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In Dire Need

Rustlings in the Night (DM Cayzle)  d20+8=17 d20+8=18
Monday November 13th, 2006 11:38:01 PM

In the early morning hours, before the sun has come up, Tibble is on watch.

EVERYBODY Please roll spot and listen checks

Tibble, if your listen is 17 or better or your spot is 18 or better, then Please Highlight to display spoiler: {You see a slinky medium-size animal sneaking into the camp. It is headed for Julian's gear.}

Tibble, if your listen is 12 or better or your spot is 13 or better (but not good enough for the above), then Please Highlight to display spoiler: {You see a slinky animal sneaking out of camp, carrying something.}

Julian, if your listen check is a 22 or better, then Please Highlight to display spoiler: {You awaken because somehting is coming toward you in the night.}

Everyone else, if your listen check is a 22 or better, then Please Highlight to display spoiler: {You awaken with the sound of rustling in the camp.}

Marco  d20+4=24
Tuesday November 14th, 2006 12:02:41 AM

Listen check- 24

Marco wakes up to the sounds of something moving in the camp and quietly pulls his armor on (grabbing his cane), before slightly moving the tarp aside to see what's going on.

Kendry  d20+6=24
Tuesday November 14th, 2006 2:13:35 AM

Kendry has set up a place up in a tree to sleep, similar to that which he did in the Whistler Oak - in the crook of a limb, some rope loops to help keep him from falling out. He hears something making noise in the camp. He wonders if it's one of his friends moving about. He looks down. "Everyone all right?" he asks in a normal voice as he pulls his forearm out of one loop and changes to a sitting position.

Kendry keeps a sun rod tucked next to him and takes it in hand, but does not yet light it. If anything untoward appears to be happening, however, he will strike it to activate the light and shine down beneath him.

[Listen: 24]

Tobias  d20+9=27 d20+8=27
Tuesday November 14th, 2006 10:39:03 AM

Listen: 27

Tobias wakes to the sounds in the camp. He turn slightly towards his side, where his short swords are bundled together, and takes both in his hands. Ready to pounce if anything dangerous is in the camp.

Spot: 27
As he rolled a bit, he tries to snatch a look at what's causing the noise.

Tibble  d20=16 d20=14 d20=15
Tuesday November 14th, 2006 11:36:08 AM

listen=21, spot=17

Casting Charm Animal from his perch above the camp he will call out [Speak with Animals]:

<Hold on there, friend,> the cleric of Wold calls down. <You're making off with something that doesn't belong to you.>

Although those in camp may not be able to understand what he is saying it may be loud enough to wake them.

Tibble will try to get a good look and identify what it is he's dealing with.

Knowledge (nature)= 26

Julian  d20+6=15
Tuesday November 14th, 2006 4:28:33 PM

OOC just a spot check = 15

Julian [hp 37 AC 14] Shark [hp 18 AC 16] Sallie [hp 12 AC 16]  d20+8=20 d20+6=15 d20+5=17 d20+8=17 d20+6=17 d20+8=21 d20+5=18
Tuesday November 14th, 2006 5:36:47 PM

DM requested Listen check = 20
Shark listen check = 15
Sallie listen check = 17
Not enough to wake any of us.

Julian awakens in his tent to the sounds of Tibble talking strangely, even for Tibble.
He grabs his falchion and rushes out of his tent, wearing only his night shirt (pale blue with yellow stars). Shark scampers behind him, eyes wild with the prospect of danger. Sallie loudly barks and barks and barks, leaping about and expecting action.
Spot 17
Shark 21
Sallie 18

Selithe  d20+3=9
Tuesday November 14th, 2006 7:03:17 PM

Selithe tries to keep her ears open during the night but finds it hard to do as sleep does get to her later after her watch. Her hearing wasn't that great during the watch either, must just be one of those nights.


Tuesday November 14th, 2006 7:17:46 PM

Roust from sleep, the mastiff looks about at the camp's commotion. Shaking his great head (sending great gobs of drool flying) he settles back down, eyes closing immediately in sleep.

Tuesday November 14th, 2006 9:26:25 PM

With the noise increasing, Kendry strikes the sunrod, illuminating the scene below.

Cheann (Kendry's riding/war dog)  d20+5=19 d20+5=24 d20+5=20
Tuesday November 14th, 2006 9:34:08 PM

[Listen: 19 first noise; Listen: 24 camp uproar; Spot: 20]

Cheann, resting at the bottom of the tree in which his master sleeps, finally awakens. He circles the tree, sniffing about, and marking the base opposite where he was sleeping.

Dwight  d20+11=27 d20+6=13
Tuesday November 14th, 2006 9:38:15 PM

Dwight had barely fallen asleep after his watch, when he awakens to the sound. A bit dreary eye, he looks around without moving. He remains in a completely visible position to everyone (exactly where he covered his watch).

spot: 13

Hearing others move about Dwight realizes the noise he heard wasn't just a dream and he responds to Kendry. "Dwight is here, Julian is here too, and Marco is up though I'm not sure what he is doing in there?"

As the scene is illuminated, Dwights eyes are drawn to Julian's pajamas. With some obvious effort, Dwight keeps himself from laughing.

Marco  d20+5=23 d20+5=9
Wednesday November 15th, 2006 8:47:19 AM

James listen- 23 Nuts- 9

Marco starts to smile as the noise grows with all the movement and barking.
Softly he mutters, "Ok, stealthy we're not." as he looks out the tent.

James (his dog) is looking around from his position in front of the tent, but makes no noise.
Nuts snores.

A Creature in the Night (DM Cayzle)  d20+4=17
Wednesday November 15th, 2006 10:15:16 AM

Several keen-eared halflings hear the rustlings of a pre-dawn visitor.

Kendry offers a light.

Tibble, who was on guard, casts two quick spells.

[OOC: Please post your save DCs when you cans a spell.]

The Charm Animal spell has a Will Save DC of 14, but the creature rolls a 17 and is unaffected. It does sense a mental attack, which spooks it. (The light also spooks it.)

Tibble's Speak With Animal spell gets no immediate response.

Others wake and stumble out of bed.

Tibble and Kendry saw clearly that the creature was a giant weasel.

It is now 80 feet from the center of the camp, just visible in the shadows if you know where to look. It seems about ready to flee.

The pack of wrapped provisions with which it was trying to make off is now on the ground, abandoned by its abductor.

If you wish to speak with the creature, Wild Empathy checkis are certainly one way to try.

Tobias [AC 20 - HP 38/38]  d20+10=19
Wednesday November 15th, 2006 10:28:45 AM

Tobias sees the small creature with the provision pack, drops his swords, and tries to walk slowly to the creature. Trying to look as non-threatening as possible. He also motions the others to stay back not to spook it.

He starts speaking to it encouragingly and offers it a bit of food that finds in a pouch, hoping that will put the creature in a better disposition.

Wild Empathy: 19

Kendry  d20+6=8 d20+3=6
Wednesday November 15th, 2006 2:56:26 PM

As the visitor seems to be non-threatening, Kendry just waits in the tree, shining the light in the direction that Tobias went.

He tries (rather unsuccessfully, mayhaps) to keep his senses alert. [Listen: 8; Spot: 6]

Wednesday November 15th, 2006 5:18:18 PM

Julian scoops up a handful of leaves and dirt from the ground, and tosses it at Dwight. He then casts Prestidigitation so that his nightshirt appears to be made of several small brown scraps, stiched together, badly.
"Is that better?"

He returns to the tent to get dressed and ready for the day.

Selithe  d20+2=18 d20=19 d20-4=16 d20+14=30
Wednesday November 15th, 2006 9:36:28 PM

Selithe tries to see and keep a ear out on what is going on and Bandit also peaks his head out and listens and looks to see what is going on, trying to help his master out also.

(Selithe Listen:18 Spot:19)
(Bandit Listen:16 Spot:30)

Dwight  d20+11=14
Wednesday November 15th, 2006 9:55:40 PM

Realizing its just a local smelling food, Dwight tries to relax himself. He remains in his sleeping spot and begins to doze again. He spends a few minutes listening, but if nothing abrupt (loud or directed at him) he is soon asleep again.

listen: 14

Wednesday November 15th, 2006 11:46:49 PM

Marco sees the giant weasel and stays put in the tent so not to add to the creatures nervousness.
James stays put.
Nuts snoores some more.

OOC: Tibble called me and said power was out at his place. He will post when he gets it back.

Thursday November 16th, 2006 4:11:41 PM

OOC: I'm back!

Sorry to throw mechanics into the game but Tibble's Speak with Animals was a spell-like ability. Regardless, It is a spell one casts on oneself, the animal has no saving throw. Tibble should be able to speak freely with the animal.

