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Second Task - Something Familiar

The Mission (DM Cayzle) 
Thursday August 10th, 2006 6:23:27 AM

Dwight, Julian, and Kendry all work hard to encourage Bella to tell them more. Their diplomatic efforts pay off, as she seems more forthcoming than ever.

"Well, of course I'll tell you all about it!" she exclaims. "Not much use in hiring you all if you don't know what it is we're doing, hey!"

"You can see that I have started a-brewing. I have some special patients who I hope to cure with this. All other treatments have failed. But in order to complete the concoction, I need a few more ingredients. While I tend the brew, I need you all to go fetch the other things I need."

She clearly understnds the purpose behind your diplomacy -- "Look, I know you all did not much appreciate our last outing, although I must tell you that the juice of those thorns is the basis for my brew. But if you have any questions, fire away."

Thursday August 10th, 2006 12:23:28 PM

Training - Shopping - Reflections

Once the party got back Airin enjoyed the WLA training with her friends a lot. (will add the skills to my updated sheet asap)

One night Airin had a disturbing dream...

a viscious bear draws near ... crippeling strikes ... pain! A lot of pain ... and then nothing... floating in space ... an eternal blackness with no sounds. No friends... Kendry...


That night Airin woke up in the girls sleeping quaters bathing in her own sweat. What happend back there nearly killed her. She has a hard time forgetting about it...

The next morning she fell into Kendry's arms trembling in fear and wetting his shoulder with her tears.

ooc: you can not imagine the way I felt reading the DM post where Airin was killed... great posting everyone!! Damn proud to be part of this fantastic group!

Back in action!

More cheerful than ever Airin follows her friends to meet Bella.

This morning she polished her armor, refilled her bolt cases, sharpened her beloved Bastard Sword and shined the boots she got from Kendry. Blossom is safe and sound in the stables, and Fioni enjoyed an early morning hunt. She's back in full force and unwilling to get killed again and her mind is set to introduce Kendry to her family and to get to know his.

Eagerly she listens the Greenmage unfolding the mysteries they are to unravel.

"I suppose one of you will know the way?"

OOC 2: did not welcome you yet Robert but I'm very pleased to see Kim made a great intro for Airin.

Thursday August 10th, 2006 4:18:16 PM

Tobias will listen to all Bella has to say about her brew and the ingredients she needs. He'll leave it up to Dwight to get more details about where, when, how for the ingredients. Once everyone has had their chance to ask questions, Tobias will ask the only one that's been eating at the back of his mind for a while, "What affliction is this potion supposed to cure?"

Thursday August 10th, 2006 6:05:53 PM

Julian sits outside with Bella and the Halflings. He listens intently, well he tries to. After a few questions and answers he gets restless again. Spearheads only sharpen so much, and Shark is nudging him with his nose to play.
Julian has tried to work out the grup dynamic. There is something going on between Kendry and Airin. Selithe wants to help Bella, though some others don't trust her. Dwight seems to be the (unofficial?) leader of the group. Julian wonders about Podo's time in the temple, not being religious himself.
Temptation gives in and Julian grabs Shark and rolls over and over around on the ground. Sallie jumps in to, playfully snapping at Julian's heel. The play and tumble and grapple till Sallie barks. Julian remembers the importance of the meeting with Bella here, and tries to calm the animals now that he has wound them up.
Sit, listen, learn. That was one of the things Bella taught him. Not everything will come to you naturally, and even those things that do need careful alignment and tuning. Practice and care, patience and 'ware. Sometimes things still don't manifest as you expect. Let Nature guide you, and the Sun and the Moon, and you will never stray from what is right.

Thursday August 10th, 2006 6:29:32 PM

Selithe listens to Bella and smiles as she ponders everything and shrugs, "I figure you will explain most of the details and what the others will most likely ask anything else."

Selithe continues to listen and smiles at how the new person to the group acts, he seems playful enough and she bets he is going to be useful in a fight too.

Dwight  d20+3=20
Thursday August 10th, 2006 10:27:41 PM

Slightly off guard with Bella's openness to answering questions, but seeing everyone look to him, he delves into the concepts he brought up earlier.

diplomacy: 20

"Bella, we would like to know exactly what item we are getting for you and what protects it. How far is it from here?"

"You have mentioned this will help a good number of people, who?"

"You have also mentioned, some do not want these people helped, who?"

"This <new herb>, will it be used in conjunction with the one we just got, placed in the tub?" If yes, "Do we need to accomplish this within a specified time for the potion or spell to work?"

