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Necromancer's Cave

At the Necromancer's Cave (DM Cayzle) 
Friday September 1st, 2006 12:00:42 PM

[OOC ruling by Cayzle: Sure you can cast Silence on a projectile, like an arrow. Whether you hit or miss, the Silence ends up on an arrow or broken piece of arrow in the target's square. But the arrow is not sticking in the person, and he or she can move out of the Silence. OK?]

[OOC: The Necromancer is NOT immune to nonlethal damage, but the Humonculous IS. Stock potions of Hide From Undead are as if cast by a first level caster -- they last 10 minutes.]

Tobias is set to be on the stealth team, and he tells Tewdwr to stay with the diversionary team.

Dwight wisely wonders about the exact method the stealthers will use to capture the hiumonculus. [OOC ruling by Cayzle: If one (or more) person can pin the humonculus (using the Woldian House Rules for Grapples), then in the next round the pinner can drop the humonculus into the box IF a second person is holding the box and stands ready to close and lock the lid. OK?]

Dwight tells Zom that the hobgoblins will fight the undead. Zom agrees, but says that he himself will accompany the stealth team. He will be invisible. He also says that there must be loot, or he will not go, so he is on the stealth team to make sure that he is not ripped off. He says too bad we're not killing the witch doctor, but he can use Mist and Web to delay the enemy when it is time to escape.

Selithe says she will do her best to fight the Necromancer. Julian is ready for the battle with undead. Podo will go with the stealth team.

Kendry is ready to cast his Message cantrip.

Airin is ready to drink her potion.

The group moves to a stand of trees about a fifth of a mile away from the cave. You are about 1,000 feet from the cave mouth. You can see that for another 500 feet there are patches of scrub and bushes that a trained rogue or ranger could hide in. But the final 500 feet to the cave is dirt, gravel, and sand with no place to hide. How will you cross that 500 feet undetected, Stealth Team? It would take about two minutes to cross the brush, and another two minutes to cross the open space, unmounted at a hustle. Slower if sneaking, faster if mounted, etc.

And the Map!

Friday September 1st, 2006 3:41:33 PM

Tobias is ready to try to pin the hum. He will take his potions of bull's strength (to help with his grapple check) and hide from undead when the stealth group is ready to move to the cavern.

If we're attacking just before daybreak, will Tobias have a chance to prepare a different spell. If so, he will prepare delay poison (didn't the hum have some sort of poison). If not, he will still have an entangle spell.

[OOC: thanks Dwight, I'll send Tobias's sheet shortly]

Friday September 1st, 2006 8:14:21 PM

"I could help by distracting that skeleton gaurding the entrance with some sling shots, as the Stealth Team sneak past it. But I fear we will face more undead before I could do that. I think the Stealth Team needs to sneak in as best they can, as the rest of us begin an open battle. Perhaps they could swing to the left a bit...
"Zom will be invisible, but what about hide from undead?"
Julian is keen to move openly through the brush as fast as possible, then approach the sands more cautiously. He also suggests to the halflings that since Zom is with the Stealth Team that maybe the hobs would accept his leadership, when he is 7' tall with a dire badger. "I don't speak the language but maybe... What do you think?"
Julian is just waiting for the right moment to cast Dire Badger (Enlarge Person) and Badger Fur (Mage Armour) on himself and Shark, as well as Prestidigitations to make his clothes look like fur.

Friday September 1st, 2006 10:07:45 PM

Selithe takes a deep breath as she looks around and sighs softly, nodding as she looks to the others, "If the sneak group moves in using a potion and the others attack you might beable to get them to break up their forces enough for us to get in and out. However I doubt the necromancer will want to come out and we can be sure he will keep some pets for his protection inless he is so sure of himself."

Tobias (by Anthony) 
Sunday September 3rd, 2006 2:52:33 PM

Tobias prepares to embark with the stealth team. With weapons within easy reach, Tobias awaits the final word to set out.

"I've got the humuculus, who is gonna have the chest once I've grappled it?"

Dwight (Hp: 35, Ac 16)  d20+9=25 d20+11=31 d20+8=23 d20+3=6
Sunday September 3rd, 2006 3:19:33 PM

[Sorry about Tobias' double post]

Dwight thinks about his plan and all the details having been laid out. If only everything goes as expected he thinks realizing everything cannot be taken into account.

Before setting out Dwight tries to double check some details. "The chest, very important. Selithe and I will carry it in, and then one of us will need to be prepared to close it once Tobias has the hum."

Without meaning to offend, Dwight inquires if Zom is planning on helping inside or just help with the escape. He plans to help, shutting the chest, helping to grapple (due to his size) or slowing, preventing the necro from casting would be helpful.

Also, Dwight inquires who is in charge outside, perhaps Julian as he has offered. Regardless, Kendry and Julian need to know to help keep outside informed. He also affirms that their will be treasure, split 50-50 as agreed, but that will have to wait until after the necro and hum are taken care of.

"Okay," Dwight swallows hard feeling the pressure of this task he has set the group in. "If everyone knows there task, I think we are as ready as we can be." He looks around reading the expectations of everyone, waiting for everyone to nod showing they understand.

"Julian, the stealth team is going to attempt to sneak into the cave. Once inside, give us about a 4 count, then engage. If it all works, the moment you engagew will be the moment the necro is engaged. Try not to let anything else enter the cave. If something does, warn us with a whistle."

Looking around, Dwight tries to think of anything he may have missed. "I suggest we drink our potions here and hustle toward the cave entrace. Time plan about six minutes to the cave entrance, trying to hide as long as we can. Once close to the entrance, the rest of the group can begin moving closer (to the edge of the brush) then the 4 count."

Dwight looks around one more time, holds his potion of hide from undead out (If Zom doesn't have one, is provided with one if he would like.) Letting the stealth group drink together, Dwight sets out.

Active spells:
Hide from undead (potion)
Message (From Kendry)

Hide: 25
Move Silently: 31 (nat 20)
Listen: 23
Spot: 6

Podo (by Kim) 
Sunday September 3rd, 2006 5:33:49 PM

"I'll have the box ready," Podo answers Tobias.

Monday September 4th, 2006 4:08:50 AM

"Regarding the request to cast silence on an object," Kendry says just before people split up, "I could cast it on this tanglefoot bag. If you hit the intended target with it, he may find himself stuck in silence, after a manner of speaking. Of course, until it is cast away from whoever carries it, the silence will move with you."

If any is willing, then Kendry does as he said, and casts a silence spell upon a tanglefoot bag - which he offers to whoever wishes to carry it.

Airin [ 42/42 HP / AC21 / Woodland Stride / Message / Mage Armor / Hide from Undead] and Fioni [ 8/8 HP / AC17 ]  d20+12=20 d20+19=36 d20+8=21 d20+8=26 d20+12=31
Monday September 4th, 2006 4:19:35 AM

Airin wonders if skirting the dirt through the bushes, climbing the rocks behind the entrance, and lowering themselves by ropes would not have been safer to get to the entrace but she will do as the group is set to do. Otherwise we would only be wasting time arguing...

"Ok friends here goes nothing. Good luck everyone! Remember the mission... retrieve the Homunculus unharmed, leave the necromancer alive... and get out.

As for the retreat towards our home... I think taking the long road might be safer than going directly to our home. If they follow us, we may lead them towards our homes. Should we consider going in a wide circle ... we will find out if they will be following, and we have an extra chance to loose them... Oh we'll see... first we need to get this mission done!"

Airin quaffs the potion and looks at herself... she's not invisible not are her friends who drank the potion. How do we know if this works?!?

Then the little halfling lass begins to cross the distance towards the cave...

Move Silently: 20
Hide: 36
Search: 21
Spot: 26
Listen: 31

Active Spells:
Message (cast by Kendry): 500 rounds
Mage Armor: 600 rounds
Hide from Undead: 100 Rounds

Spell List:
Read Magic

Speak with Animals
Speak with Animals - USED

To the Cave! (DM Cayzle) 
Monday September 4th, 2006 1:06:50 PM

Led by Airin, the Stealth Team begins to head out.

While in the brush, does the team move at half speed so as to be stealthiest, or at a walk (-5 on stealth rolls)?

Does the stealth team head directly for the cave, or to the right or to the left?

All on the stealth team must make move silent and hide checks.

Zom says that his people have their orders, so no worries on that part. He says he'll stay hidden unless maybe to Web the witch doctor. He takes a potion from Dwight. Then he disappears from sight, presumably following along with the rest of the stealth team.

Moving at half speed, it will take the stealth team two and a half minutes to get to the sands. Moving at normal speed, half that. Does the diversion team wait or start moving out right away too?

Keep in mind that the range of Message is not the entire map!

Keep in mind that Hide from Undead lasts ten minutes!

Keep track of who has how many potions!

It is just before daybreak, and Tobias can take Delay Poison for his potion. Yes, the homunculus has a poison bite -- in fact it is for that poison that Bella wants you to bring back the construct.

Given spell durations, Julian will want to cast the armor and prestidigitation now,and the enlarge just before engaging.

Given the duration, does Kendry want to use the Silence now?

Julian [AC18, hp 37] and Shark the badger [AC 20, hp18] 
Monday September 4th, 2006 7:13:43 PM

OOC are we in combat rounds yet? I thought not, otherwise Julian can only cast one of these spells.

Julian removes something from his spell pouch and chants something about the mighty badger. He wipes something black down his forehead, over his eyes and down his cheeks and nose so that the grey sideburns resemble the stripes on a badgers face. He then carefully and deliberately brings his hands down over his body, to his toes. The black smearing sprouts hair and Julian is now covered with thick black badger fur.
"Mmmmm, Badger Fur feels so comfortable, so safe."
Cast Mage Armour "Badger Fur" and Prestidigitation.
Mage Armour will also effect Shark, Julian's familiar who remains within 5'.

"Kendry, let's see if we can organise these hobs," Julian speeks to Kendry in Halfling, "maybe see if they know what tactics are, what discipline is. We might have a big job ahead keeping them together, after all they don't even speak common.
"Just how many are there? Hobs? Bugbears? Dire Wolves, Wargs? What do we have to work with? What weapons do they have?
"I want them in a defensive V formation. If Tobias can take a Hob down in one blow, well, no offense to Tobias but they must have a very low pain threshold.
"With the V formation if we each stay 5' apart when one of them is overwhelmed it can step back into the V for extra help and protection from those nearby. It also means that any enemy drawn into the centre will be flanked on all sides. The opening of the V is the forward section, and with discipline it can open and close to draw in and trap enemies within a closing wedge of steel. Fun.
"You and I could use hide from undead to command the Hobs, and spring a surprise attack if needed.
"Can you relate that to them? Do you think they would understand? If they don't like it I could convince them otherwise... Especially when I am taller then they are.
"What are we gonna do with the pack animals, and Sallie here?"

Julian is ready to move with Kendry, and ready to cast "Dire Badger" (Enlarge Person). He also has his potion of Hide from Undead in his pocket waiting...
Active spells
Mage Armour [duration 2 hours]
Prestidigitation [dur 1 hour]

Spells per day
6 cantrips and 5 1st level
5 cantrips and 4 1st level

Dwight (Hp 35, Ac 16, Message/Hide from Undead)  d20+9=22 d20+11=15 d20+8=24 d20+3=17 d20+6=15
Monday September 4th, 2006 7:34:11 PM

(If Kendry still wants to cast the spell, Dwight will take the tanglefoot bag. It will take at least 6 minutes to get to cave, so it won't last for the necro.)

Unless others object, Dwight encourages the stealth team to move at half-speed. Via the message, "Good luck all, Airin, lead us as you see fit to the entrance with haste. We should probably assume something will see us."

Hide: 22-5=17
Move Silently: 15-5=10
listen: 24
spot: 17
search: 15

Tobias (by Anthony) (hp 38, ac20, Message/Hide from undead)  d20+17=35 d20+14=29 d20+5=17 d20+1=4
Monday September 4th, 2006 7:40:19 PM

Seeing the group ready, Tobias downs his Hide from undead potion and set off directly behind Airin.

He keeps an eye out, hoping to make it to the cave before he has to engage. Swords are ready.

move silently: 29-5=24
spot: 17
search: 4

Posting Report - ADM Kim - Aug 28 - Sept 3 2006 
Monday September 4th, 2006 9:31:06 PM

DM Cayzle: MTWTF
Dwight: MTWTF
Airin: MT-TF
Podo: -TWTF
Selithe: MTWTF
Kendry: MTWTF
Tobias: MTWTF
Julian: MTWTF

Good job, once again, folks. Podo's light posting is my fault, not Jon-Paul's.

Selithe  d20+9=16 d20+7=11 d20+2=3 d20=20
Monday September 4th, 2006 10:34:59 PM

Selithe moves as silently as she can and also moves slowly, not walking as to instill as few penalties as possible.

As she moves she also keeps her eyes out and whispers to the others before they start moving to far, "I will drink my invisiblity potion just before we break through the line of bushes and such as to keep it at it's longest effect."

(Hide:16 Move silently:11 Listen:3 Spot:20 *nat:20*)

Monday September 4th, 2006 11:26:32 PM

Kendry gives Selithe a hug before she departs. Then Airin a longer hug. "Wardd's luck favor you, cupcake." Remembering something, he says, "Here, Airin, take this net. It might help in capturing the... thing." He gives her a folded battlenet. "If you think someone else can use it, go ahead and give it to him."

Since the time to the cave is longer than the silence spell will last, he gives Dwight a tanglefoot bag, but without the benefit of the spell.

"Where we stand is too far off to help in a timely manner," Kendry says in common, then in goblin, interpreting each sentence as he speaks. "So, we will move closer. We will circle to the left, through brush and trees, until we draw near the base of the bluff. Then we'll work our way along the bluff toward the cave entrance.

"During the first part of our journey, we will travel at normal speed. Once we draw close to the bluff, let us become more stealthy."

Kendry asks the name of each ally, as well as the names of their dire wolves.

He answers Julian, "There are no bugbears or wargs. There are... ten(?) hobgoblins with us, including Rarriat. The eleventh, Zom, is with the others.

"Let's bring the ponies and dogs with us on our wide sweep.

"Your counsel is good, Julian. I will tell the others of the tactics you suggest as we go through the trees. We will not talk, except in whispers, while in the brush. I'll teach a few simple hand signals." He shows them the signs for hurry, slow, stop, circle, and directional signals, and practices them as they travel through the brush and trees.

Following a path from the one stand of trees to the next, and the next three-part clump, Kendry leads the group of hobgoblins, riding his dog, Cheann, then along the edge of the map to the bluff. Once there, he checks to make sure all have made it safely.

Podo (by Kim)  d20+14=32 d20+13=25
Tuesday September 5th, 2006 1:40:07 AM

[Hide: 32; Move silently: 25]

Podo travels in silence with the others. As they draw near to the edge of the brush, he drinks from the potion of hide from undead.

Airin [ 42/42 HP / AC21 / Woodland Stride / Message / Mage Armor / Hide from Undead] and Fioni [ 8/8 HP / AC17 ]  d20+12=30 d20+19=35 d20+8=14 d20+8=28 d20+12=14
Tuesday September 5th, 2006 5:05:15 AM

"Very well, let's go straight through the bushes without wasting time (no reduced speed - as most allready took into account the -5) but then I would advise not going dirently towards the entrace. Let's scirt the bushes and take a bow towards the cave (left bow)"

Airin puts her crossbow on her back and takes her sap in her hand. This is a stealth mission and if all goes well she should not fire a single bolt... if all goes well that is...

"remember not to bump into any undead creatures friends or the spell will be cancelled. I have one potion left... (if everyone took a potion but i don't know this)."

It was about 2 minutes to the end of the bushes... then another 2 minutes towards the entrance - we'll need 3 if we take a bow towarsd the cave. This leaves us with 5 minutes to grab the homunculus and leave...

"Who says the Homunculus is INSIDE the cave?!?!? Who says the Homunculus, who can travel away from the Necro for a certain range did not SPOT us... and the Necro can look through its eyes... I'd better not express these negative thought to my friends... let's not worry them and get going..." airin thinks to herself as she travels through the bushes.

Move Silently: 30
Hide: 35
Search: 14
Spot: 28 - Nat20
Listen: 14

Active Spells:
Message (cast by Kendry): 499 rounds
Mage Armor: 599 rounds
Hide from Undead: 99 Rounds

Spell List:
Read Magic

Speak with Animals
Speak with Animals - USED

Splitting and Maneuvering (DM Cayzle) 
Tuesday September 5th, 2006 10:25:22 AM

[OOC: We are not in round-by-round mode yet because at ten rounds per minute, that would be 20-plus posts of "I continue to sneak closer." LOL!]

Diversion Team -- DT

Julian casts his protective magic. He tries to talk with the hobgoblins. They basically ignore him. They smile and wave their clubs around, as if to say, "Yeah, sure, we fight very well, thanks!"

Julian notes that there are 11 warriors (including Rarriett). They have formed basically into two groups, each one clustered around a dire wolf.

Julian asks what the group will do with mounts and such. that's actually a great question. What will the group do with mounts and such?! I know Tewdwr will be with the diversion team.

