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The Rainbow Highlands

Wilderlands (DM Cayzle) 
Thursday March 1st, 2007 3:13:17 PM

OOC: I know a map would be a help, and it is not unreasonable since you have lived in the Valley your whole lives. I'll try to post a map tomorrow or this weekend. For now, I hope the following will suffice:

The northern boundary of the Crescent Valley is marked by tall towers that are part of a magical protection system that keeps out the giants of the Scab. The Valley of Four Peaks is right on that line. The peaks form a diamond, north, south, east, and west. The northern peak has one of the towers on it. That tower is very remote, and is serviced only by guardians who can fly, usually on aerial mounts. You know the Tower Guards are greatly respected throughout the Crescent, but they do tend to hold themselves above gossip and politics.

The land toward the northern boundary of the Crescent is rough, touching the foothills of the Scab that looms ever northward. As a reference, the northeasternly most reach of the Culverwood is to the west, past Hovel.

As the party leaves the cultivated lands that lie on either side of the river, the signs of civilization become scarcer. If you see anyone, it is probably shepherds watching flocks or hunters looking for beaver and mink. The odd homestead might be found here and there, maybe with a palisade of stout logs to keep out wildlife.

Again, this is not new to you. The party traveled in land like this when you visited Lawni's Lens, although there were more farms and the land was somewhat more rolling around the Lens.

The party makes good time, what with the nature-oriented folk leading the way. But there is no doubt that Tibble would move faster, given a druid's Woodland Stride ability. You make up some of that time as Tobias urges longer marches and shorter breaks.

Airin thinks to send her bird ahead with a message penned by Kendry.

Fickle finds that sheep is really quite a tasty meat. In fact, he thinks it reminds him of a food he has enjoyed many times in the past -- called mutton.

Selithe enjoys the pleasures of the outdoors. Podo takes in the scenery. Julian walks along, comfortable in the outdoors as well.

Dwight takes the rear, keeping alert.

As you get closer to the four peaks, the land gets rougher. As night falls, you find yourselves near a homestead. Do you camp out of doors, or look for the shelter of a friendly barn?

Was Airin's bird directed to keep searching for Tibble or to return at night?


Tibble, Please Highlight to display spoiler: {You are very close to the peaks now. The land is quite rough and broken, and you have been walking uphill. You will need to rest for the night, and tomorrow you think there will be some actual mountain climbing in store. Any special plans for inclines, crevasses, canyons, and chasms? By the way, as I said at the start of the post, you are travelling north toward the Scab.}

Thursday March 1st, 2007 10:23:55 PM

Selithe looks to her brother when nightfall comes and speaks to him, "Why don't we spend the night outside. It looks like a nice night to sleep outside."

If decided Selithe will work on setting up her sleeping bag and such and lets Bandit run loose a bit but not too far from the group.

Dwight  d20+3=20 d20+9=24
Thursday March 1st, 2007 10:28:31 PM

When Airin's bird returns(?) Dwight makes sure he finds any information learned. "Kendry, any chance you could levitate each of us up these steep inclines?"

Otherwise Dwight keeps a watch, which becomes more intent as the terrain becomes less familiar and less hospitable. As the grounds change from grassy to rocky, the necro's cave dances around in Dwight's mind. He begins looking at the ground more often.

spot: 20
listen: 24

Kendry, as we travel along  d20+5=12 d20+5=17 d20+3=19
Thursday March 1st, 2007 10:31:49 PM

"Have you all thought of the wonders of the Wold? What a beautiful place it is, and how many marvels there are?" Kendry asks his friends.

"And we have seen some of them. We ourselves have the beautiful, verdant Crescent Valley. And some of us have seen the powerful towers which protect us from the giants. We live next to the mysterious Culverwood, full of life and death, places holy and unholy, elves, druids, walking trees, fairy dragons, magic mushrooms...

"To the south are the beautiful Red Hills. We should look up some of the halfling communities there. I know our kind are scattered about that area.

