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Back to Home Base (DM Cayzle) 
Tuesday January 16th, 2007 4:04:06 PM

Dwight intuits that the party is being followd. That's a lot to assume from a couple scanty reports, but stranger things have happened, and Dwight's suspicions may include more wisdom than paranoia.

Dwight and Julian consider stepping back, maybe to catch any hidden follower or spy, as the group returns to Bella's house.

Tobias has no problem with Julian and Dwight looking for a follower.

Selithe wishes Marco a heartfelt goodby, and that distracts her from talk of spies.

Kendry asks Tim Ninetoes for more detail on the stranger. But it seems that the stranger was pretty nondescript. brown hair, brown eyes, trav el-stained grey cloak. Could have been anyone. A male, for sure.

Kendry thinks that splitting up the group to deliver the package is a good idea.

The group arrives outside Angel Springs after the expected travel without incident. How will you enter the town? Any special actions before getting to Bella's?

Tuesday January 16th, 2007 8:58:25 PM

"I think we should all walk into town together, as if this is just another area we will be passing through. I'll circle around and watch our entrance. Perhaps two others can head towards the other exits of Angel Springs. The rest of the group, after knowing they aren't being followed can deliver the vial. Perhaps you can ask if someone is looking for us? It would be a huge relief if this person was a friend versus a potential foe."

At this point, Dwight looks to Selithe and Kendry. "Sorry about overreacting back there with Tim. I'll be happy once this vial has been delivered."

"If I have problems on my end, I'll send up a quick burst of light (FLARE)."

Wednesday January 17th, 2007 1:32:24 AM

"Hmmm, not looking suspicious, like a two-headed wolf... Not drawing weapons, like this medium-sized greatsword is gonna fit in my pocket. Humph!"

Julian returns to normal size. He follows the group quietly in to town.

Taking Dwight's suggestion, Julian suggests that Selithe and Julian cover one exit together, and, "Say Hi to Heather for me."

He tries to pick up a conversation with Selithe, about playing cards or the ability to read spells.

Wednesday January 17th, 2007 1:48:41 AM

Kendry takes Julian's point. "Well, you've got me there. Just not more suspicious than usual, then..."

"Great idea. So, Dwight - you want to take Westgate; Julian and - Selithe? - the Old Rivergate; and who would like to take the Trade Gate?" If no one else volunteers, Kendry will watch the Trade Gate. Otherwise, he'll go with the rest of the group to Bella's place with the vial of pseudodragon sleep toxin.

Wednesday January 17th, 2007 7:12:23 AM

Poor Fickle does not know what to do??" Cuz Kendry, What Meum do? Follow youz? Or Go with the rest of the group?"
Before he does anything else, he'll wait for his couz, Kendry.

Wednesday January 17th, 2007 11:57:23 AM

Tobias has nothing special to do before entering town. He makes sure Tewdwr is close so he doesn't get into trouble in the town...

Wednesday January 17th, 2007 1:29:27 PM

Selithe nods and smiles, "Sure, I'll help watch the one of the gates."

Selithe hears Fickle's comment and moves over, giving him a small nudge, "A wild halfling like you has to come with us. Can't leave you on your own to have all the fun." Selithe smiles and moves off to watch the gate now, giving Fickle a wink to make sure he knows she was picking on him but honestly hopes he will stay with the group also.

Wednesday January 17th, 2007 1:34:11 PM

"Ifuns wheese bees followed Ah's sure de'll make dem selfs knowns at some point," Tibble observes. "The soonerest wheese get dis here vial to Bella da betters."

Grieving Bella (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday January 17th, 2007 3:53:45 PM

The group heads into Angel Springs. At the center of town, the party splits into four groups. Dwight is one; Selithe and Julian is in another, Kendry is in a third. Fickle can go with whatever group he wants. Tibble and Tobias go on to Bella's cottage.

The watchers at the gates note the usual traffic: farmers going to and from markets, tinkers and traders going in and out of town, a few other travellers. But no one who seems unusual or suspect in any way.

At Bella's cottage, however, Tobias and Tibble have a surprise. They find Bella inside weeping. She holds a few ripped vines in her hands. Tibble recognizes the remains of her small plant companion, Hector. Her large plant companion, Horace, is by her side, one tendril touching the greenmage witch's hand.

"They killed him. He's dead! Oohhh!" Bella is distraught with grief.

You spot a parchment note at her side on the floor.

Wednesday January 17th, 2007 4:11:35 PM

Julian walks east with Selithe towards the Old Rivergate. He can hear the Hairfoot Market to his left, and thinks about diverting to see the Spring over to his right.
"Wonder who we're looking for? Selithe, any ideas since you've been in the group longer?
"If we sit by the temple there on the left of the gate we should be able to see the comings and goings of the gate, and it might look like we're waiting to see someone in the temple... What d'ya think?"

When they get to the temple Julian sits at its perimeter and watches the gate. The farmers going in and out, merchents, and halflings whose roles are harder to pinpoint.

"Selithe, I am thinking of getting some proper training in a few things. Like proper fight training, and knowing how to read. I think I've grown up some since they kicked me outta the fight school, but I think I'd prefer some one on one training from a fighter. Anyway, I though you might be able to teach me to read. Perhaps there's a spell for it, I dunno."

Wednesday January 17th, 2007 6:00:09 PM

Tobias seeing a distraught Bella, tries to calm her a bit. Before asking, "Who killed him Bella?" He'll try to sneak a peek at the note to see if it sheds any clue on what might have happened.

Dwight  d20+9=22 d20+3=13 d20+3=23 d20+3=19 d20+3=14 d20+11=15 d20+11=25 d20+11=18 d20+2=9 d20+2=8 d20+2=17 d20+4=16 d20+4=19 d20+4=10
Wednesday January 17th, 2007 8:21:31 PM

Dwight finds an area near the front gate out of sight (hide 22) and casts Disguise self to match a common halfling going about his busy or just relaxing versus an adventurer (possibly recognizable).

Disguise: 13+10(spell)+2(disguise kit:9 uses remain)=25

Dwight's goal is to remain bland with the surroundings, perhaps waiting for someone, gardening the area, picking up trash etc.

As he keeps himself occupied, he thinks through their loose ends. Whoever seems to be following us, is just a few days behind. He seems to blend in with the population. Can wonder though Culverwood alone.....I wonder if Podo or Airin were born there, or Morph for that matter. This gate in particalar should be watched for a few days.

As Dwight works he continually looks for anything suspicious.

spot: 23, 19, 14
(Dwight is watching and will likely not act on anything seen. At best he may follow someone.)

listen: 15, 25, 18

sense motive: 9, 8, 17

gather information: 16, 19, 10
(any rumors going about? WLA? Political?)

Kendry  d20+4=14 d20+4=11 d20+4=10 d20+4=16 d20+4=18 d20+4=6 d20+4=16 d20+4=5 d20+4=13 d20+4=5 d20+4=6 d20+4=7 d20+4=20 d20+4=23 d20+4=12 d20+4=12 d20+4=6 d20+4=24
Thursday January 18th, 2007 4:20:54 AM

"Fickle, thank you - but feel free to go with the group. They will introduce you to Bella, I am sure. We'll join back up soon."

Kendry pulls up a stool near the greengrocer's place - fairly close to the Trade Gate, but not sitting right at it.

He pulls out paper and ink and begins sketching faces, postures, scenes of things he sees happening about him. Some drawings are fair, some need heavy revision before being considered acceptible. His eyes dart here and there, and his ears pick up passing conversations.

His last sketch being a real winner, he decides he has exercised his limited artistic talents long enough. He considers joining his friends at Bella's if no light is shed about the one who followed them.

Thursday January 18th, 2007 5:11:55 AM

Fickle was about to follow Sweet Selith because she wink at him but Julian was with her. So he looks around, spoting Dwight who is alone hiding himself. So Fickle tip toes next to Dwight and sit next to him, he also pick up a handfull of dry leaves. Putting them on top of his head, tells Dwight "Now Meums hide!"

Thursday January 18th, 2007 9:07:53 AM

While Tobias consoles Bella Tibble will pick up the note. After reading it he'll look closely around the room to note any additional information that might be useful in the coming dark times.

Thursday January 18th, 2007 6:16:46 PM

Selithe listens to Julian while keeping her eyes open for anyone suspicious. At his comment on learning to read Selithe looks to him and smiles gently, "Well, it won't be overly easy to learn Julian but I will gladly work with you. I know of spells that allow you to know languages but I'm not sure I writing them."

A Reunion and a Warning (DM Cayzle)  d4=2
Thursday January 18th, 2007 8:49:15 PM

Kendry stays on watch, although he draws a small cluster of locals who enjoy watching him sketch. He sees no one who looks particularly suspicious. One person offers him a few silver pieces for a quick portrait.

Julian and Selithe keep an eye open as they talk shop at the Temple gate. And who crosses their eye as they stand there? Podo! An old friend returns!

Dwight is the most cautious. But his caution does not reap any harvest today. He sees no one out of the ordinary. He does hear two people talking about the Welcome Party for the new WLA branch. Mostly about whether there will be pie, and who will make it.

Fickle chooses to watch with Dwight, but where did Dwight go? This is the biggest halfling town Fickle has ever seen. There are lots of people around. Dwight is not one of them!

At Bella's place, if Tobias can make a Diplomacy check vs DC15, then Highlight to display spoiler: {Bella composes herself to say that it could have been any of her many enemies. The Cabal of the Sick. The Soulseekers. The Circle of Creeping Ivy. The Sons of Dread. The Red Gargulites. Anyone at all!}. Otherwise she continues to weep.

Tibble checks out the note. It reads in Common: First and only warning. Stop meddling. Stick to your simples and herbs. Or else. There is no signature.

Thursday January 18th, 2007 10:07:34 PM

Content with his disguise, Dwight steers clear of Fickle not wanting to ruin his potential to find out what is going on. He does watch Fickle meander about though.

He remains here for quite some time, hoping the others will report what they have discovered with Bella. I hope she wasn't in one of her moods. Can't stand it when we do something, risk our lives for others and we a thanks but not an explanation. Bah! She can change moods faster than a halfling can juggle a hot coal.

"MMMMmmm, pie sounds good. I'll have to make sure I have time to attend."

Kendry  d20+4=21
Thursday January 18th, 2007 10:41:00 PM

Kendry accepts the small commission and manages something passing fair [Drawing: 21]. He asks general questions of the person who requested the sketch, and signs with a flourish. "Sorry, must run for now. Ta!"

He swings by Winwood, shouts a greeting to family members, asks for a place for him and his friends to stay for the evening, then heads off join his friends at Bella's place. Perhaps he should stick around longer, but he wants to see how the new ingredient will help the brew.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Thursday January 18th, 2007 10:57:00 PM

Standing near the Temple Gate, scanning the crowd, Podo spys an old friend! "Why if it isn't Selithe! Peace and Love to you, my Sister. How are you? It's been a while, now hasn't it? What have you been up to? Where's Kendry?" rambles Podo to his old friend.


Note from Cayzle -- I edited this to correct my mistake in getting names mixed up. Podo meets Selithe (an old friend) and Julian (who he does not recognize.) My deep apologies for the error.

Friday January 19th, 2007 12:03:26 AM

OOC: Hi JP, Cayzle mixed the names up (again), it's Julian and Selith there at the gate.

Julian jumps up at the sight of Podo, runs to embrace, then hesitates not sure if it is the right thing to do. He stands awkwardly a moment. Thankfully Podo fills in the space with his greeting.
"Peace, Podo. You missed a great fight, we took on, what, 30 Selithe?, lizard-dogs who held a halfling captive, and met a pseudodragon, and a dire weasel.
"The others have gone to Heather's to return a parcel, and Dwight is at another gate, expecting someone. So is Kendry."
Quietly now, hopefully only Podo can hear, "We've been followed, it seems. Maybe it was you! Did you try to follow us into the Culverwood? That would ease a few tensions."


Note from Cayzle -- D'oh! My bad! Please forgive me on the name front. Total Braino!

Friday January 19th, 2007 7:23:56 AM

Occ: Hi1 JP, I glade you returned, now I have another friend I can Bother.

Fickle still thinking that he is with Dwight, he leans on a sturdy bush and fall asleep."ZZZzzz! ZZZzzz! Snort! ZZZzzz! Scratch!" Fickle is snoring very loudly,(with the thunder stone in his arms) But he still think that he is well hidden.

Friday January 19th, 2007 10:48:10 AM

After checking out the room for clues as to who made coleslaw out of Bella's pet, Tibble checks the plant's base for signs of life. If there is even the smallest rootstock remaining he'll pump every curative spell he has in restoring the sprout.

Tobias  d20=14
Friday January 19th, 2007 11:34:31 AM

Tobias continues to try to console Bela and figure out what's going on, but isn't able to get past her sobbing (Diplomacy=14). He asks Tibble if he has any ideas on how to calm Bela, and about what he's found in the note.

If Tibble doesn't have any ideas, Tobias will volunteer to go find someone better suited for this type of thing -- perhaps Kendry or Selithe.

Cayzle OOC 
Friday January 19th, 2007 1:43:16 PM

Gosh, I've made mistakes with Julian's name twice now! I apologize! I'll do my best to do it right from here on out. I've edited a few posts above to set things straight.

Sorry, Robert!

Dwight  d20+9=28 d20+3=18 d20+11=13
Friday January 19th, 2007 10:04:14 PM

Feeling confident he can cover the gate given his disguise, he wonders over to the sleeping Fickle. Gently he places a piece of paper on Fickle where he will see it, "Go meet rest of party. D.T."

Move silently: 28 (so as not to wake him)

Then it occurs to him, Fickle might not be able to read. Knowing his drawing is very limited he draws the one thing he can draw fairly well, a tree, hoping Fickle can make the connections.

Afterwards, Dwight returns to wandering around the gate watching. He also looks to see if anyone else is hanging around the gate all day.

spot: 18
listen: 13

Friday January 19th, 2007 10:43:12 PM

OOC, I'm sure I met Podo with Bella before. He came back from a temple ceremony as a Healer?

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Friday January 19th, 2007 10:56:37 PM

"Er, hello there, Mister Julian." Holding out his arms for that embrace Julian initially offered. "If you'd still like that hug, I'm game. Need as much Peace and Love as we can get Brother. Would you like a hug as well Sister Selith?" asks Podo.

Looking to Mister Julian, Podo inquires of the seemingly epic battle Mister Julian speaks of... "Really! 30 dog things, My word! Well, that's amazing... we'll have to sit down and reminisce about over dinner, when we can all assemble as a group."

Saturday January 20th, 2007 12:09:38 AM

Julian happily takes the hug.
"Yeah, look I plan to host a feast with everyone assembled. I want you to come too. Okay? Hopefully tonight here in Angel Springs."

Saturday January 20th, 2007 2:12:08 AM

Selithe smiles seeing Podo and moves to greet him with Julian, "Hello Podo and it is very nice to see you back." Selithe hugs Podo and smiles before speaking again, "I think Kendry will be happy to see you too since like me I think he is a bit down with all the people seeming to have to leave for a little while."

A Letter Arrives (DM Cayzle)  d4=1
Saturday January 20th, 2007 12:11:46 PM

Dwight continues to keep watch. This time, something does catch his eye. If he can make a Spot check vs DC28, then Highlight to display spoiler: {Dwight notes that one person is wearing a false beard. And he seems to be looking around a bit too much. He has not noticed Dwight especially, and he is about 30 feet away.} Otherwise, Dwight gets a hunch that something is up ... but has no idea what.

Kendry finds the elected head of the Crescent Valley, Calfast Tunnelly, at his family shop. Calfast seems somewhat worried and relieved to see Kendry.

"My boy, I got the strangest letter. Here!"

He hands Kendry an envelope. It is addressed "To the Baron of Crescent Valley." Inside is a note that asks the Baron to deliver a letter to several individuals, and the descriptions match some members of the party, including Julian and Kendry. The letter within is not opened.

"I hope it is not bad news," Calfast says.

Podo is pleased to meet Selithe and Julian. Julian asks Podo if he followed the party into the Culverwood. Selithe is just happy to see her friend.

Fickle falls asleep under a bush. Dwight can hear the snoring.

At Bella's, Tibble seeks to restore the dead plant creature, but it is hopeless.

Tobias goes out to find his friends and bring them back. He runs into everyone except Dwight and Fickle. He can find Fickle if he makes a listen check vs DC10.

Does everybody (except maybe Dwight) want to gather at Bella's? [OOC: That would make your poor DM's life easier, anyway!]

Saturday January 20th, 2007 1:00:16 PM

The greenmage makes himself useful in the kitchen, preparing tea for Bella. Putting a tray together he joins her and attempts to draw her out as to what has happened in the party's absence.

Julian  d20+4=17
Saturday January 20th, 2007 4:28:14 PM

Julian will take Tobias' advice to return to Bella's, and encourages the others to run along as well.
Once there, Julian tries to console his old friend in her time of grief.
Diplomacy 17

Saturday January 20th, 2007 5:14:09 PM

"Burgomeister Tunnelly! What a pleasure to find you here," Kendry greets him. Curious as to the source and contents of the letter, Kendry examines the handwriting and how it is sealed. "Hmmm - wonder who sent it. Hope you don't mind..." he casts detect magic to see if any happens to touch the letter. If no magic seems present, he opens it, and reads it. Unless the contents are intensely personal, he likely will share the letter with Calfast.

