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Myrridan Arrives

To bed we go. (DM Stephen)  d100=5 d100=53 d100=8 d100=33 d6=1 d6=2 d6=1 d6=5
Friday June 3rd, 2005 7:07:33 PM

Podo finishes his exercises and decides it necessary to take a nap. So does Kendry, especially after climbing up the side of the tree. He probably meant to have a proper view of the area from his height, but for now all he can see is the inside of his eye lids. Selithe is led to a empty room. There is a small single bed, not too shabby.

Olo and Clover finish preparing the meal, and the shapeshifted druid sets out a cloth on the ground outside, pinic style, and starts arranging the different dishes for everyone to pick and choose from. Olo goes off to pray before people starting being served. Several other druids return from the forest with a bounty of wild vegetables, fruits and nuts. One even brings half a dozen fresh rabbits to stew.

An enthusiastic Airin tests her druidic tongue with Clover. He smiles and says, "You did well, I could understand you. But you need to practice." Airin then decides to show both Savoulus and Clover her elven rings. "Where did you get these, Airin?! These are family rings! Quite distinguished families at that." Both druids look at each other in shock.

Patterton blushes from Selithe's kiss. Goshh! He spends his time helping Kendry tend to the animals before the bard climbs the tree. Though out of the corner of his eye he sees a cloudy humanoid figure in the sky. It approaches the tree on a gust of wind that blows at the leaves. The figure lands and the cloudy body materializes into a tall human. A hush falls over the druids in the clearing. The human has long dark hair. He's armored in what appears to be dragon skins. A brilliant green cloak is draped over his shoulders. A garland carved from jade rest upon his head. He looks to you all and says, "What has happened here?"

Patterton  d20=8
Saturday June 4th, 2005 3:00:27 AM

Patty walks up to the armored man and plants his hands on his hips. "A birth, for one thing. Who might you be, then?" He eyes him warily, but does not draw a weapon reasoning that if the man wanted to start trouble with a party of halflings and an enclave of druids, he would have been less direct about it.

Sense motive=8

Dwight  d20=15
Saturday June 4th, 2005 6:47:23 PM

Dwight, more eager to eat than sleep, puts his energy into writing the letter to his pa despite all the actions about him hoping to finish as the food is ready.

"Dear Pa," he begins and then with some difficulty continues. "I have been asked by a few friends to help in a matter of great importance. While I cannot say, mostly because I do not know the details, I assure you I will try to make you proud of me."

"I'll send letters as often as I can updating you on our progress towards our beneficial goals. I'm sorry I will not be around to help tackle those newest saplings this week, but I strongly believe this to be more beneficial to me, and you, and perhaps to the entire Shire."

"I saw the wildest things today occur in the Druidic Grove and an even more wonderful birth than those tall tales you have always told me. It is difficult to put to words, so the details must wait until I return and have more time."

Dwight Twiggebundler,

As Dwight finishes the letter he rereads it over several times wanting to say more, but not knowing how to explain such weird things he has seen in the last few hours.

Saturday June 4th, 2005 8:39:43 PM

Podo rolls over and off the chair he was napping on. "Thud!" "Ouch. I'll need to remind myself that the floor has less hazards."

Picking himself up off the floor, Podo wonders why the druids are bringing gifts to the Halfling family of Ellis & Penelope. "I must remind myself to ask them.", he says quietly to himself.

Podo Stretches and yawns a bit, and relizes he is hungry. I must see to some food and what my new found friends have prepared for us and the others. He heads outside.

Once outside, he will head to gathering spot for the feast. If he sees the one called "Savoulus", he will ask why the druids bring gifts to the halfling parents of the new born girl child asking if this female child is royality.

Kendry, fast asleep  d20+1=9
Saturday June 4th, 2005 11:25:51 PM

Kendry, sleeping up in the oak tree, continues to snooze. [Aw, I wanted him to wake up!]

Airin (by Kim) [Fortitude save: 12]  d20+5=12
Sunday June 5th, 2005 8:58:17 AM

"Oh, I will practice," Airin answers Clover. "And it's so-o-o good to have so many druids here," she says, looking about her "- never have I see so many in one place!"

When she hears the response and senses that Clover and Savoulus are taken aback at her possession of the ring [she only showed one at first, but, seeing they somewhat recognize it, also shows the other elvish ring], Airin looks around at her friends, and thinks for a moment. "Well," she begins, slowly, "some of us were up in the woods, near the river. Some goblins ambushed us, and took our boat. We caught up to them early the next morning, and defeated them. Their second leader had these rings on him. He died." Much shortened, that version of the story, but the truth. "Do you know the families? We - my friends and I - would like to return the rings to their families." Thinking that, maybe, she can trust these folk, she shows them the other two rings, as well. "He had these, too. Surely, the families to whom they belong would want them back. We just need to know where to find them."

When the newcomer shows up, clad in green and jade, Airin grows suspicious. She pockets three of the rings, and places the glove over the one hand with the elvish ring, and looks around. Her instinct to hide is strong - to look for a good place to get out of the way. But, well, Patterton gave a good answer. A birth. Well, there were two, really. Maybe more from other mothers. Should they tell him about Ebryon? Who is this man? A help, or a threat?

Sunday June 5th, 2005 12:32:14 PM

Selithe thanks the matron of the oak for showing her a place where she can cetch some sleep and quickly hits the sack. After all the days activities it doesn't take her long to be fast asleep also.

As Selithe sleeps she dreams of the spirits from the crystal pumpkin and also of a mean satyr and such.

Sunday June 5th, 2005 10:06:48 PM

and Olo remains deep in prayer...

ooc: Unless something loud happens, or someone specifically looks to get his attention, Olo remains in prayer for about an hour.

DM Stephen 
Monday June 6th, 2005 7:29:18 PM

(Sorry for the wait. The storms last night knocked out my electricity for a short while. When the lights came back on, the phone lines were still dead. But they appear to be fixed now (just got home from work). Will try and get a post in as soon as possible.)

A Visitor. (DM Stephen)  d100=62 d100=99 d100=3 d6=5 d6=5 d6=2
Monday June 6th, 2005 9:08:58 PM

Patterton eyes the tall human as he approaches. The human turns his gaze to Patty with a very serious expression and walks on over to the hobbit warrior. As he gets closer, you cant help but think that he looks familar! He wears a pendant identifying himself as a knight of the realm. "My name is Myrridan the Wild. Who are you, and what is this 'birth' you speak of? I sensed a great disturbance in nature and found the aftermath of a battle that has killed countless lives and reduced the ancient druid stone circles to rubble! Now, I expect you to elaborate on what you know, if you know anything at all." All the other druids just look at each other with surprised expressions on their faces. Many know of this man, but have never looked upon him before.

