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At Lawni's Lens

Light in yonder Court yard [DM JPW] 
Saturday October 1st, 2005 1:27:43 AM

Light in der' Courtyard

Morpth answers Dwight by throwing up again, and right onto Dwight's shoes. With spittle still dripping off his bottom lip, he explains, "The mere thought of violence makes me hurl!" With that another violent round of projectile vomit spews across the field.

As Kendry cries out to Mungo Hardbottle, a subtle yet distinct sound of "KENDRY! KE-N-N-NDRY-Y-Y! In here!" echos back out of yonder courtyard, across the bog, and across the slightly tilted drawbridge.

The Trash Heap has Spoken!

With a tanglefoot bag and death by rocks, the trash heap has said its last goodbyes as it lays in a pile, gooed to the ground, left to decay.

What Kendry can make out from his searching is that this creature looks like a mass of leaves and vines with a generally human-like form. It has a barrel shaped body with ropy arms and stumpy legs. It doesn't seem to have a head.

Podo wonders aloud, "You think Mungo might know what this thing is?"

The Courtyard

As Mungo manages to lower the drawbridge via the winch mechanism on one of the walls just past the archway on the courtside of the complex.

Mungo yells out to his earlier companions, "Please join us here in the courtyard. The campfire is bright and Aya Nightshade and I are having an enjoyable conversation. Please... Come... Join us!"

Monday October 3rd, 2005 3:42:33 AM

Come on out first, then we'll come on in
"Sure, we'll join you inside. But first, Mungo, could you take a look at this plant monster that just attacked us? I think it's dead, now," Kendry answers the invitation. If Mungo obliges, he holds up his everlasting torch, and lets Mungo HardBottle take a look. "Do you know what this is?"

That done, he says the idea of sitting at a campfire sounds good, and he enters with family and friends to join Mungo and Aya Nightshade.

"I know an Aya," he tells Mungo as they enter. "But his family is Shadeton Oakendale, not Nightshade. I used to live with his uncle, aunt and two of my cousins - Shale is a ranger who traveled with us for several days."

As he goes to meet Aya, he says, "Hi! I'm Kendry Leafwin Pipew... hey, it is you, Aya! What's with the 'Nightshade'? And what brings you to Lawni's Lens, anyhow? You know Selithe, my sister, of course. This here is Airin Moondancer Turnbell. Airin, this is Aya. Of course, you know Shale - he's Aya's first cousin. Well, I'm Shale's first cousin, too. but through the distaff side of the family," he overexplains to Airin. Looking again at Aya, he continues the introductions. "You ought to know Patty, right? You saw him and Shale and me win the four-in-six legged race a few years back at that festival. Patterton Cloverturn Burrows. He had a run-in with goblins last month. A stout right arm, they found he has. Podo, here, Podo Danderfluff Pipewood, is a monk, and a good buddy. Dwight - Dwight Twiggebundler - I think has many hidden resources. And, dressed in these handsome clothes is Morpth. He has, shall we say, a remarkable story. Say, Morpth - I never did learn your family names. We haven't had a lot of time to talk, I'd say.

"Now - don't worry - that big fellow holding back by the drawbridge is Lomar. He's an ogre, of course and - AND - a bard! He plays the drum, and comes up with some pretty catchy chants and songs. He is our friend. Bobbles! Bobbles, where are you?" he calls out. "Bobbles is a goblin. He's a good guy. His common isn't too strong yet, but he's working on it. He gets common and hobbit words and syntax sort of mixed together. He really helped us out back when a bunch of other goblins were causing us problems."

Kendry gives Aya a chance to say what he wishes.

One of the Matters at Hand
"Let us tell you of a choice that lies before us," Kendry speaks to his friends, but wanting Mungo and Aya, as well as Morpth, to have a chance to understand the nature of the decision as well.

He tells of the dream that they all shared early this morning. A dream of Ebryon, and his wife, Maab, Queen of the Fay, and how, in order to escape her power, he divided himself into many forms and bodies, and thus scattered himself over the face of the Wold. "I don't understand how he did it, but Queen Maab countered his magic with some of her own." He holds out his acorn. "Three High Woldian runes are engraved upon this little nut. They translate as 'Live, Sleep, Die.' Ours is now to join with others throughout the Wold in helping to determine the fate of Ebryon, King of the Fae, who re-entered the Wold after eons of slumber, taking the form of a satyr. He gave a command to one of us in this group. A terrible command. Soon afterwards, Ebryon wrought death upon scores of druids and elves, and there was a great battle between druids and the fae - and us, against Ebryon himself.

"And since his coming, the Wold has suffered upheaval, and disruption. Plateau City was flooded. Hundreds, if not thousands, have died. Ebryon has blood on his hands.

"Now, not all he has done has caused ruin. Crops have become enormously fruitful. Some of the fae have gained in power and in heart.

"Now, Ebryon is a power, perhaps a peer to many of the gods of the Wold. Our decision can have profound effects on our beloved world.

"Should he return to sleep, things likely would soon settle down to the way we are accustomed. If we rule he should die, then perhaps nature itself would become less wild, more domesticated. If we say to let him live, then, I daresay, we might expect more of the same as in recent weeks. Likely Parnoth will be defeated, perhaps killed, and thus a measure of freedom come to portions of the Culverwood Forest.

"If we say, 'live!' - then the forests may gain in power, and druids and others who rely on nature and her power themselves grow in power. Cities and civilization may find themselves under prolonged seige.

"Is justice due Ebryon? My inclination is to weigh justice and mercy, and choose sleep. But doing so may lead, centuries to come, to an even worse awakening.

"What do you all think? I believe each of us has his own choice to make in this matter. Airin, I saw you press your acorn. What choice was yours? What do you recommend?

"And you, Patty. You saw first hand Ebryon's first acts of bloodshed. What are your thoughts?

"How about the rest of you? Speak, and let us share wise counsel. Or," he adds with a smile, "at least the counsel of good friends."

Airin and Fioni 
Monday October 3rd, 2005 7:14:06 AM

Prior to meeting with Mungo
The moment Kendry runs up to her and hugs her Airin's legs go numb. Deep down she was scared ... scared to get killed, scared to see her friends get killed. Suddenly she feels all the stress fall from her shoulders. She returns the loving hug from Kendry and whispers in his ears: "We made it love, we made it..."

Then she hears Mungo once more!
"How in the Wold did he get past that veggie thing?!?" Airin exclaims. Somehow she never trusted him in the first place, and seeing him turn up here again, unharmed, not threatened by this monster and enjoying an entertainimg chat with Aya around a FIRE?!?! WITHOUT DRAWING ATTENTION!!!???!!!

This is all too weird.

Around the fire with Mungo
Listening to Kendry's introduction Airin's mind is troubled with dark thoughts. She can't help but feel uncomfortable with Mungo. He turns up at the most unexpected places, without getting threatened by any monsters. This heap of garbage attacked us all before we even got in to the castle! Too awkward.

But then Airin remembers the argument they had earlier about an odd looking patch of grass. Maybe she should get over her paranoia some day and decides not to mention any further doubt.

When Kendry asks her about her choice for Ebryon's future she explains:

"I chose 'live.' I know after all that he did to us this may seem stupid, but don't forget he gave Morpth back in full health. He did make crops flourish as you said Kendry and believe there IS good in him. If our actions can make him repent what he did I believe it to be good for the Valley, for the the entire Wold. I have grown to admire the powers of nature. Remember it was Mayzie who taught me the first steps." (ooc Mayzie was this party's first druid, but she left us). "Ebryon contains all this power! Removing him will indeed diminish all life and reduce the power of nature.

"In the end, no one got killed. He gave Morpth a second chance of life and I believe we ought to give him that same chance."

Then she looks up again and seeks acknowledgement in Kendry's eyes.