"Remember Plateau City? Countless buildings, towering towers - you can see that huge pyramid most of the way across the city. The Star Mage tower - Selithe - one day you'll be a member, right? Oh, and the library. Endless rows and floor upon floor of books, scrolls, maps, artifacts. And the people. So many.

"Anyway, I'm glad we live in this big ol' Wold. And with the life we've chosen, we should be able to see LOTS of the amazing places, and meet LOTS of the amazing people and critters. And think of the stories we'll have to tell our friends, and even, one day, our children, and our children's children..."


"Yes, well, Fickle, that would be a sheep you just killed, and from it you can get mutton. The younger ones are called lambs. I've got some spices and such that help bring out the flavor. By the way, that sheep probably belongs to someone, and the shepherd might miss it. So, we usually pay folks when we get something from them. And, usually, we ask first, pay in advance, then we can kill the sheep, or chicken, or whatever we bought."

Kendry drives a stake in the ground with a note saying, "My simple friend from the woods killed your sheep, not knowing it might belong to someone. Please accept these funds in payment, along with our apologies." Kendry leaves a strip of the sheep's skin and wool on top of the stake, and a small pouch with three gold pieces in it.


Answering Selithe, he says, "Well, I brought us some tents - so we could set those up and sleep in them, just in case the weather turns. One reason our land is so green, is that we get our fair share of rain.

"I have one of the big people's tents that can sleep about eight of us, and a smaller one for two or three of us. Also, I have a tarp we can set up to shelter the ponies, and dogs, if it does start raining, and they want to keep out of some of it."


"Dwight, I have one potion of levitate," answers Kendry. [He may have some scrolls of levitate with him, too, but no one is waiting on him in the Catacombs yet.] "It's not a spell I can call up at will, unless I have scroll, potion, or device. However, I did bring some climbing gear, and a fair amount of rope. If things get too dicey - although Selithe might think you can never have too many dice - it may be a challenge to get ponies through some spots. I hope that there is some sort of reasonable pathway to Graeff's place."


"Airin, so, have you seen Fioni yet?"

He talks with her about what kind of rooms she likes in homes, and how big they should be, and whether she prefers the burrows and berms of traditional halfling housing, or the more modern above ground houses of places like Angel Springs.

He brings Podo and others into the discussion. "Remember Lawni's Lens? With the observatory and big building next to it, all up on top of that hill, and the rolling grassy hills round about, and the water in streams and such - that might be an interesting place to live. We could build some traditional burrows round about, and - there's farmland aplenty, to be sure - plant orchards - get some druidic help there, mayhaps.

"Everyone in the community could give, say, ten percent to the community, to pay for - whatever we all need as a little town. Might be a good place to raise children - as long as we deal with ghosts and gargoyles ahead of time."


Kendry gets out cooking gear, sets up a tripod, gets a fire going, and makes sure everyone has a warm meal before retiring for the evening.

[Knowledge (nature): 12; Survival: 17; Spot: 19]

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood  d20+5=12 d20+9=19 d20+2=13 d20+2=20 d20+3=23
Friday March 2nd, 2007 3:16:32 AM

While walking and truding along after the rest of his companions, Podo takes the to time to analyse the terrain and geography as best he can so as to improve his skills. When able he tries to recall anything about the Historical significance about the place they are passing through.
When his friends break camp for the night, Podo unfurls his winter blanksts and his bedrool. Offering the group the use of his Tindertwigs to start a fire, Podo hums quietly to himself and offers to go gather some firewood.

Skills Used
Knowledge (geography): 12;
Survival: 23 (Nat 20!);
Spot: 19;
Knowledge (The Planes):13;
Knowledge (History): 20;

Spells Prepared
Cure Light Wound

Detect Magic
Read Magic
Purify Food & Water

Endure Elements
Cure Light Wounds

Friday March 2nd, 2007 5:49:25 AM

Fickle quickly goes to the heard, pick up the body of the Motton. then it's back to the group,
He'll skin the Mutton, Then cooks it, while it's cooking, Fickle ask the group "Who wants the Mutton's Wool??"

