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The Haunt Who Needs Help

Help Me! (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday March 7th, 2007 5:10:05 PM

Tobias urges Tibble to stick with the group. He expresses concern for the druid, and says he was worried. Airin is eager to hear what Tibble has to say.

Podo too was concerned about the green-mage with the heavy accent. Selithe is glad to find Tibble in one piece.

Podo listens eagerly to Tibble's story, while extending his senses into the crevasse.

He hears something.

Julian is also curious to hear Tibble's tale. Kendry, too, shows a lot of curiousity about the narrow canyon that now blocks the group's path to the Four Peaks. He thinks about going down, but has not done so yet.

Tibble reassures his friends, telling them that the great outdoors is safer than civilized lands.

Tibble says that the crevasse is a dangerous distraction. He thinks that a restless spirit is at the bottom. The greenmage thinks it best to ignore it. He suggests getting some rest before setting out in the morning.

The greenmage rests in his usual way -- as a tree!

And soon enough, what Podo heard in a faint faint whisper returns ... a little louder ... floating out of the deep dark pit of the crevasse.

Help me! Please! Mercy! Help!

Wednesday March 7th, 2007 6:22:56 PM

Tobias tries to aske Tibble about the voice before he turns into a tree... but perhaps to no avail. How does he know it's not real?

And, he asks Airin, "Any chance we can ask Fioni to go see what is down in the ravine before anyone decides to start climbing down."

Wednesday March 7th, 2007 6:57:05 PM

"I'm starting to like this halfling, err tree. Wonder if he'd mind if I slept in his branches. Just kidding.
"Let's take his advice, it's a distraction. We should finish this for B-Heather and move on to the old bony.

Dwight  d20+4=16 d20+1=7 d20+9=24 d20+3=11 d20=17 d20+3=4
Wednesday March 7th, 2007 7:33:32 PM

OOC: sorry been out for two days, haven't touch a computer. Son broken finger.

Dwight tailing the group hears the last bit of the conversation with Tibble changing into a tree and Kendry beginning his descent. Torn, Dwight just stands there watching.

"He um...surely, but what if someone really...," Dwight clearly shows frustration and most of it seems targeted around Tibble.

After a moment, Dwight regains some composure, but if an axe was nearby, Tibble might be in trouble. "It might be too late, but perhaps we can find some tracks showing that someone has fallen. I'd really hate to leave someone down there if they truly needed help. Then again, we know the necro and I guess the harpies would love to get us stranded down there."

Dwight stays clear of the chasm, but does look for tracks, listens and wonders if someone is watching.

gather infor:16 (tracks?)
survival: 7 (tracks)
tracking:17 (no skill)
knowledg arcana: 4 (could it be a necro spoof? nat 1)

Tobias  d20+13=20
Wednesday March 7th, 2007 9:15:20 PM

Tobias tries his hand at finding tracks as Dwight asked (Survival:tracks - 20)...

[OOC: is this part of Culverwood? if so the check is 22.]

Harry Barqr 
Wednesday March 7th, 2007 11:21:04 PM

The great beast's jowls flutter as he snores. Those nearby are flecked with drool.

Thursday March 8th, 2007 1:27:14 AM

Selithe looks to the others and goes to speak with Tibble but he changes into a tree and she sighs before sitting down and looking to the others, petting Gra's head and thinking while Bandit plays around near her, "No, don't send your friend Airin. If it's to dark down there and depending on what the creature is, size and such if it's a monster speaking then she would be a setting duck..err hawk. If where going to risk a animals life I can try summoning something in the morning and we can send it down, if it is killed it won't be as bad since it is a summoned monster and not a friend."

Selithe looks to Airin, "Your call though, we can wait or you can try. I just know how attached you are to Fioni,"

Selithe snaps her finger as an idea comes to mind and she grins, taking charge this once if allowed, "Wait, I'll do something tomorrow. Everyone gets some rest, we should post watches just incase and wait for tomorrow everyone."

Selithe grins as she prepares to get some sleep, liking her idea now.

Julian  d20+3=17 d20+5=24
Thursday March 8th, 2007 1:35:52 AM

Julian lies down for a good long rest. Suddenly he jumps up, "Watch! Good idea, Selithe. I'll take first watch, if there's no objections. Should we form a committee about it first?" He wanders away from the firelight a little, Shark the badger close at his heels.

Spot 17
Listen 24

Thursday March 8th, 2007 2:15:36 AM

"Tibble, it's good to see you. I'm glad you delayed your journey once Fioni alerted you to our pursuit. Your decision to leave without us, to take those things that we, as a group, had been given responsibility for, was wrong. We have as much stake, if not more, in their delivery and disposition as you have. Were it not for us - before you joined us, there would be nothing to deliver.

"Still, Tibs, I'm glad we are back together now. Let's try to keep it that way, all right? You're a good one, and I think we can do better together, if we are together."

When Tibble offers his view that death awaits him below, and that the necromancer is likely behind whoever calls out from below, the bard responds, "The so-called 'friend' you refer to has nothing to do with whoever, or whatever, is down this crevasse. He is from ways south, and I seriously doubt he would be setting traps for us up here north in the Rainbow Hills." As Tibble turns arborial at this point, Kendry chooses not to talk to the bark.

Kendry hears Julian in agreement with Tibble's view. "Maybe you are right. But if someone is in need below, and it is not a mere ruse, I'll not sear my conscience by ignoring a call for help. For mercy. If I'm wrong, then you all can sing at my funeral. How long has Tibble been here? How long has whoever it is been down there?"

He does wait to see if Tobias and Dwight find signs of others' footprints.

Since Julian appears unlikely to help, Kendry decides that this tulip tree might make a good rope anchor. He wraps one end around the base of the trunk a few times, then moves to the edge of the crevasse. He ties the Sneak's open box firmly to the bandolier across his chest, so as to provide ample light during his descent. One potion in particular he makes sure is available in a small belt pouch.

"I'll go part way down, then let down a water bag to whoever is there. If it's not an evil spirit or harpy or the like, but merely a hapless traveler, he - or she - may be thirsty. I'll decide whether to continue my descent or not at that time. Anyone care to join me in this?" he asks. "Or at least a few of you to belay the rope for me, help to slow me down if I slip and fall? If the walls are solid enough, I can drive in some pitons on the way down. I only have 30, though, so only so often can I place them."

He further explains to his friends, "All we know now is that someone is crying for help. I'll get closer, and see if there's a real need, if I can. And provide at least some help, as I'm able. We can decide then whether I go down the rest of the way. All right?" Kendry casts a message spell so he can whisper to whoever decides to stay awake and help him out.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood  d20+9=16 d20+3=22 d20+5=14 d20+2=17 d20+1=15 d20+1=10 d20+1=6 d20+5=16 d20+2=19
Thursday March 8th, 2007 2:26:00 AM

Steppping closer to the fire, prior to spell resetting, and into the light, Podo calls for his friends and companions to gather closer and speaking a monologue more than a dialogue, Podo begins...

"Friends, companions, adventurers. Please allow me a momment of your time. We simple collective are on a journey of great importance. We have been charged with the delivery of an important service. While we do seemingly have a dangerous spanse of land to cross, this crevasse - it is not our destination. As Mister Tibble has suggested, this is not our goal. I feel in my bones that it is a trap, that We are not safe here.

"As you all know, we had an encounter recently that brought us before a great evil. Like rust, evil never sleeps. As to why some of you think that our lives are not in danger to me seems a foolish thing.

"Those of you that have been a member of this group from the start can recall the days of past when a group of seemingly innocent druids awoke a great being of Nature. Recall those days of Great Turmoil in the land, when plants walked among us, when silver grasses spoke inside our minds; Podo winks at Airin; and of other Green things that crafted mock Gallow's Pole Platforms complete with hanging Halflings out in Aunties Gardens.

"Not everything is as it seems friends,
some things need to be left alone.

"Kendry, dear cousin, tries, bless his heart, to always do the heroic thing, but now in this time and place, I fear that heroic action will only bring death..." explains Podo as his thoughts lead him into deeper thoughts.
Snapping back, Podo explains that "chance favors the prepared" so Podo will take the first watch and tend to the fire. At midnight, he will pass this task to the next chosen and then lastly the 3rd watch will take the helm.
On watch, Podo tries his skills at discovering his surroundings. Wonders if using his Knowledge skills in the areas he is knowledgeable will helps him know. He tries anyways.
After his watch, Podo settles down to concentrate and refresh his spells.

Skill Checks
Spot (using the firelight): 16;
Survival: 22;
Concentrate: 19

In Pantheon's Name (DM Cayzle)  d100=35 (wandering monster check)
Thursday March 8th, 2007 4:52:22 AM

Tibble and Podo are convinced that this is a trap and a diversion. Kendry thinks that it can't be the Necromancer ... he lives to the south, and this is to the north.

Tobias suggests sending Fioni down to check. Selithe urges Airin not to risk her bird. The wizard/rogue has an idea for the morning.

Dwight scouts around. He can see signs that Tibble's dog Harry has been walking around for a day or so. Tibble, of course leaves no tracks. There are no signs at all of any victim who might have preceeded Tibble here -- no signs of anyone approaching the crevasse, nor of anyone falling in. Maybe the person asking for help fell in from the other side? Or flew in? Or is a druid, like Tibble and Airin? Or fell in a long long time ago?

Julian agrees to wait for morning too.

Kendry, unwilling to wait, decides to descend at least a little ways down to see what he can see.

The halfling uses the Sneaky Fellow's continual flame box to light the way. He sees the figure at the bottom of the crevasse. Maybe the poor victim is half buried? Or has no legs? Maybe the victim is bald? Or is that a skull?

From the depths the voice speaks again:

Help, in Pantheon's name! For the sake of all the Gods of the Wold!

Kendry lowers a waterskin and can do no more tonight.

The party rests, perhaps setting watches. Are there any wandering monsters? Not tonight.

In the morning there is a light drizzle, and the wizard must be careful to keep her book dry. Think about spells that you choose to prep. Actions?

[OOC: I hope Airin and Fickle will forgive an early DM post today.]

Airin  d20+12=27 d20+2=18 d20+8=13 d20+10=15
Thursday March 8th, 2007 6:17:07 AM

(ooc No I won't forgive the early post ;-) )

Prior to DM post

"Fioni is a hawk Tobias... not a bat! She doesn't like flying in dark crevisses like that! And frankly I'm not even going to ask her for I don't trust that pit either..."

She listens to the speaches of several of her companions and smiles. They're a fun group aren't they and again she feel like an idiot to have ever left them for a little while.

"Kendry, I have to agree to Podo, I don't like to see you climbing down there... I don't trust it and... and.. euhm ... I don't want to loose you while ... "

But IF we go down there, I have a spider climb scroll that would be most handy.

After DM post

"Kendry Leafwin Pipewood!" ohoh... you should be aware that when a woman calls you by your full name she ain't happy (I know Inge would be ;-) ) "Why can't you ever listen to reason?!? Get Back here!... ... please be careful love..."

