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Hobgoblins Ahoy

A Chance Meeting in the Red Hills (DM Cayzle) 
Tuesday August 15th, 2006 9:06:02 AM

[OOC: Very good posting, my friends! I am continuing my efforts to post early in the day rather than late. Comments? Preferences?]

The party stocks up on blunt weapons and sneaky magic, then sets out.

Julian describes the way to go, and it is clear that the best and fastest way to travel at first is on the trade road back towards New Elenna. The group leaves the road near Frozen Chapel and stikes off east by southeast.

Tobias takes the lead, scouting ahead and to the right. (How far ahead? I'll assume 120 feet unless you say otherwise.)

Airin (with Fioni) also ranges ahead, and to the left (I'll assume 60 feet unless you specify.)

Selithe, Julian, Podo, Kendry, and Dwight all travel in a tight group. [OOC: no marching order preference given.]

You are roaming through the Red Hills. Who is mounted?

It is early in the day, and Tobias hears the sounds of campers. He thinks that a group of people has set up a fire about 100 feet ahead of him and behind that stand of trees. The language spoken is harsh and gutteral. No one seems to have noticed him.

Fioni comes to Airin and alerts her that something is ahead (how do you communicate with the bird, Airin?)

Tobias  d20+17=24 d20+14=17 d20+6=24 d20+5=9 d20+12=32
Tuesday August 15th, 2006 12:49:11 PM

120 ft ahead is good.

Tobias signals back to Airin and the party that something is ahead and he's going to have a quick look. He quietly sneaks in for a closer look.

Can he make out what's making the gutteral noises? Or, perhaps figure it out from their tracks?

He'll report back to the group once he has a little more info.

Hide: 24
Move silently: 17
Listen: 24
Spot: 9
Survival: 32 (nat 20)

Tuesday August 15th, 2006 9:32:43 PM

Selithe is riding her riding dog after she walks a small distance, prefering to rid now after she spends some time talking and getting to know Julian more. Before she does start riding she speaks once more to Julian, "When we get make it back with the thing for Bella we'll have to get a drink and see about that card game I offered."

Selithe will also offer to help Kendry with the strong box if he doesn't need to much. Selithe has a few coins left.

Dwight  d20+1=10
Tuesday August 15th, 2006 9:50:32 PM

(OOC: Sorry I missed the post yesterday, sat down to do it, and got roped into playing paper airplane....As you probably have noticed I post late EST. I don't really have a preference when the DM posts, but it helps if its roughly the same time, so that I don't end up with 2 posts and then no posts. It's been great so far....:)

Still with Bella, Dwight can't think of any more questions and feels as if he accomplished something finally getting some answers from her. "Thank you Bella," he says as he departs to finish gathering supplies, "perhaps when we return we can discuss some more herb like topics and various tropical ointments."

After the catacombs visit, Dwight takes his regular spot covering the rear of the group on foot. Ranging from 20-40 feet behind the group, Dwight scouts for anyone following the group.


Prior to leaving, Dwight mentions some of the items he purchased, "This trip to the catacombs was much more pleasant than the last, no halfling brains being cooked mentioned. Anyone, I got some shackles, and several potions of hide from undead. I also replaced my rope, and bought a few special arrows. They were very expensive, so I hope they will work against the necromancer."

Tuesday August 15th, 2006 10:02:10 PM

Julian enjoys talking with Selithe, and promises to play a few wagers with her.
OOC I have an idea for a dice game we can play online to simulate playing cards, email me: joeysmaths@yahoo.com.au
more to come based on Tobias' signal.

Julian  d20+3=10 d20+3=17
Tuesday August 15th, 2006 11:30:18 PM

Julian has been mounted on Sallie for much of the journey. He would happily take the lead for this journey, though he is wary that it may not be his place to do so within the group. If anyone objects, or directs him to a specific place he galdly obliges, this will make him feel more part of the group.
Seeing the signal come in from Tobias he looks around for anything else unusual.
Spot 10 (Ignore sencond roll, double click)

He dismounts with an air of heaviness, takes off his pack and straps it to the saddle. He checks the mounting of his falchion and belt pouches and holds his spear level to the ground.
Grimly he says, "I think we have some fun ahead of us. When we know more about what is going on we should split up to attack and flank, or stay very quiet and slip away. I can always act to make sure you all have a safe getaway."
Julian puts his hands into his smallest pouch and digs a little something out with his fingers. He spits into his palm, rubs his hands together and wipes both hands down over his eyes and face. Looking up he now has the look of a badger: his forehead, cheeks and the tip of his nose are blackened, and the white sideburns and white nose suggest the stripes of a badger's face.
He wipes his hands down in clothes in a very slow and deliberate manner, right down to the ground. The black streaks from his dirty hands grow and spread and sprout short black fur. With the feral look in his eyes he looks like a very large badger, standing, ready to attack. He crouches, takes Shark under his left arm and scratches its head affectionately, like to badgers huddling together in the cold.
He waits.
Cast Prestidigitations to change that appearance of his clothes. Lasts 1 hour.

Rober OOC 
Tuesday August 15th, 2006 11:34:24 PM

Cayzle, What are we doing about items from the catacombs? Many of us are still waiting service. And I think I will get that Great Sledgehammer instead, if you don't mind... I like 2H weapons.

Kendry  d20+3=14
Wednesday August 16th, 2006 12:39:45 AM

[PC Blue screened last night]

Kendry rides Cheann, and leads his two ponies as the group travels through the Red Hills. He stations himself behind the middle of the group.

On seeing Tobias signal, Kendry strings his bow and nocks an arrow, awaiting further information from the ranger.

Cayzle on CC Purchases (OOC) 
Wednesday August 16th, 2006 8:38:13 AM

Let's assume that all packages were delivered back in town. If you have not actually completed your transaction, then don't use any purchase for this encounter. Probably better to save it for the necromancer anyway! Muahaha!

Wednesday August 16th, 2006 8:48:19 AM

Holding a little while longer for Kendry, Airin, and Podo.

Airin [ 42/42 HP / AC17 / Woodland Stride / Speak with Animals] and Fioni [ 8/8 HP / AC17 ]  d20+8=23 d20+12=28 d20+19=36 d20+12=14 d20+8=22
Wednesday August 16th, 2006 9:00:21 AM

Airin's in good position to scout ahead of the group. Suddenly Fioni comes down in a hurry, shaking her head up and down frantically trying to warn the halfling lass for trouble.

Through the undergrowth up ahead Tobias signals to her at the same moment.
Clearly something's up!

Airin casts a spell so she can talk to Fioni to find out what's wrong..."spreek met de dieren en antwoorden zullen volgen"

In a whispering voice Airin talks to Fioni:
"What's wrong little one? Tell me what you saw! Hurry!"

Airin listens to Fioni and raises a hand to her friends behind warning them to stay quiet.

Depending on what Fioni tells Airin the halfling will send Fioni back up to the sky to scout. She herself moves further carefully... crossbow locked and loaded... sneaking through the undergrowth into the direction Tobias pointed out... flanking... (she closes at reduced speed to avoid penalties on hide and move silent)

Listening... hiding... moving quiet and hoping to spot all danger...

knisper knasper

say the little twigs betneath her feet. Airin is surprised as she thought she would be more quiet than this by now! But as she's still too far away she hopes the "noise" got lost in the sounds of the forest...

Spot: 23 (spot Tobias's signal
Listen: 28
Hide: 36
Move Silent: 14
Spot: 22

Active spells and durations:

Speak with Animals: 20 rounds (start 16/08/06)

Spell list:

Read Magic

Speak with Animals
Speak with Animals - USED

Podo  d20+8=9 d20+9=25 d20+2=3 d20+14=24 d20+1=2 d20+6=20 d20+5=19 d20+13=19 d20+1=3 d20+3=16 d20+9=25
Wednesday August 16th, 2006 9:33:47 AM

Realizing that danger might be looming closer than anyone things, Podo tries to use his skills to avoid the "living Trap."

Looking and watching Tobias signal back to Airin and the party that something is ahead, Podo tries to imitate Tobias (After all, its the best form of flattery!). Podo will sneak to have a quick look and tries to do so quietly.

His ability to balance & Concentrate are poor, so he gives up and attempts to use his other skills to gather information.

What are those gutteral noises? What are their tracks? What can be said of this geography? The land?

Podo will report back to the group once he has a little more info.

Effects & Checks
Balance:9 (Nat 1)
Concentration:3 (Nat 1)
Know(history):1 (Nat 1)
Move silently:19
Sense motive:16

Spell List:
Cure Light Wounds

Read Magic

1st Level
Cure Light Wounds
Summon Monster I

Goblin-kin! (DM Cayzle)  d20+7=10 d20+7=16 d20+2=15 d20+2=7 [listen and spot checks for the folk in the camp.]
Wednesday August 16th, 2006 12:18:57 PM

Airin talks to her feathered companion, and finds out that there are a band of two-leggers and wolves camped nearby.

She and Tobias creep up until they are both about 50 feet from the camp. (At 50 feet away, that gives a +5 boost to sneaking. Thus the DC to hear Airin is a 19, and to see Tobias, 29.

The people in the camp turn out to be goblinoids of some kind ... hobgoblins or bugbears maybe. There are a couple dire wolvbes with them as well. Airin and Tobias are 50 feet from the camp; Podo is about 40 feet behind them.

Tobias creeps back, whispers to Podo, and then returns to the group to share the news. It looks like the humanoids are settling down for a rest.

The others prep for a possible confrontation.

At this point, there are choices to be made. The goblin-kin do not know you are there. How will you use this advantage?

Airin [ 42/42 HP / AC17 / Woodland Stride / Speak with Animals] and Fioni [ 8/8 HP / AC17 ]  d20+12=14 d20+19=33 d20+8=16 d20+12=16
Wednesday August 16th, 2006 12:35:41 PM

Airin descides she has to continue her flanking movement. She points to Tobias and makes a curved sign with her hand hoping he'll understand she will circle around while the others prepare themselves. As the humanoids are preparing for a rest it is likely they will go to sleep soon. However Airin and her halfling friends do not benefit from dark vision so waiting untill they sleep probably ain't the best idea. Possibly the one she loves will talk first and shoot later and that is precicely why Airin wants to go around and flank them. With Goblins you never know ...

Airin remains at around 50ft from the camp while she continues her flanking movement left from the Goblin camp.
As she goes she draws a Mage Amor potion from her pouches.

She's unwilling to use her prescious spells this soon on their adventure, but she has bolts to spare...

Move Silently: 14+5 = 19
Hide: 33
Spot: 16-5 = 11
Listen: 16-5 = 11

Active spells and durations:

Speak with Animals: 19 rounds (start 16/08/06)

Spell list:

Read Magic

Speak with Animals
Speak with Animals - USED

Wednesday August 16th, 2006 4:19:03 PM

Does Tobias have an idea of numbers of goblinoids?

He works his way back to the party. And, spits out the word "Hobgoblins. Damn it, I hate goblinoids. Seems to be a pretty big group of them about to make camp up ahead. We could give them a wide berth and go around, or go see what a group of no good goblins is doing in this neck of the woods."

He pauses and waits to see what the others think. But, Tobias will eagerly jump on board with anyone willing to go take them on.

Wednesday August 16th, 2006 4:57:13 PM

Julian is obviously ready for action, with his fighting companion huddled close and his matching combat appearance. However, he defers to the rest of the group, not wanting to push his way in. Rather he would like to ease his way, and earn a place.
"Tobias, where's Airin?"
"If we choose to skirt this group, can she get back safely?"

OOC, is it approaching nightfall, how much light left? 1hr? 2?