Now what?

Cayzle:That's okay. You can make a post like this when you need to. You might put "OOC" in the header, and/or check the Post Private to DMs box. Anyway, the save was for the Charm Animal spell, not the speak. And remind me again where the Speak with Animals ability comes from? Thanks!

The (More or Less) Friendly Dire Weasel (DM Cayzle) 
Thursday November 16th, 2006 7:26:04 PM

Thanks to Kendry's light, Selithe and Tibble see that it is a BIG weasel, the size of a riding dog, at least.

Tobias offers the mammal some food, and it comes forward, grabs it, then dashes off ten feet back to eat. It seems to be wary, maybe friendly, but not panicked.

Marco, Julian, and Dwight, no longer concerned about danger, let others handle the animal.

Thursday November 16th, 2006 9:24:45 PM

Selithe looks to the large weasel and smiles some, "Well, it's kind of cute in it's own way. Reminds me a little of a very big Bandit you know."

Selithe grins and strokes Bandit's head once while looking to the others, letting those who are more experienced with handling animals deal with this new visitor.

Thursday November 16th, 2006 9:42:29 PM

Shifting a little to get more comfortable, Dwight drifts off to sleep. His dreams come in fits and blurs. Trees pushing him along, tripping him as he walks. Always motionless when he looks at them Being watched! Should the trees do more than gest, Dwight's dreams would be nightmares, but still the lack of answers distills him.

Friday November 17th, 2006 12:19:26 AM

Marco shakes his head slightly and yawns.
Turning, he goes back to bed.

OOC: Tibble's power is out again. Semms to be going on and off. He should be back posting sat.
In the meantime, he asked me to pass on this:

Tibble uses his ability to speak to animals (from having the animal domain)to reassure the weasel and ask it a few questions,
Does it need anything?
How are things around here?
Describing the creature they are looking for, Tibble asks if he (the weasel) has seen anything like it.

P.S._ No, I am not going to try write the way Tibble does.

Friday November 17th, 2006 9:50:15 AM

Tobias continues to try to keep the weasel friendly, hoping that it won't be spooked away. And, that perhaps, Marco may get some answers to his questions.

Once we've had a chance to chat and the weasel has finished its food, Tobias will see if the weasel wishes to go back to the woods or stick around with the group.

Friday November 17th, 2006 12:30:28 PM

Kendry continues to play the role of lamp post, and observes Tobias' and Tibble's interactions with the large weasel.

Friday November 17th, 2006 5:08:01 PM

Julian waits to see Dwight sleeping, then casts Prestidigitation upon Dwight's clothes. They now appear to be finely made clothes of pink satin with yellow felt bunnies sewn all over it, with a matching nightcap.
Just like my old set. Beautiful.

Julian returns to bed and dreams of being the fastest runner with the speediest sling of any halfling anywhere.

Weasley News (DM Cayzle) 
Saturday November 18th, 2006 8:01:14 AM

Tobias and Tibble calm and converse with the weasel. They find out that he wants the great snacks he smells in your bags. He is sorry that he got caught and that he has not (yet) gotten to taste them.

Sure, he knows the magic flying lizard, the big weasel tells Tibble. She lives by the waterfall. He would take you there, but he is SO hungry!

He smells Selithe's friend, Bandit, and tells Tibble it is not fair. How come that little guy gets snacks?

Selithe and Kendry look on. Dwight, Marco, and Julian go back to sleep for an hour or so before dawn. Maybe Dwight will wake in time to see the results of Julian's playful prank?

[OOC: Tibble and Tobias, if you want to influence this beastie, please keep making Wild Empathy and Diplomacy checks, etc.]

Tobias  d20+10=25 d20+3=12
Saturday November 18th, 2006 1:41:52 PM

Hearing the weasel talk of the flying lizard, Tobias offers it another piece of food. And tells Tibble, "If he's willing to lead us to the waterfall, we'll let him keep the bag of tasty treats he already has, and some more that I'm carrying."

Wild Empathy: 25
Diplomacy: 12

Saturday November 18th, 2006 2:49:42 PM

Seeing Tobias offer some food to the weasel, Kendry asks, "Do you suppose the feller would like some cheese?"

If so, he descends from his perch and cuts off a quarter pound from his five-pound round, tossing it to Tobias or Tibbles. "If he likes it, I'll give him more."

Tibble  d20=10 d20=9
Saturday November 18th, 2006 5:12:04 PM

Climbing down the greenmage will attempt to entice Weasley the weasel into showing the way after daybreak. Tibble will offer a meal in exchange.

Wild Empathy: 13
Diplomacy: 12

Saturday November 18th, 2006 9:48:10 PM


Monday November 20th, 2006 4:15:57 AM

Marco, Nuts and James snoores (in turn).

Monday November 20th, 2006 7:45:36 PM

Selithe looks to Tobias when the mention of her familiar comes up and thinks before pulling out some of the nuts and berries she eats and also feeds her familiar, "Well, I will let him have some also. I do not have alot as I nor my ferret eat much but berries and nuts should be pretty easy to replace n the forest I think."

Monday November 20th, 2006 9:24:15 PM

With all the clitter and chatter going on, Dwight's dreams continue and rest comes only in fits. The trees moved for sure that time, but they couldn't have. After all I have seen in just a few months, can trees move after all, can they speak. Is my father a murderer? am I?

Report for Crescent Valley - Anthony 
Monday November 20th, 2006 9:32:47 PM

Tobias: MTW-FS- = 5
Selithe: MTWR--- = 4
Julian: -TW-FS- = 4
Dwight: MTWR--- = 4
DM: M-WR-S- = 4
Marco: M-2R--- = 4
Kendry: -2W-RF- = 5
Tibble: -TW--S- = 3

To the Waterfall! (DM Cayzle) 
Tuesday November 21st, 2006 7:52:44 AM

Enticed with offers of food, the big weasel guides the group through the Culverwood. As far as you can reckon, you are going northwest. After a couple hours, you come to a moderately big rivulet, flowing south. Another hour through the woods north along the stream brings you to a pool and a waterfall. The water drops only about 20 feet, but it is very picturesque.

The weasel demands more food. He easily weighs the same as 5 halflings, so his appetite is big.

Tuesday November 21st, 2006 8:54:30 AM

Marco opens one of his trunks and pulls out a pound of dried meat, handing it to Tibble.
"If that weasel wants more than this, I know a guy who would pay good money for a pelt that big."
Marco smiles as he says this.

Tibble takes the meat and hands it to the weasel, thanking him for his service as a guide and asking if there is anything else the weasel thinks the group should be aware of.

Tuesday November 21st, 2006 10:54:29 AM

Tobias takes most of the food that he has left and gives it to their new friend. Thanking him for leading them to this place. He gives the weasel a slight bow of thanks, before it heads off with its food.

Kendry  d20=5 d20=17
Tuesday November 21st, 2006 11:38:47 AM

The bard gives their large guide a pound and a half of cheese, and his thanks.

The weasel doesn't speak common, or the like, does he?

He takes in the scenic waterfall, enjoying the beauty.

"This is a lovely place. I shall have to bring Airin here some day." He looks about, walking around to take it in from different vantage points. [Spot: 8]

Kendry pulls out his lute, takes a few moments to tune it, runs a few scales to warm up his fingers, then begins a playful tune on the strings. [Perform (stringed instrument): 22)

Dwight  d20+9=15 d20+14=34
Tuesday November 21st, 2006 8:37:11 PM

Dwight wakes and eats a small breakfast leaving it to others to attend to the weasel. Keeping to rear, its obvious Dwight didn't get a good night's sleep.

Once the waterfall begins to be heard, Dwight becomes more focused. He begins to fan out behind the group and looks for a good view of the waterfall. Here he sits, looks and listens.

spot: 15
listen: 34 (nat 20)

Tuesday November 21st, 2006 8:59:51 PM

Selithe looks around the waterfall and smiles as she enjoys the sight...she looks to the weasel and even knows she can't really speak to it she does anyway in the common tongue, "It is quite a lovely place you lead us too, is this where the dragon is?"

Selithe smiles and moves over to her brother, giving him a light shove before speaking to him, "To bad Airin's not here brother, this would be quite a nice spot for her and you." Selithe sighs some, thinking of Duncan and Patty now but shakes her head to keep such thoughs away alittle longer.

Tuesday November 21st, 2006 10:14:11 PM

Kendry gives Selithe a wistful smile, and nods his head at her comment. "You and I have gone through quite a bit together, eh, sis? Many have come and gone. I miss them, all. Maybe some more than others." He plucks a chord, then signs to her in Duncan's language, 'I love you. Happy you here, we together still.'