(Back story: You all know of the 'Defenders of the North'. They're an adventuring group that has a keep just outside the Crescent Valley capital of Angel Springs. Their exploits are well known over most of the Wold. It's well known that Myrridan as a epic level druid)

Dwight spends his time writing a letter to his father. He reads over to see if everything is acceptible. (Listen check 12, to hear what is happening outside.)

Podo gets up from his slumber to sample at the dishes provided by Olo and the druids. He asked Savoulus about the gifts and the child's status in the upper classes. He answers, "One of the fold informed me that the young mother was having another child. We come to honor the child and to thank you for saving our lives." The druid turns the question back at the monk, "Royalty ... I dont know?! Are they from the family of a king?" Podo cant help but notice the visitor.

Kendry snores away up in the tree. (Listen check 13 to wake up.)

"Goblins," snaps Clover. "You got these from goblins! Oh mother wold!" Savoulus turns to Airin and picks up where Clover left off. "This is the ring from a well known family named Telperiën. They are a family of artists. Muscians, painters, and craftsman. I wonder which Telperiën it belonged to!"

Selithe sleeps a very comfortable sleep on the bed provided by the matron. (Listen check 16 to hear whats going on outside)

Olo continues to pray. Myrridan does not appear threatening.

Dwight  d20=20
Monday June 6th, 2005 11:12:20 PM

Finishing the letter and feeling it is the best he can offer Pa at the moment, Dwight hears (natural 20) new conversations and looks out a nearby window to take in the new visitor.

Noting Myrridan does not appear threatening, but feeling his presence must be at least as important as all the druids at thefront door, Dwight moves to awaken the other friends who took to napping.

Tapping Kendry gently on the shoulder, "Kendry, I hate to disturb your much needed rest, but it seems we have another visitor, perhaps as important as all the druids. I felt we should all be present to help decide on the next steps"

Then Dwight goes in search of Selithe. Realizing the letter is still in his hand, Dwight folds it neatly and stuffs it in his pocket for later mailing.

"Excuse me, Selithe, excuse me, the oak seems to have another important visitor. Perhaps you can join the others with him outside."

Whether they follow or not, Dwight goes outside near Myrridan.

Monday June 6th, 2005 11:25:17 PM

(OOC:Not rolling a listen check since Dwight is looking for her and going to wake her up.)

Selithe sleeps in the bed offered her and enjoys the sleep. She continues to dream of satyrs and crystal pumpkins, spirits and such till Dwight comes in to wake her up. When he speaks she quickly jerks up and one hand shoots to her staff in worry. When she notices Dwight she sighs in relief, "By Warrds toes, good thing I noticed who it was. Don't you know to knock or something first? I mean i might of attacked you."

Selithe seems just abit jumpy but considering everything that happened recently it should be understandable. After a moment she smiles to Dwight and nods to him, "Sorry Dwight. You just startled me is all. If you don't mind though I need to dress."

Selithe stands with a blanket around here and taps a foot while waiting and then gets dressed after Dwight steps out of the room.

Tuesday June 7th, 2005 3:53:46 AM

"Telperiën ... never heard of." Airin says to Savoulus. She wants to get more information but it feels rude towards the newcomer. "This family is not from the Crescent Valley are they ? Where do they live ... or ... lived ? Are they halflings ? Where can we find their ofspring, or the ones these rings belonged too ? "

Then Airin notices the Insignias on Clover's Vest ... they are EXACTLY the same as the ones she saw on that Druidic vestment they took from the druid they killed. Airin was going to sell this vestment and divide the gold, but somehow it feels right to return this vestment to its rightfull owners, The Circle of the Culverwood. An acient Circle of Druids that live in and protect the culverwoods.

(ooc read up on druidicism and the druidic circles - if you're interested that is :-D )

Reluctantly she takes the Druidic vestment from her backpack and offers it to Clover.

"We took this vestment from one of the druids we had to defend ourselves from. I clearly saw this was a vest of great druidic power and did not want to see it go to waste. First I wanted to keep it till I was ready to use it myself ... but in the end I think it would be best to return it to it's rightfull owners. I noticed the same insignias on your vest, Clover, so I assume it belongs to the Circle of the Culverwood ? Please forgive me for taking it - I am extremely keen to find magical items so I can explore my own druidic powers ..."

Then she turns to the others hoping they will not hold her responsible for giving away a perfectly 10 000 gp vest ... gold usefull to all of them ... including Airin.

She hopes the Myrridan will not be offended by Airin's chatter behind his back.

She turns to him and then realises an Epic Druid stands before her ! Soo little druids she saw in her life ... so many in this hour of day !! She gazes mouth wide open unable to say anything decent right now.

Tuesday June 7th, 2005 9:10:07 AM

Hello Sir. I am Podo Danderfluff Pipewood. I am a humble traveling Monk of Domi. Although I can not help you with some of the details, I can offer you my version of what has happened having had a turn of two trying to survive a vastly bizzare fey critter; that is of course if you'd like to hear my version. There are others here that have a better experience than I. If you are looking for one that could aptly explain the turns of events, I suggest you see my relative, Kendry. He is a bard of somewhat great renoun.

Podo will then attempt to fade into the background more than happy to allow others into the spotlight.

Podo will do his best to go back to eating fruit; grapes if there are any; and watch the proceedings from earshot.

Kendry  d20+6=7 d20+6=22 d20+6=12
Tuesday June 7th, 2005 1:02:08 PM

Kendry is deep in sleep [listen, d20+6=7 (natural 1)]. Now, if Dwight actually climbed 30 feet up the tree, and then jostled the sleepy bard's shoulder...

"Eh? rest... visit... druids... steps," he mumbles back to whoever is talking to him. Who is that? He ever-so-slightly opens one eye. Oh. It's Dwight. The new guy. Without his mother's paternal name. Long story.

He reaches out for one of the ropes that surround him. He yawns terrifically. "Is it time for breakfast?" he asks, and with that thought gaining some motivation to overcome his weariness, and actually get up. He asks Dwight - yeah, Twiggebundler, it is - to repeat what he just said. One - no, two more yawns, and a stretch.

He looks down over the scattered gathering. Sees a tall fellow in bright green talking to - mainly to Patterton. He stretches his shoulders, takes up his knapsack and hefts it, one strap at a time, onto his shoulders. "Thanks, Dwight." He reaches out for the knotted rope, and climbs about halfway down [climb 22]. He wraps his right leg a few times around the rope for an anchor, and calls out, "Sir - you there with the jade thingee on your head - what can we do for you today?"