DM Sanity Info
Spells per Day
6 cantrips, 5 1st level
Spells used
Prestidigitation (changing clothing, 1 hr Tuesday)

Wednesday August 16th, 2006 7:42:41 PM

Tobias responds to Airin, "She circled around to the back of the camp... probably getting in position for some sneak attacks. And, I can track her down... she might be sneaky, but she's not that great at covering her tracks."

Dwight  d20+1=6 d20+7=14 d20+9=23 d20+7=25
Wednesday August 16th, 2006 8:33:12 PM

Seeing the group dismount and fan out, Dwight takes a quick look behind the group. (spot 6) Dwight saw which direction Airin headed, but cannot currently see her. Not seeing anyone sneaking up on them, Dwight moves and watches the various signals from the group members some circle around, and others relay more information.

Waiting for more information, Dwight takes cover. His bow is ready to be used, should it be needed, but he hopes for more details before someone makes the initial attack (or discussion).

Hide: 14
move silently: 23
listen: 25

(I figure Dwight is still pretty far back, but plans to go straight since the flanks have already been taken care of once the group has decided upon an action.)

Wednesday August 16th, 2006 9:50:04 PM

Selithe listens to the knews given about the hobgoblins and grins as she pulls out her bow and nods, "I can try for alittle sneak attacking on them also if you like. Damage them before they get to close and anyone goes into melee, this would be the best idea anyway."

Selithe will let her comment be considered, wanting this to be planned out some before they jump the enemy.

(Cayzle:Selithe will be taking a 3rd level of rogue and aiming towards the Stinger first and then Arcane Trickster. So my 5th level sheet should be in by Mon the latest.)

Podo D. Pipewood  d20+13=33 d20+14=32
Thursday August 17th, 2006 12:40:27 AM

Podo decides to move silently & hide in hopes that he can play a major role later.

Effects & Checks
Move silently: 33 (Nat 20)
Hide: 32

Thursday August 17th, 2006 1:24:36 AM

Kendry softly sings a message spell, so that all may communicate with the others in quiet whispers.

"I trust you, friends - Tobias, give the word, and we will act."

Encircling the Goblinoid Camp (DM Cayzle)  d20+7=12 d20+7=19 d20+7=19 d20+7=27 d20+2=18 d20+2=3 d20+2=4 d20+2=8 d20+2=6 d20+2=13 d20+2=7 (spot and listen checks, one nat 20) d2=1
Thursday August 17th, 2006 6:41:01 AM

Airin moves forward and around. None of the rest of the party can actually see her now (thus Kendry cannot Message her since he does not have line of sight ... and she is out of range).

Airin, Please Highlight to display spoiler: {You see that there are 10 hobgoblin warriors, a leader of some kind (better armor), and two dire wolves. Three hobs and the wolves are on watch. Three more hobs are asleep. The rest (including the leader) are awake and seem to be involved in some kind of game ... maybe dice? Airin steps on a twig, and one wolf jumps up, barking. The hobgoblins look around and do not see or hear Airin. The barking wolf does not see her either. Please respond in spoiler tags.}

Podo, watching from behind a tree, sees and hears one wolf jump up barking. Maybe it heard Airin? The hobgoblins look around but see nothing.

Tobias reports back to the others. He thinks there are maybe a dozen?

Kendry casts his Message (one person per level (IIRC) equals who, exactly?) He cannot cast it on Airin.

Julian is concerned about Airin. He is ready to fight if it comes to that.

Dwight takes cover, still rearguard. He is ready to fire or charge.

Selithe is ready to do some sneaky damage too. [OOC: Stinger to AT sounds like a neat combo.]

Here is a rough sketch of the area -- but do not take the existence of a sketch to be an indication that battle is imminent or even advised!

Airin [ 42/42 HP / AC17 / Woodland Stride / Speak with Animals] and Fioni [ 8/8 HP / AC17 ]  d20+12=21 d20+19=37 d20+8=10 d20+12=22
Thursday August 17th, 2006 7:55:39 AM

Airin realises this is a foe too strong for the young halflings. Besides weren't they supposed to sneak up to the necromancer, steal away the Homunculus and all that without drawing the enemy to Bella?!? Engaging this foe now could be dangerous. Not only one could get away - IF they are allied to the Necromancer that is - and warn him... then his eyes will be fixed on this area and sneaking in will become much harder...

"I need to warn my friends as soon as possible. They should not engage but instead go around this camp quietly..." Airin thinks to herself...

Airin turns around and tries to find her friends back as quickly as possibly can be.

Hopefully she will spot her friends fast before either of them descides to engage this group after all... should she spot either of them she waves her hands to make them stop.

Move Silently: 21+5 = 26
Hide: 37
Spot: 10-5 = 5
Listen: 22-5 = 17

Active spells and durations:

Speak with Animals: 18 rounds (start 16/08/06)

Spell list:

Read Magic

Speak with Animals
Speak with Animals - USED

Selithe  d20+3=12 d20+2=3 d20+6=26
Thursday August 17th, 2006 1:48:39 PM

Selithe moves with the rest of the group, trying to be as silent as possible but being careful none the less as she wants to bring as little attention as she can.

(Spot:12 Listen:3 Move Silently:26)

Julian, going in to fight. AC 18 hp 45, Shark AC 16 hp 22. 
Thursday August 17th, 2006 5:43:51 PM

OOC: surely we can hear a wolf barking at 120'. Also I may not be able to post tomorrow, so I am going to post enough action here and now. Most of it is for now, and it would have all come out in dialogue anyway. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Julian has an idea. Hearing that there are only about a dozen hobgoblins and a couple of dire wolves he says, "I can handle the hobgoblins." He creeps back to Sallie with Shark at his heels, removes a potion from his pack strapped to the saddle and drinks it. "That was a potion of Hide from Animals. I will get rid of the hobgoblins. You look after each other, make sure you are safe, and only then, provide me with some ranged cover. Look out for the wolves, they should be confused by when their masters call for help, but they can't see me. The hobgoblins on the other hand will see me."
Julian chants under his breath for some time, something about the strength of the trees and the inevitability of their growth. A shimmering forms in front of him, then it contracts and wraps itself around Julian and Shark, and Julian grows thick black fur. Still chanting he expands, out and up, and up and up. So does Shark. The other halflings are now looking at (basically) a dire badger and a... well Julian looks similar, like a 7' tall dire badger standing.
His eyes roll back in his head for a second, and he has an involnatary spasm, lightly shaking his whole body. Shark too shakes, and is now panting heavily. Julian presents a demonic grin to the others, "See you soon."
Julian will run at the hobgoblins, from the direction Tobias indicated. Guessing at which one is the leader he will charge with his longspear, ignoring all others. Shark will join the fight. The two are well practised at remaining within 5' of each other.

Potion of Hide from Animals
Cast Badger Fur (Mage Armour)
Cast Dire Badger (Enlarge Person)
Run Feat and Barbarian Fast Movement, base speed 30' x 5, though Julian will not outrun Shark (Base 30)

Active spells
Prestidigitation, change clothing, cast Tuesday

Thursday August 17th, 2006 7:17:05 PM

OOC sorry but I reread this and want to clarify:
when I said ignoring all others I meant "avoind conflict with the others." Obviously we will not run into a spear set against us. I haven't included any hit stats because I think there is more than enough here, I think I will be luck to run into range let alone attack.
And Julian and Shark are now Raging.

Thursday August 17th, 2006 7:32:37 PM

Sorry to butt in again, but my computer has crashed and I just found my hard copy CS.
Shark's AC is 20 now with Mage Armour, and I am working on the potion of Hide from Animals effecting Shark too according to the Share Spells.
and yes, ok, I do like the sound of my own voice.

Dwight (Hp 35, AC16)  d20+3=17 d20+11=31 d20+9=21
Thursday August 17th, 2006 8:14:47 PM

Waiting until the others give more information, perhaps Airin will report back, Dwight sees Julian change form off to his right.

He remains where he is thinking, Julian is just antsy (sp?) and wants to prove himself to the group. When Julian begins sprinting towards the direction of the camp, spear ready, Dwight wishes he Julian would learn patience.

Following Julian's lead, Dwight moves to offer ranged support when needed. (spot 17, move silently 31 (nat 20), hide 21)

Through the message Dwight relays the follow, "Fan out, I guess we are committed to this. No one can be allowed to escape and alert others of our presence." Dwight's whisper has a hint of worry in it.

If the wolf can be heard, as Robert suggested, Dwight adds "Wolves go down first with arrows. They run fast and we don't want the risk of them escaping. We focus on the same one if we can."

OOC: This is bad :[]

Tobias [ AC 20 - HP 38/38] 
Thursday August 17th, 2006 10:10:49 PM

Tobias cannot believe this, "Just what we needed another halfling good at getting us into trouble."

He tries to yell (softly) for Julian to stop, but if he can't make him do it, Tobias will follow after Julian. He sees that some in the party have already started to commit to this course of action. Of course, Tobias's move is 20, so he'll be falling behind (even moving as fast as he can). And, he'll motion Tewdwr to follow him.

Podo [AC: 19 | 35 HP]  d20+2=18 d20+8=24 d20+9=29 d20+14=16 d20+1=18 d20+6=10 d20+5=10 d20+13=19 d20+1=16 d20+3=6 d20+9=13 d20+11=28 d20+1=3
Thursday August 17th, 2006 11:33:48 PM

(OOC: I'd like to say that this is unfortunate that since I haven't been waited on in the catacombs yet, I am afriad someone will die today. Damn newbies always trying to prove themselves to others. Alemi bless us!)

Quickly relizing that the newest member may have somthing to prove, Podo summons the courage and moves to back Julian...
Running full speed, Podo tries to get to julian to tackle him before he attacks.

If the hobgoblins notice, Podo will perform a comedy act for their amusements.

Effects & Checks
Climb: 29 (Nat 20)
Tumble: 28
Perform: 3
Hide: 16
Know(history): 18
Know(Geography): 10
Listen: 10
Move silently: 19
Search: 16
Sense motive: 6
Spot: 13

Spell List:
Cure Light Wounds

Read Magic

1st Level
Cure Light Wounds
Summon Monster I

Thursday August 17th, 2006 11:34:08 PM

Kendry included Tobias, Dwight, Julian, and Podo. "Selithe, if we keep line of sight with one another, I can use Duncan's sign language with you," he suggests, referring to an old friend from Hovel, neighbor to Polly.

"Whoa! Hold yourself back a bit, Jude," Kendry cautions Julian as he is about to take a swig of something or other. He puts his hand twixt the vial and his cousin's lips. In quiet but urgent voice he says, "Enthusiasm is great, but tell us, first, and, while we have time to think, let's decide whether to confront or, if possible, avoid. These have done us no wrong, so far."

If Julian takes the time to explain his plan, knowing that several can hear it as he whispers, he asks, "What do you all think? My own thoughts are to skirt these hobs, and go on to our destination."

If the others are in favor of Julian's plan, though, Kendry will support them, whispering a chant to inspire courage. If they decide to skirt the encampment, then, Kendry follows Tobias' lead and suggestions.

[Looks like a simultaneous post by Podo & Kendry]

Airin second and illegal but badly needed and hoping our friendly killing DM Cayzle will allow this :-D [ 42/42 HP / AC21 / Woodland Stride / Mage Armor / Speak with Animals] and Fioni [ 8/8 HP / AC17 ] 
Friday August 18th, 2006 2:59:00 AM

(ooc: Julian is making several rounds all at once. 1) drinking the potion 2) casting first spell 3) casting second spell 4)running towards the enemy

I'm assuming Airin will hear some of this commontion. At least she has 3 extra rounds to either hear something or prepare for flanking attacks after all...)

