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First Task - The Vine and the Claw

ADM Kim [for Cayzle's Tuesday night post]  d20=10 d20=5 d20=17
Wednesday July 19th, 2006 1:02:03 AM

At Bella's
Bella answers that ten in the morning will work fine. She nods in return to Selithe. "No problem, dearie." She brooks no further questions as she bustles the group out. "Meet me at the Trade Gate." At least she does not slam the door as the last adventurer leaves.

Dwight did notice that the little plant Bella tended to the day before - cleaning off the remaining goop from Kendry's tanglefoot bag - does seem to pay some sort of attention to people - especially as they move about. But he does not clearly discern any other 'watchers'.

Tobias has his suspicions, disquieted at Bella's comportment.

Shopping, etc.
Kendry, Airin, Podo and Tobias head towards the Angel Springs branch of the Catacombs, as Selithe prepares to call forth a familiar.

[Does Dwight also wish to do any shopping? If so, please state in next post. If Selithe wants someone to pick up something for her, please so state as well.]

After picking up a few things, Podo heads off to see Morpth and Mungo.

With the Jensens
At breakfast the next morning Grayson and Ezra join the group at the table. Although not yet fully recovered, Grayson is looking much, much better. "Like to thank you all for what you've done for me. Things have been hazy the last few - rather horrible, in fact - the last few days. But what with Ezra watching over me, and the bread surprises, and the tea, and - Leska really knows how to cook. We just want to say thank you. If there is anything we can do to repay your kindness, please tell us." Ezra beams with joy as her husband speaks, and nods her head in agreement with his offer.

The Horticultural Hunt begins
At ten o'clock at the Trader's Gate on the southwest side of Angel Springs waits Bella. A ceramic pot rests on a pad upon her head, the whole contraption held in place by a strap around her chin. The ambulatory plant the party has already seen a few times sits in the pot. A very small version of the tub that her larger mobile plant had been in she holds in her left hand.

"Well, dearies, my plants are all watered, and I'm ready to go." She is quite cheerful, and turns to walk briskly out the gate and across the bridge over the Crescent River. She gives a wave over toward Heglantine's grove a few hundred yards off to the right, and heads down the road toward the Red Hills.

Please state what animals accompany the group, and the marching order.

As the day goes on, the group stops a few times for food. Bella knows where streams of water are. One stream in the midafternoon has water that almost makes the mouth pucker. "Don't worry - it's safe to drink - just has lots of minerals," Bella assures them.

In the late afternoon, the party, walking on a flat area of the hills for a bit, see a broken tree, reddish-brown in the afternoon light. Some green deciduous trees are a few hundred yards distant, and behind them hills rising to 150 to 180 feet. The hills are marked by some erosion - blackened stream beds from water runoff. For a picture, click on this link: Red tree, Red Hills (to get back here, hit the back button on your browser).

"Ah, yes. Struck by lightning," Bella says. "Could one of you sweetcakes climb the tree and saw off that splintered branch near the top?"

Climb check DC 10 required to get up high enough to reach the designated branch. With a good saw or handaxe it would take 1d6+3 minutes to cut off the portion she indicated. The branch is about 9 inches in diameter.

Off to the left (out of view of the linked picture) is a smaller hill, about 100 feet away, and 30-40 feet tall. Brush and brambles lie along the face of the hill, among the scattered boulders. While waiting for someone to cut the branch, she walks over there to look about, moving this plant with her foot to glance at the underside of the leaves, then walking on to check out another interesting specimen. If anyone ask, she is happy to discuss the plants she sees.

P.S.: Selithe's familiar arrived in the morning before the group set out, squirmy and curious, happy to crawl into and out of small openings - like Selithe's sleeve, around to her back, and, claws putting a little pressure on her skin, out the opening of her blouse at the back of her neck.

Dwight  d20+7=25 d6+3=7
Wednesday July 19th, 2006 7:51:15 AM

Dwight offers to climb the tree, though he doesn't have a good hand axe on him. Should one be offered, he will easily climb the tree (climb: 25) and cuts the required branch.

After 7 minutes, Dwight climbs down branch in hand. "Here it is. Is this branch special because it was struck by lightning?"

If someone else wants to climb, Dwight will follow Bella and learn about the plants she is looking at.

Tobias  d20+5=17 d20+4=6 d20+9=15 d20+5=25 d20+5=25 d20+5=12
Wednesday July 19th, 2006 1:52:56 PM

Tobias is ready to head out in the morning. And, he brings Tewdwr on this trip. Both he and Tewdwr volunteer to scout ahead of the group. They will keep an eye out for suspicious tracks and see if anything unexpected gets in their way.

Listen - 17
Spot - 6 (yeesh)
Survival - 15

Tewdwr Rolls:
Listen - 25 (nat 20)
Spot - 25 (nat 20)
Survival - 12

Wednesday July 19th, 2006 4:02:08 PM

Kendry talks to his friends just as they leave Bella's. "We need some more healing ability among ourselves. I'm willing to pay half the cost of a new wand of cure light wounds. It costs 750 gold, so I'll contribute 375. If anyone else would like to kick in, I'd be grateful - and I daresay many of us will be if we run into rough stuff along the way."

If Calfast is not tied up, Kendry will speak with him briefly. If he is occupied, then Kendry writes a quick note. In either case he communicates the following: If there is a halfling with the WLA, we are looking for one or two adventurers dedicated to the goals of that group, and willing to try their hand with our adventuring group.

He takes time after the Catacombs to rearrange some of his things, then works with Cheann, training him in combat riding. Since Selithe is holed up seeking her familiar, he also includes Gra - the other Caran Hills riding dog - in the training. He invites Tobias to include Tewdwr in the session as well. He concludes the training by playing with the animals and giving them treats.

Leska and Nalfein and their guests, Grayson and Ezra Jensen, Kendry joins for dinner. It's good to see Grayson regaining his strength. "We were happy to rescue you from the clutches of those wicked harpies and hags. So, my wish is that you work hard to build a strong marriage and raise some good children. Other than that - and any prayers you may wish to offer on our behalf, you owe us nothing. Be happy together."

He spends a little time alone with Airin, then asks his friends if they'd like to go join Podo in visiting Mungo and Morpth. "We missed the party he invited us to - remember? We need to reschedule that, I dare say."

Arriving a few minutes before ten the next morning, he comes with dog Cheann and his two ponies.

Sometimes he walks and sometimes he rides, but Kendry really soaks in the scenery and experience of walking into the Red Hills. As they approach the lightning-struck tree that Bella wants a sample of, his breath is taken away. "This is so beautiful!"

He offers a handaxe to Dwight to do the requested work, ties his two ponies to the branches that bend down to the earth (it looks far enough away from that uppermost section Dwight will chop down so as to preclude them getting bopped on the head), giving each a little feedbag of oats, invites any who wish to come along to join him, and rides Cheann to catch up to Bella. "Anything interesting over here?" he asks.

Wednesday July 19th, 2006 9:40:46 PM

(OOC: Making sure, it is only 100gps for a familiar yes? Looks like it by the book but I want to make sure I deduct what is needed.)

Selithe moves off with the others, happy now that she has her familiar and it wasn't as hard as she thought.

For the moment her familiar is hiding in her pouch near her waist but when the group stops and once everyone is done gathering things Selithe calls them over. Before this however she looks over the tree Bella points out and whistles gently since she hasn't seen anything like it before.

Once everyone is gathered Selithe pulls out of her pouch a black and white ferret which she holds up and smiles brightly over, "Everyone, I like to introduce you to the newest member of our group. I named him Bandit because the first thing he did was latch onto one of my silver pieces when I summoned him." True to her word too the ferret pulls up its brand new silver pieces and makes noises at everyone.

Snared! (DM Cayzle)  d20=6 (bella fails save)
Thursday July 20th, 2006 12:36:16 AM

[OOC: Thanks, Kim, for a great post.]

Old business: Selithe summons her new familiar. The Jensen's are grateful, and enjoy a pleasant dinner with the party (those who wish to come). Calfast will spread the word. Mungo and his apprentice are not around. Visits are made at the Catacombs.

New business:

Bella says that the heartwood struck by lightning will make a great wand. If she had wanted it as a component, she would have gotten it herself.

Tobias sees some tracks. He thinks the area has a number of people who may not be enemies. And maybe some ARE enemies!

Dwight climbs up and easily gets the limb. He has a great view up there.

As Bella wanders closer to a bramble, there is a sudden commotion. She has no time to answer questions. In fact, all she has time to do is to shriek! The bramble envelops her, and she is held fast!

The thorns on the bush are dripping a foul-smelling venom. Bella is already poisoned and trapped in place. It seems clear that it will be very hard and it's dangerous to extract her.

Bella whispers, "help! it burns!"

It is clear that without some kind of precaution, sticking your hands into the bramble will get them bloody.

Kendry  d20+3=18 d20+2=13 d20+7=23
Thursday July 20th, 2006 2:56:22 AM

"Hey, Bandit!" Kendry greets Selithe's new ferret friend. He picks up a bit of grass from the ground and holds the end of it before the animal's nose to see what he will do.
As he sees Bella get wrapped up by the plant, Kendry brings Cheann to a halt. He pulls out a vial of antitoxin. Quickly he drinks it down. [+5 alchemical bonus on Fortitude saving throws against poison for 1 hour]. He then dismounts off of Cheann. "Stay," he commands, as he does not want his dog trying to tangle with the brambles.

With his bastard sword, he holds it out firmly, slowly moving it in the direction of the brambles, ready to jerk it back if they appear to try to grab it.

He also looks around to see if any similar brambles are nearby [Spot: 18] wanting to avoid stepping into a similar mess.

It strikes Kendry as ironic that a greenmage, schooled in the knowledge of so many types of plants, should be successfully attacked by such - somewhat similar to the plant that lives in the tub back at her place.

Looking the brambles over, he tries to determine the best way to attack it without, at the same time, harming Bella. And he is wary about roots thrusting their way up through the ground, as well. "Might need some help out here, friends." If he can - oh, yes, mage hand.

He takes out a second vial, and carefully uncorks it. "Bella, this is a vial of antitoxin. When it reaches your lips, drink it down. It may afford you some protection from that liquid on the plant."

He holds the vial upright in his hand, sings a quick ditty, and the vial begins to float up then toward Bella. Based upon what he learned from his probe with the sword, he keeps that in mind to help choose the best path to her mouth. [Dex check 13, ranged touch 'attack' 23 - not sure best thing to roll to get vial to her lips.]

Podo D. Danderfluff 
Thursday July 20th, 2006 12:29:43 PM

"AW! Kendry! What to do? Hey, don't we have a druid or two with us? Can someone help here?" Podo asks the group a bit excitedly.

Tobias  d20+9=29 d20+11=24 d4+2=4
Thursday July 20th, 2006 12:36:19 PM

Tobias takes up Kendry's offer for training Tewdwr with the dogs. He's also just starting to train Tewdwr for combat riding.


Tobias is intrigued by the tracks, especially those that could be enemies. Can he discern anything else from them? (Survival: 29 [nat 20])


When he sees the plant entangle Bella, Tobias moves in closer drawing his two short swords. He tries to find an area of the plant that's away from Bella, so he can attack without mistakenly hitting her. Once he finds one, he takes a swing with his short sword. (attack: 24; damage: 4)

Seeing the effects of the poison on Bella, he tells Tewdwr to stay away.

Thursday July 20th, 2006 7:43:32 PM

Selithe frowns and looks to the brambles and then gives a more concerned look to Bella before speaking up, "Umm, I really don't know what to do to help. None of my spells would be of much use. I mean if I set fire to it then Bella will get burned."

Selithe frowns and waits to see if the group has any ideas since she is coming up with a blank at the moment.

The Vine and the Claw (Round 1) DM Cayzle 
Thursday July 20th, 2006 10:00:12 PM

Faced with the poisonous vine, Selithe, Podo, Dwight, and Airin are at a loss regarding what to do.

Kendry takes out a vial (move action), dismounts (possibly a free action ... I'll give it to you this time but ride checks will be needed next time, per the skill), and drinks the vial (standard action). He thinks about using Mage Hand to give Bella a vial, but that will have to be next round.

(last round) Tobias's inspection of the tracks shows several possibilities, most recently, a halfling or two in one place, and a giant bear in another.

Tobias moves to the vines (move action) and draws his weapons (free action combined with a move). He hacks away at the vine, and the rough tough bark deflects his blows, mostly (Damage 4 is reduced to 1 after hardness subtracts 3 from all damage).

ALSO, Tobias must make a reflex save (DC12) to avoid getting pricked as the thorns reach out for him. If he fails, he is fatigued (-2 Str, -2 Dex, cannot run).

The same save applies each time you attack with a melee weapon that does not have reach. If you atack with hands, no save. Each time you attack, you must save ... fail once = fatigued; twice, exhausted; thrice, helpless.

Dwight, who is still in the tree, gives a cry of warning. (Note: It is a climb DC5 to climb down the 20 feet to the ground, and that will probably take a full round.)

Then there is a great roaring! A big pure white bear crashes through the underbrush and is coming towards you! You see his strange glowing eyes and fur! He towers over you! If he were to put one of you in a bear hug, there would be little hope of survival! He is about 50 feet away! And very very angry!

Please make Wisdom checks for me and post them in your turn!

Note: Vines are AC10, but have hardness 3. That means you subtract 3 from your damage to them. The Bear has an AC18 and is large in size.

And a Map! This is round one of combat! In the green overgrown area, movement is halved (unless you have the druid ability that lets you move through underbrush). If you want an animal companion or familiar or mount to be part of the fight, name it and give a location.