Monday October 3rd, 2005 9:32:54 AM

Battle Ends

Although Podo wasn't in the battle long, the battle is already over as quickly as it began. Podo walks over the the trash heap goo'd to the ground as is the common attack for this group. Podo thinks to himself...he hit'em and goo'em gang!

Podo as been doing alot of thinking lately.I wonder what my role here is in this life. Domi as showed me great courage and strength, but still I have a longing...like I'm not all I can be...

Lawni's Lens

Podo wanders into the keep and sits by the campfire and looses himself in thought.

Monday October 3rd, 2005 12:59:13 PM

Aya smiles at Kendry and the rest of the party, happy to see old freinds agein and to make new ones.

Then Aya speaks in rsponse Kendry's questions "I changed my name when I became a priest of Gargul. It is a part of the death and rebirth rite all priest of Gargul must go through. I have come here because I always wanted to, but never had the chance. I resently left my home to be an adveturer and desided that this old castle would be a fun place to start. I didn't expect anyone to be here. Seeing you all is a plesent supprise."

"As for Ebryon, I wonder why there is more then one acorn. Do you each get a vote and which ever one has the most votes is what happens or because he split himself, does each acorn deside the fate of a different part of him? In ether case it is a hard destion and must be made with care. For the time being I, my self, would have him sleep not knowing enough to pass jugment apon him, but that is not my choice to make. If you wish, I will join you in your quest and help you the best I can, I can think of no greater adveture then to help old freinds deside the fate of the fey king."

Lawni's Lens..Anew! [DM JPW] 
Monday October 3rd, 2005 9:35:43 PM

Mungo & the Heap

Mungo is called forth to identify the heap on the ground, goo'd to the ground. Mungo asks, "Whose bolts are these sticking in the creature? Why did you need to kill it? It didn't bother me when I got here! I mean it did come out of the moat, but then again I gave it no reason to think I meant it any harm either; remember the grass you folks wanted to kill? I just walked around that too! As for this thing, I thought it was the gatekeeper!"

"Actually, now that I think about it, I think they call this one a Shambling Mound..."

[The Castle Courtyard

Mungo asks if everyone would join him and Aya Nightshade in the courtyard. "The fire is nice and stoked, warm to be had by all!"

Those that enter the courtyard pass over a drawbridge that for all its time in the elements does not seem to have weathered much. YOu also pass under a portaculis with the ironwork gate lifted up into its open position. Those that look at the gateHighlight to display spoiler: {see a gate that like the bridge has not weathered much and (check; DC vs. 5)Highlight to display spoiler: {}looks like it could hold back the denizens of Koshe-Marr!}[/spoiler]

Once inside the courtyard, with the fire burning brightly, you can make out about 50% of the area Mungo calls the courtyard. Looks like a parade ground or the beginings of a nicely sized city. High walls, parapets in the corners, an area on the wall tops to guard, a strong looking keep/main castle, and then there's that funny shaped dome building.

Mr. Hardbottle's invitation

After the gang brings into the courtyard, all the gear, and the mounts; there is even water troughs and posts to sure up the mounts; the halflings gather around the fire to warm themselves for the evening and make plans.

After everyone has had a bite to eat and drink; Mungo had prepare some food; and all the introductions are made between the newcomer with Mungo and the rest of Kendry's party, Mungo offers an invitation to the group.

"I've been thinking. You all have weathered the landscape and the interesting things of nature and arrived here in one piece. Soon my taks here will be done and I will be returning to Angel Springs. If you will accept my invitation, in one forenights time, I can offer you a party in my home and a chance to find some rest & relaxation. Consider it a "Job well done" party. If all of you except, please meet me in the Merchant's sector of Angel Springs; My shop's called Ye Olde Antiques & Curiosities. Can't miss it!

Monday October 3rd, 2005 10:07:47 PM

Prior to Mungo:
Disgusted by Morpth's vomit on his shoes, forces himself not to smack Morpth with the back side of his hand. "....intentionally getting that close....new shoes.... the stench already," is heard as Dwight mumbles ending his conversation with Morpth.

Inside with Mungo:

Dwight listens to the introductions and nods when he is mentioned. "Aya, you look somewhat familiar. Have we met before? Can't image that we have as I've not been many places, but you do look familiar."

As the conversation changes to Ebryon, "According to the path, Live, Sleep and Die. Ebyron lived, and has slept for many years. He has already done two of the three. Given his second chance, which we personally witnessed," he points out to Aya, "many people did die. Perhaps not Morpth here, but others, a great many others. Personally I haven't decided, but I'm leaning towards Sleep or Death. I certainly would love to know more of the details about him now and before." Dwight turns to Mungo hoping he will give them.

Monday October 3rd, 2005 10:20:39 PM

(OOC: I'm really sorry everyone for missing posts last week. We been moving things out of my Grandma's house because she will be going to a nursing home soon. It has been quite rough with us not really wanting to put her in and home but she needs to be in one for her safty and her complaining about how she is perfectly able to stay out of it even if she can't remember diddly.)

Selithe glances around, amazed at how fast the combat ended and whispers to Airin as they are at the camp now, "Uummm, that was fast, did I even help really? I mean it seems like I'm little help in most combats."

Selithe pouts as she thinks over how this has been going lately with combats and sighs, deciding the next one she is diving in for sure to help out.

Selithe notices the new person and smiles, waving to Aya, "Hi there."

Patterton (by Kim) 
Tuesday October 4th, 2005 12:33:55 AM

Patterton takes care of the ponies, using his own war pony, Barnabus, to get to Kendry's. He had moments before been about to attack the mound. Now it was still, and his friends going across the bridge. He takes their reins in hand, and leads them into the courtyard.

"Hey, Aya. Yeah, I kind of remember you from the festival. I didn't get into town much, though."

As the discuss moves to the Fae King's fate, the fighter opines, "I'm not so sure we should give Ebryon a pass. I think he stinks!" Patterton says. "Why not let 'im die? That way, he's not gonna come back and ruin life for a bunch of folks down the road."

Kendry [Revised post, reflecting changes to "Lawni's Lens..Anew! [DM JPW]" post above] 
Tuesday October 4th, 2005 12:53:14 AM

Kendry considers Mungo's rebuke for attacking the plant beast? "This - shambling mound, is it? - launched attacks against us, back in Hovel. Mungo, with due respect, but based upon the vision some of us shared this morning, the vegetative chaos that surrounded this, this shambler, and the sudden appearance in our hands of Maab's acorns immediately following its defeat - I believe that what greeted you by the drawbridge was a portion of the essence of Ebryon himself. That it was Ebryon whom we followed would explain the animation of plants in his presence back in town, plants that attacked us." He pulls up his shirt to reveal the scar on his abdomen. "One of his beast-plants stabbed me right here in the chest."

He pauses. "Yet, you may have a point, mister Mungo. Though it rose up and approached it, we did initiate the attack upon it. Perhaps, just perhaps, we might have been able to communicate with it - with him, if indeed, this is part of the essence of the King of the Fae." He scratches his head. Though he does not disagree with his group's decision to attack when sensing a threat... Mungo's words make him think. He decides to say no more at this time on the subject. Shall we mourn this dead shambler? Kendry's face is sad. He takes a few minutes, intending respect, to remove the arrows and bolts from the slain creature, which, once back inside the courtyard, he places on the fire.

After a bit, when Patty comes in, he hits his forehead with the palm of his hand, Kendry says, "The ponies! Thanks, Patty!"

He listens to the thoughts of his friends.

"Airin, if I saw clear evidence that Ebryon has tempered his ways," Kendry begins to answer, "then I might be more inclined to your point of view on the matter. If nature gains in power, then druids, perhaps, will share in that gain. Perhaps those who follow the paths arcane or divine, apart from what we call 'nature,' may suffer, their powers diminished. Not saying that is so, I'm merely speculating.

