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A Poisonous Reward

So Long, Lizard-Dogs (DM Cayzle) 
Saturday December 30th, 2006 8:14:31 AM

The druids are left unpursued. The crocodile is left alive. The reptilian leader says that the croc belongs to the chief druid, but he will not attack if the chief tells him to heel.

EagerTooth and Kendry inform the lizard-dogs that they will have to move away south, which pleases them not at all ... but they agree. Julian finds the hidden cache, which pleases them even less, but they do not object if you take the loot. Note that a Detect Magic spell has not yet been cast.

The lizard dogs pack their possessions and head off south, unless you have anything else to talk about with them?

When they are gone, the pseudodragon invites you all to return to his waterfall to rest.

Saturday December 30th, 2006 2:46:45 PM

With the lizard dogs heading south, Tobias and Tewdwr can finally relax a bit. And, he's glad to make his way back to EagerTooth's lands.

Julian  d20+7=16
Saturday December 30th, 2006 6:42:39 PM

Julian eventually gets up. Now that the lizard dogs have left, he assumes that he is safe from the further complications of diplomacy...

He packs the loot, the vials and scrolls, into his pack.

Bounding with energy, Jude ties his pack to Sallie, secures his falchion and carries his longspear. He hopes to find a moment to talk with EagerTooth. Perhaps on the way back to his waterfall, perhaps when they get there...

At the least, to help break the ice, he asks, "How did you fight off those eagles? for I believe eagles to be rather powerful and stunning flyers. I was a little too busy to look up, but you must have some talents of your own in the air.
"And what sort of treasures do you like to collect? Myself, I like magic potions, rings and weapons. And gold coins of course, to buy more. Hope to get some magic armour one day.
"This returning spear is great, don't you think? Maybe I will get a lance, and charge in at the leader next time. Really hurt him straight up. I think I came close to taking down their leader in one hit, though. I sure drove the spear in deep and hard against him."

Julian prattles on like this for a while, hoping to get EagerTooth chatty, hoping to impress.
Diplomacy 16

Sunday December 31st, 2006 4:10:31 AM

"Glad you're all right, Tibble. You weren't injured, were you?" he asked, looking him over to see if he bears any wounds.

Once the former slave keepers have departed, Kendry detects magic on the collected vials, coins, and what have you that were found in the pit.

He spends enough time focusing on each item radiating magic that he may get an idea of the type of magic. He reports his findings to his friends.

Hoping ponies and Cheann are well, Kendry checks on their welfare and, if all is well, takes them along with the group back to EagerTooth's beautiful waterfall.

Monday January 1st, 2007 8:30:07 AM

Fickle puts his armor on then picks up his sword and shield, all the time he is watching the Ding Dong dog face Lizard goining away from them, With Eggs No LESS!!

Flick turns around and tell the others "We'll be having more trouble form thems, Mark my words!!."

Monday January 1st, 2007 12:13:47 PM

"No worse da wear, friend Kendry," returns the greenmage.

"Youse must a-bein' da one wheese bees a-goin' ta all da troubles fer," Tibble addresses the new member of the party. "As friend Kendry done said, I bees Tibble and this great font of drool is Harry."

The black and white mastiff woofs a greeting.

"Be wheese all assembled? Any in need ah a wee pick-me-up?" Tibble looks about for injured.

[OOC: Tibble will heal himself and Harry before this evening's rest and rechange the old spell banks in the morning.]

"If wheese bees all ah party agains," Tibble finishes up, "Ah specks wheese bees a-headin' back ta ar dragon's friend's glen?"

Tuesday January 2nd, 2007 4:58:51 AM

"You is right, Tibble! Too much Trouble!! But Me fear we'll have more trouble comming our way, from his'em than before." Fickle tell the group, while looking at the slidering dog face back.
"Travels fast for a no good belly traverling skonk!!" Fickle comments!.

A Night of Rest (DM Cayzle) 
Tuesday January 2nd, 2007 7:32:04 AM

You reclaim your mounts safely and head back the way you came.

On the walk back, Juian asks Eagertooth about the eagles.

"They were not very powerful, thank goodness," says the fey dragon. "I surprised one and slept it. Then I fought the other and slept it too. Usually, when I put an enemy to sleep, it wakes up later on. But when you are 100 feet in the air, falling asleep puts new meaning into 'falling,' if you get my drift."

Back at the waterfall, after nightfall, you look over the loot, and Kendry detects magic. You find in total:

700 gold worth of coins (mostly silver and gold)
a non-magic gem-inlaid gold holy symbol of Ffloy
five tanglefoot bags
three thunderstones
six alchemical fire vials
a magic human-sized two-handed sword
four magic potions

Fickle and Tibble have a conversation, though what exactly they are talking about might elude the casual listener. :-)

[OOC: Happy New Year to all! I'm back on posting track starting today.]

Tuesday January 2nd, 2007 9:25:40 AM

Dwight spends most of the time at camp going over the way the battle was planned versus the way it actually occurred.

As the treasure is checked, Dwight peaks some interest to overhear what was found. During this time, Dwight re-offers Eagertooth the option of joining the group to put his sleeping stinger to good use.

Tuesday January 2nd, 2007 11:51:17 AM

Tobias and Tewdwr relax once the party is back to EagerTooth's glen. He's interested in a tanglefoot bag and fire vial, but also interested in what the magic potions might be...

Tuesday January 2nd, 2007 12:42:15 PM

The greenmage is only interested in his share of the cash.

"Friend Fickle, ya-all bees raised by treants too?" Tibble asks excitedly. "Ahs bees a-thinkin' youse learned how ta speak proper like."

Harry sniffs the party's new member. (Sorry about the drool on your shoulder.) Then sits down to lick himself.

Tuesday January 2nd, 2007 5:08:55 PM

Julian has a good look at the two handed sword. He holds it up, turns it over, studies the pommel, the crossgaurd.
"Nice work, here. Good straight blade, well balanced. Look, the balance point is just here," Julian almost drools as the sword balances on the side of his hand only 6 inches from the crossgaurd. "It'd be nice and fast to use. Can we find out more about the magic side of it? What kind of magic? As a fighter I don't have those sort of spells... Maybe I should try it out. Any volunteers?"

Casually, Julian also looks over the rest of the booty. "Some very useful items there. Damn those Tanglefoot bags, nearly bested me, that did. Thunderstones, I should've thrown mine before charging in, actually, we should've all had one to throw in. Vials of fire- hey, we should all be throwing these sort of things before any battle. Gold and siler, lovely gold and silver, mmmmmm."

"Okay, how we gonna split this. One could argue that some people did very little, others did a lot," he elbows Selithe in the ribs, as gently as any barbarian ever could, "oops, sorry Selithe. Too hard again, I know.
"What'm tryin' to say is that it could've been anyone of us stuck in the tangling bushes. I vote for an even split of all treasure overall- though, of course, some items might be mroe useful to some of us. Armmm, I'd like the sword, just gonna need a magic bag to carry it in.
"Hang on, point is, everyone, EagerTooth and Fickle included, everyone deserves an even share."

Julian notices Dwight sitting apart, mumbling to himself. He sends Shark over to sit by him, and senses that Dwight might be beating himself up over the successful battle. Jude walks over and plonks himself down next to Dwight.
"Hey, what's up? T'was a good battle. Look, I've got some great new scars, and a magic spear. We've got this booty to share. We're all alive. We made it through because everyone played a part. No-one ran off, no-one shirked their role.
"Sure, I would do things differently. Maybe you would too. But imagine this as a reasonable possibility for us. We instead attacked as a group, all of us coming over the river at the same spot. What was the first thing they did, Entangle. We'd all be stuck in a nice little group, just ripe for target practice. We could all be pin cushions. Instead we spread out, kept an eye on each other. Everyone did what they could. We won.
"I would like to've organised things differently. Had a few more people with me. The others coming in as two seperate groups. But I wouldn't have thought to use Kendry to reveal the leader so easily. I might well have had half the people stuck together in an entangle, waiting to become pn cushions.
"We perhaps have to change a few things in future battles. We're weak at ranged combat, but good at stealth. One should strengthen the other there. Distraction and sneaking is another thing we do well, we should focus on that. Assign combat leaders for different groups."
"Perhaps we should, in fact, when we're back in town and I buy everyone the best dinner possible, I wanna bring it up, get everyone to talk about how we approach combat. See, diplomacy and creating allies or truces is another thing we're strong at. It all needs to be brought out into the open, so that we can utilise the talents of everyone to the best advantage of the group.
"So cheer up a little, or I'll throw you into the water, from here," and Julian pushes Dwight onto his back and grins down at him, "Okay?"

Tuesday January 2nd, 2007 9:16:44 PM

Selithe listens to what is going on and is just happy the fight is over and that everyone is okay.

