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The Brew Thickens

Bella IS here (DM Cayzle) 
Saturday June 24th, 2006 12:57:21 AM

Podo leaves the group to ask around the neighborhood about Bella. No one saw her leave her home today, but she is famous for coming and going as she pleases, Podo finds out. He finds that all the children he meets are afraid of Bella and never go near her house.

Oh, and regarding Tobias's question, it is well known that Bella works her own garden.

Then Tobias returns to the group, just in time for a Revelation!

Dwight is about to go to the Tower on a hunch, but gives it a minute. And good thing he does!

Tobias, Airin, Kendry, and Selithe are all looking at the tree behind the greenhouse. They see the tree shudder, then topple. Amazingly, the tree has turned into Bella! She has leaves in her disheveled hair and looks like she just woke up!

"Oh, well, dearies! The chicks I asked to come help me! Welcome!"

She sits down.

Kendry  d20=14
Saturday June 24th, 2006 3:26:44 AM

As some of the group goes to the back of the house, and Tobias watches Tewdwr sniffing around the tree, Kendry finally gets around to answering Airin's question. "Well, inside, along with what we saw before - there was this tub - oh, and a little scuttling plant. Well, when I got close, these vines started..."

Just then, the tree transforms into Bella. [rolled a d20=14 to see how surprised at this change Kendry was ... not hugely, as it turns out.]

"Oh, Bella - there you are!" the bard exclaims. "We were worried when no one answered the door!"

The blanket he happened to toss over his shoulder after leaving the front door he now lays on a bare spot near Bella. He pats it, and invites Selithe and Airin to sit upon it. There's just enough room for him to sit with the right bun on the blanket, and the left one on the dirt.

"Yes, well, we promised to return in a fortnight to help you, and that time has come. Oh, did you know that harpies and hags were capturing people along the highway between here and Windhorn Hamlet? We managed to rescue some people whom they kidnapped. Two of them are with us, and one - they just got married, you see, and the hags put High Woldian symbols on the man's head and hands, and he's been in a terrible way.

"How have you been feeling, Bella? Oh - and Dwight has something for you. Or Tobias? Which one has it? We visited a big library in Plateau City!"

Sunday June 25th, 2006 11:28:47 PM

Selithe listens and watches before speaking, "It is nice to meet you Bella and I'm glad you're okay. We were worried something might have happened to you at first." Selithe smiles as she holds out her hand to greet Bella.

(Cayzle: Hope you got my post private to DM post.)

Monday June 26th, 2006 10:21:09 AM

Airin is startled as she sees the tree transform into Bella... She heard of tricks like these but never witnessed them before. With awe Airin accepts Kendry's invitiation to sit down on the blanket and looks at this remarkable woman.

Podo D. Danderfluff 
Monday June 26th, 2006 10:39:10 AM

Upon returing and disocvering by the way of sounds, that his friends are behind the house, Podo follows the sounds of his friends and discovers Bella is also with them.

"Hi, Bella! Long time no see! We're back...on the 2-week mark. When do we start?" asks Podo of Bella.

Monday June 26th, 2006 12:22:10 PM

"Good to see you again Bella" Tobias greets her.

Monday June 26th, 2006 8:11:12 PM

Embarrassed he was in a large part for the breaking into the house on a false alarm, Dwight produces the scroll case given to him for deliver.

Trying to regain his composure, "The man's name is Grayson, and he is not in good shape. If there is anything you could do to ease his pain and cure him." After a moment of thought, "I will pay for his medicine," Dwight adds.

Bella's Welcome (DM Cayzle) 
Monday June 26th, 2006 11:01:16 PM

The woman combs her fingers through her hair, removing a few twigs. "Oh, uh, well, hello dearies," she says. She has the air of someone who just woke up. "It is nice to see you again."

"Excuse my napping. I just feel so much safer sleeping that way. You never know just who might stop by."

As the group offers stories, messages, and tales, not to mention hellos and requests, the lady seems a little overwhelmed. "Slow down! Slow down! Cone visit with me in my house and I'll make us some nice tea."

She leads you to her house and unlocks the door. As she enters, her body stiffens, and she looks around. But all she says is, "Come in, come in."

If you make a Sense Motive check vs DC12, then Highlight to display spoiler: {You can tell that she is concerned, mad, upset, or maybe all three.}

If you make a Sense Motive check vs DC17, then also Highlight to display spoiler: {She is extremely wary of the group.}

If you make a Sense Motive check vs DC22, then also Highlight to display spoiler: {Bella is tensed for some action or plan.}

She prepares the tea and talks about harpies. "On the Teucri Road, you say? What an age we live in! Who would have thought."

She is also interested in Grayson, and asks if he seems mentally disturbed. Does he dream? Talk at all? Show any sign of consciousness?

She makes the tea and passes it around. The smell is exotic, sharp, and spicy.

Kendry - mea culpa, mea maxima culpa  d20+3=21
Tuesday June 27th, 2006 12:23:48 AM

[Gaah! Kendry had planned to talk to her about their breaking in BEFORE she opened the door! Really! Since she had sat down, I assumed we'd be sitting there for more than one post. Ah, well...]

Regarding the break in
"Wait! uh, Ma'am, you mentioned you feel safer napping that, uh, way. Well, we came back here, knocked on the door several times. There was no answer. So we went and asked the neighbors about your whereabouts. No one we came across had seen you, they said, for a few days.

"I grew concerned. I know you told us your health has been... a concern. So I feared you may have fallen ill. And the way some people talked, I was wondering whether there might be someone -- please don't take this the wrong way - it's not my view - but someone might feel vexed by you, or afraid.

"So, I chose - again, after knocking several times, and checking around your place - to have one of my friends unlock the door. On stepping in, there was a movement, something going across the floor. Perhaps it was precipitous of me, but I feared an attack, so I tossed a tanglefoot bag - designed to slow down, not hurt someone. Then the soil in that vat over there begin to move, and vines dripping a substance started thrashing about. I tried to talk to the little moving plant that had gone under the vat - but I don't know how to talk to plants very well, at all.

"So, please, ma'am, if you are going to be angry, I'm the one you should be angry at, not my friends. But I honestly meant no harm, but rather was worried about your welfare. I was afraid you might have been so ill you could not arise, and that drove me to do that which - I'm sure - you find most disturbing. Please forgive my poor judgment in this matter, I beg of you. But if not, then please do not blame my friends. Some of them thought it best to go away and come again tomorrow, rather than to break in to your house. We took nothing from you - although I think we upset some of your flora. That is, I upset them."

Kendry pauses a moment, showing true chagrin at his mistaken choice of action. "If there is aught I might do to redeem myself in your eyes... Ma'am - I throw myself upon your mercy."

Under the circumstances, he leaves it to the others to report on Grayson's status, though he will do so if no one else does. Airin and Dwight, in particular, along with Seltihe, have been most attentive to the man's condition.

Though desirous of the tea, he waits Bella's response to his confession and plea before taking part in her hospitality.

Dwight  d20+2=18
Tuesday June 27th, 2006 10:10:50 AM

"I must admit that I helped break in as well, I was rather concerned and felt you hadn't gone anywhere. And then you didn't answer the door my worry grew greater."

"We entered with the best of intentions, though I can understand if you don't believe me. During our intrusion I believe we scared some of your plants, especially the mobile one and the one in the tub."

Dwight thanks her for the tea, but feels things are not going as well as they should have during their reunion with Bella. Trying not to seem obvious he doesn't drink the tea. Making motions to sip, but then speaking instead.

"Grayson speaks on rare occasions, his condition is grave we think. He screams of nightmares, harpies. We tried to aid him. He could hear his wife's voice, which helped ease some pain during a song."

Tuesday June 27th, 2006 10:41:45 AM

Tobias asks Tewdwr to wait outside and goes into Bella's house with his friends. Not having actually seen what happened in the house, Tobias keeps quiet while his friends tell their story. And, gets his first good view inside the house.

Airin  d20+2=20 d20+9=25
Tuesday June 27th, 2006 11:08:58 AM

Airin partially senses how Bella Feels but holds her mouth shut as the others begin to clarify their breaking and entering. It's no use to tell she told them not to. After all one for all and all for one right?

Finally inside the house Airin carefully looks around waiting for Bella's action, but unwilling to drink from this tea...

(sleight of hand: 25)

Carefully, making sure no one sees her Airin pours the tea in a piece of cloth she took from her backpack... but for all to see, she "drinks" from the tea.

Podo D. Danderfluff  d20+3=18
Tuesday June 27th, 2006 11:13:00 AM

Podo tries to sense the motive of Bella as she sees the mess in her house that Kendry made. It appears to Podo that she is both extremely wary of the group as well as concerned, mad, upset, or maybe all three.

Although accepting the tea graciously, he waits to see what Bella says or does before taking a sip of the tea.

Skill Check Status:
Sense Motive DC=18

Selithe (by Kim - Justin requested help)  d20=19
Tuesday June 27th, 2006 8:03:11 PM

[Sense Motive: 19+?]

Selithe definitely senses that Bella is upset. But Kendry and Dwight have kind of explained things. Maybe answering her question about Grayson might help.

"He has a old High Woldian symbols on him. His left hand has the symbol of Life, the right of Death, and the forehead of Curse. My brother - Kendry - said it may be some sort of application of an effect called vampiric touch. And he said that he saw the energy being drawn in the direction that the harpies fled - and the hags probably went, too. Oh - that was when he kind of started jerking for a minute."

She takes a little sip of the tea. "Tastes good!" she tells Bella. "So, anyway, I was kind of afraid that he might be dangerous to himself or us. But he's made it back with us - worn out some, I'd say. But, yes, he dreams - doesn't talk, I think. He likes music, and when his wife, Ezra, talks with him - those things bring him a little peace.

"Would you look him over, Bella? I'm still worried about him. And - oh, Terapin - he's a guy we met on the road, and he's heading up a crew that's fixin' it - the road, that is. He says he met you a few years ago."

Angry Bella (DM Cayzle) 
Tuesday June 27th, 2006 11:51:50 PM

[OOC: Sorry for the confusion, Kim! I had her sit down not to suggest a pause, but to indicate her disorientation on awakening from tree form.]

As she listens to the group, Bella gets visibly more and more upset. She rushes over to the small animate plant that has been glued, and fusses over it, cooing and cleaning it.

"Intruders!" you hear her mutter. "Prowlers. Tresspassers."

She looks up, and senses that not all have partaken of the tea. "True guests would not spurn my hospitality!" she says emphatically.

