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A Little Down Time

The Morning After (DM Cayzle) 
Monday February 26th, 2007 10:04:40 AM

The matter of the prisoner is quickly resolved. Steps are taken with regard to the treasure (see below).

The night passes with a little sleep. It is now morning. Fickle wants to spend two days getting initiatied into the WLA. But meanwhile, Tibble is getting farther and farther ahead.

Tibble has taken the five restorative potions that you helped Bella make. He has left the five Cure Serious Wounds potions that she also left you. He took only his own share of the coins.

It is the morning after the Sneak was captured, the morning after Tibble set out on his own. What do you do?

An OOC Note On Treasure: At this point in your careers, you should have gear worth about 9,000 to 13,000 gold. Remember that WLA membership is equivalent to a 2,000 gp item; a paid-up membership at 6th level is a 7,000 gp item. If you have SUBSTANTIALLY less than 9,000 gp worth of gear, please speak up. You deserve a good chunk of the current loot!

Monday February 26th, 2007 11:26:00 AM

Tobias would certainly like the gloves of dexterity. They would help him greatly in combat with his short swords and daggers. And, assist with many of his skills.

Also the mitril chain shirt is interesting to him. Is the AC the same as a normal chain shirt? Is it master work?

Monday February 26th, 2007 12:09:55 PM

Cayzle, Highlight to display spoiler: {Requiring only 4 hours of rest at night, the greenmage shall make good use of his time in traveling. Harry normally naps during meal breaks.}

Monday February 26th, 2007 1:50:35 PM

So, when do we finally realize that Tibble isn't with us?

Cayzle OOC 
Monday February 26th, 2007 3:15:30 PM

The party NOW knows that Tibble left yesterday to deliver Bella's special potions.

He has a half day head start on you, you figure.

Fickle wants to stay in town another two days for WLA training. How about everyone else?

Monday February 26th, 2007 7:31:21 PM

"Fickle, as great as it is that we got enough cash for you to join, I'm think Tibble's safety and those we intend to cure may be more important."

Watching Fickle as he continues, "Perhaps if we catch up to him soon enough we could hit another WLA outpost before 'talking' with the necro."

OOC: I vote to leave now as planned. To chase after Tibble, unplanned! :)

Dwight checks his belongings, tightens his belts and sashes. Counts his arrows and his bow strings, secures his daggers; though he rarely ever uses them. He is ready and set to make good time despite sleep still being his eyes.

Monday February 26th, 2007 8:55:52 PM

"The problem we have here is based on the group not working together. Despite me and my cousin having difference we do agree to work together. I admire Tibble's bravery, but strength in numbers and all that, is important. I know I reckon on being able to wipe out all the enemy at once I know I couldn't quite pull it off without the rest of the group creating some distraction, or tapping me on the back with a wand.

"Let's go get Tibble. My brother's once beat the stuffing outta me, and left me in forest to teach me a lesson. But I think that'll cause another argument with Kendry, and others. So, let's go and catch up to him.

"Mount up, if you got 'em. Let's ride. Well, okay, let's wait till morning, have breakfast, pack and get ready, cook a quick snack... then go."

Monday February 26th, 2007 10:28:29 PM

[OOC: Tibble left about the same time that we hid ourselves around the Shallowroots' place.]

"Fickle - I understand you want to get trained by the WLA. You may do so, if you choose, but the rest of us must go after Tibble, and carry out our promise to Bella. We will plan to meet with you again before we deal with the necromancer.

"Or, come with us now. We'd like you to be with us, but it is your choice."

Kendry made arrangements with the stableboys at the blacksmith's to have his ponies ready in the morning.

He smiles at Julian's mention of his brothers' form of discipline. "Well, we'll see what we might do to emphasize our... perspective," he answers him with a smile.

He says farewell to his siblings at the music shop, and heads with his friends to Humble's Ford, to find one who can guide them to the northern place and person Bella mentioned. And, with luck, to find Tibble along the way.

Monday February 26th, 2007 10:29:27 PM

(OOC:I'm not complaining on my money really at the moment. Just curious, how much platinum was our split that Bella left the group? I only ask because I figute someone was keeping a spread sheet otherwise I need to dive into back posts or maybe Cayzle remembers.)

Selithe thinks over the items and speaks up, "I'm okay with my current armor and such but I wouldn't mind the hat if no one else does." Selithe thinks and looks to Kendry, "I still have that wand you got me too brother. If someone could make more use of it then I'm willing to trade the wand of magic missile to someone in exchange for the hat. I doubt that covers the price difference though."