Selithe greets Fickle also and holds out her hand to Fickle, "Greetings and is nice to meet you Fickle."

Selithe looks to Eagertooth and smiles as she moves over and speaks gently too her, "I'm glad we had your help out there too. We would of been in bad shape if you hadn't helped with the croc and such."

(OOC:Sorry for being gone for abit. New Year and everything was more interesting this year then normal and kept me away. Happy New Year everyone and I hope this year is better then the last and was safe for all.)

Kendry  d20+4=19
Wednesday January 3rd, 2007 3:07:05 AM

"When an even split makes sense, I'm all for it," Kendry comments on Julian's recommendation. "But what is even can vary when you toss magic into the equation. Sometimes, for the strength of the party, it's better to let someone who can use something well to have it, even though, for that specific treasure, such be on the face of it inequitable."

"I dare say that, with your propensity for growing large, Julian, and it not be mal-aligned, that sword could serve us well in your hands. But before that matter is decided, we need to learn more of its character. And you want us to volunteer for what? To be your target as you swing the sword?" he asks, teasing him.

"As for sharing with all who helped - or tried to help, I agree completely."

"Dwight - I think it might have been better had we all crossed the water close to the same time. My drawing attention to myself alerted them to our presence perhaps sooner than was ideal. I may have been willing to trade some sort of magic item in exchange for Fickle's freedom - but I'm not sure how far we could have trusted them.

"Fickle, you may be right. How many days were you kept by them?

"The reason I offered terms of surrender to them was I feared our goal - that of freeing Fickle - would have been for naught had he fallen. Julian, too, I feared was near to death. Tobias, and Tewdwr, were in a hard way. Perhaps in a few moments we might have gained the upper hand entirely, but the situation looked razor-thin for both sides, in some respects.

"Forgive me for forfeiting our opponent's spear. Such would have helped us often. But I'd rather that none of us had lost our lives, than one of us had gained such a mightly weapon at the cost of our comrades. Life is most precious.

"Thank you, each of you, for trying your utmost. We all survived. We freed our cousin. We gained some wealth. We helped rid EagerTooth of noisesome neighbors.

"And thank you, beautiful dragon, for your direction and timely interventions. You are valiant, indeed. I concur with Dwight's invitation - if you wish to join with us in our adventures for a season, most welcome are you."


Further item evaluation:

[From previous post: He spends enough time focusing on each item radiating magic that he may get an idea of the type of magic. - is the magic on the sword alteration? enchantment? mixed magic? etc.?]

Appraise: 19 - gem-inlaid gold holy symbol of Ffloy.

Regarding the magic potions, Kendry opens each one, one at a time. He examines the liquid in the vials for color and viscosity. Holding an open vial before him in one hand, with the other he wafts the air above the container towards his face, taking a shallow sniff to see what the olfactory senses may reveal.

If more than this is needed, he places a drop on his finger, and takes a little taste.

If he still can't figure it out, he lets people know - and if he does discern the nature of the potion, he also tells them what he thinks it is.

He carefully restoppers each vial after each one is tested. [Cayzle - feel free to make any rolls that Kendry might need for figuring things out - I just got a domestic request that takes me away from finishing this business at the moment.]

Wednesday January 3rd, 2007 7:05:18 AM

Fickle was watching the enermy slither when this female called Selithe welcomes him, he find himself thungtied "Errr! Hi! gee did thems hurt you?? Err If they did I'll go and breack their eggs!"
Now he thinks 'I must do something nice, I think I'll kiss her hand, Yes! That's what I'll do!' But by the time he makes up his minf Selithe has moved away.

To his distant cousin Kendry "I was jump on or slidered on! about Three days and two night ago! in the Magic Forest" but he never takes his eyes off Selithe!

Wednesday January 3rd, 2007 9:02:13 AM

(OOC- I hope everyone had a good holiday. Happy new year, peace on earth and all that.

Lets go kill something. :)

Nuts lands on the chests as Marco checks over his pack dog.
"I admit to liking the holy symbol, but other than scaring a druid, I didn't do much. I hate entangle spells."
He looks around.
"I also want to get to somewhere I can cook. This no-fire thing is driving me batty."
Opening a chest, Marco pulls out a spellbook and starts to study his spells.
He will pray next.

Wednesday January 3rd, 2007 9:06:02 AM

Marco will offer to appraise the items also, but after he gets his spells back and we have some food.
Best to be prepared.

Tibble  d20=4
Wednesday January 3rd, 2007 12:53:32 PM

"Fud?" pipes up Tibble, patting his stomach, "Oh, yes. Ah don't bees a-goin' anywheres wifout bein's fed."

Harry woofs excitedly.

The greenmage will forage for his contibution to the meal.

Forage 18

A Reward at Sunrise (DM Cayzle)  d20+5=20 d20+5=13 d20+5=17 d20+5=8
Wednesday January 3rd, 2007 1:57:33 PM

Dwight thinks about the battle that was won without any loss -- just barely. He offers Eagertooth the chance to join the group, but the psuedo-dragon kindly declines the invite. "I have a home here, and no desire to get killed on adventures. Thanks though, and good luck!"

He takes some of the coins, though ... "To put in my own hoard!" he says laughing. How much do you give him?

Tobias mentions that he would like a few alchemicals. Tibble prefers cash

Julian looks over the two-handed sword. It would indeed fit him well when enlarged ... but be careful to drop it and pick it up after casting the spell so that it is not enlarged to Large size!

Julian also has comments on strategy and tactics.

Selithe is glad to meet Fickle, and she has kind words for EagerTooth as well. The fey dragon is flattered by the attention.

Kendry discusses the treasure division and tries to figure out what the potions are. Kendry's Spellcraft Checks to ID potions (Spellcraft DC is 25 so Kendry needs a nat 20): d20+5=20 d20+5=13 d20+5=17 d20+5=8 ... sorry, he has no clue.

The bard has thoughts about strategy as well, and joins several of his friends in praising the fey dragon.

Kendry and Marco look at the jeweled holy symbol, and agree that it is worth about 500 gold. Moreover, if anyone makes a Know Religion roll vs DC20, or if Kendry makes a bard lore check vs DC20, then Highlight to display spoiler: {Kendry recognizes this as belonging to a famous cleric of Ffloy named Ffrederick, a half-elf missionary to the people of the Culverwood. The Church of Ffloy might pay much to get this back.}

Fickle does his best to respond to Selithe with gallant protectiveness.

Marco helps with setting up a meal and camp near the Fey Dragon's watery home.


In the morning, the dragon offers to give the promised sleep poison. A handy flask or vial will be perfect for the job. With a few gills of poison in the bottle, you are ready to head off.

However, the dragon has friendly words and a gift before you go.

"My friends, you are brave and good. You helped me and now you head off to help others. But before you go, pick one from among your company to bathe in my magic pool and receive a special grace. It is truly well earned. The grace varies from individual to individual, so there is no telling what it will be ... but it is a boon, not a curse! Who will step forward?"



700 gold worth of coins (mostly silver and gold)
a 500 gp non-magic gem-inlaid gold holy symbol of Ffloy
five tanglefoot bags - book value
three thunderstones - book value
six alchemical fire vials - book value
a magic human-sized two-handed sword - faint transmutation
four unknown magic potions
a magic bath in EagerToooth's pool

Dwight  d20=14
Wednesday January 3rd, 2007 4:18:59 PM

Dwight listens to all those that comment with him regarding the battle. "It's not that I'm unhappy with the way things worked, I'm just thinking of what we could have done differently...it was awfully close. Julian fell, the newcomer almost fell, I feel I should have been more involved, while at the same time if I had moved just one more step, it could have been disaster for me. This is just the way I handle combat, however I do rejoice that no one on either side was actually killed. Hurt and egos wounded heal eventually. I'm actually even glad the druid escaped with their young, that they surrounded and agreed to move to a new home."


Dwight offers that the tanglefoot bags and the thunderstones be passed around as they can come in handy for just about anyone.

Dwight has no idea about the cross.

Dwight count the members and does some calculation in his head....700 gp, split 11 ways (each party member-8, Eagertooth, tithe, party treasure) that makes about 63 gp each. Dwight willingly offers Eagertooth his share and 12 gp more to make it an even 75 gp for Eagertooths share.

OOC: If I missed something/someone please just recalculate. P.S. Yes I know 75 is odd.


Dwight almost pops when Eagertooth offers a magical gift in return for their help. "I'm probably the least deserving of such a gift as my role in the lizard dog combat was minimal at best. While I would love the blessin'," Dwight then struggles a bit, "I do believe someone else is more deserving."

If Dwight is choosen, he explodes with joy and almost kisses Eagertooth.

