move action.

You can always take a five foot step if it is your only move in a round.

Hope that helps.

Tobias (AC 20, HP 34/38) [Message]  d20+11=28 d20+11=25 d4+2=3 d4+2=3 d20+6=20 d4+2=3 d20+11=31 d20+11=25 d4+1=5 d4+1=5 d20+6=8
Friday March 30th, 2007 2:59:11 PM

With the creature in his face, and getting free from the goo, Tobias takes his full round of attacks on the beast... Hoping to do some real damage to it, he swings his short blades with agility and accuracy, moving blindingly-fast, like a whirling of blades.

Attack Right1: 28 (nat 17, threat)
Damage Right1: 3
Crit Check Right1: 25 (crit)
Crit Damage Right1: 3
Attack Right2: 20
Damage Right2: 3

Attack Left1: 31 (nat 20, threat)
Damage Left1: 5
Crit Check Left1: 25 (crit)
Crit Damage Left1: 5
Attack Left2: 8 (missed)

* 4 attacks with improved two weapon fighting each hand at +11/+6 attack bonus.
* if this is a magical creature, does extra x hp of damage from favored enemy (magical beast).

Total damage: 19 hp (from 3 hits)
If magical creature, damage: 29 (from +2 damage including crits)

Tobias (AC 17, HP 35/35)  d20+7=14 d20+7=17 d6+1=6 d20+6=7
Friday March 30th, 2007 3:05:05 PM

[OOC: I moved Tewdwr to S8 last round. He moves 50, so should have had enough distance to double move there.]

From S8, Tewdwr takes a 5 ft step to move to R8, so that he is flanking the beast with Tobias. And, then attacks with both heads, but only Dryw may get a bite in. And even though it is unlikely, Dryw attempts to trip the lioness as part of its bite attack.

Kynan Attack: 14 (missed)
Dryw Attack: 17
Dryw Damage: 6
Dryw Trip: 7 (no way :)

* If Tewdwr cannot get into a flank position, the attack are at -2.

Julian [AC 19, hp 45/55], Shark [AC 19, hp 22/32, Medium size badger]Raging and CHARGING  d20+9=16 d20+9=18 d6+11=12 d6+11=14
Friday March 30th, 2007 6:28:33 PM

"Stay out of the way, friends! Yaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!"

OOC: from reading Tobias's post Julian has a clear run from Q15 to Q11, and it is clear ground.

Shark the giant (medium sized) badger leaps forward in a flurry of motion, a rhythmic up and down charging forward. Julian sets himself in his saddle. Two hands on his lance, buckler on his left arm covering his chest. His shiny new breastplate glints in the sun. Beneath his helm his face reddens and his eyes widen. There is a singularity of purpose as Julian and Shark propel the lion-skewer forward.

Charging: -2 AC included above, +2 attack
Raging: -2 AC included above, attack bonuses included.
Power Attack: -2 attack, +4 damage 2 handed weapon
Attack +9+2-2 = 16 (oh no, does its AC drop due to tanglefoot bag? There is the -4 dex...)
Using hero-point reroll otherwise:
Attack = 18
Double damage from a charging mount: 1d6+7 +4 from Power Attack = 12+14 = 26 point of damage.

"Ha-ha! Take that you goatish dizzy-eyed pignut! You loggerheaded toad-spotted barnacle! You jarring fat-kidneyed haggard! You sish-kebab!"

With that jarring attack Shark the badger returns to normal size, leaving Julian standing proudly next to the lion-skewer.

Julian & Sallie the war-dog [AC 19, hp 18] 
Friday March 30th, 2007 7:18:57 PM

OOC: sorry forgot this in the excitement of the charge.

Sallie bounds along behind the giant badger, barking and growling. She runs through to Q12, behind Julian.

Other info for Julian and Shark:
Rage: 8 rounds
Mage Armour: 2 hours

Podo [AC:19 | HP:30]  d20+9=14
Friday March 30th, 2007 9:05:57 PM

Moving diagonal from R13 to P11, Podo reaches out to Touch attack the grounded Lioness with the Tanglefoot bag. (Attack DC:14)

Podo seeing the Tanglefoot bag do its magic, readies himself to deliver a Stunning Fist blow next round, or a spell depending upon what happens.

Spells Readied
0-Level Cleric Spells (Orisons)
Light X2
Detect Magic X1

1st-Level Cleric Spells
Command X2

Spontaneous Casting
Cure Light Wounds: 1d8+1/level

Saturday March 31st, 2007 12:29:02 AM

Kendry is amused as Julian's mouth continues to move vigorously in the area of the silence spell. He wonders what he might be trying to say.


But he also notes that his enthusiastic relative surely does attack with vigor. Tobias, too, is ferocious in his work.

Fickle (AC 21/58 hp)  d20+12=32 d6+1=6x3=18
Saturday March 31st, 2007 7:15:44 AM

OOC: WoW! did it again! A natural 20.

Fickle knotch his bow, taking carefull ain (Dont want to hit Tobias, He will aim for the thin part of the chest (near the Gullet)Shootingarea 9 or10)). Ping and there goes the arrow.

Fickle then will watch to see if he has made any kind og damage??

Attack (Bow & Arrow) AC 32 - Damaged 18hp (with all damage point added in, Thanks Kim!)

Victory! (DM Cayzle) 
Saturday March 31st, 2007 7:29:48 AM

The combined attacks of the party serve to brutally extinguish the life of the lioness! All that remains is a punctured corpse!

The field of battle is yours.

[OOC: no need for your DM to go over each attack -- she only had one hit point left! LOL!]

Please carefully deduct used resources (tanglefoot bags, etc) from your sheets!

Saturday March 31st, 2007 6:30:52 PM

OOC, Cayzle, did that use up my hero point? I hit AC 16 whilst the lion was gooed to ground, so I rerolled using a hero point to hit AC 18.


Julian leaps up and down, rather proud of his new gear. Waving his lance in the air, hugging his badger.

Julian points furiosuly at Kendry to get his attention. Then he waggles the index finger of one hand above open palm of the other. Taking his badger under his arm he climbs atop the lion and strikes a victorious pose with his new lance, in his new armour, looking gloriously off into the distance.

DM Cayzle to Julian 
Saturday March 31st, 2007 8:52:11 PM

Julian, make a DC10 Wis check to stop your attack before you used the hero point. If you were raging, make it DC15.

Julian  d20+1=18
Sunday April 1st, 2007 2:26:16 AM

OOC: Wisdom check for a Raging barbarian. What a novel idea...
Rather than argue the point (I just deleted a long argument) I'll make the roll.... yes, he was raging.
Wisdom Check 18 (ahhhhhh...)
I guess a raging barbarian can tell a dead lion from a live one at 40'.

Julian climbs down from the lion, head down, realising that he did not take its life.

"Well done, Tobias. Masterwork attack there with those fine swords. Could'na done better myself," he pats Tobias on the back, then motions that Tobias should move out of the Silence effect where Julian repeats what he said with a grin.

Kendry (HP 35-7=28)  d8+1=2 d8+1=6
Sunday April 1st, 2007 5:31:05 AM

Wondering just how tough this lion would be - Kendry is impressed with how tough his companions are becoming. He smiles broadly at Julian's gestures, whether of self-exaltation, or of humility and the approbation he gives Tobias.

The bard looks about now, looking first to Airin and Selithe, hoping they are uninjured. He gives both of them a hug. He attends, too, to others in the group.

Since Tobias is blood-spattered, he approaches him. "Looks like another portrait is due, Tobias, this time with a wing lion taking you in his mouth. I see a series starting up." He looks over the ranger's wounds.

"Her teeth ripped the surface of your left thigh - missed any arteries." He applies a charge from his wand of cure light wounds, healing the 4 hp damage the lion's teeth caused. "I've got needle and thread if you want to patch your breeches."

"Don't worry, Jules. We'll get a good sketch of you & your buddies, too."

"Well done, friends!"

"Podo, your wand has more charges than mine. Would you like to do the honors, and help those who were wounded by the metal tail feathers? Say, where's Sharles?"

Sunday April 1st, 2007 8:13:11 AM

Fickle runs over the the Bird?? Starts to look over her metal feather?? then he spots one of the right size?? he pluck It and fasen the ssmall metal feather to his hat??

"Now when people me'm with this feather in my hat! The'z will know not to mess'um with us'm!" Figkle struts around with his chest out. (And of course his hat with the metal feather.)

Sunday April 1st, 2007 11:22:10 AM

"Nice feather, Fickle," Kendry says to the fighter. "By the way, I saw you step in front of me with your shield. Thanks for the extra defense, cuz."

Airin and Fioni 
Sunday April 1st, 2007 3:02:02 PM

Airin cheers too when the lioness is brought down. This was no creature of nature so she feels not regret of having to kill it.

"Question remains why this construct was sitting here. Almost as if it is guarding something or was ordered to guard this place for someone... I don't trust it and I say we proceed with caution for we still need to search the cave."

Airin first walks over the the hillside where she dropped her Mage Armor Potion and quickly puts it back in her Handy Haversack. While doing this she also extracts 50ft of silk rope.

"Nice work everyone! This is perfect teamwork!"

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood  d8+1=7 d8+1=7 d8+1=6 d20+1=7 d20+9=19
Sunday April 1st, 2007 4:39:01 PM

Using the Wand of Cure Light Wounds for the wounded, Podo tries to detect how many need help."Friends, raise your hand if you need any help with healing, please" explains Podo to his companions.

Depending upon how many hands are raised, Podo will assist where he can.
Using the wand on Kendry, Kendry receives 7HP of healing. Next, Podo moves to Julian, waves the wand and Kulian receives 7 HP of healing. Next Podo walks over to Tobias, waving the group healing wand, Tobias receives 6 HP's of healing recovery.
Once finishes with the healing responsibilities of being a Shepherd of Alemi, Podo searches the downed Lion looking for anythign that could help understand what it was. (Search DC: 7) (Spot DC: 19)

Podo also goes over, and takes a nice looking iron tail feather or 2. "Never know when this item might be a good spell component!" exclaims Podo.
Once Podo finishes his initial look over of the lioness, Podo runs back to retrieve Sharles container, and then returns to the Lioness and his companions. Once returned, Podo explains to Sharles that the Lioness is now dead and downed before them.

Asking Sharles, Podo questions Sharles again. "Is this the lioness that killed you? Do you know if she has a mate we should worry about? How about little ones? Is there anything else you recall about this beast?"

(50 -3 charges left in the wand)

Spells Readied
0-Level Cleric Spells (Orisons)
Light X2
Detect Magic X1

1st-Level Cleric Spells
Command X2

Spontaneous Casting
Cure Light Wounds: 1d8+1/level

Sunday April 1st, 2007 11:03:33 PM

"So, into the cave then. I am happy to be the first down there. Tie a rope about my waist and lower me? If I pull on it 3 times haul me back out. Waddya think?"

Kendry  d20+7=26 d20+7=21 d20+7=23 d20+7=26 d20+7=8 d20+7=9 d20+7=14
Monday April 2nd, 2007 2:20:49 AM

Kendry thanks Podo for the healing. He stops him before he wastes a healing charge on Tobias. "Already did it," he points out.

"Let's get all our things together first," he answers Julian. "I left my ponies back there, and Cheann. Once we're all here, then, sure, Julian, how about you and one or two others? Airin - you're good at stealth and reconnaissance. I'd be happy to join in, too, or I can stay up here and help hold one of the ropes.

"Who else wants to be one of the first to descend to check out the cave below?" he asks those gathered.

"Oh - and Fickle - I saw you skin that sheep. How would you like to skin a feathered lion? Maybe find out what made it tick, while you're at it."

After retrieving the ponies and dog Cheann, Kendry will pitch in to help anchor the ropes. If not needed for that, he'll take a little time to start making some sketches of what they just did.
1st sketch, Tobias swinging twin swords as the winged lion bites into his thigh, Craft, drawing: 26;
2nd sketch, Julian charging on the back of Badger, an instant before the moment of impact, with Tobias in the background: 21;
3rd sketch, group portrait lined up on either side of lion: 23; 4th sketch, lion sunning herself on rock: 26 (man, good sketches!);
5th sketch, flying lion whipping metal tail feathers in arc against the party members: 8 - he crumples his first attempt; 9 - second attempt; 14 - he keeps his third attempt, but decides to return to that at a later date.
He gathers a few metal feathers from the lion, too. If there are non-metallic feathers, he'll take a few of those, too.

If no one else volunteers to descend with Julian, he'll join him.

ADM Kim: Posting report, March 26-April 1 2007 
Monday April 2nd, 2007 2:27:30 AM

Cayzle DM: MTW222- 9
Anthony Dwight: 2TW-F 5
Ceil Fickle: MTWTFSS 7
Jon-Paul Podo: MTWTF-S 6
Justin Selithe: MTWT--- 4
Kim Kendry: 23WTFSS 10
Pedro Tobias: MTWT2-- 6
Robert Julian: MTW32S2 11
Steven Airin: MT-2F-S 6

All met posting minima this week, if 4 is the minimum. Selithe had 4 posts. Everyone else 5 or more.

We killed a flying lion with the metal bits!

Airin and Fioni  d20+8=25 d20+10=20
Monday April 2nd, 2007 5:58:52 AM

While Fioni still continues to fly lazy circles high up in the sky Airin agrees to go down towards the cave with Julian.

She drags the silk rope towards the edge of the crevasse and searches a good spot safely attach the rope to. (around a rock, a tree, or anything else)

Search: 25 - finding a good spot to tie the rope
Use rope: 20 - making a good knot

Monday April 2nd, 2007 8:45:20 AM

Fickle Scratches his head, tiltes his head listening to what his cousin Kendry is asking of him. "Mmmm! I'z have skined many animals for theis hides?? But never a part animal and part bird?? But me'm try."

Fickle will take out his daggers, scrapers and clipers. he start cutting the underside, and every thing is going fine, except when he come to the wing?? The wings and tail was made of medal??.

Fickle looks to his cousin, "The wings and tail are made of medal cannot skined. You have to pluck at the feathers and hope you don't cut yourself." then add as an after though "Oh! Yes! Do you want the white meat, taste like turkey? but the dark meat taste like cat!!"

At the party's feet there is the hide of a lion with out the wings.

Monday April 2nd, 2007 12:25:31 PM

Tobias laughs with Julian after their fine attacks on the lioness. And then gladly accepts Kendry's healing. "That really was something... Slicing a flying lioness like that... But not to worry Ken, I think most of the splattered blood you see is that creature's."

After a quick inspection of the lioness's body, he checks with the others about going down into its cave..."Who wants to go down there?"

Podo Danderfulff Pipewood 
Monday April 2nd, 2007 1:19:34 PM

Podo asks Sharles, "do you wanna go down into the cave with me? Maybe you can spot your Thurbile?"

Without waiting for Sharles's answer, Podo raises his hands and tells his friends that both Sharles and himself would love to descend into the cave/cavern.

Asking of Fickle, "if you see any normal feathers, could you save me one or two please?"

Feathers and Hide (DM Cayzle) 
Monday April 2nd, 2007 2:52:22 PM

The group celebrates their easy victory over the flying feline. On close inspection, it is clear that it is no clockwork, but a flesh and blood lion with an eagle's wings. But the beast's feathers -- on its wings and tail -- are made of a thin sharp iron.

Podo cures his friends -- please track how many charges are used, and who gets what healing.

Fickle, Kendry, and Podo collect feathers as trophies.

Kendry draws while Podo fetches Sharles. The undead creature congratulates the group. "Well done. Well done! It was just one who attacked me. If there are others, and I guess there might be, I have no idea. I do know that the Thurible and my bones are directly under us!"

Airin says that she thinks the cave is the next step. She gets out her rope. Tobias agrees and is also ready to descend.

Julian volounteers to be first down. Podo also volunteers, and Sharles is eager to go with him.