He continues the music, fitting it to his now nostalgic mood, and the beauty of the place.

Julian  d20+9=19 d20+5=19
Tuesday November 21st, 2006 11:04:41 PM

Julian eats a small breakfast, and enjoys the time outdoors with friends. He keeps thinking about how he wants to take on this dragon, beat it in a physical challenge. Though, he recognises that he is carrying something else that the dragon may prefer...
He says nothing of this to the others, just walks along happily with them, hoping to spy some fun to deal with.

The giant weasel interests him a little, only in that it reminds him of his fateful encounter with a dire badger. Julian recognises that he ought to share in feeding the beast,
"Hey Tibble, here's a whole day's provisions, for the weasel, if he wants to eat it. Taking us straight to the mighty dragon is worth a little hunger, I reckon."

He gazes in astonishment as Dwight fans out behind the group, then carefully goes to sit with him, if he doesn't mind. That is, if he doesn't mind a rather tall halfling, a large badger and a riding dog joining him.
Spot 19
Listen 19

Music Hath Charms (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday November 22nd, 2006 1:06:19 PM

Marco, Tibble, Tobias, Julian, and Kendry all contribute to the feeding of the big weasel. So much so, in fact, that the creature gorges himself on all the food. Tobias expects the creature to wander off, but with his distended belly, all he can seem to do is flop down in a sunny patch and make little contented churring sounds.

The party sees the natural beauty of the place, and stop a moment to enjoy it. Kendry begins to play a tune, which turns wistful when Selithe reminds the bard of old friends who are not here to share the scene. The weasel listens to the song as well.

Dwight is more cautious. He holds back and stays alert. His keen ears pick up the sound of wings -- bigger wings than the songbirds chirping all around. He takes a careful look and sees the pseudodragon perched in a tree about 60 feet from Kendry, listening intently.

Selithe  d20+8=22 d20+8=11
Wednesday November 22nd, 2006 8:41:56 PM

Selithe looks to Kendry and smiles, signing back to him the same in return and ruffles his hair gently before trying to sing gently to his tune and tries to keep her eyes open for anything, however she doesn't try to listen much as she is singing lightly and listening to Kendry's song.

(Perform sing:22 Spot:11)

Dwight (hp 35, ac 16)  d20+9=24 d20+14=31 d20+4=23 d20+2=17
Wednesday November 22nd, 2006 9:44:28 PM

Dwight motions to Julian to stop and stay quiet. He points in the direction of the pseudodragon. Whispering, "Warn the others it has been spotted, and suggest they continue the song as it seems to enjoy it." Feeling the need, Dwight reminds Julian our intentions are not physical.

As Julian moves off (hopefully), Dwight watches the pseudodragon for a moment and tries to read its movements (friendly?) and scans around to see if others are nearby. don't want to lure a baby over, mom might not like us then

spot: 21 (should be +6 not +9)
listen: 31
gather information: 23
sense motive: 17

If the pseudodragon is closer to Dwight than Kendry is to Dwight, then Dwight moves towards the pseudodragon without trying to be stealthy or dangerous looking. "Good day there lord of the sky, the music is fine is it not? Perhaps you would care to join us for food, and music. I'm sure musical requests could be given if you'd join us." Dwight is confident in himself and the fact that nothing stated thus far would lead him to think this creature is dangerous, however Dwight isn't sure he is understood until the fey dragon responds.

If Dwight can't get to the pseudodragon without passing through the group, then he loops around the group and attempts the same conversation next round.

Thursday November 23rd, 2006 3:48:35 AM

Jules moves down to the others, still not sure exactly where the mighty dragon is exactly, just over there, where Dwight was looking. He moves up to Kendry and says,
"That is a fine song, even for one such as a mighty dragon. Keep playing! for Dwight has spotted such a dragon enjoying your music."

With that he sits, and thrusting his hand into his sack tinkles the coins from Bella in beat with the music.

Tibble  d20=3 d20=11
Thursday November 23rd, 2006 10:18:26 AM

OOC: Now I'm realy back.

Hearing Dwight address their prey, Tibble sits down facing the direction indicated. Arranging his skirt around him the greenmage is prepared to allow the dragon its head.

Listen: 8
Spot: 14

Kendry  d20+12=31
Friday November 24th, 2006 12:59:08 AM

Kendry acknowledges Julian's words with a nod, and continues playing his lute. He adds his voice now to Selithe's.
Duncan speaks with eloquent hands
For though his voice is mute
He moves with grace, speed and elan
And charms the girls with smile cute

Nalfein is my older brother
Sharp of wit and right in charge
Helped us start our first adventure
Riverboat and battle large

Many are our friends and true
With us now or far away
Come or go, yet hearts firm knit
In love of them may we commit
Never their memory to betray
[Perform (singing): 31]

Keen Listener (DM Cayzle) 
Friday November 24th, 2006 11:01:24 AM

Kendry's song only gets better, helped along with Selithe's contribution.

Meanwhile, Tibble keeps watch and does not interfere while Julian tells the singers what is going on. The party stays alert.

Dwight circles around and addresses the dragon politely.

He hears a voice in his head ...

Yes, it is lovely. Now please hush while we enjoy it!

Tobias  d20+8=19
Friday November 24th, 2006 1:07:52 PM

Listens to the song and tries to spot where the fae dragon may be...

Spot: 19

Julian  d20+6=8
Friday November 24th, 2006 4:02:06 PM

Julian continues to rattle a little beat to Kendry's music whilst looking around for Dwight and the mighty dragon.
Spot 8

Tibble  d20=17
Friday November 24th, 2006 4:47:49 PM

The grennmage follows Tobias' example.

Spot: 20

Selithe  d20+8=14
Friday November 24th, 2006 6:48:57 PM

(Heh, hope you weren't wanting me to come up with an actual song, you might be waiting awhile. :) I'm not as handy with them as Kim. Also Happy Thanksgiving everyone and I hope you had a safe and good one.)

Selithe continues to sing along with Kendry and his music, she smiles as she hears the comment on the dragon near and listening and is just happy her voice is good enough for the guy... She knows Kendry can play very well but sometimes her voice is less than perfect.

(Spot: 14 Not sure if I need another sing check.)

Friday November 24th, 2006 8:08:07 PM

Marco watches, smiling.
(You might notice that he is keeping his raven quiet.)

Friday November 24th, 2006 9:38:21 PM

Kendry continues his song with Selithe [see previous Kendry post - I filled in the missing lyrics there], inviting all to join in on the chorus:
Polly always runs so fast
Quick to come to others' aid
Cousin, she, we saw her last
After beer for Calfast's play

Selithe, sister mine thou art
Sweet as honey from the comb
Dear ones come and then depart
Yet dear they are though far they roam

Many are our friends and true
With us now or far away
Come or go, yet hearts firm knit
In love of them may we commit
Never their memory to betray
Kendry sings of many others, recalling some act, or virtue, or characteristic of the many who have adventured with them. Olo's cooking and bushy hair; Willoughby's love for nature; Shale's heroic charge and fight against the goblins; Mayzie's upbringing among the elves, and her refined taste; Bobbles the goblin and Lomar the ogre; Patterton - big Patty, huge and tough and loyal, and in love with his sister; and Airin, of course, whom Kendry loves. He goes on about Morpth's fall and odd redemption; and Dwight - mysterious, talented, surprising friend. Podo, cousin, monk, devotee of Domi and Alemi, volatile as the flame, and loyal to the end; curious Kleel and his big badger; Aya, servant of Gargul; Tobias, ranger, and cousin, and right arm in battle; Julian the restless and brave; Tibbles the incomprehensible and woods-bonded fellow. He even has a light verse about newcomer Marco!

And now it's time to bring song to end.
Many are our friends and true
With us now or far away
Come or go, yet hearts firm knit
In love of them may we commit
Never their memory to betray
Changing the key, he quickly sings a new and different song:
Together now we seek new friends
Healing to bring throughout the land
Finding those who help us brew
Libations for dark minds to cure

Might there be watching from above
A bright new friend with wings of love?
A bright new friend with wings of love?
Fa la-la la-la la-la
Kendry stands, holding lute in hand, and takes a fresh look about. "I'm thirsty!"

Dwight  d20+6=22 d20+3=13 d20+5=22 d20+6=14
Friday November 24th, 2006 9:51:20 PM

Looking around to see if the voice could have come from anywhere else, (spot: 22), Dwight remains as quiet as possible while the song continues. Thinking about what food he could offer, he decides dry rations wouldn't be impressive and waits silently.