"Also, in addition to the question of mercy, there is the question of justice. Now, Dwight, I sense you did not, do not, approve of my having given Morpth here the benefit of the doubt.

"Yet, when I saw him go from aggressive and hostile, with his skin an odd color, and encased in wicked armor, to landing on his bum on the grass, clad only in - well, just barely enough to keep his modesty, and saw his mindset go from hostile to perplexed, from speaking of Ebryon to speaking of Alemi, then I thought to myself, 'There is something happening here - and I think that Morpth has changed.'"

Kendry walks over to one of the ponies, takes off the saddle bags as he continues to talk. "Well, from the dream we had this morning, I don't think that Ebryon has had any change of heart. He has split his essence, and scattered it abroad, to be sure - but that was to thwart the will of his wife. Queen Maab is wise, I believe. She knows that her husband must be dealt with. I'm with you, Dwight. I would like to know more. But," and here he takes out of a pouch on his belt the acorn he placed there a few minutes before, "I think we have been given the power to cast our votes, with whatever we now know." Mungo's words again return to him, and he wonders whether the opportunity to know more lies dead by the drawbridge. But he shakes off that 'what if?'

He begins to remove the pack saddle, and asks, "Mungo - what counsel might you give in this matter?" As he awaits the merchant's response, he takes down the saddle, then from it takes out food, cooking pot, and a nice blanket. The latter he lays on the courtyard floor, and on it the food and such. He removes the other pony's bags and saddle. He feeds the dogs, Cheann and Gra, and gives the ponies some grain. They've had plenty of grass today.

Airin and Fioni  d20+6=18 d20+9=16
Tuesday October 4th, 2005 5:46:24 AM

Airin welcomes Aya into the group and is pleased to see a cleric joined the party.

It's getting late now, and she's not sure if they will be spending the night here in this castle.

"What else is to be found in this castle?", she asks Mungo, "Are we sure this pile of junk was the only thing we could find in here? If we plan on spending the night here, I would like to take a quick tour checking things out.

Mungo, who owns this place? Is this deserted? Oh I remember the Gold Dargon's castle back in Plateau City... maybe we can have our own castle one day!"

Airin looks around to see the state of the castle. Ruin, well preserved, completely deserted filled with cobwebs? Are there any items to be found in the castle? and more important, why was Mungo heading over here?!? Only to meet Aya?!? Strange...

spot: 18
listen: 16

Tuesday October 4th, 2005 9:12:08 AM

Waking up of out his waking dream, Podo is quick to accept Mungo's offer. "Really? a party for Us? Ok, I'll go!"

Turning to Kendry, Podo asks, "You going Kendry? It be a chance to relax and maybe have that multi-legged race you keep talking about! If that doesn't sound good, maybe he'd let you look at his library?"

Podo, excited by the prospects of visiting the big city in the valley, wanders further into the courtyard back into the shadows.

Tuesday October 4th, 2005 5:22:44 PM

Kendry smiles. "Yes, Podo, a party at Mungo's in Angel City sounds great!"

"I'd like to know what is in that domed building," Kendry remarks. "Where is the 'lens' that people look through?" he asks Mungo.

He has not forgotten the acorn, or the need to render a decision. He is torn. Airin's choice might bring great growth, and abundance in nature. But, would the growth be so great, that nature would become an enemy, as it seems, in some ways, to have become of late? Patty's take on it - perhaps justice would best be served by calling for death. His best friends, with divergent views. Would sleep - and a return to the status quo, be the best? Or merely a decision deferred? An echo of Maab's earlier choice, yet in the fullness of time resulting in the chaos, death, suffering, yet also verdant life, huge crops... and walking corn of the past weeks.

"I do not know if my choice is the best. I am loath to put to death a great power. I am loath to reward this stinker with full rein. So - and I know that you, Airin, may be angry with me for not favoring wakeful life for Ebryon. And you, Patty, may think me indecisive for failure to exercise stronger judgment in this matter.

"I will listen to any of you to pursuade me otherwise. My strong inclination, though, is to choose the rune for sleep."

Tuesday October 4th, 2005 5:45:01 PM

Aya sits at the fire eating the food that he was given and talking with the others.

"Who are you Mungo? Why did you invite everyone here? Mmm, this food is good by the way. And what do you have to do with what is going on with the Fey King and all."

"By the way the ones with the acorns must consider that chosing death could also lead to the death of forests and plants across Wold. It could end up killing just as many people through famin and such as it could leting him live. Also if it weakens the druid the places they protect will be open to attack. The way I see it sleep is the safist, live and die could lead to the deaths of many, mabe even the deaths of freinds and family back home."

"As for going to Angelsprings, I would love to go, though I'm not one parties. There are always interesting things to be found in a big city."

A little later, after the convertion dies down and the food has been eaten "I'm going to go look around for a bit, the dark doesn't really bother me and if I get in any trouble I'll yell."

Tuesday October 4th, 2005 6:40:02 PM

Dwight listens as others continue to discuss Ebryon's fate. He fingers the acorn gently in his hand still officially undecided.

The shambling mound discussion doesn't really interest him much. Unfortunate if killed without need, but no way verify it, so life goes on.

After the groups eats and settles, Dwight will join any that adventure out to explore the surrounding. He brings his bow.

Lomar the ogre (by Kim) 
Tuesday October 4th, 2005 10:44:47 PM

Lomar, after watching the fallen shambling mound for some time, joins those in the courtyard. "He is not growing any more."

He looks at the new fellow. "My name is Lomar. These are my friends," he says, indicating the other halflings in the group. "Who are you?"

Lomar stands about ten feet tall. His skin is an odd color. He has tusks. He is an ogre.

Bobbles (by Kim) 
Tuesday October 4th, 2005 10:52:04 PM

A goblin peers from around the gateway to the castle. He is covered head to toe in mud. After looking an and blinking for a few moments, his eyes brighten, and he runs up to Kendry.

"Kantri, Kantri," he says with excitement. Then, from behind his back, he pulls out a fish. In goblin, he says, 'Found in pond this fish under scum. More fish there are, there are! Found way through bog, too,' he says, bouncing up and down. 'Found way through bog!'

One can judge that Bobbles must have grabbed the fish with his left arm, as it looks coated with green scum up past the elbow. And his journey through the bog must have had some missteps.

Wednesday October 5th, 2005 12:08:04 AM

Selithe blinks as she seems to be ignored at the moment and shrugs after a moment guessing she deserves it with her lack of help in so many fights lately and she simply listens and decides to follow the group where the might decide to go to first. She isn't sure about the place there in however as she just knows so little about it but she simply shrugs this off and sits by the fire and pulls out her deck of cards and begins flipping them over one by one before looking up and deciding something, "Hey, we should probably keep watch so I will take first watch if thats okay. I mean, i kind of owe everyone here for not helping much in that last battle."

Kendry  d20+5=18 d20+5=15 d20+5=6
Wednesday October 5th, 2005 12:57:39 AM

"Good, Bobbles, good!" Kendry answers in the common tongue. "We can cook it up on the fire, if you want," he says. Then, in goblin, he asks, "Over fire make fish hot, you want?" If Bobbles agrees, then he'll cook up the fish for him.

"Sis, you did fine. You had, what, all of one chance to attack it?" Kendry asks his sister. He sits down next to her. "So, you didn't happen to connect that one time. No sweat, all right? I'm thinking, Selithe, that you could just focus on ways to sharpen your magical abilities. I don't want you to be like Patterton. I'm glad that he's like Patterton - don't get me wrong. One tough fella! But maybe we can find some useful magic for you, eh?" he suggests, as he wraps some of her platinum hair around his fingers. "Like, a wand or somethin' like that? If you had a choice, do you think you'd like a wand that can cast color spray, or magic missile - or something else? I don't think we can afford anything too expensive, but something less than a thousand, maybe."