(Let me know what it says, and I'll pass on to Calfast what seems appropriate.)

He does ask about the opening of the WLA in the area.

Sunday January 21st, 2007 8:15:09 AM

Fickle wakes after a nice nap, "Yawn! Sniff! HOhum!", then look next to him. There on the ground is a drawing of a tree ans Dwight is now where to be found??

So Fickle goes to the edge of the roar. Where he see a few people he was with go inro this house. "Hmmm! Me go there too!" So off he goes to Bella's house.

Sunday January 21st, 2007 1:06:34 PM

Tobias gathers the folks that he can and hurries them along to Bella's house... Trying not to cause too much commotion among the townsfolk.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Sunday January 21st, 2007 10:03:08 PM

"No, Mister Julian, I was not I that followed you in the forest. I was here in town. I apologize that I could not alleviate your worries," states Podo.

"I would like though to be at your party though. Perhaps we should assemble at your predetermined meeting place and then go from there," suggests Podo to Mister Julian. "I would like to see my cousin again..."

Sunday January 21st, 2007 10:35:57 PM

"Podo, come with us to B'Heather's place. Come, come now."

Monday January 22nd, 2007 7:13:30 AM

Fickle enters the house, seeing the poor plant. He cries "BOO HOO! poor flower die!"

At Bella's Cottage (DM Cayzle) 
Monday January 22nd, 2007 7:32:10 AM

Tibble does his best to calm Bella and make her feel better. A cup of tea helps with that.

Julian, Fickle, Tobias, and Podo, all meet at Bella's Cottage. Selithe as well?

Julian has several kind words for his long-time friend and mentor. Together with Tibble, they get Bella to sit and breathe.

Even Fickle expresses sympathy, although his manner is a little rough.

Bella gets even calmer, and then says, "Well, that's it. Did you bring the last ingredient, my foolhardies? Alas ... I won't be needing it, now."


Kendry opens the mysterious letter. Inside, a message reads:

You took something of mine. I understand that it is still intact. I want it back, and I would be willing to negotiate terms. All things considered, I think this is most reasonable. Contact the Dourscale branch of the Mailed Fist. As neutral ground, this should be a safe place for us all to discuss terms.

Calfast is clearly curious, and waits to hear what Kendry will tell him.


[OOC: We'll see how Dwight does when he posts.]

Monday January 22nd, 2007 11:33:30 AM

Tobias is curious by Bella's response and asks, "What do you mean you won't be needing it now?"

Dwight  d20+4=24 d20+2=21 d20=12 d20+9=18
Monday January 22nd, 2007 12:03:00 PM

OOC: Just a quick post to allow the game to keep going

Dwight continues to look around, (spot: 24-Nat 20 if it matters)

If Dwight sees the bearded man, he continues to watch and remain un-rememberable. He'll step to the side and cast another disguise self if needed, just to change his appearance. Then follows the man.

Disguise self: 21+10(spell)=31
Hide: 18 (not sure if the applies as I'm hiding in plain sight)

If Dwight only has a feeling something still isn't right, he looks at the time and makes his way over to a guard, or someone that might be here for a bit.

He'll ask this person if they are going to be here for the next 2-3 hours. If yes, he'll inquire if they would be willing to keep watch for a bit. Dwight will even offer to pay them. "Watch, well I suspect a friend of mine is coming and I want to surprise them before they surprise me. They'll look a little out of place, so just keep mental notes of anyone that seems out of place and I'll be back. Don't approach them, I don't want to tip them off."

Bluff: 12 +?(don't have sheet with me)

Monday January 22nd, 2007 1:05:57 PM

"Goldurn, woman!" Tibble exclaims at Bella's defeatism. "Whatz ya-all bees a-thinkin'? Youse never bees backen dun from ah scrap aforse."

In a softer tone, "The wee bud's loss bees ah low blow, shore nuf, buts ya-all gots friends a-whilin' tah helps outs. Tell youse green-toed whatz a-bean goins on. Why dun'ts ya-all bees a-needin' dah dragun's poison no mores?"

Kendry  d20+8=26
Monday January 22nd, 2007 1:30:40 PM

The young bard reads the letter. At first he smiles, but the smile turns to a frown. "Let's go to another room," he suggests. He leads Calfast to the back office where the family takes care of bookkeepping. He offers Calfast the chair, and passes the document to him to read.

"For Bella we've retrieved some items she needed for a special brew of healing," he explains after the letter is read. "We're delivering the last ingredient to her now. One thing we did was to raid and 'borrow' a homunculus from a necromancer - one Flavius Aetius - who dwells in the Red Hills in a cave toward Izen. He has a huge captain of the guard, Marcus - an ogre skeleton, who bears a talking sword. Perhaps it's not the skeleton, but the sword who is named Marcus." He briefly relates the manner of said raid, including describing their unusual allies, the hobgoblin tribe.

"It seems he wants junior back." Kendry pauses for a moment. "I do not want to bring trouble to the Valley, but I may have done so. I do want Bella's brew to benefit several otherwise lost souls. My friends are with her now - we just arrived back from The Culverwood." He shows Calfast the sketches of pseudodragon and lizard dogs. "We also are being followed - by whom, I am not certain. Whether it is some of Aetius' agents, or someone else..."

After a pause, he says, "Whatever words of counsel, of wisdom, you may have, I would receive." He listens to the burgomeister's response, and then will wrap up the conversation - inquiring also who some of the other addressees are.

Then he excuses himself, uses prestidigitation and a change of clothes to disguise himself somewhat (disguise 26 -including a +2 circumstantial bonus for prestidigitation and change of clothes), and leaves by the back door, wending his way with a different gait over to Bella's.

Julian  d20+4=17
Monday January 22nd, 2007 5:31:28 PM

Julian sits with Bella, offering a comforting hand in this time of need. He offers to make tea, to clean up, to just sit longer with Bella.
Diplomacy 17

He looks around to see that everyone's there...
"Tobias, did you find Dwight and Kendry? Where are they?"

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Monday January 22nd, 2007 11:05:16 PM

Arriving at Bella's home, and seeing Lady Bella distraught, Podo tries to assist with a the Walker trademark phrase..."Peace and Love to you, my Brothers and Sisters..." in a confident and compassionate voice. "Good to see you again, Lady Bella. Seems like you have had a loss in the family. Anything I might be able to do to help?" asks Podo.

Tuesday January 23rd, 2007 12:06:03 AM

Selithe heads with the others to see Bella. Selithe moves to Bella and gently touches her shoulder, "I'm sorry for your loss Bella." Selithe also listens to see what is said as she hopes the group didn't go about getting the poison for nothing, even if she did enjoy meeting the dragon and all.

Tuesday January 23rd, 2007 6:46:22 AM

Fickle Know that he has to be on his best maners, it's going to be hard but he'll try, "Ims don't know much about thism plants, but maybe If we put tea leaves in the pot. the ruties will come to life again??" He tells Bella.
Fickle picks up a dish towl to wipe Bell's tears. One thing he cannot stand is a crying woman.

Suspicions and Fears Abound (DM Cayzle) 
Tuesday January 23rd, 2007 11:38:19 AM

Dwight sees a nondescript halfling in a merchant's apron, but that beard looks glued on! Dwight effects a quick change of look and follows the fellow. He finds that the man is headed for Bella's place! The suspicious fellow stops and enters a small house down the road from Bella -- who lives at the end of a dead-end street, you recall.

Dwight continues to Bella's cottage, where he reveals himself to his friends.

Inside, Julian, Podo, Selithe, and Fickle each try, in their own ways, to comfort Bella.

Special note to Tibble and Julian -- Please Highlight to display spoiler: {You two, who have known Bella as a teacher and mentor, know that she can be very fearful. She has a temper, but she also has a strong belief that many enemies are after her, and she is more than a little nervous about that. Tibble might say that she has not backed down from a fight before, but in fact she tends to fight only those who she does not fear, and she tends to avoid confrontation at all costs with those of whom she is afraid.}

Tibble says that Bella has not backed down before, and she nods. "It's true that I always fight for what's right. But they killed Hector! I'm next! No, it is too risky. If I finish the brew, they'll kill me too."

"This potion is too dangerous to complete," Bella says. "That's why I do not need the last ingredient. I'm just an old lady who tries too hard. My enemies are too strong these days. No, my work is over."


Kendry tells Calfast the tale of the necromancer's homunculous. Calfast nods, and says, "Well, you are the adventurers! You are responsible for your heroic deeds, so I know you will make sure that no harm comes to your people and family because of them. I trust you and your friends to do the right thing. Thanks for letting me know about this, my boy."

Clearly, the addressees are those of the party that Flavius or Marcus saw.

Then Kendry makes his way to Bella's, just in time to hear her say that it is too dangerous to finish the potion.

Tuesday January 23rd, 2007 4:31:05 PM

Keeping hidden as Dwight heads towards Bella's, Dwight is content he wasn't seen and that he can return later for a better investigation.

As he gets closer to Bella's he is kinda surprised no one is looking about and 'a stranger' can walk up to her house. Once there he quickly announces who he is (to avoid any injury to himself) and dismisses the spell once inside.

Taking in the surroundings, Dwight sees some trying to console, some examining the dead plant and others just trying. He does manage to catch Bella's last statement.

"To dangerous!" He laughs though it's not exactly funny. "Dangerous is allowing your fears to control you all the time, dangerous is allowing evil to continue, dangerous is letting others suffer while you sit on the side and watch. Danger is all about us, the work is what makes the risk that exists worth living for." Dwight goes on a slight rampage not happy that during his spying nothing seems to have been accomplished.

Here Dwight waits and lets others speaks, perhaps politer to her, but he has more to say if others don't.


As Dwight allows others to speak, he walks over to Selithe and pulls her to the side for a small conversation. Others could easily hear if they wanted, but he doesn't really want to alarm Bella anymore than she already is.

"Selithe, during my watch at the gate I came across another person watching. I followed him to a house just down the road." Dwight relays the vague description, though it was a disguise. "Perhaps later, with your help, I could sneak into the house undetected and do a quick search. It might be totally unrelated, but I think it's worth investigating given that we have been followed and what has happened here."


"Welcome back Podo!" adds Dwight when he can.

Crescent Valley Posting (By Anthony) 
Tuesday January 23rd, 2007 4:42:57 PM

Fickle: MTWRF-S = 6
Marco: M------ = 1 (left)
Kendry: MTW2-S- = 6
Tobias: 2T2-F-S = 7
Tibble: M-WRFS- = 5
Dwight: MTWRF-- = 5
Julian: M-2RFSS = 7
Selithe: M-WR-S- = 4
Podo: ---RF-S = 3 (joined Thursday)
(welcome back!)
DM: MTWR-S- = 5

Julian  d20+4=20
Tuesday January 23rd, 2007 5:45:13 PM

Julian listens to Dwight and decides it is time that Bella was told...

"Come on Bella. You're surrounded by stout and loyal Halflings. We've been into Death's den and fought off the living dead for you. We've talked with dragons and convinced her to release her poison for you. We can help you through this."

Julian stands and walks over to the potion, his voice rising a little, rising with conviction,

"This potion you're a-brewing must be something special for these ingredients. Finish it. You're so close now. Finish it. We will protect you. There is a powerful purpose behind that brew, isn't there. Finish it."

Julian walks back towards Bella through his friends.

"If your enemies come to you because of it, if they have the courage to confront you over it, we will be here. We will protect you. We will vanquish your enemy, and you will be free to rest and work with peace in your heart."

Julian walks back over to Bella and crouches in front of her. He is eye to eye with her, and he reaches to hold her hand again.

Quietly, "Finish it."

Diplomacy 20

Tuesday January 23rd, 2007 7:32:18 PM

Tobias is going to let the others handle Bella because his previous interactions in matters like this have ended with him yelling at her... so better to let someone else have a chance. :)

Tuesday January 23rd, 2007 10:52:56 PM

Selithe watches whats going on and closes her eyes while thinking, she hears Dwight and nods to him, "All right, one thing at a time for the moment, I think we are needed here for a bit."

Selithe looks to Bella, "I think we been over this before Bella, I understand you're scared. Tell me though, will you go back to hiding as a tree? If you think it's too dangerous then so be it but I simply say this. Was what this potion was to cure worth the risk? We do not know what it would do but is it something you should turn your back on? I'm not going to get mad like before or make you mad or anything, I'm just asking is what you were doing worth giving up or continuing, the gains worth the risk and what of Hector, did he die defending you, helping you? Was his death in vain?"

Selithe looks to Bella and pats her arm once gently, "Think on it is all I ask, make sure what you want to do is the correct course. And as friends if there is no way of helping or bringing Hector back then at least allow us to be there when you bury him. In respects to him and you."

Selithe turns to Dwight and speaks to him, "If you like to check that out now then we can now. I think Bella should have time to think and I also think some of us should stay with Bella for a bit to make sure everything is okay."

Podo Danderfulff Pipewood 
Tuesday January 23rd, 2007 10:55:07 PM

"Dear Bella, what in the Wold could have shaken you so? All the works you do for the homeless and mindless can't be done by anyone but you! What is our lifes' work for if but to challenge the unknown? To have the Bards of the Wold write in their flowery script the noble deeds of one such as yourself. Few of us truly know this, but there are many beings of the in the Wold that walk/crawl/fly as if they live, but in reality, without compassion and love we can not truly live! We are dead to everyone unless we try to become what we may be! So I say to you my Dear Bella and friends, Long Live the Fighters!" With a deep breath Podo stumbles outside for some fresh air.

Looking around to see if anyone else is in the street, that could you a good hug.

Wednesday January 24th, 2007 1:59:33 AM

Kendry arrives - and, though pleased to see Podo there, as well as the rest, he takes in the struggle occurring in the room, with effects from without causing waves within, and his mind's eye pictures the expansion of ripples from possible choices about to be made herein.

He goes to the remains of Herbert. He recalls how Bella wore him on her head in a flowerpot as they left town in search of herbs from the Red Hills. Silently he stands there for a spell as others have their say.

He takes a blanket off his rucksack he used as part of his disguise as he left Winwood Toys and Music. He again pulls forth his growing sheaf of papers stored within. He finds the images from Nilli's and his great grandparents' cottage / burrow in The Culverwood. He lays those face up on the floor. He finds the sketches of Krrshekki. The first shows her wings unfurled as she brakes herself to land upon a branch.

"This is Krrshekki. She is more beautiful than I can draw, with multi-hued irridescent wings, and a discerning spirit, and a love for music, and for freedom. 'EagerTooth' is how her name is translated."

He shows another sketch of her, this time as she sits upon a branch, eyes half-lidded, head cocked as though listening to something with great pleasure.

"We told her of our quest. That some poor souls need help, and that a wise woman kens a special brew that might free their minds from enslavement. And that she sought for this purpose a small sample of the toxin from the tail of a wee fae dragon."

Kendry modulates his voice, trying to duplicate the voice he and his friends heard in their minds. Well, at least as he heard her. 'I think of my poison as a weapon, but it pleases me to know that it can be used for healing, too,' she told us.

"Then, for her love of freedom, she told us of a small one, enslaved by lizard dogs." He pulls out a sketch he made of them. "These creatures held a captive, and made him do their work." He indicates Fickle. "He had been out hunting rabbits. For three days he was theirs.

"EagerTooth offered to provide us her gift, if we devised a plan to rescue him, and to drive off the lizard dogs.

"So we did. And she did.

"When Fickle joined us, and the lizard dogs moved away, Krrshekki told us, 'I think it is time for you to return and make the healing magic you told me about.'"

Kendry then sings a bit of the song he sang to the dragon:
The Culverwood where many dwell
Has wondrous places, people, things
Of one most charming I must tell:
A wee bright one with iridescent wings

Thank you, Krrshekki, for your gift
May it help heal many who
Fell under illness, minds adrift
Cured by Bella's healing brew
"We bested your beautiful bear. We brought the homunculus. We bring the sleepy drug of the wee faerie dragon.

"If you, and the brew, and your plants, need protecting, then we will see to it." He looks again with sorrow at the destroyed plant, and a tear falls from his eye. Quietly, he continues. "We will see to the rescue of the poor men and women who are in need of your distilled medicine. Who but you could have done such? Much you have been given, and have cultivated your gifts. Are there enemies in the Wold? Yes, we enlarge our share of such. But also we enlarge our share of friends. Bella, Bella. Let us your friends help you, and shield you and yours, as the gods grant us power, and as best we might."

He kneels before her and hands Bella the vial she gave to Airin, and Airin gave to him, and into which Krrshekki dripped her tail venom.

Wednesday January 24th, 2007 5:42:20 AM

Fickle is watching this woman, this woman call Bella has the sadest eyes he has ever known, so he'll try yo talk to her.

"Pretty Lady! Me's new around here, Me'm see you'ism Good to all. Tell Me's if there is any thing Me'm can do for you'em? Me's would like to see you'm smile." He wait for her smile.

A Time For Grieving (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday January 24th, 2007 6:54:43 AM

Dwight arrives and is unhappy at the chaos within Bella's cottage. He pulls Selithe aside to share the news of the disguised man. He welcomes Podo back.

His words to Bella are not gentle. His laughter makes her flinch, and her cheeks blush with anger.

But before the greenmage witch can answer, Julian tries a nicer approach, although he too urges her to finish her potion.

Tobias stands back to let others talk.

Selithe tries gentle reasoning with Bella.