Kendry talks with the hobgoblins and translates Julian's ideas. One tall hobgoblin says, "A wedge is a good idea. We hobgoblins make two wolf teams. You, small guys and cursed dog, go between us and ahead to make the point of the wedge."

The diversion team moves along, staying out of sight and moving towards the bluff on the right side.

Stealth Team -- ST

Dwight, Podo, and Selithe sneak along at half speed.

Arien and Tobias sneak along at full speed. They scout ahead and then back, returning to the slower members from time to time. They see no sign of undead in the brush.

The stealth team moves to the edge of the brush on the left side. From here on forward, there is no cover and therefore hiding is impossible. Zom is fine with his invisibility, ditto Selithe. What about the rest? Will you rely on the hide from undead potions and hope that there are no other watchers other than the undead?

Well, let me revise that statement slightly. The edge of the bluff is jagged and curves. It DOES offer a little cover from the ogre skeleton at the cave mouth. If you hugged the base of the bluff, you might be able to hide and sneak closer ... maybe within 100 feet.

And who knows? Maybe the last hundred feet can be crossed without being noticed during a diversion?

And the Map!

Airin [ 42/42 HP / AC21 / Woodland Stride / Message / Mage Armor / Hide from Undead / Spider Climb] and Fioni [ 8/8 HP / AC17 ]  d20+12=29 d20+19=23 d20+8=26 d20+12=13
Tuesday September 5th, 2006 11:48:45 AM

Airin signals to her sneaky friends that it is best to follow the edge of the bluff now at a slower pace to gain as much as possibly from their stealth... Yet she also signals that she will travel up the bluff...

Airin's hand goes into her Haversack and the exact scroll she wanted comes out... Spider Climb... (move action)

She reads the scroll whispering the words and little hairs seem to grow on the tips of her fingers and feet.

"so far so good..." she thinks and slowly proceeds towards the entrance although rather than walking on the ground, Airin goes up the bluff following a diagonal to remain at the same distance from the entrance as her friends...

(this means Airin will not be able to go slower - her climbing speed is slower so she can not go even slower to gain in stealth. Taking -5 on move silently after all - and she allready lost 1 move action compared to her other stealthy friends.)

Move Silently: 29
Hide: 23 (on the bluff side)
Spot: 26
Listen: 13 - Nat 1

Active Spells:
Message (cast by Kendry): 480 rounds
Mage Armor: 580 rounds
Hide from Undead: 80 Rounds
Spider Climb: 200 rounds

Spell List:
Read Magic

Speak with Animals
Speak with Animals - USED

Tuesday September 5th, 2006 6:21:44 PM

In the last stand of woods, Kendry takes a minute to grab a few items from the ponies' saddlebags. Not wanting them to be defenseless targets against wandering undead, he leaves them unroped, but places feed on the ground for them to munch on, and perhaps remain occupied until their return.

"As our scouts draw close, let us creep forward with caution - following the edge of the bluff until we are near the end of the brush." As before, Kendry speaks in goblin and common.

He takes the lead, and moves with care towards the bluff, then caveward...

Dwight (Hp 35, Ac 16, mesage, hide from undead  d20+9=21 d20+11=25 d20+3=10 d20+6=8
Tuesday September 5th, 2006 9:12:22 PM

Dwight follows Airins lead, though on the ground. Counting the time in his head, he hopes he calculated the time correctly and the others create a good disruption.

Hide: 21-5=16
Move Silently: 25-5=20
Spot: 10
Search 8

Tobias (by Anthony) (Hp 38, ac 20, message, hide from undead)  d20+17=26 d20+14=31 d20+5=21 d20+1=3
Tuesday September 5th, 2006 9:15:07 PM

Flexing his fingers on his hilts, Tobias goes through the motions he will need to do in order to grapple the humuculus.

hide: 26-5=21
Move Silently:31-5=26
spot 21
search 3

Selithe  d20+9=28 d20+7=26
Tuesday September 5th, 2006 9:52:44 PM

Selithe moves along as best she can, sticking to the bluff that was indicated and holding her breath some as she does her best to move as quietly as possible and stay hidden. She really hates the idea of being the one who might ruin it for the group but she is happy to see her rogue training has payed off from the looks as she does quite a good job of keeping quiet and hiding.

(Hide:28 Move Silently:26 almost max on both.)

Julian and Shark [enlarged, mage armour, AC 16 hp 37] Shark AC 20 hp 18  d20+3=15
Tuesday September 5th, 2006 10:50:24 PM

"Sallie, stay. Gaurd.
"Shark, come."

With any luck Sallie should be an effective gaurd dog with the pack animals of Kendry's (any others?)

"Kendry, I don't think they understood what I meant about a defensive V. They seem to expect a wedge. Bah! well, they don't even speek common.
"I reckon we lead by example, and create a loud and large diversion. But I lost track of time and forgot how long Dwight said. You say when.
"Want me to use Burrow Speak (Message) between us. I have used it in the past on Sallie too, so I can hear her growl if there is trouble, and to call her up or remind her to stay as needed...
Cast Burrow Speak on Kendry(?) and Sallie.
Julian will follow Kendry's lead, and with any luck the other lunkheads will also follow, and not stab us in the back. He doesn't say this out load at all.
Just before they move into the open Julian will drink his Hide from Undead and cast Dire Badger (Enlarge Person) on himself and Shark. His Greater Sledgehammer is in hand, and he scans ahead.
Spot 15
Active spells
Mage Armour [duration 2 hours]
Prestidigitation [dur 1 hour]
Enlarge Person
Message (Julian, Sallie, Kendry?)
Hide from Undead (potion)

Spells per day
6 cantrips and 5 1st level
4 cantrips and 3 1st level

Halt! Who goes there! (DM Cayzle)  d20+6=16
Wednesday September 6th, 2006 2:41:16 PM

Stealth Team -- ST

Airin leads the way along the base of the bluff, sticking close to the rubble at the rock face and using it for cover. Dwight, Tobias, and Selithe follow. Then she uses her spider climb to ascend the rock face, moving in advance of the group. Podo acts as a rearguard, hanging back a bit.

If you make a listen check vs DC16, you will hear Zom's invisible footsteps nearby.

Diversion Team -- DT

Kendry leaves the party's mounts in the last stand of trees. Julian leaves his dog as well.

The two halflings lead the hobgoblins through the brush along the edge of the bluff on the right. The large dire wolves are not very sneaky-like, but more imposing-and-threatening-like.

It is clear that the ogre skeleton standing at the cave mouth sees the hobgoblins and two dire wolves as they leave the cover of the trees. The two-handed blade it wields swings around to face them.

The diversion team gets to the edge of the brush. A few more steps bring them onto the sandy gravel that marks the necromancer's lifeless territory. The skeleton is about 500 feet away, and looking at you.

The diversion team starts across the gravel. About 250 feet from the skeleton, the party hears a voice. It booms out from the skeleton.

"Who has come to trouble the home of puissant wizard Flavius Aetius? Marcus, captain of the guard, demands an answer!"

At this point, only Airin, Kendry, and Julian can see the ogre skeleton. Its breastplate gleams, and it somehow manages to seem very threatening. Those three:

Airin, Kendry, and Julian, if you make a Listen check vs DC20, then Highlight to display spoiler: {The voice does not come from the skeleton, but from its sword!}

Kendry and Julian, only, if you make a spot check vs DC20, then Highlight to display spoiler: {The skeleton's jaw does not move when it speaks.}

And the Map!

Julian  d20+12=31
Wednesday September 6th, 2006 7:43:56 PM

OOC just rolling my listen check for now.
listen 31

Selithe  d20+9=22 d20+7=11
Wednesday September 6th, 2006 8:56:51 PM

Selithe continues her very slow movements and stops if Airin makes any motions for them to stop at all. She still isn't very keen on the whole possiblity of giving the group away but she has done good so far. However it surely won't be as hard now with the skeleton having it's attention on her other friends.

(Hide:22 Move Silently:11 heh, really hope the skeleton is to busy with the other group.)

Tobias (by Anthony) (Hp 38, ac 20 message, hide from undead)  d20+17=35 d20+14=25 d20+5=10 d20+6=15 d20+1=17
Wednesday September 6th, 2006 9:17:40 PM

The booming voice echoes in Tobias' ears a moment realizing the diversion group has begun. Keeping pace and on track, unless given other signs from Airin, Tobias continues towards the entrance of the cave.

Hide: 35-5=30
Move Silently: 25-5=20
Search 17

Dwight (Hp 35, ac 16, message, hide from undead)  d20+9=26 d20+11=23 d20+3=14 d20+6=23 d20+8=23
Wednesday September 6th, 2006 9:22:56 PM

Dwight trembles on the inside hearing the voice echo from behind the rock cropping. Knowing the diversion team is on track is the only thing that keeps him focused.

Pausing just a moment to make Podo is still watching the rear, Dwight continues unless Airin gives the signal to halt.

The cave entrance can't be much further as Dwight recounts how far the entrance was suppose to be. Timing, it's all about timing...

Hide: 26-5=21
Move Silently: 23-5=18
Spot: 14
Search: 23
Listen: 23

Wednesday September 6th, 2006 10:41:22 PM

OOC sorry, my daughter seems to be getting worse not better, and I may not have net access till next week. And I don't have my CS here.
So I thought to post some standing orders, and maybe someone could make my battle rolls. Perhaps Cayzle could post my CS to a volunteer... though I haven't updated the weapon yet, the greater sledgehammer (just like a greatclub Cayzle says).

Julian made both listen checks and is considering acting upon it, perhaps to sunder the sword from the skeletons hand, or grappling for it. But I don't know about that exactly, he might be too strong. Perhaps a potion of climb or jump to gain an advantage.
Julian will Rage soon to get into some fighting, and take on the ogre skeleton... so Kendry can support the hobs?...


Cayzle OOC 
Thursday September 7th, 2006 12:11:02 AM

Robert, sorry to hear about your daughter. I'm sure she'll be in our thoughts, and you too.

It is too bad that both Robert and JPW are absent at the moment. But life happens.

In another game I DMed, players paired off as buddies, so that if one buddy could not post, his or her buddy would take over. Seems to me like poor Kim has been doing a lot of subbing, and I know he is busy too. What do you all think about forming pairs, and that way having someone on call to sub as needed?

Meanwhile, who will volunteer to run Julian?

Podo (by Kim)  d20+14=19 d20+13=32 d20+9=14
Thursday September 7th, 2006 1:42:38 AM

[Hide: 19; Move silently: 32; Spot: 14]

Podo does keep an eye to the rear, as well as out over the sands. He carries his darkwood staff in his hands.

Kendry  d20+6=18 d20+3=12 d20+12=31
Thursday September 7th, 2006 2:06:18 AM

[Listen: 18; Spot: 12]

"I want back my brother!" Kendry sings out in growly Goblin, using one of the minor keys favored by the goblinoid races. "Know powerful witch doctor where my brother? If brother find, then go in peace." [Perform: Singing 31]. He did not leave his dog behind, but rather rides on the back of Cheann.

Kim OOC 
Thursday September 7th, 2006 2:09:33 AM

I likely will not be able to post for Kendry or Podo until next week. Way too busy for the next four days, until sometime Monday. Sorry, friends.

Sorry, Robert, as well, to hear of your daughter.

Airin [ 42/42 HP / AC21 / Woodland Stride / Message / Mage Armor / Hide from Undead / Spider Climb] and Fioni [ 8/8 HP / AC17 ]  d20+12=14 d20+12=24 d20+19=30 d20+8=28 d20+12=24
Thursday September 7th, 2006 7:44:02 AM

(listen check 14 - failed)

Airin hears the bellowing voice and trembles. But it's not her job to take care of the Skeleton Guard... she needs to sneak into the cave...

Slowly (reduced speed to avoid sneaking penalty) she lowers herself to the top side of the cave entrance. This way she will be able to sneak in along the ceiling...

Once at the top of the entrance she takes a peak inside...

Listen Check vs DC20: 14 - failed
Move Silently: 24 (towards top of the entrance)
Hide: 30 (above the entrance while peaking insde)
Spot: 28 - NAT 20 - (see what goes on inside)
Listen: 24 (hear what goes on inside)

Active Spells:
Message (cast by Kendry): 479 rounds
Mage Armor: 579 rounds
Hide from Undead: 79 Rounds
Spider Climb: 199 rounds

Spell List:
Read Magic

Speak with Animals
Speak with Animals - USED

All Skeletons Rise! (DM Cayzle) 
Thursday September 7th, 2006 3:52:22 PM

[OOC: Let's cope with our player absences in this way: Kendry and Julian are conveniently both in the Diversion Team. When they do not post, their actions will be "off-stage." Podo will stay outside the cave hiding to the left to act as a rearguard and reserve. JP, Robert, and Kim, when you are ready to post again, e-mail me and I'll fill in your current situation via e-mail ... then you can resume posting. If anyone has any comments, problems, or questions on this, please e-mail me.]

The Stealth Team hears a voice answer the skeleton ... is that Kendry talking in goblin?

The skeleton answers, still speaking common: "ALL SQUADS RISE!"

Immediately, skeletons spring out of hiding ... they had been prone under the sand and gravel. There are about 30 of them, all sized like humans or hobgoblins. There are 10 near the ogre skeleton. 10 between the diversion team and the cave. And 10 right next to the Stealth Team!

But Dwight, Airin, Podo, and Tobias are protected by Hide From Undead. Selithe and Zom are invisible. (Selithe, please put currently active effects, like Invisibility, in your header!). The medium-size skeletons ignore the Stealth Team.

The ogre skeleton calls out: "This is your last warning! Speak your business in the common tongue or die!" He moves 30 feet closer to the Diversion Team. His back is to the Stealth Team.

Airin peeks into the cavern and sees that about 30 feet in, the cave gets narrow and ends in a door. The door has no keyhole. The rest of the Stealth Team is about 60 feet from the cave.

Dwight OOC 
Thursday September 7th, 2006 3:57:05 PM

If people would like to send me their character sheets I can play them until their owners return. At the moment, I am still covering for Tobias, but do currently have the time to cover for the remainder of the week for those that need it.

adavis-pbem@tampabay.rr.com is my email for character sheets.

Cayzle, can you go ahead an send me Julian's sheet. One less thing that has to be on his mind.

Cayzle OOC 
Thursday September 7th, 2006 4:40:36 PM

Like I said, let's put Julian, Kendry, and Podo off stage for the moment. I'll "run" them myself, with no need for posting. Just focus on the Stealth Team.

So all of a sudden I'm down to THREE active players! Wowsy!

Kendry (Hide from undead; Message; Burrow-speak Message; AC 15; HP 29)  d20=19 d20+3=15
Thursday September 7th, 2006 5:51:45 PM

In heavily goblin-accented common, pitching his voice low but projecting loud, Kendry stops moving and says, "What happened to brothers of us? We come for them, hear they lost be near here. Know you where be our brothers? Where go they?" He takes out a scroll and quietly reads the levitate spell, affecting himself. [Rolled d20=19 - away from CS, so don't know adds for reading scroll.]

[Spot: 15 - to see the general size and shape of the skeletons. He notes they are mainly human and hobgoblin. Armored? Weapon-bearing? Etc.]

Plan: Have self and hobgoblins possibly back up to draw skeletons further away from group so as to give sleath team time to get in. If need be, flee (if they will give chase) to really draw them far away.

Dwight (Hp 35, ac 16, message, hide from undead)  d20+9=26 d20+11=30 d20+3=20 d20+6=16 d20+8=25
Thursday September 7th, 2006 7:05:13 PM

OOC: It was a simultaneous post asking for the PC sheets.

So far so good. Dwight continues on, wordlessly urging the stealth team inside after the ogre skeleton has moved away from the entrance.

move silently:30-5=25

Once inside, Dwight scans around looking for traps. Then takes a good listen.

Does the door have a door-knob? Or an obvious way to open it?

As Podo takes position near the entrance, Dwight hopes the remaining portion of the stealth team can fill his role of keeping the necro occupied.
(OOC: I bow to your DM judgement, but Podo was possibly going to stun the necro.)

Tobias (Hp 38, ac 20, message, hide from undead)  d20+17=34 d20+14=26 d20+5=8 d20+1=7 d20+6=25 d20+10=14
Thursday September 7th, 2006 7:14:05 PM

Taking a moment to make sure nothing has detected them, Tobias follows Dwight's motions to move inside.

Looking around, Tobias awaits someone else to handle the door, but prepares to spring onto the humuculus should he be directly on the other side.

move silently: 26-5=21
Survival (track):14

Tobias, tries to bend down, as others begin to examine the door to determine who has passed through this entrance recently. (Track to determine if skeleton tracks or human tracks. How many? Over how many days?)

Selithe (Invisible) 
Thursday September 7th, 2006 8:25:08 PM

Selithe stays dead still at the moment and holds her breath some as she waits for anything to happen. She doesn't want to move more till she is given some sign or signal to keep moveing.

Podo (by Kim) (Hide from undead; message) 
Friday September 8th, 2006 3:21:45 AM

Podo decides not to attack the giant skeleton at this point. He remains by the cave entrance, staff readied, and making sure all his companions can get inside.