His attention turns to the charms she wears from Ebryon's crystal pumpkin. "I still wonder what these things do. Mind if I cast a spell to try and figure it out a bit, sissy?"

If Selithe does not object, Kendry casts detect magic on the charms, and concentrates for a few minutes. [3 Spellcraft checks: 18, 15, 6. I don't know whether Kendry's acquaintance with the source of the charms and his knowledge of, at least, their recent history, would grant him any additional upward modification to his spellcraft checks for this specific item. If there are more than three auras, go ahead and roll for Kendry for any additional.]

After he fully examines the items (30 rounds, a full three minutes), he says, "I wonder whether the fate of this magic might in any way relate to Ebryon's own fate, Selithe. Any thoughts on that? Which rune of Maab are you thinking to press for Ebryon?"

[OOC Note to All from Kim: DM JonPaul pointed out to me that Selithe and Podo were not, in fact, wounded by the shambling mound, as the AC it hit was not good enough to penetrate their defenses. So, Kendry would not have expended charges from the group's wand of cure light wounds in order to heal the uninjured.]

Lawni [DM JPW] 
Wednesday October 5th, 2005 1:29:01 AM

A Tour

Mungo shrugs a bit. "I believe Lawni had something to do with the starmages guild or maybe that was the mage that built the giant towers or perhaps he was the person responsible for the Dragon Sentinels. I forget. It's been a while, and usually I just look it up in one of my books."

"The Domed building is a housing for a large telescope used to view the star animals," Mungo says to Kendry answering his question.

Mungo says in reply to Dwight's questions of him regarding the Fae King, "Dwight, I know only stories that others have written in the pages of time. You folks have actually witnessed his rebirth! I would revisit any information you might have collected of your time with the King and reflect on all that you now know. I think that's the best thing to do... before too long. You wouldn't want to miss the opportunity to have a say in it, eh?"


Morpth huddles around the fire praying in unintelligible sounds to Alemi. Mostly it appears he's asking for forgiveness and the end to his weak stomach.


"Selithe, aren't you a wizard of some note?" Mungo asks of Selithe. I've been keeping a journal of my travels and I've finally had some time to add all of your to my writings, but I wasn't sure exactly what everyone's specific specialty is... could you help me?"


"This place was given to the peoples of The Wold by Lawni. It's used to gaze at the star animals. Sometimes there are monks that reside here, but I don't think anyone's been here in a long time," Mungo answers Airin.

"As for the other questions you've asked about what's around the place... why don't you go adventuring? If you're not back by morning, we will come looking for you..." says Mungo.

Mungo announces that "...if anyone would like to journey to the other parts of the Estates, I would be willing to go, but someone needs to tend the fire and guard their gear. Perhaps I should totally raise the drawbridge? Nothing like waking up to a Troll in the wee hours of the morning!"

Wednesday October 5th, 2005 2:30:51 AM

He reports to Selithe whatever he garners from his detect magic spell (see his last post).

"I am for looking through the lens!" Kendry says. "But first - I cast my decision." He presses the rune for sleep. Perhaps more adventure would come by choosing the live rune, but the halfling opts for greater peace. "However others wish to vote is up to you. But I recommend we all vote before running off hither or yon."

"Airin, do you want to join me at the telescope? Selithe, Patty, anyone else? If any wish to travel outside the walls, well, Bobbles has good eyes for that sort of thing. Maybe it would be wise for us to explore the castle this evening - and I'd like to sleep, too - and save the outer environs for daylight. But I'll not stop any who wish to go outside the walls. Nighttime is for looking at stars, though, and you may not have another chance if you wander away from the castle this evening."

That said, he heads to the dome to see this 'telescope' that Mungo speaks of. He wants to see the animal constellations through this ... lens.

Airin and Fioni 
Wednesday October 5th, 2005 7:45:43 AM

Listening to all Airin takes a seat around the fire, warming her hands on it and taking comfort in the company of so many close friends.

She listens to Kendry's reasoning about the choices they have been given and replies to him: "No Kendry, I will not be angry with whatever choice you make. I think by destroying the Fey King Avatar we have been rewarded by the ability to judge Ebryon's future. We have been given the power to decide the way the Wold will turn in the next millenia. A choice not to take lightly."

She sighs and looks at the acorn she still holds. Only the "Live" rune can be seen on hers.

"From the dream we had I know we are not the only ones to be given this choice. We've seen many stars leaving Queen Maab's castle. We can assume there will be that many avatars, and exactly that many people in the Wold will have to judge Ebryon's future. Whatever we decide will be reflected in some sort of Woldian ruling. We are only a tiny gear in the immense clockwork of this Wold."

Then she looks up to the sky and all the constellations she can find up there and sighs again.

"... and maybe not for this Wold alone..."

Airin then looks to Podo, Selithe, Dwight and Kendry and concludes: "Make your own choice. How do you feel about Ebryon and what do you feel his future holds. Should it be death than so be it. We can not grasp the effect this will have on the Wold. Nor can we see the effect of him alive either. Only Sleep we know. That would be the Wold we've been living in today... I can only assume his life will bring prosperity to nature and the forces of nature - from which I as a Druid might benefit I admit. Others will benefit from his death. Let's get this over with. Then we can leave Ebryon behind us at last."

Then she looks at Mungo and says "I will certainly take a tour around this place."
and then gets up to follow Kendry to check the telescope.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Wednesday October 5th, 2005 9:12:12 AM

Acorns & Runes

Mumbling aloud, I Podo Danderfluff Pipewood, choose that the one called The Fae King should return to his slumbers. The Wold was just swell while I studied the arts of the way. Now that I wander the Wold, slumber sounds good to me!

With that, Podo carefully turns the acorn around until he reaches the RUNE that means Sleep and presses that rune firmly to signify that is what he means...


After waiting for everyone to make an acorn decision, Podo will wait to see how many will adventure around the place. If not many will travel, Podo will leave and wander about. If many go, then he will stay with Morpth, who is almost certain to stay behind.

Aya  d20=17
Wednesday October 5th, 2005 1:42:31 PM

Aya looks up at Lomar the ogre being only as tall as his knee. "My name I Aya Nightshade and I'm going to help your freinds, if thats ok with you. Some of them are old freinds of mine too." Aya takes out peice of dried meat and gives it to Lomar tring his best to get on the ogre's good side. Aya thinks 'I wonder how they ever got this think to help them.'

Aya looks at the excange between
Kendry and Bobbles with amazment. He opens his mouth to say something then thinks better of it and just shakes his head.

Next he goes over to Selithe "Sorry about ignoring you earlier, there was just a lot to take in and...ah...well, sorry." Aya say, his head bowed eyes looking at the ground in front of him. Aya turns and wanders off in to the darkness.

Aya walks back and forth across the courtyard
moving in and out of the fire light looking around(spot=21), staying in earshot of the others. He is waiting for them to finish there voteing with Maag not wanting to go inside the central structure by himself, but still wanting to satisfy his curiosity. He has said his peace about there decision the rest is up to them.

Aya notices Morpth and comes over to ask him "Is there anything I can do to help you?"

Lomar the ogre (ADM Kim) 
Wednesday October 5th, 2005 4:28:13 PM

"Aya. Aya-Aya-Aya." Lomar receives the piece of meat from him, and eats it, chewing carefully. "Tasty. Thanks for snack." He takes out a drum and begins beating out a tattoo with his hand.
Aya is a Nightshade
He gives out little beef
He helps old friends
And wears a cloak
And walks in shadows like a thief
"I just said that 'cause it rhymes. Not saying you're a thief, or anything," Lomar explains. "Glad you are here, is Lomar, Aya. Aya-Aya-Aya."