Once Kendry is back she hugs him... appologising for getting angry (worried madly for her love?) If you're desperate to find out what's down there I'll help you in the morning. Now we need some sleep

The Next Morning

If Kendry is still set to get to the bottom of this Airin takes the Sroll of Spider Clim out of her bakpack and prepares to cast it - if needed that is - and listens at the crevisse.

She also tries to sense if the cries really come from a person in need. Besides if someone fell into the crevisse there should be some signs near the pit or inside...

listen: 27
sense motive: 18
spot: 13
knowledge nature: 15

Thursday March 8th, 2007 7:15:47 AM

Fickle is silent, he cannot not make head oe heel out of this sceen?? There's a voice comming out of the Pit?? So he'll ask the pit "Arez You'm Cold? I have a nice sheep skin you'z can Ware??"

Special DM Make-up Post for Airin and Fickle 
Thursday March 8th, 2007 7:17:50 AM

Airin sees no signs at the edge that would suggest a mishap.

She does hear the voice clearly and very faintly. It is unearthly ... maybe sepulchral .. and she hears it say something else ...

Airin, Please Highlight to display spoiler: {You hear the voice say very softly, "Please for the sake of all that is good ... So alone! Lost and alone! Please, have mercy, I beg of you!" So far as Airin can tell, it sounds sincere ... and very sad and forlorn.}

Fickle hears the voice answer, "Thank you kindly! Please come rescue me!"

Thursday March 8th, 2007 8:47:25 AM

"That voice feels unearthly... maybe sepulchral (occ what on earth does that mean?!? will look it up) ... it begs us to come down there for the sake of all that is good because it is soo alone ...lost and alone."

Airin thinks it through and then says

"It sounds sincere though.. very sad though but sincere. Still I don't trust it!"

Thursday March 8th, 2007 10:25:51 AM

After his rest the greenmage shall refresh his relationship with the Natural Wold (and his spells).

Once the remainder of the party awakens and is discussing a course of action the rotund hobbit offers his perspective.

"Friend Kendry, youse bees a-havin' no ethical high ground ta presume ta judge mees actions. Ah dun endangered nobody by mees actions. When yall ruined da party's chance of surprise an decided on youse own ta negotiate wif da lizard dogs youse put everyone's life in danger. In fact, it almost cost one's life. No one dressed youse down despite youse obvious lack of judgement; they simply accepted youse apology."

Having wasted too much time on the topic already Tibble speaks to the group at large.

"Ah bees a-thinkin' all yall caught or killed yer sneak? Course Bella had already dun dealt wif de threat ina sensible fashion - she'd made herself scarce."

"Regardin' an earlier comment: fammiliars an animal companions, even simple pets all bees welcome ta roost or shelter wif mees when Ah naps just as Harry does. Should ah feller or ah lass want ta catch forty winks or juz keeps watch in mees branches, all bees welcome. Juz bees prepared fer mees a-changin' back."

"Now, whats wees bees a-wantin' tah do here?" Tibble jestures towards the beckoning voice from the crevase. "It bees aware an responds after an fashion. Dere bees at least some intelligence at work heres."

Thursday March 8th, 2007 11:50:02 AM

Before resting:
"Hey Kendry, let me see those lenses again." Tobias tries them on and looks into the crevasse to see if they have any effect.

And, Tobias will keep one of the watchs, probably second watch if that's ok with folks.

In the morning:
Tobias watches as folks try to figure out what to do next about the voice. If Kendry still wants to climb down, Tobias will go with him... Can't have a bard getting himself into trouble alone. :)

Thursday March 8th, 2007 8:17:38 PM

Come morning Selithe spends some time looking over her spells in the safety of a tent if possible before walking out with her cloak pulled about her some and walks to the edge of the crevice and looks down in it before looking to the group, "All right, no one or familiar is getting close to that thing down there till we know if it's safe or not."

Selithe pulls the necklace she got sometime back when the group faced the fey king and runs her thumb over the symbols of it before speaking gently as she never used the powers of the necklace often, "Spirits I need your help here." Selithe summons a Grig with the necklace and will ask it to fly down and check on the person or thing down there, explaining what the group is concerned about.

Thursday March 8th, 2007 9:13:37 PM

In the morning, watching Selithe Julian moves in close to see the necklace, "What is it, Selithe? Where'd you get it?"

Dwight  d20+3=22 d20+9=12
Thursday March 8th, 2007 10:00:19 PM

"hmm," Dwight wonders if fear is finally slowing the group down too much. Of course Dwight makes no movement towards the chasm.

"How much further is it to our destination? If it's not far, perhaps we could leave food and some water and return later." Dwight doesn't really sound convincing as leaving something else to watch their back is almost as frightening as going down into the chasm.

Seeing the others seem to be set on investigating, Dwight takes to watching and patroling the area. He'll stay within bow range of the group (that is if something fly out of the chasm).

listen: 12

Podo D. Pipewood 
Thursday March 8th, 2007 11:09:19 PM

Watching his cousin play the role of Ghost Bait, Podo relaxes and spends sometime talking with Tibble.

"Hey, Kendry, what was the name of that Gargolye we meet up at that Castle a while back? Didn't he say something about getting even with us?" says Podo to Kendry attempting to resolve this detour before it really begins.

Friday March 9th, 2007 2:22:54 AM

"euhm friends, let's be honest... IF someone would have fallen down there and it heard us arriving last night and then also heard us going to sleep... wouldn't you think it would scream all night to wake us up and to help it get out?!?

Instead this "voice" just continues begging us to come down there because it is alone?!?...

I say we leave it to this and move on."

Friday March 9th, 2007 2:37:06 AM

"Airin makes a very good point. If I'd thought of stuff like that sooner I would'na taken up the blade so quickly."

Kendry  d20+11=18 d20+11=14 d20+11=18 d20+11=27 d20+11=21 d20+11=25 d20+11=25 d20+11=30 d20+11=14 d20+11=13
Friday March 9th, 2007 3:47:07 AM

"Let's see. You, Podo, think I may die if I descend. The gargoyle, that Airin nearly slashed in twain? I don't recall him saying anything after his ruse - he was in a hurry to flee. But those ghosts that Terry Dactyl made were grateful to us for giving the stone flyer a good dressing down. Did you hear him say something to us about revenge, Pode?"

"Airin, my love, you want me to listen to reason. And leave the owner of this voice behind to its fate. I appreciate your concern. And you are probably right. But, just in case - I want us to know for sure, lest we avoid doing what is right out of fear."

"You, Tibble, think whoever, or whatever, is below, is for us to leave be, and continue on our way. Oh, and yes, the Sneak we intercepted - he tried to kill Podo - but is now imprisoned. No 'ethical high ground'? I don't care whether the ground I stand on is high as yonder mountains, or as deep as this crevasse. Look, I don't want to argue - but Tibs, you had us worried. And I am glad that you are safe and sound - and that we'll be able to carry out the commission she gave to all of us, as a group."

"Thank you, Tobias," Kendry says with genuine gratitude. He is happy to have Tobias wear the eyes of the eagle on this exercise - and he informs him that's what they are.

"Dwight - would you care to help?"

"Julian - you agree with Airin. Oh, and I think you'll enjoy the story of how Selithe got her necklace."

"Selithe - Great idea! I'll happily await the report of your wee fae on what lies below. If it looks to be a person, and not a ghostly apparition, then I say we look to rescue - with care, though, with care."

Figuring this should take mere minutes, Kendry waits for the results.

"Friends - before we dash off - we might have this riddle solved, and rescue made, or not, in short order. Let it not be said of us that we came across a poor soul in need, and let that soul perish for fear and timidity on our part! But if an evil phantom seeks to lure us in, then, for the sake of preventing more bones from accumulating below, perhaps we ought to relegate it to perdition, to bother no more mortals such as we who walk the Wold."

He thinks for a moment longer. "In case it be a foul spirit - are any here who might bless my sword? For I have no weapon of magic against such." In a quieter voice, he adds, "Though I do have some holy water."

Conditional matters

If the grig reports a mortal indeed is in need, Kendry prepares to descend, along with Tobias, if the ranger will join him.

[Climb (adding in +2 from silk rope, +2 from climbing gear, and +2 from aid another, if someone will be above, helping with ropes): 18 14 18 27 21 25 25 30 14 13]

He descends first to about 40 feet above the creature - 10 feet closer than last time. "What is your name? Where are you from? What is your race? How long have you been here? What race are you? Tell me who that skull belongs to. Why should we rescue you? Have you any companions?"

If the answers seem satisfying (that is, responsive, and not mere variations on what he and others have heard the voice say), he reports to those above, and descends 10 more feet. Again, little by little - gauging whether there be a threat or attack, only dropping down more if pretty well convinced that there is a real person, with a real need...

Meanwhile, some vials of holy water and a potion bottle are in pockets and pouches easy to reach.

[OOC: How solid are the walls of the crevasse? Rock? Granite? Sandstone? Compressed dirt? Other? Any good places for pitons? If so, Kendry will place one about every 15 feet.]

Friday March 9th, 2007 7:41:30 AM

Fickle still looking down into the pit, turn to Kenndry, "Cuz! Me'z think that Airin iz right! Don't trust IT! Let'z me'um try Something!"

Fickle takes out the Sheep skin, ties a few rock onto it, put small branches for arms and legs??
Then ask some body for help letting it down the pit, Just to see if the voice will grab the dummy so he can be resqued? Or Attack the sheep skin for food?

Me'z glade to have a sheep skin handy!!

Friday March 9th, 2007 10:02:29 AM

"Best of luck, friends," Tibble says shaking his head sadly. "Ah bees a-hopin' all yall fares wells in dis heres endeavor."

The greenmage is packing Harry's saddlebags, preparing to continue on.

"It'll slow mees down ah fair piece, but any whose bees a-wantin' tah travel wif mees and ole Harry bees welcome."

Tobias  d20+9=27 d20+9=18 d20+9=25 d20+9=27 d20+9=23 d20+9=18 d20+9=19 d20+9=14 d20+9=17 d20+9=24
Friday March 9th, 2007 11:43:03 AM

Tobias responds to Tibble, "Well I see you got the fickle and selective nature of helping others from B-- Heather." And, turns back to the crevasse to prepare for this climb down.

He uses the eyes of the eagle to peer down and see if he can make anything out down there. And, waits for Selithe's fae to report back.

If Kendry decides to climb down, then Tobias will go with him.

[Climb (adding in +2 from silk rope, +2 from climbing gear, and +2 from aid another): 27 18 25 27 23 18 19 14 17 24]

Friday March 9th, 2007 12:53:50 PM

"Consarn it, Tibble, if you leave, you're not taking the potions with you," Kendry tells the impatient greenmage. "I don't mind that you're ready to go, but I will if you take off without us again. Now just wait, please. This should not take long. Better yet, why not prepare to help us should the need arise?"

Friday March 9th, 2007 3:32:53 PM

"Ahs not impatient, friend Kendry," Tibble responds. "But youse don't seem tah care one wit 'bout some poor folk stuck ina coma."

"There bees ah skeleton downs dere, tah bees sure," the greenmage continues. "But not no livin' souls Ah bees able to tells."