When the man turns to the sound of his voice, Kendry's jaw drops. "Hey. Say. It's Myrridan! Saw you pretty near a fortnight ago - you passed by us - looking more like a halfling, and my cousin, Willoughby, tried to catch up to you just as you were stepping into a tree. I'm Kendry. Leafwin Pipewood, that is, Kendry Leafwin Pipewood. Well come, lord druid, well come. Did Patterton tell you - say, that food smells good 'n ready - tell you about our satyr cousin? Name Ebryon. Was born near midnight. Grew up in fits and starts ... just a second." He climbs down the rest of the way [climb d20+6=12], then walks over by Patterton. "Did you tell him about him talking just a few minutes after he was born? And when he said, through his mother before he was born, that the stewards were dead - dead - dead? And he told Lemtrovex to stay out of his way? Spit on Aunt Marigold? Kissed some lady elves and some fae - kind of in ways you shouldn't maybe do in public. And he told us how hobbits were created - and a bunch of other types of folk, too. Talked subtly, and - he's a bit of a dissembler, I think. Oh, and all those elves and fae singing and chanting ahead of time, and the big block of stone where cousin Penelope gave birth to the satyr? And the grand druid was singing a countersong, kind of opposing most of them. When he found out a couple of elfs wearing masks - an owl and a wolf - tried to burn down the Whistler Oak, right here? How he beat another elf with a mask, knocking him to the ground, then had Morpth cut off his head with an axe?" Kendry pauses for just an instant with an involuntary shudder at this thought.

But then he barges ahead with more: "And the big fight that got started when it turns out he was thinking it was the druids who were the stewards, and he was going to kill them - and he had a crystal pumpkin that he used to cause lots of havoc - after making the sun come up in the middle of the night, and making plants start growing real fast all over the place. Did you tell Myrridan about that, Patterton? Oh, this here is Patterton, my cousin. And this is Myrridan - he's one of the Defenders of the North! Great group of heros, they." Kendry waits to find out if Patterton has gotten this far in telling the story, but can't seem to repress himself from adding, "And the grand druid fighting Ebryon, and they got swallowed up in an earthquake!? Did you get to that part, Patty?"

Kim - Aside 
Tuesday June 7th, 2005 1:07:43 PM

[OOC: So much for Kendry's reputation as a bard of somewhat great renown! ;-) ]

Tuesday June 7th, 2005 5:54:12 PM

Patty listens to Kendry's explanation of the nights events, without taking his eyes off of the newcomer. "Well, I suppose there is no point in being closed lipped about it now. You'll have to forgive me for being so suspicious, sir. I was not aware who you were and we've had a bit of fright tonight, let me tell ya. My cousin speaks the truth. This Ebyron killed dozens of the enclave before we able to subdue him and destroy the cursed pumpkin he used to murder the druids. Then, as Kendry mentioned, the elder druid faced him in combat as we fled with Penelope who was about to give birth for a second time. As we took to the woods, both Ebyron and the elder were swallowed up in an earthquake. He was a brave man and, without a doubt, saved our lives. Then we reached the sacred Oak and Penelope gave birth to a second, and this time "normal", child. My name is Patterton Cloverturn Burrow, by the way." The young warrior extends a hand to the tall man for a handshake.

Wednesday June 8th, 2005 12:10:12 AM

Olo finds solace in his prayers, the normal sounds of the forest and the muted conversations behind him at the large oak. With a large sigh, he feels much of the tension leave his body.

For a moment he wonders what his friends and the druids are speaking of, then pushes the thought away. It would be talk of Ebyron and things to come, or perhaps of things already past. It didn't much matter he supposed, for Olo was quite lucky and his feet would most likely find the path they were intended to follow regardless of how much talking was involved. Comforted with that thought, he returned to his ministrations.

Conversations, Exchanges (ADM Kim) 
Wednesday June 8th, 2005 5:28:17 AM

[OOC: Folks - Stephen has asked me to fill in for him for the next two weeks. Apologies, but right after agreeing to do so, I've gotten hit by quite a few things. Thus this extremely short post. Will not likely be able to post again until very late tomorrow night, and then not again until Monday. -Kim]

Myrridan absorbs what Kendry and Patterton have to say. "Ebryon, eh?" He paces back and forth. "Can you give me more details on what he said?" he asks, looking to the halflings, as well as to the druids. "And," he adds, looking at Kendry, "perhaps in a more linear order?"

Clover accepts the offered garment. "Thank you, Airin." He answers her questions about the family. "We should be able to contact someone from their family. It might take a little time..."

Breakfast is served, and the druid who helped out Olo offers some wonderful dishes. The word from the birth room is that mother and child still sleep, but, perhaps soon they will awaken.

Wednesday June 8th, 2005 10:02:08 AM

Somewhat dissapointed by the brief answer from Clover (she had hoped Clover would invite her into the Circle of the Culverwood - or get a different award for the group - if neither she should have sold the damn vestment after all) says to Clover and Savoulus : "I hope we will meet again so we can find out more about the family these rings belonged to, or who knows I may even visit the druids in the Culverwood someday."

Then she turns to Myrridan.

"Greetings Master Druid. I am Airin Moondancer Turnbell. Little druid from the Crescent Valley. I am yet exploring my new powers granted to me by the forces of nature. Allow me to help clarify dear Kendry's ramblings."

Slowly Airin starts to walk back and forth as she tells what happend in the past hours.

"It was very strange. Penelopee, the woman who gave birth to Ebryon, the Fey King, was brought to the woods by us and our aunt. Once we got here a group of druids ambushed us and we had to kill 2 before we could enter the sacred oak.
But once inside Penelopee started rambling strange words ... "EBRYON", then "Lemtrovexx, Lemo, Lemtrovvv your time comess" and then "time reclaim whats MINEE!! Oh stewards ... you are dead, dead, dead, dead to meeeee". For us this did not mean much ..."

Airin looks around ... this IS a lenthy story, but hopefully the crows isn't falling asleep.

"A few moments later Penelopee walked out of the oak - in labour - and walked straight to the druid circle in the woods. We followed her. She laid down on an alter and all around it were hundreds of druids. There Penelopee gave birth to the Satyr, Ebryon ! In only a few minutes he grew up to a full grown satyr !! He introduced himself as the Fey King. He practically laughed with our attempts to talk to him. It almost felt as if he could hear us think. Sadly enough Morpth, a companion of ours, offered his service to Ebryon ...

Then Ebryon told us a fairly interesting story. He told us how us Halflings became soo small. He told us it was the envious human, Elves, dwarves and Half-Orcs that made The Jericko turn us into small beings ... " suddenly Airin looks up to Myrridan asking : "Is this true ?"

Then she continues ...

"He swore to punish the Stewards, whoever they may be, those who bring civilisation to the Wold, Cities would crumble, towers would fall ... then when the sun rose way too soon over the horizon Ebryon yelled that it has begun ! ... though we don't exactly know what."

Then Airin hesitates to go on ... this is the point where Ebryon persuaded Mortph to chop the head of the fallen druid . She swallows the lump in her throat and gathers her strength to continue :

"Then Ebryon forced our relative Morpth to turn to evil and kill a helpless druid by cutting of his head ! It was as if Morpth turned to grey ... all joy and happyness was sucked out of him when he took place at his new masters side."

