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In the Culverwood

On to the Culverwood (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday October 25th, 2006 11:46:34 PM

The party spends a day and a night visiting in Hovel. Selithe wins five gold with her skills. The new members of the group trade notes.

Now that Julian thinks about it, he has heard Bella mention Tibble before, as a student who did very well and of whom she is proud.

With Kendry encouraging the group to pass on, our heroes find themselves walking toward the Culverwood. Within a day's walk through brush and woodlands, you find yourselves in the forest itself.

Those who have been here before feel a definite presence ... a more active, aware presence than when you last stood in the wood. The forest was always aware to an extent, alert to fire or foes. But now you have the strong feeling of being watched. Those born in the Culverwood also have a feeling of being welcome.

Thursday October 26th, 2006 1:49:44 AM

"Well, our cousin's touch has been at work here in the forest of his rebirth," the bard comments as the changes become evident. He recounts to those who were not present at the birth to Ellis and Penelope the baby Eberyon - the same who is called the King of the Fey. He describes The Great Whistler Oak where so many halflings have been born, and how masked druids tried to catch the oak on fire. Kendry's face goes dark for a moment as he recalls how they killed them - and then learned they were elves. Elves, attacking hobbits!

The song, the compelling song that drew elves and sprites and fey aplenty, that drew ripe Penelope to the stone circle, where she gave birth to a baby - half hobbit, and half goat, he appeared.

He knows that all here know of Eberyon, but perhaps not all - save Selithe, Airin, and Dwight, who were there that night, and Tobias, whom they have told before - not all had heard of his birth.

Kendry tells, as well, of the great battle, and the roles that some here played. And of the birth later of Eberyon's twin, sweet little Clara Alilliama Domiselithe Airina Marigold Pipewood Greentree. No goat feet on her, and you can bet we double checked!

"His awakening brought death to many, but also life to many. And I think that The Culverwood, despite the blood spilt that night, may be the better for Eberyon's return. However, on that count, perhaps we'll know more fairly soon."

Thursday October 26th, 2006 4:24:30 PM

The rotund GreenMage feels his toes growing, just aching to root into the thick forest floor again.

"Speck Ah bees a-willin' tah fullah any yas a-knowin' whars dah bust place fer tah bees a-lookin'," Tibble announces clearly.

ooc: I had posted (privately) a roll for Tibble's knowledge of psuedo-dragons in Culverwood.

Thursday October 26th, 2006 5:52:54 PM

Feeling like he is being watched makes Dwight feel uncomfortable, almost queasy as he continually looks but finds nothing. "I have this and that about this forest, and I don't want to get lost in so I won't be doing any solo scouting. Just figured I would let you know," informs Dwight.

Having heard Tribble has been here before, Dwight inquires further. "Ahh Tribble, since you've been here before do you know of any locals? They might be willing to help us."

"Airin, could you ask an animal about its whereabouts? How about a tree? Dang it, should have bought something to help locate mystical creatures. We could be lost in here forever."

Dwight remains abit nervous and continues to look about.

Thursday October 26th, 2006 7:35:23 PM

Quietly to Dwight, "I here there are drop bears here too," says Julian scanning the tree tops, "there may be more trouble for us here, especially if you keep calling the Greenmage Tribble. There's no R in Tibble."

Julian is full of nervous energy. He relates this little tale in a serious voice, for, it was in a forest not unlike this that he battled the giant badger, beat it into submission with his bare hands. That was his first experience of rage. He then tended the dire badger's wounds, and his own, as best he could, before collapsing, exhausted atop the beast. He awoke some time later, covered in both halfling and badger blood.
"Long time after that, after my time in Plateau City, when I came home my kindly brothers beat the tree-sap outta me in my sleep and dumped me in the forest again, little Shark here, newly orphaned, found me and took to me as his father.
"So here we are now, hoping to find a mighty dragon to ask a rather personal favour from it. Perhaps, what do we know about these dragons again... maybe I could make some kind of physical challenge against it. I reckon I could withstand its sleep poison, and if I can't, well, good night. I suppose a gift, as Bella suggested, might do."

Thursday October 26th, 2006 8:55:48 PM

Selithe looks to Julian and shakes her head as she speaks gently to him, "Well my friend, we were told to give him a gift and most decent dragons rely on their intellect to deal with matters. I say we approach it the same way and go from there."

Selithe looks to Kendry, "If you like brother, when we meet this dragon, I will try speaking to it for us. I heard they can be tricky, as I said, intellectual little guys...well some of them are little...I mean papa told us a story once of a dragon big enough to swallow a small halfling town."

Thursday October 26th, 2006 10:30:15 PM

"I don't mind if you talk with a little dragon, sis. But I won't promise not to talk, too!" Kendry answers Selithe.

"Hey, we could go visit our Aunt Nilli," Kendry suggests, including Selithe in the 'our' - but addressing all. "Our family place is only about twelve, fifteen miles from here. She's a druid. She might be able to help us, give us some ideas. I know the way there. Although some of the, uh, landmarks may have grown a bit since last I was there." He lived there at the Leafwin family cottage for a few years.

At the Edge of the Wood (DM Cayzle) 
Friday October 27th, 2006 12:29:49 AM

The party pauses at the edge of the Culverwood, thinking about strategy and direction.

Kendry muses about the awakening of the Fae King, and suspects that more will be revealed.

Kendry thinks about asking a relation who is a druid and lives near here.

Tibble knows several ancient trees who might have some ideas. It would take a day for a trained forester (one with the ability to walk through forest unhindered, as a druid) to get there, double that in a group with non-foresters.

It also occurs to Tibble that there are other powerful creatures who live in the Culverwood. Some of those might help.

And it just might be possible to direct a question to the Spirit of the Culverwood itself! Tibble might know of a holy place at which to make such a query.

Dwight, on the other hand, feels nervous. He wonders what treasure to offer the dragonet.

Julian gives Dwight some advice, and tells an interesting story of his own personal history.

Selithe seems to suggest playing it by ear, an approach that might appeal to the whimsical dragonet.

[OOC: Will someone please volunteer to do the Posting Report for last week?

Now done - see Tuesday Oct 24th ADM post. -Kim]

Kendry  d20+7=18 d20+7=16 d20+8=27
Friday October 27th, 2006 3:03:55 AM

Kendry enjoys hearing the stories of those who have spent some time with Bella. He laughs, or winces, or simply takes in their tales with appreciation, as the context leads him.

"So, what do you say? I can lead the way to Aunt Nilli's place - oh, and you could also meet our Great Grampapa Landry Grapes Trufflefinder Leafwin and Great Gramama Dekki Onions Fancytoes Greenhill Leafwin. It's this way," he says, indicating a direction generally west-southwest. [Survival: 18; Knowledge nature: 16; Knowledge local: 27]

"Who knows? Maybe we'll run into a small dragon on our way there. Or a bear, or kobolds, or treants - saw some of those here last year. Not kobolds. I mean the walking trees, or tree herders."

Friday October 27th, 2006 3:51:57 PM

As Julian talks to Dwight, Dwight looks embarassed. "Really?"

Looking towards Tibble, "Sorry," and then with special emphasis "Tibble. Just have a hard time understanding you. Then again, languages aren't my strong point." He tries to put out a smile, but the uneasiness of the forest prevents any such joy from showing.

Later as the group decides which way to go, Dwight adds his thoughts. "Any chance the druid Kendry knows and the ancient trees are in the same direction? If not, I'd vote for the druid. Not any particular reason, but its good to see family re-united."

"Is this forest really dangerous?....Tibble?"

OOC: Kim if you want, I could start doing the posting log to easy your burden.

[That would be much appreciated for the moment. I just had tons of projects and demands from work, church, memorial services, and classes - if you could do the posting through the end of November, I would say 'Thank you, thank you, thank you!' -Kim]

Julian  d20+3=14
Friday October 27th, 2006 8:04:27 PM

"Oo, just had a thought. I mean, the family part sounds good, druid and all that. Back in a tick."
With that Julian abruptly turns his back, drops his spear and gesticulating says,
"Faster than the spring thaw creek, the coldest of cold northen gales, the sparrow through the branches," and off he runs.
He sprints off only for 60' or so, then promptly jogs back.
"Nope, thats not quite right yet. Where's my spear again? Did someone say kobolds? We're not going to try to befriend kobolds are we?"
He looks around carefully, hoping to see some kobolds, or drow, or trolls, or something to play with.
Spot 14

Friday October 27th, 2006 10:17:22 PM

(OOC:Sorry Cayzle for not posting sooner. Stupid flu is gone almost but is leaving me drained of energy.)

Selithe chuckles at her brother and nods, "Of course you can talk to the dragon when we find it as can everyone else. I just think we shouldn't find it like we're looking for a fight."

