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BeCause of Bella
Not at Home?

At Bella's Door (DM Cayzle) 
Tuesday June 13th, 2006 9:56:47 PM

The group scatters -- Kendry to the family shop, Airin to gather a few herbs, Tobias to tour the town (Angel Springs, once a big city in his eyes, now seems like a hamlet compared with the fantastic Plateau City) -- and just as quickly regroups at Bella's door.

But there is no answer when you knock. Could there be foul play? Where is Bella? Will you break down her door?

Dwight  d20+1=19 d20+1=2
Tuesday June 13th, 2006 9:58:04 PM

When the door is answered, by Bella, Dwight greets her warmly. "We have returned to help you as agreed upon two weeks ago. However during our travels we came across a man, Grayson." Here Dwight points to the man being carried. "He is gravely ill, and we hope you may heal him. He is cursed or something." Dwight looks to others to see if they want to explain that more fully.

Spot or Gather Information: 19 (judging her reactions)

Once Grayson has been taken care of, Dwight will deliver the scroll case to Bella given to him from the Druids in Plateau city.

spot or gather information: 2 (natural 1--bah!)(judging her reactions to getting a package in response to her sending one)

OOC: sorry to jump ahead, but I'm heading out on vacation and wanted to give Kim an idea of what I thought Dwight would do. Feel free to adjust Kim once Bella actually answers the door.

Wednesday June 14th, 2006 1:38:30 AM

No answer.

Kendry says, "Let's ask the neighbors. Maybe someone knows where she is. And if they don't, then let's see if we can open the door - but with some neighbors as witnesses, so they don't think we're thieves or somethin'. Selithe - let's check here, across the street. Airin - you and Podo want to ask left, and Tobias and Dwight - on the right side?"

He knocks on the door across the street. If someone answers, he introduces himself. "Hullo. I'm Kendry, this is my sister, Selithe. We just got back in town and are supposed to meet with Bella. Uh, right over there," he points over to her place. "She's not answering her door. Any idea where she might be? Have you seen her around lately, or heard where she might have gone off to?"

If no one answers there, Kendry tries the next place over, asking the same thing.

Airin  d20+1=13 d20+2=15
Wednesday June 14th, 2006 10:20:31 AM

Airin nods to Kendry and takes Podo by the arm. "Come let's go check here first."

Airin stops at the first house on the left and knocks on the door. If someone opens Airin says:"Hello sorry to disturb you on this fine day. We're looking to the Lady Bella but our knocks remain unanswered. You did not see her leave by any chance? Have you seen her yesterday?"

If all answers are no and possibly the person in front of her does not want to talk to Airin because he or she doesn't like Bella Airin tries one more time :"Please do not shut your door on my! We don't know Bella but someone asked us to go and see her... can you tell us anything about Bella? Why is it you dislike her?!? Perhaps you can warn us young ones..."

[diplomacy: 13]
[sense motive: 15 - trying to "feel" how the one in front of her thinks about Bella]

Tobias  d20+9=16
Wednesday June 14th, 2006 2:20:38 PM

If there's no answer at the door, Tobias will look around the outside of the house for any signs (tracks and such) of where she might have gone off to...

Survival roll: 16

Podo D. Pipewood  d20+6=13 d20+5=6 d20+3=6
Wednesday June 14th, 2006 8:35:01 PM

Walking off to the left with Airin, Podo tries to look reassuring while Airin speaks to the neighbors.

Looking all around the area and listening to detect motives by the neighbors that do answer Airin's questions, Podo tries to detect anything that might explain why Lady Bella is not home.

Skills Used
Listen: 13
Spot: 6 (Nat 1)
Sense Motive: 6

Neighbors' Talk (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday June 14th, 2006 11:21:21 PM

Kendry asks around at the neighbors. Bella lives at the end of a dead-end street in the Wart Hill district. Her nearest neighbor seems reluctant to talk about her. He stands at the door to his cottage, which is built into the Hill, and does not invite you in.

"Yeah, well, she goes hither and yon, in forests and such places, not like respectable folk. Don't get me wrong, since she cured my boils I been very grateful. But she comes and goes, with no rhyme nor reason."

A female voice calls from inside: "You know she GAVE you the boils in the first place, with that curse she laid on you!"

The hobbit-of-the-house shrugs and says softly, "I don't think that's true. But don't go spreading tales. If you want her, she'll be back sooner or later."

Dwight plans what to say when he sees Bella, but for now his plans are just plans.

Podo thinks it likely that Bella is off on an errand.

Airin asks at place down the road, and when the owner hesitates to speak, the girl is persistent. The neighbor, an elderly female halfling, just says that Bella is a friend, and she has nothing bad to say, nothing bad at all. Is it a coincidence that the old lady has a great crop of warts on her face? This is Wart Hill. Why do they call it that?

Tobias looks around, and sees a small but very well tended garden in the back. It looks like it was worked this morning. Otherwise no sign of Bella.

Thursday June 15th, 2006 11:33:59 AM

Airin feels there's something wrong with the elderly lady... or at least there appears to be something fishy about this Bella...

The warts... wart hill... Airin does NOT want her pretty face to be adorned by warts! let's not mess with this lady!

"No snooping around this fine woman's house" Airin says to her friends, loud enough so that if Bella should be around somewhere she heard it. "We'll wait for her in the nearest pub. After all, we have missed dinner"

Thursday June 15th, 2006 6:56:48 PM

"Did someone mention dinner? Where is the nearest pub?"

Dwight (by Kim) 
Friday June 16th, 2006 12:29:38 AM

"Dinner sounds good, but I wonder where Bella is? You think she is all right?" Dwight asks his companions.

Friday June 16th, 2006 1:38:53 AM

The young bard thanks the couple for their information. "I'm just a little worried," he tells them. "We're supposed to meet her. Look, I'm going to check in her house. Even if she gives me boils. I'm going into her house to take a look around. Even if she turns me into a frog. I want you to know I'm doing it, just to make sure she hasn't fallen ill. If she's not home, we'll let you know, then try to figure out where she is. That's all."

He returns to Bella's door. He turns the latch to see if the door opens. If so, he opens it, and steps inside. If not, he says, "All right. Airin, Dwight, Selithe... can one of you see about unlocking this? Airin - sometimes you've gotta snoop if you sense something might be wrong."

Dwight (by Kim)  d20+5=23
Friday June 16th, 2006 1:43:38 AM

If the door is locked, Dwight works on unlocking it using his masterwork thief tools. [Open lock: 25 (forgot to add +2 to roll for the tools used).]

Podo D. Pipewood  d20+6=7 d20+5=21
Friday June 16th, 2006 2:50:11 AM

Podo keeps an eye and ear out while Kendry snoops about the Bella Abode.

Skills Used:
Listen: 7 (Nat 1!)
Spot: 21

Hang on, Snoopy! (DM Cayzle)  d20+12=25
Friday June 16th, 2006 7:17:16 AM

Suspecting that something is fishy -- maybe this Bella is not the real McCoy -- Airin is nervous, and suggests leaving for a dinner break. Dwight and Tobias think that sounds swell.

But over Airin's vocal objections, Kendry suggests some snooping in Bella's house, just to make sure she is not within and in trouble.

Dwight pops the lock, while Podo (and Selithe) keep sharp eyes on watch.

Kendry sees the same plant-filled interior the group saw on an earlier visit. But -- hang on! -- what's that over there? Some movement? It is dark and dim to see in here.

Kendry, if you make a spot check vs DC15, then Highlight to display spoiler: { you can pinpoint the location of the movement, if not the source.}

Kendry, if you make a spot check vs DC20, then Highlight to display spoiler: { you saw a tiny creature crawling fast into a corner.}

Kendry, if you make a spot check vs DC25, then Highlight to display spoiler: { you saw a tiny green feathered creature crawling fast into a corner -- and you think you can still see it hiding, and maybe studying you.}

Friday June 16th, 2006 8:50:53 AM

Airin shakes her head as she sees Dwight opening the door and Kendry entering...

"oh drat that crazy bard! If I would not love him that much I'd put boils on his nose myself!" she thinks to herself.

She waits to see what happens next and looks around if anyone is paying close attention to this group that is apparently trespassing...

tss tss tss naughty naughty

Airin can see the boils and warts appearing on Dwight and Kendry's noses allready and can't help but chuckles a little...

Podo D. Danderfluff  d20+6=14 d20+5=12
Friday June 16th, 2006 11:37:47 AM

Podo looks around, listening to detect if Kendry is alright. If there is an enemy inside, he might need help!

Listen: 14
Spot: 12

Friday June 16th, 2006 2:23:14 PM

"So, does that mean no dinner then?" Tobias quips...

Seeing members of the party entering Bella's house, Tobias moves towards the house but stays just outside keeping an eye out for things on the road and in her yard.

Friday June 16th, 2006 6:54:42 PM

Selithe keeps her eyes open during everything that has been going on and listening. She has been staying quiet as her own thoughts keep her busy on all this.

(OOC:This can be edited later. We had some computer issues here which knocked me and James out for alittle while but we're back. We called Jerry who I figure alerted everyone on everything.)


Cayzle: Hey Justin! Good to have you back!

Kendry  d20+3=20 d20+7=16
Friday June 16th, 2006 11:00:37 PM

Kendry looks in the direction the creature ran. "Hello. There's a little critter just ran over there," he says over his shoulder to Dwight. He carefully pulls out a sun rod from the side pocket on his haversack, and a bag. He tosses the rod so that it strikes against the ceiling, activating an alchemical reaction which causes it to shine like a torch. As the rod descends, he tosses the bag into the corner he saw the creature scurry to. [Tanglefoot bag, ranged touch attack AC 16. See http://www.d20srd.org/srd/equipment/goodsAndServices.htm#tanglefootBag]

After the bag splats, he moves forward with caution to get a better look at whatever it was he just glimpsed, ready to leap to one side or another should he sense an attack (full defense).

A Light and a Thump (DM Cayzle)  d20+2=19
Saturday June 17th, 2006 10:23:18 AM

Everybody EXCEPT Kendry, Please Highlight to display spoiler: { You see a bright light go on in Bella's house, like something magic or alchemical. Then you hear a THUMP!}

Kendry, Please Highlight to display spoiler: {You light the sunstick. Some plants seem to reach toward it; others flinch away. Most plants, of course, being sessile, do not move at all. And see a tiny green leafy creature cowering in the light -- clearly the thing that you saw before. You hit it a glancing blow with the tanglefoot bag, and it flees under an earth-filled claw-foot tub in the corner (moving half speed).}

Dwight (by Kim)  d20+1=20
Sunday June 18th, 2006 12:53:06 AM

Dwight steps in through the door, following Kendry. He looks around - and notes a few of the plants leaning toward the light on the ground (Spot: 20). He moves forward further, calling out, "Bella. Bella?" He pokes his head through into the next room.

Sunday June 18th, 2006 3:03:57 PM

"Oh, sorry little fella," Kendry says, kneeling down. He switches to the sylvan tongue. "I was just a bit worried when I saw you scurrying around. We want to make sure that Bella is all right."

Podo D. Pipewood 
Monday June 19th, 2006 12:53:58 AM

Hearing the crash and seeing the flash of light, Podo beats a quick path to see if his cousin is all right.

Upon arriving, he sees Kendry kneeling down speaking in another language. Realizing that the alarm is a false call, he relaxes and has a look around.

Monday June 19th, 2006 10:07:27 AM

The flash immediately blinds Kendry's eyesight... the thumb can't be anything else but a viscious spell being cast on his pretty face adding boils and warts to adorn his otherwise fine looks...

Ok, pleasant thought no? Airin gets worried about what goes on inside, but she still feels strange to trespass in this Bella's house.

She advances towards the door, but as both Dwight and Podo are ahead of her, she can't see a thing. Instead she continues to watch the streets. WHo knows... maybe Bella will soon return from shopping...

Monday June 19th, 2006 4:05:59 PM

Seeing there's a log jam at the door. Tobias keeps an eye out on the road and around the back of the house.

Monday June 19th, 2006 10:16:07 PM

Selithe looks to the others and waits before glancing back at the house. She is worried and quickly moves with Airin so she has some back up and whispers, "I hope everything is okay."

Selithe is worried but keeps her bow out and ready just incase.

In Bella's Unusual House (DM Cayzle) 
Monday June 19th, 2006 10:54:32 PM

Kendry is deep in Bella's house now, peeking under a tub at a strange goo-covered plant creature.

As he tries to calm the plant (with no evident effect ... the only thing short of magic that might work would be Wild Empathy), eager Kendry notices something.

Loyal and faithful Dwight, fairly close behind Kendry, sees his friend peering under a big old claw-foot tub. The tub is filled with dirt or mud, but there's something about it ...

Concerned Podo sees the same scene, but notices nothing out of the ordinary.

In the doorway, wary Airin and careful Selithe can see only the backs of her friends, illuminated by Kendry's sunrod.

Wise Toby stays alert, and sees one of the neighbors -- the guy who had boils -- coming over to the house.

But what is it that Kendry and Dwight see? The dirt in the tub, heaped high and smelling of loam and worms, is trembling.

DM Cayzle OOC 
Monday June 19th, 2006 10:58:30 PM


I have a few out of date PC sheets, but I would like to get a complete up to date set. Then I can get a feel for the PCs and bring us up to date XP-wise.

Justin, sorry, I've got nothing new for Selithe. Have you checked your sent items in your e-mail? Who did you send the latest to?


Tuesday June 20th, 2006 2:07:30 AM

I just emailed Cayzle the latest copies I have of the character sheets from all of us. The latest one I have for Podo (JP) dates back to December 27th. JP - let's catch up, okay?

You all likely have more up-to-date CSs than I have - most date back to late March & late April.

Dwight (by Kim) 
Tuesday June 20th, 2006 2:11:50 AM

Though Dwight was at the entrance to the next room in the house, he does glance over his shoulder and notes the tub of trembling dirt. "Kendry - maybe you should get back, or something."

Having called out Bella's name, and received no answer, Dwight steps in to the next room, and takes a look about.

Tuesday June 20th, 2006 2:18:25 AM

Kendry takes the bedroll from off the bottom of his haversack, holds it by its edge, and snaps it so that it unrolls and unfurls. He holds it in front of him, between the tub of loam and himself. "Is there someone in there?" Aside from the tiny movements of a worm about to surface, or the more noticeable moving of dirt by a digging mole, the halfling is unaccustomed to seeing dirt move. Well, there was Sam Pastna whose face and clothes were perpetually dirty... but that was another matter.

Kendry is not sure whether to heed Dwight's advice, and step back, or to remain close by so as to better see what is going on. He decides to step back about seven or eight feet from the soil container - peeking over the top of the blanket. Maybe he should put on his goggles, too...

Tuesday June 20th, 2006 9:53:35 AM

Airin is curious to see what goes on inside but her friends keep blocking the door...

Oh what the %^&*%^ ... they wanted to tresspass now go in ...

Airin raises her foot, plants it against the lower side of the last person's back - also known as this person's butt - and gives him a good push ... this could cause a pleasant dominoo effect :-)

Airin's in for a good laugh!

Tobias  d20+16=34
Tuesday June 20th, 2006 2:37:51 PM

Tobias motions Tewdwr over to the guard the back door to the house.

Then seeing the neighbor moving to the house, Tobias tries to find a good hiding place to see what the neighbor is going to do...

Hide: 34

Podo D. Danderfluff (AC 23; 58/60hp)  d20+3=10
Tuesday June 20th, 2006 2:58:46 PM

Podo arrives to see Kendry talking to something. Looking down, Podo can't see anything, wonders what Kendry sees.

Spot: 10

Tuesday June 20th, 2006 4:38:37 PM

(Phillip had a copy of Selithe's latest CS. If it is possible to get ahold of him. I do not think much has changed on her CS so the one Kim sent might be close or up to date really.)

Selithe waits and shakes her head at Airin's move to give the person in front of her a shove and whispers, "The rogue side wins out sometimes I see." Selithe grins as she is happy to see Airin has as much a fun streak as her even if Selithe's mainly revolves around cards.

ADM Kim to all Crescent Valley associates 
Tuesday June 20th, 2006 8:45:40 PM

[I've shared a spreadsheet with you, my fellow Crescent Valley associates - it is named: "Crescent Valley Posting"

Click on the following link to log into Google Spreadsheets and view the spreadsheet:


I'll update it from time to time during each week. You can go there to see how well you and your compadres are keeping up with the rigors of five-times-a-week posting.]

Crowded (DM Cayzle) 
Tuesday June 20th, 2006 11:53:53 PM

As Kendry steps back and Airin steps in -- giving Podo a shove in front of her -- the small house is getting crowded.

And the crowd grows as Kendry sees that is happening in the tub. In fact, as everyone can see (except Toby, hiding outside) ... several vines or thick tendrils are rising from the loam in the tub! The roots, or whatever they are, wave and weave like snakes, menacing. They lash out in Kendry's direction. One knocks over a vial. Kendry is glad he stepped back.

But will the tendrils get longer? How far away is a safe distance? The dripping thorns on the vinous tendrils does not bode well.

Meanwhile, the neighbor from next door walks up to the cottage. He does not see Toby, who could easily surprise him.

He stops about ten feet from the front door and calls out, "Hey! you people! You better watch out! If you are up to no good, then you'll be sorry! If you are innocent, you still better leave that house alone, if you know what's good for you!"

Selithe sees that the man is trembling, and seems very afraid. It looks like he would run away at the smallest threat.

Dwight (by Kim) 
Wednesday June 21st, 2006 12:53:32 AM

[But - what about Dwight, who looked into the next room two rounds ago, and walked into it last round, to look around more? What does he see?]

Dwight continues to move deeper in to the house, calling out Bella's name, and looking about for her - giving the plants a reasonably wide berth.

Wednesday June 21st, 2006 12:53:52 AM

Kendry recalls the crystalline flower which thrust a root tip through his chest a while back - not that long ago - perhaps a month past.

He does not relish having more vegetation trying to puncture his skin. He takes another step back, and speaks with some urgency. "Friends, quickly - fan out through the house, look for Bella, then head out the back door if no one finds her. Don't stop to talk to the plants. Just dash through and leave." As he speaks, he reaches in to his pack, pulls out a vial, pops the lid and downs the contents (antitoxin - +5 alchemical bonus on Fortitude saving throws against poison for 1 hour).

Dwight's Discovery (An Extra Post by Distracted DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday June 21st, 2006 5:28:22 AM

Dwight discovers that there are only two rooms to the cottage. The second is a small bedroom. It is clear that Bella is not there. There's a bed, a chest of drawers, a rocking chair, and a few oddments.

(Sorry for the confusion about Dwight's actions!)

Podo D. Danderfluff (AC:19; 28/28 HPs)  d20+9=26
Wednesday June 21st, 2006 10:41:36 AM

Being pushed like a doll as the house becomes crowded, and watching Kendry make defensive moves against a ominous looking plant, Podo realizes this is not the place for him.

Making a quick beat out of the house back ito the clean air of the city street, Podo tumbles his way out of the house.

[Tumble DC26]

AC - 19
HP - 28

Wednesday June 21st, 2006 10:56:44 AM

Seeing that the neighbor is only trying to warn the group, Tobias decides not to scare the neighbor any more than he has to. He moves a bit away from him, makes a small noise, and moves out of the shadows that were hiding him.

As Tobias hears more of a rucous in the house, he'll see if the doorway is any clearer for him to enter or at least peer in.

Wednesday June 21st, 2006 11:58:41 AM

Still unable to see what goes on inside Airin smiles at Selithe as the others stumble inside... but then they all stumble out of the House!

Airin readies her Bastard Sword not knowing what they have seen inside...

"Kendry?" she says over the heads of her friends as she's starting to get worried...

Dwight  d20+1=17 d20+6=25 d20+6=7 d20+4=11
Wednesday June 21st, 2006 1:53:42 PM

(OOC: I'm back, thanks for posting for me Kim)

Dwight passes along the fact that Bella isn't obviously present. He takes another moment to look for clues as to how she left (in a rush?)
spot: 17,

He then slowly backtracks through the house checking on various plants. (Is there one present that would help Grayson? Alchemy: 25. If so he will make every effort to get it.)

Looking at the tub one more time, Dwight tries to identify the tub-vine and the little creature he saw before (alchemy: 7, natural 1)

As he begins to exit, Dwight takes one more sweep of the general housing area (plants and all) trying to determine when, why and how Bella left. (gather information: 11)

Wednesday June 21st, 2006 8:53:37 PM

Selithe frowns when she sees Kendry is in some trouble and the plant thing trying to get him. Thinks she calls out to Kendry, "No chance that plant thing got her right? Do you think it's natural, something she herself put in there?"

Selithe doesn't like this, not to mention all the plant creatures they seem to be running into lately and chuckles abit about this thought.

Heading Out of Doors (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday June 21st, 2006 10:12:14 PM

Those inside the cottage see no signs of a scuffle or foul play -- except for the alchemical goop spilled by Kendry. It looks like the house is well cared for, if crowded and small. Probably the owner just stepped out, it seems.

Dwight sees many plants whose use he cannot fathom. Clearly Bella is an expert herbalist, and Dwight might feel daunted in the face of her expertise.

So everyone piles out of the house.

Airin readies her bastard sword. The sight of the naked blade and the sudden egress of the party -- plus Tobias' appearance -- is too much for the neighbor, who flees back to his house and slams the door.

Thursday June 22nd, 2006 1:12:57 AM

Making sure he is the last out of the house, Kendry asks Dwight if he can relock the door.

"Let's check around all around the outside - Tobias - you first. There's the greenhouse in back. If we don't find anything, then... well, we'll try to find out where she is.

Airin  d20+8=26 d20+8=20 d20+9=10
Thursday June 22nd, 2006 12:05:45 PM

Airin prepares to say "I told you it was no good snooping around her house..." but holds her breath...

If nothing exits the house, Airin secures her blade once again and asks Kendry about what was in there.

Then she follows Tobias around the house trying to find a clue about the whereabouts of Bella.

[spot: 26]
[search: 20]
[knowledge nature: 10 - natural 1!! She'll advise everyone to eat some plant claiming it is tasty while instead it is highly poisonous...]

Dwight  d20+5=21 d20+6=17
Thursday June 22nd, 2006 1:37:04 PM

Making sure everyone is out, Dwight does his best to relock the lock, hoping he just unlocked it and didn't break it. (open lock: 21)

Hoping for the best, Dwight regrets breaking into the house alittle. "What day were we suppose to met Bella again? Was it today or tomorrow?"

"Someone should watch the front of the house as we check the greenhouse," Dwight points out. He then moves towards the green house feeling he must know, but this is making matters worse. Once there he again looks for a plant that may help Grayson, even temporarily. (alchemy: 17)

Podo D. Danderfluff 
Thursday June 22nd, 2006 2:36:54 PM

Once in the street, Podo recalls there being more stuff in Bella's living room. "Kendry, did you see those two display cases that were in her living room last time? You know, ones with the cool looking cloak and some sort of weapon??!"

Thursday June 22nd, 2006 4:04:54 PM

Selithe waits with the others and frowns at this whole dilema before speaking, "Okay so if she isn't home then where is she?"

Selithe frowns and looks to her friends for some idea.

Tobias  d20+4=18 d20+9=13
Thursday June 22nd, 2006 6:24:53 PM

Tobias laughs as the group crowds out of the house as clumsily as it went in... and at the silly neighbor...

Taking the lead, Tobias searches around the house to the back, meeting up with Tewdwr back there. And, then heads towards the green house looking for any signs for what may have happened to Bella.

Spot: 18
Survival (tracks): 13

Bella was here (DM Cayzle) 
Friday June 23rd, 2006 12:56:46 AM

As our heroes tumble out of the wise woman's cottage, Podo asks Kendry if all looked as it did the last time the group paid Bella a visit. Airin is also curious. In fact, all seemed pretty much as it was before.

Dwight relocks the door with no problem.

Selithe wonders if anyone else has any ideas ... and it turns out that Tobias thinks the back yard is worth a look.

Behind the cottage is a wonderful garden. A greenhouse there is made of glass, and clearly no one is inside. Dwight looks at the plants, but to his alchemist's eyes, none seem especially useful to the task at hand. [OOC: It would take Know Nature and Profession Herbalist to pick out possibly efficacious plants. And it would take a greenmage to brew them into a healing tea.]

Tobias looks for tracks, and sees clearly the signs of a lame gardener who has worked the garden in every spot. So far as he can tell, the most recent signs of the gardener lead to a tree behind the greenhouse and then stop.

Friday June 23rd, 2006 9:23:27 AM

Not noticing any signs about the whereabout of Bella Airin suggest to go home and come back the next day.

But Tobias suddenly seems on to something, so Airin descides to wait a bit longer.

Podo D. Pipewood  d20+1=5 d20+3=14
Friday June 23rd, 2006 9:24:24 AM

Realizing that Breaking & Entering was probably not the wisest of moves a humble Monk of Domi could have made, Podo walks down the street trying to interview anyone that could/can prove additional information then he already knows. In addition, Podo will try to detect if their is an overall sense about why said bit of information is being shared with him. [Gather info. DC5, Sense Motive DC14]

Upon seeing children, if a child gets within his personal space, (5') he will offer them some Maple and Peppermint candy -- Gift from a humble Monk of Domi.

Podo will distance himself from the group until there is no one left to ask questions of before returning to the group.

After explaining to the group where he disappeared to, Podo, will see if any of the rest of his group discovered anything useful before sharing his discoveries.

Tobias  d20+6=17
Friday June 23rd, 2006 10:23:43 AM

Tobias sees the gardener's tracks and follows them as far as he can. Once he loses the trail, he have Tewdwr try to pick it up by scent... if there's any scent even left.

Tewdwr track: 17

If not, he'll ask Podo or Kendry to find out who Bella's gardener is from kids or neighbors.

Friday June 23rd, 2006 9:17:17 PM

Still a little disappointed, but growing more concerned, tries to figure out when the group was suppose to meet Bella. Then a thought comes that he should have had before.

"Well perhaps we have caused enough mishap here for now. Let's check in on the tower, since Fixer Toomane knows her perhaps he can shed some light on her whereabouts."

With this new idea, Dwight gives the others a minute to decide if they wish to join him, then heads towards the tower.

Friday June 23rd, 2006 11:04:10 PM

Selithe follows the others to the backyard and frowns as she ponders and wonders whatup with all this.

She looks to the others and smiles half joking, "Possibly he flew away." She smiles abit more as she tries to make light of the tracks that vanish and if their pointed out. Selithe however nods and will go with Dwight when he starts to leave to the tower inless something else is decided that is better.

The Brew Thickens

Bella IS here (DM Cayzle) 
Saturday June 24th, 2006 12:57:21 AM

Podo leaves the group to ask around the neighborhood about Bella. No one saw her leave her home today, but she is famous for coming and going as she pleases, Podo finds out. He finds that all the children he meets are afraid of Bella and never go near her house.

Oh, and regarding Tobias's question, it is well known that Bella works her own garden.

Then Tobias returns to the group, just in time for a Revelation!

Dwight is about to go to the Tower on a hunch, but gives it a minute. And good thing he does!

Tobias, Airin, Kendry, and Selithe are all looking at the tree behind the greenhouse. They see the tree shudder, then topple. Amazingly, the tree has turned into Bella! She has leaves in her disheveled hair and looks like she just woke up!

"Oh, well, dearies! The chicks I asked to come help me! Welcome!"

She sits down.

Kendry  d20=14
Saturday June 24th, 2006 3:26:44 AM

As some of the group goes to the back of the house, and Tobias watches Tewdwr sniffing around the tree, Kendry finally gets around to answering Airin's question. "Well, inside, along with what we saw before - there was this tub - oh, and a little scuttling plant. Well, when I got close, these vines started..."

Just then, the tree transforms into Bella. [rolled a d20=14 to see how surprised at this change Kendry was ... not hugely, as it turns out.]

"Oh, Bella - there you are!" the bard exclaims. "We were worried when no one answered the door!"

The blanket he happened to toss over his shoulder after leaving the front door he now lays on a bare spot near Bella. He pats it, and invites Selithe and Airin to sit upon it. There's just enough room for him to sit with the right bun on the blanket, and the left one on the dirt.

"Yes, well, we promised to return in a fortnight to help you, and that time has come. Oh, did you know that harpies and hags were capturing people along the highway between here and Windhorn Hamlet? We managed to rescue some people whom they kidnapped. Two of them are with us, and one - they just got married, you see, and the hags put High Woldian symbols on the man's head and hands, and he's been in a terrible way.

"How have you been feeling, Bella? Oh - and Dwight has something for you. Or Tobias? Which one has it? We visited a big library in Plateau City!"

Sunday June 25th, 2006 11:28:47 PM

Selithe listens and watches before speaking, "It is nice to meet you Bella and I'm glad you're okay. We were worried something might have happened to you at first." Selithe smiles as she holds out her hand to greet Bella.

(Cayzle: Hope you got my post private to DM post.)

Monday June 26th, 2006 10:21:09 AM

Airin is startled as she sees the tree transform into Bella... She heard of tricks like these but never witnessed them before. With awe Airin accepts Kendry's invitiation to sit down on the blanket and looks at this remarkable woman.

Podo D. Danderfluff 
Monday June 26th, 2006 10:39:10 AM

Upon returing and disocvering by the way of sounds, that his friends are behind the house, Podo follows the sounds of his friends and discovers Bella is also with them.

"Hi, Bella! Long time no see! We're back...on the 2-week mark. When do we start?" asks Podo of Bella.

Monday June 26th, 2006 12:22:10 PM

"Good to see you again Bella" Tobias greets her.

Monday June 26th, 2006 8:11:12 PM

Embarrassed he was in a large part for the breaking into the house on a false alarm, Dwight produces the scroll case given to him for deliver.

Trying to regain his composure, "The man's name is Grayson, and he is not in good shape. If there is anything you could do to ease his pain and cure him." After a moment of thought, "I will pay for his medicine," Dwight adds.

Bella's Welcome (DM Cayzle) 
Monday June 26th, 2006 11:01:16 PM

The woman combs her fingers through her hair, removing a few twigs. "Oh, uh, well, hello dearies," she says. She has the air of someone who just woke up. "It is nice to see you again."

"Excuse my napping. I just feel so much safer sleeping that way. You never know just who might stop by."

As the group offers stories, messages, and tales, not to mention hellos and requests, the lady seems a little overwhelmed. "Slow down! Slow down! Cone visit with me in my house and I'll make us some nice tea."

She leads you to her house and unlocks the door. As she enters, her body stiffens, and she looks around. But all she says is, "Come in, come in."

If you make a Sense Motive check vs DC12, then Highlight to display spoiler: {You can tell that she is concerned, mad, upset, or maybe all three.}

If you make a Sense Motive check vs DC17, then also Highlight to display spoiler: {She is extremely wary of the group.}

If you make a Sense Motive check vs DC22, then also Highlight to display spoiler: {Bella is tensed for some action or plan.}

She prepares the tea and talks about harpies. "On the Teucri Road, you say? What an age we live in! Who would have thought."

She is also interested in Grayson, and asks if he seems mentally disturbed. Does he dream? Talk at all? Show any sign of consciousness?

She makes the tea and passes it around. The smell is exotic, sharp, and spicy.

Kendry - mea culpa, mea maxima culpa  d20+3=21
Tuesday June 27th, 2006 12:23:48 AM

[Gaah! Kendry had planned to talk to her about their breaking in BEFORE she opened the door! Really! Since she had sat down, I assumed we'd be sitting there for more than one post. Ah, well...]

Regarding the break in
"Wait! uh, Ma'am, you mentioned you feel safer napping that, uh, way. Well, we came back here, knocked on the door several times. There was no answer. So we went and asked the neighbors about your whereabouts. No one we came across had seen you, they said, for a few days.

"I grew concerned. I know you told us your health has been... a concern. So I feared you may have fallen ill. And the way some people talked, I was wondering whether there might be someone -- please don't take this the wrong way - it's not my view - but someone might feel vexed by you, or afraid.

"So, I chose - again, after knocking several times, and checking around your place - to have one of my friends unlock the door. On stepping in, there was a movement, something going across the floor. Perhaps it was precipitous of me, but I feared an attack, so I tossed a tanglefoot bag - designed to slow down, not hurt someone. Then the soil in that vat over there begin to move, and vines dripping a substance started thrashing about. I tried to talk to the little moving plant that had gone under the vat - but I don't know how to talk to plants very well, at all.

"So, please, ma'am, if you are going to be angry, I'm the one you should be angry at, not my friends. But I honestly meant no harm, but rather was worried about your welfare. I was afraid you might have been so ill you could not arise, and that drove me to do that which - I'm sure - you find most disturbing. Please forgive my poor judgment in this matter, I beg of you. But if not, then please do not blame my friends. Some of them thought it best to go away and come again tomorrow, rather than to break in to your house. We took nothing from you - although I think we upset some of your flora. That is, I upset them."

Kendry pauses a moment, showing true chagrin at his mistaken choice of action. "If there is aught I might do to redeem myself in your eyes... Ma'am - I throw myself upon your mercy."

Under the circumstances, he leaves it to the others to report on Grayson's status, though he will do so if no one else does. Airin and Dwight, in particular, along with Seltihe, have been most attentive to the man's condition.

Though desirous of the tea, he waits Bella's response to his confession and plea before taking part in her hospitality.

Dwight  d20+2=18
Tuesday June 27th, 2006 10:10:50 AM

"I must admit that I helped break in as well, I was rather concerned and felt you hadn't gone anywhere. And then you didn't answer the door my worry grew greater."

"We entered with the best of intentions, though I can understand if you don't believe me. During our intrusion I believe we scared some of your plants, especially the mobile one and the one in the tub."

Dwight thanks her for the tea, but feels things are not going as well as they should have during their reunion with Bella. Trying not to seem obvious he doesn't drink the tea. Making motions to sip, but then speaking instead.

"Grayson speaks on rare occasions, his condition is grave we think. He screams of nightmares, harpies. We tried to aid him. He could hear his wife's voice, which helped ease some pain during a song."

Tuesday June 27th, 2006 10:41:45 AM

Tobias asks Tewdwr to wait outside and goes into Bella's house with his friends. Not having actually seen what happened in the house, Tobias keeps quiet while his friends tell their story. And, gets his first good view inside the house.

Airin  d20+2=20 d20+9=25
Tuesday June 27th, 2006 11:08:58 AM

Airin partially senses how Bella Feels but holds her mouth shut as the others begin to clarify their breaking and entering. It's no use to tell she told them not to. After all one for all and all for one right?

Finally inside the house Airin carefully looks around waiting for Bella's action, but unwilling to drink from this tea...

(sleight of hand: 25)

Carefully, making sure no one sees her Airin pours the tea in a piece of cloth she took from her backpack... but for all to see, she "drinks" from the tea.

Podo D. Danderfluff  d20+3=18
Tuesday June 27th, 2006 11:13:00 AM

Podo tries to sense the motive of Bella as she sees the mess in her house that Kendry made. It appears to Podo that she is both extremely wary of the group as well as concerned, mad, upset, or maybe all three.

Although accepting the tea graciously, he waits to see what Bella says or does before taking a sip of the tea.

Skill Check Status:
Sense Motive DC=18

Selithe (by Kim - Justin requested help)  d20=19
Tuesday June 27th, 2006 8:03:11 PM

[Sense Motive: 19+?]

Selithe definitely senses that Bella is upset. But Kendry and Dwight have kind of explained things. Maybe answering her question about Grayson might help.

"He has a old High Woldian symbols on him. His left hand has the symbol of Life, the right of Death, and the forehead of Curse. My brother - Kendry - said it may be some sort of application of an effect called vampiric touch. And he said that he saw the energy being drawn in the direction that the harpies fled - and the hags probably went, too. Oh - that was when he kind of started jerking for a minute."

She takes a little sip of the tea. "Tastes good!" she tells Bella. "So, anyway, I was kind of afraid that he might be dangerous to himself or us. But he's made it back with us - worn out some, I'd say. But, yes, he dreams - doesn't talk, I think. He likes music, and when his wife, Ezra, talks with him - those things bring him a little peace.

"Would you look him over, Bella? I'm still worried about him. And - oh, Terapin - he's a guy we met on the road, and he's heading up a crew that's fixin' it - the road, that is. He says he met you a few years ago."

Angry Bella (DM Cayzle) 
Tuesday June 27th, 2006 11:51:50 PM

[OOC: Sorry for the confusion, Kim! I had her sit down not to suggest a pause, but to indicate her disorientation on awakening from tree form.]

As she listens to the group, Bella gets visibly more and more upset. She rushes over to the small animate plant that has been glued, and fusses over it, cooing and cleaning it.

"Intruders!" you hear her mutter. "Prowlers. Tresspassers."

She looks up, and senses that not all have partaken of the tea. "True guests would not spurn my hospitality!" she says emphatically.

If anyone sips the tea (so far only Selithe has!), then Please Highlight to display spoiler: {Make a Will save vs DC16. If you fail, or if you choose to not resist the effect of the tea, then look at the spoiler below:}

For those who have read the above spoiler: Highlight to display spoiler: {If the tea affects you, then you must speak the truth you talk -- and no fudging!}

If anyone wants to pretend to drink the tea (as Airin has successfully done), then make a sleight of hand or bluff check vs DC 16. If you roll an 10 or less, then Bella notices your attempt. On an 11-15, you did not succeed in fooling her, but you also did not embarrass yourself.

If more of you sip the tea, Bella will ask you to each tell the story of the harpies, the road, and Greyson (no need to actually post the whole story ... just a couple high points will serve admirably).

Podo D. Danderfluff  d20+8=21 d20+9=14 d20+3=8 d20+6=16
Wednesday June 28th, 2006 1:14:06 AM

After seeing how visibly upset Bella is getting all the while inhaling the sweet smelling tea, Podo sips the tea and then takes a nice large mouthful of the tea, allowing the suspension to linge in his mouth developing the full flavors and to warm his cheeks.

After a while, Podo finishes the tea. "Lady Bella, May I have a seat in your sitting room? May I have another spot of tea as well? "It's really good!" says Podo to Bella as if this was the best drink he's had since leaving the Monastery.

Podo closes his eyes and listens while others retell the events of the past few days with the Teucri road and the hags/harpies. All the while, Podo nods his head in agreement at the sounds of his friends. When they are finished, Podo listens for any tell tale signs in the brief pauses.

Before long, those that feel like speaking finish. Podo gazes around the home, then tries to sense the motives of the good lady Bella.

Will save = DC 21
Spot = DC 14
Sense Motives = DC 8
Listen = DC 16

Wednesday June 28th, 2006 2:37:18 AM

The young bard understands Bella's desire to attend to her mobile plant. He feels bad that he may have damaged it. Having sensed her emotions - and knowing that his well-meant yet ill-chosen behavior is the cause of such - he thinks that his attempt to show respect by wanting to clear the air before sharing food together has in its turn been misconstrued by Bella.

She seems to demand acceptance of her hospitality. Is that a hospitable demand?

Kendry gets some linen out of his bag, and dampens it from his water bag.

He gets down on hands and knees, and begins to scrub the dried remnants of the alchemical concoction he had hurled down earlier, since most of it landed some feet away from where the plant critter crawled to.

"Please, ma'am, it's my fault, not that of my friends. Any punishment due ought to fall upon me. It was not harm to you or yours that I intended. But my intentions failed to match my results." He scrubs with careful industry.

If she beats him, or has one of her plants attack him, he does not resist. If she does this, and any come to his defense, he urges them to let her vent her fury on him, and not harm her. If she tells him to drink the tea, or eat or drink any other thing, he will obey her wishes.

If she asks him questions, he answers truthfully and candidly. People whom he trusts have vouched for her. So he shall trust their evaluation.

Selithe (by Kim)  d20+4=14
Wednesday June 28th, 2006 2:48:52 AM

[Will save: 14]

Selithe drinks the tea. Oh, has Kendry done it this time. What made him think that breaking into Bella's house was a good idea?

She answers Bella's questions as best she can, and truthfully.

Wednesday June 28th, 2006 6:32:07 AM

Airin listens to what the others are saying and then she as well tells bits and pieces of the stories.

In the end, having "finished" her cup of tea she tells Bella: "Please do not be angry at Kendry. He was only worried about you as we were supposed to meet you... when you didn't answer the door he got worried that something might have happend to you and decided to look for you inside. He can't help it he's nosy! After all he's a bard! But please don't hurt him..."

Wednesday June 28th, 2006 11:05:52 AM

Tobias mutters to himself, "That bard is going to get us in real trouble one day..."

He stands as close to Kendry as he can get without drawing too much attention. He stands at peace, relaxed, but alert. He will not allow Bella or any of her plants to harm him. And, he waits to see how Bella responds to Kendry's pleas.

If Bella looks to him, Tobias starts telling the story of the road, the harpies, and rescuing their captives... as truthfully as he can recall.

Wednesday June 28th, 2006 11:51:42 AM

(OOC:Thanks for covering for me Kim. :). Just sticking with Kim's post for now. Posted to let people know I was back from storms yesterday.)

Wednesday June 28th, 2006 9:01:28 PM

Still hesitating, Dwight tries to take a sip of the tea, but cannot convince himself. Being somewhat suspicious of her, though she has done nothing wrong he wants his full wits about him.

At the same time he realizes he did wrong and admits to the entire story adding what others may have left out (truthfully). "It was I that picked the lock into your house, and I that relocked it when you were not found. Nothing was taken as our intention was your location, and I will allow you to search me if you wish. Your neighbors could probably confirm that we knocked first and asked about your whereabouts. They stated you had not been seen for days, so we worried not knowing the extent of your sickness we feared the worse."

(OOC: didn't see a response to this last time so I assume the other interactions prevented it from happening.)
Dwight again offers the scroll case given to him from Plateau City to Bella.

Wednesday June 28th, 2006 11:48:20 PM

Though appreciative of Tobias' presence, he fears that Bella may take his proximity as a threat. "Thank, you, Tobias. But, unless you'd like to help me scrub the floor, maybe you can sit back down and enjoy the tea. I'll do so as soon as I finish cleaning up my mess."

Abashed Bella (DM Cayzle) 
Thursday June 29th, 2006 7:05:57 AM

Kendry grovels a bit, kneeling to clean up the gooey mess he made.

Dwight also makes plain his own culpability, submits to a search, and offers his message.

Tobias spins his tale, offering his version of recent events. Selithe helps, filling in the gaps.

Airin takes Kendry's side, defending the bard.

Podo is peaceable and simply tries to make sense of everything as he drinks the tea.

Bella watches Kendry, and her anger fades away, replaced by something else. Chagrin? Embarrassment?

"Stop! Stop! No! Get up!" she exclaims to Kendry. "It's okay. Please get up. I'm not going to hurt you!" She helps him to his feet and walks him back to his chair.

When Airin says that Kendry was worried about her, Bella says softly, "Well, sometimes I'm worried about me too."

She tells Dwight that a search is not necessary.

She listens to the stories that the party tells. She takes the message from Dwight, opens it, and takes a moment to clance at it. When she turns back to the party, she is clearly much calmer.

"I ... I'm sorry. Sometimes I just get so suspicious. I have enemies, you know, and they cause me no end of trouble. You don't know who you can trust in the Wold these days. But I can tell from your faces that you are sweet young things who would do me no harm. That's what I thought before, and now I believe it again."

She pauses and considers everything. "Well, it is not what I had in mind for our first meeting, but this cursed fellow sounds like a pathetic soul. Let us deal with him first. Can you bring him to me?"

She smiles. "And if my front door is locked, you can look for me in the back, and if you still can't find me, just wait outside!"

Thursday June 29th, 2006 2:49:25 PM

Selithe shakes her head in a friendly gesture, "I think all my friends and family here would agree that your reactions were understandable Bella."

Selithe looks to her friends and smiles, "Let's go get Grayson, the sooner he is healed the sooner him and his wife can get on with their was to be happy lives." Selithe is glad to be able to help the couple since they both looked to care for each other a lot.

Before the group heads out unless more questions are asked Selithe moves over to Bella and coughs a little nervously, "Umm, Bella. I was wondering about a couple things since you're good with magical plants and such. First I was wondering if I could purchase a couple healing potions from you after we return and lastly I was wondering if you knew of some type of oil or something that could be placed on say paper without it being able to be detected except by maybe a detect magic spell or such." Selithe smiles because if she can get some oil like she described then she can use it in her gambling coupled with a detect magic spell and the oil marking "certain" cards in her deck.

Thursday June 29th, 2006 3:52:10 PM

[OOC: Since none of us specified what we did with Grayson and Ezra, let's assume that Kendry dropped them off at the Winwood Toy and Music Shop with his and Selithe's family - unless someone has a better idea.]

Kendry takes his seat, and partakes of Bella's hospitality. When she agrees to see Grayson, he says, "Thank you, ma'am. It'll just take a few of us to get him, and we can be back in maybe fifteen minutes. Maybe a few can just wait here, and I can go for him with a couple of us."

He goes with his friends to retrieve Grayson Todd Jensen and his wife, Ezra.

"Ezra, ma'am, there is a lady who might be able to help your husband. Her name is Bella, and we can take you and him to her, if you're ready."

As Grayson won't be able to walk on his own, he borrows a stout cart from the local blacksmith, offering a rental fee of 1 gp for a brief use. He borrows bedding from the family sleeping area upstairs in the music shop, and uses that for padding.

He asks his friends to help push and pull the cart, with ropes tied fore and aft. Maybe his brother, Nalfein, can help, too.

When they arrive at Bella's, he knocks on the front door. And waits.

If and when she answers, he introduces Ezra to Bella, and helps get Grayson inside.

Thursday June 29th, 2006 5:18:39 PM

Realizing that the entire group isn't really needed to bring Grayson, Dwight remains with Bella.

"Ma'am, while I have already apologized, I am sorry. Please while we wait for them to return let me clean the mess we made."

If allowed, Dwight will continue where Kendry stopped.

"Is there more you can tell me about the materials we are going to help you find? While we are there to help you as you see fit, we are also interested in learning about the Wold. It's an exciting place full of marvelous things. On our trip back here from Plateau city there were these huge waterfalls where people can jump off. None of us did, but some thought about the thrill of doing it."

Thursday June 29th, 2006 7:15:00 PM

Tobias relaxes as Bella relaxes. When he's sure that the worst is over, Tobias starts drinking some of her tea and listening to the others tell their stories and ask their questions.

Tobias returns with the others to fetch Grayson and puts his muscle and back into pushing him back to Bella's.

Bella says Bye-Bye (DM Cayzle) 
Friday June 30th, 2006 7:23:57 AM

Kendry, Tobias, Airin, and Podo go fetch Greyson and his new bride.

Dwight stays behind to do some clean-up.

Selithe's empathetic words help smooth things over. And she has a question for Bella!

Bella answers, "A mage spell, like Magic Aura, might be your best bet. Any magic oil I might make would not last very long."

She gives Selithe a sharp look. "This would not be used for cheating, would it?"

She adds that she has no healing potions for sale right now, but she can brew some up if she has the time. Se adds that usually she prefers to make potions from fresh ingredients, which are much less expensive because she grows them herself. The downside of that is they tend to go bad very fast.

When the others return with Greyson, who is unconscious at this point, Bella looks him over carefully.

As she looks at him, she starts to shake. She gasps at the marks on him. She stumbles to a chair and sits down.

"Uh ... I'm sorry ... uh, no. No, I can't help. The danger. I can't. The risk. It's too much. I'm sorry. Very sorry. You all will have to go now. I won't be needing those herbs. You are free to go. Sorry."

She goes into her bedroom and closes the door.

Friday June 30th, 2006 8:26:40 AM

Airin's baffled to see Bella's reaction and really doesn't know how to help her.

ooc And honestly I don't have a clue either...

Friday June 30th, 2006 9:49:40 AM

Observing Bella's reaction, Kendry is alarmed, and further chagrined at choices he has made that affect the greenmage...

Podo D. Danderfluff  d20+6=18
Friday June 30th, 2006 1:17:35 PM

"Oh, Well, I guess we can go now, Kendry!" laughs Podo. "Not at all what I expected. Something amiss here Kendry" says Podo.

Podo will listen to see if he can hear Bella through the door and pick up on what might have shaken her so badly. (DC:18)

Whispering to the rest of the group, "what do you think would have frightened a greenmage that can hide in the form of a tree? Perhaps some ancient evil come back from the days of Gargul & Ebyron? I think we should copy down those high Woldian symbols and go back to the library at Plateau City, research them, and then see what we have riding ourselves into. We can leave the newly weds here."

Friday June 30th, 2006 1:36:28 PM

Tobias is bewildered by her reaction. He walks to the door that Bella fled through and knocks on it.

He says, "Bella, what's wrong? By your reaction, the markings are clearly dangerous. Can you please tell us what they mean? I think my friends and I are committed to helping Grayson, but we'd appreciate knowing what kind of danger we're in. If you cannot help us, can you at least tell us what we're up against and where we might go for help?"

"Bella?" He waits for a response.

Friday June 30th, 2006 3:58:29 PM

"Well, no, Pode, I don't think we should leave them here. We might inquire at a local chapel or such. Bella needs help, and Grayson needs help. Plateau City is too far, I'm thinking." After Tobias knocks on the door, Kendry also asks, "Can we get you a doctor? Bella, ma'am, we would still like to get the herbs you need. If you prefer, we'll let you rest a little - but we want to help. Can we get you anything? Or bring someone by?"

Friday June 30th, 2006 4:59:29 PM

Selithe speaks to Bella before the others get back and coughs as she looks to her, "Actually the oil would be for my gambling. Just alittle edge when I need it." Selithe blushes since she is caught so easily but shrugs it off rather quickly, "How long would the potions last you think? a few weeks or months? I mean you must be quite talented so I figured your potions would last a long time."

Selithe is taken back by Bella's reactions and frowns some and shakes her head before she looks to the others, "I agree, something is wrong. We can't leave till we know whats going on."

Friday June 30th, 2006 8:23:10 PM

A little disappointed Bella didn't add more information to what Dwight has been gathering while Grayson was being brought, Dwight does his best to make the floor shine.

As Bella begins to examine Grayson, Dwight watches with intense interest, watching for signs of magic. Completely shocked when Bella 'runs for the hills', Dwight remains as the others attempt to get Bella's attention to find more information.

Trying to think things through, Dwight mumbles to himself. "I wonder if Bella's herbs and Grayson's need could be solved at the same time. From what I can piece together about foxglove and ishgara tree, both are used for healing. Perhaps if Bella can help us find the tree, then we could then help Grayson."

Having convinced himself the tree is still the answer, just to more questions now, Dwight joins the others in trying to get Bella to give more information.

Muffled Bella (DM Cayzle) 
Saturday July 1st, 2006 6:44:41 AM

[OOC: Backtracking a bit] Before Bella runs away -- she explains to Selithe that her most useful potions, being made of fresh ingredients, go bad after just a day, unless she keeps them close to her in special flasks. Then, as she looks over Grayson, Dwight, watching carefully, sees that Bella does not cast any spell. But clearly she recognizes the marks, and they scare her.

After Bella takes off, Airin is baffled and Kendry is left at a (momentary) loss for words by Bella's retreat.

Podo listens at Bella's door, and thinks maybe he hears a gulp, gasp, or sob. Not a happy sound, that's for sure. He suggests leaving the greenmage and doing their own research.

But Kendry and Selithe, with brave heart and clever head, respectively, are unwilling to just go.

Tobias takes direct action. First, he knocks on Bella's door and asks her what's wrong. A muffled voice calls back, "What's wrong is that I have enemies! Don't get mixed up in this! If you value your lives!"

Tobias asks at least for a little information. Bella's voice, gets softer. " 'Go for help'? Go away! That's the best help you can give yourselves. You don't want to know what opposes me!" Her speech continues, fainter.

If you make a Listen DC10 check, Highlight to display spoiler: {She says, "You don't want to know about the wyrm that is death."}

If you make a Listen check DC15, then Highlight to display spoiler: { "You don't want to know about Flamelich."}

Kendry comes by and offers to fetch a doctor, or someone. Bella's voice is clearer to understand, and a note of self-pitying sarcasm creeps in. "A doctor! I am a doctor! And no one can cure the fear of death!"

Dwight joins in, asking to know more. Bella answers, "I've already said too much! Go away! Leave an old lady to cower in peace alone!"

Grayson's wife, sitting alone next to her husband, is crying.

Saturday July 1st, 2006 8:03:43 PM

Dwight moves closer to the door and speaks loud enough for her to hear. "Bella, we are already involved. The hag, or harpy or whatever it was that cast this spell already knows us. When we attacked it, and they ran off, they said it wasn't the last we would see of them. So you see, we have already involved ourselves."

Dwight thinks for a moment before continuing. "Seeing that you and them are enemies only strengthens our desire to aid you in your time of need. And doing so will hopefully increase our own strength to deal with them when they return for us."

Kendry  d20+6=19 d20+9=23 d20+8=17
Sunday July 2nd, 2006 2:15:49 AM

[Listen: 19] About to ask Airin to try to reason further with her, Kendry is pleased with the wisdom of Dwight's words. He rests his hand on Dwight's shoulder, and gives an affirming squeeze.

[Bardic knowledge roll to see if Kendry has some awareness that Flame became Flamelich: 23.]

"Bella, was Flamelich once called Flame?"

If she answers in the affirmative, or chooses not to reply at all, he says, "You may find this farfetched." [Keep in mind he drank a whole cup of tea after she had him sit down. Oh - but he made his will save with a 17 - but if it's supposed to be a fortitude save, he failed with an 11.]

"It's hard to explain how this came to pass - but if you need me to do so, I shall," he says, projecting loud enough to be heard through the door, but not throughout the neighborhood. "When Flame was still a red dragon, not undead, then once in battle I leapt from on high, and upon his neck I rode, and assaulted him with noise and spell, and helped drive him away from a place where he otherwise would have killed many students. I did not run then - but helped make him run. After a while he breathed his hot flames on me, and I died. The love of Airin and Maab's First Water restored life unto me.

"Bella, though your enemies be one or many, and mighty, do not despair. We have faced Eberyon, and helped to counter his early plans to destroy a multitude of druids. We are - and we shall strive to be - your friends. Let us help." He pauses, then adds, "We are not always mighty - but sometimes we are lucky."

He hopes someone will go to comfort Ezra - but he himself waits by Bella's door, straining to hear her response.

Kim: Posting site reminder 
Sunday July 2nd, 2006 3:18:16 AM

[I've shared a spreadsheet with you, my fellow Crescent Valley associates - the Google spreadsheet is named: "Crescent Valley Posting"

Click on the following link to log into Google Spreadsheets and view the spreadsheet:


I update it from time to time during each week. You can go there to see how well you and your compadres are keeping up with the rigors of five-times-a-week posting.

A note: At the bottom of the screen you will see titles of the various sheets. For the most part, each sheet represents a week of posting, with the starting date for the week included in the sheet name. 'CV20060619' covers Crescent Valley posting for June 19-25, 2006; CV20060626 June 26 - July 2; etc. 'Harpy Treasure' gives the treasure breakdown and some of the associated calculations. Click on the appropriate date link to see the week you wish to review.

Everyone is doing well, with no one missing more than one post per week.

You may need to enter your email address to gain access to the spreadsheet. Only Cayzle and current members of the Crescent Valley game can see it (so far as I know).]

Podo D. Danderfluff  d20+9=27 d20+6=25 d20+1=13 d20+3=4
Sunday July 2nd, 2006 10:54:45 PM

Having played the opposite side of the argument didn't pan out as Podo thought. "So, folks, how are we to divide up the chores, eh? Kendry evesdropping with Dwight. Airin and Selithe comforting Grayson and his bride, leaving Tobias and myself to lend a hand when one or the other team needs one?" asks Podo in a conversational tone.

If no one responds to Podo, Podo will do his best to search/look around the room for any clues as to this Flamelich thing that Bella is visabily afraid of, and at the same time Kendry, Airin and myself seems to think we are familiar.

If no one moves to tend to Grayson and his bride, Podo will go and see what he can do/affect. Once near enough to tend to Grayson's needs, Podo will use his little used skill of Heal to try and easy hisand his lady's discomfort.

Spot DC: 27
Listen DC: 26
Gather Infomation DC: 13
Heal DC: 4

Airin  d20+10=24
Monday July 3rd, 2006 10:47:10 AM

(listen: 24)


This word stings in airin's heart like nothing did before and she trembles in Kendry's arms... no... not again"

Reluctant Airin hears Kendry tell the tale and as he comes to the final moment where flame scorched the young bards body Airin swallows the lump in her throat...

Knowing where this leads to Airin faces Bella and with fire in her eyes she talks to Bella :"When did this infernal Flame return... "

Monday July 3rd, 2006 1:25:44 PM

More stunned with the story than with Bella's reaction, Tobias waits to see if she responds to any of the information.

Cayzle ... 
Monday July 3rd, 2006 8:38:42 PM

... waiting ...

Monday July 3rd, 2006 10:12:49 PM

Selithe listens to everything and blinks when she hears comments on a dragon and looks to the others as she shakes her head some, not in disagreement but the overwhelming thought of a dragon.

Selithe leans against a wall and waits before speaking, "Well, we faced the fey king even though the odds were not in our favor and it was the right thing to do so we will do the right thing this time too."

Selithe looks to Kendry, "Anyway, it's a simple matter of if we don't help and run in fear then when does it end? And even if it does finally end how far will you go the next time a situation like this comes up? We have no real choice but to stand for what is right like we always have." Selithe grins and pulls out a card and twirls it between two fingers, "Anyway, a gambler is best when all the chips are down and your back's to the wall."

Tuesday July 4th, 2006 12:15:21 AM

"Right, sis," Kendry agrees with his sister about doing the right thing. But then, with stern mien, he asks her, "What would happen if Papa and Mama found out you were marking cards? Not to mention Nalfein. And what if I find out you carry forward such an idea?"

Then he softens a bit. "But, yes, we need to continue to stand for what is right. It is the only way truly to win in the long run."

Muttering Bella (DM Cayzle) 
Tuesday July 4th, 2006 7:37:38 AM

[OOC: This is the Monday DM Post!]

Several in the party call through the door, hoping to convince Bella to reconsider her hasty (not to mention craven) retreat.

Dwight argues that the group is already involved, and adds that together they will do better together than apart.

Kendry, from personal experience and from common lore, knows that the Flame of yore and Flamelich the Undead Dragon are one and the same. But he also knows that Flamelich is dead, or rather, destroyed. That's common knowledge, too, along with the exploits of the Gold Dragons who did him in. [OOC: Feel free to peruse the archives.] The bard does his best to convey his own history to Bella. After telling Bella how he and his friends defeated Flame, Kendry adds that they had the luck to also defeat Eberyon, the Fae King.

Shocked at this news, Airin is a little more than somewhat aghast. She asks Bella to tell more. Tobias, too, is curious to hear what Bella will say.

Selithe, the gambler, the black sheep, nonetheless offers the clearest compass. "We have no real choice but to stand for what is right," she tells her friends and Bella.

Podo looks around for information about this "Flame," but finds nothing relevant. However, he notes one thing: Podo only Please Highlight to display spoiler: {The monk's gaze does alight on a small carving hanging above the door: hands palms outward with fingers spread.}

Then, seeing as no one else has done so, Podo offers what comfort he can to the tortured and his wife. Maybe he does ease the fellow's pain a little -- though it is hard to tell, given Grayson's contortions. "Why won't that lady help?" sobs Ezra.

From behind the door, Bella reacts to the group's urging.
She scoffs at Dwight: "You think your strength will suffice, but what if you are wrong?"

She laughs bitterly at Kendry: "You defeated the dragon and the Fae King, then you had breakfast, slapped Marteaus around, and wrestled Domi to a draw before lunch. What heroes! What wonders! What braggarts! Ha ha ha!"

Laughing so hard, she does not even seem to hear Airin.

But her mean laughter is cut off like a hydra's head under a barbarian's axe when Selithe speaks. At Selithe's words, Bella falls silent, and mutters.

If you make a Listen check vs DC13, then Please Highlight to display spoiler: {You hear Bella say, as to herself, "Coward!" Then she says a few more words that are too soft to hear.}

If you make a Listen check vs DC18, then Please Highlight to display spoiler: {You hear Bella say, as to herself, "Coward! She is right! What about your oath!"}

[OOC: Great roleplay, folks. But when you do interact with NPCs, please consider pre-emptive rolling of Diplomacy or Bluff or Intimidate checks, as needed, as you feel appropriate. (Consider that a call for rolls for next post, by the way!) And don't worry if you have low/no ranks ... I make adjustments to the roll based on your post. And anyone can Aid Another with a DC10 check.]

[OOC again: Regarding posting, I try to post every day at the same time ... in the evening, Wold time, each weekday. But if I work late or am waiting for late posters, that might slip to the morning (like today). I'll try to post this evening to get back on track. But if I end up slipping consistently, I may end up with a Sat morning post, some weeks. Would you folks prefer an early morning post? I've done that too.]

Airin  d20+10=27 d20+1=12
Tuesday July 4th, 2006 9:19:54 AM

Airin listens to Selithe but when Bella laughs at Kendry's words she becomes bitter. This woman laughs at one of her greatests fears and disbeliefs the young halflings. No matter how strong this woman is, Airin will not endure her laughter.

(listen: 27)

Then she overhears Bella muttering to herself making Airin recover her wits:"You mock our honesty yet you are the one who have been covering truths... what about your oath?"

(diplomacy: 12)

Kendry  d20+9=23 d20+6=21 d20+9=28
Tuesday July 4th, 2006 9:38:45 AM

[Diplomacy, last round: 23. Listen: 21]

Kendry waits for Bella's laughter to die down. "'Defeated'?" he echoes Bella's word. "No - more like diverted. In the right place and time, a small stone might divert a stream." [Diplomacy, this round: 28]

Hearing Ezra's sob in the background, he decides to go check on her and her husband. He sits on the floor before her and looks up into her eyes. "Do not despair, ma'am. Help might come from other directions."

Dwight  d20+7=27 d20+3=19 d20+4=10
Tuesday July 4th, 2006 10:48:57 AM

Listen: 27
Diplomacy: 19

Dwight taken aback slightly that Bella would scoff at him adds to Selithe's argument. "Whether it is enough or not only time can tell, what matters is that we try. We are but halflings, but we have accomplished much. The Wold is aware of Ebyron's rebirth because of us, we saw his birth, growth and despite the magic he wielded at that moment fought him, BECAUSE IT WAS RIGHT!" Dwight finishes a little irritated to be having this conversation through a door.

Dwight watches Kendry move to help Ezra, wishing he could do more for the couple. Realizing he can't he remains at the door.

"You know we speak the truth about being involved, our past deeds and the desire to do what is right or else we would have left at the first sign of danger."

bluff:10 (I rolled a bluff check for my last statement "you know we speak the truth," as in character Dwight doesn't know about the truth syrup in the tea, though he had a really strong suspicion. Kendry, Selithe and "Airin" drank their tea and speak the truth.--sorry a little DMing popped out.)

Tobias  d20+1=15 d20+5=13
Tuesday July 4th, 2006 2:36:44 PM

Tobias continues to be steamed by Bella's reactions, and he's finally had it. He yells through the door, "Well forget you then. You would send away the weak and dying because of some obsure, far-away threat. You would send us to our deaths without even telling us of the dangers. I don't understand what all these people in town see in you. To me you're nothing but a coward!"

He moves over to Grayson and Ezra and begins to lift him back into the cart. As he struggles out, he says "After we're all dead, may the Flamelich come here and find you alone cowering in your bedroom."

Intimidate: 15
Listen: 13

Selithe  d20+2=7
Tuesday July 4th, 2006 5:31:50 PM

Selithe looks to the others and shakes her head abit understanding of why they are reacting the way they are and speaks gently to the group, "Calmer heads prevail. Bella is scared of something powerful and we all should beable to understand that. I was afraid when we did what we did against the fey king but it was through the actions of my friends and family an worry of their lives that I gained the courage to fight also." (Diplomacy:7 wow)

Selithe looks back to Bella and smiles gently, "I simply ask you consider everything said. An you are older and wiser then us so I believe you can look past the words of anger and see the truth and heart of what we all are saying."

Selithe sighs softly, "If you can not help Bella, if the risk is to much for you then I simply wish to know someone else we can go to for we will not give up on what must be done."

Selithe now turns her attention to Kendry and smiles the brightest smile she can, "Ohh brother, you know a gambler now and then has to give him or herself a better edge." She smiles more and shrugs, "Anyway, any of my winnings do not usually just pad my pocket but finds it's place else where so if the ends justifies the means. Not to mention I'm a gambler, not a saint."

Angrier Bella (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday July 5th, 2006 4:13:06 AM

The door to the inner room flies open, swings around, and crashes against the wall. Bella storms out, looking angrier than before.

"Ha!" she shouts. "I'll show you!"

She turns to the claw-foot tub in which the vinous guardian resides ... the one that threatened Kendry. "Horace, get out and help me!" she shouts. The tub heaves like a living thing, and the plant AND the dirt are dumped on the floor. The plant slithers over, a mess of earth and strong vines and small leaves.

Bella grabs Grayson's head and shoulders, and Horace grabs his waist, arms, and legs. Together, they bring the suffering man to the tub and set him in it. She mutters, more softly than she has been shouting, but all can hear: "Think I don't know what's right! Think other people can do this job!"

Then she takes out a knife with a glass blade, nicks her finger, and places a drop of her own blood on each rune or mark or wound on the tortured man. She begins to chant. Her voice rises up and down, and it is hypnotic. After a couple minutes, it is clear that this will take a while!

If you make a spellcraft check vs DC19, then Please Highlight to display spoiler: {You recognize that this is a witch ritual ... seems like a purification ritual.}

Dwight  d20+5=19
Wednesday July 5th, 2006 8:00:44 AM

Dwight stands by the door as Bella storms out. He thinks to say something, but remains silent as Horace begins to move.

When Grayson is moved to the tub, Dwight manages to move himself so that he can watch. Then is eyes go wide (spellcraft 19). "A a a witch," he whispers very softly to himself. He doesn't say this with any anger, but more as fact with some relief coming out of the statement.

Wednesday July 5th, 2006 10:28:44 AM

Airin stands perplexed at Bella's reaction and sensing the group is not speaking at the same level she holds her breath.

She WILL speak to Bella about that oath, but not now. First let her cure Grayson - that is if that's what she's doing...

Wednesday July 5th, 2006 3:23:40 PM

Tobias is again surprised by Bella's reaction of his challenge. Seeing her come to take Grayson, he waits to see what she does for him.

Wednesday July 5th, 2006 9:07:44 PM

Selithe watches Bella and smiles gently as she hopes she is going to be able to help the young man. Selithe doesn't try to make out what Bella is saying since she figures Bella is good and would not harm the man.

Kendry  d20+5=22 d20+9=25
Wednesday July 5th, 2006 11:04:58 PM

Kendry recognizes the marks of witchcraft [Spellcraft: 22] - the glass knife, much like those Dwight picked up recently at the Catacombs - and the bit of blood.

He listens to the chant. Hmmm - the vine, 'Horace', understands the common tongue. Kendry is glad he did not get in a fight with the plant.

He sits and holds Ezra's hand as Grayson sits in the tub. [Bardic knowledge: 25] Quietly, gently, he speaks with her, "Bella is doing the right things to help your husband. Her actions will purify him of the marks and the dark magic placed upon him. This may take an hour or so, Ezra. Do you want to get a bite to eat? Or lie down for a while? Or would you prefer to remain?" In his tone, he tries to communicate that whatever choice she makes is fine with him.

He wants a chance to talk with Airin, but will wait until Ezra responds to his questions.

Podo  d20+6=7 d20+9=22
Thursday July 6th, 2006 9:09:13 AM

Listening[DC:7], watching [spot, DC:22], and then waking as if arising from a dream, the young monk, is first starled by his friends and then startled to recall where he is, that is to say, he's in the presence of a herbalist!

Yawning, Podo explains to his friends, "Sorry was trying to recall where I saw an image of a small carving with hands palms outward with fingers spread. Where were we?"

Grumpy Bella (DM Cayzle) 
Thursday July 6th, 2006 9:43:58 AM

This is the Wed DM post!

Dwight is struck by his realization that Bella is a witch.

Tobias and Airin are not sure what to think, but they are willing to watch.

Selithe has a gut feeling that Bella means well. The gambler seems willing to take a chance on the greenmage.

Kendry, like Dwight, understands better what is going on, and he uses this chance to reassure Ezra. She definitely wants to wait and watch too.

Podo wakes from a daydream, not sure what is going on.

Bella's magic takes about an hour to complete. But at the end of that time, the marks on Grayson fade away, and he rises, shaky but pain free. Ezra is very grateful: "Lady Bella, thank you! Thank you! You're wonderful!"

Bella smiles but turns away. "Not a lady," she says of herself. Then she is stern with Grayson. "Now you rest for at least three days! No exertions! I'll give you some tea to brew."

She asks the group to see the couple to safety. "Then come back, I suppose, if you still want to."

Thursday July 6th, 2006 10:03:23 AM

"Will you then talk with us about all that has been going on? I guess you and us all have stories to tell and answers to look for...

"I, and those who come along, will see Ezzra and Grayson to safety and then return. See you later... Perhaps one of us can stay here and learn from your skills in using plants?"

Selithe  d20+2=3
Thursday July 6th, 2006 11:32:44 AM

Selithe looks to the group and pats Ezra's arm, "I'm glad your husband is safe Ezra and I hope everything works out for the best now."

Selithe then looks to Bella, "I'm going to stay here with you Bella. I might have been the hardest on you with some of my comments and am sorry if I came across as harsh."

Selithe smiles and holds out her hand in a friendly gesture, "Can we sit and have some tea while waiting Bella? Your tea was quite good." Selithe is doing her best to make Bella feel more at ease. (Diplomacy:3 nat:1)

Thursday July 6th, 2006 12:35:12 PM

Tobias watches Bella perform her magic and is relieved to see Grayson finally waking from his stupor.

When it's done, he thanks Bella for her help in curing Grayson.

Tobias will go with the group to bring Grayson and Ezra to a safer place.

Dwight  d20+3=18
Thursday July 6th, 2006 12:59:38 PM

Realizing Bella's true trade brings actual comfort to Dwight as his suspicions of her have finally played out. He watches intently for the full hour as Bella goes through the motions of her spell.

"Thank you, Bella." Dwight says meaningfully and with respect.

Diplomacy: 18

As Ezra, Greyson and the others leave, Dwight wishes the newlyweds a safe and happy life. "The best of times and the worst of times. Love and marriage is only strengthened as the two of you survive through the worst of times, my pa always said." Dwight smiles.

He too offers to stay, hoping to learn more about plants, Horace, and the herbs they intended to find orginally (foxglove and the ishgara tree). Dwight will yield information he has found regarding the tree in particular. He is curious as to how she intends to track the location of the tree.

Kendry  d20+3=8 d20+3=22 d20+3=19 d20+3=11 d20+3=12 d20+3=19 d20+3=14 d20+3=19 d20+3=22 d20+3=12 d20+3=23
Friday July 7th, 2006 12:10:13 AM

When Podo talks so strangely, Kendry decides to look around the room. As Bella works her work, he looks here, and there, and low, and high. He takes the time to pretty much memorize the room, its layout, the things in it. Finally (spot 23, nat 20 - 11th attempt), he notices above the door the pair of hands that Podo mentioned. "There they are, Pode. The hands. You eat funny mushrooms or something?" he asks his cousin quietly.

"Thank you, Bella," Kendry tells her as she completes her work on Grayson. "I expect we'll be back once we have the newlyweds settled in for the prescribed rest."

Kendry thinks of a few alternatives. There are some inns, and there is the family shop. There's room enough for them there.

Podo  d20+9=13 d20+2=8 d20+6=13
Friday July 7th, 2006 12:27:05 AM

Podo will follow Airin in escorting the newly wed couple to their destination and to safety.

On the way back, Podo looks around keeping an eye out for anything that doesn't seem to "fit" in and [Spot DC: 13] he especially concentrates on listening to whats in the background while the group of friends head back to Bella's house. [Concentrate DC: 8][Listen DC: 13]

Bella's Good-By (DM Cayzle) 
Friday July 7th, 2006 9:26:19 AM

Bella nods to Airin, Tobias, Kendry, and Podo as they follow her request to take Ezra and Grayson to safety. "This man is still in danger," she says, "so I ask you to take them to a safe space, not the common room of a tavern."

Then Bella's eyebrows crinkle into an angry frown you are beginning to recognize.

When Selithe says she will stay and drink tea, Bella says roughly, "No, you have not been invited to stay for tea! You were invited to escort these people to a place of safety and then to return later!"

And to Dwight she says, "Well! You offer to learn from me? Well! As it happens, I have not offered to teach you! Go on, get out of here, and come back when you have found some manners! Huh!"

Although she is smaller than some of you, Bella seems like a giant as she ushers you all out of her cottage. Slam! goes the door, and you are out on the street.

Ezra and Grayson look at you. Ezra seems scared. "Where will you take us?" she asks.

Friday July 7th, 2006 9:48:01 AM

Once the door slams shut, Kendry smiles. "Yes, manners, indeed!" He winks at Dwight.

He turns to answer Ezra's query. "To my family's place, Missus Ezra. There's room, and we'll fix it up nice for you two."

Friday July 7th, 2006 12:58:14 PM

Tobias just walks away from Bella's place shaking his head, not sure what to make of her. "She's going to be an interesting one to work with."

Friday July 7th, 2006 9:16:17 PM

Selithe shrugs when the door slams and looks to the others, "Wasn't really meaning to try and invite myself but I suppose Bella has a lot to think about now."

Selithe looks to Ezra, "Let's get you and your husband to someplace safe and then maybe we all should get some rest before coming back to visit with Bella more."

Selithe mainly wanting to give Bella some time to herself since she might want to think things over or maybe she was worried trouble might come along and wished them gone so she slips up next to Kendry and speaks to him, "Brother, I'm a little worried. Could Bella be wanting us all to go just in case the enemy she speaks of shows up?" Selithe frowns, "Maybe someone should camp out near by or something to keep watch for trouble."

Saturday July 8th, 2006 10:01:04 AM

At first Dwight is quite angry having the door slammed in his face and not knowing more about the initial task.

As the others move off, Dwight's anger lessens seeing they understand Bella's need to be alone. Deciding they are right, Dwight follows, mumbling in response to Podo, "If we do work together she needs to let us know a lot more of what's going on."

Dwight continues walking in the rear of the group hoping his anger lessens by the time they get Ezra and Grayson to their room.

An uncertain first impresson (DM Cayzle) 
Saturday July 8th, 2006 11:58:10 AM

Walking back to the family shop, the party has a chance to reflect on Bella, and Dwight and Tobias express a few reservations. What will it be like to work with this grumpy, fearful, wild person?

But Selithe remains convinced that Bella's heart is in the right place, and she feels concern for the greenmage's safety. For now, though, the group escorts the honeymooning couple to the shop.

There, Nalfein welcomes the group back, and lets Ezra and Grayson know that they are welcome. Privately, he asks his siblings and cousins how long they'll be staying.

Kendry busys himself making a guest room comfy.

The couple end up safely put to bed. What next?

Sunday July 9th, 2006 4:11:19 PM

Once Grayson and Ezra are safely stowed away, Tobias is all for going back to Bella's. He's a little concerned at what might happen if she's given too much time alone to change her mind.

But, he's unsure on how to answer Nalfein about the length of their stay...

Sunday July 9th, 2006 10:20:08 PM

With his friends, but out of earshot of the young couple, Kendry opens this discussion. "First, Bella warns us that Grayson is not yet out of danger. Whatever spirits or powers have been afflicting him may try to re-enter the swept-out house. I think we need to arrange some sort of effective guard for their safety.

"Second, I think you're right, Tobias. Bella fears for her life - or something more. Now, along with Grayson needing rest, each of us also will need rest, as will Bella. Ezra, of course.

"How do we keep eyes, and presence, in both places? If there is an attack on one, how do we ensure that such is not used as a diversion to attack a second place - a second person? The short answer is that we probably cannot. If such were to happen, we may have to focus on one before we can deal with the other. A hard choice, and I hope it does not come to such, but better to save one than to lose two.

"What if we enlist some kids to help us? Or talk things over with the mayor?"

Just then Podo speaks up.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Monday July 10th, 2006 12:22:18 AM

Podo tells his friends, "Now that we have delivered the couple safely, do you think I can run to the temple quickly on my way back to Bella's house? I'd like to know if Zardock is still in town. We didn't get a chance to finsih our conversation last time."

Kendry, continued 
Monday July 10th, 2006 1:31:59 AM

"Sure, Podo," Kendry answers. "I don't have a problem with that. Say, Zardock knows Bella, right? As a friend? Maybe he might have some insights into her situation and behavior. Yes, cuz, check and see if he's around."

He hands him a whistle. And gives one to each member of the group. "If we need to gather here are the shop," he says, referring to WinWood Toys and Music, where the Jensens are staying upstairs, "then the signal is two long, two short, and two long toots. If we need to get over to Bella's, then it'll be short-long, short-long, short-long, and three shorts." He demonstrates each, and has everyone try the signals, until they all can do them, and recognize them.

After extracting a hair-spit promise from Nalfein and Leska (and any other siblings who may be at the shop at the time) to keep the following information tight, at least for the next week - and treated with discretion following that, he gives them an edited version of what happened to Grayson, and of Bella's purification ritual that helped to get rid of the markings on him. He allows that Bella is under a great deal of stress, and seems somewhat snappish.

He also whispers to them of Flamelich. "Flame is the famous and most wicked red dragon of yore, who later was killed, but turned into a lich. A combination of two of the most terrible opponents one might face. Well, the Gold Dragons - or the Platinums? - you know, that famous adventuring group - defeated Flamelich - so, supposedly he's dead-dead. But Bella is not so sure." An involuntary shudder runs up and down his spine. "We might need to rush over there to help her out. Any idea when Papa might be showing up in town with his next load of toys and instruments?"

Hair-spit promises are pretty close to sacred in the Pipewood clan, so he trusts his siblings to keep the information he shared with them from others.

Oh - and he lets them know of the tea Bella gave them for Grayson to drink over the next few days. Leska always brewed a fine cup of tea.

"All right, friends. What's a good way for us to keep watch both here and there - and have a chance to rest ourselves? There are six of us in the group, and Nalf and Leska can help keep an eye on the Jensens. Should we set up a rotating schedule of sorts? Like four hours on, eight hours off, in pairs? If you wouldn't mind, I'd like to be on watch with Airin. Would the night hours be a more likely time, you think, for Bella's enemies to try for her? Maybe we can hire some kids to keep an eye on things around her place in the daytime, and some of us at night. We'd want to do it in a fashion that doesn't upset her overmuch, though."

When they have a chance, Kendry wants to spend some time off-watch with Airin. There are some things he'd like to talk over...

Of course, there are the animals to take care of - he makes sure his ponies are seen to at the smithy's, and arranges to have them stay in the stables there.

Monday July 10th, 2006 5:39:38 AM

Selithe agrees with Kendry's comments and thoughts but at the moment is looking forward to relaxing a little bit and think over everything that has happened this day so far.

She smiles and speaks up, "I would be willing to take a more middle shift if we rotate watches anyway. That way maybe I can get something to good to eat and then take my watch and then get some sleep." Selithe smiles and wonders what their family is having to eat anyway.

Monday July 10th, 2006 8:44:51 AM

Airin nods as Kendry and Podo are talking things over but worries about one thing:

"I do think we may need to find a way to keep an eye on both instead of concentrating on one... Perhaps some kids can help us indeed. Also - no thanks love I have whistles of my own - these whistles can help us and any one else who can help us to alert the others. I don't know what is best but I do believe one of us needs to "bond" with Bella. I'm only partly a druid but I sensed Dwight was on the same level as Bella. Let keep an eye out of both for a while and maybe Dwight can go and look the next morning?"

And then small groups are suggested... when Kendry asks to stick with Airin the little lass blushes somewhat. It's been a while since she and Kendry had some time to spend quietly together...

"s.. sure..." Airin stammers blushing even more, wondering what that lovable bard is up to now!

hmmm... I wonder if Airin will be able to keep guard if she's to take guard with Kendry... at night... just the two of them...

Monday July 10th, 2006 11:22:48 AM

Listening to the others suggest watching both, Dwight nods his head in agreement. "I suspect tonight is the most important for both. The hags or whatever will have noticed the severed connection immediately. I don't believe they would know about Bella, but they might have a sense of where the connection was lost, meaning Bella's house."

"I think Bella won't sleep much tonight. Her past demons will haunt her too much from the little I understand about Flame. However, if she chooses to leave, there is little we can do about it."

"I'm not sure I would say I have a good connection with her, but I can try in the morning. If need be, I can do the final watch and then visit her just after sunrise."

Dwight sticks around for the last bit of conversation and then retires to bed. He thinks about his pa and the same phrase keeps coming to mind. A tree always falls the hardest when you are under it.

Monday July 10th, 2006 2:31:53 PM

Tobias is used to strange hours traveling through Culverwood, so he'll volunteer for whichever watch needs another pair of eyes.

And, he volunteers Tewdwr to keep watch over Bella's. Perhaps an animal rather than a person will cause her less stress. Tewdwr can warn us if anyone or anything approaches or if Bella leaves her house (by normal means).

Word on the Street (DM Cayzle) 
Monday July 10th, 2006 9:34:15 PM

[OOC: Friends, it will help me out if you try to anticipate rolls that could be useful and make them with your post. For example, if you are going to go talk to NPCs, make diplomacy or gather info checks. If I don't need them, no harm done. If I do, then great!]

Podo goes off to chat with Zardock, and finds he is just in time! The dwarf plans about to head out to parts unknown on the morrow.

"I've done my preaching here. Time to head on."

If Podo asks about Bella, then Zardock will chuckle. "Yes, she is a character! but her heart is in the right place. Her head ... that's another story! But let me not speak ill of a fellow healer, especially since we both studied under the same master. I do know that her devotion is sincere, and her intentions are good. That should be enough for anyone. If she rubs you the wrong way, just be patient."

Kendry tracks down the Mayor. Calfast has only good things to say about Bella. "A fine upstanding woman! Pillar of the community! Always helpful!' If Kendry can make a sense motive check vs DC10, then Highlight to display spoiler: {He senses that she makes Calfast uneasy.}. If Kendry can make a sense motive check vs DC10, then Highlight to display spoiler: {He senses that Calfast has butted heads with Bella and is afraid to speak poorly of her.}.

Siblings, animal friends, and the rest of the party set up careful plans to watch over the couple of newlyweds as well as Bella's cottage. But through the whole tedious night, there is no sign of anything amiss at all.

The day dawns bright and clear. Plans?

Kendry - with Calfast Rowgold Tunnelly  d20+3=15 d20+9=12 d20+9=23 d20+9=29
Tuesday July 11th, 2006 1:35:50 AM

Kendry discerns Calfast's discomfort with Bella, and that he and she have clashed in the past [Sense motive 15]. Not surprising at all. He says, "She is a remarkable woman, with quality friends in high places, and her emotions sometimes carry her thither and yon, I wager," he responds to the mayor. "I like her, and we intend to carry through on the help we earlier offered her. She is fearful of her enemies, and would shield us from them. Though she has given us an out, I do not intend to use it. She seems somewhat diffident at the moment." [Kendry's diplomacy is somewhat lacking at the moment regarding Bella: 12.] He adds as he continues to see a measure of discomfort on the mayor's face, "Please pardon my candor."

Kendry gives to Calfast Rowgold Tunnelly a copy of the next installment of his adventuring journals. "For your safekeeping, Burgomeister. As before, I trust to your discretion in sharing the contents with others."

That brings to mind another matter. "Oh, I almost forgot. Captain Oosterlinck of the Plateau City branch of the WLA told us that discussions are well under way regarding establishing a branch here in Crescent Valley. He spoke well of your negotiating style, sir, and that you drive a hard bargain. In any event, we are looking forward to something happening in that regard, soon. Any word, yet? Is there a spot here in town, or on the outskirts, that you think would suit their purposes?" [Diplomacy: 23]

He also brings the mayor up to date on the happenings on the road between here and Windhorn Hamlet (road, hags, harpies, Jensens), and suggests that the sending of some help from Crescent Valley would be appreciated. "If your fixer friend is still around? Zardock? He might be well-suited to repairing that breach. By the way, how is the bell tower? And the other buildings that needed work?" [Diplomacy: 29]

And wanting to leave the door open for any direction or insight that the burgomeister may have to offer, Kendry asks, "Is there anything we can do for you?" Then, with a disarming smile, "Within reason, of course!"

Kendry - with Airin 
Tuesday July 11th, 2006 2:20:40 AM

As he and Airin find a suitable spot to keep watch on Bella's place during a four-hour stint at night, he casts a message spell so that they might whisper - whether urgent messages or sweet nothings.

"Airin, I want you to know that my affection and admiration for you continue to grow. You have a ready wit, an infectuous laugh, good insight, a courageous heart, and a willingness to undergo the rigors of the adventuring life without murmur or complaint. You are a good dancer - better than I am! - and I just like being with you, girl.

"I have a question."

Kendry - with friends 
Tuesday July 11th, 2006 2:23:46 AM

"Maybe we can go see Bella - but a few should stay with the Jensen couple. Ask her if she'd like our help once Grayson is over the worst of it. I know that Dwight is anxious to find out more about that movable tree."

He asks Podo, "Well, did you talk with Zardock about some of the things you are thinking over?"

Kendry will catch a nap at WinWood at some point to make up for his lost sleep from last night.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood  d20+1=21 d20+1=4
Tuesday July 11th, 2006 9:26:16 AM

Upon finding Zardock, Podo finds a way to ask about Bella. Listening to Zardock speak about Bella, Podo's ear perk up when Zardock says they both studied under the same master. "Really! The same Master? Whom might that be, Zardock?" asks Podo.

When the conversation dies down abit about Bella, Podo will ask about the Walkers. "Zardock? Last time we spoke, you said you'd be more than happy to discuss the different aspects of the group called The Walkers, but because of other pressing issues, we never received that chance to speak about that topic. Do you have the tiem now to do so before you leave town?" asks Podo.

Skill DC Checks:
Diplomacy DC: 21(Nat 20)
Gather Info. DC: 4

Airin at night  d20+8=20 d20+10=27
Tuesday July 11th, 2006 10:45:08 AM

At night when she's holding watch with Kendry Airin does her best to keep an eye out as good as it gets but with Kendry's arm around her and him speaking in the most romatic fashion it becomes tougher for the little halfling lass...

[spot: 20 -5 = 15]
[listen: 27 - 5 = 22]

All the time while Kendry speaks Airin quietly listens and blushes. Then Kendry says: "I have a question..." and Airin looks into his eyes with her own grey eyes and without speaking Kendry knows she's listening...

Airin with friends  d20+8=16 d20+8=16 d20+19=38
Tuesday July 11th, 2006 10:47:56 AM

Yes I agree that while some are talking to people the rest should keep watch some more. I'll keep an eye out on Grayson and his wife.

Airin goes to the opposite house and climbs the roof with use of a rope and grappling hook if needed...

[climbing: 16]

Next she lays down on the roof so she can keep an eye out on Grayson's house without being seen herself.

[spot: 16]
[hide: 38]

Tuesday July 11th, 2006 1:33:04 PM

Tobias volunteers to stay with the couple while some of the others go to see Bella.

Tuesday July 11th, 2006 8:05:47 PM

Selithe nods and will enjoy her time before taking her watch. Come morning Selithe will greet the others and listen to everyone's plans before speaking her own idea, "We should head out to see Bella soon also."

Selithe stays silent otherwise and just listens to everything going on and also checks on her riding dog Gra, even taking her along for a stretch of the dog's legs if Gra seems a little antsy about being couped up.

Tuesday July 11th, 2006 8:51:22 PM

Eager to finally get some answer, Dwight hopes Bella has had time to think and cool down.

"I'd like to meet with Bella," Dwight informs the others knowing they already knew this.

On the walk to Bella's house:
"Okay there seems so much we need to talk about with Bella. We tried to tell her everything last night, but I don't think she was expecting everything we suggested. Though I think what we said, even if only partially true truly terrified her."

"Hopefully today we can discuss everything. I had felt she was hiding something from us before and I was right, but I'm sure she still knows a lot more than she has said, which is next to nothing."

"I think we need answers about her fear, what she meant of about Flame, how the harpies and that curse are connected to her. And then we reaffirm our word to still help her in collecting the 'herbs' she initially wanted us for. Any other thoughts? Something I missed? I did a lot of research on that tree and it seems more than a coincidence it is related to the Fey at this time of crisis in the Wold."

Dwight feels ready to take charge, he wants answers before more questions arise.

News from Bree (DM Cayzle) 
Tuesday July 11th, 2006 11:52:28 PM

Calfast talks with Kendry. He will talk with the Fixer about the road. He wants the WLA HQ to be in a new building right in the middle of town. And he offers to set a couple militiamen to help guard the recovering honeymooners ... and he would like to come pay his respects.

Podo finds Zardock more than willing to talk. He sends Podo off to check in with his friends, and then to come back for dinner and a late night of conversation. In fact, it is early morning before the two are done.

[OOC: Let's cover the details of Podo's talk with Zardock in e-mail. We'll assume that all the conversation is concluded well by dawn.]

Airin cleverly watches through the night (or part of it) from the roof of a nearby building. But in fact all is peaceful and calm.

Tobias watches from inside the family shop and volunteers to stay behind in the morning.

Selithe walks her dog in the morning and is eager to get over to Bella's.

Dwight is also eager to visit Bella, and he has a few questions ready.

Calfast shows up for breakfast and has other news. Seems there are rumors of drow in Crescent Valley. A cousin of his, Bree Tunnelly of the Elling Tunnellys, said she heard the rumor. He sees you off as you head over to Bella's.

So in the morning, the party (sans Tobias) sets off to visit Bella. You get to her cottage. What do you do?

Kendry with Airin 
Wednesday July 12th, 2006 1:51:42 AM

"Well, there are many things I would like to ask, punkin'," he answers Airin when she gives him her full attention.

"But this is my... well, this is my first question. Are you willing to have me get to know your parents? And for them to get to know me? Well, the rest of the family, too."

Wednesday July 12th, 2006 8:48:58 AM

Walking up to the door, Dwight knocks and then waits for a response.

If there is no answer after a few moments, Dwight calls for her. "Bella? The couple is safe and we have returned."

Otherwise Dwight continues to wait.

JPWard - Podo  d20+9=25
Wednesday July 12th, 2006 9:10:50 AM

Seeing Dwight knock on the door, Podo will wait 5 minutes for an answer. If no answer by then, Podo will head around back to see if Bella is in her in favorite Tree disguise. [Spot DC = 25]

If Podo does find a Tree that look s a bit like the last Tree, Podo will speak to Bella Tree. "Ah, Miss Bella? We're back like you asked having escorted our charges to a snug and safe haven. Calfast the Mayor has even offered to post guards to secure the safe haven." explains Podo to the Bella Tree.

Podo looking around, tries to spy anyone else in the backyard. If his friends are in the backyard, Podo will drop his voice to a whisper, as he speaks the next few lines. "Miss Bella, I spoke with Zardock all last night and into the morning. He speaks very highly of you."

If Bella Tree takes some time to resume her normal form, Podo will relax, stretching, and practicing some of his newly learned highest reach boxing skills he picked up from watching others. It really relaxes him and he gets some much pleasure at the vibrant feelings of health and life that come from finishing them.

Anyone in the backyard can see Podo moving through a series of slowly executed circular flowing movements with his hands, arms, and legs.

Airin at night waits for Kendry ;-) 
Wednesday July 12th, 2006 9:56:38 AM

continue later

Airin  d20+8=22 d20+19=31 d20+10=30
Wednesday July 12th, 2006 10:00:59 AM

"Drow!...here in the Valley?!... cool!"

The next morning as they all prepare to move to Bella's house Airin decides to keep guarding Grayson's house while the rest does the talking. No need to swarm Bella with even more questions. However before setting off, she tells Dwight and the other that go to see her about what she heard Bella saying last night about "her oath".

"Try to bring her on that toppic too friends. I think that's something important to know. meanwhile I'll be hiding on the rood and keep an eye out on things."

[spot: 22]
[hide: 31]
[listen: 30 - NAT20]

Wednesday July 12th, 2006 2:12:11 PM

With the peaceful evening passed, Tobias expects that the day will pass without event either. He keeps watch over the couple and waits for his friends to come back with news from Bella's.

Wednesday July 12th, 2006 9:08:06 PM

Selithe goes with the others to see Bella and also brings along Gra since her dog is pretty well behaved most of the time.

Selithe stays silent while waiting to see if Bella answers when one of the others knock on the door. If Bella doesn't answer Selithe heads around back with the others and looks around at the trees or lack there of in the back and frowns if she sees nothing or no sign of Bella.

Calm Bella (DM Cayzle) 
Thursday July 13th, 2006 12:37:26 AM

At Bella's House

Dwight knocks, and Bella answers the door. The change in her demeanor is striking. She is more put-together. No leaves or twigs in her hair. Her eyes do not dart about as quickly. She seems calmer.

She ushers Selithe, Podo, Dwight, and Kendry inside. "Welcome back. I am glad I did not scare you off. I really do need you to gather some plants for me."

She offers tea around the table.

When Podo mentions Zardock, she smiles. "That's good of him to say so. He was always nice to me. Many of my brother and sister Healers look down on the likes of me, but not Zardock."

"We met studying under the same master, you know. A good master, Brother Nortic, who looked past your past and studied your soul. Many of the more unusual Healer-candidates came to him."

"But I am rambling on. What was it I can do for you? My prices are very reasonable."


At the family shop.

Tobias stands watch while the mayor talks with Grayson and Ezra. Will Tobias stay in the room? Eavesdrop from a distance? Just hear snippet?

If Tobias stays in the room or can make a listen DC20 check, then Please Highlight to display spoiler: {The mayor asks the couple for their story, and listens for something.}

Outside, Airin is keeping watch from a roof. She sees the mayor leave after a while. Otherwise nothing stirs.

Thursday July 13th, 2006 2:29:57 AM

"You look rested, Miss Bella," Kendry remarks. He listens to what she has to say. "Well, we did say a couple weeks back we'd help you. You helped us very much by teleporting us all the way to Plateau City! Tobias, Airin, and a few other folks are watching over the Jensens as Grayson recovers. Leska - one of my sisters - has been brewing up the tea you sent along, and he's been drinking it - at least that's what she told me.

"The mayor just told us some drow have just arrived in town - so I'd like to find out a bit more about that. And we want to continue to make sure that your patient gets his rest. But a promise is a promise. You tell us when and how, and we'll do what we can to help you gather up what herbs you need. Dwight, here, has been looking into the two types of plants you mentioned."

Airin  d20+8=14 d20+10=17 d20+19=33 d20+6=20
Thursday July 13th, 2006 10:39:02 AM

Not knowing what goes on at Bella's place Airin remains hidden on the roof and observes the streets a bit longer.

[spot: 14]
[listen: 17]
[hide: 33]

But she's getting a bit drowsy from the pleasant sun shining on her back... after all she missed some sleep during the might... (Fort Save: 20) but she probably can keep her eyes open anyhow.

Dwight  d20+4=24 d20+3=17 d20+2=4 d20+1=3
Thursday July 13th, 2006 1:20:47 PM

Dwight returns a smile to Bella as the door is opened.

Taking a seat and getting ready to sip the tea, Dwight uses the opening to Kendry offered to discuss the plants.

"Yeah, I have. They are both quite interesting, the tree in particular. Seems to be hard to find, but once found has lots of properties, most of which I'm guessing are not known by many. It also seems to have a large connection to what has been happing in the Wold lately."

If she inquires, Dwight will relate all the details that he knows about the two plants, though he is sure she already knows anything he would say.

"It also seems as if the legend of the tree goes all the way back as far as I could tell. Back to the time of Ebryon and Flame perhaps, though I found no books saying so. Do you have any idea how they are all connected?" Dwight asks testing Bella's reaction.

Gather Information: 24

Knowledge History: 17

Sense Motive: 4

spot: 3

Not seeing any poor reaction to his talking yet (sense motive 4 :( ), Dwight continues. "Could the hags of been working for Ebryon? or Flame perhaps?" Dwight then looks to the others before he brings up more.

Tobias  d20+5=22
Thursday July 13th, 2006 1:57:29 PM

Tobias will stay in the room with the couple unless the mayor asks him for privacy. So, he will listen to what the couple tells the mayor, and watch for any reactions.

Spot: 22

Selithe  d20+2=3
Thursday July 13th, 2006 7:56:29 PM

Selithe smiles and greets Bella warmly. When she is offered the tea Selithe thanks her and take a small sip before speaking to her, "I'm glad you're okay and look well rested Bella. I personally felt like we were hard on you and we really didn't mean to be Bella." (Don't know if I need it and what a great roll for Selithe trying to be nice. Diplomacy:3 nat:1)

Selithe hopes her words do not offend Bella or anything and she goes quiet now as she waits for anything Bella has to say in regards to the others questions.

Conversations (DM Cayzle) 
Friday July 14th, 2006 12:16:17 AM

Tobias listens to the conversation that the Mayor has with the newlyweds. They tell him about their misadventures and how the Crescent Valley heroes saved them.

Calfast winks at Tobias and declares that he is not at all surprised. These young adventurers are the hope of the valley!

After a few more pleasantries, the Mayor takes his leave.

Airin seems to be feeling a little bored. Certainly, the group talking with Bella are having more fun. Maybe she should grab Tobias and join the main mob?

Kendry reminds Bella about their earlier interactions. She says, "Oh, yes! Of course. How silly of me!"

Dwight brings up the herbs that Bella had previously mentioned. She says, "oh, yeah. Well, I've finished that line of reseach. It was a total failure. I don't need those plants. But I could use others ..."

She asks if you would be willing to help her find other plants, from her other line of research. She says she is trying something else now. Very promising.

Airin  d20+8=10
Friday July 14th, 2006 8:52:51 AM

Just at the moment when she's nearly falling a sleep Airin descides there's nothing going to happen here.

So she climbs down and when Thobias leaves Grayson's place she suggest to go join their friends again.

Who knows! Maybe they will see the Drow while walking through town.

[spot: 10 - hmm pretty unlikely]

Tobias  d20+5=8
Friday July 14th, 2006 10:27:23 AM

Tobias thanks the mayor for his kind words.

Tobias and Airin meet up again. He agrees to leave with her over to Bella's and see what's going on. And, when Airin mentions drow, Tobias keeps a sharp eye out for any sign of them.

Tewdwr follows along.

Spot: 8 (probably passes one in the street and can't tell :)

Podo D. Danderfluff 
Friday July 14th, 2006 11:54:17 AM

Podo nods. "That Zardock is a really awesome guy and he likes that Zardock understands him and understands Monks." Podo explains to Bella.

Friday July 14th, 2006 7:29:15 PM

"We will need to find out for sure whether Airin and Tobias are willing to make a similar commitment," Kendry answers. "Barring any objections from them or those present, I am open to help you find the plants you seek. How far afield do you suppose we might need go, and how much time do you think may be required to gather what you need?"

Dwight  d20+4=19 d20+3=6 d20+2=11 d20+1=6
Friday July 14th, 2006 7:31:18 PM

Taken off guard, but Bella lack of interest in finding the previous herbs, Dwight almost spills his tea and suspicion begins to grow again.

"I'm sure we would all be willing to help you find whatever herbs you would like to find. The Isghara tree looked very promising for all kinds of research, be it healing, strength or even greater knowledge from a little of its sap."

Dwight looks to the others to see if they have any problem helping her find the 'new' herbs.

Trying to prevent Bella from changing the subject, Dwight inquires further regarding a connection to last nights outburst. "You had mentioned the herbs were to help some of your ailments, are these new ones targeted for the same ailments or are they more related to the curse placed upon Grayson by the harpies?"

Gather Information: 19 (does this detect if she is avoid a subject or lying?)

Diplomacy: 6

Sense Motive: 11 (or does this one detect avoidance or lying?)

Spot: 6

Friday July 14th, 2006 10:31:20 PM

Selithe listens to what is said and nods before smiling, "Considering the aid you gave us and the newly weds already I'm sure that Airin and Tobias would be willing to help but I agree we should wait and find out."

Selithe thinks and listens over things, really hopes they are able to help Bella and speaks up after a moment, "Bella, I would personally like to ask for one favor. You hinted at us getting into things before that were dangerous. I'm not asking for a great deal of info at the moment but while trying to get these things for you is there any chance that this force you spoke of might do something to us or anyone else? I do not mean to press but I would like to know exactly how deep of trouble we might of dived into."

Talkative Bella (DM Cayzle) 
Saturday July 15th, 2006 8:31:00 AM

Seeing no sign of Drow on the walk over, Airin and Tobias join the group at Bella's cottage. She nods at them and gets them tea. She sets out two bowls of water for Tewdwr.

Bella also nods at Podo's comment about Zardock, but does not add to it.

Maybe that's because she is busy talking about her latest ideas with Kendry and Dwight.

"I have an idea! The Ishgarra Tree is potent but non-specific! I stumbled on an alternate way to do what I wanted, more specific, less potent, more likely to do exactly what's needed, less likely to produce side effects."

"I'll go with you to get the first herb. That won;t take more than a day or so. After that, I'll be too busy tending my cauldron. OK?"

Then Selithe asks about danger, and somewhat of a change comes over the greenmage's face. More guarded, and wary.

"Well, yes. Great danger. I have enemies. They watch me. Sometimes they appear in odd guises. There's no denying the risk. Great risks. But in a good cause. Many will be helped by my cure. Maybe some that my enemies would prefer NOT to be cured."

"But I have sworn to help others despite danger. Sometimes I have to remind my self of that." She looks a little sheepish.

[OOC: Yup, Sense Motive is good at seeing through lies. Sorry, an 11 doesn't do it.]

Monday July 17th, 2006 2:07:43 AM

Selithe nods as she listens to what Bella has to say and ponders something before speaking to Bella, "I know you're more into herbs and such Bella, but by chance do you have a pearl I could buy from you or know someone who does?"

Selithe blushes some, "You see, I have this necklace and I never did have it identified since I got it."

Selithe also ponders on a good location to get her familiar and smiles as she thinks her family's home might be the best place.

Selithe plans to make some time and get the stuff to summon her familiar when she has time anyway.

ADM Kim - Crescent Valley posting for week of July 10-16, 2006 
Monday July 17th, 2006 2:43:59 AM

Dwight XXXXX
Selithe XXXXX
Kendry XXXXX
Tobias XXXXX
[X = post, O = no post]

Kendry  d20+9=19 d20+10=16 d20+3=6
Monday July 17th, 2006 3:04:45 AM

"Um, what is it that you hope to cure in others with your intended concoction?" Kendry asks. "I know that some of the followers of Marteus," and on saying the name, he feels a need to spit - but refrains, so as not to be too impolite in Bella's home, "like to inflict others with diseases. Even like to get diseases themselves, sometimes."

Diplomacy: 19; Gather Information: 16; Sense Motive: 6

Animal training aside: Though not mentioned in a while, just a reminder that Kendry is spending some time each day with his Caran Hills riding dog, Cheann, training him in combat riding. Should require another 10-12 days.

Monday July 17th, 2006 10:15:34 AM

Tobias nods back to Bella and is happy to see a calmer version greet them.

He is also curious by what type of disease she is trying to cure... sounds a bit omnious.

Dwight  d20+2=21 d20+4=12 d20+1=15 d20+3=7
Monday July 17th, 2006 11:13:28 AM

Dwight listens intently as Bella answers Kendry's question, and then follows it with another of his own.

"Before you mentioned we were seeking herbs to help some of your ailments, now it seems we are curing others based on your oath with enemies about. Perhaps if you could be a little more specific we would understand better."

Dwight tries to hide his impatience, but talking and not getting any answers is beginning to show.

"We have already agreed to help, so we should know what potentially is coming our way. That is say when to fight, to defend or need be, when to run," Dwight tries to add comically.

Sense Motive: 21
Gather Information: 12
spot: 15
diplomacy: 7

Podo D. Danderfluff  d20+3=5 d20+1=3 d20+3=5
Monday July 17th, 2006 11:15:43 AM

Looking around, Podo will try observe his surroundings to obtain information while the rest of his troupe tries the same process by other means.

Diplomacy: 5; Gather Information: 3; Sense Motive:5

Airin  d20+2=21 d20+1=15
Monday July 17th, 2006 2:01:51 PM

Airin quietly listens while Bella tells about the herbs and her enemies. "Cool" she thinks "looks like we'll stick our noses into a hornet's nest soon ... hehehehe there's nothing else to do anyhow and... it give me a chance to stick with kednry a bit more... I still wonder what he was trying to tell me last night..."

Trapped in thoughts Airin doesn't pay mich attention to the conversation itself but instead she obsevres Bella... her clothing, belongings, expressions while she speaks...

[Sense Motive: 21]
[gather info: 15]

Final Preparations (DM Cayzle) 
Monday July 17th, 2006 10:19:33 PM

Selithe asks about pearls, and Bella nods. "Here, I have one right here. Please, take it as a gift." She offers a pearl that would do just fine.

Bella scowls at the mention of the lord of filth. At the curiousity shown by Kendry and Tobias about what it is she hopes to cure, Bella's voice drops to a whisper and she looks around. "Keep it to yourselves," she says softly. "It's for the mind."

When Dwight presses for more detail, she clams up. "That's all you need to know, young sir!"

Podo tries to gather more info, but is unlucky. (Sorry, good thought, bad rolls!)

Airin looks closely at Bella. Her clothes are a-mismatch ... one bootbuckle is undone. She looks better than before, certainly. No twigs in her hair. No dirt on her face. But still not ready for high company or fine dining.

Bella declares that the group will set out tomorrow, accompanied by herself. "Get ready and we go tomorrow."

OOC: last chance to buy stuff!

Tuesday July 18th, 2006 12:31:56 AM

"Very well. Until tomorrow, then," Kendry agrees. He rises, and asks, "Ten o'clock all right?"

Once outside her place, and a block or so away, Kendry says, "Anyone who needs to, catch up on your sleep. I'll be doing some shopping. You want me to pick up something for you, give me the funds, I'll get it for you if I can. Anyone who wants to join me, come along! Meanwhile - who can help keep an eye on our charges? Maybe a few go shopping, then when we get done, we'll spell you off, and you pick up something."

Tuesday July 18th, 2006 9:59:13 AM

Airin's happy all matters are resolved and joins everyone outside.

"Yes I will need to go to the Cats before we set out again."

(OOC to DM Cayzle: I will have to go to the CC after my holiday. I'll be back the 7th of August and meanwhile Kim will post for Airin. I'm planning to get me a Handy Haversacck and a number of scrolls, bolts, potions. )

To Kendry: "When do you think we'll go meet our parents? Like you said it's about time they know about you and me..."

Podo D. Danderfluff (AC:19; 28/28 HPs) 
Tuesday July 18th, 2006 10:56:00 AM

Podo tells his friends, "I'm gonna go run over to the Catacombs Chapter so I can stock up on a few items and then go visit Morpth and Mungo while I still have the chance. It would be good to see them again!"...Podo trails off as he makes his goodbyes and gets ready to head into the heart of the city.

"Thank you Lady Bella for your good tea and company." says Podo as he heads for the door..."See ya' tomorrow!"

Podo will spend some time locating the Antiques shop Mungo HardBottle owns and Morpth his most recent apprentice. Once he touches base with them, its off to the store to stock up for the trip.

Dwight  d20+1=14
Tuesday July 18th, 2006 12:37:57 PM

Further frustrated as he still has questions without answers, Dwight considers continuing the conversation despite Bella's tone.

Only when others begin to stand and depart does Dwight set his tea down and begin to follow them.

Reluctantly he begins to leave. Making sure he didn't drop anything, he then heads towards the door. "Tomorrow then," he manages as he departs.

spot: 14

Tuesday July 18th, 2006 2:36:04 PM

Bella's answer about the cure makes Tobias even more uneasy than he was before. He tries to see if Kendry knows anything about this lord of filth, and what she could possibly be trying to cure. With his suspicions raised, Tobias is going to start keeping a closer eye on Bella.

Tobias also wants some time at the Catacombs too.

Tuesday July 18th, 2006 5:20:59 PM

Selithe nods and smiles as she takes the pearl, "Thank you Bella. I really would like to pay you back sometime. I'll do my best to make myself more useful in the up coming adventure."

Selithe leaves rather hurriedly as she can't wait to get somethings done. First think she heads to her family's store and will lock herself in one of the free rooms to cast identify on her necklace. (Haven't chosen spells since we weren't on a quest yet so just saying one was identify for now.)

After this Selithe will go about the process of summoning her familiar. She really wanting a ferret and alittle worried that she might be doing the summoning wrong since it's her first time but then again, what wizard or wizardess probably ain't worried the first time.

(OOC:Didn't reply on this but yep. Going by the DMG the Farret has the same stats as a weasel, it's just the small char equivelent.)

Cayzle OOC 
Tuesday July 18th, 2006 5:25:18 PM

On vacation ... baby sick ... no post today unless Kim steps in.


First Task - The Vine and the Claw

ADM Kim [for Cayzle's Tuesday night post]  d20=10 d20=5 d20=17
Wednesday July 19th, 2006 1:02:03 AM

At Bella's
Bella answers that ten in the morning will work fine. She nods in return to Selithe. "No problem, dearie." She brooks no further questions as she bustles the group out. "Meet me at the Trade Gate." At least she does not slam the door as the last adventurer leaves.

Dwight did notice that the little plant Bella tended to the day before - cleaning off the remaining goop from Kendry's tanglefoot bag - does seem to pay some sort of attention to people - especially as they move about. But he does not clearly discern any other 'watchers'.

Tobias has his suspicions, disquieted at Bella's comportment.

Shopping, etc.
Kendry, Airin, Podo and Tobias head towards the Angel Springs branch of the Catacombs, as Selithe prepares to call forth a familiar.

[Does Dwight also wish to do any shopping? If so, please state in next post. If Selithe wants someone to pick up something for her, please so state as well.]

After picking up a few things, Podo heads off to see Morpth and Mungo.

With the Jensens
At breakfast the next morning Grayson and Ezra join the group at the table. Although not yet fully recovered, Grayson is looking much, much better. "Like to thank you all for what you've done for me. Things have been hazy the last few - rather horrible, in fact - the last few days. But what with Ezra watching over me, and the bread surprises, and the tea, and - Leska really knows how to cook. We just want to say thank you. If there is anything we can do to repay your kindness, please tell us." Ezra beams with joy as her husband speaks, and nods her head in agreement with his offer.

The Horticultural Hunt begins
At ten o'clock at the Trader's Gate on the southwest side of Angel Springs waits Bella. A ceramic pot rests on a pad upon her head, the whole contraption held in place by a strap around her chin. The ambulatory plant the party has already seen a few times sits in the pot. A very small version of the tub that her larger mobile plant had been in she holds in her left hand.

"Well, dearies, my plants are all watered, and I'm ready to go." She is quite cheerful, and turns to walk briskly out the gate and across the bridge over the Crescent River. She gives a wave over toward Heglantine's grove a few hundred yards off to the right, and heads down the road toward the Red Hills.

Please state what animals accompany the group, and the marching order.

As the day goes on, the group stops a few times for food. Bella knows where streams of water are. One stream in the midafternoon has water that almost makes the mouth pucker. "Don't worry - it's safe to drink - just has lots of minerals," Bella assures them.

In the late afternoon, the party, walking on a flat area of the hills for a bit, see a broken tree, reddish-brown in the afternoon light. Some green deciduous trees are a few hundred yards distant, and behind them hills rising to 150 to 180 feet. The hills are marked by some erosion - blackened stream beds from water runoff. For a picture, click on this link: Red tree, Red Hills (to get back here, hit the back button on your browser).

"Ah, yes. Struck by lightning," Bella says. "Could one of you sweetcakes climb the tree and saw off that splintered branch near the top?"

Climb check DC 10 required to get up high enough to reach the designated branch. With a good saw or handaxe it would take 1d6+3 minutes to cut off the portion she indicated. The branch is about 9 inches in diameter.

Off to the left (out of view of the linked picture) is a smaller hill, about 100 feet away, and 30-40 feet tall. Brush and brambles lie along the face of the hill, among the scattered boulders. While waiting for someone to cut the branch, she walks over there to look about, moving this plant with her foot to glance at the underside of the leaves, then walking on to check out another interesting specimen. If anyone ask, she is happy to discuss the plants she sees.

P.S.: Selithe's familiar arrived in the morning before the group set out, squirmy and curious, happy to crawl into and out of small openings - like Selithe's sleeve, around to her back, and, claws putting a little pressure on her skin, out the opening of her blouse at the back of her neck.

Dwight  d20+7=25 d6+3=7
Wednesday July 19th, 2006 7:51:15 AM

Dwight offers to climb the tree, though he doesn't have a good hand axe on him. Should one be offered, he will easily climb the tree (climb: 25) and cuts the required branch.

After 7 minutes, Dwight climbs down branch in hand. "Here it is. Is this branch special because it was struck by lightning?"

If someone else wants to climb, Dwight will follow Bella and learn about the plants she is looking at.

Tobias  d20+5=17 d20+4=6 d20+9=15 d20+5=25 d20+5=25 d20+5=12
Wednesday July 19th, 2006 1:52:56 PM

Tobias is ready to head out in the morning. And, he brings Tewdwr on this trip. Both he and Tewdwr volunteer to scout ahead of the group. They will keep an eye out for suspicious tracks and see if anything unexpected gets in their way.

Listen - 17
Spot - 6 (yeesh)
Survival - 15

Tewdwr Rolls:
Listen - 25 (nat 20)
Spot - 25 (nat 20)
Survival - 12

Wednesday July 19th, 2006 4:02:08 PM

Kendry talks to his friends just as they leave Bella's. "We need some more healing ability among ourselves. I'm willing to pay half the cost of a new wand of cure light wounds. It costs 750 gold, so I'll contribute 375. If anyone else would like to kick in, I'd be grateful - and I daresay many of us will be if we run into rough stuff along the way."

If Calfast is not tied up, Kendry will speak with him briefly. If he is occupied, then Kendry writes a quick note. In either case he communicates the following: If there is a halfling with the WLA, we are looking for one or two adventurers dedicated to the goals of that group, and willing to try their hand with our adventuring group.

He takes time after the Catacombs to rearrange some of his things, then works with Cheann, training him in combat riding. Since Selithe is holed up seeking her familiar, he also includes Gra - the other Caran Hills riding dog - in the training. He invites Tobias to include Tewdwr in the session as well. He concludes the training by playing with the animals and giving them treats.

Leska and Nalfein and their guests, Grayson and Ezra Jensen, Kendry joins for dinner. It's good to see Grayson regaining his strength. "We were happy to rescue you from the clutches of those wicked harpies and hags. So, my wish is that you work hard to build a strong marriage and raise some good children. Other than that - and any prayers you may wish to offer on our behalf, you owe us nothing. Be happy together."

He spends a little time alone with Airin, then asks his friends if they'd like to go join Podo in visiting Mungo and Morpth. "We missed the party he invited us to - remember? We need to reschedule that, I dare say."

Arriving a few minutes before ten the next morning, he comes with dog Cheann and his two ponies.

Sometimes he walks and sometimes he rides, but Kendry really soaks in the scenery and experience of walking into the Red Hills. As they approach the lightning-struck tree that Bella wants a sample of, his breath is taken away. "This is so beautiful!"

He offers a handaxe to Dwight to do the requested work, ties his two ponies to the branches that bend down to the earth (it looks far enough away from that uppermost section Dwight will chop down so as to preclude them getting bopped on the head), giving each a little feedbag of oats, invites any who wish to come along to join him, and rides Cheann to catch up to Bella. "Anything interesting over here?" he asks.

Wednesday July 19th, 2006 9:40:46 PM

(OOC: Making sure, it is only 100gps for a familiar yes? Looks like it by the book but I want to make sure I deduct what is needed.)

Selithe moves off with the others, happy now that she has her familiar and it wasn't as hard as she thought.

For the moment her familiar is hiding in her pouch near her waist but when the group stops and once everyone is done gathering things Selithe calls them over. Before this however she looks over the tree Bella points out and whistles gently since she hasn't seen anything like it before.

Once everyone is gathered Selithe pulls out of her pouch a black and white ferret which she holds up and smiles brightly over, "Everyone, I like to introduce you to the newest member of our group. I named him Bandit because the first thing he did was latch onto one of my silver pieces when I summoned him." True to her word too the ferret pulls up its brand new silver pieces and makes noises at everyone.

Snared! (DM Cayzle)  d20=6 (bella fails save)
Thursday July 20th, 2006 12:36:16 AM

[OOC: Thanks, Kim, for a great post.]

Old business: Selithe summons her new familiar. The Jensen's are grateful, and enjoy a pleasant dinner with the party (those who wish to come). Calfast will spread the word. Mungo and his apprentice are not around. Visits are made at the Catacombs.

New business:

Bella says that the heartwood struck by lightning will make a great wand. If she had wanted it as a component, she would have gotten it herself.

Tobias sees some tracks. He thinks the area has a number of people who may not be enemies. And maybe some ARE enemies!

Dwight climbs up and easily gets the limb. He has a great view up there.

As Bella wanders closer to a bramble, there is a sudden commotion. She has no time to answer questions. In fact, all she has time to do is to shriek! The bramble envelops her, and she is held fast!

The thorns on the bush are dripping a foul-smelling venom. Bella is already poisoned and trapped in place. It seems clear that it will be very hard and it's dangerous to extract her.

Bella whispers, "help! it burns!"

It is clear that without some kind of precaution, sticking your hands into the bramble will get them bloody.

Kendry  d20+3=18 d20+2=13 d20+7=23
Thursday July 20th, 2006 2:56:22 AM

"Hey, Bandit!" Kendry greets Selithe's new ferret friend. He picks up a bit of grass from the ground and holds the end of it before the animal's nose to see what he will do.
As he sees Bella get wrapped up by the plant, Kendry brings Cheann to a halt. He pulls out a vial of antitoxin. Quickly he drinks it down. [+5 alchemical bonus on Fortitude saving throws against poison for 1 hour]. He then dismounts off of Cheann. "Stay," he commands, as he does not want his dog trying to tangle with the brambles.

With his bastard sword, he holds it out firmly, slowly moving it in the direction of the brambles, ready to jerk it back if they appear to try to grab it.

He also looks around to see if any similar brambles are nearby [Spot: 18] wanting to avoid stepping into a similar mess.

It strikes Kendry as ironic that a greenmage, schooled in the knowledge of so many types of plants, should be successfully attacked by such - somewhat similar to the plant that lives in the tub back at her place.

Looking the brambles over, he tries to determine the best way to attack it without, at the same time, harming Bella. And he is wary about roots thrusting their way up through the ground, as well. "Might need some help out here, friends." If he can - oh, yes, mage hand.

He takes out a second vial, and carefully uncorks it. "Bella, this is a vial of antitoxin. When it reaches your lips, drink it down. It may afford you some protection from that liquid on the plant."

He holds the vial upright in his hand, sings a quick ditty, and the vial begins to float up then toward Bella. Based upon what he learned from his probe with the sword, he keeps that in mind to help choose the best path to her mouth. [Dex check 13, ranged touch 'attack' 23 - not sure best thing to roll to get vial to her lips.]

Podo D. Danderfluff 
Thursday July 20th, 2006 12:29:43 PM

"AW! Kendry! What to do? Hey, don't we have a druid or two with us? Can someone help here?" Podo asks the group a bit excitedly.

Tobias  d20+9=29 d20+11=24 d4+2=4
Thursday July 20th, 2006 12:36:19 PM

Tobias takes up Kendry's offer for training Tewdwr with the dogs. He's also just starting to train Tewdwr for combat riding.


Tobias is intrigued by the tracks, especially those that could be enemies. Can he discern anything else from them? (Survival: 29 [nat 20])


When he sees the plant entangle Bella, Tobias moves in closer drawing his two short swords. He tries to find an area of the plant that's away from Bella, so he can attack without mistakenly hitting her. Once he finds one, he takes a swing with his short sword. (attack: 24; damage: 4)

Seeing the effects of the poison on Bella, he tells Tewdwr to stay away.

Thursday July 20th, 2006 7:43:32 PM

Selithe frowns and looks to the brambles and then gives a more concerned look to Bella before speaking up, "Umm, I really don't know what to do to help. None of my spells would be of much use. I mean if I set fire to it then Bella will get burned."

Selithe frowns and waits to see if the group has any ideas since she is coming up with a blank at the moment.

The Vine and the Claw (Round 1) DM Cayzle 
Thursday July 20th, 2006 10:00:12 PM

Faced with the poisonous vine, Selithe, Podo, Dwight, and Airin are at a loss regarding what to do.

Kendry takes out a vial (move action), dismounts (possibly a free action ... I'll give it to you this time but ride checks will be needed next time, per the skill), and drinks the vial (standard action). He thinks about using Mage Hand to give Bella a vial, but that will have to be next round.

(last round) Tobias's inspection of the tracks shows several possibilities, most recently, a halfling or two in one place, and a giant bear in another.

Tobias moves to the vines (move action) and draws his weapons (free action combined with a move). He hacks away at the vine, and the rough tough bark deflects his blows, mostly (Damage 4 is reduced to 1 after hardness subtracts 3 from all damage).

ALSO, Tobias must make a reflex save (DC12) to avoid getting pricked as the thorns reach out for him. If he fails, he is fatigued (-2 Str, -2 Dex, cannot run).

The same save applies each time you attack with a melee weapon that does not have reach. If you atack with hands, no save. Each time you attack, you must save ... fail once = fatigued; twice, exhausted; thrice, helpless.

Dwight, who is still in the tree, gives a cry of warning. (Note: It is a climb DC5 to climb down the 20 feet to the ground, and that will probably take a full round.)

Then there is a great roaring! A big pure white bear crashes through the underbrush and is coming towards you! You see his strange glowing eyes and fur! He towers over you! If he were to put one of you in a bear hug, there would be little hope of survival! He is about 50 feet away! And very very angry!

Please make Wisdom checks for me and post them in your turn!

Note: Vines are AC10, but have hardness 3. That means you subtract 3 from your damage to them. The Bear has an AC18 and is large in size.

And a Map! This is round one of combat! In the green overgrown area, movement is halved (unless you have the druid ability that lets you move through underbrush). If you want an animal companion or familiar or mount to be part of the fight, name it and give a location.

Kendry  d20+3=19 d20+5=21 d20+7=27 d20+7=22 d4+2=4 d4+2=6 d4+2=6 d20+3=4
Friday July 21st, 2006 1:37:20 AM

[DM-requested Wisdom check: 19] Having just dismounted and downed the antitoxin, with the changed circumstance of a charging bear - is it albino, with the white fur and glowing eyes? - Kendry quick mounts Cheann [ride check 21], and nocks an arrow [quickdraw], loosing it against the bear [Threat nat 20 vs AC 27, crit vs AC 22, 3x damage: 4+6+6=16 hp dam]. Spot check to see if he notices anything else - no (nat 1). If there is time, he directs Cheann to M13, preparing to fire again. He hopes that by going that way, he will draw the ire of the bear away from where Bella is now trapped.

Airin (by Kim - Inge is on vacation for the next fortnight)  d20+2=14
Friday July 21st, 2006 1:55:12 AM

[DM-requested Wisdom check: 14].

As she takes in the beautiful scenery, enjoying the afternoon light on the red hills, Airin watches Dwight chopping away at the top of the bare tree. Bella goes exploring, and Airin thinks to join her. But then the greenmage is entangled in grasping spikey vines! Well, what do we do now...

Then the angry roar in turn changes the focus of her attention. A huge bear. White. Charging.

Entangle! Airin casts the spell so that the near edge is close to Kendry - about five or ten feet beyond where he stands. [Am assuming that squares on map are 5' each. If they are 10' each, then the edge of the spell effect will be farther away from Kendry. Will edit picture to show area of effect, and email to all.] The bear should be stopped, or at least slowed in its angry charge by the now writhing and grasping vegetation surrounding the huge monster.

Dwight  d20=6 d20+6=25 d20+7=17 d20=13 d20+1=4
Friday July 21st, 2006 10:35:37 AM

Seeing how the peaceful view has changed drastically, Dwight took a moment to take it all in, barely getting the warning out. Something isn't right, surely Bella would have seen a dangerous vine nearby....

Having a view and seeing where everyone is, Dwight remains where he is. Planting his feet, Dwight pulls his bow off his shoulder and aims at the bear. (dex check?: 6+4=10, or balance: 25)

attack: 17 (misses)

wisdome check: 13
spot: 4 (anything else coming?...nope just clouds)

Podo D. Danderfluff  d20+8=17 d6+2=5 d20=17
Friday July 21st, 2006 11:13:57 AM

Podo seeing the bear, run up to the bear and preforms a stunning fist into the bear!

Wisdom check: 17
Attack:18 Damage: 5 plus the...

stunning fist attack:
You must declare that you are using this feat before you make your attack roll (thus, a failed attack roll ruins the attempt). Stunning Fist forces a foe damaged by your unarmed attack to make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + ½ your character level + your Wis modifier aka DC 15), in addition to dealing damage normally. A defender who fails this saving throw is stunned for 1 round (until just before your next action). A stunned creature drops everything held, can't take actions, takes a -2 penalty to AC, and loses his Dexterity bonus to AC. You may attempt a stunning attack once per day for every four levels you have attained (but see Special), and no more than once per round. Constructs, oozes, plants, undead, incorporeal creatures, and creatures immune to critical hits cannot be stunned.

(OOC: Whats the pluses for the category size differences? I didn't add them to the attack.)

Tobias [ AC 20 - HP 29/29]  d20+10=23 d20+9=20 d4+2=4 d20+10=13 d20+9=18 d4+1=3 d20+10=15
Friday July 21st, 2006 12:32:06 PM

First, the reflex save for last round (23). And, a map update, Tobias should be standing next to the vines since he moved and attacked last round.

This round, Tobias takes two more attacks on the vines.

First attack: 20
First damage: 4 (-3 hardness) = 1
First save: 13

Second attack: 18
Second damage: 3 (-3 hardness) = 1 [believe it always does 1]
Second save: 15

And, then he yells, "Could really use help doing extra damage..."

Tewdwr [AC 15 - HP 21/21] 
Friday July 21st, 2006 12:37:28 PM

Tewdwr moves into a defensive position between the bear and the vines where Tobias and Bella are struggling. But, he remains outside of the entangled area (at N6).

He readies an action for the bear to come out of the entangled area.

Selithe-AC:15-HP:26  d4+1=2
Friday July 21st, 2006 8:53:15 PM

Selithe looks to the bear and frowns as she pulls the wand Kendry had gave her and smiles as she speaks to Kendry mainly, "Well, time to put this item to some use brother."

Selithe uses a charge to fire a magic missile at the bear, knowing it won't harm her friends where an arrow could.


(OOC:Cayzle, Kim and me doubled up on our CC purchase so if Kim will email the items to you and me then you will see what I bought also. Was just a mithril shirt and payed for half the healing wand.)

The Vine and the Claw (Round 2) DM Cayzle  d20+7=23 [bear save vs entangle]
Saturday July 22nd, 2006 8:35:47 AM

The Heroes!

Kendry mounts quickly, moves to M12, and fires a shot at the bear. Something seems odd to him -- Bella getting trapped in a plant? -- but he quickly fires off an accurate arrow! He sees that the bear is not an albino, or at least that its eyes are not pink. Anyway, the brave halfling's arrow does not penetrate the bear's thick fur as easily as it should have. (OOC: The bear has damage resistance 5, so Kendry's arrow inflicts only 11 hp damage).

Airin casts an Entangle spell (80-foot diameter) on the bear. Kendry and Bella are on the edge, but not within, the Entangle. The bear's save is a 23, so it is not held fast. Still, it will take four squares of movement for the glowing white bear to go even five feet in this writhing undergrowth.

Dwight also thinks it odd that Bella would be trapped by a plant. Like Kendry, he too fires, but his shot is just off the mark.

Podo itches to run right up to the bear in what might well be a suicidal charge, but Airin's Entangle spell saves him from what could have been a doomed attempt to stun the bear. [OOC: I decided not to put Podo into the Entangle. He does not have the movement to go around. Hope that's okay.]

Continuing his efforts to free Bella, Tobias hacks away at the plants, dodging the thorns that drip poison. His progress is slow but sure.

The multi-headed dog moves to a protective position between Bella and the bear.

Selithe fires off a magic missile, hitting it for 2 hp of damage.

The Enemy!

The bear roars in pain! It moves towards Kendry, ripping through the underbrush as it goes. (A double move puts it four squares closer to Kendry. Since it is still in the Entangle, it will have to make another save next round before it can move). If the plants do not hold it back, it may well shred Kendry into bear snacks very shortly!

If Kendry makes a Spot check vs DC15, or if anyone else can make a DC20 Spot check, then Please Highlight to display spoiler: {Could the beast be crying? No, but there are two small tear-shaped gems twinkling at the corners of the bear's eyes!}

Total Damage to Bear: 13
Total Damage to Vine: 3

And the Map!

Kendry (AC 15, hp 23) Inspire courage - affects all party members, allies: +1 attack, +1 damage, +1 saves vs fear, charm)  d20+3=8 d20+8=24 d4+3=7 d20+6=25 d20+11=30
Saturday July 22nd, 2006 5:11:12 PM

Kendry notices nothing out of the ordinary [Spot: 8]. He begins a song to encourage his friends in the battle just begun [Perform: 30]. He urges Cheann to turn away and run past the tree [assuming the squares are 5 feet, he goes from M12 to D13], guiding his dog with his knees [Ride check: 24].

In spite of danger
And fearsome foes
We work together
And overcome...
Slight edit by Cayzle
Oops - thanks, Cayzle. Sometimes I print out posts prior to responding with mine... I edited it further to reflect your email - Kim

Airin (by Kim)  d20+8=27 d20+1=20
Sunday July 23rd, 2006 2:19:20 AM

[Spot: 27] "It's crying out tear-shaped gems!" exclaims Airin on seeing refraction from the light of the setting sun in the corner of the bear's eyes.

"Bear, bear, don't cry," Airin calls out to the bear in the druidic tongue. "Leave us alone, and we'll not harm you. Nor your cub!" she says, taking a guess. "Our wounded lady seeks to heal!" [Wild empathy: 22 (forgot to add in druid level to d20+1 roll above).]

Selithe  d4+1=2
Sunday July 23rd, 2006 9:40:25 PM

Selithe watches the bear and waits a bit to see its reaction to Airin's words to it. If the bear makes a move to continue its attack then Selithe will fire another magic missile from her wand at it. (Damage:2)

If the bear doesn't continue its attack then Selithe will use the wand to try and damage the briar plant since the magic missile is unerroring.

Kim to Justin 
Sunday July 23rd, 2006 10:55:29 PM

Remember to add +1 to your damage rolls (and +1 to attack rolls).

Cayzle OOC 
Monday July 24th, 2006 12:30:10 AM

Gosh Darn It! I forgot the bear's magic resistance 15. Oh well. Next time.

Dwight  d20+6=22 d20+7=26 d4=2 d20+1=16
Monday July 24th, 2006 8:21:55 AM

(Weekend Post)

Hearing Airin's plea and perplexed about the entire situation, Dwight waits a moment to see if the bear slow or withdraws. He also scans Bella's area to see if she is truly in danger. Could this be her pet vine and a summoned bear to test us?

Balance: 22

If the bear slows, stops or retreats, then Dwight just watches. Otherwise Dwight fires his bow again (attack:26, dmg:2)

Spot: 16

Podo  d20+7=21 d4+3=6
Monday July 24th, 2006 9:37:46 AM

Seeing the almost fatal mistake running to the bear would have been, Podo instead reaches into his sack for his Darkwood Quarterstaff. Resting on top, the quartstaff in hand, Podo will move to the vines holding her and use the quarterstaff to destroy the poison dripping vines.

If able, Podo attacks the vines making sure he doesn't hit Bella.

Attack DC: 21 Damage: 6

Tobias [ AC 20 - HP 29/29 - Inspired]  d20+7=15 d20+10=21 d4+3=7 d20+10=18 d20+10=26 d4+2=4 d20+10=15
Monday July 24th, 2006 12:25:24 PM

Tobias continues his valiant stabs at the vines, but is disturbed that they're so hard to damage. He makes a Knowledge Nature check to see if anything is amiss with the plant (15).

First attack: 21
First damage: 7 (-3 hardness) = 4
First save: 18

Second attack: 26
Second damage: 4 (-3 hardness) = 1
Second save: 15

Tewdwr [AC 15 - HP 21/21 - Inspired] 
Monday July 24th, 2006 12:28:49 PM

Tewdwr continues to guard Tobias and Bella from the bear, even though it appears to be heading away from them for the moment. He moves to position L6.

ADM Kim - Posting for July 17 - 23 , 2006 
Monday July 24th, 2006 2:33:31 PM

Dwight MTWTF
Airin MT-TF
Podo MT-TF
Selithe MTWTF
Kendry MTWTF
Tobias MTWTF

The Vine and the Claw (Round 3) DM Cayzle  d20=15 [Airin's spell resistance check] d20+7=19 [bear save vs entangle] d20+2=17 [Selithe resistance check]
Monday July 24th, 2006 11:18:44 PM

The Heroes!

Kendry sings an uplifting song while moving back from the ravening bear. [OOC Rules Note: The Inspire Courage ability specifically boosts "weapon damage rolls" and therefore does not increase magic missile damage. It MIGHT boost damage from such weapon-like spells as Melf's Acid Arrow and Spiritual Weapon.]

Airin's magic affects the bear, and it successfully struggles against the Entangle. It continues to move slowly. Meanwhile, the druid tries to befriend the bear, but she realizes that its nature -- clearly magical, given that glow -- and the intelligence in its eyes preclude any chance that her Wild Empathy might influence it.

Selithe, seeing that the bear continues its advance, hits it with a magic missile.

Dwight has a strange suspicion ... but will he act on it? And how? Anyway, his arrow hits but falls out (no damage due to damage resistance 5).

Podo attacks the vines, hitting them for 3 hp (after the hardness reductions). Podo must make a reflex save (DC12) to avoid getting pricked as the thorns reach out for him. If he fails, he is fatigued (-2 Str, -2 Dex, cannot run). The same save applies each time you attack with a melee weapon that does not have reach. If you atack with hands, no save. Each time you attack, you must save ... fail once = fatigued; twice, exhausted; thrice, helpless.

Tobias also attacks the plant, avoiding the thorns nimbly, and inflicting some damage. He notes that this is a different plant from the large defender of Bella's cottage -- the leaves are different. Etc.

The Enemy

Then the bear steps through the vines and makes a double move right up to Selithe! All he had time to do was make the double move, though, so he cannot attack just yet.

The battered vines still hold Bella tight.

Total Damage to Bear: 15
Total Damage to Vine: 11

And the Map!

Kendry  d20+3=19 d20+8=28 d20+8=19 d4+3=6 d4+3=6 d4+3=4
Tuesday July 25th, 2006 2:01:12 AM

[Spot: 19] Especially now that Airin has pointed it out, Kendry now sees the gems in the bear's eyes - but does not particularly care [does he notice anything else out of the ordinary?].

The creature looms over his own sister! Kendry focuses his will, and fires an arrow into the upper body of the awesome beast. Threat (28), critical vs. AC 19 [yeah! (I hope that crits)] for 16 hp damage, less 5 damage resistance equals 11.
Flank! Defend!
Together friends
Try and get ME
Big white bear!
[OOC: Just a note: Based upon the picture of the tree, the trunk does not take the same amount of space that the graphic on our map does. I don't think that Kendry needs to scoot off to one side to have a clear shot at the bear. If he does, then have him move to F14 or G14. If not, then not. In any case, should the bear respond to Kendry's taunt (and arrows) and charge toward him, Kendry is prepared to step to one side of the tree, or behind it, to evade the charge, if possible.]

Airin (by Kim)  d20+8=23
Tuesday July 25th, 2006 4:26:09 AM

Now that the white bear is out of the entangled vines, how can he be slowed? Airin tosses a tanglefoot bag at the bear [ranged touch attack, AC 23.]

Podo  d20+9=29 d20+8=21 d6+2=6
Tuesday July 25th, 2006 10:33:40 AM

As Podo attacks the vines, the vines reach out for him and twisting quickly to avoid the vines, does so quite nimbly, spinning to safety.

Quickly realizing that there is no safe way to free Bella while the bear looms free and is attacking us, Podo changes his target and runs back to the bear @ position K8.

Upon reaching the bear, and if Podo has the chance to attack, Podo will use his Stunning Fist ability to slow the bear.

Stunning Fist Attack DC: 21, Damage: 6
if hit, the bear must now:
save vs. stunning fist

[Reflex DC: 29 (nat 20)]

Stunning Fist
You must declare that you are using this feat before you make your attack roll (thus, a failed attack roll ruins the attempt). Stunning Fist forces a foe damaged by your unarmed attack to make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + ½ your character level + your Wis modifier), in addition to dealing damage normally. A defender who fails this saving throw is stunned for 1 round (until just before your next action). A stunned creature drops everything held, can't take actions, takes a -2 penalty to AC, and loses his Dexterity bonus to AC.

Tobias [ AC 20 - HP 29/29 - Inspired]  d20+10=14 d4+3=6 d20+10=12 d20+10=18 d4+2=3 d20+10=28
Tuesday July 25th, 2006 12:27:41 PM

Hacking at the vine is hard work, but Tobias continues along -- hoping that he's making some progress.

First attack: 14
First damage: 6 (-3 hardness) = 3
First save: 12 (whoa, barely saved)

Second attack: 18
Second damage: 3 (-3 hardness) = 1
Second save: 28

And, he motions for Tewdwr to join the attack on the bear.

Tewdwr [AC 15 - HP 21/21 - Inspired]  d20+6=16 d20+6=14
Tuesday July 25th, 2006 12:32:23 PM

Tewdwr moves around behind the bear into a flanking position with Selithe. And, both heads attempt to bite the bear.

Kynan attack: 16 (missed)

Dryw attack: 14 (missed)

Dwight  d20+1=21 d20+7=8
Tuesday July 25th, 2006 4:21:11 PM

Disbelieving Bella could have been caught off guard so easily, Dwight tries to convince himself this is an illusion like the hags did.

(No idea what to roll for that: spot: 21--Natural 20!)

Assuming everything still is as it was, Dwight realizes his bow isn't as effective against the bear as he would like. Now free of the entangle, Dwight things fast.

Making a bowling knot with his silk rope, he attempts to toss it toward the bear's head.

Attack: 8 (natural 1---talk about extremes)

Tuesday July 25th, 2006 9:05:35 PM

Selithe frowns at how this battle is going and thinks over her spells she has known since the wand is not helping against the bear and she isn't sure how well her bow will do either.

Thinking Selithe calls out, "I can enlarge someone if you want to take the penalties with the benefits. It will help you do more damage."

Selithe puts her wand up and begins pulling out her comp. shortbow to start using against the bear instead.

0th (5spells): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Light, Message, Prestidigitation

1st (4spells): Mage Armor, Burning Hands(2), Enlarge Person

The Vine and the Claw (Round 4) DM Cayzle  d20+7=10 [goo save] d20+12=13 [stun save]
Wednesday July 26th, 2006 6:02:25 AM

Kendry's luck still holds! Another fine arrow shot hurts the bear indeed! (11 hp)

Airin hits the glowing animal with a bag of goo, which sticks up the bear quite well!

Brave (or foolhardy) Podo runs up and stuns the bear! The party's luck still holds!

Tobias's persistence pays off. The vines retreat under his continued attacks! Bella tumbles out of their thorny grasp.

The two headed dog bites but fails to connect.

Skeptical Dwight remains unconvinced, but there are no illusions that he can sense. His thrown rope falls short.

Selithe gets ready to shoot, but should the party continue to fight now that Bella is free?

In the pause before the storm of claws and teeth, the party seems to have gained a moment in which to make a choice. Stay and fight? Or grab Bella and flee? It seems remarkable to you that you been so lucky, but will fate keep smiling?

Tobias [ AC 20 - HP 29/29 - Inspired]  d20+1=21
Wednesday July 26th, 2006 10:51:49 AM

With the vines destroyed and the bear stunned momentarily, Tobias will try to examine Bella and tend to any wounds that she may have.

Heal: 21 (nat 20)

Tewdwr [AC 15 - HP 21/21 - Inspired]  d20+6=11 d20+6=17 d4+2=5 d4+2=3
Wednesday July 26th, 2006 10:58:21 AM

Tewdwr sees his chance while the bear is stunned and flanked, so he attacks twice more.
[OOC: what's its stunned AC?]

Kynan attack: 11 (probably missed)
Kynan damage: 5
Dywr attack: 17 (probably hit)
Dywr damage: 3

He then moves back towards Tobias.

Podo [AC: 18 / 28 HP] Inspired  d20+1=17 d6=1 d20+1=5 d6=1
Wednesday July 26th, 2006 1:14:36 PM

Seeing the bear is Stunned, it's Flurry of Blows time!

(+4/+4 FoB & +1 for Inspiration = +5/+5)

Attack AC: 21 Damage: 2
Attack AC: 9 Damage: 2

(OOC: Stunned AC is 19; forgot to add the inspired enhancement to the rolls, will add manually as well, I used the wrong modifiers for the flurry of blows, they are supported to be +4/+4, so I will add +3 manually, my mistake.)

Kendry  d20+8=21 d4+3=7 d20+5=21
Wednesday July 26th, 2006 5:06:22 PM

Kendry looses another arrow at the bear. [AC 21, 7 hp damage.] With his knees he guides Cheann over to Bella [Ride: 21], and reaches for a vial of antitoxin to give her.

He continues his song...
Fight for Bella
For each other
Angry bear
Meets our warfare

Dwight  d20+5=24 d20+7=25
Wednesday July 26th, 2006 8:06:53 PM

Grabbing the rope again, Dwight throws it around the bears neck.

rope use: 24
attack: 25

Once secured around the neck, Dwight pulls it letting the bowling knot slip, tighten around its neck. The more it struggles the tighter the one-way knot gets. (OOC: It's designed to tighten, but not loosen. Used for search and rescue.)

Cayzle: Note that since lasso is not a standard weapon, I'll allow its use as a net with range 10 and a -4 improvised weapon penalty. Sound fair? If you really want to use it on an ongoing basis, you might want to visit the Black Genie Center to research it.

Kim: Try 'bowline' - no 'g' at the end.

Selithe-AC:15-HP:26  d20+6=7
Wednesday July 26th, 2006 9:51:27 PM

Selithe sees her friends continuing to fight and sighs, thinking that they should get Bella out but guesses she should back up her friends.

Selithe will move some to try and get a clear shot at the bear without hitting her friends and will even go for a sneak attack if possible.

(Can hit AC:7 *nat:1* great.)

Airin (by Kim)  d20+9=27 d6+2=8 d6=5
Thursday July 27th, 2006 1:09:06 AM

Airin moves to a flanking position within 30' of the beautiful bear as she cocks her crossbow (rapid reload feat). She pulls the trigger, and a bolt slams into the bear's side for 8 + 5 (sneak attack) = 13 hp damage. [Just added +1 from the inspire courage bonus to the standard weapons damage - did not add to sneak attack damage.]

The Vine and the Claw (Round 5) DM Cayzle  d20+13=33 [crit threat vs Podo] d20+13=30 [crit confirmed] d8+8=16 d8+8=9 d6=4 [crit damage] d20+13=33 [second crit threat] d20+13=30 [second crit confirmed] d8+8=15 d8+8=9 d6=1 [crit damage vs goo and rope]
Thursday July 27th, 2006 7:14:19 AM

The Brave Ones

Tobias looks at Bella. It is clear that she is currently too weak to act (helpless). How she will fare a minute after being poisoned remains to be seen (she'll be making a save a minute after first exposure, on round 10). But thanks to this good care, Bella will be making a save and taking the result of the roll or the 21 from the heal check, whichever is higher.

Tewdwr attacks but fails to penetrate the bear's damage reduction. His teeth do no harm to the beast.

Podo attacks, but unless his attacks are magical, they also do the beast no harm. [OOC: I'm asuming that Podo's fists are not magic. PLEASE correct me if I am wrong.]

Kendry hits for 2 damage, then moves to Bella.

Dwight manages to entangle the bear in his rope.

Selithe fires and misses. Had she hit, she would have been flanking with Tewdr.

Airin moves to flank the beast with Podo, then she fires and hits for 8 damage [OOC: assuming that the missile is not magic].

Tewdyr steps back five feet toward Tobias. Selithe is no longer flanking.

The Bear (entangled by goo and rope, thus -2 to hit, -4 to dex)

The bear, no longer stunned, roars! It looks around, as if amazed that the small folk are foolhardy enough to press the attack!

The bear ignores the goo and rope and instead swings its mighty paws at its attackers! With Podo a handy target, it rakes the monk with his paws. It hits vs AC33, a natural 20! It confirms crits to AC30, more than enough to crit Podo. Damage from the first paw attack is 29 in total (including the crit). The massive blow knocks Podo's unconscious body back five feet.

Now lacking any foe in reach, the bear swipes with his paw at the goo and rope that are constricting him. Oh My Gosh! I can't believe it! A second crit! This one ALSO follows up vs ACs 30 and less! How come I can't roll this good when I'm playing my own characters! Damage this time is 25! The goo and rope are slashed away. The bear still suffers entangle penalties until the goo dries, but it can move at half speed until then.

Airin is no longer flanking.

By the way, Airin/Kim, please roll 2d4 to see how long the goo lasts.

Damage taken by bear: 37 (or 46 if Podo's fists are magic)
Bear AC: 16 when entangled

And the Map!

Kendry  d20+8=28 d20+8=23 d4+3=6 d4+3=6 d4+3=4
Thursday July 27th, 2006 9:51:38 AM

Seeing what the bear is capable of as Podo goes flying, Kendry realizes that this bear must go down. [Man! 3rd nat 20. Crit vs AC 23. Good morning] Kendry shoots another arrow, and hits solidly, for 16 hp damage. [If there is time in this round for him to do so, he hands the vial of antitoxin to Tobias to give to Bella. If she takes it, it grants a +5 alchemical bonus to save versus poison.]

His song goes on.

Airin (Kim)  2d4(3+4)=7 d20+8=26 d8+2=10 d6=1
Thursday July 27th, 2006 11:14:14 AM

[2d4=7 rounds for goo]. Airin shoots another bolt for 11 hp damage, then she moves back about 10 feet.

Podo [AC: ?-1/ 28 HP] Inspired  d20+9=25 d100=69
Thursday July 27th, 2006 12:08:31 PM

Podo seeing the Bear recover from the stunning fist and attacking, Podo uses his Evasion ability to avoid the attacker. [Reflex Save: 25+1 for inspiration = 26; if I make it I take no damage. That is if a reflex save is allowed.]

Effects of stabilization
(each round at 10%)
Roll = 69

(OOC: Yes, Cayzle, Podo's fists are Magic, Ki Focus (magic)@level 4]

[OOC from Cayzle: Sorry, you cannot evade a melee attack. Podo is unconscious (and by my count, at -1 hp ... roll for stabilization each round at 10%) Usually you can only evade area attacks like fireballs and burning hands and some traps. Thanks for the word on magic hands. I thought they were.]

Tobias [ AC 20 - HP 29/29 - Inspired]  d20+13=29 d4+3=5
Thursday July 27th, 2006 1:23:05 PM

If Kendry can hand Tobias the anti-toxin, then Tobias will feed it to Bella. Then, he prepares to attack the bear -- trying to get a sense of how injured it appears to be.

If he cannot get the anti-toxin, he'll leave Bella's side and attack the bear with his +1 short sword, getting back into a flank position with Airin.

Attack: 29
Damage: 5

Either way, he signals Tewdwr back away from the bear, since he doesn't appear to be able to do much against it.

Dwight  d4=4 d20+7=18
Thursday July 27th, 2006 3:14:07 PM

Dropping what remains of his rope, Dwight concentrates on the bear forcing his energy towards it. (Magic Missile 4+1(lvl)+1(inspired?)=6 dmg)

balance: 18 (still in the tree)

Selithe  d20+6=20 d6+1=4
Thursday July 27th, 2006 9:15:07 PM

Selithe doesn't like this considering the power of the bear but the group is committed to attacking so she takes aim and fires another arrow at the bear, hoping to actually hit it this time.

(Can hit AC:20 Damage:4)

The Vine and the Claw (Round 6) DM Cayzle  d20+2=6 [spell resist check for Dwight] d20+13=28 [bear att on Airin] d8+8=9 d6=1 [damage] d20+13=32 [second att] d8+8=14 d6=4 [damage] d20+19=28 [free grapple check] d8+8=13 d6=6 [grapple damage]
Friday July 28th, 2006 7:30:18 AM

[OOC: IMPORTANT! Anyone who makes the DM look up their AC and hit points takes a -5 Annoyed DM penalty to AC. Starting next round. So put those stats in your post header!]

The Heros

Kendry's amazing luck holds, and he criticals again! After damage reduction, that's 11 more points of damage to the beast. Then Kendry does a quick hand-off of his antitoxin.

Podo, now unconscious from the massive wound he suffered, lies still and silent. He seems to have stabilized?

Tobias trickles the antivenom into Bella's mouth. His guess is that the bear has sustained serious wounds, but is a little less alive than dead.

Dwight had to leave the tree to get close enough to use his rope. His magic missile does not benefit from the Inspire Courage (which affects only "weapon damage rolls"). Moreover, the Bear has spell resistance 15, so there is a chance it will ignore the magic missile ... DM rolls a natural 4 for the check, which therefore indicates that the magic missile does no damage.

Airin, no longer sneak attacking, inflicts 10 damage, of which 5 penetrates the damage reduction.

Selithe seems to be the only one on the map who sees the party's grave danger! Even unconscious Podo dreams of somehow evading the claws and pressing the attack! But her attack, although a hit, fails to penetrate the bear's 5 points of damage reduction, and thus is harmless.

The Bear

The Bear is stil entangled (-4 Dex, -2 to attack, move at half speed), but that makes no nevermind to its incredible damage-wreaking capabilities!

The bear takes a five foot step and swings a mighty paw at Airin. [My records show AC17 and 35 hp for Airin.] His first attack connects for 10 damage. His second paw hits for 18 more. Moreover, with this second attack, the bear tries to sweep the rogue druid into a great bear hug as a free action! The bear's grapple check of 28 overwhelms Airin's sad low-teens Grapple DC, so she is grappled and takes grapple damage! That's another 19 points of damage, for a total this round of 47 points of damage! Airin, at -12 hit points, unless the DM is missing something, seems to be a lifeless corpse in the bear's hug!

On the plus side, so to speak, until he drops the body, the bear is still considered grappled, and thus loses his dex bonuses to third parties. Of course, firing missiles into a grapple lands a chance of hitting poor Airin's mortal remains.

Damage taken by bear: 62
Bear AC: 16 when entangled

And the Map!

Dwight (Hp 29, AC 16)  d4+1=5 d20+6=21
Friday July 28th, 2006 9:13:43 AM

(Ah crap!!! Airin! Out of the tree? Yikes!)

"Send in the dogs!," Dwght shouts panic setting in.

Finding himself face to face with the bear Dwight takes a 5 ft step back to H9. Concentrating as much as possible, he cast another Magic Missile at the bear (dmg 5)

If the bear follows Dwight, then Dwight skips the Magic Missile and continues to move away, tumbling if necessary..(tumble 21)

Podo Dandefluff Pipewood [AC: 18 / -2 HP Inspired]  d100=13
Friday July 28th, 2006 12:34:19 PM

...Wow, so this is what the unconcious is like, eh?...I wonder if I can speak with Domi or Alemi while I lay here waiting for the next bear swipe?...Domi?...Alemi?...Anyone?...Okay then, guess I'll just try to stabilize myself...I think I onlt have a minute or so before I bleed to death...what was that saying I always heard but thought was way cool?...Oh yeah...Pain heals, Chicks dig scars... Glory lasts for ever...I'll have to see what the bear left me when I awake next...Yeah, that's me...Bear Stunner...Podo "Bear Stunner" Danderfluff Pipewood...WhoRah!...

Chance to stabilize
roll = 13%

Tobias [AC 20 - HP 29/29 - Inspired]  d8+1=9
Friday July 28th, 2006 12:49:57 PM

Does the anti-toxin have any effect on Bella?

Seeing how badly things have turned for the group, Tobias yells, "Everyone get away from that thing."

He then moves to Podo (J6), gets a potion of cure light wounds from his belt pouch, and tries to administer it to Podo (heals for 9 hp). Hoping to get him mobile enough to move out of here.

Tewdwr moves to J5 staying close to Tobias.

Friday July 28th, 2006 10:04:19 PM

Selithe frowns and yells to her friends, "Grab Bella and Podo and get out of there now. We can't fight this thing guys or we'll be burying half to all the group."

Selithe frowns not wanting to leave Airin but a idea comes to mind as she tries to stay out of the bears movement area she looks to see how much grass, leaves, etc might be in the area that would cause a nice fire.

(Cayzle, if there is enough to do so then Selithe is going to try to use her burning hands to try and make a fire to maybe scare the bear back or off. I figure if it's as damaged as you said then it might decide to run and if it is even close to a normal bear a fire might frighten it.)

Cayzle OOC 
Saturday July 29th, 2006 1:03:22 AM

Dear Friends,

Kim points out that Airin had moved back 10 feet. Somehow I had missed that -- My Bad!

Since Airin was not as close as I thought she was, odds are it would have been Selithe or Dwight who bore the brunt of the bear's attack.

But that's water under the bridge. Since it was my mistake, let's do this ... at the end of Round 6: Airin is down 10 hp (the first attack). She is located at 14J, the place to which she had backed up. She is not grappled. The bear is at 12-13-j-k.

That should work, hey?

Airin (by Kim) (AC 17/ HP 35-10=25)  d20+8=21 2d4(1+2)=3 d20+9=28
Saturday July 29th, 2006 1:44:57 AM

[Kim OOC: Thanks, Cayzle]

"Ouch!" Airin decides that gumming up this bear will give them their best chance to best it. She tosses a second tanglefoot bag (kept at her waist) at it (ranged touch attack hits AC 21 - will last for 3 rounds). She tumbles (28) away to H14. "Help!" she cries as she quick reloads her crossbow, aiming it at the bear, and about to squeeze the trigger (next round).

Kendry (AC 15/HP 23) (Inspired Courage: +1 attack, +1 damage, +1 save vs fear, charm)  d20+8=24 2d4(1+1)=2
Saturday July 29th, 2006 2:11:27 AM

Kendry tosses a tanglefoot bag at the backside of the bear [ranged touch attack 24-2=22 (or 24-4=20?) for range increment, will last 2 rounds].

Kendry stops his singing (but the inspired courage still lasts for the next four rounds, with +1 attack, +1 damage, etc.), and says, "Step away, out of its reach, use magic missiles, your strongest weapons, more tanglefoot bags. It is almost down. We flee, it chases. Let's take him down - but, if we can knock it unconscious, and tie him up well, let's do that. We bring Bella around, and see what she says."

He shouts out again, "Back away, Selithe, Dwight. Try the wand more, sis!"

As he talks he takes out another thing to throw.

The Vine and the Claw (Round 7) DM Cayzle  d20+7=18 d20+7=18 [2 tanglefoot saves] d20+13=29 d20+13=32 [2 paws swipe at Airin] d8+8=14 d8+8=9 d6=1 d6=2 [damage to Airin]
Saturday July 29th, 2006 8:41:50 PM

The Brave and the Foolish

Dwight -- not knowing if the bear will follow him or not, backs off tumbling to E10. [OOC: DM used some discretion in interpreting orders.]

Tobias thinks the antivenom will be a big help to Bella when the secondary effects of the poison kick in (one minute after initial exposure). He moves to Podo.

Podo, though unconscious, finds that he has stabilized at -1. Tobias's 9 hp of healing bring Podo back to consciousness. He stands up. [DM used a little discretion here too in making Podo stand.]

Selithe "tries to stay out of the bears movement area." [Using even more DM discretion ...] therefore she uses the Withdraw action to back away. As she goes, she thinks about the old Burning-Hands-Vs-Underbrush trick -- which might work against a normal bear, but this one, with the white fur and the glow, probably not so much.

Airin tumbles to H14. As she does so, she draws a tanglefoot bag (you can draw a weapon as a free action when combined with a move). She tosses it at the bear. The bear makes its save and is not stuck to the ground. It remains entangled (multiple entangles do not stack).

Kendry also tosses a tanglefoot bag. Once again, the bear saves. Kendry urges his friends to fight. "It is almost down," he says, with the hope that saying it will make it true. Unfortunately, it is clearly NOT almost down, even to a casual glance. Battered? Pierced? Gummed up? Sure. But not even close to down. Especially not with with rounds like this one, in which no damage is inflicted on the beast!

Kendry also draws a weapon (please specify next time).

The Bear

Gooey and wounded, the bear rises on its hind feet to its ten-foot height and roars!

It seems somehow satisfied, or smug, to see these small pesky folk backing away and leaving. But a few still attack! One is just ten feet away. The bear takes a five foot step toward Airin, then swipes with its paws.

The attacks on Airin hit AC 29 and 32. Those are both hits. Airin takes 26, and is knocked unconscious at -1 hp.

Damage taken by bear: 62
Bear AC: 16 when entangled

And the Map!

Kendry (AC 15/HP 23) (Inspired Courage: +1 attack, +1 damage, +1 save vs fear, charm)  d20+2=22 d20-2=15 d6=5 d6=5 2d4(3+4)=7
Sunday July 30th, 2006 3:17:21 AM

Kendry moves forward 5 feet and tosses two things this time. With his right hand he throws a flask of alchemist's fire (ranged touch attack - nat 20, hit AC 20 (don't think you can crit with this - go ahead and roll, Cayzle, if you rule he can) for 5 hp alchemical fire damage (followed by 5 more hp next round). His left hand tosses another tanglefoot bag (ranged touch attack AC 13 - might hit, as touch attack AC is weaker (generally) than normal AC: will last for 7 rounds).

"Tobias & Podo, take Bella away. If the bear charges me, Selithe - use Gra to help carry off Airin while the bear is distracted."

"Heya - Hai - Heya - Hai!" Kendry calls out a challenge to the bear. He is ready to urge Cheann to run [westward?] if the bear comes after him - though he's always been told that running from a bear is not the smartest thing to do. Depending on what the bear looks to do, he either will prepare bow or bastard sword.


[We're not being as effective as we might be, friends. Half-hearted, hesitant waffling loses opportunities. How do we flee if our friends are down? First Bella, then Podo, now Airin. If we all were to surround it, flanking, biting, using heavy-duty weapons like bastard swords that deal more damage (especially wielded two-handed), we could take it down.

On the other hand (I waffle) I figured that a successful tanglefoot attack would give us the best chance of escaping. With Airin, she threw the tf bag and I moved her as far as I could last round. The brush prevented her from moving farther away in a downward direction on the map, so she could only get 10 feet away from the bear (unless she moved back in the direction from which the bear came - which did not seem wise) - to an area in which he needed only a 5 foot step to allow for a full round of attacks.

No way Kendry is leaving Airin unconscious on the ground.]

Podo "Bear Stunner" D. Pipewood [AC: 18 / 8 of 28 HP] (Inspired Courage: +1 attack, +1 damage, +1 save vs fear, charm)  d20+9=19 d6+3=5 d20+4=24 d20+9=27
Sunday July 30th, 2006 8:45:04 PM

Listening to his cousins suggestions, he speaks with Tobias and then Bella to see if fleeing is a wise decision considering the enemy is a big angry white BEAR and bears are know to give chase.

If the decision is to stay and fight, then Podo will charge into the Standing bear and deliver another stunning fist attack.

Standard MV rate = 30'

Stunning Fist Attack DC:19
Stunning Fist Damage: 5
Fortitude saving throw is DC15 for Bear

If, Tobias and Bella choses to flee, and wishes Podo to join them, Podo will do his best to help.

If Tobias & Bella choses to flee, but suggest Podo stay behind, Podo will run and jump into the tree to get a better position on the bear.
Once in the tree, Podo will look to see the best way to take advantage on his new height.

Jump DC: 24 (nat 20)
Spot DC: 27

Airin (by Kim) (hp 35-36=-1, ...-2)  d100=19
Monday July 31st, 2006 1:06:17 PM

Airin feels the force of the second blow from the bear, and it almost knocks the wind out of her, and a little 'eep' comes out of her mouth. Before she has a chance to dodge or recover, the other paw catches her from the other side, and the raven-haired druid falls crumpled to the ground.

[Stabilize check: 19% - failed (need 10% or lower)]

Tobias [AC 20 - HP 29/29 - Inspired]  d20+9=22
Monday July 31st, 2006 3:47:09 PM

Tobias will try to place Bella on the nearest pony, tie her down to the saddle, and send the pony off in the direction of home. He ends up at L5 as part of this, and Tewdwr move to L4.

Tobias stays behind to see what the bear and the party do next. He looks more closely at the bear to see if there are even more strange things about it. (Knowledge Nature: 22) Just how unnatural is this bear?

ADM Kim - Posting for July 24-30, 2006 
Monday July 31st, 2006 4:21:41 PM

Crescent Valley Posting:
DM Cayzle: MTWTF
Dwight: MTWTF
Airin (Kim): MTW-F
Selithe: MTWT-
Kendry: MTWTF
Tobias: MTWTF

Monday July 31st, 2006 4:24:24 PM

Selithe will do her best to stay out of the bears attack range or anything and keeps Gra close also, calling out to her dog, "Gra, stay close, we go to help Airin if possible girl."

(Question:Will an enlarge person spell work on an animal?)

Pedro [OOC] 
Monday July 31st, 2006 5:53:07 PM

The target for Enlarge Person is one humanoid creature.

Dwight (HP  d4+1=4
Monday July 31st, 2006 9:36:27 PM

Letting off another magic missile, (dmg 4), Dwight realizes that without a mount he is very unlikely to be able to outrun the bear.

He takes another 5 steps away(E9) and considers the health of the bear.

(OOC: Can we be told how the bear looks. He has taken 62+ damage, but does he look mad and about to die, mad and barely wounded, or just ticked off? Knowing how much damage it has taken only helps if I knew how many hit points it had. In the last section, you mentioned wounded...does that mean about 60% okay?)

The Vine and the Claw (Round 8) DM Cayzle  d100=57 [Bella stays on pony] d20=15 [Kendry crit follow up] d20+9=11 [Bear save to put out fire] d20=12 [Spell resist roll for Dwight]
Tuesday August 1st, 2006 7:23:44 AM

The Heros

Kendry taunts the bear and tries to draw it away from Airin. He uses missile attacks on the beast.

[OOC: DM Rules Interpretation. Per the PHB p160, throwing weapons with two hands uses the same rules as attacking with two hands. And Kendry does not have two-weapon fighting, so throwing a tanglefoot bag and a flask of acid starts at -6/-10 (The off hand weapon is not light. Granted, the rules don't say whether a thrown tanglefoot bag or flask is a light weapon, but I rule that they are not. I would say that a thunderstone is light.]

[Also note that the bear is 30 feet from Kendry. That's a -4 to hit due to distance. So Kendry is at -10/-14 on his attacks. Since Kendry's normal to hit is +8 (from Kim's post in Round 7), now he is at -2/-6.]

His roll of a 20 hits, and the follow up for a critical (rolled by the DM) does not crit. The bear takes full damage because damage reduction does not stop energy damage, and the bear is not fire-resistant. The touch attack hits AC11 -- not enough to entangle the bear. (The tanglefoot bag seemed to hit some invisible force or armor or shield and bounce off.)

Podo uses the Delay option to wait and see what Tobias and Bella do. [DM Interpretation: Podo will follow Tobias's lead.]

Airin is unconscious, but finds that she has stabilized.

Tobias finds that Bella is practically helpless. She moans and manages to stay on the pony, which wanders off away fromt he bear. Tobias takes a close look at the bear: it is clearly unnatural. It's glowing white fur is spotlessly clean and beautiful and without physical imperfection. It's eyes glow like no normal bear's. AND it has damage reduction and immunity to nonmagic weapons! That right there tells you that this is a magical creature. Not to mention the two crystal tears it wears at the corners of its eyes.

Since Tobias is clearly NOT urging the party to fight, Podo will try to gain a strategic advantage by climbing the tree. He ends the turn 10 feet off the ground.

Selithe wants to go to Airin but, wisely, also to stay out of the bear's reach. [DM Interpretation:] She positions herself (move action) and uses the ready action -- if the bear moves away from Airin, then Selithe is ready to move up to the fallen rogue/druid.

Dwight fires off a magic missile. it fails to penetrate the beast's resistance.

The Bear

The beast roars with rage and pain! It drops and rolls in an effort to put out the fire burning its beautiful coat. But the flaming alchemical goo defeats the bear's efforts and it keeps on burning.

Selithe sees this as her chance! She moves over to Airin.

The Bear is still entangled (-4 Dex, -2 to attack, move at half speed). He is also prone and on fire.

Damage taken by bear: 67
Bear AC: 16 when entangled, 12 prone vs weapons, 20 prone vs missiles.

And the Map!

Kendry (AC 15/HP 23) (Inspired Courage: +1 attack, +1 damage, +1 save vs fear, charm)  d20+6=21 d6=3 d6=6
Tuesday August 1st, 2006 9:57:33 AM

Kendry moves to... (waiting for map). He throws another flask of alchemist's fire at the bear, for 3 hp fire damage this round, and 6 the next round. "Fire, friends, attack or flee. Selithe, Airin has a potion of curing in her belt pouch. Move her away."

Tobias [AC 20 - HP 29/29 - Inspired]  d20+11=26 d4+3=6
Tuesday August 1st, 2006 11:59:21 AM

Now that Bella is off on the pony, Tobias can concentrate on the bear. With the bear on the ground, he moves in drawing both short swords.

He takes his attack this round with his +1 short sword.
Attack: 26
Damage: 6

[OOC: I bought a second +1 short sword at the catacombs. Did I get that before leaving Angel Springs?]

Tobias [AC 20 - HP 29/29 - Inspired]  d20+11=17 d4+3=7
Tuesday August 1st, 2006 12:47:04 PM

Oh, and standing from prone provides an attack of opportunity. If the bear tries to stand up on its turn, Tobias will take his attack of opportunity with his +1 short sword.

AOO Attack: 17
AOO Damage: 7

Tuesday August 1st, 2006 2:47:11 PM

Selithe moves in quickly with Gra and will pull Airin up onto Gra's saddle. When she has Airin on Gra's back she speaks to Gra, "Go Gra, get Airin alittle ways from the fight and I'll get her healed."

Selithe looks to Kendry, "I'll get her healed once she is more to safty brother, just keep up your distracting."

Dwight (hp 29/ac 16)  d4+1=3 d20+5=21 d20+8=16 d3=1 d6=1
Tuesday August 1st, 2006 6:20:01 PM

[OOC: Why didn't Dwight's magic missile last round do any damage? I didn't see a magic resistance roll. I didn't think spells dealt with damage resistance.]

If Dwight's spell did no damage because of magic resistance, then Dwight casts his last magic missile at the bear (hoping to bypass the magic resistance. dmg: 3)

If Dwight's spell did no damage for another reason, does Dwight know why? (spellcraft: 21) Realizing Dwight can't damage it with his spells he tries his bow again. (att: 16, dmg: 2+1 (arrow and flanking since Bear is prone and inspired)) [This should be a hit since Dwight has Precise Shot, but fails to do damage. Am I understanding this correctly?]

[Cayzle OOC: I DID roll for it ("d20=12") but I forgot to label the roll. I have done so now (above). The Bear has spell resistance 15, Dwight is a first level sorcerer, so that 12 is a 13. But that did not beat the 15. NOTE: I am happy to have you guys roll your own spell penetration rolls to beat the 15.]

Airin (HP -1? -2?) 
Tuesday August 1st, 2006 7:32:38 PM

Airin lies on Gra's furry back as Selithe takes her away.

Podo "Bear Stunner" D. Pipewood [AC: 18 / 8 of 28 HP] (Inspired Courage: +1 attack, +1 damage, +1 save vs fear, charm) 
Wednesday August 2nd, 2006 1:56:23 AM

Since Podo used a Delay action last round, I will rehash what I stated before:

Listening to his cousins suggestions, he speaks with Tobias and then Bella to see if fleeing is a wise decision considering the enemy is a big angry white BEAR and bears are know to give chase.

If the decision is to stay and fight, then Podo will charge into the Standing bear and deliver another stunning fist attack.

Standard MV rate = 30'

Stunning Fist Attack DC:19
Stunning Fist Damage: 5
Fortitude saving throw is DC15 for Bear

If, Tobias and Bella choses to flee, and wishes Podo to join them, Podo will do his best to help.

If Tobias & Bella choses to flee, but suggest Podo stay behind, Podo will run and jump into the tree to get a better position on the bear.
Once in the tree, Podo will look to see the best way to take advantage on his new height.

Jump DC: 24 (nat 20)
Spot DC: 27

[Cayzle OOC: Huh? My friend, please read the entire DM post. Podo only delayed for a brief time, then, seeing that Tobias was not fighting, he chose to ascend the tree.]

The Vine and the Claw (Round 9) DM Cayzle  d20+14=33 [fort save vs stun] d20+9=24 [att Podo] d8+8=15 d6=5 [dam Podo] d20+9=14 d20+4=23 [att Tobias] 2d6(6+1)+4=11 [dam Tobias]
Wednesday August 2nd, 2006 7:04:29 AM

The Heroes

Kendry moves up (pick a square that is not adjacent to the bear) and hurls an alchemical flask at the bear. It hits! That's 5 from last round and 3 from this, for a total of 8 damage this round!

Tobias moves up to engage the bear with his new short swords (all deliveries were made before you set out). He connects for 6!

Selithe puts Airin on her mount and sends her to safety. Airin is stable, so no fear of death. Does Selithe stay behind or leave with Airin? (pick a square!)

Dwight fires into the melee, but his arrow fails to penetrate the prone beast's hide.

Podo descends from his tree and moves to attack. He punches the bear for 5 more and tries to stun it, but it makes its save.

The Burning Bear

Prone, burning, and hit hard by two attacks, the bear roars in rage! In fact, you see genuine anger in the beast's eyes for the first time! The sound of the roar makes all previous growls seem like fake foolery, but this snarl is the real thing!

Choosing to fight while prone (and taking an additional -4 to hit), the bear lashes out at his attackers. He swipes at Podo, hitting AC 24 for 20. Podo goes down hard, and at -12, Podo is so much bear meat!

Then the bear swipes at Tobias! It hits AC14, and the harsh claws slice only thin air. The maddened bear snaps its mighty jaws in rage at Tobias! This attack hits AC23, and the bear's mighty teeth close on Tobias's chest! Tobias takes 11 points of damage, and it hurts! Tobias feels several ribs crack, and blood colors his body in bright crimson! Tobias, please keep track of this damage seperately! It is Lethal Damage!

The Bear is still entangled (-4 Dex, -2 to attack, move at half speed). He is also prone (-4 to hit) and on fire.

Damage taken by bear: 86
Bear AC: 16 when entangled, 12 prone vs weapons, 20 prone vs missiles.

And the Map! Map Note: Podo's icon should be black because he is down. Sorry!

Dwight (hp29,ac16)  d20+8=22 d3=3 d6=4
Wednesday August 2nd, 2006 8:07:46 AM

Watching Podo fall, he wishes he could do more, but the blow appears fatal as even Podo should not be able to fold himself into such an awkward position.

Dwight lets loose another arrow as soon as possible. (att: 22, dmg 8)

Podo "Bear Stunner" D. Pipewood [AC: 18 / ? of 28 HP -- Inspired] 
Wednesday August 2nd, 2006 9:57:29 AM

...At last, I have achieved greater glory to have perished in the heat and glories of battle...Oh Domi, Oh Alemi...it was glorious!...Podo looks down on his friends from about the height of the tree and watches the rest of the battle...

Kendry  d20+8=24 d6=5 d6=3
Wednesday August 2nd, 2006 10:29:02 AM

Kendry throws one more firey flask at the bear (aiming for K12, if possible, so as to avoid splashing Tobias and Podo - if not possible to specify, then each takes 1 hp splash damage from the alchemist's fire), it burns the furious bear for 5 more hp this round (and 3 more next). Also, the bear takes 6 hp this round from the flask thrown last round, for 11 hp total fire damage this round.

Kendry notices his cousin and friend fall before him. Sorrow and anger rise up in his heart. Kendry steps back to H8, meaning to finish off the bear if he can.

Tobias [AC 20 - HP 18/29 - Inspired - Lethal damage 11]  d20+9=28 d4+3=7 d20+9=29 d4+3=7 d20+9=13 d4+2=5
Wednesday August 2nd, 2006 10:51:42 AM

Tobias howls in pain from the giant bear's bite. He's sure that either he or the bear will not make it through these next attacks. But, enraged at the sight of his friends' crumpled bodies, Tobias unleashes two more attacks on the bear (both with +1 short swords).

First attack: 28 (nat 19 - crit threat)
First damage: 7
Crit roll: 29 (nat 20)
Crit damage: 7
Second attack: 13 (hits - barely)
Second damage: 5
Total damage: 19 hp

With his attacks complete, Tobias stumbles back 5 ft (to K9).

And Tewdwr, seeing his new friend bitten by the bear, moves into position next to Tobias (to K8).

Airin (by Kim) (hp -2) 
Wednesday August 2nd, 2006 3:47:14 PM

Airin remains blacked out, draped over Gra's back.

[Selithe - there is a potion of cure light wounds in one of Airin's belt pouches.]

Wednesday August 2nd, 2006 9:24:41 PM

Selithe frowns and seeing how much damage the bear can do is afraid to step in and try to grab Podo inless the bears attack knocked Podo back alittle from the bear into a more safe distance? In this case Selithe will try to grab Podo and pull him out also.

If Selithe can't get Podo without risking death then she will start retreating to Airin and Gra, calling to everyone, "This is bad people, retreat or mark this as our graves. I personally do not plan to stand infront of Gargul and tell him we died fighting a impossible fight. Better to run and fight another day and look at the injuries we're taking, retreat now all of you."

(OOC: Cayzle, I planned to had Selithe retreat alittle ways after getting Airin on Gra's back. Sorry for not noting a spot. I will start downloading the maps because my computer when clicking on the link closes the wold and loads the map which causes my post to go bye bye on me.)

[Cayzle OOC: Often if you right click you might have the option to open the map in a new window or to download it to disk. Just a thought.]

The Vine and the Claw (Round 10 and last) DM Cayzle  d8+7=10 [temp hp that the bear has by virtue of magic. Didn't roll before now because I did not think it would ever matter.]
Thursday August 3rd, 2006 5:58:05 AM

The Heroes

Dwight fires at the bear and hits for 8, but only 3 hp damage gets through the bear's damage reduction. [OOC: Why oh why is Dwight doing 1d3+1d6 damage? Is that flanking/sneak attack damage? But there is no one on the other side of the bear ... thus no flanking ... so why the extra 1d6?]

Kendry, having discovered that fire is the bear's weakness, presses his attack! He throws more alchemical fire. The burning bear takes 11 hp damage this round.

Brave, reckless, foolhardy Tobias, knowing that another attack from the bear will see him joining his friend Podo in the depths of a very very long sleep, nonetheless chooses not to run, but to fight! But fickle fate, or maybe Domi, smiles on his courage. He lashes out with two magic short swords, which cut through the bear's damage resistance like butter. Slicing the bear's matted fur and cutting deep, the swords inflict 19 hp damage!

Selithe, showing that she is the only party member with any common sense, backs off with Airin.

The Burning Bleeding Bear

Prior to this round, the party had inflicted 86 hp damage to the strange glowing otherworldly bear. Now add in 3 from Dwight, 11 from Kendry, and 19 from Tobias! That's 33 more, for a total of 119!

The bear has 103 hit points naturally, and magical temporary hit points as well. Those total 10, for a grand total of 113 hp!

The bear falls unconscious!

There is a stillness for a moment, and the only sound is the crackle of the bear's still-burning fur.

Then a voice breaks the quietude. It has been ten rounds since Bella's poisoning, and she is now back to life and peppy as ever.

"My Heroes! My brave, crazy, amazing heroes! Thank you! You have proven yourself worthy, loyal, and brave to a fault. Seriously, to a fault!" She grins widely.

She goes up to the bear, lays a hand on it, and speaks. It disappears. "Well, we're rid of that mess!" she says.

Then she goes to Podo, then Airin. She lays her open palms on each, and you see bruises appear on her body. Both Podo and Airin open their eyes and get up!

Bella also starts casting more cure spells. She is especially amazed at Tobias's bite, but soon he is bitten no more. "There, you're right as rain!" says Bella, "And what could be more right than some cleaning rain to wash all this away. Lem grant us a sprinkle soon."


Congrats on a great (if mad) fight, my friends! Dwight, please add another 200 xp to your sheet for being clever. Selithe, you get a bonus 300 for being sensible. Kendry, Podo, and Tobias, please add a hero point to your sheets (and the concomittant 30xlevel=120 xp as well.) By the way, you feel that this experience has taught you all something. That's DM-talk for Congrats! You've leveled! :-)

Kendry  d8+1=3
Thursday August 3rd, 2006 11:27:40 AM

[Who had been planning this if ever the bear went down]. As soon as the bear loses consciousness, Kendry dashes forward to remove, if possible, the two shiny gems or crystals next to the bear's eyes. He posits that these may have helped the bear somehow, and perhaps they can help their own animals.

Then he takes out his new wand of cure light wounds, and touches Podo for 3 hp of healing as he says, "I've got rope on the ponies..." Intending to suggest that they tie the bear. But Bella then comes back... and the bard's jaw drops!

He hugs Podo, and Airin - with a lingering embrace. He gathers all together.

Thursday August 3rd, 2006 12:32:34 PM

Selithe frowns at all this, even more so when Bella does what she does, "This was a test? What kind of..."

Selithe shakes her head and moves to Kendry who she has seen as the leader of the group and grabs his arm, "An' you! Why didn't you tell us to run at the one point? We could've had Bella and everyone to safety... we could've really lost lives here."

Selithe is upset clearly, she doesn't like that the group almost lost Airin, could've lost Podo and could've even lost Tobias. Selithe crosses her arms and looks to the group, "We really have to work on this. If such a fight happens again we could all die if we don't play it smart. I gamble with money and my life maybe but this one was bad people. The fact that it was a test or something and no one really died or anything don't matter, it's the fact that if it was 'REAL' look what costs we would've paid."

Selithe moves over to Gra and pets him and checks him out, trying to calm down from. She has the effects of the combat, the possible loss of friends and such running through her system and the moment to explain her outburst and maybe a little she was right on her side.

(OOC: I hope this post is not taken personal by anyone. Selithe doesn't want to see anyone of the group die since you're all family and friends. I hope you all will read it as that.)

Bella (Extra DM Post by Cayzle) 
Thursday August 3rd, 2006 1:55:05 PM

Bella smiles at Kendry and tells him to be patient. "Your reward will come soon enough, my foolhardy." She holds out her hand. "But those are not for you. Hand them over, please." She clearly expects him to relinquish the crystal tears without hesitation.

She also says, "No need to use up your wand." In fact, she has already pretty much cured everybody in the minute or so since the battle ended. She is certainly a very effective healer.

Thursday August 3rd, 2006 2:09:10 PM

Even as he backs up, Tobias sees the bear drop in slow motion. He relaxes, takes a deep breath, and instantly feels the sharp pain from the bear bite he's just taken.

Tobias is even more amazed than Bella (and anyone else) that his final blows took the bear down. He was sure that either he or the bear would die... but was not at all convinced that it wouldn't be him...

He listens to Selithe's concerned speech and can only respond, "There are fates worse than dying in battle to save your family and friends."

And, as Bella tends to his wounds, Tobias asks if this little test was something she set up.

Thursday August 3rd, 2006 8:57:58 PM

Dwight shows a mix of emotions: relief as the bear dies, terror as he realizes two of his friends are dead, anger as Bella announces this was test, relief as his friends rise again.

In the end Dwight still has a tint of anger to his voice when he finally manages to speak coherently. "We have passed your test, now I believe you owe us an explanation."

"Why the test?"

"What did it prove to you that you doubted?"

"What is it preparing us for?"

While his anger is not difficult to see by any, it is not fully directed at anyone. Bella gets a fair share, but Dwight is also a big angry at himself for knowing something was amiss but not being able to figure out what.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood  d20+9=26
Thursday August 3rd, 2006 9:50:43 PM

...looking down on his friends from about the height of the tree, watching the rest of the battle between his friends and the White Bear. Suddenly, the world about him swirls, a great pulling is felt....as if being sucked back i...n...t..o.....<MAPOP!>...

Podo opens his eyes, blinks once or twice and stands up. Looking about him, he sees a spry Bella and it appears [SPOT DC: 26] that his wounds have transposed onto Bella!

Quickly, soon after Podo rises from his dirt nap, Podo finds himself being hugged tightly by his cousin Kendry! "Whoa, big fella! Hold on a bit there. I'm happy to be hugged by ya', but I need to breathe too!" Podo tells Kendry.

Smiling, Podo thanks Bella and then walks over to each an everyone in his group for a hug and a hearty handshake, "Great job there... nice battle moves... Tobias... I suggest next time using a Bastard sword... more damage you see. Nice blow there Tobias... you big warrior Ranger!" laughs Podo towards all his friend. "Good to be alive!"


"A test you say Selithe? No guts, no glory - and you can't out run a bear! I think you missed the point Selithe. Everyone breathes, but not everyone truly lives! To lay one's life down for his brothers or sisters, is the ultimate act of love for one's brothers and sisters. If Bella is really behind this test then I say Bravo! We all now know which ones in the group are willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for one's brothers and sisters. Bravo I say... Three cheers for bravado!!" pontificates Podo to his friends.