If anyone sips the tea (so far only Selithe has!), then Please Highlight to display spoiler: {Make a Will save vs DC16. If you fail, or if you choose to not resist the effect of the tea, then look at the spoiler below:}

For those who have read the above spoiler: Highlight to display spoiler: {If the tea affects you, then you must speak the truth you talk -- and no fudging!}

If anyone wants to pretend to drink the tea (as Airin has successfully done), then make a sleight of hand or bluff check vs DC 16. If you roll an 10 or less, then Bella notices your attempt. On an 11-15, you did not succeed in fooling her, but you also did not embarrass yourself.

If more of you sip the tea, Bella will ask you to each tell the story of the harpies, the road, and Greyson (no need to actually post the whole story ... just a couple high points will serve admirably).

Podo D. Danderfluff  d20+8=21 d20+9=14 d20+3=8 d20+6=16
Wednesday June 28th, 2006 1:14:06 AM

After seeing how visibly upset Bella is getting all the while inhaling the sweet smelling tea, Podo sips the tea and then takes a nice large mouthful of the tea, allowing the suspension to linge in his mouth developing the full flavors and to warm his cheeks.

After a while, Podo finishes the tea. "Lady Bella, May I have a seat in your sitting room? May I have another spot of tea as well? "It's really good!" says Podo to Bella as if this was the best drink he's had since leaving the Monastery.

Podo closes his eyes and listens while others retell the events of the past few days with the Teucri road and the hags/harpies. All the while, Podo nods his head in agreement at the sounds of his friends. When they are finished, Podo listens for any tell tale signs in the brief pauses.

Before long, those that feel like speaking finish. Podo gazes around the home, then tries to sense the motives of the good lady Bella.

Will save = DC 21
Spot = DC 14
Sense Motives = DC 8
Listen = DC 16

Wednesday June 28th, 2006 2:37:18 AM

The young bard understands Bella's desire to attend to her mobile plant. He feels bad that he may have damaged it. Having sensed her emotions - and knowing that his well-meant yet ill-chosen behavior is the cause of such - he thinks that his attempt to show respect by wanting to clear the air before sharing food together has in its turn been misconstrued by Bella.

She seems to demand acceptance of her hospitality. Is that a hospitable demand?

Kendry gets some linen out of his bag, and dampens it from his water bag.

He gets down on hands and knees, and begins to scrub the dried remnants of the alchemical concoction he had hurled down earlier, since most of it landed some feet away from where the plant critter crawled to.

"Please, ma'am, it's my fault, not that of my friends. Any punishment due ought to fall upon me. It was not harm to you or yours that I intended. But my intentions failed to match my results." He scrubs with careful industry.

If she beats him, or has one of her plants attack him, he does not resist. If she does this, and any come to his defense, he urges them to let her vent her fury on him, and not harm her. If she tells him to drink the tea, or eat or drink any other thing, he will obey her wishes.

If she asks him questions, he answers truthfully and candidly. People whom he trusts have vouched for her. So he shall trust their evaluation.

Selithe (by Kim)  d20+4=14
Wednesday June 28th, 2006 2:48:52 AM

[Will save: 14]

Selithe drinks the tea. Oh, has Kendry done it this time. What made him think that breaking into Bella's house was a good idea?

She answers Bella's questions as best she can, and truthfully.

Wednesday June 28th, 2006 6:32:07 AM

Airin listens to what the others are saying and then she as well tells bits and pieces of the stories.

In the end, having "finished" her cup of tea she tells Bella: "Please do not be angry at Kendry. He was only worried about you as we were supposed to meet you... when you didn't answer the door he got worried that something might have happend to you and decided to look for you inside. He can't help it he's nosy! After all he's a bard! But please don't hurt him..."

Wednesday June 28th, 2006 11:05:52 AM

Tobias mutters to himself, "That bard is going to get us in real trouble one day..."

He stands as close to Kendry as he can get without drawing too much attention. He stands at peace, relaxed, but alert. He will not allow Bella or any of her plants to harm him. And, he waits to see how Bella responds to Kendry's pleas.

If Bella looks to him, Tobias starts telling the story of the road, the harpies, and rescuing their captives... as truthfully as he can recall.

Wednesday June 28th, 2006 11:51:42 AM

(OOC:Thanks for covering for me Kim. :). Just sticking with Kim's post for now. Posted to let people know I was back from storms yesterday.)

Wednesday June 28th, 2006 9:01:28 PM

Still hesitating, Dwight tries to take a sip of the tea, but cannot convince himself. Being somewhat suspicious of her, though she has done nothing wrong he wants his full wits about him.

At the same time he realizes he did wrong and admits to the entire story adding what others may have left out (truthfully). "It was I that picked the lock into your house, and I that relocked it when you were not found. Nothing was taken as our intention was your location, and I will allow you to search me if you wish. Your neighbors could probably confirm that we knocked first and asked about your whereabouts. They stated you had not been seen for days, so we worried not knowing the extent of your sickness we feared the worse."

(OOC: didn't see a response to this last time so I assume the other interactions prevented it from happening.)
Dwight again offers the scroll case given to him from Plateau City to Bella.

Wednesday June 28th, 2006 11:48:20 PM

Though appreciative of Tobias' presence, he fears that Bella may take his proximity as a threat. "Thank, you, Tobias. But, unless you'd like to help me scrub the floor, maybe you can sit back down and enjoy the tea. I'll do so as soon as I finish cleaning up my mess."

Abashed Bella (DM Cayzle) 
Thursday June 29th, 2006 7:05:57 AM

Kendry grovels a bit, kneeling to clean up the gooey mess he made.

Dwight also makes plain his own culpability, submits to a search, and offers his message.

Tobias spins his tale, offering his version of recent events. Selithe helps, filling in the gaps.

Airin takes Kendry's side, defending the bard.

Podo is peaceable and simply tries to make sense of everything as he drinks the tea.

Bella watches Kendry, and her anger fades away, replaced by something else. Chagrin? Embarrassment?

"Stop! Stop! No! Get up!" she exclaims to Kendry. "It's okay. Please get up. I'm not going to hurt you!" She helps him to his feet and walks him back to his chair.

When Airin says that Kendry was worried about her, Bella says softly, "Well, sometimes I'm worried about me too."

She tells Dwight that a search is not necessary.

She listens to the stories that the party tells. She takes the message from Dwight, opens it, and takes a moment to clance at it. When she turns back to the party, she is clearly much calmer.

"I ... I'm sorry. Sometimes I just get so suspicious. I have enemies, you know, and they cause me no end of trouble. You don't know who you can trust in the Wold these days. But I can tell from your faces that you are sweet young things who would do me no harm. That's what I thought before, and now I believe it again."

She pauses and considers everything. "Well, it is not what I had in mind for our first meeting, but this cursed fellow sounds like a pathetic soul. Let us deal with him first. Can you bring him to me?"

She smiles. "And if my front door is locked, you can look for me in the back, and if you still can't find me, just wait outside!"

Thursday June 29th, 2006 2:49:25 PM

Selithe shakes her head in a friendly gesture, "I think all my friends and family here would agree that your reactions were understandable Bella."

Selithe looks to her friends and smiles, "Let's go get Grayson, the sooner he is healed the sooner him and his wife can get on with their was to be happy lives." Selithe is glad to be able to help the couple since they both looked to care for each other a lot.

Before the group heads out unless more questions are asked Selithe moves over to Bella and coughs a little nervously, "Umm, Bella. I was wondering about a couple things since you're good with magical plants and such. First I was wondering if I could purchase a couple healing potions from you after we return and lastly I was wondering if you knew of some type of oil or something that could be placed on say paper without it being able to be detected except by maybe a detect magic spell or such." Selithe smiles because if she can get some oil like she described then she can use it in her gambling coupled with a detect magic spell and the oil marking "certain" cards in her deck.

Thursday June 29th, 2006 3:52:10 PM

[OOC: Since none of us specified what we did with Grayson and Ezra, let's assume that Kendry dropped them off at the Winwood Toy and Music Shop with his and Selithe's family - unless someone has a better idea.]

Kendry takes his seat, and partakes of Bella's hospitality. When she agrees to see Grayson, he says, "Thank you, ma'am. It'll just take a few of us to get him, and we can be back in maybe fifteen minutes. Maybe a few can just wait here, and I can go for him with a couple of us."

He goes with his friends to retrieve Grayson Todd Jensen and his wife, Ezra.

"Ezra, ma'am, there is a lady who might be able to help your husband. Her name is Bella, and we can take you and him to her, if you're ready."

As Grayson won't be able to walk on his own, he borrows a stout cart from the local blacksmith, offering a rental fee of 1 gp for a brief use. He borrows bedding from the family sleeping area upstairs in the music shop, and uses that for padding.

He asks his friends to help push and pull the cart, with ropes tied fore and aft. Maybe his brother, Nalfein, can help, too.

When they arrive at Bella's, he knocks on the front door. And waits.

If and when she answers, he introduces Ezra to Bella, and helps get Grayson inside.

Thursday June 29th, 2006 5:18:39 PM

Realizing that the entire group isn't really needed to bring Grayson, Dwight remains with Bella.

"Ma'am, while I have already apologized, I am sorry. Please while we wait for them to return let me clean the mess we made."

If allowed, Dwight will continue where Kendry stopped.

"Is there more you can tell me about the materials we are going to help you find? While we are there to help you as you see fit, we are also interested in learning about the Wold. It's an exciting place full of marvelous things. On our trip back here from Plateau city there were these huge waterfalls where people can jump off. None of us did, but some thought about the thrill of doing it."

Thursday June 29th, 2006 7:15:00 PM

Tobias relaxes as Bella relaxes. When he's sure that the worst is over, Tobias starts drinking some of her tea and listening to the others tell their stories and ask their questions.

Tobias returns with the others to fetch Grayson and puts his muscle and back into pushing him back to Bella's.

Bella says Bye-Bye (DM Cayzle) 
Friday June 30th, 2006 7:23:57 AM

Kendry, Tobias, Airin, and Podo go fetch Greyson and his new bride.

Dwight stays behind to do some clean-up.

Selithe's empathetic words help smooth things over. And she has a question for Bella!

Bella answers, "A mage spell, like Magic Aura, might be your best bet. Any magic oil I might make would not last very long."

She gives Selithe a sharp look. "This would not be used for cheating, would it?"

She adds that she has no healing potions for sale right now, but she can brew some up if she has the time. Se adds that usually she prefers to make potions from fresh ingredients, which are much less expensive because she grows them herself. The downside of that is they tend to go bad very fast.

When the others return with Greyson, who is unconscious at this point, Bella looks him over carefully.