Fickle works to skin the lion. Please make a Survival check, or a Wisdom check if you have no ranks in Survival.

Who is going down, in what order, and how far apart?

Julian  d20+5=7
Monday April 2nd, 2007 7:05:53 PM

Julian is keen to go down first,
"But, I should probably take the boring job of helping with the lower of the rope, or the pulling back up in a hurry. So, I will stay up here and work the rope."

OOC:not sure which Skill to use for that. Use Rope is dex based, and I picture it as being Str based to haul or lower someone. Maybe a climb check, or aid another...
Climb 7

Dwight  d20+3=9 d20+3=11 d20+9=26 d20+9=21
Monday April 2nd, 2007 9:44:34 PM

Dwight remains on top of the small hill as others tend to their wounds and prepare for the next portion of their current task.

spot: 9

Seeing that all is clear, Dwight eventually moves to where some will be descending. "Let us assume there are more, just to be safe. Those that go down should be prepared for others. I'm going to go over there a bit, so I can see the cavern face from up here. I'll have my bow if more fly out, someone else with flying missiles should join me."

(Dwight moves along the top of the chasm to a position that gives him a good view of the opening and those that scale down.)

spot: 11
listen: 26
hide: 21 (once in position)

Monday April 2nd, 2007 10:59:08 PM

"and Tanglefoot bags, too, hey Dwight."

Monday April 2nd, 2007 11:26:35 PM

(OOC: Sorry for the miss post people.)

Selithe looks at how the battle ended so fast and sighs a bit. She does look to Julian and smiles to him, "Next time before charging allow me to cast bull's strength on you, it will aid you in your fight, ok?"

Selithe is happy everyone looks pretty good and is even happier no one died in this fight.

(OOC: Robert, just adding this next piece in to make it official in game.)

Selithe moves over to Julian and looks to him, "Anyway, now that battle is over, what was this gift?" She smiles brightly to him.

(OOC: Cayzle, you'll find a email in your box from me. I sent it to you and Jan since I know Jerry sometimes is swamped by work.)

Kendry  d20+5=17 d20+2=21 d20+2=17
Tuesday April 3rd, 2007 3:19:02 AM

As Fickle is working on skinning the aerial lion, Kendry pitches in once or twice on some of the tougher spots, holding back the skin, or suggesting a cut [Aid another, Survival: 17 - +2 to Fickle's roll].

"Jules, go ahead if you want. I'll stay up top for the moment. I can always float down if you need me. And, unless you close a door behind you, we can talk via the message spell."

It seems the large rock upon which sat the cat might provide some good tie-off places for the rope. Kendry provides a 100' length of silk rope, with the first 15 or 20 feet used to tie it, and the next 80-85 feet to drop to the floor below - and passing in front of the cave opening 40 feet down. He offers his climbing equipment to whoever wants it. [It will give you a +2 on your climb check. Silk rope also gives a +2 on climb checks.]

"So, Airin, Podo, Julian - Tobias, you want to go down, too? Fickle and I will work the ropes. Dwight - and, Selithe, you too? can provide some missile cover.

"No more than two on the ropes at a time, all right?"

Kendry is fairly strong, and can bear the weight of a couple of halflings and their lightweight gear without too much trouble. He does put on some gloves, though, to prevent rope burns.

[Two strength checks: 21, 17]

Airin and Fioni  d20+10=26 d20+10=22 d20+10=26 d20+10=13 d20+10=17 d20+10=18 d20+10=18 d20+10=22
Tuesday April 3rd, 2007 5:35:17 AM

Airin once again first checks to find a spot to tie the ropes to (see rolls previous post)

If nothing is found, she'll begin to climb down while her friends are holding the ropes. She makes a knot in the rope around her waste that will secure her, but one she can very easily loosen once she's down.

Climb: 26, 22, 26, 13
Use Rope: 17, 18, 18, 22

Tuesday April 3rd, 2007 6:01:59 AM

Fickle Finishes the skinning of the great Cat, "Cuz! This animal is mostly Cat? Doe'z you think it'z a real Griff! emz!"

Fickle will strech the skin on a bush or two, to let the sun turn the wet skin into dry leather.

"OKie! Dockie! Let me help with the ropes." he goes on to help his cousin Kendry.

Tuesday April 3rd, 2007 8:53:08 PM

Selithe looks to her brother and nods, "I'll help cover whoever goes down for sure brother. I also have some rope if it will help.

Selithe smiles and keeps her bow ready and waits, thinking she also looks to any going down, "I have a scroll Kendry got me for feather fall if someone would like I could cast it on them."

(OOC:Kim, I thought I added it if you did but a few posts back did Kendry give Selithe another scroll? I know Julian did so maybe I just got confused.)

Tuesday April 3rd, 2007 10:09:16 PM

"Selithe, yes, here. What I was giving you was a Scroll of Expeditious Retreat. I thought you could perhaps write it into your spell book. The gift, was actually something different."

Digging into his bag, Julian begins to blush, "This. Its a set of cards. Masterwork," he hands Selithe a small red velvet bag, "Its for, its a thank you, for teaching me to read. Perhaps you'll teach me to play cards too. I hope you like them, I bought the ones with the Dire Badger printed on the back of them, see."

OOC: Masterwork playing cards, will give you +2 Masterwork Tool bonus when you use them.

"I ahh, gotta go, down, down the rope. Might be something to fight." He jogs away to where the ropes are being secured.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood  d20+5=21 d20+9=23 d20+1=8 d20+9=13
Tuesday April 3rd, 2007 10:16:18 PM

While Podo stands in line to descend with Sharles, Podo reties the bag in which Sharles' bones are stored in a maner which yields a sling loop allowing Podo to carry Sharles around his shoulder/neck.

When ready, Podo uses both his climb & rope use skills to help him descend down the rope in a repeling manner, using the rock wall as a jumping-off propelant.

Once Podo reaches the cave enterence, and gains enough of a perch to release the rope, Podo will take a copper coin out of hsi belt pouch, casting a Light spell on it.

Podo uses the lit coin to illuminate the inside of the cave to see what they are up against!

Skill used
Rope Use: 21
Climb: 23
Search: 8
Spot: 13

Spells Readied
0-Level Cleric Spells (Orisons)
Detect Magic X1

1st-Level Cleric Spells
Command X2

Spontaneous Casting
Cure Light Wounds: 1d8+1/level

Spells Used

Dwight  d20+3=12 d20+9=14 d20+11=22
Tuesday April 3rd, 2007 10:58:21 PM

"Yes, Julian, with tanglefoot bags too!"


Dwight remains in position, (with Selithe?) in view of those going down ready for anything that might come out due to the uninvited guests.

spot: 12 (anything below the cave of interest?)
hide: 22

Julian  d20+5=10
Tuesday April 3rd, 2007 11:19:55 PM

A skill check for if we descend the ropes soon.

Climb 10 (+2 for the rope?)

Descent Details (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday April 4th, 2007 6:08:17 AM

[OOC: This is the Tuesday Nite Post.]

Skinning the hide of the dead lion is a DC10 Survival check. Fickle, helped by Kendry, gets a +2 on the roll.

Despite Julian's eagerness to be first person down to the cave, he figures he better help with the rope.

Dwight has his bow ready at the edge of the crevasse. He worries that something might fly out.

Selithe stands next to Julian and has some conversation.

Kendry helps Fickle and then tells Julian to go down while he -- Kendry -- holds the rope. Of course, the rope is also tied off as well, to a handy rock and a tree. It is pretty secure.

Fickle helps Kendry hold the rope.

Selithe joins Dwight in covering the cave entrance, which you can just barely see if you lean out over the abyss.

Airin gets ready to climb down. Julian talks to Selithe, then also gets ready to climb down.

Podo is ready to go down too -- and to cast a Light cantrip to help see in the undoubtably dark cave!

But who is first? Will you climb with more than one person on the rope at a time? Note climbing at half speed, it takes two rounds to climb down 40 feet -- one and a half rounds for Julian, since he moves at 30, not 20.

Going in posting order, Airin would be down first, then Julian, then Podo. Is that right? Does Julian want to be on the rope while Airin is descending? Podo, do you plan to cast your Light spell at the top of the cliff or while dangling on the rope or when you set foot in the cave?

Selithe and Dwight, are you readying tanglefoot bags, arrows, feather fall scroll, what exactly?

Fickle, please make that d20+2 roll for skinning the lioness.

Sorry, Kim, I have no question for Kendry! :-)

Wednesday April 4th, 2007 7:14:00 AM

"We should probably go down this rope one at a time. I am happy to leave that honour for someone else, if you like."

Fickle AC 21 / 58hp  d20=13 d20+2=15
Wednesday April 4th, 2007 7:26:46 AM

Survival -13 And Skinning the Griffon 15

Fickle wipes the blood off his hands, rubbing some dirt into his hands (to make holding the weight better on the rope), braces himself on holding the rope, "OKie DOkie! CouZ! I'm Ready with my rope? How'z You'z Doing with your rope??"

Airin and Fioni  d20+12=25 d20+17=29 d20+17=35 d20+19=39
Wednesday April 4th, 2007 8:38:39 AM

"I'm probably the most silent one? So this time I'll go down first," Airin says to Julian... nervous for not knowing what will be down there, but nevertheless ready to climb down. Thinking to herself that she should not have wasted that spider climb spell earlier. Now would be a far better moment to use it!!

Airin will try to climb down about 5 to 10ft right of the cave opening (depending on how much space there is to walk on in front of the cave opening).

She will descend slower if possible to climb more quietly. (rolls in previous post)

Once down there she immediately ducks and listens carefully as she quietly approaches the cave entrace (not looking inside just yet). If she thinks things are secure, she'll ready her bastard sword and signal Julian to come down.

climb rolls: see previous post
Climb quietly?: 29 - if at all possible...
listen: 25 - once down
Move silentle: 35 - moving quietly to the cave entrance
Hide: 39 - Nat 20! - trying to blend with the canyon rocks

Wednesday April 4th, 2007 11:59:52 AM

Tobias and Tewdwr will keep watch at the top of the chasm, making sure nothing else is approaching from the top or bottom.

The Cave In The Cliff-Face (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday April 4th, 2007 6:48:15 PM

This is an extra DM post to get things moving and clear up misconceptions.

The floor of the canyon is 80 feet down. The mouth of the cave is 40 feet down. From the mouth of the cave there is a 40 foot drop.

Airin descends oh-so-quietly to one side. From above, she clearly hears Fickle: "OKie DOkie! CouZ! I'm Ready with my rope? How'z You'z Doing with your rope??" Probably anything in the cave, if there is anything there, has heard that, too!

Airin hears nothing inside the cave.

What weapon does Tobias have in his hands? What does Selithe have ready? Who's next on the rope? Does Airin enter the cave?

Podo  d20+9=25 d20+5=20 d20+9=22 d20+9=29 d20+2=10 d20+9=23 d20+9=27 d20+1=21
Wednesday April 4th, 2007 8:19:48 PM

With Sharles riding on his Back in his conatiner, Podo casts a light spell on a copper coin he just recently took from his belt pouch.

Taking the glowing copper coin and placing it intohis mouth and biting down on it with his teeth, Podo takes up the next rope; being held by fickle; and begins to descend down the cliff face.

Once 40 feet down, Podo will open his mouth as a sort of directional flash light to help see into the cave and find a good spot to tumble into the cave.

As soon as Podo and Sharles are safely in the cave and away from the edge, Podo will ask Sharles questions about what the Thurible looks like. While waiting for the answers from Sharles, Podo will drop the copper "flash light" onto the ground 5' in from of them to get a better look around the cave.

Podo will use his spot/search skills to help locate anything of value. (Spot DC:27 | Search DC: 21 (Nat 20!))

If this isn't possible for reasons of possible enemy prescence, then Podo will ready his unarmed attack.

Skill Checks
Rope Use:20
Balance:29 (Nat 20!)

Spells Readied
0-Level Cleric Spells (Orisons)
Detect Magic X1

1st-Level Cleric Spells
Command X2

Spontaneous Casting
Cure Light Wounds: 1d8+1/level

Spells Used

Dwight  d20+3=7 d20+9=20 d20+11=23
Wednesday April 4th, 2007 11:01:30 PM

Dwight waits with bow ready. He is amused/impressed with Podo's invention of the mouthlight.

As he waits, he continues to look about (down and up) for unwanted company.

spot: 7
hide: 23

Wednesday April 4th, 2007 11:21:20 PM

Selithe keeps her bow out and ready as she watches to make sure everyone makes it down hopefully safe. She has a arrow readied also just incase something attacks again.

(OOC:Sorry for the ocnfusion Cayzle. Selithe has the scroll but it was in her backpack yet.)

Thursday April 5th, 2007 12:08:28 AM

Ready and keen, Julian waits impatiently at the top of the canyon. Podo descends with his glowing coin, I should do that sometimes, and Julian paces around. He lies on his front to peer out over the edge to see what is going on down there. He finds it difficult to resist calling out.

Airin and Fioni 
Thursday April 5th, 2007 2:01:13 AM

Airin does not enter the cave yet... she waits and listens and signals Julian above that it is safe to climb down. She does not however stand below the rope... you never know he might fall :-)

Once Julian too is down they might go inside.

Kendry  d20+2=16 d20+9=21 d20+5=13 d20+6=17 d20+3=17 d20+3=17
Thursday April 5th, 2007 2:33:02 AM

Kendry smiles back at Fickle. "Doin' fine." He switches to whispering, as Fickle is nearby now, and those who are under the message spell can hear, too. 'Y'see, we've got the one fixed rope - the long one, and then the shorter that we loop around the waist of the one goin' down. They can wrap their feet and hands around the long rope, and sort of slide down, puttin' the brakes on when they need to. And the other one, around their waist, we hang on to, and help lower them down. If they slip, then we stop 'em quick from up top here. Let me show you. Watch me, then you can do the same for me. I think I'll go after Julian.'

He turns to Julian. 'You're up for goin' down next, Jules,' He helps Julian with his descent. [Strength check 16]

Since no one took him up on using the climbing gear, Kendry himself uses it. If Fickle or someone else helps out, his climb check is 23. Otherwise, it's 21.

Once below, he steps in as quietly as he can manage [Move Silently: 13], ducking out from the loop - he then gives the double tug (lightly) signal to pull the secondary rope back up for whoever wants to use it.

He looks around, but can't even see where Airin is.

He touches Podo on the shoulder, and mouths the name, 'Airin' with a quizzical look on his face.

[Listen: 16; Spot: 17; Search: 17]

Thursday April 5th, 2007 7:35:27 AM

Fickle smiles at his cousin, "Wonder What'z going On in Cave, If she Monster had chickies, They'z would be Screeming By Now??", But Fickle Does not move. Just holds on to his rope.

Tobias  d20+7=22
Thursday April 5th, 2007 12:54:53 PM

Tobias has both short swords in hand and remains at the top for now. He turns to Fickle, "We probably don't need every body down there..." He keeps an eye out for any approaching creatures (Spot: 22).

Thursday April 5th, 2007 9:49:14 PM

Dwight remains with Selithe watching as half the group descends and enters the cave.

"So Selithe, how do you think that lion got metal wings? Seems a bit odd, and in all the time that Sharles remained decaying and unrested, the metal didn't rust."

The Danger of Daring (DM Cayzle)  d20+8=28 d20+8=18 d20+8=11 d20+8=9 d20+8=21 d20+8=16 d20+8=26 [6 featers fly at Podo] 3d8(8+5+7)+6=26
Friday April 6th, 2007 7:04:45 AM

Airin climbs down but does not dare to peek in the cave. She clings instead to the side of the cave mouth, grabbing on to the side of the canyon.

Julian stands at the top of the cliff, ready to descend.

Fickle and Kendry hold the rope. (Good job with the hide. It seems very beautiful -- and saleable.)