Podo appeals to Bella's sense of nobility and heroism.

Kendry tells the story, in pictures, words, and song, of what the party has accomplished in Bella's service. He offers her the sleep poison of the fey dragon.

Fickle tries to urge the witch to find some happiness.

Bella looks from one face to another. As she listens to all you have to say, emotions play on her face. Anger. Sadness. Guilt. Fear. Most of all, under every expression, Grief.

With tears rolling down her cheeks, Bella says, "I don't know what I think! I don't know what to do! I need time. Time to say good-by. I won't end my brewing yet. But I want some time to think about things."

"Thank you for your offer of protection. But I am independent, and I cannot live with bodyguards. Besides, you foolhardies have better things to do than to sit with me all day."

"But you have served me well! Your bravery and valor has given you a great victory. Thank you for your support and deeds. I appreciate your hard work!"

"As for my situation, you all do not really understand. But you are all young and have yet to see the sorrows of the Wold. Leave me now, friends, and come back in four or five days. I will have my grief and mourning. Then we can talk again."



My friends, this concludes the module. I will be sending out xp today. I welcome nominations for hero points and role-play awards ... please e-mail me your kudos and props for the other players asap.

Please use the rest of the week to do things in town, including Catacombs shopping. Especially, please talk about what you want to do next. Here are some things to consider.

Dwight might want to tell the group about the Disguised Stranger. You might want to investigate that.

Kendry might want to tell the group about the letter from Flavius Aetius. You might want to follow up on that.

You might want to return to Bella to resolve the potion issue.

Or you might want to ask around town for rumors and news. Who knows what plot hooks might lift their tempting heads!

Thanks to all for a great adventure! And special congrats to Tibble, Julian, and Fickle for integrating with the group so well!

Wednesday January 24th, 2007 3:44:54 PM

The greenmage will spend his time puttering about in Bella's garden. He'll tend to it as long as she needs to get back into her daily routine. At night he'll shapechange into a shrub or small tree with Harry sleeping beneath it.

Those in the party know where to find him should further adventures develop.

Wednesday January 24th, 2007 9:02:51 PM

Dwight looks at Bella for a bit and concedes she needs and deserves time. He leaves confident she will make the correct decision, and that other matters require his attention. Then again they may be related he thinks.

As the party makes their departure with intent to return in 4 days, Dwight fills the rest of the group in regarding the other disguised fella. "I was thinking, perhaps we should keep an eye on his house and him. Perhaps if he leaves we could look inside and investigate. It might be something as simple as he's hiding from his mother to he's the one that has been following us. Either way, since we have time, we should find out. Any volunteers to help me. If we watch in shifts it shouldn't raise too many suspicions."


OOC: Airin might have been away making sure her dowry would be large enough? hehe

Wednesday January 24th, 2007 11:55:06 PM

Selithe gives Bella her time to grieve and moves off with the group. Thinking Selithe looks to Dwight and nods, "I will go with you now while we have some time if you like Dwight."

(Welcome to the game Steven. I hope you will enjoy the game with us :). I was going to email Inge and tell her hi and hope she was doing okay but figured she would be really busy with her new job and all. Tell her hi please.)

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Thursday January 25th, 2007 12:54:00 AM

Podo's initial desire is to spend time with Kendry, explainng how life is different now as both a walker and a priest of Alemi.

Thursday January 25th, 2007 3:05:36 AM

Julian feels saddened by Bella's request. He would like to support his old friend, but when that includes taking time and space to herself it is very hard.

Julian also does his best to speak to everyone together outside of Bella's:
"Tomorrow night I want to host a fest for all of us. As one of the newest members of the group I want to celebrate the integration of us all together as a group. And I insist, please don't tell me it is not neccessary. And I do seriously mean all of you.
"So, tomorrow night at the inn, say at 7 pm, come dressed and ready for some feasting and fun."

Thursday January 25th, 2007 4:20:38 AM

Goodbye for now, Bella
Kendry listens to Bella, and understands on some level her need for a time of mourning.

He turns toward the door, hesitates, then comes back to her. He rests his hand on her shoulder for a moment. "You are a very dear woman. If not our presence, may our prayers then give you some cover, good Bella." Not sure how she might respond, he gives her a light kiss on the forehead, and a gentle squeeze of her upper arm.

Kendry turns and leaves the cottage.

Hey, Podo!
Once outside the cottage, with a bit of distance from it, he gives Podo the greeting he really deserves. "Cuz, I'm glad you're with us again. So, you want to illuminate me on the ways of Walkers? Yes, let's spend some time having you do just that."

Regarding the Follower
He hears Dwight's mention of the one who followed him. He asks for details of the fellow, what he looked like, what he wore, which house he entered. "We could attempt surreptitious surveillance, as he attempts with us. We could pretend we don't notice him. Or we could walk right up to him and ask him what he wants." He tosses those ideas out to see how others respond.

The Soiree
Kendry is pleased to accept Julian's invitation. "A fine plan you have, Badger! I'll be there." He looks to the rest of the group. "Do you all similarly intend to attend?"

In his journal, Kendry catches up on many things. Among other topics, he writes:
Bella is a complex woman. She has her enthusiasms, her fears, her friends, her foes. No less than three - or was it four? outstanding individuals recommended we join with her.

May she grieve well for her little Herbert - and find steel in her soul to carry forth her righteous plan.
He writes another letter to Airin, and wonders when she might again travel with him...

Thursday January 25th, 2007 8:46:26 AM

Fickle Tell her, "Me'um Stay With Yus, They don't wat meum!,Me Stay with pretty Ladies!." Them he turns to his cousin (Three or four times removed) Cuz Kendry will tell you Not Need Ficlke!"

Thursday January 25th, 2007 9:31:24 AM

"Fickle, we have a place for you! Come. I'll show you where we can stay tonight," Kendry says to the strong fellow.

That place is upstairs of the Winwood Toy and Music Shop, owned and run by the Leafwin Pipewood family.

Thursday January 25th, 2007 11:15:22 AM

Tobias leaves Bella's with the others, "Perhaps a couple of days of rest won't be too bad... long as she doesn't change her mind again."

And, he gladly accepts Julian's invitation for dinner... would never turn down a free meal. :)

Thursday January 25th, 2007 4:45:36 PM

"Oh! Almost forgot!" Kendry says. He then quietly asks Dwight to keep an eye out to see if the one who followed is following them. If so, he will defer this news... actually, he'll defer it until they are in some more secure area besides the streets.

"Let Selithe and me take you all to a place we can stay while here. Some have been there, some not yet." He does invite Tibble, too, at least to find out where the rest will be staying - although he likes his plan to remain mainly at her cottage.

He leads them over to the Winwood Toy and Music Shop, a little more than halfway down East Springs Road on the right. The entrance is on the street level. Inside the shop on one side are mainly toys - mostly wooden and metal, with some fabrics and such in the small doll collection. Along the other side are a multiplicity of musical instruments - drums, lutes, pipes, horns, cymbals, and many other types - even a harpsichord!

Perhaps a customer or three or four might be found within. Children like to come by - for Leska, sister to Kendry and Selithe, bakes cookies. They know they can get one each day, and if someone takes two without permission, then the cookies are whisked away, not to return until the next day. So the little ones themselves are zealous guardians of Leska's regulation. Kendry tells his friends of this as they come into the shop.

Nalfein may also be there, or even another sibling, or relative who helps to watch over the merchandise and clientele. Kendry makes introductions around, then takes them upstairs to show them some rooms where they might keep their adventuring gear, beds for nighttime (or mid-day naps), and two washrooms, for tidying up.

"Tibble, you can soak your feet in that tub there later, with some nice salts. Quite refreshing, I assure you."

Once people have had a chance to put their things down, Kendry says, "I received a letter, given me by Calfast Tunnelly." For the benefit of those who have been away from the Valley for a while, he adds, "He is the Burgomeister of Crescent Valley, elected last year. A good halfling, he is."

Kendry opens the letter, and reads:
You took something of mine. I understand that it is still intact. I want it back, and I would be willing to negotiate terms. All things considered, I think this is most reasonable. Contact the Dourscale branch of the Mailed Fist. As neutral ground, this should be a safe place for us all to discuss terms.
"This was written by Flavius Aetius. We 'borrowed' his homunculus recently for B... Heather's work. He would like it back. Thought you all should know that he knows where we live. Let's keep that in mind as we make plans for the near future."

He claps his hands and rubs them together. "Now, I'd like to find out, with all this hubbub over the WLA, whether there just might be some trainers from the Woldian League of Adventurers available to help us develop our skills over the next few days."

Then he adds, "Oh, and speaking of Flavius, we have some books of his. One of them is well adapted toward helping those who read it in their battles against the undead. I would like to read it. Would anyone else care to join me in that endeavor? For, if we are returning his familiar - I'm not saying we are, for sure - that's a decision for us, and especially those of us who went on that trip, to make. But if we are to return that misshapen thing, perhaps we might return a book or two, as well."

A Little Rest, A Lot of Planning (DM Cayzle) 
Thursday January 25th, 2007 5:21:24 PM

Tibble keeps watch over Bella and her garden. Later that day she comes out, sees Tibble, and tells him to scat. "I want some time alone with my plants, please. Come back in five or four days, at the earliest!"

She adds, "No doubt you have much to discuss and decide with your friends."

Dwight remains focussed on the mysterious disguised stranger. He and anybody who wants to watch the house stealthily must make a few hide and move silent rolls.

Selithe volunteers to stake out the house. Make those rolls!

Podo visits with his freinds, old and new.

Julian invites everybody to a feast!

Bella insists that Fickle leave with his friends.

Tobias is glad to accept the invite to the feast.

Kendry invites all to stay at teh family shop. There might not be beds enough for all, but there are surely blankets, pillows, and floorspace all around!

That evening, the feasting is fine! Julian's money is well spent, and everyone who attends has a great time.

Afterwards, there is a private chance for the group to discuss what to do next.

[OOC: Seriously! I need to know what you plan to do so I can plan what will happen! So get planning!]

[By the way, this is a great time to get your regular WLA training done! Oh, and feel free to post as often as you wish!]

Thursday January 25th, 2007 6:02:23 PM

At home Airin looks at her crosbow over the mantle piece in the living room from the couch. She has been 'enjoying' some quiet moments in the peaceful Hovel. The good thing is she got to know Kendry's parents well and learnt a lot about how he was when he was a teenager... turns out he was just as talkative as he is right now!! He was destined to becoming a bard!!

She goes through all the letters Kendry wrote to her and wonders when she will see him again. In her heart she longs for him but she also longs to go out again on some cazy adventure.
Fioni too has become quite restless lately. The little hawk's clearly bored too.

Airin goes up to her bedroom and takes the Bastard Sword from under the bed. Unsheathes it and caresses the blade. Still nice and sharp...

"Oh when will you guys come back to Hovel... Maybe someone has heard from them! I will try to catch news from the first thing in the morning... Airin thinks while she tucks the blade under the bed again.

Dwight  d20+9=18 d20+9=27 d20+9=28 d20+9=25 d20+8=25 d20+8=23 d20+8=12 d20+8=28 d20+4=9 d20+4=7 d20+4=23 d20+4=9 d20+3=15 d20+3=20 d20+3=22 d20+3=23 d20+11=16 d20+11=13 d20+11=15 d20+11=14 d20+2=21 d20+2=12
Thursday January 25th, 2007 8:45:26 PM

Dwight is eager to investigate the house (and perhaps the person as well). "So Selithe, I think we should watch the house and then either enter and search or continue to watch depending on what we see. I figured if you were invisible, we might be able to find something pretty easily. So what do you think?"

As Dwight (and Selithe?) head to observe, Dwight ducks for cover and tries to be stealthy (if this is possible). Examining the house, Dwight tries to sense if everything seems in place (or is it too shabby or too perfect) compared to the neighbor homes. If the house appear empty, Dwight will consider a more detailed examination.

(Of course the cover of night will help)
Dwight's hide rolls: 18,27,28,25
Dwight's listen: 25,23,12,28
Dwight's gather information: 9,7,23,9
Dwight's spot: 15,20,22,23
Move Silently: 16,13,15,14
Sense motive: 21,12

(OOC: hehe lots of rolls, most of them good :)

Thursday January 25th, 2007 10:24:58 PM

At the feast Julian had no special agenda. Just a big party for the fellowship. It all goes well and he is happy.

Given the chance to talk to Kendry and the rest of the group, hopefully before Dwight and Selithe slink away,
"Perhaps the trip to Dourscale to return some things would be profitable. That is, as mercenaries I suspect the Mailed Fist would offer some payment to get that thing back, and a few books too. That's just my 2 coppers worth."

"I'm heading in to the Catacombs, then I'll be training. Feel free to join me. I am trying to formalise my martial experience, and increase my speed and fitness."

Selithe  d20+9=18 d20+7=20 d20+2=20 d20=12
Thursday January 25th, 2007 10:27:43 PM

Selithe smiles and nods, moving with Dwight when he goes and speaks to him before going quiet and working on sneaking, "I hate to say but invisbability is a bit out of my league at the moment."

(Hide:18 Move Silently:20 Listen:20 Spot:12)

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood  d20+13=29 d20+12=32 d20+6=18 d20+9=27
Friday January 26th, 2007 12:31:33 AM

Podo heads to the temple to inquire about being a better Shepard. Afterwards, he returns to spy upon the "Spy".

(Hide:29 Move Silently:32 (Nat 20) Listen: 18 Spot: 27)

Podo will do his best to learn more about this "Spy" while trying not to be too much of a standout.

Friday January 26th, 2007 8:12:10 AM

"WLA?? Here? Meum once belong to WLA, If you'z want to have little bitty fun?? meum will reserve some time??" He loved WLA But not as much as going after Rabbitts (Large ones!)

Friday January 26th, 2007 10:48:42 AM

Airin feels stupid for not going along with the group when they passed Hovel. It felt soo good to see them all back - in particular Kendry of course.

Maybe I can catch up with them! Airin thinks. Tomorrow morning I will see how Blossom would feel about a ride along the country side.

Cayzle, I asked Inge to mail you concerning your question. She will do so as soon as possible.

Friday January 26th, 2007 11:45:33 AM

Tobias hearty enjoys the feast, sharing some of his food with Tewdwr. And, finally relaxing again with his friends.

He will also go do some WLA training in Animal Handling and Riding. And, will take the time he can to continue training Tewdwr for combat riding.

[OOC: btw, do we get to become WLA Journeymen now that we're 6th level? Well, once we can get the gold for that rank.]

Kendry  d20+13=30 d20+6=26 d20+5=6 d20+5=9 d20+5=18 d20+5=6 d20+5=7 d20+5=25 d20+5=23 d20+5=11 d20+5=20 d20+5=24 d20+5=21 d20+5=10 d20+5=17 d20+5=8 d20+5=12 d20+5=22 d20+5=15 d20+5=10 d20+5=7 d20+5=14 d20+5=18 d20+5=10 d20+5=25 d20+5=21 d20+5=17 d20+5=18 d20+5=11 d20+5=24 d20+5=12 d20+5=10 d20+5=17 d20+5=15 d20+5=10 d20+5=10 d20+5=25
Friday January 26th, 2007 11:46:55 AM

Kendry makes some inquiries in town as to what is happening with the WLA.

He speaks with his friends, "We need another wand of cure light wounds - but I can't afford to buy it, this time. Could someone else buy one for me to use to help keep us all alive? They cost 750 gp."

The evening after their arrival in Angel Springs, he attends the meal hosted by Julian. He tells little stories about each of those he has known for a while, and asks his friends and companions, new and old, to tell something about themselves that most of us don't yet know.

He plays some music for the occasion - and both his lute-playing and singing seem particularly spot-on (and his lute-playing, in particular, has been in need of improvement). After eating well, he makes action sketches of each person in the group. He discards several sketches en route, but his drawing of Tobias vs the crocodile is outstanding (nat 20: 25), showing the intensity of focus as the ranger beats upon the amphibious creature while caught within its very jaws! Tewdwr vs a lizard dog is decent, as well (23). Dwight (20), Julian (24), Kendry (21), Podo (22), Selithe (18, 25), Tibble (21), Fickle (17, 18, 24), and several attempts at a group picture, none of which satisfies him (12, 10, 17, 15, 10, 10), until the seventh and last attempt, in which he includes Airin (yes, he needed her for inspiration) (25).

After the last drawing, he is very quiet for a while.

Friday January 26th, 2007 1:33:02 PM

"Great, thanks Kendry... you've immortalized me in the jaws of a crocodile." :)

Friday January 26th, 2007 1:34:25 PM

While wanting to investigate, Dwight finds it hard to miss free food. "Kendry, I have a wand of light wounds already. Though another might be a good thing to have in the group. Or even a slightly stronger wand of healing. The party treasure could chip in for this purchase?"

Friday January 26th, 2007 3:05:55 PM

(Darn, forgot)

Before heading off to do a bit of spy work, Selithe goes with the others for the party hosted by Julian, enjoying the company. She watches the group, some new faces, some old, it was nice to just be among friends and family, people she had shared blood, good times and bad times with. Her eyes fall on Julian as she thinks of his wanting to learn to read and nods thinking he will shape up to a really good halfling too, not that he wasn't all ready.

Before heading out she gives Julian a gentle hug, "Thanks for the meal Julian and tomorrow I will start on your reading for a little bit."