As she looks at him, she starts to shake. She gasps at the marks on him. She stumbles to a chair and sits down.

"Uh ... I'm sorry ... uh, no. No, I can't help. The danger. I can't. The risk. It's too much. I'm sorry. Very sorry. You all will have to go now. I won't be needing those herbs. You are free to go. Sorry."

She goes into her bedroom and closes the door.

Friday June 30th, 2006 8:26:40 AM

Airin's baffled to see Bella's reaction and really doesn't know how to help her.

ooc And honestly I don't have a clue either...

Friday June 30th, 2006 9:49:40 AM

Observing Bella's reaction, Kendry is alarmed, and further chagrined at choices he has made that affect the greenmage...

Podo D. Danderfluff  d20+6=18
Friday June 30th, 2006 1:17:35 PM

"Oh, Well, I guess we can go now, Kendry!" laughs Podo. "Not at all what I expected. Something amiss here Kendry" says Podo.

Podo will listen to see if he can hear Bella through the door and pick up on what might have shaken her so badly. (DC:18)

Whispering to the rest of the group, "what do you think would have frightened a greenmage that can hide in the form of a tree? Perhaps some ancient evil come back from the days of Gargul & Ebyron? I think we should copy down those high Woldian symbols and go back to the library at Plateau City, research them, and then see what we have riding ourselves into. We can leave the newly weds here."

Friday June 30th, 2006 1:36:28 PM

Tobias is bewildered by her reaction. He walks to the door that Bella fled through and knocks on it.

He says, "Bella, what's wrong? By your reaction, the markings are clearly dangerous. Can you please tell us what they mean? I think my friends and I are committed to helping Grayson, but we'd appreciate knowing what kind of danger we're in. If you cannot help us, can you at least tell us what we're up against and where we might go for help?"

"Bella?" He waits for a response.

Friday June 30th, 2006 3:58:29 PM

"Well, no, Pode, I don't think we should leave them here. We might inquire at a local chapel or such. Bella needs help, and Grayson needs help. Plateau City is too far, I'm thinking." After Tobias knocks on the door, Kendry also asks, "Can we get you a doctor? Bella, ma'am, we would still like to get the herbs you need. If you prefer, we'll let you rest a little - but we want to help. Can we get you anything? Or bring someone by?"

Friday June 30th, 2006 4:59:29 PM

Selithe speaks to Bella before the others get back and coughs as she looks to her, "Actually the oil would be for my gambling. Just alittle edge when I need it." Selithe blushes since she is caught so easily but shrugs it off rather quickly, "How long would the potions last you think? a few weeks or months? I mean you must be quite talented so I figured your potions would last a long time."

Selithe is taken back by Bella's reactions and frowns some and shakes her head before she looks to the others, "I agree, something is wrong. We can't leave till we know whats going on."

Friday June 30th, 2006 8:23:10 PM

A little disappointed Bella didn't add more information to what Dwight has been gathering while Grayson was being brought, Dwight does his best to make the floor shine.

As Bella begins to examine Grayson, Dwight watches with intense interest, watching for signs of magic. Completely shocked when Bella 'runs for the hills', Dwight remains as the others attempt to get Bella's attention to find more information.

Trying to think things through, Dwight mumbles to himself. "I wonder if Bella's herbs and Grayson's need could be solved at the same time. From what I can piece together about foxglove and ishgara tree, both are used for healing. Perhaps if Bella can help us find the tree, then we could then help Grayson."

Having convinced himself the tree is still the answer, just to more questions now, Dwight joins the others in trying to get Bella to give more information.

Muffled Bella (DM Cayzle) 
Saturday July 1st, 2006 6:44:41 AM

[OOC: Backtracking a bit] Before Bella runs away -- she explains to Selithe that her most useful potions, being made of fresh ingredients, go bad after just a day, unless she keeps them close to her in special flasks. Then, as she looks over Grayson, Dwight, watching carefully, sees that Bella does not cast any spell. But clearly she recognizes the marks, and they scare her.

After Bella takes off, Airin is baffled and Kendry is left at a (momentary) loss for words by Bella's retreat.

Podo listens at Bella's door, and thinks maybe he hears a gulp, gasp, or sob. Not a happy sound, that's for sure. He suggests leaving the greenmage and doing their own research.

But Kendry and Selithe, with brave heart and clever head, respectively, are unwilling to just go.

Tobias takes direct action. First, he knocks on Bella's door and asks her what's wrong. A muffled voice calls back, "What's wrong is that I have enemies! Don't get mixed up in this! If you value your lives!"

Tobias asks at least for a little information. Bella's voice, gets softer. " 'Go for help'? Go away! That's the best help you can give yourselves. You don't want to know what opposes me!" Her speech continues, fainter.

If you make a Listen DC10 check, Highlight to display spoiler: {She says, "You don't want to know about the wyrm that is death."}

If you make a Listen check DC15, then Highlight to display spoiler: { "You don't want to know about Flamelich."}

Kendry comes by and offers to fetch a doctor, or someone. Bella's voice is clearer to understand, and a note of self-pitying sarcasm creeps in. "A doctor! I am a doctor! And no one can cure the fear of death!"

Dwight joins in, asking to know more. Bella answers, "I've already said too much! Go away! Leave an old lady to cower in peace alone!"

Grayson's wife, sitting alone next to her husband, is crying.

Saturday July 1st, 2006 8:03:43 PM

Dwight moves closer to the door and speaks loud enough for her to hear. "Bella, we are already involved. The hag, or harpy or whatever it was that cast this spell already knows us. When we attacked it, and they ran off, they said it wasn't the last we would see of them. So you see, we have already involved ourselves."

Dwight thinks for a moment before continuing. "Seeing that you and them are enemies only strengthens our desire to aid you in your time of need. And doing so will hopefully increase our own strength to deal with them when they return for us."

Kendry  d20+6=19 d20+9=23 d20+8=17
Sunday July 2nd, 2006 2:15:49 AM

[Listen: 19] About to ask Airin to try to reason further with her, Kendry is pleased with the wisdom of Dwight's words. He rests his hand on Dwight's shoulder, and gives an affirming squeeze.

[Bardic knowledge roll to see if Kendry has some awareness that Flame became Flamelich: 23.]

"Bella, was Flamelich once called Flame?"

If she answers in the affirmative, or chooses not to reply at all, he says, "You may find this farfetched." [Keep in mind he drank a whole cup of tea after she had him sit down. Oh - but he made his will save with a 17 - but if it's supposed to be a fortitude save, he failed with an 11.]

"It's hard to explain how this came to pass - but if you need me to do so, I shall," he says, projecting loud enough to be heard through the door, but not throughout the neighborhood. "When Flame was still a red dragon, not undead, then once in battle I leapt from on high, and upon his neck I rode, and assaulted him with noise and spell, and helped drive him away from a place where he otherwise would have killed many students. I did not run then - but helped make him run. After a while he breathed his hot flames on me, and I died. The love of Airin and Maab's First Water restored life unto me.

"Bella, though your enemies be one or many, and mighty, do not despair. We have faced Eberyon, and helped to counter his early plans to destroy a multitude of druids. We are - and we shall strive to be - your friends. Let us help." He pauses, then adds, "We are not always mighty - but sometimes we are lucky."

He hopes someone will go to comfort Ezra - but he himself waits by Bella's door, straining to hear her response.

Kim: Posting site reminder 
Sunday July 2nd, 2006 3:18:16 AM

[I've shared a spreadsheet with you, my fellow Crescent Valley associates - the Google spreadsheet is named: "Crescent Valley Posting"

Click on the following link to log into Google Spreadsheets and view the spreadsheet:


I update it from time to time during each week. You can go there to see how well you and your compadres are keeping up with the rigors of five-times-a-week posting.

A note: At the bottom of the screen you will see titles of the various sheets. For the most part, each sheet represents a week of posting, with the starting date for the week included in the sheet name. 'CV20060619' covers Crescent Valley posting for June 19-25, 2006; CV20060626 June 26 - July 2; etc. 'Harpy Treasure' gives the treasure breakdown and some of the associated calculations. Click on the appropriate date link to see the week you wish to review.

Everyone is doing well, with no one missing more than one post per week.

You may need to enter your email address to gain access to the spreadsheet. Only Cayzle and current members of the Crescent Valley game can see it (so far as I know).]

Podo D. Danderfluff  d20+9=27 d20+6=25 d20+1=13 d20+3=4
Sunday July 2nd, 2006 10:54:45 PM

Having played the opposite side of the argument didn't pan out as Podo thought. "So, folks, how are we to divide up the chores, eh? Kendry evesdropping with Dwight. Airin and Selithe comforting Grayson and his bride, leaving Tobias and myself to lend a hand when one or the other team needs one?" asks Podo in a conversational tone.

If no one responds to Podo, Podo will do his best to search/look around the room for any clues as to this Flamelich thing that Bella is visabily afraid of, and at the same time Kendry, Airin and myself seems to think we are familiar.

If no one moves to tend to Grayson and his bride, Podo will go and see what he can do/affect. Once near enough to tend to Grayson's needs, Podo will use his little used skill of Heal to try and easy hisand his lady's discomfort.

Spot DC: 27
Listen DC: 26
Gather Infomation DC: 13
Heal DC: 4

Airin  d20+10=24
Monday July 3rd, 2006 10:47:10 AM

(listen: 24)


This word stings in airin's heart like nothing did before and she trembles in Kendry's arms... no... not again"

Reluctant Airin hears Kendry tell the tale and as he comes to the final moment where flame scorched the young bards body Airin swallows the lump in her throat...

Knowing where this leads to Airin faces Bella and with fire in her eyes she talks to Bella :"When did this infernal Flame return... "

Monday July 3rd, 2006 1:25:44 PM

More stunned with the story than with Bella's reaction, Tobias waits to see if she responds to any of the information.

Cayzle ... 
Monday July 3rd, 2006 8:38:42 PM

... waiting ...

Monday July 3rd, 2006 10:12:49 PM

Selithe listens to everything and blinks when she hears comments on a dragon and looks to the others as she shakes her head some, not in disagreement but the overwhelming thought of a dragon.

Selithe leans against a wall and waits before speaking, "Well, we faced the fey king even though the odds were not in our favor and it was the right thing to do so we will do the right thing this time too."

Selithe looks to Kendry, "Anyway, it's a simple matter of if we don't help and run in fear then when does it end? And even if it does finally end how far will you go the next time a situation like this comes up? We have no real choice but to stand for what is right like we always have." Selithe grins and pulls out a card and twirls it between two fingers, "Anyway, a gambler is best when all the chips are down and your back's to the wall."

