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Plateau City: Platinum Dragons

Miscellany, and trunk by trunk to Plateau City (ADM Kim) 
Tuesday June 21st, 2005 3:15:23 AM

Marigold tells Dwight, after inquiring as to where he lives, that she will see to it that his letter to his father gets delivered. "I have some reliable people. Might take a day, two at the most to reach him, if all is well."

"Oh, of course I eat meat, but not every day," Nelvasolas answers Olo's question. "It's just not as easy, usually, for people to identify what plants may safely be eaten - and how to prepare them to best effect." He is happy to receive some of Olo's recipes.

Old Garno the Brown takes Selithe aside. "Sounds like yer brudder tagnelfeets peoples lots. Yer need ta get 'em untagnelled, just pour this here on 'em," he tells her. [Universal Solvent.] He smells like humus, and the unlabeled vial of clear liquid he hands her has dirt smudges on it.

Alniariliana has yet another gift - this one for Patterton. "You ask strong questions. If you need straight answers - the one who drinks this potion will say nothing but the truth. Save it for a time of need, stout warrior," she counsels him. [Elixir of Truth.]

Podo's head is shaved bald. People are cleaned up, who wanted to be.

Ellis and Penelope decide they ought to return to Hovel. Old midwife Gilda fusses a bit, saying that Penelope should not be moving about more than necessary following the birth of two babies. Penelope, however, looks quite strong, and explains, "Dear Ellis has a very nice carriage in which to ride, so it'll be no real trouble at all!" Gilda fusses a bit more, just to make it known that this is not her recommendation. Seeing they are determined, however, she sends a young midwife in training in to the oak, who then brings out a few things for the family. Gilda gives Penelope a number of instructions. Ellis, getting some help from a few of the halfling boys there, gets his ponies hitched to the luxurious carriage. "Say, folks," he asks the party. "You want I should take your ponies and mounts back to Hovel? I have room in my stables, and it shouldn't be any trouble, especially for all the help you've been to me and my wife, here." If the party agrees, he does so - including saddles, saddlebags, and the like.

Several druids head out in different directions.

About the time the Greentrees are ready to leave - escorted by four druids - Myrridan the Wild and Savoulus of the Ring of the Moons instruct the young halflings to gather around them. "Airin, Kendry, Podo and Simone with me. Patterton, Dwight, Selithe and Olo with Savoulus. Savoulus - follow me, tree for tree."

Myrridan moves his hand over his face, and changes from looking like a human, to looking like an elf. He takes Airin's hand, and looks to make sure that the other three are touching her, then casts a spell. The five are drawn into the very trunk of the Whistler Oak, and disappear from sight.

From tree to tree, the halflings feel themselves drawn along, their bodies conforming to the shape and texture of wood and bark and roots and branches. There is a moment's pause in each new host, and occasional glimpses of different fauna.

Soon, out of an oak the first five step. A minute or so later, Savoulus and the four who came with him step out the same tree. But - this tree is inside a tavern of sorts! In common, Myrridan says, "This is the Golden Griffin Inn. Keep your mouths shut until we get outside." In elvish, Myrridan says to an elf who wears a pale blue embroidered robe, 'We are passing through, brother. Forgive the instrusion.'

Cleverly carved wood, crystals lit from within, flowers suffused with a soft light, and many wonders greet the eyes of the curious halflings as they are lead out the building. Two male elves - one who looks unusually haggard, are heard to mention Ebryon's name just after the halflings pass by. A sharp glance from Myrridan sternly warns the halflings to mind their business, and keep up with him.

"The castle of the Gold Dragons is a few hundred paces that way." Turning left out the door, down a street marked 'Mage's Bend,' a castle - with water coming close to the entrance stands before the group. Walking toward the entrance, the castle to the left, the sight is one of massive splendor.

Myrridan knocks on the door. "Visitors from Crescent Valley, and the Culverwood!" Myrridan speaks up.

Tuesday June 21st, 2005 3:34:04 AM

Kendry is taken aback at the unexpected swat from Aunt Marigold - but also somehow relieved that she finally mentioned at least one thing that was between them. "I shall do my best, Auntie," he replies.

He is fine with having Ellis take his donkeys back to Hovel. He takes Airin's other hand, wondering whether this trip will feel different from the tree-journey's he has taken before. He remains alert as he can during the travel, trying to take in each sensation.

In the Golden Griffon Inn, he marvels at all the elvish artistry. He forgets to release Airin's hand, at first, then, blushing, does let go. About to bound over to the two elves when he hears Ebryon's name dropped, he stops himself at Myrridan's glance. What do they know of Ebryon? he wonders to himself.

He looks around at the tall buildings of Plateau City. What a strange place! Everything so big. At the door of the Gold Castle, he almost holds his breath in anticipation of who might open the door.

Tuesday June 21st, 2005 6:12:58 AM

before the Tree-trippin :
Airin nods to Clover and gratefully accepts the gift - not knowing yet what is inside. However the possibility to enter the Druidic Circle in the future makes her even happier than the gift she got. "I look forward to it, Clover. Thank you."

Ready to meet the Dragons :

Stepping out of the tree Airin shares Kendry's amazement. Especially Myrridan's stern look makes her a little bit uneasy. Then she realises she and Kendry still hold hands and can not help but feel supported by it. When Kendry suddenly releases her hands and blushes Airin lovingly smiles at him. Her lips form the words "Thank you" in halfling without speaking.

Following Myrridan Airin's mouth stands wide open ... never did she see such beauty ... such grandeur ... the little halfling starts to feel even smaller when they stand in front of the Castle of the Gold Dragons.

She quickly takes a look at herself. She's happy she washed before going out again. She quickly goes through her hair, streighthens her backpack and gear, polishes her boots by running them along the back of her legs ...

Tuesday June 21st, 2005 7:15:28 PM

Just about the time the Myrridan and his visitors arrive at the gates, a dainty black-skined, purple-eyed halfling lass arrives. She seems to be dressed in what only can be described as Gypsy clothing, although very expensively made.

" Myrridan, Why are you keeping these fine young people hovering at the doorstep?"

That said she opns the door and steps in, almost as if she lived there.

"I'm not at all sure who else is around right now, but come on in and make yourselves comfortable in the study and I will see if Flabersham is around to bring in some refreshements. I won't be a moment."

That said she flounces off out of the room. Only a few seconds pass before she returns.

"Flabersham will be here momentarily." So, you have travelled a long way and hurridly if I read things correctly. What could possibly have spurred you all to such effort?....

She stops for a moment and then shames her head.

"I am so very sorry, you must think I am a complete dolt or at least rude. I did not introduce myself. My name is Dahlia Fastfingers of the Gold Dragons."

Tuesday June 21st, 2005 10:07:45 PM

"Pleased to meet you, Dahlia," Kendry replies as he holds out a hand, indicating that Airin and Selithe might first enter the foyer. "I saw you in the Catacombs recently, though we did not formally meet at the time. I am Kendry Leafwin Pipewood, of Humble's Ford - and other places around Crescent Valley. This is my sister, Selithe - but maybe I should let my sis and cousins and friends introduce themselves. Meanwhile - something extraordinary just took place in the Culverwood. Refreshments sound great!" He steps into the study, and takes a good look about, especially seeing what titles there might be on the bookshelves.

Tuesday June 21st, 2005 10:32:55 PM

"Yes, if the rest are here, they'll be in the dining room for sure." Myrridan turns back to rest of the halflings and whispers with a slight smile, "They never stop eating!"

Wednesday June 22nd, 2005 1:34:39 AM

Valdor is back to working on his swordplay and exercises when Flabs comes to inform him of yet another adventuring group bearing news and information. He excitedly grabs a towel, wiping most of the sweat from his body. He doesn't want to keep their guests waiting, so he hurries downstairs, carrying his swords with him...just in case one of these visits proves to be assassins.

He enters the dining hall moments after the guests have been ushered in and stops suddenly. He looks a bit confused for just a second and then smiles broadly. He had heard, of course, about a group of adventuring halflings, but really didn't know what to expect. He looks from Dahlia back to the halflings, then back again.

He bows to them all and says,"Forgive my appearance, I didn't expect such distinguished guests so shortly after the others left. I would have cleaned up, but I figured if Myrridan has brought you and Dahlia is with you, that you must bear urgent news. Please enjoy your food and drink and tell your tale when you are ready. Oh yes, I forgot to introduce myself...I am called Valdor."

He waves for a glass of water and the server brings him a large pitcher of water...which he promptly downs.

He is wearing only a pair of tight breeches and a skin tight half shirt with no sleeves, which is obviously to keep his legs and arms from becoming tangled up with his swords. His arms are easily as big as most of the haflings waists, and his legs twice that large...yet he carries no fat to be seen. The veins on his arms stand out a bit from his recent exercise.

He carries two magnificent swords, but one is simply beautiful. It has gems encrusted in the hilt, mostly rubies and diamonds. It's blade looks as if covered in a blood-red sheen. When he leans it up against the table, the visage of a red dragon can be seen on it. It apparently is a weapon against especially made to fight such beasts.

He smiles easily, as if he's known the visitors for a lifetime and waits for them to talk.

Nick Valentine - Platinum Dragons 
Wednesday June 22nd, 2005 2:08:37 AM

Walking determinedly between one room and another, collecting spell componants, scrolls, anything else he might need, the cleric of Alemi quickly changes plans as Flabersham announces the visitors, and goes downstairs quickly to meet them.
Seeing Dahlia, Myrridan and Valdor already there to greet their visitors, Nick smiles and gives the group of halflings a solumn bow.
"Welcome," he says. "I hope your journey here was a safe one."
He takes a seat, intrigued. What news, he wonders.

Wednesday June 22nd, 2005 3:21:12 AM

Airin's exitement is beyong describing. She gazes at these famous warriors and feels utterly small in their company.