Julian  d20+2=4 d20+2=6 d20+2=15 d20+2=12 d20+2=22 d20+2=14 d20+2=19 d20+2=11 d20+2=8 d20+2=11
Friday January 26th, 2007 5:24:50 PM

Julian is rather keen to learn to read. He blushes when Selithe hugs him.
"Umm, thanks, Selithe. That'll be grand."

"Kendry! Ho! Over here, yeah. I've got some gold for you. I've offered it for a wand before. Here," Julian rummages through his pack and pulls out a smaller bag that jingles. Plonks it down in front of Kendry, and it spills out a bit, "and I'll try not to hog it all, okay."
Julian gives Kendry 200 gold coins.

Julian spends the morning jogging around Angel Springs, wearing nought but his trousers. Shark and Sallie follow closely. From the toy shop he heads east, out the Old River Gate and over the bridge. Turning north at a steady but fast jog he circles the town, past the Westgate and splash! into the Crescent River. The three swim downstream, waving and calling a cheerio! to the elven encampment and swimming down past the Baron's Keep, past where the Angel Spring joins the river. They clamber out and stand on the bank for a moment to catch their breath. Shark shakes vigorously to rid himself of water, and so does Julian. Sallie, seeing the merit of this action similarly joins in.
"Come on, Sallie. Same again, I'll race you around back to the water. GO!"
This cycle is repeated five times that morning, with Julian outpacing the dog thrice. A sixth jog is just to dry off properly, where the tri enter the westgate and jog right across town back to Winwood Toy and Music Shop.
"Stay here a second, 'kay." Julian ducks into the shop, excuses himself as he runs upstairs to gather all his gear. He dashes outside outside again, and walks as calmly as possible (not very) to the Catacombs. "More training after this, you know, boys. Have I got some ideas for you two."

Friday January 26th, 2007 5:46:03 PM

The greenmage reluctantly withdraws from Bella's house to accept Kendry's invitation to stay at his family's shop. He doesn't require bedding as he'll spend his nights outside as a decorative hedge.

"Ah bees ah mite sorry tah bees a-mentionin' this an' all, buts whose bees the fat one?" the rotund greenmage asks of Kendry's drawings.

With all Julian's comings and goings Tibble is more convinced than ever that the pace of life as a tree is much more pleasant.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Saturday January 27th, 2007 1:45:55 AM

After spending a while trying to discover useful information about this "spy", Podo waits until he feels it's "safe" to leave the area, and heads to the Catacombs to inquire about an item.

Once there, Podo inquires about a properly sized; for him; merciful spiked chain. Podo then asks it the chain is avilable in any exotic materials.

Saturday January 27th, 2007 5:12:48 PM

At dinner
"Well, yes, Tobias - I thought this mealtime an apt occasion to recall another time of feasting," Kendry answers his friend with a wry smile.

He acknowledges Dwight's words. "Yes, I knew that. But in the thick of battle, one wand may not suffice. It would be good to have a wand of cure moderate wounds, as well. They cost 4,500 gold, compared with the light wand at 750. For the price of one moderate wand, one could have six light ones.

"However, sometimes faster, fuller healing is important, and there the more potent wand can be well worth the extra price. I think that for post-combat healing, the light wand the best choice - the least cost per measure of healing.

"But, unless you are aware of resources beyond my ken, I don't know how we might afford it. But, yes, I should think that party treasure might be applied towards the purchase of the wand of curing light wounds. How much is available?"

He asks the others gathered around the table if they would have any objections to the party's funds being used for the wand.

Dwight sees a look of chagrin cross Kendry's countenance. He looks down for a moment. "I am sorry that I spoke words that lead to us leaving that potent spear with the lizard dogs." He looks up at Dwight. "I shall try to be more temperate in my speech, my friend. That spear like as not might have served either as a mighty weapon for one of our own, or as payment for the more powerful wand we speak of. Forgive me."

When Julian offers 200 gold pieces towards the wand, Kendry's face flushes. "Wow! Why, why thank you, Jules! That really helps."

He smiles at Tibble's query. "Well, Tibs, that is my rather meagre attempt to draw a picture of you, good fellow. I'll try to do a better job next time!"

"So, Fickle - you're in the WLA, too? That is excellent! Ideally, we would like all in the group to be members. When and where did you join?"

He also asks Podo to tell him about his recent training from the Alemi folks, and walker things.

Kendry repeats his offer to have anyone else who cares to, to join him in reading the book from Flavius Aetius' library which will help the reader better to contend against the undead.

If no one responds, he goes ahead and reads it on his own. (Speak now or forever hold your peace, friends!)

Since it's obvious there are WLA folks about town now, Kendry ferrets out details, locale, personnel, and sees about getting training in riding (+1) and swimming (+1). He wants to know who's who, and what's what, and is glad that Calfast's desire expressed some time back is coming to fruition.

He also improves slightly in: Craft, Drawing (artistic) (by +1 rank); Knowledge, Arcana (+3); Perform, Singing (+1); Perform, String instruments (+1); and also picks up a new skill, Craft, Alchemy (1 rank).

Necromancer - Familiar Consequences
Kendry tells his friends, "We need to decide how to respond to Flavius Aetius' letter - and the possible return of his familiar. If we don't deal with this now, like as not he has the means to get our attention, and I fear it would be at the expense of our community, of friends and family. We've already provoked this necromancer. Best either to make at least an interim peace with him, or seek to eliminate the threat entirely. In his letter was no open threat. The wording was quite polite, actually."

He takes a few minutes to explain the capture of the familiar to those who were not involved.

"I see a few options. We could just ship the critter back in the box, perhaps welded shut, with a nice ribbon and bow on it.

"We could meet him at Dourscale, as he recommends, to discuss terms.

"We could ask for ransom. Or, we could offer payment for his trouble and inconvenience.

"We could demand that he leave alone the small tribe of hobgoblins who allied with us. And that neither he nor his minions, allies, associates, and undead forever and throughout eternity never bother Crescent Valley, nor any halflings.

"We could invite him to join our adventuring troupe.

"We could kill his familiar, and harden him as our enemy.

"We could explain to him the purpose of the capture of his homunculus, and tell him that we lacked the social etiquette to do so by his leave. 'I wasn't sure the proper way to word the request' I could tell him, and ask for pointers in such weighty matters.

"At the very least, we could set a date to meet with him, and be sure to get there at least two days earlier, in order to forestall any trap-setting that he may wish to accomplish.

"Any thoughts on this matter, my good companions?"

Spy Business
More immediately at hand is the false-beard of whom Dwight spoke.

"I would be happy to approach him directly," Kendry offers.

Other matters
Kendry edits his journals, and makes a copy of those things he has not yet given to Calfast. When he is done, he gets a copy of the updates to Burgomeister Tunnelly. As before, he trusts to his discretion.

He inquires concerning the two surviving human brigands who had assaulted the traveling elf north of town a ways, whom they had turned in to the authorities in Angel Springs. The boat in the woods incident. "Has there been a trial?"

Kim, OOC 
Sunday January 28th, 2007 7:10:08 PM

Remember, friends, Cayzle said: "[By the way, this is a great time to get your regular WLA training done! Oh, and feel free to post as often as you wish!]"

So - does someone want to read through the Tactics vs Undead book with Kendry?

What WLA skills do you want to improve in?

Pedro - Tobias, or anyone else, who already is an initiate (having met the requirements and paid 2,000 gp and uttered the oath), at 6th level or as late as 10th level can become a journeyman in the WLA (and get the toughness feat) upon payment of 5,000 gp. I'm not sure when any of us will have 5,000 gp, as our larder is light at the moment - thanks in part to Kendry's scruples.

Why did Marcos have to leave just when we really could use the services of a guy good at making money? :-(

See http://www.woldiangames.com/oshirr/organizations/league.htm for all WLA details.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Sunday January 28th, 2007 11:11:21 PM

"Sure Kendry, Podo will read and study that book with you!" exclaims Podo.

"WLA, skills? Unarmed combat is a good one I should think." states Podo to Kendry.

Monday January 29th, 2007 1:15:25 AM

"Great!" Kendry says to Podo regarding the reading of the book.

"I don't think that's included, specifically, in their training, Pode," Kendry says concerning the WLA.

[Read the WLA stuff again at the link I gave, JP. Here it is again, so you don't have to scroll up a screen: http://www.woldiangames.com/oshirr/organizations/league.htm]

Monday January 29th, 2007 2:28:21 AM

ooc: just trying to speed the process of getting together with the rest of the group.

The very next morning Airin wakes up with her head cleared and plan ready. Instead of putting on the plain clothes she had been wearing the past few days (weeks - don't exactly know how long she has been away from the group) she takes out her black leather armor - the scratches here and there are proud markings of past fights. Slowly she puts on her armor; takes her blade from under the bed; tucks away the daggers - one beneath her left sleeve and one in her boots.

Then she goes downstairs, wondering how her parents will react seeing her like this once again.

"We wondered when this day would come... you have been so restless these past few days. Go my dear Airin but be careful. I'll help saddling Blossom for you," they say.

Once outside Fioni - who had been sitting in the trees opposite to the house - gives a mighty shriek. She seems to be exited too!

A few moments later Blossom trots away - Airin proudly in the saddle with Fioni on her shoulder. A quick goodbye to Kendry's folks and then she begins to ride... hoping to catch up with the rest of the group.

Another Reunion! (DM Cayzle) 
Monday January 29th, 2007 6:43:56 AM

[OOC: Welcome Steven!]

Dwight and Selithe continue their investigation. This is what they learn:

1) The disguised fellow is no longer in the house. He is nowhere to be seen.

2) He went into Ada Shallowroot's house, which is in need of a painting. The Shallowroots are a poor family, and Ada is a farmer. Every day he walks out to the family plot -- a hilly patch of ground outside town -- to work the fields.

3) They hear some rumors that the Shallowroots have been spending some money lately.

That's all you discover. You have not confronted the Shallowroots at all.

Podo helps out with that investigating. The Shallowroots are not regular church-goers. At least not to Domi or Alemi.

Meanwhile, Airin has arrived back in town! She catches up to you at your base of operations, the family toy shop. She seems glad to be with you all again.

Tobias, Fickle, and Kendry find that the field outside town that the WLA-wanna-bes was using has in fact been offered by Calfast to the real WLA. The organization has sent a representative, one who seems very pleased with the town and with himself. His name is Fidel, with no family name offered. He commissioned a big tent to be set up on the field, and mostly he is doing PR and arranging the construction of a permanent structure.

He is openly glad to meet with you heroes and charter members here in town. And he is happy to spar and train with you for a few days.

Anyone who owes dues can pay Fidel. If you do not pay your dues, then you cannot gain your 6th level feat or advance in rank until you do.

Julian keeps in shape and goes shopping.

Tibble meditates as one can only in the form of a plant in the sun!

Calfast tells Kendry that the hooligans from the north were turned over to the Plateau City authorities -- they were wanted for worse crimes there.


Kendry encourages the group to look ahead.

[OOC: Thanks, Kim! Folks, I NEED to know what you are going to do next so I can prepare the module. I can improv a lot, but please give me a clue. The Necromancer is an option. Bella is another. The WLA is another. Following up with the Shallowroots is another. Etc!]

Monday January 29th, 2007 11:07:11 AM

Airin joyfully jumps off Blossom once she sees her friends. She runs up to Kendry and throws her arms around his neck...


After a few minutes she looks at the others with a nice glow on her cheeks.

"Too bad I won't qualify for the next WLA level just yet. But you should taste the stew Kendry's folks taught me to prepare in the meantime!!"

"So, what have you guys been up to?"

Tobias  d20+6=22
Monday January 29th, 2007 11:24:34 AM

Tobias continues to practice his Animal Handling and Riding with the WLA trainer.

And, he thinks it's a good idea to return the hum... not wanting any harm to befall Angel Springs because of them. But that will take some time with letters being returned, so we should be able to gather some more information about the Shallowroots and the mysterious bearded man.

Tobias will make a pass of the town again, looking for the stranger that Dwight described (Spot: 22).

Monday January 29th, 2007 7:23:42 PM

Julian joins Tobias to train in WLA ranks for Riding and Swim.

Talking to Tobias about it Julian agrees that the hum should be returned.
"I'd like to travel out to Dourscale, and see if we can negotiate a really good deal, for the return of the ugly critter."

Monday January 29th, 2007 8:58:27 PM

(OOC:Just double checking since it will cause me to make a small add on to my CS. Our char's still get the skill bonus for training just not the feat till they pay the dues?)

Selithe spends time with the others, continueing her training at the WLA in riding and handle animal.

After the training she spends time with Julian, teaching him the basics of reading. Finding this interesting too as she has never been a teacher before.

Selithe is interested in checking up on the shadow figure following them and such but will leave it up to the group on what they like to do.

Monday January 29th, 2007 9:38:51 PM

Dwight thinks about the Shallowroots and relays all the information he has found to the rest of the group. "Kendry, would you be interested in speaking with the Shallowroots, just to see how things are going and all?"

"Perhaps during the night we can examine the shallowroots fields more closely."

"Hmmm, what to do next. Well the hum, must be taken care of. Do we know for sure the hum is what he refers too and not any of the books? Obviously it is the most valuable to him, and he wants its safe return, but what promises can he give that we will believe? I say this as he creates what should lie in rest, though prior to our stealth he did leave the halflings alone."

"Kendry, again this seems to be another diplomatic matter, better left in your hands than mine. We also should minimize who he can recognize."

OOC: My thoughts, examine fields, deal with hum (how far is this?), then speak with Bella keeping her time table.

Has anyone taken care of identifying the treasure stuff in the catacombs?

Crescent Valley Posting (Anthony) 
Monday January 29th, 2007 9:41:22 PM

Airin: ---RF-- = 2 (just joined us)
Fickle: MTWRF-- = 5
DM MTWRF-- = 5
Tobias: MT-R2-- = 5
Dwigth: MTWRF-- = 5
Tibble: M-W-F-- = 3
Kendry: M-W3FS- = 7
Julian: MT-2F-- = 5
Podo: MTWR-SS = 6
Selithe:MTWRF-- = 5

(DM has allowed multiple posting.)

Podo Danderfulff Pipewood 
Monday January 29th, 2007 9:59:55 PM

"Hey, Kendry..I think we should concentrate on this Shallowroots lead. The Necro can wait, and Bella needs time to adjust and to morn. The WLA can wait as well as we have be waiting for WLA for over a year now...another few weeks won't matter a bit!" suggests Podo.

"The way I figure it, its always good to get out into the fresh air!" proclaims Podo.

Oh, a need to see about a purchase at the Catacombs...will return shortly." mumbles Podo as he heads off into the direction of the Catacombs outlet .

Kendry  d20+3=9
Monday January 29th, 2007 10:40:03 PM

Reunion, indeed!
Ambushed by some dark-haired female bundle of energy, Kendry is all set to defend himself - but quickly concludes surrender is the best course.

"Why," kiss, "Airin!" hug, "When..." smooch, "did you..." squeeze, "get back?" spin around.

He looks at her a moment, then embraces her again.

His cheeks, similar to Airin's, are nice and pink by the end of this greeting.

"All right. All right. Um, well, all right! Yes! You're here! I, I, uh, I should, write a poem, or somethin'! Oh, come in and say hellow to everyone. You didn't have a chance really to meet Fickle, and hardly Tibble. We're - well, come in, and we'll talk. Wait! Blossom! I'll take her to the stables that the smithy keeps. Let's drop off your things here, upstairs, then stable her.

"Hey, Blossom! Didja miss us?" He looks around. "Where's Fioni?" His eyes scan above, but he does not see the hawk (spot 9).

After all the fussing is done, Blossom is stabled near Kendry's ponies (and likely Tobias' warpony, too?), and Leska has given Airin a welcoming hug, and Kendry has been talking a mile a minute trying to catch Airin up on what's been going on, and what they are trying to figure out, and he asks her many questions about how she has been doing, and her family, and how she got on with his family in Humble's Ford (even though he already asked some of the same things of her just a few days ago when he dropped by to see her with her family in Hovel).

"And you can sleep in Leska's room. There's room, right, sis?"

This now quite energetic fellow is happy to train alongside Tobias and Julian in riding - and in swimming with Julian, as well.

He asks Fidel how he got involved with the Woldian League of Adventurers. [Is Fidel a halfling? or what?] "We've been wanting you all here for a long time. At least it seems to me! Let us know how we can help." A thought occurs to him. The journals he has been copying out for Calfast - the WLA really should get a copy, too. But, it's getting so that it just takes so much time to copy, since the number of pages keeps on increasing.

"Say, Fidel. I've been keeping a journal. I gave Captain Oosterlinck a copy of some of it when we were in Plateau City around the time that Eberyon showed up. Most of the journal good Calfast Tunnelly has a copy of, save for the past month's worth. How about if we hire a scribe, and get a copy for the WLA here?"

As he takes them through their paces, when Kendry has a chance to catch his breath - and assuming no listening ears are nearby - he sketches in some of the matters that the group is facing right now.

"How about we buy the Shallowroots house, and send them off to, maybe, Humble's Ford?" he asks his friends.

"Dourscale is a fair ways off," comments Kendry. "It would take a few days to get there. We could just drop it off not too far from Flavius' cave - maybe a few miles away from there. They'd like as not find each other, right? Then he could use his familiar to continue making evil concoctions. He's probably the forgiving type, right?"