Dwight then looks around to see if anyone else has a question to ask. After they ask anything Dwight may have missed, Dwight makes one last inquiry. "At one point, you seemed genuinely afraid of someone. While helping you help others is something we want to do, what/who scared you so? Do you have any recommendations should they discover we are helping you?"

Dwight looks at the tub, and wonders if Bella ever found the dagger he left last time he was in the house.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Friday August 11th, 2006 12:00:59 AM

Once finished with the Temple, Podo makes his way back to his friends and then to Bella's house.

Wearing a white robe and donning his holy symbol around his neck, Podo looks quiet a bit different than when he left the group shortly after the White Bear event.

Kendry  d20+10=19
Friday August 11th, 2006 2:57:11 AM


Kendry comforts Airin as she feels the emotional aftershock of coming so close to death. He softly speaks, and listens.


[Aid another, Diplomacy: 19, to give Dwight a +2 on his diplomatic efforts]

Kendry lends his body language and occasional words of agreement or support to what Dwight is asking of Bella. It is good that Bella has opened the door to their queries. It is good that Dwight asks worthwhile questions - and Tobias, as well.

He notes Podo's new attire, but does not remark at this moment on it, as he does not wish to distract from the questioning of the herbalist.

More Answers! (DM Cayzle) 
Friday August 11th, 2006 9:00:48 AM

At the sight of Podo in his new robes, Bella's face breaks into a huge smile! "You have chosen to follow the Healer! I am so glad! And so happy for you! Why didn't you let on earlier that you were a follower of Alemi?"

Airin wonders about how to get there. Bella says, "Don't worry, Julian here will know the way, once I remind him of where to go."

Tobias wonders what the potion is intended to cure. Bella says that in a nearby hospital, a friend of hers is caring for a number of unfortunate people who seem to have somehow fallen asleep and who cannot be awakened. "I hope that my potion will wake them up!"

Julian gets restless at all the talk.

Selithe is content to let others ask the important questions.

Dwight wonders at Bella's new openness to questions. But he uses this chance to get to the heart of things, with Kendry interjecting a word or two here and there to encourage Bella to open up. She does so, in spades ...

What is the group getting next, and what protects it? Bella tells the group about a minor necromancer of whom she knows who lives in a cave about a week's walk into the Red Hills towards Izen. He has created a homunculus to serve him. She tells you all about humunculi [OOC: feel free to check out this link]. Your job is to steal away the humonculus and bring it back alive to her. Do not kill the necromancer, because that will kill the homunclus. She needs its poison for her brew.

Who will the brew help? She already said.

Who opposes helping these people? Bella says that she has many enemies, and she is very wary. One she has already mentioned. She also suspects Parnoth's agents, and she has run afoul, so to speak, of servants of the Lord of Filth. They oppose everything she does, not just this particular project, and she is amazed she has lasted this long.

What should the group do if they encounter her enemies? "Whatever you do," she says, "Do not lead them back here to me! Don't let on that we work together, or they will make things even harder for you! Try to escape and come back covertly. Let us ask for Alemi's blessing that such a scary scenario never befalls you!"

How much time does the group have? She can keep her brew bubbling for so long as necessary ... weeks even. But she cannot start a new brew until this one is done, so please hurry.

"More questions?" she asks, chuckling.

Friday August 11th, 2006 9:17:55 AM

"So we need them to stay alive... For that I suggest taking some sleeping spells or potions with us. Any chance we have sleeping arrows or bolts? As Bella says, we're not in a hurry so if neither of us has decent things to either lull them to sleep, goo them with tanglefoot bags or any other fine plan to stun them we may want to buy something first.

Or maybe you can help us Lady Bella? Any herbs that can put them to sleep or paralyse them?"

Airin's eyes grow big once she hears the full meaning of Podo's transformations. Having witnessed the power Zardock displayed, she now watches Podo in awe. He'll surely be useful for all!

Friday August 11th, 2006 10:40:15 AM

Tobias listens intently to Bella's answers satisfied for the time being with getting some more information. Although he is a little worried, taking enemies alive is not one of his strong suits... but we'll see how this works out.

He does a quick mental listing of the spells he can cast, and can't think of anything that might help. "Looking for some items to help is a good idea Airin."

Friday August 11th, 2006 1:29:47 PM

"We'll need some high quality shackles, perhaps," suggests Kendry. "Some more of the alchemical anti-toxin, to decrease the probability that one of us will be affected by the poison during its capture. A good net or two."

