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Shambling Mound

The Drawbridge [DM JPW]  d20+3=23
Monday September 26th, 2005 9:59:56 PM


While Podo, Airin, and Selithe are off scouting for a way into the Lens Morpth asks of Kendry, "Kendry...if the offer is still open, I'd like to try the light mace."

Morpth holding up his hand and placing the other hand across his heart symbolically, recites an oath for all in earshot to hear. Begining, Morpth says firmly, I, Morpth Pipewood Raincatcher, do honestly and resoundly denounce Ebyron , the Fae King, and in doing so firmly pledge my allegiance to Alemi, Supreme God of Health!

The Drawbridge

Meanwhile at the drawbridge, Airin's mage armor spell;Highlight to display spoiler: { has an hour left.} While the group is trying to determine a way into the building and past the drawbridge, Erwen makes a shrieking cry and heads towards Airin.

As Podo, Selithe, and Airin look about to determine what the bird yell is all about, the 3 of you see something akin to a garbage pile lunging towards you...

Airin [AC21 - 27/28HP - Mage Armor] and Fioni [AC17 - HP8]  d20+7=27 d20+7=18 d6+1=4 d6+1=6 d20+6=15 d20+9=26
Tuesday September 27th, 2005 11:08:29 AM

"Talk first shoot later ?!?" crosses Airin's mind and she looks to Podo and selithe to see what they're doing.

She aims and will fire if the "thing" engages. If not, she will hold her fire and talk to the thing - assuming it can talk - : "Stand still ! We've come to talk to the one named Ebryon, the great King of Fey"

"You never know this works" she mumbles between her teeth to Podo and Selithe.

Rolls :
readied shot hits AC27 - NAT20 - crit check AC18
Damage readied shot : 4HP + 6HP if crit
Spot : 15
Listen : 26

Active Spells :
Mage Armor : 1 hour left

Battle: Garbage; Rnd 1 [DM JPW] 
Tuesday September 27th, 2005 9:17:51 PM

The lumbering rotting mound attacks

Airin sees the mound lunge at her and her friends, thanks to Fioni's cries. She lets off a readied bolt into the thing, striking it for 4 points of damage.


Being bitten by a bolt takes the thing by total surprise. It advances on your position taking its entire round to do so.

Dwight  d20+6=14 d6=6 d20+1=16
Tuesday September 27th, 2005 10:11:55 PM

Apparently not seeing the 'thing' watches from a distance as Podo, Selithe and Airin suddenly stop searching and Fioni screeches.

Seeing Airin release her bow (without a rope for climbing), Dwight readies his own shortbow and sets out to take his own aim.

If within range (and seeing the 'thing' Dwight will fire an arrow. (attk: 14, dmg: 6) Otherwise, Dwight will move the entire round to get a visual on whats occurring. (spot 16)

Kendry (AC 15, HP 17) [expeditious retreat, move 50] (Cheann, dog: AC 17, hp 20) 
Wednesday September 28th, 2005 2:21:11 AM

Hearing the beginnings of commotion ahead, Kendry casts upon himself expeditious retreat, though clearly intending to use it for something other than retreat. "Advance!" he calls out to his companions, perhaps unnecessarily. He himself moves forward 50 feet, or less, if doing so will get him within thirty feet of the undifferentiated mass that seems to be rising up against his beloved. "Come, Cheann!" he says to his dog, as he nocks a cold iron arrow in his bow (quickdraw, free action - I think).

[Note to DM: Kendry had not wanted there to be too great a distance between Airin and himself, even though they were 'going on ahead.' Probably 40 to 60 feet or so, if that much.]

Airin [AC21 - 27/28HP - Mage Armor] and Fioni [AC17 - HP8]  d20+7=21 d6+1=7 d20+6=25 d20+9=28
Wednesday September 28th, 2005 11:17:19 AM

Yup attack first looks like the best option for the little halflings to deal with a pile of garbage ...

Her Quick Reload feat was probably the best thing she could ever have learned from her former mentor and immediately she fires a second bolt !

Fioni circles above not knowing what to do against this pile of rubbish ...

Rolls :
bolt hits AC21
Damage : 7HP
Spot : 25
Listen : 28

Active Spells
Mage Armor : 59' 54"

Dwight  d20+6=9 d6=4
Wednesday September 28th, 2005 8:37:50 PM

Once close enough, Dwight will release an arrow into the heap (or perhaps his second if he made it last round.)while trying to make sure his entire group is accounted for.

att: 9
dmg: 4

Kim to Crescent Valley friends - Hey! We're in COMBAT! 
Wednesday September 28th, 2005 11:00:43 PM

Since we're in combat - let's have some good posting, eh? I don't stand faultless - didn't get to posting until the wee hours of Wednesday morning. But Podo and Selithe have not posted since Monday, and Patterton since Wednesday last week.

To arms! To arms! We need us all!

Selithe  d20+1=4 d20+1=5
Wednesday September 28th, 2005 11:08:53 PM

(OOC:I could of sworn on a stack of bibles that I posted for Tuesday. Sorry everyone for letting ya's down.)