Tuesday July 4th, 2006 12:15:21 AM

"Right, sis," Kendry agrees with his sister about doing the right thing. But then, with stern mien, he asks her, "What would happen if Papa and Mama found out you were marking cards? Not to mention Nalfein. And what if I find out you carry forward such an idea?"

Then he softens a bit. "But, yes, we need to continue to stand for what is right. It is the only way truly to win in the long run."

Muttering Bella (DM Cayzle) 
Tuesday July 4th, 2006 7:37:38 AM

[OOC: This is the Monday DM Post!]

Several in the party call through the door, hoping to convince Bella to reconsider her hasty (not to mention craven) retreat.

Dwight argues that the group is already involved, and adds that together they will do better together than apart.

Kendry, from personal experience and from common lore, knows that the Flame of yore and Flamelich the Undead Dragon are one and the same. But he also knows that Flamelich is dead, or rather, destroyed. That's common knowledge, too, along with the exploits of the Gold Dragons who did him in. [OOC: Feel free to peruse the archives.] The bard does his best to convey his own history to Bella. After telling Bella how he and his friends defeated Flame, Kendry adds that they had the luck to also defeat Eberyon, the Fae King.

Shocked at this news, Airin is a little more than somewhat aghast. She asks Bella to tell more. Tobias, too, is curious to hear what Bella will say.

Selithe, the gambler, the black sheep, nonetheless offers the clearest compass. "We have no real choice but to stand for what is right," she tells her friends and Bella.

Podo looks around for information about this "Flame," but finds nothing relevant. However, he notes one thing: Podo only Please Highlight to display spoiler: {The monk's gaze does alight on a small carving hanging above the door: hands palms outward with fingers spread.}

Then, seeing as no one else has done so, Podo offers what comfort he can to the tortured and his wife. Maybe he does ease the fellow's pain a little -- though it is hard to tell, given Grayson's contortions. "Why won't that lady help?" sobs Ezra.

From behind the door, Bella reacts to the group's urging.
She scoffs at Dwight: "You think your strength will suffice, but what if you are wrong?"

She laughs bitterly at Kendry: "You defeated the dragon and the Fae King, then you had breakfast, slapped Marteaus around, and wrestled Domi to a draw before lunch. What heroes! What wonders! What braggarts! Ha ha ha!"

Laughing so hard, she does not even seem to hear Airin.

But her mean laughter is cut off like a hydra's head under a barbarian's axe when Selithe speaks. At Selithe's words, Bella falls silent, and mutters.

If you make a Listen check vs DC13, then Please Highlight to display spoiler: {You hear Bella say, as to herself, "Coward!" Then she says a few more words that are too soft to hear.}

If you make a Listen check vs DC18, then Please Highlight to display spoiler: {You hear Bella say, as to herself, "Coward! She is right! What about your oath!"}

[OOC: Great roleplay, folks. But when you do interact with NPCs, please consider pre-emptive rolling of Diplomacy or Bluff or Intimidate checks, as needed, as you feel appropriate. (Consider that a call for rolls for next post, by the way!) And don't worry if you have low/no ranks ... I make adjustments to the roll based on your post. And anyone can Aid Another with a DC10 check.]

[OOC again: Regarding posting, I try to post every day at the same time ... in the evening, Wold time, each weekday. But if I work late or am waiting for late posters, that might slip to the morning (like today). I'll try to post this evening to get back on track. But if I end up slipping consistently, I may end up with a Sat morning post, some weeks. Would you folks prefer an early morning post? I've done that too.]

Airin  d20+10=27 d20+1=12
Tuesday July 4th, 2006 9:19:54 AM

Airin listens to Selithe but when Bella laughs at Kendry's words she becomes bitter. This woman laughs at one of her greatests fears and disbeliefs the young halflings. No matter how strong this woman is, Airin will not endure her laughter.

(listen: 27)

Then she overhears Bella muttering to herself making Airin recover her wits:"You mock our honesty yet you are the one who have been covering truths... what about your oath?"

(diplomacy: 12)

Kendry  d20+9=23 d20+6=21 d20+9=28
Tuesday July 4th, 2006 9:38:45 AM

[Diplomacy, last round: 23. Listen: 21]

Kendry waits for Bella's laughter to die down. "'Defeated'?" he echoes Bella's word. "No - more like diverted. In the right place and time, a small stone might divert a stream." [Diplomacy, this round: 28]

Hearing Ezra's sob in the background, he decides to go check on her and her husband. He sits on the floor before her and looks up into her eyes. "Do not despair, ma'am. Help might come from other directions."

Dwight  d20+7=27 d20+3=19 d20+4=10
Tuesday July 4th, 2006 10:48:57 AM

Listen: 27
Diplomacy: 19

Dwight taken aback slightly that Bella would scoff at him adds to Selithe's argument. "Whether it is enough or not only time can tell, what matters is that we try. We are but halflings, but we have accomplished much. The Wold is aware of Ebyron's rebirth because of us, we saw his birth, growth and despite the magic he wielded at that moment fought him, BECAUSE IT WAS RIGHT!" Dwight finishes a little irritated to be having this conversation through a door.

Dwight watches Kendry move to help Ezra, wishing he could do more for the couple. Realizing he can't he remains at the door.

"You know we speak the truth about being involved, our past deeds and the desire to do what is right or else we would have left at the first sign of danger."

bluff:10 (I rolled a bluff check for my last statement "you know we speak the truth," as in character Dwight doesn't know about the truth syrup in the tea, though he had a really strong suspicion. Kendry, Selithe and "Airin" drank their tea and speak the truth.--sorry a little DMing popped out.)

Tobias  d20+1=15 d20+5=13
Tuesday July 4th, 2006 2:36:44 PM

Tobias continues to be steamed by Bella's reactions, and he's finally had it. He yells through the door, "Well forget you then. You would send away the weak and dying because of some obsure, far-away threat. You would send us to our deaths without even telling us of the dangers. I don't understand what all these people in town see in you. To me you're nothing but a coward!"

He moves over to Grayson and Ezra and begins to lift him back into the cart. As he struggles out, he says "After we're all dead, may the Flamelich come here and find you alone cowering in your bedroom."

Intimidate: 15
Listen: 13

Selithe  d20+2=7
Tuesday July 4th, 2006 5:31:50 PM

Selithe looks to the others and shakes her head abit understanding of why they are reacting the way they are and speaks gently to the group, "Calmer heads prevail. Bella is scared of something powerful and we all should beable to understand that. I was afraid when we did what we did against the fey king but it was through the actions of my friends and family an worry of their lives that I gained the courage to fight also." (Diplomacy:7 wow)

Selithe looks back to Bella and smiles gently, "I simply ask you consider everything said. An you are older and wiser then us so I believe you can look past the words of anger and see the truth and heart of what we all are saying."

Selithe sighs softly, "If you can not help Bella, if the risk is to much for you then I simply wish to know someone else we can go to for we will not give up on what must be done."

Selithe now turns her attention to Kendry and smiles the brightest smile she can, "Ohh brother, you know a gambler now and then has to give him or herself a better edge." She smiles more and shrugs, "Anyway, any of my winnings do not usually just pad my pocket but finds it's place else where so if the ends justifies the means. Not to mention I'm a gambler, not a saint."

Angrier Bella (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday July 5th, 2006 4:13:06 AM

The door to the inner room flies open, swings around, and crashes against the wall. Bella storms out, looking angrier than before.

"Ha!" she shouts. "I'll show you!"

She turns to the claw-foot tub in which the vinous guardian resides ... the one that threatened Kendry. "Horace, get out and help me!" she shouts. The tub heaves like a living thing, and the plant AND the dirt are dumped on the floor. The plant slithers over, a mess of earth and strong vines and small leaves.

Bella grabs Grayson's head and shoulders, and Horace grabs his waist, arms, and legs. Together, they bring the suffering man to the tub and set him in it. She mutters, more softly than she has been shouting, but all can hear: "Think I don't know what's right! Think other people can do this job!"

Then she takes out a knife with a glass blade, nicks her finger, and places a drop of her own blood on each rune or mark or wound on the tortured man. She begins to chant. Her voice rises up and down, and it is hypnotic. After a couple minutes, it is clear that this will take a while!

If you make a spellcraft check vs DC19, then Please Highlight to display spoiler: {You recognize that this is a witch ritual ... seems like a purification ritual.}

Dwight  d20+5=19
Wednesday July 5th, 2006 8:00:44 AM

Dwight stands by the door as Bella storms out. He thinks to say something, but remains silent as Horace begins to move.

When Grayson is moved to the tub, Dwight manages to move himself so that he can watch. Then is eyes go wide (spellcraft 19). "A a a witch," he whispers very softly to himself. He doesn't say this with any anger, but more as fact with some relief coming out of the statement.

Wednesday July 5th, 2006 10:28:44 AM

Airin stands perplexed at Bella's reaction and sensing the group is not speaking at the same level she holds her breath.

She WILL speak to Bella about that oath, but not now. First let her cure Grayson - that is if that's what she's doing...

Wednesday July 5th, 2006 3:23:40 PM

Tobias is again surprised by Bella's reaction of his challenge. Seeing her come to take Grayson, he waits to see what she does for him.

Wednesday July 5th, 2006 9:07:44 PM

Selithe watches Bella and smiles gently as she hopes she is going to be able to help the young man. Selithe doesn't try to make out what Bella is saying since she figures Bella is good and would not harm the man.

Kendry  d20+5=22 d20+9=25
Wednesday July 5th, 2006 11:04:58 PM

Kendry recognizes the marks of witchcraft [Spellcraft: 22] - the glass knife, much like those Dwight picked up recently at the Catacombs - and the bit of blood.

He listens to the chant. Hmmm - the vine, 'Horace', understands the common tongue. Kendry is glad he did not get in a fight with the plant.

He sits and holds Ezra's hand as Grayson sits in the tub. [Bardic knowledge: 25] Quietly, gently, he speaks with her, "Bella is doing the right things to help your husband. Her actions will purify him of the marks and the dark magic placed upon him. This may take an hour or so, Ezra. Do you want to get a bite to eat? Or lie down for a while? Or would you prefer to remain?" In his tone, he tries to communicate that whatever choice she makes is fine with him.

He wants a chance to talk with Airin, but will wait until Ezra responds to his questions.

Podo  d20+6=7 d20+9=22
Thursday July 6th, 2006 9:09:13 AM

Listening[DC:7], watching [spot, DC:22], and then waking as if arising from a dream, the young monk, is first starled by his friends and then startled to recall where he is, that is to say, he's in the presence of a herbalist!