Friday August 4th, 2006 2:18:47 AM

Kendry is not one to dilly-dally, waiting for someone else maybe to get around to doing something. He did use the one charge from the wand on Podo, but, after Bella indicated she could take care of the rest, he willingly acquiesced.

Bella and the crystal tears:

Kendry casts detect magic and looks at the crystal tears, and continues looking at their aura as he passes first one, then the other to Bella. "What do these do?" he asks her. "Are they yours, then? Do you know what they are called?" He gathers what he may from the magical detection, so that he might recognize them again, or something similar in the future.

And after handing them over (and after all are healed), he asks the greenmage, "Why would a bear continue attacking if it found itself receiving so many wounds? And surrounded by so many people? Was he under compulsion? What is that kind of bear called? Does he have a name? Do you know his name? Did it hurt much to get wrapped up in that vine? What is that kind of bramble called?"

Answering some queries:

As Selithe, obviously shaken from this encounter, upbraids Kendry, he thinks over what she says.

"From most of what I've heard, bears like to chase people who are running. That bear was fast enough to run most of us down. Each time I thought about maybe running, someone was trapped, like Bella, or someone was down, like Podo, or Airin, or directly engaged with the bear. The one time I was about to do as you suggest, sis, Airin was downed, and... well, the fire started working, and I figured we could take it out before it did any more of us in." He pauses for a breath. "It'd sure be handy if you had a more potent wand. Like ... fireballs, or something! But that wand is all I could afford at the time, Selithe."

He considers Dwight's questions, and waits to see how, or whether, Bella might answer them.

He nods at Tobias' response to Selithe, and smiles at Podo's enthusiastic pep talk.

Airin has been quiet, and Kendry looks to her for a moment.

Airin (by Kim)  d20=12
Friday August 4th, 2006 2:54:28 AM

Going from blackness to feeling a healing touch, Airin awakens to the smell of doggy fur in her nostrils. As Gra moves from the thick brush to the more open clearing, she slides off, then finds herself engulfed in Kendry's embrace. She returns it for a moment, then pushes him back. "You trying to get us killed?" she asks him, a stern look in her eye for a moment. "Well, you'll have to try harder than that." She pulls him back and gives him a kiss full on the lips, then gives him a firm slap on the butt. She takes his hand and pulls him over by the tree where the others are gathered.

"We don't always know what we're doing, eh? But you are the friends I want with me when we're facing danger, and challenges, and adventure."

Friday August 4th, 2006 3:14:02 AM

Taken aback by Airin's question, then about-face... Kendry is momentarily speechless.

But once she pulls him into the group, he gains a bit of inspiration, and sings a little song:
A greenmage and a huge white bear
Conspired one fine day
"Climb up that tree and saw that limb,"
Bella told the group, oh yea.

Then walked she to a bushy trap
Her voice grew faint and weak
A bear charged out and bellowed loud
Full white and strong and sleek

The travelers were perplexed by this
Strange turning of events
Can we rescue her and 'scape the bear
Or will our flesh he rend?

Confusion, shouts and countermands
The fight went to and fro
Each time a chance to flee arose
A friend was downed by foe

At last at last they overcame
The beast so huge and strong
And Bella healed wounds - o yea
And we live to sing this song! hey!
And we live to sing this song!
He looks around, and says, "I love you friends."

The walk home (DM Cayzle) 
Friday August 4th, 2006 7:26:55 AM

Bella leads the group back to town. As the party walks, there is a great deal of discussion.

Bella asks for the crystal tears back from Kendry, and he complies.

Selithe is angry that under other circumstances, some of her friends may have died -- and that seems true enough! She also has the idea that this was all just a test -- a notion that is quickly adopted by the whole group.

Bella answers, "Test? Test? Who said anything about a test? I honor Alemi, not some god of testing!"

To Dwight, she says, "Explanation, Schmexplanation! I got what we came for!" -- she holds up a small vial filled with thorn poison from that vine -- "and that's what we needed!"

Tobias and Podo clearly are glad at the battle just past, and defend their feelings to Selithe, albeit in different ways. Kendry too has explanations for the groups failure to retreat. Bella rolls her eyes at these protestations, but does not seem to want to argue.

Airin lets Kendry know how she feels.

Kendry has a clever song to sing, and questions for Bella. She simply answers, "My, aren't you the curious one!"

At length the group arrives back at Bella's cottage. Sitting outside the door is a fellow who is large in size for a halfling, and he has a pet badger next to him.

Bella smiles when she sees him and calls out, "Badger! You are just in time! Welcome!"

She explains to you all that since she will be busy brewing the plant poison, she is sending her friend with you on the next part of the job. "Trust him as you would trust me," she says. She introduces people all around.

[OOC: Friends, this is our newest player. Robert, please describe your character's appearance, and offer a response to Bella's introductions.]

Bella tells you to go rest up. Meet back here on the day after tomorrow and she'll send you off. But don't tell anyone that you are working for her, or on what. "You never know when an enemy might be lurking!"

Friday August 4th, 2006 10:39:55 AM

Tobias is glad that their battle ended, and they're all headed back to town. But, he's still a little confused by what happened, and why Podo wasn't really dead. (Not that he's not glad to have him alive and well)

After the introduction and once Bella is out of earshot, Tobias whispers to the group, "Trust him as we would trust her??? But, I don't trust her at all..."

And, then introduces himself to Badger.

Julian (pasted in by Cayzle while posting snafus are resolved) 
Friday August 4th, 2006 8:25:13 PM

Julian jumps up at hearing his name. He is wearing rather bright colours, orange trousers, green shirt, blue jacket and a multicoloured waistcoat. He has large thick sideburns that are unusually grey and short black hair that is also greying.

He walks briskly up to Bella with the badger following at his heels, and a grey rough coated collie prances into view from behind a bush to sit behind them.

"Bella! Haha, of course I am just in time. I am always just in time. But it's so good to see you. How have you been?" and he hugs her in greeting. With a quick glance Julian notices his cousins Kendry, Selithe and Podo and embraces them also.

"How is Aunt Bekka Lilly and Uncle Samell? I haven't really seen anyone for a few years. And Podo, what have you been up to?"

When Bella has introduced everyone to Julian, he expresses that he is very glad to meet them all. He then introduces his badger, named Shark, and his mount, named Sallie, stepping back to adjust his backpack draped over the saddle and scratch the dog's ear.

"My name is Julian Roscoe Holle Pipewood Trufflefinder, though I am called Badger. Bella has very graciously helped me with training Shark, and refining a few, uhmm, skills, and she has asked me to help her, it seems by joining you on a mission. My blade is always ready for Bella, and hence, it is yours also."

Julian bows low, and his hand rests upon the hilt of his large sword in its ornately carved wooden scabbard. The quality of his clothing is apparent now at this close distance, and his waistcoat stands out. It is not multicoloured, it depicts a Dire Badger furiously tearing a group of kobolds to shreds in the entrance to its burrow. He has a dagger in a red leather sheath, and one of his three belt pouches is gilt with a knot-work of tendrils and elongated animals.

"I have only just arrived here in Angel Springs, so I would really appreciate advice on where I could have a hot bath, a massage, shave and I think my nails could use some attention."

"And food, hmm, a hot meal served on a hot plate, with some flavoured water, some fresh parsley to chew. Perhaps we can share a meal together, on me of course. We can swap stories and..." he trails off, distracted by the tangent forming in his head,

"And if we're adventuring soon, maybe I should have a haircut, and I might trim Sallie's coat some. Is there somewhere to have weapons sharpened professionally? And buy some potions?"

"My spear!" turning his head he spots it lying on the lawn where he sat, "Ahh, there it is, I am babbling now, I have plenty of time to find these things." He jumps up and down a few times and brings his hands together, "Bella has said to rest up. I think we might have some fun ahead."

He smiles now, and his eyes really light up with it. Julian is excited at the prospect of adventuring with new friends.

Friday August 4th, 2006 9:01:30 PM

Tobias greets Julian and tries to figure out the distance family ties that must surely connect Tobias and Julian... He doesn't have a good head for that sort of thing, but he's sure that Kendry must know.

And, he mumbles, "Oh Domi help us, another 'talker'," as he smiles and winks at Kendry.

A Bit of a Reunion (DM Cayzle) 
Saturday August 5th, 2006 8:34:34 AM

[OOC: Not everyone has posted, but it's been 24 hours, and I want to get the "Friday" post up now since I may not have time later. Kim, thanks for your Web help!]

Bella is amazed at the words that fall from Julian's mouth. "You mean you all know each other? You're related? Lem's Lumps! Is everyone in this valley related to everyone else?"

Several other party members are also surprised, but their DM is sure they'll remember to post their appearance, name, and such in the very next post! Tobias is not surprised, but he does seem to be forgetting his manners, as he mumbles and barely greets the new fellow.

Saturday August 5th, 2006 10:53:15 AM

Dwight smiles at Julian, until Bella refers to him as trustworthy. Then Dwight's smile becomes more weary. He does manage to shake Julian's hand when offered and introduces himself as Dwight Twigglebundler. Unusually short for a halfling, but Dwight makes no attempt to explain.

To look at Dwight is an odd one. He wears
what can only be assumed to be hammy downs. His brown jacket vest shows many additional stitches holding the remaining fabric in place and various bulges where pockets hold some items. His darker brown pants show the same amount of wear, and have obvious patches on the knees and left buttocks.

His equipment seems in much better condition. Across his left shoulder, a strap holds his knapsack. A shortbow is thrown across his right shoulder and a few daggers around his waist.

As introductions pass and Bella again directs the group to leave without an explanation, Dwight grows only more annoyed with her, but refrains from saying much about it.

[Did Bella request the stick Dwight got from the tree, or did she only keep the poison?]

Bella Extra (DM Cayzle) 
Saturday August 5th, 2006 2:13:51 PM

If Dwight reminds Bella of the lightning stick, then she says, "Of course! Forgetful me! Thank you so much! Good job with that climbing!"

If Dwight does not remind her, she does not mention it.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Saturday August 5th, 2006 2:42:36 PM

"Hey, Badger! Ol' buddy! How it waggin'? Long time no see!" says Podo as he greets his extended family member.

"Sorry, I waited until the end...with our extended family, I could place the name...but not the face. It's been a while." explains Podo.

"Lady Bella. You may be Intelligent...but you have not realized that all halflings are related here in the Valley? " says Podo is great disbelief. "You really need to get out more." Podo says matter of factly.

When Badger here goes for his shower & shave, Podo will head off for the local temple of Alemi explaing to his friends, "I need some time to comtemplate about my actions and the white bear, if you don't mind...please."

(OCC: will send you, Cayzle, an email about it. )

Selithe Greentree Leafwin Pipewood 
Saturday August 5th, 2006 3:12:45 PM

Selithe smiles at Julian when she meets him and holds out her hand to him as she waits, "Hello Julian you said? Nice name. My full name is Selithe Greentree Leafwin Pipewood but you can just call me Selithe. I'm a conjurer with a little rogue arts mixed in and above all else I'm a gambler by trade."

Selithe wears her normal tight and low cut blue shirt with slightly puffed sleeves and a pair of tight nlue pants with a pair of black boots to cover her feet. Her hair is pulled back in a pony tail and she uses a spell to keep her hair in its platinum color. Her emerald green eyes look to be normally full of humor and shine when on the subject of gambling or card games.

(OOC: Sorry for missing my post. I was very tired and fell asleep yesterday and when I wokeup it was midnight.)

Kendry  d20+5=22 d20+9=25
Sunday August 6th, 2006 10:26:57 PM

The Walk Home

Finish the task
Before the group leaves the site of the bear and the bush episode, Kendry makes sure that the branch Bella requested earlier is recovered from the lightning-struck tree, whether Dwight does the work or Kendry himself [Climb tree: 22]. He also takes a few minutes to ask Tobias about the various tracks that he saw in the area.

About the gems, and the bear
[Note: First Kendry cast detect magic, and looked over the two gems (or 'tears' as she styled them) for a few moments, then he handed them, one at a time, to Bella. Was expecting to learn whether they are magical, and, if so, what aura of magic they show forth.]

Because the walk home takes hours, Kendry takes the time to press Bella on one or two things. [Diplomacy 25] "I am glad the episode with the bear was not a test you set - although surely it did test us. But since you did not, therefore, summon the bear - though your ability to dismiss it is astounding - I wonder why you say that the gems are not for us - or not for me, perhaps you meant. I thought that Tobias' wolf or our dogs might benefit from whatever magic they contained. Now, I suppose as you healed us mightily that the gems might be considered fair due to you for your kindness to us - though our wounds were gained as we tried to keep you safe. Please, I am not asking for the gems. But if you know, would you be so kind as to tell me the nature of the gems, so that I might understand such better in the future?"

He also asks if she knows much about the kind of bear that we fought earlier. "What is this kind of bear called?"

Back in Angel Springs

Greeting Julian
Glad to be back with all present and accounted for, Kendry is pleased to see his cousin. "Hey, Jude, it's been a long time!" he greets Julian, using one of his nicknames. "Three, four years at least. What's this? Sprouting gray hairs so soon?" He waits a beat, then teases, "Now, you didn't go and get married without sending me an invite, did ya?"

As Julian asks after his aunt and uncle, Kendry's & Selithe's parents, he responds, "Well, thanks for askin', and our folks are doin' fine. How are Uncle Jonno and Aunt Shanzi farin' these days?"

So that the others who are not as well acquainted with Julian might know, he explains, "Jude's father is Jonno 'Vines' Swordfern Trufflefinder, and he married Shanzi Lips Pastna Pipewood. So it's mainly through his mother, our Aunt Shanzi, that he's our cousin, and also Podo's cuz." He looks for confirmation to Julian. "I got that right, now, didn't I? If not - well, I've been knocked around a bit lately."

At 3'6" and 38 pounds, Kendry's stature is a near match to Julian's. The young bard has wavy auburn hair and a slight gap betwixt the two front teeth. Handsome cheekbones frame his wide-set hazel eyes. All together a pleasant effect, as his face is nearly symmetrical. He wears rugged wardrobe for adventuring, with dust from travel still clinging to his clothes.

"So, you want to see the town? Flavored water? Well, we put lemons and limes in the water, sometimes, if that'll do. We'd be happy to show you around."

"Oh - and this is my... very good friend, Airin. She's got quite the knack for adventure, dances beautifully, and, well, I think in her I've more than met my match."

Kendry goes with his friends to take Julian to show him the town, and so that the group can get to know him better, and vice versa.

"Oh - one more thing - we should ask about the dark elves that we heard were seen around here lately. Y'know - I'd like to learn their language. Wonder if they're as bad as some folks say."

Airin (by Kim) 
Monday August 7th, 2006 12:57:07 AM

"'Very good friend'?" Airin repeats Kendry's phrase, raising an eyebrow.

She turns to Julian, and says, "Yes, I'm Airin. Grew up in Hovel. My father is Dargor Berryfinder Moondancer, and my mother Lothen Birdsinger Turnbell."

She reaches into a pouch. "Say, Julian, do you know anything about the Teleperiën family? Take a look at this." She hands over to him a ring bearing a design of thin golden vines with leaves and berries.

She stands 3'2" tall, and weighs about 30 pounds. At first sight Airin is a frail looking girl. Her eyes and shoulder-length hair are as dark as charcoal. Her clothing is black - although just as dusty as that of her companions. A hawk sits on her shoulder, investigating in particular the dog and badger.

ADM Kim - Posting in CV July 31 - August 6 2006 
Monday August 7th, 2006 2:11:25 AM

DM Cayzle: MTWTF
Dwight: MTWTF
Airin: MTWTF
Podo: -TWTF
Selithe: MTWTF
Kendry: MTWTF
Tobias: MTWTF
Julian (Played by Robert): ----F (Just started on Friday)

Good posting record, friends! And congrats on overcoming the bear.

Monday August 7th, 2006 7:56:23 AM

Hey guys! I'm back from holiday!
Kim could you post just one or two days extra for I will need to catch up on things.

I'm printing the docs as we speak and will start reading tonight.

Thanks a lot for covering for me Kim.

I will restart posting as soon as possible

Kim says: Hurrah! Glad you're back, Inge. Missed you - and you do a lot better job of playing Airin than I do. Whew! Hope you had a great vacation.

Monday August 7th, 2006 12:38:51 PM

Seeing everyone introduce themselves to the newcomer, Tobias follows suit, "Hi Julian, I'm Tobias Pathfinder Thistlefoot Burrows. Born here in Crescent Valley, but spent much of my time out in the wilds of Culverwood. My father was Adrian Hazelberry Burrows (deceased), and my mother is Jillian Greenhill Thistlefoot (which makes me a distant cousin of Kendry and Selithe)."

Monday August 7th, 2006 7:29:33 PM

"Lovely to meet you, all of you. And your pets. So, lets now go somewhere more comfortable to talk and share tales."

Monday August 7th, 2006 7:31:18 PM

"Let's swing by the blacksmith's shop - a good place to get your blades sharpened," Kendry suggests, "and they let me use their stables, too. Then we can go to WinWood Toys and Music, and we'll get things sorted out there. See how the Jensens are faring, too."

Also, he does what he can to help the various canines and wolf - and now a badger, too, get used to one another. He knows that Airin's hawk will stay alert.

Podo D. Pipewood 
Monday August 7th, 2006 8:03:01 PM

If allowed to walk off by himself, Podo will head straight for the Temple of Alemi and inquire about Walking with Alemi as a Cleric.

If not allowed to wander off by himself, Podo will join the group and look into freshing up the relationship between himself and his cousin "Badger".

Monday August 7th, 2006 8:57:45 PM

Somewhat relunctantly Dwight offers the stick to Bella feeling used and carefully uninformed.


Tagging along, Dwight wonders what a drow looks like. Tales and stories are one thing, but a real life drow is another.

After awhile, Dwight adds that he should buy some new rope as his was shredded and perhaps a few other things.

(Can Dwight buy things in the catacombs during the next day, or is this city/town too small?)

As the group begins chatting, Dwight is still thinking about th past and the task yet to come. "Any chance you think we can get more answers and details before setting off on the other half of Bella's task? I'm all for helping as we agreed, but surely we have a right and a need to know what we are getting, why we are getting, what we will most likely face. Surely we will face something, else she could get it herself, frail and cripple she is not." Dwight looks to see if others agree.

Monday August 7th, 2006 10:31:45 PM

Selithe looks to the others and smiles, thinking she pulls her ferret out of her pouch and smiles as she strokes her familiar on the head gently and chuckles as she notices Bandit is still holding her gold coin that Selithe gave her, "Forgot to mention, this is Bandit."

Selithe follows the others now to a more comfortable place to talk and be.

A lull in the gathering (DM Cayzle) 

Tuesday August 8th, 2006 1:22:39 AM

Dwight gives Bella the lightning-struck branch. "Oh, thank you!" she says. "This is great!" Dwight, still having reservations about Bella, goes shopping at the Catacombs.

Podo feels drawn to the Temple of Alemi, where he is inspired to say the vows he has been contemplating.

Sociable Selithe does her best to make the new cousin feel welcome.

Kendry's inspection of the Tears, and a few comments from Bella, lead him to the idea that those were Tears of Mercy. Bella is a little abashed when Kendry says, "I am glad the episode with the bear was not a test you set."

"Well," the greenmage hedges, "I have not said that it was a test nor that it was not, eh? But that was some fight, I'd say!"

Kendry is also very welcoming of the new cousin.

Airin asks Julian about her mysterious signet ring, but in the confusion, he forgets to answer.

Tobias is also his friendly self. Julian takes it all in stride.

Bella reminds the group to be back at her place in the morning four days hence. The time until then is yours to train and shop.

Note that WLA members need to spend time training each level. Until the chapter here is set up, you'll have to train with each other to gain your free skill ranks. You WILL have to visit a larger branch to pay dues or gain a new feat!

Kendry  d20+10=25
Tuesday August 8th, 2006 3:21:20 AM

Selithe's brother is happy to join the rest of the group in showing Julian around town.


"Y'know, friends - let's work on helping each other out in developing our skills. I'd like to find a book or someone who can help teach me the language of the dark elves. Might be a handy thing to know if we ever run in to any. Also, let's help each other out on the WLA skills. Say, Jude - are you a member of the WLA?" he asks. If so, he'll include him in the training. If not, he will explain the parameters and benefits of membership, and encourage him to consider signing up at the earliest opportunity.

Kendry works to pick up two more (WLA-based) skill points in the Ride skill. He also takes this extra time to continue to train his dog (and to help with the training of Gra, Tewdwr, Sallie (Julian's dog), and any other mount & master he can work with in combat riding. [OOC: He is pretty close to done with the three weeks training to get Cheann up to speed in the combat riding skill... I'll have to go through the records to verify.]

About Bella

Kendry will have made arrangements for him and his friends to refer to Bella by the code name 'Heather' - so that no one inadvertently refers to her by name.

At dinner the second night (and taking some precautions to ensure there are no eavesdroppers about), Kendry will tell the others the following. "The bear's crystal tears were tears of mercy. That means that most of the attacks the bear made were nonlethal in nature - he beat us up pretty bad, but was not so likely to kill us quickly as if he weren't wearing those two gems.

"Since Bella pretty much claimed the gems as her own - I think they were and are her own, and that she prepared the bear for us. So, though I won't claim we weren't at risk - Heather did a lot to significantly lower that risk. Now, I've done a wee bit of checking," he says [bardic knowledge: 25], "and have learned that the gems are a new type of magic called 'Eberyon's Tears.' They are starting to show up here and there - they stick to fur or hair, and - well, I don't yet know all their capabilities, but am looking into that some more."

After digging in to his food for a while and enjoying the company and conversation of his friends, he adds, "I think she maybe thought that the bear would chase us off. I know I got in some pretty lucky shots with my bow, and Airin, Tobias, Dwight, Selithe also... did you see how hard Podo kicked that bear, and it sort of rocked back a bit, like it was trying to get its bearings again? What a wallop! And the fire did its work, and Tobias came in with some telling final slashings of his short swords, there.

"Anyway, whatever Heather has in mind for us, I think we can, in a way, trust her. I think her test of us was to see if we have what it might take to deal with whatever it is she is really afraid of. Sure and she's strange, and secretive, but I think she is still a good lady."

He turns to Julian. "Since you have spent time training with her - what can you tell us that may help reassure us about Heather's character?"


Since Angel Springs is large enough to have a Catacombs outlet, Kendry goes shopping to replace some of the alchemical items he used up in the recent battle. He'll make sure that everyone knows where to find the shop.

Also, from the WinWood Toys and Music Shop, Kendry will purchase a masterwork lute, and take advantage of the 10% family discount in the purchase (thus 90 gp) (if that is all right with our DM).


Kendry continues to add to his journal, and to make copies of the new additions, much of which he plans to pass on to Burgomeister Calfast Rowgold Tunnelly when the occasion presents itself - but he will withhold the portion dealing with Bella for the moment, hiding this in an obscure spot in the Leafwin Pipewoods' shop when no one else is around.

Tuesday August 8th, 2006 12:52:24 PM

"Oh, and Julian. I forgot to introduce you to Tewdwr." Tobias says as he calls in the two headed wolf and lets him get accustomed to the new party member. "Pet Dryw - the head to the right - if he lets you. He's the friendly one."

Tobias will help Kendry train Tewdwr and the rest of the animals. Tewdwr is also being trained for combat riding, but still needs a lot more time to complete the training.

And, Tobias will train with whomever is interested in Animal Handling and Riding (1 skill point each - WLA training).

About Bella
Even with all of the Kendry's assurances to the contrary, Tobias does not trust Bella at all. Finding out that Bella may have prepared the bear combat with the 'tears of mercy' doesn't help. "You may trust her, but I do not. Heather panicked when she first saw the marks on our 'friend'. And, had to be coerced into helping him. Then first opportunity she gets, she takes us out to get a dried up tree branch and stages an attack that could have just as easily killed us all. While she pretended to be poisoned (or willfully poisoned herself). And, I chose to hack at those vines because I thought she was in danger, and that could have cost Podo his life."

"Are these the actions of a friend, someone we can trust?" Tobias is still a quite upset over the whole incident...

Airin (by Kim) 
Tuesday August 8th, 2006 3:43:42 PM

"The bear knocked me out cold," Airin says quietly after Tobias speaks his mind.

[I will leave it to Inge to determine what WLA skills and such she desires to focus upon. -Kim]

Tuesday August 8th, 2006 6:38:56 PM

"Yes, and Airin nearly followed Podo."

Tuesday August 8th, 2006 6:50:16 PM

Kendry listens to Tobias, and to Airin's quiet words. He is silent for a moment as he takes in what they said.

"Sometimes she seems sweet and kind," muses Kendry, beginning with a quiet voice. "Sometimes suspicious, fearful, despairing. Angry. Forgetful. Sometimes chipper, pleasant. Sometimes evaluative, trying to discern character, motives - as we are attempting, ourselves. She avoids answers to reasonable questions. She diverts and dodges. Nevertheless, Burgomeister Calfast and Zardock the fixer and Foaun Gondin in Plateau City and Terapin the ranger have vouched for her, and seem to trust her. Is she eccentric? Without a doubt. Is she mixed up? Maybe. Is she malign? I don't think so... she healed all of us who were wounded. But I know for some of you the jury is out."

He takes another piece of bread to mop up the rest of the gravy on his plate. "How about the rest of you... what are your thoughts?"

Tuesday August 8th, 2006 9:12:43 PM

Selithe will go with Kendry and Tobias to train with Gra and the other animals. Selithe plans to work on her hand animal skill this time as she hopes to get better at it.

Selithe also lets Bandit, her ferret play some but is careful since she doesn't want Bandit to be hurt by the dogs or wolf.

Tuesday August 8th, 2006 10:06:41 PM

"I'm trying to convince myself her intentions are pure, and that she is use to working alone and watching her own back, but I can't quite convince myself. The biggest problem is that she refuses to answer questions, even the smallest question she dodges, diverts, blantantly changes topic or completely ignores. With all those supporting her, leads me to think overall her intentions are good, but her methods are questionable. Bahh, I'm rambling. Been turning this over and over in my head since before the bear attack."

Dwight takes a good mouthful and bread and mulls it over in his mind.

"I think before we begin our next task for her, we need some clear answers to some basic questions. Like possible dangers, precise risks, herb being collected, perhaps what it is used for and others. We need to be firm in getting these answered before being shuffled out the door AGAIN!" Dwight finishes a little louder than he intended.
During some of leisure time, Dwight heads over to the Catacombs. "Anyone else need anything, I can pick it up just let me know."

Afterwards, Dwight practices climbing nearby walls, trees, and side-climbing around the tower, but staying low to the ground. (2 WLA skill pts for climbing)

Podo D. Pipewood 
Wednesday August 9th, 2006 1:20:21 AM

[OOC: JonPaul's PC is dead or dying. A quick post on his behalf. JP - if you can get on, feel free to change anything you want to here. Thanks Kim -- JP.]

Podo, once inside the Temple of Alemi, does take his vows with solemnity and anticipation. Where will this new thing in his life lead him?

If the ceremony requires his continued presence, Podo will stay and reflect/mediate on what it means to be both a Walker/Monk & Cleric of Domi & Alemi, respectively.

Podo inquires of the Temple Priests, where to obtain the nutrition laced candies which he can distribute to the children of the wold?

As the night wears on, Podo insatibly curious about being a Priest of Alemi, asks as many questions as possible without overstaying his Welcome.

With the exception of his gear, Podo explains that in the morning, he will convert any remaining items and donate the monies to the church.

Julian, feeling just great. 
Wednesday August 9th, 2006 1:56:04 AM

Julian is happy to hang out with these halflings. He relates that Heather helped him significantly with his spellcasting. Often his powers would manifest themselves in an uncontrolled manner, and Heather taught Julian techniques of self-discipline. She also taught him techniques of training the badger and the riding dog.
"She did all this at a time when I was really low, really, really low. I was unintentionaly hurting those around me, myself sometimes too. With Heather's wisdom and advice, well, now I am on top of the wold!" Julian cartwheels and spins around a few times, just to emphasise how good he feels now.
To Dwight and Tobias he says, "Yeah, Heather rubs people up the wrong way, and she seems to prefer plants to people. Boy did we have some explosive fights, literally. But, her heart is in the right place for the most part. And I owe her a lot for helping me."
When he has the chance, Julian visits the Catacombs. Then he takes Sallie and Shark for a training run. Even at full speed the animals don't outrun the halfling.
The three of them settle in the dappled light under a large willow, and Julian fastidously grooms his pets. Then he cleans his own clothing (Prestdigitations), and has a drink.
Spotting his cousins training with some of the other halflings Julian bounds over to join them. "I haven't really wanted to bring Sallie into battle, but she is that bit older now, can you help me to train her for war? Shark is naturally pretty good in a fight. All badgers are." He says with a grin and a wink.
Julian's WLA badge is identical to Kendry's.

"The signet sure is nice, but not familiar to me, sorry Airin."

Julian is not due any skill points (I don't think), but he enjoys any physical activity. And the larger the dose the better.

OOC I may be late on posting tomorrow, possibly missing it altogether. If so:
Julian is enjoying the warm glow that comes with making new friends who are like minded and, for the most part, shorter for a change. He is happy to become a passive member of the group, at least to start. He doesn't want to make waves, just fit in an fertilise the new friendships with time and care and love.

Setting off again? (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday August 9th, 2006 10:13:14 AM

The party talks about Bella and what to make of her. Some are more suspicious than others. Certainly she is an ambiguous person!

[OOC: Good RP, friends, although with Kim subbing for Inge and JP (Thanks, Kim!), there might be a chance to revisit the topic in the future, when they might have something to say.]

During these days, Greyson and his wife come to you and thank you for all you've done. They've heard that the road has been fixed enough to allow travellers, and they are returning home. The couple seek to express their gratitude by making a small gift to each of you -- Each person in the group (except Julian) receives a potion of cure light wounds (d8+1). Then the two say their good-bys.

Our heroes train and pray and learn. Supplies are reprovisioned, and purchases are made. [Consider all CC packages delivered at this time.] But in a couple days it is time to meet back at Bella's cottage.

The group meets and once again seeks out the greenmage. There is a note on her door that reads "I'm around back!"

In a stand of trees, where earlier you had met the greenmage herself standing in tree form, you see Bella sitting on a stool by her bathtub, the one with the clawed feet that she had put Greyson in. There is a fire under the tub, and Bella is drinking from a steaming cup.

"Hello, my brave-souls!" She seems very cheery today.

Wednesday August 9th, 2006 10:37:54 AM

Tobias replies, "I agree that those others may see something in her that we haven't had an opportunity to see. We just need to be very careful around her and on her assignments. And, Dwight, good luck getting those answers..."

Tobias accepts Greyson's gift and thanks him.

Tobias heads over to Bella's with the rest of the group.

Wednesday August 9th, 2006 9:10:20 PM

Selithe wishes Greyson and his wife the best and takes the gift with a smile and maybe a word that might not be expected from her, "Your welcome both of you, no gift was required but I'm sure it will come in handy. My best wishes go with you and I will pray to Warrd that you get there safe."

Selithe goes with the others to meet Bella and shaskes her head when she sees Bella in the back with the tub and such, "I hope I'm as confident as you one day Bella." Selithe does admire Bella since she is knowledgeable, maybe not the most forth coming with info but still knowledgeable and good at heart.

Dwight  d20+3=19 d20+4=14 d20+2=17
Wednesday August 9th, 2006 10:43:57 PM

As the group approaches the house, Dwight reads the note aloud and smiles. "Perhaps she is beginning to give us some information, small as it may be. I hope this is promising, but then again, maybe she just doesn't want another mess in her house." Dwight tries to chuckle but can't quite muster the proper belly laugh intended.


Around back, "Good morning Bella. It is good to see you suffered no late effects of the poison and appear to be in good spirits, as are we." Looking well rested and restocked, Dwight takes a moment to look at the tub.

(Dwight would like to kindly ask for details regarding there mission. He'll wait until she brings up the topic, and then intends to ask detail oriented questions (where, who's guarding, what is it to be used for, expected time table for our return, etc.) Dwight would like the others to help as was discussed about Heather hoping that a united questioning may yield some 'real and direct' answers.

Diplomacy: 19 + (help from group?)
Gather Information: 14 (not sure if appropriate, but rolled anyway)
Intimidate: 17 (not to be used physically or aggressively, but to steer questions properly answered, not dodged?)

Julian, Shark and Sallie  d20+2=15 d20+4=18
Wednesday August 9th, 2006 11:32:06 PM

Julian walks with the group to Bella's house. Actually he is riding Sallie, charging up, stop, turn, charging down. Stop, dismount, leap back on. Charge. Recklessly diving off. Racing the dog at full speed. Crash, diving onto the dog at full speed, rolling and tumbling.
Standing, dusting, walking now, back towards the group. His face colours red and he cannot surpress his grin.

At Bella's house Julian is very happy to have the opportunity to help Bella. He is keen to complete the quest, whatever that may be.
He is a little worried about the group. There seems to be some distrust of Bella. He understands that she certainly rubs some people up the wrong way, and sometimes her actions appear, well, cowardly to others. But her wisdom shines through in the end, and with hindsight, it was clearly there all along.
Julian covers some of his apprehensions with restless energy. He stands with the group, though off to the side, and he cannot stand still.
"I am ready, Bella, ready for an adventure." He sits, finally, and begins sharpening his spear head.
Julian is keen to become part of the halfling group, and believes that integration comes most easily through listening and supporting. Julian is good at supporting, and running and anything physical. And, when his energy is not bubbling over, he will talk, and talk, and even listen sometimes. Right now, he is sharpening to distract himself from talking, because he wants to listen, and to support.

In the conversation with Bella Julian will try to elicit as much information from Bella as possible, because that is what the group wants.

Gather Info = 15
Diplomacy = 18

OOC I don't think that Gather Info is the right one to use here.

Kendry  d20+10=30
Thursday August 10th, 2006 2:27:53 AM

Kendry picked up some replacement items from the Catacombs, spent some time in study, composed and refined some poems and songs, and enjoyed the company of his family and friends.

He enjoys watching Julian cavorting.

"G'morning, Bella. So, would you care to let us know what can we do for you? What we'll be doing?" [Diplomacy: 30] [Man, what is it with all these nat 20's? But I like 'em!]

Second Task - Something Familiar

The Mission (DM Cayzle) 
Thursday August 10th, 2006 6:23:27 AM

Dwight, Julian, and Kendry all work hard to encourage Bella to tell them more. Their diplomatic efforts pay off, as she seems more forthcoming than ever.

"Well, of course I'll tell you all about it!" she exclaims. "Not much use in hiring you all if you don't know what it is we're doing, hey!"

"You can see that I have started a-brewing. I have some special patients who I hope to cure with this. All other treatments have failed. But in order to complete the concoction, I need a few more ingredients. While I tend the brew, I need you all to go fetch the other things I need."

She clearly understnds the purpose behind your diplomacy -- "Look, I know you all did not much appreciate our last outing, although I must tell you that the juice of those thorns is the basis for my brew. But if you have any questions, fire away."

Thursday August 10th, 2006 12:23:28 PM

Training - Shopping - Reflections

Once the party got back Airin enjoyed the WLA training with her friends a lot. (will add the skills to my updated sheet asap)

One night Airin had a disturbing dream...

a viscious bear draws near ... crippeling strikes ... pain! A lot of pain ... and then nothing... floating in space ... an eternal blackness with no sounds. No friends... Kendry...


That night Airin woke up in the girls sleeping quaters bathing in her own sweat. What happend back there nearly killed her. She has a hard time forgetting about it...

The next morning she fell into Kendry's arms trembling in fear and wetting his shoulder with her tears.

ooc: you can not imagine the way I felt reading the DM post where Airin was killed... great posting everyone!! Damn proud to be part of this fantastic group!

Back in action!

More cheerful than ever Airin follows her friends to meet Bella.

This morning she polished her armor, refilled her bolt cases, sharpened her beloved Bastard Sword and shined the boots she got from Kendry. Blossom is safe and sound in the stables, and Fioni enjoyed an early morning hunt. She's back in full force and unwilling to get killed again and her mind is set to introduce Kendry to her family and to get to know his.

Eagerly she listens the Greenmage unfolding the mysteries they are to unravel.

"I suppose one of you will know the way?"

OOC 2: did not welcome you yet Robert but I'm very pleased to see Kim made a great intro for Airin.

Thursday August 10th, 2006 4:18:16 PM

Tobias will listen to all Bella has to say about her brew and the ingredients she needs. He'll leave it up to Dwight to get more details about where, when, how for the ingredients. Once everyone has had their chance to ask questions, Tobias will ask the only one that's been eating at the back of his mind for a while, "What affliction is this potion supposed to cure?"

Thursday August 10th, 2006 6:05:53 PM

Julian sits outside with Bella and the Halflings. He listens intently, well he tries to. After a few questions and answers he gets restless again. Spearheads only sharpen so much, and Shark is nudging him with his nose to play.
Julian has tried to work out the grup dynamic. There is something going on between Kendry and Airin. Selithe wants to help Bella, though some others don't trust her. Dwight seems to be the (unofficial?) leader of the group. Julian wonders about Podo's time in the temple, not being religious himself.
Temptation gives in and Julian grabs Shark and rolls over and over around on the ground. Sallie jumps in to, playfully snapping at Julian's heel. The play and tumble and grapple till Sallie barks. Julian remembers the importance of the meeting with Bella here, and tries to calm the animals now that he has wound them up.
Sit, listen, learn. That was one of the things Bella taught him. Not everything will come to you naturally, and even those things that do need careful alignment and tuning. Practice and care, patience and 'ware. Sometimes things still don't manifest as you expect. Let Nature guide you, and the Sun and the Moon, and you will never stray from what is right.

Thursday August 10th, 2006 6:29:32 PM

Selithe listens to Bella and smiles as she ponders everything and shrugs, "I figure you will explain most of the details and what the others will most likely ask anything else."

Selithe continues to listen and smiles at how the new person to the group acts, he seems playful enough and she bets he is going to be useful in a fight too.

Dwight  d20+3=20
Thursday August 10th, 2006 10:27:41 PM

Slightly off guard with Bella's openness to answering questions, but seeing everyone look to him, he delves into the concepts he brought up earlier.

diplomacy: 20

"Bella, we would like to know exactly what item we are getting for you and what protects it. How far is it from here?"

"You have mentioned this will help a good number of people, who?"

"You have also mentioned, some do not want these people helped, who?"

"This <new herb>, will it be used in conjunction with the one we just got, placed in the tub?" If yes, "Do we need to accomplish this within a specified time for the potion or spell to work?"

Dwight then looks around to see if anyone else has a question to ask. After they ask anything Dwight may have missed, Dwight makes one last inquiry. "At one point, you seemed genuinely afraid of someone. While helping you help others is something we want to do, what/who scared you so? Do you have any recommendations should they discover we are helping you?"

Dwight looks at the tub, and wonders if Bella ever found the dagger he left last time he was in the house.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Friday August 11th, 2006 12:00:59 AM

Once finished with the Temple, Podo makes his way back to his friends and then to Bella's house.

Wearing a white robe and donning his holy symbol around his neck, Podo looks quiet a bit different than when he left the group shortly after the White Bear event.

Kendry  d20+10=19
Friday August 11th, 2006 2:57:11 AM


Kendry comforts Airin as she feels the emotional aftershock of coming so close to death. He softly speaks, and listens.


[Aid another, Diplomacy: 19, to give Dwight a +2 on his diplomatic efforts]

Kendry lends his body language and occasional words of agreement or support to what Dwight is asking of Bella. It is good that Bella has opened the door to their queries. It is good that Dwight asks worthwhile questions - and Tobias, as well.

He notes Podo's new attire, but does not remark at this moment on it, as he does not wish to distract from the questioning of the herbalist.

More Answers! (DM Cayzle) 
Friday August 11th, 2006 9:00:48 AM

At the sight of Podo in his new robes, Bella's face breaks into a huge smile! "You have chosen to follow the Healer! I am so glad! And so happy for you! Why didn't you let on earlier that you were a follower of Alemi?"

Airin wonders about how to get there. Bella says, "Don't worry, Julian here will know the way, once I remind him of where to go."

Tobias wonders what the potion is intended to cure. Bella says that in a nearby hospital, a friend of hers is caring for a number of unfortunate people who seem to have somehow fallen asleep and who cannot be awakened. "I hope that my potion will wake them up!"

Julian gets restless at all the talk.

Selithe is content to let others ask the important questions.

Dwight wonders at Bella's new openness to questions. But he uses this chance to get to the heart of things, with Kendry interjecting a word or two here and there to encourage Bella to open up. She does so, in spades ...

What is the group getting next, and what protects it? Bella tells the group about a minor necromancer of whom she knows who lives in a cave about a week's walk into the Red Hills towards Izen. He has created a homunculus to serve him. She tells you all about humunculi [OOC: feel free to check out this link]. Your job is to steal away the humonculus and bring it back alive to her. Do not kill the necromancer, because that will kill the homunclus. She needs its poison for her brew.

Who will the brew help? She already said.

Who opposes helping these people? Bella says that she has many enemies, and she is very wary. One she has already mentioned. She also suspects Parnoth's agents, and she has run afoul, so to speak, of servants of the Lord of Filth. They oppose everything she does, not just this particular project, and she is amazed she has lasted this long.

What should the group do if they encounter her enemies? "Whatever you do," she says, "Do not lead them back here to me! Don't let on that we work together, or they will make things even harder for you! Try to escape and come back covertly. Let us ask for Alemi's blessing that such a scary scenario never befalls you!"

How much time does the group have? She can keep her brew bubbling for so long as necessary ... weeks even. But she cannot start a new brew until this one is done, so please hurry.

"More questions?" she asks, chuckling.

Friday August 11th, 2006 9:17:55 AM

"So we need them to stay alive... For that I suggest taking some sleeping spells or potions with us. Any chance we have sleeping arrows or bolts? As Bella says, we're not in a hurry so if neither of us has decent things to either lull them to sleep, goo them with tanglefoot bags or any other fine plan to stun them we may want to buy something first.

Or maybe you can help us Lady Bella? Any herbs that can put them to sleep or paralyse them?"

Airin's eyes grow big once she hears the full meaning of Podo's transformations. Having witnessed the power Zardock displayed, she now watches Podo in awe. He'll surely be useful for all!

Friday August 11th, 2006 10:40:15 AM

Tobias listens intently to Bella's answers satisfied for the time being with getting some more information. Although he is a little worried, taking enemies alive is not one of his strong suits... but we'll see how this works out.

He does a quick mental listing of the spells he can cast, and can't think of anything that might help. "Looking for some items to help is a good idea Airin."

Friday August 11th, 2006 1:29:47 PM

"We'll need some high quality shackles, perhaps," suggests Kendry. "Some more of the alchemical anti-toxin, to decrease the probability that one of us will be affected by the poison during its capture. A good net or two."

"Congratulations, cuz. Alemi is worthy of our service, indeed," he says to Podo.

Dwight  d20+3=23
Friday August 11th, 2006 6:12:25 PM

Amazed, he got actual direct answers with names and facts, Dwight tries to gather more information.

Diplomacy: 23 (Sweet!, Nat. 20)

Listening intently when the homunculus is described, Dwight inquires if the mage needs to be brought as well, perhaps unconscious. (Can a construct become unconscious?) He then inquires about the cave, and looks to Julian for expressions of recollection. "Do you know the cave, does it have tunnels or is it just one entrance that dead ends? Is there a particular tactic this mage uses?"

Letting the knew stuff sink in, Dwight steers the topic back to the most recent mission. Feeling Bella is open to it, Dwight speaks diretly, "Bella, was the bear present because of your summoning? While you healed us, and the bear vanished, was it also healed?"

Assuming Bella answers, and the bear was created/summoned by her, Dwight continues, "What did you learn about us during this experiment?"

(This last bit is really important to Dwight. He wants to befriend Bella, for personal reasons, but to many things have happened to prevent the necessary trust. If Dwight can see her ends justify her beginnings, he might be persuaded to 'trust' her.)

Friday August 11th, 2006 7:33:39 PM

"Congratulations, Podo. I admire Healers, even if I don't understand some of it."

Julian racks his memory for a cave... something stirs. He sits completely still, thinking about it. At the description of the Homunculus he concentrates, though he is pretty sure he missed something just before that. Cave. Homunculus. Poison. Created creature... wizard? No, that's not quite right. Try again. Cave. Homunculus. Poison. They almost fit together. Maybe a good run will jog my memory.

"Dwight, a summoned bear? White? Bella, was that Hubert? How is the big old cuddly?
"He good for a tumble, isn't he, Dwight. Yeah, he is FUN to play with."

"Hmmm, bring this thing back alive... I'm not very good at that."

After this period of sitting still, talking about adventures Julian is getting very restless again. He sharpens his falchion, trying to focus and to remember. Cave. Creature. Poison. Wizard?

Podo D. Pipewood 
Friday August 11th, 2006 7:47:39 PM

"Thank you my friends, but I'm not a healer yet, I have a couple of levels to go before I can earn that title. On the other hand, I am a Shepard of Alemi."

"As far as bringing it back, perhaps I'd be able to stun it long enough for the rest to shackle it?" inquires Podo.

Friday August 11th, 2006 8:18:03 PM

Selithe thinks of what has been said and shakes her head some as she speaks up, "Well I will be of little help in the not killing department. I gave up most of those spells when I became a conjurer."

Selithe listens and thinks over everything, pondering how she may help the most in the upcoming quest.

Friday August 11th, 2006 8:59:09 PM

Tobias's ears perk up at Julian's mention of a white bear. He walks over th Julian and start questioning him, "What kind of bear was it? What did it look like? Was it an other-worldly creature? And, if it was Hubert, then no he was no fun at all."

Friday August 11th, 2006 11:30:41 PM

"I suppose it depends on your idea of fun. I like any combat training, don't you?
"He is a big, big white bear, pure white, white all over. Bella had me fight against to practice casting in combat, and to see what spells were effective in what way. She put some funny crystals in his eyes, so it was just sparring. He's one tough bear, can go all day without healing."

Chatty Bella (DM Cayzle) 
Saturday August 12th, 2006 8:23:46 AM

Bella tells the party more about capturing a honumculus. "Remember, it is not a living thing. It has no mind. You cannot enchant it or put it to sleep. If you damage it, it is hard to repair. It is immune to nonlethal damage. Your best bet is probably to grapple and pin it, then tie it up."

"Remember that the necromancer can see through the homunculus's eyes with about a half mile range. And, being a necromancer, he will surely have some undead servants. If you kill the necromancer, the homunculus dies, so don't kill the necromancer!"

"You guys are pretty sturdy, so maybe you can just defeat the necromancer rather than steal from him. I was surprised at how well you did against Hubert."

"Though he was pulling some punches I suspect."

"Um, yeah, Hubert is a friend of mine. I wanted to make sure you were loyal and good people. I hope you don't mind. I'm sorry to be so suspicious, but when you have enemies like mine, you just can't be too careful!"

"Oh, the homunculus is immune to stunning too! Can't be held by a magic 'Hold Monster' spell either."

"Since it can fly and bite, rather than shackles, you might want to get a strongbox to put it in. No air-holes needed, since it does not breathe."

"The necromancer may have a back door, I don't know. I have not been in the cave. You do not need to defeat him, though since he is a known villain, there's no reason not to if you can. On the other hand, don't throw your lives away, my foolhardies! Expect a mage's lair to be guarded appropriately! Be careful!"

"Anything else? If not, good luck!"

Saturday August 12th, 2006 3:44:21 PM

Tobias is stunned by Bella's cavalier attitude about using her pet to attack and nearly kill the group. And, it's just further proof that she cannot be trusted.

And, his response to Julian is less than diplomatic, "It's not fun when he nearly kills two of your friends and family. And, trust me, that bear can be killed."

Tobias then steps away, a bit back from the group, trying not to distract the ongoing chat between Bella and Dwight and the others.

Sunday August 13th, 2006 5:36:51 AM

"This necromancer, is he human, Halfling, undead himself, is he female? What do you know about him directly?"
When all is said and done, actually when Julian feels he can no longer sit:
Julian jumps up, spear in hand, then mounts Sallie. The two of them circle madly on the spot for the moment. Sallie can feel the energy pulsing through Julian and she is reacting to it. Julian then has to fight to bring Sallie back under control. His faces reddens from the effort, and his eyes are wide darting about rapidly.
"Let's get going then! Bella, I think I remember the way. I will pop in again before we go to confirm it with you." Julian has to crane his neck left and right to speak to Bella as Sallie still circles round and round, ready to charge. Shark is bounding around after Julian and Sallie, its eyes wild. He growls and bares his teeth, his claws are tearing up chunks of lawn.
"Let's rekill some undead!" Julian charges off on Sallie, back into Angel Springs, with Shark close behind. He can be heard to say to himself, still yelling, "Might make something new, just for fighting skeletons. The falchion and spear were nearly useless ... time. Wonder if there is a ... here who can craft a ... for me, or ... me ..." Bella could check his progress through town from his voice alone. "... WOOOHOOO!..."

OOC I'm not sure about using the catacombs... is that the way to go with buying Everything, it would seem so, I have seen people buying mundane items along with magical, but no one buying just mundane. I keep thinking of mundane stuff I should probably get.

Sunday August 13th, 2006 4:26:28 PM

Selithe looks to Bella and then the others and holds back a sigh as she feels this is not going to be as easy as it may sound. For some reason she just feels this way but shrugs as she will not back down from helping a friend.

Selithe looks to the others, "I guess I'm ready then."

(Cayzle:Just wondering. Awhile back Selithe used a identify spell on that necklace of hers. I was just wondering on any word on it?)

Monday August 14th, 2006 12:47:00 AM

"A strongbox, you say? Good idea," Kendry reponds to Bella's suggestion, glad that she explained so much about the nature of the construct.

Podo D. Pipewood 
Monday August 14th, 2006 1:54:57 AM

"Well, that sounds easy enough! I say we shoudl gather our remaining resources, head straight to the Catacombs chapter, and stock up on supplies...then head out to capture the little lump of tellyvision construct. What ya' say, gang? Are ya' with me? Let's do it!!!!" exclaims Podo with a renewed enthusiasm!

Monday August 14th, 2006 8:29:45 AM

Airin's pleased Bella told the group so much about this Homunculus thingie but all she knows now Airin's a bit worried.

"So we can't put it to sleep...
we can't use a hold monster spell...
the necromancer can see through the Homunculus's eyes...
That little one is immune to stunning...
and... we can't just kill the lot...

excellent! This is a perfect briefing"
Airin says with a wicked smile on her pretty face.

"We may need to find ways to sneak into the cave without getting noticed friends. I carry a few elexirs that will boost such sneaking powers but I don't carry enough for everyone."

Assuming the group will first see what they need before going on this adventure Airin checks her gear and gold left and will chip in where needed.

Monday August 14th, 2006 10:27:24 AM

Tobias agrees with Airin, "We'll need to be able to sneak in." And, he thinks he's good for that without any additional potions, but the group should definitely stock up.

Final Answers (DM Cayzle)  d20+4=24
Monday August 14th, 2006 10:28:20 AM

[OOC: Trying to post earlier in the day. Sorry I did not wait for Dwight.]

Bella senses Tobias's attitude (rolled a nat 20 on the sense motive check). She says, "Oh pish, do not be such a grumpus! The worst you could do to Hubert would be to send him back temporarily to his celestial home. And he was using nonlethal damage, so no one was ever in any danger. At all."

Bella tells Julian that the necromancer is a human male. She has not directly mentioned him to Julian before, but she reminds him of the sandy waste devoid of life that they skirted once to the southeast.

Podo, Kendry, and Selithe gather themselves for this battle. (Sent e-mail to Justin on the item.)

Airin suggests a way to boost the group's sneakiness. "Watch out for skeletons hidden just under the surface of the sand!" warns Bella.

Ask final questions, make final purchases, and then decide on a marching order for travel through the wilds of the Red Hills and Izen.

(BTW, Julian can certainly buy mundane-only items in the Catacombs.)

Tobias  d20+17=20 d20+14=32 d20+6=26 d20+5=18 d20+10=14
Monday August 14th, 2006 7:09:31 PM

Tobias will wait while the others go about their shopping and preparation. All the things he needs are either strapped to his body or on his pony. But, heeding Julian's warning, he does loosen the mace usually kept tightly packed in his saddlebags, just in case there are many skeletons about...

When all are ready to leave, Tobias will volunteer to scout ahead of the party trying to keep them from being ambushed and keeping an eye out for interesting tracks.

Hide - 20
Move Silently - 32
Listen - 26 (nat 20)
Spot - 18
Survival - 14

** He gets a +2 to listen, spot, and survival vs orcs and magical beasts.

Monday August 14th, 2006 10:04:35 PM

Selithe is happy to be going out again, she likes traveling and seeing the wold but hopes that nothing bad happens while their out doing this.

Selithe moves over towards Julian and speaks to him while Selithe for the moment just leads Gra, her riding dog, "I'm glad you have joined us. You seem pretty knowledgeable and I think will be a great help. You know anything of card games?" Selithe grins since she loves gambling, even a friendly game and is more then willing to help Julian learn how to play also if he so desires.

Julian  d20+1=19
Monday August 14th, 2006 11:25:57 PM

Julian has worked off some steam with some training: charging around town on Sallie, running and racing the badger, lifting, throwing. He even finds a hapless tree to take his spaer point. He stabs, leaps back, leaps in, stab-stab, back, feint, in stab-stab-stab-stab, duck, roll, up stab-stab.
Walking back now, badger in arms, dog circling about yapping, Julian seeks out the other halflings. He meets Selithe first,
"I don't know about knowledgeable, I don't know my numbers from letters. But I did learn some card games in my cadetship. What's your game?"

Sense Motive = 19
Julian would be very happy to play cards with Selithe. What a great way to make friends and earn money at the same time, though he is a little wary of her motives. She wouldn't shark a friend, would she? Might ask Kendry or Dwight about that one?

Thinking about pesky skeletons Julian also finds time in the Catacombs to buy a dire flail.

Podo D. Danderfluff 
Tuesday August 15th, 2006 1:37:24 AM

Podo, explaining he needs to run off to do some shopping, leaves the groups so he can return quickly.

First, Podo heads back to the Temple to gave a list of the supplies he might need on his journey from the staff. With list in hand, he heads off to the Catacombs chapterhouse to shop for as many of the items from the list he would need.


Once his shopping is done, he heads back to the group with the items safely stored either in his haversack or in pouches/bags about his person.

ADM Kim: Posting August 7-13, 2006 
Tuesday August 15th, 2006 2:32:21 AM

DM Cayzle: MTWTF 5
Dwight: M-WTF 4
Airin: -T-TF 3
Podo: MTWTF 5
Selithe: MTWTF 5
Kendry: MTWTF 5
Tobias: MTWTF 5
Julian: MTWTF 5

As the party is joined by Julian, yet another cousin, they discuss with Bella her next assignment.

Airin's missed post on Monday & Wednesday was Kim's fault, then Inge returned to play starting Thursday. Welcome back from vacation!

Tuesday August 15th, 2006 2:35:51 AM

"Box for construct. Skeletons under the sand. Necromancer, undead, Red Hills," Kendry says. "I predict this will be one for the record books."

Tuesday August 15th, 2006 4:54:58 AM

"Kendry, I would like to pitch in for the strong box, but I haven't won any money from Selithe yet."

Tuesday August 15th, 2006 7:05:10 AM

"I'll go buy some potions or scrolls that will help us go in sneaky. "

Airin runs of to the CC for a few quick last purchases (hiding, move silently and invisible scrolls or potions will be bought in the CC starting tomorrow but Cayzle you hereby know what Airin will buy)

Once all is settled Airin prepares to move out. Do we go by pony or on foot?

Airin will take the front for her keen eyes and ears to scout ahead. Fioni will male wide circles high above the group to warn them in case of danger up ahead.

Hobgoblins Ahoy

A Chance Meeting in the Red Hills (DM Cayzle) 
Tuesday August 15th, 2006 9:06:02 AM

[OOC: Very good posting, my friends! I am continuing my efforts to post early in the day rather than late. Comments? Preferences?]

The party stocks up on blunt weapons and sneaky magic, then sets out.

Julian describes the way to go, and it is clear that the best and fastest way to travel at first is on the trade road back towards New Elenna. The group leaves the road near Frozen Chapel and stikes off east by southeast.

Tobias takes the lead, scouting ahead and to the right. (How far ahead? I'll assume 120 feet unless you say otherwise.)

Airin (with Fioni) also ranges ahead, and to the left (I'll assume 60 feet unless you specify.)

Selithe, Julian, Podo, Kendry, and Dwight all travel in a tight group. [OOC: no marching order preference given.]

You are roaming through the Red Hills. Who is mounted?

It is early in the day, and Tobias hears the sounds of campers. He thinks that a group of people has set up a fire about 100 feet ahead of him and behind that stand of trees. The language spoken is harsh and gutteral. No one seems to have noticed him.

Fioni comes to Airin and alerts her that something is ahead (how do you communicate with the bird, Airin?)

Tobias  d20+17=24 d20+14=17 d20+6=24 d20+5=9 d20+12=32
Tuesday August 15th, 2006 12:49:11 PM

120 ft ahead is good.

Tobias signals back to Airin and the party that something is ahead and he's going to have a quick look. He quietly sneaks in for a closer look.

Can he make out what's making the gutteral noises? Or, perhaps figure it out from their tracks?

He'll report back to the group once he has a little more info.

Hide: 24
Move silently: 17
Listen: 24
Spot: 9
Survival: 32 (nat 20)

Tuesday August 15th, 2006 9:32:43 PM

Selithe is riding her riding dog after she walks a small distance, prefering to rid now after she spends some time talking and getting to know Julian more. Before she does start riding she speaks once more to Julian, "When we get make it back with the thing for Bella we'll have to get a drink and see about that card game I offered."

Selithe will also offer to help Kendry with the strong box if he doesn't need to much. Selithe has a few coins left.

Dwight  d20+1=10
Tuesday August 15th, 2006 9:50:32 PM

(OOC: Sorry I missed the post yesterday, sat down to do it, and got roped into playing paper airplane....As you probably have noticed I post late EST. I don't really have a preference when the DM posts, but it helps if its roughly the same time, so that I don't end up with 2 posts and then no posts. It's been great so far....:)

Still with Bella, Dwight can't think of any more questions and feels as if he accomplished something finally getting some answers from her. "Thank you Bella," he says as he departs to finish gathering supplies, "perhaps when we return we can discuss some more herb like topics and various tropical ointments."

After the catacombs visit, Dwight takes his regular spot covering the rear of the group on foot. Ranging from 20-40 feet behind the group, Dwight scouts for anyone following the group.


Prior to leaving, Dwight mentions some of the items he purchased, "This trip to the catacombs was much more pleasant than the last, no halfling brains being cooked mentioned. Anyone, I got some shackles, and several potions of hide from undead. I also replaced my rope, and bought a few special arrows. They were very expensive, so I hope they will work against the necromancer."

Tuesday August 15th, 2006 10:02:10 PM

Julian enjoys talking with Selithe, and promises to play a few wagers with her.
OOC I have an idea for a dice game we can play online to simulate playing cards, email me: joeysmaths@yahoo.com.au
more to come based on Tobias' signal.

Julian  d20+3=10 d20+3=17
Tuesday August 15th, 2006 11:30:18 PM

Julian has been mounted on Sallie for much of the journey. He would happily take the lead for this journey, though he is wary that it may not be his place to do so within the group. If anyone objects, or directs him to a specific place he galdly obliges, this will make him feel more part of the group.
Seeing the signal come in from Tobias he looks around for anything else unusual.
Spot 10 (Ignore sencond roll, double click)

He dismounts with an air of heaviness, takes off his pack and straps it to the saddle. He checks the mounting of his falchion and belt pouches and holds his spear level to the ground.
Grimly he says, "I think we have some fun ahead of us. When we know more about what is going on we should split up to attack and flank, or stay very quiet and slip away. I can always act to make sure you all have a safe getaway."
Julian puts his hands into his smallest pouch and digs a little something out with his fingers. He spits into his palm, rubs his hands together and wipes both hands down over his eyes and face. Looking up he now has the look of a badger: his forehead, cheeks and the tip of his nose are blackened, and the white sideburns and white nose suggest the stripes of a badger's face.
He wipes his hands down in clothes in a very slow and deliberate manner, right down to the ground. The black streaks from his dirty hands grow and spread and sprout short black fur. With the feral look in his eyes he looks like a very large badger, standing, ready to attack. He crouches, takes Shark under his left arm and scratches its head affectionately, like to badgers huddling together in the cold.
He waits.
Cast Prestidigitations to change that appearance of his clothes. Lasts 1 hour.

Rober OOC 
Tuesday August 15th, 2006 11:34:24 PM

Cayzle, What are we doing about items from the catacombs? Many of us are still waiting service. And I think I will get that Great Sledgehammer instead, if you don't mind... I like 2H weapons.

Kendry  d20+3=14
Wednesday August 16th, 2006 12:39:45 AM

[PC Blue screened last night]

Kendry rides Cheann, and leads his two ponies as the group travels through the Red Hills. He stations himself behind the middle of the group.

On seeing Tobias signal, Kendry strings his bow and nocks an arrow, awaiting further information from the ranger.

Cayzle on CC Purchases (OOC) 
Wednesday August 16th, 2006 8:38:13 AM

Let's assume that all packages were delivered back in town. If you have not actually completed your transaction, then don't use any purchase for this encounter. Probably better to save it for the necromancer anyway! Muahaha!

Wednesday August 16th, 2006 8:48:19 AM

Holding a little while longer for Kendry, Airin, and Podo.

Airin [ 42/42 HP / AC17 / Woodland Stride / Speak with Animals] and Fioni [ 8/8 HP / AC17 ]  d20+8=23 d20+12=28 d20+19=36 d20+12=14 d20+8=22
Wednesday August 16th, 2006 9:00:21 AM

Airin's in good position to scout ahead of the group. Suddenly Fioni comes down in a hurry, shaking her head up and down frantically trying to warn the halfling lass for trouble.

Through the undergrowth up ahead Tobias signals to her at the same moment.
Clearly something's up!

Airin casts a spell so she can talk to Fioni to find out what's wrong..."spreek met de dieren en antwoorden zullen volgen"

In a whispering voice Airin talks to Fioni:
"What's wrong little one? Tell me what you saw! Hurry!"

Airin listens to Fioni and raises a hand to her friends behind warning them to stay quiet.

Depending on what Fioni tells Airin the halfling will send Fioni back up to the sky to scout. She herself moves further carefully... crossbow locked and loaded... sneaking through the undergrowth into the direction Tobias pointed out... flanking... (she closes at reduced speed to avoid penalties on hide and move silent)

Listening... hiding... moving quiet and hoping to spot all danger...

knisper knasper

say the little twigs betneath her feet. Airin is surprised as she thought she would be more quiet than this by now! But as she's still too far away she hopes the "noise" got lost in the sounds of the forest...

Spot: 23 (spot Tobias's signal
Listen: 28
Hide: 36
Move Silent: 14
Spot: 22

Active spells and durations:

Speak with Animals: 20 rounds (start 16/08/06)

Spell list:

Read Magic

Speak with Animals
Speak with Animals - USED

Podo  d20+8=9 d20+9=25 d20+2=3 d20+14=24 d20+1=2 d20+6=20 d20+5=19 d20+13=19 d20+1=3 d20+3=16 d20+9=25
Wednesday August 16th, 2006 9:33:47 AM

Realizing that danger might be looming closer than anyone things, Podo tries to use his skills to avoid the "living Trap."

Looking and watching Tobias signal back to Airin and the party that something is ahead, Podo tries to imitate Tobias (After all, its the best form of flattery!). Podo will sneak to have a quick look and tries to do so quietly.

His ability to balance & Concentrate are poor, so he gives up and attempts to use his other skills to gather information.

What are those gutteral noises? What are their tracks? What can be said of this geography? The land?

Podo will report back to the group once he has a little more info.

Effects & Checks
Balance:9 (Nat 1)
Concentration:3 (Nat 1)
Know(history):1 (Nat 1)
Move silently:19
Sense motive:16

Spell List:
Cure Light Wounds

Read Magic

1st Level
Cure Light Wounds
Summon Monster I

Goblin-kin! (DM Cayzle)  d20+7=10 d20+7=16 d20+2=15 d20+2=7 [listen and spot checks for the folk in the camp.]
Wednesday August 16th, 2006 12:18:57 PM

Airin talks to her feathered companion, and finds out that there are a band of two-leggers and wolves camped nearby.

She and Tobias creep up until they are both about 50 feet from the camp. (At 50 feet away, that gives a +5 boost to sneaking. Thus the DC to hear Airin is a 19, and to see Tobias, 29.

The people in the camp turn out to be goblinoids of some kind ... hobgoblins or bugbears maybe. There are a couple dire wolvbes with them as well. Airin and Tobias are 50 feet from the camp; Podo is about 40 feet behind them.

Tobias creeps back, whispers to Podo, and then returns to the group to share the news. It looks like the humanoids are settling down for a rest.

The others prep for a possible confrontation.

At this point, there are choices to be made. The goblin-kin do not know you are there. How will you use this advantage?

Airin [ 42/42 HP / AC17 / Woodland Stride / Speak with Animals] and Fioni [ 8/8 HP / AC17 ]  d20+12=14 d20+19=33 d20+8=16 d20+12=16
Wednesday August 16th, 2006 12:35:41 PM

Airin descides she has to continue her flanking movement. She points to Tobias and makes a curved sign with her hand hoping he'll understand she will circle around while the others prepare themselves. As the humanoids are preparing for a rest it is likely they will go to sleep soon. However Airin and her halfling friends do not benefit from dark vision so waiting untill they sleep probably ain't the best idea. Possibly the one she loves will talk first and shoot later and that is precicely why Airin wants to go around and flank them. With Goblins you never know ...

Airin remains at around 50ft from the camp while she continues her flanking movement left from the Goblin camp.
As she goes she draws a Mage Amor potion from her pouches.

She's unwilling to use her prescious spells this soon on their adventure, but she has bolts to spare...

Move Silently: 14+5 = 19
Hide: 33
Spot: 16-5 = 11
Listen: 16-5 = 11

Active spells and durations:

Speak with Animals: 19 rounds (start 16/08/06)

Spell list:

Read Magic

Speak with Animals
Speak with Animals - USED

Wednesday August 16th, 2006 4:19:03 PM

Does Tobias have an idea of numbers of goblinoids?

He works his way back to the party. And, spits out the word "Hobgoblins. Damn it, I hate goblinoids. Seems to be a pretty big group of them about to make camp up ahead. We could give them a wide berth and go around, or go see what a group of no good goblins is doing in this neck of the woods."

He pauses and waits to see what the others think. But, Tobias will eagerly jump on board with anyone willing to go take them on.

Wednesday August 16th, 2006 4:57:13 PM

Julian is obviously ready for action, with his fighting companion huddled close and his matching combat appearance. However, he defers to the rest of the group, not wanting to push his way in. Rather he would like to ease his way, and earn a place.
"Tobias, where's Airin?"
"If we choose to skirt this group, can she get back safely?"

OOC, is it approaching nightfall, how much light left? 1hr? 2?

DM Sanity Info
Spells per Day
6 cantrips, 5 1st level
Spells used
Prestidigitation (changing clothing, 1 hr Tuesday)

Wednesday August 16th, 2006 7:42:41 PM

Tobias responds to Airin, "She circled around to the back of the camp... probably getting in position for some sneak attacks. And, I can track her down... she might be sneaky, but she's not that great at covering her tracks."

Dwight  d20+1=6 d20+7=14 d20+9=23 d20+7=25
Wednesday August 16th, 2006 8:33:12 PM

Seeing the group dismount and fan out, Dwight takes a quick look behind the group. (spot 6) Dwight saw which direction Airin headed, but cannot currently see her. Not seeing anyone sneaking up on them, Dwight moves and watches the various signals from the group members some circle around, and others relay more information.

Waiting for more information, Dwight takes cover. His bow is ready to be used, should it be needed, but he hopes for more details before someone makes the initial attack (or discussion).

Hide: 14
move silently: 23
listen: 25

(I figure Dwight is still pretty far back, but plans to go straight since the flanks have already been taken care of once the group has decided upon an action.)

Wednesday August 16th, 2006 9:50:04 PM

Selithe listens to the knews given about the hobgoblins and grins as she pulls out her bow and nods, "I can try for alittle sneak attacking on them also if you like. Damage them before they get to close and anyone goes into melee, this would be the best idea anyway."

Selithe will let her comment be considered, wanting this to be planned out some before they jump the enemy.

(Cayzle:Selithe will be taking a 3rd level of rogue and aiming towards the Stinger first and then Arcane Trickster. So my 5th level sheet should be in by Mon the latest.)

Podo D. Pipewood  d20+13=33 d20+14=32
Thursday August 17th, 2006 12:40:27 AM

Podo decides to move silently & hide in hopes that he can play a major role later.

Effects & Checks
Move silently: 33 (Nat 20)
Hide: 32

Thursday August 17th, 2006 1:24:36 AM

Kendry softly sings a message spell, so that all may communicate with the others in quiet whispers.

"I trust you, friends - Tobias, give the word, and we will act."

Encircling the Goblinoid Camp (DM Cayzle)  d20+7=12 d20+7=19 d20+7=19 d20+7=27 d20+2=18 d20+2=3 d20+2=4 d20+2=8 d20+2=6 d20+2=13 d20+2=7 (spot and listen checks, one nat 20) d2=1
Thursday August 17th, 2006 6:41:01 AM

Airin moves forward and around. None of the rest of the party can actually see her now (thus Kendry cannot Message her since he does not have line of sight ... and she is out of range).

Airin, Please Highlight to display spoiler: {You see that there are 10 hobgoblin warriors, a leader of some kind (better armor), and two dire wolves. Three hobs and the wolves are on watch. Three more hobs are asleep. The rest (including the leader) are awake and seem to be involved in some kind of game ... maybe dice? Airin steps on a twig, and one wolf jumps up, barking. The hobgoblins look around and do not see or hear Airin. The barking wolf does not see her either. Please respond in spoiler tags.}

Podo, watching from behind a tree, sees and hears one wolf jump up barking. Maybe it heard Airin? The hobgoblins look around but see nothing.

Tobias reports back to the others. He thinks there are maybe a dozen?

Kendry casts his Message (one person per level (IIRC) equals who, exactly?) He cannot cast it on Airin.

Julian is concerned about Airin. He is ready to fight if it comes to that.

Dwight takes cover, still rearguard. He is ready to fire or charge.

Selithe is ready to do some sneaky damage too. [OOC: Stinger to AT sounds like a neat combo.]

Here is a rough sketch of the area -- but do not take the existence of a sketch to be an indication that battle is imminent or even advised!

Airin [ 42/42 HP / AC17 / Woodland Stride / Speak with Animals] and Fioni [ 8/8 HP / AC17 ]  d20+12=21 d20+19=37 d20+8=10 d20+12=22
Thursday August 17th, 2006 7:55:39 AM

Airin realises this is a foe too strong for the young halflings. Besides weren't they supposed to sneak up to the necromancer, steal away the Homunculus and all that without drawing the enemy to Bella?!? Engaging this foe now could be dangerous. Not only one could get away - IF they are allied to the Necromancer that is - and warn him... then his eyes will be fixed on this area and sneaking in will become much harder...

"I need to warn my friends as soon as possible. They should not engage but instead go around this camp quietly..." Airin thinks to herself...

Airin turns around and tries to find her friends back as quickly as possibly can be.

Hopefully she will spot her friends fast before either of them descides to engage this group after all... should she spot either of them she waves her hands to make them stop.

Move Silently: 21+5 = 26
Hide: 37
Spot: 10-5 = 5
Listen: 22-5 = 17

Active spells and durations:

Speak with Animals: 18 rounds (start 16/08/06)

Spell list:

Read Magic

Speak with Animals
Speak with Animals - USED

Selithe  d20+3=12 d20+2=3 d20+6=26
Thursday August 17th, 2006 1:48:39 PM

Selithe moves with the rest of the group, trying to be as silent as possible but being careful none the less as she wants to bring as little attention as she can.

(Spot:12 Listen:3 Move Silently:26)

Julian, going in to fight. AC 18 hp 45, Shark AC 16 hp 22. 
Thursday August 17th, 2006 5:43:51 PM

OOC: surely we can hear a wolf barking at 120'. Also I may not be able to post tomorrow, so I am going to post enough action here and now. Most of it is for now, and it would have all come out in dialogue anyway. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Julian has an idea. Hearing that there are only about a dozen hobgoblins and a couple of dire wolves he says, "I can handle the hobgoblins." He creeps back to Sallie with Shark at his heels, removes a potion from his pack strapped to the saddle and drinks it. "That was a potion of Hide from Animals. I will get rid of the hobgoblins. You look after each other, make sure you are safe, and only then, provide me with some ranged cover. Look out for the wolves, they should be confused by when their masters call for help, but they can't see me. The hobgoblins on the other hand will see me."
Julian chants under his breath for some time, something about the strength of the trees and the inevitability of their growth. A shimmering forms in front of him, then it contracts and wraps itself around Julian and Shark, and Julian grows thick black fur. Still chanting he expands, out and up, and up and up. So does Shark. The other halflings are now looking at (basically) a dire badger and a... well Julian looks similar, like a 7' tall dire badger standing.
His eyes roll back in his head for a second, and he has an involnatary spasm, lightly shaking his whole body. Shark too shakes, and is now panting heavily. Julian presents a demonic grin to the others, "See you soon."
Julian will run at the hobgoblins, from the direction Tobias indicated. Guessing at which one is the leader he will charge with his longspear, ignoring all others. Shark will join the fight. The two are well practised at remaining within 5' of each other.

Potion of Hide from Animals
Cast Badger Fur (Mage Armour)
Cast Dire Badger (Enlarge Person)
Run Feat and Barbarian Fast Movement, base speed 30' x 5, though Julian will not outrun Shark (Base 30)

Active spells
Prestidigitation, change clothing, cast Tuesday

Thursday August 17th, 2006 7:17:05 PM

OOC sorry but I reread this and want to clarify:
when I said ignoring all others I meant "avoind conflict with the others." Obviously we will not run into a spear set against us. I haven't included any hit stats because I think there is more than enough here, I think I will be luck to run into range let alone attack.
And Julian and Shark are now Raging.

Thursday August 17th, 2006 7:32:37 PM

Sorry to butt in again, but my computer has crashed and I just found my hard copy CS.
Shark's AC is 20 now with Mage Armour, and I am working on the potion of Hide from Animals effecting Shark too according to the Share Spells.
and yes, ok, I do like the sound of my own voice.

Dwight (Hp 35, AC16)  d20+3=17 d20+11=31 d20+9=21
Thursday August 17th, 2006 8:14:47 PM

Waiting until the others give more information, perhaps Airin will report back, Dwight sees Julian change form off to his right.

He remains where he is thinking, Julian is just antsy (sp?) and wants to prove himself to the group. When Julian begins sprinting towards the direction of the camp, spear ready, Dwight wishes he Julian would learn patience.

Following Julian's lead, Dwight moves to offer ranged support when needed. (spot 17, move silently 31 (nat 20), hide 21)

Through the message Dwight relays the follow, "Fan out, I guess we are committed to this. No one can be allowed to escape and alert others of our presence." Dwight's whisper has a hint of worry in it.

If the wolf can be heard, as Robert suggested, Dwight adds "Wolves go down first with arrows. They run fast and we don't want the risk of them escaping. We focus on the same one if we can."

OOC: This is bad :[]

Tobias [ AC 20 - HP 38/38] 
Thursday August 17th, 2006 10:10:49 PM

Tobias cannot believe this, "Just what we needed another halfling good at getting us into trouble."

He tries to yell (softly) for Julian to stop, but if he can't make him do it, Tobias will follow after Julian. He sees that some in the party have already started to commit to this course of action. Of course, Tobias's move is 20, so he'll be falling behind (even moving as fast as he can). And, he'll motion Tewdwr to follow him.

Podo [AC: 19 | 35 HP]  d20+2=18 d20+8=24 d20+9=29 d20+14=16 d20+1=18 d20+6=10 d20+5=10 d20+13=19 d20+1=16 d20+3=6 d20+9=13 d20+11=28 d20+1=3
Thursday August 17th, 2006 11:33:48 PM

(OOC: I'd like to say that this is unfortunate that since I haven't been waited on in the catacombs yet, I am afriad someone will die today. Damn newbies always trying to prove themselves to others. Alemi bless us!)

Quickly relizing that the newest member may have somthing to prove, Podo summons the courage and moves to back Julian...
Running full speed, Podo tries to get to julian to tackle him before he attacks.

If the hobgoblins notice, Podo will perform a comedy act for their amusements.

Effects & Checks
Climb: 29 (Nat 20)
Tumble: 28
Perform: 3
Hide: 16
Know(history): 18
Know(Geography): 10
Listen: 10
Move silently: 19
Search: 16
Sense motive: 6
Spot: 13

Spell List:
Cure Light Wounds

Read Magic

1st Level
Cure Light Wounds
Summon Monster I

Thursday August 17th, 2006 11:34:08 PM

Kendry included Tobias, Dwight, Julian, and Podo. "Selithe, if we keep line of sight with one another, I can use Duncan's sign language with you," he suggests, referring to an old friend from Hovel, neighbor to Polly.

"Whoa! Hold yourself back a bit, Jude," Kendry cautions Julian as he is about to take a swig of something or other. He puts his hand twixt the vial and his cousin's lips. In quiet but urgent voice he says, "Enthusiasm is great, but tell us, first, and, while we have time to think, let's decide whether to confront or, if possible, avoid. These have done us no wrong, so far."

If Julian takes the time to explain his plan, knowing that several can hear it as he whispers, he asks, "What do you all think? My own thoughts are to skirt these hobs, and go on to our destination."

If the others are in favor of Julian's plan, though, Kendry will support them, whispering a chant to inspire courage. If they decide to skirt the encampment, then, Kendry follows Tobias' lead and suggestions.

[Looks like a simultaneous post by Podo & Kendry]

Airin second and illegal but badly needed and hoping our friendly killing DM Cayzle will allow this :-D [ 42/42 HP / AC21 / Woodland Stride / Mage Armor / Speak with Animals] and Fioni [ 8/8 HP / AC17 ] 
Friday August 18th, 2006 2:59:00 AM

(ooc: Julian is making several rounds all at once. 1) drinking the potion 2) casting first spell 3) casting second spell 4)running towards the enemy

I'm assuming Airin will hear some of this commontion. At least she has 3 extra rounds to either hear something or prepare for flanking attacks after all...)

The moment Airin realises one of her friends did not wait she descides she needs to make sure there is some protective cover...

If her frieds did not manage to stop the Foolhardy one Airin curses silently and gets ready for trouble...

She makes sure to sneak within 30ft from the foe, readies her crossbow and quaffs the Mage Armor potion and waits for the onslaught to start - YIKES

Move Silently: 21+5 = 26
Hide: 37
Spot: 10-5 = 5
Listen: 22-5 = 17

Active spells and durations:

Speak with Animals: 18 (14?) rounds (start 16/08/06)
Mage Armor: 5 hours (Cayzle I'm never sure of potion durations. Airin's lvl5 but at what level are potions taken? The level needed to create them? Is there a higher price paied for longer lasting potions... never understood this from the rules... sorry)

Spell list:

Read Magic

Speak with Animals
Speak with Animals - USED

Fight! No, Don't! (DM Cayzle) 
Friday August 18th, 2006 7:14:00 AM

Airin, with insight from her scouting, starts back to the others.

Julian suggests a plan and casts his furry spell. He is about to cast another spell and then drink a potion, but before he can do either, just about all his new friends urge him to caution!

Selithe and Dwight seem reluctant but resigned. Tobias urges Julian to stop. Kendry and Podo look ready to jump him!

Airin returns from her scouting and also tries to dissuade Julian from this fight.

So far only a single spell has been cast. Actions?

Airin [ 42/42 HP / AC17 / Woodland Stride / Speak with Animals] and Fioni [ 8/8 HP / AC17 ]  d20+1=18 d20+12=32 d20+12=25 d20+8=20 d20+12=29 d20+8=19 d20+12=29
Friday August 18th, 2006 9:22:09 AM

Airin quickly joins her friends and seeing how Julian transforms and prepares to engage the enemy she steps in his way...

"Hold on friend!" she says softly but firmly "There are near 20 hobgoblins and bugbears along with wargs and stuff... we can not engage them at this time! We are not all as strong as you are..." and while she says that Airin whinces and strokes the places where she got the bear wounds earlier.

Only Tobias knows the exact number of enemies out there. So some bluffing might be in place to convince Julian to stay put. Tobias might frown a little, but Airin hopes he will understand Airin's little lie...

(If Julian or any other wants to counter this he can try it with a Sense Motive DC18 I think.)

"Also Julian, we can't allow any of them to escape and warn the necromancer! We were told to sneak in, take the homunculus and all that without drawing too much attention to us or Bella. Please let's do our best to stick to the assignment... I don't mind a little escapade now and then, but i doubt now's the time to do it..."

Airin checks her friends faces hoping they will back her up in this... she might be wrong but only time will tell.

"Let's take a wide circle around this goblin camp following a downwind trail so the wolv... wargs won't catch out scent... Try to be as silent as possible...

Tobias you're good with tracks right? Try to find out what direction these warriors came from..."

Airin will help those who direly need some when moving quietly... and meanwhile she'll try to keep and eye on the ground for traps or tracks herself.

bluff: 18
move silent: 32 - NAT 20
help to move silently: 25
spot: 20
listen: 29
search: 19
survival (search tracks) : 29

Active spells and durations:

Speak with Animals: 16 rounds (start 16/08/06)

Spell list:

Read Magic

Speak with Animals
Speak with Animals - USED

Kendry - let's bypass this 'opportunity' 
Friday August 18th, 2006 11:34:24 AM

"Let us go around. Airin, love, would you and Tobias lead us around this camp?" Kendry licks his finger and holds it up in the air to gauge the wind and its direction. "And let's do it trying to stay well downwind."

Tobias  d20+12=27 d20+12=29
Friday August 18th, 2006 1:12:31 PM

Hoping that the others have changed Julian's mind, Tobias agrees, "20, huh? I must have missed a couple at the back of the camp. In this case going around would be the best thing. But, I really do hate not having a go at goblinoids."

Tobias follows Airin's advice and tries to figure out where the hobgoblins came from. And, then picks out a safe path around the hobgoblin camp for the group to follow.

Survival (tracks) - 27
Survival (lead party around camp) - 29

[OOC: not sure if the two actions required different survival checks.]

Dwight  d20+3=6
Friday August 18th, 2006 3:49:03 PM

Dwight is in agreement with Kendry. "Getting all 20 without any escaping doesn't sound likely. I'm all for skirting around. I'll keep an eye on the rear to make sure we haven't already arosed suspicion."

Spot: 6

Knowing the group will have to return this way, Dwight tries to remember the area. "Hopefully they will be gone when we return, and the homuculus will be quite in its tank."

Dwight follows the others in the group AWAY from the hobgoblins.

Julian (Robert) 
Friday August 18th, 2006 5:29:00 PM

Whispering through the spell, "Twenty, since when was it twenty? Are you sure?" Julian's face is red, and he counts through on his fingers, twice to double check. He seems most worried about his thumbs, and comes back to them again and again.
"This isn't so good." I like playing against the odds, and three to one is just plain fun, but the wolves worry me, errr, at least they worry me for you.
"Since you've seen them, Airin, let's retreat as fast as possible. Are we all together again? We still need to help Bell.. er, Heather.
"Maybe they will follow and we can ambush them in a better spot." There's that wicked grin again.

OOC: Yes, Julian is very keen to prove himself and he lives for combat. Having slept on it however, I think I am still playing in a tabletop manner, where there is a lot more wild interplayer banter before decisions are presented to the DM. Sorry for the anxiety I caused.

Friday August 18th, 2006 7:42:45 PM

Selithe slings her bow back up and nods, "I'm glad we plan to avoid a fight for now. We can always try later or so but for now I think this is a better choice."

Selithe smiles and grabs Gra by the reins again and whispers to Gra, "Well, let's move girl."

Podo "Bear Stunner" D. Pipewood 
Saturday August 19th, 2006 12:11:57 AM

Podo holds his position, not moving one way or other.

Saturday August 19th, 2006 3:33:54 AM

As he and the rest of the folks move off following Tobias' and Airin's lead, but Podo remains in place, Kendry whispers, "What, cuz... you think you're going to set up house here? C'mon, Pode!" He follows after Selithe, riding on the back of Cheann.

Podo (by Kim) 
Sunday August 20th, 2006 4:14:50 PM

After listening to Kendry, and looking at what the rest of the party is doing... if everyone is moving out, Podo joins them.

ADM Kim: Posting August 14-20, 2006 
Monday August 21st, 2006 1:01:53 AM

DM Cayzle: MTWTF 5
Dwight: -TWTF 4
Airin: MTWTF 5
Podo: MTWTF 5
Selithe: MTWTF 5
Kendry: MTWTF 5
Tobias: MTWTF 5
Julian: MTWTF 5
Good posting, all! The team heads into the Red Hills. They find a group of hobgoblins and dire wolves (and more?) just setting up camp. Attack? Bypass?

Skirmish (DM Cayzle) 
Monday August 21st, 2006 11:12:03 AM

Airin gives the group the info she feels will stop a rash attack ... and so it does! The party decides to fight another day, and everyone backs off.

Tobias finds that it is easy to track the hobgoblins trail back the way the group came. The party follows that trail, which Julian says is near enough to their path anyway.

It was an hour into the day's march when the hobgoblins were sighted. Julian expects to arrive at the necromancer's lair late this afternoon or tomorrow morning,

Around midday, maybe three hours after leaving the hobgoblins behind, the party comes to the site of a battle. Clearly, the hobgoblins fought something here. There are three hobgoblin bodies lying where they fell, as well as a number of bones.

There's no sign of life anywhere, but search, spot, and listen checks certainly can't hurt! Actions?

Airin [ 42/42 HP / AC17 / Woodland Stride / Speak with Animals] and Fioni [ 8/8 HP / AC17 ]  d20+12=31 d20+8=23 d20+12=25 d20+8=13 d20+12=22 d20+19=28
Monday August 21st, 2006 11:23:08 AM

Airin's happy the group has managed to get around the hobgoblins. Of course now they have Hobgoblins (20! remember) behind them and an unknown foe ahead of them... did she make the right call?!? It worries her...

As they quietly march on she moves along side Kendry and tries to find out what he's thinking hoping to find support from her love.

When there were still some turns left for her Speak with animals spell, Airin gives a light whistle to bring Fioni down and asks the noble hawk to make wide circles around them. Fioni would be ideal to see if the Hobgoblins come after them or not and of course to see any odd things ahead of them.

After some time they reach the battle scene and Airin's really suspiscious... not that her paranoia will scare anyone of course :-)

"Should we neglect all we encounter along our path? Going out into the open might prove to be too dangerous... Remember we need to try and abduct the Homunculus unnoticed... Tricky I agree. The moment we take the Homunculus we still have all these foes on our retreat route..."

Next Airin checks the perimiter for tracks and possible enemies that are still out there. She does not walk into the scene yet. She stays hidden under the protection of the trees.

move silent: 31
spot: 23
listen: 25
search: 13
survival (search tracks) : 22
Hide: 28

Active spells and durations:

Speak with Animals: EXPIRED

Spell list:

Read Magic

Speak with Animals
Speak with Animals - USED

Tobias  d20+12=26 d20+6=17 d20+5=25
Monday August 21st, 2006 1:08:34 PM

Tobias leads the group around the hobgoblin camp and back onto the trail a few hundred yards down the road.

Coming up on the site of a battle, Tobias quickly looks around for signs of who may have been the hobgoblins' enemies, and when then battle may have taken place. Plus, he keeps his eyes open of anyone still around.

Survival (tracks): 26
Listen: 17
Spot: 25 (nat 20)

DM Extra (DM Cayzle) 
Monday August 21st, 2006 2:36:50 PM

It is funny that there is no sign of the enemy that fought the hobgoblins. Just ancient bones long picked clean of flesh.

But there is one thing the keen-eyed tracker sees -- some of the tracks leading to and from the site are thin and bony -- as if made by feet bare of flesh.

Monday August 21st, 2006 3:52:25 PM

"Uh-oh... These tracks are not good. Keep an eye out for anything out of place, especially undead."

Dwight  d20+6=21 d20+3=16 d20+9=25 d20+11=12 d20+5=17 d20+2=15
Monday August 21st, 2006 7:41:48 PM

Watching the area, "Julian, how far do you think we are from Hum? Could this be close enough to his lair that he would defend the area?"

Otherwise he sticks to scanning the area. "We need to find the entrance to his cave. I've got six potions to hide some of us from the undead. This should help us get to the necro and Hum."

As the members pass around, Dwight offers a potion of hide from undead to those that want one. (He has 5 to distribute. Just post if you wish to take one.)

search: 21
spot: 16
move silently: 12 (oops, Nat. 1)

"Does anyone know how necro's create undead? Would destroying these bones and the bodies prevent them from returning to life?" Dwight looks to others unsure of the answer.

spellcraft:17/knowledge (arcana) 15
(If Dwight realizes the destruction of these bones would most likely prevent their undead return, he relays this information and suggests anyone with a mace, hammer, flail etc. to smash them.)

Julian  d20=11 d20+3=15 d20+12=32
Monday August 21st, 2006 9:29:26 PM

"Bones and bones and bones. But how many skulls? and are they humanoid skulls?" Julian dismounts from Sallie and has a look at the bones.
Search 11

"Keep going as we are, Dwight, and we should arrive at the lair late tonight or tomorrow morning. I would have thought this too far away to protect directly, but these bones suggest otherwise. Unless the hobgoblins were being chased by the skeletons..."

"Thanks, Dwight, I have my own Hide from Undead. But when it comes to smashing the bones, do we risk being discovered? Would we be better off fighting off a few more skeletons if we can get the hummer unnoticed."
Julian puts the Hide from Undead potion into his right trousers' pocket from his pack, and the Hide from Animals into his left.
"Let's leave all this, and get what we need for b'Heather."
Julian mounts Sallie again and is ready to moves ahead 30' to listen and look ahead. Shark is, as always, at Julian's heel.
Spot 15
Listen 32

Selithe  d20+2=8 d20+3=17
Monday August 21st, 2006 9:33:36 PM

Selithe frowns and glances around as she sits on Gra's back and sighs, "Can't say this is very comforting."

Selithe keeps a careful or as careful as she can watch out and listens as well as she can also as she waits to see what plans are made.

(Listen:8 Spot:17)

Kendry  d20+10=24 d20+3=7 d20+3=22 d20+3=23 d20+3=11 d20+6=8 d20+6=17 d20+6=23
Tuesday August 22nd, 2006 12:19:46 AM

Bardic Knowledge: 24; Spot: 7; Search: 22; Spot: 23 (nat 20); Search: 11; Listen: 8; Listen: 17

"I'm glad you spotted those extra people that Tobias overlooked," Kendry tells Airin as she draws near to him. "That really could have been nasty, otherwise." He is happy to have her here with him, and to travel with one whose heart loves adventure.

Once they begin examining the place of battle, the bard thinks about what the remnants of battle have to tell them [bardic knowledge 24]. "Moving skeletons. Sure, grind them to dust, if you will."

He looks about, to see what he can see (spot: 7), then decides to search the corpse of one of the hobgoblins (search: 22). Finding whatever he finds, he continues (spot: 23 (nat 20)), this time looking at the scene from a different vantage point. He searches the area under a skeletal rib cage (search: 8). Then he spends a little time letting his ears gather what they may (Listen: 8, 17, 23).

Podo (by Kim)  d20+6=8 d20+5=23 d20+1=14 d20+9=18
Tuesday August 22nd, 2006 1:24:05 AM

[Know Geography: 8; Listen: 23; Search: 14; Spot: 18.]

Podo examines the terrain, listens, and pokes about, seeing what he might find.

The Corpse that is Not a Corpse! (DM Cayzle) 
Tuesday August 22nd, 2006 12:34:07 PM

Airin, Podo, and Selithe urge caution and keep alert.

Tobias tells his friends that undead may be around.

Dwight thinks that the bare bones are too shattered to make useful skeletons. The hobgoblin corpses, though, might well serve the necromancer's foul purposes.

Julian finds remnants of maybe 5 or 6 skulls. A jawbone here, a part of an eye socket or cranium there. After looking things over, the Badger is ready to ride on.

Kendry finds that the dead hobgoblins were armed with maces. He finds 20 silvers and 3 gold on one hobgoblin, along with a few personal things ... a whetstone, a flint, a dagger.

But what's more remarkable -- one of the hobgoblins is just barely still alive!

Tuesday August 22nd, 2006 5:43:03 PM

As Kendry finds the barely living hobgoblin, Tobias wonders aloud, "Can anyone speak goblin?" And, he'll help Kendry bring the hobgoblin around, if they can...

"He might have some useful information."

Dwight  d20+3=19 d20+6=11 d20+9=14 d20+8=28 d20+11=26
Tuesday August 22nd, 2006 8:13:46 PM

Not happy with finding one alive, Dwight agrees with Tobias that some information may be gleamed from him.

"I don't, but some information would be nice. This could be much more challenging if several hours of travel exists and skeletons are walking about."

"I'll scout around while ya'll speak to him." Then softer under his breath, Dwight mentions the concern if the hobgoblin has been consciously listening for the last several minutes.

Spot: 19
Searching perimeter for other tracks, bodies, or change in wildlife: 11
Move Silently: 26
Hide: 14
Listen : 28 (nat 20)

Julian  d20+3=9 d20+12=14
Tuesday August 22nd, 2006 8:20:59 PM

Feeling flustered, he humphs, and turns the Sallie round walking back to the others.
"Look, six skeletons were killed, two and a half hobs were killed. My longspear here speaks goblin, speaks straight to the heart. Let's give him a quick death and move on."
Julian is getting more impatient, "Do we wanna go straight to the hummer, or do we wanna look under every rock and stone, turn every leaf and interpret auguries from every cloud?"
Turning Sallie once again, Julian moves forward 30' again and waits with open eyes.
Spot 9
Listen 14

Tuesday August 22nd, 2006 9:40:40 PM

Selithe looks towards Julian and speaks quickly to him, trying to calm him, "Julian, do not be so quick to shrug off possible info and people of any race. Kendry and all of us have made a goblin and even ogre friend who would normally be a enemy but they were decent. The hobgoblin may be almost dead but we should at least see if it has any info and if its wounds are too grave or it is hostile then we will kill it or leave it be."

Kendry  d20=17 d8+1=7 d20+12=22
Wednesday August 23rd, 2006 1:09:55 AM

Kendry receives one of the potions of hide from undead from Dwight. "Thank you, friend." He adds it to a pouch.

Seeing the lightly breathing hobgoblin, Kendry gets his healer's kit from a saddlebag. He checks the warrior's wounds, and bandages him where it's needed. [Heal check: 17+5=22.] He takes a linen cloth, dampens it with water, and drapes it over the hobgoblin's forehead and eyes, to help cool any fever. With one hand he lifts the fellow's head, and dribbles a few drops of water into his mouth to help revive him.

In the goblin tongue, he says, {only if you understand goblin Highlight to display spoiler: {I am Kang'd'ri. Your companions we passed miles back. They are well, but thought you dead.} If the water seems to help, the halfling gives him a little more. Highlight to display spoiler: {What is your name? What happened? Who sent these skeletons?} If needed, he will use his wand of cure light wounds to help the hobgoblin - but wants to see what response his initial ministrations evoke. [CLW: 7 - held in reserve] [Diplomacy: 22 - included a +2 circumstance bonus]

For those who do not speak goblin, they hear Kendry say, 'Kang'd'rri t'gorr aA. Yildbrri ta g'grit'ao tahken tahken. Lifkurot m'nikh, toa smyert m'nikh buk'hasnet. Nalrib taA t'gorr? Myenporr sluchain ptah? GoO'krik - wu^ rrarrskon sknikh?'

Podo (by Kim)  d20+9=28
Wednesday August 23rd, 2006 1:51:56 AM

Podo interposes himself between Julian and the hobgoblin. "Self control is hard to learn. Just ask me," he says with a bit of a scowl, which goes to a wink, and is replaced with a smile. "Frustrating, right?"

[Spot: 28]

Airin [ 42/42 HP / AC17 / Woodland Stride / Speak with Animals] and Fioni [ 8/8 HP / AC17 ]  d20+8=13 d20+12=14 d20+19=38
Wednesday August 23rd, 2006 2:44:45 AM

Airin too accepts one of Dwights Hide from undead potions. "I'll give you one a bit later as i just happend to buy some in the Cats myself."

She hangs the vial to her belt for easy administration whenever most needed.

"skeletons... yuk..." the halfling lass frowns and looks at her sword at bolts. "These would not be ideally suited to be used against such foul creatures." She rummages through her backpack and digs up a sap "This would be better I think... or...Why not pour this on the remains and torch the place?" as she holds an oil flask in her hand.

Hidden in the surrounding bushes Airin observes her friends as they search the site though she is distracted by the odd words spoken by Kendry. Little does she notice or hear while tucked away in the foliage.

spot: 13
listen: 14
Hide: 38

Active spells and durations:

Spell list:

Read Magic

Speak with Animals
Speak with Animals - USED

Rarriat (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday August 23rd, 2006 10:52:47 AM

Tobias and Kendry attend to the barely alive goblin. The fallen warrior has clearly "stabilized in the negatives," as the healers say in their esoteric jargon. It will take days of rest or magical curing to bring her around.

Yes, the hobgoblin is a female.

Dwight understands that with the challenges ahead, information from the hobgoblin might be invaluable. He keeps alert and scouts the perimeter, but nothing stirs in the badlands under the noonday sun.

Impatient and restless, Julian thinks that a merciful death is the best answer. Selithe cautions her mounted comrade, telling the story of goblins the group met who were not all that bad. Podo sympathises with Julian but makes sure that no rash actions are taken.

Airin thinks about how to fight skeletons. She knows a blunt weapon is better, but the sap may not have enough heft (note that undead are immune to nonlethal damage that the sap deals, if I recall correctly). She volunteers to burn the remains, thus keeping them from rising again. Only one of the bodies has been searched.

[OOC: To move the plot along, I'll assume that Kendry uses a CLW on the hobgoblin.]

The goblin wakes up, still gravely wounded. She looks around and sees that she is prone and that she has no hope to escape. "Mercy! Mercy!" she says in goblin. "Please, good people, do not hurt me!"

[OOC: No need for spoiler tags. I'll assume that Kendry translates as needed.]

Kendry asks her name and about the skeletons and recent events. She says, "I am Rarriat. My tribe were attacked by the witch doctor. He sent undead to fight us. We ran away. He sent more undead after us. We fought and ran away. Now I am all alone. My poor babies!" Tears roll down her cheeks.

Wednesday August 23rd, 2006 3:49:55 PM

Seeing that the hobgoblin female doesn't appear to be a threat at the moment. He allows Kendry to deal Rarriat. But, he reminds Kendry to get some information on where the witch doctor was and how the hobgoblins were discovered.

Wednesday August 23rd, 2006 4:57:22 PM

Julian looks back at all the noise being created behind him. Gads! Now we have a live one. 'Spose they will bring it along.
He leans towards Podo, "A mercy killing is honourable, but healing it first..." Julian pauses for a long time. "I still think a mercy killing is appropriate, when all the talking is over."
Instead of travelling further on towards their destination, instead of watching ahead for trouble, instead of stealing away with the humuniculus, Julian dismounts, "Stay. Sallie, gaurd." He walks over to the group,
"I will bring the other corpses asunder then. When the time is right I can do this one, too. Mercy killing."
Julian moves around from corpse to corpse, seperating head from body with his oversized meat cleaver. On the last body he also removes the lower legs, and dismembers the feet also. He carries these to back to Sallie, "Here girl, nice fresh meat." The second one is for Shark.

Wednesday August 23rd, 2006 9:41:45 PM

Selithe looks to the hobgoblin and frowns some when Julian makes his move. She can see the man's point of view in some senses but also believes that each creature has a right to live or die but who was she to choose how or when inless in defense or no choice given.

Selithe shrugs and looks to the others and waits now, petting Gra's head before whispering to herself mainly, "I'm sure in time he will come to realize our choices better. We must all see each others way of thinking and respect it."

Wednesday August 23rd, 2006 9:58:06 PM

Returning from his look about, he reports nothing seems to be currently around.

Listening to the update regarding the live hobgoblin, Dwight shrugs but seems to have some thoughts floating around. While the thought was his, Dwight is disgusted as Julian beheads and belegs (?) the bodies.

"Hmmm, Can you figure out the status this hobgoblin had in her band?" Dwight inquires to Kendry. "Perhaps this excursion could be twofold."

Dwight then calls Kendry away from the hobgoblin earshot and has a quick conversation, welcoming others if they are interested. "Kendry, I wonder if we could be lucky enough to enlist the entire band's help. If this hobgoblin held some weight, she could convince those we passed to join in a venture to capture the necro and hum. For us, that would be mission accomplished. For them, revenge and the return of their land. Thoughts?"

"We have the time to back track. Surely if a tribe of hobgoblins numbering more than two dozen flee from one necro, we could use some help. At the very least, a distraction once we are in place."

Dwight gives Julian a look, knowing this is the exact opposite Julian was expressing, but stands his ground. "A little thought, preparation and back up never hurts when time allows," Dwight offers preventing Julian (if necessary from injuring the living hobgoblin).

Thursday August 24th, 2006 1:53:49 AM

Tobias just shakes his head at Julian and says, "There is no mercy in killing." And, he stands between Julian and the hobgoblin to give Kendry time to finish his discussion.

And, he agrees with Dwight that any help could be useful...

Podo (by Kim) 
Thursday August 24th, 2006 2:02:04 AM

Podo listens to Julian. He watches him. When Julian moves to the hobgoblin bodies with his - meatcleaver? - Podo intercedes with his [weapon].

"What, ho!?" he says. He whispers intently, standing with Tobias. "Kendry is here trying to talk to this one, and you're going to start cutting up the bodies of her friends? Don't you have any brains, cuz? You're like as not to foul things up. Just wait a bit, huh? How would you like it if you fell in battle alongside us, and someone came along and started cutting up the bodies of your friends just as you regained consciousness?"

Thursday August 24th, 2006 2:11:05 AM

"Podo, if we are within range of the necromancer having these intact bodies lying around is not good, as was suggested earlier by Dwight, I think. I would still rather leave in a hurry, like five minutes ago."
OOC Falchion = oversized meat cleaver, the falchion is a medieval butcher's tool with a cross gaurd added, often a rebuilt tool rather made to be a weapon.

Kendry  d8+1=9 d20+10=28
Thursday August 24th, 2006 2:39:08 AM

Kendry translates what Rarriat says into halfling. Best if we speak halfling among ourselves for the moment, friends, and not the common tongue, he suggests to them in the language of hearth and home in Crescent Valley.

In goblin, he speaks with her again. "My guts twist in pain to hear you lost your children, Rarriat. How many, hold old they?" He listens to her answers, then asks, "Besides skeletons, what other undead creatures did the witch doctor send against you? How many of your tribe were lost?"

And Kendry especially asks if she knows where the witch doctor lives.

"Rarriat, did your tribe do something that made the witch doctor angry? Why did he attack you?"

He translates his questions and her answers - although, for example, 'my guts twist in pain' comes across in halfing as 'it grieves my heart.'

He listens to Dwight's counsel, and asks the woman, "Do you think your tribe would help us if we could do something that would weaken the witch doctor? We are halflings, not fierce hobgoblins. Would they try to kill us, because we are not like them? Or would they work with us? Or, if not them, then you yourself? Let your tongue be straight and strong," he encourages her, employing a phrase which the language of goblins uses to identify frank and honest speech.

He offers more water. He tells her that he has some power to help mend her wounds, if she wants him to do so.

If she does so desire, then he utters a number of phrases, rhyming words mixing draconic, auran, goblin, elfish and giant in a weird unintelligible (yet brief) poem-song. The command word for his wand of cure light wounds is tossed into the mix, and he touches her with it at the appropriate moment [cure 9 hp damage]. [Diplomacy 28.]

Airin [ 42/42 HP / AC17 / Woodland Stride / Speak with Animals] and Fioni [ 8/8 HP / AC17 ]  d20+2=17 d20+12=19 d20+19=36 d20+10=27 d20+11=20
Thursday August 24th, 2006 3:42:58 AM

Airin closely listens from her hidden spot as her friends begin unraveling part of the mystery. She realises these undead are nasty buggers if they managed to scare away an entire group of hobgoblins! "Damn me and my paranoia! We should have talked to the Hobgoblins we saw earlier... maybe they could have helped us... stupid stupid stupid! But all together better than just killing them all!

Not wanting to mingle in the discussions - after all she's never been much of a talker anyway - Airin takes a piece of canvas out of her brand new Handy Haversack... makes strokes of canvas, dips them in oil and tucks one end in the oil flasks she carries. (crude version of the infamous molotov cocktail - unsure about it's spelling though)

With this she prepares to face the undead. All she will need is a quick way to light a small fire... "My everburning torch!" Airin quickly realises and takes that too from her Haversack. She lights it and ties it to her forearm - so that it won't burn her even in a battle.

Airin prepares 2 molotov cocktails - everburning torch readies as well - bring'm on!

She puts the sap away, swings her loaded crossbow on her back and sheats her bastard sword without securing it so she will be able to take either of her weapons fast...

concentration for making cocktails: 17
listen: 19
Hide: 36
Use Rope: 27 (safely tieing the torch to her lower arm so that it won't burn her)
Sleight of hand: 20 something extra to help her being careful with the cocktails and the fire close at hand...

Active spells and durations:

Spell list:

Read Magic

Speak with Animals
Speak with Animals - USED

Two Paths (DM Cayzle) 
Thursday August 24th, 2006 11:01:38 AM

Tobias encourages Kendry in his efforts in talking with the hobgoblin. [OOC: You can always use the AidAnother action to boost a friend's skill checks. Just a thought.]

Julian moves to hack up the bodies of the dead so that they cannot rise again to trouble the living.

Airin is standing there too, behind a bush, ready to burn the corpses. She considers how to use the flammable oil as a weapon. [OOC: If you purchased Alchemical Fire, then you do not need to light it or make a fuse -- it burns as soon as the vial breaks, flaming on contact with air. If you are using lamp oil, then you DO have to light it first. That's a move action if you have a flint and steel; a free action if you have a burning torch, flaming weapon, or prestidigitation spell at hand. Note that an everburning torch sheds light but not heat, and cannot be used to start fires.]

Selithe's expression shows that she thinks Julian is being rash, but she does not intervene. Dwight also disapproves, and Podo tries to convince Julian to not dismember the bodies yet. Julian tries to convince his new comrades that they should not leave bodies around intact, and that they should move on now.

Dwight has an idea. Could the group enlist the aid of the hobgoblins in fighting the necromancer?

Kendry continues to translate and talk with Rarriat the Hobgoblin. She seems to be getting along well with the group, as she takes in the well-cared-for equipment and weapons the group is packing. She says she had three little ones, now all dead. All she saw were skeletons, but one was a big skeleton. The witch doctor killed more than half her tribe, more than two hands. He attacked the hobgoblins because he wanted to take our bodies and use them in his black magic. She oes not know if the hobgoblins would ally -- it would be up to Zom, the shaman.

She would indeed like to be cured, and she grunts out a word of thanks.

So, on to the Necromancer? Back to the Hobgoblin camp? Some other option?

Thursday August 24th, 2006 1:33:32 PM

If she's willing to help us communicate with the hobgoblins, Tobias thinks that would be our best option... Give them a chance to avenge their kin.

Also, he suggests that Kendry tell her we're going to burn the dead, so they cannot be used by the witch doctor.

And, Tobias continues to stand with Podo.

Julian, assisted by Shark 
Thursday August 24th, 2006 6:06:18 PM

Julian pauses against the weight of opposition to cutting up the bodies.
In the Halfling tongue, "Is there a better way to make..." He stops suddenly to look at Shark who is persistently badgering him. "What, boy? What is it?" The little badger is digging into the topsoil, and looking back at Julian, digging a little more, looking up. Julian stops to stare a moment, obviously thinking about what the little mammal is trying to say.
"Ah, burning them will be far too obvious to, well, anyone for miles around.
"Will they remain dead if we bury them? That might even be a nice gesture for that over there," pointing towards Kendry in his work.
"Kendry, do they even bury their dead? Interesting thought really... Err, I mean, Shark here, with a little help, could have the bodies buried fairly quickly. To, you know, keep them from rising against us."
Julian scratches at the soil with his spear point, digging in little way to see that it has a good consistency for digging.
Then he mumbles, "It would be a shame to waste the spell like that, but might suit everyone more, I suppose."
Julian also takes a fresh look at this area, assessing fortification possibilities as a camp for the night, or for the week...

Dwight  d20+2=8
Thursday August 24th, 2006 8:22:49 PM

Trying to think how such a plan could come together, Dwight awaits the hobgoblin's response and information. Watching Julian, Shark and Podo, Dwight hopes to maintain a cohesive looking group in the eyes of the hobgoblin. "I must agree that burning them, while preventing their return, does announce our presence. Perhaps burying them is best as only those coming to look will know someone has been here. Then again," finishing with some difficulty, "perhaps a beheading is appropriate, done with honor if possible."

In halfling, Dwight continues to make some of his thoughts known. "From the little I know about hobgoblins, I suspect they treasure their women, their young and their land as much as any other race. The opportunity to avenge themselves against the necro should persuade them once we get past the initial tense encounter."

Seeing that the day is passing, Dwight suggests, if the hobgoblin is able to join the group in a walk and seems amicable (sense motive: 8). Realizing the language barrier makes it difficult, Dwight relies on Kendry's intrepretation on the hobgoblin's actions.

Kendry  d8+1=6
Thursday August 24th, 2006 11:18:37 PM

He listens to Rarriat, and, as he is able, to his comrades, translating between them.

He asks the names of her three little ones, and repeats each name.

"My friends are worried, too, about the witch doctor trying to use your tribesmates' bodies. Would it offend you if we burn them, or bury them, or, and forgive me for asking, dismember their bodies? Our concern is that this fellow would turn your friends into your enemies. Tell us what we might do to prevent this from happening. We give your our ears." Kendry is glad that this phrase means to listen, and not something more drastic.

The thought also strikes him that she does not mention anything about bugbears being with her tribe, though Airin talked about them. He chooses not to ask her about that.

"We seek this witch doctor. We may not kill him, nor allow him to be killed. But we may capture him, or, if we cannot do so, then do something that will weaken his power greatly. Rarriat, for the sake of vengeance upon the one who took the lives of your children, and your tribesmates, will you come with us, and help us?" As he asks this, he provides her additional healing, gauging how much more she may need from the healing wand. He takes a moment to repeat his multilingual poem of wand activation. [6 hp CLW]

"Know, too, that, in time, should justice demand and circumstances allow, perhaps the witch doctor himself may be put to death - or, if not, be made to pay dearly for the suffering that he has caused. This is my intention. The intention of Kang'd'rri."

He passes on to all what she tells him.

In halfling, he says, "Friends, our friend said that a few hours or days will not make a huge difference. I ask for your counsel. Do we return to the hobgoblins - and try to enlist the aid of this tribe which has lost many members to the nether foes of this bent man? To convince Zom, their shaman, to join forces with us? Night draws near, and we clearly are within his range of access. If we backtrack, and gain allies, perhaps it will help us meet our goal. So, do we step forward? Or do we step back, and return in greater strength?"

Thursday August 24th, 2006 11:58:06 PM

Selithe listens and waits for any info the hobgoblin might have and nods as she looks to Kendry, "When we are done we should allow the hobgoblin to live, she is no threat to us."

Selithe waits and listens as she wonders what all they might learn from the hobgoblin and glances to the others.

Friday August 25th, 2006 2:53:42 AM

"The downside of burning the dead will be that the smoke will be visible from afar..."

Airin gives a light whistle to Fioni hoping the little bird will continue scouting the surroundings...

Dilly-Dallying (DM Cayzle) 
Friday August 25th, 2006 7:27:11 AM

The party continues to discuss options ... perhaps the course for the group will be clearer after more give opinions.

[OOC: Guys! Only two people expressed an opinion (both seemed in favor of trying to gain an alliance with the hobgoblins). Please decide what you will do -- forward to necromancer or back to hobgoblins. The problem of what to do with the corpses is, frankly, trivial, compared with the question of whether to go forward or back!]

Airin [ 42/42 HP / AC17 / Woodland Stride / Speak with Animals] and Fioni [ 8/8 HP / AC17 ] 
Friday August 25th, 2006 7:45:35 AM

"Do we risk splitting up?" Airin says as she steps from the forest edge answering Kendry's previous call for council.

"Should half of us go back to find the Hobgoblins while the rest advances exploring the terrain ahead? I strongly dislike splitting up, but on the other hand spying ahead is easier when there are fewer of us... Dispite the fact that I'd hate to split up I'm in favour of two teams... the scouts and the diplomats... With an easy speak with animals spell we can have Airin flying back and forth reporting what happens to both groups.

IF we split I'm in the group that will spy ahead..."

Friday August 25th, 2006 10:35:09 AM

Tobias doesn't like the idea of splitting up here. That could lead to trouble for both smaller groups. But, if the hobgoblin responds positively to Kendry's request for help, he thinks we should go back.

Rarriat again (DM Cayzle) 
Friday August 25th, 2006 11:19:35 AM

Rarriat is a little confused by her near brush with death. She says you would have to talk with Zom. Maybe he would ally with you, maybe not.

She says it would not hurt to give him a gift. She continues to eye your nice-looking gear.

Friday August 25th, 2006 1:24:07 PM

Selithe stretches and waits, looking to Kendry to explain what the hobgoblin said just in case Selithe misunderstands anything, "She seems interested in helping at least."

Selithe shrugs and smiles and looks to the others, "I don't like the idea of splitting up either. My opinion is we all go one way or the other."

Dwight  d20+2=16
Friday August 25th, 2006 4:06:02 PM

"Splitting up probably isn't the best. If this battle was recent, someone will probably come looking and see that someone else has been here. Then a real search will begin, leaving the scouts in trouble."

Eyeing the hobgoblin, Dwight tries to determine its true intentions, Say anything to survive, or truly get 'justice' for my children and comrades.
(sense motive: 16)

"As I said, I'm more in favor of trying to get help. I sorta envision, us setting up, them causing a distraction, us taking out the necro and the hum. Their distraction can even be temporary, just long enough for us to get to him without a swamp of undead to stop us."

"A gift? I suppose that makes sense with the little I know. Surely the return of their lands will amount to some worth, but they may want something more instant and guaranteed before we talk."

"Kendry, can we determine from her if it will be safe to approach the shaman? We don't want it to get bloody."

"Selithe, Tobias or Airin were there any other tracks in the area? Perhaps to match the other set of feet mentioned at the hobgoblin camp."

All said, Dwight is in favor of returning in force with allies.

Tobias  d20+12=14
Friday August 25th, 2006 4:28:42 PM

Tobias to see if he can discern hobgoblin tracks from bugbear tracks... (14 - hmmm)

Friday August 25th, 2006 9:03:55 PM

"Kendry, what sort of gift is she speaking of? I will happily give one of my famous waistcoats if we it means we get moving. Maybe this one with liontaur embroidered on it"
"I hate waiting. I will support a decision being made."

Podo (by Kim) 
Saturday August 26th, 2006 12:57:37 AM

"I agree with Julian. Forward, or back then forward - either is fine with me," Podo says.

Saturday August 26th, 2006 2:24:25 AM

"If we ally with her tribesmates, it will cost us - that is, they will expect gifts. Not for free will they help," Kendry says in halfling.

He takes a bag out of a saddlebag, and pulls out two pairs of smoke crystal goggles. To Rarriat he says, "These help to shield your eyes from the burning sun during the day, but still you can see through them." He places a pair over his eyes to demonstrate their wearing, then hands a pair to her. "They keep off dust, too. A small gift for you, Rarriat."

He also offers her a sun rod. "Do not use it now. But, if you want light in darkness, strike the tip against something hard, and it will shine like a torch for an hour." He also gives her four tindertwigs. "If you draw the tip against a hard surface - a bit of stone, some rough iron, a piece of wood, even, then it will alight, like this." Kendry draws the end of a fifth tindertwig against a stone on the ground, then shields the end from any breeze with the palm of his hand. "Fire," he says simply.

Returning his attention to his friends, he continues in halfling, "If you each are willing to think of something to give, then perhaps we can persuade them. Also, consider this. Offer something not grand at first. If they come through for us, and do not doublecross, but are faithful to our alliance, then have in mind something additional to give them.

"But know that we have something besides material goods. We wish to neutralize, without killing, this dealer with the dead. He has killed some of their own. I say we take the lady to them, and see what we might negotiate.

"Unless any disagree or object, then let us dispose of the bodies of the fallen as the lady suggests, then travel together to where her people are."

He repeats his questions to Rarriat about what they should do with the bodies of the fallen. Within reason, he works with his friends to carry out her suggestion. Then, again, barring alternatives others may point out, Kendry makes haste with his companions and with Rarriat to return to the camp of the Hobgoblins, dire wolves... and worgs and bugbears?

Along the way, he takes time to walk with Airin, and ask her in private, "How many bugbears did you see with the hobgoblins? And how big were the worgs and dire wolves?"

Dwight  d20+3=7
Saturday August 26th, 2006 7:06:58 PM

Dwight helps with the bodies as necessary and tries to judge Rarriats reaction. (sense motive 7)

"I have some smokesticks, that I am willing to part with. Could be good for hunting, distractions or hiding." Dwight offers to throw into the bargain when the shaman is found and the conversation gets to the bartering point.

"I'd also suggest, once the hum has been delivered and no longer valuable the hobgoblins be given the necro to judge him according to their laws for it was in their land that the necro attacked." Dwight grimaces knowing this means death for the necro and not liking the fact that he would personally commit a man to death.

Saturday August 26th, 2006 10:52:31 PM

"Perhaps so, Dwight, but perhaps not," Kendry answers his friend. If Dwight or others begin to speak in common, Kendry emphasizes the need to speak in halfling. Having studied the goblin tongue, he knows that many hobgoblins understand the common tongue. "Our friend needs the little critter, alive, for perhaps some time. Death may be the just sentence for the master, but life and health for others, perhaps paradoxically, require that death be delayed for this reviver of death. And, so far, we only know what we know, and no more. We have bits and pieces of the story. Wise judgment, where possible, awaits the rest of the evidence. I should think, however, that we can offer to allow the tribespeople to testify, if it comes to that."

Podo (by Kim) 
Saturday August 26th, 2006 10:55:13 PM

Podo digs, or burns, or allows Julian to hack away, depending upon what Kendry says that hobgoblin mother tells him.

"I'm willing to try this thing with the hobs," he says in halfling. "But I don't know how much we can trust 'em."

Sunday August 27th, 2006 6:40:18 PM

"I am all ready to dig these bodies into the earth. Shark and I can grow in size and have a whole dug in no time."

Julian will cast Enlarge Person on himself and Shark, to then burrow 10 or 20 feet into the ground to be rid of these bodies, IF it is okay with that hobgoblin everyone is becoming so attached to.

Monday August 28th, 2006 2:57:16 AM

As they walk back towards the Hobgoblin camp Kendry asks Airin exactly how many Wargs and Bugbears she saw back there...

Airin's face grows red and whispering she says to him: "there... the... there were no Wargs nor Bugbears around. I made that up to keep Julian from attacking the camp... sorry..."

With a sheepish look Airin looks in Kendry's eyes wondering how he and later the group will reacts when they find out that Airin lied!

Shaman Zom (DM Cayzle) 
Monday August 28th, 2006 7:30:50 AM

Selithe is convinced that the group should not split up.

Dwight looks at the hobgoblin, trying to discern her motives. But that's very hard when you can't understand the language. It is clear, though, that the hobgoblin is scared and impressed with you.

Tobias sees only hobgoblin tracks and wolf traps. Airin explains the lack of bugbear tracks.

Julian offers to bury the bodies, but Rarriett the hobgoblin says it is enough to take their heads to the shaman and leave the bodies.

Kendry offers Rarriett a few gifts, and she takes them gladly, offering to speak to Shaman Zom for you.

The decision is made, and the party heads back to where the hobgoblins are still camped.

A guard gives a cry of warning, but Rarriett calms that down. She calls to Zom and he hears her out. You all are escorted to the camp. You all explain your desire for an ally against the witch doctor.

The shaman, Zom, seems skeptical. "Here," he says, "you must prove yourself. Pick the bext warrior among you. He will fight the least of my fighters. If you defeat him, then we may ally!"

He also wants to know how any possible treasure will be split up.

ADM Kim - Posting report, Crescent Valley, August 21-27 2006 
Monday August 28th, 2006 11:09:01 AM

DM Cayzle MTWTF 7
Dwight MTWTF 6
Airin MTWTF 5
Podo MTWTF 5
Selithe MTWTF 6
Kendry MTWTF 6
Tobias MTWTF 8
Julian MTWTF 7

Hurrah! 100%. Actually, if you count the extra-credit posts, 125% (50 posts for 8 people - 10 additional over 40).

Monday August 28th, 2006 2:30:23 PM

Tobias is willing to take on the hobgoblin challenger and represent the halflings. He has a potion of bull's strength that he would likely use in such a battle. And, he asks whether others might provide some minor assistance: Kendry's singing always seems to give him in a boost in battle. :)

He does have one question for the hobgoblins, "Is this a fight to the death?"

Monday August 28th, 2006 7:40:41 PM

Julian will behead the bodies for Rarriett, and places them into a sack. He carries them for her, though he gives them to Rarriett now that they are in front of Zom.

Julian makes to step forward as champion, though Tobias gets in first. Not wanting to disrupt the group dynamics, maybe Tobias' main role in the group is to be champion in such matters, Julian bites his tongue.
He stands fidgeting with the longspear in his hands. Blood can be seen on his lips.

He doesn't think to count the number of hobgoblins, or to look for bugbears or wargs.

Monday August 28th, 2006 9:40:33 PM

Selithe moves along with everyone else when they move out and smiles as everything seems to be coming along okay so far. She does move up beside Julian and speaks to him as she pats Gra's shoulder, "I'm sorry for earlier Julian, we all have our own talents in the group and I do not want to sound like I'm discrediting yours. Just I don't want to turn my back on possible aid that could help the group survive."

Monday August 28th, 2006 10:27:14 PM

"That's fine, Selithe. I think being part of a small army sounds fun.
How about that card game. I think I know a good one we can play as we go."

OOC: How about something like this...
The aim is to have the highest total from 5 cards (d20s). We are each dealt 2 cards which remain hidden to everyone. We can use skill checks for two appropriate but seperate skills posted as Private posts to DM. That way Cayzle and Kim can oversee it. It also works our talents and keeps the mystery up.
Appropriate skills checks would include: Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy, Disguise, Forgery, Intimidate, Knowledge (gambling), spot, sleight of hand, and anything else that you can rationalise as being relevent to a good (or evil) card player.
For the next three cards we openly roll these one at a time (one per day), and place a bet against each card. Eg if I roll a 20 I will put a lot of coins against it, but if I roll 2 I won't bet a lot. If it is really bad, me all 2s and you all 20s, a person can fold.
Everyone must put in a wager against each round or fold. Highest total wins all.
Start with silver coins, minimum two per round.

PS I haven't done this before, and I am not a gambler, so I don't know if it will work. It is a work in progress looking for feedback and ideas.

Robert OOC 
Monday August 28th, 2006 11:09:34 PM

Cayzle, and Kim, hope you don't mind this, I didn't think about how it might effect the module you are trying to run. I pictured it as being secondary, voluntary and probably only Selithe and Myself. I figured it should occupy only 1 line of PC posts, and the DM doesn't need to do anything. Well, except confirm the first two cards when it is revealed.

Robert OOC 
Tuesday August 29th, 2006 12:01:02 AM

It would be open to anyone, I only meant that I didn't know if any other character would be interested.

Kendry (Kim just back from work at 3 jobs today...) 
Tuesday August 29th, 2006 2:53:21 AM

With Airin

When Airin explains the discrepancy between her report and the truth, Kendry walks silent for a little bit. He takes her hand. "I understand," he tells her.

After they walk a little more, he says, "I can't claim to have spoken only truthful words at all times to all people, Airin. But when we are not straight with one another, then the possibility of doubt creeps in when things of import are said." He kisses her on the forehead, raising her black bangs. "I forgive you, and I do understand."

With Selithe and Julian

Kendry smiles at their cousin's suggestion. "I'm open to playing cards - but might have a hard time focusing on such at the moment. How about once we get this current task done... or on the way back from it?" he offers.

On arrival at the hobgoblin's camp

Grateful for Rarriat's intercession and the chance to consider an alliance of convenience, Kendry translates (if Zom is speaking in goblin, rather than the Common tongue) for all.

About to offer to fight, Tobias is the first to step forward. Again he goes to speak, but sees the desire in Julian's eyes...

Podo (by Kim) 
Tuesday August 29th, 2006 3:00:13 AM

"Well, I could fight him, instead," Podo offers. "I mean, you're a good fighter, Tobias - not taking anything away from you on that account. But I'm willing - as long as it's not, as you say, 'to the death.'"

Tuesday August 29th, 2006 3:36:43 AM

After Podo, too offers, his heart fills. "What brave companions I have the honor to journey among," he says. "I, too, would be willing to be one to engage in this combat."

He turns to Zom. "There are four of us willing, but my friend, here," he says as he indicates Tobias, "was first to speak up.

"Now, since we wish to ally, I propose that the combat continue until one opponent yields, or can no longer fight." He waits to see what Zom replies.

He gives Tobias a tanglefoot bag. "Would you like to use this?" he asks.

Airin [ 42/42 HP / AC17 / Woodland Stride / Speak with Animals] and Fioni [ 8/8 HP / AC17 ] 
Tuesday August 29th, 2006 5:05:40 AM

With Kendry

"I did not mean to lie to the group! I did it to save the group from a deadly onslaught. If Julian had attacked those Goblins now we would have none to turn to. You of all people should know that when things matter I am dead serious."

At the Goblin camp

Airin nods to the Hobgoblins and observes her friends offering to battle for the sake of the group. She to would offer to fight but she's best at sneaking around instead of fighting up close and personal.

Airin takes a potion that she offers to their champion (although she's worried boosting Tobias's power might anger the Hobgoblins).

"I can increase your armor (potion of mage armor) if you want and I've got a potion to cure your wounds if you need it afterwards."


Active spells and durations:

Spell list:

Read Magic

Speak with Animals
Speak with Animals - USED

Tuesday August 29th, 2006 5:58:48 AM

Having arrived at the hobgoblin camp, Dwight takes in all in. Seeing no worgs or bugbears, Dwight smiles and the succesful and appropriate line Airin used.

Knowing direct combat is not his strength he lets the others decide who will battle.

In halfling he inquires how to respond to the shaman's request to divide treasure. "I'd propose we get a few items, maybe one each, then they get everything else. Money will be split 20 ways, and we each get one split, leaving more than half for them. However this is all contingent upon the hum and necro not being killed."

Dwight leaves it to Kendry to translate.

Fight! (DM Cayzle)  d20+2=18
Tuesday August 29th, 2006 11:04:31 AM

[OOC: Regarding the card game ... the Giggling Ghost is the perfect place for that. That way you can include PCs from all over the Wold.]

[OOC: Did anyone give any gifts to Zom? If so, what?]

Zom says in goblin, "Use no magic in the fight! Better to save your magic to fight the Witch Doctor! Winner is last one standing up. Loser is first one knocked out!"

The hobgoblins make a semicircle, and one stands in the center. He has a javelin in his hand.

Tobias stands to the front. The rest of the party makes the other half of the semicircle. Zom shouts, "Fight!"

The hobgoblin starts the fight with a yell. He hurls the javelin at Tobias. It hits AC18, but that just glances off Tobias's armor. He draws his sword to end his turn.

How will Tobias respond?

[OOC: I'll post an extra DM post if Pedro responds in the first part of the day.]

Tobias [AC 20 - HP 38/38]  d20+12=29 d4+4=8
Tuesday August 29th, 2006 12:37:35 PM

Tobias thanks his friends for their support, and prepares for battle. If he has time, he will down one potion of bull's strength. If not or it's outside of the bounds of the contest, then he just goes into battle.

He talks to Tewdwr to make sure the wolf doesn't interfere in the fight. Trying to make him understand that this is only a test and not to the death.

"Oh, and Kendry. Teach me the hobgoblin word for yield, so I know when he's had enough." he says with a smile to the group.

Having the javelin glance off him, Tobias closes on the hobgoblin drawing his twin short swords. And, as he reaches the hobgoblin, he slashes at it fiercely (only one attack this round since he moved as well).

Attack: 29
Damage: 8
* Tobias has +2 damage for favored enemy: goblinoid (included above).

The Victor! (DM Cayzle Extra Post) 
Tuesday August 29th, 2006 2:05:50 PM

With one blow, the hobgoblin falls, bleeding. The shaman moves over to him and lays a healing hand on him, bringing him around.

"Well done!" says Zom, with Kendry translating. "You are strong enough to stand with us, little people. Maybe together we can teach this Witch Doctor a thing or two."

"Let us wait for nightfall, then move out."

Tuesday August 29th, 2006 2:38:56 PM

Tobias is a little surprised that a single blow would fell the big hobgoblin, but he's glad that the test is over. He bows to the hobgoblin shaman and accepts his congratulations.

When they have a bit of time alone, Tobias will say in halfling tongue, "Perhaps these hobgoblins won't be as much help as we'd expected. I hope there are a few stronger fighters than that one."

Tuesday August 29th, 2006 6:24:59 PM

As the conversation seems fitting, Dwight offers his smokesticks (3). He speaks in common, "We thank you for being open to this joining of forces for our common benefit. These sticks when broken cause smoke to arise, easing an escape or used to prevent proper aims from hidden bows. Use them well."


Dwight is glad the combat was fast, and that Tobias was the winner. Later, amid the others in halfling he points out its not their strength that helps the most, but their numbers.

Tuesday August 29th, 2006 7:46:19 PM

Oh, and Tobias will return the items that the others generously offered for the combat.

Tuesday August 29th, 2006 8:50:10 PM

In halfling, "Tobias, I too wonder what use they will be against the undead. I also think it was dishonourable to send his weakest against you. He severely underestimated you."
OOC Lucky you did critically hit!

To all halflings, "Maybe now we should split up, so that we present a main force against the Necromancer, and we can help prevent his death. All this is a diversion to the snatch and grab of the Hummer. I would go with the main force, and maybe so to should any healers, if you also pity the hobgoblins in their fate. The others should slip past the battle to win the war without being noticed."

Robert OOC 
Tuesday August 29th, 2006 8:50:54 PM

Didn't critically hit, I meant.

Tuesday August 29th, 2006 9:12:58 PM

Selithe blinks at all the goings on and the contest. She pats Tobias on the back when he wins and smiles to him, "Good fight."

Selithe smiles and looks to the others, glad they were able to make some friends for the coming fight before relaxing, she is abit nervous with the hobgoblins but thats mainly because she's never been around this many of their kind.

Kendry  d20+10=20
Wednesday August 30th, 2006 3:31:17 AM

With Airin

"I said I understand why you did it, love - to forestall a potentially suicidal rush by our newcomer, Julian. I don't fault your motives, dear. But I just want you to consider the ramifications. That's all." He squeezes her hand, hoping to reassure her that his is not a voice of condemnation.

Arena of combat...

Kendry blinks and the combat is over. "Nicely struck, Tobias."

Division of treasure, priorities, and a game plan

"We came out here specifically to deal with the witch doctor, to weaken him, and to get something from him. None of us may kill him - much as you and we may want to do so. But if we can disable him, capture him, imprison him - any of these would be good. If we kill him, though, many will suffer.

"If you do this thing, and help us do what we need, then we will give you the Wand of Olo." He shows them the wand of cure light wounds that belonged to their friend, traveling chef, and cleric, who chose to stay behind in Plateau City in order to study the culinary arts. "It has the power to help heal. It has power to cure twelve more times. Surely this can help you and your tribe survive here in the Red Hills. Also - used against the undead, it has the power to harm them.

"If you each give your word not to kill the witch doctor, nor to kill his familiar, and to help us, then I shall lend this to you. Once our purposes have been accomplished, if you have kept your word, then you may keep the Wand of Olo." [Wand of Cure Light Wounds - 12 charges]

Kendry is unsure what guidelines should serve for division of treasure found among the necromancer's possessions. "Does an equal share of what we find sound reasonable? If we find 100 gold, then your tribe gets 50, and we get 50. If items are found, then we can evaluate their worth, and come to an agreement. Also - we promise not to steal from one another. If our venture is to be successful, we must be truthful, and honor the trust we place in each other." [Diplomacy 20]

When to go

Kendry asks his friends whether they are agreed with the hobgoblins that they should set out at dark. He knows these inhabitants of the Red Hills can see well in darkness, but the halflings and their mounts - with the possible exception of the wolf - do not have very good night vision.

He mentions that going now will give the necromancer less time to prepare. He is in favor of it. What do the rest say?

Assuming they agree to leave at dark, Kendry tries to get a few hours of shut-eye before the time of departure.

Podo (by Kim) 
Wednesday August 30th, 2006 3:37:55 AM

Podo watches the combat. He wonders how much better the other warriors may be than this one who fought against Tobias.

Podo takes some time for meditation before they leave. It is fine with him that they go when night has fully fallen. He shall observe the hobgoblins, and try to get a feel for the hierarchy and the nature of the relationships they have in the tribe. He fingers his silver holy symbol of Alemi.

Planning and Rest (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday August 30th, 2006 11:12:54 AM

Dwight offers some gifts. (Make sure you mark these off your PC sheet.)

Tobias defeats his foe easily and wonders if these hobgoblins are even worth the effort.

Selithe and Podo also have misgivings about the group's new allies.

Julian suggests that the group split up, one force to sneak in and capture the humonculus, one group to fight skeletons and cause a diversion.

Kendry offers a wand and a 50-50 cut of treasure. Shaman Zom says that that's a deal!

The group rests until nightfall. Around 8 pm, Zom (who slept) wakes, prays and tells you he is ready to go.

Julian thinks itr is about 6 hour's trip to the Necromancer's lair. Zom agrees. Where to? How will you approach? Will you split up? Where? Zom asks what your plan is, and how his forces will fit in. He seems to have a head for tactics.

Wednesday August 30th, 2006 2:39:54 PM

Tobias is a little surprise by the hobgoblins' easy acceptance, "They're really fine about not killing the necromancer?"

Evening and night-time is fine with him.

Tobias thinks splitting at this point might make sense. We could send in 2-3 stealthy halflings to find the hum, while the others support the hobgoblins. How do others feel about splitting. If we decide to, Tobias will volunteer for the stealthy team.

Wednesday August 30th, 2006 4:04:19 PM

"Splitting up? When there are undead out there? I don't think so, Tobias," Kendry says. "Let's stick reasonably close together. If any scouting is to be done, then the scouts should be no more than maybe forty to sixty yards away from the rest of us."

Kendry asks Julian and Zom what they might already know about the necromancer's lair - its locale, layout, defenses, vulnerabilities.

Wednesday August 30th, 2006 4:24:17 PM

Thnking it best to come to a group decision, Dwight talks with the group in halfling to finalize plans before presenting them to Zom.

"Hmm, this seems less tense than I thought it would be. At least for now, lets use this to our advantage."

Any chance Zom knows more details about the lay of the land?

"I'm not a big fan of splitting up the group across a large distance, perhaps if we stay within earshot of our whistles. But do agree a split would be helpful. Hopefully the necro can be snipped off. Is the cover of dark really the best time to attack? I'd be more in favor of waiting until sunrise, or just before. That way I can see and use my bow if necessary."

Were the hobgoblins only attacked by skeletons? Is that all we should suspect?

"If we can discover the entrance to the cave, those with stealth should sneak in, and hopefully take care of the necro before the alarm is raised. All of these folks should be protected with a potion of hide from undead. so far I have only given out two. This group should be small, maybe three, but no more than five."

"Once the stealth group has been given some time to get in place. If possible, the hobgoblins should initiate an indirect attack at the same time the stealth group initiates an attack on the necro. Perhaps a volley of javelins at some undead or at the entrance of the cave. Hopefully this will draw the necro's minions out. Allowing those stealthed to take care of the necro and his familar."

"Those that remain outside make sure the hum or necro are not killed should they make it outside with the hobgoblins. Just to be sure."

"Those tanglefoot bags may be very useful for initial subduals. Can't cast if stuck very easily. I also purchased a few sleep arrows, but don't know of their potency. They won't work on the familar, but may eliminate the necro quickly if they work."

"Now how to split the group...here are my thoughts, feel free to add, change." Dwight seems to have put some thought to this.

"well Julian should probably stay out, give him a chance to destroy some undead."

"Kendry should also stay outside so communication can continue with the hobgoblin." More quietly he adds "and to make sure they don't plan anything else."

"Airin mostly likely inside for a potential backstab."

"Podo, can you be silent? If so, stunning may be helpful inside, otherwise outside would be better."

"Tobias, same thing, can you be silent? If so inside to focus on the hum. We can't damage it to much, and must find a way to subdue it. Nets, tanglefoot. Other ideas?"

"That leaves Selithe. Where would you prefer to go?"

"I can sneak in, and will go inside unless others have suggestions. I also purchased a wand." Dwight shows the others a thin wooded stick attached to his upper arm, hidden by his shirt. "I also have a scroll of neutralize poison in case we have need of it. I'll focus on the necro by first attempting to put sleep with my arrows."

"The hobgoblins and those outside need to keep everything outside. Once the necro and hum have been subdued, we will blow the whistle thrice."

Wednesday August 30th, 2006 6:51:09 PM

Julian offers a gift to Zom: one of his fancy waistcoats, the one with a unicorn at a waterfall in dense rainforest embroidered in.

In Halfling, "I like your plan, Dwight. I agree that I don't think much about travelling and attacking at night. I would like to leave at day break, get there after lunch, about 6 hours travel.
"I will happily stay with the hobgoblins, in that, I prefer open combat. If Zom does have a good head for tactics we should be able to make a very effective diversionary attack.
"I also have a potion of Hide from Undead, and may even find some sort of supportive role for the hobs.
"I can cast a spell that we can use to speak to each other, though we may be split up beyond its range, I have never really tested how far it works.
Julian then relates all the information that he has about the lair to the halflings.

Wednesday August 30th, 2006 7:31:49 PM

"I did not mean split right away. I meant when we got to the Necromancer's lair."

"And, Dwight, I'm quite stealthy. I could wrestle the hum to the ground, and we could try to cage it. It isn't affected by subdual damage or a bunch of other things, so we'll need to lock it up quick. And, the Necromancer will probably know the instant we start attacking the hum."

[OOC: Tobias has high Hide and Move Silent bonuses.]

Wednesday August 30th, 2006 11:35:36 PM

Selithe smiles and thinks over things before speaking to the question given her, "Well, I got some rogue abilities so I can help with scouting. My magic is limited still but I will give as much aid as I can to everyone."

Selithe shrugs and doesn't mind where she is as long as her skills and help is of actual help.

Airin [ 42/42 HP / AC17 / Woodland Stride / Speak with Animals] and Fioni [ 8/8 HP / AC17 ] 
Thursday August 31st, 2006 5:22:13 AM

(sorry for the missed post. I was out of the office and tries to post from somewhere else, but the security of that company refused to let me acces the Woldian games site...)

Airin too is amased to see the Hobgoblin go down so easily. Looks like we may need a different split of whatever treasure that comes along...

She nods as Dwight unfolds his plans. She kinda likes them. Knowing she'll be one of the scouts that will possibly sneak into the lair makes her a bit jumpy, but her recent purchases in the Cats will come in handy. I've bought hide from undead potions for 8 of us. Airin begins handing them out (she also returns Dwights potion) She keeps two for herself and if everyone of the Halflings carries a potion she hands the rest of the Hobgoblins.

"Master Zom, this drink will make you invisible from the Undead. Use it carefuly... use it wisely."

"Dwight, there's one thing that we may need to look into as well... the Necromancer's casting abilities. Unless he has some silent spell feat he won't be able to cast most spells if we can silence him. Grabbing him from behind, covering his mouth can do the trick... or a silence spell would be even better! Kendry you as a bard should be able to cast it... or a cleric can too. (silence is a Brd2, Clr2 spell - please tell me someone has it...)

If we could cast such a spell on someone who will enter the cave, the moment we get in range of the necromancer he won't be able to cast somatic spells..."

The Approach (DM Cayzle) 
Thursday August 31st, 2006 1:57:50 PM

The PCs talk strategy. The consensus idea seems to be that there will be a stealth group to sneak in and nab the homunculus, while the other team makes a distraction.

Stealth Team: Tobias, Dwight, Selithe, Airin

Other: Kendry, Julian, hobgoblins, dire wolves.

Podo can go either way.

Zom tells the group that all they fought were skeletons, but some were bigger, like ogre bones.

The hobgoblin leader declines the gift from Julian. He indicates that there is no way it would fit.

He describes the necromancer's home as a cave at the base of a mall bluff, with sand and dirt all around and nothing living for a couple hundred feet aroundabouts. There are several stands of trees about 1,500 feet from the cave, which he suggests is a good place from which to start.

Zom says his warriors will not fight under the sun. He offers a just-before-dawn compromise. He says his main strategy is to support the wolves in attacking. He saus he saw an ogre skeleton outside the cave when he went there before. It had armor and a weapon.

The party continues to plan as thes set out. At length, you are about a half mile from the cave.

Thursday August 31st, 2006 5:30:45 PM

Tobias is fine with the split of team and prepares for the stealthy entrance. He accepts one of the hide from undead potions.

He also talks Tewdwr into attacking with the group outside. So, he'll join the other wolves in the attack against the skeletons.

[OOC: I'm going to be out of town 9/4-9/7. Can someone please run Tobias?]

Thursday August 31st, 2006 9:57:42 PM

Planning in halfling
"The silent spell would be great, however that puts a damper on our spell abilities. I can cast charm person and magic missile. Little chance it will work, but the chance is there. Perhaps if we cast the spell on a projectile? Does anyone think its worth losing our spell powers to stop his?"

[OOC: Projetiles were always brought into question in my table top games. Would this allowed?]

"Do we intend to carry the chest in and show the hum in it? Can we do this silently or must we have the spell? Do we have the spell?" Dwight looks around hoping to get a confirmation.

"On the inside, Tobias will focus on the hum, Any volunteers to be the hand-to-hand combantant for the necro? I don't think I would do enough damage. My spells and bow are my best weapon. Selithe or Airin? I'm thinking after the first round, if we get a surprise in, the necro needs to be kept busy."

[OOC: Sorry I don't know Selithe or Airin's true class(es)]

"If neither Selithe or Airin can handle a direct confrontation with the necro, then Podo will need to join the stealth team."

Turning to Kendry and Julian, he realizes that leaves only them amid all the hobgoblins. "We should probably be ready afterwards, how does this sound? Should Selithe, Airin or myself switch?"

"Julian, perhaps you and a few of the wolves can take care of the big ogre skeleton. Tewdwr perhaps? If he is near the entrance to the cave, this would put you in a good spot to prevent additional help coming to help the necro."
Conversing with Zom, just before first light is perfect. "The necro is strongest at high night. Our stealth group will sneak in and attempt to take out the necro. Your task is to keep his skeleton forces occupied, and ideally prevent them from entering the cave to assist the necro. Engage, flee, and engage again if necessary, but keep them engaged."

"Do you know if there is another exit to the cave?"

Any other thoughts?

[OOC: Tobias, I can run your PC if you send me your PC sheet. adavis-pbem@tampabay.rr.com We will most likely be in combat for part of the week, but I'll try not to get him killed.]

Thursday August 31st, 2006 10:22:02 PM

Selithe thinks over things and nods, "I'm not sure if I can silence mister necro to well when we find him but I will try my best. I mean none of us need him casting spells and I know we can't kill him."

Selithe blinks and forgot about the magic potions offered. She must have overlooked if anyone else offered her one before, so she smiles and takes one of the offered ones from Airin, "Thanks Airin, I owe you one."

Thursday August 31st, 2006 10:41:54 PM

Julian readies himself for battle. He straps the falchion to Sallie and carries his new greater sledgehammer and longspear. He puts some potions from his pack into his pockets (3 in each, Cure Light Wounds, Hide From Undead, Jump, Magic Fang, Magic Weapon, Magic Stone).
He walks along with the halflings, badger and dog at his heels.

Podo (by Kim) 
Friday September 1st, 2006 4:06:33 AM

Podo is willing to take one of the potions of hide from undead. He takes to the rear of the infiltration group. "May Alemi guide us to this means of healing. Tobias - Kendry gave me the box for this hum. I have it here in my haversack."

Friday September 1st, 2006 4:09:47 AM

Just before the party separates, Kendry casts a message spell. In it, besides himself, he includes Airin, Dwight, Tobias, and Zom...

Airin [ 42/42 HP / AC21 / Woodland Stride / Message / Mage Armor / Hide from Undead] and Fioni [ 8/8 HP / AC17 ]  d20+12=28 d20+19=22 d20+8=18 d20+8=18 d20+12=29
Friday September 1st, 2006 4:18:43 AM

Airin agrees with the battle plans and she will do her best to keep the necro busy if needed. She's not the best fighter, but maybe the Necromancer can be knocked out?

(ooc can't remember if Cayzle said it was only Hum or also the Necro that was immune to non-leathal damage...)

As the group approaches stealthily Airin arranges her potions as follows:

- Potion of Hide from Undead
- Potion of Spider Climb
- Potion of Mage armor
- Tanglefoot bags (2)

With help from her Handy Haversack she will immediately find what she needs. She immediately downs a first Mage Armor potion.

She investigates the Hide from Undead Potion. It says 10min/lvl on the label, but Airin wonders if it will work for 50minutes (she's lvl5) or for 10 minutes (spell cast by a 1st lvl cleric). If it works for 50 minutes she will down the potion as well. If it only works for 10 minutes she will wait a bit longer.

She signals Fioni to fly overhead but not interfere in combat. If the predator sees something ahead she will warn Airin with a shriek... easily to be mistaken by the enemy for a normal birds shriek...

"Let's go friends..."

Move Silently: 28
Hide: 22
Search: 18
Spot: 18
Listen: 29

Active Spells:
Message (cast by Kendry): 500 rounds
Mage Armor: 600 rounds
Hide from Undead: 500 Rounds? (Or is it 100 rounds)

Spell List:
Read Magic

Speak with Animals
Speak with Animals - USED

Necromancer's Cave

At the Necromancer's Cave (DM Cayzle) 
Friday September 1st, 2006 12:00:42 PM

[OOC ruling by Cayzle: Sure you can cast Silence on a projectile, like an arrow. Whether you hit or miss, the Silence ends up on an arrow or broken piece of arrow in the target's square. But the arrow is not sticking in the person, and he or she can move out of the Silence. OK?]

[OOC: The Necromancer is NOT immune to nonlethal damage, but the Humonculous IS. Stock potions of Hide From Undead are as if cast by a first level caster -- they last 10 minutes.]

Tobias is set to be on the stealth team, and he tells Tewdwr to stay with the diversionary team.

Dwight wisely wonders about the exact method the stealthers will use to capture the hiumonculus. [OOC ruling by Cayzle: If one (or more) person can pin the humonculus (using the Woldian House Rules for Grapples), then in the next round the pinner can drop the humonculus into the box IF a second person is holding the box and stands ready to close and lock the lid. OK?]

Dwight tells Zom that the hobgoblins will fight the undead. Zom agrees, but says that he himself will accompany the stealth team. He will be invisible. He also says that there must be loot, or he will not go, so he is on the stealth team to make sure that he is not ripped off. He says too bad we're not killing the witch doctor, but he can use Mist and Web to delay the enemy when it is time to escape.

Selithe says she will do her best to fight the Necromancer. Julian is ready for the battle with undead. Podo will go with the stealth team.

Kendry is ready to cast his Message cantrip.

Airin is ready to drink her potion.

The group moves to a stand of trees about a fifth of a mile away from the cave. You are about 1,000 feet from the cave mouth. You can see that for another 500 feet there are patches of scrub and bushes that a trained rogue or ranger could hide in. But the final 500 feet to the cave is dirt, gravel, and sand with no place to hide. How will you cross that 500 feet undetected, Stealth Team? It would take about two minutes to cross the brush, and another two minutes to cross the open space, unmounted at a hustle. Slower if sneaking, faster if mounted, etc.

And the Map!

Friday September 1st, 2006 3:41:33 PM

Tobias is ready to try to pin the hum. He will take his potions of bull's strength (to help with his grapple check) and hide from undead when the stealth group is ready to move to the cavern.

If we're attacking just before daybreak, will Tobias have a chance to prepare a different spell. If so, he will prepare delay poison (didn't the hum have some sort of poison). If not, he will still have an entangle spell.

[OOC: thanks Dwight, I'll send Tobias's sheet shortly]

Friday September 1st, 2006 8:14:21 PM

"I could help by distracting that skeleton gaurding the entrance with some sling shots, as the Stealth Team sneak past it. But I fear we will face more undead before I could do that. I think the Stealth Team needs to sneak in as best they can, as the rest of us begin an open battle. Perhaps they could swing to the left a bit...
"Zom will be invisible, but what about hide from undead?"
Julian is keen to move openly through the brush as fast as possible, then approach the sands more cautiously. He also suggests to the halflings that since Zom is with the Stealth Team that maybe the hobs would accept his leadership, when he is 7' tall with a dire badger. "I don't speak the language but maybe... What do you think?"
Julian is just waiting for the right moment to cast Dire Badger (Enlarge Person) and Badger Fur (Mage Armour) on himself and Shark, as well as Prestidigitations to make his clothes look like fur.

Friday September 1st, 2006 10:07:45 PM

Selithe takes a deep breath as she looks around and sighs softly, nodding as she looks to the others, "If the sneak group moves in using a potion and the others attack you might beable to get them to break up their forces enough for us to get in and out. However I doubt the necromancer will want to come out and we can be sure he will keep some pets for his protection inless he is so sure of himself."

Tobias (by Anthony) 
Sunday September 3rd, 2006 2:52:33 PM

Tobias prepares to embark with the stealth team. With weapons within easy reach, Tobias awaits the final word to set out.

"I've got the humuculus, who is gonna have the chest once I've grappled it?"

Dwight (Hp: 35, Ac 16)  d20+9=25 d20+11=31 d20+8=23 d20+3=6
Sunday September 3rd, 2006 3:19:33 PM

[Sorry about Tobias' double post]

Dwight thinks about his plan and all the details having been laid out. If only everything goes as expected he thinks realizing everything cannot be taken into account.

Before setting out Dwight tries to double check some details. "The chest, very important. Selithe and I will carry it in, and then one of us will need to be prepared to close it once Tobias has the hum."

Without meaning to offend, Dwight inquires if Zom is planning on helping inside or just help with the escape. He plans to help, shutting the chest, helping to grapple (due to his size) or slowing, preventing the necro from casting would be helpful.

Also, Dwight inquires who is in charge outside, perhaps Julian as he has offered. Regardless, Kendry and Julian need to know to help keep outside informed. He also affirms that their will be treasure, split 50-50 as agreed, but that will have to wait until after the necro and hum are taken care of.

"Okay," Dwight swallows hard feeling the pressure of this task he has set the group in. "If everyone knows there task, I think we are as ready as we can be." He looks around reading the expectations of everyone, waiting for everyone to nod showing they understand.

"Julian, the stealth team is going to attempt to sneak into the cave. Once inside, give us about a 4 count, then engage. If it all works, the moment you engagew will be the moment the necro is engaged. Try not to let anything else enter the cave. If something does, warn us with a whistle."

Looking around, Dwight tries to think of anything he may have missed. "I suggest we drink our potions here and hustle toward the cave entrace. Time plan about six minutes to the cave entrance, trying to hide as long as we can. Once close to the entrance, the rest of the group can begin moving closer (to the edge of the brush) then the 4 count."

Dwight looks around one more time, holds his potion of hide from undead out (If Zom doesn't have one, is provided with one if he would like.) Letting the stealth group drink together, Dwight sets out.

Active spells:
Hide from undead (potion)
Message (From Kendry)

Hide: 25
Move Silently: 31 (nat 20)
Listen: 23
Spot: 6

Podo (by Kim) 
Sunday September 3rd, 2006 5:33:49 PM

"I'll have the box ready," Podo answers Tobias.

Monday September 4th, 2006 4:08:50 AM

"Regarding the request to cast silence on an object," Kendry says just before people split up, "I could cast it on this tanglefoot bag. If you hit the intended target with it, he may find himself stuck in silence, after a manner of speaking. Of course, until it is cast away from whoever carries it, the silence will move with you."

If any is willing, then Kendry does as he said, and casts a silence spell upon a tanglefoot bag - which he offers to whoever wishes to carry it.

Airin [ 42/42 HP / AC21 / Woodland Stride / Message / Mage Armor / Hide from Undead] and Fioni [ 8/8 HP / AC17 ]  d20+12=20 d20+19=36 d20+8=21 d20+8=26 d20+12=31
Monday September 4th, 2006 4:19:35 AM

Airin wonders if skirting the dirt through the bushes, climbing the rocks behind the entrance, and lowering themselves by ropes would not have been safer to get to the entrace but she will do as the group is set to do. Otherwise we would only be wasting time arguing...

"Ok friends here goes nothing. Good luck everyone! Remember the mission... retrieve the Homunculus unharmed, leave the necromancer alive... and get out.

As for the retreat towards our home... I think taking the long road might be safer than going directly to our home. If they follow us, we may lead them towards our homes. Should we consider going in a wide circle ... we will find out if they will be following, and we have an extra chance to loose them... Oh we'll see... first we need to get this mission done!"

Airin quaffs the potion and looks at herself... she's not invisible not are her friends who drank the potion. How do we know if this works?!?

Then the little halfling lass begins to cross the distance towards the cave...

Move Silently: 20
Hide: 36
Search: 21
Spot: 26
Listen: 31

Active Spells:
Message (cast by Kendry): 500 rounds
Mage Armor: 600 rounds
Hide from Undead: 100 Rounds

Spell List:
Read Magic

Speak with Animals
Speak with Animals - USED

To the Cave! (DM Cayzle) 
Monday September 4th, 2006 1:06:50 PM

Led by Airin, the Stealth Team begins to head out.

While in the brush, does the team move at half speed so as to be stealthiest, or at a walk (-5 on stealth rolls)?

Does the stealth team head directly for the cave, or to the right or to the left?

All on the stealth team must make move silent and hide checks.

Zom says that his people have their orders, so no worries on that part. He says he'll stay hidden unless maybe to Web the witch doctor. He takes a potion from Dwight. Then he disappears from sight, presumably following along with the rest of the stealth team.

Moving at half speed, it will take the stealth team two and a half minutes to get to the sands. Moving at normal speed, half that. Does the diversion team wait or start moving out right away too?

Keep in mind that the range of Message is not the entire map!

Keep in mind that Hide from Undead lasts ten minutes!

Keep track of who has how many potions!

It is just before daybreak, and Tobias can take Delay Poison for his potion. Yes, the homunculus has a poison bite -- in fact it is for that poison that Bella wants you to bring back the construct.

Given spell durations, Julian will want to cast the armor and prestidigitation now,and the enlarge just before engaging.

Given the duration, does Kendry want to use the Silence now?

Julian [AC18, hp 37] and Shark the badger [AC 20, hp18] 
Monday September 4th, 2006 7:13:43 PM

OOC are we in combat rounds yet? I thought not, otherwise Julian can only cast one of these spells.

Julian removes something from his spell pouch and chants something about the mighty badger. He wipes something black down his forehead, over his eyes and down his cheeks and nose so that the grey sideburns resemble the stripes on a badgers face. He then carefully and deliberately brings his hands down over his body, to his toes. The black smearing sprouts hair and Julian is now covered with thick black badger fur.
"Mmmmm, Badger Fur feels so comfortable, so safe."
Cast Mage Armour "Badger Fur" and Prestidigitation.
Mage Armour will also effect Shark, Julian's familiar who remains within 5'.

"Kendry, let's see if we can organise these hobs," Julian speeks to Kendry in Halfling, "maybe see if they know what tactics are, what discipline is. We might have a big job ahead keeping them together, after all they don't even speak common.
"Just how many are there? Hobs? Bugbears? Dire Wolves, Wargs? What do we have to work with? What weapons do they have?
"I want them in a defensive V formation. If Tobias can take a Hob down in one blow, well, no offense to Tobias but they must have a very low pain threshold.
"With the V formation if we each stay 5' apart when one of them is overwhelmed it can step back into the V for extra help and protection from those nearby. It also means that any enemy drawn into the centre will be flanked on all sides. The opening of the V is the forward section, and with discipline it can open and close to draw in and trap enemies within a closing wedge of steel. Fun.
"You and I could use hide from undead to command the Hobs, and spring a surprise attack if needed.
"Can you relate that to them? Do you think they would understand? If they don't like it I could convince them otherwise... Especially when I am taller then they are.
"What are we gonna do with the pack animals, and Sallie here?"

Julian is ready to move with Kendry, and ready to cast "Dire Badger" (Enlarge Person). He also has his potion of Hide from Undead in his pocket waiting...
Active spells
Mage Armour [duration 2 hours]
Prestidigitation [dur 1 hour]

Spells per day
6 cantrips and 5 1st level
5 cantrips and 4 1st level

Dwight (Hp 35, Ac 16, Message/Hide from Undead)  d20+9=22 d20+11=15 d20+8=24 d20+3=17 d20+6=15
Monday September 4th, 2006 7:34:11 PM

(If Kendry still wants to cast the spell, Dwight will take the tanglefoot bag. It will take at least 6 minutes to get to cave, so it won't last for the necro.)

Unless others object, Dwight encourages the stealth team to move at half-speed. Via the message, "Good luck all, Airin, lead us as you see fit to the entrance with haste. We should probably assume something will see us."

Hide: 22-5=17
Move Silently: 15-5=10
listen: 24
spot: 17
search: 15

Tobias (by Anthony) (hp 38, ac20, Message/Hide from undead)  d20+17=35 d20+14=29 d20+5=17 d20+1=4
Monday September 4th, 2006 7:40:19 PM

Seeing the group ready, Tobias downs his Hide from undead potion and set off directly behind Airin.

He keeps an eye out, hoping to make it to the cave before he has to engage. Swords are ready.

move silently: 29-5=24
spot: 17
search: 4

Posting Report - ADM Kim - Aug 28 - Sept 3 2006 
Monday September 4th, 2006 9:31:06 PM

DM Cayzle: MTWTF
Dwight: MTWTF
Airin: MT-TF
Podo: -TWTF
Selithe: MTWTF
Kendry: MTWTF
Tobias: MTWTF
Julian: MTWTF

Good job, once again, folks. Podo's light posting is my fault, not Jon-Paul's.

Selithe  d20+9=16 d20+7=11 d20+2=3 d20=20
Monday September 4th, 2006 10:34:59 PM

Selithe moves as silently as she can and also moves slowly, not walking as to instill as few penalties as possible.

As she moves she also keeps her eyes out and whispers to the others before they start moving to far, "I will drink my invisiblity potion just before we break through the line of bushes and such as to keep it at it's longest effect."

(Hide:16 Move silently:11 Listen:3 Spot:20 *nat:20*)

Monday September 4th, 2006 11:26:32 PM

Kendry gives Selithe a hug before she departs. Then Airin a longer hug. "Wardd's luck favor you, cupcake." Remembering something, he says, "Here, Airin, take this net. It might help in capturing the... thing." He gives her a folded battlenet. "If you think someone else can use it, go ahead and give it to him."

Since the time to the cave is longer than the silence spell will last, he gives Dwight a tanglefoot bag, but without the benefit of the spell.

"Where we stand is too far off to help in a timely manner," Kendry says in common, then in goblin, interpreting each sentence as he speaks. "So, we will move closer. We will circle to the left, through brush and trees, until we draw near the base of the bluff. Then we'll work our way along the bluff toward the cave entrance.

"During the first part of our journey, we will travel at normal speed. Once we draw close to the bluff, let us become more stealthy."

Kendry asks the name of each ally, as well as the names of their dire wolves.

He answers Julian, "There are no bugbears or wargs. There are... ten(?) hobgoblins with us, including Rarriat. The eleventh, Zom, is with the others.

"Let's bring the ponies and dogs with us on our wide sweep.

"Your counsel is good, Julian. I will tell the others of the tactics you suggest as we go through the trees. We will not talk, except in whispers, while in the brush. I'll teach a few simple hand signals." He shows them the signs for hurry, slow, stop, circle, and directional signals, and practices them as they travel through the brush and trees.

Following a path from the one stand of trees to the next, and the next three-part clump, Kendry leads the group of hobgoblins, riding his dog, Cheann, then along the edge of the map to the bluff. Once there, he checks to make sure all have made it safely.

Podo (by Kim)  d20+14=32 d20+13=25
Tuesday September 5th, 2006 1:40:07 AM

[Hide: 32; Move silently: 25]

Podo travels in silence with the others. As they draw near to the edge of the brush, he drinks from the potion of hide from undead.

Airin [ 42/42 HP / AC21 / Woodland Stride / Message / Mage Armor / Hide from Undead] and Fioni [ 8/8 HP / AC17 ]  d20+12=30 d20+19=35 d20+8=14 d20+8=28 d20+12=14
Tuesday September 5th, 2006 5:05:15 AM

"Very well, let's go straight through the bushes without wasting time (no reduced speed - as most allready took into account the -5) but then I would advise not going dirently towards the entrace. Let's scirt the bushes and take a bow towards the cave (left bow)"

Airin puts her crossbow on her back and takes her sap in her hand. This is a stealth mission and if all goes well she should not fire a single bolt... if all goes well that is...

"remember not to bump into any undead creatures friends or the spell will be cancelled. I have one potion left... (if everyone took a potion but i don't know this)."

It was about 2 minutes to the end of the bushes... then another 2 minutes towards the entrance - we'll need 3 if we take a bow towarsd the cave. This leaves us with 5 minutes to grab the homunculus and leave...

"Who says the Homunculus is INSIDE the cave?!?!? Who says the Homunculus, who can travel away from the Necro for a certain range did not SPOT us... and the Necro can look through its eyes... I'd better not express these negative thought to my friends... let's not worry them and get going..." airin thinks to herself as she travels through the bushes.

Move Silently: 30
Hide: 35
Search: 14
Spot: 28 - Nat20
Listen: 14

Active Spells:
Message (cast by Kendry): 499 rounds
Mage Armor: 599 rounds
Hide from Undead: 99 Rounds

Spell List:
Read Magic

Speak with Animals
Speak with Animals - USED

Splitting and Maneuvering (DM Cayzle) 
Tuesday September 5th, 2006 10:25:22 AM

[OOC: We are not in round-by-round mode yet because at ten rounds per minute, that would be 20-plus posts of "I continue to sneak closer." LOL!]

Diversion Team -- DT

Julian casts his protective magic. He tries to talk with the hobgoblins. They basically ignore him. They smile and wave their clubs around, as if to say, "Yeah, sure, we fight very well, thanks!"

Julian notes that there are 11 warriors (including Rarriett). They have formed basically into two groups, each one clustered around a dire wolf.

Julian asks what the group will do with mounts and such. that's actually a great question. What will the group do with mounts and such?! I know Tewdwr will be with the diversion team.

Kendry talks with the hobgoblins and translates Julian's ideas. One tall hobgoblin says, "A wedge is a good idea. We hobgoblins make two wolf teams. You, small guys and cursed dog, go between us and ahead to make the point of the wedge."

The diversion team moves along, staying out of sight and moving towards the bluff on the right side.

Stealth Team -- ST

Dwight, Podo, and Selithe sneak along at half speed.

Arien and Tobias sneak along at full speed. They scout ahead and then back, returning to the slower members from time to time. They see no sign of undead in the brush.

The stealth team moves to the edge of the brush on the left side. From here on forward, there is no cover and therefore hiding is impossible. Zom is fine with his invisibility, ditto Selithe. What about the rest? Will you rely on the hide from undead potions and hope that there are no other watchers other than the undead?

Well, let me revise that statement slightly. The edge of the bluff is jagged and curves. It DOES offer a little cover from the ogre skeleton at the cave mouth. If you hugged the base of the bluff, you might be able to hide and sneak closer ... maybe within 100 feet.

And who knows? Maybe the last hundred feet can be crossed without being noticed during a diversion?

And the Map!

Airin [ 42/42 HP / AC21 / Woodland Stride / Message / Mage Armor / Hide from Undead / Spider Climb] and Fioni [ 8/8 HP / AC17 ]  d20+12=29 d20+19=23 d20+8=26 d20+12=13
Tuesday September 5th, 2006 11:48:45 AM

Airin signals to her sneaky friends that it is best to follow the edge of the bluff now at a slower pace to gain as much as possibly from their stealth... Yet she also signals that she will travel up the bluff...

Airin's hand goes into her Haversack and the exact scroll she wanted comes out... Spider Climb... (move action)

She reads the scroll whispering the words and little hairs seem to grow on the tips of her fingers and feet.

"so far so good..." she thinks and slowly proceeds towards the entrance although rather than walking on the ground, Airin goes up the bluff following a diagonal to remain at the same distance from the entrance as her friends...

(this means Airin will not be able to go slower - her climbing speed is slower so she can not go even slower to gain in stealth. Taking -5 on move silently after all - and she allready lost 1 move action compared to her other stealthy friends.)

Move Silently: 29
Hide: 23 (on the bluff side)
Spot: 26
Listen: 13 - Nat 1

Active Spells:
Message (cast by Kendry): 480 rounds
Mage Armor: 580 rounds
Hide from Undead: 80 Rounds
Spider Climb: 200 rounds

Spell List:
Read Magic

Speak with Animals
Speak with Animals - USED

Tuesday September 5th, 2006 6:21:44 PM

In the last stand of woods, Kendry takes a minute to grab a few items from the ponies' saddlebags. Not wanting them to be defenseless targets against wandering undead, he leaves them unroped, but places feed on the ground for them to munch on, and perhaps remain occupied until their return.

"As our scouts draw close, let us creep forward with caution - following the edge of the bluff until we are near the end of the brush." As before, Kendry speaks in goblin and common.

He takes the lead, and moves with care towards the bluff, then caveward...

Dwight (Hp 35, Ac 16, mesage, hide from undead  d20+9=21 d20+11=25 d20+3=10 d20+6=8
Tuesday September 5th, 2006 9:12:22 PM

Dwight follows Airins lead, though on the ground. Counting the time in his head, he hopes he calculated the time correctly and the others create a good disruption.

Hide: 21-5=16
Move Silently: 25-5=20
Spot: 10
Search 8

Tobias (by Anthony) (Hp 38, ac 20, message, hide from undead)  d20+17=26 d20+14=31 d20+5=21 d20+1=3
Tuesday September 5th, 2006 9:15:07 PM

Flexing his fingers on his hilts, Tobias goes through the motions he will need to do in order to grapple the humuculus.

hide: 26-5=21
Move Silently:31-5=26
spot 21
search 3

Selithe  d20+9=28 d20+7=26
Tuesday September 5th, 2006 9:52:44 PM

Selithe moves along as best she can, sticking to the bluff that was indicated and holding her breath some as she does her best to move as quietly as possible and stay hidden. She really hates the idea of being the one who might ruin it for the group but she is happy to see her rogue training has payed off from the looks as she does quite a good job of keeping quiet and hiding.

(Hide:28 Move Silently:26 almost max on both.)

Julian and Shark [enlarged, mage armour, AC 16 hp 37] Shark AC 20 hp 18  d20+3=15
Tuesday September 5th, 2006 10:50:24 PM

"Sallie, stay. Gaurd.
"Shark, come."

With any luck Sallie should be an effective gaurd dog with the pack animals of Kendry's (any others?)

"Kendry, I don't think they understood what I meant about a defensive V. They seem to expect a wedge. Bah! well, they don't even speek common.
"I reckon we lead by example, and create a loud and large diversion. But I lost track of time and forgot how long Dwight said. You say when.
"Want me to use Burrow Speak (Message) between us. I have used it in the past on Sallie too, so I can hear her growl if there is trouble, and to call her up or remind her to stay as needed...
Cast Burrow Speak on Kendry(?) and Sallie.
Julian will follow Kendry's lead, and with any luck the other lunkheads will also follow, and not stab us in the back. He doesn't say this out load at all.
Just before they move into the open Julian will drink his Hide from Undead and cast Dire Badger (Enlarge Person) on himself and Shark. His Greater Sledgehammer is in hand, and he scans ahead.
Spot 15
Active spells
Mage Armour [duration 2 hours]
Prestidigitation [dur 1 hour]
Enlarge Person
Message (Julian, Sallie, Kendry?)
Hide from Undead (potion)

Spells per day
6 cantrips and 5 1st level
4 cantrips and 3 1st level

Halt! Who goes there! (DM Cayzle)  d20+6=16
Wednesday September 6th, 2006 2:41:16 PM

Stealth Team -- ST

Airin leads the way along the base of the bluff, sticking close to the rubble at the rock face and using it for cover. Dwight, Tobias, and Selithe follow. Then she uses her spider climb to ascend the rock face, moving in advance of the group. Podo acts as a rearguard, hanging back a bit.

If you make a listen check vs DC16, you will hear Zom's invisible footsteps nearby.

Diversion Team -- DT

Kendry leaves the party's mounts in the last stand of trees. Julian leaves his dog as well.

The two halflings lead the hobgoblins through the brush along the edge of the bluff on the right. The large dire wolves are not very sneaky-like, but more imposing-and-threatening-like.

It is clear that the ogre skeleton standing at the cave mouth sees the hobgoblins and two dire wolves as they leave the cover of the trees. The two-handed blade it wields swings around to face them.

The diversion team gets to the edge of the brush. A few more steps bring them onto the sandy gravel that marks the necromancer's lifeless territory. The skeleton is about 500 feet away, and looking at you.

The diversion team starts across the gravel. About 250 feet from the skeleton, the party hears a voice. It booms out from the skeleton.

"Who has come to trouble the home of puissant wizard Flavius Aetius? Marcus, captain of the guard, demands an answer!"

At this point, only Airin, Kendry, and Julian can see the ogre skeleton. Its breastplate gleams, and it somehow manages to seem very threatening. Those three:

Airin, Kendry, and Julian, if you make a Listen check vs DC20, then Highlight to display spoiler: {The voice does not come from the skeleton, but from its sword!}

Kendry and Julian, only, if you make a spot check vs DC20, then Highlight to display spoiler: {The skeleton's jaw does not move when it speaks.}

And the Map!

Julian  d20+12=31
Wednesday September 6th, 2006 7:43:56 PM

OOC just rolling my listen check for now.
listen 31

Selithe  d20+9=22 d20+7=11
Wednesday September 6th, 2006 8:56:51 PM

Selithe continues her very slow movements and stops if Airin makes any motions for them to stop at all. She still isn't very keen on the whole possiblity of giving the group away but she has done good so far. However it surely won't be as hard now with the skeleton having it's attention on her other friends.

(Hide:22 Move Silently:11 heh, really hope the skeleton is to busy with the other group.)

Tobias (by Anthony) (Hp 38, ac 20 message, hide from undead)  d20+17=35 d20+14=25 d20+5=10 d20+6=15 d20+1=17
Wednesday September 6th, 2006 9:17:40 PM

The booming voice echoes in Tobias' ears a moment realizing the diversion group has begun. Keeping pace and on track, unless given other signs from Airin, Tobias continues towards the entrance of the cave.

Hide: 35-5=30
Move Silently: 25-5=20
Search 17

Dwight (Hp 35, ac 16, message, hide from undead)  d20+9=26 d20+11=23 d20+3=14 d20+6=23 d20+8=23
Wednesday September 6th, 2006 9:22:56 PM

Dwight trembles on the inside hearing the voice echo from behind the rock cropping. Knowing the diversion team is on track is the only thing that keeps him focused.

Pausing just a moment to make Podo is still watching the rear, Dwight continues unless Airin gives the signal to halt.

The cave entrance can't be much further as Dwight recounts how far the entrance was suppose to be. Timing, it's all about timing...

Hide: 26-5=21
Move Silently: 23-5=18
Spot: 14
Search: 23
Listen: 23

Wednesday September 6th, 2006 10:41:22 PM

OOC sorry, my daughter seems to be getting worse not better, and I may not have net access till next week. And I don't have my CS here.
So I thought to post some standing orders, and maybe someone could make my battle rolls. Perhaps Cayzle could post my CS to a volunteer... though I haven't updated the weapon yet, the greater sledgehammer (just like a greatclub Cayzle says).

Julian made both listen checks and is considering acting upon it, perhaps to sunder the sword from the skeletons hand, or grappling for it. But I don't know about that exactly, he might be too strong. Perhaps a potion of climb or jump to gain an advantage.
Julian will Rage soon to get into some fighting, and take on the ogre skeleton... so Kendry can support the hobs?...


Cayzle OOC 
Thursday September 7th, 2006 12:11:02 AM

Robert, sorry to hear about your daughter. I'm sure she'll be in our thoughts, and you too.

It is too bad that both Robert and JPW are absent at the moment. But life happens.

In another game I DMed, players paired off as buddies, so that if one buddy could not post, his or her buddy would take over. Seems to me like poor Kim has been doing a lot of subbing, and I know he is busy too. What do you all think about forming pairs, and that way having someone on call to sub as needed?

Meanwhile, who will volunteer to run Julian?

Podo (by Kim)  d20+14=19 d20+13=32 d20+9=14
Thursday September 7th, 2006 1:42:38 AM

[Hide: 19; Move silently: 32; Spot: 14]

Podo does keep an eye to the rear, as well as out over the sands. He carries his darkwood staff in his hands.

Kendry  d20+6=18 d20+3=12 d20+12=31
Thursday September 7th, 2006 2:06:18 AM

[Listen: 18; Spot: 12]

"I want back my brother!" Kendry sings out in growly Goblin, using one of the minor keys favored by the goblinoid races. "Know powerful witch doctor where my brother? If brother find, then go in peace." [Perform: Singing 31]. He did not leave his dog behind, but rather rides on the back of Cheann.

Kim OOC 
Thursday September 7th, 2006 2:09:33 AM

I likely will not be able to post for Kendry or Podo until next week. Way too busy for the next four days, until sometime Monday. Sorry, friends.

Sorry, Robert, as well, to hear of your daughter.

Airin [ 42/42 HP / AC21 / Woodland Stride / Message / Mage Armor / Hide from Undead / Spider Climb] and Fioni [ 8/8 HP / AC17 ]  d20+12=14 d20+12=24 d20+19=30 d20+8=28 d20+12=24
Thursday September 7th, 2006 7:44:02 AM

(listen check 14 - failed)

Airin hears the bellowing voice and trembles. But it's not her job to take care of the Skeleton Guard... she needs to sneak into the cave...

Slowly (reduced speed to avoid sneaking penalty) she lowers herself to the top side of the cave entrance. This way she will be able to sneak in along the ceiling...

Once at the top of the entrance she takes a peak inside...

Listen Check vs DC20: 14 - failed
Move Silently: 24 (towards top of the entrance)
Hide: 30 (above the entrance while peaking insde)
Spot: 28 - NAT 20 - (see what goes on inside)
Listen: 24 (hear what goes on inside)

Active Spells:
Message (cast by Kendry): 479 rounds
Mage Armor: 579 rounds
Hide from Undead: 79 Rounds
Spider Climb: 199 rounds

Spell List:
Read Magic

Speak with Animals
Speak with Animals - USED

All Skeletons Rise! (DM Cayzle) 
Thursday September 7th, 2006 3:52:22 PM

[OOC: Let's cope with our player absences in this way: Kendry and Julian are conveniently both in the Diversion Team. When they do not post, their actions will be "off-stage." Podo will stay outside the cave hiding to the left to act as a rearguard and reserve. JP, Robert, and Kim, when you are ready to post again, e-mail me and I'll fill in your current situation via e-mail ... then you can resume posting. If anyone has any comments, problems, or questions on this, please e-mail me.]

The Stealth Team hears a voice answer the skeleton ... is that Kendry talking in goblin?

The skeleton answers, still speaking common: "ALL SQUADS RISE!"

Immediately, skeletons spring out of hiding ... they had been prone under the sand and gravel. There are about 30 of them, all sized like humans or hobgoblins. There are 10 near the ogre skeleton. 10 between the diversion team and the cave. And 10 right next to the Stealth Team!

But Dwight, Airin, Podo, and Tobias are protected by Hide From Undead. Selithe and Zom are invisible. (Selithe, please put currently active effects, like Invisibility, in your header!). The medium-size skeletons ignore the Stealth Team.

The ogre skeleton calls out: "This is your last warning! Speak your business in the common tongue or die!" He moves 30 feet closer to the Diversion Team. His back is to the Stealth Team.

Airin peeks into the cavern and sees that about 30 feet in, the cave gets narrow and ends in a door. The door has no keyhole. The rest of the Stealth Team is about 60 feet from the cave.

Dwight OOC 
Thursday September 7th, 2006 3:57:05 PM

If people would like to send me their character sheets I can play them until their owners return. At the moment, I am still covering for Tobias, but do currently have the time to cover for the remainder of the week for those that need it.

adavis-pbem@tampabay.rr.com is my email for character sheets.

Cayzle, can you go ahead an send me Julian's sheet. One less thing that has to be on his mind.

Cayzle OOC 
Thursday September 7th, 2006 4:40:36 PM

Like I said, let's put Julian, Kendry, and Podo off stage for the moment. I'll "run" them myself, with no need for posting. Just focus on the Stealth Team.

So all of a sudden I'm down to THREE active players! Wowsy!

Kendry (Hide from undead; Message; Burrow-speak Message; AC 15; HP 29)  d20=19 d20+3=15
Thursday September 7th, 2006 5:51:45 PM

In heavily goblin-accented common, pitching his voice low but projecting loud, Kendry stops moving and says, "What happened to brothers of us? We come for them, hear they lost be near here. Know you where be our brothers? Where go they?" He takes out a scroll and quietly reads the levitate spell, affecting himself. [Rolled d20=19 - away from CS, so don't know adds for reading scroll.]

[Spot: 15 - to see the general size and shape of the skeletons. He notes they are mainly human and hobgoblin. Armored? Weapon-bearing? Etc.]

Plan: Have self and hobgoblins possibly back up to draw skeletons further away from group so as to give sleath team time to get in. If need be, flee (if they will give chase) to really draw them far away.

Dwight (Hp 35, ac 16, message, hide from undead)  d20+9=26 d20+11=30 d20+3=20 d20+6=16 d20+8=25
Thursday September 7th, 2006 7:05:13 PM

OOC: It was a simultaneous post asking for the PC sheets.

So far so good. Dwight continues on, wordlessly urging the stealth team inside after the ogre skeleton has moved away from the entrance.

move silently:30-5=25

Once inside, Dwight scans around looking for traps. Then takes a good listen.

Does the door have a door-knob? Or an obvious way to open it?

As Podo takes position near the entrance, Dwight hopes the remaining portion of the stealth team can fill his role of keeping the necro occupied.
(OOC: I bow to your DM judgement, but Podo was possibly going to stun the necro.)

Tobias (Hp 38, ac 20, message, hide from undead)  d20+17=34 d20+14=26 d20+5=8 d20+1=7 d20+6=25 d20+10=14
Thursday September 7th, 2006 7:14:05 PM

Taking a moment to make sure nothing has detected them, Tobias follows Dwight's motions to move inside.

Looking around, Tobias awaits someone else to handle the door, but prepares to spring onto the humuculus should he be directly on the other side.

move silently: 26-5=21
Survival (track):14

Tobias, tries to bend down, as others begin to examine the door to determine who has passed through this entrance recently. (Track to determine if skeleton tracks or human tracks. How many? Over how many days?)

Selithe (Invisible) 
Thursday September 7th, 2006 8:25:08 PM

Selithe stays dead still at the moment and holds her breath some as she waits for anything to happen. She doesn't want to move more till she is given some sign or signal to keep moveing.

Podo (by Kim) (Hide from undead; message) 
Friday September 8th, 2006 3:21:45 AM

Podo decides not to attack the giant skeleton at this point. He remains by the cave entrance, staff readied, and making sure all his companions can get inside.

Airin [ 42/42 HP / AC21 / Woodland Stride / Message / Mage Armor / Hide from Undead / Spider Climb] and Fioni [ 8/8 HP / AC17 ]  d20+12=30 d20+19=27 d20+8=17 d20+12=21 d20+8=25
Friday September 8th, 2006 7:41:13 AM

Airin's worried as she first hears Kendry's voice and then sees all the skeletons rise from the ground... gee this is SPOOKY!!

She has to keep her mind on her own tasks...

do be careful love she thinks as she casts one last look in Kendry's direction before going in to the cave...

Carefully Airin enters the cave along the ceiling. Lurking in the corners keeping and eye out for trouble... She sees how her friends enter as well and manouvres towards the door.

There she stops and tries to hear sounds coming from behind the door... if any...
She also checks the door for possibly traps.

She looks into the eyes of her friends trying to see what they will do now...

Move Silently: 30 (towards the door along the ceiling)
Hide: 27 (along the corners of the ceiling)
Spot: 17
Listen: 21 (can she hear anything behind the door?)
Search: 25 - Trapfinding ability

Active Spells:
Message (cast by Kendry): 478 rounds
Mage Armor: 578 rounds
Hide from Undead: 78 Rounds
Spider Climb: 198 rounds

Spell List:
Read Magic

Speak with Animals
Speak with Animals - USED

A Voice From Within! (DM Cayzle) 
Friday September 8th, 2006 1:51:42 PM

The Diversion Team

Kendry continues to delay and to read a scroll. He sees that the skeletons are unarmored and weild simple weapons. His words in common serve to further confuse matters. He steps back 20 feet.

Julian and the hobgoblins follow Kendry's lead, also stepping slightly back.

