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Bella the Greenmage asks for help

Playing Tag [DM Jon-Paul (JPW)] 
Wednesday March 1st, 2006 12:38:46 AM


Having missed locating Bella you ask around to see if anyone has seen her. The locals say she went to see the Bell Tower.

Do you go back to the Bell Tower?

The Magic Earing

Podo listening to Kendry's suggestion says he will ponder using the gift in such a manner. "Cuz, I don't think this is what Valdor had in mind when he gave me the gift. This whole conversation about the WLA is not on his list of priorities. I think you are better off sending a letter. Besides, you're not the one that was almost deleted by him!" exclaims Podo to Kendry. "I was given a charge by Valdor himself, and WLA isn't on my list! Don't you remember what the Captain said to you last time you pursued this line of thought." nudges Podo.

"Anyways, what if we don't find this Bella person? What we gonna do? We gonna walk to the Big P City?" wonders Podo.

Wednesday March 1st, 2006 3:30:35 AM

Kendry writes a quick note on a scrap of parchment, and slides it under the door of Bella's place.
Dear Bella,

Alekzander Toomane tells us you may be in need of assistance. My name is Kendry Leafwin Pipewood, and you can reach me and my friends through my family's store - Winwood Toys and Music.

"All right, gang - back to the tower!"

"Yeah, I suppose you're right, Pode," Kendry is forced by the weight of his cousin's argument to agree. "Walk to Plateau City?" The halfling begins to chuckle at the notion, which turns into a full-fledged laugh.

"Nah," he says once he has got his laughter under control. "You know how long it would take to walk to Plateau City? That is a lo-o-ong ways away."

Airin and Fioni 
Wednesday March 1st, 2006 11:21:52 AM

Humtidumti... walking from here to there :-D

Oh well, there's nothing else to do around here anyway. That Bell Tower was more interesting and Airin's still keen to see how Toomane will use his magic. After all, he asked them to keep everyone at bay, but ... that did not include ourselves ;-)

Wednesday March 1st, 2006 12:33:30 PM

"Well, that surely didn't include us, Airin... We're his assistants. Back to the tower."

Wednesday March 1st, 2006 1:48:53 PM

(OOC: sorry for the belated post, been busy with work.)

Patty heads back to the tower with the others.

Wednesday March 1st, 2006 2:21:23 PM

Selithe follows her brother and everyone else, looking to Patty as he is being quiet and chuckles, "Been away from the group for so long that your really quiet huh." Selithe smiles and she winks and continues moving along.

Wednesday March 1st, 2006 4:05:35 PM

"Well, Patty's only been away for three days, sis. It's not like it's been months and months." Just where does his sister get her sense of time, Kendry wonders.

Wednesday March 1st, 2006 6:28:27 PM

"Has it really only been 3 days???"

Wednesday March 1st, 2006 8:27:35 PM

"Well, we were at Lawni's Lens, and Patty was out in the courtyard with Podo, as the rest of us were inside exploring the biggest building there," Kendry answers Tobias. "That's where we ran into you. Podo - you never did tell us what Patterton told you just before he left, did you? What did you say, Patty?" he asks.

"Next, in the library, Mungo Hardbottle retrieved some ancient tome, and read a spell from it as Morpth stood guard over him - as if we'd do anything against Mungo! Next thing we know, we're all standing outside of Angel Springs. So, we go in, spend the evening at Winwood Toys and Music where our sister Leska and brother Nalfein are working," he nods towards Selithe on the word 'our'.

"Next morning, we go to the town square, meet Zardock and Calfast, and, a few hours later, head out to find Toomane. We sleep in the boat in the woods overnight, a bit more than one full day since Patterton left.

"Next day, we arrive at the Giant Towers. Shouldn't we call them Anti-Giant Towers? We meet the fixer, and that afternoon, Patterton shows up - so it was really just two days that he was away from us," Kendry concludes. "And now, with another night and a day of travel, here we are, the third day since he left, and we're running around late this afternoon trying to find a lady named Bella. And I'm getting hungry!"

Wart Hill [DM Jon-Paul (JPW)] 
Thursday March 2nd, 2006 1:36:04 AM

Wart Hill

After leaving the note for Bella and taking a cursory glance around the area, Kendry and friends start to head back to the central area of the city and the bell tower. As you round the corner heading for the main street to run into a middle aged woman with green eyes. She is startled by the group and being only a shy bit over 3 foot tall is nearly bowled over by Kendry, Patterton, Tobias, Selithe, Airin, and Dwight...oh and Podo. The woman almost takes a slight defense action as she has not seen so many people in her section of town.