"When kendry here asked him about Lemtrovex, Ebryon got pretty annoyed. But he went on ... he holds Alemi responsible for the Wold straying from its potted course. He claims he's older than alemi, that he knew Alemi when he was just a human man, that Alemi was selfish and greedy, obsessed with power and riches. That he then started to call himself Lemtrovex ... Even though he holds Alemi responsible for this Wold's current state he has no quarrel with him unless he interferes with Ebryons plans. And ... ultimately he said we can pray to Alemi all we want but that he would not be listening."

Airin quickly takes a sip of water for all this story telling is drying her out ...

"Then in the end he got a Crystal pumpkin. One that he cherished a lot. He called it the Jewel of the Vine. Then suddely hell was unleashed. The Grand Druid tried to destroy Ebryon, he be was unscathed. He then used the Jewel of the Vine ... some sort of energy killed over half of all druids !! My friends here were very brave in battle - I was hiding a little further to arm my crossbow - and in fact Kendry was able to pin Ebryon with his favourite weapon , a tanglefoot bag ! But in front of our own eyes he turned to a watery pool !! Treants came to fight the druids, Earth elementals jioned in ! In the end Selithe, Kendry's sister, was able to destroy the crystal pumpkin much to Ebryons dismay. Just as we were about to run away Ebryon who we thought was destroyed turned into a Water Elemental !! At the same moment Penelopee gave birth to another baby !! A baby girl !

The Grand druid orders us to run away and he casted a powerfull spell that cracked open the Wold and swalled both the Druid and Ebryon ! And that was the last thing we saw about them ... we never saw Morpth again either. We can only assume he was consumed by the Wold as well ..."

Then Airin finally stops talking. It was a lenghty story, but this great Druid deserves the whole story. A story of friendship, fear, bravery and mourning the ones we lost.

(ooc : oops this got lengthier than I thought ;-) )

Wednesday June 8th, 2005 10:56:01 PM

Done with his prayers now, Olo pushes himself up to his feet with a quiet grunt. Dusting his hands off on his pants he quickly heads back to see if there's any food left. He's fed his spirit and now it's time to feed his body.

Olo takes a quick look at the old oak to see if perhaps Penelope has made an appearance before his nose and his stomach lead him to the various plates and dishes still laid out for breakfast. It's time to eat.

Wednesday June 8th, 2005 11:20:49 PM

Patty nods along solemnly as Airin tells of the perils they had just faced. "That's about the size of it. Are you familar with this Ebyron?" He says after she finishes.

Dwight  d20=10
Wednesday June 8th, 2005 11:23:15 PM

Dwight takes his times climbing back down the rope, and joins the the newcomer in time to hear the events told by Airin. Listening intently, Dwight realizes that today he was part of something much bigger than he imagined. Hearing told, seems to confirm that it wasn't all a dream.

As Airin finishes, Dwight introduces himself "I am Dwight, Dwight Twiggebundler, ahh, sir," finishing with an awkward bow.

Thursday June 9th, 2005 12:14:35 AM

Selithe comes out dressed in clean clothes and squints her eyes as she looks at all the druids and then she spots Myrridan and is quite shocked to see him. Selithe remembers things told of this man and even heard some rumors about him in the jail she spent time in.

Hearing only part of Airin's retailing of the story though but cetching her part in it and chuckles as she moves up beside Airin, "Greetings Myrridan. My name is Selithe, the sister of Kendry that you heard about. I feel that maybe my friends give me more credit then I deserve however....you see, when I grabbed up the crystal pumpkin a power flowed over me that was so very hard to resist, even now I can still remember the power. It almost drove me over the edge to a darker side but there were spirits inside the pumpkin begging to be released. I did nothing more then release those poor spirits." Selithe pulls up her new necklace to show Myrridan, "The spirits gave me this as a gift for freeing them. I still don't know what it does for sure but it is a neat and beautiful item."

Selithe shakes her head and shrugs, "I regret to say that other then breaking that crystal pumpkin I was less help then my friends." Selithe blushes and half whispers, "I mean, I'm still only a novice to the arcane arts and my fighting skills are very limited." In her her embarassment of her skills infront of someone such as Myrridan, Selithe begins slowly shuffling and playing with her deck of cards...a sign of her nervousness.

Thursday June 9th, 2005 11:37:42 AM

Airin looks around, happy that most seem to confirm the story she told. Yet she pinches Selithes hand when she tells about the necklace ... Airin deliberately left this out of her story, not sure if she was allowed to tell this to a "stranger" ...

Friday June 10th, 2005 12:25:00 AM

While gently eating fruit, Podo will take care to listen to the stories as told by his new companions to this Northern Defender. He will try his best to piece together what happened so as to get a good handle on what transpired prior to his arrival.

Friday June 10th, 2005 7:11:27 AM

When Myrridan mildly rebukes him, Kendry appears chagrined. As Airin takes over and does a good job of telling the story, he goes ahead and grabs some of the good food for breakfast, but keeps his ears open to what she and others have to say.

"Well told. Only one detail I would clarify. It was about the time that Ebryon adapted a different form that Penelope started experiencing renewed birth pangs. At the grand druid's urging, we carried her away. The girl was born here, within the tree, and not at the now desecrated site of her," and he coughs before finishing the sentence, "brother's birth."

Myrridan (ADM Kim)  d20=18
Friday June 10th, 2005 7:41:50 AM

Myrridan gives close attention to the recounting of the story. He acknowledges person's introduction. He, too, takes some food as the tale unfolds.

Patterton's question he answers thus. "I know that ages ago there was an 'Ebryon' who was placed in a long sleep by a power known as the Lady Maab. She did not trust him. The elves, Woldwide, have been drawn to reawaken a sleeping power. Many have cooperated, some have resisted. Dreams and visions of coming changes are widespread. We must seek to learn more."

Selithe's charm necklace he takes a moment to inspect. "Huh. Benign magic," he says. "How was it you released the spirits?" Myrridan asks her. The hint of a smile briefly crosses his lips as Airin pinches her.

Myrridan (ADM Kim) (continued) 
Friday June 10th, 2005 7:45:41 AM

"If any of you recall more of what he said, perhaps you can take a few minutes to write it down - or tell me, as you wish. Now, this girl, newborn, lies within?" he asks. "Ebryon's sister?"

Clover (ADM Kim) 
Friday June 10th, 2005 7:55:52 AM

Clover takes Airin aside shortly after she gives her discourse on the events surround Ebryon's coming. "Entry into the Circle of the Culverwood is not likely offered. I will speak with others. If they concur, a test will be given. If you accept, and succeed, and objections are overcome, then ... it may be possible. Do you fear a test, Airin Moondancer Turnbell?" His eyes probe hers.