Standing openly he allows the others to see his position and he continually looks upward towards the fey dragon.

If the song ends, Dwight waits allowing the fey dragon to communicate first. (sense motive: 13)

Otherwise, Dwight will begin the conversation. "My friends (motions towards the singers) and I have come into these great woods in search of the great fey dragon known to have frequent these beautiful falls. It is he that we have come to ask if he would aid us in our request, a request to aid others, a request that will only make the fey dragon's reputation all the greater. Would you be interested in hearing our request and perhaps a few more songs?" (sense motive: 22, diplomacy:14)

Sunday November 26th, 2006 2:18:59 AM

Looking up in the direction that Dwight is speaking, as he walks toward the stream flowing from the bottom of the waterfall, Kendry asks, "Is the water good to drink?"

Introducing EagerTooth (DM Cayzle) 
Sunday November 26th, 2006 10:58:45 AM

As Kendry and Selithe perform, Tobias, Julian, and Tibble look around carefully. Marco also keeps his eyes open, though with a little more discretion ... he also makes sure that his wise-cracking bird makes no impolitic comment.

The song ends, Kendry declares that he is thirsty, and he wonders about the safety of the water.

Dwight waits to see if the dragon will speak. And it does.

The fey dragon stretches and flies closer. Everyone can see it now. It is about three feet long, with a long tail too. It looks like a story-book dragon in all its limbs and proportions, but its hide is iridescent, with scales made of many colors all blending together. You think that against a busy forest background, that coloration would make for good hiding.

If you make a spot check vs DC15, then Highlight to display spoiler: {You note that the creature's tail ends in a sharp stinger.}

A female voice is heard in your heads, and you all deduce that the dragon uses telepathy to converse.

Welcome, able musicians and wanderers. Please drink from the pool, for it is safe. Rest from your travels, and stay. Maybe you will be able to sing again later.

I am Krrshekki, which in the common tongue means "EagerTooth." I sense no evil in you to me or to the forest, so please feel free to stay the night before passing on your way again."

Tibble  d20=20
Sunday November 26th, 2006 4:06:11 PM

Natural 20 on Spot if that gains Tibble any additional info.

"Gracious Krrshekki," the rotund hobbit struggles upright. Brushing his skirt clean, "We'uns dun been a-havin' da awfullest time a-findin' youse. That thar Weasley da weasel wur most ocommondatin' ta locate wheese to ya."

Gaining speed in his eloquence Tibble continues, "Most dun't confidence furriners, 'ence un behalfs ofs all'uns Ah t'anks ya fer yer hospitality an' such like."

A small bow is given to the dragon folowing the greenmage's pretty speech.

Harry woofs a greeting under his breath so as not to startle the wee lass.

Kendry  d20+3=16
Sunday November 26th, 2006 4:42:43 PM

Kendry gives a bow of thanks, takes a handful of water to drink, then introduces himself. "Krrshekki, I am called Kendry."

Julian  d20+6=8 d20+7=24
Sunday November 26th, 2006 7:14:48 PM

Spot 8

She is beautiful... hard of hearing though?...

"I am called Julian the Badger, though I be a halfling most of the time. Our good friend Dwight here mention a request we have of you, a request to help another. It is something only a dragon as mighty as you can help us with. Will you hear our request?"
Diplomacy 24

Sunday November 26th, 2006 11:01:27 PM

Marco nods at the creature and continues to keep his bird quiet.
He lets the others lead, as this is their quest.

Monday November 27th, 2006 12:36:24 AM

Tobias allows the others to others to perform diplomacy with the dragon, but he does introduce himself, "I'm Tobias Pathfinder, my noble fae dragon. I've spent much time traveling and guiding others through these woods. Please to meet one as noble as you are. Thank you."

Flattery and Honey-Talking (DM Cayzle) 
Monday November 27th, 2006 5:47:57 AM

[OOC: Friends, I've been unhappy at my own posting lately. Too many missed days. Too many posts at random hours. Too many make-up posts on the weekends. In an effort to reform and post consistently, I'd like to commit to posting each and every weekday morning bright and early. We'll see if I can keep it up. So I am posting now even though Selithe and Dwight have not had a chance to post. Sorry, you two, but I hope the pay-off in consistent DM posts makes it worthwhile.]

Mental laughter fills your head when Tibble and Kendry try to pronounce the pseudodragon's name in Draconic. Maybe it is the kind of word you really need a snout and mouthful of fangs to say right.

My new friends, your pronunciations make me laugh. Feel free to say 'EagerTooth' if your throats get too sore trying to pronounce my native tongue!

Tibble greets the creature nicely, and Julian, Tobias, and Kendry offer their names.

Dwight, who had been polite and let the dragon speak first (or rather, "speak" first), now has something to say: "My friends and I have come into these great woods in search of the great fey dragon known to have frequent these beautiful falls. It is he that we have come to ask if he would aid us in our request." Dwight adds that the request will help others and boost the fey dragon's reknown.

Julian flatters the creature and adds his own plea for help.

Tobias and Marco are inclined to let others make the request, for now at least.

EagerTooth answers, and the tone of her mental voice suggests that she is amused. Well, the young, inexperienced, and not-very-powerful she-dragon before you is not sure you are flattering the right creature!

She seems to see right through your compliments, but you think from the way she stretches out her neck and slits her eyes (maybe in pleasure?) that she is enjoying the attention.

But since you have come here just for me, led by this noble weasel, it seems, and since you have entertained me so sweetly, it seems only fair that I should hear you out! Tell me, oh flatterers and honey-talkers, what it is that a humble, tiny-size dragon such as EagerTooth can do for you?

Dwight  d20+6=25 d20+5=12
Monday November 27th, 2006 7:24:24 PM

OOC: No problem, you basically got what I wanted Dwight to accomplish

Dwight doesn't waste any time trying to pronouce the fey dragon's proper name now that he has permission to call it Eagertooth. "Perhaps our source was wrong and it was a she and not a he, for the rest sounds right. Your coat glistens brightly, Eagertooth."

"We are seeking to help many that are ill, in the hopes to cure these innocents from their plight a friend of ours is mixing a potent brew. It has taken days to brew and we are now seeking the last and most important ingredient. For without it, all the others were sought and found in vain, and many will perish before their proper time. It is because of this, my friends here and I ask such a request. We seek a few drops of your poison. I know this may be a very personal request, and I would be more than willing to escort you and show you the brew myself if that would assure you our cause is just. Of course it would a quite a journey, but I could offer my protection and surely get a few more songs out of my friends."

Diplomacy: 25
Sense Motive:12

As Dwight finishes he looks to the others to see if they wish to add anything, but feels he covered the big stuff, hopefully delicately enough.

Posting Report for Crescent Valley - Anthony 
Monday November 27th, 2006 7:32:17 PM

Macro: MT--F-S = 4
Selithe: MTW-F-- = 4
Dwight: MTW-F-- = 4
DM: -TW-F-S = 4
Tobias: -T--F-S = 3
Kendry: -2-RF-2 = 6
Julian: -T-RF-S = 4
Tibble: -T-RF-S = 4

(Thanksgiving week)

Monday November 27th, 2006 8:07:43 PM

Julian raises one eyebrow and nods thoughfully towards Dwight, as if to say good job.

Monday November 27th, 2006 8:23:49 PM

Selithe listens to what is said and can't help but pull out her journal and slowly begins jotting notes in it...thinking she might be rude she pipes in to EagerTooth, "I'm sorry EagerTooth. I've never seen a dragon before so I'm writing it in my journal. Also I was hoping you might allow Kendry to make a quick picture of you in my journal and lastly would it be too much to ask you to put a print on the page of your foot? Simple silly memories you know." Selithe blushes and has her ink out and if EagerTooth agrees then Selithe lets her place one foot in the ink to put the print on the page at the bottom, under the area the picture will go.

Selithe blushes as she just thinks and pulls a couple gold pieces from her pouch, remember how dragon's like treasure and holds them out, "A gift also for you generousity." Selithe can't help but have her own little hopes, she has never met a dragon before and her eyes betray that she thinks this is a once in a life time chance.

Kendry  d20=20 d20+4=19 d20+4=12 d20+4=17 d20+4=22 d20+4=24 d20+4=23
Tuesday November 28th, 2006 6:02:03 AM

[In truth, Kendry speaks draconic, he has a good ear, and his pronunciation as a trained bard [Rolled a language check for Kendry's pronunciation: nat 20] is as close as it can be to spot on.]

He is pleased with Dwight's presentation. He laughs with pleasure at Selithe's requests.

"We ourselves are not so large among the talking walkers of the Wold. But physical stature does not determine heart, or virtue, or worth, or ... or many other things. My mother told me that sometimes great things come in small packages."