If Dwight not choosen, he is happy, particularly if Julian is choosen.

Wednesday January 3rd, 2007 6:12:28 PM

Tobias listens to Dwight's talk of the battle and agrees that we need to learn better how to fight with one another. "With so many newcomers, it's hard to keep our cohesion... Of course, I should have guessed that Kendry would try talking first. :)"


As for splitting treasure in general, Tobias agrees that we need to keep important items even if someone gets a bigger cut of the overall treasure... Or magic items not be counted in the treasure divisions and just handed out to the appropriate party member.


And when discussion of EagerTooth's generous offer comes up, Tobias kids with Dwight, "Well, at least you didn't spend most of the battle in the croc's mouth... How deserving can that be?"

And, he agrees that Julian would be a good choice for it.

Wednesday January 3rd, 2007 7:18:22 PM

Julian steps forth, "Hey, this'ere sword sure is pretty, and well made, but maybe selling it is a better idea, if you think it is worth that much. But, then again, a sword that fancy probably has some fancy magic to go with it... I can't make that sort of decision for the group. Certainly I could use it in battle, but only I."

"I would like to say though, that I would prefer a dip in the magic pool to any gold, even a sword. T'was a magic-like experience that brought me my powers, when my blood mingled with a dire badger. I s'pose the badger was magicked, which prob'ly explains his enormous size. Though, again, I cannot make that decision for the group."
"Thank you, Eagertooth. This is a very generous offer you have made to us. We just need a moment or two to decide."

Kendry  d20+10=14 d20+4=11
Thursday January 4th, 2007 1:51:03 AM

[Bardic knowledge: 14; Knowledge religion: 11]

Kendry laughs at Tobias' comment on the bard's propensity for talk.

"Such a bath would be a blessing, indeed, Krrshekki. And only one may so bathe?" Kendry scratches his chin, looking around at friends and family and companions.

Selithe - sometimes quiet, sometimes saucy, his sister. For what she did to slow Eberyon's attack against the druids, she gained a special bit of magic - a charm necklace. He pauses for a moment as he considers her, his heart full of gratitude for her steadiness and loyalty. The only one besides himself with the group from day one.

Dwight joined some time ago - was it that same night, the rebirth of the king? Reticent at first, Kendry sees him coming in to his own, becoming quite the strategist, with elements of leadership and humility both. At first it was hard to get any solid words from him, but now his spoken thoughts are become gold and silver.

Tobias, and his unique animal friend, the two-headed wolf Tewdwr. The bard likes this ranger. He is brave and bold, willing to put himself at risk for the benefit of others. Practical, skillful, fully open to adventure.

Julian, the wild one! He thinks that his cousin may have come into his own here in the forest, of late now more attuned to the awakened, though now somewhat tempered, creator and force of nature, Eberyon - the latter also now cousin to Selithe and Kendry!

Tibble - funny Tibble - to many inscrutable in speech, but full of knowledge of woodland lore. He is a good addition to the group.

Marco - recently lost in The Culverwood, who just joined their group yesterday. It's good to have someone in the group who is good at cooking, again. A follower of Ffloy, right? Nice to have someone with good business sense in the group, it is. Kendry looks forward to getting to know him.

Fickle, distant cousin, now again free, thanks to EagerTooth, the group, and a bit of Wardd's luck. He hopes his forecast of future trouble with the lizard dogs does not come to pass - but it could, it could.

And himself. Lover of stories, of rescues, of music and poetry. Dedicated to helping Crescent Valley by being one of the groups that engages with and defends the perimeter. He wants to lead wisely in those areas in which he can, and to yield willingly when others have greater insight than he.

Halflings are interesting people, he thinks, smiling.

"Any one of use would love such a bath as you offer. Under the current circumstances I could see arguments for Julian, Tobias, Dwight, myself, my sister Selithe, Fickle, Marcos, perhaps even our abstruse companion Tibble being chosen for so signal an honor. I'm sure that more than one of us covets it, for I confess that I do.

"But I nominate Dwight for this. Julian - head of the spear of our attack, I could argue on your behalf, as well. But for many reasons - Dwight Twiggebundler - go soak yourself, Ishgara expert!"

Of the holy symbol, if no one objects, he says, "I think we should let Marco bear this for the time being. My love, Airin, found some rings that belong to someone else. We have yet to find their owner, or the family of the owner. Until we do, she retains them. If we find them someday, then she will return them. On this basis, would you hold and use this symbol, unless and until you learn of its rightful owner? You honor Ffloy - whom I also hold in some regard, though I do not profess to have the business acumen of his earnest disciples."

As others prepare for a good meal, Kendry takes out his lute, carefully tunes it, and begins playing many and singing some of the traditional songs of Crescent Valley, plus some he learned of Culverwood elves from his time in the forest.

He ponders as he plays, thinking to compose something new for the occasion.

Thursday January 4th, 2007 5:45:53 AM

"A BATH!! IN THAT POOL!! NO! WAY! There's nothing wrong with a little dirt! I wash my hands when I cook, BUT as for a bath, NO GO!" said Fickle as he stomp his foot...

Thursday January 4th, 2007 10:18:21 AM

"I will hold the Holy symbol till we get to a church of Ffloy. They should be able to tell us who might own it." Marco says.

Nuts states,"Not to mention how much they are willing to pay to get it back."

Marco answers.
"We in the church always give just return for services. If the owner is still alive, he would want to give us something for our trouble. Ffloy is a very honest religion, we make no bones about it."
Marco thinks for a second, then continues.
"Well, maybe a few bones, just to sell."

"I have no wish to bathe in the pool, for I have not earned the right, but I do remind Eagertooth that she agreed to give me a vial of her poison in addition to the one she gave the group."

Thursday January 4th, 2007 11:34:44 AM

"Ah could stand fer ah bath," offers Tibble after smelling one of his pits. "But Ah dun't specks naw wee pool with cure gandpappy's curse," the greenmage says holding up his left foot. It smells off old cheese left in the hot sun for a week.

[OOC: Everyone interested could roll a D100, the highest takes the plunge.]

A Decision Awaits (DM Cayzle) 
Thursday January 4th, 2007 3:07:30 PM

[OOC: Friends, it is really easy to get bogged down and waste game time in loot division. I suggest that you take the talk to e-mail and make as many e-mails per day as you can to reslove it all. Right now ALL I need is word on who gets to take a bath!

Another idea is to divide all the loot into equal piles, and each person takes a pile ... or rolls for the right to pick a pile. Note that the bath by itself should be a pile.]

The party is grateful and somewhat confounded by the fey dragon's generosity. Maybe Julian? But giving him the bath AND the sword might be too rich a reward for one person!

Kendry suggests Dwight?

While you discuss who is to take a bath, EagerTooth prepares a vial of sleep poison for Marco.

The dragon then asks, "Who will it be?"

Thursday January 4th, 2007 4:50:34 PM

OOC let's get a group email going regarding the treasure split, here's mine:
I don't have everyone's to get it started (looks over at Kim).

Julian listens to the bard's words. He is torn in many directions. He speaks out loud his thoughts, hoping that verbalising it will bring him to some conclusion.

"Kendry says he covets it, and others would too, does he refer to Selithe, who has remained quiet.

"If the pool could cure Tibble's affliction, or his stinky foot, I'd throw him in right now, but I think he doesn't want to mix magics.

"Marco and Fickle have said no thanks, that's easy.

"If I deserve it based on that fight, so does Tobias, perhaps he more so.

"Dwight was right to not rush in to the fight, though this honour is not just about that fight. Dwight, perhaps, earnt this when he successfully raided the necro's lair, and got us all out alive. Though he is too humble for his own good.

"Kendry on the other hand. Kendry's skill in talking, eerr, diplomacy saved many a life earlier, that's worth something, a lot actually.

"I think I learned a lot from that battle, and earned some great scars (OOC and a Hero Point).

"I would be happy with a share of the gold, and we should perhaps sell the sword. Well, if we knew more about it. Point I'm trying to make is, let Dwight or Kendry or Tobias take the bathe, rather than myself."

"EagerTooth, you've been a good friend, and very generous. Thank you. Though, I will overstep my bounds here and ask two things. First, may I name this longspear in your honour? and second, could I buy some of your poison to use on it, or maybe on a javelin? There is some merit in not killing everything. How much gold would you like for it?"

Friday January 5th, 2007 12:00:33 AM

Selithe looks to the group and thinks before speaking, "I'm sorry, such a decision needed to be thought on before giving a answer. I have a gift from a battle, one I will always remember as the temptation that could've made me more and yet less then I am now. I will stand by Kendry's decision on who should get it."

Selithe looks to Julian and smiles, "And you my badger friend, I think you deserve that weapon really, you were of great help in the fight we just went through. I wish I could've been of more help but I did put my bow to work and held my ground even with the entangle trying to get me."