"Plus," he finishes, continuing to pack, "Ah ain't a-goin' alone. Ah bees a-goin' wif whose a-goin wif mees."

Dwight  d20+3=16
Friday March 9th, 2007 5:05:44 PM

Dwight openly glares at Tibble for attempting to leave 'again' without the entire group.

"I'm not to eager to take care of this 'Thing' down there, especially since we got other things to do."

Then Dwight's attention turns to Fickle's clever idea ?!?. "Interesting idea there."

If Kendry (and Tobias) begin to descend then Dwight reluctantly aids by holding the rope steady and pointing out any thing that changes below them.

spot: 16

"Tibble, this shouldn't take too long. A couple minutes or maybe an hour. I'm sure though, that if Julian gets to kill something he'd be willing to skip second lunch and make up any lost time then."

Friday March 9th, 2007 6:10:25 PM

"Your thinking that I don't care about those people stuck in a coma really does not deserve a response." Kendry goes on with the immediate investigation / rescue attempt.

Friday March 9th, 2007 8:30:34 PM

Harry and the greenmage leave those interested to their distraction, once again heading for Graeff's Refuge.

Explorations and Prioritizations (DM Cayzle)  d20+12=21 d20+2=17
Friday March 9th, 2007 8:34:03 PM

Sure that the voice calling for help is a distraction at best, or a grave danger at worst, Tibble gets ready to depart. The direct path to teh Four Peaks leads north across the crevasse -- would Tibble prefer to go east or west?

Airin is very suspicious and doubtful about the voice, but she does not yet commit to departing with the greenmage. She is very convincing to Julian.

Dwight too is cautious about going into the crevasse, but he is angry that Tibble is going off alone.

Tobias peers into the crevasse with the goggles. Wearing them, details are sharper. He sees the victim on the crevasse floor below -- looking much like a corpse, or half a corpse, to his magically-enhanced eyes.

Podo offers an idea as he watches the rest of the party.

With Julian watching closely, Selithe calls forth a fey ally. The cricket-taur turns invisible and flies clumsily down -- then flies back up, drastically changed! She is now herself decayed and rotten! Her hair is grey and falling out! Her bones are showing! Is this some kind of undead fey?

If anyone makes a spot check vs DC21, then Please Highlight to display spoiler: {You see that the grig is fine -- just using a magic disguise!}

Help me! Help me! I'm a good ghost! I just need some help! the undead-grig intones.

If you make a sense motive check vs DC17, then Please Highlight to display spoiler: {You hear that the grig is trying hard not to laugh!}

Kendry is ready to descend if the grig reports that there is a living person in danger. The fey suggests the opposite, so Kendry does not descend.

Fickle tries offering some bait -- some bait in sheep's clothing! Nothing tugs on the package, but a voice comes in response.

Kendry asks Tibble to stay, but the greenmage seems set on a speedy departure.

In response, may be, to the fey and sheep-bait, or maybe to talk of leaving, the cold voice again is heard, clearly, and by all -- Please, in the name of all that is good and holy, by Alemi and Domi, by Flower, Ffloy, and especially by just Pantheon, help me find my rest, oh my brothers and sisters!

Friday March 9th, 2007 8:46:17 PM

Julian also agrees with Fickle's idea. Then nods furiously with Dwight's suggestion, though ultimately he'd rather just move on from this crevice.
"It just doesn't feel right. It's got us bickering. I think whatever it is down there is doing it to us. Let's just go."

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood  d20+9=23 d20+3=8 d20+1=16 d20+9=15 d20+8=17 d20+7=21
Friday March 9th, 2007 10:38:03 PM

Podo can see the fey is tricking them all. He tells all his friends, "hey the grig's fine..he's pullnig a fast one on us..."

Podo walks to the edge of the rocky whole. Calling down to the Good Ghost, "I am Podo Danderfulff Pipewood, I workship both Domi & Alemi. In their name I will do what I can to help you find rest." Podo waits for a reply , trying to detect if the answer, if there is an answer, dislodges bits of history in his mind. (Knowledge(history):26)

Turning to Kendry, Podo explains, my friend, companion, and cousin, if anyone of us is to go, it should be me. I am the cleric here and I worship both of the Gods, the poor soul has mentioned. I would be neglecting my faith, duty, and honor if I did not do all I could to help a Brother or Sister." explains Podo to Kendry.

Help me traverse this crevasse so I can help this poor Brother/Sister.

Podo beings to walk to the edge and climb down the rock face using any of the ropes already set by Kendry. "If I slip, I can always use my skills to slow my rate of descent." explains Podo.
(Skill check: Climb:15 & Balance: 17 & Use Rope: 21)

Dwight -Question 
Friday March 9th, 2007 10:40:04 PM

How far across is the crevasse? Reasonable to jump?


DM Cayzle Comments: It is certainly a very large crevasse -- kind of like a narrow long canyon. It is about 100 feet deep and from 50 to 150 feet wide, depending. A 5th caster level jump spell, an expeditious retreat, maxed out jump ranks, and some Str and racial bonuses would probably make it fairly jumpable ... but to the average character, it looks mighty risky.

Tibble  d20=8 d20=13
Saturday March 10th, 2007 11:04:15 AM

The greenmage stops in his tracks.

He slowly turns his head to stare at Selithe's summoned creature.

"Ah done been a-warnin' all yall," Tibble intones.

"Unfortunately friend Julian, Ah can'ts bees a-goin' just yet."

He heaves a heavy sigh. As the pair turn around Harry has a worried look on his face.

"Dah dead can't bees a-callin' on de gods, normal-wise," Tibble points out while walking over to look down into the ravine. "An dey certainly don't bees involking dem alls fer aid. Dere's more here than bees a-meetin' the eye."

"Sides," he goes on, "dah shortest way ta Graeff's bees dat ways."

Tibble looks directly across the gap in the earth.

"Ah still don't likes it."

Sense motive: 13+3=16

Tobias  d20+6=21 d20+1=2 d20+9=28
Saturday March 10th, 2007 3:29:43 PM

Well Tobias can see that the grig is presenting a ruse, but not really sure what it's up to...

But happy to see the clerics take note of the situation, Tobias will again volunteer to follow Podo down this time (Climb 28).

Saturday March 10th, 2007 3:30:38 PM

Oh he also tells the others what he sees with the eyes of the eagle... There is at least a partial body down there, but not likely to be alive.

Kendry  d20+3=10 d20+4=23 d20+11=28
Saturday March 10th, 2007 10:38:56 PM

[Spot: 10; Sense Motive: 23; Diplomacy: 28; see earlier, unused climb checks]

Pleased that others are committing to seeing this puzzle through, Kendry gives Airin's hand a squeeze, then joins in the descent.

When within earshot of the spirit, he asks the questions he formulated earlier.

"Please, take not offense at our questions. But if we would answer your plea, there are things we would know.

"What is your name? Where are you from? What is your race? How long have you been here? Tell me who that skull belongs to. Why should we rescue you? Have you any companions?"

And he adds, "What injustice was committed against you, that you call upon Pantheon? And how might we help you find rest? And why ought we do so?

"Know this: If you try some wicked thing against us, we shall not heed your request, and we shall pray to those whom you invoke that never might you find the rest you seek. But if you, even in this time of disquiet of soul, will treat us with kindness and fairness, then will we be more favorably disposed to helping you."

Julian  d20+3=4
Saturday March 10th, 2007 10:52:00 PM

Julian weighs up the possibility of leaping the crevasse.

ranks 7
str 3
race 2
potion of bull's str 2
scroll of exp retreat 12
jump potion 10
total 36
DC min 50, need to roll 14 or more

He looks at the depth of the canyon.

"How much time do you think it'll save us if I leap the canyon? I can secure a rope somewhere on the otherside and we'll make a bridge for us to get across. Not sure about the animals though... Someone wanna give me a hand to get this armour off for the leap?"

Spot somewhere to secure the rope bridge: 4 nat 1 (too excited about the leap)

Airin [AC17 - 18 vs traps / HP 42/42] and Fioni  d20+19=39 d20+17=31 d20+8=27 d20+12=22
Sunday March 11th, 2007 3:39:46 AM

Airins till doesn't trust the canyon and prefers to just move on, but she can't allow the one she loves to climb down there without she being there to help him! Then Kendry squeezes her little hand...

"Oh you stubbornhardheadeddogoodtoall... "

With that Airin takes the scroll and reads the difficult words.

"Fioni, you stay up here. We'll be back soon."

Spider Climb: 10 min

Airin immediately begins to decent into the canyon, taking cover along the walls - opposite to the wall where the rest is climbing down from - hiding against the canyon sides as she decends.

While going down she tries to find out what's causing all this...

hide: 39 - Nat 20!
move silently: 31
spot: 27
listen: 22

ADM Kim - Posting report 
Monday March 12th, 2007 12:29:29 AM

Cayzle DM MT22F-- 7
Andrew Tibble MTWT3S- 8
Anthony Dwight --WT2-- 4
Ceil Fickle MT-TF-- 4
Jon-Paul Podo M-W2F-- 5
Justin Selithe MT-2--- 4
Kim Kendry M2WT3S- 9
Pedro Tobias -T2TF2- 7
Robert Julian M-322S- 9
Steven Airin -2W2F-S 7

Good posting job this week, gang. Anthony's son had a medical situation early in the week, so Dwight's posts were delayed.

The party wrestled - verbally - with whether to answer the plea of a spirit in a crevasse, or haste onward for their mission of mercy. Is the spirit who invokes the names of Alemi, Domi, Flower, Ffloy, and, in particular, Pantheon, likely to be evil? But who wants to help a ghost? That's pretty risky, no?

Perhaps we'll find out what's up with that this coming week...

Monday March 12th, 2007 8:29:23 AM

Fickle yells at the group "Hey'z Me'um arms are getting Tired! Want Me'z to drop this rock??" Waits for an answer, But not for long.

Monday March 12th, 2007 11:39:51 AM

Considering the width of the canyon Airin of course isn't climbing down on the opposite side of her friends, but at least 20ft right of them ... she doesn't like the noise the climbing is causing ;-)

Monday March 12th, 2007 1:07:30 PM

"Hold off on that rock, Fickle!" Kendry answers him.

Monday March 12th, 2007 8:13:22 PM

"So where are we going with all this? Okay, it seems Airin is going down, Kendry is going nowhere, Tibble is going forward, Fickle is going red in the face, and I'm going insane with all this... decision making."

Monday March 12th, 2007 9:15:41 PM

(OOC:Busy weekend, sorry for going silent on ya's.)

Selithe smiles as her grig helps out and chuckles as it's pointed out the ruse it tries to play. Not sure if she will need it yet she asks Kendry mainly, "Hey Kendry, shall I keep my little friend here around alittle while still or dismiss her for now."

Selithe looks to Julian and chuckles, "This necklace here. I was given it by some spirits who were captured in the jewel of the vine that the Fey King had. Kendry, me and some of our other friends fought him. Luck was on our side and the jewel of the vine was knocked away from him and I picked it up." Selithe thinks back on that moment for a second, remembering the power from the jewel and shudders after a moment, in some ways kicking herself for turning loose of such power but knocking it was also a corrupting power, "The power of that item was very very strong, it almost caught me in it's grip. In the end I was able to shatter it on the stone ground and the spirits within it granted me this necklace, a wonderous thing really."

