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Aftermath: Birth of Ebryon's halfling sister; counsel with druids

Happy Birthday (DM Stephen)  d100=93 d100=38 d100=47 d6=5 d6=6 d6=2
Wednesday May 25th, 2005 8:09:37 AM

After a little stumbling, from the earthquake, the halflings make it back to the Whistler Oak. Kendry yells out for the midwife and the front door opens slightly as an eye stares back at you. Once she sees who it is, the doors open wide to accept you all. Penelope is ushered into a private room. Several attendants go in with the midwife. Ellis and all the rest are asked to stay in the sitting room, or go outside if you wish. Kendry notices a medicine cabnet in one of the rooms. Maybe some salve in there.

If some of you go outside, you will notice that several yards behind the tree, next to the clearings edge, the bodies of the two dead druids were dragged by the other men. They are still digging graves for them both. Kendry remembers that one druid's cloak was magical. The other had a magical druid's vestiment. You hadnt had the time to remove them before, you would've been left behind when Penelope walked away.

Airin runs over to the bodies and looks them over. They have the same weapons they had before. One has a scimitar, the other a oak staff. They both have daggers and are dressed in leather armor. They both have elven necklaces with drudic symbols made of gold and silver. Both have cloaks, but one of them looks more mundane when compared to the other.

Selithe feels something around her neck and under her garment. It's a necklace!! Its a fine gold and platinum chain. It has three crystaline charms hanging from it. A moon, a sun and another moon!! Where did this come from!!?? You cant help but feel its magic!

After 15 minutes or so, you all hear a slap from the Penelope's room. A babies cry calls out. Several minutes pass and the Midwife emerges from Penelope's room. A big smile is on her face. She walks over to Ellis and proclaims, "You have a beautiful little girl. Come in and see your child. She's with her mother now."

Patterton  d20=5
Wednesday May 25th, 2005 9:25:54 AM

Patterton opens the front door and steps out onto the porch, closing the door behind him. He takes a moment to dust the earth off of his clothes and armor and surveys the forest.(spot 5)

Patty takes a few moments to himself to mull over what has just happened and watches while Airin picks over the druids bodies.

Wednesday May 25th, 2005 11:31:45 AM

As Airin notices the items that can be found on the dead druids she takes all she can and will remove the most interesting looking cloaks. She's certain Kendry will either help her or be most interested to inspect them with her.

(anything that can be sold to make a prophit for the group is intersting :-D)

She also really needs to tell her friends about the ring she now wears !!

After the scaveging Airin enters the Old Oak and congratulates Ellis and Penelopee ! Such joy to see this happy ending !!

But ... is it really a happy ending ? Is the Fey king really dead now ? Somber thoughts linger in her head ...

Wednesday May 25th, 2005 4:00:03 PM

Dwight takes a moment to look around the building the others seemed welcomed into.

While waiting for the delivery, Dwight more formally introduces himself, "While the circumstances dictated introductions wait, and I surely hope we have seen the end of such circumstances and am pleased to have fought beside each of you only because your cause was just. I am Dwight Twiggebundler, some call me Twigg for short and I take no protest to such. The shortness of my full name is quite a story and must be told around a great meal as it is quite a tale. Or it at least sounds better over food."

Dwight will gladly converse with each person as he awaits for someone to inform him what just happened and why.

Wednesday May 25th, 2005 10:44:23 PM

While waiting, Podo walks around the tree to watch Airin and later Kendry pilfer the dead. Thinking to himself, "Now why would these law abiding halflings rob the dead? How do they know the dead are here?" After watching these two for a few minutes he heads back to the Whistler tree to formally introduce himself to the rest of the Halflings.

Upon arriving at the birthing center, Podo finds the rest of the Halfling gang sitting around awaiting news of the Ellis & Penelope child. Podo calls everyones attention and formally introduces himself as Podo Danderfluff Pipewood. He explains that he is a simple Monk of Domi and that he has family in the area He was hopefully wishing he could meet with again.

He explains that he already knows Kendry because Blueberry Tomas Pipewood is his Father, which makes him Kendry & Selithe's uncle since his father is Samell's older brother. His mother is Lilly Tomil Oakendale Danderfluff. That makes her a relative of Shale Leafwin Oakendale, Kendry's cousin through his mother's sister.

Olo  d8+1=5 d8+1=4 d8+1=3 d8+1=6 d8+1=6
Wednesday May 25th, 2005 10:56:32 PM

What a day. Olo sags against a wall for a moment or two after Penelope is taken into a back room by the midwife. He can't help but harbor a lingering sense of dread that Ebyron's sister might be as much of a menace as he was.

Pushing himself off of the wall with a sigh, Olo starts to check the wounds of his companions. He uses his mundane skill to clean and dress the minor wounds and his magical skill to heal those that appear to need the extra attention.

OOC: Anyone that's currently down four or more hitpoints gets a tap or two from the wand. If I overlooked anyone, feel free to roll for me.

Airin gets 5 hp
Patterton gets 4 hp
Olo gets 3 hp
Marigold gets 12

Thursday May 26th, 2005 12:38:32 AM

Selithe is happy to just be safe or even semi safe for the moment and colapses on a couch where she sighs and brushes a hand through her hair. When she notices the necklace/amulet she has she pulls it up to get a better look at it and wrinkles her brow as she thinks to herself "did the spirits give this to me? what does it do I wonder, I can tell it's magical but I wonder..."

Selithe is snapped out of her thinking by Kendry's questions and Selithe smiles abit at first saddly and then a real smile, "The crystal pumpkin had a very very strong magic power to it brother. I for a moment couldn't contain the thrill of the power at my finger tips and actually even now part of me wanted to keep it...so much could....well anyway, those were spirits I believe that were trapped in the crystal pumpkin and they begged me to release them. When I did they were over joyed and offered me a gift of some kind."

Selithe shrugs and stands, "Anyway, I got dibs on a free bathroom. I need a quick wash and change after what happened."

Selithe will retire to the bathroom, wanting to give the new father and mother to their daughter and also she too hopes that the daughter is nothing like the son. (Stephen, in the bathroom Selithe plans to use her presidigitation spell for the effect I spoke to you about awhile back. I like to leave it a surprise for now for when she walks out of the bathroom but if you don't remember I can drop a note.)

Thursday May 26th, 2005 3:56:32 AM

[Bardic knowledge concerning magical cloak: d20+7=18; concerning druid's vestment: d20+7=25. Rolls lost when window froze.]

Kendry notes the other items on the bodies. He tells Airin what he discerns. "Let's fold those up and learn what we can of them in due course." Out of the corner of his eye he sees Podo looking on, and leaves the remains of the elves to approach him.