Selithe keeping her staff in hand moves foreward to help combat the new threat and takes a swing with both ends. She growls lowly to herself as she notices both swings terribly pathetic.

(Can hit AC::4/5 Damage:miss/miss)

Lomar the ogre/ogre mage (ADM Kim)  d20+13=33 d20+13=24 d20+8=23 2d8(5+8)+8=21 2d8(1+3)+8=12
Thursday September 29th, 2005 2:07:27 AM

Lomar, the half ogre/ogre mage sees the rising muck come to loom near Airin. He reaches into his pouch of rocks as his long strides carry him forward. Pulling one out, he cocks his arm, and throws, hard [d20+13=33, natural 20, threat, critical if AC 24 or less. Damage: 21, or 33 if critical]. (Ignore d20+8=23 - not valid.]

Bobbles the goblin (ADM Kim)  d20+3=7 d20+3=21
Thursday September 29th, 2005 2:21:51 AM

"Frumpledown!" exclaims Bobbles in halfling, repeating one of the favorite exclamations of dismay of the good woman in Hovel who has allowed Bobbles and Lomar to stay in her barn. He gives wide berth to the rising fray. Using his darkvision, he tries to work his way farther along, to see if there is a way to the castle along the bog. Bobbles walks with care, probing each step before trusting his weight to it once he reaches the place where the moat used to be - and ready to fall flat backwards if his footing gives way, so as to be able to crawl out. [Listen: 7, Spot: 21]

Podo (AC 18/ HP 27)  d20+8=11 d4=3
Thursday September 29th, 2005 11:57:11 AM

Podo, seeing the garbage heap attack, will piviot 5 feet and make an unarmed attack. (Hit AC:11 Dmg: 3)

Thursday September 29th, 2005 2:03:16 PM

Airin watches her bolt veering to the pile of garbage as if she looks through slow motion ! She sees the bolt rotating around his axis, seeing little whisps or wind formed by the perfect airodynamics of the bolt. Slowly she sees the monster grow bigger in front of the tiny sharp point of the bolt and then ... it hits ?

Dwight  d20+6=20 d6=6
Thursday September 29th, 2005 9:18:59 PM

Dwight reloads his bow, hoping for a better shot this round. Pulling the bow, waiting for just the right clearance releases the arrow soaring into the heap of trash (a waste of a good arrow...) Att: 20, dmg: 6.

Kendry (AC 15, hp 18) [Expeditious Retreat, 2 min 54 seconds left. Inspire Courage +1 att/+1 dam morale bonus for allies who hear]  d20+6=10 d20+9=14
Friday September 30th, 2005 12:34:57 AM

Kendry aims high with his next arrow, trying to hit the upper part of the mass - but his arrow arcs too high. [Unless AC 10 hits :( ]

Wanting to encourage his friends, Kendry begins a song [inspire courage, perform: singing: d20+9=14].
No mass of earth, no mess of twigs
Will sway or cause us to renege
Our pledge for justice to uphold
'Gainst him who woe grew in our Wold
...he begins.

[OOC: Inspire courage grants +1 morale bonus to attacks and damage, and +1 morale bonus versus fear and charm effects. It benefits all allies who can hear him sing. So - add it to your attacks & damage!]

Cheann, Kendry's Caran Hills dog (AC 17, HP 20) (by Kim) 
Friday September 30th, 2005 12:49:25 AM

"Rauf! Rauf-rauf!" Cheann barks toward the messy mass, himself staying near the singing hobbit.

Battle: Garbage; Rnd 2 [DM JPW]  d20+6=13 d6+5=7 d20+6=12 d6+5=8
Friday September 30th, 2005 1:49:36 AM

Battle Rages

As the heap of rotting vegetation (AC:20) closes ranks to Selithe and Podo, a massive amount of blows pummel into it. Airin gets a good bolt into it causing 7 HP of damage. Lomar using a rock and his unusual skill manages to knock the heap with a mighty critical blow of 33 Hps! Dwight's first shot goes wide, but the second shot gets it for 6 points of damage. Although it appears to have taken a killing round of damage it continues its attack on Selithe.

Iron Will

The heap raises up to attack Selithe bearing down an arm-like appendage into Selithe's body with a mighty swing missing completely. Swinging its other arm, it swings at Podo with an extended 10 ft reach doing an attack damage with its other appendage also completely missing.

Rage swells up in the heap as it extends itself upward/erect to a height of 6 ft. tall with an 8 ft. girth!!

Lomar the Ogre (ADM Kim)  d20+13=21 2d8(6+7)+8=21
Friday September 30th, 2005 2:09:43 AM

Lomar roars, seeing the heap attacking his little friends. He pegs another fair-sized stone at the beast. "Do not hurt my Selithe friend!

[Hit AC 21 for 21 hp damage.]