Selithe looks to Fickle and chuckles, "I don't think throwing that large rock down there is going to do much and personally I don't like the thought of making a spirit angry."

Selithe next looks to Tibble and moves over to him, patting him gently on the shoulder and smiles, "I'm glad you decided to stick with us Tibble. We all want to help your mentor and our friend, we will together."

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood  d20+9=11 d20+8=11 d20+5=22 d20+11=12
Monday March 12th, 2007 10:00:38 PM

Making his way to the edge and grabbing the ropes, placing his legs so that the ropes are between them, Podo heads on over the rocks' ledge.
(Climb Skill DC:11 | Balance Skill DC:11)

Slowly he progresses down into the crevasse and into the Wold. Once the rock face begins to give way, Podo will his rope use skill to slow the place of his decent. (Use Ropes Skill DC: 22)

As soon as Podo is within 19 feet of the bottom of the Crevasse, he will use his Slow Fall feat to free fall to the Wold below tumbling into a ready for action stance. (Tumbling Skill DC: 11 (NAT 1!))

As soon as he can he will raise his arms and hands in the traditional manner of the Shepherds of Alemi, hopefully disarming the tense situation.

Dwight  d20+3=16 d20+9=25
Monday March 12th, 2007 10:41:47 PM

Glad Tibble is joining in the current venture. "I'm there with you on this one Tibble, but the more eyes, the better, especially if our suspicious be right."

Dwight aids in holding/guiding the rope for those using it and going down. "Four," Dwight wonders verbally if such numbers is good or bad for a ghost.

With his hands busy, Dwight looks around and listens for information below (in case he can't see it) and additional threats above.

spot: 16
listen: 25

(He also awaits additional answers from the ghost?)

Tuesday March 13th, 2007 9:10:29 AM

Fickle's mussels are strating to ache, But holds on with dear life after some of his friends has just gone down in to the Pit.
"Hmm! Tell me'm Is this Sprit a Ghostie?? or a Liqure?"

Justicorpse (DM Cayzle) 
Tuesday March 13th, 2007 9:52:13 AM

[OOC: Friends, please accept my apology for the late post. I'll be on a morning schedule for the rest of the week, posting each morning including Saturday.]

When Podo exposes the fey's trickery and foolery, it drops the disguise and appears normal again. It laughs and laughs.

Julian is unhappy at the different strong opinions on what to do. He feels that the thing in the crevasse is dividing the party. He wishes the group could go.

Podo is firm that if he hears a call for help in the name of those he honors, he must answer. He calls down some encouragment, then tries to remember any detail that might relate. He does recall that travellers who wander north of the Crescent Valley sometimes never return. Maybe this is one such person.

Podo climbs down.

Tibble too thinks that this is unusual -- to hear one of the dead call for help in the name of the gods.

Tobias follows Podo down. And then Kendry. At the bottom, he questions the voice.

Julian thinks about leaping the crevasse. Seeing that the sides are not to hard to ascend and descend (If you take ten and are not in danger of attack, then no roll is needed), it occurs to him that one might just go down and up, rather than across through the air.

Airin, very suspicious, descends with the help of a scroll.

Fickle is thinking of letting go of his burden. Kendry asks him not to. It might occurr to Fickle that he could haul it back up. or let it go gently.

Dwight keeps alert and on guard. No dangers present themselves from above, and he listens carefully to the words from below.

At the bottom, Podo, Kendry, Airin, and Tobias all see the remains of a person -- most likely a halfling. All that is left is the upper torso, arms, and head.

When you reach the bottom, the half-a-corpse rears up! It speaks with the dry dusty voice of the dead ~

"Thank you! Oh my brothers and sister, you have already helped me rest easier just by coming here. But I ask you for a boon!"

The body is badly decayed. You can see the thing's white skull, and you hear the click of the jawbones moving as it speaks. Kendry asks his questions, and offers a veiled threat.

"Fear not, mortals! In life I was a justicar of Pantheon, and I honored the Gods of the Wold all my life. I was on a mission to catch an evil fugitive, but I failed, gods have mercy. Now my sacred oaths bind me to the world. In life I carried a Holy Thurible. It must be returned to the Church of Pantheon. Then I will be free."

"But I would also be grateful if all my bones were buried together in holy ground. That is not essential for my release, but it would be a mercy."

"I was killed by a flying lion monster, who took half of my remains back to its lair, I can direct you there. Please recover the Holy Thurible -- and if you can, save my bones for a consecrated place."

OOC Cayzle 
Tuesday March 13th, 2007 10:26:26 AM

Podo and/or Kendry, please visit the Catacombs.

Airin  d20+8=20 d20+8=28 d20+10=13
Tuesday March 13th, 2007 10:39:28 AM

"Oh oh..." Airin thinks to herself "Looks like we'll stick our noses in this mess soon... I knew we should not have climbed down here but on the other hand this man... thing... whatever... does deserve some mercy... but should we then go out to find a Flying Lion Monster?!?... cooool..."

"Yup... the guy needs some help. I admit Kendry you were apparently right to come down here after all. But... "

Airin never good at talking to others keeps at the background and searches the site. Perhaps there are some remains on this guy lying around, or some of his gear maybe, or some other clue that can be interesting.

Search: 20
Spot: 28
Survival: 13

Active spell: Spider Climb (10 minutes - time to climb down)

Tuesday March 13th, 2007 11:18:54 AM

Tobias speaks, "Well, we surely cannot let this spirit remain bound here never able to truly rest. We should find his Holy Thurible and free him from this world. We must finish our first mission of mercy, but we would not leave you here suffer."

Tuesday March 13th, 2007 2:20:09 PM

"Well dat dere settles it," says Tibble. "Dis can certainly bees a-waitin' tills whese bees headed home again."

Tuesday March 13th, 2007 5:29:07 PM

Listening from above:

"What was that? A restless soul, bound to the Wold till what? A Holy Thimble? Couldn't he just cast Mending like the rest of us?"

"Flying lion monster? Is he drunk?"

"What now? where to? Do I have to descend down there too? What about our pack animals?"

"Are we going to deliver these potions?"

Taking 10 on the climb.

Tuesday March 13th, 2007 8:44:07 PM

Selithe looks to the others who haven't went down the crevice and thinks before speaking, "I don't know how we would get the animals across the crevice so this could be interesting. I have no spells of that power and it might take some time to try and form a bridge."

Selithe believes we should finish the delivery for Bella though first.

Tuesday March 13th, 2007 9:23:21 PM

"Wheese bees a-doin' no ones any good ifs wheese gets ourselfs killed before wheese discharge our task." Tibble calls down, "Mind disturb no things and bees a-climbin' back up careful like. Ah shall return here bouts, wif any who wishes ta join mees, ta help dis here pitiful spirit once our duty ta dah livin' bees finished."

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood  d20+1=19 d20+1=21 d20+1=17 d20+9=23
Tuesday March 13th, 2007 9:43:32 PM

"May I ask your name kind and loyal Justicar of Patheon?" asks Podo. "In addition, and since you are already dead, would you mind if I stored your bones in my Handy Haversack, so when we return the Holy Thurible to the Church of Patheron, I may also have you buried?" asks Podo.
If the Justicar allows it, Podo will approach his remains, and after searching the area for possible traps, pick up his body; what's left of it; and store it in his Handy Haversack, where he can then add the rest of his remains once we find the Holy Censer of the Justicar's.
(Search skill DC: 19)(Spot skill DC:23)

After finding out the Justicar's name, Podo stores him and then searches the area of the crevasse he's in, looking for clues. (Search Skill DC: 21 (NAT 20!)) In addition, Podo touches the Walls of the crevasse, in hopes that grouding himself to this places helps him recall and history about his place. (Knowledge(history) DC: 17)
Once the Justicar's remains are stowed, ands the area's been thoroughly searched for clues, any items outside of what occurs in the Natural Woldian sphere, Podo turns back to his companions, with a look of disgust on his monkish Halfling face and stamping one of his feet on the ground, like slow rapping...on a chamber door.

"What is the meaning of this! This outrage the rest of you are trying to dump on this poor man's soul?
Can't you see a Brother has fallen in his Holy chores?!
Like a small child, that needs to be picked up, dusted off, and then set back on his tasks, that I Podo Danderfluff Pipewood; and family; have an obligation to help him finish?!
If you feel that we must finish the first task, what makes all of you think, that we wouldn't also be helping the Justicar in his task at the same time?
Don't you all recall that this place we are headed to on this delivery-boy errand, was once a great place of Evil?!!
What if the Justicar was out to catch the great Evil Doer that was responsible for this place being there??! We'd be resolving both tasks at the same time!

And as for the monster he mentioed, now we know to keep an eye on the sky for a future threat!

Coming down here was the best thing for us. We now know how to avoid the trap, because we know the trap exists. We can finish our first task and then make our final delivery back at the Church of Pantheon.

Great day I say, Bothers and Sisters! Great day!" Podo says smuggly as he walks back to the ropes dangling off the crevasse top edge.
"So, anyone figure out how to get all of us to the other side yet? says Podo.

Tuesday March 13th, 2007 9:52:55 PM

"Before I climb down, we've got all these animals to deal with. Is there some way can lower them, and raise them out again. I would think a few of us on a rope could do some hauling of ass, donkey or dog."

Dwight  d20+3=9 d20+9=20
Tuesday March 13th, 2007 10:10:38 PM

"Amazing," Dwight gasps. "Can't say I'm all that learned about gods and oaths, but this is the second 'ghost' and its not evil and sinister. How could all the stories be so wrong?"

Dwight continues to listen intently and agrees the spirit should be helped but prior missions take priority. He then spends a few moments thinking about the animals. "By the time we lower and raise all the animals we probably could have just walked around. It's what another day-in-a-half to the summit?"

"Podo, Kendry....can you guess how long its been since he has passed. Perhaps we will be in luck and the flying beast has died of old age." Dwight wants to chuckle hoping for good fortune, but he suspects such creatures live a very long time (so sayeth the stories!)

"Airin any chance the necklace spirit could carry the animals across?"

Dwight continues to keep watch on top; looking at the group, across the rough terrain and now in the air. where food was once is worth looking for food again

spot: 9
listen: 20

Kendry  d20+3=11 d20+11=12
Wednesday March 14th, 2007 12:50:00 AM

Kendry looks up to answer Selithe, "Oh, let your playful friend remain as long as she wishes. Thank you, fine one!" he says to the playful grig.

He adds to Selithe's story, "Yes, and Dwight and Podo, too, were there when Selithe released from Eberyon's crystal pumpkin artifact the bounden spirits."

When the spirit speaks his story, Kendry's shoulders finally relax as his surmise is realized.

He looks over to Airin, some 30 feet away, and is pleased she agrees to help the not-quite-departed halfling.

He nods as Tobias speaks here below, as well as at Tibble's words from above.