The moment Airin realises one of her friends did not wait she descides she needs to make sure there is some protective cover...

If her frieds did not manage to stop the Foolhardy one Airin curses silently and gets ready for trouble...

She makes sure to sneak within 30ft from the foe, readies her crossbow and quaffs the Mage Armor potion and waits for the onslaught to start - YIKES

Move Silently: 21+5 = 26
Hide: 37
Spot: 10-5 = 5
Listen: 22-5 = 17

Active spells and durations:

Speak with Animals: 18 (14?) rounds (start 16/08/06)
Mage Armor: 5 hours (Cayzle I'm never sure of potion durations. Airin's lvl5 but at what level are potions taken? The level needed to create them? Is there a higher price paied for longer lasting potions... never understood this from the rules... sorry)

Spell list:

Read Magic

Speak with Animals
Speak with Animals - USED

Fight! No, Don't! (DM Cayzle) 
Friday August 18th, 2006 7:14:00 AM

Airin, with insight from her scouting, starts back to the others.

Julian suggests a plan and casts his furry spell. He is about to cast another spell and then drink a potion, but before he can do either, just about all his new friends urge him to caution!

Selithe and Dwight seem reluctant but resigned. Tobias urges Julian to stop. Kendry and Podo look ready to jump him!

Airin returns from her scouting and also tries to dissuade Julian from this fight.

So far only a single spell has been cast. Actions?

Airin [ 42/42 HP / AC17 / Woodland Stride / Speak with Animals] and Fioni [ 8/8 HP / AC17 ]  d20+1=18 d20+12=32 d20+12=25 d20+8=20 d20+12=29 d20+8=19 d20+12=29
Friday August 18th, 2006 9:22:09 AM

Airin quickly joins her friends and seeing how Julian transforms and prepares to engage the enemy she steps in his way...

"Hold on friend!" she says softly but firmly "There are near 20 hobgoblins and bugbears along with wargs and stuff... we can not engage them at this time! We are not all as strong as you are..." and while she says that Airin whinces and strokes the places where she got the bear wounds earlier.

Only Tobias knows the exact number of enemies out there. So some bluffing might be in place to convince Julian to stay put. Tobias might frown a little, but Airin hopes he will understand Airin's little lie...

(If Julian or any other wants to counter this he can try it with a Sense Motive DC18 I think.)

"Also Julian, we can't allow any of them to escape and warn the necromancer! We were told to sneak in, take the homunculus and all that without drawing too much attention to us or Bella. Please let's do our best to stick to the assignment... I don't mind a little escapade now and then, but i doubt now's the time to do it..."

Airin checks her friends faces hoping they will back her up in this... she might be wrong but only time will tell.

"Let's take a wide circle around this goblin camp following a downwind trail so the wolv... wargs won't catch out scent... Try to be as silent as possible...

Tobias you're good with tracks right? Try to find out what direction these warriors came from..."

Airin will help those who direly need some when moving quietly... and meanwhile she'll try to keep and eye on the ground for traps or tracks herself.

bluff: 18
move silent: 32 - NAT 20
help to move silently: 25
spot: 20
listen: 29
search: 19
survival (search tracks) : 29

Active spells and durations:

Speak with Animals: 16 rounds (start 16/08/06)

Spell list:

Read Magic

Speak with Animals
Speak with Animals - USED

Kendry - let's bypass this 'opportunity' 
Friday August 18th, 2006 11:34:24 AM

"Let us go around. Airin, love, would you and Tobias lead us around this camp?" Kendry licks his finger and holds it up in the air to gauge the wind and its direction. "And let's do it trying to stay well downwind."

Tobias  d20+12=27 d20+12=29
Friday August 18th, 2006 1:12:31 PM

Hoping that the others have changed Julian's mind, Tobias agrees, "20, huh? I must have missed a couple at the back of the camp. In this case going around would be the best thing. But, I really do hate not having a go at goblinoids."

Tobias follows Airin's advice and tries to figure out where the hobgoblins came from. And, then picks out a safe path around the hobgoblin camp for the group to follow.

Survival (tracks) - 27
Survival (lead party around camp) - 29

[OOC: not sure if the two actions required different survival checks.]

Dwight  d20+3=6
Friday August 18th, 2006 3:49:03 PM

Dwight is in agreement with Kendry. "Getting all 20 without any escaping doesn't sound likely. I'm all for skirting around. I'll keep an eye on the rear to make sure we haven't already arosed suspicion."

Spot: 6

Knowing the group will have to return this way, Dwight tries to remember the area. "Hopefully they will be gone when we return, and the homuculus will be quite in its tank."

Dwight follows the others in the group AWAY from the hobgoblins.

Julian (Robert) 
Friday August 18th, 2006 5:29:00 PM

Whispering through the spell, "Twenty, since when was it twenty? Are you sure?" Julian's face is red, and he counts through on his fingers, twice to double check. He seems most worried about his thumbs, and comes back to them again and again.
"This isn't so good." I like playing against the odds, and three to one is just plain fun, but the wolves worry me, errr, at least they worry me for you.
"Since you've seen them, Airin, let's retreat as fast as possible. Are we all together again? We still need to help Bell.. er, Heather.
"Maybe they will follow and we can ambush them in a better spot." There's that wicked grin again.

OOC: Yes, Julian is very keen to prove himself and he lives for combat. Having slept on it however, I think I am still playing in a tabletop manner, where there is a lot more wild interplayer banter before decisions are presented to the DM. Sorry for the anxiety I caused.

Friday August 18th, 2006 7:42:45 PM

Selithe slings her bow back up and nods, "I'm glad we plan to avoid a fight for now. We can always try later or so but for now I think this is a better choice."

Selithe smiles and grabs Gra by the reins again and whispers to Gra, "Well, let's move girl."

Podo "Bear Stunner" D. Pipewood 
Saturday August 19th, 2006 12:11:57 AM

Podo holds his position, not moving one way or other.

Saturday August 19th, 2006 3:33:54 AM

As he and the rest of the folks move off following Tobias' and Airin's lead, but Podo remains in place, Kendry whispers, "What, cuz... you think you're going to set up house here? C'mon, Pode!" He follows after Selithe, riding on the back of Cheann.

Podo (by Kim) 
Sunday August 20th, 2006 4:14:50 PM

After listening to Kendry, and looking at what the rest of the party is doing... if everyone is moving out, Podo joins them.

ADM Kim: Posting August 14-20, 2006 
Monday August 21st, 2006 1:01:53 AM

DM Cayzle: MTWTF 5
Dwight: -TWTF 4
Airin: MTWTF 5
Podo: MTWTF 5
Selithe: MTWTF 5
Kendry: MTWTF 5
Tobias: MTWTF 5
Julian: MTWTF 5
Good posting, all! The team heads into the Red Hills. They find a group of hobgoblins and dire wolves (and more?) just setting up camp. Attack? Bypass?

Skirmish (DM Cayzle) 
Monday August 21st, 2006 11:12:03 AM

Airin gives the group the info she feels will stop a rash attack ... and so it does! The party decides to fight another day, and everyone backs off.

Tobias finds that it is easy to track the hobgoblins trail back the way the group came. The party follows that trail, which Julian says is near enough to their path anyway.

It was an hour into the day's march when the hobgoblins were sighted. Julian expects to arrive at the necromancer's lair late this afternoon or tomorrow morning,

Around midday, maybe three hours after leaving the hobgoblins behind, the party comes to the site of a battle. Clearly, the hobgoblins fought something here. There are three hobgoblin bodies lying where they fell, as well as a number of bones.

There's no sign of life anywhere, but search, spot, and listen checks certainly can't hurt! Actions?

Airin [ 42/42 HP / AC17 / Woodland Stride / Speak with Animals] and Fioni [ 8/8 HP / AC17 ]  d20+12=31 d20+8=23 d20+12=25 d20+8=13 d20+12=22 d20+19=28
Monday August 21st, 2006 11:23:08 AM

Airin's happy the group has managed to get around the hobgoblins. Of course now they have Hobgoblins (20! remember) behind them and an unknown foe ahead of them... did she make the right call?!? It worries her...

As they quietly march on she moves along side Kendry and tries to find out what he's thinking hoping to find support from her love.

When there were still some turns left for her Speak with animals spell, Airin gives a light whistle to bring Fioni down and asks the noble hawk to make wide circles around them. Fioni would be ideal to see if the Hobgoblins come after them or not and of course to see any odd things ahead of them.

After some time they reach the battle scene and Airin's really suspiscious... not that her paranoia will scare anyone of course :-)

"Should we neglect all we encounter along our path? Going out into the open might prove to be too dangerous... Remember we need to try and abduct the Homunculus unnoticed... Tricky I agree. The moment we take the Homunculus we still have all these foes on our retreat route..."

Next Airin checks the perimiter for tracks and possible enemies that are still out there. She does not walk into the scene yet. She stays hidden under the protection of the trees.

move silent: 31
spot: 23
listen: 25
search: 13
survival (search tracks) : 22
Hide: 28

Active spells and durations:

Speak with Animals: EXPIRED

Spell list:

Read Magic

Speak with Animals
Speak with Animals - USED

Tobias  d20+12=26 d20+6=17 d20+5=25
Monday August 21st, 2006 1:08:34 PM

Tobias leads the group around the hobgoblin camp and back onto the trail a few hundred yards down the road.

Coming up on the site of a battle, Tobias quickly looks around for signs of who may have been the hobgoblins' enemies, and when then battle may have taken place. Plus, he keeps his eyes open of anyone still around.

Survival (tracks): 26
Listen: 17
Spot: 25 (nat 20)

DM Extra (DM Cayzle) 
Monday August 21st, 2006 2:36:50 PM

It is funny that there is no sign of the enemy that fought the hobgoblins. Just ancient bones long picked clean of flesh.

But there is one thing the keen-eyed tracker sees -- some of the tracks leading to and from the site are thin and bony -- as if made by feet bare of flesh.

Monday August 21st, 2006 3:52:25 PM

"Uh-oh... These tracks are not good. Keep an eye out for anything out of place, especially undead."

Dwight  d20+6=21 d20+3=16 d20+9=25 d20+11=12 d20+5=17 d20+2=15
Monday August 21st, 2006 7:41:48 PM

Watching the area, "Julian, how far do you think we are from Hum? Could this be close enough to his lair that he would defend the area?"

Otherwise he sticks to scanning the area. "We need to find the entrance to his cave. I've got six potions to hide some of us from the undead. This should help us get to the necro and Hum."

As the members pass around, Dwight offers a potion of hide from undead to those that want one. (He has 5 to distribute. Just post if you wish to take one.)

search: 21
spot: 16
move silently: 12 (oops, Nat. 1)

"Does anyone know how necro's create undead? Would destroying these bones and the bodies prevent them from returning to life?" Dwight looks to others unsure of the answer.

spellcraft:17/knowledge (arcana) 15
(If Dwight realizes the destruction of these bones would most likely prevent their undead return, he relays this information and suggests anyone with a mace, hammer, flail etc. to smash them.)

Julian  d20=11 d20+3=15 d20+12=32
Monday August 21st, 2006 9:29:26 PM

"Bones and bones and bones. But how many skulls? and are they humanoid skulls?" Julian dismounts from Sallie and has a look at the bones.
Search 11

"Keep going as we are, Dwight, and we should arrive at the lair late tonight or tomorrow morning. I would have thought this too far away to protect directly, but these bones suggest otherwise. Unless the hobgoblins were being chased by the skeletons..."