"It is good to see you again, rascal. Last time I saw your face was at the Festival of Flower a couple of years back," he recalls. "Your help this morning was timely. Airin, this is Podo - my Papa Samell's elder brother Blueberry's son. And you know Shale, our ranger friend - he's Shale's cousin through Podo's Mama. Airin likes to pick things up, you see. She's got some real talents, and has a sharp eye. Oh, and here is Patterton, too. Patty, Podo."

"Well, we'll have to hear your story soon, Dwight Twiggebundler."

About to add something, Kendry glances back at the bodies of the fallen elves, and his other thought is checked. "It is sad that they tried to kill us by burning down the oak. I think that the coming of Ellis' & Peep's - I mean Penelope's, son, and the prophecies, and the alignment of the moons and sun has been making some people crazy, lately. Never saw any elf attack halflings before. Never thought I'd be defending people against elfs gone luney. Just a moment."

Kendry goes to thank with a simple nod of the head those who are digging the graves, and borrows a shovel to lend a hand to the task for a minute or two. "I'll be back in a bit."

He re-enters the oak. "Thanks, Olo, for helping heal folks up." He asks the wand's command word, or activation method.

Selithe's story he takes in, fascinated. He looks at the crystal charms she now wears around her neck. "The spirits you spoke of must have fashioned it for you, sis. Looks like the same crystal the pumpkin was made from. I'd wager your necklace will lend you aid. Take care with it, all right, Selithe?"

As the birth is announced, and letting Ellis go first, he looks in, smiling to see that this is their true child - a halfling babe, and no goat. He observes Ellis' face, and Penelope's, and looks, as well, to Marigold. In his mind, he begins to compose a blessing.

Beautiful Day. (DM Stephen)  d100=27 d100=42 d100=53 d6=6 d6=5 d6=6
Thursday May 26th, 2005 8:20:05 AM

This day certainly started on a sour note, but it approaches midday lunch with a blessing. The cries of a new life fill the tree once again. After going in to be with his wife, Ellis emerges from the birthing room with a huge smile, "Everybody, it's a beautiful beautiful baby girl ... all fingers and toes. Come in and see them!"

Patterton can hear Ellis' joyful announcement. After cleaning himself off, he notices that the forest seems more lush. The overgrowth looks thicker and fuller. The smells of the forest also seem more pungent.

Airin removes what looks profitable from the bodies. She then goes back to the tree to congratulate the happy new parents. In the back of her mind, she realizes that the only reason they may be alive is that they were underestimated by the Fey King. Can a creature as powerful and ancient as Ebyron possibly be dead?!

Podo and Dwight spend their time becoming more acqauinted with the rest of the halfling pack. Though Podo seems to be quite knowledgeable of both Kendry, Selithe and Shale, being their cousin.

Olo spends his time catching his breath and healing the others of their pains. He can't help but have doubts that this child isn't corrupt by the Fey King.

Selithe is more than happy to retire behind the doors of the washroom. She admires her new necklace in the mirror. It's beautiful. It glows with a faint aura. Before she can cast her cantrip in order to create the desired effect she was wanting to produce, she notices that her prestidigitation spell seems to be cast before she can utter all the draconic phrases. The desired results just happen before your very eyes! Selithe also feels that she still has that spell in her memory, as if it weren't cast! What's going on!?

Kendry discerns that the cloak could possibly have some resistant qualities. Those were the most common, but he can't be sure. The druidic vestment looks druidic for sure. The runes sewn on it along with images of nature does look definitely druidic in origin. You have no idea what the runes mean. Maybe Airin has a better idea.

Everyone is greeted by a happy new father, Ellis. He invites you all into the birthing room. Penelope is there in the bed. Her face is beaming. In her arms, wrapped in swaddling clothes, is a small newborn halfling girl. She is in fact beautiful. No signs of goathood. Perfect in every way. All fingers and toes. All your fears are put aside at the moment. This child is the real thing.

Thursday May 26th, 2005 9:04:53 AM

Patty enters the Oak after his brief moment of reflection and, after looking in on the newborn, walks over to Podo and Dwight.

To Podo: "Well, you're quite handy with a stick and I haven't seen moves like that since Thogar Ironfist came to town. Rugged old dwarf he was and he had a nasty right hook, let me tell you."

To Dwight: "Twigg, eh? All right, Twigg welcome aboard. We talked for a moment before, but let me shake your hand now. We were lucky you two blokes showed up when you did. That Ebyron was quite a handfull."

Airin  d20+3=20 d20+6=20
Thursday May 26th, 2005 12:06:47 PM

(not sure what kind of stuff Airin picked up besides the cloak Stephen but if it's not worth much just skip the effort :-) )

Airin joins Kendry to check the cloak. She has learned some basic Druidic so who knows ... she just might be able to read something.

(Druidic knowledge : 20 (rolled an int check) )
(knowledge nature : 20 )

Hopefully she can either descipher some of the words.

"Oh Kendry, check this out" Airin says while she and Kendry are checking out the cloak, "You rememeber that ring we found on that Bird thing ? Well as things were heating up and ... ok I duck in hiding ... I put the ring on my finger. Well, guess what, this ring offered me more protection that my armor would normally do !! (probably a ring of protection +1)
If this ring really enhances our armor, I suggest we either give this ring to a hot shot fighter of ours - whoom we can send in first - or we give it the the one with the lowest armor. What do you think ? "

Then in a whispering voice she continues : "Kendry, I also want to have a word with Aunt Marigold. She KNOWS magic and I want to learn more about it. I also want her to check out those 4 other rings I still cary - and I still have one of those on my other hand but so far I didn't feel a thing from it. Maybe Auntie has seen them before or can help us with them ... care to help me persuade her to inspect them ?"

Thursday May 26th, 2005 1:51:43 PM

Selithe having cleaned up and changed close stands infront of the mirror getting ready to cast the spell when the sudden use of the spell she wanted to use goes off. She frowns and looks around quickly in the bathroom, wondering if anyone else is in here that she didn't notice.

Seeing no one she looks at the necklace again and touches it gently, "This gift is something else if it did that." Selithe closes her hand around the necklace and whispers as she holds it, "I don't know if you can hear me but thank you spirits. Please rest in peace and find happiness where ever you are now."

Selithe brushes her hair out quickly and grins before walking out of the bathroom to see the baby and be with her friends again. Her clothing is of it's normal type, low cut in the front, flared sleeves and royal blue in color to match the pants she wears but now her was brown hair is platinum in color and tied back in a ponytail. She grins as she wonders what her friends will say.

Selithe enjoys seeing the baby and asks Ellis and Penelope if she can hold the baby for just a couple moments before handing her back to Penelope, "She is beautiful. Going to be a sure fire heart breaker I tell you." Selithe pulls a single card from her belt pouch, Selithe's private stash of cards and her trade mark card and hands it to Penelope, "This might seem weird to you but for the baby. It's the ace of clubs, my own little trade mark card so to speak."