He stifles a chuckle as Julian has trouble hearing precisely the words spoken below. "No, no - a thurible - it holds incense and coals, and they swing it in some temples, Jules. Not a thimble!"

He listens to Podo's earnest words. He is pleased to see growing marks of wisdom from the monk who now so fervently pursues spiritual might. He is curious as to whether the justicar will accept the means of conveyance that Podo offers.

"Spirit, then, as your words are good and your intent honorable, we shall do as we can, when we can, to help you find your rest.

"First, though, unless fate directs us otherwise, we have an immediate mission of mercy to the living. I am Kendry, and my cousin and friend Podo has offered you a way to carry your remains until we can see to your request. There are other matters, too, but, unless I am prevented, in the course of time I will do what I can to grant your boon.

"Can you be patient with us, as we carry forth first our other commitments, then the one you ask of us?"

Kendry offers a bag for Podo to place the bones and rags in before his adds them to the haversack - if the spirit is willing.

"I'm not really sure how long, Dwight. Maybe six months? Twenty years? I just don't know."

He assists his friends to climb back up. "Airin, might Fioni be able to look about and see which direction is best to go for us to get ourselves and our beasts to the other side of this ravine?"

If the grig has not left by now, he asks the fae cricket if she can tell where ponies can get past the gap "without having to grow wings and fly.""

He also considers the steepness of the walls of the crevasse - especially on the opposite side, to try to determine whether they might be able to use ropes and pulleys to get even the ponies and dogs and badger across.

"Ayup, Badger, we're gonna deliver them, that we are. As a group."

If Fioni or Selithe's summoned critter indicate a good spot one way or another, Kendry says, "Well, Tibs, shall we head on that way now?"

[Spot: 11; Bardic knowledge to try to determine how old might be the remains of the halfling: nat 1 (12)]

Wednesday March 14th, 2007 2:14:06 AM

"Perhaps I could run the animals around the valley. A forced march overnight, and meet you on the other side. Fioni could guide me. Just a thought. You seem to like to have a LOT of options."

Wednesday March 14th, 2007 7:33:51 AM

Airin has been checking out the surroundings so did not hear every word that was said but when her friends begin to worry on how to cross the canyon she raises her head and asks:

"Any reason why you all want to get to the other side of this canyon? He did not give directions yet did he? Besides, getting our animals accros won't be that easy and I'm not leaving Blossom up there. Either we find a bridge or a way around it..."

Wednesday March 14th, 2007 7:57:33 AM

Fickle was listening to what his friends ws saying down in the pit, he will lift the sheep skin with the rock inside, to the top>

He'll scratch his head, "Flying Lion?? Hmm! Flying Lion? I'z think'm I'z know a name of a Flying Lion! Its start with a'z Greeer - with a few iff iff - then ends ion'z" He cratches his chin, "I'z know they'z Bad! Really BAD!"

Tobias  d20+15=18 d20+9=25
Wednesday March 14th, 2007 11:20:04 AM

Tobias will try a survival check to see if he can discern how long the body has been here or how long since the creature had killed this poor soul. (survival: 18)

When Podo and Kendry have completed their work down here, Tobias will climb back up on whichever side we decide we're going to be on. (climb: 25)

Sharles Grith, Restless Dead (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday March 14th, 2007 11:33:51 AM

Airin sees that the animated corpse of the justicar has moved around the bottom of the crevasse a little bit. She sees that the ground is disturbed here and there. Podo notes this too. The corpse's empty eye sockets follow your actions but do not comment.

If Airin or Podo make a Search check vs DC15, then Highlight to display spoiler: {You find a ring that it seems the dead fellow buried.}

The involuntarily undead creature hears that the group has another mission to accomplish, up north beyond the crevasse. He gets a little agitated at the fear of being left behind, especially when Tibble says that this can wait until the return trip, and when Selithe says that she would prefer to do Bella's errand first.

"Please do not leave me! I know the fastest way! You must go in one direction, not the other, since the crevasse widens into a canyon one way and then narrows in the other. And if you go the way I suggest, I sense that you will find my bones and the Holy Thurible in your path at the end of the crevasse. You might as well fetch them on your way, then go on to your most admirable mission of mercy!"

The spirit offers a bargain -- he will tell you the direction to go if you will promise to get the Holy Thurible on the way there, not on the way back.

The corpse says that in life his name was Sharles Grith, a halfling from Osto. He had been tracking a fugitive halfling, and it was thought that he, being of the same race, would be able to find the criminal in the area. Alas, he did not. He seems unutterably sad about that.

But he perks up when Tobias says they will not leave him to suffer. And he is glad that Podo volunteers to carry his bones. However, he is very upset at the thought of being in a bag of holding or other extra-dimensional space. "Please, put my sad bones in a bag or a sack, but not in a dimension divorced from the Realm of Shadows." Now he exists in the Wold and in the Shadow-Realm simultaneously, and into the Shadows he will go when he is released from his unlife. But if he enters a pocket dimension, he fears what will happen, cut off from the Wold and the Shadows, Maybe he would go mad, and become evil and crazed. He begs you not to try that experiment!

It seems to Tobias that Sharles has been dead for at least a matter of months. At least. But probably not many years.

He is satisfied with Kendry's non-magical bag, but not with the magic storage device.

Sharles explains to the descending Julian that a Thurible is a sacred vessel designed to hold incense. This one had special properties when it burned the right kind of incense ... properties that helped him track the oathbreaker.

To Julian's concerns about the animals, Sharles the Ex-Justicar says, "If you follow my directions, the animals will be fine going around the crevasse."

Dwight, listening from above, is surprised to again learn that all ghosts and spirits are not evil and cruel. But a hallmark, it seems, of the good ones, is that they long to go on to the Lands of Rest, a place the evil ones want to avoid. Meanwhile, Dwight keeps alert.

Kendry suggests that Airin's bird could fly up to get an idea of the best way to go. Sharles says, teeth and jawbone a-clatter,, "Don't do that! The flying lion monster might get her! Besides, I'm happy to tell you the way to go."

It seems clear to Kendry that safely moving all the animals up and down with ropes will take a while ... and longer, of course, if you are attacked.

[OOC: I'm assuming that only Selithe can give orders/suggestions to the called fey.]

Julian volunteers to force march the animals around and meet the team on the other side. The undead spirit cautions against it. "You don't want to be alone with tasty animals if the Lion-monster finds you!"

Sharles nods his head -- quite loosely --- at Fickle's words. "Yes, they ARE bad! Be careful! I was not, and look what happened to me!"

Wednesday March 14th, 2007 12:16:18 PM

Tibble helps those below climb out again.

"It bees a-seemin' wheese bees stuck wif a-passin' true dah monster's territory tah get where wheese bees a-goin'," the grenmage observes. "But Ah still strongly suggest wheese bees a-leavin' dealin' wif it till dah return trip lest evil bees a-thwartin' our task's completion."

Wednesday March 14th, 2007 9:16:35 PM

Selithe looks to the others and nods before speaking to the grig, "Would you mind scouting abit for us but becareful. I don't want you to get eaten by any nasty creature or nothing."

Selithe smiles as she moves with the group, leading Gra now as she is ready to move on and help the undead man and also Bella.

Dwight  d20+3=17 d20+9=11 d20+3=9
Wednesday March 14th, 2007 9:59:40 PM

"I still think we ought to take care of our original business before adding to the list. Surely one that was just during his life can see immediacy needed to save the living. Other matters have pushed us back already, and it was suggested we set out straight away." Dwight waits a moment then continues.

"Some of us took that more literal, but Tibble was right, the package must be delivered."

Dwight still doesn't trust Sharles. "That seems an odd bargain to me. If we don't take it, Sharles suffers longer; a day or so, but what is a day after 8 years of turmoil when light is seen at the end of the tunnel."

"If we do take it, Sharles' suffering will be brought to an end and he may rest. The group has spoken to aid Sharles, but why can't Sharles see the timeframe to save many of the living now or lay Sharles to rest and allowing the rest to die unnecessarily." Dwight is just speaking his thought aloud (which is why he speaks of Sharles as if he wasn't nearby).

As the group begins to file back to the top, Dwight aids as he can and hopes the ENTIRE group can stick together even if we don't all agree.

spot: 17
listen: 11
sense motive of sharles: 9

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood  d20+1=19 d20+1=8
Wednesday March 14th, 2007 11:48:16 PM

Podo searches around the dead Corpse and finds a ring that it seems the dead fellow buried. Retreiving the ring, Podo tries to recall if he remembers anything about this ring or its symbols from his History knowledge (Skill DC: 8).

Podo agrees to carry the bag of Sharles Grith's remains and not to place the bag of Sharles Grith's remains into the haversack.

Thursday March 15th, 2007 12:33:59 AM

"I should just get used to this, maybe even adapt it to my fighting:
"Excuse me there, old chap. Rather nice shield you've got there, for a troll and all that. Not that I think there's anything wrong with being a troll. In fact, how's this: would you rather just hand over your hoard of gold and silver coins and we can have a mug of brew and talk about the good old days when weak princelings walked about with bags of gold and not a man-at-arms to be seen?
"Oh! nice shot, I must say. Broken my collar bone for sure. So you don't want to talk then. Okay, let's see here. I could try to hit you with the longsword, or I could use the longspear and try to (Ouch, well done, bashed through my new armour) lure you back into some sort of trap. You know, have you ever thought about taking on a sidekick such as myself.? We could work well as a team, don't you think. Huhmph! You've got a very strong arm there, I guess you don't want to...

Julian begins the return ascent with his badger in his pack. (taking 10)
"Did Domi ever suffer such indecision?"

The irritated halfling calls to the others,
"For what it's worth let's bag the bones as he asked. Tell him what he wants to hear, it's for the greater good. Yes we will make him our first priority." wink wink

Thursday March 15th, 2007 12:59:13 AM

"All right, then. If flying lions are to be found in these parts, then we'd best be ready for them," Kendry counsels. "Everyone with sling, crossbow or bow be sure to have bullets, bolts or arrows at hand."

"So, you say that the lair holding the balance of your remains is near where the ravine closes up? Fine. If it is not out of our way, then we shall see. If it is out of our way, then I agree with my companions that we may need to wait, Sharles Grith."

"Fickle - maybe you can swing that sheepskin weighted with a few rocks at any winged lions that come our way. They probably like sheep. It might confuse them a little to see a flying sheep. Or mutton, as it were."

Turning to the greenmage, Kendry says, "Tibble, I admire your passion and singleness of purpose. Yet so that you do not think that this mission is yours alone, and we, perhaps, the troublesome baggage slowing you down, consider this. From what Dwight said, there were five potions to bring people out of their comas. Please give one each to three members of our group - select whom you will. You, please, continue to bear two of them.

"If you object to this arrangement - please recall that several here risked their lives several times for the sake of these potions. And also I ask you to recognize that, were something to happen to one who was carrying all of them, then all could be lost. Will you do this thing, Tibble?"

Kim to group, OOC: 
Thursday March 15th, 2007 2:43:05 AM

I dedicate the following Order of the Stick episode to our group:


Thursday March 15th, 2007 2:50:49 AM

OOC: well chosen Kim. PS, I hope noone is getting shirty with Julian and me. It's nothing personal, just that Julian is a Barbarian at heart, and all he wants is some action.