Yawning, Podo explains to his friends, "Sorry was trying to recall where I saw an image of a small carving with hands palms outward with fingers spread. Where were we?"

Grumpy Bella (DM Cayzle) 
Thursday July 6th, 2006 9:43:58 AM

This is the Wed DM post!

Dwight is struck by his realization that Bella is a witch.

Tobias and Airin are not sure what to think, but they are willing to watch.

Selithe has a gut feeling that Bella means well. The gambler seems willing to take a chance on the greenmage.

Kendry, like Dwight, understands better what is going on, and he uses this chance to reassure Ezra. She definitely wants to wait and watch too.

Podo wakes from a daydream, not sure what is going on.

Bella's magic takes about an hour to complete. But at the end of that time, the marks on Grayson fade away, and he rises, shaky but pain free. Ezra is very grateful: "Lady Bella, thank you! Thank you! You're wonderful!"

Bella smiles but turns away. "Not a lady," she says of herself. Then she is stern with Grayson. "Now you rest for at least three days! No exertions! I'll give you some tea to brew."

She asks the group to see the couple to safety. "Then come back, I suppose, if you still want to."

Thursday July 6th, 2006 10:03:23 AM

"Will you then talk with us about all that has been going on? I guess you and us all have stories to tell and answers to look for...

"I, and those who come along, will see Ezzra and Grayson to safety and then return. See you later... Perhaps one of us can stay here and learn from your skills in using plants?"

Selithe  d20+2=3
Thursday July 6th, 2006 11:32:44 AM

Selithe looks to the group and pats Ezra's arm, "I'm glad your husband is safe Ezra and I hope everything works out for the best now."

Selithe then looks to Bella, "I'm going to stay here with you Bella. I might have been the hardest on you with some of my comments and am sorry if I came across as harsh."

Selithe smiles and holds out her hand in a friendly gesture, "Can we sit and have some tea while waiting Bella? Your tea was quite good." Selithe is doing her best to make Bella feel more at ease. (Diplomacy:3 nat:1)

Thursday July 6th, 2006 12:35:12 PM

Tobias watches Bella perform her magic and is relieved to see Grayson finally waking from his stupor.

When it's done, he thanks Bella for her help in curing Grayson.

Tobias will go with the group to bring Grayson and Ezra to a safer place.

Dwight  d20+3=18
Thursday July 6th, 2006 12:59:38 PM

Realizing Bella's true trade brings actual comfort to Dwight as his suspicions of her have finally played out. He watches intently for the full hour as Bella goes through the motions of her spell.

"Thank you, Bella." Dwight says meaningfully and with respect.

Diplomacy: 18

As Ezra, Greyson and the others leave, Dwight wishes the newlyweds a safe and happy life. "The best of times and the worst of times. Love and marriage is only strengthened as the two of you survive through the worst of times, my pa always said." Dwight smiles.

He too offers to stay, hoping to learn more about plants, Horace, and the herbs they intended to find orginally (foxglove and the ishgara tree). Dwight will yield information he has found regarding the tree in particular. He is curious as to how she intends to track the location of the tree.

Kendry  d20+3=8 d20+3=22 d20+3=19 d20+3=11 d20+3=12 d20+3=19 d20+3=14 d20+3=19 d20+3=22 d20+3=12 d20+3=23
Friday July 7th, 2006 12:10:13 AM

When Podo talks so strangely, Kendry decides to look around the room. As Bella works her work, he looks here, and there, and low, and high. He takes the time to pretty much memorize the room, its layout, the things in it. Finally (spot 23, nat 20 - 11th attempt), he notices above the door the pair of hands that Podo mentioned. "There they are, Pode. The hands. You eat funny mushrooms or something?" he asks his cousin quietly.

"Thank you, Bella," Kendry tells her as she completes her work on Grayson. "I expect we'll be back once we have the newlyweds settled in for the prescribed rest."

Kendry thinks of a few alternatives. There are some inns, and there is the family shop. There's room enough for them there.

Podo  d20+9=13 d20+2=8 d20+6=13
Friday July 7th, 2006 12:27:05 AM

Podo will follow Airin in escorting the newly wed couple to their destination and to safety.

On the way back, Podo looks around keeping an eye out for anything that doesn't seem to "fit" in and [Spot DC: 13] he especially concentrates on listening to whats in the background while the group of friends head back to Bella's house. [Concentrate DC: 8][Listen DC: 13]

Bella's Good-By (DM Cayzle) 
Friday July 7th, 2006 9:26:19 AM

Bella nods to Airin, Tobias, Kendry, and Podo as they follow her request to take Ezra and Grayson to safety. "This man is still in danger," she says, "so I ask you to take them to a safe space, not the common room of a tavern."

Then Bella's eyebrows crinkle into an angry frown you are beginning to recognize.

When Selithe says she will stay and drink tea, Bella says roughly, "No, you have not been invited to stay for tea! You were invited to escort these people to a place of safety and then to return later!"

And to Dwight she says, "Well! You offer to learn from me? Well! As it happens, I have not offered to teach you! Go on, get out of here, and come back when you have found some manners! Huh!"

Although she is smaller than some of you, Bella seems like a giant as she ushers you all out of her cottage. Slam! goes the door, and you are out on the street.

Ezra and Grayson look at you. Ezra seems scared. "Where will you take us?" she asks.

Friday July 7th, 2006 9:48:01 AM

Once the door slams shut, Kendry smiles. "Yes, manners, indeed!" He winks at Dwight.

He turns to answer Ezra's query. "To my family's place, Missus Ezra. There's room, and we'll fix it up nice for you two."

Friday July 7th, 2006 12:58:14 PM

Tobias just walks away from Bella's place shaking his head, not sure what to make of her. "She's going to be an interesting one to work with."

Friday July 7th, 2006 9:16:17 PM

Selithe shrugs when the door slams and looks to the others, "Wasn't really meaning to try and invite myself but I suppose Bella has a lot to think about now."

Selithe looks to Ezra, "Let's get you and your husband to someplace safe and then maybe we all should get some rest before coming back to visit with Bella more."

Selithe mainly wanting to give Bella some time to herself since she might want to think things over or maybe she was worried trouble might come along and wished them gone so she slips up next to Kendry and speaks to him, "Brother, I'm a little worried. Could Bella be wanting us all to go just in case the enemy she speaks of shows up?" Selithe frowns, "Maybe someone should camp out near by or something to keep watch for trouble."

Saturday July 8th, 2006 10:01:04 AM

At first Dwight is quite angry having the door slammed in his face and not knowing more about the initial task.

As the others move off, Dwight's anger lessens seeing they understand Bella's need to be alone. Deciding they are right, Dwight follows, mumbling in response to Podo, "If we do work together she needs to let us know a lot more of what's going on."

Dwight continues walking in the rear of the group hoping his anger lessens by the time they get Ezra and Grayson to their room.

An uncertain first impresson (DM Cayzle) 
Saturday July 8th, 2006 11:58:10 AM

Walking back to the family shop, the party has a chance to reflect on Bella, and Dwight and Tobias express a few reservations. What will it be like to work with this grumpy, fearful, wild person?

But Selithe remains convinced that Bella's heart is in the right place, and she feels concern for the greenmage's safety. For now, though, the group escorts the honeymooning couple to the shop.

There, Nalfein welcomes the group back, and lets Ezra and Grayson know that they are welcome. Privately, he asks his siblings and cousins how long they'll be staying.

Kendry busys himself making a guest room comfy.

The couple end up safely put to bed. What next?

Sunday July 9th, 2006 4:11:19 PM

Once Grayson and Ezra are safely stowed away, Tobias is all for going back to Bella's. He's a little concerned at what might happen if she's given too much time alone to change her mind.

But, he's unsure on how to answer Nalfein about the length of their stay...

Sunday July 9th, 2006 10:20:08 PM

With his friends, but out of earshot of the young couple, Kendry opens this discussion. "First, Bella warns us that Grayson is not yet out of danger. Whatever spirits or powers have been afflicting him may try to re-enter the swept-out house. I think we need to arrange some sort of effective guard for their safety.

"Second, I think you're right, Tobias. Bella fears for her life - or something more. Now, along with Grayson needing rest, each of us also will need rest, as will Bella. Ezra, of course.

"How do we keep eyes, and presence, in both places? If there is an attack on one, how do we ensure that such is not used as a diversion to attack a second place - a second person? The short answer is that we probably cannot. If such were to happen, we may have to focus on one before we can deal with the other. A hard choice, and I hope it does not come to such, but better to save one than to lose two.

"What if we enlist some kids to help us? Or talk things over with the mayor?"

Just then Podo speaks up.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Monday July 10th, 2006 12:22:18 AM

Podo tells his friends, "Now that we have delivered the couple safely, do you think I can run to the temple quickly on my way back to Bella's house? I'd like to know if Zardock is still in town. We didn't get a chance to finsih our conversation last time."

Kendry, continued 
Monday July 10th, 2006 1:31:59 AM

"Sure, Podo," Kendry answers. "I don't have a problem with that. Say, Zardock knows Bella, right? As a friend? Maybe he might have some insights into her situation and behavior. Yes, cuz, check and see if he's around."

He hands him a whistle. And gives one to each member of the group. "If we need to gather here are the shop," he says, referring to WinWood Toys and Music, where the Jensens are staying upstairs, "then the signal is two long, two short, and two long toots. If we need to get over to Bella's, then it'll be short-long, short-long, short-long, and three shorts." He demonstrates each, and has everyone try the signals, until they all can do them, and recognize them.

After extracting a hair-spit promise from Nalfein and Leska (and any other siblings who may be at the shop at the time) to keep the following information tight, at least for the next week - and treated with discretion following that, he gives them an edited version of what happened to Grayson, and of Bella's purification ritual that helped to get rid of the markings on him. He allows that Bella is under a great deal of stress, and seems somewhat snappish.

He also whispers to them of Flamelich. "Flame is the famous and most wicked red dragon of yore, who later was killed, but turned into a lich. A combination of two of the most terrible opponents one might face. Well, the Gold Dragons - or the Platinums? - you know, that famous adventuring group - defeated Flamelich - so, supposedly he's dead-dead. But Bella is not so sure." An involuntary shudder runs up and down his spine. "We might need to rush over there to help her out. Any idea when Papa might be showing up in town with his next load of toys and instruments?"

Hair-spit promises are pretty close to sacred in the Pipewood clan, so he trusts his siblings to keep the information he shared with them from others.

Oh - and he lets them know of the tea Bella gave them for Grayson to drink over the next few days. Leska always brewed a fine cup of tea.