"I ... me ... euh ... I ..." she starts to stammer. She's soo overwhelmed by the looks of these warriors that words just don't come out as they should. Then she gives herself a pinch in the arm "No I'm not dreaming" and finally is able to introduce herself to the Gold and Platinum Dragons.

"Greetings mighty warriors, I am Airin Moondancer Turnbell. Little Halfling from the Crescent Valley. I'm usually our groups scout and prefere stealth in encounters. Lately I discovered some new powers granted to me by nature as well.
How may we be of your service."

Airin is a young female halfling Rogue 1 / Druid 1, clad in black leather armor. Her pitch black shoulder length hair hangs loosely around her shoulders. On her back she holds a light crossbow and a short sword hangs on her belt. The keen eye will see various daggers tucked away in different places.
Airin is on the one hand very paranoid and will never fully trust anyone, but on the other hand she's extremely curious to learn, which will often cause her to make stupid mistakes. Lately she will do anything to learn more about druidicism and find other druids.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Wednesday June 22nd, 2005 9:38:18 AM

Before Tree-trippin:
Podo will thank Linder the leaf mover for his generous gift. "I will use it and think of my wonderful friend, Linder." states Podo clasping Linder on the shoulder and bidding him a good journey and Godspeed.

The Journey to meet the Dragons:
Podo will hold hands with Airin and Myrridan as they begin their journey to another place. His staff securely strapped to his back down the center and between his shoulder blades. The rest of his simple gear is packed,strapped and slung across one shoulder and his chest as if a shoulder bag holding some wares would be seen on a traveling merchant. Podo does his best to follow Myrridan's suggestions and remains silent unless directly spoken to. He will on the other hand take into account all that he sees. His relative Kendry's habit of writing in a journal is begining to cause an itch in Podo to do the same. Podo thinks silently to himself. "I will ask for a traveling journal and an oaken staff the next chance we have for a shopping trip."

Arrival at the Dragon's Keep:
Podo will follow where he is lead. He will take a seat to unwind by removing his staff from his back and re-adjusting all his gear for comfort. Now that the tree journey appears at an end, he will carry the staff in his hands.

When the opportunity comes, Podo will introduce himself in turn.

"I am Podo Danderfluff Pipewood, a simple Monk of the land near Culverwood. Although I am but a simple monk, I strive to follow Domi as he has set for us a great example on how to serve our Brothers and Sisters." "Incidently, I am also Kendry & Selithe's Cousin."

"Although I could add to the story you are about to hear, my cousins can elaborate much better than I, so I will leave it to them."

Wednesday June 22nd, 2005 10:24:01 AM

Selithe smiles at the gift given her and nods, "Thank you for this, I'm sure it will come in handy in the future." She shakes smiles and nods to both Brown and the other before moving to join her friends.

Holding on to the next person's hand in line Selithe moves along with the others through the trees. This trip is quite simply amazing and Selithe is taken back by the power of magic and what it allows the user to do.

At the Inn Selithe looks around in more awe then anything and she wonders at how stunning the place looks. She does whisper to Kendry when she gets a chance, "This is fancier then I have seen in a long time brother."

When the group is finally lead to the Gold Dragon's Selithe can do little but stand and stare at the place and at the people that come to greet them. Selithe thought she would have many questions but at the moment she is just to taken back with the place and the people she had only heard about till today to say much.

After finally gathering some of her wits to her she speaks up, "My name is Selithe, sister to Kendry here." Selithe gives Podo a small nudge too and smiles, "An this is my uncle but he introduced himself already."

Wednesday June 22nd, 2005 11:23:35 AM

Patty looks about in wonder. "Well this is a bit different." He mutters as introductions are going around. After a few of the Hobbits have introduced them selves, Patterton speaks up.

"I'm Patterton Cloverturn Burrows. Pleased to meet you."

Wednesday June 22nd, 2005 9:52:31 PM

Winking at the other halflings as Valdor shows up, she comments.

"Well I should have figured if he wasn't in the kitchen, he would be downstairs showing off."

When Father Nicholas arrives, Dahlia sheepishly inches over to him, hands reaching in the folds of her skirt. Handing over three jingling silk pouches, she speaks softly.

"Father Nicholas, It seems that I have another donation to make to Alemi that is sent through me by some of the city's annonymous nobles."

Thursday June 23rd, 2005 2:50:45 AM

Kendry nodded in agreement with Selithe's comment on the fanciness of the Golden Griffon Inn, but did not dare to speak until they exited that establishment.

To Myrridan's comment, that the Gold Dragons never stop eating, Kendry gets a big smile. "And I thought that six meals a day was almost enough."

He nods in the direction of the cleric of Alemi who just sat down, wondering what his name might be. "Thanks. Yeah, pretty safe. Through the trees!"

The loquacious bard restrains himself enough to let some of the others speak first. "Oh, we met, once," he finally recalls, turning to the massive half elf, "at the Giggling Ghost, Valdor. You said some real nice things to me, then - I got distracted! Great to meet you again. Kendry Leafwin Pipewood, just by way of reminder. Nice castle. How big around are your arms, anyway? Looks like if I put my legs and arms all together in a bundle, they still wouldn't be quite as big around as your biceps. What sort of things did you eat while growing up?"

Looking about then, he interrupts his stream of questions with another question. "Hey, where's Olo? Olo? Did he get lost in the study? Didn't even see him come in. Olo? Probably found the kitchen." He sets aside that question for the moment.

"So, Dahlia, Valdor, and uh, Father Nicholas, are you?" he nods towards the cleric that Dahlia just approached. "Have you ever heard of Ebryon?"

Settling in for some conversation (ADM Kim) 
Thursday June 23rd, 2005 3:09:18 AM

So, here are the halflings of Crescent Valley, now far to the south even of the Red Hills, up at the very top of the plateaus of New Elenna, sitting down to talk with some of the Wold's most renowned adventurers, here at Myrridan's bidding and his and Savoulus' conveyance.

The latter takes a moment to introduce himself. "I am Savoulus, of the Ring of the Moons. An ... uncommon thing has happened in the Culverwood."

Just as the druid is saying this, a handful of people step forth bearing platters of food, snacks, pitchers of drinks, vegetables, fruit, meat - a veritable feast. As they retreat, a few more arrive, with pastries, pies, and other treats.

"Perhaps the residents of Crescent Valley might tell their story first," Savoulus says. He takes a large ripe plum from off one plate and examines it. "How is the vegetation doing here in the city?"

Thursday June 23rd, 2005 9:26:44 AM

"Where to start?" says Podo. "Actually, aside from what I know about the battle scenes, I can not offer you much as I was drawn to the gathering as I past through the forest on my way. I saw some other halflings in trouble so I lent my assistence. When I arrived, I saw my kin battling a critter the halflings were calling Ebyron."

"I think Cousin Kendry could weave the tale the best...he loves words!"

Podo finishes his statement, bows to the hosts and hostesses and wanders over to a veggie tray. After taking a small selection of assorted veggies, Podo wanders over to a seat that allows for a good viewing and also affords him some privacy.

Thursday June 23rd, 2005 10:26:51 AM

Having told the entire story rather detailed to Myrridan allready, Airin is not really keen on starting over again. Last time she explained everything there was ziltch in reply from Myrridan ... this time Airin wants to get some answers first !

Scraping her throat first (she IS rather nervous in the company of such renowned warriors and wouldn't want to offend them) before she continues :

"Dear friends, we've told the enitre story word for worf to Master Myrridan here. Kendry offered him a written journal of all we went through. Must we go over that again ?!? Wouldn't it be nice of you to finally enlighthen us, little folk, of what is happening in the Wold ?!? What's with the vegetation ? What do you know about Ebryon ? Who has been here before us ?!? Please ... first share some of your wisdom with us. If there are a few blanks we can fill in, we will gladly do so. Don't feel offended, but so far all we were asked was to tell our story over and over again ... I would like to find some answers now."

During her discourse, Airin's cheeks started to turn red ... she's feeling a bit ashamed. Is it right to answer the way she did when such a welcome dinner was made for them ?!? Carefully she takes her cup a little closer and takes a sip. She won't touch the rest before she knows they're not angry.

Thursday June 23rd, 2005 11:40:29 AM

(OOC:Sorry everyone, forgot to comment on what Selithe looks like and is wearing so here it is.)

Selithe wears a tight, low cut shirt with ruffled sleeves and a simple pair of pants of the same blue color. Her hair is pulled back in a pony tail and is the color of platinum. She wears simple black boots and other then the simple cloak she wears she has only her normal adventuring gear with her. She does proceed to pull out a pipe and begins filling it and lighting it up, she for all appearances is a normal female, liking fancy things and seeming refined but her small time in jail and now love of gambling has given her more of a wild streak. She does take a moment to lean her staff against the wall.

Selithe looks to Airin when she speaks up and almost grins since she is beginning to like Airin's way of thinking more and more. Selithe takes a small puff on her pipe before speaking up, "You have to excuse our friend Airin. You see, we kind of been dragged along it feels like and some answers would be very nice. The only things we really know is that a satyr baby was born who grewup very very fast and claimed to be the fey king. When he started commiting acts of evil we had no choice but to step in. With luck we destroyed his jewel of the vine as he called it and defeated him or atleast slowed him down may be the best word. However before I continue or anyone else can we please have a few answers? I do not mean to be rude but since you all are prestiges as you are and everything surely you have some knowledge to pass along to us."

Even knows Selithe is able to keep her mind on what she is saying she is abit scared since she doesn't want to offend anyone either. Looking at Valdor, Selithe can just imagine him with his size and stregnth picking her up by the ankles and shaking her a few times as punishment or worse.

(OOC:Sorry Valdor, couldn't help but put that in. With Valdor's size and how intimidating he would be to alittle halfling, let alone a female halfling.(

Thursday June 23rd, 2005 1:14:10 PM

A small smile crosses Kendry's face as Airin vents her frustration. A young woman of action, she is. He likes that.