Training and Thinking (DM Cayzle) 
Tuesday January 30th, 2007 7:15:38 AM

Fidel, the WLA representative, seems to know a little about everything. He is a halfling, but not a native of the Valley. His prior posting was to the branch in Dirt City, where there are also a lot of halflings. He also wants to know about everything. He asks about the Teucri road repairs and the drow rumors and how Calfast is doing. Does anyone say anything special to him?

It seems Fidel has already read one version of Kendry's journal. He likes the idea of keeping an up-to-date copy here as well. He is interested in Kendry's drawings, too.

At the least, Fidel gives Tobias, Julian, Selithe, and Kendry some time and pointers on honing their adventuring skills.

[OOC: You can gain skill ranks freely once you are a member, but the feats are contingent on keeping up with your dues. And of course, those who owe dues cannot advance in WLA officer rank either.]

The group talks about what to do, but so far no consensus has emerged. BTW, Dourscale is on the border with New Elenna, and the Necromancer's Cave was in the Red Hills. Angel Springs, the Cave, and Dourscale make three points of a triangle, pretty much equidistant, but of course going from Angel Springs to Dourscale will be faster if the magic roads are in good repair.

Tuesday January 30th, 2007 8:03:40 AM

Fickle is leaning on a tree counting his money, "One! Two! Three! I hope I have enought money!"

Tuesday January 30th, 2007 8:17:48 AM

Trying to get up to date on everything that happened the past few days and weeks Airin is not in any position to make decisions on where to go.

Instead, she joins those who are taking WLA training and begins to exercise with them. After all her absence may have caused her fighting skills to become rusted.

Tuesday January 30th, 2007 11:34:18 AM

Tobias votes for investigating the Shadowroots first, then returning the hum.

Tuesday January 30th, 2007 2:16:30 PM

"Dem dar undead folk bees ah blight un dah Wold," the greenmage observes. "Ah says wheese should bees a-killin' da familiar beasty den open ah big ole can of woop-ass on its creator. Mayhap he bees a-havin' enuff put by dat Ah ken homestead us-ens ah piece. If wheese bees a-havin' sum common folks a-workin' fer us wheese might jess bees able tah sets oureslves up ah purty little manor. Means ah livelyhood an' a place tah put dun ruts."

Tibble sits down winded from putting so many words together at once. Wiping his brow with a hanky he looks about hopefully.

Tuesday January 30th, 2007 3:48:55 PM

Tobias responds to Tibble, "While I agree with you sentiment (as much of it as I could understand) of destroying the undead, it's dangerous for Angel Springs to keep the hum. He obviously figured out who we were. We can fight the necro, but if he attacks here, we could put everyone in danger, and we couldn't protect everyone. I suppose we could chat with the mayor and see how he felt about it..."

"In all likelihood, if we're going to resist the necro, then we should track him down and neutralize him before he gets any crazy notions in his head."

Tuesday January 30th, 2007 9:11:25 PM

Selithe continues her training off and on while listening to what is going on and also helping Julian with his learning to read. Selithe thinks and comments to Julian on something he might enjoy to, "You know Julian, in combat I have a new spell I would like to try and I think you would be the best person to use it on. It's called bull's strength."

Dwight  d20+2=21
Tuesday January 30th, 2007 10:05:58 PM

Dwight spends his time watching until someone else shows up. Then he too goes to the WLA training. (climbing and jumping I believe, but I still have to think about it).

"Did we get a spellbook from the necro?, If we did, is there any way to tell how powerful he is?"

knowledge arcana: 21 (based on books found and undead at his disposal)

"It might be just as dangerous dealing with the necro as returning his possession."

When the Shallowroots return from their field in the evening, Dwight goes to investigate. "Any others want to join me checking things out. Something just doesn't add up."

OOC: Did Dwight get a chance to enter the Shallowroots house? Any beard lying around?


Tuesday January 30th, 2007 10:33:21 PM

"I like the sentiments of war against the necro, but, and I hate to admit it, we're not up for that challenge. I feel that we're too weak in ranged attacks, and definately not up for melee with around two dozen skeletons, not to mention the really big one and the necromancer himself."

"I still vote for Dourscale. Investigating Shadowroots can probably wait. If the bearded one wants to continue following us then mayhaps we'll get to deal with it along the way to Dourscale."

Tuesday January 30th, 2007 10:37:45 PM

To Selithe: "Thanks for teaching me with reading. Perhaps one day I'll even be able to read the scroll of Bull's Strength. It's my favourite spell."

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Wednesday January 31st, 2007 2:00:10 AM

"I still think we should see or at least investigate those that are investigating us!" says Podo to the group. Everyone else can wait thinks Podo.

Kendry  d20+8=20 d20+6=10 d20+11=29 d20+9=24 d20+4=16
Wednesday January 31st, 2007 4:30:17 AM

"I have an idea. Airin, would you like to come with me to visit the Shallowroots? And, let's put on some common clothes, first. Maybe we can look like farmers, or the like." [Disguise: 20. Aid another in disguise: 10]

He dresses down, and, once Airin has done likewise ("I think Leska might have some odds and ends she wouldn't mind you borrowing"), he walks with her to the Shallowroots abode.

"Hullo. Hullo, there."

Once the couple show themselves, Kendry says, "Yes, good day, good day. Say, would you know of anyone in the neighborhood who would be willing to sell their home? Get a nice pile of cash in exchange? Y'see, we're lookin' to get married, y'see, and, well, we need somethin' we can afford. But - well, do you know someone? Like, fer example, how much do you suppose a house like yours might go fer?" [Diplomacy 29, Bluff 24, Sense Motive 16]

Airin  d20+2=14 d20+1=16
Wednesday January 31st, 2007 6:15:16 AM

Airin nods at Kendry's plan and decides to go with him. There's no real need for her to disguise for that Shallowroot familly hasn't seen her before (I hope).

Putting on farmer's clothes like Kendry suggested should be doable. Airin checks with Leska to change. To make things a little more interesting Airin tucks a small pillow under her shirt making it look like she's a few months pregnant and they are in dire need of finding a new home. Airin asks Leska to help her make it look as real as possible.

Then she goes along with Kendry. Airin looks really shy and with an expression of sorrow or almost panick on her face... they really need to find a new place!

Sense motive: 14
Bluff: 16

Wednesday January 31st, 2007 7:15:43 AM

Fickle look up from counting his coins, he will ask his cousin Kendry, "Eerrr! Cuz Kennie can you'zm lend me'um a coin or tzos, Pleze?"

Wednesday January 31st, 2007 5:50:04 PM

"All ya-all bees a-havin' dis heres nerco's familiar an' spellbook?" Tibble is stunned. "What fer youse bees a-waitin fer? He ain't gonna bees a-gettin' any weaker no-hows. Lets us all bees a-givin' the dark one ah quick an' brutal beatin' roundabouts the head an' shoulders!"

Wednesday January 31st, 2007 6:05:23 PM

Tobias, agreeing with Tibble once more (if he understood his comments again :)) says, "Perhaps the town would be willing to send along some help in our confrontation with the necro. And, perhaps the first thing we do in attacking the necro is to kill his familiar... hoping to distract, weaken, and confuse him."

Wednesday January 31st, 2007 9:11:01 PM

If Selithe is near when Fickle asks to borrow some money Selithe looks to Fickle and moves over, "How much are you needing Fickle, maybe we all can chip in alittle or so to help you out. This will cause less of a dent to a single persons pouch." Selithe smiles and listens, willing to help a friend as much as possible.

When Julian mentions maybe being able to cast the spell himself later Selithe brushes her hair back, "Well that would be a great help really, it's a 2nd level spell though so you might have some work to get there. However nothing is beyond your grasp if you want it enough."

What to do? (DM Cayzle)  d20-1=8
Wednesday January 31st, 2007 9:35:27 PM

Fickle is concerned with his finances.

Airin gets caught up on recent events and trains at the WLA. [OOC: Steven, you can read through the archives and assume that your friends told you all that has happened.]

Tobias thinks that the Shallowroots should be the first priority.

Tibble prefers to destroy the necromancer first.

Selithe trains with Airin and taks with Julian.

Dwight looks at the necromancer's spell book. He thinks that he is about level 7 to 9. He recalls that the party actually did not defeat him before -- just snuck in and then ran away. In short, this guy is quite dangerous.

Julian agrees with Dwight that the necromancer is dangerous. He suggests going to Dourscale.

Tibble thinks that if the party has the necromancer's familiar and spell book, then now's the time to attack! Tobias is starting to be convinced.

Selithe lends Fickle some money.

Podo thinks the party should find out who is spying on them.

Kendry, Airin, and Dwight go to visit the Shallowroots. Kendry and Airin go in disguise, and Dwight sneaks around. Altogether, they gather some good information on these commoners, without giving themselves away.

The Shallowroots are a poor family. They rent their house from a landlord, and they are essentially members of a co-operative that collectively has the right to farm certain fields outside town. This is not an unusual arrangement among the poorer halflings.

So there is no question of selling the house, since it does not belong to them. Ada tells you the name of the landlord. He might have another place to rent.

You do note some nicer things. A new tea set on which you are offered refreshments. Newer clothes and boots. A new doll for the toddler. Dwight notes a new chicken coop in the back. If you make inquiries, Ada tells you that they got a small inheritance from their uncle who lived in Edenmoor. A Sense Motive or Wis check vs DC8 reveals that that's not the truth, though. You have not pressed him on it.

There is no sign at all of the falsely-bearded stranger.

Wednesday January 31st, 2007 9:52:40 PM

Dwight asks again when he is around if anyone identified the treasure found?

"Well it kinda seems like we want to investigate these shallowroots and then deal with the necro. Is there a leading thought on what we should do with the necro? Would the WLA take care of it if he is too strong for us? Obviously they would have to send for stronger members than what the new chapter can provide.

DM Cayzle to Steven 
Wednesday January 31st, 2007 9:57:18 PM

Steven, please feel free to adjust the possessions on your PC sheet as you mentioned.

Wednesday January 31st, 2007 11:27:45 PM

"Okay, let's deal with the Shallowroots for the next day or two, max. Then we go to Dourscale to get rid of the hummer, in the manner that was requested. I don't know if you guys saw the fireball that the necro cast, but it was a real hum-dinger! With any luck we might get some coins out of the Mailed Fist for returning the hummer, and the spell book."

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Thursday February 1st, 2007 12:31:35 AM

"Julian, my brother, fighting those lizard dogs must have injured your brain...you want to negoiate with The Mailed Fist for money ??" "If the Necromancer has hired The Mailed Fist you can bet, going against this foe, even the thought of walking up to them to return something, might be your last action on the Wold?? Has that ever occurred to you??" retorts Podo in a slightly dramatic way; while using his hands to emphasize his feelings of dread. "No,no! Wait! What I can tell you is that a simple fireball death would be a blessing...this Necromancer, may kill you and then raise you up (shudder) using you to fight against your loved ones!"

"The Youth, wisdom comes at such a great price." mutters Podo as he walks off to oneside ending the diatribe.

Airin  d20+2=12
Thursday February 1st, 2007 5:34:34 AM

(Wisdom check: 12)

Airin senses they are lying about the inheritance but of course she holds her wits. Maybe they ought to check out that landlord. Still the question remains where they got the money they have now.

Airin casts a sad look at Kendry and beckons to the door: "Come dear, there's nothing these good folks can do for us..."

Once both she and Kendry are out of sight Airin begins to talk to Kendry: "Did you see all those new things? You noticed they lied? Shall we try to keep an eye on them for a while? Or do we keep our disguise and go check with this landlord?"

Thursday February 1st, 2007 5:49:04 AM

"So, if we dump the hummer back at the cave, don't we still risk the Mailed Fist coming after us, as well as a Fireball or two? I dunno which says Elephant and which says Emerald, but if the Mailed Fist were hired to kill us we'd be dead right now already."

"Though, having just said that, the necro probably don't have fireball ready to loose on us, coz we got his Spell Book."

Thursday February 1st, 2007 11:30:10 AM

"Exactly Julian... down spell book and his familiar, the necro is probably at his weakest. Giving those back to him just makes him stronger when he decides to come take his revenge on us. And, in the fight, we did not really attack his troops with full force. We divided to get the hum... I think we would fare much better in a direct combat... Unless of course he has a croc." ;)

Thursday February 1st, 2007 11:30:56 AM

And, no Dwight the magic items have not been identified yet.

Thursday February 1st, 2007 12:33:37 PM

"If-ens youse bees a-havin' dis heres necros spellbook an' familiar, he ain't never gonna ferget," Tibble points out. "Even ifs all ya-all tucks tail an' bees a-givin' both back wrapped purty wif ah bow an' ah big ole 'pology."

Thursday February 1st, 2007 7:52:46 PM

Selithe thinks over everything that Tibble says and sighs, "If we meet with him we should approach it carefully. I don't like giving the spell book and his creature back either but we can't afford a fight we can not win either."

Selithe thinks and nods before speaking again, "If it comes to a fight someone better be packing a silence spell, thats a spell I do not have either."

Thursday February 1st, 2007 8:49:03 PM

"Yes, Silence. Could we get a few scrolls? Wow, money is tight. How much will he be affected if we kill the hum? Do mages normally keep spare books? Return or fight, I'd have to agree with Julian, its doubtful we can rely on his honesty. "

Dwight thinks about it for a moment. "Then again, he has left the valley alone thus far, either because he is vulnerable or by his choice. Prior to our excursion into his house, he wasn't messing with halflings. Or did I miss a skeleton of our height."


Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Thursday February 1st, 2007 9:28:47 PM

"Well, although I have returned, I am leading more of a pacifist lifestyle now. Whatever you come to the discision on I will try to live with." Podo explains to the group.

Thursday February 1st, 2007 10:20:40 PM

"Pacifist, hey...." Julian ponders the implications of this for Podo, in the sense of practical jokes, of course.

Challenges Local and Necromological (DM Cayzle) 
Thursday February 1st, 2007 10:27:56 PM

Dwight thinks the group should check out the Shallowroots first. He wonders if the WLA can offer some help. In fact, if he makes inquiries, the organization does not do freelance mercenary work. There is help available in other areas: Food, lodging, healing, wayfaring, and information at cheap rates. But the WLA is a support organization, not an army, and has not yet mobilized its forces for any grand purpose, much less to help members out of jams. Keep in mind that the WLA strives for a certain neutrality.

Airin is also interested in getting answers about the Shallowroots.

Julian agrees to deal with the Shallowroots next. He seems open to making a deal with the Necromancer.

Podo trusts neither the Mailed Fist nor the Necromancer. This leads to a discussion of how best to deal with the situation.

Tobias notes that the Necromancer is now at his weakest, most likely. But that is still plenty strong, especially if he has a back-up or travelling spell book.

Tibble thinks that the necromancer problem will not go away by itself.

Selithe is cautious and has a good idea about Silence. You recall that Kendry can cast that spell, and that it was VERY effective vs the Necromancer last time.

Dwight points out that the Necromancer has left the Crescent Valley totally alone to this point. That is true.

[OOC: Friends, I have Hero Point and RP award nominations from JUST ONE PERSON! ANd I have only half the PC sheets in! Please DO work on those, or at least write to me about it!]

Friday February 2nd, 2007 7:05:42 AM

Fickle still counting his money. His count is right, walks to the Bookkeeper turning his dues, Asking the little behind the desk, "Do'uz yuzm need help in building a cabin??"

Airin  d20+19=28 d20+12=31 d20+12=15
Friday February 2nd, 2007 10:03:18 AM

"Let's do a stake out! Let's just hide in the shadows tonight and keep an eye out on the Shallowroots. It'll be nice go for a change to do some spying once again!"

So then Airin waits till night falls, and when it does she looks for a good spot to keep an eye out on the Shallowroots. Preferably Airin takes position around the house, by a window - an open one would be too much to ask for. There she will keep an eye out and listen while she waits in silence.

Hide: 28
Listen: 31
Move Silently: 15

Friday February 2nd, 2007 11:38:40 AM

Having no skill at spying Tibble will visit Bella to obtain what information he can from her about the necromancer and his potential allies.

(Tibble has no knowledge of this bone collector.)

Tobias  d20+18=29 d20+7=19 d20+15=20
Friday February 2nd, 2007 8:54:45 PM

I'll go with you Airin. Give my spying skills some use...

Hide: 29
Listen: 19
Move silently: 20
Survival tracking:

Tobias (continued)  d20+6=19 d20+13=22
Friday February 2nd, 2007 8:55:55 PM

oops... hit enter too soon

Spot: 19
Survival tracking: 22

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Saturday February 3rd, 2007 1:11:05 AM

Attempting to discover where the rest of the group disappeared to, Podo tries to uncover information about the ShallowRoots.

Returing to the area once in, spying the S'roots, Podo tries to lay in wait for them.

A Few Spies (DM Cayzle) 
Saturday February 3rd, 2007 12:45:56 PM

Fickle has counted his coppers and thinks he has enough to join the WLA. Fidel, the halfling in charge, interviews Fickle. [Ceil, please answer these questions in your next post.]

1) Do you agree to fight evil wherever it may be found?

2) Do you agree to protect the innocent?

3) What level are you?

4) Do you have the 2,000 gp in dues to become an Initiate?

Airin, Podo, and Tobias do some spying on the Shallowroots. They overhear Ada Shallowroot's wife asking him if he has seen anything of Bella. He tells her that Bella has been in the house all day. They seem to be keeping an eye on Bella's cottage.