What do you do?

Woldian League of Adventurers

Meanwhile, Calfast has sent word to the main chapter of WLA in hopes of convincing them again to open a local chapter, but this time armed with Kendry's suggestion of using the Lawni's Lens complex for the outpost.

Bell Tower

Zardock and Toomane get acquainted. Toomane relaxes after taking a more formal look at the damage he has been asked to resolve.

Thursday March 2nd, 2006 7:43:51 AM

Dwight has stayed in the background, snoozing and relaxing whenever possible. He isn't use to all this excitement and long distance walking.

(OOC: YEAH! Internet at home again. Work actually blocked the site, bah. My posts will become regular again.)

Thursday March 2nd, 2006 11:34:15 AM

"Sorry Kendry, I meant that jokingly..." :)

Tobias notices the woman's momentary unease and defensive posture. He wonders if she's not seen an adventure or two in her day. He'll appear as non-threatening as he can (with all the weaponry hanging off him), and leave the introductions to someone else.

Airin and Fioni 
Thursday March 2nd, 2006 11:38:59 AM

Fully understanding the woman must be startled with soo much attention by a bunch of "hardened" warriors Airin gives Kendry a nudge in the back...

"You needed to find her, now... talk to her"

She can not however disguise the grin on her face knowing he's the most talkative of the group ;-)

Thursday March 2nd, 2006 6:19:28 PM

Smiling as Dwight realizes how the group must stand out. Bows, swords, extra armor. Perhaps some should be sold.

Being in back, Dwight is the last to realize why the group has stopped so suddenly. And ends up walking all the way to the front before stopping. Being in town, Dwight doesn't even notice the defensive stance. "Oh, umm, sorry mam. I, um we were really not watching where we were going." Dwight struggles to get the words out, having been deep in thought.

"Sorry umm, again... I am Dwight Twiggebundler and these are my friends." Dwight waves in their general direction giving them the opportunity to take the conversation away from him.

Thursday March 2nd, 2006 7:00:36 PM

Kendry's shoulders deflate as Tobias' jest caught him sticking his many words in an unnecessary explanation. "Oh."

"Uh, sure, Airin," Kendry responds.

"Bella?" Kendry asks. "Aleksander Toomane's friend? If so, he said you can use some help. If not, please excuse us. Either way, we indeed mean no harm, ma'am." He holds his hands down and outward, palms visible, and nothing in them. "My name is Kendry."

Thursday March 2nd, 2006 10:55:58 PM

Patterton glances over at Selithe and blinks. "What? Oh, sorry...I was lost in thought for a moment." He mumbles just as they near the startled old woman. Not wanting to seem too imposing, he tips his hat to her politely. "Ma'am."

Friday March 3rd, 2006 12:06:14 AM

Selithe looks to Patty and smiles before looking to Bella and watches her actions, getting ready to speak but Kendry steps up first and starts speaking which makes Selithe smile more as she likes how quick her brother is to jump to diplomacy, of course with alittle Airin help.

Bella [DM Jon-Paul Ward (JPW)] 
Friday March 3rd, 2006 12:54:52 AM


"Yes, I am Bella," explains Bella to the group. "You can place your hands by yours sides now, sir Kendry," says Bella to Kendry.

"Actually, you have taken me off guard, I wasn't expecting such a large group of obvious adventurers. That Toomane, always over doing it for his friends. Let's not talk here in the street. I like to be discreet. Please, if you don't mind... let's go back to my home. We can be more open there and comfortable. I need to rest my aching bones," says Bella and starts off towards her home.

Casa Bella

Bella walks pass the group and heads to the place Kendry left the note. Once at the door, she produces a key, unlocking the lock, opens the door. Turning back to the group, she waves you into the darkened house.

Do you go in?


Calfast makes busy himself with worry over the Central Bell Tower. Toomane and Zardock continue their afternoon relaxations and chats.

Friday March 3rd, 2006 2:05:06 AM

"They already are by my sides," Kendry says of his hands. "Glad to meet you." He accompanies her to her house, happy to receive the invitation to discuss things inside.

