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North to find the Fixer

Hitting the Road (Temp DM Cayzle) 
Tuesday January 17th, 2006 5:40:29 AM

Tobias's preparations are as simple as Kendry's are complex! :-)

The burgomeister is glad indeed to have Kendry's report. "Oh, it does my heart good to read True Tales of Adventure!" he says. "But tell me, do you intend this story to be confidential, or may I brag about the Crescent Valley's very own homespun group of heroes?"

Calfast also regrets that necessity forces the adventurers so soon back onto the road. He hopes that on your return you will have a moment or three for a real rest, deserved at last!

Kendry ties up some loose ends, just in time to meet his sister, who subjects him to some friendly kidding. Perhaps it will amuse her even more, to see how seriously the bard takes her gentle gibe, even digging out the bills of sale to show her which dog is which.

Airin offers suggestions for tending the vines, and then makes her own simple preparations. She seems glad to be on the road, even on such short notice.

Tobias too seems happy to leave the city behind.

But short notice or not, Podo finds that there is plenty of time to do some shopping. In fact, he finds an item or two in his pack that he thought he dreamed about. Funny how sometimes things in dreams come real, in the Wold!

OOC Please Note: Yes, everybody, please feel free to put any lotto winnings, or Christmas Tree Fishing Presents, or other such on your sheet at this time. If you want to go shopping at the Catacombs, any purchases will be assumed retroactively to have been picked up here. Thanks, JP, for asking. If you have major changes to your PC sheet, please send it to me at cayzle@cayzle.com.

Once on the road, Zardock is happy to walk with the group. But he bows and says he is glad to take whatever place the group deems best. What is your marching order and positioning? Who is mounted besides Kendry and Selithe? Spellcasters, please post the spells that you have prepared.

Airin and Fioni  d20+6=18 d20+9=20
Tuesday January 17th, 2006 11:23:17 AM

(ooc to DM: Airin rides Blossom her pony. I have sent you an update for Airin's Char Sheet)

Slowly the group starts to head North. Airin rides next to Kendry for the time being and keeps an eye out on the road ahead. She invites one of her friends to ride with her, and if not everyone can find a place to sit on a pony or something, she will trade places after an hour walk so someone else can rest and she will walk.

Spot: 18
Listen: 20

Prepared Spells:
Level 0
Create Water
Know Direction

Level 1
Speak With Animals
Speak with animals
Hide from Animals

Tobias  d20+4=21 d20+5=11 d20+8=22
Tuesday January 17th, 2006 12:57:42 PM

There's not much you need that nature doesn't provide -- except maybe a good weapon (or two)...

Once we head north and make it out of the city and past farm country, Tobias volunteers to ride a bit ahead of the party and do some scouting. Tobias will keep his eyes and ears open for anything unusual and any fresh tracks along the road.

Spot: 21
Listen: 11
Survival: 22 (for track)
[OOC: Tobias gets a +2 to all of these checks vs orcs (his favored enemy).]

Tuesday January 17th, 2006 5:55:58 PM

With little to prepare and nothing to buy, Dwight wonders for a bit and then meets the group.

Setting off again, Dwight stretches his toes and is eager to find his place in the line.

Podo Danderfluff 
Tuesday January 17th, 2006 11:34:10 PM

After purchasing all the items that Podo thinks he might need, Podo hangs back to walk near Zardock. With Darkwood Qstaff in hand, Podo waits until the procession begins to leave before falling in line with the rhythm of the step.

Wednesday January 18th, 2006 4:17:30 AM

"Well, sir, they are for you to read, and to relate to others at your discretion. I trust you in this matter," Kendry answers Calfast, granting him latitude, but also encouraging discretion where seemly. "We are yet beginners in this life of adventure. If you wish, you may have a copy scribed for safe storage."

At the start of their journey, Kendry's Cheann paces Airin's Buttercup. Occasionally, he goes to sniff some clump of grass or the trunk of a sapling next the road. If Kendry gives him his head, he yips and playfully nips at Gra, letting her know she should walk with him.

And, where the road is open and ambush potential remote, Kendry does let Cheann have his occasional curious sniff or playful moment. Where the vegetation grows closer, however, he exercises more discipline, calling on his mount to attend and stay in line.

He whistles some tunes along the way, and spends some time with each member of the group. "Tobias, check back with the group every five minutes or so, if you will. Can you make the sound of the whippoorwill?" He arranges with the ranger a short set of bird and animal sounds to signal various things.

Thinking that friend Duncan's language might be handy for the group to know, Kendry offers to teach the sign language to those who do not know it. Selithe does. Though nearly all the early group members knew it, now only one third do. He gives initial lessons in the basics, with a strong emphasis on signs relating to movement and positioning, as well as other 'verbs' of action.

As they break for food, Kendry offers to Tobias the first volume of his write up of the group's history to date, that details all from the delivery of Grandma Eglantine's rumberry pie, to the 'beer run' in support of Calfast's candidacy. "When you're done with that, I'll trade you it for the next volume. Just place it back in the scroll case when you're not reading it, if you please," he requests.

[OOC: Pedro: If you have not yet done so, then go ahead and start reading through the game's archives. Pretty much everything there will be found in Kendry's journal.

If any other player's character wants to read the journal, as well, just state your character is doing so! -Kim]

Rough marching order - feel free to object or reposition yourselves. This is just a suggestion to get things rolling:

Tobias - advanced lead [Anyone wish to join him - having the requisite skills to do so?] - 60 feet? 80 feet? More? Less?

Airin on left, Kendry on right
Dwight on left, Selithe on right
Zardock on left, Podo on right

About ten feet separate the ranked pairs.

A Pleasant Stroll (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday January 18th, 2006 6:29:42 AM

The day is already well advanced, and the road here near town is fairly well travelled with farmers and other locals coming and going.

Zardock walks at the back and engages Podo in conversation, talking to him about his philosophy.

Night falls before long, and it is time to camp. Watches? Could everybody on watch roll a spot check for their time awake? Any special precautions or arrangements? Zardock volunteers for the middle watch.

Airin and Fioni  d20+9=29 d20+9=12 d20+6=7 d20+16=26 d20+4=20
Wednesday January 18th, 2006 7:16:45 AM

As they are not in a seemingly dangerous place, Airin sees little need in an extensive watch, yet she accepts an early morning watch (needs 8 hours sleep).

She takes out her bedroll, helps making a little fire possibly for someone to cook, and as the night is still young, she is kinda hoping the group will sit around the campfire and maybe Kendry or Zardock or some of the new group members could tell tales of by gone adventures or legends...

As preparation for a good night rest Airin will loosen her leather armor to avoid getting weary and put her sword next to her unsheathed and ready to be handled.

Fioni will most likely enjoy an evening hunt for rodents and scan the surroundings.

Listen during watch: 12 (should have kept sleeping ;-) )
Spot during watch: 7 - NAT 1!! euhm... who's supposed to be the scout in this group ?!?
Fioni hunting spot: 26
Fioni sleeping listen: 20 - whatever penalties

Tobias  d20+5=14 d20+4=13 d20+8=20 d20+8=27 d20+5=16 d20+4=17
Wednesday January 18th, 2006 12:17:44 PM

Tobias will go ahead about 60 ft. He agrees with Kendry on the whippoorwill call as a warning to the group. And, if he gets out of sight of the party for longer then 15 minutes, he comes back to check in.

As the party stops to make camp, Tobias volunteers to go do a little hunting too. "I'm going to have a look around at the game in the area. Maybe I can round up a couple of nice rabbits for a stew."

Tobias will spend some time going around the perimeter of the campsite, to see if there's anything out of place (weird tracks or animal markings). And, he will try to hunt down some small game (survival: 27). He'll quietly stalk his pray and use his Shortbow, composite, str +1 (mw) darkwood. He finds enough rabbits [DM: or more appropriate game] to feed everyone and have a couple left over for the next day. He dresses the carcasses: gutting them and peeling off their fur.

Tobias returns to camp and presents the meat to Kendry, "Since you're the one traveling around with all the pots and pans, I assume you know how to use them. Here are a few rabbits for a stew. Think you can do that?" If no one in the party can cook, Tobias will roast them over the fire.

After a nice warm dinner, Tobias is very eager to learn the sign language Kendry was offering to teach. "Kendry, where did you learn those signals and their meaning? Those would be very useful in stealthing about and preparing for combat. Please, show me more." Tobias would like to spend some time each night on this trip with Kendry, and whoever else is interested, learning sign language.

Tobias will also start looking through the journal, but he doesn't seem nearly as enthusiastic about that as he was about learning Kendry's sign language.

As everyone gets ready for bed, Tobias volunteers for first watch. He goes a few feet away from the sleeping area and hunkers down with a tree at his back for support.

Listen (pre-hunting): 14
Spot (pre-hunting): 13
Survival - tracks (pre-hunting): 20
Survival - hunt: 27
Listen (during 1st watch): 16
Spot (during 1st watch): 17
**+2 to rolls vs orcs.

Wednesday January 18th, 2006 6:40:04 PM

Selithe chuckles as she rides along on her dog Gra and both Gra and Kendry's seem to be playing abit as they go along. Selithe still has a huge grin from her picking on Kendry earlier and couldn't resist but pick on him once more on it, "You know brother, your quite the talented writer, maybe that payment ticket was a fake." Selithe winks and moves Gra over and gives her brother a light punch to the arm, "Your fun to pick on bro."

When it comes time for watches Selithe glances about and ponders, "Hmm, I will take first watch with Tobias if he doesn't mind the company."

Wednesday January 18th, 2006 10:03:30 PM

"Company such as yours is always welcome." Tobias says as he smiles and gives her a wink.

Dwight  d20+1=15
Wednesday January 18th, 2006 10:38:20 PM

Enjoying the pleasant pace, Dwight listens to various discussions among the group. Most of the hand-signals being taught are picked up quickly by Dwight always eager for new knowledge.

"I'll take the first or last shift tonight. Prefer to get my sleep in long sessions."

Spot: 15 (during watch)

Bump in the Night (DM Cayzle)  d3=2 (roll for watch)
Thursday January 19th, 2006 7:16:20 AM

A delicious stew of conies is enjoyed by all, thanks to
On the second watch, Zardock wakes the group, except for Selithe, Kendry, and Airin, not wanting the spell casters to wake without need. Airin wakes anyway, for she hears the same thing in her sleep that the dwarf does.

There is a rustling in the brushes. Something is out there -- maybe 40 feet away in the underbrush.

If you make a Know Nature roll vs DC12, then Highlight to display spoiler: {It sounds like some kind of animal. A medium sized one.}

If you make a Know Nature roll vs DC17, then Highlight to display spoiler: {It sounds like something that sometimes goes on two feet, sometimes four. A bear? A really big squirrel?}

Whatever it is, it is getting closer. Does anyone wake Kendry or Selithe? Other actions?

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Thursday January 19th, 2006 9:08:52 AM

Awaken by Zardock, and after hearing the sounds of plant movement, Podo will gently wake his cousin Kendry. "Shhh! Kendry, I think there is something out here that would like your attention. Seems to be calling your name..."

Once Podo gently shakes Kendry to conciousness, he will go for his darkwood Qstaff and a tindertwig just in case a quick spot of flame might help!

Airin [Woodland Stride] and Fioni  d20+9=19 d20+12=30 d20+18=35 d20+6=22 d20+9=27
Thursday January 19th, 2006 9:27:49 AM

During her sleep Airin suddenly hears something... by the time she manages to open her eyes, she notices Zardock has allready woken the group. They seem to be staring to some point in the brushes...

Reluctant to interrupt her sleep, Airin crawls up her sword in her hand and tries to see what they are all staring at. (her armor is not completely secured yet)

"Something is out there indeed" Airin whispers to those who are awake, "It's strange... it feels like an animal allright but it appears to walk on two feet and then on four... I don't know what this could be friends..."

Airin notices Fioni is sleeping high up in a tree and failed to hear the noise. Too bad, for she could have checked what this is...

If the sound appears to approach Airin prepares to scout ahead.

Being accustomed to walking in the woods (woodland Stride), Airin puts a tighther grip on her sword, and stealthily she moves towards the sound in a flanking position (right of the noise). However she takes her chances and moves 19.5ft away from the camp (taking -5 on move silently and Hide checks)

Knowledge Nature: 19
Move Silently: 30 - 5 = 25
Hide: 35 - 5 = 30
Spot: 22
Listen: 27

Kendry  d20+3=7
Thursday January 19th, 2006 10:47:22 AM

Kendry snoozes...

(Inge: oh no you don't! Podo woke you up! - GET UP YOU LAIZY BARD!! ;-))

Tobias  d20+5=7 d20+14=32 d20+11=20 d20+4=20
Thursday January 19th, 2006 11:50:30 AM

Tobias hears the noise but can't identify it. But, upon Airin description, Tobias stands up from sleep and gets his bearings on the direction of the noise. Tobias will follow Airin's lead and move out toward the noise moving 10 ft while drawing both of his short swords. He tries to find a place to hide, in the hopes of surprising the creature (if that becomes necessary).

Know (Nature): 7
Hide: 32
Move Silently: 20
Spot: 20

Thursday January 19th, 2006 8:27:12 PM

Selithe continues to sleep oblivious to whats going on around here. Her dreams that of gambling and making money which is a quite peaceful dream indeed for the young lady who has a almost silly grin as she cleans yet another person she gambles against out.

Thursday January 19th, 2006 9:40:27 PM

Oh, wait - Kendry finally does wake up from a sound sleep, his dream of flying above a darkened landscape with goblins teaming below fading from his consciousness as Podo very kindly rouses him.

"My name? Papa? Oh, Podo." He gets up on one elbow, then pushes himself the rest of the way up. He grabs his bow, strings it, and pulls his quiver over his shoulder. Then he yawns. And nocks an arrow.


Dwight  d20+4=9 d20+6=19 d6=6
Thursday January 19th, 2006 9:45:28 PM

Listening for a moment, Dwight doesn't seem to hear what the others do, but takes precautions just in case. With his back to a tree, he grabs his bow and knocks an arrow.

Delaying a release until he can identify friend or foe, Dwight waits.

If an enemy he releases the arrow...
delayed attack: 19
dmg: 6

A Dire WHAT! (DM Cayzle) 
Thursday January 19th, 2006 11:52:42 PM

The party (except for sleeping Selithe) braces for an attack. Airin and Tobias move forward.

Airin tries to remember her nature lore.

Then the creature emerges from the underbrush and into the light.

The creature looks like a bandit -- it has a black mask marking across its face. It also has rings around its bushy tail. The rest of the body is gray. It comes forward on four feet, then sits up and looks at Airin and Tobias. It is maybe four or five feet tall sitting, and a little chubby, maybe 250 pounds.

It holds out a hand-like claw, and looks for all the world as if it were asking for a hand-out. It makes a deep chitterring chur-chur-chur sound.

Airin, Please Highlight to display spoiler: {You realize that this is a very rare Dire Raccoon!}

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Friday January 20th, 2006 1:31:33 AM

"OH, look at that...how interesting!" says Podo aloud. "Kind cute, he is!" giggles Podo.

Turning around and looking in his gear bag, Podo searches for something. "I know I put it in here. I just purchased it! Where'd it go?? Anyone have some food we can give our guest?"

Airin and Fioni  d20+1=16 d20+9=15 d20=17
Friday January 20th, 2006 6:00:24 AM

"This is amazing! That's a very rare animal friends... it's a rare Dire Raccoon. Don't make any rash movements and let me try to speak with it first" Airin whispers to her friends.

She gently waves her hands not trying to frighthen the animal whispering: "Met deze Raccoon wil ik spreken" and suddenly her speach changes to a similar chitterring chur-chur-chur sound...

Speaking in Dire Racoons:
"Do not be affraid. We're friendly. Look, I will put my weapons away and so will my friends"

Speaking to her friends:
"put down your weapons friends."

Speaking in Dire Racoons:
"I'm Airin Moondaner Turnbell, at your service. We're traveling the forest to find the Giant Towers and were camping here for the night. My friend Podo there, is looking to find you some food. You want something to eat? ... no that's not it... you are no simple animal are you?"

Airin looks at the rings on his tail, the markings accros the animals face thinking if this is someone's animal follower or possibly even a shape changed druid?!?
Then she continues in Raccoons:

"Who are you?"

diplomacy: 16
knowledge nature: 15
druidic knowledge: 17 - can Airin feel something druidic is going on with that animal?

Active Spells
Speak With Animals: 20 rounds

Spell List
Level 0
Create Water
Know Direction

Level 1
Speak With Animals - USED
Speak with animals
Hide from Animals

Kendry  d20+6=12
Friday January 20th, 2006 9:48:32 AM

Well, this is something that his sister just should not miss. He moves gently, and places his hand on her shoulder. "Selithe. Selithe. You might want to see this. We have a friendly visitor."

He then goes to his foodstuffs, and extracts a ... tomato. And a little hunk of cheese, leaving his bow leaning against the bag. If he can determine gender, he notes that. In the sylvan tongue, he says, 'Good nighttime to you. Please accept these tokens of friendship.' He places first the tomato in the raccoon's paw and, if there is room, next the cheese.