Out of one of his bags Lomar pulls a dressed lamb, and begins roasting it over the fire. "Brought from home. For work I do for Betty Burrboot. You can share."

Dwight  d3=2 d3=2
Wednesday October 5th, 2005 8:28:16 PM

Dwight is surprised others can cast their vote so quickly and continues to turn the acorn over in his hand. Each seems to have its possible benefits and its possible disasters, none of which can be verified. Deciding that his choice is really a guess, he further decides his choice will be a guess.

Finding a hard level spot on the ground, Dwight places the acorn, tip down and spins it like a top.
He thinks to himself, "which ever shows twice first is my decision"

The first spin shows "Sleep, has one" he says softly not caring if others are wondering what he is doing.

"Hmmph, I expected to spin more, but fate has said what I was leaning towards anyways." With that said, Dwight presses the Sleep rune.


With his decision made for good or better, Dwight joins others to see the "lens," though his bow accompanies him.

Wednesday October 5th, 2005 8:30:41 PM

Selithe looks to Kendry and smiles and shrugs, "I just felt so useless the last few times bro, you know. Next time I plan to get a couple good wacks in anyway, atleast prove to myself that I can fight better."

When Kendry brings up looking at the necklace she slowly undoes it and hands it over to Kendry, being careful with the precious gift, "Sure Kendry just be careful, I do really know what it can or can't do." She also thinks over Kendry's other question and smiles, "I hope one day to get a nice wand of magic missle actually, better for combat it would seem to me. Some day in the distant future though I think I might invest in a magic staff. Ohh that would be great, you know the staffs have alot of neat abilities, my master had one that could do stuff with fire." Selithe's face lights up speaking of the things about magic she has learned in her studies.

Selithe next looks to Aya and smiles, holding out her hand to him, "It is nice to meet you Aya and do not worry really. I was mainly kicking myself. You see, I have learned alittle about being a thief and thought it might make me abit better of a fighter along with other nice abilities. Guess I just have to give it time you know."

Lastly Selithe turns her attention to Mungo, "Hmm, what can I help you with there Mungo? You mean my knowledges or skills?" She smiles as she flips another playing card and shrugs, "I'm a simple conjurer and thief now and over all a lady gambler. One day I hope to have a name known throughout the Wold. I was think Selithe "Ace of Clubs" or such."

Selithe looks to Kendry again when it's commented about looking at the lens and nods, "I'll go too, I'm interested since it does seem to be magic connected." Selithe thinks over the acorns and pulls all three out to look at them again and then holds up the one that says sleep, "I don't know if i can trust him while awake and I don't really know if he should die even knows all the bad he has done." She shrugs, "Sleep sounds best to me personally."

Selithe does glance to Patty and smiles to him and stands, moving over to him and latching on to his arm gently, "Hey there, why not come up to the lens with me and Kendry and the others who come. I bet the stars and view will be nice you know."

Patterton (by Kim) 
Wednesday October 5th, 2005 8:49:38 PM

Patterton has been sitting, thinking things over, and eating hearty, as he listens to the others, and watches them move about.

When Selithe approaches him, he asks, "Why not 'Queen of Clubs,' instead of Ace?" He smiles after asking this.

As her invitation, he says, "Yeah, sure, let's go up. No. No, wait. I have to decide on this acorn thing." He slips out of her arm, but gives her a reassuring pat on the hand before he separates. His face is serious.

"Like I said, with 'live' or 'sleep' - he's gonna be trouble for our Wold. I don't figure he's gonna change. In that dream, did he change? No way! He just used his powers to get away from what might happen to him 'cause of what he's done, and been doin'. Sure, if I saw a change, sure - I'd say sleep or live. But this is my vote." Patterton Cloverturn Burrows presses the rune that Kendry told him means 'Die.'

"Sorry 'bout that Selithe, but that's just how I think. All right, let's go see this lens Mungo's told us about." He takes Selithe's arm, and starts moving very fast - then, realizing he is almost dragging her, he slows his pace, looking abashed. "Uh, excuse me, Selithe. Kind of worked up."

OOC: Caveat: If Ryan wants Patty to vote some other way, then he should be able to change this vote. I just haven't heard from him since last week, when I thought he'd be back in a few days. He asked me to post for him. -Kim

The Dark [DM JPW] 
Thursday October 6th, 2005 1:01:02 AM

The Star Animals

Mungo counts off," Kendry, Airin, Dwight, Mungo, Selithe , and Patterton. Am I missing anyone else for a trip into the O-B-S-E-R-V-A-T-O-R-Y?"

Nightshade finds...

For AyaHighlight to display spoiler: {while you are walking back and forth searching in the dark you discover that you are in the center courtyard between the Gatehouse and the Keep proper. You estimate the width of the courtyard to be about 300 yards.}

For Betty Burrboot

Lomar roasts and shares his dressed lamb with Aya. Podo and Morpth watch the fire chatting about Mungo Hardbottle while the Orge and the cleric engage in a nice meal.

The mounts; Dogs and Ponies; are also cared for, groomed, and fed.

Lomar the ogre (ADM Kim) 
Thursday October 6th, 2005 4:40:51 AM

"Obiesseearrveeyayteoarrwai?" asks Lomar. 'That is a strange-sounding word. Is it a word of elves?" He takes another ogrish bite of the lamb, the juice dribbling down the side of his chin.

Then he says to the others sitting around the campfire, "Here, you - eat, too! I not need be greedy, swallow whole lamb by self. Eat!"

Thursday October 6th, 2005 5:19:40 AM

Kendry thinks to see how Morpth is doing, but notes that Aya is doing so. 'Good fellow,' he thinks to himself.

After Mungo enumerates and spells, and Lomar turns the right letters into the wrong word, Kendry says, "Think letters, Lomar. They spell the word 'observatory' - not a word I've heard before - but, it sounds like it is made from the word 'observe' - meaning to look at, to look over, to watch. And the rest of the word turns it into a place for observing. For observation. For looking at, and examining. Enjoy that lamb, Lomar!"

Kendry is excited. "Yes, let's go!" He joins in with his friends, and anticipates with joy the chance to... well, to see what they will see.

Bobbles (ADM Kim) 
Thursday October 6th, 2005 5:29:43 AM

Bobbles, after Kendry had started cooking their fish, took over when Kendry got up to talk to others. "Hey!" he said when Lomar started hogging the flames for his lamb. "My fish first here!" But he nevertheless manages to find a spot to finish the cooking.

When it's done, he says, "Fish mine head. I fish found." And he rips off the head. First he takes out the eyes, and holds them to the sky. 'Last look high, join the stars,' he says in his own tongue. And places the eyes on his tongue, and swallows without chewing. Then he takes some of the meat just behind the head, and sets it aside, wrapping it in a piece of dirty cloth. "That for Kantri." He offers the rest of the fish to others around the campfire. He enjoys eating the brains, and uses his tongue to get the parts tucked away around the gills and other ichthyian cranial regions.

Airin and Fioni 
Thursday October 6th, 2005 5:43:06 AM

"Sure Mungo", Airin says, "Lead the way!"

As they follow Mungo, Airin walks close to Selithe catching up with her telling her she was not at all neglected!

Then she goes over to Aya and shakes hands. "At last we can talk. How are you doing? What brought you here? What are your specialties lately?"

Fioni flies lazy circles over the castle enjoying the night sky.

(ooc. How's the weather by the way? Weren't clouds gathering when we approached the castle? Then ... how will we see the stars? :-D )

Thursday October 6th, 2005 1:50:19 PM

Morpth didn't even notice Aya's words and continued his chant. "Poor soul, something horrible must have happened to you. I shall do what I can to help you." Aya touches Morpth back with his cold hand and casts guidance(+1 to what ever roll he is making) on him. "There, I hope that helps. May Gargul guide your soul to peace troubled one."