Thursday March 15th, 2007 4:31:24 AM

Fickle brings the sheep skin (with the rocks) up and out of the pit, "OK'z Dok'z Me'z will fight with dumy'z". Fickles chest puff out like the fighter he think he is~

Airin  d20+8=17 d20+8=26 d20+8=19 d20+2=14
Thursday March 15th, 2007 9:57:45 AM

Search DC 17

Airin spots the ring and noticed Podo did too. "Looks interesting right Podo..." she whispers to him.

Then she listens to the Justicar speak of their desired direction.

"I'm not too keen on letting this unfortunate Justicar lead us the way or at least 'a' way to wherever he wants us to go... Especially if we need to go without Fioni flying up high..."

First she tries to sense if the Justicar speaks honestly...

Sense Motive: 14

A hawk probably does not arrouse suspicions from a Flying Lion as hawks ar quite common in this area of the Wold. Airin searches the sky to see if there are more birds flying around.

Search; 26
Spot: 19

Thursday March 15th, 2007 11:47:16 AM

Tibble thinks Airin's use of a natural animal is spot on and reminds the party that he can talk to the vegetation along the way in addition to animals to provide clues and warning as to what lies ahead.

Thursday March 15th, 2007 2:58:02 PM

"Airin - are you willing to risk your winged friend, if the danger we are told of is real? Your call, sweets."

"Tibble - that would be a great service. Now, your answer regarding the potions?"

Begging ... for just an hour! (DM Cayzle) 
Thursday March 15th, 2007 3:33:09 PM

OOC to Selithe -- Please Highlight to display spoiler: {I don't see this fey-calling amulet on your latest PC sheet. I need a description right away, whatever you have. I also need to know what the duration is!}

Tibble still thinks that the lion-monster should be avoided and tackled on the return trip.

Kendry seems ready to take on the challenge sooner rather than later. he urges the group to be ready if attacked.

The Grig is happy to scout ahead for Selithe, for so long as it will remain here.

Dwight agrees with Tibble that the potion delivery should come first. He expresses his reservations.

Podo and Airin find a ring! It is good make, with silver. Airin wonders what is up with the spirit, and tries to discern its intent. She does not see any hawks, but there are the usual array of birds that one would expect in the wooded foothills of a great mountain range.

Sharles says,

"I hope I have not offended you. The truth is that I am very eager to see my vow carried out. And I am fearful as well. The peaks to the north are very dangerous, and I am afraid that if you do not emerge alive, I will be farther than ever from my fate."

"I see that you have found my hidden treasure. I had hoped to give it to you as a reward for your help. I'm sure you do not seek to rob the dead and leave me with no way to thank you?"

"It just seems so ironic to me to walk past my bones and let them lie there. Would it really be so much trouble? You could fetch the Thurible, and maybe my bones, and be on your way with no more than maybe an hour delay."

"May I not ask you to spare an hour on your journey north? It may be that you will find booty along with the Thurible that will make your survival in the north more likely. And you will not leave a danger at your back."

Airin feels that he is being truthful and sincere.

Dwight  d20+3=23 d20+9=11
Thursday March 15th, 2007 7:26:37 PM

Dwight remains torn as to the truth of Sharles story as a man of the church ought to think of other before himself. Surely the saving of others would be worth waiting just a little longer.

With his thoughts of trying to validate his suspicions, Dwight prepares for the trek and watches both Podo (who carries the bones) and the sky. His bow is in hand, with arrows easily reachable if a great beast is sighted in the sky.

Once the group begins their move, "Okay, so that we are all on working towards the same goals, what are we going to do with the flying lion? Would it suffice for someone to sneak in, steal the bones and thurible or are we interested in its death, perhaps skinning it?"

"I only ask, because there seemed to be some confusion during the last battle, death came close for a few before luck shined on us."

spot:23 (natural 20)

Thursday March 15th, 2007 10:24:40 PM

"An hour? Two hours, perhaps. I say we do it, friends," Kendry says. "Who knows whether we shall return by this way, and not another? Shall we do this thing, or shall we bicker?"

He still awaits Tibble's response.

Meanwhile, taking the two ponies, and affixing Cheann's saddle, he prepares to travel the length of the ravine in the direction their almost-departed companion directs them.

Thursday March 15th, 2007 10:40:42 PM

Selithe looks to the others and shrugs before speaking, "I do not mind, if this flying lion is along the way more or less then let us get to it before day light is wasted. I believe all of us won't mind as long as this lion isn't a huge distance out of our way." Selithe looks to Kendry and smiles before speaking to him, "I know you prefer not to kill or anything unless needed brother but I think on this one we better stick with trying to sneak in or just killing the flying lion. There are just some things that aren't going to listen and from the looks of our new found friend and ghost, this is one I don't want to talk to or see a friend torn apart by."

Selithe looks to the others and then Podo, thinking of her friend and relatives new code he follows and blushes abit, "Sorry Podo, I know you prefer not to take life. I'm sure you know what I meant though."

Either way Selithe is ready to set out as is her little grig friend she would bet. Thinking she speaks to the Grig, "Umm, I was thinking. If I summon a grig again will it be you again? Would be neat to have the same one show up all the time and all. Also what's your name?"

Julian  d20+3=14
Thursday March 15th, 2007 11:38:56 PM

"It seems that we may well see this lion on our way to our delivery, whether we want to or not."

Darting about under his slight frown Julian's eyes keep a careful watch.
Spot 14

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Friday March 16th, 2007 12:16:25 AM

Podo heaves the weight of the remains and continues to follow the rest.

(OOC: I might have strained my rt hand....I'm right handed. Typing with my lt. is frustrating. This is all for now.)

Airin  d20+16=34
Friday March 16th, 2007 2:22:19 AM

"Sure, Fioni is nimble and fast enough to dodge even the craziest monster! Aren't you my friend..." Airin says to Fioni who is flying came down once it was obvious this was a pretty huge canyon.

As soon as the party moves Fioni will fly high up in the sky where only Eagles and Hawks dare to fly... from up there she will observe the surroundings and in case of trouble up ahead she'll come flying down in a hurry.

Fioni Spot: 34

Friday March 16th, 2007 8:17:11 AM

Fickle follows the party, But thinking that if they do meet with this flying Lion, and he does swing at the lion with the sheep skin dummy on a rope. He has only one chance of hitting that flying lion. If he misses?? he's going to be the lion's Meal!
But then again so will Arian and Fioni!

Fickle will follow the party, But at a few pase aside (So that if he does run into the flying Lion, he can get enough space for his swing)

Tobias  d20+7=26 d20+6=7 d20+13=23
Friday March 16th, 2007 11:34:18 AM

Tobias is willing to deal with the creature first. It's unlikely that we'd be able to pass through a flying lion's territory without it noticing us anyway.

Tobias will again lead the way through the crevasse, once we get all of the animals down.

Listen: 26
Spot: 7
Survival: 23

Friday March 16th, 2007 1:24:32 PM

Cayzle, Highlight to display spoiler: {Surgery again on Monday. I am hopeful that it won't prevent me from posting. Will advise if it does.}

"Ah bees a-thinkin', as ever, wheese discharge our obligation afore a-tacklin' anoder chore," the greenmage says. "Ifs dah winged beasty attacks us dats another matter."

"Friend Kendry, wheese decide which route tah takes on our return trip. If wheese accept dis heres spirit as our next obligation den wheese shall sees it through," Tibble points out his belief in following through on commitments.

"Whats was yer question bouts the potions?" he goes on. "Ah had ah bit of fluff in mees ear."

Which Way? (DM Cayzle) 
Friday March 16th, 2007 4:23:15 PM

A consenseus is reached, more or less. Deliver the vials first, then return to fetch the spirit's relic and bones. If attacked on the way, so be it.

Dwight is still suspicious, and watches Podo, who is carrying Sharles. He wisely asks about tactics.

Selithe is willing to engage the monster. She asks the soon-to-be gone grig if it will be her or another next time. "Who knows!" she cries, and disappears.

[Cayzle OOC to Selithe: Thanks for the e-mail. Note that any one summmoning takes a full round to cast and lasts 1 round per level. I think that Core rules and Wold standard says that it is a different being summoned each time. There's an optional rule otherwise in the DMG, but that's not used in the Wold.]

Julian keeps a watchful eye open too.

Podo follows the main group.

Airin sends her bird aloft to keep watch.

Fickle is ready to fight, but with a sheepskin-wrapped rock? Your usual weapons might be more effective! LOL!

Tobias is ready to lead the way, but which way?

Kendry asks about the potions.

Tibble agrees that he'll fight the lion-monster if it attacks, but he still wants to deliver the potions as well. He dodges Kendry's question and retains all five potions.

The boney spirit says, "Very well then, let it be in the hands of fate."

So you are ready to set out! But which way? From the top of the crevasse, east or west? Or down inside the crevasse? If so, east or west?

Friday March 16th, 2007 6:19:16 PM

"It's too much trouble to bring the animals down isn't it... Let's move together from above, from the top, towards the narrowing of the canyon."

Friday March 16th, 2007 9:19:19 PM

(OOC:YW Cayzle and I wasn't sure if she could summon the same Grig or not. Just thought it would be kind of neat.)

Selithe is ready to move on but will lead Gra along for the time being. She rather stick to the top of the crevice as to keep Gra in sight since she doesn't want to try and haul the dog up and down the crevice by rope, etc.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood  d20+3=20 d20+3=14
Friday March 16th, 2007 9:32:22 PM

Podo, carrying the remains of the Justicar, suggests the most direct path.
While walking, Podo strikes up a conversation with his newest charge. "So, sir Sharles, what did you do prior to the last fugative search? Where you always a Justicar or working towards that position? What was your childhood like? Is your family from the Crescent Valley?" are just some of the questions Podo asks.

When Sharles answers Podo, Podo will use his Sense Motives Skills to detect if there is any motive other than truth in his answers. (Sense Motive DC:20)
For Cayzle: Highlight to display spoiler: {
Afterwards, based on how the newest compaions respond to Sharles's answers, Podo will try to understand their feelings using Sense Motives; (Sense Motive DC:14)

Airin and Fioni  d20+16=21
Saturday March 17th, 2007 8:46:37 AM

"Yes why not follow the Crevasse on top then we can take our ponies. On the other hand... that Flying Lion thing might really like a few ponies..."

"How about me and someone else move ahead of the group. Kendry, you don't happen to have a message scroll with you so we can stay in contact? We could try to find the lair - if we take the right direction - and if we do, we can alert the rest, tie our ponies to a tree at a safe distance form the Monster"

Fioni continues to fly around trying to detect danger up ahead.

Fioni spot: 21

Druid Spell List:
Level 0: Flare, Create Water, Light, Mending
Level 1: Longstrider, Hide from Animals, Speak with Animals

Dwight  d20+3=22 d20+9=11
Saturday March 17th, 2007 1:40:23 PM

Dwight agrees with the others the top is the better choice. "If we need to take cover, the flying lion isn't likely to be able to fly as easily inside the chasm."