Kendry  d20+3=19 d20+5=21 d20+7=27 d20+7=22 d4+2=4 d4+2=6 d4+2=6 d20+3=4
Friday July 21st, 2006 1:37:20 AM

[DM-requested Wisdom check: 19] Having just dismounted and downed the antitoxin, with the changed circumstance of a charging bear - is it albino, with the white fur and glowing eyes? - Kendry quick mounts Cheann [ride check 21], and nocks an arrow [quickdraw], loosing it against the bear [Threat nat 20 vs AC 27, crit vs AC 22, 3x damage: 4+6+6=16 hp dam]. Spot check to see if he notices anything else - no (nat 1). If there is time, he directs Cheann to M13, preparing to fire again. He hopes that by going that way, he will draw the ire of the bear away from where Bella is now trapped.

Airin (by Kim - Inge is on vacation for the next fortnight)  d20+2=14
Friday July 21st, 2006 1:55:12 AM

[DM-requested Wisdom check: 14].

As she takes in the beautiful scenery, enjoying the afternoon light on the red hills, Airin watches Dwight chopping away at the top of the bare tree. Bella goes exploring, and Airin thinks to join her. But then the greenmage is entangled in grasping spikey vines! Well, what do we do now...

Then the angry roar in turn changes the focus of her attention. A huge bear. White. Charging.

Entangle! Airin casts the spell so that the near edge is close to Kendry - about five or ten feet beyond where he stands. [Am assuming that squares on map are 5' each. If they are 10' each, then the edge of the spell effect will be farther away from Kendry. Will edit picture to show area of effect, and email to all.] The bear should be stopped, or at least slowed in its angry charge by the now writhing and grasping vegetation surrounding the huge monster.

Dwight  d20=6 d20+6=25 d20+7=17 d20=13 d20+1=4
Friday July 21st, 2006 10:35:37 AM

Seeing how the peaceful view has changed drastically, Dwight took a moment to take it all in, barely getting the warning out. Something isn't right, surely Bella would have seen a dangerous vine nearby....

Having a view and seeing where everyone is, Dwight remains where he is. Planting his feet, Dwight pulls his bow off his shoulder and aims at the bear. (dex check?: 6+4=10, or balance: 25)

attack: 17 (misses)

wisdome check: 13
spot: 4 (anything else coming?...nope just clouds)

Podo D. Danderfluff  d20+8=17 d6+2=5 d20=17
Friday July 21st, 2006 11:13:57 AM

Podo seeing the bear, run up to the bear and preforms a stunning fist into the bear!

Wisdom check: 17
Attack:18 Damage: 5 plus the...

stunning fist attack:
You must declare that you are using this feat before you make your attack roll (thus, a failed attack roll ruins the attempt). Stunning Fist forces a foe damaged by your unarmed attack to make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + ½ your character level + your Wis modifier aka DC 15), in addition to dealing damage normally. A defender who fails this saving throw is stunned for 1 round (until just before your next action). A stunned creature drops everything held, can't take actions, takes a -2 penalty to AC, and loses his Dexterity bonus to AC. You may attempt a stunning attack once per day for every four levels you have attained (but see Special), and no more than once per round. Constructs, oozes, plants, undead, incorporeal creatures, and creatures immune to critical hits cannot be stunned.

(OOC: Whats the pluses for the category size differences? I didn't add them to the attack.)

Tobias [ AC 20 - HP 29/29]  d20+10=23 d20+9=20 d4+2=4 d20+10=13 d20+9=18 d4+1=3 d20+10=15
Friday July 21st, 2006 12:32:06 PM

First, the reflex save for last round (23). And, a map update, Tobias should be standing next to the vines since he moved and attacked last round.

This round, Tobias takes two more attacks on the vines.

First attack: 20
First damage: 4 (-3 hardness) = 1
First save: 13

Second attack: 18
Second damage: 3 (-3 hardness) = 1 [believe it always does 1]
Second save: 15

And, then he yells, "Could really use help doing extra damage..."

Tewdwr [AC 15 - HP 21/21] 
Friday July 21st, 2006 12:37:28 PM

Tewdwr moves into a defensive position between the bear and the vines where Tobias and Bella are struggling. But, he remains outside of the entangled area (at N6).

He readies an action for the bear to come out of the entangled area.

Selithe-AC:15-HP:26  d4+1=2
Friday July 21st, 2006 8:53:15 PM

Selithe looks to the bear and frowns as she pulls the wand Kendry had gave her and smiles as she speaks to Kendry mainly, "Well, time to put this item to some use brother."

Selithe uses a charge to fire a magic missile at the bear, knowing it won't harm her friends where an arrow could.


(OOC:Cayzle, Kim and me doubled up on our CC purchase so if Kim will email the items to you and me then you will see what I bought also. Was just a mithril shirt and payed for half the healing wand.)

The Vine and the Claw (Round 2) DM Cayzle  d20+7=23 [bear save vs entangle]
Saturday July 22nd, 2006 8:35:47 AM

The Heroes!

Kendry mounts quickly, moves to M12, and fires a shot at the bear. Something seems odd to him -- Bella getting trapped in a plant? -- but he quickly fires off an accurate arrow! He sees that the bear is not an albino, or at least that its eyes are not pink. Anyway, the brave halfling's arrow does not penetrate the bear's thick fur as easily as it should have. (OOC: The bear has damage resistance 5, so Kendry's arrow inflicts only 11 hp damage).

Airin casts an Entangle spell (80-foot diameter) on the bear. Kendry and Bella are on the edge, but not within, the Entangle. The bear's save is a 23, so it is not held fast. Still, it will take four squares of movement for the glowing white bear to go even five feet in this writhing undergrowth.

Dwight also thinks it odd that Bella would be trapped by a plant. Like Kendry, he too fires, but his shot is just off the mark.

Podo itches to run right up to the bear in what might well be a suicidal charge, but Airin's Entangle spell saves him from what could have been a doomed attempt to stun the bear. [OOC: I decided not to put Podo into the Entangle. He does not have the movement to go around. Hope that's okay.]

Continuing his efforts to free Bella, Tobias hacks away at the plants, dodging the thorns that drip poison. His progress is slow but sure.

The multi-headed dog moves to a protective position between Bella and the bear.

Selithe fires off a magic missile, hitting it for 2 hp of damage.

The Enemy!

The bear roars in pain! It moves towards Kendry, ripping through the underbrush as it goes. (A double move puts it four squares closer to Kendry. Since it is still in the Entangle, it will have to make another save next round before it can move). If the plants do not hold it back, it may well shred Kendry into bear snacks very shortly!

If Kendry makes a Spot check vs DC15, or if anyone else can make a DC20 Spot check, then Please Highlight to display spoiler: {Could the beast be crying? No, but there are two small tear-shaped gems twinkling at the corners of the bear's eyes!}

Total Damage to Bear: 13
Total Damage to Vine: 3

And the Map!

Kendry (AC 15, hp 23) Inspire courage - affects all party members, allies: +1 attack, +1 damage, +1 saves vs fear, charm)  d20+3=8 d20+8=24 d4+3=7 d20+6=25 d20+11=30
Saturday July 22nd, 2006 5:11:12 PM

Kendry notices nothing out of the ordinary [Spot: 8]. He begins a song to encourage his friends in the battle just begun [Perform: 30]. He urges Cheann to turn away and run past the tree [assuming the squares are 5 feet, he goes from M12 to D13], guiding his dog with his knees [Ride check: 24].

In spite of danger
And fearsome foes
We work together
And overcome...
Slight edit by Cayzle
Oops - thanks, Cayzle. Sometimes I print out posts prior to responding with mine... I edited it further to reflect your email - Kim

Airin (by Kim)  d20+8=27 d20+1=20
Sunday July 23rd, 2006 2:19:20 AM

[Spot: 27] "It's crying out tear-shaped gems!" exclaims Airin on seeing refraction from the light of the setting sun in the corner of the bear's eyes.

"Bear, bear, don't cry," Airin calls out to the bear in the druidic tongue. "Leave us alone, and we'll not harm you. Nor your cub!" she says, taking a guess. "Our wounded lady seeks to heal!" [Wild empathy: 22 (forgot to add in druid level to d20+1 roll above).]

Selithe  d4+1=2
Sunday July 23rd, 2006 9:40:25 PM

Selithe watches the bear and waits a bit to see its reaction to Airin's words to it. If the bear makes a move to continue its attack then Selithe will fire another magic missile from her wand at it. (Damage:2)

If the bear doesn't continue its attack then Selithe will use the wand to try and damage the briar plant since the magic missile is unerroring.

Kim to Justin 
Sunday July 23rd, 2006 10:55:29 PM

Remember to add +1 to your damage rolls (and +1 to attack rolls).

Cayzle OOC 
Monday July 24th, 2006 12:30:10 AM

Gosh Darn It! I forgot the bear's magic resistance 15. Oh well. Next time.

Dwight  d20+6=22 d20+7=26 d4=2 d20+1=16
Monday July 24th, 2006 8:21:55 AM

(Weekend Post)

Hearing Airin's plea and perplexed about the entire situation, Dwight waits a moment to see if the bear slow or withdraws. He also scans Bella's area to see if she is truly in danger. Could this be her pet vine and a summoned bear to test us?

Balance: 22

If the bear slows, stops or retreats, then Dwight just watches. Otherwise Dwight fires his bow again (attack:26, dmg:2)

Spot: 16

Podo  d20+7=21 d4+3=6
Monday July 24th, 2006 9:37:46 AM

Seeing the almost fatal mistake running to the bear would have been, Podo instead reaches into his sack for his Darkwood Quarterstaff. Resting on top, the quartstaff in hand, Podo will move to the vines holding her and use the quarterstaff to destroy the poison dripping vines.

If able, Podo attacks the vines making sure he doesn't hit Bella.

Attack DC: 21 Damage: 6

Tobias [ AC 20 - HP 29/29 - Inspired]  d20+7=15 d20+10=21 d4+3=7 d20+10=18 d20+10=26 d4+2=4 d20+10=15
Monday July 24th, 2006 12:25:24 PM

Tobias continues his valiant stabs at the vines, but is disturbed that they're so hard to damage. He makes a Knowledge Nature check to see if anything is amiss with the plant (15).

First attack: 21
First damage: 7 (-3 hardness) = 4
First save: 18

Second attack: 26
Second damage: 4 (-3 hardness) = 1
Second save: 15

Tewdwr [AC 15 - HP 21/21 - Inspired] 
Monday July 24th, 2006 12:28:49 PM

Tewdwr continues to guard Tobias and Bella from the bear, even though it appears to be heading away from them for the moment. He moves to position L6.

ADM Kim - Posting for July 17 - 23 , 2006 
Monday July 24th, 2006 2:33:31 PM

Dwight MTWTF
Airin MT-TF
Podo MT-TF
Selithe MTWTF
Kendry MTWTF
Tobias MTWTF

The Vine and the Claw (Round 3) DM Cayzle  d20=15 [Airin's spell resistance check] d20+7=19 [bear save vs entangle] d20+2=17 [Selithe resistance check]
Monday July 24th, 2006 11:18:44 PM

The Heroes!

Kendry sings an uplifting song while moving back from the ravening bear. [OOC Rules Note: The Inspire Courage ability specifically boosts "weapon damage rolls" and therefore does not increase magic missile damage. It MIGHT boost damage from such weapon-like spells as Melf's Acid Arrow and Spiritual Weapon.]

Airin's magic affects the bear, and it successfully struggles against the Entangle. It continues to move slowly. Meanwhile, the druid tries to befriend the bear, but she realizes that its nature -- clearly magical, given that glow -- and the intelligence in its eyes preclude any chance that her Wild Empathy might influence it.

Selithe, seeing that the bear continues its advance, hits it with a magic missile.

Dwight has a strange suspicion ... but will he act on it? And how? Anyway, his arrow hits but falls out (no damage due to damage resistance 5).

Podo attacks the vines, hitting them for 3 hp (after the hardness reductions). Podo must make a reflex save (DC12) to avoid getting pricked as the thorns reach out for him. If he fails, he is fatigued (-2 Str, -2 Dex, cannot run). The same save applies each time you attack with a melee weapon that does not have reach. If you atack with hands, no save. Each time you attack, you must save ... fail once = fatigued; twice, exhausted; thrice, helpless.

Tobias also attacks the plant, avoiding the thorns nimbly, and inflicting some damage. He notes that this is a different plant from the large defender of Bella's cottage -- the leaves are different. Etc.

The Enemy

Then the bear steps through the vines and makes a double move right up to Selithe! All he had time to do was make the double move, though, so he cannot attack just yet.

The battered vines still hold Bella tight.

Total Damage to Bear: 15
Total Damage to Vine: 11

And the Map!

Kendry  d20+3=19 d20+8=28 d20+8=19 d4+3=6 d4+3=6 d4+3=4
Tuesday July 25th, 2006 2:01:12 AM

[Spot: 19] Especially now that Airin has pointed it out, Kendry now sees the gems in the bear's eyes - but does not particularly care [does he notice anything else out of the ordinary?].

The creature looms over his own sister! Kendry focuses his will, and fires an arrow into the upper body of the awesome beast. Threat (28), critical vs. AC 19 [yeah! (I hope that crits)] for 16 hp damage, less 5 damage resistance equals 11.
Flank! Defend!
Together friends
Try and get ME
Big white bear!
[OOC: Just a note: Based upon the picture of the tree, the trunk does not take the same amount of space that the graphic on our map does. I don't think that Kendry needs to scoot off to one side to have a clear shot at the bear. If he does, then have him move to F14 or G14. If not, then not. In any case, should the bear respond to Kendry's taunt (and arrows) and charge toward him, Kendry is prepared to step to one side of the tree, or behind it, to evade the charge, if possible.]