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Tuesday February 27th, 2007 12:08:25 AM

"Well, Cuz, I don't mind where we go, but I do need to point out, that as both a Monk of Domi and a Cleric of Alemi, I have next to nothing in goods/wealth compared to the rest of the group. Aside from my membership to WLA, as almost all here do belong, I have but a simple Darkwood Quarterstaff, a Handy Haversack, and I have but a few simple gifts I received holiday past at the Giggle Ghost Inn." explains Podo to Kendry & to the group as well.
"If you are thinking about metering out the goods, perhaps we should think more about what we each have before asking for more..." Podo says as his last few words drift away into silence.

ADM Kim - Posting Report 
Tuesday February 27th, 2007 2:00:42 AM

Posting Crescent Valley February 19-25 2007

DM Cayzle -2WT-S- 5
Tibble -----SS 2
Dwight MTWT--S 5
Fickle FTW2FS- 7
Podo -2WTF-S 6
Selithe MTWTFS-- 5
Kendry M2W4222 14
Tobias MTWT--- 4
Julian -2WTF-- 5
Airin -2-TF-S 5

Tibble this week went on walkabout with Bella's special potions, taking off as the rest of party took care of the assassin who was out to kill Bella.

(But they'll be playing catch-up this coming week.)

Tuesday February 27th, 2007 6:27:07 AM

Airin is happy to be on the road with her friends again. She goes to get Blossom, saddles the pony and caresses her nose to prepare her for the next trip.

Ah there comes Fioni! Airin hadn't seen her since last night. The traces of blood on her beak are the last remains of some rodent she must have caught during the night.

"Will you be our scout once again dear Fioni?" Airin whispers to the predator.

The little Halfling lass is cheerful and eager to go on the road again.

Tuesday February 27th, 2007 9:43:04 AM

Ficlke is looking into another pocket, and coms up with some gold coing, he sit down ande counts them, "Hey Cuz! I founz some 430gp in miz pocket! Does this help??

Airin - second 
Tuesday February 27th, 2007 10:30:47 AM

"Love if you need some gold to buy a haversack I'll gladly help. I've got about 800 Gp's. How much do you need?"

(just know that that's all she has :-) )

Tobias  d20+13=17 d20+13=24 d20+13=33 d20+13=19 d20+13=20 d20+13=15
Tuesday February 27th, 2007 11:30:01 AM

Tobias is ready to mount up and head out after Tibble. He'll attempt to track Tibble from Bella's do where he is heading. And, if the party is up to it, he'll try to start making up time of their friend.

Survival (tracking): 17, 24, 33, 19, 20, 15
[OOC: not sure how many tracking checks i need to make.]

On The Way (DM Cayzle) 
Tuesday February 27th, 2007 12:02:29 PM

After some last minute shopping, the party hits the road. Fickle will have to wait to join the WLA, since his friends are leaving town!

Tobias tries to track the greenmage, but there are no halfling tracks at all to be found. He does note a few canine footprints, as well as places in which Tibble's dog has "blazed" a trail for those with a nose to follow it.

But since Tibble is clearly headed to Humble's Ford, there is no danger of losing the way.

The trip to the next town is not arduous, and no opponents pop up to impede your travel. You all get to Humble's Ford safely.

There's no sign of Tibble. What do you do?


To Tibble: Highlight to display spoiler: {You find it easy to get directions to Graeff's Refuge in the Valley of Four Peaks. Basically, people say, "Look at those four peaks over there. That's it!"

You figure it is a couple day's walk.

The first day out you are walking through pasture and around farms. The lands are cultivated, and the wild meadows and woods are placid. No dangers today.

Kendry  d20+8=26 d20+10=26
Tuesday February 27th, 2007 3:12:52 PM

[Knowledge, local: 26; Gather Information: 26]

As Kendry has a map of the region, and on it is marked 'Sanitorium Ruins' - that might give him a good clue as to where the fellow called Graeff is located. To be sure, however, Kendry asks about just to get verification from his hometown friends and acquaintances. He's also prepared to get a ribbing for asking something that likely many folks know. He also describes Tibble and his dog, and asks if any have seen him about. [See rolls above]

If he can locate someone who would be willing to guide them (and who knows Graeff, perhaps, or at least has first-hand acquaintance with the area), and who is accustomed to hardships, Kendry is willing to hire him (or her) as a guide.

If not, he suggests to the group, "Let's head there on our own." He'll pick up a small amount of fresh fruit from his family's orchard on his way through town.

Tuesday February 27th, 2007 4:46:22 PM

If there's a straighter path to the sanitarium than the road that Tibble is following, Tobias will suggest that we follow it. And, Tobias has very good knowledge of this area and should be able to lead that party through the woods to the sanitarium.

Tuesday February 27th, 2007 10:54:48 PM

As Dwight travels along with the group trying to enjoy the weather he can't help but think how the 'sneaky fellow' didn't add up as he thought. As he walks he thinks aloud at times, "six of us hiding and none of us saw him, while greatful Podo wasn't killed I expected him to be much stronger. Surely the fear of Heather would have required greater strength to get even the shallowroots to turn against her...knowing if she found out they might spend the rest of their lives as frogs."