"I'll go with you Airin, to help keep a look out ahead of us."

"Now for the direction, Sharles said in one direction the chasm widens and the other it narrows. I suggest we strive towards the side that narrows."

"Sharles," Dwight begins still uncomfortable with the unliving, "it may hasten our first task and your release if you could tell us how to get over to the other side of this crevass quickly. Which direction did you say the crevasse narrowed?"

Depending on if Sharles answers, Dwight is willing to head in the direction he says it narrows. (Do we need to get to the other side to deliver the potions? Geographically I have no local idea of where the party is. How much farther should this town be?)

If Sharles doesn't give a 'clear' answer, Dwight picks west.

Dwight keeps a look out, and also monitors how deep and wide the crevasse is. He entertains the idea of climbing down quickly if the need arises.

spot: 22
listen: 11

"Anyone know if flying lions have tail feathers or a normal lion tail? If they have feathers I want one."

Saturday March 17th, 2007 2:22:24 PM

"Ifs youse plans ta pull on ah tiger's tail, friend Dwight, bees sure ta bees a-warnin' mees well in advance," the greenmage jokes.

Tibble continues his practice of charming birds to act as an advance warning system and scout.

"Friend Airin," the rotund hobbit asks, "can youse bees a-havin' friend Fioni indicatin' which bees dah shortest way ta a-crossin' dis heres rut?"

Saturday March 17th, 2007 11:08:25 PM

"Yes, Julian," Kendry agrees with the direction - the same direction that Sharles gave.

"I can cast a message spell, dear," he answers Airin. "But in a moment or two, please. And I'd like my ponies to be fairly close to me while we travel."

Kendry walks and stands in front of Tibble, about six feet away. "I spoke very clearly to you. I was not in the next neighborhood. But so that the fluff does not trouble your hearing again," he steps up to about two feet from him. He does not shout, but projects very firmly. "You are not going to be the sole bearer of the potions any longer."

He steps back a few feet, and continues. "I asked, back when my voice a few yards from your ears did not suffice to penetrate your delicate hearing, that you give three of the potions to others, and hold on to two of them. That offer is withdrawn.

"I said a few moments ago Tibble, that I admire your passion and singleness of purpose. I have not heard you apologize for your previous behavior once. You smiled when Tobias rebuked you - with perhaps a bit of irritation in that smile. You objected to me talking to you about it - which I did only after I saw you try to slide by his words. There was no acknowledgement, that I can discern, that you see any merit in what either of us had to say. No only that, but a few minutes ago you were ready to set out on your own again!

"Tibble, this may be your mission. But it is not your mission alone. So that you realize this, please take out the potions that our friend's talent and knowledge mixed with our blood, sweat and tears, and give one each to four members of this group - you decide among Selithe, Airin, Podo, Dwight, Tobias, Julian and Fickle. You needn't give me one, and feel free to keep one yourself - if you do this thing now.

"Not only do I ask this so that you might fully acknowledge this as a shared mission, but also so that, should something untoward happen to one of us, not all of the precious mixture will be at risk."

"When we all, together, get to our destination, each who bears one of the potions will make it available to those who need them.

"Tibble - long have you lived on your own. You have learned many things, and have much knowledge. I respect that. But you are not alone, now.

"I feel you have treated us like troublesome baggage slowing you down. Join the baggage train with us, as we accompany all who bear the healing.

"Now, there's one more thing you need to learn if you're to be a member of a group. And that is the willingness to be flexible. Life, and choices, are not always linear - except, perhaps, in hindsight. When you travel by yourself, you, and you alone, are responsible for the choices, the directions, the consequences."

He turns to address the whole group. "If we take one more hour, or even three or four, to arrive, will those who sleep a few more hours be worse off? If we handle this one request, does that mean we do not fulfill the other?

"We have talked about how several of us are shy equipment. Poor Podo here has hardly a thing to his name. Others desire more to help us in our life as adventurers. Sharles Grith, who seeks his rest, offers us the possibility of a remedy to this. And, if we vanquish the lion which attacks those who wander through here, then this may be a safer place to travel, perhaps.

"Shall we pass by this opportunity, both to meet part of the request of a dedicated soul, as well as - perhaps - to make ourselves stronger, able to deal with a wider variety of situations?

"Think this over. Julian - I thought you always up for a challenge. All of us - there is risk, and there is reward. Shall we avoid the former, and lose the latter?"

Then he turns his attention again to Tibble, waiting to see how he responds, and whether he passes out four of the potions to others in the group.

Sunday March 18th, 2007 1:48:12 AM

Julian sort of wanders in a daze when he notices that Kendry is making another speech...

His ears prick up at the mention of his own name though (actually, the little badger recognised the name Julian and then alerted his master).

Something about a challenge. Risk and reward. Sounds good. Former. Later...? The eyes of the tall halfling clanking in new armour glaze over again.

Sunday March 18th, 2007 1:57:21 AM

Noticing Julian's dazed look, Kendry asks with a smile, "Do you want some treasure, Julian?"

Sunday March 18th, 2007 2:39:20 AM


Julian nods eagerly.

Sunday March 18th, 2007 3:22:48 AM

"There's treasure waiting for us in the winged lion's lair," he tells Julian. "It'll take about an hour. Might be a little fighting for you, too. Wanna try for it, Jules?"

"And how about you, good Tobias? We're almost there, right? Oh - can we stay up above, maybe, instead of trapping ourselves below, while we head there? Maybe stay a hundred, two hundred yards from the ravine. I think that gives us more options, than if we are below. But I'm open to hearing why travel along the bottom might be better."

[OOC: <Big Grin>]

Ready to set out (at last) (DM Cayzle) 
Sunday March 18th, 2007 6:40:42 AM

[OOC: Friends, you can consider this to be a very late Friday Post or a very early Monday Post. Sorry for the delay!]

Most everyone -- Julian, Selithe, Airin, and Dwight especially -- thinks the best path is the one atop the crevasse.

Folk are ready to set out, but astute Dwight among everyone realizes that the restless spirit, Sharles, has not yet told the group which way to go. Dwight asks Sharles for direction, and is clearly ready to pick a direction (at random?) if none is forthcoming.

The corporeal spirit shifts his bones -- a very strange sensation for Podo, who is carrying those bones in a sack. But then he speaks through the burlap weave of his ersatz coffin:

"I'm just a bag of bones, one who knows the way to go. My intention was to trade that knowledge for a commitment to seek the Thurible now, but I see that you all are good-hearted (if indecisive and somewhat uncoordinated) people, so let me not be petty. You need to go east."

East it is, with Airin and Dwight in the lead, Fioni above, and the rest of thte group maybe 100 feet back -- the range of a Message cantrip.

Podo continues the conversation with the restless undead justicar. Sharles Grith tells Podo that he is originally from Osto, a city of theives. There he learned the arts of stealth, but the evil of the place disgusted him, and he became a theif who sets out to catch other theives. That inspired him to join the service of Pantheon as a justicar. The church has sent him all over the Wold -- or at least, all over the Ellenian Peninsula.

Podo thinks the spirit is being forthright, and also has been lonely recently.

Fickle is worried about Fioni (and Airin, up ahead in danger). He thinks about how to distract the flying lion from the females in danger.

Dwight wonders about the flying lion's tailfeathers. Sharles Grith tells him that the flying lion is partly clockwork. Its wings and tailfeathers are made of iron.

Tibble thinks it best to have another aerial spotter. He uses a Charm Animal and a Speak with Animal spell to tell a nearby bird what to do. He sees a big blue jay nearby -- treat as a blue raven. Presumably he tells it something like, "Fly overhead and come back to warn me if you see any monsters." Tibble, please correct or clarify my presumptions, and make sure you mark off the two first level spells as used. The bird will stick around for an hour per level.

Is everything ready? The scouts are set. The direction is known. You have a plan, pretty much. But wait! Kendry realizes that Tibble gave him a bit of a run-around regarding the crucial healing potions that Bella made. He has a demand, and wants an answer from the greenmage. First, he wants Tibble to share the duty of carrying the potions. Second, he argues in favor of helping Sharles now.

Julian is not sure what the bard is talking about, so Kendry recasts his second point in fewer words.

Airin, Dwight, Fioni, and Tibble's Blue Jay -- please make spot and listen checks -- assuming the issue with the carrying of the potions can be resolved quickly!

Sunday March 18th, 2007 1:12:05 PM

From the moment I joined this group, Kendry, you have done everything in your power to delay, even prevent the delivery of these potions.

Your anticts destroyed the party's element of suprise which threatened everyone's life.

You seem determined to be lead by the nose.

Anything the Storyguide says you chase after unerringly. Forcing the Storyguide to modify everything around your actions. I am role-playing my character as designed, to augment the group and get the mission done. You have done nothing but be antagonistict towards me and that mission. Are you so afraid of your posion in the group that you cannot allow another player the lead for a time?

You may write alot, but you don't play well. Especially with others.

Tibble sets the potions on the ground; together he and Harry walk away

I bid one and all farewell,

Postscript: My regrets to all for my characters loss I simply cannot abide Kim's self-important style of play. You each have my e-dress should you have comments, positive or negative, at my dispicable means of dealing with this situation. So that all are aware I did address my problems with the Storyguide privately some time ago.

My regrets,

Airin and Fioni  d20+8=18 d20+16=29 d20+12=13 d20+19=29
Sunday March 18th, 2007 1:59:32 PM

Airin spot: 18
Fioni spot: 29
Listen: 13 - nat 1

Airin continues moving ahead of the group towards the East. As it is not late in the morning and sun rises in the East it's easy to know the right direction.

Thanks to her woodland stride ability she can easily walk through the bushes concealing herself while travelling at the same speed as the rest.

Hide: 29 - 5 full speed= 24

Kim to Dru 
Sunday March 18th, 2007 2:39:39 PM

Dru. I have emailed you in the past, to talk things over. You never responded.

I'm sorry to see you go. I will think over what you say.


Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Sunday March 18th, 2007 4:19:52 PM

Seeing a spat rise, and seeing Tibble and Harry walk into the horizon and away from the group, Podo wonders what the fuss is all about? Can't we just all get along? thinks Podo to himself.

"What's going Kendry? Where's Tibble and Harry off too?" asks Podo.

Shifting the weight of Sharles, Podo explains to Sharles that 2 member sof his group jst left to unknown parts. "Hope they'll be okay!" states Podo to Sharles.

ADM Kim - Posting Report, 2007-03-12 - 2007-03-18 
Monday March 19th, 2007 2:51:55 AM

Cayzle DM: -TWTF-S: 5
Andrew Tibble: -2WTFSS: 7
Anthony Dwight: MTWT-S-: 5
Ceil Fickle: 2-WTF--: 5
Jon-Paul Podo: MTWTF-S: 6
Justin Selithe: MTWTF: 5
Kim Kendry: MTW2-2S: 8
Pedro Tobias: -TW-F--: 3
Robert Julian: M22TFSS: 9
Steven Airin: MTWTFSS: 7

Except for Tobias, everyone met or exceeded the 5 posts per week.