"Thanks, Dwight, I have my own Hide from Undead. But when it comes to smashing the bones, do we risk being discovered? Would we be better off fighting off a few more skeletons if we can get the hummer unnoticed."
Julian puts the Hide from Undead potion into his right trousers' pocket from his pack, and the Hide from Animals into his left.
"Let's leave all this, and get what we need for b'Heather."
Julian mounts Sallie again and is ready to moves ahead 30' to listen and look ahead. Shark is, as always, at Julian's heel.
Spot 15
Listen 32

Selithe  d20+2=8 d20+3=17
Monday August 21st, 2006 9:33:36 PM

Selithe frowns and glances around as she sits on Gra's back and sighs, "Can't say this is very comforting."

Selithe keeps a careful or as careful as she can watch out and listens as well as she can also as she waits to see what plans are made.

(Listen:8 Spot:17)

Kendry  d20+10=24 d20+3=7 d20+3=22 d20+3=23 d20+3=11 d20+6=8 d20+6=17 d20+6=23
Tuesday August 22nd, 2006 12:19:46 AM

Bardic Knowledge: 24; Spot: 7; Search: 22; Spot: 23 (nat 20); Search: 11; Listen: 8; Listen: 17

"I'm glad you spotted those extra people that Tobias overlooked," Kendry tells Airin as she draws near to him. "That really could have been nasty, otherwise." He is happy to have her here with him, and to travel with one whose heart loves adventure.

Once they begin examining the place of battle, the bard thinks about what the remnants of battle have to tell them [bardic knowledge 24]. "Moving skeletons. Sure, grind them to dust, if you will."

He looks about, to see what he can see (spot: 7), then decides to search the corpse of one of the hobgoblins (search: 22). Finding whatever he finds, he continues (spot: 23 (nat 20)), this time looking at the scene from a different vantage point. He searches the area under a skeletal rib cage (search: 8). Then he spends a little time letting his ears gather what they may (Listen: 8, 17, 23).

Podo (by Kim)  d20+6=8 d20+5=23 d20+1=14 d20+9=18
Tuesday August 22nd, 2006 1:24:05 AM

[Know Geography: 8; Listen: 23; Search: 14; Spot: 18.]

Podo examines the terrain, listens, and pokes about, seeing what he might find.

The Corpse that is Not a Corpse! (DM Cayzle) 
Tuesday August 22nd, 2006 12:34:07 PM

Airin, Podo, and Selithe urge caution and keep alert.

Tobias tells his friends that undead may be around.

Dwight thinks that the bare bones are too shattered to make useful skeletons. The hobgoblin corpses, though, might well serve the necromancer's foul purposes.

Julian finds remnants of maybe 5 or 6 skulls. A jawbone here, a part of an eye socket or cranium there. After looking things over, the Badger is ready to ride on.

Kendry finds that the dead hobgoblins were armed with maces. He finds 20 silvers and 3 gold on one hobgoblin, along with a few personal things ... a whetstone, a flint, a dagger.

But what's more remarkable -- one of the hobgoblins is just barely still alive!

Tuesday August 22nd, 2006 5:43:03 PM

As Kendry finds the barely living hobgoblin, Tobias wonders aloud, "Can anyone speak goblin?" And, he'll help Kendry bring the hobgoblin around, if they can...

"He might have some useful information."

Dwight  d20+3=19 d20+6=11 d20+9=14 d20+8=28 d20+11=26
Tuesday August 22nd, 2006 8:13:46 PM

Not happy with finding one alive, Dwight agrees with Tobias that some information may be gleamed from him.

"I don't, but some information would be nice. This could be much more challenging if several hours of travel exists and skeletons are walking about."

"I'll scout around while ya'll speak to him." Then softer under his breath, Dwight mentions the concern if the hobgoblin has been consciously listening for the last several minutes.

Spot: 19
Searching perimeter for other tracks, bodies, or change in wildlife: 11
Move Silently: 26
Hide: 14
Listen : 28 (nat 20)

Julian  d20+3=9 d20+12=14
Tuesday August 22nd, 2006 8:20:59 PM

Feeling flustered, he humphs, and turns the Sallie round walking back to the others.
"Look, six skeletons were killed, two and a half hobs were killed. My longspear here speaks goblin, speaks straight to the heart. Let's give him a quick death and move on."
Julian is getting more impatient, "Do we wanna go straight to the hummer, or do we wanna look under every rock and stone, turn every leaf and interpret auguries from every cloud?"
Turning Sallie once again, Julian moves forward 30' again and waits with open eyes.
Spot 9
Listen 14

Tuesday August 22nd, 2006 9:40:40 PM

Selithe looks towards Julian and speaks quickly to him, trying to calm him, "Julian, do not be so quick to shrug off possible info and people of any race. Kendry and all of us have made a goblin and even ogre friend who would normally be a enemy but they were decent. The hobgoblin may be almost dead but we should at least see if it has any info and if its wounds are too grave or it is hostile then we will kill it or leave it be."

Kendry  d20=17 d8+1=7 d20+12=22
Wednesday August 23rd, 2006 1:09:55 AM

Kendry receives one of the potions of hide from undead from Dwight. "Thank you, friend." He adds it to a pouch.

Seeing the lightly breathing hobgoblin, Kendry gets his healer's kit from a saddlebag. He checks the warrior's wounds, and bandages him where it's needed. [Heal check: 17+5=22.] He takes a linen cloth, dampens it with water, and drapes it over the hobgoblin's forehead and eyes, to help cool any fever. With one hand he lifts the fellow's head, and dribbles a few drops of water into his mouth to help revive him.

In the goblin tongue, he says, {only if you understand goblin Highlight to display spoiler: {I am Kang'd'ri. Your companions we passed miles back. They are well, but thought you dead.} If the water seems to help, the halfling gives him a little more. Highlight to display spoiler: {What is your name? What happened? Who sent these skeletons?} If needed, he will use his wand of cure light wounds to help the hobgoblin - but wants to see what response his initial ministrations evoke. [CLW: 7 - held in reserve] [Diplomacy: 22 - included a +2 circumstance bonus]

For those who do not speak goblin, they hear Kendry say, 'Kang'd'rri t'gorr aA. Yildbrri ta g'grit'ao tahken tahken. Lifkurot m'nikh, toa smyert m'nikh buk'hasnet. Nalrib taA t'gorr? Myenporr sluchain ptah? GoO'krik - wu^ rrarrskon sknikh?'

Podo (by Kim)  d20+9=28
Wednesday August 23rd, 2006 1:51:56 AM

Podo interposes himself between Julian and the hobgoblin. "Self control is hard to learn. Just ask me," he says with a bit of a scowl, which goes to a wink, and is replaced with a smile. "Frustrating, right?"

[Spot: 28]

Airin [ 42/42 HP / AC17 / Woodland Stride / Speak with Animals] and Fioni [ 8/8 HP / AC17 ]  d20+8=13 d20+12=14 d20+19=38
Wednesday August 23rd, 2006 2:44:45 AM

Airin too accepts one of Dwights Hide from undead potions. "I'll give you one a bit later as i just happend to buy some in the Cats myself."

She hangs the vial to her belt for easy administration whenever most needed.

"skeletons... yuk..." the halfling lass frowns and looks at her sword at bolts. "These would not be ideally suited to be used against such foul creatures." She rummages through her backpack and digs up a sap "This would be better I think... or...Why not pour this on the remains and torch the place?" as she holds an oil flask in her hand.

Hidden in the surrounding bushes Airin observes her friends as they search the site though she is distracted by the odd words spoken by Kendry. Little does she notice or hear while tucked away in the foliage.

spot: 13
listen: 14
Hide: 38

Active spells and durations:

Spell list:

Read Magic

Speak with Animals
Speak with Animals - USED

Rarriat (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday August 23rd, 2006 10:52:47 AM

Tobias and Kendry attend to the barely alive goblin. The fallen warrior has clearly "stabilized in the negatives," as the healers say in their esoteric jargon. It will take days of rest or magical curing to bring her around.

Yes, the hobgoblin is a female.

Dwight understands that with the challenges ahead, information from the hobgoblin might be invaluable. He keeps alert and scouts the perimeter, but nothing stirs in the badlands under the noonday sun.

Impatient and restless, Julian thinks that a merciful death is the best answer. Selithe cautions her mounted comrade, telling the story of goblins the group met who were not all that bad. Podo sympathises with Julian but makes sure that no rash actions are taken.

Airin thinks about how to fight skeletons. She knows a blunt weapon is better, but the sap may not have enough heft (note that undead are immune to nonlethal damage that the sap deals, if I recall correctly). She volunteers to burn the remains, thus keeping them from rising again. Only one of the bodies has been searched.

[OOC: To move the plot along, I'll assume that Kendry uses a CLW on the hobgoblin.]

The goblin wakes up, still gravely wounded. She looks around and sees that she is prone and that she has no hope to escape. "Mercy! Mercy!" she says in goblin. "Please, good people, do not hurt me!"

[OOC: No need for spoiler tags. I'll assume that Kendry translates as needed.]

Kendry asks her name and about the skeletons and recent events. She says, "I am Rarriat. My tribe were attacked by the witch doctor. He sent undead to fight us. We ran away. He sent more undead after us. We fought and ran away. Now I am all alone. My poor babies!" Tears roll down her cheeks.

Wednesday August 23rd, 2006 3:49:55 PM

Seeing that the hobgoblin female doesn't appear to be a threat at the moment. He allows Kendry to deal Rarriat. But, he reminds Kendry to get some information on where the witch doctor was and how the hobgoblins were discovered.

Wednesday August 23rd, 2006 4:57:22 PM

Julian looks back at all the noise being created behind him. Gads! Now we have a live one. 'Spose they will bring it along.
He leans towards Podo, "A mercy killing is honourable, but healing it first..." Julian pauses for a long time. "I still think a mercy killing is appropriate, when all the talking is over."
Instead of travelling further on towards their destination, instead of watching ahead for trouble, instead of stealing away with the humuniculus, Julian dismounts, "Stay. Sallie, gaurd." He walks over to the group,
"I will bring the other corpses asunder then. When the time is right I can do this one, too. Mercy killing."
Julian moves around from corpse to corpse, seperating head from body with his oversized meat cleaver. On the last body he also removes the lower legs, and dismembers the feet also. He carries these to back to Sallie, "Here girl, nice fresh meat." The second one is for Shark.

Wednesday August 23rd, 2006 9:41:45 PM

Selithe looks to the hobgoblin and frowns some when Julian makes his move. She can see the man's point of view in some senses but also believes that each creature has a right to live or die but who was she to choose how or when inless in defense or no choice given.

Selithe shrugs and looks to the others and waits now, petting Gra's head before whispering to herself mainly, "I'm sure in time he will come to realize our choices better. We must all see each others way of thinking and respect it."

Wednesday August 23rd, 2006 9:58:06 PM

Returning from his look about, he reports nothing seems to be currently around.

Listening to the update regarding the live hobgoblin, Dwight shrugs but seems to have some thoughts floating around. While the thought was his, Dwight is disgusted as Julian beheads and belegs (?) the bodies.

"Hmmm, Can you figure out the status this hobgoblin had in her band?" Dwight inquires to Kendry. "Perhaps this excursion could be twofold."

Dwight then calls Kendry away from the hobgoblin earshot and has a quick conversation, welcoming others if they are interested. "Kendry, I wonder if we could be lucky enough to enlist the entire band's help. If this hobgoblin held some weight, she could convince those we passed to join in a venture to capture the necro and hum. For us, that would be mission accomplished. For them, revenge and the return of their land. Thoughts?"

"We have the time to back track. Surely if a tribe of hobgoblins numbering more than two dozen flee from one necro, we could use some help. At the very least, a distraction once we are in place."