Eventually Dwight arrives at a potential link and inquires other opinion, "Anyone think that perhaps the sneaky fellow was hired by our necro friend? It seems reasonable, he can't come and visit the town, but could send some into town to keep a watch for us. He would also know what his imp could be used for. Surely he must have figured out we needed the imp alive else he would have felt it die. Who would know how to use such ingredients....Heather. Finding Kendry, Julian would be easy for anyone that has seen them and can give a reasonably vague description."

Dwight doesn't really expect much to change if this connection is true, but this is what he does. Especially now that Airin is back, he doesn't have to worry all the time (she can do enough of that without his help).

"Tobias, if you can think of a short-cut, I agree catching up with him prior to our necro meeting as he suggested would be great....we all need to have a discussion before we take on such a challenge."

Tuesday February 27th, 2007 11:37:24 PM

Selithe in the morning is ready to move on with the others and stretches some as she leads Gra along and lets Bandit sit on her should for once to see the Wold as they move along.

(Kim: You were the one that was keeping track of the money and such I believe. I think we should handle the money split through email as to not slow the game. Also I know the money should of been split up so someone remind me of the split we all got from the platinum Bella left for the group. Selithe doesn't mind chipping in to help I just like to have a good idea how much she can chip in and all. :) .)

[Justin: Well, to an extent I was keeping track of it... Kendry had suggested 60 pp (600 gp) go to Tobias for the WLA. But Dwight (Anthony) is our official money guy. Later Dwight posted:
"As for the loot, 400 pp still doesn't go quite far enough split 11 ways (9 members+tithe+party damage control stash). If she had left 407 pp it would have been an even split. Anyways, I think 36 pp isn't anything to shake a stick at. I'd say the extra 4pp go towards buying some pearls to identify some stuff."
See also Dwight's post on Sunday February 11th, 2007 5:43:24 PM. He explains it pretty well.

It looks like the 60 Kendry suggested did not fly, but individuals gave much more than that, as you'll see if you go back to the post I mentioned. I'm a little confused as to precisely what is what, though.

If anyone wants to see what Kendry has, look at the spreadsheet at http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=pXgZY5sfiLZ9Q0EhfC0PUYQ - He lets everyone know what he has. If someone wants something he has, speak up! You might be able to see why he feels the need for a haversack.
:-) -Kim]

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Wednesday February 28th, 2007 1:32:43 AM

Not begin really sure who is now the proud own of what new equipment, Podo follows along, not saying too much of anything but following along none the less.

Wednesday February 28th, 2007 7:47:03 AM

Once the group enters Humble's ford Airin makes sure Blossom and Fioni get water to drink and something to eat. She herself had a few nick nacks along the way. The upcoming challenge against the necromancer troubles her heart - Dwght's right... he no longer is the only one to worry all the time - but with such a great group she knows they will succeed.

"Where to now friends?"

Wednesday February 28th, 2007 8:35:59 AM

Fickle follows the others, Finally tell the party, "It'z Smells bad! Smelly Trail it Must Bez Called?" But follows his friends any way.

Heading to the Valley (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday February 28th, 2007 11:00:00 AM

Kendry's experience here -- not to mention the people he knows -- give up the following bits of information:

1) Graeff does not live at the ruins. He lives in the Valley of the Four Peaks.

2) If the day is clear, you can see the peaks, right over there. They are about three or four day's walk away.

3) Tibble was here yesterday. He asked about the Peaks and got the same answer.

Tobias knows that there is no road to the Valley. You go through cultivated lands for a day and a half, then wilderlands. The Four Peaks are right on the border of Crescent Valley. At the summit of one of the peaks is a Giant Tower that guards against incursions from the north.

Tobias can lead the party well, although he suspects that entering the Valley will be hard given the rough terrain around the Four Peaks.

Dwight is surprised that the Sneaky Fellow was so easily captured. Frankly, the DM was surprised by that too. The Sneaky Fellow had very unlucky die rolls. Which is to say, it seems to Dwight that time and chance happened to the Sneaky Fellow as it does to all.

Dwight also wisely wonders who the Sneaky Fellow worked for.

Dwight deduces that the Necromancer, Flavius Aetius, can sense that his homunculous is still alive.

And yes, the party's profile in Crescent Valley is high enough that an investigator armed with a description could find out about the party fairly easily.

The party continues to iron out the details of who gets what items.

The first day's walk toward the Four Peaks is uneventful. The land hereabouts is mostly farms and stands of woods. Pastures and sheep, too.

Tobias warns that the going will be rougher ahead.