"Congratulations, cuz. Alemi is worthy of our service, indeed," he says to Podo.

Dwight  d20+3=23
Friday August 11th, 2006 6:12:25 PM

Amazed, he got actual direct answers with names and facts, Dwight tries to gather more information.

Diplomacy: 23 (Sweet!, Nat. 20)

Listening intently when the homunculus is described, Dwight inquires if the mage needs to be brought as well, perhaps unconscious. (Can a construct become unconscious?) He then inquires about the cave, and looks to Julian for expressions of recollection. "Do you know the cave, does it have tunnels or is it just one entrance that dead ends? Is there a particular tactic this mage uses?"

Letting the knew stuff sink in, Dwight steers the topic back to the most recent mission. Feeling Bella is open to it, Dwight speaks diretly, "Bella, was the bear present because of your summoning? While you healed us, and the bear vanished, was it also healed?"

Assuming Bella answers, and the bear was created/summoned by her, Dwight continues, "What did you learn about us during this experiment?"

(This last bit is really important to Dwight. He wants to befriend Bella, for personal reasons, but to many things have happened to prevent the necessary trust. If Dwight can see her ends justify her beginnings, he might be persuaded to 'trust' her.)

Friday August 11th, 2006 7:33:39 PM

"Congratulations, Podo. I admire Healers, even if I don't understand some of it."

Julian racks his memory for a cave... something stirs. He sits completely still, thinking about it. At the description of the Homunculus he concentrates, though he is pretty sure he missed something just before that. Cave. Homunculus. Poison. Created creature... wizard? No, that's not quite right. Try again. Cave. Homunculus. Poison. They almost fit together. Maybe a good run will jog my memory.

"Dwight, a summoned bear? White? Bella, was that Hubert? How is the big old cuddly?
"He good for a tumble, isn't he, Dwight. Yeah, he is FUN to play with."

"Hmmm, bring this thing back alive... I'm not very good at that."

After this period of sitting still, talking about adventures Julian is getting very restless again. He sharpens his falchion, trying to focus and to remember. Cave. Creature. Poison. Wizard?

Podo D. Pipewood 
Friday August 11th, 2006 7:47:39 PM

"Thank you my friends, but I'm not a healer yet, I have a couple of levels to go before I can earn that title. On the other hand, I am a Shepard of Alemi."

"As far as bringing it back, perhaps I'd be able to stun it long enough for the rest to shackle it?" inquires Podo.

Friday August 11th, 2006 8:18:03 PM

Selithe thinks of what has been said and shakes her head some as she speaks up, "Well I will be of little help in the not killing department. I gave up most of those spells when I became a conjurer."

Selithe listens and thinks over everything, pondering how she may help the most in the upcoming quest.

Friday August 11th, 2006 8:59:09 PM

Tobias's ears perk up at Julian's mention of a white bear. He walks over th Julian and start questioning him, "What kind of bear was it? What did it look like? Was it an other-worldly creature? And, if it was Hubert, then no he was no fun at all."

Friday August 11th, 2006 11:30:41 PM

"I suppose it depends on your idea of fun. I like any combat training, don't you?
"He is a big, big white bear, pure white, white all over. Bella had me fight against to practice casting in combat, and to see what spells were effective in what way. She put some funny crystals in his eyes, so it was just sparring. He's one tough bear, can go all day without healing."

Chatty Bella (DM Cayzle) 
Saturday August 12th, 2006 8:23:46 AM

Bella tells the party more about capturing a honumculus. "Remember, it is not a living thing. It has no mind. You cannot enchant it or put it to sleep. If you damage it, it is hard to repair. It is immune to nonlethal damage. Your best bet is probably to grapple and pin it, then tie it up."

"Remember that the necromancer can see through the homunculus's eyes with about a half mile range. And, being a necromancer, he will surely have some undead servants. If you kill the necromancer, the homunculus dies, so don't kill the necromancer!"

"You guys are pretty sturdy, so maybe you can just defeat the necromancer rather than steal from him. I was surprised at how well you did against Hubert."

"Though he was pulling some punches I suspect."

"Um, yeah, Hubert is a friend of mine. I wanted to make sure you were loyal and good people. I hope you don't mind. I'm sorry to be so suspicious, but when you have enemies like mine, you just can't be too careful!"

"Oh, the homunculus is immune to stunning too! Can't be held by a magic 'Hold Monster' spell either."

"Since it can fly and bite, rather than shackles, you might want to get a strongbox to put it in. No air-holes needed, since it does not breathe."