Airin (by Kim)  d20+8=23
Tuesday July 25th, 2006 4:26:09 AM

Now that the white bear is out of the entangled vines, how can he be slowed? Airin tosses a tanglefoot bag at the bear [ranged touch attack, AC 23.]

Podo  d20+9=29 d20+8=21 d6+2=6
Tuesday July 25th, 2006 10:33:40 AM

As Podo attacks the vines, the vines reach out for him and twisting quickly to avoid the vines, does so quite nimbly, spinning to safety.

Quickly realizing that there is no safe way to free Bella while the bear looms free and is attacking us, Podo changes his target and runs back to the bear @ position K8.

Upon reaching the bear, and if Podo has the chance to attack, Podo will use his Stunning Fist ability to slow the bear.

Stunning Fist Attack DC: 21, Damage: 6
if hit, the bear must now:
save vs. stunning fist

[Reflex DC: 29 (nat 20)]

Stunning Fist
You must declare that you are using this feat before you make your attack roll (thus, a failed attack roll ruins the attempt). Stunning Fist forces a foe damaged by your unarmed attack to make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + ½ your character level + your Wis modifier), in addition to dealing damage normally. A defender who fails this saving throw is stunned for 1 round (until just before your next action). A stunned creature drops everything held, can't take actions, takes a -2 penalty to AC, and loses his Dexterity bonus to AC.

Tobias [ AC 20 - HP 29/29 - Inspired]  d20+10=14 d4+3=6 d20+10=12 d20+10=18 d4+2=3 d20+10=28
Tuesday July 25th, 2006 12:27:41 PM

Hacking at the vine is hard work, but Tobias continues along -- hoping that he's making some progress.

First attack: 14
First damage: 6 (-3 hardness) = 3
First save: 12 (whoa, barely saved)

Second attack: 18
Second damage: 3 (-3 hardness) = 1
Second save: 28

And, he motions for Tewdwr to join the attack on the bear.

Tewdwr [AC 15 - HP 21/21 - Inspired]  d20+6=16 d20+6=14
Tuesday July 25th, 2006 12:32:23 PM

Tewdwr moves around behind the bear into a flanking position with Selithe. And, both heads attempt to bite the bear.

Kynan attack: 16 (missed)

Dryw attack: 14 (missed)

Dwight  d20+1=21 d20+7=8
Tuesday July 25th, 2006 4:21:11 PM

Disbelieving Bella could have been caught off guard so easily, Dwight tries to convince himself this is an illusion like the hags did.

(No idea what to roll for that: spot: 21--Natural 20!)

Assuming everything still is as it was, Dwight realizes his bow isn't as effective against the bear as he would like. Now free of the entangle, Dwight things fast.

Making a bowling knot with his silk rope, he attempts to toss it toward the bear's head.

Attack: 8 (natural 1---talk about extremes)

Tuesday July 25th, 2006 9:05:35 PM

Selithe frowns at how this battle is going and thinks over her spells she has known since the wand is not helping against the bear and she isn't sure how well her bow will do either.

Thinking Selithe calls out, "I can enlarge someone if you want to take the penalties with the benefits. It will help you do more damage."

Selithe puts her wand up and begins pulling out her comp. shortbow to start using against the bear instead.

0th (5spells): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Light, Message, Prestidigitation

1st (4spells): Mage Armor, Burning Hands(2), Enlarge Person

The Vine and the Claw (Round 4) DM Cayzle  d20+7=10 [goo save] d20+12=13 [stun save]
Wednesday July 26th, 2006 6:02:25 AM

Kendry's luck still holds! Another fine arrow shot hurts the bear indeed! (11 hp)

Airin hits the glowing animal with a bag of goo, which sticks up the bear quite well!

Brave (or foolhardy) Podo runs up and stuns the bear! The party's luck still holds!

Tobias's persistence pays off. The vines retreat under his continued attacks! Bella tumbles out of their thorny grasp.

The two headed dog bites but fails to connect.

Skeptical Dwight remains unconvinced, but there are no illusions that he can sense. His thrown rope falls short.

Selithe gets ready to shoot, but should the party continue to fight now that Bella is free?

In the pause before the storm of claws and teeth, the party seems to have gained a moment in which to make a choice. Stay and fight? Or grab Bella and flee? It seems remarkable to you that you been so lucky, but will fate keep smiling?

Tobias [ AC 20 - HP 29/29 - Inspired]  d20+1=21
Wednesday July 26th, 2006 10:51:49 AM

With the vines destroyed and the bear stunned momentarily, Tobias will try to examine Bella and tend to any wounds that she may have.

Heal: 21 (nat 20)

Tewdwr [AC 15 - HP 21/21 - Inspired]  d20+6=11 d20+6=17 d4+2=5 d4+2=3
Wednesday July 26th, 2006 10:58:21 AM

Tewdwr sees his chance while the bear is stunned and flanked, so he attacks twice more.
[OOC: what's its stunned AC?]

Kynan attack: 11 (probably missed)
Kynan damage: 5
Dywr attack: 17 (probably hit)
Dywr damage: 3

He then moves back towards Tobias.

Podo [AC: 18 / 28 HP] Inspired  d20+1=17 d6=1 d20+1=5 d6=1
Wednesday July 26th, 2006 1:14:36 PM

Seeing the bear is Stunned, it's Flurry of Blows time!

(+4/+4 FoB & +1 for Inspiration = +5/+5)

Attack AC: 21 Damage: 2
Attack AC: 9 Damage: 2

(OOC: Stunned AC is 19; forgot to add the inspired enhancement to the rolls, will add manually as well, I used the wrong modifiers for the flurry of blows, they are supported to be +4/+4, so I will add +3 manually, my mistake.)

Kendry  d20+8=21 d4+3=7 d20+5=21
Wednesday July 26th, 2006 5:06:22 PM

Kendry looses another arrow at the bear. [AC 21, 7 hp damage.] With his knees he guides Cheann over to Bella [Ride: 21], and reaches for a vial of antitoxin to give her.

He continues his song...
Fight for Bella
For each other
Angry bear
Meets our warfare

Dwight  d20+5=24 d20+7=25
Wednesday July 26th, 2006 8:06:53 PM

Grabbing the rope again, Dwight throws it around the bears neck.

rope use: 24
attack: 25

Once secured around the neck, Dwight pulls it letting the bowling knot slip, tighten around its neck. The more it struggles the tighter the one-way knot gets. (OOC: It's designed to tighten, but not loosen. Used for search and rescue.)

Cayzle: Note that since lasso is not a standard weapon, I'll allow its use as a net with range 10 and a -4 improvised weapon penalty. Sound fair? If you really want to use it on an ongoing basis, you might want to visit the Black Genie Center to research it.

Kim: Try 'bowline' - no 'g' at the end.

Selithe-AC:15-HP:26  d20+6=7
Wednesday July 26th, 2006 9:51:27 PM

Selithe sees her friends continuing to fight and sighs, thinking that they should get Bella out but guesses she should back up her friends.

Selithe will move some to try and get a clear shot at the bear without hitting her friends and will even go for a sneak attack if possible.

(Can hit AC:7 *nat:1* great.)

Airin (by Kim)  d20+9=27 d6+2=8 d6=5
Thursday July 27th, 2006 1:09:06 AM

Airin moves to a flanking position within 30' of the beautiful bear as she cocks her crossbow (rapid reload feat). She pulls the trigger, and a bolt slams into the bear's side for 8 + 5 (sneak attack) = 13 hp damage. [Just added +1 from the inspire courage bonus to the standard weapons damage - did not add to sneak attack damage.]

The Vine and the Claw (Round 5) DM Cayzle  d20+13=33 [crit threat vs Podo] d20+13=30 [crit confirmed] d8+8=16 d8+8=9 d6=4 [crit damage] d20+13=33 [second crit threat] d20+13=30 [second crit confirmed] d8+8=15 d8+8=9 d6=1 [crit damage vs goo and rope]
Thursday July 27th, 2006 7:14:19 AM

The Brave Ones

Tobias looks at Bella. It is clear that she is currently too weak to act (helpless). How she will fare a minute after being poisoned remains to be seen (she'll be making a save a minute after first exposure, on round 10). But thanks to this good care, Bella will be making a save and taking the result of the roll or the 21 from the heal check, whichever is higher.

Tewdwr attacks but fails to penetrate the bear's damage reduction. His teeth do no harm to the beast.

Podo attacks, but unless his attacks are magical, they also do the beast no harm. [OOC: I'm asuming that Podo's fists are not magic. PLEASE correct me if I am wrong.]

Kendry hits for 2 damage, then moves to Bella.

Dwight manages to entangle the bear in his rope.

Selithe fires and misses. Had she hit, she would have been flanking with Tewdr.

Airin moves to flank the beast with Podo, then she fires and hits for 8 damage [OOC: assuming that the missile is not magic].

Tewdyr steps back five feet toward Tobias. Selithe is no longer flanking.

The Bear (entangled by goo and rope, thus -2 to hit, -4 to dex)

The bear, no longer stunned, roars! It looks around, as if amazed that the small folk are foolhardy enough to press the attack!

The bear ignores the goo and rope and instead swings its mighty paws at its attackers! With Podo a handy target, it rakes the monk with his paws. It hits vs AC33, a natural 20! It confirms crits to AC30, more than enough to crit Podo. Damage from the first paw attack is 29 in total (including the crit). The massive blow knocks Podo's unconscious body back five feet.

Now lacking any foe in reach, the bear swipes with his paw at the goo and rope that are constricting him. Oh My Gosh! I can't believe it! A second crit! This one ALSO follows up vs ACs 30 and less! How come I can't roll this good when I'm playing my own characters! Damage this time is 25! The goo and rope are slashed away. The bear still suffers entangle penalties until the goo dries, but it can move at half speed until then.

Airin is no longer flanking.

By the way, Airin/Kim, please roll 2d4 to see how long the goo lasts.

Damage taken by bear: 37 (or 46 if Podo's fists are magic)
Bear AC: 16 when entangled

And the Map!

Kendry  d20+8=28 d20+8=23 d4+3=6 d4+3=6 d4+3=4
Thursday July 27th, 2006 9:51:38 AM

Seeing what the bear is capable of as Podo goes flying, Kendry realizes that this bear must go down. [Man! 3rd nat 20. Crit vs AC 23. Good morning] Kendry shoots another arrow, and hits solidly, for 16 hp damage. [If there is time in this round for him to do so, he hands the vial of antitoxin to Tobias to give to Bella. If she takes it, it grants a +5 alchemical bonus to save versus poison.]

His song goes on.

Airin (Kim)  2d4(3+4)=7 d20+8=26 d8+2=10 d6=1
Thursday July 27th, 2006 11:14:14 AM

[2d4=7 rounds for goo]. Airin shoots another bolt for 11 hp damage, then she moves back about 10 feet.

Podo [AC: ?-1/ 28 HP] Inspired  d20+9=25 d100=69
Thursday July 27th, 2006 12:08:31 PM

Podo seeing the Bear recover from the stunning fist and attacking, Podo uses his Evasion ability to avoid the attacker. [Reflex Save: 25+1 for inspiration = 26; if I make it I take no damage. That is if a reflex save is allowed.]

Effects of stabilization
(each round at 10%)
Roll = 69

(OOC: Yes, Cayzle, Podo's fists are Magic, Ki Focus (magic)@level 4]

[OOC from Cayzle: Sorry, you cannot evade a melee attack. Podo is unconscious (and by my count, at -1 hp ... roll for stabilization each round at 10%) Usually you can only evade area attacks like fireballs and burning hands and some traps. Thanks for the word on magic hands. I thought they were.]

Tobias [ AC 20 - HP 29/29 - Inspired]  d20+13=29 d4+3=5
Thursday July 27th, 2006 1:23:05 PM

If Kendry can hand Tobias the anti-toxin, then Tobias will feed it to Bella. Then, he prepares to attack the bear -- trying to get a sense of how injured it appears to be.

If he cannot get the anti-toxin, he'll leave Bella's side and attack the bear with his +1 short sword, getting back into a flank position with Airin.

Attack: 29
Damage: 5

Either way, he signals Tewdwr back away from the bear, since he doesn't appear to be able to do much against it.

Dwight  d4=4 d20+7=18
Thursday July 27th, 2006 3:14:07 PM

Dropping what remains of his rope, Dwight concentrates on the bear forcing his energy towards it. (Magic Missile 4+1(lvl)+1(inspired?)=6 dmg)

balance: 18 (still in the tree)

Selithe  d20+6=20 d6+1=4
Thursday July 27th, 2006 9:15:07 PM

Selithe doesn't like this considering the power of the bear but the group is committed to attacking so she takes aim and fires another arrow at the bear, hoping to actually hit it this time.

(Can hit AC:20 Damage:4)

The Vine and the Claw (Round 6) DM Cayzle  d20+2=6 [spell resist check for Dwight] d20+13=28 [bear att on Airin] d8+8=9 d6=1 [damage] d20+13=32 [second att] d8+8=14 d6=4 [damage] d20+19=28 [free grapple check] d8+8=13 d6=6 [grapple damage]
Friday July 28th, 2006 7:30:18 AM

[OOC: IMPORTANT! Anyone who makes the DM look up their AC and hit points takes a -5 Annoyed DM penalty to AC. Starting next round. So put those stats in your post header!]

The Heros

Kendry's amazing luck holds, and he criticals again! After damage reduction, that's 11 more points of damage to the beast. Then Kendry does a quick hand-off of his antitoxin.