Tibble visits Bella. It has only been one day since you were there last. She reminds you that she asked for three or four or five days to mourn. She asks you to go away and return later.

OOC: Friends, I still do not know what your next course of action is going to be. PLEASE make a decision, or at least state a preference. If there is no consensus, then I will go with the majority/plurality. To help you along, here are a few options:

1) Follow up on the Disguised Stranger and the Shallowroot Family.

2) Deal with the Necromancer, either in Dourscale or maybe back at his cave?

3) Talk to Bella after her four days of mourning.

4) Ask Fidel and Calfast if they has any missions or adventuring leads.

Saturday February 3rd, 2007 3:09:32 PM

OOC: Tibble is in favor of taking down the necromancer. He's only going to get stronger with time and will never forget who took his familiar and spellbook. It is an act of revenge just waiting to happen. It would seem that the group is waiting to be at its weakest, exposed, and on the defensive.

If the choice is to return the items Tibble will have to find a new group to adventure with; he's not so foolish to leave an evil opponent at his back armed with a vorpal rabbit.

(I'll just create a new character that doesn't know anything about the necro and toddle off to the slaughter with the rest of the group.)

I hope I'm not being too vague about Tibble's concern. <smile>

A group of 4-6th level characters should be able to take a lone 9th level. Sure he'll have his minions, but we'll have ours. We may be able to hire some cannon fodder if the group feels we must. I don't expect the locals will like us much if we take their sons and daughters of to die in our place.

Why the group made an enemy of such a powerful NPC is beyond me, but here is where we are. Did someone set the group up to be destroyed? Is there a behind the scene villain more powerful than the necromancer that I know nothing about. Keep in mind the group assaulted the necro (thereby making him a permanent enemy) before Tibble joined so he has no idea of the guilt by association he has gotten himself into.

My two copper bits,

Saturday February 3rd, 2007 3:37:49 PM

Julian spends the day training intensely, and talking to friends as he sees them. He jogs through the whole town, up and down every street. Every. Street.

Some have gone off spying, and he let's them know that he thinks Intimidate would be a better way to deal with it, especially if they're spying on Bella. He volunteers to Intimidate, because he is losing patience with the group's whole indecision process. That, and he enjoys it. [OOC: I find it amusing and enjoy the roleplay.]

Talking to Tibble about returning the items, he makes a good point that Julian had not yet considered.
"What was I thinking?! A chance to fight the good fight and I was looking to alternatives. Been listening overmuch to Kendry, I have!"

"What we lack is a good ranged offensive. Something to keep the necro on his toes as he tries to cast spells. The whole distraction team and stealth team is still good. Some of us should sneak up on him and shove a sword up his... into his back. And you know what: how long has it been since we were there? He might well still be lame from Kendry's caltrops, remember that?"

"I will happily charge down the big skeleton, and deal with the talking sword that commands the others. Everyone else can either send concentrated ranged attacks against the necro as others circle around for a sneak attack. We've got two wands of Cure Light Wounds, we just need to control the focus of the fight as much as possible."

"Let's go wipe him out, clear out his cave and keep the booty. We can even begin replanting the desert he has created. Hey, it might miake a nice new home for us. Somewhere secure to store the bigger goodies, raise kids and all that."

"Fickle, wanna go on a big fight with us? There's this bone collector raising the bones of the dead to protect him in his nasty dealings. We stole his awful pet to help a friend we call Heather. Anyway, he wants it back. So some of us wanna go kill him instead. Send his vileness back into dust. It beats leaving an enemy alive to pursue us. And I'll teach you some more fighting skills."

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Saturday February 3rd, 2007 4:19:27 PM

After waiting for several hours, and taking whatever information he can, Podo heads back to the Temple of Alemi for some insight.

While in the temple, and in prayer to Alemi, Podo feels his best course of action is to head off with the group to finish the matter with the evil wizzard. Perhaps if all goes well, he can play an influencial role in this affair.

Saturday February 3rd, 2007 9:23:17 PM

[A good friend died a week ago Friday. I've been tied up with arrangements for his memorial, which took place this afternoon. Also just left an evening job (this Friday was my last night), as I have too many irons in the fire. That said, as of Monday, my posting should increase to past levels. Sorry for my relative absence here.]

Kendry talks with Airin in private Highlight to display spoiler: {"Airin, my love, I do not want that anyone might besmirch your reputation. So, let's not do the 'fake pregnancy' thing again, okay? We are halflings, after all, and - though it certainly sometimes happens otherwise - we're supposed to, well, y'know, wait until after the wedding." Kendry is blushing brightly. "Not that we haven't been. Waiting, that is." He looks into her eyes for a moment, then turns aside, and in barely a whisper says to himself, "Oh, I can hardly wait!"}

More tomorrow...

Saturday February 3rd, 2007 9:32:31 PM

Julian notices his cousin Podo going in to the Temple of Alemi, and wonders what all this 'prayer' and 'religion' stuff is about. He heads in to the temple dedicated to Domi on the north'west of town, and doesn't come out for several hours...

Sunday February 4th, 2007 10:04:59 AM

As Fickle stand before the male that's asking questions.!
#1 Question/ Answer "I'ezm Do!"

#2 Question/ Answer "I ezm Do Again!"

#3 Question/ Answer "Level 5 (need 1,000 points to go up'zey level"

#4 Question/ Answer " either 0 gp or 600gp(maybe just a Rock the goes Boom??)

"Now Can I be WLA" replys Fickle, with a smile on his face.

Sunday February 4th, 2007 11:52:17 AM

When the group is discussing their options Airin ponders the chances of taking on the Necromancer once again. That was the last excursion she had and it ended quite well. Still you might add that they had a great deal of luck too!!

"Yes Tibble I may have to agree with you. There is something fishy about the Shallowroots and it is a thing we will need to investigate later on, but the Necromancer will inevitably turn his anger on our village sooner or later. I'm no certain we can deal with him once again.

The tactic we used before was quite effective though. Silence him, sneak in preferably invisible and possibly along the ceiling. But we never actually went face to face with him. That could be very messy.

Admit it my friends. Holding a stake out on the shallowroots is pretty boring no? On the other hand going in head strong into a necromancer's lair sounds quite bold!"

"Why don't we narrow down our options. Let's vote for either the necromancer or the shallowroots. What do you all think?"

Sunday February 4th, 2007 6:24:57 PM

"Deh Shallowroots mights bees ah problem, deh necro bees ah problem a-knockin' at dah door," Tibble observes. "Ah likes dah ideas 'bouts a-movin' intah his digs an' a-bringin' new life tah his blighted territory. Dats sure tah please deh gods an' makes us-ens no end o' friends herebouts."

Sunday February 4th, 2007 6:49:27 PM

Julian listens to Tibble, and agrees whole-heartedly. "The Shallowroots can look after themselves for the moment. I just hope they're not about to do something to Heather. Still, we can't sit on our donkeys waiting for a slightly possible maybe. Let's act now against the necro."

OOC: Kim, I'm very sorry to hear that for you.

Sunday February 4th, 2007 7:24:46 PM

During a time when the group is together, Kendry tells Tibble & other newcomers the whole story of how Bella sent them after the necromancer's familiar for her healing brew. [Please read the archives to get all the details - the purpose-specific alliance with the hobgoblins, the plan, the implementation, the acquisition, the conflict, the escape.]

"Had we not been so lucky, Tibble, many of us might have died on our outing. He blasted us with fireballs, and showed mastery of many more spells. We had the advantages of surprise and concealment.

"If we return, he will be prepared. He will have more undead at his beck and call, most like, hidden beneath the sands, perhaps even some scattered among the surrounding brush. He will set alarms and traps. We will not find bearding the lion in his own den quite as easy as it was the first time around. Perhaps, if he is cunning enough - and can find someone who can stand the smell of his foul brews - he will enlist the aid of others. Hire some mercenaries, or gain an associate or two.

"If we go back there, we must be prepared to face a much harsher reception than during our first visit.

"Now, am I opposed to the notion of ridding the Wold of Flavius Aetius? No, I am not. But I'm not willing even to try unless we do it in a very, very smart way. I have no interest in taking, or going with, my friends into a dangerous situation ill-prepared, with inadequate understanding, and few contingencies. Aetius will be prepared as he can be, and will not be a pushover. Just as many of us have improved our skills and knowledge recently, so might have he."

He turns to Julian. "Remember you were trying to work on formations with the hobgoblins? Perhaps we could enlist their help again. I wonder, too, whether we might be able to get some more people to help us, in a support role. We can be the front line, but we might have others to set distractions, cause secondary damage, set traps, help in scouting...

"Necromancers are a blight. He has been gradually building his own obedient army. Let's take our own small army against him.

"Also - Podo and I have been reading this book about the undead. It makes me feel even greater disgust towards such, but also it's giving me some ideas about better ways to attack them, take them on.

"We know he favors skeletons. Bashing them is better than slashing them. In the meantime, he may have sought to create something worse than skeletons."

Kendry pauses for breath.

"We can't leave the Shallowroots unanswered, though. Let's ask counsel of Calfast Tunnelly. There are some others in town, too, who might be able to offer us insight."

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Sunday February 4th, 2007 11:39:59 PM

Listening to Kendry's speech, Podo's mind's eye began to twitch. Considering the options at hand, and how going against a powerful wizard, no matter the field of its study, is not a usually smart move. Podo ponders aloud to the group.

"Why can't we just draw him to us? If he wants his stuff back so badly, have him come to us. This takes the element of surprise and preparation and gives it to us. We know this area. He does not. If we go to him, surely we lose whatever advantage we might have had. If we stir the pot forcing his hand, and he comes to us, then the balance of power become more even. If he bares down up the Valley with an Army surely we would be in a better position to raise a force to meet him?
Those that recall the acts of key adventurers from this Valley in turning the tides of War during the awakening of the being know to us by the first initial "E", will surely be willing to help.

I know I would be retracting my initial decision to support whatever decision was made, but I truely feel empowered to err on the side of caution in this matter and instead side with uncovering the truth of the Shallowroots, not in certain death,"
explains Podo to his friends & companions.

With a deep breath, Podo withdraws to a place just outside his circle of friends allowing another to speak/share their minds with the group.

Monday February 5th, 2007 3:09:44 AM

"Certain death? Little prospect of success? Well what are we waiting for!" Julian draws his sword, thrusts it towards the gods and growls like a raging bear.

Monday February 5th, 2007 4:15:22 AM

"Looks like we're getting no where!"

Airin sighs heavily.

"Here's a thought. We need to deal with the Necromancer AND we need to check out the Shallowroots. Kendry's right that we need to be very well prepared before going in against a powerful foe such as the Necromancer once again. So, I suggest Tibble, Julian and a few others to prepare for such an encounter. You'll need to go to the Catacombs, buy lots of hide from undead potions, invisibility stuff, anything you can think of we may need to face him - oh and don't forget Tanglefoot bags!. I have about 500 gold I can give you for that purpose.

While they are preparing the rest checks out the Shallowroots for a little while. We don't need to fear the Necromancer standing at out front door tomorrow right? So let's say we check out the Shallowroots for 1 or 2 days while they prepare. If we haven't found anything out of the ordinary by then, we go to face the Necromancer...

what do you think?"

Monday February 5th, 2007 11:36:51 AM

"That's a good idea Airin. We should just look into the Shallowroots while we're here. We can always delay a meeting with the necro by a couple of days... perhaps by responding to his letter and saying we need some time to recover the hum."

Monday February 5th, 2007 8:23:40 PM

Selithe will help out where she can and other wise keeps her eyes and ears open. She is wondering exactly what everyone is going to do since they seem to be in a loss of movement between many things.

(OOC:I think we should handle the necro since I don't see that problem going away and possibly being the biggest threat.)

Monday February 5th, 2007 10:19:35 PM

Glad to have uncovered the initial questions regarding the Shallowroots, Dwight agrees the necro is a bit more pressing and a bit more personally motivated, not wanting to look over his shoulder any more than necessary.

As the newest is inducted into WLA, Dwight recalls his own vow, and realizes, the necro must be dealt with for his own safety and to uphold his oath; both of which are important to him.

"We should definitely keep in mind the necro doesn't know all of us. Though if he was able to find some of us, he undoubtable knows how many we are now. If possible, he will increase his numbers. Does anyone one, have the ability to made these undead flee or return to the ground? Podo?"

"As an aside, how much damage would killing the hum do to the necro?"

Dwight does wish to inform Bella that she is being watched by the Shallowroots, perhaps more than just nosy neighbors without disturbing her mourning.

"Kendry could your bird deliver a message such as this?

"Okay now that the necro seems to be a consensus, what is our timetable? strategy?"

1. Waiting 3-4 days then speak with Bella?
2. Reply to necro and set up initial meeting?
3. Charge into necro's cave?
4. Try to find hobgoblins for second alliance?

Dwight is in favor of #1 and #2 initially. Hoping Bella can shed more light on the necro and his resources and his potential to work closely with the "Fist".

Heroes Agree (DM Cayzle) 
Monday February 5th, 2007 11:54:30 PM

Tibble tells his friends that he is in favor of attacking the necromancer.

Julian trains hard and agrees with Tibble.

Podo also thinks that attacking an evil necromancer is the way to go.

Fickle's interview with Fidel goes very well. The WLA representative tells Fickle, "As soon as you pay 2,000 gold pieces in dues, you can join!"

Airin reminds the group that the Shallowroots should be looked into as well.

Kendry is realistic about the dangers in attacking the necromancer. He thinks that the group will need to make very strong preparations.

Airin suggests considering both the Shallowroots and the necromancer. First the former, then the latter.

Tobias agrees with Airin.

Selithe feels the necromancer is a big problem.

Dwight also seems open to a multi-pronged schedule of activity, but emphasizes the necromancer.


The party seems to be nudging toward a consensus. The necromancer takes priority. Maybe also spend a day checking out the Shallowroots.

Here is a timetable of recent events:

Day 1: Return to Angel Springs -- see the Disguised Stranger and meet Bella.

Day 2-4: WLA training, going up a level. shopping.

Day 5: Tomorrow.

Actions for tomorrow?

Tuesday February 6th, 2007 3:39:24 AM

Since we're still here, we did agree to go see Bella about now. But if she is being watched by the Shallowroots...
"Well, there's our chance to get this over with, see. Some of us should go to see Bella, as we promised. The others should sneak up on the spies, and see what they're up to, and confront them. Give them something to think about."

"Then we can go a-hunting."

Airin  d20+19=21 d20+12=19 d20+8=20
Tuesday February 6th, 2007 11:09:19 AM

I'll do what we seem to be agreeing upon. I'll go hang out near the Shallowroots's place and keep an eye on them.

With that Airin paces towards the house and take cover in the shadows.

Hide: 21
Listen: 19
Spot: 20

Tobias  d20+18=31 d20+7=11 d20+6=14 d20+13=16
Tuesday February 6th, 2007 11:18:35 AM

Being another stealthy person, Tobias will join Airin in keeping watch over the Shallowroot's house. Hoping to see the disguised stranger.

"So, Airin, what do we do if we see him? Does one of us break cover to confront him? I can do that... but we should have it set up going into this."

Hide: 31
Listen: 11
Spot: 14
Survival (tracks): 16

Tuesday February 6th, 2007 11:34:58 AM

The greenmage will visit Bella. He will ask after her health and tell her of the looming threat from the necromancer.

Tuesday February 6th, 2007 6:07:46 PM

Fickle raises his head at the words 'Hunting'. "hunt'um! Me can go hunting. Meum Good Huntem! Wherez best plaze??".

Tuesday February 6th, 2007 7:56:39 PM

"Slingers. We need lots of slingers. To attack the necromancer and the skeletons from afar. A dozen of 'em. Or a score. Thwip-Ping! Ping! Ping-ping-crack!" he utters onomatopoeically.

Dwight  d20+3=23
Tuesday February 6th, 2007 9:58:57 PM

Seeing others are scouting, Dwight will join the others to see Bella. He will however, arrive and leave in disguise.

Disguise: 23+10(spell)=33

"I still have my bow, and can shoot twice as often now. Hopefully this will disrupt the necro and his casting."

Tuesday February 6th, 2007 10:29:51 PM

Selithe listens to Kendry and smiles before, "I like that idea brother, but I'm better with my bow and can do just a bit more damage, considering it is set for my strength. Also I have a little more surprise as I have another level of magic user under my belt. I won't be able to match his powers in spells of course, but I will do my best to aid."

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood  d20+12=15 d20+13=29 d20+1=19 d20+1=3 d20+6=9 d20+3=5
Tuesday February 6th, 2007 11:27:05 PM

Podo Does his best to "Spy" on the ShallowRoots.
Uisng his Disguise skill, Podo tries his best to blend in, although Hiding by far is his better skill.
Podo will try to uncover something ore of this Family.

Move Silently: 15
Hide: 29
Sense Motive:5

Kendry & the necromancer  d20+11=31 d20+11=28 d20+11=24
Wednesday February 7th, 2007 1:33:12 AM

Kendry laughs with pleasure at Fickle's enthusiasm for the hunt. "There will be plenty to hunt in the Red Hills, cuz." He thinks about helping him join the WLA. "I'm trying to figure out how to get the funds so you can join now."

[OOC: There are definite advantages to having Fickle join now at 5th level - he gets the weapons feat, which will not be available later, plus the two skill points at 5th level.]