Tobias  d20+13=17
Wednesday February 28th, 2007 11:33:13 AM

Tobias continues to try to pace the party to catch Tibble -- riding for an extra hour, shortening meals and rest breaks, etc. At the end of the first day, he tries to find Tibble or his pony's tracks in order to discern whether they're making up time or not [Survival(tracking) - 17].

[OOC: Are we in Culverwood now? Because that increases Tobias's check bonus. Do I need to make any more rolls to keep us on track to the Valley of the Four Peaks?]

[OOC: The WLA cost was for Fickle, not Tobias...he's already an entry-level member. And, Tobias also donated his 36pp to that cause.]

Airin  d20+16=24 d20+8=18 d20+12=13
Wednesday February 28th, 2007 12:21:18 PM

"Maybe Fioni here can catch up with Tibble faster? If she can find him she could deliver a message that we are trying to catch up with him. "

A light wistle and Fioni comes down landing on Airin's arm - as she did so many times before (ooc I read on various boards that Inge made Fioni do that quite often ;-) )

"Shall we send her ahead? Kendry, you can write a note that we can attach to her."

If the party agrees this is done and Airin sends her hawk straight towards the Four Peaks hoping she will spot Tibble.

Fioni Spot: 24

On the road Airin too keeps an eye out for signs. Sign of Tibble, signs of trouble...

Spot: 18
Survival: 13 - natural 1 - she'll get lost in her own backyard!

Steven OOC 
Wednesday February 28th, 2007 12:27:27 PM

Concerning the belongings we carry:

Boots of the Elvenkind: latest treasure
Cloak of the Elvenkind: long ago
Handy Haversack: bought that herself
other gear and potions: both or gained

In total I think Airin is close to or just over 9000 Gp. That's fairly on schedule I believe.

I will update Airin's sheet and send it to you DM Cayzle

Wednesday February 28th, 2007 6:32:59 PM

Cayzle, Highlight to display spoiler: {Is the greenmage headed north towards the Scab or south towards the Red Hills? If things begin to look troublesome to Tibble he'll slow his movement considerably.}

Wednesday February 28th, 2007 8:41:19 PM

Selithe won't take the hat inless otherwise told she can, she does look to Podo and thinks about his comment before speaking up, "If you can make use of the hat more then me then you can have it Podo. I figure the hat would be less useful to people then the gloves if they are dex or such gloves."

Selithe moves on with the group and stretches abit more before pulling out her pipe and lighting it. As she smokes abit of her pipe and walks along, Bandit gets off her shoulder and runs along abit too, just enjoying himself. Selithe does keep a eye out on her friend as she doesn't want him to get hurt. Gra too seems to be enjoying the adventuer so far.

Wednesday February 28th, 2007 9:22:23 PM

"Sure, that's a great idea, sweets," Kendry answers Airin. He writes a note in halfling on a small strip of paper that he gives to Airin to wrap around Fioni's leg. It says:
Tibs: We follow behind you. Wait up! You got about a twelve hour headstart. -KLP
Kendry lets Airin know that 250 gp would be enough, and he gives her a big happy hug for making it possible for him to get what he needs to carry what he has!

[OOC: I am assuming this took place just before he headed to the Catacombs prior to heading out. Kendry is in the Catacombs now, awaiting service - I took him there a few days ago. No response yet from any staff members. Regarding who gets the gloves, etc., Kendry is holding his peace until I get word from the Catacombs.]

Wednesday February 28th, 2007 10:34:03 PM

Dwight tags along watching the rear most of the day. 'Great idea there Airin, perhaps we'll catch him yet.'

"Anyone else have any ideas regarding connections?"

Thursday March 1st, 2007 12:20:22 AM

Julian is as keen as a mountain goat is sturdy.

"We should follow his direct trail. His smelly feet might cause offense with someone willing to waylay him by the side of the road. I know I've considered it, but don't ever tell him that. I like him, really. Just wish I could use magic on his feet."

Kendry - just a few rolls for DM use, as desired  d20+5=9 d20+5=17 d20+3=21
Thursday March 1st, 2007 4:00:22 AM

[Knowledge (nature): 9; Survival: 17; Spot: 21]

Kendry laughs appreciatively at Julian's observations.

Thursday March 1st, 2007 5:30:22 AM

Fickle walking along with the orhers, just looking around. He Spots a heard of Floffy Clouds with Black Faces and Legs??
Highlight to display spoiler: {sheeps} So He ask his cousin Kendry, "Cuz! What'z those Floffy thingiez, Look good to eat? Want some for Dinner!??"

Fickle takes out his sling and a bullet to ger him self some dinner!!

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Thursday March 1st, 2007 8:17:57 AM

Podo tags along without saying much. At times he looks around as if to survey the terrain.

Airin - 2nd 
Thursday March 1st, 2007 1:21:24 PM

Airin attaches the note Kendry wrote to Fioni and sends the hawk to trace Tibble

(rolls in wednesday post)

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