Selithe moves over and pats Julian's shoulder, "Sorry Julian, I'm not trying to bad mouth you or nothing just I don't want to fight the dragon if we don't have too and from the way Bella spoke it should be a nice guy or girl. However I'm sure we will have our fair share of trouble." Selithe grins and chuckles, "Trouble just seems to follow us sometimes."

Selithe enjoys her time with the group and is all for going to see a family member that might be able to help, not to mention she hasn't exactly seen most of her relatives for a while.

Saturday October 28th, 2006 2:20:22 PM

"Aw, nows youse dun gone an' made friend Dwight feels bad 'bout his speek impediment," the GreenMage chastizes Julian for his insensitivity.

"No matter, Dwight, Tibble or Tribble, jus, don't be a-callin' me late fer dinner," Tibble affectionately pats his stomach. "'Sides, Ah dun gots me thick skin, bark-like one mites say," he chuckles.

"Nows 'bout da forest - no wilderness be dangerous. Just foolish peoples. 'Course all ya'all non-wilderness folks should be speckin' to die ruther violent deaths if-ins you'se get lost. Beh consoled," Tibble adds "dat tho' violent youse deaths should beh quick-like an' dare fore painless."

""Couse youse could bees eatun 'live. Slow-like," he musses under his breath.

"Well said, friend Selithe," the wood-born agrees. "Beyun on dah bad side of ah dragon cain't never bees good."

Tibble points to the hyperactive halfling's weapon.

Talk at the Forest's Edge (DM Cayzle) 
Sunday October 29th, 2006 8:38:30 AM

Kendry votes to visit his aunt, a druid, and see what they can see along the way.

Dwight wonders if the Ancient Trees Tibble mentioned are near Aunt Nilli's place. The quick answer is that Aunt Nilli lives pretty much nearby, but the most ancient trees are at the center of the forest, a ways off.

Dwight also wonders about the dangers of the Forest.

Julian seems to be getting a bit antsy ... maybe eager for a fight?

If so, Selithe lets him know that the party always seems to be getting in a fight over something. No need to seek a fight with a dragon.

Tibble confirms, in his way, that the Forest can indeed be deadly. He agrees with Selithe.

Actions? Direction? Strategy? The party is still deciding what to do. Please post a preference, and in the worst case scenario, maybe we can go with the plurality.

Cayzle OOC 
Sunday October 29th, 2006 8:40:59 AM

Friends, I have heard from Inge, and she will not be able to return for at least a little while. Let us rewrite history a bit and leave Airin at Humble's Ford with friends and family.

Even if she cannot post to the Web, I hope Inge may be able to e-mail ... perhaps her courtship with Kendry can proceed in e-mail for now.

I hope to welcome Airin back very soon. Until then, let us leave her in Humble's Ford.

Sunday October 29th, 2006 4:53:49 PM

"Specks Ahs dun a-recollectin'," Tibble announces to the group at large. "Gots mehs ah couple, three ideas."

"Wheese could be a-talkin' tah the ancient trees. Theys bees a-knowin' everthin' in their forest," the greenmage observes. "'Course dey ain't a heartbeat away, no-hows. Take a right spell to git thar."

"Nah wif the woods waken and such like there be plenty o' rumors o' fey lords a-movin' in. Shroon circles and moonlit ponds bees dah bestest means of a-trackin' un o' dem down."

"Curse Ah coulds be a-talkin' tah da Spirit uf da Forest itself. Mayhaps bees a stretch fer mes," he muses. "Long conversation time as well like."

"Nah Ahs bees a-likin' they ideas 'bout a-contactin' a very knowin' greenmage goes by dah name of Deerpoot. Naw, that ain't it. Deeproot. Yah, Grynntym Deeproot. He be off tah da nor'west."

"Tats mah vote. What say all ya'all?" Tibble finishes.

OOC Cayzle to Tibble: Highlight to display spoiler: {I changed "Northeast" to "Northwest" in your post. Sorry for the confusion. You are at the eastern edge of the forest right now. The Emerald Kindgom is at the southern edge, and the Windborn Hills and Crescent Valley are at the northern edge. The greenmage, Deeproot, tends to be found northeast of you but not nearly as far away as the Ancient Trees of Culver. Hope that helps.}

Sunday October 29th, 2006 11:56:29 PM

If this Deerpoot can help us get started in our search, Tobias thinks we should follow Tibble to find him.

Monday October 30th, 2006 6:22:51 PM

Selithe listens to what has been said so far and decides she likes Tibble's idea for the moment and lean towards it. She still is in thought on the dragon, wondering what it will be like and such and also wondering what type of gift the group has for a dragon...that might be a problem.

Report for Crescent Valley - Anthony 
Monday October 30th, 2006 8:56:09 PM

Selithe: MTWRF-- = 5
Julian: MTWRF-- = 5
Tibble: M2WR-SS = 7
Tobias: -TW---S = 3
Airin: M------ = 1 (left this week)
Dwight: M-WRF-- = 4
Kendry: -TW2F-- = 5

DM: MTWR--S = 5

Ok, this is my first attempt at reporting so I hope I got this right. Is it suppose to be emailed to someone? (If so, I don't know about that part.)

[Good job, Dwight. Thank you! No, you need not email it. Good Ceil gleans the boards for the info we post here. -Kim

Monday October 30th, 2006 9:00:29 PM

Dwight still watches Tibble as he speaks and then wonders what he said. Selithe offers some insight agreeing with his idea of a destination. Dwight shrugs being somewhat out of his league here. "I'm good with that too Selithe."

Otherwise Dwight tries to bring himself more at ease with his overgrown environment. The strength to grow, control and manipulate plants on such a large scale is unbelievable. The presence seems to be constant, both alluring and overwhelming at the same time.

Monday October 30th, 2006 10:34:35 PM

Julian is happy to see that a decision may be reached soon, and casts his vote in a like manner so as to not cause any conflict or further discussion.

Getting Oriented (DM Cayzle) 
Monday October 30th, 2006 11:41:29 PM

[OOC: Sorry for the confusion, folks. I needed to brush up on my Woldian Geography myself. See, there is no clear map of the Culverwood entire on the Web site. So I have made a rough sketch of the magical forest myself.

Please look at this map of the Culverwood. Anyone with the Forest Walking feat can sketch this map or describe it to outsiders freely.]

The halflings compare notes and put their heads together. As it turns out, a very short walk northwest (across a nearby bridge) will take the party into the eastern arm of the Culverwood proper. Aunt Nilli lives a few hours away. Then a longer walk of several days, or a trip downriver, will get you to Trader's Corner, and beyond that, to Troll.

Tibble thinks that a good place to look for word of Greenmage Deeproot would be in Trader's Corner, or more likely, Troll. It turns out that some of you have been to Trader's Corner, which is where you all bought some ale and cider for the election party that brought your friend Calfast to office.

So it seems like a good plan would be to visit Aunt Nilli, then go on to the border trade hamlets of the Eastern Culverwood, which are to your southwest, generally speaking.

By the way, Tibble thinks that the Ancient Trees of Culver would be, on the map, a little north of the "L" in "Culverwood."

The strong presence of nature in the Wood may be having an effect on Dwight, he thinks. [More tomorrow am in an e-mail.]

Kendry  d20+10=21
Tuesday October 31st, 2006 12:43:15 AM

"Friends, since Nilli is so close by, and is a druid, and knows this part of the woods well, and, what with Heather's work perhaps needing a bit extra sooner rather than later, what say we swing by her place, let her know what we seek. Hear her counsel. Then, if it seems good, then push on further - perhaps to Trader's Corner and beyond, if necessary. I rather hope that we can find something a bit nearer by, though, for Heather's sake, and for those whom she serves. Selithe's and my aunt is only a few hours away, and we keep a brisk pace."

Kendry adjusts the loosened strap on a pony, cinching it up a notch or two, then says, "It's this way. Pull me back if you decide something different."

Kendry takes one of the many paths that criss cross this neck of the woods, so close to the bridge, and sets out with confidence. [Knowledge, local: 21]

Tobias  d20+14=30
Tuesday October 31st, 2006 12:37:09 PM

Since aunt Nilli's place is sort of on the way, Tobias is fine with stopping there first. Tobias is quite familiar with Trader's Corner having let many merchant caravans through the Culverwood to that very location.

If Kendry tells him where Nilli's place is, Tobias can make sure the group doesn't get turned around and lost in the Culverwood. [Survival: 30]

Tuesday October 31st, 2006 6:14:06 PM

"Yah, 'course, friend Kendry," Tibble amends. "Closer bees better. Ifs wheese need tah go further afield Ah bees of survice."