"That is excellent, Dwight - twice as fast with the bow, now? Amazing!"

"Good, Selithe. I know it was frustrating in the past - but I've noted your marksmanship has been improving - especially when we went against the lizard dogs. So, you're focusing a bit more on magic, eh? Good. Good!"

"Say - maybe we can enlist a few members of the militia to join in with us," Kendry suggests to all. "Some of the more skilled members, rather than the neophytes. We've been talking about the importance of both militia and adventurers to help defend our valley. It could give us a chance to get to know each other better, develop respect for and an appropriate dependence on each others' skills. And it would given them some exposure to the Wold outside of Crescent Valley.

He asks who would like to accompany him to talk this over with some of the leaders, and the militia. Tobias and Julian come to mind, as those with a somewhat military bent, and Dwight with his skills in strategy and tactics - but Airin, Podo, Selithe, Tibble and Fickle are welcome, too.

"By your leave, I'll check with the local militia - running by our Burgomeister, of course. Along with any who want to join me.

"Flavius Aetius' skeleton crew is organized in a quasi-military fashion. Well, why not military versus military? Plus, I reckon our militia will have a few tricks up their sleeves that the skeleton crew won't know about. And we know that most of the skeletons won't have sleeves at all!"

He discusses this idea with Fidel, and with Calfast Tunnelly. If they seem open to the idea, he approaches some of the militia members and leaders, to see if there might be some willing (and able) volunteers.

He underscores that there likely will be real dangers associated with the outing, and he'll want to have some testing to verify fitness for the task. "Not just anybody can come. This will need to be some of the elite militia members." He tries to appeal to their pride, their bravery. He underscores the hardships they likely are to undergo. "You'll be tired, hungry, and going into danger. It's not the comfy burrow we'll be stayin' in at nights." In particular he is looking for those skilled with sling, bows, crossbows, and other missile weapons. "Clubs and swords and staffs and the like may be needed if it gets to close-in work. Although, ideally, we want you to be mainly working on ranged attacks, it's hard to forecast what it may come down to." He'll want at least one officer to head the group, and a non-commissioned officer to oversee individual patrols within the group. (Looking for 10 - 20 to come, if possible.)

[OOC: In metagame terms, he doesn't want anyone less than 2nd level, and a few 3rd or so might be helpful. There should be someone skilled at healing among them, and someone who can set traps would also be useful.]

For pay: 2% to each participating militia member of any monetary gain acquired from Flavius and his associates at the end of the mission, or 35 gp each, whichever is higher. There may be bonuses for exceptional results. An additional share for assigned non-comms (e.g., those in charge on this outing), and a triple share for the ranking officer.

As for the why - he explains some of what necromancers do, and why it is in the long-term interests of Crescent Valley to rid this part of the Wold from such people in their backyard - the Red Hills.

[Diplomacy rolls with Fidel: 31 (nat 20); Calfast: 28; Militia: 24. Of course diplomacy is one thing, mindset is another.]

Kendry & the Shallowroots  d20+11=25 d20+11=29 d20+10=24
Wednesday February 7th, 2007 1:33:40 AM

Kendry enlists the aid of his sister, Leska, to bake a fine apple pie, as well as to get from his brother Nalfein some of their Uncle Orby's fine stout ale.

Meanwhile, he knocks on the doors of some of the other places in Bella's neck of town, asking about places for rent or sale.

Once the items from his siblings are obtained, he lays out the plan to his compatriots. "Airin, would you come with me again to the Shallowroots? Uh, attired as before?" Despite what he said to her earlier...

Then, returning with her to the part of town by Bella, he goes with Airin around Bella's house to the far side, remains there for about fifteen minutes, definitely out of sight of the Shallowroots - perhaps near the garden in back, or farther down the street - all out of sight of the spies, then returns.

He knocks on the Shallowroots' door. When they answer, he asks if he might come in for a moment. "We have a small gift." In his hand is a cloth covering something circular underneath, about nine inches in diameter, and three or so inches deep.

If they hesitate, he says that they have been making inquiries about town, still looking for a place to call their own. "Please, we'd like to share something with you." He lifts the corner of the cloth to show a nicely browned pie crust. He reiterates that they're just wanting to get to know the neighborhood, "And you seem a nice sort of folk."

If they let them in he suggests, "If you'd put some tea on, using the fine pot there - your inheritance, right? - we can share some pie. And," he adds, "My brother has a fine nose for good ale," a small jug of which he produces.

On this social occasion, he mentions pleasant things he has noticed among some of the neighbors. If there are unpleasant things he has seen, he does not mention them - but if they bring such up, he strives to put a charitable spin on the comments. He allows that he has helped out with a little farming and gardening while growing up, although he hasn't done much of that lately. "My love, here, she's good with animals, training 'em, takin' good care of 'em, that sort of thing."

In the course of the conversation and give and take, he asks, "Have you met that nice, but curious lady, Bella?" He points the direction of her house. "She's over that-a-way. It's like a wee forest in there! Well, she doesn't have a place for us, but she's a great cook, turns out. Do you know Miss Bella, a bit, or what she's up to with all those plants?"

He hopes that with all the observations and questions he has been making and asking about the neighborhood in general, that his casual question about Bella might be seen as just another bit of halfling curiosity and love for gossip.

What course Kendry takes next depends upon how the Shallowroots respond.

[Diplomacy: 25 - general visit. Diplomacy: 29 - regarding Bella. Gather information: 24]

Kendry & Bella 
Wednesday February 7th, 2007 2:52:53 AM

He wants to wait until some time after meeting with the Shallowroots before getting together with Bella.

Julian  d20+4=24 d20+1=13
Wednesday February 7th, 2007 3:05:18 AM

Julian walks along with Tibble and Dwight to see Bella.

He tells his old friend that he has been thinking of her, even as he trained these last few days. He sincerely hopes she feels okay, and inquires whether there is anything he can do for her right now,

"You know, dishes, sweeping, weeding... and I'll try harder this time to only pull out the plants you tell me to."
Diplomacy 24 (natural 20!)
Sense Motive 13 (How is she really?)

A Taste of Every Path (DM Cayzle)  d20+2=6 d20+2=4 d20+2=17 d20+1=3 d20+1=9
Wednesday February 7th, 2007 11:25:51 AM

[LOL! My friends, I did not think you would try to go down all the possible paths at the same time! But, consummate professional that I am, I can roll with the punches and still come out with a turn only half a day late! :-) ]


Julian, Tibble, and Dwight go to visit Bella after her mourning.

Podo, Airin, Tobias spy stealthily on Shallowroots.

Fickle, Selithe, and Kendry put their heads together to come up with Necromancer tactics.

Kendry talks with Calfast, Fidel, and other Militia Leaders (including his Aunt Marigold, who, since losing her bid for Calfast's job, has gone back to being a militia leader) about recruiting some mercenaries to help fight the necromancer.


Julian, Tibble, and Dwight get to Bella's cottage. There is a small note on her door: "Foolhardies, welcome!"

Within, Bella's big awakened plant rears up threateningly, but subsides when it sees who is there. It tells Tibble that it is guarding the cottage, but you all are welcome, and here is your package.

You see a small chest. Within it are ten vials in two bundle. One bundle of five is labelled "Coma Antidote." The other is labelled "Cure Serious Wounds." There is a pouch at the bottom as well, and a note:

My dear Foolhardies,

I decided that I would take you up on your offer. You said you would help protect me from my enemies and that my mission was important. It IS! You are RIGHT! So you can protect me by taking my place. Please deliver the antidote to Graeff in the Valley of Four Peaks. If you do not know the way, get a guide in Humble's Ford.

Thank you for helping me see the right way to handle this!

The cure potions and the coins are yours as an extra thanks. You earned them.


PS: Please please destroy this note when you have read it and TELL NO ONE what you are doing!!!

PPS: Please lock the door when you go and slip the key under the door.

Inside the pouch are 400 platinum pieces and the key to the front door.


Podo, Airin, and Tobias spy on the Shallowroots. It is a good thing they don't have a dog! As it is, with the good rolls the three are making, you get a solid chance to do some stealthy lurking.

The disguised man does not make an appearance. But you overhear Ada tell his wife to watch out for the Sneaky Fellow tonight. You can hear the capital letters in his voice when he speaks of this person.

Airin sees the Shallowroots's toddler wandering around the yard, but the child does not see our heroes. To leave without the toddler hearing, please make a Move Silent check vs DC 4.


Kendry -- and maybe Airin? -- go to visit the Shallowroots in disguise. They hear some gossip, most of it a little mean-spirited. Certainly, the Shallowroots think Bella is loopy, weird, and off her rocker. You intuit that they are also afraid of her and her witchy plant friends.


Fickle is eager to go undead hunting. Selithe seems eager to try her magic against the necromancer. Kendry wants to hire some mercanaries to help.

The halfling bard goes even further, talking with Calfast, Fidel, and even his Aunt Marigold about the idea.

Calfast thinks that "converting" militia into adventurers is a good idea, but he has no authority to compel anyone to leave the Valley. Also, he wants Kendry's word that those who go off with him won't all die. That would not only be a tragedy, but it would give adventuring a bad name.

Fidel thinks that true heroes don't use local commoners as cannon fodder. Even the use of trained mercanaries, like the Mailed Fist, seems a little antithetical to the WLA mission. But Fidel is not offended or annoyed -- if anything, he seems amused.

Aunt Marigold says that she can get together a meeting, and Kendry can try to convince some of the locals to join his cause. She suggests that good refreshments will assure a good turn-out, and that if he speaks well, he stands a chance of convincing some brave youths to join him. She says that he might want to offer a signing bonus as well as a daily wage to any share of treasure promised. And what about equipment? If Kendry is offering quality gear, that's a plus too.


Whew! That gives you guys something to chew on, hey?

Wednesday February 7th, 2007 11:26:43 AM

Fickle turns to his cousins Kendry, "Now what wezm do?"

Crescent Valley Posting - Anthony 
Wednesday February 7th, 2007 3:21:57 PM

Kendry: 2-W--SS = 5
Fickle: -TW-F-S = 4
Airin: 2TWRF-S = 7
DM MTWR-S- = 6
Tobias: M2WRF-- = 6
Julian: MTW2-2S = 8
Selithe: MTW---- = 3
Dwight: MTWR--- = 4
Podo: M-2R-2S = 7
Tibble: -TWRFSS = 6

(Open posting)

Dwight  d20+3=13
Wednesday February 7th, 2007 8:52:39 PM

Dwight reads the note carefully several times wondering if she wrote it calmly or in a rush. He concludes she must have thought it through. "Hmmm, I wonder where she actually is."

Gather Information: 13 (anything hidden within the note?)

After the others present read the note, and examined it, Dwight is in favor of having it destroyed. "We don't want the S'roots, or necro to know where we head."

"Tibble, could you tell the plant about the Shallowroots and how they seem to be watching her more closely than just nosy neighbors. They also seem to have gotten some money recently. Allude to the fact that they may have been the ones that helped send the evil here to kill Horace. Timetables seem to match up."

When ready with the two bundles (accounted for), Dwight makes sure the house is locked and the key is slid under the door.

When a fire is present, Dwight will have the note burned and makes sure the pieces are properly dispersed.

Dwight fills in the others afterwards about Bella's note and absence. He also inquires about Kendry's success with gaining some assistance.

Dwight is willing to attend the meeting with Kendry, but thinks the bard's ability at persuasion is far better than his.

Wednesday February 7th, 2007 11:32:48 PM

Selithe looks to Kendry and smiles to him before speaking her own thoughts on his idea, allowing her brother to go talk to the WLA anyway, "I'm not sure brother, dragging innocent people into our own problems doesn't seem like a good idea to me. Now if we ran into actual mercenaries who would be willing to help that would be a different story."

Selithe does plan to head to see Bella with the other and is somewhat surprised to see her not there but yet not so much either if that makes sense. She smiles seeing the note and seeing what it says she gives everyone a smile and nods, not wanting to voice her happiness at the moment, just in case they are being watched or something.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood  d20+12=28
Thursday February 8th, 2007 2:11:27 AM

Moving sliently, Podo tries to slips past the young child. (MS = 28) Feeling hes made it past without detection, Podo will head back to Bella's home in an effort to meet up with the others.

Airin  d20+12=29 d20+2=12
Thursday February 8th, 2007 2:39:27 AM

Just prior to Kendry's and Airin's visit to the Shallowroots

Airin is happy to have heard about "The Sneaky Fellow" and nods to Tobias and Podo making signs to get the hell out of there.

The toddler has no chance to hear Airin as she back away from the house. (move silently 29)

Once they are at a safe distance from the house she begins to talk to her friends: "So we will be on the look-out for the stranger tonight as well won't we. I gotta go now... Kendry plans to pay the Shallowroots a visit face to face in a moment. Let's sit together and combine everything we found then shall we?"

Just before the visit

"Kendry listen wha..."
"Hey hang on lemmy tell..."
"Kendry! Wait for me!!"

Oh that crazy stubborn bard!! Quickly Airin puts on her disguise and hurries after Kendry.

After the visit with Kendry

Airin shuffles her feet as she's a little disappointed that they did not learn more from this face to face interaction with the Shallowroots. Besides she hasn't been able to tell Kendry about the Sneaky Fellow! She dies to tell him but right now she has to play along...

Airin hasn't said much but continued to keep an eye out on the Shallowroots emotions. Knowing they might expect a visit from the Sneaky Fellow Airin wonders if they're more nervous than before.

(sense motive 12)

Airin happily drinks the tea and eats the pie Kendry brought along. Most likely the visit will be over soon and they haven't really learned much.

Once again outside the Shallowroots's house and out of sight Airin tells Kendry about the Sneaky Fellow and the plan to gather everyone around to lay all the pieces together...

Besides, it should not be only the Shallowroots who will wait for the Sneaky Fellow!

(ooc: sorry for all the actions but it looks like Kim has a way with overthrowing things :-) Tried to fit everything in as good as possible! Hope you don't mind )

Thursday February 8th, 2007 7:32:43 AM

"Well, that helps to make the decision, doesn't it. We should be helping Bella, as was promised. The bonecollector can wait. It seems likely that who ever is spying on us, will continue to do so, even as we journey. Mayhaps we'll sort that out on the road. So, let us go then to the Valley of Four Peaks."

"Tell the mayor we're going to Dourscale, or at least that we're going to Humble's Ford for the moment. Then send word back that we're going to Dourscale. It'll give us a few days time to go to the Valley, then we can go after the necro."

"Let's go shopping now, and leave the morning after the morrow. Simple really. No objections?"

Thursday February 8th, 2007 7:58:06 AM

Fickle scratches his head, then ask "Red Woods? There isum Red Trees wipum red leavies?" He ask??

OOC not much of a post, but but that's all I could think of trouble I could get into!!

Thursday February 8th, 2007 10:31:36 AM

The greenmage tells Bella's guardian of Dwight's wishes. He adds the groups intention of eliminating the necromancer. For its efforts Tibble will 'Create Food and Water' for it and 'Bless' the guardian before they take their leave.

Tobias  d20+15=33
Thursday February 8th, 2007 11:24:55 AM

Tobias listens in on the Shallowroots with Podo and Airin (move silent: 33).

Afterwards, he joins back up with the others and learns about Bella's note and shares with the rest about the Sneaky Fellow coming back tonight. He proposes that we leave on Bella's errand in the morning and sneak back to see what the Shallowroot's "friend" does tonight.

And, Tobias will help Kendry rally some troops for battle with the necromancer.

Almost on course (DM Cayzle) 
Thursday February 8th, 2007 3:05:54 PM

Fickle looks for guidance.

Dwight reads Bella's letter, then follows its directions to the letter. Later he tells his friends about it.

Selithe is pleased with the note. Podo arrives at Bella's just in time to help lock up the place.

Airin takes in the news about the Sneaky Fellow and thinks about what to do next. Seems she is keen to lay in wait for Mr. Sneaky tonite!

Julian expects Bella's task to take priority, and the necromancer will wait.

Tibble finds that the plant is not very smart, and doesn't get a lot of what the greenmage is saying. He kindly blesses the plant-guard before the party leaves.

Tobias seems to want to check out the Sneaky Guy and to deliver Bella's potions, both

It is now 3 o'clock in the afternoon. The Sneaky Guy may make an appearance tonight. Are you doing anything with him, or just heading out on Bella's errand in the morning? Are you giving up on the Necromancer for now? Do you choose to let the necromancer be for now? Will you send him a letter or note?

Thursday February 8th, 2007 3:59:21 PM

"We can check out the Shallowroots and the Sneaky Fellow tonight and head out on Bella's errand in the morning... depening on what takes priority to deal with.

Wel Tobias, looks like we'll be in for a long night. Maybe we should share watch and take a nap.

If this is ok for everyone I am going to take a afternoon beauty sleep to be awake tonght.

Julian  d20+6=16 d20+3=13 d20+5=8 d20+4=8 d20+5=18 d20+5=17
Thursday February 8th, 2007 4:08:20 PM

"We're gonna split up these coin from Bella and go shopping, right? Prepare for the hike to the Valley of Four somethings? Complete the mission for Bella that began with the hummer, then the dragon?"