Airin [ 42/42 HP / AC21 / Woodland Stride / Message / Mage Armor / Hide from Undead / Spider Climb] and Fioni [ 8/8 HP / AC17 ]  d20+12=30 d20+19=27 d20+8=17 d20+12=21 d20+8=25
Friday September 8th, 2006 7:41:13 AM

Airin's worried as she first hears Kendry's voice and then sees all the skeletons rise from the ground... gee this is SPOOKY!!

She has to keep her mind on her own tasks...

do be careful love she thinks as she casts one last look in Kendry's direction before going in to the cave...

Carefully Airin enters the cave along the ceiling. Lurking in the corners keeping and eye out for trouble... She sees how her friends enter as well and manouvres towards the door.

There she stops and tries to hear sounds coming from behind the door... if any...
She also checks the door for possibly traps.

She looks into the eyes of her friends trying to see what they will do now...

Move Silently: 30 (towards the door along the ceiling)
Hide: 27 (along the corners of the ceiling)
Spot: 17
Listen: 21 (can she hear anything behind the door?)
Search: 25 - Trapfinding ability

Active Spells:
Message (cast by Kendry): 478 rounds
Mage Armor: 578 rounds
Hide from Undead: 78 Rounds
Spider Climb: 198 rounds

Spell List:
Read Magic

Speak with Animals
Speak with Animals - USED

A Voice From Within! (DM Cayzle) 
Friday September 8th, 2006 1:51:42 PM

The Diversion Team

Kendry continues to delay and to read a scroll. He sees that the skeletons are unarmored and weild simple weapons. His words in common serve to further confuse matters. He steps back 20 feet.

Julian and the hobgoblins follow Kendry's lead, also stepping slightly back.

Captain Marcus and the Skeletons

Kendry's words seem to pacify the Captain, but when he sees Kendry read a scroll, the Captain's voice rings out. "Adrianus! Pound on the door!" Then the ogre skeleton stands ready and unmoving, facing the Diversion Team.

One skeleton races into the cave and begins pounding on the door.

The Stealth Team

Airin moves into the cave and looks for traps. She searches the area in front of the door. She does note that the door opens out, and now that she is closer, she sees a small rope pull attached to the door.

The rest of the Stealth Team has by now made it into the cave. Several also look for traps, but none are found.

Then several halflings have to back off as a skeleton enters the cave and begins pounding on the door.

Dwight, Tobias, and Airin hear a voice speaking from within, as if annoyed, "What is it! Marcus, if this is another false alarm!" The voice is getting closer to the door.

NOTE! If a non-undead creature opens that door, it will see Airin, Tobias, and Dwight (and maybe Podo) standing there. And there is no obvious place to hide!

Selithe (invisible, message) 
Friday September 8th, 2006 9:29:46 PM

Selithe looks to the others with her and frowns as she waits, she doesn't know how to open the door without becoming visible.

Selithe has an idea but isn't sure how far away from the door she can be.

(forgot to mention the message spell in notation and my listing of spells.)

0th: Detect Magic(1), Ray of Frost(2), Open/Close(1), Prestidigitation(1)

1st: Identify(1), Magic Missile(1), Burning Hands(1), Enlarge Person(1)

Dwight (hp:35, ac16, message, hide from undead)  d20+8=27 d4=4 d20+11=26 d20+3=20 d20+8=22
Sunday September 10th, 2006 9:30:55 PM

Side stepping the skeleton, Marcus, Dwight prepares for action. Not exactly as planned, but better to let him open the door than us, Dwight tells himself.

Pulling his bow taunt, with a sleeping arrowed knocked, Dwight takes aim about chest level for any living thing that answers the door.

To hit: 27+? for surprise
Dmg: 4+sleep?

move silently: 26-5=21
spot: 20
listen: 22

Is the cave, just before the door large enough for the ogre skeleton to enter? Could it walk through the door?

Tobias (hp38, ac 20, message, hide from undead)  d20+12=21 d3+1=2 d20+10=23 d20+10=12 d4+2=4 d4+1=4
Sunday September 10th, 2006 9:47:29 PM

Being near the front, Tobias is just in front of the door as the skeleton knocks. Stepping to the side (making Tobias, just behind the door as it opens. Ideally, once the door is open 3/4 the way, Tobias would have direct view of the inside), Tobias looks to the others.

Seeing the skeleton, hearing a voice, seeing a bow drawn, Tobias prepares for battle. Knowing the skeleton isn't his main target, Tobias will first try to see the humuculus.

If the humuculus is seen, and Tobias can get to it, he does.

If the humuculus is seen, but Tobias cannot get to it (aka, the door is blocked by skeleton and necro etc.), then Tobias throws a dagger at the humuculus.

attack: 21-4(for non-lethal damage)=17
dmg: 2

If the humuculus is not seen, then Tobias does his best to knock down the necro with nonlethal damage using his two shortswords. (Assuming he remains standing after the arrow.)

attack 1: 23-4=19
attack 2: 12-4=8
dmg 1: 4 (non-lethal)
dmg 2: 4 (non-lethal)

If the necro has fallen from the arrow, then the skeleton gets Tobias' swords, though lethal and halved.

Airin [ 42/42 HP / AC21 / Woodland Stride / Message / Mage Armor / Hide from Undead / Spider Climb] and Fioni [ 8/8 HP / AC17 ]  d20+12=31 d20+19=35
Monday September 11th, 2006 5:20:30 AM

Airin freezes as she sees the Skeleton walk in and slowly crawls up into the corner of the Ceiling... there she hides, sap in her hand, ready to jump on top of anything if needed...

She's worried about Thobias and Dwight as she sees them prepare to attack immediately. This was not the idea of the Stealth mission... whoever lurks in there will know somethings wrong!

All she can do now if wait, hide, and prepare for trouble :-/

Move Silently: 31 (towards the corners of the ceiling in the shadows)
Hide: 35 (in the corners of the ceiling)

Active Spells:
Message (cast by Kendry): 477 rounds
Mage Armor: 577 rounds
Hide from Undead: 77 Rounds
Spider Climb: 197 rounds

Spell List:
Read Magic

Speak with Animals
Speak with Animals - USED

The Door Rattles! (DM Cayzle) 
Monday September 11th, 2006 11:04:58 AM

The Diversion Team

The Diversion Team, including Kendry and Julian, continue to back up slowly, at 20 feet per round. The Ogre Skeleton with the Two-Handed Blade keeps pace, and with him, a guard of about 20 skeletons -- this force is about 80 feet away ffrom the Diversion Team, and about 80 feet from the cave mouth. Kendry's plan to draw the skeletons away from the Necromancer's cave seems to be working well. Fifteen other skeletons form a loose circle at the mouth of the cave, facing out.

The Stealth Team

Note: The cave is 30 feet wide and 20 feet high at the mouth. It tapers in after that, so that 30 feet in it is 10 feet high and 10 feet wide, and ends in a door. The ogre skeleton could fit in, but it would be a squeeze. The floor is sandy and level. An invisible person walking or running might give himself or herself away by disturbing the floor, but if you are still, or just creep along, you should be okay.

Airin hides, clinging to the sloping rough ceiling perched above the door at the back of the cave. She is about 15 feet above the door.

Selithe is invisible. She considers opening the door, which is about 15 feet away. [OOC: Note by Cayzle: You CAN act normally, including opening doors and drawers, even picking pockets and casting spells, AND remain invisible ... you become visible IF you attack.]

Dwight stands right in front of the door, a sleep arrow ready to fire. He is not invisible, although he is Hidden From Undead.

Tobias sees that the door opens out, so he steps behind it. When the door opens, he thinks he could hide there, maybe remaining unseen by the exiting necromancer? In fact, he thinks there would be room for two halflings behind the door. When the door opens, Tobias will be able to peek through the crack into the room, but he won't be able to throw any weapon through the crack.

It must be noted that a mindless human skeleton, the one Captain Marcus referred to as Adrianus, is still pounding on the door.

Podo. standing rearguard at the cave mouth, ducks back out of sight. He is standing 10 feet from a mindless skeleton, which ignores him because he is Hidden From Undead.

From behind the door the Stealth Team can easily hear the sound of an annoyed necromancer. "Marcus! I was in the middle of brewing ichor! This had better be important. That pounding is so loud! Skeleton! Stop pounding on the door and step back! Stupid skeleton."

Adrianus stops pounding at his master's command. You hear the sound of a bolt being drawn. The door rattles.

Very clearly, the door is about to open! The entire Stealth Party is being stealthy, aside from Dwight! Will Dwight stay put, hoping that his Will DC11 sleep arrow will stop the experienced necromancer in his tracks? Has he considered what will happpen if the necromancer sees him at his door and resists the sleep magic?? Or will Dwight join his friends and take the chance to hide, and then maybe to sneak in the cave behind the necromancer's back? Tune in next time, friends, to find out!

Dwight (hp35, ac 16, message, hide from undead)  d20+11=28 d20+9=25 d20+8=19 d20+3=8
Monday September 11th, 2006 2:04:36 PM

Seeing everyone else has managed to hide, Dwight concedes. Using the pounding as cover he quitely steps to the side near Tobias, behind the door.

move silently: 28-5?=23
hide: 25-5?=20
listen: 19
spot: 8

Trying to look through the crack of the door and wall as it opens, Dwight realizes Tobias is in the way. Dwight then waits to see if the door opens.

Monday September 11th, 2006 4:36:27 PM

Tobias will remain behind the door until he thinks it's clear to try to sneak inside... once whoever comes out passes.

He also tries to peek through the crack to see if he gets a view of the hum.

Julian [Jerry is sub]  d20=11
Monday September 11th, 2006 5:20:20 PM

Julian maneuvers near Kendry and whispers, "Hey, the sword is doing all the talking. May be animating the skelly too. Man he stinks! If I get a chance I may try to sunder the sword and see what happens. Methinks the sword is boss of the skelly."

Julian goes total defense if combat breaks out. He figues we need to delay as long as possible before trying anything fancy.

He begins counting the skeletons that have come out of the ground. If he can't get an exact number, he approximates it.

[spot check of 11]

He stays with Kendry continuing to take his lead from the wise bard. His face looks worried, yet determined.

Active spells
Mage Armour [duration 2 hours]
Prestidigitation [dur 1 hour]

Spells per day
6 cantrips and 5 1st level
5 cantrips and 4 1st level

Dwight (OOC) 
Monday September 11th, 2006 8:27:04 PM

OOC: Glad your back Pedro. I was afraid things were going to get ugly, and I was going to get Tobias in trouble.

Monday September 11th, 2006 10:48:17 PM

What Julian tells him helps to make some better sense of just what is going on. Whether the huge skeleton could by himself discern those hidden from undead... Hmmm, perhaps his companions near the entrance might be seen by the sword were his attention diverted there. So, best to keep the focus on himself and the hobgoblin entourage. Kendry thinks to somehow acknowledge what Julian tells him, to thank him, but this charade must continue.

"Are those our brothers?" Kendry asks in his goblin-accented common as he points to a few hobgoblin skeletons. "Can witch doctor put back flesh and skin over bones? Cannot tell which face go with which bones."

Selithe (Invisible, message)  d20+9=29 d20+7=20
Monday September 11th, 2006 11:08:20 PM

Selithe ponders things as she waits for a good time to try and sneak into the room. If all works out they might beable to detain the necromancer and grab the evil little creature of his and get out.

(Hide:29 *nat:20* Move Silently:20)

0th: Detect Magic(1), Ray of Frost(2), Open/Close(1), Prestidigitation(1)

1st: Identify(1), Magic Missile(1), Burning Hands(1), Enlarge Person(1)

Airin [ 42/42 HP / AC21 / Woodland Stride / Message / Mage Armor / Hide from Undead / Spider Climb] and Fioni [ 8/8 HP / AC17 ]  d20+19=35
Tuesday September 12th, 2006 4:34:41 AM

Airin clings to the rocks above the door and waits. She's happy Dwight decided to hide behind the door as well. She just hopes the door won't slam them against the walls... ouch ;-)

Hide: 35 (in the corners of the ceiling)

Active Spells:
Message (cast by Kendry): 476 rounds
Mage Armor: 576 rounds
Hide from Undead: 76 Rounds
Spider Climb: 196 rounds

Spell List:
Read Magic

Speak with Animals
Speak with Animals - USED

Tuesday September 12th, 2006 8:11:33 AM

Thanks Jerry for subbing. I hope to be able to post regularly next week. Goodluck my halfling friends.

The Striking Flavius Aetius (and not in the good way) (DM Cayzle)  d20+2=14 d20+2=21 d20+2=4(mage spots) d20+14=22 (Podo hides) d20+2=10 (mage spot)
Tuesday September 12th, 2006 9:50:35 AM

The Diversion Team

Julian expresses his clever insight to Kendry. Kendry continues to try to represent himself as a goblin-friend of some sort. Kendry, please make a Bluff check. The Diversion Team backs up another 40 feet. Rarriatt, the female warrior who is part of the DT, tells Kendry that the shaman said to flee if they see the Witch Doctor

Captain Marcus keeps pace. The ogre skeleton and 20 human-sized skeletons keep pace.

The Stealth Team

The door opens and a human steps out. The necromancer, for so it must be, is wearing layers of dark black cloth -- a robe, a cloak, and a hat. He moves at a hustle to the cave mouth and then looks out.

Airin hides. Her hide check of 35 beats the mage's 14.

Tobias hides. His hide check of 29 beats the mage's 21.

Dwight jumps behind the door just in time! He hides. His hide check of 20 beats the mage's 4.

Podo hides. His hide check of 22 beats the mage's 10.

Selithe creeps closer. After the mage passes by her, she sneaks invisibly through the door! She is now standing in the door, keeping the door just a sliver ajar.

The mage himself is a staggering sight! Despite his flowing clothing, there is no concealing the limp in his gait. His hair grows in patches scattered on his head. One of his ears is clearly much bigger than the other, and hairier. And he does smell bad.

Dwight, Tobias, and Selithe see that the chamber past the door is amazingly cluttered and crowded. There are tables stacked high with books and lab equipment. There are piles of bones here and there. There are chairs, desks, cabinets, wardrobes, and more. There are also five skeletons scattered across the room. Four are just standing, and one is stirring a cauldron over a fire. The room is lit by flickering torches that do not smoke. Shadows dance everywhere.

Dwight, Tobias, and Selithe, all please make a Spot Check, Selithe at DC15, the other two at DC20. If you succeed, please Highlight to display spoiler: {You see a small animated lump of flesh with wings perched on the cauldron lip.}

The Diversion Team sees the mage come out of the cave and move 30 feet closer. The DT is now 80 feet from Captain Marcus. Marcus is 90 feet from the Necomancer, who is himself 30 feet from the cave. The hobgoblins look like they are about to flee. Kendry hears several say something about Fire.

Kendry  d20+9=27
Tuesday September 12th, 2006 11:18:10 AM

[Bluff: 27]

Kendry wipes his mouth with his sleeve (to forestall any reading of lips) as he whispers to those who have the message spell, "Go inside," figuring that, if the necromancer has come out, the door may be open.

In goblin, he tells the nervous hobgoblins, "Fear not, for fear will rob you of life. Courage can keep us alive." Again, recalling the many conversations with his friend, Bobbles the goblin, and his earlier training in the goblin language and culture, Kendry sets his mouth, and speaks with his goblin accent to the necromancer, "You most powerful witch doctor? We ask our brothers back. We see - these be them?" he waves towards the hobgoblin skeletons. "But no skin. No flesh. No heart. Or be our brothers other place?"

After continuing backwards a bit more while talking, he finally stops, and adds, "Maybe you take brothers from us, maybe not. If you steal, owe you nothing we. But even if did steal brothers you, I give you what in big pouch here," and he points to a bulging pouch on his belt. "You give us brothers ours. We give you pouch, and we not fight you. You stay in peace. We go in peace with ours. If need, then we send them to Raven in Sky, Raven who dark wings, who bright eyes, watch over us."

Kendry is glad that Julian is by his side. If it comes to it, then his plan to sunder the sword from what remains of the ogre might serve them well.

Tobias [AC 20 - HP 38/38; delay poison; bull's str]  d20+17=23 d20+14=34
Tuesday September 12th, 2006 1:17:57 PM

With the mage moving past, Tobias will wait til he's a little further out of view and then try to sneak from behind the door and into the cavern. He'll move as close to the hum as he can in this round.

Hide: 23
Move silent: 34 [nat 20]

[Pedro - I'll be at Microsoft Friday morning. -Kim]

Selithe  d20=20
Tuesday September 12th, 2006 8:59:08 PM

Selithe glances around the room and stays inside of it as she ponders the situation. The necromancer needed handled first and then the inside. The net would probably be one way of getting either the little creature or the necromancer.


Dwight (hp 35, ac 16, message, hide from undead)  d20+3=14 d20+3=13 d20+5=20 d20+9=16 d20+11=18 d20+8=28
Tuesday September 12th, 2006 10:22:27 PM

O' I can't believe it, Dwight remains in place until the necro is out of sight then peers into the room (spot: 14). The undead give Dwight the creeps and he wonders how much time remains before they can see him. He checks to make sure another potion is handy.

Signaling to Podo, the group is looking inside, Dwight watches Tobias make his move and moves to get a better view.