Dwight gives Julian a look, knowing this is the exact opposite Julian was expressing, but stands his ground. "A little thought, preparation and back up never hurts when time allows," Dwight offers preventing Julian (if necessary from injuring the living hobgoblin).

Thursday August 24th, 2006 1:53:49 AM

Tobias just shakes his head at Julian and says, "There is no mercy in killing." And, he stands between Julian and the hobgoblin to give Kendry time to finish his discussion.

And, he agrees with Dwight that any help could be useful...

Podo (by Kim) 
Thursday August 24th, 2006 2:02:04 AM

Podo listens to Julian. He watches him. When Julian moves to the hobgoblin bodies with his - meatcleaver? - Podo intercedes with his [weapon].

"What, ho!?" he says. He whispers intently, standing with Tobias. "Kendry is here trying to talk to this one, and you're going to start cutting up the bodies of her friends? Don't you have any brains, cuz? You're like as not to foul things up. Just wait a bit, huh? How would you like it if you fell in battle alongside us, and someone came along and started cutting up the bodies of your friends just as you regained consciousness?"

Thursday August 24th, 2006 2:11:05 AM

"Podo, if we are within range of the necromancer having these intact bodies lying around is not good, as was suggested earlier by Dwight, I think. I would still rather leave in a hurry, like five minutes ago."
OOC Falchion = oversized meat cleaver, the falchion is a medieval butcher's tool with a cross gaurd added, often a rebuilt tool rather made to be a weapon.

Kendry  d8+1=9 d20+10=28
Thursday August 24th, 2006 2:39:08 AM

Kendry translates what Rarriat says into halfling. Best if we speak halfling among ourselves for the moment, friends, and not the common tongue, he suggests to them in the language of hearth and home in Crescent Valley.

In goblin, he speaks with her again. "My guts twist in pain to hear you lost your children, Rarriat. How many, hold old they?" He listens to her answers, then asks, "Besides skeletons, what other undead creatures did the witch doctor send against you? How many of your tribe were lost?"

And Kendry especially asks if she knows where the witch doctor lives.

"Rarriat, did your tribe do something that made the witch doctor angry? Why did he attack you?"

He translates his questions and her answers - although, for example, 'my guts twist in pain' comes across in halfing as 'it grieves my heart.'

He listens to Dwight's counsel, and asks the woman, "Do you think your tribe would help us if we could do something that would weaken the witch doctor? We are halflings, not fierce hobgoblins. Would they try to kill us, because we are not like them? Or would they work with us? Or, if not them, then you yourself? Let your tongue be straight and strong," he encourages her, employing a phrase which the language of goblins uses to identify frank and honest speech.

He offers more water. He tells her that he has some power to help mend her wounds, if she wants him to do so.

If she does so desire, then he utters a number of phrases, rhyming words mixing draconic, auran, goblin, elfish and giant in a weird unintelligible (yet brief) poem-song. The command word for his wand of cure light wounds is tossed into the mix, and he touches her with it at the appropriate moment [cure 9 hp damage]. [Diplomacy 28.]

Airin [ 42/42 HP / AC17 / Woodland Stride / Speak with Animals] and Fioni [ 8/8 HP / AC17 ]  d20+2=17 d20+12=19 d20+19=36 d20+10=27 d20+11=20
Thursday August 24th, 2006 3:42:58 AM

Airin closely listens from her hidden spot as her friends begin unraveling part of the mystery. She realises these undead are nasty buggers if they managed to scare away an entire group of hobgoblins! "Damn me and my paranoia! We should have talked to the Hobgoblins we saw earlier... maybe they could have helped us... stupid stupid stupid! But all together better than just killing them all!

Not wanting to mingle in the discussions - after all she's never been much of a talker anyway - Airin takes a piece of canvas out of her brand new Handy Haversack... makes strokes of canvas, dips them in oil and tucks one end in the oil flasks she carries. (crude version of the infamous molotov cocktail - unsure about it's spelling though)

With this she prepares to face the undead. All she will need is a quick way to light a small fire... "My everburning torch!" Airin quickly realises and takes that too from her Haversack. She lights it and ties it to her forearm - so that it won't burn her even in a battle.

Airin prepares 2 molotov cocktails - everburning torch readies as well - bring'm on!

She puts the sap away, swings her loaded crossbow on her back and sheats her bastard sword without securing it so she will be able to take either of her weapons fast...

concentration for making cocktails: 17
listen: 19
Hide: 36
Use Rope: 27 (safely tieing the torch to her lower arm so that it won't burn her)
Sleight of hand: 20 something extra to help her being careful with the cocktails and the fire close at hand...

Active spells and durations:

Spell list:

Read Magic

Speak with Animals
Speak with Animals - USED

Two Paths (DM Cayzle) 
Thursday August 24th, 2006 11:01:38 AM

Tobias encourages Kendry in his efforts in talking with the hobgoblin. [OOC: You can always use the AidAnother action to boost a friend's skill checks. Just a thought.]

Julian moves to hack up the bodies of the dead so that they cannot rise again to trouble the living.

Airin is standing there too, behind a bush, ready to burn the corpses. She considers how to use the flammable oil as a weapon. [OOC: If you purchased Alchemical Fire, then you do not need to light it or make a fuse -- it burns as soon as the vial breaks, flaming on contact with air. If you are using lamp oil, then you DO have to light it first. That's a move action if you have a flint and steel; a free action if you have a burning torch, flaming weapon, or prestidigitation spell at hand. Note that an everburning torch sheds light but not heat, and cannot be used to start fires.]

Selithe's expression shows that she thinks Julian is being rash, but she does not intervene. Dwight also disapproves, and Podo tries to convince Julian to not dismember the bodies yet. Julian tries to convince his new comrades that they should not leave bodies around intact, and that they should move on now.

Dwight has an idea. Could the group enlist the aid of the hobgoblins in fighting the necromancer?

Kendry continues to translate and talk with Rarriat the Hobgoblin. She seems to be getting along well with the group, as she takes in the well-cared-for equipment and weapons the group is packing. She says she had three little ones, now all dead. All she saw were skeletons, but one was a big skeleton. The witch doctor killed more than half her tribe, more than two hands. He attacked the hobgoblins because he wanted to take our bodies and use them in his black magic. She oes not know if the hobgoblins would ally -- it would be up to Zom, the shaman.

She would indeed like to be cured, and she grunts out a word of thanks.

So, on to the Necromancer? Back to the Hobgoblin camp? Some other option?

Thursday August 24th, 2006 1:33:32 PM

If she's willing to help us communicate with the hobgoblins, Tobias thinks that would be our best option... Give them a chance to avenge their kin.

Also, he suggests that Kendry tell her we're going to burn the dead, so they cannot be used by the witch doctor.

And, Tobias continues to stand with Podo.

Julian, assisted by Shark 
Thursday August 24th, 2006 6:06:18 PM

Julian pauses against the weight of opposition to cutting up the bodies.
In the Halfling tongue, "Is there a better way to make..." He stops suddenly to look at Shark who is persistently badgering him. "What, boy? What is it?" The little badger is digging into the topsoil, and looking back at Julian, digging a little more, looking up. Julian stops to stare a moment, obviously thinking about what the little mammal is trying to say.
"Ah, burning them will be far too obvious to, well, anyone for miles around.
"Will they remain dead if we bury them? That might even be a nice gesture for that over there," pointing towards Kendry in his work.
"Kendry, do they even bury their dead? Interesting thought really... Err, I mean, Shark here, with a little help, could have the bodies buried fairly quickly. To, you know, keep them from rising against us."
Julian scratches at the soil with his spear point, digging in little way to see that it has a good consistency for digging.
Then he mumbles, "It would be a shame to waste the spell like that, but might suit everyone more, I suppose."
Julian also takes a fresh look at this area, assessing fortification possibilities as a camp for the night, or for the week...

Dwight  d20+2=8
Thursday August 24th, 2006 8:22:49 PM

Trying to think how such a plan could come together, Dwight awaits the hobgoblin's response and information. Watching Julian, Shark and Podo, Dwight hopes to maintain a cohesive looking group in the eyes of the hobgoblin. "I must agree that burning them, while preventing their return, does announce our presence. Perhaps burying them is best as only those coming to look will know someone has been here. Then again," finishing with some difficulty, "perhaps a beheading is appropriate, done with honor if possible."

In halfling, Dwight continues to make some of his thoughts known. "From the little I know about hobgoblins, I suspect they treasure their women, their young and their land as much as any other race. The opportunity to avenge themselves against the necro should persuade them once we get past the initial tense encounter."

Seeing that the day is passing, Dwight suggests, if the hobgoblin is able to join the group in a walk and seems amicable (sense motive: 8). Realizing the language barrier makes it difficult, Dwight relies on Kendry's intrepretation on the hobgoblin's actions.

Kendry  d8+1=6
Thursday August 24th, 2006 11:18:37 PM

He listens to Rarriat, and, as he is able, to his comrades, translating between them.

He asks the names of her three little ones, and repeats each name.

"My friends are worried, too, about the witch doctor trying to use your tribesmates' bodies. Would it offend you if we burn them, or bury them, or, and forgive me for asking, dismember their bodies? Our concern is that this fellow would turn your friends into your enemies. Tell us what we might do to prevent this from happening. We give your our ears." Kendry is glad that this phrase means to listen, and not something more drastic.

The thought also strikes him that she does not mention anything about bugbears being with her tribe, though Airin talked about them. He chooses not to ask her about that.

"We seek this witch doctor. We may not kill him, nor allow him to be killed. But we may capture him, or, if we cannot do so, then do something that will weaken his power greatly. Rarriat, for the sake of vengeance upon the one who took the lives of your children, and your tribesmates, will you come with us, and help us?" As he asks this, he provides her additional healing, gauging how much more she may need from the healing wand. He takes a moment to repeat his multilingual poem of wand activation. [6 hp CLW]

"Know, too, that, in time, should justice demand and circumstances allow, perhaps the witch doctor himself may be put to death - or, if not, be made to pay dearly for the suffering that he has caused. This is my intention. The intention of Kang'd'rri."

He passes on to all what she tells him.

In halfling, he says, "Friends, our friend said that a few hours or days will not make a huge difference. I ask for your counsel. Do we return to the hobgoblins - and try to enlist the aid of this tribe which has lost many members to the nether foes of this bent man? To convince Zom, their shaman, to join forces with us? Night draws near, and we clearly are within his range of access. If we backtrack, and gain allies, perhaps it will help us meet our goal. So, do we step forward? Or do we step back, and return in greater strength?"

Thursday August 24th, 2006 11:58:06 PM

Selithe listens and waits for any info the hobgoblin might have and nods as she looks to Kendry, "When we are done we should allow the hobgoblin to live, she is no threat to us."

Selithe waits and listens as she wonders what all they might learn from the hobgoblin and glances to the others.

Friday August 25th, 2006 2:53:42 AM

"The downside of burning the dead will be that the smoke will be visible from afar..."

Airin gives a light whistle to Fioni hoping the little bird will continue scouting the surroundings...

Dilly-Dallying (DM Cayzle) 
Friday August 25th, 2006 7:27:11 AM

The party continues to discuss options ... perhaps the course for the group will be clearer after more give opinions.

[OOC: Guys! Only two people expressed an opinion (both seemed in favor of trying to gain an alliance with the hobgoblins). Please decide what you will do -- forward to necromancer or back to hobgoblins. The problem of what to do with the corpses is, frankly, trivial, compared with the question of whether to go forward or back!]