Captain Marcus and the Skeletons

Kendry's words seem to pacify the Captain, but when he sees Kendry read a scroll, the Captain's voice rings out. "Adrianus! Pound on the door!" Then the ogre skeleton stands ready and unmoving, facing the Diversion Team.

One skeleton races into the cave and begins pounding on the door.

The Stealth Team

Airin moves into the cave and looks for traps. She searches the area in front of the door. She does note that the door opens out, and now that she is closer, she sees a small rope pull attached to the door.

The rest of the Stealth Team has by now made it into the cave. Several also look for traps, but none are found.

Then several halflings have to back off as a skeleton enters the cave and begins pounding on the door.

Dwight, Tobias, and Airin hear a voice speaking from within, as if annoyed, "What is it! Marcus, if this is another false alarm!" The voice is getting closer to the door.

NOTE! If a non-undead creature opens that door, it will see Airin, Tobias, and Dwight (and maybe Podo) standing there. And there is no obvious place to hide!

Selithe (invisible, message) 
Friday September 8th, 2006 9:29:46 PM

Selithe looks to the others with her and frowns as she waits, she doesn't know how to open the door without becoming visible.

Selithe has an idea but isn't sure how far away from the door she can be.

(forgot to mention the message spell in notation and my listing of spells.)

0th: Detect Magic(1), Ray of Frost(2), Open/Close(1), Prestidigitation(1)

1st: Identify(1), Magic Missile(1), Burning Hands(1), Enlarge Person(1)

Dwight (hp:35, ac16, message, hide from undead)  d20+8=27 d4=4 d20+11=26 d20+3=20 d20+8=22
Sunday September 10th, 2006 9:30:55 PM

Side stepping the skeleton, Marcus, Dwight prepares for action. Not exactly as planned, but better to let him open the door than us, Dwight tells himself.

Pulling his bow taunt, with a sleeping arrowed knocked, Dwight takes aim about chest level for any living thing that answers the door.

To hit: 27+? for surprise
Dmg: 4+sleep?

move silently: 26-5=21
spot: 20
listen: 22

Is the cave, just before the door large enough for the ogre skeleton to enter? Could it walk through the door?

Tobias (hp38, ac 20, message, hide from undead)  d20+12=21 d3+1=2 d20+10=23 d20+10=12 d4+2=4 d4+1=4
Sunday September 10th, 2006 9:47:29 PM

Being near the front, Tobias is just in front of the door as the skeleton knocks. Stepping to the side (making Tobias, just behind the door as it opens. Ideally, once the door is open 3/4 the way, Tobias would have direct view of the inside), Tobias looks to the others.

Seeing the skeleton, hearing a voice, seeing a bow drawn, Tobias prepares for battle. Knowing the skeleton isn't his main target, Tobias will first try to see the humuculus.

If the humuculus is seen, and Tobias can get to it, he does.

If the humuculus is seen, but Tobias cannot get to it (aka, the door is blocked by skeleton and necro etc.), then Tobias throws a dagger at the humuculus.

attack: 21-4(for non-lethal damage)=17
dmg: 2

If the humuculus is not seen, then Tobias does his best to knock down the necro with nonlethal damage using his two shortswords. (Assuming he remains standing after the arrow.)

attack 1: 23-4=19
attack 2: 12-4=8
dmg 1: 4 (non-lethal)
dmg 2: 4 (non-lethal)

If the necro has fallen from the arrow, then the skeleton gets Tobias' swords, though lethal and halved.

Airin [ 42/42 HP / AC21 / Woodland Stride / Message / Mage Armor / Hide from Undead / Spider Climb] and Fioni [ 8/8 HP / AC17 ]  d20+12=31 d20+19=35
Monday September 11th, 2006 5:20:30 AM

Airin freezes as she sees the Skeleton walk in and slowly crawls up into the corner of the Ceiling... there she hides, sap in her hand, ready to jump on top of anything if needed...

She's worried about Thobias and Dwight as she sees them prepare to attack immediately. This was not the idea of the Stealth mission... whoever lurks in there will know somethings wrong!

All she can do now if wait, hide, and prepare for trouble :-/

Move Silently: 31 (towards the corners of the ceiling in the shadows)
Hide: 35 (in the corners of the ceiling)

Active Spells:
Message (cast by Kendry): 477 rounds
Mage Armor: 577 rounds
Hide from Undead: 77 Rounds
Spider Climb: 197 rounds

Spell List:
Read Magic

Speak with Animals
Speak with Animals - USED

The Door Rattles! (DM Cayzle) 
Monday September 11th, 2006 11:04:58 AM

The Diversion Team

The Diversion Team, including Kendry and Julian, continue to back up slowly, at 20 feet per round. The Ogre Skeleton with the Two-Handed Blade keeps pace, and with him, a guard of about 20 skeletons -- this force is about 80 feet away ffrom the Diversion Team, and about 80 feet from the cave mouth. Kendry's plan to draw the skeletons away from the Necromancer's cave seems to be working well. Fifteen other skeletons form a loose circle at the mouth of the cave, facing out.

The Stealth Team

Note: The cave is 30 feet wide and 20 feet high at the mouth. It tapers in after that, so that 30 feet in it is 10 feet high and 10 feet wide, and ends in a door. The ogre skeleton could fit in, but it would be a squeeze. The floor is sandy and level. An invisible person walking or running might give himself or herself away by disturbing the floor, but if you are still, or just creep along, you should be okay.

Airin hides, clinging to the sloping rough ceiling perched above the door at the back of the cave. She is about 15 feet above the door.

Selithe is invisible. She considers opening the door, which is about 15 feet away. [OOC: Note by Cayzle: You CAN act normally, including opening doors and drawers, even picking pockets and casting spells, AND remain invisible ... you become visible IF you attack.]

Dwight stands right in front of the door, a sleep arrow ready to fire. He is not invisible, although he is Hidden From Undead.

Tobias sees that the door opens out, so he steps behind it. When the door opens, he thinks he could hide there, maybe remaining unseen by the exiting necromancer? In fact, he thinks there would be room for two halflings behind the door. When the door opens, Tobias will be able to peek through the crack into the room, but he won't be able to throw any weapon through the crack.

It must be noted that a mindless human skeleton, the one Captain Marcus referred to as Adrianus, is still pounding on the door.

Podo. standing rearguard at the cave mouth, ducks back out of sight. He is standing 10 feet from a mindless skeleton, which ignores him because he is Hidden From Undead.

From behind the door the Stealth Team can easily hear the sound of an annoyed necromancer. "Marcus! I was in the middle of brewing ichor! This had better be important. That pounding is so loud! Skeleton! Stop pounding on the door and step back! Stupid skeleton."

Adrianus stops pounding at his master's command. You hear the sound of a bolt being drawn. The door rattles.

Very clearly, the door is about to open! The entire Stealth Party is being stealthy, aside from Dwight! Will Dwight stay put, hoping that his Will DC11 sleep arrow will stop the experienced necromancer in his tracks? Has he considered what will happpen if the necromancer sees him at his door and resists the sleep magic?? Or will Dwight join his friends and take the chance to hide, and then maybe to sneak in the cave behind the necromancer's back? Tune in next time, friends, to find out!

Dwight (hp35, ac 16, message, hide from undead)  d20+11=28 d20+9=25 d20+8=19 d20+3=8
Monday September 11th, 2006 2:04:36 PM

Seeing everyone else has managed to hide, Dwight concedes. Using the pounding as cover he quitely steps to the side near Tobias, behind the door.

move silently: 28-5?=23
hide: 25-5?=20
listen: 19
spot: 8

Trying to look through the crack of the door and wall as it opens, Dwight realizes Tobias is in the way. Dwight then waits to see if the door opens.

Monday September 11th, 2006 4:36:27 PM

Tobias will remain behind the door until he thinks it's clear to try to sneak inside... once whoever comes out passes.

He also tries to peek through the crack to see if he gets a view of the hum.

Julian [Jerry is sub]  d20=11
Monday September 11th, 2006 5:20:20 PM

Julian maneuvers near Kendry and whispers, "Hey, the sword is doing all the talking. May be animating the skelly too. Man he stinks! If I get a chance I may try to sunder the sword and see what happens. Methinks the sword is boss of the skelly."

Julian goes total defense if combat breaks out. He figues we need to delay as long as possible before trying anything fancy.

He begins counting the skeletons that have come out of the ground. If he can't get an exact number, he approximates it.

[spot check of 11]

He stays with Kendry continuing to take his lead from the wise bard. His face looks worried, yet determined.

Active spells
Mage Armour [duration 2 hours]
Prestidigitation [dur 1 hour]

Spells per day
6 cantrips and 5 1st level
5 cantrips and 4 1st level

Dwight (OOC) 
Monday September 11th, 2006 8:27:04 PM

OOC: Glad your back Pedro. I was afraid things were going to get ugly, and I was going to get Tobias in trouble.

Monday September 11th, 2006 10:48:17 PM

What Julian tells him helps to make some better sense of just what is going on. Whether the huge skeleton could by himself discern those hidden from undead... Hmmm, perhaps his companions near the entrance might be seen by the sword were his attention diverted there. So, best to keep the focus on himself and the hobgoblin entourage. Kendry thinks to somehow acknowledge what Julian tells him, to thank him, but this charade must continue.

"Are those our brothers?" Kendry asks in his goblin-accented common as he points to a few hobgoblin skeletons. "Can witch doctor put back flesh and skin over bones? Cannot tell which face go with which bones."

Selithe (Invisible, message)  d20+9=29 d20+7=20
Monday September 11th, 2006 11:08:20 PM

Selithe ponders things as she waits for a good time to try and sneak into the room. If all works out they might beable to detain the necromancer and grab the evil little creature of his and get out.

(Hide:29 *nat:20* Move Silently:20)

0th: Detect Magic(1), Ray of Frost(2), Open/Close(1), Prestidigitation(1)

1st: Identify(1), Magic Missile(1), Burning Hands(1), Enlarge Person(1)

Airin [ 42/42 HP / AC21 / Woodland Stride / Message / Mage Armor / Hide from Undead / Spider Climb] and Fioni [ 8/8 HP / AC17 ]  d20+19=35
Tuesday September 12th, 2006 4:34:41 AM

Airin clings to the rocks above the door and waits. She's happy Dwight decided to hide behind the door as well. She just hopes the door won't slam them against the walls... ouch ;-)

Hide: 35 (in the corners of the ceiling)

Active Spells:
Message (cast by Kendry): 476 rounds
Mage Armor: 576 rounds
Hide from Undead: 76 Rounds
Spider Climb: 196 rounds

Spell List:
Read Magic

Speak with Animals
Speak with Animals - USED

Tuesday September 12th, 2006 8:11:33 AM

Thanks Jerry for subbing. I hope to be able to post regularly next week. Goodluck my halfling friends.

The Striking Flavius Aetius (and not in the good way) (DM Cayzle)  d20+2=14 d20+2=21 d20+2=4(mage spots) d20+14=22 (Podo hides) d20+2=10 (mage spot)
Tuesday September 12th, 2006 9:50:35 AM

The Diversion Team

Julian expresses his clever insight to Kendry. Kendry continues to try to represent himself as a goblin-friend of some sort. Kendry, please make a Bluff check. The Diversion Team backs up another 40 feet. Rarriatt, the female warrior who is part of the DT, tells Kendry that the shaman said to flee if they see the Witch Doctor

Captain Marcus keeps pace. The ogre skeleton and 20 human-sized skeletons keep pace.

The Stealth Team

The door opens and a human steps out. The necromancer, for so it must be, is wearing layers of dark black cloth -- a robe, a cloak, and a hat. He moves at a hustle to the cave mouth and then looks out.

Airin hides. Her hide check of 35 beats the mage's 14.

Tobias hides. His hide check of 29 beats the mage's 21.

Dwight jumps behind the door just in time! He hides. His hide check of 20 beats the mage's 4.

Podo hides. His hide check of 22 beats the mage's 10.

Selithe creeps closer. After the mage passes by her, she sneaks invisibly through the door! She is now standing in the door, keeping the door just a sliver ajar.

The mage himself is a staggering sight! Despite his flowing clothing, there is no concealing the limp in his gait. His hair grows in patches scattered on his head. One of his ears is clearly much bigger than the other, and hairier. And he does smell bad.

Dwight, Tobias, and Selithe see that the chamber past the door is amazingly cluttered and crowded. There are tables stacked high with books and lab equipment. There are piles of bones here and there. There are chairs, desks, cabinets, wardrobes, and more. There are also five skeletons scattered across the room. Four are just standing, and one is stirring a cauldron over a fire. The room is lit by flickering torches that do not smoke. Shadows dance everywhere.

Dwight, Tobias, and Selithe, all please make a Spot Check, Selithe at DC15, the other two at DC20. If you succeed, please Highlight to display spoiler: {You see a small animated lump of flesh with wings perched on the cauldron lip.}

The Diversion Team sees the mage come out of the cave and move 30 feet closer. The DT is now 80 feet from Captain Marcus. Marcus is 90 feet from the Necomancer, who is himself 30 feet from the cave. The hobgoblins look like they are about to flee. Kendry hears several say something about Fire.

Kendry  d20+9=27
Tuesday September 12th, 2006 11:18:10 AM

[Bluff: 27]

Kendry wipes his mouth with his sleeve (to forestall any reading of lips) as he whispers to those who have the message spell, "Go inside," figuring that, if the necromancer has come out, the door may be open.

In goblin, he tells the nervous hobgoblins, "Fear not, for fear will rob you of life. Courage can keep us alive." Again, recalling the many conversations with his friend, Bobbles the goblin, and his earlier training in the goblin language and culture, Kendry sets his mouth, and speaks with his goblin accent to the necromancer, "You most powerful witch doctor? We ask our brothers back. We see - these be them?" he waves towards the hobgoblin skeletons. "But no skin. No flesh. No heart. Or be our brothers other place?"

After continuing backwards a bit more while talking, he finally stops, and adds, "Maybe you take brothers from us, maybe not. If you steal, owe you nothing we. But even if did steal brothers you, I give you what in big pouch here," and he points to a bulging pouch on his belt. "You give us brothers ours. We give you pouch, and we not fight you. You stay in peace. We go in peace with ours. If need, then we send them to Raven in Sky, Raven who dark wings, who bright eyes, watch over us."

Kendry is glad that Julian is by his side. If it comes to it, then his plan to sunder the sword from what remains of the ogre might serve them well.

Tobias [AC 20 - HP 38/38; delay poison; bull's str]  d20+17=23 d20+14=34
Tuesday September 12th, 2006 1:17:57 PM

With the mage moving past, Tobias will wait til he's a little further out of view and then try to sneak from behind the door and into the cavern. He'll move as close to the hum as he can in this round.

Hide: 23
Move silent: 34 [nat 20]

[Pedro - I'll be at Microsoft Friday morning. -Kim]

Selithe  d20=20
Tuesday September 12th, 2006 8:59:08 PM

Selithe glances around the room and stays inside of it as she ponders the situation. The necromancer needed handled first and then the inside. The net would probably be one way of getting either the little creature or the necromancer.


Dwight (hp 35, ac 16, message, hide from undead)  d20+3=14 d20+3=13 d20+5=20 d20+9=16 d20+11=18 d20+8=28
Tuesday September 12th, 2006 10:22:27 PM

O' I can't believe it, Dwight remains in place until the necro is out of sight then peers into the room (spot: 14). The undead give Dwight the creeps and he wonders how much time remains before they can see him. He checks to make sure another potion is handy.

Signaling to Podo, the group is looking inside, Dwight watches Tobias make his move and moves to get a better view.

Hide: 16
Move Silently: 18
Listen: 28 (natural 20)

Spot check to see if Selithe and Zom can be located using footprints: 13

OOC: Pedro just got back to play Tobias and must have forgotten to roll his spot check as he is catching up on his reading? Any chance I can roll for him?

Tobias spot: 20 (if allowed)

Podo (by Kim)  d20+14=29 d20+13=30 d20+9=18 d20+14=30
Wednesday September 13th, 2006 12:22:36 AM

Since the necromancer and the ogre skeleton are occupied with the diversion team, Podo takes the opportunity to sneak inside the entrance and door. He steps in the footsteps left behind by the necromancer. Taking advantage of whatever shadows or concealments he can find, he comes in crouching low, and steps quickly behind whatever he can find to hide himself from anyone in the room.

Once he's settled, the monk carefully reaches into his haversack, and wills the metal chest inside to touch his hand. Alemi, grant us favor to carry forth this action toward the healing of many, he prays inwardly. He will be ready to extract and open the chest as soon as Tobias looks to be ready for him.

[Outside cave:
Hide: 29
Move silently: 30
Inside cave:
Spot: 18
Hide: 30]

Airin [ 42/42 HP / AC21 / Woodland Stride / Message / Mage Armor / Hide from Undead / Spider Climb] and Fioni [ 8/8 HP / AC17 ]  d20+19=27 d20+12=23 d20+8=18 d20+8=27
Wednesday September 13th, 2006 4:22:11 AM

Airin watches her friends moving inside the Necro's chambers and crawls down from the ceiling along the top side of the door and then again up to the ceiling in the Necro's room.

Airin takes a look around. She carries the net Kendry gave her... but looks around the room to see how they can defend themselves. If that abberation makes a sound the Necro and his goons will come inside the cave!

A table to be put in front of the door, a second exit, an air hole in the roof, anything.

Hide: 27 (in the corners of the ceiling)
Move Silently: 23
Search: 18
Spot: 27

Active Spells:
Message (cast by Kendry): 475 rounds
Mage Armor: 575 rounds
Hide from Undead: 75 Rounds
Spider Climb: 195 rounds

Spell List:
Read Magic

Speak with Animals
Speak with Animals - USED

Wednesday September 13th, 2006 1:45:17 PM

Julian stays with Kendry now edging in front of him so he's free to do his thing when the time comes. He begins mentally preparing for going berserk on these monstrosities.

He watches the skelly's movements looking for weaknesses in the way he holds the sword. He thinks, 'If I have to, I'll just break his arm in two--just a bone.'

Turning to Badger, he whispers, "Go to person coming out of the cave. Ready your attack, but do not get too close until you see him wave his arms. When the person does that, attack him to stop the waving. Then back up again, staying ready, until the person waves again. Just like we've practiced."

After that, he readies the spell, "Enlarge" to go off at the first sign of battle. Taking a deep breath, he concentrates on his prepared spell.

The Jig is Up! (DM Cayzle)  d20+4=23 d20+4=14 (rolls vs Tobias) d20+4=24 d20+4=9 (rolls vs Dwight) d20+4=11 d20+4=13 (rolls vs Podo) d20+4=22 d20+4=7 (rolls vs Airin) d2=2 (roll to see who is attacked) d20+4=22 (att vs Tobias) d4-1=0 (dam vs Tobias)
Wednesday September 13th, 2006 5:23:53 PM

The Diversion Team

Kendry's foolery is taken at face value by the captain of the skeleton guard. "These goblinoids think that your warriors were once their brothers, and they want to pay you to bring them back to life," he tells the oh-so-repulsive-looking wizard.

The necromancer seems amused, but his answer is harder to hear at a distance. If you can make a Listen DC 15, the Please Highlight to display spoiler: {"Well, we have to keep the family together, Ha ha! As warriors in my guard!"}

But when the necromancer turns to face the Diversion Team, he sees that there is not much of a team to face any more! Despite Kendry's attempt to rally the hobgoblins, they have spread out like wildfire and are in full retreat. The wizard casts a spell -- if Kendry can make a Spellcraft check vs DC18, he will see that the spell cast is Highlight to display spoiler: {Keen Weapon cast on the Ogre Skeleton's Falchion.} "Attack, my warriors!" the necromancer shouts.

Julian edges out in front of Kendry, Enlarge spell ready,

Captain Marcus and his corps hustle forward. The skeletons advance 60 feet, and are now 20 feet from Kendry and Julian. What's this? The hobgoblin named Rarriatt is also standing with you, though she looks afraid. Note that Kendry is mounted, Julian is standing with his companion badger, and Tewdyr is standing there too. [OOC: Someone please play Tewdyr, or I will have him run away.]

Julian casts his enlarge spell and reminds his badger familiar on how to fight a mage. NOTE: If you send the badger after the wizard, it will take several attacks of opportunity as it dashes between skeletons. Also, if you share the Enlarge with the badger, the sharing ends if the badger moves more than 5 feet from the master's side.

Next round Julian and Kendry (and Rarriat and animals) will be in combat as the skeletons bear down. Unless there is another plan?

The Stealth Team

As the Stealth Team enters the wizard's lair a 30 ft x 30 ft room, now they can see what must be a humonculous! It is perched on the lip of a cauldron, stirring with a wooden spoon held in both little hands.

The homunculus looks right at Tobias and Dwight! The jig is up! The necromantic construct gives a strange tiny shriek, then flies right at Tobias! The attack hits AC22, and so Tobias feels poison fangs sink in that inflict 1 hp damage! Thanks to the Delay Poison affecting him, he has no fear of the poisons in the construct's bite. Yet.

At this point, everyone who wants to be is either 5 or 10 feet from the construct. Podo is ready with the box.

Selithe looks around but sees no way out, and no other creatures -- except for five skeletons who are going about their chores as if nothing were unusual. One skeleton just went into a back room. Who knows what is in there?

Selithe also notes that a few small objects ... two vials, a scroll ... rise into the air and then disappear as she watches.

Airin, though, is looking around for a defense. She notes that she could easily shut and bar the door behind her. She sees no other obvious way out, except the opening to the back room. That might be something.

Tobias [AC 20 - HP 38/38; delay poison; bull's str]  d20+9=19 d20+5=22
Wednesday September 13th, 2006 6:40:25 PM

With the hum spotting them, Tobias ends all pretense of sneaking and prepares to grapple the hum and hold it down this round (hoping to transfer it into Podo's box next round).

Touch attack roll: 19
Grapple check: 22 [roll + bab + str mod + size mod]

[OOC: Does Tobias need to make some sort of save vs the poison (fort maybe)?]

Tewdwr [AC: 15 - hp 21/21]  d20+3=17 d6+1=4 d20+1=17 d20+3=5
Wednesday September 13th, 2006 7:31:47 PM

Tewdwr will fight with the members of the party, staying close to Kendry and Julian. He will attack the closest skeleton, and if he has an opportunity will try to get in a flanking position with Kendry (** if he gets to a flank position his attack rolls are +2 to what i've rolled). And, if Kynan is able to bite the skeleton, he will attempt to trip it.

Kynan attack: 17
Kynan damage: 4
Kynan trip attempt: 17 (he has improved trip)

Dryw attack: 5 (missed)

Dwight (hp 35, ac 16, message, hide from undead)  d20=20 d20=16
Wednesday September 13th, 2006 9:35:34 PM

Seeing Tobias grappling the humuculus, Dwight tries to help wanting to get him in the chest ASAP.

(OOC: Please check to make sure I do the grapple rolls correctly. Thanks)

Touch attack: 20(natural)+?(3)=23
Grapple attack: 16+3+0+?=19+
Not sure what my size mod. is since Dwight is small, but its tiny.

Dwight is so focused on grappling this thing with Tobias, he leaves it to the others to watch the rear, the skeletons etc.

Selithe (message, invisible *not for long*) 
Wednesday September 13th, 2006 10:17:31 PM

Selithe frowns at everything just seemed to go to heck quick and she growls light now as she speaks quickly, "Podo, would enlarging you help out? Will it aid you in capturing that stupid thing? That door is going to have to be taken care of for at least a few moments too to keep only what we have in here to deal with."

If Podo says yes then Selithe casts enlarge person on him in hopes that it will give some aid.

0th: Detect Magic(1), Ray of Frost(2), Open/Close(1), Prestidigitation(1)

1st: Identify(1), Magic Missile(1), Burning Hands(1), Enlarge Person(1)

Kendry  d20+6=19 d20+5=18
Thursday September 14th, 2006 12:58:04 AM

[Listen: 19; Spellcraft: 18]


Airin [ 42/42 HP / AC21 / Woodland Stride / Message / Mage Armor / Hide from Undead / Spider Climb] and Fioni [ 8/8 HP / AC17 ] 
Thursday September 14th, 2006 8:50:02 AM

Airin considers that working in private might be interesting for all, but she wants to see if there's a back door in this place.

But she does not want the Homunculus to run outside! Airin quickly shuts the door and bars it from the inside. All this happens hanging upside down from the ceiling of course!

If there's some time left Airin will manouvre to the back of the room towards the opening in the back of the room.

If Selithe mentions the dissapearing vials Airin turns a little pale... Is there something INVISIBLE in this room?!? BEWARE!!


Active Spells:
Message (cast by Kendry): 475 rounds
Mage Armor: 575 rounds
Hide from Undead: 75 Rounds
Spider Climb: 195 rounds

Spell List:
Read Magic

Speak with Animals
Speak with Animals - USED

Amazing Events! (DM Cayzle)  d20-2=18 (nat 20 hits Dwight!) d20=20 Follow up is a crit! d4-1=1 d4-1=1 (damage)
Thursday September 14th, 2006 1:37:20 PM

[OOC: Sorry to post before Julian and Kendry (and Podo), but I have a doctor's appointment to get to, so there you go.]

[OOC: FYI, Delay Poison gives you immunity to poison, so there is no need to make any saves until the spell ends.]

The Stealth Team only:
Highlight to display spoiler: {

Tobias and Dwight grab the homunculus. Podo comes near with the box.

Selithe offers to Enlarge Podo, but there does not seem to be a need for it, and an enlarged Podo may find it harder to flee unseen.

Airin quickly closes and bars the door. She moves on the ceiling toward the inner chamber. It looks like it might be a library.

Airin, if you can make a DC10 Int check you will rememeber that the extra invisible person is almost certainly the invisible hobgoblin shaman, Zom.

Finally, the tiny homunculus twists and turns and bites at Dwight. It nips him with a nat 20, and then follows up with another 20! A one in 400 shot! Dwight takes 2 hp damage and must make a Will save vs DC13 or fall asleep.

The Diversion Team only:
Highlight to display spoiler: {

Tewdwr bites a skeleton and trips it!

The necromancer gasps and wheels around. "It is a trick!" he shouts. "They are in my home! Come back to the cave!" He races off back to the door at the back of the cave.

Captain Marcus and all the skeletons immediately turn and follow him.

Kendry and Julian can only stand and gape as the entire undead army turns and runs!

The skeleton that Tewdyr tripped stands up and moves back too. When it stands up, it provokes an AoO -- go ahead and attack as it retreats. Note: you cannot trip a creature with the AoO it provokes by getting up.

Julian [Jerry]  d20+11=21 2d4(2+1)+10=13 d20+4=24 d3-1=1
Thursday September 14th, 2006 6:33:32 PM

Julian grins with joy that doesn't look entirely "good" as he lets his rage flow forth. "Fight with me Shark!"

"IT'S BITING TIME!" he screams as he charges the nearest skelly following as they run neatly drawing his Falchion without even thinking about it.

He silently prays that they are not defending but just running so that they lose their dex.

He strikes the closest skeleton hitting AC21 and if hitting does 13 hpd.

Shark attacks another skeleton and Bites at him hitting better than his master with an AC24 but doing only 1hpd (hope I did that right).



Dwight (hp 33/35, ac 16, message, hide from undead)  d20+5=14 d20+3=14 d20+3=12
Thursday September 14th, 2006 8:22:57 PM

OOC: Uncool, biting while grappled..:)

Save vs. will for posion: 14

Dwight fills the bite, but maintains his handle on the humuculus. With the aid of Tobias, Dwight makes every attempt to get it in the trunk.

Don't know if I need to roll for moving grappled humuculus to chest but here goes:

touch attack: 14 aiding Tobias?
grapple 12+size? aiding Tobias?

Assuming the task is done (humuculus captured), Dwight looks toward Airin for cues on anything he may have missed.

Tewdwr [AC 15 - HP 21/21]  d20+3=5 d20+3=14 d6+1=4 d20+3=13 d6+1=7 d20+1=16 d20+3=11 d6+1=3 d20+1=5
Thursday September 14th, 2006 9:02:40 PM

AAO on the standing skeleton (Does each wolf head get one? roll both just in case):

Kynan attack: 5 (miss)
Dryw attack: 14
Dryw damage: 4

Seeing the skeletons moving away and Julian chase them, Tewdwr will do the same going after the same skeleton, nipping at his heels.

Kynan attack: 13
Kynan damage: 7
Kynan trip: 16

Dryw attack: 11
Dryw damage: 3
Dryw trip: 5

Tobias  d20+5=17 d20+5=19
Thursday September 14th, 2006 9:10:02 PM

Tobias continues the grapple and tries to stuff the hum into the box.

grapple check: 17

Once inside, he shuts the lid on it. And, seeing that the front door has been shut he starts looking for a different way out of here.

spot: 19

Podo (by Kim)  d20-1=15 d20=15
Thursday September 14th, 2006 11:18:31 PM

[Aid another, Grapple: 18 (should have rolled d20+2, not -1 - I think - or maybe d20+1, thus 17). Second unadjusted roll of 15 if there is something else I needed to roll.]

Podo presses the open metal box against the gross familiar grappled by Tobias, aiming to capture it within. Once within, he quickly closes the lid, and uses the amazing lock Kendry gave him with it to fully secure the box. Once that is accomplished, he returns the sealed box to his haversack.

Kendry  d20+10=21 d20+7=22
Friday September 15th, 2006 2:55:42 AM

"Return, be brave as Rarriat - the wizard flees!" Kendry challenges the fleeing hobgoblins in their own tongue. He is proud of Rarriat for her steadfastness and courage, and hopes that their timorous allies might regroup and return. [Diplomacy 21]

On Cheann's broad back, he rides forward [Ride 22] and to the left enough to where he can get an angle to cast a spell of silence a few feet along the wall inside the cave entrance, within 20' of the door, if possible. (Silence prevails in 20' radius.) [If it is obvious he cannot get an angle this round with Cheann hustling forward, then instead he has the dog run forward to where he can cast the spell effectively at the beginning of the next round.]

After the silence spell takes hold, he warns Julian in the halfling tongue, "The sword was keened by the wizard."

He turns Cheann to charge toward the cave entrance (or will do so right soon).

[Question: How 'crumbly' does the hillside above the cave entrance look? Any stones that might be dislodged?]

Airin [ 42/42 HP / AC21 / Woodland Stride / Message / Mage Armor / Hide from Undead / Spider Climb] and Fioni [ 8/8 HP / AC17 ]  d20+8=25 d20+8=21 d20+12=22 d20+3=18
Friday September 15th, 2006 3:20:45 AM

(Int check: 18 - ok I feel stupid myself)

Airin soon realises the invisible thing must be Zom... stupid of her to get all jumpy like that. Then again, it's in her nature to get jumpy easily :-)

Airin quickly crawls forward along the ceiling into the next room what appears to be a library...

With a quick look around she checks if there are any other doors and where they lead to.

spot: 25 (check doors)
search: 21 (check for trouble ;-) )
Listen: 22 (any other inhabitants)

Active Spells:
Message (cast by Kendry): 473 rounds
Mage Armor: 573 rounds
Hide from Undead: 73 Rounds
Spider Climb: 193 rounds

Spell List:
Read Magic

Speak with Animals
Speak with Animals - USED

Selithe (message) 
Friday September 15th, 2006 11:57:41 AM

Selithe moves to make her way to the back of the room, also seeing the Podo and the others have the little creature handled from the looks and is curious of what she might find.

As she moves she speaks quickly, "Let us hope there is another way out because if not then there is going to be trouble."

0th: Detect Magic(1), Ray of Frost(2), Open/Close(1), Prestidigitation(1)

1st: Identify(1), Magic Missile(1), Burning Hands(1), Enlarge Person(1)

Julian [Jerry] 
Friday September 15th, 2006 4:44:49 PM

[Just posting that I've posted. Will not post my next attacks until Cayzle has had a chance to post. Probably check tomorrow. Feel free to delete this Cayzle once read.]

Quiet! (DM Cayzle) 
Friday September 15th, 2006 5:08:26 PM

[OOC: Okay, it is really important that when you guys look at the map (see below), you keep in mind what your characters know and what they don't! I know you will all be professionals!]

The Stealth Team only:

NOTE: The Silence that is outside the door does not extend into the room.

Highlight to display spoiler: {

Tobias and Dwight and Podo wrestle the humunculous into the box and lock it. NOTE: Tobias and Dwight are NO LONGER Hidden From Undead! The spell ends when you attack anything.

Airin enters and looks around the library. There are shelves filled with books lining the walls. There is also a collection of skulls, along with assorted bones, masks, and ribbons. One part in the back is curtained off, but she can see that it has a bed, chair, desk, and privvy. There is a big book on the desk.

Selithe moves to the back of the room. She sees no exit. Selithe notes the boiling cauldron that the homunculus and a skeleton were tending ... now just the skeleton stirs. Another skeleton is dusting. Three more are just standing there. She notes the cluttered cabinets, tables, chairs, an alchemical workbench. On one table there is a slab of clay and a pile of ashes. On another table there's a magnifying glass and a few stones. There are lots of places to hide. There are plenty of vials and pieces of parchments (as well as books), but who knows what is magical and what is not?

Evidently Shaman Zom knows! He continues to secret away small items, mostly vials and scrolls. He calls out in common, "Quiet! The Witch Doctor will be in here soon! When he opens a way in, that will also be a way out for the nimble! When he appears, I will make the place full of mist so we can hide and then slip out."

She sees no exits.

The Diversion Team only:

Highlight to display spoiler: {
Julian, Tewdyr, and Shark beat the lagging skeleton into dust, and all hustle after the skeletons fleeing them. Both sides are travelling at the same speed, and none are foolish enough to actually run (which lowers your defenses unless you have the Run feat), so the Distraction Team ... now becoming the Counter-Attack Team, seemingly, ends the round about 20 feet from the nearest skeleton.

Kendry calls to the other hobgoblins, then he takes a move forward and finally casts a spell. The Silence is well within range, and it covers the door and surrounding area. Rarriat keeps pace with Kendry.

The area above the cave mouth does not seem particularly crumbly. A few loose stones, sure, but nothing substantial. A person with Knowledge Nature might be able to tell more.

Flavius, the Necromancer, runs to the door (also in the silence). He tries the door and finds it barred. You can't hear anything he might want to say, but boy is he angry! His already grotesque features twist with rage.

And the Map!

Dwight (hp 33/35, ac 16, message, hide from undead)  d20+2=12 d20+3=15 d20+8=27
Friday September 15th, 2006 8:20:05 PM

With the humuculus captured, Dwight quickly drinks another potion of hide from undead. He then looks to Tobias to make sure he does the same. (If he doesn't, Dwight offers him one.)

Knowledge (arcana): 12
Dwight tries to determine if these skeletons are animated for a particular task (such as cleaning) and that is why they have yet to react to their presence. Would there animation allow them to open the door?

As Dwight moves from the chest to the door, Dwight will randomly grab just about anything that seems not trivial (vial, book, flask, scroll, so just about anything) and places it into his bag. (OOC: i figure he will grab two things near the top....hoping with the odds they might be worth something)

With his hands in his bag, he pulls out 3 flasks of oil in his hand, Dwight whispers (via message) if torching the place would help add to the confusion during their escape. Make the necro choose possessions or us.

Dwight is watching the door for any movement knowing he was seen by the humuculus and the necro. It's only a matter of time before he bursts in

spot: 15
listen:27 (would I hear the bolt move if the door is attempted to be opened since it is on this side, and we are not silenced?)

Should the bolt move, Dwight is ready to push the bolt back.

Dwight waits impatiently for an answer to his destructive option.

Cayzle OOC 
Friday September 15th, 2006 11:08:57 PM

Please note, friends, that with the publication of a combat map, we are in round-by-round melee mode. So keep in mind that your actions are strictly limited. For example, it is a move action to take out a potion (unless you have the Quickdraw feat) and a standard action to drink it. That's all Good Dwight has time for this round.

Cayzle OOC 
Friday September 15th, 2006 11:08:57 PM

Please note, friends, that with the publication of a combat map, we are in round-by-round melee mode. So keep in mind that your actions are strictly limited. For example, it is a move action to take out a potion (unless you have the Quickdraw feat) and a standard action to drink it. That's all Good Dwight has time for this round.

Cayzle OOC 
Friday September 15th, 2006 11:08:57 PM

Please note, friends, that with the publication of a combat map, we are in round-by-round melee mode. So keep in mind that your actions are strictly limited. For example, it is a move action to take out a potion (unless you have the Quickdraw feat) and a standard action to drink it. That's all Good Dwight has time for this round.

Cayzle OOC 
Friday September 15th, 2006 11:08:57 PM

Please note, friends, that with the publication of a combat map, we are in round-by-round melee mode. So keep in mind that your actions are strictly limited. For example, it is a move action to take out a potion (unless you have the Quickdraw feat) and a standard action to drink it. That's all Good Dwight has time for this round.

Selithe  d20+9=11 d20=15 d20+3=4
Saturday September 16th, 2006 10:43:15 PM

Selithe wonders if she has just a couple moment and speaks quickly to Zom and the others, "Block the door for a couple seconds. I need just a couple moments."

If they agree the Selithe casts her detect magic and will quickly move to grab some simple things, a few potions, scrolls, etc that she can stow in her backpack...she wants to make it away with something from this place that might be of use.

(hide:11 when needed. Spot:15 Search:4)

Podo (by Kim)  d20=20 d20=4 d20=14 d20=11 d20=20
Sunday September 17th, 2006 6:05:34 PM

Now that the familiar is under wraps, Podo considers. He hates undead, and here before him are several. Also, this is the workshop of one who lives to make unlife.

"Airin, I won't need that enlarge for now, thanks.

"Let's take what we can that might be useful, and I agree with Dwight - if we can damage or destroy the rest, so be it. But we need to be heading out before we start any fires. Oh, and who wants to dump the cauldron of ichor on our way out? Wonder how our friends outside are doing."

Podo heads to the back room, picking up things that look useful, or that would irk the necromancer were he to miss them - scrolls, vials, books, gems, or other baubles, and places them (with some measure of care - he doesn't want to toss a flask of alchemical fire into his bag with force, for example) into his haversack. He does plan to deal with the skeletons shortly - but they don't seem to be interfering with them at the moment. [5 unadjusted search rolls: 20, 4, 14, 11, 20]

Kendry  d20+5=22 d20+10=14
Monday September 18th, 2006 12:04:08 AM

"Do you want to levitate with me?" Kendry asks Rarriat in goblin, stepping toward her. "We will drop things on the skeletons from above." If she agrees, Kendry casts from a second scroll a levitate spell [spellcraft: 22] on her, and hands her two small sacks he'd prepared back by the ponies and had tucked into his belt. "This one has acid. That one has firey liquid. Drop a couple every few seconds, but only if enemy is below. Get a good run, then jump forward and up in the air - think about floating up, and you will rise in the air. Your forward speed as you run and jump should keep you moving forward, toward the bluff. It lasts a minute, long enough to reach the bluff," he explains to her, "And then you float soft to the ground. Go next to me." [Diplomacy: 14]

Kendry urges Cheann forward as soon as the spell and handoff are done, in the direction of the cave, roughly over the right side of where 'Captain Marcus' now stands.

Airin [ 42/42 HP / AC21 / Woodland Stride / Message / Mage Armor / Hide from Undead / Spider Climb] and Fioni [ 8/8 HP / AC17 ]  d20+8=16 d20+8=23 d20+12=23
Monday September 18th, 2006 3:49:59 AM

"The Wizards spell book! That must be it!! Maybe Selithe can copy a few spells from that tome... and when he loses that book he'll be virtually harmless!"

"Selihte, shall we take the Wizards Tome? We can put a lot of things in this Haversack. It's like a bag of holding only a bit smaller... toss everything in here... and let's go. This is not our mission. They have the Hom. Let's find a way out of here."

Airin goes through the curtain and once again does a quick check of the place. Are there no airholes they could crawl through? No underground river they can follow? Maybe some other interesting looking thingies...

spot: 16 (interesting thingies or another exit)
search: 23 (check for another exit)
Listen: 23

Active Spells:
Message (cast by Kendry): 472 rounds
Mage Armor: 572 rounds
Hide from Undead: 72 Rounds
Spider Climb: 192 rounds

Spell List:
Read Magic

Speak with Animals
Speak with Animals - USED

Julian [enlarged, enraged, Run feat, AC 14, hp 45]  d20+10=19 d10+10=15 d20+4=20 d2-1=0 d20+4=15 d2-1=0
Monday September 18th, 2006 7:46:26 AM

Julian now really turns on the pace (Run Feat, 30' x5 @ full pace with dex bonus intact).

Julian is heading straight towards the Ogre Skeleton. He calls up to Kendry, "I want that falchion! Oh, I mean, I think the falchion commands the skeletons." He will move his maximum distance by sidestepping the skeletons and then
clobbers the nearest skeleton in the back with his greater sledgehammer and continues running.
Hit AC 19
Dmg 15
If he can get close enough (OOC sorry not sure about movement here, the times 5 bit) he will down his potion of Hide from Undead so that he can avoid the other skeletons so that he can attempt to disarm Marcus of his falchion.
Disarm attempt: -4 non-profeciency, +4 two-handed weapon (should I use the same roll as above or make a new one? I have assumed teh same one) 19

[Shark AC 16, hp 22, enraged, speed 30']
Shark will unfortunately fall behind, and lose the benefits of enlarge and mage armour. He claws the nearest skeleton that he can.
"Keep comin,' Shark."
Hit AC 20
Dmg 0
Hit AC 15
Dmg 0

OOC, thanks Jerry, good job.

Tobias [AC 20; hp 38/38; delay poison; bull's str]  d20+10=24 d6+3=8
Monday September 18th, 2006 10:33:05 AM

Seeing that he is no longer invisible to the undead in the room, Tobias draws his morningstar (mw) and moves towards the nearest skeleton.

If he gets a chance, he will attack it:
Attack: 24
Damage: 8

Tewdwr [AC 15 - HP 21/21] 
Monday September 18th, 2006 12:31:19 PM

Tewdwr will keep pace with the skeletons, but not close until they've decided to slow down.

Fire and Mist (DM Cayzle)  9d6(3+2+5+4+6+5+2+1+3)=31
Monday September 18th, 2006 3:53:22 PM

[OOC: Okay, everybody, let me say this again. You are in combat! It takes a full-round action to search a 5-foot-by-5-foot area, so you cannot move and search in the same round. Running is a full round action, so you can't run and attack in the same round. It takes a move action to pick up an item, so you can move and pick up one thing in a round. What you can do in a round will be strictly enforced. See below for comments.]

The Stealth Team only:

NOTE: The Silence that is outside the door does not extend into the room. The Obscuring Mist in the room does not extend outdoors.

Highlight to display spoiler: {

[OOC: The bar on the door is a simple piece of wood, like a two-by-four, for those in the U.S., hung on brackets that prevent it from being pulled open from the other side, or pushed open from this side.]

Dwight takes out a potion (move action) and drinks it (standard action). He is now Hidden from Undead again. He thinks the five skeletons in the room will continue to do what they are doing until ordered otherwise. Dwight thinks about grabbing valuables, but there is no time left in the round to do so. He also thinks about starting fires, but there is no time left in the round to do so.

Selithe calls to Zom to block the door. He shouts back, "Okay! -- then moves to the door and casts an Obscuring Mist. Then Selithe thinks about casting detect magic. Note that to cast detect magic and pinpoint the locations of things with magical auras takes three rounds. After that it is a move action to pick up an item, and another one to stow it away., and in a combat you are spending precious rounds on concentration that might be spent in surviving. Your call. If you want to cast the spell, then the first round of concentration reveals that YES, there are magical auras present. Otherwise, you still have a round of actions left to post.

Podo moves to the back room. That's two move actions, since it is more than 20 feet away. He thinks about picking up valuables and stowing them away, but it will take a move action to pick up one thing and another move action to put it in a pocket, pouch, or pack. NOTE: Please put the map coordinates of your destination in your turn, or else I'll guesstimate it for you.

Ignoring Dwight's offer of a potion of Hide from Undead, Tobias moves to a skeleton, drawing a weapon as he moves (it is a free action to draw a weapon while moving). Then he attacks the skeleton, which is just standing there. He destroys it, and it falls to pieces.

Airin recognizes what is most likely a spell book. .She moves deeper into the library. But the sensible hero knows that since the group has the homunculus, it is time to think about leaving. Alas, she sees no exits at all other than the door the group came in.

The Diversion Team only:

Julian and Kendry, if you can make Wis checks vs DC5, then Please Highlight to display spoiler: {You do realize that you are the Diversion Team, not the Main Attack Team, right? That simple Wis check should tell you that although the entire party *might* have been able to win this fight, the two of you alone are pretty much toast, IMNSHO. Fair warning, 'cause I feel free to kill off foolish players!}

On to the main event!

Highlight to display spoiler: {

[OOC: Kim, your interpretation of levitate is interesting -- to wit, that if you leap up and then leviate, your forward momentum will continue to carry you forward. But I disagree with it. The spell says "the recipient could clamber along the face of a cliff, for example, or push against a ceiling to move laterally (generally at half its base land speed)." To me, that suggests a certain inertia that must be continually overcome. Feel free to take this too the Rules bBoard for other interpretations that might convince me. Though I suspect they will not. For now, if you jump up into a levitate, you can move forward as far as a long jump would have taken you.]

Kendry tries to convince Rarriatt to join him in aerial warfare, but the already nervous warrior shakes her head and even steps back. Kendry moves on his riding dog to the right. [OOC: I'm moving K to square L31, making a double move.]

Julian wants to run at the ogre skeleton, but there are too many skeletons between him and Captain Marcus.

[Note: You can only run IN A STRAIGHT LINE as a full round action. You cannot run around the mass of skellies and then circle back. You cannot run through, either. You can tumble through, but you can't run and tumble at the same time. You could do so with a double move, but that would either open you up to half a dozen attacks of opportunity or get you no closer than 25 feet of Captain Marcus]

[Also note: Since Captain Marcus is a large biped with a 10-foot reach, you will incur an AoO in attacking him if you rush in through his threatened area.]

Julian settles for taking out a potion and drinking it. Now he is Hidden From Undead

The two animals, Shark and Tewdyr, are more than a little somewhat freaked out by the unnatural moving bones. They will not go into battle alone, although they will follow a PC into combat.

The Enemy

The mage moves 30 feet out of the silence. He shouts, "Marcus! Break down that door and kill anyliving thing inside! You three! Help him! Inner Corps, make a line across the cave mouth and guard.! Outer Corps! Fall back to protect me!"

The skeletons move as he commands, Then he casts a fireball that covers Julian, Kendry, Tewdyr, and Shark! Please make Reflex Saves vs DC 18 or take 31 hp fire damage or 15 if you save (those with evasion or improved evasion, modify accordingly).


And the Map!

Tewdwr [AC 15 - HP 6/21]  d20+5=19
Monday September 18th, 2006 4:25:11 PM

Tewdwr saves against the fireball, but is still scorched for a lot of fire damage. He double moves away from the skeletons and the mage... hoping for find safety in distance.

Tobias [AC 20 - HP 38/38; delay poison; bull's str] 
Monday September 18th, 2006 4:26:52 PM

If the skeletons don't react to him and continue their duties, Tobias won't waste time bashing them. He will take another potion from Dwight if he's still offering it. And, he'll see if he has anymore luck finding an exit than the others.

Dwight (hp 33/35, ac 16, message, hide from undead)  d20+9=20 d20+11=14 d20+8=9 d20+3=11
Monday September 18th, 2006 4:49:23 PM

OOC: sorry about the multiple actions last round, I'll try to do better. However you didn't really answer Dwight's question about the potential of flaming the place up. You mentioned that the candles didn't emit smoke, how about the fireplace? Will throwing vials of oil constitute an attack that will cancel my hide from undead if I'm not throwing them at the skeletons?

Another question, when we open the door, (or its opened) will the mist complete its area of effect?

Whipering (via message), Dwight tells Tobias not to worry about the skeleton our time is up and the task is almost complete. Try to escape the same way we came in.

Assuming the room is highly flammable due to dust and tossing the vials will not cancel my hide from undead, Dwight prepares as many vials (up to 3) he can toss in one round. Aim isn't really important, more of a grab and toss. He them moves closer to the door by heading directly west.

If fire doesn't really seem likely, then Dwight moves towards the door, X17. He then pulls out a smokestick.

move silently:14
listen:9 (nat 1)


Cazyle Comments: Sorry not to answer questions better! Trying to do too much!

Anyway, for sure the library would make a great place to set a fire! The main room has things that would burn, but maybe not spread. There is no fireplace as such ... but there is a heat source inside the cauldron:


Setting a fire that does not target creatures will not break the Hide From Undead.

If you open the door, some mist will spill out. How much is a mystery.

Hope that gets them all!

Julian  d20+1=12
Monday September 18th, 2006 7:37:20 PM

Just making a Wisdom check = 12

Julian  d20+3=9
Monday September 18th, 2006 7:42:50 PM

sorry, just another quick Reflex save = 9. E'gads!

Julian  d20+5=24
Monday September 18th, 2006 8:53:49 PM

and Shark's reflex save 24
(thanks the gods!)

Monday September 18th, 2006 10:13:35 PM

(OOC:Sorry Cayzle, I didn't look in the book to see the specifics about the detect magic spell and such.)

Selithe decides not to take the time to detect things and just grabs a couple items and quickly will stow them, just simple things. She will stop once she hears the rustling with the door and quickly hide long enough for the door to be open and then try to escape.

Selithe calls out to Airin, "Take it quickly Airin and I'll look at it later. It's a good grab though for sure."

(OOC:I know that is alot of actions but figured there would be rustling of the door or something to signal that it's time to hide, a couple moments for the door to be opened finally, etc.)

Julian [enlarged, enraged, Run feat, AC 14, hp 9/45]  d20+5=6
Monday September 18th, 2006 10:44:09 PM

"Shark, stay with me."
Julian will move to F23 and load his sling with thunderstone as he goes. (free action with Move action, both stone and sling in trouser pocket)
He aims the thunderstone at O19, hoping to deafen the necromancer.
Hit AC 4 (nat 1) forgot the -2 for the distance
OOC How's that for a diversionary tactic!

ADM Kim - Posting report 
Tuesday September 19th, 2006 12:24:21 AM

Sept 4-10
DM Cayzle: MTWTF: 5
Dwight: MTWTF: 5
Airin: MTWTF: 5
Podo: -T-TF: 3
Selithe: MTWTF: 5
Kendry: MTWTF: 5
Tobias: MTWT-: 4
Julian: M-WTF: 4

Sept 11-17
DM Cayzle: MTWTF: 5
Dwight: MTWTF: 5
Airin: MTWTF: 5
Podo: -T-TF: 3
Selithe: MTWTF: 5
Kendry: MTWTF: 5
Tobias: MTWT-: 4
Julian: M-WTF: 4

Podo's posting shortages are due to his substitute. Kim is playing Podo.

Airin [ 42/42 HP / AC21 / Woodland Stride / Message / Mage Armor / Hide from Undead / Spider Climb] and Fioni [ 8/8 HP / AC17 ] 
Tuesday September 19th, 2006 7:45:56 AM

Since there's still no sign of an enemy on the opposite side of the door and Selihte seems to be very interested in the Wizard's Tome Airin takes a 5ft step towards the tome, picks it up and stores it in the Haversack. She does not even feel the extra weight!

If any movement left Airin moves up the ceiling once again.

"Shall we store the box in my haversack as well? This will help us to stay nimble without being hampered by the box. Put it in this Haversack if you want!"

(you can put that box in the Haversack provided that it is no bag of holding type thingie or we have a huge problem.)


Active Spells:
Message (cast by Kendry): 471 rounds
Mage Armor: 571 rounds
Hide from Undead: 71 Rounds
Spider Climb: 191 rounds

Spell List:
Read Magic

Speak with Animals
Speak with Animals - USED

Kendry (AC 15. HP 29-15=14. Message)  d20+5=25 d20+7=24 d20+5=17 d8+1=7 d20+7=21
Tuesday September 19th, 2006 1:25:18 PM

[Cheann (dog) Fort save: 25; Kendry Fort save: 24; Spellcraft: 17; Ride: 21]

As the small point of light races toward them, Kendry has Cheann cut to the right. Though avoiding the brunt of the firey explosion, they do not escape unsinged. Kendry calls out, first in halfling, then in goblin, "Scatter, retreat!" Then calls out, "Tewdyr!" hoping the two-headed wolf with whom he and Tobias have trained will follow him. He guides Cheann to race away from the necromancer, coming close to the cliff face to gain perhaps a bit of cover by the end of the round (roughly L47 below the map). As he rides, he touches Cheann with his wand of cure light wounds (20-15+7=12 hp current).

Podo (by Kim) 
Tuesday September 19th, 2006 3:03:26 PM

Not wanting to waste time taking them one by one, Podo moves to the shelf of books, opens his haversack, and scoops an armful of adjacent tomes into the bag. "All right, let's get going. Dwight, if you want to torch the place - the library here could use a splash of oil."

[OOC: I just conducted an experiment. Closed plastic bag, ten feet from the shelves of the church library. Open bag as I step forward, place arm around 23 books. Eighteen made it into the bag, and five fell on the floor. Elapsed time: 13 seconds. Time to take books out of bag and restore to order on the shelves: just over one minute. -Kim]

Fog Rolls In, Hearing Rolls Out! (DM Cayzle)  d8=2 d20+7=12 d100=8 [mage hit by thunderstone, spell fizzles] d20=2 d20=14 d20=19 d20+9=26 [rolls to break the door in]
Tuesday September 19th, 2006 5:17:43 PM

[OOC: PLEASE PLEASE Put your AC and current HP in your header. List active spells there too, or in your post at least!]

The Stealth Team only:

Highlight to display spoiler: {
Tobias steps up to dwight and takes a potion from him. Then he drinks it. Now Tobias too is Hidden From Undead.

Dwight prepares two flaming oils, one in each hand, and moves directly west to X16.

Both Dwight and Tobias are in the mist and can see no more than 5 feet ahead of them.

Selithe grabs two books and stuffs them away. She cannot see the door through which the party entered ... the mist hides it. She figures she'll hear it open ... but she does not know about the Silence spell!

Podo grabs two books and calls for fire in the library.

Airin grabs the necromancer's spell book and stows it away.

The Diversion Team only:

Highlight to display spoiler: {

Julian moves up, then hurls a thunderstone at the necromancer, and although it misses, the edge of the blast still hits the mage. He fails his save and is deafened! "Arrr!" shouts the human.

Julian's familiar keeps up with him.

By the way, Julian's attack is successful, but it does ruin the Hide From Undead potion he just drank last round!

Kendry wisely backs off (to L37) and cures his mount. Tewdyr follows him. (Rarriatt runs 120 feet away.)

The Enemy

The necromancer casts a spell at Julian, but still rattled and deafened, his spell fizzles (no need to save vs Baleful Polymorph for you, my friend!).

He then directs several skeletons to engage Julian.

Meanwhile, Captain Marcus silently breaks the door open, aided by two skeletons. Mist pours out and Silence pours in!


NOTE TO DWIGHT: Highlight to display spoiler: {There's Captain Marcus standing next to you!}

NOTE: The Silence and the Obscuring Mist now extend in and out of the room. It is very confusing for those inside.

And the Map!

Tuesday September 19th, 2006 5:37:20 PM

DM only Highlight to display spoiler: { OOC doesn't hide from undead only dispell when attacking a creature? I am pretty sure I didn't attack a creature.

Cayzle to Julian: Huh? You threw a thunderstone at a spellcaster! I'd say that's an attack. You rolled an attack die. You damaged his ears. Yup, an attack all right, me hearty!

NOTE! It is ALWAYS okay to question me on stuff like that. You can ALSO say that if you had known it was an attack, you would not have done it. Frankly, I think it was worth it to avoid a DC20 Fort save vs being turned into a toad.

Dwight (hp 33/35, ac 16, message, hide from undead)  d20+9=25 d20+9=19 d20+9=21 d20+6=14
Tuesday September 19th, 2006 9:44:13 PM

Realizing that his time is up, Dwight tries to inform the other (via message) but realizes he cannot.

Remembering where everyone was last standing, Dwight hurls the two flasks toward the door into the library. His best hope is to get one inside. His worst nightmare is to hit a team mate.

first vial attack: 25
second vial attack: 19
(not sure if I need to subtract for 2 attacks?)

dmg? (no idea, but can't see it anyways. Hope to smell fire next round though)

With the mist, silence, hide from undead and Dwight's hiding, he hopes he remains hidden from the oversized skeleton.

Hide: 21+mist
Silence: Spell

(In the event the ogre sees Dwight, he still throws the vials, and then attempts to tumble, if allowed)--Dwight does not want to cancel his hide from undead and be exposed to additional skeletons.

Tumble: 14

Selithe-AC:20-HP:33 (message) 
Tuesday September 19th, 2006 10:08:23 PM

Selithe frowns at how this is working out and wonders where the door is, how she is going to find her way out and such. She realizes that she used her potion of hide from undead and it was her only one (believe I only took once from Airin and it was used before coming in.)

Selithe will try moving in the general direction of the door, hoping she isn't attacked or bumped into anything.

0th: Detect Magic(1), Ray of Frost(2), Open/Close(1), Prestidigitation(1)

1st: Identify(1), Magic Missile(1), Burning Hands(1), Enlarge Person(1)

Julian [enlarged, enraged, Run feat, AC 14, hp 9/45] 
Tuesday September 19th, 2006 11:18:47 PM

OOC my actions here would probably be the same regardless of the interpretation of previous actions, though I would like to argue it further.

Julian makes a full round run action to B5 (95'), with Shark following behind (C5), avoiding any nearby skeletons. As he runs he uses his ointment of magic stone over three of his sling stones and places two of them into his pocket to keep them seperate [free action in a move action].
OOC I calculate this to be 95' from the Necro using a printout and ruler. Please adjust my poition if neccessary.

Hide from undead
Magic Stone
OOC I will calculate the duration remaining on these tonight for tomorrow's post.

Podo (by Kim) (AC 19, HP 35, Message spell, Hide from undead)  d20=18
Wednesday September 20th, 2006 12:44:56 AM

Podo uses his arm to sweep a few more books into his haversack (letting DM Cayzle decide how many that might be, but rolling a straight d20=18 to determine how efficiently he performs).

He closes his haversack, and hears a few splashings in the room.

"Who's there?" Podo takes quarterstaff in hand, goes through the door, notes the mist, asks Selithe, "Anything I should know?" in halfling. He looks to see if the cauldron still stands. If so, he thinks to knock it over - toward the corner of the room, AC21.

Kendry (AC 15. HP 29-15=14. Message) 
Wednesday September 20th, 2006 12:58:07 AM

Kendry casts a silence spell at the intersection of N-O/19-20, a few feet in the air - just above the skeletons' heads (about 7 feet or so from the corner of the square that the Necromancer stands in). It's hard to give orders - or cast any number of spells - where quiet reigns.

And maybe his friends - including his love, Airin, his cousins, and Zom are trying to get out just now. "Kendry here, south. You all go north. Run, Julian!" he whispers, in case any are in range of his message spell.

Airin [ 42/42 HP / AC21 / Woodland Stride / Message / Mage Armor / Hide from Undead / Spider Climb] and Fioni [ 8/8 HP / AC17 ]  d20+10=28 d20+8=15 d20+19=29
Wednesday September 20th, 2006 4:55:57 AM

From inside the library Airin notices the fog and gets worried. She can no longer see her friends.

(ooc who has the box containing the hom?) [Podo does -Kim]

"Time to go!"

Airin looks at the fog in front of her and visualizes the path towards the door and out of the tunnel. It was quite a straight tunnel... she should be able to follow the ceiling again until she's outside...

The Halfling begins to crawls along the ceilings again at full speed. She's still invisible from Undead anyhow and the the fog will render Airin equally invisible.
Airin will not reach the fog yet this turn but she moves as fast as possible in that direction.

"Where's the Hom? Let's get out of here friends! Hurry!"

Survival: 28 - preparing to go in a straight line through the fog.
Spot: 15 - trying to see things through the fog
Hide: 29 - hide among the ceiling if needed

Active Spells:
Message (cast by Kendry): 470 rounds
Mage Armor: 570 rounds
Hide from Undead: 70 Rounds
Spider Climb: 190 rounds

Spell List:
Read Magic

Speak with Animals
Speak with Animals - USED

Tobias [AC 20 - HP 38/38; delay poison; bull's str; hide from undead] 
Wednesday September 20th, 2006 4:03:27 PM

Silenced and with limited visibility, Tobias will start heading out of the cavern as much as his vision will let him. He will head out and try to steer clear of any undead, so they don't accidentally walk into him. He will try to get out of the mist (hopefully he can do that this round).

Tewdwr [AC 15 - HP 6/21] 
Wednesday September 20th, 2006 4:04:55 PM

Tewdwr will move with Kendry provided that they're moving away from the wizard and getting a safe distance away. He'll be licking his wounds until he can get some assistance.

Wednesday September 20th, 2006 7:23:40 PM

OOC to Cayzle, I say it was not an attack because it was not aimed AT a creature, but at a space. The attack roll seems like the most appropriate Skill Check for using a sling to lob a thunderstone that far. It is similar to setting a fire that doesn't target a creature, but it is a fire which will soon enough consume creatures anyway.
I am not fussed really, because I will attack the Necro next round, and it is just a game and either way will not detract from the fun. I just want to understand this rule clearly. Or rather, I want everyone to understand it in the same way I do ;)
No offence intended.

Down for the Count! (DM Cayzle)  d20+2=16 [roll to spot Dwight fails] d100=23 [chance to miss Tobias] 5d4(3+4+2+4+2)+5=20 [mm on Kendry] d100=8 [chance to miss Podo] d100=9 [Spell Fail Chance for Kendry! An 8! It fails!]
Wednesday September 20th, 2006 7:30:54 PM

The Stealth Team only:

Highlight to display spoiler: {

Dwight hurls his flasks, almost at random, oping to start a fire and do some mischief. He tries to ignore the skeleton next to him, hoping he remains hidden from it. In fact, it seems to overlook him in the mist.

Tobias manages to get through the door and out into the outer cave, but still in the mist, brushing past skeletons to get there. He sees the big ogre skeleton -- whioch takes a swing at him and misses blindly. Thank goodness for the Hide from Undead potion, or he would be in trouble!

Selithe heads for the door, entering the mist. She stops short right in front of Captain Marcus! He is in the next square! Selithe is invisible, right?

Podo grabs another book and moves to AC21. He sees two vials of flaming oil land nearby -- but not close enough to burn him. He sees the cauldron at AB18 but does not have the time to spill it this round.

Airin heads for the ceiling and then towards the door. She asks who has the homunculus, but she doesn't get an answer ... probably because the Silence spell puts a damper on communication. She does see the flaming oils fly out of the mist and crash on the floor.

The Enemy

Captain Marcus moves out of the mist and sees Podo! He takes a swing, but misses! A couple more skeletons step out of the mist but do not notice Airin or Podo.

[OOC: The ogre skeleton cannot see you, but the intelligent sword it carries can. The sword tells the skeleton where to swing, but it has a 50% miss chance due to the Hide From Undead. Just FYI!]


The Diversion Team only:

Highlight to display spoiler: {

Julian and his badger make a full run to B5. A run is a full round action, so that's all he can do in the round. [OOC: That means no applying oil to bullets while running. Okay?]

Kendry casts a silence spell. He may be off the map, but he is not out of line of sight! The mage is silenced for a moment.

The Enemy

The necromancer sees Julian running away, but is more concerned with the spell caster who just silenced him. He moves 30 feet to the southwest, out of the silence, calls the other skeletons that are not in the silence to him, and casts a magic missile at Kendry. That inflicts 20 hp damage on Kendry. You can roll to stay in your saddle -- "If you're knocked unconscious while in a military saddle, you have a 75% chance to stay in the saddle (compared to 50% for a riding saddle)." You can use a hero point to reroll that if you fail, of course. And you'll want to make a stabilization check. Your mount will run away if you stay mounted.)

No! Kendry! Wait! That mage has a 20% spell fail chance thanks to the thunderstone! And I rolled an 8! Boy are you lucky! I'll leave the prior stuff up there though to give you a heart attack and serve as a warning. See, I was ready to kill you off, my friend! Muahaha! You remain awake with your measly precious 14 hp! :-)


NOTE: The Silence and the Obscuring Mist now extend in and out of the room. It is very confusing for those inside.

And the Map!

Wednesday September 20th, 2006 7:59:09 PM

OOC your map picture aint working!

Julian [enlarged, enraged, Run feat, AC 14, hp 9/45] 
Wednesday September 20th, 2006 9:08:11 PM

Julian moves due north as a full round run again to be 245' from the necro. Shark stays close behind. This should still be in the sandy area indicated by an earlier map.
Run Feat and Barbarian Fast Movement = 150'

Mage Armour duration 2 hours
Prestidigitation dur 1 hour
Enlarge Person used 9 rounds of 2 minutes
Rage used 4 rounds of 8 rounds

Dwight (hp 33/35, ac 16, message, hide from undead)  d20+9=21 d20+3=19
Wednesday September 20th, 2006 9:09:45 PM

Having hurled the flasks, Dwight makes for the door. Feeling along the wall and knowing the ogre is past him, Dwight moves with haste, trying to tell everyone to flee, but the silence still prevents him.

Twisting, turning, tumbling and ducking as best he can, Dwight makes to exit the mist along the same path entered. (steering himself along the wall once outside the room.)

If he makes it out of the mist, Dwight tries his best to keep hidden from the necro eyes. He plans to stay low using the skeletons and shadows as much as possible. He again attempts to communicate with the group, but remains silenced.

hide: 21
move silently: still in silence
listen: nothing heard
spot: 19 (once out of the mist)

(OOC: As Julian said, the map image isn't showing on the site, so this is my best guess based on the previous map... Dwight attempts to move to T16)

Cayzle OOC 
Wednesday September 20th, 2006 11:26:31 PM

Sorry friends, I messed up the map. It'll be up and running in the morning, say 9-10 am New York time.

And one more note on sneaking. After you leave the mist, if you want to remain hidden, you have to have cover, concealment, or something to hide behind. The hide from undead effect will save you from the skeletons, but the necromancer and his intelligent falchion henchman will see you unless you are hiding behind something.

I might cut Airin some slack and let her hide while sneaking on the ceiling because (a) the ceiling is somewhat rough and (b) people do not always look up.

Kendry (AC 15; HP 20/29; Message, Message)  d20+5=20 d8+1=6 d20+7=11 d20+3=14
Thursday September 21st, 2006 2:45:13 AM

[Spellcraft to discern necromancer's spell: 20; Cure light wounds with wand: 6; Ride skill: 11]

Kendry sees Flavius Aetius moving out of the spell area, then casting what appears to be a magic missile toward him - but - huh, it fizzled. Bless you, Wardd! And Julian.

"Julian, circle about - head west past sand, then south," he whispers as he turns Cheann about and flees along the bluff. He is concerned that Julian will lead some foes back the way their companions must escape.

"Hie, Tewdyr. Run Cheann." His wand touches himself for 6 hp restored. When next he can, he'll take care of the wolf and dog.

If there is an alcove or small corner they might hide behind, Kendry will direct his four-footed friends thither, else simply away, as the coming daytime makes waning night grow brighter.

[Note: Dog movement rate is 40, wolf is 50 - increase for running, unless alcove is within the 40 feet - Spot 14.]

Airin [ 42/42 HP / AC21 / Woodland Stride / Message / Mage Armor / Spider Climb / Hide from Undead] and Fioni [ 8/8 HP / AC17 ]  d20+19=33 d20+10=21 d20+12=27
Thursday September 21st, 2006 5:51:07 AM

Airin is starteled as she sees the flames erupt. This is bad! If this cave catches flames they can all end up BBQ'd...

But then Airin sees the master skeleton and two helpers emerge from the fog. DAMN! Podo is the last one in here and he's cornered!!

Airin crawls towards the fog hoping to sneak away from these skeletons. Right before she enters the fog though she looks back hoping to see Podo get past Marcus unharmed and into the fog...

If he doesn't Airin won't leave him but that's for next turn...

If Airin sees Podo retreat into the fog she also moves forward along the ceiling into the fog and trying to reach the tunnel exit!

Hide (+19): 33
Survival (+10): 21 (finding the exit through the fog and upside down)
Move Silently (+12): 27 (make sure Marcus and the other skeletons won't hear her)

Active Spells:
Message (cast by Kendry): 469 rounds
Mage Armor: 569 rounds
Hide from Undead: 69 Rounds
Spider Climb: 189 rounds

Spell List:
Read Magic

Speak with Animals
Speak with Animals - USED

DM Cayzle 
Thursday September 21st, 2006 10:01:22 AM

And the Map!

Podo (by Kim) (AC 19, tumble 22, HP 35 - probably lost hide from undead)  d20+11=30 d20+11=22
Thursday September 21st, 2006 2:18:45 PM

Hearing the sword talking ['The sword tells the skeleton where to swing'], and realizing that it might present an ongoing threat to his companions, monk Podo uses his unarmed skills in an attempt to disarm the large skeleton of the sword [disarm 30], then tumbles away [tumble 22] into the mist and area of silence, moving thirty feet past skeletons, door shards, and friends, trying to get through the door. At the end of the round (or early the next) he tries to put the sword, handle first, into his haversack - should he have succeeded with the disarm. If his disarm failed, then he still will tumble the same direction.

Tobias [AC 20 - HP 38/38; delay poison; bull's str; hide from undead]  d20+12=29
Thursday September 21st, 2006 5:17:48 PM

Tobias continues to move in the direction he thinks will take him out of the cavern and hopefully out of the mist (sense direction 20 survival check). And, if he does clear the mist and sees the mage, he'll move to him.

Tewdwr [AC 15 - HP 6/21] 
Thursday September 21st, 2006 5:19:01 PM

Since Kendry tells him to move away, Tewdwr double moves out of the way into some wooded, covered area if possible... :)

A Chase Begins! (DM Cayzle)  d20+2=9 [spot vs Dwight] d4=4 [Chance for Marcus to stumble on someone in the mist] d100=62 [spell fail]
Thursday September 21st, 2006 7:05:34 PM

The Party

Dwight adopts the clever ploy oof using the mindless skeletond themselves as cover! [Dwight, please accept a 200 xp cleverness award for that idea! Well done!] He ends the round at the edge of the mist (see map).

Tobias makes it through the door and into the outer cave, but is still in the mist. He ponders the utter foolishness of moving towards the necromancer if he sees him, rather than staying hidden.

Selithe remains in the mist. Maybe she is headed for the door? Hard to say where the invisible mage could be.

Podo daringly tries to disarm the ogre skeleton, grabbing the intelligent blade called Captain Marcus!

Podo rolls a d20 plus his usual attack bonus (+9) minus his size penalty (-4) minus a penalty for using a light weapon (his hand) (-4) = 1d20 +1.

The skeleton has a Disarm DC of 10 plus its melee attack bonus (+7) plus a size bonus (+4) plus a bonus for using a two handed weapon (+4) = 25.

Podo rolls a 19, giving him a 20. That is not enough to beat the skeleton's Disarm DC25.

[OOC: Given the rules as they now stand, Podo had a zero percent chance of taking a two handed weapon away from a large skeleton. He would have known that. I'll allow Podo to take back that attempt, thus saving his Hide From Undead.]

Podo tumbles into the mist, avoiding any AoO.

Airin sees Podo tumble to the safety of the mist. She enters it herself, seeking an exit.

Julian heads north at speed, seeking the security of the cover of the brush. He is 250 feet from the Lair.

Kendry heads south, using his cure wand as he rides. He ends the round about 150 feet south of the Lair

The Enemy

Captain Marcus orders a check of the library. He enters the mist looking for intruders. He fails to find anybody.

The Necromancer barks an order, and four skeletons run 120 feet toward Kendry. The wizard casts a spell of Expeditious Retreat (spell fail chance due to deafness is a 62, so he casts that at least!] and chases after Kendry, moving 60 feet toward the halfling.

[A look into the mind of the necromancer: When the necromancer's link to the homunculus was severed (by putting it in the non-dimensional space of the Handy Haversack), he assumed it meant that the thieves had teleported away. The effect of putting the construct in a magic storage bag did not occur to him -- because it did not occur to your DM until you did it! Thinking that all the thieves had teleported out of his lair, the necromancer is pursuing Kendry as his best chance to attack at least one of the thieves. Good Luck, Kendry!]

And the Map!

Dwight(hp 33/25, ac 16, message, hide from undead)  d20+9=18 d20+3=17
Thursday September 21st, 2006 8:46:09 PM

Dwight considers running further, but realizes the main mission is still behind him. Podo and the chest he recites to himself preventing futher escape.

Not seeing the necro, and knowing the normal skeletons cannot see him for the moment, Dwight moves slightly north, (T16). Here he remains hoping to catch the others as they exit the mist, while maintaining potential cover by the skeletons and the mist. (OOC: thanks for the exp. :) )

hide: 18
move silently: in silence
listen: nada
spot: 17

If Dwight sees another group member he attempts to get their attention to steer them in the right direction (that of escape).

Selithe-AC:20-HP:33 (message, invisible)  d20+9=22 d20+6=24
Thursday September 21st, 2006 10:03:34 PM

Selithe quickly moves out of the doorway and makes her way along, trying to hide as best she can as she does just incase.

(hide:22 move silently:24)

0th: Detect Magic(1), Ray of Frost(2), Open/Close(1), Prestidigitation(1)

1st: Identify(1), Magic Missile(1), Burning Hands(1), Enlarge Person(1)

Kendry (AC 15; HP 23/29; Message, Message)  d20+7=11 d8+1=2 d8+1=7
Thursday September 21st, 2006 10:07:47 PM

"Hup!" Kendry commands Cheann to continue his full-on run. [For a war-trained riding dog, would a run be 4x or 5x normal movement? If 4x, they move 160 feet.] [Ride skill: 11 - can guide with knees & stay in saddle]

Since he runs parallel to himself and Cheann, Kendry cures the singed two-headed wolf Tewdyr somewhat (CLW +7 hp) with the wand held up his sleeve as they race along the sands. What happens when Flavius Aetius catches him? Maybe I give him the contents of my pouch, he grins to himself as the early morning wind whips his wavy auburn hair.

Podo (by Kim) (AC 19, Tumble 26, HP 35, Hide from undead)  d20+11=26 d20+14=25 d20+9=22
Thursday September 21st, 2006 10:56:33 PM

Having discarded the notion of trying to wrest the sword from the large skeleton's hands, Podo continues to tumble [Tumble 26], and sneaks past the skeletons to about R15, where he finds a little area where silence is no more. Not much sound, but he can hear himself breathe. Crouching down to hide [Hide: 25], but looking about, all he sees are skeleton knees. Wait - is that Dwight? [Spot: 22] He is ready to run back the way they came, with due haste.

Julian [enlarged, enraged, Run feat, AC 14, hp 12/45]  d8+1=3
Thursday September 21st, 2006 11:49:21 PM

Julian checks back over his shoulder to see skeletons chasing him, but no... they're chasing Kendry instead.
He gulps his potion of Cure Light Wounds, and loads his sling with a bullet.
"How far is he...?" Julian thinks to himself.

3 hp cured (and Shark shares the effect of the spell).
Shark [AC 16 hp 10]
Mage Armour duration 2 hours
Prestidigitation dur 1 hour
Enlarge Person used 10 rounds of 2 minutes
Rage used 5 rounds of 8 rounds

Cayzle OOC 
Thursday September 21st, 2006 11:57:34 PM

FYI, Julian is about 400 feet from Kendry.

[More like 655 feet - see emails. Julian is about 335 feet from the necromancer. -Kim]

Airin [ 42/42 HP / AC21 / Woodland Stride / Message / Mage Armor / Spider Climb / Hide from Undead] and Fioni [ 8/8 HP / AC17 ]  d20+19=35 d20+10=13 d20+12=28
Friday September 22nd, 2006 5:31:07 AM

Having seen Podo escape from Cpt. Marcus Airin takes a deep breath and tries to find her way towards the exit.

Hide (+19): 35 -5 for not going slower
Survival (+10): 13 ( trying to find the exit)
Move Silently (+12): 28 -5 for not going slower

Active Spells:
Message (cast by Kendry): 468 rounds
Mage Armor: 568 rounds
Hide from Undead: 68 Rounds
Spider Climb: 188 rounds

Spell List:
Read Magic

Speak with Animals
Speak with Animals - USED

Go Speed Racers! (DM Cayzle)  d20+2=20 d20+2=10 d20+2=16 [spot checks for Marcus]
Friday September 22nd, 2006 8:38:52 PM

The Party

Dwight sneaks to T16.

Tobias remains in the mist for now.

Selithe moves through the door and out, but she is still in the mist.

Podo sneaks to R15. He and Dwight see each other.

Airin emerges from the mist near to Podo and Dwight.

Julian, 250 feet from the Lair and half way to the brush, pauses to drink a potion and get his sling ready. If you can roll spot checks that beat your friends' hide checks, you can see them as they emerge from the mist.

Kendry rides south at a run, moving 80 feet from H85 to H101, the edge of the brush, Then he rides at a run another 40 feet south (half speed through brush), to H110. Kendry uses his cure wand as he rides.

The Enemy

Captain Marcus spends the round emerging walking through the mist, squeezing through the door, and finally emerging on the other side. He has used two move actions and cannot attack. Clearly he is looking around, but he can hear nothing (still in Silence), and he makes his spot checks at only +2. That's enough, though, to see Dwight! He rolls a 20 to beat Dwight's 18 Hide check! What will he do next round? He does not notice Airin or Podo.

The Necromancer races 240 feet south, to H81. Four skeletons follow behind, much more slowly.

And the Map!

Julian  d20+3=17
Friday September 22nd, 2006 9:11:48 PM

Just a spot check 17
I don't see anyone at the cave except that the Ogre Skeleton has emerged from the mist.
Stay tuned, more to come.

Dwight (hp 33/35, ac 16, message, hide from undead)  d20+3=21 d20+6=21 d20+9=26 d20+7=25 d20+6=20 d20+3=7
Friday September 22nd, 2006 9:30:07 PM

Seeing Podo and Airin, Dwight begins to wave them on, then spotting the fact that he has been seen by the ogre skeleton quickly jumps back into the mist.

Jump: 21
Tumble: 21 (toward the misted wall-UV16)

Once inside the mist, hopefully concealed again.

hide: 26+mist

Dwight makes for the nearest wall and climbs.

(Dwight attempts to climb straight up this round... as far as he can get hoping the ogre continues to look low--how far up?)
tumble: 20 (if needed)

move silently: guaranteed by spell
spot: 7

(OOC: i figured about 6' to the wall, and then 8-10' up. If hidden, the ogre should swing low since Dwight is short.)

Julian [enlarged, enraged, Run feat, AC 14, hp 12/45] 
Friday September 22nd, 2006 9:41:52 PM

Julian uses a full round run action due south (150'), with loaded sling in hand. Shark stays on his heels, as he yells at the Necro,
"Hey! Don't run from me, you bawdy pox-marked coxcomb! Stand and fight, you churlish clapper-clawed flap-dragon! Face me like a man, you froward unchin-snouted vassal! Got no guts then, hey? You gorbellied elf-skinned whey-face! Fight some one your own size you pathetic gleeking bat-fowling lewdster!"

Shark [AC 16 hp 10]

Mage Armour duration 2 hours
Prestidigitation dur 1 hour
Enlarge Person used 11 rounds of 2 minutes
Rage used 6 rounds of 8 round

Kendry (AC 15; HP 23/29; Message, Message) [dog Cheann: 20/20 - 1 hp for greater speed]  d20+1=9 d20+7=20 d20+6=7
Saturday September 23rd, 2006 4:37:15 PM

[Cure light wounds: 9; Ride 20] Kendry cures Cheann, healing him up fully [20/20], and spurs him on to greater speed (4x50=200/2=100 feet) through the thick brush. He calls out in goblin, hoping that some of the hobgoblins may still be in the area, "Time to help. Stay spread apart, but throw stones, throw sticks, throw spears at the witch doctor! Get ready the trap we set for him! He follow right behind me!" The hobgoblins may not know what the 'trap we set for him' is, but perhaps it will give Flavius pause - if he happens to understand the goblin tongue... and if his ears are working at the moment.

In that regard, he vaguely hears Julian shouting out something in the distance, but what with the wind whistling in his ears, and the thwap-thwap-swish of running through the brush, he really can't tell what his cousin says [Listen 7].

Tewdwr [AC 15 - HP 13/21] 
Sunday September 24th, 2006 1:24:31 PM

After being healed, Tewdwr leaves Kendry's side and peels off to the west, hoping to split the chasing skeletons, or at least make the necromancer think about which way to follow. He double moves west for 80.

Tobias [AC 20 - HP 38/38; delay poison; bull's str; hide from undead] 
Sunday September 24th, 2006 1:28:02 PM

Tobias moves out of the mist and towards Podo as soon as he can see him. He tries to move with Podo and get him out of here (probably a double move to keep up with Podo), since the objective is to get the hum back to Bella. He pushes and encourages him along to move. If any of the skeletons try to stop Podo, Tobias will try to take them out with his morningstar.

Podo (by Kim) (AC 19, Tumble 26, HP 35 , Hide from undead)  d20+14=22
Sunday September 24th, 2006 4:22:47 PM

[Hide: 22] If the ogre skeleton does not return to the mist before Tobias emerges, then Podo continues moving stealthily - at least until he gets around the corner. If the ogre skeleton - especially the sword - does return to the mist, then Podo moves swiftly away - a step around the corner, then run! He goes back the same way they came.

Airin [ 42/42 HP / AC21 / Woodland Stride / Message / Mage Armor / Spider Climb / Hide from Undead] and Fioni [ 8/8 HP / AC17 ]  d20+19=36 d20+12=25
Monday September 25th, 2006 3:11:54 AM

When Airin emerges from the fog she's happy to be in the open air once again - even if she's hanging upside down on the ceiling.

Seeing Cpt. Marcus beneath her she quickly moves along the ceiling to the North to follow the bluff towards the forest.

Hide (+19): 36 -5 for not going slower
Move Silently (+12): 25 -5 for not going any slower

Active Spells:
Message (cast by Kendry): 467 rounds
Mage Armor: 567 rounds
Hide from Undead: 67 Rounds
Spider Climb: 187 rounds

Spell List:
Read Magic

Speak with Animals
Speak with Animals - USED

Tobias [AC 20 - HP 38/38; delay poison; bull's str; hide from undead]  d20+5=14
Monday September 25th, 2006 2:01:25 PM

Need to spot Podo if he's still hiding... [Spot: 14], but if he shows himself, then Tobias will follow him closely.

(message, invisible)Selithe-AC:20-HP:33 (message, invisible)  d20+9=25 d20+6=24
Monday September 25th, 2006 4:27:27 PM

Selithe continues moving, hoping to get to her friends before anything really bad happens and also trying to see if her other friends make it also. As she moves she tries to move as quietly as possible and stick to areas that she can hide.

(Hide:25 Move Silently:24)

DM Cayzle 
Monday September 25th, 2006 4:42:23 PM

Sorry friends ... sick child and other RL concerns mean that today's post will be late (or maybe it will be skipped!). Sorry.

Monday September 25th, 2006 8:34:48 PM

Hope your child feels better.

ADM Kim - Posting Report 
Monday September 25th, 2006 11:29:06 PM

DM Cayzle: MTWTF - 5
Dwight: MTWTF - 5
Airin: MTWTF - 5
Podo: MTWT- - 4
Selithe: MT-TF - 4
Kendry: MTWTF - 5
Tobias: MTWTF - 5
Julian: MTWTF - 5

Good job posting, exciting action, creative ideas.

Come back, Jon-Paul! We need the real Podo.

Revenge at Last! (DM Cayzle)  d20+5=12 [Tobias does not spot Podo] d20+5=18 [or Airin] d100=35 [mm is not flubbed] 5d4(1+4+2+4+3)+5=19 [mm damage] d100=84 [Marcus miss chance vs Tobias] d20+6=25 d20+6=15 [Poss crit, none on followup] 2d4(1+1)+9=11 d8+1=2 [damage vs Tobias]
Tuesday September 26th, 2006 3:20:04 PM

[OOC: To recap, at the end of last round, Kendry was at H110, about 480 feet south of the cave. Julian was about 250 feet north of the cave. The necromancer was at H81, about 325 feet south of the cave. That put Julian 575 feet from the necromancer.]

The Party

Dwight, seeing that the ogre skeleton sees him, tumbles back into the mist and then climbs a wall under concealment of the fog.

Podo delays to see what the ogre skeleton will do.

Tobias steps out of the mist and looks for Podo. Podo is hiding with a DC22. With the DM's spot check roll for him, Tobias rolls a 12 -- not high enough to see Podo. Tobias also does not see Airin -- his 18 is not enough to beat her 19. [Per DM interpretation of your post ...] Tobias finishes a double move, slipping between the oblivious skeletons, and headed north. He is not trying to be quiet, and the ogre skeleton stares with empty eye sockets at him..

Selithe remains hidden in the mist.

Airin sneaks toward the cave mouth, hiding on the ceiling.

Julian runs 150 feet south. That puts him 100 feet from the cave. He's yelling at the necromancer, who is still 425 feet away. Can he hear Julian? Since Julian himself deafened the mecromancer with a thunderstone, probably not! (LOL!) The ogre skeleton sure can! It takes careful note of Julian.

Kendry rides south at a run, moving 100 feet from H110 to H126, deep in the brush, Kendry uses his cure wand as he rides.

Tewdyr splits and moves off, going west 100 feet, also in the brush.

The Enemy

Captain Marcus sees Tobias move brazenly through the skeletons and north. He moves 30 feet, following Tobias, and then swings his two-handed curveed blade. The falchion hits despite the hide from undead, and it is a crit threat ... but not a crit. Tobias takes 11 hp damage from the blade (the absolute minimum!) AND feels negative energy sucking his vitality (take another 2 ho damage ... total 13). "Revenge" shouts the sword, out of the silence at last.

Note that after chasing Airin, the ogre skeleton ends up at the cave mouth directly under Airin!

The Necromancer takes a standard move south, closer to the edge of the brush, to H93. He casts a magic missile on Kendry. (roll to flub the spell is a 35 ... it's ok). Kendry takes 19 hp damage. "Revenge!" shouts the alchemist, seeking to hurt those who have stolen from him..

And Finally

Podo sees Captain Marcus move north to swing at Tobias, then sneaks up past the skeleton.

And the Map!

Cayzle OOC 
Tuesday September 26th, 2006 3:59:06 PM

Thanks, by the way, for your patience and concern. The baby seems fine, despite a fever that spiked last night to 105 F. I got thrown up on twice. :-P We've taken the baby for chest x-ray (no pneumonia, thank goodness), etc.

Anyhow, thanks again!

Kendry (AC 15; HP 15/29; Message, Message) [dog Cheann: 17/20]  d20+7=22 d8+5=11 d20+3=22
Tuesday September 26th, 2006 5:25:15 PM

[Ride (including 'spur mount'): 22; CLW: 11; Concentration: 22]

With an "Oof!" as his body absorbs the punishment of the wounding power of five magic missiles, Kendry continues to urge Cheann to greater speed. Feeling the pain, while engaging in this wild ride through the brush, the halfling bard still manages to concentrate enough to cast a healing spell upon his hurting body, ameliorating some of the effects of the necromancer's vengeance.

He moves from H130 (not H126, as his prior move was 100, not 80) to H150, and hopes that Flavius does not have yet another magic missile spell - or something worse. At the same time, in another corner of his mind, he wills that his friends escape the other way while they might.

His faithful Caran Hills dog races onward. The sustained effort begins to cause him pain, small tufts of his thick black, white and rust fur left behind in the brush, and saliva flicks from his open mouth each time his forepaws strike the earth.

Julian [enlarged, enraged, AC 14, hp 12/45]  d20+4=7
Tuesday September 26th, 2006 7:05:45 PM

Julian realises that he will never catch up with the Necromancer and Kendry, I must learn to move like that. He turns his attention to aiding the Stealth Team directly.

He shoots his loaded sling at the Ogre Skeleton.
"Hey, you, beslubbering dread-bolted horn-beast!
You bawdy ill-nurtured hedge-pig!
You churlish guts-griping hedge-pig!
You clouted folly-fallen pignut!
You rank onion-eyed nut-hook!"
+5 missile, -2 distance, +1 vs giant size?
Hit AC 7, won't bother with a damage roll.
"Owww crap!"

He takes the time to call his dog on the whistle on a strap around his neck, and ready three stones to pour Magic Stone over, whilst moving back 30'.

Shark [AC 16 hp 10]
Shark stays with Julian.

OOC I figure my riding dog to be approx 500-600' away, so at full speed say 3 rounds to get to me...?
Mage Armour duration 2 hours
Prestidigitation dur 1 hour
Enlarge Person used 12 rounds of 2 minutes
Rage used 7 rounds of 8 round

Dwight (Hp 33/35, ac 16, message, hide from undead)  d20+9=14
Tuesday September 26th, 2006 9:58:03 PM

Dwight climbs down from the wall, knowing it is too smooth for him to maintain a grip like Airin.

Grabbing the smokestick he fingered earlier, he snaps its activation and hurls it towards the corner, hoping to gain more cover. (OOC: I am assuming this works similar to the mist spell, though not as quickly or potent. Hope that's right.)

Using the wall to recall his position, he tosses it towards the line of skeletons. More cover should help me avoid the ogre skeleton, where ever he went? Dwight wonders.

attack: 14 (not really aiming at anything, just want to toss it like a smoke bomb towards S16)

Podo (by Kim)  d20+14=28
Tuesday September 26th, 2006 10:04:59 PM

[Hide: 28]

Without calling out his name - Podo does not want to give these undead, or the talking sword, any information that can be used against them - the monk and new cleric of Alemi stage whispers to Tobias, "Run, run fast!" If he can get the ogrish thing chasing after, then maybe their friends can escape once the big skeleton has left the entrance to the cave.

Podo himself runs - going 150 feet to the south.

Selithe-AC:20-HP:33 (message, invisible)  d20+9=25 d20+6=13
Tuesday September 26th, 2006 11:21:42 PM

Selithe really doesn't like this, the confusion of the fight and everything. Taking a deep breath she plans to make a run for it if she doesn't see no immediate danger and considering she is in the mist yet that doesn't help. She heads for the direction closest to her that will get her out of the exit to the cave and will devert her path to which side has the least amount of enemies.

(Hide: 25 Move silently: 13 I believe that there are less enemies towards the North, also looked like the way the others were trying to run.)

Airin [ 42/42 HP / AC21 / Woodland Stride / Message / Mage Armor / Spider Climb / Hide from Undead] and Fioni [ 8/8 HP / AC17 ]  d20+19=37 d20+12=29 d20+8=19
Wednesday September 27th, 2006 8:08:52 AM

With the Ogre skeleton right beneath her Airin does no longer know what would be best... She knows she can not beat this creature but she also realises she has to do at least something!


She can summon vines that will entangle the skeletons and their leader, but Airin can not see all of her friends just yet... Where are Selihte and Dwight! They must still be in the cave!

Wait, she has an idea...

Airin is at the edge of the cave and the bluff itself. Instead of going north, Airin moves upwards so that she gets out of reach from the Ogre and all other skeletons.

As she goes she looks for a spot where she could crouch without holding on with her hands (able to use a weapon)

Hide (+19): 37 -5 for not going slower
Move Silently (+12): 29 -5 for not going any slower
spot (+8): 19

Active Spells:
Message (cast by Kendry): 466 rounds
Mage Armor: 566 rounds
Hide from Undead: 66 Rounds
Spider Climb: 186 rounds

Spell List:
Read Magic

Speak with Animals
Speak with Animals - USED

Tobias [AC 20 - HP 25/38; delay poison; bull's str; hide from undead] 
Wednesday September 27th, 2006 12:21:27 PM

Tobias will continue to double move (40 ft) away from the ogre skeleton to the northwest, using a withdraw action (so as not to give up an attack of opportunity to the ogre skeleton).

Tewdwr: have any of the skeletons followed Tewdwr as he peeled away from Kendry? If so, he will continue to try to pull away from them (move 50 ft). If he's already lost them, he will begin to circle back a bit to the north.

Cayzle OOC: Sorry! Those skeletons are moving at half the speed of the mage. They have not yet reached the brush. They are still in the dead gravel zone.

On the Lam (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday September 27th, 2006 5:27:13 PM

The Party

Dwight, moves to the edge of the fog and then creates more mist with a smokestick.

Podo races south at speed, hoping, maybe, to distract Captain Marcus from Tobias.

Tobias uses a withdraw action to step away from the ogre skeleton weilding Captain Marcus. He hustles 40 feet north.

Selithe carefully and invisibly sneaks out of the mist.

Airin crawls out of the cave and up, finding a place to brace herself with hands free. She thinks about tactics [OOC Note: This is a dead zone. There are no living plants. Entangle will not work until you are in the brush.]

Julian taunts the ogre skeleton and shoots at him with a sling bullet -- a miss. He moves 30 feet north, so that he is 130 feet north of the cave, and will be 70 feet north of the Captain after the Captain moves.

Kendry still rides south at a run, moving 100 feet from H130 to H150. He keeps pumping cures to stay upright.

Tewdyr begins to circle north. They are at A90.

The Enemy

Captain Marcus sees Podo running fast and ignores him. He also ignores Julian's taunting. He does not see Selithe or Dwight or the sneaky Airin. Instead, he follows Tobias. With his double move of 60, he easily keeps pace and even comes closer. The skeletal captain walks carefully right up to Tobias. As if he were taunting him, he leaves himself open to attack as he comes so close! Tobias can take an AoO vs the skeleton. But if he does so, his Hide from Undead will end, and with it the 50% miss chance he has been enjoying!

The skeleton is now so close, and with such a reach, that to use the withdraw action next turn will open Tobias to an AoO nonetheless. But maybe his miss chance will save him.

Captain Marcus has an AC of 13.

The Necromancer runs south, into the brush. He runs to H100 (7 squares), then into the bush, another 20 squares to H120. He is 150 feet from Kendry.

And the Map!

Selithe-AC:20-HP:33 (message, invisible)  d20+9=22 d20+6=8 d20=13
Wednesday September 27th, 2006 9:01:59 PM

Selithe continues moving and hopes her luck holds out and hoping her friends are doing well also. She does her best to move silently and hide yet as she keeps her eyes open. Her only weapon out and ready at the moment being her staff.

(Hide:22 Move silently:8 Spot:13)

Julian [enlarged, enraged, Run feat, AC 14, hp 12/45]  d20+15=35 d20+15=22 d20+15=30 2d6(1+3)+7=11
Wednesday September 27th, 2006 9:20:24 PM

Moves away from the ogre skeleton 25' whilst loading the sling with a magic stone.
[used 1/3]-2 distance 95', +1 giant size, +5 attack, +1 magic stone
Hit AC 35 (nat 20!) crit threat roll hit AC 22!!
Ignore the roll of 30, double click.
Crit = x2
Magic Stone vs Undead = 2d6+2, strength bonus +5
Damage = 11 x2 = 22points of damage!!!
"Take that you saucy clapper-clawed bugbear!
You mammering pottle-deep pigeon-egg!
You ruttish fat-kidneyed flap-dragon!"

Julian's rage leaves him with that fantastic hit. He is now fatigued.

Shark [AC 16 hp 10]
Shark stays with Julian.
Mage Armour duration 2 hours
Prestidigitation dur 1 hour
Enlarge Person used 13 rounds of 2 minutes
Rage used 8 rounds of 8 round

My riding dog is now two rounds away...?

Dwight (hp 33/35, ac 16, message, hide from undead)  d20+3=19 d20+3=12 d20+3=8 d20+3=15 d20+3=4 d20+3=10 d20+3=10 d20+3=5 d20+3=18 d20+9=23 d20+8=16 d20+11=20
Wednesday September 27th, 2006 9:31:48 PM

Having clouded the area a bit more, Dwight makes to escape. No sure of where anyone (foe or friend is), Dwight heads due west.

As he passes the column of skeletons and makes it to the end of the cave entrance (at Q14), he takes a look around the corner for everyone's whereabouts.

Not sure who is 'hiding,' so I rolled a spot for everyone.
spot (podo):19
spot: (tobias):12
spot: (airin):8
spot: (kendry):15
spot: (julian):4
spot: (necro):10
spot: (ogre skeleton):10
spot: (any hobgoblins/Zom):5
spot: (selithe): 18

Finally clear of the silence, Dwight tries to account for everyone on the stealth team. "Who is out? Dwight is free and heading west. Diversion team, we are on the way out. " (Unsure of where they are and how far the spell will reach, Dwight tries to contact them via the message)

Hiding: 23 (pressed the wall)
Listen: 16
Move Silently: 20

Wednesday September 27th, 2006 9:55:17 PM

OOC: sorry I got so excited about a natural 20 on an attack roll that I forgot that the undead are not subject to criticals.
Damage from sling stone = 11

Kendry (AC 15; HP 25/29; Message, Message) [dog Cheann: 13/20]  d8+5=6 d8+5=10 d20+7=25
Thursday September 28th, 2006 12:44:27 AM

Kendry rips a sack from off the side of his knapsack, upending it, scattering caltrops in the path behind him. As the empty sack falls from his fingers he gesticulates and mouths the tune of healing (CLW 10). Where are those hobgoblins? Did they all disappear this way?

Cheann continues his fast advance. His breathing grows labored (out to H170). [Ride: 25] Kendry knows he has to slack off on driving him so hard...

Podo (by Kim) 
Thursday September 28th, 2006 4:39:03 AM

Podo runs another 150 feet. More focus on speed than concealment. He hopes that Tobias will come, as well.

Airin [ 42/42 HP / AC21 / Woodland Stride / Message / Mage Armor / Spider Climb ] and Fioni [ 8/8 HP / AC17 ]  d20+8=25 d20+19=22
Thursday September 28th, 2006 5:47:07 AM

From her elevated posistion Airin sees how Tobias is in a tight position. She quickly oversees the skeletons below and checks if there aren't too many of them carrying bows or brossbows. If not they can't reach her and as she still has some more potions she will be able to vanish later on and catch up with her friends... hopefully...

Not within reach of Marcus either, the necro gone and Tobias in a tough position makes Airin decide to lower her defences and release the Hide from Undead that has been protecting her for so long. Her drawing the attention from all skeletons might make it easier for her friends to get away.

Able to brace herself without holding her hands she takes a tanglefoot bag from her belt... aims... and throws it towards the Ogre Skeleton!

(Airin is about 40ft away from the Ogre skeleton, but her higher position should enable her easily to throw further possibly negating the range penalty ? hint hint)

Attack Roll: 25 - YES! - hope that's sufficient

The Tanglfoot bag flies towards the Ogre Skeleton in a nice arch... Airin follows the special bag as in slomotion and her eyes flicker as she sees the bag explode as it comes near the Ogre...

The Goo splashes on the Ogre Skeleton covering him in sticky stuff... Hopefully this will either glue him to the ground or slow him down alowing Tobias to escape!

Airin then crouches against the bluff but she may not conceal herself this time... (rolled a lousy 3)

Attack Roll (+8): 25
Hide (+19): 22

Active Spells:
Message (cast by Kendry): 465 rounds
Mage Armor: 565 rounds
Spider Climb: 185 rounds

Spell List:
Read Magic

Speak with Animals
Speak with Animals - USED

Tobias [AC 20 - HP 25/38; delay poison; bull's str; hide from undead]  d20+10=23
Thursday September 28th, 2006 12:43:38 PM

Seeing that the ogre skeleton is too close for him to escape the same way again, Tobias decides to run - try to put more distance between him and the ogre skeleton. He now sees Podo heading to the south and west and runs after him (for 80 ft).

Reflex save on tanglefoot bag (if needed): 23.

He's also linked with Tewdwr and hoping he can come help. Tewdwr, clear that the skeletons can't keep up, moves to try to help Tobias. He'll double move back to the clearing (100 ft). Or if he's already out of the trees, he'll run to get as close to Tobias as he can.

Victory and Escape

Free at Last! (DM Cayzle)  d100=12 [Marcus miss chance vs Tobias] d20+3=9 [ogre skel save vs tangle] d20=17 [caltrop attack on mage]
Thursday September 28th, 2006 4:09:36 PM

The Party

Dwight heads west and tries to alert everybody.

Podo keeps running away.

Tobias runs, knowing that it will provoke an AoO, but wanting to put some distance between himself and the Captain. The skeleton's miss roll is a 12, and the intelligent falchion slashes harmlessly overhead.

Selithe continues to creep invisibly away from the necromancer's lair.

Airin takes out a a tanglefoot bag and tosses it at the skeleton -- and despite the distance, it hits right on target!

Julian hurls a sling bullet at the ogre skeleton, and it hits a solid blow!

Kendry draws and scatters caltrops in his wake as he runs (a move action and a standard action). He thinks about casting a spell, but there's no time to time to do that too.

Tewdyr runs up to Tobias.

The Enemy

Captain Marcus is stuck fast by the tanglefoot bag! He cannot pursue!

The Necromancer steps on a caltrop as he chases Kendry and is crippled! He cannot pursue!

Airin and Kendry, please take a bonus 100 xp for cleverness in using the tanglefoot bag and the caltrops.

With their foes' movements hindered, the party is able to flee and regroup about a half a mile away from the lair. Whew! Everyone pauses to catch their breath and rest a minute.

Tobias [AC 20 - HP 25/38; delay poison; bull's str; hide from undead]  d20+12=26
Thursday September 28th, 2006 5:15:40 PM

"Wow, we survived that by the skin of our teeth." Tobias shares with the party as they regroup. "We should get back to as fast as we can... Put some distance between them and us."

Tobias will attempt to hide the party's tracks leading out of the regroup point (when we're ready to go), so they're not easily followed (Survival: 26).

Could also use a little healing if we have some handy...

Kendry (AC 15; HP 29/29; Message, Message) [dog Cheann: 19/20]  d8+1=6 d20+6=15 d8+1=4 d8+1=2 d8+1=3 d8+1=3 d8+1=5 d8+1=4 d8+1=4 d8+1=4 d8+1=2 d8+1=7 d8+1=3 d8+1=2 d8+1=8
Thursday September 28th, 2006 5:24:23 PM

Kendry finally is able to cast the healing spell upon himself (+10 from prior post). As he hears [Listen: 15] a quickly muffled yowl-thump behind him once the hasty necromancer catches up to the caltrops, Kendry eases off on Cheann, slowing to a normal run, during which he uses the wand to restore nearly full vigor to his furry friend (CLW 6). Then, after another round or two to ensure adequate distance from the master of their little captive, he slows him to a walk, using the wand once more on himself, and breathing deeply as he comes down from the fast pace of the chase.

Upon reaching the wooded area, Kendry retrieves his ponies, and circles around to where the party split up originally. His eyes search to see that all are present - Selithe, Airin, Podo, Dwight, Tobias, the amazing Julian, and all their animal friends. He embraces his sister and his love, and alternates quick hugs or a friendly tap on the shoulder to the rest of the crew.

"We all made it!" he rejoices. He looks around to see if Zom, Rarriat, and any other hobgoblins are there to meet with them.

"He cast a fireball right at us!" Kendry says, noting a few blackened threads in the hem of his tunic. "Magic missiles, too. He tried to do something strange to Julian - some sort of transformation spell. But Jude was too tough for the magic to stick. Oh! He slung a thunderstone, landed next to the wizard - think it deafened him.

"The hobgoblins stuck around long enough to help create a decent diversion - but they hightailed it out as soon as the wizard showed up. Said that Zom had instructed them to flee if they saw him. Considering the fireball, I suppose that was wise counsel. Rarriat stayed on longer, though.

"We caught our host, and a bunch of skeletons, inside a few silence spells. Of course, I couldn't hear any of you after that, so I just prayed things would go well with you all. Thanks, Wardd! Er, and, uh, anybody else up there who're keeping an eye on us!"

He notices that Tobias has a slice in his clothes. "Looks like something happened to you, Toby. Let's let this wand do its work," he says as he casts cure light wounds three times, for 11 hp of healing. He uses the wand also on Tewdwr for 4 hp, and again for another 4 hp. He uses it again on Tobias for another 4 (stuck on 4!), then 7, bringing the ranger to full health.

"Was anyone else injured?" he asks. If so, the next two charges from the wand cure 3, then 8 hp.

"Oh - one important thing I forgot to ask. Did we meet our objective?

"And," he adds, "as we leave this area, can we leave some false trails, and obscure our own trail? Shall we take another way back? I don't want to stay here more than another minute or three, friends."

Kendry to Rarriat, if she is around 
Thursday September 28th, 2006 5:42:24 PM

If Rarriat is present, he says in goblin, "Brave one, you stayed when all others left. I call you friend." He gives her a small steel mirror, and a thunderstone, explaining what the latter is - and that it made deaf the witch doctor. "When you look in mirror, remember that 'Kang'd'rri think you see face of mother of strong bowels." He knows that the goblin phrase, if translated into common, would be 'mother of the brave heart' - but those of the goblin tongue prefer to assign bravery to the guts, not the heart.

"One day, if I not die first, I take Airin as my mate," he tells her. Delicacy of expression is not the strong suit of goblinese. "Would be honor for us if you come to our ritual, give your good words."

Podo (by Kim) 
Thursday September 28th, 2006 6:23:35 PM

"I think the rest of us are all right, cuz," Podo answers Kendry. "And our mission is on target. Let's go farther away before we talk more."

Thursday September 28th, 2006 6:34:35 PM

"It's a little hard to leave that falchion behind, though even enlarged I couldn't use it. I would be nice though, imagine it hanging on the wall, mounted like some stuffed fish as a trophy, given to a sibling for his birhtday, forever on his wall wailing its head off, complaining, trying to give orders..."

"Kendry, I wouldn't mind some healing, thanks. I will have to mend my clothes too. Look at this, one of my favourite waistcoates all singed, and" feeling his cheeks, "ARRGGG, my sideburns! Quick, a mirror. No, no, no. This is terrible."

Casts Prestidigition to return sideburns to full vigour.

"Sallie, you made it back! Who's a good girl? Hey? Who's a good girl, now? You are. Yes, you are, Sallie. Not hurt are you? Let me see here, and turn around, good. No you're fine. I hope you didn't leave much of a trail.

"Sorry, Tobias, Sallie here might have left bit of a trail, too."

"Ok," mounting his riding dog, "now lets go."

If noone else needs it Julian will take both charges offered to return to 23/37hp, and Shark to his full 18hp.

3 0 level /6
2 1st level /5

Kendry - more curing  d8+1=4 d8+1=7 d8+1=9
Thursday September 28th, 2006 7:50:54 PM

Kendry laughs as Julian describes how he would like to hang the falchion on the wall of his home. He adds to Julian's healing, giving him 11 more hp (to 34/37). If someone else (halfling or beast) needs more - there's another 9 hp curing. First come, first served.

Thursday September 28th, 2006 7:54:37 PM

"Thank you Kendry. I might have to get one of those wands myself."

Thursday September 28th, 2006 8:57:47 PM

Running as long as he can to reach the group and sure he wasn't followed, Dwight stands panting trying to catch his breath.

"Whew," he finally gets out, double checking the head count. "Any word on our alliance friends?"

While exhausted, Dwight doesn't want to stand around here. "Let's make haste. Podo has the package, which only required only a little grappling, mostly by Tobias."

Should Zom be found during their distancing, he'll thank him (in common) as best he can, asking Kendry to relay his thoughts if necessary. Our mission was a success and we thank you for your mist and hope you got items of value to you and yours.

Cheann (19/20) 
Thursday September 28th, 2006 9:33:40 PM

Kendry's dog sits in the grass, and begins to groom himself. His fur is filled with little twigs, thistles, and bits of plant fuzz.

Thursday September 28th, 2006 10:00:29 PM

Selithe looks to her brother, relatives and friends gathered and sighs in relief as she smiles and whistles for Gra. "I'm glad everyone is okay. The hobgoblins could've been of more help but all in all we pulled it off, Zom made it out with some loot, although I was able to pick up a few things too." Selithe winks to Airin, "And Airin has a nice little goody for me to look at also I believe. However we should worry about moving along just in case that necro doesn't give up on following us as soon as we thought." Selithe just worried at what spells the necro might've had or such and what he might come after them with.

Friday September 29th, 2006 12:24:53 AM

"Thanks for the healing Kendry for me and Tewdwr. That was quite a tight spot, glad to be away. Was even tighter than I thought out here in the diversion team."

"Oh and does anyone have antivenom or something because I was bitten by the hom, and my delay poison is going to run out before we make it home."

As the party starts to leave the area, Tobias does as much as he can to obscure the party's tracks. (rolled survival for it in previous post)

Kendry  d20+5=22
Friday September 29th, 2006 2:07:28 AM

"Tight spot, eh? I'm open to details, if I'm properly to compose a song in celebration, buddy," Kendry responds to Tobias' first comment with a smile. He adds, "I do not have the power directly to neutralize poison, Tobias, but I can offer you this vial of antitoxin." He takes a tiny bottle from out of his knapsack, and hands it over. (+5 alchemical bonus on saves vs poison.) "I also have a scroll of delay poison I can read if it looks like you'll be having problems. Hope you don't have problems!" The bard places the scroll inside his shirt, so it's immediately available should he need to read it for Tobias' sake.

He turns to Airin. "So, tell me, love, how did things go as you bearded the lion in his den?"

[Adding a Survival roll of 22 to aid Tobias in obscuring tracks.] The bard shows others what he is doing to help hide their tracks, and asks them to assist [let's get some more Survival rolls to aid another, adding to Tobias' 26 + Kendry's +2, so we can do a great job of hiding which way we go].

Podo (by Kim)  d20+3=14
Friday September 29th, 2006 4:03:40 PM

Podo does what he can to assist the ranger and the bard in covering over their tracks as they go. [Survival: 14 - aid another] He reiterates what he said earlier. "Let's get farther away before we talk too much." Then, ignoring his own counsel, he says, "I just wish I had been able to knock over that foul brew, or have grabbed that talking sword. But being stuck in that corner with the huge skeleton swishing the sword over my head made me decide to scoot out of harm's way. It's like the sword could see me, but the bones could not."

Together again (DM Cayzle) 
Sunday October 1st, 2006 8:23:12 AM

[OOC: Maybe a very late post from last week, or a very early post for next week! Take your pick!]

Tobias tries to smooth away signs of passage.

Kendry gets to work healing. He looks for goblins but sees none.

Podo reports the good news about the group's success, then urges no dilly-dallying.

Ambitious Julian wishes the party's success could have been even greater! He too is eager to move on.

Dwight is glad to have a chance to catch his breath, but he also wants to get the group moving too. Dwight also sees no goblin-sign.

Selithe thinks about the group's rewards, and is happy to keep moving.

Tobias is worried about the poison in his system. But even if it makes him go to sleep, his friends will just wake him. [OOC from DM: Don't fret about it.]

Airin is quiet.

The reunited group moves on after this brief pause.

Airin [ 42/42 HP / AC21 / Woodland Stride ] and Fioni [ 8/8 HP / AC17 ] 
Sunday October 1st, 2006 12:21:57 PM

(ooc sorry wasn't expecting a DM post anymore this weekend so I was going to wait till monday)

Airin is happy to see the whole group together again. They went through some exiting moments and she's a bit worried when Kendry tells what he went through. She could have lost him!! So she falls silent and listens as the others tell their stories.

"I didn't do much in that cave love," Airin says to Kendry as he asks her how she's been. "I was hiding on the ceiling practically the whole time... I did manage to take that Necromancers Spellbook though!! I think this can be interesting for your sis. But it somehow worries me too. I doubt that Necromancer will allow us to keep his precious Spellbook! Just think how he will react!!"

Then she follows home and helps covering their tracks.

Sunday October 1st, 2006 9:52:23 PM

(OOC:Don't know if I need to note hp and such so for the moment I'm letting it slide inless Cayzle needs it yet :) .)

Selithe nods and whistles for Gra again, petting her riding dog before looking to the others and speaking, "Sorry for not having Gra join in to help but I prefer my little lady here to stay out of combat. I don't want to see her hurt or killed." Selithe chuckles and she begins riding Gra away along with her friends and watches Bandit, her farret familiar run around and play now, he has left the gp in her pouch for now.

Bandit once Selithe is close enough jumps over to see Airin since Airin is part druid the little fella finds her nice company also.

Kendry  d20=17 d20+5=23
Sunday October 1st, 2006 10:38:56 PM

"Really!?" Kendry says when he learns that Airin managed to capture the spellbook. "That might hurt his productivity, you think? As well as maybe help us out a bit. Spellbook, familiar, sense of security, reliance on stupid undead. Mister bone mover is going to have to put down today as a loss. As for necromancers who make of dead men's bone evil skeletons, may Gargul or his minions make their lives miserable. I've a strong distaste for the undead. They are, in nearly every sense, unnatural.

"How do I know skeletons are evil? Well, most everybody knows that. One day my uncle Orby said, 'Nalfein, skeletons are evil. Pretty much all of 'em, as far as I can reckon.'

"So I answered him, 'I'm Kendry, not Nalfein, Uncle.'

"'Aw, I've got so many nieces and nephews, how am I supposed to keep track of your names?' he answered, then tousled my hair."

Since the hobgoblins are not around, Kendry says to Selithe, "So, Zom made it out with some goodies for his tribe, then? Well, good for him. Heaven knows they lost enough to Flavius already. I thought we were going to meet up with them after this, though, to arrange for splitting up shares."

He suggests to all his friends that they keep an eye out for any signs of the hobgoblins - any tracks that they might have left. "Perhaps we'll meet up with them later. Once we're a few miles away, let's inventory what we've got. That way, if we still need to split things with Zom and his tribe, we'll at least know what we have. Or, do you think we should wait until town? Hope he doesn't have some sort of scrying device or spell. Not Zom. Oh, and maybe our new allies figure things were getting hot enough, and to escape with whatever he picked up and all their lives was enough. There's also the wand I was going to give them," he says, thinking of Olo's wand of cure light wounds.

Kendry starts looking about to see if he can discern any magical scrying devices. Any floating eyes, or the like. [Unadjusted roll of 17 to see if anyone is trying to watch them magically. With a +8 adjustment to will save, that gives him a 25. Hope it's not needed!]

[Another Survival roll: 25]

"Let's move for a couple of hours, then stop for a good breakfast in some place that offers a measure of shelter - a stand of trees, or a ravine, or the like - and try to not leave any litter or signs of our passage behind, if we can help it. After we clean up good, then continue, and put as many miles between us and our visit as we can today."

He checks to make sure that no brambles have gotten stuck under Cheann's saddle, and brushes the main twigs and debris out of his hair, but saves a really good brush down for when they stop for a break. He lends some of his grooming gear to others who have dogs or ponies when he's not using it.

Podo (by Kim) 
Sunday October 1st, 2006 11:19:36 PM

During breakfast a few hours after leaving the cave, Podo is quite hungry. But as an exercise in self control and discipline, he decides to wait until everyone else is served and eating before he breaks fast.

"I got six or so books. I'm not gonna open the bag until we get back to, what's her name? Heather's place."

Tobias  d20+12=30
Monday October 2nd, 2006 12:12:59 AM

Tobias moves with the party. Making their way back home as quickly as possible. He and Tewdwr will continue to scout ahead of the main party (by 50-60 ft ahead). He'll keep an eye out for tracks especially any sign of the hobgoblins.

Survival: 30

Unless they're interrupted, Tobias will keep the party moving at a good pace, stopping only for a quick breakfast. He wants as much distance as he can get from the necromancer. And, wants to make it home as quickly as possible.

Monday October 2nd, 2006 1:55:55 AM

Julian is as keen as Tobias to keep moving, to get back to town for to bathe, to mend, to be massaged.

"Hey Selithe, you should have seen that necromancer run, run away from me. He could sure move. Scared he was. I am pretty sure it was a spell, because I can outrun most humans but he outpaced me considerably. I outran a wild boar once, as a youngster, and that was before I started regular training like I do now.
"I have heard of a spell for this, and I've been trying to work it out now and again. Perhaps you know of it, the spell that is. Could you teach me?"
Julian is a little prone to rambling as they ride along.

ADM Kim - Posting Report 
Monday October 2nd, 2006 2:29:18 AM

DM Cayzle: -TWT--S 4
Dwight: -TWT--- 3
Airin: M-WT--S 4
Podo: -TWTF-S 5
Selithe: MTWT--S 5
Kendry: -TWTF-S 7
Tobias: M-WTF-S 6
Julian: -TWTF-- 4

Cayzle's daughter was ill on Monday, so he was unable to post until Tuesday.

Then, following a Thursday afternoon post, he was able to post again Sunday afternoon. So, 4 DM posts this week.

The group's posting fell off just a tad this week. However, we escaped the necromancer with his homunculus, his spellbook, some of his potions and other books (and maybe a few additional trinkets), and all of us are still alive, so it was a Good Thing the group appears to be on the way to accomplishing. Now the group just needs to get back to Bella, and let her finish her recipe... unless Cayzle has something else in mind!

Monday October 2nd, 2006 10:50:29 AM

When Kendry learns about the Spell book Airin's got in her Handy Haversack the bard begins to rattle a tale nearly without catching his breath!

"Hold on there dear! Catch some breath! You're just rattling on!! If those skeletons won't hear us now I don't know how they ever could..."

Airin winks to Selithe who came to ride besides her and chuckles with the wizard about the ranting bard. Oh how she adores the crazy bard...

Looking up towards the sky Airin checks to see if Fioni saw them all leaving. The little hawk had been hovering in the sky while the group entered the necro's cave and Airin could not care for her anymore. She looks and whistles until she finds the predator back...

If Fioni comes down it will land on her forearm as usual and Airin will gently whisper to the bird while she strokes her feathers.

Perhaps Airin's feeling of security is wrong, but right now she does not feel threatened at all so she pays little attention to the road ahead... perhaps a mistake she will regret later...

The Journey Home (DM Cayzle) 
Monday October 2nd, 2006 4:32:03 PM

Modest Airin downplays her accomplishments. She is glad to be reunited with her avian friend. She does not pay a lot of attention to the road as the group heads for home.

Selithe is in a playful mood and also glad to play with her animals.

Kendry tells a funny story about his uncle. He keeps an eye open for hobgoblins as he leads the group northwards towards home.

Curious Podo is thinking about loot. But he wisely keeps his magical container closed.

Tobias scouts ahead and encourages the group to keep up a steady pace.

Julian is interested in the spells cast by the necromancer. He asks Selithe for her advice.

Dwight keeps his own council and stays with the group.

The party sees no fresh sign of hobgoblin. In fact, the land seems quiet as you travel north. It is even a little warm and clear ... perfect travel weather, at least for those who like the light.

The journey home is, in fact uneventful. Soon enough you pass into the southern farms of the Crescent Valley.

Monday October 2nd, 2006 6:52:56 PM

Ahh, the warmth of the sun, the gentle rythm of the dog beneath, the feeling of triumph in new battle scars. Julian quietly drifts off as they ride through the farmland of Crescent Valley.

Selithe  d20+7=20 d20+5=23
Monday October 2nd, 2006 8:27:57 PM

Selithe looks to Julian and thinks before replying, "Well, I must admit that I didn't see the necro other than when he first came out of his cave. However I have heard of some spells that can quicken a person's movements. I have no access to them myself at this moment but I hope to some day soon."

Selithe thinks over what she knows of various spells before speaking, "The most effective spell for speeding yourself up that a wizard has is haste. That would be one of the best. However I also think a druid might have a spell to help them out but I'm not for sure."

(Spell craft:20 Knowledge Arcana:23)

Monday October 2nd, 2006 10:03:40 PM

Having spent most of the walk listening to his friends and going through events, Dwight still wonders if his flasks ignited anything.

"That is great that the evil book was taken, but I wonder if it could aid him in finding it and the location of his homunculus. Perhaps the few of you can study it as soon as possible and then sell it or destroy it. I'm new to magics, and because of that they still scare me a bit. Does a wizard have any innate attachment to his spellbook, like he does with his familiar? Surely if he doesn't there is a spell that would aid him in finding it." Dwight expresses gratitude in the book's recovery, but slight unease about keeping it within the group at this point.

Eventually, Dwight gets to enjoy the pleasant weather, just as familiar homes come into view.

Wondering what type of mood Bella will be in, Dwight suggests the group head directl to her house to delivery the package. Once there, Dwight knocks and waits for an answer. He then cautiously announces they have returned, and if given a healthy response, informs Bella of the task being done.

Tuesday October 3rd, 2006 12:10:58 AM

Tobias is relieved by the uneventful trip back. He follows Dwight to Bella's and agrees that keeping the necromancer's things seems like a bad idea. As a matter of fact, he doesn't think the book should be brought to Bella's at all. Just in case...

Tuesday October 3rd, 2006 12:12:16 AM

Listening in to the discussion on speedy movement, Kendry waits to see how Selithe will answer. "You're right about haste. There's another one." He rummages around in his backpack, pulls out a scroll case, and extracts a scroll. "This is called expeditious retreat. It helps you run really, really fast. You can keep it, Selithe, if you think you can use it."

He enjoys the walk through the farmland on the way back to Angel Springs.

On the discussion about the spellbook, Kendry says, "Let's take it to the Catacombs. Spellbooks can have both good things and bad things in them. Let's find out what it's got, then decide. Maybe sell it. Maybe destroy it. Caution is wise, but fear is not our friend."

Podo (by Kim) 
Tuesday October 3rd, 2006 2:00:07 AM

"Maybe Heather has a secret place, where you can't see in with magic," Podo says.

Tuesday October 3rd, 2006 8:55:24 AM

Airin nods to the thought of not keeping the Necromancer's spellbook, but at least they should have a look at it with someone experienced so Selithe is able to copy the spells which are useful to her. Finding wizard spells is very interesting for her.

To Bella they go!

The cozy warmth of their beloved Valley brings joy in Airin's heart and as she never was much of a singer she asks - begs - Kendry to shorthen the trip with a song.

A welcome back! (DM Cayzle) 
Tuesday October 3rd, 2006 5:25:49 PM

The trip passes quickly as you anticipate getting home. Dwight thinks the "evil" book sould be disposed of quickly. Tobias is not sure it should be brought to Bella's. Kendry thinks of taking it to the Catacombs. Podo wonders if Bella has a safe place.

Certainly, as Airin says, a trip to Bella to drop off the homunculus is important.

Where do you go first? What do you do? [OOC: Everyone please give a preference, and I'll go by majority rule. If you want to go to the Catacombs JUST to do the book, we'll do that here in game.]

As the group enters town, friendly folk offer hellos. Many you know, some not. But either way, the mood in town is prosperous and glad.

Tuesday October 3rd, 2006 9:02:46 PM

"I'd say we go see Bella first. And if she is in a giving/helpful mood perhaps mention the book. Otherwise, perhaps at a later time."

"Afterwards, perhaps with help from Bella or another 'expert' in magicks those that wish to examine it, or copy from it may do so. But as soon as possible, I think the book should be sold or even destroyed if its contents warrant."

"It should definitely be checked for magic before being used."

Tuesday October 3rd, 2006 10:13:29 PM

Selithe looks to everyone and shakes her head, "We should go to Bella first. She is quite a lot more knowledgeable than us and she will be able to help us if she is in that mood."

Selithe motions to the box also, "I also will be happy to part ways with that thing. Remember, the wizard can see through the eyes of his familiar and such so it could be more dangerous to us than anything else we have."

Podo (by Kim) 
Wednesday October 4th, 2006 12:59:32 AM

"Let's trust the wild Bella to help us figure this out," Podo says, giving Tobias a light poke in the ribs with his elbow, just to tease him. He knows the ranger has problems with the greenmage.

Kendry  d20+5=16 d20+5=6 d20+12=28 d20+12=14
Wednesday October 4th, 2006 12:59:41 AM

[Perform, string instrument: 16, 6 (Nat 1); Perform, singing: 28, 14]

"A song, thou dost wish?" Kendry asks Airin. "A song thou shalt have, my love!"

He takes his lute from the side of his backpack... and finds that something is rattling around inside. Prodding and poking, he turns it upside down. Finally, he manages carefully to extract a spikey caltrop from the opening in the soundboard around the strings. "Hmmm - guess I had an extra one, just in case."

He decides on a whim to use the caltrop to strike the strings, and, after a quick tuning of the lute, and a little clearing of the throat, sings one of the traditional songs of Crescent Valley. The verses he sings in the open throat harmonic style, and the chorus of Hey-nannies in a clear melodic tenor.
Our homeland, fertile valley
Where peacefully we grow
Farmers make deep furrows
Tall wheat, sweet corn we sow

At harvest time we rally
All gather and winnow
To share among our burrows
And watch our families grow

With a hey-nanny-nanny no
Hey-nonny-nonny nah
Jump up high and slap the feet
Hey-nanny-nanny no
Hey-nonny-nonny nah
Twirl around and kiss her sweet
He then begins the next verse.
In wintertime our pipes we smoke
And speak of times of yore
Gathering round the warming hearth
Sweet milk or ale poured
However, as he sings the second part of the second verse:
As young and old hear tales spoke
Though eldest may just snore
Laugh or cry, or touch the heart
--on the word 'heart' the caltrop proves too hard a pick for the strings, as one snaps with a twang and slaps Kendry across the lips.

"OW!" he exclaims. "Owww."

Kendry, Part the Second 
Wednesday October 4th, 2006 3:16:34 AM

After massaging his tender mouth, and feeling the raised welt along his cheek, he says, "Uh, Airin, I think I will sing nore later. Ny nouth is a little sore."

Concerning which direction they should go, he says, "Let's go see Della." It seems the bard does not wish to pronounce sounds which require he use his lips.

Wednesday October 4th, 2006 5:16:03 AM

Julian wakes a little now and again.
"What spell? Kendry? Selithe? Oh, a scroll. Can you help me with that Selithe? I'm not good with scrolls. I wonder if it is the spell I want, sounds right, run really fast."
"Humph, ahhh, to Bella's first, I would think."
<Kendry's song>
Zzzzzzzzzzzz...<but with a big smile, not a frown>

Wednesday October 4th, 2006 7:28:25 AM

Airin is convinced they should see Bella first to seek council and to deliver the item they were to retrieve.

While they walk through the valley and Kendry sings his song Airin hums along. A beautiful song until suddenly


"OW!... Owww."

Airin looks to Kendry and spots how the string slapped him across the mouth leaving painful red marks!

To make things worse the bard opens his mouth and suggests to go see Della. Compassionate as she is Airin comes closer and puts her arms around his neck.

"Let me ease your pain..." and softly her moist lips touch Kendry's...

Though a sense motive check might reveal that she did not do that only out of compassion... it took perhaps a bit too long to be harmless and it soon looked more like a longing kiss...

Wednesday October 4th, 2006 10:41:57 AM

"Alright, to Bella's it is then... and I love your eternal optimism Podo." And, Tobias gives him a light, joking jab back...

Kendry, Part the Third 
Wednesday October 4th, 2006 12:45:42 PM

"Ow! ... Oh? ... Oooh ... mmmmm..." and a happily returned embrace and kiss are Kendry's warming reply to Airin's ministrations.

Wednesday October 4th, 2006 6:08:18 PM

Sorry friends! Turn will be late tonite!

Podo (by Kim)  d20=3 d20=9 d20+9=17
Wednesday October 4th, 2006 6:45:14 PM

"Ow! That is my sore shoulder," Podo says at Tobias' light tap. He really hams it up, massaging, groaning. "Oh, I hope it heals up soon."

Then he notes Kendry and Airin falling farther and farther behind the group. He looks for a pinecone... [Search 3+3=6] nope, too far away from the trees. Well, walking through farmland - he finds a little clod of dirt [Search 9+3=12]. Taking careful aim, he tosses it so as to hit his cousin the bard lightly in the back (ranged touch attack 17).

"Hey, you two - come up for air!"

Wednesday October 4th, 2006 8:39:33 PM

Dwight chuckles as the group enjoys the time in safety after such a tense night.

"Let us hope we arrive happy and leave the same way."

Wednesday October 4th, 2006 10:25:34 PM


Return to Bella's Place (DM Cayzle)  d100=68 (plant grips hom)
Thursday October 5th, 2006 2:06:24 AM

For once, the party finds Bella right where she should be -- in her cottage brewing something in her cauldron. She is also humming, seemingly in a happy mood.

She welcomes the party back with a big smile! "Fast indeed! Well done!"

Her first concern is for the homunculous. She take the box from you. She shuts the doors and windows in case it gets loose. Her large animated plant -- the one with the tendrils -- roots itself through cracks in the floorboards right by the cauldron.

When Bella opens the box, the plant immediately grips the construct firmly. The plant holds the thing over the cauldron. Bella grips it behind the jaws and squeezes. The construct opens its jaws, and several drops of venom drip drip drip into the pot.

"There we go! Perfect!" she says. The plant puts the construct back in the box, and Bella gives the box back to the party. The entire thing takes maybe a couple minutes.

She tells you all that she will be busy brewing for the rest of the day. Come back in the evening to tell her all about it.

Podo (by Kim) 
Thursday October 5th, 2006 2:51:23 AM

"Um, Miss Bella - are you going to need the little fella again later?" Podo asks the greenmage as he somewhat reluctantly returns the box to his haversack. He really had hoped to just get rid of it, turn it over to her completely.

Thursday October 5th, 2006 2:56:45 AM

Kendry looks with curiosity on the little construct, having never seen a homunculous before (to the best of his recollection).

After the thing is back in Podo's bag, Kendry says, "We're trying to figure out what to do with the necromancer's spellbook. Have you any suggestions?" he asks her, politely.

If she offers no seemingly reasonable alternative, he recommends that the group head to the Catacombs, and see what they can learn there.

Thursday October 5th, 2006 5:50:19 AM

Yawning widely,
"Bella, so you're done with it? Good, let's kill it."
"Ahh, I feel so refreshed now. Now that the hummer is no longer needed. Let's sit in some dappled shade somewhere, swap stories about the lair, and talk about booty."

Thursday October 5th, 2006 9:46:12 AM

"CRAP now we're stuck with this construct! Can't we just destroy it? Or we could send it back with a courier ... "

Ok, Airin was kidding when she said to send it back ... or wasn't she?!? ;-)

"Now what we do? Selithe I'd like you to have the spellbook but I'm scared to take it out of my bag... don't we know a wizard here in town who can help us with this?"

Thursday October 5th, 2006 3:22:39 PM

"Well, we know that Mungo can cast some powerful magic spells from a book," Kendry responds to Airin's question about a wizard in town.

Thursday October 5th, 2006 5:44:08 PM

"Yes, courier... that's a great idea." Tobias responds.

But, just letting this thing go seems like a bad idea.

Thursday October 5th, 2006 8:25:27 PM

As Bella seems to have gotten what she wants for now, but has otherwise shunned the group until later, encourages the rest of the group to bid their time and depart.

As the group moves away and discussion continues about the familiar, Dwight adds his thoughts. "I'd have to agree releasing this thing is a BAD idea. Before we got it in the box, I'm pretty sure it saw both Tobias and I; which means the necro saw us both as well."

"Releasing, even by courier, (chuckles at the thought and the expense) would jeopardize all of us. As glad as I am we got the book, if it were my book, I'd have protection on it. If we are cautious I could detect magic on it later. After Selithe has gotten anything useful out of it, we should try to sell it or just destroy it. We definitely shouldn't keep either one for more than a day or two."

Dwight isn't really surprised about Bella's lack of interest in the party, but Dwight tries to mention a few more details about the necro that may not have been mentioned yet.

Thursday October 5th, 2006 9:03:06 PM

Selithe thinks over everything that has happened and shakes her head, "Sorry people but sending that thing back or letting it loose just is not a good idea."

Selithe looks to everyone and shrugs, "If it's killed it better be done away from town just incase and the spell book we will have to wait on inless Bella can help us abit before we go." Selithe just giving her opinions on these matters.

Kendry  d20+5=24 d20+5=6 d20+5=6 d20+5=13 d20+5=17 d20+5=13 d20+5=19 d20+5=15 d20+5=25 d20+5=16 d20+5=17 d20+5=21 d20+5=25 d20+5=7 d20+5=9 d20+5=18 d20+5=20 d20+5=7 d20+5=15 d20+5=20 d20+5=22 d20+5=6 d20+5=19 d20+5=9 d20+5=11 d20+5=20 d20+5=15 d20+5=18 d20+5=14 d20+5=12 d20+5=23 d20+5=22 d20+5=25
Friday October 6th, 2006 3:31:39 AM

Kendry smiles at Julian's suggestion. Well, not the killing part - but the notion of sitting in the shade and swapping stories.

"Thanks for filling us in a little more on what happened in the cave, Dwight," Kendry tells his cousin.

"If this brew of Bella's works, she may want to brew some more," he comments in response to his friends' idea to kill the construct or return it. "I don't think a wizard can see through his familiar's eyes, or sense him - it? - unless it's fairly close to him. A quarter mile? A mile? Somewhere in there. Mungo'd know. Or the Catacombs folks. Look, let's just go there. That Flavius isn't gonna mess with us there, and we can have them do the dangerous stuff."

He slips his hand into Airin's. "I can detect magic on it, and anything else we picked up, now. But I still think - look, we didn't get a full night's sleep last night, and we've traveled quite a ways. Let's just go right now, get this settled, then catch a nap. In the shade, as Julian suggested. Then we can go see Bella again, when she's of a mind to talk."

He announces, "I'm heading to the Catacombs now. Anyone who wants to come, then come. There are ways of finding things out." He leads the way to the Angel Springs store that serves as one of many outposts for the Plateau City shop of magic.

On the way there, he says to Airin, "Maybe we can talk to our families, and see about making proper introductions all around. Eh?" He looks into her eyes to see what she thinks of this notion.

At the Catacombs, depending upon who has come along, and what they collected from the necromancer's place, Kendry takes a number (#676) and, when waited upon, says, "We have some things we would like you to help us take a look at. Is this area secured from magical scrying from the outside?"

If the answer is in the affirmative, then Kendry asks Airin, "Would you show them the book you found?" If she's fearful of removing it from her haversack, Kendry asks if it harmed her in any way when she picked it up and put it in her sack. If not, then he's willing to extract it for her. If so, then he may request assistance from qualified Catacombs personnel.

Whatever potions, scrolls, books, or trinkets that the party members recovered from the witch doctor... er, necromancer, Kendry asks if they'll lay it out on a table. He'll cast detect magic, and take the time needed to discern what is magical, and enough rounds to determine the type of magic for each item, if he can. He'll spread them out a ways from each other, so as to minimize the chance of the auras of one item interfering with the auras of another. [Detect magic as cast by Kendry lasts 5 minutes. Spellcraft checks are: 24, 6, 6, 13, 17, 13, 19, 15, 25, 16, 17, 21, 25, 7, 9, 18, 20, 7, 15, 20, 22, 6, 19, 9, 11, 20, 15, 18, 14, 12, 23, 22, 25, where 6=nat 1, 25=nat 20]

He thinks that keeping the box and its squishy contents in Podo's haversack is the best bet at the moment, until they've been able to get some information about communication links between familiars and wizards.

Podo (by Kim) 
Friday October 6th, 2006 4:27:08 AM

Though wanting to visit the shrine to Alemi, Podo figures they might as well settle the gain from their venture.

He goes along to the Catacombs. He places the six books he took from the shelves of the vile wizard's library on the table for Kendry to scan. For the first time, he takes a gander at the title on the front or spine of the books, if they have titles inscribed.

He leaves the homunculous in the box in his haversack for now.

Friday October 6th, 2006 6:03:12 AM

"Yes. It's about time our families know. First let's settle this Construct thing and check out the spellbook. I'm with you to the Cats."

She lets Kendry take a ticket and follows him to the counter waiting to be served. Together they examine the spellbook. Not being an adept in wizardry Airin lets Kendry take a good look at all other thingies without disturbing him.

She's keen to find out what the Cat staffer will tell them about the spellbook...

(OCC: Kendry and Airin currently on the CC's board as well.)

Now Get Out! (DM Cayzle) 
Friday October 6th, 2006 7:36:19 AM

[OOC: Sorry for lateness. Life got REAL busy sudden-like.]

Havng dismissed the party, a bit of Bella's good mood dissolves as she sees you are still around, "pestering" her.

Podo asks if she will need the homunculous again. "No, no. Now get along with you all. Just sit outside the door for a few hours, or go have some tea," she suggests.

Then Kendry asks about the spell book. "What? No. Burn it? Sell it? Nasty thing! Now, get out, my foolhardies!"

Then Julian suggests killing it. Bella ignores him, but the wrinkles above her eyes deepen.

The group gets the hint and skeedaddles.

Airin suggests sending it back.

Kendry suggests a local wizard or the Catacombs.

Dwight does not want to release it. He also wisely feas that the book is protected.

Selithe does not want to send it back or set it loose. Maybe kill it outside town?

Podo puts some thought into matters spiritual.

Kendry detects magic on everything. One book is magic. So is a potion. And the spellbook, of course. Airin and Kendry go to the Catacombs.

Loot list:

seven books (one magic - divination)
spellbook (magic - all kinds except enchantment and illusion)
potion (magic - transmutation)
three other vials (not magic)
homunculous (construct)

[OOC: Am I missing anything you all can think of?]

Tobias  d20+5=25
Friday October 6th, 2006 10:03:23 AM

Tobias follows along to the Catacombs, but mainly stays out of the way while others figure out what's going on with the spell book and hum.

On the trip to the Catacombs, Tobias keeps an eye out for anything interesting in town. Perhaps hints of those drow that were rumored to be about. [Spot: 25 (nat 20)]

DM Cayzle OOC 
Friday October 6th, 2006 10:10:06 AM

Edit: We'll handle the Catacombs transaction here. Everyone is free to post. Post as often as you like until Monday.

Feel free to post here whatever you do between now and returning to Bella's this evening as she asked. (I assume you will do so!)

Also feel free to post whatever you want to say in the Catacombs.

Friday October 6th, 2006 1:43:56 PM

Cayzle - I'd prefer, if possible, that we handle things on this board - as you earlier had said that we could do the Catacombs visit here.

For record-keeping purposes though, I just wanted to get a Catacombs number. Perhaps that was not necessary, and it certainly has lead to some Kim-caused confusion. (My wise and brilliant wife sometimes calls me The Great Complicator.)

So, if we could undelete Airin's post that you just deleted - because part of her post was quite germaine to hers and Kendry's relationship, something along the lines of...


Airin answers Kendry, "Yes, we need to let our families know what's going on with us."

Errant posts transferred from the Catacombs by Kim in order to satisfy Cayzle's earlier request 
Friday October 6th, 2006 1:52:46 PM

Kendry | Kim | Crescent Valley | Angel Springs | #676
Friday October 6th, 2006 2:56:47 AM
Kendry, a halfling of Crescent Valley, enters the Catacombs with his dog Cheann, and perhaps some of his family and friends...

Cheann, a Charan Hills riding dog, recognizes this place, and wags his tail on entering.

Kendry takes the next number from the dispenser that says, "For Prompt Service, Please Take A Numbered Ticket." He reads that his is 676.


Airin| Inge | Crescent Valley | Angel Springs | #676 (NOT A NEW CUSTOMER - SHE'sS HERE WITH KENDRY)
Friday October 6th, 2006 5:23:16 AM
Hand in hand the Halfling Bard Kendry and his love Airin walk into the CC's. Kendry takes the ticket and together they wait to be served.

If a Staffer comes up to serve them Airin will put her Handy Haversack onto the counter to take the Book.


Staffer Vauhwyt (Crescent DM Cayzle) line jumping to serve Kendry and Airin.
Friday October 6th, 2006 6:21:55 AM

A liontaur wearing an apron calls for ticket 676.

"Yes? How can the Catacombs help you folks today?"


Airin| Inge | Crescent Valley | Angel Springs | #676
Friday October 6th, 2006 7:22:46 AM
Airin stares upwards as the mighty Liontaur trots up towards her... never before did she see a liontaur. As the mighty creature comes near Airin's grip tighthens around Kendry's hand...

"I... euhm... gulp... well...here... bag in book... no... bog in baak... rrrr... bok in baag... yikes"

Great! The little halfling lass is a bit overwhelmed to make any sense...


Staffer Vauhwyt (Crescent DM Cayzle) line jumping to serve Kendry and Airin.
Friday October 6th, 2006 9:07:34 AM

A raven pokes his head out of a pouch at the liontaur's waist. "Look, short stuff," he caws, "Get a grip. Be glad you didn't get the mind flayer clerk or the vampire clerk. Jeezum Crow! The Boss here is a pushover."

Vauhwyt gently pushes the raven back in her pouch, telling the bird, "Hush."

She says to Airin, "Please, take a deep breath, and then tell me what I can do for you."

Kendry in the Catacombs with Airin, and Podo, and Tobias, and ? 
Friday October 6th, 2006 2:11:42 PM

Kendry smiles at the raven's words. He has encountered (and confronted) at least one of the clerks to whom he refers.

After the lady liontaur addresses his Lady, Kendry responds in a gentle voice. "Yes, Ma'am, we just returned from a trip, and could really use some of the expert help that you folks at the Catacombs have a reputation for."

He has his friends lay out the items recovered on the table, or counter. He goes ahead and uses mage hand to lift the book from Airin's bag, with her permission. (If it's too heavy for mage hand, he'll take an empty bag to use in gripping it, and remove it that way.)

"These are from a troublesome necromancer," he tells her. "Well, we troubled him some, ourselves. And this is what we got for our trouble." The spellbook and the book with divination magic he sets before them (again, moving the spellbook with the empty bag), the other books to the left, the magical potion to the right, and the three nonmagical potions farther to the right.

"We think this is a spellbook. And this other has some sort of divination magic. Couldn't tell anything about the other books - haven't even cracked any of them open yet. The potion has transmutation magic, as far as I can tell. The other three vials - not sure what they are. Maybe alchemical concoctions.

"My friends and I are concerned - these things coming from a necromancer and all - that there may be some curses or nasty magic on some of these things. We'd really appreciate your help in figuring out what we've got, in a way that doesn't hurt anyone, or give us warts or something worse. My friends here might have something they'd like to add," he says, and looks to the rest of those assembled to see if he has left anything of import out.

Friday October 6th, 2006 3:22:33 PM


::throws up his hands and surrenders to the inevitable::

Okay! We'll do it all here! LOL!


Friday October 6th, 2006 4:39:29 PM

Selithe shakes her head and follows Kendry and the others to the CC and speaks with her brother on the way, touching his shoulder gently, "Brother, please listen to me for a moment. We do not need that stupid creature in the box for nothing now and if we send it back it surely will know all about what it has seen, the inside of Bella's house and such. Do we really want it telling the Necro that? He could hunt Bella down or anything along those lines. I'm thinking about the city and Bella, our friends and family." Selithe sighs and comments, "Bandit could go someplace and come back and I would know everything he has seen once he got close enough to me and this Necro is probably on his way to find his book or his little friend as we speak. Just think on this."

Selithe smiles, just worried for all her friends and family that is close and looks to Airin since she has a animal companion she should also have an idea of what the little creature in the box can do for it's master. Selithe pulls Bandit out while they walk now and strokes his back gently, smiling as she tries to ease her worries and whispers to it, "Well, I said I like gambling right Bandit?"

Friday October 6th, 2006 5:26:02 PM

Julian follows the others into the Catacombs, after jumping into a stream to clean up, and using a few Prestidigitations to dry up and generally look his best in a different suit and new waistcoat.

In the Catacombs he is silent. Book magic worries him, though he is enthralled by the potions. Given a moment he glances around, and has good look at the armour and weapons, particularly the long ones.

Catacombs Staffer Vauhwyt serving EVERYBODY! (DM Cayzle) 
Saturday October 7th, 2006 5:36:58 PM

The liontaur takes out a lens and glances at everything.

"This spellbook, if that's what it is, is cursed or trapped or something bad. If you want the Catacombs to dispose of it, fine. Otherwise you are on your own."

"This book (the magic one) is not a standard item. It is what they call a fate item. We will not buy it herre." Her accent reveals a little surprise at the item.

"These six books on necromancy and dark arts ... well, to a collector, they might be worth something. 270 gold for the six, take it or leave it."

"This potion is magic. 100 gold to identify it. Of course, a simple potion is not even worth 100 gold."

"These three vials are full of acid. Standard book value, less 10 percent."

Have you shown her the homunculous?

Podo (by Kim) 
Sunday October 8th, 2006 2:53:22 AM

Podo asks the liontaur, "What would you suggest we do with a homunculous? We don't think we want to return it to its, uh, master." He points to his haversack. "We have it in here," he tells her.

Sunday October 8th, 2006 3:08:41 AM

Kendry listens to his sister voice her concerns. "No, I don't think we should return the little fella to the one who put it together. What he does is evil, and the familiar helps him carry out his evil deeds.

"Our friend, I'd venture, does not think all things out thoroughly. If what she brews turns out to need something additional, or somehow gets ruined, then I believe she may need the little thing again. Now, if that's not the case, then great. But don't worry that I have any intentions of returning it to him."

"Dwight," he says, that is, if Dwight has accompanied them into the Catacombs outpost. "Do you suppose you might be able to tell what this magic potion might be for?" He hands him the vial, and give him a chance to see if he can figure it out. "Selithe - you want to give him a hand? Julian - you know much about potions?"

He turns back to Vauhwyt. "On that spellbook - if it's cursed, or trapped - isn't there some sort of divinatory magic that could help someone discern, or bypass, or disarm the trap, or whatever it is? We know the wizard it's from is able to cast spells of the 5th order of power, so it stands to reason that there may be spells of great worth therein. It can cost thousands of gold pieces to scribe such a tome. What might you charge to have someone with appropriate skills disarm or suppress the ... whatever it is, so that we might know what is therein?"

Catacombs Staffer Vauhwyt serving EVERYBODY! (DM Cayzle) 
Sunday October 8th, 2006 11:31:12 AM

"Sure there's things you can do. A decent rogue could look for trapps, even magic ones. Dispel Magic, maybe. But we don't sell that herre."

Sunday October 8th, 2006 12:30:44 PM

"Sounds like we need to find a wizard of high enough power to try to dispel anything on the spell book. But, sounds like we should just see off the other items that were identified."

Sunday October 8th, 2006 1:34:22 PM

As Dwight looks at the various vials and books, "I can't do anything more than what has already been done by detecting magic. I could determine if they are good, evil, lawful or choatic, but that seems trivial. I say we just sell the books and vials. Then we look for a local wizard or perhaps buy a scroll of dispel magic to cast on the spellbook. Then detect again to see if the spell book magic persists. Then again, perhaps during our meeting later we can get some minor help related to the spellbook."

Unless otherwise asked for an opinion Dwight stays behind those at the desk hoping not to have another encounter with the spooky clerk that helped him awhile back.

Selithe  d20+6=21 d20+7=21
Sunday October 8th, 2006 1:47:09 PM

Selithe looks to the potion in wonder and takes it for a moment, wiggling it back and forth just a little as she tries to figure it out herself if possible.

(Knowledge Arcana: 21 Spell Craft: 21)

Selithe hopes to be able to help the group out and shakes her head again as she stares at the vial like it might give up its secret. Her ferret Bandit chitters some and looks to the big liontaur.

Airin  d20+8=27
Monday October 9th, 2006 3:50:17 AM

Airin regains her pride when the black bird mocks her. Erwen shrieks as the talking crow speaks to Airin. How rude! Erwen thinks and once again gives a loud shriek and flaps her wings.

Listening to the others and the mighty liontaur Airin understands the taking the spell book might not have been the brightest idea she had in a long time. But looking for traps is something she can do.

Without touching the book Airin looks for traps...

(search: 27 - WHOOTY!! - Trapfinding)

Once Selithe checks for magic dangers they will know if the book is too hot to handle or not.

"Are the Catacombs able to store an item for safeguarding to be retrieved later?" Airin asks Vauhwyt.

Monday October 9th, 2006 10:30:57 AM

"Airin, taking the book was a very good idea. Think of what would most likely have happened if you had not. We obviously don't want to be caught by him off guard. By taking the book, it has made his task of trying to find us, his book and his pet even more difficult if not impossible."

"Even if we can't get any info from his book, his loss made it a good choice to snatch."

OOC DM Cayzle to Airin and Selithe 
Monday October 9th, 2006 11:54:16 AM

Um, what is Airin wiating for from Selithe? Is Selithe looking for traps too? Are each working seperately or together? If together, please make an Aid Another roll.

Monday October 9th, 2006 5:54:42 PM

"My experience with identifying poitons is rather limited. I buy them from trusted sources and label them so that I know what they are."
"This book business is too hard for us to deal with. Let's nail it to a tree and us it for target practice. Or to a hanging sack and I'll see if I can destroy it with a new lance. Or just get some acid onto it. I don't think that book magic, especially from THAT person, is worth the effort."

Monday October 9th, 2006 10:06:02 PM

(OOC:My checks were to ID the potion if Selithe scored high enough.)

Selithe after working with the potion (see checks in above post) will turn her attention to the book and thinks a moment, "I don't know what good I'll be in taking care of the book as I'm not that high of a wizard at the moment. However I think we better leave it up to the group on what we do with it."

Selithe thinks and snaps her fingers, "What of the WLA? Could they see to the book and maybe make use of it? It might go towards future training and such. Or later I can use it at the star mage guild but thats a ways away."

Catacombs Staffer Vauhwyt serving EVERYBODY! (DM Cayzle) 
Monday October 9th, 2006 10:17:43 PM

[OOC: Per the PHB, it takes a spellcraft check vs DC25 to ID a potion.]

Vauhwyt asks if you want to sell the nonmagic books and the acid. That would net the party 297 gold.

She cannot help with the trapped spellbook, the other magic book (which no one has looked at) or the homunculous. She can identify the potion but it would cost 110 to do so.

The liontaur is getting a little impatient, if the tapping of her claws on the floor is an indication.

Then Airin starts to look at the book. The liontaur puts a stop to that! "No experimenting in the storre, please! Step outside before triggering traps!" [OOC: Inge, you can keep your 27 if you like.]

Does Airin continue to look for traps (ouside the store)? Does Selithe help her? If so, roll an aid another check please.

And Vauhwyt tells Airin that there is no safe deposit boxes for rent.

Kendry  d20+5=22
Monday October 9th, 2006 11:03:50 PM

Kendry works with Selithe to try to puzzle out the nature of the potion (does he aid another for her 21, or does she aid another for his 22?) - maybe if someone else pitches in, they can together figure out just what it is.

"I, for one, do not wish to read books on necromancy, lest it plant the tiniest seed in me to tempt me in that direction," he says, and shudders.

In response to Julian, Kendry answers, "Just because someone has a book in his library does not mean that he is the author, nor that all his books are good or all of them bad. Surely, caution is wise, considering the provenance, but surely you can lance, perhaps, a bale of hay, rather than a book, good Julian.

"Let us sell the five books, but keep the acid. Selithe's notion to bring the spellbook to the WLA has merit. And let me take a little look at that other, curious tome - the 'fate' tome."

He looks up at Vauhwyt. "Shall I open it here, or do you prefer we do so elsewhere?" he asks openly, politely, and without guile.

ADM Kim - Posting 
Tuesday October 10th, 2006 1:58:23 AM

Dwight: MTWTF - 5
Airin: MTWTF - 7
Podo: MTWTF - 6
Selithe: M-WTF - 4
Kendry: MTWTF - 10
Tobias: MTWTF - 5
Julian: MTWTF - 6

No dearth of posts this week!

Podo  d20+1=3
Tuesday October 10th, 2006 2:08:26 AM

"Let me ask some wise priests of Alemi what we ought to do with the familiar," Podo requests of the group.

He does what he can to help out with identifying the potion (Aid another, Spellcraft: 3 - never mind), but really can't figure it out.

Tuesday October 10th, 2006 9:24:08 AM

"Well I allready held it in my hands so I guess there won't be too much trickery with this Spellbook" Airin says as she looks up to the mighty Vauhwyt "But then again, I do no whish to anger you in any way."

Airin turns to her friends and when Selihte mentions the WLA Airin's face grows a large smile.

"Yes Selithe that might be an interesting thought! Let's do that. And I would consider keeping both the Spellbook and the Hom instead of destroying them all. No way of knowing what use these may have one day... I know I shouldn't say things like this, but I bet a dark sorcerer or wizard would pay handsomely for such a powerfull Tome of Magic!"

"Thank you master Vauhwyt for your kind help."

Airin casts a look upon Mookie the talking raven and senses how envious Fioni feels about not being able to speak... "Don't worry dear Fioni, you can outfly that black bird easily..." she whispers to her companion while stroking her featheres.

Tuesday October 10th, 2006 6:19:46 PM

Selithe looks to the others and smiles as her idea sounds like a good one to the others. She would buy a couple pearls for future IDing but the problem is she doesn't have alot of money and what little Selithe has she would like to keep for other purposes.

Selithe ponders bringing up at a later date to the group of investing in a few identify scrolls. She also snaps her fingers, "Kendry, we should get an idea of what that books does before playing with it. Meaning the fate book."

Tuesday October 10th, 2006 10:59:57 PM

"Hay bales aren't so fun, too large."

"Whilst we're at the WLA, which is a good idea if we are not going to destroy the book, we should ask about specialist slinger trainging. Perhaps they have training techniques for reloading more rapidly."

Wednesday October 11th, 2006 4:52:54 AM

Airin walks out of the Catacomb doors and looks back to her friends.

"C'mon lads and lasses shall we go to the WLA? A good bed, some excellent compnionship and perhaps some more training?"

A bit later she snuggles besides Kendry as they walk through the streets : "Now when do we go see my parents? Or shall we see yours first?"

Goodby Catacombs, Hello WLA! (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday October 11th, 2006 7:04:15 AM

Vauwyt the CC Clerk looks a little exasperated. "Look! If you want to sell those nonmagic books or the acid, come back another time. And just one of you, not the whole horde. Why don't you go outside to fiddle with these other things and let me serve the next customerr?"

She basically gives you all the bum's rush, and you find yourself outside and back in Angel Springs.

The group confers and decides to head for the local WLA outpost. [OOC: As DM, I must admit that I forget ... but the WLA is a recent addition to the town, IIRC? So far it is just an outpost? Does it have a recurring NPC to head it up? Could someone give me details on that NPC if he or she exists? Thanks!]

The group finds it easy to gather in a beaten down field the WLA recruits have been using for drills. There the group does a little more poking at the strange items it took from the necromancer.

The magic tome is finely bound in black, and has an embossed stylized eye on the cover. If you make an Int check or Know(religion) check vs DC10, then Highlight to display spoiler: {You recognize the symbol of Gargul on the book.}

The spellbook is safe enough to handle unopened. Airin looks at the tome, but sees no traps. Still, the liontaur said there was something trapped or cursed about it. Hmmmm ...

The potion remains unknown as well [You need a DC25 Spellcraft check to ID it].

Julian learns that the WLA outpost here, being quite new and small, has no sharpshooter at hand. But arrangements could be made for a WLA member to get a tutor here, or maybe to go off and study under a master, maybe in the human lands.

Podo considers visiting the temple of Alemi, but has not yet done so.

In a few hours it will be evening -- time to return to see Bella.

Kendry  d20+4=5 d20+3=19 d20+10=18
Wednesday October 11th, 2006 3:35:28 PM

[I rolled Knowledge: Religion of 5 (nat 1), but int check of 19, and bardic knowledge of 18 - and, fact is, Kendry knows High Woldian, and has a Gargulian prayer book, and... maybe the magic missiles and fireball knocked a few braincells loose, but he already knows Gargul's symbol.]

Kendry stares at the symbol, blanking for a second. "Hmm - that looks vaguely familiar." Then, turning red, he clears his throat and says, "Oh, oh, of course. The eye, representing life. The rays extending from it, like lashes, that mean 'permanence.' And the sacred circle of the Wold. Gargul. This is Gargul's symbol." He takes out a piece of parchment and a pen, and sketches a breakdown of the symbols.


Wednesday October 11th, 2006 7:43:41 PM

"Humph. Books. Anyone wanna wrestle for some gold? No magic, no rage, no weapons?."

Shark curls up into a ball in the sun, resting against the already sleeping Sallie dog.

Wednesday October 11th, 2006 8:19:29 PM

"Bet you can't hit that tree way over yonder with a sling..."

Dwight  d20+5=15
Wednesday October 11th, 2006 10:10:09 PM

Dwight also takes a look at the potions, once outside and somewhat relieved to have escaped the catacombs without major incident. "No clue!"

Dwight follows behind as the group moves to the WLA outpost.

(OOC: I don't recall any specific information regarding the newly created WLA branch located here.)

"The WLA was a great idea. Perhaps we could just leave the book there until some passing WLA wizard could look at it safely. That is if there is such a thing as looking through an evil spell book safely." Dwight tries to make himself chuckle, but fails.

"There is perhaps the chance that during our meeting in a couple hours, the book may be examined safely." With that said, Dwight allows the others to try to find out more about the books, but otherwise considers the various ways their next meeting could go. He pulls out a coin and slowly begins to flip it. "Tight lipped," he mumbles as it lands on heads. "Helpful," as it lands on tails. Using his feet he makes small tick marks.


Dwight  20d2(2+1+1+1+2+2+1+1+2+2+2+1+2+1+2+2+2+1+2+1)=31
Wednesday October 11th, 2006 10:12:05 PM

(OOC: sorry midpost hit enter instead of roll)

After 20 flips he looks at his tally:
9- tight lips

"Well there is hope then."

Thursday October 12th, 2006 10:27:39 AM

Airin agrees with Dwight to see if they can leave some of the books at the WLA.

When entering the WLA Airin greets all the adventurers currently there. She begins to feel somewhat at home and is pleased to be there once again.

When evening draws near Airin's quite drowsy... must be the wine, the excellent company and the cozy fireplace...

Thursday October 12th, 2006 12:29:03 PM

Tobias follows the others to the WLA branch. It's nice to see it get underway. Just a few weeks ago there wasn't much WLA presence in town, but a new outpost should draw in some more adventurers.

He's a bit confused about the whole book situation and will leave it up to the magely types to work that all out. But, he still wants the hum situation "handled" as soon as we can...

Thursday October 12th, 2006 4:00:05 PM

OOC: Off to Animal Kingdom so am posting earlier than normal. My Friday post will most likely be late on Sunday

Dwight looks around checking the time before their appointment. "We should probably make sure we are all on the same page regarding our meeting. Obviously the hum needs to be addressed, hopefully with some productive input." He frowns, trying to convince himself based on his tossing, the odds show promise.

"Is anyone opposed to telling the whole story? Any details that should be left out. Is anyone opposed to asking for information regarding the book we have and how to deal with it?"

If no one mentions anything to avoid mentioning, then Dwight begins to organize his thoughts hoping his tosses were predictive.

Thursday October 12th, 2006 4:10:55 PM

"Um, what WLA outpost?" Kendry asks the others as they plan to head to the WLA outpost. "Four days ago Calfast was still negotiating to get one here. We've only ever gone to Plateau City for training."

The So-Called Crescent Valley WLA (DM Cayzle) 
Thursday October 12th, 2006 8:39:33 PM

A fresh-faced halfling ... maybe a third cousin? he looks familiar ... is very proud to show the party around the "WLA" Crescent Valley branch.

Turns out that some fans of the organization, encouraged by Calfast's enthusiasm for adventurers, have set up a clubhouse on the edge of a field. They hope to welcome the official WLA to the site, but for now they are happy to be "honorary" members.

The youth gapes at the party's membership pins (who wears theirs openly?).

"Wow! Are those real Adventurers' Pins? Where'dja get those? Are you guys real Members, not just honorary? Does it really cost thousands of gold pieces to join? Where did you get your gold? Did you kill a dragon?"

Regardless of your answers, the "WLA" practice field proves a useful place to do some chores. If opening a book summons a demon to attack you, at least you can fight it here with no fear of damage to regular folk. Warning off the gathering wanna-bes, the party takes a look.

Kendry takes a closer look at the Gargul book. He sees now that the book has a title on the cover, as well as the symbol of the death god: "Charom's Throrough and Sacred Guide to Hunting the Undead"

The WLA wanna-bes would be happy to stash your books at the clubhouse.

Airin has looked at the spellbook but has seen no trap. Neither book has been opened. The potion has not been smelled or tasted.

Any other actions before reporting back to Bella for the night?

Selithe  d20+2=7
Thursday October 12th, 2006 8:49:17 PM

(OOC:Shoot, sorry for missing a post.)

Selithe looks around at all the WLA wanna be's and shakes her head. Like anytime she goes to visit the WLA she pulls the pin out and puts it on so it's in the open. She chuckles at the questions and takes a moment to talk to them, "Yep, these are real WLA pins, full fledged members. We made some trades and payed quite abit of money to join though. We adventured and fought for most of it. We even seen the fey king." Selithe does her best to tell the epic story of the fey king to them before joining her friends with the books. (Ignore the roll, just taking 10 on the perform story roll)

Outside Selithe watches and looks to the book before sighing and slowly wiggling her fingers and pointing to the book, casting a dispell magic spell in hopes to maybe possibly unarm the book and then asks if someone wants too.

Other then this and looking to see what info they get Selithe is ready to head to see Bella.

Airin  d20+7=25 d20+7=20 d20+7=25 d20+7=21 d20+7=13 d20+7=10 d20+7=23 d20+7=27 d20+7=19 d20+7=20
Friday October 13th, 2006 4:51:08 AM

ooc: Yes Airin always wears her pin for she's proud to be part of the WLA. In this region of the Wold that IS something to be proud of!

"Gimme that potion" Airin says suddenly. While she is given the potion she digs up all the potions she owns ( CLW, Mage Armor, Reduce Person, CSW, Magic Fang )

Airin's no wizards and unable to create or identify potions... however she's good at appraising things or... comparing things perhaps?

Airin begins to compare the potions found with the ones she owns. She compares it's color, texture, fluidity. If either of hers match in color and thickness then she opens both and carefully smells.
In the unlikely event where she's positive the found potions look identical to the ones she owns she tells her friends what she thinks.

Should not potion her hers match the found ones she questions what other potions her friends have and begins all over with the potions owned by her friends.

Appraise (+7) : 25, 20, 25, 21, 13 (for the 5 potions Airin owns)

Appraise (+7) : 10, 23, 27 (NAT20), 19, 20 (for any other potion her friends have)

Friday October 13th, 2006 4:56:29 AM

Julian is very happy to talk to the wanna-be's. He relates some of the story to them, how he charged by himself into the hobgoblin encampment, and most of them fled in terror. How he fought their biggest warrior to forge an alliance with those hobgoblins to fight the witch doctor. How the witchdoctor tried to kill him with a magnificant burst of flames, which Julian merely shrugged off. How he then sent all of his undead against Julian, then he too fled as Julian enlarged to 8' tall, with the strength of 3 humans, no 4 orcs as part of his battle frenzy. How Julian deafened the witchdoctor with a stone, thrown from over 150' away.
Julian's face beams with pride as he spins his tales at length, often times repeating the really good parts.

"Oh, it's time to go to see... Heather. Ok, you kids, I will try to come back here tomorrow to tell you some more, and maybe I will teach you some good fighting tactics too.

Friday October 13th, 2006 5:06:03 AM

OOC: Simulataneous posts....

"Airin, what's that you're doing? Oh, here, try my Jump and Magic Weapon too. Jump has the picture of my flying over a ravine full of spikes, see the red tips on the spikes... errr, and Magic Weapon is the picture of the falchion with stars around it. I glued these pictures over the words, 'cause I... prefer, find it faster, when, you know, you're in a rush, slashing at dragons and running towards a massive ravine so that you can kill the evil wizard holding the young children hostage while he is trying to summon a 20' tall red devil to hold you at bay. You know, sort of like last summer."

Friday October 13th, 2006 9:54:14 AM

Tobias can do nothing more than shake his head at the state of the WLA club house. He's wearing his pin, but hopes the wanna-bes don't see it. He'll try to avoid too many of their questions.

He chats to the others, "Even if they want to keep the books here, that seems like a bad idea. They're not ready for the trouble they could cause."

Tobias is also a little surprised by Julian's story, "Pfft, you fought the hobgoblin warrior? And, I thought Kendry was our story weaver..."

Dwight  d20+5=23 d20+5=19 d20+5=21 d20+5=12 d20+5=15
Sunday October 15th, 2006 10:24:45 PM

Dwight has his pin, though not displayed as openly as the others. It's not that I'm not proud to be a member, but announcements can lead to additional complications.

"I agree with Tobias, the books cannot be left here. If they are traceable then we would only be bringing great trouble to this ill prepared group. Our best bet is to sell some, then perhaps study or destroy the others. Perhaps we can get some more detail about their protection spells during our meeting."

After Selithe has cast Dispel Magic on the spell book, Dwight will cast Detect Magic and study it as long as the spell last.

couple of spellcraft checks: 23,19,21,12,15

Monday October 16th, 2006 8:28:53 AM

Airin observes those potions soo closely that she's almost caught in a trance! Quick! Someone wake her and tell her what potions these are!


Investigating and Tale Spinning (DM Cayzle) 
Monday October 16th, 2006 9:26:55 AM

The group agrees that the WLA-wanna-bes should not have the responsibility of watching the dangerous books.

Airin looks at the potion. Something about the smell, the viscosity, the heft of it suggests thatit is valuable. Quite valuable. But without an Identify, it is impossible to say just how much.

Dwight casts his dispel and (DM Assumes) someone follows up with a detect magic -- and finds none. Will someone be brave enough to open it?

Selithe and Julian distract the wanna-bes from all that with tales of derring do. The young would-be adventurers gape in awe. That's a little undermined by Tobias's scoffing!

What's next? Open the spell book? Open the magic book with the Gargul symbol on front? Dare to taste the potion? Head to Bella's? Something else? Let's move it. folks!

Monday October 16th, 2006 7:41:23 PM

Selithe offers to cast the detect magic for Dwight.

Looking to the others Selithe smiles and motions to the books, "I know we have to meet Bella but I like to know whats in that Gargul book really bad. Selithe smiles before looking to Kendry, "If you don't want to risk it I will try opening it and see what happens."

Selithe looks to the spell book and chews her lip, still not sure about it or the spells inside, "Depending on what Kendry does I will look at it also inless someone else wants to chance it."

Monday October 16th, 2006 7:44:51 PM

Tobias will leave the books to the "experts", and give them a wide berth with them... Doesn't want to be too close. :)

And, he's ready to head back to Bella's whenever the rest of the group is.

Monday October 16th, 2006 9:08:45 PM

Before Selithe opens the Gargul book, Dwight suggest the spellbook be moved to a distant as well, just in case.

Once Selithe has opened the book, and is still seen as Selithe, Dwight suggests to the group that time is getting away from them. If they hurry they could get a quick meal before heading to their meeting.

Julian  d20+10=24
Monday October 16th, 2006 11:51:47 PM

"Surely, if in doubt, destroy it, right? Nail it to a tree and use it for target practice, with acid flasks."
As the group sits around discussing what to do with the books, Julian lumps himself down next to Tobias. He elbows Tobias, encouraging him to join in chanting, "Bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored."

Bored 24

Tuesday October 17th, 2006 6:04:23 AM

"The potion can be identified when we next visit the cats. The spellbook will be stored in my handy haversack for safekeeping. If I start acting weird, get it out of there."

Airin then watches how Selithe opens the book with Gargul's eye and waits to see what will happen.

"Let's store all these things away untill we either find the money to get it investigated or a wizard strong enough to open this... shall we?"

Kendry (Inge giving a try) 
Tuesday October 17th, 2006 6:09:40 AM

Kendry answers Selithe that it would be a great book for the cleric who spent a day or so with them at Lawni's Lens.

"Are you of a mind to hunt the undead, sister?"

Kendry notices the boredom that overcomes his friends and speaks up

"What about another visit to Bella to keep us going? Checking out books and potions makes us lazy! We're the adventuring type!" Kendry says as he blinks an eye to Julian who has been humming the funniest though boring tune...

"Up your feet lads and lasses! Let's grab a quick bite and go see Bella."

Podo (Inge once again) 
Tuesday October 17th, 2006 6:13:00 AM

Podo nods in agreement as Kendry makes the final decisions. He's in for a quick meal too and wasting time browsing through dusty tomes isn't exactly what Podo was hoping for.

"Yup. First dinner and then of to Bella"

A Quick Read, a Quick Snack, a Quick Trip to Bella's (DM Cayzle) 
Tuesday October 17th, 2006 10:45:53 AM

Airin stows the spell book away for now.

Selithe looks at the Gargullian book. It is a beastiary of sorts, describing all the common undead, their abilities, strengths, weaknesses, and habits.

Anyone who uses this book gets a +5 competence bonus on Knowledge (Religion) checks to find out about the undead.

The WLA-wanna-bes say farewell, and come back anytime to use their field.

Then the group has a quick snack at a street vendor's cafe.

Then to Bella's! She is sitting just outside her cottage smoking a pipe as she waits for you.

"Well, my foolhardies! Are you ready to tell me your tales? So far my brew is going just fine! What have you all been brewing up?"

Dwight  d20+3=17
Tuesday October 17th, 2006 3:53:56 PM

Moving up to the front of the group, Dwight smiles. "It was quite an adventure really. We got in, got your ingredient and got out."

Dwight relays the tale from the groups ally, to the splitting of the group, to the escape. He allows others, encourages them even, to add their own parts. Dwight's tale is straight forward, he avoids embellishing, but doesn't correct others if they choose to do so. Should Bella ask any question, Dwight will do his best to answer it, allow others or just admit he doesn't know.

As his story draws to an end, Dwight senses Bella's good mood (sense motive: 17). Assuming is it positive/happy, "Now during our encounter we came across the humuculus of course. While you have gotten its poison, we seem to be unsure of what to do with it now. Obviously we can't let it go. Killing it, while this would hurt the necro might only allow him to create another. Do you have any suggestions as to what we should do with it?"

If Dwight gets a positive response from that he will continue. (OOC: By positive I mean an answer that isn't sarcastic. For example, "Eat the dang thing, I don't care," wouldn't be positive. However, "It doesn't matter to me, but don't let it go." Would be psotive.)

Having used the humuculus as a foundation in determining if Bella should be asked about the spellbook, Dwight continues his questions. "In addition to the humuculus we happened upon a book we felt was of great value to the necro and helped him serve evil. Thus we removed it from his service, but realize there is potential good in its content. Can you help us examine this book safely? We believe it to be his spellbook, but have yet to open it fearing it is curse."

Tuesday October 17th, 2006 7:49:27 PM

Selithe smiles and listens as Dwight tells what they have done and she nods in agreement as she chuckles and points to everyone, "Yep, we were pretty brave out there and we worked pretty good together even in two groups."

Selithe waits and nods about the books also and thinking about that she looks to the group and thinks a priest should look at that undead book of Gargul's but that will have to wait.

Wednesday October 18th, 2006 1:25:11 AM

Julian interjects to embellish his role as much as possible.

Wednesday October 18th, 2006 6:04:57 AM

At Bella's Airin leaves the story telling to those best suited for it. When the spellbook is mentioned and Bella does not appear to be too reluctant to have a look at it, Airin takes it from her Haversack.

Kendry (Inge) 
Wednesday October 18th, 2006 10:02:51 AM

Not really in a talkative mood Kendry keeps it to an occasional 'hmm' and 'he's right'.

Apparently Kendry's mind has been filled with thoughts on how to move along together with Airin. This nice chit chat is the perfect time for him to think things through.

When the Spellbook is brought to Bella's attention though Kendry wakes up and utters words of caution as he watches if Bella will inspect it... in a way he knows devious books like this one should not be tampered with, but he's also quite intrigued with it...

Podo (Inge) 
Wednesday October 18th, 2006 10:06:21 AM

Podo eagerly listens Dwight tell the tale...

"Tell her about that sword Dwight..."
"Did you see how many skeletons there actually were!"
"Haha yeah and that wizard just went over the hill when he realised we were already inside!!"
"Yeah that Ogre thing had me cornered! I barely managed to tumble away in time!!"

You can tell Podo is quite excited about their last adventure. It took good teamwork and big ..... to make it through!

The Spellbook and Thanks! (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday October 18th, 2006 1:36:37 PM

The greenwitch listens carefully to the story that Dwight tells, with help from Justin and Podo. Bella is quite pleased. "You all did a fine job! And my brew is going just swimmingly now, thanks to you. It just needs one more ingredient and it will be done."

She suggests that you dispose of the homunculus, but on the other hand, it needs neither food nor air, so you can just keep it. It might come in handy some day. If you ever fight that necromancer, killing it during the fight will hurt him, she adds.

She looks at the spellbook, opens it, and tells you that whatever protections it had have now expired. It will take several Read Magic spells to reveal its contents.

Do you show her the Book of the Undead?

She asks Julian if he is content with his new comrades.

Then she has a present for you all -- each person gets a pouch with 300 gold pieces and a potion of cure moderate wounds. "You've earned it," she says, "with thanks!"

"Are you ready to hear about the next task I have in mind for you?"

Wednesday October 18th, 2006 1:41:05 PM

Tobias goes with everyone to Bella's and listens intently to what news she may have.

Posting Report for 
Wednesday October 18th, 2006 4:15:50 PM

Gamw # 13 Crescent Valley
For the Week of Oct 9,2006


Adm Ceil - Doing a favoer for a friend.

Cayzle: Thanks, Ceil!

Wednesday October 18th, 2006 6:42:32 PM

"Am I content with my new comrades," Julian says quietly to Bella. "Content? No. I love it. Some of them are almost as brave as I am in a fight, like Tobias here, and Kendry who stood by my side in the fireball. Dwight who is a clever as someone really clever. Airin who is as daring as she is beautiful <whispered> but I think she is spoken for </whispered>. Podo who fights without weapons. Selithe though, she uses book magic... Otherwise, Wow. All of them really, just, wow."

"What's this new plant, Bella?" Julian asks poking at one of the pots. "Oooo, and this one, what is it? Does it eat meat? Where are your kerni-varesis?"

"What is the other ingredient you need Bella? Can we get it for you?"

Lifting a watering can, "Can I water these for you Bella?"

"What other task, Bella? Can we do it? Now?"

"Thank you, Bella. Wow, how many coins? Awesome. And the potion, you've even drawn a nice picture on it for me... Is it me? with a big spear but only a little blood- Cure wounds! Excellent, thank you."

Wednesday October 18th, 2006 7:23:58 PM

Selithe chuckles at the easily excited Julian, thinking how cute he is when he gets like this and then nods as she speaks up too, "Yes, thank you for the reward Bella and as Julian asked, what is this other thing we can get for you and where abouts can we find it."

Wednesday October 18th, 2006 7:29:12 PM

"Oh, and Bella, there is a spell I wanna start trying, makes you run really fast. Yeah, sounds cool, huh. I'll be this little blur around town. And, err, Kendry? thought it was called Exp-delicious Retreat. Do you know it, Bella? Can you teach me that one too?"

Wednesday October 18th, 2006 8:50:14 PM

Relieved the conversation has gone so well, the book is 'safe', and the potion Bella is brewing seems to be working Dwight lets out a sigh of relief.

With the excitement of the spellbook being safe and the 'reward' which Dwight is very thankful for, the second book is forgotten for the moment (at least by Dwight).

Dwight thinks about trying to contain or steer Julian excitement, but decides just to let him be. "We are certainly ready to hear about the next task, though we will most likely rest a day. As our story mentioned we travelled at night, attacked at dawn and ate only minimal meals."

Thursday October 19th, 2006 1:16:32 AM

Tobias listens to Julian's excited talk, and can't help but smile at their new comrade. And, he also thanks Bella for the coins and potion.

Then he wonders aloud, "What are we off after next?"

Thursday October 19th, 2006 5:50:30 AM

Airin nods in agreement to Dwights words. Sure they would love to go on a new trip but perhaps a short rest would be appreciated.

Still Airin's most eager to learn about their new assigment.

Third Task - Something Fey

The Dragon's Donation (DM Cayzle) 
Thursday October 19th, 2006 7:24:39 AM

Bella smiles at Julian. "Truly you are a good addition to these Foolhardies." She is glad to let him do some watering, but does not know that spell.

She prefers that any delay, such as Airin suggests, be very short. She cannot keep her brew on the bubble forever, you know.

Then she tells you about the next ingredient. It is a drop of Pseudodragon poison, a potent soporific. She suggests that you find a pseudodragon and convince it to make a donation.

"These are good-hearted folk, though capricious, so with tact and perhaps a thank-you gift, such a creature may give you what you seek when it is told that it is for a charitable cause."

"Just don't call it a 'pseudodragon' to its face, because they tend to think that's an insult."

Bella does not know where to find such a creature, but the Culverwood seems like a natural home for these fairie dragons.

She also has in mind to send with you a former apprentice of hers, one who was born in the Wood and is trained in tree magics. She says, "It will be useful to have someone who knows the language of the trees. This former student of mine should be along any moment now."

[OOC: That's the cue for our newest player, who can start posting any time!]

Podo (by DM Cayzle) 
Thursday October 19th, 2006 7:33:25 AM

Podo realizes that this will entail at least a few days of travel there and back again, as the saying goes. A look of dismay comes over his face.

"I'm sorry, friends, but I'll have to catch up to you. I have some new duties at the Temple of Alemi that will delay my departure."

[OOC by Cayzle: JP has been absent for a bit too long. His PC can rejoin us when he is back with us full time.]

Thursday October 19th, 2006 10:46:54 AM

"Stay," the group hears as the door opens.

A dark-skinned halfling of dignified girth is framed in the doorway. Shirtless, he wears a richly embroidered vest and extensively pleated, floor-length, woolen skirt.

Thump, Thump, Thump, he kicks the garden dirt from his feet before entering. A slightly pungent draft smelling of old cheese may burn the nosehair of the more discerning.

"Oh, 'ests," Tibble's pale green eyes dart from face to face. He sets his gardening gloves down in their customary place.

"Aw specks dis be da group?" he asks of Bella.

"Eye be Tibble, Tibble Stinkyfoots," the halfling grins at those assembled. "Wuz, sho nuff, hopin' Ah could joins up wiff youse. Be needin' tales fer da rugrats."

Tobias  d20+14=20 d20+10=25
Thursday October 19th, 2006 1:28:35 PM

Tobias is sad to have to part with Podo, "We'll catch up with you again when we're finished our work in Culverwood."

"I know my way around Culverwood, and should be able to help find a pseudo dragon, but someone else will probably need to talk it into parting with some poison." He'll see if he can narrow down where would be a good place to find pseudo dragons in Culverwood.

Survival: 20
Knowledge (Nature): 25

Thursday October 19th, 2006 8:16:29 PM

"Podo, this adventure was a little rushed, I have been hoping to spend more time with everyone and already you're leaving, well, only for a moment right? Duty calls I suppose. I look forward to your return."

"Pseudodragon. Cool. Easy. I can just bundle it into blanket and bring it back for you, if you want Bella."

Julian is a little taken aback by the new halfling, he enjoys the novelty of being the newest. But then he sees the detail on the vest, and oh, he is amazed.
"Tibble, hello. I just lurve the vest. Can I have a closer look?"
"Sallie, c'm'ere girl."
"Oh, that's nice stiching, did you do it? Whatsit made of? Wheredyagetit from? Fits well too. D'you have others?"
Julian has spent years with only his own company, training hard and bathing less. And though he now loves the luxury of regular bathing the new smells do not bother him. He scratches Sallie's ear, "Good dog," and rummages through his pack tied to her saddle.
"Can I show you some of mine? Look, here, here, hold it to have a look, this one, one of my favourites, oh who am I kidding. They're all my favourites. Errr, nevermind this one for the moment, went through a fireball with me. Hang on..."
Cast Mending.
"That's better. Do you like it? And this one, too?"

Julian carries on a bit like this, for a while, at least until his attention is broken. He is oblivious to Tibble's reactions at first, assuming that he is as excited about fashion as he is.
Finally, "Are we going in to the Catacombs soon? Should we rest a day, that is long enough for a good bath and massage, or do you guys need two?"

Thursday October 19th, 2006 9:46:57 PM

Selithe looks to Tiddles and nods to him before offering him her hand, "Hello Tiddles, it is nice to meet you and have you along with us."

Selithe smiles and she is average height and such with platinum colored hair, she holds her mw staff in one hand and wears nice clothing with fluffy sleeves and low cut in the front. She is the youngest of her family or at least the current adventuering group.

(OOC: I might not be able to post Fri or Mon, would if be possible to have someone sub for me those two days if needed? Thanks and I'm sorry considering.)

Thursday October 19th, 2006 9:57:49 PM

"You speak as if the pseudodragon is intelligent and kind. If we are to converse and bargain with it, what is the proper title for such a beast? Do they have names like us?"

Dwight then watches as Tribble is introduced and gives him a welcoming nod. Between Julian's ranting, Dwight tries to introduce himself. "Dwight Twigglebundler here, tree grower and trimmer by birth, adventurer and learner by heart."

The drone of Julian begins again, and Dwight takes a moment to let the information regarding the psuedodragon sink in. "Ah a gift, we seemed lucky with the hobgoblins and the items we possessed that could be used as gifts, minor things to us. Pseudodragons seem quite different than hobgoblins they way you speak of them, with respect I'd say. If there something they value or desire that we could bring as a gift. Perhaps candies?" Dwight chuckles a little knowing answer couldn't possibly be that simple.

"A day rest should be all we need provided your potion can last. Supplies need to be purchased, perhaps a little research, and some other individual matters" (glancing towards Airin and Kendry).

"Aside from travelling in the Culverwood, which Tribble here will help us with, and locating the pseudodragon itself, is there anything else we should know about?"

Friday October 20th, 2006 5:15:31 AM

Airin listens to Bella's new assignment and is thrilled to hear they will soon encounter a real Pseudo Dragon. She heard of these maginificent beings so the chance to meet one of those is most interesting.

Then Tibble makes his entrance...

Airin blinks her eyes a couple of times and wonders if she will need a language scroll or so to understand this dark skinned halfling. It's quite obvious to Airin that this guy isn't from around the valley and it's always intriguing to meet new people.