Selithe walks out into the main room with her friends and listens to all the talk and also greets Podo, "Hi Podo, long time no see." Selithe gives him a big hug before leaning against a wall and pulls out her pipe and begins to fill it, "We need to find out how much of this stuff is magical for sure so we know what we're looking at identifying wise. From there we have to find out if we can get someone to identify stuff for us or have to go shopping to have it done. I guess after that all we have it splitting the treasure and everyone re-outfitting." Selithe grins and winks to her brother, "I'll finally beable to get my familiar, I been waiting a long time for that. My teacher had this great little cat named Spook. He was fun to play with and was neat seeing it enlarged and chasing off unwanted guests."

Thursday May 26th, 2005 2:47:27 PM

While shaking hands with Patty, "I'm glad I could help, but I don't really understand what is going on? Was penelope expecting such a wold changing birth?"

"I thank the Grand Druid, but I doubt we have seen the last of Ebryon. But then again, maybe I'm just not use to that much activity."

As the normal halfling child is passed from arm to arm amid so many related halflings, Dwight stands off to the side enjoying the fellowship of such a happy occassion while feeling out of place as well. "May the light bless this child and keep her from harms way," he mumbles recalling Ebryon mentioning his sibling.

Thursday May 26th, 2005 5:04:23 PM

Podo hugs his cousins Kendry and Selithe in greeting and tries to catch up on their lives since he left for the monastary.

He readily greets Olo, Airin, Marigold, and the new halfling Dwight Twigg something. He then pulls his cousin off to the side and asks about the ancestors of Ellis and Penelope trying to get a handle on why Ebyron sprang forth from these two.

He also suggests that since he shuns armor, anything that he or his sister could spare to help him, would be greatly appreciated.
"Cousin, I only have a small bit of coin to help compensate you and your sister should you be inclined to help out."

[Edited by Kim to bring post into conformity with established genealogies. Changed reference to Kendry from 'Nephew' to 'Cousin,' etc.]

Kim's aside on Podo's genealogy 
Thursday May 26th, 2005 11:39:42 PM

[OOC: JP - Podo's father, Blueberry, is Kendry & Selithe's uncle. Samell, their father, is Podo's uncle. Kendry and Selithe are first cousins to Podo. Unless we want to rewrite the ancestry, and have Blueberry be Samell's youngest uncle (which makes them, what is it, 2nd (or 1st?) cousins once removed? - gotta study the genealogical terminology more). Alternatively, Podo could be Samell's youngest brother, or among the youngest, and thus be a true uncle. Let's figure it out, then stick to the story we choose. :-) If we do so, I'd like to request editing permissions to get the family lines properly posted above. This is an important part of Crescent Valley culture. I've gotta get me some family history software, and start plugging people in.]

Friday May 27th, 2005 1:37:01 AM

Something for the hand

The salve seems to have helped sooth the burn on his hand, though it's not fully healed quite yet (am assuming regaining of one hit point through application, if that is deemed copacetic).

Backstep - Talking with Airin outside

"Nice!" he says of the new ring. "We can tell the others. We'll figure out who best may use it. I do not covet it, overmuch," he adds with a wry smile.

"Um-hum," he agrees with her suggestion to talk with Marigold. "I'd love just to chat with her. It can seem ... awkward to talk with her about some things. Um, it might take a while before we learn much about those rings you found on dead Bob. Hope we find out, someday."

On the cloaks, he says, "What say you keep the druid cloak, if you want. I was wondering about the other one - a cloak of resistance, perhaps? - for Podo or Dwight - that is, if either one would like to join in our little band. Or maybe Patty? Or Olo? I don't know."

New Baby

As people ooh and ah over the girlchild, Kendry lets her wrap her tiny fingers around his own little finger for a moment. He gives her a gentle kiss on the forehead, breathing in the sweet scent from her skin and breath. He then draws back for a moment, to give another the chance to greet the baby, and takes out his lute, tuning it briefly.

"Ellis, Peeps, I have a song for your little one. Let me play it for you, and her." And, if they not object, he sings this song.

A Blessing For The Babe

May Flower bless this newborn babe
And bring her forth to blossom
That our dear vale of this dear maid
Will know that she is gladsome

Alemi bless her parents mild
And cause them much to prosper
Throughout their lives their first girl child
Will many joys them foster

May Domi's tools defend her well
That foes retreat before her must
And honor, grace, and strength then dwell
Deep in her bosom's heart so just

Pantheon let her be one
Who intercedes for wrongly blamed
That foul false witness be undone
And creep away in well-earned shame

May Ffloy grant her the will to work
That fields may grow up rich and high
And serve as one who does not shirk
The task to winnow, purify

May Gargul welcome her one day
With honor, songs and glory great
But may that time be far away
Long life for her we supplicate
Kendry plays a riff on his lute for a few more measures, then adds this final verse:
When time is ripe
And need is great
May Wardd grant her to be helpmate
To all halflings of our own dear vale
After the blessing, he gives Penelope a hug, and whispers, "My prayers with you, Mama Peeps." He shakes Ellis' hand. "Papa Ellis, you let me know if there's anything we can do for you. Congratulations." Unless either of them bring him up, Kendry does not speak of Ebryon in front of them. Oh! Something very important. "Have you thought of a name for the wee one?" he asks.

Aunt Marigold

If he can pull her off to one side, or into a side room for a moment, Kendry says, "Auntie - you were awesome last ni- er, this morning? Look, I don't want to pry, if it causes undue discomfort, but I'd love to talk about -- things -- some time soon. I love you, Auntie." Knowing her discomfort with too open displays of affection, he limits himself to giving her a warm squeeze of the hand. "By the way, if you have any thoughts on what we just went through - I'm all ears."

Party talk

When the group is together at some point, Kendry takes the time to thank Patterton and Olo and Selithe and Airin and Marigold - if she's with them - for all they did in slowing down the murderous rampage of Ebryon. Then, his countenance falling for a moment, he adds, "I fear what may become of Morpth. Wish I could have stopped him before that, that..." and his voice trails off as he stares at the ground for a moment.

But then he shakes his head, as though to clear it, then carries on. "Say, folks, Podo here helped us out some. I've got an idea," Kendry announces. "Look, cuz [uncle?] - say, you too, Dwight, pitched in right well - anyway, some of us got talking a bit ago, with plans to find some adventures together. Well, we just got to doing so less than a fortnight ago - and things started flying at us left and right. Don't know what plans you all have for the moment, but, if you've a hankering to join up with a ragtag bunch of halflings who want to do deeds worthy of stories and song, why, then, here we are!"

He'll give all a chance to talk about this. During the conversation, he asks, "Does anyone think we ought to try to return to the stone place, to see if there are any left we might help? Or is there something else we might think of doing?"