Airin [ 42/42 HP / AC17 / Woodland Stride / Speak with Animals] and Fioni [ 8/8 HP / AC17 ] 
Friday August 25th, 2006 7:45:35 AM

"Do we risk splitting up?" Airin says as she steps from the forest edge answering Kendry's previous call for council.

"Should half of us go back to find the Hobgoblins while the rest advances exploring the terrain ahead? I strongly dislike splitting up, but on the other hand spying ahead is easier when there are fewer of us... Dispite the fact that I'd hate to split up I'm in favour of two teams... the scouts and the diplomats... With an easy speak with animals spell we can have Airin flying back and forth reporting what happens to both groups.

IF we split I'm in the group that will spy ahead..."

Friday August 25th, 2006 10:35:09 AM

Tobias doesn't like the idea of splitting up here. That could lead to trouble for both smaller groups. But, if the hobgoblin responds positively to Kendry's request for help, he thinks we should go back.

Rarriat again (DM Cayzle) 
Friday August 25th, 2006 11:19:35 AM

Rarriat is a little confused by her near brush with death. She says you would have to talk with Zom. Maybe he would ally with you, maybe not.

She says it would not hurt to give him a gift. She continues to eye your nice-looking gear.

Friday August 25th, 2006 1:24:07 PM

Selithe stretches and waits, looking to Kendry to explain what the hobgoblin said just in case Selithe misunderstands anything, "She seems interested in helping at least."

Selithe shrugs and smiles and looks to the others, "I don't like the idea of splitting up either. My opinion is we all go one way or the other."

Dwight  d20+2=16
Friday August 25th, 2006 4:06:02 PM

"Splitting up probably isn't the best. If this battle was recent, someone will probably come looking and see that someone else has been here. Then a real search will begin, leaving the scouts in trouble."

Eyeing the hobgoblin, Dwight tries to determine its true intentions, Say anything to survive, or truly get 'justice' for my children and comrades.
(sense motive: 16)

"As I said, I'm more in favor of trying to get help. I sorta envision, us setting up, them causing a distraction, us taking out the necro and the hum. Their distraction can even be temporary, just long enough for us to get to him without a swamp of undead to stop us."

"A gift? I suppose that makes sense with the little I know. Surely the return of their lands will amount to some worth, but they may want something more instant and guaranteed before we talk."

"Kendry, can we determine from her if it will be safe to approach the shaman? We don't want it to get bloody."

"Selithe, Tobias or Airin were there any other tracks in the area? Perhaps to match the other set of feet mentioned at the hobgoblin camp."

All said, Dwight is in favor of returning in force with allies.

Tobias  d20+12=14
Friday August 25th, 2006 4:28:42 PM

Tobias to see if he can discern hobgoblin tracks from bugbear tracks... (14 - hmmm)

Friday August 25th, 2006 9:03:55 PM

"Kendry, what sort of gift is she speaking of? I will happily give one of my famous waistcoats if we it means we get moving. Maybe this one with liontaur embroidered on it"
"I hate waiting. I will support a decision being made."

Podo (by Kim) 
Saturday August 26th, 2006 12:57:37 AM

"I agree with Julian. Forward, or back then forward - either is fine with me," Podo says.

Saturday August 26th, 2006 2:24:25 AM

"If we ally with her tribesmates, it will cost us - that is, they will expect gifts. Not for free will they help," Kendry says in halfling.

He takes a bag out of a saddlebag, and pulls out two pairs of smoke crystal goggles. To Rarriat he says, "These help to shield your eyes from the burning sun during the day, but still you can see through them." He places a pair over his eyes to demonstrate their wearing, then hands a pair to her. "They keep off dust, too. A small gift for you, Rarriat."

He also offers her a sun rod. "Do not use it now. But, if you want light in darkness, strike the tip against something hard, and it will shine like a torch for an hour." He also gives her four tindertwigs. "If you draw the tip against a hard surface - a bit of stone, some rough iron, a piece of wood, even, then it will alight, like this." Kendry draws the end of a fifth tindertwig against a stone on the ground, then shields the end from any breeze with the palm of his hand. "Fire," he says simply.

Returning his attention to his friends, he continues in halfling, "If you each are willing to think of something to give, then perhaps we can persuade them. Also, consider this. Offer something not grand at first. If they come through for us, and do not doublecross, but are faithful to our alliance, then have in mind something additional to give them.

"But know that we have something besides material goods. We wish to neutralize, without killing, this dealer with the dead. He has killed some of their own. I say we take the lady to them, and see what we might negotiate.

"Unless any disagree or object, then let us dispose of the bodies of the fallen as the lady suggests, then travel together to where her people are."

He repeats his questions to Rarriat about what they should do with the bodies of the fallen. Within reason, he works with his friends to carry out her suggestion. Then, again, barring alternatives others may point out, Kendry makes haste with his companions and with Rarriat to return to the camp of the Hobgoblins, dire wolves... and worgs and bugbears?

Along the way, he takes time to walk with Airin, and ask her in private, "How many bugbears did you see with the hobgoblins? And how big were the worgs and dire wolves?"

Dwight  d20+3=7
Saturday August 26th, 2006 7:06:58 PM

Dwight helps with the bodies as necessary and tries to judge Rarriats reaction. (sense motive 7)

"I have some smokesticks, that I am willing to part with. Could be good for hunting, distractions or hiding." Dwight offers to throw into the bargain when the shaman is found and the conversation gets to the bartering point.

"I'd also suggest, once the hum has been delivered and no longer valuable the hobgoblins be given the necro to judge him according to their laws for it was in their land that the necro attacked." Dwight grimaces knowing this means death for the necro and not liking the fact that he would personally commit a man to death.

Saturday August 26th, 2006 10:52:31 PM

"Perhaps so, Dwight, but perhaps not," Kendry answers his friend. If Dwight or others begin to speak in common, Kendry emphasizes the need to speak in halfling. Having studied the goblin tongue, he knows that many hobgoblins understand the common tongue. "Our friend needs the little critter, alive, for perhaps some time. Death may be the just sentence for the master, but life and health for others, perhaps paradoxically, require that death be delayed for this reviver of death. And, so far, we only know what we know, and no more. We have bits and pieces of the story. Wise judgment, where possible, awaits the rest of the evidence. I should think, however, that we can offer to allow the tribespeople to testify, if it comes to that."

Podo (by Kim) 
Saturday August 26th, 2006 10:55:13 PM

Podo digs, or burns, or allows Julian to hack away, depending upon what Kendry says that hobgoblin mother tells him.

"I'm willing to try this thing with the hobs," he says in halfling. "But I don't know how much we can trust 'em."

Sunday August 27th, 2006 6:40:18 PM

"I am all ready to dig these bodies into the earth. Shark and I can grow in size and have a whole dug in no time."

Julian will cast Enlarge Person on himself and Shark, to then burrow 10 or 20 feet into the ground to be rid of these bodies, IF it is okay with that hobgoblin everyone is becoming so attached to.

Monday August 28th, 2006 2:57:16 AM

As they walk back towards the Hobgoblin camp Kendry asks Airin exactly how many Wargs and Bugbears she saw back there...

Airin's face grows red and whispering she says to him: "there... the... there were no Wargs nor Bugbears around. I made that up to keep Julian from attacking the camp... sorry..."

With a sheepish look Airin looks in Kendry's eyes wondering how he and later the group will reacts when they find out that Airin lied!

Shaman Zom (DM Cayzle) 
Monday August 28th, 2006 7:30:50 AM

Selithe is convinced that the group should not split up.

Dwight looks at the hobgoblin, trying to discern her motives. But that's very hard when you can't understand the language. It is clear, though, that the hobgoblin is scared and impressed with you.

Tobias sees only hobgoblin tracks and wolf traps. Airin explains the lack of bugbear tracks.

Julian offers to bury the bodies, but Rarriett the hobgoblin says it is enough to take their heads to the shaman and leave the bodies.

Kendry offers Rarriett a few gifts, and she takes them gladly, offering to speak to Shaman Zom for you.

The decision is made, and the party heads back to where the hobgoblins are still camped.

A guard gives a cry of warning, but Rarriett calms that down. She calls to Zom and he hears her out. You all are escorted to the camp. You all explain your desire for an ally against the witch doctor.

The shaman, Zom, seems skeptical. "Here," he says, "you must prove yourself. Pick the bext warrior among you. He will fight the least of my fighters. If you defeat him, then we may ally!"

He also wants to know how any possible treasure will be split up.

ADM Kim - Posting report, Crescent Valley, August 21-27 2006 
Monday August 28th, 2006 11:09:01 AM

DM Cayzle MTWTF 7
Dwight MTWTF 6
Airin MTWTF 5
Podo MTWTF 5
Selithe MTWTF 6
Kendry MTWTF 6
Tobias MTWTF 8
Julian MTWTF 7

Hurrah! 100%. Actually, if you count the extra-credit posts, 125% (50 posts for 8 people - 10 additional over 40).

Monday August 28th, 2006 2:30:23 PM

Tobias is willing to take on the hobgoblin challenger and represent the halflings. He has a potion of bull's strength that he would likely use in such a battle. And, he asks whether others might provide some minor assistance: Kendry's singing always seems to give him in a boost in battle. :)

He does have one question for the hobgoblins, "Is this a fight to the death?"

Monday August 28th, 2006 7:40:41 PM

Julian will behead the bodies for Rarriett, and places them into a sack. He carries them for her, though he gives them to Rarriett now that they are in front of Zom.

Julian makes to step forward as champion, though Tobias gets in first. Not wanting to disrupt the group dynamics, maybe Tobias' main role in the group is to be champion in such matters, Julian bites his tongue.
He stands fidgeting with the longspear in his hands. Blood can be seen on his lips.

He doesn't think to count the number of hobgoblins, or to look for bugbears or wargs.

Monday August 28th, 2006 9:40:33 PM

Selithe moves along with everyone else when they move out and smiles as everything seems to be coming along okay so far. She does move up beside Julian and speaks to him as she pats Gra's shoulder, "I'm sorry for earlier Julian, we all have our own talents in the group and I do not want to sound like I'm discrediting yours. Just I don't want to turn my back on possible aid that could help the group survive."

Monday August 28th, 2006 10:27:14 PM

"That's fine, Selithe. I think being part of a small army sounds fun.
How about that card game. I think I know a good one we can play as we go."

OOC: How about something like this...
The aim is to have the highest total from 5 cards (d20s). We are each dealt 2 cards which remain hidden to everyone. We can use skill checks for two appropriate but seperate skills posted as Private posts to DM. That way Cayzle and Kim can oversee it. It also works our talents and keeps the mystery up.
Appropriate skills checks would include: Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy, Disguise, Forgery, Intimidate, Knowledge (gambling), spot, sleight of hand, and anything else that you can rationalise as being relevent to a good (or evil) card player.
For the next three cards we openly roll these one at a time (one per day), and place a bet against each card. Eg if I roll a 20 I will put a lot of coins against it, but if I roll 2 I won't bet a lot. If it is really bad, me all 2s and you all 20s, a person can fold.
Everyone must put in a wager against each round or fold. Highest total wins all.
Start with silver coins, minimum two per round.

PS I haven't done this before, and I am not a gambler, so I don't know if it will work. It is a work in progress looking for feedback and ideas.

Robert OOC 
Monday August 28th, 2006 11:09:34 PM

Cayzle, and Kim, hope you don't mind this, I didn't think about how it might effect the module you are trying to run. I pictured it as being secondary, voluntary and probably only Selithe and Myself. I figured it should occupy only 1 line of PC posts, and the DM doesn't need to do anything. Well, except confirm the first two cards when it is revealed.