Podo, now unconscious from the massive wound he suffered, lies still and silent. He seems to have stabilized?

Tobias trickles the antivenom into Bella's mouth. His guess is that the bear has sustained serious wounds, but is a little less alive than dead.

Dwight had to leave the tree to get close enough to use his rope. His magic missile does not benefit from the Inspire Courage (which affects only "weapon damage rolls"). Moreover, the Bear has spell resistance 15, so there is a chance it will ignore the magic missile ... DM rolls a natural 4 for the check, which therefore indicates that the magic missile does no damage.

Airin, no longer sneak attacking, inflicts 10 damage, of which 5 penetrates the damage reduction.

Selithe seems to be the only one on the map who sees the party's grave danger! Even unconscious Podo dreams of somehow evading the claws and pressing the attack! But her attack, although a hit, fails to penetrate the bear's 5 points of damage reduction, and thus is harmless.

The Bear

The Bear is stil entangled (-4 Dex, -2 to attack, move at half speed), but that makes no nevermind to its incredible damage-wreaking capabilities!

The bear takes a five foot step and swings a mighty paw at Airin. [My records show AC17 and 35 hp for Airin.] His first attack connects for 10 damage. His second paw hits for 18 more. Moreover, with this second attack, the bear tries to sweep the rogue druid into a great bear hug as a free action! The bear's grapple check of 28 overwhelms Airin's sad low-teens Grapple DC, so she is grappled and takes grapple damage! That's another 19 points of damage, for a total this round of 47 points of damage! Airin, at -12 hit points, unless the DM is missing something, seems to be a lifeless corpse in the bear's hug!

On the plus side, so to speak, until he drops the body, the bear is still considered grappled, and thus loses his dex bonuses to third parties. Of course, firing missiles into a grapple lands a chance of hitting poor Airin's mortal remains.

Damage taken by bear: 62
Bear AC: 16 when entangled

And the Map!

Dwight (Hp 29, AC 16)  d4+1=5 d20+6=21
Friday July 28th, 2006 9:13:43 AM

(Ah crap!!! Airin! Out of the tree? Yikes!)

"Send in the dogs!," Dwght shouts panic setting in.

Finding himself face to face with the bear Dwight takes a 5 ft step back to H9. Concentrating as much as possible, he cast another Magic Missile at the bear (dmg 5)

If the bear follows Dwight, then Dwight skips the Magic Missile and continues to move away, tumbling if necessary..(tumble 21)

Podo Dandefluff Pipewood [AC: 18 / -2 HP Inspired]  d100=13
Friday July 28th, 2006 12:34:19 PM

...Wow, so this is what the unconcious is like, eh?...I wonder if I can speak with Domi or Alemi while I lay here waiting for the next bear swipe?...Domi?...Alemi?...Anyone?...Okay then, guess I'll just try to stabilize myself...I think I onlt have a minute or so before I bleed to death...what was that saying I always heard but thought was way cool?...Oh yeah...Pain heals, Chicks dig scars... Glory lasts for ever...I'll have to see what the bear left me when I awake next...Yeah, that's me...Bear Stunner...Podo "Bear Stunner" Danderfluff Pipewood...WhoRah!...

Chance to stabilize
roll = 13%

Tobias [AC 20 - HP 29/29 - Inspired]  d8+1=9
Friday July 28th, 2006 12:49:57 PM

Does the anti-toxin have any effect on Bella?

Seeing how badly things have turned for the group, Tobias yells, "Everyone get away from that thing."

He then moves to Podo (J6), gets a potion of cure light wounds from his belt pouch, and tries to administer it to Podo (heals for 9 hp). Hoping to get him mobile enough to move out of here.

Tewdwr moves to J5 staying close to Tobias.

Friday July 28th, 2006 10:04:19 PM

Selithe frowns and yells to her friends, "Grab Bella and Podo and get out of there now. We can't fight this thing guys or we'll be burying half to all the group."

Selithe frowns not wanting to leave Airin but a idea comes to mind as she tries to stay out of the bears movement area she looks to see how much grass, leaves, etc might be in the area that would cause a nice fire.

(Cayzle, if there is enough to do so then Selithe is going to try to use her burning hands to try and make a fire to maybe scare the bear back or off. I figure if it's as damaged as you said then it might decide to run and if it is even close to a normal bear a fire might frighten it.)

Cayzle OOC 
Saturday July 29th, 2006 1:03:22 AM

Dear Friends,

Kim points out that Airin had moved back 10 feet. Somehow I had missed that -- My Bad!

Since Airin was not as close as I thought she was, odds are it would have been Selithe or Dwight who bore the brunt of the bear's attack.

But that's water under the bridge. Since it was my mistake, let's do this ... at the end of Round 6: Airin is down 10 hp (the first attack). She is located at 14J, the place to which she had backed up. She is not grappled. The bear is at 12-13-j-k.

That should work, hey?

Airin (by Kim) (AC 17/ HP 35-10=25)  d20+8=21 2d4(1+2)=3 d20+9=28
Saturday July 29th, 2006 1:44:57 AM

[Kim OOC: Thanks, Cayzle]

"Ouch!" Airin decides that gumming up this bear will give them their best chance to best it. She tosses a second tanglefoot bag (kept at her waist) at it (ranged touch attack hits AC 21 - will last for 3 rounds). She tumbles (28) away to H14. "Help!" she cries as she quick reloads her crossbow, aiming it at the bear, and about to squeeze the trigger (next round).

Kendry (AC 15/HP 23) (Inspired Courage: +1 attack, +1 damage, +1 save vs fear, charm)  d20+8=24 2d4(1+1)=2
Saturday July 29th, 2006 2:11:27 AM

Kendry tosses a tanglefoot bag at the backside of the bear [ranged touch attack 24-2=22 (or 24-4=20?) for range increment, will last 2 rounds].

Kendry stops his singing (but the inspired courage still lasts for the next four rounds, with +1 attack, +1 damage, etc.), and says, "Step away, out of its reach, use magic missiles, your strongest weapons, more tanglefoot bags. It is almost down. We flee, it chases. Let's take him down - but, if we can knock it unconscious, and tie him up well, let's do that. We bring Bella around, and see what she says."

He shouts out again, "Back away, Selithe, Dwight. Try the wand more, sis!"

As he talks he takes out another thing to throw.

The Vine and the Claw (Round 7) DM Cayzle  d20+7=18 d20+7=18 [2 tanglefoot saves] d20+13=29 d20+13=32 [2 paws swipe at Airin] d8+8=14 d8+8=9 d6=1 d6=2 [damage to Airin]
Saturday July 29th, 2006 8:41:50 PM

The Brave and the Foolish

Dwight -- not knowing if the bear will follow him or not, backs off tumbling to E10. [OOC: DM used some discretion in interpreting orders.]

Tobias thinks the antivenom will be a big help to Bella when the secondary effects of the poison kick in (one minute after initial exposure). He moves to Podo.

Podo, though unconscious, finds that he has stabilized at -1. Tobias's 9 hp of healing bring Podo back to consciousness. He stands up. [DM used a little discretion here too in making Podo stand.]

Selithe "tries to stay out of the bears movement area." [Using even more DM discretion ...] therefore she uses the Withdraw action to back away. As she goes, she thinks about the old Burning-Hands-Vs-Underbrush trick -- which might work against a normal bear, but this one, with the white fur and the glow, probably not so much.

Airin tumbles to H14. As she does so, she draws a tanglefoot bag (you can draw a weapon as a free action when combined with a move). She tosses it at the bear. The bear makes its save and is not stuck to the ground. It remains entangled (multiple entangles do not stack).

Kendry also tosses a tanglefoot bag. Once again, the bear saves. Kendry urges his friends to fight. "It is almost down," he says, with the hope that saying it will make it true. Unfortunately, it is clearly NOT almost down, even to a casual glance. Battered? Pierced? Gummed up? Sure. But not even close to down. Especially not with with rounds like this one, in which no damage is inflicted on the beast!

Kendry also draws a weapon (please specify next time).

The Bear

Gooey and wounded, the bear rises on its hind feet to its ten-foot height and roars!

It seems somehow satisfied, or smug, to see these small pesky folk backing away and leaving. But a few still attack! One is just ten feet away. The bear takes a five foot step toward Airin, then swipes with its paws.

The attacks on Airin hit AC 29 and 32. Those are both hits. Airin takes 26, and is knocked unconscious at -1 hp.

Damage taken by bear: 62
Bear AC: 16 when entangled

And the Map!

Kendry (AC 15/HP 23) (Inspired Courage: +1 attack, +1 damage, +1 save vs fear, charm)  d20+2=22 d20-2=15 d6=5 d6=5 2d4(3+4)=7
Sunday July 30th, 2006 3:17:21 AM

Kendry moves forward 5 feet and tosses two things this time. With his right hand he throws a flask of alchemist's fire (ranged touch attack - nat 20, hit AC 20 (don't think you can crit with this - go ahead and roll, Cayzle, if you rule he can) for 5 hp alchemical fire damage (followed by 5 more hp next round). His left hand tosses another tanglefoot bag (ranged touch attack AC 13 - might hit, as touch attack AC is weaker (generally) than normal AC: will last for 7 rounds).

"Tobias & Podo, take Bella away. If the bear charges me, Selithe - use Gra to help carry off Airin while the bear is distracted."

"Heya - Hai - Heya - Hai!" Kendry calls out a challenge to the bear. He is ready to urge Cheann to run [westward?] if the bear comes after him - though he's always been told that running from a bear is not the smartest thing to do. Depending on what the bear looks to do, he either will prepare bow or bastard sword.


[We're not being as effective as we might be, friends. Half-hearted, hesitant waffling loses opportunities. How do we flee if our friends are down? First Bella, then Podo, now Airin. If we all were to surround it, flanking, biting, using heavy-duty weapons like bastard swords that deal more damage (especially wielded two-handed), we could take it down.

On the other hand (I waffle) I figured that a successful tanglefoot attack would give us the best chance of escaping. With Airin, she threw the tf bag and I moved her as far as I could last round. The brush prevented her from moving farther away in a downward direction on the map, so she could only get 10 feet away from the bear (unless she moved back in the direction from which the bear came - which did not seem wise) - to an area in which he needed only a 5 foot step to allow for a full round of attacks.

No way Kendry is leaving Airin unconscious on the ground.]

Podo "Bear Stunner" D. Pipewood [AC: 18 / 8 of 28 HP] (Inspired Courage: +1 attack, +1 damage, +1 save vs fear, charm)  d20+9=19 d6+3=5 d20+4=24 d20+9=27
Sunday July 30th, 2006 8:45:04 PM

Listening to his cousins suggestions, he speaks with Tobias and then Bella to see if fleeing is a wise decision considering the enemy is a big angry white BEAR and bears are know to give chase.

If the decision is to stay and fight, then Podo will charge into the Standing bear and deliver another stunning fist attack.

Standard MV rate = 30'

Stunning Fist Attack DC:19
Stunning Fist Damage: 5
Fortitude saving throw is DC15 for Bear

If, Tobias and Bella choses to flee, and wishes Podo to join them, Podo will do his best to help.

If Tobias & Bella choses to flee, but suggest Podo stay behind, Podo will run and jump into the tree to get a better position on the bear.
Once in the tree, Podo will look to see the best way to take advantage on his new height.

Jump DC: 24 (nat 20)
Spot DC: 27

Airin (by Kim) (hp 35-36=-1, ...-2)  d100=19
Monday July 31st, 2006 1:06:17 PM

Airin feels the force of the second blow from the bear, and it almost knocks the wind out of her, and a little 'eep' comes out of her mouth. Before she has a chance to dodge or recover, the other paw catches her from the other side, and the raven-haired druid falls crumpled to the ground.

[Stabilize check: 19% - failed (need 10% or lower)]

Tobias [AC 20 - HP 29/29 - Inspired]  d20+9=22
Monday July 31st, 2006 3:47:09 PM

Tobias will try to place Bella on the nearest pony, tie her down to the saddle, and send the pony off in the direction of home. He ends up at L5 as part of this, and Tewdwr move to L4.

Tobias stays behind to see what the bear and the party do next. He looks more closely at the bear to see if there are even more strange things about it. (Knowledge Nature: 22) Just how unnatural is this bear?

ADM Kim - Posting for July 24-30, 2006 
Monday July 31st, 2006 4:21:41 PM

Crescent Valley Posting:
DM Cayzle: MTWTF
Dwight: MTWTF
Airin (Kim): MTW-F
Selithe: MTWT-
Kendry: MTWTF
Tobias: MTWTF

Monday July 31st, 2006 4:24:24 PM

Selithe will do her best to stay out of the bears attack range or anything and keeps Gra close also, calling out to her dog, "Gra, stay close, we go to help Airin if possible girl."

(Question:Will an enlarge person spell work on an animal?)

Pedro [OOC] 
Monday July 31st, 2006 5:53:07 PM

The target for Enlarge Person is one humanoid creature.

Dwight (HP  d4+1=4
Monday July 31st, 2006 9:36:27 PM

Letting off another magic missile, (dmg 4), Dwight realizes that without a mount he is very unlikely to be able to outrun the bear.

He takes another 5 steps away(E9) and considers the health of the bear.

(OOC: Can we be told how the bear looks. He has taken 62+ damage, but does he look mad and about to die, mad and barely wounded, or just ticked off? Knowing how much damage it has taken only helps if I knew how many hit points it had. In the last section, you mentioned wounded...does that mean about 60% okay?)

