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Third Task - Something Fey

The Dragon's Donation (DM Cayzle) 
Thursday October 19th, 2006 7:24:39 AM

Bella smiles at Julian. "Truly you are a good addition to these Foolhardies." She is glad to let him do some watering, but does not know that spell.

She prefers that any delay, such as Airin suggests, be very short. She cannot keep her brew on the bubble forever, you know.

Then she tells you about the next ingredient. It is a drop of Pseudodragon poison, a potent soporific. She suggests that you find a pseudodragon and convince it to make a donation.

"These are good-hearted folk, though capricious, so with tact and perhaps a thank-you gift, such a creature may give you what you seek when it is told that it is for a charitable cause."

"Just don't call it a 'pseudodragon' to its face, because they tend to think that's an insult."

Bella does not know where to find such a creature, but the Culverwood seems like a natural home for these fairie dragons.

She also has in mind to send with you a former apprentice of hers, one who was born in the Wood and is trained in tree magics. She says, "It will be useful to have someone who knows the language of the trees. This former student of mine should be along any moment now."

[OOC: That's the cue for our newest player, who can start posting any time!]

Podo (by DM Cayzle) 
Thursday October 19th, 2006 7:33:25 AM

Podo realizes that this will entail at least a few days of travel there and back again, as the saying goes. A look of dismay comes over his face.

"I'm sorry, friends, but I'll have to catch up to you. I have some new duties at the Temple of Alemi that will delay my departure."

[OOC by Cayzle: JP has been absent for a bit too long. His PC can rejoin us when he is back with us full time.]

Thursday October 19th, 2006 10:46:54 AM

"Stay," the group hears as the door opens.

A dark-skinned halfling of dignified girth is framed in the doorway. Shirtless, he wears a richly embroidered vest and extensively pleated, floor-length, woolen skirt.

Thump, Thump, Thump, he kicks the garden dirt from his feet before entering. A slightly pungent draft smelling of old cheese may burn the nosehair of the more discerning.

"Oh, 'ests," Tibble's pale green eyes dart from face to face. He sets his gardening gloves down in their customary place.

"Aw specks dis be da group?" he asks of Bella.

"Eye be Tibble, Tibble Stinkyfoots," the halfling grins at those assembled. "Wuz, sho nuff, hopin' Ah could joins up wiff youse. Be needin' tales fer da rugrats."

Tobias  d20+14=20 d20+10=25
Thursday October 19th, 2006 1:28:35 PM

Tobias is sad to have to part with Podo, "We'll catch up with you again when we're finished our work in Culverwood."

"I know my way around Culverwood, and should be able to help find a pseudo dragon, but someone else will probably need to talk it into parting with some poison." He'll see if he can narrow down where would be a good place to find pseudo dragons in Culverwood.

Survival: 20
Knowledge (Nature): 25

Thursday October 19th, 2006 8:16:29 PM

"Podo, this adventure was a little rushed, I have been hoping to spend more time with everyone and already you're leaving, well, only for a moment right? Duty calls I suppose. I look forward to your return."

"Pseudodragon. Cool. Easy. I can just bundle it into blanket and bring it back for you, if you want Bella."

Julian is a little taken aback by the new halfling, he enjoys the novelty of being the newest. But then he sees the detail on the vest, and oh, he is amazed.
"Tibble, hello. I just lurve the vest. Can I have a closer look?"
"Sallie, c'm'ere girl."
"Oh, that's nice stiching, did you do it? Whatsit made of? Wheredyagetit from? Fits well too. D'you have others?"
Julian has spent years with only his own company, training hard and bathing less. And though he now loves the luxury of regular bathing the new smells do not bother him. He scratches Sallie's ear, "Good dog," and rummages through his pack tied to her saddle.
"Can I show you some of mine? Look, here, here, hold it to have a look, this one, one of my favourites, oh who am I kidding. They're all my favourites. Errr, nevermind this one for the moment, went through a fireball with me. Hang on..."
Cast Mending.
"That's better. Do you like it? And this one, too?"

Julian carries on a bit like this, for a while, at least until his attention is broken. He is oblivious to Tibble's reactions at first, assuming that he is as excited about fashion as he is.
Finally, "Are we going in to the Catacombs soon? Should we rest a day, that is long enough for a good bath and massage, or do you guys need two?"

Thursday October 19th, 2006 9:46:57 PM

Selithe looks to Tiddles and nods to him before offering him her hand, "Hello Tiddles, it is nice to meet you and have you along with us."