Airin to Clover  d20+1=14
Friday June 10th, 2005 8:44:08 AM

The little smile on Myrridan's face did not go by Airin's attention and she tries to sense his thoughts ...

(sense motive 14)

Looking straight into the eyes of Clover Airin says : "No, I do not fear a test ..."

"Exploring the powers granted by nature will be a major part of my existance. If I can find guiding to do this no test will be too big. Still, I am but a starting druid and do not know if I will qualidy to pass this test."

Considering the things that happend so far she continues :

"Especially with the latest things that happend understanding nature will be vital. As we grew from the Culverwoods it will be our task to protect it from evil ..."

She starts to feel hungry now ...

"Please Clover, share this breakfast with me so we can talk more. I have told Myrridan what I know, there's little I can add to that."

She walks over to the breakfast table, takes a plate and starts to eat (thanking nature for the delicious fruits)

Other things (ADM Kim) 
Friday June 10th, 2005 8:55:29 AM

The breakfast is excellent. Other druids introduce themselves to the party. Old Garno the Brown, Master of Dirt, is clad in a complex garment of brown wool - full of slits and pockets and layers and buttons. He hails from north of the Peaseblossom River, not many leagues from Trader's Corner. Simone the Silver, a comely elf, also called Daughter of Stars, has hair close in color to Selithe's ponytail. "I heard the song - but it felt, somehow, wrong," she says, referring to the call of Ebryon. "Thank you for coming to our aid," she tells the party.

Breakfast is consumed, then dishes are cleared away, some of the other halflings who have come for forest births, and to assist, doing much of the work. A new mother comes out, bearing twins in her arms, assisted by her husband and sister. Her checks glow pink. At first, thinking it to be Penelope, one of the druids lays a gift of silvered leaves at the feet of the woman. The husband, surprised, thanks him, and takes up the leaves to show his wife. From pink to red go her cheeks. "Thankee, thankee," she says. "These are my two new dears. The boy, he is Brox. And the girl, we've decided to name her Breeze." The aunt, whom some of you have seen walking briskly about, picking up linens and such within the tree earlier, asks, "Would you good druids have a blessing for these twins?" It is learned that the husband is Bo 'Boxer' Oakendale Pastna, his wife is Sissy Burrows Tumblefoot Pastna, and her sister, the children's aunt, is Becka. Becka says, "Well, now, Sissy, you have six. Almost as many as me!"

"May Brox grow strong as the oak in which he was born, and the branches of his life provide shelter to many," offers the druid Savoulus as he holds his hands above the tiny boy's head. Then he moves his hands to hover above the girl. "May Breeze be one who refreshes many, who brings life and health, and who is a force for change and cleansing. Blessings to these babies." He starts to turn away, but then pauses. "I am Savoulus, of the Ring of the Moons. Would you send me the twins, the summer of their tenth year, for a time? If you would, I could offer them some training."

The parents look at each other, exchanging unspoken conversation with their eyes. A slight nod from her, and he answers. "Yes, sir, Mister Savoulus, sir. Th-that would be, would be, that would be fine. Fine with us. Sir. And, uh, I'd like to add a middle name to our son. He will be Brox Oaken Tumblefoot Pastna."

Many of the other druids come to offer their blessings as well. But they seem to be waiting...

At last, they awaken. (ADM Kim) 
Friday June 10th, 2005 9:39:06 AM

Clover does breakfast with Airin, asking her questions about her upbringing. He also points to various plants around the oak, asking her to name them. Pleased with the ones she knows, he gives her the names of the ones she is unsure of. "Learn the plants, Airin, know the plants of the forest. They will be your friends."

After the many blessings, the Tumblefoot Pastna family gathers their things, and, the babies bundled into a hand-drawn cart which Bo guides, a boy, perhaps 12 years or so, walking beside, wife and sister in law walk next to Bo, and they take the path back to Crescent Valley. Savoulus has a quick word with a small group, and an elf and half elf step out to accompany the family on their way.

Just about this time, most of the druids who had gone back to the battlesite earlier return. They bring with them three more than had been with them earlier, plus one more who is carried on a litter. The Master of Dirt takes some time with her. After a few minutes, she sits up, holding her head.

Then, Midwife Gilda appears at the door, along with Marigold. "They are ready," she announces.

Ellis steps out the doorway, and holds his hand. Penelope takes it, and steps across the threshold. In her arms, nursing, is the sweet little girl. A shawl offers at least a bit of discrete cover.

Ellis appears both proud, and a little nervous. But his words are spoken well. "I am Ellis. This is Penelope. This is our little girl." He looks down. "This has been a ... difficult night, and morning. I apologize for what our son has done. We had no idea." He shakes his head. "But this - this is our daughter, our very own." The new father's joy and pride is evident. "And we will raise her right, we will," he says with grit, determination, and maybe even defiance, as though he is about to engage in battle, and he looks on his wife's face. His expression softens. "We have come to ask for your help. It is time to name our daughter. Now, we don't promise to please everyone, but we would like your suggestions. And, if you would, your blessings on the little girl, and her mother."

Various Asides (ADM Kim) 
Friday June 10th, 2005 10:54:09 AM

A little earlier, during breakfast, a short human druid spoke with Podo. "I saw your exercises ealier. You are a monk, no? So am I. I studied martial movements for some years, and along the way learned to love the ways of nature. Do you know your throws?" he asks. He offers to spar a little, "Just for practice." If Podo accepts the offer, he will see that Linder - 'the leaf mover' - is quite competent in the combat arts, indeed. He offers a few pointers, here and there, as well as a word or two of praise. His style involves quite a few spinning attacks and defenses.

Nelvasolas, who helped Olo with breakfast, hands him a little booklet. "These are some of my favorite recipes, using plants from the Culverwood. I would like you to have this." Thumbing through, it contains many colorful sketches of plants, flowers, mushrooms, trees, roots, along with instructions on what parts are good to eat, and steps in preparation. (+2 on cooking skill checks within the Culverwood when using booklet.) "Could you write down a couple of your favorite recipes for me, in exchange?" he asks.

Elf Alniariliana introduces herself to Dwight and Patterton. "That was brave of you," she says to the former, "to try to care for the body of Takeniliarian, and later to speak boldly to the Fae King. Why did you come to the gathering? You did not know the family, and are not an elf nor a druid." And of Patterton, she remarks, "And you, too, spoke bold. What can you tell me of this Morth? Morp? You seemed to have a connection with him. Why do you suppose he did what he did?"