"Well met sir. My name is Airin Moondancer Turnbell."

In front of Tibble stands a young halfling lass with dark shoulder-length hair clad in black leather armor with a cloak that appears to be reflecting her surroundings. It's obvious for Tibble that this lass is a rogue with a liking of druidic magic.

Kendry (Inge) 
Friday October 20th, 2006 5:19:08 AM

"Welcome Welcome Tibble!"

Kendry, the flamboyant and talkative bard from the group comes forward and shakes hands with Tibble.

"It's nice to meet you and we are honored to have you travelling with us. I'm Kendry Leafwin Pipewood.

"Tell us about your adventures and how you know these Pseudodragons. Do you know what gifts are given to such creatures?"

Friday October 20th, 2006 9:59:10 AM

"Well now, Ah be tankin' ya fer bein' so welcomin' an' such-like," Tibble responds broadly.

"Specks Ah knows a thin' or two 'bout Culvur'ood, tho' Ah ain't got me no book-larnin'. Lets me thinks on it a spell."

Friday October 20th, 2006 10:19:46 AM

more blinking from Airin's eyes as Tibbles speaks


ooc love Tibbles's speach Dru

Fey Dragon Lore (A little) (DM Cayzle) 
Friday October 20th, 2006 10:47:38 AM

Bella tells what little she knows. Her nature lore is more plant oriented. Since the Fey King awoke, though, more fey creatures have been sighted in the Wold. So maybe the job will be easy? She hopes so!

The newcomer may know more. Certainly, he is an earthy type.

Bella does say to Julian that the dragon need not come back here -- if it will part with the poison, this vial will sufice. She hands Airin a vial.

Bella tells Dwight that she does not know the fine points of pseudodragon diplomacy. "Good luck with that," she says.

Any final questions? If not, tell me what your plans are. It is evening now. Are you headed for the Culverwood, as Bella suggests? If so, it is easy to get to Hovel. Where would you go from there, and how?

Friday October 20th, 2006 4:18:27 PM

Tobias welcomes the newcomer, "Hello Tibble, I'm Tobias Thistlefoot Burrows. It's nice to meet you. I'm a fellow traveler of Culverwood."

[OOC: Do I get any info about pseudo-dragons from my previous rolls for Survival and Knowledge (Nature)?]

Kendry  d20+10=28 d20+7=22
Friday October 20th, 2006 6:05:18 PM

[Thank you, Inge, for posting for Kendry, and Podo, in my brief absence. I'm back! -Kim]

With Podo taking his leave, Kendry gives him a big hug and pat on the back. "Say, you wouldn't mind hanging on to the box and its contents while we go traipsing off, would you, Pode? That would be one less thing we need to worry about as we head off on filling Bella's next prescription, and keeps some of our options open."

Happy to have Tibble join them on Bella's recommendation, Kendry is even more excited about heading toward Hovel, since Humble's Ford is on the way, and he can formally introduce Airin to his family while there - and for sure catch a meal and swap gossip, before they continue on to Hovel & the Culverwood.

"Say, how about this plan? Let's pick up whatever we might want to here in Angel Springs, stay over at our family place here - by the way, Tibbles, Selithe is my sister."

That brings to mind something she just said. "And what do you mean you're the youngest of your family, sis? What about Darcie Lee, and Demko, and Juditha Onions, and Fermin - may he be remembered in sweetness, and Samki Knots and Feather Light? They're all younger than you! But, yes, you're the youngest in this group, so far.

"Anyway," and he returns his attention to Tibble, "our brother Nalfein and sister Leska are here in town - maybe there's another sibling or two with them as well. We've got the Winwood Toys and Music Shop just a hop skip and a jump away, so to speak.

"Early tomorrow, we head on the road to Hovel. We can stop on the way in Humble's Ford, and say hello to my family there, and get a bite to eat. Then head on and get to Hovel by the end of the day. On the following morrow, we'll see if we can't find a wee dragon, and request the donation."

He looks around to see if this plan sounds good to his friends, then thinks to add, "Oh, and then, of course, rush back here quick as we can."

[Bardic knowledge concerning pseudodragons: 28; Knowledge, nature for Culverwood concerning pseudodragons: 22]

"Our mother used to have a pseudodragon. She named her Snap. That was long before we came along, though," Kendry recalls. "The little lass communicated mentally. Telepathically, I mean. Mama always says 'mentally' when she means telepathic."

Friday October 20th, 2006 8:11:32 PM

Julian is keen on Kendry's plan, going to see his aunt and cousins and all that. And it is an action plan, not too much rest. Julian is keen to go find trouble, err, adventure again.
He expresses this in the most articulate way that his excited body can manage.
"Great! Let's go. Let's go now. Now. Let's go. Err, I mean, leave in the morning.
"Great! Time for a bath. Let's go now.
"I mean in the morning."

"Oh, bye Bella, see you soon with that vial full," he says.

If this plan is agreed to by all...
He jumps onto Sallie, and charges out the door, down the road, then swings in a circle back to Bella's house.

"Where are we gonna stay the night?"

Saturday October 21st, 2006 3:00:26 AM

The bard laughs at Julian's eager response. "Winwood Toys and Music. Upstairs. C'mon, we'll show you the way."

Unless Bella has some other thing to request, offer, or clarify, Kendry leads folks down Wart Hill to Wart Street. As they walk, he asks, "Are there any things we might want to buy at the Catacombs? I wonder if a few of us can read that book on hunting undead at the same time. I wouldn't mind reading it. You too, sis? Anyone else? It probably would be a good idea for Podo, since he's taken up the religious life," he chatters on. When they get to the T-intersection, he goes left onto East Springs Road.

"Past Hovel, Julian, and Buddy's Falls is Washed Out Bridge. It's next to where some ferry boats travel the Peaseblossom River - some of us took a trip downstream that way last year. Anyway, The Culverwood starts on the other side of the bridge. I'd like to see how things in the Wood have changed recently. I was born there, myself - lived there for a while with cousin Shale."

A few hundred yards down the road he points out the carved wooden sign, Winwood Toys & Music, pushes open the door (which causes a little bell above the door to ring), and calls out within, "So, where are those worthless Leafwin Pipewoods when you need them, eh?"

Sunday October 22nd, 2006 1:14:08 PM

Dwight tries to think of more questions, he likes to have the entire situation thought out before the adventure starts. His thoughts keep getting interupted as he continuously looks to Kendry and Airin to translate whatever Tribble is saying. "Is that goblin or gnomish?," Asking without meaning to offend.

In the end, he thanks Bella again for the money and potion and bids her a good night. "We will shall return as soon as possible."


Once out, Dwight says he doesn't really have any problem leaving at sunup as long as tonight provides a good rest.

Selithe (By Anthony) 
Sunday October 22nd, 2006 1:17:25 PM

Selithe leaves feeling accomplished (finding the book may be useful) and intrigued by the newest addition.

"I agree with Dwight, a good rest and we should be set to leave."

Cayzle OOC 
Monday October 23rd, 2006 12:49:36 AM

Friends, I have heard from JP, and he will need at least a couple months away from the game. Jerry and I have put him on inactive status for now, but we hope to welcome him back to the game as soon as he is able to return.

Monday October 23rd, 2006 10:05:40 AM

"Guys I totally agree whenever we decide to leave, but what do we take as gift? I doubt we'll come up with something when we'll be face to face with these creatures..."

"I can chip in a couple of hundreds for a gift but we need to know what..."

Monday October 23rd, 2006 4:43:55 PM

Tibble is happy to accept the gracious offer of accommodations. Harry, Tibble's riding mastiff, is called to heel.

"Ah don't beh a-knowin' whats a sueda-dragun beh a-wantin' fer a-giftin'," the rotund GreenMage directs towards the group, but addressing Airin directly. "Mayhap wheese could beh a-askin' dah wee mite whens wheese gets thar?"

On the Road (DM Cayzle) 
Monday October 23rd, 2006 5:59:55 PM

Tobias thinks back on what little he knows or has heard about Pseudodragons ... Well, they are tiny dragons. Sometimes they have butterfly wings, other times leathery dragon wings. They are good-natured but enjoy tricks and pranks. They are loyal but rare friends to maortals. Their barbed tails have a sleep poison. They live in temperate woods.

Kendry adds that he once heard a story about a faerie dragon that could talk to you in your head, but also that it could read minds! Also, his mom has said that she had a pseudodragon in her youth, but no more. He is not sure he heard the story right, though.

Kendry also suggests staying the night in Angel Springs, then travelling to Humble's Ford and then on to Hovel.

Julian is ready to spring into action. Or bed!

Dwight and Selithe are also looking forward to getting on the road.

Airin asks what the party should give to the dragon. Tibble suggests asking it.

The party debates these issues into the night, and in the morning they get on the road. The short trip to Humble's Ford is fast. Any business here? Or on to Hovel?

Monday October 23rd, 2006 9:21:03 PM

After party heads back to the toy shop for bed, Dwight mentions easy gifts. "Maybe some chocolate or a neat toy?"

Thinking mostly to himself, Dwight continues to think and mumble into the night. "Hmmm a good-natured creature....most likely willing to help others if it doesn't put him to far out....though most likely intelligent if part dragon."

At that conclusion, Dwight almost falls out of bed. "That's a scary thought, part dragon, definitely don't want to offend!" Finally a pause, and his friends being kept awake by his loud thoughts may believe he has finally fallen asleep.

Several minutes later, "Certainly wouldn't give saliva or whatever to just anybody, in case they're purposes are pure...The only way to find out what a pseudo dragon wants is to inquire.!?.!?"

Dwight sits up and looks around at the others sleeping. It dawns on him, by his own deduction and the time needed to translate what he heard earlier. "Tribble was right?" he states just a little too loud.

Having an answer, exhaustion finally overcomes Dwight.

Selithe (By Anthony) 
Monday October 23rd, 2006 9:55:06 PM

Selithe enjoys the soft covers and dreams pleasant dreams of gaining great insight from the spellbook. The thought of meeting a psuedodragon excites her, but is a bit frightening at the same time.

As morning begins and breakfast is served, Selithe checks her belongings to make sure everything is in its proper place.

Monday October 23rd, 2006 10:17:44 PM

Julian scarfs his meal, barely saying a word, seemingly deep in thought. At first chance he runs off outside.

He returns exhausted. He falls into bed, asleep before he hits the pillow. He tosses and turns all night.

Julian runs. He leaps boulders, dodges trees, and he runs. The trees blur onto an unending hedge. The sky is a blue streak between green borders. He calls out in his sleep, something unintelligible, though strongly said. Faster he goes now, the trees a solid wall, wavering left and right as Julian leans slightly into each turn. He bounds over a mighty river, his feet skimming the surface. His trousers remain dry. An enemy sighted, Julian charges in, holding a spear, a lance. It is centred on the creature's chest, held in strong hands. The point impacts and Julian finds himself standing in the room at the end of his bed. It is filled with the grey light of early dawn.

"Ahhh, slept well, feeling good. Let's go."

Tuesday October 24th, 2006 9:21:12 AM

After a pleasant night's sleep Tibble will slip out to see to Harry's needs and check his gear.

"Let's nut piddle diddle when thars 'venturin' but needs a-doin'."

Tuesday October 24th, 2006 1:57:46 PM

Tobias has a restful night and is ready to head out early. He makes a quick stop at the Catacombs to pick up a bull's strength potion, but after that he's all set. He will volunteer to lead the party into Culverwood when everyone is ready... Do we have a specific destination??

Tuesday October 24th, 2006 6:32:04 PM

Kendry introduces Tibbles to his brother Nalfein and sister Leska, who run the family shop. Of course, they already know cousin Julian, but it's likely a while since they've seen each other.

Later he explains to his siblings, including Selithe, and in the company of Airin, that he and Airin are getting serious about things - and he wants to introduce her to Papa and Mama and the rest of the family - and she's going to do the same for him with her family. After chatting with friends and family as he gives Cheann a good brushing, finding the last little brambles and burrs he missed earlier, he retires early to bed.

Before dawn he gets his ponies from the blacksmith's stables, having paid the stableboys in advance to brush them down, feed them, and check their tack. He saddles up Cheann, then joins Tobias for a quick trip to the Catacombs.

As they travel the way, he sings, whistles, and practices his lute, getting to know Tibble better, and enjoying the company of his dear companions, and especially of raven-tressed Airin, the delight of his heart.

Belated ADM report for CV - Kim 
Tuesday October 24th, 2006 6:32:31 PM

DM Cayzle: MTWTF - 5
Tibble: ---TF - 2 [Just started Thursday!]
Dwight: MTWTF - 5
Airin: MTWTF - 5
Podo: -TWT- - 3 [Just left Thursday]
Selithe: MTWTF - 5
Kendry: MTWTF - 5
Tobias: MTWTF - 5
Julian: MTWTF - 6

Aside from Podo (Jon-Paul Ward's monk-cleric), who leaves the game this week, and Tibble (Andrew's greenmage), who joins the group this week, everyone had five (or more) posts. Thanks to Inge and Anthony who subbed for Kendry and Selithe, respectively.

Tuesday October 24th, 2006 8:32:40 PM

Looking around, wondering who he was talking to, Tibble is licked in the face by Harry.

Tuesday October 24th, 2006 8:50:53 PM

"Tibble, tell me about yourself. Where did you pick up your wonderful accent? And your waistcoat? Bella has helped me out a lot in the past too. How was your apprenticeship with her?"

"Bella helped me get through some rough patches in my life. She helped me to control my powers, gave some good advice on life generally...

"I've not been long with this little group, I prefer fighting, and they seem to avoid it really well. Still, some raucous fun to be had, no doubt. I've just gotta push past their natural caution."

Julian is wearing bold green trousers, yellow jacket and embroidered waistcoat depicting a liontaur tearing apart some kobolds against an azure sky. He carries a falchion and longspear. His pack is tied to his riding dog, and a larger badger is always at his heels.

Tuesday October 24th, 2006 9:11:00 PM

(OOC:Thanks for covering for me Anthony.)

Selithe is ready and heads out with the others when they do. She is sure Gra will enjoy the stretch of the legs and even walks her a little ways before slipping into the saddle to enjoy a little ride.

She keeps her eyes and ears open but otherwise says little as her mind is on seeing a dragon for the first time even if it is a fey type dragon.

Arriving in Hovel (DM Cayzle) 
Tuesday October 24th, 2006 10:27:41 PM

The trip through the Crescent Valley proper is as uneventful as one might think from settled halfling lands. Farmers wave hello, travellers greet you with smiles, and even when camping under stars or sleeping in a cozy inn or hayloft, you have the sense of security that comes from being at peace in your native land.

The group stops in Humble's Ford and says hello to kin and friends. [OOC: Airin and Kendry, feel free to RP meeting family in e-mail for posting later as you have the chance, if you like.]

In Hovel, there is a slightly different scent in the air. A slightly wilder feel, compared with the rest of the valley. The weeds grow greener. The trees are more gnarled. The foxes and field mice are craftier. This is nothing new, as those who have been here before know, but the essence of nature seems stronger here. The Fae King's hand, maybe stretches out from the Culverwood.

Friends and relations you meet here tell you that it has been a bountiful season. Cows give more milk, pumpkins are bigger, pears juicier, and there are lots of healthy twins being born. No one seems to mind that it takes a little more work to weed and hoe.

The Culverwood beckons beyond Hovel, and those of you who were born there feel it calling.

Wednesday October 25th, 2006 2:04:13 AM

"Ah, friends, the Culverwood beckons! Let us go forth into her welcoming boughs," Kendry says with verve and bardic timbre in his voice. Then he makes like he is twisting the end of a mustache as he looks to his comrades with a twinkle in his eye. Of course, he has no mustache.

Wednesday October 25th, 2006 4:09:17 AM

"Hey Tibble, this is cute, look what happened when Harry met Sallie."

"Ok, Kendry," Julian shoves him forward with his shoulder, lets get going. He holds his longspear by the head, dragging the shaft. He walks, prefering at the moment to enjoy the forest soil between his toes. Sallie the long-haired grey collie bounds along behind with Julian's pack tied to her saddle. Shark, the large badger, is, as always, at Julian's heels.
"This dragon we seek, 'spose we shouldn't say, or think soodo anymore, I wonder how strong its tail poison is. I bet I could stand up to it, if it came to that. P'raps it'd prefer the gold Bella gave us. I was going to spend that on me, of course. Thinking of buying some armour and a lance, and spending time trying to convince you all to go on a raid for booty. You know, clean out some vile kobolds, something like that..."

He springs along, looking forward to some fun.
Julian left his sledgehammer back at Bella's. I hope she doesn't mind, probably won't even notice.

At one point, early on, Julian exclaims, "Oh, hang on..." turns around, says something in strong voice, waving his hands around, and runs back for 50'. He jogs back to the group and picks his spear back up, "Nope, that's not it."

Thereafter he walks along, in a contemplative mood.

Wednesday October 25th, 2006 11:55:18 AM

Seeing Julian is being social like and all:

"Well, then. Formel interduckshuns bein order - Mr. Harry Barqr (hairy barker) this here bees Miss Sallie. Take yer nose outa her butt, thars time 'nough fer tat later."

"It wurn't suh longs ago that Ah been burn in dem woods wheese be a-headin' to, yep. Raised by treants Ah were. Sealya were her name that dun tuk a licken tus me. She dun be a Baldcypress frum sum swamp er odder down south ways. Dem treants wur been a-havin' an icecream social or sum such. By dah times Ah get homes Eyes all growed up."

"Me Ma done a-recollectin' havin' me, tho' dah rest of dah family were nun to shur. 'See? I told you those crafty druids got him.' she dun made mention to my Pa. Then she dun set about a-knockin' the treant outa me wiff a wood'n spoon. Despite mes a-tellin' hur dat be not what der frase 'knock on wood' means she dun kept on fer a right spell."

Tibble shifts in his saddle, noticing all the pricked up ears.

"Pa tells it difrent no-hows. He bees a-sayin' my brudder dun were kicked in der hed by a badger."

Tibble eyes Shark suspiciously.

"An dat be wise I develuped attention deficit disorder dah dun limited mes humschoolen."

Wednesday October 25th, 2006 2:10:27 PM

Tobias listens in to Tibble and Julian's exchange, finding the two new additions humorous enough...

He is ready to lead the party with Tewdwr into Culverwood. It's been several months since he left Culverwood and returned to the halfling homestead. And, his feet are ready to return to the old paths. His senses are already attuning back to his most familiar surroundings. And, he's eager to set out when the others are ready.

CDM Jerry 
Wednesday October 25th, 2006 3:57:15 PM

Please post the report on everyone's posting last week. When this is done, please email me.

I understand from Cayzle that Kim is busy. So if one of the other players here can step up and do the report for him, that would be helpful.

Selithe  d20+8=25 d20+8=11
Wednesday October 25th, 2006 9:22:23 PM

Selithe enjoys her time in Hovel, spending it with friends and family she hasn't seen in awhile and of course hitting the nearest place to get some gambling in before the group moves on and a couple drinks. She hasn't had a good game in awhile and is in the mood for some time with her favorite thing in the world, cards.

Selithe finds herself also thinking of past people the group has been with and sighs, missing Duncan, Patty and other they been with.

(Profession Gamble:25 Craft Gamble:11)

Wednesday October 25th, 2006 10:26:45 PM

Enjoying the peaceful trip, Dwight follows along. He watches Tibble, and Julian, but doesn't comment.

Overall he keeps to himself in thought about all the stories about dragons he has ever heard....which might about to 4, but he thinks about them from every angle.

In the Culverwood

On to the Culverwood (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday October 25th, 2006 11:46:34 PM

The party spends a day and a night visiting in Hovel. Selithe wins five gold with her skills. The new members of the group trade notes.

Now that Julian thinks about it, he has heard Bella mention Tibble before, as a student who did very well and of whom she is proud.

With Kendry encouraging the group to pass on, our heroes find themselves walking toward the Culverwood. Within a day's walk through brush and woodlands, you find yourselves in the forest itself.

Those who have been here before feel a definite presence ... a more active, aware presence than when you last stood in the wood. The forest was always aware to an extent, alert to fire or foes. But now you have the strong feeling of being watched. Those born in the Culverwood also have a feeling of being welcome.

Thursday October 26th, 2006 1:49:44 AM

"Well, our cousin's touch has been at work here in the forest of his rebirth," the bard comments as the changes become evident. He recounts to those who were not present at the birth to Ellis and Penelope the baby Eberyon - the same who is called the King of the Fey. He describes The Great Whistler Oak where so many halflings have been born, and how masked druids tried to catch the oak on fire. Kendry's face goes dark for a moment as he recalls how they killed them - and then learned they were elves. Elves, attacking hobbits!

The song, the compelling song that drew elves and sprites and fey aplenty, that drew ripe Penelope to the stone circle, where she gave birth to a baby - half hobbit, and half goat, he appeared.

He knows that all here know of Eberyon, but perhaps not all - save Selithe, Airin, and Dwight, who were there that night, and Tobias, whom they have told before - not all had heard of his birth.

Kendry tells, as well, of the great battle, and the roles that some here played. And of the birth later of Eberyon's twin, sweet little Clara Alilliama Domiselithe Airina Marigold Pipewood Greentree. No goat feet on her, and you can bet we double checked!

"His awakening brought death to many, but also life to many. And I think that The Culverwood, despite the blood spilt that night, may be the better for Eberyon's return. However, on that count, perhaps we'll know more fairly soon."

Thursday October 26th, 2006 4:24:30 PM

The rotund GreenMage feels his toes growing, just aching to root into the thick forest floor again.

"Speck Ah bees a-willin' tah fullah any yas a-knowin' whars dah bust place fer tah bees a-lookin'," Tibble announces clearly.

ooc: I had posted (privately) a roll for Tibble's knowledge of psuedo-dragons in Culverwood.

Thursday October 26th, 2006 5:52:54 PM

Feeling like he is being watched makes Dwight feel uncomfortable, almost queasy as he continually looks but finds nothing. "I have this and that about this forest, and I don't want to get lost in so I won't be doing any solo scouting. Just figured I would let you know," informs Dwight.

Having heard Tribble has been here before, Dwight inquires further. "Ahh Tribble, since you've been here before do you know of any locals? They might be willing to help us."

"Airin, could you ask an animal about its whereabouts? How about a tree? Dang it, should have bought something to help locate mystical creatures. We could be lost in here forever."

Dwight remains abit nervous and continues to look about.

Thursday October 26th, 2006 7:35:23 PM

Quietly to Dwight, "I here there are drop bears here too," says Julian scanning the tree tops, "there may be more trouble for us here, especially if you keep calling the Greenmage Tribble. There's no R in Tibble."

Julian is full of nervous energy. He relates this little tale in a serious voice, for, it was in a forest not unlike this that he battled the giant badger, beat it into submission with his bare hands. That was his first experience of rage. He then tended the dire badger's wounds, and his own, as best he could, before collapsing, exhausted atop the beast. He awoke some time later, covered in both halfling and badger blood.
"Long time after that, after my time in Plateau City, when I came home my kindly brothers beat the tree-sap outta me in my sleep and dumped me in the forest again, little Shark here, newly orphaned, found me and took to me as his father.
"So here we are now, hoping to find a mighty dragon to ask a rather personal favour from it. Perhaps, what do we know about these dragons again... maybe I could make some kind of physical challenge against it. I reckon I could withstand its sleep poison, and if I can't, well, good night. I suppose a gift, as Bella suggested, might do."

Thursday October 26th, 2006 8:55:48 PM

Selithe looks to Julian and shakes her head as she speaks gently to him, "Well my friend, we were told to give him a gift and most decent dragons rely on their intellect to deal with matters. I say we approach it the same way and go from there."

Selithe looks to Kendry, "If you like brother, when we meet this dragon, I will try speaking to it for us. I heard they can be tricky, as I said, intellectual little guys...well some of them are little...I mean papa told us a story once of a dragon big enough to swallow a small halfling town."

Thursday October 26th, 2006 10:30:15 PM

"I don't mind if you talk with a little dragon, sis. But I won't promise not to talk, too!" Kendry answers Selithe.

"Hey, we could go visit our Aunt Nilli," Kendry suggests, including Selithe in the 'our' - but addressing all. "Our family place is only about twelve, fifteen miles from here. She's a druid. She might be able to help us, give us some ideas. I know the way there. Although some of the, uh, landmarks may have grown a bit since last I was there." He lived there at the Leafwin family cottage for a few years.

At the Edge of the Wood (DM Cayzle) 
Friday October 27th, 2006 12:29:49 AM

The party pauses at the edge of the Culverwood, thinking about strategy and direction.

Kendry muses about the awakening of the Fae King, and suspects that more will be revealed.

Kendry thinks about asking a relation who is a druid and lives near here.

Tibble knows several ancient trees who might have some ideas. It would take a day for a trained forester (one with the ability to walk through forest unhindered, as a druid) to get there, double that in a group with non-foresters.

It also occurs to Tibble that there are other powerful creatures who live in the Culverwood. Some of those might help.

And it just might be possible to direct a question to the Spirit of the Culverwood itself! Tibble might know of a holy place at which to make such a query.

Dwight, on the other hand, feels nervous. He wonders what treasure to offer the dragonet.

Julian gives Dwight some advice, and tells an interesting story of his own personal history.

Selithe seems to suggest playing it by ear, an approach that might appeal to the whimsical dragonet.

[OOC: Will someone please volunteer to do the Posting Report for last week?

Now done - see Tuesday Oct 24th ADM post. -Kim]

Kendry  d20+7=18 d20+7=16 d20+8=27
Friday October 27th, 2006 3:03:55 AM

Kendry enjoys hearing the stories of those who have spent some time with Bella. He laughs, or winces, or simply takes in their tales with appreciation, as the context leads him.

"So, what do you say? I can lead the way to Aunt Nilli's place - oh, and you could also meet our Great Grampapa Landry Grapes Trufflefinder Leafwin and Great Gramama Dekki Onions Fancytoes Greenhill Leafwin. It's this way," he says, indicating a direction generally west-southwest. [Survival: 18; Knowledge nature: 16; Knowledge local: 27]

"Who knows? Maybe we'll run into a small dragon on our way there. Or a bear, or kobolds, or treants - saw some of those here last year. Not kobolds. I mean the walking trees, or tree herders."

Friday October 27th, 2006 3:51:57 PM

As Julian talks to Dwight, Dwight looks embarassed. "Really?"

Looking towards Tibble, "Sorry," and then with special emphasis "Tibble. Just have a hard time understanding you. Then again, languages aren't my strong point." He tries to put out a smile, but the uneasiness of the forest prevents any such joy from showing.

Later as the group decides which way to go, Dwight adds his thoughts. "Any chance the druid Kendry knows and the ancient trees are in the same direction? If not, I'd vote for the druid. Not any particular reason, but its good to see family re-united."

"Is this forest really dangerous?....Tibble?"

OOC: Kim if you want, I could start doing the posting log to easy your burden.

[That would be much appreciated for the moment. I just had tons of projects and demands from work, church, memorial services, and classes - if you could do the posting through the end of November, I would say 'Thank you, thank you, thank you!' -Kim]

Julian  d20+3=14
Friday October 27th, 2006 8:04:27 PM

"Oo, just had a thought. I mean, the family part sounds good, druid and all that. Back in a tick."
With that Julian abruptly turns his back, drops his spear and gesticulating says,
"Faster than the spring thaw creek, the coldest of cold northen gales, the sparrow through the branches," and off he runs.
He sprints off only for 60' or so, then promptly jogs back.
"Nope, thats not quite right yet. Where's my spear again? Did someone say kobolds? We're not going to try to befriend kobolds are we?"
He looks around carefully, hoping to see some kobolds, or drow, or trolls, or something to play with.
Spot 14

Friday October 27th, 2006 10:17:22 PM

(OOC:Sorry Cayzle for not posting sooner. Stupid flu is gone almost but is leaving me drained of energy.)

Selithe chuckles at her brother and nods, "Of course you can talk to the dragon when we find it as can everyone else. I just think we shouldn't find it like we're looking for a fight."

Selithe moves over and pats Julian's shoulder, "Sorry Julian, I'm not trying to bad mouth you or nothing just I don't want to fight the dragon if we don't have too and from the way Bella spoke it should be a nice guy or girl. However I'm sure we will have our fair share of trouble." Selithe grins and chuckles, "Trouble just seems to follow us sometimes."

Selithe enjoys her time with the group and is all for going to see a family member that might be able to help, not to mention she hasn't exactly seen most of her relatives for a while.

Saturday October 28th, 2006 2:20:22 PM

"Aw, nows youse dun gone an' made friend Dwight feels bad 'bout his speek impediment," the GreenMage chastizes Julian for his insensitivity.

"No matter, Dwight, Tibble or Tribble, jus, don't be a-callin' me late fer dinner," Tibble affectionately pats his stomach. "'Sides, Ah dun gots me thick skin, bark-like one mites say," he chuckles.

"Nows 'bout da forest - no wilderness be dangerous. Just foolish peoples. 'Course all ya'all non-wilderness folks should be speckin' to die ruther violent deaths if-ins you'se get lost. Beh consoled," Tibble adds "dat tho' violent youse deaths should beh quick-like an' dare fore painless."

""Couse youse could bees eatun 'live. Slow-like," he musses under his breath.

"Well said, friend Selithe," the wood-born agrees. "Beyun on dah bad side of ah dragon cain't never bees good."

Tibble points to the hyperactive halfling's weapon.

Talk at the Forest's Edge (DM Cayzle) 
Sunday October 29th, 2006 8:38:30 AM

Kendry votes to visit his aunt, a druid, and see what they can see along the way.

Dwight wonders if the Ancient Trees Tibble mentioned are near Aunt Nilli's place. The quick answer is that Aunt Nilli lives pretty much nearby, but the most ancient trees are at the center of the forest, a ways off.

Dwight also wonders about the dangers of the Forest.

Julian seems to be getting a bit antsy ... maybe eager for a fight?

If so, Selithe lets him know that the party always seems to be getting in a fight over something. No need to seek a fight with a dragon.

Tibble confirms, in his way, that the Forest can indeed be deadly. He agrees with Selithe.

Actions? Direction? Strategy? The party is still deciding what to do. Please post a preference, and in the worst case scenario, maybe we can go with the plurality.

Cayzle OOC 
Sunday October 29th, 2006 8:40:59 AM

Friends, I have heard from Inge, and she will not be able to return for at least a little while. Let us rewrite history a bit and leave Airin at Humble's Ford with friends and family.

Even if she cannot post to the Web, I hope Inge may be able to e-mail ... perhaps her courtship with Kendry can proceed in e-mail for now.

I hope to welcome Airin back very soon. Until then, let us leave her in Humble's Ford.

Sunday October 29th, 2006 4:53:49 PM

"Specks Ahs dun a-recollectin'," Tibble announces to the group at large. "Gots mehs ah couple, three ideas."

"Wheese could be a-talkin' tah the ancient trees. Theys bees a-knowin' everthin' in their forest," the greenmage observes. "'Course dey ain't a heartbeat away, no-hows. Take a right spell to git thar."

"Nah wif the woods waken and such like there be plenty o' rumors o' fey lords a-movin' in. Shroon circles and moonlit ponds bees dah bestest means of a-trackin' un o' dem down."

"Curse Ah coulds be a-talkin' tah da Spirit uf da Forest itself. Mayhaps bees a stretch fer mes," he muses. "Long conversation time as well like."

"Nah Ahs bees a-likin' they ideas 'bout a-contactin' a very knowin' greenmage goes by dah name of Deerpoot. Naw, that ain't it. Deeproot. Yah, Grynntym Deeproot. He be off tah da nor'west."

"Tats mah vote. What say all ya'all?" Tibble finishes.

OOC Cayzle to Tibble: Highlight to display spoiler: {I changed "Northeast" to "Northwest" in your post. Sorry for the confusion. You are at the eastern edge of the forest right now. The Emerald Kindgom is at the southern edge, and the Windborn Hills and Crescent Valley are at the northern edge. The greenmage, Deeproot, tends to be found northeast of you but not nearly as far away as the Ancient Trees of Culver. Hope that helps.}

Sunday October 29th, 2006 11:56:29 PM

If this Deerpoot can help us get started in our search, Tobias thinks we should follow Tibble to find him.

Monday October 30th, 2006 6:22:51 PM

Selithe listens to what has been said so far and decides she likes Tibble's idea for the moment and lean towards it. She still is in thought on the dragon, wondering what it will be like and such and also wondering what type of gift the group has for a dragon...that might be a problem.

Report for Crescent Valley - Anthony 
Monday October 30th, 2006 8:56:09 PM

Selithe: MTWRF-- = 5
Julian: MTWRF-- = 5
Tibble: M2WR-SS = 7
Tobias: -TW---S = 3
Airin: M------ = 1 (left this week)
Dwight: M-WRF-- = 4
Kendry: -TW2F-- = 5

DM: MTWR--S = 5

Ok, this is my first attempt at reporting so I hope I got this right. Is it suppose to be emailed to someone? (If so, I don't know about that part.)

[Good job, Dwight. Thank you! No, you need not email it. Good Ceil gleans the boards for the info we post here. -Kim

Monday October 30th, 2006 9:00:29 PM

Dwight still watches Tibble as he speaks and then wonders what he said. Selithe offers some insight agreeing with his idea of a destination. Dwight shrugs being somewhat out of his league here. "I'm good with that too Selithe."

Otherwise Dwight tries to bring himself more at ease with his overgrown environment. The strength to grow, control and manipulate plants on such a large scale is unbelievable. The presence seems to be constant, both alluring and overwhelming at the same time.

Monday October 30th, 2006 10:34:35 PM

Julian is happy to see that a decision may be reached soon, and casts his vote in a like manner so as to not cause any conflict or further discussion.

Getting Oriented (DM Cayzle) 
Monday October 30th, 2006 11:41:29 PM

[OOC: Sorry for the confusion, folks. I needed to brush up on my Woldian Geography myself. See, there is no clear map of the Culverwood entire on the Web site. So I have made a rough sketch of the magical forest myself.

Please look at this map of the Culverwood. Anyone with the Forest Walking feat can sketch this map or describe it to outsiders freely.]

The halflings compare notes and put their heads together. As it turns out, a very short walk northwest (across a nearby bridge) will take the party into the eastern arm of the Culverwood proper. Aunt Nilli lives a few hours away. Then a longer walk of several days, or a trip downriver, will get you to Trader's Corner, and beyond that, to Troll.

Tibble thinks that a good place to look for word of Greenmage Deeproot would be in Trader's Corner, or more likely, Troll. It turns out that some of you have been to Trader's Corner, which is where you all bought some ale and cider for the election party that brought your friend Calfast to office.

So it seems like a good plan would be to visit Aunt Nilli, then go on to the border trade hamlets of the Eastern Culverwood, which are to your southwest, generally speaking.

By the way, Tibble thinks that the Ancient Trees of Culver would be, on the map, a little north of the "L" in "Culverwood."

The strong presence of nature in the Wood may be having an effect on Dwight, he thinks. [More tomorrow am in an e-mail.]

Kendry  d20+10=21
Tuesday October 31st, 2006 12:43:15 AM

"Friends, since Nilli is so close by, and is a druid, and knows this part of the woods well, and, what with Heather's work perhaps needing a bit extra sooner rather than later, what say we swing by her place, let her know what we seek. Hear her counsel. Then, if it seems good, then push on further - perhaps to Trader's Corner and beyond, if necessary. I rather hope that we can find something a bit nearer by, though, for Heather's sake, and for those whom she serves. Selithe's and my aunt is only a few hours away, and we keep a brisk pace."

Kendry adjusts the loosened strap on a pony, cinching it up a notch or two, then says, "It's this way. Pull me back if you decide something different."

Kendry takes one of the many paths that criss cross this neck of the woods, so close to the bridge, and sets out with confidence. [Knowledge, local: 21]

Tobias  d20+14=30
Tuesday October 31st, 2006 12:37:09 PM

Since aunt Nilli's place is sort of on the way, Tobias is fine with stopping there first. Tobias is quite familiar with Trader's Corner having let many merchant caravans through the Culverwood to that very location.

If Kendry tells him where Nilli's place is, Tobias can make sure the group doesn't get turned around and lost in the Culverwood. [Survival: 30]

Tuesday October 31st, 2006 6:14:06 PM

"Yah, 'course, friend Kendry," Tibble amends. "Closer bees better. Ifs wheese need tah go further afield Ah bees of survice."

Tuesday October 31st, 2006 7:20:23 PM

Kendry tells Tobias the general route: the little hills and streams along the way; the place of the white chalk circle, where nothing grows in a white oblong one hundred feet long and about 70 feet wide; a few meadows; and the lizard pond a half mile from the cottage.

He talks with Tibble along the way about Deeproot, and - "Say, could you teach me the language of the trees?" he asks him. "Despite that you say a lot of it was knocked out of you?"

Then he thinks to add, "In exchange, I could teach you Duncan's sign language. Some of us know it - and it comes in handy once in a while."

Tuesday October 31st, 2006 8:52:09 PM

At first Dwight tries to follow where the group is being led. Druid, Deeproot, trees? After a bit Dwight has no idea of where they are going, but follows whichever direction someone leads.

Without much success, Dwight tries to pinpoint his whereabouts, as being lost and watched disturbs him mentally. He tries to stick close with the group (different from his norm of watching the rear).

Tuesday October 31st, 2006 9:17:26 PM

Selithe continues on with her friends and glances to Dwight as she wonders if he is okay, he just seems kind of lost at the moment so Selithe falls back with Gra and looks to him before speaking, "You okay Dwight? you seem kind of out of it."

Julian  d20+3=9
Tuesday October 31st, 2006 11:40:06 PM

Julian is enjoying the walk in the woods. He tries to catch up on the idea of a card game with Selithe, tries to pick Kendry's brain regarding the Expeditioius Retreat spell he mentioned, and he tries to talk to Dwight about the drop bears. To add levity to the conversation with Dwight he keeps a careful eye out into the trees, and pulls out his sling and practices loading it speedily.
Spot 9

Aunt Nilli (DM Cayzle)  d20+6=19
Wednesday November 1st, 2006 6:32:44 AM

A short walk under the outlying eaves of the easternmost branch of the Culverwood brings you to the steading of Aunt Nilli Bramble Pastna Pipewood, druid and midwife.

If you make a Spot check vs DC19, then Highlight to display spoiler: {You see a wolf shadowing you from far off, keeping watch.}

As you come up to Nilli's house, you see two elderly folk engaged in some leisurely gardening. It is Great Grampapa Grapes and Great Gramama Onions, from the Leafwin side of the family, who live here too.

They rise slowly and smile as they recognize family.

"Nilli dear," Grandmama calls out in a slightly shaky but strong voice, "We have company."

A giant cat, the size of a cheetah, bounds out. You see that it has tentacles sprouting from its shoulders. Immediately thereafter is Aunt Nilli. She smiles happily, and her ruddy face glows. Looks like life has been good for the druid ... she has put on a little more weight.

"Well if this don't beat the brambles!" she exclaims. "What a happy surprise!"

Tibble  d20=5 d20=9 d20=7 d20=10
Wednesday November 1st, 2006 11:07:28 AM

Spot (5+3) = Failure

"Friend Kendry, Ah can'ts bees a-lurnin' ya 'bouts how Ah bees a-talkin' tah da plantlife," Tibble apologizes. "Ah don't rightly knows mahself no-hows. Mayhap it wur from mah time as ah beechnut tree, or wur it when Ah dun bees a willow-oak?"

"Watch ya a-shootin' at, friend Julian?" the rotund halfling asks. "Wheese not bees a-eatin' trail rations?"

Tibble will make note of where they are and the path they follow to reach their destination. Survival[lost] (9+16)=25.

Tibble will also keep an eye open for food and medicinal items for collection along the way.
Survival [forage/food] (7+12)=19
Survival [forage/herb] (10+12)=22

"Don't it jus'," Tibble responds. "Ya don't be a-tellin' us it bees such a brief meander ta gits heres, friend Kendry."

"Don't bees a-goin' an' a-steppin' on dat wee snake thar, friend Dwight," the GreenMage points out politely as it slithes from the path.

Kendry  d20+3=10 d20+5=16
Wednesday November 1st, 2006 11:20:11 AM

On the way
When Tibble explains that he can't explain how to talk to trees, Kendry shrugs his shoulders. "Well, that's all right, then. I'm still willin' to teach you the sign language, though."

At the Cottage / Burrow
"Gramama! Grampapa!" Kendry hails them. He dismounts Cheann and runs forward to give Nilli a big hug. "Auntie! It's so-o-o-o good to see you!"

Then he goes to hug his great grandparents in turn.

"These are my friends!" he tells them. "And some of them relations, too."

Wednesday November 1st, 2006 2:28:14 PM

Tobias is glad to have made it to the house without incident. And, he greets everyone, "Hello, Aunt Nilli."

Dwight  d20+3=20
Wednesday November 1st, 2006 7:50:14 PM

Walking with Selithe:
"I'm good, just a bit tired I suppose. This forest has me a bit spooked too. Something just feels.....I can't even put words to it. It's not wrong, or evil it's...well I just don't know and you know how I like things thought out."

Dwight watches Julian sling a few stones, but knowing whatever is out there will attack Julian before Dwight doesn't bring him much comfort.

Spot: 20
Dwight almost jumps out of his skin when he sees the wolf and stutters to get the word and general direction out. He's not hostile, knowing a little about Druids and thier ability to transform, but he isn't any calmer.

Meet and Greet:
Dwight nods and shakes hands with the locals and introduces himself as Dwight Twigglebundler, and ignores the odd looks that normally arise when a halfling has such a short name. Aside from the quick meet and greet things, Dwight takes a seat and continues to look around.

Julian  d20+3=7
Wednesday November 1st, 2006 7:52:16 PM

"Sorry Tibble, to worry you. I am just practicing the loading of it. See." Julian is busy with demonstrating this.

Spot 7

He puts it away when greeting Kendry's grandparents, and ponders just how he is related, too.
"Kendry, can you work this out, is Nellie my third or fourth cousing. I'm not so good with this sort of thing."

Wednesday November 1st, 2006 8:17:35 PM

Selithe smiles and greets Nilli, "Hello Nilli, long time no see." Selithe gives her relative a hug and smiles as she actually hasn't seen her in some time -- she hadn't seen most of her family in sometime. She chuckles some as she thinks of how her platinum colored hair, due to the spell she uses to color it, might get attention from Nilli.

Selithe, after the greets are done, goes over and pats Dwight's shoulder. "No worries Dwight, we are all together and that means we can watch out for each other." She smiles and tries to cheer him up.

Kendry, with proper introductions 
Thursday November 2nd, 2006 5:34:34 AM

"Pardon my manners. Let me make some proper introductions," Kendry says.

"Our father's sister, Nilli Bramble Pastna Pipewood, helps care for this part of The Culverwood, and brings little halflings into the Wold from time to time!

"Our Great Gramama Dekki Onions Fancytoes Greenhill Leafwin and Great Grampapa Landry Grapes Trufflefinder Leafwin married, oh, long ago, I should think!

"Dwight Twiggebundler has already given his name. Dwight is a powerful thinker and planner.

"Tobias Thistlefoot Burrows is a good pathfinder. His father, rest his soul, was Adrian Hazelberry Burrows. His mother is Jillian Greenhill Thistlefoot. Do you know your relation to his mother, Great Gramama?

"Third cousin? Um, let me think on that, Julian. You might already know Julian Roscoe Holle Pipewood Trufflefinder - also called Badger, and Jude.

"And we just met a couple days ago this fine fellow, Tibble Stinkyfoots. He grew up deep in the heart of The Culverwood. A greenmage, right, Tibble?

"My sister Selithe Greentree Leafwin Pipewood is fifth born in our family," he says, more for the benefit of those who recently joined the group, "and I'm the fourth. Of eleven, last time I checked!"

Thursday November 2nd, 2006 1:34:53 PM

Dwight nods standing off to the side as his name is given again during introductions. He kinda chuckles about being a powerful thinker.

For the most part, Dwight follows along and partakes of food offered, but listens closely when their task becomes the topic of conversation.

OOC: Hated to post so early in the day (before next DM post), but I'm heading out of town. I'll definitely post again on Sunday, and maybe on Friday if I can find a computer at the hotel.

Thursday November 2nd, 2006 9:56:53 PM

"And then there are the dogs and wolf and birds and ponies," Kendry continues. He tells all of their names.

A Welcome Feast (DM Cayzle) 
Friday November 3rd, 2006 12:56:26 AM

On the way to Aunt Nilli's, the newest member of the group shows that he will surely prove his worth. Tibble's guidance keeps the group from getting lost, and he also finds tasty herbs, berries, and mushrooms to eat along the way.

Kendry is glad to see his aunt and great-grandparents, and introduces everybody.

Tobias is glad too, but a little reserved.

Dwight feels the strength of the Culverwood, and it sets him on edge, a little. It surely has an effect on everybody. He sees a wolf, but suspects, likely correctly, that it is a friend of Nilli's.

Selithe embraces her aunt and reassures Dwight.

Grandmama Onions exclaims over her relations and their friends. "It has been too long! Have you brought any of your mother's pie? Selithe, you rascal, what are you doing now?"

Grandpapa shakes hands indiscriminately.

Grandmama's voice is a little too loud. She tells you that Grandpapa is a little hard of hearing, but you soon get the idea that he is actually stone deaf, and Grandmama is half-way there herself!

When she is introduced to Tobais, she muses, a bit loudly, "Your mother was Jillian, right? The daughter of Iris Rooking Greenhill? She was a young cousin of mine, once removed. Your great-grandma was my first cousin, not removed at all, if my memory does not fail me! Welcome, young man!"

Then she says to her husband, in a loud voice meant to be a whisper, but not at all, "There was some tragedy in that clan. The boy's father, I think I heard."

At this indiscretion, Aunt Nilli blushes and rushes everyone into the house. "You are just in time for supper! I had an idea that there might be guests, so I killed a sheep!"

The food smells fantastic, and the feast lasts an hour or two.

Afterwards, as everyone relaxes, Nilli asks what brings you all to this neck of the Wood.

Friday November 3rd, 2006 1:02:53 PM

Tobias is a little embarrassed by all the attention around him and the death of father. And, he blushes as well. He's glad that Aunt Nilli changed the conversation over to the evening meal instead.

Tobias enjoys a nice dinner of sheep with all the fixins. And, waits for one of the storytellers to answer Nilli after dinner.

Tibble  d4=2
Friday November 3rd, 2006 4:08:17 PM

Greeting his hosts warmly (and loudly as required) Tibble donates the berries and mushrooms he has collected to their kitchen.

Following the feast the GreenMage bruises the herbs to create an ointment/paste imbued with the ability to Neutralize Poison. This takes him 2 hours and 30 ex pts.

Friday November 3rd, 2006 5:34:30 PM

Julian thoroughly enjoys the feast, and it shows on his face (the enjoyment and the feast). He finds a warm and cosy spot on the floor to relax and he listens to the conversation. Shark curls up against him, and then so too does Sallie. All the noises, to his ears, begin to meld together, conversation becomes merely voices to recognise though the sound distant.
His head droops to one side, and he quietly snores.

Saturday November 4th, 2006 12:11:51 AM


At supper, he enjoys eating slices from the leg of mutton. He talks a little bit about the brief lunchtime visit with his & Selithe's immediate family in Humble's Ford, and introducing Airin to the folks. "You're going to have to meet her fairly soon, too, Auntie. She's a druid, too, like you. Well, no one could be quite like you, Aunt Nilli - just as no one could be quite like my Airin. Wish she were here with me. With us, I mean. But she insisted she had some matters to take care of, and that she would bruise my britches if I don't bring my friends and myself back safe and sound to her, so I must, of course, obey her directive."

Saturday November 4th, 2006 7:39:04 PM

After dinner, Kendry pushes away from the table. "Have you heard of a greenmage, name of Bella, out of Angel Springs?" he asks Nilli.

A Flavorful Feast (DM Cayzle) 
Sunday November 5th, 2006 6:25:25 AM

The feast is delicious -- and made even more so with Tibble's contribution. The food is so incredible, in fact, that Selithe and Dwight are too busy eating to say a word!

Tobias is glad that the food eclipses mention of his family background.

Kendry enjoys the company of his kin, enjoys the meat, and enjoys telling Nilli about Airin.

Julian stuffs himself, and falls asleep contentedly at sunset.

Tibble is reluctant to let sleep take him so soon. He considers making an herbal potion. [OOC: Note that a potion like this only lasts a day! Per the Greenmage write-up: "These herbals last indefinitely if stored in lifewood flasks, but otherwise they spoil within 24 hours." Are you sure you want to use your XP on this?]

After the meal is done, Aunt Nilli invites those who remain awake to take some tea and biscuits. She ask again, "So, my young heroes, is there a reason that you came to visit?"

Sunday November 5th, 2006 7:00:40 PM

Kendry wonders why Nilli didn't say whether or not she knows greenmage Bella. He thinks to repeat the question, but decides against it for now.

"Well, we are looking for a tiny dragon," Kendry answers. "What some call a pseudodragon. We'd like to ask her a favor. Or him. Mama used to have one, she's told us a few times. She doesn't know where to find one now, but says The Culverwood is the best place to look."

Sunday November 5th, 2006 8:28:57 PM

Too busy with his work Tibble doesn't join in Kendry's attempt to locate their quarry, but keeps an ear open in the event their host directs them into territory with which he is familiar.

OOC: I expect I will burn through ex pts faster than I earn them. With Tibble's 20% loss due to his class selection, advancing too quickly will not be a problem.

Sunday November 5th, 2006 9:07:56 PM

Dwight eats whole heartedly, but partakes in litte conversation. When Nilli asks for the second time regarding the reason for our visit Dwight offers a response.

"We have come to seek aid for others, but to work such a task we have come to ask of aid you may be able to give us. We seek the small faerie dragons, or at least the whereabouts of one so we may inquire about getting a small amount of its saliva."

"Any help you could give us would be much appreaciated. Something as simple as the proper title for such a beast. We hear they are intelligent and kind, but take offense to the only name we know." Should Nilli need more, Dwight will whisper 'pseudodragon' to hear just in case one is flying around nearby.

So deep in thought, Dwight forgets to thank his providers for dinner. After several minutes he returns and thanks them for a wonderful meal and apologizes that he wasn't more of a conversationalist. "Just got a lot on my mind."

Monday November 6th, 2006 1:21:42 AM


Monday November 6th, 2006 3:02:16 AM

Selithe enjoys the meal and smiles, she tells Nilli that she has been working on becoming a better gambler and then goes into her arcane and rogue training. Selithe smiles as she taks of all this since she is proud of her acomplishments so far.

When the coversation slips to what the group is doing there other then the visit, Selithe nods and waits for replies to the already mentioned questions as she has little to fill in at the moment.

Monday November 6th, 2006 1:25:27 PM

Tobias enjoys their hearty dinner and waits to see if they get any answer to where to start looking for a pseudodragon.

Nilli's Advice (DM Cayzle) 
Monday November 6th, 2006 9:15:26 PM

Nilli tells the group that she once met a satyr who loved to gossip. He mentioned that he knew of a fey dragon who likes to bathe in a small waterfall on a rivulet that flows into the Peasblossum River. Probably one of the many streams that flow south from the Scab, she would guess, maybe a day or two walk west.

She invites you all to spend the night, of course.

And in the morning, whichever way you decide to go, she packs up huge lunches for you all to take with.

So, West looking for a small waterfall? Or South to Troll, looking for Deeproot the Greenmage? Kindly refer to the map of the Culverwood.

Monday November 6th, 2006 10:17:27 PM

"Thank you Miss Nilli," Dwight says greatfully.

Later when the group is more or less among themselves, Dwight announces his preference to continue onward to the south to get more information. The direction seemed a bit vague from dear Miss Nilli, but her recall of the rumour adds to what we already know. Anyone know how to juggle, that might help entertain the fey dragon once we find him?"

With his thoughts said, Dwight encourages others to add theirs and agrees to go with the majority.

Report for Crescent Valley - Anthony 
Monday November 6th, 2006 10:25:24 PM

Julian: MTW-F-- =5
DM: M-WR--S =4
Kendry: MTW2FSS =8
Tobias: -TW-F-- =3
Tibble: -TW-F-S =4
Dwight: MTWR--S =5
Selithe: MTW---- =3

Kendry  d20+4=21
Tuesday November 7th, 2006 1:49:06 AM

"It took us two days, with the wind on our tail and taking a fast boat, to get down to Trader's Corner last year," Kendry says as options are discussed. "Well, I guess that Selithe is the only one still in the group from back then. Anyway, Troll is twice that distance. So, if all goes well, four days if the wind favors us, or five, maybe even six, if we lack that advantage, to get to Troll. Then we walk westward almost halfway across The Culverwood to get to the heart of the forest. Now, I'd love to go there - really would. But time is of the essence for the brew, and a day or two walk to the West means that, if all goes well, we could be back to Bella's in five days, a week. Say that a fey dragon is waiting for us in the outpost in Troll. Coming back upstream - figuring we get there in four days, it will take us twice that, another eight days, to get back upstream. And a day more if we don't stop to get to Angel Springs. That's a day shy of a fortnight, compared to less than a week. And if the fey dragon is not there at the docks ... well, just add that time in - a few days? A few weeks?"

He turns to Tibble. "You think Deeproot is in or near Troll? Or back in the deep woods?"

If the latter, Kendry definitely wants to check out the falls, first. If the former, he's open to discussion.

That evening at the cottage / burrow, Kendry catches Nilli up on family news, and asks about what has been going on with her and their forest neighbors, as well as the great grandfolks. "You have any of that brown ink? I ran out of the supply you gave me before," he asks Nilli. He shows her the letter he wrote to Duncan, the one that proposed the idea of gathing folks together to start an adventuring group, written in the brown ink. He asks if the currant bushes she had him plant years back are still in good shape. He checks to see if Granpapa Grapes has kept up his clever carving. He goes ahead and lends Nilli his journal for the night, in case she would like to read about what he and Selithe and their friends have been up to.

He's happy to include whoever wants to join in the conversation for the evening, and takes time to get to know them better.

Before going to bed, Kendry adds a few loose pages worth of writing and drawing [craft, drawing: 21] of family, friends, cottage, and menagerie. While in bed, he prays to Flower for Airin, and that she will watch over her during this difficult time of absence.

In the morning he feeds his animals before breakfast. During breakfast, he asks Aunt Nilli for as much detail as she knows about directions to the satyr-mentioned falls, making sure that both Tobias and Tibble pay close attention, both being forest born, as Kendry himself is.

After breakfast, he saddles ponies and Cheann for the next leg of the trip.

"Shall we try Westward, then, first?" he asks.

As a parting gift, and in gratitude for their hospitality, he leaves behind a bag with some foods, spices, tea, and pipe tobacco.

Tuesday November 7th, 2006 2:19:55 AM

"I can't juggle yet, just teach me, but I had thought rather to challenge the dragon over its poison. I bet I can withstand it! Especially after last night's wonderful sleep. Nothing like having a good deep one with a full belly and the prospect of adventure ahead of you. Never die on an empty belly, not even once, that's what an old drill seargent used to say. Crazy fool of a man, but I think he had a good point there. Now, is it time for second breakfast?"

Julian prefers to hunt, err look, for the fey dragon directly. He raises his hand for West, if a vote is called, and says nothing more about it.

Tuesday November 7th, 2006 11:45:02 AM

"Ahs bees fer a-headin' westerly like," Tibble chimes in. "Ah cans bees a-askin' da trees if-ins thar bees any wee draguns about."

"Deeproot, he bees in da woods. Yep fer sur'," the greenmage goes on. "Mayhap wheese bees a-runnin' inta 'im round-abouts da same areas."

Tuesday November 7th, 2006 4:20:05 PM

Dwight listens to Kendry's timetable, and changing his mind, agrees with Kendry and Julian; perhaps going south isn't the most timely choice.

Still not fully at ease with the forest, Dwight is ready to set off as early as possible. Perhaps finding the fey dragon will help ease his tension.

Tuesday November 7th, 2006 8:12:35 PM

"Yes, west. The short distance sounds better."

He listens intently to the description of where to find the fey dragon. Trying to get a good handle on where he expects it in the Culverwood. And, gets ready with the rest to head west.

He will again volunteer to scout ahead, if the others agree.

Tuesday November 7th, 2006 8:57:14 PM

"Badger, did you know that small fey dragons are almost always good little critters?" Kendry asks Julian. "So challenging it to a wrestling match may not be the way to go. Just a thought, buddy."

Tuesday November 7th, 2006 9:27:37 PM

"But Kendry, I am good too.
"I think that this mighty dragon might enjoy the challenge, and the opportunity to express his might over another, in friendly combat. Guess we will have to wait and see.
"Or maybe as I wrestle it, and as he tries to sting me someone else can milk its sting."
OOC: Steve Irwin style

Westward Ho! (DM Cayzle) 
Tuesday November 7th, 2006 10:12:54 PM

The party agrees with a fairly clear consensus that west is the way to go. There is also some talk of how to get the dragon's tail-barb poison.

Dwight thinks that a good entertainment may delight the fey dragon.

Kendry talks about family with Nilli and the elders. He thinks about the time pressures facing the group.

Justin wants to wrestle the dragon.

Tibble will talk to plants along the way.

Tobias scouts ahead as the Party heads west into the Wood.

Marching order? Spot checks? Stealth rolls from scouts?

Julian  d20+3=10 d20+2=14 d20+5=22
Tuesday November 7th, 2006 10:29:07 PM

Julian would be happy to take the lead, though he takes second instead so that the party is not lead in circles. He keeps a steady eye ahead and around looking for some excitement, and a fey dragon. He walks along between his dog and badger, dragging his longspear behind him.
Spot 10

He offers to cook the first meal, which should be as soon as possible, and frequent too.
"I'll happily cook a very light second breakfast, and cook enough so that we don't have to stop for third breakfast It'll be a surprise though, so I'll not tell you right now what I've planned. Then just a short stop for elevensies, and a proper rest for lunch, a hearty meal for that. Another surprise special, I'll see if I can catch something for it."
"Who's turn to cook the afternoon meals?"
Profession (cook) 14
Survival 22 to catch some small game animal or bird.

Letter to Airin from Kendry 
Wednesday November 8th, 2006 3:43:58 AM

Kendry leaves a letter with Aunt Nilli just before they leave in the morning. "If someone comes who is heading back to Hovel or elsewhere in Crescent Valley, please ask if they will deliver this letter." He gives her a platinum piece to pay for delivery.
My Dearest Airin,

We made it safely to Aunt Nilli's place here in The Culverwood. My great grandparents on my mother's side - Granmama Onions and Granpapa Grapes - live here with her. Nobody here to take advantage of Nilli's midwifery skills at the moment. Her black displacer cat with its wavy tentacles and shifting image greeted us at the door, and we were welcomed warmly by Nilli and the grandfolk.
His letter goes on to describe details of their visit, and he sends a page of sketches of the people, plants and animals at the cottage / burrow.

He asks Airin how she is doing, and how she is spending her time, and will she write to him?

In a hastier hand that he writes just before leaving, he adds:
We just decided to head a day or two to the west. Seems there is a waterfall - one of the streams from The Scab that adds its flow to the Peaseblossom River - where, according to a satyr whom Nilli knows, dwells a little fey dragon. What some people call a pseudodragon - but Bella says maybe we shouldn't call one a 'pseudo' dragon if we meet one. Might be a bit sensitive. Well, you know about that - you heard her say it with your own ears.

Seems like I've been away from you for so long. Love you!

Your Kendry
He seals the letter with string and wax and turns it over to Nilli. He gives her a big hug, and a kiss on each cheek. He hugs Granmama Dekki Onions goodbye, and gives Granpapa Landry Grapes a firm handshake and a big smile. "I LIKE YOUR CARVINGS, GRANPAPA!"

Kendry  d20+7=9 d20+7=24 d20+3=10 d20+3=7 d20+3=9 d20+7=18 d20+7=27 d20+3=4 d20+3=22 d20+3=11 d20+7=8 d20+7=23 d20+3=16 d20+3=20 d20+3=17 d20+7=20 d20+7=15 d20+3=18 d20+3=15 d20+3=5 d20+7=17 d20+7=12 d20+3=20 d20+3=4 d20+3=18 d20+7=26 d20+7=24 d20+3=19 d20+3=8 d20+3=20 d20+7=16 d20+7=26 d20+3=12 d20+3=8 d20+3=19 d20+7=18 d20+7=14 d20+3=22 d20+3=13 d20+3=5 d20+6=9 d20+6=7 d20+6=17 d20+6=14 d20+6=16 d20+6=7 d20+6=12
Wednesday November 8th, 2006 4:02:30 AM

"All right, let's do this. We'll fashion a hat with a funnel running down to your mouth, and you can just eat continuously as we walk the path, Julian," Kendry kids.

"Sure, Tobias, I trust you in the lead. Now, at least for the first few miles, I know this area pretty well. Remember, I lived here for almost seven years. But," and he looks around at the lush vegetation, "some things have changed a bit since last I was here."

He sits the saddle atop Cheann. "Who else has a good eye, or ears, and can move through the woods without snapping every little branch or twig in the path?" he asks his friends. "'Fraid I'm not the quietest of halflings," he acknowledges.

Kendry is happy to be in the second rank, or third if necessary. He strings his bow, and checks his arrows.

He's not too much use in the first hour out as far as finding game or the like [Survival: 9], but is able to point out a thing or two that Tibble may find of interest [Knowledge (nature): 24]. [Spot rolls, every 20 minutes: 10, 7, 9] [Listen: 17 (last roll above)]

Hour 2: Survival: 18; Knowledge nature: 27 (nat 20); Spot rolls: 4, 22, 11; Listen: 9
Hour 3: Surv: 8 (nat 1); Know nat: 23; Spot: 16, 20, 17; Listen: 7 (nat 1)
Hour 4: Surv: 20; Know nat: 15; Spot: 18, 15, 5; Listen: 17
Hour 5: Surv: 17; Know nat: 12; Spot: 20, 4 (nat 1), 18; Listen: 14
Hour 6: Surv: 26; Know nat: 24; Spot: 19, 8, 20; Listen: 16
Hour 7: Surv: 16; Know nat: 26; Spot: 12, 8, 19; Listen: 7 (nat 1)
Hour 8: Surv: 18; Know nat: 14; Spot: 22, 13, 5; Listen: 12

ADM Kim: Character Sheets 
Wednesday November 8th, 2006 4:43:23 AM

Just a reminder that we're all to get our updated character sheets in to Cayzle - if you haven't done so within the past month or so. He'll then pass them on to Kent. Get your updated character description / background info to me for the Adventurer's Repose section on the website.

If we can all get them (the CSs) in by Friday, there's a chance that Kent will grant our characters some sort of goodies. No promise, just a possibility.

Tibble  d20=10 d20=6 d20=7
Wednesday November 8th, 2006 11:48:37 AM

With Tobias separated from the party's main body, Tibble will take the lead. Between Kendry's local guidance and the greenmage's running conversation with the forest the party is sure to make good time. (Even if they are unsure of where they are going.)

As usual Tibble will make note of the trail and forage for food and herbs as they travel.

To the group Tibble may seem unusually quiet, but he's having a grand time chatting up the local flora.

Survival (trail/lost)= 28
Survival (forage food)= 20
Survival (forage herbs)= 21

Selithe  d20+9=18 d20+7=27
Wednesday November 8th, 2006 3:26:33 PM

Selithe moves on with the others and will try to help out in taking some of the scouting or atleast helping, she is happy with her skill in hide and move silently this time also as she seems to do a very good job.

(Hide:18 Move Silently:27 *nat 20*)

(OOC:Cayzle, please let me know if you have a updated copy of Selithe's CS and I'll send one if you need.)

Wednesday November 8th, 2006 6:45:21 PM

Julian speaks quietly to Tibble,
"If you spot any herbs or mushrooms of the strong laxative effect, could you pass me one quietly. I sort of need it..."

Tibble  d20=3
Wednesday November 8th, 2006 7:42:28 PM

"Ah tad too much cheese?" returns Tibble. "Ahs bees a-drinkin' mur water dan youse bees a-wantin'.

The greenmage will be on the lookout for White or Wheeping Ash, or Chittem Bark (a small tree) with which to brew a laxative for our anally retentive friend.

Survival (forage herb)= 15

Wednesday November 8th, 2006 7:53:59 PM

Tibble only Highlight to display spoiler: { "It's for my prankster friend, Kendry."}
"Thanks Tibble, I will greatly appreciate that."

Dwight  d20+3=15 d20+6=11
Wednesday November 8th, 2006 10:21:43 PM

Dwight remains quiet during the morning trek, returning to his normal spot near the rear of the group. He stays a little closer than normal so as not to get lost, but tries to keep an eye out for anything trailing them.

spot: 15

A Meeting in the Awakened Forest (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday November 8th, 2006 10:47:13 PM

[OOC: Friends, we welcome a new player today, Michael playing Marco. Please welcome him and give a description of your character. Also, some parts of this post are for certain people only -- Please don't peak (as Ceil would say) at other players' parts!]

[Also, friends, as Kim was saying, I am putting together PC sheets for all characters. I am using the ones I have on file, so no problems. The only delay is that the two new guys are still working out a couple final details. Or one of them is.]

Kendry asks Nilli to send a letter home to Airin. You all say your farewells, and then it is time to be on your way.

As Kendry, Tibble, and Tobias know, there are several rivers -- or maybe they are branches of the same river -- that run through the Culverwood. Now the party follows the great Peaseblossum, headed southwest, on the northern bank. Here the Peaseblossum is a fast-moving river, navigable by boat, but with several challenging parts.

Aunt Nilli said that a small tributary runs into the river from the north, flowing down from the Scab Mountains. When you find that tributary, you hope to walk north along it to the waterfall of the pseudodragon.

As you walk into the Deep of the Culverwood, you feel the power of the forest all around you.

Kendry and Tibble, please Highlight to display spoiler: {You feel comfortable and sure in the forest. But you also feel that you are being watched. The Forest knows you are there. It is like a ferocious beast that accepts your presence, the way an elephant accepts the flies that buzz about it, or the way a shark accepts the lamphreys sticking to it. Kendry's long experience in this neck of the woods tells him that this is new. The forest truly has woken up.}

Tibble, please Highlight to display spoiler: { Yes, the Forest HAS woken up since the Fae King was defeated a short while ago (less than six months). The woods are alive, and aware. The trees talk about it nonstop, in their slow whispers: "We were asleep, but now we know! Now we see and hear. Now we can act." They cannot move around, so what do they mean by that? HOW can they act? You do not know. Maybe they do not know yet either. But you get a great sense of newfound power and will.}

Tobias, please Highlight to display spoiler: { As you pass deeper into the Forest, you feel welcome and at home. The Forest knows you are here, and is glad to have you back. Why did you go away? But you are here again at last, maybe to stay. Your spirits are lifted. Your heart is glad. You feel that the spirit of the forest wants to help you, oh native son! [OOC, and do not tell anyone else this: YOU GAIN A +3 ON ALL d20 ROLLS WHILE IN THE CULVERWOOD! That includes saves, skill checks, attacks, all d20 rolls. You are responsible for remembering to add your bonus, so if you forget, too bad.]}

Julian, Selithe, and Dwight, please Highlight to display spoiler: { Your connection with nature, or lack thereof, has not prepared you for this! As you enter the Forest, you feel the spirit of the place welcoming you. The Forest is eager and glad to have you here. Like strangers who hit it right off, the trees seem to be whispering hello, and you know that this is a place that wants to help you. [OOC, and do not tell anyone else this: YOU GAIN A +3 ON ALL d20 ROLLS WHILE IN THE CULVERWOOD! That includes saves, skill checks, attacks, all d20 rolls. You are responsible for remembering to add your bonus, so if you forget, too bad.]}

After entering the forest a short ways, Julian suggests a stop for a mid-morning snack. Julian, do you wish to light a fire? If so, as soon as you even think about it, as soon as the flint and tinder is in your hand, you immediately feel menaced and wary. The trees, without moving, somehow loom higher and darker. Kendry, Tobias, and Tibble know that no fires are ever permitted in the Culverwood, except with special permission. Lighting fires is a good way to commit suicide. It's cold meals from here on in.

Then, just at the edge of sight, you see a figure ahead. Marco, that's your cue!

Marco, please highlight the text in brackets to read your turn: Highlight to display spoiler: {Yes, you did find some remarkably valuable mushrooms, and you also traded a mirror for a lock of hair from a pixie, but why oh why did your elf guide run away? Now you are left alone in the Culverwood, and it is creepy. You feel the forest watching you. Roots trip you. Leaves whisper insults. You feel unwanted and uninvited! But what's this? Up ahead you hear halfling voices. There is a group of them! Maybe they can help you find your way!

[OOC: Add "Tiosh Mushrooms" to your possessions, and exchange "Lock of Pixie Hair" for a mirror. Hope that's okay.

Thursday November 9th, 2006 9:07:56 AM

"That ought to bring a nice price." Marco mumbles to himself as he puts some things in a trunk mounted on a rather large mastiff.
Looking around (scraching his mount around his ears), Marco spies a group of people coming towards him as James (his dog/mount) growls warning.

-Marco appears as a "well to do" Halfling in explorer clothes that are tailored. His brown hair is combed and his blue eyes sparkle with humor. He carries a cane and travels with a large tan mastiff in barding (carrying two trunks with a saddle in between).-

"Hello!" Marco yells as he waves at the group.
(Waits till they get closer.)
"I seeem to be in a bit of a bind. I had a guide, but he seems to have run off."
Marco studies the group.
"Do you know these parts well?"
Marco pauses for a second and then continues after looking skyward.
"Where are my manners today? This forest we are in seems to be making me nervous for some reason."
Marco straightens up and bows slightly at the waist, tapping his cane on the ground.
"My name is Marco Pipeleaf Happytoes. I am pleased to meet you."

OOC: Hello everybody!

Tibble  d20=4 d20=4 d20=1
Thursday November 9th, 2006 9:48:13 AM

"Well naw, ain't dat a right purty pinchback suit youse bees a-sportin' friend Happytoes," Tibble greets the new comer. "Yall seems ta have misplaced da trail by some wee bit."

"Wise ole Culver tain't a-carryin' on 'bouts sum dang fool a-wnaderin' heres 'bout, so Ah specks yur guide dun headed his-self north-like inah da Scab," the greenmage speculates.

"Friend Tobias?" Tibble calls ahead of the party. "Ahs bees a mite grateful if-ins ya'll could bees a-givin' da group a fair piece o' warnin' befose wees stumble 'pon folk."

Gesturing towards the party as a whole, "Wheese bees ona mishun fer Alemi 'bout now. Ah recons youse could bees a-tagin' along 'till wheese bees dun. Lest youse wanna guide his-self out, friend Kendry?"

"Ah votes fer one group o'er two," the greenmage licks a finger and sticks it in the air - testing. "Wize ole Culver bees freed of sleep. Might not bees a-takin' kindly ta lots o' folk a-millin' 'bouts."

"Ave ah care dare, friend Julian," the rotund halfling cautions. "It bees magical heat or nuns all this point out."

Tibble will continue to ensure they don't get lost while foraging for food and herbs.

Survival (trail/lost)= 22
Survival (forage food)= 16
Survival (forage herbs)= dang it

Dwight  d20+6=19 d20+11=18
Thursday November 9th, 2006 4:18:38 PM

Just a ways back from the main group stands an average weight and height halfling. As he moves closer, the only two things stick out: his clothes don't seem to be normal cloths, but the stitching of many smaller patches; though all roughly the same brown color and that he seems to be walking as if deep in thought.

Dwight approaches as Tibble finishes talking. Unsure of what Tibble has just mentioned to the newcomer, Dwight assumes its friendly and introduces himself. "Dwight Twiggebunlder here," though it isn't said with as much zest as normal introductions normally have.

"I can understand your current fate, the forest feels overbearing at time. Not quite sure how a forest can do that, but it does it all the same. Last night as I was wondering around thinking, I could have sworn a tree scratched my back for me; had an itch too."

"I'm sure Tibble here, just invited you, but I'll extend the offer. We are on our way to gather a special herb found in this forest. Time is an important factor, but we will be more than happy if you'd join us. Then afterwards depart or if your looking for adventure perhaps stay."

After the rest of the introductions have gone around, "Okay, we got to get moving, we can talk while we walk."

Dwight returns to his rear position and continues to search for the lurker that must be about.

spot: 19
listen: 18

Thursday November 9th, 2006 5:37:56 PM

"Left alone here, by your guide?" Kendry responds to the stranger. "Well, I wonder what precisely scared him off - if fear led to his flight."

A tallish thirtyish gap-toothed halfling with auburn hair dismounts from his Caran Hills riding dog. He unnocks the arrow in his bow, placing it back in a quiver as he approaches the new fellow. With a friendly, open face, he says, "Glad we found you - wandering alone here can present unique challenges, friend. My name is Kendry. And I think we may be relatives, from maybe a hundred twenty, a hundred fifty years back. Didn't a Pipewood wed a Leafwin, and blend their names? Created quite a scandal among the old folks, some of my older relatives told me. I'm Kendry Leafwin Pipewood, and pleased to make your acquaintance. And, so long as you prove yourself good company, I join my friends in inviting you to come along with us. It may or may not be safer than your being alone - for in The Culverwood guarantees can be scarce to be had. But welcome, Marco Pipeleaf Happytoes. We're mostly from Crescent Valley and The Culverwood. Where do you hail from, sir?"

Selithe  d20+12=16 d20+10=22 d20+5=6 d20+3=7
Thursday November 9th, 2006 7:24:27 PM

Selithe looks to the others as she moves on to help scouting and smiles as she enjoys herself, the place doesn't seem to be as scary as she expected really. She keeps her eyes and ears open as she moves along.

(Hide:16 Move silently:22 Listen:6 Spot:7)

Tobias  d20+9=27 d20+8=15 d20+17=24
Thursday November 9th, 2006 7:40:35 PM

"Yes, sorry Tibble... not sure how he skirted by." Tobias replies.

Tobias is suspicious of Marco's story, and asks who his guide was... and the direction in which he fled.

Tobias continues to lead the way doing some scouting and searching trying to keep the group out of danger.

Listen - 27
Spot - 15
Survival (tracks) - 24

Julian  d20+6=7
Thursday November 9th, 2006 8:43:08 PM

OOC: sorry no time for a proper introduction today, will fill it in for Marco tomorrow, or later tonight.
Julian introduces himself and his pets to Marco. He is happy to have another person come along for the walk.

Julian keeps an eye out for excitement,
[Spot 7, nat 1]
though everyone keeps stepping in front of him.

PS Julian didn't pursue the idea of cooking food, after Kendry's joke. He just snacked a little on his own provisions.

Julian, his pet badger Shark, and his mount Sallie 
Friday November 10th, 2006 12:26:06 AM

Julian introduces himself properly to Marco as Julian Roscoe Holle Pipewood Trufflefinder, and he names his animal companions too.
Julian is not an ordinary looking Halfling. He is 3'6", rather tall for his race, and he looks stronger and more robust than many humans. He has black hair that is liberally speckled with greys, and kept short as to be spiky. Unique thick grey sideburns cover his cheeks like patches of white fur. Deep set, dark eyes dart about inquisitively from below eyebrows that are thick and black. Julian is a rather hirsute Halfling.
Julian carries a long spear with him, and his sling often looped onto his right hand. From his belt hangs a wickedly large falchion in scabbard, a sheathed dagger, and three leather pouches, one highly decorated in a knot-work of tendrils and elongated animals. Julian shoulders a bulky backpack, while Sallie, a rough-coated collie, carries a tent, bedroll and coil of rope from her saddle. A large badger, named Shark, is always close to Julian's heels.
Today he wears a fine outfit of yolk-yellow trousers, navy blue shirt, apple green jacket and a waistcoat embroidered with a blood flecked white unicorn routing a dozen orcs, with most of them dead in an emerald green forest. He prefers bare feet in the forests.

A Stream in the Path (DM Cayzle) 
Friday November 10th, 2006 3:54:22 PM

Marco introduces himself and hints that he could use some direction.

Tibble is as genial and welcoming as he is hard to understand!

Dwight concurs, and offers the newcomer a place in the group, so long as he has no objection to joining the party in its errand.

Kendry also is very friendly, and asks about Marco's history.

Selithe is quiet and alert. She does not immediately greet the newcomer.

Tobias is cautious, and asks for more details.

Julian also offers introductions and acts glad to see Marco.

As they talk, the group contnues southwest along the northern bank of the Peaseblossom, usually staying close enough to see the river, or hear it anyway. Tibble is busy pointing out the best path -- and gathering food along the way.

The group comes to a stream that joins the river from the north. You could easily wade across it.

Friday November 10th, 2006 4:01:06 PM

"I will swim across, maybe even have a go at leaping it, holding one end of a rope. I'll tie it off and everyone can use that to get safely across.
"At least that is my idea. Do we have other suggestions."

Tibble  d20=12 d20=2 d20=17
Friday November 10th, 2006 5:50:53 PM

The greenmage invites advice from Culverwood through his speak with plants abilities as to the direction they should follow to reach their desired goal of a psudeo-dragon.

He will continue to ensure they aren't getting lost while foraging for mealtime and herbs - White or Wheeping Ash, or Chittem Bark (a small tree)- for Julian's need.

Survival (trail/lost)= 30
Survival (forage food)= 16
Survival (forage herbs)= 31

Tobias  d20+9=20 d20+8=21 d20+17=33
Friday November 10th, 2006 6:43:33 PM

Tobias waits for more information from Marco, but doesn't stop the rest of the party from inviting him along. And, he does introduce himself, "Tobias Thistlefoot Burrows, but folks in the Culverwood also know me as Pathfinder. I've been scout and guide in these woods for a few years. But, to tell the truth, in my return to Culverwood, it feels more alive than it ever did before. Might just be my imagination, having been away from it for a bit."

As Tibble points out the path to follow, Tobias will continue to scout ahead.

Listen: 20
Spot: 21
Survival (tracks): 33

Friday November 10th, 2006 11:42:35 PM

Selithe looks to Marcus and blushes, "I'm sorry for not introducing myself before. My name is Selithe, sister to Kendry."

Selithe smiles and brushes a hand through his platinum colored hair, a spell being used to color it. She wears a low cut in the front tunic with puffy sleeves and a pair of pants that match the tunic. She has green eyes also which show a fun streak as she fancies herself a gambler, rogue and conjurer but the gambler before all.

Saturday November 11th, 2006 3:27:03 AM

Based upon the information that Nilli gave, Kendry asks the others who heard her directions whether they think this might be the stream she mentioned, or if it is likely to be farther along. If the former, he suggests they start following it upstream. If the latter, he engages with the others to work on crossing it, and says to Julian, "Let's go a little upstream, then, have one or two of us wade across, taking a rope. I've got a number of empty water bags. We fill them with air, use to help float if it gets too deep all of a sudden. If not, we all wade."

Again, either:
A. Go way upstream if it seems likely this is the one the satyr described.
or, if not, then:
B. Walk maybe 50 yards upstream, then wade across (or wherever seems a good and likely place).

Julian  d20+3=5
Sunday November 12th, 2006 4:19:10 AM

"It's a nice looking stream, any fish in it? Let's go right up stream on a search satyrical, and catch some fish on the way, though I don't know... I get the feeling the forest won't like fire."
Spot 5

Sunday November 12th, 2006 8:02:35 AM

"A stream is such a vague description when there is more than one. Those of you that know Nilli better than I, how far would she have travelled from her house?"

"Perhaps we should travel upstream a bit to make sure a waterfall isn't just around the bend. Then again maybe will be lucky and find a low hangin branch that we can walk across and stay dry."

Poking around the Wilderness (DM Cayzle) 
Sunday November 12th, 2006 8:40:10 AM

The group quickly sets on a procedure for encountering streams, of which there are many flowing into the river.

The group goes a little upstream, just to check it out. Tibble talks with trees nearby to see if any have heard of a waterfall or a pseudodragon. Tobias walks stealthily a litle ahead. If no luck, Julian helps everyone cross, and on you go.

Using this system, you check out four streams the first day, with no luck.

Now Dwight is sure that you are beyond Aunt Nilli's tramping grounds.

Night is falling. Any special camp setting? Will you have a fire? Any precautions? Watches?

Dwight  d20+6=22 d20+11=12
Sunday November 12th, 2006 4:00:57 PM

"Ahh folks, I think we must be missing something. Surely Ms. Nilli could not have travelled so far. Perhaps we need to travel further north along a stream. With all this forest about, the sound of a waterfall should carry quite a bit."

While sitting around eating cold sandwiches, "Any chance the falcon could help us? Surely an ariel view could spot a waterfall miles away."

As night finally falls, Dwight offers to take a watch, perhaps the first as sleep doesn't seem to come easy to him in this forest...It's calming affect only seems to increase his uneasiness.

spot: 22
listen: 12 (nat 1)---ah poo!

Julian  d20+6=12 d20+8=28 d20+5=9
Sunday November 12th, 2006 5:05:17 PM

Julian also eats cold rations, and offers to stay up for the first watch with Dwight. He takes the saddle off Sallie, sets up his tent and bedroll with the others, and offers space inside for another who wants it. The saddle goes inside the tent.

He takes the opportunity to talk quietly to Dwight.
Dwight only Highlight to display spoiler: {"How are you Dwight? I sense you're not entirely comfortable, and I think it is all us new fellows. So, I was hoping to chat more, to get know each other better, so that we're more comfortable in a group. I hope to talk more with Tibble and Marco too"
OOC I realise that it's the forest making Dwight uncomfortable, but Julian doesn't.
Spot 12
Listen 28 (nat 20)

Shark digs two small burrows. He sleeps in one for the night, and Julian stuffs his pack into another.
Sallie curls up at Jude's back to sleep restlessly.
Sallie Listen 9

Sunday November 12th, 2006 6:00:51 PM

Marco blinked when Tibble spoke, but made no reply. (Twice)

Marco had been pretty silent as they traveled (fording and riding took some concentration and the feel of the forest hindered his conversation), but seems relieved when the group decides to stop for the night.

Pulling the trunks off his mount, they are set on edge and opened to reveal a small desk in the lid of one and a closet in the lid of the other. The bottoms are taken up by two mounted haversacks. bringing out a tarp, Marco sets up a covered area like a tent and sets up a small folding table, chairs and a sleeping area (with a small rug). A camp meant for an experienced traveler refusing to leave the comforts of home.
He then casts prestidigitation, using the spell to clean himself, his clothes and his mount, before using it to warm up a large pot of tea.
Marco clears his throat and speaks.
"I should introduce my other companion to you all."
Marcus motions a raven down from the trees that lands on the top of one of his trunks.
He says a few soft words to the bird.
"...and be nice."

The bird looks at the group, his gaze settling on Selithe.
"My, she has a pair of nice high ones." He says in common.
Marco turns red and spins around to grab the bird, which dodges out of reach.
"What?" the raven replies to the movement. "You said to be nice."
"Besides, I think her cheekbones are quite pretty."

Marco turns back around (blushing redder), muttering softly to himself....
"Trusted companion, they said...., loyal friend.....my......"

The raven ignores him and addresses the group.
"Hello. I'm Nuts." settling down on the trunk, looking around.

Marco continues,
"When I named him, I thought it was after the food he liked."

The raven looks around at the group, his gaze settles on the large badger, nearby.
"Hey, who brought the skunk?"

Marcus covers his face with a hand.

Sunday November 12th, 2006 7:14:01 PM

"The skunk, my friend, is named Shark. He is a badger. A little larger than most admittedly, but still a badger. We've been through a lot together."
Marcus only Highlight to display spoiler: {"I might suggest that the smell comes from another source. Tibble Stinkyfeet, a halfing of nature, who perhaps, takes that a little too close to heart. Perhaps you could magic a more pleasant smell for his feet. Still, he seems nice enough, and if Bella approves of him, then so do I."}

Sunday November 12th, 2006 8:10:00 PM

OOC sorry I misread that...

"You cheeky bird! Come here and I'll teach you some manners."
Julian leaps at the bird, and (predictably) fails miserably, though all the while with a big grin. This is good sport.

Julian sits and begins sharpening his falchion, "You need a new familiar, me thinks," he says winking at Marco.

Sunday November 12th, 2006 9:36:40 PM

Fascinated by Marco's carrying on in establishing camp, "Ah bees Tibble Stinkyfoots an' dis great droolin' beast is Harry Barqr."

Harry woofs.

"Ahs takes da last watch so as tah pays 'specks tah Alemi comes daysbreak," Tibble adds before seeing to his and Harry's needs.

Following any camp banter the greenmage will nimbly climb into a tree overlooking the party's camp. [spiderclimb] Following a brief nap [ring] he'll meditate to update his spells and prepare for Alemni's service.

Tobias  d20+9=26 d20+8=20
Monday November 13th, 2006 11:48:17 AM

"Well, since we're all introducing our companions as well... This is my friend Tewdwr," Tobias says. Then, he gives a whistle and a big, two-headed wolf moves into the camp area. Tewdwr comes over and stands by Tobias, allowing him to pet him, but cautiously looks over all of the new companions.

Tobias volunteers for first watch, but warns again against fires here...

Watch rolls:
Listen: 26
Spot: 20

Monday November 13th, 2006 5:03:36 PM

Selithe blushes at the raven's first comment before knowing what he was meaning and looks to Marco for a moment, "Better becareful or I might chnge him pink." Selithe grins jokingly and moves over to him, "I never introduced my little friends...over their is my riding dog Gra for one." Selithe motions to her riding dog that is near Kendry's and next she fishes in her backpack and pulls out a ferret, it is white and black with a black looking mark mark over it's face, "An this here is Bandit. He doesn't talk but he is a interesting little guy none the less."

Bandit makes small noises at Marco before flashing him the gold piece the he has been given by Selithe and Selithe chuckles, "Ohh and thats his little treasure till he gets more shiny things."

Selithe is happy that Marco travels in such nice things for camp and enjoys herself while packing her pipe and lighting it up..she listens to the conversation before speaking, "I agree, we should follow the stream for now and continue our search. I also would like to take first watch as to get more sleep at one time if possible."

Monday November 13th, 2006 7:02:54 PM

Seeing that others want the first shift as well, Dwight offers to take the middle shift.

During the shift change, Dwight and Julian have a little conversation, but Dwight's fears are really put to rest. For Julian, Highlight to display spoiler: { "I'm not scared exactly, its hard to put into words. It's kinda like when I am trying to be sneaky and do something that I shouldn't and someone is watching me. Then later its pointed out that I was being sneaky. There is something in this forest that seems to be watching me, or us perhaps. It gives me the creeps and is soothing at the same time. One or the other I could perhaps adjust too, both makes me nervous. It's as if something is wrong, or perhaps this is a place that has realized everything is right. Never felt so crowded in a vast forest before."}

Dwight takes his shift, finding a good spot where he can watch as much as possible even if that means he is visible to any outside the camp.

spoiler fixed by Cayzle

Report for Crescent Valley - Anthony 
Monday November 13th, 2006 7:13:34 PM

Julian: M322F-4 = 13
Selithe: M-WRF-- = 4
Tobias: MT-RF-- = 4
DM: MTW-F-S = 5
Dwight: MTWR--2 = 6
Kendry: -22R--S = 6
Tibble: -T-RF-S = 4
Macro: ---R--S = 2 (new as of Thursday)

DM/ADM: I assume I'm doing this right unless I hear otherwise.

Cayzle: You're doing just fine! Thanks very much!

In Dire Need

Rustlings in the Night (DM Cayzle)  d20+8=17 d20+8=18
Monday November 13th, 2006 11:38:01 PM

In the early morning hours, before the sun has come up, Tibble is on watch.

EVERYBODY Please roll spot and listen checks

Tibble, if your listen is 17 or better or your spot is 18 or better, then Please Highlight to display spoiler: {You see a slinky medium-size animal sneaking into the camp. It is headed for Julian's gear.}

Tibble, if your listen is 12 or better or your spot is 13 or better (but not good enough for the above), then Please Highlight to display spoiler: {You see a slinky animal sneaking out of camp, carrying something.}

Julian, if your listen check is a 22 or better, then Please Highlight to display spoiler: {You awaken because somehting is coming toward you in the night.}

Everyone else, if your listen check is a 22 or better, then Please Highlight to display spoiler: {You awaken with the sound of rustling in the camp.}

Marco  d20+4=24
Tuesday November 14th, 2006 12:02:41 AM

Listen check- 24

Marco wakes up to the sounds of something moving in the camp and quietly pulls his armor on (grabbing his cane), before slightly moving the tarp aside to see what's going on.

Kendry  d20+6=24
Tuesday November 14th, 2006 2:13:35 AM

Kendry has set up a place up in a tree to sleep, similar to that which he did in the Whistler Oak - in the crook of a limb, some rope loops to help keep him from falling out. He hears something making noise in the camp. He wonders if it's one of his friends moving about. He looks down. "Everyone all right?" he asks in a normal voice as he pulls his forearm out of one loop and changes to a sitting position.

Kendry keeps a sun rod tucked next to him and takes it in hand, but does not yet light it. If anything untoward appears to be happening, however, he will strike it to activate the light and shine down beneath him.

[Listen: 24]

Tobias  d20+9=27 d20+8=27
Tuesday November 14th, 2006 10:39:03 AM

Listen: 27

Tobias wakes to the sounds in the camp. He turn slightly towards his side, where his short swords are bundled together, and takes both in his hands. Ready to pounce if anything dangerous is in the camp.

Spot: 27
As he rolled a bit, he tries to snatch a look at what's causing the noise.

Tibble  d20=16 d20=14 d20=15
Tuesday November 14th, 2006 11:36:08 AM

listen=21, spot=17

Casting Charm Animal from his perch above the camp he will call out [Speak with Animals]:

<Hold on there, friend,> the cleric of Wold calls down. <You're making off with something that doesn't belong to you.>

Although those in camp may not be able to understand what he is saying it may be loud enough to wake them.

Tibble will try to get a good look and identify what it is he's dealing with.

Knowledge (nature)= 26

Julian  d20+6=15
Tuesday November 14th, 2006 4:28:33 PM

OOC just a spot check = 15

Julian [hp 37 AC 14] Shark [hp 18 AC 16] Sallie [hp 12 AC 16]  d20+8=20 d20+6=15 d20+5=17 d20+8=17 d20+6=17 d20+8=21 d20+5=18
Tuesday November 14th, 2006 5:36:47 PM

DM requested Listen check = 20
Shark listen check = 15
Sallie listen check = 17
Not enough to wake any of us.

Julian awakens in his tent to the sounds of Tibble talking strangely, even for Tibble.
He grabs his falchion and rushes out of his tent, wearing only his night shirt (pale blue with yellow stars). Shark scampers behind him, eyes wild with the prospect of danger. Sallie loudly barks and barks and barks, leaping about and expecting action.
Spot 17
Shark 21
Sallie 18

Selithe  d20+3=9
Tuesday November 14th, 2006 7:03:17 PM

Selithe tries to keep her ears open during the night but finds it hard to do as sleep does get to her later after her watch. Her hearing wasn't that great during the watch either, must just be one of those nights.


Tuesday November 14th, 2006 7:17:46 PM

Roust from sleep, the mastiff looks about at the camp's commotion. Shaking his great head (sending great gobs of drool flying) he settles back down, eyes closing immediately in sleep.

Tuesday November 14th, 2006 9:26:25 PM

With the noise increasing, Kendry strikes the sunrod, illuminating the scene below.

Cheann (Kendry's riding/war dog)  d20+5=19 d20+5=24 d20+5=20
Tuesday November 14th, 2006 9:34:08 PM

[Listen: 19 first noise; Listen: 24 camp uproar; Spot: 20]

Cheann, resting at the bottom of the tree in which his master sleeps, finally awakens. He circles the tree, sniffing about, and marking the base opposite where he was sleeping.

Dwight  d20+11=27 d20+6=13
Tuesday November 14th, 2006 9:38:15 PM

Dwight had barely fallen asleep after his watch, when he awakens to the sound. A bit dreary eye, he looks around without moving. He remains in a completely visible position to everyone (exactly where he covered his watch).

spot: 13

Hearing others move about Dwight realizes the noise he heard wasn't just a dream and he responds to Kendry. "Dwight is here, Julian is here too, and Marco is up though I'm not sure what he is doing in there?"

As the scene is illuminated, Dwights eyes are drawn to Julian's pajamas. With some obvious effort, Dwight keeps himself from laughing.

Marco  d20+5=23 d20+5=9
Wednesday November 15th, 2006 8:47:19 AM

James listen- 23 Nuts- 9

Marco starts to smile as the noise grows with all the movement and barking.
Softly he mutters, "Ok, stealthy we're not." as he looks out the tent.

James (his dog) is looking around from his position in front of the tent, but makes no noise.
Nuts snores.

A Creature in the Night (DM Cayzle)  d20+4=17
Wednesday November 15th, 2006 10:15:16 AM

Several keen-eared halflings hear the rustlings of a pre-dawn visitor.

Kendry offers a light.

Tibble, who was on guard, casts two quick spells.

[OOC: Please post your save DCs when you cans a spell.]

The Charm Animal spell has a Will Save DC of 14, but the creature rolls a 17 and is unaffected. It does sense a mental attack, which spooks it. (The light also spooks it.)

Tibble's Speak With Animal spell gets no immediate response.

Others wake and stumble out of bed.

Tibble and Kendry saw clearly that the creature was a giant weasel.

It is now 80 feet from the center of the camp, just visible in the shadows if you know where to look. It seems about ready to flee.

The pack of wrapped provisions with which it was trying to make off is now on the ground, abandoned by its abductor.

If you wish to speak with the creature, Wild Empathy checkis are certainly one way to try.

Tobias [AC 20 - HP 38/38]  d20+10=19
Wednesday November 15th, 2006 10:28:45 AM

Tobias sees the small creature with the provision pack, drops his swords, and tries to walk slowly to the creature. Trying to look as non-threatening as possible. He also motions the others to stay back not to spook it.

He starts speaking to it encouragingly and offers it a bit of food that finds in a pouch, hoping that will put the creature in a better disposition.

Wild Empathy: 19

Kendry  d20+6=8 d20+3=6
Wednesday November 15th, 2006 2:56:26 PM

As the visitor seems to be non-threatening, Kendry just waits in the tree, shining the light in the direction that Tobias went.

He tries (rather unsuccessfully, mayhaps) to keep his senses alert. [Listen: 8; Spot: 6]

Wednesday November 15th, 2006 5:18:18 PM

Julian scoops up a handful of leaves and dirt from the ground, and tosses it at Dwight. He then casts Prestidigitation so that his nightshirt appears to be made of several small brown scraps, stiched together, badly.
"Is that better?"

He returns to the tent to get dressed and ready for the day.

Selithe  d20+2=18 d20=19 d20-4=16 d20+14=30
Wednesday November 15th, 2006 9:36:28 PM

Selithe tries to see and keep a ear out on what is going on and Bandit also peaks his head out and listens and looks to see what is going on, trying to help his master out also.

(Selithe Listen:18 Spot:19)
(Bandit Listen:16 Spot:30)

Dwight  d20+11=14
Wednesday November 15th, 2006 9:55:40 PM

Realizing its just a local smelling food, Dwight tries to relax himself. He remains in his sleeping spot and begins to doze again. He spends a few minutes listening, but if nothing abrupt (loud or directed at him) he is soon asleep again.

listen: 14

Wednesday November 15th, 2006 11:46:49 PM

Marco sees the giant weasel and stays put in the tent so not to add to the creatures nervousness.
James stays put.
Nuts snoores some more.

OOC: Tibble called me and said power was out at his place. He will post when he gets it back.

Thursday November 16th, 2006 4:11:41 PM

OOC: I'm back!

Sorry to throw mechanics into the game but Tibble's Speak with Animals was a spell-like ability. Regardless, It is a spell one casts on oneself, the animal has no saving throw. Tibble should be able to speak freely with the animal.

Now what?

Cayzle:That's okay. You can make a post like this when you need to. You might put "OOC" in the header, and/or check the Post Private to DMs box. Anyway, the save was for the Charm Animal spell, not the speak. And remind me again where the Speak with Animals ability comes from? Thanks!

The (More or Less) Friendly Dire Weasel (DM Cayzle) 
Thursday November 16th, 2006 7:26:04 PM

Thanks to Kendry's light, Selithe and Tibble see that it is a BIG weasel, the size of a riding dog, at least.

Tobias offers the mammal some food, and it comes forward, grabs it, then dashes off ten feet back to eat. It seems to be wary, maybe friendly, but not panicked.

Marco, Julian, and Dwight, no longer concerned about danger, let others handle the animal.

Thursday November 16th, 2006 9:24:45 PM

Selithe looks to the large weasel and smiles some, "Well, it's kind of cute in it's own way. Reminds me a little of a very big Bandit you know."

Selithe grins and strokes Bandit's head once while looking to the others, letting those who are more experienced with handling animals deal with this new visitor.

Thursday November 16th, 2006 9:42:29 PM

Shifting a little to get more comfortable, Dwight drifts off to sleep. His dreams come in fits and blurs. Trees pushing him along, tripping him as he walks. Always motionless when he looks at them Being watched! Should the trees do more than gest, Dwight's dreams would be nightmares, but still the lack of answers distills him.

Friday November 17th, 2006 12:19:26 AM

Marco shakes his head slightly and yawns.
Turning, he goes back to bed.

OOC: Tibble's power is out again. Semms to be going on and off. He should be back posting sat.
In the meantime, he asked me to pass on this:

Tibble uses his ability to speak to animals (from having the animal domain)to reassure the weasel and ask it a few questions,
Does it need anything?
How are things around here?
Describing the creature they are looking for, Tibble asks if he (the weasel) has seen anything like it.

P.S._ No, I am not going to try write the way Tibble does.

Friday November 17th, 2006 9:50:15 AM

Tobias continues to try to keep the weasel friendly, hoping that it won't be spooked away. And, that perhaps, Marco may get some answers to his questions.

Once we've had a chance to chat and the weasel has finished its food, Tobias will see if the weasel wishes to go back to the woods or stick around with the group.

Friday November 17th, 2006 12:30:28 PM

Kendry continues to play the role of lamp post, and observes Tobias' and Tibble's interactions with the large weasel.

Friday November 17th, 2006 5:08:01 PM

Julian waits to see Dwight sleeping, then casts Prestidigitation upon Dwight's clothes. They now appear to be finely made clothes of pink satin with yellow felt bunnies sewn all over it, with a matching nightcap.
Just like my old set. Beautiful.

Julian returns to bed and dreams of being the fastest runner with the speediest sling of any halfling anywhere.

Weasley News (DM Cayzle) 
Saturday November 18th, 2006 8:01:14 AM

Tobias and Tibble calm and converse with the weasel. They find out that he wants the great snacks he smells in your bags. He is sorry that he got caught and that he has not (yet) gotten to taste them.

Sure, he knows the magic flying lizard, the big weasel tells Tibble. She lives by the waterfall. He would take you there, but he is SO hungry!

He smells Selithe's friend, Bandit, and tells Tibble it is not fair. How come that little guy gets snacks?

Selithe and Kendry look on. Dwight, Marco, and Julian go back to sleep for an hour or so before dawn. Maybe Dwight will wake in time to see the results of Julian's playful prank?

[OOC: Tibble and Tobias, if you want to influence this beastie, please keep making Wild Empathy and Diplomacy checks, etc.]

Tobias  d20+10=25 d20+3=12
Saturday November 18th, 2006 1:41:52 PM

Hearing the weasel talk of the flying lizard, Tobias offers it another piece of food. And tells Tibble, "If he's willing to lead us to the waterfall, we'll let him keep the bag of tasty treats he already has, and some more that I'm carrying."

Wild Empathy: 25
Diplomacy: 12

Saturday November 18th, 2006 2:49:42 PM

Seeing Tobias offer some food to the weasel, Kendry asks, "Do you suppose the feller would like some cheese?"

If so, he descends from his perch and cuts off a quarter pound from his five-pound round, tossing it to Tobias or Tibbles. "If he likes it, I'll give him more."

Tibble  d20=10 d20=9
Saturday November 18th, 2006 5:12:04 PM

Climbing down the greenmage will attempt to entice Weasley the weasel into showing the way after daybreak. Tibble will offer a meal in exchange.

Wild Empathy: 13
Diplomacy: 12

Saturday November 18th, 2006 9:48:10 PM


Monday November 20th, 2006 4:15:57 AM

Marco, Nuts and James snoores (in turn).

Monday November 20th, 2006 7:45:36 PM

Selithe looks to Tobias when the mention of her familiar comes up and thinks before pulling out some of the nuts and berries she eats and also feeds her familiar, "Well, I will let him have some also. I do not have alot as I nor my ferret eat much but berries and nuts should be pretty easy to replace n the forest I think."

Monday November 20th, 2006 9:24:15 PM

With all the clitter and chatter going on, Dwight's dreams continue and rest comes only in fits. The trees moved for sure that time, but they couldn't have. After all I have seen in just a few months, can trees move after all, can they speak. Is my father a murderer? am I?

Report for Crescent Valley - Anthony 
Monday November 20th, 2006 9:32:47 PM

Tobias: MTW-FS- = 5
Selithe: MTWR--- = 4
Julian: -TW-FS- = 4
Dwight: MTWR--- = 4
DM: M-WR-S- = 4
Marco: M-2R--- = 4
Kendry: -2W-RF- = 5
Tibble: -TW--S- = 3

To the Waterfall! (DM Cayzle) 
Tuesday November 21st, 2006 7:52:44 AM

Enticed with offers of food, the big weasel guides the group through the Culverwood. As far as you can reckon, you are going northwest. After a couple hours, you come to a moderately big rivulet, flowing south. Another hour through the woods north along the stream brings you to a pool and a waterfall. The water drops only about 20 feet, but it is very picturesque.

The weasel demands more food. He easily weighs the same as 5 halflings, so his appetite is big.

Tuesday November 21st, 2006 8:54:30 AM

Marco opens one of his trunks and pulls out a pound of dried meat, handing it to Tibble.
"If that weasel wants more than this, I know a guy who would pay good money for a pelt that big."
Marco smiles as he says this.

Tibble takes the meat and hands it to the weasel, thanking him for his service as a guide and asking if there is anything else the weasel thinks the group should be aware of.

Tuesday November 21st, 2006 10:54:29 AM

Tobias takes most of the food that he has left and gives it to their new friend. Thanking him for leading them to this place. He gives the weasel a slight bow of thanks, before it heads off with its food.

Kendry  d20=5 d20=17
Tuesday November 21st, 2006 11:38:47 AM

The bard gives their large guide a pound and a half of cheese, and his thanks.

The weasel doesn't speak common, or the like, does he?

He takes in the scenic waterfall, enjoying the beauty.

"This is a lovely place. I shall have to bring Airin here some day." He looks about, walking around to take it in from different vantage points. [Spot: 8]

Kendry pulls out his lute, takes a few moments to tune it, runs a few scales to warm up his fingers, then begins a playful tune on the strings. [Perform (stringed instrument): 22)

Dwight  d20+9=15 d20+14=34
Tuesday November 21st, 2006 8:37:11 PM

Dwight wakes and eats a small breakfast leaving it to others to attend to the weasel. Keeping to rear, its obvious Dwight didn't get a good night's sleep.

Once the waterfall begins to be heard, Dwight becomes more focused. He begins to fan out behind the group and looks for a good view of the waterfall. Here he sits, looks and listens.

spot: 15
listen: 34 (nat 20)

Tuesday November 21st, 2006 8:59:51 PM

Selithe looks around the waterfall and smiles as she enjoys the sight...she looks to the weasel and even knows she can't really speak to it she does anyway in the common tongue, "It is quite a lovely place you lead us too, is this where the dragon is?"

Selithe smiles and moves over to her brother, giving him a light shove before speaking to him, "To bad Airin's not here brother, this would be quite a nice spot for her and you." Selithe sighs some, thinking of Duncan and Patty now but shakes her head to keep such thoughs away alittle longer.

Tuesday November 21st, 2006 10:14:11 PM

Kendry gives Selithe a wistful smile, and nods his head at her comment. "You and I have gone through quite a bit together, eh, sis? Many have come and gone. I miss them, all. Maybe some more than others." He plucks a chord, then signs to her in Duncan's language, 'I love you. Happy you here, we together still.'

He continues the music, fitting it to his now nostalgic mood, and the beauty of the place.

Julian  d20+9=19 d20+5=19
Tuesday November 21st, 2006 11:04:41 PM

Julian eats a small breakfast, and enjoys the time outdoors with friends. He keeps thinking about how he wants to take on this dragon, beat it in a physical challenge. Though, he recognises that he is carrying something else that the dragon may prefer...
He says nothing of this to the others, just walks along happily with them, hoping to spy some fun to deal with.

The giant weasel interests him a little, only in that it reminds him of his fateful encounter with a dire badger. Julian recognises that he ought to share in feeding the beast,
"Hey Tibble, here's a whole day's provisions, for the weasel, if he wants to eat it. Taking us straight to the mighty dragon is worth a little hunger, I reckon."

He gazes in astonishment as Dwight fans out behind the group, then carefully goes to sit with him, if he doesn't mind. That is, if he doesn't mind a rather tall halfling, a large badger and a riding dog joining him.
Spot 19
Listen 19

Music Hath Charms (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday November 22nd, 2006 1:06:19 PM

Marco, Tibble, Tobias, Julian, and Kendry all contribute to the feeding of the big weasel. So much so, in fact, that the creature gorges himself on all the food. Tobias expects the creature to wander off, but with his distended belly, all he can seem to do is flop down in a sunny patch and make little contented churring sounds.

The party sees the natural beauty of the place, and stop a moment to enjoy it. Kendry begins to play a tune, which turns wistful when Selithe reminds the bard of old friends who are not here to share the scene. The weasel listens to the song as well.

Dwight is more cautious. He holds back and stays alert. His keen ears pick up the sound of wings -- bigger wings than the songbirds chirping all around. He takes a careful look and sees the pseudodragon perched in a tree about 60 feet from Kendry, listening intently.

Selithe  d20+8=22 d20+8=11
Wednesday November 22nd, 2006 8:41:56 PM

Selithe looks to Kendry and smiles, signing back to him the same in return and ruffles his hair gently before trying to sing gently to his tune and tries to keep her eyes open for anything, however she doesn't try to listen much as she is singing lightly and listening to Kendry's song.

(Perform sing:22 Spot:11)

Dwight (hp 35, ac 16)  d20+9=24 d20+14=31 d20+4=23 d20+2=17
Wednesday November 22nd, 2006 9:44:28 PM

Dwight motions to Julian to stop and stay quiet. He points in the direction of the pseudodragon. Whispering, "Warn the others it has been spotted, and suggest they continue the song as it seems to enjoy it." Feeling the need, Dwight reminds Julian our intentions are not physical.

As Julian moves off (hopefully), Dwight watches the pseudodragon for a moment and tries to read its movements (friendly?) and scans around to see if others are nearby. don't want to lure a baby over, mom might not like us then

spot: 21 (should be +6 not +9)
listen: 31
gather information: 23
sense motive: 17

If the pseudodragon is closer to Dwight than Kendry is to Dwight, then Dwight moves towards the pseudodragon without trying to be stealthy or dangerous looking. "Good day there lord of the sky, the music is fine is it not? Perhaps you would care to join us for food, and music. I'm sure musical requests could be given if you'd join us." Dwight is confident in himself and the fact that nothing stated thus far would lead him to think this creature is dangerous, however Dwight isn't sure he is understood until the fey dragon responds.

If Dwight can't get to the pseudodragon without passing through the group, then he loops around the group and attempts the same conversation next round.

Thursday November 23rd, 2006 3:48:35 AM

Jules moves down to the others, still not sure exactly where the mighty dragon is exactly, just over there, where Dwight was looking. He moves up to Kendry and says,
"That is a fine song, even for one such as a mighty dragon. Keep playing! for Dwight has spotted such a dragon enjoying your music."

With that he sits, and thrusting his hand into his sack tinkles the coins from Bella in beat with the music.

Tibble  d20=3 d20=11
Thursday November 23rd, 2006 10:18:26 AM

OOC: Now I'm realy back.

Hearing Dwight address their prey, Tibble sits down facing the direction indicated. Arranging his skirt around him the greenmage is prepared to allow the dragon its head.

Listen: 8
Spot: 14

Kendry  d20+12=31
Friday November 24th, 2006 12:59:08 AM

Kendry acknowledges Julian's words with a nod, and continues playing his lute. He adds his voice now to Selithe's.
Duncan speaks with eloquent hands
For though his voice is mute
He moves with grace, speed and elan
And charms the girls with smile cute

Nalfein is my older brother
Sharp of wit and right in charge
Helped us start our first adventure
Riverboat and battle large

Many are our friends and true
With us now or far away
Come or go, yet hearts firm knit
In love of them may we commit
Never their memory to betray
[Perform (singing): 31]

Keen Listener (DM Cayzle) 
Friday November 24th, 2006 11:01:24 AM

Kendry's song only gets better, helped along with Selithe's contribution.

Meanwhile, Tibble keeps watch and does not interfere while Julian tells the singers what is going on. The party stays alert.

Dwight circles around and addresses the dragon politely.

He hears a voice in his head ...

Yes, it is lovely. Now please hush while we enjoy it!

Tobias  d20+8=19
Friday November 24th, 2006 1:07:52 PM

Listens to the song and tries to spot where the fae dragon may be...

Spot: 19

Julian  d20+6=8
Friday November 24th, 2006 4:02:06 PM

Julian continues to rattle a little beat to Kendry's music whilst looking around for Dwight and the mighty dragon.
Spot 8

Tibble  d20=17
Friday November 24th, 2006 4:47:49 PM

The grennmage follows Tobias' example.

Spot: 20

Selithe  d20+8=14
Friday November 24th, 2006 6:48:57 PM

(Heh, hope you weren't wanting me to come up with an actual song, you might be waiting awhile. :) I'm not as handy with them as Kim. Also Happy Thanksgiving everyone and I hope you had a safe and good one.)

Selithe continues to sing along with Kendry and his music, she smiles as she hears the comment on the dragon near and listening and is just happy her voice is good enough for the guy... She knows Kendry can play very well but sometimes her voice is less than perfect.

(Spot: 14 Not sure if I need another sing check.)

Friday November 24th, 2006 8:08:07 PM

Marco watches, smiling.
(You might notice that he is keeping his raven quiet.)

Friday November 24th, 2006 9:38:21 PM

Kendry continues his song with Selithe [see previous Kendry post - I filled in the missing lyrics there], inviting all to join in on the chorus:
Polly always runs so fast
Quick to come to others' aid
Cousin, she, we saw her last
After beer for Calfast's play

Selithe, sister mine thou art
Sweet as honey from the comb
Dear ones come and then depart
Yet dear they are though far they roam

Many are our friends and true
With us now or far away
Come or go, yet hearts firm knit
In love of them may we commit
Never their memory to betray
Kendry sings of many others, recalling some act, or virtue, or characteristic of the many who have adventured with them. Olo's cooking and bushy hair; Willoughby's love for nature; Shale's heroic charge and fight against the goblins; Mayzie's upbringing among the elves, and her refined taste; Bobbles the goblin and Lomar the ogre; Patterton - big Patty, huge and tough and loyal, and in love with his sister; and Airin, of course, whom Kendry loves. He goes on about Morpth's fall and odd redemption; and Dwight - mysterious, talented, surprising friend. Podo, cousin, monk, devotee of Domi and Alemi, volatile as the flame, and loyal to the end; curious Kleel and his big badger; Aya, servant of Gargul; Tobias, ranger, and cousin, and right arm in battle; Julian the restless and brave; Tibbles the incomprehensible and woods-bonded fellow. He even has a light verse about newcomer Marco!

And now it's time to bring song to end.
Many are our friends and true
With us now or far away
Come or go, yet hearts firm knit
In love of them may we commit
Never their memory to betray
Changing the key, he quickly sings a new and different song:
Together now we seek new friends
Healing to bring throughout the land
Finding those who help us brew
Libations for dark minds to cure

Might there be watching from above
A bright new friend with wings of love?
A bright new friend with wings of love?
Fa la-la la-la la-la
Kendry stands, holding lute in hand, and takes a fresh look about. "I'm thirsty!"

Dwight  d20+6=22 d20+3=13 d20+5=22 d20+6=14
Friday November 24th, 2006 9:51:20 PM

Looking around to see if the voice could have come from anywhere else, (spot: 22), Dwight remains as quiet as possible while the song continues. Thinking about what food he could offer, he decides dry rations wouldn't be impressive and waits silently.

Standing openly he allows the others to see his position and he continually looks upward towards the fey dragon.

If the song ends, Dwight waits allowing the fey dragon to communicate first. (sense motive: 13)

Otherwise, Dwight will begin the conversation. "My friends (motions towards the singers) and I have come into these great woods in search of the great fey dragon known to have frequent these beautiful falls. It is he that we have come to ask if he would aid us in our request, a request to aid others, a request that will only make the fey dragon's reputation all the greater. Would you be interested in hearing our request and perhaps a few more songs?" (sense motive: 22, diplomacy:14)

Sunday November 26th, 2006 2:18:59 AM

Looking up in the direction that Dwight is speaking, as he walks toward the stream flowing from the bottom of the waterfall, Kendry asks, "Is the water good to drink?"

Introducing EagerTooth (DM Cayzle) 
Sunday November 26th, 2006 10:58:45 AM

As Kendry and Selithe perform, Tobias, Julian, and Tibble look around carefully. Marco also keeps his eyes open, though with a little more discretion ... he also makes sure that his wise-cracking bird makes no impolitic comment.

The song ends, Kendry declares that he is thirsty, and he wonders about the safety of the water.

Dwight waits to see if the dragon will speak. And it does.

The fey dragon stretches and flies closer. Everyone can see it now. It is about three feet long, with a long tail too. It looks like a story-book dragon in all its limbs and proportions, but its hide is iridescent, with scales made of many colors all blending together. You think that against a busy forest background, that coloration would make for good hiding.

If you make a spot check vs DC15, then Highlight to display spoiler: {You note that the creature's tail ends in a sharp stinger.}

A female voice is heard in your heads, and you all deduce that the dragon uses telepathy to converse.

Welcome, able musicians and wanderers. Please drink from the pool, for it is safe. Rest from your travels, and stay. Maybe you will be able to sing again later.

I am Krrshekki, which in the common tongue means "EagerTooth." I sense no evil in you to me or to the forest, so please feel free to stay the night before passing on your way again."

Tibble  d20=20
Sunday November 26th, 2006 4:06:11 PM

Natural 20 on Spot if that gains Tibble any additional info.

"Gracious Krrshekki," the rotund hobbit struggles upright. Brushing his skirt clean, "We'uns dun been a-havin' da awfullest time a-findin' youse. That thar Weasley da weasel wur most ocommondatin' ta locate wheese to ya."

Gaining speed in his eloquence Tibble continues, "Most dun't confidence furriners, 'ence un behalfs ofs all'uns Ah t'anks ya fer yer hospitality an' such like."

A small bow is given to the dragon folowing the greenmage's pretty speech.

Harry woofs a greeting under his breath so as not to startle the wee lass.

Kendry  d20+3=16
Sunday November 26th, 2006 4:42:43 PM

Kendry gives a bow of thanks, takes a handful of water to drink, then introduces himself. "Krrshekki, I am called Kendry."

Julian  d20+6=8 d20+7=24
Sunday November 26th, 2006 7:14:48 PM

Spot 8

She is beautiful... hard of hearing though?...

"I am called Julian the Badger, though I be a halfling most of the time. Our good friend Dwight here mention a request we have of you, a request to help another. It is something only a dragon as mighty as you can help us with. Will you hear our request?"
Diplomacy 24

Sunday November 26th, 2006 11:01:27 PM

Marco nods at the creature and continues to keep his bird quiet.
He lets the others lead, as this is their quest.

Monday November 27th, 2006 12:36:24 AM

Tobias allows the others to others to perform diplomacy with the dragon, but he does introduce himself, "I'm Tobias Pathfinder, my noble fae dragon. I've spent much time traveling and guiding others through these woods. Please to meet one as noble as you are. Thank you."

Flattery and Honey-Talking (DM Cayzle) 
Monday November 27th, 2006 5:47:57 AM

[OOC: Friends, I've been unhappy at my own posting lately. Too many missed days. Too many posts at random hours. Too many make-up posts on the weekends. In an effort to reform and post consistently, I'd like to commit to posting each and every weekday morning bright and early. We'll see if I can keep it up. So I am posting now even though Selithe and Dwight have not had a chance to post. Sorry, you two, but I hope the pay-off in consistent DM posts makes it worthwhile.]

Mental laughter fills your head when Tibble and Kendry try to pronounce the pseudodragon's name in Draconic. Maybe it is the kind of word you really need a snout and mouthful of fangs to say right.

My new friends, your pronunciations make me laugh. Feel free to say 'EagerTooth' if your throats get too sore trying to pronounce my native tongue!

Tibble greets the creature nicely, and Julian, Tobias, and Kendry offer their names.

Dwight, who had been polite and let the dragon speak first (or rather, "speak" first), now has something to say: "My friends and I have come into these great woods in search of the great fey dragon known to have frequent these beautiful falls. It is he that we have come to ask if he would aid us in our request." Dwight adds that the request will help others and boost the fey dragon's reknown.

Julian flatters the creature and adds his own plea for help.

Tobias and Marco are inclined to let others make the request, for now at least.

EagerTooth answers, and the tone of her mental voice suggests that she is amused. Well, the young, inexperienced, and not-very-powerful she-dragon before you is not sure you are flattering the right creature!

She seems to see right through your compliments, but you think from the way she stretches out her neck and slits her eyes (maybe in pleasure?) that she is enjoying the attention.

But since you have come here just for me, led by this noble weasel, it seems, and since you have entertained me so sweetly, it seems only fair that I should hear you out! Tell me, oh flatterers and honey-talkers, what it is that a humble, tiny-size dragon such as EagerTooth can do for you?

Dwight  d20+6=25 d20+5=12
Monday November 27th, 2006 7:24:24 PM

OOC: No problem, you basically got what I wanted Dwight to accomplish

Dwight doesn't waste any time trying to pronouce the fey dragon's proper name now that he has permission to call it Eagertooth. "Perhaps our source was wrong and it was a she and not a he, for the rest sounds right. Your coat glistens brightly, Eagertooth."

"We are seeking to help many that are ill, in the hopes to cure these innocents from their plight a friend of ours is mixing a potent brew. It has taken days to brew and we are now seeking the last and most important ingredient. For without it, all the others were sought and found in vain, and many will perish before their proper time. It is because of this, my friends here and I ask such a request. We seek a few drops of your poison. I know this may be a very personal request, and I would be more than willing to escort you and show you the brew myself if that would assure you our cause is just. Of course it would a quite a journey, but I could offer my protection and surely get a few more songs out of my friends."

Diplomacy: 25
Sense Motive:12

As Dwight finishes he looks to the others to see if they wish to add anything, but feels he covered the big stuff, hopefully delicately enough.

Posting Report for Crescent Valley - Anthony 
Monday November 27th, 2006 7:32:17 PM

Macro: MT--F-S = 4
Selithe: MTW-F-- = 4
Dwight: MTW-F-- = 4
DM: -TW-F-S = 4
Tobias: -T--F-S = 3
Kendry: -2-RF-2 = 6
Julian: -T-RF-S = 4
Tibble: -T-RF-S = 4

(Thanksgiving week)

Monday November 27th, 2006 8:07:43 PM

Julian raises one eyebrow and nods thoughfully towards Dwight, as if to say good job.

Monday November 27th, 2006 8:23:49 PM

Selithe listens to what is said and can't help but pull out her journal and slowly begins jotting notes in it...thinking she might be rude she pipes in to EagerTooth, "I'm sorry EagerTooth. I've never seen a dragon before so I'm writing it in my journal. Also I was hoping you might allow Kendry to make a quick picture of you in my journal and lastly would it be too much to ask you to put a print on the page of your foot? Simple silly memories you know." Selithe blushes and has her ink out and if EagerTooth agrees then Selithe lets her place one foot in the ink to put the print on the page at the bottom, under the area the picture will go.

Selithe blushes as she just thinks and pulls a couple gold pieces from her pouch, remember how dragon's like treasure and holds them out, "A gift also for you generousity." Selithe can't help but have her own little hopes, she has never met a dragon before and her eyes betray that she thinks this is a once in a life time chance.

Kendry  d20=20 d20+4=19 d20+4=12 d20+4=17 d20+4=22 d20+4=24 d20+4=23
Tuesday November 28th, 2006 6:02:03 AM

[In truth, Kendry speaks draconic, he has a good ear, and his pronunciation as a trained bard [Rolled a language check for Kendry's pronunciation: nat 20] is as close as it can be to spot on.]

He is pleased with Dwight's presentation. He laughs with pleasure at Selithe's requests.

"We ourselves are not so large among the talking walkers of the Wold. But physical stature does not determine heart, or virtue, or worth, or ... or many other things. My mother told me that sometimes great things come in small packages."

He adds to moderate one aspect of Dwight's request, "Whether poison or otherwise, is it so that you can cause someone to fall into a slumber by your touch, if you want them to sleep?"

If Krrshekki does not object to Selithe's request, he takes a few minutes to make some quick sketches of the little dragon. [Craft, Drawing (artistic): 19] "Well, it doesn't do you justice - but I'm only an amateur sketcher. Not like my father or my sister Leska." He tries again - but likes this one even less [12]. Again [17], and by the 4th attempt he thinks he is beginning to get a better feel for the shape of the wings, the tilt of the head [22]. He makes two more sketches - the first is nearly perfect! [24 - nat 20]. The last is pretty good [23], but he decides he likes the penultimate the best.

Below the best sketch he writes in Draconic the name Krrshekki, in Common EagerTooth, and in the Halfling tongue his signature, Kendry Leafwin Pipewood.

"I brought something for you, too. This is from me and from my lady love, whose name is Airin." He opens a little box, and on a strong chain is a nicely set tiger eye stone. He holds it forth with both hands, the gem pendant in the gap between his hands, the chain held by his little fingers. In draconic, he says, "If it please Thee."


Note from Cayzle: Sure, your Draconic is pretty good ... for a humanoid. :-)

The Way to a Pseudo-Dragon's Heart ... (DM Cayzle) 
Tuesday November 28th, 2006 7:01:44 AM

Dwight speaks compellingly and politely about the great need the party has. The dragon seems especially interested in the chance to help others.

I think of my poison as a weapon, but it pleases me to know that it can be used for healing, too.

But before she can give an answer, EagerTooth is distracted by more gifts and attention. Selithe's desire for a portrait is more flattering than empty compliments. And Kendry's fine manners and talented artistry are likewise sweet as incense to the dragon's nose.

She asks for the last sketch Kendry makes, saying that she would not want the best one so that others who see her in the world will be glad.

She accepts the gifts graciously, and seems very pleased.

All this attention is going to my head! she thinks to you all. But maybe we can each do the other a little favor? There is a tribe of lizard-dogs living nearby, and they not only put all reptiles to shame with their mischief, but they have managed to capture and enslave a poor victim who does not deserve such treatment. Rescue the slave, and maybe even drive or kill the lizard-dogs away, and I will count myself well pleased.

In fact, since you have been so sweet to me, I will even come with you and help you on the quest. Then you will have all that you need from me! Deal?

Tuesday November 28th, 2006 11:20:51 AM

Tobias is happy to have a tangible quest that they can do rather than all the small talk, "Finally, a quest I can sink my short swords into... and with a fae dragon at our side. What more could we ask for?"

Tuesday November 28th, 2006 4:30:24 PM

Julian eyes light up at mention of the lizard-dogs. He stands beside Tobias and drawing his falchion,
"Now this is something we are good at. As group we fight very well, through using the best talents of each of us at the right time. I reckon we will be able to drive them off completely for you, and for the forest's sake."

Tuesday November 28th, 2006 6:43:18 PM

Selithe thanks her brother for the sketch and also thanks EagerTooth for the small print to go along with the picture... blowing on the ink a bit to dry it, and then closes her diary.

Hearing the request she grins and stands, "Ahh, that is something that doesn't sound too bad to me either. I must admit I feel I gained something worth the help already. The sight of a dragon, the picture and such." She nods and raises her staff once, "I will aid you."

Tuesday November 28th, 2006 7:28:00 PM

Kendry seems agreeable to the assignment, but asks for more information. "Tell us of the victim you mention, please. Who is their captive? Do you know this person? And the lizard-dogs - are they also known as kobolds? Or some other sort?

"Is their captive chained or caged? Do you know the lay out of the area in which they dwell?"

Capable of asking many more questions than this, Kendry decides perhaps this is enough. He does not wish to try the patience of their new friend.

Dwight  d20+7=20 d20+5=23 d20+6=15
Tuesday November 28th, 2006 10:30:00 PM

Dwight nods in agreement with the others wondering if Eagertooth can read minds as well. If he can, Dwight seems happy, open and honest.

"Agreed then, It will be helpful though if any detail you know about these lizard dogs and the captive (s)? is told to us. With some advanced planning, a little stealth we should be able to address the problem."

Other questions Dwight seeks answers for during the gathering of details. Dwight tries not to ask to many at once, but his friends can tell Dwight is ready to think of a plan and his intimidation from the forest has subsided for the time being.
"How many?"
"Do they all look the same?"
"Any known defenses or watches?"
"What type of mischief have they caused?"
"What condition is the captive in? Can he walk? Is he humanoid?"

Dwight is trying to gather information to sense the motives of defense and attack from the lizard dogs to look for weak areas.

gather information: 20
sense motive: 23
diplomacy: 15

"Tibble, how does the forest feel about these lizard-dogs? Would they have any objections to us moving or killing them? Do they have a preference?"

Wednesday November 29th, 2006 9:08:11 AM

Marco (who had been silent up to this point), lets go of his raven (which acts miffed) and clears his throat.
"I don't have a problem killing evil creatures and saving a captive." Marcus states as he checks his sling.
Nuts interjects- "For a price"
Marcus continues, "I would be glad to help in this endevor."
Nuts- "For a share of the treasure."
Marcus gives the bird a dirty look.
Marcus turns back towards the group. "I would like some of the poison from the Lady though, if she wouldn't mind and can spare it."

Wednesday November 29th, 2006 9:37:43 AM

"Fight?" comes Tibble's small voice.

Harry gives a woof then whines in concern while hiding behind his master. This has some comic relief as the mastiff seated behind the greenmage for protection drips drool on the greenmage's head.

A concerned look on his face, Tibble doesn't seem to notice the sticky globs.

Agreeing, Dealing, Informing (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday November 29th, 2006 9:57:32 AM

Tobias is glad to have a quest to sink his teeth into, And with EagerTooth's help, they are sure to succeed. Julian echoes these thoughts, and thinks that total victory is possible.

Selithe is a little disappointed that the dragon would not allow her to put ink on her foreclaw. No thank you, Sweetie the dragon thinks to her. Selithe is also eager to help, and the dragon's tail swishes gladly at that.

As one might expect, Kendry is full of questions. He lets a few out of the cage of his mind so that they can run around outside for a while.

Who is their captive? It is no one EagerTooth knows. She guesses an explorer or trader, maybe a trapper?

Are the lizard-dogs also known as kobolds? No, but they are kin. These lizard-dogs tend to run fast on all fours, but they stand up to fight or use tools. They have no horns, but they do have a nasty bite.

Is their captive chained or caged? Tied down at night, made to work hard in the day.

... the lay out of the area in which they dwell? The tribe lives in a bend in the rivulet downstream of the waterfall. They are led by a druid and a fighter. They fight by swarming on enemies. They tend to focus all attacks on one foe until he goes down, then turning to the next. They care for their injured. They may run, but they are territorial about their base.

Dwight wonders if the Culverwood will be offended by killing lizard-dogs. The pseudodragon is quick with an answer to that: So long as you are not cutting down trees or setting fires, the Forest most likely will not care. Fauna killing fauna is nothing new in the forest.

Anyone with the Forest Walking feat or Greenmage levels: Highlight to display spoiler: {that sounds about right.}

Marco is willing to join in, so long as the price is agreed on ahead of time. The pseudodragon agrees: rescue the captive, hurt or drive off or kill the lizard-dogs, and she will give you some of her venom.

Wednesday November 29th, 2006 9:40:33 PM

Dwight listens diligently as details are laid out regarding these lizard dogs.

Once Eagertooth has finished, Dwight inquires among the group. "Anyone have any personal knowledge to add about these creatures?"

Then turning to Eagertooth, "are the druid and fighter also lizard dogs? Aside from these two, how many more are there?"

Once Dwight gets these answers, he begins to formulate a plan, and suggests that perhaps a meal is in order while ideas are tossed out. (Would this be second breakfast time, or is it later in the day?)

Dwight begins to mutter several ideas as they come to him. "Well like the necro, the druid represents a potential threat. The fighter should be matchable to Tobias or Julian, or perhaps both depending on how the others are handled and how many are actually around. These two should definitely be handled with first if possible, and if killed quickly enough the others may just outright flee."

Wednesday November 29th, 2006 11:09:15 PM

"Details, detail, details. Dwight Twiggebundler I am going to start to call you Details Twiggebundler. Though I must humbly admit that your plan against that necrodude did bring us out alive and with our target, and some extra booty. Very well done there really.
"Any way, I am sure that dog-lizards bleed just like their kin. Set me up into your plan to take down, or at least distract the druid and fighter with a good fighting fellow and perhaps another to make sneak attacks or ranged attacks. We'll take care of the head and the body will fall quickly."
Julian offers his rations to help with another meal, much to his open delight. He then scrapes the whetstone against his falchion and then his longspear.

Preperation and Planning (DM Cayzle) 
Thursday November 30th, 2006 7:11:49 AM

EagerTooth tells Dwight that all the lizard-dogs have some fighting ability, and that they are clever hunters. The leader and the druid are both lizard-dogs. She emphasizes that they are basically like you people, since they have two hands, two feet, and can talk. But they are reptilian, and they run on all fours, and they bark like dogs when they are excited.

Her guess is that there are maybe 15.

She once again warns you about their deadly habit of ganging up with all attacks on a single foe, then turning to another when the first is down.

Julian listens to all this and expresses the opinion that they all bleed. EagerTooth laughs and agrees with this.

EagerTooth suggests that since the camp is a couple hours away, and since it is already well under way -- remember that you walked here from your camp, led by the weasel -- why don't you spend the night and attack in the morning?

[OOC: Only two posts? What's up, my friends?]

Thursday November 30th, 2006 3:28:12 PM

Tibble wants to know how far away the tribe is.

"Ahs bees a-needin' tah freshin up un spells afer wheese goes," the greenmage states.

Tibble will want to cast some spells the day prior to taking on the tribe so as to beef up the party as much as possible before contact is made.

He also points out that if the tribe has a druid then the lizard-dogs will most likely ignore fighters and attack spell-casters first.

"Ahs a-wonderin' ifens wheese bees a-havin' a tactician tah bees a-leadin' our group efforts?" Tibble inquires of the party at large, clearly looking for someone to take charge.

[OOC: How do you normally work this? Do you want me to send a private post of new spells memorized?]

Tobias  d20+10=12 d20+10=15 d20+17=24
Thursday November 30th, 2006 4:01:02 PM

"If they team up on individuals, we should try to pair up so that no one is alone, and we can cover each other's backs."

Tobias volunteers to scout ahead to a good staging location. And, then scout the camp -- perhaps with Airin's help -- to see what we're up against. Otherwise, he likes Dwight's cautious approach.

Rolls for scouting to a staging area:
Listen: 12
Spot: 15
Survival: 24

Thursday November 30th, 2006 4:33:19 PM

[I was all over the map during the day, and had to reinstall Windows once I got home, thus no post yesterday -Kim.]

"Sometimes, Tibble, I've handled tactics. Sometimes others have. Dwight did well recently formulating a plan that worked well." Kendry pauses for a moment, wondering whether the greenmage will know the word 'formulating.'

"'In the abundance of counselors there is wisdom' we sometimes say in Crescent Valley. We watch out for each other, and each tosses his own bringings into the stew. So let's listen to each other, and offer what we can, then decide together, is my suggestion."

As the group discussion goes on, the young bard mentions, "Tobias has his amazing wolf. We have several canines, including my Cheann. Perhaps they will be able to assist us in this dogfight.

"I can use the message spell to allow for communication among some of us. Going two by two is not a bad idea, either."

Thursday November 30th, 2006 6:06:25 PM

"I love a good fight, and going in at twice your height with a dire badger might well soak up most of their attention. I would like to pair up with a healer.
"Perhaps a slinger could pair with a spellcaster and stay back as much as possible. A stealthy pair might be best to take out the leader. And another front line fighting pair... another ranged pair. 2, 4, 6, err... does that include everyone? and his wolf?"
"And lets attack a few hours after midnight, when they least expect it. That should give spellcaster enough time to rest. Fight'll be over in time for breakfast, EagerTooth, nice name by the way, mind if I name a sword after you... where was I... EagerTooth can help us with our quest over breakfast, and we might even be home for dinner."

Thursday November 30th, 2006 6:17:13 PM

(Sorry Cayzle, we had some nasty weather here that kept me and James both from posting in all our games.)

Selithe is happy to rest and spends her time for a bit playing with her cards mainly, something to just relax her out. She looks to be playing some type of solitare game with herself before packing her cards up and getting ready for sleep. She will take any watch the group wants her to as she just is happy to have a dragon with them, something she thinks few adventurers could say honestly they had.

Thursday November 30th, 2006 8:56:47 PM

"That would be great were Airin here to help you, Tobias. Wish she were, too.

"Let's try daytime - a civilized time to attack," Kendry counters Julian's midnight suggestion. "Though daybreak or thereabouts would be fine with me. I just don't cotton traipsing through the Culverwood quite so soon as you suggest, Jules. Let's enjoy the waterfall, share some victuals, swap some stories, get to know our hostess a little better, then retire early, and rise early for the walk. Maybe get there 5 or 6 in the morning. Sound all right?"

Kendry makes available some of his food to share with all. He also takes time to feed and tend to his ponies and Cheann, and also is happy to brush the fur of Gra and any other animals present who would like their fur brushed - and share some of his food and feed.

"How long have you lived here, Krrshekki?" Kendry asks. "Have you any children? Have you ever tried cheese?" he asks, offering her a slice. "Do you have songs you sing? What are your favorite snacks?"

Thursday November 30th, 2006 9:09:15 PM

Dwight sits and enjoys the meal's nutrients but most of his attention is on the task ahead. While he doesn't like combat as much as Julian, he continues to 'enjoy' going through the planning stages; just as he use to do when younger... plan how to be late to get out of chores, but not get into trouble.

Dwight clears a small patch of dirt and draws various figures and arrows. The figures are almost indecipherable as Dwight has no knack for drawing.

"15, wow, that puts us at a disadvantage in numbers. It might be best to wait until a portion of the group leaves the den for food. We could use the fact they have a prisoner against them hopefully. Surely they wouldn't bring him to hunt for food, so a few would have to stay behind to watch him. Then we could attack, and hopefully kill the hunting party, or perhaps wound several forcing the druid to use his healing powers and then get him in his used state."

During this time Dwight almost talks in circles. Thoughts come to mind, which lead to other thoughts. He follows each as if it could work and then begins anew.

"Attacking their camp gives them two advantages, number and their turf which surely they can defend better than we can attack. Thus to lure then away we need bait, something that would allow us to ambush them. Hmmmm"

As he thinks he encourages others to give thoughts beyond just charging in.

"Fire is out, and anything done with range can't harm the trees so that eliminates acid. We do have arrows and if given the jump could probably eliminate a few with a surprise even on their turf. However they can run faster than most of us so those we don't drop could overrun one or two of us."

Here Dwight hears and comprehends what others have said. "Yes the wolves, that brings our number to 9?" He looks around to see if anyone/animal has been missed. "That betters the odds."

"I agree Julian groups need to be formed again. Perhaps not that many, we want to be close to prevent them swarming."

"I'd probably prefer to fire my arrows, my electric arrows (magic missiles). I could also try to shrink the fighter if I was close enough"

"Marco any thoughts?" Tibble, how would you prefer to fight?" Looking to Julian, "Julian surely wants to just charge in, Selithe with spells, Kendry ranged and aid, Tobias combat?"

OOC: just trying to fill the new folks in with what he can expect each of us to most likely doing, if I'm wrong, you might want to correct Dwight

Plotting an Attack (DM Cayzle) 
Friday December 1st, 2006 7:50:26 AM

[OOC: Please post spells prepared at the end of your post. That's also a good place to post any active spell effects during battle.]

The group delves deep into battle plans for the coming fight.

EagerTooth tells Tibble that the enemy is about five miles downstream. It will take a bout half a day to walk there.

Tobias volunteers to scout ahead. The pseudodragon thinks you should wait the night here and do so in the morning. There are dangers out in the Forest at night, especially for a lone single halfling. (When does Tobias want to set out to scout ahead? How much of the five-mile walk will he take with his friends, and how much alone? Remind me, does Tobias have the Forest Walking feat?)

Kendry reminds the group not to discount all the animal friends the party has along. And Message spells let you whisper back and forth within somewhat more than 100 feet.

Julian suggests attacking in pairs, deep into the heart of the night. The pseudodragon tells him that if they kill all the lizard-dogs, he can name his sword after her. The group would have to leave at dusk to arrive at midnight ... hard to see how an arcane caster could get eight hours of rest under that scheme.

Selithe takes in the talk and keeps her own counsel.

Kendry proposes a dawn attack, with rest now, leaving at midnight for a walk in the dark, all together. He tends the animals and enganges the fey dragon in small talk.

Dwight would prefer to lure some away and negate the advantage of numbers that the enemy enjoys. That would take more time. He tries to figure out what each person can bring to the table.

[OOC: Friends, there are several ideas out there. Time of attack, attack in pairs, attack as a group, attack the camp, try to lure away some first. Please try to reach a consensus! Or appoint a battle leader to have the final word. Or your DM do an informal vote count and pick the course of action that seems most popular!]

One extra note by Cayzle 
Friday December 1st, 2006 7:55:01 AM

Friends, as we approach a fight, I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to post every day during combat. Seriously, if you fail to post, especially if you are wounded, and you end up dead, that may be a shame, but so be it! Forewarned is forearmed!

If you think you'l have trouble posting, e-mail me (or private post here) right away! You might even suggest your actions for a round or two ahead. I'll try my best to make it work!

Tobias  d20+10=17 d20+9=10 d20+17=23
Friday December 1st, 2006 12:54:19 PM

"Oh my, that's right Kendry. Airin is so good at hiding, I forgot she wasn't actually here."

Tewdwr and Tobias having been getting more and more comfortable together. If the group wants, they can try to stealth their way into the camp, and go after the druid. Otherwise, he enjoys the discussion of tactics... something he's much more comfortable in discussing.

And, teasingly he responds to Dwight's suggestion of a lure by saying, "They seem to like to kidnap merchants from caravans... didn't we just find a lost one walking around not too long ago..." Tobias smiles and winks at Marco.

Tobias will only go a little before the main group leaves; perhaps 30 minutes ahead. So, if we leave at dawn, that's when he'll go as well. And, Tewdwr will go with him. (He does have forest walking)

More rolls just in case:
Listen: 17
Spot: 10
Survival: 23

Friday December 1st, 2006 1:16:19 PM

"Let us heed EagerTooth's counsel, then," Kendry says. "We can all sleep, renew spells as needed, and head out. Tobias, let's not have you get too far ahead all by yourself. Thirty minutes ahead of us is far too far. I should think no more than a minute or so ahead should suffice. I don't want you facing dangers alone.

"Krrshekki, can you spot things ahead of us as we travel? Perhaps travel along with Tobias and Tewdwr?"

Friday December 1st, 2006 2:16:09 PM

"Dis ain't Marco's fight so ah'll pairs up wif his-self. Ifins any yall needs a-patchin' ups fall back tah mees," Tibble suggests to Marco.

"Ahs nut bees a-knowin', but mayhap dese here critters can bees a-seein' body heat," the greenmage observes. "Dis may bees a-puttin' us at sum smallish disadvantage, like."

"Ah believes ya ta bees right, friend Tobias, infermashun always bees handy. A-scoutin' bees a right fine ideer. Mayhap wheese could bees a-tackin' sum dees doggies while theys bees away from camp ta better al'uns odds."

[OOC: I'll post my spell list prior to combat.]

Friday December 1st, 2006 7:04:34 PM

"Okay, so are we leaving for a early morning fight? Sounds good.

"With a scout to relay info we will be in a good position, regardless of numbers.

"Let's present them with four, as everyone else remains hidden. Four will look like a realistic number of foolhardy adventures trying their luck. Me and Shark, and three more with their animals, volunteers?... I can take out one every few seconds but I will need healing on the fly, so a healer or a wand will be appreciated in the main group. Perhaps a spellcaster to get in there, in range, and another strong fighter.

"The stealthy ones can look to take out the leaders, or back us up if we need it, sniping perhaps.

"But what we really need is a plan agreed upon. I could also suggest that I sneak up on the fighter or druid to take it out...

"But instead I am going to stop giving out extra ideas and say we need a decision made. A leader for this battle, be it some one experienced, some one to leadership, some one new to the group or even some one external."

"This sounds like we could handle it in a similar manner to the necro, so I am going to put my hand up for Dwight to lead this battle."

Friday December 1st, 2006 8:32:53 PM

"No, Julian. If we leave in the morning, we'll be getting there about midday, or early afternoon. Unless we all have wings. EagerTooth just told us it's a half day travel," Kendry reminds him.

Friday December 1st, 2006 9:10:33 PM

Dwight listens to everyone and he faces Tibble as he hears the word 'disadvantage,' but can't quite but any of the other words to their proper meaning.

"I agree, Tobias if you get to far ahead and get spotted there will be nothing anyone can do for you, nor will we know something has gone wrong. The furtheest 'safe' scouting would be the verge of our communication range, but no further. Thiw way, should the need arise, we should be able to get to you quickly, if only with bows and spells."

"Julian, you make a good point. Four sounds good, but I think the animals should stay away until the first rush of combat. 'Then we let the wolves in.'" Dwight chuckles as that is as both literal and figurative.

"Hmmm, who should be the four? Julian, Tibble, me and technically Tobias would be the fourth. I've got a wand of cure light wounds, arrows and a few minor spells. However once real combat starts I'll not be as effective as everyone else, unless they turn their back to me."

"That leaves Selithe, Kendry and Marco for back-up support. With their main focus to down the leaders, or at the very least slow them down."

"I still think if both leaders falls then the rest will disperse. If you out number 4 to 15 and my two leaders fell, I'd run."

"Now how will the four attract some attention to get things rolling? Just a little, but not to much. It would be great if two or three came to investigate something only to find 'something'."

Last questions from Dwight:
"Eagertooth, when do these lizard dogs sleep, night or day? When the captive is forced to work, it is in the same place he sleeps, or outside the camp? What is the captive doing?"

If the dogs are nocturnal, Dwight suggest the attack be moved to middaya (aka their midnight), otherwise dawn is good.

If the lizard-dogs travel away from their camp to 'work', Dwight also suggests that they attack either during their trek back from 'work' (daybreak/dayset) or while at 'work'(midday).

Dwight then turns to Kendry, "sorry to jump on every topic. It helps keep my mind on something other than these woods. Can't quite put my finger on it, but something is here, but isn't. Feel to free to add, change my thoughts."

Friday December 1st, 2006 10:10:02 PM

Responding to Dwight, Kendry says, "Don't mind at all - those are decent jumps you're making. But if something comes to mind, don't worry, I won't hold it in!" He gives Dwight a big grin.

Friday December 1st, 2006 11:57:54 PM

Selithe listens and speaks up to Dwight as to mainly let him know, "My ability with spells is a bit limited still so please expect more bow use out of me than anything my friend."

0th:Acid Splash(2), Detect Magic, Flare, Prestidigitation

1st: Identify, Magic Missile(2), Enlarge Person

Saturday December 2nd, 2006 2:15:37 AM

[OOC- Sorry, guys. Lost a transmission and had to spend two days in a hotel. I just got back home to my computer. It's been an interesting and expensive week.]

Marco uses his Prestidigitation spell to make tea and cook food for the meals the group has during thier planing, feeding Nuts and James as well.
He listens to all the points people make and adds,
"I would probably be best with a range attack.
With Sleep spells I will try and even the odds a bit and with a hold person I may be able to slow down or stop the druid.
Then I will go for attacks at range. With Magic Stones (For I can fire fast and pretty accurately) I can hopefully do some damage.
I will do my best to even the odds, but I believe that anyone with a range attack should concentrate on the druid. Maybe with their spiritual leader gone they would give up."
Marcus takes a sip of tea and a draw on his pipe, thinking.
"How about this.
We have Nuts scout ahead as we travel to locate the enemy and stop a little away from them.
The spell casters of the group do what they can to prepare for the battle (cast Armor spells, Magic stone, Blessings and the like) and then we start with a range attack on the druid as we charge in (hopefully with surprise), using their own tactics against them by concentrating on the druid and taking him out.
Then the fighters of the group hold them off long enough for the spell casters to cast sleep, entangle, etc.
This should keep them from using their favorite tactic of everyone attacking one person.
We then mop up as best we can.
It's a simple plan and uncomplicated."

Saturday December 2nd, 2006 12:15:11 PM

Ok, Tobias sees everyone's concerns about him going that far ahead and will only be a couple of minutes ahead of the party scouting. Thinks he better not tell them of all the trips across Culverwood that he's made alone... :)

Final Plans, the Night Through, and a Morning's Walk (DM Cayzle) 
Monday December 4th, 2006 7:30:08 AM

The fey dragon listens to all the planning and seems very satisfied. the creature "thinks" to you with some more info:

The lizard-dogs sleep in the night and are awake in the day. They tend to stay near their camp, usually fishing. The druid and his apprentices make sure that the fruit trees and berry bushes are always full of ripe fruit. Sometimes, one of them skulks off, charms an animal, and brings it back to the camp for slaughter.

The slave they keep with chains on his feet so he cannot run away. He is small but strong, and they make him haul big river-rocks to the middle of their camp, where they seem to be making something. They taunt him cruelly, but they feed him so he can work every day. I watched in secret, and I felt very sorry for him. That's why I want you to help him.

Any other question for EagerTooth?

The party makes a camp and eats. The dire weasel that raided your camp last night (and led you here today) hangs around begging for food. He eats what four or six of you would eat at a sitting, so if you feed him, keep track of the stores you use!

In the morning, those casters who prep spells do so. [If you have not already, NOW is the time to post your list of spells prepped!] There is a cold breakfast, and if you fed the weasel last night, then the begging continues this morning! Then the group begins a walk south along the river, sometimes detouring around bramble patches, following deer trails as the dragon indicates. Tobias travels somewhat ahead with his two-headed dog; the dragon flits forward and back at random, watching over everybody.

At length the dragon tells you that you are drawing near.

Tobias  d20+17=27 d20+10=23 d20+9=26 d20+17=27
Monday December 4th, 2006 9:46:46 AM

Tobias asks the fae dragon, "From what vantage point did you spy in on the lizard dogs? Were you flying or sitting somewhere?"

Tobias does a little foraging and hunting that evening in hopes of finding some food. Survival(hunting): 27.

Tobias and Tewdwr travel ahead keeping an eye out for trouble. And, he stops a good distance from the camp to give the group a chance to reform and catch its breath after the trip.

Listen: 23
Spot: 26
Survival: 27

Dwight (hp 35, ac 16)  d20+6=8 d20+14=23
Monday December 4th, 2006 9:57:11 PM

Dwight covers the rear of the group until Eagertooth announces proximity to the lizard-dogs camp. Here Dwight makes one last mental note of his plans and again hopes and prays all goes well. Whispering to the others, "The druid represents the biggest threat as the forest is his domain, if he is in sight all attempts should be made to defeat him. I suspect that burden will fall on the archers and spellcasters so be ready."

Dwight looks as nervous as usual or perhaps a bit more as the unease of the forest again takes hold and the silence of his friends doesn't help.

spot: 8
listen: 23

Before the group separates, Dwight remember he has a few sleeper arrows. "Selithe you use a bow? If so I have 2 sleep arrows I could give you. They aren't great, but perhaps if one arrow dropped the fighter or druid if might strike immediate fear into their hearts."

If Selithe doesn't use a bow, then he offers the 2 (of 3) sleeper arrows to anyone that will be in the ranged group.

Monday December 4th, 2006 10:32:49 PM

Selithe smiles ands nods at Dwight's question, "Yep." Selithe pulls out her comp. shortbow set for her strength and grins, "It seem to do better for me then the sling usually."

Selithe will take the two arrows if no one else who might be a better shot wants them and is ready to continue on and do her best to fight the enemies coming.

Marco (HP-29 AC-21)  d100=91 d100=43 d100=36 d100=20
Tuesday December 5th, 2006 12:12:05 AM

Marco's Spell list-

0 (4)
Prestidigitation x2, Mage Hand
1 (2+1)
Mage Armor , Sleep, Sleep

0 (4)
Read magic, Detect Magic, Create Water, Mending
1 (2+1, +1)
Magic Stone x3, Sanctuary
2 (1+1, +1)
Bulls Strength, Hold Person, Tongues

Marco casts Mage armor
And three Magic stone spells
(arcane spell failure chance of 10%, armor)

To prepare himself.

Nuts is watching from up high.
James is staying out of the battle unless called.

Spells active- Mage armor, 9 Magic stones

Tuesday December 5th, 2006 5:25:52 AM

Keen for a fight he eagerly joins the group in marching to the enemy.

Julian provides the last of his provisions to the weasel, "Tibble, can you convince him to fight alongside me? He looks to be a big strong beast, would be good in a fight. Been very helpful to us so far."

As soon as EagerTooth announces some proximity...
"Who will fight with me as the main force? I can cast my Burrow Speak, which Kendry calls Message so that we can communicate.
If they gang up on one of us at a time then we will flank them easily enough. Who deals out good damage in that way?
"I think it will be good if EagerTooth, if you can assist by keeping an eye on the spellcasters and others who are going to try to stay out of the fight, dive in with an attack when needed... Could you do that for us? Or would you rather be in the thick of it with me?"

"Think I'll charge in with this," the longspear, "and try to keep the focus off our spellcasters. Of course, I like to be noticed in a fight."
"Oh, and I have another Thunderstone spare here. Someone else should take it to use, I will get time for only one throw. Try to not hit me with it."

He then casts a spell so that he seems to grow a thick hide of badger fur and he glows red for a second.
Prestidigitation and Mage Armour shared with Shark.

Spells per day
6 Cantrips (used 1)
5 1st Level (used 1)

Tuesday December 5th, 2006 6:23:17 AM

With all the food for people and animals that Kendry brought, he can spare two halfling shares for the evening and two for the morning for the dire weasel, as well as feeding his own.

"Julian, if you cast burrow speak to include me and a few others, and I cast message to include ones you can't include, then I should be able to communicate with everyone and relay words and commands," Kendry says.

When they decide to begin the rescue raid, Kendry will cast the spell shortly before they begin (can affect 5 people, lasts 50 minutes). He includes Selithe, Tobias, Dwight, and EagerTooth, besides himself. He trusts that Julian will include at least Tibble and Marco, as well as Kendry, if possible.

"Other things I might do - cast silence in the area where the druid is, to forestall him casting spells." He pulls out a tanglefoot bag. He wraps a strip of cloth once around the bag, and ties a knot. "If I cast the spell upon this knot, when the bag bursts, it likely will affix this cloth to whatever it hits. If I, or if someone, can hit the druid with the tanglefoot bag, it might silence him for a fair stretch of time."

Kendry also explains that he may use dancing lights and ghost sounds to cause confusion among the camp. "And I have my trusty bow from which to loose arrows."

He says he has two nets. "I am not especially skilled in the casting of a net, but if there is someone here who can toss it over an opponent or two, then you may use it." Kendry holds out one net, seeing who may want to try it. "You'll have to get in close, or somehow fly over if you want to drop it.

"Oh, and I have many smokesticks, to create a bit of cover. Don't worry - it's just smoke, not fire. Also acid flasks." He offers up to five smokesticks, and three acid flasks to others. "I also have two sets of caltrops. Watch those lizard dogs try to move once their feet are poked and bleeding. Of course, you don't want to step on them, yourselves.

"Let's be sure to speak in the halfling tongue when shouting back and forth. I doubt they'll understand what we say. For EagerTooth, though, we'll need to speak - well, what languages do you know, Lady Dragon? Common? Elfish? Draconic? I speak those tongues."

Tuesday December 5th, 2006 9:54:46 AM

"Ahs nut bees sew foolhearty as ta bees a-chargin' inta combat," Tibble states. He looks a bit pale. Harry looks a mite concerned himself.

As the party travels towards their doom the greenmage explains that he'll petition Culver Wood's support (for those directly engaging the muts) to improve their chances of success. [Spells will need to be cast on individuals just prior to attacking to be most effective.] He can ask the Wold grant increased Strength and Dexterity one time each. [You'll have to decide who'll get them.]
Whomever is the warrior most likely to directly engage the muts shall be blessed with the bark of the ancients to improve resistance to damage. Three sacred stones will be divided between any slingers of such skill to make good use of them. Finally, Domi's blessing shall be sought for the party and Jancassis' bane against the muts to enhance the party's ability to free the captive.

Spell preparactions done Tibble will use his sling to interupt enemy spell-casting and inflict damage wherever he can. He'll strive to reach any fallen injured and fight with his staff if closed upon.

Harry shall protect his master.

[OOC: Who wants what?]

Druid 0 lvl
****Cure Minor Wounds
Druid 1st
*Faerie Fire
*Magic Fang
*Magic Stone
Druid 2nd
*Bull Strength
*Cat's Grace
*Spider Climb

Cleric 0 lvl
Cleric 1st
*Magic Stone

Animal Domain
*Calm Animals
Plant Domain

Tuesday December 5th, 2006 10:54:42 AM

Tobias responds to Tibble, "I believe either I or Julian would benefit most from your bark of the ancients magic."

Tuesday December 5th, 2006 1:12:14 PM

"Ah, Tibble, I should like to climb a tree, get above the fray, and rain down blessings on friends and mayhem on foes from above. At the appropriate time, just before we start our attack, would you cast spider climb upon me?" Kendry asks the greenmage.

Tuesday December 5th, 2006 3:32:39 PM

"I like to fight with strength, and always appreciate a bit more. Bark Skin would be good too, though I do not want to have all the spells spent on me."

The Fey Dragon's Favor

Nearing the Battleground (DM Cayzle) 
Tuesday December 5th, 2006 5:08:45 PM

Tobias is told that the dragon sat in the trees hiding across the stream. The woodsman finds some food for the dire weasel's unending appetite.

The party walks through the deep woods. As the party walks, the dragon paints a mental picture of the site. You can practically see every detail. The dense trees of the Culverwood. The bend in the river. The boulder on which the druid sometimes sits. The sun-shaped gather circle that the slave is making with river rocks. [see link below]

About ten minutes from the location, several spell casters start to magik-up.

The dire weasel, BTW, tags along, but who knows what it will do when it sees that it is in a fight.

EagerTooth says she will also help everyone keep in touch telepathically. She will be watching and hiding and acting when she can do so with surprise.

Now the camp of the lizard-dogs is only a minute or two away. Maybe 200 feet. You are to the northeast of it, along the rivulet. Now what will you do?

[Next round will be the start of the action. Post all your last minute preparations!]

And the map!

Tuesday December 5th, 2006 5:46:47 PM

Which side of the river is the party on?

Julian OOC 
Tuesday December 5th, 2006 5:54:20 PM

OOC Cayzle, is this combat rounds, or beginning you next post? Not sure from your post. I think this is our last non-combat round to post.

Tuesday December 5th, 2006 6:17:38 PM

Here are the greenmage's spell casting just prior to battle:

Tobias - Barkskin [+2 to natural AC for 20 minutes]
Julian - Bear's Strength [+4 to Strength for 2 minutes]
Selithe - Cat's Grace [+4 to Dexterity for 2 minutes]
"Ahs bees hoping ya'll wills make da arrows count," Tibble says as he boosts the party's only archer.
Kendry - Spider Climb [lasts for 20 minutes]
Tibble - Barkskin [+2 to natural AC for 20 minutes]
Our rotund hero will also prep three sling stones - Magic Stone [+1 attack, deal 1d6+1] as ready his sling/bullets.

Druid 0 lvl
****Cure Minor Wounds
Druid 1st
*Faerie Fire
*Magic Fang

Cleric 0 lvl
Cleric 1st
*Magic Stone

Animal Domain
*Calm Animals
Plant Domain

DM Cayzle OOC 
Tuesday December 5th, 2006 7:24:15 PM

The fey dragon has led the party down the same side of the stream that the lizard-dogs have their camp. But the stream is not very deep, if you want to get on the other side. Crossing it in battle might entail some risk, but a DC10 swim check gets you across with a full round action, taking 10. You can't take 10 in battle, of course, so if you were unlucky and rolled low, the stream could be a small hazard.

What I want is for you all to tell me your plans and positioning just before battle. Next post I will tell you what you can see of the enemy. I was hoping to get things rolling with battle Wed or Thurs, but if you want to talk for a few posts about a great plan to simultaneously burrow under the camp while flying invisibly above, take the time. I like to keep you on track, but I do not want anyone to feel too rushed.

I know this is a first combat for a couple players, so fear not. I'll cut the newbies some slack and try to check in often during the day to answer questions.

The thing to do with today's post is to say where you want your character to be (on or off the map) and to list spells in effect. Remember that with your Message spells and telepathic friend, you can coordinate even if you are not in whispering range.

Hope that helps! Keep those questions coming!

Julian and Shark  d20+7=11 d20+5=17
Tuesday December 5th, 2006 8:55:36 PM

Julian is keen to charge in from the NE, though he would give time for others to sneak closer.
He takes a few items from his pack and stows it into a bush, telling the dog Sallie to 'stay' with the pack.

"Thanks, Tibble. I owe you."
Accepting the Bull's Strength from Tibble, Julian will use his potions of Jump, Magic Weapon (on the long spear), and Magic Fang onto Shark the Badger. The Badger will do his best to remain within 5' at all times, as usual.

Julian plans to Enlarge Person before attempting to leap the stream from X5 to X11 (25') to charge in hoping to take out the fighter or the druid, or at least cause a lot of commotion. (20' running start from X1-X5, full round move action)

Julian casts 'Dire Badger' on himself and Shark, and grows to 7' tall, and his badger also doubles in size.
"I will get in close (X1) as quietly as possible, as others sneak around from a different angle. I'll give you a bit of time before I leap the stream and charge in."

"Who is with me?"

Move Silently 11 (to X1)
Hide (enlarged) 17

Active Spells
Mage Armour (2 hours)
Bull's Strength (20 rounds)
Jump (10 rounds)
Magic Weapon (10 rounds)
Magic Fang (10 rounds)
Enlarge Person (20 rounds)

Spells per day
6 Cantrips (used 1)
5 1st Level (used 2)

Selithe-AC:20-HP:30/30 (Message)  d20+9=19 d20+7=16 d20+2=7 d20=9
Tuesday December 5th, 2006 10:13:33 PM

Selithe will move forward doing her best to stay out of sight and moving silently as possible also while keeping her eyes and ears open.

Selithe readies her bow for action just in case and is hoping her arrows will be well placed in the coming fight.

(Hide:19 Move Silently:16 Listen:7 Spot:9)

0th: Acid Splash(2), Detect Magic, Flare, Prestidigitation

1st: Identify, Magic Missile(2), Enlarge Person

Dwight (hp 35, ac 16, message)  d20+6=12 d20+14=30 d20+14=34 d20+12=25
Tuesday December 5th, 2006 10:40:53 PM

Dwight gets a good look at everyone before we make our minor split. "I'm not charging in Julian, but your more than welcome and we will do our best to drop them fast. I'm not a fighter. Tobias, watch his back. Cross the river if you need to flee, that will give our fire power extra chances to drop them."

Dwight readies his bow, checks to see a smoke stick is handy and moves toward AC13. (He'll stand in the shallow water if it gives him a better view with decent cover. While Julian makes his leap)

spot: 12
listen: 30
move silently: 34 (nat. 20)
hide: 25

Kendry [AC 15/HP 29; spiderclimb; message; alter self]  d20=17 d20=3 d20=4 d20=19 d20=13 d20+3=15 d20+6=20 d20+3=19
Wednesday December 6th, 2006 2:57:50 AM

His ponies he leaves back in the woods, and Cheann he instructs to guard them, after taking a fifty foot loop of silk rope off of one.

[Friends - please indicate if your character took a smokestick, a net, or an acid flask.]

As they prepare, Kendry has been placing some groups of alchemical items into bags, with three or four items in each. He tucks each bag into his belt for easy retrieval.

He offers the length of silk rope to his friends. "Use this to help cross the stream. Try not to lose it," he says with a smile.

"Give me a minute, friends," Kendry asks. "I recently have learned a way to change my form for a period of time. Let me change to the form of a bird - a hawk, or raven, perhaps. I will thus fly to land in one of the two trees in their encampment. Ah, a raven might speak, which could allow, I think, me to speak through the message spell. While up there, likely I'll change back to my normal form - once I'm sure there's a branch stout enough for me. After I've had a good look about, that is.

"I'll fly in from the West over the rock and into the southern tree, maybe thirty or forty feet in the air."

Unless any object, Kendry does as he suggested. With a three note bardic spell, the halfling and all he carries are transformed into a large black raven, with two white feathers under each wing.

Taking an awkward trio of steps, he extends his wings, begins to flap them, as he has studied the way Fioni flies, and manages to bear his now lighter weight aloft [rolled d20=17 to see how well he flies - if dexterity applies, add 2 to this and subsequent rolls]. The dark bird gains altitude, and travels to a place a few trees back from the river, talking to himself to get used to his changed vocal chords. He practices landing in one of the trees, and finds himself hitting the branches with one of his wings [3]. Trying to recover, he has trouble, and his body with unaccustomed appendages falls through the branches. At the last moment, he recovers [19]. He makes his way to the edge of the branch, takes off again, and decides he'll just have to risk landing in the tree across the water.

Having gained altitude again, he flies across the water, about 35 feet in the air. Having learned a bit from his earlier practice, he lands in the tree [13] - not terribly gracefully, but well enough not to be embarrassed. Do birds get embarrassed? he wonders.

The Kendry bird looks below, seeing what he can see of the reptilian dogs, and their captive. [Spot: 15, or 19 if raven's +7 spot applies. Listen: 20, or 19 if raven's listen skill is used.]

He tries to reach out mentally to EagerTooth to communicate what he sees and hears. He wonders if the lizard dogs speak draconic, or some other, even unique tongue. If the telepathy is one way only, then he will, as best as he is able, whisper in draconic or elvish what he sees.

He also gauges the strength of the tree limb he landed upon to determine whether it might be stout enough to hold the weight of a halfling and his gear (about 80-85 lbs total). If not, he looks to see if there is a better limb or pair of limbs above or below him [Spot: 19, or 20].

Depending upon where he sees the most creatures gathered, he suggests to EagerTooth that the party cross either upstream or downstream - not in the bend of the river itself, where all can easily be seen and targeted.

[OOC: How tall are the two trees, Cayzle? Nice map, by the way.]

Tobias [AC 22 - HP 38/38; barkskin; message] 
Wednesday December 6th, 2006 9:57:36 AM

Tobias agrees to follow Julian in his charge, but warns him not to get too far ahead. And, Tewdwr will also come along, trying to use his pack combat skills to aid Tobias. "And Julian, are we trying to make our way to the druid as quickly as possible?"

"Thank you Tibble for the extra protection."

Tobias and Tewdwr will move into position with Julian, from which they can launch their charge. And, will wait for the start signal there.

Spells (Ranger 1st):

Tibble [AC18, HP38; Barkskin]  d20=19
Wednesday December 6th, 2006 10:31:24 AM

[OOC: Selithe and Kendry keep track of the spells I cast on you :)]

Tibble guides Marco and their animals (as quietly as possible) towards the gap between the berry bushes nearest the rock. They intend to take out the druid and inflict damage in a generally chaotic (but aesthetically pleasing) way.

Move silently 24

CDM Jerry 
Wednesday December 6th, 2006 12:52:46 PM

I need the ADM of this game to post the report for last week please. Email me when this is done or I'll bug ya again.

Crescent Valley Posting (By Anthony) 
Wednesday December 6th, 2006 1:57:24 PM

sorry, forgot on monday, which led to Tuesday...what day is today?

DM: MTWRF-- = 5
Dwight: MTWRF-- = 5
Julian: MTWRF-- = 5
Selithe: MT-RF-- = 4
Kendry: -2-23-- = 7
Tobias: -T-RFS- = 4
Marco: --W--S- = 2
Tibble: --WRF-- = 3

Wednesday December 6th, 2006 4:35:53 PM

"Tobias, yes the Druid first. Take him down before he casts too much trouble."

Preparing for Attack! (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday December 6th, 2006 4:43:37 PM

Friends, the map has coordinates, by letter and nummber. If you do not give a coordinate for your PC. I will do my best to guess ... but if you don't like where I put you, too bad!

Julian's dog stays behind to guard. Julian and Shark sneak to X1. They are ready to run to X5 and to leap the stream and attack! (The duo have not done so yet!)

Tobias and Tewdyr follow Julian.

Selithe moves forward, bow ready. (I'm just guessing where to put her on the map!) Is she using sleep arrows?

Dwight sneaks most quietly to AC13. NOTE FROM CAYZLE: That's in the Berry Bramble. It seems like it would be a devil to move through (see below). I'll put you on the edge, at AF15. I hope that is okay.

Selithe moves forward, bow ready. (I'm just guessing where to put her on the map!) Is she using sleep arrows?

Kendry leaves the ponies and his dog behind. IMPORTANT NOTE TO KENDRY: Highlight to display spoiler: {Kim, Alter Self only lets you assume the form of a humanoid. Goblin, elf, half-orc, etc. NOT animals. E-mail me if you need further clarification. Also, since you did not know this when you selected the spell, you may select another. Please repost for this round and the coming one.}

Selithe and Kendry are close to Dwight. (UNLESS Justin or Kim direct otherwise!)

Tibble creeps along toward the southern gap between the bushes. Marco is behind him.


You can see the lizard-dogs going about their day-to-day business. They move on all fours, but rise to their feet like halflings to do chores or manipulate things. They are people -- they use tools and weapons, judging by the quivers of javelins that most have on their backs. They are wearing simple armor made of animal skins roughly tanned. Note that you see no little ones, no children. You cannot tell female from male. Their voices sound like yapping dogs. They are small in size.

LDs (lizard-dogs) a-f are sitting around in the shade of the berry brambles.

LDs g and h are gathering fruit from the two 30-ft tall apple trees.

LDs i-k are fishing.

LDs l-n are guarding the prisoner, fi. The prisoner has been gathering river rocks and setting them into the ground at the gather circle.


Map Notes

The Stream:
The stream is not very deep. A DC10 swim check gets you across with a full round action -- if you take 10, there is no problem. But you can't take 10 in battle, of course, so if you are unlucky and roll low, the stream could be a small hazard.

The Trees:
A creature standing in the trees gains a +2 cover bonus to Armor Class and a +1 cover bonus on Reflex saves. A DC 15 Climb check is sufficient to climb a tree. The undergrowth around the trees tends to tangle your feet, so it costs 2 squares of movement to enter a forest square. It also offers 20% concealment. The forest undergrowth increases the DC of Tumble and Move Silently checks by 2 because the leaves and branches get in the way.

The Berry Bramble:
The bramble is thick with bushes, vines, and short trees. You can move 5 feet through it in a move action, or 10 feet with a full round action. You cannot run through the bramble.

And the map!

Julian  d20+5=24 d20+4=13
Wednesday December 6th, 2006 7:25:11 PM

Very quietly to Tobias,
"I thik we should wait a few more seconds to let the others move into place. I suspect the druid is furthest from us," pointing to J18, "this is going to be fun," he whispers with a smile.

Spot 24 to determine the fighter and druid from the others.
and Wisdom check to figure this out 13

Active Spells
Mage Armour (2 hours)
Bull's Strength (19 rounds)
Jump (9 rounds)
Magic Weapon (9 rounds)
Magic Fang (9 rounds)
Enlarge Person (19 rounds)

Spells per day
6 Cantrips (used 1)
5 1st Level (used 2)

Selithe-AC:20-HP:30/30 (Message) 
Wednesday December 6th, 2006 8:42:18 PM

Selithe will continue moving foreward but will stay in the bramble near the water. After she moves in close enough to have a decent shooting area with her bow she will wait and watch for the moment or till Kendry or the others give some idea to start the attack. She however plans to hold onto the sleep arrow till she sees the druid for now.

0th: Acid Splash(2), Detect Magic, Flare, Prestidigitation

1st: Identify, Magic Missile(2), Enlarge Person

(OOC:Tibble, didn't you cast a spell on Selithe? I know Kendry cast the message spell on her.)

Dwight (hp 35, ac 16, message)  d20+12=29 d20+11=20 d20+14=33 d20+6=15
Wednesday December 6th, 2006 9:18:22 PM

This is all wrong, we are falling into their hands. Three groups, or maybe four. This is bad, bad for us all. Going into combat with a fellow I just met and another I can't understand, O'my, what is this forest doing to me.

Dwight continues feeling the group has committed. With Selithe in tow, Dwight moves towards AB12 using the bramble and brush to hide and the sound of the river to silence any noise he makes. Via message/telepathy, "As Julian makes his launch and closes, Selithe and I will bow down those fishing. Those with the prisoner, hopefully will stay at their post."

Via message, "Tibble, Marco, what's your plans over there?" I hope Eagertooth translates through his telepathy, so I know what they intend.

hide: 29
listen: 20
move silently: 33
spot:15 (any visible traps?)

Dwight plans to use normal arrows and spells until he knows for sure which is the 'fighter'. He has one sleep arrow remaining.

Two quick questions:
Would the water have the same or more of an effect on the lizard dogs compared to us (due to size)?
Which direction is the water flowing?

Cayzle answers some questions. 
Thursday December 7th, 2006 12:10:05 AM

Would the water have the same or more of an effect on the lizard dogs compared to us (due to size)?

Yup! Anyone who wants to cross the stream has to make a DC10 swim check.

Which direction is the water flowing? From the right (east) to the left (west).

Thursday December 7th, 2006 9:06:09 AM

Thanks for the ADM report, Anthony. Don't forget to email me when I ask because it's late please. :)

Now, I have two questions I'd like answered by email please.

1. Why is Kendry making 7 posts?
2. Why did Marco make only 2?

Not fussing, just following through on the reports, which is my ultra friendly job. :)

...which I do so well.

::smug Christmas hug to everyone::

[DM Cayzle, you can delete my posts once this is taken care of. Thanks.]

Marco (hp 29, ac 21- Mage armor)  d20=5
Thursday December 7th, 2006 9:33:00 AM

Move silent- 7 (Marco is not stealthy)

Marco likes were he is is relation to the lizard dogs as he and Tibble moves up.

"Maybe the others could start fireing from the other side of the creek and we could hit them from behind." Marco whispers to Tibble.
"That way the lizards have to deal with the stream."

(Marco intends to hold his actions until the druid reveals himself and then cast a Hold person spell. It will take some time for the lizards to attack Marco and Tibble, due to the berry bushes.)
If Eagertooth wishes, she could relay that to Dwight.

Tibble [AC18, HP38; Barkskin]  d20=13
Thursday December 7th, 2006 9:53:23 AM

[OOC: Selithe - you have your Dexterity boosted by +4 for 2 minutes. Make those arrows count!]

Tibble leads Marco and their dogs through the trees towards space 31-O as quietly as possible.

Move Silently 18

They will skirt the edge of the trees to maintain concealment while providing the best visibility of the camp.

Kendry  d20+6=20 d20+10=26
Thursday December 7th, 2006 11:45:18 AM

Would a harpy, as a 'monstrous humanoid' be a possible form for Kendry? He's seen harpies. If so, he flies as a harpy to the tree, N19. Not as subtle, certainly, as a raven. Kendry tries out breasts.

If a monstrous humanoid is not allowed, then Kendry forgoes the alter self spell, and... let's see... ? He reads a levitate scroll just before crossing the water. Swim: 20. To Z12.

On the other side (Z12 or N19, depending), he rises up into the air (or perched in the tree), and speaks in sylvan, then in common. "If we help you build with stones, then will you let your slave go free?" [Diplomacy 26] He hopes that, if no one else does, at least their druid will understand sylvan. If kill they must, then Kendry will participate. But if they can win friends rather than make enemies, he is willing to try.

[Sorry - NO time to polish this]

Tobias [AC 22 - HP 38/38; barkskin; message] 
Thursday December 7th, 2006 6:17:30 PM

Tobias nods to Julian letting him know that he understands his request to wait, and gives him a little smile back. The holds Tewdwr in place until they're ready to move. They will follow Julian into combat as soon as he starts to move.

Thursday December 7th, 2006 7:27:39 PM

As Dwight moves into position (from his last post), and 'hears' Tibble and Marc are set where they are, he 'says' to Julian, "It's time, let loose."

Selithe-AC:20-HP:30/30 (Message, Dex+4 *2mins*)  d20+11=23 d6+1=5 2d6(6+2)=8
Thursday December 7th, 2006 8:51:40 PM

Selithe looks out at the enemies and frowns some as she ponders what to do.

She looks towards where her brother went and if his diplomacy doesn't work and any of the enmies move threateningly then she fires a normal arrow at the one nearest Kendry.

(Can hit AC:23 Damage:5 Sneak attack damage:8 total:13)

Thursday December 7th, 2006 9:32:40 PM

Julian looks from Kendry back to Tobias and rolls his eyes.

Negotiations Are Up (DM Cayzle)  d3=2 [Secret DM roll] d20+13=30 [another secret DM roll]
Friday December 8th, 2006 4:51:04 PM

[OOC: I apologize for missing yesterday, everybody! Sorry. I'll put up a make-up week-end post if I get a turn from everybody.]

[OOC: Special note to those with chaotic good alignments: Highlight to display spoiler: {First and last reminder that you get a +3 on all d20 rolls in the Culverwood! Be sure I'll remember for the enemy!}]

Julian makes a great spot check. He sees that the liz-dogs n, o, and p have wood shields and clubs, but the others do not. The others have spears.

Selithe moves forward, up to the bramble near the water.

Dwight wants to move to AB12. But that requires a Swim check, because the brambles are too entwined to permit fast passage, and you would have to swim around them! Since Dwight did not make a Swim check, I'll place Dwight at the water's edge with Selithe!

NOTE TO ALL: Please read the map terrain notes posted last turn and at the bottom of the map Web page! A move action into bramble gets you five feet. A full round action gets you ten!

Tibble moves to 31O

Marco stays put and readies a Hold Person

Kendry swims to Z12 and then rises into the air. He announces himself, offering a deal in return for the slave's freedom.

Tobias stays alert, following Julian's lead.

The team is waiting for Julian to attack, taking that as the general signal. Dwight urges Julian to go, but he waits, a little exasperated, to give Kendry's diplomacy a chance to succeed.


The lizard-dogs spring up when Kendry declares himself. A group race over from the bramble bushes. They lope very quickly on all fours. Then, when they stop, they draw spears with amazing quickness. Three more move up right under the levitating Kendry, also drawing spears. They are dressed in some kind of stiff leather armor, suited for their strangely proportioned limbs.

Two eagles fly 100 feet overhead! One screams and circles above Dwight; one above Tobias.

A few lizard-dogs go to stand by one of the paths through the bramble. A few more stay to guard the prisoner.

One liz-dog (letter p on the map) moves from the big rock to the fruit trees. He casts a spell -- Spellcraft DC 17 to tell that it is Highlight to display spoiler: {Bear's Endurance}. He is the one who then calls out in answer to Kendry. He says, in Sylvan, quickly translated by EagerTooth, "What? You want to buy our slave? You are a spell caster? We'll trade the slave for magic items! What do you offer?"

IN ADDITION! Everyone please make a Spot Check. If you make a Spot check vs DC30 (or roll a nat 20), then Highlight to display spoiler: { you see an animal swimming through the water about 60 feet from near the big rock toward the area Kendry swam through.}

The halflings hears the angry mental voice of the pseudo-dragon: Hey! You said you would help drive off or kill the lizard dogs and rescue the prisoner! No one talked about buying slaves!

SPECIAL NOTE FOR FICKLE: Highlight to display spoiler: {You are working at your rocks when a halfling appears in the air. He says something in a language you do not understand. The lizard-dog priest answers him. You still have three of them guarding you! YOU CAN POST NOW!}

And the map!

Dwight (hp 35, ac 16, message)  d20+6=24 d20+12=26 d20+14=31 d20+6=9
Friday December 8th, 2006 7:11:28 PM

What the, o, this is worse

spot for water creature: 24

Dwight is shocked that Kendry has done this despite our agreement with Eagertooth and the half-pint plans that have now been tossed.

Dwight looks up at the bird, knowing his position has been given away, tries to get into a better position (for both hiding if that is still possible and bow firing) Dwight moves towards AB21; bow in hand.
(Dwight use his full round to move)

move silently:31

OOC: Is the bird low enough to aim at?

To Eagertooth, Dwight tries to relay that the bargain can still be kept, but to hold tight as this plays out.
diplomacy: 9
(Apparently, even in Dwight's conscious thoughts, doubt arises.)

Notes from Cayzle for Dwight and Everyone 
Friday December 8th, 2006 7:38:24 PM

To answer Dwight directly: PLEASE! Read the DM Post! I said that you have to swim to AB12 if you want to get there in one round! If you want to go through the bramble, you can travel ONE square with a move action or TWO squares with a full round. If you want to swim, please post a swim check DC10 to do so! It's a full round swim to AB12.

The bird is 100 feet in the air. That's well in the range of most missile weapons, although depending on the kind, you might have a range penalty.

Everyone else, PLEASE keep in mind the terrain rules:

The Stream:
The stream is not very deep. A DC10 swim check gets you across with a full round action -- if you take 10, there is no problem. But you can't take 10 in battle, of course, so if you are unlucky and roll low, the stream could be a small hazard.

The Trees:
A creature standing in the trees gains a +2 cover bonus to Armor Class and a +1 cover bonus on Reflex saves. A DC 15 Climb check is sufficient to climb a tree. The undergrowth around the trees tends to tangle your feet, so it costs 2 squares of movement to enter a forest square. It also offers 20% concealment. The forest undergrowth increases the DC of Tumble and Move Silently checks by 2 because the leaves and branches get in the way.

The Berry Bramble:
The bramble is thick with bushes, vines, and short trees. You can move 5 feet through it in a move action, or 10 feet with a full round action. You cannot run through the bramble.

Friday December 8th, 2006 8:19:53 PM

Dwight is trying to move to AB21, not AB12. This should have him moving towards the first opening between the two berry bushes, not into the water (this is why I had no DC swim roll)

Julian [AC 18, hp 45]  d20+32=40 d20+17=18 d20+18=38 d8+13=15 d20+9=23 d20+3=19 d20+10=28 d20+6=18
Friday December 8th, 2006 9:01:27 PM

"Well at least now we know the druid. Let's go." Julian screams his rage as he...
Intimidate 23

Active Spells
Mage Armour (2 hours)
Bull's Strength (18 rounds)
Jump (8 rounds)
Magic Weapon on longspear(8 rounds)
Magic Fang on Shark(8 rounds)
Enlarge Person (18 rounds)

Run Feat
Rage (8 rounds)

Option 1 Leap river Full round move action = 5 x 40 = 200'
Julian makes the almighty leap over the river, W4-V10 (35')
Jump 40
with Shark splashing into the water behind.
Shark Jump 18 nat 1
Shark spends the rest of the round swimming to V10
Swim 19

Julian runs at liz-dog p (the druid?), circling north along the stream's edge to avoid liz-dogs m and n, stopping at O15. He levels the tip of his longspear at the druid(?) menacingly, waiting for an attack of opportunity.

Option 2 Julian swims across the stream
Julian rushes into the water and swims across with his badger close behind, towards V10. Shouting abuse all the while at the liz-dogs.
Swim 28
Shark Swim rolled above 19

Spot 18 vs DC 30 at DM request.

Cayzle needs to follow his own advice! (To Dwight) 
Friday December 8th, 2006 9:09:09 PM

Talk about not reading the posts! Wowsy! I'm sorry! AB21! NOT AB12!

Okay, if Dwight wants to get to AB21 through the gap between the bramble and the trees, he can do so in one round but is exposed and not hiding. If he wants to stick to the cover under the trees, he is at half speed sneaking (unless you want to take a -5 on checks) and half speed through the underbrush. That's slow!

But because I messed up, this time I'll put you at AB21 AND you'll get the benefit of your sneaky ways as well. Thanks for setting me straight. I'll update the map tonite or ewarly tomorrow.

Cayzle to Julian 
Friday December 8th, 2006 9:15:42 PM

Remember that if you run, you must go in a straight line and that's all you can do in that round. Also, halflings get a +2 racial bonus on jump checks. And is your base speed 30 or 40, and why?

Friday December 8th, 2006 10:10:05 PM

OK, didn't realise the straight line bit, will repost fully soon.
Base speed 40, Barbarian fast movement.
Racial bonus on jump included in the +11 part.

Friday December 8th, 2006 10:16:14 PM

Sorry, just been reminded that I am going out.
Does running in a straight line preclude the leap?

Julian will run in a straight line at the druid, leaping the river, ignoring any damage that may be inflicted by liz-dog m on the way. Stopping at P15 to menace the Druid, waiting for an Attack of Opportunity.

Or Julian only leaps the river and regathers his thoughts.

Don't forget the intimaditng scream from the the enraged 7' tall halflig.

Selithe-AC:20-HP:30/30 (Message, Dex+4 *2mins*)  d20+14=17 d6+1=5 2d6(1+6)=7 d20+12=28
Saturday December 9th, 2006 12:13:55 AM

(OOC:Am I right in thinking that Selithe has a clean shot at the enmey from where she is? If not then I will edit this post hopefully before you make a new DM post.)