(I almost forgot to post for) Olo (by Kim) 
Friday May 27th, 2005 3:10:26 AM

Olo is pleased with the healing power stored within the little stick, and takes great satisfaction at how wounds and incipient scars disappear as he touches wand to damaged flesh.

He continues to ponder the shared womb - natural hobbit and unnatural satyr. His eyes and his mind search for clues. Was there a tainting, or has she managed to avoid the pollution of that so-called feyish king?

As the group gather in the chamber of birth, Olo holds forth his holy symbol of Wardd, and prays for the best of luck over the little lass.

He plucks three curly hairs from off the top of his head, and finds a smallish stick around which to tie it. He knows his hair is a mark of - and perhaps, in some strange way, a source of - the good fortune he finds as a follower of Wardd. "This is for your daughter, Ellis and Penelope. May she have thrice the good fortune that we are normally heir to."

At Kendry's suggestion that Podo and Dwight consider joining the group, Olo tells them, "Well, if what you two have done in the past few hours is any indication of your courage and character, I would certainly welcome you to our little group."

Kendry, part the 2nd, to address Podo's question, and to fill Dwight in, as well. 
Friday May 27th, 2005 3:15:04 AM

At Podo's request, and at an opportune moment, Kendry will tell the story of Penelope's pregnancy, the pumpkins, the accelerated labor, the flight to the forest, the lurking and watching animals, the attack on the Whistler Oak by a pair of druids, and the party's defense as Penelope prepared to deliver. He tells of the words she uttered just before the attack began. He relates the songs sung by elves, and sings the sylvan lyrics, which he then translates to common. He fills them in on anything they may have missed concerning the birth and first several minutes of Ebryon's life.

Airin second and illegal 
Friday May 27th, 2005 7:51:18 AM

Quietly Airin listens to the song Kendry sings. A tear rolls over her cheeck. Damn she's proud to be part of such a great group. Honored to fight for good among them.

Still she also feels sad. Morpth should have been here with them ... what happend with him when all were running away ? Did he dissapear with Ebryon and the Grand Druid into the shasm ?

One life is taken from them, another has been given back. Time to restore and lick our wounds - but also time to prepare for this is not over ...

Welcome young one. (DM Stephen)  d100=76 d100=55 d100=71 d6=6 d6=6 d6=4
Friday May 27th, 2005 8:02:03 AM

Everyone gathers to welcome a new Pipewood into the world. In all the tradegy and disaster of the past few hours, at least something good has happened. The moods of both the young mother and father is of great pride and joy. Very much different from what it was back at the druid circle.

Patterton goes in to view the new child. He also takes the time to welcome the two new recruits.

Airin looks over the items pilfered from the two dead. The two items she pulled off are a cloak and a druidic vestiment. Her knowledge of such an items tells here that a druid's vestment has the power to grant a wildshaper additional changes per day. But one must already have that ability. Otherwise for Airin, the garment would only be decorative for now. The runes are harder to read. Something about the power of nature, or something.

Selithe is becoming privy to the effects of her new necklace. She gives thanks to those spirits that gave her such a gift. Selithe then rejoins the others and welcomes the child and their two new teammates.

Dwight and Podo are also feeling the love as well along with the newborn.

Kendry puts the moment to verse and shares his song with all. He welcomes the new Pipewood into the world.

The bard also shares his concerns with his Auntie Marigold. She at least is more willing to talk now about it when the moment allows. The battle with the Fey King and being there for the birth has allowed her to see that maybe the time of secrets is over.

Olo blesses the birth of the child. He feels fortunate that they all survived the encounter to enjoy such a event. He also agrees with the joining of Podo and Dwight to the group. Their most timely appearance in the forest was truly fortunate and lucky. An obvious sign from Wardd.

Suddenly there is a light tapping to the front door. Someone has come to visit apparently.

Friday May 27th, 2005 8:55:41 AM

Airin feels both exited and sad with her finding of the Druid's Vestment. Such powerfull druidic garment can not be left behind. It's worth a lot (ooc : 10 000 gp !) Somehow she hopes her friends will not sell this. Even though she has a long way to go before she can actually use this vestement she may one day put it to good use.
She gives the Cloak to Kendry who allready knows it will give some powers to the wearer. She does however linger long to give the Druidic Vestment to Kendry.

Then Airin finally takes time to welcome her newly found companions. To the new ones, Airin appears to be slightly paranoid, but her keen eye won't miss much. Clad in black leather, black shoulderlength hair she's the prototype of a creature who enjoys nighttime most. She will be your scout on future adventures. In encoutners she definetely preferes the silent approach.

The moment Aunt Marigold takes time to talk to Kendry, Airin will request to join them. After all, she wants to expand her newly found power> And hopes to find clues about the items she found earlier.

Olo (by Kim) 
Friday May 27th, 2005 12:45:27 PM

"Well, I say, it's definitely time for breakfast! My poor stomach is growling," Olo announces. He thanks the midwife for her good care of Penelope, and asks, "Can I help out in the kitchen? I have some food I can contribute to the effort."

Then, with the sound of the tapping at the front door, Olo accompanies whoever goes to open it. The oak is not his home to open the door to others, but he will be there to welcome, or defend against, whoever might be on the other side.

Friday May 27th, 2005 3:19:01 PM

Responding to Kendry's invite, Dwight nods his head eagerly. "I would love to join in a real adventure, not mere happenstance like today was for me. I would need to send a letter to my Pa so he doesn't worry about me missing meals and such."

"I agree that there could be survivors, and only we could go and check. We could also confirm the whereabout of Morph."

As the conversation is interrupted by the tap on the door, Dwight moves to the back of the room furthest from the door. Hoping the family reunion is expanding and its not an unwanted visitor. In the case of the latter, Dwight palms his dagger.

Saturday May 28th, 2005 12:16:33 AM

Podo also nods in agreement to Kendry's offer. "Its been a long time since I had companions on a journey. I'd love accompany you and your friends on an adventure. I can catch up on ol' times."

"Ah, Olo, do you have a spare bandage? I still have a few cuts and bruises.", says Podo while leaning on his staff. Grining, Podo says, "These sashes on my person 'old up me clothes!"

Olo - healing arts  d8+1=5 d12=6
Saturday May 28th, 2005 3:18:34 AM

Olo obliges Podo's request, using the wand of cure light wounds to restore 5 hit points to the monk. [Ignore d12 - the cat stepped on the mouse. Really!]

"Maybe you can get some new clothes?" Olo remarks to Podo.

Saturday May 28th, 2005 3:34:44 AM

As Aunt Marigold seems to open up, Kendry is more than willing to listen.

"You're going to get a familiar, sis? Well, you know, doncha, that it'll be your job to feed it and clean up after it. Are you old enough for such a responsibility?" he teases Selithe, in the style their Mama used to make sure they understood the ramifications of such requests.