Friday March 2nd, 2007 10:32:10 AM

Cayzle, Highlight to display spoiler: { Tibble will do nothing special regarding the terrain. He'll continue to use his 'scouts' as always, but he'll get them to point out the best route for him to use.

OOC: I go in for surgery this afternoon. With any luck I'll be ready to post tomorrow or at least by monday.

Friday March 2nd, 2007 11:16:06 AM

Tobias continues to push the group forward trying to make up time, but is a little disheartened that they don't seem to be catching up much on Tibble. But, he pushes the group on, in case something unforeseen has slowed down our eager friend.

Rainbow Highlands (DM Cayzle) 
Friday March 2nd, 2007 2:51:16 PM

Sleeping out of doors sounds good to Selithe, and Kendry enlists the group's aid in setting up tents.

Podo thinks about what he has heard of this area. First off, this area is known as the Rainbow Highlands, called that because of the rainbows that form after showers in the area.

Podo recalls that somewhere around here was the old Mental Asylum that was really a front for great evil. Some former residents are now cared for by Graeff, who is the person you are going to visit.

Fickle makes the most of his mutton. Yum!

Tobias keeps pushing the group. Maybe he encourages an early march tomorrow?

Airin's bird does not come back tonight. Probably just nesting in a tree and will return tomorrow. Airin senses no danger through her (faint) empathic link.

Dwight no doubt remains vigilant.

In the morning, the party pushes on, hoping to catch up to Tibble.


Tibble, Please Highlight to display spoiler: { You are in rough terrain, moving more slowly. You hear a faint hoarse voice calling for help. In a crevasse, a deep dark crevasse, you see a figure who has fallen to the bottom. Maybe he is half-buried? You can't see his legs. Faintly you hear a call for help. It sounds like someone who has been calling for a long time. The crevasse is about 100 feet deep. At least 5 Climb check at DC 15 would be needed to descend to the bottom, but you could take 10, so long as you are not in danger.}

Julian  d20+3=8 d20+5=13
Friday March 2nd, 2007 5:20:38 PM

Julian sides with Tobias regarding an early march. He is up and dressed in his new Breastplate in the cold light of predawn. The new armour is adorned with brass and blued metals to display fighting badgers. A dire badger is trying to fight its way off the central chest area, and several regular badgers rage across the joints of the rest of the armour, and enemys flee across the straight areas of the forearms and upperlegs. He carries his new greatsword called EagerTooth with pride.

The badger Shark and the Collie dog Sallie both have new matching studded leather barding. Sallie now has a pack saddle, and Shark has a riding saddle with a very small lance attached.

All this physical activity gets Julian excited. Shark and Sallie pick up on it too, and the three of them occassionaly run off to scout ahead, say 200'.

Spot 8
Listen 13
Move Silently Bah! We move so fast surprise is the key.

Friday March 2nd, 2007 8:56:39 PM

Selithe enjoys her night of sleeping outside or in the tents rather and also comments to Kendry that the girls should sleep in a seperate tent of course and she winks to Airin, "We haven't had time to spend together anyway, can talk girl stuff and such."

Selithe enjoys her night of just girl talk with Airin, happy to have another female on the journey again.

Come morning Selithe dresses and comes out ready to continue on as she looks to the others. She chuckles as she speaks up, "Hope someone has an idea for breakfast, I have no cooking skills."

Saturday March 3rd, 2007 12:24:23 AM

"Sure, Sithy - fresh fruit, hot mush, cinnamon, sugar, and tea!" Kendry tells his sister.

He went to bed fairly early, and arose early, adding wood and fanning into flames the remaining coals from the evening fire, and a cooking pot and large tea kettle heating above. He slices fruit, and mixes in the bowls. "Good energy for today's brisk walk!"

"Julian - try these crystal lenses over your eyes. Tell me if they help you see better. Then let Tobias try them. And then Dwight." He wants to find out how and whether they help each person who wears them.

He rides atop Cheann for today's travel.

Saturday March 3rd, 2007 8:01:42 AM

Fickle rubs salt on the hide side of the skin, streches it and hang it on a tree. He gathers leeves in a bunch, laying don on it, throws a blanket over his body.
Fall asleep,Snoring "SNOR!" "Snicker!" "SNOR!" "COUGH"
He'll wake and read to go in the morning.