"All right, friends. What's a good way for us to keep watch both here and there - and have a chance to rest ourselves? There are six of us in the group, and Nalf and Leska can help keep an eye on the Jensens. Should we set up a rotating schedule of sorts? Like four hours on, eight hours off, in pairs? If you wouldn't mind, I'd like to be on watch with Airin. Would the night hours be a more likely time, you think, for Bella's enemies to try for her? Maybe we can hire some kids to keep an eye on things around her place in the daytime, and some of us at night. We'd want to do it in a fashion that doesn't upset her overmuch, though."

When they have a chance, Kendry wants to spend some time off-watch with Airin. There are some things he'd like to talk over...

Of course, there are the animals to take care of - he makes sure his ponies are seen to at the smithy's, and arranges to have them stay in the stables there.

Monday July 10th, 2006 5:39:38 AM

Selithe agrees with Kendry's comments and thoughts but at the moment is looking forward to relaxing a little bit and think over everything that has happened this day so far.

She smiles and speaks up, "I would be willing to take a more middle shift if we rotate watches anyway. That way maybe I can get something to good to eat and then take my watch and then get some sleep." Selithe smiles and wonders what their family is having to eat anyway.

Monday July 10th, 2006 8:44:51 AM

Airin nods as Kendry and Podo are talking things over but worries about one thing:

"I do think we may need to find a way to keep an eye on both instead of concentrating on one... Perhaps some kids can help us indeed. Also - no thanks love I have whistles of my own - these whistles can help us and any one else who can help us to alert the others. I don't know what is best but I do believe one of us needs to "bond" with Bella. I'm only partly a druid but I sensed Dwight was on the same level as Bella. Let keep an eye out of both for a while and maybe Dwight can go and look the next morning?"

And then small groups are suggested... when Kendry asks to stick with Airin the little lass blushes somewhat. It's been a while since she and Kendry had some time to spend quietly together...

"s.. sure..." Airin stammers blushing even more, wondering what that lovable bard is up to now!

hmmm... I wonder if Airin will be able to keep guard if she's to take guard with Kendry... at night... just the two of them...

Monday July 10th, 2006 11:22:48 AM

Listening to the others suggest watching both, Dwight nods his head in agreement. "I suspect tonight is the most important for both. The hags or whatever will have noticed the severed connection immediately. I don't believe they would know about Bella, but they might have a sense of where the connection was lost, meaning Bella's house."

"I think Bella won't sleep much tonight. Her past demons will haunt her too much from the little I understand about Flame. However, if she chooses to leave, there is little we can do about it."

"I'm not sure I would say I have a good connection with her, but I can try in the morning. If need be, I can do the final watch and then visit her just after sunrise."

Dwight sticks around for the last bit of conversation and then retires to bed. He thinks about his pa and the same phrase keeps coming to mind. A tree always falls the hardest when you are under it.

Monday July 10th, 2006 2:31:53 PM

Tobias is used to strange hours traveling through Culverwood, so he'll volunteer for whichever watch needs another pair of eyes.

And, he volunteers Tewdwr to keep watch over Bella's. Perhaps an animal rather than a person will cause her less stress. Tewdwr can warn us if anyone or anything approaches or if Bella leaves her house (by normal means).

Word on the Street (DM Cayzle) 
Monday July 10th, 2006 9:34:15 PM

[OOC: Friends, it will help me out if you try to anticipate rolls that could be useful and make them with your post. For example, if you are going to go talk to NPCs, make diplomacy or gather info checks. If I don't need them, no harm done. If I do, then great!]

Podo goes off to chat with Zardock, and finds he is just in time! The dwarf plans about to head out to parts unknown on the morrow.

"I've done my preaching here. Time to head on."

If Podo asks about Bella, then Zardock will chuckle. "Yes, she is a character! but her heart is in the right place. Her head ... that's another story! But let me not speak ill of a fellow healer, especially since we both studied under the same master. I do know that her devotion is sincere, and her intentions are good. That should be enough for anyone. If she rubs you the wrong way, just be patient."

Kendry tracks down the Mayor. Calfast has only good things to say about Bella. "A fine upstanding woman! Pillar of the community! Always helpful!' If Kendry can make a sense motive check vs DC10, then Highlight to display spoiler: {He senses that she makes Calfast uneasy.}. If Kendry can make a sense motive check vs DC10, then Highlight to display spoiler: {He senses that Calfast has butted heads with Bella and is afraid to speak poorly of her.}.

Siblings, animal friends, and the rest of the party set up careful plans to watch over the couple of newlyweds as well as Bella's cottage. But through the whole tedious night, there is no sign of anything amiss at all.

The day dawns bright and clear. Plans?

Kendry - with Calfast Rowgold Tunnelly  d20+3=15 d20+9=12 d20+9=23 d20+9=29
Tuesday July 11th, 2006 1:35:50 AM

Kendry discerns Calfast's discomfort with Bella, and that he and she have clashed in the past [Sense motive 15]. Not surprising at all. He says, "She is a remarkable woman, with quality friends in high places, and her emotions sometimes carry her thither and yon, I wager," he responds to the mayor. "I like her, and we intend to carry through on the help we earlier offered her. She is fearful of her enemies, and would shield us from them. Though she has given us an out, I do not intend to use it. She seems somewhat diffident at the moment." [Kendry's diplomacy is somewhat lacking at the moment regarding Bella: 12.] He adds as he continues to see a measure of discomfort on the mayor's face, "Please pardon my candor."

Kendry gives to Calfast Rowgold Tunnelly a copy of the next installment of his adventuring journals. "For your safekeeping, Burgomeister. As before, I trust to your discretion in sharing the contents with others."

That brings to mind another matter. "Oh, I almost forgot. Captain Oosterlinck of the Plateau City branch of the WLA told us that discussions are well under way regarding establishing a branch here in Crescent Valley. He spoke well of your negotiating style, sir, and that you drive a hard bargain. In any event, we are looking forward to something happening in that regard, soon. Any word, yet? Is there a spot here in town, or on the outskirts, that you think would suit their purposes?" [Diplomacy: 23]

He also brings the mayor up to date on the happenings on the road between here and Windhorn Hamlet (road, hags, harpies, Jensens), and suggests that the sending of some help from Crescent Valley would be appreciated. "If your fixer friend is still around? Zardock? He might be well-suited to repairing that breach. By the way, how is the bell tower? And the other buildings that needed work?" [Diplomacy: 29]

And wanting to leave the door open for any direction or insight that the burgomeister may have to offer, Kendry asks, "Is there anything we can do for you?" Then, with a disarming smile, "Within reason, of course!"

Kendry - with Airin 
Tuesday July 11th, 2006 2:20:40 AM

As he and Airin find a suitable spot to keep watch on Bella's place during a four-hour stint at night, he casts a message spell so that they might whisper - whether urgent messages or sweet nothings.

"Airin, I want you to know that my affection and admiration for you continue to grow. You have a ready wit, an infectuous laugh, good insight, a courageous heart, and a willingness to undergo the rigors of the adventuring life without murmur or complaint. You are a good dancer - better than I am! - and I just like being with you, girl.

"I have a question."

Kendry - with friends 
Tuesday July 11th, 2006 2:23:46 AM

"Maybe we can go see Bella - but a few should stay with the Jensen couple. Ask her if she'd like our help once Grayson is over the worst of it. I know that Dwight is anxious to find out more about that movable tree."

He asks Podo, "Well, did you talk with Zardock about some of the things you are thinking over?"

Kendry will catch a nap at WinWood at some point to make up for his lost sleep from last night.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood  d20+1=21 d20+1=4
Tuesday July 11th, 2006 9:26:16 AM

Upon finding Zardock, Podo finds a way to ask about Bella. Listening to Zardock speak about Bella, Podo's ear perk up when Zardock says they both studied under the same master. "Really! The same Master? Whom might that be, Zardock?" asks Podo.

When the conversation dies down abit about Bella, Podo will ask about the Walkers. "Zardock? Last time we spoke, you said you'd be more than happy to discuss the different aspects of the group called The Walkers, but because of other pressing issues, we never received that chance to speak about that topic. Do you have the tiem now to do so before you leave town?" asks Podo.

Skill DC Checks:
Diplomacy DC: 21(Nat 20)
Gather Info. DC: 4

Airin at night  d20+8=20 d20+10=27
Tuesday July 11th, 2006 10:45:08 AM

At night when she's holding watch with Kendry Airin does her best to keep an eye out as good as it gets but with Kendry's arm around her and him speaking in the most romatic fashion it becomes tougher for the little halfling lass...

[spot: 20 -5 = 15]
[listen: 27 - 5 = 22]

All the time while Kendry speaks Airin quietly listens and blushes. Then Kendry says: "I have a question..." and Airin looks into his eyes with her own grey eyes and without speaking Kendry knows she's listening...

Airin with friends  d20+8=16 d20+8=16 d20+19=38
Tuesday July 11th, 2006 10:47:56 AM

Yes I agree that while some are talking to people the rest should keep watch some more. I'll keep an eye out on Grayson and his wife.

Airin goes to the opposite house and climbs the roof with use of a rope and grappling hook if needed...

[climbing: 16]

Next she lays down on the roof so she can keep an eye out on Grayson's house without being seen herself.

[spot: 16]
[hide: 38]

Tuesday July 11th, 2006 1:33:04 PM

Tobias volunteers to stay with the couple while some of the others go to see Bella.

Tuesday July 11th, 2006 8:05:47 PM

Selithe nods and will enjoy her time before taking her watch. Come morning Selithe will greet the others and listen to everyone's plans before speaking her own idea, "We should head out to see Bella soon also."

Selithe stays silent otherwise and just listens to everything going on and also checks on her riding dog Gra, even taking her along for a stretch of the dog's legs if Gra seems a little antsy about being couped up.

Tuesday July 11th, 2006 8:51:22 PM

Eager to finally get some answer, Dwight hopes Bella has had time to think and cool down.

"I'd like to meet with Bella," Dwight informs the others knowing they already knew this.

On the walk to Bella's house:
"Okay there seems so much we need to talk about with Bella. We tried to tell her everything last night, but I don't think she was expecting everything we suggested. Though I think what we said, even if only partially true truly terrified her."

"Hopefully today we can discuss everything. I had felt she was hiding something from us before and I was right, but I'm sure she still knows a lot more than she has said, which is next to nothing."

"I think we need answers about her fear, what she meant of about Flame, how the harpies and that curse are connected to her. And then we reaffirm our word to still help her in collecting the 'herbs' she initially wanted us for. Any other thoughts? Something I missed? I did a lot of research on that tree and it seems more than a coincidence it is related to the Fey at this time of crisis in the Wold."