[Diplomacy 12]

Friday January 20th, 2006 12:21:31 PM

Tobias will watch the dire raccoon carefully while Airin speaks to it. If it doesn't attempt any aggressive actions against Airin or Kendry when he gives it food, then Tobias will re-sheath both short swords.

If the dire raccoon attitude has not improved with Airin soothing talk or Kendry's food, then Tobias will try to use Wild Empathy to make the raccoon friendly (if he has enough time - about a minute).

Tobias  d20+3=16
Friday January 20th, 2006 12:24:07 PM

[OOC: forgot to roll the wild empathy check (16)]

Friday January 20th, 2006 6:56:37 PM

Selithe sleeps still grinning and enjoying her gambling dream when she feels someone shaking her awake, at first she whimpers and whispers, "Ohh come on ma an pa, let me sleep alittle longer." She is about ready to sleep on when she notices that it was Kendry's voice and she jerks up, her hand grasping her staff, "What? huh?"

Selithe looks around at all thats going on and then frowns seeing the large racoon like creature and groans some, "Ohh dear Woldian lords, I'm still sleeping and everyones in it even."

Big and Furry! (DM Cayzle) 
Friday January 20th, 2006 9:55:57 PM

The dire raccoon is glad to "talk" with Airin. She (it's a girl) has the mentality of an animal, so her "words" are more an expression of her thoughts than real speech.

She is happy to communicate the idea of "friends." When Airin puts down her sword, the raccoon seems to think it is a present, and will pick it up if you let her.

Zardock, seeing that you have the creature in hand, goes back to keeping watch around the site.

When Airin says this: "I'm Airin Moondaner Turnbell, at your service. We're traveling the forest to find the Giant Towers and were camping here for the night. My friend Podo there, is looking to find you some food. You want something to eat? ... no that's not it... you are no simple animal are you?", all the raccoon seems to understand are the ideas that you all are sleeping here and that you want to give her food.

She happily takes the cheese and tomato. She looks around and says to Airin, "Any water around here to wash in? No? Oh well." She pops the treats in her ample cheek pouches.

She seems interested in everything, from what's in Podo's bag to the sleeping rolls around the fire.

She has no name, and doesn't seem to understand the idea of names.

But she is very friendly, and says with a gleam in her eye (through Airin) that she would like to give you hugs. Anyone NOT want a raccoon hug? Zardock says, "No thanks!"

Friday January 20th, 2006 11:00:15 PM

Seeing that nothing was chasing the curious coon, Dwight lowers his bows and sits comfortable, leaning against the tree he was using for cover.

Accepting the hug, Dwight tries not to laugh as her whiskers touch his face.

Saturday January 21st, 2006 4:13:19 PM

Everything appears to be in order, so Tobias's short swords are put away. He intently watches the exchange between Airin and the raccoon.

Sunday January 22nd, 2006 11:00:52 AM

Noticing the basic language this funny animal uses Airin skips to an easier speach herself.


"Food, yes"

Then the Animal whishes to hug her. Airin first hands her sword to Tobias who stands behind her, and the takes a deep breath and returns the creatures willingness to hug her... oh boy, I hope this goes well...

"You alone?"

"Why ring on tail" says Airin as she carefully points to the rings on the Raccoons tail.

Cayzle OOC 
Sunday January 22nd, 2006 11:46:56 AM

Sorry for the confusion! The raccoon does not have jewelery rings on its tail! Just bands of colored fur.

This link is a little creepy, but it gets the idea across! People who sell severed raccoon tails, with pictures

Tobias  d20+5=20
Sunday January 22nd, 2006 3:28:52 PM

Tobias takes Airin's sword and whispers, "A hug, huh? Well good luck and just yell if you need a hand (you know, in case she doesn't know her own strength)."

Tobias keeps his attention on the hug.
Spot: 20

Sunday January 22nd, 2006 7:01:10 PM

Selithe refuses the hug but does pet the raccoon if she allows anyway and smiles, "Sorry little fella but I seen you like shiny things and I like to keep mine is all."

Selithe smiles and gives the raccoon one more pet if she allows before looking to Airin, "you think she is someone's pet? I would love to have a familiar like her but she is way out of my line of experience yet."

Sunday January 22nd, 2006 10:09:15 PM

Kendry closely watches the racoon's paws as she hugs Airin. If her paws do not rove, and Airin is not squeezed too tightly, and, all in all, the hug is harmless and friendly, then, so too will Kendry share a hug with the racoon.

Should the foregoing not be the case, then Kendry will gently but firmly intercede to protect Airin.

Podo Danderfluff 
Monday January 23rd, 2006 1:51:41 PM

"Er, No thanks...I'll stay here with Zardock. I am glad you like the food though." says Podo to the large lady raccoon.

Dwight  d20+1=18
Monday January 23rd, 2006 5:48:18 PM

If the coon would like to come over to Dwight, he'll accept the hug.

"Airin, any chance this little guy could tell us if there is any danger nearby?"

As the coon leaves, Dwight takes a close look at the coon to make sure he hasn't acquired anything other than food.

spot: 18

The "Innocent" Raccoon (DM Cayzle)  d20+8=12
Tuesday January 24th, 2006 6:41:40 AM

Note that the Dire Raccoon is medium size -- bigger than a halfling! So she is no "little fella"!

Dwight, Airin, and Kendry all accept hugs, relatively gentle hugs, and Dwight even gets two! Kendry finds that he has to extract a paw that gets stuck in his pocket, but the animal's roving digits fail to extract anything of the bard's.

Churr-ing in a sort of thanks for the food, the animal ambles off, but Tobias thinks that he sees a gleamof mischief in the creature's eyes. However, a very careful enumeration and check reveals no loss of property.

Selithe thinks that such a creature would make a neat familiar, but of course, since a familiar generally has to be smaller than you are, a normal-sized raccoon would probably be a better choice. Even that kind of a non-traditional choice would take some doing. [OOC: such as an Improved Familiar feat]

The group quickly returns to its regimen of sleep and watches, and the night passes quickly. In the morning, it's breakfast and time to hit the road. Spelcasters, I'll assume that you keep the same set of spells ... unless you say so now! I'll assume the same marching order, unless there are changes?

Any other actions before resuming the trek?

Airin and Fioni  d20+6=19 d20+9=26 d20+16=23
Tuesday January 24th, 2006 7:53:23 AM

"Funny but a little wicked" Airin says as the raccoon turns his back on them and leaves.
"oh well, that's it for tonight"

Airin thanks Thobias for taking care of her sword and then returns to her bedroll and takes all the rest she still has left.

In the morning, she gathers her stuff, tries to find Fioni, but apparently the little predtor is allready out hunting. She'll pop up when she's done.

Making sure all animals get enough water and food, Airin herself enjoyes a few left-overs form last night and then prepares to go on the road again.

(occ. any chance to know how far the towers actually are?)

Once they are on the road again, Airin keeps her eyes and ears wide open.

spot: 19
listen: 26
Erwen Spot: 23

Tobias  d20+4=15 d20+5=9 d20+8=9
Tuesday January 24th, 2006 4:28:52 PM

"Hmmm, there's something weird about that raccoon." Tobias observes to no one in particular.

"You're quite welcome, Airin. Say that's a good looking sword. Where did you get it?" Tobias says handing Airin back her sword.

After settling back to sleep, morning seems to come too quickly. Tobias stretches, gathers his belongs, packs his pony, and prepares to depart. He's willing to go on a little ahead scouting as the day before.

Spot: 15
Listen: 9
Survival: 9
(** these rolls are +2 vs orcs)

Dwight  d20+1=18
Tuesday January 24th, 2006 9:06:35 PM

Marching along, Dwight scans the sky. "Glad the weather is good. Make all this hiking much more pleasant."

spot: 18

"I was thinking about the coon, my pa use to chase some out of a tree when necessary. He would normally put food just a little ways away, and help build another nest. The little critters would return and expect food for weeks after my pa stopped. Anyone know if giant coons behave the same way?"

Tuesday January 24th, 2006 9:47:13 PM

"Yeah, Tobias. I wonder if that was a real racoon - or someone disguised as a racoon?" Kendry ponders. He doublechecks himself and his possessions, taking a quick inventory.

In the morning, he joins Airin in helping to feed the various animals, and the party members. He walks the perimeter of the camp, checking for any unaccounted-for footprints (or pawprints) and asks Tobias to take a look at the racoon's tracks for a little ways, to see if they might discern more about last night's visitor.

Once they are ready to leave, he sets out with a light and happy heart, looking forward to the journey.

Tuesday January 24th, 2006 10:54:36 PM

Selithe goes to check on Gra even knows Kendry and Airin are and smiles as she plays with both dog's. She chuckles as hs pats them both, "I think getting both of them together was a good idea brother. They deserve to be together." Selithe smiles and looks to Airin, "I'll have to have you show me how to tend to Gra here better since you know animals more then I do Airin."

Selithe smiles and prepares her stuff, also curious of the raccoon visitor they had but trying to just chalk it up as a interesting encounter.

Spell (Conjurer*wizard*) *extra spell per level for being a specialist
0th (4+1): *Acid Splash, *Detect Magic, *Flare, Light, *Ray of Frost, *Prestidigitation

1st (2+2): *Mage Armor, *Magic Missile, *Burning Hands, *Enlarge Person

Podo (by Kim) 
Wednesday January 25th, 2006 1:24:30 AM

"I don't know about giant raccoons, Dwight. First one I've seen," Podo answers his friend.

He enjoys breakfast, and helps clean up the campsite. He keeps an eye on Zardock, interested in whatever rituals and prayers the dwarf may engage in. He is peripherally aware of Kendry's interest in the tracks, but figures that Tobias is better suited for that.

"Let's go find this Fixer."

Airin (2nd and Illegal) 
Wednesday January 25th, 2006 5:18:09 AM

As Tobias questions Airin about her sword Airin talks to him along the way.

"I bought this Bastard Sword when we joined up the Woldian League of Adventurers when we were visiting the Gold Dragons. I had to loan some gold from Podo there, but I promised to pay him back when I could. It's masterwork! Normally I would not be able to wield such a sword, but the WLA training experts helped me. Joining the WLA surely is something you should start to set some gold aside. It will cost you 2000Gp to start! Look then you get this badge..", and Airin shows the blue WLA badge that it pinned to her armor (which now is safely secured).

Taunting Voices (Temp DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday January 25th, 2006 6:26:42 AM

Kendry and Tobias have suspicions about the big raccoon, but no possessions turn up missing, and there is nothing out of the ordinary about the creature's tracks. Dwight wonders if it will turn up again, looking for a hand-out. But Selithe, with her sharp eyes at the gaming table, sees nothing but an interesting encounter her in the wilderlands. Perhaps she is reassured by Airin's attitude: "Funny but a little wicked."

Airin knows that most things in Nature are not neutral, but have a bit of orderliness to them, like ants, or mischief, like the raccoon, it seems. And those tendencies seem to be stronger since the Few King was born.

Zardock says, "I've seen some strange things north of the Peaseblossum. The closer you get to the Scab, the more likely you'll see monsterous unusual things. Never did see a giant raccoon before!"

The party gets back to sleep, and then is back on the road in the morning without incident.

Airen communicates her enthusiasm for the WLA. It is a group known for its heros, across the Wold.

Zardock communicates what he can about how far the Tower is. "At the rate we're walking, slowpokes," he says smiling, "we'll get there probably tomorrowish."

Soon after that, late in the morning, you hear voices up ahead, harsh voices. The speakers are around a bend, out of sight, maybe 150 feet away.

If you make a Listen check vs DC15, then Please Highlight to display spoiler: {You hear one voice say, "Ha! Dirty fey! That's just what you deserve, stinking elf! You've got this coming!"}

Airin and Fioni  d20+9=23 d20+6=26 d20+4=18 d20+7=17 d20+7=9
Wednesday January 25th, 2006 8:01:02 AM

(listen 23)

"Hush lads, looks like someone is giving an Elf a beating up ahead! Let's get a little closer carefully... I'm no fan of Fey, but I have nothing against an Elf."

150ft is still a long way for little halfling legs.

"Go Fioni, fly ahead and go and have a look. Hurry back! Why don't we just ride our ponies over there and see what's going on? " Airin asks the group, though she will change her mind should other plans seem more appropriate.

Dispite the bold plan to ride towards the noise straight away, and the somewhat secure feeling Airin displayed about the Raccoon, riding fast into trouble seems nothing for Airin... Airin, the paranoid Rogue... RIDING towards trouble?!? What's gotten into her?!?

(occ. Don't know myself, but RL issues at work and a potential new career offer are making me a little more straightforward both at work and apparently also in game :-/ Hope you don't mind. Just hold Blossom to stop her :-D )

Spot: 26 NAT 20!
Ride: 18 (should we ride quickly over there)
Handle Animal: 17 (send Fioni to scout ahead)
Handle Animal: 9 (have Fioni report back... looks like there's little chance she will do that ;-) )

Wednesday January 25th, 2006 11:25:03 AM

"Even though there doesn't appear to be anything strange about the tracks, Kendry, I'm still suspicious about that raccoon."

As Airin descibes the league of adventurers, Tobias replies "The WLA really does sound like a worthy group to belong to. I'll have to start putting some gold aside for that. It may be a while though..."

When Airin tells everyone about the argument ahead, Tobias proclaims "People should be safe and free to walk the roads of Wold. Be they fey or halfling. We should see what's happening."

To Airin's plan, he says "That sounds like a good plan. If you all decide to ride ahead to see what's going on, I'd like to go on through the woods around the right to flank them. I can signal if there's something really dangerous. And, I can be in position to support you, should they not listen to reason. I'll just need a few minutes head-start and someone to care for my pony, Maxie."

"What do you think?"

Airin and Fioni 
Wednesday January 25th, 2006 12:10:02 PM

"To me that sounds like a good plan Thobias. Maybe the noisiest ones among us..." and Airin casts a painfull look on those wearing clattering armor, "... could push through and go straight in while the sneaky ones among us run through the woods. The noise the ingoing party will make will most likely cover movements in the woods so the sneaky ones can get in position."

"I'd prefer to follow Thobias's plan and be part of the sneaky group."

Kendry  d20+6=16
Wednesday January 25th, 2006 3:11:04 PM

"'Minutes' may be too long for the victim. Go ahead and work on flanking, you two, but I'm riding straight ahead, and see what's what." Kendry urges Cheann forward. He prepares his bow, and nocks an arrow.

Tobias  d20+4=21 d20+5=20 d20+8=27 d20+14=17 d20+11=15
Wednesday January 25th, 2006 4:19:08 PM

"Ok, I'll double time it to the right of the road, and into flanking position. I'll try my best to be there at the same time as the rest of you. Airin, are you coming on this side or the other side of the road?"

Tobias runs off to the right, leaving Maxie with Podo. As he nears the area where he expects the elf and "friends" to be, he slows down, draws his shortbow, and tries to hide and move silently into a flanking position. He also keeps an eye out for any identifying tracks. And, keeps a sharp ear out for the rest of the halflings.

Spot: 21
Listen: 20
Survival (tracks): 27
Hide: 17
Move Silently: 15

Dwight  d20+4=8 d20+4=16 d20+4=15 d20+4=17 d20+1=16
Wednesday January 25th, 2006 8:22:25 PM

Not so certain about riding/running into trouble. Dwight tries to hear those supposedly up ahead, but hears nothing.

"I'll follow and target with my bow should the need arise," Dwight states as everyone begins to head out in various directions.

Pulling his bow off his shoulder, Dwight checks the tension on the string and follows those heading straight (though he walks/runs).

Dwight has no intention of going into battle until more information is found (or heard).

When appropriate Dwight will begin to move silently (16) and hide (15) and take another listen (17) while looking about (spot 16)

Wednesday January 25th, 2006 9:29:58 PM

Selithe sighs when everyone starts to react the way they do and plays follow the leader instead of trying to listen for the trouble, everyones reactions telling her all she needs to know really. She lets Gar fall into step with Kendry and smiles to him as she moves her staff to her lap some, "Seems like the day was to nice to stay that way forever. Anyway, we haven't had alittle excitement for awhile as long as it's nothing really nasty anyway."

Kendry to Selithe 
Wednesday January 25th, 2006 11:20:30 PM

"Well, Sel, it sounds like we are in for an educational moment here," the bard answers his sister. "Thanks for riding by my side."

Podo (by Kim)  d20+5=20
Thursday January 26th, 2006 2:18:04 AM

Podo clearly hears (Listen: 20) the distant threat. Back by the bell tower, Zardock earlier had spoken of the need to protect others. "Let's go!" he encourages the dwarf. Podo runs towards the sound of the voice.

Brigands and an Elf (Temp DM Cayzle) 
Thursday January 26th, 2006 6:06:07 AM

Those who scout ahead (including those with feathers) discover that there are people ahead, in some kind of confrontation.