OOC: DM Cayzle put one Sheep skin in Fickle character's sheet, Please>

Saturday March 3rd, 2007 4:26:28 PM

Tobias tries out the crystal lenses to see what they do...

Then, he moves folks along to start the march early... Waking people that are still sleeping. Prodding folks to finish their breakfast. Getting animals and halflings ready to go. And, then leads everyone off after Tibble once more.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood  d20+5=16 d20+3=17 d20+9=22 d20+1=18 d20+1=18
Saturday March 3rd, 2007 11:09:13 PM

While waiting for morning, Podo takes the time to analyse the terrain and geography as best he can at night to improve his skills.

When able he tries to recall anything about the Historical significance about the place they are passing through.
When finished, Podo will offer to tend the campfire, and then take his turn on a watch.

Skills Used
Knowledge (geography):16 ;
Survival: 17;
Spot: 22;
Knowledge (The Planes):18;
Knowledge (History):18 ;

Sunday March 4th, 2007 3:10:20 AM

"Hey, maybe these'll help me to r... see... things... far away."

Julian tries the lenses, to look far, to look close. He scans around both near and far, up and down. He looks through his own gear with the lenses fitted.

Finally, he passes them on to the next halfling.

"Let's ride, hey. We gots some stinkyfeet to follow. This time it's us following around a bad smell."

Fickle  d20=13
Sunday March 4th, 2007 8:39:06 AM

OOC: Smelling 13

Filcle Sniffs the area, "SNIFF!" "SNIFF!" "NOT ZO Bad! Maybe We's get a BOUR For Lunch!" Telling his cousin, as he marches.

Sunday March 4th, 2007 10:38:39 AM

Cayzle, Highlight to display spoiler: {The greenmage sends his charmed scout down to see who is in trouble and the best way to reach the bottom.}

Sunday March 4th, 2007 11:55:29 AM

Having not seen Fioni return lat night does not really worry Airin. Sometimes the bird just leaves her for a day or even more. But she always comes back. This time Airin asked Fioni to locate Tibble and deliver message; She will succeed.

That night she enjoys talking about various housings to Kendry. She does like the burrows, but havin spend so much time of her life out in the open and in other houses have made her long to the open far more. Even though a moders house would not fit Hovel she would love something like that far more. Perhaps will little details from home but with a lot a light.

The next morning Airin keeps an eye out for Fioni wondering if she will be back soon.

Dwight  d20+3=14 d20+9=26 d20+11=26 d20+9=13
Sunday March 4th, 2007 9:11:06 PM

Dwight takes his shift at the end just before dawn and watches the new day come most likely presenting new things and new challenges.

"Well it looks like all my practice with climbing is going to pay off, some of this looks challenging. "

"As we march, shouldn't we come to a consensus about the necro? Several seem to have expressed views to rid the world of such vileness and others are willing to let him live given certain conditions."

"If we decide to attack him, where? Certainly his home would give him an advantage and if he is able, will likely not be fooled like last time."

"Thoughts," Dwight tries to hold onto his until others have spoken, but he is more in favor of reducing the number of enemies he constantly has to watch for.

hide: 26 (during watch)
move silently: 13 (during watch)

Monday March 5th, 2007 4:57:40 AM

"There's enemies out there for us a-plenty without us leaving behind one's we've already dealt with. Now I know we never meant to attack old bonedealer directly, but it makes sense now that it was inevitable. Let's go kill him.

"That sneaky halfling is just lucky to be still alive. I thought Kendry in particular would prefer him alive. I just hope he doesn't come back to sink his teeth into our posteriors.

"That's my two coppers worth: fight 'em, defeat 'em, and just do it once properly. Always has been."

Monday March 5th, 2007 7:13:59 AM

Fickle wakes, take the sheep skin down from the tree, Rubb off all the salt, roll the skin and put's away in his back pack.
To the party, "Me'z ready to go!" He'll follow them to where ever they are going.