Selithe smiles and she is average height and such with platinum colored hair, she holds her mw staff in one hand and wears nice clothing with fluffy sleeves and low cut in the front. She is the youngest of her family or at least the current adventuering group.

(OOC: I might not be able to post Fri or Mon, would if be possible to have someone sub for me those two days if needed? Thanks and I'm sorry considering.)

Thursday October 19th, 2006 9:57:49 PM

"You speak as if the pseudodragon is intelligent and kind. If we are to converse and bargain with it, what is the proper title for such a beast? Do they have names like us?"

Dwight then watches as Tribble is introduced and gives him a welcoming nod. Between Julian's ranting, Dwight tries to introduce himself. "Dwight Twigglebundler here, tree grower and trimmer by birth, adventurer and learner by heart."

The drone of Julian begins again, and Dwight takes a moment to let the information regarding the psuedodragon sink in. "Ah a gift, we seemed lucky with the hobgoblins and the items we possessed that could be used as gifts, minor things to us. Pseudodragons seem quite different than hobgoblins they way you speak of them, with respect I'd say. If there something they value or desire that we could bring as a gift. Perhaps candies?" Dwight chuckles a little knowing answer couldn't possibly be that simple.

"A day rest should be all we need provided your potion can last. Supplies need to be purchased, perhaps a little research, and some other individual matters" (glancing towards Airin and Kendry).

"Aside from travelling in the Culverwood, which Tribble here will help us with, and locating the pseudodragon itself, is there anything else we should know about?"

Friday October 20th, 2006 5:15:31 AM

Airin listens to Bella's new assignment and is thrilled to hear they will soon encounter a real Pseudo Dragon. She heard of these maginificent beings so the chance to meet one of those is most interesting.

Then Tibble makes his entrance...

Airin blinks her eyes a couple of times and wonders if she will need a language scroll or so to understand this dark skinned halfling. It's quite obvious to Airin that this guy isn't from around the valley and it's always intriguing to meet new people.

"Well met sir. My name is Airin Moondancer Turnbell."

In front of Tibble stands a young halfling lass with dark shoulder-length hair clad in black leather armor with a cloak that appears to be reflecting her surroundings. It's obvious for Tibble that this lass is a rogue with a liking of druidic magic.

Kendry (Inge) 
Friday October 20th, 2006 5:19:08 AM

"Welcome Welcome Tibble!"

Kendry, the flamboyant and talkative bard from the group comes forward and shakes hands with Tibble.

"It's nice to meet you and we are honored to have you travelling with us. I'm Kendry Leafwin Pipewood.

"Tell us about your adventures and how you know these Pseudodragons. Do you know what gifts are given to such creatures?"

Friday October 20th, 2006 9:59:10 AM

"Well now, Ah be tankin' ya fer bein' so welcomin' an' such-like," Tibble responds broadly.

"Specks Ah knows a thin' or two 'bout Culvur'ood, tho' Ah ain't got me no book-larnin'. Lets me thinks on it a spell."

Friday October 20th, 2006 10:19:46 AM

more blinking from Airin's eyes as Tibbles speaks


ooc love Tibbles's speach Dru

Fey Dragon Lore (A little) (DM Cayzle) 
Friday October 20th, 2006 10:47:38 AM

Bella tells what little she knows. Her nature lore is more plant oriented. Since the Fey King awoke, though, more fey creatures have been sighted in the Wold. So maybe the job will be easy? She hopes so!

The newcomer may know more. Certainly, he is an earthy type.

Bella does say to Julian that the dragon need not come back here -- if it will part with the poison, this vial will sufice. She hands Airin a vial.

Bella tells Dwight that she does not know the fine points of pseudodragon diplomacy. "Good luck with that," she says.

Any final questions? If not, tell me what your plans are. It is evening now. Are you headed for the Culverwood, as Bella suggests? If so, it is easy to get to Hovel. Where would you go from there, and how?

Friday October 20th, 2006 4:18:27 PM

Tobias welcomes the newcomer, "Hello Tibble, I'm Tobias Thistlefoot Burrows. It's nice to meet you. I'm a fellow traveler of Culverwood."

[OOC: Do I get any info about pseudo-dragons from my previous rolls for Survival and Knowledge (Nature)?]