Kendry  d20=20
Friday June 10th, 2005 11:04:13 AM

Kendry takes up Myrridan's request, and begins to write out in a flowing hand the things that lead up to Ebryon's birth, the birth itself, and the words and actions of Ebryon. [d20=20 - check for success of recollection of words and events.] He includes things that others, and he himself, had to say and do, and the turning of Morpth. As he is writing, he asks among the druids and his friends whether there is someone who might copy what he has so far written, so that they are a page or two behind him as he scribes. When done, and the copy made, he then gives his original document to Myrridan, and retains the copy for himself. He looks up from time to time to observe what others are doing, eavesdropping on conversations that don't require him to move to hear.

He smiles at the twins and their blessing. When Ellis and Penelope come forth, he considers Ellis' request. Help name the girl, eh? He begins thinking...

Kim to CV Team 
Friday June 10th, 2005 11:07:45 AM

As mentioned earlier, I will be away until Monday. Feel free to offer multiple posts, if you wish, from today through the weekend.

Friday June 10th, 2005 11:23:46 AM

Patty looks momentarily forlorn as Alniariliana mentions his old friend Morpth. "He was just a confused Hobbit. And a good one, I might add. I don't know what twisted his heart or what caused him to turn on his own kind, but I believe there may be hope for him yet. If he survived the earthquake that is. Seeing him slay that helpless elf...it turned my stomach and I hope you'll not judge us by his actions. I blame that silver tongued, cloven hoofed demon in the woods! I should have let Marigold smash his ugly face in! King of the Fey indeed!" As he speaks, Patty gets more and more upset and he suddenly realizes that he is yelling. Mumbling an apology, he falls into a brooding silence.

(OOC- sorry for the missed post. Finals. ARGGH!!!! Today is my last day for the year, however. Woo hoo!)

Saturday June 11th, 2005 9:05:32 PM

Selithe smiles when the comment on the spirits comes up and she nods, "Actually I wish i could say it was something more heroic but I just smashed the crystal pumpkin on the ground and the spirits came out after I smashed it."

Selithe looks to Airin and gives her a gentle push before she goes to get food or anything. The small push was a friendly push to let her know everything is okay and she didn't mean to cause an problems with the bringing up of her necklace.

Sunday June 12th, 2005 11:06:01 PM

Podo converses with the human druid nodding along with his story. "Yes, I will spar with you. Sparring is good for the soul and for the body. Please demonstrate some of the forms and techniques you have acquired through your journeys, my friend."

Podo watches and then demonstrates in kind.

Listening to the Ellis & Penelope Family's request for naming suggestions, Podo first thinks about offer a form of the name Domi, for the courage the young girl child showed when faced with the ways of her brother in the womb, but then thinks he should quietly approach them at a less conspicuous time when not many are flocking around. Podo feels best when he is in a supporting role.

Monday June 13th, 2005 8:27:45 AM

Airin's happy with the way things went with Clover. She will study nature more as Clover suggested.

"Thank you Clover for your guidance. I will find a way to learn more about nature - perhaps in time you can teach me some more. If ever you have need for young adventurers like ourselves, please don't hesitate to call me."

The gentle push from Selithe is much appreciated by Airin. She casts a gentle smile upon her friend hoping to live through much more adventures with her.

Then she sees Ellis and Penelopee emerge from the tree. At last ! Such a beatifull baby girl ... She listens carefully to Ellis and Penelopee and can not help to say casually : "Airin's a lovely name ..." but immediately her cheeks turn red as she notice some actually hears her say that.

"She came with the eclipse of the moons. Something that happens only once in many lifetimes. We could name her after this unique moment ... though I don't know how to pour this into one name. I'm sure Kendry can do that better than me ..."

Monday June 13th, 2005 4:47:26 PM

"Thank you Nelvasolas," Olo said sincerely as he thumbed through the booklet, "I'm no expert on these woods and half the time I'm worried I'd kill someone if I so much as used a strange tuber."

"I'd be happy to share my favorites," Olo said as he turned to dig around in his pack. "I tend to stick with the hearty meat and potatoes type dishes though, I'm not sure if... um... do you eat meat?" Not quite knowing how to ask the question, Olo manages to finally spit it out ungracefully. He'll spend some time with Nelvasolas discussing recipes, writing down those that the druid seems particularly interested in and asking questions as he browses the pamphlet.

The mundane conversation is a pleasure after the night's events.

Tuesday June 14th, 2005 2:12:02 AM

While waiting for the name to be chosen, Podo will ask the name of his Druid/Monk sparring partner (for future reference) and give his name in kind.

If Podo determines he has enough time to freshen up, he will enter the tree, and ask for some directions to a changing lounge from the staff of the Whistler Oak. If water and soap are available, Podo will remove a dagger, and begin shaving his off his hair for a more monkish look. Having sparred with another monk, memories rushed out of times forgotten of his teachers and happier times. Podo feels by returing back to student dress, he can relive some of those days.

If Podo determines there is not enough time, Podo will await an opportunity to freshen up at his earliest opportunity.

Ellis (ADM Kim) 
Tuesday June 14th, 2005 11:54:20 AM

"So, if you have some ideas for a name, let us know," says Ellis.

Tuesday June 14th, 2005 7:46:12 PM

Podo quietly walks up to the new parents Ellis and Penelope and suggests adding a form of the name Domi to indicate the courage she had just arriving this past night into a brave new world.

Wednesday June 15th, 2005 7:41:39 AM

Inventing catching names is definetely not Airin's forte. There are a few ideas on toppics but no real names so far. "Kendry ! Why don't you have a go at this ?!?"

After breakfast Airin takes time to freshen up. She soon needs to have some sleep as she hasn't slept last night.

She turns to Myrridan and asks :

"Dear Myrridan, we've told you everything we know. But we still have many questions. Maybe our help can be rewarded by a few answers ? What do YOU know about all this ? Ebryon ? Who is he to you ? What will you do with all this information ? Who has intrest in all this ? Where will you go from here and how did you know something was going on here ? I think we deserve a few answers."

Wednesday June 15th, 2005 11:55:48 AM

Selithe looks to Kendry and the others when the comment on a name comes up and shrugs as this isn't her specialty so just lets the others think of it as she goes about getting something to eat. She feels just alittle hungry right now and enjoys the fruit she finds to eat.

As she sits and watches and listens to the others she also pulls out her wizard books and flips through it, looking at stuff and then lastly cetches up in her journal on everything that had happened the last few days. Going into as much detail on the fey king as she can remember for her own notes.

Wednesday June 15th, 2005 12:53:25 PM

"Well, Alniariliana," begins struggling with the beautiful elven name. "I would not call what I did brave, but I thank you for the thought and I am sorry your friend will not see other trees bloom."

"I couldn't even say why, I was there but by pure chance. I was just walking and seeing which trees had sprouted and bloomed recently, when I noticed a large group of folks. Out of curiousity I followed and was amazed at the number of folks gathered and then further amazed when a halfling in no condition to be running or even outside entered the area. I tried to just watch, not get involved. My pa says I'm not very good at staying out of trouble. I suppose he is right at times, today seemed to be much more than just a gathering."