Selithe doesn't like this and knows Kendry is trying to end this peacefully but she doesn't want the dragon angry either and really thinks this isn't going to end nicely no matter.

If she can pin point the spell caster speaking to Kendry and if the druid lizard is close enough. Selithe pulls her sleep arrow and pulls back, firing it off as she keeps her eyes open on how the enemies react.

(Can hit AC:17 Damage:5 *sneak attack if it applies*:7)


Saturday December 9th, 2006 5:33:29 AM

Flick with a heavy rock in his arms, cannot get to his magic tattoo, So he'll try to distrack his capters, "Tell the animal in the water to leave me alone.! Now where do you want this rock? I wish you Dog Face numnose ediots would speak a language that is common to every body understanding??"

Kim OOC 
Saturday December 9th, 2006 9:39:24 AM

[Sorry, friends. I usually pay more attention to detail. I fear I've made a mess of things. Have to rush off to work again, back late. -Kim, aka Kendry]

Tibble  d20=6 d20=13 d20=19
Saturday December 9th, 2006 10:57:40 AM

Spellcraft 12
Spot 19

Move Silently 24

Tibble positions himself at 30R for a clear(er) shot through the brambles. He motions for Marcos to move up next to him and Harry takes a leak at the base of a tree (some splashing onto Tibble's foot). Nervous energy; you understand.

Marco (HP 29, AC 21- Mage Armor)  d20+2=12
Sunday December 10th, 2006 10:51:31 AM

Marco motions Nuts into the trees to hide from the eagles.

He then tries to see the druid.
(If he can see the druid he casts Hold Person- DC 15
If he cannot see the druid, Marco will try to go over to where Tibble has moved.
Move silently- 12)

Tobias [AC 22 - HP 38/38; barkskin; message]  d20+8=17 d20+3=12
Sunday December 10th, 2006 2:25:52 PM

Tobias and Tewdwr attempt to get across the stream and follow Julian as quickly as possible. But, they need the full round to swim across.

Tobias swim: 17
Tewdwr swim: 12

Evil DM Cayzle OOC 
Monday December 11th, 2006 6:33:27 AM

I'd really like to give Kim a chance to post before I throw 16 spears at Kendry ...

Oh, and thanks to those who posted their AC and current HP in their post header. Please also list active spells in your post.

Monday December 11th, 2006 7:02:41 AM

Shark [AC 16, hp 22]
This assumes that Julian out-leaped the badger. Shark then would be normal sized and not sharing Jump, Mage Armour, Bull's Strength etc.

Sorry, I must remember my little friend

Kendry [AC 15; HP 29; Message x 2; Spider climb; Levitation - up in the air]  d20+5=24 d20+10=26
Monday December 11th, 2006 12:28:12 PM

Mindful of the spears, Kendry continues his ascent, ending the round forty feet in the air, and still on his way upward. As he ascends, he answers the one he presumes to be the druid, continuing in the sylvan tongue. He notes the spell he cast [Spellcraft: 24]

"What sort of magic would be of interest to you? Wands? Scrolls? Weapons? Elixirs? Other items?" Just then Julian comes screaming across the stream, putting a twist in the negotiations.

What was I thinking? Kendry wonders to himself as he hears EagerTooth's angry question. I forgot about the 'drive off' part of her request. Yet we made allies of some hobgoblins, and of a goblin and a half ogre - now a good friend. But once blood is shed, there is less hope of good relations. But she does believe they are evil. Likely they are.

Enough pondering. If they don't cast their spears at me, they will at Julian.

Kendry casts grease on the ground beneath the three critters clustered by the berry bush (a, b & c), covering W14+15 and X14+15. "Sorry, their pointy sticks make me nervous. My cousin is here to assist with negotiations," he nods in the direction of Julian. [Diplomacy: 26]

Flick (ac ??/28hp) 
Monday December 11th, 2006 1:48:14 PM

OOC: If I only knew what armor class He was with no armor on ??

Flick put's his rock down, then is told to go get three more like it by his captors"Bark! Quick!", So Flickle goes back for another rock Mumbling all the way, "Mumble, Mumble, Black-nose Barkers."

Tibble [AC 18, HP 38, Barkskin] 
Monday December 11th, 2006 3:19:56 PM

The green mage shakes his foot to be rid of as much of Harry's pee as possible, giving his hairy companion a dark look.

Rolling his eyes at the herd of elephants Marco is impersonating Tibble stage whispers, "Ahs bees a-thinkin' dey bees a-knowin' ya'll bees here 'bouts."

First Blood! (DM Cayzle)  d20+7=27 (save vs Hold) d20+7=12 d20+5=14 d20+5=15 (three saves vs Grease) d20+4=16 (balance check for one walking in Grease) d20-2=1 (c miss) d20+3=23 d20+3=16 (j hits twice) d20+3=17 (j crits Kendry) d4=2 d4=2 d3=3 (dam to K) d20+5=15 d20+5=13 d20+5=25 d20+5=11 (i, k, d hit, miss, hit no crit) d4=2 d4=3 (dam to K) d20+3=8 d20+3=19 (h miss) d3=1 dam to J) d20+7=12 (h miss) d20+7=24 (tanglefoot bag on julian) d2=2 [secret DM check] d20+8=13 (croc misses)
Monday December 11th, 2006 4:28:56 PM

Dwight moves to AB21. He is hiding (26) and moving silently (31).

Raging Julian runs through the trees, leaps over the stream, and ends in the liz-dog compound at O14. Julian's base move is 20, which rises to 30 as a barbarian. Running, that's 150 feet, or 30 squares. But that's more than enough movement to get in threatening range of Liz-Dog p. I drew a straight line from X1 to N15 and moved Julian along that, avoiding AoOs from LD m. I hope this is okay. NOTE: The Intimidation skill is generally useful outside of combat (since it requires a minute to use), except for the Demoralize Opponent option, which requires a standard action. Running leaves no time for a demoralize attempt. But as a role-playing option, the sight of the giant halfling leaping the river while screaming is pretty intimidating, so kudos on style!

Julian's familiar, Shark, jumps into the water and swims to V10.

Selithe fires an arrow at the LizDog talking with Kendry. That's LizDog p. Her arrow thuds into his shield and goes half-way through -- but not penetrating the creature's skin! (Sorry, you missed by one.) NOTE: To gain sneak attack damage from a ranged shot, you have to be hidden (which you are no longer) and within 30 feet.

Fickle yells at his guards, but they do not speak common, he knows. (Welcome Ceil!) Fickle thinks the guards want him to get more rocks, but they do not! They yell at him and tell him to stay!

Tibble moves to 30R. (Is Tibble riding Harry?) He remains in the concealment of the foliage.

Marco moves up a little, then casts Hold Person on LizDog p. The save DC is a 15. The LizDog has a +7 Will save modifier, so a roll of 8 or better will foil the magic. The LizDog rolls a natural 20 and is unaffected by the enchantment!

Tobias and Tewdyr race through forest and swim across the stream. Tobias, with his move of 20, barely enters the water after spending a lot of time hustling through the underbrush. He'll need another swim check next round to finish his swim. Tewdyr, with a move of 50, makes it to the other side, just past Julian's dire badger, Sallie.

Kendry rises a little higher, and with Selithe's arrow and Julian's great leap forward, it is clear that diplomacy is over. The bard casts a Grease spell (the orange splotch on the map). It affects LizDogs a, b, and c. The Reflex save DC is 15. LDs a and b fall, but c remains standing, albeit unsteadily!

NOTE: The LizDogs with spears are AC17. LizDog p is AC18, and n and o are AC16 -- those carry clubs.


LizDogs a and b crawl five feet out of the Grease as a move action. Then they stand up. That is all they can do this round.

LizDog c steps out of the Grease and throws a spear at Kendry. His spear is at -6 due to range. He misses by a mile.

LD j, standing almost directly under Kendry, quickly draws a short spear and a dart and throws both with two hands at Kendry. This enemy is at -2 for range (not quite -4, sorry). Those attacks both hit, and one pierces the bard's leg for a critical. Kendry takes 7 hp damage.

LDs i, k, and d lope over, then quickly draw spears and throw those at Kendry as well. Two of those hit -- one a solid blow, but not a crit. Kendry takes 5 hp damage.

LDs l and m look like they want to run over and fight, but they stay at their posts. They do not throw any weapons yet, not wanting to give the prisoner an opening. Shey have spears and saps ready in their hands.

LD n moves five feet away from the prisoner and casts Entangle. So does LD o. Selithe, Dwight, Marco, and Tibble are all in the entangled areas. Please make a Reflex Save DC 12. If you fail you are entangled (see link). If you suceed, you still move at half speed, and if you end next round still in the Entangle, save again. Also make saves for animal friends, too.

LD h throws a spear and a dart at Julian, who gains a +2 AC bonus from being behind a tree. The spear misses but the dart hits Julian for 1 hp damage.

LD g moves toward Julian and throws a spear at him. It misses.

LD e and f keep watch on the far gate.

LD p steps back five feet out of Julian's reach. He draws a tanglefoot bag and throws it at Julian. The bag hits! Julian takes a -2 penalty on attack rolls and a -4 penalty to Dexterity and must make a DC 15 Reflex save or be glued to the ground, unable to move. Even on a successful save, he can move only at half speed.

At the very end of the round, a crocodile surfaces and tries to bite Tobias! But the bite snaps at only an AC13, so it misses!

And the map!

Tobias [AC 22 - HP 38/38; barkskin; message]  d20+8=19
Monday December 11th, 2006 5:22:19 PM

Tobias continues his swim across the river and onto the other side (swim: 19)... he moves in from the river bank as far as he can in his move... continuing towards Julian.

He relays to the others through message, "There's a crocodile in the river... look out."

Julian [AC 16 tf, hp 44/45]  d20+6=21 d20+16=28 d8+13=18
Monday December 11th, 2006 5:29:19 PM

Reflex Save 21, not glued to the ground, move at half speed
Sorry about the incorrect move speed, my bad memory.

Julian reacts to the tanglefoot bag in time to change direction towards LD-p, thus copping the tanglefoot bag square in the chest. Now standing at O16 Julian thrusts his magic longspear at LD-p, hitting it in the stomach.
"Die you doggie druid! Bark your way out of that one! Freedom for all Halflings! GRRRRRRRRR!"
5' step? to O16
Hit AC 28
Damage 18
Longspear: Reach weapon threatening P14-18, L18-P18, L14-L18

Active Spells
Mage Armour (2 hours)
Bull's Strength (17 rounds)
Jump (7 rounds)
Magic Weapon on longspear(7 rounds)
Magic Fang on Shark(7 rounds)
Enlarge Person (17 rounds)

Run Feat
Rage (7 rounds)

Shark [AC 16, hp 22]
Shark hears his master in combat rage and races to fight by his side.
Shark takes a full round move action catch up to his master, the incredible 7' tall Halfling.
Base speed 30', move 12 squares to P15, beside Julian. Shark does not share Julian's spells since he couldn't leap the stream in a single bound like Julian.

Tewdwr [AC 15 - HP 21/21]  d20+5=24 d6+1=4 d20+3=16 d20+5=12
Monday December 11th, 2006 5:32:30 PM

Tewdwr moves to S12 to flank the lizard dog (M) with the prisoner (Flickle). He attempts to bite with each head and trip (free action) the lizard-dog if it's on two legs.

Kynan attack: 24
Kynan damage: 4
Kynan trip: 16
Dwyr attack: 12 (missed)

Dwight  d20+8=24 d20+8=27 d4=1 d6=6
Monday December 11th, 2006 10:15:38 PM

Reflex save: 24

Dwight manages to maintain some freedom from the entangle (able to move at half speed).

If Dwight has enough freedom (not sure from the spell), Dwight manages to fire his bow at the closest LD (c), who happens to be within his 30' range.

Att: 27+1(point blank shot)
dmg: 1+1(pbs)=2 (is my arrow still d4 since they are small?)

dmg: 6+1(pbs)=7 in case they it is 1d6 for arrow

Selithe-AC:20-HP:30/30 (Message, Dex+4 *2mins*)  d20+13=16 d20+12=21 d6+1=3
Tuesday December 12th, 2006 12:26:49 AM

Selithe is able to keep from being entangled and frowns as she watches what is happening. They were out numbered and if she moved she couldn't help drop one of the enemies. Sighing she pulls back and fires again from where she is standing.

Selithe fires at one of the lizards nearest Kendry now (k) and watches her arrow fly well this time before hammering home.

(Can hit AC:21 Damage:3)

(OOC:Did I read right? We got Ceil in the game? If so that awsome, I DMed for her once and such, awseome player.)

0th: Acid Splash(2), Detect Magic, Flare, Prestidigitation

1st: Identify, Magic Missile(2), Enlarge Person

Kendry [AC 15; HP 29-12=17; Message x 2; Spider climb; Levitation - up in the air; Inspire courage (everyone: +1 attack, +1 damage, +1 saves vs fear, charm)]  d20=19 d20=14 d20=17 d20=20 d20=8 d20=13 d6=4 d6=3 d20+12=19
Tuesday December 12th, 2006 3:50:33 AM

"Ai!" the bard sings as the spear drives up through the flesh of his leg, and another wounds him as well.

The bard pulls one of the bags tucked in to his belt (quickdraw) and upends it, centered basically on Z12, where LD-d stands. There may be a bit of scatter to nearby areas, as he does not so much throw the contents as drop them, trusting gravity to do its work. [Not rolling modified attack rolls, just flat d20 for each object that falls from out the bag.] A tanglefoot bag [ranged touch AC 19], two flasks of acid [1st: ranged touch attack AC 14, damage 4, and 1 hp damage to those within 5 feet of splash point; 2nd: AC 17, 3 hp damage, plus splash to those adjacent], a one pound sack of flour [ranged touch attack AC 20, threat, AC 13 crit - flour dust?], and a thunderstone [AC 8] rain on those beneath him - but mainly on LD-d, who cast his spear. The emptied bag flutters down last of all.

Despite the pain, Kendry sings out in the halfling tongue to inspire courage [Perform: 19] in his friends.
Aye, we seek to free the bounden slave
So fight we all with might and main
Dispel the magic of our foes
And free the prisoner of his woes

So fight, my friends, now fight to save!
By the end of the round, he is 60 feet in the air. He wonders if his sky bombs might cause those beneath him to scatter.

Crescent Valley Posting (By Anthony) 
Tuesday December 12th, 2006 11:40:07 AM

DM: M22R3-- = 9
Tobias: MTWR--S = 5
Dwight: MTWR2-- = 6
Selithe: MTWRF-- = 5
Marco: M--R-S- = 3
Julian: -22R2-- = 7
Kendry: -2WR--- = 4
Tibble: -2WR-S- = 5
Flickle: -----S- = 1 (was just given permission to post)

*Several people posted 2/3 times in a single day trying to get clarification as combat began.

Tibble [AC 18, HP 38/38, Barkskin]  d20=2 d20=7
Tuesday December 12th, 2006 12:06:48 PM

Harry Reflex 9
Tibble Reflex 11

Both are well and truly entangled. Curse the fickle gods!

Cayzle on Entangle 
Tuesday December 12th, 2006 3:49:09 PM

Note that if you are Entangled, you have the following penalties:

MAKE YOUR SAVE - Move at Half Speed

FAIL YOUR SAVE - Cannot walk, hustle, run or charge, and takes a -2 penalty on all attack rolls and a -4 penalty to Dexterity. An entangled character who attempts to cast a spell must make a Concentration check (DC 15 + the spell's level) or lose the spell.


1) Try to break free with a DC20 Strength or Escape Artist check -- success means you can move at half speed.

2) Fire a missile (-2 to hit and -4 dex)

3) Cast a spell (if you can make a DC15+lvl concentration check).

4) Activate a magic item, get things out of your pack, etc etc.

THE POINT IS: Even if you are entangled, you should be trying to do something! I'm looking at Tibble here!

Later addition for Tibble only: Highlight to display spoiler: {My friend, you are a GREENmage! You could even use your speak with plants ability plus a Diplomacy or Wild Empathy check to try to talk the plants that are grabbing you into cutting you some slack, so to speak.}

Fickle  d20+3=23 d20+3=16 d20+3=20 d6+4=10 d6+4=7 d6+4=9
Tuesday December 12th, 2006 6:12:03 PM

Fickle who has a 2 bolders in his hands, let's his temper fly. "You are pushing my buttions, Here take this and this!"
Fickle throw the rocks at his capters, Hitting one right in the head (hit ac 23(crit) damages 10+7=17 hp -( second rock hit ac 20 Damage 9hp)

"Now you dog face want some more of my rocks??"

Dwight (hp 35, ac 16, message) 
Tuesday December 12th, 2006 8:47:25 PM

marco, tibble? Close in and attack!

Eagertooth, can you include the prisoner in our link through you. He may be able to quickly tell us any weak areas these dogs have.

OOC: Such as fear from rocks thrown by Fickle. OUCH!

Slings and Arrows (Darts and Spears) of Outrageous Fortune (DM Cayzle)  d2=2 d2=1 [secret DM rolls] d20+3=8 d20+3=8 d20+3=16 d20+3=14 [thunderstone saves] d20=5 d20=16 d20=1 d20=7 [AoOs on Fickle] d3=1 [dam to fickle] d2=1 [secret DM roll] d20+4=22 d4+2=6 [b vs julian] d20+10=29 d4+4=8 [a vs julian] d20+4=23 d4+2= [c vs julian] d20=2 [d vs kendry] d20+4=23 d4+2=6 [e vs julian] d20+4=10 [f misses] d20+2=14 d20+2=11 [g misses] d20-3=9 d20-3=-1 [h misses] d20+2=22 d20+2=14 [i hits no crit] d4+2=3 [i dam vs julian] d20=11 d20=5 [j&k miss] d100=14 [l fails to stabilize] d20+4=12 [m misses] d20+8=9 [croc misses with a nat 1]
Wednesday December 13th, 2006 10:21:37 AM

Tibble and his animal friend are caught fast in the underbrush. What will they do now? And what about Marco?

Tobias makes a full move, withdrawing from the croc and swimming toward Julian. Swimming is half as fast as regular movement, and Tobias just makes it to the other side, giving the croc a wide berth to avoid an AoO. He ends up in 10X.

Julian takes a five foot step forward and strikes a hard blow to LDp, inflicting 18 on the one who seems likely to be the enemy druid. That's the first enemy blood drawn!

Tewdyr steps forward, flanking LD m with the prisoner on the far side. He snaps twice, once hitting for four, and the next misses. The Trip DC for these creatures is 8. The two-headed dog pulls LD m down to the ground. The reptile is now prone.

Dwight shoots an arrow at LD c. He hits for 2 damage. (short bows do 1d4 base damage for a small size PC).

Selithe shoots too, hitting LD k for 3 damage.

Kendry keeps rising. As he does so, he sings, inspiring his friends. (All PCs and allies from this point on get +1 to hit and damage!)

[OOC note from DM: You can quickdraw weapons and drop them in the same round, but you have zero chance to hit. So the two vials of acid can do splash damage within 5 feet. The Thunderstone can have its normal effect. But the tanglefoot back and the sack of flour do nothing ... might as well save those.]

Kendry drops two vials of acid and a thunderstone. LDs j, d, and i take a point of splash damage, and LDs i and k take another. LDs j, k, and d are deafened.

The prisoner, named Fickle, takes the big rock he is holding and hurls it!

As the prisoner is about to throw, his guards poke at him with spears and bludgeon him with saps. One soft club lands a blow -- Fickle takes one hp nonlethal damage.

Fickle's big rock bashes in the head of one of his guards, who then falls down hard! OOC to Ceil: Highlight to display spoiler: {Sorry, my friend, I did not explain your options well enough. You could throw two little rocks or one big one. You took the big rock damage for the two little ones! So I am using just one big rock for you. Hope that is okay. IMPORTANT -- next round do you want to pick up the fallen guard's spear? That would give you a real weapon. Right now your hands are empty.}


Fickle hears a voice in his head. We are your friends! We are here to rescue you! Do the lizard-dogs have any weaknesses?

LD-p yells something, and the pseudodragon translates: "Everyone! Get this one! He is the most dangerous!" Then he uses a withdraw action to get away from Julian. He hustles southwest right into the bramble, which do not impede his movement at all.

LD-b moves over, staying out of Julian's reach. He travels fast on all fours. Then he stands and quickdraws a spear. He throws the spear at him. And what a throw! He hits AC22! Julian takes 6 hp damage.

LD-a, who had delayed until LDb was out of his way, follows the same route. He too hurls a spear. He hits AC29! What rolls! Julian takes 8 hp damage.

LD-c, although slightly scratched, also hustles over towards Julian, and he too hurls a spear. OhMyGosh! This one hits AC23! Poor pincushion Julian! Julian takes 3 hp damage.

LD-d is deaf and does not hear the druid's order. He continues to throw at Kendry, though now at -4 due to range. he misses.

LD-e abandons his post in order to lope toward Julian and throw a spear at him. The dice roller has a grudge against julian! Another hit vs AC19! Julian takes 6 hp damage. LD-e has cover behind an apple tree trunk.

LD-f follows e and hucks a spear at Julian. At last the die roller has mercy! A miss! Maybe because LD-g was in the way.

LD-g takes a five foot step back and quickdraws both a spear and a dart. He hurls both at Julian. Both missiles also miss.

LD-h throws a spear and a dart at Julian from where he stands. He takes a -4 range penalty, and a -1 due to the tree between them. both miss.

LD-i hears the command and hustles to S17. he hurls a spear at Julian with a -2 range mod. the attack is a crit threat, but not a crit! Julian takes 3 hp damage.

LD-j and LD-k are deaf and each throw a spear at Kendry with -4 range mods. They both miss.

LD-l is unconscious and bleeding with a bad head wound. He fails to stabilize and loses another hp.

LD-m was bitten by Tewdyr and knocked prone. He stands up, provoking an attack of opportunity from Tewdyr (one attack, with bonuses vs a prone foe -- the AoO cannot be a trip attack). Then he stabs at Tewdyr with a spear. He misses.

LD-n steps past Fickle. He sees that Fickle has no weapon, so he is not afraid of AoOs. He steps up next to the unconscious LD-l and cast a spell. LD-l is no longer in danger of bleeding to death.

LD-o does something with the rock. If you make a spot check vs DC15, then Highlight to display spoiler: {He is putting something in a sack.}

The Croc -- marked on the map with a "<" -- attacks Tobias. Evidently the Die Roller likes Tobias as much as it hates Julian! The Croc misses with a natural 1.

NOTE: Those still in the Entangle must SAVE AGAIN each round (Reflex DC12). That means Dwight, Selithe, Tibble, and Marco!

NOTE: Sorry the map is not as good as usual. I had to improvise. With luck we'll be back in normal map mode tomorrow, And the map!

Cayzle OOC Extra Notes 
Wednesday December 13th, 2006 10:33:58 AM

Tewdyr, remember to take your AoO vs LD-m before your regular action. And remember that since LD-m is prone when you take it, his AC is 11 when prone, and 15 after he gets up.

Since you are fighting barbarians who take a -2 penalty when they rage, the following Lizard-Dogs have AC15: a, b, c, e, f, g, i, and m. The other LDs have AC17, EXCEPT n and o have AC16 and p has AC18.

Note that the trip DC for LDs is an 8. So if your trip check beats an 8 AND you roll a 4 or better, the target is tripped.

Cayzle says HOLY CRAP (pardon my french) 
Wednesday December 13th, 2006 10:36:26 AM

Gosh Darn It! I totally forgot to give the LDs their +3 Culverwood bonuses this round! Well, you guys lucked out! Let that be a lesson to you, oh chaotics in the party! Next round I'll remember!

[OOC: That's why we structured the bonuses always as bonuses, never penalties. That way if you forget, you have no one to blame but yourself! LOL!]

Marco (HP 29/29, AC 21- Mage Armor)  d20=9
Wednesday December 13th, 2006 11:11:56 AM

[OOC: I (Dru) am posting for Michael who has computer problems.]

Reflex 13

Marco envades the grasping roots and branches. "Damn bunny-huggers," he growls advancing with malice in his eyes towards the brambles containing 'P'.

Tibble [AC 18, HP 38/38, Barkskin]  d20=9 d20=10
Wednesday December 13th, 2006 11:37:27 AM

Harry Strength 9
Tibble Strength 11

Still frustratingly enveloped, Tibble begins to make a confusion of small sounds not unlike the rustle of wind through mighty trees.

"My Friends! My friends! Hear me gracious Culverwood. My allies and I are here at Eagertooth's behest to free you of this un-natural blight. Resist this abomination's vile enchantments and allow us passage and leave to relieve you woes."

Funny how well Tibble speaks in the plant tongue. Mayhap he is a treant shapechanged into a hobbit?

"Awaken mighty Culverwood and allow us to aid in removing this pack of unholy hybreds from the humus of your strong roots and and the shadow of your sheltering branches."

Cayzle OOC to Tibble 
Wednesday December 13th, 2006 12:35:32 PM

Tibble, how about a Diplomacy or Survival or Know Nature or Wild Empathy check? And what will you do if the plants heed your words?

Tewdwr [AC 15 - HP 21/21 - Inspired]  d20+6=14 d6+2=3 d20+6=7 d20+6=20 d6+2=6 d20+6=19
Wednesday December 13th, 2006 3:37:29 PM

Tewdwr mauls the creature as it starts to stand.

AoO attacks:
Kynan attack - 14
Kynan damage - 3
Dwyr attack - 7 (miss)

If it's still standing, he will continue with his normal attacks:

Kynan attack - 20
Kynan damage - 6
Dwyr attack - 19
Dwyr damage -

Tewdwr [AC 15 - HP 21/21 - Inspired]  d6+2=4 d20+3=15
Wednesday December 13th, 2006 3:41:09 PM

continued... forgot the damage and another trip attempt.
Dwyr damage - 4
Trip - 15

If it's still alive, he will remain in position to continue combat; otherwise, Tewdwr moves to P15.

Tobias [AC 22 - HP 38/38; barkskin; message; inspired] 
Wednesday December 13th, 2006 3:47:21 PM

With the croc still on his tail and finally reaching shore, Tobias performs a retreat action and double moves (40 ft) into position with Julian (P14). And, if possible, Tobias will be drawing both short swords while he moves.

[OOC: I believe I can get that far with a retreat. If not, put me somewhere along that path.]

Dwight (hp35, ac 16, message,inspired)  d20+8=24 d20+8=26 d3=1
Wednesday December 13th, 2006 5:40:41 PM

Dwight watches as several of the dogs cross him limited field of vision, and hope Julian is doing okay.

Reflex: 24 (only slowed by entangle)

If Dwight can he takes a 5' step to AA20 (not sure about the 5' step while entangled). If Dwight can see LD-m, he fires his bow again. (Range should be just inside 60')
Attack: 26+3(chaos)-2(entangle)+1(inspire)=28 (hits AC 17)
Dmg: 1+1=2

If Dwight doesn't have a clear shot because of the corner of the bush, he moves this round closer to the opening (half speed) Z19

(OOC: Gotta get a better ranged weapon, my damage stinks!)

Shark [AC 16, hp 22] 
Wednesday December 13th, 2006 7:46:33 PM

Julian screams out "Kill these little ones! Flank them! Sneak Attack! We're going to kill the druid."

In his own rage and covered in his master's blood the little badger streaks after the druid.

Full round move action. Base speed 30'. Shark will stop 5' away from the druid, risking an AoO, waiting for an AoO against the druid next round.
Magic Fang (6 rounds)

Julian [AC 16, hp 18/45]  d20+16=26 d8+14=19 d100+16=38 d100+16=42 d20+16=31 d20+14=31
Wednesday December 13th, 2006 7:54:25 PM

Julian moves towards the druid, into M17. He shoves his spear in to LDf, really really hard.

Hit AC 26
Damage 19

Looking for an AoO against LDe, rolling in advance...
Hit AC 31 please ignore the d100 rolls
Damage 31

Selithe-AC:20-HP:30/30 (Message, Dex+4 *2mins*)  d20+15=34 d20+15=31 d4+2=6
Wednesday December 13th, 2006 8:17:54 PM

Selithe frowns at whats going on, seeing one giving orders it seems like and then it being confirmed by the dragon she shakes her head and fires at the lizard she shot last round.

(Reflex:34 Can hit AC:31 Damage:6)

Kendry [AC 15; HP 29-12=17; Message x 2; Spider climb; Levitation - up in the air; Inspire courage (everyone: +1 attack, +1 damage, +1 saves vs fear, charm)]  4d2(1+2+1+1)=5 d20-3=10
Wednesday December 13th, 2006 11:16:00 PM

[Roll above to respond to Cayzle's email - item 1, acid, on LD-d, 2, acid, on LD-i, 3, flour, on LD-d, and 4 (hit ground, missing -d) last round]

Kendry takes out a thunderstone, aims, and throws it at the upper right corner of O19 (where it intersects with O18, P18, and P19), thereby affecting (I think) LD-e, LD-g, LD-b, and LD-a with possible deafness (Fort save vs DC-15 or deafened for 1 hour). [Note: -2 levitating, straight line distance ~ 83 feet for -8 on range, normal attack on throws 7, less 10, -3 adjustment overall, and I forgot to add +1 from inspire courage, so AC 11 to hit ground and explode.] He rises another 15 feet in the air, to 75 feet altitude. He glances upwards, and over his shoulder. If no avians approach, he looks back down as he works on stabilizing his now wobbly position after that toss.
They flee they fly
Away they run
Now free our friend and kick their buns!
...is the best he can come up with to continue inspiring courage in his friends and comrades.

Frickle ( ??AC/ 38/38 HP) 
Thursday December 14th, 2006 7:25:13 AM

OOC: Had to go into the City, wikk never there again in the Christmas Season!!

Flick suprises himselfwith that tose, so when ths dog fce guard of his hit him ovet the head?? He gets mad, he now will pick up the spear and will fight his dog face guard.

Harry Barqr  d20=6
Thursday December 14th, 2006 3:13:22 PM

Strength 8

Harry howls with frustration.

Tibble [AC 18, HP 38/38, Barkskin, Inspired]  d20=15 d20=9 d20=6 d20=5 d20=10
Thursday December 14th, 2006 3:18:51 PM

Strength 16
Diplomacy 14
Survival 21
Know Nature 14
Wild Empathy 15

Tibble wants to howl out his frustration as well. (Damn bunny-huggers indeed!) Instead he continues his attempt to counter the effects of the Entangle spells through direct communication.

Harry Barqr [AC 10, HP 22/22, Inspired] 
Thursday December 14th, 2006 3:22:11 PM

[OOC: Just forgot to include Harry's mechanics.]

Tibble [AC 18, HP 38/38, Barkskin, Inspired] 
Thursday December 14th, 2006 3:24:25 PM

[OOC: Keep forgetting to inclue Tibble's remaining spells. I'll get organized at some point.]

Druid 0 lvl
****Cure Minor Wounds
Druid 1st
*Faerie Fire
*Magic Fang

Cleric 0 lvl
Cleric 1st
*Magic Stone

Animal Domain
*Calm Animals
Plant Domain

More enemies drop (DM Cayzle)  d2=2 d2=1 d2=1 d2=1 d6=5 [secret DM rolls] d20+6=25 d20+6=23 d20+6=15 d20+10=11 [LD saves vs thndrstne] d8+14=22 [julian's dam on AoO vs LD-a] d20+11=15 [a misses julian] d20+7=22 d4+3=6 [b hits julian] d20+7=23 d4+3=6 [c hits fickle] d20+2=16 [d save vs grease] d20+5=12 d20+5=13 [e misses] d100=63 [f fails to stabilize] d20+11=15 [h misses] d20+7=11 [i misses] d20+9=10 [j misses] d20+7=10 [k misses] d100=16 [LD-m fails to stabilize] d20+8=27 d8+7=11 [croc hits Tewdyr] d20+8=22 [croc grabs tewder]
Thursday December 14th, 2006 3:32:18 PM

[OOC: Slight rewrite from last round after Kim and I had a chat about how dropping things might work.]

From last round ...

Kendry's tanglefoot bag drops into a square that has no LD, but the acid flasks do crash on the head of LD-d, inflicting an extra 5 damage on him. A heavy bag of flour also hits him, inflicting 5 hp nonlethal damage.

Tewdyr takes his AoO (Note! Only one AoO per round, even if he has two heads!) and bites LD-m for an extra 4 damage.

You see that LD-a has a magic spear! It returns to his hand at the end of the round.

New Round!

Marco makes a double move at half speed toward the druid in the bramble. He makes it to 30P.

Tibble asks the plants to let him go, and they unloose him. He walks to the edge of the entangled area, at 31L. His dog Harry stays behind, still caught. [OOC: I took some DM liberty in moving Tibble, I hope that is okay. If not, let me know.]

Tewdwr bites LD-m with both sets of jaws, inflicting an extra 10 hp damage on the lizard-dog. The trip attempt is moot, since those bites make him fall, dying.

Tobias withdraws from the croc and hustles over to Julian. He draws his swords.

Dwight steps to AA20. He wants to aim at LD-m, but that one is down. Note that the bushes are low -- they do not impede sight -- but they are very hard to walk through. How about LD-i? If that's okay, he fires at that LD and inflicts 2 hp damage.

Julian in his battle rage lashes out, almost blindly. He steps forward and hits LD-f, knocking him to the ground. The lizard-dog is now dying.

OOC to Julian - To which square do you want to send Shark? Is he chasing after LD=p? If so, he has to run between LD-h and LD-e, taking an AoO. Or is he attacking? If so, who? Roll his attacks, please, if needed.

Selithe shoots again at LD-k. She hits him for 6 hp damage. LD-k has taken 10 total.

Kendry throws another thunderstone, this time at the crowd attacking Julian. Only one is deafened by the percussive -- but it is LD-a, the one with the magic returning spear! Kendry rises to an altitude of 75 feet and looks around. He spies the pseudodragon just now dispatching the second of the two eagles. The fey dragon stings it, and the feathered creature falls to the ground with a small thud.

Fickle bends and picks up the spear that the lizard-dog with the bashed-in skull dropped. NOW he has a weapon! Using this spear two-handed, Fickle can attack with a d20+9 for 1d4+4 damage. Ceil, go ahead and roll an attack for THIS round, and then for the NEXT round too! Also, Fickle's AC is 15 dressed in rags.

========== ========== ==========

LD-p casts a spell. Spellcraft DC18 to tell that it is Highlight to display spoiler: {Call Lightning} With the long casting time, he'll be casting it until the start of his next turn.

LD-a is mad as well. He charges Julian on all fours. Doing so provokes the enlarged halfling's AoO, which hits. [NOTE: You rolled a d20 instead of a d8 for damage! I'll reroll.] Julian inflicts 22 hp damage to LD-a, who keeps on coming! He attacks with a spear. The spear misses.

LD-b attacks in the same way. His spear hits Julian for 6 hp damage.

LD-c sees that there is no room to get in the attack on Julian, so he rushes over to fight Fickle. He hits Fickle for 6 hp damage.

LD-d is in bad shape. Deafened, and covered in flour and acid, he decides that it is time to back off. But he backs off into the grease! He makes his save and ends up on the other side of the slick.

LD-e takes a five-foot step to attack julian. He draws both a spear and a sap. Both miss

LD-f fails to stabilize and loses another hp.

LD-g takes a five foot step to LD-f, puts a berry in his mouth, and LD-f's wounds stop bleeding.

LD-h sees that if he charges Julian, he will gain a flanking bonus, so he does it. But he just misses.

LD-i moves up to fight fickle. He misses.

LD-j also moves to fight Fickle. He misses too!

LD-k also moves to fight Fickle. He misses too! This die roller hates the DM today!

LD-l and LD-m are dying on the ground. LD-l is stable, but LD-m fails to stabilize and loses another hp.

LD-n and LD-o both cast a spell -- the same one. Spellcraft DC16 to tell that it is Highlight to display spoiler: {Shilelagh}.

The crocodile rushes out to bite Tewdyr. The croc bites the two-headed dog for 11 hp damage. Then he tries to grapple Tewder. Tewdyr's Grapple DC is a 17 with his four stable legs. The croc grabs Tewder in its jaws -- Tewder is grappled. Please look over the Wold rules for grapples.


Fickle, please make an attack for this round and for last round!

Julian, position Shark on the map and even take an attack, if you like.

Tibble, post greater details on what you hope to do each turn.

Can I get word on when Marco is due back??

And the map!

Shark [AC 16, hp 22]  d20+7=11
Thursday December 14th, 2006 5:55:41 PM

OOC, I had to look up some rules on movement for Shark, I think I get it more now...

Last round Shark would have moved to K23, suffering an AoO from LD-e, DM permitting.

Would a badger's movement be slowed through the bushes?

This round he continues to pursue LD-p. Even slowing through the berry bushes he catches up to LD-p for an attack.
Hit AC 11 (darn! even with Magic Fang and Rage.)

Shark, amendement [AC 14, hp 22] Rage, Magic Fang 
Thursday December 14th, 2006 5:57:14 PM

Shark attacks from I27.

Julian [AC 16, hp 12/45]  d20+16=35 d8+14=19 d20+16=27 d8+14=17
Thursday December 14th, 2006 6:13:17 PM

"Need a little help here. EagerTooth! Tobias! Anyone?" Julian screams his rage and frustration.
Glancing around Julian can see only Tobias coming. In his rage he can only surmise that the others are having second breakfast without him.

Julian takes a 5' step northwest (L16) seeking cover in the apple tree, particularly from LD-a. (AC +2 for cover over all?)
He skewers LD-e through the gut with his longspear. The blood smells good to Jude's nostrils, though much of it is his own. He did notice the spear which returned of its own accord.
Hit AC 35
Damage 19

Now threatening LDs a,b,e, and h?. Looking for an AoO:
Hit AC 27
Damage 17

Tewdwr [AC 15 - HP 10/21 - Inspired]  d20+3=16
Thursday December 14th, 2006 7:10:31 PM

OOC: Before my next turn for Tewdwr, he was supposed to have moved to P15 if his opponent was killed. I don't know if that would change anything about how the croc would react, but he would be standing next to Tobias (who would get an AoO).

Tewdwr attacks with both heads as a single attack, so he should be able to get his full move (50 ft) after killing LD-m.

If nothing changes, he'll try to escape the grapple (16).

Selithe-AC:20-HP:30/30 (Message, Dex+4 *2mins*)  d20+15=21 d20+15=29 d4+2=5
Thursday December 14th, 2006 7:20:43 PM

Selithe frowns and tries speaking to Eagertooth before fireing a arrow at LD-b if she can reach him, "Eagertooth, can you lend more aid by chance? Some spells or something?"

(Can hit AC:29 Damage:5)

0th: Acid Splash(2), Detect Magic, Flare, Prestidigitation

1st: Identify, Magic Missile(2), Enlarge Person

Harry Barqr [AC 10, HP 22/22, Inspired]  d20=5
Thursday December 14th, 2006 7:58:40 PM

Strength 7

Harry is having no luck at all. He shakes his massive head, spittle flying all about him.

Tibble [AC 18, HP 38/38, Barkskin, Inspired] 
Thursday December 14th, 2006 8:14:33 PM

Ha, ha! Wiley rascals. Prepare to face the wrath of a Stinkyfoots!

Free of the Entanglement the rotund greenmage calls forth the will of Culverwood with an Entangle spell of his own. He'll center it somewhere in the nature of 22I. He is looking to include the apple trees and the lizard dog druid 'P' in the area of affect.

"Ahs bees ill as ah hornet, vile critter," goads Tibble. "Why don'ts wheese all bees a-seein' hows youse bees a-likin' ah taste ah ya'lls madicine."

Druid 0 lvl
****Cure Minor Wounds
Druid 1st
*Faerie Fire
*Magic Fang

Cleric 0 lvl
Cleric 1st
*Magic Stone

Animal Domain
*Calm Animals

[OOC: Michael got his phoneline fixed and had hoped to post before the previous round concluded. He'll be posting tonight for last round and the next round.]

Dwight (hp 35, ac 16, message, inspire)  d20+8=12 d20+8=18 d4=1
Thursday December 14th, 2006 8:51:16 PM

Last round: Hitting LD-i is fine.

Entangle Reflex Save: 12 (free to continue moving)

Dwight continues to move between the two bushes (to Z19), taking a step and then firing his bow at LD-k, hoping to help Fickle who is surrounded and 'unarmed'.

(more than 30')
Attack: 18+3(chaos)+1(inspire)-2(entangle)=20 (hit)
dmg: 1+1(inspire)=2 (ah poo times 3)

Flickle (Ac ?? - 38 hp)  d20+9=25 d4=3 d20+9=27 d4=3
Friday December 15th, 2006 6:51:57 AM

Now Flick is upset with his enermy So He'll Keep on Pocking this Dog-Face Foe untill he drops!

OOC: How much extra do I get for being stuberm??

The rolls you requested are Ac 25 - Damages 3 hp.

Today rolls are ac 27 - damagws 3 hp.

The roll for the attack are great But the damages are lousy!!

Kendry [AC 15; HP 29-12=17; Message x 2; Spider climb; Levitation - 75' up in the air (-2 attack); Inspire courage (everyone: +1 attack, +1 damage, +1 saves vs fear, charm)]  d20+5=20 d20+4=5 d20+4=22 d4+3=7
Friday December 15th, 2006 8:00:18 AM

Looking around to see where help is needed most, Kendry happens to note that the one who spoke with him in the sylvan tongue, a druid, is casting a spell [spellcraft 20].

Forget about stabilizing. Kendry quickdraws bow and arrow, and sets to loose an arrow at the gesturing lizard dog. At the last moment, he realizes the arrow will fly way wide (d20+4=5, nat 1). Sucking in his breath, he re-aims (hero point) (d20+4=22), and looses the wooden shaft toward LD-p, doing 7 hp damage.

Get the druid, get him fast
Or you'll see a lightning blast

... are Kendry's encouraging words to his friends.

Shark  d20+8=24
Friday December 15th, 2006 4:06:42 PM

The bushes are low, right? Doesn't impede line of sight, you said to Dwight?
Can Shark leap up at the druid? Just hoping to break his concentration and reach him. 10' or 15' leap from I25, clearing 5' in height.

Jump 24, with the running start that will clear 15' easy.

The Action Gets More Tangled (DM Cayzle)  d20+7=23 d4+3=4 [AoO on Shark] d20+4=16 [a saves vs entangle] d20+2=3 d20+2=4 d20+2=7 [b, g, h fail] d20=4 d20+2=20 [o fails, p saves] d20+2=17 [LD-p fails conc check] d20+9=13 d20+8=23 d3+1=4 [LD-a vs julian] d20-1=10 [b misses] d20+5=12 d20+5=14 [LD-c misses] d20+5=6 d20+5=13 [LD-d misses] d100=4 [LD-e stabilizes on his own] d20=13 [g misses] d20-1=19 d20-1=19 [WOWSY! TWO NAT 20s!! LD-h spears Julian!] d4+2=6 d4+2=5 [LD-h crits julian for 11 damage] d20+7=27 d20+7=15 [ANOTHER NAT 20 and the follow up hits!] d20+7=18 [LD-i hits with the sap too] d4+2=4 d4+2=5 d3+1=4 [damage to Fickle] d20+7=17 d20+7=19 [LD-j hits Fickle too] d4+2=3 d3+1=3 d20+7=13 d20+7=10 [LD-k misses] d20=9 [LD-o stays stuck] d100=96 [m loses another hp] d20+8=25 d8+7=15 [croc bites Tobias for 15] d20+8=21 [and grapples Tobias]
Friday December 15th, 2006 4:12:27 PM

The Action Gets More Tangled (DM Cayzle)

d20+7=23 d4+3=4 [AoO on Shark] d20+4=16 [a saves vs entangle] d20+2=3 d20+2=4 d20+2=7 [b, g, h fail] d20=4 d20+2=20 [o fails, p saves]

Last Round:

Shark moves to K23, running right past LD-e to do so. The lizard-dog pokes at Shark as the dire badger runs by: he hits AC23 for 4 damage to Shark.

Fickle takes a swing -- he hits LD-k for 3.

Current Round:

Shark knows that he HAS to get to the druid leader. But that bramble is too thick! The clever beast has a solution! He takes a running jump OVER the low-lying bramble! The badger even takes a flying charge attack, but he misses the druid.

Julian feels frustrated, and he calls for help. The pseudodragon answers, Hey! I've been busy killing eagles!

Then the dragon looks over the battlefield. We've bloodied their noses! All I wanted was to free the prisoner! Maybe it is time for all of us to get out of here!

Julian thinks about taking advantage of the tree for cover. To do so he would have to step back to M16. He does so [DM mods your order somewhat, hope that's okay]. Then he skewers LD-e, inflicting a hefty 19 damage. That puts LD-e down for the count!

[OOC: Per the map notes at the bottom of the page, a tree grants a +2 cover bonus to Armor Class and a +1 cover bonus on Reflex saves.]

Note to Tewdwr: The DM made a mistake last round. I thought that Tewdwr could not bite with both heads and move at the same time. But after reading the Hydra description, I'll grant it. Now, there is no way that the croc could catch up to Tewdwr and bite him, so for the very start of this round, let's put Tewdwr at P15 and the croc at T11. Tewdwr has not been bitten and is not grappled.

Selithe asks the fey dragon to use some spells or something. The note of annoyance is getting greater in the creature's thoughts: Look, sister, what makes you think I can cast spells! Like I said, if the heat is too high, grab the prisoner and get out of the frying pan!

Selithe shoots LD-b for 5 hp damage.

Tibble's dog, Harry, remains stuck in the Entangle.

Tibble casts his own Entangle, centered at I22. Note from DM -- it is a big help if you post the save DC of your spells when you post. Entangle is a first level spell, and your Wis bonus is +3, so the save DC is 14.

Julian and Shark need to save. Julian gets that +1 reflex cover bonus. Of the lizard dogs, a, b, g, h, o, and p are affected. Only LD-a and LD-p -- the leaders -- save!

Dwight takes a step to Z19. He shoots at LD-k, hitting for 2 hp damage. LD-k is looking pretty wounded.

Fickle hits LD-k again for 3 and knocks him down!

Kendry sees that the lizard-dog druid is casting a potent blast spell! He tries to communicate this to his friends as he keeps singing. He also takes a chance and in a heroic effort, fires an arrow at the enemy, hitting for 7 hp of damage and hoping to disrupt the spell.

Marco, alas, remains horribly enmeshed in the entangle spell.

Tobias pauses to see the best course of action.


The druid LD-p makes a concentration check to try to maintain his spell. The DC for him to do so is 10+7+3=20, because he took 7 hp damage and it's a third level spell. He has no ranks in concentration, and a +2 from Con. His roll is a 17 -- and his spell is ruined!

This round, the druid seems dismayed! LD-p moves on all fours to 36I. Doing so provokes an Attack of Opportunity from Shark. Shark, please take an AoO vs LD-p! When he gets to 36I, the druid casts Obscuring Mist, so that now no one can see him.

LD-a is not entangled, and he is standing right next to Julian! He whips out a sap to join his magic spear and strikes twice at the enlarged halfling. The spear misses, but the sap hits AC23 -- a whap in the gut for 4 hp nonlethal damage to Julian. Please keep your nonlethal damage seperate from your lethal damage! When your nonlethal damage exceeds your current hp, then you fall unconscious!

LD-b is rooted to the spot, but he takes out a spear and hurls it. With the -4 due to being entangled and the -4 for shooting into melee, his chances are pretty slim, and sure enough, he misses.

LD-c takes a five foot step and tries to spear and sap Frickle. He misses both times.

Still caked with acidic flour, LD-d quickdraws a dart and a spear and throws them at Dwight. Both attacks miss!

LD-e is dying. He tries to stabilize, and the god of luck smiles on him. He stops bleeding.

LD-f is unconscious and stable.

LD-g is stuck in an entangle, but hucks a spear at Tewdwr anyway. He has a -4 from being entangled and a -1 range mod. He misses.

LD-h throws a spear at Julian, but despite his total mod of -1, rolls TWO NATURAL 20s! Ouch! Julian takes 11 hp damage! By the DM's calculation, that puts Julian at 1 hp, but his nonlethal damage exceeds his current hp, so he falls unconscious!

LD-i takes a flanking poke and a pumel (spear and sap) at Fickle. ANOTHER CRIT! Fickle takes 9 hp damage from the spear, and 4 NONLETHAL damage from the sap. Please keep track of Nonethal Damage seperate from regular damage!

LD-j tries to do the exact same thing. And he does! Flick takes 3 hp regular damage and 3 hp nonlethal damage.

LD-k is unconscious and bleeding!

LD-l is unconscious and stable.

LD-m is dying and tries to stabilize -- but he loses another hp and is still dying.

LD-n drags LD-l five feet back, then moves arond to help LD-m.

LD-o is entangled. He tries to get free but fails.

The Crocodile attacks Tobias. It bites him for 15 hp! And grapples him with a check of 21. Tobias is now grappled!

And the map!

Julian  d20+5=19 d20+5=16
Friday December 15th, 2006 5:27:16 PM

Saves vs entangle
Julian Reflex save 19
Shark save 16

Tibble [AC 18, HP 38/38, Barkskin, Inspired] 
Friday December 15th, 2006 8:32:34 PM

[OOC: Sorry about the DC not being there. Bear with me I'll get used to this yet.]

Tibble grabs his sling and one of his three magical stones (+1 attack, 1d6+1 damage).

"All ya'll a-comin'?" Tibble asks of Marco and Harry.

Harry Barqr [AC 10, HP 22/22, Inspired]  d20=20
Friday December 15th, 2006 8:40:07 PM

Strength Natural 20!

Properly motivated, out dim-witted canine hero lunges towards his masters side.

[OOC: The massive stormfront affecting the Pacific Northwest has left Michael without power. Given how far from civilization he actually lives, he and his neighbors could be without for some time. I'm hoping to hear from him later today so that I may post for him. For now assume Marco is so entangled he cannot contribute up to this point and we'll have Marco's actions begin when I can get an input from him. Life is what happens while you are making plans.]

Kim OOC 
Friday December 15th, 2006 10:58:49 PM

Hey, gang, REMEMBER - include your +1 from inspire courage on your attack (aka to hit) rolls AND on your DAMAGE! - So, if Flickle (Fickle?) feels inspired by the rescue and Kendry's song - then HE should add a +1 to his damage. Tibble should add another +1 attack & damage too! Etc., et al.


8:47 PM (10:47 PM Texas time): I'm heading back home to darkness (except for candles and Really Good Flashlights). Not sure when next I'll be able to post. The electric utility tells us it should take 2-7 days to restore power. And, maybe we'll have snow tonight!

Frickle (AC??/ 38hp)  d20+9+1=24 d20+9+1=19 d4+3+1=7 d4+3+1=7
Saturday December 16th, 2006 6:11:31 AM

Fickle Holds that spear with Both Hand, now he'll put his shoulder into his pocking. 'poke' 'poke' "Take that you slithering dirty nose bow-wows"

Attack Ac 24 & Ac 19 - Damages 7 & 7.

OOC TO DM: If the guard is down and out. Then Frickle will poke at the Shark

DM OOC to Fickle 
Saturday December 16th, 2006 8:22:57 AM

Please Highlight to display spoiler: {Flick has taken 18 hp regular damage and 8 hp nonlethal damage. His max hp are 58. So he has 40 hp left.

Flick's unarmored AC (just small size and dex) gives him an AC15.

DM OOC Enemy ACs 
Saturday December 16th, 2006 8:33:34 AM

NOTE: The LizDogs with spears are AC15 (all are raging). LizDog p is AC18, and n and o are AC16 -- those carry clubs.

Marco (HP 29/29, AC 21- Mage Armor)  d20-1=0 d20-1=17 d20-1=8
Saturday December 16th, 2006 11:48:46 AM

(OOC- Finally! First a transmission out on my truck, then my computer (turned out it was the phone line that was having problems, not my computer. I have two lines, one for phone, one for computer- phone worked, so I assumed the line going to the computer was ok, silly me. Turned out a snowplow had ¡§nudged¡¨ a phone connection box about a mile from me.) It got fixed just in time for power to go out. AAAARG.)
Soooo, I talked my boss into letting me have computer time at work (Ok, after workļ) in case this happens again.)

Marco continues trying to fight his way out of the entangle spell muttering to himself, ¡§Hide in the BUSHES to ambush a druid, real smart, Marco.¡¨

Check for entangle (Three times? @-1, Need natural 20)

Strength check -0
Strength check -17
Strength check -8

Marco will continue to try and get out.

Cayzle to Marco 
Saturday December 16th, 2006 12:00:19 PM

Welcome back!

Note that if you are entangled, you can get out with a Str or Dex check vs DC20. The Dex check is really an escape artist check, but even if you have no ranks in escape artist, you can make a Dex check. That's an 18 or better for Marco! Your second roll will therefore get you out, I rule!

Note that you can do other stuff, just not move. You take a -2 penalty on all attack rolls and a -4 penalty to Dexterity. An entangled character who attempts to cast a spell must make a Concentration check (DC 15 + the spell's level) or lose the spell. DM to Marco: Please Highlight to display spoiler: {So you could cast Magic Stone and True Strike, for example, then sling at an enemy.}

Shark [AC 15, hp 22]  d20+7=23 d2+4=5 d20+5=12 d20+9=29 d20+4=19
Saturday December 16th, 2006 4:16:26 PM

Claw, Magic Fang, Rage, Inspired:
Hit AC 23
Damage 5

Shark is determined to get that druid, but is going to have to swim after him. He plans to move 5' West into the water, then South using another move action.
Reflex Save vs Entangle 12
Escape Artist vs Entangle 29
Assuming the Entangle does not affect the water, Shark swims to G29.
Swim 19

Julian [hp 1, non-lethal damage 1, unconscious] 
Saturday December 16th, 2006 4:30:10 PM

Julian watches the puny lizard dog throw his spear, the returning spear, and dodges it easily. He didn't so much see the sap as feel it,
"Pathetic, call that weapon! You're the next one down. Skewered dog, like your friends there and there."

He didn't see the spear coming from the South West either, nor did he feel it...
Julian sees the hall full of mighty warriors. He walks amongst them as an equal. He flicks his falchion allong the wall made of spears, and looking up admires the ceiling made of shields. There is a longship being built inside this incredible hall, and whole boars roasting over fire pits. Mead-benches arranged around the fires, and beautiful women preparing stews and attending the boars.
Julian is taller than these vicious fighters, and his black and grey hair stands out against their long blonde plaits. The women notice him. The men great him in friendly tones, and slap him mightily on the back as they embrace him.
Strange, Shark isn't here.
There is a call, a horn blown at the other end of the hall, and a brilliant light. It is time to fight the giants. The other warriors grab their own spears and axes, swords and shields and jog down the massive hall to the calling.

Will Julian also run towards the light?...

Tobias [AC 22 - HP 23/38; barkskin; message; inspired]  d20+13=27 d6+2=4
Saturday December 16th, 2006 4:34:31 PM

Tobias is grappled by the croc and gives out a loud scream as his teeth pierce down on him. With his short sword, he stabs at the croc.

Attack: 27 - 4 (for being grappled) = 23
Damage: 4

[OOC: grapple rules say you can only take one attack with a light weapon.]

Tewdwr [AC 15 - HP 21/21 - Inspired]  d20+7=19 d6+2=7 d20+3=13 d20+7=27 d20+7=17 d6+2=4 d6+2=6 d20+3=14
Saturday December 16th, 2006 4:42:46 PM

Tewdwr circles around the croc from the north (to avoid AoO) to flank it (R12). And bites at the crock with its two heads.

Kynan attack: 19
Kynan damage: 7
Kynan trip: 13
Dwyr attack: 27 (nat 20; critical threat)
Dwyr threat roll: 17 (crit?)
Dwyr damage: 4
Dwyr crit damage: 6 (if he critted)
Dwyr trip: 14

Julian [hp 1/45, non-lethal 4, unconcious] 
Saturday December 16th, 2006 5:51:28 PM

Shark [AC 14 hp 22/22]

Just a few corrections.

Tibble [AC 18, HP 38/38, Barkskin, Inspired] 
Sunday December 17th, 2006 1:17:30 PM

Not willing to be thwarted, our pudgy pal casts Fearie Fire on the fleeing druid.

Druid 0 lvl
****Cure Minor Wounds
Druid 1st
*Magic Fang

Cleric 0 lvl
Cleric 1st
*Magic Stone

Animal Domain
*Calm Animals

[OOC: I will be out of town Mon. 18th to Fri. 22nd. Michael will post for me - I sent him a copy of my character sheet. Any actions he takes are fine by me. If Tibble (or Harry) die while I'm away - no big deal. I will just return as a leaner, meaner hobbit!]

Dwight(hp 35, ac 16, message, inspired)  d20+8=11 d20+8=19 d4=2
Sunday December 17th, 2006 7:49:03 PM

Reflex vs. Entangle: 11+3(choas)=14 (whew!)

Dwight takes aim at the closest target (LD-d).
Attack: 19+3(chaos)-2(entangle)+1(inspired)=21 (hit)
Dmg: 2+1(inspired) (at least it's not a 1)

To Eagertooth I completely agree, we should get ourselves out of here, but a friend has fallen and we must do our best to rescue him now, foolhardy though he was.

If LD-d falls, Dwight takes a 5-foot step to Y18.

Marco (HP 29/29, AC 21- Mage Armor, Inspired)  2d8(2+7)+2=11
Sunday December 17th, 2006 8:54:05 PM

(Catching up on actions.)
Marco bursts out of the Entangle spell, coming to rest by Tibble.
Seeing that he is casting a spell at the mist and taking a quick glance around, he takes in what has happened while he was battling bushes.
"Gods, what a cluster" Marco mumbles.
"Nuts to me!" He says in a loader voice.
Nuts comes out of the trees and lands by Marco who is casting a spell, leaning against him.
(The spell is Cure Moderate Wounds. Marco designates Nuts as the toucher as the rules for familiars cover. Nuts can now deliver the cure spell.)
Cure spell-11 HP

"Cast it on Julian." Marco tells the bird, who takes off in a flurry of feathers, serious for once.

HD 5, hp 15; Init +2; Speed 10 ft., Fly 40 ft. (average); AC 17)

Marco then prepares his sling to sling the magic stones he made earlier at the druid.

Sunday December 17th, 2006 9:09:45 PM

Thanks Marco

Kim OOC 
Monday December 18th, 2006 1:25:42 AM

I nominate Julian for a hero point.

Julian  d20+10=27
Monday December 18th, 2006 5:35:17 AM

If that annoying bird gets to Julian (in the next round or two or three) to heal him (darn, I might have to appreciate the bird), Julian will lay low to sus things out before gettting up. That is, if the healing brings him back to the conscious world: he might prefer the great hall.
Bluff 27

Monday December 18th, 2006 5:55:14 AM

OOC too early to post!!

Monday December 18th, 2006 11:15:59 AM

Still waiting for Selithe and Kendry!!

Cayzle to Marco 
Monday December 18th, 2006 11:17:25 AM

Please Highlight to display spoiler: { Letting your familiar deliver the touch attack is a great idea, BUT to do so you have to have three levels of wizard! Sorry, but your bird does not yet have the abiity to carry a spell.

You can specify a new action if you are fast! Like before 4 pm new york time.

Kendry [AC 15; HP 29-12=17; Message x 2; Spider climb; Levitation - 75' up in the air, then down to 65 feet (-3 attack); Inspire courage (everyone: +1 attack, +1 damage, +1 saves vs fear, charm)]  d20+3=4 d20+3=23 d20+3=20 d4+3=7 d4+3=5
Monday December 18th, 2006 2:42:32 PM

[Comcast internet access has been going up and down the past day - mainly down. Tried to post last night - connection died. It just came back up. -Kim]

Feeling wobbly in the air, Kendry is starting to feel a little sick to his stomach - whether due to his sense of loss of attitudinal control, or of what looks to be happening down below.

He tries to ready another arrow. He pulls back the string, and finds the arrow is not even nocked (d20+3=4). Again pulling from inner reserves (hero point), the determined halfling quickly and properly nocks the arrow on the string, pulls back and in one smooth notion looses the arrow against the fellow with the reusable spear (LD-a, nat 20, threat, crit vs AC 20, damage 7+5=12) whom he saw so viciously attacking his friend Julian. He wants to draw the scaley dog's attention away from him also known as Badger and Jude. He drops down to 65 feet altitude.

So focused is he on hitting the target, that he forgets to maintain his song. [Folks - the inspire courage bonuses will last for you all through this and the following three rounds.]

Dwight (hp 35, ac 16, message, inspire) 
Monday December 18th, 2006 8:11:03 PM

OOC: Since I am waiting for the posting of Dwights hefty arrow damage to LD-d, I figured I would comment on how much I like the maps you use Cayzle. I'm curious how you color the screen (like the river)without filling in complete squares.

Julian OOC 
Monday December 18th, 2006 8:16:36 PM

Ditto, I've never seen how to do that sort of thing on Excel, assuming that's what you're using

Crescent Valley Posting (by Anthony) 
Monday December 18th, 2006 8:21:50 PM

DM: 2TWRFS- = 7
Kendry: MTWRF-- = 5
Julian: 2-WRFS- = 6
Selithe: M-W---- = 2
Marco: --W--SS = 3
Flickle: MT-RFS- = 5
Tibble: MTWRF-S = 6
Tobias: M-W--S- = 4
Dwight: MTWR--S = 5

OUCH Folks! Several power outages.

Marco(HP 29/29, AC 21- Mage Armor, Inspired) 
Monday December 18th, 2006 8:40:42 PM


Marco will cast Bull strength on himself instead.

Rock 'em! Sock 'em! (DM Cayzle)  d2=1 [which LD did F hit?] d20+11=14 d20+10=11 [a misses twice] d20-1=19 d20-1=7 d4+2=4 [b hits T] d20+2=22 d20+2=17 d20+2=3 d4+2=4 d4+2=4 [c crits F] d20+5=17 d20+5=11 d4+2=6 [d hits D for 6] d20+5=22 [h escapes ent] d20+7=9 [h misses] d20+7=19 d20+7=16 d4+2=6 d3+1=2 [i hits F] d20+7=13 d20+7=19 d3+1=2 [j hits Fickle] d100=75 d100=82 [k and m don't stabilize] d20+3=16 [o stays put] d20+8=25 [croc pins tobias]
Monday December 18th, 2006 9:57:08 PM


Marco tries his best to wriggle out of the vines and roots that bind him. He rolls a natural 18 ... just enough to make an untrained DC20 Escape Artist check! He wriggles free!


Frickle pokes his spear at one of the lizard-dogs -- a pretty hard poke! He jabs for 7 hp damage! [OOC: Just one poke per round, unless you take the time to pick up a second weapon!] The former prisoner thinks about attacking the Crocodile, but there are lizard-dogs a-plenty still to fight for now! Flick hits LD-c for 7.

Julian's pal, the dire badger named Shark, jumps into the water and swims to G31. He finds that the Entangle does not extend into the water -- a few aquatic weeds wriggle around him, but they are weak and cannot bind him. He cannot see the druid lizard-dog, who is probably in the fog bank, but his keen nose can try to sniff him out. Shark can JUST smell the druid -- about 30 feet away at the center of the mist!

Julian dreams the anxious dreams of those who are wounded and near death.

Tewdwr circles around the croc, wanting to attack from the other side. But the croc and Tibble are wrestling and maneuvering, and moving so that Tewdwr can't get the advantage he seeks. [OOC: Grappled creatures no longer threaten nearby squares, and therefore no longer can provide flanking bonuses or make AoOs. So Tewdwr cannot help flank the croc as he grapples it.]

Tewdwr bites at the croc with both sets of fangs. He hits twice, biting for 11 hp damage. The two-headed dog does not trip the reptile [OOC: Trip DC for the croc is a 19.]

Tobias uses his short sword to stab at the reptile who has clamped down on him. He hits for 4 hp damage.

Tibbles get ready to sling, and his dog, Harry, joins him as he pulls free of the entangling underbrush. But the greenmage reconsiders and casts a Faerie Fire where he last saw the druid, who cannot have moved far from that spot yet! The lizard dog is outlined, but the mist still protects him from view -- however, if you get close enough, he will be a clearer target. [OOC: The spell does not cancel full concealment as a result of intervening objects, but if you get within 5 feet, he will NOT gain the benefit of a 20% miss chance.]

Dwight shoots at LD-d, hitting for 3 hp damage. The lizard-dog stays on his feet, barely.

Marco wants to save Julian and get him back into fighting shape, but he is out of reach! What to do? [OOC: Letting your familiar deliver the touch attack is a great idea, BUT to do so you have to have three levels of wizard! Sorry, but your bird does not yet have the abiity to carry a spell.] He decides to cast Bull's Strength on himself instead.

Kendry drops a little lower in altitude and fires a heroic shot! He hits the leader lizard dog (LD-a) a solid shot for 12 hp damage.

Selithe holds her actions and looks around.


The lizard-dog druid, LD-p, moves to the east, or so Shark's keen nose tell shim. But he does not move out of the fog, so odds are he is in the eastern half of the mist cloud. What he's doing in there (casting a spell?) is anyone's guess.

LD-a roars in rage as he is hit by Kendry's arrow. But Kendry is out of easy range. He throws a spear and a dart at Tewdwr! Both miss! Then he takes a step toward Tewdwr in order to escape the Entangle.

LD-b throws a spear at Tewdwr, with a -8 penalty for being entangled and firing into melee. He hits with a nat 20, doing 4 hp damage to the two-headed dog.

LD-c takes two swings at Fickle. He is lucky, and criticals Flick for 8 hp damage!

LD-d throws a spear and a dart at Dwight. The spear hits Dwight for 6 hp damage as it scratches his leg.

LD-e and LD-f are both unconscious and stable.

LD-g readies a spear throw, but does not throw yet -- Reminder note for DM: Highlight to display spoiler: {readies a throw at T or M, whichever casts a spell first.}

LD-h tries to wriggle free of the entangle! He does so! He moves northeast to where the croc and Tobias are wrestling. He pokes with his spear, two-handed, at Tobias. Since a grappling target loses his dex bonuses vs non-grapplers, Tobias does not get his Dex bonus to AC. LD-h (who felled Julian with a great throw, by the way) strikes hard, But he hits only AC9 -- missing.

LD-i is fighting Fickle. He strikes with spear and sap, and he is flanking the prisoner. He hits Fickle twice, for 6 hp regular damage and 2 hp nonlethal damage.

LD-j is also flanking Fickle. He also hits Fickle, doing 2 hp nonlethal damage.

LD-k, LD-l, and LD-m are all unconscious. k and m continue to bleed to death.

LD-n casts a spell and stabilizes LD-m.

LD-o tries to wriggle free of the entanglement ... but he stays put this round, tangled in grasses!

The Croc tries to pin Tobias. His grapple check is a 25, which puts Tobias firmly in the croc's toothy grasp! Tobias's options suddenly got a lot more limited! (see rules for grapples).

Note for Fickle: Highlight to display spoiler: {Flick has taken 32 regular hp damage and 12 nonlethal. His max hp are 58. So he has 26 hp left. When his nonlethal damage is higher than current hit points, he goes unconscious. So far you are still on your feet!}

And the map!

Selithe-AC:20-HP:30/30 (Message, Dex+4 *2mins*)  d20+15=17 d20+15=30 d4+1=3 d20+15=27 d20+15=20 d4+2=4
Monday December 18th, 2006 10:17:55 PM

(OOC:This can be deleted shortly but what in the blazes. I wasn't able to check the Wold over the weekend but I did Friday and seen no post or any posts after like 8pm my time and now there is a whole bunch. Sorry Cayzle for holding you up. I'll post for this round and last if you like.)

If Selithe can she will fire at LD-c in hopes to help Fickle out and keeps a eye on her friends, not liking how this is going at all.

(Can hit AC:30 Damage:4 *forgot to add Kendry's bard song*)


(If allowed) Selithe last round would of fired a shot off at LD-d in hopes to injure him some to or maybe drop him depending on how much if any damage he has taken. (Can hit AC:20 Damage:4)

Reflex for last round:27

0th: Acid Splash(2), Detect Magic, Flare, Prestidigitation

1st: Identify, Magic Missile(2), Enlarge Person

Shark [AC 14, hp 22]  d20+3=20 d20+8=9
Monday December 18th, 2006 11:02:34 PM

Swim 20

Shark swims ashore and heads directly to where he last saw the druid (H36), picking up his scent he moves to the druid.
Track (survival, scent) 9 nat 1
Maybe he doesn't pick up the trail.
Maybe he spends the rest of the round at H36 trying to find the trail.

Julian lies deathly still and bleeding. Dreaming he takes up the jogging march towards the call to arms.

Active Spells
Mage Armour (2 hours)
Bull's Strength (14 rounds)
Jump (4 rounds)
Magic Weapon on longspear(4 rounds)
Magic Fang on Shark (4 rounds)
Enlarge Person (14 rounds)

Run Feat
Rage (4 rounds)

Kendry [AC 15; HP 29-12=17; Message x 2; Spider climb; Levitation - 65 feet altitude (stabilizing -1 attack by end of round); Inspire courage (everyone: +1 attack, +1 damage, +1 saves vs fear, charm)]  d20-2=15
Tuesday December 19th, 2006 1:23:43 AM

Kendry casts a grease spell to cover R15, S15, R16, S16, affecting LD-c, LD-i, and LD-l, hoping to let the halfling they came to free, perhaps get free of being almost entirely surrounded. He spends the round stabilizing, as he takes a look around.

He whispers, sending a message to his comrades, "Julian is still. Tobias and Tewdyr beset. The slave surrounded. Can we not save them? EagerTooth, what is your counsel? Friends, can we not rescue these three?"

Cayzle to Robert on mistakes 
Tuesday December 19th, 2006 7:04:59 AM

Thanks, Robert! That was just what I needed! Much appreciated! All fixed now.

Fickle  d20+9=26 d4+3=6
Tuesday December 19th, 2006 5:50:08 PM

Fickle is mad at the dog face enermies, He will strike the one in frount of him "Take this spear and wear it!!" (bet you though I was going to say something else??)

Attack ac 26 - Damages 6 hp.

OOC: Sorry I did not post yesterday, we had some high winds and driving rain.

Tobias [AC 22 - HP 23/38; barkskin; message; inspired; pinned]  d20+8=11
Tuesday December 19th, 2006 6:54:49 PM

Tobias tries to break the pin this round (11)... but probably not.

Tewdwr [AC 15 - HP 17/21 - Inspired]  d20+6=25 d6+2=7 d20+3=19 d20+6=23 d6+2=7 d20+3=14
Tuesday December 19th, 2006 7:00:41 PM

Tewdwr desperately tries to save Tobias by continuing his attack on the croc. He bites it twice again, and may have possibly tripped it.

Kynan attack: 25
Kynan damage: 7
Kynan trip: 19 (i think that trips it)
Dwyr attack: 23
Dwyr damage: 7
Dwyr trip: 14

If the damage is enough to kill it, Tewdwr will move towards the nearest lizard dog. If not, he will stay in position, ready to take an AoO, or attack the croc again on its turn.

Tibble [AC 18, HP 38/38, Barkskin, Inspired] 
Tuesday December 19th, 2006 7:53:27 PM

(OOC- Posting for Tibble.)
Tibble will advance on the druid with his newly freed dog. When he can seee the druid, he will use his sling with Magic stones.

Marco(HP 29/29, AC 21- Mage Armor, Inspired) 
Tuesday December 19th, 2006 7:55:35 PM

Marco will advance with Tibble, also ready to use his sling when he can see the druid.

Dwight (hp 29/35, ac 16, message, inspired)  d20+8=12 d20+8=15 d4=2
Tuesday December 19th, 2006 8:58:14 PM

Dwight is annoyed at the whole situation and even more so since LD-d still stands. Pullin' his bow again, he aims for the final blow (he hopes)

Reflex vs. Entangle: 12+3=15 (made)

Attack: 15+3(chaos)-2(entangle)+1(inspired)+1(point blank) =18 (hit)
Dmg: 2+1(inspired)+1(point blank)=4

(If Selithe killed LD-d last round, Dwight remains annoyed but fires at LD-c instead, hitting AC 17, dmg 3)

Fickle  d20+3=18 d20+3=15 d3+3=5 d3+3=6
Wednesday December 20th, 2006 4:28:47 AM

Fickle seeing that thes people are fighting these enermy, he will doubel his efforts. He picks up two stones and throws them to the enermy in frount of himself.

Stones hitting Ac 18 & Ac 15 - Damages 5+6=11 hp.

Croc of Sleep! (DM Cayzle)  d4=4 [thorn damage to Shark] d20+2=20 d20+2=19 [two saves vs Grease] d4=1 [thorn dam to Tibble] d4=2 [thorn dam to Marco] d20+11=18 d3-1=1 [ET barbs croc] d20+7=8 [Croc fails save]
Wednesday December 20th, 2006 7:21:55 AM


At the very last moment, Selithe takes aim and fires at LD-d. She hits for 4, dropping the lizard-dog!


Selithe quickly whips another arrow onto her bow-string and takes aim at LD-c. She is firing into melee, and a ways off, but her aim is true, and she inflicts 4 to the sorely wounded but still standing creature.

Shark swims to 32G, and smells the druid almost exactly 30 feet southeast. Then he swims to 33H, into the mist, and then onto land at 34I. That's an entire move action (recall that swimming cost two movement points per square, and so does the forest underbrush. When Shark steps into 34I, he steps on something painful! The vines and plants underfoot are very thorny. Shark takes 4 hp damage and must make a reflex DC17 save or be lame. A lame character moves at half speed -- in this terrain, that means 4 movement points per square!

Note! Shark still has a standard action left this round! He is in 34I. He can smell the druid in 36K! Will Shark go forward, knowing that every step may bring more damage and a save vs lameness? [Note: you can't be double-lamed!] If so, exactly which squares will he step into?

Julian remains unconscious. Although a little blood seeps from his wounds, note that he is not dying or losing hit points every round. Honestly, his dreams might be more plagued with the nightmare of capture and imprisonment than death!

Kendry casts Grease, possibly affecting LD-c and LD-l. [Note: PLEASE post save DCs when you cast an offensive spell!] The two lizard-dogs roll a 20 and a 19 to resist the magic and stay standing!

Kendry asks his friends what to do about the battle -- is it time to think about gathering the wounded and leaving? EagerTooth says that at least they should rescue Tobias from the croc. The fey dragon will try to help with that. She sees no way for the small folk to carry the seven-foot tall Julian away, especially under attack.

Fickle pokes LD-i, hitting for 7 hp damage (inclusing inspiration bonus).

Tobias struggles but cannot break free.

Tewdwr bites the croc twice for 14! And knocks it down!

Tibble and Marco move towards the lizard-dog druid. Well, they don't know where he is, but they head into the mist. Tibble moves to 34K and steps on spiked growth! He takes 1 hp damage and must make a DC17 reflex save or be lame. Lame means half speed (two move points per square for the greenmage). Tibble has a standard action left! Will he go deeper into the mist, knowing that it means more damage and possible lameness? If so, where exactly will he go? If not, what will he do with his standard action?

Marco moves to 34L at the end of his turn. He is delayed by the growth and tangles far more than the greenmage, and as his turn ends, he too steps into the mist and suffers foot damage. Marco takes 2 hp damage and must make a reflex DC17 save or be lame.

Dwight fires at LD-c and knocks him down! He falls in the Grease, dying.

Finally, out of the sky, the tiny fey dragon dives on the crocodile. Normally a tiny creature would have to worry about AoOs, but the grappling croc has his mouth full. EagerTooth dives down on the opposite side that Tewdwr is attacking. At the last minute he whips his tail down and strikes at the croc. He barbs it for 1 hp damage, and the Croc falls asleep! Tobias is free!


I need a standard action from Shark. Note that Tibble and Marco can see each other but they cannot see Shark or the druid. Shark cannot see them or the druid, but his scent tells him where they are.

I need a standard action from Tibble. You can only see five feet in this mist, so when you can see an enemy, it is almost too close to do so!

I need actions for the whole round for Harry, the dog.

Please, the rest of youse, please hold off posting actions, although you can post questions and corrections, as usual.

Tibble [AC 18, HP 38/37, Barkskin, Inspired]/Marco(HP 29/27, AC 21- Mage Armor, Inspired)/Harry  d20+4=13 d20+4=15
Wednesday December 20th, 2006 8:16:16 AM

(OOC- Posting for Tibble)

Tibble DC-13 (Lame. Damn.)
Tibble tells Marco and Harry to hold. (Marco was doing this anyway, ouch.)

Harry was waiting for Tibble and trying to pick up the druids scent. (You will have to tell me if he needs to make a save.)

Tibble then spends a round talking to the plants, asking them to bend to the side (so when stepped on, they would be flat) or to make a path for them to the druid.

Marco save DC- 15 (Lame. %$#@.)

Wednesday December 20th, 2006 5:22:44 PM

Friends, I know that several people have had trouble posting, due to events beyond their control. I would rather delay a little. But I will post a turn tonite for sure, whether I hear from Shark or not.

Shark [AC 14, hp 18/22]  d20+8=23
Wednesday December 20th, 2006 7:14:12 PM

Save vs lameness 23
Shark will move to get to the druid. It is his sole thought through his rage. He moves as close as possible to the druid, hoping to bump into it, prefering to attack.

Julian sleeps and dreams.

Active Spells
Mage Armour (2 hours)
Bull's Strength (13 rounds)
Jump (3 rounds)
Magic Weapon on longspear(3 rounds)
Magic Fang on Shark (3 rounds)
Enlarge Person (13 rounds)

Run Feat
Rage (3 rounds)

Wednesday December 20th, 2006 7:27:37 PM

OOC, sorry about the delay, I went to a work Christmas party and didn't come home. ;-)

Shark  d20+5=23
Wednesday December 20th, 2006 7:40:34 PM

Just thinking ahead, since Shark made the reflex save, does that mean he notices the thorns or whatever. If he does, and if the druid is close enough he is desperate enough to leap at the druid.
Jump 23, would cover 10' in a leap, reaching a height of approx 3', without a running start.
Wish he was only 5' from Julian to share the Jump potion.
And note that Shark is normal sized, not dire, since he is more than 5' from Julian he cannot share spells.

Thursday December 21st, 2006 2:38:02 AM

[Humm di humm di hummmm]

Thursday December 21st, 2006 5:04:54 AM

Fickle will be picking up two more Rock "Grunt!" "Grr!" "Grunt!".

Croc of Sleep! Part Two! (DM Cayzle)  d4=2 [spike dam to Shark] d4=3 d20+5=11 [LD-p affected by own spell] d20+11=24 d20+10=15 d4+4=8 d3+2=3 [a att tewdwr] d20+1=13 d20+1=2 [b misses] d20+5=22 [g gets free] d20+5=23 d20+5=17 d4+2=6 d3+1=2 [h hits Tewdwr] d20+7=23 d20+7=26 d20+7=14 d20+7=27 [i and j att Fickle ... 3 of 4 hit] d4+2=3 d3+1=2 d3+1=2 [dam to Fickle] d100=47 d100=37 [stabilization rolls] d20+3=23 d20+3=10
Thursday December 21st, 2006 7:41:56 AM


Harry moves closer, out of the entangle, but does not enter the mist.

Tibble fails to convince the spike growth to let him pass unimpeded, but he does learn where the spikes are growing (see map).

Shark moves up, following his nose to the druid. He takes 2 more hp damage and has to make another DC17 save to avoid lameness.

Shark is standing right next to the glowing blue druid, but he used all his actions in moving, and cannot attack this round.


LD-p backs up a step into the spike growth. He takes 3 hp damage from his own spell and is is lamed by his own spell. But he had no choice if he were avoid provoking an AoO from the persistant animal.

Now out of Shark's reach, the druid uses his standard action to change into a bird -- an owl, actually. Then he flies away to the south, flying low through the trees so that he can be concealed by the foliage. It is clear to you, and EagerTooth's mental intuition confirms, that the druid has packed it in and will not be returning anytime soon.

"Excellent work, my friends!" says the fey dragon. "He runs in fear, and will not soon return!"

LD-a, the sole remaining leader, knows that time is running out. He takes a five foot step. He shouts in draconic, "Kill the deveil dog!" then he throws a spear and a dart at Tewdwr. Bothhit, and Tewdwr takes 11 hp total.

LD-b, though entangled, throws a dart and a spear, at -4 to hit. Both miss.

LD-c, d, e and f are all unconscious or dying right now.

LD-g tries to wriggle out of the entangle and succeeds! He moves between Tewdwr and the chief.

LD-h attacks Tewdwr with dart and spear. Both hit! Tewdwr takes 6 and 2... 8 more total.

LD-i and LD-j continue to fight Fickle. Two saps and a spear hit! Fickle takes 3 hp regular damage and 4 hp nonlethal damage.

LD-k, LD-l, and LD-m are all unconscious or dying.

LD-n takes a five foot step and then feeds something to LD-k.

LD-o tries to get free of the entangle -- and rolls a nat 20 on the escape check! He jumps in the stream carrying something and swims across, almost going under, but then just making it. He heads off into the woods and next round will likely be out of sight.

The croc snores!

And the Map!

Tewdwr [AC 15 - HP: -2/21 - Inspired] 
Thursday December 21st, 2006 2:26:44 PM

Tewdwr takes several hits from the lizard dogs (19 points of damage) and falls to the ground bleeding (-2 hp).

Tobias [AC 22 - HP 23/38; barkskin; message; inspired]  d20+16=36 d4+2=6 d20+16=27 d4+2=3
Thursday December 21st, 2006 2:31:58 PM

[OOC: Not sure what Tobias can do this round, so here goes some options]

Since the croc is sleeping, Tobias gets up and out of it's mouth (move action). He was already holding both of his swords, so he takes a 5 ft step to O15. And, takes a short sword swipe at LDh.

Attack: 36 (nat 20; threat)
Damage: 6
Critical check: 27 (crit)
Critical damage: 3

Shark [AC14, hp 16/22]  d20+8=23 d20+8=20 d20+4=12
Thursday December 21st, 2006 5:09:58 PM

Reflex Save = 23

Seeing the druid fly away Shark is pretty sure he cannot keep up. He turns west and leaps back into the water.
Jump 20, would be 10' without the running start. Call that move action 1.

He swims (with the current?) back towards Julian, remembering that the land is covered with Entangle.
Swim 12
Base speed 30', so he swims 30/4 in a single move action? = 7 1/2'
Plus any for swimming with the current?
Have I interpreted swimming movement correctly?

Julian dreams still, of the mighty warriors, the war with the giants, and returning to the raost boar and the women.

Active Spells
Mage Armour (2 hours)
Bull's Strength (12 rounds)
Jump (2 rounds)
Magic Weapon on longspear (2 rounds)
Magic Fang on Shark (2 rounds)
Enlarge Person (12 rounds)

Run Feat
Rage (2 rounds)

Julian [AC 14, hp 1, nonlethal damage 4]

Little worried for Julian, when his Rage expires he will lose a further 8 hp.

Dwight (hp 29/35, ac 16, message, inspired)  d20+8=10 d20+8=25 d4=1
Thursday December 21st, 2006 8:17:21 PM

Reflex vs.Entangle: 10+3(choas)=13 (made)

Dwight readies another arrow. He takes careful aim at LD-i and fires.
Attack:25+3(choas)-2(entangle)+1(inspired)=27 (hit)
Dmg: 1+1(inspired)=2 (dang it another 1)

Kendry, perhaps diplomacy could get them to surrender now. Surely they are as wounded as we.

[Anthony: Chaos is always 'a' before 'o', not 'o' before 'a'. --Kim]

Kendry [AC 15; HP 29-12=17; Message x 2; Spider climb; Levitation - 65 feet altitude (-1 attack, -2 next round); Inspire courage (everyone: +1 attack, +1 damage, +1 saves vs fear, charm)]  d20+5=20 d4+3=7 d20+10=28
Thursday December 21st, 2006 10:07:05 PM

Kendry looses another arrow against LD-a (AC 20, 7 hp damage). Acknowledging Dwight's suggestion, in halfling, he whispers, "Keep fighting until they stop."

'How many more stings do you wish to receive?' he asks in Draconic, then in Common, if necessary.

'Call your people off, and I will tell mine to let you live. Otherwise, I will kill you and take your spear,' he promises the leader of the lizard dogs. 'If you surrender, I will heal your dying. If not, we kill you. If the wolf of two heads dies, you die. We do not allow our people to remain in slavery.' [Diplomacy: 28]

He wants the choice to be clear. He nocks another arrow, aiming at LD-a.

Tibble [AC 18, HP 38/38, Barkskin, Inspired]/Marco(HP 29/28, AC 21- Mage Armor, Inspired)/Harry 
Friday December 22nd, 2006 12:29:01 AM

Tibble and Marco back up out of the spiked plants.
They spend a round healing thier lameness. They use the spell cure minor wounds to get back 1 hp ea.

Frickle  d20+9=25 d4+3=6
Friday December 22nd, 2006 5:03:25 AM

Frickle is mad as a hornet, But the only weapon he has left is the spear, So he'll will go after DL-i First, With all his strenth he let's him have a good poke.

Attack - ac 25 - Damages 6 hp.

Occ to DM; I will be going to my daughter's for Christmas, will post Tuesday, OK??

Victory! (DM Cayzle) 
Friday December 22nd, 2006 6:49:02 AM

Tobias gets up, trying not to wake the croc. Then he takes a five foot step and whacks at LD-h for 9. He had been unwounded, but no more!

Shark swims back toward the main battle.

Dwight hits LD-i for 2 with an arrow. He's still standing.

Kendry shoots the leader, LD-a, for 7! He staggers but is still standing. Kendry calls out for with generous terms for a surrender.

Tibble and Marco back out of the spike growth and heal their poor wounded feet.

Flick gets mad and pokes another lizard-dog with his spear. He hits LD-i for 7! That lizard-dog is down!

Selithe keeps watch, holding her action for now.


The leader barks out a very quick answer to Kendry: "YES!"

Then he and several of the barbarians run out of rage. Losing his extra hit points, the leader falls to the ground, dying!

LD-o, on the other side of the stream, runs off.

The lizard-dogs who are still standing -- just five of them -- stand still. One of them, the remaining druid, shouts out: "We accept your terms!" He rushes over to the leader and puts something in his mouth.

The fight is over. The lizard-dogs have surrendered.

Here's the final map.

You all have some things to do right away ... Julian and Tewdwr foremost among them. If you guys do not stop them, in the next few rounds, the druid gives first aid to LD-i and LD-c. He tells you halflings to watch out for the snare traps at the two gaps in the brambles. The standing lizard-dogs carry their wounded to the gather circle.

Also, Kendry and Julian each earn a hero point. Fickle gets a 200 xp bonus for a great RP entry.

EagerTooth says to you mentally: You did it! You did it!

Cayzle OOC 
Friday December 22nd, 2006 10:09:59 AM

Some people asked about the map. I have added a Colophon to the bottom of the map page.

Here on in through the holidays, do not be concerned if you miss posts. Do what you can, but do not worry.

Those who are around may well enjoy the festivities in the Giggling Ghost.

Tobias  d20+4=7
Friday December 22nd, 2006 1:04:22 PM

Tobias runs over to Tewdwr and attempts to bind his wounds to prevent him from bleeding further. (Heal attempt: 7) When that doesn't appear to work, he calls over for a healer to help his friend.

Tewdwr: -2/21
Tobias: 23/38

Dwight  d20+1=8 d8=1 d8=4 d8=8 d20+3=5 d20+3=16
Friday December 22nd, 2006 1:48:41 PM

At first Dwight isn't ready to believe they are willing to surrender so uniformly, but when they warn about the pending trap 5' in front of him, Dwight becomes convinced. "After every bow shot, I considered advancing, but something told me not too. It still remains a bit creepy, but the forest seems to approve of my presence."

OOC: I actually did think of advancing every turn. :)

Taking extra precaution, Dwight moves around the announced trap and towards Julian. Keep an eye, just in case, Selithe and Kendry. Checking for a pulse, and bleeding, Dwight attempt to comfort, aid and heal if necessary. (heal: 8+3(choas)=11, if needed Dwight uses his cure light wounds to heal enough to make him conscious (3 rolls, 1, 4, 8)

Spot: 5+3(choas)=8

To Eagertooth: While our tactic was a bit bold, dangerous, and touch and go for a bit, we have succeeded. We thank you for the help you provided and find pleasure knowing this area will again be without lizard dogs and you/we have rescued an ill-treated prisoner. Diplomacy: 16+3(choas)=19

Kendry  d8+1=8 d8+1=3 d8+1=5 d8+1=9 d8+1=4 d8+1=9 d8+1=8 d8+1=8 d8+1=3 d8+1=9 d8+1=7 d8+1=9 d8+1=4 d8+1=9 d8+1=6 d8+1=6 d8+1=3 d8+1=9 d8+1=6 d8+1=7 d8+1=4 d8+1=7 d8+1=8 d8+1=4 d8+1=8 d8+1=8 d8+1=4
Friday December 22nd, 2006 2:18:13 PM

Kendry translates between his friends and the lizard dogs as he tucks the arrow back into his quiver, and placing his bow back over his shoulder. 'Then lay down your weapons!' he commands the lizard dogs. "Disarm them!" he calls out to his friends. He descends five feet, then drops his levitation, feather falling the last 60 feet. As he comes down, he pulls out a wand of cure light wounds. He hastens over to where he saw Julian disappear into the tree, and heals him for 8, then to Tewdwr for 3 at least to stabilize him for the moment. "Tobias, take, please, the spear," he requests, indicating the shaft of wood next to the fallen leader of the lizard dogs.

He does not impede the druid's work, and thanks him for the warning. Then, if any of his other companions are passed out or dying, to them, but otherwise, he uses the wand once each on any dying lizard dogs, first to LD-a, then to the adjacent creatures, then two to the halfling who was enslaved, another for Julian, and for Tewdyr. Maybe one for the crocodile, if it is dying, rather than just sleeping - but first he makes sure that some of the lizard dogs either hold it down or convince him it will not attack them again. He also cures up his friends and relatives and their animal companions - Tobias, Dwight, Julian, Shark, and any others who were wounded or injured (Cure light wounds from the wand: 5, 9, 4, 9, 8, 8, 3, 9, 7, 9, 4, 9, 6, 6, 3, 9, 6, 7, 4, 7, 8, 4, 8, 8, 4 - so, up to 25 uses (will not do all of these if not necessary). Lastly, he cures himself up.

He gives the bloodied Julian a huge embrace. "You are amazing, Badger! Glad you're on our side."

As he attends to Tewdwr, he says, "Kynan, Dwyr, you are fierce friends, indeed. I was worried about you boys!" He looks up to Tobias, and says, "Well fought. Thought that croc was bad news - but you never gave up. You might want to give our dragon friend a tip of the hat, eh?"

"Hi, there," he says to Fickle as he tends to his wounds. "You're good with rocks and the spear. I'm Kendry, and my friends and I are from Crescent Valley, mainly. Our new friend, EagerTooth," he nods in the direction of the wee fae dragon, "told us about you, so we figured we'd take a look. You're welcome to join us, if you wish. We're likely to head back to the Valley once we've wrapped this up."

He approaches EagerTooth. In common, he asks her, "Where would you have us send these creatures? You tell me, and I will command them to go there."

[OOC: Just to be clear, Kendry makes sure that each lizard dog that is not fully dead is cured to positive hit point range - but not fully healed up. He will keep his promise and keep them alive, but not restore them to full health. But those with his party, and the newcomer, Fickle, he does his best to have them fully healed - or at least no more than 3 hp down from full.]

Selithe  d20+15=21
Friday December 22nd, 2006 3:38:06 PM

(Don't know if I need it yet but Reflex:21 for entangle.)

Selithe moves out of the entangle area or tries to this round and keeps her bow ready as she smiles and looks to the others, "Well, that didn't go as bad as it could have. I'm glad my bow work was more useful." Selithe is happy that for once she was more helpful than she had been in previous battles and was also glad her decision to stay in the entangle effect wasn't a bad one either.

Julian  d20+3=21 d20+3=9 d20+3=4 d20+8=15
Friday December 22nd, 2006 4:27:47 PM

Julian awakens from his sleep after a tap from Kendry's wand. He jumps up, wild eyed, looking for his spear. Can't find it, lizard-dogs dead. Dizzy.
Julian returns to normal sized, then grows again, shrinks again. His rage leaves him, and he falls.
Next thing Julian knows is that he is up, in an embrace with Kendry.
"Thanks Kendry. We won, hey. S'pose you talked them out it... Yeah? Really? You're quite the bard, you know.
"SHARK! Where's Shark? Is he okay? SHARK. SHARK! Ahhh, their you are. You've been fighting, great! Good boy! Aaaah you're good. Kendry, could you... Thanks again."
Julian and Shark used up these cahrges, starting at the second 4, just for randomness: 4, 9, 6, 6, 3, 9, 6, 7, it takes Julian back to full (just) and Shark too.

Julian looks about for everyone, and as he does so, now that he is basically fully healed, he carefully scrapes the tanglefoot goo from his body with his extremely sharp falchion.
"Dwight, come on, give us all a hand. Ha! You're stuck there, mate? Been there a while, have you? Shall we leave him there, Kendry? Let him take root and grow leaves? Hahhahahha. And Selithe too. Hahahahaha."

"Tobias, you killed that," pointing at the crocodile, "well done. Let's skin it. Just sleeping, EagerTooth did it. Wow. Okay, spear it through the head, then skin it. Though maybe later."

"Tibble and Marco, been working hard over there, fighting with my Shark, guessing by your position."

Julian greets the prisoner, "Julian, pleased to meet you. Call me Badger if you like. Did you take these dogs down? Well down, and hardly a scratch too. Excellent. You seem good in a fight, we could use another like you, if you'd like to join us. And, do you know, there's something about that rock, they gaurded it. Know anything."

"EagerTooth, thank you for your assistance," pointing at the croc and eagles, "it was a great idea to rescue this fellow, and a lot of fun too. Would you mind if I named this spear after you. And, perhaps, if you agree to share some of your sleep-poison, perhaps I could buy some from you too, to use on this spear. I have some gold coins with me, nicely polished. Can we strike a bargain?"
"Perhaps, EagerTooth, you'd like to join us for a while. I will look after you, buy you the best food, get you a nice bed, share my treasures with you, keep you clean and cared for, treat you as I do my familiar, the spoilt badger here. No obligations, just join me in some adventures and treasure collections."

"And back in town, I am buying everyone dinner. That was so much fun!"


"There's something goining on with this rock. They kept it protected [I18]. I wanna check it out. Where are the two dogs who stayed by it? Ran off carrying something? Let's go after it. Seriously. Shark will track him. There's something special about either that rock or what they were carrying."

OOC is the Entangle still active in that area. Julian will search the rock, and even lay upon it spread-eagled, face down, trying to feel something about it.
Search 21
Knowledge Arcana 9 (never was a strong point)
Spellcraft 1 (typical Sorcerer)

Julian will cross the river in the direction indicated by someone, assuming someone tells him about LD-o running off, and assuming the others don't actively discourage tracking LD-o. Shark will find the scent.
Survival (to find track by scent 15, DC of a fresh trail is 10)
"He's found the trail! Let's go hunting. Wait, my pack, our other animals and things. Look, let's get all our stuff together again, then follow this trail. See what was so important. It'll be tired and worn out, and we're fresh and ready to go again."

Julian  d20+7=23
Friday December 22nd, 2006 5:51:08 PM

Diplomacy with EagerTooth, to strike a bargain, and to join him = 23

Saturday December 23rd, 2006 7:29:40 AM

"Kendry?? Kendry! I'm a second cousin of yours. I'm the one who likes hunting all the time. Infack that's how I became a Prisoner... Err Captive of these Dog-Face Sneekie Bullies! They netted me in the Magic Forest! Chasing a big rabbit!" At this point Fickle goes and pick up his armor and shield plus his sword.

But come back to Kendry. "Tell me Kendry! Are you still a goodie Goodie two shoes, helping even the enermy?? Well I'm Grateful that you Saved me mumble... Munble... Thank you all!"

Saturday December 23rd, 2006 1:52:23 PM

Once Tewdwr has been cared for and up again, Tobias relaxes a bit. Then, he walks over to the croc and performs a coup de grace on it before it wakes up. And, finishing off with a kick to its side, "And, that's for trying to swallow me."

"Now you can skin it Julian."

He then goes back to thanking the wolf and rubbing its magically healed wounds...

Sunday December 24th, 2006 6:55:41 AM

"Wait a sec. And I'll help you skin that crock!! Munble... Munble... He tried to eat me too!" He tells Julian. as he takkes a very sharp skinning knife. "Did you ever eaten Croc Meat, they tell me it tastes like chicken! Come on every body we are going to have a feast!"

Monday December 25th, 2006 7:40:31 AM

"OK! Now that we skined the Crock. I'll cut off the tail and we'll Have a nice Holiday roast!" Flick smiles at the thought of the meal.

Dwight  d20+6=9 d20+3=6 d20+6=26
Monday December 25th, 2006 8:43:56 AM

Dwight a little surprised the croc is diced up after Kendry's surrender terms. Not actually violating the terms, but he watches the LD's for their reaction.

Once they are secured, Dwight inspects what remains of the camp.
Search: 9+3(choas)=12
spot: 6+3(choas)=9

Apparently its too hard to search with all the spells still active. He waits for them to die down and then tries again.

Search: 26+3(choas)=29 (nat 20)

He feels much better about his thoroughness and reverts back to watching the LD's

[It's chaos, not choas, Anthony! Merry Christmas. -Kim :-)]

Monday December 25th, 2006 11:48:10 AM

"Yes, Julian," he answers in halfling, so as to preclude understanding on the part of the lizard dogs. "If you and a couple others would like to pursue him, and whatever he was carrying, please do." He tells him the fellow ran off in battle, perhaps carrying something, but his attention was more focused elsewhere. "Would you, EagerTooth, want to escort Julian and whoever goes with him? Tobias, you're good at tracking. If what he has is powerful magic, or some artifact of evil, then perhaps it were better to know about it. Mind you, the druid may be about."

Since Tobias did not recover the spear as he asked, Kendry takes the returning spear and hands it to Julian. "Since this was used against you two," he speaks to Tobias and Julian, "perhaps you should decide among you what should be done with it. Keep it, or return it to the fellow who was wielding it."

He also makes sure that the dropped weapons are gathered together and that some member of the party oversees them. (Who has a handy haversack or the like?) "We may return these to you, if we are satisfied with your answers. The questions will come soon."

He asks again, "EagerTooth - where shall we direct the reptilian canines?"

Kendry responds to Fickle. "Two shoes, eh? Goodie? You don't need shoes to be good, cuz. And present enemies can be turned into friends, if you give each other the chance. Not always, not always. But I've seen it happen."

But the relational question piques his interest. "My second cousin? Oh, yeah! Now, refresh my memory. My sister, Selithe, here, and I are Leafwin Pipewoods. Our papa is Samell Fingers Pastna Pipewood. Our mama was born Bekka Lilly Burrows Leafwin.

"Papa's folks are Fermin 'Warbler' Went Pipewood and Eglantine Gardner Pastna, and Pipewood by marriage, of course. And ... well, I could go on, but, pray tell, Cuz Fickle, where do you fit in to all this?"

But before allowing Fickle to answer, he also relates his father's siblings: Blueberry Tomas (male), Joycelyn (female), Orby (m), Samell's twin sister Shanzi Lips, Nilli Bramble (f) ("who, by the way, lives not far from here - she sent us to find EagerTooth, our new dragon friend"), Polly Panzy (f), Melji Muffins (f), Sanders Walker (m), Bobbit Lee (m), Elzbeth Sparrow (f), Timbo Reed (m), Sally Mae (f), and the twins, Poppy (f) and Pappo Truffle (m).

And on his mother's side, there are her sisters: Dimple Autumn Burrows Leafwin - Shale Oakendale's mother; Pepper - who married Rollin Went Turnbell, parents to Polliador (Polly) Clover Leafwin Turnbell; ... he goes on with other aunts and uncles, grandparents, cousins, et al, and it may be difficult to get him to stop these genealogical recitations.

Monday December 25th, 2006 10:37:25 PM

Jude runs back to get his pack, needing to call out to Sallie to find where it is exactly. He runs back to the LD camp.

He will happily help Frlickle with the skining of the croc with his own skinning knife, "It'll make a great pack this, d'y'wannit? I already have a good pack." He also asks the exprisoner more about the lizard dogs, and what it may be that LD-o ran off with, "Wanna come get it with me? We're gonna track it soon."
When the skin is freed Julian will cast Prestidigation to clean the skin up completely. "We should get this back to town to be tanned as soon as possible. Unleass someone has some salt, and a lot of it. Still, my curiosity is getting the better of me, I wanna know what that dog ran off with."

"Tobias, wanna go hunting? Get whatever it is that was so important that one dag abondoned all the others... And that spear, d'u'wannit? A returning spear is a great idea except that it would give your position away. I will gladly take it, only if you don't want it."

"Who else will go a-hunting with me?"

Tuesday December 26th, 2006 6:49:01 AM

Fickle stair at Kendry with his mouth open, "Excuse me, Cuz Kendry! But do you carry your Family Tree with you all the time??" With this said, Fickle hand the Crock Skin to Kendry.

"Hey Julian! Wait for me! I want the Lizard face Dogs as much as you!" He tell Julian.

OOC: Sorry Kim, Fickle has a Cha of -1>> Got to forgive him??

Tuesday December 26th, 2006 9:03:03 AM

"Well, in my head, sure!" Kendry answers Fickle amiably. "At least parts of it. But remind me of your full name. What is your mother's family name? And your father's?"

Tuesday December 26th, 2006 4:24:11 PM

Once he and Tewdwr are healed, Tobias would be glad to go on the hunt with Julian and whoever else.

"You can have the spear Julian, that is not my type of weapon."

Julian  d20+6=14
Tuesday December 26th, 2006 4:50:23 PM

"Fickle, great, a hunting buddy. We'll just see who else wants to go.'
OOC: s'pose we better wait for Cayzle to respond.

"Tobias, not your sort of weapon? It has a pointy end, doesn't it? What more do you want? Well, anyway, thanks, I will enjoy this," he says throwing the spear off northwest and up. "Whoops, might've been a bit too hard. Hmmmm. No. Nope, here it comes. Look out. I'll get, just don't stand too near."
Jude's first attempt at catching a spear goes...
Reflex? 16
goes okay, he caught, but it didn't look all that graceful.
"Guess I'll have to practice that."

Tuesday December 26th, 2006 5:05:04 PM

"And Tobias too. Three little hobbits of to go ahunting."

OOC Sorry Tobias, I didn't read your post fully.

Tuesday December 26th, 2006 8:57:51 PM

"Tobias - Thou art healed! Thou art healed! Thou art healed!!!" declaims Kendry in a firm voice. "As is Tewdwr. And all both of his handsome heads!" He says it just like that. All both.

(Look at all the CLWs he cast - 25 in all - a few days' posts back. Take enough to get your hps back! Dwight helped out with healing some, too.)

Wednesday December 27th, 2006 4:56:57 AM

Fickle Look toward Kendry "What do you mean? I do have my Farthers Name Leafwind and my Mothers Name Fancytoes! She was known as a good dancer. Me! I do my dancing with my shield and sword!" smiles Fickle.

Wednesday December 27th, 2006 8:35:13 AM

Marco jumps out of the bushes with a club in one hand and a sling in the other yelling,

(I hate entangle spells.)

Lizard-dog aftermath ... and conflict? (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday December 27th, 2006 12:01:48 PM

After the battle, Kendry heals his friends completely and brings all the lizard-dogs up to consciousness.

Dwight and Selithe make their way into the compound, avoiding the traps. They are glad their chosen strategy worked out.

Congratulations are offered all around, and the heroes get to know the former prisoner.

The lizard-dogs seem to assume that the terms of their surrender include the lives of all of them -- including animals -- and that the leader gets to keep his spear.

EagerTooth points out that Kendry DID offer the lizard-dogs a choice: (1) fight, die, and lose the magic spear OR (2) surrender and Kendry will heal the dying. Since the lizard-dog leader picked choice (2), it would be very rude to kill any of them or to take the spear after they surrendered.

The crocodile is asleep and NOT dead ... and the lizard-dogs get angry if they hear any talk of eating it. Does Tobias REALLY kill the crocodile? That will violate the terms of the surrender (according to the lizard-dogs) and pt us back into combat again!

Julian searches the big rock and finds that it has a depression on the top. The LD leader tells the group that that's where the egss are kept, but one druid fled with them.

The LD leader says that if you search for the eggs and do anything to them, the truce is off! He seems angry that you want to find the druids and the eggs.

Do Julian, Tobias, and Fickle REALLY want to hunt the druids (one of whom carried off the tribe's eggs, according to the lizard-dogs)? If yes, that too will put us back into combat.

With the terms of the surrender weighing down the vengeful former prisoner, Fickle reminds Kendry that they are distant kin and asks the bard if he is still a "goodie-two-shoes."

Julian ALSO finds a secret compartment in the rock! In it are Fickle's gear, which he can now reclaim. Also inside are some vials, coins, and other items.

Marco rejoins the group, just in time to get a little healing from Kendry. Tibble has chosen to stay out of the camp -- maybe on guard? -- and so has not been healed by Kendry, Every one else is at max hp.

EagerTooth has thought it over and says that the lizard dogs must move away south of the Peaseblossom.

Wednesday December 27th, 2006 1:03:20 PM

Kendry says, "Our foes have a point - and perhaps I should not have mentioned his spear, but I did. Although I spoke in draconic, so you, my friends, could not have understood. I told him, just before he surrendered, 'Call your people off, and I will tell mine to let you live. Otherwise, I will kill you and take your spear. If you surrender, I will heal your dying. If not, we kill you. If the wolf of two heads dies, you die. We do not allow our people to remain in slavery.'

"Sometimes if you add a threat to the loss of people's prized possessions, it makes the threat more tangible than if you simply say, 'I will kill you.'

"I am sorry now that I included mention of the spear - but that may have been the difference between his surrender - and perhaps one or more of our own lives. Blame me for it, but perhaps we should return the spear."

Kendry feels torn about what he said in the heat of battle, but urges his friends to consider honoring the terms he offered - including not killing off the crocodile - despite Tobias' understandable animus toward it.

"If the treasure carried off were some magic item, then that might be forfeit. But the eggs are their young. Let us tell them that we will not harm their eggs, but they must move to the south of the Peaseblossom.

"The vials & coins, I'll leave it to the rest of you to take or not. Such were not mentioned by me." He figures a sly lawyer might argue that in offering to let the leader keep his spear, that the offer could extend to all of the other possessions, but another shrewd lawyer could counter that the spear was the only thing exempted.

If the lizard dogs grumble should the party take the treasure, Kendry will counter, 'The spear is yours, I have kept all who still had breath at the end of the battle alive as promised, and we allow you to keep your young. You took something precious from my cousin - his freedom. Should you ever again enslave or harm any of my kin or clan, and I learn of it, then such generous terms of surrender may not be offered. But if you treat others such as us with kindness in the future, and I hear of it, then I shall do what I can to reward you with kindness.

'Move yourselves and your eggs somewhere south of the Peaseblossom, and do not return to this area. You have one hour to gather what you may, then you must depart.'
He also lets them know that the spear will be returned to them once they are ready for departure (as long as the rest of the party agrees to this - and if not, get ready to fight again, friends!). He translates for the party and reptilian canines.

Wednesday December 27th, 2006 4:09:51 PM

"Hey! Look, a pack, some gear, rather my sized I should say. And look, coins and vials. Err, there not labelled with pictures. Hey, Flickle, doing anything? Giv'us a hand here..."

Julian listens to Kendry, then sits uncomfortabley, as though with a major head-ache. "Diplomacy," he mutters, as though life would be simpler without it. He then puts down the coins and vials, and instead pulls out his whetstone and falchion to begin his frequent ritual.

Wednesday December 27th, 2006 5:30:04 PM

"All-y'all bees a-knowin' hows herd t'is tah tracks ah druid throughs da air?" Tibble asks, rejoining the group.

As the party in general turns in Tibble's general direction the rotund greenmage is attack by a great mass bounding out of the brambles!

Shreaks rend the air as Tibble valiantly fights off his attacker.

"Get off me! Get off me!" come his cries as Harry (joyfully reunited with his master) tries to drown him in drool and slobber.

[OOC: I trust everyone had a happy Yuletide?]

Thursday December 28th, 2006 6:23:33 PM

Tobias didn't really sit around discussing what he was going to do to the croc. He really just walked up to it and killed once the party members had been healed.

So, if that's something he can undo, then he'll listen to Kendry asking him not to. If not, then...

As for tracking the druid, Tobias agrees with Tibble that it will be very difficult to track a druid that does not want to be followed. So, it's probably better to leave well-enough alone there.

Kendry to Tobias [somewhat OOC] 
Thursday December 28th, 2006 7:47:47 PM

Tobias would have seen Kendry checking to see if the croc was dead. Asking the LDs to hold it down, or instruct it not to attack us. Then, per his agreement on terms of surrender, if it was below zero hit points, but not dead (just sleeping), he would give it one cure light wounds application. All this was posted above, before Tobias' post where he went to kill it. Kendry already pretty much let the group know that killing was done.

But, it's up to you whether you kill the croc or not. If so, we may all have to back step a ways in our actions.

Friday December 29th, 2006 12:08:21 AM

That's fine with me... if that's the case Tobias won't kill the croc. Just wasn't sure what the DM was going to allow me to change. :)

Friday December 29th, 2006 12:53:48 PM

Looking from Kendry to Tobias and from Tobias to Kendry the greenmage complains of a headache.

Saturday December 30th, 2006 7:54:57 AM

OOC: Hmmm my Wednesday post isn't there. I know I posted....o'well luckily combat is over and this is vacation week.

With the fate of the croc decided, Dwight is a bit relieved combat won't have a need to begin again. He does wonder and asks who is responsible for the croc to make sure he doesn't try to attack when he awakens. He'll ask Kendry to translate if needed.

Otherwise Dwight wonders around keeping a particular eye on the lizard dogs and is extremely grateful Julian wasn't butched rushing into combat like that.

A Poisonous Reward

So Long, Lizard-Dogs (DM Cayzle) 
Saturday December 30th, 2006 8:14:31 AM

The druids are left unpursued. The crocodile is left alive. The reptilian leader says that the croc belongs to the chief druid, but he will not attack if the chief tells him to heel.

EagerTooth and Kendry inform the lizard-dogs that they will have to move away south, which pleases them not at all ... but they agree. Julian finds the hidden cache, which pleases them even less, but they do not object if you take the loot. Note that a Detect Magic spell has not yet been cast.

The lizard dogs pack their possessions and head off south, unless you have anything else to talk about with them?

When they are gone, the pseudodragon invites you all to return to his waterfall to rest.

Saturday December 30th, 2006 2:46:45 PM

With the lizard dogs heading south, Tobias and Tewdwr can finally relax a bit. And, he's glad to make his way back to EagerTooth's lands.

Julian  d20+7=16
Saturday December 30th, 2006 6:42:39 PM

Julian eventually gets up. Now that the lizard dogs have left, he assumes that he is safe from the further complications of diplomacy...

He packs the loot, the vials and scrolls, into his pack.

Bounding with energy, Jude ties his pack to Sallie, secures his falchion and carries his longspear. He hopes to find a moment to talk with EagerTooth. Perhaps on the way back to his waterfall, perhaps when they get there...

At the least, to help break the ice, he asks, "How did you fight off those eagles? for I believe eagles to be rather powerful and stunning flyers. I was a little too busy to look up, but you must have some talents of your own in the air.
"And what sort of treasures do you like to collect? Myself, I like magic potions, rings and weapons. And gold coins of course, to buy more. Hope to get some magic armour one day.
"This returning spear is great, don't you think? Maybe I will get a lance, and charge in at the leader next time. Really hurt him straight up. I think I came close to taking down their leader in one hit, though. I sure drove the spear in deep and hard against him."

Julian prattles on like this for a while, hoping to get EagerTooth chatty, hoping to impress.
Diplomacy 16

Sunday December 31st, 2006 4:10:31 AM

"Glad you're all right, Tibble. You weren't injured, were you?" he asked, looking him over to see if he bears any wounds.

Once the former slave keepers have departed, Kendry detects magic on the collected vials, coins, and what have you that were found in the pit.

He spends enough time focusing on each item radiating magic that he may get an idea of the type of magic. He reports his findings to his friends.

Hoping ponies and Cheann are well, Kendry checks on their welfare and, if all is well, takes them along with the group back to EagerTooth's beautiful waterfall.

Monday January 1st, 2007 8:30:07 AM

Fickle puts his armor on then picks up his sword and shield, all the time he is watching the Ding Dong dog face Lizard goining away from them, With Eggs No LESS!!

Flick turns around and tell the others "We'll be having more trouble form thems, Mark my words!!."

Monday January 1st, 2007 12:13:47 PM

"No worse da wear, friend Kendry," returns the greenmage.

"Youse must a-bein' da one wheese bees a-goin' ta all da troubles fer," Tibble addresses the new member of the party. "As friend Kendry done said, I bees Tibble and this great font of drool is Harry."

The black and white mastiff woofs a greeting.

"Be wheese all assembled? Any in need ah a wee pick-me-up?" Tibble looks about for injured.

[OOC: Tibble will heal himself and Harry before this evening's rest and rechange the old spell banks in the morning.]

"If wheese bees all ah party agains," Tibble finishes up, "Ah specks wheese bees a-headin' back ta ar dragon's friend's glen?"

Tuesday January 2nd, 2007 4:58:51 AM

"You is right, Tibble! Too much Trouble!! But Me fear we'll have more trouble comming our way, from his'em than before." Fickle tell the group, while looking at the slidering dog face back.
"Travels fast for a no good belly traverling skonk!!" Fickle comments!.

A Night of Rest (DM Cayzle) 
Tuesday January 2nd, 2007 7:32:04 AM

You reclaim your mounts safely and head back the way you came.

On the walk back, Juian asks Eagertooth about the eagles.

"They were not very powerful, thank goodness," says the fey dragon. "I surprised one and slept it. Then I fought the other and slept it too. Usually, when I put an enemy to sleep, it wakes up later on. But when you are 100 feet in the air, falling asleep puts new meaning into 'falling,' if you get my drift."

Back at the waterfall, after nightfall, you look over the loot, and Kendry detects magic. You find in total:

700 gold worth of coins (mostly silver and gold)
a non-magic gem-inlaid gold holy symbol of Ffloy
five tanglefoot bags
three thunderstones
six alchemical fire vials
a magic human-sized two-handed sword
four magic potions

Fickle and Tibble have a conversation, though what exactly they are talking about might elude the casual listener. :-)

[OOC: Happy New Year to all! I'm back on posting track starting today.]

Tuesday January 2nd, 2007 9:25:40 AM

Dwight spends most of the time at camp going over the way the battle was planned versus the way it actually occurred.

As the treasure is checked, Dwight peaks some interest to overhear what was found. During this time, Dwight re-offers Eagertooth the option of joining the group to put his sleeping stinger to good use.

Tuesday January 2nd, 2007 11:51:17 AM

Tobias and Tewdwr relax once the party is back to EagerTooth's glen. He's interested in a tanglefoot bag and fire vial, but also interested in what the magic potions might be...

Tuesday January 2nd, 2007 12:42:15 PM

The greenmage is only interested in his share of the cash.

"Friend Fickle, ya-all bees raised by treants too?" Tibble asks excitedly. "Ahs bees a-thinkin' youse learned how ta speak proper like."

Harry sniffs the party's new member. (Sorry about the drool on your shoulder.) Then sits down to lick himself.

Tuesday January 2nd, 2007 5:08:55 PM

Julian has a good look at the two handed sword. He holds it up, turns it over, studies the pommel, the crossgaurd.
"Nice work, here. Good straight blade, well balanced. Look, the balance point is just here," Julian almost drools as the sword balances on the side of his hand only 6 inches from the crossgaurd. "It'd be nice and fast to use. Can we find out more about the magic side of it? What kind of magic? As a fighter I don't have those sort of spells... Maybe I should try it out. Any volunteers?"

Casually, Julian also looks over the rest of the booty. "Some very useful items there. Damn those Tanglefoot bags, nearly bested me, that did. Thunderstones, I should've thrown mine before charging in, actually, we should've all had one to throw in. Vials of fire- hey, we should all be throwing these sort of things before any battle. Gold and siler, lovely gold and silver, mmmmmm."

"Okay, how we gonna split this. One could argue that some people did very little, others did a lot," he elbows Selithe in the ribs, as gently as any barbarian ever could, "oops, sorry Selithe. Too hard again, I know.
"What'm tryin' to say is that it could've been anyone of us stuck in the tangling bushes. I vote for an even split of all treasure overall- though, of course, some items might be mroe useful to some of us. Armmm, I'd like the sword, just gonna need a magic bag to carry it in.
"Hang on, point is, everyone, EagerTooth and Fickle included, everyone deserves an even share."

Julian notices Dwight sitting apart, mumbling to himself. He sends Shark over to sit by him, and senses that Dwight might be beating himself up over the successful battle. Jude walks over and plonks himself down next to Dwight.
"Hey, what's up? T'was a good battle. Look, I've got some great new scars, and a magic spear. We've got this booty to share. We're all alive. We made it through because everyone played a part. No-one ran off, no-one shirked their role.
"Sure, I would do things differently. Maybe you would too. But imagine this as a reasonable possibility for us. We instead attacked as a group, all of us coming over the river at the same spot. What was the first thing they did, Entangle. We'd all be stuck in a nice little group, just ripe for target practice. We could all be pin cushions. Instead we spread out, kept an eye on each other. Everyone did what they could. We won.
"I would like to've organised things differently. Had a few more people with me. The others coming in as two seperate groups. But I wouldn't have thought to use Kendry to reveal the leader so easily. I might well have had half the people stuck together in an entangle, waiting to become pn cushions.
"We perhaps have to change a few things in future battles. We're weak at ranged combat, but good at stealth. One should strengthen the other there. Distraction and sneaking is another thing we do well, we should focus on that. Assign combat leaders for different groups."
"Perhaps we should, in fact, when we're back in town and I buy everyone the best dinner possible, I wanna bring it up, get everyone to talk about how we approach combat. See, diplomacy and creating allies or truces is another thing we're strong at. It all needs to be brought out into the open, so that we can utilise the talents of everyone to the best advantage of the group.
"So cheer up a little, or I'll throw you into the water, from here," and Julian pushes Dwight onto his back and grins down at him, "Okay?"

Tuesday January 2nd, 2007 9:16:44 PM

Selithe listens to what is going on and is just happy the fight is over and that everyone is okay.

Selithe greets Fickle also and holds out her hand to Fickle, "Greetings and is nice to meet you Fickle."

Selithe looks to Eagertooth and smiles as she moves over and speaks gently too her, "I'm glad we had your help out there too. We would of been in bad shape if you hadn't helped with the croc and such."

(OOC:Sorry for being gone for abit. New Year and everything was more interesting this year then normal and kept me away. Happy New Year everyone and I hope this year is better then the last and was safe for all.)

Kendry  d20+4=19
Wednesday January 3rd, 2007 3:07:05 AM

"When an even split makes sense, I'm all for it," Kendry comments on Julian's recommendation. "But what is even can vary when you toss magic into the equation. Sometimes, for the strength of the party, it's better to let someone who can use something well to have it, even though, for that specific treasure, such be on the face of it inequitable."

"I dare say that, with your propensity for growing large, Julian, and it not be mal-aligned, that sword could serve us well in your hands. But before that matter is decided, we need to learn more of its character. And you want us to volunteer for what? To be your target as you swing the sword?" he asks, teasing him.

"As for sharing with all who helped - or tried to help, I agree completely."

"Dwight - I think it might have been better had we all crossed the water close to the same time. My drawing attention to myself alerted them to our presence perhaps sooner than was ideal. I may have been willing to trade some sort of magic item in exchange for Fickle's freedom - but I'm not sure how far we could have trusted them.

"Fickle, you may be right. How many days were you kept by them?

"The reason I offered terms of surrender to them was I feared our goal - that of freeing Fickle - would have been for naught had he fallen. Julian, too, I feared was near to death. Tobias, and Tewdwr, were in a hard way. Perhaps in a few moments we might have gained the upper hand entirely, but the situation looked razor-thin for both sides, in some respects.

"Forgive me for forfeiting our opponent's spear. Such would have helped us often. But I'd rather that none of us had lost our lives, than one of us had gained such a mightly weapon at the cost of our comrades. Life is most precious.

"Thank you, each of you, for trying your utmost. We all survived. We freed our cousin. We gained some wealth. We helped rid EagerTooth of noisesome neighbors.

"And thank you, beautiful dragon, for your direction and timely interventions. You are valiant, indeed. I concur with Dwight's invitation - if you wish to join with us in our adventures for a season, most welcome are you."


Further item evaluation:

[From previous post: He spends enough time focusing on each item radiating magic that he may get an idea of the type of magic. - is the magic on the sword alteration? enchantment? mixed magic? etc.?]

Appraise: 19 - gem-inlaid gold holy symbol of Ffloy.

Regarding the magic potions, Kendry opens each one, one at a time. He examines the liquid in the vials for color and viscosity. Holding an open vial before him in one hand, with the other he wafts the air above the container towards his face, taking a shallow sniff to see what the olfactory senses may reveal.

If more than this is needed, he places a drop on his finger, and takes a little taste.

If he still can't figure it out, he lets people know - and if he does discern the nature of the potion, he also tells them what he thinks it is.

He carefully restoppers each vial after each one is tested. [Cayzle - feel free to make any rolls that Kendry might need for figuring things out - I just got a domestic request that takes me away from finishing this business at the moment.]

Wednesday January 3rd, 2007 7:05:18 AM

Fickle was watching the enermy slither when this female called Selithe welcomes him, he find himself thungtied "Errr! Hi! gee did thems hurt you?? Err If they did I'll go and breack their eggs!"
Now he thinks 'I must do something nice, I think I'll kiss her hand, Yes! That's what I'll do!' But by the time he makes up his minf Selithe has moved away.

To his distant cousin Kendry "I was jump on or slidered on! about Three days and two night ago! in the Magic Forest" but he never takes his eyes off Selithe!

Wednesday January 3rd, 2007 9:02:13 AM

(OOC- I hope everyone had a good holiday. Happy new year, peace on earth and all that.

Lets go kill something. :)

Nuts lands on the chests as Marco checks over his pack dog.
"I admit to liking the holy symbol, but other than scaring a druid, I didn't do much. I hate entangle spells."
He looks around.
"I also want to get to somewhere I can cook. This no-fire thing is driving me batty."
Opening a chest, Marco pulls out a spellbook and starts to study his spells.
He will pray next.

Wednesday January 3rd, 2007 9:06:02 AM

Marco will offer to appraise the items also, but after he gets his spells back and we have some food.
Best to be prepared.

Tibble  d20=4
Wednesday January 3rd, 2007 12:53:32 PM

"Fud?" pipes up Tibble, patting his stomach, "Oh, yes. Ah don't bees a-goin' anywheres wifout bein's fed."

Harry woofs excitedly.

The greenmage will forage for his contibution to the meal.

Forage 18

A Reward at Sunrise (DM Cayzle)  d20+5=20 d20+5=13 d20+5=17 d20+5=8
Wednesday January 3rd, 2007 1:57:33 PM

Dwight thinks about the battle that was won without any loss -- just barely. He offers Eagertooth the chance to join the group, but the psuedo-dragon kindly declines the invite. "I have a home here, and no desire to get killed on adventures. Thanks though, and good luck!"

He takes some of the coins, though ... "To put in my own hoard!" he says laughing. How much do you give him?

Tobias mentions that he would like a few alchemicals. Tibble prefers cash

Julian looks over the two-handed sword. It would indeed fit him well when enlarged ... but be careful to drop it and pick it up after casting the spell so that it is not enlarged to Large size!

Julian also has comments on strategy and tactics.

Selithe is glad to meet Fickle, and she has kind words for EagerTooth as well. The fey dragon is flattered by the attention.

Kendry discusses the treasure division and tries to figure out what the potions are. Kendry's Spellcraft Checks to ID potions (Spellcraft DC is 25 so Kendry needs a nat 20): d20+5=20 d20+5=13 d20+5=17 d20+5=8 ... sorry, he has no clue.

The bard has thoughts about strategy as well, and joins several of his friends in praising the fey dragon.

Kendry and Marco look at the jeweled holy symbol, and agree that it is worth about 500 gold. Moreover, if anyone makes a Know Religion roll vs DC20, or if Kendry makes a bard lore check vs DC20, then Highlight to display spoiler: {Kendry recognizes this as belonging to a famous cleric of Ffloy named Ffrederick, a half-elf missionary to the people of the Culverwood. The Church of Ffloy might pay much to get this back.}

Fickle does his best to respond to Selithe with gallant protectiveness.

Marco helps with setting up a meal and camp near the Fey Dragon's watery home.


In the morning, the dragon offers to give the promised sleep poison. A handy flask or vial will be perfect for the job. With a few gills of poison in the bottle, you are ready to head off.

However, the dragon has friendly words and a gift before you go.

"My friends, you are brave and good. You helped me and now you head off to help others. But before you go, pick one from among your company to bathe in my magic pool and receive a special grace. It is truly well earned. The grace varies from individual to individual, so there is no telling what it will be ... but it is a boon, not a curse! Who will step forward?"



700 gold worth of coins (mostly silver and gold)
a 500 gp non-magic gem-inlaid gold holy symbol of Ffloy
five tanglefoot bags - book value
three thunderstones - book value
six alchemical fire vials - book value
a magic human-sized two-handed sword - faint transmutation
four unknown magic potions
a magic bath in EagerToooth's pool

Dwight  d20=14
Wednesday January 3rd, 2007 4:18:59 PM

Dwight listens to all those that comment with him regarding the battle. "It's not that I'm unhappy with the way things worked, I'm just thinking of what we could have done differently...it was awfully close. Julian fell, the newcomer almost fell, I feel I should have been more involved, while at the same time if I had moved just one more step, it could have been disaster for me. This is just the way I handle combat, however I do rejoice that no one on either side was actually killed. Hurt and egos wounded heal eventually. I'm actually even glad the druid escaped with their young, that they surrounded and agreed to move to a new home."


Dwight offers that the tanglefoot bags and the thunderstones be passed around as they can come in handy for just about anyone.

Dwight has no idea about the cross.

Dwight count the members and does some calculation in his head....700 gp, split 11 ways (each party member-8, Eagertooth, tithe, party treasure) that makes about 63 gp each. Dwight willingly offers Eagertooth his share and 12 gp more to make it an even 75 gp for Eagertooths share.

OOC: If I missed something/someone please just recalculate. P.S. Yes I know 75 is odd.


Dwight almost pops when Eagertooth offers a magical gift in return for their help. "I'm probably the least deserving of such a gift as my role in the lizard dog combat was minimal at best. While I would love the blessin'," Dwight then struggles a bit, "I do believe someone else is more deserving."

If Dwight is choosen, he explodes with joy and almost kisses Eagertooth.

If Dwight not choosen, he is happy, particularly if Julian is choosen.

Wednesday January 3rd, 2007 6:12:28 PM

Tobias listens to Dwight's talk of the battle and agrees that we need to learn better how to fight with one another. "With so many newcomers, it's hard to keep our cohesion... Of course, I should have guessed that Kendry would try talking first. :)"


As for splitting treasure in general, Tobias agrees that we need to keep important items even if someone gets a bigger cut of the overall treasure... Or magic items not be counted in the treasure divisions and just handed out to the appropriate party member.


And when discussion of EagerTooth's generous offer comes up, Tobias kids with Dwight, "Well, at least you didn't spend most of the battle in the croc's mouth... How deserving can that be?"

And, he agrees that Julian would be a good choice for it.

Wednesday January 3rd, 2007 7:18:22 PM

Julian steps forth, "Hey, this'ere sword sure is pretty, and well made, but maybe selling it is a better idea, if you think it is worth that much. But, then again, a sword that fancy probably has some fancy magic to go with it... I can't make that sort of decision for the group. Certainly I could use it in battle, but only I."

"I would like to say though, that I would prefer a dip in the magic pool to any gold, even a sword. T'was a magic-like experience that brought me my powers, when my blood mingled with a dire badger. I s'pose the badger was magicked, which prob'ly explains his enormous size. Though, again, I cannot make that decision for the group."
"Thank you, Eagertooth. This is a very generous offer you have made to us. We just need a moment or two to decide."

Kendry  d20+10=14 d20+4=11
Thursday January 4th, 2007 1:51:03 AM

[Bardic knowledge: 14; Knowledge religion: 11]

Kendry laughs at Tobias' comment on the bard's propensity for talk.

"Such a bath would be a blessing, indeed, Krrshekki. And only one may so bathe?" Kendry scratches his chin, looking around at friends and family and companions.

Selithe - sometimes quiet, sometimes saucy, his sister. For what she did to slow Eberyon's attack against the druids, she gained a special bit of magic - a charm necklace. He pauses for a moment as he considers her, his heart full of gratitude for her steadiness and loyalty. The only one besides himself with the group from day one.

Dwight joined some time ago - was it that same night, the rebirth of the king? Reticent at first, Kendry sees him coming in to his own, becoming quite the strategist, with elements of leadership and humility both. At first it was hard to get any solid words from him, but now his spoken thoughts are become gold and silver.

Tobias, and his unique animal friend, the two-headed wolf Tewdwr. The bard likes this ranger. He is brave and bold, willing to put himself at risk for the benefit of others. Practical, skillful, fully open to adventure.

Julian, the wild one! He thinks that his cousin may have come into his own here in the forest, of late now more attuned to the awakened, though now somewhat tempered, creator and force of nature, Eberyon - the latter also now cousin to Selithe and Kendry!

Tibble - funny Tibble - to many inscrutable in speech, but full of knowledge of woodland lore. He is a good addition to the group.

Marco - recently lost in The Culverwood, who just joined their group yesterday. It's good to have someone in the group who is good at cooking, again. A follower of Ffloy, right? Nice to have someone with good business sense in the group, it is. Kendry looks forward to getting to know him.

Fickle, distant cousin, now again free, thanks to EagerTooth, the group, and a bit of Wardd's luck. He hopes his forecast of future trouble with the lizard dogs does not come to pass - but it could, it could.

And himself. Lover of stories, of rescues, of music and poetry. Dedicated to helping Crescent Valley by being one of the groups that engages with and defends the perimeter. He wants to lead wisely in those areas in which he can, and to yield willingly when others have greater insight than he.

Halflings are interesting people, he thinks, smiling.

"Any one of use would love such a bath as you offer. Under the current circumstances I could see arguments for Julian, Tobias, Dwight, myself, my sister Selithe, Fickle, Marcos, perhaps even our abstruse companion Tibble being chosen for so signal an honor. I'm sure that more than one of us covets it, for I confess that I do.

"But I nominate Dwight for this. Julian - head of the spear of our attack, I could argue on your behalf, as well. But for many reasons - Dwight Twiggebundler - go soak yourself, Ishgara expert!"

Of the holy symbol, if no one objects, he says, "I think we should let Marco bear this for the time being. My love, Airin, found some rings that belong to someone else. We have yet to find their owner, or the family of the owner. Until we do, she retains them. If we find them someday, then she will return them. On this basis, would you hold and use this symbol, unless and until you learn of its rightful owner? You honor Ffloy - whom I also hold in some regard, though I do not profess to have the business acumen of his earnest disciples."

As others prepare for a good meal, Kendry takes out his lute, carefully tunes it, and begins playing many and singing some of the traditional songs of Crescent Valley, plus some he learned of Culverwood elves from his time in the forest.

He ponders as he plays, thinking to compose something new for the occasion.

Thursday January 4th, 2007 5:45:53 AM

"A BATH!! IN THAT POOL!! NO! WAY! There's nothing wrong with a little dirt! I wash my hands when I cook, BUT as for a bath, NO GO!" said Fickle as he stomp his foot...

Thursday January 4th, 2007 10:18:21 AM

"I will hold the Holy symbol till we get to a church of Ffloy. They should be able to tell us who might own it." Marco says.

Nuts states,"Not to mention how much they are willing to pay to get it back."

Marco answers.
"We in the church always give just return for services. If the owner is still alive, he would want to give us something for our trouble. Ffloy is a very honest religion, we make no bones about it."
Marco thinks for a second, then continues.
"Well, maybe a few bones, just to sell."

"I have no wish to bathe in the pool, for I have not earned the right, but I do remind Eagertooth that she agreed to give me a vial of her poison in addition to the one she gave the group."

Thursday January 4th, 2007 11:34:44 AM

"Ah could stand fer ah bath," offers Tibble after smelling one of his pits. "But Ah dun't specks naw wee pool with cure gandpappy's curse," the greenmage says holding up his left foot. It smells off old cheese left in the hot sun for a week.

[OOC: Everyone interested could roll a D100, the highest takes the plunge.]

A Decision Awaits (DM Cayzle) 
Thursday January 4th, 2007 3:07:30 PM

[OOC: Friends, it is really easy to get bogged down and waste game time in loot division. I suggest that you take the talk to e-mail and make as many e-mails per day as you can to reslove it all. Right now ALL I need is word on who gets to take a bath!

Another idea is to divide all the loot into equal piles, and each person takes a pile ... or rolls for the right to pick a pile. Note that the bath by itself should be a pile.]

The party is grateful and somewhat confounded by the fey dragon's generosity. Maybe Julian? But giving him the bath AND the sword might be too rich a reward for one person!

Kendry suggests Dwight?

While you discuss who is to take a bath, EagerTooth prepares a vial of sleep poison for Marco.

The dragon then asks, "Who will it be?"

Thursday January 4th, 2007 4:50:34 PM

OOC let's get a group email going regarding the treasure split, here's mine:
I don't have everyone's to get it started (looks over at Kim).

Julian listens to the bard's words. He is torn in many directions. He speaks out loud his thoughts, hoping that verbalising it will bring him to some conclusion.

"Kendry says he covets it, and others would too, does he refer to Selithe, who has remained quiet.

"If the pool could cure Tibble's affliction, or his stinky foot, I'd throw him in right now, but I think he doesn't want to mix magics.

"Marco and Fickle have said no thanks, that's easy.

"If I deserve it based on that fight, so does Tobias, perhaps he more so.

"Dwight was right to not rush in to the fight, though this honour is not just about that fight. Dwight, perhaps, earnt this when he successfully raided the necro's lair, and got us all out alive. Though he is too humble for his own good.

"Kendry on the other hand. Kendry's skill in talking, eerr, diplomacy saved many a life earlier, that's worth something, a lot actually.

"I think I learned a lot from that battle, and earned some great scars (OOC and a Hero Point).

"I would be happy with a share of the gold, and we should perhaps sell the sword. Well, if we knew more about it. Point I'm trying to make is, let Dwight or Kendry or Tobias take the bathe, rather than myself."

"EagerTooth, you've been a good friend, and very generous. Thank you. Though, I will overstep my bounds here and ask two things. First, may I name this longspear in your honour? and second, could I buy some of your poison to use on it, or maybe on a javelin? There is some merit in not killing everything. How much gold would you like for it?"

Friday January 5th, 2007 12:00:33 AM

Selithe looks to the group and thinks before speaking, "I'm sorry, such a decision needed to be thought on before giving a answer. I have a gift from a battle, one I will always remember as the temptation that could've made me more and yet less then I am now. I will stand by Kendry's decision on who should get it."

Selithe looks to Julian and smiles, "And you my badger friend, I think you deserve that weapon really, you were of great help in the fight we just went through. I wish I could've been of more help but I did put my bow to work and held my ground even with the entangle trying to get me."

Selithe looks to Fickle and smiles to him, "I was not hurt but it is most kind of you to be concerned for my safty. Would seem the group is getting more gentleman in it by the moment which is defintely not a bad thing for a woman." Selithe gives Fickle a little wink before waiting now and pulling out her deck of cards and shuffling through them.

Thinking and deciding to try something she casts a Prestidigitation spell on an ace, using the spell to unbend the worn card some as she wanted to test something. After this she casts a detect magic spell and spreads the cards out to see how easy it is to spot the ace for sure. (yep, still working on a way to mark cards. Selithe is a gambler after all. Marking cards bad enough to cause an alignment shift?)

Fickle  d100=51
Friday January 5th, 2007 7:25:15 AM

Fickle goes to the edge of the pool, look into the water. Then shake his head NO, "Not Me! I'm too head strong and set in my ways. May be My cousin Kendry or Somebody that will benerfitts these waters! But Not Me!"

OOC> The die roll for the waters 51.
OCC> My E-Mail is momlap@sbcglobal.net.

Friday January 5th, 2007 8:24:50 AM

Looking to others as discussion continues on the magical bath, Dwight listens as Marco, Fickle decline. Sitting just off to the side, Dwight smiles at Kendry's offer of the bathe, and is filled with energy as Julian and Selithe both suggest Dwight as well. The excitement is twofold of course, he is filled with family warmth at the love shown by his friends, and the once in a lifetime opprotunity to bathe in 'woldblood'.

Dwight stands slowly no sure the blood is still flowing in his legs. He looks to Tobias for any objection and then follows Eagertooth's direction for bathing in the mystical pool.

With great excitement, wonder, fear and curiousity Dwight soaks in the water, clothes and all. (Due to his excitement and ladies present I doubt undressing would occur unless Eagertooth insisted). As the water flows over his face, thought flash through Dwight's mind, This forest.. its master..., the death and birth..., the pulse of woldsblood... friends like family... safe It takes just a moment for all the thoughts to flash through his mind.

Friday January 5th, 2007 9:15:49 AM

63 g.p. each and

Marco picks up the holy symbol.
(He plans to keep it until he hits a church and then divide the reward with the party.)

He thanks Eagertooth for the vial.
He then prepares a meal of potato soup and smoked sausage (adding a bit of salted butter and some pepper at the end of cooking), useing a cantrip to heat the water as the others discuss the bath.

Friday January 5th, 2007 10:36:29 AM

Kendry quietly plays his tunes as he listens to his friends talk. He shakes his head in bemusement when Fickle reveals his aversion to the bath. He nods in acknowledgement of Marco's words. And takes another look at Tibble's feet.

"Thank you, Julian." He smiles as Selithe speaks.

"Unless someone object, Dwight - do as EagerTooth directs you."

And he plays on, observing the wondrous bath.

Friday January 5th, 2007 11:47:46 AM

The greenmage takes his 63gp portion and awaits a decision about the pool.

Dwight OOC- Treasure split up 
Friday January 5th, 2007 2:25:02 PM

Okay I sent an email out to everyone about an hour ago regarding treasure split up.

If you didn't get it, email me (adavis-pbem@tampabay.rr.com) and I'll resend it.

If you did get it, pick your treasure.

Kendry  d100=68
Friday January 5th, 2007 11:34:54 PM

[Not necessarily liking the idea of rolling for it - but if Kendry wins, he defers to Dwight.]

"EagerTooth - let our friend Dwight take the bath. And we will watch."

Kendry gets by the edge of the water. As the bath begins, he casts a spell to discern what kind, or kinds of magic are released during Dwight's baptism.

Saturday January 6th, 2007 6:27:46 AM

"Well! Cuz! for once Yusem have a good Idea!" Fickle tell His cousin (A distant Cousin), he goes and sits next to the pool and watches.

"Me hope he gettum clean! Cuz? What's wrong with you feet? They smelliun almost like mines." he asks Kendry??

A Wise Choice (DM Cayzle)  d6=2 [secret DM roll]
Saturday January 6th, 2007 10:51:08 AM

As Dwight bathes in the magic water, he feels the magic enter his body. And his heart. And his mind. Sounds are sharper. Colors more vivid. He feels a deeper understanding. He sees into his friends' hearts a little more deeply.

[OOC: Dwight gains a +1 inherent bonus to Wisdom. Please mark it on your sheet as an *inherent* bonus, because it will not stack with other inherent bonuses]

Kendry might sense some magic with the right spell, but the nature of it eludes him.

A note on actually using the pseudodragon's poison: It needs to be crafted before you can put it on a blade poison. It also needs crafting if it is to last as a blade poison for more than a week or so.

We're talking someone with ranks in craft (poison).

EagerTooth is glad to let Julin name his spear after her, but she is a little insulted at the offer to buy her poison.

"No, my friends, I think it is time for you to return and make the healing magic you told me about. Good luck and have a safe journey." You get the sense that you have been dismissed.

On the journey out of the Culverwood and back home, Selithe practices her card skills. She can mark cards with Prestidigitation, but it takes three rounds of concentration to pinpoint a magic aura. It occurs to her that an invisible Arcane Mark and See Invisible would work even better, once she gains some experience.

But the larger question for Selithe might be the ethics of cheating. Is there a nobility in winning fair and square? Under what circumstances might cheating be ethical -- if any?

The group heads back to Bella and her brew. Any special actions or detours on the way?

Saturday January 6th, 2007 8:59:02 PM

"I meant no offence, EagerTooth. I guess I come from a place where we trade most anything through coins, and it's what I'm used to. Thanks for your contribution to our friend's magic. She will appreciate it a lot, no doubt."

Julian is keen to head straight back to town, he wants to go shopping. He asks the others about identifying the properties of the sword.
Selithe offers the use of her ID spell (OOC: taking this from the emails, hope you don't mind).
"100gp pearl. Look, it benefits me mostly, so I will buy it. Actually, is that a spell you could cast on me, so that I may discover its secrets? Tell me about the spell, perhaps I could learn it one day too."

OOC: Cayzle, what's the go with using the CC? I'm not sure mostly about when purchases are recieved, but we have a few new players too. And the numbering in there is confusing too.

Sunday January 7th, 2007 5:43:29 AM

Fickle will take what ever is left over, "Err! What has not been pick. Can nice little old ME'ss! Have IT!"

Sunday January 7th, 2007 12:55:24 PM

OOC: How was the decision reached as to who was to bathe in the pool?

Monday January 8th, 2007 2:06:25 AM

[OOC Note: A +1 inherent bonus to wisdom can be had for 27,500 gp via a tome of understanding. That was a wonderful gift from our fae dragon hostess.

Tibble: Many names were advanced. Some did not state a preference. More spoke in favor of Dwight, and no one objected to his receiving the gift.]

Somewhat concerned at Fickle's words, Kendry checks out his feet. "Umm, no they don't. Smell quite like yours, I mean," answers the fastidious one. He looks around to see if Tibble is upwind.

"Say - where is that large weasel who was letting us fatten him up? Our thanks to him for bringing us to you, EagerTooth."

As at their earlier meeting she already had given leave for them to drink, Kendry does so. He also asks if he might fill three of his waterskins. If she does not object, he also does so.

Kendry plays a parting song:
The Culverwood where many dwell
Has wondrous places, people, things
Of one most charming I must tell:
A wee bright one with iridescent wings

She dwells right near a pool so sweet
It maketh wise the one who bathes
Good friends the dragonette does treat
Especially him who music plays

Be not her foe unless it's clear
Sleep eludes you come what may
For sharp her tail as a spear
Grown creatures heed her lullaby

Thank you, Krrshekki, for your gift
May it help heal many who
Fell under illness, minds adrift
Cured by Bella's healing brew

The Culverwood where many dwell
Has wondrous places, people, things
Of one most charming I must tell:
A wee bright one with flashing wings
"Blessings upon you and this peaceful pool, fair dragon. I shall show our friends your picture, and speak of how you helped us."

With a bow and a wave of farewell, Kendry heads out with his friends, his ponies, and riding upon Cheann. "Let's stop by Nilli's on the way back, give her the good news and our thanks, then hurry back through Hovel, Humble's Ford, and to Bella," he recommends.

Along the way, he asks Marco to tell them a little more about himself. "Who was your guide, anyhow?" He asks about how he came to adventure, and what are his specialties, and whether he would like to continue to travel with the group. Kendry lets him know that he is most welcome to remain, as far as it is up to him.

When the group stops for the occasional rest, Kendry takes the time to jot additional notes into his journal. He sketches some of the lizard dogs. He wonders what they call their own race, and tells the story of The Fickle Rescue.

Monday January 8th, 2007 5:42:40 AM

Fickle listens to his Distant Cousin, then tell him "Me did not know you could Sing??"

Monday January 8th, 2007 5:49:25 AM

Kendry laughs cheerfully at Fickle's comment. "Well, we did not spend a lot of time together growing up, I know. I've become a bard. So, tell me Fickle, more about yourself. I've lived nearly half my life here in the Culverwood, and most of the rest of it in Humble's Ford. How about you? Obviously you're good in a fight. Where did you learn such skills? Oh, and by the way - if no one else claims the extra alchemical items, and you've a mind to use them to help us out, by all means, take them."

Monday January 8th, 2007 7:34:20 AM

Julian admires Kendry's illustrations of the lizard-dogs. Though he casts prestidigition upon himself quietly before approaching the bard.
"But there's something missing," Julian leans over and draws with his finger, yet from three feet away, "hmmmm. Yep, 'bout that tall, and the spear straight into its gut, like that. Can you write my name under there for me?" The page now includes the 7' halfling, muscles rippling, driving the spear into Kendry's lizard-dog. It looks pretty good actually, in a comic-book sort of way.
"Cheers, Kendry."

A story from Aunt Nilli (DM Cayzle) 
Monday January 8th, 2007 8:18:55 AM

The team parts with the fey dragon on excellent terms, with words of praise and a wonderful song by Kendry.

Folk are more than welcome to take water from the pool, but it is not magical.

The paty heads back toward Aunt Nilli's home. She is glad to see you back after only a few days, and in good health. She listens to any story you might tell, and has one of her own:

"A wolf friend of mine said that a stranger came near to my home here -- it was a halfling. He seemed to be following your footsteps, but did not actually come within sight or sound of the house. Then he slipped away, and the wolf came here to tell me."

[OOC: Looks to me like you are figuring out the CC just fine ... but if you have any questions, let me know. In a nutshell, the Catacombs is a magic shop with branches all over the Wold. If you are in a town, you can walk in and end up at the main desk. That's the CC Board. You intereact in character with a clerk to make your purchase. Generally you can sell things at 90% of their matket price. You can buy almost anything in the DMG for book price.]

[OOC regarding the value of the bath in the pool. I would not value it at the worth of a Tome. You could not sell or trade it. You did not know what stat it would effect, or even that it would boost a stat. And for a couple other reasons I will keep secret, it was not really as valuable as it would seem. (Hint: I did roll some dice before posting the prize.) Still, yes, it was quite a bonus. I hope you liked it!]

Monday January 8th, 2007 12:39:48 PM

Marco answers Kendry,
"Some bloody half-elf, I think his name was Lesha-something. Good thng I only paid him half. He only got me halfway here."
Marco filled his waterskins before he left the pool and put his vial in a safeplace.
"I am a merchant for the most part, though I have been a healer, sailor, scribe and cook."
Once in town Marco goes to the catacombs to replace the supplies he used while travelling and ask Kendry and the members of the group if they know of someone who has the skill to process the faerie dragons poison.

Monday January 8th, 2007 2:45:34 PM

Kendry asks Tobias and some of the others with woodland and tracking skills if they might have noted any tracks other than their own. "Did your wolf friend tell you which way around your place the following halfling took?" he asks Nilli, just to save his friends time in looking for the tracks. Thankfully, it did not rain, so the chances some tracks remain should be decent.

He takes the time to tell her and the grandfolks of their journey and its outcome -- although the pictures of dragon and lizard dogs likely will be all that Granpapa Grapes 'hears'.

Yet anxious to get the precious liquid back to Bella, he lets Aunt Nilli know that time is of the essence, and they must quickly depart.

If she has not yet had a chance to send along the letter he wrote for Airin, he'll pick it up. If is has been sent, he is pleased.

Grateful to learn a little more about Marco, he inquires further. "You mentioned healer. Are you, by chance, a cleric?" He also asks where he sailed. "Not on Dragon Bay, of course. Everyone knows that, up until a short time ago - maybe yet still - I'm not sure - dragons would attack any boats out there - except maybe a small fishing rowboat close to shore."

Regarding rendering EagerTooth's poison, he says, "Well, Bella may have such skills. Or you can take it to the Catacombs, maybe - I'm not sure whether they'd do it, but it may not hurt to ask. I say may not. They can be touchy about some requests. Barring those to sources... I'm really not sure."

Monday January 8th, 2007 6:34:29 PM

Flickle Stands there behind Kendry, he is not at ease here, "Howdi Aunt Millie, Howdi Granpapa Grapes." Fickle goes and sits next to Grandpapa and watches thr log burn in the fireplace.

Dwight  d20+3=5 d20+3=20
Monday January 8th, 2007 8:30:03 PM

Dwight bathes and then attempts to dry himself off as the group ventures back. Eventually he stops and changes out of sight. Oddly, his outfit is just about the same, still full of patches, perhaps a few less, and a darker blue rather than brown.

Dwight watches the interaction once back at Millie's, but is ready to complete the task at hand. The stranger seems a bit vague, but he stores it for later thought.

As soon as they can manage to leave, Dwight is ready and wishes to head directly to Bella's. (After he makes sure they are not followed or being watched).

spot: 5+3(choas) -in culverwood
20 - after the group leaves culverwood

Tibble  d20=6 d20=8 d20=19
Monday January 8th, 2007 8:58:51 PM

The greenmage will make note of any signs that the mysterious halfling has left behind while foraging.

Spot 9
Survival 22
Forage 31

Kim - It's NILLI's, not MILLIE's!!! [Name Advisory] 
Monday January 8th, 2007 10:33:25 PM


And remember, so as to keep it orderly, CHAOS is always 'A' before 'O'.

Delete this post next weekend

Remember, Dwight. Chaos chaos chaos. No choas. That's not a word (in English, at least).

I remember an Irish fellow in a play who called chaos 'chasses'. "Everything is chasses! I need a whiskey. Chasses!"

Tuesday January 9th, 2007 12:01:24 AM

OOC: sorry, short post, not much to add. My 4x4 has lost its front shocks and I had to carefully drive the kangaroo vehicle home through winding, hilly and rough roads. Will be spending every waking moment trying to fix it.

Julian tags along. He doesn't really know Aunt Nilli, so tries to stay out of the way. Tracking isn't his thing either, so he steers clear, except to say, "Perhaps it was Podo or Airin."

Tuesday January 9th, 2007 12:32:41 AM

Selithe listens to everything that is going on and frowns abit as she thinks. However she can do little for tracking, sneaking and casting some spells is her main area of specialty.

She does enjoy being back and is looking foreward to a soft bed after the days of traveling. She enjoys adventuering and all but a soft bed is still nice when it's possible.

She also thinks over the marking her deck bit and still isn't sure on the whole thing. She spent time in jail and learned various tricks of the trade but was it really worth cheating when skill could make all the difference. She sighs and decides to atleast play around with the cheating route, not in actual gameing but in hopes of improving her own ability of spotting a cheat. Never know, it might come in handy to beable to think like a cheater when trying to spot one.

Selithe does take the time to greet Aunt Nilli and smiles, "Seems like it has been awhile, so many things happened this time, amazing things really."

Tuesday January 9th, 2007 6:21:39 AM

"OK! OK! ALL RIGHT! Auntie Nilli! I'll bet her cooking isum just as good!" Fickle snaps back.

To Grandpapa Grape, He ask "Howis is Auntie Nilli Cookies? Good me hope!"

Tobias  d20+17=20
Tuesday January 9th, 2007 11:37:36 AM

Tobias will answer Kendry's request and look around the area for tracks of someone tracking the party's path to the house. Hoping that he finds out something about their follower and where he went.

Survival (tracking): 20.

CDM Jerry 
Tuesday January 9th, 2007 11:57:12 AM

Would the ADM please do the report for last week's posting and email me to let me know it's done. Thanks friends :)

Crescent Valley Posting (by Anthony) 
Tuesday January 9th, 2007 3:54:32 PM

OOC: Sorry didn't know I needed to post this b/c of the holidays....then I just plain forgot.

Fickle: MTWRFSS = 7
Tibble: MTWRF-- = 5
DM: -TWR-S- = 4
Dwight: -TW-F-- = 3
Tobias: -TW---- = 2
Julian: -TWR-S- = 4
Selithe: -T-R--- = 2
Kendry: --WR2-- = 4
Marco: --WRF-- = 3

Tuesday January 9th, 2007 9:29:04 PM

Dwight sits and listens. When Tobias returns he pays close attention to the report.

He does emphasize the importance of heading to deliver the vial when appropriate.

Otherwise, having had some time to think, Dwight can now respond to Tobias..."Well we know croc tastes like chicken when we come back next time we will have to ask the croc what Tobias tastes like.

OOC: I'll work on the 'chaos' thing. My fingers apparently learned how the spell chaos the urban way 'choas'...so sayeth the urban online dictionary on slang.

Tuesday January 9th, 2007 10:26:16 PM

Kendry bombinates various tunes as they travel along.

Tuesday January 9th, 2007 11:54:17 PM

Selithe looks to Julian thinking over what he mentioned earlier and speaks to him as the group does there thing, "I'm not sure if I can teach you how to cast identify or such spells Julian. Do you know any arcane knowledge or the ability to cast such spells? Also casting that spell on a person would do little good, it isn't like say a magic missile or such." Selithe smiles though and is happy Julian seems to be taking a interest in the arcane arts.

Wednesday January 10th, 2007 5:55:49 AM

After a hefty meal, Fickle wants to go hunting, "Auntie Nillie! I'll bring back some nice Big Rabbitts for you!", Fickle follows the rest of the Pack wondering if they should hunt in the Magic Forest again??

A Slight Diversion, Then On The Road Again (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday January 10th, 2007 7:04:46 AM

The party is curious about reports of this stranger, and investigates. However, you find no sign of him or her. Yes, there is the stray halfling footprint, says Tobias, but other than that, there's nothing to report.

It seems unlikely that it is a friend. A friend would have been more open.

Fickle does do some hunting for dinner while you are in the WIlds.

In the meantime, you talk with Aunt Nilli and each other. Marco describes his background, Selithe and Julian talk about magic, and several mention dinner.

But soon it is time to say good-bye to Aunt Nilli (who did send along the letter, Kendry). Bella is waiting. And that means leaving the Culverwood behind.

Tobias  d20+9=27 d20+8=13 d20+17=37 d20+20=25 d20+5=12 d20+5=22 d20+6=14
Wednesday January 10th, 2007 12:33:32 PM

Tobias is concerned about finding only one halfling foot print, something definitely does not seem right with having this halfling following them. He will keep an eye out for anyone following them on their trip to Bella's.

Tobias will again lead the party back to Angel Springs. He will go ahead about a hundred feet to spot anyone else traveling the road or looking to surprise the traveling group. He will also send Tewdwr around back and along the sides of the group... trying to keep a sharp eye out for any random halflings.

Listen - 27
Spot - 13
Hide - 25
Survival (tracks) - 37 (nat 20)

Tewdwr rolls:
Listen - 12
Spot - 22
Survival (tracks) - 14

Wednesday January 10th, 2007 1:00:34 PM

Concerning the single-footed hobbit lurking about Tibble suggests it shouldn't be too hard to hear someone hopping about, let alone track them.

If corrected about the number of appendages the unknown sneak has Tibble will shut up.

OOC: Treasure (Dwight) 
Wednesday January 10th, 2007 4:11:01 PM

Below are the requests I have received for the treasure found via email. Everyone should have received an email from me today (Thursday).

The potions (and sword) can be determined once Selithe/CC ID's them.

I'm sending this to make sure I didn't miss anyone's request. If anyone sees a mistake let me know before we all write the items on our sheets.

I tried to balance the items/bag based on those that expressed interest. Marco, Tibble and Fickle, didn't express anything other than 63 gp unless I missed something. I'll wait until Friday and post the confirmed party allocation of the items/bags.

700 gold worth of coins (mostly silver and gold)
-- 63 gp for each PC, 63 given to Eagertooth, 63 given for party tithing (who is this now?), 63 party treasure

a 500 gp non-magic gem-inlaid gold holy symbol of Ffloy
-- Marco (for deliver to appropriate Church as he sees fit)

five tanglefoot bags - book value
2 -- Tobias
2 -- Kendry
1 -- Julian

three thunderstones - book value
2 -- Kendry
1 --Julian

six alchemical fire vials - book value
2 -- Tobias
2 --Selithe
2 -- Kendry

a magic human-sized two-handed sword - faint transmutation
-- Julian (as yet unidentified)

four unknown magic potions
-- unspoken for
-- possession may change once intent is determined

Wednesday January 10th, 2007 6:30:56 PM

"Tibble, he's not a one-legged halfling. I was only able to find one foot print, which means he's pretty good at hiding his tracks."

Dwight  d20+3=18
Wednesday January 10th, 2007 7:13:30 PM

During the trek back, Dwight wonders about the foot print. Who would be looking for us? Who would be able to track us down in the Culverwood by themselves? After some thought, Dwight asks others, "Anyone think this might be the necro trying to hunt us down? Or one of the harpy hags perhaps, but i wouldn't think they would leave a footprint, especially one that is halfling size... the necro however." The statement remains unfinished as he tries to think through it himself.

"If they have been able to follow us, could they be spying through some magical device. The necro had a bunch of stuff in the room."

Dwight will remain in the rear, hoping they are not following, but if they are hoping to spot whoever it is.

spot: 18

Wednesday January 10th, 2007 7:32:23 PM

Marco puts away his money.
"When we find out what the potions do, we can figure out who should have them." He states.

(OOC- Can I go to the Catacombs? Are we in a town? What's available?)

Selithe  d20+7=9 d20+9=20 d20=13 d20+2=10 d20-4=12 d20+14=19
Thursday January 11th, 2007 12:00:47 AM

Selithe listens to her friends as they move out and pockets her 63gps as she ponders things before moving up to Kendry and whispering to him, "I'm falling back behind the group and going to sneak along and see if I notice anything. I can use a thunderstone if you'll let me take one with me as a signal if I see anything or attacked."

Selithe smiles as she really wants to try and be of some help and if allowed falls back behind the group before starting to hide and creep along, keeping a eye out for anything out of the ordinary and having Bandit peek his head out of her belt pouch to help also.

(Move Silently:9 Hide:20 Spot:13 Listen:10)
(Bandit's Spot:12 Listen:19)

Thursday January 11th, 2007 2:26:40 AM

"Dwight - the necromancer is a human, not kin to us, nor of our stature."

"Sure, sis, here's a thunderstone. Take a tanglefoot bag, too. You're sure you want to do this by yourself? What about Gra? I can keep her with me, if you want, or you can take her with for the moment."

Assuming none of us encounters the distant pursuer, the group travels the rest of the way back to halfling civilization.

He wants to stop briefly in Hovel to retrieve his climbing gear from his Aunt Marigold, and to give her a kiss and quickly catch her up on the news. Also a quick visit to Airin's family's place to introduce himself and ask if they know of Airin's whereabouts. If she's there, he rejoices! And gives her several kisses. But also lets her know he needs to go with the group quickly back to Angel Springs for Bella's sake. One last thing he wants to do is to pay a quick visit to Ellis and Penelope's place to see how their little daughter, Clara Alilliama Domiselithe Airina Marigold Pipewood Greentree, is doing - she who shared a womb with Eberyon. He copies his best sketch of EagerTooth, and leaves it for them as a present. [No more than half an hour at each of these places.]

Then on to Humble's Ford - take an hour for a meal there - and then to Angel Springs.

"Let us take care when we visit Bella. We don't want to lead our pursuer to her, if we can help it. Any suggestions on how to do this?"

Thursday January 11th, 2007 4:50:28 AM

Julian is preoccupied with purchases he will make in the Catacombs.
He speaks to Dwight, who seems to be organising the treasure, "This fab sword, and these scars," he begins to take off his shirt, "are more than enough reward. Look, this long one here... jealous?
"What I'm trying to say is that I don't need the thunderstone or the tanglefoot bag. Give them to someone who needs it more. I still have two thunderstones in my pack, now that I've had a good look."

Thursday January 11th, 2007 6:47:35 AM

Fickle tag behind with the group, he sometime look around for this one who left one foot print. He ask Selith (as she passes him) "Where are you going? This stranger might be a Pirate! Some of them have only onr foot, you know? Be Carefull!!"

He follows along behind the group, he's really proud of himself because he has already killed three rabbitts for a stew tonight!

Then he hears about the treasure, "Hey! If you please! Can I have one of those stones?? I Like stones!" He ask and for once in his life he did not grumble!

Thursday January 11th, 2007 10:41:54 AM

At Fickle's request, Kendry laughs and gives him a thunderstone. "When you throw this rock, it makes a loud BOOM! It can make it hard to hear for a while."

Thursday January 11th, 2007 12:28:09 PM

The rotund hobbit will struggle atop Harry for the ride back to town.

63gps won't buy much in the way of powerful spell components, he wonders to himself if the group would be willing to knock over a chapman.

Suspicions back Home (DM Cayzle)  d20+12=20 (secret Hide check)
Thursday January 11th, 2007 2:48:30 PM

Tobias keeps alert as the group makes its way back to Angel Springs.

Selithe joins him with extra alertness in the form of her familiar, Bandit.

Tobias, who saw the footprint, tells Tibble that the secretive halfling who made the print was most likely adept at finding places to step in which he would leave no prints. The lone print found is most likely a sign that the secretive halfling was sloppy for a moment ... not a sign that the person was one-legged!

Dwight wonders if the footprint was made by the necromancer, [whose homunculous, if the DM recalls correctly, is still in an iron box in a bag of holding that one of you possess] -- but on second thought you recall that the necromancer was a human. That's what Kendry recalls too. Maybe it could be an agent of his?

Of course, if the DM may be permitted an editorial aside, it is not as if our brave heros lack for enemies, given the group's tendency to show mercy and leave their foes with breath to fight another day. Not to mention the group's tendency to encounter foes from whom flight is a wiser course than fighting to the death! :-)

Marco expresses curiousity about the nature of the four potions. Julian too is looking forward to a successful shopping experience. [OOC: You can go to the Catacombs now, but your purchases will not be delivered until you get to Angel Springs.

The loot continues to be divided, with alchemical goodies going to Fickle and Selithe.

Tibble grumbles a little over the small portions the loot ends up dividing into. The thought does cross his mind that surely the possessions of the lizard-dog chief and the head druid were worth a pretty penny. Oh well.

The party escapes the Culverwood alive and makes it to Hovel, for a visit with family and loved ones. All is well there, Airin is glad to see Kendry, and the hobbit-child is well. But on the way out of town, if you make a spot check vs DC20, then Please Highlight to display spoiler: {You see a halfling fellow lying under a bush watching you from hiding.}

Dwight  d20+3=21 d20+2=11 d20+2=6 d20+9=13 d3=3 d20+4=18 d20+3=9
Thursday January 11th, 2007 8:33:18 PM

Dwight tries to relax since others have taken to covering the rear. In reply to Kendry, "I know the necro was human, but couldn't he transform himself to look like one of us? Or have killed a halfling and made our poor kin service him? But then again, maybe its a friend trying to follow our footsteps to rejoin us." Dwight tries, but can't seem to convince himself.

spot: 21 (sweet!)

Dwight stops and announces to all. Pointing with one hand in the direction of the hidden halfling, pulling a dagger out with the other, Dwight speaks loud enough for the halfling to hear. "You there, hiding, you've been spotted and it would be best if you came out and stated your purpose."

Intimidate: 11
Sense Motive: 6
Gather Information: 18 (Does Dwight recognize the halfing?)
Diplomacy: 9

Sensing he is up to no good, Dwight tenses to throw his dagger if the halfling does anything other than come out facing the group.

Attack: 13 (if within 10')
Dmg: 3

Kendry  d20+3=21
Thursday January 11th, 2007 8:41:15 PM

[Spot: 21]

Kendry is glad to see Aunt Marigold - and introduces those who have not yet met her. If her two friends are there - Bea & Daisy. He takes Marigold aside for a moment, whispering something to her.

Also, pleased is he to meet with Airin. "When can you travel with me again, love?"

On the way out of town, he notes a fellow lurking in the bushes. He casually meanders that direction. "Two birds in the hand, or one in the bush? How does that saying go?"

He leans over. "Hullo. I'm Kendry. Who are you? Trying to become one with nature?"

Kim - OOC 
Thursday January 11th, 2007 8:42:40 PM

Looks like Dwight and Kendry posted about the same time. Dwight's post wasn't there when I started my post for the bard.

Filckle  d20=19
Friday January 12th, 2007 6:00:20 AM

OOC: I rolled for spot witch I don't have Skills, 19 (I almost made it with out any pluses!!)

Fickle cuddles the rock in his arms, almost as if it was a baby. "Oh! What a nice Rock and youse say it goes Boom when me throws it? What youse say? Weez being stock under bush there?? Want meem to throughs meem Boom Rock at bush??"

Now Filckle gets ready to throw the rock! But does not know wich bush the spy is hiding??

Friday January 12th, 2007 6:12:55 AM

Julian takes cues from Dwight's reactions (prefer to fight anyway) and drops his new sword, then casts Enlarge on himself and badger familiar. He then picks it up.

Tobias  d20+8=25
Friday January 12th, 2007 12:20:16 PM

Tobias spots the halfling as well (Spot: 25). He and Tewdwr move quickly around back as Dwight is speaking - trying to get behind the halfling and cut off any escape route he might have.

Friday January 12th, 2007 12:21:49 PM

Oh and Tobias takes his share of the treasure: 63 gp, 2 tanglefoot bags, and 2 alchemical fire vials.

Little Tim Ninetoes (DM Cayzle) 
Friday January 12th, 2007 6:44:49 PM

Several see the halfling lurking under a bush. Dwight is ready with a challenge. Kendry, a greeting. Fickle, a thunderstone. Julian gets bigger. Tobias moves to the rear.

But you know this fellow, those of you who have lived here or have kin here. Why, it's Little Tim! Little Tim Tanner Ninetoes! He's a young halfling, younger than you, who always looked up to you in the past.

"Um, Hi Kendry, Hi Selithe!" he says to the two of you with whom he is most familiar.

He looks around nervously, especially at Julian and Tewdwr. "You guys scared of me?" he bluffs.

A moment of conversation reveals that he was just hoping to get a look at the heroes as they left town. He just didn't want to bother you as you left.

Friday January 12th, 2007 7:10:04 PM

"Scared? Errr," Julian really likes kids, especially small boys within whom he can see something of himself at that age, "You bet I was scared of you. You moved so quietly and hidden so well I thought it might have been a hideous monster, or a huge bear, waiting to eat us. It's just that Dwight here has super-special vision that we saw you at all."

Huge Julian grabs the little 'un and throws him up onto his shoulder.
"Kendry and Selithe you know. I am related to them as well, though I've spent a lot of time away. I'm Julian, you can call me Badger. My badger here is named Shark. I think he likes you.
"Here we have Tobias, Dwight," Julian bounds around in a jolly fashion briefly introducing everyone, "Fickle, Marco, Tibble, Airin (?) and our pets, too numerous to name right now. You can pat his left head there."

"Have you been training?" Julian casually walks away from the others to give the them a bit of time to talk amongst themselves, with Tim still on his shoulders. He looks backs to them and shrugs his shoulders as if to say What's up with this kid?

"You're getting big sword fighting arms, I reckon. Here," passing Tim the two-handed sword, "ready for this yet? Nah, but getting close."

Friday January 12th, 2007 7:15:31 PM

Oh, and with treasure, Jude takes the sword and the 63gp only. Thanks.

Friday January 12th, 2007 10:22:02 PM

(Updating my CS with the 2 flasks of alchemical fire, 63 gps and the thunderstone unless Kendry wants it back since it wasn't needed earlier. :) Cayzle, not much of an update but you want the CS sent to you?)

Selithe looks to Timmy and chuckles as she shakes her head and hides a grin when listening to Julian.

Selithe moves up to Tim and ruffles his hair before speaking, "Now Tim you need to be more careful ok? If we would've been really scared you could've got hurt you know. You hide just too well though, one of these days you're going to be a better known than even us, you just wait."

Selithe thinks and is pretty sure she can make up for the loss by a card game later some place so kneels and fishes a gp out of her pouch which she holds up to Tim, "Now, don't be in too big of a rush but here, you need to start saving if you ever plan to go out and become a hero someday. Take this and save it for that day, ok?"

Saturday January 13th, 2007 7:41:34 AM

Fickle watches Julin growing in size? "Hey! I can do that too!"(with the rock that goes BOOM)
Fickle touches his tattoo,Then Grows In Size Like Julin." He now look into his hand, He now has a little stone??.

Now Fickle is a big ans advances to the boy, "NOW WHO IS THIS LITTLE BRAT?"

OCC: Sorry! I just could not help Myself, I had to scare this little fellow. LOL

DM Cayzle to Ceil 
Saturday January 13th, 2007 10:38:51 AM

Ceil, Please Highlight to display spoiler: {Your Tattoo is Entangle, not Enlarge!} LOL!

OCC: Your Right! DM Cayzle! FicKle Drinks an Enlarge Potion, then scares the little Brat.

Kendry  d20+4=8 d20+4=10 d20+4=20
Saturday January 13th, 2007 4:51:27 PM

"Wee Tim - you've grown up a bit, I see. Very glad to see you. How has your family been doing? Do you know where we just went?" Kendry asks.

"We went to see a wee little dragon! Have you ever seen a tiny dragon before?

"Here, let me show you what she looks like." He digs into his knapsack, withdraws a sheaf of papers, and finds the sketches. "This is EagerTooth. She has very beautiful colors in her wings. Sparkling colors, like a moving rainbow, in some ways. Her name in the draconic tongue - that's dragon language - is Krrshekki. She likes music, and hates slavery."

He indicates Fickle, who is rubbing his skin at the moment. "Some lizard dogs had captured him. EagerTooth told us where we could find him. And we set him free. Fickle - Fickle! Tim is no brat!" Kendry sighs at the comportment of some of his companions. "We're in town, friends. Just what kind of show do you want to put on for our fellow citizens?"

He asks the lad if he would like a copy of one of the sketches. Whichever one he indicates, Kendry will take a few minutes and render a copy of it. All right, forget that first copy. He crumples the second version. Finally, he gets it right [Drawing: 8, 10, 20]. "Here you go."

As he sketches, he asks if Tim might have followed them on their way into the woods. If not, did he happen to notice anyone who did follow them?

"Say, have you ever heard of the Woldian League of Adventurers, Tim?"

Also, he asks if Tim might do them a favor - if he is not the one who followed them into the forest. "Someone has been following us. We don't know who. But, since you're so good at finding hiding places - maybe you could keep your eyes out, and note if someone follows us as we leave town. Um, you know Ellis Greentree, and his wife Penelope - she's a Pipewood. He runs the livery - well, of course you know them, why am I telling you all this? If you see someone following us, please tell Ellis and Penelope, and give a good description."

He jots a note. "Give this to them, and ask them to send us a letter with what you tell them. It might be a big help. Does this sound like too big a job for you?"

If little Tim agrees, then Kendry will also caution him not to try to confront the pursuer. "Just watch, and see what you see."

Saturday January 13th, 2007 5:49:39 PM

Not familiar with this friend of others in the party Tibble lets the situation pan out.

Sunday January 14th, 2007 9:22:48 PM

Still slightly suspicious, Dwight lowers his daggers, but doesn't quite put it away. This family stuff makes things complicated sometimes he thinks.

As the introductions go around, Dwight asks Tobias if little Tim's foot print looks to be a match to the one found in Culverwood.

Monday January 15th, 2007 8:16:33 AM

Fickle looks to Dwight, "HE (pointing to the boy) Family to yousem?" Then tells the boy, "BOY! GO HOME!"
Flack then goes into the bushes? Hugging his stone.(A call of nature!)

Monday January 15th, 2007 8:53:18 AM

Marco waits till they get to a town, then hands over the jeweled holy symbol to Kendry.
"I have to go, my god has called on me to continue my journey. I hope to meet you in the future."
Saying goodbye to the others, Marco wanders off.

(OOC- Nice gaming with you guys. Unfortunatly I have to go on walkabout (Life, arrrge.). Hope to see you in the future.)

Monday January 15th, 2007 11:41:28 AM

"You don't need to yell at Tim, Fickle," Kendry says. "He's done you no harm, and he is a good lad."

At Marco's announcement of his departure, Kendry is surprised. "I am sorry to see you have to go, Marco. Perhaps somewhere down the road our paths shall cross again." He holds out his hand to shake that of the traveler. "May you earn good fortune, and find reliable guides - where needed," he adds with a smile. "A pleasure to have met you, sir."

Tobias  d20+14=23
Monday January 15th, 2007 11:51:56 AM

Tobias follows Dwight's suggestion and checks Tim's footprints (survival 23) to see if they're a match.

Monday January 15th, 2007 3:02:04 PM

"Ya'lls mite a-havin' dun compensated us-ums fer saving youse life," the greenmage mentions to the departing Marcos.

Farewell to Marco! (Cayzle) 
Monday January 15th, 2007 3:39:32 PM

After a bit of good-natured tom-foolery, you are sure that the curious young halfling meant no harm. His foot is no match for the print Tobias saw. Soon Tim is eager to send you word if he sees any news.

He mentions that there was a stranger who came through here last week -- a halfling from Angel Springs. The stranger came late and left early the next day.

As the group prepares to leave, Marco offers his thanks for the rescue but tells you all that his path diverges from yours now. It is time to bid this new friend farewell.

Monday January 15th, 2007 4:25:05 PM

"As far as I know, I'm of no relation. My family tree is a bit severed, and know very few connections. However, Kendry here, is another story. It's handy, just about every place we go we have room and board we can trust. But it's instances like these that, well, the boy lucked out that Julian didn't get in a real swing." Dwight shrugs hoping everyone elses regonition of the boy is enough to keep the group safe.

With the fellow given a task, Dwight is ready to continue on his way. Odd how it seems we are being followed. Surely as circular as our path has been someone could have easily caught up to us, for good or ill.

Once the young halfling has been left behind, Dwight suggests that two or three folks remain outside of town before reaching Heather's place to be sure we don't lead someone directly to her. He'll volunteer to be one himself if needed.

Monday January 15th, 2007 6:03:42 PM

Excited at the prospect of seeing Heather again, but then Dwight offers the posibility of a fight, at least, an encounter.

"Dwight, I'll stay with you. I can cast Burrow Speak (Message) so that we can communicate whilst spread out. If someone is following us, we'll wanna know why. I'm sure we can beat it out of him. Or even follow him instead."

Monday January 15th, 2007 8:31:36 PM

Tobias wishes Marco farewell and hopes to see him again soon in the Culverwood.

Tobias will lead the group forward to Heather's and leave it to Dwight and Julian to follow up on their tracker...

Monday January 15th, 2007 8:52:03 PM

Selithe smiles and bids Tim bye for now and gives Marco a hug before smiling gently but saddly to him, "I'm going to miss you Marco, but as long as you promise to join up again someday."

Selithe continues on with the others now and moves over and gives Kendry a small nudge and whispers to him, "Think with all the friends we've said bye to now it would get easier but it's still just as sad. Maybe it's because I'm a girl."

Crescent Valley Postings (by Anthony) 
Monday January 15th, 2007 9:10:42 PM

Kendry: 3T-2FS- = 8
Fickle: 2TWRFS- = 7
Julian: 2--R2-- = 5
DM: M-WRF-- = 4
Marco: M-W---- = 2 (seems to be leaving as of 1/16)
Dwight: MTWR--S = 5
Tibble: M-WR-S- = 4
Selithe: MTW-F-- = 4
Tobias: -T2-F-- = 4

Kendry  d20+4=9
Tuesday January 16th, 2007 2:45:55 AM

Kendry asks little Tim if he can describe the stranger at all. Clothing, face, stature, gait. He even tries to sketch the fellow based on Tim's description, but that does not go too well [Drawing: 9].

"No, Selithe, parting with friends brings sadness. If you feel wistful, well, so do I. Yet I feel that some friends will return, as well."

Hearing Dwight out, Kendry says, "Not a bad idea. If we can have a few who are good at hiding, and following." He pauses, thinking of Airin, and her shadowy skills.

"We know that Heather has enemies. Something to keep in mind, however, is that not all who appear to be enemies are. Witness some of us coming close to attacking an innocent lad."

He turns to Julian. "Physical attack is not always the first option, cuz. I'd ask you to consider not making yourself huge here in our own communities, unless circumstances genuinely warrant it. There are those who are suspicious of adventurers. We don't want to feed their fears and prejudices. We don't want to go drawing our weapons in public."

As they walk along, he offers to his friends another thought. "Someone such as Calfast, or a militia leader, might have sent someone to keep an eye on us, and to keep a low profile. Maybe even an agent of the WLA. Or... well, I don't know who.

"Although I think those options unlikely, there's at least a slight possibility. Our pursuer may be a foe, but such is not a certainty."

He turns and looks at Julian again. "We don't want to go around getting used to the idea of beating fellow halflings, Badger. We are neither hooligans nor ruffians - I trust."

Passing through Humble's Ford Kendry takes his friends to his family - he introduces his friends to his father, mother, and any siblings who may be about. "We picked up Fickle in the Forest. Mama, give him an extra helping of your rhubarb pie - unless you have some extra blueberry slices lying about."

Then onward to Angel Springs. "Perhaps we all can enter together, then quickly one or two each to the three entrances to the city to watch, and a couple over to Heather's with the gift. Keep in mind there likely are more watchers within the city. It's not as if we're an anonymous group anymore."

Kendry is willing to watch, or to visit the greenmage, depending upon what others want to do.

Tuesday January 16th, 2007 7:42:17 AM

Fickle watches as Marco leaves then, But will not say a word to him. Because Selith eyes are wet?? "He makum Selith eyes wet!"

Then his ears pick up!! "Me not Hooleegain, But maybe a Ruffian. A Pie Eater! Yes'um I Is!!" He tell them with his mouth watering with the though.

Tuesday January 16th, 2007 11:42:43 AM

Tobias leads the party back to Angel Springs. If Dwight and whoever goes with him (Airin?) find out tracker. They should have a way of signaling the rest of the party.

Tobias will also willing to watch in town and forego the trip to Heather's.

Return to Angel Springs

Back to Home Base (DM Cayzle) 
Tuesday January 16th, 2007 4:04:06 PM

Dwight intuits that the party is being followd. That's a lot to assume from a couple scanty reports, but stranger things have happened, and Dwight's suspicions may include more wisdom than paranoia.

Dwight and Julian consider stepping back, maybe to catch any hidden follower or spy, as the group returns to Bella's house.

Tobias has no problem with Julian and Dwight looking for a follower.

Selithe wishes Marco a heartfelt goodby, and that distracts her from talk of spies.

Kendry asks Tim Ninetoes for more detail on the stranger. But it seems that the stranger was pretty nondescript. brown hair, brown eyes, trav el-stained grey cloak. Could have been anyone. A male, for sure.

Kendry thinks that splitting up the group to deliver the package is a good idea.

The group arrives outside Angel Springs after the expected travel without incident. How will you enter the town? Any special actions before getting to Bella's?

Tuesday January 16th, 2007 8:58:25 PM

"I think we should all walk into town together, as if this is just another area we will be passing through. I'll circle around and watch our entrance. Perhaps two others can head towards the other exits of Angel Springs. The rest of the group, after knowing they aren't being followed can deliver the vial. Perhaps you can ask if someone is looking for us? It would be a huge relief if this person was a friend versus a potential foe."

At this point, Dwight looks to Selithe and Kendry. "Sorry about overreacting back there with Tim. I'll be happy once this vial has been delivered."

"If I have problems on my end, I'll send up a quick burst of light (FLARE)."

Wednesday January 17th, 2007 1:32:24 AM

"Hmmm, not looking suspicious, like a two-headed wolf... Not drawing weapons, like this medium-sized greatsword is gonna fit in my pocket. Humph!"

Julian returns to normal size. He follows the group quietly in to town.

Taking Dwight's suggestion, Julian suggests that Selithe and Julian cover one exit together, and, "Say Hi to Heather for me."

He tries to pick up a conversation with Selithe, about playing cards or the ability to read spells.

Wednesday January 17th, 2007 1:48:41 AM

Kendry takes Julian's point. "Well, you've got me there. Just not more suspicious than usual, then..."

"Great idea. So, Dwight - you want to take Westgate; Julian and - Selithe? - the Old Rivergate; and who would like to take the Trade Gate?" If no one else volunteers, Kendry will watch the Trade Gate. Otherwise, he'll go with the rest of the group to Bella's place with the vial of pseudodragon sleep toxin.

Wednesday January 17th, 2007 7:12:23 AM

Poor Fickle does not know what to do??" Cuz Kendry, What Meum do? Follow youz? Or Go with the rest of the group?"
Before he does anything else, he'll wait for his couz, Kendry.

Wednesday January 17th, 2007 11:57:23 AM

Tobias has nothing special to do before entering town. He makes sure Tewdwr is close so he doesn't get into trouble in the town...

Wednesday January 17th, 2007 1:29:27 PM

Selithe nods and smiles, "Sure, I'll help watch the one of the gates."

Selithe hears Fickle's comment and moves over, giving him a small nudge, "A wild halfling like you has to come with us. Can't leave you on your own to have all the fun." Selithe smiles and moves off to watch the gate now, giving Fickle a wink to make sure he knows she was picking on him but honestly hopes he will stay with the group also.

Wednesday January 17th, 2007 1:34:11 PM

"Ifuns wheese bees followed Ah's sure de'll make dem selfs knowns at some point," Tibble observes. "The soonerest wheese get dis here vial to Bella da betters."

Grieving Bella (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday January 17th, 2007 3:53:45 PM

The group heads into Angel Springs. At the center of town, the party splits into four groups. Dwight is one; Selithe and Julian is in another, Kendry is in a third. Fickle can go with whatever group he wants. Tibble and Tobias go on to Bella's cottage.

The watchers at the gates note the usual traffic: farmers going to and from markets, tinkers and traders going in and out of town, a few other travellers. But no one who seems unusual or suspect in any way.