As conversations progress, he jots down the words to the song he wrote for the baby girl, makes another copy, and gives one to the new parents.

"Airin, we perhaps can visit the Catacombs together - with Olo, and anyone else who cares to come. There is that kukri that he has. We're definitely not going to let Morpth have it, now, though he expressed some interest in it. As for the druidic vestment, you hang on to it until we get to the Catacombs. If it's not something you yourself can use for a while, it might be best to trade it in, for things we can use more immediately. Don't you think?"

"Good, Dwight," he says as he acknowledges his interest in joining the group. "Yes, write your Pa, so he doesn't worry for the wrong reasons." Likewise, he is pleased at Podo's acceptance. The Pipewood clan is doing well!

"Ah, food, yes, Olo, excellent idea."

But with the knocking at the door, Kendry's interest is evident. He approaches the door. If one of the midwives or other regular inhabitants of the oak is not present, then the young bard puts his eye to the little hole in the door, to see who it is who knocks. If who it is is known to him, or appears non-threatening, he will make bold to open to the person outside. If one of the regulars is inside the door, then he will leave that decision to her.

Saturday May 28th, 2005 4:01:47 AM

Patty turns upon hearing the tapping at the door. He rests his hand on the hilt of his sword and remains where he is as the others move in to investigate. Thinking it unlikely that Ebryon would bother to knock on the door, but not wanting to take any chances, the hobbit warrior remains alert and stays near Penelope and the newborn. If the guest does turn out to be dangerous, Patty will stand in front of Penelope to defend her and her baby.

Monday May 30th, 2005 12:48:44 AM

Selithe chuckles at Kendry's joke and gives him a gentle push, "Well, you know what they say, ig brother's are suppose to help their little sister."

Selithe chuckles and then looks to the door when she hears the knock. Selithe sighs as she hopes that it is no one to fight again and pulls her staff in close.

Airin quicky to Kendry 
Monday May 30th, 2005 3:12:14 AM

"Kendry I do agree with you on the Druidic Vestment. If you want to come to the Catacombs with me, you'd better hurry"

ooc : Kim, Airin has gone to the Cats on wednesday and is trading in her Greater Magic Weapon +3 potion. If you want me to I will trade the Vestment for cash or gems and bring that back for the rest of the group to be divided. Then those who want to can go visit te cats.

Visitors (DM Stephen)  d100=73 d100=4 d6=6 d6=1
Tuesday May 31st, 2005 8:00:22 AM

Everyone does their thing and others already plan what to do with recently acquired treasures. Mother and child sleep off the days ordeals. Husband sits in a chair next to the bed. He too seems emotionally exhausted.

A knock at the door brings the others back into a cautious state. The door is opened to reveal about 40 or so druids, all seem to be holding gifts of some kind. The one in the front speaks up. "My name is Savoulus, of the Ring of the Moons. We bear gifts for the newborn and the parents." He bows before whoever answered the door. They all appear to be remorseful and shaken. They have lost many friends and comrades this day. But they stand before you all with gifts. Gifts look to be everything from bounties of fruits and vegetables from the forest. Others have wood-carved animal figures. Several bring clay jugs wrapped in hemp rope for insulation. Some carry nothing but flowers.

Tuesday May 31st, 2005 9:13:54 AM

Kendry, who opened the door at seeing the gathering of druids, is somber in his greeting. "Welcome, Savoulus of the Moon Clave. Welcome, all. We share sorrow with you." He lets that statement stand for a brief pause. "But the second child is a beautiful girl. The space is small. Perhaps you can bring your gifts, and offer your blessings, four or five at a time. Penelope, the mother, and the girl child are asleep. Ellis, the father, sits beside the bed. I think your coming may do much to comfort them, following our distress. Give us, please, a moment to speak with the father. Savoulus, choose, please, four others to be the first to visit. I am Kendry." He waits to see whom Savoulus chooses. "Patty, would you go speak with Ellis about our guests? Let him know of their kind intentions."

"Airin, would you be so kind as to lead your brethren to visit the child and her parents in a moment?"

He then adds, "Excuse me, please, for shutting the door for a moment. We must gain permission of the matron of the Oak - though I trust she will permit your kind visit." He waits to make sure the visiting druids understand his request, then gently shuts the door - but gives his companions a moment to speak with the druids before he does so.

Once shut, he speaks with his friends. "I think we have nothing to fear from these guests. We fought on their side but hours ago. My suggestion is to welcome them - but remain alert. Any thoughts? Oh, Selithe, could you find the chief midwife, and ask her permission? Perhaps she would want to speak with the visitors before they enter, as well." He awaits the counsel of his friends.

Airin  d20+6=14
Tuesday May 31st, 2005 9:40:16 AM

Airin nods to Kendry when he asks her to let the Druids in once they are ready. In a way Airin is thankfull to Kendry that he gives her the chance to spend a small amount of time with them.

Instead of waiting inside, she waits outside closing the door behind her. Someone can knock on the door once they are allowed to come in.

Airin observes the Druids. (spot 14) She admires their abilities and longs to learn more about them.
She stammers : "Are you all Druids of the Culverwoods ? Does either of you know Mayzie ? She's a great friend of mine and tought me the ways to become a druid. Though a rookie I am now, I long to learn more about the Druids way of life."

Airin tries to figure out what races these druids are. Are they all Elves, are there Halflings, Humans ... etc.

Tuesday May 31st, 2005 9:52:48 AM

Patty eyes the druids with open suspicion, but when they claim to be bringing gifts to the young child, he settles down a bit. These druids have lost many of their number today and their part in the rebirth of Ebyron must have been born of ignorance not malice.

Patterton nods to Kendry and moves off to speak with Ellis. When he gets to him he says, "Those druids are at the door, Ellis. They say they want to bring gifts for the child. Are you up for seeing them or should I send them on their way?"

Tuesday May 31st, 2005 9:14:39 PM

Podo hears the knock at the door and hears all that Kendry states. He learns from the conversation that a vast number of Druids have come to pay there respects to the parents. His only unvoiced question is "To whom are they paying homage? The Male or female child?"

Podo asks of Patterton if this behavior is normalas he has been away from the area for a while now.

While waiting for the answers to his questions, Podo will find a nice defensive position and stand his ground until told otherwise from either of the Pipewoods.

Olo (by Kim)  d20+4=9
Wednesday June 1st, 2005 12:21:22 AM

Olo attempts to sense the motives of the druids at the doorstep [Sense motive d20+4=9]. Well, they seem to be on the up-and-up.

Before the door closes, Olo steps up and asks, "Any word on your grand druid? Is he all right?" He's about to ask about Morpth, too, but then realizes that perhaps the timing for such a question is not yet.