Kendry  d20+6=24
Friday September 30th, 2005 2:50:40 AM

"Not my sister! Not my friend! Not my sweetheart!" Kendry yells, breaking his song, he moves forward, and, pulling another tanglefoot bag from his bag, throws it from a 15 foot distance at the creature that rivals Lomar in mass, if not in height.

[Ranged touch attack, hits AC 23, tanglefoot bag. Should have rolled d20+6+1(Inspire courage)-2(range increment), or, in short, a d20+5, rather than d20+6.]

[The effects of inspire courage will last four more rounds, so keep those bonuses to attack and damage in your combat calculations.]

Bobbles the Goblin (ADM Kim)  d20+3=9 d20+3=13
Friday September 30th, 2005 2:54:05 AM

Bobbles starts checking out the boggy area to the far side of the drawbridge - maybe thirty, forty feet from the far side of the drawbridge.

[Listen: 9. Spot: 13]

Battle Ends... [DM JPW] 
Friday September 30th, 2005 9:24:09 AM

Battle Ends

With a second mighty blow coming from the great Lomar, the beast falls over with a thud, and moves to more!

Kendry's shock that the beast might take out his beloved Airin, the bard uses his now imfamous tanglebag to even up the sides. By this time however, the battle is over, and the heap does not resist.

Tanglefoot'd Heap

As the Crescent Valley adventures realize the battle is over, they cautiously approach the tanglefoot Heap.

The large mass of rotten Vegetation doesn't really appear to anything more than a large plant monster. At this distance, Kendry twiddles his fingers and thinking out loud, thinks the critter must weight more than 3,000 pounds! Not counting the Tanglefoot bag, of course!

Runic Acorns

While everyone stands transfixed and staring at the Heap, Kendry, Airin, Selithe, Patterton, Podo, and Dwight all come to realize they are each holding an acorn with 3 runes on its smooth shell, each equidistant from the other (Each rune is evenly spaced around the smooth shell of the acorn).

Each rune is in High Woldian, but Kendry is able to translate each as being - LIVE, SLEEP, DIE.

As Kendry looks closer, he gets the feeling that only one rune can be touched...

Airin and Fioni 
Friday September 30th, 2005 3:09:35 PM

Airin closely observes the runes, and suddenly the dream they all had before starts to make sense. They are to judge Ebryon's future ...

Die - killing a creature of nature was never Airin's most favoured activity. Only when attacked she will do so. As Ebryon, or his minion now seems to be destroyed is there really need to kill him ?

Sleep - guess this is where Ebryon was awoken from at the beginning of this chaos ... no use in going back there ...

Live ... can we keep a creature like this alive ? He's a master of nature, and Airin's love for nature goes without saying ... Yet he almost killed Morpth, but on the other hand he gave Morpth back to us alive and well ... maybe we ought to give him that very same second chance !

Airin looks to her friends and says : "Morpth was giving back his life - he got a second chance from Ebryon to make up for his foolish act earlier at the druid circle. Maybe we ought to grant him that same chance ... "

With that she touches the rune that says LIVE

Kendry  d8+1=4 d8+1=8 d8+1=8
Friday September 30th, 2005 3:35:22 PM

Kendry translates the High Woldian runes to his friends. "I think that Queen Maab's magic has joined us here," he says. But before making any decisions, he checks to see how Airin, Podo and especially Selithe are doing. On finding Podo and his sister wounded, Kendry takes the wand of cure light wounds. He first applies two charges to his sister (4+8 - fully healed), whom he then hugs to himself for a moment. "You had me worried, Sissy," he tells Selithe. He pulls back for a moment to look at her, then gives her a kiss on her forehead.

He next applies the wand to Podo (8 - fully healed). "That was brave of you, going hand to hand against this pile of smelly dirt."

Then we comes back to Airin. He holds open his arms, and embraces her in a hug. "I saw that thing rising up against you. And you, not faltering, just reloading your crossbow, and sticking it again." His hand rubs circles on her back, trying to calm the tension that comes with battle.

Finally, he turns, and looks down at the heap of messy rubble, trying to get a better understanding of just what it was that attacked them. With his bastard sword he starts scraping mud and sticks and whatever other garbage might be on the creature below them, trying to see if there is some sort of flesh and bones underneath it all. "What is this thing?" he wonders. "Come over and take a look at this, Patty. You too, Dwight. What do you think, guys? How 'bout you, Lomar? Say, you throw a nice rock, big guy! Remind me not to play catch with you!"

"I really wanted to talk with Ebryon," Kendry says. "Maybe we can find him somewhere around here." He glances over at Morpth. "You have any ideas?"

He pauses a moment, then calls out, "MUNGO! MU-U-U-UNGO-O-O! Are you here?"

Friday September 30th, 2005 5:56:27 PM

Glad the everyone is okay, listens as his acorn is translated. "Live, sleep, die. Queen Maab couldn't just have told us to choose one? Or how to activate it, assuming it does something. " As Dwight continues thinking about this is partakes in the examination of the fallen trash.

After a moment of examination, Dwight asks intently, "Morph, why didn't you help bring this thing down?"

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