Dwight has his bow ready. Selithe too. Tobias has swrods drawn but sees no other threat at the moment.

Clever Podo makes a mouthlight -- you get 100 xp for innovation! -- and climbs down. Brave Podo steps into the cave.

He sees that the cave is dimly lit a dull red. It is warm in here -- warmer than you would expect. The Walker sees that a ruddy moss glows warmly over to one side.

But more striking is that across the uneven floor of the cave, in a raised alcove at the back, there IS another lion with metal feathers, wings, and tail!

This creature seems to have been expecting someone! It immediately whips its tail, and six feathers fly off it and right at Podo! Of the 6, one is a crit threat that misses the follow up by one! A total of three of the six hit our brave Walker ... Podo takes a total of 26 points of damage! Brave Podo is close to death!

And the map!

Friday April 6th, 2007 8:29:37 AM

Fickle is still holding on to the rope, he cannot see over the edge. But will tell his cousin Kendry "Quite! down there! Too quiet if yu'z ask me'm"

DM Revision 
Friday April 6th, 2007 1:13:01 PM

With his Deflect Arrows feat, Podo manages to avoid the first feather that would have hit him. He takes only 16 hp damage!

Podo [AC:19 | HP: 20/36]  d20+4=23 d20+9=22
Friday April 6th, 2007 2:33:48 PM

After sustaining 16 points of damage from those metal feathers, Podo pivots around facing the opening of the cave and the dangling ropes, takes a 5 foot running jump up and out of the cave grabbing for the rope he just left. Once on the rope, Podo will climb like his life depends on it...for it does!

Once on the top, Podo will shout for help and explain what just transpired!

"Everyone! There is another one of those lions in the cave! It hit me with some of those metal tail feathers. Thanks to Alemi & Domi, I have the skill to deflect ranged attacks!" exclaims Podo.

It should be here soon! It was only 60' or so from the mouth of the cave! Prepare yourselves for a coming attack!

Speaking low and to himself, Podo mumbles...Dang, I dropped my light coin in the cave...hope we have a chance to retreive it before it goes out...

Skill Check
Jump: 23
Climb: 22

Spells Readied
0-Level Cleric Spells (Orisons)
Detect Magic X1

1st-Level Cleric Spells
Command X2

Spontaneous Casting
Cure Light Wounds: 1d8+1/level

Spells Used

Tobias (AC 20, HP 38 / 38)  d20+18=32
Friday April 6th, 2007 4:32:17 PM

Hearing Podo's blurted out speech, Tobias takes the opportunity to hide somewhere close so as to surprise the beast as it flies up. He also exchanges one of his short swords for a tanglefoot bag.

Hide: 32

[OOC: are these magical beasts? adds +2 some checks and damage if they are...]

Friday April 6th, 2007 4:33:10 PM

Tobias also motions Tewdwr away from the crevasse and back towards the tree line... to bind his time for an opportunity to attack.

Julian [AC 23, hp 45/55]  d20=9 d20+2=15
Friday April 6th, 2007 6:23:25 PM

"I gotta get down there."

If there is no faster way Julian grabs a rope and ties it around his waist, and climbs down the other.

Accelerated climb -5 penalty included: 9 -3 Armour check = 6 (just made it)
Use Rope 15

Friday April 6th, 2007 6:45:22 PM

OOC: whoops, -1 on climb for the buckler too, gives Climb 5, vs DC 5 for climbing a rope with a wall to brace against.

Julian  d20+3=20
Friday April 6th, 2007 6:50:31 PM

OOC sorry, my sister-in-law is really sick and we have her kids here as well a whole troupe of family who treat our farm as a theme park to visit in the holidays. So I am getting a lot of interruptions such as using the phone... this will be that last.

Julian, not yet raging, takes in what he sees in cave,
Spot 20
(hopefully noticing the light coin which he remember seeing Podo with previously).

Dwight (hp 35, ac 16)  d20+8=12 d20+8=20 d4=4 d20+3=15
Friday April 6th, 2007 11:13:32 PM

Dwight raises his bow and at the first sign of the creature leaving the cave lets two arrows fly or if the creature comes with range as Julian moves to the entrance.

attack #1: 12-2=10 (miss)

attack #2: 20-2=18 (hit?)
dmg: 4

If I recall correctly, lions always have more than one mate Anything else going on? Spot: 15

Friday April 6th, 2007 11:18:11 PM

Up top before Podo arrives with his news Selithe looks to Dwight and shakes her head, "No, to be honest I'm thinking some type of magic has been used here or maybe it's a new creatures or something because it doesn't fit anything I can think of. I will have to do some research when the time arrives."

Selithe frowns when Podo arrives and pulls bck her bow string and waits for the monster to come flying out. Seeing Julian she shakes her head, "No Julian, wait for it to come out." Selithe chuckles abit seeing her words are lost on him since he already is trying the rope.

Saturday April 7th, 2007 8:27:38 AM

Still holding the rope, He tells his cousin "Cuz! Tell them's To drop the tangle bag when he'm see the birss head coming out of the cave, it will take the bird a few seconds to jump and fly. I'z hope it will gum'z up his feathers!!
At least it will give us'mtime to hides"

Fickle turns to his cousin Kendry again asking, " Does Me'm have to scrape another Bird/lion AGAIN??"

The Waiting Game (DM Cayzle)  d20+8=15 d20+8=11 d20+8=11 d20+8=10 d20+8=28 d20+8=25 d20+8=9 [6 feathers vs julian, one a crit] 2d8(8+1)+4=13
Saturday April 7th, 2007 5:52:37 PM

Fickle is still holding on to the rope. He is worried about another fight.

Podo makes a fast withdrawal, climbing up the rope. He climbs all the way back up. At the top, he tells what he saw, and warns that an attack is about to start!

Airin is still 40 feet down, to one side of the cave mouth, clinging 40 feet above the canyon floor.

Tobias hides, ready to ambush the lion with a tanglefoot bag. From what he has seen and heard, these DO seem like magical beasts.

Dwight is ready to fire his bow ... but the flying lion does not emerge.

Selithe is also ready with missile attacks ... that so far she has not had the chance to use. The creature remains in the cave.

Kendry waits to see what happens.

Julian ties on a rope and climbs right down! How far does he go? Does he step into the cave? I presume that he is, based on his speed.

Julian, if you wish to step into the cave, then you see the same thing that Podo saw (see prev post). If you do so, then six tailfeathers fly at you. Only one hits Julian's AC, but that one is a critical! For 13 hp damage.

Use the same map as last round, but swap Podo and Julian.

Julian [AC 23, hp 32/55]  d20+3=16
Saturday April 7th, 2007 6:43:00 PM

OOC, yes, yes, into the cave. I agree, swap Podo for Julian.

Spot 16
OOC From what Julian can see, how many of these feathers can he expect?

Julian pulls his sling out and loads it with one of his 2 remaining Magic Stones.

OOC I suppose that's two move actions.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood [AC: 19 | HP: 28/36]  d8+2=9
Saturday April 7th, 2007 6:54:32 PM

Once back on top of the cliff and having finished the warnings to the rest of the family, Podo moves towards the tree line. Once there, Podo uses his Spontaneous Casting Spell to heal 9 of his 16 HPs of damage suffered by the feathers of the other Lion.

Afer the spell, Podo will reach for and take out a Tanglefoot bag from his Haversack and ready it for the coming attack by the other lion.

Spells Readied
0-Level Cleric Spells (Orisons)
Detect Magic X1

1st-Level Cleric Spells
Command X2

Spells Used

Spontaneous Casting
Cure Light Wounds: 1d8+1/level

Tobias (AC 20, HP 38 / 38)  d20+3=20
Saturday April 7th, 2007 8:05:20 PM

Seeing Julian launch himself down with reckless abandon, he's concerned that the lion thing will take us out one-by-one... Better to fight at Julian's side than to try to take this thing alone. So he climbs down to help Julian and motions others to follow...

He puts his short sword and tanglefoot bag away for the climb... but keeps the bag close at hand in a belt pouch. Whatever move he has left after the climb, he goes towards the creature.

Climb: 20

Kendry (AC 15, HP 35) (Message)  d20+9=22 d20+8=9 d20+8=25 d20+8=19 d20+8=24 d20+9=17 d20+9=15 d20+9=21
Sunday April 8th, 2007 12:06:33 AM

[Sorry, gang. Just got back from hospital. With work and other stuff, I have been going solid for the past couple of days without respite - only had a chance to glance here, no chance to post.]

If you'd be so kind as to allow it, Cayzle, as Podo sprints back up the rope, since Fickle has the rope, too (right, Fickle?), Kendry dashes to retrieve from his nearby pony a well-folded fishing net (which is weighted along three of its four sides), and a coil of silk rope - the latter goes around the right side of his neck, and under his left arm.

As he moves, he whispers (message spell). 'Let's get down there, friends. Beard the lion in his den.' He dashes back to the cliff top.

The net he sets in his haversack as he waits for Tobias to descend.

Kendry uses only the long rope and his climbing gear, stopping just above and to the left side of the cave entrance (G5-52?). He takes out a small masterwork hammer from its fine rabbit fur belt sheathe, takes a piton from his climbing pouch, and drives it into the stoney wall.

[Initial climb check shown in prior post. New climb check to keep self at current position as piton is placed: 22. Piton placements: 9; 25, 19, 24]

However, his first piton falls down the cliff face - clang, clang ... thud.

The second goes in solidly, however. He moves farther to the right, to G6, and places a piton midway above the cave entrance, then just to the right of G7-52 (1st foot into G8-52?)

[Cayzle - I picture Kendry starting with his right foot just above the upper left edge of the cave opening by about twelve inches. Upper left, that is, for one facing the opening from the outside. At the end of his actions, three pitons are just above the cave opening, the two at the ends about six feet from the one in the center.]

[Three more climb checks - apply as needed: 17, 15, 21]

Sunday April 8th, 2007 7:52:05 AM

Now Fickle is wondering what's going on?? He look for a tree to tie the rope?? He cannot move because there's still a couple of his friends on the darn rope. So there's nothing he can do, but stand there and hold the rope.

Fickle prays OH! PLEAZE ALAMI!! Don't make that Birddie with the iron wings and Tail!! Fly out of that'z cave!!"

Airin and Fioni  d20+10=26 d20+17=26 d20+19=24 d20+10=20
Sunday April 8th, 2007 2:09:26 PM

(hmm saturday post... too bad. Sorry I missed that one and the coming down of Podo and the others can hardly be called a turn by turn basis as Airin was waiting for the others to go inside. Sorry)

Airin is mortified as she witnesses how Podo is gruesomly attacked by what appears to be yet another creature like the one they allready detroyed. Sneaking in seems to be out of the question.

She moves towards the cave entrance but slightly lower so she is about 35 ft above ground level. This way she can peak inside using the little mirror she has in her backback... Once below the cave entrance she clings to the walls with one hand and her feet and reaches in her handy haversack retrieving the mirror. Then she holds it up and attempts to spot the creature. She reports everything she sees to her friends.

Climb: 26
Move silently: 26
Hide: 24
spot: 20

Monday April 9th, 2007 7:36:17 AM

Fickle is still holding the rope and cannot see over the edge, he ask his cousin next to himself, "Can'z you see anyting'z".

Selithe (Posting by JPWard) 
Monday April 9th, 2007 9:25:56 PM

Having lost the opportunity to convience Julian to stay and wait for the beast to come out, Selithe keeps her bow out and ready as she watches.

She has a arrow readied just incase something attacks aside from the other lion.

Podo [AC:19 | HP: 20/36]  d8+2=10
Monday April 9th, 2007 9:38:57 PM

Podo almost up to snuff on his health, decides to use the groups Wand of Cure Light Wounds to heal his last few points.

Waving teh wand and pointing it to himself, Podo is back up to full health.

ADM Kim - Posting Report 
Tuesday April 10th, 2007 1:48:45 AM

Cayzle DM: M-2-2S- 6
Anthony Dwight: MTWT--- 4
Ceil Fickle: MTWTFSS 7
Jon-Paul Podo: MTW-FS- 5
Justin Selithe: MTW-F-- 4
Kim Kendry: MT-T--S 4
Pedro Tobias: M-WT2S- 6
Robert Julian: 22WT3S- 10
Steven Airin: MTWT--S 5

Three of us: Dwight (Anthony), Selithe (Justin) & Kendry (Kim) had 4 posts - marginally acceptable. My - Kim's - excuse: Two days in hospital - first with mother, then with stepfather. They're both fine now.

All others - 5 or more posts.

Tuesday April 10th, 2007 6:40:16 AM

"Hmmm! Good'z News! Dontnut hears any screeming comming'z from down there'z" He tells the person nest to him.

Dwight (hp 35, ac 16) 
Tuesday April 10th, 2007 6:58:19 AM

Despite Kendry's warning to all hussle down to the cave opening, Dwight remains in position with Selithe. He watches as Kendry prepares a "net" for the lion and suspects it will be little more of a hindrance than his rope would have been.

Via message if still active, otherwise just to Selithe. "How much long ranged attack damage can we do? Shooting a bow while hanging from a rope seems a bit tricky, but I could send in a small shocking burst (aka: magic missile), assuming the cave isn't to deep. Thought?

Volley! (DM Cayzle)  d20+8=21 d20+8=19 d20+8=9 d20+8=20 d20+8=25 d20+8=28 d20+8=19 2d8(7+3)+4=14
Tuesday April 10th, 2007 8:15:33 AM

Note that Airin had previously tied down the rope. Fickle has been helping folks go up and down, and he has been making the climb easier. But he does not have to still hold it if he does not want to.


Julian draws his sling and loads it.


Airin climbs down and peeks in with her mirror. She reports to everyone via Message spell what is going on in there.

Tobias sheathes his weapons (move action) and makes an accelerated climb 20 feet down the rope (with Fickle's help, going down, and with a great climb check). He will need a move action to enter the cave next round.


Fickle holds on to the rope in order to help people go up and down. He does not have to do that, but it helps!

Kendry steps back to a pack beast and gets a net.

Selithe and Dwight are ready to attack the monster if it emerges. But from Airin's report, that seems increasingly unlikely.


The lion whips another volley of tail feathers at Julian. Two feathers hit! One is a crit threat that misses. Julian takes 14 damage.

It might occur to Julian that exchanging a sling bullet for six tail feathers every round is not a winning tennis match. On the other hand, the beast's tail feathers do seem to be running out. If he can make a spot check vs DC12, then Highlight to display spoiler: { Maybe half are now missing.}

And the The Map!

Tuesday April 10th, 2007 10:47:12 AM

[Note: We have two tied down ropes over the cliff face, not just one.]

Kendry takes the rope and net back over to the cliff face, and begins his accelerated descent. [Earlier climb check roll applies here: 21-5=16]

Airin [AC17 ; 42/42 HP] and Fioni 
Tuesday April 10th, 2007 11:05:37 AM

"Better to divide the pain..." Airin says and quickly gets into the cave (move action) and readies her crossbow...

Hopefully the deadly tailfeathers will be divided so not only Julian takes the pain!

Dwight (hp 35, ac 16, message)  d20+9=10 d20+9=21 d4=4
Tuesday April 10th, 2007 2:50:26 PM

Dwight watches as Julian and Airin move inward and grinds his teeth as he recalls what happened to Podo just moments ago.

Getting on edge himself, he considers going down as well, but refrains at this point. "Animals always fight most aggressively when cornered. Surely its life is more important than its lair."

Bow is still ready and if it decides to fly out, Dwight will fire twice.

arrow #1: 10-2 (miss)

arrow #2: 21-2=19 (hit)

OOC: If Dwight can see the lion he'll fire.

Additional thought? Could somone 'jump' when going down to avoid the double movement required?--seems to me to be a good use of the jump skill versus getting iron feathers for several more rounds.