Robert OOC 
Tuesday August 29th, 2006 12:01:02 AM

It would be open to anyone, I only meant that I didn't know if any other character would be interested.

Kendry (Kim just back from work at 3 jobs today...) 
Tuesday August 29th, 2006 2:53:21 AM

With Airin

When Airin explains the discrepancy between her report and the truth, Kendry walks silent for a little bit. He takes her hand. "I understand," he tells her.

After they walk a little more, he says, "I can't claim to have spoken only truthful words at all times to all people, Airin. But when we are not straight with one another, then the possibility of doubt creeps in when things of import are said." He kisses her on the forehead, raising her black bangs. "I forgive you, and I do understand."

With Selithe and Julian

Kendry smiles at their cousin's suggestion. "I'm open to playing cards - but might have a hard time focusing on such at the moment. How about once we get this current task done... or on the way back from it?" he offers.

On arrival at the hobgoblin's camp

Grateful for Rarriat's intercession and the chance to consider an alliance of convenience, Kendry translates (if Zom is speaking in goblin, rather than the Common tongue) for all.

About to offer to fight, Tobias is the first to step forward. Again he goes to speak, but sees the desire in Julian's eyes...

Podo (by Kim) 
Tuesday August 29th, 2006 3:00:13 AM

"Well, I could fight him, instead," Podo offers. "I mean, you're a good fighter, Tobias - not taking anything away from you on that account. But I'm willing - as long as it's not, as you say, 'to the death.'"

Tuesday August 29th, 2006 3:36:43 AM

After Podo, too offers, his heart fills. "What brave companions I have the honor to journey among," he says. "I, too, would be willing to be one to engage in this combat."

He turns to Zom. "There are four of us willing, but my friend, here," he says as he indicates Tobias, "was first to speak up.

"Now, since we wish to ally, I propose that the combat continue until one opponent yields, or can no longer fight." He waits to see what Zom replies.

He gives Tobias a tanglefoot bag. "Would you like to use this?" he asks.

Airin [ 42/42 HP / AC17 / Woodland Stride / Speak with Animals] and Fioni [ 8/8 HP / AC17 ] 
Tuesday August 29th, 2006 5:05:40 AM

With Kendry

"I did not mean to lie to the group! I did it to save the group from a deadly onslaught. If Julian had attacked those Goblins now we would have none to turn to. You of all people should know that when things matter I am dead serious."

At the Goblin camp

Airin nods to the Hobgoblins and observes her friends offering to battle for the sake of the group. She to would offer to fight but she's best at sneaking around instead of fighting up close and personal.

Airin takes a potion that she offers to their champion (although she's worried boosting Tobias's power might anger the Hobgoblins).

"I can increase your armor (potion of mage armor) if you want and I've got a potion to cure your wounds if you need it afterwards."


Active spells and durations:

Spell list:

Read Magic

Speak with Animals
Speak with Animals - USED

Tuesday August 29th, 2006 5:58:48 AM

Having arrived at the hobgoblin camp, Dwight takes in all in. Seeing no worgs or bugbears, Dwight smiles and the succesful and appropriate line Airin used.

Knowing direct combat is not his strength he lets the others decide who will battle.

In halfling he inquires how to respond to the shaman's request to divide treasure. "I'd propose we get a few items, maybe one each, then they get everything else. Money will be split 20 ways, and we each get one split, leaving more than half for them. However this is all contingent upon the hum and necro not being killed."

Dwight leaves it to Kendry to translate.

Fight! (DM Cayzle)  d20+2=18
Tuesday August 29th, 2006 11:04:31 AM

[OOC: Regarding the card game ... the Giggling Ghost is the perfect place for that. That way you can include PCs from all over the Wold.]

[OOC: Did anyone give any gifts to Zom? If so, what?]

Zom says in goblin, "Use no magic in the fight! Better to save your magic to fight the Witch Doctor! Winner is last one standing up. Loser is first one knocked out!"

The hobgoblins make a semicircle, and one stands in the center. He has a javelin in his hand.

Tobias stands to the front. The rest of the party makes the other half of the semicircle. Zom shouts, "Fight!"

The hobgoblin starts the fight with a yell. He hurls the javelin at Tobias. It hits AC18, but that just glances off Tobias's armor. He draws his sword to end his turn.

How will Tobias respond?

[OOC: I'll post an extra DM post if Pedro responds in the first part of the day.]

Tobias [AC 20 - HP 38/38]  d20+12=29 d4+4=8
Tuesday August 29th, 2006 12:37:35 PM

Tobias thanks his friends for their support, and prepares for battle. If he has time, he will down one potion of bull's strength. If not or it's outside of the bounds of the contest, then he just goes into battle.

He talks to Tewdwr to make sure the wolf doesn't interfere in the fight. Trying to make him understand that this is only a test and not to the death.

"Oh, and Kendry. Teach me the hobgoblin word for yield, so I know when he's had enough." he says with a smile to the group.

Having the javelin glance off him, Tobias closes on the hobgoblin drawing his twin short swords. And, as he reaches the hobgoblin, he slashes at it fiercely (only one attack this round since he moved as well).

Attack: 29
Damage: 8
* Tobias has +2 damage for favored enemy: goblinoid (included above).

The Victor! (DM Cayzle Extra Post) 
Tuesday August 29th, 2006 2:05:50 PM

With one blow, the hobgoblin falls, bleeding. The shaman moves over to him and lays a healing hand on him, bringing him around.

"Well done!" says Zom, with Kendry translating. "You are strong enough to stand with us, little people. Maybe together we can teach this Witch Doctor a thing or two."

"Let us wait for nightfall, then move out."

Tuesday August 29th, 2006 2:38:56 PM

Tobias is a little surprised that a single blow would fell the big hobgoblin, but he's glad that the test is over. He bows to the hobgoblin shaman and accepts his congratulations.

When they have a bit of time alone, Tobias will say in halfling tongue, "Perhaps these hobgoblins won't be as much help as we'd expected. I hope there are a few stronger fighters than that one."

Tuesday August 29th, 2006 6:24:59 PM

As the conversation seems fitting, Dwight offers his smokesticks (3). He speaks in common, "We thank you for being open to this joining of forces for our common benefit. These sticks when broken cause smoke to arise, easing an escape or used to prevent proper aims from hidden bows. Use them well."


Dwight is glad the combat was fast, and that Tobias was the winner. Later, amid the others in halfling he points out its not their strength that helps the most, but their numbers.

Tuesday August 29th, 2006 7:46:19 PM

Oh, and Tobias will return the items that the others generously offered for the combat.

Tuesday August 29th, 2006 8:50:10 PM

In halfling, "Tobias, I too wonder what use they will be against the undead. I also think it was dishonourable to send his weakest against you. He severely underestimated you."
OOC Lucky you did critically hit!

To all halflings, "Maybe now we should split up, so that we present a main force against the Necromancer, and we can help prevent his death. All this is a diversion to the snatch and grab of the Hummer. I would go with the main force, and maybe so to should any healers, if you also pity the hobgoblins in their fate. The others should slip past the battle to win the war without being noticed."

Robert OOC 
Tuesday August 29th, 2006 8:50:54 PM

Didn't critically hit, I meant.

Tuesday August 29th, 2006 9:12:58 PM

Selithe blinks at all the goings on and the contest. She pats Tobias on the back when he wins and smiles to him, "Good fight."

Selithe smiles and looks to the others, glad they were able to make some friends for the coming fight before relaxing, she is abit nervous with the hobgoblins but thats mainly because she's never been around this many of their kind.

Kendry  d20+10=20
Wednesday August 30th, 2006 3:31:17 AM

With Airin

"I said I understand why you did it, love - to forestall a potentially suicidal rush by our newcomer, Julian. I don't fault your motives, dear. But I just want you to consider the ramifications. That's all." He squeezes her hand, hoping to reassure her that his is not a voice of condemnation.

Arena of combat...

Kendry blinks and the combat is over. "Nicely struck, Tobias."

Division of treasure, priorities, and a game plan

"We came out here specifically to deal with the witch doctor, to weaken him, and to get something from him. None of us may kill him - much as you and we may want to do so. But if we can disable him, capture him, imprison him - any of these would be good. If we kill him, though, many will suffer.

"If you do this thing, and help us do what we need, then we will give you the Wand of Olo." He shows them the wand of cure light wounds that belonged to their friend, traveling chef, and cleric, who chose to stay behind in Plateau City in order to study the culinary arts. "It has the power to help heal. It has power to cure twelve more times. Surely this can help you and your tribe survive here in the Red Hills. Also - used against the undead, it has the power to harm them.

"If you each give your word not to kill the witch doctor, nor to kill his familiar, and to help us, then I shall lend this to you. Once our purposes have been accomplished, if you have kept your word, then you may keep the Wand of Olo." [Wand of Cure Light Wounds - 12 charges]

Kendry is unsure what guidelines should serve for division of treasure found among the necromancer's possessions. "Does an equal share of what we find sound reasonable? If we find 100 gold, then your tribe gets 50, and we get 50. If items are found, then we can evaluate their worth, and come to an agreement. Also - we promise not to steal from one another. If our venture is to be successful, we must be truthful, and honor the trust we place in each other." [Diplomacy 20]

When to go

Kendry asks his friends whether they are agreed with the hobgoblins that they should set out at dark. He knows these inhabitants of the Red Hills can see well in darkness, but the halflings and their mounts - with the possible exception of the wolf - do not have very good night vision.

He mentions that going now will give the necromancer less time to prepare. He is in favor of it. What do the rest say?

Assuming they agree to leave at dark, Kendry tries to get a few hours of shut-eye before the time of departure.

Podo (by Kim) 
Wednesday August 30th, 2006 3:37:55 AM

Podo watches the combat. He wonders how much better the other warriors may be than this one who fought against Tobias.

Podo takes some time for meditation before they leave. It is fine with him that they go when night has fully fallen. He shall observe the hobgoblins, and try to get a feel for the hierarchy and the nature of the relationships they have in the tribe. He fingers his silver holy symbol of Alemi.

Planning and Rest (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday August 30th, 2006 11:12:54 AM

Dwight offers some gifts. (Make sure you mark these off your PC sheet.)

Tobias defeats his foe easily and wonders if these hobgoblins are even worth the effort.

Selithe and Podo also have misgivings about the group's new allies.

Julian suggests that the group split up, one force to sneak in and capture the humonculus, one group to fight skeletons and cause a diversion.

Kendry offers a wand and a 50-50 cut of treasure. Shaman Zom says that that's a deal!

The group rests until nightfall. Around 8 pm, Zom (who slept) wakes, prays and tells you he is ready to go.

Julian thinks itr is about 6 hour's trip to the Necromancer's lair. Zom agrees. Where to? How will you approach? Will you split up? Where? Zom asks what your plan is, and how his forces will fit in. He seems to have a head for tactics.

Wednesday August 30th, 2006 2:39:54 PM

Tobias is a little surprise by the hobgoblins' easy acceptance, "They're really fine about not killing the necromancer?"

Evening and night-time is fine with him.

Tobias thinks splitting at this point might make sense. We could send in 2-3 stealthy halflings to find the hum, while the others support the hobgoblins. How do others feel about splitting. If we decide to, Tobias will volunteer for the stealthy team.

Wednesday August 30th, 2006 4:04:19 PM

"Splitting up? When there are undead out there? I don't think so, Tobias," Kendry says. "Let's stick reasonably close together. If any scouting is to be done, then the scouts should be no more than maybe forty to sixty yards away from the rest of us."

Kendry asks Julian and Zom what they might already know about the necromancer's lair - its locale, layout, defenses, vulnerabilities.