The party advances, unnoticed by what turns out to seem to be brigands, intent on the elf they are tormenting. A group of ten stand in a circle, facing inward, with the elf in the center.

The brigands are a motley bunch, mostly ill-equipped, with gear in poor repair. There is a hungry look about them, but that may be the hunger for blood, fear, and pain that evil folk exhibit when toying with a victim.

"Dirty elf! You killed my wife, you and your Fey King!"

"A pox on all your kin, animal-lover!"

"You sicken me! All full of yourself, think you're better than us, think you're so beautiful and special!"

Several take turns spitting at the elf. A roar goes up when some spittle hits on target.

A big backpack is on the ground next to the elf. He is bloody, and a rapier lies on the ground at his feet, seemingly disarmed. The ruffians -- humans and halflings -- seem too intent on their fun to bother killing the elf, at least right away ... for now they are content with taunts, although their weapons are drawn, and it seems clear that if the elf tried to escape, he would be cut down.

There are a handful of women among the brigands, but one stands out. A halfling, her armor is in excellent repair, and gleams pure black. She is the one whose spit was the most accurate.

The party is about 40 feet away, and has the jump on these ruffians. Some of you are on the road, some in the trees to one side. If you wish to act, take a surprise action and a regular action before the brigands can respond.

Airin and Fioni  d20+12=19 d20+18=24 d20+7=24 d6+1=5 d6=5
Thursday January 26th, 2006 9:17:24 AM

Airin walks through the forest with Tobias while the others are moving straight towards the Brigands. Finally she gets close enough to see what's going on. Hmmm... that armor...

"Still a little bit too far. With all the commotion they makes they will never hear me getting closer" Airin thinks.

"Tobias, I need to get closer so I can accurately shoot them with my crossbow."

Airin will steadily move 10ft closer to the group and there she will hide and wait to see what happens. If trouble arise, she will sneak attack that woman in nice armor - who seems to be the groups leader. She takes out her bastard sword, and places it next to her while she crouches to the ground. Should they see her she can easily drop her crossbow and pick up her sword.

Prepared attack:
Bolt 1 hits AC24 for 5Hp + 5HP sneak attack

Move silently: 19
Hide: 24

Tobias  d20+14=31 d20+11=13 d20+10=12 d4+2=6
Thursday January 26th, 2006 1:02:20 PM

Tobias will move 20 ft closer and take up hiding again. He's not going to attack right away. He will allow those coming on the road to make the first move. If they attempt to talk with the group, I will wait to see the brigands' reaction.

If it deteriorates into a battle, the first shot will be at the woman in black armor. Then, Tobias will lay down his bow, and move 15 ft towards the circle of brigands, while drawing his short sword.

Hide: 31
Move Silently: 13
Attack: 12 (hits AC12 for 6 hp -- yeah right)
** the attack is only if combat is not averted.

Dwight  d20+7=14 d20+7=22 d20+6=14 d6=6 d20+6=26 d6=5 d6=2 d20+1=14
Thursday January 26th, 2006 5:41:21 PM

Moving off the side of the road, Dwight takes to hiding (18) and moving silently (22) and moves an additional 10 feet if proper cover is available. Scanning around to make sure the brigands don't have back-up in the woods (spot 14).

Dwight takes careful aim with his shortbow at the tallest or largest man.

Surprise attack:
attack 14 (+1 if within 30 ft)
dmg: 6

Normal Attack: (at the same largest or tallest man)
attack 26 (+1 if within 30 ft)--crit. Nat. 20
dmg 5+2=7

(OOC: Am I suppose to add anything since its a surprise round? Don't remember..sorry)

Kendry  d20+6=15 d20+6=22 d20+4=18 d20+3=23
Thursday January 26th, 2006 8:28:35 PM

The halfling decides to first establish control, then get around to talking later.

He drops the arrow and reaches into the side flap of his haversack, extracting a tanglefoot bag. As he draws near to the brigands, he dismounts then tosses it at the black-armored expert spitter (ranged touch attack, AC 15). [An entangled creature takes a -2 penalty on attack rolls and a -4 penalty to Dexterity and must make a DC 15 Reflex save or be glued to the floor, unable to move. Even on a successful save, it can move only at half speed.]

As he tumbles (18) through the brigands, stopping next to the elf, from a pouch at his waist he extracts a thunderstone, calls out, "Stand down, or suffer grave consequences!" and throws it down on the pathway - to a spot about 11-12 feet from the spot where he stands (as well as a similar distance from the elf, but also so that he catches as many brigands within its 10 foot radius as he can [throw AC 22]).

He draws his own rapier, moving the tip in a tight circle.

Talking, that is, if anyone can hear...

[Oh: Might need a fast dismount ride check (free action): 23!]

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Thursday January 26th, 2006 11:21:26 PM

Podo will attack the woman in the dark armor with non-leathal blows attempting to render her unconcious or at least not in a viable useful position.

Friday January 27th, 2006 12:05:50 AM

Selithe continues moving with her brother and also moves to dismount when he speaks and smiles as one of her spells she plans to fire off will only work if the enemy is looking her direction, "Good job brother."

Spell (Conjurer*wizard*) *extra spell per level for being a specialist
0th (4+1): *Acid Splash, *Detect Magic, *Flare, Light, *Ray of Frost, *Prestidigitation

1st (2+2): *Mage Armor, *Magic Missile, *Burning Hands, *Enlarge Person

Justin Webber (Temp-DM) Brigands and Elf rd#1  d20+6=9
Friday January 27th, 2006 12:35:18 AM

The brigands and elf also are caught off guard as the group quickly breaks into action and moves to help the elf.

Airin moves up closer to the fight and takes careful aim at the halfling woman in black armor and fires off a shot. Airin is happy to see her bolt does a great job as it hits the woman square, however it seems to of made her more mad at the moment then hurt her.

Tobias moves in also and from his hiding place also fires a arrow at the woman in black armor, however his shot goes slightly wide and wizzes past her side.

Dwight moves also and notices nothing in the forest that he can see so it doesn't look like the brigands have any backup. With this knowledge he takes aim and also fires at one of the brigands, picking one that looks actually bigger and uglier then the others. His arrown hammers home on the man though injuring him some. (Add in the bonus for the suprise attack for the round.)

Kendry dismounts and tosses a tanglefoot bag at the black armor lady halfling and finds that the goo from it succeeds in sticking her well to the ground. Ever the talker though Kendry spouts off words of diplomacy and fighting depending on the brigands decision.

Podo moves up beside Selithe, Zardock and Kendry and awaits the movemtns of the enemy since rushing in on so many might be a bad idea ahead of the group. (Sorry if I'm taking alittle liberty here if you prefered to rush ahead then let me know and I will edit to fit.)

Selithe moves up beside her brother and dismounts, keeping a spell in mind depending on how this all goes.

The ten brigands have been limited down to nine with the black armor halfling woman being trapped by the goo but they seem less then willing to back down, blood lust rages in them for what they consider the elf deserves and one hoots as he charges forward, "Dirty elf lovers, kill them and then the elf is ours."

Only seeing Kendry, Selithe, Zardock and Podo in the open only 5 of the brigands rush towards them to fight. 3 of them push forward with their longswords at the ready and 2 drop back abit and ready a bow and arrow.

(BS=brigand swordsman BA=Brigand archer. All but srchers are within combat range now, taking a few steps before reaching them of course.)
BS#1 AC:15 (injured from Dwights shot)
BS#2 AC:15
BS#3 AC:15
BA#1 AC:16
BA#2 AC:16

The remaining 4 moving brigands anyway move towards the forest area where Airin, Dwight and Tobias are firing from. As the move 3 of them pull swords and wade in and the last one readies his bow with a arrow.

(Enemies are listed the same way as above and all but the archer are within move and hit range.)
BS: AC:15
BS: AC:15
BS: AC:15
BA: AC:16

Zardock frowns as he looks to the Brigands moving in and the one tangled in Kendry's tanglefoot bag, "Good job on the tanglefoot bag Kendry, thats one we can take alive. Now lets try to get the others without killing."

The elf isn't trying to run or anything as he looks worried he might get shot and killed, plus he looks pretty injured from the beating he has taken.

Kendry  d20+4=17
Friday January 27th, 2006 1:17:22 AM

"Stay back, friends," Kendry says to those at his side, glancing quickly at Podo, Selithe, Zardock and the elf. He reaches into a pouch, and palms a feather, and then tumbles (17) forward through the brigands who have not run off yet. As he does, he drops the feather from the height of three feet, and continues his motion forward to the other side of the brigands, to his maximum movement.

The feather floats to the ground. As it touches, almost instantaneously a long swan boat pops into existence, likely knocking down all or many of the brigands, and perhaps pinning a few of them on the ground. [Quaal's Feather token: Swan Boat: A token that forms a swanlike boat capable of moving on water at a speed of 60 feet. It can carry eight horses and gear or thirty-two Medium characters or any equivalent combination. The boat lasts for one day.] (The boat is about 35 feet long, and 12 feet wide. Kendry tried to position it to get as many of the brigands as possible, without crushing his friends or family.)

"I hope you folks can swim," quips Kendry, rapier still at hand, and twenty feet away from Podo et al on the other side of the boat. He realizes not all of the brigands' ears are in good enough shape to appreciate his light witticism. Hmmm - based on the orientation of the boat, Kendry would be off the starboard side, and elf, dwarf, sister and friend off the port. "Hi, Cheann! Good boy! Don't worry. It's just a boat."

Airin and Fioni  d20+7=17 d6+1=4 d6=5 d20+12=29 d20+18=25
Friday January 27th, 2006 4:52:14 AM

"Damn this wasn't supposed to happen straight away! What happend to talk first and shoot later... oh well, it'll be shoot first and then see who's left to talk to..."

Noticing Tobias is 10ft ahead of her (not sure where Dwight is) Airin first shoots at the archer that comes closer and then moves 10ft up north. Of course, she will not forget to take her blade with her while she moves.

After he movement she will hide and wait for the Brigands to come closer, hoping Tobias and Dwight will manage against the other brigands that close range.

Bolt hits AC17 - for 4Hp + 5Hp sneak attack

Move silently: 29
Hide: 25

Cayzle OOC 
Friday January 27th, 2006 6:09:36 AM

Friends, as you have noticed, Justin is ably taking over the game, and he has my deep thanks! I enjoyed subbing for you all, especially as you have the makings of a great group! Have fun, and good luck!

Tobias  d20+9=28 d20+9=11 d4+2=4 d20=2
Friday January 27th, 2006 12:04:07 PM

Tobias thinks, "Hmmm, you send in a bard to talk. And, he attacks first. I may get to liking him after all..."

Since the attack is on, he will move from the trees and close on the nearest swordsman. As he moves, he draws his second short sword. When Tobias reaches the brigand, he jabs at him with a single short sword attack.

After hitting him, Tobias says to 3 bringands moving towards the woods, "That was your only warning. Leave while you can still walk away. Is the elf really worth dying for?"

Attack: 28 (19+9 - threat); 11 (single damage)
Damage: 4
Intimidate: 2 (not so much...)

Tobias's AC: 19

Dwight (AC 15, HP 23)  d6=4 d20+6=24 d6=4 d20+7=9 d20+7=15
Friday January 27th, 2006 5:35:08 PM

Extra damage from surprise last round: 4

Taking another aim (at the same guy if in view, otherwise the closest heading in his direction). Dwight lets loose (attack 24, dmg 4).

Should the opportunity arise at this point, Dwight takes to moving silently (9) and hiding (15).

Friday January 27th, 2006 11:51:39 PM

Selithe, noticing that her brother has handled the nearest sword using enemies rather well with the large boat he just summoned with the feather, begins to focus on the archers but notices that now the boat is in the way of her being able to cast a spell, however she does shrug and calls out to Kendry, "Well, this is nice cover from oncoming arrows brother."

With that said Selithe begins working her way around the boat, deciding to pull out her sling and a sling bullet as she goes and mentally reminds herself of the wand her brother gave her and to also buy a bow later.

Spell (Conjurer*wizard*) *extra spell per level for being a specialist
0th (4+1): *Acid Splash, *Detect Magic, *Flare, Light, *Ray of Frost, *Prestidigitation

1st (2+2): *Mage Armor, *Magic Missile, *Burning Hands, *Enlarge Person

Justin Webber (Temp-DM) Brigands and Elf rd#2  d20+2=16 d20+4=5 d20+2=13 d20+2=12
Saturday January 28th, 2006 12:15:21 AM

Kendry breaks into quick action to help cover and support his fellow friends and quickly moves and uses his feather token to produce a large swan boat which lands right on top of all but one brigande swordsman that was rushing forward. He is greeted by alot of grunts and huffing as they might be injured from the boat appearing on them but otherwise atleast partly alive.

Also it is quite noticeable now that the archers have stopped and looks abit stunned as it becomes clear to them that they can not hear. They must of been caught up in their blood lust before. (Thanks to Kendry since I missed the thunderstone and thanks for the vote of confidence on my posting.)

Airin fires off a bolt before moving for another patch of cover. She is happy to notice her bolt hits home also on the archer she fired at and looks to be bleeding nicely from the wound.

Tobias moves out to meet one of the on coming briagndes with a sword and slashes at the brigande. Tobias's aim is nice and cuts a nice gash but doesn't seem to be as good of a attack as Tobias was hoping for.

Dwight can't hit the big man he shot before since he is under the swan boat that Kendry used on their side of the fight. However he does take nice aim and fires, hitting the archer who Airin shot. He also moves to another hiding spot, hiding quite well but making some noise getting there.

Selithe begins moving around the boat and readying her sling and a sling bullet for use when she reaches there.

Zardock moves up and quickly punches out at the remaining sword brigande on the side that Kendry, Selithe and Podo are on and lands a pair of nice blows. The blows however are clearly not aimed for any vitals and the brigande is stumbling some as he is trying to hold tight to staying too.

(On Kendry, Zardock, Selithe and Podo's side)
BS#1=under swan boat/badly injured
BS#2=under swan boat/injured
BS#3=knocked out from Zardock's attacks
BA#1 AC17=shocked from being deafened
BA#2 AC17=shocked from being deafened

BS#3 stumbles a bit more before falling to the ground. Zardocks blocks were to hit in just the right places to take the brigande down without killing him and Zardock seems very pleased with this.

(Brigands on Airin, Tobias and Dwight's side)
BS: AC:15=injured by Tobias
BS: AC:15
BS: AC:15
BA: AC:16-badly injured

The brigand swordsman that Tobias attacks does not look overly happy at being hit by the halfling and launches a attack if his own. However the brigand's sword goes terribly wide and he goes off balance and slips on the grass.

The other to brigand swordsman move right past Tobias and continue to the forest, hunting for Airin or Tobias who they just saw a few moments ago. Neither however have any luck spotting either of you so just ready themselves for another attack. (Spot:13/12)

The archer however seems to have lost his desire to fight and has dropped his bow to the ground and follows it shortly after as he grasps the bolt and arrow with either hand and howls in pain, also muttering how much injustice there is in the Wold and cursing short little people.

Tobias  d20+7=21 d4+2=3 d20+7=24 d4+1=4 d20+7=19 d4+2=4
Saturday January 28th, 2006 4:57:19 PM

[OOC: Do either of the passing swordsmen come close enough for an attack of opportunity?]

Tobias uses his first attack to slash at the off-balance brigand, hitting him with a good blow. If he's still alive and struggling, Tobias will attack again, this time with the short sword in his left hand (again hitting true).

If the first blow finished him off, then Tobias will instead move towards the brigands that rushed past him.

Attack (primary): 21 for 3 hp
Attack (secondary): 24 for 4 hp [if needed]
AoO (if possible): 19 for 4 hp

Kendry  d20+5=24 d20+2=20
Sunday January 29th, 2006 2:31:19 AM

"Try not to kill the people, despite their murderous hearts!" Kendry calls out as he takes the whip from off his hip and sends it snaking toward the deaf archer nearer the bow of the boat, tripping him (Ranged touch attack AC 24, opposed strength check to trip, if needed: 20) to the ground. "You can't teach a lesson if the student is dead, or the heart is hardened. We can't control the latter, but might have some say over the former."

Podo Danderfluff  d20=13 d20=5 d4=3 d4=2
Monday January 30th, 2006 12:11:46 AM

Podo moves in to use his unarmed strike capabilities to maximize the systematic surrender of the enemies via non-leathal damage.

Uisng his darkwood staff and his flurry of blows move, Podo will try to render the deafened Brigands unconcious. (Attack: 13, 5 & Damage:4 & 2)

Once all looks calm, Podo will move to heal any bleeding enemy to stem the downward slide.

Airin [AC17 - HP21/21] and Fioni [AC17 - HP8/8]  d20+12=28 d20+18=32 d20+3=8
Monday January 30th, 2006 3:48:28 AM

(ooc. assuming the brigands are within 10ft from Airin as they started to hunt for her and Tobias)

Airin notices the archer falls to the ground and realises she will not be able to shoot the other Brigands and hide this time. She drops her crossbow and picks up her sword, sneaks closer to one Brigand, not currently attacked by Tobias.