Aya speaks to Airin "I came here to look around because I was curios, but it looks like I found a lost soul to tend to. I can not join in the observatory I must stay here and look after Morpth. As for my specialties, right now its little more then healing. Later, as my power grows I will be able to mover faster then the eye can see and create things from nothing but shadow. You should join the others there is not reason for you to stay with Morpth and I. You can tell me all about it when you return."

Thursday October 6th, 2005 7:56:48 PM

Dwight is ready to follow the others to the lens, though watches the newly self-assigned medic staying with Morpth as he leaves.

Looking to the sky before entering the building, he makes his best guess as to the time. He would like to get a decent sleep this night.

The Darkness [DM JPW] 
Thursday October 6th, 2005 8:08:35 PM

Off to see the...

Mungo says, "Okay folks, meet me on the edge of the darkness over here in 5 minutes for a trip to see the big lens."

Kendry, Airin, Dwight, Selithe, Patterton, and Mungo meet on the edge of darkness as Mungo had suggested earlier. Everyone that look sup can easily see that out of the range of the fire, one can see the constellations in the heavens.

As all of you gather whatever weapons or gear you feel you need to journey into the unknown, Mungo heads to his mount, withdraws 2 torches, extends one into the fire after walking over to it, and stores the other by resting it on his shoulder. "We'll need light along the way..."


You're group stars some 30 yards beyound the gatehouse, but at least 50 yards before the keep proper. Mungo leads you along the west side of the keep along the keep's wall towards the out ramparts and what Mungo describes as the O-B-S-E-R-V-A-T-O-R-Y. Mungo says, "It has a dome on it, but in the light of night, its often difficult to see. Should be only another 15 minutes traveling time."

You all see what Mungo sees. His torch illuminates about 10 ft. spherical. The castle keeps is crafted of the best hewn granite. YOu notice that except for the population, the place looks like its ready to move in.


Back at the campfire, Podo and Aya watch over Morpth, the gear, and the mounts along with the company of Lomar and Bobbles.

Podo wonders aloud "...I wonder how long they will be away...?"

Podo Danderfluff 
Thursday October 6th, 2005 8:10:13 PM

Seeing 7 fellows including Mungo willing to explore the castle and its grounds as well as stopping to gaze at the stars in the O-B-S-E-R-V-A-T-O-R-Y...Podo tells Mungo and Kendry that he will stay with Morpth and the gear.

Selithe  d20+2=14
Thursday October 6th, 2005 10:58:45 PM

Selithe smiles and looks to Patty, waiting for him to make his vote and not minding him delaying any, after all she wanted him to go with her too so why not wait.

After he has made his vite and tries dragging her off at first she merely laughs at his apologu first, "Is alright Patty. I knew you liked spending time with me." Selithe winks and continues on, smiling and watching the others too and looking around as she ponders what might be revealed to them by this device.

Selithe takes a moment and smiles to Airin also and nods to her, "No problem Airin. I just felt bad about that fight you know? I thought I might be of more use mainly."


Airin and Fioni 
Friday October 7th, 2005 8:59:26 AM

Hmm a 10ft radius illumination. We're like a nice little bulb of light - a perfect mark for shooting from within the darkness.

"Mungo, do you prefer a Bullseye lantern? Here's one."

Airin digs up her bullseye lantern from her backpack and hands it to Mungo if he wants to use it. (oil flask comes with it)

Friday October 7th, 2005 11:47:21 AM

"I'll close my eyes as we walk. Airin, can you guide me? I remember that, when I want to look into the dark sky, it helps if I've been away from bright lights for a while." If Airin will do so, Kendry walks with eyes closed, stepping gingerly, his hand in hers.

Friday October 7th, 2005 12:27:17 PM

Aya sees the others leave and wishis he could join them, but his duties as a priest come first. He asks Bobbles for some fish and tries to get Morpth to eat it.

Dwight  d20+1=14
Friday October 7th, 2005 5:57:34 PM

Dwight wonders with the group towards the lens, peering out into the darkness (spot 14), "Do shambling mounds gather things? "

Saturday October 8th, 2005 12:49:17 AM

Podo asks "Aya how the fish he's offering Morpth tastes?"

I think in the battle field Morpth here went through more than we suspect. "Do you know of any magical affects that could cause a near cold blooded killer to vomit on the thoughts of violence?" asks Podo of Aya.

Bouncing Lights [DM JPW] 
Saturday October 8th, 2005 12:49:39 AM


Mungo graciously accepts the offer of the bullseye latern. Stopping Mungo extinguishes the lit torch on the ground with the earth. Stowing the two torches, Mungo sets up the Bullseye lantern wit the pint of proffered oil and lighting it with a tindertwig he withdraws from a vest pocket. Mungo adjusts the lantern to affect an 120-foot cone with shadowy illumination. The 6 hours burn time on the pint of oil should be more than enough.

Revelations in the light

With a renewed light source, the one time trek though the castle grounds seems more to everyones liking. More of the area is awash in the glow of shadowy illumination and this allows everyone making a check(DC vs.7) to see...Highlight to display spoiler: {the keep is over 80 feet high and has very sturdy looking walls. }

Mungo goes on to explain that we are walking in the inner ward and that when this place was at its heigh in history is had a 60-acre farm with dairy cows!

The Lens

After walking a great distance across the inner ward and along the inner curtain, you all arrive at the door of a tower with a dome like structure on top. Mungo fumbles his fingers trying to remember the pattern to open the door.

Once opened he waves you all inside and asks that you line the outside walls upon entering. Once inside you understand what he was referring to.

Many many objects spin around the great contraption, almost like looking at a big city model of the heavens, but these are attached to the great construct which occupies most of the center of the floor.

At one end, Mungo can be seen turning knobs and flicking switches and dials. After some time, Mungo begings to allows each of you one at a time, to view objects in the night sky.

Not far away from the viewing point is a large illustration on the wall pointing out objects you can see with the instrument: http://www.woldiangames.com/maps/jerichospace/large_space.htm

With a tinderstick, Mungo lights a far away candle and then puts out his own lantern.

Saturday October 8th, 2005 6:12:50 PM

Dwight watches intently as Mungo begins turning knobs and such, hoping to remember the process for future use. After about the 10th knob rotated and about as many levers, Dwight realizes he will never recall how to do this by himsef.

Regardless, given his turn he takes a look through the scope. "Where is Selvico? I should be able to see its big red ring shouldn't I?"

Monday October 10th, 2005 12:19:30 AM

Speaking with Podo "I'm sure there is a spell that could make someone vomit everytime he has a violent thought, but I do not know what it is, nor do I have the power to dispell such a thing."

Celestial Bodies [DM Jon-Paul (JPW)] 
Monday October 10th, 2005 1:15:42 AM


Mungo tries his best to explain his understandings of Astrophysics to the young assembled crowd.

Mungo explains, "Dwight, Kendry, everyone... Please keep in mind, that depending on the time of the season we are in, only a portion of the heavenly bodies you see in this tapestry is available to your view."


Morpth finally manages a brief moment of intestinal calm and decides to explain his thoughts of the subject. "I've asked Alemi, in my prayers, to deliver me from this nightmare life has brought to me. It is a twisted fate that affords me the release from my bondage from evil and the servitude under the Fae King. I believe it is through my own hands, that I was able to sets the cogs in motion and thus, the Gods, Fate, and Chance have brought me here to this point and time. I am a free Halfling!" With that said, Morpth doubles over in fits of coughs and chokings.

Campfire Clan

Lomar, Bobbles, Aya, and Podo witness an incredible sight. Morpth stands and delivers a quite perplexing monologue about his fate and his release from bondage and oppression from evil.

Everyone assembled feels down to their core, this halfling speaks with authority!