If this isn't appropriate to ask, given Dwight's line of sight, just delete my additional thought.

(Posting by JPWard) Selithe [AC:20 |HP:39 , Message spell] 
Tuesday April 10th, 2007 11:22:54 PM

Using the message spell, Selithe tries to bring some sense into what appears to her as very foolish moves on the part of some of her extended family.

...Julian...Tobias....what are you two doing? You know what just happened to Podo? Walking into that cave with a cornered flying Lion in suicide!! Come back her this instant!!...

Then speaking quietly to herself, Selithe mumbles, please come back...

All the while her voice is conveying her feelings, her hand and body keep tight and measured control over her readies bow and arrow.

Julian [AC 27, hp 18/55] prone  d20+8=11
Tuesday April 10th, 2007 11:58:03 PM

OOC: I made that Spot check back on Saturday April 7th, 2007 6:43:00 PM (16) with the question "From what Julian can see, how many of these feathers can he expect?" Thanks DM.

Julian gets his sling flying round in a tight circle, releasing it at the lion.

Hit nothing, not even when I later remember to add +1 for Magic Stone.

Julian takes a 5' step then drops to floor to lie prone for the moment. This should give the others a clear line of sight and a bit more space.

"I'm okay. Just a moment here to gather my strength. Then I'll take it on."

Move to I7, lying prone (+4 to AC, included above)

Podo [AC:19 | HP: 36/36]  d20+9=25
Wednesday April 11th, 2007 12:06:41 AM

Walking to the cliff's edge, Podo looks down to see what ever might be below them...(Spot DC: 25)

Wednesday April 11th, 2007 6:24:30 AM

"Couz Kendry! Where are you'z going? Oh! A net! Do you expect for it to come'z flying out?? Should I'mz stay here or Go down? Hmmm! I thinck I stay for a little while, just in case you need help coming back up??"

Fickle will go to the edge of the cliff, just to see what's going on.

DM Cayzle has a couple OOC questions. 
Wednesday April 11th, 2007 6:41:48 AM

Kim, could you point out the post to me in which a second rope was tied down and deployed? Thanks! Also, whoever knows, HOW LONG are the dangling ropes?

[See Kendry's post of April 3rd- he uses a 100' length of silk rope. This is in addition to Airin's 50' of silk rope, referenced in her posts of April 1st and 2nd. -Kim]

OOC to Podo Highlight to display spoiler: {Honestly, you already are at the very edge (see map), and making a Spot check is a free action. You haven't done ANYthing with your turn! Feel free to post again, if you can think of any actions you would like to take. If you have any question, let me know.}

In regard to jumping down -- The falling damage for making the descent is 4d6. If you make a jump check vs DC15, then you take only 2d6 damage plus 1d6 nonlethal damage.

If you climb partway down and then jump, you take even less damage.

Dwight --OOC 
Wednesday April 11th, 2007 10:21:04 AM

That a lot of damage. I don't think I stated it clearly. If inside the cave (drop of about 5 feet?) is it really 4d6 damage?

Or is the 4d6 damage for jumping from top to cave entrance.

Dwight intends to neither at this point.

Tobias (AC 20, HP 38 / 38) [Message]  d20+13=20
Wednesday April 11th, 2007 11:26:17 AM

Through message, "Sorry Selithe, but can't let Julian die alone... and he has no chance on his own. But, I'll cover your retreat if you wish to leave, Julian."

Tobias moves to K7 while drawing a tanglefoot back. He then throws it at the lion beast with his attack action.

Throw: 20

DM Cayzle OOC 
Wednesday April 11th, 2007 1:52:28 PM

Oh! Sorry, Dwight! the 4d6 is to jump from the cliff edge down to the cave mouth. To jump down in the cave from one level to another takes only one move point but inflicts 1d2 subdual damage ... which you can totally avoid with a DC13 Jump Check.

Wednesday April 11th, 2007 7:52:31 PM

Via message, Kendry says, "Podo, Dwight, can you get down here? Sister - keep an eye out. Julian - step around the cave's edge - grab the rope and hang on." He refers to the rope dangling beneath him. Out loud, he says up the cliff face, "Come on down, Fickle." He continues with his piton pounding.

Dwight (hp 35, ac 16, message)  d20+7=20
Wednesday April 11th, 2007 10:35:35 PM

Not happy about it, Dwight moves to the aid of his comrades, foolish as they are. Attacking an animal when cornered,, what are they thinking

Dwight moves to where the ropes dangle, tucks his bow around one shoulder and begins his decent (on the rope Airin was on).

Climb: 20-5 (speed?) = 15 (down as fast as possible)

Sharles you better be on our side

(Posting by JPWard) Selithe [AC:20 |HP:39 , Message spell] 
Wednesday April 11th, 2007 11:58:56 PM

Via message spell,What are you guys thinking about?? Us come down there...to fight an animal when cornered? Are you kidding us? Did you leave your lore at home along with your wisdom?

Selithe watches the other companions that have the message spell respond to Kendry and attempt to comply.

Ready and waiting, Selithe keeps ready her bow.

Podo [AC:19 | HP: 36/36]  d20+9=22 d20+4=5
Thursday April 12th, 2007 12:03:54 AM

(OOC: this the for the free move Cayzle spoke about.)

Podo tries to comply with Kendry and attempts to return to the spot in the cave he was just in.

Skill Check
Jump:5 (Nat 1!)

Having missed the jump into the cave, Podo fumbling, tries his best to recover, hoping not to fall the entire 40 feet. Thinking to himself, I have only practiced slow fall at 20 feet! Alemi & Domi help me!!

Thursday April 12th, 2007 12:12:28 AM

'Yep! No wisdom down here, sis - I plum left it somewhere else.' Kendry replies to Selithe.

Thursday April 12th, 2007 6:37:24 AM

Fickle answers Kendry "Okie Dokie!", he pulls up the silk rope, then Ties the ends together, making this rope two hundred feet. one end is tird to something solid and the other he throws over the edge.

Now making sure that every thing is solid, he'll put his gloves on and climb down the rope "Here I'z come, CoZ!"

Kendry / Kim / OOC 
Thursday April 12th, 2007 10:22:22 AM

Ceil - that's not quite gonna work for Fickle. Kendry is firmly hanging on to the 100' rope. The two ropes are both independently tied at the top. The cliff is 80' high. Kendry has another 50' length of rope, but that is looped across his shoulder. (Actually, he has more rope back at the ponies, too.) After Dwight gets down, the 50' rope is available. Or you could come down the 100' rope that Kendry is on. If you have your own rope, you could tie that and use it, too.

Looks like Fickle going ot take a fall??

Enter the Cave (DM Cayzle) 
Thursday April 12th, 2007 3:54:34 PM


Airin enters the cave and draws her crossbow.

Julian lets fly a bullet but misses. He takes a step forward to I7 and throws himself flat. Note that dropping prone is a free action, so Julian still has a move action to use should he so desire. Note that standing up is a move action. So is crawling 10 feet.

Tobias moves to H7, no prob. He steps into Julian's square, I7, still no problem. Then he steps down the incline to J7. That requires a DC10 climb check or a DC13 Jump check. If either fail, Tobias still ends up in J7, but will take 1d2 subdual damage. Tobias, please make your skill check and record your damage, if any.

If Tobias climbs down, he must end his move in J7, five range increments from his target, so his attack is at -10, and he misses. If he jumps down, then he can move to K7, which is four increments away, with an attack at -8, and he will hit. If you miss your jump check by more than 5, then when you land you are prone, so you cannot throw.

To recap, if Tobias's jump check is 13 or better, he lands well, takes a step forward, throws the bag, and hits. If his check is 8-12, then he takes 1d2 nonlethal damage, steps forward, throws, and hits. If his check is a 7 or less, then he takes 1d2 nonlethal damage, falls prone in J7, and misses his throw. If he climbs down with a roll of 10+, his move ends in J7, and his bag toss misses.. If he climbs down with a roll of 9 or less, his move ends in J7, and his bag toss misses, and he takes 1d2 nonlethal damage.


Dwight decides to climb down. With accelerated climbing, he moves to the rope, starts down, and gets 30 feet down in one round.

Kendry climbs down. He gets 20 feet down this round.

Podo channels his inner crouching tiger and unveils his hidden dragon with a stupendous effort! He climbs fast down 20 feet, then makes a controlled fall the remaining 20. He ends the turn standing in the cave mouth again.


Selithe, still at the clifftop, expresses her fears to her advancing friends.

Fickle stands at the top of the cliff and keeps his eyes open. He (and everyone else) hears the monster roaring a challenge from inside the cave. He is ready to climb down if Dwight and Kendry get out of the way!


The map will come later tonite, and ditto the monster's actions once I get Tobias's Jump checks. I need to know if the beast is entangled.

NOTE: The monster's AC is 17, and its Touch AC is 11.

Thursday April 12th, 2007 5:30:41 PM

OOC move action, thanks for letting me know:

Julian draws his sword, EagerTooth the GreatSword +1.

Tobias (AC 20, HP 38 / 38) [Message]  d20+2=19
Thursday April 12th, 2007 7:39:22 PM

Tobias jumps down to get to K7, and finishes by launching the tanglefoot bag -- which should hit.

Jump: 19

Via message: Julian, are we going in or retreating?

Dwight (hp 3, ac 16) 
Thursday April 12th, 2007 10:11:03 PM

Dwight mumbles a select few choice words forgetting everyone is hearing them via the message spell. "no let's all rush in....attack a corner creature...foolishness or just plain crazy...and not here I am."

OOC: Holding onto my full movement/actions until Dwight figures out if the lion is still inside the cave or flying beside him. YIKES!

Thursday April 12th, 2007 11:04:17 PM

[OOC: Note on his post of the 10th - Kendry used accelerated climbing, also (I incorporated the -5 to the earlier roll, for an adjusted climb of 16) - thus, he should be 30' down - about the top of the cave opening (if it is 10' high) - right about where he wanted to be to start doing the piton fixing.]

Kendry whispers, 'I've got a big net...' [more in a bit...]

Selithe (Posting by JPWard) 
Thursday April 12th, 2007 11:26:01 PM

Seeing almost everyone descend into the Cave, Selithe chooses to stand guard near the anchor ropes, so her friends and family can return safely.

Via message spell; Kendry, I'm staying up here to guard the anchor ropes, make sure nothing comes at you from another direction.

Podo [AC:19 | HP: 36/36]  d20+4=15 d20+9=12 d20+11=14
Thursday April 12th, 2007 11:38:53 PM

Now that I've returned to this same place, Podo reaches into his haversack to retrieve the Thunderstone, then takes a short running jump into the cave to close distance on the Lion.

Using Spot and Tumble skills and once closer, Podo will crouch to the floor, with readied Thunderstone.

Skill Checks
Jump: 15
Spot: 12
Tumble: 14

Second Half (DM Cayzle)  d20+7=10 (save vs goo) 4d4(2+3+2+1)+10=18 (slashing damage to goo)
Thursday April 12th, 2007 11:41:57 PM

Tobias lands well, takes a step forward, hurls the bag at the outer reaches of its range, and hits!

The winged lion is stuck to the floor! It roars in frustration! It claws and swipes at the sticky goo. It spends the round freeing itself. By the end of the round, it is no longer stuck to the ground, but the sticky strands still entangle it.

And the map!

Julian [AC 23, hp 30/55]  2d8(8+3)+1=12
Friday April 13th, 2007 4:45:50 AM

Julian takes his potion of Cure Moderate Wounds (standard action) and stands up to his full height in his new armour (move action).

He bellows "Have we got more tanglefoots? Lets get in there and skin it. Better to have it cornered than flying about."

Heal 12 points, was on 18/55.

Friday April 13th, 2007 7:28:43 AM

Fickle yells down to the one out side the cave "Look'm out He'z can shoot six to five Metal feathers, Look out for Chick! They'z make good soup!"

He turns to Selithe "Do you'z think They'z need me down there??" Heas her with a worried look in his eyes.

Kendry (AC 15, hp 35) [Message. Inspire Courage: +1 attack, +1 damage, +1 save vs charm, fear]  d20+6=15 d20+13=18
Friday April 13th, 2007 11:14:28 AM

Hearing Julian ask about tanglefoot bags, Kendry decides to drop into the cave, rather than carry out his piton pounding project. He descends the last 10' to the lip of the cave. "Make room, love," he asks of Airin. [Nota bene - Kendry had been aiming for the left side of the entrance, as posted earlier, not the right.]

With each hand he extracts a tanglefoot bag (quickdraw).
Beard we the lion in his den?
Brave we, bold we, enter in.
he sings out in an effort to inspire courage [Perform, singing: 18].

Tobias (AC 20, HP 38 / 38) [Message, Inspired: +1 attack, +1 damage, +1 save vs charm, fear]  d20+3=17 d20+14=23
Friday April 13th, 2007 12:04:23 PM

Tobias moves to N8 drawing his last tanglefoot bag... He makes the jump down into N8 (Jump: 17). Then, throws the tanglefoot bag at the creature.

Throw: 23 - 6(for distance) = 17

Airin  d20+9=25 d6=1
Friday April 13th, 2007 2:52:42 PM

Airin aims and shoots at the male lion construct.

Then she tumbles 10ft forward so she does not interfere with others shooting.

Hit AC25 - damage 1 - DOH

Dwight (hp 35, ac 16)  d20+7=19 d20+3=18 d20+6=17
Friday April 13th, 2007 8:30:29 PM

Dwight climbs the rest of the way down in a rush, knowing eventually the lion will fly out and he doesn't want to be where he currently is.

Climb (fast): 19-5=14 (good enough I think?)

As room permits, Dwight jumps inside the cave and hussles toward a corner, K5 (Not sure if he'll reach it, but that is where he is headed.) As the ground drops, Dwight jumps and tumbles trying not to slow his pace or get hit by anything dangerous (like a feather).

jump: 18
tumble: 17

As Dwight enters the cave and sees the lion in relation to where he stands he thinks what a mess now, a giant animal with a bunch of us small folks standing at the end of a lane ready to be knocked down.

Friday April 13th, 2007 8:33:42 PM

OOC: Just read, Tumbling fast requires a -10, which means if Dwight needs to tumble his roll is only a 7. (He needs to move fast to get out of the alley.)

Goo and Blood! (DM Cayzle)  d20+4=16 (P's xtra jump) d20+5=19 (lion save) d20+5=20 d20+5=15 d20+5=6 (3vP) d8+2=9 (P dam) d20+5=10 d20+5=25 d20+5=22 d20+5=21 (3vT, 1 hit, 1 crit) 3d8(8+4+8)+6=26 (tot dam vs T)
Saturday April 14th, 2007 8:09:46 AM

To remind you all of the setting: The cave is very warm ... like a dry sauna. There is a ruddy light that illuminates the scene. On the left side of the cave you see that a glowing red moss covers the wall and floor.

The floor of the cave dips down and then back up. To go down requires a climb or jump check. To go up requires a climb check. (see map).

Fickle and Selithe stay at the top of the cliff, just in case. For now, they see no dangers. Both are worried about their friends.

Podo draws a thunderstone and moves closer to the lion. Note that drawing a weapon is a free action when combined with a move, so Podo gets two moves forward. I rolled an extra jump check for Podo, and he makes it with flying colors.

Julian, I'm using my DMish powers to reinterpret your actions. Hope that's okay. To wit: Julian uses his move action from last round to draw a potion. This round he drinks it and stands up. Next round, he can draw his weapon as a free action while moving forward. Hope that is okay.

Kendry lands behind Airin, draws a bag, and sings to inspire his friends.

Airin shoots, hits, and then moves forward downslope. In the future, please make your climb or jump check to go downslope with yoru post. For now, make a Climb DC5 or Jump DC7 to avoid taking 1d2 nonlethal damage and landing prone. Airin hits for 2 hp damage (thanks to inspire courage), the first lion blood drawn so far!