Hide: 16
Move Silently: 18
Listen: 28 (natural 20)

Spot check to see if Selithe and Zom can be located using footprints: 13

OOC: Pedro just got back to play Tobias and must have forgotten to roll his spot check as he is catching up on his reading? Any chance I can roll for him?

Tobias spot: 20 (if allowed)

Podo (by Kim)  d20+14=29 d20+13=30 d20+9=18 d20+14=30
Wednesday September 13th, 2006 12:22:36 AM

Since the necromancer and the ogre skeleton are occupied with the diversion team, Podo takes the opportunity to sneak inside the entrance and door. He steps in the footsteps left behind by the necromancer. Taking advantage of whatever shadows or concealments he can find, he comes in crouching low, and steps quickly behind whatever he can find to hide himself from anyone in the room.

Once he's settled, the monk carefully reaches into his haversack, and wills the metal chest inside to touch his hand. Alemi, grant us favor to carry forth this action toward the healing of many, he prays inwardly. He will be ready to extract and open the chest as soon as Tobias looks to be ready for him.

[Outside cave:
Hide: 29
Move silently: 30
Inside cave:
Spot: 18
Hide: 30]

Airin [ 42/42 HP / AC21 / Woodland Stride / Message / Mage Armor / Hide from Undead / Spider Climb] and Fioni [ 8/8 HP / AC17 ]  d20+19=27 d20+12=23 d20+8=18 d20+8=27
Wednesday September 13th, 2006 4:22:11 AM

Airin watches her friends moving inside the Necro's chambers and crawls down from the ceiling along the top side of the door and then again up to the ceiling in the Necro's room.

Airin takes a look around. She carries the net Kendry gave her... but looks around the room to see how they can defend themselves. If that abberation makes a sound the Necro and his goons will come inside the cave!

A table to be put in front of the door, a second exit, an air hole in the roof, anything.

Hide: 27 (in the corners of the ceiling)
Move Silently: 23
Search: 18
Spot: 27

Active Spells:
Message (cast by Kendry): 475 rounds
Mage Armor: 575 rounds
Hide from Undead: 75 Rounds
Spider Climb: 195 rounds

Spell List:
Read Magic

Speak with Animals
Speak with Animals - USED

Wednesday September 13th, 2006 1:45:17 PM

Julian stays with Kendry now edging in front of him so he's free to do his thing when the time comes. He begins mentally preparing for going berserk on these monstrosities.

He watches the skelly's movements looking for weaknesses in the way he holds the sword. He thinks, 'If I have to, I'll just break his arm in two--just a bone.'

Turning to Badger, he whispers, "Go to person coming out of the cave. Ready your attack, but do not get too close until you see him wave his arms. When the person does that, attack him to stop the waving. Then back up again, staying ready, until the person waves again. Just like we've practiced."

After that, he readies the spell, "Enlarge" to go off at the first sign of battle. Taking a deep breath, he concentrates on his prepared spell.

The Jig is Up! (DM Cayzle)  d20+4=23 d20+4=14 (rolls vs Tobias) d20+4=24 d20+4=9 (rolls vs Dwight) d20+4=11 d20+4=13 (rolls vs Podo) d20+4=22 d20+4=7 (rolls vs Airin) d2=2 (roll to see who is attacked) d20+4=22 (att vs Tobias) d4-1=0 (dam vs Tobias)
Wednesday September 13th, 2006 5:23:53 PM

The Diversion Team

Kendry's foolery is taken at face value by the captain of the skeleton guard. "These goblinoids think that your warriors were once their brothers, and they want to pay you to bring them back to life," he tells the oh-so-repulsive-looking wizard.

The necromancer seems amused, but his answer is harder to hear at a distance. If you can make a Listen DC 15, the Please Highlight to display spoiler: {"Well, we have to keep the family together, Ha ha! As warriors in my guard!"}

But when the necromancer turns to face the Diversion Team, he sees that there is not much of a team to face any more! Despite Kendry's attempt to rally the hobgoblins, they have spread out like wildfire and are in full retreat. The wizard casts a spell -- if Kendry can make a Spellcraft check vs DC18, he will see that the spell cast is Highlight to display spoiler: {Keen Weapon cast on the Ogre Skeleton's Falchion.} "Attack, my warriors!" the necromancer shouts.

Julian edges out in front of Kendry, Enlarge spell ready,

Captain Marcus and his corps hustle forward. The skeletons advance 60 feet, and are now 20 feet from Kendry and Julian. What's this? The hobgoblin named Rarriatt is also standing with you, though she looks afraid. Note that Kendry is mounted, Julian is standing with his companion badger, and Tewdyr is standing there too. [OOC: Someone please play Tewdyr, or I will have him run away.]

Julian casts his enlarge spell and reminds his badger familiar on how to fight a mage. NOTE: If you send the badger after the wizard, it will take several attacks of opportunity as it dashes between skeletons. Also, if you share the Enlarge with the badger, the sharing ends if the badger moves more than 5 feet from the master's side.

Next round Julian and Kendry (and Rarriat and animals) will be in combat as the skeletons bear down. Unless there is another plan?

The Stealth Team

As the Stealth Team enters the wizard's lair a 30 ft x 30 ft room, now they can see what must be a humonculous! It is perched on the lip of a cauldron, stirring with a wooden spoon held in both little hands.

The homunculus looks right at Tobias and Dwight! The jig is up! The necromantic construct gives a strange tiny shriek, then flies right at Tobias! The attack hits AC22, and so Tobias feels poison fangs sink in that inflict 1 hp damage! Thanks to the Delay Poison affecting him, he has no fear of the poisons in the construct's bite. Yet.

At this point, everyone who wants to be is either 5 or 10 feet from the construct. Podo is ready with the box.

Selithe looks around but sees no way out, and no other creatures -- except for five skeletons who are going about their chores as if nothing were unusual. One skeleton just went into a back room. Who knows what is in there?

Selithe also notes that a few small objects ... two vials, a scroll ... rise into the air and then disappear as she watches.

Airin, though, is looking around for a defense. She notes that she could easily shut and bar the door behind her. She sees no other obvious way out, except the opening to the back room. That might be something.

Tobias [AC 20 - HP 38/38; delay poison; bull's str]  d20+9=19 d20+5=22
Wednesday September 13th, 2006 6:40:25 PM

With the hum spotting them, Tobias ends all pretense of sneaking and prepares to grapple the hum and hold it down this round (hoping to transfer it into Podo's box next round).

Touch attack roll: 19
Grapple check: 22 [roll + bab + str mod + size mod]

[OOC: Does Tobias need to make some sort of save vs the poison (fort maybe)?]

Tewdwr [AC: 15 - hp 21/21]  d20+3=17 d6+1=4 d20+1=17 d20+3=5
Wednesday September 13th, 2006 7:31:47 PM

Tewdwr will fight with the members of the party, staying close to Kendry and Julian. He will attack the closest skeleton, and if he has an opportunity will try to get in a flanking position with Kendry (** if he gets to a flank position his attack rolls are +2 to what i've rolled). And, if Kynan is able to bite the skeleton, he will attempt to trip it.

Kynan attack: 17
Kynan damage: 4
Kynan trip attempt: 17 (he has improved trip)

Dryw attack: 5 (missed)

Dwight (hp 35, ac 16, message, hide from undead)  d20=20 d20=16
Wednesday September 13th, 2006 9:35:34 PM

Seeing Tobias grappling the humuculus, Dwight tries to help wanting to get him in the chest ASAP.

(OOC: Please check to make sure I do the grapple rolls correctly. Thanks)

Touch attack: 20(natural)+?(3)=23
Grapple attack: 16+3+0+?=19+
Not sure what my size mod. is since Dwight is small, but its tiny.

Dwight is so focused on grappling this thing with Tobias, he leaves it to the others to watch the rear, the skeletons etc.

Selithe (message, invisible *not for long*) 
Wednesday September 13th, 2006 10:17:31 PM

Selithe frowns at everything just seemed to go to heck quick and she growls light now as she speaks quickly, "Podo, would enlarging you help out? Will it aid you in capturing that stupid thing? That door is going to have to be taken care of for at least a few moments too to keep only what we have in here to deal with."

If Podo says yes then Selithe casts enlarge person on him in hopes that it will give some aid.

0th: Detect Magic(1), Ray of Frost(2), Open/Close(1), Prestidigitation(1)

1st: Identify(1), Magic Missile(1), Burning Hands(1), Enlarge Person(1)

Kendry  d20+6=19 d20+5=18
Thursday September 14th, 2006 12:58:04 AM

[Listen: 19; Spellcraft: 18]


Airin [ 42/42 HP / AC21 / Woodland Stride / Message / Mage Armor / Hide from Undead / Spider Climb] and Fioni [ 8/8 HP / AC17 ] 
Thursday September 14th, 2006 8:50:02 AM

Airin considers that working in private might be interesting for all, but she wants to see if there's a back door in this place.

But she does not want the Homunculus to run outside! Airin quickly shuts the door and bars it from the inside. All this happens hanging upside down from the ceiling of course!

If there's some time left Airin will manouvre to the back of the room towards the opening in the back of the room.

If Selithe mentions the dissapearing vials Airin turns a little pale... Is there something INVISIBLE in this room?!? BEWARE!!


Active Spells:
Message (cast by Kendry): 475 rounds
Mage Armor: 575 rounds
Hide from Undead: 75 Rounds
Spider Climb: 195 rounds

Spell List:
Read Magic

Speak with Animals
Speak with Animals - USED

Amazing Events! (DM Cayzle)  d20-2=18 (nat 20 hits Dwight!) d20=20 Follow up is a crit! d4-1=1 d4-1=1 (damage)
Thursday September 14th, 2006 1:37:20 PM

[OOC: Sorry to post before Julian and Kendry (and Podo), but I have a doctor's appointment to get to, so there you go.]

[OOC: FYI, Delay Poison gives you immunity to poison, so there is no need to make any saves until the spell ends.]

The Stealth Team only:
Highlight to display spoiler: {

Tobias and Dwight grab the homunculus. Podo comes near with the box.

Selithe offers to Enlarge Podo, but there does not seem to be a need for it, and an enlarged Podo may find it harder to flee unseen.

Airin quickly closes and bars the door. She moves on the ceiling toward the inner chamber. It looks like it might be a library.

Airin, if you can make a DC10 Int check you will rememeber that the extra invisible person is almost certainly the invisible hobgoblin shaman, Zom.

Finally, the tiny homunculus twists and turns and bites at Dwight. It nips him with a nat 20, and then follows up with another 20! A one in 400 shot! Dwight takes 2 hp damage and must make a Will save vs DC13 or fall asleep.

The Diversion Team only:
Highlight to display spoiler: {

Tewdwr bites a skeleton and trips it!

The necromancer gasps and wheels around. "It is a trick!" he shouts. "They are in my home! Come back to the cave!" He races off back to the door at the back of the cave.

Captain Marcus and all the skeletons immediately turn and follow him.

Kendry and Julian can only stand and gape as the entire undead army turns and runs!

The skeleton that Tewdyr tripped stands up and moves back too. When it stands up, it provokes an AoO -- go ahead and attack as it retreats. Note: you cannot trip a creature with the AoO it provokes by getting up.

Julian [Jerry]  d20+11=21 2d4(2+1)+10=13 d20+4=24 d3-1=1
Thursday September 14th, 2006 6:33:32 PM

Julian grins with joy that doesn't look entirely "good" as he lets his rage flow forth. "Fight with me Shark!"

"IT'S BITING TIME!" he screams as he charges the nearest skelly following as they run neatly drawing his Falchion without even thinking about it.

He silently prays that they are not defending but just running so that they lose their dex.

He strikes the closest skeleton hitting AC21 and if hitting does 13 hpd.

Shark attacks another skeleton and Bites at him hitting better than his master with an AC24 but doing only 1hpd (hope I did that right).



Dwight (hp 33/35, ac 16, message, hide from undead)  d20+5=14 d20+3=14 d20+3=12
Thursday September 14th, 2006 8:22:57 PM

OOC: Uncool, biting while grappled..:)

Save vs. will for posion: 14

Dwight fills the bite, but maintains his handle on the humuculus. With the aid of Tobias, Dwight makes every attempt to get it in the trunk.

Don't know if I need to roll for moving grappled humuculus to chest but here goes:

touch attack: 14 aiding Tobias?
grapple 12+size? aiding Tobias?

Assuming the task is done (humuculus captured), Dwight looks toward Airin for cues on anything he may have missed.

Tewdwr [AC 15 - HP 21/21]  d20+3=5 d20+3=14 d6+1=4 d20+3=13 d6+1=7 d20+1=16 d20+3=11 d6+1=3 d20+1=5
Thursday September 14th, 2006 9:02:40 PM

AAO on the standing skeleton (Does each wolf head get one? roll both just in case):

Kynan attack: 5 (miss)
Dryw attack: 14
Dryw damage: 4

Seeing the skeletons moving away and Julian chase them, Tewdwr will do the same going after the same skeleton, nipping at his heels.

Kynan attack: 13
Kynan damage: 7
Kynan trip: 16

Dryw attack: 11
Dryw damage: 3
Dryw trip: 5

Tobias  d20+5=17 d20+5=19
Thursday September 14th, 2006 9:10:02 PM

Tobias continues the grapple and tries to stuff the hum into the box.

grapple check: 17

Once inside, he shuts the lid on it. And, seeing that the front door has been shut he starts looking for a different way out of here.

spot: 19

Podo (by Kim)  d20-1=15 d20=15
Thursday September 14th, 2006 11:18:31 PM

[Aid another, Grapple: 18 (should have rolled d20+2, not -1 - I think - or maybe d20+1, thus 17). Second unadjusted roll of 15 if there is something else I needed to roll.]

Podo presses the open metal box against the gross familiar grappled by Tobias, aiming to capture it within. Once within, he quickly closes the lid, and uses the amazing lock Kendry gave him with it to fully secure the box. Once that is accomplished, he returns the sealed box to his haversack.

Kendry  d20+10=21 d20+7=22
Friday September 15th, 2006 2:55:42 AM

"Return, be brave as Rarriat - the wizard flees!" Kendry challenges the fleeing hobgoblins in their own tongue. He is proud of Rarriat for her steadfastness and courage, and hopes that their timorous allies might regroup and return. [Diplomacy 21]

On Cheann's broad back, he rides forward [Ride 22] and to the left enough to where he can get an angle to cast a spell of silence a few feet along the wall inside the cave entrance, within 20' of the door, if possible. (Silence prevails in 20' radius.) [If it is obvious he cannot get an angle this round with Cheann hustling forward, then instead he has the dog run forward to where he can cast the spell effectively at the beginning of the next round.]

After the silence spell takes hold, he warns Julian in the halfling tongue, "The sword was keened by the wizard."

He turns Cheann to charge toward the cave entrance (or will do so right soon).

[Question: How 'crumbly' does the hillside above the cave entrance look? Any stones that might be dislodged?]

Airin [ 42/42 HP / AC21 / Woodland Stride / Message / Mage Armor / Hide from Undead / Spider Climb] and Fioni [ 8/8 HP / AC17 ]  d20+8=25 d20+8=21 d20+12=22 d20+3=18
Friday September 15th, 2006 3:20:45 AM

(Int check: 18 - ok I feel stupid myself)

Airin soon realises the invisible thing must be Zom... stupid of her to get all jumpy like that. Then again, it's in her nature to get jumpy easily :-)

Airin quickly crawls forward along the ceiling into the next room what appears to be a library...

With a quick look around she checks if there are any other doors and where they lead to.

spot: 25 (check doors)
search: 21 (check for trouble ;-) )
Listen: 22 (any other inhabitants)

Active Spells:
Message (cast by Kendry): 473 rounds
Mage Armor: 573 rounds
Hide from Undead: 73 Rounds
Spider Climb: 193 rounds

Spell List:
Read Magic

Speak with Animals
Speak with Animals - USED

Selithe (message) 
Friday September 15th, 2006 11:57:41 AM

Selithe moves to make her way to the back of the room, also seeing the Podo and the others have the little creature handled from the looks and is curious of what she might find.

As she moves she speaks quickly, "Let us hope there is another way out because if not then there is going to be trouble."

0th: Detect Magic(1), Ray of Frost(2), Open/Close(1), Prestidigitation(1)

1st: Identify(1), Magic Missile(1), Burning Hands(1), Enlarge Person(1)

Julian [Jerry] 
Friday September 15th, 2006 4:44:49 PM

[Just posting that I've posted. Will not post my next attacks until Cayzle has had a chance to post. Probably check tomorrow. Feel free to delete this Cayzle once read.]

Quiet! (DM Cayzle) 
Friday September 15th, 2006 5:08:26 PM

[OOC: Okay, it is really important that when you guys look at the map (see below), you keep in mind what your characters know and what they don't! I know you will all be professionals!]

The Stealth Team only:

NOTE: The Silence that is outside the door does not extend into the room.

Highlight to display spoiler: {

Tobias and Dwight and Podo wrestle the humunculous into the box and lock it. NOTE: Tobias and Dwight are NO LONGER Hidden From Undead! The spell ends when you attack anything.