"The necromancer may have a back door, I don't know. I have not been in the cave. You do not need to defeat him, though since he is a known villain, there's no reason not to if you can. On the other hand, don't throw your lives away, my foolhardies! Expect a mage's lair to be guarded appropriately! Be careful!"

"Anything else? If not, good luck!"

Saturday August 12th, 2006 3:44:21 PM

Tobias is stunned by Bella's cavalier attitude about using her pet to attack and nearly kill the group. And, it's just further proof that she cannot be trusted.

And, his response to Julian is less than diplomatic, "It's not fun when he nearly kills two of your friends and family. And, trust me, that bear can be killed."

Tobias then steps away, a bit back from the group, trying not to distract the ongoing chat between Bella and Dwight and the others.

Sunday August 13th, 2006 5:36:51 AM

"This necromancer, is he human, Halfling, undead himself, is he female? What do you know about him directly?"
When all is said and done, actually when Julian feels he can no longer sit:
Julian jumps up, spear in hand, then mounts Sallie. The two of them circle madly on the spot for the moment. Sallie can feel the energy pulsing through Julian and she is reacting to it. Julian then has to fight to bring Sallie back under control. His faces reddens from the effort, and his eyes are wide darting about rapidly.
"Let's get going then! Bella, I think I remember the way. I will pop in again before we go to confirm it with you." Julian has to crane his neck left and right to speak to Bella as Sallie still circles round and round, ready to charge. Shark is bounding around after Julian and Sallie, its eyes wild. He growls and bares his teeth, his claws are tearing up chunks of lawn.
"Let's rekill some undead!" Julian charges off on Sallie, back into Angel Springs, with Shark close behind. He can be heard to say to himself, still yelling, "Might make something new, just for fighting skeletons. The falchion and spear were nearly useless ... time. Wonder if there is a ... here who can craft a ... for me, or ... me ..." Bella could check his progress through town from his voice alone. "... WOOOHOOO!..."

OOC I'm not sure about using the catacombs... is that the way to go with buying Everything, it would seem so, I have seen people buying mundane items along with magical, but no one buying just mundane. I keep thinking of mundane stuff I should probably get.

Sunday August 13th, 2006 4:26:28 PM

Selithe looks to Bella and then the others and holds back a sigh as she feels this is not going to be as easy as it may sound. For some reason she just feels this way but shrugs as she will not back down from helping a friend.

Selithe looks to the others, "I guess I'm ready then."

(Cayzle:Just wondering. Awhile back Selithe used a identify spell on that necklace of hers. I was just wondering on any word on it?)

Monday August 14th, 2006 12:47:00 AM

"A strongbox, you say? Good idea," Kendry reponds to Bella's suggestion, glad that she explained so much about the nature of the construct.

Podo D. Pipewood 
Monday August 14th, 2006 1:54:57 AM

"Well, that sounds easy enough! I say we shoudl gather our remaining resources, head straight to the Catacombs chapter, and stock up on supplies...then head out to capture the little lump of tellyvision construct. What ya' say, gang? Are ya' with me? Let's do it!!!!" exclaims Podo with a renewed enthusiasm!

Monday August 14th, 2006 8:29:45 AM

Airin's pleased Bella told the group so much about this Homunculus thingie but all she knows now Airin's a bit worried.

"So we can't put it to sleep...
we can't use a hold monster spell...
the necromancer can see through the Homunculus's eyes...
That little one is immune to stunning...
and... we can't just kill the lot...

excellent! This is a perfect briefing"
Airin says with a wicked smile on her pretty face.

"We may need to find ways to sneak into the cave without getting noticed friends. I carry a few elexirs that will boost such sneaking powers but I don't carry enough for everyone."

Assuming the group will first see what they need before going on this adventure Airin checks her gear and gold left and will chip in where needed.

Monday August 14th, 2006 10:27:24 AM

Tobias agrees with Airin, "We'll need to be able to sneak in." And, he thinks he's good for that without any additional potions, but the group should definitely stock up.

Final Answers (DM Cayzle)  d20+4=24
Monday August 14th, 2006 10:28:20 AM

[OOC: Trying to post earlier in the day. Sorry I did not wait for Dwight.]

Bella senses Tobias's attitude (rolled a nat 20 on the sense motive check). She says, "Oh pish, do not be such a grumpus! The worst you could do to Hubert would be to send him back temporarily to his celestial home. And he was using nonlethal damage, so no one was ever in any danger. At all."

Bella tells Julian that the necromancer is a human male. She has not directly mentioned him to Julian before, but she reminds him of the sandy waste devoid of life that they skirted once to the southeast.