Selithe looks to Fickle and smiles to him, "I was not hurt but it is most kind of you to be concerned for my safty. Would seem the group is getting more gentleman in it by the moment which is defintely not a bad thing for a woman." Selithe gives Fickle a little wink before waiting now and pulling out her deck of cards and shuffling through them.

Thinking and deciding to try something she casts a Prestidigitation spell on an ace, using the spell to unbend the worn card some as she wanted to test something. After this she casts a detect magic spell and spreads the cards out to see how easy it is to spot the ace for sure. (yep, still working on a way to mark cards. Selithe is a gambler after all. Marking cards bad enough to cause an alignment shift?)

Fickle  d100=51
Friday January 5th, 2007 7:25:15 AM

Fickle goes to the edge of the pool, look into the water. Then shake his head NO, "Not Me! I'm too head strong and set in my ways. May be My cousin Kendry or Somebody that will benerfitts these waters! But Not Me!"

OOC> The die roll for the waters 51.
OCC> My E-Mail is momlap@sbcglobal.net.

Friday January 5th, 2007 8:24:50 AM

Looking to others as discussion continues on the magical bath, Dwight listens as Marco, Fickle decline. Sitting just off to the side, Dwight smiles at Kendry's offer of the bathe, and is filled with energy as Julian and Selithe both suggest Dwight as well. The excitement is twofold of course, he is filled with family warmth at the love shown by his friends, and the once in a lifetime opprotunity to bathe in 'woldblood'.

Dwight stands slowly no sure the blood is still flowing in his legs. He looks to Tobias for any objection and then follows Eagertooth's direction for bathing in the mystical pool.

With great excitement, wonder, fear and curiousity Dwight soaks in the water, clothes and all. (Due to his excitement and ladies present I doubt undressing would occur unless Eagertooth insisted). As the water flows over his face, thought flash through Dwight's mind, This forest.. its master..., the death and birth..., the pulse of woldsblood... friends like family... safe It takes just a moment for all the thoughts to flash through his mind.

Friday January 5th, 2007 9:15:49 AM

63 g.p. each and

Marco picks up the holy symbol.
(He plans to keep it until he hits a church and then divide the reward with the party.)

He thanks Eagertooth for the vial.
He then prepares a meal of potato soup and smoked sausage (adding a bit of salted butter and some pepper at the end of cooking), useing a cantrip to heat the water as the others discuss the bath.

Friday January 5th, 2007 10:36:29 AM

Kendry quietly plays his tunes as he listens to his friends talk. He shakes his head in bemusement when Fickle reveals his aversion to the bath. He nods in acknowledgement of Marco's words. And takes another look at Tibble's feet.

"Thank you, Julian." He smiles as Selithe speaks.

"Unless someone object, Dwight - do as EagerTooth directs you."

And he plays on, observing the wondrous bath.

Friday January 5th, 2007 11:47:46 AM

The greenmage takes his 63gp portion and awaits a decision about the pool.

Dwight OOC- Treasure split up 
Friday January 5th, 2007 2:25:02 PM

Okay I sent an email out to everyone about an hour ago regarding treasure split up.

If you didn't get it, email me (adavis-pbem@tampabay.rr.com) and I'll resend it.

If you did get it, pick your treasure.

Kendry  d100=68
Friday January 5th, 2007 11:34:54 PM

[Not necessarily liking the idea of rolling for it - but if Kendry wins, he defers to Dwight.]

"EagerTooth - let our friend Dwight take the bath. And we will watch."

Kendry gets by the edge of the water. As the bath begins, he casts a spell to discern what kind, or kinds of magic are released during Dwight's baptism.

Saturday January 6th, 2007 6:27:46 AM

"Well! Cuz! for once Yusem have a good Idea!" Fickle tell His cousin (A distant Cousin), he goes and sits next to the pool and watches.

"Me hope he gettum clean! Cuz? What's wrong with you feet? They smelliun almost like mines." he asks Kendry??

A Wise Choice (DM Cayzle)  d6=2 [secret DM roll]
Saturday January 6th, 2007 10:51:08 AM

As Dwight bathes in the magic water, he feels the magic enter his body. And his heart. And his mind. Sounds are sharper. Colors more vivid. He feels a deeper understanding. He sees into his friends' hearts a little more deeply.

[OOC: Dwight gains a +1 inherent bonus to Wisdom. Please mark it on your sheet as an *inherent* bonus, because it will not stack with other inherent bonuses]

Kendry might sense some magic with the right spell, but the nature of it eludes him.

A note on actually using the pseudodragon's poison: It needs to be crafted before you can put it on a blade poison. It also needs crafting if it is to last as a blade poison for more than a week or so.

We're talking someone with ranks in craft (poison).

EagerTooth is glad to let Julin name his spear after her, but she is a little insulted at the offer to buy her poison.

"No, my friends, I think it is time for you to return and make the healing magic you told me about. Good luck and have a safe journey." You get the sense that you have been dismissed.

On the journey out of the Culverwood and back home, Selithe practices her card skills. She can mark cards with Prestidigitation, but it takes three rounds of concentration to pinpoint a magic aura. It occurs to her that an invisible Arcane Mark and See Invisible would work even better, once she gains some experience.

But the larger question for Selithe might be the ethics of cheating. Is there a nobility in winning fair and square? Under what circumstances might cheating be ethical -- if any?

The group heads back to Bella and her brew. Any special actions or detours on the way?

Saturday January 6th, 2007 8:59:02 PM

"I meant no offence, EagerTooth. I guess I come from a place where we trade most anything through coins, and it's what I'm used to. Thanks for your contribution to our friend's magic. She will appreciate it a lot, no doubt."

Julian is keen to head straight back to town, he wants to go shopping. He asks the others about identifying the properties of the sword.
Selithe offers the use of her ID spell (OOC: taking this from the emails, hope you don't mind).
"100gp pearl. Look, it benefits me mostly, so I will buy it. Actually, is that a spell you could cast on me, so that I may discover its secrets? Tell me about the spell, perhaps I could learn it one day too."

OOC: Cayzle, what's the go with using the CC? I'm not sure mostly about when purchases are recieved, but we have a few new players too. And the numbering in there is confusing too.

Sunday January 7th, 2007 5:43:29 AM

Fickle will take what ever is left over, "Err! What has not been pick. Can nice little old ME'ss! Have IT!"

Sunday January 7th, 2007 12:55:24 PM

OOC: How was the decision reached as to who was to bathe in the pool?

Monday January 8th, 2007 2:06:25 AM

[OOC Note: A +1 inherent bonus to wisdom can be had for 27,500 gp via a tome of understanding. That was a wonderful gift from our fae dragon hostess.

Tibble: Many names were advanced. Some did not state a preference. More spoke in favor of Dwight, and no one objected to his receiving the gift.]

Somewhat concerned at Fickle's words, Kendry checks out his feet. "Umm, no they don't. Smell quite like yours, I mean," answers the fastidious one. He looks around to see if Tibble is upwind.

"Say - where is that large weasel who was letting us fatten him up? Our thanks to him for bringing us to you, EagerTooth."

As at their earlier meeting she already had given leave for them to drink, Kendry does so. He also asks if he might fill three of his waterskins. If she does not object, he also does so.

Kendry plays a parting song:
The Culverwood where many dwell
Has wondrous places, people, things
Of one most charming I must tell:
A wee bright one with iridescent wings

She dwells right near a pool so sweet
It maketh wise the one who bathes
Good friends the dragonette does treat
Especially him who music plays

Be not her foe unless it's clear
Sleep eludes you come what may
For sharp her tail as a spear
Grown creatures heed her lullaby

Thank you, Krrshekki, for your gift
May it help heal many who
Fell under illness, minds adrift
Cured by Bella's healing brew

The Culverwood where many dwell
Has wondrous places, people, things
Of one most charming I must tell:
A wee bright one with flashing wings
"Blessings upon you and this peaceful pool, fair dragon. I shall show our friends your picture, and speak of how you helped us."

With a bow and a wave of farewell, Kendry heads out with his friends, his ponies, and riding upon Cheann. "Let's stop by Nilli's on the way back, give her the good news and our thanks, then hurry back through Hovel, Humble's Ford, and to Bella," he recommends.

Along the way, he asks Marco to tell them a little more about himself. "Who was your guide, anyhow?" He asks about how he came to adventure, and what are his specialties, and whether he would like to continue to travel with the group. Kendry lets him know that he is most welcome to remain, as far as it is up to him.

When the group stops for the occasional rest, Kendry takes the time to jot additional notes into his journal. He sketches some of the lizard dogs. He wonders what they call their own race, and tells the story of The Fickle Rescue.