Kendry  d20+10=28 d20+7=22
Friday October 20th, 2006 6:05:18 PM

[Thank you, Inge, for posting for Kendry, and Podo, in my brief absence. I'm back! -Kim]

With Podo taking his leave, Kendry gives him a big hug and pat on the back. "Say, you wouldn't mind hanging on to the box and its contents while we go traipsing off, would you, Pode? That would be one less thing we need to worry about as we head off on filling Bella's next prescription, and keeps some of our options open."

Happy to have Tibble join them on Bella's recommendation, Kendry is even more excited about heading toward Hovel, since Humble's Ford is on the way, and he can formally introduce Airin to his family while there - and for sure catch a meal and swap gossip, before they continue on to Hovel & the Culverwood.

"Say, how about this plan? Let's pick up whatever we might want to here in Angel Springs, stay over at our family place here - by the way, Tibbles, Selithe is my sister."

That brings to mind something she just said. "And what do you mean you're the youngest of your family, sis? What about Darcie Lee, and Demko, and Juditha Onions, and Fermin - may he be remembered in sweetness, and Samki Knots and Feather Light? They're all younger than you! But, yes, you're the youngest in this group, so far.

"Anyway," and he returns his attention to Tibble, "our brother Nalfein and sister Leska are here in town - maybe there's another sibling or two with them as well. We've got the Winwood Toys and Music Shop just a hop skip and a jump away, so to speak.

"Early tomorrow, we head on the road to Hovel. We can stop on the way in Humble's Ford, and say hello to my family there, and get a bite to eat. Then head on and get to Hovel by the end of the day. On the following morrow, we'll see if we can't find a wee dragon, and request the donation."

He looks around to see if this plan sounds good to his friends, then thinks to add, "Oh, and then, of course, rush back here quick as we can."

[Bardic knowledge concerning pseudodragons: 28; Knowledge, nature for Culverwood concerning pseudodragons: 22]

"Our mother used to have a pseudodragon. She named her Snap. That was long before we came along, though," Kendry recalls. "The little lass communicated mentally. Telepathically, I mean. Mama always says 'mentally' when she means telepathic."

Friday October 20th, 2006 8:11:32 PM

Julian is keen on Kendry's plan, going to see his aunt and cousins and all that. And it is an action plan, not too much rest. Julian is keen to go find trouble, err, adventure again.
He expresses this in the most articulate way that his excited body can manage.
"Great! Let's go. Let's go now. Now. Let's go. Err, I mean, leave in the morning.
"Great! Time for a bath. Let's go now.
"I mean in the morning."

"Oh, bye Bella, see you soon with that vial full," he says.

If this plan is agreed to by all...
He jumps onto Sallie, and charges out the door, down the road, then swings in a circle back to Bella's house.

"Where are we gonna stay the night?"

Saturday October 21st, 2006 3:00:26 AM

The bard laughs at Julian's eager response. "Winwood Toys and Music. Upstairs. C'mon, we'll show you the way."

Unless Bella has some other thing to request, offer, or clarify, Kendry leads folks down Wart Hill to Wart Street. As they walk, he asks, "Are there any things we might want to buy at the Catacombs? I wonder if a few of us can read that book on hunting undead at the same time. I wouldn't mind reading it. You too, sis? Anyone else? It probably would be a good idea for Podo, since he's taken up the religious life," he chatters on. When they get to the T-intersection, he goes left onto East Springs Road.

"Past Hovel, Julian, and Buddy's Falls is Washed Out Bridge. It's next to where some ferry boats travel the Peaseblossom River - some of us took a trip downstream that way last year. Anyway, The Culverwood starts on the other side of the bridge. I'd like to see how things in the Wood have changed recently. I was born there, myself - lived there for a while with cousin Shale."

A few hundred yards down the road he points out the carved wooden sign, Winwood Toys & Music, pushes open the door (which causes a little bell above the door to ring), and calls out within, "So, where are those worthless Leafwin Pipewoods when you need them, eh?"

Sunday October 22nd, 2006 1:14:08 PM

Dwight tries to think of more questions, he likes to have the entire situation thought out before the adventure starts. His thoughts keep getting interupted as he continuously looks to Kendry and Airin to translate whatever Tribble is saying. "Is that goblin or gnomish?," Asking without meaning to offend.

In the end, he thanks Bella again for the money and potion and bids her a good night. "We will shall return as soon as possible."


Once out, Dwight says he doesn't really have any problem leaving at sunup as long as tonight provides a good rest.