{move silently: 28! that should work)
(hide: 32 - YES)

Very carefully Airin gets closer to the Brigand flanking the "poor" bloke.

Then suddenly Airin pops up and takes a swing at this guy!

Sword hits AC8 - ouch!

Airin's eyes grow wider as she feels and hears her blade only scratching the Brigand's armor. With no place to hide now, this is going to be a one on one battle... never has this been Airin's forte...

Now where's Fioni?!? She was flying up ahead and saw the Brigands fighting the poor elf. But there's only that much a Hawk can do against well armed men...
But as the bird watches Airin fumble her well prepared attack and notices her master is now vurnerable to attacks, the predator takes a dive at this Brigand! Fioni will attempt to distract the man but will not attack (not close withint AoO range) shrieking loudly.

Selithe  d20+7=13
Monday January 30th, 2006 11:25:04 PM

Selithe steps out and spins her sling and lets loose a stone at the archer that is still out there near them. She however won't do this if the archer is already down or dead. She lets the bstone go otherwise and watches it sail towards her enemy, also watching as it goes right over his head too.

Selithe lets a half laughing smile cross her face as she deffeintly isn't the fighter type yet or maybe it is just bad luck.

Brigands: Round#3 -- Dry Dock! [DM Jon-Paul (JPW)] 
Tuesday January 31st, 2006 1:30:11 AM

Deafened & Broke

The remaining Brigands appear in a state of panic. A large boat materializes out of the thin air crushing many of them. Of their leader, only legs and shoes can be seen. Those that are not deafened are broken.

Zardock states, "No harm will come to you if you stop and disarm. You will be given a choice -- A safe escort to Angel Springs Jail or to swear a sacred oath to give up briganding. The choice is yours!"

The remaining Brigands can see that of their once great number, only two still stand. Of the halflings and elf, all remain standing.

Zardock explains to the group about oaths and Oathbound. "Oaths: An oath usually consists of three parts: The Invocation, in which the swearer names some higher power or source of veneration; the Vow, in which the swearer declares the behavior required by the oath; and the Doom, in which the consequences of violating the oath are spelled out. So in this case, these Brigands here can swear an oath and be bound by it, or break it and suffer the rath of the DOOM!"

"Speaking of which, Brigands, you have two minutes to decide," says Zardock.

While the time ticks slowly away, the halflings move in to corner their prey. Podo and Zardock tend to the wounded, Podo using his healing kit and Zardock his healing ways.

Kendry  d20+3=19 d20+3=12 d20+3=19
Tuesday January 31st, 2006 3:26:57 AM

Kendry quickly applies what healing he can [Heal, untrained: 19, 12, 19] to three of the brigands.

"If you all are amenable to Zardock's recommendation, perhaps we can work together and get this boat off of some folks," Kendry says.

He approaches the elf then, picks up the fellow's fallen rapier, and hands it to him. "You going to be all right, sir? And did you kill that man's mother?"

Airin and Fioni  d20+3=18 d8+1=8
Tuesday January 31st, 2006 10:31:19 AM


"What's this!", Airin wonders as she looks eye to eye with the Brigand standing in front of her... This is by far the weirdest end to a battle she ever experienced so far!

"DROP YOUR WEAPON FOOL!" she sneers to the man in front of her, "DROP IT!!"

She menacingly waves her bastard sword and points them towards the rest of the thug. All brigands that were attacking her and Tobias, are ordered to drop their weapons and step towards the boat. Airin will not pick up anything now as she will keep eye contact with these guys. The first one that makes a move she dislikes, receives another hit from her sword.

Prepared strike:
Sword hits AC18 for 8Hp

Tobias  d20+9=22 d4+2=4
Tuesday January 31st, 2006 12:01:09 PM

Tobias moves into a flanking position with Airin around the two remaining brigands near the forest. He allows them the chance to heed Zardock's and Airin's advice to surrender their weapons and head for the boat.

Should they fail to do that, Tobias will attack in concert with Airin.

Prepared attack: 22 for 4 hp.

To Zardock, Tobias says, "So, an oath? Sounds interesting. Does it work well for you?"

Tuesday January 31st, 2006 5:38:02 PM

Seeing that this side of the boat is under control, Dwight moves to see the other side. Ideally he plans to stand near the stern of the boat to easily see each side. Making sure no one tries to make a dash and the leader stays trapped.

He does not lessen the tension on his bow, but keeps it poised and ready.

Wednesday February 1st, 2006 12:06:26 AM

Selithe moves out from where she was by the boat and looks to her brother and the others she can see and smiles, glad to see none of them took any bad injuries.

She then rushes to see Kendry and the elf, speaking to Kendry and then the elf with the same questions, "Is he badly hurt? I hope we were in time to safe him from any bad injuries after all." Selithe smiles as she can't help but remember a certain druid getting his head lopped off sometime ago now.

Thinks Selithe also gives a whistle to get Gra and maybe Kendry's riding dog's attention to come to them.

Oaths & Oafs! [DM JonPaul(JPW)]  10d20(1+15+10+17+13+16+9+17+8+13)=119 d20+2=10
Wednesday February 1st, 2006 12:11:06 AM

Recap: The Bend in the Road

Our heroes, upon hearing sneers around a bend in the road, move into action to seize the moment. A multiude of actions come into play, a tanglefoot bag, a thunderstone -- sonic blast --, a wooden battleram in the shape of a swan boat is launched into the melee -- causing havoc to everyone caught in its path!

Blazing Reflexes

All but 3 of the Brigands are laid waste by the combined efforts of our brave heros. The previous victim -- an elf -- manages to just escape the wooden battleram before impact.

Of the remaining 3 Brigands, 2 stand deafened by a thunderstone and unable to move or hear a word being shouted at them. They stand dazed and confused.

The remaining Brigand and apparent leader of the lot wearing shiny black armor and a tanglefoot bag remains goo'd to the ground.

Zardock & the Oath

Zardock, after the battle tide has turned requires of the remaining 3 Brigands to make a choice. Return to Angel Springs and a stay in the city jail or swear an Oath to give up the Brigand'ing way of life.

Zardock explains the idea behind Oaths and also explains the consequences of breaking an Oath.

An oath usually consists of three parts: The Invocation, in which the swearer names some higher power or source of veneration; the Vow, in which the swearer declares the behavior required by the oath; and the Doom, in which the consequences of violating the oath are spelled out. Consider the following examples:

* A new member of a militia swears a common oath: "By the loyalty of my fellow brothers-in-arms, for the course of one year I vow to obey the officers of this militia and comport myself according to the rules and regulations of my unit, lest I be declared coward and punished as I deserve."
* A couple exchange marriage vows, a serious oath. He: "Inspired by divine Flower, if you will love me, I will love you and be true to you for life, betokened with the gift of this ring; and if I ever betray our love, let me go mad with self-loathing and the compulsion to bash out my own brains." She: "Inspired by sweet Flower, if you will love me, I will love you and be true to you for life, as signified with this wedding ring; and if I ever betray you, let me die of a broken heart." He: " I will love you!" She: "And I will love you!"
* A merchant swears on the quality of his goods: "By Ffloy's scales, I swear that this horse will run fast and true for you, and if I lie, then my head will break out in warts and my customers will shun me!
* But consider a more dangerous oath, sworn by an heir in exile: "Let dread Gargul and corrupt Marteaus and pure Alemi bear witness to my vow: neither man nor monster nor spirit fell will keep me from my task -- I will reclaim the throne of my mother or fight elf, demon, or god that stands in my way!" This last oath is a very dangerous because of its tone and because it has no escape (and a sensible oathbound would not agree to witness it). The first oath had two ways out -- it expired after a year, and it punished "as I deserve." But the would-be king may find that his oath will hold him to his vow even if he dies, or worse. NOTE: without the supervision of an oathbound, sworn oaths may be supernaturally binding or not, depending on the power and intensity of the oath-maker.

And just for those few that believes breaking an oath is no big deal, let me remind you, that there are people charged with returning an oathbreaker to justice and their Creed is --

There is nothing lower than a liar!

Elf Rescue

"My my... what an interesting turn of events! Thank you fellows for helping me here with this mess. Ever since the birth of the Fey King, elfs everywhere can't catch a break. We are forced from our comfortable homes and lives. Even walking around we are picked on! Enough of my ramblings... May I ask where you are headed?" says the once beated and battered victim of the Brigands to the halfling heroes.

Wednesday February 1st, 2006 11:27:19 AM

Tobias surveys that battle field and nods approvingly at the result: brigands killed or captured, elf rescued, and party members unharmed. Any battle you can walk away from is a good one, but this one appears to have gone exceptionally well.

Tobias wipes his blades clean on the shirt of a nearby fallen brigand. Then, he returns to picked up his bow from where he'd dropped it.

Intrigued by this whole oath thing, he moves next to Zardock and watches intently.

As he passes Kendry, Tobias says, "Nice boat. Does that thing go away as easily as it came out?"

Airin and Fioni  d20+6=19 d20+7=21
Wednesday February 1st, 2006 11:34:42 AM

Airin lets the others handle the Brigand mob and returns to where she left her crossbow earlier. Once she recollected that, she takes another look at where the Brigands dropped their weapons and picks them up to collect all loot.

Then Airin inspects the archer that fell with bolt and arrow in his chest. What did he carry on him? Armor? Bow? Anything that looks decent? She takes all the time she needs to inspect other items the Brigands carry as well... after all, she IS a rogue :-)

appraise: 21

Dwight  d20+1=12 d20+2=15
Wednesday February 1st, 2006 5:59:18 PM

Assured that combat has ended, Dwight finally releases the tension on his bow. Then follows Airin in searching the Brigands.

Anything of interest will be examined. Anything miliary/brigand like will be taken, most likely to be sold later.

spot: 12
search: 15

Chores on the road less traveled [DM JPW] 
Wednesday February 1st, 2006 9:09:53 PM


Zardock says, "Well, Kendry, now that you unleashed the boat, I think you should clean up your mess."

Looking to the remaining Brigands, "Your time is up, what have you decided?" The two Brigands reply in unison, "We'll go to jail. Looks good to do time for da' life! Besides, we don't want to one hunting for us! And I ain't giving up my stuff to yous either!" rasp the two thugs.

New Elenna

"Well, Zardock, its nice to have met such nice folk on the road. Especially ones that don't exhibit the anti-elf sentiment I've come across of late."

"You halflings are a nice lot too! Here, please accept these two examples of fine elven craftsmanship. I have to *give* these things away," he tells the party as he explains the rising tide of anti-elf sentiment. "No one wants to buy elf-goods any more and you've helped me in my time of need along the road less traveled. I must continue on to New Elenna. Good luck on your journey North." says the elf Merchant as he heads off in the direction of New Elenna.


After cleaning up the along the road, burying the bodies of the Brigands and piling up their gear, you have a shiny piece of armor, several swords and two broken bows including the weapons of the remaining *arrested* bandits. The armor is badly damaged from goo and boat.

Thursday February 2nd, 2006 12:13:47 AM

Kendry takes the whip from around the ankles of the deaf archer now resting comfortably on the forest pathway. "No, don't get up on my account." He signals the same thing with hand motions.

Kendry wraps silken rope around the halfling 'lady' in the black armor, securing it with a good knot here and there. "That tanglefoot bag is about to give out. Don't want you to feel too uncomfortable with the sudden release in pressure," he explains amicably. "I'm Kendry, and these are my friends. And you would be?"

============== The above written *before* DM's post ==============

Tobias  d20=10
Thursday February 2nd, 2006 1:40:21 AM

Tobias doesn't appreciate the brigand's response to Zardock. He bares his teeth, grunts at them, and tries to indimidate (10) them, "Shut up. You're lucky he's given you a choice. I'd've preferred to run you through..."

As the clean-up starts, Tobias finds a chance to talk to Kendry, "That was nice thinking with the tanglefoot, and that boat was really something."

Tobias will help picking and cleaning up, hoping to get back on the road again quickly.

"And, who's taking these two brigands back to Angel Spring?"

Thursday February 2nd, 2006 4:05:06 AM

[OOC: So - was the lady hobbit in the black armor killed? How many alive, how many not?]

"Yes, sir," Kendry answers Zardock. He works hard with the others to move the boat from off those pinned underneath. He didn't really want to kill anyone. Yet, he did so. The halfling, realizing this, becomes quite somber.

'To save one, we've lost - how many?' he quietly asks no one in particular. He does not like killing people. Even those who appear to be behaving wickedly.

Before the elf leaves, Kendry insists on learning his name.

"What - what two things are these you give us, good elf?" Kendry asks about these unexpected gifts.

Then Tobias approaches him. "Thank you. I... I like the tanglefoot bags. They control, without killing. I'm... the swan boat did save harm to us, and to the elf. It lasts, I'm told, for a day and a night. So, it likely will disappear by this time tomorrow. I'd thought to use it if we come to a body of water we need to cross, but, well, this one won't be sailing far."

The question of escorts arises. "Good question. How do we take these two - are only two left, of the ten?" he asks, incredulous.

[OOC: I'm a bit flummoxed. Of the ten, did eight really die?]

Airin and Fioni  d20+7=26
Thursday February 2nd, 2006 11:12:42 AM

Airin is most interested to have a look at what the Elf Merchant gave Kendry. She comes closer and takes a good look at the items. She's not in the least bit interested in the Brigands.

appraise: 26 - wohow!

Thursday February 2nd, 2006 11:15:48 AM

[OOC: In the previous DM post, there sounds like there's only 2 brigands left, but the female in armor should still be alive too.]

Responding to Kendry, "Well the boat won't sail far, but it sure will give folks on this road something to talk about for the next day or so..." And, Tobias help Kendry try to push the swan boat out of the way.

"And, Kendry, they were given every opportunity to stop that battle before it came to killing. Don't be too hard on yourself."

Thursday February 2nd, 2006 7:40:58 PM

Selithe looks to the others and waits to see what happens as she sighs softly, sorry for the loss of life like always but then again there is nothing she can do about it considering it was them or the group in her mind.

Thursday February 2nd, 2006 8:24:22 PM

As the commotion subsides, Dwight inquires. "So did we find out if the elf really killed someone as one of the brigands suggested? Perhaps in self-defense? It could play a roll in the brigands trial, their word versus an absent elf."

Not particular sad or happy about the deaths of brigands, Dwight considers burial rights. "Do you think your comrades would prefer to be buried, burned or just let be as a final memorial," Dwight inquires to one of the remaining brigands. Then looks to the others to see if they wish to commit the time for a memorial.

Swan Boat [DM JPW] 
Friday February 3rd, 2006 12:59:29 AM

Swan Boat

"Er, Kendry?" says Podo to his cousin. "I don't think that you are the rest of us are gonna push that boat very far. First there's no water for easy movement and secondly... the boat's huge!!"

"I'm not sure where you got that boat,...but surely anything that got hit by it is dead." Podo says to Kendry and Zardock.


"These fine cloaks are good elvish cloaks of our kind, young lady," says the elven merchant as he walks away towards his destination of New Elenna. "I hope you can find a *use* for them!" shouts back the merchant.

Two Thugs

"We ain't saying anything else without a lawyer!" sez the bigger of the two thugs.

Zardock, suggesting that an oath would be better to have than a trip to the city jail, says, "As soon as we finish here, we can either take them with us to the Dragon Sentinels or take a side trip back to the city before heading to the Sentinels."


You collect a group of simple weapons. Eight swords and a bow plus broken armor. If you choose to wait until the boat leaves, perhaps you can find more stuff.

Dwight  d20+1=15
Friday February 3rd, 2006 10:26:34 PM

"Hmmm, buncha thugs without much to show for. You sure you don't wanna reconsider this oath thing. Your current choice hasn't got you much," pointing at the swords and motioning about the lack of cash before continuing, "save a few dead friends and more cuts and bruises. Can't say I'll be thrilled about an extra hike just to turn you in."
(intimidate 15)

Turning to the group. "We can't both wait for the boat to change back and take these thugs to far out of our way without jeopardizing why we are here in the first place. We are somewhat on a timed trip." Dwights tone shows he is frustrated that taking prisoners could make the groups mission fail.

"Is the boat an item that transforms or just a mystical ability, an enchantment or something," Dwight inquires.

Friday February 3rd, 2006 11:37:43 PM

"Thank, you Tobias," Kendry says to his understanding words.

"We just roll the boat up one side to recover the bodies, Podo. We roll it up the other side to recover the other bodies. We're not pushing it down the trail to the towers," Kendry replies to his friend and cousin. "Besides, I've got plenty of rope, and we can use our ponies to help, not to mention using leverage. Get a few long, stout branches, maybe a few logs for rolling."

"No! Wait!" Kendry says, running to catch up to the elfish merchant. "Two things. No, three things. First, I would ask your name.

"Second," he says in elvish, "one of the men accused you of killing his mother. You did not answer my earlier question about that accusation. Was what he said true, and, if not, did you know any of these people before they accosted you? If these men are to be put on trial, then we must know the answer to these questions."