Wednesday August 30th, 2006 4:24:17 PM

Thnking it best to come to a group decision, Dwight talks with the group in halfling to finalize plans before presenting them to Zom.

"Hmm, this seems less tense than I thought it would be. At least for now, lets use this to our advantage."

Any chance Zom knows more details about the lay of the land?

"I'm not a big fan of splitting up the group across a large distance, perhaps if we stay within earshot of our whistles. But do agree a split would be helpful. Hopefully the necro can be snipped off. Is the cover of dark really the best time to attack? I'd be more in favor of waiting until sunrise, or just before. That way I can see and use my bow if necessary."

Were the hobgoblins only attacked by skeletons? Is that all we should suspect?

"If we can discover the entrance to the cave, those with stealth should sneak in, and hopefully take care of the necro before the alarm is raised. All of these folks should be protected with a potion of hide from undead. so far I have only given out two. This group should be small, maybe three, but no more than five."

"Once the stealth group has been given some time to get in place. If possible, the hobgoblins should initiate an indirect attack at the same time the stealth group initiates an attack on the necro. Perhaps a volley of javelins at some undead or at the entrance of the cave. Hopefully this will draw the necro's minions out. Allowing those stealthed to take care of the necro and his familar."

"Those that remain outside make sure the hum or necro are not killed should they make it outside with the hobgoblins. Just to be sure."

"Those tanglefoot bags may be very useful for initial subduals. Can't cast if stuck very easily. I also purchased a few sleep arrows, but don't know of their potency. They won't work on the familar, but may eliminate the necro quickly if they work."

"Now how to split the group...here are my thoughts, feel free to add, change." Dwight seems to have put some thought to this.

"well Julian should probably stay out, give him a chance to destroy some undead."

"Kendry should also stay outside so communication can continue with the hobgoblin." More quietly he adds "and to make sure they don't plan anything else."

"Airin mostly likely inside for a potential backstab."

"Podo, can you be silent? If so, stunning may be helpful inside, otherwise outside would be better."

"Tobias, same thing, can you be silent? If so inside to focus on the hum. We can't damage it to much, and must find a way to subdue it. Nets, tanglefoot. Other ideas?"

"That leaves Selithe. Where would you prefer to go?"

"I can sneak in, and will go inside unless others have suggestions. I also purchased a wand." Dwight shows the others a thin wooded stick attached to his upper arm, hidden by his shirt. "I also have a scroll of neutralize poison in case we have need of it. I'll focus on the necro by first attempting to put sleep with my arrows."

"The hobgoblins and those outside need to keep everything outside. Once the necro and hum have been subdued, we will blow the whistle thrice."

Wednesday August 30th, 2006 6:51:09 PM

Julian offers a gift to Zom: one of his fancy waistcoats, the one with a unicorn at a waterfall in dense rainforest embroidered in.

In Halfling, "I like your plan, Dwight. I agree that I don't think much about travelling and attacking at night. I would like to leave at day break, get there after lunch, about 6 hours travel.
"I will happily stay with the hobgoblins, in that, I prefer open combat. If Zom does have a good head for tactics we should be able to make a very effective diversionary attack.
"I also have a potion of Hide from Undead, and may even find some sort of supportive role for the hobs.
"I can cast a spell that we can use to speak to each other, though we may be split up beyond its range, I have never really tested how far it works.
Julian then relates all the information that he has about the lair to the halflings.

Wednesday August 30th, 2006 7:31:49 PM

"I did not mean split right away. I meant when we got to the Necromancer's lair."

"And, Dwight, I'm quite stealthy. I could wrestle the hum to the ground, and we could try to cage it. It isn't affected by subdual damage or a bunch of other things, so we'll need to lock it up quick. And, the Necromancer will probably know the instant we start attacking the hum."

[OOC: Tobias has high Hide and Move Silent bonuses.]

Wednesday August 30th, 2006 11:35:36 PM

Selithe smiles and thinks over things before speaking to the question given her, "Well, I got some rogue abilities so I can help with scouting. My magic is limited still but I will give as much aid as I can to everyone."

Selithe shrugs and doesn't mind where she is as long as her skills and help is of actual help.

Airin [ 42/42 HP / AC17 / Woodland Stride / Speak with Animals] and Fioni [ 8/8 HP / AC17 ] 
Thursday August 31st, 2006 5:22:13 AM

(sorry for the missed post. I was out of the office and tries to post from somewhere else, but the security of that company refused to let me acces the Woldian games site...)

Airin too is amased to see the Hobgoblin go down so easily. Looks like we may need a different split of whatever treasure that comes along...

She nods as Dwight unfolds his plans. She kinda likes them. Knowing she'll be one of the scouts that will possibly sneak into the lair makes her a bit jumpy, but her recent purchases in the Cats will come in handy. I've bought hide from undead potions for 8 of us. Airin begins handing them out (she also returns Dwights potion) She keeps two for herself and if everyone of the Halflings carries a potion she hands the rest of the Hobgoblins.

"Master Zom, this drink will make you invisible from the Undead. Use it carefuly... use it wisely."

"Dwight, there's one thing that we may need to look into as well... the Necromancer's casting abilities. Unless he has some silent spell feat he won't be able to cast most spells if we can silence him. Grabbing him from behind, covering his mouth can do the trick... or a silence spell would be even better! Kendry you as a bard should be able to cast it... or a cleric can too. (silence is a Brd2, Clr2 spell - please tell me someone has it...)

If we could cast such a spell on someone who will enter the cave, the moment we get in range of the necromancer he won't be able to cast somatic spells..."

The Approach (DM Cayzle) 
Thursday August 31st, 2006 1:57:50 PM

The PCs talk strategy. The consensus idea seems to be that there will be a stealth group to sneak in and nab the homunculus, while the other team makes a distraction.

Stealth Team: Tobias, Dwight, Selithe, Airin

Other: Kendry, Julian, hobgoblins, dire wolves.

Podo can go either way.

Zom tells the group that all they fought were skeletons, but some were bigger, like ogre bones.

The hobgoblin leader declines the gift from Julian. He indicates that there is no way it would fit.

He describes the necromancer's home as a cave at the base of a mall bluff, with sand and dirt all around and nothing living for a couple hundred feet aroundabouts. There are several stands of trees about 1,500 feet from the cave, which he suggests is a good place from which to start.

Zom says his warriors will not fight under the sun. He offers a just-before-dawn compromise. He says his main strategy is to support the wolves in attacking. He saus he saw an ogre skeleton outside the cave when he went there before. It had armor and a weapon.

The party continues to plan as thes set out. At length, you are about a half mile from the cave.

Thursday August 31st, 2006 5:30:45 PM

Tobias is fine with the split of team and prepares for the stealthy entrance. He accepts one of the hide from undead potions.

He also talks Tewdwr into attacking with the group outside. So, he'll join the other wolves in the attack against the skeletons.

[OOC: I'm going to be out of town 9/4-9/7. Can someone please run Tobias?]

Thursday August 31st, 2006 9:57:42 PM

Planning in halfling
"The silent spell would be great, however that puts a damper on our spell abilities. I can cast charm person and magic missile. Little chance it will work, but the chance is there. Perhaps if we cast the spell on a projectile? Does anyone think its worth losing our spell powers to stop his?"

[OOC: Projetiles were always brought into question in my table top games. Would this allowed?]

"Do we intend to carry the chest in and show the hum in it? Can we do this silently or must we have the spell? Do we have the spell?" Dwight looks around hoping to get a confirmation.

"On the inside, Tobias will focus on the hum, Any volunteers to be the hand-to-hand combantant for the necro? I don't think I would do enough damage. My spells and bow are my best weapon. Selithe or Airin? I'm thinking after the first round, if we get a surprise in, the necro needs to be kept busy."

[OOC: Sorry I don't know Selithe or Airin's true class(es)]

"If neither Selithe or Airin can handle a direct confrontation with the necro, then Podo will need to join the stealth team."

Turning to Kendry and Julian, he realizes that leaves only them amid all the hobgoblins. "We should probably be ready afterwards, how does this sound? Should Selithe, Airin or myself switch?"

"Julian, perhaps you and a few of the wolves can take care of the big ogre skeleton. Tewdwr perhaps? If he is near the entrance to the cave, this would put you in a good spot to prevent additional help coming to help the necro."
Conversing with Zom, just before first light is perfect. "The necro is strongest at high night. Our stealth group will sneak in and attempt to take out the necro. Your task is to keep his skeleton forces occupied, and ideally prevent them from entering the cave to assist the necro. Engage, flee, and engage again if necessary, but keep them engaged."

"Do you know if there is another exit to the cave?"

Any other thoughts?

[OOC: Tobias, I can run your PC if you send me your PC sheet. adavis-pbem@tampabay.rr.com We will most likely be in combat for part of the week, but I'll try not to get him killed.]

Thursday August 31st, 2006 10:22:02 PM

Selithe thinks over things and nods, "I'm not sure if I can silence mister necro to well when we find him but I will try my best. I mean none of us need him casting spells and I know we can't kill him."

Selithe blinks and forgot about the magic potions offered. She must have overlooked if anyone else offered her one before, so she smiles and takes one of the offered ones from Airin, "Thanks Airin, I owe you one."

Thursday August 31st, 2006 10:41:54 PM

Julian readies himself for battle. He straps the falchion to Sallie and carries his new greater sledgehammer and longspear. He puts some potions from his pack into his pockets (3 in each, Cure Light Wounds, Hide From Undead, Jump, Magic Fang, Magic Weapon, Magic Stone).
He walks along with the halflings, badger and dog at his heels.

Podo (by Kim) 
Friday September 1st, 2006 4:06:33 AM

Podo is willing to take one of the potions of hide from undead. He takes to the rear of the infiltration group. "May Alemi guide us to this means of healing. Tobias - Kendry gave me the box for this hum. I have it here in my haversack."

Friday September 1st, 2006 4:09:47 AM

Just before the party separates, Kendry casts a message spell. In it, besides himself, he includes Airin, Dwight, Tobias, and Zom...

Airin [ 42/42 HP / AC21 / Woodland Stride / Message / Mage Armor / Hide from Undead] and Fioni [ 8/8 HP / AC17 ]  d20+12=28 d20+19=22 d20+8=18 d20+8=18 d20+12=29
Friday September 1st, 2006 4:18:43 AM

Airin agrees with the battle plans and she will do her best to keep the necro busy if needed. She's not the best fighter, but maybe the Necromancer can be knocked out?

(ooc can't remember if Cayzle said it was only Hum or also the Necro that was immune to non-leathal damage...)

As the group approaches stealthily Airin arranges her potions as follows:

- Potion of Hide from Undead
- Potion of Spider Climb
- Potion of Mage armor
- Tanglefoot bags (2)

With help from her Handy Haversack she will immediately find what she needs. She immediately downs a first Mage Armor potion.

She investigates the Hide from Undead Potion. It says 10min/lvl on the label, but Airin wonders if it will work for 50minutes (she's lvl5) or for 10 minutes (spell cast by a 1st lvl cleric). If it works for 50 minutes she will down the potion as well. If it only works for 10 minutes she will wait a bit longer.

She signals Fioni to fly overhead but not interfere in combat. If the predator sees something ahead she will warn Airin with a shriek... easily to be mistaken by the enemy for a normal birds shriek...

"Let's go friends..."

Move Silently: 28
Hide: 22
Search: 18
Spot: 18
Listen: 29

Active Spells:
Message (cast by Kendry): 500 rounds
Mage Armor: 600 rounds
Hide from Undead: 500 Rounds? (Or is it 100 rounds)

Spell List:
Read Magic

Speak with Animals
Speak with Animals - USED

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