The Vine and the Claw (Round 8) DM Cayzle  d100=57 [Bella stays on pony] d20=15 [Kendry crit follow up] d20+9=11 [Bear save to put out fire] d20=12 [Spell resist roll for Dwight]
Tuesday August 1st, 2006 7:23:44 AM

The Heros

Kendry taunts the bear and tries to draw it away from Airin. He uses missile attacks on the beast.

[OOC: DM Rules Interpretation. Per the PHB p160, throwing weapons with two hands uses the same rules as attacking with two hands. And Kendry does not have two-weapon fighting, so throwing a tanglefoot bag and a flask of acid starts at -6/-10 (The off hand weapon is not light. Granted, the rules don't say whether a thrown tanglefoot bag or flask is a light weapon, but I rule that they are not. I would say that a thunderstone is light.]

[Also note that the bear is 30 feet from Kendry. That's a -4 to hit due to distance. So Kendry is at -10/-14 on his attacks. Since Kendry's normal to hit is +8 (from Kim's post in Round 7), now he is at -2/-6.]

His roll of a 20 hits, and the follow up for a critical (rolled by the DM) does not crit. The bear takes full damage because damage reduction does not stop energy damage, and the bear is not fire-resistant. The touch attack hits AC11 -- not enough to entangle the bear. (The tanglefoot bag seemed to hit some invisible force or armor or shield and bounce off.)

Podo uses the Delay option to wait and see what Tobias and Bella do. [DM Interpretation: Podo will follow Tobias's lead.]

Airin is unconscious, but finds that she has stabilized.

Tobias finds that Bella is practically helpless. She moans and manages to stay on the pony, which wanders off away fromt he bear. Tobias takes a close look at the bear: it is clearly unnatural. It's glowing white fur is spotlessly clean and beautiful and without physical imperfection. It's eyes glow like no normal bear's. AND it has damage reduction and immunity to nonmagic weapons! That right there tells you that this is a magical creature. Not to mention the two crystal tears it wears at the corners of its eyes.

Since Tobias is clearly NOT urging the party to fight, Podo will try to gain a strategic advantage by climbing the tree. He ends the turn 10 feet off the ground.

Selithe wants to go to Airin but, wisely, also to stay out of the bear's reach. [DM Interpretation:] She positions herself (move action) and uses the ready action -- if the bear moves away from Airin, then Selithe is ready to move up to the fallen rogue/druid.

Dwight fires off a magic missile. it fails to penetrate the beast's resistance.

The Bear

The beast roars with rage and pain! It drops and rolls in an effort to put out the fire burning its beautiful coat. But the flaming alchemical goo defeats the bear's efforts and it keeps on burning.

Selithe sees this as her chance! She moves over to Airin.

The Bear is still entangled (-4 Dex, -2 to attack, move at half speed). He is also prone and on fire.

Damage taken by bear: 67
Bear AC: 16 when entangled, 12 prone vs weapons, 20 prone vs missiles.

And the Map!

Kendry (AC 15/HP 23) (Inspired Courage: +1 attack, +1 damage, +1 save vs fear, charm)  d20+6=21 d6=3 d6=6
Tuesday August 1st, 2006 9:57:33 AM

Kendry moves to... (waiting for map). He throws another flask of alchemist's fire at the bear, for 3 hp fire damage this round, and 6 the next round. "Fire, friends, attack or flee. Selithe, Airin has a potion of curing in her belt pouch. Move her away."

Tobias [AC 20 - HP 29/29 - Inspired]  d20+11=26 d4+3=6
Tuesday August 1st, 2006 11:59:21 AM

Now that Bella is off on the pony, Tobias can concentrate on the bear. With the bear on the ground, he moves in drawing both short swords.

He takes his attack this round with his +1 short sword.
Attack: 26
Damage: 6

[OOC: I bought a second +1 short sword at the catacombs. Did I get that before leaving Angel Springs?]

Tobias [AC 20 - HP 29/29 - Inspired]  d20+11=17 d4+3=7
Tuesday August 1st, 2006 12:47:04 PM

Oh, and standing from prone provides an attack of opportunity. If the bear tries to stand up on its turn, Tobias will take his attack of opportunity with his +1 short sword.

AOO Attack: 17
AOO Damage: 7

Tuesday August 1st, 2006 2:47:11 PM

Selithe moves in quickly with Gra and will pull Airin up onto Gra's saddle. When she has Airin on Gra's back she speaks to Gra, "Go Gra, get Airin alittle ways from the fight and I'll get her healed."

Selithe looks to Kendry, "I'll get her healed once she is more to safty brother, just keep up your distracting."

Dwight (hp 29/ac 16)  d4+1=3 d20+5=21 d20+8=16 d3=1 d6=1
Tuesday August 1st, 2006 6:20:01 PM

[OOC: Why didn't Dwight's magic missile last round do any damage? I didn't see a magic resistance roll. I didn't think spells dealt with damage resistance.]

If Dwight's spell did no damage because of magic resistance, then Dwight casts his last magic missile at the bear (hoping to bypass the magic resistance. dmg: 3)

If Dwight's spell did no damage for another reason, does Dwight know why? (spellcraft: 21) Realizing Dwight can't damage it with his spells he tries his bow again. (att: 16, dmg: 2+1 (arrow and flanking since Bear is prone and inspired)) [This should be a hit since Dwight has Precise Shot, but fails to do damage. Am I understanding this correctly?]

[Cayzle OOC: I DID roll for it ("d20=12") but I forgot to label the roll. I have done so now (above). The Bear has spell resistance 15, Dwight is a first level sorcerer, so that 12 is a 13. But that did not beat the 15. NOTE: I am happy to have you guys roll your own spell penetration rolls to beat the 15.]

Airin (HP -1? -2?) 
Tuesday August 1st, 2006 7:32:38 PM

Airin lies on Gra's furry back as Selithe takes her away.

Podo "Bear Stunner" D. Pipewood [AC: 18 / 8 of 28 HP] (Inspired Courage: +1 attack, +1 damage, +1 save vs fear, charm) 
Wednesday August 2nd, 2006 1:56:23 AM

Since Podo used a Delay action last round, I will rehash what I stated before:

Listening to his cousins suggestions, he speaks with Tobias and then Bella to see if fleeing is a wise decision considering the enemy is a big angry white BEAR and bears are know to give chase.

If the decision is to stay and fight, then Podo will charge into the Standing bear and deliver another stunning fist attack.

Standard MV rate = 30'

Stunning Fist Attack DC:19
Stunning Fist Damage: 5
Fortitude saving throw is DC15 for Bear

If, Tobias and Bella choses to flee, and wishes Podo to join them, Podo will do his best to help.

If Tobias & Bella choses to flee, but suggest Podo stay behind, Podo will run and jump into the tree to get a better position on the bear.
Once in the tree, Podo will look to see the best way to take advantage on his new height.

Jump DC: 24 (nat 20)
Spot DC: 27

[Cayzle OOC: Huh? My friend, please read the entire DM post. Podo only delayed for a brief time, then, seeing that Tobias was not fighting, he chose to ascend the tree.]

The Vine and the Claw (Round 9) DM Cayzle  d20+14=33 [fort save vs stun] d20+9=24 [att Podo] d8+8=15 d6=5 [dam Podo] d20+9=14 d20+4=23 [att Tobias] 2d6(6+1)+4=11 [dam Tobias]
Wednesday August 2nd, 2006 7:04:29 AM

The Heroes

Kendry moves up (pick a square that is not adjacent to the bear) and hurls an alchemical flask at the bear. It hits! That's 5 from last round and 3 from this, for a total of 8 damage this round!

Tobias moves up to engage the bear with his new short swords (all deliveries were made before you set out). He connects for 6!

Selithe puts Airin on her mount and sends her to safety. Airin is stable, so no fear of death. Does Selithe stay behind or leave with Airin? (pick a square!)

Dwight fires into the melee, but his arrow fails to penetrate the prone beast's hide.

Podo descends from his tree and moves to attack. He punches the bear for 5 more and tries to stun it, but it makes its save.

The Burning Bear

Prone, burning, and hit hard by two attacks, the bear roars in rage! In fact, you see genuine anger in the beast's eyes for the first time! The sound of the roar makes all previous growls seem like fake foolery, but this snarl is the real thing!

Choosing to fight while prone (and taking an additional -4 to hit), the bear lashes out at his attackers. He swipes at Podo, hitting AC 24 for 20. Podo goes down hard, and at -12, Podo is so much bear meat!

Then the bear swipes at Tobias! It hits AC14, and the harsh claws slice only thin air. The maddened bear snaps its mighty jaws in rage at Tobias! This attack hits AC23, and the bear's mighty teeth close on Tobias's chest! Tobias takes 11 points of damage, and it hurts! Tobias feels several ribs crack, and blood colors his body in bright crimson! Tobias, please keep track of this damage seperately! It is Lethal Damage!

The Bear is still entangled (-4 Dex, -2 to attack, move at half speed). He is also prone (-4 to hit) and on fire.

Damage taken by bear: 86
Bear AC: 16 when entangled, 12 prone vs weapons, 20 prone vs missiles.

And the Map! Map Note: Podo's icon should be black because he is down. Sorry!

Dwight (hp29,ac16)  d20+8=22 d3=3 d6=4
Wednesday August 2nd, 2006 8:07:46 AM

Watching Podo fall, he wishes he could do more, but the blow appears fatal as even Podo should not be able to fold himself into such an awkward position.

Dwight lets loose another arrow as soon as possible. (att: 22, dmg 8)

Podo "Bear Stunner" D. Pipewood [AC: 18 / ? of 28 HP -- Inspired] 
Wednesday August 2nd, 2006 9:57:29 AM

...At last, I have achieved greater glory to have perished in the heat and glories of battle...Oh Domi, Oh Alemi...it was glorious!...Podo looks down on his friends from about the height of the tree and watches the rest of the battle...

Kendry  d20+8=24 d6=5 d6=3
Wednesday August 2nd, 2006 10:29:02 AM

Kendry throws one more firey flask at the bear (aiming for K12, if possible, so as to avoid splashing Tobias and Podo - if not possible to specify, then each takes 1 hp splash damage from the alchemist's fire), it burns the furious bear for 5 more hp this round (and 3 more next). Also, the bear takes 6 hp this round from the flask thrown last round, for 11 hp total fire damage this round.

Kendry notices his cousin and friend fall before him. Sorrow and anger rise up in his heart. Kendry steps back to H8, meaning to finish off the bear if he can.

Tobias [AC 20 - HP 18/29 - Inspired - Lethal damage 11]  d20+9=28 d4+3=7 d20+9=29 d4+3=7 d20+9=13 d4+2=5
Wednesday August 2nd, 2006 10:51:42 AM

Tobias howls in pain from the giant bear's bite. He's sure that either he or the bear will not make it through these next attacks. But, enraged at the sight of his friends' crumpled bodies, Tobias unleashes two more attacks on the bear (both with +1 short swords).

First attack: 28 (nat 19 - crit threat)
First damage: 7
Crit roll: 29 (nat 20)
Crit damage: 7
Second attack: 13 (hits - barely)
Second damage: 5
Total damage: 19 hp

With his attacks complete, Tobias stumbles back 5 ft (to K9).

And Tewdwr, seeing his new friend bitten by the bear, moves into position next to Tobias (to K8).

Airin (by Kim) (hp -2) 
Wednesday August 2nd, 2006 3:47:14 PM

Airin remains blacked out, draped over Gra's back.

[Selithe - there is a potion of cure light wounds in one of Airin's belt pouches.]

Wednesday August 2nd, 2006 9:24:41 PM

Selithe frowns and seeing how much damage the bear can do is afraid to step in and try to grab Podo inless the bears attack knocked Podo back alittle from the bear into a more safe distance? In this case Selithe will try to grab Podo and pull him out also.

If Selithe can't get Podo without risking death then she will start retreating to Airin and Gra, calling to everyone, "This is bad people, retreat or mark this as our graves. I personally do not plan to stand infront of Gargul and tell him we died fighting a impossible fight. Better to run and fight another day and look at the injuries we're taking, retreat now all of you."

(OOC: Cayzle, I planned to had Selithe retreat alittle ways after getting Airin on Gra's back. Sorry for not noting a spot. I will start downloading the maps because my computer when clicking on the link closes the wold and loads the map which causes my post to go bye bye on me.)

[Cayzle OOC: Often if you right click you might have the option to open the map in a new window or to download it to disk. Just a thought.]

The Vine and the Claw (Round 10 and last) DM Cayzle  d8+7=10 [temp hp that the bear has by virtue of magic. Didn't roll before now because I did not think it would ever matter.]
Thursday August 3rd, 2006 5:58:05 AM

The Heroes

Dwight fires at the bear and hits for 8, but only 3 hp damage gets through the bear's damage reduction. [OOC: Why oh why is Dwight doing 1d3+1d6 damage? Is that flanking/sneak attack damage? But there is no one on the other side of the bear ... thus no flanking ... so why the extra 1d6?]

Kendry, having discovered that fire is the bear's weakness, presses his attack! He throws more alchemical fire. The burning bear takes 11 hp damage this round.

Brave, reckless, foolhardy Tobias, knowing that another attack from the bear will see him joining his friend Podo in the depths of a very very long sleep, nonetheless chooses not to run, but to fight! But fickle fate, or maybe Domi, smiles on his courage. He lashes out with two magic short swords, which cut through the bear's damage resistance like butter. Slicing the bear's matted fur and cutting deep, the swords inflict 19 hp damage!

Selithe, showing that she is the only party member with any common sense, backs off with Airin.

The Burning Bleeding Bear

Prior to this round, the party had inflicted 86 hp damage to the strange glowing otherworldly bear. Now add in 3 from Dwight, 11 from Kendry, and 19 from Tobias! That's 33 more, for a total of 119!