If the merchant does answer the questions (in a way confirming his own innocence), then Kendry concludes, "Third, thank you for your kind generosity in this gift. May you travel with favor and speed on your way."

If he declines to answer the second question, then Kendry takes him aside and, quietly, out of earshot of the brigands, says, again in elvish, "Then, sir, we must return your gifts, and let these remaining men go free, to do as they wish. For if the accusation were true, then perhaps our rescue was ill-advised." Kendry hopes that he does not have to say any of this.

He tells the brigands, "You can take an oath to turn yourself in to the authorities in Angel Springs, and to give them a letter I'll send with you, or, we'll go ahead and tie you up, and strap you stomach down on our ponies amidst the lumpy baggage, and you can enjoy a rough and bumpy ride for the next few days, followed by some jail time and a trial in Angel Springs. Your call."

And he answers Dwight's question. "It is feather token magic. A wizard somehow embues a feather with the ability to change into another physical object. There are feathers for anchors, a messenger bird, a big flapping fan, an oak, and a whip. Oh, and, a swan boat. Some last a short time. The oak will remain."

Regarding disposition of the fallen -- Kendry is still disturbed that so many perished, despite their apparent lawlessness -- the halfling says, "We ought to bury them, at the least. I do not want to leave their remains to be torn at by beasts."

Then, using horses, branches, ropes, and collective effort, Kendry asks all to help to recover the bodies from under the boat, then to dig a common grave, and bury them, with a marker.

Saturday February 4th, 2006 12:36:10 PM

"Elven Cloaks!" says Airin as she hears the merchant talk about them. She checks the new cloaks with the one she is wearing... if they are similar, these offer a great boost to hiding skills...

There's not much else to do so Airin tries to find Fioni.

Saturday February 4th, 2006 2:41:33 PM

"I would prefer that we not return to Angel Springs. If the brigands don't accept an oath, then they'll have to come with us."

Tobias will try to listen in on the conversation between Kendry and the elf, hoping that their rescue wasn't wasted.

Tobias's interest is peeked when he hears Airin describe what the cloaks may possibly do. He says to her, "Is that really what the cloak may do? I would be very interested in getting one of those (if at all possible)."

Monday February 6th, 2006 12:56:43 AM

"Oh, one more thing," Kendry adds as a condition on the brigands. "The letter I send with you, should you decide on an oath of sufficient power to get you, unescorted by anything but your word of honor and the power of the oath, that letter shall be delivered unaltered, undamaged, as it is written when I hand it to you. Understand? My uncle is a lawyer, if such you seek."

Guilty by Fate [DM JPW] 
Monday February 6th, 2006 2:03:27 AM

It isn't easy being...

On the road less traveled, as the elf merchant tries to speed away his conscience gets the better of him and he slows to a stop. Turning around to face the Halfling Bard, the elf merchant waits for the bard to catch up.

"Sir, you must understand, I am only guilty by association. When some of the noble clan thought waking the Sleeping Fey King to be a good thing -- yet the results were disastrous. By actions of the few -- all have been condemned. I know nothing of these thugs prior to this event. They taunted and teased me. For a while, I felt ill and had fears of being killed. All I wanted was to leave the Springs and make it to a *Safer* place. One with better tolerance towards me. So to answer your questions, no I had nothing to do with harm to another's mother. As for your other questions, if I must, I am called 'Tyreg'. And yours, kind sir? By the way, what was your 3rd question?


When Airin beings to investigate the elf merchant's *gifts*, both Tobias and Podo speak up stating that if the rest of the group doesn't mind, they would both like to have one of the cloaks. Podo especially since he is trying to be more passionate of life.


Kendry, Zardock, Podo, and the rest all help to make a common burial place for the fallen thugs. Kendry and Zardock say some thoughtful words and a marker is made to pay homage to the fallen.

The Prisoners

Zardock thinks that the ideas put forth about tying the prisoners and dragging them with to retrieve the fixer is a good one.

"Saddle them up is a good choice. Tenderizing them prior to trial, good ideas lads." Zardock says to the group.

The Towers

"Well, unforunately, this turn of events on the road less traveled has cost us some time. Perhaps it won't be until tomorrow evening before we come close enough to the towers." says Zardock to Kendry and Podo.

Podo suggests we break camp here. "We can reassure ourselves that all was taken care of if we break for camp here. The boat could lend to our needs for shelter? What 'da ya' say, Kendry -- Break camp now?" Podo says to Kendry within earshot of Zardock.

Airin  d20+6=18
Monday February 6th, 2006 9:02:21 AM

"By Nature! That Elven Merchant might be able to cut us a few deals here guys! He can't get rid of his goods anymore!! Maybe we can bargain a few thingies from him..."

Airin tries to see if the Elf is still around.

Spot: 18

Monday February 6th, 2006 10:24:43 AM

As Tyreg explains himself, Kendry quickly takes out parchment and pen and writes down the elf's words. "Thank you, Tyreg. You have eased my mind," Kendry answers the merchant elf. "It may be difficult to prosecute these thugs in the absence of your witness. If you would be so kind as to simply sign your name on this parchment, attesting to the truth of your statement, then that may help us to put these fellows away for a bit." He offers Tyreg pen and parchment, on which the words that he spoke are recorded, for his signature.

"The third thing is not a question. Rather, an expression of gratitude. These are fine and worthy gifts you give, and we shall not forget you, sir. May the powers of weal guard your way, and I pray you good profit in other places. Oh, and my name? Kendry Leafwin Pipewood, at your service."

As Airin catches up to them and asks her question, Kendry attends to his answer.

Back by the boat, the clean up and burial having taken a few hours, the young bard responds to Podo's suggestion, "Well, though perhaps a few hours of travel we might gain today, I'm open to setting up camp here, and breaking camp in the morning - as long as we leave early, Pode. Is that all right with the rest of you? What do you think, Selithe?"

As far as who gets the fine elven cloaks, Kendry has no problem with Tobias and Podo having them, as long as no one else objects.

"One thing to keep in mind, Tobias - all of us, save you, hold membership in the Woldian League of Adventurers. As we've told you, they offer excellent training, lodging, information and support - as well as asking for our assistance in times of need. Cost to join is two thousand gold pieces. We'd love to have you sign up, when you can. Feel free to ask any questions about it."

Unless someone makes a compelling argument for hastening on at this point, Kendry works with vigor to set camp, and work with his friends on a fine meal.

It should go without saying that the prisoners were well bound with silken ropes. He makes sure they have food to eat, as well. "Look, fellows, we are like to be together for a few days. If you choose to tell us your story, it may or may not serve your best interests. Depends on what your story is. If you choose to speak up, though, I'll listen."

Tobias  d20+14=15 d20+8=28 d20+8=20
Monday February 6th, 2006 12:20:29 PM

"Yes, camping here would be fine. I've never slept on a boat before..."

To Kendry's comments, Tobias says, "Selithe and I have talked a little bit about the League, and it's definitely something that I'm interested in joining. I just need to pull together the gold for it. As for the cloak, we just started traveling together a few days ago, so I would gladly give it to someone else if they would like it."

After the burials and as camp breaks near the boat, Tobias will try to do little more hunting in the vicinity of the camp. And, also checking the area for any interesting tracks.

He returns to the camp with some more game for dinner.

Hide: 15
Survival (tracks): 28
Survival (hunt): 20

Monday February 6th, 2006 10:13:41 PM

Selithe looks to her brother and nods as she thinks and smiles, "I prefer to make camp here and relax some before moving on. I mean no one was injured in the battle but we have been riding a distance and should rest some at least before moving more. Is up to the others of course though."

Tuesday February 7th, 2006 3:22:04 AM

"The cloak would fetch twenty two fifty in the Catacombs," Kendry tells Tobias. "Or, if you were buying it, it'd be twenty five hundred gold."

When his sister mentions that 'no one was injured,' Kendry involuntarily winces as he recalls the whole passel of people crushed by the swan boat. Of course, he realizes she means that none of their own party were injured - for which he is thankful. It could have gone much differently. Why am I feeling this way? he asks himself. They would have killed the elf, and were quite willing to kill us.

Kendry spends some time carving a poem he just composed in to a piece of wood.

In the evening, he'll break out his lute, and play some tunes. "Airin - you ever think of taking up an instrument?" he asks her. "Woodwind, drums, strings, or other? How about you others? Dwight? Tobias? Podo? Selithe has a great voice. I was just thinking - we likely will spend a good amount of time with one another. Wouldn't it be great if we all could pick up a bit of music, and form a band?"

He turns to Zardock. "Do you play a musical instrument, or sing, yourself?"

At some point later in the evening, he speaks with Zardock - and Podo, who seems to hang on the dwarf's every word, as well. "About today. I gave a warning, certainly. And these men and women were ready to kill us. But I just can't shake this feeling I have - that I have done something terrible. As if I did not give them enough chance to ... well, they were preparing to slice us up, if they could. I don't know." The bard clearly has a heavy heart.

Airin and Fioni 
Tuesday February 7th, 2006 6:07:40 AM

Airin chuckles at Kendry's question to learn how to play some instrument. "Kendry my love... by now you must have heard me singing awfully and I'm worried I would do no better performing an instrument. But..." Airin hesitates and then says after all: "... I would be willing to learn how to dance with you Kendry..."

Inge OOC: Dancing would be an important skill for Airin. It is my goal to make her a shadowdancer in the future. For that, one needs a certain amount of ranks in dancing. But I feel there has to be a reason for Airin to learn how to dance :-)

Tuesday February 7th, 2006 11:51:37 AM

Tobias laughs at Kendry's question and responds, "I don't know how to play an instrument. But, beating on something with two sticks seems right up my alley. Do you plan to turn us into a travelling band of minstrels?" And, he laughs some more.

Tobias is also interested in learning more sign language, if Kendry is in the mood for that tonight.

And, he's willing to be on first watch again.

Another Day [DM JPW] 
Tuesday February 7th, 2006 12:24:05 PM

(OCC: Sorry for the late post, late night class, got back too late)

1st Watch

First watch is uneventful for Tobias. Zardock along with Kendry and Podo sit off to one side pondering the days events.

"Kendry, it would seem that my words and deeds have affected you some. YOu did what you have always done. You walked into battle ready to win. Yet, now you wish things were different, no?" says Zardock to the bard.

"Podo, You seem to be in deep thought when it comes to battle. You hesitate, when taking actions as if you are not sure you are making the right actions." Zardock explains to Podo.

Uneventful Night

The first watch goes by as does watches, two and three. Podo takes the second watch as he ponders why he fights at all.

The third watch gives rise to a false alarm as some woodland creatures stumble past.

HiHo HiHo...

The next day brings warm sunlight to a slightly groggy group. Rubbing his eyes, Podo wonders if anyone started Coffee yet?

Tuesday February 7th, 2006 8:23:54 PM

"Ahh, another night passes. Shall we get on our way..."

Kendry  d20+3=18
Wednesday February 8th, 2006 2:16:07 AM

"Dancing, eh, kiddo? Yep, that goes with music. Song and dance. Fine, then. Let's learn to dance together." He taps out a rhythm on his leg. "Tobias - you have that beat? Find some sticks, ranger, find some sticks!" He then hums a lively tune to accompany the beat, takes up Airin's right hand with his left, and places his right hand on her left hip, then begins to dance a lively step, leading her. [Perform: dance, untrained, 18 - 'Enjoyable performance' - Aid another, +2 to Airin's dance skill check.]

And he is happy to teach Tobias, and any others, more of Duncan's sign language. He focuses on signs having to do with common chores around the campsite, movement, and meals.

In talking things over with Zardock and Podo, Kendry answers, "Well, yes, I went in intending to win. But not to obliterate the others to so large an extent. I would like to learn ways to control those who intend to harm us, or others, without serving as ... as a summary executioner." He is silent for a moment. "Yes, I do with things were different, Zardock."

Kendry boils water, and mixes gruel, raisins, cinnamon and honey, with a bowl for each person, including the pair of prisoners. Some of the water is available for tea. He didn't bring coffee. Doesn't drink it much, himself.

He helps feed the animals, saddle the ponies, working with some of the others to wrestle the two men up on a pony each, tieing them down in a way that shouldn't injure them, but likely won't be too comfy, either.

Just as they finish breaking camp, Kendry pounds into the ground a stake attached to the board he carved last night, then heads out with the others on the trail to the Giant Towers.

The short poem Kendry wrote for the gravesite - carved in wood 
Wednesday February 8th, 2006 2:21:51 AM

Ten came upon a merchant blameless
They battered him and spit on him
For that he was an elf
Full wicked they with hearts of malice
Surrounding him their faces grim
They threatened him with death

Then came some others, wanderers they
And saw this gloomy scene unfold:
The ten against the one
They were six, come down the way
Warned away, their doom foretold
By one feather eight undone

Now, will the two repent?

Airin and Fioni  d20+3=16
Wednesday February 8th, 2006 4:09:03 AM

Airin enjoyes the dancing with Kendry a lot and manages to follow Kendry's lead as good as it gets.

It's been a wonderful evening with a lot of merry making and eventually Airin goes to sleep with a smile on her face having pleasant dreams. Only the single false alarm stirs her during the night, but she awakes the next morning completely refreshed.

"Where do we go from here", she asks to the group?

Perform Dance: 16

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Wednesday February 8th, 2006 8:59:02 AM

While sitting around the campfire fire that night, Podo can be seen to be looking over his gear and belongs and organizing them into piles. Some piles he he stores in hsi packs, some he leaves off to one side. When finished, he picks up the items he seperated from the rest and walks over to the center of the group.

"Friends, after some long and hard reflective sessions, I have come to the conclusion that if I ever wish to be a passive person, I should limit my offensive weapons to my Darkwood quarter staff and a sling. Therefore, I am no longer in need of the Tubular Longspear I purchased in the WLA guild nor do I need any of these sheathed dagger I picked up in the Catacombs. Anyone wanting them, they are free for the taking." Podo leaves the pile of one spear and 5 sheathed daggers near to the fire, but not close enough to cause them any damage.

Afterwards, Podo can be seen walking over to Zardock for another reflective session.

Tobias  d20=9
Wednesday February 8th, 2006 11:13:53 AM

The merrymaking seems like good fun, so Tobias finds some sturdy sticks and starts beating on some pots. His beat starts a little bit off, but he's able to recover and not completely ruin Kendry's tune.

Hearing Podo's generous offer of weaponry, Tobias will take one of the daggers and add it to the ones he has strapped around his belt. "Thanks Podo. I could always use one more to throw. But, are you sure? There are many places in Culverwood and the Wold that are too dangerous for a poorly armed halfling."

Wednesday February 8th, 2006 5:24:08 PM

"Podo - you need to keep at least one of your daggers," Kendry tells his cousin. "If for some reason you became separated from us in the woods, having at least one sharp instrument is good for cutting rope, or branches, or what not. If you choose not to use it as a weapon, a knife if still a tool that has many peaceful, and necessary uses. And," he adds with a smile, "I don't want you to have to call one of us over to cut your food for you at meal time!"

But, that said, Kendry will take one of the sheathed daggers. "Thank you for the gift, friend. If you ever need it back, just ask."

Reflectives [DM JPW] 
Wednesday February 8th, 2006 7:02:33 PM


After an uneventful night, the group awakes to a quick but light first breakfast. The group quickly packs and breaks camp knowing that the boat will soon evaporate.

Trying to maximize the days' journey to the Giant Towers, the group hog ties the two thugs and throws them both over a pack animal, securing the precious cargo for the long haul.


Podo attempts to give away all his metal weapons/tool as a sign to moving to non-leathal way, but Kendry suggests he keeps at least one for rope and such.

Elven Gifts

The party eventually comes to realize the elf merchant Tygre, gave them 2 fully functional Cloaks of Elvenkind for their efforts at saving him from certain death.

Thursday February 9th, 2006 1:25:35 AM

Selithe looks to the others and stretches when morning comes. Selithe is also happy that Kendry doesn't ask her to try singing since she has been practicing her other skills more and her singing has faltered some of the past few months.

Come morning she is happy see Gra okay and works with her riding dog, mainly playing abit before coming back and listening to what the group is deciding on movements, "Yep, curious too now, where we heading from here."

The Towers [DM JPW] 
Thursday February 9th, 2006 2:34:34 AM

The Towers

As the party journey's towards their destination, Zardock recalls for all the story of the towers. "Let's see if I can recall this from my childhood...

The need to protect the Crescent Valley is great. Its location is right smack in the center of several overwhelming threats. First, to the North is The Scab, the homeland of the giants. Every spring, the Hill Giants raid the valley. Every summer, the Fire Giants come for a visit. And every winter, it is the Frost Giants' turn.

About 100 years ago, a young mage named Shafbaffum changed all that. He took what he called the "essence of giants" and made a series of towers. He then interlinked the towers with magical forces and then finally added the "essence of giants" to the mix. When the giants came, they were repelled. It was not easy. There was still a need for a standing militia, but things were much improved. The militia was infused with a core of engineers, mages, witches and clerics whose job it was to repair the towers, ley lines, forces of interlocking magic, etc.