"As for the Sneaky Guy, and I reckon a few of us could do this well... I'm gonna sit and hide, and when I spot him... I'm a little tired of this problem, I'll run him down, catch him and run him through if you like. But! I imagine Podo has a more peaceful solution, Kendry would rather talk to him, and Dwight is gonna contemplate all possible options first. So I'll just drag him to the group."

"I'm going out to do that now. I'll head off on one of my jogs then disappear somewhere near here. I'll be waiting for him, and I won't hurt him too much at all. Look, I'll even leave the big sword here. And the dog, Sallie. I might even just Daze him."
"Shark, come on. Work to do."

Despite his words, Julian does linger a moment to listen to responces before heading out the door.

There should be a shrub to hide in nearby... the two crouch together, watching and waiting.
Hide 16
Spot 13
Listen 8

Shark's skills:
Hide 8
Spot 18
Listen 17

Dwight  d20+9=26 d20+9=26 d20+11=21 d20+4=23 d20+3=12
Thursday February 8th, 2007 8:08:49 PM

As Dwight hears the "sneaky man" might visit tonight he wonders if this could imply his bearded man, or if someone in the group has been spotted. "I suggest when we watch the house tonight we do so in pairs. We know we are being watched at least part of the time,...well we all just need to be careful."

"As for the loot, 400 pp still doesn't go quite far enough split 11 ways (9 members+tithe+party damage control stash). If she had left 407 pp it would have been an even split. Anyways, I think 36 pp isn't anything to shake a stick at. I'd say the extra 4pp go towards buying some pearls to identify some stuff."

Dwight takes his turn at watch when evening comes, prefering the middle of the night shift.

hide: 26
move silently: 21
listen: 26
disguise: 12+2(kit)+10(spell)=24

Thursday February 8th, 2007 8:34:27 PM

"Okay, a roster of people keeping an eye out. Good idea Dwight. Still, I'm going for that run, then I'll start the spying, as I said. Relieve me around just after dinner."

Rolls as above

Thursday February 8th, 2007 10:15:03 PM

Selithe listens to the others and allows the others to decide on their course of action for the moment as she is willing to go with them majority vote on the matter. However she doesn't know if giving a note would be good or bad, if they don't he might seek them out or even attack the town to get their attention, however the same might be true if they leave a note.

Selithe also will let Kendry split up the money as he is the one who usually does this and she doesn't mind since he is fair, then again anyone in the group would split the money evenly she thinks since they are all friends and they are only as strong as their weakest link.

Friday February 9th, 2007 1:26:31 AM

Arriving just in time to help secure Lady Bella's abode, Podo lends a hand to help where he is needed. As the rest of the group leaves to return to the chosen meeting place, Podo lingers to bless the home asking for Alemi's protection. Afterwards, he quickens his pace to catch up with the others.

"You know, I think whatever we should do, Bella should come first. The woman is a bright light on a dark shore." says Podo to his companions. "Would be a shame not to tend to that light."

Friday February 9th, 2007 3:30:00 AM

very sorry - slammed again. not even time to read this. have to go to bed.

does someone want to post for Kendry?

Kendry (as percieved by Julian)  d20=14 d20=13 d20=20 d20=10
Friday February 9th, 2007 5:51:26 AM

OOC: I've taken this opportunity for Julian to make fun of his cousin as we sit around waiting for something to happen. No offence intended, unless you're Kendry, of course, and even then...

Kendry speaks for nearly an hour... about the job at hand, about one of his uncle's telling him a cute story when he was young, about some of the options currrently open to the party, am overly fond reminisance about the harpys along the road, a song with five verses, a chorus and a refrain, about how much he has missed Airin lately, a viewing of his sketch book with a story for each illustration, another option that just sprang to mind, a poetic ode to something bardly, volunteering to join the watch with Airin (with that look in his eye), about the noble ideals embodied in Kkrakkkeshkk and how that relates to out mission, an anectdote from Aunty So-and-so about roasting potatoes, his preference for this and that, a strong suggestion for hitting the Catacombs now and a funny story about what happened to him last time he was in there, something about the beer run, a short but poingnant piece of advice for each and every party member that makes each of us feel good, and for our pets too, a hug for Airin and a peck on the cheek, a quick check in with Calfast to make sure that he is doing okay and he leaves him with a complete transcript of everything we've ever said, and an attempt to pursuade some random stranger to join the party rather than walk off in a different direction, a pause to make a sketch of each of us individually, twice, and a group sketch, and just to round things off, some more options for the party and then some open questions to delay the party's departure by another day. Then he grooms his pet dog and pats the wolf on the left head, carefully. Finally, he agrees with everyone, and then contradicts us all, and says, "Well, that settles it. Let's go."

OOC: I haven't got Kendry's char sheet, but his skills are probably all better than mine, especially the last one. So I'll just roll raw 20's, feel free to add about 30 to each, especially since we're halflings and that is heaps better than wemics.

Hide 14 (at least +5 due to race and size)
Spot 13 (Kendry's wisdom must be at least +12, just ask him)
Listen 20 (typical, nat 20 here for someone else)
Smooch 10 (LOL, the lowest of these rolls)

Friday February 9th, 2007 7:58:38 AM

Fickle looks around, and not quite catching on what to do?? He thinks!! getting a slight head-ache!! Then come to a solution " Me'um go with Cousin Kendry!!" Then stands next to his cousin.

Kim for Kendry 
Friday February 9th, 2007 10:01:03 AM

[LOL! Robert, you may have just written one of Kendry's best posts, ever! -Kim]

One more thing - with the funds from Bella, perhaps a portion of it can go toward Fickle (what, about 600 gp, or 120 pp?) so he can join the WLA. That way he gets the weapons feat, and a couple of skill points, and a nice shiny emblem!

[Dashing off again.]

Friday February 9th, 2007 10:36:25 AM

"Wheese bees a-havin' ah obligation tah finish whad wheese started," the greenmage states. Accepting his 36pp, Tibble continues, "Dah more foolhardy - Ah means dah more likely tah bees a-takin' dah brunt o' any attack - should bees a-holdin' on tah dah healing potions, me thinks. Lets us bees a-deliverin' dah goods as contracted afore wheese get sidetracked. Ah seems to recallect dere bees ah parcel o' folks squeezed in between life an' death a-waitin' on Bella's brew."

Tibble needs to wet his whistle, so much talking sure can parch a fellow. Life is so much easier as a tree. The greenmage is beginning to wonder if he's chosen the right path.

A Busy Afternoon (DM Cayzle) 
Friday February 9th, 2007 10:42:14 AM

Our heroes gather to share news and decide what to do next. The consensus:

FIRST, Keep a watch on the Shallowroots' house.

SECOND, Do some shopping and last minute activities. (Fickle's WLA initiation will go here if he can dig up the 2,000 gp.)

THIRD, Stake out the Shallowroots to catch the Sneaky Man / Bearded Guy / Disguised Fellow when he shows up.

FOURTH, Set out on a trip to Humble's Ford and the Valley of Four Peaks.

For today and the week-end, please try to get through points One and Two! Post as often as you need to. We'll handle the Sneaky Fellow on Monday and then start the next module late next week.

Tobias  d20+18=25 d20+7=14 d20+15=25 d20+6=8
Friday February 9th, 2007 11:24:17 AM

Tobias responds to Airin, "Yes, let's split a watch during the afternoon while the other gets a bit a shut-eye."

Tobias will be part of the stake-out, and he'll continue to stick with Airin (if we're going with the plan to pair up).

Hide: 25
Listen: 14
Move Silent: 25
Spot: 8
Survival (tracks):

Friday February 9th, 2007 4:07:39 PM

Taking his shift to watch the Shallowroots:
Hide 16
Spot 13
Listen 8

Shark's skills:
Hide 8
Spot 18
Listen 17
(repeated from above)

"Fickle, a cousin of Kendry's is bound to be a cousin of mine, too. What have you got to take adventuring? You've probably not got a lot left after being captured. I'd like to help you out."

OOC: How many ways is the treasure split?
8 + 1 for the party?

There's a lot of new members here, can someone explain the party's split? - its purpose and how much is stashed at the moment.

Friday February 9th, 2007 7:57:23 PM

Speaking in the tongue of plants the greenmage will walk past the house fated for stakeout. With the rustle of crackling, dried leaves, the exuberance of sprouting grass, and whispering wind in lush pine needles Tibble seeks any knowledge the vegetation around the cottage has pertinent to the groups queries.

If there are any resident animals (mice, bats, etc.) in the vicinity of the hut Tibble will question them as well towards the same end.

Tibble will come off as a mad (or at best half-witted), fat hobbit in a skirt. He'll dirty up by adding leaves and twigs to his hair and clothes to enhance this effect.

He'll relay any gleened data to the evening's 'spies' and the rest of the group before the watches start.

As normal, he'll spend his few hours of sleep as flora.

Friday February 9th, 2007 11:24:46 PM

Selithe looks to Kendry and smiles, "I don't want my share of that money till we see to Fickle, he needs to beable to join the WLA like the rest of us did." Selithe smiles and winks to Fickle, "It's a really nice group too and the extra training will help I'm sure like it does the rest of us."

Saturday February 10th, 2007 8:05:03 AM

Fickle sits down and starts counting, "Snake face takes all me'ez gold pieces!! No All Me'ez have is these'em 36 pp?? Now (Ficlke scratches his head) Let me'ez think (another head ache!) Onez pp is'um ten gP! that'ez total of 360 gold Peices! Right!" Fickle said with a smile!!
But then His smile goes away, "360 gp is'm not enough to have'm Badge! Sorry!"

Then he start smiling again, he look toward Justain, "Me'z have another Cousin'z?? Justin Is Me'z cousinZ!!"

Sunday February 11th, 2007 6:56:53 AM

Airin greatly enjoys the fact she's together again with her friends and of course especially with Kendry. She hasn't had nearly enough time to spend with him!
Perhaps during watch tonight... although they should keep watch... oh we'll see.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Sunday February 11th, 2007 11:08:22 AM

Realizing that there might be a share of Bella's money for himself, Podo asks Kendry "to give of his share to Fickle as he might need additional funds to gain entrance into WLA. Anything left over, Podo needs for Spell components."

Satisfied that his both his decision and actions with the money dealings were blessed by Alemi and sanctioned by Domi, Podo spends the rest of his time practicing his Priestly spells one level at a time.

Sunday February 11th, 2007 1:51:51 PM

"Fickle, there's not enough here for you to join the WLA, even if we gave it all to you. But with your share, the 36pp, and here, have another 4 pp from me, you should get yourself down to the catacombs for some weapons and armour at least."

Sunday February 11th, 2007 6:43:24 PM

Watching Fickle almost hurt himself with the money, Dwight see he has just over a 1000 gp (36pp from Fickle, Selithe, and Podo, and 4 from Julian). Willing, in the hopes that Fickle can keep harm from himself, Dwight also contributes.

OOC: Thus far by my count Fickle has 1480 gp, which is 52 pp short. The party treasure could also chip in some.

OOC: Those of you that are new, in the past this is how we have split the treasure. It's not set in stone, but can be readdressed now for the next time we get treasure.

Cash: Even split: Players(9)+group tithing (1)+group treasure(1).

The tithing had the idea that a god's blessing could never hurt. The group's priest was normally in charge of this. (That I believe is Podo at the moment?) Podo you have 36 pp to be donated to he church in the groups name.

Group treasure is collected after each treasure to help aid in damage done by the group or in general to help spread a good word for us.

Items have typically be handed to the member most in need or specialized in that weapon. Thus far it has worked (in my opinion) and anything not needed by the group is sold and then split as above. It's been very open and those that legitimately want/need speak up. Thus far (in my opinion) it has balanced out. Another option if we wanted to would be to include the items' cash value with the treasary, but then it becomes hard to split.

Dwight aids in the watch (rolls previously given) at night. He hopes to spot this man and follow him. He must be staying nearby if he visits by night. He who walks far into the night is often spotted.

Tired in the morning, Dwight sets off with the group to the Valley.

Kendry  d20+8=23 d20+5=13 d20+6=9 d20=2 d20=13 d20+3=8 d20+11=26
Sunday February 11th, 2007 11:18:06 PM

Kendry says, "If it is our decision not to return the familiar in good health to its master, our delay in dealing with him will only let him grow stronger. I would have preferred we take him out first, then deliver the medicines... Nonetheless, I will go with the consensus. Perhaps our mission of healing will help better fortify us for our mission of judgment. I will write a letter, which may buy some time."

He writes a letter to Flavius Aetius. Or perhaps to the sword. [OOC: Will compose later when I have full brain function.]

Glad that Marigold is in town, he briefs her on what they learned about the necromancer and his undead slaves. "He is not so potent as what I have read about some makers of undead, as far as I can tell. So far we have seen only skeletons in and around his cave - nasty, but they don't generally pass on diseases or paralyze people or even worse. But if he somehow fashions ghouls or ghasts, or worse, then that could be real trouble." He tells her of the book he read, and some of the pointers he picked up from perusing its disquieting pages.

[OOC: Kendry and Podo read this book together. Can we pass it around to others to read, too? If the text had not disappeared, then he would like to recommend it to other party members -- and possibly to some members of the militia - officers in particular (perhaps some of the more stable ones).]

He speaks with interested (and recommended) militia members. He gives a little talk about the group's aims. He tries to inspire, instruct, caution, encourage. [Insert speech here: the benefits and glories of militia and adventurers working together; tales to tell friends, family, children; the dangers; the beauty of the Red Hills, our Valley's back door (and the fact that there are pockets of halflings scattered here and there); the need for discipline - no brawling or drinking to excess; & enumerate other benefits and glory] [Diplomacy: 26].

"We look for a squadron or two of ranged fighters. Folk good with sling, crossbow, shortbow, javelin, even bolas, spears - hey, even tanglefoot bags! The benefit of slings is they can break bones better than than arrows and bolts can. But all can be useful. Several of you should be trained at close-in fighting, too, although we hope to avoid most of that for you.

"Do some of you have riding dogs? Or can you ride ponies? If so, the extra speed is good, and, for trained animals only, an extra 2 gp for their care will be provided. We don't need undisciplined dogs running amok, barking up a storm.

"For those who would come with us, be ready to leave in one week. Bring bedrolls, weapons, ammunition, some food.

"For any who agree, there will be a 5 gold piece signing bonus today, and 10 more on the day we leave. Those who fulfill their commitment will get another 20 upon our return."

For officers, he will offer more. For any monetary gains (coinage, jewelry and the like) he will calculate 1% of the total take. If the amount exceeds the 20 gold pieces, they will be paid that 1%, rather than the 20 gp. He suggests, "Ask someone who is good at figures if this confuses you." All leaders get the same amount for a signing bonus (forfeit if they renig), 20 gp on the day we leave, and 40 upon return. They will get 20 gp more overall than the enlisted folk. The militia group leader will get twice what the squadron leaders get.

He writes up a contract delineating expected behaviors. "No more than one cup of ale a day on the way to our goal and while there."

He hopes to recruit at least one member per squadron who has some healing abilities.

He reminds Dwight that he has no bird. Airin has her hawk, Fioni.

Not so adept at hiding and sneaking about as some of his friends, Kendry opts to get some help from Airin in choosing his hiding spot... some distance away from the house. Within sight, but as far away as he can be nevertheless. There are a few nearby - he can draw near if and when they make contact. Though he'd like to be hiding right with Airin... He'll cast a message spell just before the group splits up - although it likely will wear out before anyone comes.

About an hour into the vigil, the bard's daily busyness and industry catches up to him, and he begins to snooze lightly. Fortunately, he's a relatively quiet sleeper - no snoring.

[Hide (with Airin's advice in choosing a spot): 23; Move silently: 13 (although he plans to get a spot, and not move about); Listen: 9; Roll to see how well he does staying awake: 2; Roll vs snore, DC 5: 13]

Monday February 12th, 2007 7:52:25 AM

Fickle is taken back because he never seen people like this before. He tells them That if those Snake Face Dogs had not taken his back pack along with their eggs. He would have the dues now. "Thank you'zm ! Now I'um can have meez badgies!"

OCC to Cayzle: You gave me Armor Class - Hit Points, But you frogot that I also needed MONEY!! Tisk! Tisk!

DM Cayzle OOC to Ceil. 
Monday February 12th, 2007 10:51:08 AM

Ceil, all of Fickle's gear was found by the party hidden in that big boulder at the lizard-dog camp. It included the following:

Ceil, Please Highlight to display spoiler: {


Small pouch
Dagger Silver
Quiver with 20 arrows.
Long sword
Light shield
Extra tunic vest
Rations x2 weeks

Magic Items:

Boots of Striding and Springing
Cloak of Resistance +1
Chain Shirt +1
Brahmah's Tattoo: Entangle 3/day

Wealth: 0 gp

Ceil, if you are desperate for cash, you could sell a magic item at the Catacombs.

Monday February 12th, 2007 11:09:07 AM

Tobias will kick in his portion of the treasure to help Fickle get into the WLA.

"So, are we all ready for an evening of spying on the Shallowroots and waiting for our spy?"

Airin  d20+19=39 d20+12=26 d20+12=22
Monday February 12th, 2007 3:06:18 PM

Ready to do the stake out tonight!

Hide: 39 - Nat 20
Listen: 26
Move Silently: 22

Tobias  d20+18=37 d20+7=17 d20+15=18 d20+6=19
Monday February 12th, 2007 3:31:41 PM

Tobias's stake out rolls...
Hide: 37
Listen: 17
Move silently: 18
Spot: 19

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