After Kendry closes the door, he says, "Maybe we should bring the family out to the door, so that we don't have dozens of people trying to fit in at the same time. Somebody can watch from the windows up higher in the trunk, and others be next to them, just in case. Otherwise, that's pretty nice of them to come and visit, I'd say. And it looks like they brought some nice things for breakfast. Should we ask them if we should have a meal together?"

Wednesday June 1st, 2005 2:05:49 AM

Selithe looks to her brother and then the druids who have came to see the new child. Nodding she takes off quickly, her now platinum colored hair bobbing in it's pontytail as she goes to find the matron of the house. Once she finds the lady she explains whats going on to see what she thinks.

After finding out she comes back to the others and tells them what the matron of the oak said and also nods to the comment made, "Maybe having them go outside would be okay. We all will be there with them so if any trouble starts they surely can get into the oak here while we defend them as best we can."

Selithe nudges Airin and smiles, "I have to summon my familiar...maybe we can acompany each other? Would be great to have moral support when we both summon our going to be new friend right?"

(OOC:Stephen, can I rp out the getting of Selithe's familiar and minus the money from Selithe's money for it? I would really prefer rping it out rather then going to the Catacombs any buying one or something.)

Time to rest. (DM Stephen)  d100=46 d6=4
Wednesday June 1st, 2005 8:25:15 AM

Kendry does his best to accommodate the druids and regulate their contact with the child and mother. He does notice that it may not be best to have them come in. The door and rooms within are meant for small people. They would certainly feel cramped, once they squeezed through the small door. It may be best to bring the child out to them and present her to them all at once. Ellis doesnt want any visitors yet. He wishes his wife and child to have their well-deserved sleep uninterupted.

Airin goes outside the door and starts asking lots of questions. Savoulus smiles with the halfling's curiousity. He explains he doesnt know of a Maysie. He usually doesn't venture into the Crescent Valley too much. "Yes, most of us here are from here. Though some of us have traveled great distances to be here. As far as Dremoria."

Patterton keeps a watchful eye on the druids. When he asks Ellis about allowing visitors, he repeats what he would have told Kendry. "Let my wife and child rest for now. Then later on, we may show them my daughter."

Podo ponders if they druids have alternative motives for coming. However, its easy to assume that the druids have no idea of the child's gender. That aspect of the second birth has not been announced yet.

Olo tries to sense their motives. As far as he can discern, they are not trying to be deceptive. Most appear to restrain their sorrow from the loss of so many. Savoulus answers about the Grand Druid. "Their is no sign of him. He fell with the Fey King when the earth opened up and swallowed them."

Selithe asks the matron of the oak about allow the druids to view the child. She agrees it would be best to bring the child to them for a brief viewing. But for now, they should sleep. They are more welcome to wait until that time.

Savoulus and the druids more than willingly accept the terms. In fact they expected it. They set the gifts down at the base of the steps and start cleaning up the area. Others go back to the druid circle of stones to finish dealing with their fallen comrads. Savoulus says, "We will keep a watchful eye and guard the oak of any other possible dangers until you all are safely back home. Their has been a lot of excitement lately."

(Selithe may want to wait to get her familiar. You're about to get break really soon. If you try to start the process now, you will only be interrupted. The scene is not quite over yet.)

Airin  d20+6=23 d20+7=20 d20+6=20
Wednesday June 1st, 2005 10:58:20 AM

Just before the door closes, Selithe offers Airin to combine forces when they both make an attempt to summon their familiars. For Airin this will be easier for she allready has an Eagle she wants to perform a ceremony for. But she will gladly assist Selithe in her process.

"Certainly Selithe ! Let's do that when we get back to Hovel shall we ? We can take a little trip into the woods to find a quiet place where we both can meditate without disturbance."

Then the door closes and Airin talks to Savoulus.

Airin stays outside and joins Savoulus bombarding him with countless questions. She eager to learn more :-) You can hardly blame the young halfling lass to go nuts when suddenly soo many druids show !

"Where are you from ? .. if I may be so rude to ask ... Are you a member from the Ancient Circle of the Culverwood ? Where is Dremoria ? I have never left the Crescent Valley before ... I hope one day to explore the Wold myself ! "

Airin quickly checks if Savoulus has any druidic signs on his robes and then looks around to see if any other druids have signs. Mayzie thought her a few insignias so she might be able to identify some.

(spot 23)

If Savoulus isn't very talkative Airin wanders around a bit "spying" on the other druids. They ARE quite an interesting folk ... especially their gear might be interesting ... the Rogue in Airin suddenly takes the upper hand as she tries to detect interesting gear the Druids might lay aside, or gather from other dead druids.

(appraise 20 / spot 20)

ooc : I will not be here tomorrow and on friday. Kim will once again cover for me. Kim these are a few possible actions for Airin :

Suppose the group gets some time off, Airin will return to Hovel and recover the Eagle she left with Bobbles and Lomar. Then if there's time she will perform the ceremony to make the eagle her follower.

Should some druids introduce themselves to her as members of the Ancient Circle of the Culverwoods Airin will be very interested to learn more about them and maybe even question them about how to join their circle.
She will also ask if she can always come back to the druid altar in case she needs guidance of the druids.

She needs to find a way to heal her wounds (she's down to 14HP out of 18HP) She still has 2 wild berries but will have to inspect these to find out if they are still eatable !!

Airin's Char sheet can be found here :


Wednesday June 1st, 2005 2:16:33 PM

Patterton notices Selithe's newly changed hair for the first time, now that the distraction of the druids seems to have settled down.

"Now, how did you manage that one, eh?" He says pleasently, gesturing at her hair. "It suits you." After a moment he continues, "I was a little worried when those spirits came out of the pumpkin and lifted you right off the ground...I,ah...well, you know. I'm glad you're ok."

Wednesday June 1st, 2005 8:23:21 PM

Podo will exit the tree and spend time in the clearing with the druids. Hopefully they are in a talkative mood.

If any of them request help with their fallen breathren, although not a healer, Podo will accept and attempt to help the fallen druids.

If no offers or requests are made, then Podo will exercise preforming some martial art movements or "Katas" to stay limber and healthy.

Wednesday June 1st, 2005 8:59:59 PM

Dwight continues to stand furthest from the door listening to the various discussions with the Druids.

As the door is closed, he realizes the adventure his new friends spoke of is real. That it has already begun. He considers the best way to tell his pa that he plans on travelling with some new friends and not to worry without giving his pa the opportunity to change Dwight's mind. Dwight looks around for something to write on and begins a note to his pa.

Olo - Quick note re: HP 
Wednesday June 1st, 2005 11:44:52 PM

Airin should be fully healed. Olo healed her for 5hp on Wednesday May 25th. If that's NOT the case, let me know.