He adds to moderate one aspect of Dwight's request, "Whether poison or otherwise, is it so that you can cause someone to fall into a slumber by your touch, if you want them to sleep?"

If Krrshekki does not object to Selithe's request, he takes a few minutes to make some quick sketches of the little dragon. [Craft, Drawing (artistic): 19] "Well, it doesn't do you justice - but I'm only an amateur sketcher. Not like my father or my sister Leska." He tries again - but likes this one even less [12]. Again [17], and by the 4th attempt he thinks he is beginning to get a better feel for the shape of the wings, the tilt of the head [22]. He makes two more sketches - the first is nearly perfect! [24 - nat 20]. The last is pretty good [23], but he decides he likes the penultimate the best.

Below the best sketch he writes in Draconic the name Krrshekki, in Common EagerTooth, and in the Halfling tongue his signature, Kendry Leafwin Pipewood.

"I brought something for you, too. This is from me and from my lady love, whose name is Airin." He opens a little box, and on a strong chain is a nicely set tiger eye stone. He holds it forth with both hands, the gem pendant in the gap between his hands, the chain held by his little fingers. In draconic, he says, "If it please Thee."


Note from Cayzle: Sure, your Draconic is pretty good ... for a humanoid. :-)

The Way to a Pseudo-Dragon's Heart ... (DM Cayzle) 
Tuesday November 28th, 2006 7:01:44 AM

Dwight speaks compellingly and politely about the great need the party has. The dragon seems especially interested in the chance to help others.

I think of my poison as a weapon, but it pleases me to know that it can be used for healing, too.

But before she can give an answer, EagerTooth is distracted by more gifts and attention. Selithe's desire for a portrait is more flattering than empty compliments. And Kendry's fine manners and talented artistry are likewise sweet as incense to the dragon's nose.

She asks for the last sketch Kendry makes, saying that she would not want the best one so that others who see her in the world will be glad.

She accepts the gifts graciously, and seems very pleased.

All this attention is going to my head! she thinks to you all. But maybe we can each do the other a little favor? There is a tribe of lizard-dogs living nearby, and they not only put all reptiles to shame with their mischief, but they have managed to capture and enslave a poor victim who does not deserve such treatment. Rescue the slave, and maybe even drive or kill the lizard-dogs away, and I will count myself well pleased.

In fact, since you have been so sweet to me, I will even come with you and help you on the quest. Then you will have all that you need from me! Deal?

Tuesday November 28th, 2006 11:20:51 AM

Tobias is happy to have a tangible quest that they can do rather than all the small talk, "Finally, a quest I can sink my short swords into... and with a fae dragon at our side. What more could we ask for?"

Tuesday November 28th, 2006 4:30:24 PM

Julian eyes light up at mention of the lizard-dogs. He stands beside Tobias and drawing his falchion,
"Now this is something we are good at. As group we fight very well, through using the best talents of each of us at the right time. I reckon we will be able to drive them off completely for you, and for the forest's sake."

Tuesday November 28th, 2006 6:43:18 PM

Selithe thanks her brother for the sketch and also thanks EagerTooth for the small print to go along with the picture... blowing on the ink a bit to dry it, and then closes her diary.

Hearing the request she grins and stands, "Ahh, that is something that doesn't sound too bad to me either. I must admit I feel I gained something worth the help already. The sight of a dragon, the picture and such." She nods and raises her staff once, "I will aid you."

Tuesday November 28th, 2006 7:28:00 PM

Kendry seems agreeable to the assignment, but asks for more information. "Tell us of the victim you mention, please. Who is their captive? Do you know this person? And the lizard-dogs - are they also known as kobolds? Or some other sort?

"Is their captive chained or caged? Do you know the lay out of the area in which they dwell?"

Capable of asking many more questions than this, Kendry decides perhaps this is enough. He does not wish to try the patience of their new friend.

Dwight  d20+7=20 d20+5=23 d20+6=15
Tuesday November 28th, 2006 10:30:00 PM

Dwight nods in agreement with the others wondering if Eagertooth can read minds as well. If he can, Dwight seems happy, open and honest.

"Agreed then, It will be helpful though if any detail you know about these lizard dogs and the captive (s)? is told to us. With some advanced planning, a little stealth we should be able to address the problem."

Other questions Dwight seeks answers for during the gathering of details. Dwight tries not to ask to many at once, but his friends can tell Dwight is ready to think of a plan and his intimidation from the forest has subsided for the time being.
"How many?"
"Do they all look the same?"
"Any known defenses or watches?"
"What type of mischief have they caused?"
"What condition is the captive in? Can he walk? Is he humanoid?"

Dwight is trying to gather information to sense the motives of defense and attack from the lizard dogs to look for weak areas.

gather information: 20
sense motive: 23
diplomacy: 15

"Tibble, how does the forest feel about these lizard-dogs? Would they have any objections to us moving or killing them? Do they have a preference?"

Wednesday November 29th, 2006 9:08:11 AM

Marco (who had been silent up to this point), lets go of his raven (which acts miffed) and clears his throat.
"I don't have a problem killing evil creatures and saving a captive." Marcus states as he checks his sling.
Nuts interjects- "For a price"
Marcus continues, "I would be glad to help in this endevor."
Nuts- "For a share of the treasure."
Marcus gives the bird a dirty look.
Marcus turns back towards the group. "I would like some of the poison from the Lady though, if she wouldn't mind and can spare it."

Wednesday November 29th, 2006 9:37:43 AM

"Fight?" comes Tibble's small voice.

Harry gives a woof then whines in concern while hiding behind his master. This has some comic relief as the mastiff seated behind the greenmage for protection drips drool on the greenmage's head.

A concerned look on his face, Tibble doesn't seem to notice the sticky globs.

Agreeing, Dealing, Informing (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday November 29th, 2006 9:57:32 AM

Tobias is glad to have a quest to sink his teeth into, And with EagerTooth's help, they are sure to succeed. Julian echoes these thoughts, and thinks that total victory is possible.

Selithe is a little disappointed that the dragon would not allow her to put ink on her foreclaw. No thank you, Sweetie the dragon thinks to her. Selithe is also eager to help, and the dragon's tail swishes gladly at that.

As one might expect, Kendry is full of questions. He lets a few out of the cage of his mind so that they can run around outside for a while.

Who is their captive? It is no one EagerTooth knows. She guesses an explorer or trader, maybe a trapper?

Are the lizard-dogs also known as kobolds? No, but they are kin. These lizard-dogs tend to run fast on all fours, but they stand up to fight or use tools. They have no horns, but they do have a nasty bite.

Is their captive chained or caged? Tied down at night, made to work hard in the day.

... the lay out of the area in which they dwell? The tribe lives in a bend in the rivulet downstream of the waterfall. They are led by a druid and a fighter. They fight by swarming on enemies. They tend to focus all attacks on one foe until he goes down, then turning to the next. They care for their injured. They may run, but they are territorial about their base.

Dwight wonders if the Culverwood will be offended by killing lizard-dogs. The pseudodragon is quick with an answer to that: So long as you are not cutting down trees or setting fires, the Forest most likely will not care. Fauna killing fauna is nothing new in the forest.

Anyone with the Forest Walking feat or Greenmage levels: Highlight to display spoiler: {that sounds about right.}

Marco is willing to join in, so long as the price is agreed on ahead of time. The pseudodragon agrees: rescue the captive, hurt or drive off or kill the lizard-dogs, and she will give you some of her venom.

Wednesday November 29th, 2006 9:40:33 PM

Dwight listens diligently as details are laid out regarding these lizard dogs.

Once Eagertooth has finished, Dwight inquires among the group. "Anyone have any personal knowledge to add about these creatures?"

Then turning to Eagertooth, "are the druid and fighter also lizard dogs? Aside from these two, how many more are there?"

Once Dwight gets these answers, he begins to formulate a plan, and suggests that perhaps a meal is in order while ideas are tossed out. (Would this be second breakfast time, or is it later in the day?)

Dwight begins to mutter several ideas as they come to him. "Well like the necro, the druid represents a potential threat. The fighter should be matchable to Tobias or Julian, or perhaps both depending on how the others are handled and how many are actually around. These two should definitely be handled with first if possible, and if killed quickly enough the others may just outright flee."