On the other hand, he knows that this group possesses some first-hand information to which the Gold Dragons are not yet privy. As Airin is talking, he opens his knapsack, which he had left on the floor beside his chair, and digs out the many pages he had written just a few hours ago.

"Yes, we would like some answers, as Airin requests, and Myrridan has been told the story. This," he says, holding the sheaf of papers, "is as close to a verbatim accounting of Ebryon's words, and faithful reporting of his actions, as well as those of us who ... encountered him, as I could manage to put together." [OOC: Earlier had rolled a natural 20 for the recollection of such.]

He hands the sheaf of papers off to Valdor. "Myrridan also has the original I wrote - perhaps you can make that available to Dahlia or Father Nicholas. As the pages are not yet bound, one can start reading, then pass the read pages to another person as he continues with those unread.

"That said, let me give a synopsis, as a starting point, if you will so allow?" he offers and asks, raising an eyebrow to seek permission of these august adventurers.

He takes a sip of wine for his throat's sake as he looks for a nod or sign of approval.

Those who read his written account will learn the following (in much greater length than this summary of the writings):
The document begins by recounting the widely-shared vision about the Wold, and the awakening of the being with the almond-shaped eyes, and of his focus on the forests and flora of the Wold, of Parnoth the Oppressor in the Culverwood, and his screams, and the cheerful countenance of the one with almond eyes as many are made to suffer. [See Crescent Valley post: The Big Dream [CDM Jerry], Saturday March 19th, 2005 12:16:23 PM]

It goes on to tell of the prophecy the previous night of the witches, just the night before the vision. [See Three Witches! [DM Jerry], Wednesday February 23rd, 2005 12:57:29 PM] The summation of their prophecy was: "Woe!" "Blessed Be!" "Praises!" "Beware the Great Conjunction! Beware!" "Crescent Valley, Valley of the Moon! Your time has come!" "Woe to he who is unprepared!" [sic - she should have said "Woe to him who is unprepared" the bard annotates.] "Blessed be that which is to come!"

The appearance in the hobbit town of Hovel of large mushrooms - three feet tall! - and huge pumpkins, and other large vegetation was coincident with this.

Penelope Honeymead Pipewood Greentree, wife of Ellis Oakendale Greentree, six months pregnant, found and baked one of the huge pumpkins into some pies. Somehow, the pumpkin forced her into early labor. On their way to help her, there was a strange assembly of birds, which formed into an elf and attacked those trying to get to her and help. [See Birds! (DM Stephen), Tuesday April 5th, 2005 1:19:37 AM, and following]

A brief description is given of the hasty journey into the Culverwood, to the Whistling Oak, and of the watchers along the way. [See Get Born (DM Stephen), Sunday April 17th, 2005 10:36:03 PM.]

An owl shape changes into a druid, and warns the group to flee. [See Greetings! Well, close to it. (DM Stephen), Tuesday April 19th, 2005 7:08:51 AM]

What happens when they enter into the oak is told. [See ALL OF THEM! (DM Stephen), Tuesday April 19th, 2005 11:55:17 PM] In particular, the following is written:
Penelope squirms on her bed. She begins to shout incoherently. Sweat and tears stream off her face. Her bloodshot eyes are glassy. She stares up at the ceiling, looking at visions that aren't there. "EBRYON!!" she shouts. Then Sylvan words spit from her lips. "Lemtrovexx, Lemo, Lemtrovvv your time comess. Huh, huh, huh, time reclaim what's MINEE!! Oh stewards ... you are dead, dead, dead, dead to meeeee!" With those final words she screams a bloodcurdling cry.
Two druids attack the tree and the party members as the bulk of the other watchers and some druids leave to head to another part of the forest. The two are defeated.

A song arises, Penelope gets up, embued with amazing strength, and leaves the oak, to follow the path the other druids took. The party follows along, to an ancient stand of stones ordered in concentric circles. Penelope lays upon a stone altar in the center, and, amidst songs and chanting and counter chants - not all are of one mind at this convocation of druids, elves, and the fae - the two moons align, a full eclipse occurs, a tempest arises, a ring of light descends from the eclipse in the midst of the starry night sky and surrounds the entire druid circle.

And cousin Penelope delivers a baby boy. But something is different. Something is wrong. He has, in place of normal legs and toes, the legs of a goat, with cloven hooves. [See the entirety of The Grand Convergence. (DM Stephen), Friday April 22nd, 2005 7:07:27 PM]

The story of Ebryon's birth, and supernaturally rapid growth, and his promises, lies, and cheeful malevolently skewed perspective are told in the Crescent Valley posts from April 22nd, through - Happy Birthday (DM Stephen), Wednesday May 25th, 2005 7:09:37 AM, the majority of which Kendry has written up (including, naturally, all of his own songs and poems!). And, of how, his crystal pumpkin trinket smashed, the grand druid and Ebryon buried in the earthquake, and the party escaping back to the Whistler Oak.

The birth of Ebryon's sister, Clara Alilliama Domiselithe Airina Marigold Pipewood Greenhill, is written of - and that she, thankfully, is, to all appearances, a normal, beautiful, halfling baby.

Kendry's account ends with the song he sang during battle against his cousin:
The newborn king of vines and weeds
Unleashed the pumpkin power sowed
So druids, stewards of the seeds
He pierced: From green, red blood now flowed

Oh people, fear King Ebryon
His hand o'er nature bringeth death
This power from some day bygone
Ariseth new, with satyr's breath

Wilt bow the knee? Trust not this lord
Caprice and malice him enfold
Beware when offereth he reward
A baneful darkness shades our Wold

Now mourn the druids' loss of breath
By him who claims it's time to reckon
Nature's wealth he turns to death
Laughter wild, vines lethal beckon

Arise! now heroes, gird your loins
For time has come to show your worth
New class of battle we enjoin
Find you ways to end ill mirth


Blood cries out for Justice! Justice!
Oppose this self-crowned king of fey
Stand bold, stand strong, heroes of Wold
And fight Ebryon come what may

Nick Valentine - Platinum Dragons. 
Thursday June 23rd, 2005 7:39:30 PM

Just before the visiting adventurers begin to speak, Nick accepts the coin pouches that Dahlia gives him.
"Well, that was kind of them," he whispers. "You must tell them thank..." he trails off, looks down at the pouches, and then at Dahlia. Any further conversation on the subject is put to one side as the Crescent Valley halflings begin their story.

He can quite understand their frustration on not knowing what was going on. He felt the same way, and he reckoned he could vouch for some of the other Dragons, too.
Part way through the tale, something makes him gasp.
"You've seen him?? You've fought him??. Nick is quite astonished. All this running around, half-truths and prophecies, and here was first hand knowledge, stood right here, in the form of a brave team of halflings.

Kendry  d20=2
Thursday June 23rd, 2005 8:49:50 PM

"Well, sure we did," Kendry answers Nicholas. "There for his birth, his growth from infant, to talking and lascivious child, to adolescence, to young, uh satyr. Over the course of maybe an hour, all told. Like Selithe just said. He took advantage of a poor halfling who already had a short lifetime of suffering under the domination of orcs, twisted him, and turned him to his service, while having him decapitate an elf druid. Morpth, this halfling - Patterton knows him. Read this," he indicates the documents he offered. "All Ebryon's words, many of his plans, and much of his character are here." With a serious mien, he says simply, "So, we fought him once he started attacking the druids." Then, eyes looking downward for a moment, Kendry gets a funny smile on his face. "O-o-oh, he really does not like tanglefoot bags, my cousin doesn't!"

He takes a cream-filled pastry, and inadvertently dribbles some of the contents onto the front of his tunic [dex check 4] with his first bite. He wipes most off with his finger, then scrubs with a napkin to take care of the rest.

With the Dragons, a typical, casual feast (ADM Kim) 
Thursday June 23rd, 2005 11:41:10 PM

No one, so far, appears to hold the slightest bit of anger towards Airin. As she awaits answers, she feels the little silk-wrapped bundle that Clover gave her poking gently against the side of her knapsack.

One of the women servers returns with an even wider selection of vegetables, and delivers it straight to Podo. Some dips - two types of mustard (one hot, one mild), a cream sauce, one sauce with, apparently, salmon bits mixed in, a pasty bean curd, and a red-yellow-green melange that is spicy sweet. She looks around to see if this large tray has aroused the interest of any others at the table, then heads out the room.

Teas (black, green, orange-cinnamon-clove spiced black tea, peppermint), coffee, compote, ginger beer, various wines, mead, kvass, grapefruit juice, orange juice, cow's milk, goat's milk, mixed fruit juice, and good, clean water are among the beverages provided.

One of the servers, on seeing Kendry's spill, cleans up his clothing with a little prestidigitation. He then is given a large cloth napkin, which the server tucks just below his chin.

A stocky young man brings a pipe tray and extra tobacco over to Selithe.

Patterton receives from a 30-something half elf a plate, a sharp knife, a three-tined fork, and a thick, juicy medium-rare round steak -- the meat itself must weigh a pound. Salt and other condiments and sauces are provided near him to accommodate whatever seasoning he may desire.

Dwight finds himself with a selection of cold-cut meats (beef, turkey, venison), salami, sausage, jerked beef. Several chunks of different breads. An assortment of cheese. Artichokes. Asparagus. Broccoli. Cauliflower. Beets. Leafy greens, for a salad. Beans - many types. Curds and whey. All within reach on the large round platter before him - though some items are a bit of a stretch. A server comes to add a few sliced tomatoes and cucumber, and turns the platter ever so slightly. The platter can spin around!

Now, just where is that Olo?

So, what will Valdor, Dahlia, and Nick ask the halflings? And what information might they offer in return?