Friday March 3rd, 2006 11:22:37 AM

Tobias greets Bella, "Hello, ma'am." And, follows everyone back to her house. Now, he's eager to see what Bella needs that is so secretive.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Friday March 3rd, 2006 1:33:32 PM

After following the group into Lady Bella's home, Podo says to Bella, "Hi, Lady Bella! I'm Podo, Kendry's Cousin. Glad to meet you. What line of work are you into?"

Dwight  d20+1=16 d20+1=2
Friday March 3rd, 2006 5:37:10 PM

Nodding at her invitation, Dwight allows the others to enter before him as he scans the surroundings (spot 16--Anyone still around that was before?). Her discretion makes Dwight less relaxed.

Inside, he also takes a look around to summarize the type of woman Bella is and if things seem in place. (Spot 2: Obviously he walks into a dark closet.)

Casa Bella -- The INside [DM Jon-Paul (JPW)] 
Friday March 3rd, 2006 9:10:42 PM

Post in Progress...
(OOC: I apologize for the lack of evening post, I was violently ill...Projectile V*tmitting and the like-- the antibiotics the doctor gave me , my body didn't like.)

Friday March 3rd, 2006 11:27:20 PM

Patty enters the house just ahead of Dwight and politely waits for the old woman to speak.

Saturday March 4th, 2006 12:19:33 AM

Selithe keeps to the rear of the group and will enter Bella's house. She does glance to the older woman and smiles, "You have a nice place from what I see Bella, alittle dark inside but nice from what I see from the outside."

Casa Bella...The inside [DM Jon-Paul Ward (JPW)] 
Sunday March 5th, 2006 9:20:02 PM

Please, Come inside, won't you?

Bella ushers the group in all that will go, that is. Once your eyes adjust to the darkness of the sitting room she leads you into, you realize, she is not what she seems.

All about are potted plants. Some herbs that you recognize as being used for enhancing foods. Some are ornamental, and still some you have never seen before.

In display cases cleverly arranged about this room are also some items which appear dear to her. In one such case, you see a dress dummy sporting a fine elven cloak.

Those of you that choose to sit, you are offered well used seats with cushions, akin to a large lounging seat; comfortable and sizable for 4 humans as most of the furniture is human sized.

Just off the room you can see a smaller kitchen, and some other rooms, you think might be closets and maybe a bedroom. You also detect a solarium/greenhouse.

Once seated, Bella offers food and drink. She brings various cheeses, meats, for beverages, she brings water, a tea kettle, and a pitcher of wine for those that imbibe. She herself sips a glass of tea.

Bella begins with a small story of a long ago time when she was a but a wee little lady sitting on her grandma's knee. As she weaves her tale, she explains, "My family was in the flower business, cut flowers mostly, but I grew to look at the plants as another living world. Some plants offer protections, like a tall tree from the weather. Others offer enhancements to food and spices. Still others when harvested can offer restoratives to health - which brings me to the reason why I need help. You see I am no spring chicken these days, and I have contracted an awful ailment. There are herbals that I require to help me get over the hard spots on my journey, but I do not have the strength to go it alone.

"I wish to hire you and your friends to journey with me to acquire these 5 herbals. You see, in my life I have made some key friends, like Toomane the Fixer. He recommends your group of adventures highly as you have convinced him to travel here to save our Bell Tower. That, I can tell you, was no easy feat!

"If you accept my offer to help me, I can offer a small sum of monies, and maybe if time allows I can craft a few potions for you when the journey's done. Right now I don't have the strength even to journey to that Plateau City south of here.

"I am sure that now that you have returned from your trip to save the Bell Tower, you are in need of rest, relaxation, and perhaps some exercise. I myself, if you accept that is, also need to make preparations for the journey. I can allow no more than two weeks to begin this journey of mine. Time is running out for me to undertake this journey.

"Do you need some time to make your decisions? If so, I will give you until tomorrow to render your decision. Meet me here by high noon tomorrow. I will be waiting," says Bella. "You are welcome to stay and finish your small meal and look around if you like, seldom does one such as myself have guests. The gardening life is so time consuming," Bella continues aloud.

The Bell Tower

Toomane finds Calfast busy at work crafting letters for various tasks. "Sir, thank you for being so gracious a host as to allow me to apply my trade as fix your tower. If you don't mind, I would like to spend the rest of the day examining the inside of the tower, starting fresh in the morning," explains Toomane.

Calfast nods to Toomane and then gets back to the work at hand. Toomane smiles, and turning around, leaves Calfast's Office.