Tuesday October 31st, 2006 7:20:23 PM

Kendry tells Tobias the general route: the little hills and streams along the way; the place of the white chalk circle, where nothing grows in a white oblong one hundred feet long and about 70 feet wide; a few meadows; and the lizard pond a half mile from the cottage.

He talks with Tibble along the way about Deeproot, and - "Say, could you teach me the language of the trees?" he asks him. "Despite that you say a lot of it was knocked out of you?"

Then he thinks to add, "In exchange, I could teach you Duncan's sign language. Some of us know it - and it comes in handy once in a while."

Tuesday October 31st, 2006 8:52:09 PM

At first Dwight tries to follow where the group is being led. Druid, Deeproot, trees? After a bit Dwight has no idea of where they are going, but follows whichever direction someone leads.

Without much success, Dwight tries to pinpoint his whereabouts, as being lost and watched disturbs him mentally. He tries to stick close with the group (different from his norm of watching the rear).

Tuesday October 31st, 2006 9:17:26 PM

Selithe continues on with her friends and glances to Dwight as she wonders if he is okay, he just seems kind of lost at the moment so Selithe falls back with Gra and looks to him before speaking, "You okay Dwight? you seem kind of out of it."

Julian  d20+3=9
Tuesday October 31st, 2006 11:40:06 PM

Julian is enjoying the walk in the woods. He tries to catch up on the idea of a card game with Selithe, tries to pick Kendry's brain regarding the Expeditioius Retreat spell he mentioned, and he tries to talk to Dwight about the drop bears. To add levity to the conversation with Dwight he keeps a careful eye out into the trees, and pulls out his sling and practices loading it speedily.
Spot 9

Aunt Nilli (DM Cayzle)  d20+6=19
Wednesday November 1st, 2006 6:32:44 AM

A short walk under the outlying eaves of the easternmost branch of the Culverwood brings you to the steading of Aunt Nilli Bramble Pastna Pipewood, druid and midwife.

If you make a Spot check vs DC19, then Highlight to display spoiler: {You see a wolf shadowing you from far off, keeping watch.}

As you come up to Nilli's house, you see two elderly folk engaged in some leisurely gardening. It is Great Grampapa Grapes and Great Gramama Onions, from the Leafwin side of the family, who live here too.

They rise slowly and smile as they recognize family.

"Nilli dear," Grandmama calls out in a slightly shaky but strong voice, "We have company."

A giant cat, the size of a cheetah, bounds out. You see that it has tentacles sprouting from its shoulders. Immediately thereafter is Aunt Nilli. She smiles happily, and her ruddy face glows. Looks like life has been good for the druid ... she has put on a little more weight.

"Well if this don't beat the brambles!" she exclaims. "What a happy surprise!"

Tibble  d20=5 d20=9 d20=7 d20=10
Wednesday November 1st, 2006 11:07:28 AM

Spot (5+3) = Failure

"Friend Kendry, Ah can'ts bees a-lurnin' ya 'bouts how Ah bees a-talkin' tah da plantlife," Tibble apologizes. "Ah don't rightly knows mahself no-hows. Mayhap it wur from mah time as ah beechnut tree, or wur it when Ah dun bees a willow-oak?"

"Watch ya a-shootin' at, friend Julian?" the rotund halfling asks. "Wheese not bees a-eatin' trail rations?"

Tibble will make note of where they are and the path they follow to reach their destination. Survival[lost] (9+16)=25.

Tibble will also keep an eye open for food and medicinal items for collection along the way.
Survival [forage/food] (7+12)=19
Survival [forage/herb] (10+12)=22

"Don't it jus'," Tibble responds. "Ya don't be a-tellin' us it bees such a brief meander ta gits heres, friend Kendry."

"Don't bees a-goin' an' a-steppin' on dat wee snake thar, friend Dwight," the GreenMage points out politely as it slithes from the path.

Kendry  d20+3=10 d20+5=16
Wednesday November 1st, 2006 11:20:11 AM

On the way
When Tibble explains that he can't explain how to talk to trees, Kendry shrugs his shoulders. "Well, that's all right, then. I'm still willin' to teach you the sign language, though."

At the Cottage / Burrow
"Gramama! Grampapa!" Kendry hails them. He dismounts Cheann and runs forward to give Nilli a big hug. "Auntie! It's so-o-o-o good to see you!"

Then he goes to hug his great grandparents in turn.

"These are my friends!" he tells them. "And some of them relations, too."

Wednesday November 1st, 2006 2:28:14 PM

Tobias is glad to have made it to the house without incident. And, he greets everyone, "Hello, Aunt Nilli."

Dwight  d20+3=20
Wednesday November 1st, 2006 7:50:14 PM

Walking with Selithe:
"I'm good, just a bit tired I suppose. This forest has me a bit spooked too. Something just feels.....I can't even put words to it. It's not wrong, or evil it's...well I just don't know and you know how I like things thought out."

Dwight watches Julian sling a few stones, but knowing whatever is out there will attack Julian before Dwight doesn't bring him much comfort.

Spot: 20
Dwight almost jumps out of his skin when he sees the wolf and stutters to get the word and general direction out. He's not hostile, knowing a little about Druids and thier ability to transform, but he isn't any calmer.

Meet and Greet:
Dwight nods and shakes hands with the locals and introduces himself as Dwight Twigglebundler, and ignores the odd looks that normally arise when a halfling has such a short name. Aside from the quick meet and greet things, Dwight takes a seat and continues to look around.

Julian  d20+3=7
Wednesday November 1st, 2006 7:52:16 PM

"Sorry Tibble, to worry you. I am just practicing the loading of it. See." Julian is busy with demonstrating this.

Spot 7

He puts it away when greeting Kendry's grandparents, and ponders just how he is related, too.
"Kendry, can you work this out, is Nellie my third or fourth cousing. I'm not so good with this sort of thing."

Wednesday November 1st, 2006 8:17:35 PM

Selithe smiles and greets Nilli, "Hello Nilli, long time no see." Selithe gives her relative a hug and smiles as she actually hasn't seen her in some time -- she hadn't seen most of her family in sometime. She chuckles some as she thinks of how her platinum colored hair, due to the spell she uses to color it, might get attention from Nilli.

Selithe, after the greets are done, goes over and pats Dwight's shoulder. "No worries Dwight, we are all together and that means we can watch out for each other." She smiles and tries to cheer him up.

Kendry, with proper introductions 
Thursday November 2nd, 2006 5:34:34 AM

"Pardon my manners. Let me make some proper introductions," Kendry says.

"Our father's sister, Nilli Bramble Pastna Pipewood, helps care for this part of The Culverwood, and brings little halflings into the Wold from time to time!

"Our Great Gramama Dekki Onions Fancytoes Greenhill Leafwin and Great Grampapa Landry Grapes Trufflefinder Leafwin married, oh, long ago, I should think!

"Dwight Twiggebundler has already given his name. Dwight is a powerful thinker and planner.

"Tobias Thistlefoot Burrows is a good pathfinder. His father, rest his soul, was Adrian Hazelberry Burrows. His mother is Jillian Greenhill Thistlefoot. Do you know your relation to his mother, Great Gramama?

"Third cousin? Um, let me think on that, Julian. You might already know Julian Roscoe Holle Pipewood Trufflefinder - also called Badger, and Jude.

"And we just met a couple days ago this fine fellow, Tibble Stinkyfoots. He grew up deep in the heart of The Culverwood. A greenmage, right, Tibble?

"My sister Selithe Greentree Leafwin Pipewood is fifth born in our family," he says, more for the benefit of those who recently joined the group, "and I'm the fourth. Of eleven, last time I checked!"

Thursday November 2nd, 2006 1:34:53 PM

Dwight nods standing off to the side as his name is given again during introductions. He kinda chuckles about being a powerful thinker.

For the most part, Dwight follows along and partakes of food offered, but listens closely when their task becomes the topic of conversation.

OOC: Hated to post so early in the day (before next DM post), but I'm heading out of town. I'll definitely post again on Sunday, and maybe on Friday if I can find a computer at the hotel.

Thursday November 2nd, 2006 9:56:53 PM

"And then there are the dogs and wolf and birds and ponies," Kendry continues. He tells all of their names.

A Welcome Feast (DM Cayzle) 
Friday November 3rd, 2006 12:56:26 AM

On the way to Aunt Nilli's, the newest member of the group shows that he will surely prove his worth. Tibble's guidance keeps the group from getting lost, and he also finds tasty herbs, berries, and mushrooms to eat along the way.

Kendry is glad to see his aunt and great-grandparents, and introduces everybody.

Tobias is glad too, but a little reserved.

Dwight feels the strength of the Culverwood, and it sets him on edge, a little. It surely has an effect on everybody. He sees a wolf, but suspects, likely correctly, that it is a friend of Nilli's.

Selithe embraces her aunt and reassures Dwight.