Wednesday November 29th, 2006 11:09:15 PM

"Details, detail, details. Dwight Twiggebundler I am going to start to call you Details Twiggebundler. Though I must humbly admit that your plan against that necrodude did bring us out alive and with our target, and some extra booty. Very well done there really.
"Any way, I am sure that dog-lizards bleed just like their kin. Set me up into your plan to take down, or at least distract the druid and fighter with a good fighting fellow and perhaps another to make sneak attacks or ranged attacks. We'll take care of the head and the body will fall quickly."
Julian offers his rations to help with another meal, much to his open delight. He then scrapes the whetstone against his falchion and then his longspear.

Preperation and Planning (DM Cayzle) 
Thursday November 30th, 2006 7:11:49 AM

EagerTooth tells Dwight that all the lizard-dogs have some fighting ability, and that they are clever hunters. The leader and the druid are both lizard-dogs. She emphasizes that they are basically like you people, since they have two hands, two feet, and can talk. But they are reptilian, and they run on all fours, and they bark like dogs when they are excited.

Her guess is that there are maybe 15.

She once again warns you about their deadly habit of ganging up with all attacks on a single foe, then turning to another when the first is down.

Julian listens to all this and expresses the opinion that they all bleed. EagerTooth laughs and agrees with this.

EagerTooth suggests that since the camp is a couple hours away, and since it is already well under way -- remember that you walked here from your camp, led by the weasel -- why don't you spend the night and attack in the morning?

[OOC: Only two posts? What's up, my friends?]

Thursday November 30th, 2006 3:28:12 PM

Tibble wants to know how far away the tribe is.

"Ahs bees a-needin' tah freshin up un spells afer wheese goes," the greenmage states.

Tibble will want to cast some spells the day prior to taking on the tribe so as to beef up the party as much as possible before contact is made.

He also points out that if the tribe has a druid then the lizard-dogs will most likely ignore fighters and attack spell-casters first.

"Ahs a-wonderin' ifens wheese bees a-havin' a tactician tah bees a-leadin' our group efforts?" Tibble inquires of the party at large, clearly looking for someone to take charge.

[OOC: How do you normally work this? Do you want me to send a private post of new spells memorized?]

Tobias  d20+10=12 d20+10=15 d20+17=24
Thursday November 30th, 2006 4:01:02 PM

"If they team up on individuals, we should try to pair up so that no one is alone, and we can cover each other's backs."

Tobias volunteers to scout ahead to a good staging location. And, then scout the camp -- perhaps with Airin's help -- to see what we're up against. Otherwise, he likes Dwight's cautious approach.

Rolls for scouting to a staging area:
Listen: 12
Spot: 15
Survival: 24

Thursday November 30th, 2006 4:33:19 PM

[I was all over the map during the day, and had to reinstall Windows once I got home, thus no post yesterday -Kim.]

"Sometimes, Tibble, I've handled tactics. Sometimes others have. Dwight did well recently formulating a plan that worked well." Kendry pauses for a moment, wondering whether the greenmage will know the word 'formulating.'

"'In the abundance of counselors there is wisdom' we sometimes say in Crescent Valley. We watch out for each other, and each tosses his own bringings into the stew. So let's listen to each other, and offer what we can, then decide together, is my suggestion."

As the group discussion goes on, the young bard mentions, "Tobias has his amazing wolf. We have several canines, including my Cheann. Perhaps they will be able to assist us in this dogfight.

"I can use the message spell to allow for communication among some of us. Going two by two is not a bad idea, either."

Thursday November 30th, 2006 6:06:25 PM

"I love a good fight, and going in at twice your height with a dire badger might well soak up most of their attention. I would like to pair up with a healer.
"Perhaps a slinger could pair with a spellcaster and stay back as much as possible. A stealthy pair might be best to take out the leader. And another front line fighting pair... another ranged pair. 2, 4, 6, err... does that include everyone? and his wolf?"
"And lets attack a few hours after midnight, when they least expect it. That should give spellcaster enough time to rest. Fight'll be over in time for breakfast, EagerTooth, nice name by the way, mind if I name a sword after you... where was I... EagerTooth can help us with our quest over breakfast, and we might even be home for dinner."

Thursday November 30th, 2006 6:17:13 PM

(Sorry Cayzle, we had some nasty weather here that kept me and James both from posting in all our games.)

Selithe is happy to rest and spends her time for a bit playing with her cards mainly, something to just relax her out. She looks to be playing some type of solitare game with herself before packing her cards up and getting ready for sleep. She will take any watch the group wants her to as she just is happy to have a dragon with them, something she thinks few adventurers could say honestly they had.

Thursday November 30th, 2006 8:56:47 PM

"That would be great were Airin here to help you, Tobias. Wish she were, too.

"Let's try daytime - a civilized time to attack," Kendry counters Julian's midnight suggestion. "Though daybreak or thereabouts would be fine with me. I just don't cotton traipsing through the Culverwood quite so soon as you suggest, Jules. Let's enjoy the waterfall, share some victuals, swap some stories, get to know our hostess a little better, then retire early, and rise early for the walk. Maybe get there 5 or 6 in the morning. Sound all right?"

Kendry makes available some of his food to share with all. He also takes time to feed and tend to his ponies and Cheann, and also is happy to brush the fur of Gra and any other animals present who would like their fur brushed - and share some of his food and feed.

"How long have you lived here, Krrshekki?" Kendry asks. "Have you any children? Have you ever tried cheese?" he asks, offering her a slice. "Do you have songs you sing? What are your favorite snacks?"

Thursday November 30th, 2006 9:09:15 PM

Dwight sits and enjoys the meal's nutrients but most of his attention is on the task ahead. While he doesn't like combat as much as Julian, he continues to 'enjoy' going through the planning stages; just as he use to do when younger... plan how to be late to get out of chores, but not get into trouble.

Dwight clears a small patch of dirt and draws various figures and arrows. The figures are almost indecipherable as Dwight has no knack for drawing.

"15, wow, that puts us at a disadvantage in numbers. It might be best to wait until a portion of the group leaves the den for food. We could use the fact they have a prisoner against them hopefully. Surely they wouldn't bring him to hunt for food, so a few would have to stay behind to watch him. Then we could attack, and hopefully kill the hunting party, or perhaps wound several forcing the druid to use his healing powers and then get him in his used state."

During this time Dwight almost talks in circles. Thoughts come to mind, which lead to other thoughts. He follows each as if it could work and then begins anew.

"Attacking their camp gives them two advantages, number and their turf which surely they can defend better than we can attack. Thus to lure then away we need bait, something that would allow us to ambush them. Hmmmm"

As he thinks he encourages others to give thoughts beyond just charging in.

"Fire is out, and anything done with range can't harm the trees so that eliminates acid. We do have arrows and if given the jump could probably eliminate a few with a surprise even on their turf. However they can run faster than most of us so those we don't drop could overrun one or two of us."

Here Dwight hears and comprehends what others have said. "Yes the wolves, that brings our number to 9?" He looks around to see if anyone/animal has been missed. "That betters the odds."

"I agree Julian groups need to be formed again. Perhaps not that many, we want to be close to prevent them swarming."

"I'd probably prefer to fire my arrows, my electric arrows (magic missiles). I could also try to shrink the fighter if I was close enough"

"Marco any thoughts?" Tibble, how would you prefer to fight?" Looking to Julian, "Julian surely wants to just charge in, Selithe with spells, Kendry ranged and aid, Tobias combat?"

OOC: just trying to fill the new folks in with what he can expect each of us to most likely doing, if I'm wrong, you might want to correct Dwight

Plotting an Attack (DM Cayzle) 
Friday December 1st, 2006 7:50:26 AM

[OOC: Please post spells prepared at the end of your post. That's also a good place to post any active spell effects during battle.]

The group delves deep into battle plans for the coming fight.

EagerTooth tells Tibble that the enemy is about five miles downstream. It will take a bout half a day to walk there.

Tobias volunteers to scout ahead. The pseudodragon thinks you should wait the night here and do so in the morning. There are dangers out in the Forest at night, especially for a lone single halfling. (When does Tobias want to set out to scout ahead? How much of the five-mile walk will he take with his friends, and how much alone? Remind me, does Tobias have the Forest Walking feat?)

Kendry reminds the group not to discount all the animal friends the party has along. And Message spells let you whisper back and forth within somewhat more than 100 feet.

Julian suggests attacking in pairs, deep into the heart of the night. The pseudodragon tells him that if they kill all the lizard-dogs, he can name his sword after her. The group would have to leave at dusk to arrive at midnight ... hard to see how an arcane caster could get eight hours of rest under that scheme.

Selithe takes in the talk and keeps her own counsel.

Kendry proposes a dawn attack, with rest now, leaving at midnight for a walk in the dark, all together. He tends the animals and enganges the fey dragon in small talk.

Dwight would prefer to lure some away and negate the advantage of numbers that the enemy enjoys. That would take more time. He tries to figure out what each person can bring to the table.