Monday March 5th, 2007 10:52:56 AM

Cayzle, Highlight to display spoiler: { The greenmage waits for his recon info before deciding on a course of action. By the look of things he'll end up falling to the bottom himself.}

Monday March 5th, 2007 11:52:37 AM

"Well, Dwight, I already went over a number of options we might take with him.

"I say we prepare as well as possible to defeat him - and to defend ourselves and our people, if necessary from him. Since he engages in so odious and wicked work, I am not opposed to his termination. Yet, if he were willing to repent... but could one trust one who works in such dark arts?"

Birds lead the way (DM Cayzle) 
Monday March 5th, 2007 3:35:52 PM

Julian shows off his new gear. He is eager to be on the move.

Selithe too is up and ready to go -- with some breakfast, too, please!

Kendry offers rations and experiments with the new magic items. Tobias does the same, but also gets the party off to another early start.

Fickle prepares his sheephide for travel. It does not even smell -- much!

Podo keeps alert, but sees no dangers. He does not recall anything interesting about this place. There's a legend of flying lions, but that's just a tale.

Airin's bird returns with news that she sighted Tibble up ahead at a hole in the ground.

Dwight notes that Fioni is leading the group into rougher terrain, and he is glad he's been brushing up on his mountaineering.


Tibble, Please Highlight to display spoiler: {The bird reports back that there are only bones down there. But you hear a voice clearly calling for help. It is faint and intermittent, but unmistakable. With rope and care, it would not be that hard to get down and back. The rules give a climb DC of 5 for climbing with a rope. If you are attacked, or if it starts raining or blowing, it might be a different question, but if you have enough rope, you'll be fine.

As you ponder, you see Airin's companion overhead. It caws in greeting, then turns back.

Selithe  d20+6=23
Monday March 5th, 2007 9:21:41 PM

Selithe grins at her brother's teasing and gives him a friendly sibling shove, "I can't help it brother. I devoted my time to gambling not cooking. Figure if I gamble good enough a hot meal was not that far away."

Once the group has eaten and is ready to move out Selithe walks with the others and enjoys herself, only riding Gra when she needs to rest her feet. She does think and grins as she gets Bandit, her familiar ferret to jump on Julian's head and ruffle his hair some playfully. Selithe grinning about picking on one of her friends.

Thinking she also moves over to Fickle at one point and speaks to Fickle, "Hey Fickle, would you like to ride Gra a little? You don't have a riding dog or a pony and I'm sure between Kendry and me we can get Gra to let you ride her also, allow you to rest your feet a little."

(Handle Animal:23)

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood  d20+1=20 d20+1=5 d20+5=8 d20+11=12
Tuesday March 6th, 2007 12:30:18 AM

While awaiting a new direction from the current leadership, Podo will try his hand at honing his skills.

Looking at his Darkwood staff, Podo attempts to apprise it to discover if he can tell what it's worth woould be if sold today.

Having complete that task, Podo tries his best to look like someone else using his Disguise skill.

Podo tries to use rope to practice how to tie off a rope when its used for people to decend off a cliff.

Lastly Podo tries to practice tumbling. It's been so long since he last used it, Podo wonders why it seems so difficult to recall just how to tumble.

Skill Check
Appraise: 20
Disguise: 5
Use rope: 8
Tumble : 12 (NAT 1!)

Tuesday March 6th, 2007 2:58:38 AM

Airin's happy to see Fioni return as they now get a clear heading on where Tibbles is. Asuming the group will follow Fioni they will soon catch up with Tibble.

"Good girl..." Airin whispers as she sees Fioni flying high in circles wonder what is taking those little halflings soo long to catch up.

Tuesday March 6th, 2007 3:08:20 AM

He enjoys the conversation with Airin about dwelling places, as well as Selithe's banter.

"Tibble is ahead of us?" Kendry asks Airin. "Near a hole? In a hole? Let us make haste!

"Lead on, Tobias!"