Podo, Kendry, and Selithe gather themselves for this battle. (Sent e-mail to Justin on the item.)

Airin suggests a way to boost the group's sneakiness. "Watch out for skeletons hidden just under the surface of the sand!" warns Bella.

Ask final questions, make final purchases, and then decide on a marching order for travel through the wilds of the Red Hills and Izen.

(BTW, Julian can certainly buy mundane-only items in the Catacombs.)

Tobias  d20+17=20 d20+14=32 d20+6=26 d20+5=18 d20+10=14
Monday August 14th, 2006 7:09:31 PM

Tobias will wait while the others go about their shopping and preparation. All the things he needs are either strapped to his body or on his pony. But, heeding Julian's warning, he does loosen the mace usually kept tightly packed in his saddlebags, just in case there are many skeletons about...

When all are ready to leave, Tobias will volunteer to scout ahead of the party trying to keep them from being ambushed and keeping an eye out for interesting tracks.

Hide - 20
Move Silently - 32
Listen - 26 (nat 20)
Spot - 18
Survival - 14

** He gets a +2 to listen, spot, and survival vs orcs and magical beasts.

Monday August 14th, 2006 10:04:35 PM

Selithe is happy to be going out again, she likes traveling and seeing the wold but hopes that nothing bad happens while their out doing this.

Selithe moves over towards Julian and speaks to him while Selithe for the moment just leads Gra, her riding dog, "I'm glad you have joined us. You seem pretty knowledgeable and I think will be a great help. You know anything of card games?" Selithe grins since she loves gambling, even a friendly game and is more then willing to help Julian learn how to play also if he so desires.

Julian  d20+1=19
Monday August 14th, 2006 11:25:57 PM

Julian has worked off some steam with some training: charging around town on Sallie, running and racing the badger, lifting, throwing. He even finds a hapless tree to take his spaer point. He stabs, leaps back, leaps in, stab-stab, back, feint, in stab-stab-stab-stab, duck, roll, up stab-stab.
Walking back now, badger in arms, dog circling about yapping, Julian seeks out the other halflings. He meets Selithe first,
"I don't know about knowledgeable, I don't know my numbers from letters. But I did learn some card games in my cadetship. What's your game?"

Sense Motive = 19
Julian would be very happy to play cards with Selithe. What a great way to make friends and earn money at the same time, though he is a little wary of her motives. She wouldn't shark a friend, would she? Might ask Kendry or Dwight about that one?

Thinking about pesky skeletons Julian also finds time in the Catacombs to buy a dire flail.

Podo D. Danderfluff 
Tuesday August 15th, 2006 1:37:24 AM

Podo, explaining he needs to run off to do some shopping, leaves the groups so he can return quickly.

First, Podo heads back to the Temple to gave a list of the supplies he might need on his journey from the staff. With list in hand, he heads off to the Catacombs chapterhouse to shop for as many of the items from the list he would need.


Once his shopping is done, he heads back to the group with the items safely stored either in his haversack or in pouches/bags about his person.

ADM Kim: Posting August 7-13, 2006 
Tuesday August 15th, 2006 2:32:21 AM

DM Cayzle: MTWTF 5
Dwight: M-WTF 4
Airin: -T-TF 3
Podo: MTWTF 5
Selithe: MTWTF 5
Kendry: MTWTF 5
Tobias: MTWTF 5
Julian: MTWTF 5

As the party is joined by Julian, yet another cousin, they discuss with Bella her next assignment.

Airin's missed post on Monday & Wednesday was Kim's fault, then Inge returned to play starting Thursday. Welcome back from vacation!

Tuesday August 15th, 2006 2:35:51 AM

"Box for construct. Skeletons under the sand. Necromancer, undead, Red Hills," Kendry says. "I predict this will be one for the record books."

Tuesday August 15th, 2006 4:54:58 AM

"Kendry, I would like to pitch in for the strong box, but I haven't won any money from Selithe yet."

Tuesday August 15th, 2006 7:05:10 AM

"I'll go buy some potions or scrolls that will help us go in sneaky. "

Airin runs of to the CC for a few quick last purchases (hiding, move silently and invisible scrolls or potions will be bought in the CC starting tomorrow but Cayzle you hereby know what Airin will buy)

Once all is settled Airin prepares to move out. Do we go by pony or on foot?

Airin will take the front for her keen eyes and ears to scout ahead. Fioni will male wide circles high above the group to warn them in case of danger up ahead.

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