[OOC: Friends, there are several ideas out there. Time of attack, attack in pairs, attack as a group, attack the camp, try to lure away some first. Please try to reach a consensus! Or appoint a battle leader to have the final word. Or your DM do an informal vote count and pick the course of action that seems most popular!]

One extra note by Cayzle 
Friday December 1st, 2006 7:55:01 AM

Friends, as we approach a fight, I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to post every day during combat. Seriously, if you fail to post, especially if you are wounded, and you end up dead, that may be a shame, but so be it! Forewarned is forearmed!

If you think you'l have trouble posting, e-mail me (or private post here) right away! You might even suggest your actions for a round or two ahead. I'll try my best to make it work!

Tobias  d20+10=17 d20+9=10 d20+17=23
Friday December 1st, 2006 12:54:19 PM

"Oh my, that's right Kendry. Airin is so good at hiding, I forgot she wasn't actually here."

Tewdwr and Tobias having been getting more and more comfortable together. If the group wants, they can try to stealth their way into the camp, and go after the druid. Otherwise, he enjoys the discussion of tactics... something he's much more comfortable in discussing.

And, teasingly he responds to Dwight's suggestion of a lure by saying, "They seem to like to kidnap merchants from caravans... didn't we just find a lost one walking around not too long ago..." Tobias smiles and winks at Marco.

Tobias will only go a little before the main group leaves; perhaps 30 minutes ahead. So, if we leave at dawn, that's when he'll go as well. And, Tewdwr will go with him. (He does have forest walking)

More rolls just in case:
Listen: 17
Spot: 10
Survival: 23

Friday December 1st, 2006 1:16:19 PM

"Let us heed EagerTooth's counsel, then," Kendry says. "We can all sleep, renew spells as needed, and head out. Tobias, let's not have you get too far ahead all by yourself. Thirty minutes ahead of us is far too far. I should think no more than a minute or so ahead should suffice. I don't want you facing dangers alone.

"Krrshekki, can you spot things ahead of us as we travel? Perhaps travel along with Tobias and Tewdwr?"

Friday December 1st, 2006 2:16:09 PM

"Dis ain't Marco's fight so ah'll pairs up wif his-self. Ifins any yall needs a-patchin' ups fall back tah mees," Tibble suggests to Marco.

"Ahs nut bees a-knowin', but mayhap dese here critters can bees a-seein' body heat," the greenmage observes. "Dis may bees a-puttin' us at sum smallish disadvantage, like."

"Ah believes ya ta bees right, friend Tobias, infermashun always bees handy. A-scoutin' bees a right fine ideer. Mayhap wheese could bees a-tackin' sum dees doggies while theys bees away from camp ta better al'uns odds."

[OOC: I'll post my spell list prior to combat.]

Friday December 1st, 2006 7:04:34 PM

"Okay, so are we leaving for a early morning fight? Sounds good.

"With a scout to relay info we will be in a good position, regardless of numbers.

"Let's present them with four, as everyone else remains hidden. Four will look like a realistic number of foolhardy adventures trying their luck. Me and Shark, and three more with their animals, volunteers?... I can take out one every few seconds but I will need healing on the fly, so a healer or a wand will be appreciated in the main group. Perhaps a spellcaster to get in there, in range, and another strong fighter.

"The stealthy ones can look to take out the leaders, or back us up if we need it, sniping perhaps.

"But what we really need is a plan agreed upon. I could also suggest that I sneak up on the fighter or druid to take it out...

"But instead I am going to stop giving out extra ideas and say we need a decision made. A leader for this battle, be it some one experienced, some one to leadership, some one new to the group or even some one external."

"This sounds like we could handle it in a similar manner to the necro, so I am going to put my hand up for Dwight to lead this battle."

Friday December 1st, 2006 8:32:53 PM

"No, Julian. If we leave in the morning, we'll be getting there about midday, or early afternoon. Unless we all have wings. EagerTooth just told us it's a half day travel," Kendry reminds him.

Friday December 1st, 2006 9:10:33 PM

Dwight listens to everyone and he faces Tibble as he hears the word 'disadvantage,' but can't quite but any of the other words to their proper meaning.

"I agree, Tobias if you get to far ahead and get spotted there will be nothing anyone can do for you, nor will we know something has gone wrong. The furtheest 'safe' scouting would be the verge of our communication range, but no further. Thiw way, should the need arise, we should be able to get to you quickly, if only with bows and spells."

"Julian, you make a good point. Four sounds good, but I think the animals should stay away until the first rush of combat. 'Then we let the wolves in.'" Dwight chuckles as that is as both literal and figurative.

"Hmmm, who should be the four? Julian, Tibble, me and technically Tobias would be the fourth. I've got a wand of cure light wounds, arrows and a few minor spells. However once real combat starts I'll not be as effective as everyone else, unless they turn their back to me."

"That leaves Selithe, Kendry and Marco for back-up support. With their main focus to down the leaders, or at the very least slow them down."

"I still think if both leaders falls then the rest will disperse. If you out number 4 to 15 and my two leaders fell, I'd run."

"Now how will the four attract some attention to get things rolling? Just a little, but not to much. It would be great if two or three came to investigate something only to find 'something'."

Last questions from Dwight:
"Eagertooth, when do these lizard dogs sleep, night or day? When the captive is forced to work, it is in the same place he sleeps, or outside the camp? What is the captive doing?"

If the dogs are nocturnal, Dwight suggest the attack be moved to middaya (aka their midnight), otherwise dawn is good.

If the lizard-dogs travel away from their camp to 'work', Dwight also suggests that they attack either during their trek back from 'work' (daybreak/dayset) or while at 'work'(midday).

Dwight then turns to Kendry, "sorry to jump on every topic. It helps keep my mind on something other than these woods. Can't quite put my finger on it, but something is here, but isn't. Feel to free to add, change my thoughts."

Friday December 1st, 2006 10:10:02 PM

Responding to Dwight, Kendry says, "Don't mind at all - those are decent jumps you're making. But if something comes to mind, don't worry, I won't hold it in!" He gives Dwight a big grin.

Friday December 1st, 2006 11:57:54 PM

Selithe listens and speaks up to Dwight as to mainly let him know, "My ability with spells is a bit limited still so please expect more bow use out of me than anything my friend."

0th:Acid Splash(2), Detect Magic, Flare, Prestidigitation

1st: Identify, Magic Missile(2), Enlarge Person

Saturday December 2nd, 2006 2:15:37 AM

[OOC- Sorry, guys. Lost a transmission and had to spend two days in a hotel. I just got back home to my computer. It's been an interesting and expensive week.]

Marco uses his Prestidigitation spell to make tea and cook food for the meals the group has during thier planing, feeding Nuts and James as well.
He listens to all the points people make and adds,
"I would probably be best with a range attack.
With Sleep spells I will try and even the odds a bit and with a hold person I may be able to slow down or stop the druid.
Then I will go for attacks at range. With Magic Stones (For I can fire fast and pretty accurately) I can hopefully do some damage.
I will do my best to even the odds, but I believe that anyone with a range attack should concentrate on the druid. Maybe with their spiritual leader gone they would give up."
Marcus takes a sip of tea and a draw on his pipe, thinking.
"How about this.
We have Nuts scout ahead as we travel to locate the enemy and stop a little away from them.
The spell casters of the group do what they can to prepare for the battle (cast Armor spells, Magic stone, Blessings and the like) and then we start with a range attack on the druid as we charge in (hopefully with surprise), using their own tactics against them by concentrating on the druid and taking him out.
Then the fighters of the group hold them off long enough for the spell casters to cast sleep, entangle, etc.
This should keep them from using their favorite tactic of everyone attacking one person.
We then mop up as best we can.
It's a simple plan and uncomplicated."

Saturday December 2nd, 2006 12:15:11 PM

Ok, Tobias sees everyone's concerns about him going that far ahead and will only be a couple of minutes ahead of the party scouting. Thinks he better not tell them of all the trips across Culverwood that he's made alone... :)

Final Plans, the Night Through, and a Morning's Walk (DM Cayzle) 
Monday December 4th, 2006 7:30:08 AM

The fey dragon listens to all the planning and seems very satisfied. the creature "thinks" to you with some more info:

The lizard-dogs sleep in the night and are awake in the day. They tend to stay near their camp, usually fishing. The druid and his apprentices make sure that the fruit trees and berry bushes are always full of ripe fruit. Sometimes, one of them skulks off, charms an animal, and brings it back to the camp for slaughter.