Tobias moves forward and down, drawing and throwing a tanglefoot bag. It hits!

Dwight takes a double move to enter the cave and move forward and down.

The lion struggles against the goo. He tries to dod the incoming bag ... and does so. He is still entangled, but not glued to the floor.

The lion whips his tail at Podo and Tobias. He is at -4 due to being entangled, and +1 for attacking from above. Three fly at Podo: one would have hit for 9, but Podo deflects it! Three at Tobias: two hit, and one is a confirmed crit! Tobias takes a total of 26 damage!

And the Map!

NOTE: The monster's AC is 15, and its Touch AC is 9. It has taken 2 hp damage.

Julian [AC 27, hp 30/55] prone  d20+6=9 d2=2 d20+6=14
Saturday April 14th, 2007 6:04:12 PM

OOC thanks Cayzle, that was fine interpretation. I am still getting my head around needing a move action even to get it out of my pocket, and a standard action to drink it. In real life, that would be most of my day gone to have a few coffees.

Julian, with some returned vigour, moves towards the lion. He pulls a potion from his pocket as he leaps Dwight (OOC forgot my armour check penalty -3, Jump 6), stumbles due to his new armour (and his hand in his pocket) and lands prone with a loud thud.
(K7, 2 points of damage, +4 to AC included above)

Lying on the warm floor, Julian drinks his potion with the stick figure picture of a halfling with huge muscles. He is the very image of true hero.

Mage Armour (2 hour)
Bull's Strength (20 rounds)

Sunday April 15th, 2007 8:04:06 AM

Fickle turn to his partner (In holding ropes) "I womder what'z going ON?? Too quiet?? Mush to quiet?? Me'z Don't Like It!!"

Selithe (Posting by JPWard) 
Sunday April 15th, 2007 2:03:44 PM

Hearing Fickle says that its much to quiet, Selithe thinks perhaps the Tanglefoot bags have nce again been deployed and that with 40' feet of rock betwix them and theirs, not too much noise is to be had.

Still, just in case, Selithe takes to watching the skies, bow out, arrow notched, weapon readied.

Podo [AC:19 | HP: 36/36]  d20+10=11
Sunday April 15th, 2007 2:16:20 PM

Podo stading up, lauches the Thunderstone towards the wall at S4(bottom of dark square), since the wall is AC5, hping to get the lion in the range of the sonic attack.

As soon as the stone leaves Podo's hand, Podo knows something is wrong. Podo hopes for the best!

Kendry (AC 15, HP 35) [Message; Inspire Courage - +1 att/dam +1 sv vs chm/fear]  d20-1=15
Sunday April 15th, 2007 9:54:51 PM

Kendry launches his tanglefoot bag toward the lion. What a wonderful concoction, this alchemical goo. [Ranged touch attack, hit AC 15.] Splat!

Though sharpened feathers cut the air
Soon lion's skin will leave this cave
My bonnie lass gives fair answer
Let Sharles go with peace to grave
...his song continues. He nocks an arrow and draws his bow, taking aim.

Dwight (hp 35, ac 16)  d20+3=19 d4+1=4
Sunday April 15th, 2007 10:16:32 PM

Making his way out of the alley, Dwight jumps to K8 (jump:19) as he lands, he begins the creating a small tingling sensation in his hand.

He then unleashes 1 magic missile at the lion

Dmg: 4+1(inspire)=5

Cast thus far:
1 1st lvl spell

ADM Kim: Posting Report 2007 April 9-15 
Monday April 16th, 2007 3:14:43 AM

Cayzle DM: -T22-S- 6
Anthony Dwight: -22TF-S 7
Ceil Fickle: MTWTF-S 6
Jon-Paul Podo: M-W2--S 5
Justin Selithe: MTWT--S 5
Kim Kendry: -TW3F-S 7
Pedro Tobias: --W-F-- 2
Robert Julian: -T-TFS- 4
Steven Airin: -T--F-- 2

This week Tobias and Airin fell short, each posting twice. Despite that, both were effective in the posts they provided.

The want of a DM post on Monday, we got off to a slow start, but picked up midweek.

The group confronts aerial lion #2, this time a male, in his den. The halflings, climbing down a cliff into the cave entrance, move forward, stumble about, yet are having a measure of success in slowing the lion down.

By the way, if you'd like to see detailed posting spreadsheets for Game 13, you can go to http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=pXgZY5sfiLZ-yrAg19ndKcA. Look at the dates of the CV sheets at the bottom of the page - The format 'CVyyyymmdd' gives the starting date for each week recorded.

Kim, OOC 
Monday April 16th, 2007 3:36:09 AM

[Fickle - Kendry's rope is free for now. C'mon down, if you wish.]

Airin [AC17 ; 42/42 HP] and Fioni  d20+10=15 d20+9=23 d6=2
Monday April 16th, 2007 3:59:02 AM

Climb check: 15

Airin moves to M5 - so that if the lion decides to fly out of his cave she won't be in its path - and once again fires a bolt at the construct.

Hit AC24 - damage 3 (both with inspire courage)

She sighs at the limited amount of damage she only does...

Monday April 16th, 2007 5:44:24 AM

"Okie! Dokie!! Here'z me'z come." He yell back to his cousin, But first he'll tie his rope to the one next to him, Making the rope long enough not to hert himself. Fickle will slide down the rope.

Tobias (AC 20, HP 12 / 38) [Message, Inspired: +1 attack, +1 damage, +1 save vs charm, fear]  2d8(5+2)+3=10
Monday April 16th, 2007 11:36:01 AM

Tobias moves into a corner where he can get some cover from the beast (P8). He ducks around hoping to not make a good target. While drawing out a potion of cure moderate from his pouch. Then drinking it all down to heal 10 hp.

The Lion Speaks Tonite (DM Cayzle)  d8=8 (direction of thunderstone "splash") d20+9=28 (lion saves vs thunderstone) d20+5=19 (lion saves vs tanglefoot) d20+5=24 d20+5=15 d20+5=13 d20+5=22 d20+5=9 d20+5=23 (tail feathers at D) 3d8(5+1+4)+6=16 (Dam to D)
Monday April 16th, 2007 7:47:13 PM

Julian bends the rules a little, drawing a potion as he moves and then drinking it after falling prone in K7.

Drawing a weapon so that you can use it in combat, or putting it away so that you have a free hand, requires a move action. This action also applies to weapon-like objects carried in easy reach, such as wands. If your weapon or weapon-like object is stored in a pack or otherwise out of easy reach, treat this action as retrieving a stored item. If you have a base attack bonus of +1 or higher, you may draw a weapon as a free action combined with a regular move. If you have the Two-Weapon Fighting feat, you can draw two light or one-handed weapons in the time it would normally take you to draw one.

By my interpretation, drawing a weapon while moving is fine. Drawing a tanglefoot bag or a thunderstone or a flask of acid is a little bit of a stretch, but fine. Drawing a wand, staff, or rod is also stretching it a little, but fine. Drawing a potion begins to stretch it almost too far, but -- the DM says a little grudgingly -- fine. Okay, end of the DM ranting.

Fickle starts climbing down. He's taking 10, the DM rules -- not good enough for accelerated climbing, so he'll get to the cave next round.

Selithe stays alert up above.

Podo tosses a thunderstone at the wall between S4 and S5, and rolls a natural one! That's a miss. Using the rules for misses with splash weapons, the DM rolls a d8 to see where the stone falls. It's an 8! That means it falls on the grid intersection of Q-R-5-6. Thus both the lion and Podo may be affected. Podo, please roll a Fort save vs DC15 or be deafened. If you are deafened, you will no longer benefit from the Inspire Courage after 5 rounds pass.

Kendry throws another Tanglefoot bag and hits the lion.

Dwight moves to K8 and casts a magic missile, hitting for 5 hp damage.

Airin moves forward, shoots, and hits for 3 more hp damage.

Tobias moves to P8, taking hard cover vs. the lion. Following Julian's somewhat suspect example, he draws a potion as he moves and then downs it.


Airin notes that the ruddy mold in the niche down and to her left is very hot. If she entered those squares, she might get burned.

The lion makes his save vs the thunderstone. He saves vs the tanglefoot bag. He remains entangled, that is, with a -4 penalty to Dex and a -2 on attacks.

The lion roars, and shouts! You note that the words are in common. "Stop! Stop! Do not fight me!"

Then he whips six more tail spikes, aiming them all at Dwight. (The lion won't waste time with Podo, who deflected them last time, nor with Tobias, who has cover, but chooses to fire at the mage.) Three hit AC22 or better for a total of 16 hp dam to Dwight

NOTE: The monster's AC is 15, and its Touch AC is 9. It has taken 10 hp damage. It is entangled.

And the Map!

Dwight (20/35, ac 16) 
Monday April 16th, 2007 10:45:20 PM

Screaming in pain Dwight manages to mentally change tactics as others move forward. He moves to M8. That one smart lion! OUCH! . In his hand appears three small nuts that are instantly hurled at the lion.

Cast: Lesser Confustion (Will negates)

Monday April 16th, 2007 11:23:10 PM

Selithe is worried about her friends but is abit unsure of the rope too as climbing isn't really her strong point.

She hopes everything is going well.

Podo [AC:19 | HP: 36/36]  d20+7=14 d20+4=24 d20+11=27 d20+9=26
Tuesday April 17th, 2007 1:06:19 AM

Podo is totally surprised that the stone comes right back at him! BAM! the stone explodes right in front of him, knocking him with a sonic blast...as the Wold fades out of sound! Podo is deafened!

Still reeling from the last blast of sonic awefulness, Podo mustering up all his strength of will, closes rank with the lion antangonist. Running, jumping, climbing, and tumbling, Podo closes rank by trying to land behind the critter at U4.

Next round, Podo will deliver a Stunning Fist attack to the lion.

Skill Checks
Jumping: 24 (NAT 20!)
Tumbling: 27
Climb: 26
Movement rate: 30'

Kendry  d20+9=27 d4+3=6
Tuesday April 17th, 2007 1:27:18 AM

Kendry looses his readied arrow against the lion [Hit AC 27, 6 hp damage].
Lion, if you now lie down,
Stop attacking my dear friends
Then listen to your words we might
Else you'll die - the choice is yours
He does not expect his friends to stop attacking unless the lion complies with the words he sung out - in common.

Airin [AC17 ; 42/42 HP] and Fioni  d20+10=22 d20+9=24 d6+1=6
Tuesday April 17th, 2007 1:32:09 AM

"Ouch that's warm!! What's wrong with this cave" Airin thinks as she avoids the hot spots. A quick look at the wall and floor might explain something...

(knowledge nature: 22)

Then she hears the lion speak in her own thongue asking not to fight him yet he reeases 6 more painfull tailfeathers... he should be out of them soon... no?

"Do you yield?" Airn shouts at the lion and says to her friends "let it listen to reason!"

But in case the lion does not stop his own attack Airin will release another bolt.

(readied action depending on the lion's action)

Hit AC24 - damage 6HP

Tuesday April 17th, 2007 6:06:26 AM

As Fickle slides down the rope slowly, he finaly hit the grown, look's into the cave. At the far end is the male Griffen>

Sencing that his cousin is to his left, he ask him "What'z happening so Far'm, Cuz?"

Julian [AC 23, hp 30/55] 
Tuesday April 17th, 2007 7:48:03 AM

OOC: Okay, I understand your ruling (or rather, appreciate that you didn't rule against it), but, I did pack those potions into my pocket (as posted) for easy reach. Surely easier than a tanglefoot bag, though perhaps not as easy as a wand or rod, depending on where they were placed.

A little confused by the lion talking then acting against his own words, Julian pulls himself up to his feet, saying,

"You'll need to stop those attacks before I get to you, or you'll be lying as a rug on my cousin's floor beside a sheep skin."

Julian moves in on the lion, readying his sword for its bloody purpose. He presents the lion with an unhurried gait, an ominous purpose to his eyes and presence.

His brain is engaged in the game the lion is playing. A game of words that Julian rarely bothers with, and even scorns at. He is not yet raging.

Move action to stand, move action to O6, readying his sword as he moves.

Julian  d20+3=20
Tuesday April 17th, 2007 7:51:00 AM

Sorry I forgot my Jump check. +12, though -3 for armour and -6 for being a halfling (I mean for speed of 20')

Jump 20

"Whew, made it this time."

Tobias (AC 20, HP 22 / 38) [Message, Inspired: +1 attack, +1 damage, +1 save vs charm, fear; favored enemy: +2 damage]  d20+3=16 d20+8=9 d20+14=31 d4+5=7 d20+14=27 d4+5=7
Tuesday April 17th, 2007 11:37:16 AM

[OOC: Perhaps we could have a few potions hooked along our belts that were in easy access to do this with. Hmm, thinking about a new mercantile venture... ;)]

Tobias climbs up the 5ft ledge to get onto the area with the creature (Climb: 16). Once up, he finishes his move to R6 -- drawing both of his short swords. And seeing if he notices anything different about this lion creature (Spot: 9)... but does not.

[OOC: if the climb is it's own move action, then he does a partial charge with his second action to get an attack... otherwise he just does a normal attack.]

He then takes one mighty swipe with the short sword.
Attack: 31 (nat 17... threat)
Damage: 7
Crit check: 27 (crit)
Crit damage: 7

Surrender! (DM Cayzle)  d20+3=14
Tuesday April 17th, 2007 9:23:35 PM

Dwight steps forward and casts lesser confusion on the lion. NOTE! PLEASE POST SAVE DCs FOR YOUR SPELLS. So far as I can tell from your PC sheet, the save should be a Will save DC12.

Selithe hears the echo of last round's thunderstone. And a few of Dwight's screams. Certainly a fight is in progress!

In an amazing show of acrobatics, Podo climbs and leaps over the lion, ending his move on the other side of the beast.

Kendry shoots the lion for 6 hp damage. As he sings, he calls for the lion to stop attacking.

Airin readies an arrow in case the lion does not desist.

Fickle enters the cave and asks what is happening.

Julian also tells the lion to stop fighting. He moves forward too.

Tobias moves as close to the lion as he can. That's R7. There, flanking with the agile Podo, he attacks and hits. But why is a roll of 17 a crit threat? Per your PC sheet, you threaten on a 19 or 20 with a short sword, unless I am missing something. Tobias's damage to the beast is 7 hp (does that include the bonus vs magical beasts? If not, let me know.).


The winged lion calls out, "I Yield!" -- and then it has to save! It rolls a 14, so it resists the confusion. It says, "Stop! I will stop if you stop!"

He does not attack. Thus Airin's readied shot does not go off.

NOTE: The monster's AC is 15, and its Touch AC is 9. It has taken 23 hp damage. It is entangled but not stuck to the floor.

Kendry (AC 15, HP 35) [Message, Inspire Courage]  d20+6=16 d20+6=16 d20+6=26
Tuesday April 17th, 2007 10:07:34 PM

"Hold, then friends," he says in common, and adds in the halfling tongue, 'But be ready in case he renews his attack.'

Using Duncan's sign language, he also signs a cease attack, in case the thunderstone deafened Podo.

He walks forward, sits on the ledge, and hops down, continues forward, arrow nocked, but aiming downwards (ready to raise and shoot immediately should the lion launch himself). He continues straight forward, jumping up from M6 to N6, on to P6.

"We have word that you kill halflings." He jumps up to Q6. "Is this not true?" He looks at his wounded friends, then back at the lion.

[Jumps: 16, 16, 26]

Dwight (hp 16/35, ac 16)  d8=7 d20+3=21
Tuesday April 17th, 2007 10:08:40 PM

Dwight wonders if Julian and Podo will yield given the lions intelligent request.

Keeping a watch around (the lion, the entrance and the wierd glow), Dwight uses his wand of cure light wounds and heals himself.