Monday January 8th, 2007 5:42:40 AM

Fickle listens to his Distant Cousin, then tell him "Me did not know you could Sing??"

Monday January 8th, 2007 5:49:25 AM

Kendry laughs cheerfully at Fickle's comment. "Well, we did not spend a lot of time together growing up, I know. I've become a bard. So, tell me Fickle, more about yourself. I've lived nearly half my life here in the Culverwood, and most of the rest of it in Humble's Ford. How about you? Obviously you're good in a fight. Where did you learn such skills? Oh, and by the way - if no one else claims the extra alchemical items, and you've a mind to use them to help us out, by all means, take them."

Monday January 8th, 2007 7:34:20 AM

Julian admires Kendry's illustrations of the lizard-dogs. Though he casts prestidigition upon himself quietly before approaching the bard.
"But there's something missing," Julian leans over and draws with his finger, yet from three feet away, "hmmmm. Yep, 'bout that tall, and the spear straight into its gut, like that. Can you write my name under there for me?" The page now includes the 7' halfling, muscles rippling, driving the spear into Kendry's lizard-dog. It looks pretty good actually, in a comic-book sort of way.
"Cheers, Kendry."

A story from Aunt Nilli (DM Cayzle) 
Monday January 8th, 2007 8:18:55 AM

The team parts with the fey dragon on excellent terms, with words of praise and a wonderful song by Kendry.

Folk are more than welcome to take water from the pool, but it is not magical.

The paty heads back toward Aunt Nilli's home. She is glad to see you back after only a few days, and in good health. She listens to any story you might tell, and has one of her own:

"A wolf friend of mine said that a stranger came near to my home here -- it was a halfling. He seemed to be following your footsteps, but did not actually come within sight or sound of the house. Then he slipped away, and the wolf came here to tell me."

[OOC: Looks to me like you are figuring out the CC just fine ... but if you have any questions, let me know. In a nutshell, the Catacombs is a magic shop with branches all over the Wold. If you are in a town, you can walk in and end up at the main desk. That's the CC Board. You intereact in character with a clerk to make your purchase. Generally you can sell things at 90% of their matket price. You can buy almost anything in the DMG for book price.]

[OOC regarding the value of the bath in the pool. I would not value it at the worth of a Tome. You could not sell or trade it. You did not know what stat it would effect, or even that it would boost a stat. And for a couple other reasons I will keep secret, it was not really as valuable as it would seem. (Hint: I did roll some dice before posting the prize.) Still, yes, it was quite a bonus. I hope you liked it!]

Monday January 8th, 2007 12:39:48 PM

Marco answers Kendry,
"Some bloody half-elf, I think his name was Lesha-something. Good thng I only paid him half. He only got me halfway here."
Marco filled his waterskins before he left the pool and put his vial in a safeplace.
"I am a merchant for the most part, though I have been a healer, sailor, scribe and cook."
Once in town Marco goes to the catacombs to replace the supplies he used while travelling and ask Kendry and the members of the group if they know of someone who has the skill to process the faerie dragons poison.

Monday January 8th, 2007 2:45:34 PM

Kendry asks Tobias and some of the others with woodland and tracking skills if they might have noted any tracks other than their own. "Did your wolf friend tell you which way around your place the following halfling took?" he asks Nilli, just to save his friends time in looking for the tracks. Thankfully, it did not rain, so the chances some tracks remain should be decent.

He takes the time to tell her and the grandfolks of their journey and its outcome -- although the pictures of dragon and lizard dogs likely will be all that Granpapa Grapes 'hears'.

Yet anxious to get the precious liquid back to Bella, he lets Aunt Nilli know that time is of the essence, and they must quickly depart.

If she has not yet had a chance to send along the letter he wrote for Airin, he'll pick it up. If is has been sent, he is pleased.

Grateful to learn a little more about Marco, he inquires further. "You mentioned healer. Are you, by chance, a cleric?" He also asks where he sailed. "Not on Dragon Bay, of course. Everyone knows that, up until a short time ago - maybe yet still - I'm not sure - dragons would attack any boats out there - except maybe a small fishing rowboat close to shore."

Regarding rendering EagerTooth's poison, he says, "Well, Bella may have such skills. Or you can take it to the Catacombs, maybe - I'm not sure whether they'd do it, but it may not hurt to ask. I say may not. They can be touchy about some requests. Barring those to sources... I'm really not sure."

Monday January 8th, 2007 6:34:29 PM

Flickle Stands there behind Kendry, he is not at ease here, "Howdi Aunt Millie, Howdi Granpapa Grapes." Fickle goes and sits next to Grandpapa and watches thr log burn in the fireplace.

Dwight  d20+3=5 d20+3=20
Monday January 8th, 2007 8:30:03 PM

Dwight bathes and then attempts to dry himself off as the group ventures back. Eventually he stops and changes out of sight. Oddly, his outfit is just about the same, still full of patches, perhaps a few less, and a darker blue rather than brown.

Dwight watches the interaction once back at Millie's, but is ready to complete the task at hand. The stranger seems a bit vague, but he stores it for later thought.

As soon as they can manage to leave, Dwight is ready and wishes to head directly to Bella's. (After he makes sure they are not followed or being watched).

spot: 5+3(choas) -in culverwood
20 - after the group leaves culverwood

Tibble  d20=6 d20=8 d20=19
Monday January 8th, 2007 8:58:51 PM

The greenmage will make note of any signs that the mysterious halfling has left behind while foraging.

Spot 9
Survival 22
Forage 31

Kim - It's NILLI's, not MILLIE's!!! [Name Advisory] 
Monday January 8th, 2007 10:33:25 PM


And remember, so as to keep it orderly, CHAOS is always 'A' before 'O'.

Delete this post next weekend

Remember, Dwight. Chaos chaos chaos. No choas. That's not a word (in English, at least).

I remember an Irish fellow in a play who called chaos 'chasses'. "Everything is chasses! I need a whiskey. Chasses!"

Tuesday January 9th, 2007 12:01:24 AM

OOC: sorry, short post, not much to add. My 4x4 has lost its front shocks and I had to carefully drive the kangaroo vehicle home through winding, hilly and rough roads. Will be spending every waking moment trying to fix it.

Julian tags along. He doesn't really know Aunt Nilli, so tries to stay out of the way. Tracking isn't his thing either, so he steers clear, except to say, "Perhaps it was Podo or Airin."

Tuesday January 9th, 2007 12:32:41 AM

Selithe listens to everything that is going on and frowns abit as she thinks. However she can do little for tracking, sneaking and casting some spells is her main area of specialty.

She does enjoy being back and is looking foreward to a soft bed after the days of traveling. She enjoys adventuering and all but a soft bed is still nice when it's possible.

She also thinks over the marking her deck bit and still isn't sure on the whole thing. She spent time in jail and learned various tricks of the trade but was it really worth cheating when skill could make all the difference. She sighs and decides to atleast play around with the cheating route, not in actual gameing but in hopes of improving her own ability of spotting a cheat. Never know, it might come in handy to beable to think like a cheater when trying to spot one.

Selithe does take the time to greet Aunt Nilli and smiles, "Seems like it has been awhile, so many things happened this time, amazing things really."

Tuesday January 9th, 2007 6:21:39 AM

"OK! OK! ALL RIGHT! Auntie Nilli! I'll bet her cooking isum just as good!" Fickle snaps back.

To Grandpapa Grape, He ask "Howis is Auntie Nilli Cookies? Good me hope!"

Tobias  d20+17=20
Tuesday January 9th, 2007 11:37:36 AM

Tobias will answer Kendry's request and look around the area for tracks of someone tracking the party's path to the house. Hoping that he finds out something about their follower and where he went.

Survival (tracking): 20.

CDM Jerry 
Tuesday January 9th, 2007 11:57:12 AM

Would the ADM please do the report for last week's posting and email me to let me know it's done. Thanks friends :)

Crescent Valley Posting (by Anthony) 
Tuesday January 9th, 2007 3:54:32 PM

OOC: Sorry didn't know I needed to post this b/c of the holidays....then I just plain forgot.

Fickle: MTWRFSS = 7
Tibble: MTWRF-- = 5
DM: -TWR-S- = 4
Dwight: -TW-F-- = 3
Tobias: -TW---- = 2
Julian: -TWR-S- = 4
Selithe: -T-R--- = 2
Kendry: --WR2-- = 4
Marco: --WRF-- = 3

Tuesday January 9th, 2007 9:29:04 PM

Dwight sits and listens. When Tobias returns he pays close attention to the report.

He does emphasize the importance of heading to deliver the vial when appropriate.

Otherwise, having had some time to think, Dwight can now respond to Tobias..."Well we know croc tastes like chicken when we come back next time we will have to ask the croc what Tobias tastes like.