Kendry: Backspace to Catacombs 
Tuesday March 6th, 2007 3:32:28 AM

Friends - Podo and Kendry are in the Catacombs, about to make a decision. If you want to see what it is, pop on over there. Agree or disagree - go ahead and read what has been posted there the past week (it's not too long), and have your character give his or her two coppers on the decision.

Otherwise, tomorrow night, Kendry and Podo will go ahead with what they've discussed there.

Podo is super poor. This will allow him to be a more effective person in combat, at the same time he keeps his commitment to avoid killing others (although he can still kill undead, constructs, and the like).

The haversack will make Kendry more effective, and the wand of cure light wounds will help all at some time or another.

The little bard wants to pick up a few more scrolls, too, to give us more options in difficult situations, and a few mundane items.

Okay? Fair warning...

Fickle  d20+12=26
Tuesday March 6th, 2007 5:25:24 AM

Fickle is following the rest of the party, when he come accross a trail of ants with leaves in their mouth?? So he jumps over the line of Ants, telling the rest of the party "Ant-ies on ground, bee'z carful, might bits You'z??" then walk along whistling a little song.

Airin overhearing a catacomb transaction 
Tuesday March 6th, 2007 9:21:23 AM

"I'm fine with the transaction though I am surprised you're getting rid of the gloves. Didn't podo say he would like such gloves as well? Isn't there any other way we can get the extra gold?" Airin says as Kendry pops his head out of the Catacombs.

Airin rummages through her Handy Haversack and spots a little jar and takes it out...

"Looks this is Salve of Slipperyness. I once won this in the lottery. It should be worth quite a bit... and I have 600 more gold coins... that would be an extra what... 1500gp? So if you keep the gloves, give them to Podo, trade this salve and take the gold, you would have something like 400 left for the group instead of 900 but we would all benefit from two excellent items... don't you think?"

Airin holds the Salve of Slipperyness and a bag of gold coins in her hands waving them to Kendry to decide.

Tuesday March 6th, 2007 10:33:10 AM

Cayzle, Highlight to display spoiler: {The greenmage calls his scout and gives it instructions to lead Airin to him near the mysterious voice.

"Don't bees a-feared, friend," Tibble calls down. "Elp bees on duh ways." The green mage will engage whoever is down there, seeking a direct response to his conversation rather that simple pleas for help.

CDM Jerry 
Tuesday March 6th, 2007 11:52:46 AM

I need the ADM to post the report for last week and email it to me as well. Thanks.

ADM Kim Posting Report 
Tuesday March 6th, 2007 1:22:45 PM

Cayzle DM 2TWTF-- 6
Andrew Tibble M-W-F-S 4
Anthony Dwight MTWT--S 5
Ceil Fickle MTWTFSS 7
Jon-Paul Podo M-WTFS- 5
Justin Selithe MTWTF-- 5
Kim Kendry 2TW2F 7
Pedro Tobias 22W-FS- 7
Robert Julian M-W-F-S 4
Steven Airin -22T--S 6

Everyone posted at least 4 times (Tibble & Julian each), with others posting 5 to 7 times each.

The team follows a half day behind Tibble who has the Bella Potions, on into the Rainbow Hills.

Sunset Reunion (DM Cayzle) 
Tuesday March 6th, 2007 3:42:46 PM

The party now has definite word of their eager friend, Tibble! They move quickly onward, pressing ahead with speed. Still, night is falling by the time you get to Tibble's location.

The spot is a deep crevasse, maybe a canyon, than splits the earth here and goes down at least 100 feet.

Tibble can fill you in on the rest of your discoveries at the sight.

Tibble, Please Highlight to display spoiler: {Your calls down are met with answers that reveal understanding and desire. "Thank ... you ... mercy ... oh ..."

As you wait for the rest of the group to catch up, night falls. When they arrive, the sun has set and the sky is purple and deep red.

Please feel free to describe the scene and bring the others up to speed.

Tuesday March 6th, 2007 4:41:45 PM

Tobias gives Tibble a good tongue lashing for leaving on his own... It's dangerous out here. But, he is glad to see the green mage in one piece. And, he'll listen in to his description of what is going on.