Heal: 7 hp (Dwight finishes the round at 23 hp)
spot: 21

Dwight then begins to ready his bow.

OOC: Dwight 
Tuesday April 17th, 2007 10:09:46 PM

Map? (It didn't matter for my move, but may for others)

sorry about the lack of DC shown. I put Will negates, but forgot the number.

Podo [AC:19 | HP: 36/36]  d20+9=20
Tuesday April 17th, 2007 11:44:08 PM

Podo uses his Spot skill to see if ther rest of his group is still attacking. Podo recalls that the Lion tried once before to stop the madness and the violence (Spot DC: 20).

Seeing this, Podo casts his readied spell of Deathwatch against the lion.

Tobias [OOC] 
Wednesday April 18th, 2007 1:30:10 AM

Tobias took Improved Crit (short sword) at his last level increase, which increases the short sword threat range from 19-20/x2 to 17-20/x2. That should have been in the sheet I sent you for level 6, but maybe I missed it in your version. Does that explain it, and do I get the crit?

Tobias (AC 20, HP 22 / 38) [Message, Inspired: +1 attack, +1 damage, +1 save vs charm, fear; favored enemy: +2 damage] 
Wednesday April 18th, 2007 1:32:15 AM

Seeing the lion weild for the moment, Tobias holds his position and maintains the flank with Podo. He will also ready an action - should the lion make a hostile move, Tobias will attack with his short sword. And, he calls for Kendry to start doing some talking...

Cayzle to Tobias 
Wednesday April 18th, 2007 6:31:08 AM

Ugh! My own bloody fault for doing a bad job vetting sheets, and not checking the latest version last night. But I'm sorry ... the Improved Crit feat has a required base BAB of +8. You can't take it until level 8, or since you don't get a feat at level 8, level 9.

So you need to pick a new feat.

DM Cayzle 
Wednesday April 18th, 2007 7:25:07 AM

Okay, Okay.

And the map.

Fickle AC 21/ 58 hp 
Wednesday April 18th, 2007 8:02:08 AM

Fickle will takes his spear and go foward as far as he can.

OOC: Can he go 20 ft. or is it 30 Ft. at one time

Tobias [OOC] 
Wednesday April 18th, 2007 12:17:52 PM

Oops, sorry... I completely missed that. I'll choose a different feat until 9th level then. :)

Selithe (Posting by JPWard) 
Wednesday April 18th, 2007 9:32:59 PM

Now pacing with bow and nocked arrow, across the cliff's plateau, Selithe wonders about her friends while she keeps an eye out for other issues.

Dwight (hp 23/35, ac 16) 
Wednesday April 18th, 2007 10:16:03 PM

As yet another creature begs for combat to end, and the party slowly complies, Dwight runs through the list in his head of all the potential friends/enemies that have been made due to the kind-heartedness of halflings.

It dawns on him how often he has been in combat and how few things he has killed.... Ebryron, a harpy and a winged griffon. Such a short list!

Wednesday April 18th, 2007 10:24:00 PM

(OOC:Not a post but wanting to thank JPW for posting for Selithe. I'm back and can continue posting for her. I owe you one friend. This message can be deleted later.)

Julian [AC 23, hp 30/55] ready action to Rage and Power Attack with AC 20  d20+3=21 d20+3=14 d20+8=13 d20+8=11 d20+8=21 d10+21=24 d10+8=13
Thursday April 19th, 2007 12:49:54 AM

Julian continues to move in towards the lion with his large sword ready. Luck is with him this time.
Jump: 21, 14

He leaps his way up the ledges to stand as close to the lion as possible, ready to attack. R5

Ready action: Rage & Power Attack
Attack +13, BAB +4
Power Attack 5 = 10 damage from Two Handed Weapon
Attack 13, (darn)

Combat Reflexes, looking for an AoO
Attack 11
Attack 21, damage 24
Attack 13

Kendry  d20+9=18 d4+3=6
Thursday April 19th, 2007 1:42:10 AM

Seeing Julian get right next to the lion, Tobias and Podo also flanking, Kendry says, "Hold, if he holds, Badger, all."

Again he asks the lion, "So, is it not true? And stay quite still, I urge you."

[Readied action, arrow, AC 18, 6 hp damage - only if lion moves to attack.]

Thursday April 19th, 2007 2:57:47 AM

"Monkey see, Kendry, Monkey do."

Airin  d20+9=25 d6+1=4
Thursday April 19th, 2007 3:12:02 AM

(was away to Germany from tuesday afternoon till this morning - no internet acces at the é"'§'"é§ hotel - unable to post)

Airin is happy to see the lion surrender but keeps her distance. Never being much of a talker she does not interfere with the talks to the lion thing but instead keeps her bolt readied in case the creature decides to change its mind after all...

readied bolt hits AC25 - potential damage 4HP

Thursday April 19th, 2007 4:59:10 AM

Fickle runs another 20' or 30', with spear in hand. He will cover his cousib Kendry from Danger. (Or so he thinks)

Parley (DM Cayzle) 
Thursday April 19th, 2007 6:42:05 AM

The party converges on the winged lion. Kendry gets closer. So does Fickle. So does Julian. Tobias stands ready -- So does Airin.

Kendry asks if the lion kills halflings.

Dwight heals himself.

Podo senses that the lion is down about half.

Selithe stays vigilent at the top of the cliff.

The lion snorts. "If halflings invade my home, maybe I kill them. If manticores come to your home, do you kill them?"

"But I know halflings. I have a deal with one. Maybe you want a deal?"

"I have a question of my own. Where's my mate? She would have roared if she saw you. But there was no roar. So where is she?"

Thursday April 19th, 2007 9:32:32 AM

"Where's my mate? She would have roared if she saw you. But there was no roar. So where is she?"


Nervous for the outcome of the next seconds Airin stays alert with the bolt still ready in case the lion construct goes berserk for the loss of its mate.

Tobias (AC 20, HP 22 / 38) [Message, Inspired: +1 attack, +1 damage, +1 save vs charm, fear; favored enemy: +2 damage]  d20+3=8 d20+15=33 d4+5=9
Thursday April 19th, 2007 11:27:28 AM

"You know a halfling? Which halfling do you know? And, what was your deal with this halfling?" Tobias does a sense motive as the manticore responds (8).

Tobias tries to show no emotion as the creature mentions a mate, but readies an action on the manticore continuing its attack... in case someone decides to tell the creature what happened up top.

Readied attack: 33
Damage: 9

Kendry (AC 15, hp 35) [Message, inspire courage]  d20+9=26
Thursday April 19th, 2007 11:41:08 AM

"Yes, what sort of deal do you have with a halfling?" Kendry asks.

"You have a mate? Did you or your mate have a deal with a halfling that died a few months back?"

Again, he is ready to shoot his arrow given the slightest threatening movement by the - manticore, is it?

[Bluff 26]

Julian [AC 23, hp 30/55]  d20+8=28 d20+8=20 d10+21=22 d10+21=24
Thursday April 19th, 2007 6:27:48 PM

Julian thinks to himself (and this in itself is quite novel, Kendry, you are so lucky I AM thinking at the moment. Once he knows that his mate is down we're up for a fight. I'd rather start it than react to it.

The little barbarian with a big sword and shiny armour holds his sword high waiting to attack. He says to the lion,

"You'd better make a great deal because I am not happy to leave another enemy behind me."

Ready action, if the lion attacks anyone, or threatens to, or he asks about his mate again in an aggressive manner, or gives Julian any reason very small reason to hit him.
Rage & Power Attack -5 (=+10 damage with 2 handed weapon)
Attack +13 -5 = +8: AC 28 (nat 20)
Crit check 20 (woohoo, x2)
damage (1d10+11 +10 power attack) x2: 22+24 = 46

OOC: I've put the ready action in order of preference in case you can only have one trigger, though I can see that stated in the PHB p.160.

Podo [AC:19 | HP: 36/36]  d20+9=22 d6+2=7 d20+4=11
Thursday April 19th, 2007 9:56:33 PM

"Er, Mister Lion. I believe I may be of some sort assistance to you. If you'd be so kind as to answer two questions for me, I will tell you truthfully, something about the other lion. First question, what is this hot ruddy colored moss on the wall? And second, were you or your mate, the lions that killed a halfling, ripping his torso in half? He would have had a religious incense burner with him. Do you know of him? When you answer would you speak loud enough for everyone to hear, I'm a bit deaf now..."

If the lion makes any offensive moves towards Podo, Podo will deliver a Stunning blow to the beast, even if Podo is forced to jump to do so! (Jumping DC:11; Attack DC: 22, Damage: 7 non-leathal + he must save vs. fort @ DC:15).

Selithe  d20+3=17
Thursday April 19th, 2007 10:00:17 PM

Selithe frowns at how long the group has been down there and decides to try and go down herself now. With this she puts her bow up and tries going down now.


Dwight (hp 23/35, ac 16)  d20+3=16 d20+2=7 d20+3=7
Thursday April 19th, 2007 10:03:25 PM

Dwight listens to the conversation, but doesn't feel he needs to add anything to the already tense situation. He does 'whisper' to Selithe and fills him in on what has/is transpiring.

As Podo mentions the moss, Dwight takes a look at it (especially how much may have gotten on him).

spot: 16
knowledge: nature: 7 (how dangerous is it?)
sense motive : 7 (in regards to how the lion responds)

DM Cayzle OOC 
Friday April 20th, 2007 5:43:30 AM

[waiting for Fickle]

Fickle (AC 21/ 58 hp) 
Friday April 20th, 2007 7:18:23 AM

OOC: Last post Fickle advances as far as he could with spear in hand (Ready for any move, Was my last post on Thursday, before sunrise)

Again, Fickle advances as far as he can. Now he should be with in range of his target!. but dos not attack (Yet!).

Fickle will wait to see how the Talk are going. BUT one sign from this BIRD! He'll attack and skin HIM.

The Skin (DM Cayzle) 
Friday April 20th, 2007 10:10:42 AM

There is, as it ends up, no chance for further parley. The manticore opens his mouth to answer several questions. But as Fickle approaches, the lion's nostrils flare. It rears up. It shouts, "That smell! You killed her! You skinned her! You barbarians! YOU MONSTERS!"

That's plenty enough for Julian, who kills the beast with a mighty blow. Selithe arrives just in time to see the beast's lifeblood spill out over the rugged cavern floor and down the slope.

Dwight  d20+3=19 d20+3=5 d20+11=26 d20+3=17
Friday April 20th, 2007 12:03:27 PM

Dwight is both shocked and not at the same moment as the lion exhales its final breath.

Seeing Selithe, Dwight begins to feel a little trapped as no one is watching up above now. "Okay, lets search this place. Find what we need and get our other stuff delivered."

Uneasy about no-one on top, "Perhaps while some of us search for bones and the smoke thingy, someone could watch outside. Just to make sure another mate doesn't show up unannouced."

If someone volunteers to go up, Dwight will begin searching, though will be careful about his interaction with the moss. If no-one volunteers, Dwight will go up and hide.

search: 5 (hmmm, lion must have eaten it, because nothing is around here!)

(if outside and hiding: 26, and spot outside: 17)

Kendry  d20+3=13
Friday April 20th, 2007 2:31:39 PM

As the manticore erupts with rage, Kendry looses his arrow into the intelligent beast, though with Julian's enormous blow, this attack is redundant.

"Well, I suppose this means we won't be having tea together," he says to the leonine creature.

Then he looks at the blood spattered over Julian, even a few drops having reached himself. He immediately repents of his flippant utterance, and bites his lip.

"Sorry," he says. "Sorry I said that." He sighs, and puts his bow back over his shoulder.

"Podo!" he shouts as his friend who just confessed to being hard of hearing. "Let Sharles take a 'look'." He signals the same with his hands.

"How is everyone doing?" he asks. He looks around to see who is wounded. "Dwight - would you like to do the honors with your wand on whoever needs healing? Julian looks like he could use some help."

He approaches Airin. "How are you doing, sweetie?" He looks to see how she looks, whether she was struck by one of the tail feathers.

[Spot: 13 - does he notice the warm red stuff?]

Once everyone checks out all right, the bard says, "Well, we may want to see what our host and hostess have left behind."

Tobias (AC 20, HP 22 / 38) [Message, Inspired: +1 attack, +1 damage, +1 save vs charm, fear; favored enemy: +2 damage]  d20+6=12
Friday April 20th, 2007 4:47:34 PM

Tobias will search around the cave for what we came to get... bones and something or other.

Search: 12

Friday April 20th, 2007 6:59:49 PM

Julian slices his new sword, EagerTooth, into the lion thing. He changes his footing to prepare for a counter-attack but his weapon is stuck fast, so deep it is in the lion. Instead he leans into the sword, driving it in deeper, and twisting it as he goes. There is an unexpected stillness to the lion.

Julian looks across the limp creature. It takes a second to register...

Bracing his foot against the body Julian puts all his strength into retrieving his sword. Predictably, he falls onto his back, with the swords spraying a line of blood across the room behind him. He lets his Rage drop.

"Now, that was satisfying. Hey, now we have Tobias and Julian, Flying Lion Killers."

"Fickle, if you're gonna skin this one too, can I buy the mane from you? Name your price. Here, this'll help."
Cast Prestidigitation to clean up the lion for skinning.

"I'd stay to help, but I've never been away from Shark for so long before. I am going up. I'll let you know if anything comes up."

Cast Message on to Selithe.

Julian moves up the rope (taking 10).
"I'm coming Shark."

Podo  d20+4=17
Friday April 20th, 2007 11:28:06 PM

As soon as Podo realizes the beast detects something is wrong, and goes into a frenzy, the chance for questions is gone! Realizing what just happened, within a spanse of seconds, Podo releases such a blood curdling scream he nearly falls over from the act.
Screaming at the top of his lungs at what appears to be a lifeless animal, Podo yells,"What have you done! Why did you bring Fickle down here! We were so close! You ruined everything, you simpled minded thud! All you care is to kill. Why don't you leap out of the cave you dimwit! You can kill youself in the process, perhaps the Gods might even help by bouncing your head on the rocks on the way down... Maybe it will knock some sense into that thick head of yours. You couldn't wait to kill, you even dug deeper after its death to spray its blood upon the floor... it was right you are all monsters! Come on Sharles, we have work to do... I will take you back home myself. These selfish fleas don't know what working together means..." Podo finishes his rant ending in mumbles to Sharles; in the bag on his back.

Podo with guidance from Sharles will search the cave looking for the Thurible.

Search DC: 17

After finding the Thurible, if it's here, Podo will do his best to get a sample of that ruddy moss, and to place it into some sort of container, one that might be hanging around the cave so Podo can transport it.

Podo takes (10) to search around for anything of value, that he can transport in his Haversack. Manticore feathers, Ruddy Moss, Any other scrap of something... perhaps even the other half of Sharles!

Podo will be the last to leave the cave.

Friday April 20th, 2007 11:39:13 PM

"Satisfying?" Kendry questions. "Satisfying? Not so much for me, Julian. Not so much for me. Questions now go unanswered. Another few moments might have been more satisfying.

"And did we do justice, here? I'd like to know."

As Julian moves to ascend above, Kendry puts his hand on his arm. "That was well struck, Jules. Thanks for going to keep an eye out above. You'll check on the other animals, too, yes?"

He says to the manticore, "Good journey through the Blood of the Wold, if Gargul and Eberyon will it so, lord of this place."

Selithe  d20+3=14
Friday April 20th, 2007 11:59:53 PM

Selithe looks around and blushes a bit as she wasn't too much help in this fight at all. After a couple moments to collect everything that had gone on in her mind or mainly in her thoughts she speaks up, "Well, guess I better head back up and keep watch again. I was worried about coming down and leaving the place unguarded above. Someone give yell if you need my assistance please."

(Climb: 14)

Kendry, Part the Second 
Saturday April 21st, 2007 12:03:34 AM

[Prior post concurrent to Podo's. Kendry was reacting to the situation prior to the monk/cleric's expression of dismay.]