Selithe (By Anthony) 
Sunday October 22nd, 2006 1:17:25 PM

Selithe leaves feeling accomplished (finding the book may be useful) and intrigued by the newest addition.

"I agree with Dwight, a good rest and we should be set to leave."

Cayzle OOC 
Monday October 23rd, 2006 12:49:36 AM

Friends, I have heard from JP, and he will need at least a couple months away from the game. Jerry and I have put him on inactive status for now, but we hope to welcome him back to the game as soon as he is able to return.

Monday October 23rd, 2006 10:05:40 AM

"Guys I totally agree whenever we decide to leave, but what do we take as gift? I doubt we'll come up with something when we'll be face to face with these creatures..."

"I can chip in a couple of hundreds for a gift but we need to know what..."

Monday October 23rd, 2006 4:43:55 PM

Tibble is happy to accept the gracious offer of accommodations. Harry, Tibble's riding mastiff, is called to heel.

"Ah don't beh a-knowin' whats a sueda-dragun beh a-wantin' fer a-giftin'," the rotund GreenMage directs towards the group, but addressing Airin directly. "Mayhap wheese could beh a-askin' dah wee mite whens wheese gets thar?"

On the Road (DM Cayzle) 
Monday October 23rd, 2006 5:59:55 PM

Tobias thinks back on what little he knows or has heard about Pseudodragons ... Well, they are tiny dragons. Sometimes they have butterfly wings, other times leathery dragon wings. They are good-natured but enjoy tricks and pranks. They are loyal but rare friends to maortals. Their barbed tails have a sleep poison. They live in temperate woods.

Kendry adds that he once heard a story about a faerie dragon that could talk to you in your head, but also that it could read minds! Also, his mom has said that she had a pseudodragon in her youth, but no more. He is not sure he heard the story right, though.

Kendry also suggests staying the night in Angel Springs, then travelling to Humble's Ford and then on to Hovel.

Julian is ready to spring into action. Or bed!

Dwight and Selithe are also looking forward to getting on the road.

Airin asks what the party should give to the dragon. Tibble suggests asking it.

The party debates these issues into the night, and in the morning they get on the road. The short trip to Humble's Ford is fast. Any business here? Or on to Hovel?

Monday October 23rd, 2006 9:21:03 PM

After party heads back to the toy shop for bed, Dwight mentions easy gifts. "Maybe some chocolate or a neat toy?"

Thinking mostly to himself, Dwight continues to think and mumble into the night. "Hmmm a good-natured creature....most likely willing to help others if it doesn't put him to far out....though most likely intelligent if part dragon."

At that conclusion, Dwight almost falls out of bed. "That's a scary thought, part dragon, definitely don't want to offend!" Finally a pause, and his friends being kept awake by his loud thoughts may believe he has finally fallen asleep.

Several minutes later, "Certainly wouldn't give saliva or whatever to just anybody, in case they're purposes are pure...The only way to find out what a pseudo dragon wants is to inquire.!?.!?"

Dwight sits up and looks around at the others sleeping. It dawns on him, by his own deduction and the time needed to translate what he heard earlier. "Tribble was right?" he states just a little too loud.

Having an answer, exhaustion finally overcomes Dwight.

Selithe (By Anthony) 
Monday October 23rd, 2006 9:55:06 PM

Selithe enjoys the soft covers and dreams pleasant dreams of gaining great insight from the spellbook. The thought of meeting a psuedodragon excites her, but is a bit frightening at the same time.

As morning begins and breakfast is served, Selithe checks her belongings to make sure everything is in its proper place.

Monday October 23rd, 2006 10:17:44 PM

Julian scarfs his meal, barely saying a word, seemingly deep in thought. At first chance he runs off outside.

He returns exhausted. He falls into bed, asleep before he hits the pillow. He tosses and turns all night.

Julian runs. He leaps boulders, dodges trees, and he runs. The trees blur onto an unending hedge. The sky is a blue streak between green borders. He calls out in his sleep, something unintelligible, though strongly said. Faster he goes now, the trees a solid wall, wavering left and right as Julian leans slightly into each turn. He bounds over a mighty river, his feet skimming the surface. His trousers remain dry. An enemy sighted, Julian charges in, holding a spear, a lance. It is centred on the creature's chest, held in strong hands. The point impacts and Julian finds himself standing in the room at the end of his bed. It is filled with the grey light of early dawn.

"Ahhh, slept well, feeling good. Let's go."