The bear has 103 hit points naturally, and magical temporary hit points as well. Those total 10, for a grand total of 113 hp!

The bear falls unconscious!

There is a stillness for a moment, and the only sound is the crackle of the bear's still-burning fur.

Then a voice breaks the quietude. It has been ten rounds since Bella's poisoning, and she is now back to life and peppy as ever.

"My Heroes! My brave, crazy, amazing heroes! Thank you! You have proven yourself worthy, loyal, and brave to a fault. Seriously, to a fault!" She grins widely.

She goes up to the bear, lays a hand on it, and speaks. It disappears. "Well, we're rid of that mess!" she says.

Then she goes to Podo, then Airin. She lays her open palms on each, and you see bruises appear on her body. Both Podo and Airin open their eyes and get up!

Bella also starts casting more cure spells. She is especially amazed at Tobias's bite, but soon he is bitten no more. "There, you're right as rain!" says Bella, "And what could be more right than some cleaning rain to wash all this away. Lem grant us a sprinkle soon."


Congrats on a great (if mad) fight, my friends! Dwight, please add another 200 xp to your sheet for being clever. Selithe, you get a bonus 300 for being sensible. Kendry, Podo, and Tobias, please add a hero point to your sheets (and the concomittant 30xlevel=120 xp as well.) By the way, you feel that this experience has taught you all something. That's DM-talk for Congrats! You've leveled! :-)

Kendry  d8+1=3
Thursday August 3rd, 2006 11:27:40 AM

[Who had been planning this if ever the bear went down]. As soon as the bear loses consciousness, Kendry dashes forward to remove, if possible, the two shiny gems or crystals next to the bear's eyes. He posits that these may have helped the bear somehow, and perhaps they can help their own animals.

Then he takes out his new wand of cure light wounds, and touches Podo for 3 hp of healing as he says, "I've got rope on the ponies..." Intending to suggest that they tie the bear. But Bella then comes back... and the bard's jaw drops!

He hugs Podo, and Airin - with a lingering embrace. He gathers all together.

Thursday August 3rd, 2006 12:32:34 PM

Selithe frowns at all this, even more so when Bella does what she does, "This was a test? What kind of..."

Selithe shakes her head and moves to Kendry who she has seen as the leader of the group and grabs his arm, "An' you! Why didn't you tell us to run at the one point? We could've had Bella and everyone to safety... we could've really lost lives here."

Selithe is upset clearly, she doesn't like that the group almost lost Airin, could've lost Podo and could've even lost Tobias. Selithe crosses her arms and looks to the group, "We really have to work on this. If such a fight happens again we could all die if we don't play it smart. I gamble with money and my life maybe but this one was bad people. The fact that it was a test or something and no one really died or anything don't matter, it's the fact that if it was 'REAL' look what costs we would've paid."

Selithe moves over to Gra and pets him and checks him out, trying to calm down from. She has the effects of the combat, the possible loss of friends and such running through her system and the moment to explain her outburst and maybe a little she was right on her side.

(OOC: I hope this post is not taken personal by anyone. Selithe doesn't want to see anyone of the group die since you're all family and friends. I hope you all will read it as that.)

Bella (Extra DM Post by Cayzle) 
Thursday August 3rd, 2006 1:55:05 PM

Bella smiles at Kendry and tells him to be patient. "Your reward will come soon enough, my foolhardy." She holds out her hand. "But those are not for you. Hand them over, please." She clearly expects him to relinquish the crystal tears without hesitation.

She also says, "No need to use up your wand." In fact, she has already pretty much cured everybody in the minute or so since the battle ended. She is certainly a very effective healer.

Thursday August 3rd, 2006 2:09:10 PM

Even as he backs up, Tobias sees the bear drop in slow motion. He relaxes, takes a deep breath, and instantly feels the sharp pain from the bear bite he's just taken.

Tobias is even more amazed than Bella (and anyone else) that his final blows took the bear down. He was sure that either he or the bear would die... but was not at all convinced that it wouldn't be him...

He listens to Selithe's concerned speech and can only respond, "There are fates worse than dying in battle to save your family and friends."

And, as Bella tends to his wounds, Tobias asks if this little test was something she set up.

Thursday August 3rd, 2006 8:57:58 PM

Dwight shows a mix of emotions: relief as the bear dies, terror as he realizes two of his friends are dead, anger as Bella announces this was test, relief as his friends rise again.

In the end Dwight still has a tint of anger to his voice when he finally manages to speak coherently. "We have passed your test, now I believe you owe us an explanation."

"Why the test?"

"What did it prove to you that you doubted?"

"What is it preparing us for?"

While his anger is not difficult to see by any, it is not fully directed at anyone. Bella gets a fair share, but Dwight is also a big angry at himself for knowing something was amiss but not being able to figure out what.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood  d20+9=26
Thursday August 3rd, 2006 9:50:43 PM

...looking down on his friends from about the height of the tree, watching the rest of the battle between his friends and the White Bear. Suddenly, the world about him swirls, a great pulling is felt....as if being sucked back i...n...t..o.....<MAPOP!>...

Podo opens his eyes, blinks once or twice and stands up. Looking about him, he sees a spry Bella and it appears [SPOT DC: 26] that his wounds have transposed onto Bella!

Quickly, soon after Podo rises from his dirt nap, Podo finds himself being hugged tightly by his cousin Kendry! "Whoa, big fella! Hold on a bit there. I'm happy to be hugged by ya', but I need to breathe too!" Podo tells Kendry.

Smiling, Podo thanks Bella and then walks over to each an everyone in his group for a hug and a hearty handshake, "Great job there... nice battle moves... Tobias... I suggest next time using a Bastard sword... more damage you see. Nice blow there Tobias... you big warrior Ranger!" laughs Podo towards all his friend. "Good to be alive!"


"A test you say Selithe? No guts, no glory - and you can't out run a bear! I think you missed the point Selithe. Everyone breathes, but not everyone truly lives! To lay one's life down for his brothers or sisters, is the ultimate act of love for one's brothers and sisters. If Bella is really behind this test then I say Bravo! We all now know which ones in the group are willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for one's brothers and sisters. Bravo I say... Three cheers for bravado!!" pontificates Podo to his friends.

Friday August 4th, 2006 2:18:47 AM

Kendry is not one to dilly-dally, waiting for someone else maybe to get around to doing something. He did use the one charge from the wand on Podo, but, after Bella indicated she could take care of the rest, he willingly acquiesced.

Bella and the crystal tears:

Kendry casts detect magic and looks at the crystal tears, and continues looking at their aura as he passes first one, then the other to Bella. "What do these do?" he asks her. "Are they yours, then? Do you know what they are called?" He gathers what he may from the magical detection, so that he might recognize them again, or something similar in the future.

And after handing them over (and after all are healed), he asks the greenmage, "Why would a bear continue attacking if it found itself receiving so many wounds? And surrounded by so many people? Was he under compulsion? What is that kind of bear called? Does he have a name? Do you know his name? Did it hurt much to get wrapped up in that vine? What is that kind of bramble called?"

Answering some queries:

As Selithe, obviously shaken from this encounter, upbraids Kendry, he thinks over what she says.

"From most of what I've heard, bears like to chase people who are running. That bear was fast enough to run most of us down. Each time I thought about maybe running, someone was trapped, like Bella, or someone was down, like Podo, or Airin, or directly engaged with the bear. The one time I was about to do as you suggest, sis, Airin was downed, and... well, the fire started working, and I figured we could take it out before it did any more of us in." He pauses for a breath. "It'd sure be handy if you had a more potent wand. Like ... fireballs, or something! But that wand is all I could afford at the time, Selithe."

He considers Dwight's questions, and waits to see how, or whether, Bella might answer them.

He nods at Tobias' response to Selithe, and smiles at Podo's enthusiastic pep talk.

Airin has been quiet, and Kendry looks to her for a moment.

Airin (by Kim)  d20=12
Friday August 4th, 2006 2:54:28 AM

Going from blackness to feeling a healing touch, Airin awakens to the smell of doggy fur in her nostrils. As Gra moves from the thick brush to the more open clearing, she slides off, then finds herself engulfed in Kendry's embrace. She returns it for a moment, then pushes him back. "You trying to get us killed?" she asks him, a stern look in her eye for a moment. "Well, you'll have to try harder than that." She pulls him back and gives him a kiss full on the lips, then gives him a firm slap on the butt. She takes his hand and pulls him over by the tree where the others are gathered.

"We don't always know what we're doing, eh? But you are the friends I want with me when we're facing danger, and challenges, and adventure."

Friday August 4th, 2006 3:14:02 AM

Taken aback by Airin's question, then about-face... Kendry is momentarily speechless.

But once she pulls him into the group, he gains a bit of inspiration, and sings a little song:
A greenmage and a huge white bear
Conspired one fine day
"Climb up that tree and saw that limb,"
Bella told the group, oh yea.

Then walked she to a bushy trap
Her voice grew faint and weak
A bear charged out and bellowed loud
Full white and strong and sleek

The travelers were perplexed by this
Strange turning of events
Can we rescue her and 'scape the bear
Or will our flesh he rend?

Confusion, shouts and countermands
The fight went to and fro
Each time a chance to flee arose
A friend was downed by foe

At last at last they overcame
The beast so huge and strong
And Bella healed wounds - o yea
And we live to sing this song! hey!
And we live to sing this song!
He looks around, and says, "I love you friends."

The walk home (DM Cayzle) 
Friday August 4th, 2006 7:26:55 AM

Bella leads the group back to town. As the party walks, there is a great deal of discussion.

Bella asks for the crystal tears back from Kendry, and he complies.

Selithe is angry that under other circumstances, some of her friends may have died -- and that seems true enough! She also has the idea that this was all just a test -- a notion that is quickly adopted by the whole group.

Bella answers, "Test? Test? Who said anything about a test? I honor Alemi, not some god of testing!"

To Dwight, she says, "Explanation, Schmexplanation! I got what we came for!" -- she holds up a small vial filled with thorn poison from that vine -- "and that's what we needed!"

Tobias and Podo clearly are glad at the battle just past, and defend their feelings to Selithe, albeit in different ways. Kendry too has explanations for the groups failure to retreat. Bella rolls her eyes at these protestations, but does not seem to want to argue.

Airin lets Kendry know how she feels.

Kendry has a clever song to sing, and questions for Bella. She simply answers, "My, aren't you the curious one!"

At length the group arrives back at Bella's cottage. Sitting outside the door is a fellow who is large in size for a halfling, and he has a pet badger next to him.

Bella smiles when she sees him and calls out, "Badger! You are just in time! Welcome!"

She explains to you all that since she will be busy brewing the plant poison, she is sending her friend with you on the next part of the job. "Trust him as you would trust me," she says. She introduces people all around.

[OOC: Friends, this is our newest player. Robert, please describe your character's appearance, and offer a response to Bella's introductions.]

Bella tells you to go rest up. Meet back here on the day after tomorrow and she'll send you off. But don't tell anyone that you are working for her, or on what. "You never know when an enemy might be lurking!"

Friday August 4th, 2006 10:39:55 AM

Tobias is glad that their battle ended, and they're all headed back to town. But, he's still a little confused by what happened, and why Podo wasn't really dead. (Not that he's not glad to have him alive and well)

After the introduction and once Bella is out of earshot, Tobias whispers to the group, "Trust him as we would trust her??? But, I don't trust her at all..."

And, then introduces himself to Badger.

Julian (pasted in by Cayzle while posting snafus are resolved) 
Friday August 4th, 2006 8:25:13 PM

Julian jumps up at hearing his name. He is wearing rather bright colours, orange trousers, green shirt, blue jacket and a multicoloured waistcoat. He has large thick sideburns that are unusually grey and short black hair that is also greying.

He walks briskly up to Bella with the badger following at his heels, and a grey rough coated collie prances into view from behind a bush to sit behind them.

"Bella! Haha, of course I am just in time. I am always just in time. But it's so good to see you. How have you been?" and he hugs her in greeting. With a quick glance Julian notices his cousins Kendry, Selithe and Podo and embraces them also.

"How is Aunt Bekka Lilly and Uncle Samell? I haven't really seen anyone for a few years. And Podo, what have you been up to?"

When Bella has introduced everyone to Julian, he expresses that he is very glad to meet them all. He then introduces his badger, named Shark, and his mount, named Sallie, stepping back to adjust his backpack draped over the saddle and scratch the dog's ear.

"My name is Julian Roscoe Holle Pipewood Trufflefinder, though I am called Badger. Bella has very graciously helped me with training Shark, and refining a few, uhmm, skills, and she has asked me to help her, it seems by joining you on a mission. My blade is always ready for Bella, and hence, it is yours also."

Julian bows low, and his hand rests upon the hilt of his large sword in its ornately carved wooden scabbard. The quality of his clothing is apparent now at this close distance, and his waistcoat stands out. It is not multicoloured, it depicts a Dire Badger furiously tearing a group of kobolds to shreds in the entrance to its burrow. He has a dagger in a red leather sheath, and one of his three belt pouches is gilt with a knot-work of tendrils and elongated animals.

"I have only just arrived here in Angel Springs, so I would really appreciate advice on where I could have a hot bath, a massage, shave and I think my nails could use some attention."

"And food, hmm, a hot meal served on a hot plate, with some flavoured water, some fresh parsley to chew. Perhaps we can share a meal together, on me of course. We can swap stories and..." he trails off, distracted by the tangent forming in his head,

"And if we're adventuring soon, maybe I should have a haircut, and I might trim Sallie's coat some. Is there somewhere to have weapons sharpened professionally? And buy some potions?"