Grandmama Onions exclaims over her relations and their friends. "It has been too long! Have you brought any of your mother's pie? Selithe, you rascal, what are you doing now?"

Grandpapa shakes hands indiscriminately.

Grandmama's voice is a little too loud. She tells you that Grandpapa is a little hard of hearing, but you soon get the idea that he is actually stone deaf, and Grandmama is half-way there herself!

When she is introduced to Tobais, she muses, a bit loudly, "Your mother was Jillian, right? The daughter of Iris Rooking Greenhill? She was a young cousin of mine, once removed. Your great-grandma was my first cousin, not removed at all, if my memory does not fail me! Welcome, young man!"

Then she says to her husband, in a loud voice meant to be a whisper, but not at all, "There was some tragedy in that clan. The boy's father, I think I heard."

At this indiscretion, Aunt Nilli blushes and rushes everyone into the house. "You are just in time for supper! I had an idea that there might be guests, so I killed a sheep!"

The food smells fantastic, and the feast lasts an hour or two.

Afterwards, as everyone relaxes, Nilli asks what brings you all to this neck of the Wood.

Friday November 3rd, 2006 1:02:53 PM

Tobias is a little embarrassed by all the attention around him and the death of father. And, he blushes as well. He's glad that Aunt Nilli changed the conversation over to the evening meal instead.

Tobias enjoys a nice dinner of sheep with all the fixins. And, waits for one of the storytellers to answer Nilli after dinner.

Tibble  d4=2
Friday November 3rd, 2006 4:08:17 PM

Greeting his hosts warmly (and loudly as required) Tibble donates the berries and mushrooms he has collected to their kitchen.

Following the feast the GreenMage bruises the herbs to create an ointment/paste imbued with the ability to Neutralize Poison. This takes him 2 hours and 30 ex pts.

Friday November 3rd, 2006 5:34:30 PM

Julian thoroughly enjoys the feast, and it shows on his face (the enjoyment and the feast). He finds a warm and cosy spot on the floor to relax and he listens to the conversation. Shark curls up against him, and then so too does Sallie. All the noises, to his ears, begin to meld together, conversation becomes merely voices to recognise though the sound distant.
His head droops to one side, and he quietly snores.

Saturday November 4th, 2006 12:11:51 AM


At supper, he enjoys eating slices from the leg of mutton. He talks a little bit about the brief lunchtime visit with his & Selithe's immediate family in Humble's Ford, and introducing Airin to the folks. "You're going to have to meet her fairly soon, too, Auntie. She's a druid, too, like you. Well, no one could be quite like you, Aunt Nilli - just as no one could be quite like my Airin. Wish she were here with me. With us, I mean. But she insisted she had some matters to take care of, and that she would bruise my britches if I don't bring my friends and myself back safe and sound to her, so I must, of course, obey her directive."

Saturday November 4th, 2006 7:39:04 PM

After dinner, Kendry pushes away from the table. "Have you heard of a greenmage, name of Bella, out of Angel Springs?" he asks Nilli.

A Flavorful Feast (DM Cayzle) 
Sunday November 5th, 2006 6:25:25 AM

The feast is delicious -- and made even more so with Tibble's contribution. The food is so incredible, in fact, that Selithe and Dwight are too busy eating to say a word!

Tobias is glad that the food eclipses mention of his family background.

Kendry enjoys the company of his kin, enjoys the meat, and enjoys telling Nilli about Airin.

Julian stuffs himself, and falls asleep contentedly at sunset.

Tibble is reluctant to let sleep take him so soon. He considers making an herbal potion. [OOC: Note that a potion like this only lasts a day! Per the Greenmage write-up: "These herbals last indefinitely if stored in lifewood flasks, but otherwise they spoil within 24 hours." Are you sure you want to use your XP on this?]

After the meal is done, Aunt Nilli invites those who remain awake to take some tea and biscuits. She ask again, "So, my young heroes, is there a reason that you came to visit?"

Sunday November 5th, 2006 7:00:40 PM

Kendry wonders why Nilli didn't say whether or not she knows greenmage Bella. He thinks to repeat the question, but decides against it for now.

"Well, we are looking for a tiny dragon," Kendry answers. "What some call a pseudodragon. We'd like to ask her a favor. Or him. Mama used to have one, she's told us a few times. She doesn't know where to find one now, but says The Culverwood is the best place to look."

Sunday November 5th, 2006 8:28:57 PM

Too busy with his work Tibble doesn't join in Kendry's attempt to locate their quarry, but keeps an ear open in the event their host directs them into territory with which he is familiar.

OOC: I expect I will burn through ex pts faster than I earn them. With Tibble's 20% loss due to his class selection, advancing too quickly will not be a problem.

Sunday November 5th, 2006 9:07:56 PM

Dwight eats whole heartedly, but partakes in litte conversation. When Nilli asks for the second time regarding the reason for our visit Dwight offers a response.

"We have come to seek aid for others, but to work such a task we have come to ask of aid you may be able to give us. We seek the small faerie dragons, or at least the whereabouts of one so we may inquire about getting a small amount of its saliva."

"Any help you could give us would be much appreaciated. Something as simple as the proper title for such a beast. We hear they are intelligent and kind, but take offense to the only name we know." Should Nilli need more, Dwight will whisper 'pseudodragon' to hear just in case one is flying around nearby.

So deep in thought, Dwight forgets to thank his providers for dinner. After several minutes he returns and thanks them for a wonderful meal and apologizes that he wasn't more of a conversationalist. "Just got a lot on my mind."

Monday November 6th, 2006 1:21:42 AM


Monday November 6th, 2006 3:02:16 AM

Selithe enjoys the meal and smiles, she tells Nilli that she has been working on becoming a better gambler and then goes into her arcane and rogue training. Selithe smiles as she taks of all this since she is proud of her acomplishments so far.

When the coversation slips to what the group is doing there other then the visit, Selithe nods and waits for replies to the already mentioned questions as she has little to fill in at the moment.

Monday November 6th, 2006 1:25:27 PM

Tobias enjoys their hearty dinner and waits to see if they get any answer to where to start looking for a pseudodragon.

Nilli's Advice (DM Cayzle) 
Monday November 6th, 2006 9:15:26 PM

Nilli tells the group that she once met a satyr who loved to gossip. He mentioned that he knew of a fey dragon who likes to bathe in a small waterfall on a rivulet that flows into the Peasblossum River. Probably one of the many streams that flow south from the Scab, she would guess, maybe a day or two walk west.

She invites you all to spend the night, of course.

And in the morning, whichever way you decide to go, she packs up huge lunches for you all to take with.

So, West looking for a small waterfall? Or South to Troll, looking for Deeproot the Greenmage? Kindly refer to the map of the Culverwood.

Monday November 6th, 2006 10:17:27 PM

"Thank you Miss Nilli," Dwight says greatfully.

Later when the group is more or less among themselves, Dwight announces his preference to continue onward to the south to get more information. The direction seemed a bit vague from dear Miss Nilli, but her recall of the rumour adds to what we already know. Anyone know how to juggle, that might help entertain the fey dragon once we find him?"

With his thoughts said, Dwight encourages others to add theirs and agrees to go with the majority.

Report for Crescent Valley - Anthony 
Monday November 6th, 2006 10:25:24 PM

Julian: MTW-F-- =5
DM: M-WR--S =4
Kendry: MTW2FSS =8
Tobias: -TW-F-- =3
Tibble: -TW-F-S =4
Dwight: MTWR--S =5
Selithe: MTW---- =3

Kendry  d20+4=21
Tuesday November 7th, 2006 1:49:06 AM

"It took us two days, with the wind on our tail and taking a fast boat, to get down to Trader's Corner last year," Kendry says as options are discussed. "Well, I guess that Selithe is the only one still in the group from back then. Anyway, Troll is twice that distance. So, if all goes well, four days if the wind favors us, or five, maybe even six, if we lack that advantage, to get to Troll. Then we walk westward almost halfway across The Culverwood to get to the heart of the forest. Now, I'd love to go there - really would. But time is of the essence for the brew, and a day or two walk to the West means that, if all goes well, we could be back to Bella's in five days, a week. Say that a fey dragon is waiting for us in the outpost in Troll. Coming back upstream - figuring we get there in four days, it will take us twice that, another eight days, to get back upstream. And a day more if we don't stop to get to Angel Springs. That's a day shy of a fortnight, compared to less than a week. And if the fey dragon is not there at the docks ... well, just add that time in - a few days? A few weeks?"

He turns to Tibble. "You think Deeproot is in or near Troll? Or back in the deep woods?"

If the latter, Kendry definitely wants to check out the falls, first. If the former, he's open to discussion.