Olo (ADM Kim) 
Thursday June 23rd, 2005 11:45:25 PM

Just then, coming into the room, is a beaming halfling with very, very bushy hair, and what looks like a few slices green and orange vegetables accidentally stuck up on the left side of said hair. "You ought to just see this kitchen! Immense! Spices! A closed room that is always freezing inside, lots of food in it. Another room that is just above freezing. Ovens! Knives and spatulas and spoons and kettles. I'll be in there if you need me. Spices!" he repeats himself. Olo scurries back the way he came.

Thursday June 23rd, 2005 11:51:35 PM

"Thank you," Kendry tells the fellow who helped him out. He then takes a moment to pull out another sheet of paper from his knapsack, and an inkpen and inkwell. He begins a sketch, clearing a spot on the table, and putting a salt shaker to help hold the paper down. In his left hand, he finishes off the pastry, then grabs a few pieces of fruit.

Friday June 24th, 2005 3:17:08 AM

Feeling releaf by the help of Kendry and Selithe, Airin cautiously looks around the table. She looks at each of the Gold Dragons one by one - don't forget she's rather paranoid !

Then she takes a few pastries closer and slowly bites in'm ... by nature they tasts wonderfull ! ...

Suddenly she feels something moving in the silk cloth Clover gave her ...

"Please excuse me, can you tell me where the bathroom is ? "

She will following the given directions and when she's alone in the bathroom, she will very carefully unwrap the cloth ... wondering what is inside. As it was poking against her, she assumes it's something that is alive ?!? What in the Wold did Clover gave her ?!?!? Making sure the door is closed and all windows are closed she finally opens the package ...

What Airin finds (ADM Kim) 
Friday June 24th, 2005 3:26:05 PM

Inside the smooth silk wrapping (which itself turns out to be a dark forest green silk dress, and the wrapping cord a belt for said dress) Airin finds a gray cloak. As she shakes it open, she sees that it seems to reflect the colors around her in a subdued manner - the colors of the clothes she wears, as well as the gray of the walls of the privy closet (lit with indirect lighting from above). It looks like it would fit her frame nicely.

Friday June 24th, 2005 9:35:10 PM

Looking around and watching the gathered folks tell their tales, Podo will do his best to study the details of the room he is in. Being a monk, he has learned that one meal 3 times a day is a good thing, much more than that is gluttony. "Hard to be quick on yer feet, if you can't see yer feet!" he thinks to himself.

Saturday June 25th, 2005 12:07:58 AM

Patty accepts the food with eager anticipation. After all, he hasn't had a bite to eat in over 5 hours! As he chows down on the food, he looks up at Podo's comment about meals.

"Bah! I'd take meals like this eight times a day if I could get away with it." He says before popping a chewy morsel of steak into his mouth.

Patty glances at the knights present and muses silently to himself about dreams of becoming a knight himself. 'I wonder who the weapon master is?" He murmers as he enjoys his meal.

Kendry's sketches  d20=17
Saturday June 25th, 2005 10:07:49 PM

A single sheet of parchment is covered with five sketches [d20=17 - should add +2 for dex, to 19, for quality of sketches]. In the upper left corner is a baby, held in someone's arms (no detail of the holder is drawn), with two small horns on his forehead. He laughs, with a strangely wicked look on his face for an infant. His legs are covered with fur, instead of feet, he has cloven hooves. The legs are shaped like those of a goat.

In the upper right corner is a sketch of Kendry himself in profile. Just a little over half his stature now is a small satyr boy - his horns, like those of a young goat, are just beginning to curl. Next to him is a line drawn to some words.
I be Ebryon, King of all Fey! I guess that makes you royalty, lucky devils! Haa-haaa-haa-haaaa!
Next to them is Marigold, bending over to vomit.

In the lower left corner, he stands twice as tall as before. He is in a stance that some take when explaining, the hands held up as though showing the shape of something.
After all these thing are collected, the creator adds them to the fey and the hobbit was born
are the words written next to the satyr. Next to him is Morpth, looking up with admiration to Ebryon, and something dripping off the head of the axe he holds. The head of an elf and the nearby body lying on the ground, a dark spot on the open area between head and torso.

In the center of the page is a sketch of the face of Ebryon as a young adult, horns fully formed, goatee above smiling lips, eyes gloating with pleasure as they gaze on a small pumpkin. Under the pumpkin are the words "Jewel of the Vine."

On the lower right corner of the page is a scene of Ebryon in combat - eyes angry, and arcs of power hitting druids, sprites in the air firing little arrows from little bows at halflings (the party members are sketched out in fair likeness, each trying something).

"Here," Kendry says, passing the paper to Father Nicholas. "This is what he looks like. The picture in the center and lower right were the second to the last way he looked, before he turned into a big mass of rock and earth and water to battle the grand druid into the ground."

Saturday June 25th, 2005 10:43:03 PM

Selithe smokes her pipe slwly and thanks the server who comes out with the pipe holding and such and goes back to enjoying her pipe and chewing on some of the fruits laid out before the group. She does look to the current dragon's they meet with awe yet and smiles sheepishly if caught staring, "Sorry, just I have heard some about you all but never thought I would truely meet you. I even heard about some of you while I was in jail for a short time. Specially Vador there, you see, alot of the guys in there wanted to be a fighter like him but said they were just not born under a lucky enough star."

Selithe smiles and shrugs, "I prefer the way of the gambler and magic use though. I was pondering learning some better fighting skills in the future but not sure." Selithe is just abit taken with the group before her since they are all like legends in her mind, they might as well be avatars or so.

Sunday June 26th, 2005 2:14:42 AM

Valdor smiles and simply nods as the questions, statements, and explanations are given.

When all have spoken and Selithe makes those last comments, Valdor grimaces and says,"People should be careful what they wish for...they might get it one day. Lucky star? I don't think so. If I'd had real courage, I'd have been a farmer, but that's a discussion for another time.

I am amazed, simply amazed. at what you have witnessed and been through...and survived. Absolutely outstanding work. We knew that the Fey King had been reborn, but didn't know where or how. To hear this story fits more pieces into the puzzle.

Oh, and I am not angry. I tend to break things when I'm angry. No, your questions are fairly asked, so I will answer them. I am not one to beat around the bush, so I appreciate a straight to the heart of the matter discussion.

There have been three other groups to come to us with information. Some you will want to hear about, some, probably not. I'll get to what we know. Nature, as I am sure you have noticed, has gone completely nuts. Our greatest wizards, clerics, and druids, have only been able to suppress it a bit. What has happened in the wake of Ebryon's re-birth is unprecedented, so noone really knew a way to counter it. We hve found out that, while he isn't necessarily evil, he encourages chaos. I, myself, have always enjoyed a little of that, but not to this extreme.

He was first put to sleep by his wife. We do not know for sure how this came about, and have sent some to his former wife to find out. She still lives, though I will not speak her name to protect those who go in search of her.

The song of the elves, of which I did not partake, revived him somehow. It appears they were not aware of what they were doing. I tried to argue this point at the meeting, but...I digress. It has happened and that's what matters. We hve since found out that Ebryon was, is the First Creator, living before Alemi, Domi, or any of the known Gods. Even before the Jericho. It was he who created the fey, hence the desire by so many elves for him to regain his throne. I am baffled that he would kill an elf, as they are his biggest supporters.

We believe that he wants to either destroy the noble races or at least have all the Wold bowing down to him. This we cannot allow. He must be defeated, by strength of arm and by magic.

We know that Parnoth fears him, or at least is afraid of losing his slaves and kingdom to him.

His chaos with nature is affecting all the lands we know of, and some we were unaware of. Even the deserts to the north now are getting rain constantly and vegetation is probably shooting up everywhere. We just came back from there a couple of days ago.

We have been given a book that may have some answers to some of our problems, but haven't yet discovered the contents of it.

In short, we have bits and pieces, but seem to have much of it placed together. I know this my friends, you have shown great courage to fight him, and to come here. To stand here and, without fear, look us in the eyes and demand some answers, well, that takes courage as well. Courage and strength are not measured from the size of your body, but your heart and you have shown us how strong you really are.

We will all need that kind of strength in the coming days, I fear. I also fear war is coming. There will be many seeking to put Ebryon back in power, and we will try to prevent it. We being all the good people of the Wold, not our group of adventureres. I will probably be forced again to make the call to arms, though Domi knows I do not wish to have to do such a thing.

Be strong and true to yourselves and the Wold. Did I miss anyone's questions? I was a bit lost in thought when some were asked. Dahlia, Nick, Myrridan, do you have anything to add?"

Sunday June 26th, 2005 4:17:06 AM

"Ebryon - the first creator? Before everybody? Before the Jericko? Well, if he is the first, then don't we owe fealty to him? Or is there someone even before Ebryon? Who made Ebryon?" Kendry wonders aloud.

He also wonders how long Olo intends to stay in the kitchen. Doesn't he know that Wold-shaking things are happening? Well, he is great at taking care of other people - healing, feeding, being alert to their needs. And when is Airin coming back? Hey - maybe we can take a look at Plateau City while we're here! The Catacombs, castles, inns, stores, people, and so forth.

"Yes, he spoke of Alemi with some distain - as you can read in the papers, there, that Myrridan and I just passed around. Basically warned Alemi to stay away, and thinks that him becoming Lemtrovex showed some sort of mental instability. Now, really! Everyone likes Alemi. Some of my cousin's comments irked me, I must say."

Valdor had many interesting pieces of information. The young bard jots down a few words and phrases that the half elf speaks, enough to form an outline of what he says.

"He warned the 'stewards' that they are 'dead - dead - dead to me,'" he says, in an attempt to answer Valdor's pondering why Ebryon would kill an elf. "And it became apparent that Ebryon thinks of the druids as, if not the only ones, at least among the stewards that should have been carrying out his plans all along. Since among the druids there are many elves - and since a couple of elves attacked the Whistling Oak, where Penelope and Ellis - Ebryon's mother and father - were inside, once Ebryon found out about it, he asked Morpth, who had just sworn allegiance, to chop off the head of the elf that he himself had already beaten up and knocked out. Not too long later, he killed a bunch more elves, half elves, humans, and who knows who else?"