Zardock and Podo continue their chat later that day on the various attributes a walker should have.

Airin and Fioni 
Monday March 6th, 2006 9:25:31 AM

"That sounds like an easy task right guys? Picking herbs shouldn't be much more dangerous than getting a few barrels of beer right?"

"Well, if my friends agree, I'm in.
2 weeks should be plenty to rest, train and buy whatever we may need for the trip."

Monday March 6th, 2006 10:38:15 AM

"That does sound easy enough. I'd be willing to give it a go. Are we going to Plateau City for these herbs or somewhere else?"

Dwight  d20+4=20
Monday March 6th, 2006 7:11:01 PM

"A little relaxing sounds good before we set off again," Dwight begins as he looks over some interesting plants. "An easy job that pays also sounds good, and I don't mean to pry." Dwight seems to look for words within the leaves of the stubby plant nearby.

"Well my pa and I did allot of work with plants, trees mostly. We used the barks for splints and the saps for toothaches and many of the leaves to make soups sweeter or to add just a tad of mint flavor to dessert. Some of the items were sold so others could by them at the market. What herbs will we be looking for near Plateau City?"

(OOC: What do I know of the herbs? Alchemy +4 = 20)

Monday March 6th, 2006 9:38:34 PM

Patty shrugs. "Sounds good to me. Prehaps I'll take a bit of a jog in the meantime. Anyone care to join me?"

Monday March 6th, 2006 10:14:31 PM

Kendry takes in the house, the plants, the solarium, the adventuring gear. He pays attention to the contents of the other displays in addition to the one with the cloak. He is gratified to be offered a good meal. His curious eyes absorb, as his ears listen attentively to the recounting of Bella's story, and the nature of her request.

"Miss Bella, I agree with my friends. We are open to helping you - sounds like a project that will be to your benefit, and our learning.

"We've been hoping to receive more training from the WLA - but the only outpost we're aware of is in Plateau City which is, what? A hundred miles or so to the south, right? And about a mile or two up, from what I'm told.

"If we could get some training from them right soon - say, people can travel quite a bit faster once they get on the highway. Legend has it that the Teucri fixed it up, so that, when you're just walking on the road, you actually move many times faster than when you go on normal roads. So a week's journey can take just a day or two. I've never gone there, that way, though.

"If, ma'am, you need us to take you on your journey a fortnight hence, I think we can be there, get our training, and get back again in time to help you track down your herbs. I'm forest born, as are a couple of my friends, here. It's a shame that you're suffering from something that slows you down, and, well, we want to help you!"

After taking Bella up on the offer to finish the meal, and to explore her place further, Kendry remarks, "You might know my Aunt Nilli - she's sister to Samell Pipewood, my father. Selithe's, too. Our family has a cottage and burrow in the Culverwood. Nilli raises herbs out there."

Airin and Fioni 
Tuesday March 7th, 2006 6:43:02 AM

"Hey looks like we all agree! Well then, looks like we'll have 2 weeks of vacation..."

Casually she whispers in Kendry's ear:
"Do you have any other, more pleasurable plans, duing your holiday than training?"

Tuesday March 7th, 2006 4:37:20 PM

Selithe stretches and listens to what is said before nodding, "I'm in. Will be a good chance to learn about various herbs. I would like to learn more of the various herbs that are used in spells anyway and Bella looks like she might be able to point some out if we run on to any."

Tuesday March 7th, 2006 6:06:47 PM

Dwight continues looking at the various plants, hoping for a satisfactory answer to his earlier questions.

Bella offers to speed the trip (ADM Kim) 
Wednesday March 8th, 2006 12:01:04 AM

"Yes, Nilli I know," she tells Kendry. "She knows her flora, indeed. I named a flower for her. Nilliverdia rosalia primavera."

"Dwight, one is from a rare strain of blue-orange foxglove. Another is one of the children of the Ishgara tree. One is a fungus obtainable under only special conditions for the purposes I have in mind. Come back in two weeks, and, when appropriate, I may tell you of the rest."

"Well," she adds as she picks up plates and saucers, "I am pleased you are willing to help. I will help you, too. Come here tomorrow morning around eleven, and I will have something which may help speed you on your way to Plateau City."

With that, unless any have any parting questions, she walks her visitors to the door. "Thank you for coming. I will see you on the morrow."

Anything you would like to do for the next fourteen or so hours (it's five in the afternoon), please describe.