That evening at the cottage / burrow, Kendry catches Nilli up on family news, and asks about what has been going on with her and their forest neighbors, as well as the great grandfolks. "You have any of that brown ink? I ran out of the supply you gave me before," he asks Nilli. He shows her the letter he wrote to Duncan, the one that proposed the idea of gathing folks together to start an adventuring group, written in the brown ink. He asks if the currant bushes she had him plant years back are still in good shape. He checks to see if Granpapa Grapes has kept up his clever carving. He goes ahead and lends Nilli his journal for the night, in case she would like to read about what he and Selithe and their friends have been up to.

He's happy to include whoever wants to join in the conversation for the evening, and takes time to get to know them better.

Before going to bed, Kendry adds a few loose pages worth of writing and drawing [craft, drawing: 21] of family, friends, cottage, and menagerie. While in bed, he prays to Flower for Airin, and that she will watch over her during this difficult time of absence.

In the morning he feeds his animals before breakfast. During breakfast, he asks Aunt Nilli for as much detail as she knows about directions to the satyr-mentioned falls, making sure that both Tobias and Tibble pay close attention, both being forest born, as Kendry himself is.

After breakfast, he saddles ponies and Cheann for the next leg of the trip.

"Shall we try Westward, then, first?" he asks.

As a parting gift, and in gratitude for their hospitality, he leaves behind a bag with some foods, spices, tea, and pipe tobacco.

Tuesday November 7th, 2006 2:19:55 AM

"I can't juggle yet, just teach me, but I had thought rather to challenge the dragon over its poison. I bet I can withstand it! Especially after last night's wonderful sleep. Nothing like having a good deep one with a full belly and the prospect of adventure ahead of you. Never die on an empty belly, not even once, that's what an old drill seargent used to say. Crazy fool of a man, but I think he had a good point there. Now, is it time for second breakfast?"

Julian prefers to hunt, err look, for the fey dragon directly. He raises his hand for West, if a vote is called, and says nothing more about it.

Tuesday November 7th, 2006 11:45:02 AM

"Ahs bees fer a-headin' westerly like," Tibble chimes in. "Ah cans bees a-askin' da trees if-ins thar bees any wee draguns about."

"Deeproot, he bees in da woods. Yep fer sur'," the greenmage goes on. "Mayhap wheese bees a-runnin' inta 'im round-abouts da same areas."

Tuesday November 7th, 2006 4:20:05 PM

Dwight listens to Kendry's timetable, and changing his mind, agrees with Kendry and Julian; perhaps going south isn't the most timely choice.

Still not fully at ease with the forest, Dwight is ready to set off as early as possible. Perhaps finding the fey dragon will help ease his tension.

Tuesday November 7th, 2006 8:12:35 PM

"Yes, west. The short distance sounds better."

He listens intently to the description of where to find the fey dragon. Trying to get a good handle on where he expects it in the Culverwood. And, gets ready with the rest to head west.

He will again volunteer to scout ahead, if the others agree.

Tuesday November 7th, 2006 8:57:14 PM

"Badger, did you know that small fey dragons are almost always good little critters?" Kendry asks Julian. "So challenging it to a wrestling match may not be the way to go. Just a thought, buddy."

Tuesday November 7th, 2006 9:27:37 PM

"But Kendry, I am good too.
"I think that this mighty dragon might enjoy the challenge, and the opportunity to express his might over another, in friendly combat. Guess we will have to wait and see.
"Or maybe as I wrestle it, and as he tries to sting me someone else can milk its sting."
OOC: Steve Irwin style

Westward Ho! (DM Cayzle) 
Tuesday November 7th, 2006 10:12:54 PM

The party agrees with a fairly clear consensus that west is the way to go. There is also some talk of how to get the dragon's tail-barb poison.

Dwight thinks that a good entertainment may delight the fey dragon.

Kendry talks about family with Nilli and the elders. He thinks about the time pressures facing the group.

Justin wants to wrestle the dragon.

Tibble will talk to plants along the way.

Tobias scouts ahead as the Party heads west into the Wood.

Marching order? Spot checks? Stealth rolls from scouts?

Julian  d20+3=10 d20+2=14 d20+5=22
Tuesday November 7th, 2006 10:29:07 PM

Julian would be happy to take the lead, though he takes second instead so that the party is not lead in circles. He keeps a steady eye ahead and around looking for some excitement, and a fey dragon. He walks along between his dog and badger, dragging his longspear behind him.
Spot 10

He offers to cook the first meal, which should be as soon as possible, and frequent too.
"I'll happily cook a very light second breakfast, and cook enough so that we don't have to stop for third breakfast It'll be a surprise though, so I'll not tell you right now what I've planned. Then just a short stop for elevensies, and a proper rest for lunch, a hearty meal for that. Another surprise special, I'll see if I can catch something for it."
"Who's turn to cook the afternoon meals?"
Profession (cook) 14
Survival 22 to catch some small game animal or bird.

Letter to Airin from Kendry 
Wednesday November 8th, 2006 3:43:58 AM

Kendry leaves a letter with Aunt Nilli just before they leave in the morning. "If someone comes who is heading back to Hovel or elsewhere in Crescent Valley, please ask if they will deliver this letter." He gives her a platinum piece to pay for delivery.
My Dearest Airin,

We made it safely to Aunt Nilli's place here in The Culverwood. My great grandparents on my mother's side - Granmama Onions and Granpapa Grapes - live here with her. Nobody here to take advantage of Nilli's midwifery skills at the moment. Her black displacer cat with its wavy tentacles and shifting image greeted us at the door, and we were welcomed warmly by Nilli and the grandfolk.
His letter goes on to describe details of their visit, and he sends a page of sketches of the people, plants and animals at the cottage / burrow.

He asks Airin how she is doing, and how she is spending her time, and will she write to him?

In a hastier hand that he writes just before leaving, he adds:
We just decided to head a day or two to the west. Seems there is a waterfall - one of the streams from The Scab that adds its flow to the Peaseblossom River - where, according to a satyr whom Nilli knows, dwells a little fey dragon. What some people call a pseudodragon - but Bella says maybe we shouldn't call one a 'pseudo' dragon if we meet one. Might be a bit sensitive. Well, you know about that - you heard her say it with your own ears.

Seems like I've been away from you for so long. Love you!

Your Kendry
He seals the letter with string and wax and turns it over to Nilli. He gives her a big hug, and a kiss on each cheek. He hugs Granmama Dekki Onions goodbye, and gives Granpapa Landry Grapes a firm handshake and a big smile. "I LIKE YOUR CARVINGS, GRANPAPA!"

Kendry  d20+7=9 d20+7=24 d20+3=10 d20+3=7 d20+3=9 d20+7=18 d20+7=27 d20+3=4 d20+3=22 d20+3=11 d20+7=8 d20+7=23 d20+3=16 d20+3=20 d20+3=17 d20+7=20 d20+7=15 d20+3=18 d20+3=15 d20+3=5 d20+7=17 d20+7=12 d20+3=20 d20+3=4 d20+3=18 d20+7=26 d20+7=24 d20+3=19 d20+3=8 d20+3=20 d20+7=16 d20+7=26 d20+3=12 d20+3=8 d20+3=19 d20+7=18 d20+7=14 d20+3=22 d20+3=13 d20+3=5 d20+6=9 d20+6=7 d20+6=17 d20+6=14 d20+6=16 d20+6=7 d20+6=12
Wednesday November 8th, 2006 4:02:30 AM

"All right, let's do this. We'll fashion a hat with a funnel running down to your mouth, and you can just eat continuously as we walk the path, Julian," Kendry kids.

"Sure, Tobias, I trust you in the lead. Now, at least for the first few miles, I know this area pretty well. Remember, I lived here for almost seven years. But," and he looks around at the lush vegetation, "some things have changed a bit since last I was here."

He sits the saddle atop Cheann. "Who else has a good eye, or ears, and can move through the woods without snapping every little branch or twig in the path?" he asks his friends. "'Fraid I'm not the quietest of halflings," he acknowledges.

Kendry is happy to be in the second rank, or third if necessary. He strings his bow, and checks his arrows.