At first Kendry is not sure whom Podo addresses. The manticore itself? Julian? Tobias? Kendry himself? Then it becomes clear that he is upbraiding Julian. He is surprised both at the volume and vituperation of Podo's diatribe. He knows that Podo suffered injury from the beast, and Julian very much so as well. And perhaps part of the volume is that Podo's ears were damaged by the thunderstone. But his words to Jules are so vehement. Kendry looks at the ground in sorrow. After Podo finishes, Kendry speaks to him.

"Podo - If the manticore had chosen to speak earlier, it may not have come to this. From the outset he chose attack, though you did not start with attack. It was only when he sensed imminent defeat that he chose parlay."

He listens to Selithe. "'S all right, sis."

He looks about the cave area now. "Gather what you may, place it in one area, if you will, and I can cast detect magic," he says to all still in the cave. "We are all intact, thank heaven. Hard fought. Well done.

"I need to think for a moment. I'll... I'll do as you suggested, Dwight, at the entrance to the cave."

He holds out his hand for Airin, and, if she will come with him, walks - and climbs the small inclines, back to the entrance of the cave. He sits on the ledge, his feet hanging over, and pats the hard rock next to him, in that way asking her to sit at his side.

Kendry looks now out across the canyon, seeing what there is to see. If she will, he holds her hand, one heel bouncing off the edge of the cliff wall.

Saturday April 21st, 2007 12:26:53 AM

Before he ascends he listens to Podo,
"What? What have I done wrong? I held back on my attacks for as long as it was safe. I've tried to ensure we were all safe by getting in there in the front line. I will happily take on any monster first so that the rest of the group has a chance to get organised, or get outta there.

"Perhaps we could heal it if it means that much to you. Use the party wand that I put a lot of coin towards. Perhaps that's not a bad tactic anyway. Show it that we could defeat it, then raise it. It should then feel grateful or intimidated and speak truly either way.

"I am going up the rope for now, to get back to my badger. I think we all need to talk about tactics in general."

Since Selithe is also going up the rope Julian will cast Message on Kendry(if that's all right?) before climbing the rope.

Saturday April 21st, 2007 4:34:49 AM

"Sure, good idea - thanks," Kendry says, accepting the message spell from Julian.

Sunday April 22nd, 2007 9:02:50 AM

Fickle get's th the Big Bird/Lion and begin to skin the beast. "Ahh! No Goodz! Too Many holes, But Me'z did skin the Main-fur For Julian!! Makies nice Slall foe nicie GIRL??" Htell all.

OOC: He also has a smerk on his face.

Dwight  d8=7 d8=2 d8=5 d8=8
Sunday April 22nd, 2007 9:08:34 PM

Dwight will heal Julian as he heads out.

heal: 7+2+5+8=22
Wand has 45 uses left.

Otherwise Dwight looks for the bones and the thurible (see previous rolls). Once they are found, Dwight will remain as lookout near the entrance of the cave while other sort through the lions treasure.

Sunday April 22nd, 2007 9:22:42 PM

"Thanks, Dwight."

ADM Kim - Posting Report April 16-22, 2007 
Monday April 23rd, 2007 1:44:51 AM

Cayzle DM: MT2T2-- 7
Anthony Dwight: MTWTFS- 6
Ceil Fickle: MTWTFS- 6
Jon-Paul Podo: -2-TF-- 4
Justin Selithe: M-2TF-- 5
Kim Kendry: -2-222- 8
Pedro Tobias: MT3TF-- 7
Robert Julian: -2-3FSS 8
Steven Airin: FT-2--- 4

Justin returns this week, taking over posting for Selithe, with thanks to Jon-Paul for doing the job while Justin was away.

Everyone had at least 4 posts. The male manticore dies - to be skinned by Fickle, it looks like.

The party starts to look for the thurible that Sharles asked us to seek.

Now, what halfling did the manticore have a deal with? Was it Sharles, or someone else?

Airin and Fioni 
Monday April 23rd, 2007 6:00:38 AM

With a sigh of relief Airin lowers her crossbow as she witnesses the death of the Manticore. Though sad that yet another creature of Nature was slain by the group there was no other option.

She smiles at Kendry when he approaches and gladly takes his hand. "I'm fine love" she says and feels the warmth of his hands bringing joy into her heart.

"So is that thurible here?" she asks her friends who are deeper into the cave allready.

OOC: DM Cayzle Asks a Question 
Monday April 23rd, 2007 10:07:23 AM

Friends, with your next post, please also say how you feel about the auto-succeed/auto-fail for skill checks on a 1 or a 20. That's SKILLS only, not saves or attacks. If we got rid of that house rule, what would you say?

(Turn coming up)

The Mold (DM Cayzle) 
Monday April 23rd, 2007 10:07:43 AM

The manticore's death prompts some party controversy. Podo is especially upset, although the irony of a peaceful Walker wishing a knock on the head to a comrade may not be lost on all present.

Tobias and Dwight searches the lair.

Kendry checks on his friends' well being and then joins Tobias and Dwight.

Julian casts a message cantrip and then goes up to see to his friend.

Selithe joins him.

Kendry gets pensive, and Airin sits with him.

Fickle skins this monster, too. Now he has a pair of furs!

The cave is quickly searched. Sharles is glad to find his bones in a corner. The undead fellow says that the Thurible is in the other corner, with the hot red mold. The mold -- and other objects -- detect as magic over there. It is clear that reaching into the mold will burn you. Maybe quite badly.

[DM OOC: Some PC vs PC conflict is fine, IF it is character vs character only! If it gets personal, please back off and take it to e-mail. We are all friends here, so don't let your character's reaction be your own reaction.

I don't even mind some PC fighting, but remember, your characters are friends too. In real life, you might punch a friend, or wrestle, or play a joke, etc, but no lethal force! At all! And even nonlethal attacks should be approved through the DM first as part of a story that you are telling in character. Okay? If there are questions, e-mail me!]

Tobias (AC 20, HP 22 / 38) [Message, Inspired: +1 attack, +1 damage, +1 save vs charm, fear] 
Monday April 23rd, 2007 10:45:23 AM

Tobias will volunteer to stick his hand into the red mold to retrieve the thurible. "Friends I can get that thurible out. I have some protections from fire. But, first I need to be healed from the manticore."
[OOC: Tobias is down 16 hp]

"Or if someone else would prefer to do it, I can cast that protection on you..."

Prepared spells:
Resist Energy

[OOC: I'd be glad to not have that house rule.]

Monday April 23rd, 2007 7:07:01 PM

The bard of auburn hair is pleased with his friend of raven hair, and he enjoys her presence for a moment, even as Dwight joins them. He thinks over events of the past few weeks: Changing interactions, expectations, and choices within the group. Fear of the unknown. A sort of cowardice, perhaps? A growing inclination to lean toward death for those who stand in the way. Those who have come, those who have gone. His dear friend and cousin, who, though a hot-head sometimes in days past, yet now strives for ways of peace - but who just now hurled abuse, even wishing great harm, upon another friend - and, yes, cousin.

And what of Dwight? Long mysterious, closed, elusive, but who now has grown in leadership, with a mind attuned to good strategies and tactics, and the ability, in some wise, to calculate ramifications of evidence, and likely outcomes of actions. Whence his fears of late?

He wants more time to ponder. But, well, there are things to do now. Things to do. Perhaps later, to talk.

"I've got lots on my mind, love. I fear for our little troupe. How might we cohere, when we are not agreed on our pathways?" He pats Airin's hand.

"Perhaps when our chores are done here, then we all might talk together." He gives her a kiss on the forehead - then lifts his legs, tumbles backwards, and comes up to his feet. "Time to work."

Julian  d20+3=8 d20+5=6
Monday April 23rd, 2007 9:19:56 PM

Back up on top Julian picks up his badger, now regular sized, and gives it a good ruffling. He tends to the other animals, soothing them with the tone of his voice saying,
"I hope Podo blows off some steam," and "Stupid lion thing didn't look natural to me anyway," and "Let's not forget it tried to kill us," and other niceties that the animals like to hear.

He keeps an eye for dangers, not sensing anything to concern him.
Spot 8
Listen 6

[OOC] I'd vote to get rid of that house rule, but what about when DMs rotate again?

Dwight  d8=3 d8=1 d8=1 d8=6 d8=6 d20+3=20
Monday April 23rd, 2007 9:33:25 PM

"Sorry Tobias', didn't mean to forget you there." Pulling his wand out, Dwight heals Tobias to full hp.

Wand 40 charges remain

Once the thurible has been located, Dwight moves to the entrance to keep watch. "Well Tobias before I have to heal you again, perhaps a sword point or lion bone could be used to pull the thurible out. Or perhaps some of Kendry grappling or climbing gear could hook it."

spot: 20

Monday April 23rd, 2007 10:18:02 PM

Selithe follows Julian seeing his temporment at the moment she can't help but do something as she plans to get a smile from the sturdy halfling, "Well look at you Julian, your armor is kind of bloody and everything. Let me look at you and see if your still bleeding anywhere."

If Julian argues about her looking at his wounds she places her hands on her hips, "Now don't start. I'm 100 times scarier then any flying lion." Selithe smiles and then gives Julian and small nudge, "You okay thought, you do look abit banged up."

Monday April 23rd, 2007 10:59:21 PM

"Thanks Selithe. It's all dried lion blood now. Dwight hit me with the wand before I came up. Glad it wasn't Podo."

Tuesday April 24th, 2007 5:19:28 AM

"I'm not sure how many of you have done some gardening before," Kendry says. "We sometimes used tools to pull while standing up. Uncle Orby is always good at making such. Easier on the back, and you don't get stickers in your fingers. Let me see what I might have to make the job easier..."

From his haversack, the bard withdraws a crowbar fashioned of cold iron; a few pairs of smoke crystal goggles; a miner's pick; a few pitons.

Via the message spell, he tells Julian, "Say, Jules, in the left saddlebag of the dappled pony is a shovel. A grappling hook is tied to the outside of the right saddlebag. Could you get those for us? Maybe put them both in a bag, and lower them on a rope? Oh, and the iron pot - on the other pony."

Should Julian retrieve these items, then Kendry will begin to put them to work.

"Now, I don't know for sure - some plants seem to have a measure of intelligence. I guess we'll find out if that's the case for this hot moss. I'll try to find out for us. Tobias - let's see how the tools do first, but I'm glad you have that energy resistence available. Let's keep it in reserve, for once we know a little more."

He offers a few pairs of smoke crystal goggles to those who will be near the moss - to protect the eyes.

If the thurible has a handle, then Kendry will offer the grappling hook to Tobias to use to try, with care, to pull it out. If need be, he'll use the shovel, or another can use the crow bar, to assist Tobias in this wise.

Using the shovel, Kendry begins to scrape away the edges of the moss, taking care not to damage thurible or other items hidden within. Just taking his time, here a little, then step back. Step forward, a little more, then step back. And so forth - unless circumstances suggest a better approach. If the crowbar is useful, he'll use that. Or let someone else use it as Kendry uses the shovel.

Kendry - rolls that Cayzle can use for Kendry's efforts - not sure how to assign  d20=6 d20=13 d20=18 d20=3 d20=7 d20=18
Tuesday April 24th, 2007 5:27:38 AM

Here you go, Mister DM - random rolls for Kendry's work in obtaining / recovering thurible and magic items.

Podo (by Kim) 
Tuesday April 24th, 2007 6:00:50 AM

Podo, after his outburst directed at Julian, pulls within himself somewhat, just focusing on the matter at hand - getting the thurible, working with Tobias, Kendry, and whoever else wants to help.

He thinks over what he said. He really doesn't want Julian dead - that's for sure. But he makes Podo so mad, sometimes! Of course, Kendry has made him mad, too. "Well, I'll just shut up for a while and we'll get this done," he mutters, alternately feeling steamed and deflated.

Dwight (OOC: Rolls) 
Tuesday April 24th, 2007 7:07:23 AM

OOC: I would actually like to see the rule disappear. At the very least take 20 should be gone. Even the very best can't do something perfect all the time.

In my home games, we don't allow the take 20 roll. And we have a modified 1 roll. If you roll a one, a d100 is rolled and something else happens (mostly related to combat, such as you hit your ally instead, or yourself, or sword get stuck in wall, breaks or flies out of your hand). Others consist of things like your belt breaks and your pants fall down (this could be bad during combat). Of course nothing could happen, or even you hit you oppenent but drop your weapon. It adds alot more fun to the idea of a 1.

Tuesday April 24th, 2007 7:09:56 AM

As he put his hands to the red moss, "Hmmm! Hot! Still want it'z?" he waaits for an answer.

Loot! (DM Cayzle) 
Tuesday April 24th, 2007 7:22:28 AM

Using the Resist Energy spell and a few tools, the items in the Mold are fairly easily recovered. The Thurible is there -- it's leather straps are gone, but the metal parts remain, and Sharles seems content. He does mention that the sword was his, but it looks like it is now destroyed.

In fact, the undead thing seems to be more at rest. He asks you to take his bones and the Thurible to a temple of Pantheon. THen he is still, unless you try to rouse him.

Also there are several gems, and partly melted coins -- a meld of gold studded with copper and silver coins. There is a sword that breaks when removed. It seems to have been *eaten* by the mold.

The mold sizzles, sparks, and smokes when disturbed. Please make a d20 check. I'll apply relevant mods. Obviously, not the folks up top.

Airin nd Fioni 
Tuesday April 24th, 2007 9:38:23 AM

Airin somehow senses sorrow in Kendry's words and wonders what she can do to help although she can not hold the group together.

"It will all..." but Kendry walks off to talk to the others. He's right though, there are other more important matters to resolve.

With the thurible discovered Airin hopes they will now take on the second part of their quest before heading to the temple as desired by Sharles.

DM Cayzle 
Tuesday April 24th, 2007 12:38:22 PM

Airin and everyone, please DO make that d20 roll! Everyone in the cave, that is.

Tobias  d20=11
Tuesday April 24th, 2007 1:47:48 PM

Tobias is glad that the spell and the tools help them dig the item out. And, that Sharles's remains appear to be content... But, he's also ready to get back to their original mission... "Let's be off as quickly as we can friends, we still have more work to do today."

d20 roll: 11

Kendry's roll  d20=18 d3=3
Tuesday April 24th, 2007 2:43:27 PM

Kendry's cave roll: 18

"Let's be off as quickly as is meet, Tobias. We are here, now. Are we overlooking something we ought not overlook? Can we spend another fifteen minutes, half an hour, to see if there is a secret area, an overlooked treasure? As some of us search, someone else prepares food for us, and feeds our animals. Then, something found, or not, we go.

"Someone, also, might look at the ground at the foot of this canyon. Was something of worth inadvertently knocked to the floor beneath us?

"Let us not get in the habit of making so much haste that we miss what is in front of us. Nor spend too much time lost in minutiae that we waste time.

"Now, this mold certainly is interesting. I wonder if it could be used to spice up food? Looks like it rusts metal pretty efficiently."

Podo (by Kim)  d20=11
Tuesday April 24th, 2007 2:43:44 PM

Podo's cave roll: 11

Dwight  d20+3=5 d20+9=18 d20=1
Tuesday April 24th, 2007 10:34:27 PM

Dwight remains stannding near the entrance to the cave, watching and listening to those above if they were to shout.

spot: 5
Requested Cave roll: 1 (o-dear :( )

As Kendry mentions items may have been dropped to the cave floor, Dwight will look down to see what the chasm floor looks like (bushes, trees, dirt etc.).

Wednesday April 25th, 2007 12:28:45 AM

via message: "Sure, Kendry. Can do. Whachya using this stuff for?"

Jude completes his cousin's request.

"Selithe, did I do something... nevermind.."