"Certainly, we want to learn more about what's going on. Rainstorms in the deserts? After slowing him down a little at the beginning -- what would be the best thing for us to do now? Want me to take a look at that book you've got? I can read High Woldian, and other languages."

Suddenly, and with a bit of excitement in his voice, Kendry asks, "Say - we want to join the Woldian League of Adventurers. Can you all put in a good word for us? I don't know if we have enough yet for the full fee for each of us, but we're getting closer. I'd like to join right away! Right, Patty? Who do we talk to about that? And my sis, Selithe, might want to join that Wizards thing, too. Star something?"

Monday June 27th, 2005 7:11:03 AM

In the quiet bathroom Airin unravels her gift from Clover. First a beautifull dark green silk dress with a belt, and then ... what's this ?!? ... could it be ? ... is this really a Robe of Blending !! I should check this out later. That would be an incredible gift for a little girl like me !!

Then she inspects the silk dress a bit more. It sure is lovely. Looks like her size as well ...
Slowly she undoes her leather armor. "Hey, we're in the company of the Wolds most renowned warriors ... I should at least look decent"
She tucks her armor away in her backpack and puts on the dress. It suits her perfectly ! For the first time, she actually looks like a woman. A tight fit around her hips and it sure brings out her feminine curves ... Beneath the long dress, she attaches a dagger to her leg. She won't go unarmed !

Finally she quickly brushes her hair and is ready to go downstairs again. She puts her Robe in her backpack and walks out of the bathroom.

Downstairs she hears Valdor speak and listens at the door. She doesn't want to disturb him as he speaks. That would be rude. So she stands at the door, listening to what he has to say. When he has finished speaking, Kendry immediately takes over ... a smile crosses Airin's face ... ah Kendry, how he likes to chatter ...

Then she opens the door and walks in. A bit nervous about what the others will say if they see her walking in dressed like this ...

Monday June 27th, 2005 8:28:55 PM

Dwight stands totally amazed over the present company, unable to speak in most cases. He tries his hardest not to look amazed by stuffing his face with the delicious foods, but it is fairly obvious. Eventually he comes out of the fog. "I'm Dwight Twiggebundler," to no one in particular as introductions are long past.

Once the first words are finally out, Dwight appears more alert though still filling himself with jerked beef and sausage.

Resting his arms a moment, Dwight says assuredly "I agree with Kendry, we want to help more. I strongly suspect any safety halflings were going to get based on Ebryon's tale is gone or at the very least halved. Quite honestly, he probably got a good look at each of us and that makes us forever more involved. Preparedness and action are the only things that will help us and our kindred."

Monday June 27th, 2005 8:42:13 PM

Podo still eating and taking his surroundings into his memory...says, "Here, Here! I whole-heartedly agree! Bring it on! With Domi, anything is possible! Anything you need us to do...just let us know."

He beckons to the pastry waiter person, trying to flag down a pastry.

Noticing Airin walk into the room wearing a fancy green dress, Podo whistles aloud and then thinks to himslf "Wow, she's dressed to kill...wonder who she's wearing the dress for?"

Nick Valentine - Platinum Dragons 
Monday June 27th, 2005 11:53:33 PM

Nick takes the parchment diagram and studies it as Valdor tells the halflings what the Dragons already knew, and he nods, recalling recent events.
"Well told, Valdor" he says, rubbing the narrow beard that runs along his chin. "I can't think of anything you missed, and with this -" he gestures toward the drawing, "- at least we know what he looks like."

To the halflings he says -
"You were very brave to stand up to him like that. By all accounts his power is greater than anything we've seen before."

Tuesday June 28th, 2005 12:13:48 AM

Selithe takes a few more puffs on her pipe and then nods as she sighs, "I do agree with the comments made and I find it unlikely the fey king will be happy with us. Infact it would be a good guess he will want another meeting to settle the score."

Selithe sighs deeply and pulls out her deck of cards now and shuffles through them slowly as she smokes her pipe, nervous at the thoughts of a new encounter with the fey king and begins pulling the aces out of the deck as she shuffles, not looking at the cards till she pulls the aces and flips them over.

Selithe slowly reshuffles her deck, "The fey king is more evil then tales say then. He relishes the death, he relished having the souls in the jewel of the vine. Once he gets all the pleasures of life he can get he will seek to destroy it all. It's beyond chaos now I believe, he doesn't want only chaos." Selithe looks up and smiles faintly, "I feel this way do to the spirits who I saved from the jewel of the vine. An brother's, cousin's and friends. We can not rest safely till the fey king is dead or sleeping again. I will bet he is looking for us. We put a dark mark on his god hood and he will not like that, and people like him can't have his authority challenged without it being cleared again."

Selithe touches her new necklace and thinks to herself as she does, "I should of asked who the spirits were...some clue of how long they been there...how...I needed more knowledge to help my friends here...to help everyone." After thinking that Selithe almost laughes out loud reminding herself, "No....there is little more I could do...I'm a learning wizard and traveling gambler.."

Tuesday June 28th, 2005 11:28:03 AM

Airin sits down at the table again and is happy to see such delicious food. Slowly but determined she starts to eat her full.

Then she asks :

"Now what will happen ? What can we do to stop all this chaos ?"

Tuesday June 28th, 2005 1:44:23 PM

Watching the visitors closely, Dahlia's purple eyes flash as each part of the story is told. As the born under a lucky star is made she shakes her head slowly and grimly chuckles.

As Airin asks the last questions, the black halfling stands up and steps forward.

"Now what will happen ? What can we do to stop all this chaos ?"

"Those are both good questions. My answer and possibly that of Valdor is thus. Protect and take care of those who cannot defend themselves, fight Ebyron and his ilk where ever you can and prepare yoursleves to face death in the defense of the Wold."

Tuesday June 28th, 2005 7:22:05 PM

Dwight smiles, his stomach full concentrates more on the ongoing discussion. "While protecting goes without saying, is there not some direction we can head rather than wait for Ebyron's minions. Could we know look into the future, ask the grand druid that fell to the depths within the earth, track Ebyron somehow? I've never liked the task of waiting unknowingly for impending danger, surely there must be some lead, something worth investigating that we can set our sights on."

As Dwight finishes, he begins to loosen his waistband to allow his consumed food to expand. Then takes a deep, breath signifying he is full and could not each another bite.

Podo  d20+1=16
Tuesday June 28th, 2005 8:41:23 PM

"So basically what you're saying is "Thank you for the information, now go back home and be on guard for evil where ever it lurks?"" says Podo.

"Seems to me that for all your honors and your reputations, this was a nice game of "Show and Tell". You show us food, and we tell you everything we know. Now that the game is over...you just want us to move along so the next group can play? Do you hope that the food foolish halflings will stuff themselves and be to drunk on it to ask any hard questions? What are we supposed to do, walk all the way back to the Culverwood?!?" "I'm convinced that if my cousin didn't want you to help him get into some guild, we'd already be gone from here. What is really going on here?" says Podo in a huff folding his arms.(Dipolmacy=16)

Having finished his statements, Podo sit back down and puts down the pastry (if he managed to get one), not wanting to finish it, since it feels like a bribe.

Savoulus Speaks (ADM Kim) 
Tuesday June 28th, 2005 9:17:40 PM

Simone the Silver looks upon Airin as she enters, and nods with favor.

By her side the druid Savoulos has been listening, partaking of the food. Addressing Kendry's supposition regarding to whom fealty is due, he says, "That Ebryon is the first of all I doubt, and dispute. That he is of days ancient, there is no doubt. If you would submit yourself to caprice, do not do so because you accept his primacy."

Tuesday June 28th, 2005 9:27:09 PM

When Patterton whistles, Kendry looks around to see why. When he sees her - Airin, that is - his eyes go wide for moment as she slides back upon her chair. Then, for some reason or other, he blushes, and turns the other way as he bites into a pear. He pays close attention to Dwight's words, nodding his head. He smiles at Podo's brave words.

[more later - off to rehearsal!]

Nick Valentine - Platinum Dragons 
Wednesday June 29th, 2005 12:25:26 AM

Listening to Dwight and Podo, Nick fully appreciates where Dahlia gets her spirit from, by Alemi!

'You think we know all the answers?' he asks solumnly. 'We don't. Right now we're waiting on another adventuring group who have taken a very dangerous journey to the Lands of Rest. Until we hear from them, we're here, coping with all the chaos as best we can, just like you.
'However, one of you brings up a good point. Knowing the whereabouts of Ebyron is essential. If you could track him and discover his location, that would be of enormous value.
'Regardless, it's important that we all find a way to stay in contact. We all seem to hold pieces of a puzzle and it's only when they come together that we'll finally make sense of it all and be able to do something about it.'

Wednesday June 29th, 2005 12:37:51 AM

At Podo's words, Valdor stands up and leans forward, hands planted on the table. The veins on his arms bulge and are probably as big as the halflings arms. He is clearly angry and he seems to have a tentative grasp on his composure.

Slowly and deliberately he says,"You insolent worm. You came here of your own accord. We did not invite you. We have shown hospitality and shared our knowledge. It is not our place to tell you what to do next. That is for your own deciding. I will tell you this. Because of your wagging tongue, I will suggest noone from this group for anything as long as you travel with them. Now, you may all go. Where you go is your own choice to make, but it will not be here. And I suggest you learn to curb your tongue lest someone remove it some day."

He glares at Podo with undisguised hostility, daring him to say another word.