He's not too much use in the first hour out as far as finding game or the like [Survival: 9], but is able to point out a thing or two that Tibble may find of interest [Knowledge (nature): 24]. [Spot rolls, every 20 minutes: 10, 7, 9] [Listen: 17 (last roll above)]

Hour 2: Survival: 18; Knowledge nature: 27 (nat 20); Spot rolls: 4, 22, 11; Listen: 9
Hour 3: Surv: 8 (nat 1); Know nat: 23; Spot: 16, 20, 17; Listen: 7 (nat 1)
Hour 4: Surv: 20; Know nat: 15; Spot: 18, 15, 5; Listen: 17
Hour 5: Surv: 17; Know nat: 12; Spot: 20, 4 (nat 1), 18; Listen: 14
Hour 6: Surv: 26; Know nat: 24; Spot: 19, 8, 20; Listen: 16
Hour 7: Surv: 16; Know nat: 26; Spot: 12, 8, 19; Listen: 7 (nat 1)
Hour 8: Surv: 18; Know nat: 14; Spot: 22, 13, 5; Listen: 12

ADM Kim: Character Sheets 
Wednesday November 8th, 2006 4:43:23 AM

Just a reminder that we're all to get our updated character sheets in to Cayzle - if you haven't done so within the past month or so. He'll then pass them on to Kent. Get your updated character description / background info to me for the Adventurer's Repose section on the website.

If we can all get them (the CSs) in by Friday, there's a chance that Kent will grant our characters some sort of goodies. No promise, just a possibility.

Tibble  d20=10 d20=6 d20=7
Wednesday November 8th, 2006 11:48:37 AM

With Tobias separated from the party's main body, Tibble will take the lead. Between Kendry's local guidance and the greenmage's running conversation with the forest the party is sure to make good time. (Even if they are unsure of where they are going.)

As usual Tibble will make note of the trail and forage for food and herbs as they travel.

To the group Tibble may seem unusually quiet, but he's having a grand time chatting up the local flora.

Survival (trail/lost)= 28
Survival (forage food)= 20
Survival (forage herbs)= 21

Selithe  d20+9=18 d20+7=27
Wednesday November 8th, 2006 3:26:33 PM

Selithe moves on with the others and will try to help out in taking some of the scouting or atleast helping, she is happy with her skill in hide and move silently this time also as she seems to do a very good job.

(Hide:18 Move Silently:27 *nat 20*)

(OOC:Cayzle, please let me know if you have a updated copy of Selithe's CS and I'll send one if you need.)

Wednesday November 8th, 2006 6:45:21 PM

Julian speaks quietly to Tibble,
"If you spot any herbs or mushrooms of the strong laxative effect, could you pass me one quietly. I sort of need it..."

Tibble  d20=3
Wednesday November 8th, 2006 7:42:28 PM

"Ah tad too much cheese?" returns Tibble. "Ahs bees a-drinkin' mur water dan youse bees a-wantin'.

The greenmage will be on the lookout for White or Wheeping Ash, or Chittem Bark (a small tree) with which to brew a laxative for our anally retentive friend.

Survival (forage herb)= 15

Wednesday November 8th, 2006 7:53:59 PM

Tibble only Highlight to display spoiler: { "It's for my prankster friend, Kendry."}
"Thanks Tibble, I will greatly appreciate that."

Dwight  d20+3=15 d20+6=11
Wednesday November 8th, 2006 10:21:43 PM

Dwight remains quiet during the morning trek, returning to his normal spot near the rear of the group. He stays a little closer than normal so as not to get lost, but tries to keep an eye out for anything trailing them.

spot: 15

A Meeting in the Awakened Forest (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday November 8th, 2006 10:47:13 PM

[OOC: Friends, we welcome a new player today, Michael playing Marco. Please welcome him and give a description of your character. Also, some parts of this post are for certain people only -- Please don't peak (as Ceil would say) at other players' parts!]

[Also, friends, as Kim was saying, I am putting together PC sheets for all characters. I am using the ones I have on file, so no problems. The only delay is that the two new guys are still working out a couple final details. Or one of them is.]

Kendry asks Nilli to send a letter home to Airin. You all say your farewells, and then it is time to be on your way.

As Kendry, Tibble, and Tobias know, there are several rivers -- or maybe they are branches of the same river -- that run through the Culverwood. Now the party follows the great Peaseblossum, headed southwest, on the northern bank. Here the Peaseblossum is a fast-moving river, navigable by boat, but with several challenging parts.

Aunt Nilli said that a small tributary runs into the river from the north, flowing down from the Scab Mountains. When you find that tributary, you hope to walk north along it to the waterfall of the pseudodragon.

As you walk into the Deep of the Culverwood, you feel the power of the forest all around you.

Kendry and Tibble, please Highlight to display spoiler: {You feel comfortable and sure in the forest. But you also feel that you are being watched. The Forest knows you are there. It is like a ferocious beast that accepts your presence, the way an elephant accepts the flies that buzz about it, or the way a shark accepts the lamphreys sticking to it. Kendry's long experience in this neck of the woods tells him that this is new. The forest truly has woken up.}

Tibble, please Highlight to display spoiler: { Yes, the Forest HAS woken up since the Fae King was defeated a short while ago (less than six months). The woods are alive, and aware. The trees talk about it nonstop, in their slow whispers: "We were asleep, but now we know! Now we see and hear. Now we can act." They cannot move around, so what do they mean by that? HOW can they act? You do not know. Maybe they do not know yet either. But you get a great sense of newfound power and will.}

Tobias, please Highlight to display spoiler: { As you pass deeper into the Forest, you feel welcome and at home. The Forest knows you are here, and is glad to have you back. Why did you go away? But you are here again at last, maybe to stay. Your spirits are lifted. Your heart is glad. You feel that the spirit of the forest wants to help you, oh native son! [OOC, and do not tell anyone else this: YOU GAIN A +3 ON ALL d20 ROLLS WHILE IN THE CULVERWOOD! That includes saves, skill checks, attacks, all d20 rolls. You are responsible for remembering to add your bonus, so if you forget, too bad.]}

Julian, Selithe, and Dwight, please Highlight to display spoiler: { Your connection with nature, or lack thereof, has not prepared you for this! As you enter the Forest, you feel the spirit of the place welcoming you. The Forest is eager and glad to have you here. Like strangers who hit it right off, the trees seem to be whispering hello, and you know that this is a place that wants to help you. [OOC, and do not tell anyone else this: YOU GAIN A +3 ON ALL d20 ROLLS WHILE IN THE CULVERWOOD! That includes saves, skill checks, attacks, all d20 rolls. You are responsible for remembering to add your bonus, so if you forget, too bad.]}

After entering the forest a short ways, Julian suggests a stop for a mid-morning snack. Julian, do you wish to light a fire? If so, as soon as you even think about it, as soon as the flint and tinder is in your hand, you immediately feel menaced and wary. The trees, without moving, somehow loom higher and darker. Kendry, Tobias, and Tibble know that no fires are ever permitted in the Culverwood, except with special permission. Lighting fires is a good way to commit suicide. It's cold meals from here on in.

Then, just at the edge of sight, you see a figure ahead. Marco, that's your cue!

Marco, please highlight the text in brackets to read your turn: Highlight to display spoiler: {Yes, you did find some remarkably valuable mushrooms, and you also traded a mirror for a lock of hair from a pixie, but why oh why did your elf guide run away? Now you are left alone in the Culverwood, and it is creepy. You feel the forest watching you. Roots trip you. Leaves whisper insults. You feel unwanted and uninvited! But what's this? Up ahead you hear halfling voices. There is a group of them! Maybe they can help you find your way!

[OOC: Add "Tiosh Mushrooms" to your possessions, and exchange "Lock of Pixie Hair" for a mirror. Hope that's okay.

Thursday November 9th, 2006 9:07:56 AM

"That ought to bring a nice price." Marco mumbles to himself as he puts some things in a trunk mounted on a rather large mastiff.
Looking around (scraching his mount around his ears), Marco spies a group of people coming towards him as James (his dog/mount) growls warning.

-Marco appears as a "well to do" Halfling in explorer clothes that are tailored. His brown hair is combed and his blue eyes sparkle with humor. He carries a cane and travels with a large tan mastiff in barding (carrying two trunks with a saddle in between).-

"Hello!" Marco yells as he waves at the group.
(Waits till they get closer.)
"I seeem to be in a bit of a bind. I had a guide, but he seems to have run off."
Marco studies the group.
"Do you know these parts well?"
Marco pauses for a second and then continues after looking skyward.
"Where are my manners today? This forest we are in seems to be making me nervous for some reason."
Marco straightens up and bows slightly at the waist, tapping his cane on the ground.
"My name is Marco Pipeleaf Happytoes. I am pleased to meet you."

OOC: Hello everybody!

Tibble  d20=4 d20=4 d20=1
Thursday November 9th, 2006 9:48:13 AM

"Well naw, ain't dat a right purty pinchback suit youse bees a-sportin' friend Happytoes," Tibble greets the new comer. "Yall seems ta have misplaced da trail by some wee bit."

"Wise ole Culver tain't a-carryin' on 'bouts sum dang fool a-wnaderin' heres 'bout, so Ah specks yur guide dun headed his-self north-like inah da Scab," the greenmage speculates.

"Friend Tobias?" Tibble calls ahead of the party. "Ahs bees a mite grateful if-ins ya'll could bees a-givin' da group a fair piece o' warnin' befose wees stumble 'pon folk."