"My spear!" turning his head he spots it lying on the lawn where he sat, "Ahh, there it is, I am babbling now, I have plenty of time to find these things." He jumps up and down a few times and brings his hands together, "Bella has said to rest up. I think we might have some fun ahead."

He smiles now, and his eyes really light up with it. Julian is excited at the prospect of adventuring with new friends.

Friday August 4th, 2006 9:01:30 PM

Tobias greets Julian and tries to figure out the distance family ties that must surely connect Tobias and Julian... He doesn't have a good head for that sort of thing, but he's sure that Kendry must know.

And, he mumbles, "Oh Domi help us, another 'talker'," as he smiles and winks at Kendry.

A Bit of a Reunion (DM Cayzle) 
Saturday August 5th, 2006 8:34:34 AM

[OOC: Not everyone has posted, but it's been 24 hours, and I want to get the "Friday" post up now since I may not have time later. Kim, thanks for your Web help!]

Bella is amazed at the words that fall from Julian's mouth. "You mean you all know each other? You're related? Lem's Lumps! Is everyone in this valley related to everyone else?"

Several other party members are also surprised, but their DM is sure they'll remember to post their appearance, name, and such in the very next post! Tobias is not surprised, but he does seem to be forgetting his manners, as he mumbles and barely greets the new fellow.

Saturday August 5th, 2006 10:53:15 AM

Dwight smiles at Julian, until Bella refers to him as trustworthy. Then Dwight's smile becomes more weary. He does manage to shake Julian's hand when offered and introduces himself as Dwight Twigglebundler. Unusually short for a halfling, but Dwight makes no attempt to explain.

To look at Dwight is an odd one. He wears
what can only be assumed to be hammy downs. His brown jacket vest shows many additional stitches holding the remaining fabric in place and various bulges where pockets hold some items. His darker brown pants show the same amount of wear, and have obvious patches on the knees and left buttocks.

His equipment seems in much better condition. Across his left shoulder, a strap holds his knapsack. A shortbow is thrown across his right shoulder and a few daggers around his waist.

As introductions pass and Bella again directs the group to leave without an explanation, Dwight grows only more annoyed with her, but refrains from saying much about it.

[Did Bella request the stick Dwight got from the tree, or did she only keep the poison?]

Bella Extra (DM Cayzle) 
Saturday August 5th, 2006 2:13:51 PM

If Dwight reminds Bella of the lightning stick, then she says, "Of course! Forgetful me! Thank you so much! Good job with that climbing!"

If Dwight does not remind her, she does not mention it.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Saturday August 5th, 2006 2:42:36 PM

"Hey, Badger! Ol' buddy! How it waggin'? Long time no see!" says Podo as he greets his extended family member.

"Sorry, I waited until the end...with our extended family, I could place the name...but not the face. It's been a while." explains Podo.

"Lady Bella. You may be Intelligent...but you have not realized that all halflings are related here in the Valley? " says Podo is great disbelief. "You really need to get out more." Podo says matter of factly.

When Badger here goes for his shower & shave, Podo will head off for the local temple of Alemi explaing to his friends, "I need some time to comtemplate about my actions and the white bear, if you don't mind...please."

(OCC: will send you, Cayzle, an email about it. )

Selithe Greentree Leafwin Pipewood 
Saturday August 5th, 2006 3:12:45 PM

Selithe smiles at Julian when she meets him and holds out her hand to him as she waits, "Hello Julian you said? Nice name. My full name is Selithe Greentree Leafwin Pipewood but you can just call me Selithe. I'm a conjurer with a little rogue arts mixed in and above all else I'm a gambler by trade."

Selithe wears her normal tight and low cut blue shirt with slightly puffed sleeves and a pair of tight nlue pants with a pair of black boots to cover her feet. Her hair is pulled back in a pony tail and she uses a spell to keep her hair in its platinum color. Her emerald green eyes look to be normally full of humor and shine when on the subject of gambling or card games.

(OOC: Sorry for missing my post. I was very tired and fell asleep yesterday and when I wokeup it was midnight.)

Kendry  d20+5=22 d20+9=25
Sunday August 6th, 2006 10:26:57 PM

The Walk Home

Finish the task
Before the group leaves the site of the bear and the bush episode, Kendry makes sure that the branch Bella requested earlier is recovered from the lightning-struck tree, whether Dwight does the work or Kendry himself [Climb tree: 22]. He also takes a few minutes to ask Tobias about the various tracks that he saw in the area.

About the gems, and the bear
[Note: First Kendry cast detect magic, and looked over the two gems (or 'tears' as she styled them) for a few moments, then he handed them, one at a time, to Bella. Was expecting to learn whether they are magical, and, if so, what aura of magic they show forth.]

Because the walk home takes hours, Kendry takes the time to press Bella on one or two things. [Diplomacy 25] "I am glad the episode with the bear was not a test you set - although surely it did test us. But since you did not, therefore, summon the bear - though your ability to dismiss it is astounding - I wonder why you say that the gems are not for us - or not for me, perhaps you meant. I thought that Tobias' wolf or our dogs might benefit from whatever magic they contained. Now, I suppose as you healed us mightily that the gems might be considered fair due to you for your kindness to us - though our wounds were gained as we tried to keep you safe. Please, I am not asking for the gems. But if you know, would you be so kind as to tell me the nature of the gems, so that I might understand such better in the future?"

He also asks if she knows much about the kind of bear that we fought earlier. "What is this kind of bear called?"

Back in Angel Springs

Greeting Julian
Glad to be back with all present and accounted for, Kendry is pleased to see his cousin. "Hey, Jude, it's been a long time!" he greets Julian, using one of his nicknames. "Three, four years at least. What's this? Sprouting gray hairs so soon?" He waits a beat, then teases, "Now, you didn't go and get married without sending me an invite, did ya?"

As Julian asks after his aunt and uncle, Kendry's & Selithe's parents, he responds, "Well, thanks for askin', and our folks are doin' fine. How are Uncle Jonno and Aunt Shanzi farin' these days?"

So that the others who are not as well acquainted with Julian might know, he explains, "Jude's father is Jonno 'Vines' Swordfern Trufflefinder, and he married Shanzi Lips Pastna Pipewood. So it's mainly through his mother, our Aunt Shanzi, that he's our cousin, and also Podo's cuz." He looks for confirmation to Julian. "I got that right, now, didn't I? If not - well, I've been knocked around a bit lately."

At 3'6" and 38 pounds, Kendry's stature is a near match to Julian's. The young bard has wavy auburn hair and a slight gap betwixt the two front teeth. Handsome cheekbones frame his wide-set hazel eyes. All together a pleasant effect, as his face is nearly symmetrical. He wears rugged wardrobe for adventuring, with dust from travel still clinging to his clothes.

"So, you want to see the town? Flavored water? Well, we put lemons and limes in the water, sometimes, if that'll do. We'd be happy to show you around."

"Oh - and this is my... very good friend, Airin. She's got quite the knack for adventure, dances beautifully, and, well, I think in her I've more than met my match."

Kendry goes with his friends to take Julian to show him the town, and so that the group can get to know him better, and vice versa.

"Oh - one more thing - we should ask about the dark elves that we heard were seen around here lately. Y'know - I'd like to learn their language. Wonder if they're as bad as some folks say."

Airin (by Kim) 
Monday August 7th, 2006 12:57:07 AM

"'Very good friend'?" Airin repeats Kendry's phrase, raising an eyebrow.

She turns to Julian, and says, "Yes, I'm Airin. Grew up in Hovel. My father is Dargor Berryfinder Moondancer, and my mother Lothen Birdsinger Turnbell."

She reaches into a pouch. "Say, Julian, do you know anything about the Teleperiën family? Take a look at this." She hands over to him a ring bearing a design of thin golden vines with leaves and berries.

She stands 3'2" tall, and weighs about 30 pounds. At first sight Airin is a frail looking girl. Her eyes and shoulder-length hair are as dark as charcoal. Her clothing is black - although just as dusty as that of her companions. A hawk sits on her shoulder, investigating in particular the dog and badger.

ADM Kim - Posting in CV July 31 - August 6 2006 
Monday August 7th, 2006 2:11:25 AM

DM Cayzle: MTWTF
Dwight: MTWTF
Airin: MTWTF
Podo: -TWTF
Selithe: MTWTF
Kendry: MTWTF
Tobias: MTWTF
Julian (Played by Robert): ----F (Just started on Friday)

Good posting record, friends! And congrats on overcoming the bear.

Monday August 7th, 2006 7:56:23 AM

Hey guys! I'm back from holiday!
Kim could you post just one or two days extra for I will need to catch up on things.

I'm printing the docs as we speak and will start reading tonight.

Thanks a lot for covering for me Kim.

I will restart posting as soon as possible

Kim says: Hurrah! Glad you're back, Inge. Missed you - and you do a lot better job of playing Airin than I do. Whew! Hope you had a great vacation.

Monday August 7th, 2006 12:38:51 PM

Seeing everyone introduce themselves to the newcomer, Tobias follows suit, "Hi Julian, I'm Tobias Pathfinder Thistlefoot Burrows. Born here in Crescent Valley, but spent much of my time out in the wilds of Culverwood. My father was Adrian Hazelberry Burrows (deceased), and my mother is Jillian Greenhill Thistlefoot (which makes me a distant cousin of Kendry and Selithe)."

Monday August 7th, 2006 7:29:33 PM

"Lovely to meet you, all of you. And your pets. So, lets now go somewhere more comfortable to talk and share tales."

Monday August 7th, 2006 7:31:18 PM

"Let's swing by the blacksmith's shop - a good place to get your blades sharpened," Kendry suggests, "and they let me use their stables, too. Then we can go to WinWood Toys and Music, and we'll get things sorted out there. See how the Jensens are faring, too."

Also, he does what he can to help the various canines and wolf - and now a badger, too, get used to one another. He knows that Airin's hawk will stay alert.

Podo D. Pipewood 
Monday August 7th, 2006 8:03:01 PM

If allowed to walk off by himself, Podo will head straight for the Temple of Alemi and inquire about Walking with Alemi as a Cleric.

If not allowed to wander off by himself, Podo will join the group and look into freshing up the relationship between himself and his cousin "Badger".

Monday August 7th, 2006 8:57:45 PM

Somewhat relunctantly Dwight offers the stick to Bella feeling used and carefully uninformed.


Tagging along, Dwight wonders what a drow looks like. Tales and stories are one thing, but a real life drow is another.

After awhile, Dwight adds that he should buy some new rope as his was shredded and perhaps a few other things.

(Can Dwight buy things in the catacombs during the next day, or is this city/town too small?)

As the group begins chatting, Dwight is still thinking about th past and the task yet to come. "Any chance you think we can get more answers and details before setting off on the other half of Bella's task? I'm all for helping as we agreed, but surely we have a right and a need to know what we are getting, why we are getting, what we will most likely face. Surely we will face something, else she could get it herself, frail and cripple she is not." Dwight looks to see if others agree.

Monday August 7th, 2006 10:31:45 PM

Selithe looks to the others and smiles, thinking she pulls her ferret out of her pouch and smiles as she strokes her familiar on the head gently and chuckles as she notices Bandit is still holding her gold coin that Selithe gave her, "Forgot to mention, this is Bandit."

Selithe follows the others now to a more comfortable place to talk and be.

A lull in the gathering (DM Cayzle) 

Tuesday August 8th, 2006 1:22:39 AM

Dwight gives Bella the lightning-struck branch. "Oh, thank you!" she says. "This is great!" Dwight, still having reservations about Bella, goes shopping at the Catacombs.

Podo feels drawn to the Temple of Alemi, where he is inspired to say the vows he has been contemplating.

Sociable Selithe does her best to make the new cousin feel welcome.

Kendry's inspection of the Tears, and a few comments from Bella, lead him to the idea that those were Tears of Mercy. Bella is a little abashed when Kendry says, "I am glad the episode with the bear was not a test you set."

"Well," the greenmage hedges, "I have not said that it was a test nor that it was not, eh? But that was some fight, I'd say!"

Kendry is also very welcoming of the new cousin.

Airin asks Julian about her mysterious signet ring, but in the confusion, he forgets to answer.

Tobias is also his friendly self. Julian takes it all in stride.

Bella reminds the group to be back at her place in the morning four days hence. The time until then is yours to train and shop.

Note that WLA members need to spend time training each level. Until the chapter here is set up, you'll have to train with each other to gain your free skill ranks. You WILL have to visit a larger branch to pay dues or gain a new feat!

Kendry  d20+10=25
Tuesday August 8th, 2006 3:21:20 AM

Selithe's brother is happy to join the rest of the group in showing Julian around town.


"Y'know, friends - let's work on helping each other out in developing our skills. I'd like to find a book or someone who can help teach me the language of the dark elves. Might be a handy thing to know if we ever run in to any. Also, let's help each other out on the WLA skills. Say, Jude - are you a member of the WLA?" he asks. If so, he'll include him in the training. If not, he will explain the parameters and benefits of membership, and encourage him to consider signing up at the earliest opportunity.

Kendry works to pick up two more (WLA-based) skill points in the Ride skill. He also takes this extra time to continue to train his dog (and to help with the training of Gra, Tewdwr, Sallie (Julian's dog), and any other mount & master he can work with in combat riding. [OOC: He is pretty close to done with the three weeks training to get Cheann up to speed in the combat riding skill... I'll have to go through the records to verify.]

About Bella

Kendry will have made arrangements for him and his friends to refer to Bella by the code name 'Heather' - so that no one inadvertently refers to her by name.