At Bella's cottage, however, Tobias and Tibble have a surprise. They find Bella inside weeping. She holds a few ripped vines in her hands. Tibble recognizes the remains of her small plant companion, Hector. Her large plant companion, Horace, is by her side, one tendril touching the greenmage witch's hand.

"They killed him. He's dead! Oohhh!" Bella is distraught with grief.

You spot a parchment note at her side on the floor.

Wednesday January 17th, 2007 4:11:35 PM

Julian walks east with Selithe towards the Old Rivergate. He can hear the Hairfoot Market to his left, and thinks about diverting to see the Spring over to his right.
"Wonder who we're looking for? Selithe, any ideas since you've been in the group longer?
"If we sit by the temple there on the left of the gate we should be able to see the comings and goings of the gate, and it might look like we're waiting to see someone in the temple... What d'ya think?"

When they get to the temple Julian sits at its perimeter and watches the gate. The farmers going in and out, merchents, and halflings whose roles are harder to pinpoint.

"Selithe, I am thinking of getting some proper training in a few things. Like proper fight training, and knowing how to read. I think I've grown up some since they kicked me outta the fight school, but I think I'd prefer some one on one training from a fighter. Anyway, I though you might be able to teach me to read. Perhaps there's a spell for it, I dunno."

Wednesday January 17th, 2007 6:00:09 PM

Tobias seeing a distraught Bella, tries to calm her a bit. Before asking, "Who killed him Bella?" He'll try to sneak a peek at the note to see if it sheds any clue on what might have happened.

Dwight  d20+9=22 d20+3=13 d20+3=23 d20+3=19 d20+3=14 d20+11=15 d20+11=25 d20+11=18 d20+2=9 d20+2=8 d20+2=17 d20+4=16 d20+4=19 d20+4=10
Wednesday January 17th, 2007 8:21:31 PM

Dwight finds an area near the front gate out of sight (hide 22) and casts Disguise self to match a common halfling going about his busy or just relaxing versus an adventurer (possibly recognizable).

Disguise: 13+10(spell)+2(disguise kit:9 uses remain)=25

Dwight's goal is to remain bland with the surroundings, perhaps waiting for someone, gardening the area, picking up trash etc.

As he keeps himself occupied, he thinks through their loose ends. Whoever seems to be following us, is just a few days behind. He seems to blend in with the population. Can wonder though Culverwood alone.....I wonder if Podo or Airin were born there, or Morph for that matter. This gate in particalar should be watched for a few days.

As Dwight works he continually looks for anything suspicious.

spot: 23, 19, 14
(Dwight is watching and will likely not act on anything seen. At best he may follow someone.)

listen: 15, 25, 18

sense motive: 9, 8, 17

gather information: 16, 19, 10
(any rumors going about? WLA? Political?)

Kendry  d20+4=14 d20+4=11 d20+4=10 d20+4=16 d20+4=18 d20+4=6 d20+4=16 d20+4=5 d20+4=13 d20+4=5 d20+4=6 d20+4=7 d20+4=20 d20+4=23 d20+4=12 d20+4=12 d20+4=6 d20+4=24
Thursday January 18th, 2007 4:20:54 AM

"Fickle, thank you - but feel free to go with the group. They will introduce you to Bella, I am sure. We'll join back up soon."

Kendry pulls up a stool near the greengrocer's place - fairly close to the Trade Gate, but not sitting right at it.

He pulls out paper and ink and begins sketching faces, postures, scenes of things he sees happening about him. Some drawings are fair, some need heavy revision before being considered acceptible. His eyes dart here and there, and his ears pick up passing conversations.

His last sketch being a real winner, he decides he has exercised his limited artistic talents long enough. He considers joining his friends at Bella's if no light is shed about the one who followed them.

Thursday January 18th, 2007 5:11:55 AM

Fickle was about to follow Sweet Selith because she wink at him but Julian was with her. So he looks around, spoting Dwight who is alone hiding himself. So Fickle tip toes next to Dwight and sit next to him, he also pick up a handfull of dry leaves. Putting them on top of his head, tells Dwight "Now Meums hide!"

Thursday January 18th, 2007 9:07:53 AM

While Tobias consoles Bella Tibble will pick up the note. After reading it he'll look closely around the room to note any additional information that might be useful in the coming dark times.

Thursday January 18th, 2007 6:16:46 PM

Selithe listens to Julian while keeping her eyes open for anyone suspicious. At his comment on learning to read Selithe looks to him and smiles gently, "Well, it won't be overly easy to learn Julian but I will gladly work with you. I know of spells that allow you to know languages but I'm not sure I writing them."

A Reunion and a Warning (DM Cayzle)  d4=2
Thursday January 18th, 2007 8:49:15 PM

Kendry stays on watch, although he draws a small cluster of locals who enjoy watching him sketch. He sees no one who looks particularly suspicious. One person offers him a few silver pieces for a quick portrait.

Julian and Selithe keep an eye open as they talk shop at the Temple gate. And who crosses their eye as they stand there? Podo! An old friend returns!

Dwight is the most cautious. But his caution does not reap any harvest today. He sees no one out of the ordinary. He does hear two people talking about the Welcome Party for the new WLA branch. Mostly about whether there will be pie, and who will make it.

Fickle chooses to watch with Dwight, but where did Dwight go? This is the biggest halfling town Fickle has ever seen. There are lots of people around. Dwight is not one of them!

At Bella's place, if Tobias can make a Diplomacy check vs DC15, then Highlight to display spoiler: {Bella composes herself to say that it could have been any of her many enemies. The Cabal of the Sick. The Soulseekers. The Circle of Creeping Ivy. The Sons of Dread. The Red Gargulites. Anyone at all!}. Otherwise she continues to weep.

Tibble checks out the note. It reads in Common: First and only warning. Stop meddling. Stick to your simples and herbs. Or else. There is no signature.

Thursday January 18th, 2007 10:07:34 PM

Content with his disguise, Dwight steers clear of Fickle not wanting to ruin his potential to find out what is going on. He does watch Fickle meander about though.

He remains here for quite some time, hoping the others will report what they have discovered with Bella. I hope she wasn't in one of her moods. Can't stand it when we do something, risk our lives for others and we a thanks but not an explanation. Bah! She can change moods faster than a halfling can juggle a hot coal.

"MMMMmmm, pie sounds good. I'll have to make sure I have time to attend."

Kendry  d20+4=21
Thursday January 18th, 2007 10:41:00 PM

Kendry accepts the small commission and manages something passing fair [Drawing: 21]. He asks general questions of the person who requested the sketch, and signs with a flourish. "Sorry, must run for now. Ta!"

He swings by Winwood, shouts a greeting to family members, asks for a place for him and his friends to stay for the evening, then heads off join his friends at Bella's place. Perhaps he should stick around longer, but he wants to see how the new ingredient will help the brew.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Thursday January 18th, 2007 10:57:00 PM

Standing near the Temple Gate, scanning the crowd, Podo spys an old friend! "Why if it isn't Selithe! Peace and Love to you, my Sister. How are you? It's been a while, now hasn't it? What have you been up to? Where's Kendry?" rambles Podo to his old friend.


Note from Cayzle -- I edited this to correct my mistake in getting names mixed up. Podo meets Selithe (an old friend) and Julian (who he does not recognize.) My deep apologies for the error.

Friday January 19th, 2007 12:03:26 AM

OOC: Hi JP, Cayzle mixed the names up (again), it's Julian and Selith there at the gate.

Julian jumps up at the sight of Podo, runs to embrace, then hesitates not sure if it is the right thing to do. He stands awkwardly a moment. Thankfully Podo fills in the space with his greeting.
"Peace, Podo. You missed a great fight, we took on, what, 30 Selithe?, lizard-dogs who held a halfling captive, and met a pseudodragon, and a dire weasel.
"The others have gone to Heather's to return a parcel, and Dwight is at another gate, expecting someone. So is Kendry."
Quietly now, hopefully only Podo can hear, "We've been followed, it seems. Maybe it was you! Did you try to follow us into the Culverwood? That would ease a few tensions."


Note from Cayzle -- D'oh! My bad! Please forgive me on the name front. Total Braino!

Friday January 19th, 2007 7:23:56 AM

Occ: Hi1 JP, I glade you returned, now I have another friend I can Bother.

Fickle still thinking that he is with Dwight, he leans on a sturdy bush and fall asleep."ZZZzzz! ZZZzzz! Snort! ZZZzzz! Scratch!" Fickle is snoring very loudly,(with the thunder stone in his arms) But he still think that he is well hidden.

Friday January 19th, 2007 10:48:10 AM

After checking out the room for clues as to who made coleslaw out of Bella's pet, Tibble checks the plant's base for signs of life. If there is even the smallest rootstock remaining he'll pump every curative spell he has in restoring the sprout.

Tobias  d20=14
Friday January 19th, 2007 11:34:31 AM

Tobias continues to try to console Bela and figure out what's going on, but isn't able to get past her sobbing (Diplomacy=14). He asks Tibble if he has any ideas on how to calm Bela, and about what he's found in the note.

If Tibble doesn't have any ideas, Tobias will volunteer to go find someone better suited for this type of thing -- perhaps Kendry or Selithe.

Cayzle OOC 
Friday January 19th, 2007 1:43:16 PM

Gosh, I've made mistakes with Julian's name twice now! I apologize! I'll do my best to do it right from here on out. I've edited a few posts above to set things straight.

Sorry, Robert!

Dwight  d20+9=28 d20+3=18 d20+11=13
Friday January 19th, 2007 10:04:14 PM

Feeling confident he can cover the gate given his disguise, he wonders over to the sleeping Fickle. Gently he places a piece of paper on Fickle where he will see it, "Go meet rest of party. D.T."

Move silently: 28 (so as not to wake him)

Then it occurs to him, Fickle might not be able to read. Knowing his drawing is very limited he draws the one thing he can draw fairly well, a tree, hoping Fickle can make the connections.

Afterwards, Dwight returns to wandering around the gate watching. He also looks to see if anyone else is hanging around the gate all day.

spot: 18
listen: 13

Friday January 19th, 2007 10:43:12 PM

OOC, I'm sure I met Podo with Bella before. He came back from a temple ceremony as a Healer?

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Friday January 19th, 2007 10:56:37 PM

"Er, hello there, Mister Julian." Holding out his arms for that embrace Julian initially offered. "If you'd still like that hug, I'm game. Need as much Peace and Love as we can get Brother. Would you like a hug as well Sister Selith?" asks Podo.

Looking to Mister Julian, Podo inquires of the seemingly epic battle Mister Julian speaks of... "Really! 30 dog things, My word! Well, that's amazing... we'll have to sit down and reminisce about over dinner, when we can all assemble as a group."

Saturday January 20th, 2007 12:09:38 AM

Julian happily takes the hug.
"Yeah, look I plan to host a feast with everyone assembled. I want you to come too. Okay? Hopefully tonight here in Angel Springs."

Saturday January 20th, 2007 2:12:08 AM

Selithe smiles seeing Podo and moves to greet him with Julian, "Hello Podo and it is very nice to see you back." Selithe hugs Podo and smiles before speaking again, "I think Kendry will be happy to see you too since like me I think he is a bit down with all the people seeming to have to leave for a little while."

A Letter Arrives (DM Cayzle)  d4=1
Saturday January 20th, 2007 12:11:46 PM

Dwight continues to keep watch. This time, something does catch his eye. If he can make a Spot check vs DC28, then Highlight to display spoiler: {Dwight notes that one person is wearing a false beard. And he seems to be looking around a bit too much. He has not noticed Dwight especially, and he is about 30 feet away.} Otherwise, Dwight gets a hunch that something is up ... but has no idea what.

Kendry finds the elected head of the Crescent Valley, Calfast Tunnelly, at his family shop. Calfast seems somewhat worried and relieved to see Kendry.

"My boy, I got the strangest letter. Here!"

He hands Kendry an envelope. It is addressed "To the Baron of Crescent Valley." Inside is a note that asks the Baron to deliver a letter to several individuals, and the descriptions match some members of the party, including Julian and Kendry. The letter within is not opened.

"I hope it is not bad news," Calfast says.

Podo is pleased to meet Selithe and Julian. Julian asks Podo if he followed the party into the Culverwood. Selithe is just happy to see her friend.

Fickle falls asleep under a bush. Dwight can hear the snoring.

At Bella's, Tibble seeks to restore the dead plant creature, but it is hopeless.

Tobias goes out to find his friends and bring them back. He runs into everyone except Dwight and Fickle. He can find Fickle if he makes a listen check vs DC10.

Does everybody (except maybe Dwight) want to gather at Bella's? [OOC: That would make your poor DM's life easier, anyway!]

Saturday January 20th, 2007 1:00:16 PM

The greenmage makes himself useful in the kitchen, preparing tea for Bella. Putting a tray together he joins her and attempts to draw her out as to what has happened in the party's absence.

Julian  d20+4=17
Saturday January 20th, 2007 4:28:14 PM

Julian will take Tobias' advice to return to Bella's, and encourages the others to run along as well.
Once there, Julian tries to console his old friend in her time of grief.
Diplomacy 17

Saturday January 20th, 2007 5:14:09 PM

"Burgomeister Tunnelly! What a pleasure to find you here," Kendry greets him. Curious as to the source and contents of the letter, Kendry examines the handwriting and how it is sealed. "Hmmm - wonder who sent it. Hope you don't mind..." he casts detect magic to see if any happens to touch the letter. If no magic seems present, he opens it, and reads it. Unless the contents are intensely personal, he likely will share the letter with Calfast.

(Let me know what it says, and I'll pass on to Calfast what seems appropriate.)

He does ask about the opening of the WLA in the area.

Sunday January 21st, 2007 8:15:09 AM

Fickle wakes after a nice nap, "Yawn! Sniff! HOhum!", then look next to him. There on the ground is a drawing of a tree ans Dwight is now where to be found??

So Fickle goes to the edge of the roar. Where he see a few people he was with go inro this house. "Hmmm! Me go there too!" So off he goes to Bella's house.

Sunday January 21st, 2007 1:06:34 PM

Tobias gathers the folks that he can and hurries them along to Bella's house... Trying not to cause too much commotion among the townsfolk.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Sunday January 21st, 2007 10:03:08 PM

"No, Mister Julian, I was not I that followed you in the forest. I was here in town. I apologize that I could not alleviate your worries," states Podo.

"I would like though to be at your party though. Perhaps we should assemble at your predetermined meeting place and then go from there," suggests Podo to Mister Julian. "I would like to see my cousin again..."

Sunday January 21st, 2007 10:35:57 PM

"Podo, come with us to B'Heather's place. Come, come now."

Monday January 22nd, 2007 7:13:30 AM

Fickle enters the house, seeing the poor plant. He cries "BOO HOO! poor flower die!"

At Bella's Cottage (DM Cayzle) 
Monday January 22nd, 2007 7:32:10 AM

Tibble does his best to calm Bella and make her feel better. A cup of tea helps with that.

Julian, Fickle, Tobias, and Podo, all meet at Bella's Cottage. Selithe as well?

Julian has several kind words for his long-time friend and mentor. Together with Tibble, they get Bella to sit and breathe.

Even Fickle expresses sympathy, although his manner is a little rough.

Bella gets even calmer, and then says, "Well, that's it. Did you bring the last ingredient, my foolhardies? Alas ... I won't be needing it, now."


Kendry opens the mysterious letter. Inside, a message reads:

You took something of mine. I understand that it is still intact. I want it back, and I would be willing to negotiate terms. All things considered, I think this is most reasonable. Contact the Dourscale branch of the Mailed Fist. As neutral ground, this should be a safe place for us all to discuss terms.

Calfast is clearly curious, and waits to hear what Kendry will tell him.


[OOC: We'll see how Dwight does when he posts.]

Monday January 22nd, 2007 11:33:30 AM

Tobias is curious by Bella's response and asks, "What do you mean you won't be needing it now?"

Dwight  d20+4=24 d20+2=21 d20=12 d20+9=18
Monday January 22nd, 2007 12:03:00 PM

OOC: Just a quick post to allow the game to keep going

Dwight continues to look around, (spot: 24-Nat 20 if it matters)

If Dwight sees the bearded man, he continues to watch and remain un-rememberable. He'll step to the side and cast another disguise self if needed, just to change his appearance. Then follows the man.

Disguise self: 21+10(spell)=31
Hide: 18 (not sure if the applies as I'm hiding in plain sight)

If Dwight only has a feeling something still isn't right, he looks at the time and makes his way over to a guard, or someone that might be here for a bit.

He'll ask this person if they are going to be here for the next 2-3 hours. If yes, he'll inquire if they would be willing to keep watch for a bit. Dwight will even offer to pay them. "Watch, well I suspect a friend of mine is coming and I want to surprise them before they surprise me. They'll look a little out of place, so just keep mental notes of anyone that seems out of place and I'll be back. Don't approach them, I don't want to tip them off."

Bluff: 12 +?(don't have sheet with me)

Monday January 22nd, 2007 1:05:57 PM

"Goldurn, woman!" Tibble exclaims at Bella's defeatism. "Whatz ya-all bees a-thinkin'? Youse never bees backen dun from ah scrap aforse."

In a softer tone, "The wee bud's loss bees ah low blow, shore nuf, buts ya-all gots friends a-whilin' tah helps outs. Tell youse green-toed whatz a-bean goins on. Why dun'ts ya-all bees a-needin' dah dragun's poison no mores?"

Kendry  d20+8=26
Monday January 22nd, 2007 1:30:40 PM

The young bard reads the letter. At first he smiles, but the smile turns to a frown. "Let's go to another room," he suggests. He leads Calfast to the back office where the family takes care of bookkeepping. He offers Calfast the chair, and passes the document to him to read.

"For Bella we've retrieved some items she needed for a special brew of healing," he explains after the letter is read. "We're delivering the last ingredient to her now. One thing we did was to raid and 'borrow' a homunculus from a necromancer - one Flavius Aetius - who dwells in the Red Hills in a cave toward Izen. He has a huge captain of the guard, Marcus - an ogre skeleton, who bears a talking sword. Perhaps it's not the skeleton, but the sword who is named Marcus." He briefly relates the manner of said raid, including describing their unusual allies, the hobgoblin tribe.

"It seems he wants junior back." Kendry pauses for a moment. "I do not want to bring trouble to the Valley, but I may have done so. I do want Bella's brew to benefit several otherwise lost souls. My friends are with her now - we just arrived back from The Culverwood." He shows Calfast the sketches of pseudodragon and lizard dogs. "We also are being followed - by whom, I am not certain. Whether it is some of Aetius' agents, or someone else..."

After a pause, he says, "Whatever words of counsel, of wisdom, you may have, I would receive." He listens to the burgomeister's response, and then will wrap up the conversation - inquiring also who some of the other addressees are.

Then he excuses himself, uses prestidigitation and a change of clothes to disguise himself somewhat (disguise 26 -including a +2 circumstantial bonus for prestidigitation and change of clothes), and leaves by the back door, wending his way with a different gait over to Bella's.

Julian  d20+4=17
Monday January 22nd, 2007 5:31:28 PM

Julian sits with Bella, offering a comforting hand in this time of need. He offers to make tea, to clean up, to just sit longer with Bella.
Diplomacy 17

He looks around to see that everyone's there...
"Tobias, did you find Dwight and Kendry? Where are they?"

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Monday January 22nd, 2007 11:05:16 PM

Arriving at Bella's home, and seeing Lady Bella distraught, Podo tries to assist with a the Walker trademark phrase..."Peace and Love to you, my Brothers and Sisters..." in a confident and compassionate voice. "Good to see you again, Lady Bella. Seems like you have had a loss in the family. Anything I might be able to do to help?" asks Podo.

Tuesday January 23rd, 2007 12:06:03 AM

Selithe heads with the others to see Bella. Selithe moves to Bella and gently touches her shoulder, "I'm sorry for your loss Bella." Selithe also listens to see what is said as she hopes the group didn't go about getting the poison for nothing, even if she did enjoy meeting the dragon and all.

Tuesday January 23rd, 2007 6:46:22 AM

Fickle Know that he has to be on his best maners, it's going to be hard but he'll try, "Ims don't know much about thism plants, but maybe If we put tea leaves in the pot. the ruties will come to life again??" He tells Bella.
Fickle picks up a dish towl to wipe Bell's tears. One thing he cannot stand is a crying woman.

Suspicions and Fears Abound (DM Cayzle) 
Tuesday January 23rd, 2007 11:38:19 AM

Dwight sees a nondescript halfling in a merchant's apron, but that beard looks glued on! Dwight effects a quick change of look and follows the fellow. He finds that the man is headed for Bella's place! The suspicious fellow stops and enters a small house down the road from Bella -- who lives at the end of a dead-end street, you recall.

Dwight continues to Bella's cottage, where he reveals himself to his friends.

Inside, Julian, Podo, Selithe, and Fickle each try, in their own ways, to comfort Bella.

Special note to Tibble and Julian -- Please Highlight to display spoiler: {You two, who have known Bella as a teacher and mentor, know that she can be very fearful. She has a temper, but she also has a strong belief that many enemies are after her, and she is more than a little nervous about that. Tibble might say that she has not backed down from a fight before, but in fact she tends to fight only those who she does not fear, and she tends to avoid confrontation at all costs with those of whom she is afraid.}

Tibble says that Bella has not backed down before, and she nods. "It's true that I always fight for what's right. But they killed Hector! I'm next! No, it is too risky. If I finish the brew, they'll kill me too."

"This potion is too dangerous to complete," Bella says. "That's why I do not need the last ingredient. I'm just an old lady who tries too hard. My enemies are too strong these days. No, my work is over."


Kendry tells Calfast the tale of the necromancer's homunculous. Calfast nods, and says, "Well, you are the adventurers! You are responsible for your heroic deeds, so I know you will make sure that no harm comes to your people and family because of them. I trust you and your friends to do the right thing. Thanks for letting me know about this, my boy."

Clearly, the addressees are those of the party that Flavius or Marcus saw.

Then Kendry makes his way to Bella's, just in time to hear her say that it is too dangerous to finish the potion.

Tuesday January 23rd, 2007 4:31:05 PM

Keeping hidden as Dwight heads towards Bella's, Dwight is content he wasn't seen and that he can return later for a better investigation.

As he gets closer to Bella's he is kinda surprised no one is looking about and 'a stranger' can walk up to her house. Once there he quickly announces who he is (to avoid any injury to himself) and dismisses the spell once inside.

Taking in the surroundings, Dwight sees some trying to console, some examining the dead plant and others just trying. He does manage to catch Bella's last statement.

"To dangerous!" He laughs though it's not exactly funny. "Dangerous is allowing your fears to control you all the time, dangerous is allowing evil to continue, dangerous is letting others suffer while you sit on the side and watch. Danger is all about us, the work is what makes the risk that exists worth living for." Dwight goes on a slight rampage not happy that during his spying nothing seems to have been accomplished.

Here Dwight waits and lets others speaks, perhaps politer to her, but he has more to say if others don't.


As Dwight allows others to speak, he walks over to Selithe and pulls her to the side for a small conversation. Others could easily hear if they wanted, but he doesn't really want to alarm Bella anymore than she already is.

"Selithe, during my watch at the gate I came across another person watching. I followed him to a house just down the road." Dwight relays the vague description, though it was a disguise. "Perhaps later, with your help, I could sneak into the house undetected and do a quick search. It might be totally unrelated, but I think it's worth investigating given that we have been followed and what has happened here."


"Welcome back Podo!" adds Dwight when he can.

Crescent Valley Posting (By Anthony) 
Tuesday January 23rd, 2007 4:42:57 PM

Fickle: MTWRF-S = 6
Marco: M------ = 1 (left)
Kendry: MTW2-S- = 6
Tobias: 2T2-F-S = 7
Tibble: M-WRFS- = 5
Dwight: MTWRF-- = 5
Julian: M-2RFSS = 7
Selithe: M-WR-S- = 4
Podo: ---RF-S = 3 (joined Thursday)
(welcome back!)
DM: MTWR-S- = 5

Julian  d20+4=20
Tuesday January 23rd, 2007 5:45:13 PM

Julian listens to Dwight and decides it is time that Bella was told...

"Come on Bella. You're surrounded by stout and loyal Halflings. We've been into Death's den and fought off the living dead for you. We've talked with dragons and convinced her to release her poison for you. We can help you through this."

Julian stands and walks over to the potion, his voice rising a little, rising with conviction,

"This potion you're a-brewing must be something special for these ingredients. Finish it. You're so close now. Finish it. We will protect you. There is a powerful purpose behind that brew, isn't there. Finish it."

Julian walks back towards Bella through his friends.

"If your enemies come to you because of it, if they have the courage to confront you over it, we will be here. We will protect you. We will vanquish your enemy, and you will be free to rest and work with peace in your heart."

Julian walks back over to Bella and crouches in front of her. He is eye to eye with her, and he reaches to hold her hand again.

Quietly, "Finish it."

Diplomacy 20

Tuesday January 23rd, 2007 7:32:18 PM

Tobias is going to let the others handle Bella because his previous interactions in matters like this have ended with him yelling at her... so better to let someone else have a chance. :)

Tuesday January 23rd, 2007 10:52:56 PM

Selithe watches whats going on and closes her eyes while thinking, she hears Dwight and nods to him, "All right, one thing at a time for the moment, I think we are needed here for a bit."

Selithe looks to Bella, "I think we been over this before Bella, I understand you're scared. Tell me though, will you go back to hiding as a tree? If you think it's too dangerous then so be it but I simply say this. Was what this potion was to cure worth the risk? We do not know what it would do but is it something you should turn your back on? I'm not going to get mad like before or make you mad or anything, I'm just asking is what you were doing worth giving up or continuing, the gains worth the risk and what of Hector, did he die defending you, helping you? Was his death in vain?"

Selithe looks to Bella and pats her arm once gently, "Think on it is all I ask, make sure what you want to do is the correct course. And as friends if there is no way of helping or bringing Hector back then at least allow us to be there when you bury him. In respects to him and you."

Selithe turns to Dwight and speaks to him, "If you like to check that out now then we can now. I think Bella should have time to think and I also think some of us should stay with Bella for a bit to make sure everything is okay."

Podo Danderfulff Pipewood 
Tuesday January 23rd, 2007 10:55:07 PM

"Dear Bella, what in the Wold could have shaken you so? All the works you do for the homeless and mindless can't be done by anyone but you! What is our lifes' work for if but to challenge the unknown? To have the Bards of the Wold write in their flowery script the noble deeds of one such as yourself. Few of us truly know this, but there are many beings of the in the Wold that walk/crawl/fly as if they live, but in reality, without compassion and love we can not truly live! We are dead to everyone unless we try to become what we may be! So I say to you my Dear Bella and friends, Long Live the Fighters!" With a deep breath Podo stumbles outside for some fresh air.

Looking around to see if anyone else is in the street, that could you a good hug.

Wednesday January 24th, 2007 1:59:33 AM

Kendry arrives - and, though pleased to see Podo there, as well as the rest, he takes in the struggle occurring in the room, with effects from without causing waves within, and his mind's eye pictures the expansion of ripples from possible choices about to be made herein.

He goes to the remains of Herbert. He recalls how Bella wore him on her head in a flowerpot as they left town in search of herbs from the Red Hills. Silently he stands there for a spell as others have their say.

He takes a blanket off his rucksack he used as part of his disguise as he left Winwood Toys and Music. He again pulls forth his growing sheaf of papers stored within. He finds the images from Nilli's and his great grandparents' cottage / burrow in The Culverwood. He lays those face up on the floor. He finds the sketches of Krrshekki. The first shows her wings unfurled as she brakes herself to land upon a branch.

"This is Krrshekki. She is more beautiful than I can draw, with multi-hued irridescent wings, and a discerning spirit, and a love for music, and for freedom. 'EagerTooth' is how her name is translated."

He shows another sketch of her, this time as she sits upon a branch, eyes half-lidded, head cocked as though listening to something with great pleasure.

"We told her of our quest. That some poor souls need help, and that a wise woman kens a special brew that might free their minds from enslavement. And that she sought for this purpose a small sample of the toxin from the tail of a wee fae dragon."

Kendry modulates his voice, trying to duplicate the voice he and his friends heard in their minds. Well, at least as he heard her. 'I think of my poison as a weapon, but it pleases me to know that it can be used for healing, too,' she told us.

"Then, for her love of freedom, she told us of a small one, enslaved by lizard dogs." He pulls out a sketch he made of them. "These creatures held a captive, and made him do their work." He indicates Fickle. "He had been out hunting rabbits. For three days he was theirs.

"EagerTooth offered to provide us her gift, if we devised a plan to rescue him, and to drive off the lizard dogs.

"So we did. And she did.

"When Fickle joined us, and the lizard dogs moved away, Krrshekki told us, 'I think it is time for you to return and make the healing magic you told me about.'"

Kendry then sings a bit of the song he sang to the dragon:
The Culverwood where many dwell
Has wondrous places, people, things
Of one most charming I must tell:
A wee bright one with iridescent wings

Thank you, Krrshekki, for your gift
May it help heal many who
Fell under illness, minds adrift
Cured by Bella's healing brew
"We bested your beautiful bear. We brought the homunculus. We bring the sleepy drug of the wee faerie dragon.

"If you, and the brew, and your plants, need protecting, then we will see to it." He looks again with sorrow at the destroyed plant, and a tear falls from his eye. Quietly, he continues. "We will see to the rescue of the poor men and women who are in need of your distilled medicine. Who but you could have done such? Much you have been given, and have cultivated your gifts. Are there enemies in the Wold? Yes, we enlarge our share of such. But also we enlarge our share of friends. Bella, Bella. Let us your friends help you, and shield you and yours, as the gods grant us power, and as best we might."

He kneels before her and hands Bella the vial she gave to Airin, and Airin gave to him, and into which Krrshekki dripped her tail venom.

Wednesday January 24th, 2007 5:42:20 AM

Fickle is watching this woman, this woman call Bella has the sadest eyes he has ever known, so he'll try yo talk to her.

"Pretty Lady! Me's new around here, Me'm see you'ism Good to all. Tell Me's if there is any thing Me'm can do for you'em? Me's would like to see you'm smile." He wait for her smile.

A Time For Grieving (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday January 24th, 2007 6:54:43 AM

Dwight arrives and is unhappy at the chaos within Bella's cottage. He pulls Selithe aside to share the news of the disguised man. He welcomes Podo back.

His words to Bella are not gentle. His laughter makes her flinch, and her cheeks blush with anger.

But before the greenmage witch can answer, Julian tries a nicer approach, although he too urges her to finish her potion.

Tobias stands back to let others talk.

Selithe tries gentle reasoning with Bella.

Podo appeals to Bella's sense of nobility and heroism.

Kendry tells the story, in pictures, words, and song, of what the party has accomplished in Bella's service. He offers her the sleep poison of the fey dragon.

Fickle tries to urge the witch to find some happiness.

Bella looks from one face to another. As she listens to all you have to say, emotions play on her face. Anger. Sadness. Guilt. Fear. Most of all, under every expression, Grief.

With tears rolling down her cheeks, Bella says, "I don't know what I think! I don't know what to do! I need time. Time to say good-by. I won't end my brewing yet. But I want some time to think about things."

"Thank you for your offer of protection. But I am independent, and I cannot live with bodyguards. Besides, you foolhardies have better things to do than to sit with me all day."

"But you have served me well! Your bravery and valor has given you a great victory. Thank you for your support and deeds. I appreciate your hard work!"

"As for my situation, you all do not really understand. But you are all young and have yet to see the sorrows of the Wold. Leave me now, friends, and come back in four or five days. I will have my grief and mourning. Then we can talk again."



My friends, this concludes the module. I will be sending out xp today. I welcome nominations for hero points and role-play awards ... please e-mail me your kudos and props for the other players asap.

Please use the rest of the week to do things in town, including Catacombs shopping. Especially, please talk about what you want to do next. Here are some things to consider.

Dwight might want to tell the group about the Disguised Stranger. You might want to investigate that.

Kendry might want to tell the group about the letter from Flavius Aetius. You might want to follow up on that.

You might want to return to Bella to resolve the potion issue.

Or you might want to ask around town for rumors and news. Who knows what plot hooks might lift their tempting heads!

Thanks to all for a great adventure! And special congrats to Tibble, Julian, and Fickle for integrating with the group so well!

Wednesday January 24th, 2007 3:44:54 PM

The greenmage will spend his time puttering about in Bella's garden. He'll tend to it as long as she needs to get back into her daily routine. At night he'll shapechange into a shrub or small tree with Harry sleeping beneath it.

Those in the party know where to find him should further adventures develop.

Wednesday January 24th, 2007 9:02:51 PM

Dwight looks at Bella for a bit and concedes she needs and deserves time. He leaves confident she will make the correct decision, and that other matters require his attention. Then again they may be related he thinks.

As the party makes their departure with intent to return in 4 days, Dwight fills the rest of the group in regarding the other disguised fella. "I was thinking, perhaps we should keep an eye on his house and him. Perhaps if he leaves we could look inside and investigate. It might be something as simple as he's hiding from his mother to he's the one that has been following us. Either way, since we have time, we should find out. Any volunteers to help me. If we watch in shifts it shouldn't raise too many suspicions."


OOC: Airin might have been away making sure her dowry would be large enough? hehe

Wednesday January 24th, 2007 11:55:06 PM

Selithe gives Bella her time to grieve and moves off with the group. Thinking Selithe looks to Dwight and nods, "I will go with you now while we have some time if you like Dwight."

(Welcome to the game Steven. I hope you will enjoy the game with us :). I was going to email Inge and tell her hi and hope she was doing okay but figured she would be really busy with her new job and all. Tell her hi please.)

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Thursday January 25th, 2007 12:54:00 AM

Podo's initial desire is to spend time with Kendry, explainng how life is different now as both a walker and a priest of Alemi.

Thursday January 25th, 2007 3:05:36 AM

Julian feels saddened by Bella's request. He would like to support his old friend, but when that includes taking time and space to herself it is very hard.

Julian also does his best to speak to everyone together outside of Bella's:
"Tomorrow night I want to host a fest for all of us. As one of the newest members of the group I want to celebrate the integration of us all together as a group. And I insist, please don't tell me it is not neccessary. And I do seriously mean all of you.
"So, tomorrow night at the inn, say at 7 pm, come dressed and ready for some feasting and fun."

Thursday January 25th, 2007 4:20:38 AM

Goodbye for now, Bella
Kendry listens to Bella, and understands on some level her need for a time of mourning.

He turns toward the door, hesitates, then comes back to her. He rests his hand on her shoulder for a moment. "You are a very dear woman. If not our presence, may our prayers then give you some cover, good Bella." Not sure how she might respond, he gives her a light kiss on the forehead, and a gentle squeeze of her upper arm.

Kendry turns and leaves the cottage.

Hey, Podo!
Once outside the cottage, with a bit of distance from it, he gives Podo the greeting he really deserves. "Cuz, I'm glad you're with us again. So, you want to illuminate me on the ways of Walkers? Yes, let's spend some time having you do just that."

Regarding the Follower
He hears Dwight's mention of the one who followed him. He asks for details of the fellow, what he looked like, what he wore, which house he entered. "We could attempt surreptitious surveillance, as he attempts with us. We could pretend we don't notice him. Or we could walk right up to him and ask him what he wants." He tosses those ideas out to see how others respond.

The Soiree
Kendry is pleased to accept Julian's invitation. "A fine plan you have, Badger! I'll be there." He looks to the rest of the group. "Do you all similarly intend to attend?"

In his journal, Kendry catches up on many things. Among other topics, he writes:
Bella is a complex woman. She has her enthusiasms, her fears, her friends, her foes. No less than three - or was it four? outstanding individuals recommended we join with her.

May she grieve well for her little Herbert - and find steel in her soul to carry forth her righteous plan.
He writes another letter to Airin, and wonders when she might again travel with him...

Thursday January 25th, 2007 8:46:26 AM

Fickle Tell her, "Me'um Stay With Yus, They don't wat meum!,Me Stay with pretty Ladies!." Them he turns to his cousin (Three or four times removed) Cuz Kendry will tell you Not Need Ficlke!"

Thursday January 25th, 2007 9:31:24 AM

"Fickle, we have a place for you! Come. I'll show you where we can stay tonight," Kendry says to the strong fellow.

That place is upstairs of the Winwood Toy and Music Shop, owned and run by the Leafwin Pipewood family.

Thursday January 25th, 2007 11:15:22 AM

Tobias leaves Bella's with the others, "Perhaps a couple of days of rest won't be too bad... long as she doesn't change her mind again."

And, he gladly accepts Julian's invitation for dinner... would never turn down a free meal. :)

Thursday January 25th, 2007 4:45:36 PM

"Oh! Almost forgot!" Kendry says. He then quietly asks Dwight to keep an eye out to see if the one who followed is following them. If so, he will defer this news... actually, he'll defer it until they are in some more secure area besides the streets.

"Let Selithe and me take you all to a place we can stay while here. Some have been there, some not yet." He does invite Tibble, too, at least to find out where the rest will be staying - although he likes his plan to remain mainly at her cottage.

He leads them over to the Winwood Toy and Music Shop, a little more than halfway down East Springs Road on the right. The entrance is on the street level. Inside the shop on one side are mainly toys - mostly wooden and metal, with some fabrics and such in the small doll collection. Along the other side are a multiplicity of musical instruments - drums, lutes, pipes, horns, cymbals, and many other types - even a harpsichord!

Perhaps a customer or three or four might be found within. Children like to come by - for Leska, sister to Kendry and Selithe, bakes cookies. They know they can get one each day, and if someone takes two without permission, then the cookies are whisked away, not to return until the next day. So the little ones themselves are zealous guardians of Leska's regulation. Kendry tells his friends of this as they come into the shop.

Nalfein may also be there, or even another sibling, or relative who helps to watch over the merchandise and clientele. Kendry makes introductions around, then takes them upstairs to show them some rooms where they might keep their adventuring gear, beds for nighttime (or mid-day naps), and two washrooms, for tidying up.

"Tibble, you can soak your feet in that tub there later, with some nice salts. Quite refreshing, I assure you."

Once people have had a chance to put their things down, Kendry says, "I received a letter, given me by Calfast Tunnelly." For the benefit of those who have been away from the Valley for a while, he adds, "He is the Burgomeister of Crescent Valley, elected last year. A good halfling, he is."

Kendry opens the letter, and reads:
You took something of mine. I understand that it is still intact. I want it back, and I would be willing to negotiate terms. All things considered, I think this is most reasonable. Contact the Dourscale branch of the Mailed Fist. As neutral ground, this should be a safe place for us all to discuss terms.
"This was written by Flavius Aetius. We 'borrowed' his homunculus recently for B... Heather's work. He would like it back. Thought you all should know that he knows where we live. Let's keep that in mind as we make plans for the near future."

He claps his hands and rubs them together. "Now, I'd like to find out, with all this hubbub over the WLA, whether there just might be some trainers from the Woldian League of Adventurers available to help us develop our skills over the next few days."

Then he adds, "Oh, and speaking of Flavius, we have some books of his. One of them is well adapted toward helping those who read it in their battles against the undead. I would like to read it. Would anyone else care to join me in that endeavor? For, if we are returning his familiar - I'm not saying we are, for sure - that's a decision for us, and especially those of us who went on that trip, to make. But if we are to return that misshapen thing, perhaps we might return a book or two, as well."

A Little Rest, A Lot of Planning (DM Cayzle) 
Thursday January 25th, 2007 5:21:24 PM

Tibble keeps watch over Bella and her garden. Later that day she comes out, sees Tibble, and tells him to scat. "I want some time alone with my plants, please. Come back in five or four days, at the earliest!"

She adds, "No doubt you have much to discuss and decide with your friends."

Dwight remains focussed on the mysterious disguised stranger. He and anybody who wants to watch the house stealthily must make a few hide and move silent rolls.

Selithe volunteers to stake out the house. Make those rolls!

Podo visits with his freinds, old and new.

Julian invites everybody to a feast!

Bella insists that Fickle leave with his friends.

Tobias is glad to accept the invite to the feast.

Kendry invites all to stay at teh family shop. There might not be beds enough for all, but there are surely blankets, pillows, and floorspace all around!

That evening, the feasting is fine! Julian's money is well spent, and everyone who attends has a great time.

Afterwards, there is a private chance for the group to discuss what to do next.

[OOC: Seriously! I need to know what you plan to do so I can plan what will happen! So get planning!]

[By the way, this is a great time to get your regular WLA training done! Oh, and feel free to post as often as you wish!]

Thursday January 25th, 2007 6:02:23 PM

At home Airin looks at her crosbow over the mantle piece in the living room from the couch. She has been 'enjoying' some quiet moments in the peaceful Hovel. The good thing is she got to know Kendry's parents well and learnt a lot about how he was when he was a teenager... turns out he was just as talkative as he is right now!! He was destined to becoming a bard!!

She goes through all the letters Kendry wrote to her and wonders when she will see him again. In her heart she longs for him but she also longs to go out again on some cazy adventure.
Fioni too has become quite restless lately. The little hawk's clearly bored too.

Airin goes up to her bedroom and takes the Bastard Sword from under the bed. Unsheathes it and caresses the blade. Still nice and sharp...

"Oh when will you guys come back to Hovel... Maybe someone has heard from them! I will try to catch news from the first thing in the morning... Airin thinks while she tucks the blade under the bed again.

Dwight  d20+9=18 d20+9=27 d20+9=28 d20+9=25 d20+8=25 d20+8=23 d20+8=12 d20+8=28 d20+4=9 d20+4=7 d20+4=23 d20+4=9 d20+3=15 d20+3=20 d20+3=22 d20+3=23 d20+11=16 d20+11=13 d20+11=15 d20+11=14 d20+2=21 d20+2=12
Thursday January 25th, 2007 8:45:26 PM

Dwight is eager to investigate the house (and perhaps the person as well). "So Selithe, I think we should watch the house and then either enter and search or continue to watch depending on what we see. I figured if you were invisible, we might be able to find something pretty easily. So what do you think?"

As Dwight (and Selithe?) head to observe, Dwight ducks for cover and tries to be stealthy (if this is possible). Examining the house, Dwight tries to sense if everything seems in place (or is it too shabby or too perfect) compared to the neighbor homes. If the house appear empty, Dwight will consider a more detailed examination.

(Of course the cover of night will help)
Dwight's hide rolls: 18,27,28,25
Dwight's listen: 25,23,12,28
Dwight's gather information: 9,7,23,9
Dwight's spot: 15,20,22,23
Move Silently: 16,13,15,14
Sense motive: 21,12

(OOC: hehe lots of rolls, most of them good :)

Thursday January 25th, 2007 10:24:58 PM

At the feast Julian had no special agenda. Just a big party for the fellowship. It all goes well and he is happy.

Given the chance to talk to Kendry and the rest of the group, hopefully before Dwight and Selithe slink away,
"Perhaps the trip to Dourscale to return some things would be profitable. That is, as mercenaries I suspect the Mailed Fist would offer some payment to get that thing back, and a few books too. That's just my 2 coppers worth."

"I'm heading in to the Catacombs, then I'll be training. Feel free to join me. I am trying to formalise my martial experience, and increase my speed and fitness."

Selithe  d20+9=18 d20+7=20 d20+2=20 d20=12
Thursday January 25th, 2007 10:27:43 PM

Selithe smiles and nods, moving with Dwight when he goes and speaks to him before going quiet and working on sneaking, "I hate to say but invisbability is a bit out of my league at the moment."

(Hide:18 Move Silently:20 Listen:20 Spot:12)

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood  d20+13=29 d20+12=32 d20+6=18 d20+9=27
Friday January 26th, 2007 12:31:33 AM

Podo heads to the temple to inquire about being a better Shepard. Afterwards, he returns to spy upon the "Spy".

(Hide:29 Move Silently:32 (Nat 20) Listen: 18 Spot: 27)

Podo will do his best to learn more about this "Spy" while trying not to be too much of a standout.

Friday January 26th, 2007 8:12:10 AM

"WLA?? Here? Meum once belong to WLA, If you'z want to have little bitty fun?? meum will reserve some time??" He loved WLA But not as much as going after Rabbitts (Large ones!)

Friday January 26th, 2007 10:48:42 AM

Airin feels stupid for not going along with the group when they passed Hovel. It felt soo good to see them all back - in particular Kendry of course.

Maybe I can catch up with them! Airin thinks. Tomorrow morning I will see how Blossom would feel about a ride along the country side.

Cayzle, I asked Inge to mail you concerning your question. She will do so as soon as possible.

Friday January 26th, 2007 11:45:33 AM

Tobias hearty enjoys the feast, sharing some of his food with Tewdwr. And, finally relaxing again with his friends.

He will also go do some WLA training in Animal Handling and Riding. And, will take the time he can to continue training Tewdwr for combat riding.

[OOC: btw, do we get to become WLA Journeymen now that we're 6th level? Well, once we can get the gold for that rank.]

Kendry  d20+13=30 d20+6=26 d20+5=6 d20+5=9 d20+5=18 d20+5=6 d20+5=7 d20+5=25 d20+5=23 d20+5=11 d20+5=20 d20+5=24 d20+5=21 d20+5=10 d20+5=17 d20+5=8 d20+5=12 d20+5=22 d20+5=15 d20+5=10 d20+5=7 d20+5=14 d20+5=18 d20+5=10 d20+5=25 d20+5=21 d20+5=17 d20+5=18 d20+5=11 d20+5=24 d20+5=12 d20+5=10 d20+5=17 d20+5=15 d20+5=10 d20+5=10 d20+5=25
Friday January 26th, 2007 11:46:55 AM

Kendry makes some inquiries in town as to what is happening with the WLA.

He speaks with his friends, "We need another wand of cure light wounds - but I can't afford to buy it, this time. Could someone else buy one for me to use to help keep us all alive? They cost 750 gp."

The evening after their arrival in Angel Springs, he attends the meal hosted by Julian. He tells little stories about each of those he has known for a while, and asks his friends and companions, new and old, to tell something about themselves that most of us don't yet know.

He plays some music for the occasion - and both his lute-playing and singing seem particularly spot-on (and his lute-playing, in particular, has been in need of improvement). After eating well, he makes action sketches of each person in the group. He discards several sketches en route, but his drawing of Tobias vs the crocodile is outstanding (nat 20: 25), showing the intensity of focus as the ranger beats upon the amphibious creature while caught within its very jaws! Tewdwr vs a lizard dog is decent, as well (23). Dwight (20), Julian (24), Kendry (21), Podo (22), Selithe (18, 25), Tibble (21), Fickle (17, 18, 24), and several attempts at a group picture, none of which satisfies him (12, 10, 17, 15, 10, 10), until the seventh and last attempt, in which he includes Airin (yes, he needed her for inspiration) (25).

After the last drawing, he is very quiet for a while.

Friday January 26th, 2007 1:33:02 PM

"Great, thanks Kendry... you've immortalized me in the jaws of a crocodile." :)

Friday January 26th, 2007 1:34:25 PM

While wanting to investigate, Dwight finds it hard to miss free food. "Kendry, I have a wand of light wounds already. Though another might be a good thing to have in the group. Or even a slightly stronger wand of healing. The party treasure could chip in for this purchase?"

Friday January 26th, 2007 3:05:55 PM

(Darn, forgot)

Before heading off to do a bit of spy work, Selithe goes with the others for the party hosted by Julian, enjoying the company. She watches the group, some new faces, some old, it was nice to just be among friends and family, people she had shared blood, good times and bad times with. Her eyes fall on Julian as she thinks of his wanting to learn to read and nods thinking he will shape up to a really good halfling too, not that he wasn't all ready.

Before heading out she gives Julian a gentle hug, "Thanks for the meal Julian and tomorrow I will start on your reading for a little bit."

Julian  d20+2=4 d20+2=6 d20+2=15 d20+2=12 d20+2=22 d20+2=14 d20+2=19 d20+2=11 d20+2=8 d20+2=11
Friday January 26th, 2007 5:24:50 PM

Julian is rather keen to learn to read. He blushes when Selithe hugs him.
"Umm, thanks, Selithe. That'll be grand."

"Kendry! Ho! Over here, yeah. I've got some gold for you. I've offered it for a wand before. Here," Julian rummages through his pack and pulls out a smaller bag that jingles. Plonks it down in front of Kendry, and it spills out a bit, "and I'll try not to hog it all, okay."
Julian gives Kendry 200 gold coins.

Julian spends the morning jogging around Angel Springs, wearing nought but his trousers. Shark and Sallie follow closely. From the toy shop he heads east, out the Old River Gate and over the bridge. Turning north at a steady but fast jog he circles the town, past the Westgate and splash! into the Crescent River. The three swim downstream, waving and calling a cheerio! to the elven encampment and swimming down past the Baron's Keep, past where the Angel Spring joins the river. They clamber out and stand on the bank for a moment to catch their breath. Shark shakes vigorously to rid himself of water, and so does Julian. Sallie, seeing the merit of this action similarly joins in.
"Come on, Sallie. Same again, I'll race you around back to the water. GO!"
This cycle is repeated five times that morning, with Julian outpacing the dog thrice. A sixth jog is just to dry off properly, where the tri enter the westgate and jog right across town back to Winwood Toy and Music Shop.
"Stay here a second, 'kay." Julian ducks into the shop, excuses himself as he runs upstairs to gather all his gear. He dashes outside outside again, and walks as calmly as possible (not very) to the Catacombs. "More training after this, you know, boys. Have I got some ideas for you two."

Friday January 26th, 2007 5:46:03 PM

The greenmage reluctantly withdraws from Bella's house to accept Kendry's invitation to stay at his family's shop. He doesn't require bedding as he'll spend his nights outside as a decorative hedge.

"Ah bees ah mite sorry tah bees a-mentionin' this an' all, buts whose bees the fat one?" the rotund greenmage asks of Kendry's drawings.

With all Julian's comings and goings Tibble is more convinced than ever that the pace of life as a tree is much more pleasant.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Saturday January 27th, 2007 1:45:55 AM

After spending a while trying to discover useful information about this "spy", Podo waits until he feels it's "safe" to leave the area, and heads to the Catacombs to inquire about an item.

Once there, Podo inquires about a properly sized; for him; merciful spiked chain. Podo then asks it the chain is avilable in any exotic materials.

Saturday January 27th, 2007 5:12:48 PM

At dinner
"Well, yes, Tobias - I thought this mealtime an apt occasion to recall another time of feasting," Kendry answers his friend with a wry smile.

He acknowledges Dwight's words. "Yes, I knew that. But in the thick of battle, one wand may not suffice. It would be good to have a wand of cure moderate wounds, as well. They cost 4,500 gold, compared with the light wand at 750. For the price of one moderate wand, one could have six light ones.

"However, sometimes faster, fuller healing is important, and there the more potent wand can be well worth the extra price. I think that for post-combat healing, the light wand the best choice - the least cost per measure of healing.

"But, unless you are aware of resources beyond my ken, I don't know how we might afford it. But, yes, I should think that party treasure might be applied towards the purchase of the wand of curing light wounds. How much is available?"

He asks the others gathered around the table if they would have any objections to the party's funds being used for the wand.

Dwight sees a look of chagrin cross Kendry's countenance. He looks down for a moment. "I am sorry that I spoke words that lead to us leaving that potent spear with the lizard dogs." He looks up at Dwight. "I shall try to be more temperate in my speech, my friend. That spear like as not might have served either as a mighty weapon for one of our own, or as payment for the more powerful wand we speak of. Forgive me."

When Julian offers 200 gold pieces towards the wand, Kendry's face flushes. "Wow! Why, why thank you, Jules! That really helps."

He smiles at Tibble's query. "Well, Tibs, that is my rather meagre attempt to draw a picture of you, good fellow. I'll try to do a better job next time!"

"So, Fickle - you're in the WLA, too? That is excellent! Ideally, we would like all in the group to be members. When and where did you join?"

He also asks Podo to tell him about his recent training from the Alemi folks, and walker things.

Kendry repeats his offer to have anyone else who cares to, to join him in reading the book from Flavius Aetius' library which will help the reader better to contend against the undead.

If no one responds, he goes ahead and reads it on his own. (Speak now or forever hold your peace, friends!)

Since it's obvious there are WLA folks about town now, Kendry ferrets out details, locale, personnel, and sees about getting training in riding (+1) and swimming (+1). He wants to know who's who, and what's what, and is glad that Calfast's desire expressed some time back is coming to fruition.

He also improves slightly in: Craft, Drawing (artistic) (by +1 rank); Knowledge, Arcana (+3); Perform, Singing (+1); Perform, String instruments (+1); and also picks up a new skill, Craft, Alchemy (1 rank).

Necromancer - Familiar Consequences
Kendry tells his friends, "We need to decide how to respond to Flavius Aetius' letter - and the possible return of his familiar. If we don't deal with this now, like as not he has the means to get our attention, and I fear it would be at the expense of our community, of friends and family. We've already provoked this necromancer. Best either to make at least an interim peace with him, or seek to eliminate the threat entirely. In his letter was no open threat. The wording was quite polite, actually."

He takes a few minutes to explain the capture of the familiar to those who were not involved.

"I see a few options. We could just ship the critter back in the box, perhaps welded shut, with a nice ribbon and bow on it.

"We could meet him at Dourscale, as he recommends, to discuss terms.

"We could ask for ransom. Or, we could offer payment for his trouble and inconvenience.

"We could demand that he leave alone the small tribe of hobgoblins who allied with us. And that neither he nor his minions, allies, associates, and undead forever and throughout eternity never bother Crescent Valley, nor any halflings.

"We could invite him to join our adventuring troupe.

"We could kill his familiar, and harden him as our enemy.

"We could explain to him the purpose of the capture of his homunculus, and tell him that we lacked the social etiquette to do so by his leave. 'I wasn't sure the proper way to word the request' I could tell him, and ask for pointers in such weighty matters.

"At the very least, we could set a date to meet with him, and be sure to get there at least two days earlier, in order to forestall any trap-setting that he may wish to accomplish.

"Any thoughts on this matter, my good companions?"

Spy Business
More immediately at hand is the false-beard of whom Dwight spoke.

"I would be happy to approach him directly," Kendry offers.

Other matters
Kendry edits his journals, and makes a copy of those things he has not yet given to Calfast. When he is done, he gets a copy of the updates to Burgomeister Tunnelly. As before, he trusts to his discretion.

He inquires concerning the two surviving human brigands who had assaulted the traveling elf north of town a ways, whom they had turned in to the authorities in Angel Springs. The boat in the woods incident. "Has there been a trial?"

Kim, OOC 
Sunday January 28th, 2007 7:10:08 PM

Remember, friends, Cayzle said: "[By the way, this is a great time to get your regular WLA training done! Oh, and feel free to post as often as you wish!]"

So - does someone want to read through the Tactics vs Undead book with Kendry?

What WLA skills do you want to improve in?

Pedro - Tobias, or anyone else, who already is an initiate (having met the requirements and paid 2,000 gp and uttered the oath), at 6th level or as late as 10th level can become a journeyman in the WLA (and get the toughness feat) upon payment of 5,000 gp. I'm not sure when any of us will have 5,000 gp, as our larder is light at the moment - thanks in part to Kendry's scruples.

Why did Marcos have to leave just when we really could use the services of a guy good at making money? :-(

See http://www.woldiangames.com/oshirr/organizations/league.htm for all WLA details.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Sunday January 28th, 2007 11:11:21 PM

"Sure Kendry, Podo will read and study that book with you!" exclaims Podo.

"WLA, skills? Unarmed combat is a good one I should think." states Podo to Kendry.

Monday January 29th, 2007 1:15:25 AM

"Great!" Kendry says to Podo regarding the reading of the book.

"I don't think that's included, specifically, in their training, Pode," Kendry says concerning the WLA.

[Read the WLA stuff again at the link I gave, JP. Here it is again, so you don't have to scroll up a screen: http://www.woldiangames.com/oshirr/organizations/league.htm]

Monday January 29th, 2007 2:28:21 AM

ooc: just trying to speed the process of getting together with the rest of the group.

The very next morning Airin wakes up with her head cleared and plan ready. Instead of putting on the plain clothes she had been wearing the past few days (weeks - don't exactly know how long she has been away from the group) she takes out her black leather armor - the scratches here and there are proud markings of past fights. Slowly she puts on her armor; takes her blade from under the bed; tucks away the daggers - one beneath her left sleeve and one in her boots.

Then she goes downstairs, wondering how her parents will react seeing her like this once again.

"We wondered when this day would come... you have been so restless these past few days. Go my dear Airin but be careful. I'll help saddling Blossom for you," they say.

Once outside Fioni - who had been sitting in the trees opposite to the house - gives a mighty shriek. She seems to be exited too!

A few moments later Blossom trots away - Airin proudly in the saddle with Fioni on her shoulder. A quick goodbye to Kendry's folks and then she begins to ride... hoping to catch up with the rest of the group.

Another Reunion! (DM Cayzle) 
Monday January 29th, 2007 6:43:56 AM

[OOC: Welcome Steven!]

Dwight and Selithe continue their investigation. This is what they learn:

1) The disguised fellow is no longer in the house. He is nowhere to be seen.

2) He went into Ada Shallowroot's house, which is in need of a painting. The Shallowroots are a poor family, and Ada is a farmer. Every day he walks out to the family plot -- a hilly patch of ground outside town -- to work the fields.

3) They hear some rumors that the Shallowroots have been spending some money lately.

That's all you discover. You have not confronted the Shallowroots at all.

Podo helps out with that investigating. The Shallowroots are not regular church-goers. At least not to Domi or Alemi.

Meanwhile, Airin has arrived back in town! She catches up to you at your base of operations, the family toy shop. She seems glad to be with you all again.

Tobias, Fickle, and Kendry find that the field outside town that the WLA-wanna-bes was using has in fact been offered by Calfast to the real WLA. The organization has sent a representative, one who seems very pleased with the town and with himself. His name is Fidel, with no family name offered. He commissioned a big tent to be set up on the field, and mostly he is doing PR and arranging the construction of a permanent structure.

He is openly glad to meet with you heroes and charter members here in town. And he is happy to spar and train with you for a few days.

Anyone who owes dues can pay Fidel. If you do not pay your dues, then you cannot gain your 6th level feat or advance in rank until you do.

Julian keeps in shape and goes shopping.

Tibble meditates as one can only in the form of a plant in the sun!

Calfast tells Kendry that the hooligans from the north were turned over to the Plateau City authorities -- they were wanted for worse crimes there.


Kendry encourages the group to look ahead.

[OOC: Thanks, Kim! Folks, I NEED to know what you are going to do next so I can prepare the module. I can improv a lot, but please give me a clue. The Necromancer is an option. Bella is another. The WLA is another. Following up with the Shallowroots is another. Etc!]

Monday January 29th, 2007 11:07:11 AM

Airin joyfully jumps off Blossom once she sees her friends. She runs up to Kendry and throws her arms around his neck...


After a few minutes she looks at the others with a nice glow on her cheeks.

"Too bad I won't qualify for the next WLA level just yet. But you should taste the stew Kendry's folks taught me to prepare in the meantime!!"

"So, what have you guys been up to?"

Tobias  d20+6=22
Monday January 29th, 2007 11:24:34 AM

Tobias continues to practice his Animal Handling and Riding with the WLA trainer.

And, he thinks it's a good idea to return the hum... not wanting any harm to befall Angel Springs because of them. But that will take some time with letters being returned, so we should be able to gather some more information about the Shallowroots and the mysterious bearded man.

Tobias will make a pass of the town again, looking for the stranger that Dwight described (Spot: 22).

Monday January 29th, 2007 7:23:42 PM

Julian joins Tobias to train in WLA ranks for Riding and Swim.

Talking to Tobias about it Julian agrees that the hum should be returned.
"I'd like to travel out to Dourscale, and see if we can negotiate a really good deal, for the return of the ugly critter."

Monday January 29th, 2007 8:58:27 PM

(OOC:Just double checking since it will cause me to make a small add on to my CS. Our char's still get the skill bonus for training just not the feat till they pay the dues?)

Selithe spends time with the others, continueing her training at the WLA in riding and handle animal.

After the training she spends time with Julian, teaching him the basics of reading. Finding this interesting too as she has never been a teacher before.

Selithe is interested in checking up on the shadow figure following them and such but will leave it up to the group on what they like to do.

Monday January 29th, 2007 9:38:51 PM

Dwight thinks about the Shallowroots and relays all the information he has found to the rest of the group. "Kendry, would you be interested in speaking with the Shallowroots, just to see how things are going and all?"

"Perhaps during the night we can examine the shallowroots fields more closely."

"Hmmm, what to do next. Well the hum, must be taken care of. Do we know for sure the hum is what he refers too and not any of the books? Obviously it is the most valuable to him, and he wants its safe return, but what promises can he give that we will believe? I say this as he creates what should lie in rest, though prior to our stealth he did leave the halflings alone."

"Kendry, again this seems to be another diplomatic matter, better left in your hands than mine. We also should minimize who he can recognize."

OOC: My thoughts, examine fields, deal with hum (how far is this?), then speak with Bella keeping her time table.

Has anyone taken care of identifying the treasure stuff in the catacombs?

Crescent Valley Posting (Anthony) 
Monday January 29th, 2007 9:41:22 PM

Airin: ---RF-- = 2 (just joined us)
Fickle: MTWRF-- = 5
DM MTWRF-- = 5
Tobias: MT-R2-- = 5
Dwigth: MTWRF-- = 5
Tibble: M-W-F-- = 3
Kendry: M-W3FS- = 7
Julian: MT-2F-- = 5
Podo: MTWR-SS = 6
Selithe:MTWRF-- = 5

(DM has allowed multiple posting.)

Podo Danderfulff Pipewood 
Monday January 29th, 2007 9:59:55 PM

"Hey, Kendry..I think we should concentrate on this Shallowroots lead. The Necro can wait, and Bella needs time to adjust and to morn. The WLA can wait as well as we have be waiting for WLA for over a year now...another few weeks won't matter a bit!" suggests Podo.

"The way I figure it, its always good to get out into the fresh air!" proclaims Podo.

Oh, a need to see about a purchase at the Catacombs...will return shortly." mumbles Podo as he heads off into the direction of the Catacombs outlet .

Kendry  d20+3=9
Monday January 29th, 2007 10:40:03 PM

Reunion, indeed!
Ambushed by some dark-haired female bundle of energy, Kendry is all set to defend himself - but quickly concludes surrender is the best course.

"Why," kiss, "Airin!" hug, "When..." smooch, "did you..." squeeze, "get back?" spin around.

He looks at her a moment, then embraces her again.

His cheeks, similar to Airin's, are nice and pink by the end of this greeting.

"All right. All right. Um, well, all right! Yes! You're here! I, I, uh, I should, write a poem, or somethin'! Oh, come in and say hellow to everyone. You didn't have a chance really to meet Fickle, and hardly Tibble. We're - well, come in, and we'll talk. Wait! Blossom! I'll take her to the stables that the smithy keeps. Let's drop off your things here, upstairs, then stable her.

"Hey, Blossom! Didja miss us?" He looks around. "Where's Fioni?" His eyes scan above, but he does not see the hawk (spot 9).

After all the fussing is done, Blossom is stabled near Kendry's ponies (and likely Tobias' warpony, too?), and Leska has given Airin a welcoming hug, and Kendry has been talking a mile a minute trying to catch Airin up on what's been going on, and what they are trying to figure out, and he asks her many questions about how she has been doing, and her family, and how she got on with his family in Humble's Ford (even though he already asked some of the same things of her just a few days ago when he dropped by to see her with her family in Hovel).

"And you can sleep in Leska's room. There's room, right, sis?"

This now quite energetic fellow is happy to train alongside Tobias and Julian in riding - and in swimming with Julian, as well.

He asks Fidel how he got involved with the Woldian League of Adventurers. [Is Fidel a halfling? or what?] "We've been wanting you all here for a long time. At least it seems to me! Let us know how we can help." A thought occurs to him. The journals he has been copying out for Calfast - the WLA really should get a copy, too. But, it's getting so that it just takes so much time to copy, since the number of pages keeps on increasing.

"Say, Fidel. I've been keeping a journal. I gave Captain Oosterlinck a copy of some of it when we were in Plateau City around the time that Eberyon showed up. Most of the journal good Calfast Tunnelly has a copy of, save for the past month's worth. How about if we hire a scribe, and get a copy for the WLA here?"

As he takes them through their paces, when Kendry has a chance to catch his breath - and assuming no listening ears are nearby - he sketches in some of the matters that the group is facing right now.

"How about we buy the Shallowroots house, and send them off to, maybe, Humble's Ford?" he asks his friends.

"Dourscale is a fair ways off," comments Kendry. "It would take a few days to get there. We could just drop it off not too far from Flavius' cave - maybe a few miles away from there. They'd like as not find each other, right? Then he could use his familiar to continue making evil concoctions. He's probably the forgiving type, right?"

Training and Thinking (DM Cayzle) 
Tuesday January 30th, 2007 7:15:38 AM

Fidel, the WLA representative, seems to know a little about everything. He is a halfling, but not a native of the Valley. His prior posting was to the branch in Dirt City, where there are also a lot of halflings. He also wants to know about everything. He asks about the Teucri road repairs and the drow rumors and how Calfast is doing. Does anyone say anything special to him?

It seems Fidel has already read one version of Kendry's journal. He likes the idea of keeping an up-to-date copy here as well. He is interested in Kendry's drawings, too.

At the least, Fidel gives Tobias, Julian, Selithe, and Kendry some time and pointers on honing their adventuring skills.

[OOC: You can gain skill ranks freely once you are a member, but the feats are contingent on keeping up with your dues. And of course, those who owe dues cannot advance in WLA officer rank either.]

The group talks about what to do, but so far no consensus has emerged. BTW, Dourscale is on the border with New Elenna, and the Necromancer's Cave was in the Red Hills. Angel Springs, the Cave, and Dourscale make three points of a triangle, pretty much equidistant, but of course going from Angel Springs to Dourscale will be faster if the magic roads are in good repair.

Tuesday January 30th, 2007 8:03:40 AM

Fickle is leaning on a tree counting his money, "One! Two! Three! I hope I have enought money!"

Tuesday January 30th, 2007 8:17:48 AM

Trying to get up to date on everything that happened the past few days and weeks Airin is not in any position to make decisions on where to go.

Instead, she joins those who are taking WLA training and begins to exercise with them. After all her absence may have caused her fighting skills to become rusted.

Tuesday January 30th, 2007 11:34:18 AM

Tobias votes for investigating the Shadowroots first, then returning the hum.

Tuesday January 30th, 2007 2:16:30 PM

"Dem dar undead folk bees ah blight un dah Wold," the greenmage observes. "Ah says wheese should bees a-killin' da familiar beasty den open ah big ole can of woop-ass on its creator. Mayhap he bees a-havin' enuff put by dat Ah ken homestead us-ens ah piece. If wheese bees a-havin' sum common folks a-workin' fer us wheese might jess bees able tah sets oureslves up ah purty little manor. Means ah livelyhood an' a place tah put dun ruts."

Tibble sits down winded from putting so many words together at once. Wiping his brow with a hanky he looks about hopefully.

Tuesday January 30th, 2007 3:48:55 PM

Tobias responds to Tibble, "While I agree with you sentiment (as much of it as I could understand) of destroying the undead, it's dangerous for Angel Springs to keep the hum. He obviously figured out who we were. We can fight the necro, but if he attacks here, we could put everyone in danger, and we couldn't protect everyone. I suppose we could chat with the mayor and see how he felt about it..."

"In all likelihood, if we're going to resist the necro, then we should track him down and neutralize him before he gets any crazy notions in his head."

Tuesday January 30th, 2007 9:11:25 PM

Selithe continues her training off and on while listening to what is going on and also helping Julian with his learning to read. Selithe thinks and comments to Julian on something he might enjoy to, "You know Julian, in combat I have a new spell I would like to try and I think you would be the best person to use it on. It's called bull's strength."

Dwight  d20+2=21
Tuesday January 30th, 2007 10:05:58 PM

Dwight spends his time watching until someone else shows up. Then he too goes to the WLA training. (climbing and jumping I believe, but I still have to think about it).

"Did we get a spellbook from the necro?, If we did, is there any way to tell how powerful he is?"

knowledge arcana: 21 (based on books found and undead at his disposal)

"It might be just as dangerous dealing with the necro as returning his possession."

When the Shallowroots return from their field in the evening, Dwight goes to investigate. "Any others want to join me checking things out. Something just doesn't add up."

OOC: Did Dwight get a chance to enter the Shallowroots house? Any beard lying around?


Tuesday January 30th, 2007 10:33:21 PM

"I like the sentiments of war against the necro, but, and I hate to admit it, we're not up for that challenge. I feel that we're too weak in ranged attacks, and definately not up for melee with around two dozen skeletons, not to mention the really big one and the necromancer himself."

"I still vote for Dourscale. Investigating Shadowroots can probably wait. If the bearded one wants to continue following us then mayhaps we'll get to deal with it along the way to Dourscale."

Tuesday January 30th, 2007 10:37:45 PM

To Selithe: "Thanks for teaching me with reading. Perhaps one day I'll even be able to read the scroll of Bull's Strength. It's my favourite spell."

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Wednesday January 31st, 2007 2:00:10 AM

"I still think we should see or at least investigate those that are investigating us!" says Podo to the group. Everyone else can wait thinks Podo.

Kendry  d20+8=20 d20+6=10 d20+11=29 d20+9=24 d20+4=16
Wednesday January 31st, 2007 4:30:17 AM

"I have an idea. Airin, would you like to come with me to visit the Shallowroots? And, let's put on some common clothes, first. Maybe we can look like farmers, or the like." [Disguise: 20. Aid another in disguise: 10]

He dresses down, and, once Airin has done likewise ("I think Leska might have some odds and ends she wouldn't mind you borrowing"), he walks with her to the Shallowroots abode.

"Hullo. Hullo, there."

Once the couple show themselves, Kendry says, "Yes, good day, good day. Say, would you know of anyone in the neighborhood who would be willing to sell their home? Get a nice pile of cash in exchange? Y'see, we're lookin' to get married, y'see, and, well, we need somethin' we can afford. But - well, do you know someone? Like, fer example, how much do you suppose a house like yours might go fer?" [Diplomacy 29, Bluff 24, Sense Motive 16]

Airin  d20+2=14 d20+1=16
Wednesday January 31st, 2007 6:15:16 AM

Airin nods at Kendry's plan and decides to go with him. There's no real need for her to disguise for that Shallowroot familly hasn't seen her before (I hope).

Putting on farmer's clothes like Kendry suggested should be doable. Airin checks with Leska to change. To make things a little more interesting Airin tucks a small pillow under her shirt making it look like she's a few months pregnant and they are in dire need of finding a new home. Airin asks Leska to help her make it look as real as possible.

Then she goes along with Kendry. Airin looks really shy and with an expression of sorrow or almost panick on her face... they really need to find a new place!

Sense motive: 14
Bluff: 16

Wednesday January 31st, 2007 7:15:43 AM

Fickle look up from counting his coins, he will ask his cousin Kendry, "Eerrr! Cuz Kennie can you'zm lend me'um a coin or tzos, Pleze?"

Wednesday January 31st, 2007 5:50:04 PM

"All ya-all bees a-havin' dis heres nerco's familiar an' spellbook?" Tibble is stunned. "What fer youse bees a-waitin fer? He ain't gonna bees a-gettin' any weaker no-hows. Lets us all bees a-givin' the dark one ah quick an' brutal beatin' roundabouts the head an' shoulders!"

Wednesday January 31st, 2007 6:05:23 PM

Tobias, agreeing with Tibble once more (if he understood his comments again :)) says, "Perhaps the town would be willing to send along some help in our confrontation with the necro. And, perhaps the first thing we do in attacking the necro is to kill his familiar... hoping to distract, weaken, and confuse him."

Wednesday January 31st, 2007 9:11:01 PM

If Selithe is near when Fickle asks to borrow some money Selithe looks to Fickle and moves over, "How much are you needing Fickle, maybe we all can chip in alittle or so to help you out. This will cause less of a dent to a single persons pouch." Selithe smiles and listens, willing to help a friend as much as possible.

When Julian mentions maybe being able to cast the spell himself later Selithe brushes her hair back, "Well that would be a great help really, it's a 2nd level spell though so you might have some work to get there. However nothing is beyond your grasp if you want it enough."

What to do? (DM Cayzle)  d20-1=8
Wednesday January 31st, 2007 9:35:27 PM

Fickle is concerned with his finances.

Airin gets caught up on recent events and trains at the WLA. [OOC: Steven, you can read through the archives and assume that your friends told you all that has happened.]

Tobias thinks that the Shallowroots should be the first priority.

Tibble prefers to destroy the necromancer first.

Selithe trains with Airin and taks with Julian.

Dwight looks at the necromancer's spell book. He thinks that he is about level 7 to 9. He recalls that the party actually did not defeat him before -- just snuck in and then ran away. In short, this guy is quite dangerous.

Julian agrees with Dwight that the necromancer is dangerous. He suggests going to Dourscale.

Tibble thinks that if the party has the necromancer's familiar and spell book, then now's the time to attack! Tobias is starting to be convinced.

Selithe lends Fickle some money.

Podo thinks the party should find out who is spying on them.

Kendry, Airin, and Dwight go to visit the Shallowroots. Kendry and Airin go in disguise, and Dwight sneaks around. Altogether, they gather some good information on these commoners, without giving themselves away.

The Shallowroots are a poor family. They rent their house from a landlord, and they are essentially members of a co-operative that collectively has the right to farm certain fields outside town. This is not an unusual arrangement among the poorer halflings.

So there is no question of selling the house, since it does not belong to them. Ada tells you the name of the landlord. He might have another place to rent.

You do note some nicer things. A new tea set on which you are offered refreshments. Newer clothes and boots. A new doll for the toddler. Dwight notes a new chicken coop in the back. If you make inquiries, Ada tells you that they got a small inheritance from their uncle who lived in Edenmoor. A Sense Motive or Wis check vs DC8 reveals that that's not the truth, though. You have not pressed him on it.

There is no sign at all of the falsely-bearded stranger.

Wednesday January 31st, 2007 9:52:40 PM

Dwight asks again when he is around if anyone identified the treasure found?

"Well it kinda seems like we want to investigate these shallowroots and then deal with the necro. Is there a leading thought on what we should do with the necro? Would the WLA take care of it if he is too strong for us? Obviously they would have to send for stronger members than what the new chapter can provide.

DM Cayzle to Steven 
Wednesday January 31st, 2007 9:57:18 PM

Steven, please feel free to adjust the possessions on your PC sheet as you mentioned.

Wednesday January 31st, 2007 11:27:45 PM

"Okay, let's deal with the Shallowroots for the next day or two, max. Then we go to Dourscale to get rid of the hummer, in the manner that was requested. I don't know if you guys saw the fireball that the necro cast, but it was a real hum-dinger! With any luck we might get some coins out of the Mailed Fist for returning the hummer, and the spell book."

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Thursday February 1st, 2007 12:31:35 AM

"Julian, my brother, fighting those lizard dogs must have injured your brain...you want to negoiate with The Mailed Fist for money ??" "If the Necromancer has hired The Mailed Fist you can bet, going against this foe, even the thought of walking up to them to return something, might be your last action on the Wold?? Has that ever occurred to you??" retorts Podo in a slightly dramatic way; while using his hands to emphasize his feelings of dread. "No,no! Wait! What I can tell you is that a simple fireball death would be a blessing...this Necromancer, may kill you and then raise you up (shudder) using you to fight against your loved ones!"

"The Youth, wisdom comes at such a great price." mutters Podo as he walks off to oneside ending the diatribe.

Airin  d20+2=12
Thursday February 1st, 2007 5:34:34 AM

(Wisdom check: 12)

Airin senses they are lying about the inheritance but of course she holds her wits. Maybe they ought to check out that landlord. Still the question remains where they got the money they have now.

Airin casts a sad look at Kendry and beckons to the door: "Come dear, there's nothing these good folks can do for us..."

Once both she and Kendry are out of sight Airin begins to talk to Kendry: "Did you see all those new things? You noticed they lied? Shall we try to keep an eye on them for a while? Or do we keep our disguise and go check with this landlord?"

Thursday February 1st, 2007 5:49:04 AM

"So, if we dump the hummer back at the cave, don't we still risk the Mailed Fist coming after us, as well as a Fireball or two? I dunno which says Elephant and which says Emerald, but if the Mailed Fist were hired to kill us we'd be dead right now already."

"Though, having just said that, the necro probably don't have fireball ready to loose on us, coz we got his Spell Book."

Thursday February 1st, 2007 11:30:10 AM

"Exactly Julian... down spell book and his familiar, the necro is probably at his weakest. Giving those back to him just makes him stronger when he decides to come take his revenge on us. And, in the fight, we did not really attack his troops with full force. We divided to get the hum... I think we would fare much better in a direct combat... Unless of course he has a croc." ;)

Thursday February 1st, 2007 11:30:56 AM

And, no Dwight the magic items have not been identified yet.

Thursday February 1st, 2007 12:33:37 PM

"If-ens youse bees a-havin' dis heres necros spellbook an' familiar, he ain't never gonna ferget," Tibble points out. "Even ifs all ya-all tucks tail an' bees a-givin' both back wrapped purty wif ah bow an' ah big ole 'pology."

Thursday February 1st, 2007 7:52:46 PM

Selithe thinks over everything that Tibble says and sighs, "If we meet with him we should approach it carefully. I don't like giving the spell book and his creature back either but we can't afford a fight we can not win either."

Selithe thinks and nods before speaking again, "If it comes to a fight someone better be packing a silence spell, thats a spell I do not have either."

Thursday February 1st, 2007 8:49:03 PM

"Yes, Silence. Could we get a few scrolls? Wow, money is tight. How much will he be affected if we kill the hum? Do mages normally keep spare books? Return or fight, I'd have to agree with Julian, its doubtful we can rely on his honesty. "

Dwight thinks about it for a moment. "Then again, he has left the valley alone thus far, either because he is vulnerable or by his choice. Prior to our excursion into his house, he wasn't messing with halflings. Or did I miss a skeleton of our height."


Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Thursday February 1st, 2007 9:28:47 PM

"Well, although I have returned, I am leading more of a pacifist lifestyle now. Whatever you come to the discision on I will try to live with." Podo explains to the group.

Thursday February 1st, 2007 10:20:40 PM

"Pacifist, hey...." Julian ponders the implications of this for Podo, in the sense of practical jokes, of course.

Challenges Local and Necromological (DM Cayzle) 
Thursday February 1st, 2007 10:27:56 PM

Dwight thinks the group should check out the Shallowroots first. He wonders if the WLA can offer some help. In fact, if he makes inquiries, the organization does not do freelance mercenary work. There is help available in other areas: Food, lodging, healing, wayfaring, and information at cheap rates. But the WLA is a support organization, not an army, and has not yet mobilized its forces for any grand purpose, much less to help members out of jams. Keep in mind that the WLA strives for a certain neutrality.

Airin is also interested in getting answers about the Shallowroots.

Julian agrees to deal with the Shallowroots next. He seems open to making a deal with the Necromancer.

Podo trusts neither the Mailed Fist nor the Necromancer. This leads to a discussion of how best to deal with the situation.

Tobias notes that the Necromancer is now at his weakest, most likely. But that is still plenty strong, especially if he has a back-up or travelling spell book.

Tibble thinks that the necromancer problem will not go away by itself.

Selithe is cautious and has a good idea about Silence. You recall that Kendry can cast that spell, and that it was VERY effective vs the Necromancer last time.

Dwight points out that the Necromancer has left the Crescent Valley totally alone to this point. That is true.

[OOC: Friends, I have Hero Point and RP award nominations from JUST ONE PERSON! ANd I have only half the PC sheets in! Please DO work on those, or at least write to me about it!]

Friday February 2nd, 2007 7:05:42 AM

Fickle still counting his money. His count is right, walks to the Bookkeeper turning his dues, Asking the little behind the desk, "Do'uz yuzm need help in building a cabin??"

Airin  d20+19=28 d20+12=31 d20+12=15
Friday February 2nd, 2007 10:03:18 AM

"Let's do a stake out! Let's just hide in the shadows tonight and keep an eye out on the Shallowroots. It'll be nice go for a change to do some spying once again!"

So then Airin waits till night falls, and when it does she looks for a good spot to keep an eye out on the Shallowroots. Preferably Airin takes position around the house, by a window - an open one would be too much to ask for. There she will keep an eye out and listen while she waits in silence.

Hide: 28
Listen: 31
Move Silently: 15

Friday February 2nd, 2007 11:38:40 AM

Having no skill at spying Tibble will visit Bella to obtain what information he can from her about the necromancer and his potential allies.

(Tibble has no knowledge of this bone collector.)

Tobias  d20+18=29 d20+7=19 d20+15=20
Friday February 2nd, 2007 8:54:45 PM

I'll go with you Airin. Give my spying skills some use...

Hide: 29
Listen: 19
Move silently: 20
Survival tracking:

Tobias (continued)  d20+6=19 d20+13=22
Friday February 2nd, 2007 8:55:55 PM

oops... hit enter too soon

Spot: 19
Survival tracking: 22

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Saturday February 3rd, 2007 1:11:05 AM

Attempting to discover where the rest of the group disappeared to, Podo tries to uncover information about the ShallowRoots.

Returing to the area once in, spying the S'roots, Podo tries to lay in wait for them.

A Few Spies (DM Cayzle) 
Saturday February 3rd, 2007 12:45:56 PM

Fickle has counted his coppers and thinks he has enough to join the WLA. Fidel, the halfling in charge, interviews Fickle. [Ceil, please answer these questions in your next post.]

1) Do you agree to fight evil wherever it may be found?

2) Do you agree to protect the innocent?

3) What level are you?

4) Do you have the 2,000 gp in dues to become an Initiate?

Airin, Podo, and Tobias do some spying on the Shallowroots. They overhear Ada Shallowroot's wife asking him if he has seen anything of Bella. He tells her that Bella has been in the house all day. They seem to be keeping an eye on Bella's cottage.

Tibble visits Bella. It has only been one day since you were there last. She reminds you that she asked for three or four or five days to mourn. She asks you to go away and return later.

OOC: Friends, I still do not know what your next course of action is going to be. PLEASE make a decision, or at least state a preference. If there is no consensus, then I will go with the majority/plurality. To help you along, here are a few options:

1) Follow up on the Disguised Stranger and the Shallowroot Family.

2) Deal with the Necromancer, either in Dourscale or maybe back at his cave?

3) Talk to Bella after her four days of mourning.

4) Ask Fidel and Calfast if they has any missions or adventuring leads.

Saturday February 3rd, 2007 3:09:32 PM

OOC: Tibble is in favor of taking down the necromancer. He's only going to get stronger with time and will never forget who took his familiar and spellbook. It is an act of revenge just waiting to happen. It would seem that the group is waiting to be at its weakest, exposed, and on the defensive.

If the choice is to return the items Tibble will have to find a new group to adventure with; he's not so foolish to leave an evil opponent at his back armed with a vorpal rabbit.

(I'll just create a new character that doesn't know anything about the necro and toddle off to the slaughter with the rest of the group.)

I hope I'm not being too vague about Tibble's concern. <smile>

A group of 4-6th level characters should be able to take a lone 9th level. Sure he'll have his minions, but we'll have ours. We may be able to hire some cannon fodder if the group feels we must. I don't expect the locals will like us much if we take their sons and daughters of to die in our place.

Why the group made an enemy of such a powerful NPC is beyond me, but here is where we are. Did someone set the group up to be destroyed? Is there a behind the scene villain more powerful than the necromancer that I know nothing about. Keep in mind the group assaulted the necro (thereby making him a permanent enemy) before Tibble joined so he has no idea of the guilt by association he has gotten himself into.

My two copper bits,

Saturday February 3rd, 2007 3:37:49 PM

Julian spends the day training intensely, and talking to friends as he sees them. He jogs through the whole town, up and down every street. Every. Street.

Some have gone off spying, and he let's them know that he thinks Intimidate would be a better way to deal with it, especially if they're spying on Bella. He volunteers to Intimidate, because he is losing patience with the group's whole indecision process. That, and he enjoys it. [OOC: I find it amusing and enjoy the roleplay.]

Talking to Tibble about returning the items, he makes a good point that Julian had not yet considered.
"What was I thinking?! A chance to fight the good fight and I was looking to alternatives. Been listening overmuch to Kendry, I have!"

"What we lack is a good ranged offensive. Something to keep the necro on his toes as he tries to cast spells. The whole distraction team and stealth team is still good. Some of us should sneak up on him and shove a sword up his... into his back. And you know what: how long has it been since we were there? He might well still be lame from Kendry's caltrops, remember that?"

"I will happily charge down the big skeleton, and deal with the talking sword that commands the others. Everyone else can either send concentrated ranged attacks against the necro as others circle around for a sneak attack. We've got two wands of Cure Light Wounds, we just need to control the focus of the fight as much as possible."

"Let's go wipe him out, clear out his cave and keep the booty. We can even begin replanting the desert he has created. Hey, it might miake a nice new home for us. Somewhere secure to store the bigger goodies, raise kids and all that."

"Fickle, wanna go on a big fight with us? There's this bone collector raising the bones of the dead to protect him in his nasty dealings. We stole his awful pet to help a friend we call Heather. Anyway, he wants it back. So some of us wanna go kill him instead. Send his vileness back into dust. It beats leaving an enemy alive to pursue us. And I'll teach you some more fighting skills."

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Saturday February 3rd, 2007 4:19:27 PM

After waiting for several hours, and taking whatever information he can, Podo heads back to the Temple of Alemi for some insight.

While in the temple, and in prayer to Alemi, Podo feels his best course of action is to head off with the group to finish the matter with the evil wizzard. Perhaps if all goes well, he can play an influencial role in this affair.

Saturday February 3rd, 2007 9:23:17 PM

[A good friend died a week ago Friday. I've been tied up with arrangements for his memorial, which took place this afternoon. Also just left an evening job (this Friday was my last night), as I have too many irons in the fire. That said, as of Monday, my posting should increase to past levels. Sorry for my relative absence here.]

Kendry talks with Airin in private Highlight to display spoiler: {"Airin, my love, I do not want that anyone might besmirch your reputation. So, let's not do the 'fake pregnancy' thing again, okay? We are halflings, after all, and - though it certainly sometimes happens otherwise - we're supposed to, well, y'know, wait until after the wedding." Kendry is blushing brightly. "Not that we haven't been. Waiting, that is." He looks into her eyes for a moment, then turns aside, and in barely a whisper says to himself, "Oh, I can hardly wait!"}

More tomorrow...

Saturday February 3rd, 2007 9:32:31 PM

Julian notices his cousin Podo going in to the Temple of Alemi, and wonders what all this 'prayer' and 'religion' stuff is about. He heads in to the temple dedicated to Domi on the north'west of town, and doesn't come out for several hours...

Sunday February 4th, 2007 10:04:59 AM

As Fickle stand before the male that's asking questions.!
#1 Question/ Answer "I'ezm Do!"

#2 Question/ Answer "I ezm Do Again!"

#3 Question/ Answer "Level 5 (need 1,000 points to go up'zey level"

#4 Question/ Answer " either 0 gp or 600gp(maybe just a Rock the goes Boom??)

"Now Can I be WLA" replys Fickle, with a smile on his face.

Sunday February 4th, 2007 11:52:17 AM

When the group is discussing their options Airin ponders the chances of taking on the Necromancer once again. That was the last excursion she had and it ended quite well. Still you might add that they had a great deal of luck too!!

"Yes Tibble I may have to agree with you. There is something fishy about the Shallowroots and it is a thing we will need to investigate later on, but the Necromancer will inevitably turn his anger on our village sooner or later. I'm no certain we can deal with him once again.

The tactic we used before was quite effective though. Silence him, sneak in preferably invisible and possibly along the ceiling. But we never actually went face to face with him. That could be very messy.

Admit it my friends. Holding a stake out on the shallowroots is pretty boring no? On the other hand going in head strong into a necromancer's lair sounds quite bold!"

"Why don't we narrow down our options. Let's vote for either the necromancer or the shallowroots. What do you all think?"

Sunday February 4th, 2007 6:24:57 PM

"Deh Shallowroots mights bees ah problem, deh necro bees ah problem a-knockin' at dah door," Tibble observes. "Ah likes dah ideas 'bouts a-movin' intah his digs an' a-bringin' new life tah his blighted territory. Dats sure tah please deh gods an' makes us-ens no end o' friends herebouts."

Sunday February 4th, 2007 6:49:27 PM

Julian listens to Tibble, and agrees whole-heartedly. "The Shallowroots can look after themselves for the moment. I just hope they're not about to do something to Heather. Still, we can't sit on our donkeys waiting for a slightly possible maybe. Let's act now against the necro."

OOC: Kim, I'm very sorry to hear that for you.

Sunday February 4th, 2007 7:24:46 PM

During a time when the group is together, Kendry tells Tibble & other newcomers the whole story of how Bella sent them after the necromancer's familiar for her healing brew. [Please read the archives to get all the details - the purpose-specific alliance with the hobgoblins, the plan, the implementation, the acquisition, the conflict, the escape.]

"Had we not been so lucky, Tibble, many of us might have died on our outing. He blasted us with fireballs, and showed mastery of many more spells. We had the advantages of surprise and concealment.

"If we return, he will be prepared. He will have more undead at his beck and call, most like, hidden beneath the sands, perhaps even some scattered among the surrounding brush. He will set alarms and traps. We will not find bearding the lion in his own den quite as easy as it was the first time around. Perhaps, if he is cunning enough - and can find someone who can stand the smell of his foul brews - he will enlist the aid of others. Hire some mercenaries, or gain an associate or two.

"If we go back there, we must be prepared to face a much harsher reception than during our first visit.

"Now, am I opposed to the notion of ridding the Wold of Flavius Aetius? No, I am not. But I'm not willing even to try unless we do it in a very, very smart way. I have no interest in taking, or going with, my friends into a dangerous situation ill-prepared, with inadequate understanding, and few contingencies. Aetius will be prepared as he can be, and will not be a pushover. Just as many of us have improved our skills and knowledge recently, so might have he."

He turns to Julian. "Remember you were trying to work on formations with the hobgoblins? Perhaps we could enlist their help again. I wonder, too, whether we might be able to get some more people to help us, in a support role. We can be the front line, but we might have others to set distractions, cause secondary damage, set traps, help in scouting...

"Necromancers are a blight. He has been gradually building his own obedient army. Let's take our own small army against him.

"Also - Podo and I have been reading this book about the undead. It makes me feel even greater disgust towards such, but also it's giving me some ideas about better ways to attack them, take them on.

"We know he favors skeletons. Bashing them is better than slashing them. In the meantime, he may have sought to create something worse than skeletons."

Kendry pauses for breath.

"We can't leave the Shallowroots unanswered, though. Let's ask counsel of Calfast Tunnelly. There are some others in town, too, who might be able to offer us insight."

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Sunday February 4th, 2007 11:39:59 PM

Listening to Kendry's speech, Podo's mind's eye began to twitch. Considering the options at hand, and how going against a powerful wizard, no matter the field of its study, is not a usually smart move. Podo ponders aloud to the group.

"Why can't we just draw him to us? If he wants his stuff back so badly, have him come to us. This takes the element of surprise and preparation and gives it to us. We know this area. He does not. If we go to him, surely we lose whatever advantage we might have had. If we stir the pot forcing his hand, and he comes to us, then the balance of power become more even. If he bares down up the Valley with an Army surely we would be in a better position to raise a force to meet him?
Those that recall the acts of key adventurers from this Valley in turning the tides of War during the awakening of the being know to us by the first initial "E", will surely be willing to help.

I know I would be retracting my initial decision to support whatever decision was made, but I truely feel empowered to err on the side of caution in this matter and instead side with uncovering the truth of the Shallowroots, not in certain death,"
explains Podo to his friends & companions.

With a deep breath, Podo withdraws to a place just outside his circle of friends allowing another to speak/share their minds with the group.

Monday February 5th, 2007 3:09:44 AM

"Certain death? Little prospect of success? Well what are we waiting for!" Julian draws his sword, thrusts it towards the gods and growls like a raging bear.

Monday February 5th, 2007 4:15:22 AM

"Looks like we're getting no where!"

Airin sighs heavily.

"Here's a thought. We need to deal with the Necromancer AND we need to check out the Shallowroots. Kendry's right that we need to be very well prepared before going in against a powerful foe such as the Necromancer once again. So, I suggest Tibble, Julian and a few others to prepare for such an encounter. You'll need to go to the Catacombs, buy lots of hide from undead potions, invisibility stuff, anything you can think of we may need to face him - oh and don't forget Tanglefoot bags!. I have about 500 gold I can give you for that purpose.

While they are preparing the rest checks out the Shallowroots for a little while. We don't need to fear the Necromancer standing at out front door tomorrow right? So let's say we check out the Shallowroots for 1 or 2 days while they prepare. If we haven't found anything out of the ordinary by then, we go to face the Necromancer...

what do you think?"

Monday February 5th, 2007 11:36:51 AM

"That's a good idea Airin. We should just look into the Shallowroots while we're here. We can always delay a meeting with the necro by a couple of days... perhaps by responding to his letter and saying we need some time to recover the hum."

Monday February 5th, 2007 8:23:40 PM

Selithe will help out where she can and other wise keeps her eyes and ears open. She is wondering exactly what everyone is going to do since they seem to be in a loss of movement between many things.

(OOC:I think we should handle the necro since I don't see that problem going away and possibly being the biggest threat.)

Monday February 5th, 2007 10:19:35 PM

Glad to have uncovered the initial questions regarding the Shallowroots, Dwight agrees the necro is a bit more pressing and a bit more personally motivated, not wanting to look over his shoulder any more than necessary.

As the newest is inducted into WLA, Dwight recalls his own vow, and realizes, the necro must be dealt with for his own safety and to uphold his oath; both of which are important to him.

"We should definitely keep in mind the necro doesn't know all of us. Though if he was able to find some of us, he undoubtable knows how many we are now. If possible, he will increase his numbers. Does anyone one, have the ability to made these undead flee or return to the ground? Podo?"

"As an aside, how much damage would killing the hum do to the necro?"

Dwight does wish to inform Bella that she is being watched by the Shallowroots, perhaps more than just nosy neighbors without disturbing her mourning.

"Kendry could your bird deliver a message such as this?

"Okay now that the necro seems to be a consensus, what is our timetable? strategy?"

1. Waiting 3-4 days then speak with Bella?
2. Reply to necro and set up initial meeting?
3. Charge into necro's cave?
4. Try to find hobgoblins for second alliance?

Dwight is in favor of #1 and #2 initially. Hoping Bella can shed more light on the necro and his resources and his potential to work closely with the "Fist".

Heroes Agree (DM Cayzle) 
Monday February 5th, 2007 11:54:30 PM

Tibble tells his friends that he is in favor of attacking the necromancer.

Julian trains hard and agrees with Tibble.

Podo also thinks that attacking an evil necromancer is the way to go.

Fickle's interview with Fidel goes very well. The WLA representative tells Fickle, "As soon as you pay 2,000 gold pieces in dues, you can join!"

Airin reminds the group that the Shallowroots should be looked into as well.

Kendry is realistic about the dangers in attacking the necromancer. He thinks that the group will need to make very strong preparations.

Airin suggests considering both the Shallowroots and the necromancer. First the former, then the latter.

Tobias agrees with Airin.

Selithe feels the necromancer is a big problem.

Dwight also seems open to a multi-pronged schedule of activity, but emphasizes the necromancer.


The party seems to be nudging toward a consensus. The necromancer takes priority. Maybe also spend a day checking out the Shallowroots.

Here is a timetable of recent events:

Day 1: Return to Angel Springs -- see the Disguised Stranger and meet Bella.

Day 2-4: WLA training, going up a level. shopping.

Day 5: Tomorrow.

Actions for tomorrow?

Tuesday February 6th, 2007 3:39:24 AM

Since we're still here, we did agree to go see Bella about now. But if she is being watched by the Shallowroots...
"Well, there's our chance to get this over with, see. Some of us should go to see Bella, as we promised. The others should sneak up on the spies, and see what they're up to, and confront them. Give them something to think about."

"Then we can go a-hunting."

Airin  d20+19=21 d20+12=19 d20+8=20
Tuesday February 6th, 2007 11:09:19 AM

I'll do what we seem to be agreeing upon. I'll go hang out near the Shallowroots's place and keep an eye on them.

With that Airin paces towards the house and take cover in the shadows.

Hide: 21
Listen: 19
Spot: 20

Tobias  d20+18=31 d20+7=11 d20+6=14 d20+13=16
Tuesday February 6th, 2007 11:18:35 AM

Being another stealthy person, Tobias will join Airin in keeping watch over the Shallowroot's house. Hoping to see the disguised stranger.

"So, Airin, what do we do if we see him? Does one of us break cover to confront him? I can do that... but we should have it set up going into this."

Hide: 31
Listen: 11
Spot: 14
Survival (tracks): 16

Tuesday February 6th, 2007 11:34:58 AM

The greenmage will visit Bella. He will ask after her health and tell her of the looming threat from the necromancer.

Tuesday February 6th, 2007 6:07:46 PM

Fickle raises his head at the words 'Hunting'. "hunt'um! Me can go hunting. Meum Good Huntem! Wherez best plaze??".

Tuesday February 6th, 2007 7:56:39 PM

"Slingers. We need lots of slingers. To attack the necromancer and the skeletons from afar. A dozen of 'em. Or a score. Thwip-Ping! Ping! Ping-ping-crack!" he utters onomatopoeically.

Dwight  d20+3=23
Tuesday February 6th, 2007 9:58:57 PM

Seeing others are scouting, Dwight will join the others to see Bella. He will however, arrive and leave in disguise.

Disguise: 23+10(spell)=33

"I still have my bow, and can shoot twice as often now. Hopefully this will disrupt the necro and his casting."

Tuesday February 6th, 2007 10:29:51 PM

Selithe listens to Kendry and smiles before, "I like that idea brother, but I'm better with my bow and can do just a bit more damage, considering it is set for my strength. Also I have a little more surprise as I have another level of magic user under my belt. I won't be able to match his powers in spells of course, but I will do my best to aid."

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood  d20+12=15 d20+13=29 d20+1=19 d20+1=3 d20+6=9 d20+3=5
Tuesday February 6th, 2007 11:27:05 PM

Podo Does his best to "Spy" on the ShallowRoots.
Uisng his Disguise skill, Podo tries his best to blend in, although Hiding by far is his better skill.
Podo will try to uncover something ore of this Family.

Move Silently: 15
Hide: 29
Sense Motive:5

Kendry & the necromancer  d20+11=31 d20+11=28 d20+11=24
Wednesday February 7th, 2007 1:33:12 AM

Kendry laughs with pleasure at Fickle's enthusiasm for the hunt. "There will be plenty to hunt in the Red Hills, cuz." He thinks about helping him join the WLA. "I'm trying to figure out how to get the funds so you can join now."

[OOC: There are definite advantages to having Fickle join now at 5th level - he gets the weapons feat, which will not be available later, plus the two skill points at 5th level.]

"That is excellent, Dwight - twice as fast with the bow, now? Amazing!"

"Good, Selithe. I know it was frustrating in the past - but I've noted your marksmanship has been improving - especially when we went against the lizard dogs. So, you're focusing a bit more on magic, eh? Good. Good!"

"Say - maybe we can enlist a few members of the militia to join in with us," Kendry suggests to all. "Some of the more skilled members, rather than the neophytes. We've been talking about the importance of both militia and adventurers to help defend our valley. It could give us a chance to get to know each other better, develop respect for and an appropriate dependence on each others' skills. And it would given them some exposure to the Wold outside of Crescent Valley.

He asks who would like to accompany him to talk this over with some of the leaders, and the militia. Tobias and Julian come to mind, as those with a somewhat military bent, and Dwight with his skills in strategy and tactics - but Airin, Podo, Selithe, Tibble and Fickle are welcome, too.

"By your leave, I'll check with the local militia - running by our Burgomeister, of course. Along with any who want to join me.

"Flavius Aetius' skeleton crew is organized in a quasi-military fashion. Well, why not military versus military? Plus, I reckon our militia will have a few tricks up their sleeves that the skeleton crew won't know about. And we know that most of the skeletons won't have sleeves at all!"

He discusses this idea with Fidel, and with Calfast Tunnelly. If they seem open to the idea, he approaches some of the militia members and leaders, to see if there might be some willing (and able) volunteers.

He underscores that there likely will be real dangers associated with the outing, and he'll want to have some testing to verify fitness for the task. "Not just anybody can come. This will need to be some of the elite militia members." He tries to appeal to their pride, their bravery. He underscores the hardships they likely are to undergo. "You'll be tired, hungry, and going into danger. It's not the comfy burrow we'll be stayin' in at nights." In particular he is looking for those skilled with sling, bows, crossbows, and other missile weapons. "Clubs and swords and staffs and the like may be needed if it gets to close-in work. Although, ideally, we want you to be mainly working on ranged attacks, it's hard to forecast what it may come down to." He'll want at least one officer to head the group, and a non-commissioned officer to oversee individual patrols within the group. (Looking for 10 - 20 to come, if possible.)

[OOC: In metagame terms, he doesn't want anyone less than 2nd level, and a few 3rd or so might be helpful. There should be someone skilled at healing among them, and someone who can set traps would also be useful.]

For pay: 2% to each participating militia member of any monetary gain acquired from Flavius and his associates at the end of the mission, or 35 gp each, whichever is higher. There may be bonuses for exceptional results. An additional share for assigned non-comms (e.g., those in charge on this outing), and a triple share for the ranking officer.

As for the why - he explains some of what necromancers do, and why it is in the long-term interests of Crescent Valley to rid this part of the Wold from such people in their backyard - the Red Hills.

[Diplomacy rolls with Fidel: 31 (nat 20); Calfast: 28; Militia: 24. Of course diplomacy is one thing, mindset is another.]

Kendry & the Shallowroots  d20+11=25 d20+11=29 d20+10=24
Wednesday February 7th, 2007 1:33:40 AM

Kendry enlists the aid of his sister, Leska, to bake a fine apple pie, as well as to get from his brother Nalfein some of their Uncle Orby's fine stout ale.

Meanwhile, he knocks on the doors of some of the other places in Bella's neck of town, asking about places for rent or sale.

Once the items from his siblings are obtained, he lays out the plan to his compatriots. "Airin, would you come with me again to the Shallowroots? Uh, attired as before?" Despite what he said to her earlier...

Then, returning with her to the part of town by Bella, he goes with Airin around Bella's house to the far side, remains there for about fifteen minutes, definitely out of sight of the Shallowroots - perhaps near the garden in back, or farther down the street - all out of sight of the spies, then returns.

He knocks on the Shallowroots' door. When they answer, he asks if he might come in for a moment. "We have a small gift." In his hand is a cloth covering something circular underneath, about nine inches in diameter, and three or so inches deep.

If they hesitate, he says that they have been making inquiries about town, still looking for a place to call their own. "Please, we'd like to share something with you." He lifts the corner of the cloth to show a nicely browned pie crust. He reiterates that they're just wanting to get to know the neighborhood, "And you seem a nice sort of folk."

If they let them in he suggests, "If you'd put some tea on, using the fine pot there - your inheritance, right? - we can share some pie. And," he adds, "My brother has a fine nose for good ale," a small jug of which he produces.

On this social occasion, he mentions pleasant things he has noticed among some of the neighbors. If there are unpleasant things he has seen, he does not mention them - but if they bring such up, he strives to put a charitable spin on the comments. He allows that he has helped out with a little farming and gardening while growing up, although he hasn't done much of that lately. "My love, here, she's good with animals, training 'em, takin' good care of 'em, that sort of thing."

In the course of the conversation and give and take, he asks, "Have you met that nice, but curious lady, Bella?" He points the direction of her house. "She's over that-a-way. It's like a wee forest in there! Well, she doesn't have a place for us, but she's a great cook, turns out. Do you know Miss Bella, a bit, or what she's up to with all those plants?"

He hopes that with all the observations and questions he has been making and asking about the neighborhood in general, that his casual question about Bella might be seen as just another bit of halfling curiosity and love for gossip.

What course Kendry takes next depends upon how the Shallowroots respond.

[Diplomacy: 25 - general visit. Diplomacy: 29 - regarding Bella. Gather information: 24]

Kendry & Bella 
Wednesday February 7th, 2007 2:52:53 AM

He wants to wait until some time after meeting with the Shallowroots before getting together with Bella.

Julian  d20+4=24 d20+1=13
Wednesday February 7th, 2007 3:05:18 AM

Julian walks along with Tibble and Dwight to see Bella.

He tells his old friend that he has been thinking of her, even as he trained these last few days. He sincerely hopes she feels okay, and inquires whether there is anything he can do for her right now,

"You know, dishes, sweeping, weeding... and I'll try harder this time to only pull out the plants you tell me to."
Diplomacy 24 (natural 20!)
Sense Motive 13 (How is she really?)

A Taste of Every Path (DM Cayzle)  d20+2=6 d20+2=4 d20+2=17 d20+1=3 d20+1=9
Wednesday February 7th, 2007 11:25:51 AM

[LOL! My friends, I did not think you would try to go down all the possible paths at the same time! But, consummate professional that I am, I can roll with the punches and still come out with a turn only half a day late! :-) ]


Julian, Tibble, and Dwight go to visit Bella after her mourning.

Podo, Airin, Tobias spy stealthily on Shallowroots.

Fickle, Selithe, and Kendry put their heads together to come up with Necromancer tactics.

Kendry talks with Calfast, Fidel, and other Militia Leaders (including his Aunt Marigold, who, since losing her bid for Calfast's job, has gone back to being a militia leader) about recruiting some mercenaries to help fight the necromancer.


Julian, Tibble, and Dwight get to Bella's cottage. There is a small note on her door: "Foolhardies, welcome!"

Within, Bella's big awakened plant rears up threateningly, but subsides when it sees who is there. It tells Tibble that it is guarding the cottage, but you all are welcome, and here is your package.

You see a small chest. Within it are ten vials in two bundle. One bundle of five is labelled "Coma Antidote." The other is labelled "Cure Serious Wounds." There is a pouch at the bottom as well, and a note:

My dear Foolhardies,

I decided that I would take you up on your offer. You said you would help protect me from my enemies and that my mission was important. It IS! You are RIGHT! So you can protect me by taking my place. Please deliver the antidote to Graeff in the Valley of Four Peaks. If you do not know the way, get a guide in Humble's Ford.

Thank you for helping me see the right way to handle this!

The cure potions and the coins are yours as an extra thanks. You earned them.


PS: Please please destroy this note when you have read it and TELL NO ONE what you are doing!!!

PPS: Please lock the door when you go and slip the key under the door.

Inside the pouch are 400 platinum pieces and the key to the front door.


Podo, Airin, and Tobias spy on the Shallowroots. It is a good thing they don't have a dog! As it is, with the good rolls the three are making, you get a solid chance to do some stealthy lurking.

The disguised man does not make an appearance. But you overhear Ada tell his wife to watch out for the Sneaky Fellow tonight. You can hear the capital letters in his voice when he speaks of this person.

Airin sees the Shallowroots's toddler wandering around the yard, but the child does not see our heroes. To leave without the toddler hearing, please make a Move Silent check vs DC 4.


Kendry -- and maybe Airin? -- go to visit the Shallowroots in disguise. They hear some gossip, most of it a little mean-spirited. Certainly, the Shallowroots think Bella is loopy, weird, and off her rocker. You intuit that they are also afraid of her and her witchy plant friends.


Fickle is eager to go undead hunting. Selithe seems eager to try her magic against the necromancer. Kendry wants to hire some mercanaries to help.

The halfling bard goes even further, talking with Calfast, Fidel, and even his Aunt Marigold about the idea.

Calfast thinks that "converting" militia into adventurers is a good idea, but he has no authority to compel anyone to leave the Valley. Also, he wants Kendry's word that those who go off with him won't all die. That would not only be a tragedy, but it would give adventuring a bad name.

Fidel thinks that true heroes don't use local commoners as cannon fodder. Even the use of trained mercanaries, like the Mailed Fist, seems a little antithetical to the WLA mission. But Fidel is not offended or annoyed -- if anything, he seems amused.

Aunt Marigold says that she can get together a meeting, and Kendry can try to convince some of the locals to join his cause. She suggests that good refreshments will assure a good turn-out, and that if he speaks well, he stands a chance of convincing some brave youths to join him. She says that he might want to offer a signing bonus as well as a daily wage to any share of treasure promised. And what about equipment? If Kendry is offering quality gear, that's a plus too.


Whew! That gives you guys something to chew on, hey?

Wednesday February 7th, 2007 11:26:43 AM

Fickle turns to his cousins Kendry, "Now what wezm do?"

Crescent Valley Posting - Anthony 
Wednesday February 7th, 2007 3:21:57 PM

Kendry: 2-W--SS = 5
Fickle: -TW-F-S = 4
Airin: 2TWRF-S = 7
DM MTWR-S- = 6
Tobias: M2WRF-- = 6
Julian: MTW2-2S = 8
Selithe: MTW---- = 3
Dwight: MTWR--- = 4
Podo: M-2R-2S = 7
Tibble: -TWRFSS = 6

(Open posting)

Dwight  d20+3=13
Wednesday February 7th, 2007 8:52:39 PM

Dwight reads the note carefully several times wondering if she wrote it calmly or in a rush. He concludes she must have thought it through. "Hmmm, I wonder where she actually is."

Gather Information: 13 (anything hidden within the note?)

After the others present read the note, and examined it, Dwight is in favor of having it destroyed. "We don't want the S'roots, or necro to know where we head."

"Tibble, could you tell the plant about the Shallowroots and how they seem to be watching her more closely than just nosy neighbors. They also seem to have gotten some money recently. Allude to the fact that they may have been the ones that helped send the evil here to kill Horace. Timetables seem to match up."

When ready with the two bundles (accounted for), Dwight makes sure the house is locked and the key is slid under the door.

When a fire is present, Dwight will have the note burned and makes sure the pieces are properly dispersed.

Dwight fills in the others afterwards about Bella's note and absence. He also inquires about Kendry's success with gaining some assistance.

Dwight is willing to attend the meeting with Kendry, but thinks the bard's ability at persuasion is far better than his.

Wednesday February 7th, 2007 11:32:48 PM

Selithe looks to Kendry and smiles to him before speaking her own thoughts on his idea, allowing her brother to go talk to the WLA anyway, "I'm not sure brother, dragging innocent people into our own problems doesn't seem like a good idea to me. Now if we ran into actual mercenaries who would be willing to help that would be a different story."

Selithe does plan to head to see Bella with the other and is somewhat surprised to see her not there but yet not so much either if that makes sense. She smiles seeing the note and seeing what it says she gives everyone a smile and nods, not wanting to voice her happiness at the moment, just in case they are being watched or something.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood  d20+12=28
Thursday February 8th, 2007 2:11:27 AM

Moving sliently, Podo tries to slips past the young child. (MS = 28) Feeling hes made it past without detection, Podo will head back to Bella's home in an effort to meet up with the others.

Airin  d20+12=29 d20+2=12
Thursday February 8th, 2007 2:39:27 AM

Just prior to Kendry's and Airin's visit to the Shallowroots

Airin is happy to have heard about "The Sneaky Fellow" and nods to Tobias and Podo making signs to get the hell out of there.

The toddler has no chance to hear Airin as she back away from the house. (move silently 29)

Once they are at a safe distance from the house she begins to talk to her friends: "So we will be on the look-out for the stranger tonight as well won't we. I gotta go now... Kendry plans to pay the Shallowroots a visit face to face in a moment. Let's sit together and combine everything we found then shall we?"

Just before the visit

"Kendry listen wha..."
"Hey hang on lemmy tell..."
"Kendry! Wait for me!!"

Oh that crazy stubborn bard!! Quickly Airin puts on her disguise and hurries after Kendry.

After the visit with Kendry

Airin shuffles her feet as she's a little disappointed that they did not learn more from this face to face interaction with the Shallowroots. Besides she hasn't been able to tell Kendry about the Sneaky Fellow! She dies to tell him but right now she has to play along...

Airin hasn't said much but continued to keep an eye out on the Shallowroots emotions. Knowing they might expect a visit from the Sneaky Fellow Airin wonders if they're more nervous than before.

(sense motive 12)

Airin happily drinks the tea and eats the pie Kendry brought along. Most likely the visit will be over soon and they haven't really learned much.

Once again outside the Shallowroots's house and out of sight Airin tells Kendry about the Sneaky Fellow and the plan to gather everyone around to lay all the pieces together...

Besides, it should not be only the Shallowroots who will wait for the Sneaky Fellow!

(ooc: sorry for all the actions but it looks like Kim has a way with overthrowing things :-) Tried to fit everything in as good as possible! Hope you don't mind )

Thursday February 8th, 2007 7:32:43 AM

"Well, that helps to make the decision, doesn't it. We should be helping Bella, as was promised. The bonecollector can wait. It seems likely that who ever is spying on us, will continue to do so, even as we journey. Mayhaps we'll sort that out on the road. So, let us go then to the Valley of Four Peaks."

"Tell the mayor we're going to Dourscale, or at least that we're going to Humble's Ford for the moment. Then send word back that we're going to Dourscale. It'll give us a few days time to go to the Valley, then we can go after the necro."

"Let's go shopping now, and leave the morning after the morrow. Simple really. No objections?"

Thursday February 8th, 2007 7:58:06 AM

Fickle scratches his head, then ask "Red Woods? There isum Red Trees wipum red leavies?" He ask??

OOC not much of a post, but but that's all I could think of trouble I could get into!!

Thursday February 8th, 2007 10:31:36 AM

The greenmage tells Bella's guardian of Dwight's wishes. He adds the groups intention of eliminating the necromancer. For its efforts Tibble will 'Create Food and Water' for it and 'Bless' the guardian before they take their leave.

Tobias  d20+15=33
Thursday February 8th, 2007 11:24:55 AM

Tobias listens in on the Shallowroots with Podo and Airin (move silent: 33).

Afterwards, he joins back up with the others and learns about Bella's note and shares with the rest about the Sneaky Fellow coming back tonight. He proposes that we leave on Bella's errand in the morning and sneak back to see what the Shallowroot's "friend" does tonight.

And, Tobias will help Kendry rally some troops for battle with the necromancer.

Almost on course (DM Cayzle) 
Thursday February 8th, 2007 3:05:54 PM

Fickle looks for guidance.

Dwight reads Bella's letter, then follows its directions to the letter. Later he tells his friends about it.

Selithe is pleased with the note. Podo arrives at Bella's just in time to help lock up the place.

Airin takes in the news about the Sneaky Fellow and thinks about what to do next. Seems she is keen to lay in wait for Mr. Sneaky tonite!

Julian expects Bella's task to take priority, and the necromancer will wait.

Tibble finds that the plant is not very smart, and doesn't get a lot of what the greenmage is saying. He kindly blesses the plant-guard before the party leaves.

Tobias seems to want to check out the Sneaky Guy and to deliver Bella's potions, both

It is now 3 o'clock in the afternoon. The Sneaky Guy may make an appearance tonight. Are you doing anything with him, or just heading out on Bella's errand in the morning? Are you giving up on the Necromancer for now? Do you choose to let the necromancer be for now? Will you send him a letter or note?

Thursday February 8th, 2007 3:59:21 PM

"We can check out the Shallowroots and the Sneaky Fellow tonight and head out on Bella's errand in the morning... depening on what takes priority to deal with.

Wel Tobias, looks like we'll be in for a long night. Maybe we should share watch and take a nap.

If this is ok for everyone I am going to take a afternoon beauty sleep to be awake tonght.

Julian  d20+6=16 d20+3=13 d20+5=8 d20+4=8 d20+5=18 d20+5=17
Thursday February 8th, 2007 4:08:20 PM

"We're gonna split up these coin from Bella and go shopping, right? Prepare for the hike to the Valley of Four somethings? Complete the mission for Bella that began with the hummer, then the dragon?"

"As for the Sneaky Guy, and I reckon a few of us could do this well... I'm gonna sit and hide, and when I spot him... I'm a little tired of this problem, I'll run him down, catch him and run him through if you like. But! I imagine Podo has a more peaceful solution, Kendry would rather talk to him, and Dwight is gonna contemplate all possible options first. So I'll just drag him to the group."

"I'm going out to do that now. I'll head off on one of my jogs then disappear somewhere near here. I'll be waiting for him, and I won't hurt him too much at all. Look, I'll even leave the big sword here. And the dog, Sallie. I might even just Daze him."
"Shark, come on. Work to do."

Despite his words, Julian does linger a moment to listen to responces before heading out the door.

There should be a shrub to hide in nearby... the two crouch together, watching and waiting.
Hide 16
Spot 13
Listen 8

Shark's skills:
Hide 8
Spot 18
Listen 17

Dwight  d20+9=26 d20+9=26 d20+11=21 d20+4=23 d20+3=12
Thursday February 8th, 2007 8:08:49 PM

As Dwight hears the "sneaky man" might visit tonight he wonders if this could imply his bearded man, or if someone in the group has been spotted. "I suggest when we watch the house tonight we do so in pairs. We know we are being watched at least part of the time,...well we all just need to be careful."

"As for the loot, 400 pp still doesn't go quite far enough split 11 ways (9 members+tithe+party damage control stash). If she had left 407 pp it would have been an even split. Anyways, I think 36 pp isn't anything to shake a stick at. I'd say the extra 4pp go towards buying some pearls to identify some stuff."

Dwight takes his turn at watch when evening comes, prefering the middle of the night shift.

hide: 26
move silently: 21
listen: 26
disguise: 12+2(kit)+10(spell)=24

Thursday February 8th, 2007 8:34:27 PM

"Okay, a roster of people keeping an eye out. Good idea Dwight. Still, I'm going for that run, then I'll start the spying, as I said. Relieve me around just after dinner."

Rolls as above

Thursday February 8th, 2007 10:15:03 PM

Selithe listens to the others and allows the others to decide on their course of action for the moment as she is willing to go with them majority vote on the matter. However she doesn't know if giving a note would be good or bad, if they don't he might seek them out or even attack the town to get their attention, however the same might be true if they leave a note.

Selithe also will let Kendry split up the money as he is the one who usually does this and she doesn't mind since he is fair, then again anyone in the group would split the money evenly she thinks since they are all friends and they are only as strong as their weakest link.

Friday February 9th, 2007 1:26:31 AM

Arriving just in time to help secure Lady Bella's abode, Podo lends a hand to help where he is needed. As the rest of the group leaves to return to the chosen meeting place, Podo lingers to bless the home asking for Alemi's protection. Afterwards, he quickens his pace to catch up with the others.

"You know, I think whatever we should do, Bella should come first. The woman is a bright light on a dark shore." says Podo to his companions. "Would be a shame not to tend to that light."

Friday February 9th, 2007 3:30:00 AM

very sorry - slammed again. not even time to read this. have to go to bed.

does someone want to post for Kendry?

Kendry (as percieved by Julian)  d20=14 d20=13 d20=20 d20=10
Friday February 9th, 2007 5:51:26 AM

OOC: I've taken this opportunity for Julian to make fun of his cousin as we sit around waiting for something to happen. No offence intended, unless you're Kendry, of course, and even then...

Kendry speaks for nearly an hour... about the job at hand, about one of his uncle's telling him a cute story when he was young, about some of the options currrently open to the party, am overly fond reminisance about the harpys along the road, a song with five verses, a chorus and a refrain, about how much he has missed Airin lately, a viewing of his sketch book with a story for each illustration, another option that just sprang to mind, a poetic ode to something bardly, volunteering to join the watch with Airin (with that look in his eye), about the noble ideals embodied in Kkrakkkeshkk and how that relates to out mission, an anectdote from Aunty So-and-so about roasting potatoes, his preference for this and that, a strong suggestion for hitting the Catacombs now and a funny story about what happened to him last time he was in there, something about the beer run, a short but poingnant piece of advice for each and every party member that makes each of us feel good, and for our pets too, a hug for Airin and a peck on the cheek, a quick check in with Calfast to make sure that he is doing okay and he leaves him with a complete transcript of everything we've ever said, and an attempt to pursuade some random stranger to join the party rather than walk off in a different direction, a pause to make a sketch of each of us individually, twice, and a group sketch, and just to round things off, some more options for the party and then some open questions to delay the party's departure by another day. Then he grooms his pet dog and pats the wolf on the left head, carefully. Finally, he agrees with everyone, and then contradicts us all, and says, "Well, that settles it. Let's go."

OOC: I haven't got Kendry's char sheet, but his skills are probably all better than mine, especially the last one. So I'll just roll raw 20's, feel free to add about 30 to each, especially since we're halflings and that is heaps better than wemics.

Hide 14 (at least +5 due to race and size)
Spot 13 (Kendry's wisdom must be at least +12, just ask him)
Listen 20 (typical, nat 20 here for someone else)
Smooch 10 (LOL, the lowest of these rolls)

Friday February 9th, 2007 7:58:38 AM

Fickle looks around, and not quite catching on what to do?? He thinks!! getting a slight head-ache!! Then come to a solution " Me'um go with Cousin Kendry!!" Then stands next to his cousin.

Kim for Kendry 
Friday February 9th, 2007 10:01:03 AM

[LOL! Robert, you may have just written one of Kendry's best posts, ever! -Kim]

One more thing - with the funds from Bella, perhaps a portion of it can go toward Fickle (what, about 600 gp, or 120 pp?) so he can join the WLA. That way he gets the weapons feat, and a couple of skill points, and a nice shiny emblem!

[Dashing off again.]

Friday February 9th, 2007 10:36:25 AM

"Wheese bees a-havin' ah obligation tah finish whad wheese started," the greenmage states. Accepting his 36pp, Tibble continues, "Dah more foolhardy - Ah means dah more likely tah bees a-takin' dah brunt o' any attack - should bees a-holdin' on tah dah healing potions, me thinks. Lets us bees a-deliverin' dah goods as contracted afore wheese get sidetracked. Ah seems to recallect dere bees ah parcel o' folks squeezed in between life an' death a-waitin' on Bella's brew."

Tibble needs to wet his whistle, so much talking sure can parch a fellow. Life is so much easier as a tree. The greenmage is beginning to wonder if he's chosen the right path.

A Busy Afternoon (DM Cayzle) 
Friday February 9th, 2007 10:42:14 AM

Our heroes gather to share news and decide what to do next. The consensus:

FIRST, Keep a watch on the Shallowroots' house.

SECOND, Do some shopping and last minute activities. (Fickle's WLA initiation will go here if he can dig up the 2,000 gp.)

THIRD, Stake out the Shallowroots to catch the Sneaky Man / Bearded Guy / Disguised Fellow when he shows up.

FOURTH, Set out on a trip to Humble's Ford and the Valley of Four Peaks.

For today and the week-end, please try to get through points One and Two! Post as often as you need to. We'll handle the Sneaky Fellow on Monday and then start the next module late next week.

Tobias  d20+18=25 d20+7=14 d20+15=25 d20+6=8
Friday February 9th, 2007 11:24:17 AM

Tobias responds to Airin, "Yes, let's split a watch during the afternoon while the other gets a bit a shut-eye."

Tobias will be part of the stake-out, and he'll continue to stick with Airin (if we're going with the plan to pair up).

Hide: 25
Listen: 14
Move Silent: 25
Spot: 8
Survival (tracks):

Friday February 9th, 2007 4:07:39 PM

Taking his shift to watch the Shallowroots:
Hide 16
Spot 13
Listen 8

Shark's skills:
Hide 8
Spot 18
Listen 17
(repeated from above)

"Fickle, a cousin of Kendry's is bound to be a cousin of mine, too. What have you got to take adventuring? You've probably not got a lot left after being captured. I'd like to help you out."

OOC: How many ways is the treasure split?
8 + 1 for the party?

There's a lot of new members here, can someone explain the party's split? - its purpose and how much is stashed at the moment.

Friday February 9th, 2007 7:57:23 PM

Speaking in the tongue of plants the greenmage will walk past the house fated for stakeout. With the rustle of crackling, dried leaves, the exuberance of sprouting grass, and whispering wind in lush pine needles Tibble seeks any knowledge the vegetation around the cottage has pertinent to the groups queries.

If there are any resident animals (mice, bats, etc.) in the vicinity of the hut Tibble will question them as well towards the same end.

Tibble will come off as a mad (or at best half-witted), fat hobbit in a skirt. He'll dirty up by adding leaves and twigs to his hair and clothes to enhance this effect.

He'll relay any gleened data to the evening's 'spies' and the rest of the group before the watches start.

As normal, he'll spend his few hours of sleep as flora.

Friday February 9th, 2007 11:24:46 PM

Selithe looks to Kendry and smiles, "I don't want my share of that money till we see to Fickle, he needs to beable to join the WLA like the rest of us did." Selithe smiles and winks to Fickle, "It's a really nice group too and the extra training will help I'm sure like it does the rest of us."

Saturday February 10th, 2007 8:05:03 AM

Fickle sits down and starts counting, "Snake face takes all me'ez gold pieces!! No All Me'ez have is these'em 36 pp?? Now (Ficlke scratches his head) Let me'ez think (another head ache!) Onez pp is'um ten gP! that'ez total of 360 gold Peices! Right!" Fickle said with a smile!!
But then His smile goes away, "360 gp is'm not enough to have'm Badge! Sorry!"

Then he start smiling again, he look toward Justain, "Me'z have another Cousin'z?? Justin Is Me'z cousinZ!!"

Sunday February 11th, 2007 6:56:53 AM

Airin greatly enjoys the fact she's together again with her friends and of course especially with Kendry. She hasn't had nearly enough time to spend with him!
Perhaps during watch tonight... although they should keep watch... oh we'll see.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Sunday February 11th, 2007 11:08:22 AM

Realizing that there might be a share of Bella's money for himself, Podo asks Kendry "to give of his share to Fickle as he might need additional funds to gain entrance into WLA. Anything left over, Podo needs for Spell components."

Satisfied that his both his decision and actions with the money dealings were blessed by Alemi and sanctioned by Domi, Podo spends the rest of his time practicing his Priestly spells one level at a time.

Sunday February 11th, 2007 1:51:51 PM

"Fickle, there's not enough here for you to join the WLA, even if we gave it all to you. But with your share, the 36pp, and here, have another 4 pp from me, you should get yourself down to the catacombs for some weapons and armour at least."

Sunday February 11th, 2007 6:43:24 PM

Watching Fickle almost hurt himself with the money, Dwight see he has just over a 1000 gp (36pp from Fickle, Selithe, and Podo, and 4 from Julian). Willing, in the hopes that Fickle can keep harm from himself, Dwight also contributes.

OOC: Thus far by my count Fickle has 1480 gp, which is 52 pp short. The party treasure could also chip in some.

OOC: Those of you that are new, in the past this is how we have split the treasure. It's not set in stone, but can be readdressed now for the next time we get treasure.

Cash: Even split: Players(9)+group tithing (1)+group treasure(1).

The tithing had the idea that a god's blessing could never hurt. The group's priest was normally in charge of this. (That I believe is Podo at the moment?) Podo you have 36 pp to be donated to he church in the groups name.

Group treasure is collected after each treasure to help aid in damage done by the group or in general to help spread a good word for us.

Items have typically be handed to the member most in need or specialized in that weapon. Thus far it has worked (in my opinion) and anything not needed by the group is sold and then split as above. It's been very open and those that legitimately want/need speak up. Thus far (in my opinion) it has balanced out. Another option if we wanted to would be to include the items' cash value with the treasary, but then it becomes hard to split.

Dwight aids in the watch (rolls previously given) at night. He hopes to spot this man and follow him. He must be staying nearby if he visits by night. He who walks far into the night is often spotted.

Tired in the morning, Dwight sets off with the group to the Valley.

Kendry  d20+8=23 d20+5=13 d20+6=9 d20=2 d20=13 d20+3=8 d20+11=26
Sunday February 11th, 2007 11:18:06 PM

Kendry says, "If it is our decision not to return the familiar in good health to its master, our delay in dealing with him will only let him grow stronger. I would have preferred we take him out first, then deliver the medicines... Nonetheless, I will go with the consensus. Perhaps our mission of healing will help better fortify us for our mission of judgment. I will write a letter, which may buy some time."

He writes a letter to Flavius Aetius. Or perhaps to the sword. [OOC: Will compose later when I have full brain function.]

Glad that Marigold is in town, he briefs her on what they learned about the necromancer and his undead slaves. "He is not so potent as what I have read about some makers of undead, as far as I can tell. So far we have seen only skeletons in and around his cave - nasty, but they don't generally pass on diseases or paralyze people or even worse. But if he somehow fashions ghouls or ghasts, or worse, then that could be real trouble." He tells her of the book he read, and some of the pointers he picked up from perusing its disquieting pages.

[OOC: Kendry and Podo read this book together. Can we pass it around to others to read, too? If the text had not disappeared, then he would like to recommend it to other party members -- and possibly to some members of the militia - officers in particular (perhaps some of the more stable ones).]

He speaks with interested (and recommended) militia members. He gives a little talk about the group's aims. He tries to inspire, instruct, caution, encourage. [Insert speech here: the benefits and glories of militia and adventurers working together; tales to tell friends, family, children; the dangers; the beauty of the Red Hills, our Valley's back door (and the fact that there are pockets of halflings scattered here and there); the need for discipline - no brawling or drinking to excess; & enumerate other benefits and glory] [Diplomacy: 26].

"We look for a squadron or two of ranged fighters. Folk good with sling, crossbow, shortbow, javelin, even bolas, spears - hey, even tanglefoot bags! The benefit of slings is they can break bones better than than arrows and bolts can. But all can be useful. Several of you should be trained at close-in fighting, too, although we hope to avoid most of that for you.

"Do some of you have riding dogs? Or can you ride ponies? If so, the extra speed is good, and, for trained animals only, an extra 2 gp for their care will be provided. We don't need undisciplined dogs running amok, barking up a storm.

"For those who would come with us, be ready to leave in one week. Bring bedrolls, weapons, ammunition, some food.

"For any who agree, there will be a 5 gold piece signing bonus today, and 10 more on the day we leave. Those who fulfill their commitment will get another 20 upon our return."

For officers, he will offer more. For any monetary gains (coinage, jewelry and the like) he will calculate 1% of the total take. If the amount exceeds the 20 gold pieces, they will be paid that 1%, rather than the 20 gp. He suggests, "Ask someone who is good at figures if this confuses you." All leaders get the same amount for a signing bonus (forfeit if they renig), 20 gp on the day we leave, and 40 upon return. They will get 20 gp more overall than the enlisted folk. The militia group leader will get twice what the squadron leaders get.

He writes up a contract delineating expected behaviors. "No more than one cup of ale a day on the way to our goal and while there."

He hopes to recruit at least one member per squadron who has some healing abilities.

He reminds Dwight that he has no bird. Airin has her hawk, Fioni.

Not so adept at hiding and sneaking about as some of his friends, Kendry opts to get some help from Airin in choosing his hiding spot... some distance away from the house. Within sight, but as far away as he can be nevertheless. There are a few nearby - he can draw near if and when they make contact. Though he'd like to be hiding right with Airin... He'll cast a message spell just before the group splits up - although it likely will wear out before anyone comes.

About an hour into the vigil, the bard's daily busyness and industry catches up to him, and he begins to snooze lightly. Fortunately, he's a relatively quiet sleeper - no snoring.

[Hide (with Airin's advice in choosing a spot): 23; Move silently: 13 (although he plans to get a spot, and not move about); Listen: 9; Roll to see how well he does staying awake: 2; Roll vs snore, DC 5: 13]

Monday February 12th, 2007 7:52:25 AM

Fickle is taken back because he never seen people like this before. He tells them That if those Snake Face Dogs had not taken his back pack along with their eggs. He would have the dues now. "Thank you'zm ! Now I'um can have meez badgies!"

OCC to Cayzle: You gave me Armor Class - Hit Points, But you frogot that I also needed MONEY!! Tisk! Tisk!

DM Cayzle OOC to Ceil. 
Monday February 12th, 2007 10:51:08 AM

Ceil, all of Fickle's gear was found by the party hidden in that big boulder at the lizard-dog camp. It included the following:

Ceil, Please Highlight to display spoiler: {


Small pouch
Dagger Silver
Quiver with 20 arrows.
Long sword
Light shield
Extra tunic vest
Rations x2 weeks

Magic Items:

Boots of Striding and Springing
Cloak of Resistance +1
Chain Shirt +1
Brahmah's Tattoo: Entangle 3/day

Wealth: 0 gp

Ceil, if you are desperate for cash, you could sell a magic item at the Catacombs.

Monday February 12th, 2007 11:09:07 AM

Tobias will kick in his portion of the treasure to help Fickle get into the WLA.

"So, are we all ready for an evening of spying on the Shallowroots and waiting for our spy?"

Airin  d20+19=39 d20+12=26 d20+12=22
Monday February 12th, 2007 3:06:18 PM

Ready to do the stake out tonight!

Hide: 39 - Nat 20
Listen: 26
Move Silently: 22

Tobias  d20+18=37 d20+7=17 d20+15=18 d20+6=19
Monday February 12th, 2007 3:31:41 PM

Tobias's stake out rolls...
Hide: 37
Listen: 17
Move silently: 18
Spot: 19

The Capture of a Sneaky Fellow

Take Your Places! (DM Cayzle) 
Monday February 12th, 2007 9:41:12 PM

As evening falls, the party preps for a stakeout of the Shallowroots house. Will the disguided man, the sneaky fellow, visit the house tonite? If so, will you meet him? Or will he elude your senses. Will he see you?

The night's crescent moons cast shadows as pale clouds cross the sky. Light shines through the papered windows of the small house, so that anyone within 10 feet is not able to conceal themselves in shadows. Everywhere else, the shadows are thick, and you can hide anywhere.

The house has just two rooms on the main floor, with a rude attic above. There is an outhouse behind the main house as well. There is only one door, and it faces the road.

Friends, as we head into a potential confrontation, let me ask you to place your characters on a map. If someone dies, I don't want anyone to say they were confused about what was going on! :-)

The Shallowroots House.

Please post your coordinate location and also REPOST your already-rolled skill checks.

Fair Warning: If you do not make a Hide check, you are not hiding. If you do not make a Move Silent check, you are not trying to move quietly. If you do not make a Listen or Spot check, you are not listening or looking!

If you speak or cast a spell, you may be heard: The Listen DC to hear a spell or converasation is 0 with a -1 penalty for every ten feet away.

Also please post any spells prepared and/or cast. Also ACs and HPs!


Julian [AC 14, hp 45], Shark [AC 16, hp 22] 
Monday February 12th, 2007 10:32:04 PM

Taking his shift to watch the Shallowroots from F21:
Hide 16
Spot 13
Listen 8

Shark's skills:
Hide 8
Spot 18
Listen 17

(repeated from above)

Dwight (hp 35, ac 16) 
Monday February 12th, 2007 10:45:50 PM

Keeping watch during his slot, Dwight will watch the midnight visitor enter the house. He will then attempt to overhear the conversation.

(previsously rolled)
hide: 26
move silently: 21
listen: 26

Dwight will attempt to keep watch from W7 unless he sees the man enter the house. If an extra man is seen inside the house, Dwight will move 'extra slow' and quietly to the house and listen while concealed.

Selithe-AC:20-HP:39  d20+9=26 d20+7=9 d20=19 d20+2=15
Tuesday February 13th, 2007 12:01:31 AM

Selithe will try to hide in the bushes near to rhe house while waiting to see what happens (010) She does her best to stay hidden and keep her eyes and ears open for anything.

Move Silently:7 (Hope they can't see her but thinks it's a big animal lol.)


0th:Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Light, Prestidigitation(2)
1st:Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Burning Hands, Enlarge Person.
2nd:Melf's Acid Arrow, Bull's Strength(2)

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood [AC:23|HP:37]  d20+13=27 d20+12=30 d20+9=18 d20+6=13
Tuesday February 13th, 2007 12:20:19 AM

Taken up a poisition at S22, Podo does his best to blend in while trying to listen, observe what goes on around him.

Skill Checks
hide: 27
move silently: 30
spot: 18
listen: 13

Spells readied
Cure Minor Wounds x3

Cause Fear
Obscuring Mist

Kendry (AC 15 HP 35) [Message - 1st 60 minutes of hiding... Snoozing after that?] 
Tuesday February 13th, 2007 1:03:06 AM

[Hide (with Airin's advice in choosing a spot): 23; Move silently: 13 (although he plans to get a spot, and not move about); Listen: 9; Roll to see how well he does staying awake: 2; Roll vs snore, DC 5: 13]

Kendry's location is probably -15 M or something - off the top of the map. If the fellow arrived in the first hour after they hid, Kendry may be awake. But if after that hour, he is snoozing. Behind some bushes closer to Bella's place.

Unless someone sneaks over to awaken him, or the neighborhood gets loud.

Airin  d20+19=34 d20+12=16 d20+8=10 d20+12=27
Tuesday February 13th, 2007 6:56:35 AM

"Kendry, you'd better take position close to the road near the bush. (N11 for instance)
He who wants to enter that house will probably go through the front door so he has to pass close to you."

Airin descides to take position north of the house X7. This gives her the chance to look both at the house and the toilet... you never know how or where the Sneaky Fellow will enter the house.

hide: 34
move silently: 16
spot: 10
listen: 27

Cayzle to Anthony 
Tuesday February 13th, 2007 7:22:39 AM

Hey Anthony, my friend, Please Highlight to display spoiler: {To quote my favorite Woldian Attendance Monitor, regarding the posting report, "Anthoney has to get a kick in the pants to get it done on a Wednesday." LOL! But she has a point, old buddy old pal!}

Fickle  d20+3=10 d20+3=16 d20+3=6 d20+3=20
Tuesday February 13th, 2007 8:10:46 AM

Skill check 10 - hide 10 - Move Silently 16 - Spot 6 - Listen 20. (Oh! this is going to be fun) - Fickle hides at N/8.

Fickle thinck that he is in a nice hiding place, "No Onze can seez me'um, good place toz watch out!" he hides and looks out and listens to any strange.

OOC: Like I said DM Cayzle, No Money!! LOL.

Tuesday February 13th, 2007 8:53:59 AM

Having no talent for hiding and spying the greenmage will remain behind.

OOC: Tibble never got a response to his earlier attemps to gather info for the group.

Kendry, adjustment 
Tuesday February 13th, 2007 12:33:37 PM

Kendry will compromise with Airin, hiding at F2, rather than 150' off the map to the North as earlier stated.

And as for Tibble, Kendry asks him to wait behind Bella's house - surely out of ready sight or easy hearing of the sneaky guy - but within range of the message spell.

Tobias [ AC 20 - HP 44/44; Alarm] 
Tuesday February 13th, 2007 6:07:26 PM

Also as everyone settles in to their hidden positions, Tobias will cast an Alarm spell (w/ mental ping) centered near the backdoor to the house -- where Dwight first saw the sneaky fellow enter. He will cast it before the stake out starts, as inconspicuously as he can, it lasts 6 hours, and the alarm bypass password for the group is "appleseed".

Tobias is at X7 (next to Dwight), and won't bring Tewdwr on this stakeout.

Rolls from last post...
Hide: 37
Listen: 17
Move silently: 18
Spot: 19

Prepared spells:
Alarm [cast]

Tuesday February 13th, 2007 8:14:54 PM

Stepping up for a posting report:

Julian MTW3FS 8
Airin MT-2-S 5
Tobias MT-TF 4
Selithe MTWTF 5
Dwight MTWT-S 5
DM Cayzle M-TWTFS 5
Tibble -T-T2 4
Fickle -TWTF2 6
Kendry -T3-FS 6
Podo -T-TFS

Open posting at the moment as we try to reach a consensus for our next course of action.

Tuesday February 13th, 2007 10:55:26 PM

OOC: Thanks Julian, been sick and trying to play (see the horizon). Our state testing is around the corner, which means double duty for me as a teacher...I have to teach my 9,11,12 graders the curriculum and begin to review Alg. & Geo. with my 10th. Of course all of my classes are mixed grades so it involves double lesson plans for three different preps.

OOC: Cayzle...I'll get next Monday ontime.... *rubbing the newly form foot mark from my pants. :)

Dwight tries to remain diligent during his watch. He hopes to see whomever is on watch with him and remain in visual contact with them.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood [AC:23|HP:37]  d20+13=22 d20+12=18 d20+9=23 d20+6=12
Wednesday February 14th, 2007 1:10:39 AM

Podo tries to stay awake long enough to catch any glimpse of a sneaky fellow. In between silent snoozes, Podo tries his skills again to enhance his ability to gather info.

hide: 22
move silently: 18
spot: 23
listen: 12

Spells readied
Cure Minor Wounds x3

Cause Fear
Obscuring Mist

The Sneaky Fellow (DM Cayzle)  d12=10 (direction) 4d6(3+4+1+1)=9 (distance) d20+22=37 (hide check) d20+20=33 (move silent check) d20+15=29 (SF's Spot check) d20+22=27 (another hide check) d20+20=25 (another move silent check) d20+18=26 (attack on Podo) d3+4=6 (base dam on Podo) 3d6(5+1+2)=8 (SA dam) 2d6(2+1)=3 (bane dam)
Wednesday February 14th, 2007 7:43:22 AM

First, Tibble's gather info check: I can't find the first mention of Tibble's Gather Info check, or what the roll was, but I am happy to share these rumors available to anyone taking 10 on gather info rolls: (1) There is an army of undead coming to town and the militia are not able to cope with it. (2) The only reason the WLA is in town is because Calfast used tax money to buy that Fidel guy off. (3) It is all because of some wild adventurers that the town is plagued with these troubles -- crazy kids!


The rest of this post is mostly in OOC mode so that you all can see how I am making it work. It's only fair, since I am trying my best to kill someone.

The Sneaky Fellow does indeed approach while you are watching. He is more likely to approach from the south. On a d12, 1=W, 2=NW, 3=N, 4=NE, 5=E, 6-7=SE, 8-10=S, 11-12=SW. The roll is a 10, so that means the Sneaky Fellow comes from the south -- right up the road.

Everyone has concealment. What is the distance at which we can start making Spot checks? The DMG suggests 3d6x10 feet in sparse forest. And 2d10x10 feet in hills. There are houses, fences, outbuildings, and trees all over. My judgement call is 4d6x10 feet. The roll is a 9, so spot checks can be made at 90 feet distance, probably as he turns the corner to walk up Bella's lane.

Here are the checks for the party:


Listen checks can be made at any distance, but the DC goes up by 1 for every 10 feet of distance. Let's make Listen checks at 100 feet (+10 on the DC) and 50 feet (+5 on the DC).

So let's start at 100 feet with Listen checks. The Sneaky Fellow has the following modifiers:
Move Silent +20; Hide +22; Spot +15; Listen +12.

He is at M39, 90 feet south of Podo, 95 feet from Julian, 95 from Shark. But is he detected? His Move Silent check is a 33; His Hide check is a 37. The people who can potentially sense him are Podo, Julian, Shark, Fickle, and Selithe. Kendry is dozing, Airin, Dwight, and Tobias are behind the building -- they do not have line of sight.

Podo, Julian, Shark, Fickle, and Selithe could spot him, if they beat his hide check of 37. But no one does! He is unseen, so far at least.

How about hearing? The Listen DC to do it is 33 plus distance penalties. Once again, no one comes close! So far, the sneaky fellow is both unseen and unheard.

But does he see or hear the party?

Let's cope with seeing first. He can potentially see Podo, Julian, Shark, Fickle, and Selithe. The Sneaky Fellow's Spot check is a 29! He rolled quite well with a 19! His 29 is enough to let him see all five of the people in his line of sight.

No need to bother about Listen checks, since his keen eyes have made his ears moot.

So the Sneaky Fellow rounds the corner of the lane and sees a number of party members hiding in wait. What does he do? He moves forward at half speed. In one rounds he creeps 40 feet north. As he moves, he loads his sling. In another round he creeps 20 more feet north, and he reaches into his pocket for something. It is a small light-proof box. He has a loaded sling in one hand and the box in the other; a buckler is on the box-arm.

At this point let's give the Sneaky Fellow another set of move and hide checks. This time his luck is much worse! His Hide check is 27, his Move Silent is 25! But his Hide check is still good enough to beat all the PCs. Dwight and Airin might have heard him, but with the distance modifier, nope.

At this point the Sneaky Fellow is 15 feet away from Podo. He has been studying him closely for at least three rounds. It is time for him to make his move. First, he wants to make a sneak attack! But everyone has concealment, and you cannot sneak attack someone who has concealment. What to do? The Sneaky Fellow has an answer. He uses a move action to open his lightproof box! The Continual Flame within suddenly illuminates everything within 20 feet! The Sneaky Fellow is clearly illuminated! So is Podo! Poor Podo!

With his standard action, the Sneaky Fellow slings a deadly bullet right at Podo's head!

The Sneaky Fellow has a +4 BAB, a +4 Dex, +1 size, +1 race with slings, +1 Weapon Focus Feat, +1 Point Blank Shot Feat, +3 enhancement bonus using a +1 Halfling Bane bullet, and a +3 bonus from a class ability. Whew! All told, the Sneaky Fellow has a +18 to hit. And Podo, being flat-footed, gets no Dex bonus to AC.

The Sneaky Fellow rolls to hit AC26 -- plenty good enough to hit Podo. Poor Podo.

This is a Death Attack. Podo must make a Fort save vs DC14. If he fails, he is dead! NOTE WELL: Podo. if you fail the roll, you can use a hero point to reroll. If you have more than one hero point, then each extra hero point spent gives a +2 on the reroll. Good Luck!

Even if Podo saves and is NOT slain, the sneak attack does some damage all on its own. Podo takes 6 hp base damage, 8 hp sneak attack damage, and 3 hp bane damage ... 17 hp in total.

The turn is over. Everyone is awake and aware of the Sneaky Fellow. He is standing in the center of a Continual Flame spell. He is a nondescript halfling with a bushy beard and brown hair. He is wearing a grey cloak and grey boots. He has a buckler and a sling.

And the map.


Podo Danderfluff Pipewood [AC:23|HP:20]  d20+8=20 d20+11=13 d6=1
Wednesday February 14th, 2007 3:15:11 PM

Podo stunned for just a moment(Fortitude save DC:20), closes the gap between himself and his asailent moving from S22 to R24. If in a position to also make an attack, will do subdual damage using his unarmed strikes.

Unarmed strike: 20
Subdual-Damage: 1

Fickle  d20+2=20 d20=17
Wednesday February 14th, 2007 5:42:06 PM

Fickle is playing Spider on Mirror, When he hears Something like somebody is being hit.
So he moves (from N/8 to R/11) he sees Podo get hit. "HEY! Yuze! Haults!!"

Fickl goe into his pocket and is ready to fling ti at the Sneky Fellow.

Listens - 20
Spot - 17

Wednesday February 14th, 2007 5:48:36 PM

While the group is busy spying on the spy Tibble will load up Harry with Bella's potions and head off for the waiting wizard's place.

When it comes time to rest the greenmage shall transform into a tree to hide and keep the potions safe. Harry will sleep on the ground nearby.

Cayzle to Podo 
Wednesday February 14th, 2007 8:05:51 PM

You should have three first level spells prepped -- a first level spell, a wisdom bonus spell, and a domain spell. Unless your Wisdom is an 11? I don't think so.

Julian [AC 12, hp 45], Shark [AC 16, hp 22] Charging, enraged.  d20+12=30 d10+8=12 d20+4=7
Wednesday February 14th, 2007 9:20:36 PM

Julian gets pretty mad when someone tries to attack a friend like that.

"You're going to Gargul for that!"

Julian Charges his foe. His pupils are fully dilated as he attempts to behead the halfling. Shark is right behind him, not yet clawing the Sneak's leg. [Q23]

OOC: I count 12 squares to get to Q24 to attack. Julian didn't put his armour on for this, but did bring "EagerTooth" the greatsword, which he had downsized at the Catacombs.

Attack 30 "Yeargghhhhh!"
Damage 12 The sword bites deep, but the head stays on it would seem. How disappointing.

Dwight (hp 35 ac 16)  d20+9=23 d20+4=16 d20+9=24
Wednesday February 14th, 2007 9:45:29 PM

Dwight is amazed that someone managed to sneak up on the entire group and wishes this stake out had been better planned. It takes him a moment to centralize where the noise is coming from.

Dwight makes for P12 this round and readies his bow. With the sound of combat he hopes his noise will not be the focus on someone else's attenion. He watches both the illuminated area (sneaky person and Podo) and the Shallowroot house.

OOC: I think moving to P12 is about all I can do this round.

Hide in shadows: 23 (at P12)
Spot: 16 (any new movement in house?)
Listen: 24 (noise from the house?)

Wednesday February 14th, 2007 9:54:29 PM

Selithe unsure what to do first quickly thinks and reacts out of instinct more then anything she quickly pulls her bow and a arrow, readying them to fire.

(Don't think she can ready and fire a bow in the same round, if I'm wrong then please let me know.)

Kendry (AC 15 HP 35) [Message: 5 rounds left] [Expeditious Retreat: 60 rounds] 
Thursday February 15th, 2007 3:57:27 AM

Kendry was just settling down to sleep - easing into the early stages of a pleasant dream - when he hears, more than anything else, Julian's explosive shout. Thinking he may need to be able to move quickly, he casts expeditious retreat, then looks around the side of the bush (stepping to D4). A fellow, awash in light, battles Podo and Julian. He readies his bow.

Airin  d20+9=23 d20+8=26 d8=6 d6=5
Thursday February 15th, 2007 6:28:56 AM

Airin is mortified realising she failed to hold a simple stake out with succes! But all she hears is the noise of someone's nose getting wacked. She has not yet laid eyes on the Sneaky One.

Now what?!? Those inside the house might come to help this man and those on the other side might need a hand!

Airin descides to taker her chances and holding her crossbow she husstles (speedx2) south. Scirting the edge of the illuminated patch around the house to AD15. This is within her husteling distance and within shooting range of the Sneaky One and within shooting range of the house should anyone come from that place. It should also provide Airin with a clear line of sight.

No way of hiding nor walking silently.

Airin checks her target, aims and fires!

spot: 26 - good enough as he's inside an illuminated area. When being inside an illuminated area it becomes much harder to see beyond the light into the darkness. Airin hopes this will help her not getting noticed by the sneaky fellow.

Crossbow hit AC23
Damage: 5Hp (please ignore the d8 - took medium size damage first)
No sneak attack as the distance is too far.

Thursday February 15th, 2007 7:04:43 AM

Selithe, you can defintely draw your bow and fire an arrow this round. Go ahead and do so!

Thursday February 15th, 2007 10:37:15 AM

The greenmage continues on his way.

Thursday February 15th, 2007 10:44:37 AM

The greenmage continues on his way.

Tobias [ AC 20 - HP 44/44; Alarm] 
Thursday February 15th, 2007 11:06:34 AM

Hearing the commotion and Julian's battle cry, Tobias moves with all haste towards the southern part of the house. He double moves there (to Y16), drawing both of his short swords. And, he peeks around to side of the house to see what is going on...

Thursday February 15th, 2007 11:12:50 AM

Fickle advances a little bit more, "Hey! Uze! Hear Me'um??"
If he does not get an answer, he'll toss a rock at the sneeky one.

OOC: the wold sight is very slow!!!

Thursday February 15th, 2007 9:06:44 PM

OOC: waiting for DM post

Dwight takes the moment at it draws in slow motion to count his friends and their location and the potential for someone to slip out of the house.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood [AC:23|HP:20] 
Thursday February 15th, 2007 9:16:07 PM

(OOC: Drawing in a deep sigh, Podo ponders his next move while starining into a column of bright light; waiting for the DM's move)

Selithe-AC:20-HP:39  d20+9=25 d4+1=3
Thursday February 15th, 2007 10:24:15 PM

Selithe lets her arrow fly at the man who attacks Podo and watches it move through the air in a nice shot.

(Can hit AC:25 Damage:3)

That Sneaky Fellow, Round 2 (DM Cayzle)  d20+12=13 (nat 1 on tumble)
Thursday February 15th, 2007 10:31:25 PM

Podo, still alive after the sneak attack, moves to punch out the miscreant. He hits AC13 (Not 20, see your dice rolls) and misses.

Fickle moves to get a better line of sight and gets ready to throw something.

Julian charges 60 feet. Let's spell that out step by step. A Charge has to be in a straight line, so the path is pretty much set in stone. Julian travels to G22 (first hypotenuse = 5), H22 (5), I22 (5), J23 (second hypotenuse = 10), K23 (5), L23 (5), M24 (third hypotenuse = 5), N24 (5), O24 (5), P24 (5). Finally he charges into P24 -- that's 60 feet -- just enough to get in a blow!

Julian raises his ax and brings it down! He hits the Sneaky Fellow for 12 points of damage.

Selithe shoots and hits for 3.

Kendry steps up and readies an arrow.

Airin steps forward and and readies an arrow or two. (She ran too far to be able to fire too.)

Tobias moves to Y16 and draws his weapons.

The Sneaky Fellow is AC20 and has taken 15 hp damage.

Then it is the Sneaky Fellow's turn. He drops his light box (a free action), saying "Eat my exploding box, you dummies!" as he drops it.

He tries to tumble backwards out of reach, but he rolls a nat one on the tumble check! Bad luck for him! That means that both Julian and Podo may take an AoO vs the Sneaky Fellow's AC20 as he backs away.

If he survives, the Sneaky fellow moves to 28R. And as he moves he pulls a potion vial out of a pocket. When he gets to that square, he drinks the potion ad disappears from sight.

New map in the morning maybe. Take a look at yesterday's.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood [AC:23|HP:20]  d20+9=24 d6+2=5
Friday February 16th, 2007 12:58:26 AM

Podo takes the opportunity to attack the Sneaky Fellow as he tries to sneak away!

Stunning Fist = 24
Non-Lethal Damage = 5 (non-lethal)

If this attack is successful, then attack will also be another Stunning Fist!

Julian (by Kim)  d20+12=22 d10+8=13 d20=13 d20=11 d20=16
Friday February 16th, 2007 3:18:32 AM

Julian's AoO: AC 22, damage 13.

Julian runs to where the spy went, attempting to tackle him - arms wide, leg sweep low [13+?? to grapple].

[Spot check: 11+??. Saving throw vs exploding box: 16+??]

[Could I get Julian's CS?]

Fickle  d20+6=21 d3+3=6
Friday February 16th, 2007 4:41:08 AM

ooc:Fickle is aiming for space R/25,before sneky fellow moved.

Fickle throws the stone at space R/25, but when the stone dust settle? The strange fellow disapeard??

Fickle scratches his head, asking "Where he'zm GO??"

DM Cayzle Extra -- Attacks of Opportunity!  3d6(3+5+3)=11 2d8(2+3)=5 +6 +6 +3 = 31 hp d20+3=13
Friday February 16th, 2007 6:01:40 AM

Some clarifications.

The Sneaky Fellow has 31 hit points. He has lost 15 already. Then Podo hits AC24 for 5 more -- and that's a stunning attack. The Sneaky Fellow rolls his save: a 13! He fails! He is stunned!

Julian rolls his attack of opportunity and connects for 13 more hp damage! The Sneaky Fellow has taken 28 points of lethal damage and 5 points of nonlethal damage! That means he falls to the ground, knocked out cold! He has NOT stepped back, and he has NOT taken out his potion or drunk from it!

Of course, I expect you pros to role play that you do NOT know that he has a potion (you'll find it if you search him), and you do not know what that potion does!

Congratulations! You have captured a Sneaky Fellow!

Airin  d20+10=30 d20+8=9
Friday February 16th, 2007 8:40:48 AM

Airin comes around the corner of the house ready to shoot the Sneaky Fellow when she sees him collapsing to his knees... soo soon! She did not even get there on time to help!! Wow!

Airin gathers next to the passed out Sneaky Fellow and waits. If no one else does, she kneels besides him takes out a rope and ties his hands behind his back and feet. No matter if he's unconscious.

use rope: 30 - Nat 20!

Then she slowly begins to search this guy. Most of all she likes to find out who this man is and where he comes from... but they will have to get a word with the Shallowroots too!

search: 9 - nat 1 - LOL!

"There's nothing on him" Airin says to her friends "No weapons, no gold, no nothing... too bad"

Tobias [ AC 20 - HP 44/44; Alarm]  d20+1=13
Friday February 16th, 2007 11:00:41 AM

Tobias moves up to the group forming around the sneaky fellow. And, seeing Airin miss a couple of obvious hiding spots, does a little searching of his own...

He notices the sneaky fellow is still alive and says, "Wow, Julian, that's the first one we've seen you capture alive..."

Friday February 16th, 2007 11:19:28 AM

The greenmage continues on his way.

Dwight (hp 35, ac 16)  d20+3=4 d20+9=10 d20+11=25 d20+9=25
Friday February 16th, 2007 11:47:25 AM

OOC: Not sure if you saw Dwight's movement last round to P12.

Seeing the fellow fall and Airin take care of securing the sneak, Dwight remains hiding and continues his vigilance on the house.

Realizing everyone (OOC: I think) is near the sneaky fellow, and no one is watching the rear of the house, Dwight returns to his previous hiding spot. (He will move at half-speed to maintain his coverage).

spot:4 (nat 1, where did the house go?)

listen: 10 (WHAT ANOTHER nat 1, stupid fickle must have thrown that rock the wrong direction?!?! hehe)

move silently: 25

hide: 25

Dwight (OOC: To Fickle) 
Friday February 16th, 2007 1:35:52 PM

Fickle, I hope you are not insulted/hurt by my statement above. I didn't mean it that way. But upon re-reading it, realized it could be read as rude on my part. So sorry, I like Fickle's character.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood [AC:23|HP:20]  d20+1=11 d20+9=27 d20+5=15 d20+5=12
Friday February 16th, 2007 7:28:25 PM

Seeing the sneaky fellow collaspe...and then seeing his fellow companions descend upon him, Podo will search the Sneaky Fellow himself; jsut to be on the safe side. His gut feeling say that there is more here then mights the eye!
Taking his time to do a thorough search (DC:11), Podo tries his best to find something valuable. "I wonder what happened to his exploding box?" thinks Podo aloud.

While searching, Podo listens to the fellow to detect if anything makes a noise while searching him (DC:15) and then attempts to spot anything out of the ordinary (DC:27).

To reassure the tied bonds on the sneaky fellow are secure, Podo will check them and tighten any that need tightening (DC: 12).

(OOC: whats the DC for searching a Prone tied halfling?)
Listen: 15

Kendry  d20+3=4 d20+6=11 d20+3=11
Saturday February 17th, 2007 12:02:28 AM

Kendry looks about and listens, to see if tonight's shenanigans may have drawn the interest of any neighbors. Unless it bites him on the nose, he doesn't yet notice anything (spot 4, nat 1). If there's a fair hubbub, he might be able to hear it (listen 11).

He stows his arrow, slings bow over his shoulder and comes up to the site. He looks at the lighted box. He softly sings the little spell that allows him to detect magic, and examines the box with that. If it appears reasonably safe (wisdom check: 11), he picks it up, and walks over to the downed fellow. Still concentrating on discerning magic, he lets the spell's effects cover the fellow. If any emanations come from face, clothing, pockets, or what have you, he searches in the area wherein he detects the magic. He quietly speaks what he senses and where so that his friends will be alerted to his discoveries.

He takes an empty bag from his haversack and fashions a gag for the captured halfling.

If it appears the spy will survive for the moment, and after this initial examination, he says, "Let's take him to his intended destination." He speaks to Julian. "Can you toss him over your shoulder?"

As they approach the door of the Shallowroots, Kendry says to Podo, "Nice punch."

Should Dwight come near he whispers, 'Does this look like the fellow you saw the other day?'

Pulling a copper piece from a pouch, Kendry casts detect thoughts, and focuses on any mental activity on the other side of the Shallowroots' door.

Kim - Hero point nomination for Podo 
Saturday February 17th, 2007 12:10:45 AM

I nominate Podo for one hero point. He struck out for non-lethal damage against a fellow halfling who just tried to kill him, and managed to stun him during an attack of opportunity. Rather than killing him, Alemi-following Podo (with help from his friends) managed to knock him out - and Mister Sneaky likely will be far more valuable to us alive than otherwise. Julian contributed mightily to this small victory, and Selithe added to the effect with her timely arrow.

Saturday February 17th, 2007 12:24:12 AM

"Sure can Kendry, plenty o' strength to spare after that little encounter." Julian heaves him up and over his shoulder to take him into the house.

OOC, thanks for covering for me.

Saturday February 17th, 2007 6:48:26 AM

OCC: To Dwight; Fickle was living by himself for so long, That he does not know a Flattery fomr an Insulte.

Besides If Dwight is gruff in character, like he is! He'll Take it as Flattery.

Fickle advances to where the Sneeky Fellow body, takes a look at him , then ask "Who'zm Him??"

Sneaky Fellow, Sneaky Gear (DM Cayzle) 
Saturday February 17th, 2007 8:35:20 AM

Airin binds the Sneaky Fellow really well! Podo helps with that. Kendry gags him.

Airin, Podo, and Tobias quickly search the fellow. Kendry casts Detect Magic. You discover the following on him:

Boots - MAGIC
Cloak - MAGIC
Goggles - MAGIC
Gloves - MAGIC
Mithral Shirt with armor spikes
Bullets x2 - MAGIC
Bullets x10
Nice Sling
Tanglefoot Bags x2
Disguise Kit
Potions x3 - MAGIC
Nice Lock Picks
70 gp

Dwight remains in hiding, just in case!

Podo and Kendry find that the so-called exploding box is a light-proof box with a continual flame cast inside it. Evidently the "exploding" claim was a lie to distract you.

Fickle wonders who this guy is.

Julian gets ready to carry him.

Cayzle to Tibble ... Please Highlight to display spoiler: {Tibble, let me understand you correctly. You took Bella's potions and headed off across the Valley at night? Without waiting for the other characters? Why go on your own? With assassins around, is that safe? Why not wait for the rest of the party? Did you leave a note or other word of what you were doing? E-mail me at cayzle@cayzle.com if you want to talk.}

Kendry thinks about casting Read Thoughts, and the party is about to go over to the house, when the door opens and Ada Shallowroot steps out. He has a cudgel in one hand.

"Hey there! Who is that? What's going on?"

Kendry (AC 15 HP 35) [Expeditious Retreat: 54 rounds (Move: 50); Alter Self 599 rounds]  d20+11=26 d20+7=19 d2+2=4
Saturday February 17th, 2007 11:22:17 AM

Using his friends' bodies as a shield twixt him and Ada Shallowroot, Kendry quickly casts alter self, and transforms his visage and body into that of a halfling who looks like a male version of Bella. Similar features and such. Stepping out from behind them, he walks forward with a gait similar to hers, as well. Based on his familiarity with Bella's speech patterns he models his intonation and phrasing after her - albeit with a male voice. "There's a problem here. Can you help us? Things may go well for you if you choose that path."

He waves his friends forward. "This fool," and he points to the crumpled halfling, "may need a healing hand. Let us come in and attend to his needs." He comes directly up to Ada - not threatening him physically, but also showing that he is not intimidated by the cudgel. "There's gold in it for you."

[Diplomacy: 26]

Should Ada swing the weapon, Kendry is ready to duck (readied action, so as not to be caught flat-footed), then come up with a punch to the jaw [Hit AC 19, 4 hp non-lethal damage].

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood [AC:23|HP:20]  2d8(5+5)+2=12
Saturday February 17th, 2007 1:48:14 PM

Hrm...I can't believe that we haven't stripped this person of his magic items yet! What are we thinking?? thinks Podo to himself.

Podo sets about to strip all the magic items from this bounded and gagged Sneak.

First go the Boots, then the Hat, next go the Gloves, then his Goggles lastly Podo unhitches his Cloak. Once the stuff is in a pile, Podo dumps them all into his Handy Haversack for distribution later when it is safe to do so.

The potions he hands off to Airin, and the Magic Bullets he hands to whomever uses a Sling.

Podo continues to explain in a whispering tone, "When all is clear and we are in a safer place, distribution will commence with the magic items. As for the other items still left on the Sneak's person, we will address that later after the ShallowRoots Family matter has been resolved to our group's satisfaction," explains Podo to his close by companions.

Soon after his speech, Podo repositions his gear on himself and then sets to cast Cure Light Wounds upon himself for 12 points reclaimed.

Hits points: 12
Total points: 32/35

Saturday February 17th, 2007 7:28:04 PM

Julian is frustrated at this Shallowroots fellow, and is still raging. He helps Podo strip the good things from the body then hauls his body up onto his shoulder.

He sighs audibly as Kendry begins speaking in his disguise. He decides to not let his rage slip yet.

Julian mumbles under his breath, "Don't give away all the magic items again..."

Sunday February 18th, 2007 6:01:43 AM

Fickle look at the sling and the little stones (Bukkets), "Me'um like little stones!" he tell the group before giving them up to Arian.

Sunday February 18th, 2007 7:37:10 AM

Airin turns deep red when she sees all the magic things her friends recover from Sneak. Her skills have really rusted!! Hopefully she'll get the hang of it soon.

She accepts the potions Podo hands her and stores them in her own handy haversac for identification later on. They'll need to examine those other things too. Could be some fine stuff in there!!

Then she looks at Ada wondering if he will scream, run or attack...

Sunday February 18th, 2007 12:58:27 PM

As it seems I'm simply going to be ignored I'll withdraw gracefully.

[Dru - see my email! -Kim]

Monday February 19th, 2007 7:45:05 AM

Fickle spins the sling with a stone in it, He is smiling as he does so. "Weeee! Look! Hoz it Goze! Weee!" He's starting to lose the straps on the sling.

Tobias [ AC 20 - HP 44/44; Alarm] 
Monday February 19th, 2007 10:21:28 AM

Tobias moves in support of Kendry and gets closer to him... keeping his swords at his sides until he sees how Ada Shallowroot responds to Kendry.

ADM Kim - Posting Report 
Monday February 19th, 2007 2:21:11 PM

Thought I might help out today on the posting report. (It's nice having a Monday off.) I put a spreadsheet together on Google with the details. Anyone can look it up at: http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=pXgZY5sfiLZ-yrAg19ndKcA

Person - Character: M-T-W-T-F-S-S
DM Cayzle: 2-1-2-2-1-1-0 Total 9
Andrew - Tibble: 0-1-1-1-1-0-1 Total 5
Anthony - Dwight: 1-1-1-1-1-0-0 Total 5
Ceil - Fickle 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Total 7
Jon-Paul - Podo: 1-0-2-2-1-1-0 Total 7
Justin - Selithe: 1-0-1-1-0-0-0 Total 3 (Justin went to hospital mid-week)
Kim - Kendry: 0-2-0-1-1-1-0 Total 5
Pedro - Tobias: 2-1-0-1-1-0-0 Total 5
Robert - Julian: 1-0-1-0-2-1-0 Total 5
Steve - Airin: 1-1-0-1-1-0-1 Total 5

Good job posting, all. Justin, we hope you recover fully!

Fickle makes me laugh :-)

(And I hope that Tibble does not go...)

Kim - you don't haxe to post numbers- Jerry wants "O" missins post and "X" for post a made post, the only time I use a number is if the player made more than one Post that day. But well done!

Dwight (hp 35, ac 16)  d20+3=11 d20+9=13 d20+11=19 d20+9=27
Monday February 19th, 2007 7:43:42 PM

Dwight hearing Kendry's concern about the sneaky fellow responds in a whisper. "Can't say for sure, I'm too far away. Perhaps in a bit I'll examine more closely."

Dwight remains hidden watching both the front and rear (towards the outhouse).

Move Silently:27

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Monday February 19th, 2007 9:38:52 PM

(OOC: waiting on the Dm post)

In that case, Podo should play off another player, That's what I do! But Again I get up at 6:00 aclock in the morning!! Ceil

Monday February 19th, 2007 10:10:48 PM

Awaiting Ada's decision, Kendry-as-Bella's-brother looks into the venal halfling's face.

Monday February 19th, 2007 10:52:05 PM

(OOC: Thanks for the Kind words Kim. And I'm back everyone after a long and scary ride.)

Selithe holds her bow and waits to see what happens now, if needed she will help strip the sneaky fellow of his stuff as she refuses to let the man leave with it, let alone keep it on to possibly help him escape.

Jude the Badger 
Tuesday February 20th, 2007 4:53:28 AM

OOC, wonder if Cayzle's okay...

Tuesday February 20th, 2007 6:14:27 AM

"OCheies!" Yells Fickle after hitting himself in the face with the stone. He'll walks over to Selith, and ask her to kiss his face to make the hurt go a way??

Not to worry Gang! Cayzle usaly has his hands full.

Tuesday February 20th, 2007 7:18:21 AM

Airin too anxiously awaits Ada's respone...

If you are thieves ... (DM Cayzle) 
Tuesday February 20th, 2007 7:29:18 AM

[OOC: Cayzle to Tibble: I gave you a private message on Saturday, and you have not replied! I'll repost below this post to make sure you see it.]

[OOC: Thanks for your patience, everybody!]

Kendry dons a quick surprise. Please roll a hide check to duck behind your friends and a disguise check to see how effective your foolery might be (spell gives a +10 to checks).

Kendry draws Ada's attention to the prone, hogtied, and gagged halfling on the ground.

As he does so, Podo finishes the job of grabbing the valuables. Then he cures himself [OOC note -- Please Highlight to display spoiler: { You rolled 2d8 instead of 1d8. Since combat hereforth is very unlikely it is no matter, but be careful next time please.}]

Julian helps stow the loot and hopes that Kendry will not give the good stuff away.

Fickle covets the magic bullets. He gets ready to fire a missile if things go badly.

Airin puts away the potions and hopes the negotiations go well.

Tobias is also ready for action, if need be.

Dwight remains cautious and alert. He sees no sign of danger.

Ada scowls and sees the weapons readied against him. He sets down his weapon and holds his hands up in the air.

Kendry then speaks, and walks closer. He says "Can you help us? Things may go well for you if you choose that path." He calls the bound halfling a "fool."

Ada says, "If I don't do what you want, things won't go well for me? Is that a threat?"

"Look!" the halfling says, "I want no trouble. That's my nephew you got tied up there. Don't know why you tied him up. But there's no reason to get all weapony and slingy."

He sees that you are dividing his gear. "But why are you taking his stuff? If you are thieves, you'll probably kill me, but ... but ... "

He gets a really scared look! He dashes inside and slams the door. You hear a bolt being drawn. A small child starts to cry inside and is hushed.

Your actions?

DM Cayzle to Tibble (Second Post) 
Tuesday February 20th, 2007 7:51:20 AM

Cayzle to Tibble ... Highlight to display spoiler: { OLD MESSAGE: Tibble, let me understand you correctly. You took Bella's potions and headed off across the Valley at night? Without waiting for the other characters? Why go on your own? With assassins around, is that safe? Why not wait for the rest of the party? Did you leave a note or other word of what you were doing? Dru, e-mail me at cayzle@cayzle.com if you want to talk.

NEW MESSAGE: I'm getting a vibe of frustration. That's not good. Please do let's talk so that we can figure this out. Sorry I did not make the first message stand out. I should have made it more prominent ... it was easy to miss.

Kendry (AC 15 HP 35) [Expeditious Retreat: 51 rounds (Move: 50); Alter Self 596 rounds]  d20+6=25 d20+16=35 d20+7=14
Tuesday February 20th, 2007 9:47:20 AM

[Hide: 25; Disguise: 35; Put foot in doorway before door closes check: 14]

As Ada moves to shut the door, Kendry moves to stop the door with his foot [14].

If he succeeds, he says, "Nope, we'll not kill you. We don't plan to kill anyone here - we are not murderers. He attacked us. We aim to heal him. We are here to prevent others from dying.

"And, if you'll cooperate, you will receive gold."

If he does not succeed in stopping the door before it closes tight, he casts detect thoughts. He concentrates on thoughts of those just beyond the door. He is sorry the child is crying, and knows there is fear inside... but the child's parents are not good neighbors -- and are tools being used to subvert Bella's good works.

Tuesday February 20th, 2007 10:16:14 AM

Airin chuckles as it seems they should have talked first. A common mistake :-)

She stands up, straightens her clothes, puts her crossbow back on her back and pulls the Sneak up to his feet. Not yet untieing him though.

Tuesday February 20th, 2007 11:25:05 AM

"Airin, why talk first when we can talk second? And, I think he'll be a little more inclined to respond now..."

If Kendry cannot stop him from closing the door, Tobias will look for another way in... an open window perhaps.

Tuesday February 20th, 2007 9:22:56 PM

Selithe frowns at all this and shakes her head before coming forward, "Now listen here mister. We had reasons to be out here of our own and this guy attacked and tried to kill us. If he or your not guilty of something then you'll come out or we can report all of this to the proper authorities and then you'll have more then just us breathing down your neck. An we stripped him for our own good." Selithe waits and puts her bow up, "We want no problems or to cause any but I for one take attacks on me or my friends and family serious." Yep, Selithe might not be a red head but she has a temper when it comes down to it.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood  d20+1=14 d20+2=3 d20+1=6 d20+5=23 d20+3=17
Tuesday February 20th, 2007 9:56:21 PM

"Peace and Love to you my Brother", says Podo to Ada. "I'm afriad that what my friends have said is true. This person here has attacked me with a sling, nearly killing me in the process! Since you house is near by we tried to seek aid for both myself and for him. He is alive because I chose to do so, it is against my belief and that of both Alemi & Domi to have killed him. He may still turn from his killing ways and serve the greater good, my Brother." explains Podo to Ada.

Podo awaits his reply to his statements hoping to detect by listening his motive for his recent actions as well as trying to gather information about what might be happening.

Diplomacy: 14
Bluff: Nat 1!
Gather Info:6
Listen: 23
Sense motive:17

Dwight (hp 35, ac 16)  d20+3=15 d20+9=24 d20+9=10 d20+11=19
Tuesday February 20th, 2007 10:15:39 PM

Dwight remains hidden and continues to watch the back door. He listens closely to the conversation (if he can hear it through message?)

listen:10 (nat 1--wow not my week)
move silently:24
spot: 15

Tuesday February 20th, 2007 11:25:56 PM

"This should get some laughs," Julian says just loud enough for his friends nearby to hear.

He rushes up to the house screaming, "That's it! I'm gonna kill him too!!" He then shakes some windows or rattles some doors, but not so as to break in. All the way he looks back to the others with a big grin on his face.

Wednesday February 21st, 2007 12:04:21 AM

Kendry glances over at Julian with a look that could kill, if looks could kill.

Julian could earn them all jail time. "That is not what we are doing," he says to Julian, who was supposed to have the sneaky fellow over his shoulder. "Go sit down."

Wednesday February 21st, 2007 6:10:52 AM

Fickle watches Julian go through his action of rattling the windows and doors. He scratches his head, then ask "What-zm Youze doing?? Ism it'z make'm her-z scared? Thats not nice??" He tell Julian.

The Cowering Commoner (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday February 21st, 2007 1:33:15 PM

Kendry sticks his foot in the door just in time. Ada jumps back, eyes wide and mouth gaping.

Airin take charge of the prisoner, who is still unconscious.

Tobias moves closer, up to the house. The windows are holes covered in paper. It would be easy to break through one.

Selithe follows Kendry and speaks to Ada as well. Her anger is clear in her tone. She says that the prisoner attacked the group.

Podo follows up, agreeing with Selithe. He testifies to the attack, since it was he who almost died. Podo can tell that the halfling is nervous and very scared.

Julian adds a touch of chaos to the scene, rattling a window and shouting about killing! The baby's screams are joined by the wife's, and Ada seems about to cry.

Fickle has doubts about Julian's preferred mode of expression.

Ada simply cowers, and mutters that maybe his nephew thought the group was going to ambush them.

OOC: Friends, let's move things along. What are you planning to do with your prisoner? With the Shallowroots, who are pretty cowed? The night is passing.


Tibble, Please Highlight to display spoiler: {Tibble expresses his opinion by heading out to deliver Bella's medicines himself. He leaves a note in a flowing hand for the party to find:

Sorry to start without you. Didn't want to extend the suffering of others any longer that necessary. As I shall be traveling cross-country, tracking me shall be nigh impossible. Harry Barqr shall 'mark' the trail for those with a 'nose' for tracking. Alternately, we can regroup at the wizard's once you spy out your sneak should your diversion prove extended. I shall council with the wizard about the necromancer until your arrival. Signed: Tibble Stinkyfoots.

He finds the walk west to be easy, as he would expect in civilized lands. It might take another day to get to the town that was mentioned in Bella's note. As evening falls, what preparations does Tibble make for the night?

Wednesday February 21st, 2007 1:59:58 PM

Hearing Ada and his family's reaction, Tobias tries to calm and restrain Julian a bit, so that he doesn't completely panic them. "Shhh, Julian. There's no need to frighten them all to death."

Tobias waits to see the exchange between Kendry and Ada before attempting another way into the house.

Kendry as someone who looks kind of like Bella  d8+1=8 d20+4=10 d20+4=24
Wednesday February 21st, 2007 4:26:53 PM

Kendry steps into the room he visited as a nearly-wed a day or two ago, now in different attire, and with a different visage and voice.

He signals to bring in the unconscious fellow, and lay him on the floor.

To the child, he says, "Do not be afraid. I will not harm you, nor your parents."

To the woman he says, "Mother, put your child to bed, please."

"Friends, make sure that no one gets harmed - or tries to harm another," he says to his companions.

To Ada, he says, "I will cast a little spell. It will not hurt. But it will let me know if any lies are told in this room." Without asking permission, he casts detect thoughts.

He says to Ada, "Now, take a seat, please. Do not be afraid - unless you fail to tell the truth. Oh, and you may call me Mel."

For about twelve seconds, he looks into Ada's eyes, then asks. "Have you been spying on Bella, your neighbor?"


"To what end?"

"And who has been receiving the information you have gathered?"

"And what do they intend to do to her?"

"What is your nephew's name?"

If Ada asks who Kendry is (and only if), he replies, "Let me say that Bella is as an older sister to me."

Using detect thoughts, he picks up what he may from Ada Shallowroot.

He listens to Ada's responses, then turns to Podo's bound attacker - who should be coming around by now. "Mind his right hand," he asks Podo. "Mind his left hand," he asks Selithe. "No spellcasting finger wiggling from him, please."

If he is not yet awake, Kendry touches him with his wand of cure light wounds for 8 points of healing.

"Hello," and he gives the name that Ada gave him for his nephew. He focuses on his thoughts. "How are you feeling? Better, I trust, than a short time ago. If you cooperate, then I may be willing to help you feel better still."

"Now, tell us about Bella, and your interest in her."

"What plans do you or your associates have in mind for her? What group are they with? Give me the names of some of those you work with. How much do they pay you?"

He will ask similar questions to gain what he might from the Sneaky Fellow.

'Mel' indicates that others may make inquiries, too, if they wish.

Depending on the answers, he may suggest to his friends that they take Ada's nephew to the authorities. Depending on the answers. Considering his attack in Podo, though, most likely.

[Sense motive with Ada: 10. Sense motive with sneaky guy: 24 (nat 20)]

Julian  d20+5=23
Wednesday February 21st, 2007 8:49:14 PM

Having made his presence known, and feeling a little sad for the kid in the house, Julian walks quietly around to near the door. He waits outside, listening for any developments that might need the 'raging madman' to help out (this is as close to diplomacy as Julian can manage.)
Listen 23

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood  d20+1=2
Wednesday February 21st, 2007 9:13:30 PM

Podo follows along looking through his pouch for some of those nutrious candies he always carries. When he finds one, he proffers it to the crying child.

Diplomacy: Nat 1!

Dwight  d20+3=20 d20+11=30 d20+9=20 d20+9=21
Wednesday February 21st, 2007 10:16:02 PM

Remaining outside and hidden Dwight tries to see what is going on. He watches as conversation ensues and the group moves inside.

We have got to get better organized so that each of us know when to talk and when to let others fight

Dwight does his best to watch each member, counting and trying to keep track of everyone. Julian, Airin, Podo, Tobias, Fickle....Kendry? hehe good idea. That leaves me and Tibble hidden outside. Odd Tibble has been on the outskirts of both fights since he has joined and I still don't know his abilities.

As Dwight's mind begins to wonder, he watches the area. Hearing a baby? Didn't notice they had one until now? Hmmm. Dwight awaits someone trying to make an escape out the back.

move silently: 20
listen: 21

Selithe  d20+8=16
Thursday February 22nd, 2007 12:19:48 AM

Selithe nods at her brother's comment and glances to the sneaky fellow's hands as she ponders things. She knew spells well enough that she was pretty sure she could notice on being casts.

(Knowledge Arcana:16)

Airin  d20+19=37 d20+8=11 d20+12=19 d20+12=13
Thursday February 22nd, 2007 2:53:21 AM

Not wanting to interfere with Kendry's speach Airin continues to watch the Sneak. When Selithe and Podo take over at Kendry's request though, Airin goes outside, hides in the folliage once again and wonders if anyone has heard what went on here. Never know when the Sneak's companions might turn!

hide: 37
spot: 11
listen: 19
move silently: 13 - Natural 1

Thursday February 22nd, 2007 5:13:42 AM

Fickle not wanting to go out inside, will sit outside with Julian, but watches Podo give candy to the little child??

"Lookie! Podo giv'en seeties to crying Brat! Is that a good'em thing'ie?" Fickle ask>

Tension, apprehension, and dissension (DM Cayzle) 
Thursday February 22nd, 2007 10:12:17 AM

d20+1=14 (Ada fails save vs DT) d20+3=15 (so does SF)

[OOC: When you cast a spell, PLEASE also post the save DC. Saves me having to look it up.]

Tobias urges Julian to calm down a little. The barbarian spellcaster obliges, moving to the front of the house and listening for an opportunity to apply his unique variety of "diplomacy"! Fickle joins Julian outside.

Podo tries to calm the child with a treat, but evidently she has a fear of strangers. Or of Podo, anyway.

Kendry uses magic and diplomacy to try to get some answers from the Shallowroots and the Sneaky Fellow. The two save with a 14 and a 15, but they need a 16, so their surface thoughts are open to Kendry's magic.