Tobias - OOC 
Tuesday March 6th, 2007 4:45:27 PM

I'd rather not get rid of the gloves. They would come in handy (pun :) for Tobias in most of his skills and in combat. But, if that's what we decide to do, then Tobias is fine with it too...

[As Tobias has a dexterity of 20, the gloves would not change his abilities in skills and combat, since they only add +1 to dex (20 or 21 are, benefits-wise, pretty much the same). In what Podo is suggesting in exchange for the gloves, he will be aided significantly with one of the Tears of Eberyon, making him more useful to us in a fight in some respects, while still allowing him to maintain a clear conscience. -Kim]

Tuesday March 6th, 2007 9:55:40 PM

(OOC: Selithe would have liked to of kept the hat of disguise but she doesn't have enough money to cover the whole cost of the item, even if she throws in the wand of magic missiles (CH:48) and all her gold she would fall a bit short of the cost. If I had enough to cover the item equally I wouldn't mind keeping it.)

Selithe shrugs guessing Fickle didn't want to try riding Gra and continues traveling with the group otherwise, a bit faster once she hears about Tibble. She wants to find their friend and hopefully in one piece.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood  d20+3=23 d20+5=15 d20+3=21 d20+9=13 d20+1=12 d20+1=8 d20+1=18
Wednesday March 7th, 2007 1:22:59 AM

Releaved & glad that Tibble is all right, Podo breathes a sigh of relief.

Podo asks Tibble at great length about the experiences out in the wild without the rest of the companions. "While you traveled alone, did you see or hear anything that might lead you to believe we might be in danger?" asks Podo. (Sense Motives:23 (Nat 20!)) Podo hopes to be able to use his skills in Gathering Info (skill check: 18) to learn more about the area from Tibble's answers.
Reaching into his pocket, looking for a small copper. Podo walks to the crevasse mentioned by Tibble and tries to spot anyone that might be trapped down the opening. I should have memorized the Light spell last night, I could have used it now!...mumbles Podo to himself.
Sitting down off to a small but quite area, Podo will rememorize his spells (see below).
Skills Checks
Knowledge (geography):15;
Knowledge(The Planes):12;

Spells Prepared
Cure Light Wound

Detect Magic

Endure Elements
Cure Light Wounds

Wednesday March 7th, 2007 2:11:05 AM

"So, what's so important down this hole that you'd leave us all behind?"

Kendry  d20+2=15 d20+7=20 d20+7=23 d20+7=12 d20+7=18 d20+7=10 d20+7=23 d20+7=15 d20+7=27 d20+7=22 d20+7=26 d20+8=19 d20+8=26 d20+8=9 d20+8=26 d20+8=16 d20+8=19 d20+8=22 d20+8=13 d20+8=23 d20+8=27 d20+6=20 d20+6=7 d20+6=9 d20+6=13 d20+6=9 d20+6=10 d20+6=12 d20+6=14 d20+6=18 d20+6=9
Wednesday March 7th, 2007 3:28:23 AM

"I have 350 feet of hempen rope, and a hundred of silken," Kendry reports. "Also I have a miner's pick, a few hammers, 30 pitons, some lanterns, water bags, a grappling hook, a climber's kit, a shovel... and other stuff. We have that light box for illumination. And torches." He tries to think whether anything else might be useful for trying to rescue whoever is below.

"Of course, it could be a trap of some sort. But if it's not, we'd be remiss not to effect a rescue. I'll go down," he volunteers.

He looks about for something firm to drive a few pitons in to help anchor the top of the rope. "Or does someone else want the honor of descending beneath?"

He gets out the climbing gear, and either puts it on himself, or, if someone else prefers, he'll lend it to him.

He goes with a doubled strand of hempen rope toward the top, and a doubled length of silken rope toward the bottom. [Silk rope gives +2 on climb checks]

Otherwise, unless someone else has additional suggestions, he begins his descent - making sure first that some of his friends anchor and belay the ropes as he climbs down, and that he wears eyes of the eagle to help him better check out his surroundings.