Airin  d20=17
Wednesday April 25th, 2007 3:18:35 AM

Somehow there seems to be a voice inside Airin's head that gets her intrigued by the mold. She does not approach any closer than absolutely needed and if she begins to feel it gets too hot she backs ups.

Roll: 17

Fickle  d20=5
Wednesday April 25th, 2007 6:54:26 AM

Fickle is about to touch the red moss, but is reminded of the Fire a his parents home!!"NO! me'z not touck! Hot! Burn! Bad'z"

Fickle will start to walk out of the cave.(his face is ashen in color.

The Breeze (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday April 25th, 2007 7:09:58 AM

Airin and Kendry notice that the smoke from the disturbed moss seems to suggest that there is a breeze moving through the cave.

Up on top, Selithe and Julian help Fickle to the top of the cliff. They see that a few vultures are now circling overhead, over the skinned body of the first manticore.

Airin and Fioni  d20+8=13 d20+8=27 d20+12=23 d20+12=16
Wednesday April 25th, 2007 7:33:13 AM

"Notice that love?" Airin asks Kendry "a breeze is disturbing the smoke from this moss... with only one entrance, how can there be a breeze?!?"

Airin's interest in the cave is once again aroused and she begins to cross the cave trying to find where this odd breeze can go to... or come from...

Perhaps a hidden door where wind creeps through the closings... or a passage not yet found by her and her friends...

Without knowing why, Airin unsheaths her Bastard Sword as she advances deeper into the cave looking for answers to this newly found riddle. Maybe, just maybe she will be able to hear the wind whisteling somewhere deeper in the cave. Or perhaps there are traces to be found on the cave floor that lead to a secret passage?

spot: 13
search: 27
listen: 23

Outside Fioni continues to fly lazy circles. From the look at the halflings below it's obvious everything is ok with her master and the group. So why should she not enjoy the open air! Better than a damp cave is it not?

Kendry  d20+3=21
Wednesday April 25th, 2007 10:38:19 AM

"You're right," Kendry confirms Airin's observation. He makes sure everyone else in the cave notes it, as well. "Let's find the source."

He tells Julian of the breeze. "Look, how about you and Selithe get some grub going for us while we check this out. I'll send the iron pot back up so you have something to cook in." He explains where to find among the ponies' baggage the food, the water bags, and dry wood for a fire. He also lets him know where the food for the dogs and ponies is, so that they can eat. He wonders whether the dogs and wolf might be checking out the body above. And he sends up the pot.

Then he begins to search. [Search: 21]

Tobias  d20+5=21
Wednesday April 25th, 2007 11:55:34 AM

Tobias follows Kendry and Airin's lead and draws his short sword, looking also for the breeze source that they mentioned...

Search: 21

Podo (by Kim)  d20=5
Wednesday April 25th, 2007 3:39:09 PM

Podo joins in the search for the source of the breeze as well.

[Search 5+? - Cayzle, I don't have Podo's CS, so you'll have to add any adjustments]

Dwight  d20+3=4
Wednesday April 25th, 2007 4:13:21 PM

"Really?" Dwight inquires as others mention a breeze (spot: 4 ouch two 1's in a row) Turning towards the direction of the supposed breeze Dwight tries to feel for it from where he stands. "Nothing, but if more than one of you feel it, you should check it out. I'll stand watch here."

"Perhaps there is a false bottom? A little water could answer that question if nothing can be found through other means."

Wednesday April 25th, 2007 7:40:23 PM

"Okay Kendry. Do you want me to reshoe your pony and brush him down too?" says Julian sarcastically. He likes to poke fun at his cousin with all his 'words.'

Julian retrieves the iron pot and rummages through Kendry's gear looking for stuff to cook. Satisfied that he enough stuff to make a stew he gathers the stuff together.

"Selithe, mundane fire? Got anything better?" Assuming that a mundane fire is the better way to go Julian clears an area for a fire and digs it out a little. He gathers some twigs and small branches and sets them alight using Prestidigitation.

Julian hastens back to the trees to get some larger branches and brings them back to get the fire cooking.

There is also food preparation that needs doing. Prestidigitation makes peeling vegies and chopping meat much easier, freeing up Julian's hands to tend the fire.

Selithe  d20=9
Wednesday April 25th, 2007 10:37:04 PM

Selithe chuckles at Julian's comment and shakes her head, "No, has to be normal fire as I have no fire spells at my command."

Selithe will help make the fire but will need some help with the meal as cooking isn't a skill she has. Selithe sits and pokes at the fire abit before lighting up her pipe, "Wish I could of helped down in the cave, however I think my bow would of been of less help."

(Cook:9 unmodified as I don't have the book handy)

Thursday April 26th, 2007 12:13:47 AM

Kendry enjoys the banter as he explores. "Oh, you're a blacksmith? Sure, Jules, set up your forge, and whip up some new shoes for the ponies while you're at it. Don't buckle them too tight, though."

Thursday April 26th, 2007 12:49:36 AM

"Horse shoes don't have buckles, you clown."

Thursday April 26th, 2007 1:50:07 AM

"Oh, right, right, no buckles. Don't lace them too tight, I meant."

Thursday April 26th, 2007 3:56:47 AM

"Got it, Capt'n."

Thursday April 26th, 2007 7:35:28 AM

Fickle makes it out of the cave, look up and seeing the vultures, YELLS "HEY YOU"Z! Go AWAY!"

A Pot And A Crack (DM Cayzle) 
Thursday April 26th, 2007 9:59:48 PM

Up top, Selithe and Julian work on grub (an untrained craft check, most likely). So far they have made a serviceable start on it.

Fickle shoos off the vultures. They circle a couple hundred feet overhead.

The searchers find a crack. It is in the deepest part of the cave, near the ceiling. It is very narrow. But using one of Podo's lights, you can see a gleam of metal within.

It will take an escape artist check vs DC27 for a normal halfling to squeeze in. A human could never do it, and a manticore would have trouble fitting a paw in. On the plus side, if someone will hoist you up, or if you climb up, you can take 20 on the attempt to get in. And you might be clever in thinking of ways to gain a bonus to your escape artist checks, if needed.

Dwight  d20+3=19 d20+7=13 d20+3=9 d20+6=25
Thursday April 26th, 2007 10:04:04 PM

Smelling the scent of burning up above, Dwight looks skyward (spot:19). Seeing the birds circle around, Dwight yells up to Julian and Selithe. "Best get that lion cooked before the birds begin their feast."

With Fickle beside him, Dwight again mentions the thought to repel down the rest of the way. "Fickle, you wanna watch as I go to the chasm floor to search there? Wanna come with me?"

If Fickle agrees to watch or join Dwight will head down and search the chasm floor by climbing down the 100 foot rope.

climb: 13
spot: 9
search: (take 20 is allowed?) otherwise: 25 for chasm floor.

Julian  d20+2=18
Thursday April 26th, 2007 11:01:57 PM

OOC Hey, I have 1 rank in cook... there's no burning going on up here.

Profession (Cook) 18

Julian continues cooking the stew and talking with Selithe.

"I'm sure there's not much to do that needed all of us down there. And I think it's better that I am up here for the moment."

Thursday April 26th, 2007 11:36:41 PM

Selithe chuckles and listens to Julian, "Yeah, glad to see your handy with a cooking pot Julian. If you had to rely on my cooking skills, you might stave to death or get sick." Selithe smiles, "If I was a cleric I could make food I suppose."

Friday April 27th, 2007 12:36:27 AM

"Are you thinking of training in the temple, Selithe? There was a few things I heard them talking about in the Temple for Domi, back in Angel Springs, a few things that got me interested. I talked to some of the priests there about training with them. They talked about standing up for the weak and oppressed, and said "Right beats Might - with a little help from me!".

"I like that, like it a lot.

"and there was a great deal of talk about Domi, too. Wow, what a guy."

Podo  d20+9=17 d20+5=22
Friday April 27th, 2007 2:32:58 AM

Podo tries to climb up towards the ceiling crack and squeeze thorugh enough to reach the glint of metal.

Skill Checks
Climb: 17
Escape Artist: 22

Friday April 27th, 2007 2:48:58 AM

[If, via the spell alter self, Kendry can change into a tiny halfling (like a young child, or even toddler, if necessary), then he will do so. Will all the troubles I had with the alter self spell last, time, however, I'm a bit apprehensive about how, or whether, this will work, Cayzle. So, let me know. If he can do it, he does. Alternatively, if he can alter self into the form (if not the functions) of a fey creature (who, as the d20srd states, "are usually human-shaped," then he does so, into a tiny fey.

In any event, the now more diminutive Kendry asks for his friends' help to boost him to the opening, then through.]

Airin  d20+25=31 d20+8=26 d20+8=20
Friday April 27th, 2007 3:38:28 AM

"Hold on a sec..." Airin says while she rummages through her belongings. But thanks to her Handy Haversack what she wanted to find lays on top!

"Here it is! Salve of Slipperiness! This should make it fairly easy to squeeze in and it lasts about 8 hours!"

"Are you ok if I try this?"

If the group accepts, Airin uses the salve on herself and squeezes in the crack and checks what's to be found in there.

Escape artist: 31 (with the Salve of Slipperiness +20)
Spot: 26
search: 20

Friday April 27th, 2007 7:58:45 AM

Fickle looks at Dwight, smiling he answers "Me'z Go! Me'z Go with you'z, Couz!"

Fickle sniffs the air "Hmmm! Good Cooking!!"

Friday April 27th, 2007 10:25:38 AM

"Um, Airin, remember you gave me the salve of slipperiness to help us out in the Catacombs recently? Unless you have another one. Or, I could cast a grease spell - much less expensive than the salve of slipperiness, dear."

If the alter self spell helps make him temporarily smaller, he'd prefer to be the one who enters. If not, he'll be happy to cast the grease spell on Airin (as her escape artist skills are likely better than his), giving her a +10 circumstance on escape artist.

[Kendry has a +4 to escape artist, and the grease kicks it up to +14 - and with the take 20 from the assistance, that's a 34 - and likely higher if his 'make myself tiny via alter self' works. He has a grease scroll that costs 25 gp. The salve is valued at 1,000 gp. Let's do it for 25, rather than a thousand gp, if we can! He will take off most of his gear before casting grease, if he is the recipient of it.]

Friday April 27th, 2007 11:02:12 AM

"oopsiedaizy! This is my night cream..." Airin says with reddish cheeks.

(ooc sorry guys, apparently I forgot to erase this from my char sheet)

Friday April 27th, 2007 11:08:06 AM

Tobias really doesn't have much hope of getting in there himself, but he will lend a hand however possible -- a boost for tiny Kendry to get him to the opening...

Friday April 27th, 2007 1:26:47 PM

Selithe listens to Julian and smiles before speaking, tasteing the stew once before that, "Actually no. I just think it would be handy but I have chosen my path already. Being a conjurer and rogue I been planning to become a Stinger. I heard of them and decided it sounded interesting. I'm hoping to become better in my arcane arts and gambling. Anyway, don't think being a cleric would really fit me."

Friday April 27th, 2007 10:54:23 PM

Wondering if he understood Fickle correctly, and smiling at the cuz remark, Dwight begins his descent down.

(see previous rolls)

He looks first for anythin living that might attack, and second for anything that may have been dropped by the lions at some point.

Kendry  d20+6=25 d20+3=5 d20+3=8 d20+6=10 d20+16=34
Friday April 27th, 2007 11:00:21 PM

"Podo - can I borrow your coin of light?" he asks.

Kendry takes off most of his gear, keeps a dagger (just in case), gets small (alter self) and greasy (reads grease scroll, UMD 25), and gets a boost up from Tobias (and whoever else wants to help him ascend).

As he squeezes into the narrow, breezy opening, he looks around to see what he might see [Spot: 5], searches about [Search 8], and listens for what he might hear [Listen: 10] (wimpy rolls!).

[Just in case it's needed, a 34 on escape artist (not including extra smallness).]

The Corpse (DM Cayzle) 
Saturday April 28th, 2007 6:48:37 AM

Kendry's clever slipperiness gets him inside. He finds the body of a halfling. Some kinda gross maneuverings in too close quarters later, not to mention the obvious detectmagic, you have the following:

a dead body
nice studded leather armor
a nice spiked chain
a scroll case
a magic cloak
magic boots

The scroll case has two parchments, neither magical. The first is a letter with orders. It says to go to Graeff's Refuge, infiltrate the staff, and await further orders. It warns that a justicar is after you.

The second is a map with instructions on how to get into the Valley of Four Peaks. It seems you have to look for the Giants' Stair.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood [  d20+1=17 d20+9=17
Saturday April 28th, 2007 8:52:53 AM

Podo hands over the light coin to Kendry. Podo waits and watches Kendry slip into a fissure in the wall.

While Podo awaits Kendry's return, Podo searches the cave again just to be sure. (Search DC: 17)& (Spot DC: 17)

Afterwards, if Kendry has still yet to return, Podo will meditate on his anger issues.

Saturday April 28th, 2007 9:06:11 AM

Fickle follows Dwight, mumbling "EveryBodt is Fickle CuZin! Me'z Like everybody here! Yep! Me'z Do!"

Sunday April 29th, 2007 10:46:36 PM

Kendry tells those outside the cave within a cave about his discoveries. He lowers each item carefully to those below, leaving the body for last.

"Well, our manticore hosts did seem to have a propensity for killing halflings. And this one," he indicates the remains, "was up to no good, as far as I can perceive."

He takes the time to make a copy of the map, and less time to write a copy of the letter with orders. He checks for any names - people, organizations - or seals or other identifying information on the parchment.

ADM Kim Posting Report 
Sunday April 29th, 2007 11:05:32 PM

Cayzle DM: 22WT-S- 7
Anthony Dwight: MTWTF-- 5
Ceil Fickle: -TWTFS- 5
Jon-Paul Podo: -2W-FS- 5
Justin Selithe: M-WTF-- 4
Kim Kendry: M3W23-S 11
Pedro Tobias: MTW-F-- 4
Robert Julian: 2-23F-- 8
Steven Airin: MT2-2-- 6

Monday April 30th, 2007 3:54:30 AM

"So our good friend Sharles was out to get this man? Why? Couldn't we stir Sharles awake and ask him about this man?"

"All in all, this sounds quite intriging don't you agree?"

Airin's eyes seem to sparkle. She's always been fond of maps and vague clues... must be the rogue in her...

Julian Roscoe Holle Pipewood Trufflefinder 'the Badger' 
Monday April 30th, 2007 8:23:25 AM

Feeling a little more comfortable now, around his familiar and Collie dog, Julian relaxes with the cooking and enjoys Selithe's company.

"I really lik... errrr," Julian screeches as though in pain. "Sorry, Kendry's yapping in my ear again. Says he found... something... all greased up in a fissure. A note, up to no good, he says.

"Oh, I don't know, Selithe. He's yabbering on a lot about something, and he's excited so there's a lot of words. Hope this Message wears off soon."

Monday April 30th, 2007 8:29:31 AM

Fickle sit cross legged, well at least as far as his little leg will let him. "Hmmm! Food good! Who'z made it??" he ask.

Monday April 30th, 2007 1:32:00 PM

"Great idea, Airin," Kendry says. "Podo, do you suppose Sharles might be interested in this bit of news - and be able to fill us in a little bit more?"

"Oh, I just thought of something. Tobias, Dwight, Airin, Podo - could one of you give me a boost back up to the little crevice?" Once one of them does so, and if the squeeze is not too tight, Kendry continues up the air shaft a little ways. If it opens up more, or at least does not narrow, he continues until he finds the exit - whether up on the surface above, or along the face of the cliff, or wherever. If the passage gets too tight, though, he won't risk getting stuck, and returns the way he came.

Once he finishes that little exploration, he suggests we all meet up on top, and do what we might to evaluate the items found as we enjoy lunch, then prepare to move on.

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