Dwight feels ready to take charge, he wants answers before more questions arise.

News from Bree (DM Cayzle) 
Tuesday July 11th, 2006 11:52:28 PM

Calfast talks with Kendry. He will talk with the Fixer about the road. He wants the WLA HQ to be in a new building right in the middle of town. And he offers to set a couple militiamen to help guard the recovering honeymooners ... and he would like to come pay his respects.

Podo finds Zardock more than willing to talk. He sends Podo off to check in with his friends, and then to come back for dinner and a late night of conversation. In fact, it is early morning before the two are done.

[OOC: Let's cover the details of Podo's talk with Zardock in e-mail. We'll assume that all the conversation is concluded well by dawn.]

Airin cleverly watches through the night (or part of it) from the roof of a nearby building. But in fact all is peaceful and calm.

Tobias watches from inside the family shop and volunteers to stay behind in the morning.

Selithe walks her dog in the morning and is eager to get over to Bella's.

Dwight is also eager to visit Bella, and he has a few questions ready.

Calfast shows up for breakfast and has other news. Seems there are rumors of drow in Crescent Valley. A cousin of his, Bree Tunnelly of the Elling Tunnellys, said she heard the rumor. He sees you off as you head over to Bella's.

So in the morning, the party (sans Tobias) sets off to visit Bella. You get to her cottage. What do you do?

Kendry with Airin 
Wednesday July 12th, 2006 1:51:42 AM

"Well, there are many things I would like to ask, punkin'," he answers Airin when she gives him her full attention.

"But this is my... well, this is my first question. Are you willing to have me get to know your parents? And for them to get to know me? Well, the rest of the family, too."

Wednesday July 12th, 2006 8:48:58 AM

Walking up to the door, Dwight knocks and then waits for a response.

If there is no answer after a few moments, Dwight calls for her. "Bella? The couple is safe and we have returned."

Otherwise Dwight continues to wait.

JPWard - Podo  d20+9=25
Wednesday July 12th, 2006 9:10:50 AM

Seeing Dwight knock on the door, Podo will wait 5 minutes for an answer. If no answer by then, Podo will head around back to see if Bella is in her in favorite Tree disguise. [Spot DC = 25]

If Podo does find a Tree that look s a bit like the last Tree, Podo will speak to Bella Tree. "Ah, Miss Bella? We're back like you asked having escorted our charges to a snug and safe haven. Calfast the Mayor has even offered to post guards to secure the safe haven." explains Podo to the Bella Tree.

Podo looking around, tries to spy anyone else in the backyard. If his friends are in the backyard, Podo will drop his voice to a whisper, as he speaks the next few lines. "Miss Bella, I spoke with Zardock all last night and into the morning. He speaks very highly of you."

If Bella Tree takes some time to resume her normal form, Podo will relax, stretching, and practicing some of his newly learned highest reach boxing skills he picked up from watching others. It really relaxes him and he gets some much pleasure at the vibrant feelings of health and life that come from finishing them.

Anyone in the backyard can see Podo moving through a series of slowly executed circular flowing movements with his hands, arms, and legs.

Airin at night waits for Kendry ;-) 
Wednesday July 12th, 2006 9:56:38 AM

continue later

Airin  d20+8=22 d20+19=31 d20+10=30
Wednesday July 12th, 2006 10:00:59 AM

"Drow!...here in the Valley?!... cool!"

The next morning as they all prepare to move to Bella's house Airin decides to keep guarding Grayson's house while the rest does the talking. No need to swarm Bella with even more questions. However before setting off, she tells Dwight and the other that go to see her about what she heard Bella saying last night about "her oath".

"Try to bring her on that toppic too friends. I think that's something important to know. meanwhile I'll be hiding on the rood and keep an eye out on things."

[spot: 22]
[hide: 31]
[listen: 30 - NAT20]

Wednesday July 12th, 2006 2:12:11 PM

With the peaceful evening passed, Tobias expects that the day will pass without event either. He keeps watch over the couple and waits for his friends to come back with news from Bella's.

Wednesday July 12th, 2006 9:08:06 PM

Selithe goes with the others to see Bella and also brings along Gra since her dog is pretty well behaved most of the time.

Selithe stays silent while waiting to see if Bella answers when one of the others knock on the door. If Bella doesn't answer Selithe heads around back with the others and looks around at the trees or lack there of in the back and frowns if she sees nothing or no sign of Bella.

Calm Bella (DM Cayzle) 
Thursday July 13th, 2006 12:37:26 AM

At Bella's House

Dwight knocks, and Bella answers the door. The change in her demeanor is striking. She is more put-together. No leaves or twigs in her hair. Her eyes do not dart about as quickly. She seems calmer.

She ushers Selithe, Podo, Dwight, and Kendry inside. "Welcome back. I am glad I did not scare you off. I really do need you to gather some plants for me."

She offers tea around the table.

When Podo mentions Zardock, she smiles. "That's good of him to say so. He was always nice to me. Many of my brother and sister Healers look down on the likes of me, but not Zardock."

"We met studying under the same master, you know. A good master, Brother Nortic, who looked past your past and studied your soul. Many of the more unusual Healer-candidates came to him."

"But I am rambling on. What was it I can do for you? My prices are very reasonable."


At the family shop.

Tobias stands watch while the mayor talks with Grayson and Ezra. Will Tobias stay in the room? Eavesdrop from a distance? Just hear snippet?

If Tobias stays in the room or can make a listen DC20 check, then Please Highlight to display spoiler: {The mayor asks the couple for their story, and listens for something.}

Outside, Airin is keeping watch from a roof. She sees the mayor leave after a while. Otherwise nothing stirs.

Thursday July 13th, 2006 2:29:57 AM

"You look rested, Miss Bella," Kendry remarks. He listens to what she has to say. "Well, we did say a couple weeks back we'd help you. You helped us very much by teleporting us all the way to Plateau City! Tobias, Airin, and a few other folks are watching over the Jensens as Grayson recovers. Leska - one of my sisters - has been brewing up the tea you sent along, and he's been drinking it - at least that's what she told me.

"The mayor just told us some drow have just arrived in town - so I'd like to find out a bit more about that. And we want to continue to make sure that your patient gets his rest. But a promise is a promise. You tell us when and how, and we'll do what we can to help you gather up what herbs you need. Dwight, here, has been looking into the two types of plants you mentioned."

Airin  d20+8=14 d20+10=17 d20+19=33 d20+6=20
Thursday July 13th, 2006 10:39:02 AM

Not knowing what goes on at Bella's place Airin remains hidden on the roof and observes the streets a bit longer.

[spot: 14]
[listen: 17]
[hide: 33]

But she's getting a bit drowsy from the pleasant sun shining on her back... after all she missed some sleep during the might... (Fort Save: 20) but she probably can keep her eyes open anyhow.

Dwight  d20+4=24 d20+3=17 d20+2=4 d20+1=3
Thursday July 13th, 2006 1:20:47 PM

Dwight returns a smile to Bella as the door is opened.

Taking a seat and getting ready to sip the tea, Dwight uses the opening to Kendry offered to discuss the plants.

"Yeah, I have. They are both quite interesting, the tree in particular. Seems to be hard to find, but once found has lots of properties, most of which I'm guessing are not known by many. It also seems to have a large connection to what has been happing in the Wold lately."

If she inquires, Dwight will relate all the details that he knows about the two plants, though he is sure she already knows anything he would say.

"It also seems as if the legend of the tree goes all the way back as far as I could tell. Back to the time of Ebryon and Flame perhaps, though I found no books saying so. Do you have any idea how they are all connected?" Dwight asks testing Bella's reaction.

Gather Information: 24

Knowledge History: 17

Sense Motive: 4

spot: 3

Not seeing any poor reaction to his talking yet (sense motive 4 :( ), Dwight continues. "Could the hags of been working for Ebryon? or Flame perhaps?" Dwight then looks to the others before he brings up more.

Tobias  d20+5=22
Thursday July 13th, 2006 1:57:29 PM

Tobias will stay in the room with the couple unless the mayor asks him for privacy. So, he will listen to what the couple tells the mayor, and watch for any reactions.

Spot: 22

Selithe  d20+2=3
Thursday July 13th, 2006 7:56:29 PM

Selithe smiles and greets Bella warmly. When she is offered the tea Selithe thanks her and take a small sip before speaking to her, "I'm glad you're okay and look well rested Bella. I personally felt like we were hard on you and we really didn't mean to be Bella." (Don't know if I need it and what a great roll for Selithe trying to be nice. Diplomacy:3 nat:1)

Selithe hopes her words do not offend Bella or anything and she goes quiet now as she waits for anything Bella has to say in regards to the others questions.

Conversations (DM Cayzle) 
Friday July 14th, 2006 12:16:17 AM

Tobias listens to the conversation that the Mayor has with the newlyweds. They tell him about their misadventures and how the Crescent Valley heroes saved them.

Calfast winks at Tobias and declares that he is not at all surprised. These young adventurers are the hope of the valley!

After a few more pleasantries, the Mayor takes his leave.

Airin seems to be feeling a little bored. Certainly, the group talking with Bella are having more fun. Maybe she should grab Tobias and join the main mob?

Kendry reminds Bella about their earlier interactions. She says, "Oh, yes! Of course. How silly of me!"

Dwight brings up the herbs that Bella had previously mentioned. She says, "oh, yeah. Well, I've finished that line of reseach. It was a total failure. I don't need those plants. But I could use others ..."

She asks if you would be willing to help her find other plants, from her other line of research. She says she is trying something else now. Very promising.

Airin  d20+8=10
Friday July 14th, 2006 8:52:51 AM

Just at the moment when she's nearly falling a sleep Airin descides there's nothing going to happen here.

So she climbs down and when Thobias leaves Grayson's place she suggest to go join their friends again.

Who knows! Maybe they will see the Drow while walking through town.

[spot: 10 - hmm pretty unlikely]

Tobias  d20+5=8
Friday July 14th, 2006 10:27:23 AM

Tobias thanks the mayor for his kind words.

Tobias and Airin meet up again. He agrees to leave with her over to Bella's and see what's going on. And, when Airin mentions drow, Tobias keeps a sharp eye out for any sign of them.

Tewdwr follows along.

Spot: 8 (probably passes one in the street and can't tell :)

Podo D. Danderfluff 
Friday July 14th, 2006 11:54:17 AM

Podo nods. "That Zardock is a really awesome guy and he likes that Zardock understands him and understands Monks." Podo explains to Bella.