OOC: I'll work on the 'chaos' thing. My fingers apparently learned how the spell chaos the urban way 'choas'...so sayeth the urban online dictionary on slang.

Tuesday January 9th, 2007 10:26:16 PM

Kendry bombinates various tunes as they travel along.

Tuesday January 9th, 2007 11:54:17 PM

Selithe looks to Julian thinking over what he mentioned earlier and speaks to him as the group does there thing, "I'm not sure if I can teach you how to cast identify or such spells Julian. Do you know any arcane knowledge or the ability to cast such spells? Also casting that spell on a person would do little good, it isn't like say a magic missile or such." Selithe smiles though and is happy Julian seems to be taking a interest in the arcane arts.

Wednesday January 10th, 2007 5:55:49 AM

After a hefty meal, Fickle wants to go hunting, "Auntie Nillie! I'll bring back some nice Big Rabbitts for you!", Fickle follows the rest of the Pack wondering if they should hunt in the Magic Forest again??

A Slight Diversion, Then On The Road Again (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday January 10th, 2007 7:04:46 AM

The party is curious about reports of this stranger, and investigates. However, you find no sign of him or her. Yes, there is the stray halfling footprint, says Tobias, but other than that, there's nothing to report.

It seems unlikely that it is a friend. A friend would have been more open.

Fickle does do some hunting for dinner while you are in the WIlds.

In the meantime, you talk with Aunt Nilli and each other. Marco describes his background, Selithe and Julian talk about magic, and several mention dinner.

But soon it is time to say good-bye to Aunt Nilli (who did send along the letter, Kendry). Bella is waiting. And that means leaving the Culverwood behind.

Tobias  d20+9=27 d20+8=13 d20+17=37 d20+20=25 d20+5=12 d20+5=22 d20+6=14
Wednesday January 10th, 2007 12:33:32 PM

Tobias is concerned about finding only one halfling foot print, something definitely does not seem right with having this halfling following them. He will keep an eye out for anyone following them on their trip to Bella's.

Tobias will again lead the party back to Angel Springs. He will go ahead about a hundred feet to spot anyone else traveling the road or looking to surprise the traveling group. He will also send Tewdwr around back and along the sides of the group... trying to keep a sharp eye out for any random halflings.

Listen - 27
Spot - 13
Hide - 25
Survival (tracks) - 37 (nat 20)

Tewdwr rolls:
Listen - 12
Spot - 22
Survival (tracks) - 14

Wednesday January 10th, 2007 1:00:34 PM

Concerning the single-footed hobbit lurking about Tibble suggests it shouldn't be too hard to hear someone hopping about, let alone track them.

If corrected about the number of appendages the unknown sneak has Tibble will shut up.

OOC: Treasure (Dwight) 
Wednesday January 10th, 2007 4:11:01 PM

Below are the requests I have received for the treasure found via email. Everyone should have received an email from me today (Thursday).

The potions (and sword) can be determined once Selithe/CC ID's them.

I'm sending this to make sure I didn't miss anyone's request. If anyone sees a mistake let me know before we all write the items on our sheets.

I tried to balance the items/bag based on those that expressed interest. Marco, Tibble and Fickle, didn't express anything other than 63 gp unless I missed something. I'll wait until Friday and post the confirmed party allocation of the items/bags.

700 gold worth of coins (mostly silver and gold)
-- 63 gp for each PC, 63 given to Eagertooth, 63 given for party tithing (who is this now?), 63 party treasure

a 500 gp non-magic gem-inlaid gold holy symbol of Ffloy
-- Marco (for deliver to appropriate Church as he sees fit)

five tanglefoot bags - book value
2 -- Tobias
2 -- Kendry
1 -- Julian

three thunderstones - book value
2 -- Kendry
1 --Julian

six alchemical fire vials - book value
2 -- Tobias
2 --Selithe
2 -- Kendry

a magic human-sized two-handed sword - faint transmutation
-- Julian (as yet unidentified)

four unknown magic potions
-- unspoken for
-- possession may change once intent is determined

Wednesday January 10th, 2007 6:30:56 PM

"Tibble, he's not a one-legged halfling. I was only able to find one foot print, which means he's pretty good at hiding his tracks."

Dwight  d20+3=18
Wednesday January 10th, 2007 7:13:30 PM

During the trek back, Dwight wonders about the foot print. Who would be looking for us? Who would be able to track us down in the Culverwood by themselves? After some thought, Dwight asks others, "Anyone think this might be the necro trying to hunt us down? Or one of the harpy hags perhaps, but i wouldn't think they would leave a footprint, especially one that is halfling size... the necro however." The statement remains unfinished as he tries to think through it himself.

"If they have been able to follow us, could they be spying through some magical device. The necro had a bunch of stuff in the room."

Dwight will remain in the rear, hoping they are not following, but if they are hoping to spot whoever it is.

spot: 18

Wednesday January 10th, 2007 7:32:23 PM

Marco puts away his money.
"When we find out what the potions do, we can figure out who should have them." He states.

(OOC- Can I go to the Catacombs? Are we in a town? What's available?)

Selithe  d20+7=9 d20+9=20 d20=13 d20+2=10 d20-4=12 d20+14=19
Thursday January 11th, 2007 12:00:47 AM

Selithe listens to her friends as they move out and pockets her 63gps as she ponders things before moving up to Kendry and whispering to him, "I'm falling back behind the group and going to sneak along and see if I notice anything. I can use a thunderstone if you'll let me take one with me as a signal if I see anything or attacked."

Selithe smiles as she really wants to try and be of some help and if allowed falls back behind the group before starting to hide and creep along, keeping a eye out for anything out of the ordinary and having Bandit peek his head out of her belt pouch to help also.

(Move Silently:9 Hide:20 Spot:13 Listen:10)
(Bandit's Spot:12 Listen:19)

Thursday January 11th, 2007 2:26:40 AM

"Dwight - the necromancer is a human, not kin to us, nor of our stature."

"Sure, sis, here's a thunderstone. Take a tanglefoot bag, too. You're sure you want to do this by yourself? What about Gra? I can keep her with me, if you want, or you can take her with for the moment."

Assuming none of us encounters the distant pursuer, the group travels the rest of the way back to halfling civilization.

He wants to stop briefly in Hovel to retrieve his climbing gear from his Aunt Marigold, and to give her a kiss and quickly catch her up on the news. Also a quick visit to Airin's family's place to introduce himself and ask if they know of Airin's whereabouts. If she's there, he rejoices! And gives her several kisses. But also lets her know he needs to go with the group quickly back to Angel Springs for Bella's sake. One last thing he wants to do is to pay a quick visit to Ellis and Penelope's place to see how their little daughter, Clara Alilliama Domiselithe Airina Marigold Pipewood Greentree, is doing - she who shared a womb with Eberyon. He copies his best sketch of EagerTooth, and leaves it for them as a present. [No more than half an hour at each of these places.]

Then on to Humble's Ford - take an hour for a meal there - and then to Angel Springs.

"Let us take care when we visit Bella. We don't want to lead our pursuer to her, if we can help it. Any suggestions on how to do this?"

Thursday January 11th, 2007 4:50:28 AM

Julian is preoccupied with purchases he will make in the Catacombs.
He speaks to Dwight, who seems to be organising the treasure, "This fab sword, and these scars," he begins to take off his shirt, "are more than enough reward. Look, this long one here... jealous?
"What I'm trying to say is that I don't need the thunderstone or the tanglefoot bag. Give them to someone who needs it more. I still have two thunderstones in my pack, now that I've had a good look."

Thursday January 11th, 2007 6:47:35 AM

Fickle tag behind with the group, he sometime look around for this one who left one foot print. He ask Selith (as she passes him) "Where are you going? This stranger might be a Pirate! Some of them have only onr foot, you know? Be Carefull!!"

He follows along behind the group, he's really proud of himself because he has already killed three rabbitts for a stew tonight!

Then he hears about the treasure, "Hey! If you please! Can I have one of those stones?? I Like stones!" He ask and for once in his life he did not grumble!

Thursday January 11th, 2007 10:41:54 AM

At Fickle's request, Kendry laughs and gives him a thunderstone. "When you throw this rock, it makes a loud BOOM! It can make it hard to hear for a while."

Thursday January 11th, 2007 12:28:09 PM

The rotund hobbit will struggle atop Harry for the ride back to town.

63gps won't buy much in the way of powerful spell components, he wonders to himself if the group would be willing to knock over a chapman.

Suspicions back Home (DM Cayzle)  d20+12=20 (secret Hide check)
Thursday January 11th, 2007 2:48:30 PM

Tobias keeps alert as the group makes its way back to Angel Springs.

Selithe joins him with extra alertness in the form of her familiar, Bandit.