Gesturing towards the party as a whole, "Wheese bees ona mishun fer Alemi 'bout now. Ah recons youse could bees a-tagin' along 'till wheese bees dun. Lest youse wanna guide his-self out, friend Kendry?"

"Ah votes fer one group o'er two," the greenmage licks a finger and sticks it in the air - testing. "Wize ole Culver bees freed of sleep. Might not bees a-takin' kindly ta lots o' folk a-millin' 'bouts."

"Ave ah care dare, friend Julian," the rotund halfling cautions. "It bees magical heat or nuns all this point out."

Tibble will continue to ensure they don't get lost while foraging for food and herbs.

Survival (trail/lost)= 22
Survival (forage food)= 16
Survival (forage herbs)= dang it

Dwight  d20+6=19 d20+11=18
Thursday November 9th, 2006 4:18:38 PM

Just a ways back from the main group stands an average weight and height halfling. As he moves closer, the only two things stick out: his clothes don't seem to be normal cloths, but the stitching of many smaller patches; though all roughly the same brown color and that he seems to be walking as if deep in thought.

Dwight approaches as Tibble finishes talking. Unsure of what Tibble has just mentioned to the newcomer, Dwight assumes its friendly and introduces himself. "Dwight Twiggebunlder here," though it isn't said with as much zest as normal introductions normally have.

"I can understand your current fate, the forest feels overbearing at time. Not quite sure how a forest can do that, but it does it all the same. Last night as I was wondering around thinking, I could have sworn a tree scratched my back for me; had an itch too."

"I'm sure Tibble here, just invited you, but I'll extend the offer. We are on our way to gather a special herb found in this forest. Time is an important factor, but we will be more than happy if you'd join us. Then afterwards depart or if your looking for adventure perhaps stay."

After the rest of the introductions have gone around, "Okay, we got to get moving, we can talk while we walk."

Dwight returns to his rear position and continues to search for the lurker that must be about.

spot: 19
listen: 18

Thursday November 9th, 2006 5:37:56 PM

"Left alone here, by your guide?" Kendry responds to the stranger. "Well, I wonder what precisely scared him off - if fear led to his flight."

A tallish thirtyish gap-toothed halfling with auburn hair dismounts from his Caran Hills riding dog. He unnocks the arrow in his bow, placing it back in a quiver as he approaches the new fellow. With a friendly, open face, he says, "Glad we found you - wandering alone here can present unique challenges, friend. My name is Kendry. And I think we may be relatives, from maybe a hundred twenty, a hundred fifty years back. Didn't a Pipewood wed a Leafwin, and blend their names? Created quite a scandal among the old folks, some of my older relatives told me. I'm Kendry Leafwin Pipewood, and pleased to make your acquaintance. And, so long as you prove yourself good company, I join my friends in inviting you to come along with us. It may or may not be safer than your being alone - for in The Culverwood guarantees can be scarce to be had. But welcome, Marco Pipeleaf Happytoes. We're mostly from Crescent Valley and The Culverwood. Where do you hail from, sir?"

Selithe  d20+12=16 d20+10=22 d20+5=6 d20+3=7
Thursday November 9th, 2006 7:24:27 PM

Selithe looks to the others as she moves on to help scouting and smiles as she enjoys herself, the place doesn't seem to be as scary as she expected really. She keeps her eyes and ears open as she moves along.

(Hide:16 Move silently:22 Listen:6 Spot:7)

Tobias  d20+9=27 d20+8=15 d20+17=24
Thursday November 9th, 2006 7:40:35 PM

"Yes, sorry Tibble... not sure how he skirted by." Tobias replies.

Tobias is suspicious of Marco's story, and asks who his guide was... and the direction in which he fled.

Tobias continues to lead the way doing some scouting and searching trying to keep the group out of danger.

Listen - 27
Spot - 15
Survival (tracks) - 24

Julian  d20+6=7
Thursday November 9th, 2006 8:43:08 PM

OOC: sorry no time for a proper introduction today, will fill it in for Marco tomorrow, or later tonight.
Julian introduces himself and his pets to Marco. He is happy to have another person come along for the walk.

Julian keeps an eye out for excitement,
[Spot 7, nat 1]
though everyone keeps stepping in front of him.

PS Julian didn't pursue the idea of cooking food, after Kendry's joke. He just snacked a little on his own provisions.

Julian, his pet badger Shark, and his mount Sallie 
Friday November 10th, 2006 12:26:06 AM

Julian introduces himself properly to Marco as Julian Roscoe Holle Pipewood Trufflefinder, and he names his animal companions too.
Julian is not an ordinary looking Halfling. He is 3'6", rather tall for his race, and he looks stronger and more robust than many humans. He has black hair that is liberally speckled with greys, and kept short as to be spiky. Unique thick grey sideburns cover his cheeks like patches of white fur. Deep set, dark eyes dart about inquisitively from below eyebrows that are thick and black. Julian is a rather hirsute Halfling.
Julian carries a long spear with him, and his sling often looped onto his right hand. From his belt hangs a wickedly large falchion in scabbard, a sheathed dagger, and three leather pouches, one highly decorated in a knot-work of tendrils and elongated animals. Julian shoulders a bulky backpack, while Sallie, a rough-coated collie, carries a tent, bedroll and coil of rope from her saddle. A large badger, named Shark, is always close to Julian's heels.
Today he wears a fine outfit of yolk-yellow trousers, navy blue shirt, apple green jacket and a waistcoat embroidered with a blood flecked white unicorn routing a dozen orcs, with most of them dead in an emerald green forest. He prefers bare feet in the forests.

A Stream in the Path (DM Cayzle) 
Friday November 10th, 2006 3:54:22 PM

Marco introduces himself and hints that he could use some direction.

Tibble is as genial and welcoming as he is hard to understand!

Dwight concurs, and offers the newcomer a place in the group, so long as he has no objection to joining the party in its errand.

Kendry also is very friendly, and asks about Marco's history.

Selithe is quiet and alert. She does not immediately greet the newcomer.

Tobias is cautious, and asks for more details.

Julian also offers introductions and acts glad to see Marco.

As they talk, the group contnues southwest along the northern bank of the Peaseblossom, usually staying close enough to see the river, or hear it anyway. Tibble is busy pointing out the best path -- and gathering food along the way.

The group comes to a stream that joins the river from the north. You could easily wade across it.

Friday November 10th, 2006 4:01:06 PM

"I will swim across, maybe even have a go at leaping it, holding one end of a rope. I'll tie it off and everyone can use that to get safely across.
"At least that is my idea. Do we have other suggestions."

Tibble  d20=12 d20=2 d20=17
Friday November 10th, 2006 5:50:53 PM

The greenmage invites advice from Culverwood through his speak with plants abilities as to the direction they should follow to reach their desired goal of a psudeo-dragon.

He will continue to ensure they aren't getting lost while foraging for mealtime and herbs - White or Wheeping Ash, or Chittem Bark (a small tree)- for Julian's need.

Survival (trail/lost)= 30
Survival (forage food)= 16
Survival (forage herbs)= 31

Tobias  d20+9=20 d20+8=21 d20+17=33
Friday November 10th, 2006 6:43:33 PM

Tobias waits for more information from Marco, but doesn't stop the rest of the party from inviting him along. And, he does introduce himself, "Tobias Thistlefoot Burrows, but folks in the Culverwood also know me as Pathfinder. I've been scout and guide in these woods for a few years. But, to tell the truth, in my return to Culverwood, it feels more alive than it ever did before. Might just be my imagination, having been away from it for a bit."

As Tibble points out the path to follow, Tobias will continue to scout ahead.

Listen: 20
Spot: 21
Survival (tracks): 33

Friday November 10th, 2006 11:42:35 PM

Selithe looks to Marcus and blushes, "I'm sorry for not introducing myself before. My name is Selithe, sister to Kendry."

Selithe smiles and brushes a hand through his platinum colored hair, a spell being used to color it. She wears a low cut in the front tunic with puffy sleeves and a pair of pants that match the tunic. She has green eyes also which show a fun streak as she fancies herself a gambler, rogue and conjurer but the gambler before all.

Saturday November 11th, 2006 3:27:03 AM

Based upon the information that Nilli gave, Kendry asks the others who heard her directions whether they think this might be the stream she mentioned, or if it is likely to be farther along. If the former, he suggests they start following it upstream. If the latter, he engages with the others to work on crossing it, and says to Julian, "Let's go a little upstream, then, have one or two of us wade across, taking a rope. I've got a number of empty water bags. We fill them with air, use to help float if it gets too deep all of a sudden. If not, we all wade."