Airin enters and looks around the library. There are shelves filled with books lining the walls. There is also a collection of skulls, along with assorted bones, masks, and ribbons. One part in the back is curtained off, but she can see that it has a bed, chair, desk, and privvy. There is a big book on the desk.

Selithe moves to the back of the room. She sees no exit. Selithe notes the boiling cauldron that the homunculus and a skeleton were tending ... now just the skeleton stirs. Another skeleton is dusting. Three more are just standing there. She notes the cluttered cabinets, tables, chairs, an alchemical workbench. On one table there is a slab of clay and a pile of ashes. On another table there's a magnifying glass and a few stones. There are lots of places to hide. There are plenty of vials and pieces of parchments (as well as books), but who knows what is magical and what is not?

Evidently Shaman Zom knows! He continues to secret away small items, mostly vials and scrolls. He calls out in common, "Quiet! The Witch Doctor will be in here soon! When he opens a way in, that will also be a way out for the nimble! When he appears, I will make the place full of mist so we can hide and then slip out."

She sees no exits.

The Diversion Team only:

Highlight to display spoiler: {
Julian, Tewdyr, and Shark beat the lagging skeleton into dust, and all hustle after the skeletons fleeing them. Both sides are travelling at the same speed, and none are foolish enough to actually run (which lowers your defenses unless you have the Run feat), so the Distraction Team ... now becoming the Counter-Attack Team, seemingly, ends the round about 20 feet from the nearest skeleton.

Kendry calls to the other hobgoblins, then he takes a move forward and finally casts a spell. The Silence is well within range, and it covers the door and surrounding area. Rarriat keeps pace with Kendry.

The area above the cave mouth does not seem particularly crumbly. A few loose stones, sure, but nothing substantial. A person with Knowledge Nature might be able to tell more.

Flavius, the Necromancer, runs to the door (also in the silence). He tries the door and finds it barred. You can't hear anything he might want to say, but boy is he angry! His already grotesque features twist with rage.

And the Map!

Dwight (hp 33/35, ac 16, message, hide from undead)  d20+2=12 d20+3=15 d20+8=27
Friday September 15th, 2006 8:20:05 PM

With the humuculus captured, Dwight quickly drinks another potion of hide from undead. He then looks to Tobias to make sure he does the same. (If he doesn't, Dwight offers him one.)

Knowledge (arcana): 12
Dwight tries to determine if these skeletons are animated for a particular task (such as cleaning) and that is why they have yet to react to their presence. Would there animation allow them to open the door?

As Dwight moves from the chest to the door, Dwight will randomly grab just about anything that seems not trivial (vial, book, flask, scroll, so just about anything) and places it into his bag. (OOC: i figure he will grab two things near the top....hoping with the odds they might be worth something)

With his hands in his bag, he pulls out 3 flasks of oil in his hand, Dwight whispers (via message) if torching the place would help add to the confusion during their escape. Make the necro choose possessions or us.

Dwight is watching the door for any movement knowing he was seen by the humuculus and the necro. It's only a matter of time before he bursts in

spot: 15
listen:27 (would I hear the bolt move if the door is attempted to be opened since it is on this side, and we are not silenced?)

Should the bolt move, Dwight is ready to push the bolt back.

Dwight waits impatiently for an answer to his destructive option.

Cayzle OOC 
Friday September 15th, 2006 11:08:57 PM

Please note, friends, that with the publication of a combat map, we are in round-by-round melee mode. So keep in mind that your actions are strictly limited. For example, it is a move action to take out a potion (unless you have the Quickdraw feat) and a standard action to drink it. That's all Good Dwight has time for this round.

Cayzle OOC 
Friday September 15th, 2006 11:08:57 PM

Please note, friends, that with the publication of a combat map, we are in round-by-round melee mode. So keep in mind that your actions are strictly limited. For example, it is a move action to take out a potion (unless you have the Quickdraw feat) and a standard action to drink it. That's all Good Dwight has time for this round.

Cayzle OOC 
Friday September 15th, 2006 11:08:57 PM

Please note, friends, that with the publication of a combat map, we are in round-by-round melee mode. So keep in mind that your actions are strictly limited. For example, it is a move action to take out a potion (unless you have the Quickdraw feat) and a standard action to drink it. That's all Good Dwight has time for this round.

Cayzle OOC 
Friday September 15th, 2006 11:08:57 PM

Please note, friends, that with the publication of a combat map, we are in round-by-round melee mode. So keep in mind that your actions are strictly limited. For example, it is a move action to take out a potion (unless you have the Quickdraw feat) and a standard action to drink it. That's all Good Dwight has time for this round.

Selithe  d20+9=11 d20=15 d20+3=4
Saturday September 16th, 2006 10:43:15 PM

Selithe wonders if she has just a couple moment and speaks quickly to Zom and the others, "Block the door for a couple seconds. I need just a couple moments."

If they agree the Selithe casts her detect magic and will quickly move to grab some simple things, a few potions, scrolls, etc that she can stow in her backpack...she wants to make it away with something from this place that might be of use.

(hide:11 when needed. Spot:15 Search:4)

Podo (by Kim)  d20=20 d20=4 d20=14 d20=11 d20=20
Sunday September 17th, 2006 6:05:34 PM

Now that the familiar is under wraps, Podo considers. He hates undead, and here before him are several. Also, this is the workshop of one who lives to make unlife.

"Airin, I won't need that enlarge for now, thanks.

"Let's take what we can that might be useful, and I agree with Dwight - if we can damage or destroy the rest, so be it. But we need to be heading out before we start any fires. Oh, and who wants to dump the cauldron of ichor on our way out? Wonder how our friends outside are doing."

Podo heads to the back room, picking up things that look useful, or that would irk the necromancer were he to miss them - scrolls, vials, books, gems, or other baubles, and places them (with some measure of care - he doesn't want to toss a flask of alchemical fire into his bag with force, for example) into his haversack. He does plan to deal with the skeletons shortly - but they don't seem to be interfering with them at the moment. [5 unadjusted search rolls: 20, 4, 14, 11, 20]

Kendry  d20+5=22 d20+10=14
Monday September 18th, 2006 12:04:08 AM

"Do you want to levitate with me?" Kendry asks Rarriat in goblin, stepping toward her. "We will drop things on the skeletons from above." If she agrees, Kendry casts from a second scroll a levitate spell [spellcraft: 22] on her, and hands her two small sacks he'd prepared back by the ponies and had tucked into his belt. "This one has acid. That one has firey liquid. Drop a couple every few seconds, but only if enemy is below. Get a good run, then jump forward and up in the air - think about floating up, and you will rise in the air. Your forward speed as you run and jump should keep you moving forward, toward the bluff. It lasts a minute, long enough to reach the bluff," he explains to her, "And then you float soft to the ground. Go next to me." [Diplomacy: 14]

Kendry urges Cheann forward as soon as the spell and handoff are done, in the direction of the cave, roughly over the right side of where 'Captain Marcus' now stands.

Airin [ 42/42 HP / AC21 / Woodland Stride / Message / Mage Armor / Hide from Undead / Spider Climb] and Fioni [ 8/8 HP / AC17 ]  d20+8=16 d20+8=23 d20+12=23
Monday September 18th, 2006 3:49:59 AM

"The Wizards spell book! That must be it!! Maybe Selithe can copy a few spells from that tome... and when he loses that book he'll be virtually harmless!"

"Selihte, shall we take the Wizards Tome? We can put a lot of things in this Haversack. It's like a bag of holding only a bit smaller... toss everything in here... and let's go. This is not our mission. They have the Hom. Let's find a way out of here."

Airin goes through the curtain and once again does a quick check of the place. Are there no airholes they could crawl through? No underground river they can follow? Maybe some other interesting looking thingies...

spot: 16 (interesting thingies or another exit)
search: 23 (check for another exit)
Listen: 23

Active Spells:
Message (cast by Kendry): 472 rounds
Mage Armor: 572 rounds
Hide from Undead: 72 Rounds
Spider Climb: 192 rounds

Spell List:
Read Magic

Speak with Animals
Speak with Animals - USED

Julian [enlarged, enraged, Run feat, AC 14, hp 45]  d20+10=19 d10+10=15 d20+4=20 d2-1=0 d20+4=15 d2-1=0
Monday September 18th, 2006 7:46:26 AM

Julian now really turns on the pace (Run Feat, 30' x5 @ full pace with dex bonus intact).

Julian is heading straight towards the Ogre Skeleton. He calls up to Kendry, "I want that falchion! Oh, I mean, I think the falchion commands the skeletons." He will move his maximum distance by sidestepping the skeletons and then
clobbers the nearest skeleton in the back with his greater sledgehammer and continues running.
Hit AC 19
Dmg 15
If he can get close enough (OOC sorry not sure about movement here, the times 5 bit) he will down his potion of Hide from Undead so that he can avoid the other skeletons so that he can attempt to disarm Marcus of his falchion.
Disarm attempt: -4 non-profeciency, +4 two-handed weapon (should I use the same roll as above or make a new one? I have assumed teh same one) 19

[Shark AC 16, hp 22, enraged, speed 30']
Shark will unfortunately fall behind, and lose the benefits of enlarge and mage armour. He claws the nearest skeleton that he can.
"Keep comin,' Shark."
Hit AC 20
Dmg 0
Hit AC 15
Dmg 0

OOC, thanks Jerry, good job.

Tobias [AC 20; hp 38/38; delay poison; bull's str]  d20+10=24 d6+3=8
Monday September 18th, 2006 10:33:05 AM

Seeing that he is no longer invisible to the undead in the room, Tobias draws his morningstar (mw) and moves towards the nearest skeleton.

If he gets a chance, he will attack it:
Attack: 24
Damage: 8

Tewdwr [AC 15 - HP 21/21] 
Monday September 18th, 2006 12:31:19 PM

Tewdwr will keep pace with the skeletons, but not close until they've decided to slow down.

Fire and Mist (DM Cayzle)  9d6(3+2+5+4+6+5+2+1+3)=31
Monday September 18th, 2006 3:53:22 PM

[OOC: Okay, everybody, let me say this again. You are in combat! It takes a full-round action to search a 5-foot-by-5-foot area, so you cannot move and search in the same round. Running is a full round action, so you can't run and attack in the same round. It takes a move action to pick up an item, so you can move and pick up one thing in a round. What you can do in a round will be strictly enforced. See below for comments.]

The Stealth Team only:

NOTE: The Silence that is outside the door does not extend into the room. The Obscuring Mist in the room does not extend outdoors.

Highlight to display spoiler: {

[OOC: The bar on the door is a simple piece of wood, like a two-by-four, for those in the U.S., hung on brackets that prevent it from being pulled open from the other side, or pushed open from this side.]

Dwight takes out a potion (move action) and drinks it (standard action). He is now Hidden from Undead again. He thinks the five skeletons in the room will continue to do what they are doing until ordered otherwise. Dwight thinks about grabbing valuables, but there is no time left in the round to do so. He also thinks about starting fires, but there is no time left in the round to do so.

Selithe calls to Zom to block the door. He shouts back, "Okay! -- then moves to the door and casts an Obscuring Mist. Then Selithe thinks about casting detect magic. Note that to cast detect magic and pinpoint the locations of things with magical auras takes three rounds. After that it is a move action to pick up an item, and another one to stow it away., and in a combat you are spending precious rounds on concentration that might be spent in surviving. Your call. If you want to cast the spell, then the first round of concentration reveals that YES, there are magical auras present. Otherwise, you still have a round of actions left to post.

Podo moves to the back room. That's two move actions, since it is more than 20 feet away. He thinks about picking up valuables and stowing them away, but it will take a move action to pick up one thing and another move action to put it in a pocket, pouch, or pack. NOTE: Please put the map coordinates of your destination in your turn, or else I'll guesstimate it for you.

Ignoring Dwight's offer of a potion of Hide from Undead, Tobias moves to a skeleton, drawing a weapon as he moves (it is a free action to draw a weapon while moving). Then he attacks the skeleton, which is just standing there. He destroys it, and it falls to pieces.

Airin recognizes what is most likely a spell book. .She moves deeper into the library. But the sensible hero knows that since the group has the homunculus, it is time to think about leaving. Alas, she sees no exits at all other than the door the group came in.

The Diversion Team only:

Julian and Kendry, if you can make Wis checks vs DC5, then Please Highlight to display spoiler: {You do realize that you are the Diversion Team, not the Main Attack Team, right? That simple Wis check should tell you that although the entire party *might* have been able to win this fight, the two of you alone are pretty much toast, IMNSHO. Fair warning, 'cause I feel free to kill off foolish players!}

On to the main event!

Highlight to display spoiler: {

[OOC: Kim, your interpretation of levitate is interesting -- to wit, that if you leap up and then leviate, your forward momentum will continue to carry you forward. But I disagree with it. The spell says "the recipient could clamber along the face of a cliff, for example, or push against a ceiling to move laterally (generally at half its base land speed)." To me, that suggests a certain inertia that must be continually overcome. Feel free to take this too the Rules bBoard for other interpretations that might convince me. Though I suspect they will not. For now, if you jump up into a levitate, you can move forward as far as a long jump would have taken you.]

Kendry tries to convince Rarriatt to join him in aerial warfare, but the already nervous warrior shakes her head and even steps back. Kendry moves on his riding dog to the right. [OOC: I'm moving K to square L31, making a double move.]

Julian wants to run at the ogre skeleton, but there are too many skeletons between him and Captain Marcus.

[Note: You can only run IN A STRAIGHT LINE as a full round action. You cannot run around the mass of skellies and then circle back. You cannot run through, either. You can tumble through, but you can't run and tumble at the same time. You could do so with a double move, but that would either open you up to half a dozen attacks of opportunity or get you no closer than 25 feet of Captain Marcus]

[Also note: Since Captain Marcus is a large biped with a 10-foot reach, you will incur an AoO in attacking him if you rush in through his threatened area.]

Julian settles for taking out a potion and drinking it. Now he is Hidden From Undead

The two animals, Shark and Tewdyr, are more than a little somewhat freaked out by the unnatural moving bones. They will not go into battle alone, although they will follow a PC into combat.

The Enemy

The mage moves 30 feet out of the silence. He shouts, "Marcus! Break down that door and kill anyliving thing inside! You three! Help him! Inner Corps, make a line across the cave mouth and guard.! Outer Corps! Fall back to protect me!"

The skeletons move as he commands, Then he casts a fireball that covers Julian, Kendry, Tewdyr, and Shark! Please make Reflex Saves vs DC 18 or take 31 hp fire damage or 15 if you save (those with evasion or improved evasion, modify accordingly).


And the Map!

Tewdwr [AC 15 - HP 6/21]  d20+5=19
Monday September 18th, 2006 4:25:11 PM

Tewdwr saves against the fireball, but is still scorched for a lot of fire damage. He double moves away from the skeletons and the mage... hoping for find safety in distance.

Tobias [AC 20 - HP 38/38; delay poison; bull's str] 
Monday September 18th, 2006 4:26:52 PM

If the skeletons don't react to him and continue their duties, Tobias won't waste time bashing them. He will take another potion from Dwight if he's still offering it. And, he'll see if he has anymore luck finding an exit than the others.

Dwight (hp 33/35, ac 16, message, hide from undead)  d20+9=20 d20+11=14 d20+8=9 d20+3=11
Monday September 18th, 2006 4:49:23 PM

OOC: sorry about the multiple actions last round, I'll try to do better. However you didn't really answer Dwight's question about the potential of flaming the place up. You mentioned that the candles didn't emit smoke, how about the fireplace? Will throwing vials of oil constitute an attack that will cancel my hide from undead if I'm not throwing them at the skeletons?

Another question, when we open the door, (or its opened) will the mist complete its area of effect?

Whipering (via message), Dwight tells Tobias not to worry about the skeleton our time is up and the task is almost complete. Try to escape the same way we came in.

Assuming the room is highly flammable due to dust and tossing the vials will not cancel my hide from undead, Dwight prepares as many vials (up to 3) he can toss in one round. Aim isn't really important, more of a grab and toss. He them moves closer to the door by heading directly west.

If fire doesn't really seem likely, then Dwight moves towards the door, X17. He then pulls out a smokestick.

move silently:14
listen:9 (nat 1)


Cazyle Comments: Sorry not to answer questions better! Trying to do too much!

Anyway, for sure the library would make a great place to set a fire! The main room has things that would burn, but maybe not spread. There is no fireplace as such ... but there is a heat source inside the cauldron:


Setting a fire that does not target creatures will not break the Hide From Undead.

If you open the door, some mist will spill out. How much is a mystery.

Hope that gets them all!

Julian  d20+1=12
Monday September 18th, 2006 7:37:20 PM

Just making a Wisdom check = 12

Julian  d20+3=9
Monday September 18th, 2006 7:42:50 PM

sorry, just another quick Reflex save = 9. E'gads!

Julian  d20+5=24
Monday September 18th, 2006 8:53:49 PM

and Shark's reflex save 24
(thanks the gods!)

Monday September 18th, 2006 10:13:35 PM

(OOC:Sorry Cayzle, I didn't look in the book to see the specifics about the detect magic spell and such.)