Selithe makes sure that the Sneaky Fellow casts no spell.

From Ada, you get lots of lies about his nephew coming to visit. He does not spy, he is a good neighbor, he just minds his own business, etc. His thoughts reveal a deep deep fear of the Sneaky Fellow, that he does spy on Bella and report back to the Sneaky Fellow, that the Sneaky Fellow is not his nephew. Aside from telling the comings and goings of Bella and those who visit her, he has no intention of doing anything, since he is afraid of her too!

After a cure spell, Kendry tries to learn from the prisoner. From the Sneaky Fellow, there is a lot less info to be had. This is a pro. He says nothing. He tries to ignore everything that is going on. He tries to not even hear what Kendry asks, by concentrating on other sounds, like the whimpering of the child in the loft. And his surface thoughts are entirely consumed with a jingle he keeps repeating in his head. He clearly understands what it means to fail a save in this situation, and he concentrates on this:

Eight, sir; seven, sir;
Six, sir; five, sir;
Four, sir; three, sir;
Two, sir; one!
Tenser, said the Tensor.
Tenser, said the Tensor.
Tension, apprehension,
And dissension have begun.

[OOC: With apologies to Alfie Bester!]

The other thing that Kendry picks up are imagined scenes of truly gruesome torture and pain, inflicted on the Sneaky Fellow if he gives anything away. Whether these scenes are memories or predictions is a mystery.

Kendry invites others to ask questions, but no one takes him up on the offer.

Dwight stays outside and alert. He is wise, but for now he sees nothing. Airin also stays on guard, but sees nothing.

Any other actions with the Shallowroots or the Sneaky Fellow? If not, what will you do with them? Let's try to wrap up the night.

Thursday February 22nd, 2007 12:28:16 PM

"Please take the nephew outside," he asks his friends.

Once this is done, Kendry-as-Bella's-younger-brother tells Ada, "He is not your nephew. He will not be visiting you again, if I can help it. If I hear of any more spying on your part, I will not be pleased.

"Though you lied to me, Ada Shallowroot, you are not as evil as this fellow. I want you to learn to be a good neighbor. I want you to be a good father to your child, and a good husband to your wife.

"Spying on good people and reporting to evil people is not something you are to do any more. Do you understand?"

If Ada agrees in any wise to what Kendry just said, then Kendry hands him a small pouch with five platinum pieces in it. "This should help you and your family a little. I will check back and see how things are going later."

He turns and goes outside. He blindfolds and regags the prisoner, and stuffs little pieces of cloth in his ears.

"Let's get Tibble - he should be behind the house," and he points toward Bella's place.

Kendry will check there. If he finds him, good. He looks to see if there is a Tibble tree in back if he does not.

"To the constables with him, friends."

He does not bother to provide any more healing to the spy.

Once they reach the authorities, Kendry tells them, out of earshot of the prisoner, "This fellow is an assassin and a spy. He just tried to kill my cousin," and he indicates Podo. "He has designs on killing another member of our community, one who helps others. We charge him with attempted murder. We wish him held -- securely -- without bail until he can be tried. He has the skills of a thief - and maybe of an assassin. If you have any questions about me on this matter, please speak with the Burgomeister."

Unless something comes up to recommend another course, the young bard suggests to his friends that they get a good night's sleep, then carry out their mission of mercy on the morrow.

He will tell them all that he garnered from his questioning of Ada and the unnamed sneak - including the rhyme, the mental images of torture.

"Good job, all. Even you, you rascal," he tells Julian. "But next time, in the city, let's make a little less noise. All right?"

He says good night to all, and to Airin last, spends about half an hour writing in his journal, then falls asleep.

In the morning - it's off to Humble's Ford with the potions from Bella to meet with the fellow who can tell them the way to make the delivery.

Tobias  d20+7=11
Thursday February 22nd, 2007 1:03:57 PM

Tobias asks Kendry to see if he can discern why they were helping the sneaky fellow (before we head off).

Tobias will take up guard duty on the party's trek through town to the constables. He will flank the sneaky fellow to his left. Keeping an eye out for others watching them along the way (spot: 11).

Thursday February 22nd, 2007 2:54:27 PM

"Yes, Tobias," Kendry answers. "For fear and reward. One or more of Bella's enemies found the Shallowroots a convenient watching post, and through intimidation and payment for information gathered, Ada and his wife were persuaded to cooperate."

[OOC: I estimate the time it took to question Ada, and the time it took to question the sneak, used up the duration of his detect thoughts spell.]

Thursday February 22nd, 2007 5:49:11 PM

"Cuz Kendry! This'zm I donts like'm, don't youz think'em Mez should go'z with Tobia and Spi's to Con...Cons'stable? Him Tricky!!" Fickle points to the Bound up Spy.

If the tell him No! He'll make a soft bed of leaves for the night>

Thursday February 22nd, 2007 7:42:29 PM

"Yes, friend," Kendry says to Fickle, out of earshot of the prisoner (despite the cloth plugs in the Sneak's ears). "Let's all take him to the constables." He reminds him, "You have a place to stay at the Toy & Music Shop with us, you know, Fickle."

Thursday February 22nd, 2007 10:07:13 PM

Selithe moves to help the others with the Sneaky fellow and thinks of his equipment, wondering if they should consider his stuff as spoils of victory, he did try to kill one of the members, probably more if allowed.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Thursday February 22nd, 2007 10:54:00 PM

"So, cuz, what we all gonna do now? We gonna just hand over Mister Sneak to the authorities? What then? Turn in for a good nights sleep? What time is it anyways? Do you think there's still time I could run over to the Catacombs to get some last minute supplies for the morning? I Could hook up with you afterwards at the toy shop. What' ya' think?" Podo asks his cousin Kendry.

Dwight  d20+11=21 d20+9=13 d20+9=28 d20+3=11 d20+3=11
Thursday February 22nd, 2007 11:03:16 PM

Lingering around the house for a few minutes after the group and the bound sneak leaves, Dwight tries to listen if the Shallowroots make conversation. (He'll stick around for about 10 minutes, does the baby stop crying?)

move silently:13

Eventually, if nothing is happening Dwight feels the need for sleep coming after him. Rather than sleep uncomfortably where being found could be dangerous, Dwight sneaks off to find a nice warm bed in the toy shop.

spot: 11 (anyone watching the toy shop)

If anyone is still up, Dwight will request to be filled in as he could only hear parts of the conversation from outside. After hearing such, "well, I'm guessing this isn't the end of it all, but for now we all need rest so we can set out in the morning."

"I doubt the lyric meant anything significant, just a way to change the subject in his mind. Now the images, if I got to pick what I wanted to think about, those wouldn't be it."

In the morning Dwight is ready to go and takes a group count. "Tibble, anyone seen him since last night? was he hiding somewhere? I never saw him."

Thursday February 22nd, 2007 11:56:21 PM

"What!? The Constabulary? Can't I deal with him? Can't we do it ourselves? Waddaya keep going to others to for? We can do it."

"Bah! I hate all this talking and stuff. Get's in the way. Bad people eat the sword. We protect the good ones with the blade."

"Words are the weapon of the enemy. Look at what this filth did with words to the Shallowroots. Who knows what damage his words about Heather have done against her, and us. And what now? those cells are gonna hold someone who snuk up on us, hey? The only thing that'll hold him down is six feet o'dirt. And I'll gladly dig the whole, with my sword even, s'long as it's done the work it was built for, if'ya take my meaning."

"No badger would ever leave (yet another) enemy alive behind him. It's undignifying, this is. Can't stand all this talk!"

"I thought we were all about protecting the good guys. And were doing that, sure we are. I don't doubt that. Each and every one of us has shown commitment to that end time and again. But heck, think off all the protectioning we could do if we let Domi sort 'em out. I think he'd appreciate that, actually. Domi would'na talked with 'em, and made them a cup of tea and asked what their mammy ever did to them that doing this badness now. No way. Quick head-lock, fist to the nose, knee to the groin and then put him outta his misery. Move on. Next!"

"You know what. Let's dump him with the locals here then, if you think they can contain him. We break at first light for our mission. Then we've gotta bone to pick with another. Get some actions in to back up all the speeches we have about doin' the right thing."

Julian humphs off to bed with his badger stalking proudly at his heels. The collie dog, Sallie, slinks along behind with his tail between his legs.

Kendry  d20+7=19 d20+7=21 d20+7=27 d20+6=9 d20+5=24
Friday February 23rd, 2007 12:15:09 AM

At Podo's Suggestion - Checking out the Goodies Before Bed

"Sure, Pode, go ahead - but let's take a closer look just before you head to the Catacombs." He asks Airin if he can take a look at the potions. He's not sure about the first two, "But this one is..." [Spellcraft checks: 19, 21, 27 - last one successful]. Oh, and he double checks to see if any two (or three) potions seem identical in characteristics (color, scent, viscosity, similar vials, etc.).

"Fickle - can I take a look at the sling?" He returns it to Fickle after he looks it over.

He would be happy were anyone else to try to figure out the nature of the items, as well.

"And the hat - it's a hat of disguise - I'm pretty sure." He puts it on his own head, and tries to transform himself into something resembling a goblin. If it's not a hat of diguise, his success is a 9. If it is a hat of disguise, his transformation is much better. Not perfect - but a 19. "I am Bobbles' Uncle," he says in a raspy, goblin-accented voice. If the disguise is not at all convincing, then he says, "Hmmm - maybe I was wrong." Along a similar vein, he says, "Say - he has a disguise kit, too. I should have thought to try to take his beard and frizzy hair off chin and head. Of course, Julian might have taken the whole head, and been done with it," he says.

"The gloves? My guess - gloves of dexterity. Maybe gloves of storing."

He tries on the gloves. He snaps his fingers on his left hand. He does the same on this right hand - to see if anything was stored in either glove. He takes his sap, to see if he can 'store' it in the glove. If not, then he tries a cartwheel and some other tumbling about, to see if the gloves help him with that. If they are gloves of strangulation, then he finds himself unwillingly choking his own neck! [just kidding]. If none of the earlier attempts makes a difference, he tries climbing a tree. Well, gloves or not, he climbs that tree real well (climb: 24, not including adjustments, if any, from the gloves).

"The goggles - want me to try them on?" If it's all right with Podo, he does so. He looks out in the dark, to see if he can see better with them - or if things in the light come in to better focus up close - or whether he can see things farther away more clearly.

"Mithral is masterwork. Likely the sling, and maybe the ... hey - anyone know how to use lock picks here?"

Kendry needs no introduction to tanglefoot bags.

"Podo, have them check out the bullets. Oh, let me see the two magical ones." He looks to see if there are any symbols on them - High Woldian (like halfling - death), or draconic, or something else. If he finds something, he remarks on it. If not, he returns them to Podo.

"The cloak - say, Airin, any similarities between your cloak of elvenkind and this one?"

What we have

Boots - MAGIC - speed? elvenkind? levitation? striding & springing? other?
Cloak - MAGIC - elvenkind? resistance? other?
Goggles - MAGIC - night? minute seeing? other?
Gloves - MAGIC - dexterity? swimming and climbing? storing? other?
Mithral Shirt with armor spikes - masterwork
Hat - MAGIC - hat of disguise?
Bullets x2 - MAGIC [OOC: Halfling Bane? (after all, he likely was going to attempt a hit on Bella)]
Bullets x10
Nice Sling - masterwork
Tanglefoot Bags x2
Disguise Kit
Potions x3 - MAGIC - Kendry (likely) recognizes at least one of the three
Nice Lock Picks - masterwork
70 gp

Friday February 23rd, 2007 2:16:44 AM

Concerning Julian's Objections

"You think that taking his life - this fellow who likely was targeting Bella - hasn't crossed my mind? It has.

"I'm thinking maybe we should let Fidel know of him, too. Maybe there's someone in the WLA who would be better than I at getting information from him. I've not much stomach for torture.

"He's well trained. And he is our enemy. So why not send him to Gargul?"

Kendry pauses for a moment.

"If we want to find out who sent him, it'll be easier if he's alive, and someone can break his will. I guess that's why, Jules. That, and our folk have laws.

"And words get in the way? Without words, we're just animals, cuz. There are good words, and bad ones. Sometimes the sword is the best weapon. Sometimes the tongue cuts deeper."

Friday February 23rd, 2007 2:50:25 AM

Airin's pleased to see the Sneak being apprehended but uncertain that the authorities will deal with it in an appropriate way. Oh well... time will tell.

Later that night Airin enjoys the identifying session of all the items they recovered. She sure helps where she can and indeed tries to match the new cloak with her own Elven cloak.

Friday February 23rd, 2007 8:52:16 AM

Fickle listens to his cousin, "Sure! Cuz", hand him the sling and the magic bullets, "Look out! Thez Hurt!"

Fickle scratches his head, "What Youz MeanZ? Place in Toy Shop?? Iz Itz Houmey to Youz? I'em Affraid of houmey made of wood! My Maw and Paw Died in they Houmey!! ever sincez then I sleep out SideZ. Mez been safe ever since!"

If you look closely, Fickle has moister in his eyes(For the first time in a long time!)

Friday February 23rd, 2007 12:05:01 PM

On hearing this sad story, Kendry places his hand on his distant cousin's shoulder. "I'm sorry, Fickle," he says. After a pause, he asks, "How long ago was that? How old were you?" After he hears the answer to that, he asks, "Do you know how the fire started?"

He sympathizes with him. "Come on over to our place, and I'll fix you a cup of hot chocolate."

He thinks a bit, then suggests, "Hey, Ficks, I have some rope. I can put alternating knots and loops in it every foot and a half or two, and tie it to a bed leg next to a window by the street. That way, if you need to get out of the bedroom quickly, you just open the window, toss out one end of the rope, and climb down it.

"Why don't you try it, friend? I think it's better if we can stick together."

If Fickle is reluctant, however, Kendry will not push him on it. He will, nevertheless, take a few minutes to prepare a 50' length of rope in the manner described - shortening it to about half its original length by the time all the knots and loops are done.

Oh, and Kendry says, "I've got enough money now for you to join the WLA, once added to what you have." [Fickle - you have, what 1,400 gp? 1,500? Let me know, and Kendry will make up the difference to bring it to 2,000. Kendry won some stuff!]

Friday February 23rd, 2007 3:49:48 PM

Julian arrives back at the toy store to find a large package wrapped up arrived for him earlier that evening. He picks it, shakes it and listens to the rattle.

"From the Catacombs. Good, just in time for business."

Friday February 23rd, 2007 9:36:11 PM

(OOC:A quick question. I didn't add no money from what Bella left as I was waiting to see if we oculd help Fickle. Since we didn't have enough what was the amount I needed to add to Selithe's CS? Just wondering so I might beable to do abit of shopping before we head to far off.)

Selithe will help deliver the sneaky fella and then heads home where she wishes everyone a good night, turning to Julian however she speaks to him, "However you mister, how about alittle reading practice before you call it a night." Selithe will spend sometime helping Julian with reading again and also looking over her spellbook some before calling it a night, giving Julian a small kiss on the cheek before he goes.

Selithe will also ask Fickle to try and sleep at the toy shop of her and Kendry's parents, but also won't press. She pats him on the shoulder and speaks a gentle sorry for his loss when he tells how his parents died also.

Podo D. Pipewood  d20+1=14 d20+1=7 d20+1=8 d20+1=3 d20+1=2 d20+1=19 d20+1=9 d20+1=11 d20+1=7 d20+1=3
Friday February 23rd, 2007 9:53:12 PM

"Wow, is that what you really think all this stuff is?" says Podo to Kendry. "Well I now have spell craft too, so perhaps I can give it a whirl as well."

Touching and looking over each item that it had in his haversack, Podo attempts to uncover what the items might do.

Using both his spellcraft and Knowledge (arcana) skills, Podo attempts to learn something of these items obtained from the sneaky fellow.

Spellcraft: 14
Knowledge(arcana): 7
Spellcraft:2 (Nat 1)
Knowledge(arcana): 19
Knowledge(arcana): 11

A busy night (DM Cayzle) 
Saturday February 24th, 2007 1:51:13 PM

Ada takes Kendry's coins and says, "Yes, sir. Thanks you!"

There is some talk of killing the assassin, but in the end you decide to let him remain alive for now.

The party takes the prisoner to the local lock-up. In short order, the Mayor comes by. It seems the lock-up is used mostly when people are too rowdy or drunk, not as long-term punishment. But Calfast says he'll keep the prisoner here for a few weeks. He suggests that it would be easier on the town's budget if he had some extra cash for rations and two around-the-clock guards.

The party discovers that Tibble has already left town with Bella's curing potions. He left a note in a flowing hand for the party to find:

Sorry to start without you. Didn't want to extend the suffering of others any longer that necessary. As I shall be traveling cross-country, tracking me shall be nigh impossible. Harry Barqr shall 'mark' the trail for those with a 'nose' for tracking. Alternately, we can regroup at the wizard's once you spy out your sneak should your diversion prove extended. I shall council with the wizard about the necromancer until your arrival. Signed: Tibble Stinkyfoots.

The party investigates the Sneak's items, and through clever trial and error finds that some are most likely ...

Boots of Elvenkind
Cloak of Elvenkind
A Mithral Shirt with Armor Spikes
Cap of Disguise

Others are likely ...

Goggles that help vision somehow. Not seeing in the dark.
Gloves of Dex of some strength
masterwork sling
Tanglefoot Bags x2
Disguise Kit
Potions of some kind of curing
masterwork lockpicks

Unknown are ...

2 Bullets
A Potion

It is getting late, but the Catacombs is open all the time. Some people go shopping. (Feel free to do some shopping. If the transaction is finished while you are on the road, we'll assume your stuff was delivered before you set out.)

The next morning you are ready to set out. You stop quickly at the WLA, but Fidel does not want to get involved with the sneaky fellow. "Of course our heroic members capture villains all the time. As an organization, the WLA stays clear of such, leaving disposition to local authorities."

It will take at least two days for Fickle to join the WLA and train and such. Will you take the time for that? Surely Tibble will be far ahead if you dally.

[OOC: There seems to be some confusion about the disposition of recent loot and cash awards. Also the Healing potions from Bella. Could someone make a master list of who has gotten what, since the fight with the Lizard-dogs?]


Tibble, Please Highlight to display spoiler: { To keep the two groups kinda in sync, you travel half way to Humble's Ford and will get there tomorrow before mid-day. You spend the night under the stars ... nothing new for you. The night passes uneventfully. You are able to charm an owl, but the duration is only 1 hour per level. You are what? caster level 5? At four spells per day, you can keep an owl charmed for 20 hours. Or am I missing something?}

Saturday February 24th, 2007 4:00:12 PM

"Thank you, your honor. Would 50 gold pieces cover food and guard services for a month or so?" Kendry asks Calfast. "I hope we can address his crimes before that." If so, and if his companions do not object, he takes the money out of the 70 gold pieces found among the sneak's possessions. The felon might as well be covering his own room and board. He does advise Calfast that the fellow has some skills in stealthy movement, disguise, and attack. "We also know that he is willing to bribe others to do evil things. It might be best to keep communication with him to a minimum, and to have two guards take meals to him as necessary."

Before leaving, he wants to make sure that the prisoner is stripped, his clothing well searched, and only then returned to him - so that he does not freeze. No belt, no strings, no metal ought be accessible to him. "Give him no metal utensils or sharp objects to eat with," he also recommends. "And let no one share his cell."

Kendry - some treasure 
Sunday February 25th, 2007 12:18:04 AM

Kendry reports to his friends that among the potions garnered from the necromancer's cave were two potions of water breathing, as well as oil of wood shape and oil of stone shape. "I had to pay 440 gold pieces to get them identified, however, so sold them one of the water breathing potions. From that we got 23 platinum pieces and 5 gold pieces. I thought it was a bit aggressive of them to charge twice to identify two absolutely identical potions, but they would not budge on the pricing. Too bad Marco left us when he did. I felt a little bit suckered."

"Regarding the disposition of the Sneak's items - I have no compunctions whatsoever about divvying them up among us.

"Now, please speak up on your behalf - or that of another - if you feel the items should go to one person or another, or sold so that we can share the proceeds. I will say this - I need some better armor. I make an easy mark.

"And, with my propensity for carrying lots of things to share with lots of you as the need arises, I also - and, I believe, you also - would benefit by me having a handy haversack.

"We could exchange the spiked mithral shirt, and get, perhaps, an unspiked version of the same thing. Maybe all we need to do is have the spikes removed, I don't know.

"If it came down to one thing or the other, though, I'd prefer money for a haversack.

"I was thinking the boots might be good for Airin. They'd help you sneak about even more quietly, honey." Looking to the ranger, he adds, "Tobias, you or another may benefit from that sort of thing, too. You, specifically, often scout ahead for us.

"Gloves of dexterity - many of us could use such. Tobias - I know you rely on dexterity in your weapons use - I do for my shortbow - Selithe, you, too - again - most of us would be helped.

"Either a front-line fighter, or someone brave and bold enough to get to a front-line fighter, should carry one or both of the healing potions.

"The Cap of Disguise - any of us could use such - especially if you have some acting abilities. Same for the disguise kit. I already have a disguise kit.

"Who can use the lockpicks?

"Let's a few of us go to the Catacombs to help get these things sorted out. I'll go. Podo, you said you would, too. Anyone is welcome to come along.

"One thing we have to get, though, is another wand of cure light wounds. Unless we can afford one of cure medium wounds."

He looks around. "All right. Fickle, Podo, Airin, Tobias, Julian, Selithe, Dwight - what do you want us to do with these things?"

Another matter

Kendry pauses for a moment, then adds in a quieter voice. "Tibble decided to leave, without our leave, and do alone what we already had agreed to do as a group. Since he is not here, he has no say at the moment." Some strain shows on the usually affable bard's face. "I hope we can catch him before he gets in trouble - and before he blows the mission that Bella gave to us as a group. He is new to our group, but we need to come to an understanding if he is to continue with us."

Then a wry smile crosses his face as he recalls various conversations his friends and companions have had with the greenmage. His head tilted downward, his eyes look up. "Of course, understanding and Tibble might be mutually exclusive items."

After a moment, he adds, sincerely, "I do admire the compassion he feels for these lost souls."

He turns to Dwight and Julian. "You were with Tibble when you got the note and potions from Bella's place. So tell us, where are all the potions of whatever sort that she provided for us to take? Do you have the cure serious wounds vials? Or did Tibble take those, too? If you have those, we could exchange one of them, plus 75 gold pieces, for a wand of cure light wounds at the Catacombs."

Sunday February 25th, 2007 6:28:14 AM

Ficlke answers his cousin Kendry, "I Haz to go and Practize at WLA! Butz remember That'z Sling anz stones arz me'm, Pleaze!."

Then Flckle is off to practise at the WAL, with the rope still tied around his waist.

Sunday February 25th, 2007 10:57:43 AM

Cayzle highlight to reveal spoiler:Highlight to display spoiler: { A day-bird during the day, a night-bird at night. Other than that, spot on.}

Sunday February 25th, 2007 11:48:43 AM

Airin smiles as they begin to examine the loot. Her smiles grows even wider the moment she realises what they have been able to catch from the sneak.

She agrees with Kendry that the Boots of the Elvenkind would be very helpful to her, but that would mean getting rid of the sturdy brown boots she got as a present from him... She will keep those in her haversack along with the silk dress that should be in there somewhere.

Whoah those gloves would be excellent too and Airin's intrigued to find out what goggles these are...

(ooc. is everyone ok that Airin takes the boots? Would anyone want them?)

"Well that's it for today! I'm going to catch some sleep."

Airin goes over to Kendry and snuggles besides him. She clearly wants a goodnight kiss...

Sunday February 25th, 2007 1:36:58 PM

Which thing, for Airin, Kendry is more than willing to offer...

Sunday February 25th, 2007 9:16:59 PM

"Podo, you've been with us since Eberyon appeared. You have been generous and selfless. What would help you do your work better?" Kendry asks him.

Sunday February 25th, 2007 10:22:44 PM

"I could always use more help with my disguises and we should definitely have at least one set of lockpicks in the group. However the goggles seem a bit more interesting. Unless there is objection, I'd like to keep them until they get identified."

"As for Tibble I'm a bit surprised at him and disappointed in myself for not stopping him earlier. I know he wanted to take care of that task first, but I never figured he would attempt so on his own. I do know all the potions present were for us to take, the healing for us and the cure for the others. 5 and 5 I believe (OOC: correct this if is not right please).

"Unfortunately I didn't grab any potions aside from moving them. Figured there was no need to split them until we were ready to leave."

OOC Tibble Some of this depends on you, did you take all the potions, not looking to see the difference or did you leave, perhaps store? the curing potions?

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Sunday February 25th, 2007 11:53:41 PM

"Cuz, whatever you think would be okay to give to me. My main attributes are Dexterity & Wisdom, so the gloves would be an advantage to have; Dexterity & Wisdom also helps me improve my armor class. Let's dole out the those that can benefit more, and then whatever might be left,if offered to me, I will accept." explains Podo to Kendry.

Monday February 26th, 2007 2:24:45 AM

"Let's get the goggles identified right now - I don't mind you using 'em before or after we learn just what they are - but you've got five minutes for 'before,' Dwight! Podo's going to the Catacombs - I'll go along for jollies. You, anyone can come. And Dwight - you want the disguise kit, the cap - fine with me - unless someone else wants to wrestle you for 'em."

To Podo, he says, "Let's find out for sure what the gloves are. If they'll help you do the type of thing you did to the Sneak tonight, I'm all for you using them. Just make sure they're not gloves of gambling, first. If they are, then Selithe should get them!"

[OOC: It would be WAY BETTER if Dwight or Julian took the CSW potions. It really was not clear based upon the posts WHO picked up the stuff, except when Tibble independently headed out with, for sure, at least, the five antidotes. AND - the platinum pieces, 400 of 'em, were distributed by Dwight ... I think?

When Podo picked up the stuff from the Sneak, he posted with clarity. He took xzy, gave abc to Airin, etc.

If you're a member of a group that comes across something, take responsibility and clarify what you do with what you find - so that we don't have this sort of confusion. :-) ]

Monday February 26th, 2007 7:46:33 AM

After a bout in the AWL chamber, Ficlke is tired. So he heads for the Toy shop, ties a rope arounr his waist, sit in a chair next to a wondow, puts his feet up. "Now! I'Mz ready to go to sleep! If Fire comes! I'mz jump out the windowz!"

He never gave it a though the he was on the First floor.

A Little Down Time

The Morning After (DM Cayzle) 
Monday February 26th, 2007 10:04:40 AM

The matter of the prisoner is quickly resolved. Steps are taken with regard to the treasure (see below).

The night passes with a little sleep. It is now morning. Fickle wants to spend two days getting initiatied into the WLA. But meanwhile, Tibble is getting farther and farther ahead.

Tibble has taken the five restorative potions that you helped Bella make. He has left the five Cure Serious Wounds potions that she also left you. He took only his own share of the coins.

It is the morning after the Sneak was captured, the morning after Tibble set out on his own. What do you do?

An OOC Note On Treasure: At this point in your careers, you should have gear worth about 9,000 to 13,000 gold. Remember that WLA membership is equivalent to a 2,000 gp item; a paid-up membership at 6th level is a 7,000 gp item. If you have SUBSTANTIALLY less than 9,000 gp worth of gear, please speak up. You deserve a good chunk of the current loot!

Monday February 26th, 2007 11:26:00 AM

Tobias would certainly like the gloves of dexterity. They would help him greatly in combat with his short swords and daggers. And, assist with many of his skills.

Also the mitril chain shirt is interesting to him. Is the AC the same as a normal chain shirt? Is it master work?

Monday February 26th, 2007 12:09:55 PM

Cayzle, Highlight to display spoiler: {Requiring only 4 hours of rest at night, the greenmage shall make good use of his time in traveling. Harry normally naps during meal breaks.}

Monday February 26th, 2007 1:50:35 PM

So, when do we finally realize that Tibble isn't with us?

Cayzle OOC 
Monday February 26th, 2007 3:15:30 PM

The party NOW knows that Tibble left yesterday to deliver Bella's special potions.

He has a half day head start on you, you figure.

Fickle wants to stay in town another two days for WLA training. How about everyone else?

Monday February 26th, 2007 7:31:21 PM

"Fickle, as great as it is that we got enough cash for you to join, I'm think Tibble's safety and those we intend to cure may be more important."

Watching Fickle as he continues, "Perhaps if we catch up to him soon enough we could hit another WLA outpost before 'talking' with the necro."

OOC: I vote to leave now as planned. To chase after Tibble, unplanned! :)

Dwight checks his belongings, tightens his belts and sashes. Counts his arrows and his bow strings, secures his daggers; though he rarely ever uses them. He is ready and set to make good time despite sleep still being his eyes.

Monday February 26th, 2007 8:55:52 PM

"The problem we have here is based on the group not working together. Despite me and my cousin having difference we do agree to work together. I admire Tibble's bravery, but strength in numbers and all that, is important. I know I reckon on being able to wipe out all the enemy at once I know I couldn't quite pull it off without the rest of the group creating some distraction, or tapping me on the back with a wand.

"Let's go get Tibble. My brother's once beat the stuffing outta me, and left me in forest to teach me a lesson. But I think that'll cause another argument with Kendry, and others. So, let's go and catch up to him.

"Mount up, if you got 'em. Let's ride. Well, okay, let's wait till morning, have breakfast, pack and get ready, cook a quick snack... then go."

Monday February 26th, 2007 10:28:29 PM

[OOC: Tibble left about the same time that we hid ourselves around the Shallowroots' place.]

"Fickle - I understand you want to get trained by the WLA. You may do so, if you choose, but the rest of us must go after Tibble, and carry out our promise to Bella. We will plan to meet with you again before we deal with the necromancer.

"Or, come with us now. We'd like you to be with us, but it is your choice."

Kendry made arrangements with the stableboys at the blacksmith's to have his ponies ready in the morning.

He smiles at Julian's mention of his brothers' form of discipline. "Well, we'll see what we might do to emphasize our... perspective," he answers him with a smile.

He says farewell to his siblings at the music shop, and heads with his friends to Humble's Ford, to find one who can guide them to the northern place and person Bella mentioned. And, with luck, to find Tibble along the way.

Monday February 26th, 2007 10:29:27 PM

(OOC:I'm not complaining on my money really at the moment. Just curious, how much platinum was our split that Bella left the group? I only ask because I figute someone was keeping a spread sheet otherwise I need to dive into back posts or maybe Cayzle remembers.)

Selithe thinks over the items and speaks up, "I'm okay with my current armor and such but I wouldn't mind the hat if no one else does." Selithe thinks and looks to Kendry, "I still have that wand you got me too brother. If someone could make more use of it then I'm willing to trade the wand of magic missile to someone in exchange for the hat. I doubt that covers the price difference though."

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Tuesday February 27th, 2007 12:08:25 AM

"Well, Cuz, I don't mind where we go, but I do need to point out, that as both a Monk of Domi and a Cleric of Alemi, I have next to nothing in goods/wealth compared to the rest of the group. Aside from my membership to WLA, as almost all here do belong, I have but a simple Darkwood Quarterstaff, a Handy Haversack, and I have but a few simple gifts I received holiday past at the Giggle Ghost Inn." explains Podo to Kendry & to the group as well.
"If you are thinking about metering out the goods, perhaps we should think more about what we each have before asking for more..." Podo says as his last few words drift away into silence.

ADM Kim - Posting Report 
Tuesday February 27th, 2007 2:00:42 AM

Posting Crescent Valley February 19-25 2007

DM Cayzle -2WT-S- 5
Tibble -----SS 2
Dwight MTWT--S 5
Fickle FTW2FS- 7
Podo -2WTF-S 6
Selithe MTWTFS-- 5
Kendry M2W4222 14
Tobias MTWT--- 4
Julian -2WTF-- 5
Airin -2-TF-S 5

Tibble this week went on walkabout with Bella's special potions, taking off as the rest of party took care of the assassin who was out to kill Bella.

(But they'll be playing catch-up this coming week.)

Tuesday February 27th, 2007 6:27:07 AM

Airin is happy to be on the road with her friends again. She goes to get Blossom, saddles the pony and caresses her nose to prepare her for the next trip.

Ah there comes Fioni! Airin hadn't seen her since last night. The traces of blood on her beak are the last remains of some rodent she must have caught during the night.

"Will you be our scout once again dear Fioni?" Airin whispers to the predator.

The little Halfling lass is cheerful and eager to go on the road again.

Tuesday February 27th, 2007 9:43:04 AM

Ficlke is looking into another pocket, and coms up with some gold coing, he sit down ande counts them, "Hey Cuz! I founz some 430gp in miz pocket! Does this help??

Airin - second 
Tuesday February 27th, 2007 10:30:47 AM

"Love if you need some gold to buy a haversack I'll gladly help. I've got about 800 Gp's. How much do you need?"

(just know that that's all she has :-) )

Tobias  d20+13=17 d20+13=24 d20+13=33 d20+13=19 d20+13=20 d20+13=15
Tuesday February 27th, 2007 11:30:01 AM

Tobias is ready to mount up and head out after Tibble. He'll attempt to track Tibble from Bella's do where he is heading. And, if the party is up to it, he'll try to start making up time of their friend.

Survival (tracking): 17, 24, 33, 19, 20, 15
[OOC: not sure how many tracking checks i need to make.]

On The Way (DM Cayzle) 
Tuesday February 27th, 2007 12:02:29 PM

After some last minute shopping, the party hits the road. Fickle will have to wait to join the WLA, since his friends are leaving town!

Tobias tries to track the greenmage, but there are no halfling tracks at all to be found. He does note a few canine footprints, as well as places in which Tibble's dog has "blazed" a trail for those with a nose to follow it.

But since Tibble is clearly headed to Humble's Ford, there is no danger of losing the way.

The trip to the next town is not arduous, and no opponents pop up to impede your travel. You all get to Humble's Ford safely.

There's no sign of Tibble. What do you do?


To Tibble: Highlight to display spoiler: {You find it easy to get directions to Graeff's Refuge in the Valley of Four Peaks. Basically, people say, "Look at those four peaks over there. That's it!"

You figure it is a couple day's walk.

The first day out you are walking through pasture and around farms. The lands are cultivated, and the wild meadows and woods are placid. No dangers today.

Kendry  d20+8=26 d20+10=26
Tuesday February 27th, 2007 3:12:52 PM

[Knowledge, local: 26; Gather Information: 26]

As Kendry has a map of the region, and on it is marked 'Sanitorium Ruins' - that might give him a good clue as to where the fellow called Graeff is located. To be sure, however, Kendry asks about just to get verification from his hometown friends and acquaintances. He's also prepared to get a ribbing for asking something that likely many folks know. He also describes Tibble and his dog, and asks if any have seen him about. [See rolls above]

If he can locate someone who would be willing to guide them (and who knows Graeff, perhaps, or at least has first-hand acquaintance with the area), and who is accustomed to hardships, Kendry is willing to hire him (or her) as a guide.

If not, he suggests to the group, "Let's head there on our own." He'll pick up a small amount of fresh fruit from his family's orchard on his way through town.

Tuesday February 27th, 2007 4:46:22 PM

If there's a straighter path to the sanitarium than the road that Tibble is following, Tobias will suggest that we follow it. And, Tobias has very good knowledge of this area and should be able to lead that party through the woods to the sanitarium.

Tuesday February 27th, 2007 10:54:48 PM

As Dwight travels along with the group trying to enjoy the weather he can't help but think how the 'sneaky fellow' didn't add up as he thought. As he walks he thinks aloud at times, "six of us hiding and none of us saw him, while greatful Podo wasn't killed I expected him to be much stronger. Surely the fear of Heather would have required greater strength to get even the shallowroots to turn against her...knowing if she found out they might spend the rest of their lives as frogs."

Eventually Dwight arrives at a potential link and inquires other opinion, "Anyone think that perhaps the sneaky fellow was hired by our necro friend? It seems reasonable, he can't come and visit the town, but could send some into town to keep a watch for us. He would also know what his imp could be used for. Surely he must have figured out we needed the imp alive else he would have felt it die. Who would know how to use such ingredients....Heather. Finding Kendry, Julian would be easy for anyone that has seen them and can give a reasonably vague description."

Dwight doesn't really expect much to change if this connection is true, but this is what he does. Especially now that Airin is back, he doesn't have to worry all the time (she can do enough of that without his help).

"Tobias, if you can think of a short-cut, I agree catching up with him prior to our necro meeting as he suggested would be great....we all need to have a discussion before we take on such a challenge."

Tuesday February 27th, 2007 11:37:24 PM

Selithe in the morning is ready to move on with the others and stretches some as she leads Gra along and lets Bandit sit on her should for once to see the Wold as they move along.

(Kim: You were the one that was keeping track of the money and such I believe. I think we should handle the money split through email as to not slow the game. Also I know the money should of been split up so someone remind me of the split we all got from the platinum Bella left for the group. Selithe doesn't mind chipping in to help I just like to have a good idea how much she can chip in and all. :) .)

[Justin: Well, to an extent I was keeping track of it... Kendry had suggested 60 pp (600 gp) go to Tobias for the WLA. But Dwight (Anthony) is our official money guy. Later Dwight posted:
"As for the loot, 400 pp still doesn't go quite far enough split 11 ways (9 members+tithe+party damage control stash). If she had left 407 pp it would have been an even split. Anyways, I think 36 pp isn't anything to shake a stick at. I'd say the extra 4pp go towards buying some pearls to identify some stuff."
See also Dwight's post on Sunday February 11th, 2007 5:43:24 PM. He explains it pretty well.

It looks like the 60 Kendry suggested did not fly, but individuals gave much more than that, as you'll see if you go back to the post I mentioned. I'm a little confused as to precisely what is what, though.

If anyone wants to see what Kendry has, look at the spreadsheet at http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=pXgZY5sfiLZ9Q0EhfC0PUYQ - He lets everyone know what he has. If someone wants something he has, speak up! You might be able to see why he feels the need for a haversack.
:-) -Kim]

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Wednesday February 28th, 2007 1:32:43 AM

Not begin really sure who is now the proud own of what new equipment, Podo follows along, not saying too much of anything but following along none the less.

Wednesday February 28th, 2007 7:47:03 AM

Once the group enters Humble's ford Airin makes sure Blossom and Fioni get water to drink and something to eat. She herself had a few nick nacks along the way. The upcoming challenge against the necromancer troubles her heart - Dwght's right... he no longer is the only one to worry all the time - but with such a great group she knows they will succeed.

"Where to now friends?"

Wednesday February 28th, 2007 8:35:59 AM

Fickle follows the others, Finally tell the party, "It'z Smells bad! Smelly Trail it Must Bez Called?" But follows his friends any way.

Heading to the Valley (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday February 28th, 2007 11:00:00 AM

Kendry's experience here -- not to mention the people he knows -- give up the following bits of information:

1) Graeff does not live at the ruins. He lives in the Valley of the Four Peaks.

2) If the day is clear, you can see the peaks, right over there. They are about three or four day's walk away.

3) Tibble was here yesterday. He asked about the Peaks and got the same answer.

Tobias knows that there is no road to the Valley. You go through cultivated lands for a day and a half, then wilderlands. The Four Peaks are right on the border of Crescent Valley. At the summit of one of the peaks is a Giant Tower that guards against incursions from the north.

Tobias can lead the party well, although he suspects that entering the Valley will be hard given the rough terrain around the Four Peaks.

Dwight is surprised that the Sneaky Fellow was so easily captured. Frankly, the DM was surprised by that too. The Sneaky Fellow had very unlucky die rolls. Which is to say, it seems to Dwight that time and chance happened to the Sneaky Fellow as it does to all.

Dwight also wisely wonders who the Sneaky Fellow worked for.

Dwight deduces that the Necromancer, Flavius Aetius, can sense that his homunculous is still alive.

And yes, the party's profile in Crescent Valley is high enough that an investigator armed with a description could find out about the party fairly easily.

The party continues to iron out the details of who gets what items.

The first day's walk toward the Four Peaks is uneventful. The land hereabouts is mostly farms and stands of woods. Pastures and sheep, too.

Tobias warns that the going will be rougher ahead.

Tobias  d20+13=17
Wednesday February 28th, 2007 11:33:13 AM

Tobias continues to try to pace the party to catch Tibble -- riding for an extra hour, shortening meals and rest breaks, etc. At the end of the first day, he tries to find Tibble or his pony's tracks in order to discern whether they're making up time or not [Survival(tracking) - 17].

[OOC: Are we in Culverwood now? Because that increases Tobias's check bonus. Do I need to make any more rolls to keep us on track to the Valley of the Four Peaks?]

[OOC: The WLA cost was for Fickle, not Tobias...he's already an entry-level member. And, Tobias also donated his 36pp to that cause.]

Airin  d20+16=24 d20+8=18 d20+12=13
Wednesday February 28th, 2007 12:21:18 PM

"Maybe Fioni here can catch up with Tibble faster? If she can find him she could deliver a message that we are trying to catch up with him. "

A light wistle and Fioni comes down landing on Airin's arm - as she did so many times before (ooc I read on various boards that Inge made Fioni do that quite often ;-) )

"Shall we send her ahead? Kendry, you can write a note that we can attach to her."

If the party agrees this is done and Airin sends her hawk straight towards the Four Peaks hoping she will spot Tibble.

Fioni Spot: 24

On the road Airin too keeps an eye out for signs. Sign of Tibble, signs of trouble...

Spot: 18
Survival: 13 - natural 1 - she'll get lost in her own backyard!

Steven OOC 
Wednesday February 28th, 2007 12:27:27 PM

Concerning the belongings we carry:

Boots of the Elvenkind: latest treasure
Cloak of the Elvenkind: long ago
Handy Haversack: bought that herself
other gear and potions: both or gained

In total I think Airin is close to or just over 9000 Gp. That's fairly on schedule I believe.

I will update Airin's sheet and send it to you DM Cayzle

Wednesday February 28th, 2007 6:32:59 PM

Cayzle, Highlight to display spoiler: {Is the greenmage headed north towards the Scab or south towards the Red Hills? If things begin to look troublesome to Tibble he'll slow his movement considerably.}

Wednesday February 28th, 2007 8:41:19 PM

Selithe won't take the hat inless otherwise told she can, she does look to Podo and thinks about his comment before speaking up, "If you can make use of the hat more then me then you can have it Podo. I figure the hat would be less useful to people then the gloves if they are dex or such gloves."

Selithe moves on with the group and stretches abit more before pulling out her pipe and lighting it. As she smokes abit of her pipe and walks along, Bandit gets off her shoulder and runs along abit too, just enjoying himself. Selithe does keep a eye out on her friend as she doesn't want him to get hurt. Gra too seems to be enjoying the adventuer so far.

Wednesday February 28th, 2007 9:22:23 PM

"Sure, that's a great idea, sweets," Kendry answers Airin. He writes a note in halfling on a small strip of paper that he gives to Airin to wrap around Fioni's leg. It says:
Tibs: We follow behind you. Wait up! You got about a twelve hour headstart. -KLP
Kendry lets Airin know that 250 gp would be enough, and he gives her a big happy hug for making it possible for him to get what he needs to carry what he has!

[OOC: I am assuming this took place just before he headed to the Catacombs prior to heading out. Kendry is in the Catacombs now, awaiting service - I took him there a few days ago. No response yet from any staff members. Regarding who gets the gloves, etc., Kendry is holding his peace until I get word from the Catacombs.]

Wednesday February 28th, 2007 10:34:03 PM

Dwight tags along watching the rear most of the day. 'Great idea there Airin, perhaps we'll catch him yet.'

"Anyone else have any ideas regarding connections?"

Thursday March 1st, 2007 12:20:22 AM

Julian is as keen as a mountain goat is sturdy.

"We should follow his direct trail. His smelly feet might cause offense with someone willing to waylay him by the side of the road. I know I've considered it, but don't ever tell him that. I like him, really. Just wish I could use magic on his feet."

Kendry - just a few rolls for DM use, as desired  d20+5=9 d20+5=17 d20+3=21
Thursday March 1st, 2007 4:00:22 AM

[Knowledge (nature): 9; Survival: 17; Spot: 21]

Kendry laughs appreciatively at Julian's observations.

Thursday March 1st, 2007 5:30:22 AM

Fickle walking along with the orhers, just looking around. He Spots a heard of Floffy Clouds with Black Faces and Legs??
Highlight to display spoiler: {sheeps} So He ask his cousin Kendry, "Cuz! What'z those Floffy thingiez, Look good to eat? Want some for Dinner!??"

Fickle takes out his sling and a bullet to ger him self some dinner!!

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Thursday March 1st, 2007 8:17:57 AM

Podo tags along without saying much. At times he looks around as if to survey the terrain.

Airin - 2nd 
Thursday March 1st, 2007 1:21:24 PM

Airin attaches the note Kendry wrote to Fioni and sends the hawk to trace Tibble

(rolls in wednesday post)

The Rainbow Highlands

Wilderlands (DM Cayzle) 
Thursday March 1st, 2007 3:13:17 PM

OOC: I know a map would be a help, and it is not unreasonable since you have lived in the Valley your whole lives. I'll try to post a map tomorrow or this weekend. For now, I hope the following will suffice:

The northern boundary of the Crescent Valley is marked by tall towers that are part of a magical protection system that keeps out the giants of the Scab. The Valley of Four Peaks is right on that line. The peaks form a diamond, north, south, east, and west. The northern peak has one of the towers on it. That tower is very remote, and is serviced only by guardians who can fly, usually on aerial mounts. You know the Tower Guards are greatly respected throughout the Crescent, but they do tend to hold themselves above gossip and politics.

The land toward the northern boundary of the Crescent is rough, touching the foothills of the Scab that looms ever northward. As a reference, the northeasternly most reach of the Culverwood is to the west, past Hovel.

As the party leaves the cultivated lands that lie on either side of the river, the signs of civilization become scarcer. If you see anyone, it is probably shepherds watching flocks or hunters looking for beaver and mink. The odd homestead might be found here and there, maybe with a palisade of stout logs to keep out wildlife.

Again, this is not new to you. The party traveled in land like this when you visited Lawni's Lens, although there were more farms and the land was somewhat more rolling around the Lens.

The party makes good time, what with the nature-oriented folk leading the way. But there is no doubt that Tibble would move faster, given a druid's Woodland Stride ability. You make up some of that time as Tobias urges longer marches and shorter breaks.

Airin thinks to send her bird ahead with a message penned by Kendry.

Fickle finds that sheep is really quite a tasty meat. In fact, he thinks it reminds him of a food he has enjoyed many times in the past -- called mutton.

Selithe enjoys the pleasures of the outdoors. Podo takes in the scenery. Julian walks along, comfortable in the outdoors as well.

Dwight takes the rear, keeping alert.

As you get closer to the four peaks, the land gets rougher. As night falls, you find yourselves near a homestead. Do you camp out of doors, or look for the shelter of a friendly barn?

Was Airin's bird directed to keep searching for Tibble or to return at night?


Tibble, Please Highlight to display spoiler: {You are very close to the peaks now. The land is quite rough and broken, and you have been walking uphill. You will need to rest for the night, and tomorrow you think there will be some actual mountain climbing in store. Any special plans for inclines, crevasses, canyons, and chasms? By the way, as I said at the start of the post, you are travelling north toward the Scab.}

Thursday March 1st, 2007 10:23:55 PM

Selithe looks to her brother when nightfall comes and speaks to him, "Why don't we spend the night outside. It looks like a nice night to sleep outside."

If decided Selithe will work on setting up her sleeping bag and such and lets Bandit run loose a bit but not too far from the group.

Dwight  d20+3=20 d20+9=24
Thursday March 1st, 2007 10:28:31 PM

When Airin's bird returns(?) Dwight makes sure he finds any information learned. "Kendry, any chance you could levitate each of us up these steep inclines?"

Otherwise Dwight keeps a watch, which becomes more intent as the terrain becomes less familiar and less hospitable. As the grounds change from grassy to rocky, the necro's cave dances around in Dwight's mind. He begins looking at the ground more often.

spot: 20
listen: 24

Kendry, as we travel along  d20+5=12 d20+5=17 d20+3=19
Thursday March 1st, 2007 10:31:49 PM

"Have you all thought of the wonders of the Wold? What a beautiful place it is, and how many marvels there are?" Kendry asks his friends.

"And we have seen some of them. We ourselves have the beautiful, verdant Crescent Valley. And some of us have seen the powerful towers which protect us from the giants. We live next to the mysterious Culverwood, full of life and death, places holy and unholy, elves, druids, walking trees, fairy dragons, magic mushrooms...

"To the south are the beautiful Red Hills. We should look up some of the halfling communities there. I know our kind are scattered about that area.

"Remember Plateau City? Countless buildings, towering towers - you can see that huge pyramid most of the way across the city. The Star Mage tower - Selithe - one day you'll be a member, right? Oh, and the library. Endless rows and floor upon floor of books, scrolls, maps, artifacts. And the people. So many.

"Anyway, I'm glad we live in this big ol' Wold. And with the life we've chosen, we should be able to see LOTS of the amazing places, and meet LOTS of the amazing people and critters. And think of the stories we'll have to tell our friends, and even, one day, our children, and our children's children..."


"Yes, well, Fickle, that would be a sheep you just killed, and from it you can get mutton. The younger ones are called lambs. I've got some spices and such that help bring out the flavor. By the way, that sheep probably belongs to someone, and the shepherd might miss it. So, we usually pay folks when we get something from them. And, usually, we ask first, pay in advance, then we can kill the sheep, or chicken, or whatever we bought."

Kendry drives a stake in the ground with a note saying, "My simple friend from the woods killed your sheep, not knowing it might belong to someone. Please accept these funds in payment, along with our apologies." Kendry leaves a strip of the sheep's skin and wool on top of the stake, and a small pouch with three gold pieces in it.


Answering Selithe, he says, "Well, I brought us some tents - so we could set those up and sleep in them, just in case the weather turns. One reason our land is so green, is that we get our fair share of rain.

"I have one of the big people's tents that can sleep about eight of us, and a smaller one for two or three of us. Also, I have a tarp we can set up to shelter the ponies, and dogs, if it does start raining, and they want to keep out of some of it."


"Dwight, I have one potion of levitate," answers Kendry. [He may have some scrolls of levitate with him, too, but no one is waiting on him in the Catacombs yet.] "It's not a spell I can call up at will, unless I have scroll, potion, or device. However, I did bring some climbing gear, and a fair amount of rope. If things get too dicey - although Selithe might think you can never have too many dice - it may be a challenge to get ponies through some spots. I hope that there is some sort of reasonable pathway to Graeff's place."


"Airin, so, have you seen Fioni yet?"

He talks with her about what kind of rooms she likes in homes, and how big they should be, and whether she prefers the burrows and berms of traditional halfling housing, or the more modern above ground houses of places like Angel Springs.

He brings Podo and others into the discussion. "Remember Lawni's Lens? With the observatory and big building next to it, all up on top of that hill, and the rolling grassy hills round about, and the water in streams and such - that might be an interesting place to live. We could build some traditional burrows round about, and - there's farmland aplenty, to be sure - plant orchards - get some druidic help there, mayhaps.

"Everyone in the community could give, say, ten percent to the community, to pay for - whatever we all need as a little town. Might be a good place to raise children - as long as we deal with ghosts and gargoyles ahead of time."


Kendry gets out cooking gear, sets up a tripod, gets a fire going, and makes sure everyone has a warm meal before retiring for the evening.

[Knowledge (nature): 12; Survival: 17; Spot: 19]

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood  d20+5=12 d20+9=19 d20+2=13 d20+2=20 d20+3=23
Friday March 2nd, 2007 3:16:32 AM

While walking and truding along after the rest of his companions, Podo takes the to time to analyse the terrain and geography as best he can so as to improve his skills. When able he tries to recall anything about the Historical significance about the place they are passing through.
When his friends break camp for the night, Podo unfurls his winter blanksts and his bedrool. Offering the group the use of his Tindertwigs to start a fire, Podo hums quietly to himself and offers to go gather some firewood.

Skills Used
Knowledge (geography): 12;
Survival: 23 (Nat 20!);
Spot: 19;
Knowledge (The Planes):13;
Knowledge (History): 20;

Spells Prepared
Cure Light Wound

Detect Magic
Read Magic
Purify Food & Water

Endure Elements
Cure Light Wounds

Friday March 2nd, 2007 5:49:25 AM

Fickle quickly goes to the heard, pick up the body of the Motton. then it's back to the group,
He'll skin the Mutton, Then cooks it, while it's cooking, Fickle ask the group "Who wants the Mutton's Wool??"

Friday March 2nd, 2007 10:32:10 AM

Cayzle, Highlight to display spoiler: { Tibble will do nothing special regarding the terrain. He'll continue to use his 'scouts' as always, but he'll get them to point out the best route for him to use.

OOC: I go in for surgery this afternoon. With any luck I'll be ready to post tomorrow or at least by monday.

Friday March 2nd, 2007 11:16:06 AM

Tobias continues to push the group forward trying to make up time, but is a little disheartened that they don't seem to be catching up much on Tibble. But, he pushes the group on, in case something unforeseen has slowed down our eager friend.

Rainbow Highlands (DM Cayzle) 
Friday March 2nd, 2007 2:51:16 PM

Sleeping out of doors sounds good to Selithe, and Kendry enlists the group's aid in setting up tents.

Podo thinks about what he has heard of this area. First off, this area is known as the Rainbow Highlands, called that because of the rainbows that form after showers in the area.

Podo recalls that somewhere around here was the old Mental Asylum that was really a front for great evil. Some former residents are now cared for by Graeff, who is the person you are going to visit.

Fickle makes the most of his mutton. Yum!

Tobias keeps pushing the group. Maybe he encourages an early march tomorrow?

Airin's bird does not come back tonight. Probably just nesting in a tree and will return tomorrow. Airin senses no danger through her (faint) empathic link.

Dwight no doubt remains vigilant.

In the morning, the party pushes on, hoping to catch up to Tibble.


Tibble, Please Highlight to display spoiler: { You are in rough terrain, moving more slowly. You hear a faint hoarse voice calling for help. In a crevasse, a deep dark crevasse, you see a figure who has fallen to the bottom. Maybe he is half-buried? You can't see his legs. Faintly you hear a call for help. It sounds like someone who has been calling for a long time. The crevasse is about 100 feet deep. At least 5 Climb check at DC 15 would be needed to descend to the bottom, but you could take 10, so long as you are not in danger.}

Julian  d20+3=8 d20+5=13
Friday March 2nd, 2007 5:20:38 PM

Julian sides with Tobias regarding an early march. He is up and dressed in his new Breastplate in the cold light of predawn. The new armour is adorned with brass and blued metals to display fighting badgers. A dire badger is trying to fight its way off the central chest area, and several regular badgers rage across the joints of the rest of the armour, and enemys flee across the straight areas of the forearms and upperlegs. He carries his new greatsword called EagerTooth with pride.

The badger Shark and the Collie dog Sallie both have new matching studded leather barding. Sallie now has a pack saddle, and Shark has a riding saddle with a very small lance attached.

All this physical activity gets Julian excited. Shark and Sallie pick up on it too, and the three of them occassionaly run off to scout ahead, say 200'.

Spot 8
Listen 13
Move Silently Bah! We move so fast surprise is the key.

Friday March 2nd, 2007 8:56:39 PM

Selithe enjoys her night of sleeping outside or in the tents rather and also comments to Kendry that the girls should sleep in a seperate tent of course and she winks to Airin, "We haven't had time to spend together anyway, can talk girl stuff and such."

Selithe enjoys her night of just girl talk with Airin, happy to have another female on the journey again.

Come morning Selithe dresses and comes out ready to continue on as she looks to the others. She chuckles as she speaks up, "Hope someone has an idea for breakfast, I have no cooking skills."

Saturday March 3rd, 2007 12:24:23 AM

"Sure, Sithy - fresh fruit, hot mush, cinnamon, sugar, and tea!" Kendry tells his sister.

He went to bed fairly early, and arose early, adding wood and fanning into flames the remaining coals from the evening fire, and a cooking pot and large tea kettle heating above. He slices fruit, and mixes in the bowls. "Good energy for today's brisk walk!"

"Julian - try these crystal lenses over your eyes. Tell me if they help you see better. Then let Tobias try them. And then Dwight." He wants to find out how and whether they help each person who wears them.

He rides atop Cheann for today's travel.

Saturday March 3rd, 2007 8:01:42 AM

Fickle rubs salt on the hide side of the skin, streches it and hang it on a tree. He gathers leeves in a bunch, laying don on it, throws a blanket over his body.
Fall asleep,Snoring "SNOR!" "Snicker!" "SNOR!" "COUGH"
He'll wake and read to go in the morning.

OOC: DM Cayzle put one Sheep skin in Fickle character's sheet, Please>

Saturday March 3rd, 2007 4:26:28 PM

Tobias tries out the crystal lenses to see what they do...

Then, he moves folks along to start the march early... Waking people that are still sleeping. Prodding folks to finish their breakfast. Getting animals and halflings ready to go. And, then leads everyone off after Tibble once more.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood  d20+5=16 d20+3=17 d20+9=22 d20+1=18 d20+1=18
Saturday March 3rd, 2007 11:09:13 PM

While waiting for morning, Podo takes the time to analyse the terrain and geography as best he can at night to improve his skills.

When able he tries to recall anything about the Historical significance about the place they are passing through.
When finished, Podo will offer to tend the campfire, and then take his turn on a watch.

Skills Used
Knowledge (geography):16 ;
Survival: 17;
Spot: 22;
Knowledge (The Planes):18;
Knowledge (History):18 ;

Sunday March 4th, 2007 3:10:20 AM

"Hey, maybe these'll help me to r... see... things... far away."

Julian tries the lenses, to look far, to look close. He scans around both near and far, up and down. He looks through his own gear with the lenses fitted.

Finally, he passes them on to the next halfling.

"Let's ride, hey. We gots some stinkyfeet to follow. This time it's us following around a bad smell."

Fickle  d20=13
Sunday March 4th, 2007 8:39:06 AM

OOC: Smelling 13

Filcle Sniffs the area, "SNIFF!" "SNIFF!" "NOT ZO Bad! Maybe We's get a BOUR For Lunch!" Telling his cousin, as he marches.

Sunday March 4th, 2007 10:38:39 AM

Cayzle, Highlight to display spoiler: {The greenmage sends his charmed scout down to see who is in trouble and the best way to reach the bottom.}

Sunday March 4th, 2007 11:55:29 AM

Having not seen Fioni return lat night does not really worry Airin. Sometimes the bird just leaves her for a day or even more. But she always comes back. This time Airin asked Fioni to locate Tibble and deliver message; She will succeed.

That night she enjoys talking about various housings to Kendry. She does like the burrows, but havin spend so much time of her life out in the open and in other houses have made her long to the open far more. Even though a moders house would not fit Hovel she would love something like that far more. Perhaps will little details from home but with a lot a light.

The next morning Airin keeps an eye out for Fioni wondering if she will be back soon.

Dwight  d20+3=14 d20+9=26 d20+11=26 d20+9=13
Sunday March 4th, 2007 9:11:06 PM

Dwight takes his shift at the end just before dawn and watches the new day come most likely presenting new things and new challenges.

"Well it looks like all my practice with climbing is going to pay off, some of this looks challenging. "

"As we march, shouldn't we come to a consensus about the necro? Several seem to have expressed views to rid the world of such vileness and others are willing to let him live given certain conditions."

"If we decide to attack him, where? Certainly his home would give him an advantage and if he is able, will likely not be fooled like last time."

"Thoughts," Dwight tries to hold onto his until others have spoken, but he is more in favor of reducing the number of enemies he constantly has to watch for.

hide: 26 (during watch)
move silently: 13 (during watch)

Monday March 5th, 2007 4:57:40 AM

"There's enemies out there for us a-plenty without us leaving behind one's we've already dealt with. Now I know we never meant to attack old bonedealer directly, but it makes sense now that it was inevitable. Let's go kill him.

"That sneaky halfling is just lucky to be still alive. I thought Kendry in particular would prefer him alive. I just hope he doesn't come back to sink his teeth into our posteriors.

"That's my two coppers worth: fight 'em, defeat 'em, and just do it once properly. Always has been."

Monday March 5th, 2007 7:13:59 AM

Fickle wakes, take the sheep skin down from the tree, Rubb off all the salt, roll the skin and put's away in his back pack.
To the party, "Me'z ready to go!" He'll follow them to where ever they are going.

Monday March 5th, 2007 10:52:56 AM

Cayzle, Highlight to display spoiler: { The greenmage waits for his recon info before deciding on a course of action. By the look of things he'll end up falling to the bottom himself.}

Monday March 5th, 2007 11:52:37 AM

"Well, Dwight, I already went over a number of options we might take with him.

"I say we prepare as well as possible to defeat him - and to defend ourselves and our people, if necessary from him. Since he engages in so odious and wicked work, I am not opposed to his termination. Yet, if he were willing to repent... but could one trust one who works in such dark arts?"

Birds lead the way (DM Cayzle) 
Monday March 5th, 2007 3:35:52 PM

Julian shows off his new gear. He is eager to be on the move.

Selithe too is up and ready to go -- with some breakfast, too, please!

Kendry offers rations and experiments with the new magic items. Tobias does the same, but also gets the party off to another early start.

Fickle prepares his sheephide for travel. It does not even smell -- much!

Podo keeps alert, but sees no dangers. He does not recall anything interesting about this place. There's a legend of flying lions, but that's just a tale.

Airin's bird returns with news that she sighted Tibble up ahead at a hole in the ground.

Dwight notes that Fioni is leading the group into rougher terrain, and he is glad he's been brushing up on his mountaineering.


Tibble, Please Highlight to display spoiler: {The bird reports back that there are only bones down there. But you hear a voice clearly calling for help. It is faint and intermittent, but unmistakable. With rope and care, it would not be that hard to get down and back. The rules give a climb DC of 5 for climbing with a rope. If you are attacked, or if it starts raining or blowing, it might be a different question, but if you have enough rope, you'll be fine.

As you ponder, you see Airin's companion overhead. It caws in greeting, then turns back.

Selithe  d20+6=23
Monday March 5th, 2007 9:21:41 PM

Selithe grins at her brother's teasing and gives him a friendly sibling shove, "I can't help it brother. I devoted my time to gambling not cooking. Figure if I gamble good enough a hot meal was not that far away."

Once the group has eaten and is ready to move out Selithe walks with the others and enjoys herself, only riding Gra when she needs to rest her feet. She does think and grins as she gets Bandit, her familiar ferret to jump on Julian's head and ruffle his hair some playfully. Selithe grinning about picking on one of her friends.

Thinking she also moves over to Fickle at one point and speaks to Fickle, "Hey Fickle, would you like to ride Gra a little? You don't have a riding dog or a pony and I'm sure between Kendry and me we can get Gra to let you ride her also, allow you to rest your feet a little."

(Handle Animal:23)

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood  d20+1=20 d20+1=5 d20+5=8 d20+11=12
Tuesday March 6th, 2007 12:30:18 AM

While awaiting a new direction from the current leadership, Podo will try his hand at honing his skills.

Looking at his Darkwood staff, Podo attempts to apprise it to discover if he can tell what it's worth woould be if sold today.

Having complete that task, Podo tries his best to look like someone else using his Disguise skill.

Podo tries to use rope to practice how to tie off a rope when its used for people to decend off a cliff.

Lastly Podo tries to practice tumbling. It's been so long since he last used it, Podo wonders why it seems so difficult to recall just how to tumble.

Skill Check
Appraise: 20
Disguise: 5
Use rope: 8
Tumble : 12 (NAT 1!)

Tuesday March 6th, 2007 2:58:38 AM

Airin's happy to see Fioni return as they now get a clear heading on where Tibbles is. Asuming the group will follow Fioni they will soon catch up with Tibble.

"Good girl..." Airin whispers as she sees Fioni flying high in circles wonder what is taking those little halflings soo long to catch up.

Tuesday March 6th, 2007 3:08:20 AM

He enjoys the conversation with Airin about dwelling places, as well as Selithe's banter.

"Tibble is ahead of us?" Kendry asks Airin. "Near a hole? In a hole? Let us make haste!

"Lead on, Tobias!"

Kendry: Backspace to Catacombs 
Tuesday March 6th, 2007 3:32:28 AM

Friends - Podo and Kendry are in the Catacombs, about to make a decision. If you want to see what it is, pop on over there. Agree or disagree - go ahead and read what has been posted there the past week (it's not too long), and have your character give his or her two coppers on the decision.

Otherwise, tomorrow night, Kendry and Podo will go ahead with what they've discussed there.

Podo is super poor. This will allow him to be a more effective person in combat, at the same time he keeps his commitment to avoid killing others (although he can still kill undead, constructs, and the like).

The haversack will make Kendry more effective, and the wand of cure light wounds will help all at some time or another.

The little bard wants to pick up a few more scrolls, too, to give us more options in difficult situations, and a few mundane items.

Okay? Fair warning...

Fickle  d20+12=26
Tuesday March 6th, 2007 5:25:24 AM

Fickle is following the rest of the party, when he come accross a trail of ants with leaves in their mouth?? So he jumps over the line of Ants, telling the rest of the party "Ant-ies on ground, bee'z carful, might bits You'z??" then walk along whistling a little song.

Airin overhearing a catacomb transaction 
Tuesday March 6th, 2007 9:21:23 AM

"I'm fine with the transaction though I am surprised you're getting rid of the gloves. Didn't podo say he would like such gloves as well? Isn't there any other way we can get the extra gold?" Airin says as Kendry pops his head out of the Catacombs.

Airin rummages through her Handy Haversack and spots a little jar and takes it out...

"Looks this is Salve of Slipperyness. I once won this in the lottery. It should be worth quite a bit... and I have 600 more gold coins... that would be an extra what... 1500gp? So if you keep the gloves, give them to Podo, trade this salve and take the gold, you would have something like 400 left for the group instead of 900 but we would all benefit from two excellent items... don't you think?"

Airin holds the Salve of Slipperyness and a bag of gold coins in her hands waving them to Kendry to decide.

Tuesday March 6th, 2007 10:33:10 AM

Cayzle, Highlight to display spoiler: {The greenmage calls his scout and gives it instructions to lead Airin to him near the mysterious voice.

"Don't bees a-feared, friend," Tibble calls down. "Elp bees on duh ways." The green mage will engage whoever is down there, seeking a direct response to his conversation rather that simple pleas for help.

CDM Jerry 
Tuesday March 6th, 2007 11:52:46 AM

I need the ADM to post the report for last week and email it to me as well. Thanks.

ADM Kim Posting Report 
Tuesday March 6th, 2007 1:22:45 PM

Cayzle DM 2TWTF-- 6
Andrew Tibble M-W-F-S 4
Anthony Dwight MTWT--S 5
Ceil Fickle MTWTFSS 7
Jon-Paul Podo M-WTFS- 5
Justin Selithe MTWTF-- 5
Kim Kendry 2TW2F 7
Pedro Tobias 22W-FS- 7
Robert Julian M-W-F-S 4
Steven Airin -22T--S 6

Everyone posted at least 4 times (Tibble & Julian each), with others posting 5 to 7 times each.

The team follows a half day behind Tibble who has the Bella Potions, on into the Rainbow Hills.

Sunset Reunion (DM Cayzle) 
Tuesday March 6th, 2007 3:42:46 PM

The party now has definite word of their eager friend, Tibble! They move quickly onward, pressing ahead with speed. Still, night is falling by the time you get to Tibble's location.

The spot is a deep crevasse, maybe a canyon, than splits the earth here and goes down at least 100 feet.

Tibble can fill you in on the rest of your discoveries at the sight.

Tibble, Please Highlight to display spoiler: {Your calls down are met with answers that reveal understanding and desire. "Thank ... you ... mercy ... oh ..."

As you wait for the rest of the group to catch up, night falls. When they arrive, the sun has set and the sky is purple and deep red.

Please feel free to describe the scene and bring the others up to speed.

Tuesday March 6th, 2007 4:41:45 PM

Tobias gives Tibble a good tongue lashing for leaving on his own... It's dangerous out here. But, he is glad to see the green mage in one piece. And, he'll listen in to his description of what is going on.

Tobias - OOC 
Tuesday March 6th, 2007 4:45:27 PM

I'd rather not get rid of the gloves. They would come in handy (pun :) for Tobias in most of his skills and in combat. But, if that's what we decide to do, then Tobias is fine with it too...

[As Tobias has a dexterity of 20, the gloves would not change his abilities in skills and combat, since they only add +1 to dex (20 or 21 are, benefits-wise, pretty much the same). In what Podo is suggesting in exchange for the gloves, he will be aided significantly with one of the Tears of Eberyon, making him more useful to us in a fight in some respects, while still allowing him to maintain a clear conscience. -Kim]

Tuesday March 6th, 2007 9:55:40 PM

(OOC: Selithe would have liked to of kept the hat of disguise but she doesn't have enough money to cover the whole cost of the item, even if she throws in the wand of magic missiles (CH:48) and all her gold she would fall a bit short of the cost. If I had enough to cover the item equally I wouldn't mind keeping it.)

Selithe shrugs guessing Fickle didn't want to try riding Gra and continues traveling with the group otherwise, a bit faster once she hears about Tibble. She wants to find their friend and hopefully in one piece.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood  d20+3=23 d20+5=15 d20+3=21 d20+9=13 d20+1=12 d20+1=8 d20+1=18
Wednesday March 7th, 2007 1:22:59 AM

Releaved & glad that Tibble is all right, Podo breathes a sigh of relief.

Podo asks Tibble at great length about the experiences out in the wild without the rest of the companions. "While you traveled alone, did you see or hear anything that might lead you to believe we might be in danger?" asks Podo. (Sense Motives:23 (Nat 20!)) Podo hopes to be able to use his skills in Gathering Info (skill check: 18) to learn more about the area from Tibble's answers.
Reaching into his pocket, looking for a small copper. Podo walks to the crevasse mentioned by Tibble and tries to spot anyone that might be trapped down the opening. I should have memorized the Light spell last night, I could have used it now!...mumbles Podo to himself.
Sitting down off to a small but quite area, Podo will rememorize his spells (see below).
Skills Checks
Knowledge (geography):15;
Knowledge(The Planes):12;

Spells Prepared
Cure Light Wound

Detect Magic

Endure Elements
Cure Light Wounds

Wednesday March 7th, 2007 2:11:05 AM

"So, what's so important down this hole that you'd leave us all behind?"

Kendry  d20+2=15 d20+7=20 d20+7=23 d20+7=12 d20+7=18 d20+7=10 d20+7=23 d20+7=15 d20+7=27 d20+7=22 d20+7=26 d20+8=19 d20+8=26 d20+8=9 d20+8=26 d20+8=16 d20+8=19 d20+8=22 d20+8=13 d20+8=23 d20+8=27 d20+6=20 d20+6=7 d20+6=9 d20+6=13 d20+6=9 d20+6=10 d20+6=12 d20+6=14 d20+6=18 d20+6=9
Wednesday March 7th, 2007 3:28:23 AM

"I have 350 feet of hempen rope, and a hundred of silken," Kendry reports. "Also I have a miner's pick, a few hammers, 30 pitons, some lanterns, water bags, a grappling hook, a climber's kit, a shovel... and other stuff. We have that light box for illumination. And torches." He tries to think whether anything else might be useful for trying to rescue whoever is below.

"Of course, it could be a trap of some sort. But if it's not, we'd be remiss not to effect a rescue. I'll go down," he volunteers.

He looks about for something firm to drive a few pitons in to help anchor the top of the rope. "Or does someone else want the honor of descending beneath?"

He gets out the climbing gear, and either puts it on himself, or, if someone else prefers, he'll lend it to him.

He goes with a doubled strand of hempen rope toward the top, and a doubled length of silken rope toward the bottom. [Silk rope gives +2 on climb checks]

Otherwise, unless someone else has additional suggestions, he begins his descent - making sure first that some of his friends anchor and belay the ropes as he climbs down, and that he wears eyes of the eagle to help him better check out his surroundings.

[Climb rolls, 10 times: 20, 23, 12, 18, 10, 23, 15, 27, 22, 26] - Forgot to include +2 from silk rope on these rolls. Friends' help might add another +2 for aid another.
[Spot checks as he descends: 19, 26, 9 (nat 1), 26, 16, 19, 22, 13, 23, 27]
[Listen checks as he descends: 20, 7 (nat 1), 9, 13, 9, 10, 12, 14, 18, 9]


[OOC: Thanks for the responses on the Catacombs transaction. Pedro - I appreciate Tobias' input. Steven - very kind and generous of Airin. Actually, the salve of slipperiness, with its value, may help us equip ourselves better as a team. Podo's dex is the same as Tobias', so neither would, at the moment, be helped by a +1 to dex. A tip of the hat to Selithe, too, regarding her desire for the disguise cap. I'll have to consider things more tomorrow - busy day, busy night, and I'm falling asleep as I type. -Kim]

Wednesday March 7th, 2007 3:49:51 AM

"Kendry, I'd go down if you like, but I'd need to take off this new shinny gear, and I'd rather not take it off. Besides, it'd be quicker if you did it, just don't sit and chat for too long. And remember, it might be a trap."

Before he descends too far Julian calls down, "Hey, don't you have a scroll or something to do this? And how are you gonna get him (or it or whatever) back up."

Wednesday March 7th, 2007 3:54:22 AM

Forgot to add that:

Julian aids his friend and cousin as he descends. (+2 on aid another)

DM Cayzle OOC 
Wednesday March 7th, 2007 5:18:30 AM

Friends, when I put text in spoiler tags, it really is intended to be read ONLY by the person to whom it is directed.

In this case, Tibble has yet to tell the new-come party members about any "rescue" that might be needed. Kim, this is not the first time I've mentioned this. In the future, players who act on spoilers they should not have read will face possible xp penalties and reference to the CDM.

Wednesday March 7th, 2007 9:14:49 AM

When night falls Airin is pleased to see Tibble standing near the pit Fioni "described". She walks up to him asking what he's been up to...

As Fioni comes flying down Airin strokes her feathers gently. "My good friend... go have some fun tonight. We probably will camp here."

Wednesday March 7th, 2007 10:59:11 AM

The greenmage's investigations have delayed him for half a day allowing Airin and group to arrive. He'll have foraged and prepared a meal to share once they arrive. It is cold, however, as he is uncomfortable about revealing his possition.

As the group approaches Tibble sits giving Harry a belly-rub who's sprawled over a space seemingly twice his size.

The greenmage smiles indulgently at Tobias' arrogance in presuming to dress him down, but offers no retort.

"Naw, friend Podo," Tibble replies. "Ah bees in less danger in dah wilderness den Ah is in what folks bees a-considerin' civil-lie-zation."

"Taint no thing down dis here's crack that bees important. It juz bees another distraction," Tibble replies to Julian. "Bella hired me ta help sum folks an' Ah aims tah dues juz dat. Speck her divination skill lead her tah believe some she asked for help might not prioritize as she'd of wished."

"In fact," the greenmage smiles at Airin, "If Ah hadn't been a-knowin' all yall bees a-pressin' so hard on me heels Ah wouldn't be here's now."

Tibble has been watching the unusual behavior of friend Kendry. As the impetuous adventurer begins to climb down he continues:

"Ain't even a little sure what youse bees a-doin', friend Kendry," the rotund hobbit points out. "But Ah bees fairly sure youse bees a-climbin' tah yer death."

If this gives Kendry pause Tibble goes on to explain, "Ah speck there bees some sort of restless spirit at da bottom."

"It seems dat necromancer friend of all yalls bees a-wantin' tah prevent dah potions from a-reachin' Graeff's Refuge. If youse bees determined, keeps the noise down. I bees plum wore out."

With that Tibble changes into a tulip tree. As Harry Barqr settles down party members recall that the greenmage needs only four hours as a tree before he's fully rested and ready to set off again.

He'll be ready to talk about what to do next in the wee hours of the morning. This gives the group plenty of time to get itself killed should it so desire.

The Haunt Who Needs Help

Help Me! (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday March 7th, 2007 5:10:05 PM

Tobias urges Tibble to stick with the group. He expresses concern for the druid, and says he was worried. Airin is eager to hear what Tibble has to say.

Podo too was concerned about the green-mage with the heavy accent. Selithe is glad to find Tibble in one piece.

Podo listens eagerly to Tibble's story, while extending his senses into the crevasse.

He hears something.

Julian is also curious to hear Tibble's tale. Kendry, too, shows a lot of curiousity about the narrow canyon that now blocks the group's path to the Four Peaks. He thinks about going down, but has not done so yet.

Tibble reassures his friends, telling them that the great outdoors is safer than civilized lands.

Tibble says that the crevasse is a dangerous distraction. He thinks that a restless spirit is at the bottom. The greenmage thinks it best to ignore it. He suggests getting some rest before setting out in the morning.

The greenmage rests in his usual way -- as a tree!

And soon enough, what Podo heard in a faint faint whisper returns ... a little louder ... floating out of the deep dark pit of the crevasse.

Help me! Please! Mercy! Help!

Wednesday March 7th, 2007 6:22:56 PM

Tobias tries to aske Tibble about the voice before he turns into a tree... but perhaps to no avail. How does he know it's not real?

And, he asks Airin, "Any chance we can ask Fioni to go see what is down in the ravine before anyone decides to start climbing down."

Wednesday March 7th, 2007 6:57:05 PM

"I'm starting to like this halfling, err tree. Wonder if he'd mind if I slept in his branches. Just kidding.
"Let's take his advice, it's a distraction. We should finish this for B-Heather and move on to the old bony.

Dwight  d20+4=16 d20+1=7 d20+9=24 d20+3=11 d20=17 d20+3=4
Wednesday March 7th, 2007 7:33:32 PM

OOC: sorry been out for two days, haven't touch a computer. Son broken finger.

Dwight tailing the group hears the last bit of the conversation with Tibble changing into a tree and Kendry beginning his descent. Torn, Dwight just stands there watching.

"He um...surely, but what if someone really...," Dwight clearly shows frustration and most of it seems targeted around Tibble.

After a moment, Dwight regains some composure, but if an axe was nearby, Tibble might be in trouble. "It might be too late, but perhaps we can find some tracks showing that someone has fallen. I'd really hate to leave someone down there if they truly needed help. Then again, we know the necro and I guess the harpies would love to get us stranded down there."

Dwight stays clear of the chasm, but does look for tracks, listens and wonders if someone is watching.

gather infor:16 (tracks?)
survival: 7 (tracks)
tracking:17 (no skill)
knowledg arcana: 4 (could it be a necro spoof? nat 1)

Tobias  d20+13=20
Wednesday March 7th, 2007 9:15:20 PM

Tobias tries his hand at finding tracks as Dwight asked (Survival:tracks - 20)...

[OOC: is this part of Culverwood? if so the check is 22.]

Harry Barqr 
Wednesday March 7th, 2007 11:21:04 PM

The great beast's jowls flutter as he snores. Those nearby are flecked with drool.

Thursday March 8th, 2007 1:27:14 AM

Selithe looks to the others and goes to speak with Tibble but he changes into a tree and she sighs before sitting down and looking to the others, petting Gra's head and thinking while Bandit plays around near her, "No, don't send your friend Airin. If it's to dark down there and depending on what the creature is, size and such if it's a monster speaking then she would be a setting duck..err hawk. If where going to risk a animals life I can try summoning something in the morning and we can send it down, if it is killed it won't be as bad since it is a summoned monster and not a friend."

Selithe looks to Airin, "Your call though, we can wait or you can try. I just know how attached you are to Fioni,"

Selithe snaps her finger as an idea comes to mind and she grins, taking charge this once if allowed, "Wait, I'll do something tomorrow. Everyone gets some rest, we should post watches just incase and wait for tomorrow everyone."

Selithe grins as she prepares to get some sleep, liking her idea now.

Julian  d20+3=17 d20+5=24
Thursday March 8th, 2007 1:35:52 AM

Julian lies down for a good long rest. Suddenly he jumps up, "Watch! Good idea, Selithe. I'll take first watch, if there's no objections. Should we form a committee about it first?" He wanders away from the firelight a little, Shark the badger close at his heels.

Spot 17
Listen 24

Thursday March 8th, 2007 2:15:36 AM

"Tibble, it's good to see you. I'm glad you delayed your journey once Fioni alerted you to our pursuit. Your decision to leave without us, to take those things that we, as a group, had been given responsibility for, was wrong. We have as much stake, if not more, in their delivery and disposition as you have. Were it not for us - before you joined us, there would be nothing to deliver.

"Still, Tibs, I'm glad we are back together now. Let's try to keep it that way, all right? You're a good one, and I think we can do better together, if we are together."

When Tibble offers his view that death awaits him below, and that the necromancer is likely behind whoever calls out from below, the bard responds, "The so-called 'friend' you refer to has nothing to do with whoever, or whatever, is down this crevasse. He is from ways south, and I seriously doubt he would be setting traps for us up here north in the Rainbow Hills." As Tibble turns arborial at this point, Kendry chooses not to talk to the bark.

Kendry hears Julian in agreement with Tibble's view. "Maybe you are right. But if someone is in need below, and it is not a mere ruse, I'll not sear my conscience by ignoring a call for help. For mercy. If I'm wrong, then you all can sing at my funeral. How long has Tibble been here? How long has whoever it is been down there?"

He does wait to see if Tobias and Dwight find signs of others' footprints.

Since Julian appears unlikely to help, Kendry decides that this tulip tree might make a good rope anchor. He wraps one end around the base of the trunk a few times, then moves to the edge of the crevasse. He ties the Sneak's open box firmly to the bandolier across his chest, so as to provide ample light during his descent. One potion in particular he makes sure is available in a small belt pouch.

"I'll go part way down, then let down a water bag to whoever is there. If it's not an evil spirit or harpy or the like, but merely a hapless traveler, he - or she - may be thirsty. I'll decide whether to continue my descent or not at that time. Anyone care to join me in this?" he asks. "Or at least a few of you to belay the rope for me, help to slow me down if I slip and fall? If the walls are solid enough, I can drive in some pitons on the way down. I only have 30, though, so only so often can I place them."

He further explains to his friends, "All we know now is that someone is crying for help. I'll get closer, and see if there's a real need, if I can. And provide at least some help, as I'm able. We can decide then whether I go down the rest of the way. All right?" Kendry casts a message spell so he can whisper to whoever decides to stay awake and help him out.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood  d20+9=16 d20+3=22 d20+5=14 d20+2=17 d20+1=15 d20+1=10 d20+1=6 d20+5=16 d20+2=19
Thursday March 8th, 2007 2:26:00 AM

Steppping closer to the fire, prior to spell resetting, and into the light, Podo calls for his friends and companions to gather closer and speaking a monologue more than a dialogue, Podo begins...

"Friends, companions, adventurers. Please allow me a momment of your time. We simple collective are on a journey of great importance. We have been charged with the delivery of an important service. While we do seemingly have a dangerous spanse of land to cross, this crevasse - it is not our destination. As Mister Tibble has suggested, this is not our goal. I feel in my bones that it is a trap, that We are not safe here.

"As you all know, we had an encounter recently that brought us before a great evil. Like rust, evil never sleeps. As to why some of you think that our lives are not in danger to me seems a foolish thing.

"Those of you that have been a member of this group from the start can recall the days of past when a group of seemingly innocent druids awoke a great being of Nature. Recall those days of Great Turmoil in the land, when plants walked among us, when silver grasses spoke inside our minds; Podo winks at Airin; and of other Green things that crafted mock Gallow's Pole Platforms complete with hanging Halflings out in Aunties Gardens.

"Not everything is as it seems friends,
some things need to be left alone.

"Kendry, dear cousin, tries, bless his heart, to always do the heroic thing, but now in this time and place, I fear that heroic action will only bring death..." explains Podo as his thoughts lead him into deeper thoughts.
Snapping back, Podo explains that "chance favors the prepared" so Podo will take the first watch and tend to the fire. At midnight, he will pass this task to the next chosen and then lastly the 3rd watch will take the helm.
On watch, Podo tries his skills at discovering his surroundings. Wonders if using his Knowledge skills in the areas he is knowledgeable will helps him know. He tries anyways.
After his watch, Podo settles down to concentrate and refresh his spells.

Skill Checks
Spot (using the firelight): 16;
Survival: 22;
Concentrate: 19

In Pantheon's Name (DM Cayzle)  d100=35 (wandering monster check)
Thursday March 8th, 2007 4:52:22 AM

Tibble and Podo are convinced that this is a trap and a diversion. Kendry thinks that it can't be the Necromancer ... he lives to the south, and this is to the north.

Tobias suggests sending Fioni down to check. Selithe urges Airin not to risk her bird. The wizard/rogue has an idea for the morning.

Dwight scouts around. He can see signs that Tibble's dog Harry has been walking around for a day or so. Tibble, of course leaves no tracks. There are no signs at all of any victim who might have preceeded Tibble here -- no signs of anyone approaching the crevasse, nor of anyone falling in. Maybe the person asking for help fell in from the other side? Or flew in? Or is a druid, like Tibble and Airin? Or fell in a long long time ago?

Julian agrees to wait for morning too.

Kendry, unwilling to wait, decides to descend at least a little ways down to see what he can see.

The halfling uses the Sneaky Fellow's continual flame box to light the way. He sees the figure at the bottom of the crevasse. Maybe the poor victim is half buried? Or has no legs? Maybe the victim is bald? Or is that a skull?

From the depths the voice speaks again:

Help, in Pantheon's name! For the sake of all the Gods of the Wold!

Kendry lowers a waterskin and can do no more tonight.

The party rests, perhaps setting watches. Are there any wandering monsters? Not tonight.

In the morning there is a light drizzle, and the wizard must be careful to keep her book dry. Think about spells that you choose to prep. Actions?

[OOC: I hope Airin and Fickle will forgive an early DM post today.]

Airin  d20+12=27 d20+2=18 d20+8=13 d20+10=15
Thursday March 8th, 2007 6:17:07 AM

(ooc No I won't forgive the early post ;-) )

Prior to DM post

"Fioni is a hawk Tobias... not a bat! She doesn't like flying in dark crevisses like that! And frankly I'm not even going to ask her for I don't trust that pit either..."

She listens to the speaches of several of her companions and smiles. They're a fun group aren't they and again she feel like an idiot to have ever left them for a little while.

"Kendry, I have to agree to Podo, I don't like to see you climbing down there... I don't trust it and... and.. euhm ... I don't want to loose you while ... "

But IF we go down there, I have a spider climb scroll that would be most handy.

After DM post

"Kendry Leafwin Pipewood!" ohoh... you should be aware that when a woman calls you by your full name she ain't happy (I know Inge would be ;-) ) "Why can't you ever listen to reason?!? Get Back here!... ... please be careful love..."

Once Kendry is back she hugs him... appologising for getting angry (worried madly for her love?) If you're desperate to find out what's down there I'll help you in the morning. Now we need some sleep

The Next Morning

If Kendry is still set to get to the bottom of this Airin takes the Sroll of Spider Clim out of her bakpack and prepares to cast it - if needed that is - and listens at the crevisse.

She also tries to sense if the cries really come from a person in need. Besides if someone fell into the crevisse there should be some signs near the pit or inside...

listen: 27
sense motive: 18
spot: 13
knowledge nature: 15

Thursday March 8th, 2007 7:15:47 AM

Fickle is silent, he cannot not make head oe heel out of this sceen?? There's a voice comming out of the Pit?? So he'll ask the pit "Arez You'm Cold? I have a nice sheep skin you'z can Ware??"

Special DM Make-up Post for Airin and Fickle 
Thursday March 8th, 2007 7:17:50 AM

Airin sees no signs at the edge that would suggest a mishap.

She does hear the voice clearly and very faintly. It is unearthly ... maybe sepulchral .. and she hears it say something else ...

Airin, Please Highlight to display spoiler: {You hear the voice say very softly, "Please for the sake of all that is good ... So alone! Lost and alone! Please, have mercy, I beg of you!" So far as Airin can tell, it sounds sincere ... and very sad and forlorn.}

Fickle hears the voice answer, "Thank you kindly! Please come rescue me!"

Thursday March 8th, 2007 8:47:25 AM

"That voice feels unearthly... maybe sepulchral (occ what on earth does that mean?!? will look it up) ... it begs us to come down there for the sake of all that is good because it is soo alone ...lost and alone."

Airin thinks it through and then says

"It sounds sincere though.. very sad though but sincere. Still I don't trust it!"

Thursday March 8th, 2007 10:25:51 AM

After his rest the greenmage shall refresh his relationship with the Natural Wold (and his spells).

Once the remainder of the party awakens and is discussing a course of action the rotund hobbit offers his perspective.

"Friend Kendry, youse bees a-havin' no ethical high ground ta presume ta judge mees actions. Ah dun endangered nobody by mees actions. When yall ruined da party's chance of surprise an decided on youse own ta negotiate wif da lizard dogs youse put everyone's life in danger. In fact, it almost cost one's life. No one dressed youse down despite youse obvious lack of judgement; they simply accepted youse apology."

Having wasted too much time on the topic already Tibble speaks to the group at large.

"Ah bees a-thinkin' all yall caught or killed yer sneak? Course Bella had already dun dealt wif de threat ina sensible fashion - she'd made herself scarce."

"Regardin' an earlier comment: fammiliars an animal companions, even simple pets all bees welcome ta roost or shelter wif mees when Ah naps just as Harry does. Should ah feller or ah lass want ta catch forty winks or juz keeps watch in mees branches, all bees welcome. Juz bees prepared fer mees a-changin' back."

"Now, whats wees bees a-wantin' tah do here?" Tibble jestures towards the beckoning voice from the crevase. "It bees aware an responds after an fashion. Dere bees at least some intelligence at work heres."

Thursday March 8th, 2007 11:50:02 AM

Before resting:
"Hey Kendry, let me see those lenses again." Tobias tries them on and looks into the crevasse to see if they have any effect.

And, Tobias will keep one of the watchs, probably second watch if that's ok with folks.

In the morning:
Tobias watches as folks try to figure out what to do next about the voice. If Kendry still wants to climb down, Tobias will go with him... Can't have a bard getting himself into trouble alone. :)

Thursday March 8th, 2007 8:17:38 PM

Come morning Selithe spends some time looking over her spells in the safety of a tent if possible before walking out with her cloak pulled about her some and walks to the edge of the crevice and looks down in it before looking to the group, "All right, no one or familiar is getting close to that thing down there till we know if it's safe or not."

Selithe pulls the necklace she got sometime back when the group faced the fey king and runs her thumb over the symbols of it before speaking gently as she never used the powers of the necklace often, "Spirits I need your help here." Selithe summons a Grig with the necklace and will ask it to fly down and check on the person or thing down there, explaining what the group is concerned about.

Thursday March 8th, 2007 9:13:37 PM

In the morning, watching Selithe Julian moves in close to see the necklace, "What is it, Selithe? Where'd you get it?"

Dwight  d20+3=22 d20+9=12
Thursday March 8th, 2007 10:00:19 PM

"hmm," Dwight wonders if fear is finally slowing the group down too much. Of course Dwight makes no movement towards the chasm.

"How much further is it to our destination? If it's not far, perhaps we could leave food and some water and return later." Dwight doesn't really sound convincing as leaving something else to watch their back is almost as frightening as going down into the chasm.

Seeing the others seem to be set on investigating, Dwight takes to watching and patroling the area. He'll stay within bow range of the group (that is if something fly out of the chasm).

listen: 12

Podo D. Pipewood 
Thursday March 8th, 2007 11:09:19 PM

Watching his cousin play the role of Ghost Bait, Podo relaxes and spends sometime talking with Tibble.

"Hey, Kendry, what was the name of that Gargolye we meet up at that Castle a while back? Didn't he say something about getting even with us?" says Podo to Kendry attempting to resolve this detour before it really begins.

Friday March 9th, 2007 2:22:54 AM

"euhm friends, let's be honest... IF someone would have fallen down there and it heard us arriving last night and then also heard us going to sleep... wouldn't you think it would scream all night to wake us up and to help it get out?!?

Instead this "voice" just continues begging us to come down there because it is alone?!?...

I say we leave it to this and move on."

Friday March 9th, 2007 2:37:06 AM

"Airin makes a very good point. If I'd thought of stuff like that sooner I would'na taken up the blade so quickly."

Kendry  d20+11=18 d20+11=14 d20+11=18 d20+11=27 d20+11=21 d20+11=25 d20+11=25 d20+11=30 d20+11=14 d20+11=13
Friday March 9th, 2007 3:47:07 AM

"Let's see. You, Podo, think I may die if I descend. The gargoyle, that Airin nearly slashed in twain? I don't recall him saying anything after his ruse - he was in a hurry to flee. But those ghosts that Terry Dactyl made were grateful to us for giving the stone flyer a good dressing down. Did you hear him say something to us about revenge, Pode?"

"Airin, my love, you want me to listen to reason. And leave the owner of this voice behind to its fate. I appreciate your concern. And you are probably right. But, just in case - I want us to know for sure, lest we avoid doing what is right out of fear."

"You, Tibble, think whoever, or whatever, is below, is for us to leave be, and continue on our way. Oh, and yes, the Sneak we intercepted - he tried to kill Podo - but is now imprisoned. No 'ethical high ground'? I don't care whether the ground I stand on is high as yonder mountains, or as deep as this crevasse. Look, I don't want to argue - but Tibs, you had us worried. And I am glad that you are safe and sound - and that we'll be able to carry out the commission she gave to all of us, as a group."

"Thank you, Tobias," Kendry says with genuine gratitude. He is happy to have Tobias wear the eyes of the eagle on this exercise - and he informs him that's what they are.

"Dwight - would you care to help?"

"Julian - you agree with Airin. Oh, and I think you'll enjoy the story of how Selithe got her necklace."

"Selithe - Great idea! I'll happily await the report of your wee fae on what lies below. If it looks to be a person, and not a ghostly apparition, then I say we look to rescue - with care, though, with care."

Figuring this should take mere minutes, Kendry waits for the results.

"Friends - before we dash off - we might have this riddle solved, and rescue made, or not, in short order. Let it not be said of us that we came across a poor soul in need, and let that soul perish for fear and timidity on our part! But if an evil phantom seeks to lure us in, then, for the sake of preventing more bones from accumulating below, perhaps we ought to relegate it to perdition, to bother no more mortals such as we who walk the Wold."

He thinks for a moment longer. "In case it be a foul spirit - are any here who might bless my sword? For I have no weapon of magic against such." In a quieter voice, he adds, "Though I do have some holy water."

Conditional matters

If the grig reports a mortal indeed is in need, Kendry prepares to descend, along with Tobias, if the ranger will join him.

[Climb (adding in +2 from silk rope, +2 from climbing gear, and +2 from aid another, if someone will be above, helping with ropes): 18 14 18 27 21 25 25 30 14 13]

He descends first to about 40 feet above the creature - 10 feet closer than last time. "What is your name? Where are you from? What is your race? How long have you been here? What race are you? Tell me who that skull belongs to. Why should we rescue you? Have you any companions?"

If the answers seem satisfying (that is, responsive, and not mere variations on what he and others have heard the voice say), he reports to those above, and descends 10 more feet. Again, little by little - gauging whether there be a threat or attack, only dropping down more if pretty well convinced that there is a real person, with a real need...

Meanwhile, some vials of holy water and a potion bottle are in pockets and pouches easy to reach.

[OOC: How solid are the walls of the crevasse? Rock? Granite? Sandstone? Compressed dirt? Other? Any good places for pitons? If so, Kendry will place one about every 15 feet.]

Friday March 9th, 2007 7:41:30 AM

Fickle still looking down into the pit, turn to Kenndry, "Cuz! Me'z think that Airin iz right! Don't trust IT! Let'z me'um try Something!"

Fickle takes out the Sheep skin, ties a few rock onto it, put small branches for arms and legs??
Then ask some body for help letting it down the pit, Just to see if the voice will grab the dummy so he can be resqued? Or Attack the sheep skin for food?

Me'z glade to have a sheep skin handy!!

Friday March 9th, 2007 10:02:29 AM

"Best of luck, friends," Tibble says shaking his head sadly. "Ah bees a-hopin' all yall fares wells in dis heres endeavor."

The greenmage is packing Harry's saddlebags, preparing to continue on.

"It'll slow mees down ah fair piece, but any whose bees a-wantin' tah travel wif mees and ole Harry bees welcome."

Tobias  d20+9=27 d20+9=18 d20+9=25 d20+9=27 d20+9=23 d20+9=18 d20+9=19 d20+9=14 d20+9=17 d20+9=24
Friday March 9th, 2007 11:43:03 AM

Tobias responds to Tibble, "Well I see you got the fickle and selective nature of helping others from B-- Heather." And, turns back to the crevasse to prepare for this climb down.

He uses the eyes of the eagle to peer down and see if he can make anything out down there. And, waits for Selithe's fae to report back.

If Kendry decides to climb down, then Tobias will go with him.

[Climb (adding in +2 from silk rope, +2 from climbing gear, and +2 from aid another): 27 18 25 27 23 18 19 14 17 24]

Friday March 9th, 2007 12:53:50 PM

"Consarn it, Tibble, if you leave, you're not taking the potions with you," Kendry tells the impatient greenmage. "I don't mind that you're ready to go, but I will if you take off without us again. Now just wait, please. This should not take long. Better yet, why not prepare to help us should the need arise?"

Friday March 9th, 2007 3:32:53 PM

"Ahs not impatient, friend Kendry," Tibble responds. "But youse don't seem tah care one wit 'bout some poor folk stuck ina coma."

"There bees ah skeleton downs dere, tah bees sure," the greenmage continues. "But not no livin' souls Ah bees able to tells."

"Plus," he finishes, continuing to pack, "Ah ain't a-goin' alone. Ah bees a-goin' wif whose a-goin wif mees."

Dwight  d20+3=16
Friday March 9th, 2007 5:05:44 PM

Dwight openly glares at Tibble for attempting to leave 'again' without the entire group.

"I'm not to eager to take care of this 'Thing' down there, especially since we got other things to do."

Then Dwight's attention turns to Fickle's clever idea ?!?. "Interesting idea there."

If Kendry (and Tobias) begin to descend then Dwight reluctantly aids by holding the rope steady and pointing out any thing that changes below them.

spot: 16

"Tibble, this shouldn't take too long. A couple minutes or maybe an hour. I'm sure though, that if Julian gets to kill something he'd be willing to skip second lunch and make up any lost time then."

Friday March 9th, 2007 6:10:25 PM

"Your thinking that I don't care about those people stuck in a coma really does not deserve a response." Kendry goes on with the immediate investigation / rescue attempt.

Friday March 9th, 2007 8:30:34 PM

Harry and the greenmage leave those interested to their distraction, once again heading for Graeff's Refuge.

Explorations and Prioritizations (DM Cayzle)  d20+12=21 d20+2=17
Friday March 9th, 2007 8:34:03 PM

Sure that the voice calling for help is a distraction at best, or a grave danger at worst, Tibble gets ready to depart. The direct path to teh Four Peaks leads north across the crevasse -- would Tibble prefer to go east or west?

Airin is very suspicious and doubtful about the voice, but she does not yet commit to departing with the greenmage. She is very convincing to Julian.

Dwight too is cautious about going into the crevasse, but he is angry that Tibble is going off alone.

Tobias peers into the crevasse with the goggles. Wearing them, details are sharper. He sees the victim on the crevasse floor below -- looking much like a corpse, or half a corpse, to his magically-enhanced eyes.

Podo offers an idea as he watches the rest of the party.

With Julian watching closely, Selithe calls forth a fey ally. The cricket-taur turns invisible and flies clumsily down -- then flies back up, drastically changed! She is now herself decayed and rotten! Her hair is grey and falling out! Her bones are showing! Is this some kind of undead fey?

If anyone makes a spot check vs DC21, then Please Highlight to display spoiler: {You see that the grig is fine -- just using a magic disguise!}

Help me! Help me! I'm a good ghost! I just need some help! the undead-grig intones.

If you make a sense motive check vs DC17, then Please Highlight to display spoiler: {You hear that the grig is trying hard not to laugh!}

Kendry is ready to descend if the grig reports that there is a living person in danger. The fey suggests the opposite, so Kendry does not descend.

Fickle tries offering some bait -- some bait in sheep's clothing! Nothing tugs on the package, but a voice comes in response.

Kendry asks Tibble to stay, but the greenmage seems set on a speedy departure.

In response, may be, to the fey and sheep-bait, or maybe to talk of leaving, the cold voice again is heard, clearly, and by all -- Please, in the name of all that is good and holy, by Alemi and Domi, by Flower, Ffloy, and especially by just Pantheon, help me find my rest, oh my brothers and sisters!

Friday March 9th, 2007 8:46:17 PM

Julian also agrees with Fickle's idea. Then nods furiously with Dwight's suggestion, though ultimately he'd rather just move on from this crevice.
"It just doesn't feel right. It's got us bickering. I think whatever it is down there is doing it to us. Let's just go."

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood  d20+9=23 d20+3=8 d20+1=16 d20+9=15 d20+8=17 d20+7=21
Friday March 9th, 2007 10:38:03 PM

Podo can see the fey is tricking them all. He tells all his friends, "hey the grig's fine..he's pullnig a fast one on us..."

Podo walks to the edge of the rocky whole. Calling down to the Good Ghost, "I am Podo Danderfulff Pipewood, I workship both Domi & Alemi. In their name I will do what I can to help you find rest." Podo waits for a reply , trying to detect if the answer, if there is an answer, dislodges bits of history in his mind. (Knowledge(history):26)

Turning to Kendry, Podo explains, my friend, companion, and cousin, if anyone of us is to go, it should be me. I am the cleric here and I worship both of the Gods, the poor soul has mentioned. I would be neglecting my faith, duty, and honor if I did not do all I could to help a Brother or Sister." explains Podo to Kendry.

Help me traverse this crevasse so I can help this poor Brother/Sister.

Podo beings to walk to the edge and climb down the rock face using any of the ropes already set by Kendry. "If I slip, I can always use my skills to slow my rate of descent." explains Podo.
(Skill check: Climb:15 & Balance: 17 & Use Rope: 21)

Dwight -Question 
Friday March 9th, 2007 10:40:04 PM

How far across is the crevasse? Reasonable to jump?


DM Cayzle Comments: It is certainly a very large crevasse -- kind of like a narrow long canyon. It is about 100 feet deep and from 50 to 150 feet wide, depending. A 5th caster level jump spell, an expeditious retreat, maxed out jump ranks, and some Str and racial bonuses would probably make it fairly jumpable ... but to the average character, it looks mighty risky.

Tibble  d20=8 d20=13
Saturday March 10th, 2007 11:04:15 AM

The greenmage stops in his tracks.

He slowly turns his head to stare at Selithe's summoned creature.

"Ah done been a-warnin' all yall," Tibble intones.

"Unfortunately friend Julian, Ah can'ts bees a-goin' just yet."

He heaves a heavy sigh. As the pair turn around Harry has a worried look on his face.

"Dah dead can't bees a-callin' on de gods, normal-wise," Tibble points out while walking over to look down into the ravine. "An dey certainly don't bees involking dem alls fer aid. Dere's more here than bees a-meetin' the eye."

"Sides," he goes on, "dah shortest way ta Graeff's bees dat ways."

Tibble looks directly across the gap in the earth.

"Ah still don't likes it."

Sense motive: 13+3=16

Tobias  d20+6=21 d20+1=2 d20+9=28
Saturday March 10th, 2007 3:29:43 PM

Well Tobias can see that the grig is presenting a ruse, but not really sure what it's up to...

But happy to see the clerics take note of the situation, Tobias will again volunteer to follow Podo down this time (Climb 28).

Saturday March 10th, 2007 3:30:38 PM

Oh he also tells the others what he sees with the eyes of the eagle... There is at least a partial body down there, but not likely to be alive.

Kendry  d20+3=10 d20+4=23 d20+11=28
Saturday March 10th, 2007 10:38:56 PM

[Spot: 10; Sense Motive: 23; Diplomacy: 28; see earlier, unused climb checks]

Pleased that others are committing to seeing this puzzle through, Kendry gives Airin's hand a squeeze, then joins in the descent.

When within earshot of the spirit, he asks the questions he formulated earlier.

"Please, take not offense at our questions. But if we would answer your plea, there are things we would know.

"What is your name? Where are you from? What is your race? How long have you been here? Tell me who that skull belongs to. Why should we rescue you? Have you any companions?"

And he adds, "What injustice was committed against you, that you call upon Pantheon? And how might we help you find rest? And why ought we do so?

"Know this: If you try some wicked thing against us, we shall not heed your request, and we shall pray to those whom you invoke that never might you find the rest you seek. But if you, even in this time of disquiet of soul, will treat us with kindness and fairness, then will we be more favorably disposed to helping you."

Julian  d20+3=4
Saturday March 10th, 2007 10:52:00 PM

Julian weighs up the possibility of leaping the crevasse.

ranks 7
str 3
race 2
potion of bull's str 2
scroll of exp retreat 12
jump potion 10
total 36
DC min 50, need to roll 14 or more

He looks at the depth of the canyon.

"How much time do you think it'll save us if I leap the canyon? I can secure a rope somewhere on the otherside and we'll make a bridge for us to get across. Not sure about the animals though... Someone wanna give me a hand to get this armour off for the leap?"

Spot somewhere to secure the rope bridge: 4 nat 1 (too excited about the leap)

Airin [AC17 - 18 vs traps / HP 42/42] and Fioni  d20+19=39 d20+17=31 d20+8=27 d20+12=22
Sunday March 11th, 2007 3:39:46 AM

Airins till doesn't trust the canyon and prefers to just move on, but she can't allow the one she loves to climb down there without she being there to help him! Then Kendry squeezes her little hand...

"Oh you stubbornhardheadeddogoodtoall... "

With that Airin takes the scroll and reads the difficult words.

"Fioni, you stay up here. We'll be back soon."

Spider Climb: 10 min

Airin immediately begins to decent into the canyon, taking cover along the walls - opposite to the wall where the rest is climbing down from - hiding against the canyon sides as she decends.

While going down she tries to find out what's causing all this...

hide: 39 - Nat 20!
move silently: 31
spot: 27
listen: 22

ADM Kim - Posting report 
Monday March 12th, 2007 12:29:29 AM

Cayzle DM MT22F-- 7
Andrew Tibble MTWT3S- 8
Anthony Dwight --WT2-- 4
Ceil Fickle MT-TF-- 4
Jon-Paul Podo M-W2F-- 5
Justin Selithe MT-2--- 4
Kim Kendry M2WT3S- 9
Pedro Tobias -T2TF2- 7
Robert Julian M-322S- 9
Steven Airin -2W2F-S 7

Good posting job this week, gang. Anthony's son had a medical situation early in the week, so Dwight's posts were delayed.

The party wrestled - verbally - with whether to answer the plea of a spirit in a crevasse, or haste onward for their mission of mercy. Is the spirit who invokes the names of Alemi, Domi, Flower, Ffloy, and, in particular, Pantheon, likely to be evil? But who wants to help a ghost? That's pretty risky, no?

Perhaps we'll find out what's up with that this coming week...

Monday March 12th, 2007 8:29:23 AM

Fickle yells at the group "Hey'z Me'um arms are getting Tired! Want Me'z to drop this rock??" Waits for an answer, But not for long.

Monday March 12th, 2007 11:39:51 AM

Considering the width of the canyon Airin of course isn't climbing down on the opposite side of her friends, but at least 20ft right of them ... she doesn't like the noise the climbing is causing ;-)

Monday March 12th, 2007 1:07:30 PM

"Hold off on that rock, Fickle!" Kendry answers him.

Monday March 12th, 2007 8:13:22 PM

"So where are we going with all this? Okay, it seems Airin is going down, Kendry is going nowhere, Tibble is going forward, Fickle is going red in the face, and I'm going insane with all this... decision making."

Monday March 12th, 2007 9:15:41 PM

(OOC:Busy weekend, sorry for going silent on ya's.)

Selithe smiles as her grig helps out and chuckles as it's pointed out the ruse it tries to play. Not sure if she will need it yet she asks Kendry mainly, "Hey Kendry, shall I keep my little friend here around alittle while still or dismiss her for now."

Selithe looks to Julian and chuckles, "This necklace here. I was given it by some spirits who were captured in the jewel of the vine that the Fey King had. Kendry, me and some of our other friends fought him. Luck was on our side and the jewel of the vine was knocked away from him and I picked it up." Selithe thinks back on that moment for a second, remembering the power from the jewel and shudders after a moment, in some ways kicking herself for turning loose of such power but knocking it was also a corrupting power, "The power of that item was very very strong, it almost caught me in it's grip. In the end I was able to shatter it on the stone ground and the spirits within it granted me this necklace, a wonderous thing really."

Selithe looks to Fickle and chuckles, "I don't think throwing that large rock down there is going to do much and personally I don't like the thought of making a spirit angry."

Selithe next looks to Tibble and moves over to him, patting him gently on the shoulder and smiles, "I'm glad you decided to stick with us Tibble. We all want to help your mentor and our friend, we will together."

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood  d20+9=11 d20+8=11 d20+5=22 d20+11=12
Monday March 12th, 2007 10:00:38 PM

Making his way to the edge and grabbing the ropes, placing his legs so that the ropes are between them, Podo heads on over the rocks' ledge.
(Climb Skill DC:11 | Balance Skill DC:11)

Slowly he progresses down into the crevasse and into the Wold. Once the rock face begins to give way, Podo will his rope use skill to slow the place of his decent. (Use Ropes Skill DC: 22)

As soon as Podo is within 19 feet of the bottom of the Crevasse, he will use his Slow Fall feat to free fall to the Wold below tumbling into a ready for action stance. (Tumbling Skill DC: 11 (NAT 1!))

As soon as he can he will raise his arms and hands in the traditional manner of the Shepherds of Alemi, hopefully disarming the tense situation.

Dwight  d20+3=16 d20+9=25
Monday March 12th, 2007 10:41:47 PM

Glad Tibble is joining in the current venture. "I'm there with you on this one Tibble, but the more eyes, the better, especially if our suspicious be right."

Dwight aids in holding/guiding the rope for those using it and going down. "Four," Dwight wonders verbally if such numbers is good or bad for a ghost.

With his hands busy, Dwight looks around and listens for information below (in case he can't see it) and additional threats above.

spot: 16
listen: 25

(He also awaits additional answers from the ghost?)

Tuesday March 13th, 2007 9:10:29 AM

Fickle's mussels are strating to ache, But holds on with dear life after some of his friends has just gone down in to the Pit.
"Hmm! Tell me'm Is this Sprit a Ghostie?? or a Liqure?"

Justicorpse (DM Cayzle) 
Tuesday March 13th, 2007 9:52:13 AM

[OOC: Friends, please accept my apology for the late post. I'll be on a morning schedule for the rest of the week, posting each morning including Saturday.]

When Podo exposes the fey's trickery and foolery, it drops the disguise and appears normal again. It laughs and laughs.

Julian is unhappy at the different strong opinions on what to do. He feels that the thing in the crevasse is dividing the party. He wishes the group could go.

Podo is firm that if he hears a call for help in the name of those he honors, he must answer. He calls down some encouragment, then tries to remember any detail that might relate. He does recall that travellers who wander north of the Crescent Valley sometimes never return. Maybe this is one such person.

Podo climbs down.

Tibble too thinks that this is unusual -- to hear one of the dead call for help in the name of the gods.

Tobias follows Podo down. And then Kendry. At the bottom, he questions the voice.

Julian thinks about leaping the crevasse. Seeing that the sides are not to hard to ascend and descend (If you take ten and are not in danger of attack, then no roll is needed), it occurs to him that one might just go down and up, rather than across through the air.

Airin, very suspicious, descends with the help of a scroll.

Fickle is thinking of letting go of his burden. Kendry asks him not to. It might occurr to Fickle that he could haul it back up. or let it go gently.

Dwight keeps alert and on guard. No dangers present themselves from above, and he listens carefully to the words from below.

At the bottom, Podo, Kendry, Airin, and Tobias all see the remains of a person -- most likely a halfling. All that is left is the upper torso, arms, and head.

When you reach the bottom, the half-a-corpse rears up! It speaks with the dry dusty voice of the dead ~

"Thank you! Oh my brothers and sister, you have already helped me rest easier just by coming here. But I ask you for a boon!"

The body is badly decayed. You can see the thing's white skull, and you hear the click of the jawbones moving as it speaks. Kendry asks his questions, and offers a veiled threat.

"Fear not, mortals! In life I was a justicar of Pantheon, and I honored the Gods of the Wold all my life. I was on a mission to catch an evil fugitive, but I failed, gods have mercy. Now my sacred oaths bind me to the world. In life I carried a Holy Thurible. It must be returned to the Church of Pantheon. Then I will be free."

"But I would also be grateful if all my bones were buried together in holy ground. That is not essential for my release, but it would be a mercy."

"I was killed by a flying lion monster, who took half of my remains back to its lair, I can direct you there. Please recover the Holy Thurible -- and if you can, save my bones for a consecrated place."

OOC Cayzle 
Tuesday March 13th, 2007 10:26:26 AM

Podo and/or Kendry, please visit the Catacombs.

Airin  d20+8=20 d20+8=28 d20+10=13
Tuesday March 13th, 2007 10:39:28 AM

"Oh oh..." Airin thinks to herself "Looks like we'll stick our noses in this mess soon... I knew we should not have climbed down here but on the other hand this man... thing... whatever... does deserve some mercy... but should we then go out to find a Flying Lion Monster?!?... cooool..."

"Yup... the guy needs some help. I admit Kendry you were apparently right to come down here after all. But... "

Airin never good at talking to others keeps at the background and searches the site. Perhaps there are some remains on this guy lying around, or some of his gear maybe, or some other clue that can be interesting.

Search: 20
Spot: 28
Survival: 13

Active spell: Spider Climb (10 minutes - time to climb down)

Tuesday March 13th, 2007 11:18:54 AM

Tobias speaks, "Well, we surely cannot let this spirit remain bound here never able to truly rest. We should find his Holy Thurible and free him from this world. We must finish our first mission of mercy, but we would not leave you here suffer."

Tuesday March 13th, 2007 2:20:09 PM

"Well dat dere settles it," says Tibble. "Dis can certainly bees a-waitin' tills whese bees headed home again."

Tuesday March 13th, 2007 5:29:07 PM

Listening from above:

"What was that? A restless soul, bound to the Wold till what? A Holy Thimble? Couldn't he just cast Mending like the rest of us?"

"Flying lion monster? Is he drunk?"

"What now? where to? Do I have to descend down there too? What about our pack animals?"

"Are we going to deliver these potions?"

Taking 10 on the climb.

Tuesday March 13th, 2007 8:44:07 PM

Selithe looks to the others who haven't went down the crevice and thinks before speaking, "I don't know how we would get the animals across the crevice so this could be interesting. I have no spells of that power and it might take some time to try and form a bridge."

Selithe believes we should finish the delivery for Bella though first.

Tuesday March 13th, 2007 9:23:21 PM

"Wheese bees a-doin' no ones any good ifs wheese gets ourselfs killed before wheese discharge our task." Tibble calls down, "Mind disturb no things and bees a-climbin' back up careful like. Ah shall return here bouts, wif any who wishes ta join mees, ta help dis here pitiful spirit once our duty ta dah livin' bees finished."

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood  d20+1=19 d20+1=21 d20+1=17 d20+9=23
Tuesday March 13th, 2007 9:43:32 PM

"May I ask your name kind and loyal Justicar of Patheon?" asks Podo. "In addition, and since you are already dead, would you mind if I stored your bones in my Handy Haversack, so when we return the Holy Thurible to the Church of Patheron, I may also have you buried?" asks Podo.
If the Justicar allows it, Podo will approach his remains, and after searching the area for possible traps, pick up his body; what's left of it; and store it in his Handy Haversack, where he can then add the rest of his remains once we find the Holy Censer of the Justicar's.
(Search skill DC: 19)(Spot skill DC:23)

After finding out the Justicar's name, Podo stores him and then searches the area of the crevasse he's in, looking for clues. (Search Skill DC: 21 (NAT 20!)) In addition, Podo touches the Walls of the crevasse, in hopes that grouding himself to this places helps him recall and history about his place. (Knowledge(history) DC: 17)
Once the Justicar's remains are stowed, ands the area's been thoroughly searched for clues, any items outside of what occurs in the Natural Woldian sphere, Podo turns back to his companions, with a look of disgust on his monkish Halfling face and stamping one of his feet on the ground, like slow rapping...on a chamber door.

"What is the meaning of this! This outrage the rest of you are trying to dump on this poor man's soul?
Can't you see a Brother has fallen in his Holy chores?!
Like a small child, that needs to be picked up, dusted off, and then set back on his tasks, that I Podo Danderfluff Pipewood; and family; have an obligation to help him finish?!
If you feel that we must finish the first task, what makes all of you think, that we wouldn't also be helping the Justicar in his task at the same time?
Don't you all recall that this place we are headed to on this delivery-boy errand, was once a great place of Evil?!!
What if the Justicar was out to catch the great Evil Doer that was responsible for this place being there??! We'd be resolving both tasks at the same time!

And as for the monster he mentioed, now we know to keep an eye on the sky for a future threat!

Coming down here was the best thing for us. We now know how to avoid the trap, because we know the trap exists. We can finish our first task and then make our final delivery back at the Church of Pantheon.

Great day I say, Bothers and Sisters! Great day!" Podo says smuggly as he walks back to the ropes dangling off the crevasse top edge.
"So, anyone figure out how to get all of us to the other side yet? says Podo.

Tuesday March 13th, 2007 9:52:55 PM

"Before I climb down, we've got all these animals to deal with. Is there some way can lower them, and raise them out again. I would think a few of us on a rope could do some hauling of ass, donkey or dog."

Dwight  d20+3=9 d20+9=20
Tuesday March 13th, 2007 10:10:38 PM

"Amazing," Dwight gasps. "Can't say I'm all that learned about gods and oaths, but this is the second 'ghost' and its not evil and sinister. How could all the stories be so wrong?"

Dwight continues to listen intently and agrees the spirit should be helped but prior missions take priority. He then spends a few moments thinking about the animals. "By the time we lower and raise all the animals we probably could have just walked around. It's what another day-in-a-half to the summit?"

"Podo, Kendry....can you guess how long its been since he has passed. Perhaps we will be in luck and the flying beast has died of old age." Dwight wants to chuckle hoping for good fortune, but he suspects such creatures live a very long time (so sayeth the stories!)

"Airin any chance the necklace spirit could carry the animals across?"

Dwight continues to keep watch on top; looking at the group, across the rough terrain and now in the air. where food was once is worth looking for food again

spot: 9
listen: 20

Kendry  d20+3=11 d20+11=12
Wednesday March 14th, 2007 12:50:00 AM

Kendry looks up to answer Selithe, "Oh, let your playful friend remain as long as she wishes. Thank you, fine one!" he says to the playful grig.

He adds to Selithe's story, "Yes, and Dwight and Podo, too, were there when Selithe released from Eberyon's crystal pumpkin artifact the bounden spirits."

When the spirit speaks his story, Kendry's shoulders finally relax as his surmise is realized.

He looks over to Airin, some 30 feet away, and is pleased she agrees to help the not-quite-departed halfling.

He nods as Tobias speaks here below, as well as at Tibble's words from above.

He stifles a chuckle as Julian has trouble hearing precisely the words spoken below. "No, no - a thurible - it holds incense and coals, and they swing it in some temples, Jules. Not a thimble!"

He listens to Podo's earnest words. He is pleased to see growing marks of wisdom from the monk who now so fervently pursues spiritual might. He is curious as to whether the justicar will accept the means of conveyance that Podo offers.

"Spirit, then, as your words are good and your intent honorable, we shall do as we can, when we can, to help you find your rest.

"First, though, unless fate directs us otherwise, we have an immediate mission of mercy to the living. I am Kendry, and my cousin and friend Podo has offered you a way to carry your remains until we can see to your request. There are other matters, too, but, unless I am prevented, in the course of time I will do what I can to grant your boon.

"Can you be patient with us, as we carry forth first our other commitments, then the one you ask of us?"

Kendry offers a bag for Podo to place the bones and rags in before his adds them to the haversack - if the spirit is willing.

"I'm not really sure how long, Dwight. Maybe six months? Twenty years? I just don't know."

He assists his friends to climb back up. "Airin, might Fioni be able to look about and see which direction is best to go for us to get ourselves and our beasts to the other side of this ravine?"

If the grig has not left by now, he asks the fae cricket if she can tell where ponies can get past the gap "without having to grow wings and fly.""

He also considers the steepness of the walls of the crevasse - especially on the opposite side, to try to determine whether they might be able to use ropes and pulleys to get even the ponies and dogs and badger across.

"Ayup, Badger, we're gonna deliver them, that we are. As a group."

If Fioni or Selithe's summoned critter indicate a good spot one way or another, Kendry says, "Well, Tibs, shall we head on that way now?"

[Spot: 11; Bardic knowledge to try to determine how old might be the remains of the halfling: nat 1 (12)]

Wednesday March 14th, 2007 2:14:06 AM

"Perhaps I could run the animals around the valley. A forced march overnight, and meet you on the other side. Fioni could guide me. Just a thought. You seem to like to have a LOT of options."

Wednesday March 14th, 2007 7:33:51 AM

Airin has been checking out the surroundings so did not hear every word that was said but when her friends begin to worry on how to cross the canyon she raises her head and asks:

"Any reason why you all want to get to the other side of this canyon? He did not give directions yet did he? Besides, getting our animals accros won't be that easy and I'm not leaving Blossom up there. Either we find a bridge or a way around it..."

Wednesday March 14th, 2007 7:57:33 AM

Fickle was listening to what his friends ws saying down in the pit, he will lift the sheep skin with the rock inside, to the top>

He'll scratch his head, "Flying Lion?? Hmm! Flying Lion? I'z think'm I'z know a name of a Flying Lion! Its start with a'z Greeer - with a few iff iff - then ends ion'z" He cratches his chin, "I'z know they'z Bad! Really BAD!"

Tobias  d20+15=18 d20+9=25
Wednesday March 14th, 2007 11:20:04 AM

Tobias will try a survival check to see if he can discern how long the body has been here or how long since the creature had killed this poor soul. (survival: 18)

When Podo and Kendry have completed their work down here, Tobias will climb back up on whichever side we decide we're going to be on. (climb: 25)

Sharles Grith, Restless Dead (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday March 14th, 2007 11:33:51 AM

Airin sees that the animated corpse of the justicar has moved around the bottom of the crevasse a little bit. She sees that the ground is disturbed here and there. Podo notes this too. The corpse's empty eye sockets follow your actions but do not comment.

If Airin or Podo make a Search check vs DC15, then Highlight to display spoiler: {You find a ring that it seems the dead fellow buried.}

The involuntarily undead creature hears that the group has another mission to accomplish, up north beyond the crevasse. He gets a little agitated at the fear of being left behind, especially when Tibble says that this can wait until the return trip, and when Selithe says that she would prefer to do Bella's errand first.

"Please do not leave me! I know the fastest way! You must go in one direction, not the other, since the crevasse widens into a canyon one way and then narrows in the other. And if you go the way I suggest, I sense that you will find my bones and the Holy Thurible in your path at the end of the crevasse. You might as well fetch them on your way, then go on to your most admirable mission of mercy!"

The spirit offers a bargain -- he will tell you the direction to go if you will promise to get the Holy Thurible on the way there, not on the way back.

The corpse says that in life his name was Sharles Grith, a halfling from Osto. He had been tracking a fugitive halfling, and it was thought that he, being of the same race, would be able to find the criminal in the area. Alas, he did not. He seems unutterably sad about that.

But he perks up when Tobias says they will not leave him to suffer. And he is glad that Podo volunteers to carry his bones. However, he is very upset at the thought of being in a bag of holding or other extra-dimensional space. "Please, put my sad bones in a bag or a sack, but not in a dimension divorced from the Realm of Shadows." Now he exists in the Wold and in the Shadow-Realm simultaneously, and into the Shadows he will go when he is released from his unlife. But if he enters a pocket dimension, he fears what will happen, cut off from the Wold and the Shadows, Maybe he would go mad, and become evil and crazed. He begs you not to try that experiment!

It seems to Tobias that Sharles has been dead for at least a matter of months. At least. But probably not many years.

He is satisfied with Kendry's non-magical bag, but not with the magic storage device.

Sharles explains to the descending Julian that a Thurible is a sacred vessel designed to hold incense. This one had special properties when it burned the right kind of incense ... properties that helped him track the oathbreaker.

To Julian's concerns about the animals, Sharles the Ex-Justicar says, "If you follow my directions, the animals will be fine going around the crevasse."

Dwight, listening from above, is surprised to again learn that all ghosts and spirits are not evil and cruel. But a hallmark, it seems, of the good ones, is that they long to go on to the Lands of Rest, a place the evil ones want to avoid. Meanwhile, Dwight keeps alert.

Kendry suggests that Airin's bird could fly up to get an idea of the best way to go. Sharles says, teeth and jawbone a-clatter,, "Don't do that! The flying lion monster might get her! Besides, I'm happy to tell you the way to go."

It seems clear to Kendry that safely moving all the animals up and down with ropes will take a while ... and longer, of course, if you are attacked.

[OOC: I'm assuming that only Selithe can give orders/suggestions to the called fey.]

Julian volunteers to force march the animals around and meet the team on the other side. The undead spirit cautions against it. "You don't want to be alone with tasty animals if the Lion-monster finds you!"

Sharles nods his head -- quite loosely --- at Fickle's words. "Yes, they ARE bad! Be careful! I was not, and look what happened to me!"

Wednesday March 14th, 2007 12:16:18 PM

Tibble helps those below climb out again.

"It bees a-seemin' wheese bees stuck wif a-passin' true dah monster's territory tah get where wheese bees a-goin'," the grenmage observes. "But Ah still strongly suggest wheese bees a-leavin' dealin' wif it till dah return trip lest evil bees a-thwartin' our task's completion."

Wednesday March 14th, 2007 9:16:35 PM

Selithe looks to the others and nods before speaking to the grig, "Would you mind scouting abit for us but becareful. I don't want you to get eaten by any nasty creature or nothing."

Selithe smiles as she moves with the group, leading Gra now as she is ready to move on and help the undead man and also Bella.

Dwight  d20+3=17 d20+9=11 d20+3=9
Wednesday March 14th, 2007 9:59:40 PM

"I still think we ought to take care of our original business before adding to the list. Surely one that was just during his life can see immediacy needed to save the living. Other matters have pushed us back already, and it was suggested we set out straight away." Dwight waits a moment then continues.

"Some of us took that more literal, but Tibble was right, the package must be delivered."

Dwight still doesn't trust Sharles. "That seems an odd bargain to me. If we don't take it, Sharles suffers longer; a day or so, but what is a day after 8 years of turmoil when light is seen at the end of the tunnel."

"If we do take it, Sharles' suffering will be brought to an end and he may rest. The group has spoken to aid Sharles, but why can't Sharles see the timeframe to save many of the living now or lay Sharles to rest and allowing the rest to die unnecessarily." Dwight is just speaking his thought aloud (which is why he speaks of Sharles as if he wasn't nearby).

As the group begins to file back to the top, Dwight aids as he can and hopes the ENTIRE group can stick together even if we don't all agree.

spot: 17
listen: 11
sense motive of sharles: 9

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood  d20+1=19 d20+1=8
Wednesday March 14th, 2007 11:48:16 PM

Podo searches around the dead Corpse and finds a ring that it seems the dead fellow buried. Retreiving the ring, Podo tries to recall if he remembers anything about this ring or its symbols from his History knowledge (Skill DC: 8).

Podo agrees to carry the bag of Sharles Grith's remains and not to place the bag of Sharles Grith's remains into the haversack.

Thursday March 15th, 2007 12:33:59 AM

"I should just get used to this, maybe even adapt it to my fighting:
"Excuse me there, old chap. Rather nice shield you've got there, for a troll and all that. Not that I think there's anything wrong with being a troll. In fact, how's this: would you rather just hand over your hoard of gold and silver coins and we can have a mug of brew and talk about the good old days when weak princelings walked about with bags of gold and not a man-at-arms to be seen?
"Oh! nice shot, I must say. Broken my collar bone for sure. So you don't want to talk then. Okay, let's see here. I could try to hit you with the longsword, or I could use the longspear and try to (Ouch, well done, bashed through my new armour) lure you back into some sort of trap. You know, have you ever thought about taking on a sidekick such as myself.? We could work well as a team, don't you think. Huhmph! You've got a very strong arm there, I guess you don't want to...

Julian begins the return ascent with his badger in his pack. (taking 10)
"Did Domi ever suffer such indecision?"

The irritated halfling calls to the others,
"For what it's worth let's bag the bones as he asked. Tell him what he wants to hear, it's for the greater good. Yes we will make him our first priority." wink wink

Thursday March 15th, 2007 12:59:13 AM

"All right, then. If flying lions are to be found in these parts, then we'd best be ready for them," Kendry counsels. "Everyone with sling, crossbow or bow be sure to have bullets, bolts or arrows at hand."

"So, you say that the lair holding the balance of your remains is near where the ravine closes up? Fine. If it is not out of our way, then we shall see. If it is out of our way, then I agree with my companions that we may need to wait, Sharles Grith."

"Fickle - maybe you can swing that sheepskin weighted with a few rocks at any winged lions that come our way. They probably like sheep. It might confuse them a little to see a flying sheep. Or mutton, as it were."

Turning to the greenmage, Kendry says, "Tibble, I admire your passion and singleness of purpose. Yet so that you do not think that this mission is yours alone, and we, perhaps, the troublesome baggage slowing you down, consider this. From what Dwight said, there were five potions to bring people out of their comas. Please give one each to three members of our group - select whom you will. You, please, continue to bear two of them.

"If you object to this arrangement - please recall that several here risked their lives several times for the sake of these potions. And also I ask you to recognize that, were something to happen to one who was carrying all of them, then all could be lost. Will you do this thing, Tibble?"

Kim to group, OOC: 
Thursday March 15th, 2007 2:43:05 AM

I dedicate the following Order of the Stick episode to our group:


Thursday March 15th, 2007 2:50:49 AM

OOC: well chosen Kim. PS, I hope noone is getting shirty with Julian and me. It's nothing personal, just that Julian is a Barbarian at heart, and all he wants is some action.

Thursday March 15th, 2007 4:31:24 AM

Fickle brings the sheep skin (with the rocks) up and out of the pit, "OK'z Dok'z Me'z will fight with dumy'z". Fickles chest puff out like the fighter he think he is~

Airin  d20+8=17 d20+8=26 d20+8=19 d20+2=14
Thursday March 15th, 2007 9:57:45 AM

Search DC 17

Airin spots the ring and noticed Podo did too. "Looks interesting right Podo..." she whispers to him.

Then she listens to the Justicar speak of their desired direction.

"I'm not too keen on letting this unfortunate Justicar lead us the way or at least 'a' way to wherever he wants us to go... Especially if we need to go without Fioni flying up high..."

First she tries to sense if the Justicar speaks honestly...

Sense Motive: 14

A hawk probably does not arrouse suspicions from a Flying Lion as hawks ar quite common in this area of the Wold. Airin searches the sky to see if there are more birds flying around.

Search; 26
Spot: 19

Thursday March 15th, 2007 11:47:16 AM

Tibble thinks Airin's use of a natural animal is spot on and reminds the party that he can talk to the vegetation along the way in addition to animals to provide clues and warning as to what lies ahead.

Thursday March 15th, 2007 2:58:02 PM

"Airin - are you willing to risk your winged friend, if the danger we are told of is real? Your call, sweets."

"Tibble - that would be a great service. Now, your answer regarding the potions?"

Begging ... for just an hour! (DM Cayzle) 
Thursday March 15th, 2007 3:33:09 PM

OOC to Selithe -- Please Highlight to display spoiler: {I don't see this fey-calling amulet on your latest PC sheet. I need a description right away, whatever you have. I also need to know what the duration is!}

Tibble still thinks that the lion-monster should be avoided and tackled on the return trip.

Kendry seems ready to take on the challenge sooner rather than later. he urges the group to be ready if attacked.

The Grig is happy to scout ahead for Selithe, for so long as it will remain here.

Dwight agrees with Tibble that the potion delivery should come first. He expresses his reservations.

Podo and Airin find a ring! It is good make, with silver. Airin wonders what is up with the spirit, and tries to discern its intent. She does not see any hawks, but there are the usual array of birds that one would expect in the wooded foothills of a great mountain range.

Sharles says,

"I hope I have not offended you. The truth is that I am very eager to see my vow carried out. And I am fearful as well. The peaks to the north are very dangerous, and I am afraid that if you do not emerge alive, I will be farther than ever from my fate."

"I see that you have found my hidden treasure. I had hoped to give it to you as a reward for your help. I'm sure you do not seek to rob the dead and leave me with no way to thank you?"

"It just seems so ironic to me to walk past my bones and let them lie there. Would it really be so much trouble? You could fetch the Thurible, and maybe my bones, and be on your way with no more than maybe an hour delay."

"May I not ask you to spare an hour on your journey north? It may be that you will find booty along with the Thurible that will make your survival in the north more likely. And you will not leave a danger at your back."

Airin feels that he is being truthful and sincere.

Dwight  d20+3=23 d20+9=11
Thursday March 15th, 2007 7:26:37 PM

Dwight remains torn as to the truth of Sharles story as a man of the church ought to think of other before himself. Surely the saving of others would be worth waiting just a little longer.

With his thoughts of trying to validate his suspicions, Dwight prepares for the trek and watches both Podo (who carries the bones) and the sky. His bow is in hand, with arrows easily reachable if a great beast is sighted in the sky.

Once the group begins their move, "Okay, so that we are all on working towards the same goals, what are we going to do with the flying lion? Would it suffice for someone to sneak in, steal the bones and thurible or are we interested in its death, perhaps skinning it?"

"I only ask, because there seemed to be some confusion during the last battle, death came close for a few before luck shined on us."

spot:23 (natural 20)

Thursday March 15th, 2007 10:24:40 PM

"An hour? Two hours, perhaps. I say we do it, friends," Kendry says. "Who knows whether we shall return by this way, and not another? Shall we do this thing, or shall we bicker?"

He still awaits Tibble's response.

Meanwhile, taking the two ponies, and affixing Cheann's saddle, he prepares to travel the length of the ravine in the direction their almost-departed companion directs them.

Thursday March 15th, 2007 10:40:42 PM

Selithe looks to the others and shrugs before speaking, "I do not mind, if this flying lion is along the way more or less then let us get to it before day light is wasted. I believe all of us won't mind as long as this lion isn't a huge distance out of our way." Selithe looks to Kendry and smiles before speaking to him, "I know you prefer not to kill or anything unless needed brother but I think on this one we better stick with trying to sneak in or just killing the flying lion. There are just some things that aren't going to listen and from the looks of our new found friend and ghost, this is one I don't want to talk to or see a friend torn apart by."

Selithe looks to the others and then Podo, thinking of her friend and relatives new code he follows and blushes abit, "Sorry Podo, I know you prefer not to take life. I'm sure you know what I meant though."

Either way Selithe is ready to set out as is her little grig friend she would bet. Thinking she speaks to the Grig, "Umm, I was thinking. If I summon a grig again will it be you again? Would be neat to have the same one show up all the time and all. Also what's your name?"

Julian  d20+3=14
Thursday March 15th, 2007 11:38:56 PM

"It seems that we may well see this lion on our way to our delivery, whether we want to or not."

Darting about under his slight frown Julian's eyes keep a careful watch.
Spot 14

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Friday March 16th, 2007 12:16:25 AM

Podo heaves the weight of the remains and continues to follow the rest.

(OOC: I might have strained my rt hand....I'm right handed. Typing with my lt. is frustrating. This is all for now.)

Airin  d20+16=34
Friday March 16th, 2007 2:22:19 AM

"Sure, Fioni is nimble and fast enough to dodge even the craziest monster! Aren't you my friend..." Airin says to Fioni who is flying came down once it was obvious this was a pretty huge canyon.

As soon as the party moves Fioni will fly high up in the sky where only Eagles and Hawks dare to fly... from up there she will observe the surroundings and in case of trouble up ahead she'll come flying down in a hurry.

Fioni Spot: 34

Friday March 16th, 2007 8:17:11 AM

Fickle follows the party, But thinking that if they do meet with this flying Lion, and he does swing at the lion with the sheep skin dummy on a rope. He has only one chance of hitting that flying lion. If he misses?? he's going to be the lion's Meal!
But then again so will Arian and Fioni!

Fickle will follow the party, But at a few pase aside (So that if he does run into the flying Lion, he can get enough space for his swing)

Tobias  d20+7=26 d20+6=7 d20+13=23
Friday March 16th, 2007 11:34:18 AM

Tobias is willing to deal with the creature first. It's unlikely that we'd be able to pass through a flying lion's territory without it noticing us anyway.

Tobias will again lead the way through the crevasse, once we get all of the animals down.

Listen: 26
Spot: 7
Survival: 23

Friday March 16th, 2007 1:24:32 PM

Cayzle, Highlight to display spoiler: {Surgery again on Monday. I am hopeful that it won't prevent me from posting. Will advise if it does.}

"Ah bees a-thinkin', as ever, wheese discharge our obligation afore a-tacklin' anoder chore," the greenmage says. "Ifs dah winged beasty attacks us dats another matter."

"Friend Kendry, wheese decide which route tah takes on our return trip. If wheese accept dis heres spirit as our next obligation den wheese shall sees it through," Tibble points out his belief in following through on commitments.

"Whats was yer question bouts the potions?" he goes on. "Ah had ah bit of fluff in mees ear."

Which Way? (DM Cayzle) 
Friday March 16th, 2007 4:23:15 PM

A consenseus is reached, more or less. Deliver the vials first, then return to fetch the spirit's relic and bones. If attacked on the way, so be it.

Dwight is still suspicious, and watches Podo, who is carrying Sharles. He wisely asks about tactics.

Selithe is willing to engage the monster. She asks the soon-to-be gone grig if it will be her or another next time. "Who knows!" she cries, and disappears.

[Cayzle OOC to Selithe: Thanks for the e-mail. Note that any one summmoning takes a full round to cast and lasts 1 round per level. I think that Core rules and Wold standard says that it is a different being summoned each time. There's an optional rule otherwise in the DMG, but that's not used in the Wold.]

Julian keeps a watchful eye open too.

Podo follows the main group.

Airin sends her bird aloft to keep watch.

Fickle is ready to fight, but with a sheepskin-wrapped rock? Your usual weapons might be more effective! LOL!

Tobias is ready to lead the way, but which way?

Kendry asks about the potions.

Tibble agrees that he'll fight the lion-monster if it attacks, but he still wants to deliver the potions as well. He dodges Kendry's question and retains all five potions.

The boney spirit says, "Very well then, let it be in the hands of fate."

So you are ready to set out! But which way? From the top of the crevasse, east or west? Or down inside the crevasse? If so, east or west?

Friday March 16th, 2007 6:19:16 PM

"It's too much trouble to bring the animals down isn't it... Let's move together from above, from the top, towards the narrowing of the canyon."

Friday March 16th, 2007 9:19:19 PM

(OOC:YW Cayzle and I wasn't sure if she could summon the same Grig or not. Just thought it would be kind of neat.)

Selithe is ready to move on but will lead Gra along for the time being. She rather stick to the top of the crevice as to keep Gra in sight since she doesn't want to try and haul the dog up and down the crevice by rope, etc.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood  d20+3=20 d20+3=14
Friday March 16th, 2007 9:32:22 PM

Podo, carrying the remains of the Justicar, suggests the most direct path.
While walking, Podo strikes up a conversation with his newest charge. "So, sir Sharles, what did you do prior to the last fugative search? Where you always a Justicar or working towards that position? What was your childhood like? Is your family from the Crescent Valley?" are just some of the questions Podo asks.

When Sharles answers Podo, Podo will use his Sense Motives Skills to detect if there is any motive other than truth in his answers. (Sense Motive DC:20)
For Cayzle: Highlight to display spoiler: {
Afterwards, based on how the newest compaions respond to Sharles's answers, Podo will try to understand their feelings using Sense Motives; (Sense Motive DC:14)

Airin and Fioni  d20+16=21
Saturday March 17th, 2007 8:46:37 AM

"Yes why not follow the Crevasse on top then we can take our ponies. On the other hand... that Flying Lion thing might really like a few ponies..."

"How about me and someone else move ahead of the group. Kendry, you don't happen to have a message scroll with you so we can stay in contact? We could try to find the lair - if we take the right direction - and if we do, we can alert the rest, tie our ponies to a tree at a safe distance form the Monster"

Fioni continues to fly around trying to detect danger up ahead.

Fioni spot: 21

Druid Spell List:
Level 0: Flare, Create Water, Light, Mending
Level 1: Longstrider, Hide from Animals, Speak with Animals

Dwight  d20+3=22 d20+9=11
Saturday March 17th, 2007 1:40:23 PM

Dwight agrees with the others the top is the better choice. "If we need to take cover, the flying lion isn't likely to be able to fly as easily inside the chasm."

"I'll go with you Airin, to help keep a look out ahead of us."

"Now for the direction, Sharles said in one direction the chasm widens and the other it narrows. I suggest we strive towards the side that narrows."

"Sharles," Dwight begins still uncomfortable with the unliving, "it may hasten our first task and your release if you could tell us how to get over to the other side of this crevass quickly. Which direction did you say the crevasse narrowed?"

Depending on if Sharles answers, Dwight is willing to head in the direction he says it narrows. (Do we need to get to the other side to deliver the potions? Geographically I have no local idea of where the party is. How much farther should this town be?)

If Sharles doesn't give a 'clear' answer, Dwight picks west.

Dwight keeps a look out, and also monitors how deep and wide the crevasse is. He entertains the idea of climbing down quickly if the need arises.

spot: 22
listen: 11

"Anyone know if flying lions have tail feathers or a normal lion tail? If they have feathers I want one."

Saturday March 17th, 2007 2:22:24 PM

"Ifs youse plans ta pull on ah tiger's tail, friend Dwight, bees sure ta bees a-warnin' mees well in advance," the greenmage jokes.

Tibble continues his practice of charming birds to act as an advance warning system and scout.

"Friend Airin," the rotund hobbit asks, "can youse bees a-havin' friend Fioni indicatin' which bees dah shortest way ta a-crossin' dis heres rut?"

Saturday March 17th, 2007 11:08:25 PM

"Yes, Julian," Kendry agrees with the direction - the same direction that Sharles gave.

"I can cast a message spell, dear," he answers Airin. "But in a moment or two, please. And I'd like my ponies to be fairly close to me while we travel."

Kendry walks and stands in front of Tibble, about six feet away. "I spoke very clearly to you. I was not in the next neighborhood. But so that the fluff does not trouble your hearing again," he steps up to about two feet from him. He does not shout, but projects very firmly. "You are not going to be the sole bearer of the potions any longer."

He steps back a few feet, and continues. "I asked, back when my voice a few yards from your ears did not suffice to penetrate your delicate hearing, that you give three of the potions to others, and hold on to two of them. That offer is withdrawn.

"I said a few moments ago Tibble, that I admire your passion and singleness of purpose. I have not heard you apologize for your previous behavior once. You smiled when Tobias rebuked you - with perhaps a bit of irritation in that smile. You objected to me talking to you about it - which I did only after I saw you try to slide by his words. There was no acknowledgement, that I can discern, that you see any merit in what either of us had to say. No only that, but a few minutes ago you were ready to set out on your own again!

"Tibble, this may be your mission. But it is not your mission alone. So that you realize this, please take out the potions that our friend's talent and knowledge mixed with our blood, sweat and tears, and give one each to four members of this group - you decide among Selithe, Airin, Podo, Dwight, Tobias, Julian and Fickle. You needn't give me one, and feel free to keep one yourself - if you do this thing now.

"Not only do I ask this so that you might fully acknowledge this as a shared mission, but also so that, should something untoward happen to one of us, not all of the precious mixture will be at risk."

"When we all, together, get to our destination, each who bears one of the potions will make it available to those who need them.

"Tibble - long have you lived on your own. You have learned many things, and have much knowledge. I respect that. But you are not alone, now.

"I feel you have treated us like troublesome baggage slowing you down. Join the baggage train with us, as we accompany all who bear the healing.

"Now, there's one more thing you need to learn if you're to be a member of a group. And that is the willingness to be flexible. Life, and choices, are not always linear - except, perhaps, in hindsight. When you travel by yourself, you, and you alone, are responsible for the choices, the directions, the consequences."

He turns to address the whole group. "If we take one more hour, or even three or four, to arrive, will those who sleep a few more hours be worse off? If we handle this one request, does that mean we do not fulfill the other?

"We have talked about how several of us are shy equipment. Poor Podo here has hardly a thing to his name. Others desire more to help us in our life as adventurers. Sharles Grith, who seeks his rest, offers us the possibility of a remedy to this. And, if we vanquish the lion which attacks those who wander through here, then this may be a safer place to travel, perhaps.

"Shall we pass by this opportunity, both to meet part of the request of a dedicated soul, as well as - perhaps - to make ourselves stronger, able to deal with a wider variety of situations?

"Think this over. Julian - I thought you always up for a challenge. All of us - there is risk, and there is reward. Shall we avoid the former, and lose the latter?"

Then he turns his attention again to Tibble, waiting to see how he responds, and whether he passes out four of the potions to others in the group.

Sunday March 18th, 2007 1:48:12 AM

Julian sort of wanders in a daze when he notices that Kendry is making another speech...

His ears prick up at the mention of his own name though (actually, the little badger recognised the name Julian and then alerted his master).

Something about a challenge. Risk and reward. Sounds good. Former. Later...? The eyes of the tall halfling clanking in new armour glaze over again.

Sunday March 18th, 2007 1:57:21 AM

Noticing Julian's dazed look, Kendry asks with a smile, "Do you want some treasure, Julian?"

Sunday March 18th, 2007 2:39:20 AM


Julian nods eagerly.

Sunday March 18th, 2007 3:22:48 AM

"There's treasure waiting for us in the winged lion's lair," he tells Julian. "It'll take about an hour. Might be a little fighting for you, too. Wanna try for it, Jules?"

"And how about you, good Tobias? We're almost there, right? Oh - can we stay up above, maybe, instead of trapping ourselves below, while we head there? Maybe stay a hundred, two hundred yards from the ravine. I think that gives us more options, than if we are below. But I'm open to hearing why travel along the bottom might be better."

[OOC: <Big Grin>]

Ready to set out (at last) (DM Cayzle) 
Sunday March 18th, 2007 6:40:42 AM

[OOC: Friends, you can consider this to be a very late Friday Post or a very early Monday Post. Sorry for the delay!]

Most everyone -- Julian, Selithe, Airin, and Dwight especially -- thinks the best path is the one atop the crevasse.

Folk are ready to set out, but astute Dwight among everyone realizes that the restless spirit, Sharles, has not yet told the group which way to go. Dwight asks Sharles for direction, and is clearly ready to pick a direction (at random?) if none is forthcoming.

The corporeal spirit shifts his bones -- a very strange sensation for Podo, who is carrying those bones in a sack. But then he speaks through the burlap weave of his ersatz coffin:

"I'm just a bag of bones, one who knows the way to go. My intention was to trade that knowledge for a commitment to seek the Thurible now, but I see that you all are good-hearted (if indecisive and somewhat uncoordinated) people, so let me not be petty. You need to go east."

East it is, with Airin and Dwight in the lead, Fioni above, and the rest of thte group maybe 100 feet back -- the range of a Message cantrip.

Podo continues the conversation with the restless undead justicar. Sharles Grith tells Podo that he is originally from Osto, a city of theives. There he learned the arts of stealth, but the evil of the place disgusted him, and he became a theif who sets out to catch other theives. That inspired him to join the service of Pantheon as a justicar. The church has sent him all over the Wold -- or at least, all over the Ellenian Peninsula.

Podo thinks the spirit is being forthright, and also has been lonely recently.

Fickle is worried about Fioni (and Airin, up ahead in danger). He thinks about how to distract the flying lion from the females in danger.

Dwight wonders about the flying lion's tailfeathers. Sharles Grith tells him that the flying lion is partly clockwork. Its wings and tailfeathers are made of iron.

Tibble thinks it best to have another aerial spotter. He uses a Charm Animal and a Speak with Animal spell to tell a nearby bird what to do. He sees a big blue jay nearby -- treat as a blue raven. Presumably he tells it something like, "Fly overhead and come back to warn me if you see any monsters." Tibble, please correct or clarify my presumptions, and make sure you mark off the two first level spells as used. The bird will stick around for an hour per level.

Is everything ready? The scouts are set. The direction is known. You have a plan, pretty much. But wait! Kendry realizes that Tibble gave him a bit of a run-around regarding the crucial healing potions that Bella made. He has a demand, and wants an answer from the greenmage. First, he wants Tibble to share the duty of carrying the potions. Second, he argues in favor of helping Sharles now.

Julian is not sure what the bard is talking about, so Kendry recasts his second point in fewer words.

Airin, Dwight, Fioni, and Tibble's Blue Jay -- please make spot and listen checks -- assuming the issue with the carrying of the potions can be resolved quickly!

Sunday March 18th, 2007 1:12:05 PM

From the moment I joined this group, Kendry, you have done everything in your power to delay, even prevent the delivery of these potions.

Your anticts destroyed the party's element of suprise which threatened everyone's life.

You seem determined to be lead by the nose.

Anything the Storyguide says you chase after unerringly. Forcing the Storyguide to modify everything around your actions. I am role-playing my character as designed, to augment the group and get the mission done. You have done nothing but be antagonistict towards me and that mission. Are you so afraid of your posion in the group that you cannot allow another player the lead for a time?

You may write alot, but you don't play well. Especially with others.

Tibble sets the potions on the ground; together he and Harry walk away

I bid one and all farewell,

Postscript: My regrets to all for my characters loss I simply cannot abide Kim's self-important style of play. You each have my e-dress should you have comments, positive or negative, at my dispicable means of dealing with this situation. So that all are aware I did address my problems with the Storyguide privately some time ago.

My regrets,

Airin and Fioni  d20+8=18 d20+16=29 d20+12=13 d20+19=29
Sunday March 18th, 2007 1:59:32 PM

Airin spot: 18
Fioni spot: 29
Listen: 13 - nat 1

Airin continues moving ahead of the group towards the East. As it is not late in the morning and sun rises in the East it's easy to know the right direction.

Thanks to her woodland stride ability she can easily walk through the bushes concealing herself while travelling at the same speed as the rest.

Hide: 29 - 5 full speed= 24

Kim to Dru 
Sunday March 18th, 2007 2:39:39 PM

Dru. I have emailed you in the past, to talk things over. You never responded.

I'm sorry to see you go. I will think over what you say.


Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Sunday March 18th, 2007 4:19:52 PM

Seeing a spat rise, and seeing Tibble and Harry walk into the horizon and away from the group, Podo wonders what the fuss is all about? Can't we just all get along? thinks Podo to himself.

"What's going Kendry? Where's Tibble and Harry off too?" asks Podo.

Shifting the weight of Sharles, Podo explains to Sharles that 2 member sof his group jst left to unknown parts. "Hope they'll be okay!" states Podo to Sharles.

ADM Kim - Posting Report, 2007-03-12 - 2007-03-18 
Monday March 19th, 2007 2:51:55 AM

Cayzle DM: -TWTF-S: 5
Andrew Tibble: -2WTFSS: 7
Anthony Dwight: MTWT-S-: 5
Ceil Fickle: 2-WTF--: 5
Jon-Paul Podo: MTWTF-S: 6
Justin Selithe: MTWTF: 5
Kim Kendry: MTW2-2S: 8
Pedro Tobias: -TW-F--: 3
Robert Julian: M22TFSS: 9
Steven Airin: MTWTFSS: 7

Except for Tobias, everyone met or exceeded the 5 posts per week.

Monday March 19th, 2007 6:34:43 AM

Julian just stands and stares, overcome by strange feelings in his chest, and a lump in his throat.

Monday March 19th, 2007 5:04:52 PM

Tobias is going to continue trying to find the way out through the valley, hoping that the animal friends can help point us in the wrong direction and keep us from being completely surprised.

Tobias is very concerned about the rift in the group, but at the bottom of the crevasse he can do very little to stop Tibble from leaving...

Monday March 19th, 2007 6:25:05 PM

Fickle follows the others, but keep an eye to the sky.

Monday March 19th, 2007 9:22:58 PM

Walking in the Easterly direction given by his Charge, Podo walks in the leading position, hoping the rest will follow.

Monday March 19th, 2007 9:37:03 PM

Selithe is sad to see Tibble go and sighs as she will pickup one of the potion and stow it in her backpack, looking to Airin and speaks to her, "Hey Airin, I think you should carry one of these potion also, keep them spread out among our group to ensure their safty."

(OOC:I'm sorry to see you go Dru, thats if you look at the board and see this. Personally I just thought Kim and you both were playing your char's as you thought they should. I'm sorry neither of you could meet on common ground, I like others have seen to many people come and go in the game and also feel sorry for those who leave. I do hope you plan to stay also Kim. I noticed no post beyond the ADM report of recent posting anyway which is unusual for you.)

Dwight  d20+3=10 d20+9=20
Monday March 19th, 2007 10:54:29 PM

Dwight stops and watches as Kendry lets Tibble have it. just like pa use to do when you came home late for dinner because you thought your tasks were more important then family In the end, Dwight is a bit shocked that Tibble would bow to the weight of Kendry after such a protest of minds and then walk off along.

Knowing that the light of day is wasting, Dwight heads back to where the potions have been set. He looks towards Tibble, but can't think of anything to say, and mumbles "Best wishes, may common goals present themselves should our paths cross again".

He then takes two potions and heads back up as lead. He gives Airin one potion and keeps the other for himself, securing it in his back as he walks.

"Time to move on, we got potions, we got metal flying lion, we got bones to rejoin and, " looking to Julian, "a thimble to find." Dwight chuckles himself, as that is exactly what he was thinking before Julian spoke and was corrected.

ooc: caylze I'm a bit confused regarding our geography. I know the group got directions, but how much further (time-wise) does the group have to go to reach the sleepy people? Surely we would have an idea. A day or two? by midnight tonight? This distance certainly could make or break the desire to cure and we could then give Sharles a better time line of when he can rest in peace.

spot: 10
listen: 20

Farewell to Tibble (DM Cayzle) 
Monday March 19th, 2007 11:47:42 PM

[OOC: Dru, I'm sorry to see you go, but i know you'll have fun playing in Ice Vein. Good luck!]

A disagreement reveals underlying tensions and meets a resolution with the departure of Tibble from the group. Most of the party members are shocked, but most manage to stammer out a good-by or fare well.

Sharles is unhappy at seeing this. "I pray I did not cause this dissension. Please accept my apologies. I never meant to cause any ill feelings."

The group picks up the precious potions and heads east along the top of the crevasse. The party has walked about two days north of Humble's Ford in increasingly rough wooded hills. The Scab is to the north, and the peaks loom white with snow over you. Had you a flat road in a straight line to walk, you could have gotten there in just a day. But in this terrain, among the steepening hills, it will take four.

And circumnavigating obstacles like this crevasse is a perfect example.

Meanwhile, the scouts up ahead of the party keep a sharp lookout. Fioni cries with a sign that she has seen something up ahead. Without some means of communication, all you can tell is that *something* up ahead has startled the bird. If you resort to Speak With Animals or similar, you discover that Highlight to display spoiler: {The big flesh and metal cat is ahead, perched at the head of the crevasse. It is about 200 feet from Airin and Dwight, and 300 feet from the main party.}

Actions? Scouts?

Airin and Fioni 
Tuesday March 20th, 2007 1:53:42 AM

Airin signals to Dwight that something has starteled Fioni. A light wistle causes the predator bird to dive towards the ground like any other respectable hawk would do when it spots a rodent...

Once below Fioni is clearly agitated and Airin casts a spell on herself (Speak with Animals). All Dwight hears is some shitter shatter coming from both Airin and Fioni. The bird flaps her wings as something is clearly disturbing her.

Then Airin turns pale and whispers to Dwight:
Highlight to display spoiler: {"Fioni says the big flesh and metal cat is ahead, perched at the head of the crevasse. It is about 200 feet from us." }

"We need to warn the rest. How do you catch a cat?"

Acive Spells:
Speak with animals: 20 rounds

Druid Spell List:
Level 0: Flare, Create Water, Light, Mending
Level 1: Longstrider, Hide from Animals, Speak with Animals

Kendry  d20+3=14 d20+3=21 d20+5=18 d20+3=23 d20+3=21
Tuesday March 20th, 2007 3:18:13 AM

[Sorry gang - a lot of work today and rehearsal for Robin Hood tonight, as well as pause to think.

I'll not respond here to all in Tibble's/Dru's post, as some is out of character, and we've already done so via email.]

With Tibble
When Tibble claims Kendry had done all in his power to delay or prevent delivery of the potions, he answers briefly, "That is absurd, and ... just false." He thinks back on all that he and his friends and family have done over the past few fortnights to help Bella assemble the ingredients to make the potions, and being among those to encourage her to go on with the task.

But he sees the fury on Tibble's face, and realizes that the greenmage really fails to understand him, and his motives. And Kendry wonders at the inferences and conclusions he has drawn. And wonders, also, whether he himself will be able to navigate the possibly perilous pathways to Tibble's mind and heart. He searches his own heart to see if in himself is error or misunderstanding.

When Tibble mentions the peril that Kendry put the party in, the bard discerns he must be referring to when they met the lizard dogs recently. "Yes, you are right, to an extent. I did mitigate the element of surprise against the lizard dogs - and spoke of my regret, and asked for forgiveness of you all once we sent them into exile, as EagerTooth had asked of us. I thank the powers above - and the skills of us all - that none died in that encounter, other than two of their eagles, and them by the fey dragon."

Then Tibble says some things he does not understand at all. Kendry listens in silence, then watches as the rotund, skirted, often pleasant, often inscrutable, and, for the last day, to the bard's mind, obsessed greenmage, lays upon the ground the five potions, and turns his back and departs.

Kendry says, "We need not part company, Tibble. Iron sharpens iron, you know."

He stands and watches the strong-willed fellow depart. "Farewell, then," he calls out.

Kendry stares at the ground for a minute or two, just thinking over the last few days.

When Podo comes and asks where Tibble is going, Kendry says, "I don't know for sure, Podo. Away. He's going away."

If Sharles is nearby when he expresses dismay at the dissension, Kendry says, "It was not your fault, justicar. If anything, it is between Tibble and me."


Almost on the move

Kendry sees Dwight with his peripheral vision taking two of the potions.

He looks to see if anyone picks up the other potions. If not, he picks up the three. One he takes toward Airin - when he sees she has one from Dwight's hand already. So he takes it to Selithe. Another he quietly hands to Julian, whispering huskily, "Guard it well, cuz." The third he ... where is Tobias? Looking and asking around [Spot 14: - he's not up above], he finds the ranger still at the bottom of the ravine [Spot 21].

"Tobias. Come on up. I fear your travel down there will be too slow to keep up with us here above." He anchors then throws down the end of a rope - perhaps looking for an easier spot for him to climb up.

If Tobias does come up to the plain, he gives him the last anti-coma potion vial. "This is what Heather gave us. Tibble has left. I fear I pushed him too much. He has worried me the last few days."

[OOC: Now Dwight, Airin, Selithe, Julian and Tobias each should have one vial of Bella's special potion.]

Back in motion
In line with what Airin asked about earlier, Kendry casts a message spell (lasts one hour) shortly after hustling to catch up to Podo, Airin, and whoever is taking the scouting lead, asking a few who will stay back with him to come with him, and including a total of six in the message spell. If Tobias has come up to the top of the ravine, he is included in the message spell, and Julian and Dwight.

"Selithe and Fickle - be sure to stay close to one of us with the message spell, so that we might pass on what we hear." People within 160 feet of each other can whisper to each other via the message spell.

Kendry rides Cheann, with his two ponies coming along behind as they ascend the wooded hills. He looks for sources of running water as they travel, and for any edible plants along the way [Survival: 18].

He ponders his relationships with his friends, the happenings of recent times, and this metal lion that dwells in this parts. Though thinking about jotting some ideas in his journal, instead he decides to keep his darkwood composite shortbow at the ready, with some arrows handy in his quiver. Once in a while he looks over his shoulder, and up in the sky [Over-the-shoulder Spot 23; Up-in-the-sky Spot 21].

Tuesday March 20th, 2007 3:33:10 AM

Meandering along with the others... Julian only meanders at the moment. The shock of Tibble up and leaving so suddenly has shaken him.

Trying to get his mind back to the here and now, Julian speaks to Selithe, looking to break some of the tension with a light joke, "A flying metal lion. Metal, hmmm, surely there's no point in trying to negotiate with that using words, right? Waddya think? Got any good metal-crunching spells handy?
"Actually, Selithe. I've a small present for you. For helping with learning to read. Though you could teach me this too, though this should be more fun for you."

Julian reaches into his pack, and rumages around for a while...

<to be continued next round>

Tuesday March 20th, 2007 8:15:14 AM

Fickle is sad that Tibble is leaving, So he waves good-by, "By- By Tibble! Keep 'm feet warm!"

He now takes the rock out of the sheep skin, Yell back at Tibble Here take Sheep Skin! It will keep you warm!"

Now fickle takes his Shield and short sword, "Now me'z ready to fight!"

Tobias  d20+9=23 d20+18=35 d20+15=21 d20+7=12 d20+6=9 d20+13=24
Tuesday March 20th, 2007 11:33:33 AM

Tobias gets back up top (climb: 23) and grabs one of the potion vials. He'll take up a lead position, if he's not too late with the others moving out. Or he just moves with the party until they're stopped by Airin's warning.

Once stopped by Airin or Dwight that there's something up ahead. Tobias will try to sneak up and have a peak with Airin.

Hide: 35
Move silent: 21
Listen: 12
Spot: 9
Survival - tracks: 24

Tuesday March 20th, 2007 11:59:49 AM

Forgot about the message spell. Since this is active everyone allready heard Airin's warning that the big metal cat is sitting 200 ft away from her - just read the spoiler in Airin's post.

Tuesday March 20th, 2007 7:07:41 PM

Selithe looks to Julian and smiles to him as she leads Gra still, "I enjoyed helping you Julian and on that thought, how is your reading coming?" Hearing he has a gift for her she smiles and blushes, "Ohh? what is i...shoot, looks like that will have to hold off abit Julian." She winks to him and grins, "Time for what you been waiting for, some action."

Selithe knows Julian has been itching for a good fight again and Selithe herself has been waiting for something interesting to happen also, specially since it would get her mind off of past things. She quickly pulls her bow and checks it before moving with the others ahead.

[Edit by Cayzle to slip Selithe in for today!]

Manticore Massacre

The Lion is Spotted (DM Cayzle) 
Tuesday March 20th, 2007 8:58:16 PM

Airin and her feathered companion quickly alert the rest of the group -- via Message spell -- that the flying lion is right ahead.

Kendry bids Tibble farewell. He sees that the potions are distributed among his comrades. He readies his bow.

Selithe is also ready for a fight, weapon at hand.

Julian has something for Selithe, but the lion up ahead may be a distraction from that.

Fickle gives Tibble his sheepskin and says good-bye.

Tobias sneaks up to be with the other scouts.

Now Airin, Dwight, and Tobias are about 200 feet from the lion. Kendry, Fickle, Julian, Selithe, and Podo are about 100 feet behind them.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood  d20+1=21 d20+2=18
Tuesday March 20th, 2007 10:01:57 PM

While walking with Sharles, Podo asks his charge, "This ring, Sharles, the one I found underneath you when I picked you up, will it help us defeat the Metal Monster that killed you?"

Taking it out, Podo looking at it, tries to recall if he has ever seen anything like it, or if it brings some history lesson to mind. (Knowledge(history)DC:21 (Nat 20!)), (Knowledge(Religion)DC: 18)

"Sharles, would you mind if I put the ring on?" (If he agrees, Podo puts the ring on his finger, and then looks to see if anything changed.)

"Sharles, when you fought the Metal Monster, what approach did you use? Of those techniques, which were successful against it?" wonders Podo to Sharles.
Speaking to the others, Podo wonders what approach they will use against the monster.

Dwight  d20+3=23 d20+11=14
Tuesday March 20th, 2007 10:40:35 PM

Dwight waits for the others to catch up, and double checks that everyone is above. He takes a long look at the mechancial flying lion as he has never heard of such before; even in his stories.

He looks at his bow and wonders if it will matter. He ponders what spells could be of any use against a flying metal monster. None come to mind and he again wishes they had delivered the potions first. "Here and now" he says quietly, more to convince himself to keep his mind on task than anything else.

Keeping his wits, Dwight moves to take cover. He uncoils part of his rope and looks ahead for a heavy rock he could tie one end too. He motions to Airin and the others that are close that he may try to lasso the thing.
(OOC: if the opportunity presents itself, what would i roll for this? a rope use and a to hit?)

spot: 23 (natural 20---is the lion's nest/lair visible? any good rock hold up ahead)
listen: 14

Julian the Badger, and friends, now with even more Armour. 
Wednesday March 21st, 2007 1:31:14 AM

OOC: not combat rounds yet, right?

"Some action, hey." The tall halfling with shiny new breastplate armour pauses with a dreamy look on his face.

Suddenly he shakes his head and says to his familiar, "Well, Shark. I'm not sure how to hunt a flying metal thing, but it does sound like a good opportunity to test out this new gear."

Julian moves over to his riding dog now decked with pack saddle and studded leather barding. He unties the cumbersome lance and the buckler. He straps the buckler to his left arm whilst balancing the lance against his body. The dog sits obediently still next Julian as the halfling pulls a piece of cured leather from his pouch.

"It's not a treat, Sallie. I'd hate for you to eat this."

Julian then speaks words of power, waving the piece of leather about a lot. "Now that feels GOOOOD."

Mumbling to himself whilst going through his pack, "Now for me. This potion with the red cross on it in this pocket. This one with the picture of a bull here, that one with the bear there, and me leaping a chasm here. Now drizzle this oil over these stones."

"Shark, here, this is for you," whispers Julian whilst sprinkling some powdered iron over the badger. He stands astride the little badger before casting his spell. The badger with studded leather barding and this tiny riding saddle grows suddenly and rapidly. Now the halfling sits atop a dire badger, carefully adjusting himself in the saddle. The lance butt resting on his left foot in its stirrup, the sling loaded and ready in his right hand.

"Ha ha. No need for talking this time, hey Kendry?!"

Cast Mage Armour. 2 Hours.
Oil of Magic Stone on to three stones. Sling in hand. 30 mins
Cast Enlarge Person on his familiar. 2 mins

Spells used
0/6 cantrips
2/5 1st level

Wednesday March 21st, 2007 2:32:11 AM

"Thanks, dear, for the heads up!" Kendry whispers to Airin by means of the message spell.

So that Selithe and Fickle know, he passes on Airin's whispered message: "Fioni says the big flesh and metal cat is ahead, perched at the head of the crevasse. It is about 200 feet from us."

He glances over with a smile as he sees Julian make his battle preparations. "No need to talk? Time will tell..."

He communicates to all, "Let us catch up to you as we all prepare. Let us who are behind come up on your left flank, keeping the two groups thirty feet apart, then move forward. Eyes and ears alert, and may the courage of Domi and Wardd's good luck be with us all!"

Wednesday March 21st, 2007 6:53:20 AM

Fickle marches along with Cousin Kendry, he tell his cousin "I'z don't think that swords and arrow will hurt the lion metel'z skin? but maybe water andz rock would?? What you tink'z?"

Wednesday March 21st, 2007 11:27:24 AM

Tobias waits with the scout group while the rest move up closer. He prepares his weaponry and goes over his memorized spells. He also motions Tewdwr over closer to him, so that they can attack as one.

Resiste energy

Julian [AC 23, hp 45], Shark [AC 23, hp 22, Medium size badger], Sallie the war-dog [AC 19, hp 18] 
Wednesday March 21st, 2007 4:57:43 PM

Julian nods to Kendry and follows this trailing group off to the flank.

Kendry: "No need to talk? Time will tell..."
Julian rolls his eyes, saying, "Didn't we all just know he was going to say that."

Selithe-AC:20-HP:39/39  d20+9=13 d20+7=17
Wednesday March 21st, 2007 5:01:12 PM

Selithe moves forward with the others and tries to stay in cover and move as quietly as she can as she doesn't know how well the lion can spot people, specially at his height advantage.

(Hide:13 Move Silently:17)

0th:Acid Splash(2), Ray of frost(2), Prestidigitation
1st:Summon monsterI(1), Magic missile(2), Enlarge person
2nd:Melf's acid arrow(2), Bull's strength(1)

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Wednesday March 21st, 2007 11:41:05 PM

Podo continues his trek towards an impossible meeting with a large flying predator.

Creep creep creep! (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday March 21st, 2007 11:41:37 PM

The spirit of the justicar laughs ruefully when Podo asks his questions. "It is an item that is useful only to the living! It lets you survive on very little food, water, or sleep. I have no use of it. Your group may have it if you recover the Thurible."

The corpse has little advice. "It pounced on me from behind while I stood on the lip of the chasm. I suffered its attack and then fell to my doom. It flew down and stole away half my body, along with the Thurible."

Dwight thinks about lassoing it. That would take an attack from an improvised weapon that otherwise uses the net rules. But really, it seems most unlikely that a small size halfling could hold down a large size flying lion that likely outweighs him 50 to one!

Julian makes some preparations for combat before the battle starts.

Kendry urges the stragglers forward.

Fickle follows Kendry and wonders what could hurt an iron lion.

Tobias calls his companion, Tewdwyr, over to get ready for a fight.

Selithe moves forward too.

You can see the monster more clearly now. It is a lioness, with tailfeathers and wingfeathers that seem made of steel. The rest of the beast is flesh and blood.

It is sitting on the lip of the east end of the canyon. You see that 40 feet down (later edit: NOT 400!) into the chasm below the lion's perch there is a cave opening. It is a hole in the sheer cliff face.

Dwight, Airin, and Tobias are 200 feet away. Kendry, Fickle, Julian, Selithe, and Podo are about 230 feet from the lion.

Kendry  d20+3=11 d20+5=20
Thursday March 22nd, 2007 1:33:45 AM

"Perhaps, Fickle, water and rocks. More likely rocks. Or swords, maces, spears, arrows." He speaks quietly with him.

[OOC: Folks, there were 5 potions of cure serious wounds. Who has them? Have they been split up among party members? There may be a need for them at our destination, but there may be a need for one or two here, as well.

As Podo is a cleric and recently has adopted a pacifistic philosophy, Kendry gives him the new wand of cure light wounds, with 50 charges. It does 1d8+1, and reroll natural 1s.

From the Catacombs Kendry gives Selithe a scroll of levitation. He gives to whoever wants it a potion of levitation. He retains one scroll of levitation for his own potential use.

We have two unidentified curing potions from the Sneaky Guy. They may be CLW, CMW, CSW, or something else. Kendry offers them to who wants them - maybe two different people can each have one.]

He stage whispers, so that Fickle and Selithe can hear him if they remain nearby, and the rest can hear via the message spell. "Let us stay away from the edge of the chasm, friends, and perhaps draw her towards us, rather than moving towards her. None of us need fall that distance - although, if awake, I could do so with no harm.

"Shall we attack from within the relative safety of the trees, friends? They must decrease her mobility, and offer us a small measure of cover. Find cover, then launch our assault?"

Kendry looks at the immediate environment, looking for large rocks, nooks, trees, the general lay of the terrain, to help formulate a strategy.

"Julian, I am fairly open, this time, to saving palaver for later." That's not an actual promise, but at least an inclination.

Since we have been moving eastward, the chasm would be to the north. "Let us move slightly south, slightly east - so long as trees, and perhaps some rocky cover, remain that direction."

[more coming soon...]

Thursday March 22nd, 2007 1:48:19 AM

"Oh, Kendry, if the thing has ears..."

OOC more later...

Airin  d20+10=20 d20+19=31 d20+17=29 d20+8=26 d20+12=15 d20+16=35
Thursday March 22nd, 2007 5:09:44 AM

(ooc - one potion was given to Airin)

With use of the message spell Airin whispers to the group.

"There's no need to attack this construct. All we need to do it recover the thurible. Why don't we sneak into the cave instead of fighting a creature we may not be able to defeat?

But if we do I'd say we try to tangle it down. I have 4 tanglefoot bags right here. If you think this is good I'll leave some right there for you guys to pick up."

Under cover of the trees Airin begins to sneak closer to the lioness construct. She goes over the tales her mentor used to tell her as she tries to remember anything he might have said about such creatures.

Knowledge nature: 20
Hide: 31
Move Silently: 29
Spot: 26
Listen: 15

Fioni continues her "acting like a normal bird" and takes to the sky once again.

Fioni Spot: 35

Thursday March 22nd, 2007 9:39:00 AM

Fickle look at the bird who is just sitting and looking for something. "Cuz Kendry! She'z hunting for food, She'm is alertZ. Maybe have a clutch?? Will go after any thing that'z move?? Think'z we'z have a chance to fool her?? If Not I'll go and bez decoy??"

Tobias  d20+18=31 d20+15=20
Thursday March 22nd, 2007 11:53:45 AM

Tobias will try to move closer, slowly, quietly. He will try to navigate anyone that follows down wind from the lioness, hoping to elude her sense of smell. And, hoping that it also keeps them near the treeline for cover. (If not, he'll stay in the treeline instead)

He will only motion Tewdwr closer if it seems safe.

Hide: 31
Move silent: 20

[OOC: Tobias will take one of the unclaimed CSW potions]

Thursday March 22nd, 2007 7:48:13 PM

"Hold, Airin," Kendry whispers. "Hold friends. Let's not move individually. She'll be able to take us out one at a time. Let's not move until we have a plan, if circumstances afford us the luxury.

"Again - let's make sure we are not close to the chasm. Easiest thing for her is to grab one of us, toss us down.

"Move away from the chasm. Toward the south, and ease eastward from there. Find cover, shelter. Launch missiles. No one get too far from another. Maintain two groups.

"Dwight, others - help us out here."

[To Cayzle: Some sort of general map might help us out here. If you have time. :-) Thanks -Kim]

Julian [AC 23, hp 45], Shark [AC 23, hp 22, Medium size badger], Sallie the war-dog [AC 19, hp 18] 
Thursday March 22nd, 2007 9:36:01 PM

"Ok, we stick together so that if it tries to take one of us we can attack it as it does so. That makes sense.

"Don't you just love this blood rush as you wait for a fight to begin.

"Sneaking in to its lair, for the group overall, is probably a good idea. It's pretty big, and bound to take out one or two of us in a fight, or more.
"I'll be a diversion rather than a sneak. I'd rather die in battle than caught in a hole."

Dwight  d20+3=14 d20+9=11 d20+9=17 d20+11=12
Thursday March 22nd, 2007 9:52:00 PM

Dwight remains hidden as Airin begins to move off. He waits to see if she abides Kendry's request.

Dwight continues waiting for the rest of the group. Realizing the bird is much larger than he thought it would be, he realizes the tying it to the ground would probably not work and he tucks the rope away. His bow is back in his hand as he maintains (hopefully) his cover.

hide:12 (natural 1, nothing like tripping over ones foot)
move silently:17

OOC: is this area forested? I kinda had the idea it was barren with rocks and dust with sparse green growth.

As waits that moment for the others to catch up, he wonders to himsef about Sharles and the creation of the flying lion. O'my, could it be possible that Sharles created such a beast and can only rest when such a beast has been destroyed. Surely if this was true, he wouldn't call on the gods. Can the punished one that is already undead anymore than preventing death? Lost in thought, Dwight realizes he is no longer behind the tree and he stops, frozen and watches.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood  d20+1=14 d20+5=22 d20+13=22 d20+9=25 d20+3=23 d20+5=20
Thursday March 22nd, 2007 9:52:31 PM

Podo whispers to his charge; Shales; explaining that at this point that its best to put him down, so that if needs be, he can be useful in the coming battle against the lion.

When Podo finishes explain his plan to Sharles, he carefully places the container holding his charge down and out of harms way.
Podo then explains to the group via the message spell that he will close rank between himself and the forward group because he has the wand of healing and wants to be able to use it if the need comes to that.

Moving 30+' to close the distance, Podo tries not to make himself a target for the big Lion using his Move silently skill.

Using his varies skills, Podo tries to understand something about the Lion his friends are about to face as well as trying to learn about the terrain, how to survive in it, and how to use it to take cover form the predator; (Knowledge(arcane)DC: 14),(Listen DC: 22), (Move silently DC:22), (Spot DC: 25),(Survival DC:23 (NAT20!) ), (Knowledge(Geography)DC: 20).

Selithe-AC:20-HP:39/39  d20+7=8 d20+9=17
Thursday March 22nd, 2007 10:12:18 PM

Selithe continues moving foreward with the others and does her best to stay out of sight and move silently as to bring less attention to herself or the others she is with. She does keep her bow at the ready also.

(Hide:8 Move Silently:17 don't know if I needed to make new rolls or not.)

0th:Acid Splash(2), Ray of frost(2), Prestidigitation
1st:Summon monsterI(1), Magic missile(2), Enlarge person
2nd:Melf's acid arrow(2), Bull's strength(1)

(OOC:I know I didn't state it but would it of been possible to say Selithe ordered Gra to stay back before the group started moving in on the flying lion? I really didn't plan to use Gra in combat as being a riding dog she would die really fast.)

Friday March 23rd, 2007 2:41:59 AM

Airin listens to her friends and agrees that a decent plan first need to be made.
She is willing to try and sneak in possibly while the others are preparing to fight the monstrosity... but for now she waits to hear the descisions.

Getting Closer (DM Cayzle) 
Friday March 23rd, 2007 10:32:25 AM

[OOC: Sorry friends. Baby is sick with fever after two shots yesterday. I'll post again tonight or tomorrow.]

Let's Clarify: The lion is sunning herself on the top of the canyon wall about 200ish feet from the party. Normally the foliage and terrain would preclude a spot at this distance, but it was Fioni who spotted her from the air. There really won't be any chance for line of sight until you are 100ish feet away (or fly up or out over the crevasse).

On the other hand, Listen check DCs are at +1 per ten feet of distance, so keep that in mind. Casting a spell or talking normally is a DC0 check, so at this distance, hearing someone cast a spell is a DC20 check.

See below for a sketch of the area. I'll make a battle map later.

Kendry suggests attacking from cover, well away from the crevasse.

Airing suggests sneaking into the cave. The hole in the canyon wall is about 40 feet below where the lion is sunning herself. The floor of the crevasse is about 40 feet below that.

Airin sneaks closer. She does not have line of sight yet. How close does she go? Fioni takes another look at the lion, who is still lying in the sun.

Fickle volunteers to be a decoy.

WARNING: If you are whispering, you must say so! Otherwise you are talking normally.

Tobias moves closer too. Even if the wind were against him, he would have to be within 60 feet for scent to catch him. How close does he get?

Julian volunteers to be a distraction, not a sneak. Note the warning about whispering!

Dwight readies his bow. Since there is not line of sight, his standing int he open is no mistake for now. But if the lion were to take to air, or if the party gets closer, then he might want to use the brushes, low trees, and broken terrain to better advantage.

Podo sets the undead spirit down. He looks over the terrain. Normally lions like flatlands that are open and grassy ... the better to stalk prey. Maybe a flying lion would have an advantage in the hills, where it could fly over obstacles and use rises and falls of the landscape for cover ... but it is hard to say without an actual look at the beast.

Selithe also readies her bow and sticks with the group.

Al animals except Julian's and Tobias's are assumed to be back at the 300 feet away mark? Please confirm.

The group is 200 feet away. Airin and Tobias are closer.

And the map (such as it is).

Cayzle OOC 
Friday March 23rd, 2007 12:18:32 PM

Did I say that the lion's cave was 400 feet down! Look, I did! Jeezum Crow, as Mookie would say! I meant 40! TODAY's Post is right, not the previous number.

Friday March 23rd, 2007 5:43:28 PM

Thinking better of his move and hearing Kendry's thoughts, Tobias motions Airin back and returns to the new regrouping point... hoping that we can all get started together as one and improve our chances in attacking.

Julian [AC 23, hp 45], Shark [AC 23, hp 22, Medium size badger], Sallie the war-dog [AC 19, hp 18]  d20+4=9
Friday March 23rd, 2007 8:26:11 PM

Keeping his noise to a minimum now, Julian whispers, "What are we gonna do here?"

"I'd think it better that we stay together if we're gonna skin it. But if just want to get into the cave that is quite different. However, last time we did that, well, we're still worried about that enemy we left behind. There's no reason for this unnatural thing to be left alive."

Julian stick to the group, quietly.
Move Silently 9

Friday March 23rd, 2007 11:16:00 PM

Selithe plans to stick with the others and likes the idea of getting close enough if possible that the group's sneak attacks can be used to increase the damage dealt in a single round. This also going to requite they stick to cover also to get within the needed range.

0th:Acid Splash(2), Ray of frost(2), Prestidigitation
1st:Summon monsterI(1), Magic missile(2), Enlarge person
2nd:Melf's acid arrow(2), Bull's strength(1)

(OOC:Cayzle, sorry to hear about your baby being sick and I will keep you in my prayers and wishes.)

Kendry  d20+5=23 d20+5=11 d20+5=20 d20+5=18 d20+5=14 d20+5=21 d20+5=14 d20+5=14 d20+5=23 d20+5=24 d20+6=8 d20+6=25 d20+6=9 d20+6=17 d20+6=12 d20+6=15 d20+6=15 d20+6=21 d20+6=25 d20+6=24 d20+5=15 d20+11=30 d20+8=17 d20+8=16
Friday March 23rd, 2007 11:28:47 PM

Pack animals
Kendry left his pack ponies back where they first got the message that the winged lioness was ahead, well into the brush, under a tree or two, with a twelve foot length of rope each, so as to allow them to graze, but not too far. Some good grain left for each, to grab their focused attention for at least a few minutes.