The mystery of the towers is that to this day, Shafbaffum, now mostly a recluse denies doing the work. Moreover, the young mage who did create the towers, provided instructions for upkeep, left and was never seen again.

Yup, that's what we memorized in school, but we're off to find a fixer working on one of the towers to help us."

The Journey

All is as it should be on your journey to the Giant Towers. The scenery is great, birds chirping, and the air smells fresh.

Captive Audience

As the group journeys to the Giant Towers, their two guests are hog tied and secured to a pack animal like the rest of the gear. Of course every now and then there's a complaint from the load specially went the packages drag along the ground.

Airin and Fioni  d20+6=21 d20+16=35 d20+9=23
Thursday February 9th, 2006 8:25:24 AM

Inge ooc: euhm yeah... well... looks like I lost track of this game a little. I'm sorry to say this but somehow I feel a loss of consistency here. No offense to you JPW, DM shifts cause Mayhem.

Airin enjoyes the ride to the Giant Towers. However, she tries to keep an eye out for trouble.
She has asked Fioni to scout ahead and circle high above the adventurers heads hoping she will warn them if her hawk's eyes detect something.

spot: 21
Erwen spot: 35
listen: 23

Thursday February 9th, 2006 10:09:04 AM

Dwight too takes in the scenery as the trek is made (with the thugs causing no problem? or did they take the oath?).

OOC: Sorry for my lack of posts. In the process of moving AGAIN! and the phone/cable isn't hooked up as it should have been. Might be another week before I get back to daily posts as my work keeps a close eye on things. Sorry, but I don't have any email addresses at work so I had to post here.

Tobias  d20+5=10 d20+4=17 d20+8=16
Thursday February 9th, 2006 11:08:25 AM

Ahhh, Tobias is happy to be back on the road, moving towards the towers. He'll move up a bit for scouting and keep a sharp eye.

Listen: 10
Spot: 17
Survival (tracks): 16

Thursday February 9th, 2006 11:51:38 PM

Selithe smiles seeing the towers and remembers her teaching in the magic arts talk about them. She had done just alittle training near here but her teacher always kept his students farther away, saying they were to dangerous for kids who didn't know the basics of magic really.

Selithe looks to the others and wonders how much the others may know of these towers and also listens to what is said while pondering everything.

Friday February 10th, 2006 1:50:54 AM

About two minutes or so after their charges complain about being bumped along the ground, Kendry takes a few moments to readjust the load, and checks to ensure they are snugly tied yet. He squeezes some water into their mouths from a water bag. "Beautiful scenery along these parts."

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Friday February 10th, 2006 1:58:17 AM

Podo smiles as he sees Mother Nature's response to the thugs...they touch the earth...and the earth touches them. Podo giggles.

"Say, Kendry...what do these towers actually look like anyways?" asks Podo of Kendry

Friday February 10th, 2006 8:47:00 AM

Not too concerned about the prisoners, unless they try to escape, Dwight takes in the sight of the towers.

"I would love to see a giant, of course I would love to see a kind giant. Surely there must be some, just as there are some bad halflings."

Airin and Fioni 
Friday February 10th, 2006 9:24:21 AM

"Say Kendry, while we're trotting to them Giant Towers, why don't you teach us a few signals."

eager to take on this sign language Airin pays attention to kendry's signals an hardly keeps an eye out on the road. That's what scouts are supposed to do ... no?

Friday February 10th, 2006 11:19:08 AM

"What do the towers look like?" Kendry echoes Podo's query. "Well, they are tall, and built of stone, and... you know, you'll see them soon enough, and they are hard to miss!"

"Dwight - you already have met a kind giant. Lomar is a giant - the ogre and ogre mage sort. So, you're right. There are some good giants."

Along the way, Kendry spends a bit of time in the company of Zardock and Podo, trying to learn what he can from this unusual dwarf, as well as to understand the interest of his cousin in Zardock's teachings.

"All right, more of Duncan's sign language!" he agrees. As he teaches those interested, they learn that many parts of the body are used to communicate. A reverse rotation of the left shoulder to say 'going back' or 'go back' or 'return' or 'back there,' depending on the context and the position of the right hand, or the swivel of the neck. Some signs are more subtle, such as pursing the lips slightly and moving them a little to the left or right. Some involve slapping a forearm, or jamming the webbing of the hands together at the intersection of thumb and forefinger. A lengthy signed conversation can work up a sweat.

Friday February 10th, 2006 12:12:34 PM

"More signs, that sounds good. Can't wait until we get to put them to use..."

"So, Dwight, do you really think we might see some giants? I've always wanted to see a real giant."

Giant Towers [DM JPW] 
Friday February 10th, 2006 1:28:49 PM

Giant Towers

As the group gets closer to the fabled towers, you can begin to make out a large wooden tower or what you think a tower should be rise above the forest tops.

Podo shrieks, "Good Domi! Look at that thing! It's huge!"

In addition, you can also begin to hear the sounds of workmen, but you can not see them.

the Approach...

Those making a successful (Spot vs DC 15) Highlight to display spoiler: { You can just make out humanoids moving, but they must be some 100 yards away.}

Zardock suggests you all wait here while he engages the workmen to find the fixer he is looking for. "Just in case you stumble upon him first, he's a Dwarf Fixer of Alemi named Alekzander Toomane."

With that bit of knowledge relayed to the group, he walks off into the direction of the tower and the workmen.

Tobias  d20+4=21
Friday February 10th, 2006 2:22:46 PM

"Whoa, nice tower. There are a lot of folks moving around just up ahead. Is there some problem at the tower, Zardock?"

Spot: 21

Fixers & Towers [DM JonPaul(JPW)] 
Saturday February 11th, 2006 11:14:57 AM

Alekzander Toomane

As you approach the tower, the sounds of the workmen become louder.

Zardock returns to the group and explains "that the workmen said that Alekzander Toomane was here but that he will return by dusk. He left to get something but they don't know exactly what that is he left to get. I guess we should do our best to help these workers while we wait for Alekzander to return."

Answering Tobias's question, Zardock explains that "like the Bell Tower in town, the effects of the return the Fae King has been tremendous and unwanted. The unbelievable growth of the plant life has caused damage to any structure unfortunate enough to have been built on soil."

"Also, Tobias, you don't ever want see a giant. They are not a happy sort of people. Especially, since we put up these towers. They'd love to see them come down, so they can return to their practice of beating up on the small kin."

"You see Tobias, Giants relish melee combat. They favor massive two-handed weapons and wield them with impressive skill. They have enough cunning to soften up a foe with ranged attacks first, if they can. A giant's favorite ranged weapon is a big rock. And when I say big rock, that's big in their eyes, which means a mountain in our eyes!"

Saturday February 11th, 2006 1:51:20 PM

"Well, that sounds just terrible. I was hoping there would be some reasonible members of their kind. So, are the towers all still intact after the plant growth? Or, have there been breaches in the defenses?"

Tobias gladly lends a helping hand wherever he can in the tower repairs - carrying, mixing, assisting - while we wait for Alekzander's return.

Sunday February 12th, 2006 3:49:39 AM

Kendry takes the time to 'unpack' the prisoners. He checks with the foreman to learn where they might be kept in relative security for the time being, briefly explaining their earlier plans to kill an innocent elf, as well as their thwarted plans to kill the party.

Once satisfied they are secure, then finding a good spot to place their baggage, he unpacks the ponies, tethers them in a spot they might safely graze and drink, then pitches in to help with the work, asking questions of those with whom he works that he might understand their approach to repairing the towers. He tries to learn as much as possible about the tower's construction, fortifications, etc.

Sunday February 12th, 2006 1:05:02 PM

I'm back! Well, not yet but we'll be sorting everything out presently. :) I'm at a new comp now, so could everyone send me their email addy to pelton123@hotmail.com please? Thanks! JPW- do you have a copy of Patterton's character sheet you could send me?


Kim to Ryan (I'll delete this later) 
Sunday February 12th, 2006 5:52:17 PM

Ryan - Hurrah! Glad you're back. I think I've got a copy of your CS on my other computer - which I won't have access to until Monday night. I'll email you a copy then. -Kim
Ryan -- Already sent it to you.

Me, too, Sunday night. -Kim

Airin and Fioni  d20+6=7
Monday February 13th, 2006 8:49:24 AM

Airin leads Blossom along the trail towards the Giant Towers and marvels at their grandeur. The tales Zardoch tells Tobias aren't exactly reassuring, but if we can repair the towers the Valley will probably be safe ... Airin hopes ...

While they are waiting for this Alekzander to return here, Airin scouts the perimeter making a wide circle around the Giant Tower.

Are there any odd creatures lurking in the forest surrounding the tower. What lies further to the North of the Tower. Surely the Red Hills, but is Airin able to detect anything back there? Airin tries to find out as much as possible, but she can't keep her eyes off the Tower. It's gigantic!

She whistles to Fioni and casts her Speak With Animals spell.

"Fioni, circle this tower high up in the sky. Fly a little to the North as well. See what you can find out of these surroundings. Stay high so you remain undetected yourself. Go and report back as soon as possible."

spot: 7 - NAT 1!!

Podo Danderfluff 
Monday February 13th, 2006 9:06:10 AM

Pitching in where he can, Podo tries to learn about the place or rather the spots the towers are built on. Why and when, especially how... he tries to learn all about the land to add to his knowledge of geography.

The Fixer [DM JPW] 
Monday February 13th, 2006 9:07:48 AM

Fixer Toomane

Before long a dwarf of some stature comes waddling into the tower area. You're not sure if he's a priest or a craftman.

Tuesday February 14th, 2006 12:50:04 AM

Selithe looks over the tower when they get to it and smiles as it brings back days of her wizard training. As she looks the tower over carefully she pulls out her diary and makes small notes and such of the place in it and once more stops Kendry for a moment, "Sorry to do this to you again brother but when we have a few moments could you make a picture of this for my diary and no reading the spicy parts." Selithe grins at her brother, enjoying picking on him and just for the heck of it makes another comment, "A no scanning through it for tid bits on you and Airin either." Selithe winks to Airin at this point also, picking on her but letting her know it was a joke also.

The Fixer part2 [DM JPW] 
Tuesday February 14th, 2006 9:00:15 AM

Fixer Toomane

The dwarf that just ambled back into the midst of the workmen and craftsmen has a look about him you just can't place your fingers on.

He gives a once over to the tower and cupping his hands together draws forth a redish glowing substance which he then applies to the tower. You're not sure but you all get the sensation that the tower is somewhat better than before the application of this substance.

The tower is a bit brighter, sturdier, and newer looking.

As the dwarf looks at his handy work, he turns to the halfling group and says, "So, I hear you are looking for Alekzander Toomane, Fixer extraordinaire! That would be me. How may I help you?" The dwarf looks as if he if busy but patient at the same time. Like a caring ol' priest from your home village.

Airin and Fioni 
Tuesday February 14th, 2006 9:02:57 AM

Airin notices Toomane and looks at her friends expecting someone else to take the word.

Looking up into the sky Airin tries to see if fioni is back from her tour around the tower yet.

When Selithe starts picking on her and Kendry Airin jumps right in :"Oh no Selithe you be careful! I don't want your brother to read all that's in there..."

The minute Kendry gets distracted by Toomane Airin turns to Selithe once again whispering :"What have you been writing about us? I'm curious!" but Airin can't hide her grin as she knows very well Selithe likes to pick on her brother...

Tuesday February 14th, 2006 12:19:18 PM

Kendry happily obliges his sister's request, and sketches out the towers and highlights of the surrounding terrain, along with some of the workers who work to repair the tall guardians of the north side of Crescent Valley.

Just as he is putting on the finishing touches, the Fixer strolls up.

"Well, met, good Alekzander!" Kendry greets the dwarf. "Well, you have quite the work going on here. Zardock, here, told us a bit about you."

Tuesday February 14th, 2006 12:51:19 PM

Tobias is intrigued by Selithe's knowledge of the towers and will ask her a few questions about them and their upkeep. Hopefully, it doesn't get too deeply into the arcane arts, because that would go completely over his head.

Tobias listens in as Kendry talks to Alekzander to see how this initial contact goes.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Tuesday February 14th, 2006 12:59:03 PM

"Say, Mr. Toomane, what was the red fluffy glowy stuff in your hands a few moments ago? And Zardock, How is it , you know of Mr. Toomane?"

"Have either of you seen a giant since the towers have gone up? How close do they get to the towers? Ever been in The Scab?" aks Podo to no one in particular.

Tuesday February 14th, 2006 3:49:47 PM

Selithe looks to Airin and smiles as he nudges her playfully when Airin whispers to her, "Ohh, you know. Nothing is beyond the scope of a writer Airin." Selithe smiles and gives Airin a hug though after she says this, feeling more like Airin is a sister at times then a friend and chuckles as she looks to her, "Sometime I feel like your my sister more then a friend Airin." Selithe smiles at Airin and then turns back to the group.

When Tobias asks about the tower Selithe blushes and coughs abit, "Well, my master of the arcane arts didn't let us go near them saying that only those with a true understanding and not students of magic should go near them. It was pretty strongly hinted at that they have some very powerful magic on them that helps keep peace with the giant races or atleast keeps them away from the cities. However I have done very little research into this so I do not know for sure."

Selithe turns to look at Mr. Toomane and Zardock, "I hope I did not say nothing out of line or not true but these were the impressions giving to me by my teacher."

Tuesday February 14th, 2006 5:07:30 PM

Keeping off to the side, Dwight lets the others do the talking and day dreams of the end to the fear of giants and the need for the towers.

WoldsBlood [DM JPW] 
Wednesday February 15th, 2006 8:33:54 AM


Alekzander explains to Podo, "The potent red glowing substance that materialized in my hand is called WoldsBlood. It's the center of the my art & craft. Fixers draw it forth from the Realm of Shadow and into their cupped hand. Then Fixers use it in crafting and restoring. It is a brownish-red liquid that glows with an inner light. It smells strongly, like fresh garden dirt and blood, combined and concentrated. Using Woldsblood permanently stains a Fixer's hands with a red color. After drawing or using Woldsblood, the Fixer's hands glow faintly (like a Faerie Fire spell) for an hour afterward. Although, a fixer of my experience can draw this substance easily, its not without its dangers."

As everyone that looks at Alekzander's hands, they are in fact glowing with a faerie fire like glow.

"Is there anything else you'd like to know?" asks the fixer.

Wednesday February 15th, 2006 11:42:20 AM

Seeing Selithe's unease with describing the tower, Tobias thinks it might be good fun to tease her a bit more, later... :)

Wednesday February 15th, 2006 9:28:46 PM

Selithe looks to the fixer and the woldblood and listens to what he says. Selithe shakes her head at the power this man has and whispers almost to herself, "Wow, this is stuff I only read about. Even my master didn't use this type of powers but just powerful magics I have yet to learn."

Wednesday February 15th, 2006 11:15:31 PM

The bard soaks in Alekzander's description of the working of WoldsBlood. "Yes, there is another thing we would like to know. As you know, these towers were not the only structures damaged by the supernatural rise in nature due to the reawakening of Eberyon. Our city's own bell tower is in the grip of a potent vine. The vine now is dying, and the tower, one of the tallest buildings, and dear to the people of our valley, will soon be pulled down by the strength of the vine. A few other buildings are similarly threatened - the bell tower likely will fall within the week.

"Zardock told us of your talents, and we thought to appeal to you to come and help us. In return, if there is aught that is good and righteous and beneficial and in our power we might do for you, we are willing."

Kendry introduces his friends and family to the fixer, and awaits his response.

Red Hands [DM JPW] 
Thursday February 16th, 2006 9:06:53 AM

Red Hands

Podo and anyone making (a spot check; DC 7) notices that although he watched with fascination the red Woldsblood process take place, Mr. Toomane was quite some distance from them when he worked his craft. He also notices how red his hands were before the event takes place, and now that it appears to be over, how his hands doth glow!

Convincing Argument

"My dear halfling bard, Kendry is it? You do weave yourself a nice tale and present me with a fine reason to leave here and stroll over to you city, but that vile critter, The Fae King;" spitting as the words leave his lips; "has done a great deal of damage The Wold over. What say the rest of you about why I should visit your town next? I need to hear a positive reason from each of you. One won't suffice! My time is wanted by all, and I must consider carefully my next move," says Toomane.

Giant Towers

Answering Podo and any other halfling inquiring about the Towers, Toomane explains about the towers, adding that in his time in service to Alemi and The Wold, he has seen many a strange critter. "Laddy, Many a strange thing I have seen, but a Giant is no laughing matter.

"As I recall the history of the Crescent Valley and its position in relationship to the Giant Kind:
The need to protect the Crescent Valley is great. Its location is right smack in the center of several overwhelming threats. First, to the North is The Scab, the homeland of the giants. Every spring, the Hill Giants raid the valley. Every summer, the Fire Giants come for a visit. And every winter, it is the Frost Giants' turn."