Selithe decides not to take the time to detect things and just grabs a couple items and quickly will stow them, just simple things. She will stop once she hears the rustling with the door and quickly hide long enough for the door to be open and then try to escape.

Selithe calls out to Airin, "Take it quickly Airin and I'll look at it later. It's a good grab though for sure."

(OOC:I know that is alot of actions but figured there would be rustling of the door or something to signal that it's time to hide, a couple moments for the door to be opened finally, etc.)

Julian [enlarged, enraged, Run feat, AC 14, hp 9/45]  d20+5=6
Monday September 18th, 2006 10:44:09 PM

"Shark, stay with me."
Julian will move to F23 and load his sling with thunderstone as he goes. (free action with Move action, both stone and sling in trouser pocket)
He aims the thunderstone at O19, hoping to deafen the necromancer.
Hit AC 4 (nat 1) forgot the -2 for the distance
OOC How's that for a diversionary tactic!

ADM Kim - Posting report 
Tuesday September 19th, 2006 12:24:21 AM

Sept 4-10
DM Cayzle: MTWTF: 5
Dwight: MTWTF: 5
Airin: MTWTF: 5
Podo: -T-TF: 3
Selithe: MTWTF: 5
Kendry: MTWTF: 5
Tobias: MTWT-: 4
Julian: M-WTF: 4

Sept 11-17
DM Cayzle: MTWTF: 5
Dwight: MTWTF: 5
Airin: MTWTF: 5
Podo: -T-TF: 3
Selithe: MTWTF: 5
Kendry: MTWTF: 5
Tobias: MTWT-: 4
Julian: M-WTF: 4

Podo's posting shortages are due to his substitute. Kim is playing Podo.

Airin [ 42/42 HP / AC21 / Woodland Stride / Message / Mage Armor / Hide from Undead / Spider Climb] and Fioni [ 8/8 HP / AC17 ] 
Tuesday September 19th, 2006 7:45:56 AM

Since there's still no sign of an enemy on the opposite side of the door and Selihte seems to be very interested in the Wizard's Tome Airin takes a 5ft step towards the tome, picks it up and stores it in the Haversack. She does not even feel the extra weight!

If any movement left Airin moves up the ceiling once again.

"Shall we store the box in my haversack as well? This will help us to stay nimble without being hampered by the box. Put it in this Haversack if you want!"

(you can put that box in the Haversack provided that it is no bag of holding type thingie or we have a huge problem.)


Active Spells:
Message (cast by Kendry): 471 rounds
Mage Armor: 571 rounds
Hide from Undead: 71 Rounds
Spider Climb: 191 rounds

Spell List:
Read Magic

Speak with Animals
Speak with Animals - USED

Kendry (AC 15. HP 29-15=14. Message)  d20+5=25 d20+7=24 d20+5=17 d8+1=7 d20+7=21
Tuesday September 19th, 2006 1:25:18 PM

[Cheann (dog) Fort save: 25; Kendry Fort save: 24; Spellcraft: 17; Ride: 21]

As the small point of light races toward them, Kendry has Cheann cut to the right. Though avoiding the brunt of the firey explosion, they do not escape unsinged. Kendry calls out, first in halfling, then in goblin, "Scatter, retreat!" Then calls out, "Tewdyr!" hoping the two-headed wolf with whom he and Tobias have trained will follow him. He guides Cheann to race away from the necromancer, coming close to the cliff face to gain perhaps a bit of cover by the end of the round (roughly L47 below the map). As he rides, he touches Cheann with his wand of cure light wounds (20-15+7=12 hp current).

Podo (by Kim) 
Tuesday September 19th, 2006 3:03:26 PM

Not wanting to waste time taking them one by one, Podo moves to the shelf of books, opens his haversack, and scoops an armful of adjacent tomes into the bag. "All right, let's get going. Dwight, if you want to torch the place - the library here could use a splash of oil."

[OOC: I just conducted an experiment. Closed plastic bag, ten feet from the shelves of the church library. Open bag as I step forward, place arm around 23 books. Eighteen made it into the bag, and five fell on the floor. Elapsed time: 13 seconds. Time to take books out of bag and restore to order on the shelves: just over one minute. -Kim]

Fog Rolls In, Hearing Rolls Out! (DM Cayzle)  d8=2 d20+7=12 d100=8 [mage hit by thunderstone, spell fizzles] d20=2 d20=14 d20=19 d20+9=26 [rolls to break the door in]
Tuesday September 19th, 2006 5:17:43 PM

[OOC: PLEASE PLEASE Put your AC and current HP in your header. List active spells there too, or in your post at least!]

The Stealth Team only:

Highlight to display spoiler: {
Tobias steps up to dwight and takes a potion from him. Then he drinks it. Now Tobias too is Hidden From Undead.

Dwight prepares two flaming oils, one in each hand, and moves directly west to X16.

Both Dwight and Tobias are in the mist and can see no more than 5 feet ahead of them.

Selithe grabs two books and stuffs them away. She cannot see the door through which the party entered ... the mist hides it. She figures she'll hear it open ... but she does not know about the Silence spell!

Podo grabs two books and calls for fire in the library.

Airin grabs the necromancer's spell book and stows it away.

The Diversion Team only:

Highlight to display spoiler: {

Julian moves up, then hurls a thunderstone at the necromancer, and although it misses, the edge of the blast still hits the mage. He fails his save and is deafened! "Arrr!" shouts the human.

Julian's familiar keeps up with him.

By the way, Julian's attack is successful, but it does ruin the Hide From Undead potion he just drank last round!

Kendry wisely backs off (to L37) and cures his mount. Tewdyr follows him. (Rarriatt runs 120 feet away.)

The Enemy

The necromancer casts a spell at Julian, but still rattled and deafened, his spell fizzles (no need to save vs Baleful Polymorph for you, my friend!).

He then directs several skeletons to engage Julian.

Meanwhile, Captain Marcus silently breaks the door open, aided by two skeletons. Mist pours out and Silence pours in!


NOTE TO DWIGHT: Highlight to display spoiler: {There's Captain Marcus standing next to you!}

NOTE: The Silence and the Obscuring Mist now extend in and out of the room. It is very confusing for those inside.

And the Map!

Tuesday September 19th, 2006 5:37:20 PM

DM only Highlight to display spoiler: { OOC doesn't hide from undead only dispell when attacking a creature? I am pretty sure I didn't attack a creature.

Cayzle to Julian: Huh? You threw a thunderstone at a spellcaster! I'd say that's an attack. You rolled an attack die. You damaged his ears. Yup, an attack all right, me hearty!

NOTE! It is ALWAYS okay to question me on stuff like that. You can ALSO say that if you had known it was an attack, you would not have done it. Frankly, I think it was worth it to avoid a DC20 Fort save vs being turned into a toad.

Dwight (hp 33/35, ac 16, message, hide from undead)  d20+9=25 d20+9=19 d20+9=21 d20+6=14
Tuesday September 19th, 2006 9:44:13 PM

Realizing that his time is up, Dwight tries to inform the other (via message) but realizes he cannot.

Remembering where everyone was last standing, Dwight hurls the two flasks toward the door into the library. His best hope is to get one inside. His worst nightmare is to hit a team mate.

first vial attack: 25
second vial attack: 19
(not sure if I need to subtract for 2 attacks?)

dmg? (no idea, but can't see it anyways. Hope to smell fire next round though)

With the mist, silence, hide from undead and Dwight's hiding, he hopes he remains hidden from the oversized skeleton.

Hide: 21+mist
Silence: Spell

(In the event the ogre sees Dwight, he still throws the vials, and then attempts to tumble, if allowed)--Dwight does not want to cancel his hide from undead and be exposed to additional skeletons.

Tumble: 14

Selithe-AC:20-HP:33 (message) 
Tuesday September 19th, 2006 10:08:23 PM

Selithe frowns at how this is working out and wonders where the door is, how she is going to find her way out and such. She realizes that she used her potion of hide from undead and it was her only one (believe I only took once from Airin and it was used before coming in.)

Selithe will try moving in the general direction of the door, hoping she isn't attacked or bumped into anything.

0th: Detect Magic(1), Ray of Frost(2), Open/Close(1), Prestidigitation(1)

1st: Identify(1), Magic Missile(1), Burning Hands(1), Enlarge Person(1)

Julian [enlarged, enraged, Run feat, AC 14, hp 9/45] 
Tuesday September 19th, 2006 11:18:47 PM

OOC my actions here would probably be the same regardless of the interpretation of previous actions, though I would like to argue it further.

Julian makes a full round run action to B5 (95'), with Shark following behind (C5), avoiding any nearby skeletons. As he runs he uses his ointment of magic stone over three of his sling stones and places two of them into his pocket to keep them seperate [free action in a move action].
OOC I calculate this to be 95' from the Necro using a printout and ruler. Please adjust my poition if neccessary.

Hide from undead
Magic Stone
OOC I will calculate the duration remaining on these tonight for tomorrow's post.

Podo (by Kim) (AC 19, HP 35, Message spell, Hide from undead)  d20=18
Wednesday September 20th, 2006 12:44:56 AM

Podo uses his arm to sweep a few more books into his haversack (letting DM Cayzle decide how many that might be, but rolling a straight d20=18 to determine how efficiently he performs).

He closes his haversack, and hears a few splashings in the room.

"Who's there?" Podo takes quarterstaff in hand, goes through the door, notes the mist, asks Selithe, "Anything I should know?" in halfling. He looks to see if the cauldron still stands. If so, he thinks to knock it over - toward the corner of the room, AC21.

Kendry (AC 15. HP 29-15=14. Message) 
Wednesday September 20th, 2006 12:58:07 AM

Kendry casts a silence spell at the intersection of N-O/19-20, a few feet in the air - just above the skeletons' heads (about 7 feet or so from the corner of the square that the Necromancer stands in). It's hard to give orders - or cast any number of spells - where quiet reigns.

And maybe his friends - including his love, Airin, his cousins, and Zom are trying to get out just now. "Kendry here, south. You all go north. Run, Julian!" he whispers, in case any are in range of his message spell.

Airin [ 42/42 HP / AC21 / Woodland Stride / Message / Mage Armor / Hide from Undead / Spider Climb] and Fioni [ 8/8 HP / AC17 ]  d20+10=28 d20+8=15 d20+19=29
Wednesday September 20th, 2006 4:55:57 AM

From inside the library Airin notices the fog and gets worried. She can no longer see her friends.

(ooc who has the box containing the hom?) [Podo does -Kim]

"Time to go!"

Airin looks at the fog in front of her and visualizes the path towards the door and out of the tunnel. It was quite a straight tunnel... she should be able to follow the ceiling again until she's outside...

The Halfling begins to crawls along the ceilings again at full speed. She's still invisible from Undead anyhow and the the fog will render Airin equally invisible.
Airin will not reach the fog yet this turn but she moves as fast as possible in that direction.

"Where's the Hom? Let's get out of here friends! Hurry!"

Survival: 28 - preparing to go in a straight line through the fog.
Spot: 15 - trying to see things through the fog
Hide: 29 - hide among the ceiling if needed

Active Spells:
Message (cast by Kendry): 470 rounds
Mage Armor: 570 rounds
Hide from Undead: 70 Rounds
Spider Climb: 190 rounds

Spell List:
Read Magic

Speak with Animals
Speak with Animals - USED

Tobias [AC 20 - HP 38/38; delay poison; bull's str; hide from undead] 
Wednesday September 20th, 2006 4:03:27 PM

Silenced and with limited visibility, Tobias will start heading out of the cavern as much as his vision will let him. He will head out and try to steer clear of any undead, so they don't accidentally walk into him. He will try to get out of the mist (hopefully he can do that this round).

Tewdwr [AC 15 - HP 6/21] 
Wednesday September 20th, 2006 4:04:55 PM

Tewdwr will move with Kendry provided that they're moving away from the wizard and getting a safe distance away. He'll be licking his wounds until he can get some assistance.

Wednesday September 20th, 2006 7:23:40 PM

OOC to Cayzle, I say it was not an attack because it was not aimed AT a creature, but at a space. The attack roll seems like the most appropriate Skill Check for using a sling to lob a thunderstone that far. It is similar to setting a fire that doesn't target a creature, but it is a fire which will soon enough consume creatures anyway.
I am not fussed really, because I will attack the Necro next round, and it is just a game and either way will not detract from the fun. I just want to understand this rule clearly. Or rather, I want everyone to understand it in the same way I do ;)
No offence intended.

Down for the Count! (DM Cayzle)  d20+2=16 [roll to spot Dwight fails] d100=23 [chance to miss Tobias] 5d4(3+4+2+4+2)+5=20 [mm on Kendry] d100=8 [chance to miss Podo] d100=9 [Spell Fail Chance for Kendry! An 8! It fails!]
Wednesday September 20th, 2006 7:30:54 PM

The Stealth Team only:

Highlight to display spoiler: {

Dwight hurls his flasks, almost at random, oping to start a fire and do some mischief. He tries to ignore the skeleton next to him, hoping he remains hidden from it. In fact, it seems to overlook him in the mist.

Tobias manages to get through the door and out into the outer cave, but still in the mist, brushing past skeletons to get there. He sees the big ogre skeleton -- whioch takes a swing at him and misses blindly. Thank goodness for the Hide from Undead potion, or he would be in trouble!

Selithe heads for the door, entering the mist. She stops short right in front of Captain Marcus! He is in the next square! Selithe is invisible, right?

Podo grabs another book and moves to AC21. He sees two vials of flaming oil land nearby -- but not close enough to burn him. He sees the cauldron at AB18 but does not have the time to spill it this round.

Airin heads for the ceiling and then towards the door. She asks who has the homunculus, but she doesn't get an answer ... probably because the Silence spell puts a damper on communication. She does see the flaming oils fly out of the mist and crash on the floor.

The Enemy

Captain Marcus moves out of the mist and sees Podo! He takes a swing, but misses! A couple more skeletons step out of the mist but do not notice Airin or Podo.

[OOC: The ogre skeleton cannot see you, but the intelligent sword it carries can. The sword tells the skeleton where to swing, but it has a 50% miss chance due to the Hide From Undead. Just FYI!]


The Diversion Team only:

Highlight to display spoiler: {

Julian and his badger make a full run to B5. A run is a full round action, so that's all he can do in the round. [OOC: That means no applying oil to bullets while running. Okay?]

Kendry casts a silence spell. He may be off the map, but he is not out of line of sight! The mage is silenced for a moment.

The Enemy

The necromancer sees Julian running away, but is more concerned with the spell caster who just silenced him. He moves 30 feet to the southwest, out of the silence, calls the other skeletons that are not in the silence to him, and casts a magic missile at Kendry. That inflicts 20 hp damage on Kendry. You can roll to stay in your saddle -- "If you're knocked unconscious while in a military saddle, you have a 75% chance to stay in the saddle (compared to 50% for a riding saddle)." You can use a hero point to reroll that if you fail, of course. And you'll want to make a stabilization check. Your mount will run away if you stay mounted.)

No! Kendry! Wait! That mage has a 20% spell fail chance thanks to the thunderstone! And I rolled an 8! Boy are you lucky! I'll leave the prior stuff up there though to give you a heart attack and serve as a warning. See, I was ready to kill you off, my friend! Muahaha! You remain awake with your measly precious 14 hp! :-)


NOTE: The Silence and the Obscuring Mist now extend in and out of the room. It is very confusing for those inside.

And the Map!

Wednesday September 20th, 2006 7:59:09 PM

OOC your map picture aint working!

Julian [enlarged, enraged, Run feat, AC 14, hp 9/45] 
Wednesday September 20th, 2006 9:08:11 PM

Julian moves due north as a full round run again to be 245' from the necro. Shark stays close behind. This should still be in the sandy area indicated by an earlier map.
Run Feat and Barbarian Fast Movement = 150'

Mage Armour duration 2 hours
Prestidigitation dur 1 hour
Enlarge Person used 9 rounds of 2 minutes
Rage used 4 rounds of 8 rounds

Dwight (hp 33/35, ac 16, message, hide from undead)  d20+9=21 d20+3=19
Wednesday September 20th, 2006 9:09:45 PM

Having hurled the flasks, Dwight makes for the door. Feeling along the wall and knowing the ogre is past him, Dwight moves with haste, trying to tell everyone to flee, but the silence still prevents him.

Twisting, turning, tumbling and ducking as best he can, Dwight makes to exit the mist along the same path entered. (steering himself along the wall once outside the room.)

If he makes it out of the mist, Dwight tries his best to keep hidden from the necro eyes. He plans to stay low using the skeletons and shadows as much as possible. He again attempts to communicate with the group, but remains silenced.

hide: 21
move silently: still in silence
listen: nothing heard
spot: 19 (once out of the mist)

(OOC: As Julian said, the map image isn't showing on the site, so this is my best guess based on the previous map... Dwight attempts to move to T16)

Cayzle OOC 
Wednesday September 20th, 2006 11:26:31 PM

Sorry friends, I messed up the map. It'll be up and running in the morning, say 9-10 am New York time.

And one more note on sneaking. After you leave the mist, if you want to remain hidden, you have to have cover, concealment, or something to hide behind. The hide from undead effect will save you from the skeletons, but the necromancer and his intelligent falchion henchman will see you unless you are hiding behind something.