[Climb rolls, 10 times: 20, 23, 12, 18, 10, 23, 15, 27, 22, 26] - Forgot to include +2 from silk rope on these rolls. Friends' help might add another +2 for aid another.
[Spot checks as he descends: 19, 26, 9 (nat 1), 26, 16, 19, 22, 13, 23, 27]
[Listen checks as he descends: 20, 7 (nat 1), 9, 13, 9, 10, 12, 14, 18, 9]


[OOC: Thanks for the responses on the Catacombs transaction. Pedro - I appreciate Tobias' input. Steven - very kind and generous of Airin. Actually, the salve of slipperiness, with its value, may help us equip ourselves better as a team. Podo's dex is the same as Tobias', so neither would, at the moment, be helped by a +1 to dex. A tip of the hat to Selithe, too, regarding her desire for the disguise cap. I'll have to consider things more tomorrow - busy day, busy night, and I'm falling asleep as I type. -Kim]

Wednesday March 7th, 2007 3:49:51 AM

"Kendry, I'd go down if you like, but I'd need to take off this new shinny gear, and I'd rather not take it off. Besides, it'd be quicker if you did it, just don't sit and chat for too long. And remember, it might be a trap."

Before he descends too far Julian calls down, "Hey, don't you have a scroll or something to do this? And how are you gonna get him (or it or whatever) back up."

Wednesday March 7th, 2007 3:54:22 AM

Forgot to add that:

Julian aids his friend and cousin as he descends. (+2 on aid another)

DM Cayzle OOC 
Wednesday March 7th, 2007 5:18:30 AM

Friends, when I put text in spoiler tags, it really is intended to be read ONLY by the person to whom it is directed.

In this case, Tibble has yet to tell the new-come party members about any "rescue" that might be needed. Kim, this is not the first time I've mentioned this. In the future, players who act on spoilers they should not have read will face possible xp penalties and reference to the CDM.

Wednesday March 7th, 2007 9:14:49 AM

When night falls Airin is pleased to see Tibble standing near the pit Fioni "described". She walks up to him asking what he's been up to...

As Fioni comes flying down Airin strokes her feathers gently. "My good friend... go have some fun tonight. We probably will camp here."

Wednesday March 7th, 2007 10:59:11 AM

The greenmage's investigations have delayed him for half a day allowing Airin and group to arrive. He'll have foraged and prepared a meal to share once they arrive. It is cold, however, as he is uncomfortable about revealing his possition.

As the group approaches Tibble sits giving Harry a belly-rub who's sprawled over a space seemingly twice his size.

The greenmage smiles indulgently at Tobias' arrogance in presuming to dress him down, but offers no retort.

"Naw, friend Podo," Tibble replies. "Ah bees in less danger in dah wilderness den Ah is in what folks bees a-considerin' civil-lie-zation."

"Taint no thing down dis here's crack that bees important. It juz bees another distraction," Tibble replies to Julian. "Bella hired me ta help sum folks an' Ah aims tah dues juz dat. Speck her divination skill lead her tah believe some she asked for help might not prioritize as she'd of wished."

"In fact," the greenmage smiles at Airin, "If Ah hadn't been a-knowin' all yall bees a-pressin' so hard on me heels Ah wouldn't be here's now."

Tibble has been watching the unusual behavior of friend Kendry. As the impetuous adventurer begins to climb down he continues:

"Ain't even a little sure what youse bees a-doin', friend Kendry," the rotund hobbit points out. "But Ah bees fairly sure youse bees a-climbin' tah yer death."

If this gives Kendry pause Tibble goes on to explain, "Ah speck there bees some sort of restless spirit at da bottom."

"It seems dat necromancer friend of all yalls bees a-wantin' tah prevent dah potions from a-reachin' Graeff's Refuge. If youse bees determined, keeps the noise down. I bees plum wore out."

With that Tibble changes into a tulip tree. As Harry Barqr settles down party members recall that the greenmage needs only four hours as a tree before he's fully rested and ready to set off again.

He'll be ready to talk about what to do next in the wee hours of the morning. This gives the group plenty of time to get itself killed should it so desire.

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