Tobias, who saw the footprint, tells Tibble that the secretive halfling who made the print was most likely adept at finding places to step in which he would leave no prints. The lone print found is most likely a sign that the secretive halfling was sloppy for a moment ... not a sign that the person was one-legged!

Dwight wonders if the footprint was made by the necromancer, [whose homunculous, if the DM recalls correctly, is still in an iron box in a bag of holding that one of you possess] -- but on second thought you recall that the necromancer was a human. That's what Kendry recalls too. Maybe it could be an agent of his?

Of course, if the DM may be permitted an editorial aside, it is not as if our brave heros lack for enemies, given the group's tendency to show mercy and leave their foes with breath to fight another day. Not to mention the group's tendency to encounter foes from whom flight is a wiser course than fighting to the death! :-)

Marco expresses curiousity about the nature of the four potions. Julian too is looking forward to a successful shopping experience. [OOC: You can go to the Catacombs now, but your purchases will not be delivered until you get to Angel Springs.

The loot continues to be divided, with alchemical goodies going to Fickle and Selithe.

Tibble grumbles a little over the small portions the loot ends up dividing into. The thought does cross his mind that surely the possessions of the lizard-dog chief and the head druid were worth a pretty penny. Oh well.

The party escapes the Culverwood alive and makes it to Hovel, for a visit with family and loved ones. All is well there, Airin is glad to see Kendry, and the hobbit-child is well. But on the way out of town, if you make a spot check vs DC20, then Please Highlight to display spoiler: {You see a halfling fellow lying under a bush watching you from hiding.}

Dwight  d20+3=21 d20+2=11 d20+2=6 d20+9=13 d3=3 d20+4=18 d20+3=9
Thursday January 11th, 2007 8:33:18 PM

Dwight tries to relax since others have taken to covering the rear. In reply to Kendry, "I know the necro was human, but couldn't he transform himself to look like one of us? Or have killed a halfling and made our poor kin service him? But then again, maybe its a friend trying to follow our footsteps to rejoin us." Dwight tries, but can't seem to convince himself.

spot: 21 (sweet!)

Dwight stops and announces to all. Pointing with one hand in the direction of the hidden halfling, pulling a dagger out with the other, Dwight speaks loud enough for the halfling to hear. "You there, hiding, you've been spotted and it would be best if you came out and stated your purpose."

Intimidate: 11
Sense Motive: 6
Gather Information: 18 (Does Dwight recognize the halfing?)
Diplomacy: 9

Sensing he is up to no good, Dwight tenses to throw his dagger if the halfling does anything other than come out facing the group.

Attack: 13 (if within 10')
Dmg: 3

Kendry  d20+3=21
Thursday January 11th, 2007 8:41:15 PM

[Spot: 21]

Kendry is glad to see Aunt Marigold - and introduces those who have not yet met her. If her two friends are there - Bea & Daisy. He takes Marigold aside for a moment, whispering something to her.

Also, pleased is he to meet with Airin. "When can you travel with me again, love?"

On the way out of town, he notes a fellow lurking in the bushes. He casually meanders that direction. "Two birds in the hand, or one in the bush? How does that saying go?"

He leans over. "Hullo. I'm Kendry. Who are you? Trying to become one with nature?"

Kim - OOC 
Thursday January 11th, 2007 8:42:40 PM

Looks like Dwight and Kendry posted about the same time. Dwight's post wasn't there when I started my post for the bard.

Filckle  d20=19
Friday January 12th, 2007 6:00:20 AM

OOC: I rolled for spot witch I don't have Skills, 19 (I almost made it with out any pluses!!)

Fickle cuddles the rock in his arms, almost as if it was a baby. "Oh! What a nice Rock and youse say it goes Boom when me throws it? What youse say? Weez being stock under bush there?? Want meem to throughs meem Boom Rock at bush??"

Now Filckle gets ready to throw the rock! But does not know wich bush the spy is hiding??

Friday January 12th, 2007 6:12:55 AM

Julian takes cues from Dwight's reactions (prefer to fight anyway) and drops his new sword, then casts Enlarge on himself and badger familiar. He then picks it up.

Tobias  d20+8=25
Friday January 12th, 2007 12:20:16 PM

Tobias spots the halfling as well (Spot: 25). He and Tewdwr move quickly around back as Dwight is speaking - trying to get behind the halfling and cut off any escape route he might have.

Friday January 12th, 2007 12:21:49 PM

Oh and Tobias takes his share of the treasure: 63 gp, 2 tanglefoot bags, and 2 alchemical fire vials.

Little Tim Ninetoes (DM Cayzle) 
Friday January 12th, 2007 6:44:49 PM

Several see the halfling lurking under a bush. Dwight is ready with a challenge. Kendry, a greeting. Fickle, a thunderstone. Julian gets bigger. Tobias moves to the rear.

But you know this fellow, those of you who have lived here or have kin here. Why, it's Little Tim! Little Tim Tanner Ninetoes! He's a young halfling, younger than you, who always looked up to you in the past.

"Um, Hi Kendry, Hi Selithe!" he says to the two of you with whom he is most familiar.

He looks around nervously, especially at Julian and Tewdwr. "You guys scared of me?" he bluffs.

A moment of conversation reveals that he was just hoping to get a look at the heroes as they left town. He just didn't want to bother you as you left.

Friday January 12th, 2007 7:10:04 PM

"Scared? Errr," Julian really likes kids, especially small boys within whom he can see something of himself at that age, "You bet I was scared of you. You moved so quietly and hidden so well I thought it might have been a hideous monster, or a huge bear, waiting to eat us. It's just that Dwight here has super-special vision that we saw you at all."

Huge Julian grabs the little 'un and throws him up onto his shoulder.
"Kendry and Selithe you know. I am related to them as well, though I've spent a lot of time away. I'm Julian, you can call me Badger. My badger here is named Shark. I think he likes you.
"Here we have Tobias, Dwight," Julian bounds around in a jolly fashion briefly introducing everyone, "Fickle, Marco, Tibble, Airin (?) and our pets, too numerous to name right now. You can pat his left head there."

"Have you been training?" Julian casually walks away from the others to give the them a bit of time to talk amongst themselves, with Tim still on his shoulders. He looks backs to them and shrugs his shoulders as if to say What's up with this kid?

"You're getting big sword fighting arms, I reckon. Here," passing Tim the two-handed sword, "ready for this yet? Nah, but getting close."

Friday January 12th, 2007 7:15:31 PM

Oh, and with treasure, Jude takes the sword and the 63gp only. Thanks.

Friday January 12th, 2007 10:22:02 PM

(Updating my CS with the 2 flasks of alchemical fire, 63 gps and the thunderstone unless Kendry wants it back since it wasn't needed earlier. :) Cayzle, not much of an update but you want the CS sent to you?)

Selithe looks to Timmy and chuckles as she shakes her head and hides a grin when listening to Julian.

Selithe moves up to Tim and ruffles his hair before speaking, "Now Tim you need to be more careful ok? If we would've been really scared you could've got hurt you know. You hide just too well though, one of these days you're going to be a better known than even us, you just wait."

Selithe thinks and is pretty sure she can make up for the loss by a card game later some place so kneels and fishes a gp out of her pouch which she holds up to Tim, "Now, don't be in too big of a rush but here, you need to start saving if you ever plan to go out and become a hero someday. Take this and save it for that day, ok?"

Saturday January 13th, 2007 7:41:34 AM

Fickle watches Julin growing in size? "Hey! I can do that too!"(with the rock that goes BOOM)
Fickle touches his tattoo,Then Grows In Size Like Julin." He now look into his hand, He now has a little stone??.

Now Fickle is a big ans advances to the boy, "NOW WHO IS THIS LITTLE BRAT?"

OCC: Sorry! I just could not help Myself, I had to scare this little fellow. LOL

DM Cayzle to Ceil 
Saturday January 13th, 2007 10:38:51 AM

Ceil, Please Highlight to display spoiler: {Your Tattoo is Entangle, not Enlarge!} LOL!

OCC: Your Right! DM Cayzle! FicKle Drinks an Enlarge Potion, then scares the little Brat.

Kendry  d20+4=8 d20+4=10 d20+4=20
Saturday January 13th, 2007 4:51:27 PM

"Wee Tim - you've grown up a bit, I see. Very glad to see you. How has your family been doing? Do you know where we just went?" Kendry asks.

"We went to see a wee little dragon! Have you ever seen a tiny dragon before?

"Here, let me show you what she looks like." He digs into his knapsack, withdraws a sheaf of papers, and finds the sketches. "This is EagerTooth. She has very beautiful colors in her wings. Sparkling colors, like a moving rainbow, in some ways. Her name in the draconic tongue - that's dragon language - is Krrshekki. She likes music, and hates slavery."