Again, either:
A. Go way upstream if it seems likely this is the one the satyr described.
or, if not, then:
B. Walk maybe 50 yards upstream, then wade across (or wherever seems a good and likely place).

Julian  d20+3=5
Sunday November 12th, 2006 4:19:10 AM

"It's a nice looking stream, any fish in it? Let's go right up stream on a search satyrical, and catch some fish on the way, though I don't know... I get the feeling the forest won't like fire."
Spot 5

Sunday November 12th, 2006 8:02:35 AM

"A stream is such a vague description when there is more than one. Those of you that know Nilli better than I, how far would she have travelled from her house?"

"Perhaps we should travel upstream a bit to make sure a waterfall isn't just around the bend. Then again maybe will be lucky and find a low hangin branch that we can walk across and stay dry."

Poking around the Wilderness (DM Cayzle) 
Sunday November 12th, 2006 8:40:10 AM

The group quickly sets on a procedure for encountering streams, of which there are many flowing into the river.

The group goes a little upstream, just to check it out. Tibble talks with trees nearby to see if any have heard of a waterfall or a pseudodragon. Tobias walks stealthily a litle ahead. If no luck, Julian helps everyone cross, and on you go.

Using this system, you check out four streams the first day, with no luck.

Now Dwight is sure that you are beyond Aunt Nilli's tramping grounds.

Night is falling. Any special camp setting? Will you have a fire? Any precautions? Watches?

Dwight  d20+6=22 d20+11=12
Sunday November 12th, 2006 4:00:57 PM

"Ahh folks, I think we must be missing something. Surely Ms. Nilli could not have travelled so far. Perhaps we need to travel further north along a stream. With all this forest about, the sound of a waterfall should carry quite a bit."

While sitting around eating cold sandwiches, "Any chance the falcon could help us? Surely an ariel view could spot a waterfall miles away."

As night finally falls, Dwight offers to take a watch, perhaps the first as sleep doesn't seem to come easy to him in this forest...It's calming affect only seems to increase his uneasiness.

spot: 22
listen: 12 (nat 1)---ah poo!

Julian  d20+6=12 d20+8=28 d20+5=9
Sunday November 12th, 2006 5:05:17 PM

Julian also eats cold rations, and offers to stay up for the first watch with Dwight. He takes the saddle off Sallie, sets up his tent and bedroll with the others, and offers space inside for another who wants it. The saddle goes inside the tent.

He takes the opportunity to talk quietly to Dwight.
Dwight only Highlight to display spoiler: {"How are you Dwight? I sense you're not entirely comfortable, and I think it is all us new fellows. So, I was hoping to chat more, to get know each other better, so that we're more comfortable in a group. I hope to talk more with Tibble and Marco too"
OOC I realise that it's the forest making Dwight uncomfortable, but Julian doesn't.
Spot 12
Listen 28 (nat 20)

Shark digs two small burrows. He sleeps in one for the night, and Julian stuffs his pack into another.
Sallie curls up at Jude's back to sleep restlessly.
Sallie Listen 9

Sunday November 12th, 2006 6:00:51 PM

Marco blinked when Tibble spoke, but made no reply. (Twice)

Marco had been pretty silent as they traveled (fording and riding took some concentration and the feel of the forest hindered his conversation), but seems relieved when the group decides to stop for the night.

Pulling the trunks off his mount, they are set on edge and opened to reveal a small desk in the lid of one and a closet in the lid of the other. The bottoms are taken up by two mounted haversacks. bringing out a tarp, Marco sets up a covered area like a tent and sets up a small folding table, chairs and a sleeping area (with a small rug). A camp meant for an experienced traveler refusing to leave the comforts of home.
He then casts prestidigitation, using the spell to clean himself, his clothes and his mount, before using it to warm up a large pot of tea.
Marco clears his throat and speaks.
"I should introduce my other companion to you all."
Marcus motions a raven down from the trees that lands on the top of one of his trunks.
He says a few soft words to the bird.
"...and be nice."

The bird looks at the group, his gaze settling on Selithe.
"My, she has a pair of nice high ones." He says in common.
Marco turns red and spins around to grab the bird, which dodges out of reach.
"What?" the raven replies to the movement. "You said to be nice."
"Besides, I think her cheekbones are quite pretty."

Marco turns back around (blushing redder), muttering softly to himself....
"Trusted companion, they said...., loyal friend.....my......"

The raven ignores him and addresses the group.
"Hello. I'm Nuts." settling down on the trunk, looking around.

Marco continues,
"When I named him, I thought it was after the food he liked."

The raven looks around at the group, his gaze settles on the large badger, nearby.
"Hey, who brought the skunk?"

Marcus covers his face with a hand.

Sunday November 12th, 2006 7:14:01 PM

"The skunk, my friend, is named Shark. He is a badger. A little larger than most admittedly, but still a badger. We've been through a lot together."
Marcus only Highlight to display spoiler: {"I might suggest that the smell comes from another source. Tibble Stinkyfeet, a halfing of nature, who perhaps, takes that a little too close to heart. Perhaps you could magic a more pleasant smell for his feet. Still, he seems nice enough, and if Bella approves of him, then so do I."}

Sunday November 12th, 2006 8:10:00 PM

OOC sorry I misread that...

"You cheeky bird! Come here and I'll teach you some manners."
Julian leaps at the bird, and (predictably) fails miserably, though all the while with a big grin. This is good sport.

Julian sits and begins sharpening his falchion, "You need a new familiar, me thinks," he says winking at Marco.

Sunday November 12th, 2006 9:36:40 PM

Fascinated by Marco's carrying on in establishing camp, "Ah bees Tibble Stinkyfoots an' dis great droolin' beast is Harry Barqr."

Harry woofs.

"Ahs takes da last watch so as tah pays 'specks tah Alemi comes daysbreak," Tibble adds before seeing to his and Harry's needs.

Following any camp banter the greenmage will nimbly climb into a tree overlooking the party's camp. [spiderclimb] Following a brief nap [ring] he'll meditate to update his spells and prepare for Alemni's service.

Tobias  d20+9=26 d20+8=20
Monday November 13th, 2006 11:48:17 AM

"Well, since we're all introducing our companions as well... This is my friend Tewdwr," Tobias says. Then, he gives a whistle and a big, two-headed wolf moves into the camp area. Tewdwr comes over and stands by Tobias, allowing him to pet him, but cautiously looks over all of the new companions.

Tobias volunteers for first watch, but warns again against fires here...

Watch rolls:
Listen: 26
Spot: 20

Monday November 13th, 2006 5:03:36 PM

Selithe blushes at the raven's first comment before knowing what he was meaning and looks to Marco for a moment, "Better becareful or I might chnge him pink." Selithe grins jokingly and moves over to him, "I never introduced my little friends...over their is my riding dog Gra for one." Selithe motions to her riding dog that is near Kendry's and next she fishes in her backpack and pulls out a ferret, it is white and black with a black looking mark mark over it's face, "An this here is Bandit. He doesn't talk but he is a interesting little guy none the less."

Bandit makes small noises at Marco before flashing him the gold piece the he has been given by Selithe and Selithe chuckles, "Ohh and thats his little treasure till he gets more shiny things."

Selithe is happy that Marco travels in such nice things for camp and enjoys herself while packing her pipe and lighting it up..she listens to the conversation before speaking, "I agree, we should follow the stream for now and continue our search. I also would like to take first watch as to get more sleep at one time if possible."

Monday November 13th, 2006 7:02:54 PM

Seeing that others want the first shift as well, Dwight offers to take the middle shift.

During the shift change, Dwight and Julian have a little conversation, but Dwight's fears are really put to rest. For Julian, Highlight to display spoiler: { "I'm not scared exactly, its hard to put into words. It's kinda like when I am trying to be sneaky and do something that I shouldn't and someone is watching me. Then later its pointed out that I was being sneaky. There is something in this forest that seems to be watching me, or us perhaps. It gives me the creeps and is soothing at the same time. One or the other I could perhaps adjust too, both makes me nervous. It's as if something is wrong, or perhaps this is a place that has realized everything is right. Never felt so crowded in a vast forest before."}

Dwight takes his shift, finding a good spot where he can watch as much as possible even if that means he is visible to any outside the camp.

spoiler fixed by Cayzle

Report for Crescent Valley - Anthony 
Monday November 13th, 2006 7:13:34 PM

Julian: M322F-4 = 13
Selithe: M-WRF-- = 4
Tobias: MT-RF-- = 4
DM: MTW-F-S = 5
Dwight: MTWR--2 = 6
Kendry: -22R--S = 6
Tibble: -T-RF-S = 4
Macro: ---R--S = 2 (new as of Thursday)

DM/ADM: I assume I'm doing this right unless I hear otherwise.

Cayzle: You're doing just fine! Thanks very much!

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