I might cut Airin some slack and let her hide while sneaking on the ceiling because (a) the ceiling is somewhat rough and (b) people do not always look up.

Kendry (AC 15; HP 20/29; Message, Message)  d20+5=20 d8+1=6 d20+7=11 d20+3=14
Thursday September 21st, 2006 2:45:13 AM

[Spellcraft to discern necromancer's spell: 20; Cure light wounds with wand: 6; Ride skill: 11]

Kendry sees Flavius Aetius moving out of the spell area, then casting what appears to be a magic missile toward him - but - huh, it fizzled. Bless you, Wardd! And Julian.

"Julian, circle about - head west past sand, then south," he whispers as he turns Cheann about and flees along the bluff. He is concerned that Julian will lead some foes back the way their companions must escape.

"Hie, Tewdyr. Run Cheann." His wand touches himself for 6 hp restored. When next he can, he'll take care of the wolf and dog.

If there is an alcove or small corner they might hide behind, Kendry will direct his four-footed friends thither, else simply away, as the coming daytime makes waning night grow brighter.

[Note: Dog movement rate is 40, wolf is 50 - increase for running, unless alcove is within the 40 feet - Spot 14.]

Airin [ 42/42 HP / AC21 / Woodland Stride / Message / Mage Armor / Spider Climb / Hide from Undead] and Fioni [ 8/8 HP / AC17 ]  d20+19=33 d20+10=21 d20+12=27
Thursday September 21st, 2006 5:51:07 AM

Airin is starteled as she sees the flames erupt. This is bad! If this cave catches flames they can all end up BBQ'd...

But then Airin sees the master skeleton and two helpers emerge from the fog. DAMN! Podo is the last one in here and he's cornered!!

Airin crawls towards the fog hoping to sneak away from these skeletons. Right before she enters the fog though she looks back hoping to see Podo get past Marcus unharmed and into the fog...

If he doesn't Airin won't leave him but that's for next turn...

If Airin sees Podo retreat into the fog she also moves forward along the ceiling into the fog and trying to reach the tunnel exit!

Hide (+19): 33
Survival (+10): 21 (finding the exit through the fog and upside down)
Move Silently (+12): 27 (make sure Marcus and the other skeletons won't hear her)

Active Spells:
Message (cast by Kendry): 469 rounds
Mage Armor: 569 rounds
Hide from Undead: 69 Rounds
Spider Climb: 189 rounds

Spell List:
Read Magic

Speak with Animals
Speak with Animals - USED

DM Cayzle 
Thursday September 21st, 2006 10:01:22 AM

And the Map!

Podo (by Kim) (AC 19, tumble 22, HP 35 - probably lost hide from undead)  d20+11=30 d20+11=22
Thursday September 21st, 2006 2:18:45 PM

Hearing the sword talking ['The sword tells the skeleton where to swing'], and realizing that it might present an ongoing threat to his companions, monk Podo uses his unarmed skills in an attempt to disarm the large skeleton of the sword [disarm 30], then tumbles away [tumble 22] into the mist and area of silence, moving thirty feet past skeletons, door shards, and friends, trying to get through the door. At the end of the round (or early the next) he tries to put the sword, handle first, into his haversack - should he have succeeded with the disarm. If his disarm failed, then he still will tumble the same direction.

Tobias [AC 20 - HP 38/38; delay poison; bull's str; hide from undead]  d20+12=29
Thursday September 21st, 2006 5:17:48 PM

Tobias continues to move in the direction he thinks will take him out of the cavern and hopefully out of the mist (sense direction 20 survival check). And, if he does clear the mist and sees the mage, he'll move to him.

Tewdwr [AC 15 - HP 6/21] 
Thursday September 21st, 2006 5:19:01 PM

Since Kendry tells him to move away, Tewdwr double moves out of the way into some wooded, covered area if possible... :)

A Chase Begins! (DM Cayzle)  d20+2=9 [spot vs Dwight] d4=4 [Chance for Marcus to stumble on someone in the mist] d100=62 [spell fail]
Thursday September 21st, 2006 7:05:34 PM

The Party

Dwight adopts the clever ploy oof using the mindless skeletond themselves as cover! [Dwight, please accept a 200 xp cleverness award for that idea! Well done!] He ends the round at the edge of the mist (see map).

Tobias makes it through the door and into the outer cave, but is still in the mist. He ponders the utter foolishness of moving towards the necromancer if he sees him, rather than staying hidden.

Selithe remains in the mist. Maybe she is headed for the door? Hard to say where the invisible mage could be.

Podo daringly tries to disarm the ogre skeleton, grabbing the intelligent blade called Captain Marcus!

Podo rolls a d20 plus his usual attack bonus (+9) minus his size penalty (-4) minus a penalty for using a light weapon (his hand) (-4) = 1d20 +1.

The skeleton has a Disarm DC of 10 plus its melee attack bonus (+7) plus a size bonus (+4) plus a bonus for using a two handed weapon (+4) = 25.

Podo rolls a 19, giving him a 20. That is not enough to beat the skeleton's Disarm DC25.

[OOC: Given the rules as they now stand, Podo had a zero percent chance of taking a two handed weapon away from a large skeleton. He would have known that. I'll allow Podo to take back that attempt, thus saving his Hide From Undead.]

Podo tumbles into the mist, avoiding any AoO.

Airin sees Podo tumble to the safety of the mist. She enters it herself, seeking an exit.

Julian heads north at speed, seeking the security of the cover of the brush. He is 250 feet from the Lair.

Kendry heads south, using his cure wand as he rides. He ends the round about 150 feet south of the Lair

The Enemy

Captain Marcus orders a check of the library. He enters the mist looking for intruders. He fails to find anybody.

The Necromancer barks an order, and four skeletons run 120 feet toward Kendry. The wizard casts a spell of Expeditious Retreat (spell fail chance due to deafness is a 62, so he casts that at least!] and chases after Kendry, moving 60 feet toward the halfling.

[A look into the mind of the necromancer: When the necromancer's link to the homunculus was severed (by putting it in the non-dimensional space of the Handy Haversack), he assumed it meant that the thieves had teleported away. The effect of putting the construct in a magic storage bag did not occur to him -- because it did not occur to your DM until you did it! Thinking that all the thieves had teleported out of his lair, the necromancer is pursuing Kendry as his best chance to attack at least one of the thieves. Good Luck, Kendry!]

And the Map!

Dwight(hp 33/25, ac 16, message, hide from undead)  d20+9=18 d20+3=17
Thursday September 21st, 2006 8:46:09 PM

Dwight considers running further, but realizes the main mission is still behind him. Podo and the chest he recites to himself preventing futher escape.

Not seeing the necro, and knowing the normal skeletons cannot see him for the moment, Dwight moves slightly north, (T16). Here he remains hoping to catch the others as they exit the mist, while maintaining potential cover by the skeletons and the mist. (OOC: thanks for the exp. :) )

hide: 18
move silently: in silence
listen: nada
spot: 17

If Dwight sees another group member he attempts to get their attention to steer them in the right direction (that of escape).

Selithe-AC:20-HP:33 (message, invisible)  d20+9=22 d20+6=24
Thursday September 21st, 2006 10:03:34 PM

Selithe quickly moves out of the doorway and makes her way along, trying to hide as best she can as she does just incase.

(hide:22 move silently:24)

0th: Detect Magic(1), Ray of Frost(2), Open/Close(1), Prestidigitation(1)

1st: Identify(1), Magic Missile(1), Burning Hands(1), Enlarge Person(1)

Kendry (AC 15; HP 23/29; Message, Message)  d20+7=11 d8+1=2 d8+1=7
Thursday September 21st, 2006 10:07:47 PM

"Hup!" Kendry commands Cheann to continue his full-on run. [For a war-trained riding dog, would a run be 4x or 5x normal movement? If 4x, they move 160 feet.] [Ride skill: 11 - can guide with knees & stay in saddle]

Since he runs parallel to himself and Cheann, Kendry cures the singed two-headed wolf Tewdyr somewhat (CLW +7 hp) with the wand held up his sleeve as they race along the sands. What happens when Flavius Aetius catches him? Maybe I give him the contents of my pouch, he grins to himself as the early morning wind whips his wavy auburn hair.

Podo (by Kim) (AC 19, Tumble 26, HP 35, Hide from undead)  d20+11=26 d20+14=25 d20+9=22
Thursday September 21st, 2006 10:56:33 PM

Having discarded the notion of trying to wrest the sword from the large skeleton's hands, Podo continues to tumble [Tumble 26], and sneaks past the skeletons to about R15, where he finds a little area where silence is no more. Not much sound, but he can hear himself breathe. Crouching down to hide [Hide: 25], but looking about, all he sees are skeleton knees. Wait - is that Dwight? [Spot: 22] He is ready to run back the way they came, with due haste.

Julian [enlarged, enraged, Run feat, AC 14, hp 12/45]  d8+1=3
Thursday September 21st, 2006 11:49:21 PM

Julian checks back over his shoulder to see skeletons chasing him, but no... they're chasing Kendry instead.
He gulps his potion of Cure Light Wounds, and loads his sling with a bullet.
"How far is he...?" Julian thinks to himself.

3 hp cured (and Shark shares the effect of the spell).
Shark [AC 16 hp 10]
Mage Armour duration 2 hours
Prestidigitation dur 1 hour
Enlarge Person used 10 rounds of 2 minutes
Rage used 5 rounds of 8 rounds

Cayzle OOC 
Thursday September 21st, 2006 11:57:34 PM

FYI, Julian is about 400 feet from Kendry.

[More like 655 feet - see emails. Julian is about 335 feet from the necromancer. -Kim]

Airin [ 42/42 HP / AC21 / Woodland Stride / Message / Mage Armor / Spider Climb / Hide from Undead] and Fioni [ 8/8 HP / AC17 ]  d20+19=35 d20+10=13 d20+12=28
Friday September 22nd, 2006 5:31:07 AM

Having seen Podo escape from Cpt. Marcus Airin takes a deep breath and tries to find her way towards the exit.

Hide (+19): 35 -5 for not going slower
Survival (+10): 13 ( trying to find the exit)
Move Silently (+12): 28 -5 for not going slower

Active Spells:
Message (cast by Kendry): 468 rounds
Mage Armor: 568 rounds
Hide from Undead: 68 Rounds
Spider Climb: 188 rounds

Spell List:
Read Magic

Speak with Animals
Speak with Animals - USED

Go Speed Racers! (DM Cayzle)  d20+2=20 d20+2=10 d20+2=16 [spot checks for Marcus]
Friday September 22nd, 2006 8:38:52 PM

The Party

Dwight sneaks to T16.

Tobias remains in the mist for now.

Selithe moves through the door and out, but she is still in the mist.

Podo sneaks to R15. He and Dwight see each other.

Airin emerges from the mist near to Podo and Dwight.

Julian, 250 feet from the Lair and half way to the brush, pauses to drink a potion and get his sling ready. If you can roll spot checks that beat your friends' hide checks, you can see them as they emerge from the mist.

Kendry rides south at a run, moving 80 feet from H85 to H101, the edge of the brush, Then he rides at a run another 40 feet south (half speed through brush), to H110. Kendry uses his cure wand as he rides.

The Enemy

Captain Marcus spends the round emerging walking through the mist, squeezing through the door, and finally emerging on the other side. He has used two move actions and cannot attack. Clearly he is looking around, but he can hear nothing (still in Silence), and he makes his spot checks at only +2. That's enough, though, to see Dwight! He rolls a 20 to beat Dwight's 18 Hide check! What will he do next round? He does not notice Airin or Podo.

The Necromancer races 240 feet south, to H81. Four skeletons follow behind, much more slowly.

And the Map!

Julian  d20+3=17
Friday September 22nd, 2006 9:11:48 PM

Just a spot check 17
I don't see anyone at the cave except that the Ogre Skeleton has emerged from the mist.
Stay tuned, more to come.

Dwight (hp 33/35, ac 16, message, hide from undead)  d20+3=21 d20+6=21 d20+9=26 d20+7=25 d20+6=20 d20+3=7
Friday September 22nd, 2006 9:30:07 PM

Seeing Podo and Airin, Dwight begins to wave them on, then spotting the fact that he has been seen by the ogre skeleton quickly jumps back into the mist.

Jump: 21
Tumble: 21 (toward the misted wall-UV16)

Once inside the mist, hopefully concealed again.

hide: 26+mist

Dwight makes for the nearest wall and climbs.

(Dwight attempts to climb straight up this round... as far as he can get hoping the ogre continues to look low--how far up?)
tumble: 20 (if needed)

move silently: guaranteed by spell
spot: 7

(OOC: i figured about 6' to the wall, and then 8-10' up. If hidden, the ogre should swing low since Dwight is short.)

Julian [enlarged, enraged, Run feat, AC 14, hp 12/45] 
Friday September 22nd, 2006 9:41:52 PM

Julian uses a full round run action due south (150'), with loaded sling in hand. Shark stays on his heels, as he yells at the Necro,
"Hey! Don't run from me, you bawdy pox-marked coxcomb! Stand and fight, you churlish clapper-clawed flap-dragon! Face me like a man, you froward unchin-snouted vassal! Got no guts then, hey? You gorbellied elf-skinned whey-face! Fight some one your own size you pathetic gleeking bat-fowling lewdster!"

Shark [AC 16 hp 10]

Mage Armour duration 2 hours
Prestidigitation dur 1 hour
Enlarge Person used 11 rounds of 2 minutes
Rage used 6 rounds of 8 round

Kendry (AC 15; HP 23/29; Message, Message) [dog Cheann: 20/20 - 1 hp for greater speed]  d20+1=9 d20+7=20 d20+6=7
Saturday September 23rd, 2006 4:37:15 PM

[Cure light wounds: 9; Ride 20] Kendry cures Cheann, healing him up fully [20/20], and spurs him on to greater speed (4x50=200/2=100 feet) through the thick brush. He calls out in goblin, hoping that some of the hobgoblins may still be in the area, "Time to help. Stay spread apart, but throw stones, throw sticks, throw spears at the witch doctor! Get ready the trap we set for him! He follow right behind me!" The hobgoblins may not know what the 'trap we set for him' is, but perhaps it will give Flavius pause - if he happens to understand the goblin tongue... and if his ears are working at the moment.

In that regard, he vaguely hears Julian shouting out something in the distance, but what with the wind whistling in his ears, and the thwap-thwap-swish of running through the brush, he really can't tell what his cousin says [Listen 7].

Tewdwr [AC 15 - HP 13/21] 
Sunday September 24th, 2006 1:24:31 PM

After being healed, Tewdwr leaves Kendry's side and peels off to the west, hoping to split the chasing skeletons, or at least make the necromancer think about which way to follow. He double moves west for 80.

Tobias [AC 20 - HP 38/38; delay poison; bull's str; hide from undead] 
Sunday September 24th, 2006 1:28:02 PM

Tobias moves out of the mist and towards Podo as soon as he can see him. He tries to move with Podo and get him out of here (probably a double move to keep up with Podo), since the objective is to get the hum back to Bella. He pushes and encourages him along to move. If any of the skeletons try to stop Podo, Tobias will try to take them out with his morningstar.

Podo (by Kim) (AC 19, Tumble 26, HP 35 , Hide from undead)  d20+14=22
Sunday September 24th, 2006 4:22:47 PM

[Hide: 22] If the ogre skeleton does not return to the mist before Tobias emerges, then Podo continues moving stealthily - at least until he gets around the corner. If the ogre skeleton - especially the sword - does return to the mist, then Podo moves swiftly away - a step around the corner, then run! He goes back the same way they came.

Airin [ 42/42 HP / AC21 / Woodland Stride / Message / Mage Armor / Spider Climb / Hide from Undead] and Fioni [ 8/8 HP / AC17 ]  d20+19=36 d20+12=25
Monday September 25th, 2006 3:11:54 AM

When Airin emerges from the fog she's happy to be in the open air once again - even if she's hanging upside down on the ceiling.

Seeing Cpt. Marcus beneath her she quickly moves along the ceiling to the North to follow the bluff towards the forest.

Hide (+19): 36 -5 for not going slower
Move Silently (+12): 25 -5 for not going any slower

Active Spells:
Message (cast by Kendry): 467 rounds
Mage Armor: 567 rounds
Hide from Undead: 67 Rounds
Spider Climb: 187 rounds

Spell List:
Read Magic

Speak with Animals
Speak with Animals - USED

Tobias [AC 20 - HP 38/38; delay poison; bull's str; hide from undead]  d20+5=14
Monday September 25th, 2006 2:01:25 PM

Need to spot Podo if he's still hiding... [Spot: 14], but if he shows himself, then Tobias will follow him closely.

(message, invisible)Selithe-AC:20-HP:33 (message, invisible)  d20+9=25 d20+6=24
Monday September 25th, 2006 4:27:27 PM

Selithe continues moving, hoping to get to her friends before anything really bad happens and also trying to see if her other friends make it also. As she moves she tries to move as quietly as possible and stick to areas that she can hide.

(Hide:25 Move Silently:24)

DM Cayzle 
Monday September 25th, 2006 4:42:23 PM

Sorry friends ... sick child and other RL concerns mean that today's post will be late (or maybe it will be skipped!). Sorry.