Toomane finishes his comments and awaits the rest of the halflings to explain why it is dire for him to visit and address their problem next.

Dwight  d20=13
Thursday February 16th, 2006 11:55:54 AM

Dwight ponders the request at hand, why this tower over others. Having already been deep in thought an answer springs forth before others can respond.

"Having just been there, a discussion was held in the center of the town debating adventurers and militia. If these towers are at all weakened, more militia may prove helpful should anything try to take advantage of their current state. Fixing the bell tower would certainly encourage some in the town to help out where they can. Perhaps a few recruits to help here."

Diplmacy: 13 (not idea what my bonus is without my PC sheet -- sorry)

Thursday February 16th, 2006 2:23:00 PM

Selithe listens to what is said to them and smiles since it sounds like her comments weren't to far off in away and she makes mental notes of all this before speaking, "How may we help out? Must be something we can do since we are here."

Thursday February 16th, 2006 3:09:08 PM

"Selithe - that is not what Alekzander Toomane asked," Kendry tells his sister quietly. "He wants a reason to come to Angel Springs. Sure, we can pitch in here, briefly, but - why should he hear our appeal and come to fix the Bell Tower?"

Thursday February 16th, 2006 3:48:19 PM

Tobias listens intently to what Toomane has to say about the towers and the giants.

Tobias hears Toomane's request for reasons to save the bell tower. He starts feeling a little nervous that the success of this mission rests on his ability to speak. And, he begins nervously, "Hmm-hmmm, as you say, the Crescent Valley is in a dangerous spot. And, the bell is our way of warning Angel Springs and the surrounding farms and villages that of danger. Without it the halfling villages will be in danger."

"Also, halfling feasts are reknown throughout Wold. You've probably heard of them. And, I'm sure our mayor would be very greatful to the person that repaired the tower."

Thursday February 16th, 2006 11:00:40 PM

Selithe looks to Kendry and smiles, "I'm offering to help if we can but figured we should leave most of the persuading up to our best talker is all brother of mine."

Selithe smiles and gives her brother a gentle nudge, "Anyway, when has my brother's tongue been so still as to not try to help out where needed, let alone speak up in such times." Selithe smiles and leans in, whispering in Kendry's ear, "Not to mention I'm honestly at a loss for words and do not know what to say actually beyond offering to aid them."

Old Friends [DM JPW] 
Friday February 17th, 2006 2:00:52 AM

Old Friends

While you are waiting for Mr. Toomane to make a decision about the party's persuasive arguments, a burly halfling comes running up to your group shouting something about he's "finally found you!"

Those making a concerted effort to look at this halfling (spot check DC 8) notice that Highlight to display spoiler: {this halfling in none other than Patterton "Patty" Cloverturn Burrows returned from other business abroad.}

Friday February 17th, 2006 2:14:02 AM

"Very well, sis," Kendry pats her hand.

"The words of Dwight and Tobias are good,," he says to Toomane. "I could add more. Sir, I believe that a few of us here would like to learn more of the peaceful and constructive uses of WoldsBlood. It seems your work here is nearly done. I have heard that it can be destructive in nature, as you have alluded to. Many things can be used for weal or woe. The former - I mean, weal - is much to be preferred. We might learn much from watching you work on our tower." Kendry sadly recalls his sorrow at the woe he brought to the brigands yesterday. That they were preparing to kill him and his friends still does little to assuage the pain he feels at this fresh event.

"Mister Toomane, perhaps our words are not yet enough to persuade you. But hear, please, what my Airin might have to add to the...." This thought is interrupted by the surprising arrival of his good friend and cousin.

"Patty!" Kendry bounds forward, and jumps up in the air to wrap his arms around Patterton's neck. He gives him a few sound slaps on the back. "So, you've taken care of your family business for now?"

[Note: JPW and I were writing at the same time - simultaneous post - I added the last paragraph after reading about the new arrival. -Kim]

Airin and Fioni 
Friday February 17th, 2006 3:30:05 AM

[escusi for not posting yesterday - work caught up]

Airin ponders Mr. Toomane's question and lets the others go first. Why would he come to repair our Bell Tower? hmmm ...

Then Kendry invites Airin to speak up anyhow...

"Well Mr. Toomane, it would be fairly easy to say that that tower is our defencive structure. It warns us about danger, but then what's the difference with all other towers in the Valley?!? I guess the Giant Towers should be the first to be repaired. After all, our Bell Tower only offers protection to one town, the Giant Towers protect the entire valley!!"

Airin hesitates but then continues:

"But... it's the place where we as kids used to play... it's the place where little couples secretly meet when evening falls... it's a place where feasts are held and losses are mourned over...

Please Mr. Toomane. Come help us with the Bell Tower, or teach us how we must do it... I doubt any of us would be as powerfull as you are, but even the smallest effort to save the Tower would make us feel proud that we at least tried to fix it."

Airin looks into the eyes of Toomane and hopes he consideres all requests.

Then suddenly there's a little stirr up in the group as Airin hears some one say "finally found you!". Airin turns around and ... PATTY!!! She runs up to him and hugs him. "Welcome back Patty!!! Where have you been you rascal! You look well!"

After the hug, she returns to Kendry and on her way she passes Selithe and gives her a nudge and whispers in her ears :"What are you waiting for 'sis'... get over there!"

{ooc: Welcome back Ryan! Glad you returned!!)

Dwight  d20=13
Friday February 17th, 2006 9:54:52 AM

Dwight smiles at Patty's approach, glad to see him in good health.

Dwight continues to listen to other suggestions, and thinks if he could add anything else.

Friday February 17th, 2006 10:35:20 AM

Tobias listens to everyone else's comments and gives Airin a "nice job", when she's done.

After the others have welcomed Patty back, Tobias walks up to him to talk, "Hello again, cousin. It's been a few years since last we talked -- though I did manage to sneak by you just a few days ago going into the keep at Lawni's Lens. Didn't get close enough to see it was you. How have you been?"

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Friday February 17th, 2006 10:47:10 AM

Watching his old friend approach the group with hgih speed, Podo shows visable signs of happiness.

"Patty! You're back! What great news this is! We've missed you greatly," squeals Podo with delight.

"Mister Toomane, sir?!? Allow me to introduce myself, sir. I'm Podo Danderfluff Pipewood, Monk of Domi and soon, to Alemi as well. I'm not sure what would constitute a good argument which would persuade you to take a detour to our small city, but the damage caused by the nature altering affects of the presence of you know who, has caused terrible damage to the only emergency signaling device we have! Our city may not be very big, but here in the Crescent Valley, it's the biggest city we have!" pleads Podo. "That's all I have to say really. Thank you for allowing me to approach you with my thoughts on the subject," whispers Podo to the Fixer.

Patterton Cloverturn Burrows 
Friday February 17th, 2006 1:54:21 PM

Patty beams at his friends and family, hugging them back with a good natured bearhug. After all the greetings are over, he walks over to Kendry and puts his hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, cuz. Everything's all talken care of back home, but I'll tell you, it took me a bit to track everyone down. Care to fill me in a bit?" Patty sneaks a shy glance over at Selithe.

Friday February 17th, 2006 2:24:55 PM

Selithe looks to Toomane and smiles some, "I'm sorry I added so little to this discussion sir. I'm a conjurer and consider myself a gambler. Risks our part of my life and also ones I weight carefully before speaking in such matters. We were sent to ask you for help in repairing the Bell Tower which is part of our homes history and a wonder of our home also. I was told of this giant towers when I was studying magic under my masters teachings but I was also taught of the Bell Tower which might not be as marvelous as the giant towers or as powerful magic wise but a sourse of magic and build to be studied by wizards for years to come also. Also my master always said wizards in training she stray from the giant towers till we were full wizards so we could survive in our travels to see it and such. The Bell Tower was a safer tower to look at and research. I regret my seeking to master the arts of conjuring have left me less reason to study any of the towers but I can feel the magic radiate from them none the less and it would be a shame to loose a long part of our people's history wouldn't it? As wizards and I heard clerics both are asked to see the larger picture, only you could judge what is more important but as a wizard I beg you consider all that is said here and remember we offer our help with this tower if we can help."

Selithe ponders for a moment before pulling out her diary again and flipping back some pages to their battle with the Fay King and holds her diary out to Toomane, "Sir I would also ask a small personal favor from you if you might be willing to listen. When we fought the Fay King he had this orb depicted here with him. I hoped you might know something of it. Inside was spirits of some type that spoke to me when I touched it and gave me a gift when I freed them." (I don't believe the amulet she was given was ever really identified.)

Selithe seeing everyone greet Patty waits patiently before walking over to him and looking him in the eyes, putting her most angry look on her face jokingly though, "Now you mister are in soooo much trouble that I don't know where to start....however I think this is will work as a good starter." With that last said Selithe throws her arms around Patty's neck and gives him a kiss, smiling afterwards and whispers as she holds him close for a few moments, "Welcome back Patty, I missed you."

Saturday February 18th, 2006 11:16:24 AM

Listens with more interest as the spirits are again mentioned from the amulet he knocked out of Eberyon's hand.

Airin and Fioni 
Monday February 20th, 2006 10:56:11 AM

Airin's worried about the long silence from Toomane. One would think he's actually considering turning down their request!

But no matter what, Airin's pleased to see Selithe got her buddy back. Now she can pick on Selith like she makes jokes about her and Kendry.

Final Word [DM Jon-Paul (JPW)] 
Monday February 20th, 2006 11:56:29 AM

Final Plea

Toomane suggests, now that the group has another member, he too should state why Toomane should go back with them to fix their Tower. "Young Patterton, Why should I help you and your friends? Can you add to their plea to convince me I should return with you?"

The Tower

The tower Toomane was working on now appears to be fully restored. "Well Friends, looks like my work is just about done here. What say you?"

(OCC: I apologize for now posting sooner, everyone in the house is sick.)

Monday February 20th, 2006 3:14:50 PM

"Well, Patty, I'll catch you up quickly. Of course, you were there when we fought one of Eberyon's fragments, this one a huge shambling mound, up next to Lawni's Lens. Then we toured the Lens, you took off to go to Rainbow Highlands. We got teleported to the south gate outside Angel Springs. We stayed with my brother and sister at the family's music and toy shop. Then, next morning, we went to meet with Burgomeister Calfast Rowgold Tunnelly, and heard this wise fellow here talking about different ways of living with others, and of dealing with conflict when it comes - Zardock, meet my cousin Patterton. Patterton, this is Zardock."

After that introduction is carried out, Kendry continues. "Calfast then took us in to see the interior of the city's Bell Tower. Some hugenormous vines had grown up inside, anchoring to the walls of the tower. Now the vines are starting to die, and, with their grip on the tower, are threatening to tear it down - maybe within a week or so.

"So, Patty, since Mister Toomane, here, wants your input as to why he might take us up on our invitation for him to come and help our city," he says with a wink in the direction of the fixer, "you could let on that the mayor himself is concerned that things may go ill for the city, with a loss of public confidence, if the tower and maybe a few other buildings were to crumble away so quickly. Besides, the children love the tower, and how, once a week, some of the kids get to ring the bells. Surely for the children's sake, Mister Toomane might want to consider our request. But, Patty, you go ahead and answer Mister Toomane however you want to," Kendry concludes with a slap on his good friend's back.

May I? [DM Jon-Paul (JPW)] 
Monday February 20th, 2006 10:52:44 PM

May I?

"Kind and Good Sir. May I please have your input? My job is difficult to say the least and time grows short. Please I beg thee say what you will, to add your piece to a ever growing pie." says Fixer Toomane as he sits ofthe ground to recover from a day as Fixing.

Tuesday February 21st, 2006 12:14:16 AM

Selithe looks to Patty and waits for him to reply to Toomaine and also giggles when she thinks maybe her kiss sent him into shock. Selithe looks to Kendry and whispers to him, "Hope what I said was okay and he might have some knowledge on what I asked to. I know it might not be his thing but any info would help me understand what happened and all."

Tuesday February 21st, 2006 12:49:10 AM

"No problem, sis," Kendry replies. He gives his sister a kiss on the forehead.

"All right, Patterton - your turn! Uh, to answer Mister Toomane's question, I mean." Kendry suddenly blushes as his unintended ambiguity.

Tuesday February 21st, 2006 1:02:20 AM

Patty blinks, a bit shocked by Selithe's warm welcome,but not unpleasently so. He give her a quick peck on the cheek and smiles warmly at her.

Upon the introduction, Patty shakes hands with Zardock and then turns his attention to Toomane.

"Of course I'll help!" He shifts the longsword on his back and crosses his beefy arms. "Been a while since I've seen some action...sort of reminds me of dear autie's garden." He smiles and looks again at Selithe.

Tuesday February 21st, 2006 2:45:30 AM

Kendry laughs at Patterton's response. "Alekzander Toomane, as you can see, Patterton just rejoined us, and, since we told you some things about our need before he arrived, you know more about whatever justification there is for our request than he does.

"And, as it was Zardock who first suggested we seek you out for this purpose, perhaps he might have a word or two to add. Please, though, do render your decision so that we may be on our way, however you choose in this matter."

Airin and Fioni 
Tuesday February 21st, 2006 9:15:41 AM

Patiently Airin waits for the Tooman to decide what to do with this bunch of halflings.

Meanwhile, Airin looks up to the sky, waiting to see when Fioni will return to report in.

Tuesday February 21st, 2006 10:52:07 AM

Tobias looks perplexed by Patty's response, but waits patiently to see what Toomane decides.

Hrmm! [DM Jon-Paul (JPW)] 
Tuesday February 21st, 2006 10:12:53 PM

The Fixer's Response

Toomane almost blushes at hearing Patterton's reply. He laughs. "That wasn't quiet what I was hoping to hear. I was hoping you'd convience me that coming to your village was a great think for me to do. Instead, you have shown me what true friendship means. You have answer the way only true friends that have spent time together and shared experiences would or could. For that reason and no other, I will accompnay you to your city."

"Come, there is little time for us. Let us break bread tonight and start fresh in the morning."

With that Toomane, turns aside and heads to his tent to ready himself for tomorrow and to tonight's meal.

The Great Breaking

The feast is modest but complete. A nice fire in an opening just within sight of the great tower Toomane was just fixing. Song from the Bard accompanied by good music. The return of a good Friend. Zardock and Podo talk more about what it means to be both a Walker and to follow Alemi and Domi.

Podo suggests, "That we should decided who takes watches, should be our normal 3 before dawn."

What do you do?

Wednesday February 22nd, 2006 12:00:45 AM

Patty turns a bit red with embaressment as it is obvious that he missed a point somewhere along the line. Shifting from one foot to the other, he clears his throat.

"I'd be happy to take the first watch. Can't sleep anyway, I'm too excited to be back amoung friends!"

Wednesday February 22nd, 2006 2:20:34 AM

"Good!" exclaims Kendry when Alekzander Toomane announces his decision.

Check out a tower
He asks permission to climb one of the towers, just so he knows what they are like. It's funny, he always had been led to believe that the towers were built of stone, but now finds that there's a fair amount of wood in them. How long can wood last under the elements? He is glad the fixer and the workers were able to repair the damage wrought by Eberyon's excesses.

If his ascent is permitted, then he looks to see if he can discern magical symbols or sigils within or without the towers. If so, he copies down in his journal what he sees.

Caring for the prisoners
He sees to the welfare of the two brigands, asking a few of his friends to help watch them. He again asks their names. If they give none, he gives them nicknames - whatever seems to fit their personalities. He makes sure that their personal needs are seen to, that they are fed, and are given the opportunity to relieve themselves - without escaping, as he ensures their legs are hobbled, and arms somewhat restricted. Afterwards, he also makes sure they get some food.

Music and dance
Kendry enjoys playing music on his lute and singing some songs - some popular pieces, including a few songs with dwarven themes in honor of the walker and the fixer, and a couple of his own compositions. He dances a bit with Airin, and encourages Selithe and Patty to join them, as well, if they wish - and any others who want to.

As he dances with Airin, he asks her, "What do you suppose we might do after Toomane completes his work in the city?" He wants to tell her how his admiration for her is growing in so many ways, but lets his eyes fixed on hers communicate his feelings.

"With all the workers around here - aren't some of them setting watches, too?" Kendry inquires when the matter of the watch comes up. "I mean, there must be some defenses already in place, in addition to the towers themselves, of course."

He'll take first or last watch, if needed.

Stew and stories
Around the campfire and over a bowl of stew he catches Patterton up on some of the details of their recent doings over the past few days. Toward the end he tells the story of the brigands and the elf, and of the party's quick victory, mixed with his profound sorrow at taking so many lives, regardless their villainous ways. He asks Dwight, Tobias, and his other friends to add what they will to the stories.

In the morning (assuming nothing untoward occurred overnight), Kendry helps as usual with breaking camp, taking personal responsibility for the prisoners' security, and getting a few folks to help place them up on the ponies for the ride back.

Airin and Fioni 
Wednesday February 22nd, 2006 8:37:00 AM

Airin enjoyes the music and dance that evening. Her efforts to dance finally start to pay of thanks to Kendry's help. But then suddenly she steps on Kednry's toes as he asks her what they will do once Toomane has finished his work...