Kendry - picking up where he left off... 
Wednesday June 29th, 2005 3:25:56 AM

Kendry listens to his sister's words - and tends to agree that Ebryon does bend towards evil, with chaos and caprice as added seasonings. He hears Airin's question, and Dahlia's response. Dwight's idea of taking action is - well, how do we tell the future? How do we know where he is going? Against that dragon, of course. Against the Wold...

At Podo's next set of observations and judgments, Kendry is shocked. Such impolite words, when so fairly we have been welcomed! 'Food-foolish halflings'? And ... wha? He thinks that is the reason we're still...

The bard starts to get up from his seat - but Savoulus' words interrupt his reactions to Podo's. So, there is - likely - someone before Ebryon. What a relief. He almost sits back down. But maybe he should go whisper to...

Nick answers very graciously. Phew! But this Valdor fellow sure does not brook any nonsense.

As he is the one who asked Podo if he wanted to join this raw group of would-be adventuring hobbits, it is up to him to try to set things straight.

"Podo! You mock these fine people who have shown us only kindness and concern? You insult us - your own people? And you accuse me of such a thing? What is going on here is that the whole Wold may be under threat, and we have conveyed information to these folks," Kendry says, then turns his face toward the angry Valdor, "- the great druid Myrridan, himself, asked us to come to see you Gold Dragons, sir," he explains, "so it's not like there wasn't an invitation, exactly, if you please."

Then, returning his - Kendry hops out of his chair, waving his arms as he is talking, and working his way to a position at the table somewhere between Valdor and Podo. "So, you think, Podo, with all this happening, that - poof! - all the answers will suddenly appear? Other groups are trying to figure this out, too.

"Look, my cousin - you fought bravely with us against our wild satyr cousin, and you showed yourself kind and helpful with Penelope and Ellis and their baby girl - and thus, were you and Dwight welcomed to join with us. But, Podo Danderfluff Pipewood, how can you let your lips make enemies of friends? If - IF - you show you have enough common sense to realize that what you just said was wrong, unkind, uncalled for, rude, unfilial, out of place, and unguestlike, then, then ..."

He shakes his head, not quite sure how to continue. Kendry takes a deep breath, and turns to Valdor. "And you, sir, though you could smash any one of us, I've no doubt, as a bug, I will ask you not to call my cousin a worm."

Wednesday June 29th, 2005 3:32:52 AM


suddenly the mood at the table seems to change from the merry gathering it was before to a grim exchange of insults ... that's not good ...

Airin stands up and walks around the table. She starts hesitating at first, but then words seem to flow from her like never before ... something has changed in little Airin ...

" this ... this is not the time nor the place to start bickering my friends. Podo, we came for answers, we did get some. No one seems to know the full extend of Ebryons might. We can not expect these Dragon Warriors to be all knowing ! We are the ones to protect our own lands."

She smiles at Podo, perfectly understanding his frustration. She shared those with him earlier !

"Kendry my love, you of all people should understand our cousins frustrations ! We all came to find answers. Podo may not have a way with words like you have, but underneath his apparent insults he is right ... what are we to do now ? Go back home and wait for Eberyon's minions to come for us ?!?"

Suddenly her cheeks turn a little red ... did she actually say Kendry my love ?!?

Quickly recovering, she continues to walk around the table and when she reaches Valdor she gently presses her hand on this massive warriors back (as he's standing she can never reach his shoulders) to encourage him to sit down again, and then she adresses Valdor

"Master Valdor, please do not feel angered by Podo. We came here at Savoulus's invitation and were expecting you or someone else would be able to explain us everything that is going on. We were wrong to expect that. Please don't be offended ...
We've been in a maelstrom of things that go beyond our grasp and were looking for someone to clear the fog around us. You did, as much as you could.
Podo is a valuable addition to our group, and were he will go, so will we. My guess is that Podo is only frustrated because we have accomplished soo much, and apparently we may never be part of any of this anymore ... that we can return to our simple lives waiting for someone else to put an end to this madness. I bet my friend would prefere to take part in all that !"

Then she speaks to the group once more

"We share this common enemy, Ebryon. One that apparently is as old as the Gods of the Wold. Fighting and bickering among ourselves will do us no good. If that is what we will do, then Ebryon has allready won, and chaos has intruded into our hearts.
No matter how different we are, we need to stand together in this hour of day. We came here to tell what we've been through and we've been given answers. Now, we also seek guiding in what is to come.
I do not wish to leave this castle with anger between us. Let us forget what's been said and help eachother. Let us find a way to controle this chaos and ultimately a way to defend the Wold. "

By the time she has finished speaking, she's been going around the table twice. Occasionally putting her hands on peoples shoulders, hoping her touch can take away the anger between the Dragons and the Crescent Halflings. After all, it's not worth it !

Wednesday June 29th, 2005 4:07:09 PM

Selithe takes a few puffs from her pipe and listens to all the exhanges and sighs abit at all the miss feelings suddenly being given off and whispers, "The fey king is probably loving this, not only does he have the Wold itself going nuts but the people argueing. At this rate the people might do his work for him by killing each other off."

Selithe pops her pipe out of her mouth finally and speaks up, "Both our groups do need to calm down alittle, this is leading no where and if the fey king could hear it he would be loving it since people who need to be working together are turning on each other....he is reeking chaos I agree and if you look in this room you will see clear sign of it right now...This is a trying time for everyone and I believe do to that "all" out tempors and patience is low so please let us try to remain peaceful here."

Selithe looks to Valdor, "Good sir, we are sorry to of offended you and if you so demand we can leave but please remember that all this is ultimately leading right to what the fey king desires. If he can have all the people falling apart and fight each other then he will not even have to lift a finger really to rule."

Selithe begins to stands and move towards the door since she feels the group has out stayed there welcome and will leave inless asked to stay, "Also the fey king had spirits in that jewel of the vine which I commented on...I believe they had been there for a long time...spirits can give a person power and knowledge and there is nothing worse then loosing your spirit to a person like him...if he has that type of power then in the end if he isn't defeated then all our souls might actually pay the price and if he can collect them then what of the Wold, Gargul and the others who our souls go to I beleive....I just don't think it was a coincidence that there were souls in that jewel of the vine and who knows what other artifacts the fey king knows of."

Wednesday June 29th, 2005 9:45:05 PM

Sitting and listening to all the heated discussion, Dwight picks up a roll and contemplates eating just one more thing. Despite the request to leave by Valdor, Dwight remains sitting.

Totally ignoring the rudeness of Podo, Dwight continues "Hmm, seeking the whereabouts of Ebyron does seem a necessary and non-trivial task, though we have little means to know where to begin. Aside from the fissure that swallowed him whole, his whereabouts are unknown. However, we should probably begin by checking there though it is doubtful anything will be found. It will however give our idle hands something to do while we all await word from this other group in the Land of Rest. While we know the decision is ours, and we have chosen involvement, we still seek your guidance, resources, and expertise as your experience is vaster than ours."

Dwight is amazed that he is actually speaking out as much as he has, but the acceptance of his suggested name for the baby has given him new confidence he was never allowed to show at home.

"Secondly, prior to our departure, is there some magical means that will allow us to communicate over great distances. I am no expert is such fields, so I do not know if such things exist, but if so they would be invaluable at this point in Wold's history."

Deciding the roll is worth at least tasting, Dwight spreads butter on it and takes a big bite. Hoping the conversation has turned back to possible actions for the benefit of Wold.

Nick Valentine - Platinum Dragons 
Wednesday June 29th, 2005 9:49:35 PM

Nick's blood runs cold.

There it was again. That fury. By Alemi, Gargul, Domi and all, if Valdor lost it here, there'd be innocent and ruinous blood on their hands. But why? What had triggered it? It usually took more than an impetuous halfling. Heck, if halflings were a problem, Valdor would be roaring at Dahlia all day and all night long.

During the few moments of talk that follows, Nick takes in Valdor's visage and body language. Anger, aggression, but his hand wasn't on his sword. That was good.
He steps forward, and a little closer to his leader, regaining his composure almost immediately.
"Breathe," he whispers.

Dahlia, help me out, here.

"Please," he says to the gathering as a whole. "we're stretched pretty thin. Mentally and physically, and it's taking it's toll on us all. Whatever happens, it's vitally important that we all keep in touch somehow. We're going to be over at the Floating City for the time being. They are having terrible troubles at this time, and we need to go there and do what we can. If you discover anything else that you think may be of importance, we would be extremely grateful if you passed it on.
"Also, if it is your intention to travel through Culverwood, be aware of an army within it's boundaries. Inspired by Ebyron they are off on some fool mission to destroy the green dragon, Parnoth.
"Now, how do we keep in touch?"

As the conversation continues, Nick whispers quietly and calmly to Valdor.
"Breathe. Stay with me."

Thursday June 30th, 2005 12:54:27 AM

After the response from his fellow halflings and Nick's quiet and calm chiding, Valdor slams his fist on the table, causing a small earthquake in the room. He does in fact breathe slowly and lets his anger wash away before throwing his hands up and saying," Bah! It is ironic that I, who normally have to play peacekeeper in my own group, am having to be reminded of such things.

I am fine...just stressed to the hilt. I spent sixteen straight hours after two straight days of no sleep trying to keep the flood waters from destroying shantytown where the poor cannot help themselves, and I am exhausted."

He looks back at Podo and says,"Your silence is appreciated. It helped me cool down. Understand me though, I am either a great friend or your worst enemy. I do not play games with peoples lives nor their emotions. And I will not tolerate someone coming into our house and questioning our motives. We have given you no reason to do so. I have fought for the good beings of the Wold for as long as I can lift a sword, which was probably before you were even born. I have fought and destroyed evil anywhere I found it, because other people couldn't do it themselves."