Monday September 25th, 2006 8:34:48 PM

Hope your child feels better.

ADM Kim - Posting Report 
Monday September 25th, 2006 11:29:06 PM

DM Cayzle: MTWTF - 5
Dwight: MTWTF - 5
Airin: MTWTF - 5
Podo: MTWT- - 4
Selithe: MT-TF - 4
Kendry: MTWTF - 5
Tobias: MTWTF - 5
Julian: MTWTF - 5

Good job posting, exciting action, creative ideas.

Come back, Jon-Paul! We need the real Podo.

Revenge at Last! (DM Cayzle)  d20+5=12 [Tobias does not spot Podo] d20+5=18 [or Airin] d100=35 [mm is not flubbed] 5d4(1+4+2+4+3)+5=19 [mm damage] d100=84 [Marcus miss chance vs Tobias] d20+6=25 d20+6=15 [Poss crit, none on followup] 2d4(1+1)+9=11 d8+1=2 [damage vs Tobias]
Tuesday September 26th, 2006 3:20:04 PM

[OOC: To recap, at the end of last round, Kendry was at H110, about 480 feet south of the cave. Julian was about 250 feet north of the cave. The necromancer was at H81, about 325 feet south of the cave. That put Julian 575 feet from the necromancer.]

The Party

Dwight, seeing that the ogre skeleton sees him, tumbles back into the mist and then climbs a wall under concealment of the fog.

Podo delays to see what the ogre skeleton will do.

Tobias steps out of the mist and looks for Podo. Podo is hiding with a DC22. With the DM's spot check roll for him, Tobias rolls a 12 -- not high enough to see Podo. Tobias also does not see Airin -- his 18 is not enough to beat her 19. [Per DM interpretation of your post ...] Tobias finishes a double move, slipping between the oblivious skeletons, and headed north. He is not trying to be quiet, and the ogre skeleton stares with empty eye sockets at him..

Selithe remains hidden in the mist.

Airin sneaks toward the cave mouth, hiding on the ceiling.

Julian runs 150 feet south. That puts him 100 feet from the cave. He's yelling at the necromancer, who is still 425 feet away. Can he hear Julian? Since Julian himself deafened the mecromancer with a thunderstone, probably not! (LOL!) The ogre skeleton sure can! It takes careful note of Julian.

Kendry rides south at a run, moving 100 feet from H110 to H126, deep in the brush, Kendry uses his cure wand as he rides.

Tewdyr splits and moves off, going west 100 feet, also in the brush.

The Enemy

Captain Marcus sees Tobias move brazenly through the skeletons and north. He moves 30 feet, following Tobias, and then swings his two-handed curveed blade. The falchion hits despite the hide from undead, and it is a crit threat ... but not a crit. Tobias takes 11 hp damage from the blade (the absolute minimum!) AND feels negative energy sucking his vitality (take another 2 ho damage ... total 13). "Revenge" shouts the sword, out of the silence at last.

Note that after chasing Airin, the ogre skeleton ends up at the cave mouth directly under Airin!

The Necromancer takes a standard move south, closer to the edge of the brush, to H93. He casts a magic missile on Kendry. (roll to flub the spell is a 35 ... it's ok). Kendry takes 19 hp damage. "Revenge!" shouts the alchemist, seeking to hurt those who have stolen from him..

And Finally

Podo sees Captain Marcus move north to swing at Tobias, then sneaks up past the skeleton.

And the Map!

Cayzle OOC 
Tuesday September 26th, 2006 3:59:06 PM

Thanks, by the way, for your patience and concern. The baby seems fine, despite a fever that spiked last night to 105 F. I got thrown up on twice. :-P We've taken the baby for chest x-ray (no pneumonia, thank goodness), etc.

Anyhow, thanks again!

Kendry (AC 15; HP 15/29; Message, Message) [dog Cheann: 17/20]  d20+7=22 d8+5=11 d20+3=22
Tuesday September 26th, 2006 5:25:15 PM

[Ride (including 'spur mount'): 22; CLW: 11; Concentration: 22]

With an "Oof!" as his body absorbs the punishment of the wounding power of five magic missiles, Kendry continues to urge Cheann to greater speed. Feeling the pain, while engaging in this wild ride through the brush, the halfling bard still manages to concentrate enough to cast a healing spell upon his hurting body, ameliorating some of the effects of the necromancer's vengeance.

He moves from H130 (not H126, as his prior move was 100, not 80) to H150, and hopes that Flavius does not have yet another magic missile spell - or something worse. At the same time, in another corner of his mind, he wills that his friends escape the other way while they might.

His faithful Caran Hills dog races onward. The sustained effort begins to cause him pain, small tufts of his thick black, white and rust fur left behind in the brush, and saliva flicks from his open mouth each time his forepaws strike the earth.

Julian [enlarged, enraged, AC 14, hp 12/45]  d20+4=7
Tuesday September 26th, 2006 7:05:45 PM

Julian realises that he will never catch up with the Necromancer and Kendry, I must learn to move like that. He turns his attention to aiding the Stealth Team directly.

He shoots his loaded sling at the Ogre Skeleton.
"Hey, you, beslubbering dread-bolted horn-beast!
You bawdy ill-nurtured hedge-pig!
You churlish guts-griping hedge-pig!
You clouted folly-fallen pignut!
You rank onion-eyed nut-hook!"
+5 missile, -2 distance, +1 vs giant size?
Hit AC 7, won't bother with a damage roll.
"Owww crap!"

He takes the time to call his dog on the whistle on a strap around his neck, and ready three stones to pour Magic Stone over, whilst moving back 30'.

Shark [AC 16 hp 10]
Shark stays with Julian.

OOC I figure my riding dog to be approx 500-600' away, so at full speed say 3 rounds to get to me...?
Mage Armour duration 2 hours
Prestidigitation dur 1 hour
Enlarge Person used 12 rounds of 2 minutes
Rage used 7 rounds of 8 round

Dwight (Hp 33/35, ac 16, message, hide from undead)  d20+9=14
Tuesday September 26th, 2006 9:58:03 PM

Dwight climbs down from the wall, knowing it is too smooth for him to maintain a grip like Airin.

Grabbing the smokestick he fingered earlier, he snaps its activation and hurls it towards the corner, hoping to gain more cover. (OOC: I am assuming this works similar to the mist spell, though not as quickly or potent. Hope that's right.)

Using the wall to recall his position, he tosses it towards the line of skeletons. More cover should help me avoid the ogre skeleton, where ever he went? Dwight wonders.

attack: 14 (not really aiming at anything, just want to toss it like a smoke bomb towards S16)

Podo (by Kim)  d20+14=28
Tuesday September 26th, 2006 10:04:59 PM

[Hide: 28]

Without calling out his name - Podo does not want to give these undead, or the talking sword, any information that can be used against them - the monk and new cleric of Alemi stage whispers to Tobias, "Run, run fast!" If he can get the ogrish thing chasing after, then maybe their friends can escape once the big skeleton has left the entrance to the cave.

Podo himself runs - going 150 feet to the south.

Selithe-AC:20-HP:33 (message, invisible)  d20+9=25 d20+6=13
Tuesday September 26th, 2006 11:21:42 PM

Selithe really doesn't like this, the confusion of the fight and everything. Taking a deep breath she plans to make a run for it if she doesn't see no immediate danger and considering she is in the mist yet that doesn't help. She heads for the direction closest to her that will get her out of the exit to the cave and will devert her path to which side has the least amount of enemies.

(Hide: 25 Move silently: 13 I believe that there are less enemies towards the North, also looked like the way the others were trying to run.)

Airin [ 42/42 HP / AC21 / Woodland Stride / Message / Mage Armor / Spider Climb / Hide from Undead] and Fioni [ 8/8 HP / AC17 ]  d20+19=37 d20+12=29 d20+8=19
Wednesday September 27th, 2006 8:08:52 AM

With the Ogre skeleton right beneath her Airin does no longer know what would be best... She knows she can not beat this creature but she also realises she has to do at least something!


She can summon vines that will entangle the skeletons and their leader, but Airin can not see all of her friends just yet... Where are Selihte and Dwight! They must still be in the cave!

Wait, she has an idea...

Airin is at the edge of the cave and the bluff itself. Instead of going north, Airin moves upwards so that she gets out of reach from the Ogre and all other skeletons.

As she goes she looks for a spot where she could crouch without holding on with her hands (able to use a weapon)

Hide (+19): 37 -5 for not going slower
Move Silently (+12): 29 -5 for not going any slower
spot (+8): 19

Active Spells:
Message (cast by Kendry): 466 rounds
Mage Armor: 566 rounds
Hide from Undead: 66 Rounds
Spider Climb: 186 rounds

Spell List:
Read Magic

Speak with Animals
Speak with Animals - USED

Tobias [AC 20 - HP 25/38; delay poison; bull's str; hide from undead] 
Wednesday September 27th, 2006 12:21:27 PM

Tobias will continue to double move (40 ft) away from the ogre skeleton to the northwest, using a withdraw action (so as not to give up an attack of opportunity to the ogre skeleton).

Tewdwr: have any of the skeletons followed Tewdwr as he peeled away from Kendry? If so, he will continue to try to pull away from them (move 50 ft). If he's already lost them, he will begin to circle back a bit to the north.

Cayzle OOC: Sorry! Those skeletons are moving at half the speed of the mage. They have not yet reached the brush. They are still in the dead gravel zone.

On the Lam (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday September 27th, 2006 5:27:13 PM

The Party

Dwight, moves to the edge of the fog and then creates more mist with a smokestick.

Podo races south at speed, hoping, maybe, to distract Captain Marcus from Tobias.

Tobias uses a withdraw action to step away from the ogre skeleton weilding Captain Marcus. He hustles 40 feet north.

Selithe carefully and invisibly sneaks out of the mist.

Airin crawls out of the cave and up, finding a place to brace herself with hands free. She thinks about tactics [OOC Note: This is a dead zone. There are no living plants. Entangle will not work until you are in the brush.]

Julian taunts the ogre skeleton and shoots at him with a sling bullet -- a miss. He moves 30 feet north, so that he is 130 feet north of the cave, and will be 70 feet north of the Captain after the Captain moves.

Kendry still rides south at a run, moving 100 feet from H130 to H150. He keeps pumping cures to stay upright.

Tewdyr begins to circle north. They are at A90.

The Enemy

Captain Marcus sees Podo running fast and ignores him. He also ignores Julian's taunting. He does not see Selithe or Dwight or the sneaky Airin. Instead, he follows Tobias. With his double move of 60, he easily keeps pace and even comes closer. The skeletal captain walks carefully right up to Tobias. As if he were taunting him, he leaves himself open to attack as he comes so close! Tobias can take an AoO vs the skeleton. But if he does so, his Hide from Undead will end, and with it the 50% miss chance he has been enjoying!

The skeleton is now so close, and with such a reach, that to use the withdraw action next turn will open Tobias to an AoO nonetheless. But maybe his miss chance will save him.

Captain Marcus has an AC of 13.

The Necromancer runs south, into the brush. He runs to H100 (7 squares), then into the bush, another 20 squares to H120. He is 150 feet from Kendry.

And the Map!

Selithe-AC:20-HP:33 (message, invisible)  d20+9=22 d20+6=8 d20=13
Wednesday September 27th, 2006 9:01:59 PM

Selithe continues moving and hopes her luck holds out and hoping her friends are doing well also. She does her best to move silently and hide yet as she keeps her eyes open. Her only weapon out and ready at the moment being her staff.

(Hide:22 Move silently:8 Spot:13)

Julian [enlarged, enraged, Run feat, AC 14, hp 12/45]  d20+15=35 d20+15=22 d20+15=30 2d6(1+3)+7=11
Wednesday September 27th, 2006 9:20:24 PM

Moves away from the ogre skeleton 25' whilst loading the sling with a magic stone.
[used 1/3]-2 distance 95', +1 giant size, +5 attack, +1 magic stone
Hit AC 35 (nat 20!) crit threat roll hit AC 22!!
Ignore the roll of 30, double click.
Crit = x2
Magic Stone vs Undead = 2d6+2, strength bonus +5
Damage = 11 x2 = 22points of damage!!!
"Take that you saucy clapper-clawed bugbear!
You mammering pottle-deep pigeon-egg!
You ruttish fat-kidneyed flap-dragon!"

Julian's rage leaves him with that fantastic hit. He is now fatigued.

Shark [AC 16 hp 10]
Shark stays with Julian.
Mage Armour duration 2 hours
Prestidigitation dur 1 hour
Enlarge Person used 13 rounds of 2 minutes
Rage used 8 rounds of 8 round

My riding dog is now two rounds away...?

Dwight (hp 33/35, ac 16, message, hide from undead)  d20+3=19 d20+3=12 d20+3=8 d20+3=15 d20+3=4 d20+3=10 d20+3=10 d20+3=5 d20+3=18 d20+9=23 d20+8=16 d20+11=20
Wednesday September 27th, 2006 9:31:48 PM

Having clouded the area a bit more, Dwight makes to escape. No sure of where anyone (foe or friend is), Dwight heads due west.

As he passes the column of skeletons and makes it to the end of the cave entrance (at Q14), he takes a look around the corner for everyone's whereabouts.

Not sure who is 'hiding,' so I rolled a spot for everyone.
spot (podo):19
spot: (tobias):12
spot: (airin):8
spot: (kendry):15
spot: (julian):4
spot: (necro):10
spot: (ogre skeleton):10
spot: (any hobgoblins/Zom):5
spot: (selithe): 18

Finally clear of the silence, Dwight tries to account for everyone on the stealth team. "Who is out? Dwight is free and heading west. Diversion team, we are on the way out. " (Unsure of where they are and how far the spell will reach, Dwight tries to contact them via the message)

Hiding: 23 (pressed the wall)
Listen: 16
Move Silently: 20

Wednesday September 27th, 2006 9:55:17 PM

OOC: sorry I got so excited about a natural 20 on an attack roll that I forgot that the undead are not subject to criticals.
Damage from sling stone = 11

Kendry (AC 15; HP 25/29; Message, Message) [dog Cheann: 13/20]  d8+5=6 d8+5=10 d20+7=25
Thursday September 28th, 2006 12:44:27 AM

Kendry rips a sack from off the side of his knapsack, upending it, scattering caltrops in the path behind him. As the empty sack falls from his fingers he gesticulates and mouths the tune of healing (CLW 10). Where are those hobgoblins? Did they all disappear this way?

Cheann continues his fast advance. His breathing grows labored (out to H170). [Ride: 25] Kendry knows he has to slack off on driving him so hard...

Podo (by Kim) 
Thursday September 28th, 2006 4:39:03 AM

Podo runs another 150 feet. More focus on speed than concealment. He hopes that Tobias will come, as well.

Airin [ 42/42 HP / AC21 / Woodland Stride / Message / Mage Armor / Spider Climb ] and Fioni [ 8/8 HP / AC17 ]  d20+8=25 d20+19=22
Thursday September 28th, 2006 5:47:07 AM

From her elevated posistion Airin sees how Tobias is in a tight position. She quickly oversees the skeletons below and checks if there aren't too many of them carrying bows or brossbows. If not they can't reach her and as she still has some more potions she will be able to vanish later on and catch up with her friends... hopefully...

Not within reach of Marcus either, the necro gone and Tobias in a tough position makes Airin decide to lower her defences and release the Hide from Undead that has been protecting her for so long. Her drawing the attention from all skeletons might make it easier for her friends to get away.

Able to brace herself without holding her hands she takes a tanglefoot bag from her belt... aims... and throws it towards the Ogre Skeleton!

(Airin is about 40ft away from the Ogre skeleton, but her higher position should enable her easily to throw further possibly negating the range penalty ? hint hint)

Attack Roll: 25 - YES! - hope that's sufficient

The Tanglfoot bag flies towards the Ogre Skeleton in a nice arch... Airin follows the special bag as in slomotion and her eyes flicker as she sees the bag explode as it comes near the Ogre...

The Goo splashes on the Ogre Skeleton covering him in sticky stuff... Hopefully this will either glue him to the ground or slow him down alowing Tobias to escape!

Airin then crouches against the bluff but she may not conceal herself this time... (rolled a lousy 3)

Attack Roll (+8): 25
Hide (+19): 22

Active Spells:
Message (cast by Kendry): 465 rounds
Mage Armor: 565 rounds
Spider Climb: 185 rounds

Spell List:
Read Magic

Speak with Animals
Speak with Animals - USED

Tobias [AC 20 - HP 25/38; delay poison; bull's str; hide from undead]  d20+10=23
Thursday September 28th, 2006 12:43:38 PM

Seeing that the ogre skeleton is too close for him to escape the same way again, Tobias decides to run - try to put more distance between him and the ogre skeleton. He now sees Podo heading to the south and west and runs after him (for 80 ft).

Reflex save on tanglefoot bag (if needed): 23.

He's also linked with Tewdwr and hoping he can come help. Tewdwr, clear that the skeletons can't keep up, moves to try to help Tobias. He'll double move back to the clearing (100 ft). Or if he's already out of the trees, he'll run to get as close to Tobias as he can.

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