Dwight mentions this to anyone conversing about the newborns name, but does not interupt anything important going on. "Perhaps I may offer a name, though I truly don't expect you to use it, as I am not related by blood. Still one name can help get the thoughts moving, so I offer it just the same. I propose, Clara. It means, I believe to make bright and clear. And I would dare to say she certainly brightened the events of the day.

Wednesday June 15th, 2005 4:06:37 PM

Patty makes his way over to Selithe and plops down on the ground a short ways away from her. He notices that she is working on her spellbook and(knowing how touchy wizards can be about being disturbed from their studies)decides not to distract her for the moment.

Instead, he quietly withdraws his sword from his sheath and gives it a once over. Frowning, he notes that Ebyron's blood had started to thicken on the blade and he silently curses himself for not wiping it down properly earlier. 'Not that there was any time for it', he thinks as he withdraws a bit of cloth from his backpack and begins to carefully wipe it down.

Thursday June 16th, 2005 1:06:53 AM

At Ellis' remark, Olo looked up for a moment from his conversation with Nelvasolas.

"Perhaps name her Harmony, or a word for it in another tongue." He paused for a moment then continued, "For all the lifetimes that Ebyron lived, it's what he lackes." Without realizing it, Olo failed to use the past-tense, he still felt in his soul that Ebyron had not perished when the ground swallowed him up.

"And," he continued, "it's the most we can really hope for our children, that they be in harmony with themselves and the Wold around them."

Suddenly a bit embarrassed at his expressiveness, Olo gave Ellis a slight smile and a shrug. "Well... that's how I feel anyway."

ADM Kim 
Thursday June 16th, 2005 4:16:14 AM

[Just got in a bit ago. Worked 45+ hours in past three days, sat down to post here, and fell asleep, twice. Just cannot think. Sorry, friends. Will try tomorrow, including responses from those your characters have interacted with.]

The druids talk among themselves about the question of naming. Some interest has been expressed in the names the party members have so far mentioned. A few speak in elvish among each other, discussing elvish variants of the suggestions. A bench is brought out for Ellis, and a very comfortable carved chair for Penelope.

Thursday June 16th, 2005 11:43:38 AM

While the others are discussing names, Airin goes inside the tree to freshen up. Her hair hasn't been washed for two days now !

After that, she takes time to check her gear, clean her crossbow, refill her quivers and restock.

Friday June 17th, 2005 9:19:05 AM

Seeing how various cliches and groups are forming to discuss the suggestion of a name, Podo will be himself and exercise off towards the edge of the vegetation.

He begins by stretching, doing a form of what only can be described as bobbing X's, then he begins various leg lifts and half folds. When finished with those routines, he begins a series of push-ups, and what appears to be hand and joint stretches. To the untrained eye, he appears to be attempting to twist his hands right off!

After about a half hour, Podo begins a series of tumbling and rolling motions which end in an abbreviated but loud grunt. Lastly he will practice a motion of dropping to the ground while turning hsi face to one side while ending the motion in the same abbreviated but loud grunt.

Podo will continue these motions and techniques until something either interrupts him or there appears to be a change in the gathering near the Whistler Oak.

Friday June 17th, 2005 9:42:50 AM

Dwight glad to see names being tossed around slight back out of conversation. He hopes the parents choose a name they find appealling and wishes the child well.

Other tasks call his attention and he seeks a place where he can wash his weapons and check the tension on his bow. Once complete, he seeks out someone that is willing to deliver his letter in a timely fashion to his pa.

Friday June 17th, 2005 10:18:56 AM

... humtidum ... humtidum ...
SPLASH ... gurgle gurgle gurgle ...

aaahhhh ... nothing above a good hot bath after "slaying" a self pronounced Fey King.

As things are SERIOUSLY slowing down Airin falls a sleep in her bath. Dreaming of unknown riches, bold adventures, fingers giving her a nice massage ... oops ...

After a while she comes down again. Her black leather armor is cleaned, her pitch black hair hangs loosly around her shoulders again. She feels like new. (meditated her new spells for today)

She smiles to Ellis and Penelopee and comes to give their daughter a loving kiss. "May you grow and remember the strength of your parents forever ... "

"OK", she suddenly says out loud, there's nothing left of the kindness with what she kissed the little baby girl, "cut the chit chat. Time to move on. How do we deal with Ebryon ? Myrridan what will you do with all the intell ?"

Ellis and Penelope decide: Clara. Myrridan says, "Let us away!" (ADM Kim) 
Saturday June 18th, 2005 3:39:06 AM

Simone the Silver says, after discussing the topic with her friends, "Alilliama is our word for singing together. It implies that three or more sing, each with her own notes, but blending together in a song of beauty. That is our word for harmony," she says, with a nod toward Olo. "Alilliama is a name we would offer the daughter of the moons."

With the other suggestions given, the parents consider and talk among themselves. At last, Ellis stands. "In honor of our many friends and family, we wish to name our daughter." He helps Penelope stand, then turns to those gathered.

"This is our daughter, our very own to love and raise together. Clara Alilliama Domiselithe Airina Marigold Pipewood Greentree," he says. "Mostly, we will call her Clara, as Dwight has named her. Bright and clear." Penelope looks down on her daughter, and gives her a kiss. "Hi, little Clara, tiny Clarabelle," she says. Then, a worried expression crosses her face. "Now, don't you go growing up too fast, now. And no pumpkins."

That is certainly more middle names than most halfling children bear, but does not break the record of Pip 'Longname' Grassroots Pastna of Humble's Ford, who has 26 middle names, in reverse alphabetical order.

Ellis also kisses his daughter, who then makes little baby cooing sounds. Her lips purse, and start seeking something to suckle, and mama obliges.

The druids who have not yet done so lay down their many gifts.

Myrridan comes last, and gives a quiet blessing in the druidic tongue. Airin is able to pick up parts of what he says. '...resilience of the sapling ... acute as the eyes of a hawk ... before ... green ... buy back, and come once more ...'

He then asks, "Had you not noticed that one eye is turquoise, and the other blue?"

Myrridan then turns and says, "Young ones, I believe that some of the questions you have asked me about Ebryon may have answers. And some of what you have reported will help us better understand the changes coming upon the Wold. My thanks for what you have said, and to you, Kendry, for what you have written, now that you are fully awake.

"Let me take you to meet the Dragons. The Gold Dragons and the Storm Dragons are meeting together. They are some of the Wold's most renowned adventurers. Let me, and some of my brethren, take you now to meet with them. We shall travel by oak and willow. Gather quickly what you need, and then let us depart."