For the rest of you, if I happen to miss wounds, disease, poison, etc, and you want to bring it to my attention, best thing to do is post your status in the post header.

Put '13/19 HP' or something of that nature in the header and Olo will take notice.

Stephen, feel free to delete this post when you feel it's appropriate

Wednesday June 1st, 2005 11:49:48 PM

Selithe smiles and gives Patty a quick kiss on the cheek, "Thanks Patty. Glad you like it." Selithe chuckles as she thinks of the spirits, "Yes, it was something else. I can't believe I was almost tempted to use the crystal pumpkin for not so good purposes. Guess my darker side is alittle stronger then I thought."

Selithe nods and gives Airin a wink before going to relax alittle from the days activities. Selithe is looking forward to just a nice rest and everything since this has been a heck of a day. She looks to Kendry and speaks to him and Podo as she thinks, "A heck of a day huh? I can't wait for all this to get over with since it has been a trial to say the least."

Olo  d20+6=12
Wednesday June 1st, 2005 11:58:59 PM

Olo takes a moment away from his preparations for breakfast to circulate amongst the druids gathered outside the tree. Being druids they have healing ability of their own, but he wants to make sure none are silently suffering with major wounds. He will lend mundane and magical aid where appropriate.

With that done, Olo sets about the business of preparing food, hoping the familiar sounds and smells of a cooking breakfast return some sense of peace to those around him (cooking = 12) though he himself is still too much on edge to put his complete attention into it.

Thursday June 2nd, 2005 3:16:53 AM

"You changed your hair color again?" Kendry asks his sister, giving a light tug to her platinum ponytail. "Wow, and it's clean, too!" he joshes. "Careful, Patty," he says to his stout friend. "You've got to beware of a girl whose hair changes like the phases of a moon!"

He hands Dwight some paper and an inkpen. "Write him a good letter. If you want me or someone else to add anything to it for you, tell us, Dwight."

He checks up on Aunt Marigold. [BTW, what is the name of the main midwife here?]

Kendry says to the druids, "If there is one of you who is shorter - or can make himself shorter, and who knows how to cook - perhaps you can help Olo out with preparing a meal inside. Some of the gifts you bring can add to a welcome feast - slicing up some of the fruits and vegetables, cooking some as may be appropriate, and the like..."

He introduces those of his friends who decide to be outside with the druids, using formal names, and seeking to learn the names of as many of them as he might. He listens to the cadence of their voices, any differences in accent from one to another, and will mentally mark any unusual phrasing or memorable comments.

He asks whether some of them know his aunt, Nilli Bramble Pastna Pipewood, who lives in the Culverwood. "I did not see her last night," he notes. "But then I did not see all who had gathered. She lives many miles from this spot. She, too, is a midwife, and my father's maiden sister. Nilli is very wise, and can travel through trees. She took me once on a journey from tree to tree."

"If ... should Ebryon not have perished - what means have we to defeat him? I love plants, and growing things, and animals too, but I also like to keep thistles out of my wheat and corn, and ants out of my breadbasket. I think he'd like plants to just completely take over everything. Who can help us, should the need arise? I've heard of powerful adventurers who have power maybe in the neighborhood of someone like my, uh, 'cousin.' But, well, what do you all think? Do you know anyone who can help?"

On yet another sad note, and one with potential consequences to this fragile rapprochement, he mentions the two druids who attacked the tree last night, and notes the freshly dug graves. "We were going to bury them here, but, if you would rather do so elsewhere, we will release them to you. Or, if here is deemed a fitting place, perhaps we together might mourn them, and honor their memory in ceremony and song. I will make no secret of this. They attacked the tree and us, and we fought in defense. It was I and a few of my companions who killed them. And yet I sensed they were not entirely under their own control, or, maybe, quite in their right mind, or something, when they attached us. I am sorry. We feared for the lives of the babes and parents and caretakers within, not to mention the oak itself."

He comments on Podo's shadow fighting. "That's what Duncan does, lots. He's one of our friends from Hovel. He never talks, though, except in a language of hands and such."

The morning after. (DM Stephen)  d100=92 d100=65 d100=21 d6=6 d6=4 d6=5
Thursday June 2nd, 2005 8:24:59 PM

Savoulus chuckles from all the questions asked by Airin. "I am originally from Dremoria, but for the past 153 years I have lived here in Culverwood. My circle is the Ring of the Moons. We are druids that track and record the the movements of the sun, moons and stars. Dremoria is a wonderous place. Im from a city built atop the trees. A place called Burnt Eldor. It is far away in the Southern Continent. An ocean separates us. Im sure I will eventually go home someday. By the way, Clover here is a member of the Ancient Circle of Culverwood." Airin notices that Clover wears a vestment similar insignias that was taken from the dead druid. Very few of them look similar.

Patterton admires Selithe's new look.

Podo walks among the druids. They all give him a nod as he passes by. They seem preocupied with a discussion in a very strange but beautiful sounding tongue. So Podo finds a clear area and begins his exercises.

Flattery will get you everywhere with Selithe. Patterton gets a kiss for his compliment. She begins to wind down from the events of the night and early morning.

Dwight finds a small desk over next to the woodburning stove. There are a few sheets of blank parchment under a small polished stone. There is also an ink well and a writing quill.

Olo begins preparing breakfast. The druids look a little scuffed up, but no one appears to have any major injuries. Hmmm, its beginning to smell good.

Kendry makes his rounds. Teasing his sister. Warning Patty, giving Dwight some paper. He notices Marigold talking quietly with the midwife, Gilda.

The bard invites anyone able to squeeze into the tree to help with Olo's meal, and maybe add to it. One elf steps forward and morphs into a halfling. "Certainly, I can help. My name is Nelvasolas." He gathers several gifts from some of the druids and walks into the tree.

Savoulus answers Kendry when he asks about his mother. "I know of her but I dont believe our paths have ever crossed. I don't believe she was here tonight. Unless she was in a wild form, I saw no other halflings, other than yourselves."

Kendry voices his concerns about Ebyron. Savoulus sighs with disgust. "We were such fools. We played into his hands. Ebyron is a dire opponent to have. Im sure his presence is already felt by those powerful enough to sense him. Isnt there a keep near Angel Springs that is home to the Defenders of the North. They are also friends of the Gold Dragons, I hear. Maybe they know something about this already. Then again, they may not and need to be informed!"

After mentioning the dead druids, Savoulus looks out toward the direction of the graves. "Yes, I heard about the incident. They were misguilded zealots. Its certain they were members of the ..." and Savoulus changes to a whisper, "Conclave of Shadows!" Savoulus looks over his shoulder to see if anyone is listening. "The are a secret circle with members that belong to various other circles. They have different darker agendas that I find quite distasteful. Members of the conclave dont even know who their other members are, except for one, their leader. Their meetings are held in secret and they either remain masked or in animal form for the duration of the gathering. You did well to bury them. From the earth we sprang, so share we return."