Shifting back to the others, he says,"Well spoken and most correct. And we will save the debate about the origin and age of Ebryon for another time, but understand this, he knew Alemi and Domi when they were still mortals. This we know for fact. Any of you clerics said any prayers to your Gods for guidance on this problem? They won't be answered...not directly anyway. The Gods are being strangely quiet about this situation. I wish we knew more, but, unfortunately, that's as much as we know for the time being.

Look, when we have more of the puzzle put together and the course of action is clear, you will know. I will contact you when the time comes. Until then, trust your own instincts about a course of action. The location of Ebryon is a great idea. When the time comes to fight him, if we have to, then that role will be vital to stopping him quickly.

As for communicating," he says with a quirky smile,"take this. I think Podo should have it to keep."

He removes the earring in his ear, uses a pitcher of water to rinse it off, then tosses it to the halfling.

"That must be kept safe and only used when you have more imformation that you know we will need. I have never given one of these to anyone outside our group. When you need to contact me, prease the ruby eyes and say my name, as though I was right there. I will hear you."

He looks tired now, but says one final thing,"I know you fought Ebryon as you have said, and fot that, I commend you. Hoever, as you have stated, he was growing at an incredible rate of speed. I suggest that you avoid such a conflict with him now, as he is probably close to, if not already there, the powers of the Gods. Be careful around elves as some may hold allegiance to him. And lastly, as Nick said, there is an army in Culverwood. The war may already have started, or might very soon. If you wish to go that route, so be it. But, if you want us to, we will teleport you home. It is your choice."

Thursday June 30th, 2005 12:56:58 AM

Myrridan steps forward to Valdor and places his hand on his shoulder. He leans over and whispers in his ear. "I did ask them to come here. I thought it would be best to hear about their experience first hand and not through my interpretation. It would be likely that they are still shaken from their encounter with Ebyron. It would be a bit unnerving for such young eyes to witness." Myrridan hopes his insight is enough to calm Valdor. "I can return them now if you feel its best."

ADM Kim 
Thursday June 30th, 2005 2:07:28 AM

As dark clouds stack, wind kicks up, and atmospheric weight shifts, making clear to any who pay attention that a grand storm looms, so, metaphorically, loomed a gathering storm in this hall of Gold Dragon Castle.

Annoyance, impatience, words delayed, words poured out... offense, anger, wariness, weariness.

Still, there are good pastries left on the table.

Olo Thistlefoot (ADM Kim) - Fare well  d10=1
Thursday June 30th, 2005 2:43:13 AM

Just about this time, a halfling with a very satisfied look on his face enters the dining area. He wipes his hands on his apron.

"Hey, guys, and, uh, girls. Um, there's this school here in Plateau City - for learning how to cook. Um, I was wondering - people always need good food, and such. Would you mind if I were to stay here in Plateau City for a little while, and see what I can learn? Oh! also, I've got something back just now from that kukri - turned it over to the Catacombs, see. Didja know we're only a couple hundred yards walk from the Catacombs? Well, I'm taking a bit, to cover my expenses, and tuition. But, they just dropped off seventy three hundred sixty seven (7367) gold pieces - Mister Flabersham said he'll keep it for us in a place near the entry until we, well, you all, leave. Well, I already took 467 gold, so that leaves sixty nine hundred for the rest of you - I figured 467 might at least be my fair share, if you don't mind. Maybe use yours for that adventuring league you all are talking about.

"And one more thing. I have a feeling you'll be needing this more'n I will." He hands the fifteen inch stick he has been carrying lately to Airin. "It's a wand of cure light wounds." He tells the party the command word for it. "There should be 36 - no - 35 charges left. I make a little mark with my fingernail each time I use it - so, see, there are 15 tiny marks there, Airin."

Olo goes to each of his friends. "Patterton - you're a tough bean, you are. Watch out for that gamblin' girl, there." He shakes his hand.

"Kendry - keep making those songs. I don't think I'll ever get the tune to Lomar, the Friendly Ogre out of my head." He shakes his hand. "And say fare well to Bobbles and Lomar for me."

"Selithe - I think Wardd has his eye on you. Make sure that brother of yours keeps his feet on the ground at least once in a while." He shakes her hand.

"Dwight - glad I metcha. Maybe somewhere down the road we'll have more of a chance to get to know each other." He shakes his hand.

"Podo - love your moves. Don't know many hobbits who can make their bodies do what you do with yours." He shakes his hand.

"Airin," he begins, then breaks down and gives her a big hug. "Thanks for talking me into going out on that wild goose chase, looking for the beer hunters. What stories have come of it in so short a time!" After that big hug, he shakes her hand, in keeping with decorum.

"And you dragon people - wow! What a great kitchen you have! That Mister Flabersham sure knows lots, too. I'll be looking for a room in one of the inns around here. You'll excuse me, I hope." He gives a little bow, then heads back to the kitchen, to attempt to retrieve his booklet on Culverwood cooking from one of the chefs.

[ADM Kim note: Olo is leaving the game for now, Anthony sadly tells us. He hopes down the road to return, if able.]

ADM Kim 
Thursday June 30th, 2005 3:00:49 AM

But sometimes the growing storm dissipates - failing to deal the destruction it might have, to the relief of many.

Now that Valdor mentions his weariness, several of the halflings who have had little or no sleep recently realize their own want of rest. Roll a Fortitude save vs DC 13 to see whether weariness sets in.

What amazing things can pass through people's hearts...

The great heroes have offered help - to return to the Crescent Valley, and Valdor has given a wondrous means of communication to him who just spoke words of challenge, came close to disaster, and now receives this generous favor.

In addition a dear friend asks leave, to leave.

How will the hobbits respond to all this?

Airin  d20+5=11
Thursday June 30th, 2005 3:26:17 AM

Things seem to cool down, and when Valdor offers a great gift to Podo she is more than happy things turned out the way they have.

Sliding back to her chair all that has happend till now starts to get to her at last. She's tired. A good rest would be much appreciated.

Then suddenly Olo comes in with dreadfull news. She gratefully accepts the wand he gives her, but when the time comes to say goodbye tears roll down her cheek. Being tired makes her more emotional than usual ... Olo's been a good friend of her, and she hates to see him leave.

As he gives her a hug she whispers : "Take good care of yourself Olo. Come back when you've graduated. If you need us, I'll bet you can get into touch with us through these Gold Dragons. OK ? Promised ? Take care ... "

Then she turns to the Gold and Platinum Dragons going over to each of them shaking their hands and says : "Thank you for your hospitality and advice. I think it is time for us to go home now."

She walks over to Selithe and takes her by the arm : "When we get home and have rested a bit we should think about a ceremony for our familiars. ok ?"

Kendry  d20+1=20
Thursday June 30th, 2005 5:30:15 AM

"We strung a rope one time between two trees, over the water," Kendry says. "If you fall off upstream, you land in water. But if, along this one section, you fall off downstream - you chance hitting rocks. I feel like we just slipped downstream - right between a couple of rocks, but still just landing in the water."

Many things to take to heart - Airin's new appellation for him among them; some things to discard; some to ponder.

"Olo, Wardd give you the right kind of luck. We owe you much. Master those cooking skills, and try to keep the carrots out of your hair," he says, pulling a slice of carrot skin out of Olo's bushy hair. "Come back when you can regularly make stew as good as what we had by the tower after we met Lomar. Or sooner! I'll pass on to Bobbles and Lomar what you said."

"Friends, anyone up for a brisk two hour walk through Plateau City? I've never been here - it'd be a shame not to see - as magnificent as is this castle - not to see at least a tiny bit more of the city. Maybe we can find the Woldian League of Adventurers somewhere, and ask them about starting up a branch in our valley. And the Catacombs is a bowshot or two away." Looking up to Myrridan and Savoulus, he asks, "Would that work for you two?"

"Our gratitude, Valdor, sir, for this gift you give Podo. You have our assurance that we will tell you what seems important from time to time." He wonders how the earring will look on this three-meal-a-day hobbit, the son of his father's older brother.

The rest he took in the tree, short though it was, and the shot of adrenaline the last few minutes have provided, seem to have left Kendry feeling pretty refreshed [d20+1=20, Fort Save].

Savoulus (ADM Kim) 
Thursday June 30th, 2005 5:35:45 AM

The druid Savoulus looks to Myrridan. "Two hours to view the city? Not enough time to see too much - but there are several interesting establishments nearby." Looking to the Gold Dragons, he asks, "Any idea how things fare in the Druid Quarter?"

Thursday June 30th, 2005 10:50:22 AM

Even though she's pretty worn out and would kill someone to have a good rest, the sound of visiting the famous city is just too tempting !
And the second Savoulus mentions a Druids Quarter her ears suddenly appear to be just as pointed as an Elfs !

"I think I can handle myself for an hour or two ... but you may have to drag me home afterwards" she grins ... "Lead the way ! ... that is with the Dragon's permission of course !! "

Nick Valentine - Platinum Dragons 
Thursday June 30th, 2005 9:33:04 PM

Nick gives the halflings a solumn bow.
"We thank you, also. Please be extra careful out there, and be aware that sections of our City are flooded at present. May I keep this?"
He holds up the illustration of Ebyron.

Watching them go, he whispers a small prayer to Alemi for their safety.

Dwight  d20=13
Thursday June 30th, 2005 10:28:12 PM

"We thank you for the gift of communicating. Does it work both ways? Will you, could you please also keep us informed of vital information, particularly on the task we have set before us?" adds Dwight as he slides from the table.

As Olo shakes hand with Dwight, "Good luck my new friend, be assured that when I return or you to home I will test your cooking and give you a grade myself. Rest assured I will give you the honest truth," he smiles and takes his departure.

"Well I'm good for several more hours of seeking information, checking out the City, or at least a small portion of the city sounds like a grand idea, I'm in." Dwight pleasantly full is ready to follow whom ever is taking the lead to whereever.

Friday July 1st, 2005 12:23:10 AM

Valdor responds to Dwight with a smile and says,"Of course I will. If you need the means to travel by teleport when you have visited the city, we will take care of that for you. Just let us know."