Tuesday October 24th, 2006 9:21:12 AM

After a pleasant night's sleep Tibble will slip out to see to Harry's needs and check his gear.

"Let's nut piddle diddle when thars 'venturin' but needs a-doin'."

Tuesday October 24th, 2006 1:57:46 PM

Tobias has a restful night and is ready to head out early. He makes a quick stop at the Catacombs to pick up a bull's strength potion, but after that he's all set. He will volunteer to lead the party into Culverwood when everyone is ready... Do we have a specific destination??

Tuesday October 24th, 2006 6:32:04 PM

Kendry introduces Tibbles to his brother Nalfein and sister Leska, who run the family shop. Of course, they already know cousin Julian, but it's likely a while since they've seen each other.

Later he explains to his siblings, including Selithe, and in the company of Airin, that he and Airin are getting serious about things - and he wants to introduce her to Papa and Mama and the rest of the family - and she's going to do the same for him with her family. After chatting with friends and family as he gives Cheann a good brushing, finding the last little brambles and burrs he missed earlier, he retires early to bed.

Before dawn he gets his ponies from the blacksmith's stables, having paid the stableboys in advance to brush them down, feed them, and check their tack. He saddles up Cheann, then joins Tobias for a quick trip to the Catacombs.

As they travel the way, he sings, whistles, and practices his lute, getting to know Tibble better, and enjoying the company of his dear companions, and especially of raven-tressed Airin, the delight of his heart.

Belated ADM report for CV - Kim 
Tuesday October 24th, 2006 6:32:31 PM

DM Cayzle: MTWTF - 5
Tibble: ---TF - 2 [Just started Thursday!]
Dwight: MTWTF - 5
Airin: MTWTF - 5
Podo: -TWT- - 3 [Just left Thursday]
Selithe: MTWTF - 5
Kendry: MTWTF - 5
Tobias: MTWTF - 5
Julian: MTWTF - 6

Aside from Podo (Jon-Paul Ward's monk-cleric), who leaves the game this week, and Tibble (Andrew's greenmage), who joins the group this week, everyone had five (or more) posts. Thanks to Inge and Anthony who subbed for Kendry and Selithe, respectively.

Tuesday October 24th, 2006 8:32:40 PM

Looking around, wondering who he was talking to, Tibble is licked in the face by Harry.

Tuesday October 24th, 2006 8:50:53 PM

"Tibble, tell me about yourself. Where did you pick up your wonderful accent? And your waistcoat? Bella has helped me out a lot in the past too. How was your apprenticeship with her?"

"Bella helped me get through some rough patches in my life. She helped me to control my powers, gave some good advice on life generally...

"I've not been long with this little group, I prefer fighting, and they seem to avoid it really well. Still, some raucous fun to be had, no doubt. I've just gotta push past their natural caution."

Julian is wearing bold green trousers, yellow jacket and embroidered waistcoat depicting a liontaur tearing apart some kobolds against an azure sky. He carries a falchion and longspear. His pack is tied to his riding dog, and a larger badger is always at his heels.

Tuesday October 24th, 2006 9:11:00 PM

(OOC:Thanks for covering for me Anthony.)

Selithe is ready and heads out with the others when they do. She is sure Gra will enjoy the stretch of the legs and even walks her a little ways before slipping into the saddle to enjoy a little ride.

She keeps her eyes and ears open but otherwise says little as her mind is on seeing a dragon for the first time even if it is a fey type dragon.

Arriving in Hovel (DM Cayzle) 
Tuesday October 24th, 2006 10:27:41 PM

The trip through the Crescent Valley proper is as uneventful as one might think from settled halfling lands. Farmers wave hello, travellers greet you with smiles, and even when camping under stars or sleeping in a cozy inn or hayloft, you have the sense of security that comes from being at peace in your native land.

The group stops in Humble's Ford and says hello to kin and friends. [OOC: Airin and Kendry, feel free to RP meeting family in e-mail for posting later as you have the chance, if you like.]

In Hovel, there is a slightly different scent in the air. A slightly wilder feel, compared with the rest of the valley. The weeds grow greener. The trees are more gnarled. The foxes and field mice are craftier. This is nothing new, as those who have been here before know, but the essence of nature seems stronger here. The Fae King's hand, maybe stretches out from the Culverwood.

Friends and relations you meet here tell you that it has been a bountiful season. Cows give more milk, pumpkins are bigger, pears juicier, and there are lots of healthy twins being born. No one seems to mind that it takes a little more work to weed and hoe.