The slave they keep with chains on his feet so he cannot run away. He is small but strong, and they make him haul big river-rocks to the middle of their camp, where they seem to be making something. They taunt him cruelly, but they feed him so he can work every day. I watched in secret, and I felt very sorry for him. That's why I want you to help him.

Any other question for EagerTooth?

The party makes a camp and eats. The dire weasel that raided your camp last night (and led you here today) hangs around begging for food. He eats what four or six of you would eat at a sitting, so if you feed him, keep track of the stores you use!

In the morning, those casters who prep spells do so. [If you have not already, NOW is the time to post your list of spells prepped!] There is a cold breakfast, and if you fed the weasel last night, then the begging continues this morning! Then the group begins a walk south along the river, sometimes detouring around bramble patches, following deer trails as the dragon indicates. Tobias travels somewhat ahead with his two-headed dog; the dragon flits forward and back at random, watching over everybody.

At length the dragon tells you that you are drawing near.

Tobias  d20+17=27 d20+10=23 d20+9=26 d20+17=27
Monday December 4th, 2006 9:46:46 AM

Tobias asks the fae dragon, "From what vantage point did you spy in on the lizard dogs? Were you flying or sitting somewhere?"

Tobias does a little foraging and hunting that evening in hopes of finding some food. Survival(hunting): 27.

Tobias and Tewdwr travel ahead keeping an eye out for trouble. And, he stops a good distance from the camp to give the group a chance to reform and catch its breath after the trip.

Listen: 23
Spot: 26
Survival: 27

Dwight (hp 35, ac 16)  d20+6=8 d20+14=23
Monday December 4th, 2006 9:57:11 PM

Dwight covers the rear of the group until Eagertooth announces proximity to the lizard-dogs camp. Here Dwight makes one last mental note of his plans and again hopes and prays all goes well. Whispering to the others, "The druid represents the biggest threat as the forest is his domain, if he is in sight all attempts should be made to defeat him. I suspect that burden will fall on the archers and spellcasters so be ready."

Dwight looks as nervous as usual or perhaps a bit more as the unease of the forest again takes hold and the silence of his friends doesn't help.

spot: 8
listen: 23

Before the group separates, Dwight remember he has a few sleeper arrows. "Selithe you use a bow? If so I have 2 sleep arrows I could give you. They aren't great, but perhaps if one arrow dropped the fighter or druid if might strike immediate fear into their hearts."

If Selithe doesn't use a bow, then he offers the 2 (of 3) sleeper arrows to anyone that will be in the ranged group.

Monday December 4th, 2006 10:32:49 PM

Selithe smiles ands nods at Dwight's question, "Yep." Selithe pulls out her comp. shortbow set for her strength and grins, "It seem to do better for me then the sling usually."

Selithe will take the two arrows if no one else who might be a better shot wants them and is ready to continue on and do her best to fight the enemies coming.

Marco (HP-29 AC-21)  d100=91 d100=43 d100=36 d100=20
Tuesday December 5th, 2006 12:12:05 AM

Marco's Spell list-

0 (4)
Prestidigitation x2, Mage Hand
1 (2+1)
Mage Armor , Sleep, Sleep

0 (4)
Read magic, Detect Magic, Create Water, Mending
1 (2+1, +1)
Magic Stone x3, Sanctuary
2 (1+1, +1)
Bulls Strength, Hold Person, Tongues

Marco casts Mage armor
And three Magic stone spells
(arcane spell failure chance of 10%, armor)

To prepare himself.

Nuts is watching from up high.
James is staying out of the battle unless called.

Spells active- Mage armor, 9 Magic stones

Tuesday December 5th, 2006 5:25:52 AM

Keen for a fight he eagerly joins the group in marching to the enemy.

Julian provides the last of his provisions to the weasel, "Tibble, can you convince him to fight alongside me? He looks to be a big strong beast, would be good in a fight. Been very helpful to us so far."

As soon as EagerTooth announces some proximity...
"Who will fight with me as the main force? I can cast my Burrow Speak, which Kendry calls Message so that we can communicate.
If they gang up on one of us at a time then we will flank them easily enough. Who deals out good damage in that way?
"I think it will be good if EagerTooth, if you can assist by keeping an eye on the spellcasters and others who are going to try to stay out of the fight, dive in with an attack when needed... Could you do that for us? Or would you rather be in the thick of it with me?"

"Think I'll charge in with this," the longspear, "and try to keep the focus off our spellcasters. Of course, I like to be noticed in a fight."
"Oh, and I have another Thunderstone spare here. Someone else should take it to use, I will get time for only one throw. Try to not hit me with it."

He then casts a spell so that he seems to grow a thick hide of badger fur and he glows red for a second.
Prestidigitation and Mage Armour shared with Shark.

Spells per day
6 Cantrips (used 1)
5 1st Level (used 1)

Tuesday December 5th, 2006 6:23:17 AM

With all the food for people and animals that Kendry brought, he can spare two halfling shares for the evening and two for the morning for the dire weasel, as well as feeding his own.

"Julian, if you cast burrow speak to include me and a few others, and I cast message to include ones you can't include, then I should be able to communicate with everyone and relay words and commands," Kendry says.

When they decide to begin the rescue raid, Kendry will cast the spell shortly before they begin (can affect 5 people, lasts 50 minutes). He includes Selithe, Tobias, Dwight, and EagerTooth, besides himself. He trusts that Julian will include at least Tibble and Marco, as well as Kendry, if possible.

"Other things I might do - cast silence in the area where the druid is, to forestall him casting spells." He pulls out a tanglefoot bag. He wraps a strip of cloth once around the bag, and ties a knot. "If I cast the spell upon this knot, when the bag bursts, it likely will affix this cloth to whatever it hits. If I, or if someone, can hit the druid with the tanglefoot bag, it might silence him for a fair stretch of time."

Kendry also explains that he may use dancing lights and ghost sounds to cause confusion among the camp. "And I have my trusty bow from which to loose arrows."

He says he has two nets. "I am not especially skilled in the casting of a net, but if there is someone here who can toss it over an opponent or two, then you may use it." Kendry holds out one net, seeing who may want to try it. "You'll have to get in close, or somehow fly over if you want to drop it.

"Oh, and I have many smokesticks, to create a bit of cover. Don't worry - it's just smoke, not fire. Also acid flasks." He offers up to five smokesticks, and three acid flasks to others. "I also have two sets of caltrops. Watch those lizard dogs try to move once their feet are poked and bleeding. Of course, you don't want to step on them, yourselves.

"Let's be sure to speak in the halfling tongue when shouting back and forth. I doubt they'll understand what we say. For EagerTooth, though, we'll need to speak - well, what languages do you know, Lady Dragon? Common? Elfish? Draconic? I speak those tongues."

Tuesday December 5th, 2006 9:54:46 AM

"Ahs nut bees sew foolhearty as ta bees a-chargin' inta combat," Tibble states. He looks a bit pale. Harry looks a mite concerned himself.

As the party travels towards their doom the greenmage explains that he'll petition Culver Wood's support (for those directly engaging the muts) to improve their chances of success. [Spells will need to be cast on individuals just prior to attacking to be most effective.] He can ask the Wold grant increased Strength and Dexterity one time each. [You'll have to decide who'll get them.]
Whomever is the warrior most likely to directly engage the muts shall be blessed with the bark of the ancients to improve resistance to damage. Three sacred stones will be divided between any slingers of such skill to make good use of them. Finally, Domi's blessing shall be sought for the party and Jancassis' bane against the muts to enhance the party's ability to free the captive.

Spell preparactions done Tibble will use his sling to interupt enemy spell-casting and inflict damage wherever he can. He'll strive to reach any fallen injured and fight with his staff if closed upon.

Harry shall protect his master.

[OOC: Who wants what?]

Druid 0 lvl
****Cure Minor Wounds
Druid 1st
*Faerie Fire
*Magic Fang
*Magic Stone
Druid 2nd
*Bull Strength
*Cat's Grace
*Spider Climb

Cleric 0 lvl
Cleric 1st
*Magic Stone

Animal Domain
*Calm Animals
Plant Domain

Tuesday December 5th, 2006 10:54:42 AM

Tobias responds to Tibble, "I believe either I or Julian would benefit most from your bark of the ancients magic."

Tuesday December 5th, 2006 1:12:14 PM

"Ah, Tibble, I should like to climb a tree, get above the fray, and rain down blessings on friends and mayhem on foes from above. At the appropriate time, just before we start our attack, would you cast spider climb upon me?" Kendry asks the greenmage.

Tuesday December 5th, 2006 3:32:39 PM

"I like to fight with strength, and always appreciate a bit more. Bark Skin would be good too, though I do not want to have all the spells spent on me."

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