As they file out, Valdor tells Podo,"Sorry I called you a worm. That wasn't very kind of me and I fear I went too far. I suppose we all do at times, but anyway, sorry."

Friday July 1st, 2005 2:20:08 AM

As people have been talking, Kendry has been jotting down a few things. He folds the parchment, creases it, takes out a knife and cuts along the edge, then scribbles a few more things on the remaining writing surface.

"Thanks for the good food, and information, and for listening to us. Well, Father Nicholas, let me just sign that first," and Kendry momentarily retrieves his sketch of the first few hours of Ebryon's development following his rebirth, writing neatly Kendry Leafwin Pipewood of Humble's Ford in the lower left hand corner. Then, handing it back, he says, "Sure, it's yours!"

He slips narrow piece of parchment to Podo.

"Oh, since you have the original I wrote - the copy Myrridan has, I'd be obliged if I can keep my copy of the events surrounding Ebryon's birth and first actions. Don't worry - Myrridan's and mine have exactly the same words." He gathers up the numbered sheets of parchment, checking to be sure he got them all. He rolls them up, and places them in a scroll case, covering the open end, and returning it to his knapsack.

"May Alemi and Domi and Flower and Pantheon and Ffloy and even Gargul be kind to you, and Wardd give you the best of luck."

Kendry takes a moment to shake hands with each of these advanced adventurers. "I trust we will work for similar aims, each in our own way. Though in an ill time, we are well met."

As the group leaves the dining hall, and approaches the entrance, Kendry takes a moment to make sure that the gold which Olo reported on is distributed among the group. "A thousand gold weighs twenty pounds, so this is no light wealth. A mule would be nice about now," he smiles. "Let's see - we're lookin' at close to 138 pounds, total. Patterton, how's your back feeling today? Maybe we can get this changed into something lighter - like at the Catacombs. Or - if we can figure out where to join the Woldian League of Adventurers!"

"Savoulus, you know your way around town? Myrridan, can you come? What are you up to, Dahlia? Wanna join a bunch of halflings for a couple of hours, show us around some?"

Whoever from the castle wishes to accompany them, that's fine with him.

Kendry's note to Podo 
Friday July 1st, 2005 4:21:39 AM

Cuz - Sorry I was a bit rough on you a few minutes ago. Really was trying to save your hide. At least say thank you to our hosts, and let's get going. Good recovery, keeping your mouth closed like that. -K

Out the door (ADM Kim), the Plateau City tour begins 
Friday July 1st, 2005 4:56:15 AM

Thirteen bags of gold weighing ten pounds each, and eight small pouches weighing one pound each are turned over to the party. [Please determine who carries how much.]

Savoulus takes the group back the way they came, turning right on Mages Bend. "The Druid Quarter is about a half hour walk, if you do not stop for anything or anyone - and, with the flooding we were warned of, it may take longer. But you straight ahead there in the center of Magic Square lie the Catacombs. The entrance is around the other side," he points.

[OOC: Open your browser to http://www.woldiangames.com/maps/yrth/peninsula/newelenna/plateaucity/dragon_quarter.htm for a map of the Plateau City Dragon Quarter. Below the map is a key. Building 150 is the Gold Dragon Castle that the party just left. 89 is the Green Griffin Inn through which the party gained entrance to the city. The Catacombs, building 3, is near it, as is the Star Tower (Mages Guild). Follow the map as places are described.]

"That's the Golden Griffin Inn that we came through just a bit ago. We're in the quarter that outfits many of the adventurers from around the Wold. Armor, weapons, magic, tricks, traps, scrolls and books," the druid says, pointing quickly to different buildings here and there as he tells of what they offer. "There are inns, taverns, bath houses, Duncan's Travel Agency, places of gambling, and the Red Dragon Inn. The Woldian League of Adventurers someone mentioned has a new hall next to The Last Adventure - another supply store for adventurers. It's not too far from the Quest Gate. You can also find money changing, magical research, and street vendors who sell food, clothing, toys, flowers... So, where to?"

Right now, the group stands between the stairway leading up to the Star Tower, and can now see the front of The Catacombs. They are right at the corner of Sticks and Stones. Glancing through a window, many different styles and sizes of bows and arrows can be seen.

Friday July 1st, 2005 5:10:46 AM

Kendry picks up 41 pounds of coins (2,050 gp worth). He puts one ten pound bag inside his knapsack, and ties the other three on the sides and back of his knapsack, and the one pound pouch he ties to his waist.

"All right, friends, who carries the rest?"

When they get to the intersection of Star Tower, Catacombs, and Sticks and Stones, Kendry says, "This is awful heavy. Should we change some gold into gems? We can do it at the Catacombs, right?"

He waits to see if that is agreeable to the party, then says, "I really, really want to go to the League of Adventurers. And I'd like to join. But it costs more than my share of the proceeds. Who else would like to join? They give really good training, that could help each of us."

Adolescent on street, vending maps 
Friday July 1st, 2005 5:21:22 AM

"Maps, getcher maps!" shouts a human boy - maybe 14, 16 years old. "Maps of Plateau City. With the Chief Cartographer's Stamp! Only 40 gold. 40 gold pieces for a map! Fine quality parchment, map case included!"

Airin  d20+6=26 d20+18=32 d20+6=21
Friday July 1st, 2005 6:02:35 AM

When the group agrees to head out and check out the city it hits Airin that a Green party dress may not be the ideal outfit to walk through a city that is infested with nature plagues and floodings ... better change gear quickly !

By the time everyone has assembled in front of the Dragon castle gate, Airin has traded her green dress for her well known Black Leather armor. Crossbow tied to her back, shortsword in its hilt and daggers tucked away.

On top of her regular armor she now also wears the Cloak she was given by Clover
(Cloak of the Elvenkind - +5 on hide).

She watches the pile of gold and hears Kendry's questions about the Woldian League of Adventurers. "Yeah Kendry I would love to join them as well, but I have't got the gold to do it either. Besides, by giving that Druidic Vestment back to its rightful owners I have wasted quite some gold from selling it. You can divide my share among yourselves."

( ooc : exactly how many is a share ?!? I'm too lazy to figure it out myself ;-) )

Let's move out.

Watching Kendry strapping all that gold to his sides and back, Airin gets worried. Walking around a strange city with all that gold for everyone to see is like inviting people to come and steal it. No matter how hardened we already are from the few battles we've fought, we're no match for a few top notch rogues ...

"Kendry, we HAVE to get rid of the money first. Change it into coins as soon as possible. I'll take one of those little pouches, but that's all. I'm gonna walk 20ft behind you all - making sure not to lose you or else we try to find back the Gold castle to reassemble. I'm simply going to keep an eye out so no one grabs one of those gold bags."

Walking through town Airin does as she said and carefully follows the group 20ft behind. Keeping an eye out for whomever might show interest in the Crescent Halflings. If so Airin will try to act before anything can get stolen.

(spot 26 - woot ! Nat 20)
(hide 32)
(survival 21 - trying to make sure Airin can find her way back should that me needed)

When the group passes the map selling guys, Airin halts 20ft back ...

ADM Kim to group: Correction 
Friday July 1st, 2005 12:41:31 PM

[OOC: Just want to point out it is Jason who played Olo who is leaving. Anthony remains, playing Dwight. Now back to our regular programming!]

Accounting question answer for Airin (ADM Kim) 
Friday July 1st, 2005 1:00:17 PM

Share of 6900 gold pieces from sale of kukri taken from nasty elvish bird woman: If divided among those who were present when the item sold was acquired (Airin, Kendry, Patterton, Selithe), it would be 1725 gp each. If Airin voluntarily excludes herself, it would be 2300 each. If divided among all six current party members, a share is 1150 gp each. If Airin is left out of the division, it is 1380 for each of the remaining current party members.

Accounting addendum (ADM Kim) 
Friday July 1st, 2005 4:53:34 PM

If divided 4 ways, with Airin's split going to the newcomers, it would be 1725 each for Kendry, Patty & Selithe, and 867.5 each for Dwight and Podo.

Oops (ADM Kim) 
Friday July 1st, 2005 4:54:46 PM

Oops. 862.5 each for D & P.

Dwight  d20=12
Friday July 1st, 2005 10:12:26 PM

Dwight will assist with the hauling of the cash by carrying two bags, though he played no part in earning it. He will leave that discussion to the orginal four on dispersement issues.

As Dwight travels through the city he tries to stay away from any unfamiliar faces as he doesn't wish to loose other peoples money. Checking the area with both suspicion and awe, (spot 12+1=13) Dwight remains quite taking in the sights.

"I would suggest going to the Catacombs first my friends, as we only attract more enemies with our current postures."

"What is the benefit of joining this guild or group you have been mentioning," inquires Dwight. "With such cost to join, the perks must be quite grand?"

Kendry answers Dwight 
Saturday July 2nd, 2005 4:59:39 AM

"Well, yes, Dwight, they are," Kendry responds. "One, you promise to help protect the innocent, and to oppose evil wherever you may find it. Even if otherwise you couldn't use it, they'll train you in the shortsword, longspear, or bastard sword. They teach you extra skills all along the way, like climbing, handling animals, jumping, riding, and swimming. A fellow named Lars Tokasis got the whole thing started just a few years back. They have places for members to stay here and there, for cheaper than normal rates. Some of their clerics can help heal you. Maybe even bring someone back from the dead! Also, helping you travel long distances - wayfaring, they call it. And they help fill members in on what's going on in different areas - and ask their members to pass on helpful information to the League from time to time. Some people become officers. As time goes on, there are even more benefits. But they can tell us more about that if we head over there."

[For more details, see http://www.woldiangames.com/oshirr/organizations/league.htm

"But first, as Airin & Dwight suggest, let's get this exchanged at the Catacombs."

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