Friday July 14th, 2006 7:29:15 PM

"We will need to find out for sure whether Airin and Tobias are willing to make a similar commitment," Kendry answers. "Barring any objections from them or those present, I am open to help you find the plants you seek. How far afield do you suppose we might need go, and how much time do you think may be required to gather what you need?"

Dwight  d20+4=19 d20+3=6 d20+2=11 d20+1=6
Friday July 14th, 2006 7:31:18 PM

Taken off guard, but Bella lack of interest in finding the previous herbs, Dwight almost spills his tea and suspicion begins to grow again.

"I'm sure we would all be willing to help you find whatever herbs you would like to find. The Isghara tree looked very promising for all kinds of research, be it healing, strength or even greater knowledge from a little of its sap."

Dwight looks to the others to see if they have any problem helping her find the 'new' herbs.

Trying to prevent Bella from changing the subject, Dwight inquires further regarding a connection to last nights outburst. "You had mentioned the herbs were to help some of your ailments, are these new ones targeted for the same ailments or are they more related to the curse placed upon Grayson by the harpies?"

Gather Information: 19 (does this detect if she is avoid a subject or lying?)

Diplomacy: 6

Sense Motive: 11 (or does this one detect avoidance or lying?)

Spot: 6

Friday July 14th, 2006 10:31:20 PM

Selithe listens to what is said and nods before smiling, "Considering the aid you gave us and the newly weds already I'm sure that Airin and Tobias would be willing to help but I agree we should wait and find out."

Selithe thinks and listens over things, really hopes they are able to help Bella and speaks up after a moment, "Bella, I would personally like to ask for one favor. You hinted at us getting into things before that were dangerous. I'm not asking for a great deal of info at the moment but while trying to get these things for you is there any chance that this force you spoke of might do something to us or anyone else? I do not mean to press but I would like to know exactly how deep of trouble we might of dived into."

Talkative Bella (DM Cayzle) 
Saturday July 15th, 2006 8:31:00 AM

Seeing no sign of Drow on the walk over, Airin and Tobias join the group at Bella's cottage. She nods at them and gets them tea. She sets out two bowls of water for Tewdwr.

Bella also nods at Podo's comment about Zardock, but does not add to it.

Maybe that's because she is busy talking about her latest ideas with Kendry and Dwight.

"I have an idea! The Ishgarra Tree is potent but non-specific! I stumbled on an alternate way to do what I wanted, more specific, less potent, more likely to do exactly what's needed, less likely to produce side effects."

"I'll go with you to get the first herb. That won;t take more than a day or so. After that, I'll be too busy tending my cauldron. OK?"

Then Selithe asks about danger, and somewhat of a change comes over the greenmage's face. More guarded, and wary.

"Well, yes. Great danger. I have enemies. They watch me. Sometimes they appear in odd guises. There's no denying the risk. Great risks. But in a good cause. Many will be helped by my cure. Maybe some that my enemies would prefer NOT to be cured."

"But I have sworn to help others despite danger. Sometimes I have to remind my self of that." She looks a little sheepish.

[OOC: Yup, Sense Motive is good at seeing through lies. Sorry, an 11 doesn't do it.]

Monday July 17th, 2006 2:07:43 AM

Selithe nods as she listens to what Bella has to say and ponders something before speaking to Bella, "I know you're more into herbs and such Bella, but by chance do you have a pearl I could buy from you or know someone who does?"

Selithe blushes some, "You see, I have this necklace and I never did have it identified since I got it."

Selithe also ponders on a good location to get her familiar and smiles as she thinks her family's home might be the best place.

Selithe plans to make some time and get the stuff to summon her familiar when she has time anyway.

ADM Kim - Crescent Valley posting for week of July 10-16, 2006 
Monday July 17th, 2006 2:43:59 AM

Dwight XXXXX
Selithe XXXXX
Kendry XXXXX
Tobias XXXXX
[X = post, O = no post]

Kendry  d20+9=19 d20+10=16 d20+3=6
Monday July 17th, 2006 3:04:45 AM

"Um, what is it that you hope to cure in others with your intended concoction?" Kendry asks. "I know that some of the followers of Marteus," and on saying the name, he feels a need to spit - but refrains, so as not to be too impolite in Bella's home, "like to inflict others with diseases. Even like to get diseases themselves, sometimes."

Diplomacy: 19; Gather Information: 16; Sense Motive: 6

Animal training aside: Though not mentioned in a while, just a reminder that Kendry is spending some time each day with his Caran Hills riding dog, Cheann, training him in combat riding. Should require another 10-12 days.

Monday July 17th, 2006 10:15:34 AM

Tobias nods back to Bella and is happy to see a calmer version greet them.

He is also curious by what type of disease she is trying to cure... sounds a bit omnious.

Dwight  d20+2=21 d20+4=12 d20+1=15 d20+3=7
Monday July 17th, 2006 11:13:28 AM

Dwight listens intently as Bella answers Kendry's question, and then follows it with another of his own.

"Before you mentioned we were seeking herbs to help some of your ailments, now it seems we are curing others based on your oath with enemies about. Perhaps if you could be a little more specific we would understand better."

Dwight tries to hide his impatience, but talking and not getting any answers is beginning to show.

"We have already agreed to help, so we should know what potentially is coming our way. That is say when to fight, to defend or need be, when to run," Dwight tries to add comically.

Sense Motive: 21
Gather Information: 12
spot: 15
diplomacy: 7

Podo D. Danderfluff  d20+3=5 d20+1=3 d20+3=5
Monday July 17th, 2006 11:15:43 AM

Looking around, Podo will try observe his surroundings to obtain information while the rest of his troupe tries the same process by other means.

Diplomacy: 5; Gather Information: 3; Sense Motive:5

Airin  d20+2=21 d20+1=15
Monday July 17th, 2006 2:01:51 PM

Airin quietly listens while Bella tells about the herbs and her enemies. "Cool" she thinks "looks like we'll stick our noses into a hornet's nest soon ... hehehehe there's nothing else to do anyhow and... it give me a chance to stick with kednry a bit more... I still wonder what he was trying to tell me last night..."

Trapped in thoughts Airin doesn't pay mich attention to the conversation itself but instead she obsevres Bella... her clothing, belongings, expressions while she speaks...

[Sense Motive: 21]
[gather info: 15]

Final Preparations (DM Cayzle) 
Monday July 17th, 2006 10:19:33 PM

Selithe asks about pearls, and Bella nods. "Here, I have one right here. Please, take it as a gift." She offers a pearl that would do just fine.

Bella scowls at the mention of the lord of filth. At the curiousity shown by Kendry and Tobias about what it is she hopes to cure, Bella's voice drops to a whisper and she looks around. "Keep it to yourselves," she says softly. "It's for the mind."

When Dwight presses for more detail, she clams up. "That's all you need to know, young sir!"

Podo tries to gather more info, but is unlucky. (Sorry, good thought, bad rolls!)

Airin looks closely at Bella. Her clothes are a-mismatch ... one bootbuckle is undone. She looks better than before, certainly. No twigs in her hair. No dirt on her face. But still not ready for high company or fine dining.

Bella declares that the group will set out tomorrow, accompanied by herself. "Get ready and we go tomorrow."

OOC: last chance to buy stuff!

Tuesday July 18th, 2006 12:31:56 AM

"Very well. Until tomorrow, then," Kendry agrees. He rises, and asks, "Ten o'clock all right?"

Once outside her place, and a block or so away, Kendry says, "Anyone who needs to, catch up on your sleep. I'll be doing some shopping. You want me to pick up something for you, give me the funds, I'll get it for you if I can. Anyone who wants to join me, come along! Meanwhile - who can help keep an eye on our charges? Maybe a few go shopping, then when we get done, we'll spell you off, and you pick up something."

Tuesday July 18th, 2006 9:59:13 AM

Airin's happy all matters are resolved and joins everyone outside.

"Yes I will need to go to the Cats before we set out again."

(OOC to DM Cayzle: I will have to go to the CC after my holiday. I'll be back the 7th of August and meanwhile Kim will post for Airin. I'm planning to get me a Handy Haversacck and a number of scrolls, bolts, potions. )

To Kendry: "When do you think we'll go meet our parents? Like you said it's about time they know about you and me..."

Podo D. Danderfluff (AC:19; 28/28 HPs) 
Tuesday July 18th, 2006 10:56:00 AM

Podo tells his friends, "I'm gonna go run over to the Catacombs Chapter so I can stock up on a few items and then go visit Morpth and Mungo while I still have the chance. It would be good to see them again!"...Podo trails off as he makes his goodbyes and gets ready to head into the heart of the city.

"Thank you Lady Bella for your good tea and company." says Podo as he heads for the door..."See ya' tomorrow!"

Podo will spend some time locating the Antiques shop Mungo HardBottle owns and Morpth his most recent apprentice. Once he touches base with them, its off to the store to stock up for the trip.

Dwight  d20+1=14
Tuesday July 18th, 2006 12:37:57 PM

Further frustrated as he still has questions without answers, Dwight considers continuing the conversation despite Bella's tone.

Only when others begin to stand and depart does Dwight set his tea down and begin to follow them.

Reluctantly he begins to leave. Making sure he didn't drop anything, he then heads towards the door. "Tomorrow then," he manages as he departs.

spot: 14

Tuesday July 18th, 2006 2:36:04 PM

Bella's answer about the cure makes Tobias even more uneasy than he was before. He tries to see if Kendry knows anything about this lord of filth, and what she could possibly be trying to cure. With his suspicions raised, Tobias is going to start keeping a closer eye on Bella.

Tobias also wants some time at the Catacombs too.

Tuesday July 18th, 2006 5:20:59 PM

Selithe nods and smiles as she takes the pearl, "Thank you Bella. I really would like to pay you back sometime. I'll do my best to make myself more useful in the up coming adventure."

Selithe leaves rather hurriedly as she can't wait to get somethings done. First think she heads to her family's store and will lock herself in one of the free rooms to cast identify on her necklace. (Haven't chosen spells since we weren't on a quest yet so just saying one was identify for now.)

After this Selithe will go about the process of summoning her familiar. She really wanting a ferret and alittle worried that she might be doing the summoning wrong since it's her first time but then again, what wizard or wizardess probably ain't worried the first time.

(OOC:Didn't reply on this but yep. Going by the DMG the Farret has the same stats as a weasel, it's just the small char equivelent.)

Cayzle OOC 
Tuesday July 18th, 2006 5:25:18 PM

On vacation ... baby sick ... no post today unless Kim steps in.


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