Morpth's Career Change

Podo asks of Morpth, "So now that you have a second chance, dear friend, what will you do?"

Morpth replies, "I've taken a fancy to your companion, Mungo Hardbottle. Perhaps there is work to be had in his shop in Angel Springs. I will have a chat with him whence he returns with the others."

Monday October 10th, 2005 3:38:59 AM

Selithe looks around the room with the telescope with awe and then looks to Patty, smiling brightly, "It looks like some giant magical device Patty. It's like nothing I have ever seen before."

Selithe begins moving around quickly but carefully, looking at right now the gears and such for the telescope and then looks to Mungo, "Mungo, can I make some notes of this in my diary? would that be okay?"

If Selithe gets permission then she pulls out her ink, pen and diary and begins working in it, writing down about the telescope, what she can find out about it and even floods Mungo with questions on how it works exactly. Once satisfied with her findings she takes the time to look through it to the heaven's above and she gasps at how beautiful the sight is and even cetches herself whispering or anyway half whispering in awe at this whole experience, "Wow! I mean, I wonder how many people get to see something like this? It's almost like some spells I heard of. I feel like I could touch the stars and such from right here."

Selithe thinks and hands her diary to Kendry and smiles to him, as it's on a blank page, "Umm, brother. This sounds silly but you think you can make a quick sketch of the this and what you seen in the telescope? You alot better of a sketcher then me."

Selithe looks to Airin and moves over to her, nudging her gently and whispering, "Druids are more in tuned with nature, you guys get to know about this stuff and see it more often? I must admit it seems wonderful. It's like magic you know?" Selithe smiles and is happy, she has seen many interesting things and thinks she can put this knowledge to use in maybe building a observatory like this some day when she settles down.

Kendry  d20+3=8
Monday October 10th, 2005 3:54:24 AM

Kendry cannot quite force himself to keep his eyes tightly closed for the whole trip. Once in a while he squints to take in his surroundings, but makes sure he does not look right at the lantern itself. He is able to make out that the keep is perhaps 85 feet tall (Spot vs DC 7: 8).

Up in the Observatory
"Uh Mungo, sir, why do you keep spelling out the name of this dome, instead of just saying the word itself? Whoa! This is great! Look at all that stuff - stars, planets, celestial oddities!" Kendry is beside himself with excitement. "Have you ever seen such a thing, Airin? How 'bout you, Patterton? Anyone else? AMAZing!" As he exults in their present circumstances, he also pays attention, as he finds Dwight also engaged, to the actions and adjustments that Mungo makes to various instruments, knobs, levers. Maybe Dwight and he himself can compare notes, and see if they can puzzle out some of the things the controls ... control.

He takes his turn at looking through the eyepiece. "So many things out there. Stars I know, and dimmer stars I've never seen. Any idea how far away the stars are, mister Mungo?"

He tries to see how many different colors he can find in the heavenly bodies he observes from afar.

When it is time to pass on the ocular apparatus to another, he works to absorb the models that lay before them. When Selithe hands her sketch book to him, he is pleased to be asked and happy to take up the task.

Airin and Fioni  d20+9=24
Monday October 10th, 2005 5:39:42 AM

Airin stands mouth wide open gazing through the telescope. She has learned to admire nature, but never before did she see such beauty. She tries to identify the various constellations she sees and Clover or even Mayzie told her about.

As Selithe asks her about them Airin will show the various constellations she can identify and says, "I wish one day I could name them all. With this telescope it feels as if you can almost touch them doesn't it?"

Then she tries to find a star that she knows is always to be found on this hemisphere. (ooc like the polar star). Once she found it, she approaches Kendry and puts her arm around him whispering in his ear: "You see that star love? That bright and shiny star over there? That one is ours. That's our star." And she kisses him softly on the cheek.

Fioni has stopped flying lazy circles and has found a safe spot to sleep somewhere on top of the castle.

Knowledge Nature: 24

Dwight  d20+1=2
Monday October 10th, 2005 10:06:55 PM

Having had his turn at the eyepiece, Dwight passes it onto others. He isn't entirely sure he found or didn't find the planet he was looking for, but it was fun and interesting just the same.

As other take their turn, Dwight tries to be on the lookout (spot 2), but doesn't really have the desire to miss the fun.

More Celestial Bodies... [DM Jon-Paul (JPW)] 
Monday October 10th, 2005 11:51:47 PM

Dizzying Heights

Mungo waits another hour or so assuring himself that his guests have had their fill of the night's treasures. Telling the room, "Mungo suggests, that they all head back to the campfire as tomorrow is another day, and with another day come the opportunity for exploration and discovery!"

Campfire Girls

Morpth says, "I wonder why they aren't that many women adventurers like there used to be?"

Podo nods and hums in aggreement to Morpth's meanderings.

Lomar and Bobbles just grunt as they consume their respective meals.

Tuesday October 11th, 2005 3:02:55 AM

Podo continues in idle chit chat with Morpth and Aya.

Podo asks Aya, "Why did you choose to be a priest?"

"And you Morpth, what are your plans from here, follow in your father's footsteps and become The Wold's greatest rogue?"

Lomar (ADM Kim) 
Tuesday October 11th, 2005 4:11:27 AM


Bobbles (ADM Kim) 
Tuesday October 11th, 2005 4:11:51 AM


Tuesday October 11th, 2005 4:33:21 AM

Busy jotting down notes, and observing much more than he can write all at once, remembering it for writing about later, his consumption of so much information in so short a time pauses for a moment, as Airin takes his arm, and points out that bright star. "Our star?" he whispers. He feels her lips brush his cheek. Due to the darkness, one would be hard pressed to see evidence of the warmth flooding his cheeks. But he feels it, nonetheless. Kendry takes his finger, and brushes back a stray hair from Airin's face, then runs his finger from her temple, down her cheek to her chin. He takes the finger to his lips, then touches it to hers. "Ours," he points heavenwards.

After standing for a minute or so, his arm around her waist as they look up, Kendry gives her a light squeeze, then, somewhat reluctantly, returns to his personal mission of recording what he might.

He takes a moment here and there to check with the others to learn what they have noticed. "I remember as a child, lying on the hillside with my friends, looking up into the night sky, and swapping stories about the stars above. I wonder what it might be like to fly into the aethir above, and wander among the stars now so far away."

When Mungo indicates it is time to get some rest, Kendry descends. At some point, he whispers to Patterton, "Buddy, you and I have got to watch each other, to preserve virtue with these lovely girls. I don't know if I can trust myself - so I give you permission to pound me if I get out of line. And since that's my sister, you watch yourself, too, kiddo! Nights like these can be treacherous!"

Airin and Fioni 
Tuesday October 11th, 2005 9:23:14 AM

Airin feels as if she's walking on clouds as they slowly start to return to the campfire and asks Mungo: "What are your plans from here Mungo?"

Then time has come for some well deserved rest. She takes out her bedroll and a blanket that she rolls into a pillow. "Good night everyone. Save dreams."

Then she goes to sleep her eyes fixed on that one special star above till her eyelids become too heavy and she falls a sleep.

Fioni is allready sound a sleep somewhere on top of the lens.

Tuesday October 11th, 2005 11:26:55 AM

Aya smiles at Morpth's speech "You sertenly have a long way to go, but it is a good start."

Talking with Podo "I became a priest because it is the family trade. My fate to be a priest was written before I was even born. My childhood was filled with curiosity and wonder about the powers my sibling as parents possessed. Becoming a priest of Gargul has been my lifelong dream, and something I've worked very hard for."

Aya shifts his gaze from the fire over to Podo, "What about you, what do you do and why, and where are you going? Do you also fallow Gargul or someone else?"