Wednesday March 8th, 2006 3:27:49 AM

Kendry's ears turn red after Airin whispers her question. "Um, oh, you betcha! Just, um, uh, wait and see!" he whispers to her. What happened to the normally unflappable young bard?

Once Bella sees the group out, Kendry gathers himself, and says, "We can stay tonight at Winwood Toys and Music - that's our family's shop here in town, Tobias. If you feel a need to pick up any equipment for the trip, now's the time, or tomorrow morning."

Then he turns to Airin and asks, "Care to join me for dinner tonight? Say at eight? I know a place."

"Selithe and Airin - would you mind taking Patty and Tobias by our shop, so they know where we're staying tonight? That way, you can warn Leska and Nalfein, too. Anybody else who wants to join them, go ahead. I've got to stop and pick up a few more supplies, and, uh, take care of a few things." He is vague in his response to what those things might be, but insists he'll be just fine on his own.

He looks up Thad and Prisca, to see if they are available to help out with something he has planned for this evening.

What happens here?

At breakfast, he fills in any pertinent details that his sister or friends might have left out in recounting the story of their recent journey - the dire racoon, the elf and the brigands, the work on the Giant Towers, and Alekzander Toomane's questioning.

"I want to see how Toomane is doing - he planned to start this morning, and I'd love to see firsthand how he uses that WoldsBlood."

Then, by 11 in the morning, he accompanies friends and family to Bella's place.

Airin and Fioni 
Wednesday March 8th, 2006 8:02:10 AM

Then he turns to Airin and asks, "Care to join me for dinner tonight? Say at eight? I know a place."

"I'd be delighted!", Airin replies.

She looks funny when he tries to get rid of Airin and Selithe but does not refuse to do it either.

As she's leaving, probably with Selithe, Patty and Tobias, Airin questions Selithe... "Do you know what he's up to?!?"

Wednesday March 8th, 2006 11:18:37 AM

Tobias thanks Kendry for the offer of a place to stay tonight, and accepts it. He travels to the music shop with the others to get a good bearing on where it is.

Then, he goes off on his own, saying: "I need to check in on my Mom. Make sure she's doing alright. And, that she knows that I'll be off for a while. I'll meet you all back at the shop this evening."

Tobias returns after a few hours, spends the night, and is up bright and early the next morning. He'll walk on over to the tower and see how things are progressing. And, perhaps stop off at a shop or two to get some provisions for the trip.

He'll be ready to go with the others to Bella's at the appointed time.

Wednesday March 8th, 2006 5:57:41 PM

Dwight accompanies those heading back to the Toy shop. "Does it seem odd to anyone else that Bella didn't say what the herbs were for?"

Dwight ponders this and tries to recall anything he might have heard foxglove or Ishgara before. With time still available, Dwight will ask directions to the local study, and research such herbs.


The next morning after breakfast, Dwight finds a good spot near the tower and begins writing another letter to his Pa.

When the time is right, he heads towards Bella's to meet up with the others.

Wednesday March 8th, 2006 8:30:47 PM

Selithe moves along with Airin and shrugs as they get on their way, "I don't know Airin really. Kendry can do some weird things now and then but you know."

Selithe smiles and nudges Airin, "Hey Airin..ummm...if you and Kendry go out sometime you mind if we double up with Patty and me? I mean, you know." Selithe blushes, still new to the love thing.

Kendry (& others) 
Wednesday March 8th, 2006 10:24:02 PM

A few minutes before eight, Kendry shows up, dressed in nice clothes. "Remember that green dress?" he asks Airin. "Want to put it on? I'll wait."

As Selithe is there, and Patty, he says, "Well, I suppose there'd be room for you, too, if you want to join us. Might be fun!"

When she's ready, Kendry holds out his arm for her to take, and leads her a few blocks away to a place called "Shufflefeet Dance." He explains to her, "It's ours until midnight."

Inside is a large studio with a hardwood floor. A round table sits to one side. A group of musicians is gathered on a stage. A svelte and attractive halfling in her early middle years welcomes the pair inside. "Ah, this must be Airin. My name is Prisca. My husb -- Thad, come on over."

A very tall halfling - close to 3'9" - glides over and takes Airin's hand, brushing the back of her hand with his lips. "Enchanted, my dear. I am Thadian Greenhill Shufflefeet, and you have met my wife, Prisca Turnbell Tunnelly Shufflefeet. Welcome to our dance club. Kendry tells me that Moondancer is your middle name."