You all begin to realize that you are feeling quite sleepy. None of you slept last night. (Roll Fortitude saves everyone.)

Podo  d20+6=15
Thursday June 2nd, 2005 9:25:44 PM

Podo feeling a bit wearing stretches a bit after his exercises. (Fort Save = 15) He will head into the tree to catch a short nap before breakfast. "Funny how in the excitment one forgets to rest."

Kendry  d20+1=7 d20+6=18
Thursday June 2nd, 2005 10:36:32 PM

Kendry listens attentively to Savoulus' whispered comments regarding the Conclave of Shadows, and nods at the information.

"Oh, perhaps eleven or thirteen days ago, I saw the mighty druid Myrridan walk through Hovel," he tells Savoulus as they speak together. "He disappeared into a tree. My cousin, Willoughby, was disappointed not to have caught up to him in time to chat."

Then, all of a sudden, he yawns a big yawn. [Fortitude save: 7 - he feels pretty tired.] With the tension mostly gone out of him now, he realizes that he should get some sleep. He will listen politely for a few more minutes to whatever the druid has to say, eavesdropping as well at conversations going on in sylvan or elvish. He listens to any druidic which may be spoken, in an effort to pick up on the sounds and shapes of that particular tongue. But then he excuses himself. "I must do as my newest cousin, and catch a few winks while I have time. Pardon me, I pray you."

He takes a few minutes to see to his donkeys, making sure they have food and water. "Sorry, girl, sorry boy. I'm just too tired to give you a good brushing right now." A thought occurs to him. "Say, if any of you has some extra energy - these donkeys could use a good brushing." He holds up a brush. Whether druid or someone else, he'll hand his brush to any who offers to help out.

He gives Selithe a whistle.

Kendry takes out some rope, and scouts out a good spot up in the oak tree. Using the rope to help in his climb [climb d20+6=18], he finds a good spot about 25 to 30 feet in the air. He takes a blanket with him. He takes a few minutes to tie knots every two and a half feet in a fifty-foot rope. He ties off one end to an adjacent branch, and loops the rest, so that he can drop it quickly should he need to do so, so as to use the rope for a quick descent. His knapsack goes on a little stub of an old broken branch. He checks to make sure that a few alchemical and other items are easily reachable at the top of and in some of the pockets of the knapsack. He takes another rope, and ties it strategically, so that 1) He won't fall out of the tree, and 2) He can grab it to help him move about easily.

After looking about to enjoy the view from higher up, and seeing what he can see, he wraps his blanket around himself, snuggling down where two fair-sized branches adjoin the trunk, and, thinking about composing songs about druids, and halflings, and the beautiful, mysterious Culverwood, Kendry falls asleep.

Patterton  d20+10=27 d20=12 d20+2=16
Friday June 3rd, 2005 12:02:58 AM

Blushing a bit from Selithe's kiss, Patty tries to suppress a delighted grin, but is only marginally successful. "I'd better go check on the grub." he says with a crooked smile. "I'll talk to you later.".

Patterton notices that some of the others are starting to feel sleepy, but the nights events have only served to heighten Patty's senses (Fortitude save 27 +6 fighter/+4 endurance feat). He decides to pitch in however he can, helping with the meal, grooming the ponies/donkeys and keeping watch over the oak and his friends. Patty will not sleep until after someone has taken his shift on watch or a hobbit offers to do so. He doesn't trust these druids just yet. (Spot =12, listen =16)

Olo  d20+7=21 d20+6=19
Friday June 3rd, 2005 12:29:25 AM

In the midst of his breakfast preparations, Olo notices some of the others start to lag due to lack of sleep. Funny, he thought to himself, I guess I'm still wound up from everything that happened (Fort = 21). With that thought, he finds himself once again seeing Ebyron and the druid being swallowed up by the earth as they were locked in combat. I'll bet a week's worth of breakfasts that we've not seen the last of him.

With that sour thought, Olo looks down to see that he's been absently stirring the same pot for a few minutes. With a start he brings his mind back to putting the finishing touches on various dishes (cooking = 19) and sets them out for whomever is hungry.

With his work done and the food set out, Olo finds that there's one thing he wants right now more than food. Leaving the meal for the others, Olo heads off a bit away from the tall oak and finds a quiet spot where he can sit and lean back against another tree. Slipping Wardd's symbol off of his belt, he holds it in his hands as he closes his eyes and starts to pray.

ooc: All of Olo's spells were cast within last 8 hours, so no spells are recovered.

Airin (by Kim)  d20+5=22
Friday June 3rd, 2005 6:22:37 AM

The lack of sleep has not slowed her down a bit [Fortitude save d20+5=22]. "A hundred fifty three years!? That is a lo-o-ong time!" Airin answers Savoulus, eyes opened wide. "Uh, so, how do you record the movements of the, uh, heavenly bodies? Do you write them down somewhere? You don't carve them in treetrunks or rocks, do you? Burnt Eldor - in the treetops? What kinds of trees? How do you go across the ocean? Do dragons fly over the oceans? Wondrous? In what way is Dremoria wondrous?"

When Clover is introduced, Airin says, in rudimentary druidic, "Lushly met, may things grow well. I am Airin, Clover." Then, in common, she asks, "Did I say that correctly? I'm just trying to learn, you see."

Then, a thought occurs to her. "Oh, I have a ring - I think it is of elvish styling, with leaves and vines." She takes off one of her gloves, and shows Savoulus and Clover one of the rings taken from the goblin leader, Bob, about a week ago. "Does the design look at all familiar?" she asks, hopeful.

She notices Kendry getting around to climbing the oak, and then Patterton brushing down the donkeys. But, as much as possible, she remains with the druids, asking question after question - about spells, and words in druidic for different plants that she sees, and animal names, and how to tell when the weather will change, and what does it feel like to change shape into that of another creature... until breakfast is served. Airin is hungry.

Selithe  d20+2=13
Friday June 3rd, 2005 3:38:08 PM


Knowing she hasn't gotten any sleep Selithe stiffles a yawn as she does feel tired and smiles as she sees Patty rush off in alittle bit of a rush anyway.

Selithe smiles and looks to Kendry when he whistles and moves over to him, "Need something brother?" Selithe waits to see what she can do to help him before going to get a place to sleep also. She thinks this over and decides to go speak to the matron of the birthing tree and asks if there is a room she could use to get some rest.

Kendry to Selithe 
Friday June 3rd, 2005 6:34:24 PM

The whistle Kendry gave Selithe is a little metal object which, if blown, emits a piercing, shrill sound. "If something happens, and you need to get my attention quickly, just blow on this little opening, here, and it will make a loud sound, coming out of this little opening, here."

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