Dwight  d20+1=8
Tuesday October 11th, 2005 6:28:25 PM

After enjoying looking at the stars, Dwight realizes how tired he is and looks forward to a peaceful sleep.

As the group begins leaving, Dwight takes one more mental note of the lens before it fades from sight. Then he takes the rear (spot 8) on the walk back.

Tuesday October 11th, 2005 10:08:22 PM

Selithe smiles and rubs her eyes now as she and the others make their way down to the camp they made and where the others wait. As she moves down she steps up beside Airin and whispers to her, "Hehe, you and Kendry huh?" Selithe grins to her but says nothing not wanting Airin to get offended but her smile also one of happiness for her and Airin both.

When everyone gets back to camp she moves her bedroll over across from Airin's and lays down, whispering towards her, "Come on, tell me all about it Airin. You know, girl talk for alittle bit." Selithe smiles and rolls over on her stomach, smiling and enjoying the idea of spending sometime, just the girls since the group is nothing but guys.

If Airin decides to talk then Selithe will speak to her about the stars they seen and how beautiful they were and Selithe even speaks of Patty and what she thinks of the young man who Selithe sees as such a great fighter, dancer and even kisser from the couple kisses they shared and then asks Airin her feelings about Kendry. Selithe even pulls out a small waterskin and hands it to Airin, it has some wine in it.

(JPW: I don't know if it's possible to say Selithe was able to fill a water skin she has with some wine or not. If not would it be okay with you as DM if I deduct the money from my CS and just add it?)

The Trip Back [DM Jon-Paul (JPW)] 
Wednesday October 12th, 2005 10:07:03 AM

(OCC: I missed posting last night...I apologize -- had an online exam plus a project ...I'll post now though)

The Trip Back

Mungo explains to the group that once a long time ago people lived here and this city thrived. A monk like order tended the city/observatory and all was well, but as the times changed so did this place. Now all it is is as you see it...Magically changed to resisted the changed in time, but a Ghost town none the less. Sad really...sniff...

"Ok troops, time to head back or the others might think we're in trouble!" explains Mungo teo the buddy astronomers.

First Watch

Podo asks for first watch so he can have some time to think about life. Lomar and Bobbles grunt and shrugs, "Grunt, Ok."

Morpth explains that he would like to try a shared watch with Aya or Podo. Podo accepts Morpths invitation. First watch is uneventful but they do get a chance to know each other.

All is well when the group returns to the camp fire...

Wednesday October 12th, 2005 10:08:08 AM

Podo is just waking up when he hears the others return from their trips to see the stars.

Grumpy but still excited, Podo asks, "Tell me all about it Kendry!"

Wednesday October 12th, 2005 12:10:47 PM

Airin chuckles as Selithe draws her bedroll close to her and talks about Patty. She enjoys the wine offered by Selithe and lightens her own heart about Kendry.

"Ah I remember when we first met. I kinda got bewitched by his singing and all. He's not the most powerful man, but that won't keep you warm at night right? I like a man with feelings, who can be romantic and caring. I have to admit I saw that in your brother. And ... you have to admit... he's kinda cute no?"

She drinks some more wine.

"Tell me. What was he like when he was a kid?"

Airin and Selithe will probably whisper a lot more that evening revealing all the secrets about Kendry and Patty. Yup... these two lasses are going to be best friends.

Wednesday October 12th, 2005 7:05:20 PM

Dwight will volunteer for the last watch, preferring to wake up early rather than stay up later.

With shifts decided, Dwight hits the sack and sleeps soundly (hopefully).

Wednesday October 12th, 2005 10:51:10 PM

Aya welcomes everyone back and volunteers for the second watch. He then goes off by himself a little ways to find A quite place he can pray. Once there he quitely chants to Gargul and perpares his spells for the next day.

Finishing his nightly prayers, he returns to the group and falls asleep untill his watch.

One Big Happy [DM JonPaul(JPW)] 
Thursday October 13th, 2005 1:04:37 AM

One Big Happy

Everyone makes their own little camp within the larger one centered around the fire. Everyone that went to the observatory continues their own private chats well into the night.


Podo and Morpth take the first watch. Dwight takes the last watch, and Patterton takes the middle watch. All watches are smooth and uneventful.


Morning light just bright enough for Dwight to make it to the campfire to stoke it up again. Looking up after the fire takes hold, does he realize he's not in Hovel anymore...

[everyone awake spot vs DC 3]

Podo  d20+5=13
Thursday October 13th, 2005 1:15:07 AM

Podo look sup into the early morning light and his jaw drops open!

Airin and Fioni  d20+6=21 d20+9=21 d20+6=19 d20+9=26
Thursday October 13th, 2005 10:16:57 AM

When they wake up Airin looks around... she blinks her eyes... looks again.

"euhm... can anyone tell me what happened?!? Podo, something happend when you were on watch?"


"Fioni! Where are you? Come!"

Airin sincerely hopes the little hawk is still with them.

"Are we awake? Or is this just a crazy dream?"

Airin start to look around carefully. Checks the suns hoping to catch some details about her whereabouts. A city in the background. The noise of a neareby river. A forest? Anything.

Rolls :
starting spot : 21
Listen : 21 (distant noises?)
Spot surrounding : 19 (anything to get a clue about their whereabouts)
Knowledge Nature : 26 (place in the Wold?)

Kendry  d20+3=12
Thursday October 13th, 2005 1:19:25 PM

Before slumber
Kendry responds to Podo's request to tell him about the observatory. "Well, there was this big room, see, and it was filled with celestial models, and gadgets designed to show the relative movements of the heavenly bodies. Mungo moved these levers and knobs, and - it was amazing!" He goes on to describe in detail what they saw. "And, through the telescope - that has the 'lens' mentioned in the name 'Lawni's Lens' - you can see stars and planets through it, as if they were much closer." He shows him the notes and sketches he and Selithe took down while there. Then he points up at one bright star. "See that one? Airin told me that's 'our' star. I think she likes me! And that makes me happy."

In the morning
Kendry stretches and yawns. He feels a little sore from his first day, yesterday, of riding on the back of Cheann. Riding uses different muscles, he realizes.

"Good morning, all," he says as he looks up into the sky. Then he gets up on an elbow and looks around. Groaning, he rises, rolls his bedding, re-ties it to the bottom of his knapsack, and takes in his surroundings (Spot: 12).

Aya  d20+4=5
Thursday October 13th, 2005 7:04:14 PM

Aya wakes up completly unaware of any change (rolled a 1).

He pulls his blanket over his head trying to get a few more moments of sleep. He never was a morning person.

Patterton (by Kim)  d20=3
Thursday October 13th, 2005 7:19:15 PM

Patterton wakes up. "Anything hot to drink today?" he asks.

[Spot: 3]

Selithe  d20+3=5
Thursday October 13th, 2005 7:57:51 PM

Selithe talks to airin for quite sometime into the night, enjoying the talk and the wine and also agreeing with her when she asks her question about Kendry but also quickly piping in that from a sister's point of view he was cute and giggles about this.

In the morning Selithe wakes up mainly from the calling of Airin to her hawk friend and she sits up yawning and whispering in her half awake stage, "huh? whats going on?"

Selithe blinks and rubs her eyes more before looking around and frowning, "What the? Oh boy, I'm either dreaming or had to much wine last night which is hard to do when I gamble and learned to hold my alcohol atleast alittle."

Selithe does look to Airin and smiles though, "Is your hawk okay Airin? An does the surroundings look different or is it really I had to much to drink?"

Dwight  d20+1=17
Thursday October 13th, 2005 11:27:05 PM

Dwight realizing with the added light that things have changed wakes everyone not already awake.

With that done, and everyone accounted for (Mungo, Bobbles, Lomar, and particularly Morpth), Dwight scans around (spot 17) for the closest hiding spot near the camp and begins advancing towards it with bow drawn.

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