Prisca and Thad give Airin and Kendry dancing lessons, interspersed with different courses in a pleasant seven-course meal with wine served by a pert lass. Initially, Thad partners with Airin, and Prisca with Kendry. Then, as the steps are learned, they have Kendry and Airin dance together.

Should Selithe and Ryan join in, they will receive dance instruction, as well. Oh, and some good food.

Kendry says to Airin towards the end of the evening, "I'd like to learn many dance steps together with you, sweets."

In Angel Springs - ADM Kim 
Wednesday March 8th, 2006 10:24:31 PM

Walking in the morning rain

Rain comes before sunrise to Crescent Valley. A mist at first, it progresses to a light pitter-patter, and, by the time various members of the party head over to the Bell Tower, big drops of rain form myriad concentric ripples in numerous puddles. Those few out on the streets wear oiled overcloaks and hats to help ward off the strong precipitation from the rest of their clothing - though not all are as well-prepared. A few lightly clad children take enormous delight in splashing through the puddles. "One-two-three!" Four little ones follow an equal number of small bits of wood that bounce down a little surface stream about eight feet from the buildings adjacent the main street. The rules seem to be one can only nudge one's piece of wood if it gets stuck on its way downstream after counting to three aloud. Bare toes do their work.

The Bell Tower

Zardock welcomes in those who have come to witness what Toomane is doing. Seeing him outside under one of the awnings, the walker invites Dwight to come in out of the rain.

The fixer does some light work around the base to begin. "First we stabilize the foundation," the dwarf comments. He then takes the bulk of the time working downward from the top of the tower. Though he will allow the party members to observe him, they must do so from a distance of ten feet or more. "WoldsBlood, which gives life, also can cause a sudden... shift in one's existence. Unless you wish to meet with Gargul soon, please maintain your distance."

He makes an exception for Dwight after eyeing him for well over a minute. "You may in time have what it takes to deal in WoldsBlood, lad." He has him come close enough - about three feet away - to feel the strong pulse of the minute glob of hemoglobin. [Dwight - make a fortitude save DC 12 or faint.]

If Dwight fails his save, Toomane steps back from him, warning, "Let no one approach. I'll take care of him in a moment." And he does his work on the vine and the inner walls for a full minute. After that, he pulls a vial from his belt, waves it under the adventurer's nose, and Dwight awakens, with his head throbbing.

[If Dwight makes his fortitude save, then make a Will save, DC 10.] He feels drawn to the WoldsBlood - but Toomane's free arm will intervene should Dwight choose to give in to the impulse to touch it (that is, if he fails his Will save).

"It is seductive. But there is much good one can do, laddy, if one learns to harness its power for the good."


Most common items can easily be obtained by party members as long as they have the means to pay. Shop in the Catacombs, if you wish - just be sure to email JPW and me, Kim, with any of your character's purchases.

Meeting at Bella's

"The plants love this weather," are Bella's welcoming words.

"Follow me to the solarium. Yes, bring your animals, too. Ponies? Fine."

Rows of flowers line one wall, with others interspersed among herbs, some short vines, and saplings. Bella scoots aside some potted plants so that the ponies have room to stand. Rain falls heavily upon the many glass squares above.

"I have a scroll which will allow me to transport all of you to a place I know well - a grove next to the vision pool in the Druid's Quarter of Plateau City." She pulls a scroll case, sealed with string and wax, and hands it over to Dwight. "You have some experience with plants, dearie." She also nods towards Airin, "As you are learning to, as well, honey." She returns her attention to Dwight. "Please give this to the druid Foaun Gondin. After that, you are free to pursue whatever training or whatnot you wish to -- so long as you all are back here two weeks hence."

Addressing all, she asks, "Are we then agreed?" She gives those gathered the chance to ask any questions or make any comments, which she will attempt to answer as she is able. If you roll a spot check DC 15 then Highlight to display spoiler: {you notice a fleeting expression of pain on Bella's face - fairly well concealed from all but the most attentive.}

Finally, should the answer be in the affirmative, Bella then says, "Good. Hold hands, or at least each touch another, so that all are connected by touch. Include the dogs, the ponies, the hawk."

When all are touching, she reads from a scroll. As the last words are uttered, the hairs raise up on the adventurer's bodies. Then, a pulsing blackness, and ...

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