He indicates Fickle, who is rubbing his skin at the moment. "Some lizard dogs had captured him. EagerTooth told us where we could find him. And we set him free. Fickle - Fickle! Tim is no brat!" Kendry sighs at the comportment of some of his companions. "We're in town, friends. Just what kind of show do you want to put on for our fellow citizens?"

He asks the lad if he would like a copy of one of the sketches. Whichever one he indicates, Kendry will take a few minutes and render a copy of it. All right, forget that first copy. He crumples the second version. Finally, he gets it right [Drawing: 8, 10, 20]. "Here you go."

As he sketches, he asks if Tim might have followed them on their way into the woods. If not, did he happen to notice anyone who did follow them?

"Say, have you ever heard of the Woldian League of Adventurers, Tim?"

Also, he asks if Tim might do them a favor - if he is not the one who followed them into the forest. "Someone has been following us. We don't know who. But, since you're so good at finding hiding places - maybe you could keep your eyes out, and note if someone follows us as we leave town. Um, you know Ellis Greentree, and his wife Penelope - she's a Pipewood. He runs the livery - well, of course you know them, why am I telling you all this? If you see someone following us, please tell Ellis and Penelope, and give a good description."

He jots a note. "Give this to them, and ask them to send us a letter with what you tell them. It might be a big help. Does this sound like too big a job for you?"

If little Tim agrees, then Kendry will also caution him not to try to confront the pursuer. "Just watch, and see what you see."

Saturday January 13th, 2007 5:49:39 PM

Not familiar with this friend of others in the party Tibble lets the situation pan out.

Sunday January 14th, 2007 9:22:48 PM

Still slightly suspicious, Dwight lowers his daggers, but doesn't quite put it away. This family stuff makes things complicated sometimes he thinks.

As the introductions go around, Dwight asks Tobias if little Tim's foot print looks to be a match to the one found in Culverwood.

Monday January 15th, 2007 8:16:33 AM

Fickle looks to Dwight, "HE (pointing to the boy) Family to yousem?" Then tells the boy, "BOY! GO HOME!"
Flack then goes into the bushes? Hugging his stone.(A call of nature!)

Monday January 15th, 2007 8:53:18 AM

Marco waits till they get to a town, then hands over the jeweled holy symbol to Kendry.
"I have to go, my god has called on me to continue my journey. I hope to meet you in the future."
Saying goodbye to the others, Marco wanders off.

(OOC- Nice gaming with you guys. Unfortunatly I have to go on walkabout (Life, arrrge.). Hope to see you in the future.)

Monday January 15th, 2007 11:41:28 AM

"You don't need to yell at Tim, Fickle," Kendry says. "He's done you no harm, and he is a good lad."

At Marco's announcement of his departure, Kendry is surprised. "I am sorry to see you have to go, Marco. Perhaps somewhere down the road our paths shall cross again." He holds out his hand to shake that of the traveler. "May you earn good fortune, and find reliable guides - where needed," he adds with a smile. "A pleasure to have met you, sir."

Tobias  d20+14=23
Monday January 15th, 2007 11:51:56 AM

Tobias follows Dwight's suggestion and checks Tim's footprints (survival 23) to see if they're a match.

Monday January 15th, 2007 3:02:04 PM

"Ya'lls mite a-havin' dun compensated us-ums fer saving youse life," the greenmage mentions to the departing Marcos.

Farewell to Marco! (Cayzle) 
Monday January 15th, 2007 3:39:32 PM

After a bit of good-natured tom-foolery, you are sure that the curious young halfling meant no harm. His foot is no match for the print Tobias saw. Soon Tim is eager to send you word if he sees any news.

He mentions that there was a stranger who came through here last week -- a halfling from Angel Springs. The stranger came late and left early the next day.

As the group prepares to leave, Marco offers his thanks for the rescue but tells you all that his path diverges from yours now. It is time to bid this new friend farewell.

Monday January 15th, 2007 4:25:05 PM

"As far as I know, I'm of no relation. My family tree is a bit severed, and know very few connections. However, Kendry here, is another story. It's handy, just about every place we go we have room and board we can trust. But it's instances like these that, well, the boy lucked out that Julian didn't get in a real swing." Dwight shrugs hoping everyone elses regonition of the boy is enough to keep the group safe.

With the fellow given a task, Dwight is ready to continue on his way. Odd how it seems we are being followed. Surely as circular as our path has been someone could have easily caught up to us, for good or ill.

Once the young halfling has been left behind, Dwight suggests that two or three folks remain outside of town before reaching Heather's place to be sure we don't lead someone directly to her. He'll volunteer to be one himself if needed.

Monday January 15th, 2007 6:03:42 PM

Excited at the prospect of seeing Heather again, but then Dwight offers the posibility of a fight, at least, an encounter.

"Dwight, I'll stay with you. I can cast Burrow Speak (Message) so that we can communicate whilst spread out. If someone is following us, we'll wanna know why. I'm sure we can beat it out of him. Or even follow him instead."

Monday January 15th, 2007 8:31:36 PM

Tobias wishes Marco farewell and hopes to see him again soon in the Culverwood.

Tobias will lead the group forward to Heather's and leave it to Dwight and Julian to follow up on their tracker...

Monday January 15th, 2007 8:52:03 PM

Selithe smiles and bids Tim bye for now and gives Marco a hug before smiling gently but saddly to him, "I'm going to miss you Marco, but as long as you promise to join up again someday."

Selithe continues on with the others now and moves over and gives Kendry a small nudge and whispers to him, "Think with all the friends we've said bye to now it would get easier but it's still just as sad. Maybe it's because I'm a girl."

Crescent Valley Postings (by Anthony) 
Monday January 15th, 2007 9:10:42 PM

Kendry: 3T-2FS- = 8
Fickle: 2TWRFS- = 7
Julian: 2--R2-- = 5
DM: M-WRF-- = 4
Marco: M-W---- = 2 (seems to be leaving as of 1/16)
Dwight: MTWR--S = 5
Tibble: M-WR-S- = 4
Selithe: MTW-F-- = 4
Tobias: -T2-F-- = 4

Kendry  d20+4=9
Tuesday January 16th, 2007 2:45:55 AM

Kendry asks little Tim if he can describe the stranger at all. Clothing, face, stature, gait. He even tries to sketch the fellow based on Tim's description, but that does not go too well [Drawing: 9].

"No, Selithe, parting with friends brings sadness. If you feel wistful, well, so do I. Yet I feel that some friends will return, as well."

Hearing Dwight out, Kendry says, "Not a bad idea. If we can have a few who are good at hiding, and following." He pauses, thinking of Airin, and her shadowy skills.

"We know that Heather has enemies. Something to keep in mind, however, is that not all who appear to be enemies are. Witness some of us coming close to attacking an innocent lad."

He turns to Julian. "Physical attack is not always the first option, cuz. I'd ask you to consider not making yourself huge here in our own communities, unless circumstances genuinely warrant it. There are those who are suspicious of adventurers. We don't want to feed their fears and prejudices. We don't want to go drawing our weapons in public."

As they walk along, he offers to his friends another thought. "Someone such as Calfast, or a militia leader, might have sent someone to keep an eye on us, and to keep a low profile. Maybe even an agent of the WLA. Or... well, I don't know who.

"Although I think those options unlikely, there's at least a slight possibility. Our pursuer may be a foe, but such is not a certainty."

He turns and looks at Julian again. "We don't want to go around getting used to the idea of beating fellow halflings, Badger. We are neither hooligans nor ruffians - I trust."

Passing through Humble's Ford Kendry takes his friends to his family - he introduces his friends to his father, mother, and any siblings who may be about. "We picked up Fickle in the Forest. Mama, give him an extra helping of your rhubarb pie - unless you have some extra blueberry slices lying about."

Then onward to Angel Springs. "Perhaps we all can enter together, then quickly one or two each to the three entrances to the city to watch, and a couple over to Heather's with the gift. Keep in mind there likely are more watchers within the city. It's not as if we're an anonymous group anymore."

Kendry is willing to watch, or to visit the greenmage, depending upon what others want to do.

Tuesday January 16th, 2007 7:42:17 AM

Fickle watches as Marco leaves then, But will not say a word to him. Because Selith eyes are wet?? "He makum Selith eyes wet!"

Then his ears pick up!! "Me not Hooleegain, But maybe a Ruffian. A Pie Eater! Yes'um I Is!!" He tell them with his mouth watering with the though.

Tuesday January 16th, 2007 11:42:43 AM

Tobias leads the party back to Angel Springs. If Dwight and whoever goes with him (Airin?) find out tracker. They should have a way of signaling the rest of the party.

Tobias will also willing to watch in town and forego the trip to Heather's.

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