Monday March 19th, 2007 6:34:43 AM

Julian just stands and stares, overcome by strange feelings in his chest, and a lump in his throat.

Monday March 19th, 2007 5:04:52 PM

Tobias is going to continue trying to find the way out through the valley, hoping that the animal friends can help point us in the wrong direction and keep us from being completely surprised.

Tobias is very concerned about the rift in the group, but at the bottom of the crevasse he can do very little to stop Tibble from leaving...

Monday March 19th, 2007 6:25:05 PM

Fickle follows the others, but keep an eye to the sky.

Monday March 19th, 2007 9:22:58 PM

Walking in the Easterly direction given by his Charge, Podo walks in the leading position, hoping the rest will follow.

Monday March 19th, 2007 9:37:03 PM

Selithe is sad to see Tibble go and sighs as she will pickup one of the potion and stow it in her backpack, looking to Airin and speaks to her, "Hey Airin, I think you should carry one of these potion also, keep them spread out among our group to ensure their safty."

(OOC:I'm sorry to see you go Dru, thats if you look at the board and see this. Personally I just thought Kim and you both were playing your char's as you thought they should. I'm sorry neither of you could meet on common ground, I like others have seen to many people come and go in the game and also feel sorry for those who leave. I do hope you plan to stay also Kim. I noticed no post beyond the ADM report of recent posting anyway which is unusual for you.)

Dwight  d20+3=10 d20+9=20
Monday March 19th, 2007 10:54:29 PM

Dwight stops and watches as Kendry lets Tibble have it. just like pa use to do when you came home late for dinner because you thought your tasks were more important then family In the end, Dwight is a bit shocked that Tibble would bow to the weight of Kendry after such a protest of minds and then walk off along.

Knowing that the light of day is wasting, Dwight heads back to where the potions have been set. He looks towards Tibble, but can't think of anything to say, and mumbles "Best wishes, may common goals present themselves should our paths cross again".

He then takes two potions and heads back up as lead. He gives Airin one potion and keeps the other for himself, securing it in his back as he walks.

"Time to move on, we got potions, we got metal flying lion, we got bones to rejoin and, " looking to Julian, "a thimble to find." Dwight chuckles himself, as that is exactly what he was thinking before Julian spoke and was corrected.

ooc: caylze I'm a bit confused regarding our geography. I know the group got directions, but how much further (time-wise) does the group have to go to reach the sleepy people? Surely we would have an idea. A day or two? by midnight tonight? This distance certainly could make or break the desire to cure and we could then give Sharles a better time line of when he can rest in peace.

spot: 10
listen: 20

Farewell to Tibble (DM Cayzle) 
Monday March 19th, 2007 11:47:42 PM

[OOC: Dru, I'm sorry to see you go, but i know you'll have fun playing in Ice Vein. Good luck!]

A disagreement reveals underlying tensions and meets a resolution with the departure of Tibble from the group. Most of the party members are shocked, but most manage to stammer out a good-by or fare well.

Sharles is unhappy at seeing this. "I pray I did not cause this dissension. Please accept my apologies. I never meant to cause any ill feelings."

The group picks up the precious potions and heads east along the top of the crevasse. The party has walked about two days north of Humble's Ford in increasingly rough wooded hills. The Scab is to the north, and the peaks loom white with snow over you. Had you a flat road in a straight line to walk, you could have gotten there in just a day. But in this terrain, among the steepening hills, it will take four.

And circumnavigating obstacles like this crevasse is a perfect example.

Meanwhile, the scouts up ahead of the party keep a sharp lookout. Fioni cries with a sign that she has seen something up ahead. Without some means of communication, all you can tell is that *something* up ahead has startled the bird. If you resort to Speak With Animals or similar, you discover that Highlight to display spoiler: {The big flesh and metal cat is ahead, perched at the head of the crevasse. It is about 200 feet from Airin and Dwight, and 300 feet from the main party.}

Actions? Scouts?

Airin and Fioni 
Tuesday March 20th, 2007 1:53:42 AM

Airin signals to Dwight that something has starteled Fioni. A light wistle causes the predator bird to dive towards the ground like any other respectable hawk would do when it spots a rodent...

Once below Fioni is clearly agitated and Airin casts a spell on herself (Speak with Animals). All Dwight hears is some shitter shatter coming from both Airin and Fioni. The bird flaps her wings as something is clearly disturbing her.

Then Airin turns pale and whispers to Dwight:
Highlight to display spoiler: {"Fioni says the big flesh and metal cat is ahead, perched at the head of the crevasse. It is about 200 feet from us." }

"We need to warn the rest. How do you catch a cat?"

Acive Spells:
Speak with animals: 20 rounds

Druid Spell List:
Level 0: Flare, Create Water, Light, Mending
Level 1: Longstrider, Hide from Animals, Speak with Animals

Kendry  d20+3=14 d20+3=21 d20+5=18 d20+3=23 d20+3=21
Tuesday March 20th, 2007 3:18:13 AM

[Sorry gang - a lot of work today and rehearsal for Robin Hood tonight, as well as pause to think.

I'll not respond here to all in Tibble's/Dru's post, as some is out of character, and we've already done so via email.]

With Tibble
When Tibble claims Kendry had done all in his power to delay or prevent delivery of the potions, he answers briefly, "That is absurd, and ... just false." He thinks back on all that he and his friends and family have done over the past few fortnights to help Bella assemble the ingredients to make the potions, and being among those to encourage her to go on with the task.

But he sees the fury on Tibble's face, and realizes that the greenmage really fails to understand him, and his motives. And Kendry wonders at the inferences and conclusions he has drawn. And wonders, also, whether he himself will be able to navigate the possibly perilous pathways to Tibble's mind and heart. He searches his own heart to see if in himself is error or misunderstanding.

When Tibble mentions the peril that Kendry put the party in, the bard discerns he must be referring to when they met the lizard dogs recently. "Yes, you are right, to an extent. I did mitigate the element of surprise against the lizard dogs - and spoke of my regret, and asked for forgiveness of you all once we sent them into exile, as EagerTooth had asked of us. I thank the powers above - and the skills of us all - that none died in that encounter, other than two of their eagles, and them by the fey dragon."

Then Tibble says some things he does not understand at all. Kendry listens in silence, then watches as the rotund, skirted, often pleasant, often inscrutable, and, for the last day, to the bard's mind, obsessed greenmage, lays upon the ground the five potions, and turns his back and departs.

Kendry says, "We need not part company, Tibble. Iron sharpens iron, you know."

He stands and watches the strong-willed fellow depart. "Farewell, then," he calls out.

Kendry stares at the ground for a minute or two, just thinking over the last few days.

When Podo comes and asks where Tibble is going, Kendry says, "I don't know for sure, Podo. Away. He's going away."

If Sharles is nearby when he expresses dismay at the dissension, Kendry says, "It was not your fault, justicar. If anything, it is between Tibble and me."


Almost on the move

Kendry sees Dwight with his peripheral vision taking two of the potions.

He looks to see if anyone picks up the other potions. If not, he picks up the three. One he takes toward Airin - when he sees she has one from Dwight's hand already. So he takes it to Selithe. Another he quietly hands to Julian, whispering huskily, "Guard it well, cuz." The third he ... where is Tobias? Looking and asking around [Spot 14: - he's not up above], he finds the ranger still at the bottom of the ravine [Spot 21].

"Tobias. Come on up. I fear your travel down there will be too slow to keep up with us here above." He anchors then throws down the end of a rope - perhaps looking for an easier spot for him to climb up.

If Tobias does come up to the plain, he gives him the last anti-coma potion vial. "This is what Heather gave us. Tibble has left. I fear I pushed him too much. He has worried me the last few days."

[OOC: Now Dwight, Airin, Selithe, Julian and Tobias each should have one vial of Bella's special potion.]

Back in motion
In line with what Airin asked about earlier, Kendry casts a message spell (lasts one hour) shortly after hustling to catch up to Podo, Airin, and whoever is taking the scouting lead, asking a few who will stay back with him to come with him, and including a total of six in the message spell. If Tobias has come up to the top of the ravine, he is included in the message spell, and Julian and Dwight.

"Selithe and Fickle - be sure to stay close to one of us with the message spell, so that we might pass on what we hear." People within 160 feet of each other can whisper to each other via the message spell.

Kendry rides Cheann, with his two ponies coming along behind as they ascend the wooded hills. He looks for sources of running water as they travel, and for any edible plants along the way [Survival: 18].

He ponders his relationships with his friends, the happenings of recent times, and this metal lion that dwells in this parts. Though thinking about jotting some ideas in his journal, instead he decides to keep his darkwood composite shortbow at the ready, with some arrows handy in his quiver. Once in a while he looks over his shoulder, and up in the sky [Over-the-shoulder Spot 23; Up-in-the-sky Spot 21].

Tuesday March 20th, 2007 3:33:10 AM

Meandering along with the others... Julian only meanders at the moment. The shock of Tibble up and leaving so suddenly has shaken him.

Trying to get his mind back to the here and now, Julian speaks to Selithe, looking to break some of the tension with a light joke, "A flying metal lion. Metal, hmmm, surely there's no point in trying to negotiate with that using words, right? Waddya think? Got any good metal-crunching spells handy?
"Actually, Selithe. I've a small present for you. For helping with learning to read. Though you could teach me this too, though this should be more fun for you."

Julian reaches into his pack, and rumages around for a while...

<to be continued next round>

Tuesday March 20th, 2007 8:15:14 AM

Fickle is sad that Tibble is leaving, So he waves good-by, "By- By Tibble! Keep 'm feet warm!"

He now takes the rock out of the sheep skin, Yell back at Tibble Here take Sheep Skin! It will keep you warm!"

Now fickle takes his Shield and short sword, "Now me'z ready to fight!"

Tobias  d20+9=23 d20+18=35 d20+15=21 d20+7=12 d20+6=9 d20+13=24
Tuesday March 20th, 2007 11:33:33 AM

Tobias gets back up top (climb: 23) and grabs one of the potion vials. He'll take up a lead position, if he's not too late with the others moving out. Or he just moves with the party until they're stopped by Airin's warning.

Once stopped by Airin or Dwight that there's something up ahead. Tobias will try to sneak up and have a peak with Airin.

Hide: 35
Move silent: 21
Listen: 12
Spot: 9
Survival - tracks: 24

Tuesday March 20th, 2007 11:59:49 AM

Forgot about the message spell. Since this is active everyone allready heard Airin's warning that the big metal cat is sitting 200 ft away from her - just read the spoiler in Airin's post.

Tuesday March 20th, 2007 7:07:41 PM

Selithe looks to Julian and smiles to him as she leads Gra still, "I enjoyed helping you Julian and on that thought, how is your reading coming?" Hearing he has a gift for her she smiles and blushes, "Ohh? what is i...shoot, looks like that will have to hold off abit Julian." She winks to him and grins, "Time for what you been waiting for, some action."

Selithe knows Julian has been itching for a good fight again and Selithe herself has been waiting for something interesting to happen also, specially since it would get her mind off of past things. She quickly pulls her bow and checks it before moving with the others ahead.

[Edit by Cayzle to slip Selithe in for today!]

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