Tactical discussion
"We kill it, or subdue it," Kendry whispers, ensuring that Fickle and Selithe are close enough to hear, too. "It mostly killed a justicar, apparently unprovoked. Whether a beast or otherwise, we attack to defeat. Only once we have complete control of it, or its soul flees its body, do we seek to recover what we need to from the cave. Agreed?" he asks his friends.

"One thought: She may have a mate. If so, let someone stay awake to that possibility. There may be other critters in the area, too, although thinks nearby she may consider for snack food may have been gobbled up already. Airin, blessings on Fioni. Can she remain alert to any other who may come? - and stay away from the winged lioness?"

He waits a moment for her to respond, then continues this whispered discussion. "Tell me if you have another tactic, but otherwise, let us do this: Circle wide around, south, then east, then northeast, then down from behind her, close to west, or slightly northwest." He sketches a rough map on the ground, and uses his finger to inscribe the general route to take.

"Let us have many tanglefoot bags, alchemical fire, acid, nets, ropes, arrows, bolts, ropes, and, when needed up close, swords and clubs and spears.

"Now, let us move with caution and quiet, using natural terrain to help keep between us and her a visual barrier.

"If we accidentally make too much noise, or somehow she discerns our presence, then let us be ready to attack, and defend.

"Let us go in two groups, thirty to fifty feet apart. If she has spells or breath weapon, then it will be harder to affect us all at once.

"As much as possible, follow directly in the footsteps of the one in front of you.

"If she decides to retreat to her cave, then we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. We have three who can levitate, plus I can feather fall. I have rope with me.

"But, otherwise, let us walk a long arc, and come down on her from above.

"Is this agreeable? If you have long-lasting spells that might help, then cast quietly. Then let us depart."

Only if the message spell is close to its end will Kendry cast another. Just before they leave, he wipes out the dirt-sketched map he drew a moment ago.

He also has 3 tanglefoot bags, 3 alchemical fire flask, 3 thunderstones, and two nets for others to use. Just say if you grab one or two of these things.

[See map via email for general path Kendry recommends we take. Mr. DM - those with wilderness and survival skills will attempt to pick a path that fosters concealment and cover, and a measure of quietness.]

[10xMove Silently: d20+5=23 d20+5=11 d20+5=20 d20+5=18 d20+5=14 d20+5=21 d20+5=14 d20+5=14 d20+5=23 d20+5=24;
10xListen: d20+6=8 d20+6=25 d20+6=9 d20+6=17 d20+6=12 d20+6=15 d20+6=15 d20+6=21 d20+6=25 d20+6=24;
Survival: 15
Knowledge, Bardic: 30 (To discern anything relating to this metallic-tipped, winged lioness)
Knowledge, nature: 17
Knowledge, history: 16]

Saturday March 24th, 2007 1:35:59 AM

whispered to the others in the rear group: "Are we going to join the two groups? I vote yes."

Saturday March 24th, 2007 9:35:44 AM

"Cuz! I.m do whatz ever you SAZ" Flckle tell his cousin kendry, "Butz look out for the claw! and metal wings.
Now She is sunnz her self, out of her nest. wonder where nest Is?? Oh! Me Do What you say! Cuz Kendie!"

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood  d20+13=23 d20+9=21 d20+3=8 d20+14=24 d20+1=15
Saturday March 24th, 2007 11:37:43 AM

Whispering via Message Spell, Podo asks some simple questions about tatics of his cousin Kendry. "Kendry, Whose in what groups?" "I', going to get to 300' south of the lion as quickly as possible w/o doing anything that might cause the Predator to investigate or Spook it."

"Once there, I will await others to form one fo the groups." Podo whispers to Kendry via Message spell.

Skills Used
Move silently DC: 23
Spot DC: 21
Survival DC: 8
Hide DC: 24
Knowledge(planes) DC: 15

Spells Readied
0-Level Cleric Spells (Orisons)
Light X2
Detect Magic X1

1st-Level Cleric Spells
Command X2

Spontaneous Casting
Cure Light Wounds: 1d8+1/level (Max +5)

DM Cayzle OOC 
Saturday March 24th, 2007 1:02:40 PM

Sorry Friends, Baby still running a fever and now puking. Puke makes wife ill, so guess who's the pukemeister? LOL!

That means map and turn will come tomorrow maybe or Monday. Sorry, it's a 4 DM Post week this week after all.

Feel free to post tactics and RP.

Saturday March 24th, 2007 5:10:39 PM

Kendry explains to Julian, continuing to whisper, "I was thinking the quieter ones might go in advance of us - just about 30 to 50 feet or so - not a huge gap, Jules. They can plot out the quietest way to go, so we can follow their path. I mean, you can catch up to them in 3 seconds running at that distance, cuz.

"But you remember the fireball that Flavius tossed our way? We were both not too far apart from each other, and he got us both. That's what I'm thinking about. She probably doesn't cast fireballs - but some creatures can take you out with the roar of their mouths. If we're in two groups, then only one is directly hit."

Then a related thought occurs to the bard. "As we draw closer, I can cast silence on something that we carry - like this tanglefoot bag," Kendry offers. "We can all stick close together while that's working. That will help prevent her being alerted by snapping twigs and the like. It'll last about six minutes. When we get close enough, I can give her the tanglefoot bag."

He looks to Julian, though, and adds, "But, if you think it best for us all to stay tight the whole way, we can do it, if you think my idea doesn't hold water."

[OOC: I'm thinking the path drawn out on the map - south, east, northeast, west-northwest - is about 700 - 800 feet of travel. Kendry would cast it in about the last 200-300 feet as we approach her - unless she leaves her perch before then.]

[OOC #2: How about Tobias, Airin, Dwight, Podo in forward group, and Julian, Selithe, Fickle and Kendry in the following group - that is, if we have two groups?]

Julian [AC 23, hp 45], Shark [AC 23, hp 22, Medium size badger], Sallie the war-dog [AC 19, hp 18] 
Sunday March 25th, 2007 6:38:55 AM

Whispered, "Seriously, I doubt breath weapons here. So that is not why I agree that we should be in two groups. I like to flank."

ADM Kim: Posting report March 19-25 2007 
Monday March 26th, 2007 12:19:01 AM

Cayzle DM: MTW-2S- 6
Anthony Dwight: MT-T--- 3 (missed 2)
Ceil Fickle: MTWT-S- 5
Jon-Paul Podo: MTWT-S- 5
Justin Selithe: MTWTF-- 5
Kim Kendry: -TW2FS- 6
Pedro Tobias: MTWTF-- 5
Robert Julian: MT2TFSS 8
Steven Airin: -2-2F-- 5

Tibble Stinkyfoots (played by Andrew, a.k.a. Dru) left the group with his last post of last week.

Dwight got off to a good start, but missed a couple of posts this week.

Everyone else, 5 or more, well done.

Monday March 26th, 2007 12:38:26 AM

"And no sonic weapons, either, you think?" Kendry quietly asks Julian. "We see her flying toward us, will we not be able to flank? A short distance gives us flexibility. Power to close quickly with each other, power to separate quickly from each other."

"Dwight - you have been very quiet. Please give your counsel, friend."

Monday March 26th, 2007 1:06:08 AM

That sounds good to me... Tobias and Tewdwr will go in the forward group. And, going in two groups is good, we'll be able to split the lioness's attention.

Tobias will go with two tanglefoot bags in hand and a fire flask within easy reach, so that he can get a couple of ranged attacks at the creature.

Monday March 26th, 2007 1:27:22 AM

OOC; I missed some punctuation in there somewhere. I agree with the long route and two groups...

Monday March 26th, 2007 1:55:08 AM

"Great, then," Kendry whispers to the group. "Let us set forth, then. We can whisper and use hand signals. We'll trust you in the lead to keep us to the far side of little hills and the like, to keep us hidden. One or two from each group might keep an eye to the skies.

"If I create an area of silence - Airin, Selithe, and to a lesser extent Dwight and Tobias - you too, Podo? - know the sign language we learned from a friend of ours, Duncan. Let me teach you a few key signs."

He shows all how to sign direction, distance, stop, go, run, and numbers. Then sets out.

Airin and Fioni  d20+17=31 d20+19=29
Monday March 26th, 2007 3:47:31 AM

Whispering through the message spell Airin joins the tactical discussion.

"Sounds like a good plan to circle around and approach it from behind. But wouldn't it be interesting to have it approached both from the front and from the rear?

I'mm getting pretty close, although I need to get within 30 ft from it to take a sneak shot at it to wound it badly. The beast will either attack the front group or the rear... and while those will be in pretty bad position, the other group will have ideal flanking positions. No?"

Airin awaits further plans and will act according to the collective.

If two groups, Airin will remain in position and begind to sneak up to the lioness at reduced pace. After all she has plenty of time before the others would have circled around.

If one group that circles around, Airin will backtrack carefully to meet with the group once again.

move silently: 31
hide: 29

Up high in the sky Fioni continues to circle around as if hunting for little rodents. You think a tiny hawk would interest a lioness construct? They don't have to eat do they? So it can no tbe hungry! If it kills, it either kills for the sport of it, or because someone or something controls it...

Monday March 26th, 2007 7:22:22 AM

Fickle watches his cousin make some hand signals, he scratches his head, "Cuzz! That hand thingie, is good! Show me'z more!"
But follows his cousin Kendry closly, ready to defend him from the ma ma's bird claws!

Monday March 26th, 2007 2:04:29 PM

Dwight turns and follows the rest of the group for better coverage to attempt the flank as one group.

Via whispering, "I agree two groups would be great, but we may need all the help we can get if the bird tries to use the same tactic on us as it did on Sharles. That being to grab us and hurle us down the chasm for later."

Selithe-AC:20-HP:39/39  d20+7=12 d20+9=14
Monday March 26th, 2007 8:05:25 PM

Selithe is ready to move foreward with whichever group she is suppose to move with. She leaves her bow ready as she wants to beable to attack if needed.

0th:Acid Splash(2), Ray of frost(2), Prestidigitation
1st:Summon monsterI(1), Magic missile(2), Enlarge person
2nd:Melf's acid arrow(2), Bull's strength(1)

(Hide:12 Move silently:14)

The final approach (DM Cayzle) 
Monday March 26th, 2007 9:19:06 PM

OOC: This is the Monday DM Post. I expect to post each evening this week. Sorry for missing a post. Thanks to all for the kind thoughts and wishes. Baby is doing better, thank goodness.

The group quickly and quietly messages about splitting into two groups.

Kendry is ready to approach under the influence of silence.

The lioness is still sunning herself on a rise at the edge of the crevasse.

Please post your position on the map and any active effects. Please do not place yourself closer than 70 feet from the lion. Please make stealth checks -- this time it matters!

And the map.

Dwight  d20+3=21 d20+11=17 d20+9=14 d20+9=22
Monday March 26th, 2007 9:54:42 PM

DWight moves to V19, hoping to spot anything the group may have missed up to this point. His bow is ready, though he wonders if it will do any good. He waits as others move into position.

spot: 21
hide: 17
move silently: 14

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood  d20+13=26 d20+9=17 d20+3=13 d20+14=30 d20+1=7 d20+5=25
Monday March 26th, 2007 11:55:36 PM

Podo moves to V20, to support Dwight. Using his standard array of skills, Podo scouts in the vacinity, trying to discover the lay of the land, to learn it's secrets.

In backing up, Dwight and helping as the parties only Priest, Podo tries his best to lay low while the big brawny actors in this play make their moves.

Skills Used
Move silently DC: 26
Spot DC: 17
Survival DC: 13
Hide DC: 30
Knowledge(planes) DC: 6
Knowledge(Geography) DC: 25 (NAT 20!)

Spells Readied
0-Level Cleric Spells (Orisons)
Light X2
Detect Magic X1

1st-Level Cleric Spells
Command X2

Spontaneous Casting
Cure Light Wounds: 1d8+1/level

Kendry (pausing at Y19, group should all be within 20' - i.e., no more than three 5' squares from him) (AC 15, HP 35, Silence, Message (subdued by silence for the moment))  d20+4=11 d20+4=21 d20+6=11 d20+6=23 d20+25=44 d20+3=23 d20+5=19 d20+3=19
Tuesday March 27th, 2007 3:00:13 AM

When 200 feet away from the lioness, Kendry whispers, reminding his friends that, once he casts silence on the tanglefoot bag, that the message spell will not work as long as Kendry is within the area of silence. He asks if any have any last moment questions or comments.

"Let us stick come together at least until we are in close missile range - say 60 to 70 feet. From there, let us loose arrows, crossbow bolts, sling bullets or stones.

He waits for whatever words folks have to say. When 120' away from the lioness, with at least a little hill between them, he casts a silence spell on the tanglefoot bag.

When they get near the end of the larger little hill, Kendry points toward the smaller hill. As long as they all stay within 20' of him, no noise should disturb the lioness' rest.

He licks his finger and extends it into the air to determine which direction the wind blows. If toward the lioness, he points to his nose, then makes a show of smelling his armpit, then points to his nose and toward the approximate location of the lioness. [Rolled d20+3 (wisdom) for wind direction test - last roll above.]

From Y19 (10' from Dwight, 5' from Podo), he pauses, looks about, points toward the right side of the smaller hill, and urges the group forward, along the 'Z' corridor. A few may climb the hill (to V11, W11, and adjacent) and others might go around the far side of said hill. He uses the signing he earlier taught, and reviewed - especially with Fickle - along the way. Three fingers - 3 people to climb the hill. Five fingers - 5 to go around the hill. He will stay near base of the hill (at, say, X11) until the others are safely (and silently) up, then head out with the group around.

Then, moving silently toward the lioness, get as close as we can, then attack. If she stirs, we attack. He signs and pantomimes all of this as well as he can. [Pantomime that three should climb the hill: Perform, untrained, 11. Pantomime that rest of the group - 5 of us - should go around far side of little hill - Perform, untrained, 21. Combined with the sign language, might want to add 2 to the rolls, so 13 & 23, for those who tried to learn it.]

Hide: 11 (not including concealment - what's concealment adjustment under the circumstances?)
Listen: 23 [Wait: 0! - silence spell, duh!]
Move Silently: 44 (Move silent 6+20 from silence spell - or should it be +40, for 64?)
Spot (probably should be dropped downward, for being within brush - but it's a natural 20): 23
Survival: 19

Fickle  d20=20
Tuesday March 27th, 2007 8:13:06 AM

Fickle (Who's behind his coisin Kendry, Almost in his pocket At Y/20)is behind his cousin Kendry. he whiispers to him "She'm look like she'm sleeping? But if she'm has a clutch! She'll be down on us'm like flies on a corpes!!"

Oh! what a time to get a natural 20. Fickle is sneeking silently (20)

Airin [AC17 ; 42/42HP ; Woodland Stride] and Fioni [AC17 ; 8/8HP]  d20+17=19 d20+19=23
Tuesday March 27th, 2007 8:13:35 AM

Before Kendry cast the silence spell Airin whispers some more through the message spell.

"Wouldn't it be best to have one group NE and another group SE from the lioness? One group will definetely be under attack but meanwhile the other groups has ideal flanking chances. But it seems we have only one silence spell...

Also, love, I need to get closer that 30ft from the lioness so I can strike a lethal spot... If you could manouvre the group within 49 ft from the lioness, I can move 19ft closer so I'm sitting at 30ft... perfect!"

Airin walks unhindered form the bush and undergrowth thanks to her woodland stride ability but walks side by side with the rest untill she reaches W20. As kendry plans on climbing the hillside Airin shakes her head. She points at Kendry, then she points up the hill and then she points at the lioness followed by almost touching her eyes again pointing at Kendry. It should be obvious that standing on higher ground, less covered by the undergrowth might expose Kendry or anyone else who climbs the hillside much easier to the Lioness. Airin hopes everyone will go around the hillside.

move silently: 19 (good thing the silence spell is active)
hide: 23 (good thing they are behind the hillside)

Tuesday March 27th, 2007 5:02:49 PM

Kendry (who did not himself plan to climb the hill - he wants to get in closer) agrees with Airin. He signs for all to stick close enough to benefit from the silence (stay within 20 feet of Kendry), with four on one side of him, three on the other side, as they go around the last little hill.

He knows that once they get outside the area of silence, one of them is bound to make enough noise to alert the great cat.

Tuesday March 27th, 2007 7:02:18 PM

Hold on. So are we all going around the last hill or are some climbing it?

Tuesday March 27th, 2007 9:33:28 PM

Kendry signals that we are going around the last hill. Travel with three on his right, four on his left, him in the middle of the silence. Try to come in from behind - 3 towards her right flank, 4 towards her left. Those on the far right should be 15', and no more than 20' max from Kendry. Likewise those on the far left.

Dwight  d20+3=22 d20+11=31 d20+9=19
Tuesday March 27th, 2007 10:00:13 PM

Following most of the pointing and hand gestures, Dwight stays to the left of Kendry and is ready once they are in position (within 30' as Airin menioned).

listen: nada
hide: 31 (nat. 20)
move silently: 19 (absolute silence!)

Perhaps even a metal feather could be a cool momento, thinks Dwight.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Tuesday March 27th, 2007 11:06:34 PM

Listening to Kendry and the others fom his vantage spot (V20 on the map), Podo moves towards Y15 keeping within 20' of Kendry at all times.

Podo tries to spot the Lioness from his location making sure that the lioness doesn't suddenly take flight.
Spells Readied
0-Level Cleric Spells (Orisons)
Light X2
Detect Magic X1

1st-Level Cleric Spells
Command X2

Spontaneous Casting
Cure Light Wounds: 1d8+1/level

Tuesday March 27th, 2007 11:33:54 PM

A little confused by this pantomime Julian stands there. Shoulders slumped, head tilted to one side with blank look on his face.

He follows Kendry closely unless pushed towards the other group.

Selithe-AC:20-HP:39/39  d20+7=8 d20+9=26
Tuesday March 27th, 2007 11:53:56 PM

Selithe isn't sure which group she should stick with if they are splitting up into two different groups. Thinking this over she plans to move and stay near Julian as she does have a couple boosting spells that might help him if needed.

(Hide:8 *nat:1, wouldn't you know it* Move Silently:26)

0th:Acid Splash(2), Ray of frost(2), Prestidigitation
1st:Summon monsterI(1), Magic missile(2), Enlarge person
2nd:Melf's acid arrow(2), Bull's strength(1)

Tailed! Round One (DM Cayzle)  d20+5=25 [Listen check] d20+9=23 [spot] d2=1 d2=2 [50-50 rolls] d20+9=27 d8+2=7 [att K] d20+9=11 [misses T] d20+9=16 [misses P] d20+9=25 d8+2=7 [hits J] d20+9=10 [misses S] d100=45 d100=44 (conceal %s)
Tuesday March 27th, 2007 11:56:50 PM


Dwight moves to V19. Podo follows to V20.

Kendry casts his Silence 120 feet away, then creeps to Y19. Note that creeping is at half speed unless you are willing to take a -5 on stealth checks. I'll assume that you are at half speed. Also, moving through the underbrush imposes another half move penalty (unless you are a druid or ranger with the ability to ignore such penalties). So Kendry and those with him in the Silence are moving at quarter speed, or 10 feet per round on a double move. It takes the band 15 rounds, or a minute and a half, to move into position. Please note the spell duration accordingly.

Fickle follows Kendry closely, being very sneaky.

Airin keeps with the group, even though the underbrush poses no hinderance for her. Where is Fioni?

Julian and Selithe follow Kendry (placement on the map by the DM in the absence of map coordinates, with Shark next to Julian).

Tobias and Tewdyr stay a little in advance, with Podo joining them (placement on the map by the DM in the absence of map coordinates, with Tewdyr next to Tobias).

The lioness has a listen DC15 check to hear Kendry cast his spell from 120 feet away. Her check is a nat 20 -- so she pricks up her ears! She launches into the air!

She makes a spot check of 23. That is good enough to notice Dwight (beats his hide 17), Kendry (11), Tobias (no check rolled), not Dwight's second roll of a nat 20 hmmm, Podo's second roll of a 16 hmmmm, Julian (no check rolled), and Selithe's nat 1.

What the heck am I to do with people who rolled twice! Roll 50-50, I guess. Dwight is not seen, Podo is seen,

The lioness sees Kendry, Tobias, Podo, Julian, and Selithe. She climbs up into the air, rising 25 feet up and moving 25 feet south.

Perhaps she somehow heard Dwight's thought about desiring a feather. Because she sure does deliver!

As she flies, she snaps her tail to the side, and five tail feathers fly off! She gains a +1 for attacking from above. One feather targets each of the people she sees:

Kendry: feather hits AC27 for 7 damage. (conceal 45 hits)
Tobias: misses
Podo: misses
Julian: hits AC25 for 7 (conceal 44 hits)
Selithe: misses nat 1

We're in combat! One round per post, please! The lioness has AC17 (touch 11). The number (25) is elevation in feet). And the map!

PS: I deleted a few random posts after this one. Julian, Kendry, Fickle please repost! Julian, please write to me about scroll use.

PPS: Sorry this is late! This is the Tues post. Odds are the next one will be a WED post put up Thurs am.

Kendry (AC 15, HP 35-7=28) [Message]  d20=17
Wednesday March 28th, 2007 10:15:21 AM

Ah, the irony! thinks Kendry. She must have heard me cast the spell of silence. Or, perhaps, just saw us moving.

The fast-flying feathers move in a fashion uncharacteristic of normal feathers, reflecting flashes of the sun overhead. 'Ai! I'm hit!' Kendry mouths, but no one hears his cry.

Since the tanglefoot bag is at hand, he decides to try to hit her.

He hops forward to add to the momentum of the throw (to X18), hauls back, then, with strength and will, and mindful of her speed of flight, launches the bag into the air. (55.9 feet distance ((50^2+25^2)^.5=55.9), -2 per 10 foot increment past initial 10 feet, so +8 on throw, -10 for distance, means -2 subtracted from roll. Additional -1 for height? If my calculations are correct, ranged touch attack hit AC 14. By the way, initially I thought it was 50 feet, forgetting to add the height, and 8-8=0, so rolled the d20 without adjustment).

As the tanglefoot bag arches through the air, the 40' diameter sphere of silence travels away from the bard and the other halflings, to affix itself with a noiseless splat to the body of the winged lion, the alchemical reaction spreading a glue, then quickly hardening, fouling her feathers and perhaps making continued flight difficult.

"Attack!" he calls out to his friends, likely needlessly. He takes bow from off his shoulder and nocks an arrow.

Tobias (AC 20, HP 38 / 38) [Message]  d20+3=19
Wednesday March 28th, 2007 11:52:25 AM

Since Tobias was already holding 2 tanglefoot bags, he decides to use one. Tobias steps forward to V14 as he puts some ummph into his throw. For his move equivalent, Tobias will try to reach for his fire flask and put away the other tanglefoot bag.

Following Kendry's calculations for the throw, Tobias is 10ft closer, so it's -8 for distance and +11 for a ranged attack = +3 total... roll of 19, which should hit the lioness.

And Tewdwr moves into a support position next to Tobias at V13... readying for the lioness to get within combat range.

[OOC: how high is that smaller hill? if i climbed it, does it get me any closer to melee combat with the creature?]

DM Cayzle OOC 
Wednesday March 28th, 2007 2:25:39 PM

The hills are 10-15 feet high. If you were atop one, and if a lion flew overhead within 10 feet, and if you had a reach weapon, you could get a whack in. But those are a lot of ifs!

Wednesday March 28th, 2007 7:20:23 PM

Fickle will go a head of his cousin Kendry, he'll also will raise his shield, flat over his head, so even if she spot him, she'll think it just a big bug.

OOC to DM: I hope this will work?? I don't know the Odds on this play??

Dwight (hp 35, ac 16, message)  d20+8=11 d20+8=27 d4=3
Wednesday March 28th, 2007 10:04:55 PM

Dwight regrets thinking about the feathers and not keeping his mind more on task and steps to the side and releases his arrows.

Arrow #1
hit:11 (miss)

Arrow #2
hit:27 (hit)
Dmg: 3

As the second arrow flies, Dwight glances around, hoping metallic flying lions have no need of mates.

OOC: sorry for the double rolls... I have no qualms about you taking the first and ignoring the second.... figured more than one round had passed since we weren't in combat yet.

Julian [AC 23, hp 38/45], Shark [AC 23, hp 22, Medium size badger], Sallie the war-dog [AC 19, hp 18]  d20+9=29 d6+1=7
Wednesday March 28th, 2007 10:34:04 PM

Julian sitting atop his badger urges his mount forward to reduce some of the distance. He holds the lance in his left hand and sling in his right.
Move 40' to T15 (30' move by badger)
OOC Does the underbrush penalty count against my medium sized badger? Enlarge Person cast on my familiar, 3 rounds remaining, including this one.
If Yes then I suppose I'll move to V17

"Hey, dog! Come and fight me! You grass-eating pottle-deep flax-wench bird! You are a disease that must be cut away."

Bellowing his joy of the fight (not raging yet) Julian whips his sling in a tight circle, releasing one of his three Magic Stones at the lion.
Range incr 50'
Dist 35' from T15, 55' from V17 take -2 from the roll.

Attack 29 Nat 20!
Damage 7

"Come down here, you ugly flying-ferret. Face your doom here on the ground so that you don't splatter when you fall dead from the sky. I have plenty more of those here for you."

Selithe-AC:20-HP:39/39  d20+9=20 d4+1=4
Wednesday March 28th, 2007 11:19:03 PM

Selithe seeing the lioness attack and even try to hit her pulls her bow up, taking aim and firing at the creature.

(Can hit AC:20 Damage:4)

Bandit peeks out of Selithe's pouch and chitters at Julian on his ugly flying ferret comment, even shaking a small fist at him. (grins)

0th:Acid Splash(2), Ray of frost(2), Prestidigitation
1st:Summon monsterI(1), Magic missile(2), Enlarge person
2nd:Melf's acid arrow(2), Bull's strength(1)

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood [AC:19 | 35HP] 
Wednesday March 28th, 2007 11:58:35 PM

Podo runs to V17 to join Julian in a combined attack effort.
Once there, Podo will reach into his haversack and draw forth, his only thunderstone making it ready for the next attack.

Thursday March 29th, 2007 12:28:20 AM

"Hey there, thanks Podo. Tis always great to fight alongside a good friend."

Julian  d20+9=17 d6+1=5
Thursday March 29th, 2007 2:54:20 AM

Thanks Kim, I've been rather distracted of late.

Crit threat roll hit AC 17
extra damage 5

That makes for a total of 11 damage from Julian the Mighty.

Airin [AC17 ; 42/42HP ; Woodland Stride] and Fioni [AC17 ; 8/8HP]  d20+9=23 d6=6 d20+19=38
Thursday March 29th, 2007 4:43:21 AM

"Noooo!" Airin thinks in silence as the Lioness flies up and takes it to the sky. The beast is out of range for her sneak attack now and things are going the wrong way!!

Airin is about 55ft from the lioness. The beast is 25 ft up in the air. So the firing distance from Airin to the Beast is approx 60ft - well within range of a Light Crossbow.

She's pleased to see the Tanglefoot bags hit the flying monster and adds some spice by sending up a bolt from her crossbow.

Bolt hits AC23 - damage 6HP

As a move action Airin takes a Potion of Mage armor from her Handy Haversack.

Airin then takes a 5ft step close to the little hill and hides from sight...

Hide: 38

Fioni was still flying up in the air and when she saw the Lioness stir to fly up and attack her friends and master Fioni madly shrieks hoping to disturb the flying monstrosity.
Fioni is fast and nimble in the air but wisely stays at a safe distance.

Fickle (AC 21/ 58 hp)  d20=14
Thursday March 29th, 2007 6:56:10 AM

As Fickle advances and still has his shield flat over his head, HE cannot see what is going on in the sky. But he will advance until he gets to the foot of the cliff where the Steel tip Griffon was sunning herself. He will try to serch for cave where she has made her nest.

Serch or spot - 14

Goo Goo! Round 2 (DM Cayzle)  d20+7=8 d20+7=17 (reflex saves) d6=4 d6=5 (falling damage) 4d4(1+1+4+2)+10=18 d8+2=5
Thursday March 29th, 2007 7:25:49 AM

Kendry steps forward and throws a tangle foot bag. It sticks! The silence spell on the bag also engulfs the lioness. Then Kendry takes out his bow and arrow.

Tobias does the same, with similar sticky results!

Fickle moves ahead of Kendry (double move = 20 feet in this underbrush), ready to protect his cousin. He thinks about that cave. But he would have to go to the edge of the canyon and then climb down 40 feet to get there.

Dwight shoots an arrow and misses. (Yup we are in round-by-round combat. One round per post, please.)

Is Julian riding his badger or his war dog? You gave no order for the dog -- is he in this battle or back at the camp? I'll assume that Julian is riding his badger and that his dog is not on the scene. Correct me if I am wrong, please.

Julian, on Shark, moves to V17 and fires off a bullet. It is a critical hit for (7+5) 12 damage. By the way, it's half moves for everybody on the ground, except druids like Airin.

Selithe shoots and hits the lioness for 4 hp damage.

Podo runs up, drawing a thunderstone as he takes a double move. Note: Julian is already in V17. I took the liberty of moving Podo as close as possible. Note that the mottled green and white squares are CLEAR and cost only 1 move point to enter. If Podo wishes some other placement, let me know.

If Podo can make a Wisdom check vs DC5, then Highlight to display spoiler: {It may occur to you that throwing a thunderstone into a Silence spell would be ineffectual.}

Airin shoots a bolt that hits the lioness for 6 hp damage. Then she draws a potion and steps back behind the hill.

The lioness roars in frustration as she is entangled and wounded! But her roar goes unheard, since she is in the silence!

Per the tanglefoot bag description, she must make a DC15 reflex save or be unable to fly. Two saves, actually, for two bags that hit her. She rolls: one miss with a nat one is enough to ground her! She falls to the ground, taking (1d6) 4 hp lethal damage and (1d6) 5 hp nonlethal damage. She hits the ground, rolls five feet away from the canyon edge, and bites and claws at the goo.

She has taken a total of 26 lethal damage and 5 nonlethal damage!

Enraged by the goo on her, the fallen lioness tries to scrape it away, scratching and biting at it. She needs to inflict 30 hp damage to be free -- she inflicts 23 points of damage to the goo, and is still entangled.

Now grounded and gooed, the lioness is AC15, Touch AC9.

And the map.

Airin [AC17 ; 42/42HP ; Woodland Stride] and Fioni [AC17 ; 8/8HP]  d20+8=17 d20+9=27 d6=6 d20+19=39
Thursday March 29th, 2007 9:52:14 AM

Airin can not get a clear line of sight through the almost 60ft of bush between her and the Lioness so hurries up the hillside.

Climb: 17

Up there, she drops the potion and releases another bolt from her crossbow.

Bolt hits AC27 - damage 6Hp

Then once again she ducks away in the folliage...

Hide: 39 - NAT 20!!

Steven ooc 
Thursday March 29th, 2007 10:18:28 AM

When watching the movie "Underworld" it occured to me that the appearance discription Inge once made looks a lot like Selene in this movie! No wonder Kendry would get a crush on her!!


Black shoulderlength hair
Black leather armor with a cape
Black boots

Need I go any further?

[Yeah, Steven - cool pics. So, does Inge agree that Airin looks fairly like Selene? -Kim]

DM Cayzle OOC to Airin 
Thursday March 29th, 2007 11:09:24 AM

You might want to read up on sniping under the rules for hiding. Emerging from hiding to fire one shot and then hiding again is a move action that imposes a -20 penalty on the hide check to conceal yourself after taking your shot.

Tobias (AC 20, HP 38 / 38) [Message] and Tewdwr (AC 17; HP 35/35)  d20+13=32 d20+13=33 d4+2=4 d4+2=5 d20+5=6
Thursday March 29th, 2007 12:18:30 PM

Seeing the lioness on the ground, Tobias drops his potion and moves to the lioness (S11) -- drawing his short swords as he does so. And, he yells for move goo as he moves in... [OOC, I think that's a 20ft move along the diagonals... If not he does a partial charge to get there instead, so he can still attack]

Then, he takes one attack at the lioness.
Tobias Attack: 32 (Nat 19 - threat)
Tobias Damage: 4
Tobias Crit Check: 33 (crit)
Tobias Crit Damage: 5

Tewdwr moves with Tobias into attack position (S8). He bites at the lioness's heels.
Dwyr Attack: 6 miss

Kendry  d20+8=24 d4+4=8
Thursday March 29th, 2007 12:48:33 PM

Kendry begins to compose a song in his mind to inspire his fellows as he moves up to V16, then looses his arrow at the occupied lioness (hit AC 24 for 6 hp damage - should be +2, not +4).

But before he begins to sing, he calls out, "Another tanglefoot bag in a moment or two would be good!"

DM Cayzle OOC to Dwight 
Thursday March 29th, 2007 1:21:36 PM

Gosh Darn It! The PC sheets are on my iPod, and that's in the baby's room playing raffi and beatles for her while she is sick. Dwight, do you have the Rapid Shot feat? Did you self-impose a -2 on your two attacks when you made your shots last turn? If yes to both, then the second shot WAS legit. I'll correct with the next DM post if you can confirm. Sorry for the confusion.

Thursday March 29th, 2007 10:00:02 PM

Selithe notices the lioness is down and quickly does what she has been waiting for. She chants and moves her hand that had been holding an arrow before she had shot and casts bull's stregnth on Julian. She grins as she winks to Julian.

Julian gains +4 Str for 3mins.

0th:Acid Splash(2), Ray of frost(2), Prestidigitation
1st:Summon monsterI(1), Magic missile(2), Enlarge person
2nd:Melf's acid arrow(2), Bull's strength(1)

Julian [AC 21, hp 38/45], Shark [AC 21, hp 22, Medium size badger], Sallie the war-dog [AC 19, hp 18] Charging  d20+9=21 d20+5=23 d20+5=22 d6+1=5 d6+1=5
Thursday March 29th, 2007 10:01:48 PM

OOC This is part of the war-dog's training, she has been my riding dog till now. She is with me but I am not sure about having her attack, its more about being in battle at the moment. Sorry for the confusion, I will roleplay it more...

Julian urges his mount (the medium sized badger) forward to attack the lion. The badger veers left somewhat trying to find a clearer pathway for a charge. The long-haired Collie in barding follows close behind. She is excited and eager, but not sure what to do exactly.

Move to Q15, double move for the badger.

Julian loads and slings another Magic Stone from his saddle.
Ride 21
Attack +8, +1 Magic Stone, -4 mount double move
Hit AC 23
Crit threat 22 confirmed
Damage 5+5= 10

"I told ya you'd splatter, didn't I? Prepare to become a spit roast on my new lance, you fawning clay-brained malt-worm."

Thursday March 29th, 2007 10:05:36 PM

OOC sorry, not charging, changed my mind since typing that.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood [AC:19 | 35HP]  d20+3=17
Thursday March 29th, 2007 10:42:53 PM

Thinking about what just transpired between his friends and the lion (Wisdom check dc: 17), Podo realizes the Thunderstone won't do a thing!
Seeing the Flying Lion drop out of the sky, Podo runs towards her moving from T15 to R13(moving just 30') while exchanging the thunderstone for a Tanglefoot bag from his haversack.

Spells Readied
0-Level Cleric Spells (Orisons)
Light X2
Detect Magic X1

1st-Level Cleric Spells
Command X2

Spontaneous Casting
Cure Light Wounds: 1d8+1/level

Fickle AC 21/ 58hp 
Friday March 30th, 2007 5:11:14 AM

Fickle look down the Canyon, telling himself silrntly # Not now, maybe after Mother Gone #. He look up now to the Mother, # She stuck! Not comming down!"

Fickle will put away his shield and sword, then arms himself with bow and arrows.

Fickle will move to U/14 - Next to Tobias.

Next round Fickle will use his arrow to finish the monster off (if needed!)

Ouch! Round 3 (DM Cayzle)  2d4(3+2)+5=10 [paw swipes goo] d20+10=17 d20+8=28 d20+8=14 [two attacks on Tobias: a miss and a hit but no crit] d8+2=4 [dam to T]
Friday March 30th, 2007 5:32:55 AM

Correction: Dwight did get a second shot in, and even at -2 hit for an extra 3 hp dam (29+5).

Airin climbs, shoots, and hits for 6 hp dam (35+5).

Tobias wants to move up and attack, but in this terrain, it costs 2 move points to move (3 for a diagonal) -- and per the PHB, you cannot charge across difficult terain. He can't get there and attack this round, so the DM rules that he moves up as close as he can. Tewdyr too.

Kendry moves up, shoots, and hits for 6 hp dam (41+5). He takes a -4 to shoot into melee, but it does not matter.

Selithe wants to cast Bull's Str on Julian, but it is a touch spell. To get to Julian would be up one square (cost 2) and diagonal 1 square (cost 3), but she only has four move points to spend in a move action. DM rules that she moves up this round, and does not cast the spell.

Julian moves on his familiar and shoots at the same time (good rules lore to self impose that -4). He also takes a -4 shooting into melee, but a nat 20 answers that! He inflicts 10 hp dam (51+5). His dog follows.

Podo puts away his thunderstone (move action). He moves up, drawing a tanglefoot bag as he does so (move action).

Fickle moves up and draws his bow.

DM OOC: Althoough I had two OOC notes from Dwight, I got no turn from him. Dwight just stands still this round.


The lioness opens her mouth to roar her pain, but the silence trumps that! She scrapes away the last of the tanglefoot goo -- one paw swipe scrapes away 10 hp worth. With her remaining paw and bite attack she goes after Tobias. Her paw hits AC17, missing. Her bite is a nat 20, but she does not confirm the crit. Tobias takes 4 ho dam.

And the map.

Dwight (hp 35, Ac 16, message)  d20+8=26 d4=2 d20+8=10
Friday March 30th, 2007 7:53:49 AM

OOC: Sorry about the lack of post guys.

Dwight awed the beast fell from the sky stood motionless for a moment. Snapping himself out, Assuming he can still see the beast, Dwight takes another aim with his bow and fires twice.

to hit:26-2 = 24 (hit)
dmg: 2

to hit #2:10-2 = 8 (miss)

If there is too much foliage in the way, Dwight heads up the hill next to Airin this round. (T19)

Airin [AC17 ; 42/42HP ; Woodland Stride] and Fioni [AC17 ; 8/8HP]  d20+4=21 d20+10=21
Friday March 30th, 2007 8:26:51 AM

(thanks for the hiding explanation DM Cayzle!)

Airin is too far from the Lioness and with her friends in close melee with the beast she dares not take another shot...

Instead she makes a double move in a hustle.

She jumps of the little hillside and runs to X10. She's not hindered by the undergrowth and negates every effort to stay hidden or move slowly... how could she running around like this :-)

jump: 21
tumble: 21

Fioni continues to fly lazy circles in the sky observing the battle scene below...

Kendry (AC 15, HP 35-7=28) [Message. Inspire Courage: +1 attack, +1 damage, +1 on saves vs fear, charm]]  d20=18 d20+13=31
Friday March 30th, 2007 11:29:59 AM

Kendry decides she needs to be gummed up again, so he pulls out another tanglefoot bag, and tosses it at the lioness. Ranged touch attack 14 (-4 for sending into thick of combat).
The flying killer we attack
Who felled a halfling from his back
Now she sees just what takes place as
Halflings readied now she faces
(Inspire courage: Perform, Singing: 31) He steps to V16. His bow he keeps in his left hand.

Fellow halflings: Due to 20' diameter area of silence centered on the lion (or on the goop she just scraped off), Tobias, Tewdwr, and Podo will not yet enjoy the benefits of inspire courage. But everyone else should benefit. So Airin, Julian, Dwight, Fickle, and Selithe - you get +1 on your attacks, +1 on your damage, +1 on saves versus fear or charm.

[Note: I had Kendry move to V16 last round, not X16. But the movement cost would have been too great. Instead, he would have moved just half that distance, to W17. Thus, this round he moves to X16. The rules allow for a diagonal 5-foot step, do they not?]

DM Cayzle OOC on moving. 
Friday March 30th, 2007 1:27:15 PM

The cost to move diagonally in the underbrush is 3 points for a diagonal and two to go up, down, left, or right. If you have a move of 20, then you get 4 move points in a move action.

You can always take a five foot step if it is your only move in a round.

Hope that helps.

Tobias (AC 20, HP 34/38) [Message]  d20+11=28 d20+11=25 d4+2=3 d4+2=3 d20+6=20 d4+2=3 d20+11=31 d20+11=25 d4+1=5 d4+1=5 d20+6=8
Friday March 30th, 2007 2:59:11 PM

With the creature in his face, and getting free from the goo, Tobias takes his full round of attacks on the beast... Hoping to do some real damage to it, he swings his short blades with agility and accuracy, moving blindingly-fast, like a whirling of blades.

Attack Right1: 28 (nat 17, threat)
Damage Right1: 3
Crit Check Right1: 25 (crit)
Crit Damage Right1: 3
Attack Right2: 20
Damage Right2: 3

Attack Left1: 31 (nat 20, threat)
Damage Left1: 5
Crit Check Left1: 25 (crit)
Crit Damage Left1: 5
Attack Left2: 8 (missed)

* 4 attacks with improved two weapon fighting each hand at +11/+6 attack bonus.
* if this is a magical creature, does extra x hp of damage from favored enemy (magical beast).

Total damage: 19 hp (from 3 hits)
If magical creature, damage: 29 (from +2 damage including crits)

Tobias (AC 17, HP 35/35)  d20+7=14 d20+7=17 d6+1=6 d20+6=7
Friday March 30th, 2007 3:05:05 PM

[OOC: I moved Tewdwr to S8 last round. He moves 50, so should have had enough distance to double move there.]

From S8, Tewdwr takes a 5 ft step to move to R8, so that he is flanking the beast with Tobias. And, then attacks with both heads, but only Dryw may get a bite in. And even though it is unlikely, Dryw attempts to trip the lioness as part of its bite attack.

Kynan Attack: 14 (missed)
Dryw Attack: 17
Dryw Damage: 6
Dryw Trip: 7 (no way :)

* If Tewdwr cannot get into a flank position, the attack are at -2.

Julian [AC 19, hp 45/55], Shark [AC 19, hp 22/32, Medium size badger]Raging and CHARGING  d20+9=16 d20+9=18 d6+11=12 d6+11=14
Friday March 30th, 2007 6:28:33 PM

"Stay out of the way, friends! Yaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!"

OOC: from reading Tobias's post Julian has a clear run from Q15 to Q11, and it is clear ground.

Shark the giant (medium sized) badger leaps forward in a flurry of motion, a rhythmic up and down charging forward. Julian sets himself in his saddle. Two hands on his lance, buckler on his left arm covering his chest. His shiny new breastplate glints in the sun. Beneath his helm his face reddens and his eyes widen. There is a singularity of purpose as Julian and Shark propel the lion-skewer forward.

Charging: -2 AC included above, +2 attack
Raging: -2 AC included above, attack bonuses included.
Power Attack: -2 attack, +4 damage 2 handed weapon
Attack +9+2-2 = 16 (oh no, does its AC drop due to tanglefoot bag? There is the -4 dex...)
Using hero-point reroll otherwise:
Attack = 18
Double damage from a charging mount: 1d6+7 +4 from Power Attack = 12+14 = 26 point of damage.

"Ha-ha! Take that you goatish dizzy-eyed pignut! You loggerheaded toad-spotted barnacle! You jarring fat-kidneyed haggard! You sish-kebab!"

With that jarring attack Shark the badger returns to normal size, leaving Julian standing proudly next to the lion-skewer.

Julian & Sallie the war-dog [AC 19, hp 18] 
Friday March 30th, 2007 7:18:57 PM

OOC: sorry forgot this in the excitement of the charge.

Sallie bounds along behind the giant badger, barking and growling. She runs through to Q12, behind Julian.

Other info for Julian and Shark:
Rage: 8 rounds
Mage Armour: 2 hours

Podo [AC:19 | HP:30]  d20+9=14
Friday March 30th, 2007 9:05:57 PM

Moving diagonal from R13 to P11, Podo reaches out to Touch attack the grounded Lioness with the Tanglefoot bag. (Attack DC:14)

Podo seeing the Tanglefoot bag do its magic, readies himself to deliver a Stunning Fist blow next round, or a spell depending upon what happens.

Spells Readied
0-Level Cleric Spells (Orisons)
Light X2
Detect Magic X1

1st-Level Cleric Spells
Command X2

Spontaneous Casting
Cure Light Wounds: 1d8+1/level

Saturday March 31st, 2007 12:29:02 AM

Kendry is amused as Julian's mouth continues to move vigorously in the area of the silence spell. He wonders what he might be trying to say.


But he also notes that his enthusiastic relative surely does attack with vigor. Tobias, too, is ferocious in his work.

Fickle (AC 21/58 hp)  d20+12=32 d6+1=6x3=18
Saturday March 31st, 2007 7:15:44 AM

OOC: WoW! did it again! A natural 20.

Fickle knotch his bow, taking carefull ain (Dont want to hit Tobias, He will aim for the thin part of the chest (near the Gullet)Shootingarea 9 or10)). Ping and there goes the arrow.

Fickle then will watch to see if he has made any kind og damage??

Attack (Bow & Arrow) AC 32 - Damaged 18hp (with all damage point added in, Thanks Kim!)

Victory! (DM Cayzle) 
Saturday March 31st, 2007 7:29:48 AM

The combined attacks of the party serve to brutally extinguish the life of the lioness! All that remains is a punctured corpse!

The field of battle is yours.

[OOC: no need for your DM to go over each attack -- she only had one hit point left! LOL!]

Please carefully deduct used resources (tanglefoot bags, etc) from your sheets!

Saturday March 31st, 2007 6:30:52 PM

OOC, Cayzle, did that use up my hero point? I hit AC 16 whilst the lion was gooed to ground, so I rerolled using a hero point to hit AC 18.


Julian leaps up and down, rather proud of his new gear. Waving his lance in the air, hugging his badger.

Julian points furiosuly at Kendry to get his attention. Then he waggles the index finger of one hand above open palm of the other. Taking his badger under his arm he climbs atop the lion and strikes a victorious pose with his new lance, in his new armour, looking gloriously off into the distance.

DM Cayzle to Julian 
Saturday March 31st, 2007 8:52:11 PM

Julian, make a DC10 Wis check to stop your attack before you used the hero point. If you were raging, make it DC15.

Julian  d20+1=18
Sunday April 1st, 2007 2:26:16 AM

OOC: Wisdom check for a Raging barbarian. What a novel idea...
Rather than argue the point (I just deleted a long argument) I'll make the roll.... yes, he was raging.
Wisdom Check 18 (ahhhhhh...)
I guess a raging barbarian can tell a dead lion from a live one at 40'.

Julian climbs down from the lion, head down, realising that he did not take its life.

"Well done, Tobias. Masterwork attack there with those fine swords. Could'na done better myself," he pats Tobias on the back, then motions that Tobias should move out of the Silence effect where Julian repeats what he said with a grin.

Kendry (HP 35-7=28)  d8+1=2 d8+1=6
Sunday April 1st, 2007 5:31:05 AM

Wondering just how tough this lion would be - Kendry is impressed with how tough his companions are becoming. He smiles broadly at Julian's gestures, whether of self-exaltation, or of humility and the approbation he gives Tobias.

The bard looks about now, looking first to Airin and Selithe, hoping they are uninjured. He gives both of them a hug. He attends, too, to others in the group.

Since Tobias is blood-spattered, he approaches him. "Looks like another portrait is due, Tobias, this time with a wing lion taking you in his mouth. I see a series starting up." He looks over the ranger's wounds.

"Her teeth ripped the surface of your left thigh - missed any arteries." He applies a charge from his wand of cure light wounds, healing the 4 hp damage the lion's teeth caused. "I've got needle and thread if you want to patch your breeches."

"Don't worry, Jules. We'll get a good sketch of you & your buddies, too."

"Well done, friends!"

"Podo, your wand has more charges than mine. Would you like to do the honors, and help those who were wounded by the metal tail feathers? Say, where's Sharles?"

Sunday April 1st, 2007 8:13:11 AM

Fickle runs over the the Bird?? Starts to look over her metal feather?? then he spots one of the right size?? he pluck It and fasen the ssmall metal feather to his hat??

"Now when people me'm with this feather in my hat! The'z will know not to mess'um with us'm!" Figkle struts around with his chest out. (And of course his hat with the metal feather.)

Sunday April 1st, 2007 11:22:10 AM

"Nice feather, Fickle," Kendry says to the fighter. "By the way, I saw you step in front of me with your shield. Thanks for the extra defense, cuz."

Airin and Fioni 
Sunday April 1st, 2007 3:02:02 PM

Airin cheers too when the lioness is brought down. This was no creature of nature so she feels not regret of having to kill it.

"Question remains why this construct was sitting here. Almost as if it is guarding something or was ordered to guard this place for someone... I don't trust it and I say we proceed with caution for we still need to search the cave."

Airin first walks over the the hillside where she dropped her Mage Armor Potion and quickly puts it back in her Handy Haversack. While doing this she also extracts 50ft of silk rope.

"Nice work everyone! This is perfect teamwork!"

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood  d8+1=7 d8+1=7 d8+1=6 d20+1=7 d20+9=19
Sunday April 1st, 2007 4:39:01 PM

Using the Wand of Cure Light Wounds for the wounded, Podo tries to detect how many need help."Friends, raise your hand if you need any help with healing, please" explains Podo to his companions.

Depending upon how many hands are raised, Podo will assist where he can.
Using the wand on Kendry, Kendry receives 7HP of healing. Next, Podo moves to Julian, waves the wand and Kulian receives 7 HP of healing. Next Podo walks over to Tobias, waving the group healing wand, Tobias receives 6 HP's of healing recovery.
Once finishes with the healing responsibilities of being a Shepherd of Alemi, Podo searches the downed Lion looking for anythign that could help understand what it was. (Search DC: 7) (Spot DC: 19)

Podo also goes over, and takes a nice looking iron tail feather or 2. "Never know when this item might be a good spell component!" exclaims Podo.
Once Podo finishes his initial look over of the lioness, Podo runs back to retrieve Sharles container, and then returns to the Lioness and his companions. Once returned, Podo explains to Sharles that the Lioness is now dead and downed before them.

Asking Sharles, Podo questions Sharles again. "Is this the lioness that killed you? Do you know if she has a mate we should worry about? How about little ones? Is there anything else you recall about this beast?"

(50 -3 charges left in the wand)

Spells Readied
0-Level Cleric Spells (Orisons)
Light X2
Detect Magic X1

1st-Level Cleric Spells
Command X2

Spontaneous Casting
Cure Light Wounds: 1d8+1/level

Sunday April 1st, 2007 11:03:33 PM

"So, into the cave then. I am happy to be the first down there. Tie a rope about my waist and lower me? If I pull on it 3 times haul me back out. Waddya think?"

Kendry  d20+7=26 d20+7=21 d20+7=23 d20+7=26 d20+7=8 d20+7=9 d20+7=14
Monday April 2nd, 2007 2:20:49 AM

Kendry thanks Podo for the healing. He stops him before he wastes a healing charge on Tobias. "Already did it," he points out.

"Let's get all our things together first," he answers Julian. "I left my ponies back there, and Cheann. Once we're all here, then, sure, Julian, how about you and one or two others? Airin - you're good at stealth and reconnaissance. I'd be happy to join in, too, or I can stay up here and help hold one of the ropes.

"Who else wants to be one of the first to descend to check out the cave below?" he asks those gathered.

"Oh - and Fickle - I saw you skin that sheep. How would you like to skin a feathered lion? Maybe find out what made it tick, while you're at it."

After retrieving the ponies and dog Cheann, Kendry will pitch in to help anchor the ropes. If not needed for that, he'll take a little time to start making some sketches of what they just did.
1st sketch, Tobias swinging twin swords as the winged lion bites into his thigh, Craft, drawing: 26;
2nd sketch, Julian charging on the back of Badger, an instant before the moment of impact, with Tobias in the background: 21;
3rd sketch, group portrait lined up on either side of lion: 23; 4th sketch, lion sunning herself on rock: 26 (man, good sketches!);
5th sketch, flying lion whipping metal tail feathers in arc against the party members: 8 - he crumples his first attempt; 9 - second attempt; 14 - he keeps his third attempt, but decides to return to that at a later date.
He gathers a few metal feathers from the lion, too. If there are non-metallic feathers, he'll take a few of those, too.

If no one else volunteers to descend with Julian, he'll join him.

ADM Kim: Posting report, March 26-April 1 2007 
Monday April 2nd, 2007 2:27:30 AM

Cayzle DM: MTW222- 9
Anthony Dwight: 2TW-F 5
Ceil Fickle: MTWTFSS 7
Jon-Paul Podo: MTWTF-S 6
Justin Selithe: MTWT--- 4
Kim Kendry: 23WTFSS 10
Pedro Tobias: MTWT2-- 6
Robert Julian: MTW32S2 11
Steven Airin: MT-2F-S 6

All met posting minima this week, if 4 is the minimum. Selithe had 4 posts. Everyone else 5 or more.

We killed a flying lion with the metal bits!

Airin and Fioni  d20+8=25 d20+10=20
Monday April 2nd, 2007 5:58:52 AM

While Fioni still continues to fly lazy circles high up in the sky Airin agrees to go down towards the cave with Julian.

She drags the silk rope towards the edge of the crevasse and searches a good spot safely attach the rope to. (around a rock, a tree, or anything else)

Search: 25 - finding a good spot to tie the rope
Use rope: 20 - making a good knot

Monday April 2nd, 2007 8:45:20 AM

Fickle Scratches his head, tiltes his head listening to what his cousin Kendry is asking of him. "Mmmm! I'z have skined many animals for theis hides?? But never a part animal and part bird?? But me'm try."

Fickle will take out his daggers, scrapers and clipers. he start cutting the underside, and every thing is going fine, except when he come to the wing?? The wings and tail was made of medal??.

Fickle looks to his cousin, "The wings and tail are made of medal cannot skined. You have to pluck at the feathers and hope you don't cut yourself." then add as an after though "Oh! Yes! Do you want the white meat, taste like turkey? but the dark meat taste like cat!!"

At the party's feet there is the hide of a lion with out the wings.

Monday April 2nd, 2007 12:25:31 PM

Tobias laughs with Julian after their fine attacks on the lioness. And then gladly accepts Kendry's healing. "That really was something... Slicing a flying lioness like that... But not to worry Ken, I think most of the splattered blood you see is that creature's."

After a quick inspection of the lioness's body, he checks with the others about going down into its cave..."Who wants to go down there?"

Podo Danderfulff Pipewood 
Monday April 2nd, 2007 1:19:34 PM

Podo asks Sharles, "do you wanna go down into the cave with me? Maybe you can spot your Thurbile?"

Without waiting for Sharles's answer, Podo raises his hands and tells his friends that both Sharles and himself would love to descend into the cave/cavern.

Asking of Fickle, "if you see any normal feathers, could you save me one or two please?"

Feathers and Hide (DM Cayzle) 
Monday April 2nd, 2007 2:52:22 PM

The group celebrates their easy victory over the flying feline. On close inspection, it is clear that it is no clockwork, but a flesh and blood lion with an eagle's wings. But the beast's feathers -- on its wings and tail -- are made of a thin sharp iron.

Podo cures his friends -- please track how many charges are used, and who gets what healing.

Fickle, Kendry, and Podo collect feathers as trophies.

Kendry draws while Podo fetches Sharles. The undead creature congratulates the group. "Well done. Well done! It was just one who attacked me. If there are others, and I guess there might be, I have no idea. I do know that the Thurible and my bones are directly under us!"

Airin says that she thinks the cave is the next step. She gets out her rope. Tobias agrees and is also ready to descend.

Julian volounteers to be first down. Podo also volunteers, and Sharles is eager to go with him.

Fickle works to skin the lion. Please make a Survival check, or a Wisdom check if you have no ranks in Survival.

Who is going down, in what order, and how far apart?

Julian  d20+5=7
Monday April 2nd, 2007 7:05:53 PM

Julian is keen to go down first,
"But, I should probably take the boring job of helping with the lower of the rope, or the pulling back up in a hurry. So, I will stay up here and work the rope."

OOC:not sure which Skill to use for that. Use Rope is dex based, and I picture it as being Str based to haul or lower someone. Maybe a climb check, or aid another...
Climb 7

Dwight  d20+3=9 d20+3=11 d20+9=26 d20+9=21
Monday April 2nd, 2007 9:44:34 PM

Dwight remains on top of the small hill as others tend to their wounds and prepare for the next portion of their current task.

spot: 9

Seeing that all is clear, Dwight eventually moves to where some will be descending. "Let us assume there are more, just to be safe. Those that go down should be prepared for others. I'm going to go over there a bit, so I can see the cavern face from up here. I'll have my bow if more fly out, someone else with flying missiles should join me."

(Dwight moves along the top of the chasm to a position that gives him a good view of the opening and those that scale down.)

spot: 11
listen: 26
hide: 21 (once in position)

Monday April 2nd, 2007 10:59:08 PM

"and Tanglefoot bags, too, hey Dwight."

Monday April 2nd, 2007 11:26:35 PM

(OOC: Sorry for the miss post people.)

Selithe looks at how the battle ended so fast and sighs a bit. She does look to Julian and smiles to him, "Next time before charging allow me to cast bull's strength on you, it will aid you in your fight, ok?"

Selithe is happy everyone looks pretty good and is even happier no one died in this fight.

(OOC: Robert, just adding this next piece in to make it official in game.)

Selithe moves over to Julian and looks to him, "Anyway, now that battle is over, what was this gift?" She smiles brightly to him.

(OOC: Cayzle, you'll find a email in your box from me. I sent it to you and Jan since I know Jerry sometimes is swamped by work.)

Kendry  d20+5=17 d20+2=21 d20+2=17
Tuesday April 3rd, 2007 3:19:02 AM

As Fickle is working on skinning the aerial lion, Kendry pitches in once or twice on some of the tougher spots, holding back the skin, or suggesting a cut [Aid another, Survival: 17 - +2 to Fickle's roll].

"Jules, go ahead if you want. I'll stay up top for the moment. I can always float down if you need me. And, unless you close a door behind you, we can talk via the message spell."

It seems the large rock upon which sat the cat might provide some good tie-off places for the rope. Kendry provides a 100' length of silk rope, with the first 15 or 20 feet used to tie it, and the next 80-85 feet to drop to the floor below - and passing in front of the cave opening 40 feet down. He offers his climbing equipment to whoever wants it. [It will give you a +2 on your climb check. Silk rope also gives a +2 on climb checks.]

"So, Airin, Podo, Julian - Tobias, you want to go down, too? Fickle and I will work the ropes. Dwight - and, Selithe, you too? can provide some missile cover.

"No more than two on the ropes at a time, all right?"

Kendry is fairly strong, and can bear the weight of a couple of halflings and their lightweight gear without too much trouble. He does put on some gloves, though, to prevent rope burns.

[Two strength checks: 21, 17]

Airin and Fioni  d20+10=26 d20+10=22 d20+10=26 d20+10=13 d20+10=17 d20+10=18 d20+10=18 d20+10=22
Tuesday April 3rd, 2007 5:35:17 AM

Airin once again first checks to find a spot to tie the ropes to (see rolls previous post)

If nothing is found, she'll begin to climb down while her friends are holding the ropes. She makes a knot in the rope around her waste that will secure her, but one she can very easily loosen once she's down.

Climb: 26, 22, 26, 13
Use Rope: 17, 18, 18, 22

Tuesday April 3rd, 2007 6:01:59 AM

Fickle Finishes the skinning of the great Cat, "Cuz! This animal is mostly Cat? Doe'z you think it'z a real Griff! emz!"

Fickle will strech the skin on a bush or two, to let the sun turn the wet skin into dry leather.

"OKie! Dockie! Let me help with the ropes." he goes on to help his cousin Kendry.

Tuesday April 3rd, 2007 8:53:08 PM

Selithe looks to her brother and nods, "I'll help cover whoever goes down for sure brother. I also have some rope if it will help.

Selithe smiles and keeps her bow ready and waits, thinking she also looks to any going down, "I have a scroll Kendry got me for feather fall if someone would like I could cast it on them."

(OOC:Kim, I thought I added it if you did but a few posts back did Kendry give Selithe another scroll? I know Julian did so maybe I just got confused.)

Tuesday April 3rd, 2007 10:09:16 PM

"Selithe, yes, here. What I was giving you was a Scroll of Expeditious Retreat. I thought you could perhaps write it into your spell book. The gift, was actually something different."

Digging into his bag, Julian begins to blush, "This. Its a set of cards. Masterwork," he hands Selithe a small red velvet bag, "Its for, its a thank you, for teaching me to read. Perhaps you'll teach me to play cards too. I hope you like them, I bought the ones with the Dire Badger printed on the back of them, see."

OOC: Masterwork playing cards, will give you +2 Masterwork Tool bonus when you use them.

"I ahh, gotta go, down, down the rope. Might be something to fight." He jogs away to where the ropes are being secured.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood  d20+5=21 d20+9=23 d20+1=8 d20+9=13
Tuesday April 3rd, 2007 10:16:18 PM

While Podo stands in line to descend with Sharles, Podo reties the bag in which Sharles' bones are stored in a maner which yields a sling loop allowing Podo to carry Sharles around his shoulder/neck.

When ready, Podo uses both his climb & rope use skills to help him descend down the rope in a repeling manner, using the rock wall as a jumping-off propelant.

Once Podo reaches the cave enterence, and gains enough of a perch to release the rope, Podo will take a copper coin out of hsi belt pouch, casting a Light spell on it.

Podo uses the lit coin to illuminate the inside of the cave to see what they are up against!

Skill used
Rope Use: 21
Climb: 23
Search: 8
Spot: 13

Spells Readied
0-Level Cleric Spells (Orisons)
Detect Magic X1

1st-Level Cleric Spells
Command X2

Spontaneous Casting
Cure Light Wounds: 1d8+1/level

Spells Used

Dwight  d20+3=12 d20+9=14 d20+11=22
Tuesday April 3rd, 2007 10:58:21 PM

"Yes, Julian, with tanglefoot bags too!"


Dwight remains in position, (with Selithe?) in view of those going down ready for anything that might come out due to the uninvited guests.

spot: 12 (anything below the cave of interest?)
hide: 22

Julian  d20+5=10
Tuesday April 3rd, 2007 11:19:55 PM

A skill check for if we descend the ropes soon.

Climb 10 (+2 for the rope?)

Descent Details (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday April 4th, 2007 6:08:17 AM

[OOC: This is the Tuesday Nite Post.]

Skinning the hide of the dead lion is a DC10 Survival check. Fickle, helped by Kendry, gets a +2 on the roll.

Despite Julian's eagerness to be first person down to the cave, he figures he better help with the rope.

Dwight has his bow ready at the edge of the crevasse. He worries that something might fly out.

Selithe stands next to Julian and has some conversation.

Kendry helps Fickle and then tells Julian to go down while he -- Kendry -- holds the rope. Of course, the rope is also tied off as well, to a handy rock and a tree. It is pretty secure.

Fickle helps Kendry hold the rope.

Selithe joins Dwight in covering the cave entrance, which you can just barely see if you lean out over the abyss.

Airin gets ready to climb down. Julian talks to Selithe, then also gets ready to climb down.

Podo is ready to go down too -- and to cast a Light cantrip to help see in the undoubtably dark cave!

But who is first? Will you climb with more than one person on the rope at a time? Note climbing at half speed, it takes two rounds to climb down 40 feet -- one and a half rounds for Julian, since he moves at 30, not 20.

Going in posting order, Airin would be down first, then Julian, then Podo. Is that right? Does Julian want to be on the rope while Airin is descending? Podo, do you plan to cast your Light spell at the top of the cliff or while dangling on the rope or when you set foot in the cave?

Selithe and Dwight, are you readying tanglefoot bags, arrows, feather fall scroll, what exactly?

Fickle, please make that d20+2 roll for skinning the lioness.

Sorry, Kim, I have no question for Kendry! :-)

Wednesday April 4th, 2007 7:14:00 AM

"We should probably go down this rope one at a time. I am happy to leave that honour for someone else, if you like."

Fickle AC 21 / 58hp  d20=13 d20+2=15
Wednesday April 4th, 2007 7:26:46 AM

Survival -13 And Skinning the Griffon 15

Fickle wipes the blood off his hands, rubbing some dirt into his hands (to make holding the weight better on the rope), braces himself on holding the rope, "OKie DOkie! CouZ! I'm Ready with my rope? How'z You'z Doing with your rope??"

Airin and Fioni  d20+12=25 d20+17=29 d20+17=35 d20+19=39
Wednesday April 4th, 2007 8:38:39 AM

"I'm probably the most silent one? So this time I'll go down first," Airin says to Julian... nervous for not knowing what will be down there, but nevertheless ready to climb down. Thinking to herself that she should not have wasted that spider climb spell earlier. Now would be a far better moment to use it!!

Airin will try to climb down about 5 to 10ft right of the cave opening (depending on how much space there is to walk on in front of the cave opening).

She will descend slower if possible to climb more quietly. (rolls in previous post)

Once down there she immediately ducks and listens carefully as she quietly approaches the cave entrace (not looking inside just yet). If she thinks things are secure, she'll ready her bastard sword and signal Julian to come down.

climb rolls: see previous post
Climb quietly?: 29 - if at all possible...
listen: 25 - once down
Move silentle: 35 - moving quietly to the cave entrance
Hide: 39 - Nat 20! - trying to blend with the canyon rocks

Wednesday April 4th, 2007 11:59:52 AM

Tobias and Tewdwr will keep watch at the top of the chasm, making sure nothing else is approaching from the top or bottom.

The Cave In The Cliff-Face (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday April 4th, 2007 6:48:15 PM

This is an extra DM post to get things moving and clear up misconceptions.

The floor of the canyon is 80 feet down. The mouth of the cave is 40 feet down. From the mouth of the cave there is a 40 foot drop.

Airin descends oh-so-quietly to one side. From above, she clearly hears Fickle: "OKie DOkie! CouZ! I'm Ready with my rope? How'z You'z Doing with your rope??" Probably anything in the cave, if there is anything there, has heard that, too!

Airin hears nothing inside the cave.

What weapon does Tobias have in his hands? What does Selithe have ready? Who's next on the rope? Does Airin enter the cave?

Podo  d20+9=25 d20+5=20 d20+9=22 d20+9=29 d20+2=10 d20+9=23 d20+9=27 d20+1=21
Wednesday April 4th, 2007 8:19:48 PM

With Sharles riding on his Back in his conatiner, Podo casts a light spell on a copper coin he just recently took from his belt pouch.

Taking the glowing copper coin and placing it intohis mouth and biting down on it with his teeth, Podo takes up the next rope; being held by fickle; and begins to descend down the cliff face.

Once 40 feet down, Podo will open his mouth as a sort of directional flash light to help see into the cave and find a good spot to tumble into the cave.

As soon as Podo and Sharles are safely in the cave and away from the edge, Podo will ask Sharles questions about what the Thurible looks like. While waiting for the answers from Sharles, Podo will drop the copper "flash light" onto the ground 5' in from of them to get a better look around the cave.

Podo will use his spot/search skills to help locate anything of value. (Spot DC:27 | Search DC: 21 (Nat 20!))

If this isn't possible for reasons of possible enemy prescence, then Podo will ready his unarmed attack.

Skill Checks
Rope Use:20
Balance:29 (Nat 20!)

Spells Readied
0-Level Cleric Spells (Orisons)
Detect Magic X1

1st-Level Cleric Spells
Command X2

Spontaneous Casting
Cure Light Wounds: 1d8+1/level

Spells Used

Dwight  d20+3=7 d20+9=20 d20+11=23
Wednesday April 4th, 2007 11:01:30 PM

Dwight waits with bow ready. He is amused/impressed with Podo's invention of the mouthlight.

As he waits, he continues to look about (down and up) for unwanted company.

spot: 7
hide: 23

Wednesday April 4th, 2007 11:21:20 PM

Selithe keeps her bow out and ready as she watches to make sure everyone makes it down hopefully safe. She has a arrow readied also just incase something attacks again.

(OOC:Sorry for the ocnfusion Cayzle. Selithe has the scroll but it was in her backpack yet.)

Thursday April 5th, 2007 12:08:28 AM

Ready and keen, Julian waits impatiently at the top of the canyon. Podo descends with his glowing coin, I should do that sometimes, and Julian paces around. He lies on his front to peer out over the edge to see what is going on down there. He finds it difficult to resist calling out.

Airin and Fioni 
Thursday April 5th, 2007 2:01:13 AM

Airin does not enter the cave yet... she waits and listens and signals Julian above that it is safe to climb down. She does not however stand below the rope... you never know he might fall :-)

Once Julian too is down they might go inside.

Kendry  d20+2=16 d20+9=21 d20+5=13 d20+6=17 d20+3=17 d20+3=17
Thursday April 5th, 2007 2:33:02 AM

Kendry smiles back at Fickle. "Doin' fine." He switches to whispering, as Fickle is nearby now, and those who are under the message spell can hear, too. 'Y'see, we've got the one fixed rope - the long one, and then the shorter that we loop around the waist of the one goin' down. They can wrap their feet and hands around the long rope, and sort of slide down, puttin' the brakes on when they need to. And the other one, around their waist, we hang on to, and help lower them down. If they slip, then we stop 'em quick from up top here. Let me show you. Watch me, then you can do the same for me. I think I'll go after Julian.'

He turns to Julian. 'You're up for goin' down next, Jules,' He helps Julian with his descent. [Strength check 16]

Since no one took him up on using the climbing gear, Kendry himself uses it. If Fickle or someone else helps out, his climb check is 23. Otherwise, it's 21.

Once below, he steps in as quietly as he can manage [Move Silently: 13], ducking out from the loop - he then gives the double tug (lightly) signal to pull the secondary rope back up for whoever wants to use it.

He looks around, but can't even see where Airin is.

He touches Podo on the shoulder, and mouths the name, 'Airin' with a quizzical look on his face.

[Listen: 16; Spot: 17; Search: 17]

Thursday April 5th, 2007 7:35:27 AM

Fickle smiles at his cousin, "Wonder What'z going On in Cave, If she Monster had chickies, They'z would be Screeming By Now??", But Fickle Does not move. Just holds on to his rope.

Tobias  d20+7=22
Thursday April 5th, 2007 12:54:53 PM

Tobias has both short swords in hand and remains at the top for now. He turns to Fickle, "We probably don't need every body down there..." He keeps an eye out for any approaching creatures (Spot: 22).

Thursday April 5th, 2007 9:49:14 PM

Dwight remains with Selithe watching as half the group descends and enters the cave.

"So Selithe, how do you think that lion got metal wings? Seems a bit odd, and in all the time that Sharles remained decaying and unrested, the metal didn't rust."

The Danger of Daring (DM Cayzle)  d20+8=28 d20+8=18 d20+8=11 d20+8=9 d20+8=21 d20+8=16 d20+8=26 [6 featers fly at Podo] 3d8(8+5+7)+6=26
Friday April 6th, 2007 7:04:45 AM

Airin climbs down but does not dare to peek in the cave. She clings instead to the side of the cave mouth, grabbing on to the side of the canyon.

Julian stands at the top of the cliff, ready to descend.

Fickle and Kendry hold the rope. (Good job with the hide. It seems very beautiful -- and saleable.)

Dwight has his bow ready. Selithe too. Tobias has swrods drawn but sees no other threat at the moment.

Clever Podo makes a mouthlight -- you get 100 xp for innovation! -- and climbs down. Brave Podo steps into the cave.

He sees that the cave is dimly lit a dull red. It is warm in here -- warmer than you would expect. The Walker sees that a ruddy moss glows warmly over to one side.

But more striking is that across the uneven floor of the cave, in a raised alcove at the back, there IS another lion with metal feathers, wings, and tail!

This creature seems to have been expecting someone! It immediately whips its tail, and six feathers fly off it and right at Podo! Of the 6, one is a crit threat that misses the follow up by one! A total of three of the six hit our brave Walker ... Podo takes a total of 26 points of damage! Brave Podo is close to death!

And the map!

Friday April 6th, 2007 8:29:37 AM

Fickle is still holding on to the rope, he cannot see over the edge. But will tell his cousin Kendry "Quite! down there! Too quiet if yu'z ask me'm"

DM Revision 
Friday April 6th, 2007 1:13:01 PM

With his Deflect Arrows feat, Podo manages to avoid the first feather that would have hit him. He takes only 16 hp damage!

Podo [AC:19 | HP: 20/36]  d20+4=23 d20+9=22
Friday April 6th, 2007 2:33:48 PM

After sustaining 16 points of damage from those metal feathers, Podo pivots around facing the opening of the cave and the dangling ropes, takes a 5 foot running jump up and out of the cave grabbing for the rope he just left. Once on the rope, Podo will climb like his life depends on it...for it does!

Once on the top, Podo will shout for help and explain what just transpired!

"Everyone! There is another one of those lions in the cave! It hit me with some of those metal tail feathers. Thanks to Alemi & Domi, I have the skill to deflect ranged attacks!" exclaims Podo.

It should be here soon! It was only 60' or so from the mouth of the cave! Prepare yourselves for a coming attack!

Speaking low and to himself, Podo mumbles...Dang, I dropped my light coin in the cave...hope we have a chance to retreive it before it goes out...

Skill Check
Jump: 23
Climb: 22

Spells Readied
0-Level Cleric Spells (Orisons)
Detect Magic X1

1st-Level Cleric Spells
Command X2

Spontaneous Casting
Cure Light Wounds: 1d8+1/level

Spells Used

Tobias (AC 20, HP 38 / 38)  d20+18=32
Friday April 6th, 2007 4:32:17 PM

Hearing Podo's blurted out speech, Tobias takes the opportunity to hide somewhere close so as to surprise the beast as it flies up. He also exchanges one of his short swords for a tanglefoot bag.

Hide: 32

[OOC: are these magical beasts? adds +2 some checks and damage if they are...]

Friday April 6th, 2007 4:33:10 PM

Tobias also motions Tewdwr away from the crevasse and back towards the tree line... to bind his time for an opportunity to attack.

Julian [AC 23, hp 45/55]  d20=9 d20+2=15
Friday April 6th, 2007 6:23:25 PM

"I gotta get down there."

If there is no faster way Julian grabs a rope and ties it around his waist, and climbs down the other.

Accelerated climb -5 penalty included: 9 -3 Armour check = 6 (just made it)
Use Rope 15

Friday April 6th, 2007 6:45:22 PM

OOC: whoops, -1 on climb for the buckler too, gives Climb 5, vs DC 5 for climbing a rope with a wall to brace against.

Julian  d20+3=20
Friday April 6th, 2007 6:50:31 PM

OOC sorry, my sister-in-law is really sick and we have her kids here as well a whole troupe of family who treat our farm as a theme park to visit in the holidays. So I am getting a lot of interruptions such as using the phone... this will be that last.

Julian, not yet raging, takes in what he sees in cave,
Spot 20
(hopefully noticing the light coin which he remember seeing Podo with previously).

Dwight (hp 35, ac 16)  d20+8=12 d20+8=20 d4=4 d20+3=15
Friday April 6th, 2007 11:13:32 PM

Dwight raises his bow and at the first sign of the creature leaving the cave lets two arrows fly or if the creature comes with range as Julian moves to the entrance.

attack #1: 12-2=10 (miss)

attack #2: 20-2=18 (hit?)
dmg: 4

If I recall correctly, lions always have more than one mate Anything else going on? Spot: 15

Friday April 6th, 2007 11:18:11 PM

Up top before Podo arrives with his news Selithe looks to Dwight and shakes her head, "No, to be honest I'm thinking some type of magic has been used here or maybe it's a new creatures or something because it doesn't fit anything I can think of. I will have to do some research when the time arrives."

Selithe frowns when Podo arrives and pulls bck her bow string and waits for the monster to come flying out. Seeing Julian she shakes her head, "No Julian, wait for it to come out." Selithe chuckles abit seeing her words are lost on him since he already is trying the rope.

Saturday April 7th, 2007 8:27:38 AM

Still holding the rope, He tells his cousin "Cuz! Tell them's To drop the tangle bag when he'm see the birss head coming out of the cave, it will take the bird a few seconds to jump and fly. I'z hope it will gum'z up his feathers!!
At least it will give us'mtime to hides"

Fickle turns to his cousin Kendry again asking, " Does Me'm have to scrape another Bird/lion AGAIN??"

The Waiting Game (DM Cayzle)  d20+8=15 d20+8=11 d20+8=11 d20+8=10 d20+8=28 d20+8=25 d20+8=9 [6 feathers vs julian, one a crit] 2d8(8+1)+4=13
Saturday April 7th, 2007 5:52:37 PM

Fickle is still holding on to the rope. He is worried about another fight.

Podo makes a fast withdrawal, climbing up the rope. He climbs all the way back up. At the top, he tells what he saw, and warns that an attack is about to start!

Airin is still 40 feet down, to one side of the cave mouth, clinging 40 feet above the canyon floor.

Tobias hides, ready to ambush the lion with a tanglefoot bag. From what he has seen and heard, these DO seem like magical beasts.

Dwight is ready to fire his bow ... but the flying lion does not emerge.

Selithe is also ready with missile attacks ... that so far she has not had the chance to use. The creature remains in the cave.

Kendry waits to see what happens.

Julian ties on a rope and climbs right down! How far does he go? Does he step into the cave? I presume that he is, based on his speed.

Julian, if you wish to step into the cave, then you see the same thing that Podo saw (see prev post). If you do so, then six tailfeathers fly at you. Only one hits Julian's AC, but that one is a critical! For 13 hp damage.

Use the same map as last round, but swap Podo and Julian.

Julian [AC 23, hp 32/55]  d20+3=16
Saturday April 7th, 2007 6:43:00 PM

OOC, yes, yes, into the cave. I agree, swap Podo for Julian.

Spot 16
OOC From what Julian can see, how many of these feathers can he expect?

Julian pulls his sling out and loads it with one of his 2 remaining Magic Stones.

OOC I suppose that's two move actions.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood [AC: 19 | HP: 28/36]  d8+2=9
Saturday April 7th, 2007 6:54:32 PM

Once back on top of the cliff and having finished the warnings to the rest of the family, Podo moves towards the tree line. Once there, Podo uses his Spontaneous Casting Spell to heal 9 of his 16 HPs of damage suffered by the feathers of the other Lion.

Afer the spell, Podo will reach for and take out a Tanglefoot bag from his Haversack and ready it for the coming attack by the other lion.

Spells Readied
0-Level Cleric Spells (Orisons)
Detect Magic X1

1st-Level Cleric Spells
Command X2

Spells Used

Spontaneous Casting
Cure Light Wounds: 1d8+1/level

Tobias (AC 20, HP 38 / 38)  d20+3=20
Saturday April 7th, 2007 8:05:20 PM

Seeing Julian launch himself down with reckless abandon, he's concerned that the lion thing will take us out one-by-one... Better to fight at Julian's side than to try to take this thing alone. So he climbs down to help Julian and motions others to follow...

He puts his short sword and tanglefoot bag away for the climb... but keeps the bag close at hand in a belt pouch. Whatever move he has left after the climb, he goes towards the creature.

Climb: 20

Kendry (AC 15, HP 35) (Message)  d20+9=22 d20+8=9 d20+8=25 d20+8=19 d20+8=24 d20+9=17 d20+9=15 d20+9=21
Sunday April 8th, 2007 12:06:33 AM

[Sorry, gang. Just got back from hospital. With work and other stuff, I have been going solid for the past couple of days without respite - only had a chance to glance here, no chance to post.]

If you'd be so kind as to allow it, Cayzle, as Podo sprints back up the rope, since Fickle has the rope, too (right, Fickle?), Kendry dashes to retrieve from his nearby pony a well-folded fishing net (which is weighted along three of its four sides), and a coil of silk rope - the latter goes around the right side of his neck, and under his left arm.

As he moves, he whispers (message spell). 'Let's get down there, friends. Beard the lion in his den.' He dashes back to the cliff top.

The net he sets in his haversack as he waits for Tobias to descend.

Kendry uses only the long rope and his climbing gear, stopping just above and to the left side of the cave entrance (G5-52?). He takes out a small masterwork hammer from its fine rabbit fur belt sheathe, takes a piton from his climbing pouch, and drives it into the stoney wall.

[Initial climb check shown in prior post. New climb check to keep self at current position as piton is placed: 22. Piton placements: 9; 25, 19, 24]

However, his first piton falls down the cliff face - clang, clang ... thud.

The second goes in solidly, however. He moves farther to the right, to G6, and places a piton midway above the cave entrance, then just to the right of G7-52 (1st foot into G8-52?)

[Cayzle - I picture Kendry starting with his right foot just above the upper left edge of the cave opening by about twelve inches. Upper left, that is, for one facing the opening from the outside. At the end of his actions, three pitons are just above the cave opening, the two at the ends about six feet from the one in the center.]

[Three more climb checks - apply as needed: 17, 15, 21]

Sunday April 8th, 2007 7:52:05 AM

Now Fickle is wondering what's going on?? He look for a tree to tie the rope?? He cannot move because there's still a couple of his friends on the darn rope. So there's nothing he can do, but stand there and hold the rope.

Fickle prays OH! PLEAZE ALAMI!! Don't make that Birddie with the iron wings and Tail!! Fly out of that'z cave!!"

Airin and Fioni  d20+10=26 d20+17=26 d20+19=24 d20+10=20
Sunday April 8th, 2007 2:09:26 PM

(hmm saturday post... too bad. Sorry I missed that one and the coming down of Podo and the others can hardly be called a turn by turn basis as Airin was waiting for the others to go inside. Sorry)

Airin is mortified as she witnesses how Podo is gruesomly attacked by what appears to be yet another creature like the one they allready detroyed. Sneaking in seems to be out of the question.

She moves towards the cave entrance but slightly lower so she is about 35 ft above ground level. This way she can peak inside using the little mirror she has in her backback... Once below the cave entrance she clings to the walls with one hand and her feet and reaches in her handy haversack retrieving the mirror. Then she holds it up and attempts to spot the creature. She reports everything she sees to her friends.

Climb: 26
Move silently: 26
Hide: 24
spot: 20

Monday April 9th, 2007 7:36:17 AM

Fickle is still holding the rope and cannot see over the edge, he ask his cousin next to himself, "Can'z you see anyting'z".

Selithe (Posting by JPWard) 
Monday April 9th, 2007 9:25:56 PM

Having lost the opportunity to convience Julian to stay and wait for the beast to come out, Selithe keeps her bow out and ready as she watches.

She has a arrow readied just incase something attacks aside from the other lion.

Podo [AC:19 | HP: 20/36]  d8+2=10
Monday April 9th, 2007 9:38:57 PM

Podo almost up to snuff on his health, decides to use the groups Wand of Cure Light Wounds to heal his last few points.

Waving teh wand and pointing it to himself, Podo is back up to full health.

ADM Kim - Posting Report 
Tuesday April 10th, 2007 1:48:45 AM

Cayzle DM: M-2-2S- 6
Anthony Dwight: MTWT--- 4
Ceil Fickle: MTWTFSS 7
Jon-Paul Podo: MTW-FS- 5
Justin Selithe: MTW-F-- 4
Kim Kendry: MT-T--S 4
Pedro Tobias: M-WT2S- 6
Robert Julian: 22WT3S- 10
Steven Airin: MTWT--S 5

Three of us: Dwight (Anthony), Selithe (Justin) & Kendry (Kim) had 4 posts - marginally acceptable. My - Kim's - excuse: Two days in hospital - first with mother, then with stepfather. They're both fine now.

All others - 5 or more posts.

Tuesday April 10th, 2007 6:40:16 AM

"Hmmm! Good'z News! Dontnut hears any screeming comming'z from down there'z" He tells the person nest to him.

Dwight (hp 35, ac 16) 
Tuesday April 10th, 2007 6:58:19 AM

Despite Kendry's warning to all hussle down to the cave opening, Dwight remains in position with Selithe. He watches as Kendry prepares a "net" for the lion and suspects it will be little more of a hindrance than his rope would have been.

Via message if still active, otherwise just to Selithe. "How much long ranged attack damage can we do? Shooting a bow while hanging from a rope seems a bit tricky, but I could send in a small shocking burst (aka: magic missile), assuming the cave isn't to deep. Thought?

Volley! (DM Cayzle)  d20+8=21 d20+8=19 d20+8=9 d20+8=20 d20+8=25 d20+8=28 d20+8=19 2d8(7+3)+4=14
Tuesday April 10th, 2007 8:15:33 AM

Note that Airin had previously tied down the rope. Fickle has been helping folks go up and down, and he has been making the climb easier. But he does not have to still hold it if he does not want to.


Julian draws his sling and loads it.


Airin climbs down and peeks in with her mirror. She reports to everyone via Message spell what is going on in there.

Tobias sheathes his weapons (move action) and makes an accelerated climb 20 feet down the rope (with Fickle's help, going down, and with a great climb check). He will need a move action to enter the cave next round.


Fickle holds on to the rope in order to help people go up and down. He does not have to do that, but it helps!

Kendry steps back to a pack beast and gets a net.

Selithe and Dwight are ready to attack the monster if it emerges. But from Airin's report, that seems increasingly unlikely.


The lion whips another volley of tail feathers at Julian. Two feathers hit! One is a crit threat that misses. Julian takes 14 damage.

It might occur to Julian that exchanging a sling bullet for six tail feathers every round is not a winning tennis match. On the other hand, the beast's tail feathers do seem to be running out. If he can make a spot check vs DC12, then Highlight to display spoiler: { Maybe half are now missing.}

And the The Map!

Tuesday April 10th, 2007 10:47:12 AM

[Note: We have two tied down ropes over the cliff face, not just one.]

Kendry takes the rope and net back over to the cliff face, and begins his accelerated descent. [Earlier climb check roll applies here: 21-5=16]

Airin [AC17 ; 42/42 HP] and Fioni 
Tuesday April 10th, 2007 11:05:37 AM

"Better to divide the pain..." Airin says and quickly gets into the cave (move action) and readies her crossbow...

Hopefully the deadly tailfeathers will be divided so not only Julian takes the pain!

Dwight (hp 35, ac 16, message)  d20+9=10 d20+9=21 d4=4
Tuesday April 10th, 2007 2:50:26 PM

Dwight watches as Julian and Airin move inward and grinds his teeth as he recalls what happened to Podo just moments ago.

Getting on edge himself, he considers going down as well, but refrains at this point. "Animals always fight most aggressively when cornered. Surely its life is more important than its lair."

Bow is still ready and if it decides to fly out, Dwight will fire twice.

arrow #1: 10-2 (miss)

arrow #2: 21-2=19 (hit)

OOC: If Dwight can see the lion he'll fire.

Additional thought? Could somone 'jump' when going down to avoid the double movement required?--seems to me to be a good use of the jump skill versus getting iron feathers for several more rounds.

If this isn't appropriate to ask, given Dwight's line of sight, just delete my additional thought.

(Posting by JPWard) Selithe [AC:20 |HP:39 , Message spell] 
Tuesday April 10th, 2007 11:22:54 PM

Using the message spell, Selithe tries to bring some sense into what appears to her as very foolish moves on the part of some of her extended family.

...Julian...Tobias....what are you two doing? You know what just happened to Podo? Walking into that cave with a cornered flying Lion in suicide!! Come back her this instant!!...

Then speaking quietly to herself, Selithe mumbles, please come back...

All the while her voice is conveying her feelings, her hand and body keep tight and measured control over her readies bow and arrow.

Julian [AC 27, hp 18/55] prone  d20+8=11
Tuesday April 10th, 2007 11:58:03 PM

OOC: I made that Spot check back on Saturday April 7th, 2007 6:43:00 PM (16) with the question "From what Julian can see, how many of these feathers can he expect?" Thanks DM.

Julian gets his sling flying round in a tight circle, releasing it at the lion.

Hit nothing, not even when I later remember to add +1 for Magic Stone.

Julian takes a 5' step then drops to floor to lie prone for the moment. This should give the others a clear line of sight and a bit more space.

"I'm okay. Just a moment here to gather my strength. Then I'll take it on."

Move to I7, lying prone (+4 to AC, included above)

Podo [AC:19 | HP: 36/36]  d20+9=25
Wednesday April 11th, 2007 12:06:41 AM

Walking to the cliff's edge, Podo looks down to see what ever might be below them...(Spot DC: 25)

Wednesday April 11th, 2007 6:24:30 AM

"Couz Kendry! Where are you'z going? Oh! A net! Do you expect for it to come'z flying out?? Should I'mz stay here or Go down? Hmmm! I thinck I stay for a little while, just in case you need help coming back up??"

Fickle will go to the edge of the cliff, just to see what's going on.

DM Cayzle has a couple OOC questions. 
Wednesday April 11th, 2007 6:41:48 AM

Kim, could you point out the post to me in which a second rope was tied down and deployed? Thanks! Also, whoever knows, HOW LONG are the dangling ropes?

[See Kendry's post of April 3rd- he uses a 100' length of silk rope. This is in addition to Airin's 50' of silk rope, referenced in her posts of April 1st and 2nd. -Kim]

OOC to Podo Highlight to display spoiler: {Honestly, you already are at the very edge (see map), and making a Spot check is a free action. You haven't done ANYthing with your turn! Feel free to post again, if you can think of any actions you would like to take. If you have any question, let me know.}

In regard to jumping down -- The falling damage for making the descent is 4d6. If you make a jump check vs DC15, then you take only 2d6 damage plus 1d6 nonlethal damage.

If you climb partway down and then jump, you take even less damage.

Dwight --OOC 
Wednesday April 11th, 2007 10:21:04 AM

That a lot of damage. I don't think I stated it clearly. If inside the cave (drop of about 5 feet?) is it really 4d6 damage?

Or is the 4d6 damage for jumping from top to cave entrance.

Dwight intends to neither at this point.

Tobias (AC 20, HP 38 / 38) [Message]  d20+13=20
Wednesday April 11th, 2007 11:26:17 AM

Through message, "Sorry Selithe, but can't let Julian die alone... and he has no chance on his own. But, I'll cover your retreat if you wish to leave, Julian."

Tobias moves to K7 while drawing a tanglefoot back. He then throws it at the lion beast with his attack action.

Throw: 20

DM Cayzle OOC 
Wednesday April 11th, 2007 1:52:28 PM

Oh! Sorry, Dwight! the 4d6 is to jump from the cliff edge down to the cave mouth. To jump down in the cave from one level to another takes only one move point but inflicts 1d2 subdual damage ... which you can totally avoid with a DC13 Jump Check.

Wednesday April 11th, 2007 7:52:31 PM

Via message, Kendry says, "Podo, Dwight, can you get down here? Sister - keep an eye out. Julian - step around the cave's edge - grab the rope and hang on." He refers to the rope dangling beneath him. Out loud, he says up the cliff face, "Come on down, Fickle." He continues with his piton pounding.

Dwight (hp 35, ac 16, message)  d20+7=20
Wednesday April 11th, 2007 10:35:35 PM

Not happy about it, Dwight moves to the aid of his comrades, foolish as they are. Attacking an animal when cornered,, what are they thinking

Dwight moves to where the ropes dangle, tucks his bow around one shoulder and begins his decent (on the rope Airin was on).

Climb: 20-5 (speed?) = 15 (down as fast as possible)

Sharles you better be on our side

(Posting by JPWard) Selithe [AC:20 |HP:39 , Message spell] 
Wednesday April 11th, 2007 11:58:56 PM

Via message spell,What are you guys thinking about?? Us come down there...to fight an animal when cornered? Are you kidding us? Did you leave your lore at home along with your wisdom?

Selithe watches the other companions that have the message spell respond to Kendry and attempt to comply.

Ready and waiting, Selithe keeps ready her bow.

Podo [AC:19 | HP: 36/36]  d20+9=22 d20+4=5
Thursday April 12th, 2007 12:03:54 AM

(OOC: this the for the free move Cayzle spoke about.)

Podo tries to comply with Kendry and attempts to return to the spot in the cave he was just in.

Skill Check
Jump:5 (Nat 1!)

Having missed the jump into the cave, Podo fumbling, tries his best to recover, hoping not to fall the entire 40 feet. Thinking to himself, I have only practiced slow fall at 20 feet! Alemi & Domi help me!!

Thursday April 12th, 2007 12:12:28 AM

'Yep! No wisdom down here, sis - I plum left it somewhere else.' Kendry replies to Selithe.

Thursday April 12th, 2007 6:37:24 AM

Fickle answers Kendry "Okie Dokie!", he pulls up the silk rope, then Ties the ends together, making this rope two hundred feet. one end is tird to something solid and the other he throws over the edge.

Now making sure that every thing is solid, he'll put his gloves on and climb down the rope "Here I'z come, CoZ!"

Kendry / Kim / OOC 
Thursday April 12th, 2007 10:22:22 AM

Ceil - that's not quite gonna work for Fickle. Kendry is firmly hanging on to the 100' rope. The two ropes are both independently tied at the top. The cliff is 80' high. Kendry has another 50' length of rope, but that is looped across his shoulder. (Actually, he has more rope back at the ponies, too.) After Dwight gets down, the 50' rope is available. Or you could come down the 100' rope that Kendry is on. If you have your own rope, you could tie that and use it, too.

Looks like Fickle going ot take a fall??

Enter the Cave (DM Cayzle) 
Thursday April 12th, 2007 3:54:34 PM


Airin enters the cave and draws her crossbow.

Julian lets fly a bullet but misses. He takes a step forward to I7 and throws himself flat. Note that dropping prone is a free action, so Julian still has a move action to use should he so desire. Note that standing up is a move action. So is crawling 10 feet.

Tobias moves to H7, no prob. He steps into Julian's square, I7, still no problem. Then he steps down the incline to J7. That requires a DC10 climb check or a DC13 Jump check. If either fail, Tobias still ends up in J7, but will take 1d2 subdual damage. Tobias, please make your skill check and record your damage, if any.

If Tobias climbs down, he must end his move in J7, five range increments from his target, so his attack is at -10, and he misses. If he jumps down, then he can move to K7, which is four increments away, with an attack at -8, and he will hit. If you miss your jump check by more than 5, then when you land you are prone, so you cannot throw.

To recap, if Tobias's jump check is 13 or better, he lands well, takes a step forward, throws the bag, and hits. If his check is 8-12, then he takes 1d2 nonlethal damage, steps forward, throws, and hits. If his check is a 7 or less, then he takes 1d2 nonlethal damage, falls prone in J7, and misses his throw. If he climbs down with a roll of 10+, his move ends in J7, and his bag toss misses.. If he climbs down with a roll of 9 or less, his move ends in J7, and his bag toss misses, and he takes 1d2 nonlethal damage.


Dwight decides to climb down. With accelerated climbing, he moves to the rope, starts down, and gets 30 feet down in one round.

Kendry climbs down. He gets 20 feet down this round.

Podo channels his inner crouching tiger and unveils his hidden dragon with a stupendous effort! He climbs fast down 20 feet, then makes a controlled fall the remaining 20. He ends the turn standing in the cave mouth again.


Selithe, still at the clifftop, expresses her fears to her advancing friends.

Fickle stands at the top of the cliff and keeps his eyes open. He (and everyone else) hears the monster roaring a challenge from inside the cave. He is ready to climb down if Dwight and Kendry get out of the way!


The map will come later tonite, and ditto the monster's actions once I get Tobias's Jump checks. I need to know if the beast is entangled.

NOTE: The monster's AC is 17, and its Touch AC is 11.

Thursday April 12th, 2007 5:30:41 PM

OOC move action, thanks for letting me know:

Julian draws his sword, EagerTooth the GreatSword +1.

Tobias (AC 20, HP 38 / 38) [Message]  d20+2=19
Thursday April 12th, 2007 7:39:22 PM

Tobias jumps down to get to K7, and finishes by launching the tanglefoot bag -- which should hit.

Jump: 19

Via message: Julian, are we going in or retreating?

Dwight (hp 3, ac 16) 
Thursday April 12th, 2007 10:11:03 PM

Dwight mumbles a select few choice words forgetting everyone is hearing them via the message spell. "no let's all rush in....attack a corner creature...foolishness or just plain crazy...and not here I am."

OOC: Holding onto my full movement/actions until Dwight figures out if the lion is still inside the cave or flying beside him. YIKES!

Thursday April 12th, 2007 11:04:17 PM

[OOC: Note on his post of the 10th - Kendry used accelerated climbing, also (I incorporated the -5 to the earlier roll, for an adjusted climb of 16) - thus, he should be 30' down - about the top of the cave opening (if it is 10' high) - right about where he wanted to be to start doing the piton fixing.]

Kendry whispers, 'I've got a big net...' [more in a bit...]

Selithe (Posting by JPWard) 
Thursday April 12th, 2007 11:26:01 PM

Seeing almost everyone descend into the Cave, Selithe chooses to stand guard near the anchor ropes, so her friends and family can return safely.

Via message spell; Kendry, I'm staying up here to guard the anchor ropes, make sure nothing comes at you from another direction.

Podo [AC:19 | HP: 36/36]  d20+4=15 d20+9=12 d20+11=14
Thursday April 12th, 2007 11:38:53 PM

Now that I've returned to this same place, Podo reaches into his haversack to retrieve the Thunderstone, then takes a short running jump into the cave to close distance on the Lion.

Using Spot and Tumble skills and once closer, Podo will crouch to the floor, with readied Thunderstone.

Skill Checks
Jump: 15
Spot: 12
Tumble: 14

Second Half (DM Cayzle)  d20+7=10 (save vs goo) 4d4(2+3+2+1)+10=18 (slashing damage to goo)
Thursday April 12th, 2007 11:41:57 PM

Tobias lands well, takes a step forward, hurls the bag at the outer reaches of its range, and hits!

The winged lion is stuck to the floor! It roars in frustration! It claws and swipes at the sticky goo. It spends the round freeing itself. By the end of the round, it is no longer stuck to the ground, but the sticky strands still entangle it.

And the map!

Julian [AC 23, hp 30/55]  2d8(8+3)+1=12
Friday April 13th, 2007 4:45:50 AM

Julian takes his potion of Cure Moderate Wounds (standard action) and stands up to his full height in his new armour (move action).

He bellows "Have we got more tanglefoots? Lets get in there and skin it. Better to have it cornered than flying about."

Heal 12 points, was on 18/55.

Friday April 13th, 2007 7:28:43 AM

Fickle yells down to the one out side the cave "Look'm out He'z can shoot six to five Metal feathers, Look out for Chick! They'z make good soup!"

He turns to Selithe "Do you'z think They'z need me down there??" Heas her with a worried look in his eyes.

Kendry (AC 15, hp 35) [Message. Inspire Courage: +1 attack, +1 damage, +1 save vs charm, fear]  d20+6=15 d20+13=18
Friday April 13th, 2007 11:14:28 AM

Hearing Julian ask about tanglefoot bags, Kendry decides to drop into the cave, rather than carry out his piton pounding project. He descends the last 10' to the lip of the cave. "Make room, love," he asks of Airin. [Nota bene - Kendry had been aiming for the left side of the entrance, as posted earlier, not the right.]

With each hand he extracts a tanglefoot bag (quickdraw).
Beard we the lion in his den?
Brave we, bold we, enter in.
he sings out in an effort to inspire courage [Perform, singing: 18].

Tobias (AC 20, HP 38 / 38) [Message, Inspired: +1 attack, +1 damage, +1 save vs charm, fear]  d20+3=17 d20+14=23
Friday April 13th, 2007 12:04:23 PM

Tobias moves to N8 drawing his last tanglefoot bag... He makes the jump down into N8 (Jump: 17). Then, throws the tanglefoot bag at the creature.

Throw: 23 - 6(for distance) = 17

Airin  d20+9=25 d6=1
Friday April 13th, 2007 2:52:42 PM

Airin aims and shoots at the male lion construct.

Then she tumbles 10ft forward so she does not interfere with others shooting.

Hit AC25 - damage 1 - DOH

Dwight (hp 35, ac 16)  d20+7=19 d20+3=18 d20+6=17
Friday April 13th, 2007 8:30:29 PM

Dwight climbs the rest of the way down in a rush, knowing eventually the lion will fly out and he doesn't want to be where he currently is.

Climb (fast): 19-5=14 (good enough I think?)

As room permits, Dwight jumps inside the cave and hussles toward a corner, K5 (Not sure if he'll reach it, but that is where he is headed.) As the ground drops, Dwight jumps and tumbles trying not to slow his pace or get hit by anything dangerous (like a feather).

jump: 18
tumble: 17

As Dwight enters the cave and sees the lion in relation to where he stands he thinks what a mess now, a giant animal with a bunch of us small folks standing at the end of a lane ready to be knocked down.

Friday April 13th, 2007 8:33:42 PM

OOC: Just read, Tumbling fast requires a -10, which means if Dwight needs to tumble his roll is only a 7. (He needs to move fast to get out of the alley.)

Goo and Blood! (DM Cayzle)  d20+4=16 (P's xtra jump) d20+5=19 (lion save) d20+5=20 d20+5=15 d20+5=6 (3vP) d8+2=9 (P dam) d20+5=10 d20+5=25 d20+5=22 d20+5=21 (3vT, 1 hit, 1 crit) 3d8(8+4+8)+6=26 (tot dam vs T)
Saturday April 14th, 2007 8:09:46 AM

To remind you all of the setting: The cave is very warm ... like a dry sauna. There is a ruddy light that illuminates the scene. On the left side of the cave you see that a glowing red moss covers the wall and floor.

The floor of the cave dips down and then back up. To go down requires a climb or jump check. To go up requires a climb check. (see map).

Fickle and Selithe stay at the top of the cliff, just in case. For now, they see no dangers. Both are worried about their friends.

Podo draws a thunderstone and moves closer to the lion. Note that drawing a weapon is a free action when combined with a move, so Podo gets two moves forward. I rolled an extra jump check for Podo, and he makes it with flying colors.

Julian, I'm using my DMish powers to reinterpret your actions. Hope that's okay. To wit: Julian uses his move action from last round to draw a potion. This round he drinks it and stands up. Next round, he can draw his weapon as a free action while moving forward. Hope that is okay.

Kendry lands behind Airin, draws a bag, and sings to inspire his friends.

Airin shoots, hits, and then moves forward downslope. In the future, please make your climb or jump check to go downslope with yoru post. For now, make a Climb DC5 or Jump DC7 to avoid taking 1d2 nonlethal damage and landing prone. Airin hits for 2 hp damage (thanks to inspire courage), the first lion blood drawn so far!

Tobias moves forward and down, drawing and throwing a tanglefoot bag. It hits!

Dwight takes a double move to enter the cave and move forward and down.

The lion struggles against the goo. He tries to dod the incoming bag ... and does so. He is still entangled, but not glued to the floor.

The lion whips his tail at Podo and Tobias. He is at -4 due to being entangled, and +1 for attacking from above. Three fly at Podo: one would have hit for 9, but Podo deflects it! Three at Tobias: two hit, and one is a confirmed crit! Tobias takes a total of 26 damage!

And the Map!

NOTE: The monster's AC is 15, and its Touch AC is 9. It has taken 2 hp damage.

Julian [AC 27, hp 30/55] prone  d20+6=9 d2=2 d20+6=14
Saturday April 14th, 2007 6:04:12 PM

OOC thanks Cayzle, that was fine interpretation. I am still getting my head around needing a move action even to get it out of my pocket, and a standard action to drink it. In real life, that would be most of my day gone to have a few coffees.

Julian, with some returned vigour, moves towards the lion. He pulls a potion from his pocket as he leaps Dwight (OOC forgot my armour check penalty -3, Jump 6), stumbles due to his new armour (and his hand in his pocket) and lands prone with a loud thud.
(K7, 2 points of damage, +4 to AC included above)

Lying on the warm floor, Julian drinks his potion with the stick figure picture of a halfling with huge muscles. He is the very image of true hero.

Mage Armour (2 hour)
Bull's Strength (20 rounds)

Sunday April 15th, 2007 8:04:06 AM

Fickle turn to his partner (In holding ropes) "I womder what'z going ON?? Too quiet?? Mush to quiet?? Me'z Don't Like It!!"

Selithe (Posting by JPWard) 
Sunday April 15th, 2007 2:03:44 PM

Hearing Fickle says that its much to quiet, Selithe thinks perhaps the Tanglefoot bags have nce again been deployed and that with 40' feet of rock betwix them and theirs, not too much noise is to be had.

Still, just in case, Selithe takes to watching the skies, bow out, arrow notched, weapon readied.

Podo [AC:19 | HP: 36/36]  d20+10=11
Sunday April 15th, 2007 2:16:20 PM

Podo stading up, lauches the Thunderstone towards the wall at S4(bottom of dark square), since the wall is AC5, hping to get the lion in the range of the sonic attack.

As soon as the stone leaves Podo's hand, Podo knows something is wrong. Podo hopes for the best!

Kendry (AC 15, HP 35) [Message; Inspire Courage - +1 att/dam +1 sv vs chm/fear]  d20-1=15
Sunday April 15th, 2007 9:54:51 PM

Kendry launches his tanglefoot bag toward the lion. What a wonderful concoction, this alchemical goo. [Ranged touch attack, hit AC 15.] Splat!

Though sharpened feathers cut the air
Soon lion's skin will leave this cave
My bonnie lass gives fair answer
Let Sharles go with peace to grave
...his song continues. He nocks an arrow and draws his bow, taking aim.

Dwight (hp 35, ac 16)  d20+3=19 d4+1=4
Sunday April 15th, 2007 10:16:32 PM

Making his way out of the alley, Dwight jumps to K8 (jump:19) as he lands, he begins the creating a small tingling sensation in his hand.

He then unleashes 1 magic missile at the lion

Dmg: 4+1(inspire)=5

Cast thus far:
1 1st lvl spell

ADM Kim: Posting Report 2007 April 9-15 
Monday April 16th, 2007 3:14:43 AM

Cayzle DM: -T22-S- 6
Anthony Dwight: -22TF-S 7
Ceil Fickle: MTWTF-S 6
Jon-Paul Podo: M-W2--S 5
Justin Selithe: MTWT--S 5
Kim Kendry: -TW3F-S 7
Pedro Tobias: --W-F-- 2
Robert Julian: -T-TFS- 4
Steven Airin: -T--F-- 2

This week Tobias and Airin fell short, each posting twice. Despite that, both were effective in the posts they provided.

The want of a DM post on Monday, we got off to a slow start, but picked up midweek.

The group confronts aerial lion #2, this time a male, in his den. The halflings, climbing down a cliff into the cave entrance, move forward, stumble about, yet are having a measure of success in slowing the lion down.

By the way, if you'd like to see detailed posting spreadsheets for Game 13, you can go to http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=pXgZY5sfiLZ-yrAg19ndKcA. Look at the dates of the CV sheets at the bottom of the page - The format 'CVyyyymmdd' gives the starting date for each week recorded.

Kim, OOC 
Monday April 16th, 2007 3:36:09 AM

[Fickle - Kendry's rope is free for now. C'mon down, if you wish.]

Airin [AC17 ; 42/42 HP] and Fioni  d20+10=15 d20+9=23 d6=2
Monday April 16th, 2007 3:59:02 AM

Climb check: 15

Airin moves to M5 - so that if the lion decides to fly out of his cave she won't be in its path - and once again fires a bolt at the construct.

Hit AC24 - damage 3 (both with inspire courage)

She sighs at the limited amount of damage she only does...

Monday April 16th, 2007 5:44:24 AM

"Okie! Dokie!! Here'z me'z come." He yell back to his cousin, But first he'll tie his rope to the one next to him, Making the rope long enough not to hert himself. Fickle will slide down the rope.

Tobias (AC 20, HP 12 / 38) [Message, Inspired: +1 attack, +1 damage, +1 save vs charm, fear]  2d8(5+2)+3=10
Monday April 16th, 2007 11:36:01 AM

Tobias moves into a corner where he can get some cover from the beast (P8). He ducks around hoping to not make a good target. While drawing out a potion of cure moderate from his pouch. Then drinking it all down to heal 10 hp.

The Lion Speaks Tonite (DM Cayzle)  d8=8 (direction of thunderstone "splash") d20+9=28 (lion saves vs thunderstone) d20+5=19 (lion saves vs tanglefoot) d20+5=24 d20+5=15 d20+5=13 d20+5=22 d20+5=9 d20+5=23 (tail feathers at D) 3d8(5+1+4)+6=16 (Dam to D)
Monday April 16th, 2007 7:47:13 PM

Julian bends the rules a little, drawing a potion as he moves and then drinking it after falling prone in K7.

Drawing a weapon so that you can use it in combat, or putting it away so that you have a free hand, requires a move action. This action also applies to weapon-like objects carried in easy reach, such as wands. If your weapon or weapon-like object is stored in a pack or otherwise out of easy reach, treat this action as retrieving a stored item. If you have a base attack bonus of +1 or higher, you may draw a weapon as a free action combined with a regular move. If you have the Two-Weapon Fighting feat, you can draw two light or one-handed weapons in the time it would normally take you to draw one.

By my interpretation, drawing a weapon while moving is fine. Drawing a tanglefoot bag or a thunderstone or a flask of acid is a little bit of a stretch, but fine. Drawing a wand, staff, or rod is also stretching it a little, but fine. Drawing a potion begins to stretch it almost too far, but -- the DM says a little grudgingly -- fine. Okay, end of the DM ranting.

Fickle starts climbing down. He's taking 10, the DM rules -- not good enough for accelerated climbing, so he'll get to the cave next round.

Selithe stays alert up above.

Podo tosses a thunderstone at the wall between S4 and S5, and rolls a natural one! That's a miss. Using the rules for misses with splash weapons, the DM rolls a d8 to see where the stone falls. It's an 8! That means it falls on the grid intersection of Q-R-5-6. Thus both the lion and Podo may be affected. Podo, please roll a Fort save vs DC15 or be deafened. If you are deafened, you will no longer benefit from the Inspire Courage after 5 rounds pass.

Kendry throws another Tanglefoot bag and hits the lion.

Dwight moves to K8 and casts a magic missile, hitting for 5 hp damage.

Airin moves forward, shoots, and hits for 3 more hp damage.

Tobias moves to P8, taking hard cover vs. the lion. Following Julian's somewhat suspect example, he draws a potion as he moves and then downs it.


Airin notes that the ruddy mold in the niche down and to her left is very hot. If she entered those squares, she might get burned.

The lion makes his save vs the thunderstone. He saves vs the tanglefoot bag. He remains entangled, that is, with a -4 penalty to Dex and a -2 on attacks.

The lion roars, and shouts! You note that the words are in common. "Stop! Stop! Do not fight me!"

Then he whips six more tail spikes, aiming them all at Dwight. (The lion won't waste time with Podo, who deflected them last time, nor with Tobias, who has cover, but chooses to fire at the mage.) Three hit AC22 or better for a total of 16 hp dam to Dwight

NOTE: The monster's AC is 15, and its Touch AC is 9. It has taken 10 hp damage. It is entangled.

And the Map!

Dwight (20/35, ac 16) 
Monday April 16th, 2007 10:45:20 PM

Screaming in pain Dwight manages to mentally change tactics as others move forward. He moves to M8. That one smart lion! OUCH! . In his hand appears three small nuts that are instantly hurled at the lion.

Cast: Lesser Confustion (Will negates)

Monday April 16th, 2007 11:23:10 PM

Selithe is worried about her friends but is abit unsure of the rope too as climbing isn't really her strong point.

She hopes everything is going well.

Podo [AC:19 | HP: 36/36]  d20+7=14 d20+4=24 d20+11=27 d20+9=26
Tuesday April 17th, 2007 1:06:19 AM

Podo is totally surprised that the stone comes right back at him! BAM! the stone explodes right in front of him, knocking him with a sonic blast...as the Wold fades out of sound! Podo is deafened!

Still reeling from the last blast of sonic awefulness, Podo mustering up all his strength of will, closes rank with the lion antangonist. Running, jumping, climbing, and tumbling, Podo closes rank by trying to land behind the critter at U4.

Next round, Podo will deliver a Stunning Fist attack to the lion.

Skill Checks
Jumping: 24 (NAT 20!)
Tumbling: 27
Climb: 26
Movement rate: 30'

Kendry  d20+9=27 d4+3=6
Tuesday April 17th, 2007 1:27:18 AM

Kendry looses his readied arrow against the lion [Hit AC 27, 6 hp damage].
Lion, if you now lie down,
Stop attacking my dear friends
Then listen to your words we might
Else you'll die - the choice is yours
He does not expect his friends to stop attacking unless the lion complies with the words he sung out - in common.

Airin [AC17 ; 42/42 HP] and Fioni  d20+10=22 d20+9=24 d6+1=6
Tuesday April 17th, 2007 1:32:09 AM

"Ouch that's warm!! What's wrong with this cave" Airin thinks as she avoids the hot spots. A quick look at the wall and floor might explain something...

(knowledge nature: 22)

Then she hears the lion speak in her own thongue asking not to fight him yet he reeases 6 more painfull tailfeathers... he should be out of them soon... no?

"Do you yield?" Airn shouts at the lion and says to her friends "let it listen to reason!"

But in case the lion does not stop his own attack Airin will release another bolt.

(readied action depending on the lion's action)

Hit AC24 - damage 6HP

Tuesday April 17th, 2007 6:06:26 AM

As Fickle slides down the rope slowly, he finaly hit the grown, look's into the cave. At the far end is the male Griffen>

Sencing that his cousin is to his left, he ask him "What'z happening so Far'm, Cuz?"

Julian [AC 23, hp 30/55] 
Tuesday April 17th, 2007 7:48:03 AM

OOC: Okay, I understand your ruling (or rather, appreciate that you didn't rule against it), but, I did pack those potions into my pocket (as posted) for easy reach. Surely easier than a tanglefoot bag, though perhaps not as easy as a wand or rod, depending on where they were placed.

A little confused by the lion talking then acting against his own words, Julian pulls himself up to his feet, saying,

"You'll need to stop those attacks before I get to you, or you'll be lying as a rug on my cousin's floor beside a sheep skin."

Julian moves in on the lion, readying his sword for its bloody purpose. He presents the lion with an unhurried gait, an ominous purpose to his eyes and presence.

His brain is engaged in the game the lion is playing. A game of words that Julian rarely bothers with, and even scorns at. He is not yet raging.

Move action to stand, move action to O6, readying his sword as he moves.

Julian  d20+3=20
Tuesday April 17th, 2007 7:51:00 AM

Sorry I forgot my Jump check. +12, though -3 for armour and -6 for being a halfling (I mean for speed of 20')

Jump 20

"Whew, made it this time."

Tobias (AC 20, HP 22 / 38) [Message, Inspired: +1 attack, +1 damage, +1 save vs charm, fear; favored enemy: +2 damage]  d20+3=16 d20+8=9 d20+14=31 d4+5=7 d20+14=27 d4+5=7
Tuesday April 17th, 2007 11:37:16 AM

[OOC: Perhaps we could have a few potions hooked along our belts that were in easy access to do this with. Hmm, thinking about a new mercantile venture... ;)]

Tobias climbs up the 5ft ledge to get onto the area with the creature (Climb: 16). Once up, he finishes his move to R6 -- drawing both of his short swords. And seeing if he notices anything different about this lion creature (Spot: 9)... but does not.

[OOC: if the climb is it's own move action, then he does a partial charge with his second action to get an attack... otherwise he just does a normal attack.]

He then takes one mighty swipe with the short sword.
Attack: 31 (nat 17... threat)
Damage: 7
Crit check: 27 (crit)
Crit damage: 7

Surrender! (DM Cayzle)  d20+3=14
Tuesday April 17th, 2007 9:23:35 PM

Dwight steps forward and casts lesser confusion on the lion. NOTE! PLEASE POST SAVE DCs FOR YOUR SPELLS. So far as I can tell from your PC sheet, the save should be a Will save DC12.

Selithe hears the echo of last round's thunderstone. And a few of Dwight's screams. Certainly a fight is in progress!

In an amazing show of acrobatics, Podo climbs and leaps over the lion, ending his move on the other side of the beast.

Kendry shoots the lion for 6 hp damage. As he sings, he calls for the lion to stop attacking.

Airin readies an arrow in case the lion does not desist.

Fickle enters the cave and asks what is happening.

Julian also tells the lion to stop fighting. He moves forward too.

Tobias moves as close to the lion as he can. That's R7. There, flanking with the agile Podo, he attacks and hits. But why is a roll of 17 a crit threat? Per your PC sheet, you threaten on a 19 or 20 with a short sword, unless I am missing something. Tobias's damage to the beast is 7 hp (does that include the bonus vs magical beasts? If not, let me know.).


The winged lion calls out, "I Yield!" -- and then it has to save! It rolls a 14, so it resists the confusion. It says, "Stop! I will stop if you stop!"

He does not attack. Thus Airin's readied shot does not go off.

NOTE: The monster's AC is 15, and its Touch AC is 9. It has taken 23 hp damage. It is entangled but not stuck to the floor.

Kendry (AC 15, HP 35) [Message, Inspire Courage]  d20+6=16 d20+6=16 d20+6=26
Tuesday April 17th, 2007 10:07:34 PM

"Hold, then friends," he says in common, and adds in the halfling tongue, 'But be ready in case he renews his attack.'

Using Duncan's sign language, he also signs a cease attack, in case the thunderstone deafened Podo.

He walks forward, sits on the ledge, and hops down, continues forward, arrow nocked, but aiming downwards (ready to raise and shoot immediately should the lion launch himself). He continues straight forward, jumping up from M6 to N6, on to P6.

"We have word that you kill halflings." He jumps up to Q6. "Is this not true?" He looks at his wounded friends, then back at the lion.

[Jumps: 16, 16, 26]

Dwight (hp 16/35, ac 16)  d8=7 d20+3=21
Tuesday April 17th, 2007 10:08:40 PM

Dwight wonders if Julian and Podo will yield given the lions intelligent request.

Keeping a watch around (the lion, the entrance and the wierd glow), Dwight uses his wand of cure light wounds and heals himself.

Heal: 7 hp (Dwight finishes the round at 23 hp)
spot: 21

Dwight then begins to ready his bow.

OOC: Dwight 
Tuesday April 17th, 2007 10:09:46 PM

Map? (It didn't matter for my move, but may for others)

sorry about the lack of DC shown. I put Will negates, but forgot the number.

Podo [AC:19 | HP: 36/36]  d20+9=20
Tuesday April 17th, 2007 11:44:08 PM

Podo uses his Spot skill to see if ther rest of his group is still attacking. Podo recalls that the Lion tried once before to stop the madness and the violence (Spot DC: 20).

Seeing this, Podo casts his readied spell of Deathwatch against the lion.

Tobias [OOC] 
Wednesday April 18th, 2007 1:30:10 AM

Tobias took Improved Crit (short sword) at his last level increase, which increases the short sword threat range from 19-20/x2 to 17-20/x2. That should have been in the sheet I sent you for level 6, but maybe I missed it in your version. Does that explain it, and do I get the crit?

Tobias (AC 20, HP 22 / 38) [Message, Inspired: +1 attack, +1 damage, +1 save vs charm, fear; favored enemy: +2 damage] 
Wednesday April 18th, 2007 1:32:15 AM

Seeing the lion weild for the moment, Tobias holds his position and maintains the flank with Podo. He will also ready an action - should the lion make a hostile move, Tobias will attack with his short sword. And, he calls for Kendry to start doing some talking...

Cayzle to Tobias 
Wednesday April 18th, 2007 6:31:08 AM

Ugh! My own bloody fault for doing a bad job vetting sheets, and not checking the latest version last night. But I'm sorry ... the Improved Crit feat has a required base BAB of +8. You can't take it until level 8, or since you don't get a feat at level 8, level 9.

So you need to pick a new feat.

DM Cayzle 
Wednesday April 18th, 2007 7:25:07 AM

Okay, Okay.

And the map.

Fickle AC 21/ 58 hp 
Wednesday April 18th, 2007 8:02:08 AM

Fickle will takes his spear and go foward as far as he can.

OOC: Can he go 20 ft. or is it 30 Ft. at one time

Tobias [OOC] 
Wednesday April 18th, 2007 12:17:52 PM

Oops, sorry... I completely missed that. I'll choose a different feat until 9th level then. :)

Selithe (Posting by JPWard) 
Wednesday April 18th, 2007 9:32:59 PM

Now pacing with bow and nocked arrow, across the cliff's plateau, Selithe wonders about her friends while she keeps an eye out for other issues.

Dwight (hp 23/35, ac 16) 
Wednesday April 18th, 2007 10:16:03 PM

As yet another creature begs for combat to end, and the party slowly complies, Dwight runs through the list in his head of all the potential friends/enemies that have been made due to the kind-heartedness of halflings.

It dawns on him how often he has been in combat and how few things he has killed.... Ebryron, a harpy and a winged griffon. Such a short list!

Wednesday April 18th, 2007 10:24:00 PM

(OOC:Not a post but wanting to thank JPW for posting for Selithe. I'm back and can continue posting for her. I owe you one friend. This message can be deleted later.)

Julian [AC 23, hp 30/55] ready action to Rage and Power Attack with AC 20  d20+3=21 d20+3=14 d20+8=13 d20+8=11 d20+8=21 d10+21=24 d10+8=13
Thursday April 19th, 2007 12:49:54 AM

Julian continues to move in towards the lion with his large sword ready. Luck is with him this time.
Jump: 21, 14

He leaps his way up the ledges to stand as close to the lion as possible, ready to attack. R5

Ready action: Rage & Power Attack
Attack +13, BAB +4
Power Attack 5 = 10 damage from Two Handed Weapon
Attack 13, (darn)

Combat Reflexes, looking for an AoO
Attack 11
Attack 21, damage 24
Attack 13

Kendry  d20+9=18 d4+3=6
Thursday April 19th, 2007 1:42:10 AM

Seeing Julian get right next to the lion, Tobias and Podo also flanking, Kendry says, "Hold, if he holds, Badger, all."

Again he asks the lion, "So, is it not true? And stay quite still, I urge you."

[Readied action, arrow, AC 18, 6 hp damage - only if lion moves to attack.]

Thursday April 19th, 2007 2:57:47 AM

"Monkey see, Kendry, Monkey do."

Airin  d20+9=25 d6+1=4
Thursday April 19th, 2007 3:12:02 AM

(was away to Germany from tuesday afternoon till this morning - no internet acces at the é"'§'"é§ hotel - unable to post)

Airin is happy to see the lion surrender but keeps her distance. Never being much of a talker she does not interfere with the talks to the lion thing but instead keeps her bolt readied in case the creature decides to change its mind after all...

readied bolt hits AC25 - potential damage 4HP

Thursday April 19th, 2007 4:59:10 AM

Fickle runs another 20' or 30', with spear in hand. He will cover his cousib Kendry from Danger. (Or so he thinks)

Parley (DM Cayzle) 
Thursday April 19th, 2007 6:42:05 AM

The party converges on the winged lion. Kendry gets closer. So does Fickle. So does Julian. Tobias stands ready -- So does Airin.

Kendry asks if the lion kills halflings.

Dwight heals himself.

Podo senses that the lion is down about half.

Selithe stays vigilent at the top of the cliff.

The lion snorts. "If halflings invade my home, maybe I kill them. If manticores come to your home, do you kill them?"

"But I know halflings. I have a deal with one. Maybe you want a deal?"

"I have a question of my own. Where's my mate? She would have roared if she saw you. But there was no roar. So where is she?"

Thursday April 19th, 2007 9:32:32 AM

"Where's my mate? She would have roared if she saw you. But there was no roar. So where is she?"


Nervous for the outcome of the next seconds Airin stays alert with the bolt still ready in case the lion construct goes berserk for the loss of its mate.

Tobias (AC 20, HP 22 / 38) [Message, Inspired: +1 attack, +1 damage, +1 save vs charm, fear; favored enemy: +2 damage]  d20+3=8 d20+15=33 d4+5=9
Thursday April 19th, 2007 11:27:28 AM

"You know a halfling? Which halfling do you know? And, what was your deal with this halfling?" Tobias does a sense motive as the manticore responds (8).

Tobias tries to show no emotion as the creature mentions a mate, but readies an action on the manticore continuing its attack... in case someone decides to tell the creature what happened up top.

Readied attack: 33
Damage: 9

Kendry (AC 15, hp 35) [Message, inspire courage]  d20+9=26
Thursday April 19th, 2007 11:41:08 AM

"Yes, what sort of deal do you have with a halfling?" Kendry asks.

"You have a mate? Did you or your mate have a deal with a halfling that died a few months back?"

Again, he is ready to shoot his arrow given the slightest threatening movement by the - manticore, is it?

[Bluff 26]

Julian [AC 23, hp 30/55]  d20+8=28 d20+8=20 d10+21=22 d10+21=24
Thursday April 19th, 2007 6:27:48 PM

Julian thinks to himself (and this in itself is quite novel, Kendry, you are so lucky I AM thinking at the moment. Once he knows that his mate is down we're up for a fight. I'd rather start it than react to it.

The little barbarian with a big sword and shiny armour holds his sword high waiting to attack. He says to the lion,

"You'd better make a great deal because I am not happy to leave another enemy behind me."

Ready action, if the lion attacks anyone, or threatens to, or he asks about his mate again in an aggressive manner, or gives Julian any reason very small reason to hit him.
Rage & Power Attack -5 (=+10 damage with 2 handed weapon)
Attack +13 -5 = +8: AC 28 (nat 20)
Crit check 20 (woohoo, x2)
damage (1d10+11 +10 power attack) x2: 22+24 = 46

OOC: I've put the ready action in order of preference in case you can only have one trigger, though I can see that stated in the PHB p.160.

Podo [AC:19 | HP: 36/36]  d20+9=22 d6+2=7 d20+4=11
Thursday April 19th, 2007 9:56:33 PM

"Er, Mister Lion. I believe I may be of some sort assistance to you. If you'd be so kind as to answer two questions for me, I will tell you truthfully, something about the other lion. First question, what is this hot ruddy colored moss on the wall? And second, were you or your mate, the lions that killed a halfling, ripping his torso in half? He would have had a religious incense burner with him. Do you know of him? When you answer would you speak loud enough for everyone to hear, I'm a bit deaf now..."

If the lion makes any offensive moves towards Podo, Podo will deliver a Stunning blow to the beast, even if Podo is forced to jump to do so! (Jumping DC:11; Attack DC: 22, Damage: 7 non-leathal + he must save vs. fort @ DC:15).

Selithe  d20+3=17
Thursday April 19th, 2007 10:00:17 PM

Selithe frowns at how long the group has been down there and decides to try and go down herself now. With this she puts her bow up and tries going down now.


Dwight (hp 23/35, ac 16)  d20+3=16 d20+2=7 d20+3=7
Thursday April 19th, 2007 10:03:25 PM

Dwight listens to the conversation, but doesn't feel he needs to add anything to the already tense situation. He does 'whisper' to Selithe and fills him in on what has/is transpiring.

As Podo mentions the moss, Dwight takes a look at it (especially how much may have gotten on him).

spot: 16
knowledge: nature: 7 (how dangerous is it?)
sense motive : 7 (in regards to how the lion responds)

DM Cayzle OOC 
Friday April 20th, 2007 5:43:30 AM

[waiting for Fickle]

Fickle (AC 21/ 58 hp) 
Friday April 20th, 2007 7:18:23 AM

OOC: Last post Fickle advances as far as he could with spear in hand (Ready for any move, Was my last post on Thursday, before sunrise)

Again, Fickle advances as far as he can. Now he should be with in range of his target!. but dos not attack (Yet!).

Fickle will wait to see how the Talk are going. BUT one sign from this BIRD! He'll attack and skin HIM.

The Skin (DM Cayzle) 
Friday April 20th, 2007 10:10:42 AM

There is, as it ends up, no chance for further parley. The manticore opens his mouth to answer several questions. But as Fickle approaches, the lion's nostrils flare. It rears up. It shouts, "That smell! You killed her! You skinned her! You barbarians! YOU MONSTERS!"

That's plenty enough for Julian, who kills the beast with a mighty blow. Selithe arrives just in time to see the beast's lifeblood spill out over the rugged cavern floor and down the slope.

Dwight  d20+3=19 d20+3=5 d20+11=26 d20+3=17
Friday April 20th, 2007 12:03:27 PM

Dwight is both shocked and not at the same moment as the lion exhales its final breath.

Seeing Selithe, Dwight begins to feel a little trapped as no one is watching up above now. "Okay, lets search this place. Find what we need and get our other stuff delivered."

Uneasy about no-one on top, "Perhaps while some of us search for bones and the smoke thingy, someone could watch outside. Just to make sure another mate doesn't show up unannouced."

If someone volunteers to go up, Dwight will begin searching, though will be careful about his interaction with the moss. If no-one volunteers, Dwight will go up and hide.

search: 5 (hmmm, lion must have eaten it, because nothing is around here!)

(if outside and hiding: 26, and spot outside: 17)

Kendry  d20+3=13
Friday April 20th, 2007 2:31:39 PM

As the manticore erupts with rage, Kendry looses his arrow into the intelligent beast, though with Julian's enormous blow, this attack is redundant.

"Well, I suppose this means we won't be having tea together," he says to the leonine creature.

Then he looks at the blood spattered over Julian, even a few drops having reached himself. He immediately repents of his flippant utterance, and bites his lip.

"Sorry," he says. "Sorry I said that." He sighs, and puts his bow back over his shoulder.

"Podo!" he shouts as his friend who just confessed to being hard of hearing. "Let Sharles take a 'look'." He signals the same with his hands.

"How is everyone doing?" he asks. He looks around to see who is wounded. "Dwight - would you like to do the honors with your wand on whoever needs healing? Julian looks like he could use some help."

He approaches Airin. "How are you doing, sweetie?" He looks to see how she looks, whether she was struck by one of the tail feathers.

[Spot: 13 - does he notice the warm red stuff?]

Once everyone checks out all right, the bard says, "Well, we may want to see what our host and hostess have left behind."

Tobias (AC 20, HP 22 / 38) [Message, Inspired: +1 attack, +1 damage, +1 save vs charm, fear; favored enemy: +2 damage]  d20+6=12
Friday April 20th, 2007 4:47:34 PM

Tobias will search around the cave for what we came to get... bones and something or other.

Search: 12

Friday April 20th, 2007 6:59:49 PM

Julian slices his new sword, EagerTooth, into the lion thing. He changes his footing to prepare for a counter-attack but his weapon is stuck fast, so deep it is in the lion. Instead he leans into the sword, driving it in deeper, and twisting it as he goes. There is an unexpected stillness to the lion.

Julian looks across the limp creature. It takes a second to register...

Bracing his foot against the body Julian puts all his strength into retrieving his sword. Predictably, he falls onto his back, with the swords spraying a line of blood across the room behind him. He lets his Rage drop.

"Now, that was satisfying. Hey, now we have Tobias and Julian, Flying Lion Killers."

"Fickle, if you're gonna skin this one too, can I buy the mane from you? Name your price. Here, this'll help."
Cast Prestidigitation to clean up the lion for skinning.

"I'd stay to help, but I've never been away from Shark for so long before. I am going up. I'll let you know if anything comes up."

Cast Message on to Selithe.

Julian moves up the rope (taking 10).
"I'm coming Shark."

Podo  d20+4=17
Friday April 20th, 2007 11:28:06 PM

As soon as Podo realizes the beast detects something is wrong, and goes into a frenzy, the chance for questions is gone! Realizing what just happened, within a spanse of seconds, Podo releases such a blood curdling scream he nearly falls over from the act.
Screaming at the top of his lungs at what appears to be a lifeless animal, Podo yells,"What have you done! Why did you bring Fickle down here! We were so close! You ruined everything, you simpled minded thud! All you care is to kill. Why don't you leap out of the cave you dimwit! You can kill youself in the process, perhaps the Gods might even help by bouncing your head on the rocks on the way down... Maybe it will knock some sense into that thick head of yours. You couldn't wait to kill, you even dug deeper after its death to spray its blood upon the floor... it was right you are all monsters! Come on Sharles, we have work to do... I will take you back home myself. These selfish fleas don't know what working together means..." Podo finishes his rant ending in mumbles to Sharles; in the bag on his back.

Podo with guidance from Sharles will search the cave looking for the Thurible.

Search DC: 17

After finding the Thurible, if it's here, Podo will do his best to get a sample of that ruddy moss, and to place it into some sort of container, one that might be hanging around the cave so Podo can transport it.

Podo takes (10) to search around for anything of value, that he can transport in his Haversack. Manticore feathers, Ruddy Moss, Any other scrap of something... perhaps even the other half of Sharles!

Podo will be the last to leave the cave.

Friday April 20th, 2007 11:39:13 PM

"Satisfying?" Kendry questions. "Satisfying? Not so much for me, Julian. Not so much for me. Questions now go unanswered. Another few moments might have been more satisfying.

"And did we do justice, here? I'd like to know."

As Julian moves to ascend above, Kendry puts his hand on his arm. "That was well struck, Jules. Thanks for going to keep an eye out above. You'll check on the other animals, too, yes?"

He says to the manticore, "Good journey through the Blood of the Wold, if Gargul and Eberyon will it so, lord of this place."

Selithe  d20+3=14
Friday April 20th, 2007 11:59:53 PM

Selithe looks around and blushes a bit as she wasn't too much help in this fight at all. After a couple moments to collect everything that had gone on in her mind or mainly in her thoughts she speaks up, "Well, guess I better head back up and keep watch again. I was worried about coming down and leaving the place unguarded above. Someone give yell if you need my assistance please."

(Climb: 14)

Kendry, Part the Second 
Saturday April 21st, 2007 12:03:34 AM

[Prior post concurrent to Podo's. Kendry was reacting to the situation prior to the monk/cleric's expression of dismay.]

At first Kendry is not sure whom Podo addresses. The manticore itself? Julian? Tobias? Kendry himself? Then it becomes clear that he is upbraiding Julian. He is surprised both at the volume and vituperation of Podo's diatribe. He knows that Podo suffered injury from the beast, and Julian very much so as well. And perhaps part of the volume is that Podo's ears were damaged by the thunderstone. But his words to Jules are so vehement. Kendry looks at the ground in sorrow. After Podo finishes, Kendry speaks to him.

"Podo - If the manticore had chosen to speak earlier, it may not have come to this. From the outset he chose attack, though you did not start with attack. It was only when he sensed imminent defeat that he chose parlay."

He listens to Selithe. "'S all right, sis."

He looks about the cave area now. "Gather what you may, place it in one area, if you will, and I can cast detect magic," he says to all still in the cave. "We are all intact, thank heaven. Hard fought. Well done.

"I need to think for a moment. I'll... I'll do as you suggested, Dwight, at the entrance to the cave."

He holds out his hand for Airin, and, if she will come with him, walks - and climbs the small inclines, back to the entrance of the cave. He sits on the ledge, his feet hanging over, and pats the hard rock next to him, in that way asking her to sit at his side.

Kendry looks now out across the canyon, seeing what there is to see. If she will, he holds her hand, one heel bouncing off the edge of the cliff wall.

Saturday April 21st, 2007 12:26:53 AM

Before he ascends he listens to Podo,
"What? What have I done wrong? I held back on my attacks for as long as it was safe. I've tried to ensure we were all safe by getting in there in the front line. I will happily take on any monster first so that the rest of the group has a chance to get organised, or get outta there.

"Perhaps we could heal it if it means that much to you. Use the party wand that I put a lot of coin towards. Perhaps that's not a bad tactic anyway. Show it that we could defeat it, then raise it. It should then feel grateful or intimidated and speak truly either way.

"I am going up the rope for now, to get back to my badger. I think we all need to talk about tactics in general."

Since Selithe is also going up the rope Julian will cast Message on Kendry(if that's all right?) before climbing the rope.

Saturday April 21st, 2007 4:34:49 AM

"Sure, good idea - thanks," Kendry says, accepting the message spell from Julian.

Sunday April 22nd, 2007 9:02:50 AM

Fickle get's th the Big Bird/Lion and begin to skin the beast. "Ahh! No Goodz! Too Many holes, But Me'z did skin the Main-fur For Julian!! Makies nice Slall foe nicie GIRL??" Htell all.

OOC: He also has a smerk on his face.

Dwight  d8=7 d8=2 d8=5 d8=8
Sunday April 22nd, 2007 9:08:34 PM

Dwight will heal Julian as he heads out.

heal: 7+2+5+8=22
Wand has 45 uses left.

Otherwise Dwight looks for the bones and the thurible (see previous rolls). Once they are found, Dwight will remain as lookout near the entrance of the cave while other sort through the lions treasure.

Sunday April 22nd, 2007 9:22:42 PM

"Thanks, Dwight."

ADM Kim - Posting Report April 16-22, 2007 
Monday April 23rd, 2007 1:44:51 AM

Cayzle DM: MT2T2-- 7
Anthony Dwight: MTWTFS- 6
Ceil Fickle: MTWTFS- 6
Jon-Paul Podo: -2-TF-- 4
Justin Selithe: M-2TF-- 5
Kim Kendry: -2-222- 8
Pedro Tobias: MT3TF-- 7
Robert Julian: -2-3FSS 8
Steven Airin: FT-2--- 4

Justin returns this week, taking over posting for Selithe, with thanks to Jon-Paul for doing the job while Justin was away.

Everyone had at least 4 posts. The male manticore dies - to be skinned by Fickle, it looks like.

The party starts to look for the thurible that Sharles asked us to seek.

Now, what halfling did the manticore have a deal with? Was it Sharles, or someone else?

Airin and Fioni 
Monday April 23rd, 2007 6:00:38 AM

With a sigh of relief Airin lowers her crossbow as she witnesses the death of the Manticore. Though sad that yet another creature of Nature was slain by the group there was no other option.

She smiles at Kendry when he approaches and gladly takes his hand. "I'm fine love" she says and feels the warmth of his hands bringing joy into her heart.

"So is that thurible here?" she asks her friends who are deeper into the cave allready.

OOC: DM Cayzle Asks a Question 
Monday April 23rd, 2007 10:07:23 AM

Friends, with your next post, please also say how you feel about the auto-succeed/auto-fail for skill checks on a 1 or a 20. That's SKILLS only, not saves or attacks. If we got rid of that house rule, what would you say?

(Turn coming up)

The Mold (DM Cayzle) 
Monday April 23rd, 2007 10:07:43 AM

The manticore's death prompts some party controversy. Podo is especially upset, although the irony of a peaceful Walker wishing a knock on the head to a comrade may not be lost on all present.

Tobias and Dwight searches the lair.

Kendry checks on his friends' well being and then joins Tobias and Dwight.

Julian casts a message cantrip and then goes up to see to his friend.

Selithe joins him.

Kendry gets pensive, and Airin sits with him.

Fickle skins this monster, too. Now he has a pair of furs!

The cave is quickly searched. Sharles is glad to find his bones in a corner. The undead fellow says that the Thurible is in the other corner, with the hot red mold. The mold -- and other objects -- detect as magic over there. It is clear that reaching into the mold will burn you. Maybe quite badly.

[DM OOC: Some PC vs PC conflict is fine, IF it is character vs character only! If it gets personal, please back off and take it to e-mail. We are all friends here, so don't let your character's reaction be your own reaction.

I don't even mind some PC fighting, but remember, your characters are friends too. In real life, you might punch a friend, or wrestle, or play a joke, etc, but no lethal force! At all! And even nonlethal attacks should be approved through the DM first as part of a story that you are telling in character. Okay? If there are questions, e-mail me!]

Tobias (AC 20, HP 22 / 38) [Message, Inspired: +1 attack, +1 damage, +1 save vs charm, fear] 
Monday April 23rd, 2007 10:45:23 AM

Tobias will volunteer to stick his hand into the red mold to retrieve the thurible. "Friends I can get that thurible out. I have some protections from fire. But, first I need to be healed from the manticore."
[OOC: Tobias is down 16 hp]

"Or if someone else would prefer to do it, I can cast that protection on you..."

Prepared spells:
Resist Energy

[OOC: I'd be glad to not have that house rule.]

Monday April 23rd, 2007 7:07:01 PM

The bard of auburn hair is pleased with his friend of raven hair, and he enjoys her presence for a moment, even as Dwight joins them. He thinks over events of the past few weeks: Changing interactions, expectations, and choices within the group. Fear of the unknown. A sort of cowardice, perhaps? A growing inclination to lean toward death for those who stand in the way. Those who have come, those who have gone. His dear friend and cousin, who, though a hot-head sometimes in days past, yet now strives for ways of peace - but who just now hurled abuse, even wishing great harm, upon another friend - and, yes, cousin.

And what of Dwight? Long mysterious, closed, elusive, but who now has grown in leadership, with a mind attuned to good strategies and tactics, and the ability, in some wise, to calculate ramifications of evidence, and likely outcomes of actions. Whence his fears of late?

He wants more time to ponder. But, well, there are things to do now. Things to do. Perhaps later, to talk.

"I've got lots on my mind, love. I fear for our little troupe. How might we cohere, when we are not agreed on our pathways?" He pats Airin's hand.

"Perhaps when our chores are done here, then we all might talk together." He gives her a kiss on the forehead - then lifts his legs, tumbles backwards, and comes up to his feet. "Time to work."

Julian  d20+3=8 d20+5=6
Monday April 23rd, 2007 9:19:56 PM

Back up on top Julian picks up his badger, now regular sized, and gives it a good ruffling. He tends to the other animals, soothing them with the tone of his voice saying,
"I hope Podo blows off some steam," and "Stupid lion thing didn't look natural to me anyway," and "Let's not forget it tried to kill us," and other niceties that the animals like to hear.

He keeps an eye for dangers, not sensing anything to concern him.
Spot 8
Listen 6

[OOC] I'd vote to get rid of that house rule, but what about when DMs rotate again?

Dwight  d8=3 d8=1 d8=1 d8=6 d8=6 d20+3=20
Monday April 23rd, 2007 9:33:25 PM

"Sorry Tobias', didn't mean to forget you there." Pulling his wand out, Dwight heals Tobias to full hp.

Wand 40 charges remain

Once the thurible has been located, Dwight moves to the entrance to keep watch. "Well Tobias before I have to heal you again, perhaps a sword point or lion bone could be used to pull the thurible out. Or perhaps some of Kendry grappling or climbing gear could hook it."

spot: 20

Monday April 23rd, 2007 10:18:02 PM

Selithe follows Julian seeing his temporment at the moment she can't help but do something as she plans to get a smile from the sturdy halfling, "Well look at you Julian, your armor is kind of bloody and everything. Let me look at you and see if your still bleeding anywhere."

If Julian argues about her looking at his wounds she places her hands on her hips, "Now don't start. I'm 100 times scarier then any flying lion." Selithe smiles and then gives Julian and small nudge, "You okay thought, you do look abit banged up."

Monday April 23rd, 2007 10:59:21 PM

"Thanks Selithe. It's all dried lion blood now. Dwight hit me with the wand before I came up. Glad it wasn't Podo."

Tuesday April 24th, 2007 5:19:28 AM

"I'm not sure how many of you have done some gardening before," Kendry says. "We sometimes used tools to pull while standing up. Uncle Orby is always good at making such. Easier on the back, and you don't get stickers in your fingers. Let me see what I might have to make the job easier..."

From his haversack, the bard withdraws a crowbar fashioned of cold iron; a few pairs of smoke crystal goggles; a miner's pick; a few pitons.

Via the message spell, he tells Julian, "Say, Jules, in the left saddlebag of the dappled pony is a shovel. A grappling hook is tied to the outside of the right saddlebag. Could you get those for us? Maybe put them both in a bag, and lower them on a rope? Oh, and the iron pot - on the other pony."

Should Julian retrieve these items, then Kendry will begin to put them to work.

"Now, I don't know for sure - some plants seem to have a measure of intelligence. I guess we'll find out if that's the case for this hot moss. I'll try to find out for us. Tobias - let's see how the tools do first, but I'm glad you have that energy resistence available. Let's keep it in reserve, for once we know a little more."

He offers a few pairs of smoke crystal goggles to those who will be near the moss - to protect the eyes.

If the thurible has a handle, then Kendry will offer the grappling hook to Tobias to use to try, with care, to pull it out. If need be, he'll use the shovel, or another can use the crow bar, to assist Tobias in this wise.

Using the shovel, Kendry begins to scrape away the edges of the moss, taking care not to damage thurible or other items hidden within. Just taking his time, here a little, then step back. Step forward, a little more, then step back. And so forth - unless circumstances suggest a better approach. If the crowbar is useful, he'll use that. Or let someone else use it as Kendry uses the shovel.

Kendry - rolls that Cayzle can use for Kendry's efforts - not sure how to assign  d20=6 d20=13 d20=18 d20=3 d20=7 d20=18
Tuesday April 24th, 2007 5:27:38 AM

Here you go, Mister DM - random rolls for Kendry's work in obtaining / recovering thurible and magic items.

Podo (by Kim) 
Tuesday April 24th, 2007 6:00:50 AM

Podo, after his outburst directed at Julian, pulls within himself somewhat, just focusing on the matter at hand - getting the thurible, working with Tobias, Kendry, and whoever else wants to help.

He thinks over what he said. He really doesn't want Julian dead - that's for sure. But he makes Podo so mad, sometimes! Of course, Kendry has made him mad, too. "Well, I'll just shut up for a while and we'll get this done," he mutters, alternately feeling steamed and deflated.

Dwight (OOC: Rolls) 
Tuesday April 24th, 2007 7:07:23 AM

OOC: I would actually like to see the rule disappear. At the very least take 20 should be gone. Even the very best can't do something perfect all the time.

In my home games, we don't allow the take 20 roll. And we have a modified 1 roll. If you roll a one, a d100 is rolled and something else happens (mostly related to combat, such as you hit your ally instead, or yourself, or sword get stuck in wall, breaks or flies out of your hand). Others consist of things like your belt breaks and your pants fall down (this could be bad during combat). Of course nothing could happen, or even you hit you oppenent but drop your weapon. It adds alot more fun to the idea of a 1.

Tuesday April 24th, 2007 7:09:56 AM

As he put his hands to the red moss, "Hmmm! Hot! Still want it'z?" he waaits for an answer.

Loot! (DM Cayzle) 
Tuesday April 24th, 2007 7:22:28 AM

Using the Resist Energy spell and a few tools, the items in the Mold are fairly easily recovered. The Thurible is there -- it's leather straps are gone, but the metal parts remain, and Sharles seems content. He does mention that the sword was his, but it looks like it is now destroyed.

In fact, the undead thing seems to be more at rest. He asks you to take his bones and the Thurible to a temple of Pantheon. THen he is still, unless you try to rouse him.

Also there are several gems, and partly melted coins -- a meld of gold studded with copper and silver coins. There is a sword that breaks when removed. It seems to have been *eaten* by the mold.

The mold sizzles, sparks, and smokes when disturbed. Please make a d20 check. I'll apply relevant mods. Obviously, not the folks up top.

Airin nd Fioni 
Tuesday April 24th, 2007 9:38:23 AM

Airin somehow senses sorrow in Kendry's words and wonders what she can do to help although she can not hold the group together.

"It will all..." but Kendry walks off to talk to the others. He's right though, there are other more important matters to resolve.

With the thurible discovered Airin hopes they will now take on the second part of their quest before heading to the temple as desired by Sharles.

DM Cayzle 
Tuesday April 24th, 2007 12:38:22 PM

Airin and everyone, please DO make that d20 roll! Everyone in the cave, that is.

Tobias  d20=11
Tuesday April 24th, 2007 1:47:48 PM

Tobias is glad that the spell and the tools help them dig the item out. And, that Sharles's remains appear to be content... But, he's also ready to get back to their original mission... "Let's be off as quickly as we can friends, we still have more work to do today."

d20 roll: 11

Kendry's roll  d20=18 d3=3
Tuesday April 24th, 2007 2:43:27 PM

Kendry's cave roll: 18

"Let's be off as quickly as is meet, Tobias. We are here, now. Are we overlooking something we ought not overlook? Can we spend another fifteen minutes, half an hour, to see if there is a secret area, an overlooked treasure? As some of us search, someone else prepares food for us, and feeds our animals. Then, something found, or not, we go.

"Someone, also, might look at the ground at the foot of this canyon. Was something of worth inadvertently knocked to the floor beneath us?

"Let us not get in the habit of making so much haste that we miss what is in front of us. Nor spend too much time lost in minutiae that we waste time.

"Now, this mold certainly is interesting. I wonder if it could be used to spice up food? Looks like it rusts metal pretty efficiently."

Podo (by Kim)  d20=11
Tuesday April 24th, 2007 2:43:44 PM

Podo's cave roll: 11

Dwight  d20+3=5 d20+9=18 d20=1
Tuesday April 24th, 2007 10:34:27 PM

Dwight remains stannding near the entrance to the cave, watching and listening to those above if they were to shout.

spot: 5
Requested Cave roll: 1 (o-dear :( )

As Kendry mentions items may have been dropped to the cave floor, Dwight will look down to see what the chasm floor looks like (bushes, trees, dirt etc.).

Wednesday April 25th, 2007 12:28:45 AM

via message: "Sure, Kendry. Can do. Whachya using this stuff for?"

Jude completes his cousin's request.

"Selithe, did I do something... nevermind.."

Airin  d20=17
Wednesday April 25th, 2007 3:18:35 AM

Somehow there seems to be a voice inside Airin's head that gets her intrigued by the mold. She does not approach any closer than absolutely needed and if she begins to feel it gets too hot she backs ups.

Roll: 17

Fickle  d20=5
Wednesday April 25th, 2007 6:54:26 AM

Fickle is about to touch the red moss, but is reminded of the Fire a his parents home!!"NO! me'z not touck! Hot! Burn! Bad'z"

Fickle will start to walk out of the cave.(his face is ashen in color.

The Breeze (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday April 25th, 2007 7:09:58 AM

Airin and Kendry notice that the smoke from the disturbed moss seems to suggest that there is a breeze moving through the cave.

Up on top, Selithe and Julian help Fickle to the top of the cliff. They see that a few vultures are now circling overhead, over the skinned body of the first manticore.

Airin and Fioni  d20+8=13 d20+8=27 d20+12=23 d20+12=16
Wednesday April 25th, 2007 7:33:13 AM

"Notice that love?" Airin asks Kendry "a breeze is disturbing the smoke from this moss... with only one entrance, how can there be a breeze?!?"

Airin's interest in the cave is once again aroused and she begins to cross the cave trying to find where this odd breeze can go to... or come from...

Perhaps a hidden door where wind creeps through the closings... or a passage not yet found by her and her friends...

Without knowing why, Airin unsheaths her Bastard Sword as she advances deeper into the cave looking for answers to this newly found riddle. Maybe, just maybe she will be able to hear the wind whisteling somewhere deeper in the cave. Or perhaps there are traces to be found on the cave floor that lead to a secret passage?

spot: 13
search: 27
listen: 23

Outside Fioni continues to fly lazy circles. From the look at the halflings below it's obvious everything is ok with her master and the group. So why should she not enjoy the open air! Better than a damp cave is it not?

Kendry  d20+3=21
Wednesday April 25th, 2007 10:38:19 AM

"You're right," Kendry confirms Airin's observation. He makes sure everyone else in the cave notes it, as well. "Let's find the source."

He tells Julian of the breeze. "Look, how about you and Selithe get some grub going for us while we check this out. I'll send the iron pot back up so you have something to cook in." He explains where to find among the ponies' baggage the food, the water bags, and dry wood for a fire. He also lets him know where the food for the dogs and ponies is, so that they can eat. He wonders whether the dogs and wolf might be checking out the body above. And he sends up the pot.

Then he begins to search. [Search: 21]

Tobias  d20+5=21
Wednesday April 25th, 2007 11:55:34 AM

Tobias follows Kendry and Airin's lead and draws his short sword, looking also for the breeze source that they mentioned...

Search: 21

Podo (by Kim)  d20=5
Wednesday April 25th, 2007 3:39:09 PM

Podo joins in the search for the source of the breeze as well.

[Search 5+? - Cayzle, I don't have Podo's CS, so you'll have to add any adjustments]

Dwight  d20+3=4
Wednesday April 25th, 2007 4:13:21 PM

"Really?" Dwight inquires as others mention a breeze (spot: 4 ouch two 1's in a row) Turning towards the direction of the supposed breeze Dwight tries to feel for it from where he stands. "Nothing, but if more than one of you feel it, you should check it out. I'll stand watch here."

"Perhaps there is a false bottom? A little water could answer that question if nothing can be found through other means."

Wednesday April 25th, 2007 7:40:23 PM

"Okay Kendry. Do you want me to reshoe your pony and brush him down too?" says Julian sarcastically. He likes to poke fun at his cousin with all his 'words.'

Julian retrieves the iron pot and rummages through Kendry's gear looking for stuff to cook. Satisfied that he enough stuff to make a stew he gathers the stuff together.

"Selithe, mundane fire? Got anything better?" Assuming that a mundane fire is the better way to go Julian clears an area for a fire and digs it out a little. He gathers some twigs and small branches and sets them alight using Prestidigitation.

Julian hastens back to the trees to get some larger branches and brings them back to get the fire cooking.

There is also food preparation that needs doing. Prestidigitation makes peeling vegies and chopping meat much easier, freeing up Julian's hands to tend the fire.

Selithe  d20=9
Wednesday April 25th, 2007 10:37:04 PM

Selithe chuckles at Julian's comment and shakes her head, "No, has to be normal fire as I have no fire spells at my command."

Selithe will help make the fire but will need some help with the meal as cooking isn't a skill she has. Selithe sits and pokes at the fire abit before lighting up her pipe, "Wish I could of helped down in the cave, however I think my bow would of been of less help."

(Cook:9 unmodified as I don't have the book handy)

Thursday April 26th, 2007 12:13:47 AM

Kendry enjoys the banter as he explores. "Oh, you're a blacksmith? Sure, Jules, set up your forge, and whip up some new shoes for the ponies while you're at it. Don't buckle them too tight, though."

Thursday April 26th, 2007 12:49:36 AM

"Horse shoes don't have buckles, you clown."

Thursday April 26th, 2007 1:50:07 AM

"Oh, right, right, no buckles. Don't lace them too tight, I meant."

Thursday April 26th, 2007 3:56:47 AM

"Got it, Capt'n."

Thursday April 26th, 2007 7:35:28 AM

Fickle makes it out of the cave, look up and seeing the vultures, YELLS "HEY YOU"Z! Go AWAY!"

A Pot And A Crack (DM Cayzle) 
Thursday April 26th, 2007 9:59:48 PM

Up top, Selithe and Julian work on grub (an untrained craft check, most likely). So far they have made a serviceable start on it.

Fickle shoos off the vultures. They circle a couple hundred feet overhead.

The searchers find a crack. It is in the deepest part of the cave, near the ceiling. It is very narrow. But using one of Podo's lights, you can see a gleam of metal within.

It will take an escape artist check vs DC27 for a normal halfling to squeeze in. A human could never do it, and a manticore would have trouble fitting a paw in. On the plus side, if someone will hoist you up, or if you climb up, you can take 20 on the attempt to get in. And you might be clever in thinking of ways to gain a bonus to your escape artist checks, if needed.

Dwight  d20+3=19 d20+7=13 d20+3=9 d20+6=25
Thursday April 26th, 2007 10:04:04 PM

Smelling the scent of burning up above, Dwight looks skyward (spot:19). Seeing the birds circle around, Dwight yells up to Julian and Selithe. "Best get that lion cooked before the birds begin their feast."

With Fickle beside him, Dwight again mentions the thought to repel down the rest of the way. "Fickle, you wanna watch as I go to the chasm floor to search there? Wanna come with me?"

If Fickle agrees to watch or join Dwight will head down and search the chasm floor by climbing down the 100 foot rope.

climb: 13
spot: 9
search: (take 20 is allowed?) otherwise: 25 for chasm floor.

Julian  d20+2=18
Thursday April 26th, 2007 11:01:57 PM

OOC Hey, I have 1 rank in cook... there's no burning going on up here.

Profession (Cook) 18

Julian continues cooking the stew and talking with Selithe.

"I'm sure there's not much to do that needed all of us down there. And I think it's better that I am up here for the moment."

Thursday April 26th, 2007 11:36:41 PM

Selithe chuckles and listens to Julian, "Yeah, glad to see your handy with a cooking pot Julian. If you had to rely on my cooking skills, you might stave to death or get sick." Selithe smiles, "If I was a cleric I could make food I suppose."

Friday April 27th, 2007 12:36:27 AM

"Are you thinking of training in the temple, Selithe? There was a few things I heard them talking about in the Temple for Domi, back in Angel Springs, a few things that got me interested. I talked to some of the priests there about training with them. They talked about standing up for the weak and oppressed, and said "Right beats Might - with a little help from me!".

"I like that, like it a lot.

"and there was a great deal of talk about Domi, too. Wow, what a guy."

Podo  d20+9=17 d20+5=22
Friday April 27th, 2007 2:32:58 AM

Podo tries to climb up towards the ceiling crack and squeeze thorugh enough to reach the glint of metal.

Skill Checks
Climb: 17
Escape Artist: 22

Friday April 27th, 2007 2:48:58 AM

[If, via the spell alter self, Kendry can change into a tiny halfling (like a young child, or even toddler, if necessary), then he will do so. Will all the troubles I had with the alter self spell last, time, however, I'm a bit apprehensive about how, or whether, this will work, Cayzle. So, let me know. If he can do it, he does. Alternatively, if he can alter self into the form (if not the functions) of a fey creature (who, as the d20srd states, "are usually human-shaped," then he does so, into a tiny fey.

In any event, the now more diminutive Kendry asks for his friends' help to boost him to the opening, then through.]

Airin  d20+25=31 d20+8=26 d20+8=20
Friday April 27th, 2007 3:38:28 AM

"Hold on a sec..." Airin says while she rummages through her belongings. But thanks to her Handy Haversack what she wanted to find lays on top!

"Here it is! Salve of Slipperiness! This should make it fairly easy to squeeze in and it lasts about 8 hours!"

"Are you ok if I try this?"

If the group accepts, Airin uses the salve on herself and squeezes in the crack and checks what's to be found in there.

Escape artist: 31 (with the Salve of Slipperiness +20)
Spot: 26
search: 20

Friday April 27th, 2007 7:58:45 AM

Fickle looks at Dwight, smiling he answers "Me'z Go! Me'z Go with you'z, Couz!"

Fickle sniffs the air "Hmmm! Good Cooking!!"

Friday April 27th, 2007 10:25:38 AM

"Um, Airin, remember you gave me the salve of slipperiness to help us out in the Catacombs recently? Unless you have another one. Or, I could cast a grease spell - much less expensive than the salve of slipperiness, dear."

If the alter self spell helps make him temporarily smaller, he'd prefer to be the one who enters. If not, he'll be happy to cast the grease spell on Airin (as her escape artist skills are likely better than his), giving her a +10 circumstance on escape artist.

[Kendry has a +4 to escape artist, and the grease kicks it up to +14 - and with the take 20 from the assistance, that's a 34 - and likely higher if his 'make myself tiny via alter self' works. He has a grease scroll that costs 25 gp. The salve is valued at 1,000 gp. Let's do it for 25, rather than a thousand gp, if we can! He will take off most of his gear before casting grease, if he is the recipient of it.]

Friday April 27th, 2007 11:02:12 AM

"oopsiedaizy! This is my night cream..." Airin says with reddish cheeks.

(ooc sorry guys, apparently I forgot to erase this from my char sheet)

Friday April 27th, 2007 11:08:06 AM

Tobias really doesn't have much hope of getting in there himself, but he will lend a hand however possible -- a boost for tiny Kendry to get him to the opening...

Friday April 27th, 2007 1:26:47 PM

Selithe listens to Julian and smiles before speaking, tasteing the stew once before that, "Actually no. I just think it would be handy but I have chosen my path already. Being a conjurer and rogue I been planning to become a Stinger. I heard of them and decided it sounded interesting. I'm hoping to become better in my arcane arts and gambling. Anyway, don't think being a cleric would really fit me."

Friday April 27th, 2007 10:54:23 PM

Wondering if he understood Fickle correctly, and smiling at the cuz remark, Dwight begins his descent down.

(see previous rolls)

He looks first for anythin living that might attack, and second for anything that may have been dropped by the lions at some point.

Kendry  d20+6=25 d20+3=5 d20+3=8 d20+6=10 d20+16=34
Friday April 27th, 2007 11:00:21 PM

"Podo - can I borrow your coin of light?" he asks.

Kendry takes off most of his gear, keeps a dagger (just in case), gets small (alter self) and greasy (reads grease scroll, UMD 25), and gets a boost up from Tobias (and whoever else wants to help him ascend).

As he squeezes into the narrow, breezy opening, he looks around to see what he might see [Spot: 5], searches about [Search 8], and listens for what he might hear [Listen: 10] (wimpy rolls!).

[Just in case it's needed, a 34 on escape artist (not including extra smallness).]

The Corpse (DM Cayzle) 
Saturday April 28th, 2007 6:48:37 AM

Kendry's clever slipperiness gets him inside. He finds the body of a halfling. Some kinda gross maneuverings in too close quarters later, not to mention the obvious detectmagic, you have the following:

a dead body
nice studded leather armor
a nice spiked chain
a scroll case
a magic cloak
magic boots

The scroll case has two parchments, neither magical. The first is a letter with orders. It says to go to Graeff's Refuge, infiltrate the staff, and await further orders. It warns that a justicar is after you.

The second is a map with instructions on how to get into the Valley of Four Peaks. It seems you have to look for the Giants' Stair.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood [  d20+1=17 d20+9=17
Saturday April 28th, 2007 8:52:53 AM

Podo hands over the light coin to Kendry. Podo waits and watches Kendry slip into a fissure in the wall.

While Podo awaits Kendry's return, Podo searches the cave again just to be sure. (Search DC: 17)& (Spot DC: 17)

Afterwards, if Kendry has still yet to return, Podo will meditate on his anger issues.

Saturday April 28th, 2007 9:06:11 AM

Fickle follows Dwight, mumbling "EveryBodt is Fickle CuZin! Me'z Like everybody here! Yep! Me'z Do!"

Sunday April 29th, 2007 10:46:36 PM

Kendry tells those outside the cave within a cave about his discoveries. He lowers each item carefully to those below, leaving the body for last.

"Well, our manticore hosts did seem to have a propensity for killing halflings. And this one," he indicates the remains, "was up to no good, as far as I can perceive."

He takes the time to make a copy of the map, and less time to write a copy of the letter with orders. He checks for any names - people, organizations - or seals or other identifying information on the parchment.

ADM Kim Posting Report 
Sunday April 29th, 2007 11:05:32 PM

Cayzle DM: 22WT-S- 7
Anthony Dwight: MTWTF-- 5
Ceil Fickle: -TWTFS- 5
Jon-Paul Podo: -2W-FS- 5
Justin Selithe: M-WTF-- 4
Kim Kendry: M3W23-S 11
Pedro Tobias: MTW-F-- 4
Robert Julian: 2-23F-- 8
Steven Airin: MT2-2-- 6

Monday April 30th, 2007 3:54:30 AM

"So our good friend Sharles was out to get this man? Why? Couldn't we stir Sharles awake and ask him about this man?"

"All in all, this sounds quite intriging don't you agree?"

Airin's eyes seem to sparkle. She's always been fond of maps and vague clues... must be the rogue in her...

Julian Roscoe Holle Pipewood Trufflefinder 'the Badger' 
Monday April 30th, 2007 8:23:25 AM

Feeling a little more comfortable now, around his familiar and Collie dog, Julian relaxes with the cooking and enjoys Selithe's company.

"I really lik... errrr," Julian screeches as though in pain. "Sorry, Kendry's yapping in my ear again. Says he found... something... all greased up in a fissure. A note, up to no good, he says.

"Oh, I don't know, Selithe. He's yabbering on a lot about something, and he's excited so there's a lot of words. Hope this Message wears off soon."

Monday April 30th, 2007 8:29:31 AM

Fickle sit cross legged, well at least as far as his little leg will let him. "Hmmm! Food good! Who'z made it??" he ask.

Monday April 30th, 2007 1:32:00 PM

"Great idea, Airin," Kendry says. "Podo, do you suppose Sharles might be interested in this bit of news - and be able to fill us in a little bit more?"

"Oh, I just thought of something. Tobias, Dwight, Airin, Podo - could one of you give me a boost back up to the little crevice?" Once one of them does so, and if the squeeze is not too tight, Kendry continues up the air shaft a little ways. If it opens up more, or at least does not narrow, he continues until he finds the exit - whether up on the surface above, or along the face of the cliff, or wherever. If the passage gets too tight, though, he won't risk getting stuck, and returns the way he came.

Once he finishes that little exploration, he suggests we all meet up on top, and do what we might to evaluate the items found as we enjoy lunch, then prepare to move on.

A Map to the Stairs

In Dire Need

The Fey Dragon's Favor

A Poisonous Reward

Return to Angel Springs

The Capture of a Sneaky Fellow

A Little Down Time

The Rainbow Highlands

The Haunt Who Needs Help

Manticore Massacre

A Map to the Stairs

Lunch and Loot (DM Cayzle) 
Monday April 30th, 2007 3:27:37 PM

Dwight and Fickle check out the chasm floor. Aside from a couple rabbits, and a few gnawed bones, there is nothing interesting there.

It does indeed turn out that the corpse in the crack is that of the halfling that Sharles was pursuing. The undead justicar seems even further eased, and afterward, more lethargic, at the news that his target did not get far. About the fugative, all he knows is that the rogue had an identifying tattoo, of a bloody setting sun falling behind forboding, craggy peaks. He thinks that this was a gang sign of some sort.

After this, it proves impossible to rouse Sharles. Maybe he has begun his long-delayed rest?

Kendry makes copies.

The crack narrows even further, so that short of a polymorph spell or gaseous form potion, further exploration seems impossible.

The party reunites with a tasty lumch above the cave mouth. Then the loot is considered:

Thurible of Pantheon. Needs minor repairs before it is useable. New straps, leather hinge. Also needs special blessed incense.
Several gems, and partly melted coins -- a meld of gold studded with copper and silver coins.
Masterwork halfling-size studded leather armor
Masterwork halfling-size spiked chain
A scroll case with map and letter
A magic cloak
Magic boots
Magic ring of sustenance

The map suggests that you have to find the Giant Stairs.

Monday April 30th, 2007 5:55:57 PM

With a mocking glare Julian says in a fake gruff voice, "If anyone even mentions the Ring of Sustenance instead of this wonderful stew I will throw them over the edge."

"I am going to hazard a guess at Magic Boots that make you run faster. That's why old boney never caught up with him."

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Monday April 30th, 2007 7:44:15 PM

Once everyone is assembled up top of the cave mouth, and snacking on the delicious stew prepared by Selithe & perhaps Julian, the talk turns to the loot. Without pause, Podo asks, "of the Ring of Sustenance and what it does exactly?"

Hearing Julian make his blurting statement, Podo justs grins... "Oh really, Mr. Julian? Is that for asking for it or just about it?"

Without causing too much tension and before anything comes of the current tense situtation, Podo reaches for Sharles' container, and speaks aloud to Sharles in the presence of the rest of the group. "Sharles, We have recovered your Holy Thurible as well as a document found on another halfling body we discovered in a fissure which states that a Justicar was after the owner of the letter. The owner appears to have a tattoo on its arm." Podo describes the tattoo. "Sharles, what's the Giants Staircase?"

Later, Podo pauses to gain some insight from Sharles and asks the others to make inquiries of Sharles.

Monday April 30th, 2007 7:45:58 PM

With the items recovered, Tobias picks up some loot and climbs back up to the top for some tasty stew.

Kendry  d20=15
Monday April 30th, 2007 8:16:21 PM

Back up top [Climb: 15+?], with all the items gathered, and once all are present, in a squeaky little voice, Kendry, in his now very diminutive size, says, "I'd like six gallons of stew, please. I'm not very hungry today."

Monday April 30th, 2007 10:18:42 PM

Dwight climbs back up content they have looked everywhere. "I suppose the fellow in the cave climbed in and got stuck. Couldn't leave or the lion would eat him. In the end, starved to death, even with the ring."

Looking at the meal he wonders if the flying lion will taste more like chicken or cow. Bravely, Dwight digs in and wonders how close they actually are to their previous assignment.

Dwight does have interest in the cloak or the boots. He is however eager to be away from the two lion corpses.

Selithe  d20+9=23
Monday April 30th, 2007 10:20:08 PM

(Not sure if Selithe would know what the ring does or not, rolled Knowledge Arcana:23)

Selithe if she knows what the ring does will speakup and explain it to Podo before beginning to eat some of the stew and relax some.

She listens to what is said and comments on what was found before speaking up, "The giant staircase? Could that be refering to the towers by chance? I studied there with my teacher and some other students. They are quite large and I could see whare they could be called that." Selithe shrugs, just offering her opinion up.

Tuesday May 1st, 2007 5:27:05 AM

Airin chuckles as she sees the Diminuitive Kendry. Goes over to him to eat some stew together.

"No peaking under skirts now you little rascal!"

Good thing Airin is wearing her leather armor.

"Say how about a little nap in the sun? After all this exitement and this wonderful meal I feel a little drowsy..."

Tuesday May 1st, 2007 7:30:54 AM

"Munch" "Slurp" the he wipes his mouth and ask "What is'z giant stairs?? Me'z never hear of it'z, More Stew Pleaze?"

After Dinner Relaxation (DM Cayzle) 
Tuesday May 1st, 2007 4:49:43 PM

Sharles does not rouse from his rest. It seems that his spirit has gone home. If you do not deliver the Thurible, will he return to haunt you? Do you want to find out?

Nonetheless, you recall that the ring was NOT on the corpse in the cave, but it was near Sharles at the bottom of the canyon.

Sharles DID tell you about the magic of the ring. He told you that after it attunes to the wearer, you need much less food, drink, and sleep.

The food is good after a fight. What's next? Sleep and camp? More travel? It is early to mid-afternoon.

Julian Roscoe Holle Pipewood Trufflefinder 
Tuesday May 1st, 2007 6:59:22 PM

Julian says in a very serious, solemn tone, "Let's not forget what the original purpose of us setting out was: to deliver, some, things, to, I mean for, some people.

"So, let's get a few more hours travel in before nightfall."

Tuesday May 1st, 2007 8:00:19 PM

Though confused by Julian's description of the mission, he does agree with his conclusion: we should be on our way while there are still daylight hours before us. He helps pack up the animals and get their little caravan underway...

"Oh, and does anyone know how to contact Heather? Maybe she has some background or info on this latest halfling we found..."

Tuesday May 1st, 2007 10:15:10 PM

Selithe shrugs, guessing she can't remember what the ring does or even if the giant staircase might refer to the giant towers in the valley or not, that protect the place.

Selithe looks to the others, "I think we should rest some and get on our way afterwards."

Tuesday May 1st, 2007 10:49:31 PM

Dwight is again eager to set out. "We should head away from the two freshly skinned dead lions. It won't be long be their scent is carried to more than just a few birds."

"Now based on where we were before we found Sharles, and where we are now, does anyone have any idea which way the town is that we are looking for?"

If no one has anything "directionally" specific, Dwight suggests the group continues their trip around the chasm and return to where Sharles was found (but be on the opposite side of the canyon, and then hopefully be able to contine their journey in the proper direction).

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Wednesday May 2nd, 2007 1:01:22 AM

I suggest we pack up and head for the peaks... we can figure out what the loot is later.

Kendry the Little 
Wednesday May 2nd, 2007 3:54:17 AM

"What, I can't peek?" little Kendry asks Airin. "Aaaww."

"A nap sounds nice - but it sounds like the ladies want to remain and rest, and the fellows want to get going.

"So... Let's clean up, pack up, and go! We can rest some tonight."

Kendry enjoys the stew. He tries on the boots, and tries jumping, and running, and walking very quietly, to see whether they might be boots of striding and springing, or boots of speed, or boots of elvenkind.

He takes a few minutes to harvest some sinews and gut from the female manticore. "Cat gut is good for some strings on musical instruments. And sinew can be good for bow strings," he explains.

He makes sure that the feathers are collected and stored.

"Let's be off. It's that way, Dwight - we can save some time by not walking all the way back to where we first found Sharles. Check out this map - we want to go about here," he points out. "And right now we are here," and he points to a different place on the map.

Wednesday May 2nd, 2007 7:19:11 AM

"Oak Key Doe Key! Right after I finish my'z Stew!" Said Fickle as he scrapes the bottom of the pot. Scrap! Sceap! lick! Lick! (Fickle is scraping and licking the pot and Spoon.)

Wednesday May 2nd, 2007 11:08:03 AM

"Very well then... a good walk before resting sounds acceptable, but... only if you tuck me in tonight Kendry..." Airin says with red cheeks.

"Hey wait. Did someone copy the insignia that rogue had on his arm? Even better, Fickle, you're good in skinning wild animals, would you be so kind to skin the insignia of the Halfling's arm? I want to keep that here in this piece of canvas... you never know when this will come in handy. After all, that Rogue clearly had a goal and a mission and those who were waithing for him might still wait for him. Any chance we can tell how long that Rogue is dead allready?"

Airin takes a dagger and takes of the skin herself if needed and then she heads out with the rest. She whistles Fioni who has been enjoying a good rest and looks for Blossom. Pats the pony on the nose and mounts, ready to move out again.

Kendry  d20+5=20
Wednesday May 2nd, 2007 1:25:40 PM

Kendry agrees to tuck in raven-haired Airin tonight.

"Whoa, I'm a little averse to skinning a halfling - even a wicked one, sweets. I'll quickly sketch that, all right?" [Drawing: 20]

"Then, let's bury the fellow. I've got pickaxe and shovel. It's the decent thing to do. We don't want vultures picking at his bones.

"And if you all are anxious to get going before we bury him, then we can take his body with us, and bury him tonight."

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood  d20+9=17
Wednesday May 2nd, 2007 9:37:37 PM

"If the group doesn't mind, I would like the ring of sustenance please. I think it would behoove me to have all those lovely things at my disposal as a tired and weary Cleric does no one any good." Podo explains his case for the ring.

"Ah, Fickle, could you perhaps cut the tattoo off the halfling instead? It might help us out in the future and it might help to ease your need to "skin" this animal. " Podo explains to Fickle while pointing to the dead halfling.

"Let's see, hand your hand if you'd like to go straight about our original business now. " Podo looks around the group and counts the hands raised.

Walking to the edge of the cliff top to peer down into the carvern, Podo wonders about anything that might have fallen to the cavern floor. (Spot DC: 17)

Dwight  d20+3=17
Wednesday May 2nd, 2007 10:42:54 PM

Dwight follows everyones lead packing and heading in the direction Kendry suggested on the map.

Otherwise he just keeps an eye out.

spot: 17

Kendry  d20+5=24
Thursday May 3rd, 2007 12:44:40 AM

"You... you really want us to cut the skin off a fellow halfling, too, Pode?"

Kendry is not sure how to handle the notion that the woman he loves and one of his best friends both think cutting a portion of the flesh from a dead halfling is a good thing.

"Uh, look - I made a sketch of it already? You want me to do a better one?" he asks. He pulls out his drawing materials and quickly makes a better copy of the tatoo [Craft, Draw: 24]. "But do we really need to defile the body of a fellow halfling? Can we get by without cutting off the poor fellow's skin?"

He thinks about suggesting that they bury the two manticores - but figures the rest of the party would not view such an idea with favor. They are intelligent creatures - even if wicked. Shall we not show even these a measure of respect - not to honor their evil ways, but to consider that, perhaps, they were beings with souls? he thinks to himself as he helps get everyone moving. Then again, Kendry, he continues his internal conversation, if you think this way, why do you help harvest skin and sinew from the manticore, but scruple about taking a small patch of skin from a fellow halfling?

"C'mon, Cheann. Time to move on." He clicks his tongue and pulls on the reins of the ponies. "Giddup."

Thursday May 3rd, 2007 1:19:19 AM

"Kendry, look we could burn them if you like, that's showing some respect for the dead, isn't it? Here, use my flask of Fire. We don't have the time to build a proper fire, this'll have to do. The male is 'buried' already, within its cave.

"Let's go, we've got a job to do. The dead are dead, and will stay that way. Those who need the whatevers we're trying to deliver need us now."

Thursday May 3rd, 2007 2:05:26 AM

Airin senses the dismay in Kendry's voice after she voiced the idea to take the skin of the dead halfling.

"Is it an act of cruelty to deliver evidence of ones death to those who were waiting for him? It's like taking a ring or a badge of some kind. In this case the insignia is the best evidence we can take - even though the sketch is excellent. I don't like to disturb this poor creature in death either but..."

When Podo too urges the idea to skin of the tatoo Airin takes Kendry by the arm and walks with him to the Ponies while Podo and Fickle take care of the tatoo.

"Are you now dissapointed in me...?" Airin asks quietly.

Thursday May 3rd, 2007 3:00:12 AM

When Julian makes the suggestion to burn the remains, Kendry nods his head in agreement. He carefully sprinkles a flask of lamp oil over the female flying lion. As Julian ignites the body with his flask of alchemical fire, the halfing bard sings,
Fearsome power in feline form
Winged to prey from daybright skies
Now may rest the cats who reigned
Over crevasse, over plain
Let flames aloft bear her who died
Though terror's gone, lost strength we mourn
He gives a nod, again, to Julian, thanking him wordlessly for his suggestion and action.

He does not answer immediately Airin's question, but allows her to lead him away. After a moment or two for thought, he says, "One is never disappointed in another if expectations are low. I regard you too highly not to feel... sorrow."

He squeezes her hand so she knows he does not reject her.

Thursday May 3rd, 2007 7:09:02 AM

Fickle listens to Airian, then to his cousin Kendry. "Hold'z it CuZ Kenny'z! I have a answer for you."
Then Fickle make a six sided frame?? then takes out some fine silk rope cut sixs inches of the bottom "I never use'z this part of the rope any way'z"
Fickle mow weaves a very fine rope (almost like a spider web) is the frame. Ficlle is now ready to skin the arm only, he then puts the Tattoo inside the frame and streaches the Tattoo on the webbing.

He goes ovar to Airian and gives it to her, "Now'z you'z have the Tattoo! Hangs it over your head and dream. They say that you'z will dream of the Rogue and his tattoo'z!"

"Try'z it maybe It'z true?" He smiles at Airian. (He hopes that little gift will make his cousin Kendry jellious!)

Last Rites (DM Cayzle) 
Thursday May 3rd, 2007 7:31:55 AM

The manticore bodies are disposed of cleanly and quickly, but there is some question about the dead rogue and his tattoo. In the end, that too is taken care of, though not before Ferocious Fickle saves aside an ink-marred patch of hide.

Then it is time to travel on. Those healing potions won't deliver themselves.

Where are you going? Marching order? Any special tactics or orders? Remember that you now have a map.

This is the Wed DM Post! Wth luck I'll post again before midnight Wold time, to get back on track.

Thursday May 3rd, 2007 7:57:07 AM

Airin looks at Kendry as Fickle brings the tatoo he made resembling a dream catcher. She takes the tatoo with a light nod and quickly stores it away in her Handy Haversack.

"Let's forget about it love... I should not have had such ideas."

Nervous for having upset Airin she mounts Blossom an moves out. If Kendry wants to be alone for a while Airin will ride up front scouting the road ahead - although her thoughts are no where near scouting.

Tobias  d20+5=6 d20+6=25
Thursday May 3rd, 2007 5:54:05 PM

Tobias will move up ahead with Airin to scout the road the party chooses to follow...

Spot: 6
Listen: 25

Dwight  d20+1=10 d20+4=16 d20+9=22
Thursday May 3rd, 2007 9:05:07 PM

A little disgusted by the 'skinning' of the halfling and the idea of dreaming about it intentionally scares him abit. Dwight remains reserved, and doesn't verbally speak of it.

He does watch the smoke as the lions are burned. He checks wind direction and tries to figure out what the weather holds in the near future.


Initally Dwight is in front of the group, until everyone is actually moving. Then he returns to his normal rear position. He tries to think about his personal role in the recent combat, and block out all the blood he has seen after the fighting. Cutting trees is so much cleaner than butchering.

listen: 22

Thursday May 3rd, 2007 10:02:53 PM

"Okay, farewell Lionthings. Let's go."

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood  d20+9=18 d20+5=19 d20+13=20
Thursday May 3rd, 2007 10:04:47 PM

"Map? We have a map? What's it look like?" wonders Podo aloud to Kendry, resident artist!

Podo stays behind the three main warrirors of the group; Julian, Tobias, Dwight.

Skill Checks
Spot DC: 18
Listen DC: 19
Move Silently DC:20

Spells Readied
0-Level Cleric Spells (Orisons)
Detect Magic X1

1st-Level Cleric Spells
Command X2

Spontaneous Casting
Cure Light Wounds: 1d8+1/level

Spells Used

Thursday May 3rd, 2007 10:14:53 PM

Selithe readies Gra for traveling and looks to the others. She says little on the skinning of the tattoo of the halfling, just reminding herself not to get something like that that someone might need to use to identify her.

As the travel along she watches the surroundings and speaks up after a moment, "Umm, if the cloak is something to help a person hide better I would like to have it. I will do my best to replace the gps it will be worth. Of course I will wait till we know what it is first. Also when we have the spare cash we should invest in a wand of identify as a group item."

Friday May 4th, 2007 2:38:57 AM

"Fickle - you want Airin to have dreams about this dead fellow - this spy of questionable character?" Kendry shakes his head, dealing with bewildered astonishment.

"Fickle, you are some rare bird."

[To DM: Since our characters have a map, what are the chances we might be able to see what they're seeing?]

"Nothing wrong with having ideas, Rin-rin, only sometimes we need to consider the implications of ideas. Some ideas are good - like a bird, you let it build a nest. Ideas, if unsound, might be chased away before they have a chance to come to roost."

"Here, Podo, take a look at the map for youself."

"A wand of identify? If there were such a thing, Selithe, it might cost upwards of five, six thousand. Although I would be happy to be mistaken in this matter. It's the pearl that kicks the cost up. If you can figure a way to make the spell work for less, then more power to you."

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