At dinner the second night (and taking some precautions to ensure there are no eavesdroppers about), Kendry will tell the others the following. "The bear's crystal tears were tears of mercy. That means that most of the attacks the bear made were nonlethal in nature - he beat us up pretty bad, but was not so likely to kill us quickly as if he weren't wearing those two gems.

"Since Bella pretty much claimed the gems as her own - I think they were and are her own, and that she prepared the bear for us. So, though I won't claim we weren't at risk - Heather did a lot to significantly lower that risk. Now, I've done a wee bit of checking," he says [bardic knowledge: 25], "and have learned that the gems are a new type of magic called 'Eberyon's Tears.' They are starting to show up here and there - they stick to fur or hair, and - well, I don't yet know all their capabilities, but am looking into that some more."

After digging in to his food for a while and enjoying the company and conversation of his friends, he adds, "I think she maybe thought that the bear would chase us off. I know I got in some pretty lucky shots with my bow, and Airin, Tobias, Dwight, Selithe also... did you see how hard Podo kicked that bear, and it sort of rocked back a bit, like it was trying to get its bearings again? What a wallop! And the fire did its work, and Tobias came in with some telling final slashings of his short swords, there.

"Anyway, whatever Heather has in mind for us, I think we can, in a way, trust her. I think her test of us was to see if we have what it might take to deal with whatever it is she is really afraid of. Sure and she's strange, and secretive, but I think she is still a good lady."

He turns to Julian. "Since you have spent time training with her - what can you tell us that may help reassure us about Heather's character?"


Since Angel Springs is large enough to have a Catacombs outlet, Kendry goes shopping to replace some of the alchemical items he used up in the recent battle. He'll make sure that everyone knows where to find the shop.

Also, from the WinWood Toys and Music Shop, Kendry will purchase a masterwork lute, and take advantage of the 10% family discount in the purchase (thus 90 gp) (if that is all right with our DM).


Kendry continues to add to his journal, and to make copies of the new additions, much of which he plans to pass on to Burgomeister Calfast Rowgold Tunnelly when the occasion presents itself - but he will withhold the portion dealing with Bella for the moment, hiding this in an obscure spot in the Leafwin Pipewoods' shop when no one else is around.

Tuesday August 8th, 2006 12:52:24 PM

"Oh, and Julian. I forgot to introduce you to Tewdwr." Tobias says as he calls in the two headed wolf and lets him get accustomed to the new party member. "Pet Dryw - the head to the right - if he lets you. He's the friendly one."

Tobias will help Kendry train Tewdwr and the rest of the animals. Tewdwr is also being trained for combat riding, but still needs a lot more time to complete the training.

And, Tobias will train with whomever is interested in Animal Handling and Riding (1 skill point each - WLA training).

About Bella
Even with all of the Kendry's assurances to the contrary, Tobias does not trust Bella at all. Finding out that Bella may have prepared the bear combat with the 'tears of mercy' doesn't help. "You may trust her, but I do not. Heather panicked when she first saw the marks on our 'friend'. And, had to be coerced into helping him. Then first opportunity she gets, she takes us out to get a dried up tree branch and stages an attack that could have just as easily killed us all. While she pretended to be poisoned (or willfully poisoned herself). And, I chose to hack at those vines because I thought she was in danger, and that could have cost Podo his life."

"Are these the actions of a friend, someone we can trust?" Tobias is still a quite upset over the whole incident...

Airin (by Kim) 
Tuesday August 8th, 2006 3:43:42 PM

"The bear knocked me out cold," Airin says quietly after Tobias speaks his mind.

[I will leave it to Inge to determine what WLA skills and such she desires to focus upon. -Kim]

Tuesday August 8th, 2006 6:38:56 PM

"Yes, and Airin nearly followed Podo."

Tuesday August 8th, 2006 6:50:16 PM

Kendry listens to Tobias, and to Airin's quiet words. He is silent for a moment as he takes in what they said.

"Sometimes she seems sweet and kind," muses Kendry, beginning with a quiet voice. "Sometimes suspicious, fearful, despairing. Angry. Forgetful. Sometimes chipper, pleasant. Sometimes evaluative, trying to discern character, motives - as we are attempting, ourselves. She avoids answers to reasonable questions. She diverts and dodges. Nevertheless, Burgomeister Calfast and Zardock the fixer and Foaun Gondin in Plateau City and Terapin the ranger have vouched for her, and seem to trust her. Is she eccentric? Without a doubt. Is she mixed up? Maybe. Is she malign? I don't think so... she healed all of us who were wounded. But I know for some of you the jury is out."

He takes another piece of bread to mop up the rest of the gravy on his plate. "How about the rest of you... what are your thoughts?"

Tuesday August 8th, 2006 9:12:43 PM

Selithe will go with Kendry and Tobias to train with Gra and the other animals. Selithe plans to work on her hand animal skill this time as she hopes to get better at it.

Selithe also lets Bandit, her ferret play some but is careful since she doesn't want Bandit to be hurt by the dogs or wolf.

Tuesday August 8th, 2006 10:06:41 PM

"I'm trying to convince myself her intentions are pure, and that she is use to working alone and watching her own back, but I can't quite convince myself. The biggest problem is that she refuses to answer questions, even the smallest question she dodges, diverts, blantantly changes topic or completely ignores. With all those supporting her, leads me to think overall her intentions are good, but her methods are questionable. Bahh, I'm rambling. Been turning this over and over in my head since before the bear attack."

Dwight takes a good mouthful and bread and mulls it over in his mind.

"I think before we begin our next task for her, we need some clear answers to some basic questions. Like possible dangers, precise risks, herb being collected, perhaps what it is used for and others. We need to be firm in getting these answered before being shuffled out the door AGAIN!" Dwight finishes a little louder than he intended.
During some of leisure time, Dwight heads over to the Catacombs. "Anyone else need anything, I can pick it up just let me know."

Afterwards, Dwight practices climbing nearby walls, trees, and side-climbing around the tower, but staying low to the ground. (2 WLA skill pts for climbing)

Podo D. Pipewood 
Wednesday August 9th, 2006 1:20:21 AM

[OOC: JonPaul's PC is dead or dying. A quick post on his behalf. JP - if you can get on, feel free to change anything you want to here. Thanks Kim -- JP.]

Podo, once inside the Temple of Alemi, does take his vows with solemnity and anticipation. Where will this new thing in his life lead him?

If the ceremony requires his continued presence, Podo will stay and reflect/mediate on what it means to be both a Walker/Monk & Cleric of Domi & Alemi, respectively.

Podo inquires of the Temple Priests, where to obtain the nutrition laced candies which he can distribute to the children of the wold?

As the night wears on, Podo insatibly curious about being a Priest of Alemi, asks as many questions as possible without overstaying his Welcome.

With the exception of his gear, Podo explains that in the morning, he will convert any remaining items and donate the monies to the church.

Julian, feeling just great. 
Wednesday August 9th, 2006 1:56:04 AM

Julian is happy to hang out with these halflings. He relates that Heather helped him significantly with his spellcasting. Often his powers would manifest themselves in an uncontrolled manner, and Heather taught Julian techniques of self-discipline. She also taught him techniques of training the badger and the riding dog.
"She did all this at a time when I was really low, really, really low. I was unintentionaly hurting those around me, myself sometimes too. With Heather's wisdom and advice, well, now I am on top of the wold!" Julian cartwheels and spins around a few times, just to emphasise how good he feels now.
To Dwight and Tobias he says, "Yeah, Heather rubs people up the wrong way, and she seems to prefer plants to people. Boy did we have some explosive fights, literally. But, her heart is in the right place for the most part. And I owe her a lot for helping me."
When he has the chance, Julian visits the Catacombs. Then he takes Sallie and Shark for a training run. Even at full speed the animals don't outrun the halfling.
The three of them settle in the dappled light under a large willow, and Julian fastidously grooms his pets. Then he cleans his own clothing (Prestdigitations), and has a drink.
Spotting his cousins training with some of the other halflings Julian bounds over to join them. "I haven't really wanted to bring Sallie into battle, but she is that bit older now, can you help me to train her for war? Shark is naturally pretty good in a fight. All badgers are." He says with a grin and a wink.
Julian's WLA badge is identical to Kendry's.

"The signet sure is nice, but not familiar to me, sorry Airin."

Julian is not due any skill points (I don't think), but he enjoys any physical activity. And the larger the dose the better.

OOC I may be late on posting tomorrow, possibly missing it altogether. If so:
Julian is enjoying the warm glow that comes with making new friends who are like minded and, for the most part, shorter for a change. He is happy to become a passive member of the group, at least to start. He doesn't want to make waves, just fit in an fertilise the new friendships with time and care and love.

Setting off again? (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday August 9th, 2006 10:13:14 AM

The party talks about Bella and what to make of her. Some are more suspicious than others. Certainly she is an ambiguous person!

[OOC: Good RP, friends, although with Kim subbing for Inge and JP (Thanks, Kim!), there might be a chance to revisit the topic in the future, when they might have something to say.]

During these days, Greyson and his wife come to you and thank you for all you've done. They've heard that the road has been fixed enough to allow travellers, and they are returning home. The couple seek to express their gratitude by making a small gift to each of you -- Each person in the group (except Julian) receives a potion of cure light wounds (d8+1). Then the two say their good-bys.

Our heroes train and pray and learn. Supplies are reprovisioned, and purchases are made. [Consider all CC packages delivered at this time.] But in a couple days it is time to meet back at Bella's cottage.

The group meets and once again seeks out the greenmage. There is a note on her door that reads "I'm around back!"

In a stand of trees, where earlier you had met the greenmage herself standing in tree form, you see Bella sitting on a stool by her bathtub, the one with the clawed feet that she had put Greyson in. There is a fire under the tub, and Bella is drinking from a steaming cup.

"Hello, my brave-souls!" She seems very cheery today.

Wednesday August 9th, 2006 10:37:54 AM

Tobias replies, "I agree that those others may see something in her that we haven't had an opportunity to see. We just need to be very careful around her and on her assignments. And, Dwight, good luck getting those answers..."

Tobias accepts Greyson's gift and thanks him.

Tobias heads over to Bella's with the rest of the group.

Wednesday August 9th, 2006 9:10:20 PM

Selithe wishes Greyson and his wife the best and takes the gift with a smile and maybe a word that might not be expected from her, "Your welcome both of you, no gift was required but I'm sure it will come in handy. My best wishes go with you and I will pray to Warrd that you get there safe."

Selithe goes with the others to meet Bella and shaskes her head when she sees Bella in the back with the tub and such, "I hope I'm as confident as you one day Bella." Selithe does admire Bella since she is knowledgeable, maybe not the most forth coming with info but still knowledgeable and good at heart.

Dwight  d20+3=19 d20+4=14 d20+2=17
Wednesday August 9th, 2006 10:43:57 PM

As the group approaches the house, Dwight reads the note aloud and smiles. "Perhaps she is beginning to give us some information, small as it may be. I hope this is promising, but then again, maybe she just doesn't want another mess in her house." Dwight tries to chuckle but can't quite muster the proper belly laugh intended.


Around back, "Good morning Bella. It is good to see you suffered no late effects of the poison and appear to be in good spirits, as are we." Looking well rested and restocked, Dwight takes a moment to look at the tub.

(Dwight would like to kindly ask for details regarding there mission. He'll wait until she brings up the topic, and then intends to ask detail oriented questions (where, who's guarding, what is it to be used for, expected time table for our return, etc.) Dwight would like the others to help as was discussed about Heather hoping that a united questioning may yield some 'real and direct' answers.

Diplomacy: 19 + (help from group?)
Gather Information: 14 (not sure if appropriate, but rolled anyway)
Intimidate: 17 (not to be used physically or aggressively, but to steer questions properly answered, not dodged?)

Julian, Shark and Sallie  d20+2=15 d20+4=18
Wednesday August 9th, 2006 11:32:06 PM

Julian walks with the group to Bella's house. Actually he is riding Sallie, charging up, stop, turn, charging down. Stop, dismount, leap back on. Charge. Recklessly diving off. Racing the dog at full speed. Crash, diving onto the dog at full speed, rolling and tumbling.
Standing, dusting, walking now, back towards the group. His face colours red and he cannot surpress his grin.

At Bella's house Julian is very happy to have the opportunity to help Bella. He is keen to complete the quest, whatever that may be.
He is a little worried about the group. There seems to be some distrust of Bella. He understands that she certainly rubs some people up the wrong way, and sometimes her actions appear, well, cowardly to others. But her wisdom shines through in the end, and with hindsight, it was clearly there all along.
Julian covers some of his apprehensions with restless energy. He stands with the group, though off to the side, and he cannot stand still.
"I am ready, Bella, ready for an adventure." He sits, finally, and begins sharpening his spear head.
Julian is keen to become part of the halfling group, and believes that integration comes most easily through listening and supporting. Julian is good at supporting, and running and anything physical. And, when his energy is not bubbling over, he will talk, and talk, and even listen sometimes. Right now, he is sharpening to distract himself from talking, because he wants to listen, and to support.

In the conversation with Bella Julian will try to elicit as much information from Bella as possible, because that is what the group wants.

Gather Info = 15
Diplomacy = 18

OOC I don't think that Gather Info is the right one to use here.

Kendry  d20+10=30
Thursday August 10th, 2006 2:27:53 AM

Kendry picked up some replacement items from the Catacombs, spent some time in study, composed and refined some poems and songs, and enjoyed the company of his family and friends.

He enjoys watching Julian cavorting.

"G'morning, Bella. So, would you care to let us know what can we do for you? What we'll be doing?" [Diplomacy: 30] [Man, what is it with all these nat 20's? But I like 'em!]

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