The Culverwood beckons beyond Hovel, and those of you who were born there feel it calling.

Wednesday October 25th, 2006 2:04:13 AM

"Ah, friends, the Culverwood beckons! Let us go forth into her welcoming boughs," Kendry says with verve and bardic timbre in his voice. Then he makes like he is twisting the end of a mustache as he looks to his comrades with a twinkle in his eye. Of course, he has no mustache.

Wednesday October 25th, 2006 4:09:17 AM

"Hey Tibble, this is cute, look what happened when Harry met Sallie."

"Ok, Kendry," Julian shoves him forward with his shoulder, lets get going. He holds his longspear by the head, dragging the shaft. He walks, prefering at the moment to enjoy the forest soil between his toes. Sallie the long-haired grey collie bounds along behind with Julian's pack tied to her saddle. Shark, the large badger, is, as always, at Julian's heels.
"This dragon we seek, 'spose we shouldn't say, or think soodo anymore, I wonder how strong its tail poison is. I bet I could stand up to it, if it came to that. P'raps it'd prefer the gold Bella gave us. I was going to spend that on me, of course. Thinking of buying some armour and a lance, and spending time trying to convince you all to go on a raid for booty. You know, clean out some vile kobolds, something like that..."

He springs along, looking forward to some fun.
Julian left his sledgehammer back at Bella's. I hope she doesn't mind, probably won't even notice.

At one point, early on, Julian exclaims, "Oh, hang on..." turns around, says something in strong voice, waving his hands around, and runs back for 50'. He jogs back to the group and picks his spear back up, "Nope, that's not it."

Thereafter he walks along, in a contemplative mood.

Wednesday October 25th, 2006 11:55:18 AM

Seeing Julian is being social like and all:

"Well, then. Formel interduckshuns bein order - Mr. Harry Barqr (hairy barker) this here bees Miss Sallie. Take yer nose outa her butt, thars time 'nough fer tat later."

"It wurn't suh longs ago that Ah been burn in dem woods wheese be a-headin' to, yep. Raised by treants Ah were. Sealya were her name that dun tuk a licken tus me. She dun be a Baldcypress frum sum swamp er odder down south ways. Dem treants wur been a-havin' an icecream social or sum such. By dah times Ah get homes Eyes all growed up."

"Me Ma done a-recollectin' havin' me, tho' dah rest of dah family were nun to shur. 'See? I told you those crafty druids got him.' she dun made mention to my Pa. Then she dun set about a-knockin' the treant outa me wiff a wood'n spoon. Despite mes a-tellin' hur dat be not what der frase 'knock on wood' means she dun kept on fer a right spell."

Tibble shifts in his saddle, noticing all the pricked up ears.

"Pa tells it difrent no-hows. He bees a-sayin' my brudder dun were kicked in der hed by a badger."

Tibble eyes Shark suspiciously.

"An dat be wise I develuped attention deficit disorder dah dun limited mes humschoolen."

Wednesday October 25th, 2006 2:10:27 PM

Tobias listens in to Tibble and Julian's exchange, finding the two new additions humorous enough...

He is ready to lead the party with Tewdwr into Culverwood. It's been several months since he left Culverwood and returned to the halfling homestead. And, his feet are ready to return to the old paths. His senses are already attuning back to his most familiar surroundings. And, he's eager to set out when the others are ready.

CDM Jerry 
Wednesday October 25th, 2006 3:57:15 PM

Please post the report on everyone's posting last week. When this is done, please email me.

I understand from Cayzle that Kim is busy. So if one of the other players here can step up and do the report for him, that would be helpful.

Selithe  d20+8=25 d20+8=11
Wednesday October 25th, 2006 9:22:23 PM

Selithe enjoys her time in Hovel, spending it with friends and family she hasn't seen in awhile and of course hitting the nearest place to get some gambling in before the group moves on and a couple drinks. She hasn't had a good game in awhile and is in the mood for some time with her favorite thing in the world, cards.

Selithe finds herself also thinking of past people the group has been with and sighs, missing Duncan, Patty and other they been with.

(Profession Gamble:25 Craft Gamble:11)

Wednesday October 25th, 2006 10:26:45 PM

Enjoying the peaceful trip, Dwight follows along. He watches Tibble, and Julian, but doesn't comment.

Overall he keeps to himself in thought about all the stories about dragons he has ever heard....which might about to 4, but he thinks about them from every angle.

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