Myrridan and Savoulus, between the two of them, can take the party of adventurers with them to Plateau City. In your posts this weekend, indicate any last minute thing you wish to do or say to Ellis, Penelope, Clara, Marigold, the druids, et al. They suggest that donkeys and mounts be left behind, as they expect, after consultation, you will be returned back here.

Next stop: Plateau City!

Monday June 20th, 2005 3:12:14 AM

"Blessed be thee little Clara. It's a good name."

Then Airin kisses Ellis and Penelopee goodbey, turns to Blossom, her pony, who should be still out here somewhere and asks the ones who will stay near the oak to take good care of her.

Next she walks over to Myrridan and says : "I am ready master Druid."

Monday June 20th, 2005 9:21:27 AM

Podo finishes off his exercises and his kata practice and heads for the tree. If no one stops him, once at the tree he will go inside and make the necessary preparations to begin a journey anew. If stopped on his way to the tree, he will be cordial and curtious and ask to be excused so he can prepare for the impending journey.

(Aside from a few items one needs on a journey, such as rations, rope, flint & steel, and a few containers, Podo is ready.)

Monday June 20th, 2005 12:34:54 PM

Selithe looks up at Patty once she has finished making the last of her notes in her notebook and smiles to him, "You look kind of bored mister." She gives Patty a wink, "I'm sure things will liven up more soon enough."

Selithe nods and stands when she hears the comments on moving on and offers Patty a hand to help him up too, "Looks like we are on the move again Patty." Selithe glances over at Podo and thinks a moment, "We'll see about helping you get some stuff as soon as we can Podo. You did help in the fight against the fey king so are deserving of ome of the money too I think."

Selithe shrugs now and readies her staff and checks her backpack so it doesn't hurt her shoulder.

Monday June 20th, 2005 4:15:26 PM

Patty slides the sword back into it's sheath,lets Selithe help him to his feet and dusts off his pants. "I'm not all that bored. Just thinking about everything that has happened so far. Things were pretty tame before I met you...er...I mean you guys. Big things are happening here,ya know? I'm just a little worried about Hovel and the rest of the valley. I want to be able to make sure everyone is safe." Patty rubs the pommel of his longsword absent-mindedly. "There must be a weapons master in Plateau City, prehaps I can find someone to train under."

Kendry  d20+5=19 d20+5=17
Tuesday June 21st, 2005 1:23:51 AM

Kendry had been so busy with his writing - for he started writing down some more things after he finished the report to Myrridan, that he was not interacting with others as much as is his wont - but he was listening attentively to conversations in earshot. When Selithe and Airin ask him to help with the naming, he smiles, and says, "I'm thinking. If you all don't come up with something, I'll see what I can do." But, as time goes on, he adds no suggestions.

At one point, he climbed his knotted rope back up, retrieved and lowered his knapsack, took apart his rope guard lines, then, lowering his knotted rope to a branch some twenty feet above the ground, looped it once over the branch, tied the two ends together, then climbed back down, grasping both sides of the dangling rope as he descended. Once down, he untied the ends, and, shaking one end as needed to help pull the other up and over, retrieved his rope [Climb: 19 on way up, 17 on way down].

He appreciates the naming of the girl. Alilliama - Harmony, eh? That's right - he's heard that word among the elven bards. Domiselithe - his sister, and the God of Courage, combined into one name! Got Airin's name in there, too, with the 'a' on the end. And took Dwight's and Podo's suggestions. Nice. Hearing Peeps' affectionate rendering of Clara into Clarabelle, Kendry almost asks her if she wants to add 'Belle' in as a middle name - but decides that nicknames and terms of endearment don't need formalization, necessarily. He strokes Clara's cheek, then Penelope's, as well. He turns his face towards Ellis. "Well done, you two. You know that you and yours will be in our thoughts and prayers."

He agrees to Myrridan's request - if that is what it is - that they go meet the Dragon groups. How exciting! He spends a few minutes with one of the regular helpers at the oak, and explains how to care for his ponies, and puts their feed in a good spot somewhere within the oak, with a suggestion of how much to give them each day. He offers two gold pieces as an advance on the care needed for the ponies. He asks Gilda for a safe spot to leave his saddlebags. He thanks her for her hospitality, giving her a piece of paper with a short poem about the Whistling Oak, halflings forest-born, and the wise and brave midwives who serve their people so very well.

Kendry takes some things out of his knapsack, and others out of the pack saddles of the ponies, effecting a rearrangement of what he will take with him.

"Aunt Marigold - are you to come with us?" he asks. "I hope you can, for I'm sure you would have much to offer in the way of information, perspective and wisdom to the Gold Dragons and Storm Dragons. I would love your company, too."

When it is time to go, Kendry holds out his hands to one on either side of him - for that is how he traveled with Aunt Nilli through other oaks in times past - taking her hand for an arboreal journey.

Aunt Marigold (ADM Kim) 
Tuesday June 21st, 2005 1:35:13 AM

"No, Kendry, I will not come with you. I must accompany Penelope and Ellis and their baby back to Hovel - and see what effects, if any, this upstart may have caused on our town, and help calm things down, if there's a need." All of a sudden, she gives him a swift, even stinging swat on his rump. "You should have brought the beer back for my campaign, you rapscallion." To soften the effects of the swat and rebuke, she tousels his wavy auburn hair. "Now, to make that up to me, I want you to promise to check in with me as soon as you can when you return from your chat with these 'Dragons' - hear?"

Clover (ADM Kim) 
Tuesday June 21st, 2005 1:40:41 AM

As the halflings of Crescent Valley scurry about in preparation for their journey, Clover stops Airin for a moment. He hands her a bundle. "This is for you, and your friends. One never knows when some little odds or ends will be needed. Open it later. Do with it what you will. When the time for testing comes - should it be agreed to offer it - you will hear from us, little Airin." A layer of silk, tied with cord of an elvish braid, is wrapped around something soft within. Perhaps a garment?

Alniariliana (ADM Kim) 
Tuesday June 21st, 2005 1:48:58 AM

"A small token of my appreciation, Dwight Twiggebundler," Alniariliana tells him. She places in his hand a small silk packet. "If you are being followed by someone you wish not to find you, untie the knot, and gently blow the dust behind you. It will make it very hard for your pursuers to follow your tracks. We call it dust of tracelessness." She give him a kiss on his forehead.

Linder - 'the leaf mover' (ADM Kim) 
Tuesday June 21st, 2005 2:03:46 AM

"You need better to remember what you have already heard, good Podo. I am Linder, Linder the Leaf Mover," he tells his fellow monk, with a formal bow. "Say, since I've become a druid, I've managed to concoct something that helps me as a monk." From a fold in his robe, he pulls a small vial. "Rub this on an oaken staff, or club. It lasts only a minute or so, but makes of your staff an even stouter weapon. Fare well, Podo, with the Dragons - and your new friends, here." [Oil of Shillelagh.]

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