"euhm... well.. wuh..."

Luckily that evening the fire's that were lit all around throw a reddish glow on everyones face so it's not really that obvious that Airin's face looks like a tomato...

Wednesday February 22nd, 2006 11:32:44 AM

If Kendry get permission to go in one of the towers, Tobias will try to tag along. Wooden towers are right up his alley -- much better than bulky stone structures. He will try to figure out how they were built and what keeps them together.

Tobias enjoys the food, drink, and stories. He helps Kendry by adding in a couple of tidbits to the story. He was especially interested in the appearance of the boat. He laughs, "It's the first boat that I've slept on."

He volunteers to be on second watch.

Thursday February 23rd, 2006 1:54:59 AM

The bard is pleased that Podo is receiving good instruction in an area that interests him. In spare moments, he asks for tidbits of wisdom or knowledge that the monk may be absorbing.

Kendry appreciates Tobias' addition to the tale. "Perhaps sometime we'll try a boat on some less stable platform, such as water," he jests with his distant cousin.

He notes Airin's apparent embarrassment following his inquiry as to what we might do upon the conclusion of this task, and laughs good-naturedly. "I'm not going to try to guess what's in that pretty head of yours," he tells her quietly. "At least not out loud."

Answers to questions [DM JonPaul (JPW)] 
Thursday February 23rd, 2006 2:02:54 AM

The night flows...

Kendry is denied access to the tower by Toomane, who says, "Only authorized personnel are allowed on the towers. If you recall the history of the towers the militia, the group was infused with a core of engineers, mages, witches and clerics whose job it was to repair the towers, ley lines, forces of interlocking magic, etc. and thus they are the authorized personnel. Sorry sonny."


Pulling Kendry aside, Toomane asked Kendry Highlight to display spoiler: {"After I help you and your city, could you help me?"}

"It would be greatly appreciated!" says Toomane. "And it not like it's actually for me... but for a friend... like paying the favor forward, you understand?" carries on Toomane.

Thursday February 23rd, 2006 1:46:52 PM

Glad to have enlisted the help of the fixer, Dwight enjoys the casual evening of music and food. He helps where he can but otherwise sits back and enjoys the atmosphere.

As evening sets in, Dwight will take watch if necessary, and dream of finding kind giants.

Thursday February 23rd, 2006 5:10:52 PM

"Help you?" Kendry responds to Toomane. "I'm more that willing to listen to your request. What friend needs help, and in what way?"

Thursday February 23rd, 2006 9:50:59 PM

Selithe looks to Kendry and shrugs abit at them being denied to see the tower but understands why none the less. Selithe listens to what is said otherwise and hangs close to Patty, happy to have him back after such a long time away it seeming like years already.

Patterton  d20+2=19
Friday February 24th, 2006 12:12:53 AM

Patty perks his ears up as Toomane pulls Kendry aside(listen 19)and partakes in a spot of eaves-dropping. Raising an eyebrow, he puts his arm around Selithe's shoulders and gives her a squeeze.

He whispers in her ear. "Looks like we might be trading favors with this fella...interesting."

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Friday February 24th, 2006 1:10:50 AM

Better Weapons

Pulling Zardock off to one side during the first watch, Podo asks of Zardock, "Say, what is your favorite non-lethal weapon? Have you ever thought of inventing a new weapon just for the purpose of non-leathalness?"

Breaking Bread

Now that their task is almost complete, and Podo is feeling more at ease, Podo reaches into his sack and pulls forth a chunk of cheese and 2 loaves of bread. "I got these at Angel Springs a couple days ago. In the excitement I forgot I had them. Would anyone like some? Zardock? Mister Toomane? Guys? Gals? Cuz?"

Preparing for tomorrow

Podo does whatever is needed aside from taking a watch. He organizies his gear and asks, "Would anyone would like a candy? I got them while we were in Angel Springs last time. I believe they are Sweet Maple and Peppermint."

Favors. [DM Jon-Paul (JPW)] 
Friday February 24th, 2006 1:23:41 AM

More Questions

While sitting around the campfire hob snobbing with his friends and newly made friends, the halflings and the dwarf break bread and have a simple meal.

Podo offers up some of his own goods as he is starting to feel relaxed. Later he offers up some candy.

Pulling Kendry aside, Toomane asks Kendry a question in private for which Kendry in public repeats.

"Kendry, when we get back to your city, there is a woman there; a friend of mine; that I believe is in need of a group of travelers to retrieve some items. This is the pay it forward favor I ask of you." Toomane tells Kendry.

Next Day

Travel begins again at dusk as everyone is anxious to return to the big city. Along the way, Kendry fills Patterton in on the events that brought them to this tower.

Airin and Fioni 
Friday February 24th, 2006 9:08:25 AM

Following home...

Tobias  d20+5=18 d20+4=13 d20+8=28
Friday February 24th, 2006 1:07:46 PM

Tobias is glad that Toomane decided to return with them to Angel Springs. As the party heads home, Tobias does some scouting a bit ahead of the group -- hoping to alert the others to any problems ahead.

Listen: 18
Spot: 13
Survival: 28 (nat 20!)

Friday February 24th, 2006 6:19:46 PM

Patty rides Barnabus along lazily as the group begins to move.

Friday February 24th, 2006 8:12:48 PM

Selithe rides Gra while watching the others and moving up near Patty on her riding dog, "Hmm, Gra is some what shorter then your pony but not bad really."

Selithe shrugs and looks to Patty as she smiles, "I don't think you got to meet Gra here, she is my riding dog."

Saturday February 25th, 2006 12:56:50 AM

"Alekzander Toomane, just as you asked us many questions before you agreed to come with us, I trust you won't mind if we ask you some about this reciprocal favor you ask of us," Kendry tells the fixer. "If the tasks be good and honorable, and cause the innocent no harm, and do not conflict with other commitments we have made, then I, for one, am willing. I would be surprised, indeed, if your request failed to meet the tests I mention, but, for the sake of clarity and understanding, I have stated them. Also, there is one thing that may delay our start. We are members of the Woldian League of Adventurers, and are due on our return to the city for several days of training. Might your friend's needs await our completion of that? Or do you deem the matter more urgent?"

On the trip back, Kendry picks some flowers along the way. When they reach the place where the brigands are buried, he lays the flowers down upon their grave, and says a prayer for their souls. [OOC: Some of you may have missed the epitaph Kendry wrote for the fallen - it's in his post of Feb 8th.]

Back in Angel Springs, he reports in with his friends to the burgomeister, and makes sure that introductions are handled appropriately. He also asks to speak with a constable, explains the brigands' behavior in the woods, and the comportment of the two remaining brigands, and asks them to be held pending trial.

He then accompanies the fixer to the bell tower with whoever else is to join in, and helps as he is able.

Once the tower is repaired, he asks about dance lessons for himself and Airin; again about training with the WLA, and lets the group know he'd like to head back to Humble's Ford for a few days to reconnect with his folks and other siblings for a bit - and anyone who wishes to come along is welcome. Or, perhaps this will have to wait until after Toomane's friend is helped out.

Saturday February 25th, 2006 8:26:59 PM

Patty glances over at Selithe as she speaks, noting the riding dog with an apraising eye.

"Don't feel bad...not even many pony's are as big as ol' Barnabus here. He's from my Pa's stock and he and his brothers are used to hauling logs through the woods." He swats Barnabus affectionatly, causing his chain barding to jingle. "I doubt he's as fast as Gra there though. He's a fine looking dog." He considers rubbing Gra behind the ears, but decides against it being unsure of how protective the mount is.

Sunday February 26th, 2006 3:33:00 PM

The journey home appears to be going well. Tobias will be happy to get Alekzander to Angel Springs and see how he fixes the tower.

Almost there... [DM JPW (Jon-Paul)] 
Sunday February 26th, 2006 11:04:32 PM

The road back home

While walking back to Angel Springs, Kendry picks flowers for the dead. He places them on the freshly dug graves when the group passes that bend in the road.

Patterton tries to catch up on the collective experiences that the group has had since his departure all those weeks ago. He makes idle chit chat with Selithe about their mounts.

Angel Springs

Upon entering the West Gate, Kendry looks for a constable to turn over the two brigands. The group waits for Kendry and then proceeds to Calfast and the Bell Tower. After inspecting the damage done by the vines, Toomane explains the rough road ahead. " Friends, I will be here for a week's time, working mostly alone on the inside of the tower. My craft is a hard one and I think its best not to bring too much attention to the issue at hand, with my glowing hands and all! And Kendry, if you choose to investigate that favor we spoke about, Bella lives in Wart Hill section near the Temple of Domi."


After the fixer has had a chance to view the tower and the damage to it, Calfast invites you back to his office.

Upon arriving at Calfast's office, you are invited to have an audience with him. Calfast distributes a sack to each of the party. "In each sack, you will find 250gp for payment for retrieving the Fixer" explains Calfast. "I'm sure you have lots of things to do and hopefully that small sum will help you carry some of those things out. Thanks again!" says Calfast.

Podo & Zardock

Podo and Zardock head off to the springs near AngelSmiles Estates to contemplate walking.

Airin and Fioni 
Monday February 27th, 2006 11:43:25 AM

Airin's happy they managed to persuade Toomane to come and work on their tower. So with this simple task done, there's time for fun and rest.

"Bella! Kendry, who's Bella!"

Assuming the bard will have a good explanation for trying to find another woman, Airin agrees with Kendry to look for more dancing lessons and possibly even a few WLA trainings.

Monday February 27th, 2006 6:27:06 PM

Tobias is glad to be home again and is happy to hear that Alekzander thinks he can fix the tower in a week.

He's up for assisting Alekzander or his friend in any way he can. But, if everyone is training first, he will take some time to visit his mom, see how she's doing, and let her know what he's up to.

Monday February 27th, 2006 11:48:13 PM

Kendry is pensive for the portion of the journey back to the city after his brief time at the site of the battle. Shortly before arriving back in town, he speaks quietly again with the two prisoners, but one at a time. He wants to see if there has been any softening of their position - or if they will even give their names.

To the constables he gives a copy of the statement that the elf made in the forest, and lets them know that he is willing to testify, if need be, before a magistrate or judge.

It's good to meet with Calfast. He thanks him for the remuneration, as well. "Sir, there is one thing that we may need your help with. We are due for more training by the WLA. I know it's been only three days, but I mentioned this before. Even if we can't get the branch opened right away, please let those with whom you negotiate know that some of their members would appreciate some training time - maybe four days worth - right away, if possible."

[OOC: If the training could be handled in a post or two, that would be great. No need for the training time to eat up too much board bandwidth.]

"Bella?" Kendry answers Airin. "She's a friend of Aleksander Toomane. He said she needs some sort of help. I told him I'd at least check it out - but no promises, yet. You want to come with me to meet her?" Kendry invites any who wish to come to join in.

"Tobias, if we can get set up for WLA training, are you up for it? I'll donate the 250 gold pieces towards your membership. And, if you will, your cloak could be exchanged for 2,250 gold in the city's Catacombs branch. What with the proceeds from the cloak, the 250 and mine added to it, after joining, you still have 750 yellow coins left to equip yourself further. There's the added advantage that membership gives you, plus an extra feat and weapons and skills training. At least, cuz, think it over."

He goes with whoever wants to join him to visit Bella, and find out her situation.

Tuesday February 28th, 2006 12:29:43 AM

Selithe chuckles and enjoys talking to Patty, patting her riding dog on the head before chucking. "Calling her a boy is not going to get you in Gra's graces cutie."

Selithe smiles and after they get where they are going she gently pets Gra and introduces her properly to Patty, "Now Patty, just becareful. She is a good dog, playful and alot less active and scary as her brother over there." Selithe motions to Kendry's riding dog, grinning as she pokes a small joke at her brother, "I mean he had to choose a dog with a temperment to match his own, playful and all. Lord help us if the dog talked as much." Selithe gives her brother a gentle nudge, showing her normal jokingness with her brother.

Meeting with Calfast [DM JPW] 
Tuesday February 28th, 2006 1:34:24 AM


Upon listening to Kendry's request for additional training at the The Woldian League of Adventurers guild, and the insistent nudges for having a local WLA branch, Calfast begins to form his own thoughts on the matter.

"Kendry, my good fellow. You must realize that as much as you think a local chapter of the WLA would suit our valley, those in the position to make such decisions have chosen time and time again to do just the opposite. As for your request for additional training, I will have words drafted and a letter sent of such a proposal. Don't expect a rapid reply. You're a younger whippersnapper for a halfling of your stature," says Calfast. "These modern times will have to slow down long enough for the rest of the Wold to catch up," snickers Calfast. "Perhaps you should unwind and relax. Shake the dust off your garments and stay awhile. Visit family and friends," suggests Calfast.


Kendry and friends; those that tag along; venture forth into the Wart Hill area of the city looking for a person named Bella.

You finally discover the location of her home, but when you arrive there, you learn that she went to see Toomane and must have crossed paths while traveling to her home.

Airin and Fioni 
Tuesday February 28th, 2006 4:56:34 AM

As Kendry invites Airin to join him in his meeting with Bella, Airin accepts. The more time they can spend together the better.

Tuesday February 28th, 2006 6:51:47 AM

Conversation with Calfast

The whippersnapper bard listens to what Burgomeister Calfast has to say. "Your honor, it was on the platform of increasing respect for and encouragement of adventurers that you campaigned. And we supported you in that endeavor. You stated publically that you intended to invite the WLA to place an outpost in our valley. Though my aunt and the former burgomeister requested our assistance in the campaign, it was to you that we lent our support, and for you that we, as it turned out, risked our lives to bring back the beer.

"It was because you represented and campaigned upon a progressive platform that we supported you, and continue to do so.

"I realize you are getting pressure from some who view such as overturning time-honored traditions. But, sir, among us halflings are a multitude of former adventurers, as well as some who presently do so.

"Surely, if a few trainers from the WLA were brought here - let's say, on a 'trial' basis - our mutual goals might be reached. Unless you want to send us to Plateau City for the next stage of our training.

"Why not bring a few here, find at least some temporary quarters and, shall we say, a discrete location suitable for training of the sort they offer, and let them take advantage of the opportunity to scope out the situation. Perhaps, if circumstances permit, they might be afforded the chance to assuage the apprehensions of some of the more hide-bound stalwarts of our community. Honestly, sir, I thought that Angel Springs, of all communities here in the Crescent Valley, would be most likely to be open to the WLA. And, sir, the WLA is a young organization, only in existence for the past three years or so - yet, in that time, has gained a sterling reputation among those of good will. Though, as you say, those in the position to make decisions on such matters have in the past not courted the WLA, it is now you, chosen by the people, who are in a position to render a decision.

"But, sir, if you run into more opposition than you feel it expedient to buck at present, then, why not consider Lawni's Lens as a potential site for the WLA?

"Thank you again for having the confidence in us to enlist our aid, sir, and we are grateful for the reward you gave us. I know that leadership has its pressures and pitfalls. You have our continued support, sir."

Dancing with Airin

If anyone would know where dancing lessons might be offered, certainly his brother and sister would. On the way to Bella's, he stops by to say hello, and to find out whom they might recommend. He enjoys Airin's company.

Bella, where are you?

Kendry with his love and his friends seeks out Bella.

"Say, that's an idea, Selithe. Maybe we can teach our dogs to sing. How would you like to hear a dog duet?" he teases his sister back.

Tuesday February 28th, 2006 11:20:47 AM

Tobias will go with Kendry and the others to find Bella. He feels that since Alekzander is helping the town with the town, then he can assist his friend.

He listens to Kendry speak about the WLA. "Thank you kindly for the offer, but as you say, I should have enough if I were to part with the cloak. Is there a WLA trainer in town, or where did you all initially join?"

Tuesday February 28th, 2006 1:23:39 PM

Kendry answers Tobias' question. "There is not yet, to my knowledge, a WLA trainer in town. Who Calfast is negotiating with at the moment, and how, is a bit hazy. I know it's his desire to get an outpost going here, but he is facing opposition from people who are afraid. For some people, anything new or different is perceived as a threat. But I made a suggestion that our Burgomeister think about inviting some trainers in on a trial basis. We'll see how that goes. As the benefits of League membership are cumulative, the earlier in one's career that one joins, the better - thus do I hope that you and any others who join our group can attain membership as early as possible." He is happy to chat with Tobias a bit more about the structure and benefits of the WLA. [See http://www.woldiangames.com/oshirr/organizations/league.htm for more info.]

The Podo / Platinum Dragons Connection

When he has a chance, he asks Podo, "Say, you have the earring that Valdor, the half elf with the Gold Dragons and Platinum Dragons, gave you - after your delightful interaction with him," he adds with a mischievous grin, while reminding him of this means of communication. "I wonder if he can get a message from our own group to the WLA? Could you let him know that there's a group of WLA members in Angel Springs in Crescent Valley who are hungry for training - plus at least one more potential member?"

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